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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Writing

a Thesis at the English Departement


Eva Veronica
A1D2 14 096





The objective of this study is to find out the effect of using mobile access (Audio
Visual Easy Learn English) on students’ vocabulary achievement at SMPN 11
Kendari. Mobile Access (Audio visual easy learn English) as a media in learning
teaching process . This research used quasi experimental design, the population is
all seventh grade students, and the sample is class VII1 as the experimental group
and VII2as control group. The experimental group consisted of 30 students and
control group consisted of 21 students. The research instrument consisted of 44
questions of vocabulary test. To collect the data, the researcher gave pre-test,
taught by using Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English), and giving
post-test. Mean score of post-test (79.63) in experimental class is higher than pre-
test score (59.66). While, in control class also has improvement but not too
significant. It can be seen on post-test score (64.80) is higher than pre-test score
(55.19).Based on the calculation of T-test, it shows that tcount = 3.775, while t-table
=2.010 at level of 𝛼 = 0.05 with DF = 49. It means that tcount is higher than ttable,
Therefore, H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. This can be concluded that there
was a significant effect of using Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn
English) on students’ vocabulary achievement at the seventh grade students of
SMPN 11 Kendari.

Keywords: MA,Mobile Access, Audio Visual Easy Learn English, vocabulary



Firstly, the writer would like to say thank you to God for His mercy and

blessing so the writer finally can complete this thesis.

Secondly, the researcher would like to express her sincerest gratitude to

Dr. Mursalim, M.Pd., M.Inf. Tech. as the first supervisor, for invaluable

guidance. Moreover, thank you for her kindness and helpful corrections to this

project until its completion. Researcher’ sincerest respect is addressed to La

Miliha, S.Pd., M.Hum. as the co-supervisor who has read this project carefully

and given many useful suggestions and also corrections for its improvement.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dra. Lelly Suhartini,

M.Hum., Yulius Tandi Sapan, S.S., M.Hum., Drs. H. Firdaus Sale, M.Pd.,

Dr. H. Amri Tanduklangi, M.Lis., and Dr. Nurnia, M.A., as the examiner for

his/her valuable suggestion for the final project. My honor also goes to all

lecturers of English Department of Halu Oleo University for all the guidance and

lectures during my study at Halu Oleo University.

Most of all, I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to my parents I

Nyoman Suardika, S.Sos and Rida Tarrapa. S.Sos who have given me moral,

spiritual, and financial support during this study. And also my sister Eka Claudia,

A.Md. Kep and all relatives that always give the love, support, help, pray,

motivation, and care are great contribution for the writer.

The researcher also likes to express many thanks and appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zamrun F., M.Si., M.Sc. as the Rector of Halu Oleo


2. Dr.H. Jamiluddin M.Hum. as the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training

and Education of Halu Oleo University who has given the license and

permission to facilitate the preparation of this thesis.

3. Dra. Lelly Suhartini, M.Hum. as the Head of English Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Halu Oleo University who has

given the license and permission for smooth the preparation of this thesis.

4. Wa Ode Fatmawati, S.Pd., M.A. as the Secretary of English Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Halu Oleo University. Thank

you for your kindness and assistance in the management of this final


5. Muliadi, S.Pd.,M.Pd as the Head Master of SMP Negeri 11 Kendari,

Thank you for the permission that has given to the researcher for

conducting this research.

6. La Ode Alim Sabara, S.Pd., M.Pd as the teacher of class VII1 and VII2 as

the sample of my research. Thank you so much for the opportunity to

conduct my study in her classes.

7. All seventh grade students at SMP Negeri 11 Kendari were registered

especially for class VII1 and VII2 who have participated in collecting the

data of this research.

8. Special thanks to my friend in English Department: Rempong (Elis, Fisca,

Lutik, Marliyanti, Ratna, Risna, Rusmi, Tria, and Vera) especially in

helping, caring, and motivate me to finish this thesis. We have spent

wonderful moments together. Thank you for all class in English

Department (Ari,Sari, Febri,Takim, Ismith,Imas, Asti, Eki, Ka Yustin),

senior, and junior in English Department who have motivated and prayed

me. I never forget you all.

9. Special thanks also for my best friends: Wahyu, Dwi, Saleh,Tian, Aldi,

Abi, Ashar, Alun, KYR team, who always support and help me when

conducting my research.

Finally, the writer realizes that this study is far from being perfect. Therefore,

critique and suggestion are needed to achieve the completeness of this result.

Kendari, 2019

The writer

Eva Veronica


APPROVAL SUPERVISOR..................................................................................i
LEGALIZATION SHEET THESIS .................................................................. ii
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................... x
LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................. xi
LIST OF CHART ............................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I INTRIDUCTION ............................................................................1

1.1 Background ......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Question ............................................................................5
1.3 Objective of the Study ......................................................................5
1.4 Significance of Study ........................................................................5
1.5 Scope of the Study ............................................................................6
1.6 Hypothesis of the Study ....................................................................6
1.7 Definition of Terms ...........................................................................7

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................. 8

2.1 Vocabulary ........................................................................................ 8
2.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary ....................................................... 8
2.1.2 Kinds of Vocabulary ............................................................ 10
2.1.3 Roles of Vocabulary ............................................................ 12
2.1.4 Aspects of Vocabulary ......................................................... 13
2.1.5 Learning Vocabulary ........................................................... 15
2.1.6 Teaching Vocabulary ........................................................... 17
2.1.7 Teaching Vocabulary in Junior High School ....................... 18
2.2 Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English) ........................ 20

2.2.1 Definition of Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn
English) .................................................................................20
2.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Access (Audio
Visual Easy Learn English) ..................................................22
2.2.3 The Effect of Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn
English)in Learning Vocabulary ...........................................23
2.2.4 Technique Learning Vocabulary by Using Fun Easy Learn
English Dictionary ................................................................................................................................................ 25
2.3 Previous Study ................................................................................26

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY ......................................29

3.1 Design of the Study .........................................................................29
3.2 Variable of the study ........................................................................30
3.3 Population and Sampling .................................................................30
3.3.1 Population ............................................................................30
3.3.2 Sample ..................................................................................30
3.4 Instrument of the Study ...................................................................31
3.5 Validity and Reliability ....................................................................31
3.5.1 Validity ................................................................................32
3.5.2 Reliability .............................................................................34
3.6 Marking Scheme ...............................................................................36
3.7 Effect Size ........................................................................................ 36
3.8 Technique of Data Collection .......................................................... 37
3.9 Teaching Procedure ..........................................................................39
3.10 Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................. 42

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISSCUSION ...............................................44

4.1 Findings ............................................................................................ 44
4.1.1 Descriptive Analysis of Pre-test ...........................................44 Descriptive Analysis of Pre-test in Experimental
Class .......................................................................44 Descriptive Analysis of Pre-Test in Control

Class ........................................................................47
4.1.2 Descriptive Analysis of Post-Test ........................................49 Descriptive Analysis of Post-Test in Experimental
Class .......................................................................49 Descriptive Analysis of Post-Test in Control
Class .......................................................................52
4.1.3 Comparison of Pre-Test and Post-Test Score in
Experimental Class and Control Class ..................54 Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test Score in
Experimental Class .................................................54 Comparison of Pre-Test and Post-Test Score in
Control Class ......................................................... 57
4.1.4 Descriptive Statistic of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental
and Control Class .................................................................56
4.1.5 Hypothesis Testing ............................................................... 64 Homogeneity Test ..................................................64 Normality Test ....................................................... 65 Analysis of Hypothesis Testing ............................. 66 Effect Size .............................................................. 68
4.2 Discussion ............................................................................................... 69

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATION ............................ 73

5.1 Conclusion ...................................................................................... 73
5.2 Recommendation ............................................................................74

REFERENCES .....................................................................................................75
APPENDICES ......................................................................................................79
DOCUMENTATION ......................................................................................... 133


Appendix 1 Lesson Plan in Control Class.......................................................... 80

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan in Experimental Class ................................................94
Appendix 3 Instrument of Pilot Test ............................................................... 109
Appendix 4 Instrument of Pre-Test .................................................................115
Appendix 5 Instrument of Post Test ................................................................ 118
Appendix 6 Answer Key of Instrument .......................................................... 121
Appendix 7 Students Worksheet .....................................................................122
Appendix 8 Validity of Pilot Test ...................................................................125
Appendix 9 Reliability of Pilot Test ............................................................... 126
Appendix 10 Students’ Score in Experimental Class .......................................128
Appendix 11 Students’ Score in Control Class .................................................129
Appendix 12 r table ............................................................................................... 130
Appendix 13 t table ............................................................................................... 131
Appendix 14 Pilot Data ...................................................................................... 132


Table 4.1 The Result of Students’ Pre-test in Experimental Class ....................... 45

Table 4.2 The Distribution of Students’ Pre-test Score ........................................46
Table 4.3 Students’ Pre-test Score in Control Class .............................................47
Table 4.4 The Distribution of Students’ Pre-test Score in Control Class ............. 48
Table 4.5 The Result of Students’ Post-test in Experimental Class ...................... 50
Table 4.6 The Distribution of Students’ Post-test Score in Experimental Class ..50
Table 4.7 The Result of Students’ Post-test in Control Class ............................... 52
Table 4.8 The Distribution of Students’ Post-test Score in Control Class ............53
Table 4.9 The Distribution of Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Score in
Experimental Class ...............................................................................54
Table 4.10 The Mean Score, Maximum and Minimum Score of Pre-test and Post-
test in Experimental Class ....................................................................56
Table 4.11 Statistic Analysis of Paired Sample T-test in Experimental Class .....57
Table 4.12 The Distribution of Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Score in Control
Class .....................................................................................................58
Table 4.13 The Mean Score, Maximum and Minimum Score of Pre-test and Post-
test in Control Class .............................................................................59
Table 4.14 Statistic Analysis of Paired Sample T-test in Control Class ...............60
Table 4.15 Descriptive Statistic of Pretest and Post-test Score in Experimental
Class and Control Class ........................................................................61
Table 4.16 Gain Score of Pre-test and Post-test ....................................................63
Table 4.17 Table of Homogeneity Varian Test ....................................................65
Table 4.18 Normality Test ....................................................................................66
Table 4.19 Descriptive Statistic of Independent Sample t-test ............................. 66
Table 4.20 Statistical Analysis of Independent Sample T-test Independent
Samples Test ...................................................................................... 67
Table 4.21 Summary of Hypothesis Testing ......................................................... 68


Chart 4.1 Distribution of Students’ Pre-test Score in Experimental Class ...........46

Chart 4.2 Distribution of Students’ Pre-test Score in Control Class ..................... 49
Chart 4.3 Distribution of Students’ Post-test Score in Experimental Class ..........51
Chart 4.4 Distribution of Students’ Post-test Score in Control Class ...................53
Chart 4.5 Comparisons between Students’ Score on Pre-Test and Post-test in
Experimental Class ................................................................................55
Chart 4.6 Comparisons of Mean Scores, Maximum Scores, Minimum Scores, and
Standard Deviation in Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental Class ....56
Chart 4.7 Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test Score in Control Class ...............58
Chart 4.8 Comparisons of Mean Scores, Maximum Scores, Minimum Scores,
Minimum Scores and Standard Deviation in Pre-test and Post-test in
Control Class ........................................................................................ 59
Chart 4.9 Mean Score of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental Class and Control
Class .....................................................................................................62
Chart 4.10 Gain Score of Pre-Test and Post Test .................................................63



1.1 Background

Learning English process is a significant event in the life of the learner

attempting to learn a foreign language for various reasons and interested in

exploring and high lighting its nature and impact on eventual foreign language

proficiency many decaded like learning vocabulary. Learning vocabulary is an

essential part in foreign language learning as the meanings of new words are very

often emphasized, whether in books or in classrooms. It is also central to language

teaching andas of paramoun importance to a language learner. Recent research

indicated that teaching vocabulary may be problematic because many teachers

was not confident about best practice in vocabulary teaching and at times was not

know where to begin to form an instruction alemphasis on word learning (Berne

& Blachowicz, 2008).

Vocabulary is one of English components or sub skill that must be taught by

learners, because vocabulary has the primary role for all languages. Moreover,

there is some researcher said that vocabulary more important than grammar.

Among them, is McCarthy in his book stated “no matter how well the student

learns gramamar, no matter how successully the sound of it, just can not happen

in any meaningful way”. In other word, the first step, to be a master for language

learner in learnig language especialy in English is vocabulary. Incidental

vocabulary learning is highly individualized and depends on the language

opportunities that individuals engage with. These experiences with language

have been transformed in the digital age with increased access to print, audio, and

multimedia products in English across the world.

In addition, students and teachers in the universities and education

institutions around the world is increasingly used the mobile technology to access

learning materials, internet access and facilitated learning in new and innovative

ways and its used among universities students because it provided many of

services at any time, any place. Learning with devices is at times different from

the traditional vocabulary learning strategies beacuse to used the application

(mobile access/audio visual easy learn english), learners must download it from

Google Play/iTunes and install it on their Android/IOS devices and atother times

complements or enhances such strategies. In order, to learn with a mobile device,

both students and teachers must first perceive the device as a learning tool.

Mobile accessplay an important part in setting up communication between

teachers and students using mobile handled devices. With easy and reliable

communications, the learning process became more interesting. This surely make

mobile learning an important thing to be implemented in the education system that

can cater for all. Hence, mobile learning may be useful as a supplement to

teaching and learning in classrooms, online learning and more traditional


Ownership of a mobile phone plays a crucial role in implementing mobile

learning application among students (Corlett, Sharples, Chan & Bull, 2004). In

spite of their effectiveness in gathering information for classroom assignments,

there are also teachers and parents who may not encourage their children or

students, respectively, to use mobile phones in the classroom, so students may not

find it necessary to store the information in their minds.

There is several media of teaching vocabulary. Gerlach and Elly (1980)

classify them in to six general categories. They are still pictures, audio recording,

motion pictures, television, real things simulation and models, programmed and

computers-assisted instruction programs (like using audio visual easy learn

english). So, the teacher should provided the interesting media in order to develop

the students’activity in learning vocabulary because students have some

diffuculties, especialy in mastering vocabulary. Students was difficult memorizing

many vocabularies, because they are lazy to carry a dictionary.

One of the media in learning vocabulary is using application base on MALL

(Mobile Assisted Language Learning). MALL is evolving to support students’

language learning with the increased use of mobile technologies. Mobile Assisted

Language Learning is an approach to language learning that is assisted or

enhanced through the use of handheld mobile devices. By using these devices,

students can created and share multimodal texts, communicate spontaneously with

people anywhere in the world, capture language use outside the classroom,

analyze their own learning production and learning needs, construct art efacts and

share their application with others and provided evidence of progress gathered

across in a range of settings, in a variety of media. Even if not all learners have

mobile devices, the activities can be made successful by working in pairs or small

groups. We must, however, take into consideration that reading or listening

activities may require each student using a device. Through MALL, students can

communicated with their peers or teachers, at any time, outside the class.

Media such as audio visual easy learn english used full to achieve the

instructional goals of teaching and learning process, and they can also be easily

found in our daily lives. Having understood that young learners pay short

attention and concentration in a learning process, it is better to provide something

playful to them.

In this case, the researcher founds some case when doing observation at

the seventh grade students of SMPN 11 Kendari. In this school, students still have

less vocabulary. Someone students was not understand the meaning of the words

and also using more Indonesia language rather than English Language. The

English teacher said that it is because the students still have little vocabulary and

it makes students was difficult to respond it and than student only memorize the

words, not understand the meaning the words.

In connection with those problems, the teachers gave arrangement for this

case in learning vocabulary. The researcher gives a solution that using the mobile

access (audio visual easy learn english) as an alternative medium of teaching

young learnerscould be considered as the best way since it pleases them a lot in

learning vocabulary at seventh grade students of SMPN 11 Kendari. Furthermore,

it is aprecious resource to develop students’ abilities in vocabulary, listening,

speaking, reading, and writing. By using this media, the students can be enjoy the

teaching and learning process and can memorize the words easily by seeing the

word from dictionary.

Based on the reason above, the researcher is interested to conduct the

study entitled “The Effect of Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English)

on Students’ Vocabulary Achivement at Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 11


1.2 Research Question

Based on the explanation above, the writer formulated the research question

to be answered in this study is “is there any significant effect of using Mobile

Access(Audio Visual Easy Learn English) on students’ vocabulary achievement

at sevenh grade students of SMPN 11 Kendari?

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out wheter or not any significanteffect

of Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English) on students’ vocabulary

achievement at seventh grade students of SMPN 11 Kendari.

1.4 Significantce of Study

The finding result of this research are expetected for 2 (two) parts are

practically and theoritocally.

1. Practically

The result of this research issuggested to apply the Mobile Access (Audio

Visual Easy Learn English) on students’ vocabulary achievement at seventh

grade students of SMPN 11 Kendari. Used Mobile Access (Audio Visual

Easy Learn English) on students’ vocabulary achievement can make student

are enjoyable and easy in doing their task associated with the vocabulary


2. Theoritically

The result of this research is expected to be able to widen the skill of

teachers in used Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English) in

order to improve vocabulary skill. And, as a reference to other

researchers who want to study Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn

English) more intensively in teaching vocabulary.

1.5 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is concerning to learning vocabulary using mobile

access. It encompasses on memorization and pronunciation of the words.The topic

of the test is about Noun consistof Things in the Classroom, Things in the House

and Public Buildings with using Audio Visual Easy Learn Englishin their all type

of smartphone android.

1.6 Hypothesis of the Study

Based on the research problem above, the hpypotesis of this study are :

H1 = There is a significant effect using Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy

Learn English) on students vocabulary achievement at seventh

grade students of SMPN 11 Kendari.

H0= There is no significant effect using Mobile Access (Audio Visual

Easy Learn English) on students vocabulary achievement at seventh

grade students of SMPN 11 Kendari.

1.7 Definition of Terms

For the purpose of this study, some terms need to be defined as in the


1. MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) is an approach to language

learning that is assisted or enhanced through the use of handheld mobile

devices that helpful for language teachers who wish to begin application

development project (Lee,2011).

2. Mobile Access is an internet access service for mobile users who need

easy and practice internet access through mobile phone device

(Fachrizasf, 2013).

3. Online dictionary is a website that provides services translating words or

sentence like dictionaries in bookstores and provides the meaning of words

(Wiliam, 2011).

4. Audio Visual Easy Learn English is an media learn english-indonesia

language by audio and visual (real picture) (Bagus, 2017).

5. Vocabulary is the collection of words that an individual know and don’t

know (Linse, 2005).

6. Learning is a process in which an organism changes its behavior as a result

of experiences (Gage, 1984).


2.1 Vocabulary

2.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the collection of words that an individual know and do not

know (Linse, 2005).Vocabulary is one of the materials studied by students of all

level at schools in Indonesia. It has been mastered if they want to master English

well. It is impossible to be successful in study language without mastering the


Vocabulary is a central of language and of critical importance of typical

language. Without sufficient vocabulary, people can not communicate effectively

or expresshis ideas in both oral and written form. To support the speaker’s

interaction in communication, vocabulary becomes important because it can be

used as basic foundation to construct a word into a good sequence of sentence.

Therefore, the students should have to obtain vocabulary mastery. Hocket (in

Celce-Murcia andMc Intosh, 1978) states that vocabulary is the easiest aspect at a

second language to learn and it hardly requires formal attention in the classroom.

Hornby (1995) defines “vocabulary as a list of words used in book usually with

definition and translation”.

Vocabulary is needed by people to understand the meaning of words and it

helps them to express precisely (Burton, 1982). Limited vocabulary mastery can

give bad influences in the teaching-learning process of a language. Furthermore,

mastering vocabulary well is important for the language learners.

Vocabulary mastery is a gradual process. To reach out the good vocabulary

mastery someone needs to follow the process. It can be defined as through

knowledge of the words of a language. The learners’ vocabulary mastery is

indicated by their ability in producing and understanding the words in their daily


Further Krasen and Terrel (1983) stated that vocabulary mastery is also very

important for the acquisition process. Acquisition depends significantly on the

comprehensible input. The comprehens ability is dependent directly on the ability

to recognize the meaning of key elements in the utterance. Cameron (2001) says

that learning word is not something that is done and finished yet. To master

vocabulary is to learn new words, meaning to increase vocabulary. The learning

includes the pronunciation, the meaning, the spelling, the usage and the part of

speech of the words. She also adds that learning words is a cycle process of

meeting new words and initial learning, followed by meeting those words

repeatedly, each time extending knowledge of what the words mean and how they

are used in the foreign language. This means that every time learners meet those

familiar words again, they in directly improve their knowledge about the words.

Mastering vocabulary is one of the learners’ needed in order to understand

the language. In English teaching-learning process, mastering vocabulary well can

help the students to understand the lesson. For junior high school students, they

are expected to master at least the first 1,000 of high frequency words. In addition,

according to Nation (2001) the high frequency words is very important because

these words cover a very large proportion of the running words in both spoken

and written texts. Furthermore, by mastering at least the high frequency words can

help the students in understanding the target language.

The purpuse learning vocabulary is to learn something, people have to know

the purpose of the things their learn. In this case the purpose of learning

vocabulary is to help the learners easier in expressing the idea because the

vocabulary is all of the words contained in a language, the word property owned

by speaker or writer, words used in a field science.

Based on the definition above, the researcher concluded that the more

vocabulary the learners have, the easier for them to develop their four skills

(listening, reading, writing, and speaking) and learn English as the foreign

language generally. From these definitions, vocabulary is part of language system

that people used to communicate which consists of a large collection of items.

Vocabulary is knowledge of how the words fit into the world.

2.1.2 Kinds of Vocabulary

According to Madya (1980), there are two types of vocabulary. They are

productive and unproductive vocabulary. The active vocabulary is the vocabulary

made up of words that one uses in speaking and writing. On the other hand, the

unproductive vocabulary is composed of words which one understands when one

hears or reads them, and does not ordinarily use in one’s speaking and writing or

in one’s daily life.

In addition, Nation (2001) also divided vocabulary into two types. They are

receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary. Receptive vocabulary uses

distinguishing the form of a word while listening or reading and retrieving

meaning. Then productive vocabulary is using to express a meaning through

speaking or writing and producing the appropriate spoken or written word form.

According to Tarigan (1986), there are seven classifications of basic

vocabulary. Basic vocabulary deals with words which have small possibility adopt

from other languages. They are:

1. Kinship: father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, etc.

2. Parts of the body: hand, hair, nose, hand, etc.

3. Pronouns: I, you, we, they, she, etc.

4. Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.

5. Verbs: walk, eat, drink, sleep, etc.

6. Adjective: sad, happy, sleepy, angry, etc.

7. Universal matters: water, land, sun, moon, animals,public building,

things in education and room etc.

Furthermore, the National Reading Panel (NICHD, 2000) identified four

types of vocabulary such as listening vocabulary, speaking vocabulary, reading

vocabulary, and writing vocabulary. Listening vocabulary is all the words people

can recognize when listening to speech. Vocabulary is aided in size by context

and tone of voice. Speaking vocabulary is all the words people can use in speech.

Due to the spontaneous nature of the speaking vocabulary, words are often

misused. This misuse though slight and unintentional may be compensated by

facial expressions, tone of voice, or hand gestures. Reading vocabulary is a list of

words or vocabularies that people use when they are reading. And the last is

writing vocabulary, that is, all the words used by people to express their ideas in

written form. In another word, vocabularies which are developed in each skill

functions in different usage.

2.1.3 Roles of Vocabulary

Vocabulary has an important role in the language learning. As a linguist

David Wilkins in Thornbury (2002) stated that “without grammar, very little can

be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”. Thus, vocabulary is

the flesh of a language while grammar is the skeleton (Jumariati, 2010). It means

that learning vocabulary is very important. One should know a certain amount of

vocabulary in order to be able to use the language productively. It is not only for

communicating orally, but also in written form.

In addition, The Report of the National Reading Panel (2000) in John and

Shane (2004) concluded, “The importance of vocabulary knowledge has long

been recognized in the development of reading skills. As early as 1924,

researchers noted that growth in reading power rely on continuous growth in word

knowledge”. It means that to master the language skills someone needs to master

the vocabulary first.

Bromley (2004) states that vocabulary holds some important roles in

teaching-learning process. They are as follows:

1. Promoting fluency; Students who are understand many words read more

quickly and easily than those who are not.

2. Boosting comprehension.

3. Improving achievement; Students with large vocabularies score higher an

achievement tests than those with small vocabularies.

4. Enhancing thinking and communication; A large vocabulary allows for

communicating in ways that are precise, powerful, persuasive, and


In conclusion, learners have to pay a greater attention to the vocabulary

teaching because the knowledge of vocabulary is very important. The teacher

must have an effective and efficient method in order to make the goal of teaching

of vocabulary successful. Someone will be able to improve achievement and

enhance communication if he/ she can master vocabulary well.

2.1.4 Aspects of Vocabulary

According to Ur (1991), some aspects of vocabulary that should be taught to

the students in learning English as a foreign language as follows:

1. Form: pronunciation and spelling

Pronunciation is how the word is sounded and spelling is how the word is

spelled. Teacher should make sure that pronunciation and spelling are correctly

taught and learned in the learning process.

2. Grammar

Grammar is the ways of words are put together in making the right sentence.

Without knowledge of grammatical aspect, students are difficult to predict the

change of words in grammatical context. For example, when a teacher teaches a

new verb, they also may introduce about the irregular and regular verb (buy

becomes bought).

3. Collocation

Collocation is a word of combination sounds “right” or “wrong” in a

context. A teacher needs to make the students aware of whether the word is

appropriate or not in relation to the other word. Sometimes, collocations also are

in the dictionary either under the main word or note in parenthesis.

4. The aspects of meaning: denotation, connotation, appropriateness.

Denotation is the real meaning of words based on the meaning in the

dictionary. A connotation is the unreal meaning of a word. It is associated with

positive or negative senses. Appropriateness refers to the user of a word in

context. It is useful for students to know that the words are polite or impolite to be

used in writing the speech.

5. The aspect of meaning: meaning relationship

The various relationships between the meanings of one item to others are:

a. Synonyms are words that have the same meaning, for example, bright,

clever, smart may serve as a synonym of intelligent.

b. Antonym is the words that have opposite meaning; rich is an antonym

of poor.

c. Hyponyms are words that serve as specific examples of general

concept; dog, lion, mouse are a hyponym of animal.

d. Co-hyponym or coordinates are other items that are “same kind of

thing”: red, blue, green and brown are co-ordinates.

e. Super-ordinate are general concepts that “cover”: specific items; an

animal is the super-ordinates of dog, lion, mouse.

f. Translation is the word or expression in the learners’ mother tongue that

is more or less equivalent meaning to the item being taught.

6. Word Formation

Besides knowing the meaning and the use of words, students also should

know about word formation. It is to know whether one-word or multi-words, how

words are formed, how suffixes and prefixes work, how words are spelled, and

how they sound (Harmer, 2001). Example: The teacher can teach how to make a

noun from a verb and how combining two words (two nouns, or a gerund and a

noun, or a noun and a verb) to make one item.

2.1.5 Learning Vocabulary

Learning a language means learning its vocabularies. Vocabulary is using

for communication both in spoken and written while the language is used to share

information and ideas, and also deliver massages. It shows that the language and

vocabulary is complete each other. Furthermore there will no language acquisition

or language learning without understanding its vocabulary, either in the first or

second language (Kweldju, 2004).

Further, Wilkins (in Thornbury 2002) emphasized that vocabulary learning

is very important. He says without grammar very little can be conveyed, without

vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Students may communicate using English

productively if they master certain amount of words.

Nevertheless, learning words is not something that is done and finished yet

(Cameron, 2001). Learning vocabulary is learning new words together with the

pronunciation, the spelling, the part of speech, the meaning, and also the use of

those words. She also said that learning vocabulary is a cyclical process of

meeting new words and initial learning, followed by meeting those words

repeatedly, each time extending knowledge of what the words mean and how they

are used in the foreign language. It means that every time the students meet those

words they are indirectly improve their knowledge about the words.

Nation (2008) states that “vocabulary learning cannot be left to itself”. This

should be well prepared. He describes how to maximize vocabulary learning from

communicative task as presented below:

1. Make sure that the target vocabulary is in the written input to the task and

occurs in the best place in the written input.

2. Design the task so that the written input needs to be used.

3. Get each learner in the group actively involved.

4. Ensure that the vocabulary is used in ways that encourage learning.

5. Make an observation checklist for monitoring the activity, and if possible,

use it.

Meanwhile, Brown (in Cameron, 2001) describes the steps in vocabulary

learning based on research into learners’ strategies. The steps are having sources

for encountering new words, getting a clear image whether visual orauditory or

both, for the forms of new words, learning the meaning of the words, making a

strong memory connection between the forms and meanings of the words and

using the words. But in this case, the researcher choose learning vocabulary by

using mobile access by getting clear image whether visual and auditory for makes

sudents easy to understand.

2.1.6 Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary is very important for second language learners; only with

sufficient vocabulary learners can effectively express their ideas both in oral and

written form. Thus they should have a good idea of how to expand their

vocabulary so that they can improve their interest in leaning the language.

Language teachers, therefore, should posses considerable knowledge on how

tomanage an interesting classroom so that the learners can gain a great success in

their vocabulary learning.

Teaching vocabulary played an important role in language acquisition

because the mastery of vocabulary will help students to master all the language

skills; speaking; listening; writing; and reading. The vocabulary will make the

students practice life and will streng then belief that English can be used to

express the same ideas or feeling they express in their native language

(Finochiaro,1974). Furthermore, in teaching vocabulary the teacher can introduce

the list ofvocabulary that is taken from the book. The teacher uses and adds other

vocabulary which is relevant to the students. Teacher needs a good knowledge

ontheir teaching materials. When they have to teach the students about

vocabulary, teachers should know the general knowledge of vocabulary, words

and also the meaning. The words or vocabulary can be spoken and written.

Wallace (1982) explains that teaching vocabulary should considerthese

following factors:

1. Aims; The aim of teaching vocabulary is to make the teacher easy to

formulate thematerials, which will be taught to the students.

2. Quantity; The teacher has to decide the number of vocabulary items to be

learned. The learners will get confuse or discouraged if they get many new

words. Therefore, the teacher should select new words, which can easy to

understand by the learners.

3. Need; In teaching vocabulary, the teacher has to choose the words really

needed by the students in communication.

1. Frequent exposure and repetition; Frequent exposure and repetition here

means that the teacher should givemuch practice on repetition so that the

students master the target words well. They also give opportunity to the

students to use words in writing orspeaking.

2. Meaningful presentation; In teaching vocabulary the teacher should present

target words in such a waythat the meaning of the target words are perfectly

clear and unambiguous.

3. Situation and presentation; The teachers tell the students that they have to

use the words appropriately. The use of words depends on the situation in

which they are used anddepends on the person to whom they are speaking.

From the explenation above, I concluded that the teachers must know the

different kinds of vocabulary. In addition, understanding the above factors is very

important for the teacher before teaching vocabulary to junior high school.

2.1.7 Teaching Vocabulary in Junior High School

According to Permendiknas No. 22 and 23 year 2006, the aim of English

teaching and learning is to make students able to communicate both in oral and

written in order to face the development of science and technology in the global

era. The students are expected to master five competencies. They are linguistics

competence (vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, intonation, etc.), socio-cultural

competence (the way to communicate such as language style, politeness, etc.),

discourse competence (context), strategic competence (the competence to

overcome problems or difficulties in communication), and functional competence

(listening, speaking, reading, and writing).

As one of the linguists mentioned in the curicullum that vocabulary is an

essential element of English so it should be placed as one of the aspects which

have to be concerned well in the teaching learning process. Beside that,

vocabulary also has an important role to support the ability of four language skills,

listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

It is important to teach vocabulary in the English teaching learning process,

especially in the communicative language teaching method. In this method,

vocabulary is the main part to support the communicative goals because if the

students do not master vocabulary well the goals cannot be reached. Therefore,

the teaching of vocabulary should be in accordance with the text types but the use

of translation should be minimized.

While according to Nation (2008), learners need to take responsibility for

their own learning, that is, they have to become autonomous learners. This will be

difficult for the learners. The learners need to be serious because they have to

think about what words they should learn, for what they learn those words, and

how they learn it, when they need to use the words and keep motivated to learn

and using the language. Become autonomous learners also include searching for

information on their own to develop their knowledge. Therefore, the teacher’s role

is very important to help the learners.

2.2 Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English)

2.2.1 Definiton of Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English)

Mobile Accessis an internet access service for mobile users who need easy

and practice internet access through mobile phone device for searching the

meaning of the word (Fachrizasf, 2013). Mobile access is a kind of MALL

(Mobile Assisted Language Learning).MALL (Mobile Assisted Language

Learning) is an approach to language learning that is assisted or enhanced

through the use of handheld mobile devices who helpful for language teachers

who wish to begin application development project (Lee,2011).

Mobile Accessfocused on the mobility of the learner, interacting with

portable technologies, and learning that reflects focused on how to know the

meaning of words.This is because mobile devices have features and

functionality for supporting learners. Therefore, historically, mobile learning by

itself is a very immature discipline academicians, researchers and schoolars are

yet to define a set of attributes which uniquely characterizes mobile learning.

For example, Audio Visual Easy Learn English can be made available for

searching new word and find another explaination from the word that we are

searching in everywhere and anywhere and it be a differences between printed

dictonary, like pronouncition, synonym and etc.Online dictionary is a website

that provides services translating words or sentence like dictionaries in

bookstores and provide the meaning of words (Wiliam, 2011).

Audio Visual Easy Learn English is an media learn english-indonesia

language by audio and visual or real picture (Bagus, 2017).Smaldino, et all

(2002) defines it as electronic storage of moving images. He adds any electronic

media format that employs motin picture to present message can be reffered to

as audio. Using audio visual easy learn english means underlying the idea

containing the meanings of new words for helps the learner who would

otherwisehave no way of knowing what those words meaning by using audio

(pronouciation) and visual (real picture).

The word media it self, comes from medium in Latin that means carrier

or escort a thing briging information from source to the receiver. Media can

classified into visual media, audio media and audio visual media. Audio visual

media is the medium that can be seen and heard simultaneously. The use of it in

learning teaching process, students has become a common practice for English

teachers. Techers can download this aplication for students from playstore

(Ozkan, 2002), and makes classroom learning more interesting and can allay

monotony amongst learners. Moreover, it helps learners to generate ideas for

discussions and make the class more interactive and effective.

As media, this application be importance in education like learning by

audio visual creates astimulating and interactive environment which is more

conducive to learning and we live in audio visual age which means that having

the skills to use audio visual easy learn English is integal to future employment

prospects (Liam Walsh, 1989). A recent Becta report by Elizabeth Hartnell-

Young, ‘How Mobile Access or Mobile Phones help Learning in Secondary

Schools’ showed how mobile access could be used in variety of imaginative

ways. Therefore exposure to this aplication in education is imperative and

prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and

other activities are increasingly transformed by access to a varied and

developing technology.

Many students look up every single word they do not know and thus fail to

use their existing ability to make inferences based on context. Swaffar (1988)

cites several studies indicating that access to audio visual or glossesfails to

improve performance in reading; and it seems reasonable to inferfrom this that

such practices would also fail to increase vocabulary. Relying on a audio visual

as the primary way to increase vocabulary does not work because good readers

do not think about the definition of individual words as they read (Hague, 1987).

Another way of saying this is that mere definitional knowledge is not used in the

processof comprehending text (Stahl, 1983).

2.2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy

Learn English)

In this era, everything around us begin using offline media. Included also in

terms of teaching and leraning. Besides being practical, flexible and modern.

Acording to Mohamad, Malaswati (2017) statedthat the advanteges and

disadvantages this aplication are :

a. Advantages

1. It helps in quick leaarning as audio and visual aids help in grasping ideas

better. What you see and what you hear gives quick response rather the

monologue of the teacher. Here the student’s involment is there.

2. Students can have repeated experinces whenever and wherever they wants it.

3. It is an offline media so even if there is no inernet access this aplication can

still be used.

4. This aplication has audio visual, question and material so can make students

enjoying in learning teaching process.

5. Easier to remember, gets theattention on of the students and students feel

more interest and have motivation.

b. Disadvantages

1. If the student’s involement is not there it is very difficult to motivated them.

2. Not all students have smartphone, so can reducing learning effectiveness.

3. Only a few words are porvided in this application (500-700 words).

4. Its easier to lose focus.

2.2.3 The Effect of Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English) on

Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

Vota (2011) points out that regard less of the educational features of mobile

device technology, it may fail if teachers are not trained to use the technology to

improve their teaching activities. English language teachers have to be educating

on the effectiveness of mobile technology in teaching activities. In addition to

training the teachers on mobile device technology, they should also be encouraged

to examine and envisage innovative ways through which technology can be use to

create new prospects for classroom instruction. Universities and teacher training

institutions across the world should recognize the relevance of mobile technology

in creating effective language lessons. Weinberger, (2011) states that in

educational technology, the failure of almost all initiatives is due to the additional

burden placed on the teacher. He thinks that teachers’ work can be facilitated by

using technology. Educational software companies, teachers, and researchers have

to coordinate and develop digital content for successful learning outcomes for

making teaching-learning process effective and resourceful (Gliksman 2011).

Since current portable devices respond to the needs of this generation, language

learning is expected to benefit from the extensive possession of mobile access

such as dictonary (Kukulska-Hulme, 2006).

The use audio visual easy learn english,makes students to remember the

concepts for longer period of time. They convey the same meaning as words but it

gives clear concepts thus help to bring effectiveness in learning. Integrating

technology into the classroom help students to experince things virtually or

vicariously. Use of it, aids help in maintaining dicipline are focused in learning.

This inteactive session also develops critical thinking and reasoning that are

important components of the teaching and learning process. Audio visual easy

learn english providess opportunities for efective communication between teacher

and students in learning, like in learning process the difficulties faced by students

are lack motivation, lack of exposure to the target language and lack of

pronounciaton by teacher, and such difficulties can be overcome by audio as

purpose of communication and visual as more exposure so be more viable for the

entertaining and education of students (Ofcom, 2006).

The results indicated that mobile access (audio visual easy learn english) has

benefits in providing learners with greater exposure to the target language since

learners can self study anytime and anywhere with the features of mobile devices.

It is also demonstrate that mobile access(audio visual easy learnenglish) allows

learners to extend opportunities in useful ways and provides better conditions and

provides intrinsic motivation to students by peaking their curiosity and

stumulating their interest in language learning.

2.2.4 Learning Vocabuary by Using Audio Visual Easy Learn English

As mentioned earlier that learning vocabulary includes the understanding of

the forms of new words. Related to this, learners are expected to know how a

word is pronounced and how it is written. These are key parts of the words

knowledge. Several ways can be done by the teacher to attend to word forms.

Teachers give some list of vocabulary and read it by using application in

smartphone android, and than students listen and repeat what the teacher said

(Cameron, 2001; Brewster and Ellis, 2003). It can make student easy to

understand because has a picture as a clue from the words. Picture ia a method to

learn new words by relating the definiton to the real picture (Thompson & Ketabi

2011). The use of picture and object notonly used to provide the meaning and

material, but they also used to attract the students’ attention and inspiration.

In learning a foreign language, learners are not only expected to know many

new words but they are also expected to remember the new words and their

meanings (Thornbury, 2002). In fact, learning is remembering, without

remembering, what they have learned is wasteful. Learners can remember new

vocabulary if they can memorize the new words in the long term memory. This

can help them to recall the new words when needed (Brewster, Ellis, and

Girard2003; Cameron, 2001). So, they can be enjoyable and easy to know the new

word with the their own thing because they have a media (audio visual easy learn

english) from mobile access that can access by their all type smartphone android

and student can learn and remembering and everywhere and anywhere.

2.3 Previous Study

There are some studies which relevant with this reseaarch. The studies

below reviewed about use mobile access dictionary (fun easy learn english

dictionary) on increase student vocabulary achievement.

First study which entiled “The Use of Dictionary and Contextual Guessing

Strategies for Vocabulary Learning by Advanced English-Language Learners”

conducted by Zohreh Rasekh Eslami (2013). The research problem is how the

apps can be optimally used to enhance vocabulary learning with the guidance of

four research-based vocabulary learning strategies?. In addition, the results

showed that the students often consulted a dictionary to learn the grammatical

patterns of a new word and to learn the English definition of a new so their focus

only on grammatical correct.

Second study is a study on ”Effectiveness of Mobile Applications in

Vocabulary Teaching by A. Basal, S.Yilmaz, A. Tanriverdi, L.Sari, (2016)”.The

research problem is the effectiveness of mobile application in vocabulary

teaching. This study was to investigate the impact of smartphone (mobile access)

is effective in mastering the EFL learners’s English skills that smartphones have

the effect of portability that is partical and can be used to learn in anywhere and


To avoid the plagairsm, the researcher explains some differences between

these study with the previous of study. For the fisrt pervious study, Zohreh

Rasekh Eslami (2013) the results showed that the students often consulted a

dictionary to learn the grammatical patterns of a new word and to learn the

English definition of a new. It’s mean that, he focused on grammatical rule, how

to use the word in the sentence (grammatical correct). Meanwhile, this study

focuses on learning vocabulary (memorization and pronunciation) and will use

mobile access (audio visual easy learn english) with using preexperimental


Second previos study had done by A. Basal, S.Yilmaz, A. Tanriverdi,

L.Sari, (2016).This study was to investigate the impact of smartphone (mobile

access/) is effective in mastering the EFL learners’s English skills that

smartphones have the effect of portability that is partical and can be used to learn

in anywhere and everywhere. It’s mean that his research focus on all skills

(vocabulary, speaking, listening and reading) and the effect using smartphone is

pertabilty while in this research, the researcher will be done to know the effect

using mobile access(audio visual easy learn english) by using all type of

smartphone android in learning vocabualry.



This chapter discussed several points related to the methodology of the

study. It provided information of design of the study, variable, population and

sampling, instrument of the study, validity and reliability, technique of data

collection, and technique of data analysis.

3.1 Design of the Study

The researher used quasi experimental design. The purpose of this design

was find out whether or not any significants effect of using mobile access (audio

visual easy learn english) on students’ vocabulary achievement at the seventh

grade students of SMPN 11 Kendari.

Table 3.1 The design of the study as follows ;

Group Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test

E Y1 X Y2

C Y1 - Y2

(Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen & Razavieh, 2009:316)

Where :

E = Experimental Class

C = Control Class

X = Treatment

Y1 = Pre-test

Y2 = Post-test

3.2 Variable of the study

There were two variables in this study, namely :

1. Independent variable of this study was mobile access (audio visual easy learn

english) in learning vocabulary.

2. Dependent variable of this study was students’ vocabulary achievement.

3.3 Population and Sampling

3.3.1 Population

The population of the study was all seventh grade students at SMPN 11

Kendari. The total populationare 76 students. That can be seen on following table:

Table. 3.2 Description of Total Population at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 11


No Class Number of Student

1. Class VII1 30

2. Class VII2 21

3 Class VII3 25

Total 3 76

3.3.2 Sample

The sample of this study was class VII1and class VII2 at SMPN 11 Kendari,

which consisted of only 51 students.According to Bahley (2011) said that the

research that used statistical data analysis, the minimum size of sample is 30

students and other theoris said that sampling in experimental design is 15

students in each grup (Gay, 2011) and this sample in this research has exceeded

the standard sampling. In this study, researcher used purposive sampling which is

VII1 class as experimental class meanwhile VII2 class as control class. The

researcher used purposive sampling technique because the researcher was given

sample based on the direction of English teacher of SMPN 11 Kendari. Besides,

the students in SMPN 11 Kendari were not distributed based on their ranking, so

it was considered homogeneous.

3.4 Instrument of the Study

The instrument of this study isvocabulary test. The test consist of 44

numbers of multiple choices forms, rearrange and matching the words. The topic

of the test were about noun consist of Things in the classroom, Things in the

House and Public Buildings.The test was given in pre-test and post-test to know

how far students’ vocabularybefore and after getting treatment.

3.5 Validity and Reliability

Before giving the real test to the real subject that used in this study, the test

was piloted to the student of class VII3 .Pilot of study had been done on Tuesday,

October 23rd, 2018. Pilot study was given to other class that aimed to know the

test was valid and reliable or not before the researcher gave the test to the sample.

Valid means the instrument measure what should to be measured and reliable

means the instrument can be applied anytime and anywhere (consistency) to give

constant result. To test the validity and reliability of the instrument, the researcher

used Cronbach’s alpha formula in SPSS 16 application. The researcher conducted

the pilot study before doing the pre test.

3.5.1 Validity

Validity refers to the degree to which a test was capable of achieving

certain aims. In this study, the researcher calculated the validity of test by using

Cronbsch’s alpha formula in SPSS 16 aplication. To determine whether the test

wasvalid, the researcher used the following criteria :

1. If the rxy value was higher than the r table , it means that the test was valid.

2. If the rxy value was lower than the r table , it means that the test wasnot valid.

Calculate the validity using Cronbsch’s alpha, consist of :

(Wahyuni Noor, (2014)

Where :

rxy = correlation coefficient

n = number of trial respondents

∑X = score of each item

∑Y = score of all items of the respondents test

Based on the product moment table with α = 0.05, and degree of freedom

(df) n-2 (25-2) = 23 it was gotten rtable = 0.413. So, the item was valid if the value

of corrected item total correlation was higher than 0.413.

The result of validity test was showing in the following table :

Table 3.3 Result of Validity Test

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Corrected Item-Total Cronbach's Alpha if

Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Item Deleted

Q1 30.2000 70.583 .548 .910

Q2 30.2000 75.000 -.053 .917

Q3 30.1600 70.057 .668 .909

Q4 30.4800 72.343 .252 .914

Q5 30.2000 69.750 .666 .909

Q6 30.1200 72.943 .267 .913

Q7 30.1200 76.110 -.224 .918

Q8 30.0800 73.327 .238 .913

Q9 30.3600 68.490 .731 .907

Q10 30.0400 76.123 -.292 .917

Q11 30.1600 71.223 .493 .911

Q12 30.1200 71.860 .440 .911

Q13 30.1200 75.027 -.058 .916

Q14 30.0000 74.250 .145 .914

Q15 30.2800 72.043 .312 .913

Q16 30.3200 73.477 .128 .915

Q17 30.3600 72.407 .251 .914

Q18 30.0800 73.410 .223 .913

Q19 30.7600 76.357 -.243 .918

Q20 30.2000 68.833 .797 .907

Q21 30.0800 73.410 .223 .913

Q22 30.1600 71.473 .456 .911

Q23 30.2800 69.627 .621 .909

Q24 30.3600 71.490 .361 .912

Q25 30.9200 74.243 .147 .914

Q26 30.2400 71.857 .351 .912

Q27 30.1200 71.693 .467 .911

Q28 30.6000 71.583 .358 .912

Q29 30.3600 71.073 .411 .912

Q30 30.1200 70.277 .697 .909

Q31 30.1600 70.307 .631 .909

Q32 30.0400 71.623 .659 .910

Q33 30.2000 70.583 .548 .910

Q34 30.1600 70.390 .618 .909

Q35 30.1600 70.307 .631 .909

Q36 30.2400 69.607 .650 .909

Q37 30.3600 68.490 .731 .907

Q38 30.4000 69.667 .575 .910

Q39 30.4800 68.427 .723 .908

Q40 30.3600 70.657 .462 .911

Q41 30.1600 70.390 .618 .909

Q42 30.2800 70.210 .546 .910

Q43 30.3600 68.823 .689 .908

Q44 30.3200 69.393 .632 .909

Based on the above table, the result of validity test were 25 valid items and

19 invalid items. The invalid items of the test refered to number Q2, Q4, Q6,Q7,

Q8, Q10, Q13, Q14, Q15, Q16, Q17, Q18, Q19, Q21, Q24, Q24, Q26, Q28 and


3.5.2 Reliability

Reliability refers to the the degree of consisency between two measures of

the same thing.To calculate the reliability of the test, the reseacher used SPSS 16

application. The criteria of the test wasas follows:

Calculate the validity using Cronbsch’s alpha, consist of

(Wahyuni Noor, (2014)

Where :

r11 = Reliability value

∑Si = Number of variance scores for each item

St = total variance

k = Number of items

The criteria of reliability of the test were as follows:

Table 3.4 Reliability Degree Based on Alpha (α) Value

No Alpha Reliability Level

1 0,00-0,19 Very Low
2 > 0,20-0,39 Low
3 >0,40-0,59 Moderate
4 >0,60-0,79 High
5 >0,80-1,00 Very High

(Arikunto, 2002)

The result of reliability test was 0.913. It means that the reliability of test

classified in very high criteria because the value among 0.80-1.00 The result of

reliability test can be seen in the following table:

Table 3.5 the Result of Reliability Test

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.913 44

3.6 Marking Sceme

The procedure of scoring students’ vocabulary achievement in pre-test and

post-test was the students got 1 score if they got the correct answer and got 0 if

they choosen the incorrect answer.

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟

Mark = × 100
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠

(Arikunto, 1992)

The criteria of students’ vocablary achievement are cateorize into several

categories as follows :

Level of
No Achievement Classfication
1 81-100 Very High
2 61-80 High
3 41-60 Average
4 21-40 Low
5 0-20 Very Low
(Suhuri, 2008)

3.7 Effect Size

The effect size testing was done to measure how big the scale of MAD (Fun

Easy Learn English Dictionary) which have applied to the students in

experimental class. Moreover, To measure the effect size of significance of pre-

test and post-test result, the researcher used the following formula as follows :

𝑡 2 + 𝑑𝑓
d = Effect size of Mnemonic strategies

t = Obtained from t-test

df = degree of freedom

The criteria to determine the effect size based on Cohen’s criteria as

follows :

0.0 – 0.2 = Small

0.3 – 0.5 = Medium
0.6 – 0.8 = Large
(Brian, 2008)

3.8 Technique of Data Collection

The technique of data collection will use the following procedures :

1. Pre-Test

The pretest of this study was vocabulary test that to measure their

vocabulary. The researcher did pretest in the first meeting to the both of group,

control group and experimental group. This test was aimed to investigate

students’vocabulary before giving the treatment.The materials were nounconsist

of Things in the Classroom, Things in the House and Public Buildings.

2. Treatment

In this study, the researcher conducted the treatment in the experimental class

especially in class VII1. In experimental class, the researcher taught vocabulary by

using mobile access (audio visual easy learn english) in learning vocabulary for

knowing the meaning of words by clue of word (picture/visual), how to pronoun

the word and using word in the sentence meanwhile others class is use method

from the teachers which is using printed dictionary. The researcher emphasizes 7-

10 vocabularies in every meeting, and the treatment conducted in threemeetings.

Table 3.5 Instructional Material

NO Day Date Class Agenda Topic

Preparing of Using
MA (Audio Visual
1. Friday October 19th, 2018 VII1 -
Easy Learn
Preparing of Using
MA (Audio Visual
2. Saturday October 20th, 2018 VII1 -
Easy Learn
1. Tuesday October 23nd, 2018 VII3 Pilot Test -
Monday November 5th, 2018 VII2(CC)
2. Pre-test -
Thursday November 8th, 2018 VII1(EC)

Friday November 9th, 2018 VII1(EC)

Things in the
3. Treatment 1
Saturday November 10th, 2018 VII2(CC)

Monday November 12nd, 2018
(CC) Things in the
4. Treatment 2
VII1 Home
Thursday November15th, 2018
Friday November 16th, 2018 VII1(EC) Public
5. Treatment 3
Saturday th
November 17 , 2018 2
VII (CC) Building
Monday November 19th, 2018
6. Post Test -
rd VII1
Thursday November 22 , 2018

3. Post-Test

The researcher gave post-test at the last meeting. Post-test was given to

know students’ability in learnig vocabulary. The test of post-test was same

with the pre-test about the noun and focused on Things in the Classroom,

Things in the House and Public Buildings.It was aimed to find out is there any

significant effect using mobile access(audio visual easy learn english) in

learning vocabulary at the seventh grade students of SMPN 11 Kendari after

giving the treatment or not.

3.9 Teaching Procedure

The differences between teaching procedure in experimental class and control

class were in experimental class used Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy

Learn English) while in control class used conventional method.

3.9.1 Experimental Class

a. Preparing of Using Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn


Firstly, students have to download application Easy Learn Englih on

their all type of smartphone android. After that, the teacher ensure the

students have this application in their android. And than, the teacher

gives the tutorial to sign up in this application as media and also, give

tutorial how to use this application as media. After that, the teacher give

the opportnity to students who want to ask about using this application.

And finally, the teacher gives explanation aboutmain points and

supporting point to the students.

b. Teaching Procedure

1. Pre Activity

Firstly, the teacher mention what the topic is and gives

brainstorming about the topic. And than, the teacher tells to the

students that they are going to do vocabulary activities by using

Audio Visual Easy Learn English. After that, the teacher gives

material and finally, the teacher ask the students to explain again

about material and give example.

2. While Activity

Firstly, the teacher explain the procedure of doing vocabulary

activity by using Audio Visual Easy Learn English and than the

teacher divides the students into some group which consist of 5

students by using numbered head together. After divides the students

into semo group, the teacher and students start to learn the vocabulary

by using Audio Visuaal Easy Learn English in their all type on

smartphone andrid and the teacher has prepared some exercise before

teaching and learning process begin. After the teacher asks the

students for list names7-10 vocabularies are relacted to the topic and

looking for the meaning until 20 minutes. And also, students answer

some exercise and in the last activity each student has to finish all the

assignment that provided by the teacher.

3. Post Activity

In this activity, the teacher is monitors the students and than

students get feedback immediately when they answer the question on

this aplication because in this aplicaton has question and material.

And in the last activity, the teacher asks the student to tell the

functional language related to the topic that they learn by this


3.9.2 Control Class

1. Pre Activity

Firsly, the teacher give explanation about main points and

supporting points to the students. And than, the teacher mention what

the topic and give brainstorming about the topic. After that, the

teacher tells to the students that they are going to do vocabulary

activities by using conventional method. After give explanation, the

teacher gives material and ask the student to explain again about

material and give example.

2. While Activity

Firstly, the teacher divides the students into some group which

consist of 5 students by using numbered head together. And than, the

teacher and students start learn the vocabulary by using conventional

method. After that, the teacher asks the students for list names7-10

vocabularies are relacted to the topic and looking for the meaning until

20 minutes and distributes students’ worksheet. And the last, the

teacher explain the procedure of students’ worksheet .

3. Post Activity

Firstly, the teacher handout students wrorksheet and the last the

teacher and student discuss about the question and gives feedback to

the student.

(Adapted from Nation (2008) & Cameron (2001), Brewsrwe and Ellis (2003))

3.10Technique of Data Analysis

The data of this study was analyzed quantitatively. In this study, the

researcher used the descriptive and inferential statistic for analyzing the data.

Descriptive statistics was used to know the differences result before and after a

treatment. By used descriptive statistic, the researchershowed how to present the

data by using tables, frequency, graphic, diagram, pictogram, and explanation

about mean, modus, median, derivation standard, maximum and minimum score,

and range score.

Inferential statistic was used to test the hypothesis by used t-test. It was to

know the significant effect of the students’ vocabulary achievement used mobile

access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English) in teaching vocabulary, the researcher

used Independet sample T-test by used SPSS application version 16.0.

The criteria for hypothesis testing as follows:

1. If t-test ≥ t table, the hypothesis was accepted. It means that there is a

significant effect on students’vocabulary achievement by using Audio Visual

Easy Learn English at the seventh grade students of SMPN 11 Kendari.

2. If t-test ≤ t table, the hypothesis was rejected. It means that there is no

significant effect on the students’vocabulary achievement by using Audio

Visual Easy Learn English at the seventh grade students of SMPN 11




This chapter explains the research findingsabout the result of data analysis.

It focuses on the descriptive analysis of pre-test in experimental class and in

control class, descriptive analysis of post-test in experimental class and control

class, hypothesis testing, and discussion.

4.1 Findings

In this sub-chapter, there are some analyses that will explained. They are

descriptive analysis of pre-test, descriptive analysis of post-test, descriptive

statistic of pre-test and post-test, effect size testing and hypothesis testing.

4.1.1 Decriptive Analysis of Pre-test

In this section, the researcher explain two kinds of analysis. They are:

descriptive analysis of pre-test in experimental class and descriptive analysis

of pre-test in control class. Decriptive Analysis of Pre-test in Experimental Class

The following explanation is the result of students’ pre-test score for

experimental class. The result of the students’ pre-test score in experimetal

class can be seen on the following table :

Table 4.1 The Result of Students’ Pre-test in Experimental Class

Student's Score Frequency Percentages

8 1 3.3%
24 1 3.3%
28 1 3.3%
36 2 6.7%
43 1 3.3%
44 1 3.3%
48 1 3.3%
52 1 3.3%
56 3 10.0%
59 1 3.3%
60 3 10.0%
64 5 16.7%
76 1 3.3%
80 1 3.3%
84 7 23.3%
Total 30 100%
Mean Score 59.66
Maximum Score 84
Minimum Score 8
SD 2.01

Based on the table above, the minimum score of students’ pre-test is 8,

the maximum score is 84, the mean score is 59.66 and the standard deviation

is 2.01. Based on classification by Suhuri (2008), the range score 21-40

included in low criteria. The distribution of students’pre-test score in

experimental class is as follows:

Table 4.2 The Distribution of Students’ Pre-test Score

in Experimental Class

Mark Criteria Frequency Percentage

81-100 Very High 7 24%
61-80 High 7 24%
41-60 Average 11 38%
21-40 Low 4 14%
0-20 Very Low 1 3%
Total 30 100%
The table above showes that there are 7 students (24%) who get “very

high” scores (81-100). The studentswho get “high” score (61-80) are 7

students or 24%. There are 11 students or 38% who get “average” score (41-

60). There are 4 students or 14% who get “low”score (21-40). And 1 student

or 3% who get “very low” score (0-20), Therefore, based on the

students’score on pre-test at experimental class is dominated by average

criteria which 38% students have score among 41-60.

Chart 4.1 Distribution of Students’ Pre-test Score in Experimental Class

Very Low Average High Very
Low High
Pre-test Score 3% 14% 38% 24% 24%

Based on the pre-test results that shown on the chart above, we can see

higher score in experimental class is classified as ‘average”criteria with 38%

(11 students), followed by “High and Very High” criteria with 24% (7

students), then “low” criteria 14% (4 students), and “verylow” criteria there is

1 student (3%) who get it. Therefore, the reseacher finds that students’

vocabulary achievement before getting treatment in experimental class is

categorized in average criteria. Descriptive Analysis of Pre-Test in Control Class

The following description is the result of the students’ pre-test score in

control class. The result of students’ pre-test score in control class could be

seen n the following table:

Table 4.3 Students’Pre-test Score in Control Class

Student's Score Frequency Percentages

24 2 9.5%
32 2 9.5%
43 1 4.8%
44 2 9.5%
52 2 9.5%
56 3 14.3%
64 2 9.5%
66 1 4.8%
67 2 9.5%
68 1 4.8%
76 1 4.8%
84 1 4.8%
88 1 4.8%
Total 21 100%
Mean Score 55.19
Maximum Score 88
Minimum Score 24
SD 1.80

The table 4.3 show that the minimum score of pre-test in control class is

24, the maximum score is 88, the mean score on pre-test is 55,19 and

standard deviation is 1,80. Based on classification by Suhuri (2008), the range

score 21-40 included in low criteria. The distribution students’pre-test score

in experimental class is described below:

Table 4.4 The Distribution of Students’ Pre-test Score

in Control Class

Mark Criteria Frequency Percentage

81-100 Very High 2 9%
61-80 High 7 34%
41-60 Average 8 38%
21-40 Low 4 19%
0-20 Very Low 0 0%
Total 21 100%

The table above showes that there are 2 students (9%) who get “very

high” scores (81-100). The studentswho get “high” score (61-80) are 7

students or 34%. There are 8 students or 38% who get “average” score (41-

60). There are 4 students or 19% who get “low”score (21-40). And there is no

studentor 0 % who get “very low” score (0-20), Therefore, based on the

students’score on pre-test at control class is dominated by average criteria

which 38% students have score among 41-60.

Chart 4.2 Distribution of Students’ Pre-test Score in Control Class









Very Low Average High Very
Low High
Pre-test Score 0% 19% 38% 34% 9%

Based on the pre-test results that shown on the chart above, we can see

higher score in control class is classified as ‘average”criteria with 38% (8

students), followed by “High” criteria with 34 % (7 students),then “low”

criteria 19% (4 students),Very High” criteria with 9% (2 students), and “very

low” criteria there is no student (0%) who get it. Therefore, the reseacher

finds that students’ vocabulary achievement in control class is categorized in

average criteria.

4.1.2 Descriptive Analysis of Post-Test Descriptive Analysis of Post-Test in Experimental Class

The following explanation is the result of students’post-test score for

experimental class. The result of the students’ post-test score in experimetal

class can be seen on the following table :

Table 4.5 The Result of Students’Post-test in Experimental Class

Student's Score Frequency Percentages

52 1 3.3%
56 3 10.0%
68 2 6.7%
72 4 13.3%
76 1 3.3%
79 1 3.3%
80 1 3.3%
84 7 23.3%
88 4 13.3%
94 3 10.0%
96 3 10.0%
Total 30 100%
Mean Score 79.63
Maximum Score 96
Minimum Score 52
SD 1.28

The table 4.5 show that the minimum score of post-test in experimental

class is 52, the maximum score is 96, the mean score on post-test is 79.63 and

standard deviation is 1.28. Based on classification by Suhuri (2008), the range

score 21-40 included in low criteria. The distribution students’pre-test score

in experimental class is described below:

Table 4.6 The Distribution of Students’ Post-test Score

in Experimental Class

Mark Criteria Frequency Percentage

81-100 Very High 17 57%
61-80 High 9 30%
41-60 Average 4 13%
21-40 Low 0 0%
0-20 Very Low 0 0%
Total 30 100%

The table above showed that there are 17 students (57%) who get “very

high” scores (81-100). The students who get “high” score (61-80) are 9

students or 30%. There are 4 students or 13% who get “average” score (41-

60). There is no student who get “low”score (21-40) and “very low” score (0-

20). Therefore, based on the students’score on post-test at experimental class

is dominated by average criteria which 57% students have score among 81-


Chart 4.3 Distribution of Students’ Post-test Score

in Experimental Class







Very Low Average High Very
Low High
Post-test Score 0% 0% 13% 30% 57%

Based on the post-test results that shown on the chart above, we can see

the higher score in experimental class is classified as ‘very high”criteria with

57% (17 students), followed by “High” criteria with 30 % (9 students),then

“average” criteria 13% (4 students), and “low” also “very low” criteria there

is no student (0 %) who get it. Therefore, the reseacher finds that students’

vocabulary achievement after getting treatment in experimental class is

categorized in very high criteria. Descriptive Analysis of Post-Test in Control Class

The following explanation is the result of students’post-test score for

experimental class. The result of the students’ post-test score in experimetal

class can be seen on the following table :

Table 4.7 The Result of Students’Post-test in Control Class

Student's Score Frequency Percentages

28 1 4.8%
40 1 4.8%
52 3 14.3%
58 1 4.8%
60 3 14.3%
64 1 4.8%
65 1 4.8%
68 2 9.5%
72 2 9.5%
76 2 9.5%
80 1 4.8%
84 1 4.8%
86 1 4.8%
88 1 4.8%
Total 21 100%
Mean Score 64.80
Maximum Score 88
Minimum Score 28
SD 1.50

The table 4.7 shows that the minimum score of post-test in control class

is 28, the maximum score is 88, the mean score on post-test is 64.80 and

standard deviation is 1.50. Based on classification by Suhuri (2008), the range

score 21-40 included in low criteria. The distribution students’post-test score

in control class was described below:

Table 4.8 The Distribution of Students’Post-test Score
in Control Class
Mark Criteria Frequency Percentage
81-100 Very High 3 14%
61-80 High 9 44%
41-60 Average 7 33%
21-40 Low 2 9%
0-20 Very Low 0 0%
Total 21 100%

The table above showed that there are 3 students (14%) who get “very

high” scores (81-100). The students who get “high” score (61-80) are 9

students or 44%. There are 7 students or 33% who get “average” score (41-

60). There are 3 students or 9% who get “low”score (21-40). And there is no

student or 0 % who get “very low” score (0-20), Therefore, based on the

students’score on post-test at control class is dominated by high criteria

which 44% students have score among 61-80.

Chart 4.4 Distribution of Students’ Post-test Score in Control Class

Very Low Low Average High Very
Post-test Score 0% 9% 33% 44% 14%

Based on the post-test results that shown on the chart above, we can see

higher score in control class is classified as ‘High”criteria with 44% (9

students), followed by “Average” criteria with 33 % (7 students),then “Very

HIgh” criteria 14% (4 students),”Low” criteria with 9% (2 students), and

“very low” criteria there is no student (0, %) who get it. Therefore, the

reseacher finds that students’ vocabulary achievement in control class is

categorized in high criteria.

4.1.3 Comparison of Pre-Test and Post-Test Score in Experimental

Class and Control Class

The comparison of students’in class VII1of SMP Negeri 11 Kendari,

before and after appliying MA (Audio Visual Easy Learn English) can be

seen in the following description. Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test Score in Experimental Class

The score of pre-test and post-test results in experimental class can be

seen in the following table:

Table 4.9 The Distribution of Students’Pre-test and Post-test Score

in Experimental Class

Mark Criteria Frequency Percentage Mark Criteria Frequency Percentage

81-100 Very High 7 24% 81-100 Very High 17 57%

61-80 High 7 24% 61-80 High 9 30%
41-60 Average 11 38% 41-60 Average 4 13%
21-40 Low 4 14% 21-40 Low 0 0%
0-20 Very Low 1 3% 0-20 Very Low 0 0%
Total 30 100% Total 30 100%

As shown on the table above, the pre-test score in experimental class is

dominated by students who get average score (38%) while after being taught

by MAD (Fun Easy Learn English Dictionary), the score is dominated by

very high score (57%). More explanation of comaprison between pre-test and

post-test results in experimental class can be seen in following chart.

Chart 4.5 Comparisons between Students’Score on Pre-Test and Post-

test in Experimental Class







Very Low Low Average High Very High
Pre Test 3% 14% 38% 24% 24%
Post Test 0% 0% 13% 30% 57%

As shown in chart above, it shows that the students who get “very high”

criteria in post-test is 17 students (57%) while 7 students get “very high” score in

pre-test (24%), students who get “high criteria” in post-test are 9 students (30%)

while in pre-test are 7 students (24%), students who get “average criteria” in post-

test are 4 students (13%) while in pre-test are 11 students (38%), there is no

student who get “low score” (0%) in post-test while in pre-test are 4 students

(14%), and there is no students who get “very low” criteria in post-test (0%) while

in pre-test are a student (3%).

Table 4.10 The Mean Score, Maximum and Minimum Score of Pre-test and
Post-test in Experimental Class

Pre-test Post-test
Mean Score 59.66 Mean Score 79.63
Maximum Score 84 Maximum Score 96
Minimum Score 8 Minimum Score 52
SD 2.01 SD 1.28

As shown this table, the mean score, maximum and minimum score in

experimental class has significant improvement from pre-test to post-test but the

standard deviation in pre-test is higher than in the post-test. For more explanation,

can be seen in the following chart:

Chart 4.6 Comparisons of Mean Scores, Maximum Scores, Minimum

Scores, and Standard Deviation in Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental

Mean Score Max Score Min Score SD
Pre Test 59.66 84 8 2.01
Post Test 79.63 96 52 1.28

Based on the chart above, it can be concluded that there is a significant

improvement between the mean score of pre-test and post-test in the experimental

class. It can be proved by the mean score in pre-test is 59.66 improve to 79.63.

Besides, the differences also can be seen on maximum and minimum score, where

the minimum score in the pre-test is 8 become 52 in the post-test, while the

maximum score in the pre-test is 84 become 96 in the post-test. The standard

deviation score is 2.01 in pre-test lower than 1.28 in post-test. Indeed, it can be

concluded that MA (Audio Visual Easy Learn English) have significant effecton

students' vocabulary achievement.

Table 4.11 Statistic Analysis of Paired Sample T-test in Experimental Class

Based on the table above, the score of pre-test and post-test in experimental

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-

Mean Std. Std. Error 95% Confidence tailed)

Deviation Mean Interval of the


Lower Upper

-19.96667 14.56373 2.65896 -25.40485 -14.52848 -7.509 29 .000

pre -
Pair 1

class assumed are mean score is -19.96667, standar deviation is 14.56373,

standarerror mean is 2.65896, interval of difference in lower is – 25.40485, and

upper is -14.52848, t -7.509, Df 29, sig. (2-tailed) 0.000. So, the researcher

concluded that MA (Audio Visual Easy Learn English) have significant effect on

students' vocabulary achievement in post test. Comparison of Pre-Test and Post-Test Score in Control Class

The score of pre-test and post-test results in control class can be seen in the

following table:

Table 4.12 the Distribution of Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Score in
Control Class

Mark Criteria Frequency Percentage Mark Criteria Frequency Percentage

81-100 Very High 2 9% 81-100 Very High 3 14%

61-80 High 7 34% 61-80 High 9 44%
41-60 Average 8 38% 41-60 Average 7 33%
21-40 Low 4 19% 21-40 Low 2 9%
0-20 Very Low 0 0% 0-20 Very Low 0 0%
Total 21 100% Total 21 100%

The table above shows that the score of students in control class at pre-test

is dominated by students who get average score (38%) while in post-test is

dominated of high criteria (44%). The comparison between pre-test and post-test

results in control class can be seen in the following chart.

Chart 4.7 Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test Score in Control Class

Very Low Low Average High Very High
Pre Test 0% 19% 38% 34% 9%
Post Test 0% 9% 33% 44% 14%

Based on the chart above, the frequencies of students’ score in pre-test and

post-test of control class are: the students who get very high criteria in post-test

are 914% students while in pre-test are 9%, students who get high criteria in post-

test are 44% students while in pre-test are 34% students, students who get average

criteria in post-test are 33% students while in pre-test are 38% students, there are

9% student who get low score in post-test while in pre-test are 19% students, and

there is no students who get very low criteria in post-test and pre-test (0%) .

Table 4.13 the Mean Score, Maximum and Minimum Score of Pre-test and
Post-test in Control Class
Pre-test Post-test
Mean Score 55.19 Mean Score 64.80
Maximum Score 88 Maximum Score 88
Minimum Score 24 Minimum Score 28
SD 1.80 SD 1.50

As shown this table, the mean score, maximum and minimum score in

control class not has significant improvement but the standard deviation in pre-

test is higher than standard deviation in post-test. For more explanation, can be

seen in the following chart:

Chart 4.8 Comparisons of Mean Scores, Maximum Scores, Minimum

Scores, and Standard Deviation in Pre-test and Post-test in Control Class

Mean Score Max Score Min Score SD
Pre Test 55.19 88 24 1.8
Post Test 64.8 88 28 1.5

Based on the chart above, there is an improvement between the mean score

of pre-test and post-test in the experimental class, where mean score in pre-test is

55.19 improve to 64.80. Then, minimum score in the pre-test is 24 become 48in

post-test, while maximum score in the pre-test is 88 become 88 in post-test.

Standard deviation score is down where the score is 1.80in the pre-test becomes

1.50 in post-test. In short, it could be concluded that teaching vocabulary by using

non MA (Audio Visual Easy Learn English)have not significant effect on

students' vocabulary achievement.

Table 4.14Statistic Analysis of Paired Sample T-test in Control Class

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-

Mean Std. Std. Error 95% Confidence tailed)

Deviation Mean Interval of the


Lower Upper

pre - -9.61905 18.49453 4.03584 -18.03766 -1.20044 -2.383 20 .027

Pair 1

Based on the table above, the score of pre-test and post-test in control class

assumed are mean score is --9.61905, standar deviation is 18.49453, standarerror

mean is 4.03584, interval of difference in lower is – -18.03766, and upper is --1.20044,

t -2.383, Df 20, sig. (2-tailed) 0.027. So, the researcher concluded that MA (Audio

Visual Easy Learn English) have no significant effect on students' vocabulary

achievement in post test.

4.1.4 Descriptive Statistic of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental and

Control Class

The descriptive statistic of pre-test and post-test score in experimental and

control class will be explained in the following table:

Table 4.15Descriptive Statistic of Pretest and Post-test Score in

Experimental Class and Control Class
Statistic Statistic
Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest
N Valid 30 30 N Valid 21 21
Missing 51 51 Missing 60 60
Mean 59.6667 79.6333 Mean 55.1905 64.8095
Std. Deviation 2.012261 1.285591 Std. Deviation 1.802391 1.250291
Minimum 8 52 Minimum 22 28
Maximum 84 96 Maximum 88 88
Experimental Class Control Class

As we can see on the table above, the minimum score of pre-test in

experimental class is 8 while in control class is 22. Then, maximum score in

experimental class is 84 while in control class is 88. Mean score of experimental

class is 59.66 while in control class is 55.19. It means that students’ vocabulary

achievement of pre-test in experimental class was categorized as high criteria

while in control class was average criteria. Mean score also showed that students’

vocabulary achievement before getting treatment in experiental class was higher

than control class.

The maximum score of post-test in exerimental class is 96 while in control

class still 88.Then, minimum score in experimental class is 52 and 28 in control

class. Mean score in experimental class is 79.63 while in control class is 64.80. It

means that after getting treatment, students’ score in experimental class is

classified in very high criteria while in control class was high criteria. The mean

score also shows those students’ vocabulary achievements after getting treatment

in experimental class was higher than control class.

Chart 4.9 Mean Score of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental Class and
Control Class

Experimental Class Control Class
Pre Test 59.66 55.19
Post Test 79.63 64.8

Chart 4.13 shows the differences means score between both of the classes.

The mean score in experimental class have high differences between score of pre-

test and post-test. Mean score of post-test is 79.63 (high) is higher than score in

pre-test is 59.66 (average). Therefore, students’ vocabulary achievement after

getting treatment has improvement, so there is significant effect on students’

vocabulary achievement after being taught by using mnemonic strategies.

Mean score of post-test in control class is higher than pre-test. Mean score

of post-test is 64.80 (average) while in pre-test is 55.19 (low). Although the score

has improvement than in pre-test but the differences is not high. So, there is no

significant effect on students’ vocabulary achievement after taught by non MA

(Audio Visual Easy Learn English).

Table 4.16 Gain Score of Pre-test and Post-test

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

CON 21 -16.00 52.00 9.6190 18.49453

EXP 30 .00 51.00 19.9667 14.56373

Valid N (listwise) 21

The table above shows that gain score of experimental class has minimum

score 0.00, while gain score of control class has minimum score -16.00. Besides,

maximum score of gain score at experimental class is 51.00 while in control class

is 52.00. In the other hand, mean score of gain score of experimental class is

19.9667; while in gain score of control class is 9.6190. Besides, the standard

deviation score of gain score at experimental class is 14.56373whilein gain score

of control classis 18.49453.

Chart 4.10 Gain Score of Pre-test and Post-test

Minimum Maximum Mean SD
Experimental Class 0 51 19.96 14.56
Control Class -16 52 9.61 18.49

As we can see on chart above, minimum score of gain score at experimental

class (0) is higher than gain score in control class (-16). The, the maximum score

of gain score at experimental class (51) is loewer than gain score in control class

(51). Next, mean score of gain score in experimental class (19.96) is higher than

in control class (9.61). Last, the standard deviation of gain score at experimental

class (14.56) is lower than in control class (18.49).

Based on the result above, it can be concluded that students’ vocabulary

achievement at both of the classes has improvement but MA (Audio Visual Easy

Learn English) has significant effect on students’ vocabulary achievement.

4.1.5 Hypothesis Testing

In this study, the hypothesis testing is to know whether or not there is any

significant effect using mobile access(Audio Visual Easy Learn English) on

students vocabulary achievementat at SMPN 11 Kendari. Before testing the

hypothesis, the researcher used SPSS 16.0 application for testing the homogeneity

and normality of the data. The result of homogeneity, normality test, and

hypothesis testing, could be seen as follows: Homogeneity Test

For testing the homogeneity, the researcher used test in SPSS 16

application. Theoretically, if the p value (sig) is higher than 0.05 (p>0.05), it

means that the data were distributed homogeny but if p value was lower than 0.05

(p<0.05), the data were not distributed homogeny.

Table 4.17 Table of Homogeneity Varian Test

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

PRE .097 1 49 .757

.265 1 49 .609

From the table above, the p value (sig) in pre-test both of the classes is

0.757 and the p value of post-test in both of the classes is 0.609. It means that the

variances of classes are homogeneous because the result of p value of pre-test and

post-test in both of the experimental and control class (0.757 and 0.609) is higher

than 0.05. Normality Test

After testing the homogeneous of variance test, the researcher continued for

testing the normality of the test. Normality test is used to measure whether the

data are distributed normally or no. To test the normality, the researcher used

SPSS 16 application.

Theoretically, if the p value (sig 2-tailed) was higher than 0.05 (p>0.05), it

means that the data are distributed normally but if p value is lower than 0.05

(p<0.05), the data are not distributed normally. The result of normality test can be

seen in the following table:

Table 4.18 Normality Test

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

EXPERIMEN .124 42 .101 .917 42 .005

CONTROL .106 42 .200* .963 42 .192

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Based on the table above, the results of normality test are the pvalue of

experimental class is 0.10 and control class is 0.20. It means that the data of

experimental and control class are distributed normally because the p value of

experimental and control class are higher than 0.05. Therefore, the hypothesis

testing can be continued. Analysis of Hypothesis Testing

After calculating the homogeneity and normality test, the researcher

continued the hypothesis testing. To determine whether there isa significant effect

of using mobile access(Audio Visual Easy Learn English) on the students’

vocabulary achievement, the researcher used post-test score in experimental class

and control class and then analyzed by using Independent Sample t-test in SPSS

16 application.

Table 4.19 Descriptive Statistic of Independent Sample t-test

Group Statistics

CLASS N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

POST EXPERIMEN 30 79.6333 12.85592 2.34716

CONTROL 21 64.8095 15.06525 3.28751

As we can see on the table above, mean score of post-test in experimental

class (79.63) is higher than mean score in control class (64.80). It means that

although both of the classes learned the same material, but students’ vocabulary

achievement after being taught by mobile access(Audio Visual Easy Learn

English) have significant improvement than students in control class that being

taught by using non mobile access(Audio Visual Easy Learn English). For more

explanation, see the following table:

Table 4.20 Statistical Analysis of Independent Sample T-test

Independent Samples Test

Test for
Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means

Std. 95% Confidence

Sig. Mean Error Interval of the
(2- Differen Differen Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) ce ce Lower Upper
PO Equal variances
.265 .609 3.775 49 .000 14.82381 3.92653 6.93315 22.71447
ST assumed
Equal variances
3.670 38.659 .001 14.82381 4.03941 6.65102 22.99660
not assumed

Based on the table above, the score of equal variances assumed are F score

is 0.265, Sig. 0.609, t 3.775, Df 49, sig. (2-tailed) 0.000, means difference

14.82381, Std. Error Difference 3.92653, lower 6.93315, and upper is 22.71447.

While the equal variances not assumed are t value is 3.670, Df38.659, Sig (2-

tailed) 0.001, mean difference 14.82381, Std. error difference 4.03941, lower

6.65102, and upper is 22.99660. Because the result of homogeneity variance is

homogeny, so the researcher use the value in equal variance assumed for testing

the hypothesis and effect size.

From the table, we can see that tcount = 3.775, while t-table =2.010 at level

of 𝛼 = 0.05 with DF = 49. It means that tcount is higher than ttable, so the hypothesis

is accepted. Besides, to answer the hypothesis we also can see the pvalue (sig 2-

tailed) with 𝛼 = 0.05. If the pvalue is higher than 0.05, the hypothesis is rejected and

if the pvalue is lower than 0.05, the hypothesis is accepted. From the data above, we

can conclude that H1 is accepted because pvalue (0.000) is lower than 𝛼 = 0.05. It

means that “there is a significant effect using mobile access(Audio Visual Easy

Learn English) on students vocabulary achievement at SMPN 11 Kendari” and

H0 is rejected: there is no a significant effect using mobile access(Audio Visual

Easy Learn English) on students vocabulary achievement at SMPN 11 Kendari”.

Table 4.21 Summary of Hypothesis Testing

Df t-test Symbol t-table Result
H0: Rejected
49 3.775 > 2.010 H1: Accepted

Based on the table above, it shows that value of t-test is higher than t-table.

It means that H0is rejected and H1 is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant

effect using mobile access(Audio Visual Easy Learn English) on students

vocabulary achievement at the seventh grade students of SMPN 11 Kendari.

4.1.6 Effect Size

The effect size testing is cnducted to know how big the scale ofmobile

access(Audio Visual Easy Learn English) as media which have applied to the

students in experimental class. The effect size aimed to knowing significance of

pre-test and post-test result. After calcualting the resul of effect size, it is gotten

0.47. based on Cohen’s criteria,0.3-0.5 is medium effect size. Therefore, it can be

said that the effect size of using mobile access(Audio Visual Easy Learn English)

is categorized as medium effect size.

4.2 Discussion

The research finding shows that the effect size of mobile access(Audio

Visual Easy Learn English) in experimental class showed that 0.47. Based on

Cohen’s Criteria, it can be said that the effect size of using of mobile access

(Audio Visual Easy Learn English) is categorized as medium effect size.Based on

findings, it confirms that teaching vocabulary by using mobile access (Audio

Visual Easy Learn English) can give a significant effect toward students’

vocabulary achievement. It is indicated by the result of the statistical analysis

where the students can achieve very high category score after being given

treatment using mobile access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English) in four

meetings and showed a significant improvement in mean score from 59.66 for

pretest and up to 79.63 in the posttest. Therefore, it can be said that H1 was

accepted and H0 was rejected.

The increase of the students’ vocabulary and based on the medium effect

size might be caused by some factors. Firstly, researcher provides new media that

is more interesting rather than printed dictionary in teaching and learning process,

especially in the field of vocabulary. It is a mobile access (Audio Visual Easy

Learn English) .This application is available for Android Smartphone, so students

can installed on their handphone or shared from another handphone Audio Visual

Easy Learn English is an offline media learn english-indonesia language by audio

(real picture) and visual (Bagus, 2017), so it does not make students lose with an

internet connection that does not allow access to online applications. Then, by

using this application, students do not need to carry a thick dictionary in the

learning process and allow students to study anywhere and anytime.It was

supported by Swaffar (1988) cites several studies indicating that access to media

or glossesfails to improve performance in reading; and it seems reasonable to

inferfrom this that such practices would also fail to increase vocabulary and also

Vota (2011) points out that regardless of the educational features of mobile-device

technology, it may fail if teachers are not trained to use the technology to improve

their teaching activities. So, Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English)

had been showed tha can improve students’ vocabulary achievement.

Secondly, this application also provides questions and material that are

taught and equipped with pictures and pronouncements. Besides, the questions are

also provided in the form of games so that students do not easily feel bored and

bored in the learning process such as guessing pictures, rearangee and so on.

Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English) also made the students feel

enjoyed and more motivated in the learning process. Students were very enjoyed

when presenting and learn by using application and andorid. In the other word,

they did not learn vocabulary monotonous, so they can learn vocabulary with

different way.It supported by Gliksman (2011) Educational software companies,

teachers, and researchers have to coordinate and develop digital content for

successful learning outcomes for making teaching-learning process effective and


Thirdly, audio visual is as the feature that offered by this application. It is

cause the students can know more about the word and easier to remember it. They

can see visually and know the pronunciation of the word at the same time. So that,

the word can be keeped in their mind easily. It is supported by Dale’s pyramid of

learning in Masters (2013) about people generally remember, it is said that the

persentage when they just read is about 10% while percentage when they hear and

see is about 50%. That is a comparative between when student learn vocabulary

by using printed dictionary and learn vocabulary by using Mobile Access (Audio

Visual Easy Learn English) .

Based on some factors that have been explained above and it supported by

some theories, it might be a reason why the experimental class had higher score

rather than control class in posttest.Meanwhile, in conventional method that using

non Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English) or conventional method

where the students memorized the words in the worksheet. The score of post-test

was not had a significant improvement because students just memorized the

words without combined with fun and interesting activities. Academic supports

(2018) explained that “people forget all kinds of information all of the time”.

Waring (2002) also stated that a normal situation if the students can memorize ten

vocabularies then forget them in the next days and may be remember just two

words of them. It is because human brains are created not for memorizing, but for

forgetting. herefore, students in control class were easy to forget the vocabulary

because not supported by fun and interesting activity.

In applying Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English), the

researcher found some problems. They were time,lack of android and not all

students have smartphone android. Time was the most crucial factor because it

could be affected to the students’ performance. The second was the lack of

android. It could be seen when students applied the applicaton but other students

had not andorid, so they could disturb their friends. Besides, they are just focus

on their smartphone so that when the teacher asked question or explain the

material for once, the students did not understand because lack of concentration,

so that teacher must explain again to make the students get understanding. And

also,not all students have smartphone android so can reducing learning




In this chapter presents the conclusion and recommendation that are derived

from the research findings.

5.1 Conclusion

The result of this study shows that is there any significant effect of using

MA (Audio Visual Easy Learn English) on students’ vocabulary achievement.

The result of descriptive analysis in post-test has significant improvement. Mean

score of post-test (79.63) in experimental class is higher than pre-test score

(59.66). While, in control class also has improvement but not too significant. It

can be seen on post-test score (64.80) is higher than pre-test score (55.19).

Therefore, H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected with effect size was 0.47.

The increase of the students’ vocabulary and based on the medium effect

size might be caused by some factors. Firstly, researcher providing new media

that is more interesting rather than printed dictonaty in in learning teachin

process, especially in the field of vocabulary. It is a MA (Audio Visual Easy

Learn English). This application is provided form an Android so students can

installed in their handphone or shared from another handphone. Secondly, this

application also provides questions and material that are taught and equipped with

pictures and pronouncements. Not only that, the questions are also provided in the

form of games so that students do not easily feel bored and bored in the learning

process such as guessing pictures, rearangee and so on MA (Audio Visual Easy

Learn English) also made the students feel enjoyed and more motivated in the

learning process. Students were very enjoyed when presenting and learn by using

aplication and andorid. Students also more motivated to learn vocabulary because

MA (Audio Visual Easy Learn English), students more know another word by

audio visual fiture. So, besides easier remembered the words, students also more

motivated and enjoyed the learning process. Thirdly, audio visual is as the feature

that offered by this application. It is cause the students can know more about the

word and easier to remember it. They can see visually and know the pronunciation

of the word at the same time. So that, the word can be keeped in their mind easily.

5.2 Recommendation

After conducting this study, the researcher though and considered several

recommendations. They are:

1. The subject of this research is seventh grade students of Junior High

School, so it is possible for the next researcher to conduct in different level

2. The result of this study has shown that MA can improve students’

vocabulary achievement. Therefore, the researcher suggests to the English

teacher to apply this strategies in teaching vocabulary.

3. The researcher also recommended applying MA in smaller class to take

easy in managing the class and student easy using this application by

Android/Mobile Access and all students have smartphone android for

learning in this activity.

4. Make sure all students have a smartphone android in learning teaching

process, so that the results are more effctive.


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Appendix 1 Lesson Plan Control Class



Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Negeri 11 Kendari

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VII/I
Alokasi Waktu : 3 Jam Pelajaran (3 Pertemuan)
Aspek : Vocabulary

A. Kompetensi Inti
1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi,
gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan social dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan
3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan
rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,
mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak
(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai
dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut

B. Kompetensi Dasar
Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator Pencapaian
1.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual 1.1.1 Menentukan kosakata terkait
terkait pendidikan (yang berhubungan pendidikan (yang berhubungan
dengan proses pembelajaran, benda dengan proses pembelajaran, benda

dalam rumah dan bangunan. dalam rumah dan bangunan.
1.1.2 Menyebutkan dan mengingat
kosakata terkait pendidikan (yang
berhubungan dengan proses
pembelajaran, benda dalam rumah
dan bangunan.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan
1. Menentukan kosakata pendidikan (yang berhubungan dengan proses
pembelajaran, benda dalam rumah dan bangunan pada aplikasi fun easy
learn english dictionary.dengan benar.
2. Menyebutkan dan mengingat kosakata pendidikan (yang berhubungan
dengan proses pembelajaran, benda dalam rumah dan bangunan pada
aplikasi fun easy learn english dictionary.dengan benar.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Things in the classroom
Some vocabulary was used in education (thing in learning teaching

b. Things in the house
Some vocabulary was used in the house are :

c. Public Buildings
Some vocabulary that are:

E. Media, Alat, Bahan dan Sumber Pembelajaran
* Metode Pembelajaran
 Metode : Coorperative Learning
 Technique : MA
 Pendekatan : Scientific Approach
* Media Pembelajaran
 Audio Visual Easy Learn English
* Sumber Belajar
 Buku Pegangan Guru (When English Rings a Bell Edisi Revisi
 Internet / Sumber lain yang relevan
F. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
1. Pertemuan ke-1 (2x 40 menit) Waktu
Kegiatan Pendahuluan 10 Menit
 Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka.
 Mengaitkan materi pembelajaran yang akan dipelajari dengan materi pembelajaran
 Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan yang berlangsung
Kegiatan Inti 60 Menit
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Mengamati  Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru mengenai
materi yang akan di ajarkan.
 Membagi peserta didik menjadi 5 kelompok untuk
pembelajaran yang lebih efisien dengan menggunakan
metode Number Head Together.
 Peserta didik dan guru belajar bersama menyebutkan
kosakata yang ada sesuai dengan materi yang
 Peserta didik mendengarkan cara membaca

kosakatadengan pengucapan yang benar yang
dicontohkan olehguru.
Menanya  Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada peserta didik
mengenai materi yang telah dilihat dan dibaca oleh
peserta didik.
Mengumpulkan  Peserta didik mengumpulkan 7-10 kosa kata yang
Informasi berkaitan dengan “things in the classroom” secara
berkelompokdengan bantuan printed dictionary.
 Peserta didik mencari tahu arti dari setiap kosa kata
yang telah mereka peroleh.
Mengasosiasi  Peserta didik berlatih secara berkelompok untuk
mengingat kosakata beserta dengan arti setiap
 Peserta didik membuat kalimat sederhana
menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris
dengan menghubungkan satu kosakata dengan
kegiatan sehari-hari.
Mengkomunikasikan  Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka.
a. Perwakilan kelompok menghapal vocabulary
yang telah dipelajari beserta contoh kalimatnya
Kegiatan Akhir
 Guru meminta peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran hari ini 10 Menit
dengan tema “things in the classroom”.
 Guru memberitahu peserta didik mengenai topic pembelajaran untuk pertemuan
 Guru memberi motivasi dan nasehat kepada peserta didik untuk terus rajin belajar
 Guru menutup kelas dengan mengucapkan Salam.

2. Pertemuan Ke-2 (2 x 40 Menit) Waktu
Kegiatan Pendahuluan 10 Menit
 Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka.
 Mengaitkan materi pembelajaran yang akan dipelajari dengan materi pembelajaran
 Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan yang berlangsung.

Kegiatan Inti
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
60 Menit
Mengamati  Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru mengenai
materi yang akan di ajarkan.
 Membagi peserta didik menjadi 5 kelompok untuk
pembelajaran yang lebih efisien dengan menggunakan
metode Number Head Together.
 Peserta didik dan guru belajar bersama menyebutkan
kosakata yang ada sesuai dengan materi yang
 Peserta didik mendengarkan cara membaca kosakata
dengan pengucapan yang benar yang dicontohkan
Menanya  Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada peserta didik
mengenai materi yang telah dilihat dan dibaca oleh
peserta didik.
Mengumpulkan  Peserta didik mengumpulkan 7-10 kosa kata yang
Informasi berkaitan dengan “Things in the House” secara
berkelompokdengan bantuan printed dictionary.
 Peserta didik mencari tahu arti dari setiap kosa kata
yang telah mereka peroleh
Mengkomunikasikan  Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka.

a. Perwakilan kelompok menghapal vocabulary
yang telah dipelajari beserta contoh kalimatnya
Kegiatan Akhir 10 Menit
 Peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran hari ini dengan tema
“Things in the house”.
 Guru memberitahu peserta didik mengenai topic pembelajaran untuk pertemuan
 Guru memberi motivasi dan nasehat kepada peserta didik untuk terus rajin belajar
 Guru menutup kelas dengan mengucapkan Salam.
3. Pertemuan Ke-3 (2 x 40 Menit) Waktu
Kegiatan Pendahuluan 10 Menit
 Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka.
 Mengaitkan materi pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan pengalaman peserta
didik dengan materi pembelajaran sebelumnya
 Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan yang berlangsung

Kegiatan Inti
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Mengamati  Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru mengenai
materi yang akan di ajarkan.
 Membagi peserta didik menjadi 5 kelompok untuk
60 Menit
pembelajaran yang lebih efisien dengan menggunakan
metode Number Head Together.
 Peserta didik dan guru belajar bersama menyebutkan
kosakata yang ada sesuai dengan materi yang
 Peserta didik mendengarkan cara membaca kosakata
dengan pengucapan yang benar yang guru.
Menanya  Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada peserta didik

mengenai materi yang telah dilihat dan dibaca oleh
peserta didik.
Mengumpulkan  Peserta didik mengumpulkan 7-10 kosa kata yang
Informasi berkaitan dengan “Public Buildings”secara
berkelompok dengan bantuan printed dictionary.
 Peserta didik mencari tahu arti dari setiap kosa kata
yang telah mereka peroleh.
Mengkomunikasikan  Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka.
a. Perwakilan kelompok menghapal vocabulary
yang telah dipelajari beserta contoh kalimatnya
Kegiatan Akhir 10 Menit
 Peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran hari ini dengan tema
“Public Buildings”.
 Guru memberitahu peserta didik mengenai topic pembelajaran untuk pertemuan
 Guru memberi motivasi dan nasehat kepada peserta didik untuk terus rajin belajar
 Guru menutup kelas dengan mengucapkan Salam

G. Penilaian
1. Bentuk Penilaian : Written Test
2. Sistem Pemberian skor :
Nilai Siswa
Score = x 100
Total Item

No Aspek Skor
1. Jawaban benar 1
2. Jawaban Salah 0

Kendari, November 2018

Approved by,

English Teacher Researcher

La Ode Alim Sabara, S.Pd., M.Pd Eva Veronica

Nip. 19700113 200604 1 002 NIM. A1D2 14 096

Authorized by:
Headmaster of SMPN 11Kendari

Muliadi, S.Pd., M.Pd

Nip. 1968231 199702 1 017

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan Experimental Class


Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Negeri 11 Kendari
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VII/I
Alokasi Waktu : 3 Jam Pelajaran (3 Pertemuan)
Aspek : Vocabulary

A. Kompetensi Inti
1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi,
gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan social dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan
3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan
rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,
mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak
(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai
dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut

B. Kompetensi Dasar
Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator Pencapaian
1.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual 1.1.1 Menentukan kosakata terkait
terkait pendidikan (yang berhubungan pendidikan (yang berhubungan
dengan proses pembelajaran, benda dengan proses pembelajaran, benda
dalam rumah dan bangunan pada aplikasi dalam rumah dan bangunn pada

fun easy learn english dictionary. aplikasi fun easy learn english
1.1.2 Menyebutkan dan mengingat
kosakata terkait pendidikan (yang
berhubungan dengan proses
pembelajaran, benda dalam rumah
dan bangunan pada aplikasi fun
easy learn english dictionary.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik
diharapkan dapat:
1. Menentukan kosakata pendidikan (yang berhubungan dengan proses
pembelajaran, benda dalam rumah dan banguan pada aplikasi fun easy
learn english dictionary.dengan benar.
2. Menyebutkan dan mengingat kosakata pendidikan (yang berhubungan
dengan proses pembelajaran, benda dalam rumah dan bangunan pada
aplikasi fun easy learn english dictionary.dengan benar.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Things in the Classroom
Some vocabulary was used in education (thing in learning teaching

b. Things in the house
Some vocabulary was used in the house are :

c. Public Buildings

E. Media, Alat, Bahan dan Sumber Pembelajaran
* Metode Pembelajaran
 Metode : Coorperative Learning
 Technique : Mobile Access
 Pendekatan : Scientific Approach
* Media Pembelajaran
 Mobile Access (Audio Visual Easy Learn English)
* Sumber Belajar
 Buku Pegangan Guru (When English Rings a Bell Edisi Revisi
2017) dan Audio Visual easy learn english material.
 Internet
 Sumber lain yang relevan
F. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
1. Pertemuan ke-1 (2x 40 menit) Waktu
Kegiatan Pendahuluan 10 Menit
 Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka.
 Mengaitkan materi pembelajaran yang akan dipelajari dengan materi pembelajaran
 Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan yang berlangsung
Kegiatan Inti 60 Menit
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Mengamati  Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru mengenai
penggunaan audio visual easy learn English dalam
proses pembelajaran.
 Membagi peserta didik menjadi 5 kelompok untuk
pembelajaran yang lebih efisien.
 Peserta didik dan guru belajar bersama menyebutkan
kosakata yang ada sesuai dengan materi yang
dipelajari melalui aplikasi audio visual easy learn

english .
 Peserta didik mendengarkan cara membaca kosakata
dengan pengucapan yang benar yang dicontohkan oleh
aplikasi dan diulangi oleh guru.
Menanya  Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada peserta didik
mengenai materi yang telah dilihat dan dibaca oleh
peserta didik lewat mobile access.
Mengumpulkan  Peserta didik mengumpulkan 7-10 kosa kata yang
Informasi berkaitan dengan “things in the classroom” yang
terdapat dalam aplikasi audio visual easy learn English
secara berkelompok dengan bantuan mobile access.
 Peserta didik mencari tahu arti dari setiap kosa kata
yang telah mereka peroleh dan di permudah karena
adanya bantuan gambar (visual).
Mengasosiasi  Peserta didik berlatih secara berkelompok untuk
mengingat kosakata beserta dengan arti setiap
 Peserta didik membuat kalimat sederhana
menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris
dengan menghubungkan satu kosakata dengan
kegiatan sehari-hari.
Mengkomunikasikan  Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka.
a. Perwakilan kelompok menghapal vocabulary
yang telah dipelajari beserta contoh kalimatnya
Kegiatan Akhir
 Guru meminta peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran hari ini 10 Menit
dengan tema “things in the classroom”.
 Guru memberitahu peserta didik mengenai topic pembelajaran untuk pertemuan
 Guru memberi motivasi dan nasehat kepada peserta didik untuk terus rajin belajar

 Guru menutup kelas dengan mengucapkan Salam.

2. Pertemuan Ke-2 (2 x 40 Menit) Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan 10 Menit
 Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka.
 Mengaitkan materi pembelajaran yang akan dipelajari dengan materi pembelajaran
 Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan yang berlangsung.

Kegiatan Inti
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Mengamati  Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru mengenai
60 Menit
penggunaan audio visual easy learn English dalam
proses pembelajaran.
 Membagi peserta didik menjadi 5 kelompok untuk
pembelajaran yang lebih efisien.
 Peserta didik dan guru belajar bersama menyebutkan
kosakata yang ada sesuai dengan materi yang
dipelajari melalui audio visual easy learn English.
 Peserta didik mendengarkan cara membaca kosakata
dengan pengucapan yang benar yang dicontohkan
oleh aplikasi dan diulangi oleh guru.
Menanya  Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada peserta didik
mengenai materi yang telah dilihat dan dibaca oleh
peserta didik lewat mobile access
Mengumpulkan  Peserta didik mengumpulkan 7-10 kosa kata yang
Informasi berkaitan dengan “things in the house” yang terdapat
dalam aplikasi audio visual easy learn English secara
berkelompokdengan bantuan mobile access.
 Peserta didik mencari tahu arti dari setiap kosa kata

yang telah mereka peroleh dan dipermudah karena
adanya bantuan gambar (visual).
Mengasosiasi  Peserta didik berlatih secara berkelompok untuk
mengingat kosakata beserta dengan arti setiap
 Peserta didik membuat kalimat sederhana
menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris
dengan menghubungkan beberapa kosakata dengan
kegiatan sehari-hari.
Mengkomunikasikan  Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka.
a. Perwakilan kelompok menghapal vocabulary
yang telah dipelajari beserta contoh kalimatnya
Kegiatan Akhir 10 Menit
 Peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran hari ini dengan tema
“Things in the house”.
 Guru memberitahu peserta didik mengenai topic pembelajaran untuk pertemuan
 Guru memberi motivasi dan nasehat kepada peserta didik untuk terus rajin belajar
 Guru menutup kelas dengan mengucapkan Salam.

3. Pertemuan Ke-3 (2 x 40 Menit) Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan 10 Menit
 Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka.
 Mengaitkan materi pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan pengalaman peserta
didik dengan materi pembelajaran sebelumnya
 Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan yang berlangsung

Kegiatan Inti
60 Menit
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Mengamati  Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru mengenai
penggunaan audio visual easy learn English dalam
proses pembelajaran.
 Membagi peserta didik menjadi 5 kelompok untuk
pembelajaran yang lebih efisien.
 Peserta didik dan guru belajar bersama menyebutkan
kosakata yang ada sesuai dengan materi yang
dipelajari melalui aplikasi audio visual easy learn
 Peserta didik mendengarkan cara membaca kosakata
dengan pengucapan yang benar yang dicontohkan
oleh aplikasi dan diulangi oleh guru.
Menanya  Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada peserta didik
mengenai materi yang telah dilihat dan dibaca oleh
peserta didik lewat mobile access
Mengumpulkan  Peserta didik mengumpulkan 7-10 kosa kata yang
Informasi berkaitan dengan “Public Buildings” yang terdapat
dalam aplikasi audio visual easy learn English secara
berkelompok dengan bantuan mobile access.
 Peserta didik mencari tahu arti dari setiap kosa kata
yang telah mereka peroleh dan di perudah karena
adanya bantuan gambar (visual)
Mengasosiasi  Peserta didik berlatih secara berkelompok untuk
mengingat kosakata beserta dengan arti setiap
 Peserta didik membuat kalimat sederhana
menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa

Inggrisdengan menghubungkan beberapa kosakata
dengan kegiatan sehari-hari.
Mengkomunikasikan  Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka.
a. Perwakilan kelompok menghapal vocabulary
yang telah dipelajari beserta contoh kalimatnya
Kegiatan Akhir 10 Menit
 Peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran hari ini dengan tema
“Public Buildings”.
 Guru memberitahu peserta didik mengenai topic pembelajaran untuk pertemuan
 Guru memberi motivasi dan nasehat kepada peserta didik untuk terus rajin belajar
 Guru menutup kelas dengan mengucapkan Salam

H. Penilaian
3. Bentuk Penilaian : Written Test
4. Sistem Pemberian skor :
Nilai Siswa
Score = x 100
Total Item

No Aspek Skor
1. Jawaban benar 1
2. Jawaban Salah 0

Kendari, November 2018

Approved by,

English Teacher Researcher

La Ode Alim Sabara, S.Pd., M.Pd Eva Veronica

Nip. 19700113 200604 1 002 NIM. A1D2 14 096

Authorized by:
Headmaster of SMPN 11Kendari

Muliadi, S.Pd., M.Pd

Nip. 1968231 199702 1 017

Appendix 3 : Instrument of Pilot Test

Name :

Class :

A. Choose the best answer by circling a,b,c, or d!

Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat dengan melingkari a, b, c atau d!

1. What are they doing? They are .......

a. Discussing
b. Reading
c. Writing
d. Listening

2. Teacher explains the material and I will write in my......

a. Dictionary c. Table
b. Dask d. Book
3. Rubber in Indonesian language is......
a. Penggaris c. Kursi
b. Penghapus d. Pensil

4. What is she doing? She is ........

a. Learning
b. Reading
c. Writing
d. Speaking
5. Please save the broom in our.......
a. Chair c. Cupboard
b. Table d. Window

6. What is she doing? She is .......
a. Learning
b. Reading
c. Drawing
d. Listening

7. Teaching is my job. I am .......

a. a doctor
b. a policeman
c. an entrepreneur
d. a teacher

8. The place for borrowing the book is ......

a. libarary c. shop
b. canteen d. house
9. I am a building. I am a ....... , the place that King and Queen life.
a. Hotel c. School
b. Castle d. Temple
10. Kantor polisi in English language is.........
a. Bank c. Hospital
b. Police Station d. Office
11. I want to buy ice cream and snack. Where should I go ?
I should go in .......
a. Kitchen c. Shop
b. Badroom d. Village
12. A : What do you want to watch?
B : I want this one, Harry Potter.
A : Ok. Let’s buy this one.
Where does the conversation probably take place ?
a. Karaoke c. Police

b. House d. Teater
13. I am a ....
a. Car park
b. Lippo Plaza
c. Museum
d. Hospital
14. Carpet in Indonesian language is.....
a. Gorden c. Karpet
b. Foto d. Lemari
c. Karpet
d. Lemari
15. Can I borrow your......? I want to write something in my notebook.
What is she want to borrow?
a. Book c. Ink
b. Boardmaker d. Pen
16. I am a ........
a. Nature
b. Village
c. Garden
d. Hospital
17. They will send their latters as an arsip to Bali. Where should they go?
a. Post Office c. House
b. School d. Temple
18. The word “Hospital” means ...... in Indonesian language .
a. Rumah Sakit c. Bank
b. Rumah d. Kantor Polisi
19. It's my fovorite place. I can see beautiful flowers and green grass. I always
playing in there with my family.
The best word for explain the place is........
a. Shop c. Zoo
b. Mall d. Yard

20. “Bandara Udara” means ......... in English language.
a. Airpot c. Hospital
b. Hotel d. School
21. I am a student. When I wake up this morning, I will going to......
a. House c. Bank
b. School d. Supermarket
22. The word “Frame” means ....... in Indonesia language.
a. Foto
b. Bingkai
c. Lukisian
d. Gambar

23. It is a....
a. Pensil sharpener
b. Eraser
c. Glue
d. Pencil
24. My identity card is losed. Where should I go?
a. Hospital c. Police Station
b. Bank d. Building

B. Look at the picture!

Rearrange all thewords below to be right word based on the picture!

(Aturlah semua kata-kata dibawah ini menjadi kata-kata yang benar sesuai

25. C-N-O-Y-A-B-L =

26. W-O-W-N-D-I =

27. O-R-O-M =

28. D-O-U-T-R-Y-C-A-R =

29. R-W-A-R-D-E =

C. Match the words in the coloumn A with B by giving line!.

(Jodohkan kata-kata yang berada di kolom A dengan kolom B dengan
membrikan garis!)


a. To write 30. Atap

b. Alarm clock 31. Murid
c. Factory 32.Pabrik
d. Street 33. Lemari pakaian
e. Roof 34. Jalan
f. Temple 35. Kuil
g. Mirror 36. Pencakar langit
h. Pupil 37. Menulis

i Skycraper 38. Bantal
j. Wardrobe 39. Gereja
k. Church 40. Mempelajari
l. Tower 41. Cermin
m. To learn 42. Memesan
n. Pillow
43. Menara
o. Reserve
44. Jam weker
45. Rumah
46. Hotel

Appendix 4 : Instrument of Pre-Test

A. Choose the best answer by circling a,b,c, or d!

Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat dengan melingkari a, b, c atau d!

1. What are they doing ? They are .....

a. Discussing
b. Reading
c. Writing
d. Listening

2. Rubber in Indonesian language is......

a. Penggaris c. Kursi
b. Penghapus d. Pensil
3. Please save the broom in our.......
a. Chair c. Cupboard
b. Table d. Window
4. I am a building. I am a ....... , the place that King and Queen life.
a. Hotel c. School
b. Castle d. Temple
5. I want to buy ice cream and snack. Where should I go ?
I should go in ......
a. Kitchen c. Shop
b. Badroom d. Village
6. A : What do you want to watch?
B : I want this one, Harry Potter.
A : Ok. Let’s buy this one.
Where does the conversation probably take place ?
a. Karaoke c. Police
b. House d. Teater

7. Bandara Udara in English language is......
a. Airpot c. Hospital
b. Hotel d. School
8. The word “Frame” means .......... in Indonesian language.
a. Foto
b. Bingkai
c. Lukisian
d. Gambar
9. It is a....
a. Pensil sharpener
b. Eraser
c. Glue
d. Pencil
10. Look at the picture!Rearrange all thewords below to be right word based on
the picture!
(Perhatikan gambar berikut!Aturlah kata-kata dibawah ini menjadi kata-kata
yang benar sesuai gambar!)

O-R-O-M =

B. Match the words in the coloum A with B by giving line!.
(Jodohkan kata-kata yang berada di kolom A dengan kolom B dengan
membrikan garis!)


a. To write 11. Atap

b. Alarm clock 12. Murid
c. Factory 13.Pabrik
d. Street 14. Lemari pakaian
e. Roof 15. Jalan
f. Temple 16. Kuil
g. Mirror 17. Pencakar langit
h. Pupil 18. Menulis
i Skycraper 19. Bantal
j. Wardrobe 20. Gereja
k. Church 21. Mempelajari
l. Tower 22. Cermin
m. To learn 23. Memesan
n. Pillow 24. Menara
25. Jam weker
o. Reserve 26. Rumah
27. Hotel

Appendix 5 : Instrument of Post Test

A. Choose the best answer by circling a,b,c, or d!

Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat dengan melingkari a, b, c atau d!

1. A : What do you want to watch?

B : I want this one, Harry Potter.
A : Ok. Let’s buy this one.
Where does the conversation probably take place ?
a. Teater c. Karaoke
b. Police d. House
2. I am a building. I am a ....... , the place that King and Queen life.
a. Castle c. Hotel
b. School d. Temple
3. It is a....
a. Pencil
b. Glue
c. Eraser
d. Pensil sharpener
4. Look at the picture! Rearrange all the words below to be right word based on
the picture!
(Perhatikan gambar berikut! Aturlah kata-kata dibawah ini menjadi kata-kata
yang benar sesuai gambar!)

O-R-O-M =

5. I want to buy ice cream and snack. Where should I go ?
I should go in .......
a. Badroom c.Village
b. Shop d. Kitchen

6. What are they doing? They are .........

a. Discussing
b. Reading
c. Writing
d. Listening

7. Bandara Udara in English language is ….

a. Hospital c. Hotel
b. School d. Airpot
8. Rubber in Indonesian language is......
a. Pensil c. Penghapus
b. Kursi d. Penggaris
9. Please save the broom in our.......
a. Cupboard c.Window
b. Table d. Chair
10. The word “Frame” means ....... in Indonesian language .
a. Lukisian
b. Foto
c. Gambar
d. Bingkai

B. Match the words in the coloumn A with B by giving line!.
(Jodohkan kata-kata yang berada di kolom A dengan kolom B dengan
membrikan garis!)

a. Temple 11. Menara
b. Tower 12. Cermin
c. Skycraper 13. Gereja
d. Wardrobe 14. Kuil
e. Church 15. Memesan
f. To write 16. Pencakar langit
g. Pillow 17. Menulis
h. To learn 18. Jam weker
i. Reserve 19. Atap
j. Pupil 20. Mempelajari
k. Mirror 21. Pabrik
l. Roof 22. Bantal
m. Street 23. Lemari pakaian
n. Factory 24. Murid
25. Jalan
26. Rumah
o. Alarm clock 27. Hotel

Appendix 6 : Answer Key of Instrument

Answer Key of Pre Test

1. A 11. E 21. M
2. B 12. H 22. G
3. C 13. C 23. O
4. B 14. J 24. L
5. C 15. D 25. B
6. D 16. F
7. A 17. I
8. B 18. A
9. A 19. N
10. ROOM 20. K

Answer Key of Post Test

1. A 11. B 21. N
2. A 12. K 22. G
3. D 13. E 23. D
4. ROOM 14. A 24. J
5. B 15. I 25. M
6. D 16. C
7. D 17. F
8. C 18. O
9. A 19. L
10. B 20. H

Appendix 7 : Students Worksheet

(First Meeting)

Name :

Class :

No Item Meaning
1 Blackboard
2 Notebook
3 Chair
4 Table
5 Ink
6 Pen
7 School Bag
8 Ruler
9 Dictionary
10 Bin

1. Write the meaning of each word of the vocabulary!

2. Make a sentence based on the words in the table!

(Second Meeting)

Name :

Class :

No Item Meaning
1 Cupboard
2 Courtyard
3 Window
4 Carpet

1. Write the meaning of each word of the vocabulary!

2. Mention the list vocabulary of things in the house1
3. Make a sentence based on the words in the table!

(Third Meeting)

Name :

Class :

No Item Meanig

1. Mention the list of buildings vocabulary!

2. Make a sentence based on the words in the table!

Appendix 8 :Validity of Pilot Test

Total rcount vs rtable Interpretation Total rcount vs rtable Interpretation

Items (0,413) Items (0,413)
1 0,548 Valid 23 0,621 Valid
2 -0,053 Invalid 24 0,361 Invalid
3 0,668 Valid 25 0,147 Invalid
4 0,252 Invalid 26 0,351 Invalid
5 0,666 Valid 27 0,467 Valid
6 0,267 Invalid 28 0,358 Invalid
7 -0,224 Invalid 29 0,411 Invalid
8 0,238 Invalid 30 0,697 Valid
9 0,731 Valid 31 0,631 Valid
10 -0,292 Invalid 32 0,659 Valid
11 0,493 Valid 33 0,548 Valid
12 0,44 Valid 34 0,618 Valid
13 -0,058 Invalid 35 0,631 Valid
14 0,145 Invalid 36 0,65 Valid
15 0,312 Invalid 37 0,731 Valid
16 0,128 Invalid 38 0,575 Valid
17 0,251 Invalid 39 0,723 Valid
18 0,223 Invalid 40 0,462 Valid
19 -0,243 Invalid 41 0,618 Valid
20 0,797 Valid 42 0,546 Valid
21 0,223 Invalid 43 0,689 Valid
22 0,456 Valid 44 0,632 Valid

Appendix 9 :Reliability of Pilot Test

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

Q1 .7600 .43589 25

Q2 .7600 .43589 25

Q3 .8000 .40825 25

Q4 .4800 .50990 25

Q5 .7600 .43589 25

Q6 .8400 .37417 25

Q7 .8400 .37417 25

Q8 .8800 .33166 25

Q9 .6000 .50000 25

Q10 .9200 .27689 25

Q11 .8000 .40825 25

Q12 .8400 .37417 25

Q13 .8400 .37417 25

Q14 .9600 .20000 25

Q15 .6800 .47610 25

Q16 .6400 .48990 25

Q17 .6000 .50000 25

Q18 .8800 .33166 25

Q19 .2000 .40825 25

Q20 .7600 .43589 25

Q21 .8800 .33166 25

Q22 .8000 .40825 25

Q23 .6800 .47610 25

Q24 .6000 .50000 25

Q25 .0400 .20000 25

Q26 .7200 .45826 25

Q27 .8400 .37417 25

Q28 .3600 .48990 25

Q29 .6000 .50000 25

Q30 .8400 .37417 25

Q31 .8000 .40825 25

Q32 .9200 .27689 25

Q33 .7600 .43589 25

Q34 .8000 .40825 25

Q35 .8000 .40825 25

Q36 .7200 .45826 25

Q37 .6000 .50000 25

Q38 .5600 .50662 25

Q39 .4800 .50990 25

Q40 .6000 .50000 25

Q41 .8000 .40825 25

Q42 .6800 .47610 25

Q43 .6000 .50000 25

Q44 .6400 .48990 25

The computation reliability of test using Cronbach’s Alpha, it shows that the

reliability of the test is 0.913. It means that the reliability of test classified in very

reliable level. It could be seen on the following table.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.913 44

Appendix 10 : Students’ Score in Experimen Class

Result of Students’ Score on Pre-test and Post-test in Experiemen Class

Score of Score of Score of Score of

Gain Gain
Resp Pre Post Resp Pre Post
Score Score
Test Test Test Test
1 36 52 16 16 56 88 32
2 64 72 8 17 84 88 4
3 28 79 51 18 36 56 20
4 8 56 48 19 48 96 48
5 59 84 25 20 84 96 12
6 56 68 12 21 64 84 20
7 64 88 24 22 84 84 0
8 84 84 0 23 52 72 20
9 64 76 12 24 76 80 4
10 24 68 44 25 60 94 34
11 43 56 13 26 56 72 16
12 44 84 40 27 64 84 20
13 60 84 24 28 84 88 4
14 60 72 12 29 84 96 12
15 80 94 14 30 84 94 10

Appendix 11 : Students’ Score in Control Class

Result of Students’ Score on Pre-test and Post-test in Control Class

Score of Score of
Resp Gain Score
Pre Test Post Test
1 52 60 8
2 56 65 9
3 32 76 44
4 88 72 -16
5 66 80 14
6 84 88 4
7 64 68 4
8 76 84 8
9 68 64 -4
10 52 60 8
11 44 52 8
12 32 28 -4
13 44 52 8
14 24 72 48
15 24 76 52
16 67 86 19
17 67 60 -7
18 56 40 -16
19 43 58 15
20 56 52 -4
21 64 68 4

Appendix 12 : r table

Rtable = n – 2

= 25-2

= 23 = 0, 413

Appendix 13: t table

Ttable = n – 2

= 51-2

= 49 = 2, 010

Appendix 14 : Pilot Data










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