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Evan Patti

Treatment of Muslims
How were Muslim’s treated different after 9/11

Kampf, Lena, and Indra Sen. “History Does Not Repeat Itself, But Ignorance Does: Post-9/11
Treatment of Muslims and the Liberty-Security Dilemma.” ​Humanity in Action,​

This article explains the importance basic American rights, even when you are Muslim. It reveals
the criminilization of Muslim immagrants over the last couple years after the events of 9/11. If
you were muslim during this time, you basically lost all your american freedom/rights.

O'Connor, Lydia. “How 9/11 Changed These Muslim Americans' Lives Forever.” ​HuffPost​,
HuffPost, 12 Sept. 2016,

This article unveils the poor treatment of muslims as a direct result of the bombings of 9/11. It
delves into the reaction of american muslims towards the bombing and the effect that that had
on their religion and how much they believed after the event.

Khan, Aysha. “Seventeen Years after 9/11, Muslims Are Still 'Presumed Guilty'.” ​Religion News
Service,​ 13 Sept. 2018,

This explains the effect of 9/11 on the muslim-american community nearly 17 years after the
event. They are all still affected by the event and will probably continue to be treated poorly.
After 9/11 there was a national fear of the muslim community. Editors. “September 11 Attacks.” ​,​ A&E Television Networks, 17 Feb.


This article goes over the events of 9/11, and gives us a little bit more perspective on why
people reacted the way they did. It is easy to forget that Muslims were not treated any better
before 9/11.

Heather , Jolls. “The View of Muslims and Arabs in America Before and After September 11th.”
The View of Muslims and Arabs in America Before and After September 11th​, 2002,
This article discusses the treatment of Muslims before and after 9/11. It is easy to see that most
people did not like Muslims in America after the terrible events. The poor treatment of Muslims
can be seen through their interpretation from the public. The public eye hated the muslims and
this caused muslims to question their own beliefs.

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While ideas about religious liberty and tolerance are central to America’s founding and
national story, different religious groups – including Catholics, Jews and Mormons –
have suffered discrimination​ in the United States at various points in history. Today,
Americans say some religious groups continue to be discriminated against and
disadvantaged, according to an analysis of recent Pew Research Center surveys.

Muslims are hard to trust because they have a philosophy rooted in religion, which
makes it nearly impossible to convince them of the flaws in their religion.

Democrats are more likely to discriminate against muslims.

Whether or not Muslims should be treated negatively or positively can be based off of
how they react towards the discrimination they face.

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