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Department of Anatomy, Northeastern Ohio Universities, College of Medicine, 4209 State Route 44,
P.O. Box 95, Rootstown, OH 44272

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Histochemical and ultrastructural studies suggest that bats possess a diverse array of sali-
vary chemistries that are associated with variation in dietary habits. Two fundamental chem-
ical properties of saliva are pH and buffering capacity. This study documents variation in
the pH and buffering capacity of whole saliva in 21 chiropteran species; frugivorous species
from the families Phyllostomidae and Pteropodidae and insectivorous species from the
families Vespertilionidae, Molossidae, and Rhinolophidae. Buffering capacity and pH were
measured primarily in free-ranging individuals close to feeding and after a fasting period.
Phyllostomids, pteropodids, and insectivores differ in salivary pH and buffering capacity
at both sampling times. Insectivores produce saliva of significantly higher pH and buffering
capacity than frugivores, suggesting the presence of fundamentally different oral physiol-
ogies between these two broadly defined dietary categories. Among frugivores, saliva of
phyllostomids has significantly higher pH and buffering capacity after fasting than ptero-
podids, which exhibit the lowest values of salivary buffering capacity and pH known for
any mammal. Patterns of diversity in salivary pH and buffering capacity appear to reflect
dietary habits more closely than taxonomic relationships.

Key words: Chiroptera, saliva, pH, buffering, dietary habits

Bats exhibit perhaps the broadest range spect to dietary adaptation (Junquierra et
of feeding and foraging strategies of any aI., 1973).
mammalian order, with specializations Saliva functions in digestion, lubrication
ranging from nectivory to sanguivory, pis- of food, and in clearing the oral cavity of
civory, insectivory, and frugivory. Gross debris (Etzel, 1993). Saliva also plays a role
morphological adaptations are found in the in binding secondary compounds, combat-
craniodental apparatus (Dumont, 1997; ting oral bacteria, and providing a vehicle
Freeman, 1988), as well as within the post- for interspecific communication (Balasingh
cranial skeleton (Schlosser-Sturm and et aI., 1995; Gray et aI., 1984; Lagerlof and
Schliemann, 1995; Schutt, 1995). At the Oliveby, 1994; McArthur et aI., 1995). An-
microscopic level, dietary adaptations of other role of saliva is defending against ero-
bats often are reflected in the histochemis- sion of dental enamel that results when pH
try and ultrastructure of the digestive tract in the oral cavity is <5.5 (Newbrun, 1989).
and salivary glands (Makanya et aI., 1995; Over time, erosion leads to the development
Phillips et aI., 1984, 1993; Tandler et aI., of small fissures in the enamel that are
1990). Much of the variation in salivary prime sites for colonization by caries-caus-
glands of bats is within secretory granules ing bacteria (Frank, 1990). Salivary buffers
of acinar cells, suggesting diversity in sal- and elevated pH play a protective role by
ivary composition among different species moderating the erosive effects of acids and,
of bats. Despite this evidence, only one thereby, prolonging dental function (New-
study has documented differences among brun, 1989).
species in chemical composition of salivary Dietary acids are commonly cited as the
glands and assessed their variation with re- primary cause of erosion of enamel in hu-

Journal of Mamma logy. 78(4):1210-1219.1997 1210


mans (Zero, 1996). Because many fruits are ity of whole saliva were measured within 30 min
highly acidic (Grobler, 1991; Ungar, 1995), of capture, using papers that reflect differences
frugivorous mammals might be expected to in pH (ColorPhast, EM Science, Darmstadt, Ger-
have either high rates of erosion or high many) and buffering capacity (Dentobuff, Orion
Diagnostica, Espoo, Finland; Ericson and Brat-
values of salivary pH and buffering capac-
thall, 1989). Papers were trimmed to fit com-
ity to protect the teeth against erosive di-
fortably in an animal's closed mouth. Because
etary acids. Free-ranging frugivorous bats salivary pH increases on exposure to air (Charl-

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do exhibit eroded enamel (Phillips, 1971), ton et aI., 1971), each paper was held in the
but the range of salivary pH and buffering animal's mouth, with the color-changing surface
capacity in these species is unknown. The in contact with the superior surface of the
present study investigates salivary pH and tongue, for I min, before recording pH. This
buffering capacity in frugivorous bats and procedure was immediately repeated using pa-
compares those values to data gathered pers that measured buffering capacity; however,
from insectivorous species. these were left in the mouth for 2 min prior to
In the present study, data on salivary pH reading the change in color. Salivary pH was
and buffering capacity are reported for New measured to the nearest 0.3 pH units, and buf-
fering capacity was scored on a scale of 1-5
World fruit bats (Phyllostomidae), Old
(low-high). Buffering capacity is measured as
World fruit bats (Pteropodidae), and insec-
the final pH of saliva after it is combined with
tivorous species (Molossidae, Vespertilion- the small amount of acid embedded in the buf-
idae, and Rhinolophidae) and used to test fering-capacity strip. A score of 1 indicates a
two null hypotheses. The first hypothesis is final pH :54, whereas a score of 5 indicates a
that there are no significant differences final pH ~6 (Ericson and Bratthall, 1989).
among the three groups in salivary pH and After the first samples were collected, insec-
buffering capacity, either at rest or at time tivorous bats were offered plain water and fru-
of feeding. A second hypothesis is that pter- givorous species were given sweetened water
opodids and phyllostomids are homoge- before being placed in individual cloth bags and
neous with respect to salivary pH and buf- held overnight. The same sampling procedure
fering capacity. This hypothesis is based on was repeated after the animals were fasted for
the prediction, partly derived from compar- an average of 9.7 h (elapsed time measured to
the nearest 5 min, SE = 0.1 h, n = 140; some
ative microscopic and histochemical anal-
individuals were released immediately after the
yses of salivary glands (Phillips et al., 1987, first sample was collected). Most animals were
1993; Tandler et aI., 1988, 1990), that sal- released on the following evening, although
ivary secretions reflect dietary adaptations. voucher specimens were collected for some spe-
In addition, the data provide the opportu- cies (Appendix I). To the extent possible, pro-
nity to investigate salivary pH and buffer- cedures for collection of data from captives
ing capacity for patterns of variation that mimicked those used on wild individuals. In
may reflect either phylogeny or dietary sim- several cases, however, large pteropodids were
ilarities. sampled after extended fasting periods (~12 h)
and again immediately after hand-feeding.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Bats were captured well after darkness, but
early in the evening, so data collected at the time
Data on salivary pH and buffering capacity of capture should represent salivary pH and buf-
were collected from 174 individual bats, repre- fering capacity at feeding. Data collected from
senting 21 species and 5 families (Appendix I). animals that did not produce feces, either at cap-
Most data were gathered from recently captured ture or during the overnight fasting period, were
animals, although captive individuals of the omitted from the analysis because it was uncer-
larger pteropodids (Pteropus and Dobsonia mol- tain whether they had been feeding prior to cap-
uccensis) also were sampled. Bats were captured ture. Data collected after fasting represented
in mist nets beginning I h after sunset and resting salivary pH and buffering capacity.
promptly removed. The pH and buffering capac- Sources of natural variation in salivary pH

and buffering capacity have been studied exten- Insectivores exhibited significantly high-
sively only in humans. Except during the 3rd er salivary pH than frugivores at each sam-
trimester of pregnancy, adult humans are not pling time (Fig. 1). Salivary pH among
sexually dimorphic in salivary pH and buffering phyllostomids was about intermediate be-
capacity (Muerman and Rantonen, 1994; Orosz
tween insectivores and pteropodids, al-
et aI., 1980), although salivary buffering capac-
ity, and probably pH, are more variable among
though individual phyllostomids overlap
juvenile humans than adults (Soderling et al., with each of the other groups. Although the

Downloaded from by guest on 13 May 2019

1993). Consequently, only adults and subadults pattern of differences in pH among groups
were included in this study. Although a few pal- was similar at feeding and after fasting, the
pably pregnant females also were included, sal- overall distribution of pH was more com-
ivary pH and buffering capacities of these in- pressed after the fasting period. Differences
dividuals fell well within the range of variation among insectivores, phyllostomids, and
of conspecifics. pteropodids in buffering capacity were
Homogeneity of salivary pH and buffering ca- much more distinct at feeding (Fig. 2). Al-
pacity among phyllostomids, pteropodids, and though buffering capacity was more vari-
insectivorous bats was investigated using single-
able after fasting than at feeding, insecti-
classification analysis of variance (ANOVA) ap-
plied to each variable and sampling time (SAS
vores were consistently well buffered, and
Institute, Inc., 1989). Differences between fru- pteropodids were the most poorly buffered.
givores and insectivores and similarity between Cluster analysis of data on salivary pH
phyllostomids and pteropodids were tested and buffering capacity, at feeding and after
through orthogonal decompositions of the AN- fasting, yielded two principal clusters (Fig.
OVAs (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981). Because sample 3). One contained insectivores plus species
sizes among species differ, means of species of Carollia and Platyrrhinus, and the other
were used in these comparisons. One set of data cluster was composed of the remaining fru-
(buffering capacity at feeding) failed tests for givores. The insectivorous cluster was sub-
normality and was rank-transformed prior to divided into three groups that included mo-
analysis (Conover and Iman, 1981). Clustering
lossids, vespertilionids plus Carollia cas-
was done by applying the unweighted pair-group
method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA) to
tanea, and a third group consisting of Hip-
a matrix of average taxonomic distances (sum- posideros, Platyrrhinus, and the remaining
marizing both variables and sampling times) to species of Carollia. Within the frugivorous
assess the patterns of similarities over all species cluster, species of Dobsonia and Paranyc-
(Rohlf, 1990). timene raptor formed a group that excluded
other taxa. Among the remaining frugi-
RESULTS vores, there was broad overlap among phyl-
Salivary pH and buffering at feeding and lostomids and pteropodids.
after fasting differed among phyllostomids,
pteropodids, and insectivorous species (P :5 DISCUSSION

0.001, d.f. = 2,18, and P :5 0.01, d.f. = All analyses comparing phyllostomids,
2,18, respectively). Differences between pteropodids, and insectivores yielded statis-
frugivores and insectivores were significant tically significant differences and support
for each variable and each sampling time the alternative hypothesis that frugivores
(P :5 0.001 at feeding and P :5 0.01 after have lower salivary pH than insectivores
fasting; d.f. = 1,18). Buffering capacity for (Fig. 1). Despite the low pH of their saliva,
pteropodids and phyllostomids was signifi- frugivores do not exhibit high buffering ca-
cantly different at both sampling times pacities to provide protection against ero-
(both P :5 0.001, d.f. = 1,18), although the sion of enamel (Fig. 2). Insectivores have
salivary pH of phyllostomids and pteropod- high buffering capacities at feeding, where-
ids was statistically distinct only after feed- as frugivorous bats, especially pteropodids,
ing (P :5 0.05, d.f. = 1,18). are poorly buffered. The presence of differ-

a. Salivary pH at feeding. 21_

insectivores 16 let let 17

15 ...
t-ei 10 pteropod ids

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7 ~8
61_... t-e-t
5 1
3 ~J-eot 4

• 12
"'1 phyllostomids
I I I I 1 I
5 6 7 8 9 10

b. Salivary pH after fasting.

20 •
insectivores ....... 17

1-1_ ....---11 15
14 ......... 13
• 112
11 Jet
....... 10 pteropodids


5 6 7 8 9

FIG. I.-Means and standard errors of salivary pH a) at feeding and b) after fasting. Species are:
I, Artibeus jamaicensis; 2, Platyrrhinus helleri; 3, Sturn ira lilium; 4, Phyliostomus discolor; 5, Uro-
derma bilobatum; 6, Carollia perspicillata; 7, Carollia brevicauda; 8, Carollia castanea; 9, Epom-
ophorus labiatus; 10, Dobsonia minor; II, Dobsonia moluccensis; 12, Pteropus conspicillatus; 13,
Pteropus hypomelanus; 14, Nyctimene albiventer; 15, Paranyctimene raptor; 16, Hipposideros mag-
gietaylorae; 17, Lasiurus borealis; 18, Myotis lucifugus; 19, Myotis septentrionalis; 20, Mops con-
dylurus; 21, Chaerephon pumila.

ences in salivary pH and buffering capacity tween phyllostomids and pteropodids. Al-
between these broadly defined dietary cat- though the two groups exhibit similar pH
egories suggests that further biochemical at feeding, phyllostomids have significantly
assays may demonstrate functional diver- higher pH after fasting and significantly
gence in salivary secretions. higher buffering capacity at both sampling
In addition to the robust differences be- times. The hypothesis that phyllostomids
tween insectivorous and frugivorous bats, and pteropodids are homogeneous because
there also are significant differences be- of broad similarity in dietary habits is re-
1214 JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY Vol. 78, No, 4

a. Buffering capacity at feeding. 21 e

e 20
19 e
e 18
insectivores 17 : 16

15 e
13 I-~~====:=~~~~.~~I

112• •

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I • 19 pteropod ids

t-e-i 8
4 I • 15
31 • I
phyllostomids ~1

2 3 4 5

b. Buffering capacity after fasting.

21 1----. ~---11__
18 : 19

insectivores 16 1-1- -......

..----11 e 17

• .------~I
I - -_ _ _ _ _--<l 15
14 t--e--t t---e--I 13
11 t--e-f
12 I • I
1-1- ......t----11 10
pteropod ids 1----••1---___11 9
4 t--e--t I • I 5

_ ____1

phyllostomids ~1

2 3 4 5

FIG. 2.-Means and standard errors of salivary buffering capacity a) at feeding and b) after fasting.
Key to identification of species is as in Fig. 1.

jected. While similarity in salivary pH at tains species with a range of morphological

feeding may indicate similarity in the pH of and physiological adaptations.
the fruits that the bats eat, factors that re- To complement the variation among in-
flect basic differences in digestive physiol- sectivores, phyllostomids, and pteropodids
ogy (Thomas, 1984) or salivary composi- that is identified using univariate statistics,
tion could explain the remaining differ- cluster analysis (Fig. 3) illustrates the pat-
ences. Heterogeneity in salivary pH and tern of overall similarities among all species
buffering capacity among frugivores mir- in the analysis. Molossids and vespertilio-
rors the variation in anatomical systems nids cluster according to family member-
among frugivores (Dumont, 1997; Free- ship, although C. castanea is interposed be-
man, 1988). In this respect, salivary pH and tween Myotis and Lasiurus. Consequently,
buffering capacity offer additional evidence one might suggest that variation in salivary
that the dietary category of frugivore con- chemistry reflects phylogenetic distance.

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0

Diet Species Family
r-----~ Mops condylurus Moloasidae
'-----1! Chaerephon pumlla Molossldae
• Laslurus borealis Vespertilionidae
1! Myotis septentrionalls Vespertllionldae
~ Myotis lucifugus Vespertilionidae

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' - - - _ . . Carollla castanea Phyllostomldae
r---- wII Hlpposlderos
~ maggietaylorae Rhlnolophldae
'---- • C. brevicauda Phyllostomidae
• Platyrrhinus hellerl Phyllostomidae
• Carollia persplcillata Phyllostomidae
• Artibeus jamalcensls Phyllostomidae
• Uroderma bilobatum Phyllostomidae
• Stumlra "lIum Phyllostomldae
• Phyllostomus discolor Phyllostomldae
• Nyctimene alblventer Pteropodidae

L___ -[==== • •
• P. consplcillatus Pteropodidae
Pteropus hypomelanus Pteropodidae
Epomophorus lablatus Pteropodldae
• Dobsonla minor Pteropodidae
• Paranyctlmene raptor Pteropodldae
1..----- • Dobsonia moluccensis Pteropodidae

FIG. 3.-Phenogram resulting from clustering analysis (UPGMA) of salivary pH and buffering
capacity at feeding and after fasting for all species. Dietary habits are symbolically indicated such
that an apple represents a frugivore and a butterfly represents an insectivore. The scale at top left
indicates relative distance between clusters.

However, salivary pH and buffering capac- aI., 1988, 1990) that salivary glands are
ity are not closely linked with taxonomy rapidly evolving in response to a range of
among frugivores; pteropodids and phyllos- functional and physiological demands.
tomids are not clearly segregated. On a fin- In terms of oral function, the conse-
er scale, closely related genera do not clus- quence of low pH and buffering capacity
ter together. In sum, there is no strong ev- among fruit bats is decreased protection
idence that the pH and buffering capacity from erosive dietary acids. This may have
of saliva reflects evolutionary relationships. important consequences, because many
Rather, they appear to be associated with fruits dispersed by bats have a pH that is
broadly defined dietary habits. low enough to produce erosion of dental
Saliva, however, is a complex fluid com- enamel (Ungar, 1995). Unfortunately, it
posed of secretions from many sources, and will remain uncertain whether variation in
pH and buffering capacity are only general acidity of food drives the discrepancies in
assessments of salivary chemistry. Given salivary pH between frugivores and insec-
the ultrastructural variation seen within the tivores until the pH of insects is docu-
salivary glands of bats, more detailed anal- mented. It also is unclear how frugivores,
yses of the composition of saliva may re- especially pteropodids, maintain oral
veal taxonomically relevant differences health in the face of an acidic diet. Per-
among species. The data presented here haps other aspects of salivary chemistry,
strengthen the conclusions of previous stud- such as the presence of antibacterial
ies (Phillips et aI., 1987, 1993; Tandler et agents or variations in the microstructural

morphology of enamel, afford frugivores than do live insects. Destroying these or-
some degree of protection. ganisms as they enter the digestive system
Digestion is initiated in the oral cavity may be advantageous.
and continued in the stomach, and there- Data presented here do not support the
fore, it is particularly appropriate to con- hypothesis that the saliva of stenodermatine
sider the physiology of the oral cavity with- bats is well buffered to protect the stomach
in the context of the physiology of the from endogenous acids (Phillips et aI.,

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stomach. Ultrastructural and immunohisto- 1984; Studier et aI., 1983). Nevertheless,
logical studies of stomachs of bats suggest there is correspondence between the pH and
that frugivores and insectivores differ sig- buffering capacity of salivary and gastric
nificantly in the rate of production of acid, ultrastructure. This suggests that the origin
pepsinogen, and mucus (Forman, 1972; of the coevolutionary relationship between
Okon, 1977; Phillips et al., 1984; Studholme enlarged salivary glands and derived anat-
et aI., 1986). Insectivores exhibit moderate omy of the stomach (Phillips et aI., 1984)
numbers of pepsinogen-producing chief may lie in increasing salivary acidity, either
cells and mucous cells in conjunction with to aid proteolysis or provide increased pro-
acid-producing parietal cells that are small tection from biological contaminants asso-
and relatively inactive. In the presence of ciated with fruit.
acid, pepsinogen is converted into pepsin (a Just as the low buffering capacity of the
protease), and mucus protects the stomach saliva of frugivores may promote acidity,
from damage caused by passing food par- the exceptionally high buffering capacity of
ticles and endogenous acids. In contrast to the saliva of insectivores may function to
insectivores, frugivores exhibit relatively preserve its alkalinity. It is not obvious why
high numbers of active parietal and chief an insectivore would require relatively ba-
cells but few mucous cells. sic saliva, although some digestive enzymes
One consequence of these differences is (such as lipase) are active only at higher pH
that the gastric environment of frugivores values (Vonk and Western, 1984). There do,
appears to be more acidic than that of in- however, appear to be ultrastructural cor-
sectivores. The presence of acidic saliva in relates of the high buffering capacity of the
frugivores may be a means of adding or saliva of insectivores. Models of salivary
maintaining acidity up front. One possible secretion agree that the ions necessary to
explanation for the increased acidity in the produce bicarbonate (the primary salivary
saliva of frugivores is that digestion of pro- buffer) are activdy transported through ba-
tein is maximized to offset the low content sal cell membranes, assembled within cells,
of protein in many fruits (Dinnerstein, and released through apical cell membranes
1986) and the swift passage times through into the lumen of the salivary ducts (Turner
the alimentary canal of many frugivorous et aI., 1993). The basal membranes of in-
bats (Thomas, 1984). The presence of high sectivorous bats exhibit much larger surface
levels of pepsin in the esophagus and stom- areas than those of frugivores, by virtue of
ach of the pteropodid Eidolon helvum, in extensive infoldings (Phillips et aI., 1993;
conjunction with high activity of maltase Tandler et al., 1990). Data presented here
and invertase in the intestine (Ogunbiyi and suggest that taxa wit4 the greatest degree of
Okon, 1976), lends support to this sugges- infolding of the basal membrane have the
tion. Another hypothesis for the low pH of highest buffering capacity.
saliva and stomachs of frugivores is that it The presence of intermediate pH and
serves a protective function by neutralizing buffering capacity in Carollia accords well
potentially harmful micro-organisms with descriptions of the ultrastructure of its
(Clarke, 1977). It is possible that ripe fruits stomach and salivary glands. Phillips et ai.
carry a higher load of bacteria and fungi (1984) reported that the stomachs of Car-

ollia perspicillata are intermediate between of known values at both ends (Figs. 1 and
animalivores-insectivores and frugivores in 2).
the number of mucous and parietal cells and Finally, these data have implications for
the ultrastructural appearance of products of investigating rates of destruction of enamel.
the chief cells, and Tandler et al. (1988:424) The combined presence of dietary acids and
observed that Carollia exhibits secretory low salivary buffering capacity are associ-
granules within the parotid salivary glands ated with increased susceptibility to wear

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that are morphologically intermediate. Dif- (Sorvari et aI., 1995). On a finer scale, acid-
ferences in salivary pH and buffering ca- ic diets may affect microscopic wear of
pacity among species of Carollia may also enamel, and saliva may regulate this pro-
be associated with more subtle variation in cess (Lucas and Corlett, 1991). Data pre-
diet, because species that consume fruits sented here demonstrate that salivary pH
that are poor in protein have lower salivary and buffering capacity may vary widely
pH and buffering capacity than species that among closely related animals. Regardless
consume fruits that are high in protein of diet, saliva of some species appears less
(Fleming, 1991; Figs. 1-2). suited to protect against erosive chemicals
Although salivary pH and buffering ca- than others, which suggests that compara-
pacity appear to covary with quality of diet tive studies of microwear of enamel may
in Carollia, this relationship may not hold benefit from considering the potential im-
for other species. For example, Sturnira lil- pact of salivary chemistry on rate of for-
ium also primarily eats fruits that are high mation and morphology of this microscopic
in protein (Willig et aI., 1993), but its sal- wear.
ivary pH and buffering capacity are similar ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
to other stenodermatines. Similarly, al-
This work was supported by a National Sci-
though Platyrrhinus helleri is considered a
ence Foundation grant (IBN-9507488) and
frugivore (Fleming et aI., 1972), its buffer- grants from the Theodore Roosevelt Fund of the
ing capacity at feeding most closely resem- American Museum of Natural History, Center
bles that of insectivores. Given the range of for Latin American Studies (University of Pitts-
ultrastructural morphology in the salivary burgh), Central Research Development Fund
glands of frugivores (Phillips et aI., 1987, (University of Pittsburgh), and Office of the
1993; Tandler et al., 1990), it is likely that Dean (University of Pittsburgh Medical School).
several alternative approaches to dealing Support also was provided by the Christensen
Research Institute, Lubee Foundation, Inc., and
with the consequences of frugivory
Ivoclar North America, Inc. I thank K. Adkin-
evolved. Understanding these strategies will son, A. Bekele, R Bonaccorso, U. Brian, T. Eliz-
require more detailed investigation into the abeth, K. Etzel, B. Flick, A. Johnson, D. Kirton,
integration of the chemical composition of B. Law, M. Law, T. McCarthy, J. Merritt, P. San-
saliva, digestive physiology, and dental mi- chez, D. Schlitter, J. Shrager, H. Spencer, and D.
croanatomy. Wheeler for help in preparing for and carrying
This study significantly extends the range out fieldwork. Special thanks go to K. Etzel and
of values of oral pH and buffering capacity C. Phillips for discussions about saliva and sal-
for mammals. Mean oral pH for humans af- ivary glands. This is a publication in the Chris-
tensen Research Institute series.
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Submitted 28 June 1996. Accepted 19 January 1997. sylvania.

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