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Subject/Grade: 6 Lesson/Date: Monday December 2nd Time: 11:30-12:00

Room: Gym

Stage 1: Desired Results

GLEs: Students will:
Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement
activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an
alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits.

Students will interact positively with others.

SLEs: Students will:

A6-1 select, perform and refine challenging locomotor sequences

C6-1 identify and demonstrate respectful communication skills appropriate to various

physical activities and that reflect feelings, ideas and experiences

C6-5 describe and demonstrate practices that contribute to teamwork

D6-1 demonstrate enjoyment of participation through extended effort in physical activity

Learning Students will employ leadership and teamwork skills to participate in a variety of cooperative games.
Students will evaluate different methods they used with regards to leadership and teamwork when
competing in a variety of cooperative games.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative - Watch the student’s effort and Summative
Assessment attitudes with regards to the Assessment
- Watch the student’s ability to
work with a team

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to - Set up objects on stage in the Resources - hula hoops
Lesson: am to Bring: - 4 different colored pinnies
Time: Content/Description Notes/Assessments:
- Remind students and go over how survivor will work
- Separate students into their tribes
- If tribes
Body: can’t agree
- CODE BREAKER: (10-15 min) – Probably will do Tuesday on a name,
4-6 hula hoops per team encourage
- Relay activity, line up in your 4 teams them to
- Each team must select a code master who will sit on the opposite end think of a
of the line. Each team as a group of objects with a corresponding compromise/
hoop for each object. Only the code master knows the correct order win win
of the objects. situation
- If someone places the object in the correct hoop, the codemaster will
give a thumbs up. If it is the wrong hoop, the codemaster will give a
Subject/Grade: 6 Lesson/Date: Monday December 2nd Time: 11:30-12:00
Room: Gym
thumbs down and the student must bring that object back to the next
person in line who will try again.
- Once a team has discovered the code the team must all be sitting
- Ask the
tribes if
there was an
advantage in
taking a few
- Discussion Questions: seconds to
- Was taking the time to discuss strategy worthwhile? discuss a
- How should you learn from your mistakes in this game? strategy or if
- How important was communication throughout this challenge? simply
River Cross (7min) rushing out
to complete
Class is divided into teams. Each team is given two hoops.
the activity
• Each team need to get from one baseline to the other without
touching the area in between ("the river").
• Teams must use their hoops ("the boats") to cross the river.
• Once a player has stepped into a boat, that boat becomes too heavy
- After the
to move (i.e. it cannot be picked up, kicked forward, or slid on the
first round,
floor). However, an empty boat can be picked up and placed in a
ask the tribes
new location.
how they
• If a player steps outside of a boat, the team must go back a meter
feel about
mistakes and
how one
should use
mistakes to
become a
better leader

- Tally up scores based on where tribes finished in each challenge
- If not enough time for River Cross, do codebreaker with time limit /
more objects

- Game ideas Modified from

Subject/Grade: 6 Lesson/Date: Monday December 2nd Time: 11:30-12:00
Room: Gym

Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:

2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:

3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:

4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?

5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:

Additional Comments:

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