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In presenting the Fifteenth Edition of Graglia'.s Italian Dictionary to

the Public, the utmost care and attention has been bestowed upon its

revisal, and an exact accentuation placed upon the infinitives of the

verbs. Some hundred useful and necessary words have been added,
without, however^ increasing its bulk, so as to render it inconve-
nient, as a Pocket Dictionary. The open and close pronunciation
of the e and o has been pointed out, by a small line over the e and 5
when close, and without the said line when open. The single z and
double zz, when pronounced like is. are also marked with the same
line z — zz, which is omitted when they are to be pronounced like
ds. The Editor flatters himself that these improvements will be of
the greatest utility to students of the Italian Language.


London., Sept. 7, 1829

When Mr. Graglia's Dictionary appeared for the first tune, it
was received with general approbation and we feel happy that a

Continuation of this favourable Sentiment in the Public, permits

us to say what would have been thought presumptuous in the

Author that liis work really deserved a liberal Welcome; chiefly
on account of the Simplicity of its Plan, which renders it the
cheapest, and the most convenient Publication of the kind, for
Schools, and for Travellers.
Several attempts have since been made, with laudable intention,
to surpass this Dictionary ; but it still continues to maintain its
advantage ; and each successive Edition surpasses the preceding in
rapidity of Sale.
Such successive Preference deserves the care of the Proprietors,
and they ha'e spared no expense, to merit a Continuance of the
public Favour. In order to meet the wishes of many Persons, who
desired to have the Book reduced to a Size more portable than the
square 12mo. form, they have had this Edition printed after the
same Mode, and in a type similar to that of Nugenfs French Pocket
Dictionary ; with a considerable addition of Words, but, above all,
of Idiomatic Sentences. — Indeed, in the last Edition and this, the
Reader may easily perceive that there is not one page without some
essential addition, and general improvement.
A short, but comprehensive Italian Grammar will be found in the
present Volume. As it was written chiefly for Beginners, all
scientific Disquisitions have been carefully avoided, in order to pre-
sent nothing but clear, easy, and methodical Tables of Pronuncia-
tion, and of the several Parts of Speech. The Verbs, regular and
irregular, are treated to the full ; and various detached Remarks
will be found interspersed through the Work, to aid the young
Student. The Publishers therefore cherish a hope, that this short
Treatise will be found a convenient Step to Works more voluminous
and scientific.

Walcot Place, Lambeth, 1826.




— — —


On the letters a, t, i", and J ; o, u, and v ; c, g, h, t, t, s, m, and n.

N.B. For the sake (if simplicity and brevity, the translation nf the Italian n'oi
dispensed with, wherever it was judged not to be absolutely wanted. Should a
become necessary to the reader, the dictionary is at hand.

A is alwajs sounded broad, like a in C before a, I, sounds k, 3 do in EngUsh,

alarm, fathom ; thus, padre, madre, amare.
But a -with an accent at the end of words, C before e, i, sounds like ch in U>e English
has a quick sharp sound; thus the a in words cAiW, cheek: cicerone, — ,

calamità, calamity, is sharjper than It is in In this case, when two cc meet, the first
calamita, a loadstone. takes the sound of a soft t ; thus, accento,
B has generally a close sound, as in the accidente, read atshento, atshidente.
English words pen, fen, y:enerous ; thus, When after ci follows another vowel, as
maledire, pede, bene. But sometimes it is da, eie, ciò, ciu, they must be pronounced in
open, as in there ; thus, teina, mènsa, péna. one syllable, and the ihas a faint sound :

No sure rule can be given on this point.

/ sounds Uke double ee in sleep ; diritto, Ch sounds k : —chiodo, chioma, chimico, che,
chi, read kiodo, kioma, kimico, &c.
J is always a Towel in the Italian, and G before a, o, u, sounds as in the English
sounds like i, but somewhat longer, as y in words gadfly, goblin, gunner : —gamba, gobbo,
the English words you, yonder, yield. Its
chief use is to form the plural of nouns in io G before e snd 1, ha.<; the sound of dj, as
short, that is, pronounced in one syllable; as, found in the soft g- of the English words
tempio, temple, tempj ; principio, beginning, gender, agent, giant : genio, gesto, giro. —
principi ;which otherwise would be con- Già, gio, giù, are pronounced dgia, dgio,
founded with tempi, from tempo, time and dgiu, in one syllable, and the i has a faint


principi from principe, prince. It is also sound Giaccio, giostra, giubba.


employed by some grammarians in the tenses Gna, gne, gni, gno, gnu, cannot be re-
of verbs where two ii should meet ; but this presented by English sounds they are ;

ought to be done only when the two ii form pronounced like the French words Espagne,
but one syllable, as ch' io studj, che tu studi, campagne, mignon, lorgner : Campagna, —
&C. but not io sentj, io udj, in which words agnello, incognito, ignudo, giunto.
the letters ii form two distinct syllables. G before li has a liquid sound, which the
O sounds sometimes open, as in the English English language has not, except perluips in
•words globe, cold .-^pòvero, pàpulo, tòlto. — the words million and vermilion. It is
Sometimes cioàe, as in English come, some : — nearer the French words Jille, bouillon,
tornamento, volere. Practice alone can teach famille —
Figlio, megliori. medaglia.
: But it
the difference. keeps the English sound in the words Angli-
U has always the sound of u, as in the cano, negligere, negligente, negligenza, ne-
English words "iuH, rule, or the double oo in gletto, and its other derivatives.
moon, soon — unico, publico, nudrire.
: GG. ÌVhen two gg come together before e
U before in the same syllable,
o, pro- is or i, the first g has the soft sound of d, as in
nounced faintly: — buono, fuoco, uomini, the English word edge :—oggetto, oggi.
figliuola, suocero. Except in duo, tuo, suo, The letter h between g and e, i, strengthens
virtuoso, in which the u has its full soimd, the sound, which becomes then as the English
because then the « and the o form two —
words get, gift : GhicKcio, ghigno, botteghe.
distinct syllables. In any other case, vowels
combined together form but one sound, as in it appears that the letter h, although
ithas no sound of itself, contributes to alter
V, which is a real consonant, is pronounced the sounds of other letters, namely c and g.
as the English v ;— verso, tavola, velo. "When For thus che, chi, and glie, ghi, by the inter-
two I't» come together, thev eire pronounced position of an A, lose the sounds of ce, ci, gè,
like a single one; thus, avvenire, read gi. It also serves to distinguish some words
ovenirt avventuri, lead aventura alike in sound, though diflerent in meaning.
as hanno, they have, and anno, year; ha, he ZandZZ. This letter, as well single as
has, and the preposition a, to; /mi, thou hast, double, has two sounds ; one strong, like ts

and fl!, to the. Many persons write now in benefits, and the other soft, like ds
these words and some others witliout the h . In Windsor. The strong sound is the
thus, 0, ai, a, anno, instead of Uo, hai, ha, most general: tlms, for nozze, fazzoletto,
hanno. bellezza, zana, zio, zucca, read uctse, fatsa-
S. This letter has t\?-o sounds, one strong &c.
with some hissing, and the other soft, some- The sound is generally soft in the word»
what like z. It is pronounced strong in the ending in anza, enza, onza and in these

beginning of words, as in English, safety, words, which, in Latin, and in English

tnon-y :— sapere, santo, senno, subito. It is words derived from the Latin, are written
commonly soft between two vowels, as in with a z, a c, or a t, pronounced like a soft r.
caso, guisa, tesoro, rosa. Likewise before d, Thus for costanza, pruden-
g, I, m, n, r, v as sdegno, sguardo, svelare,
; read cesta n
disiiare.— Yet it sounds harsh in così thus, pnidenilsa, &c.
«1 yes, and roso^ tosa, from the verb rodere, to No certain rule can be given to distinguish
when the s is soft, and when harsh ; for,
Sc before a, o, u, sounds ska, skn, thu ; although most words written with a double
thus, scabro, scolare, scusa, sound like the zz have a strong sound, many of them, how-
English words scalp, score, scurvt/. ever, have a soft sound; such are rezza,
Sc before e, i, sounds like sh, in the mezzo, &c.
words shave, shipping : —scena, scinto.English Remember that in pronouncing words in
The sounds scia, scie, scio, sciu, form one 2, either strong or soft, a slight pause is to be
syllable only, and the i has a faint sound :— made on the somid t or d, by doubling them,
asit were. Therefore in pronouncing nozze,
T. This letter joined to ia, te, ti, io, in the bellezza, prudenza, azuro, tr; to pause thus :
middle, or at the end of words, is pronounced nótt-se, béUett-sa, prudénd-sa, dd-suro
as Is in benejits thus in gratia, naiione,
; Indeed this remark attaches equally to the
jiatienza, and other such words of Latin letters m and n, and above all to the doubled
derivation, pronounce grattia, natsione, letters mm, nn ; and even to every doubled
patsienza.— This orthography has now be- consonant, such as dd, II, tt, &c. between
come obsolete, and the letter t is supplied which a slight pause must be made and ;

with r, which has also the sound of ts. The every sound, either guttural or nasal, ought
/ is, however, kept in verbs, and in some to be carefully avoided. Thus in reading
nouns ; and it is pronounced like the English immenso, parlammo, innocente, prudentemente,
I in time, trusty, tulip. Thus read with t, addio, rebelle, attentare, mark the m and n,
portiamo, partiamo, &c. and malatia, ques- nearly as in the English words, brim, fan,
tione, molestia, natio, in the sense of no/ire : dim, men, and read im-men-so, parldm-mo,
with some other words, perhaps, which in-noc^n-te, pru-den-tcmén-ie.
practice will teach.


a A'nima casa d^za mtislca paròla

à Cecità felicità darà sarà parlerà
e (dose) Bène male pedóne maledire córrere
e (open) Mènsa téma péna èrba rèndita
» Mirifico inimico chiavistèllo cibo ripièno
.Iaspide jàculojaclnto gli studj i tempj
(open) Pòvero pòpolo tòlto òggi galòppo
o (close) Tomaméiito volére órdine chiòma cuòre
u before o Buòno fuòco uòmini duo tuo suo
iti, uoi Jliéi tuoi suoi mietitura miète
i' .;.-.... Avéna movévcle misventùra viatòre
vv Avventuróso misawenlre avviso avvertènza
ca Castèllo cattivo cavalcare incanto mancare
co Còllo copèrto accòrto giocondezza fico
cu Cùcùlo cùpola accurato curvatura cur^a
ce Cervello cento infeUce faceto céce
ci Ciceróne pacifico cicalalrfre dièci cfljo
ce before e, i . . . • Accénto cappuccino accecare accigliare
te btfore a,o,u. . . Accanto accóncio accordare accusa
eia ....... Cidncia ciarlatano ciascheduno mancia
Cielo ciecamente freccie ^ruccie
eie .

eia ...,,. . Ciòcca cioccoI<(ta cioncatóre lùccio

Ciurma ciurmàglia ciiischero ciurmare
eh Chiòdo chiòma duchezza chi che
ga t . . . . . Gamba garbato gareggiante ragazza
go Gòbbo gòffo pèrgola règola pago
gu Gusto gustóso aguzzare egualmente
gè Gèmma germano degenerato agévole
gi Girasóle girèlla agitatóre digito legióne
già Giaciménto cervògia giardino giallo
gio ....... Giostrare giovanézza regióne prigióne
Giunchiglia giumèlla giudèo digiunare
gna Campagna pugnare ragnatéllo cagna
gne Agnélle degnévole magnètico plgnere
gni Dignità incognito ingégni régni
gno Ragnólo indégno ignoranza ségno
^u Eagnuòlo ignudo ognuno isnudàre
gli Figlia figlio mèglio medaglia quagUa
^g' Oggetto òggi protèggere leggerézza
ghe, ghi Fatfghe luòghi ghiàccio gherófano
», strong Sapere santo stùdio sénno sènso
3, toft Sdégno sguardo guisa usuriére
tea Scabro scacciare riscaldare invescato
SCO Scolare scòglio mescolato discólpa
scu Scusato scudo scucito scuòla
see Scèna scegliere discépolo scematóre
sci Scilòcco disciplina scinto fàscia
scia Sciàtica lasciato ambasciadòre sciagura
scie Sciènza scierpellòne scientifico cosciènza
scio Scioccamente ùscio disclòlto fàscio
sciu Asciutto sciugàto presciùtto sciugàre
22, 2, like ts . . . . Nózze fazzolétto zucca zio
22, z, like da . . Zodiaco azùro mèzzo prudènza

m, mm, n, nn, or anj other doubled letter, as bb, dd, JJ\ /ic.
Bambino fimbria immènso sómma dónde danno inganno
dabbène addoppio diffuso ermellino fèrro gattòne làppola
latte matto addolorato affacendàto aggugliànza baccante
ballando favèlla gennàjo lijipitùdine mottéggio.



THERE are two accents Italian, the m preterj.erfect tense of verbs, of which the first
grave (') and the acute ('). jierson ends in two vowels ; thus amò, credè.
Orare accent. 1. It is put on nouns in ^i from amai, credei. But write without the
and )i, which have the singular and ])lural grave accent, vinte, prese, from vinsi, presi
alike; as bontà, viriti, gioventit. Such
bcltìi, 3. On the first and third person singular
nouns ended formerly in arfe and a<e, urfc and of every verb in the future tense; thus,
u<e, and they are stili used in poetry. amerà, antera^ crederò, crederà, sentirà,
2. On the third person singular of the sentirà.
— — —

2. Mi. a, ci, vi, ne. se, di, receive the apo-
trojihe before a vowel; as voi m'intendete,
, there, /a, the and her, egli l'intende, s'ingannerà, However, ei
lì the and tliey; dà he gives, da from; rfi s'.iffers no abbreviation before a and u, in
day, di of; si yes and so, si one's self; è he order to avoid a harsh pronunciation.
is, e and; però therefore, pero, a pear-tree. 3. The words which have the grave accent,
as dirò, farò, felicità, &c. are never abbre-
Some otlier words are also written with the viated, except che with its compounds, per-
chè, benché, sicclii, &c. perch' era, bench' cn-
costi and costà there, cosi thus, già already,
ciò that which; with many others which 4. These sis words, unn, bello, grande,
practice will teach. santo, quello, buono, before masculine nouns
5. Wlien a word, having the grave accent, that begin with a consonant, are abridged
is joined to anothel word, the consonant of thus un, bel, gran, san, quel, buon
: a:i i ;

the latter word must be doubled, and the before vowels un, beli', grand', sant'. quelC,

accent be taker, off; tails <;i and dà, joined buon' as un libro, un bel libro, gran cavallo,
to mi. become dimmi, tell me, dammi, give

an Pietro, quel soldato, buon pane, un amico, —

-'" uomo, grand' ingegno, sant' Antonio,
me; furò and lo are made farollo, I will do
it; pili and tosto become piuttosto, sooner, uelP a-
&c. &c. of these words are abridged by
Acute Accent. This accent is used only on correcL writers, before feminine nouns, exccp't
the i of words ending in I'o and {a, whenever grande : as gran barca, grand' armata.
iu and (a are pronounced in two distinct syl Observe also that neither these words, nor
lables : as pazzia, desio, galleria, addio. any others, should be abridged before an *
Some writers use it likewise on words impura, that is, an s followed by a conso-
which have a double signification ; as tenére nant; as jpeccAzo, «<'u(/io, &c. therefore wiite
to hold, tènere tender; ancóra again, àncora bello specchio, quello studio, &c. C!ontrary
an anchor ; nettare nectar, nettare to cleanse, examples are to be met with, but they are
&c. but this nicety is not strictly observed
now, unless the sentence should offer an am- 5. All words in the singular numl>er, wlùch
biguous meaning. have one of the liquid consonants, /, m, n, r,
Apostrophe and Elision. The apostrophe l)efore their final vowel, may lose their final
is a mark to show that one or more letters vowel, unless they should meet before wortls
are cut off; and the elision is the cuttini; oft that begin with s followed by a consonant.
of those letters. They are used in the follow- Vowels are seldom lost in the plural number.
— The vowels after I and r are oftener lost
1. After the articles lo, la, li, gli, le, and than those after m
and n except in verbs,

their oblique cases, when they meet before for then the vowel after m
is very often cut
words that begin with a vowel, or when thev off; as altendiam, andiam, Jtngiam, &c. for
are abbreviated ; as l'anima, Uonore, de' libri, attendiamo, &c.
a' padri, &c. with the exceptions noticed in 6. Infinitives joined to mi, ii, ci, vi, si, ne,
tlie following chapter. lo, la, le, gli, or any other word to which they
Vet, in poetry, several licences are taken, are united, drop their final e thus, per ve- ;

and we find lo amore, lo eccesso, lo impera-

: derlo, sentirsi, pentirci, &c. instead of pet
dorè, lo ingiusto ; and even lo'ngiusto, lo'm-
peradore. As minute exceptions concerning the
The i of the arUcle i7 is cut off after a word apostrophe and elision they must be left to
ending with a vowel, but not the vowel of practice, or to larger treatises: this was
ihat word; a.s tutto 'I paese; mi dica 'I «mo thought enough for our present plan *it»>
;oung students.

The Itólians have three deanite Articles, »;, lo, la.


la tht
Ablative dal dallo dalla /roi .the

Ifomiiiative i gli le and una for the feminine; alcuni,
Genitive dei or de' degli delle ofthe alcune, f. for the plural. Un is used before
Dative ai or a' agli alle uno, before an * followed

Accusative i gli le the

Ablative dai or da' dagli dalle from the
The used before mas-
definite article il is
A book, un libro
culine nouns which begin with a
litiok, libro.
A scholar, uno scolare
A lady, una donna
y. libro
il iUbri
G. del libro dei or de' libri
D. al libro
Some books, alcuni libri
ai or a' Ubri
A. il libro
Some scholars, alcuni scolari
JUbri Some ladies, alcime donne
-46. dal libro

prepositions di, a, and da, are used in
the indirect cases. Di is made d' before a
Si an i followed by
a consonant, and vowel or an h, and a is made ad in the same
beginning with s.— Study, studio.
circumstance; da suifers no change.
Zeal, scio.
Plural. D'un sigTiore D'una signora
JV. lo studio gli studj Ad mi signore Ad una signora
G. dello studio degli studj Da un signore Da una signora
D. alio studio agli studj Di Roma D' Avignone
gli studj. A Roma Ad Avignone
Ab. dallo studio dagli studj Da Roma Da Avignone
The definite article la is used before fL-mi-
ne nouns which begin with a consonant.— Ri-marks. 1. The article lo is never a
bridged in the plural, unless the following
noun should begin witli an ». Therefore
Singular. Plural. write gl' ingegni, gt imtrumenti, but gli

2. The article la is never abridged in tlse

plural, unless tli8 following word should
begin with an e, as Peloquenxe but write

li ombre, le anime, le invenzioni. &c. How-

ever, some nouns beginning with e, which
vowel. Friei end alike in the singular and tlie plural,
receive the article le without an apostrophe.
Plural. Thus write le effigie, the images, to distin-
gli amici guish it from its singular, Peffigie, the image.
3. A\'henever the prepositions con, in, su,
degli ami(
ver, in the sense of tvith, in, upoii, for, or
by, meet with the definite articles «7, lu, la,
they are altered, as will be seen in tlie fol
loving table:— ne/ for in il; nello for in lo,
The article la before i &c. The Italian words printed iu italics
have become obsolete.
Singular. Plural.
Nel, nello; nella, nei or ne', negli ; nelle, in Me
Col, collo ; colla, coi or co', con gli o- cogu ; colle, nith tit
Sul, sullo ; sulla, su' or sui, sugli ; sulle, upon the
Pel, pello ; fella, pelli, pei or pe*, per gli ; pelle,/or the

As, nel giardino, nello spirito, nella camera, an t is added to the word, for the sake of
»«' giardini, negli spiriti, nelle camere, &c. pronunciation. Therefore, instead of in
4. "When the prepositions ijt ajnd fon, and strada, con spavento, non stare, yo\i will find
also the particle non, meet with a wor" n istrada, con ispavento, non is
beginning witli an » followed by a


Adjectives. All the Italian adjectives end L'Asia é piit popolata dell' Europa: Asia it
either in or in e. more populous than Europe.
The adjectives in form their feminine Questo giardino è meno largo del vostro;
singular in a, their masculine plural in i, this garden
not so large as yours.

and their feminine plurul in e. The word than not followed by an article,
The adjectives ending in e in the singular, or meeting before proper names, is rendered
form their plural in ;, and they have the by di as. ;

masculine and feminine alike m

both num- Cicerone era piti eloquente di Hortensio;
Cicero was more eloquent than Hortensius.
Dotto, . dotta, fs. dotti, mp. dotte, fp. Sono meno ricco di voi ; I am not so rich as
ind {. sing, cortesi, 1 AVTien the comparison is made between ad-
plurclwi. jectives, adverbs, verbs, or substantives, with»
A djecti ves agree in gender and out articles, //laii is rendered by cAe as, :

JSuriiber with their substi ; as, Mia sorella è più gentile che bella ; sister my
Vn signore dotto e cortese 3 donna dotta is more graceful than pretty.
Questo mi darà piti fatica che profitto ; inis

Signori dotti e cortesi donne dotte
e ortssì.
trouble than profit.
Vn prato verde ; una gonna verde ; i prati
verdi ; le gonne verdi : Meadow, '.own.
Comparatives. Adjectives become compa- litely.
XHlives with the assistance of piit more, and Siiperlative$. The superlatives are formed
meno less; thus, caro, dear; piti caro, d.-arer, by changing the last vowel of the adjective
meno caro, less d^ar. iiito itsimo, with the variation of oUier adjec-
The particles via or vie ; assai, mollo, in the tives in gender and number; as,
sense of «iKcA, a great deal: are often added Do«-o, learned; dottissimo, dottissima , dot-
to comparatives, to increase their energy. tissimi, dottissime, most learned.
Ex. Cesare è stato via più or assai più, or But if tne article the be joined to most,
inolio piti, felice di Pompeio, Caesar was much then the superlative is exprssssed by il più,
more tortunate than Pompey. la piit,i più, le più as, il piti felice, la più

La sorella è vie meno, or assai meno, or felice,i più felici, le più felici, tlie happiest, or
t>io//o tnf Ko ostinata del fratello : tiie sister is the most happy.
far less obstinate than the brother. Sometimes tìie repetition of the positive is
The word than comparatives, fol-
after enouijh to form a suijerlative as, ;

lowed by an article, or a pronoui' possessive. // temvo è freddo freddo, the weather is very
Is expressed in Italian by del, dallo, della, de', cold.
degli, delle, suitable to the gender and num- Sofia è ia bella delle belle; Sophia is the
ber of the noun ; as, finest woman m the world.
Quello : tedioso tedioso ; I think the formation of their comnaratives and sv,-
The following adjectives inregular in

Positive. Comparative. Superlative,

Buono good, megliore better, ottimo the best
Cattivo bad, peifgiore worse, pessimo the worst
Grande great, maggiore greater, massimo the greatest
Piccolo little, minore less. minimo the least

One may likewise say; piti grande, più cat- employ substantives. Thus, for eloquentis.
tivo, più piccolo. aimamente, imprudentissimamente ; say ra-
Observe that meglio and peggio, in the ther, con 7nassima eloquenza con grandissima

sense of in a better, in a worse manner, are imprudenza.

adverbs, and cannot be joiiied to substan- Augmentative! and Diminutives The sij-
tives. Therefore say; un megliore libro, a nification of many nouns, both substantives
better book ; un peggiore temperino, a worse and adjectives, may be either increased or
penknife; and not meglio, peggio. But say. diminished, bv the addition of certain syl-
farà meglio, farà peggio, he will do bette'r, lables to their termination.
I. The augmentatives, reducible to rules,
Adverbs of the superlative degree are ^ •
„ 0, ni. orta, f.
formed by changing the last letter of the i, in a good
learned, is formed dottissimamente most
learnedly; from santo holy, santissimamente
most holily, &c. but this manner of express- bul.'c.
ing one's self must be used cautiously ; and The addition ame, e.tpresses a great abun-
instead of such long words, it is better to dance of any thing.

Libro, book ; librone, a very large book. uccia : and uzzo, ,uzza, indicate something
Ragazza, f. a girl; ragazzona, a stout small or contemptible as, ;

jolly girl. Casuccia, a small mean-looking house.

a house; casotto, casotto, a good
Ciisa, Votnvzzo, a puny little fellow.
roomy house. Yet all these rules are liable to exceptions,
Sata, a parlour; salciia, a good sitUng- which nothing hut practice can teach; for
besides the terminations which we have just
Ciivallo, a horse; cavatacelo, a great ugly given for augmentatives and diminutives,
many others are freely used in familiar con-
Casa, a house; casaccio, an ugly large versation, and in books on light subjects.
Thus from rfon»irt, a woman; casa, a house;
Genie, people; gentame, a great crowd of libro,a book ; may be formed the following
augmentatives and diminutives ;
Observe that many nouns have a natural Donnone, a tall stout masculine woman.
ending in accia, accio, and ame, without Donnona, a tall strong healthful woman.
being augmentatives. Donnaccia, an impudent shameless vi-
Observe also that the augmentaUves mas- rago.
culine often come from feminine nouns, as Donnetta, a pretty little prattling woman.
Donnicciuola, a mean-looking little wo-
2. Thediminutives reducible to rules, are
formed in ino, elio, etto, with the variations Donnicina, a pretty little woman.
incident to adjectives and substantives in o ; Donnaccia, a pretty, but vulgar woman.
Donnaccione, a bold impudent stout wo-
Carino, ms. carina, fs. <

fp. dear pretty little create Casone, a very large house, a mansion.
Poverello, poverella, poverelli, poverelle, poor Casaccia, a large ill-contrived house.
Casamento, a well-built roomy house.
Liliretto, a pretty little book. Acquetta, a Cosatone and Casolare, a large ruinous
rlear small stream.— Such diminutives de-
note generally endearment, and smallnets. Casolaraccia, a large roofless decayed
Other diminutives ending chiefly in uccio.


Libraccio, an ugly large book.
Libricoln. and Libercolo, a small contempt!
Die pamphlet.
Cosile, a poor thatched cottage. Libretto, a pretty neat little book.
Casella, a small low -built house. Librettino, a very little and pretty boot;
Catotta, a snug comfortalile house.
Casella, a snug house, also a neat kennel. And so on,
with thousands of other -words,
Casetlina, a very little, but genteel house. in the range of humour and whims ;
Casellino, in. Casetlina, f. a neat pretty cot. but few augmentatives and diminutives
Casina, a very small house. are admitted in a style strictly correct,
Ciuino, a small neat summer house. beyond those in one,ame, accio for increasing,
Librone, a bulky heavy book. and those in ino, etto, dio for diminishing.


VROSOVya Personal ; Possessive ; Relative; Demonslratiix : Indetern

Pronoum Personal,

Di noi, of US
A noi, ci, ne, to l
Da me, from me Da noi, from us

Second Person, Singular. Plural.

Di voi, of you
A te, ti, to thee
Te, ti, thee
Da te, from thee Da VOI, from you

Third Person masculine Singular Plural.

Beli, et, e-, esso, he, it Belino, essi, they
Di lui, of him Zh loro, of them
A lui, gli, to him A loro, loro, to them
Lui, lo, il, him, it Loro, gli, li, them
Da lui, from him Da loro, from Ihem

1 Person feminine Singular. Plural.

FMa, essa, she, it Elleno, esse, they
Di lei, other Di loro, ot them
A lei, le, to her A loro, loro, to them
Lei, la, her, it Loro, le, them
Da lei from her Da loro, from tliem

The reflected pronoun te, one's self, is of all genders and numbers
Di se, of one's self, himself, herself, itself, themselves
A se. si, to one's self, himself, herself, &c.
Se, si, one's self, himself, herself, &c.
Da tCf from one's self, himself, herself, &c.


This pronoun acquires still r strength In effecting this union, «u, H, ci, ti, and vi,
and elegance by the addition of IO. stessa. ,
change the i into e, and become me, te. Sec.
stessi, stesse, which are also often joined to gliis changed into glie and luru reu^iiia the

the other personal pronouns per se slesso,


per se stessa, per se stessi, per se stesse, by Mene darà, he will give me some.
himself, herself, &c. Lo farà da me stesto, I Tene darà, he will give thee some.
•will do it myself. Sene procurerà, he will get some.
Wrth me, niith thee, with himself, herself, Gliene darò, I will gire him or her some.
:. take the Latin turn, and aie expressed by Cene darà, he will give us some.
Vene darò, I will give you some.
placed wlth the prepo- Ne prometto loro, I promise some to them.
i a pr noun personal, and it is The place of /oro, in the sense of to them,
nd fer inine, as is its plural is always after the verb.
The union with the articles is made after
si loro, with them, men
In reading the following lines, you have
only to suppose melo, mela, &c. to be ia
the place of the asterisks. Thus melo — :

darà, telo darà, &c. he will give it to me.

Melo mela meli mele • darà, he will give it to me, Sec.
Telo tela teli tele * manderà, he will send it to thee, &c.
Glielo gliela glieli gliele • darò, I will give it to him, &c.
Selo sela seli sele * procurerù, he will procure it to himself, 4c.
Celo cela celi cele * dirà, he will tell it to us, &c.
Velo vela veli vele * procurerò, I will procure it to you, &c.

Pronount Possessiva,

The articles sboi sufficiently the gendar and number.

Singular. Plural
e, my, mine.
', thy, thine.
', his, her, its.
la nostra

1 the then the article is used ; a il fratello mio, la

orella m
wanted, but il t be used with the plural Obspjve also, that all possessive pronouns
number; as, agree m English with the possessor ofa thing,
Mia sorella, di mia but in Italian, always with the thing possessed;
Vostro fratello, di as, mio fratello ama sua moglie e le sue sorelle,
ther. my brotìier loves his wife aìid his sisters. Mia
But say, le m elle, i vostri fratelli. The snrellaama suo marito, ed i suoi fratelli, vay

pronoun may, however, be transposed, and sister loves her husband and her brothers.


All pronouns have a relative signification, but the following ones are peculiarly so called.
Singular and Plural ; Masculine and Feminine.
Che di che, di chi, or di etti ; a che, a chi,
; who, that, which was speaking to you. /
"r a cui da che. or da chi that, who, which
; : libri che comprò, the books that, which he

of whom, whose, of which, &c. as, la donna bought. i« case che sono larg-'j*, the houses
ehe vedete, the lady whom, that, which you that, which are large,
see. // signare che vi parlava, the gentleman
, is susceptible of an madre di cui
or la avete veduta, tlio lady vliose
as. Il signore il di cui mother you saw.
padre di cui cnnot-
ir il I soldati al di cui capitano, or al cui capitano,
ose father you know. or al capitano ài cui parlammc, the soldiers
madre, to tlie captain of whom we spoke.

onoun$ Demonatrative.

, mp. qurste, f^. this, these.

, quelle, f. that, those.
,1. and f. this, these he, she, they.
; '

Cului, m. colei, f! and f. that, those ; he, she, they.

coloro, m'.

Quello is made
quel before a consonant ; gular number ; as. questi fit felice, quegli
and quelli is often contracted into quei.— sfortunato: this man was happy, and that
Quegli, in the sense of quelli, is singular and unfortunate,
plural. Cotesto, cotesto, cotesti, coleste, in the sense
Qui and là are sometimes added to give of (/»>, Mwe, arestill in use ; but co<«/hi, this
more strength to tlie pronouns ; as, questo qui, man, and cotestoro. these or those, have be-
tliis one here ; jueWo /.I , that one there. come obsolete. Codesto, codesta. Sic. is a cor
Questi and quegli are often used iu the sin- ruption of cotesto.

Pronouns Indeterminate or Indefinite.

O^ni, m. and f. sing, each, every.— Ti(«o, Altro, altra, altri, altre, other, others;
tutta, tutti, tutte, signifies all, every one, a which makes altriii, in its oblique cases ; as,
totality. d'altrui, ad altrui ; of other and others, to
Ciascheduno, ciaschedujui, ciascheduni, cias- other and others. Altri is often used in the
chedune ; and ciascuno, ciascuna, ciascuni, singular instead of altro : altri ride, altri
ciascune, every one, every body. piange, one laughs and the other cries.
Qualche, m. and f. sing, some and in the ; Si, one, people, men, they, it is ; as, si diet,
plural, alcuni, m. alcune, f. some, some one says, people say, it is said.

Detached Observations on the Pronouns.

Veruno, veruna, veruni, verune, none, not 1. Ci and vi, which signify us, to us ; yov. to

one. ypu, when they are personal pronouns, are

Nessuna, nessuna, nessuni, nessune: and likewise adverbs, in the sense of Aere and Mere,
niuno, niuna, niuiii, niu7ie, nobody, no one, no '2. A'e, without any accent, is sometimes a
ones. personal pronoun which signifies us, to us ;
Certo, certa, certi, certe, some, some one ; sometimes an indeterminate pronoun, in the
a certain one, certain ones. sense of tome, any, o/iV, o/ Mem, &c. But n*.
Tale, m. and f. sing, tali, m. and f. plural, with the grave accent, signifies not, nor, net-
such, such another, such others. iher ; and ne' with an apostrophe, is an abbre-
Chiunque, m. and f. sing, whosoever, who- viation of nei, in the ; ne' campi, in the fields.
*>ver. 3. Si, an indeterminate pronoun, in the
sense of one, people, men, they, is of extensive
use in Italian, as will appear by the following
any. —
examples. Si is written se, when it meets
Ae, some, of it, of them. with ne.

Si dicono incredibili cose, they say incredible things.

Si sono prese molte navi, they have taken many ships.
Non si paria di pace, they say nothing of peace.
Se ne saprà qualche cosa, rve mill hear something of it.
Vi si domanda del pane, they ask you bread.

Witiimanv other turns which we shall have Essential Remark. AVTien the Italians
occasion to notice more at large in our ob- wish to show a piirticular regard, they
servations on passive ve bs. make use of the tliird person of the Texb,
Singular, Masculine, and Femmine.
Ella or /«, she- -you, sir or madam.
Di lei, of her- of you, sir or madam.
A lei, le, to her —
to you, sir or madam.
)r sometimes Votsipnorla takes the place —
La, her you, sir or madam.
ui voi
applied to
; and run of vostra, for the singular,
men and women. Lor tignnri,

Da lei, from her you, sir or madam.
Plural, Masculine and Feminine.
masculine and feminine, supply the second —
lyOr signori, they you, gentlemen and ladies.
person plural. Vossignorìa is an abbreviation Di lor signori, 'of them— of you, gentlemen
of vostra signoria, and lor signori, of le sig- and ladies.
norie toro but ella or lei are now more
: A lor signori, to them— to you, gentlemen and
fashionable than vossignoria.
This manner of speaking -«rill become quite Lor signori, le, them—you, gentlemen and
familiar, if we accustom ourselves to the idea
that we are speaking of a person, instead of Da lor signori, from them—from you, gentle-
speaking to her, as will appear in the trans- men and ladies.
position of the following pronoun. The following examples will render these
observations plainer.

You cannot do better, sir, to divert rfoiir-

trarsi dagl' impacci, che viaggiar l Italia. telffrom affairs, than to travel through Itahj-
Re ella entrerà da Venezia, vedrà una città Should you enter it on the side of Venice, «oh
unica al mondo, per la sua situazione ; ma mill see a toivn, the only one in the v»rl,l >..r
non sarà questa 1* unica cosa che la sorpren- Us situation ; but this it not the only thing
derà. rvhich mill surprite you.
Ferrara le farà vedere una bella e vasta Ferrara mill offer to you a beautiful and
solitudine. vast solitude,
Bologna presenterà a suoi occhi tin altro Bologna mill present to your eyes another
bel prospetto.
mli di Jlodena, come patria dell'
illustre Muratori.
a ella sta-

Buon giorno, signora, come sta ella ? Good day, madam, how do you do f
Benissimo per servirla, la ringrazio. Very mèli, at your service, I thank you.
Signore, favorisca di sedersi, la prego. Pray, sir, do me thefavotir to be seated.
Le sarò sempre intimo
suo amico. I shall almays be your most devoted friend.


VERBS '.—Auxiliary ; Regular ; and Irregular

Ob. 1. The personal pronouns io, tu. Sec. >t of a similarity in the end-
are placed above the tenses of the verbs. ings.
In the following pages, to distinguish the 2. As the persons who apply to the Ita-
persons but it will be better to conjugate
; lian tongue have commonly begun already
the verbs without them, except in the to learri either the French, the Latin, or
three persons singular of the present of their own language by rules, we suppose
the subjunctive, and the first and second them able to conjugate an English verb ;
persons of the preterite tense of the same Uierefore, we hare inserted the first per-
311sirgular only, for tlie sake of brevity, and verb; Thus, when we have ho tiviilo, it is
he neatness of the tables. easy to add hai avuto, ha avuto, abbiamo avuto,
3. For the same reason we give the first avtte avuto, hanno avuto, &c. &c.
erson singular only of the compound tenses, 4. There are four tenses in all verbs, whe-
s tliey aie merely the repetition of the verba Iher regular or irregular, which have the same
roe or easere, with tlie participle past of any termination.

The Imperfect qfthe Indicative.

Futute of the Indicative.

rai rà remo rete ranno

Imperfect Conditional.
restì rebbe remmo roste rebbero
Somilimes, — chiefly in poetry — ;

ria ria riamo riate rianno & rebbono

Preterite of the Subjunctive.

•c is the onlj verb \rhicb does not follow tliis scheme; i;nd tliat onlj- in the ii

Conjugation of the Auxiliary Verb avere, to have,

Avere, to have, to poitett.
Avendo, con avere, coll' avere, in aver
f. Avuto, ms. avuta, fo. avùU, m. pt. avt

J have. Compound Tense. I have had.
Io, fu, egli; noi, voi, eptino.
Ho, hai, ha; abbiamo, avete, h.lnno, —ho avuto, &c.
ai, à abbiamo, avete, dnno.
Imperfect. I had

— / had had.
Aveva, avevi, aveva; avevamo, avevate, avevano. —aveva avuto.
Preterite. I had. —I had had.
Ebbi, avesti, ebbe; avemmo, aveste, ebbero.—ebbi avuto.
Future. I shall or will have —I thall or will have had.
Avrò, avrai. avrà ; avremo, avrete, avranno avrò avuto.
Conditional. I rvnitld, could, should have. I would have luid.
Avrei, avresti, avrebbe; avremmo, avreste, —
avrebbero. avrei avuto.

Present. That I may have, —that I may have had.
ch'io, cheta ch'egli; che noi, che voi, ch'eglino.
A'bbia, dlibia & abbi, dbbia; abbiamo, abbiate, abbiano.— abbia avuto.
Preterite. That I might have. —that I might have had.
Avessi, avessi, avesse; avessimo, aveste, avessero. — avessi avuto.
* ^Ve likewise say vn, vi, va ; and perhaps vo sliould be preferred to fa, as it distiiiguishoi
the first person from the third ; but custom lias prevailed, and va is now commonly used in-
Abbi or abbia tu, have thou ; abbia egli, let him have abbiamo noi,
: let
have ye ; abt>iàno eglino, let them have.

Conjugation nfthe Auxiliary Verb èssere, to he.

Present. Essere, to be. to exist.
Gerund. Essendo, c
Part. past. Stato, ms.

e tu, eh' egli ; che noi, che voi, ch'eglino

, love thou ; ami egli, lei him love ; amiamo noi, ii

Ali the Terbs in are are conjugated like anuire.

zmì ilare, to remain ; with the verbi; ending in c
which will be noticed in their proper place.


Present- Credere, to believe, to think.
Gtrund- Credendo, con credere, col credere, in credf-re, Del credere, believing ii

Part. past. Creduto, creduta, creduli, credute, believed.

crediamo credete credon


Prtsent. Sent-a
Preterite. Senli-s

a egli, Ut him hear ; sentiamo


Among the verbs of the third conjugation, ending in ?><;, many are irregvlar at tl
of the indicative and subjunctive, and likewise at the irajierative. All their other
like .ie?itire; and these we present here by their lirst person singular only.

Blandire, blandendo, tilandito, to caress.

Present. Blandisco, blandisci, blandisce; blandiamo, blandite, blandiscono.
Imperfect, é^c. Blandiva; blandii; blandirò; blandirei.


Blandisci tu, blandisca egli blandiamo noi, blandite voi, blandiscano eglino.

Many of the verbs in ire, isco, end likewise in are, o; as, colorare and colorite, to colour;
indurare 1I.THÌ indurire, &c. to harden.— Poets do not always observe the iiTegularity in isco,

and tliev write equally njpro and offerisco, mugge and muggisce, langue and languisce, fert and
ferisce, '&c.


Reflected and reciprocal verbs are conjugated alike in Italian. Si, joined to the infinitive,
answers to one's self: and the persons in the other moods are expressed as follows:
Sing, mi, ti, si myself, thyself, himself, herself.

Plural, ci, vi, ti ourselves, yourselves, themselves.


They seldom have the addition of the pronouns to, tu, egli, noi, voi, eglino.

The corapennd d tenses
t( are conjagated with tlie verb ettere :
Ì myself, &c. Sitig. mi sono divertito; ti sei divertito; s' è dirertito. Pltir,
ci siamo divertiti, vi siete divertiti, si sono divertiti. —
And so for the other tenses m'era diver-
tito; mi fui divertito; mi sarò divertito, &c —
For the feminine: mi sono divertita; ci siamo

REMARKS on here it, there is, &c.

The English adverbs here and there, are expressed in Italian by ei and vi. Ci is commonly
used when we speak of a place in which we are, and ri of a place in which we ar« aot, as will
appear in the following scheme:
C è, ci sono, there is, there are ; here is, here are.

V era stato, v erano stati, there had been.


no stati ? had there been t

here f are there f
was there f taere there f
ino stati ? had there been f

sono, there is not, there are not,

Brano, there mas nut, there mere not.
Dn c' erano stati, there had not been.

erano, there mas not, there mere not.

on v' erano stati, there had not been.
Non c' è ? non ci sono ? is not there f are not there f

Non vi fu non vi furono ? has not there

been ? have n
Non V* era stato ? &c. &c. had not t/
The tone of the voice marks the difference between a simple affirmation or a negation, and
an interrogation. Thus:— C è del pane, there is some bread. C è del pane? is there any
bread ? Non v'erano molle donne nel giardino, fhere were not many ladies in the garden. Non
v'erano molle -donne nel giardino f were not many ladies in tlie garden ?

REMARKS on the verb bisognare, in the sense of mutt and ought.

The verb bisognare is an impersonal verb of extensive use in Italian ; and its correspondent
English verbs, mutt and ought, not being impersonal, beginners fall into constant mistakes.
To avoid this, let the English phraseology, / vtusl ffo, you must go, he must go, &c. be turned
into it must that I go, it must that you go, it must tliat he goes, &c. and then the following

examples will be readily understood and applied.

Bisogna eh' io gli parli, Z must speak to him.
Bisogna eh' impariate questo, you must leam this.
Bisognerebbe eh' io lo facessi, / should do it.
Ci bisogna morire, me must die.
Vi bisognava vederlo, you ought to have teen him.
Bisognerà eh' egli mi paghi, he must i>ay me.
We see by these examples, that che, after this impersonal verb, requires the subjunctive.


1. The Italians use frequently
tives of verbs instead of nouns si
fertile masculine singular; as,:/;...-, „, ^ —
is frequently used instead
of the imperative, chiefly in spealcing to tiscìdalla camera, having said Uiat. he
inferiors, or in poetry; as, non dir questo went out of the room; finita la predica,
alla moglie, do not teli this to your wife; uscimmo dalla chiesa, the sermon being over,
non chiudere il tene alla pietà, do not shut we left the church; vedutolo, having seen
your breast to compassion; non ti lasciar
vincere dalC ira, do not let yourself be con- Likewise, rvhen, at soon as, or such like
quered by anger. expressions, are not erjiressed in Italian,
3. The participle passive, conjugated with when they meet in English with the verb
essere, agrees a/n'oyj with its nominative; as, to have, or to be, joined to a participle
la virtù è lodata, ma
il vizio è tenuto a vile, past; as, fatto cW ebbe, as -
i '

•virtue is praised, but vice is despised e had

The participle conjugated with avere, i che fur,
agrees generally with its accusative, when it
is placed after that accusative ; but it re- 4. The pronoun they, when used in the
mains in the masculine singular when it indeterminate sense of one, n-e, people, men,
precedes its accusative; as, ho ricevuto la it is, it was. Sec is rendered in Italian by
vostra lettera, I have received your letter; si : but by se, when it meets with iie ; and
la lettera che ho ricevuta, the letter which I the verb is put in a reflected form, either
have received. Avevano fatto gran cose, they singular or plural, as happens to be the
had done great things le gran cose che ;
to which it relates
employ a passive term, peculiar
— Sometimes the
avevano fatte, tlie great things which they
had done. to their language,with the help of the verb
The participle present having and being, essere, which is often supjilied by venire,
joined in English to a participle past, are — Let the following examples be carefully
elegantly omitted in Italian ; as, detto questo. observed :

Si dice cosi; It is said so.

Si dicono molle cose ; People report many things.
Si che l'avete insultato;
dirà, or dirassi They will say that you insulted him.
Si loda l'uomo modesto ; One praises a modest man.
Si lodano gli uomini modesti ; Modest men are praised.
Amasi, or si ama d'essere onorato, One likes to be esteemed.
Sieguansi i grandi esempi ;
Mi si domanda uno scudo ;
Mi si domandano tre ghinee; They ask n
Che si dirà di voi se fate ciò ? What will be said of you if you do sof
Si direbbe, or direbbesi che siete un spende- One would say that you are a spendthrift.

Se ne saprà qualche cosa ; We shall hear something qf it.

Non se ne parla ; People say nothing of it.
Cene sarà parlato ;
They will speak of it to us.
Mi vien detto da molti ;
I was told so by many people.
Vene verrà scritto ; They will write it to you.
Siete domandato ;
Somebody asks for you.
Mi fu dato un libro ;
I received a book.
Ci fu scritta una lettera; They wrote a letter to us.
Vi saranno mandate molte lettere; You 7vill receive tnany letters.

The following obsen-ations will greatly
facilitate the general system of the Italian
irregular verbs.
1. \\'Tien a verb is irregular in the pre- venire, verrò, verrei ; porre, porrh, porrei ;
sent of the indicative, it is always so in the condurre, condurrò, condurrei &c.&c Fare, , —
present of tlie subjunctive, and in tlie impe- dare, stare, take arò arci, instead of erh crei.
in their future and conditional; /arò,/arci,
8. Verbs are irregular chiefly in the present &c.
of the indicative, the preterite of the same 4. Most of the verbs ending in lère and
mood, and the participle past. nére long, and in lire and nire, take the
3. Some verbs in nére, lère, long, and in addition of a g- in their present tenses, and
nirJ ; and likewise some in nere and cere in the imperative; as, tenere, to hold.
ce, ticlgo, dolga Caution. —
In the tenses wherein will be
found the first person sin^ilar only, the others
vtRgo', venga may be formed easily by tlie general paradigm
5. Some verbs in rere a (pape xix.) Thus, when you have cresco, aioco,
lel'.er r in tlieir present ten; amhissi, &c. you have only to observe their
perative ; as parére, j>aio, t( proper tenses in the paradigm, and you will
moto, and muoiu, to die. readily form cretco, cresci, cresce, &c. &c.


e the only irregular of the

Infinitive. Gerund. Parliciple.

Andare, andando, andato, fo gu.

Vado or to, vai, va andate, vanno.

andiamo, anda
Andava. Andai.
Andrei or anderei.
Cli' iovada -vada, vada andiamo,
; ; i id vadino. Andassi.
Va, vada andiamo, andate, vadano.

2. Dare, dando, dato, to give.

Do, dai, da t
diamo, date, danno. Dava. Diedi or detti, desti, diede or dette or die;, deste, diedero or dettero or dierono. Darò. Darei.
Ch'io dia, dia or dii, dia diamo, diate, diano or diino. Dessi.

Da, dia ; diamo, date, diano.

3. Fare, facendo, fatto, to do.

Fo, fai, fa; facciamo, fate, fanno. Faceva. Feci, facesti, fece; facemmo, faceste,
fecero. Farò. Farei.
Ch' io faccia. Facessi.
Fa, faccia ; facciamo, fate, facciano.

4. Stare, stando, stato, to lie, to live, to stop.

Sub. Ch'io sUa.

The verbs in ce n the ti !S where the e

7»/. Participle.

Peccare, pece mdo, peccato, io sin.

Pregare, preg indo, pregato, to pray.
Pecco, pecc/ii, pecca pecchamo, peccate, peccano.
Prego, pregali, preg; . preg'iiamo, pregate, predano.
prcg/ierò, pregherei, &c. &c.


Ob. There are but four verbs In ère long, wnich are irregular in their participles; namely,
parére, parso: persuadére, persuaso- rimanére, rimase; solére, solito. the others make AH
their participle uto.m
N.B. Let this remark be attenttvely considered. The third person singular and the —
third person plural of the preterite tense of the indicative, are formed from the ./irj<
pmon singular of that same tense; but th; second prrton lingular, and the Jirct and
as, from dolere, giacere'

Dolti, dolesti, dolse; dolemmo, doleste, dolsero.

Giacqui, giacesti, ^acque ; gi
Conobbi, conoscesti, connobbe ,

Infinilive. Gerund. Participle.

1. Cadére, cadendo, caduto, io fall.

Ind, Cado or caggio, cadi, cade; cadiamo n

Cadeva. Cadd-i, esti, e; emmo, este, er
Sub. Ch' io cada or caggia. Cadessi.
Imp. Cadi, cada or caggia ; cadiajno, cadete, cadano.

2. Dolersi, dolendosi, dolutosi, to complain, to ache.

Ind. Mi dolgo or doglio, ti duoli, si duole; ci dogliamo, tì dolete, si doglio^

Doleva Dolsi, dolesti, &c. Dorrò. Dorrei.
Sub. Ch' io mi dolga or doglia. Dolessi.
Imp. Duoliti, dolgasi ; dogliamoci, doletevi, dolgansi.

3. Dovére, dovendo, dovuto, io orve.

Ind. Devo or debbo or de^gio, devi, deve

deono. Doveva. Dovei or dovetti, doves
Silfi. Ch"io debba.
Imp. Devi, debba; dobbiamo, dovete, debbano.

4. Giacere, giacendo, giacciuto, io Uè down.

Ind. Giaccio, giaci, giace; giacciamo, giacete, giacciono. Giaceva. Giacqui, giacesti,
&c. Giacerò. Giacerei.
<f»6. Ch- io giaccia. Giacessi.
Imp. Giaci, giaccia; giacciamo, giacete, giacciano.

5. Tacére, tacendo, tacciuto, io be sileni.

Taccio. Taceva. Tacqui, tacesti, Acc. like Giacere.

6. Piacére, piacendo, piacciuto, io please.

Piaccio. Piaceva. Piacqui, lìiace^ti, &c. like Giacere.

7. Sapere, sapendo, saputo, to know.

Ind. So, sai, sa; sappiamo, sapete, sanno. Sapeva. Seppi, sapesti, &c. Saprò,

Sub. Ch" io sappia. Sapessi.

Imp. Sappi, sappia ; sappiamo, sapete, sappiano.

8. Potére, potendo, potuto, lo be able.

Ind. Posso, puoi, puòj possiamo, potete, possono. Poteva. Potei and poletli, potesti,
potè, &i:. Potrò. Potrei.
Sub. Ch* io possa. Potessi.— l'ivo imperative.;— Poterò and Poterei are the future and
conditional of the verb polare, to prune vines.

9. Volére, volendo, voluto, io be n'illing, io tvish.

Ind. Voglio, vuoi, vuole ; vogliamo, volete, vogliono. Voleva. Volli, volesti, &c. N'oiTò.

Sui, Ch' io voglia. Volessi. — f^o imperative.)— Volerti and volerei are the future and
conditional of the verb volare, to fly.
10. Persuadére, persuadendo, persuaso, io periuade.

Znd. Per»nad-o, i, e; iamo, ete, ono. Persuaderà. Persuasi, persuadesti, &e. Persil»
derù. PersuadereL
Sub. Ch' io persuada. Persuadessi.
Imp. Persuadi, persuada ; persuad-iamo, ete, ano.

II. Tenére, tenendo, tenuto, to hold.

Ini. Tengo, tieni, tiene; teniamo, tenete, tengono. Tenera. Tenni, tenesti, &c. Terrì»,

12. Rimiinère, rimanendo, rimaso, and rimasto, io stay.

Ind. Rimango, rimani, rimane; rimaniamo, rimanete, rimangono. Ri

rimanesti, &c. Rimarrò. Rimarrei.
Sub. Ch' io a, a; rimaniamo, rimaniate, rimangano.
rimang-a, Rimanessi.
Imf. Rimani, rimzmga; rimaniamo, rimanete, rimangano.

13. Parére, parendo, parso, to appear.

Ind. Paio and paro, pari, pare; pajamo, parete, pajono. Pareva. Pani, paresti, &c.
Parrò. Parrei.
Sub. Ch' io paja, paja, &c. Paressi.
Imp. Pari, paja ; pajamo, pzirete, pajano.

14. Solére, solendo, solito, to be uted.

Soglio, suoli, suole; sogliamo, solete, sogliono. Soleva or era solito, eri solito, &c.—
and so of all the other tenses -which are corapoimded of the verb <«rrtr, xaA the
participle tolilo, m. solita, f. thus, ero solito; sarei solito; eh' io sia solito; ch'io
fossi solito, &c.

15. Valére, valendo, valuto, to be rjorth.

Vaglio, vali, vale; vagliamo, valete, vagUono. Valeva. Valsi, valesti, &c. Varrò.

16. Vedére, vedendo, veduto, and visto, to tee.

Ind. Vedo and veggio, vedi, vede; vediamo, vedete, vedono ani veggono. Vedeva. Vìii
and viddi, vedesti, &c. A'edrò. Vedrei.
Sub. Ch" io veda and vegga. Vedessi.
Imp. Vedi, veda; vediamo, vedete, vedano.
The compound verbs follow the conjugation of their ùmple; as, rivedere, like vedere, &c.


All the irregular verbs in ere short, are reducible to one of the following terminations in

1. Cere; preterite ssi, si, bi, qui; participle to, i

Infinitive. Preterite Participle.

Infinitive, Preterite. Participle.
Dipendere dipesi and dipendei dipeso S^ dìpenduto
Rendere reso Jlc renduto
Rispondere risposto
Fendere, to cleave, and pendere,

5. Gere, and ggere ;


Prcient. Preterite. Future. Participi
Fraporre frapongo fraposi fraporrò fraposto
Opporre oppongo opposi opporrò opposto
I'osporre pospongo posposi posporrò posposto
11. Pere; preterite pi ; participle rto.

Infinitive. Present. Preterite. PaHiciple,

Kompere ruppi
Corrompere corrompo ruppi

16. An ; contracted from Latin verbs i Traessi,
i; traiamo and trag
Verbs of this kind take commonly a double " -ind traggano.
gg in the present of the indicative and sub-
junctive, and in the imperative; the prete-
So are conjugated its ci

rite is made isi, the participle tto, the future

rrb, and the conditional rrei.

Infiniti Preterite. Participle.

tto, to dram
Ind Trao and traggo, tì ie traiamo :

and tragghiamo, traete, traono, and traggono.

Traeva. Trassi, traesti, &c. Trarrò. Trarrei.


Ind. Dico, dici, dice; diciamo, dite, vengono. Veniva. Venni, venisti, venne,
dicono. Diceva. Dissi, dicesti, &c. Dirò. ic. Verrò. Verrei.
Sub. Oh' io venga, venga, venga; ve-
Sub. Ch' 10 dica. Dicessi-. niamo, venite, vengano.
Imp. Di, dica; diciamo, dite, dicano. Imp. Vieni, venga ; veniamo, venite, ven-
Its chief compounds are; contradire, to
oppose ; ridire, to repeat ; mcdedire, to curse. The letter g is sometimes found transposed
in this verb and its Gompounds thus, vegno,

2. Morire, morendo, morii, morto, to die. vegna, vegnono ; instead of vengo, venga.
Ind. Moro and muojo, mori, more; mo-
The chief compounds of venire are con-
iri, &c. Morrò and venire to agree, revenire to return, sovvenire
to help, divenire to become, svenire to faint,
sconvenire to be unbecoming, pervenire to

6. Uscire, uscendo, uscii, uscito, to go or

The future and conditional morrh and
morrei, are preferable to morirà and morirei.
— Morsi and morso are the preterite and par- Ind. Esco, esci, esce; usciamo, uscite,
ticiple of mordere, to bite. escono. Usciva. Uscii, uscisti, usci, &c.
Uscirò. Uscirei.
3. Salire, salendo, salii, salito, io go up.
Ind. Salgo and saglio, sali, sale ; sagliamo,
salite, salgono and sagliono. Saliva. Salii, I, uscite, ei
salisti, &c. sometiirua salsi, salisti. &c. Salirò. 7. Gire and l 2nd sometime» gir and il
Salirei. are chiefly used in poetry, and they have the
Sub. Ch' io salga and saglia. Salissi. following tenses only.
Imp. Sali, salga or saglia; sagliamo, sa- Gite, you go. Giva, givi, giva or giaj
lite, salgano. givamo, givate, givano, / did go, &c. Gii,
gisti, gi or giò ; gimmo, giste, girono, I
4. Udire, udendo, udii, udito, to hear.
tvent, I have gone, &i'. Girò, girai, gira ;
Ind Odo, odi, ode; udiamo, udite, odo-
Udii, udisti, udi, &c. Udirò.
Udiri gissimo, giste, gissero, / miglU go, &c. Gito,
Ch' io oda, oda, oda, udiamo, udiate. gita, giti, gite, gone.
Ire, or ir, tu go ; ito, ita, iti. ite, gone.
Odi, oda ; udiamo, udite, odano. ira, he did go; ivano, they did ^o; irono

enire, venendo, vermi, venuto, lo come.

Ven^o, vieni, vie



Grammarians give the name of licences men, heroes. Sec. —Chiefly Latin words, of
to some peculiar changes which writers which thousands will be fotmd in reading
have made in the formation of certain words, the poets.
either by lenfrthening or shortening them, or
by altering their usual orthography. Expletives. These are certain words which,
'l. The third person plural of the preterite in some particular locutions, cease to have
tense of the indicative, ending in arono, is any real meaning, and are employed only for
often contracted into aro ; as, amaro, legare, the sake of greater emphasis, or more "ele-
andare, for ainarono, legarono, andarono. gance and harmony. The Italians give to
2. The letter v is trequently left out in those expletives the"name of Ripieno, which
the indicative ,:'''''
some tenses, but chiefly in the imperfect of up
literally signifies.^// —
The following words
are those which are more frequently used as
'ee, deono, b

poteva, fini I, deve, devono, beve, Pure, mai, poi, già, così, mica, non, via,
beva, &c. egli, ella, esso, mi, ti, ci, vi, si.
3. The letters a< cut off in the parti- Dite pur quel che volete ; say rvhaiever you
ciple pEist of verbs ; 5, instead of colmato,
adornato, chinato, iato, osato, we find E pure ardite negarlo ? and do you dare to
colmo, adonto, chino, domo, oto.
4. The letter e is often found added, in Ora sono pur disposti a renire; they are
ancient poetry, to the third person singular now disposed to come.
of the preterite tense of the indicative, and to Toma mai sempre a dire di nuovo IHstesse
some other words ; as, anwe, parloe, canioe, cose ;is always repeating the same things.
fue, pine, giue, &c. for amb, parlb. cantò, fu, Non èpoi vero quanto mi diceste ? is noi

più, giù, &c. Sometimes o is added to verbs nhat you told me true ?
ending in ire as, rapio, finto, empio, uscio,
; Nonvorrei già eh' egli partisse ; / would
for rapì, finì, einpì, usci. not be glad that he should go away.
5. Sometimes g- and gg are used instead of Non credo già che ve n' avrete a male ; /
other letters; as, seggio, veggio, caggio, do not believe that you will be hurt by il.
reggendo, cheggio, veglio, speglio, &c. instead Con e»a lei, con esso loro; with her, with
of sedo, vedo, cado, vedendo, chiedo, vecchio,
La dottrina è di più gran prezzo che non,
6. We find e instead of a and i in the le richezze; learning ft of greater value than
second and third person singular of the indi-
cative ; as, cele for cela, celi ; serbe for serba. E
più dotto eh' io non credeva ; he is more
learned than I thought.
7. The articles dello, della, degli, dei, delle, Io mi son giovinetta ; / am young.
are often written by the poets, de lo, de la, de Io mi credo che non è vero ; / believe that
gli, deli, de le.
Besides these licences, the Italian poets I giovani sono via più inclinati a' piaceri
employ many words seldom used in prose, che non allo studio; young people are more
by which they form a language peculiar to inclined to pleasure than to study, Sec. &c.
themselves such are the following ones
; :

Aer j'or aria, the air. Brando for spada, The limits of this short grammar do not
a sn-ord. Canne for verso, verse or poem. permit me to be more diffuse ; but I ear-
Ksca for cibo, food Leguo for vascello, nestly recommend to the learners to peruse all
ship. Lumi for occhi, eyes. Palma for the idiomatical sentences inserted in the
mano, hand. Squilla for campanella, bell. Dictionary, as this will greatly forward theii
Unqua, unquanche, unquanco./or mai, ever. progress in the Italian language.
Vate fur pi^ta, a poet. Viri for uomini.

pare, participle,
conj. conjunction,
ititerj. interjection.

n tell, Jell. like oi . d like in open, oral.

Abb; r/c, tat. rashl,,

Abbassato, pait. diminished.
, towards the Abbaiato, adj. barked, bayed declint
Willi; dolente a morte, Abbaiatóre, in. a barker; mal- Abbasso, adv. below, down
grieved to death: a nome dicènte, a slanderer Abbastanza, adv. enough
(lei Ré, in the name of the Abbaino, »t. a dormer-mindoro 1 Abbate, m. abbot
King; a crédito, upon Abbàttere, to throw down, to
trust; V aspètto a casa, 1 Abballatdve, m. a packer abate; abbàtter la vela, to
.thallstay for you at hojne; Abbalordire, to stun strike the sailabbàttersi, to

da qui n tre giorni, in thres Abbambagiare, trim

to quilt, to meet rvith s'abbatè ài dire,

days ; a for/a di braccia, by with cotton yioning he happened to say

strength of arms Abbandonaménto, m. aban- Abbattiménto, m. weakness,
.A;baca,/. a Icind of linen Abbandonare, to forsake, ijuit, faintness abbattiménto del-

give over abbandonarsi, to


A badéssa, /. an ahbess give one's self orcr abban- ; Abbatuftblare, to mix promis-
Abate, m. an abbot donarsi a cuously
Abatone, m.'\a fat, a big-bel. atify s, Abbell.-ire, to please, beautify
lied abbot, a rich abbot Abbelliménto, an ornament
Abazia,/ (badia) an abbey Abbellire, to paint, adorn
! confns Abbellito, adj.painted, adorned
Abbachiare, to be beat Abbenchè, adv. although, not-
with a pole [cian withstanding
Abbachista, m. an arithmeti- Abbendàre, to bend, to croma
Abbacinaménto, m. dazzling AbbandonatOre, m. deserter Abbeverare, to water
Abbacinare, to dazzle, ditn, Abbandóno, m. leaviiig, for- Abbeverato, adj. wai
cloud saking lasciare in abban-
; ng
Abbacinato, adj. dazzled; aria dóno, to leave at random Abbicare [pU
abbacinata, a foggy air Abbarbagliare, to dazzle
A'bbaco, m. arithmetic Abbarbagliato, adj. dazzled
Abbadiire (badare), to mind, Abbarbicarsi, to hike rout
take cate; abbàda a te, take Abbarbicato, adj. taken mot
care of yourself Abbarràre, to fasten rvith a
Abbadéssa,/. an abbess bar [aaarrel temi ; abbietto d'ai
Abbadia,/, an abbey AbbaruiTTaménto, m. a scuifle ;

Abbagliaménto, »i. dazzling, Abbaruffare, to scuffie, dispute Abbiezióne,/ abjection

Abbassaménto, m. fall, dimi- Abbigliaménto,»! Ji (ieri/, Jie.'s
Abbagliare, to dazzle Abbigliare, to adorn, furnish
Abbagliato,. a</;. dazzled Abbigliato, part, furnished,
Abbàglio, »». daxxlins trimmed up
Abborriménto, m. abhorrence, Abigeato, m. eattle-tiealiitg
nbhorrency Abigeo, m. cattle-stealer
Abborrire, to detest, loath Abile, adj. skilful
AbbioscWre, fo fall : abbios- Abborrfto, part, abhorred Abilità, Abilitàde, Sr AblU.
cidrsi, to be dejected Abbottinaménto, m. plunder tite, ability, address, art,
Abbisognare, to want, to he Abbottinàre, in pillage, rob, gli fece abilità al pagare, h»
indigent; abbisogna eh' io plunder; abbottinàrsl, te gave him time lo pay
vada. / mutt go mutiny Abilitare, to enable
Abbasso, m. an ribi/sa, a boi- Abbottonare, to button Abilitato, part enabled
tomfess puJf, or pit AbbottonahSra, /. bullon and Abilmente, cdv. cleverly
Abbituinare, to cement button-holes [draughl Abissdre, to precipitate [hell
Abbiurdre, fo abjure Abbozzaménto, m. the first Abisso, m. ahyss, obscurity,
Abbiurazidne,/. abjuration Abbozzare, to sketch Abit.ibile, adj. habitable
Abboccaménto, »?i. an inter- Abboszàta,/. a r„de draught Abitàcolo, m. habitation
AhhoziaUccio,adj.lialf-sketch- Abitante, adj. an inhabitant
Abboccàre, to fill up : abboc- Abbozrato, part, begun [ed Abitare, lo inhabit; abjure ua
carsi, to confer ; abboccarsi Abbóf zo, m. the first draught palagio, to live in a palace
con qualcheduno, to have an Abbracciaboschi, tn. honey- Abitato, part, inhabited
Abitatóre, n-ho inhabits
Abbcccatdjo, m. the mouth of Abbracciamdnto, m. an em- AbitaJioncélla,/. a small hout»
Abitazióne,/, an habitation
Abbocconttie, to cut iiery rmall Abbraccldre, tn embrace, to Abitévole, rtrfi fon?'eni«i<
Abbollre, to abolish contain, include, to under A'bito, m. dress uso, use, cui-

AbboIiSidne,^. abolishment take: chi molto abbr<(cria,

Abbominàbile, adj. erecralile nulla stringe, all grasp, all Abituale, adj. hahitual
Abbominazio'ne, /. detestation lose : abbraccerò tutte le Abittialménte, adv. habitrutlly
AbbaminiSre, to detest, hate mill Abituare, to accustom; abi-
Abbominàto, pati, detested, take all opporiunitiei tuarsi, to accustom one's self
hated [ble Abitua'to, adj. acciutomed
Abbominévole, adj. abomina- Abbracciata, /. S,- .Abbràccio, Abitùdine,/ a habit
Abbominevolnriénte, adv. a- Abbraciàre, fo set on fire Ablativo, m. ablative case
Abbrancare, fn sunfch. grasp Abolire, to aMish, annul, r»
Abhomindso, adj. dete-^table Abbreviare, tn abridge peal, annihilate
Abbonacciaménto, m. a calm Abbreviatrfre, m. nbridger Abolito, adj. abolished
Abbonacciare, tn pacify; ab- Abbreviatura,/, abridgment Abolizióne,/ abolishment
bonacciarsi, to grow calm : Abbreviaiidne,/. abbreviation Abominabile, adj. see Abbo-
il mar s'abbonaccia, the sea Abbrivare, fo be under may mindbile)
Abbrividàre, .S" Abbrivfdire, Aborrévole, adj. abominable
Abbonacciato, part, calmed to shiver [or sun-burning Aborrire, to abhor
Abbonaménto, m. agreement Abbronzaménto, m. crisping. Abortire, Abortire, Sf Abor-
Abbonare, to mend abbonarsi,
; Abbronzare, to tan, scorch. tirsi, to miscarry [tivt
Abortito, adj. miscarried, nltor^
Abbondaménto, m. abundance Aborto, m. a miscarriage
Abbondante, adj. abounding, Aboslno, n». plum-tree
phntifnl [tifully Abrogare, («e Abolire)
Abbondantemente, adv. plen- Abbruciente, adj. burning Abrogazióne,/ abrogation
Abbondanza,/, plenty Abbruciare, to bum [ing Abrostine, and AbrosU'no, m,
Abbondanziére, vi. a victual- Abbrunaménto, m. a darken- - the niild vine
Abbrunire, 4" Abbrunire, to Abusare, abn.<ie, mitute abu- :

AtibondrCre. to abound burnish, to hum bromn sarsi della paziènza, to put

Abbondévole, adj. plentiful Abbnistii5re, to singe out of patience
AbbondeTolraénte, adv. plen- Abbrustolare, to crisp Abusivamente, adv. abusivenj
tifully [ously Abbrustolire, to loasl, scorch Abusivo, adj. ahusix^e
Abbondosaménte, adv. copi- Abbucinare, to deafen, to stun Abuso, m. (raal uso) an abuse
Abbondoso, adj. copious Abiitilo,m. yelloro marsh-
Abbonire, to' perfect; abbo- Abbuiiirsi. to grom dark malloro
nirsi, to improve Abburattare, to bull, or sift Abuzz.-lgo, m. a buzzard
Abbordare, to board a ship, to Abburattare, m. a bolter Acàngio, m. brank ursine
Abdicare, to resign A'caro, «i. a tick, handn-nrm
Abdicato, part, abdicated Acca,/ the letter H non vaia

Abdicazióne,/, abdication un acca, ìwt worth a pin

Abeced.-!rJo, m. the A, B, C Accadèmia,/ an acaditny
AbetXja, /. a mood, or forett Accademicamente, adv, ae»-
Abéte, m. aJir-tree[ofJir-trtes demically
jiccadSmico, an aendeynist àbile, adj. accessible
Accadere, to happen, come (o iióne.f. accession
press : come tal volta accade, Accèsso, m. access, admittance,
as it sometimes happens; aft [sorily
non accede che Toi mi dici- accessori aménte, adv. acces-
rfte il contrario, you need nut Icce^sorio, adj. accessory. H
tell me the contrartj prmcipale e l'accessério, tilt
Accaduto, part, happened principal and the accessory
Accaffare, to snatch [Hon Accètta,/, an axe
Accagionaménto, m. imputa "icrettàbile, at'j. acceptable
Accagionare, to imptits iccettirc, to accept: accct(<?re
Accalapp:à-e, lo catch in snare. Accatto, Accattatura,an</ A( una lèttera di cambio, lo ac-
Accalorire, to heat catterfa. fa loan: (also) cept a bill of exchange
Accalorato, part, heated Accettato, part, accepted
Accampaménto, m. encamp- un buon accatto, to make o Accettatdre, m. an acceptor, a
good bargain partial jtuigc
Accampare, to enee Accattóne, iii. a hrggar Accettazidne,/". acceptance
camparsi, to pitch one's camp Accavalciare. <o ride a straddle AccettéToIe, adj. acceptnVe,
Accanalare, to flute Accavalci.-Jto, part, sit a strad- agreeably [iu^ly
Accanalato, part, fluted dle [thread upon bobbins Accettevolmdnte, adiK nnll-
Accanare, A ccaneggiàre, an 'I Accaviglidre, lo n-ind silk or Accetto, adj. grateful: far
Accanire, to uncouple, (chase Accecaménto, ni. blindness, opere accétte a Dio, io do
term) [ly mistake •oCrod
Accanitamente, adv. fur' - Accec-ire, to blind; I'amdre
Accannellare, to rvind acciéca I'udmo, love blinds i
skein or bobbin man [teeth Acchetato, part, appeased
Accanto, adi: aside, vear Accetfàre, to snatch ti'ith Acchiappare, to catch, to cheat
Accapacciaménto, m. Iieavi- Acccggia.^ a nmodcnck Acchiappato, part, caught
Acceleraménto, «V Acieleràn- Acchiocciolarsi, to sit squat
AccapeZj^re, to finish za. hurry, haste upon the tail
Accapigliaménto, in. pluckim: Acciabattare, to cobble
by the hair [by the ears Acciabattato, pari, cobbled
Accapigliare, fall together
to Acciacc-ire, to squeeze to

AccapitoMre, to make head- pound [indisposition

bands for bnoK-s Accia'cco, m. nfJVoni, niroug,
Accap]iat<5io,»/i. atinrfo/cMnt
Accappi^-e, to tie tvilh a run- icceadiménto, m. burning; \cciaiud!o, a steel io strike fre
rvith [hastily
AccappiatiSra,/. slip knot icciappindre, to do any thing
Accappondre, io make capons Acciarfno, »i. (.?ee Acciaiuolo)
Accapricfiàre, aitd Accapric- Accennaménto, 'cci-Jro, {see Accidie) poeli-
ciarsi, to be struck rvilhfear. Accennare, to nod, beckon : to caHy it means a sword
pretend; m' è stdto accen- Accider.tdle, adj. accidental,
nato, / had a hiut —sual [dentally
allurements [die, caress identalménte, adv. acci-
Accr-reSfare, to flolter. whee- Accidénte, m. accident, chance ;
Accarezzafo, part. flattered per accidènte, by chance
Accarezzévole, adj. flattering, Accidia, f. laziness, sloth
ntudre, io accent Accidiosamente, adn. lazily
Accamàre, and Accanare, io Accentuato, part, accented Accidióso, adj. slothful, idle,.
fall foul on one Accerchiare, to surround, to
Accasaménto, m. medding go around sluggard [sorrnnr
Accasare, to begin house-keep- A ccerchielldre, to hoop [Hon Accigliaménto, m. sadness,
ing : accasarsi, to marry Accertaménto, m. confirma- Accglidrsi, to frown
Accasato, adj. married, settled Accfgnersi, and Accingersi, to
Accasciaménto, m. dejection vcrrant; v' accerto che Io --—one's self
and rreakness farò, I promise io do it tento, m. prefarnt inn
Accascidre, and Accascijfrsi, Accerta; idne,/ assurance Accileccdre, to allure, io de-
and dejected
to be dehilifaled Accertello, a kesirel (a bird of ceive with vain hoptt
Accastellaménto, m. the quar- Accento, adj. ready
ter deck Accessaménte. adv. eagerly Acc'd, adv. (acciochè) thai, io
Accatarraménlo, m. a cold Accéso, pari, kindled; accéso the end that
Accatarrdre, take cold
to „ ........ „ ,.. Acciottolare, /ofci'eMc rcjJ»
.Accatarrdto, part, n-ho has got d'amore, inflamed n-ith love rvHli flints
^ |

^acold .
AccompagnatiJre, companion, Accordatóre, m. mediator
one who accompanies (in Accordatrice,/. mediatrix
sic) [niiy 'Lccordatura, (see Accorda-
munaménto, m commn- ménto)
.Acciuga.^: anchovy Accordévole, adj. that may be
Accivire, iti furnUhyio procure agreed, tuned, proportioned
Acclamare, io exclahn Accordo, m. agreement, liar-

.Vccoccàre, io tiotch; accoc- accòrdo, to make friends

c.-irla ad uno, lo put a trick nienthj. politely [daiion Accorgere, to make sensible;
Lcconciamento. m. accommo- accorgersi, to perceive; ac-
Aacoccolàrsi, to stonp dorvn Lcconciare, /.<./!/ : totnend; to corgersi del suo erróre, to
Accodarsi, tofilhni dose make ready acconciare il

Accogliènza,/. >eceplion; fare capo, to dress the head ac- : Accorgévole, adj. crafty
accogliènza, io male; one conciarsi, to dress one's hair, Accorgiménto, m. foresight,
and t; be reconciled [perly capacity
a kind reception Accórrere, io run, io ìiasten;
Accójjliere, to receive, enter- Lcconciatore, m.'a mender córrer dietro, io pursue
tain to assemble
: Acconciatrice, /. « milliner Accorruómo, interj. help !
Accoglimentaccio, m. cool re- Acconciatura, /. the ornament
\>f a rvoman's head perder
.- Accortamente, adv heedfully
Accogliménto, m. reception l'acconciatura, to miss one's Accortaménto, m. shortening
Accoglitóre, m. receiver irtare. io shorten
Accólitcì, m. acolyth Accóncio, m. advantage Accortézza,/, circam-ipection
Accollare, to embrace; accol- incio, adj. mended, dress- Accòrto, adj. wise, prudent,
larsi un debito, io take upon 'Kf'y; state accòrto à quel
J addicted
one's self another's debt Acconsentiraénto, m. consent e tate, consider nhat you
AccolpiSto, all), criminal Acconsentire, to assent chi ; : far accorto, io forewarn :

Accoltellare, '<o strike with a corto sene, he perceiving it

knife [knife Accostaménto, m. approach
Accoltellata,/, a thrust jvith a Accoi>pàre, knock down
io Accostante, adj. supple, pli-
Accolto, a'lj. received; j-a- Accoppiaménto, m. copulation ant: vino accostinte, pedo-
thered [Hon Accoppiare, to match accop- ;

Accomandagióne, /. protec- Accostare, io approach; ac-

Accomandare, to recommend : costarsi, io come near
accomandarsi, to recommend Accostatùra./. conni-ciion
one', self togetl Accostévole, adj. accessible
Accommezzirsi, to unite in the Accoppiatura,/. conjnnctio?i Accòsto, prep. near io
Accoraménto, m. heart-grief Accostumare, io tise : accos
Accorare, to grieve at heart tumàrsi, io inure one's self
Accor.-tto, pari, grieved, vexed Accostumatamente, adv. chs-
Accoratóio, »». disaster iomarily
lefve ofourjriends Accorazióne, /. (ice Accora- Accostum4to, adj. accustomed,
Accommiatato, part. ménto) [ing good, honest, virtuous
to nap cloth
Accorciaménto, m. a shorten- Accotonare,
Accomodàbile, adj. that Accorcidre, to shorten, to di- Act-otonatóre, m. he who naps

be accommodated minish [„iarily cloth

Accomodaménto, »n. an ag Accorciataménte, adv. sur
meni far l'accomodaménto Accorciato, ]>art. shortened,

d' una querela, io make up bridged

a difference Accordatóre, m. abhrerialot Accozzaménto, m. striking
Accomodare, to amend, to a- Accoreiatura, J', decreasing one against another
sree accomodarsi, to sii Accordaménto, m. Sr Accor- Accozzare, io butt at, like

down, or in be reconciled dànza,/. agreement in tune rams, to meet

AccoraodatamiSnte, adn. suit- (in music), also conformity Accreditare, io give aredii ; ac»
cre<Utàrsi, to get a name
Accomodato, adj. suitable Accreditilo, adj. responsible,
Accompagnaménto, in. a trair, creditable
of attendants, accampani- Accrescere, to increase
Accordatamente, adv. unani- Accressìménto, m. improve
A crompagndre, to accompany mously meni, addition
accompagnarsi, a com
io be Accordate, m. the harmony <>f Accresciuto, adj. increased
panion. partner [panied all the parts in a picture Accudire, to dispatch, to takt

Accompagnato, part, accom- Accordato, adj tuned, agreed '

Accumulare, in treasure up Acqua rdsa, or rosata, /. rest-
j\ccumulataménte, adv. abun- Adasprfi-e,JoproioA:e
danthj Adastiire, to envy
Acquartierarsi, ic take a lodg Adattàbile, adj. that
Accumulato, heaped together Acquarzente,/. anua vifce can ht
Acquatico, adi that lives in Adattaménto,
mento, m. and Accuraulan- »!. and Adat-
water [wine and wate, t.-inza,/. application,
za, /. accumulation, heap, Acquato, adj. vino acquato, adapt-
tng, aptness [dapt-s
ceuratdmeute, adv. diligent- Adattante, ad), one who u-
Acquavfta,;,,W»'^/„"Jer Adattcire, to 'adapt,
ly, exactly Acquavite,/, brand., to fit;
a,/. dilig,
addat i, («
c< ?, Acquazzóne, a great shorcer dar.
Acqueréccia,/. ewer Addat
Acquerèllo, m. water-colour • "p'/.'y
Addat. _. ted
Acquerei l.-ire, to paint in wa-, ,„ ,

Addaziare, <«Lv«<ax«i,o«
Acquetta./. ,uine mixed with
Accusare, to accuse, impeach Addebolfre, to weaken
Acquicèlla,/, rivulet
confessarsi colpévole, tn ow Addeboliménto, m. weakness
one'sfauU [cru
Addecimare, to lay, or gather
Acquidótto, »!. a.jutduct the tithe
Accusativo, VI. the accusaliv Acquietare, to appease, pacify Ithe teeth
Accusato part, accused A<ldentare, to seize upon rvitk
Acquisizióne, /. and Acquis-
Accusatóre, m. accuser,
Addentato, part, iiif, bitten
in acini
former Addentellare, to leave toothing
cd, ol,.

Acerbaraénte, adv. ohslinate-

",' Addt„. ..,.„, „,. „„,,.„<,..
hj: bitterly, cruelly, too soon Acquisto'
Acerbézza,/, sourness.shyuess
Acerbità, cafe; addestrarsi, to exercise,
Acerbitide, and
practise [usher
Addestratóre, m a gentleman-
, adj. adjacent
Addié..„, „„
addietro, J
addietro, t.

Acroterio^ i
Acéto, m. rine^'ur Addiniandare.^nrfemanrf, ask,
nacles Iw
Acetósa./, ssrrel fan herb J addimandare una grazia, te
Acetosèlla, /. pretty salad. Acume, m. point, quick wit "Javonr addimandiirsi,
^'^S ;

Acutamente, adj. smartly

Acetosità, Acetositade, aiid -"spondere

Acetositilte,/. acidity
A'cido, adj. sharp, sour
ne) Addio, adieu, farewell
A'cino, m. the kernel
qf a Addirimpètto, prep facing
Acònito, m. rveifs bane
irill Vi
Acunzia,/. the darting serpent
It fevc,
A'cori, m. ringworm
Acqua, /. water ; acqua sor-
ad Antonio, to
gènte, spring nmter acqua ;
d uno ad une
Aquacedràta,/ lemonade Adacq"ùaméiUo, m.^^wì/e'rin
Aquacchiare, to groiv weak Adacquare, to water '

Acquacela. J', muddy water Adacquato, part, watered

Acquafòrte,/, aquafortis Adagiare, lo accomodale
adagiarsi, to be slow, to tak

Adagio, adv. letsurely, slnwiu
Adamante, m. a diamond
mhellis'i : addobbare | una ^ddottrinaménte,
I 0(^1'. learn- A dispétto, prep, i n tpite of
Adito, »l. (accesso! access; St
Addobbato, pati, adorned Addottrinato, pflirt. imtruded avrò mai 1" adito di serrirla,
Addobbo, m. ^finery dress: Adduare, to double
; [lege, cite la servirò, if ever I have the
addòbbi di casa, houtehold Addurre, to brinir, coni-ei/, al- opjMrtunHy to serve you, I
Adeguare, to make equal, even,
Addolciménto, m. mitigation. to compare, to balance an ac- Adiunziónc,/ addition
Adiutóre, m. helper, protector
Addolcire, to sn'eeten, anften, Adeguatamente, adv. equally Adizióne, f. accession (law
alleviate : temperare, to rule. Adempibile, adv. feasible t-rm) [ogle
Adémpiere, to accomplish, Ji- Addocchiaménto, m. a' look.
Addolcitivo, adj. lenitive Adocchiare, to gasc, to stare
Addolcito, part, sweetened Adémpiménto, ni. accomplish- dolescénte, >»i. a young'man
Addolorare, to prieve: add Ademp.'re, to fulfil, to execute Adolescènza,/ youth
Adempitóre. m. who executes Adombraménto, m. shade
Addolorato, pari, affihied Adempiuto, part, fulfilled Adombrare, (ofluscdre) to over-
Addomandare, to send for Adtntro. urfc. inwardly; trdppo shadow, to shade, to fancy :
Addomesticaménto, «i. fan, adéntro, ,^00 yartn adombrarsi, to start back fur
iiariiy Adéntro, adv. within fear
Addomesticdre, tame; a
to Adequare, (see Adegudrc) Adombrato, part, shaded
domesticarsi, befamilia
to Adequataménte, adv. exactly A dombrazióne, /. a shade
Addomesticatóre^ m. he w equal rispondere adequa-
: A donare, to lower, to subdue,
taménte, to give a right an- ss [spile
adv. (a dispétto) in
Adequato, adj. proportioned Adontdre, to insult, to ojiiud.
Adequazióne.^' equality
Addop}>iaménto,m. redoubling Aderbare, to feed witn^rass Adoperaménto, m. usage
Addoppiare, to donile Aderènte, adj. adhering, fa- Adopeidre, to use, employ:
Addopi'.iato. part, doubled [m. adherence adoperdrsi, to interest one's
Addopjiiatura,/. re^^uubling AderénSa.y. and Aderiménto, self; voglio adoperarmi per
Addoppio, adv. doubly Aderire, to adhere voi, / will speak in your be-
Addormentaménto,»!. slumber Aàfitaie. to entice; i sensudli half
Aildormenlare, to lull in sleep, silasciano facilménte ades- Adoperatóre, to. »i7io employs
to decoy, amuse ; addormen- care, sensual men are easily Adoperazióne,/ use
tarsi, to fall asleep : lascidrsi allured A doppiamente,»!, drowsiness
addormentire dalle lusin- Adsscdto, part, allured Adoppiare, to give opium
ghe, to lujjer oiu's self to be Adescatóre, m. and Adesca- Adoppiato, HI. an infusion of
deceived trice,/ a wheedler
Addormcntdto, adj. sleepy. Adesióne,/, adhesion Adordbile, adj. adorable
Adesso, adv. non., at this in- Adorare, to adore, worship
Addossaménto, trouble, toil stant; ddéss' adesso, by aiid Adoratóre, m. and Adoratrice,
Addossare, to lay upon one's by [hand /. adorer
back; addossare la colpa ad A destra, ado. on the right A doratóri o, m. a temple
uno, tu lay the blame on ano- Adetto, «I. an adept [dering Adorazióne, /. and Adora-
ther addossarsi la cwra d'un
, Adiacènte, ndj. adjacent, bar- ménto, «i. adoration
nego'cio, to take upon one's Adiacenza,./', an adjacent pic - Adordindrsi, to get rea-ly
self the cart of an nJTair Adidntt . maiden hair (a Adornamente, adv. elegantly
Addosso, adv. upon one's back ; Adornaménto, m. ornament,
l'abito che ho addòsso, the Adimdre, to lower, to descend Adomdre, to adorn [finery
clothes I have on : métter le A
dio, adv. adieu, farewell; Adomataménte, adv. 'neatly.
unghie addosso, to lay hold; dire a dio, to take leave elegantly
métter rocchio addòsso, to A'Aipe,m.fat Adomdto, part, \adomed
cast an eye ; non ho dandri Adipóso, adj. full iffat Adomatórc, m. and Adoma-
addòsso, / have no money Adiraménto, in. anger trice.f. one who adorns
about m.t : tenére addosso Adirdre, to anger, provoke; Adomatùra, and AdomézZa,
alcuna cosa, any thing at adirdrsi, to be angry /. decking, trimtning, elegance
one's own expense Adiratamente, adv. angrily Addmo, to. ornament
Addétto, part, brought or put Adirato, adj. angry Adórno, adj. adorned, etnbel-
forward Adire, to accept an inheritance, lished
AddottonSre, to take the highest (law term) [against Adottaménto, m. adoption
or doctor's degree A
dirimpètto, facing, ovtr- Adottare, to adopt
Addottorato, part, having ta- A diruto, adv. straightly AdctUtivo, adj. adopted
ken a degree A dimisùra, adv. beyond mea- Adottatóre, m. and Adotta-
Addottrindre, to instruct sure, immoderately
trice, f. one rvho adopts
Adottato, adj. chosen, adopfei Affabilménte.adt). courteously, Affatichévole,
AdottazJdne./. adoption kindly
and AffaUcdso,
Adottivo, adj. belonging to a- Aftaccendrfrsi, to be busy Affatto, adv. quite, entirely;
Afi'accendiito, adj. busy
A due a due, adv. ttvo and two Affaccettare, iu facet, to cu
sono afiatto guarito, / am
Aduggiaménto, m. a hurtful _rjKfecih/ recovered
facet n'ise [,„or, ^iffatttirdre, to bewitch, charm
tjmde ^shadc Affacchinare, to do porter\
Aduggiàre, to hurt plants by Affatturatóre, m. a tnagiciait
to make,
Adulante, adj.Jlattering iftaccidrsi, to look o
A itatturatrfce, fa sorceress
Adulare, tojlattcr, to fawn ..ffaldare, to fold, pi,
Adulate, part.Jfatteicd Affazzor.aménto, m. ornavient
AiTamare, to famis.
Adulatóre, m. ^u7id Adulatn'ce,
f flatterer Am, adv. fai, myfaith
Adulatório, adj. fiat ter ing 1 Aftcmnamént
Adulazióne, j: Jl-atteri/, adu AfTbrmare, to uffirm^assert"'
Afrennativaménte, adv. I'osi-
Adultera,/, adulteress lively
Adulterare, ' ^'•'^'(^^i'ijo, adj. a£irmative
to counterfeit
forge, adulterate Afl_ermatóre, vi. he tvho af.
Adulterato, pari, mingled. a Affermazióne,/, assertion
Adulteratóre, m. adulterer y Aftérr.-irc, to holdjast, catch

Adulteratrfce,/. adultress Affettare, to cut to pieces hra-


Adulterazióne,/, cnrruvtio mare, to hunger o.fter af-

' fettare
Adultèrio, «,. advllery parlar TÓfcano, to
Affannato, adi.
Adùltero, m. adulterer "^ speak Tuscan
affect io
_ tressed '

Adnltfvo, adj. growing Affettatamente, adv. with af-

Adulto, adj. at full "age :

adulta, luarriageahle
Adunrfuza,/. avd Adunamén-
to, »H. assembly, congrega

issemhle together

Adu. ./ (see Z,adj. aSectio:


AdunaSióne, m. (see Adi

Aduncare. to bend, crook

Adunco, ndj. hooked, crook

Adunghiare, to take in c

Adiinque, covi. then, therel

Adustàre, to burn, and cri- Affascinatóre
Adustézza, and Adu.stiune

Adustivaménte, adv. drily

AdustiTO, adj. drying, scorch-
Adusto, adj. dry, scorched
Aere, m. (aria) the element
Aèreo, adj. airy, ethereal
Aerimante, m. he who div.

Affabile, aaj. ojiahle, courteous
Affabilità, Ai^abilitdde,
tome noie; Tolto afGIàto, AfTortificire, to fortify Agerolménte, adt. easily,
_n>ii:face Afforzaménto. m. fortification
Affilatura,/, an edge Afforzare, to fortify Agga-riinàTe, to grasp
Affinaménto, m. perfection, re- Affossare, to moat round
Aggelare, to make freeze
Affossatore, m. a grave-digger Aggelsimne,f freezing
Affinare, lo refine, rvhet, sharpen AffraKre, to nreahen -igsentilire, to enable, adorn,
Affinatrfio. m. a crucible Affrancare, to make free : af- embellish [lije
Affinature, m. refiner francarsi, to take courage Aggettivo, m. a noun adjec-
Affinché, conj. to the end that Affrancato, part, freed Agghermi^liare, to hold tight
Affine, atlj. 'a coimn, a kint- Affiangere, to break Agghiacciaménto, m. frost
Affranto, weakened, n'eary Agghiacciare, to freeze, con-
Affinità,/. aff.nity, alliance Affratellaménto, m. Affratel- geal, quake: agghiacciarsi,
Affiocaménto, m. and Affioca- lanZa, /. intimacy, fami- to be frozen; mi s' agghi-
liarity [Ihers acciò il sangue per la patirà,
Affiociire, to grow hoarse, to Affratellarsi, to live like bro- fear chilled my blood
f-iow weak [gttishing Affreddare, to make cold, to Agghiacciato, adj. frozen
Affiocato, part, hoarse, lan- grorv colder; affreddarsi, to Aggliiaccio, m. a dote (for
Affissaménto, nu staring catch cold sheep) [i„e
Affissa're, and Affisare,
io stare Affreddàto, part, grown cool Agghiadaménto, m. benumb-
III: attaccare, to stick Affrenaménto,
in. restraining Agghiadàfe, and Agghiadire,
Affisso, a -f /. fastened,fixed AffrSnàre, to restrain to be benumbed
Affittaiu(jio, m. farmer Affrettaménto, m. haste, hurry Agghiadato, pari, benumbed
Affittare, to let, to hire, to take Affrettare, to hasten, make with cold, wounded
Aggiacénia, /. places adja-
Affittd >, adj. let o, A^.:ttataménte, adv. hastily.
'ho len out <

Affrettato, adj hastened Agginocchi;
cavallo d- Affrica,/, .ijrica A'ggio, m. agin, or change
affitto, hncknev horse; pig- Affricano, m. an African -aggiogare, to yoke
liar ad affitto, '<o rent AWptteUare. fry
to Aggiogato, adj. yoked
AffiiVere. /.) afflici; affligersi, AftVontaraénto, m. and Af- Aggiornaménto, »•. adjourn-
to he afflicted frontata, f. an attack
Afflittivo, adj. affiicling Affroi'.tare, to engage in front, Aggiornire, to appoint a time ;
Afflitto, adj. ajflicjed, dis- to attack, provoke, or chal-
tressed {tion be dayliglU
Afflizioncélla,/ a little afflic- Affront^to, ad), attacked, af- Aggiornato, part, appointed
Amìzióne,fsor'ow, grief fronted, almscd [afferò Aggiraménto, ni. and Aggi-
Afriuente, adj. abundant Affrontatdre, m. who altackt rata, turning, going round.
Affluentemente, ade. abun- Affrónto, affront, abuse,
rencnunler [en yvith stnoke Aggirare, to go about, to sur-
Affluénza,/ abundance, plenty Affumare, to perfume, to dark- round aggirarsi, to wander, ;

Affocare, to set on fire Affumicaménto, m. and Affu- to lose one's way

-'^^o^^^'-'ine. f- stoppage of micata, /. fumigation Aggiratóre, »n. and Aggira-
Affumicare, to smoke trlce,/. cheat, deceiver
Affoj;aniénto, m. and Affoga- Affumicato, adj smoked Aggiudicare, to adjudge, give
tura, f. sujjbcalion, stran- -Affuocare, («ce' .affocare)
g ing Affusolare, to embellish, adjust
A ff i;;àre, /o strangle, to clioak; Afitto, {see Affitto) [sUion
aftbi^Kr nell' acqua, to drown Aforismo, m. aphorism, vropo.
Affogato, «r?;. strangled, stifled Afretto. adj. souruh Aggiugnere, and Aggiùngere,
Affo!' -
Afrézza,/ sharpness
AffoU Afro. adj. sharp vostra fdiiia aggiùgne per
Affolt.-ire. Affoltàrsi, to rush Afroni'tro, m. aphronite
vpon.toeatgreulily |
Agarico, m. agaric [gate
Affondninento, in. sinking,

A'gata,./'. (piètra prelidsa) a- Aggiunta, /. increase, addi-

Agata,/. a needle-fidl Aggiuniloiie, /. and Aggiug-
AffondUre, lo sink; to he Agente, m. agent, factor
drowned ; alla^re, to over- Agente, adj. active Aggiustaménto, 711. agreement
fiom • [ginginto Agenzia. / agency
Affondatara, /. sinking, dig- Agevolaménto, m. facility Aggiustare, to fit, to compound
Affi5ndo, adj deep, hollow Agevolare, to facilitate reconcile aggiusttre i conti :

Affóndo, ndr. to tk bottom Agévole, adj. easy to be done, to settle accounts

AfTbrtiticam.into, 771. fortifica- swift, niriiblt Aggiustaménte. cdv. in gooJ
, Agtyol6zi.3, f facility
AgpustatéSza./. eracinets A ggrottfire, to frown
AggiiistSto, part, adjusted
Aggobbire, to become liunch-
4.ggomitoIàre, lo r.

clue, to entpti/ -•Vggrumoldre, to hoard up

the sink nf
- „ a ship
,. ..ii;> Aggruppamento, m. making a
part. wound up
Ag.iomitolato, part,
Aggottare, to pump water out -Aggruppare^ (.«e Aggroppare) A'go, /. a needle : ago ;da bus-
afa ship Agguaglianza, /. nod A gguag- sola, the needle of a seu-
Aggradévole, adj. acceptable haménto, m. equality, equity. compass ; ago da capo, a
Aggradire, to accept, to receive
kintlhi questa casa in' ag- Agguagliare, to compare, In Agognare, to twist, to covet: In

gradisce, this hoìise pleases match agguaglidri,i, to com- aspire

; [dy
pare one's self [ly AgognatiSre, m. desirous, gre'e-
Aggradito, part, accepted Agguagliataménte,(Z</i). equol- Agdne, m. a large needle, a list
Aggraffare, and Aggraffiàre, -igguagliature, he who equals for combats
t„ clasp Agguaglia/ione,/, uniformity Agonia, f. agony, horror
Aggranàre, to produce seed Agguantare, to seine with quick- Agonizzante, adj. dying
Aggranchidre, to lienumh Agonizzare, to he tit the point
Aggranchiato, part, benumbed -Vgguatdre, to lay in ambus-
with cold -igordio, m. needle maker.
Aggrancfre, to catch sere In aggudto, to lie in
Aggrandiménto, m. prefer-
ment, advancement
Aggrandire, to enlarfre, ad-
vance one's self; gli udmini of war Agnzzfno,m. a species ofbuck-
virtuosi s' aggrandiscono -4gguindolaménto, m. winding
colla loro propria virtù-, men to a skein, deceit, artifice Agraménte. adv. sourly, sf-
of learning raise themselves Aggustàre, to give pleasure Agréste, adj. rural
by th- A ghétta,/, litharge Agrestezza^ ru.ttieity, acidity
Aghétto, TH. a tagged point .Agrestino, adj sourish
Agrèsto, m. sour grapes man. :

Agiaménto, ease, conveniency giar r agresto in giugno, to

Aggrapiiare, io,£! spend one's rent brfore it is
aggrapparsi, I,
Aggraticciarsi, I Agrestùme, m. acidity, sharp-
Aggratiglidre, tc
Agrétto, mna.iturtium, cress
AgTtUn,a,li. sourish
Agrézza,/ .^l.aipui-.-s, tarine.^.,

cast dor»,,; aggravdrsi, t„

-Agricoltura,/ husbandry
to r,'r„ng one's self; peggio- Agibile, feasible [swift Agrifòglio, (alldro spinóso) m-.
rare nella malattia, togron A'gile, adj. nimble, .irtixe. holly
Agilità, Agilitdde, and Agili- Agrigno, ad j. fierce, sour
Aggiàvio. m. impoaiiion, in- tate, /. nirnbleness, srvift- Agrimensóre, m. surveyor of
jury [fully laud [ing
Aggraziatamente, adv. (;i Agilitare, to render nimble Agrimensura, /. land suroey-
Aggregare, to assemble, A'gio, m. ease, conveniency a Agrimònia, /. agrimony, c/r
., ;

tugethrr [gnguted vostr'agio, at ynur leiswe ;

Aggregato, a a-tsembleil ag se avrò agio, if I can spare AgriOtta, /. agriot, (a sour


Aggregato, »n. association cherry) [sharply-

Aggregazione, /. and Aggrt Agrissimamente, adj. most
gaménto, in. admission int Agro. adj. tart, so,',r ; agre

Aggressóre, »i aggressor
AggreaZdre, to benumb, i

freeze [froze
AggrezSdto, part, benumlie. Agrume, m. sharp fruita
Aglia'ta,/. a t^urlic ragout -Aguaglidnza./. equaliti/
Aggrinzato, aclj. wrinkled [up -Vglio, m. garlic Aguarddre, to look sharp
Aggroppare, io knot, to ' - Agna,/. {see Agnélla) Aguastdre, to spoil, watte

Aguatdre, to lie in nuii e, f. she rvho helps al primo cólpo non cadel'
.^guaulto, aJJ lyiri^ in ivAl albero, Ihe tree will not fall
Aguatatóre, Vn. insrmrer ne [provoke at the first strol^e ; andar sa
AgucchiiSre, io knit set dogs to Jight, to per le cime degli alberi, io
Aguglia,/. an obeliak, a nee- iizzatdre, m. Aii23trice, /. pretend to more than one
dle instigator, one tvho pro- ought
Agugliata,/, a needle-full Albicante, and Alblccio, adj.
Agundre, (see Adunare) \1, to : al Re, to the King whitish
Agùra, and Agurla, /. a pre- ila, / nring, protection ; ala IbicBcca,/ apricot
Agutéllo, in. a lack {'age d' armata, the tving of an Albicòcco, m. apricot tree
AgutézSa,/. aharpnesx army ; ala di remo, the blade Albiligùstre, adj. as white as
AguZZaWre, m. a grinder of an oar; ala d'una chiesa, a privet flower
Aguzzatura,/, rvhetting the aisle afa diurch tenérsi ; Albo, adj. white
Aguzzino, ni. a tlave-keeper, su r ali, to stand upon one's Albóre, »«. ihe dawn of day
«n inspector overguard; far ala, to make
galley Albóre, m. (albero) a'tree
alayes room star su 1' ala, to be : Alborutto, m. rumour, commo-
Aguz2aménto, m. and Aguz- Just going
zata./, sharpness Alabarda,/, an 6a//;fr<f Albùme, m. the white of an
Aguzzare, to sharpen, rvhet, Alabardiere, m. an halberdier Alburno, to. a white hazel-
file; aguzzar 1' ingegno., to Alabeistn'no, adj. made of ala-
sharpen tte nil ; aguzzar baster Alodldo, m. Alcade
l'appetito, to whet the sto- Alabastro, m. alabaster
.f. alacrilf/
Aguzfo, ad. pointed, sharp: Alamanna,/, a kind of mus- I of alchy
aver l'occhio aguzzo, io be cat grape [surtout trick
clever, or cunninsc: ha I' Alamanno, m. a German, a Alchemico, adj. belonging to
occhio aguzzo in questa sorte Alamaro, m. frogs (on a coat) alchymy
d' aliare, he is rveli versed in Alano, m. a large kind of Alchimista, m. alchymist
this t of bus English dog Alchimizzare, to practise al-
Ah, ah, alas! ah Alare, m. an hand-iron chymy [tic bird)
gógna,' ^/id fur sitarne! ali Alare, toj'asien on wings Alcióne, m. alcyon fan aqua-
lasso, alai : Alatèrno, m. privet (a tree) Alcordno, m. the alcoran
Ai, to ai libri, to the books
: Aldto, adj. n-iuged Alcdvo, m. an alcove
Aia, /. barn, threshing-floor, Aiba,/ the dawn of day Alcunamente, adv. by no
Albagia,./', ostentation, pride
Aimè, interj. alas! Albàgio, m. a kind of coarse Alcuna Tolta, adv. sometimes
Aio. m. governor, tutor ; Aia, cloth Alcuno, adj. somebody
Albagióso, adj. proud Aleggiare, to spread one's
Aiòne, tx. vagabond;andar Albana,/, a white grape Aléna,/, breath ['"ings
aióne, io wander about Albatro, m. albatross fa bird) Alenamento, m. breath, breaUi-
Alta,/, help fin poetry) Albégine,/. whiteness ing
Aitante, adj. courageous, vi Albeggiaménto, m. lustre Alendre, to give or take breath
goroas Albeggiante, adj whitish Alepdrdo, m. leopard
Aiuòlo, m. a bird-net Albeggiare, to dawn Alétta, o little wing; alétte /
Aiutante, m. assistant aiu : Alberare, to set up: alber>ire de' pesci, .^ II*
tante maggióre, an adju un àlbero di vascèllo, io set Alfa ed omega, the first and
taxU in a regiment: aiu tip a mast; piantar diberi, the tasi [eally
tante di campo, aide- de to plant Ir-- Allabeticamé4ite, "" alphalteti-
camp Iberato, p Alfabético, ad), alphabetical
Aiutare, to aid, assist, re lbercóccav_ Alfabèto, m. alphabet
lieve : Moii ho nessuno che »n. (see Albicòcca, and Al- Alfdna, /. a mate, (so called
M' aióti, I have no one io
help me; aiutarci (servir- Alberèlla,/. aspen-free Altière, /. and Alfiéro, m. en-
si) lo use, make use of any Alberello, m. a little vast sign, standard-bearer, bishof
thing Alberése,/, limestone (at chess)
Afutatlvo, adj. serviceable Alberètto, m. a shrub [go) Alga, and Aliga,/, sea-weed
Aiutato, adj. helped Allargaménto, m. (see Allier- A'Igebra,/. algebra
.•.aiutatóre, m. Aiuiatn'ce, /.
Albergdre, io lodge, lo dwell Algebrista, m. algeltraisl
helper Albergato, pari, lodged Algènte, adj. cold, freezing
Ahito, m. aid, assistance: AlheTg!Ltóre,,inn-keepei A'igere, to freeze
aiuto, aiuto, murder, mur- AlbOrgo, »n. imi, lodgings Algóre, m. hard frost, cold

der ; il vostro libro m" é Alberino, m. a shrub Algóso, adj. full ofsea-weei

stdto d" aiuto, your òook has A'ibcro, m. a tree: dlbero di Alia,/, wmg of a buildÌ7ig '

oeen useful to me vascèllo, the mait qf a thip .Aìice,f. anchovy ,

Alidamente, adv. drìly dére allato, to sit h^ . , Allettante, adj. alluring
Alitici, adj. dnj allato, hard by ; è nulla al- Allettare, to allure, entice.
Alidóre, {see Aridità) lato alle obligazióni che
AUenàhile, adj. alienable profésso, it is a trifle to wh, Allettativa, /. and Alletatfvo,
Alienare, to fiart ìvith; alie- I owe you [of a child
narsi, io rvithdra».; io part Allattaménto, m. the sucking
Allattante, /. a nurse (who \llet
Alien;!to, adj. alienated, wan- suckles) [to suck er.iic,
dering, straj/ed Allattare, to suckle; poppare. Alletévole, adj. alluring
Alienazióne,/, separation, dii Alleanza,/, confederacy Allevaménto, m. and Alleva-
traction, alienation (cession Alleato, adJ confederate, allied tdra./. education
cf one's property) Allefirrirsi, to strike root Allevare, to bring up, train
Alièno, adj. foreigner; robba Allegagióne,/ Allegaménto, foster; i
»i. {see Allegazióne) to
contrario, averse, Allegare, (citare) to allege,
Aligero, adj. quote, produce ; (also) to form
Alimentaróénto, a confederacy
Alimentare, to nourish, feed Allegato, adj. ally, confederate Alleviaménto, n relief, c
Alimentàrio, m. alimony AUegatóre, r?i. Allegatrlce, /. fort
Alimentiito, pari, kepi, main- Alleviare, fo relieve, alleviate:
tained [sustenance Allegazióne,/, quotation alleviare il dolóre, <o u*««a£-e
Aliménto, m. nourishment, Alleggeriménto, m. relief, com- a pain [ed
Alimentóso, adì nouiishing fort Alleviato, adj. eased, appeaa-
AliOsso, m. a cockle Alleviatóre, m. comforter.
Aliqudto, adj. an aliquot part AU:A-Aza,f- an alliance
Aliséo,m.(venti alisèi) the traile Allibire, to become pale through
Alitare, to pant [winds
AlitjCre, m. panting, short- Allibrare, to hook
breathing ically A\Ue\Axsi, to grow up
A'lito, m. breath ; far buon Allegòrico, adj. allegorical
àlito, to sweeten the breath, Allegorista, m. an allcgorist Alligatóre, m. alligator
to va-)our, fume, steam Allegorizzare, to allegorize Allignare, to take root'.
Alivelòce, adj. trvift-winged Allegramente, adr. joyfully Allindare, and Allindare, to

Alia, /. a public place, false) star allegramente, io be merry embellish ; allindarsi.

an ell (measure) Allegrante, adj. cheerful adorn self ,

Alia, to the; alia casa, to the Allegritre, and Allegrarsi, to Allindatóre, an embellisher m
house ; alia budna, adv. in- Allineare, to draw up in line
genuously alia Francése, Allégratfvo, adj. recreative
: of battle [chattering
after the French fashion Allegrézza, /. joy; giomd d' Allinguato, adj. praitling,
Allacévole, adj. entanf^led allegrézza, rejoicing day Allividiménto, m. lividity
Allacciamènto, m. tlte art of A\iegria,,glad7ies3 (black and blue)
Allégro, adj. merry Allividire, to grow black and

Allenire, to decay, to assuage Ano^'AuClgVi, Alia, Alle,

woman [toninf: '^" '' prep, to, at
Allacciatura, f. binding, but- Allenito^ adj. softened Alloccire, to lie in wait
AUagaménto, m. and Allaga- Allen - AUoccherta,/. the owl's holes
; lentézza, slow- Allocco, m. an owl, a booby
AUagiSre, to overflow Allodiale, adj. allodial (free) '

AUagdto, part, overflowed llentare, to loosen ; allentar Allodialita,/. allodialiiy

Allampanare, to rage with la briglia al cavallo, to let Allòdio, m. allodial (any thing
loose the reins to a horse; free)
Allampanato, a,]), thin allentar la voce, to stop one's illódola,/. a lark
Allargaménto, 7)i. ampliation Allegagióne, ,/'. and AUoga-
Allargare, to enlarge, ampli- Allentatilra,/. a rupture
fy : allargare la mano, to Vllen-- s, to
• • '
bi Allogare, to let, to fan ; allo-
vse lilieralitu: allargar il Allessamente, m. boiling
fréno alle passióni, fo gratify Allessare, to boil iogatóre, m. landlord
the passions [plijied AUestare, and Allestire, Alloggiaménto, m. inn, lodg'
Allargato, adJ. enlarged. allestirsi, io prepare ing levar gli alloggiaipenti,

Allargatóre, in. entarger [ready to march off"; alloggiaménto

Allarmare, io alarm , adj. prepared, got di soldati, soldiers' quar-
Allat adu. , about; se- '

Alletair.àre, io dung [ticemeni
"'"' ' -'.o,m.alturement,en-
Alloggiaute, adj. a lodscr
Atlosgiire, to lodge; star di fox's evil, the falling of the infdmie, ìu>m he pridi him
casa, to dwell self in his infamy! pom-
Alloggiatóre, m. host, init- Alpe,/, the Alps poso, splendid, magnificent,
kfeper Alpèstre, ndj. mild, mountain- noble: io vo altièro" delle
Alloggio, (see Alloggiaménto) ous, rocky: paróle alpèstri, grazie che ho ricevute da
AilogliSito, adj. stupid voi, / think myself ,;er.y
AUoTitanaméiito, »n. itnd W- Alpigho, adj. K'ho inhabits the much honoured with your
lontananza, f. distance, re- Alps
moteness Altifronduso, adj. tvilh a tufted
Allontanare, to remove, to top
drift amay allontanarsi, to
: Altiioninte, adj. (see .Sonòro)
go from: allontanarsi dalla some friends ; alquantiinc Altissimamente, adv. very
virtù, to forsake virtue al-
: highlii, most deeply
lontanarsi dal vero, to be Altaléna, /. a srving for chii .Altissimo, m. (Sod Almighty
false: allontanarsi dalla Mthiidme.f. height
str.ida, to lose one's vay ; Altalenare, to swing * "-vol.inte, adj. any thing
alloTrtanarsi dalla patria, to Altaleno, m. a srving gate ,t flies very high

fly from one's conrUry al-

: Altamente, adv. on high jirc ;Alto, adj. high, tall più alto :

lontanrlrsi dal suo soggètto, fondamente, deeply ad alta : di me, toller than I: alto
to rambUfrom the stibject vote, loud nobilmente, no-
; raare, high sea: voce alta,
'" '-o.a'—-^ bh), generously, splendidly loud voice; di alto, from
Alloppiare, te cast ii A\tina.,f. a turret above uòmo d' alto sapere,

Altare, m. altar a man of great learning;

Alloppio, nt. any thing that Altèa,/ a sort ofmallon's pericoloso, dangerous, ha-
causes a profound sleep Alteràbile, adj. alterable, zardous ; panno alio, broad
Alldra, adv. then, at that time ; changeable cloth ; mirare in alto, to
d'allóra in qua. since ; allóra Alteramento, m. (see Altera- look above far alto, to halt : ;

allóra, ai the very time far alto e basso, to do as

Allòro t. the I rrl-tr ——
Ai» X /_ _,/._ change; al- one pleases alto, (in music, ;

Allucignoldre, to trri teràrsi 2ngry treble

Allucignarsi, to mistiiKe ! Alteratamente, adv. furiously Altramente, adv. otherwise
Allùda,/, sheep's lenther Alterato, adj. changed, al- Altresì, adv. also, too, like-
Alludente, a,,';. aUuding I
te red wise io ho altresi rice-

Alludere, to allude to Alterazióne, / alteration, vuto una lettera da lui, /

Allumare, to set fire to likewise received a letter from
AlluminaJióne,/. (sec Illuini- Altercare, to wrangle, chide,
Altrettale, adj. such another,

Altercazióne,/. chiding, alter- the same thing

Altrettanto, adv. as much, as
Alterézza, Altierézza, and Al-
terfgia, / ostentation, pride, altrettanto ricco che voi, /
\ insolence, arrogance wish I was as rich as you
Allungare, to lengthen '
Alternamente, adv. by turns Altri, proH. other
Allungato, adj. lengthened 1
Altemiire, to turn, to vary Altriché, adv. (see Altroché)
Allungatura,'/ prolongation Alternativa,/, alternative AItrié.n, adv. the day before
Allupare, to starve tvilh hun- Alternativamente, adv. by yesterday
ger turns Altriménti, adv. otherwise,
Allusing^re, to flatter [enei Alternativo, adj, by turns else : non altriménti, just
Allusióne, /. allusion, refer- Alternazióne,/, redoubling
Allusivo, adj. allusive Altèro, and Alteró.io, adj. Altro, pron. rei, other, an

Alluvióne,/, alluvion proud, scornful, disdainful


A\m^,f the soul (in poetry) Altézza, /. height, loftiness


Almanaccare, fo build catties una statua dicci piedi d'al-

tézza, a statue ten feet high ;

Almanacco, m. almanack, ca- profondità, depth ; potéiìxa,

Almanco, and Alméno, adv. power; sublimità, sublimity
Altézza, /. highness: S. A. R.
Almirdnte, m an admiral, the or Sua .A.ltez2a Reale, his
royal highness
Almo, adj famous, excellent Alticcio, adj. tipsy
Alci, m. aloes, (a kind of herb) AUieraménte, adii, proudly,
aloes fa shrub J

Alopecia, and .Alopézia, /. the j

adv. tomenhcrt elte Amiizonp,/.' amazon, a tvar- iffbio, adj. ampliitjiout
'— -ànto, m.spotless
Ambage,^' preambles amianthus,
Ambasceria,/ emluissy
Alveir Hid AlTcdrio, Ambifscia, /. shortness of
bee-h [ru
m a canal, the bed ofc AmbasciadiSre.m. ambassador
AWmo. adj. from the Mh, Ambasciadortìzzo, m a deputy chevole,
Alunno, wi. and Alunna, / Ambasciadrlce, /. ambassa- endly
nlmente, adi: ami-
Ah.o"m. the belìi/ Ambascidre, to pant cably, fritndly ; vi parlo
Alzàia,/, u cu Wf Ambasciata, embassy
/. : amichevolmente, I speak to
Alzare, to raise, to lift up messàggio, message
alzar le véle, to hoist Ih. amicizia, jf'. friendship, amity
sail alzar uno a qualche
: .mico, m. friettd ; amico
digiiità, to advance to some so,
«</J. full of grid- strétto, an intimate, a
mbdbsi gallant ; amica (amàntel

to lift up
one's voice ; alzar both : ambe le mani, both fido. m. starch
!e carte, to cut the cards ; hands Amistàde, and Amis-
alzarsi, to rise up Ambedue, Ambediii, Ambi- friendship. alliance
Alzato, part, risen duo, p,on. bolh caménto, m. a con-
Alzatura,/. lifting up Ambiante, adj. ambling
Ani.-ibile, adj. Ambiare, to amble
Ambidestro, adj. ambiderter
Amabilità,/, affability, mild- (who uses both hands alike)
Ambidiie, Ambidùi, Ambi- Ammacchidrsi, to hide one's
Amabilménte, adv. amiably, duo, pron. both self beh ind a bush [ed ly
friendly Ambiente, ni. circumference, Animaestraménte, adv. learn.
Amaca,/, a hummock
A madóre, m. a lover Ambipuamtnte, aJv.'~ ambi-
AmadOtta,/ a kind of pear Ambife-uita,/. double meaning
Amaglidre, to heat.flax Ambiguo, adj. ambig,w„s, Ammaestrare,
' " uialgamation doubtful; udmo ambiguo.
\algamate Ambio, m. amide
Ambire, to aspire to
Ambito, m. cabal
tenderly Ambizidne,/. ambition
Amanuènse, m a copier Ambiziosamente, adv. ambi-
Amardccio, adj. disagreeable, tiously [man
hitter [grievously Ambizidso, aéj. an ambitious
Amaramente, adi) bitterly. Ambo, pron. (see Ambe)
Ambedue, Ambodùo, pron.
Ambra,/, ar^iler [bath
Ambracanàto, adj. perfumed '

with ambergris
Ambracane, m. ambcrgtii
Ambràre, to perfume with Ammagrdie, and A mmagrlre,

Amareggiare, to embitter, to Ambretta,/, amhret (ajlorver)

o.ffl"t Ambroglna, /. a kind of al- nith le:nes
Amarézza, /. and Amardre, Ambrdsia./. ambrosy [mond Ammaidto, covered or icckea
m. bitterness, affliction
Amaritùdine, /. bitterness, Ambulatorio, 0(1; ambulatory Ammainare, tZ stri'ke, or
discontent Amenamente, adj. agreeably
Amdro, grievous, ' mendue, Amendùni, Amen Amml\àre,'to gron< sick
adj. un-
dune both Ammalaticcio, ad], sickly
Amatfsta,/. amethyst nendùe, (tutti due) both Amn-.aldlo, adj. sick, ill; mi
Amative, adj. lovely ammalato, a sick person
A mdto, pari, beloved meditate, f. pleasantness Amnialiaménto, m. enchant-
lighffulness ment, Lctritchiug
^no, adj. pleasant, delight
Ammaliatóre, m. a sorcerer mdre, to sink in a mire; Ammissiiràto, adj. temperate,
Ammaliatrice,/, a n'«cA ammemàrsi, to entangle
Animaliatùra,/. (see Arama- o,ie's self in a hud affair amice (a priesft
lia:nénto) yiciou» Ammènda, /. (risarciménto) gari ent)
Aininaliziàto, ailj. grown ma- Ainmoderncire, io make a
Ammanettàre, '
- • - fine, penalty; condandr all' thing fashionable
r, to (ire. self ammènda, to fine incórre- Ammogliaménto, m. marriage

re 1" ammènda, to forfeit Ammogliare, to mar>-y

Ammenciabile, ddj. corrigible Ammogliato, adj married
hellishyn Ammendare, to correct, re- Ammogliatóre, m. a malch-
; to adorn, em- claim, to indemnify am- ;

mendare ildanno, to make Ammoinàre, to caress

Ammannaiàre, io behead with good the /o.!j ; ammendarsi Ammollare, to mollify, soften ;

dal bere, io refrainfrom to let go, to let loose

Ammanire, to prepare, to put Ammollalivo, adj. moistening
Ammolliente, adj. vmoltient
Ammansare, to soften, to tame Amiaollilto, adj. from Am-
Ammantare, to cover, to cloak — 3".l^re
ami hide any thing mmèsso, pari, admitted
•••- adj. covered, A nmSttere,
to admit, receive ;
defen ;rnmi-ttere le giustificazióni spinage is loosening ; le
di qualchedùno, io give one '., or affect
Ammollito, adj. loosened
Ammezzaménto, m. divisimi, Ammonire, to admonish,warn,
Amraarcimento, m. piilrefac- admonished
to, part,
Ammonitóre, m. admonisher
Ammarrire, in rot [itse!f Smmonizioncella, /. paternal
Ammarginàrsi, to cica' -

Ammartelldre, to tormen mmonizióne,/- admonition

give jealoiuy Ammontare, to heap up
iniccatóre, »«. rvho minks Ammonticchiare, to In
minicolàre, io prop, assist pel,pi
iticcliiàto, heaped, pilrd
minfcolo, m. support, help
ministrare, io administer,
get together anage, govern ; sorami-
Ammassato, ad), heaped up ;
stràre, ^o supply, or ajford
ministrate, pari, supplied Ammorbidare, and Ammor-
Ammassatóre, ni. accumulator ministratdre, m. adminis- bidire, to soften, loosen ,

Ammasso, m. a heap ator, manager \iratrix ammorbidirsi, io grow ef-

Ammatassare, --- AmministratrCce, /. adminis- feminate
imministraziòne,/. adminis- Ammorsellato, m. a hash
Ammattfre, to grow distract- tration, government Ammortaménto, m. extinction
ed : far divenir mitto, to Amminutóre, <o cui very small Ammortare, to extinguish
lirdbile, adj. wonderful, Ammortire, to extinguish, to
Ammaitlto,aiij,distracted,niad e, excellent
Ammattonaménto, m. a pav AmmirabUità, /. tlie marvel- Ammortito, pari, extinguished
ing rvith square marble tiles lous Ammorzare, to quench, to re-
Ammattonare, to pave rvitl mmirabilmt!nte, adii, rvon- press, mitigate ; ammorzarla
derfully supèrbia, io humble pride
Ammattonato, adj. pavec mmiragliàto, m. office of ad-
with square bricks, &c. miral^, admiralty uiR«
Ammaìiaménto, »n. slaugh
idmire, wonder
Ammaliare, to murder; am- stupirsi, to be amazt izzicdre, to cut in pieces
mazzarsi, to kill one's self lirativo, adj. admirit __
ZZicilto, ailj. cut in pieces
Ammazzasètte, m. a vapour Ammirato, part, admired, iccliiare, to heap, amass
ing Hector [hous isàre, to pout, to ineet
Ammazzatojo, m. a slaughter Ammiratóre, m. Aramiratri-
Ammazzatore, »i. and Am itinaménlo, «n. mutiny.
Ammlrazitine,/. admiration
Ammazzolaie, to make nose- Ammissibile, adj. admiasible
Ammissióne,/ admission à:o, adj. raised in
Viucielmire, and Ammem- Ajuuiissuràre, to measure
Ammutinatóre, m. a rtbel Ana, a nord used by physicians AncoTTJiggio, m. anchorage
Ammutolire, and Ammuto- in their preicriplions, signi- Ancùdine,/, .rnvil
lire, io he dumb, mute fying an eiual quantity of Ancusa,^: orchanet fa plant)
Amrautolàto, ami Ammuto- each - ' - . . •

lito, adj. speechless, mule .4.nabatlsta, in. anabaptist

Amnistia,^, a getterai pardon Anacorèta, m. anchorite, hi ;
Andaménto, m. , depcri-
Amo, m. huok, a Jìsh-hook
Anacoretizz^e, to live like on Andana, J', a rope-walk
Amóre, j». love, iijìection; Anacreòntica, / Anacreontic Andante, going
amor proprio, self-love; por- ode [tic Andantemente, adv. fluently,
amóre, to love
tar Anacreóntico, adj. Anacreon- easily, wilhout interruption
A moreggiaménto, m. rvoning Anacronismo, »i. anacronism Andare, to go andare a piede, ;

Amoreggiare, lo make love Anagdllide, to. broo.klime, to walk andare alla lunga, ;

Amorévole, adj. kind (herb) to draw ; andar

out in length
Ammorevoleggiixe, io cajole, Anagallo, m. pimpernel (herb) a vela, andarne la
to sail :

Anagnoste, m. a lecturer vita, at stake;

life andare
Ainorevolézza, f. friendship, Anagogia,/ anagogy, mystery, ornalo, io dress well ;andare
love: amorevolezzina, Arimi elevation [tically a marito, to marry
andar ,

nords [friendly Anagogic.iménte, adv. mys- bene, to succeed; andar a

Amorevolmente, odv. loving. Auagramma, m. anagram secónda, to favour ; lasciamo
Amorino, m. a liitle lore Anagrammatizzare, to nuike andare questo discorso, let
Amorosamente, adv. amorous, anagrams us talk no more of this-; i
friendly Analisi,/, analysis vostri afifari vanno à secón-
Amorosello, or Araorosètto, Analitico, adj. analytical da, your business prospers ;
adj. lovely, genteel Analogia, f. analogy, resem- né tempi andati, in time
Amoróio, adj. amorous past andar facendo, io go

Amoróso, ni. lover, gallant; AnalOgico, and Anàlogo, adj. about something; andare m
analogous, alike collera, to be angry andar ;

heart Anands, m. pine-apple altero, to be proud andar- ;

Amoretto, m. rising love Anarchia,/, anarchy le, to t gone

Amoscfca,^ a kind of plum Anàrchico, adj. anarchical Andata,/, gait,
Amovibile, adj. removable Anatèma, curse of excommu- a purging [P-'rging
Ampério, m. hawthorn Andatacela,/, a very copious
Ampiamente, adv. amply, fuUy Anddto, part, gone, past
Ampiézza,/, extent, amplitude Anatomia,/. anatomy .Andatóre, m a traveller
A'rapio, adj. large, wide, spa- Andatura, walking
cious ampie promésse, grtoi
; mically Andirivièni, m. tvindings, in
Anatòmico, aJj analm coherent discourses
Ampioeiovdnte, adj. ft for Andito, m. passage, entrance
ist, a professor of Andróne, m. antechamber
Ampioregndnte, one nlio reigns Anèddoto, m. an anecdote
latomizzare, to anatomize' Anelante, and Aneldso, adj.
A'n a./c iuck panting, blowing [pant
Ampliare, to extend, enlarge I,/, haunch, hip Anelare, to breathe short, to
Ampliato, part, enlarged Ancèlla,/, maid, damsel Anelazióne,/. short breath
Amiiliazióne, /. ampliation, Anche, adv also, too, likewise ; Anelito, m. shortness of breath
, (à law term) [extol per anche, yet, as yet: ne Anellètto, and Anellino, m. a
Amplificare, to ampUfij, to anche, neither, not quand*
: small ring
Amplificato, adj. Ofnphfùd anche, though, although; vi Anello, »n. a ring; dar 1' a-
Amplificatóre, m. amplifier sono stato anche, / have been néllo, to betroth; a-ièllo di
Amplificazióne, and Amplia- there also; 1' a%Tei fatto, capélli, /otfco/Aair
zióne,/. amplif,eation quando anche fosse stato Anellòne, m. a large ring
Amplissimamente, adv. at presente, I would have done Anellóso, adj. made like a
it though he had been there
Amplitudine./, trmplitude Ancheggiare, to wag one's legs Anemone, m. a flower so called
Ampólla, /. boHU, Jlagon, Anci^ere, to kill Aneto, ni dill [sense
Anelila,/, a maid Anfanaménto, m. prating, non
Ampollina,/ a bubble .Anco, adv. also, yet, rfifj Anfanare, to ramble in dis-
Ampollosamente, and Ampol- A'ncora,/. an anchor course anfanarsi, to wau' ;

lóso, adv. bombastically Ancóra, adv. also, likewise,

Ampollosità,/, bombast agai Anfanatdre, m. prattler, blah
Ampollóso, adj bombastic ' la,/i|
Amputa2ióne,'/. amputation
Amuléto, m. amulet
Anfibologia,/, uncertain mean- ]
Annsjrfre, to smelt, to com»

Anfihologicamc-nte, atlv. am- ]

Annasato, adj smelted
AiVuoH./.v [ubscire Ann^i^re, to wind yarn
Anfibologico, aHj. ambiguous, a Annata,/ ./.ar
An&sci. wi. Amphisciam fiu- Annebbiaménto, ni. dark «
ìuibitamt of the torrid zone) Animale, adj animal
Anfiteatro, m
amphitheatre Animalesco, adj. beastly Annebbiare, t cloud: anneb-
A'nfora,/ kilderkin Animaletto, m. animalcule
Anfratto, m
a narrow dark AnimaUno, m. animalcule Annebbiato, ai
place [charme Animalità,/, animality blasted
Angariare, io force, tu over- Animalone, m. a great
beast Annegaménto, r
Angariatore, m an oppressor a dunce, an awkhiard fellon
Angelica,/, a plant to called Animaluccio, and Anima Annegare, to drorvn, to deny
Angelicamente, adv. like an 1Ù2ZO, m. animalcule Annegato, adj. dromntd
angel [of an angel Animante, rvhat is animated Annegaiióne'.f. self-denial
Aiigeliché/za, /. tlie likeness Animare, io hearten, to aw AnneghitUre, and Anneghit-
Angelico, udj angelical; viso .iidtcfiLc^ tirsi, to grofir lazy

angelico, charming face adj. nimated Anneghittito, adj. idle, slighter.


f. «ni>«<w?-jAnneraménto, fii. a '
A'ngelo, m. angel angelo cus-
: '.,

ttSde, guardian angel tiira. f. black-ness

,gnei' ^- to Mac
Aannerare, • I

I '

io fo ciò per angheria, / am
forced to do this
Anghcriare, to compel, to op-

AngiptirK rn-agaii

Anglicano, adj. Anglican ; la

of England
Anglicismo, ni. Anglictsm
Anglo, m. an Englishman (in
poetry) [nered
Angolare, adj. angular, cor-
Angolarménte, adj. angularly
A'ngolo, »i. angle, corner
Angolóso, adj. having angles
Angore, j.i grief, pang
Aiigoscévole, adj. sorrowful,
Angoscia, /. «lid Ango
Angosciare, to grieve, to v,

Angoscidtn, udj. sorronful,

Angosciosamente, adv. sori
falhj [fui
Angoscidso, adj. anxious, pain
A'ngne, m. a S7iake (in poetry J
Anguflla./. <c» eel
Anguin jglia, f .groin, a botch
Angustia. / distress, scarcity ;

ai:gust)a di tempo, shortness

Angustiare, to afflict, to harass
Anunstiato, adj. Angustii5so,
adj. auxions,, grieved
Angusto, adj. nanorv, close,
Annoiaménto, ni. r Ansamdnto, m. panting, sito Antichrfsto, m. Antichrist
Ansante, adj. out qf breath
* - -re. to pant iilata,/. antedate
1./. perplexity Metto, adj. foretold
Annoio: la,f. sorrow A ntidlre, to foretell
Annoids A'nsio, adj s tdoto, m. antidote, counter

Annoiare, to freight (as ships , Antifona,/ anthem

itifonario, m. an anlhem-
Annoraàre, to name, to call inger (also) a book of an-

Annòna, f. provisions
Annoso, adj. old, ancient Antifras^,/. antiphrasis
\ ntigiudicàre, to prejudge
intiguardàre, to foresee
intiguardia,/. vanguard
Annotazióne,/, a note, remark f precedency Intiniettere, to pilfer, to et-
Annottare, and Annottarsi, tu
grow dark Antelucano, adj. bfure day-
Annoveraménto, m. enumera- •ight
itemurale, m. defence
Antenato, m. progei
>ndU, c itipdpa, m. uHtipope
forefathers [pole itipàsto, VI. dishes first
.ntènna, /. sail-yara, lun
Antepenùllimo, adj before i Antipatia, f. natural aversion
Annoverévole, adj. that may last but mie Antipàtico, adj. aver.-.e
le computed Antepórre, to prifer, to esiti Antipatizzare, to bear anavev
Annovero, ?n. ccymputation Anteposizióne,/, preference Sion tn

' ',pnrt. preferred
Annuale, adj. yearly Antipatizzàto, part, hated
Annuale, rn. (tutto il corso .adj.forenwst A nti pensare, to premeditate
anno) the year
dell' a,f. priority Antipensato, adj. premedi-
Annualmente, adv. annually lénte.aJr. before tated
Annugolare, In grarv cloudy Antipodi, m. antipodes
Annuvolato, clouded Aiiteserràglio, jii. ajicid gale, Antipórre, to prejer, esteem
AnnuUagio'r.e, /. and Annul- a fore close Antiporte, /. and Antipòrto,
laménto, m. abolishing, sup- ntesignano, ami Antessi- ' '
gnano, 7<i. standard bearer gate [hand
lullàre, i siipprc ntitaglia,/ antiquity, monu- AnliprCndere. to take hefore-
ments of antiquity Anticjuario, m. an antiquata
Annullato, repealed, abro- Anticamente, adv. anciently, Antiquato, adj. obsolete, old
of old Antisapére, to foresee
Anticàmera,/, antechamber
Antisapévole, adj. that may be
AnnullàzJóne, /. aboliihing, Ami< ^,adj.t.
ntichita, Antichitdde, and j

Anticliitate,/. antiquity
Aniicipare, to prevent, to fore-
tell Ihanc 'Antiserraglio, m. a kind of
Anticipatamente, adv. before-
Anticipato, adj. anticipated
AnlicipaziSne,/. preveiitit>n
Antico, adj. ancient, grand-
Annunziaiiiine,/. the an, 'Antivedére, fo>r<

Annùnzio, m. message, ne
Annuo, adj. annual
Annuvolare, to overcast
Annuvolato, adj. cloudy
A' the fundament
Anodino, oilj. anodyne
Anòmalo, a^lj. irregular
Anonimo, aiìj. nameless .Anticórte,.r. afore court
Anatomia, f. dissection Antichristiino, adj. antichri
Anotomistd, »i. anatomist
, ,

Antirigflia, /. the evening be- ApolUneo, (di Apollo) tói \f Appantiaménto, and Appan-
Apollo natura,/. dÌ7,ines.i
Antologia, anthology Apologètico, adj. apologeti: Appanndre, to darken, io
Antràce, and An tracia, /. a Apologia,/, apology, defend cloud; to tarnish, dull; to
Apologista,»!, an apologist fall into a snare
A'ntro, m. den, cave, grotto Apologo, in. apologue, fable Appannato, pari, caught in
Anulare, and Anulario, ndj. Apoplessia,/, apoplexy
pertaining io a ring dito Apojiletico, adj. apoplectic
; Appannatóio, m. tvliat ditnà
anulare, àie ring finger Apostasia,/, apostacy
Anzi, adv. rather un the con- Apòstata, »rt. apostate, rette- Apparire, to learn
trary, even, also ; non è soia- gado Apparito, adj. learned
ménte liberale, anzi pro- Apostafdre, to apostatize Apparato. tn. preparation; con
digo, he is not only liberal, Apojtèma,/. an imposthume apparato, sumptuously
but even prodigal Aposlemare, to suppurate, to Apparecchiamènto, m. prepa-
Anzi, prep, befirre ; anzi ch'io
moia, before I die andate Aposteraato, adj. imposthu- Apparecchiare, to prepare, to

si che venga, go arvau treat apparecchiare la ta- ;

re he CO ApostoìàtOjtn. aposlolate, apos- vola, to lay the cloth; appa-

Anzi. conj. nay tleship recchiarsi, to get one's -felf
Aniianit;Sde, and Apostolico, adj. apostolical ready, (also) to furnish one"*
AnZip.iiitite, /. antiquity,
Apostrofare, to put an apos-
Anziano, adj. old, ancteiit Apostrolataménte, adu. nilh
Anziché, adv. sooner, before an apostrophe
that ; anzi pure, rather than Apostrotatura, and Apostro-
fazione,/. the art of putting Appareggiàre, to put in com-
Anzichéno,arfti. rather, soencr apostrophes petition, to match
Anzinàto, adj. first born, eldest Apostrofe, m. an apostrophe Apparentire, to nuttch,tomake
Aolirfto, a. oily (in >ric) one's selffamiliar
Aoncinare, in make crooked Apostrofo, apostrophe ; Apparentito, adj. related to
Aorcare, to strangle, choak A pparente, adj plain, evident
Aorcato, part, strangled ApOstumc, adj. posthumous Apparentemente, ade. appa-
Aormàre, tohasf term) to quest ApotCgma, apophthegm, (a f rently [probahilUy
A otta, adv. often a òtta a; sliort and pithy senlenee) Apparènza, /. outside slwm,
òtta, non' and then Apoteòsi, / apotheosis (the Apparére, to appear
deifying of a man) Apparigliire, v. to pair
Appaciamèiito, m. pacifying Apparimento, »i. apparition.

Appatliu'lionare, to incamp Apparire, io appear.

pelióta, jii. east wind Apjiadiglionito, adj. incamped
pen-lino, ,n. Apennine mcu,i. Appag.'ibile, adj. that may he
taws in Italy satisfied
Ap. '
o, and Apertfvo, adj. Appagamento, and Appigo, srnce, a fine cat-riage
m satisfaction and content Apparita, Apparizióne, and
ApSrta,/. Apertiira)
{see Appagare, lo satisfy, to please : Apparsidne, {see Appari-
Aperta:r!;.'nte, adv. d' altro non m' appago che
openiy, mento)
frankhj della solitudine, solitude ia Apparito, part, appeared
ApSrto, adj. open, plain, hold my sole delight
Ap;>aritòre, m. a bailifi'
un flòre apèrto, a blown Appag-Jto, adj. satisfied Apparizióne,/, apparition
Jlower riavòr uno a braccia Appaiare, to pair, io match
; Appartaménto, m. apartment,
apèrte, to receive one tvith appaiarsi, to join one's self lodgings
Appaidto, adj. matched Appartare, to sever, to put
AperUire, m. rvho opens Appalesare, to discover, to de- asunder ; appartarsi, to with-
Apertura, and Aperziòne, /. clare : appalesarsi, to make draw
hole, means, opportunity one's self known Appartatamente, adv. asunder,
A'pice, m. top, hciglii Appalesato, part, discovered, secretly
A])Ucolo, 1)1. a little height revealed Appartato, pmrt. separated.
Apocalisse, and Apocalissi, /. Appal t.<re, to let, to farm
apocalypse Appaltatóre, m. farmer Appartenènte, and Appartrg-
Apocrifo, ad}, apocryphal App;Slto, m.fami nénte, adj. belonging, apper-
libri apocrifi, the apocry- Ai>paltciiie, m. intriguing, that taining, suit alile
puts hinuelfforward App.'.rtenènza, /. appuri»-
Apogéc, m. apogeon, or apogee Appannaggio, m. appendage
AppiaoeToIire, to appeas», n lidrsi, to confirm to; m
tame appiglio al vostro consiglio, -

Appianare, to remove, or sur- / n-illfollvw your advice

mount difficulties Appierfrsi, to grow idle
Appianato, adj. levelled Appillotàrsi, to trifle amay
Appassionaménte, adv. pas- A jipiastrdre, to o'eave tot ap- one's time
piastrdre un diamante, to set A'ppio. rv. parsley
Appassionàre, to make one suf- a diamond; appiastrarsi, to Appiuiilo, mela ' appiu(5Ia, /.
fer, endure appassioTidrsi,
; golden pippin
'--' "
to have a strong passion for ApiMastrdto, part, daubed niith the tree that
golden npp,n
Ajipashionaio, aHj. endured, Applaudente, adj.
suffered, ajrcciionate ^
pia ads
Appassire, and Appassirsi, to Appiastricciiire, and Appias- Appliiiidere, and Applaudire,
to applaud, to approve
Appastave, as paste
to stick Apjiiattament», m. t/ie act of Applaudirsi, to have a jirvud
Appellàbile, adj. that viny be - gait
appealed [pellant Appiattare, to lie concealed. Applaudito, part, applauded
Appellante, m. appealer, ap- appiattarsi, to hide one's self Applàuso, m. applause
Appellare, to name, call, ac- Appiattaraénte, adv. by stealth, Applausdre, m. who applaude
cusi, impeach ; to appeal to a
^ secretly Applicamènto, m. application
Appiattato, part, concealed Applir.-tbile, adj. applicable
Appellativo, adj. susceptible of Appiaccdgiiolo, m. a hook, Appli > ap
Aiipitcamt'nto, m. hanging at AppMcatamènte, adv. atten-
fastei,ing to tively
Appiccante, adj. viscou», glu- Applicato, part, applied
Appello, % appeal, a chal- Applicattóre, m. who applies
Ai)piccàre, to tie, to fasten :Applicazione, /. application,
Appéna, adv. hardly, scarce appiccarsi, to keep close, to diligence
Appenare, to svjjir, to be dia- stick, to catch, to thrive, to Api>ò, prep, tvith, by, near
slander; appiccarla ad uno, Appdco appòco, adv. by little
Appendere, io hang, to hayjg to play one a trick appiccar

[pleine7it la zuifa, la battaglia, to give Appoggi aménto, r>i. an elhotv-
Appendice, f. appendix, sup- battle Appoggiarc, to support, to pro-
Aiipennecch'iàre, <o Ji/i a dis- Appiccaticcio, adj. clammy,
t.ijr [pose sticky male appiccaticcio, Appoggirfto, ndj. propped
Appensdre, to dcsif^n, to pro-

a contagions distemper Appoggiata. /

A|>pensataménte, adv. matiire- Appiccaticcio, m. a trouble- and Appòggio, 7>i. prop, sup-
ly. seriously [on somefelhw port, defence
Appc'so, part, handed, hinig Appicc-ativo, adj. contagious Appellai.
Appestare, to infect, to cor- Appiccato, adj fast, sticking App< >ilh,

Appiccattira, /. the ironwork

Appicci.-ire, and Appiccicare,

to stick fast to
AjjpetSnza,/. appetite, desire, Appiccinire, to make smaller,
affection to lessen
Appetibile, an), desirable Appórre, to impute, to oppose,
Appiccolaménto, m. lessening,
Appetitivo, adj. that provokes appone la sua disgrazia, they
Appiccolare, antZ Appicciolire,
Appetito, m. appetite, desire to diminish, to retrench; to you che potete apporre à ;

Ajipetituso, adj. that provokes questo? what have you to

the stomach Appiè,an<? Appieda, adi). don;» say to this ?
Appetizióne,/, appetite, desire, ut the foot Apportante, adj. that brings
wish Appièno, adv. fully, entirety Apportare, to convey, to pro-
Appettare, to hare at heart, to A.i)pisionamènto, «i. re«< qfa
Apportatóre, m. Apportatrice,
Appetto, adv. in comparison Appigioniire, to let, to hire

{for dirimpètto) over a- Appigionasi, m. a bill upon a Appositiccio, adj. postick

f^ainsl. facing! combattere Appositivo, adj. (hat may be
appetto appètto, to Jight a joÌ7ied [addition
Apposizidne, /. application.

A pprocciàre,to approach Appurare, to purify, to nnl»
, Approccio, m. approach
Approcciato, adj. approached
Appostare, io spy, t Approdare, to arrive, to be pro-

Approfittare, and Approfit- Apiico, adj. sunny

irsi, to profit, to draw ad- Aprile, m. April [ing
inta^efrom Apriménto, »«. the ad ofnpen-
AppostJccio, adj. added Approfondare, and Approfon- Apripdrta, m. a door-keeper
Appa olàto, dire, to dig, to make deeper Aprire, to open, io cleave;
Appostolicaménte", adv Appropinquarsi, (see Appres- aprirsi, io chop, io guage,

Appostólico, ailj. aiioslolical aci', a propos. Apritivo, adj. aperitive

Appostólico, m. (/or pap; Apritòre, m. he that opens;
ponti-fice) the pojje Appropriarsi, to appropriate; apritdre di case, Itouse
Appóstolo, m. aiioaile appropriare, to apply one
Appratire, v. to form land ini Aquàrio, m. Aquo I, a tign
meudow-land appropriato, part, appropri-
Ai>pren(lénte, adj. that learns ated [atioH Aquarticiàre, t;. to quarter
Apprèndere, to learn, to coi .Ai>propriA£i(ine, /. appropri- troops [ish
ceire, to ttack ; apprénderi Approssimante, adj. Aquàtico, adj aquatic, rvater-
nethi,i Aqueitk, Aqueitade, /. (set
Apprendévole, adj. comyrehei Appi nigh Acquosità)
.Vppvossimàto, adj approached A'queo, adj. watery
Apprendimtlnto, m. learning, Approvàbile, adj. laudable Aquiddtto, »i. an aqueduct
skill, knon-/cdi;e A]>provagióne,/ approbation A'quila,/. eagle
Appiendi'sta, m. an apprei Approvare, to approve, to con- Aquilino, adj hawked
ApprenditcSre, m. scholar firm Aquilonare, adj. north wind
Apprensfbile, adj. to be Approvataménte, adv. in an Aquildne, m. the north
approvable manner Aquosita,/ {see Acquosità)
Approvato, adj. approved Aqudso, !«/;. ,«e Acquóso)
Approvatdre, m. and Appro- Ara,f. altar
vatrice,./'. approver, allvwer Arabésco, adj Arabic
Appresentare. to sherv, t( Approvazione,/, approbation Aràbile, adj. arable
present another [thickened Approvecciàrsi, to get some Aràgna, f. and Aragno, m. a
Ap]iréso, adj. comprehended, profit
Appressaménto, m. approaeli, Appuntainénte, adv. precisely Araldo, tru a herald \ing
neighbourhood Appuntaménto, m. agreemei ' Araménto, 711. tillage, plough-

Appressare, to dratv near, to restare in appuntaménto. Arància,/, an orange

Aranciata,/, a kind of cooling
Appresso, prep.near, by, after. Appuntare, to sen', to blame,
to sharpen, to set dorvn, to
find fault, to fix, appoint
iso a poco, al- Appuntatamente, adv. exactly,
Appressoché r almost Appuntato, m. an
and Appresto, agreed upon adj. ploughing
7/1. prepara Appuntato, adj stitched, sharp- '"
Apprestare, to prepare, lo make and Aratolo, i«. a
Appuntatdre, m. critic. . „'«
Apprestato, adj prepared Aratóre, m, husbandman
Apprezzdliile, adj. valnable Aratro, m. plough
Apjit-uzriamento,' m. valuation, Aratura,/, tillage, ploughing
esi.matiuii [rale Arazzerla, /. tapestry, viauu-
Apprezzare, in appraise, to Ajipuntellato, adj. stayed, or faclory [upholsterer
Apprezzato, adj. appraised,
es- propped up m Arazzière, tapestry maker,
Appuntino, adv. precisely, jusi
Apprezzato're, an esteemer, Appunto, adv. precisely; per Arliitràggia,/. arbitration
r appunto, exactly ; met- Arbilr' .:-..-
Apprezzazidne, f. appraisi-
tersi m appunto, in órdine, Arbitrare, to adjudgt
Approbàre, io approve, to like to get ready ; sUvo per par- to judge, valie
Ai>proMto, adj approved tire per V appunto quando Arbitrariamente, adv. arbi
Al>probazi<5ne,/. approbation, lei venne. / «u* i:oiug away rily, despotically
the moment you came Arbitràrio, adj. arbitrary
Arbitrato, ptiru arlAt'oM Archipdnsoio, m. a plummet ] Arcrrctcorale, adj. arehitfiit
Arbitrato, m
arbitration copal

Arbitrio, m, will, power; li-

bero arbitrio, ^lee will
A'rbitro, VI. and Arbitra, /. Arc\\\ie\.Vùra.,f. architecture
umpire, arbiter arco trionfale.
A'rbore, m. irre Archivista, m. the keeper of.
Arboreo, adj. full nf trees
Arboréto, m. a place planted

joke, a, [so
rcibeilo, adj.


Ardènte, adj. hot, burning^

rcicr.nsolo, m. first consul violeiit, amorous, desirous
Arcidiaconàto, m. archdeacon Ardentemente, adv. velie-
Noè, the ark of Noah rcidiicono, m. archdeacon Ardènza,/, a great heat
Arcàccia, /. an old trunk rcidilca, m. archduke A'rdere, to burn, to be velie-
A'rcade, and Arcadico, adj. Arciducato, m. an archduke mently iii love, to shine, to be

Arcadc5re, m. a bowman, a Ardiglióne, m. the tongue qf a

deceiver, knave bi.ckle
Anale, ni. arch, centre Ardiménto, wi. impudence,
Arcarne, m. skeleton iepiscopdle, adj. belonging fredom, courage
Arcanamente, adv. secretly, Ardimentóso, adj. bold, cou-
privately Arcière, and Arcière, m.
Arcangelo, m. archangel Ardire, fi

Arcifanfana, and Arcifànfano, n. boldnt ,, confidence,

Arcare, to bend, to arch, to
Arditaménte, a . courageons-
Areata, f. bow-shot: tirar un ly, stoutly
areata, to pump one ; tirar Ardito, adj. courageous, Jar-
in areata, to judge at ran-
ignamtnte, adv. sharply Ardóre, m. heat, love, passion,
Arcato, adj. arched, bent ignèZza,/. iharpness '-• -Jging

Arcigno, adj. grim, sullen ; far Arduf te, adv.

Arcavola,/, great-great grand- viso arcigno, to frown Arduità," Aniuit^cie, and Ar-
ArcimaesUiso, adj. most ma- duitàte, /. great diffici'lly,
Arcàvolo, m. great • great jestic [inaster (also) steepness of a moùa-
grandfather [arch
Archeggiare, to bend like an rcimàstro, m. first master _'rduo, adj. difficult, perilous
Archeggiato, adj. like a bow. rcimentire, to tell a most im- Ardiira,^'. ardour, heat
Aréna,/, sand, gravel
Archetipo, m. first example, or rcióne, m. saddle-bow irenosità, Arenositade, and
pattern Arcipèlago, »i. archipelago Arenositàte, /. sandy mai-
Archettino, m. a bow (to play Arcipoéta, m. the first ofpoets
Arcipoltrdne m. very idle, Areiidso, adj. sandy, gravelly
Archetto, m. fiddle-stick Areopagita, m. A .'eoiiugilc
Archibugiare, and Archibu- rcipresbeteràlo, and Arci- Areopagitiro, adj. bttoìiging to
pretato, »n. the dignity, office, an Areopagite
Archibugiata, and Archibu- and jurisprudence of an arch- Areopago, »«. Areopagus
snta,./;' arquebusade Arfasatto, and Arfasatéllo, a
Archibugière, and Archibu- Arcipréte, m. arch-priest mean, base, pitiful fellow, a
Aiciricchissimo, adj. very paltry ftllow
Archibiigio, Archibùio, and A'rgano. m. windlass, crane,
Archibuso, vi. a hand-gun Arcisquisito, adj. very exqui-
Archimandrita, m. leader, pre- Argentaio, «t. gold or fiVrer-
Arcivéro, adj. most true
Arcivescovédo, m. a-chbishop-
I'aimi, to declare tvar : Tat
d'arme, to fight : far il vis»
delle arme, to look angry:
lestial si^ns sospension d'arme, cessation,
Arg&iteo, adj. eo!our of silver
Argenuarfa, /. plate, silver Arietta, /. a short air, at song
Ariettina, /. a little song, or 2, (in heraldry} coats of
Argentiera,/, silver nnite Armeggieria, Armeggiata, /.
Argentiere, m
Armeggio, and Armeggia-
Argentino, uilj. silver-colour-
lEénto, m. jostling, tilting,
ed ; suiino argentino, clear
Aringa, /. discourse, speech; or tourtiament
sound Armeggiare, to jostle,
ArgSnto, m. silver aringa, herring
Aringaménto, m- discourse '": armeggiare ur
Arcante fiWto, m. silver mire
ArgSnto solimàto, or Argènto Aringàre, to hat angue Armeggiatdre, Hu a jostler.
vivo, guicksilver Aringato, adj. harangued
Argiglia, ararf Argilla,/, tvhit Aringatdre, m. speaker
Aringhiéra, /. chair, pulpU, Armeggio, m. fighting in plaxf
clay, patte, earth
bar Armellino, m. «rmine
Argigl'iiso, and Argillóso, adj.
Aringo, and Arringo, m. lists, Armentàrio, m. a cattle-keep~
Arginaménto, m. the making pulpit, liar i

Armentàrio, adj. belonging to

of banks, 7noles, Src Arióso, adj. lightsome, airy;

{aha) preHy, graceful cattle

Arginare, to fortify,
Arménto, m. herd, drove of
Arista,/. cAineo/porfc
Aristarco, m. a severe critic cattle
Aristocràtico, adj. aristocra- Armeria,/ annour
Arraetreméndo, adj. dreaaful
Argindso, adj. full of banks Aristocrazia,/, aristocracy
istolochia, and Aristologiaj Armigero, adj. martial
Argnóne, m. a kidney Armflla,/. a'óracetó
Argomentare, to reason, to
aristolochy (hartnort)
istotèlico, adj. belonging to Armillare, adj. like a hollont
Argomentato, part, argued powerful in
Armipotènte, adj.
Argomentatore, m. a reasoner Aritmetica,/, ar
Argomentazióne,/, argument- .4ritiTietico, »». ariKimtiiti"'»
Aritmetico, adj. arilkmetical
Argoménto, i . argil- Arlecchino, m. harlequin
ment Arli3tto, m. glutton, devourer
Argomentóso, adj, expert, con- Arma, /. arm (in the ancient
vincing poets, instead of Alma)
Armacòllo, adv. cross-wit Armoniosamente, adv. Iiarmo-
Arguire, to argue, to repri-
mand, to conclude, to infer Armonizzare, to make harmom^
Argumentante, m. opponent, Armadura /. coat of mail,
onizzàto, adj. set in order
Argnmentàre, (see Argomen- Armadurétta-, /. a light ar-

èsser bene in arnése, to be in

good order; èsser male in
arnése, to be in a -disorderly
Armare, to arm, to put or
movr armare un vascèllo,

to Jit out a ship ; armarsi, to Arnióne, m. a kidney

Aromatario, rn. druggist
dà dell' àrie,
Aromatichézza, Aromaticità,

Armàrio, and Armàdio, i

Aromaticitàde, and Aroma-

ticitàte. f. aromatic, odori-
Armatamente, adv. rvith arms ferous quality of plants, Sec.
armed, har- Aromàtico, adj. odoriferous.
Aridamente, adv. drily Armato, adj.
Aridità, Ariditàde, and Ari- nessed
Armatóre, m. captain efa pri- Aromàtico, m. a mixture ofaU
ditate,/, dryness
vateer sneet-smelling spices
A'rido, adj. barren, poor emia/m, per-
Armattira, /. armour Aromatizzare, fo
fume [spicei
Armej and Arma, /. <
armour, harness : muòver Aróraa'.o, and Arómo,
Arpa, nnd Arpe,/, harp stretch : (speaking (if piata») Arrobbidre, to dye r.'ith mad-
Arpeggiaménto, m. harping
Arpeggiare, io play upon the Arrocdre, to grom hoarse
harp Arrecalo, adj. hna'se
Arpia,/, an harpy Arroccare, (ci fìll a disiafT, to
Arpiciire, to ctinib vp arpiclr : ArrendevolméntCjdJi'. submit astle (at chess)
col cervèllo, to rejiact rocchiire. tna.hhle. to bungle
Arpicordo, m. a harpsichord Arrendebilità, /. (see Arrer rofjantàccio, m. a xx:ry inso-
Arjiióne,m. a hin^e, hook, devolézza) intfellow
Arra.f.earneH [tenter Arrendaménto, m. a surrende Arrogante, adj. proud, haughtv
Arrogantemente, adv. ur,.^
Arrabiaménto, jn. ragiiigmad- gantly
Arrogant(5ne, adj. very arro-
to arrest, to detain gant
i, to ftay, to tarry Arroganza,/ arrogance, pride,
angrij jbiàr della fame, la lància, to couci se/fsufficie„cy
k hunger Arrogare, and ArrogKni, tr>

Arrabbiata lite, adv. oui-

Arrogiito, part. arrogated.
Arrabbiaiéllo, adj. enraged,
mad, furious Arrogere, to add, to giv^ to
Arrabìiiàto, adj. mad, fierce.
Arrogiménto, m. addition
Arraffare, and ArrafEire, to Arroliire, to enlist; arro'.drti,
match, to catch, to tear luith
hnohs Arroncàre, to need
Arratfaràto, adj. mretted, >ssiménto, m. reddening.
Arramaccidre, to drive one in e, to i/K.?
A rram picare, to climb uid Arrosi
Arrancare, to go lame, to limp
along ,. parch
Arrancato, adj. voga arran^ Arrfdere, to smite, to fan
la fortuna arride alle nt
Arrangolare, to Jly in a pai- imprése, /ortwne smiles o
ArriHfSre, to play at tneep-

Arrappàre, (o wring, to mrest Arringàre, (see AringSre, t

_Arrapprfto, adj. snatched, its derivatives) adj.

Arrischiaménto, m. risk, dan-
Arrappatdre, m. a ravisher. ger Arrotature, and Arrottno. m.
Arrischiente, adj. bold, hardy a grinder [bull
Arrischiare, to venture, to ex- Arrotolare, to make vv a
pose arriscyiiiirsi, to be bold
; Arrovellare, to be angry, i,>
make one mad with aoger
usly Arrovellaménte, adv. furi-
Arrischiato, part, ventured
Arrischiévoie, adj bold, hardy Dvellàto, adj. mad, furious
Arrecato, part, brought Arrisicare, (see Arrischiare,
Arrecatore, in. and Arreca- and its derivatives) 7iytr"'°'
trice,/. one rvho brings, cat- Arrissare, and Arrissdrsi, to

Arredkre, to prepare, to equip Arrivare, to arrive at, fc

Arrèdo, jk. forniture, imple- reach; arrivar bene, to suc-
ments arrèdo di nave, rig-

ping of a ship Arrivamènto, m. and Arrivata, AiTovesciato, part, orerthroin

Arrenare, to run aground, to / arrival
desist Arrivato, part, arrived
Arrendaménto, m. a lease Arrozzire, to maks rough,
Arrigzare, to rai up- harsh, rugged: arrozzirsi, to
Arridersi, \o surrender, to grow rough ; il freddo arroi-
zlsce te mar.i, cold makf the Artificidle, and Arteiiciato, Asc'irore, to envy
hands rungh adj. artificial, artfrd Ascia,/, an axe, a hatchet
AnuRare. to entafigh, or rnrd; Artilicialménte, eidv. artfully Asciatone, m. a bracket
arruffarsi, to take one another Artificio, m. industry, skill, Asciare, to chip, to square
Ay the hair instrument, engine, imple- A sciogliere, to absolve, to re-
Arruffato, adj. entangled., un-
cnmhed [tangles Artificiosaménte, adv. tvork- Asciòlvere, m. breakfast
Airutt"atóre, m. he that cn- manlike, craftily Asciolvere, to breakfast
Amiffianare, to pimp Artificiosità, Artitìciositade, Asciugàggine,/, dryness
Arrugginire, to grow rnsty and Artificiositàte, /. art, Asciugaménto, m. drought,
Arruotafórbici, in a isriiider skill dryness, the drying of
Arruotare, (see Arrotare) Artificióso, adj. skilful, subtle, Asciugtinte, adj. drying
Arruotolare, {see Arrotolare) crafty Asciugare, to dry, to wipe
Artigiano, m. tradesman, ar- Asciugatóio, m. towel
Asciuttamente, adv. dryly
Artigidno, adj. of an artifcer Asciuttézza, /. and Asciutto
Artigliare, to seize, or scratch
mith the claws Asciutto, adj. dry
Artiglieria, f. artillery, ord- Ascólto,/ and Àscoltamé,
m. listening
Artigliére, and Artigliéro, m. Ascoltante, m. auditor, listen-
gunner, matross
Artiglio, ?»i. claw, talon Ascoltare, to listen, to mind;
A'rso, adj burnt, poor Artiglidso, adj. armed with ascondere, to conceal, to
Arsura, '

/. burning heat, dissemble ; ascondersi, to

drought, extreme misery Artimóne, m. the mizen sail ;
Arutaménte, adv. artfully, arbore dell' artimóne, the

A'rte,/. art, slyness : fire arte Artista, m. tradesman, artisan listen

a'una cosa, io folloni a husi- Artistaménte, adn. artfully Ascoltazióne,/, listening
; per arte,
ìiess con arte, a<l Artritico, adj. articular Ascólto, m. star in ascólto, ti

arte, on purpose, maliciously, Amspice, m. augur, diviner, hearken privately

designedly Ascóndere, to conceal
Artefatto, ad} artificial An>sp(cio, »i. a soothsaying A scone, /. a comet with ,

Artéfice, m'. rvor'kman, arti- Arzagógo, tn. a kind of kite tail

ficer Arzlca, /. ,. kind of yellon Ascosamente, adv. secretly
Arteficéllo, Arteficiuòlo, and paint Ascóso, part, hid, lurking
AWeficiuzzo, TO. un unskilful Ai2igogol2lnte, adj. (see Fan. Ascostaménte, adv. secretly
A scòsto, adj. concealed
Artemisia,/, mugrvort Arzigogolare, to invent, to Ascritto, adj. in rolled
Artèria., f.'artery
Arteridle, iidj arterial
Arteriologia,/. arleriology
Arteriilso, adj. arteriotts Arzillo, adj. lively, bold
Arleriotoinla,/. the opening of Asce,/, an axe, a hatchet minous stone
Ascella,/, arm-hole, arm-pit Asfodlllo, »i. the duyUhi
Aneriuzzà./ a little artery Ascendentale, adj. linea as- Asia./. Asia
ArtStica,/. Me gnut cendentale, »i. ascending line Asiàtico, i2({; .i4»i(7/i<; ; costiim
Artètiro, adj. gouty Ascendente, adj. ascending, Asiatici, Asiatic manners
Articella, /. a business of a loose customs
little profit Asflo, m. asylum, refuge
Artichiocco, m, artichoke A'sima, /. the asthma
Articfjia,/ industry
A'rtico, adj. the arctic, or nor- Ascendenza./, rise, ascent Asinàccio, afoot, a booby
them poie [tinctty Ascendere, to climb, to mou Asinaggine, /. clorvnishness
Articolare, to pronounce dis- Asiendiménto, m. :ending
Articolrfre, adj. articular Ascensióne,/, ascei
Articolatamente, adv. dis- nsóre, m. he who goes up
tinclly Asc&a,/. ascent
Articolato, adj. articulate Ascéso, adj. ascended
Anicolaziònei/. articulation
Artfcolo, m. article, head, Ascetico, adj. ascetic, practical Asinescamente, adv. stupi
point, clause {care, art Aschismcfo,' adv. across, a- Aiinésco, •
and Asinfle,
Artificazioiie,/. (in painting) thwart stupid, dull
Asinino, adj. of an ass Aspirato, part, aspirated
hrut„l,ruttic, silly Assassino, m. assassin, ruj^
Aspirazione,/ aspiring [

, .^...litàcle, and Asi- Aspo, m. blades, yard-mi nd-

Assaziàre, lo satiate
nitate, [see Asin^gine) sat
to satisfy
A'sino, »i. 071 ass àsino
a wild ass
; sa!- A^oi^e:t;:xport
Aspomiióne.J. exportation
. rT^'sji] ^tj^:f^
Asinóne, m. a great Assecondare I
to stcon,l
ass, a Aspramente, adv. roughly, Assedére, tò
stupidfeltotv severely;
or «
sit bi,
conibàttere as- one assedérsi, to sit o
Asma, asthìna praménte, to fight obstinate-

Asmàtico, adj. aslhmalie ... \

self down
aspramente, <o Assediaménto, m.
Asolare, to breathe, roam, ram- (see Ai
. lerely dio)
ble about !

AsprSggiamento, »i. the act of Assediarne, adj.

A'solo, m. breath, (also a but- gli assediànti.
provoking [„
ton-hole J Aspreggiare, to vex, exasi
Aspàrago, m asparagus Assediare, io besiege, to beset
Asprétto, udj. a little harsh Assediato, part, besieged
Aspe, m. an asp, serpent asprézza, f. harshness, sn
Asperàre, to exasperate, tu stir
Assediatdre, m. besieger
rity, hardship
Assèdio, m. siege ; volare ur.a
asprigno, adj. sourish
Asperatéria,/. the windpipe per assèdio, to wish fat
L'spro, adj. fierce, rugge "-
Asperèlla, /. horse-tail fa ~-'d to get it by hook
^.u.„,.,.„, lingu or bye...
plant) aspra, a satirical tongue
Asperétto, adj. a little harsh Assegnamènto, m.
AssafeUda,/. assafcetida ment, an income; iax as-
Aspèrgere, tu sprinkle, moist- isaggiaménto, m. the act
en; aspèrgere di sale, lii of segnamènto, to depend up
ziicchero, &c. to strew with

~--r,a — %
talt, sugar, S(c
^Ì^^ÉHr r*' '," '""P'-' '^"^S^^^e^ io "O'ign,
° aUege,
assaggiar l'oro,
•"•", to nssmi
assay /.n^.y.v..*»
constitute ° '

AspSrgitcire, m. he who sprin- gold

^ Assegnataménte, adv. particu
kles assaggiato, part, tasted
Asi>erità, and Asperitiidine, larly, sparingly
-xssaggiatdre, m. taster,
harshness, severity, adv, c Assegnatèzza./ savingness
wine-conner, (also) an as Assegnato, part, assigned
sity, inconvenience
Aspersióne, and Aspergir Assegnazióne,/, and Asségno,
^ ssaggiatura,/, and Atiàggio m. assignment
welting, sprinkling m. proof, trial, essay Assegnfre, (see Esseguire, and
Aspèrso, 'part, dashed, spri,^- Assàif . pi.
klea its derivatives)
[sprinkle adv. enough; assai bene,
Aspersòrio, m. Assemblare,
...,^^„,„,„.c to
. assemble
holy- water- pretty well; ass^ più, ynuch
Aspettàbile, Assemblèa, V. rmbly
adj. respectable, more; assai per, se?—~' '-
remarkable times ; assai per tempo.
Aspettare, tu exi braménto, m. onset
aspettare il ter
e; aspettar
— iaissimo, adv. very much
Assembrare, to assemble, tc
appear ; assembrarsi, to vitti
m. and Assalita, together; to draw up un
'cct n /. assault, attack
As.pettatf\ ai my in battle
expectalio, Assalire, to assault
Assennare, to advise, warn
Assalito, part, assaulted
Aspettato, part, expected Assennatamente, adv. wisely
Assalitóre, j«. assaulter, ag-
Aspettatdre, m. and Aspett Assennatézza,/, sense
gressor, robber Assennato, adj. wise, judi-
trfce, /. expecter of any Assaltante, adj. assailant
Assaltare, to attack, assault Assènso, m. assent, consent
Aspettazióne,/, and Aspetta Assalto,
m. onset, attack dar Assentamènto, m. absence
mento, m. expectation, hope issàlto a

Assentàre, to keep off

a place Assentarsi,
Aspfitto, m. aspect,
to absent one"/
Assannare, to bite, squeeze >elf
nance, look, presence ; ne] Assanno, m. biting
primo aspètto, at first sigìU Assentatóre, m. flatterer
Assapére, to let know Assènte, adj. absent, missing
Aspide, and Aspido, an
7?i. iporaménto, »i. the act of Assentiménto,
m. consent, ap-
Aspirante, adj. trómba aspi- Assaporare, to feel, to prove
rante, a pump that draws A ="5sare, to stone, to
up water by attraction pelt with
Aspirare,to aspire, aim at
Assassinaménto, m. and Assas-
Aspiratamente, adv. with aspi- -^-atnra,/ assassination
ismàre, to murder pri-
AspiratlTo, adj. that ,/. at-
must be ogee, inattention
Assassinito, part, assassinated Atsén2io^ »n~ *iiormn>ood
Asseràrsi, io grow late A ssiderazióne, /. chillness Assomigliare, to compare; a»
Asserenare, to make clear Assidere, to besiege somigliarsi, to be like
Asserente, adj. mho asserts Assidersi, to sit down Assommare, to finish, perfect
Assiduamente, adv. assic Assonante, adj. harmonious
ously .
Assiduità, Assiduitàde, and Assonanza,/, consonance
Assiduitàte,/. assiduity Assonnaménto, ju. sleep
Asserrire, to press, squeeze Assfduo, adj. diligent, con- Assonnare, to lull asleep as-
Assertóre, m. a drfeuder sonnarsi, to fall asleep
Assertòrio, adj. affirmative Assiepare, to inclose Assopito, adj. drowsy
Assillare, to rage, fume Assorbente, "arfj absorbent
Assessóre, m. a Justice, coun- Assnio, m. a hurscfiy Assorbiménto, ni. swallow-
sellor, assistant Assimigliànza, and Assimi-
Assestare, to counterbalance, laSidne, /. resemblance, com- Assorbire, -.nd Assórbere, to
to adjust, to agree; assestar swallow, absorb
uno schiaffo ad uno, to give Assimigliàre, and Assimilare, Assordare, and Assordire, t»
one a box on the ear to compare, imitate, counter- make deaf
A&selrJre, and Assetire,tomake feit Assortiménto, m. suit, assort-
dry; queste scarpe m'asset- Assioma, m. axiom, maxim ment, election by lot
tano bene al piede, these Assfsa,/. tax, duty, excise Assortire, to sort, to choose by
shoes fit me very rvell Assiso, adj., sitting lot, divide
Assetato, adj. dry, thirsty Assistente, m. assistant Assórto, adj. (in poetry)
Assistenza, /. presence, aid, drowsy
Assettare, to adapt, to settle; help Assottigliaménto, m. and As-
assettarsi, to prepare one's Assfetere, to be present, assist sottigliatura, /. Isssening,
self Assistito, part, assisted extenuation, perfection
Assettatamente, adv. neatly, Assistit<3re, m. a helper Assottigliare, to thin, to di-
finely Assiuolo, m. a horn-owl minish, sharpen assolti

Assettature, m. who adjusts, a gliàrsi, to fall away, gron

follon-er ridùtto in asso, to be reduced
Assettatura,/, decency, beauty, to beg lasciar in asso, to
, Assottigliato, part, diminished.
ornament forsake quite
Assettatuzzo, adj. dressed with Associare, to accompany ; asso- Assottigliature, »n. one »r/io
affectation ciarsi, to associate
Assetto, in. accommodation, Associaìióne,/. association Assozzàre, and Assozzàrsi, to
agreement mettersi i
; Assodamento, m. solidity make nasty, to spoil
setto, to make ready Assodare, to make firm, esta- Assuefare, and Assuefarsi, to
Assevàre, to thicken, to congeal, blish, settle
to pant after Assodato, adj. solid, steady
Asseveranteménte, adv. Assoggettare, to subdue
stantly Assoggettiménto, m. subjection
Asseveranza, /. and Asseve- Assolato, a. exposed to the sun Assuéto, part, accustomed, ii>
rarat^nto, m. affirmalion Assolcare, to furrow, to plough
Assererdre, to affirm, avouch Assolcato, part, furrowed, Assuetùdine, /. custom, long
AsseverarfTO, adj. affirmative ploughed
Asseverazidne, /. (see Asse- Assoldare, to recruit, to enlist. Assuggettlre, to subdue, -vbmit
Teranza) assumente, adj. one who as
Assicella,/, a staffi
Assicuramento, m. and As- Assùmere, to t ne, to c
sicurània, /. trust, confi-
dence, assurance, certain- Assùnto, part, taken, assumed
ly Assùnto, m. charge, care
Assicurare, to aver, to pro- charge. finish Assunzióne, /. assumption,
mise; -v'assicuro che m'é ssolutaménte, adv. absolutely promotion assanzióne. the

stato detto, indeed I hare Assoluto, adj. arbitrary, abso- assumption of the Virgin
been told so ; assicurare
un vascèllo, to insure a Lssur£tà,/ absurdity
Assurdo, adj. absurd, silly
'/sta, and Aste, /. spear
Assioui-azicine,/. insurance 'staco, m. a kind of lobster
AssWerrtre, io chill, to quake Issomigli^nta, Assomiglia- stallaménto, m. abode
Assiderato, adj. ehiUtd, be- girfne, /. and Assomiglia AstallSre, to stop, stay, rest
r.umieg, amazed mento, m. resemblance astallàrsi, to fix one's abode
Astante, adj. auditor, assiti-
ant Attecchiménto, :

Astata, /. a stroke with ing

, __j. --„-.,, -- — I Attecchire, to gro thri
knit (speaking of
Astato, adj. armed with a [knavishly
Astutamente, fruits)
Astutézza,/, cunning Attecchito, part, grorvn
.Vstùto, adj. crafty, subtle Attediare, to n-eary, to te
Astuzia,/ knavery, sagacity tedious; attediarsi, to grom
A tante, adj. robust rveary
A'tavo, m. the great-grand- Attediato, adj. tired, impor-
Astergente, adj. abstersive father tuned, slow, lazy
Astergese, te riib clean Atelsino, »i. athtis7n Aiteggévole, adj. mimicked
Asterisco, »«. an asterisk (in A'teo, and Ateista, m. atheist Atteggiaménto, m. gesture, de-
printing) Atlèta, m. wrestler
Asterfsmo, m. an asterisnu, or Atmosfèra,/, atmosphere Atteggiànte, adj. one full qj
constellation Atomo, m. atom ; in un àtoino,
Astersione,/, cleansing, purge
Astersivo, adj. abstersive Atrabile,/. ò/acArcAo/fr |

Astiare, to envy Atrabiliàrio, adj. troubled wif^ Atteggiataménte, adv. being

A'stice, m. a kind of lobster the spiceli
Astinènte, aJj. forbearing, A'trio, m. a portico, vestibule !ggiito, part, well reprt-
continent A'tro, adj. black, mournful.
Astinènza, and Astinénzia, /.
abstinence, temperance

Astióso, adj. envious A ttempatétto, adj. oldish,

Astóre, m. goss harvk ; asto- Atrocità,/, cruelty. fierceness somewhat old
ri celestiali, the angels (by Atrofia,/, consumption ttempàto, adj. aged, elderly
Dante) Attaccamento, union, con- m ttempatotto, adj. old, but
Astrarre, and Astrarre, to se- nexion, attachment, pas- vigorous
parate, abstract ttemperamènto, m. modera-
Astrale, adj. starry, influenced Attaccàre, to hang, fasten ; , sobernl
attaccarsi, to apply the A tterajjerare, to gover ab-
Astraniia,/. black hellebore mind ; attaccarsi un male,
Astrattamente, adv. abstract- to catch a distemper ; at- Attemperato, part, ruled, go-
edly taccar il fudco, to set on
Astrattézza, f
abstraction fire: attaccar la guèrra, to Attendaménto, m. encamp-
Astratto, adj. separated, sever- kindle war; attaccarsi di
paróle, to quarrel; attaccir A ttend^re, to encamp
Astrazidne, f. separation la battiSglia, engage in Attendato, part, encamped
4 strétto, part, forced, con- battle ; to pick Attendènte, adj. who waits
attaccar lite,
up a quarrel Attendere, to mind, consider,
Astrignénte, aìtd Astringènte, Attaccaticcio, adj. gummy, to wait ; to keep good a
adj binding, astringent promise attèndere a fare, ;

Astringénza.and Astringénzia, Attaccato, part, tied, fastened to continue ; attèndere il

/. ad of binding tempo, to watch the oppor-
Astringere, and Astrlgnere, to mento) attaccatura
; del tunity
pane, the kissing crust Attenditdre, m. one that ex-
Attacco, m. sticking, cleaving pects; attenditdr di donne,
astro, unluckily fortune-hunter
AstroWbio, m. an astrolabe Attenènte, adj belonging to
AstrologaitrO; m. a bad astro- Attenènza,/ appurtenance
loger Attenére, to keep promise ; at-
Astrologare, to practise astro- Attanagliare, to pinch, tor- tenérsi, to holdfast
ment, to tear ojr the flesh with Attentamente, adj. carefully,
Astrologo, and Astrólago, m. diligently
astrologer, furtune-teller Attapinaraénto, m. lamenta- Attentare, to attempt; atten-
Astrologia./, astrology tarsi, to dare, to be bold
Astrologico, adj. astrological ttentiito, part, attempted
.-Vstronomla,/. astronomy groan ; attapinarsi, to la- Attentato, m. enterprise, en-
Astronomico, adj. astronomi-
Attraversato, part.

Attraversa tore, that a

Attenuato, part. )r thwarts
Attraverso, adv. across
AttenuazMne, /. diminUhing Attizzaménto, '
m. ttirring Attrazióne,/, attraction, con-
(in law) the diminution of a the Jire, provoking, incen-
traction of nerves
cnme sing Attrazzare, to rig a ship
Attenzióne, f. and Attendi- Attizzato, part, stirred, pro-
.ttrazzatóre, m. a rigger
ménto,7n. attention, diligence voked Attrézzo, m. and Attrazzo, in-
AtteTg.ÌTe,totumthe back upon A'tto, m. ', action, deed; ument, engine, tool
Atterraménto, m. and Atter- star in i ) di partire, to Attribuiménto, m. accusation
iay.ióne, f. casting, oi cutting be readi \ Attribuire, to ascribe, to im-
down atto, to put pute attribuirsi, io assume,
: ;
Aitenaxe, pull dorvn, debase,]
to .
humble, to submit : atterrar stava ill atto come se volesse AHribuito, part, attributed
gli occhi, to look down ; at- parlarmi, he looked as if he Attributo, m. an attribute, or

terrr.!, o pros ra e ones would speak to me : atto,

ad;, proper. Jit, suitable,
Attrice,/, actress
Atterrito, adj. pulled down, agreeable Attristaniénto, m. and At-
overset Attònito, adj. astonished trist^zióne, /. melancholy,
Attopato, adj fuli of rats

Atterratrfre, m. a destroyer I grief

Attorcere, and Attorcigliare, Attristante, adj. vexatious,
Atterrire, to "Jfrìght to twist, to twine, wring troublesome
Atterrato, adj. astonished, dis- Attóre, m. maker, doer, a Attristare, to trouble, to
couraged |
plainti^-, an actor grieve; attristarsi, io ./rrf, to
Atterzare, to reduce to a third \
Attoria, /. conduct, govem-
Attesamér.te, adv. attentively |
Attéso, aiìj. attentive . Attorniamènto, m. compass.
Attesoché, because, whereas , circuit
Attestare, to bear ivitness. Attorniare, to encompass, t,o Attristito, adj. grown worse ;
attest ; attestarsi, to fight, enclose ; attorniare altrùi vexed, grieved
dispute con benifici, to load with Attrit4re, to mince; to dffeat,
Attestato, m. Attestazióne, /. ! kindness
certificate . Attórno, prep, about ; andar Attritato, part, yninced, de-
Attestatóre, m. a witness I
attórno, or qua e là, to go ftated
A'tti, pi. acts, or deeds |
round about Attrito, m. an altrition
Atticciato, adj. strong, well- Attortigliare, to wrap, roll, Attrizióne, f. attrition
limbed j
twist Attruppato, part, gathered to-
A'ttfco, adj. Attic '
Attortigliato, adj. twined
Attignere, to dram, reach. Attorto, wrung, twisted
Attuale, adj. actual, real
arrive; attignere Attoscare, <o powo»
I'inten- Attualità,/, what is actual
diménto d'un autore, to pene- Attóso, adj. wanton, waggish Attualmente, adv. actually,
irate into the meaning of an Attossicaméuto,
»». the act of really
Attuare, to do, perform
Attigniraénto, m. draught Attossicare, to poison \
Attuàrio, m. register, notary
Attignitóio, m. a bucket, scoop. Attossicato, part, poisoned Attuato, part, effected, per-
pump Attraènte, adj. attracting, en- formed
Attillàrsi, to adorn one's self gaging Attuccio, m. a puerile action

Attraiménto, m. attraction AttuiFaménto, m. a plung-

Attillatamente, adv. finely, Attrappare, to catch, to over-
sprucely 1 reach Attuffàre, to plunge; attuf-
Attillato, adj. nicely, elegantly Attrappito, part, seixed, sur- farsi, to dive; attuflUrsi,
dressed prised lie' vizj, ne' diletti, &c. to

Attillatura, and Attillatézza, Attrapperfa,/. deceit, fraud give one's self up to vices,
f. neatness, spruceness Attrarre, to allure, to wheedle and to all manner of plea-
A'ttimo, m. a moment, an in- AttratUva, /: power of cliarm-

Attingere, to touch, to air I

Attrattivo, adj. attractive
Attratto, pari. aitrc

Attiraglio, m. baggage attratto, (storpiato) a Attuflevole, adj. apt to divi.

Attirare, to draw, to attract

nthat is the mailer f far the aulic council of th*
avere, to procure ; aver a
sdegno, to detest ; aver in
Attutfve, to finpose silence ira, to hale : aver in balia. Aumentile,
Attutatóre, and Attutitdre,
m. a paeifier, an appeaser Aumentativo, adj. increasing
A'va,/ grandmother part ivér agio. Aumentatóre, m. an improver
Avàlle, adv. downwards 1 uno, .
Aumentazióne, /. increase,
Avanguàrdia,/, vanguard al sóle, improvement
Avania,/. wrong-, mjury iver in Auménto, m. growth, addi-
Avannotto, m. a simpleton ed to ; I
Avanti, and Avante, prep. aver in grado, accept : l Auncicàre, to take away, ra-
before ; poco avanti, just aver in prègio,
esteem aver pentiménto,

Avanti, adv. forrvard; più to repent aver vdce, to


avanti, farther, deeper ; speak ; si ha vóce, 't » whis-

avanti che, adv. before ; ., to h
avanti, rather
Avanzaménto, m. advance- Avere, m. estate, riches
Avèmo, m hell ind Avoltóre, m.
Avanzànte, adj. surpassing, Aversióne,/. aversion
abounding, overflowing Avèrtere, to turn away, ave
Avanzare, to get, to increase, A uffo, adj. gratis, for Aura, / g-u/e," breeze : àura
improve; avanzar tempo, fo thing: vivere a uffo, to i
popolare, popular applause
avanzarsi, to take _
at free cost Aurato, adj. goldlike, gilt
r, vrosve. .. _,
A'ureo, adj. golden
lany bird- Aurètta./. a gentle breeze
Auricolare, adj. auricular :

^fiff- Augelletto, and AugelUuo, m. la coìifessióiie auricolare,

Avanzato, adj. in year a little bird
Avanzo, m. remainder, resi- Augèllo, m. a bird Auricóme, a. golden-haired
due, profit, gain Auguméntare, to increase
Avaraccio, m. stingy Augumentàto, part. aug- Aurora, /.' break of the day,
Avaramente, adv. niggardly
Avarètto, m. a little miser Augumentazidne, /. augmen- Au.<;àre, to accustom
Avarfa,/. average (sea term) Ausiliare, adj. auxiliary
Avarizia, /. avarice, grecdi- Augumènto, m. increase Auriliàrio.arfJ. auxiliary troops
Augurale, adj. of an augur Ausiliatóre, m. helper, pro-
Avaiizàre, to be niggardly Augurare, to conjecture, to
foretell Ausdnia,/. Italy (by poets)
Avaronaceio, and A Tar(5ne,m. Augurato, part, conjectured, AusOnico, adj'. lialian (by
ruretched miser foretold Bocc.)
Audace, adj. audaciously, Auguratóre, Augura, Augure, Auspice, director of the rved-
presumptuously m and Auguratrice, /. ding (among the Remans)
Audacemente, adv. boldly. soothsayer, augur Auspicio, m. presage, omen,
Augùrio, m. guess, omen, divi- protection, guidance
Audàcia, /. audacity, daring- Austeramente, adv. austerely,
Auguróso, adj. superstilions strictly
Audienza, and Audiénzia, /. scrupulous, good-omened, ill- Austerità, /. sharpness, seve-
Audfre, to hear Augusto, adj. sacred, impe- Austèro, adj. grave.
Auditorato, m. an auditorship rial augusto in volto, a

Auditóre, ni. inferior judgè countenance full of ma-

Auditòrio, m. a court, session- jesty
Avidamente, adv. greedily,
A' ve, (Latin) God save you eagerly Autenticamente, adv. au-
Avellino, f filbert Avidità, Avidltàde, Aviditàte, thentically
AveUAno,,filbert-tree and Avidézza,/. greediness, Autenticare, to authenticate
Avello, m. grave, tomb, sepul- Auteiiticazióne,/. aulheniiea-
A'vido, adj. greedy, covetous
Avéna, /. reed, pipe Avito, adj. hereditary Auténtfco, adj. authentic,
Aula,/, a royal palace original; per autentico, i«
Averef'^tare -'a^er Aulico, adj. belonging to the
to be glad ; che avete ? court ; ii cons/glio àuUce, Autogrclfo, adj. autographical
A Tvenenteméute, adv. " be- Arreràto, adj. averred, pro»-

vvenénza, and Avvenen- Avverbiale, adj. adverbial

Autorévole, adj. creditable, tézza,/. beauty, grace Avverbialmente, adv. ad-
imperious Avvenévole, adj. fair, gen- verbially
Autorevolmente, adv. im- teel, agreeable, proper, fit, Avvèrbio, m. adverb
periously suitable "vverdlre, to grow green, to be
Autorità, /, auihorily, power wenevolézza, /. grace,
Autorizzare, to authorize comeliness
Autorizzato, adj. authorized Avvenevolménte, adv. hand-
Autrfce,/. authoress somely ralJy
Autunnale, adj.autumnal Awengachè, adv. because Avversàrio, m. adversary,
Autunno, »i. Avvéniménto, m. Avvènto,
autumn opposer
Avvallam'énto, m- a cavity m. citante, danger, event, ;Vrversario, adj. contrary
Avvallàire, to let down arrival a tutto avvéni- ; Avversàrio, tu', the devil

Avvalloraménto, m. valour. ménto, rvliatever happens ; Ar\-ersat(5re, m. an adver-

l'avvéniménto di Cristo, the
feast of Advent f. loathing, ab-
Avvenire, to happen, to
rage thrive, prosper; avvenirsi, Avversità, /. sorrow, misery,
Awampaménto, ni. turning, to light upon, find, meet affliction
blading with ; non av\enga più
t' vvèrso, adj. adverse, con-
Avvampante, adj. burning, di far ciò, do so no more ;
trary ; avverso, opposite, un-
inflaming temo che non gli avvenga
Avvampare, to singe, to con- qualche disgrazia, / noi A\-verso, prep, against
sume avvampar d' amore,
: afraid lest some misfortune Avvertente, adj. cautious,
to burn with love; avvam- should befall him
par d' impaziènza, to be im- vvenXre, m. future; per Avvertenteménte, adv. ad-
r avvenire, henceforth visedly
Avvantaggiàre, to have the vventaménto, m. throwing Avvertènza, /. care, heedful-
advantage with violence
Avvantaggiato, adj. advan- Avventare, to shoot, dart, Avvertiménto, m. admonition,
tageous fiing ; avventarsi, to run in, advice
Avvantaggio, m. benefit, in- to rush upon Avvertire, to warn, advise,
erest ; s> i deli- Avventatàggine, /. impru- to inform, take care; stare
tàggìo, to improve the ad-
vantage; dar dell' avvan- guard
taggio, to give the odds Avvertito, adj. warned, in-
Avvantaggióso, adj. advan- formed
tageous Avvezzamente, m. habk,
Avvantàrsi, to boast giddy-headèa custom
Avvedérsi, to perceive, ii Avventizio, adj. adve Avvezzare, to accustom ; av-
understand, find out Avvènto, m. event, arrival vezzarsi, te inure one's self
Avved^vole, adj. clear sighted A.vveiìtóre, m. customer Avvezzato, and Avvézzo, adj.
Avvediménto, «i. foresight. Avventura, tf. accident, ad-
venture; all' avventura, by
Avvedutamente, adv. tvarily,
prudently, carefully
Avvedutézza, /. foresight, \ Avviato, adj. forward, n-ise.
Avveduto, adj. wary, provi- vventurataménte, adv. hap- Avvicendaménto, m. succeed-
dent pily, luckily ing, alternately
Avvegnaché, and Avvegna- vventurato, adj. happy, turn by
Av\'icendàre, to do
diochè, adv. because, turn
vventuvevolménte, adv. for- Avvicendévole, adj. one after
Avvelenatiiénto, I. poisoning tunately, luckily
Avvelenare, to p vventuriére, m. aivetUu- Avvicinaménto, m. Avvici-
Avvelenato, adj. poisoned; nànza,^. approach
ànimo avvelenato, trans- A wenturoszunénte, adv. Avvicinare, to draw near ;
ported with rage luckily avvicinarsi, to approach
Avvelenatóre, m. poisoner AwtnturdsOj adj. successful Avvicinato, part, approached
Avvenènte, and Avengnte, Avvenuto, adj. happened, Avvignare, to plant the vine
adj. handsome, genteel, befaUen Avvignato, adj. planted with
agreeable Avverare, to aver, to verify
A^Tiiiménto, m. conslemalion, Avy'ivHo. adj. revived Azzimina,/. a coat of mail
vvivatrtjo, m. a burnisher
Avvilire, to undervalue, vilify; (tool!
avvilfrsii to desfond, lose vvivatrfre, m. Avvivitrlce,/.
a burnisher, one who bur-
minima disgrazia, the least nishes
misfortune disUeartens him Avvizzire, to fade away
Avvilfto, adj. astonished, Avvocare, to follow the law, to Azzoppare, io maim, cripple
amazed Azzoi)pàto,a(y. maimed, imied
Avviluppaménto, m. disorder, Avvocarla, /. office of an ad- Azzulfamento, m. quarrel, de-
confusion bate
Avviluppare, rvrap up, in-
to Azzuffarsi, to come to blows,
iangte avvilupparsi, to per-
; driiik like ajish
pUx,one-s self. a lawyer, protector ••"-''—
'lusly, pas-
Avviluppatamente, adv. in- \f. a she-advocate,
Lvvocatrice,/. she-
trUatdy Azzuólo, adj. dark blue
Avviluppato, part, wrapt up, vvolgere, to wrap, to roll, Azzurriccio, Azzurrigno, Az-
covered. A I' avvilupiiàta, to bamboozle ; avvolgersi, to zuiTlno, and Azzurrc'giiolo,
adv. disorderly lose one's self, to stray adj. coloured with azure, or
Avviluppàtòre, m. disturber, Avvolgiménto, m. winding,
deceiver, glutton twisting Azzurro, m. azure, blue
Avvinaccidto, adj. drunk Avvolgitóre, m. he thai wraps
Avvinare, to mix wine rvith
Avvolontataménte, adv. rashly
Avvindto, adj. mingled Tvitk Avvolontato, adj. rash, strong B
Avvinazzarsi, to drink plenti- Avvolpiiiàre, todupe,deceive T) ABBACCIO, arul Babbac-
fully, to get Avvolpinato, part, deceived, ••-'clóne, m. a fool, a dunce
Avvincere, and Avyinchiare, caught Babbeo, ?». blockhead , fool
to tie up, ta encompass, to Avvoltare, to encompass Babbióne, »i. dull fellow,
comprehend ; avviuchiiSrsij Avvolticchiare, to wreath. blockhead
Babbo, m. papa. Contratto a
Avvinto, part, tied, tvrapt Avvolto, adj. wrapt, involved babbo morto, a post obit
Avvisàglia,/, combat Avvoltolataménte, adv. Iiastily Babboccio, ad. rashly, inccnr
Avvisaménto, m. advice, nevjs, iltura, /. winding, ol siderately
scurity Babbuassaggine, /. stupidity
Avvisare, to advertise, consi- Avùi.culo,m, uncle Babbuasso, adj. simpie,foolish,
der, remark ; to perceive, tc Auzzaménto, m. making sharp awkn-ard fellow
Auzzàre, to sharpen, i,--'—- Babbuino, m. monkey, la-
Avvisatamente, adv. circum- provoke boon babbuino, a monkey-

spectly Auzzato, adj. irritated face booby

Avvisato, part. advertised, Bacalare, m. a great man, a
prepared ; far avvisato, to Aziènda,/, domestic affa great wit (ironical)
give notice avvisato, adj.
; Bacaleria,/. bragging, vaunt-
mise, discreet, crafty concern, claim, righi , ing
Avvisatóre, m. monitor, prizer, tentar azióne a qualchedùno, Bacare, to breed worms
to bring an action ; azióne, Bacato, and Bacaticcio, adj.
Awisattìra,/. look claim, right; ho azióne .sickly, rotten
sopra questa casa, I have a Bacca,/, a berry
right to this house Baccalà, and Baccalare, m.
Azzanipàto, adj. that has paws Baccanale, m. a tumuitiunu
crowd, a bacchanal
Awiticchiaménto, m. twist- Azzannato, adj. caught with Baccanella,/. a rout, mob
ing: knot the tusks Baccano, m. noise, uproar
Avviticchiare, to twist, to en Azzardare, Baccante, /. a priestess of
Avviticchiato, Azzardare, and Azzardo, m.
adj. twisted, Baccellerfa, /. degree qf Ba-
hazard, danger [bold
Avvitolàto, ad;, rough Azzardóso, cdj. adventui Baccellière, and Baccelliéro,
Azzeccare, to strike m. bachelor of arts
Avvivare, to enliven, give vi- Azzicare, to stir, shake Baccèllo, 7(1. husk ; baccelló-
gour; avvivarsi, to grow Azzimirsi, to aderii one's . „ ne, shell, blockhead, dunce
strong, to flourish Azzimélla,/. unleavened L read Bacchetta, /. o rod, mace-
comandilre a bacchétta, to Bagiiatdre, m. a bather [to)
commajid imperioutly ; bac- Bagnatura,/, (see Hagiiamén-
chétte, gantUl, a milUary Bàglio, 7»i. a bath, bagnio.
punishmtnt ; passiir per le Badaluccare, to skirmish,
bacchétte, to run the gantlet ;
iuse the enemy ; to idle
bacchétta da rino, a tavern ''s time away bath
tign Badaluccatdre, m an idler Bagnomaria, S,- Bagnomarie,
Bacchettata,/, blow with a rod Badalucco, to. skirmish, play, m. balneum marix
Bacchettoncinoj adj. little Bagnudlo, to. a little bath.
hypocrite Badaraénto, to. delay
Bacchett<5ne, m. and Bacchet- Badare, to amuse one's self, to
stand trifling, take notice of,
Bacchettoneiia, /. and Bac- take care, to covet, to look
chettonlsrao, m. hypocrisy amorously upon Bàia, /. sham, idle story ; dar
Bacchiare, to cudgel Baderla,/. a silly woman la bàia, to banter ; bàia
Bacchiata, /. a blow with a Badessa,/, abhess (spiàggia) a bay or road at
Badia, f. abbey sea ; I'ar le baie, to wag
Bàcchico, aiy. of Bacchus Badiale, adj. great, large Baiare, to bark
Bacchinone, m. a fool, dunce Badigliàre, to yawn, gape ,,/. a trick
Bacchio, m. a ttaff, a cudgel : Badile, m. shovel, spade Baiétta,/. estamine (a French
parlar a bàcchjo, to talk Baffi, m. plur. whiskers stuff)
Eagaglia, /. Bagaglie, /. pi. Bailo, TO. a sort of magistrate
Bacco, m. Bacchus and Bagàglio, 7n. baggage Bàio, adj. bay or chestnut-
Bachèca, m. a fine fellow, a clothes colour ; bàio scuro, brown
blockhead, a glass case Bagaglióne, to. a soldier's boy, bay
Eacherdzzolo, m. a tvorm,grub blackguard Baiocco, TO. a piece of money
Baciamano, nt. a compliment Bagagliudle, tattered clothes about three farthings value
Baciamente, repeated kissing Bagagliume, m. bag and bag- Baionàccio, m. an impertinent
Baciente, culj. kissing gage fi'low
Baciapfle, and Baciapdivere, Bagàscia,/, harlot Baióne, to. a scomer, banterer
tn. bigot, hypocrite Bagascióne, m. strumpet's man BaionetU,/. a bayonet
Baciare, to kiss: baciarsi, to Bagatella, f. trifle, toy ; ba- Baiiica, and Baiùcola, /. very
kiss one another ; baciar la gatelle, fa negative "expres- frivolous thing
scópa, to have patience sicnj no such a thing, not at Bala, /. the banana tree
Baciato, part, kissed all Balanino, adj. of a whale
Baciat<$re, m. a kisser Bagatelliére, m. a juggler Balaùstra, /. the flower of the
3aciatrice,f. a kissing woman Bagattelluccia, and Bagatel- pomegranate tree
Bacfle, TO. a basin luzza,/. a very trifle, a toy Balaustrata, /. balustrade, rails
Bacinella,/, a tUl Bagattlno, to. the smallest piece Balaùstro, m. a rail, a banister
Bacinétto, m. a helmet of money Balbettante, adj. stuttering
Bacano, m. basin Baggéo, TO. a simpleton Balbettare, and Balbutire, to
Bàcio, m. a kiss ; un bàcio di Bagginàccio, to. a great btock-
Giuda, a treacherous kiss Balbo, and Balbuziènte, adj.
Bàcio, exposed to the north- Baggianàta, /. foolishly said. tongue-tied, that stamtners
wind ; a bacfo, towards the Balbùzie,/. *taTOmei-ing', stut-
north Baggiane, /. pi. enti
Eaciocco, TO a simpleton fair or kind words, false Balbuzzàre, and Balbuzzire,
Baciozzo, TO. a hearty kiss Balcóne, m. balcony
Baciucchiare, &Baeiuecàre, Baggiano, to. blockhead, fool Baldacchino, to. canopy; as-
to give many kisses Baggiolàre, to support, to petàre col baldacchino, to
Baciuccio, m. a slight kiss prop look for homage
Baco, TO. a worm, maggots Baggidlo, TO. a stay, prop Baldamente, adv. boldly
mite bachi, worms
; Baglióre, m. lightning, dax- BaldSnza, /. presumption ,

Bacdcca, m. apricot (by the

Sicnese) Baglfvo, TO. a bailiff Baldanzeggiàre, to live merrily
Eacoh'uo, TO. a maggot Bagnaiudlo, m. bather Baldanzosamente, adv. boldly,
Bacucco, TO. a hood, a corvi Bagnaménio m. the act of valiantly [rash
Bacùccola,/. a nut sprinkling BaldanzoséttcarfJ. bold,hardy.
Bada, used as an adverb te- Bagnante, adj. moistening, Baldanzóso, adj. stout, valiant

nére a bada, to keep at bay washing, bathing Baldo, adj. daring, coura-
star a bada, to stand tri- Bagnare, to >vet, to wash :
fling star alia bada d'uno
; bagnarsi, to bathe, cr wash Baldória, flame, bonfire far ;

to teatch, to observe one's self baldòria, to rivl,feast

Badàggio, m. an amorous look Bagnato, adj. wet, washed Baldràcca,/. harlot, drab

Balletta,/, a little bale Bamboccio, m. a simpleton
Ballétto, m. a ballet, a dance Ba'mbola,^: a puppet, doll
Ballo, wi. dance, ball [dance Bamboleggiare, to do chii.iisli
Balenaménto, m. Iighhti7ig Ballónchio, ni. a country- things
Balenante, adj. shinivg, biigìit Balldne, m. a large bale Bambolino, and Bambolo, m
Balenare, to lig/iien, to stag- Ballonzàre, & Ballonzolare, io an infant, babe
ger dance without rule Barnboldn'e, ni a large child
Baléno, m. lightning; in un Ballottare, to ballot Banca, an office, vihere soldiers
baléno, in an instant ; far lb Ballottazióne,^', ballotling are paid passar la bjMic?,,

scoppio e'I baléno, to Jo a to muster

thing at once arco baléno.
; heedlessly Bancàrio, m. a bank-bill
Baloccdggme, and Ballocche- Banchettare, to give a feast
Baléstra,/, cross-bow ; caricijr 'rifles, Banchetto, m. a feast, a little
la baléstra, to Jill one's belly Baloc mistake.
Balestralo, «i. a maker of Banchière, and Banchièro, m-
Baloccare, to arnuse
Balòcco, m. a booby, simpleton Banco, f?i. a bench, a shop
Baloccóne, adv giddily counter ; metter banco, tc be
EalordiJggine.& Baldrderfa,/. a banker; banco in una
blicklii'adness cìiiésa, a pew ; banco di
Balórdo, adj dull, foolish, tilly rena, a sandy bank
Balestrièra, /. a loop-hole in a Balsàinico, m/J. bi
"* ' Banda, sideways ; dall altra
wall (to shoot through) I balm tri banda, on the other side ;

Balestrière, m. a borv-man, a ml Bàlsii metter da banda, to put a-

shooter Bàlteo, JH [bai side; banda, ^'«"g^, ic.iirf
Balestro, m. a cross-bo,v, or Baluardo, company passai; da banda a

stone-bow ; andare su balé- Balusante, adj. dim sighted banda, to run through m' è ;

""" * Balza, /. a 'rock, hill, eliJT, sempre à banda. Ae is alwayt

Bàlia, f.,'mrse'^"" " dojvnfal, edge, border by me andare alla banda,'i'o

Balfa, /. pon'er, authority; Balzana,/, lace ovfrittge

tener in balia, to K'eep one Balzano, adj. giddy-headed ; Bandeggiàre, to banish
cervél balzano, a strange Bandeggiiito, adj. banished
addict one's self; darsi in Bandèlla, /. <Ae hollow iron
piacéri, to fellow Balzante, adj. bouncing, leav- rvotk of a door or window
pjeasun Balziire. to climb, bound, skip Banderuòla, /. a tveather-

BaliàggiO; •ailiwiek dal tuo,/u

viles 'ipon you :i balzò
Bandiéra, /. a standard, ban-
Ballato, m. power, authority ner a bandièra, by chance ;

Ealio, m. a tutor, a husband bandièra, a whore, a prvsti-

Balióso, adj. strong, hisly,
Balzellare, to skip, to burden
Balzèllo, m. additional burden
BaizeWóni, frisking, skipping
balle, to pack away BaVzo,
Ballare, to dance, to shake; Bambagéllo,
i denti mi ballano, my teeth Bambagia, /.
are loose ballar sulla cor-
; col Uaston della bambagia, Bandito, adj. published, biz
da, io dance oh a rope bal- ; to chide mildly allevai nella
: nish'ed ; tener corte bandita,
lare in campo aziirro, io be bambagia, to bring up deli io keep open house baiidito, ;

hanged caiely
Balata,/, a dance, a ballad; Bambagino, m. calico highwayman
qual ballata, tal sonata, to Bambàgie, m. (see Bambsigia» landitóre, m. a common crier
give like for like; fornir la Bambagióso, adj. soft (like ìdndo, m. a proclamation
ballata, to make an end of bando di testa, a rejvard
any business guidarla bal- Bambttra,/. agame (at cards)
: for taking a criminal: ban-
lata, to have the management Bambina,/, a little girl do, banishment dar il ;

(if any thing SambinSgine, and Bambine- Bdndo, io banish; irar di

Ballatóio, m. a gallery ria, /. childishness, childish bando, io recali from banish-
Ballatore, and Ballerino, m. a I

dancer [dancing-rvoman '.

Bandolièra,/, a bandolier
Ballatrice, and Ballerina, a 1 : Bandolo, m. the head of a skein
Ballerino, m. daneing-master ; : Bara,/ a bier, coffin, litter
ballerino da corda, a rope- I

Barabùffa, /. a J'iay, al'ercr

dancer [
Barfle," a pipe, a hogJiead,
Barbicato, adj. rooted
Baracdne, m
a kind of clelfi
Barbicella, and Barbiclna, /. barrel; barile de ruòta, the
Baracca,/, a barrack, a tent stock of a wheel
Baraccare, to pitch tent), raise a little root
Bariletto, and Barilòtto, m. a
Barbiéra,/. a barber's nnfe
barracks little cask
Barbière, ?«. a barber
Baracchiére, m. a sutler Baritono, m. a musical term
Barbieria, and Baiberfa, /.
Baraqcùiza,/. a hut Barlàcchio, adj addled
barb shop
Barii'e, to cheat, merreach

Barlettiio, m. a cooper
Bàratro, m. dungeon, abyss, Barlette, m. a holdfast
Barbogio, _^ Barlume, m. dusk, a hint;
, ^.
strife, quarrel, dis-
Barbóne, m. a long beard, an
Bardita,/, notion: la vidi solamente
d dotard, a shaggy do
al barlume, I had only a
Barbugliaménto, m. cor.
Barattaménto, m. and Barat- glimpse of her ; ne ho un
taztóne,/. exchange, truck slammer barlume, / know something
Barbugliare, to
Barattare, to barter, exchangi of it
barattare '— Barbuta, m. a helmet
to cheat;
Barbuto, adj. bearded, full of Baro, and Barro, m. knate,
mercanrfa, to run goodt
a barge, a boc Baroceiàjo, m. a carter
m. a trucker Barca, /.
Barattat<5re, BarOccio, m. a cart
deceit, far andar uno in barca,
Baratteria, /. guilt,
one angry: far u
Baròcco, and BarSccolo, «t.
make sharking, spunging
barca ad uno, to play a trick
Barattière, and Baratuero, Baròmetro, m. barometer
deceiver, cheat
»n. truck, exchange,
BMS;cia, /. an old barge Baróna., f
a baroness
Baratto, Baronàceio, m. rogue, rascal
deceit, truck Baronàggio, m. fcarony
Barcaiuòlo, Barcar(51o, a
Baràttolo, m. a pot for medi Baronàre, to beg, to spunge
Parcarudlo, m. bargeman,
Baronàta,/, roguery
Barba, /. beard : far la barba, Baroncello, m. vagabond,
barbe, rout, princi- Barcata, /. a Ziar^c
to shave ; bler a little baron
alia barba, in spite
Barchetta, and .B :

ple ;
boat Baroncio, ni. an idle slovenlif
Barbacane, m. barbican /. a little
Barbaccia, /. o shabby long Barco,
nu a park
Baróne, m. a baron, a vaga-
Barcollamento, m.
beard bond baróne di campo fióre,

Barbagianni, m. an owl, a sim- a pick-pocket; baróne di

Barcollante, adj.
Francia, one that has the pox
BÌ'rM?lio, «I. dimness of sight Baronéssa,/, baroness
Barbaramente, and Barba- Baronetto, m. a baronet, at
barba- Barcollare, to wave.
reel, s
rescamente, adv. Icnight and baronet
Baronlsi, f. barony
Barcóne, m. a ship
Barra, f. bar, harricado
Barda,/, a sort of saddle
Barrare, to bar: barrare la
Bardana, /. burdock
caparisoned strada, to stop the way
and Barberésco, Bardito, adj. a Barrato, adj. inclosed, beset. _ ^
Bardatura, /. trapping'
Barreria, /. a cheating, m
Bardella,/, a pack-taddle harricado, ««-
'"a sadf Barricata, /.
A '"
bardosso, adu. without
Barrièra, bar, partition, bar-
riers, (a martial s^ort) .
Bàrbaro, adj. barbarous.
Biro, a cheat at gaming
cruel hand-barrorv, Baruffa, /. and Baruffo, fray,
Barbai(5ssa,/. o kind of grape Barella, /. a
kali, saltwort and sell at
Barb.lta,/. roots BaruUà/e, io btiy
Batbatella,/. a slip of a tree Barellare, to carry in a bar-
Barbato, adj. bearded, full of Barùllo, m. a retailer, a fori-
btard, roottd JBargagnàre, io bargain,
cavil or Tvrangle; star
Barbaizàle,/. _ Barzellétta,/, a jest, a banter
Barbarésco, m. a Barbary Basalisco, m. a basilisk
ho, -Hi^hc^ir^^^B^P'^^-^k
-i '
bargéll rvilh Basa, and Base, base, boHom,
.,..eqf the barbs ground
Bàrbero, «i a Barbary horse Basaménto, m. the pattern cj
pi. a cock's rattle;
Barbetta, /. a little heard a pillar
Barbicaménto, m. the act .'

taking root
Barbicare, to take root
Basottiine, m. one mho has long Bast ardercelo, and BastardSIIo,
and fine mhiskers
Basilica, /. cathedral church, Bastardàggine, and Bastar- Battàglia, /. a battle, fight ì
dtgia,/. .bastardy battàglia navale, a sea-fghi
Bastardèlla,/, a copper pan Battagliare, to fight, to skir-
Bastardo, adj illef^ittmaie
Bastardume', m. bastardy Eattaglidto, part, fought
Bastare, io be sufficient basta, ; Battagliatóire, m. comlmtarU
Basiménto, m. falliti io non -voglio vedérlo piu; Battagliero, m. combatant,
Basimentóccio, m. a soldier
Basfre, to be at the point of Battagglierésco, adi. rvarlike,
death, to be iti agoni/ valiant
Easfto, adj. expired, dead little I hav. Battagglievolménte, adv. in a
Basdso, adj. stupid, dull Bastévole, adj. sufficient fighting manner
Bassamente, adv. basely, Bastevolménte, adv. enough, Battaglio, m. the clapper of a
rvell enough
Bassamente, m. a fall, dimi- Bastfa, /. a rampart, trench, Battaglióne, m. a battalion
fence Battagliaóla, and BàttagH-
Eastiére, m^ a saddler ùzza,/. a skirmish
toTver ; bassàr gli occhi, to Bastiménto' a ship, or vessel Eatlelletto, m. a little boat
look downmards ; bassàr la Bastionare, to fortify with bas- Battello, m. a small boat, a
testa, to stoop skiff
Bassato, part, down, let Bastionato, part, forti fied, S,-c. Battènte, adj. beating, panting
Bastióne, m. bastion, bulwark Battènte, m. the rabbet qf a
Bassetta, /. the gatne of bas- Bastìta.f fortress door or window
Bàs'to, HI. a packsaddle, the Bàttere, io beat; bàttere alla
Bassètto, m. countertenor ace of clubs da basto e da
; érta, to knock ai the door ;
Bassetto, adj. somewhat low sella, fit for many things ; E àtter la campagna, to scour
Bassézza, /. jneanness, lowli- non son uomo a portar bas- the country ; bàttere i denti,
ness ; fare una bassézza, to to, I am not a man to bear to shake with cold; bàtter
debase one's self an affront ; serrare il basto le palme, io clap hands ;
Bassflica,/. the basilic vein adesso ad uno, to press, or bàtter il grano, io thresh
Basso, adj. low, shallow, urge one corn ; bàtter monéta, ta
base, mean ; marèa bassa, Bastonnàccio, m. a club stick coin ; bàtter gli ocelli, io
lorn water paesi bassi, the
Bastonare, to cudgd, to re- mink; bàttere, io walk fast;
tow countries; la gente prove; bastonare i pesci, bàttersela, to go away ; in
bassa, the common people, to row mandar a bastonar

the vulgar ; il sole è già i pesci, to send to the galleys

basso, the sun is going to Bastonato. /. a blow with a

set; di bassa nascita, of a stick; dar delle bastonate,
to cudgel rvkilst 'tis hot ;
di basso ingégno, a low- Bastonatura, /. blows with a bàtter il butirro, ti. chum ;
nntìed man basso discórso,; club bàtter Tali, tojlutttr bàtter •

a fiat discourse panno ; Bastoncèllo, and Bastoncino, 'o tra n foot ;

ft. a small stick or cudgel bàttersi le, to repent
Bastóne, m. staff, support, bàttersi, to fi^ght a rlicel
prop; bastóni, jn. pi. club» bàttere una città, tn batter a
at cards ; giuocàr di bastóne, town; bàtter il fuòco, io
Bassòtti, m. pi. a mess of mac- strike fire bàtter »^
óre, io
Bastracóne, a lusty man
Bassotto, adj. stout and short, Bastùda,/. a sort of net Batteria,/, ij^eny
strong-limbed Batacchia, /. a blow with a Battesimale, adj. b.iptvimal •
Basta, adv. enough il fonte battesimale, the font
Basta,/, a long stitch, a trick Batacchiare, to beat, knock
Bastàbile, adj. lasting down Battésimo, and BattCsrao, ni.
Bastàio, m. a saddler Batacchio, m. a cndgei baptism, tener a battéBiir.u,
Bastaléna, (a) adv. with all Batista,/, cambric
Batistéro, m. the baptismal Battezzaménto, »»;. act of bap-
Eas»Snte, adj. tiifficient, able
Bastantemente, adv. svffi Batòcchio, m. a blind man's Batte , adj. that chris-
ciently ctick ; a bell-clapper
Bastanza, /. duration, suffi- Batòsta,/, noise, bustle, tumult Battezzare, to baptint
ciency ; a bastanza, e- Batostàie, io contend, to quar- Battezzato, adj. christened.
. .

Battezzatóre, m. a baplizer ridicnle,Jeer, banter.; bèffa,
Batticuòre, m. palpitalion, trifles, frippery
panting edty Beffardo, m. a jester, banierer
Battifuòco, m- a steel Beatitvidine,/. felicity, bliss Beffare, to ralhi, jeer, cheat,
Battfgia, /. the falling sick- Beato, adj. blessed, fruitful nerreach ; beffarsi, ta scorti,
Beato, m. biased 'o laugh at

BattiUno, m. a carder ofrvool Becca,/, garter Beffato, part, jeered, laughed

Battilòro, m. a gold beater Beccàccia,/, a tvoodcock
Battiménto, »n. striking; bat- Beccaccino, m. a snipe
timénto di mani (per alle- Beccacelo, m. an old he-go
grézza) clapping batti-; rascal, cuckold
ménto di cuòre, palpita- jggiàre, to mock, icojf,

Battinzécca, >». a coiner butcher Beffeggiatóre, m. {see Beffa-

Battisóffia, and Bàttisóffiola, BeccaUte, m. a litigious man tóre)
f. fright, start, out of fear Beccaménto, m. a pecking Beffévole, adj. contemptible, to
Battistério, and Battistèro, m Beccamorti,»», a grave-digger bè slighted
thefojitfir baptism Beccare, to peck, sn-allow, Beghino, m. one who vears a
Battitóio, m. {see Battènte) >p : beccarsi il cervello, to religious habit, but living i»
Battitóre, m. he that strikes; zzle c the world
oattitòre di strade, a scout qualche BÉSi,le,f pi. trifles
Battitura,/. _i/oro, stroke Belamèiito, ni. bleating
Battuta, /. time in music : Beccaréllo, and Beccherèllo, Belare, to bleat : (also J to cry
n'ay, road ; andar per la like children
battuta, ^0 follorv the course Bel Bèllo, hold! hold! not so
of the world; battuta di fast
polso, the beating of the bill Bel che, m. a fine thing indeed
Beccatella, /. a hawk's lure, Bellamente, adv. fairly,
Battiito, pati, beaten ; via bat- (also) a trijfe bravely, slowly, eloquently,
Beccatello, m. a bracket neatly
Battùt.0, m. Beccatóio, m. the trough of a Bellétta,/, mud, slime
leads of a house
Batùffolo, a heap
nt. bird-cage Belletto, m. paint, or wash
Bava, /. foam, drivel, thin, BeccKeggiàre, v. to pilch, for the face; bellétto, adj.
coarse silk bava de' metalli,
; speaking of the motion of pretty
the dross of metals ships Bellézzti, /. beauty, pretti
Bavàglio, ni. a slabbering Beccher/a,/. sHambles,slaugh-
bib ter-house ; andare alla bec- Beflicàto, part, placed in the
Bàvero, m. the collar ofa cloak, cheria, to go to market ;

a Bavarian carne di beccheria, butcher'i Bellico, m. the

Bavièra,/, the vizor cfa head-
Becchetto, m. prorv of a
Baùle, m. a trunk, a travelling
chest Becchino, m. a grave-digger
Bavóso, adj. slavering Bécco, m. the bill or lieak of
Bazza, /. good luck, a trick mouth ; helm of a ship ; pipe
made at cards ; esser di bdzza, of a still ; buck, goat, cuck- Bellicdnchio, m. navel-siring
io get the better old drizzare il bécco agli
; Bellicòne, ni. a pitcher
frivolous thing
', f. sparvièri, to atttmpt impos- Bellicosamente, adv. in a
Bàzzica, /. conversation, con. sibilitiesho trovato il becco
; roarlike manner
pany, things of smalt value ; più duro à mugnere di quel Bellicóso, and Belligero, adj.
a game at cards che mi pensava', I found th martfal, warlike, valiant
Bazzicare, to converse, fre- fask harder than I thought : Bellfno, adj. pretty fine, hand
some enough
Bazzicatùre,/. pi. tr\fles Bèllo, m. (beltà) beauty •

Bazzotto, cij. tomervhai hard, Bello, adj. convetiient, pro-

half cooked Beccùccio, m. the tpoiU of a per; aspettar il bello, to
Beare, to bhsi nail for an opportunity :

Beatamente, ada. happily Befana, /. a puppet, an ugly sul bel del discórso, in the
Beatificare, to beatify middle qf the discourse;
Bpatifictito, part, beatified Befanàccia, a frightful phan- Bello, ailv. prettily, very
Beat-.ficatòre, ni. and Beati- well ; veder il bello, to
ficatrfce, /. that makes Bèffa, /. trick, banter. Joke ; know the opportunity ;

happy giuocdr da bèffa, to play bello e nuòvo, (juite new

Beatificazióne,/, beatification for nothing ; farsi bèffe, to bello e fatto, quite finished ,

far il bell* umóre,
Benedicite,/, grace at meals
to he ÌSem\'Ognenza.f. benevolence
j^rotid ; bello Benedicitóre, tn. a blesser
somelimei ; Lìenivolente, adj. friendly, hu
rvho speaks well of
jiression di bel mezzo dì, Benedire, to consecrate; Dio
; Beiilvolo, adj. affectionate,
vi benedica, God bias you
belle dóppie, it costs me Beneditdre, m. he who blesses Benlavoràto, adj. wei, done
ten pistoles ; sul bello dell' Benedizione, /. benediction ; Benmontito, adj. well-mount
Dar la benedizióne ad una
Bennato, adj. i

Bensài, adv. ce .inly^

Benefattóre, m. benefactor Benservito, a servant's dia
Benefattrice, ni. benefactress
Beldne thai bleats Beneficante, adj. beneficial, Densi, adv. certainly
Belzebù, m. Satan liberal, kind Bentemito, adj. we'll kept
Beltà, j: beauty, fineness Beneficdre, to do good, to bene- Bentornato, adj. state i! ben
Belva,/, a wild'beast fit a person tornato, you are welcome
Benacconcianxénte, adv. very Beneficato, part, benefitted Benvolentièri, adii, very will-
Benaffetto, adj. affectionate Beneficente, adj. kind, oblig- Benvolére. m. favour, kind-
Beiiagurataménte, adv. with ness benvolére, to love si
; ;

fa benvolére da tutti, he is
Benallevato, arfj . rvell-brcd beloved by all
Benandata, /. money given Benvoluto, adj. well beloved
upon going away Beneficidto, part, beneficed Beone, m. a toss-pot, a toper
Benavventurataméi Beneficio, m. kijulness, advan- Berberi, Berbero, m. the bar
tage, profit
Beneficióne, in. a church-liv- Bercildcchio, m. a squint-
venturóso, adj. fortunate, ing
happy Benèfico, adj. beneficial, libe- Bei-e, to drink ; bore un uòvo,
B5n bene, adv. very well, en-
tirely non è bene guarito,
; Beneffiio, Beneffcio)
»«. (see m berla, / must submit.
'e well Benemerènza,/ desert, merit
Benché, at _ Benemerito, adj. deserving
Benda,/, a band; a fillet;
aver una bènda avanti gli Beneplacito, m. good-will gli occhi, to devour with thi
ocelli, be blind-folded; a
to leave io f'o a mio beneplà- eves ; here 6 affogf '' ' '

mist before the eyes ; blindedcito, I do us I please obliged tc do a th.,.^ ,

by pastion Bene spesso, adv. very often bianco, to be disappointed

Bendare, to blind, to crown Benestante, adj rich, wealthy Bergamotto, m. the bergamoi
Bendatura,/, bandage Benevivere, to live happy
Bendella, and Benderglla,/. a Benevogliénte, adj. benev Bergolin^re, to pun, to quib-
Bendóne, m. lappets Bergolo, tn. o sort of basket
Bendiiccio, m. a child's neck- Berillo, m. beryl, a precious
Bene, m. good, benefit, gliénzn, f. good-will, love, Berlina, /. the pillory ; a
hap. satisfac kindness
, favour; voler del Benevolo, adj. kind, affec- Berlingàccio, m. the last Thurs
bene, have kindness for
to ;
day in Carnival
un uòmo da bene, a repu- Benefàtto, adj. well-shaped, Berlingaraento, m. chit-chat
table man ; chi fa bene Berlingare, to drink freely ; to
bene aspètti, do well and talk at random
have well pigliar par be-
; ciato, ben he was
gli sta, if Berlingatóre, m. a jolly fel
ne, to take in good part. turned out., he deserved it
Bene, adv. well, right ; voi Beneficènza,/, beneficence Berlinghiére, m. a greedy-gut
dite bene, you say right ; Benignamente, adv. courteous- Berliiighiéra,/. a talking gos-
bene, an emphatic expleti ly, kindly sip
, I'll Benignità,/, tenderness, good- Berlingòzzo, m. a French
' 3/0" brick, a small loaf (of
Benfgno, adj. courteous, lov- bread)
ingly beni stàbili,
: beni ing Bernesco, adj. burlesque
mobili, chattels Benino, adv. tolerably well Bemia,/. a riding-hood
Benedétto, adj. blessed [ness Ben' insième, m. the ivhole of Bernoccolo, m. a swelling
Benedetto, m. the falling sick- Benissimo adv. very well knob a hard kernel ;
- ,

Bernoccoluto, adj. knobly andar in 'béstia, to fall into Biancastronàccio, m. at white
Berrétta, /. flat cap, or b a passion
net trarsi la berrétta, far
. Bestiàccia, /. a nasty beast ; Biancastróne, m. excessive
di berrétta, to salute iviit bestiàccia, a fool, a block- whiteness
the hat ; avere il cervelk Biancheggiare, to turn white •

sopra la berretta, to proceed Bestiàle, adj. beastly, heavi- il mare biancheggia tutto,
rathly in an affair ly, lumpish
Berrettàio, m. a cap-maker Bestialità, /. bestiality, bru-
Biancheria,/, linen
Berrettino, m. a small cap tality Bianchézza,/, ivhiteness
Berrettuccia,/. a little cap Bestialmente, adv. beastly, Bianchiménto, m. a washing~\
Berri"<51a,/. o night-cap nastily Bianchire, to whiten, to grant
I, :.: — .„ _ highway- Bestiame, m. calile hoary ; al bianchir del gior-
ruffian, a verger. Bestiàrio, m. a keeper of wild no, break of day
beadle Bianclilto, pari, whitened,
Bersàglio, m. a mark to shoot Besticciudia, «juf Bestióne, /. washed
at, a laughing stock; io a liltle living creature Bianco, m. white ; capélli
sono il bersàglio della for- iestionnàccio, and Bestiòla, bianchi, grey hair; lotto
tuna, lam the sport of for m.- a great beast, a brutish. bianco, a blank in a lot-
fellow tery ; lasciar in bianco, to
Berta, /. a trifle, ge?vgan\ Bestiudia, /. a Utile creature leave a blank dar carta

foppery ; dar la berta, to (also) a blockhead bianca, a carte blanche ;

joke, to banter ; berta, a Béttola, /. a cook's shop, a restar bianco, to be at a loss ;
magpie, a gossiping moman, iippling-house bianco, pale, wan
Bettolétta,/. a lo7V public-house Biancóso, adj. very white
beetle Bettoliére, m. keeper of a cook's Biancospino, m. the hawthorn
Berteggiaménto, m. a laugh- Biancùcclo, adj. whitish
ing at, a mocking Biànte, m. a vagabond, a ram-
Berteggiare, to ridicule, jeer, bier
Biasciàre, to chew with diffi-
Berteggiatdre, m. a mocker, (of wine) ,/. ripeness culty
/. and Beveràggio,
Bevéna, Biasciaménto, m. chewing
Bertolotto, m. a sponger ; drink, beverage, drink-
scot- ;. Biasimare, to find fault with
ig-money Biasimato, part, blamed, com-
Bertóne, »t. one rvho keeps a Beveratóio, m. a vessel for
drinking Biasimatóre, m. and Biasima-
Bertovello, m. a net made of Bévere, to drink
Beveria,/, drunkenness
Bertùccia, /. and Bertùccio, Bévero, m. a beaver Biasimévole, adj blamable
m. a monkey, an ape Beveronàccio, m. a horse-be- Biasimevolménte, adverb, bla-
Bertuccidne, m. a baboon mably
Berùzzo, m. a clown's bt Beveróne, m. a drink, a drench Biasimo, and Biàsmo, «i.
fast Bevibile, adj. drinkable blame, reproach, fault
Berza, /. the shin-bone of the Beviménto, m. d'ir.king Biasmàre, (in poetry) to blame,
leg Bevitóre, m. and Bevitrfce, f. find fault with
Berzàglio, {see Bersàglio) toper, tippler Bibbia,/. MeBiA/e
Bessàgine, and Besserfa, /. Bevitura,/. drinking Bibita,/ potion
foolishness, simplicity Beuta, and Bevuta, /. drink- Biblico, adj. belonging to the
Bisso, adj. simple, foolish, ing boKt ad ogni bevuta, at ;

dun every glass Bibliografia,/, bibliography

Besso, «I. one rvho stammers, Bezzicare, to peck, to scold. Bibliomane, m. bibliographer,
or lisps a bookish man
Bestémmia, /. blasphemy, Bezzicato, part, pecked Bibliomania, bibliomany (book-
cursing, bad language Bezzicatura,/, a pecking
Besteramiaménto, m. impious Bezzi, m. pi. money ; non ho Bibliotèca,/, a library
language bezzi, / have no money Bibliotecàrio, m. a 'libra-
Bestemmiare, to blaspheme, Biàcea,/. white lead
Biada,/, corn, oats Vca,fa
Bestemmiato, part, blasphem- Biadaiuòlo, tn. corn-chandler
Biadetto, m. bluish paint
Bestemmiatoràecio, m. a great Biancastro, Bianchétto, and
Biancheggiante, adj. whit-
Bestemmiatóre, m. a blas-
phemer Bianeheggiaménto, m. whit-
Bestia, /. a beast, a brute


Bicipite, adj. itvo-headed. ser in bilancia, to be irre- Birba,/, a wanderer, a loUerer
solute, in suspense ; bilancia, la birba, to rnumf
Bicocca, /. a Utile ctulle, a a hoop-net, the splinter bar oj' , (also) a phaeton

vitlage Birbante, ai'.d Birbóne, m. a

Bic5mia,X <» rising anvil lilanridio, m. a scale-maker beggar
BicSrne, Bicorno, and Bicor- Bilanciaménto, Birbonata, and Birboneria, f.
nuto, adj. double-hotned
Bidèllo, m. a beadle Silanciàre. to balance, i Birboneggiare, to beg
Bidente, »i. a pitchfork, a mine, ponder, to : Bircio, adj. near-sighted
bilanciarsi in ària, i( Biri bisso, >n. a hazard game
Bidetto, m. a little pony in the air Birilli, m. pi. nine-pins
Biecamente, ado. squinting- Bilanciato, part, balanced Biròccio, m. a cart
}y Bilancière, ni. the balance of a Biroccino, a one horse chaise
Bièco, adj. grim, stem, sour ; clock or watch Bli-ra,/ beer
occhi bièchi, squinting eyes ; Bilancino, m. small scales "jnàcchio, m. a year old
rimirar con occhio bièco, Bilàncio, m. comparison, pa- calf
to look n'ith an envious eye ; rallel BiiTàjo, m. a brewer
atto bièco, a bad action Bile, /. choler, anger, passion ,
Birresco, adj. wicked, impur
Bienmo, adj biennial non mi fate montar la bile, dent
Biéta, or Biètola,/, beet don't provoke me BIrro, and Birrovière, m. a
Bietolone, m. a simpleton, a Bilènco, adj. crooked bailiJJ-
Bilia,/, a packer's stick isaocia, /. a bag with two
Bietta,/, a wedge Binàrio, adj. bilious pouches; esser alla bisàccia,
Bifdglio, m. double leaf Bilicare, to set in equilibrium to be reduced, to be very
Bifòlca,/. an acre of land Bilicato, part, poised, level-
Bifolcerla, /. husbandry, til- Bisànte, and Bisantlno, m. a
lage, the charge of a farm spangle
Bifólco, m. a ploughman Bisarcàvola, /. great-great'
Biforcaménto, m. separation grandmother
Biforcato, and Biforcuto, adj. BiUngiio, adj. deceitful Bisarcàvolo, m. great-great-
forked, cloven ; piede bifor- Bilióso, adj. passionate grandfather
cuto, a cloven foot Biliottàto,'arfJ. spotted Bisàva, and Bisàvola,/, great-
Biforco, m. a fork, a pitch- Billéra,/. a Jest
fork Bilustre, adj. of ten years Bisàvo, and Bisàvolo, m, a
Bifórme, adj. of two forms Bimbo, a sucking bab* great-grandfather
Bifrónte, adj. double-faced Bimèstre, adj. two months Bisbeticamente, adv. oddly.
B'ga,/- a dung-cart Bimmólle, m. a musical te fanta kally
Bigamia,/, a bigamy Binare, to pair, to twin
Bigamo, m. a man tvho has Binàrie, adj. binary
Binascènza, /. the delivery of tng
Bigatto, m. a silk-worm. Bisbigliare, to whisper, mutter
Bigàttolo, «I. o worm that a twin Bisbigliatóre, m a whisperer
dèlia,/, a ribbon Bisbigliatório, m. a parlour
Bigerognuólo, adj. greyish Bindoleria,/, artfulness grate (in convents)
Bighellóne, m. a' booby, a sim- Bindolo, m. a swing Bisbiglio, m. I whisper, ru-
pleton Biòccolo, m. a lock qf wool ;
Bigheràio, m. a Jester, a lana in biòccoli, a fleece Blsca, /. a gaming-place
tnerry-andrew Biografia,/, biography Biscaiuòlo, m. a gamester
Bigheràto, adj. adorned tvilh Biografo, m. a. biographer Biscanlàre, to sing repeated-
thread lace Biondeggiare, to look yellow ly
Blghero, m. thread lace Biondèlla, /. centaury, Biscanto, m. a duet
Bigia,/, the Jig-pecker sponge-laurel Biscazza, /. o gambling-
Bigfccio, aJj. greyish Biondello, and Biondello, adj.
Bigio, arf; rtisset, grey, brown Biscazzare, to game
Biglfa,/. the billiard-: " BiondMza, /. a fair com- Biscazzière, m. a gamester
Bigliardo, m. Miliardi plexion Biscazzo, m. and Bischénca,
Bigliétto, m. a billet, Biòndo, adj. fair, flaxen ; ca- a dh-iy trick /
Bigóncia, /. a sort of great pélli biòndi, light hair Bischero, m. a pm, peg
tub Biotto, m. poor Bischizzo, m. invention
Bigotto, m. bigot Bipartire, to divide in two Biscia, m. a snake, adder
Bilancella, and BU&icia, /. Bipartito, adj. part*d in two camminare a biscia, to mind
a balance, a pair of scales Bipede, adj. that has two feet
Bipènne, /. a two-edged hat-
Biscoldre, m. motley, party BJslCrto, adj. crooked, deceit- enteHain one with fair
coloured ful hopes ; la bócca d'un fiume.
Biscottare, to bake fn'ice Bisunto, adj. filthy, nasty Me mouth qf a river
Biscottato, adj ttvice baked — bisunto, m. a sloven ;

bócca dello stomaco, the pit

; la

Biscottino, »t. a little biscuit, a bisunta,/, a slut of the stomach bócca di ;

a fillip on tlie note Bitórzio, and Bitòrzolo, m. a fuóco,/ìre-<irm»

Biscòtto, m. a sweet biscuit ; swelling Boceaccévole, adj. Boccacce-
entrdi in mar senza biscotto, Bitòrzolàto, and Bitorzoluto, volraente, in the style of
to go hand over head adj. full qf bumps, knotty, Boccaccio
Biscroma,/, a musical term uneven (of wood) Boccàccia,/, an ugly mouth
Bisdòsso, adv. bare-backed ; Boccale, »»j. a mug; egli è
cavalcar a bisdòsso, to ride adj. bituminous scritto pe' boccali, he is
Tvithout a saddle Bivio, m. the highway known by every body
Bisestilre, to be leap-year Biùta,f. thick plaster Boccata. /. a mouthful, a box
Bisestile, and Bisesto, adj. Bizza, / anger, rage . mon on the ear non ne saper

anno bisestfle, leap-year boccata, to know nothing of

BisfOrme, adj. (see BiKrme) the matter
Bisgènero, m. a niece's hus- Boccétta,/, a button, bud of a
Bislacco, adj. capricious Bizzarfa, /. conceitedness, Boccheggiaménto, m. {.anting-,
Bislungo, adj. longish briskness, whim, passion gaping
Bisnipóte, m. great • grand- Eizzirro, adj. whimsical. Boccheggiare, to agonize
Bocchetta,/ Bocchino, m. a
Bisncjnno, wi. great-grandfa- Bizzeffe, (a) ad. abundantly, small mouth
ther copiously Bòccia, /. bud, (also) a bot-
Bisógna,/, business, labour Bizzócco, m. a rustic, a pu- tle
Bisognare, an impersonal iv ritan, a hypocrite, a bigot; Boccinolo, m. a button
used in the- 3d pers. sing. ;
una bizzócca, /. a ivoman Bocconcéllo, and Bocconcino,
bisógna, it must ; bisógna that lives like a nun m. a little bit
ch'io vada, I must go ci Bizzocóne, m. a clown
; Boccóne, adj. groveling ; m. a
bisógna morire, rve must Blandiménto, m. allurement, mouthful buon boccóni, ;

die ; mi bisogno partire, / blandishment dainty bits ; tagliare a boc-

tvas forced to go ; vi bisc Blandire, to flatter, decoy, ca- cóni, to cut to pieces ; dar il
gnerà farlo, you must do it jole boccóne, to brile
bisognerebbe che io gliele, Blandizia,/, caressing Bocconchiótto, m. a tit bit
facessi sapere, / should let BUndo, adj. kind,JiaUering Boccuccia, /. a little mouth-
him know of it ; se vi biso- Blasonare, tó blazon a coat qf fid
gnassero danari, if you should Bociàre, to divulge, publish
tvant money Blasóne, m. heraldry Bofonchiare, to grumble
Bisignévole, adj. useful, need- Bloccare, to block up Bofonchino, adj. grumbling
.ful Bloccato, part, blocked up Bogia, / first appearance qf
Bisógno, «1. want, neces..,^ .
Bloccatura,/, a blockade the itch
aver bisógno di qualche cosa, Boato, m. bellowing Bogliénte, adj. boiling, bum-
io stand in need of; al bi- Boattiére, m. a grazier
sógno si conósce un' amico, Bobólca, /. a herdsman's,
a friend in need is a friend ploughman's wife Boiàrdo, m. a boyard
indeed bisógno, convenience,
; Bócca,/, the mouth, the tasi Bolcióne, m. a battering-ram
ease ho tutti i miei bisógni,
; dire a bócca, by word of Eoldróne, m. blanket, cover-
/ have ali my conveniences; mouth piacévole alla bócca,
; lid
al bisógno, to the purpose, pleasant to the palate bócca. Bòlgia, /. budget, bag, port-

opportunely ; a un bisógno, people ho più di dieci bóc-


upon an occasion che a mantenére, / have ten ground ; far bòlgia, tu make
Bisoguosaménte, adv. need- mouths to feed ; stdre a bóc- provision : bòlgia, a horrible
fully [si. dark place
Bisognóso, adj. needy, ne tively : metter di bócca, te Bólla, /. bubble, blister, pim-
Bistent4re, to be in rvant ; add, invent; parlar a bócca ple ; bólla acquaiuóla, a
apèrta, to speak too much ; watery llister ; bólla, a
Bisónte, Bissónte, m. </ie bison esser largo di bócca, to talk
stamp, a seat, a Pope's
inconsiderately; io - - bull
Bisticciaménto, m. dispute^de- to' por becca, I tvo' Bollare, to stamp, to brand a
die Tvilh it; esser di buòna malefactor
Bisticci^re, to strive, contend bócca, to be a gt eedy eatt Bollato, adj. sealed, branded
Bisticcio, m. a pun, a quibble bócca a bócca, /ace to fai Bollènte, ùdj. boiling
Bistóndo^ adj, almost round lasciare a bócca dolce, Bollettino, m. a bilUa note

Bolliménto, m. a boiUng, the Borgomastro, m. a burgq-
snitlling nfl/ie sea
Bollire, io boil, btibble up, Bòria, haughtiness, self-
ferment mille tose mi bol- Bonificalo, adj. mended, im-
: conceit i aver bòria, to
lono neir ànimo, I hav<
ilwu jnd thin ìind Bontà, /. goodness, excel- Boriàre, and Boriarsi, to be

bolle, lence per bontà, for the ;

body grumbles bollire a

; sake of, upon account Boriosità, /. vanity, self-
ricorsóio, to boil fast of
Bollito, adj. boiled Borbogliaménto, m. noise, Borióso, adj. puft up,
Bollitura, /. boiling liquor. tumult proud
Borbogliare, to mutter, to Bornio, adj. one-eyed, short-
Borboglio, m. a rumbling Bomidla, /. mistake, blun-

Bdllo, m. a seal, a stamp Borbottaménto, ni. a ìnutter- Bórra, hair to stuff saddles ;
Bollóre, m. bubbling, spouting : superfluous words
bollóre d'animo, passion. Borbottare, to grumble, to Borraccia, /. bad, bad stuff,
Bòlo, m. a pili Borbottato, part. niutter- frarelHng
Bólso, adj. short-tvinded Bórro, and Borrone, m. a
BolZonitré, to shoot at gutter tnadc by a water
- ( also ) a great water-
jlood ;"
Éolzondto, part, struck with 1 Bórsa, /. a purse tenet :

bórsa strétta, io h: stingy
Bolzóne, ni. a battering-r, far bórsa, to hoard money ,

or dart
Bom, m. a boom bórsa de' mercanti, the
Bómba, /. a mark, a bomb ;
Bordeliàre, to frequent bro- \
Borsàio, ni. a purse-maker
thels ; andar bordelldndo, to Borsaiuòlo, m. a cut-purse
Borsellino, m. a fob
Bordellière, m. a hunter of
Bombànza, /. feasti ^ thels <

Borzacchlno, m. a buskin
joy Bordello, m. a brothel, stews : Boscàglia, /. woods, forests,
Bombànla, /. a mortar- andare in bordello, go and groves
piece be hanged fare il bordello, Boscaiuòlo,
; m. a wood
Bombardaménto, m. bomhard- to banter, to be vociferously

Bombardàre, to bombard Bórdo, fit. ship-board, the Boscàto, adj. woody

Bombardiera, /. Me place fa ship ; andare
where the tomb is mounted
Bombardière, m. a bombar- border, hem, !
J nymphs
Boschettlno, and Boschétto,
BombettiSre, to sip Bordóne, m. a pilgrims m. a grove, a thicket ;
Bómbola, a pitcher
/. staff: bordóne, the sluynps a tree limed to catch birds
Bompresso, m. the bowsprit "f feathers in young birds ; Boschino, adj. (see Bosche-
Bonàccia, /. a calm at sec bordóne, a prop of a build-
happiness, tranquility BOsco, m. a wood, forest ;

Bórea,/. the north-wind

Boreale, and Bóreo, adj. viera, to be Jit for any
northern, northerly
Bonarietà,'/: kindness Borgata, /. a borough, a vil- Boscóso, adj. woody
Bonàrio, adj. good, m^ek lage Bosforo, m'. straits
Borghése, and Borgése, m. a
Boncinello, m. the staple of i rgessofatown
Borghesia, /. the state of a Bossolàio, m. a box-maker
Bòssolo, m, a box, a die»
Borghetto, m. a hamlet
Borghegiàno, m. (see Bor- Botànica,/, botany
Bonificaménto, m. and Bo- ghése) Botànico, adj. botanicat
nificazióne, /. a bettering, Bórgo, m, a suburb, borough. Botànico, »!. botanist, Mrb
an improvement
Botirc, to vow, or promise ;
BozzoUre, to pick up Brago, m. slime, mud, clay
botarsi a Dio, io devote one's Bozzolétio, m.a little swelling, Brama, / desire, fondness,
eelfto God - pimple greediness
B<5to, m. a vom weUini Bramante, adj. wishing
Botola,/, a trap-door the
of cud Bramare, to desire, to long
Botta, /. a toad, a blorv, a norm ; tliat measure which
stroke ; armatura di tutta the miller claims for grind- Bramato, adj. wished for-
botta, armour, musket- ing ; a stone cut pyramid- coveied
proof ; botta- risposta, a ally a throng of people
; Bramito, m. the cry of
repartee ; botta, a pass in Bozzolóso, adj. fuU of tu- beasts
fencing: una bella botta, a Bramosamente, adv. greedily,
fine stroke Braccare, to quest (in the fondly
Bottaccfao, m. a flask Bramosia, /. a longing
Bottaglie,/. boots Braccheggiare, to haunt, find Bramóso, adj. desirous ; eager ,
Bott^o, m. a cooper fond
Botte, /. a cask, a vessel ;
Braccheggio, m. quest Branca. / the fang, clam,
Braccheria,/. hounds paw, gripe ; capitar nelle
Bottéga,/, a shop Bracchetto, »n. a setling- branche, to fall into on^s
Bottegàia, and Bottegaio, ni.
a shopkeeper Bracchiére, »n. a dog-keeper Brancare, to gripe, to seize
Botteghetta,/. Botteghino, m. Bracciale, m. a bracelet Brancata,/, a handful
a Utile » Braccialetto, to. little bracelet Brànchie,/, the gills ofafsh
Bottegóne m. a great Bracciata,^: an armful Brancicare, to handle, to feel
shop Bracciato, adj. fat, lusty Brancicatóre, m. who han-
Botticella, /. a small toad : Bracciére, m. a lady's usher dles
a small barrel, a small Bràccio, m. an arm, a sort Brancicóne, adv. groping in
of measure star colle ; the dark, crawling
Bottiglia,/, a bottle braccia in cróce, to stand Branco, m. a herd, a drove,
Bottiglière, m.'a butler nith one's arms across, to S,-c.

Bottiglieria, /. a butler's be idle a forza di braccia,

: Brancolare, to grope, t»
place with main strength fai ; fumhle
Bottln alle braccia, to ivrestle ; il Brancolóne, and Brancolóni,
bràccio secolare, the iem- adv. groping along
Branda,/, hammock
Botto, m. stroke, blow; botto Brandèllo, m. a bit, a small
di campana, the toll of a
bell. Di botto, adv. pre- Brandiménto, m. shaking
senihj Brandire, brandish
Bottonatura, /. the buttons of Brando, m. a sword .

chair a bra :iuóU,a Brandóne, m. piece, bit

Bottóne, m. a button ; hud Brano, m. a piece, a part, a
of plants; sputar bot- Bracco, »i. a setting-dog ;

t'dni, taunt ; dar o git- bracco da quàglia, a spa-

tar un bottóne, to give a niel bracco di manigol-

do, a bailiff, a catchpole ;

bracco da séguito, a blood- wagger
hound bracco da fermo, a
; BraTamènte, adv. bravely.
setting-dog ; bracco da leva,
a questing-Jog Bravare, to brave, affront
shackles Brace,/, burning coal Bravata,/, a bravade
Bovicida, m. an ox-killer Brache, Brachésse, and Bra- Bravatório, adj. threatening
Bovile, m. an ox-stable ghésse, /. breeches Braveggiare, to brave it
Bovino, adj. of the oxen Brachieràio, m. a truss- Braveria,/ valour, courage
Bravo, adj. valiant, courage-
Bovina,/, corn's dun^ Brachière, m. a truss
Bozza, /. a swelling boz- ; Bràcia, (see Brace) Bravo, m. a bully, a swag-
za, the rough draught Bracière, m. a brazier
ill sculpture, or paint- Braciìióìa, f. a steak Bravo, interj. very tvell !
Bracóne, m. breeches , a
BozzochiBto, adj. coward
deformed, Bravura,/, spirit, courage
ill-shaped Brado, m. a bull
I Breccia, /. a breach questo ;

Bozzétto, m. a button, rough Bradùme, m. hulls and calves

; non nil t'a bréccia, this
Brage, and Bragia, /. (see thing dies not affect me at
Bozzo, m. a cuckold


Brenna,/, a jade, a bad horse Bronzino, adi. sun-lurnt

Br€tto, adj. barren
sterile, Bronzista, m. a founder
Brève, and Brieve, a brief, ling Brónzo, m. cast copper, ox
a church- calendar. Brève, Jrillànt«, m. « brilliant
adj. short, brief. Brève, adv. Brillare, to sparkle, glitter, Brucare, to strip off leaves, io
shorily in brève, in a short
; leap for joy go arvay
Brillato, adj. cleansed Bruciare, io itch, smart, bum
Brillatóio, in. a sieve Bruciata,/, roasted chestnuts
Brillo,, gladness Bruciatàio, m. a seller oj
Brillo, adj. tipsy
Brevetto, m
a brevet Brina, and Brinata, /. tvhite-Bruciato, adj butned
Breviario, m. breviary frost Bruciolàto, adj. noim-eaten
Brevità, f. shortness, bre- Brinato, adj. speckled, spot- Brùciolo, m. a ivorm, shavings
vity ted
'Brézza., f. cold, rvindy misi Brindisi, m. far brindisi, to Brucióre, m. burning, smart-
BrezzoMne, in a cold mind drink somebody's health ing
Briachézza,/ drunkenness rinóso, iidj. frosty, misty
Briaco, adj. drunk metti e,fu-e, life
Briacóne, m. a drunkard
Briàreo, m. Briareus, a giani "-'-3Ìaménto, m. a chillness, •r up
Bricca,/, a steep craggy place Bruli( ring
Briccóne, m. a knave, ~ Brivido, m. piercing cold Brullamente, adv. poorly
Brizzolato, adj. variegated, Brullo, adj. naked, destitute
Bricconeggiare, io lead spotted Brullótto, m. ajìrc-ship
rogue's life Brocca,/, pitcher, ivater-poi Bruma,/, the rviiiter
Bricconerfa, /. knavish trict Broccàre, to spur Bi-umàle, adj. winterìsh
Brfcia, and Brfciola, /. BrocG<ita,/. a blow, rencounter Brunàzzo. and Bmnétto, adi.
small broken part, (also) a Broccato, m. a brocade brownisk, swarthy
little crumb Brocchière, m. a small buckler Brunézza,/ swarthiness
Bricioletta,/ a morsel Brocciare, to prick, to spur Brunire, to polish, burnish
Briga., f. trouble, disquiet Brocco, m. a peg, a stump of a Brunito, adj. polished, bur-
dar briga, to be troublesome tree dar nel bròcco, io hit
; ;

briga, debate, variance, dis- the mark Brunitóio, m. a burnishing

pute ; comprar le brighe a Bròccolo, m. sprouts, broccoli
danari contanti, io pick Broccolùto, adj. full of
quarrels non viSglio t
; sproi'-
setta broccósa, knotty Bruno, m. mourning ; por-
Bròda, /. swill, hog-rvash, tar il brtino, to ivcar
mire ; versar la bròda, io lay mourning. Bruno, adj.
the blame brorvn,^ dark una bnina,

Brodaiuòlo, adj. loving broth. a brotvn woman ; un bi'ù-

no, a brown man bruno, .

Brodettato, adj. done in broth

Brigare, io strive, io shift, Brodetto, m. fine soup, broth ;
gloomy air : vista briJna, a
to be busy brigare una cà-
; andar in brodétto, io feel melancholy look ; color
rica, to make interest for a bruno, a dull colour il
place regno bruno, hell
Brigata, /. company, troop, Brusca,/, a brush
cren, a brigade brigata ; Bruscamente, adti. bluntly,
di starne, a brood of pc Brodolòso, adj, slovenly, roughly
tridges andar di brigata,
. nasty Bruschetto, adj. sourish
go to'rether Brogliare, to embroil, en- Bruschézza, /. sourness,
Brigatife, m. a brigadier tangle sharpness
Briglia, /. a bridle; córrere Bròglio, m. tumuli, noise Brusco, adj. sour, tart; vin
a tutta briglia, to run fui Bróncio, m. passion, vexa- brusco, rough wine brus- ;

speed ; a briglia sciòlta tion ; fare il bróncio, io co, harsh, ill-natured.

headlong, rashly tirar 1
; Brusco, adv. soxirly perchè ;

briglia," <o keep one under Brónco, m. conger-eel, tlu mi parlate cosi brusco .'
tener in briglia, to bridle, i stump of a tree rohy do ycu speak so roughly
Broncóne, m. a branch, a vine- to 7)ie f
Brigliaio, m. a bridle-maker prop Bruscolo, m. a fescue, a
Brigóso, adj. litigious, quar Brontolare, to gruinble, t(
relsome Brustolare, to scorch, or toast
Brutale, a.
brutale, a
Brutalità, /.
Cacchióne, m. a certain worm,
or maggot, a drone
another Butirro, m. butter Cacchionoso, adj. full of mag-
Burchiello, m. a boat Buttàrga, /. (caviale) the gots
Bùrchio, m, a tvhtrry,, smoked sparvn offish Caccia, /. hunting, chasing;
lighter Buttare, to throw, fling, prènder càccia, to fly away .
Burèlla, /. a dungeon, a pie- dar càccia ad un vascello,
bald horse Butteriito,"j>i«ed nith the small to give a ship the chase ;
cturiasso, m. a boaster, a egli ha fatto buona càccia,
braggadocio, (also) a he- he has had good sport
rald Càccia, /. (cacciaggióne)
Burla,/, mockery, raillery game; andar in càccia, io
Burlare, to ridiculu, jeer, ban- Buzzicare, t» sneak away, to
ter burlarsi, to joke
; Cacciadiàvoli, m. a conjurer
Burlatóre, a banierer Cacciaffànni, adj. merry
Burlésco, adj. facetious, merry Cacciagióne, game, venison,
Burletta, /. comic opera bosco da cacciagióne, a wood
Burlévole, adj. wretched for hunting
BuTlonàccìo, and Burlóne, m. Caccjaménto, m. expulsion-
turning out
Burrasca, /. a tempest ; córrer Cacciare, io hunt, io pursue.
burrasca, to run a risk
Burrascóso, adj. stormy to
Burrattàre,;<o discuss r gli occhi ad

Burróne, m. a cliff
Burròso, adj soft as butter pABALA, /. knowledge of
Busbaccare, to deceive, to ^ secret things
chctt Cabalista, m. a cabalisi Cacciata,/, expulsion
Bustaccherfa, /. craft, trick, Cabalistico, adj. mysterious Cacciato, part, chased
shift Cabottàggio, m. c'ruizi7ig (sea Cacciatola,/, pincers
Busbdcco, anrf Busbaccóne, m. Cacciatóre, m. a hunter, a per-

Busbo, »i. sharper, cheat Cacciatrfce, / a huntress in ;

Busca, /. a search darsi alla forma di cacciatrfce, in a

busca di qualchetìiino, to be riding habit
in quest of somebndy andiir Cacalucchio
; ! an interjection Càccole,/, pi. hlearedness
alia busca, to go a begging ofwonder Caccolóso, adj. blear-eyed
Buscacchiare, (o procure Cacào, jrt. (see Caccio) Cacherèllo, m. the dung of
Buscare, to hunt after, to rvatch Cacapensièri, m. one who sheep, rabbits, Sfc.
Buscato, part, got, caught raises difficulties Cacherfa,^: dalliance, wanton-
Buscatóre, m. searcher Cacare, to void, to evacuate
Buschette, /. ft. little sticks, Cacasàngue, m. (dissenteria) a Cacheróso, adj quaint, soft.
or strarv tirar le buschette,
; dysentery, a bloody flux delicc far il :

to dram lots Cacasòdo, m. a conceited fel- cheróso, to bi

Buscióne, a bush of thorns low, one that affects to be Cachessia, f. a bad habit of
Busco, ?n. (see Bruscolo)
Buscolmo, in. an atom, or astecchi. niggardly Cachettico, adì. (etico) hec-
fellon five, consumptive
Bus€cchio, m. garbage Cacata, /. the easing of the Cachinno, m. a loud laugh
Buso, adj. empty, bored belly, a baffle Càcio, m. cheese èsser pane

Busna,/. a kind of trumpet Cacataménte, ac^. slowly, awk-

Elissa, /. trouble, grief, fa-
tigue, labour ; a blow, a Cacìuóìa, f. flat round cheese
Cacofonia, cacophony
Bussaménto, m. a knocking Cacografia, /. ihult in writing
Bussare, to knock Cacatura,/.<Ae action of easing Cacografizzare, to wi ite incor-
Bussato, part, knocked rectly
Bussatóre, m. he that knocks lacunie, m, top, height, sum-
Busse,/, pi. thumps, strokes mit
Busso, m. noise, box-tree ladavero, and Cadàvere, m. a
dead body
pass ; pèrder la bùssola, to ;adavéricb, and CadaveróoO,
Cadente, sdj. faHing, declin- Cagnésco, adj. doggtsh, brut- Calcattira,/. a trampling under
ing ish; guarciare in cagnésco.
Cadenza, /. cadence in music Calce, Càlcio, m. the but-end
Cadére, to fall dutvn; far Cagnoletto, Cagnolino, Ca- of a gun
cader morto, lo slriUe dead, gnòtto, Cagnùccio, and Ca- Calcèse, m. a step,in a ship
io happen cader nell' àni-
gnuólo, m. a Utile dog, a Calcètto, m. a sock, pumpT
puppy Calcieàre, to resist, to trample
tltoughtt; cader in discor- Calmine, m. caiman, a species Calcidònio, and Calcedònio,
so, to fall into discourse : of crocodile m. a sort of precious stone
cader in tàglio, to fall out Cafaa,/. a place in Dante's hill, Calelna, /. lime : calcina fio-
for one's purpose; cadére, where traitors are punished rita, slacked Ifme
to decay ; cader ammalato, Cala, /. bay, road for strips ; Calcinàccio, m. rubbish, ruins
io fall sick ; se cadesse mai, (also) ducking, a sea punish- Calcinàjo, m. a lime-kiln
if ever it should happen ; Calcinare, to calcine, to bum to
non cade à voi di ripren- Calabrdne, m. a hornet
dermi, it is not your busi- Calafatare, to calk a ship, fo Calcinato, adj. calcined, re-
ness to correct me stop her leaks dueed to powder
Cadetto, m. a younger brother, Calafato, part, calked Calcinazione, and Calcinatura,
Calamàia,/. Calamàio, m. an /. calcination, reduced to
Cadévole, adj. frail, perish- ink-horn, or sca7id ; (also)
scuttle-Jish Càlcio, m. a kick ; dar de' cal-
Cadiménto, m. destruction, Calamandrf na, /. germander ci, to kick
fall, setting,despondency Calc/o, m. the foot ; dar calci
Caduceo, m. the wand of Mer- alle richézze, lo despise
cury needle qfthe compass riches : dar calci al vènto, io
Caducità, /./rat-«7/ Calamità,/, misery, distress kick the air, io be hanged,
Caduco, ad) frail, perishable ;
Calamitare, to touch iron tvith foot-hall
caduche speranze, deceiving the loadstone Calcitrare, lo kick, in resist
hopes mal caduco, the fall-
; Calamitato, alj. belonging to Calcitrazidne,/ kicking
ing sickness the.leadstone Calcitròso, adJ. kicking
Cadàta,f. fall, falling- Calamitosamente, adv. unhap- Calco, m. chalking (a design
Caduto, adj. fallen, abject, cast pily [tressed or print)
Calamitóso, adj. miserable, dis- Calcolaiudio, m. a weat-er
Calancà, m. printed cotton Calcolare, and Calculàre, te
Calandra,/, the bird woodlark complete, calculate
&pr rvith dice Calàppio, m. a sliding knot, a Calcolato, part, reckoned, com-
Caffè, m. coffee, coffee-house
CaiTefeta, m. a coffee-di ink^r Calare, to descend, decrease, Calcolatore, m. an accomptant
Caffettièra,/, a coffee-pot decay, to ebb and flow Calcele,/, pi. a weaver's treadle
Caffettière m. a coffee-house Calata, /. descent of a hill, Càlcolo, and Càlculo, »n. com-
lessening, fall
Caffo, m. an odd number, sin- Calca,/, crorvd, multitude Càlcolo, the stone in the bladder
gular, rare, extraordinary Calcagnare, to run arvay Calcolóso, adj. troubled with
Cagionaraénto, m. cause, oc- Calcagnino, m. the quarter of a
shoe, the heels : andar a cal- Calculazidne,/ calculation
Cagionare, to occasion, impute, cagnfni, to malk slipshod Calda,/, the ad of heating
Calcagno, m. the heel dar delle ; Caldàia,/, and Caldaio, or Cal-
Ci^onsCto, fart, occasioned, calcagna, to spur pagar di ; dàro, wi. caidron, kettle, pot
imputed Caldamente, adv. ardently,
Cagionatdre, m. one that causes Calcaménto,m. pressing,tread- eagerly, furiously pregar ;

Cagionceila, /. a Utile cause, ing npon caldamente, to entreat ear-

ptetence Calcara, /. a kind of oven, or nestly
Cagióne,/, cause, reason, mo- furnace for vitrifying Caldana, /. a cold mid-day ;

Calcare, to press, tread upon, heat

Cagionévole, adj. sickly, vale- fo oppress [reous Caldano, »i. a brazier to warn*
tudinary Calcàreo, Calcarlo, a. calca-
C%lia, {from Calére) ove non Calcataménte, adj. closely
caglia a te, provided you care Calcato, adj. pressed, crarvded;
„^«tforit [faittt via calcata, the king's high- Calder^o, m. a brazier, <

Cagliare, fo decay, io gran way tinker

Cagna,/, a bilch Calcatére, m. a trader ; calcà- Calderino, m. the goldfinch
Cagnàccio, m. a mastiff dog tor d'uva, a treader ofgrapes ;
Calderóne, m. a great kettl*
Cagneggiàre, to show cruelty calcatrfce, f. a woman tread- Calderotto, m a^pot
t-'agnescaménte, odv. surlily CaìdeTUÓ\a,f.askaiel
Calmato, ad),calmed, appeased Calzettàio, m. a hosief
Calo, «1. decay, diminution, Calzolàio, m. a shoe-maker
fall (of money, S;c.) ; also, Calzoleria, /. a shoe-maker'»
Caldita,/. heat descent, stream
Caldo, m. heat Calóre, m. heat, rvarmth Calf óni, m. pi. breeches
Caldo, adj. hot, Tvarm, kind, Caloria, f. fierce heat Calzuòlo, m. the shape of a
hearty, proud. Caldo cal- Calorifico, ac/J. warming, heat- " scabbard
do, adv. in a moment, imme- Cama,/. a kind ofshell-fsh
diately tro, m. a thermometer Camaglio, m. a coat of mail
Caldùccio, m. a small heat Calorosamente, ado. ardently Camaleóne,/, the thistle
Caldura,/, sultry heat Caloróso, adj. hot, rvarin tem- Camaleónte, m. a reptile, ca-
Calefetare, to calk ships
Calendàrio, m. an almanack Camamflla, and Camomilla,
Calende,/ pt. calends,thejirst / camomile
days of the month Camangiàre, m. greens, dishes
Calerne, adj. careless Calpestare, to trample, slight. Camarlingato, m. a high ch.ani
Calepino, m. a calepin (a dic-
tionary) Calpestata,/ high road Camarlingo, m. chamberlain
Calére, to care, to be concerned Calpestatóre, m. a trampler Camàto, m. a brush, stick
for il vostro onore mi cale,
: Calpestio, m. stamping, clat- Camàuro, m. the popifs triple
/ am jealous of your honour. tering with the feet
Méttere in non calere, to Calterlre, to gall, to rub the Cambelletto, m. camlet
neglect. HÒ messo in skin off- Cambiàbile, adj. changeable
calere ogni pensiero di Calterito, adj. sore, galled, im- Cambiadore, m. a banker
detta, I think no more o. pure ; consciénza calterita, Cambiale, /. a bill of ex-
_ change; cambiale pagàbile
Calteritiira, /. scratch, exco- al latóre, a bill payable tu

Calvàre, to make bald; cal-

Calfa, /. gold-dust, a jot, no- varsi. to become bald
Calvézza, Calvizie, /. and
Càlibe, m. steel " ' 'o,m. baldness Cambiare, to turn, change,
Calibrare, to dispart (a piece Calugine, and Calluggine, /. alter; cambiare, to change,
of ordnance) to track, to drarv upon for
Calibro, m. the stamp, parts^ Calvinismo, m. Calvinism money cambiarsi, to change

S-c. of a person ; the bore of a Calvim'sta, m. a Calcinist colour; cambiarsi in male,

Calumare, to veer the cable to degenerate
cilice, m. clialice, commu Calùnnia, /'. slander Cambiato, adj. aitered, trans-
Calunniare, to slander, asperse, formed é tutto cambiato, he

Calidità,/. heat, warmth detract is much altered, quite another

Cdlido, adj. hot, marm Calunniato, adj. calumniated, thing
Califfo, m. a caliph accused falsely Cambiatóre, m. exchanger ;

Caligare, t» grow dark, dh Calunniatóre, m. slanderer

Caligine, /. mist, blindness, Calunniosamente, adv. falsely
ignorance Calunnióso, adj. calumnious,
Caliginóso, adj. dark, misty. false
Calvo, adj. bald calvo, in.
; Càmbio, m. change exchange, ;

Calla, and Callàia,/, entrance, the bald part of the head in càmbio, instead: co-
passage Caluria,/. manuring glier in càmbio, to be mis-
Callaiuóls,/. a net, or snare Calza, /
stockings, a strainer. taken ; lèttera di cambio,
Calle, m. path, road, street bill of exchange càmbio ;

passage Calzacela,/, old stockings '" —-'^nge without al-

Callidità,/, craft, cunning Calzaiuolo, »». a hosier lomance ider il cambio.

Callido, adj. crafty Calzaménto,7n. shoes andstcck- to regnile, to be eren with

Calligrafia, the art of tvritin, one ; dare a cambio, te lend
rvell {te at interest
Calligrafo, m. a tvriting-mas Cambista, m. a banker
Callista, m. a corn-cutter Carabraia, /. lawn, cam-
Callo, m. a corn, a hard skin Calzarétto, m. pi. Iiaif-boots
Galloria,/, dunging fields Calzarino, m. buskin Camera, /. chamber, room ;

Callosità,/, hardness offiesh Calzato, adj. having shoes and camera locanda, furnished
Callóso, aaj. callous, hard lodgings camera di letto :

Calma./, a calm , bed-chamber; camera c

Calmare, to ^uief, pacify I udiènza, audience chamber

camera terréua, parlour ;
Cancellaménto, m. cancelling,
camera di poppa, a cabin
Cameraccia, /. an ill shaped pezi Cancellare, to cancel, deface,
Aver le czunpane grosse, to yield, to close with rails
Camerale, adj. belonging to a be dull of hearing Cancellato, part, cancelled
Campanàio, and Campanaro, Cancellatura, and Cancella.
Camerata. /. club, society un ; in. a ringer, a bellfounder ziòne,/. dash of the pen
camerata, a companion Campanella, /. and Campa- Cancellerésco, adj. belonging
Cameretta,/, a little room nello, m. a small bell : to chancery
Camerièra, /. a cliamber- corapanélla, the blue - bell Cancelleria,/, chancery
fiomer Cancellière, m. clei-k, chan-
Cameriére, m. a valet, groom Campanfle, m. a belfrey, a
of the charhbera Cancello, m. pales, balustrade»
Camerino, ni. close, small Campare, to preserve, to live Cànchero, «i. a canker, sore

room, a cabin (in a ship) campare dalla mòrte, to save Cancheróso, adj full of sores
Camerllngo, m- a chamber- one's self; campar dalla Cancrèna,/, a gangrene
lain giustizia, to fiy from justice; Cancrenare, to gangrei
Camerdne, m. a large room non ne campò uno, not one
Cameròtto, ni. a dungeon escaped
Càmice, m. ^a priest's rvhite Campàio, adj. escaped
garmant Campeggiare, to encamp, to Candéla,/, a canJ/e
Canitcia,/. a shirt, shift shine,tosetoff Candelabro, m. a candlestick
Camiciotto, m. a linen petti- Campéggio, m. lognood Candelàia, Candelàra, Can-
Camperéccio, adj. wild, ru- delòra, and Candellàia, /.
CamiciucSIa,/. a rvaistcoat Catidlemas
Cammello, m. a camel Camperello, and Campicello, Candelliére, m. a candlestick
Cammèo, m, precious stone in ?n. a small field Candellottàjo, m. a tallow-
Campestre, ana Campestre, chandler
Camminante, adj. a traveller. adj. rural Candelòtto, wi. and Cande-
Campidòglio, m. the Roman ltiz2a, /. a small candle
candelotto di ghiàccio, an
Campignudlo, icicle
musliroom Candente, adj. burning, red-
Camminata, /. a rvalk , fare Campióne, m. a champion, c hot, shining
una camminata, to take a journal, a shop-book Oandidaménle, adv. candidly
Tvalk Campionessa,/, a heroine Candidato, m. a candidate for
Camminatóre, m. nalker. Campire, to paint the sky oi
Candidato, adj. dressed in
Cammino, m. may, road, jour- Campo, m. afield, a square
ney ; a chimney : méttersi levar campo, to decamp
il Candidézza, /. brightness, sin-
dar campo, to give oppor cerity, candour, purity
journey ; 1 negòzi tunity dar campo aperto, ti
: Càndi<lo, adj. white, sincere.
give liberty campo della

Carao, m. a bridle, bit, rein Camuffare, io disguise, to mask

Camorro, m. a clown Camuft'àto, adj. disguised,
Camosciare, to drest leather, masked Candito, adj. zeccherò can-
Camuso, adj. flat nosed dito, éugàr-candy ; candito.
Canio; m. tanned lea- Canàglia, and Canagliàccia,/.
mob, rabble Candore, vi. whiteness, since-
Camòzza, /. a wild goat, a Canale, m. a canal, kennel
chamois Canaletto, m. a little canal Cane, m. a dog ; the cock of
Camp;igna, /. the country, a Cànapa,/, hemp a gun : dog-star cane liv-

campaign ; méttersi in cam- Canapàia,/, a hemp field riére, a greyhound cane;

pagna, to take the field Cànajie, and Cànapo, m. rope. segùgio, a setting dog cane ;

Campagnudlo, adj. rural un ; barboTie, or da acqua, a

campagnudio, a country- Canapino, adj. of hemp, hempen shagged dog, a poodle day
Canapuccia,/, hemp-seed Canesù-a, /. and Canèstro, m.
Campale, adj. pertaining to Canarino, m. a canary-bird a basket
the field ; battaglia campale, Canata,/, scolding Canestrèllo, nt. a little bas-
gioi-nata campale, a battle. Canatteria,/. many dogs ket
Ganattiére, m. a dog-keeper
Campamento, m. encamp Canavàccio, m. canvass, tornei,

Cangiabile, ailj- changeahle Canrmico, tide; m'è sempre a canto,
Cangiante, orf;. changing Canonico,
Cangiare, tu change, tur Canonista, (angolo), COI ner ; mettetelo

tion, sainting
Canopé, m. a canopy bed, a
Cannibale, m. a cannibal
Canicola, /. the dog-star ; '
Canoro, adj. harmonious
giórni canicolari, dng-dayi Canossa../-: the dog-fish Cantóne, m. (sasso angolare) a
Canile, m. a dog-kcnnd Canova,/, a celiar, a buttery
Caninaménte, adv. dog-like Canovàio, m. a butler, a siure- li degli Svizzeri, the
Canino, duggisli, canine ;
rteen cantons of the
fame canina, canine hun- Cansàre, io retnoie, lo escape ;
ger : denti canini, the eye- cansàr di pericolo, lo secure, Cantonièra, /. a strumpet, a
teeth prostitute
Canizie Cansato, adj. taken aniay ;
Cantdnùto, adj. cornered
Cantóre, m. a'singer
Canna, /. a enne, a rerd ; the Cantàbile, arfj. cantabile (mu- Canturciàio, »H. a pastry-cook ;
gnllet ; un di canna d'archi-
; sic t^rni)
bùso, the harrel of a gun: Cantaccliiàro, to sing badly,
canna d' òrgano, the pipe oj

•ter-pipe ; Cantante, adj. a singer

praise ;cantar il vespro a

Cannellato, adj. seasoned tvith qualcheduno, to rattle, scold Canzona, and Canzóne,/ .e
Cantaro, 7/1. a stone weight, a canzonet dar canzóne,

give fair words nietten;

Cantata,/, a poem set to music

Cantato, adj. messa cantata,
high mass
Cantatóre, m. a singer
Cannéto, m. a place where Cantatrice, /. a female sing-

Cannibale, adj. rustie, rough Canterellare, (see Cantacchi-

Cao, tn. a sea-calf
Cannocchidle, and 6anoc- Canterflle, / pi. caniharides, Caos, »i. confusion, chaos
chiàle, m. a perspective Capaccio, adj. obstinate, stub-
glass a telescope
; Cantennai /. and Canterino,
Cannonata,/ a cannon-shot »n. a chanter, songster Ca]iàce, adj. capable, skilful.
Cannoncèllo, and Cannoncino, Càntero, m. a close-stool pan
m. a little cannon, a rvater-
vìpe ; cannóne del collo, the a./ a ballad
/. the song of
Capacitare, to com
Cannoneggiare, ta cannonade Canticchiare, to sing lori' ; to cità<-si, tobeptis.
Capacitato, adj. cot
through a poit-hnle :
Càntico, »i. a spiritual song
Cannonière, m. a gunner j
Cantilenacela,/, bad singing
adj. full of reeds Cantilenare; to sing

I Cantimplòra, /. a great bottle,

to put in an ice-pM
I Cantina,/, a care, a cellar ottage ; cajianna del caiii-
Canònica, /. the place rvhere !
Cantinètta,^'. o little cellar, an
Capanniscondere, m. the gome
Canonicale, adj. canonical Cantinière, and Cantiniérb, m. of hoop [cottage
Canonicalmente, udì', eanoni- Capanno, m a thatched house,
Cantino, m. the smaller Capa.móla, f. an assembly, club
Canonicàto, m. a canon's place Capanmtccia,/. a little totlage.

,lCap.-ni a bonfirt
rfa, /. the command of a to one; tar capo, to oppote,
Caparbieria, and Caparbietà, resist; non aver altro in
/ obstinacy, rvUfulnes, capo, to think of nothing
Capàrbio, ad), ftoward, rvtiful, else capo d'anno, ne'v year't

stubborn; spirito capàrbio, day capo di contrada, al-

Capitanato, part, commanded, ;

fierce, brutish
'. and Caparramén-
Caparra, Capobandfto, m. chief of ban-
Capitaneggidre, to comtnand
to, m. earnest money ditti, ofhigh»-aymen
bespeak, to give troops
Caparrare, to
com- Capobombardiére, ni. a com-
m. captain,
Caoarrcjne, ad), foolish, stupid

"— governor; minister mander oflioml)adiers
Capocaccia, »i. a prijice'* chief
Capassòne, adj. silly, foolish.
Capitare, to,arriveat; capitare huntsman [stick

male, to fall into misfortune ;

Capòcchia, /. the head of i

Capata, f. a blow with the head p„^'(--'.,:~ -,•//.. /*/,/,f;*A

capitar nelle mani, to fall
Capecchio, m. trash, orjlock
Capellatu- into one's hands ; far cap
Capellamémo, be der Capocénso, r,

ra, and Capellièra, /. head i'lk- Capoclifno, »

of hair, periwig, false hair, I'll
Capocrdce, rr.

a hat-box street
Capello, m.AatV Capocuòco, m. a clerk of the
Capitato, part, arrived
CapelUito, adj. hairy
Capitazióne,/, poll-money
Capelvènere, and Capelvènero, m. the staggers
Capitèllo, »ii. the head of a Capogatto,
m the kerb maiden-hair
pillar, the head-band of a Capogirlo,
m. giddiness
Capestrerfa, /. (see Vezzo,
Capogiro, m. a frolic, crotchet.
Proprietà) ^ ^ a
Capitolante, m. a member qf
Capestro, m. a rope, halter ; Capolavoro, m. a masterpiece
a wicked fellow the bed's head
Capitolare, to capitulate, to Capoletto, m.
Capestniizo, m. a rascal. Capolevare, to fall the head
treat to divide into chap- :

Capetto, m. a little head

Capitol Capolino, m. a little head far ;

Capévole, adj. capable rapolmo, to spy through a

Capezzale, m. a band; ah,, hole
ster esser capezzale, to
m. handle
Capìtolo, m. a chapter ; chap- Cilpolo,
be at the point of drath Capomaéstro, m. a master
ter, or as.'.eml>ly; a chapter-
Capézzolo, m. the nipple builder, a chief, superin-
Cap:cério, m. a vestry-keeper home, the head-band of a
Capiculato, a. head to head Caponàggine, and Caponeria,
Capitoli, m. pi. accord, conven-
Capidòglia, J-. and Capidòglio.
Capitombolare, to fall head- Caponaménte. adv. obstinately
Capifuócc t. afire Capóne, adj. obstinate
Capillare, adj. i

Capitómbolo, m. a tumble Capóne, ni a stubborn man

CapilUto, adj. /..... .V , Capoparto, ni. the after-hìrth
Capillizio, 7(1 a head of
liair Capitóne, m. a gull; coars,
Capopiéde, m. a folly, error
Capiménto, m. capacinusnes Caporale, m. a corporal, cap-
Capinascénte, m. a live-hi Capitóso, adj. obstinate
Capitozza,/ the pollard oak
Caporióne, ni. a commander
Chinerà,/, and Capinére, Capo, m. head; beginning at
end. Da capo, adv. again; CaposOldo, «i. a bounty
the blackcap (a bird) Caposquadra, ni. a commo-
Capip.-irte, and Capipopolo, da capo a piedi, from
the head of th.' parly top to toe; capo per capo,
• .. i.i.. .
capo, chief. Capovérso, m. the beginning of
Capfre, to c.n„.,chemi, nnd
stand, hold; non capfre m leader, 'captai
CopovOlgeiB, and Capovoltare,
stésso, to be overjoyed
Capisoldo, m
bounty, gralui poèta di Ro..,<», ..- j —
to turn upside down
Capovolto, part, upside down,
Capitale, m. capital, wealth, himself to be the best poet
stock, esteem: far capita in Rome ; métter nel capo,
Cappa, /. a cloak, the scalUy
d'uno, to depend on fiicci
fish, a churchman's

'n tutto, di capo del mese, at

month's c'appare, to pick, choose
m vie'
j an end. Cappato, part, picked, cuiied
Capi! adì aprivate
or promon- Cappella,/, a chapel,
, e
Capo, 'a cape,
métter capo, to dis chapel musicians of a cha- :

^t'^^;o toru :

burden ; rimaner col capo pel; maestro di cappella,

suffered deatk the head of a choir of singen
rotto, io have the tvorsl;
Capitana,/, the admiraF.i ship in a church
Capitanània, and Capitane- far capo da uno, to apply
Cappellàccio, m, a large bad , to long Carbóne, 511. coal; a misura
di carbóne, plentifully
Capricci'osam^ iv. capri- Carcame, m. a carcass ; (also)

Cspriccióso, adj. humour-

('appellano, »n. a chaplaitj. Carcàre, to /ua<i
Cappellètta, a:id Cappellina, Capi-icSmo, m Capricorn Carcàisa,fakindofl,omb
f. a small chapel Caprifico, 7(1. a wild fig-tree Carcàsso, ni. a quiver for
Cappelletto, and CappelUno, Caprifòglio, and Caprifólio,
m. honeysuckle, or shrub
Cappelliera,/, a hat-box trefoil
CappelIini(io, m. a rack (to Caprigno, adj. goatish
hang things on) Càprio, and Capriudio, m. a Carcerare, to imprison
Cappello, m. a hat, a cardinal's n:itd goat, a roe-buck Carcerato, «4i- imprisoned
hat ; cappél di fungo, the top Capriòla, and Capriuóla, /. a Carceratóre, Vn. lie mho impri-
icild she-goat capriòla, a

Cappelline, m. a large hat caper in dancing Carcerazióne, /. hnprison-

Cappelluccio, m. an old hat Capriolare, to cut capers
Cappelluto, part- tufted, crest- Caprioletto, m. afar.:n Càrcere. m. or/, a prison
Caprone, m. a he-goal, a cuck-
Càpperi ! interj. {see Ceppita) Carcidfano, "'Carciofaio, and
Cilppero. m. capers Carciófo, m artichoke
Capperóne, m. a capuch, a Carco, m. charge, burden, load;
cap questa nostra vita é carca di
Capperuccio, m. a camail, CAvabe.f a sort of amber guai, this life is full of trou-
Carabina,/, a carabine
Cnppietto, m. a sliding knot Carabinière, »i a carabineer Cardare. to card wool
Cappio, m. a running knot Caracollare, to wheel about Cardato, part, carded
Cdppita! iiiterj. heyday ! Caracollo, m. wheeling about Cardatóre, m. a carder, a
Capponàia, f. a men) or coop, Caraffa, ajlagon, a bottle
(to keep fowls in) Caraffino, »i. a small Jlagon
Capponare, to capon Caraff'óné, m. a large Jlagon
Capponato, part, caponed Caramente, adv. dearly, ten- der
CapponcCUo, m. a young ca- derly ; vi prego caramente, 'ded.
pon / entreat you me la pa-
: vilified
Cappóne, m. capon gherai caramente, you sitali Cardelletto, and Cardellino.
Capponiéra, /. a sort of trench pay dear m. a finch, a linnet
tvith luop-hotes^ to fire out Caramógio, m. a droarf Cardinalato, >n. cardinal-
Carapignàrsi, to juirfc, to
ratàre, to consider, to deli-
Cardinalésco, and Cardina-
Cappuccino, m. a capuchin Caratato, part, considered, lizio, adj. belonging to a
friar pondered
Cappùccio, m. a corvi, a hood ;
Caratèllo, m. a keg for liquor Cardinali, adj. pi. principal,
cappuccio, cabbage-lettuce Carato, rrt. a carat ; un sciòcco le virtù cardinali, prin-
Capra, /. a goat salvar la: di ventiquattro carati, a cipal virtues ; punti cardi
capra e i càvoli, do good great fool nàli, cardinal points ; nù-
to one rvithout hurting an- Caràttere, m. character, mark, meri cardinali, cardinaC
print : hand ; letter; dignity, numbers
Capraio, atid Caprdro, m. a quality Càrdini, nu pi. and Càrdine,
Caratteristico, part, charac- m. the hinge of a gate i càr- ;

Capresteda,/. a frolic teristic dini del mondo, the poles of

Capretta, OHiiCapréttina,/. a Caratterizzare, to characterize, the earth
she-kid describe Cardo, m. a thistle a card for

Capretto, and Capraltfno, m. a CaravSUo,/. a small ship wool

^ *W Carbonàia, / u coal-pit; a Cardosanto, m. a holy thistle
Capribarbicomj'pede, adj. goai- ditch, a dungeon, prison ; a Careggiare, to coax, Jlaiter,
wheedle ; careggiare, to
Capricciare, to ^tiaie, to Carbonaio, m. a coal-man
Carboncello, and Carbónchio, Careggiato, part, coaxed, ca-
Capriccio, m. shaking in a ni. a carbuncle, a little coal
fevir ; capriccio, freak, Carbonchióso, adj. burnt, Carena,/ the keel of a ship;
nhi,-^. fancj/ aver ca-

Carminare, io card moot Carógna,/, carrion, carcass
Carminato, par*, carded Caronnàccia, fan old prosdluie
Carminio, /. carmine (fine red Caròla.,/, dance, couniry-dance
colour) Carolare, io dance country-
Camàccia,/. carrion dances
«, io CI " iacció:.o, adj full of flesh Caròta,/, a carrot, a fib cac- :

Careizaménto, ni. m.jiesh-meat

laggio, ciar caròte, io He a me non :

JlaUery Carnagióne,/, the complexion ; ficcherete questa caròta,

Carezzare, to caress, cajole "~a carnagióne bianca e you shall not make me be-
Carezzato, part caressed àce, a fair lively com-
Carezzevole, aJj. caressing, Carotàccia,/. a rotten carrot, a
Jlatterhifr, alhn-ing
Carezzevolmente, adv. kindly Carotàio, m. fibber, liar, car-
Carezzlna,/. allurement rot-seller
Carezzoccia, /. clownish ca- fratello carnale, an o Carotare, io tell a lie
Carovana, / a caravan ; a
Càrica, /. burden, load : the '.arnalità,/. sensuality, Inst company of ships
charge of a gun ; io ho la Carnalmente, adv. sensuali; Carovèllo, m. a kind ofpear-tree
càrica di questo, / have Carname, m. carrion, carca Carpàcco, »i. a kind of Grecian
charge of this ; dar la cà- Camascialàre, io give up
rica al nemico, io attack the unlawful pleasure, gì Carpare, io snatch from , to
creep along, to walk upon
Caricante, adj. charged Carnasciale, m. the three l

Caricare, to load, burden ;

days of the carnival Cari)èntiére, m. a cartmright.
caricare un archibùso, to amascialésco, adj. of e
charge a gun, to charge Carpicelo, m. a great quantity ;
Came, /. flesh, meat, pulp of dare un buon carpicelo, to
memdiia, to clog the me- fruit; esser in came, to bt bang, thrash one soundly
mory caricar uno di ba-
; fat; far came, to slaugh- Càrpine, m. a lime-tree
stonate, io beat one severely ; ter ; métter troppa carne Carpióne, m. a carp
caricarla ad uno, io play a fuòco, io undertake toc Carpfre, to snatch
tricks tvith one caricarsi, : much ; came gròssa, but- Carpitella, /
a kind of light
to take upon one's self cher's meat ; tagliar fin alla
Caricato, part, loaded carne viva, to cui to tht Carpobalzamo, m. the fruit qf
Caricatóre, m. and Caricatrice, quick a balsam-tree
/. he or she that loads Carnéfice, in. a hangman ,
Carpóne, adv. crawling, andar
Caricatura,/, a caricature executioner a bloody-minded
; carpóne, fogo crawling ; star
Càrico, m. burden, load, care, carpóne, to sit squatting
blame; nave di càrico, a Càrneo, adj. fleshy Carradóre, Carràjo, m. a earl-
merchant ship ; dar il càrico Camesalàta,/. salt pork w right, a carter
di qualche cosa ad uno, lo Camesécca, /. salt neat Carrata,/, a cart-load
intrust a person ; càrico di Carniere, m. budget, pouch Carratello, m. a kind of barrel
Camificfna,/. vintder ; slaugh- Carreggiare, to drive a cart
Càrie,/, rulfen ., ter ; the place of execu- Carreggiata./, highway, road;
Carino, and Carina, adj. Utile uscir della carreggiata, to be
CamivoTo, adj. voracious,flesh-
Carióso, ad], rotten, tvoim- Carreggiatóre, m. a carman
eaten CamosStto, and Carnóso, adj. Carreggio, »i. carts, carriage,
Carisma,/, a grace, favour fleshy, plump baggage
Carità, Caritàde, n/id Cantate, Carnosità, /. fleshiness, car- CarrStta, a kind of cart
/. charity far la cariti», t,>
; nosity (a disease) Carrettàio, m. carman, carter
give almscarità pelósa,
; Carnovale, m. carnival Carrettata,/ cart-load
selfish charity Camovalesco, adj. of the ear- Carrettiéra, the carman's wife
Caritatévole, adj. charitable Carrettière, >«. a carter
Caritatevolmente, and Cari- Camiito, adj (tee Camdso) Carretto, m. a wheelbarror»
tativamente, adv. charita- Caro, adj. dear, costly nel- , Carrettóne, m. a waggon
bly come, grateful, beloved mi ; Carriàggio, m. equipage, bag-
Caritativo, adj. merciful, cha- sarebbe caro di vederlo, / gage
ritable should be glad to see him ;
Carrièra,/ career, course, race
Carlóna, /. alla carlóna, adv. Carrino, m. a barricado, or
coarsely, clownishly, m' è più caro d' esser in citi.
dially, openly eh' in cEunpagna, / loi-e bet Carriuóld,/ a truckle-bed
Carmeìitàno. a Carmelite ter io be wi torvn than in ih
friB, country load ; un carro di liCno, a
C^sa, /. house, home, habita- Casista, 1)1.a casuist
tion, parentage, family ove ; Caso, ?(i. chance, aceideut : a

^ , ìtellatwn ; state di casa, nhere do you caso, by chance dato il caso, ;

far il carro colla vela, to live? star con l'occliió a put the case, suppose; casOj
shift the sail
Carròzza, f. a coach aprir casa, io take a house; 'tis »i, fact
; ;

Carrozzàbile, adj a place èsser di casa, to be inlimate ; sciénz of c ;

where a coach may no to casa maladètta, hell andate ; caso di qualche

Carrozzaio, ni. a coach-maker a casa maladètta, go to the cdsa, to make much oj' any
Carrozzata, /. a coach-full devil thing : caso che, in case
Carrozzière, m. a coachman Casacca, /
a coat : a great that ; uòmo a caso, a care-
Carrozzino, m. a chariot ceat, a surlout voltdr ca-
; less 7nan; questo è il caso,
Carruba,/, a sort of bean sacca, to be a turncoat this is the point
Carruccio, m. a go-cart Gasacela, /
an old ruinous Casolare, m. a paltry house
Casóne, m. a great house
cl"ico\ir{: V'inZre, over- Casàccio, m. a strange accident Casi5so, adj. anxious, pensive,
'reach Casale, vi. a hamlet, village careful '

Carrucoletto,/. a small pulley Casalingo, adj. domestic ; Casetta, /. and Casotto, nt. a
Carta,/, paper ; carte, cards : donna casalinga, a !wuse- snug house, a sentry-box
giuocare alle carte, to play nnfe Cassa, /. chest, trunk, cask ;
III cards ; dar le carte alla Casamatta, /. a sort of fortifi-
scopèrta, to speak one's cation: ajail for soldiers cassi d'art'i^li'Jfa," a" car-
mind; far le ciirte, to deal Casaménto, ni. a large house, riage for ordnance cassa di ;

the cards : carta, a map ; far, lètto, a bedstead; cassa, a

carta ila navigare, a sea Casata, /. and Casito, m.
chart carta, u page of a
; family d'occhiali, Me case for a pair
book : carta ainmarezzSta, Cascàggine,/, a drowsiness of spectacles
Cascaniénto, m. a fall Cassare, to blot out, cancel, raze
Cascamorto, m. far il casci Cassato, part, crossed out.
mi5rto, to be street upon

Cartapècora, /. parchment, Cascante, adj. hanging djmi

vellum Càss<
Cartapesta./ macerated paper ward wall, the upper deck
Cartastraccia, /. blutting-paptr Casseróla,/. a copper pan
Cartasugànte, /. sinking-paper Cassétta, f. a box for cash, a
Cartata,/, a page bethink one's self; cascare,
Cart< to fall into sin ; 1 denti mi Cassettàio, ni. a box-maker
to the compass to keep a
; cascano, / lose my teeth Cassettóne, m. a great box
correspondence Cascata,/, a cascade Càssia,/, the drug cassia
Cartéggio, m. correspondence Cascaticcio, adj frail, ruinous, Cassière, m, a cashier, a cash-
Cartèlla,/, a book cover d: casa cascaticcia, a •per
Cartellare, to challenge by ready to fall Casso, adj. 'empty. oid. Vi
Cascatolo, adj. one who easily
falls in love
Cartèllo, m. a manifesto ; Caschetto, m. a head-piece
libel, a lampoon, a chatlen. ,fapluce to keep cows
Cartellóne, ni, a placard^ Cascino, m. a cheese-press
play-bill tall h
Cartièra,/, a paper-mill break, a blank Castagnétta. /. ca.itanet
Canilàgine, f. cartilage, gri, Castagnfno, and Castagno,
Casellini, m. t 'ng posts adj. bay, or chestnut-co-
(at races)
Casereccio, adj. belonging to a
house ; pan casereccio, house-
hold bread ured
asSrma,/ a barrack Castalderia, /. lailiffship,
Casièra, /. a housekeeper, stewardship
Castaldo, m. baillffofa manor.
the keeper of a
Cartolare, Cartolare, nt. Castamente, adv. chastely.
Casimfr, m. kerseymere nestly
Casina, /. and Casino, It of a
: ! Catapuzza,/, rparge (a plant) Cattedràtico, m. a lecturer, or
Cattivacelo, adj. wicked, lewd,
Castellano, adj. belonging io a kniivish ; un cattivacelo, »n.
Catarrosamente, adv. rheum- a cheat, a bravo
Castellare, m. an old castle Cattivamente, adj. unjustly,
Castellétto, and Castèllo, m. Catarróso, that which causes a treacherously
Utile tnrvn, or castle : cas- c.-ild. he that has a cold Cattivanàuóla, /. knavery,
tèllo della nave, the fore- Catarzo, *. coarse silk that wickedness
cast! <-
of a shii, cannot be spun, dirt Cattivare, to enslave, to mas-
Castelletto, »i. a large borough Catasta,/ a pile of wood, <S-( ter; to induce; cattivarsi 1'
Castellùccio, m. a little castle a funeral pile ; a certain animo di qualchcdùuo, to
Castigaraénto, »i. puìiishtnent. whereby wood is sold win one's heart
Catast( Cattivato, vaH. captivated
Castigare, lo reprimand, ad- roll Cattivege-are, to lead a bad
Catastrofe./ catastrophe, fatal life ; to grieve
Castità,./; chastity, purity Cattivèllo, m. wretched ; con-
Casto, ar,. chaste, pure tei,iptih>e; egli è un catti
Castóne, m. that part of the Tello, he is a crafty rogue
nng ti'herein the stone is set Cattivellùccio, adj lean, weak
Castiirio, m. castor Catechistico, adj. instructi Cattivézza, /. knavery, ro
Castòro, and Castore, m. a Catechizzive, to catechise gueiy
Catecùmeno, m. one newly Cattività, / slavery, distress ;
a beaver hat [camp villany, mischief
Castrarne tazions,/. pitching a Categoria,/, category m logic CatUvo, adj. captive, wicked;
Castrapórci, and Castrapor- Categoricamente, adv. cate- ìin cattivo, a slave, a rascal
célli, HI. a gelder gorically Cattolicamente, adv. as a
Castrare, to castrate, cut ; Categòrico, adj. categorical
castrare un libro, to curtail CateiUno, and Catèllo, m. a Cattolicità,/ Catholicism
little dog, a whelp Cattòlico, m. a Roman catholic
Castrato, m. a wether sheep Catellón catellóne, adv. step Cattura,/ catch, seizure
Castrato, part, castrated by step andar catellón ca- Catturare, to seize, arrest

Castratura./ the part curtailed tellóne, to go softly Cava,/, a hole, a cave, a vault,
Castrènse, adj. pertaining to a Caténa,/, a chain, a necklace :a mine cava, a hiding-

camp uscir di caténa, to get loose

place, a den cava di me-

Castronaccio, and Castróne, caténa di monti, a longtalli, a quarry, a mine; cava

m. a castrated lamb a block- Hdge of mountains
: del marmo, a marble quarry
head, a booby a name of Catenàccio, m. a bolt
; CavaboUètte, m. pincers
contempt for the soprano Catendre, to chain Cavadènti, m
Castronerfa,/. dulness Catenato, part, chained Cavalcante, adj riding
Casuale, adj. accidental; una Catenèlla, /. and Catenùzzj Cavalcare, to ride on horse-
cosa casuale, an accident / a little chain back; cavalcar il, to
Casualità, f. casuality Cateratta, /. a flood-gate, take a view on horseback,
Casualmente, adv. accident- shiice, a portcullis at a city to rule, direct cavalcare il

ally, liy chance gate, a fall of water, a cata- bisdòsso, to ride without a
Casuario, m. the cassiorvary ract, disease of tite eyes so
Casùccia, and Casùpola, /. a Cavalcata, /. a troop, cavai-
small house, a cottage Catèrva, / a multitude cade
Casufsta, m. a casuist Catinàio, »n. a potter Cavalcatolo, m. tounting- .

Casùzza,/. a poor little house Catinèlla, /. and Catino, m. block

Catacómba, /. a vault where an earthen basin Cavalcatóre, «t. a horseman
martyrs were buried Catòrcio, m. a bolt Cavalcatura, /. any beast for
Catafalco, m
a scaffold Carrafosso, m. a precipice the saddle
Catafuscio,(a) ad. rashly, topsy- Catrame, m. a sort ofgum Cavalcavia, /. an arcade, a a liti^iousfellow
Catafratta,/ a coat qf mail Cattano, m. a lord of a manor Cavalciàre, to sit astride
Catalessfa,/. catalepsit Cattare, to get, obtain ; cattar Cavalcione, and Cavalcioni,
Cataletto, m. a bier, a cojgin la limosina, to beg adr. astride
Catalogo, m. a catalogue Cattedra,/, a public chair; a Cavaleggiére, m. a light-
Catapécchia,/, a desert
Cataplasma,/, poultice, caia- CitteHra. the Papal Set Cavalierato, ni. knighthood
Cattedrale,/, a cathedral Cavalière, m. a trooper 3. ,

Catapulta, /. a warlike engine Cattedrante, m. a master in a kniglil a gentletnan, a plat-


to shoot darts, SiC. form ; cavalière, a nofc/eman

cavalier servènte, a ìailij's Cavainénto, m. digging, un- Cavilióso, adj. carping, cap-
dermining, trenching
ci' imlùsuia, a sharper, 'avare, io draw, ivrest, take
anay ; cavar di bócca un
cavaliere, io have the ad- segréto, lo get a secret ; cavar
un dal fango, io astisi, io ervi, hollow eyes ; i

C^valierótto, m. a petty - -^ - " ' -

diri; cavar
gentleman, an esquire .-élIo, e io
Cavalla,/, a mare death cavarsi la vógli ,
; Cavolfióre, «i. caulijlon
Cavallàccio, m. ajade ; a bad satisfy one's desire; cavarsi
la sete, to quench thirst ;
cavar acqua, io dram rvaier ;
cavar sangue, io let blood ; Cavretto, m. a kid
cavar gli occhi, io pull out "avrióla, /. a caper ; far ca-
the eyes cavar le macchie,
; vriole, io cut capers
ìiller io lake ovt stains CàiTiolètta,/. a little caper
Cavallerescamente, uiiy. nobìy, Cavare, io dig ; cavare una Cavriuóla,/. a she-goat
gallantly, genteel.'y fossa, io dig a gì ave •
avriuólo, m. a he-goat
Cavalleresco, adj. gallant, Cavastràcci, m. a screm or ausa, /. cause, motive, tub'
free, noble ; dignità cavalle- norm io tirdoad a gun Ject : a càusa di, o del, for,
Cavasùghero, m. a cork-screrv on account of; a càusa che,
because ; per che causa, on
fi'hat account
Causare, to occasion
Cavalleria, /. knightiiood ; Cavato, pari dug Causato, patt. caused
cavallerfa, cavalry, horse a Itole, a pit Causatóre, m- a counsel.
Cavallerizza, J'. manege, rid- Cavatóre, m. a digger, a
ins-school miner cavatór di dènti, a ; Causidico, m. a barrister.
CavallerfZJo, m. a master of
the herse avatùra,f. a hole, a cave Caustico, m. a caustic
Cavalletta, and Cavallino, / Caudatàrio, 7n. a train-bearer Caustico, adj. caustic
a Incus/, griisskopyer ; far Cavèlle. f. pi something ; Cautamente, adv. heedfully
una cavallétta ad uno, io hai cavélle, something Cautèla,/, caution; tvariness;
cheat you security, bail ; assòlvere
Cavalletto, and Cavallino, Cavèrna, a den, a cave a cautèla, to dismiss upon
m. a litiU horse ; caval- Caverr.ètta,f. a small cave
iétto, a hobby-ìiorse ; ca- Cavernosità, f. depth, con-
vallo Bàrbero, a Barbary cavity
ho> Cavernóso, adj full of holes
Cavézza, /. a halter for cri- Cautelato, adj. cautious.
i cavallina, minals levar la cavézza, io

norsejly sei ai liberty ; romper la Cautèrio, m. a cautery

Cavallivendolo, cavézza, io addici one's self Cauterizzare, to cauterize.
dealer io debauchery
Oavàllo, ni. a horse: andar a Cavezzfna,/. a bridle Cautissimamente, adv. moti
cavallo, io ride ; cavallo di i sort of muzzle
razza, a stallion ; cavallo
intiero, a ttone-horse ; ca- Caviale, m. i >ecfa.
vallo marino, a sea^h.nrse ;
dar Cazjóso, adj. captious
lash ; far una avallo. Cazza,/ u ladle
Cazzare la scótta, to draw the
Caviglia, f. a pin, a peg, the
iminsilion : cavallo d'aftitt peg of an instrument ; ca- Caziavéla,/ a bird so called
« hackney-horse ; èsser viglia del piede, the ankle- Cazzottare, to strike hard
cavallo, neither to lose m Ca-ZzOtto. m. a blu,,' far : a
Cavillare, i vii, to t

Cavillatóre, «?. a caviller

Cavalmariiio, m. Cavillazióne, /. and Cavillo,
m a wrangle, cavil, Cazzuòla,/, a hull-head
Cavalocchio, » quirk Ce, (pron dai. plur.) to lit;
man-.pettìf.g^ Caviliosamente, adv. capri- ce ne mandò, he sent to ut
Cavamaccliie, »/, ously some; qui ce la godiamo.
Cendcolo, m. a supper-room
Cenrfre, to eat supper
Cenato, jmrt. supped
Ceo.-iggine^/wz!.7H««, error Celatone, m. a targe helmel Cencereilo, m. a small rag
Cecàre, to blind, to darken : Celeberrimo, adj. very much Ceiiceria.f. a hea^
' if rags
le passioni cécano i cattlTi, renowned Cenciaia./ rags
passions Mind the wicked Celebraménto, m. celebration, Cenciaiuòlo, in. a dealer t
Cecito, part. hlind.:d, darkened celebrity, reputation
Cece, m. vetches ; non può Celebrante, adj. celebrated il :

tener cece, he cannot keep a celebrante, 'the priest that

secret ; insegnare à rodere
cece, to shew one his faults Celebrare, to celebrate, c non aver cencio di che che
Cechézza, Cecità. Cecitide, mend sia, to he destitute non prfsso :

and Cecitite,/. blindness Celebrato, a •rovar chi mi desse fuoco à

Cecino, m. a wild swan cèncio, / have 710 help in the
Cedente, arf; yielding Celebra t<5re. 1. he that cele-
Cedenza,/. C«c Cedevolézza) Cencióso, adj. ragged
Cèdere, to submit, to resign ; 2i(5ne, /. celebration Cenerata../: lye-ashes
non vi cedo in nulla, / do Cénere, f. ashes : il giórno
vol yield to you ; cèdere a '"Jj. renowned,famon delle céneri. Ash Wednes-
chichesfa, to comply with dai/: ridurre in cénere, lo
any body's rviU ; to renounce ;
destroy l.yfire
tn grant Celebrità, Celebritride, and Cenerina,/, a slender supper
Cedévole, adj. flexible, pliant Celebrit.-ite, /. solemnity ;
Cenericcio, adj ash-colonr
Cedevolézza',/ suppleness Cenerino, adj. greyish, ash-
Cédola,/, a note, a schedule Celere, adj. quick, swift
Cedróne, adj. cedar colour
Cedronella,,/: balm, mint Celeste, adj. heavenly; celeste.
Cedrire, lo season rvith le-
Celestiale, adj. heavenly. Cennamo, and Cinnamo, m.
Cedrato, m. Cedrino, adj. made
of cedar ; tavola cedrina, a
dj ^f;'Snijjem
Cedriudlo. m. cucumber
Cedro, m. a citron, or cedar to be cheerful, :

tree ; di cedro, 0/ cedar bell ; dare o far cenno d* una

cosa, to mention a thing
Cennovanta, adj. a hundred
adì. vrvei
cehbacy Cenobio, m. a monastery ;

Cenotàfio, notaph, an
Cèfalo, tn. the mullet fish empty to
Ceifàta, /: a box on the ear Celleriia, nd Celienti Cenquaranta, adj. a hundred
Ceffatelia, /. a slap on the m. a cellarist (in a monas- nd forty
isessanta, adj. a hundred
Ceffaùtto, m. a sot. blockhead I Celialo, CelK-irio, anrf Cellière, nd sixty
ceffo, m
the snout of a dog ;

m. buttery, cellar Censeftanta, adj. a hundred
an ugly face: o che bel !
Celletw, and Celluzza, /. a and seventy
ceffo! (I pretty figure in- little cell, or room censo, m. tax subsidy, re-

deed! far ceffo, to dislike a Celonàio, m. a carpet-maker

Celdne, m. a carpet censóre, m. a censor, critic ;

CeffJn^, m. a cuffon the car Celsitùdine, /. highness, ex- reformer, comptroller

Ceffuto, adj. hroad-faced Censoria,/, censorship
Celamènto. m. u hiding, con- Cembalo, and Cembolo, m. Censuario, adj. tributary
ccali-ig : celamènto di cose cymbal; (igiira di cérabaK, Censtira, /. rei>ro<./, criticism,
rubate, concealment qf stolen jnd
things Cemban'éÙa, /. (see Cenna- Censurare, to cens , chide.
CeUre, to secrete, dissemble mella) reprehend
Celata,/ casket, helmet Cementiire, v. to cement
Oelataménte, adv secretiti Cemento, m. cetnent, a I "/
Ce\Aio, part, hid, or hidden,
concealed ; vi prego dì te- Cena,./*. suppeK^

Centellùio, and CentSHo, m. a Cercante, adj. searcher, a beg-
tip, a small draught gar
Centesima, and Centesimo, Cercare, te seek, search, stroll, Certamente,'
adj. the hundredth ramble : cercar del pane, to Cenare, te combat
Centina,/, a frame for arches Certézza, /. certainty, assur
Centinaio, m. a hundred nodo del giunco, to look out
Centinàre, to turn; 7nake an for difficulties; cercar un Certificaménto, m. assurant',
partito, to look for a good confirmation
Cento, adj. hundred mi par : bargain: cercar rogna, io Certificare, to certify, ascertain
cento anni di vederlo, I lou(; seek trouble Certificato, adj. assured
Cercata,/, inquiry. search Certificato, m. and Certifica-
Centogàmhe,m. asoi/ rf cater- Cercato, fart, searched, sought zidne,/. a certificate
pillar Certissimamente, and Cèrtis-
Ccntomfla, a hundred thousand simo, adv. most certainly
Centrdle, adj. central Certissimo, adj. most certain
Centreggiare, to incline to the CerUtùdine,./-. {see Certézza)
cetUre, to fix one's thoughts Certo, pron. some : certo, adj.

Cen trina,/ a porpoise l)i < , al

centro, m. the centre, the depth
Centtìmviri, m. pi. the ceritum-
Certdsa, a Carthusian mcnas-
Centuplicdto, and Centuplo, Cerchiato, part, sur, iery [monk
m. a hundred fold Cerchiatura, / act of encir- Certosino, m. a Carthusian
Centura./, («e Cintiira) cling, hooping Cerva, f. a hind
Centùria, /. a band of a hun- Cerchietto, m. a small hoop Cervellàccio, m. harebrained,
Cerchio, m. a hoxp, circle; stubborn, conceited; (also) a
Centurtno, m a n-aistbett cerchio di ruota, the circle of great mind
Centurióne, m. o centurion ; CervelMggine, /. whim, mag-
the captain of a hundred Cercine, m. a roll, a porter's got [sage
Cervellata, /. a kind ef sau-
Cenuzza,/ a poor supper Cercdne, m. sour wine Cervelletto, and Cervellino,
Ceppàia,/. the root of a tree Cérebro. m. the brain m. brainless, hare-brained
Ceppatello, Cepperello, and Ceremdnia,/. ceremmixj Cerrelliera,./: a light helmet
Ceppo, «1. the trunk, or Ceremoniale, m. a ritual Cervellinaggine, /. tnvaeity,
stump of a tree, a log, block ; Ceremoniàle, adj. ceremonial blunder
stocks fetters origin reppo Cerfoglio, »i. Me herb cherril
. ; ; ervelUno,
d'incùdine, the stock of an Cerfuglione, m. dishevelled ervello, m
anvil ceppo di case, a stock
; hair; compliments cervello, to take ct
of houses Ceremonidso, adj. ceremonious Mrsi il cervèllo, io puzzle
Cera, /. ti-ax, vax-candte; , remony, rite one's brains : métter il cer-
torches, taper; céra, (vol- iniére.flHd Ceremoniére, vèllo a partito ad tino, to
to) face, mien, countenance, make another think udmo ;

far budna cera, to make one Cere- di cervèllo, a wise man

welcome; di budna cera, moniosaménte, adv. conrie- Cervellóne, >n. an extravagant,.
mernly silly m : (aUo
Ceraiudio. m. a ivax-chandler Cema,/. refuse, dirt, ojffal power of mind
Ceralacca, f
sealing-wax Cervètto, m. a young stag
Ceramèlla, /. a pipe, a bag- Cèrvia, {see Cerva)
Cerviàtto, m. a fawn

Cerdna,/. a large fact

Ceróso, udj waxy :stubborn man
Cerbaia, /. a plantation of Cerottino, m. a little n Cervière, m. a lynx
,*c. Cervièro, adj.' quicksighlcd
Cerbero, m. Cerberus, the dog Cerotto, m. a wax taper, Tièro, (
Cerpellóne, m. an error, fault. cervio, m. a stag, hart
Ceriileo, adj. sky-coUnired
Cerretano, m. a Juggler, a Cerume, >h. the wax of the e
Cerbottana, /. a long hollow Cervo, jn. a stag, hart ; ccr
pipe to shoot with ty blowing m. a wood of green volante, a hoy's kite
Cerca, /. search, inquiry an- :

dar alla cerca, to go a beg- agre, oak Ceru urgeon

Cerussa,/, while lead Cétm, f. a cithern Chérico, m. clerk, clergyman^
Cerzia, /. the rvoodpecfcer. Cetrina,/ balm, balm-gentle
Cerzia murajola, j. the rvall Cetriuólo, m
creeper Che that, which, whom, what,
Cesare, m. Cessar how, because, why, until,
Cesàreo, adj. imperial : opera- Chermes, m. cochineal
Sidne Cesàrea, the Cesarian whatsoever, otherwise, than ;
Chermisi, m. crimson ; furbo,

m'ha scritto che non poteva matto, ignorante in cher-

Cesellare, <o tvork with a chisel venire, he wrote io that me misi, a knave, fool, ignorant
Cesello, m. a chisel he could not come: il libro
Cèsio, adj. that has blue eyes che m" avete mandato, the Chermisfao, adj. erimson-co-
Cesóie,/, pi. a pair of^cissars book which you sent me ; non
Cespo, m. turf, sod, bush so che fare,' I know not what Cherubino, m. cherub, cheru-
Cespùglio, m. bush to do che volf'te ? what do
. bin
Cespuglióso, and Cespugliato, you want ? ditegli che venga Chetamente, adv. by stealth,
adj. bushy, thick da me, tell him to come to privately
Cess'agióne, /. interruption, me non ha che un cavallo,
: Chetànza,/. an aci/uaintanct
cessation, departure, distance he has only one horse; che receipt
Cessarne, m. scum of the people piccoli che grandi, both Chetare, to quiet, silence
Cessaménto, m. cessation small and great: che In- Chetézza,/. calmness, silence
Cessante, adj. ceasing, negli- glési cljje Italiani, some Eng- Chetissimamente, adv. very
lish and some Italiaiu; che quietly
Cessa «oid, bella donna è questa ? what Chéto, adj. quiet, still: state
escape, dispel, mitigate; la fne woman is this? che cheto, be quiet ogni cosa :

pioggia cesserà tosto, the sarei feUce d'essere in cam- era chéta in casa, every body
rain jviìl be over presently ; pagna how happy should I
! was asleep. Chéto, chéto,
i rimedi cessano il dolóre. be in the country! datemi adv. softly
tempo che possa risponder- Chi, pron. who, whom, who-
gli, give me time that I may
chi è, / know who he is & ;

Cessato, part, ceased venite oggi, anderó chi avete parlato ? whom
Cessazióne, /. cessation cause, if you don't did you speak to ? chi di
day, I shall depart; che voi ha detto questo? who
Hon far cessióne di beni, ta
: non p.irii ? why do you of you said so ? chi osserva
resign one's property speak ? aspettate eh' io i commandaménti di Dio
Cèsso, m. a water-closet ; an- ga, stay till I come ; finita sarà salvo, whoever observes
dar al cèsso, to go to the wa- che avrò questa lettera, the commandments of God
ter-closet aerò, as soon as I have shall be saved; chi diceva
Cesso, part, given up written this letter, I shall una còsa, e chi un' altra,
CSsta,/. baskri, chest go; sia che che sia, what- some said one thing, some
Cestàccia,/. an old basket soever it may be : un bel another: non vi sarà chi
Cestaio, 7n a basket-maker che per andare in còllera, dica il contràrio, no one wili
Cestella, /. and Cestello, m. a a fine subject indeed for an- say the contrary
little basket ger : a quésto mi rispóndi, Chiàcchiera,/, chil-chal
CasUto, and Cestito, adj. thick, o che mi parto, answer to Chiacchieraménto, m. prat
this, otherwise I go; è più ttin^
Cesto, m. a gauntlet: il césto ricco che dótto, he is rather Chiacchierare,
di Vènere," Venus's girdle rich than learned che c'è ? :

Cestóne, m. a large basket what is the matter? Che, Chiacchierata, /. chit-chat,

Cesura,/, a syllable in Latir (as a substantive) thing, tattling
matter, suhjeet Chiacchieratóre, m. a tattler
Ch" è eh' è, adv. often, now Chiacchierella,/. idle talk
and then Chiacchierino, m. a jeerer, a
Chèle, /. Me claws of a scor- prattler, a blab
Ceteràre, and Cetereggiàre, pion, lobster, and crab Chiaccheróne, m. a long, te-
Cherere, {see Domandare, and dious talker
Ceteratóre, and Ceterista, m. Voler [cn Chiacchillàre, to tillle-tattle
a performer on the guitar Chiamaménto, m. invocation
Ceteriztóre, to sing to the gui- Chiamante, part, invoking,
tar catling upoii
Cetfna, /. a pit in which char- Cherical ménte, adv. in a cle- Chiamare, tn call, to name:
rical way mandar a chiamare, to send
Cèto, m. a whale ;
(also) rank, Chericàto, m. clerkship, func- for: come vi chiamate?
dignity tion of the clergy what is your name? chii.
. a

m^rsi contènto, he t )«; street, Chièsta,/, a request
tented : dna Chièsto, part, rcjuesled
_ seìf; chia- •t (or lane Chiglia,/ Me A-ecY 0/0 jW»
marsi offéso da qualche- Clamcàye, to digest
dùno, to think one's self Chilificuziune,/ digestion
ivrunged ; chiainiir fuórij io Chillndro, m. a n-aiir-snake
Cmo,m. the chyle
Chiamata,/, vocation, calling; Chilciso, adj. of the nature of
batter la chiamata, io beai Chiavàio, and Chiavaiudlo, m. chyle
a par let/ a turnkey, a locksmith Chimera,/, chimera , fancy
Chiamato, part, called Chiavare, io drive in, to nail, Chimèrico, adj. imaginary
CliiamatcSre, m. a caller, an to lock Chimerizzàrei to dream, to
Chiav,àto, part, pitched, nailed, fancy
Chiana,/, a standing pool locked Chimica, /. chymislry
Chiamare, to impose upon Chiavatóra,/. a fastening Chimicamente, adv. chyrm
Chiappa,/, buttock, breech Chiave, / a kiy, authority,
Chiappare, to snatch, pull, himico, m. a chymist
force to catch, overtake
: himico, adj. chymical
Chiàppola, and Chiappolerfa, hina, / declivity; lasciar
/ a tor,, trijle andar 1' acqua alla china, to
Chiappolare, to lay out one's lei things go how they ìvill
el' cuor di costui, / Chinacliina,^: Jesuit's bark
Chiappolinc idle silh. s of that man as I Chiii hor
chinare il \iso, to look down ;
Chiàppolo, m. a denial, a re- rliinàr gli occhi, io cast down
Chiara,/, the white of an egf; consent, submit ; chinar la
Chiaramente, ado. clearly, tèsta ad uno, io boni; chi
Chjaràre. to explain, resolve yhinàtk,f. a descent
Chiarézza, /. light, bright- Chia ,„ a
a,/, e< Chinatamente, adv. privately
ness, satisfaction, security, Chiavichetta,/. a«nfc Chinato, udj. crooked, bentf
perspicuity, nobleness of Chiavistello, m. a bolt for a colle ginocchia chinate, with bended knees
Chiarificàre,io clarify, brighten. Chiazza, /. a scab :hinatiU-a, /. a descent
Chiazzato, adj. speckled, spot- Chincàglia, and Chincaglieria,
Chiarificato, adj. clarified, / hardware
Chlcchera, /. a tea or coffee Chinéa, /. an ainbling nag;
Chiarificazidne, /. illustration, cup chinéa Inglése, a gelding
evidence, plainness Chicchirillare, to cluck, toprate Chino, m. declivity, steep-
Chiariménto, to. and Chiari- Chicchirillo, m. nonsense
Chichè, pron. whosoever Chino, adj. inclined ; bended ;
Chiartoa,/. clarion, hautboy Chichessia, pron. whosoever, caminàr col capo chino, to
Chiarfre, to clear up, explain. any body walk with one's head down
Chiedente, adj. requesting, or Chino, adj. lorn, deep
Chiarità,/, light, splendour Chiijcca,/. a sound beating, or
Chiarito, adj. lucid, shining, Chiedere, to ask, beg, sue for ; ippin,
che chiedete what do you.5 Chioccare •rike
Chiaro, adj. clear, luminous, want ? chiedere in prèstito, Chioc a,/
charming, famous, hearty. Chiocciare, io cluck, to begin to
Certain far chiaro alcuno,
: Chiediménto, m. request, peti- he ill
io inform one ; chiaro di Chiòccio, adj. hoarse: stir
luna, moonshine ; comincia chìóccìn,fobefaint!sh
a far chiaro, the day breaks Chiocciola,/, a snail, the .ihcll,
•Chiarosctiro,7M. (d'un ritratto) Chié 1; / e Chéri(
the light of a shade (of a tike; scàia a chiòcciola, a
picture) Chièsa, /. a church: Chi
Chiaro, adv. clearly, plainly sètta, Chiesicciudla, and Chio( ! Chioccio-
Chiaróre, m. splendour, bright- Chiesina,/. a little church lina, / ,

Chiesàstra,/. a devotee shell

fna,/ac/«ij.e/ Chiodaiuòlo, m. a nail-ma-

Chi&ssatello, Clù;uisétt<
Chiòdo, m. a nail ; ayer fìsso ciarlante, adj. talkative
ilchi<5do, lo he resolved Ciarlare, to prate
Chiòma, /. hair, head oj hair ; Ciarlataneria, f. quackery, lo-
trarre la chioma alla rdcca, quacity
to spin Ciarlatano, m. a quack
Chiòsa, /. glosi, comment, ex- Ciarlatóre, m. a talkative
télli, we love one another tike
Chiosàre, to comment brothers CiarlatrJce,/. a gossip
Chiosato, part, interpreted Ciabatta,/ an old shoe Ciarleria./ talkativeness, chat
Chiosatóre, m. a commenta- Ciabatte,/ pi. old rags Ciarliero, m. a chatterer
Ur Ciabattaio, and Ciabattano, m. Ciarlóne, m. a tattler, a ro-
Chiostra,/, an abode
Chiòstro, m. a cloister, a mo- Ciacciamellàre, to chat idly Ciàrpa,/. « bandoleer
nasteri/ ;chiòstro virginale, Ciacco, m. a hog, a swine, a Ciarpe./, pi. rags, tatters
the neck of the 7V07nb, or ma- spunger, freebooter Ciarpame, »i. old clothes,
Ciaccóna, /
a chaconne, (a
Spanish dance) Ciarpàre, to cobble, to babble
Ciiido, m. a n-afer Ciarpiéra,/. a bad woman, a
rtiglie, i, io n Cialdonàio, ni. a mafer-scller drab, a slut
Cialdóne, m. a wafer rolled Ciarpióre, and CiarikSne, »i. a
Chiovàto, part, nailed bad man, a rogue, a shabby
ChioTatùra, / a nail-hurt in Cialtróne, m. a rogue, a vil- Jellow
a horse's hoof Ciascheduno, and Ciascuno,
Chiòvo, m. a nail
Chiràgra,/. goni in the hand Cibàccio, m. bad, or coarse
Chiragiico, adj. gouty fin- food
gers tà, and Ciambel- Cibale, adj. nutritive, nourish •

Chiragrafo, m. a bond iindet.

Cibam.ónto, m. nourishment
Chiromante, m. one skilled ir. Cibare, to feed; cibar di spe-
palmistry ran?.a, to feed with hopes;
Chiromanzia,/', palmistry Manceiella, and CiancCtta, / cibarsi, to live, or feed up-
Chìra urgery trifle, toy, story, sillines; on to please one's self; ci-

Chirurgo, m. i barsi di iiruttì, to live upon

Chisciàre, to rake, weed up '"
"'i / foppery, jett, chit- fruit
[libazióne,/, («e Cibaménto)
Chitàre, tu quit, forsake chat
Chitarra, f a guitar Cianciaménto, m. a Joke, prat- Cibo. m. food, victuals
Chiucchiurlàia, /. a btizzini tling Cibòrio, m. the pix in which
Cianciare, to play the fool, toy, the host is kept
Chiudénza, /. a palisado prate, chat, prattle Cibóso, adj. fruitful, plenti-
pales Cianciatóre, m. a mag, a bab- ful
Chiùdere, to shut, contain, 1, bler Cibrèo, m. a made dish
bar, hide, coiicea/;. chiùdere Cianciatrfce, /. prating Cicada, and Cicala, f. a cer-
il pu^no, to clinch the fist tain chirping insect
il dolóre ini chiùde il cuòre Ciancicare, {see Cianciare) Cicallàccia,./-. idh- taller
gritf presses my heart ; chiù- Cianciéro, adj. prating Cicalaménto, m. «nrfCicalerfa,
dere gli occhi, tu dose the CiancioUno, /. impertinence /. chattering
eyes in death Ciancióne, m. idle talk, Cicalare, lo chatter
Chiudiménto, m. conclusion Cicalata. /and Cicaléccio, m.
inrtosure Cianciosaménte,<j(/i'. pratingly babbling, prating
Chiunque, pron. n-hoever Ciancióso, adj. full of play. Cicalatóre, m. a great talker
Chiùsa, /. an inclosure, or Cicalatòtio, adJ chattering
Cianfrusaglia, f. trash, rifT- Cicalatrice, and Cicaliéra, /
Chiusamente, adv. secretly rafT a prattling gossip
privately Cinghelh'no, adj. naughty, Cicalio, m idle talk
Chiùso, m. inclcsnre Cicalor.accio, m. a great
Chiùso, ad), dose, locked in Cidnta, (a) ad. slip-shod
Chiusura,/, inclosure, a lock Ciantellino, m. a sip in drink- :alóne. . talkat e persoi
ing here a ciantelllni, to

Ciaramella, /. a bagpipe, a
he tnld US ; non
so quel che
ci faremo, I know not n'I

me shall do; ci, oursclt:

Cìgnalàccio, m. a large nVa Cinabro, m. cinnabar
Cinciallégra, /. the titmouse (a
Cinciglio, m. a bUt [hird)
Cinciglidne, m. a large belt

gner la spada, to gird on the Cincischiare, to cut, hack; to

Cicisbea,/, a coquet hesitate, stammer
Cicisbeare, to dangle uhout Cigno, m. a srvan Cincischiato, part, hacked
Cigndne, m. a large girth Cincischio, ni. a cut tnade with
Cicisbeato, m. and Cicisl)ea- Cignolaménto, m. the creeking
tdra, /. dangling with the of a door, Src. Cinerizio, adj. ash-coloured
Cigolare, to creek Cingere, (see Cignere)
Cicisbèo, / a dangler on the Cigolfo, »>i. a creeking noise Cinghia, /. a girth for a
Cilestrino, adj. sky-colour
Ciclo, m. cycle Cilfiitro, atlj. blue Cinghiala./, a vein in a horse,
Ciclometria,/. cyclometry CilSstro azzuro, adj. sky-blue near the girthing place
Cicógna, f. a stork ; the beak ;iIiccio, and Cilicio, m. luiir- Cinghiale, m. a wild boar
Cinghiare, to encompass, sur-
Cicognino, m. a young stork Ciliégia,/ a cherry
Cicdrea,/. rvild endive Cilimdnia, /. ceremony (in Cinghiato, part, girded, envi-
Cicuta,/, hemlocic, henbane
Ciecamente, adv. blindly. Cilindrico, adj. cylindrical Cinghiatura, /. the girthing
Cilindro, ni. a cylinder part of a horse
~ ma, /top, summit ; cima. Cinghie, m«VciiiV, a circle
excellence, eminence ; cima Cingolo, >»i. a girdle, sash
Cinguettaménto, m. chit-chat,
ate, concealed : dark, givo- cima di ribaldo, an arch stammering, lisping
Cinguettare, to stammer, to
life;lantèrna cièca, a dark Cimare, io shear cloth, to cut
lantern ; bastonate da cièco, offthe head
Cimasa,/ {see Cimazio)
èchi beiito è chi ha un dc- Cimato, part, shorn
chio, IH a land of blind men, Cimatóre, m. a cloth shearer Cinicamente, adv. cynically,
happy he who has one eye ; Cimatura,/, shearing with asperity
un cièco, a blind man ; cièco Cinico, adj. cynical
d'un occhio, one-eyed Cimba, f. a'bark Cinico, m. a cynic philosopher
Cielo, m. the heaven, para- Cirabalo, m. a tabor, cymbal Cinigia,f. hot cinder
dise, air, sky, country, cli- Cimbérli, adv. èsser in cim- Ciniglia,/, chenil
mate, the top, the ceiling; bèrli, to be in consternation Cinismo, m. the sect of the
il cielo del letto, the tester CimbGtto, m. a fall, a tumble cynics
of a bed; il cielo d'un fdi Cimbottolàre, to fall Cinnamo, and Cinnamòmo, m
s the i, of an Cimbóttolo, m. (see Cimbotto) cinnamon
cielo, the hir sof Cimentare, and Cimentarsi, Cino, m a wild plum
to attempt, venture ; cimen- Cinoglossa,/ hmtud's-tongue
A cielo, àdt tare la prdpria riputazióne, Cinquanta, and Cinquantina,
cimentarsi, to engage Cinquantèsimo, adj.fiflieth
Cimentato, part, attempted Cinque, )H. and adj. jive
u do not look well Ciménto, »/i. experiment: es- Cinquecentesimo, u<ij. tlie Jive
ra, and Cifra, /. a cypher say métter a ciménto,
; to iredlk
rista, m. a writer in cy- expose, endanger to, aJj. five
iul d^^r
lo, m the eye, the eye-brow. ri Cimicióne, m Cinquefoglie./, cinauefuil, fan
• eye-lid, sight, look: voi herb;
i late inarcar le ciglia, Cinquemila, adv. fire thousand
u surprise me: aguzzarle the crest of an hel-
ciglia dfastly : Cinquina, /. five datemi una

Chnfno, m cummin inquina d'ova, give me five

to have something in view Cimltério, attd Cimitèro, m. o eggs
Ciglióne, m. a ridge (of land
Cimurro, m. the glanders
Cigliuto, adj. that has thick cim-urro, la sow one's I sash ; cinta di spada,
wild Oi Isi belt
duna, f. a girth Cinabrése; adj. girded; cìnte di
far) ti lari thai bind a Cipigliàre, to look askew Circonflessióne, /. the act of
ed Cipiglio, m. sourness, sullen- turning round
Cintola, /. the n'aist ; tenérsi ness ; guardare non cipiglio, Circonflèsso, adj. circumflex.
le mani a cintola, to stand to frown upon
idle strétto in cintola, covet-
; Cipiglióso, adj. passionate.
ous, niggardly ; largo di cin-
tola, liberal, free Cipòlla, /. onion: egli è più
Cintoilno, m. a small girale doppio d'una cipolla, he is Circonfiiso, adj. spread a
Cìntole,/, pi. garters a treacherous jèllow ; ci-
Cintura, Cintolo, and Cintu pòlla squilla, sca squill, a Circonlocuzióne,/, circumlocu-
physical herb : tagliar la ci- tion
Ciò, \tronome, that, this, rvhich, polla ad uno, io cut off one's Circonscritto, part, circum-
Tvhat ; ciò mi piace, that head
jileases me ; fate ciò che Cipollata, /. silliness, imper- Circonscrlrere, to limit, to
Ti piace, do tvhat you please ; tinence; non fa che delle
con tutto ciò, nevertheless cipollate, he always acts like Circonscriziòne, /. bound, li
Ciocca, /. a bunch ; ci<;cca di a fool mit
fióri, a nosegay ; ciòcca di Cipolletta,/ a scallion, chives Circonspetto, adj. circumspect,
capélli, a lock of hair Cipollina,/, a shallot
Ciocché, pron. wliai Ciporro, m. blunder Circonspeziòne, /. cautious
Ciocco,7)1. log, stump Cfppo, m. a vtilestone, a ioml-
CioccoMta,/ and Cioccolato, Ciruonstante, adj. present, a-
Cipressétto, m. cypress-rnood
Cioccolatièra, /. a choeolate- Ciprèsso, m. the cypress-tree
Ciprigna,/. Vtnus
Cioè, adv. that is io say Circa, prep. about; sono cir- Circo ae, /
Ciomperla,/. rudeness
Ciómpo, m. carder, a clown, a ago; totic
ing, concerning ;
Cioncare, to drink, carouse; dirvi circa questo parti
io cut, io fell, maim, man- lare, I know not what
gle say to you concerning this
Cioncato, part, cut down, in- affair Circonvicfno, adj. neighbour
Circaintellezione, /. a perfect
comprehension Circoscritto, part, {see Circon
Ciònco, ailj. drunken, cut,
maimed: lame rimase ci- Circolare,
: to circulate, to dis- Circospètto, adj. {see Circon-
6neo d'un bràccio, he lost an spétto)
Circolare, adj. round; motto Circospezione, {see Circonspe
Ciondolaménto, and Cióndolo, circolare, a circular motion
m. dangling Cir;;olarménte, adv. circlewise, Circostante, m. a bystander
Ciondolare, io hang dangling roundly za,/ c
Ciondolino^ vi. anear-rtng Circolato, adj. round, circu- Circostanziare, i

Cióndolo, «I. any thing that tiate

floats, shakes, Jfc. Circolazione,/ circulation Circuiménto, m a going about
Ciondolóne, adv. danglingly ; Circolètto, m. a small circle Circuire, to encompass ; to ram
èsser per ària ciondolóne, "- Circolo, m. circle, circuit ble about circuire cogli oc

hang dangling in the air Circoncidere, to circumcise chi, to take a view

Ciónta,/. a bastinado Circoncidiraénto, »n. circum- Circuito, part, sttrrounded
Cióppa,/. an under-petticoat cising Circufto, m. circumference ;
Ciòtola,/, a cup, a basin Circoncfnto, part, surround- circuito di paròle, a compatì
Ciotolóue, m. a large cup, a of words
Circoncisiòne, Circuizióne, /. circuit, sur
dottare, to nViip rounding
Ciotto (zoppo) lame; Ciotto Circoncfso, adj. circumcised Circulàre, {see Circolare)
and Ciòttolo, m. a flint, a Cirtondaménto, m. and Cii- Circunclngere, to surround
pebble condazióne, /. the act oj Ciregéto, m. a cherry or
Ciottolare, in sione in death compa.^sing chard
Ciottolata. /. a blow n-ith a Circondante, and Circondato, Ciriégia,/. the cherry
stime i dar delle ciottolate, adj surrounded Ciriégio, m. a cherry-tree
to throw stone» Circondare, to environ, encom- Cirimònia, Cerimònia, /. cere
Ciottolato, part, stoned to pass
death Circonferenza, /. cirtumfe-
Ciottolone, m. a I 'rgefiint
CLA ooc
retta,/, an orvl; far la ci- Claiisola, and Clausula, /
i'étta, to lurk clause, condition
Civettare, to play the nag, Claustrale, adj. monastic
Cisoie, ni. a boundary, a land- ijle, coquet Claustro, m. cloister, monas-
stteria, /
coquetry tery
Ciscrànno, tn. a thelf for Civettino, >n. a vain mning Clausura,/, a cloist<
Cfcpa,/. blear-eijedness Ciuffagno, adj. ready to seize Clemént( , adj. gradi
Càspita, Cispitide, and Cis- Ciuftare, to gripe, catch ciful
pitàte, /. a disease of the Ciuffetto, aiid Ciuffo, m. a lock Clementemente, adv.favoura'
of hair, a tounee bly, mercifully
Ciuffble, /. pi. trifles, non- Clementine, /. pi. the con-
slitutioHS of Clement the
Civico, adj. of a city, civic .ff'h
Cltara,/. cithern, guitar Civile, m- a register Clemènza, and Cleméniia, /.
Citare, io cite, summon, Civile, adj. civil, affable demand/, mercy
tice ; to quote, allege Civilmente, adv. courteously, Clèro, m. a clergyman
Citarista, w». a minstrel kindly Clessidra,/, o vessel for mea-
Citarizzare, to play upon the Civiltà, and Civilità, /. civi- suring time by running of
lity, gentleness
Citilo, part, summoned, quoted Ciurma,/, the crew in a gal- Cliente, m. a client
Citatóre, m. one ivho quotes ley ; a crowd, a multitude Clientèla, /. patronage, pro-
Citatòria, f. summons Ciurmadóre, ajid Ciurmatóre, tection
ni. a a sharper, an Clima, TO. climate
impostor, a quack Climatèrico, m. climacterical
Citerióre, adi. nearer, nigher Ciurmaglia,/, mob, rabble Clipeo, m. a shield (in po-
Citiso,m. alcind of shrub Ciurmare, to cozen, to deceive etry)
Citrdggine,/. balm, mint Ciurmarsi, to get drunk Clistere, m. clyster
Citrinézza, and Citiinita, the Ciurmato, adj. accustomed to Clivo, m. the ascent, or descent
Jaundice of a hill
Citrino, adj. citron-colour Ciurmeria,/. tricks, deceit Clizia,/ turnsol, afower
Citriuólo, m. a cucumber Ciuschero, adj. tipsy, drunk Cloaca./ a sewer, a sink
Citnillo, m. a blockhead Ciacche,/, clogs Co-, pron. (con li) with
Città, Cittade, and Gittate, /. Clamare, to speak loud Coabitare, to live together
Clamaziòne,/. the act if speak- Coaccadémico, m. a fellow-
Cittadèlla, /. a little torvn, a ing loud academician
Clàmide,/, the upper vest of a Coacervare, to heap up
Cittadina,/, a citizen's wife Roman soldier Coadiutóre, »n. an assistant
Cittadinamente, adv. civilly ; Clamóre, »n. clamour, outcry Coadiutoria,/ coadjutorship
viver cittadinamente, to live Clandestinamente, adv. pri- Coadiuvare, to help, assist
privately vately Coadiuvato, part, assisted
Cittadinanza,/, a community Clandestino, adj. secret, pri- Coadunare, to assemble
or corporation, privileges, vate ; matrimonio clandes- Coadunazidne, / assemblage
freedom, civility., humanity tino, a clandestine marriage Coagulare, to congeal
Cittadinàre, to people a city or Clangóre, m. clangour, noise of Coagulaménto, m. coagulation
Coagulativo, adj. coagulated
Cittadinèllo, in. a poor citi- Claretto, m. claret Coagulazióne,/, coagulation
Clarificàre, to clarify liquors Coàgulo, tn. eurd, rennet
Cittadinescamente, adv. ci- Clarino, 7n. clarion, a sort of Coartare, to limit
villy trumpet Coartazióne,/ a straitening
Cittadinésco, adj. citizen- Clarità,/. light, brighttiess Coatavo, adj. coercive
Classe, /
a class, rank, or- Coazióne, /. coaction, con-
der : egli è un briccóne di
prima classe, he is an arch Cobalto, m. cobalt
life; rogue; classe, a fleet of Cocca, / the notch of an ar-
dino, one faithful to his ships row, shaft a cock-boat ,

coiiniry Classico, adj. classical the tip of a spindle ; caeca

Civàia,/, peas, beans, SfC. Clava,/, a club del capo, the crown of tht
Ci^^nz^,fbenejit. profit Claudere, to comprise,
Civan-Zare, to_ provide, fur- Coccare, to put the bowstring
nish ; civanzàrsi, to procure, Clavic6mbalo,a7i<i Clavicòrdio,
m. a harpsichord (also) to ridicule, mock, scoff
Clavlcola./, theclancula, (thi corcarla ad uno, to trick
clutnnil-tonc) Coccheito,/. autUk
Cocchiiita, /. a serenade in a Codazzo, tn. retinue Coiàio, and Coiàro. m. a tai^
Codétta, a little tail
Cocchière, m. a coachman Codiare, to watch, to spy Coiaine, m. leather, hides
CocchigM^, /.shell of, fi4ii Codiatóre, tn. an inquisitive
Còcchio, m. a coach, or coach- man, a spy
box [hole Codibùgnolo, «i. the water- Colà, adv local, yonder, (here:
Cocchiume, m. a bung, a bung- wagtail vedi colà queir uòmo, see
Coccia, /. a pimple coccia
; Codice, m. the civil law there that man colà un poco

d'ovo, the shell of an egg Codicfllo, m. a codicil dopo, a short lime ajìer ;
Cocciniglia,/, cochineal Codimóizo, adj. without a tail
Coccio, m. broken earthenrvare. Codióne, and Codrióne, m. a

Codirósso, m. a species of wood- Colaggiù, and ColaggiùsOjOdy.

Codiito, adj. that has a tail Colaménto, m. a purging

Cocc :
1- albero del Coeguale, adj. coequal Colare, to strain, melt, liquefy ;
Coerède, adj. coheir [ing gli occhi gli colano. Ai» eyes
Coccodrfllo, m a
crocodile : Coerente, adj coherent, agree- drop colar a fondo, to sink

làgrime di coccodrfllo, trea- Coerènza, /. coherence Colagiòne,/. running through

cherous tears Coesióne,/ cohesion Colascióne, m. a sort of guitar
Coccola,/, a berry Coetàneo, adj. cotemporary Colassi!, adv. there, above,
CoccoUna,/ a Utile berry Coetemo, adj. coefernal
Corcoldne, adv (coccolóni) Cofaccia,/. cake, bun Colauvo, adj strained, fluid
star coccolóni, to sit squat Cofanaio, m. a trunk, or has Colato, pari, strained
TorooTéggia,/. an owl ket-maker Colatóio, m. a strainer, cullen-
Coccoveggidre, to move like Cofanetto, m. a small trunk der, melting-pot
Colatura, /. remainder after
Cocènte, adv. violent, burning ; CSfano, m. s òaakei, chest being strained
doMre cocènte, smarting pain COfTa,/ the round top in a ship Colazióne,/ breakfast
Cocentissimo, adj. most ar- Cogifabóndo, adj. petisive, sad Colcare, and Colcàrsi, to lie
Cogitativo, adj. thoughtful.
Cdcere', {see Cuòcere) Colèi, pron. rei. f
she : questa
Cochiglia,/ coejcle-jish Cògliere, to gather; còglier il é colèi 1 h'in odio hai tanto,
frutto delle sue fatiche, to this is she that you hale so
reap the fruit of one's labour ;
inflammation cogliere il suo tempo, to take Colendissimo, . your
Cocito, m a river in hell, Cocyte time : cògliere in iscambio,
Cocitura./, and Cociménlo, m. to take one thing for another : Còlere, to honour, revere
, to c Coìeaóne.f. breakfast
dressing, scalding take : all' irapro- Colibrì, m. the humming-bird
Cocleària,/, scurvy-grass Colica, fthe cholic
Cocolla,/, a cowl Colico, adj. cholic
Cócoma, /. a tea-kettle, (or bastóne, he hit me on the Colla, prep, with ; colla vostra
boiler) head with a stick; il vostro sorèlla, with your sister
Cocomeràio, m. a nater-me- pittóre v' ha colto molto bene Còlla,/, glue
VOI" Collana, /. a necklace ; col-
Cocomerello, m. a small water- painter has made your pi lana di perle, a pearl neck-
ture a great likeness
Cocòmero, m. a water-melon Coglitóre, m. a gatherer Collàre, to glue, to pasts to-
Cocuzze, and Cocuzzolo, m. Cognata,/, sister-in-law gether ; to let down a rope ;
pale, noddle, top Cognato, m, brother-in-law to torture, rack, give the
Coda, /. tail, train ; coda di Cognazióne./, kindred strappado
f.avàilo, a horse's tail coda Cògnito, part, known
: Collare, and Collarino, m. a
di pavóne, a peacock's train Cognizióne,/, knowledge
collar, a band
guardar colla coda dell' oc- Collai-ettàio, ni. a sellar-
chio, to leer upon ; lisciar la Cognominare, to surname
coda, lo fialter nella coda Cognominato, part, surnamed
; Collaterale, adj. collateral
sta il veléno, the venom is in " ' know, fin taw) '
Collaterale, tn a paymaster :
the tail U, take c '.eof a .judge, delegate, commis-
Codardamente, adu. cowardly Cognoscenza,/. knowledge, ac- sary
C.Ddardfa,f. cowardly quaintance CoUatòre, tn. a patron (that
Codardo, adv. cowardly, timid Cognosci'ble, ad], that can be
has a living in his gift •

un codardo, a poltroon, a known [nrted

CognosciutJssimo, adj. most
lonnéllo d'un lilir

y a child upon
ir allungare il
, io make one

Còlle a hill Collocaménto, »n. disposing Color bad colour


Colléga, m. a colleagtie of things in order > Coloraménto, «I. dying ;

Collegaménto, m. union, «« Collocare, to place, settle ; col-

locdr una fJiflia to marry a in occhi,' °d?«m«"o/ the
Colleganza,/. co«/eJfr«<r.v daughter \
Collegàre, to make an alliance, Collocato, part, placed, set- Coloràra, to colour, dye, paint,
to connect, to Join tled stain, to adorn, beautify , to

Collegato, part, allied, unit- Collocazidne, /. placing,

" dis- I cloak, to disguise
posing Coloratamente, adv. feignedly,

Collegato, m. ally, confede- communica- falsely


Colorato, adj. coloured ; likely ;

Collegature, m. a plenipoten- CoUoqufntida, /. a certain prohable, false, '

Collegaiidne, /. alliance 1 Colloquio, m. a dialogue lordto, i

league \

Collegialmente, adv. with con- '

Colloróso. adj.
choleric, bili-
sent of the college, in com- Colorazióne,
Collegiare, to consult, con- <
Colóre, m.
Jlr i

Collegiata, /. a collegiate '

church I

CoUegidto, adj. collegiate I

.ivaménte, adv. collu-
Collègio, m. a college: far

Ivo, adj. done by collu-

Colle coljectii; Colotanfa,/. hard r< se, they
Collettrzio, and Colletto, adj. Colomba,/, a dove.
collected. Collétto di cuoio, Colombaccio, ni. a
a Jerkin uncolòsso, a giant
Colletto, in. a hill :olpa, /
sin, offence: c
Collettóre, m. a collector lessare le sue colpe, lo <
Collettorta./. office of collector. fess dar la colpa, to

with a fault: aver la ce

Collez B, /. collectioi di che che sia, to be in
Colombo, m. a pigeon co- ;
CoUibéto, m. a collection lómbo selvàtico, a mood- :-sfaul
ColliciSrsi, to lie down pigeon Colpàbile, adj. guilty, cul-
Colligiano, m. a mountaineer, Cdlon, m. celen, the great pable
highlunder eut Colpabilménte, adv. guiltily,
Collimare, to aim at >lony culpably
CoUinn, f a hill Coloni / . ' nillar. '. pi-on, Colpàre, to blame, tasin. to fall
Colline,/, pi. a row of hills support ; le colónne d'
Collinetta, /. a Utile hilt ;rcole, Herciiles's pillars; ( olptpgia , to strike
Colliquare, to liquefy le colónne d'un letto, the bed Coljietto.
Collirio, m. an i-ye salve posts Colpévole
'.,f. collisio7i, striking Colonnata, /. and Colonnato, Colpevoli!
<e again. mother nally
. the neck, shoulder. Colonnello, m. a colonel; co- Colpire,
(riuscire) to tucceed; ha Combiilatóre, to. he who con
colpito in quel che deside-
rava, he succeeded in hit Combinazióne, /. combitK

Colpo, m. a b!orr, a stroke :

Iccola,/. c
colpo di fortuna, a lucky istlbile. a
hit colpo,
; ;'a/i(5ne) ac' Cóltre, a guilt, counterpane, ble
deed, attempt: avete fatt a pull, rod, perch Combustióne, /. confiagra-
un colpo,
belyou hai Collrlce.J'. a feather-bed : wife ;
done a fine thing ; nn co a woman employed in hus- Combùsto, adj. burnt, con-
pò da maèstro, a masterly
stroke ; rènder il colpo, tu Coltriclna, /. a tittle feather- Come, adv. as, like, how , be-
requite ; di colpo, a un col- bed cause, when, Src: come!
po, at once ; colpo di tó- Coltro, m. a plough lion volete venire? how >
glio, a cutting Iilctv ; colpo Coltrdne, wi. a counterpane
mortile, o mortai rvound ;
Coltura,/, culture, tillage
colpo di mare, a billorv, Colubrina,/, a culverin air ar if h.
surge, or a mighty sea ; col- Colubriuètta, /. a small cul- had 6 thoi and per a
po di diàgriSiia. a ìnisfor- ditemi il
tune colpo di disperazione,
: Colubro, TO. an adder, a snake how so ben io il come, I

Collii, pron. he, or that : clii è know what way come non :

Cólta,/, gathering, levying of collii che vi parlava ? who tì sia, io ci verrò, proride'd
a tax; far colta, to strike, is he that spoke to you t he is not there I shall come .
n-ntind Coluro, TO. colure come yedróUo, when I see
Coltella, /. a coulter (plough- Coma,/, a head of hair him, <S'c. ; come prima, as
Couiandaménto, and Co-
Coltelliiccio, m. a hanger, mando, »n. command, order. Comecché, and Comechè, con;.
chopper although, b'ecause
Coltellata, /. a blow, a cttt : Comandante, and Comanda- Comentare, to expound
far a coltellate, to fight with tóre, m. a commander, com- Comentirio, and Commento,
mandant m. a commentary
Coltellièra,/, a sheath, a case Comandare, to command Cementato, part, commented
of knives Comandata,/, the king's com- Comentatóre, m. a cimimen-
Coltellinàio, m. a cutler tator
Coltellino, TO a small knife, a Comandito, part, command- Cementazióne,/, a comment
Comèta., f. a comet
Coltello, «1. a knife; coltèl- Gomandlgia, /. recommend- ComirCto, to. (see Commiato)
lo da càccia, a mood-knife, ation umico, TO. author of a co-
harger Comare,/ a godmother, a gos-
Coltelldne, m. a great knife
midwifi sip, Còmico, adj. comic
Colti-.-amènto, m. husbandry, Comasco, m. a kindofplutn Comignolo', to. the top, OT ridge
tillage worship ; Cornato, adj. hairy ofah
Coltivare, to till, manure, Combaciare, tofit Cominciaménto, m. begin-
improve: coltivar le arti e Combaciarsi, to kiss one ano-
le sciènze, to promote arts ther
and fscicnces ; coltivar la Combattènte, m. combiU- i

memòria, to exercise the me-

Conibiittere, to fight, attack,
Coltivàto, part. {l\i6go col- besiege, to agitate, disquiet, , 'ginmng
tivato) a cultivated spot of oppose ; comb.^ltere le sue 'ominciàto, part, commenced
preprie passióni, to tesisi Cornino, m. cummin seed
Coltivatóre, »». a ploughman, Comit^lnle, adj. attending
a husbandman, an encou- Combattiménto, m. fight, con- Comitato, TO. company
rager fiict Comitiva,/, attendants
Collivatùra, /. tillage. Col- Combattitóre, to. a combal- Cdmito, TO. a certain officer in
ti vazidne,/. husbaiidry, cul-
ture orabattiito, part, combated, Commacolàre, to stain, ble-
Coltivo, adj. cultivated, plough- fought
ombiatàre, to dismiss Commdndita, /. a sleeping
Colto, m. ploughed land, tvor-
Combinaménto, to. cotnbina- Commèdia,/, a play, a cmnedy,
Culto,' ad), gathered, eollect-
cil ; cheated: surprised; se Commediàio, to. a comedy
mi vien colto, if I have (contemptuously)


Commediante, m. a Commestfbile, adj. eatable Coramovitóre, m. a disturb'
rommestióne,/. a mixture
Commedi^re, to viake Commettente, part, enjoit Commo'vitiira, Commovizi-
,lies, or get then acted óne, and Commozióne, /
Commemorabile, ailj. Commettente, m. a corri commotion, disquiet, dis-

Commettere, to command,
charge intrust; Vi commet-
: Commuovere, to «ione, stiy,
Commemor to i miei aflFàri, / leave my vex, disturb, auger, pro-
morated ajrairs to you : comméttere voke ; to fright ; commu-
Commemor cine, / , alla fortuna, to hazard, to òversi, to be agitated,
sin : commétter discòrdie, to
Coinm5nda,_f. a command Commntaménto, «i. change.
Coinmenddbile, ailj. commend- Commettimiile, m. a firebrand
able of sedition Commutante, adj. changing.
C ommend aménto. m. he that
Coramendftre, to Commutare, to change, ex-
commend Commettitura,/, joining change, barter, truck, chaf-
Commendatàrio, a '"ommidto.i '

mendatdre, m. prènder c
holds a benefice leave

Commendatfzia,/. a letter of ,s; dai

recirmmenJation piacéri, to bid adieu to
Commendatizie, aiìj. com-
Commilitóne, m. fellorv-sol-
Commendiito, part, praised, pena, coinmutation of punish-
approved minatòria, m. commi- ment
CommendatiSre, m. and Com- tory Comodamente, adv. conve-
mendatric», /. one that ap- Comminazióne, /. threaten-
proves ing
Commendazióne,/, eommend- !ommischiaménto, m. a mix-
Commendévole, adj. ruorthy Commischidre, to mix, to Comodataménte, adv. conve-
io he praised jumble niently, ha,idsomety, n-ell
Commensale, m. f. a guest at Commischiàto, part, min- Comodato, part, (accommo-
afeast gled dàto) flit ed, furn isUed, dress-
Commensurare, to measure ommiserabilménte, adv. la-
mentably Comodato, » I loan (a law
Commentfire, (see Tomentdre,
Commiserdre, to take pity term)
miserazióne,/. pity, com- Comodatore m. a lender
Comod«evolméiìte,arft'. comma-
Coir.miserévole, adj. piteous, dioiuly, comfortably
etched Comodézza, and Comodità,

/. conveniency, conveni-
Commessaria,/ a commission- ence, e'ase, oppoitumty ;
er-s office Commissionàrio, m. a commit- la comodità fa 1' uòmo la-
Commessfco, and Commis- dro, opportunity makes a
Commissióne, /. a commission, thief; la comodità d' f—
a commissary ; commessane order
di città, a judge by commis- Commisto, part, mixed, jum ../ a ho; (bé-
bled [adjust
Commessazidhe, /. debauch- Commisurare, to measure, to
ery Cómmodo, m. (see Comedo,
Còmodo, m. advantage, gain,
landat profit, benefit, interest; H
Commesso, part, appointed, vostro ceraodo, at your
Commesso, m. a deputy Cvmoào, adj commodious, pro-
Commesse, m. and Commes- "'ible, good. rich, rveaitfiy
srtva./. a seam, a chink; a Commotivo, adj. apt to bt
suture : lavóro di commésso. ' Try
Mosaic trork noviménto, m. disturb- Com
Compa^iévole, adj. tociahle, tendant, or dumb figure, in Compendioso, adj. comptn
complaisant, of good com- plays, operas, dfc.
pany Comparso, part, appeared Comjiensabile, adj. thai can be
Compagnfa, f. company, cor- Compartecipare, and Com- compensated
poration, lociett/, club, cun- participàre, to partake Compensaménto, m. and Com-
gregation, confraternity ; pensagidne, j: recompense.
compagnfa di soklati, a Compartécipe, adj. sharer
company qf soldiers; (di Compartiménto, m. parti- Compensare,
cavalleria) a troop of horse ; tion, division, compart- mends
andar in compagnia, to go
Compartire, to partake, di- Compensato!
Compagno, m. and Com- vide, share, impart, commu- ' '

pigna Compensaziu , /. amends.

fel!«w partn Compartito, part, shared, di-
vided, imported unto Compenso, m. expedient, re-
Compagnóne, m. (u(5mo pio- Compascuo, m. a common
«•iàlc) a good companion, Compassare, to measure with Cómpera, Comperazióne, f.
a merry fellonf, a Jovial to ponder, cou- and Comperaménlo, m. pur-
sider chase, bargain, buying
Companatico, «i. food, meat, Com passito, part, measured Comperare, to buy, pur-
by the compass, pondered,
Comperito, part, bought, pur-
Comjiiràbìle, compar-
adj. Compassionaménto, vu com-
able, tike, that may be com- Comperatdre, part, purchaser
Competènte, adj. convenient,
Comparagidne, /. the act of fit, suitable : ora competente,
appearing before a court a seasonable hour
Judicature Compassióne,/ pity Competentemente, adv. ho da
Comparare, to compare, set Compassionévole, and Com- vivere competentemente, /
gether, confer ; comparai passivo, adj. moving, piti- lune enough to live compe-
to compare one's selftvith; j
Compassionevolmente, adv. Competenza, /. debate, quar-
pitifully I
rel, competency, conceni-
Compasso, m. a pair of com- ency
Competere, to be competent,
Comparativamente, adi: com- Corapatiménto, m. compas-
Comparativo, m. comparative. Compatlbile, adj. compatille, I mill have no competition
agreeing i

Comparato, part, compared. Compatibilità, /

compatibi- <

Comparazióne,/, comparison, Compatiménto, m. compassion,
parallel sen/a compara-
: patience, indulgence Compiacenza, /. complaisance,
zióne, nnthout, beyond com- Compatire, to commiserate, condescension
parison a comparazióne, in
: to pardon mi compatisca ; Compiacére, to humour, com-
ply: si compiaccia, be pleased.
Compire, m. a godfather, a excuse me that I did not
Compiacévole, adj. agreeable.
Comparigióne appear- Compatito, patt. pitied, ex- charming
Compiaciménto, »«. pleasure,
Comparire, to appear in public, delight
go out, to appear before the Compiaciuto, part, delighted,
iudge, to make a show, citt a
figure Compidgnere, and Compiàn-
Compariscènza, f. beauty, gere, to ben-ait. lament
figure, appearance Compazientemente, adv. pa- Compiànto, part, rtgretled.
Comparita,/, appearing tiently
Comparizióne, /. (see Com- Compendiare, to abridge, to Compianto, m. lamentation,
parigidne) condolence
Comp.-irsa, /. appearance, Compiere, to finish, aecotn-
outside-shom ; far compar- plish, perform
sa, to make a figure, or Compieta, / evening prayers •
short) : (also) a summons to in su la compieta, SomarJi
appear in court; an at-
Compigliàre, to embrace, ex-

Conipilàre, to compile, to
Compilato, part. collected.

Comi.ire, t
muneménte), commonly, Concavità,/. hollorvness Conchiglia,/, shclt, sea-shell
generally Còncavo, m. concavity Conchiùdere, to infer, to fi
Comunanza, /. corporation, Concedènte, part, granting nish ; to convince ; to resolve

company, society, community Concedere, to grant, permit,

bestoTV, acknnrvledge con- ; Conchiusióne, /. conclusion,
Comune, »«. the commons cedere la sua liglia, to end. inference
Comune, ad} common, uni- marry a daughter Conchiùso, adj. concluded
versai, usual, trivial, vulgar ;
Concedibile, adj. allowable Cóncia,/, tan, bark ; a tan-vat,
commonwealth Concediniénto, m. concession, or pit
Comunglla, /. a common Conciacalzétte, m. and f. a
Conceditóre, m. granter butcher, a stocking-mender
Comunemente, adv. common- Conceduto, part. granted, Conciare, to meiul, fit, dress,
ly, vtilgarly given trim, abuse, tame, castrate,
ComuniciSbile, adj. sociable. Concènto, m. harmony to adjust, agree conciar ;

Concentraménto, nu and vini, to adulterate wine ;

Concentrazione, /. concen- conciar uno pel di delle
munication, imparting, tration feste, to ruin, (also) to
intercourse Concentrare, to concentre ;
Comunicante, and Comuni- concentrarsi, to abscond Conciatètti, nj. a tiler
Concentrato, adj. concentred Condito, part, mended, fitted,
Coraunieàre, lo con Concèntrico, adj. concen- <^c.
irrìpart, reifeal, tric
comunicarsi, io t ! the Concépere, to conceive, to

Comunicato, pari, imparted Concepibile, adj. conceiv- Conciéro, m. menrling

Comunicativa, f. facility in Conclglio, a council
making others comprehend Concepiménto, m. conception. Conciliàbile, adj. that may be
Comunicativo, adj. communi-
Concepire, to conceive, to Conciliàbolo, an,d Concilii-
Comunicatore, m. ke who com- breed, to comprehend ; con- bulo, m. a conventicle
municates cepire speranze, to enteHain Conciliaménto, m. rcconcil-
Coraunicazidne, /. communi-
Concepito, part, conceived Conciliare, to reconcile : con-
of making common Concernènte, part, concern- ciliarsi, to be reconciled :
Comunichino, m. the conse- ing conciliare il sonno, to obtain
crated wafer administered Concernènte, and Concemé- sleep
in the Roman Catholic vole, adj. belonging Conciliato, adj. reconciled
church : a consecrated wafer, Concernènza, f. relation,
the host affinity
Comunióne, f. sacrament of Concernere, to concern cil
Concertare, to contrive I. a sy: lod
Comunità, /. community, Concertato, part, concerted Concimar^ to dung land
Concertatóre, m. a contriver Concimato, part. dunged,
i\ Concèrto, »«. concert, har- marled
mony : far una cosa di con- Concime, m. muck, marl.
nità, io teli publicly, oi in cèrto, to act by consent
Concinnità,/, ornament
Concessionàrio, m. a grantee
Comiino, adj. cntnmoti (Ian erm) Cóncio, adj. dressed, mended,
Comùnque, adv. however ; Concessióne, /. permission, used ; mal cóncio, abused ,
comùnque si sia, however it dispensation assettato, fine, trim, com-
be Concèsso, adj. granted pact : in concio, »« readinest
Con, prep, with; con che, so Concètto, m. conceit, fancy, Conciofossecosaché, Concio-
that esteem, repute ha perdute siachè,
; and Conciosiaco-
Cónca, f. a large vessel ; sliell, il concetto apprèsso di me sachè, conj. (perchè), be-
sea-shtll with me he has lost his credit eing that
Concatenare, io join
Concatenato, part, linked dotto, he is esteemed learned

un disco'rso concatenato, a also jest, witty repartee ;

L'j^ical discourse un libro pieno di belli cor
ConcatenaSidne. /. and Con- celti, a book full of fu
Concettóso, adj- full ofjestt Concistoriale, adj. cons
Concezióne, f. conception, torial
comprehension Concistorio, ni. consistory
Concitaménto, m. incUemeni, Conconriménto, m. Condecènte, and Condecé-
vole, adj. decent, becoming
Concòrso, Condecen'temente, adv. de-
Concotto, adj. digested, con- Condegnamente, adv. wor-
thily, deservedly
m. disturber. Concoziòne,/. digestion Condegnilà,/. desert, merit
Concreàre, to create, to be- Condégno, adj. worthy
get Condenniire, C«ce Condannare,
Concreato, part. created. and its derivatives J
citizen Condensaménto, m. thick-
m. a conclave
ConcI<i''e, Concrédere, to believe ; con-
Conclàvio, m. a closet crédersi, lo agree Condensàre,
Conclavista, m. a conclavUt Concrèto, »n. concrete
Concludente, adj. concluding ConcreZidne,/. concretion Condènso, adj. thick, con-
Concludentemente, adv. filly, Concubina,/, a concuhine
properly Concubinàrio, and Concubino, CondescendSnte, adj. com-
Conclùdeve, io finish, deter-
:ubindto, m. concubinage Condescendènza,/. atid Con-
Conclu'sióne, '/. end, conse- Concubinèsco, adj, belonging descendiraènto, m. conde
quence, inference to a concubine
Conclusivo, adj. conclusive. Concùbito, m. coming ioge- Condescèndere, to conde-

Conclùso, part, concluded Cond.iscensidne, f, conde

panying; grazia^ culcare, to tread i Condescensivo, adj. easy to

Conculcatóre, Condescéso, adj. condescended

pressor Condiménto, m. sauce, piekle
Concudcere, to Condire, to salt, to preserve, to
Concupire, to o '.o desi
pi^cènzia,/. concupiscence
Concordare, to agree, to recon- Concupiscévole, and Concu-
cile, to conform piscibile, adj. concupiicilde,
Concordatamente, Concorda- desirable
ménte, and Concordevol- Concupiscivo, adj. concupis-
ménte, adv. unanimous-
ly Concupiscibilita, /. unlarvful
Concordato, m. a concordat».
issare, to shake
Concordato, adj. agreed upon
Concorde, adj. unanimous,
peaceable ; di concordo pa- Concussioniirio, i

rére, cfthe same opinion

Concordemente, and Concor- Condizionare,
devolménte, ad. agreeably,
lously ColidUionàio^'
Concordévole, c mitable.
Concordia, f. i Condannàbile, adj.
many, peace ;

Condannaménto, m. Condogliénza, /. condolence

Concorporato, adj. incorpo- Condolérsi, io contphiin
Condoluto, pari, cond.led
Concorrente, m. competitor. Condonàbile, adj. pardoned
Condonare, /.. forgive
Concorrènte, adj. concurring, Condannatdre, m. a con- Condonato, part, pardoned
running Condonatóre, m. he tv.
Concorrènza, /. concurrence. pardons
Condonazióne, f. forgireneis
Concórrere, to agree
concur, Condótta, /. conduct, cu,
m optnw'i. concórrere alle
*pe.e, to yay one's share
Confermilto, ^ t. monfirmed
Confennatóre, m. a rvarrant-
er. voucher
Condótto, part, conducted Confermazióne, J", confirma- on fire
Condótto, m. conduit, pipe tion r. conflagra-
Conducènte, adj. conducting Confessaménto, m. confession
Condùcere, (set Condurre) Confessare, to confess ; con- Conflato,' part, joined toge-
Conducévole, adj. conducting^ feisirsi, to confess to a
Conflitto, m. conflict, com-
Conducfbile, adj. Jit, pro- Confessatóre, m. a confessor bat
„P^ Confessionale, and Confes- Confluente, m. conflux
conduct, sionario, m. conjissional Confóndere, to confound, to
vioiir, de- destroy, to waste ; confon-
dersi, to be confused
Conduplica f. repeti- Confondiménto, >n. confusion
Confonditóre, 711. rvho cotf
Condurre, to conduct, lead, Confessóre, and Confessóro, .fuses
guide m. a conlissnr Conformare, to conform
Conduttóre, and Conducitóre, Confettare, to preserre : far conformarsi, <u conform one's
Slima, to cherish confettare self ;

Conduttura, /. a journey, Conformatlvo, adj. conform-


! Confettato, part, preserved

, Confettàtore, and Confettière, Conformato, and Confórme,


ì Confetto, adj. preserved Confórme, adv. according.

: Confetto, 7». Confettura, and
Confeiióne, /. preserves, Conformemente, adv. pursuant
Conestabilerfa, f. the high .

constable's jurisdiction '

Conformevole, adj. suitable,
Confabulare, to talk together agreeable
Confabulatório, adj. of con- Conformista, t/i. a confoi-mist
Conficcdto, part, nailed, fast- 'onformita, /. conformity.
Contabulazióne, /. confabula- ened, convinced In conformità, adv. con-
Conficcatura,/, a fastening fortnably
Confacènte, adj. convenient Conficere, to consecrate Confortagióne, /. and Con-
Confacènza,/. agreeableness Confidanza,/, trnst, confidence, fortamento, 7n. (see Con.
Confacévole, adj suitable hope ; abbi confidanza, de- fort; 3nc)
Confiire, to become, to be spair not
suitable ; il vino non mi Confid.-ire, to trust, confide;
confa, n ine is not good for confidiirsi, to depend 'upon
me ; confarsi, to answer,
Confortativo, Confortatòrio,
ta agree ; questo discorso idàto, part, trusted, con- and Confortévole, adj. com-
non si confà ad un par suo, I
fided fortable
Ihit rvay of talking does Confidente, m. confident Confortatóre, m. and Confor-
Confidentemente, adv. confi-
you I
Confidenza,/, confidence, bold-

Configere, (see Conficcare) Confortin^io, 7rt. gingerbread-

Configimcnto, m. a nailing
Configurato, part, fashioned Confortino, m. gingerbread
Configurazióne, f. configura- Confòrto, m. (see Conforta-

!, I
Confinante, adj. bordering Confràte, and Confratèllo, m.
'" ' ' to border, to limit;
Conferire, to confer, impart to banish Confraternità,/, fraternity
Conférma, and Confermagi- ,
part, confined
óne,/. confirmation Confine, and Confino, m. li-
Confermare, and Confirmare,
/.. confirm, establUh, rati- Confiscabile, adj. confiscable
Confiscare, to seize upon
Confiscalo, part, conjiscaled
ContrJnto, m. confivn Congiu cmjunciure, "oningaziùne,/. conjugaUon
ferring. A coiafrd

Coniùgio. »i. marriage

in comparison Congiunzione,/, I

co: Coniùntivo, adj. conjunctive
Confusamente, adv. mfused- i f:n,i,riùra,

izióne, j.
/. Connaturale, adj. con-natu-
ly I
Congiuraménto, m. plot,
Confusgtto, nspirc
fu. a liti Connaturare, v. to sympathize
confai a compin
Confusidne,/. d,
Connazionale, adj. national
Connessióne,/, connexion
Congiurare, to conjure, con Connessila,/, affinity
Confuso, aJj. confounded spire, plot
Confutabile, adj. confutable Connèsso, adj. connected,'-'ioin-
Congiurato, part, conspired ed

Confutaménto, m. confutation Congiuratóre, m. conspirator

Confutare, to confute Connest.1bile, m. a constable
Conglobazióne, /. congloba- Connèttere, to connect, join
Confutatóre, m. a refuter ,

Confutazióne,/, confutation non connettere, to speak non-

Conglomerato, part, heaped
Congedare, to give leave
Congèdo, m. leave, permis- v^onnivènza, /. connivance
Conglutinare, to glue, knit, Connùbio, m. marriage
posso dar quel
Connumerdre, to enumerate
^""^""eràto, part, enume-
gedo, /
le. f. and Con-
ongluti- Conòcchia,/, rock, distaffi
Congegnam Conoscente, adj. knowing,
v-uiigraculàrsi, to congratulate thankful, acquainted
gegnatùrc /. aasemblage, Congratulato, part, congratu- Conoscentemente, adj. knom
Congegnare, io connect, joi Congratulatóre, m.
Congegnato, part, connectt who con- Conoscènza, /. acquaintance
Congelaménto, m.freezin- Conóscere, to know; darsi a
CongratuIa2ióne, /. congratu- conóscere, to make one's
Congeiàrsi, lo congeal, freìze
Congelato —-' cougea
ieif known ; riconóscere, to
Congrega, and Congregazióne, tcknonledge far conóscere,
frozen ;
/. a congregation .0 prove ; conóscersi, to un-
^e,f. congelai. Congregaménto, »n. an assetn-
o -j.-^^-^, hoard bly
Congettura, and Conghiettiira Conoscfbile, adj. cognizable
v^ongiegare, to assemble
/ guess Congregato, part, assembled Conosciménto, m. and Conos-
Congetturale, adj. conjectural Congresso, port, congress, meet-
Congetturalmérite, -itùra, / sense, wit, judg-
adv. by ment, experience
COn|rua,/. a sufficient income
Congetturare, to conjecture loscitdre, m. a skilful man.
ongruaménte, adv. congru-
Conghietturàle, adj. conjee ously Conosciutamente, adv. Judi-
Congruènte, aij. suitable
Conghietturàto, part, guessed Congruenza,
Conghietturatdre, m. a conjee- /. congruence, Conosciutfssimo, adj.
conformity known, skilful
Congruo, adj. congruous, pro- Conosciuto,
Congiugdle, adj. conjugal part, ktwi
Congiugare, {see Coniugare) ed
Congnagliàre, to equal Conquassaménto,
^°^S^"Sa2i'5ne, /. conjuga- splitting
Conguàglio, 7/1. a levelling lo pieces
Coniare, to coin, to bind
Congiùgnere, and Conquassare, to destre
Congiùn- , part, coined
gere, to join close ; congiù- Conquassato, part, destroyed
Coniatóre, m. a coir
gnersi, to approach '^onquassazidne, /. and Con
Conicalménte, adv. quàsso, m. havoc, destruc
Congiugniraénto, and Con-
giungiménto, m. conjunc- -—- — yf (see Congettura)
tion ; andar in conquasso, to
Conietturàre, (see Congettu- Conquidere, to affiict
Congiugnitdre, rare, and ''• J—.—..-•-.-*
'"""f".'."' !
Conquiste,/, conquest
Coniglieria, /. Conquistare, to conquer
a,/>m ,

Conquistato, part, subdued

Congiù .„, .^^
L,ongiuntaménte, adv. jointly
Coniglio, m
a rabbit

Conquistatore, ,n. a conqueror.

Cdnio, »?i. a stamp for coir mg

Consacrare, and Consagràre,

Congiuntivo, m. the connine ;
(monéta) money
tive mood oniugale, adj conjugal
Congiuntivo, and Congiùnto Consacrato, and Consagràto,
v^oniugare, to conjugate 1

adj. joined

part, dedicated
Coniugato, part, conjug Consacrazione, and ConsagTA
Congiùnto, m. kindred d. I

PART I I gidne, /. cgnsecrcitifTi

Consanguineo, adj. related, [
try : far consèrva, to make
provision ; consèrva d'acqua,
Consanguinità, /. relationship a water-house ; andar di con-
Consapévole, adj. conscioiu ; >
serva, fsea term) to keep Consistere^ to consist
far consapévole, lo iinpart \
company together Consistdiio, m. a consistory
Consapevolézza, /. notice ; Conservàbile, adj. preserved Consobrlno, m. a cousin-ger-
knowledge ConservadiJre, and Conserva-
Consapevolmente, adv. rvith j
tore, support Consociazidne, /. association,

Conservaménto, m. alliance
Consciénza,/. {see Cosciènza) I
Hon Consocile, m. a companion
Cònscio, adj knowing of, con- Consolamènto, m. comfort
Consolante, adj. comfortable
Conscritto, part, (registrato) Consolare, to comfort, \comole
enrolled, registered, written Conservativo, adj fit to keep ;
si consola facilménte di
Conscrlvere, (registrare) to m. a keeper, protector
questa perdita, he is not much
write, to pen, to register Conservato, part, preserved,
1 troubled for this loss
Consecrire, {see Consacrare) kept, saved
Consolare, adj consular ; di-
Consecutivamente, adv. one Conservatolo, m. a reservoir ità consolare, consular
after atiother Conservatòrio, nt. a work-
Consecutivo, adj. one after house, a nunnery
olarménte, adv. consul-
Conservazióne, and Conser-

Consecuzióne,/, acquisition vagidne,/. preservation


Consegnare, to deposit, con- Conservo, m. a fe.'low-ser- tmfort-

sign, intrust, to deliver auiy
Consegnato, part, consigned, Consesso, m. assembly Consolatfvo, adj. comfortable
delivered, described Consideràbile, adj. considera- Consolato, m. consulship
Consegnazidne, /. deposition, !
ble Consolato, adj. comforted ;
delivery Considerabilménte, adv. con- questa pioggia vien conso-

Conseguente, part, consequent. I

siderably lata, thU rain is cmnfort-

Considerante, adj. consider- able

. 1
ing Consolatore, m. comforter
Considerare, to think, to medi- Consolatòrio, part, comforting
Consolazióne,/, comfort
Conseguenteménte, adv. by Consideratamente, arfi». iConsole, and Consolo, m. a
Conseguenza. /. consequence, Considerato, part, considered Consolida, /. rvallwort, com-
inference, conclusion, sequel ;
Consideratdre, m. who consi- frey, btigle (herb)
{impoTtónz3i)momenl, weight: Consolidaménto, 7n. soldering
(termine in logica) conse- . Considerazióne, /. and Con- Consolidare, to consolidate, to
quence sideraménto, »t. considera- confirm, corroborate : conso-
Conseguiménto, m. adoption, 1
1 tion lidare l' amicizia, to strength-
getting Consigliànte, adj. advising en friendship
Conseguire, to obtain, -gel, Consigliare, io advise ; con- Consolidativo, adj. consolidat-
gain, succeed in the pursuit sigliarsi, to consult with ;
of a thin_g ; (succèdere) to lasciatevi consigliar da me,
take my advice

succeed, follow, come next \

Conseguitare, to follow; (also) Consigliatamente, adv. ad-

visedly Consomigliàre, to conform
Conseguitatdre, m. who o6- Consigliatlvo, adj. fit to advise Consonante, adj. harmonious
tains Consigliato, part, advised C onsonantcraénte, adv. con
Consènso, and Consentiménto, Consigliatdre, m. adviser formabty, pursuant
m. consent, approbation Consiglière, m. counsellor, an Consonanza, /. harmony vi- ;

Consentàneo, adj. agreeable. under-pilot vere in consonanza con qual-

Consiglio, m. resolution ; prèn- cheduno, to live in good un-
Consentiménto, m. consent der consiglio, to resolve stai ; derstanding with somebody
Consentire, to consent a consiglio, to talk secretly ; Consonare, to agree, to sing
Consentito, part, consented consiglio di stato, a council together
Consentitdre, m. mho con- board ; consiglio dì guèrra, coin e., this
a eourt-martial suitable to my in
Consigndre, m. t ioint-lord, consono, adj. agreeable
Consórte, rn. and f husband,
Consimigliàre, to resemble wife ; ambo consòrti, hus-
Conslmile, adj. resembling band and wife [pany
Consistènte, adj. consistent Consorteria,/« society, com-
Conserto, m. a ecmpumon Consumante, adj. wasted, eon
Consòrzio, m. fellowship, com- sumed, accomplished
pany, familiarily Consumare, to waste, destroy ; Contdre, <
CÓnspfcere, to discern Contilo, part, reckoned, told
Conspfcuo, (see Cospicuo) Consumativo, and Consume- Contatóre, m. a computisi
Conspiràre, lo plot, conspire lyning; sapi- Contatto, »i. touch, contaet
Conspirato, part, conspired, én5a*"^'- àta, a perfect Contazióne,/, an account
nited Cónte, m. earl, count
Conspiratcire, Contèa,/, county
Conteggiare, to compute
Conspirazidne, /. conspiracy Contégna, /. a grave, proua
Constóre, io appear consta : Consumatore, m. waster, con- countenance
tutti, every body knows Contégno,»», appearance: ca-
Consternaziòne, f, consterna- Consumazidne, /. consump- ~ inàr in contégno, to walk
tion ih gravity
Constipàto, adj. dose, Consumo, m. waste, decay Contegnóso, adj. sober, grave
Consuntivo, adj. consuming Contemperanza, /. proportion.
Constitufre, to constitute, ap-
point : constitufre alcuno Consunzione, / consumption ;

in dignità, to prefer to ho- de' sècoli, the

Constitulto, part, constitut- Contemperazione, /. temper

Contemplaménto, rn. contem-
Constitutòre, m. he rvho plation
stitutes Contemplante, adj. contemn-
Constituziòne, /. constitu- plating
Consustanzialmente, adv. con- Contemplare, io contemplate.
Constrignere, andCostrin- substantially
gere, to constrain, force Consustanziazióne, /. consub- Contemplativo, adj. eontem-
Constrigniinénto, and Cos- stantiation
tringiménto, ni. compul- Contadina, /. a cnuntry-ruo- Coiitemplatóre, m. a centem-

Construfre, fo build, to c( Contadinélla, /. a country- Conteraplazióne,/. contempla-

strue words
Constrùtto, part, built Contadinèllo, m. a country- Contemporàneo, adj. canlem-
Constrùtto, »«. profit, gai lad porary
Non so olle sarà il construtto C outadinescaménte,a(i» donn- Contempràre, to temper, mo-
di quest" affare, / do not ishly, rudely
knot» what will be the result Contadinésco, and Contadino, Contendente, adj. contend-
of that affair adj. rustic, rude ing
Construzióne, /. construction, Contadino, m. a countryman Contendènza, /. a conten-
framing Contado, m. fields, shire, coun-
Consuetamente, adv. as u- try (also) the vicinity of a
Conténdere, to quarrel, debate,
fight, to strive
Consuèto, adj. usual, accus- Contàgio, m. and Contagióne, Contendevolménte, adv. liti-
/. infecti07ì, plague giously
Contagióso, adj. contagious. Contendìménto, m. contention,
happen strife
Consuetudinàrio, adj. usual. Contamente, adv. properly, Contenditóre, «i. a qua-rreller
ordinary handsomely Contenente, adv. directly
Consuetudine,/ custom, use Contaraento, m. an account Contenènte, adj containing
Consulta,/, consultation Contaminàbile, adj. what may Contenènza, /. continence, ca-
Consultare, to consult, take be contaminated paciousness, gravity
Contarainaménto, m. pollu Contenére, to contain, com-
iion, defiling prise, refrain:
Contaminare, to contaminate, self
infect Conteniménto, m. modera-
Consultivo, adj. Jit to < Contaminatissimo, adj, quite
Contgnnere, to despise
Contaminato, adj. infected, de- Contentaménto, »». content, de-
filed light
Contaminatóre, m. mho pollutes Contentare, to content, please,
Contaminazióne, /. contami-
voglie, to gratify the indi
nation : contentarsi, to be Contingènza, /. contingency,

Content4to,a(//. tatisjied, pleas- Contlngere, to happen

Contingibile, adj. casual Contrabbilanciare, to counter-
Contentatura,/, content Contingibilità,/ casually
Contentévole, adj. pleasing Continovàre, {see Continuare,
Contraccambiàre, to recom-
Contentézza, /. content, plea- and its derivatives) pense, reward, to truck
Continuamente, adv. Contracciinibio, m. mutual
Contentibile, aàj. contemptible, nually exchange rendere il con- :

Continuaménto, m. Continua, traccàmbio, to be even with a

Contènto, adj. contented, pleas- and Continuazióne,/, conli- person
Contracchiàve,/. a false key
tcnto se non lo vedo, I shall Continuànte. adj. assiduous Contraccffra, and Contrac-
never be easy if 1 do not Continuare, to continue, to last ci'fera,/ a key for decipher-
Continuatamente, adv. per- ing
Contènto, m- contentment petually ContraccWglia, /. the keel of a
Gonteniito, pait. contained Continuato, part, continued
Contenuto, m. the contents Continuatóre, m. a continua-
dirò tutto il contenute to r
shall tell you the story Continuazióne, /. continua-
Contenzidne, /. debate, dis- Contrada,/, country, province,
Continuità,/ continuity street
ContenSiosaménte, adv. con- Continuo, m. a close body Contraddanza, /. country-
tentiously Contfnuo, adj. continual fèb- ;

Contenzióso, adj. quarrel- bre contìnua, a continual Conlraddètto, «n. contradic-

fever. Del, or Al continuo, tion ; sènza conuaddétto,

Gonteria, /. glass of lariotu ,ntly
• without dispute
colours to form necklaces, Contraddicénte, adj. contra
crorvns, S(c.
Conterminale, end Contermi- Contraddiciménto,a«<J Contra
no, adj contiguous persóna, io esteem non ; diciménto, m. contradiction
Conterminare, to border upon cónto di nessuno, he vali Contraddicitóre, ni. he who
Contésa, /. striving, strug- nobody ;
di cónto. 1 contradicts
gling, quarrelling reat n ai- Contraddire, to contradict, op-
Contéso, part, hindered pose ; contraddirsi, to falter
Contèssa,/, countess cónto, cheap ; per che conto, ContraddirXtto, m. fine, j>e-
Contèssere, to join, tvarp for what reason f far i cónti, nalty
Contestàbile, m. constable io settle accounts; conti chitó, Contraddistìnguere, to distin-
gran contestàbile, (in tin amici cari, even reckonings guish, to signalize one's self
order of St. Stephen) thi make long friends voi m- ; Contradditóre, m. antagonist
grand prior ne renderete conto, you sita Contraddìttoriaménte^
Contestare una lite, to bring be accountable to me for it , iradictorily
an action of law non mi toma à conto, I do Contraddittorio, adj. contra-
Contestazióne,/, contention notjìnd my account in i dictory propositions
Contèsto, adj. woven Contòrcere, io twist, w Contraddiviéto, m. prohibited
Contézza,/, information, news; writhe contòrcersi, io

non posso darvene maggfor wry faces Contraddizióne, /. and Con-

contezza, 1 cannot tell you Contorciménto, m. contai traJdiciménto, m. contra-
Ttomàre, v. io delineate, de- diction
Conticlno, ma small bill ign, to sketch Contradiàre, {see Contrariare
Contfgia. /. ornament Contornarsi, io have recourse and all its derivatives)
Contigiato, adj. adorned Contornato, part, turned about Contradi're, {see Contraddire,
Contiguità, /: neighbourhood, Contórno, precinct, circuit ;
»i. and all its derivatives)
contórni, the contours of a Contràere, {see Contrarre)
Contfguo, adj. contiguous picture Contraffaciménto, m. counter
Continènte, adj. continent. Contorsióne, /. a convulsion, feiting
fii Contraftàcitóre, and Contraf-
Continentemente, adv. chaste- Contòrto, adj. twisted, crooked fatóre, m. counterfeiter, imi-
Contra, prep, (cóntro) against tator
Continènza, /. circumference, Contrabbandière, in. smug-
contin enee, ^firmness gler
Contingente,"ad;. accidental Contrabbando, »i. prohibited
Contingentemente, adv. co- goods fai ; il contrabbando,
tt$ally to s^nuggle
Contraffattùra, and Contraf- Contràrio, adj. contrary. V Contrnunére, to run against
fazióne,/, counterfeiting contràrio, adv. on the cc Contravvallazidne, /. counter-
Contraffòrte, m. a buttress, a trary. Al contràrio, au vallation
prop quite contrary ContravTedére, to look at one
ContraWga, /. counterfiigue. Contràrio, m. the contrary with an evil eye
Contrarre, and Contràere, 10 Contravveléno, m, counter-
Contraggénio, m. antipathy contract, covenant, to unite. poison, antidote
Contraimento, m. contraction Join ; contrarre debiti, to Contravvenire, to infringe a
Contrafre, to oppose, 7 esist run into debt contrarre

Contralettera, /. a counter-
Contrallùme, m. a false light Contrarispóndere, to rejoin
Contralto, m. a counter-treble Contrarispósta, f. a rejoinder, Contrawersilh,/. con
Contrariialia, /. a counter- or duplication Contrazióne,/, contri
charm Contrascambiaménto, m. a Contribuire, to contri
Contramdrca, /. a counter- counter- change Contributóre, m. wh
m-ark Contrascàrpa, /. a
Contrainmandàre, to counter- Contribuzióne, /.
Contrammand;(to, m. a coun- Con trascrivere,
Contrammdrcìa, /. a counter- Con trascritto, n e (for, indon.')
[sign Contrlrsi, te
Contrassegnare, Contristaménte, adv. rvith con-
Contrassegnato, paìi. counter-
signed Contristaménto, m. and Con-
Contrassegnatùra,/. a counter- tristaZióne, /. ajfìiction,
signature grief
Contrammiraglio, m. a rear- Contristare, to affiicl ; con-
admiral tristarsi, to be afflicted
Contrammoménto,m. counter- Contristatlvo, adj. afflicting
poise Contrasslgillàre, to counler- ^MUtristàto, adj.- aj/icted
Contraoperazidne, /. a con- :ontristatóre, i?i. one who
trary effect Contrassiglllo, m. o counter- affiicts
Contrai\-irte,/./ÌM< and second Contritamente, adv. jviih con-
Contrastàbile, adj contentions trition
Contrapolènza,/. resistance Contrastaménto,' m. a dispute Contritàre, to mince
Contrappiisso, m. the lex ia- Contrastante, adJ. resisting Contrito, adj. minced (also^
limb for limb
Contrappelo, m. against the Contrizióne, / sorrow fur
Contrai)pesaménto, m. equi-
Contrappesàre, to cotmter- Contrastatóre, m. opposer
Contrasto, m and Contras-
Contrappéso, m-. a counier- tanza,/, debate, quarrel
poise, weight Contrata, /. cou,Ury, (in Controstòmaco, adv. umvill-
Contrapponirnénto, m. oppo- poetry)
Contrattaménto, m. and Con- Controvàre, to invent, feign
Contrappdrre, oppose con-
to ; trattagióne,^'. dealing, trad- Controvato, part, invented,
trapporsi, to be against; to devised
intcfere [tion Confrattàre, to contractH'ar- Controversia, /. debc.te, dis-
Contrapposizióne, /. opposi- Contratempo, m. mischance pute
ContrappSsto, m. the oppo- Di contratémpo, adv. un- Controverslsta, m. a contro
seasonably : fare una cosa à
ContrappiSnto, hi. counter- contratémpo, to do a thing Controverso, adj. coiUroi-er-
point : far il contrappunto, unseasonably
to accompany (in music) Contratto, m. deed, instru- Controvertere, to dtba/e
Contrariamente, adv. con- ment, agreement contrat- Controvertibile, adj. douilful.

trarily to di donazióne, o deed of

Contrariare, to contradict gift
Contrarietà, /. opposition, dis-
agreement tribolazióne, ad-
\ shrinking

auembly Convivere, to lire together
/. and Contu-
Convento, m. an ,
convent, monastery, house ;
Conviviale, adj. belonging to a
n.dce, m. 7vilfulne,s, stub-
Conventuale, adj. frate con- Convocare, to call together
ContumeUa,/ affront, abuse Convocato, part, convoked,
Contumeliosamente, adv, out-
Conveniito. part, agreed-
rageously ~ rtvenzionàle, adj. conven- Convocatore, m. rvho convokes
Contumelióso, aiìj. aeronave ''on vocazióne, / and Convo-
Contundente, a. bruising, that caménto, wi. convocation
iivenzionarsi to agree
Convogliare, <o convoy, attend
Conturbaménto, m. Contur- Convoglio, m. a conro»/
bagióne, and Conturbazióne, Convolare, to marrjj again
Conversa, a lay-sister
/. disturbance " ConvOlgere, io tvalloiv, tumble,
ersàbile, adj. sociable
Conturbare, to disturb, vex, to
fersaraente, adv. on the
tkrorv into a confusion ConvGlto, adj. dirty, tumbled
adj. disturbed.
adj. conversant Convòlvolo, tn. convolvulus, a
Conversare, ,_
Contusióne, /. contusion.
sociable. Convulsioncélla, a slight con-
Con versa tlvo,
Contùso, ad), bruised aJTubh
Conversato, pari frequented Convulsióne,/- convulsion
Contuttoché, ce>ij although Convulsivo, and Convulso,
Contuttociò, conj. however, yet
Conversatóre, m. mho con-
adj. convulsive
ConTalescSnte, adj. recovi Con- Cooperaménto, m. co-operation
onversazióne, /. and
ing; èsser convalescènte, Cooperante, adj. marking togt-
versaménto, m. discourse,
ConvalescgnSa,/. recovery Cooperante, m- co-operator
Con versi' vole,
• adj
adj. si
Convalidare, to confir,.,,
Cooperare, to co-operate
strengthen ; convalidarsi, to Cooperatóre, m. a feUotv-
get strength. marker
Converso, pari. ^u,,^^. ..••,
Convalidato, fart, corrobo-
changed. Per convèrso, adv. Cooperazióne,/, co-operalwn
rated Coordinato, adj. set in good
ContàWe, f. a valley on the contrary
ConvenSnte, m. deed, agree- Converso. »i. a lay-brother
Convertibile, adj. transform
Coordinazióne,/, order
ment ; osservare il conve- Coorte,/, cohort of soldiers
nénte, to keep a promise
Convenenza, /. agreement. Coperchiella, /. a eunning
shift, trick
conveni- to
Coperchio, m. a cover a lid
Convenévole, adj. (

; ,
o oe converted
ent; convenévoT cosa è, it il soperchio rompe il
part, converted
it reasonable; fare i con- ,
chio, too much of any thing
venévoli, to make compii- Convertitóre, m. a converter
is good for nothing
Copèrta,/ a cover ; copèrta da
Toli, io stand upon cere- Convesso, adj- convex copèrta di
lètto, a coverlet
Oonvidre. to convoy, guard

lana, a blanket copèrta d ;

Convenevolézza,/. conveniency lonviato, part, convoyed, at-

una casa, the roof of a house :
Convenevolissimamente, adv. copèrta di vascèllo, the
Convicino, adj. neighbouring
most comfortably
^Convincente, adj. convincing, deck: sotto copérU, under
Convenevolmente, and Con- [dently pretence [closely
venientemente, adv. com- clear
adv. secretly
modi^-usly, conveniently
Convincentemente, adv. evi- Copertamente,
Copertina,/, coverlet
a decency. Convincere, to convict, eon-
Conveniente, ni. Coperto, adj covered; dark,
part. convicted, obscure ; parlar copèrto, am
Convenienza,/, decency Convfnto, discourse
biguous words,
Conveniménto, »» agreement. Convinzióne, /. conviction
méttersi al copèrto, io shelter
Convitare, to invite to keep ar
Convenire, to agree, to meet, Copertóio, «I. a cover, roof; a
part, invited
assemble: to be necessary; Convitato, double net
Convitato, m. a guest
ci conviene partire, tve must Copertura,/ (see Copèrto)
[doctor Convitatóre, m. an inviier
banquet; and Con Cdpin, /. plenty, copiousnfss ;
Conventire, to make one a Convito,»» living togeth far còpia di se, prostitu-
livio, m.. feast,
Convenla/ióne, /. coronation tion ; copi» (»«raplilre), a
poets) Cot extract
(of .aiX"' copy, tran.icr:pt, .

CoTivenUcoIa, /. and Con- quésto ci darà graii copia

venticole, m. private me2t di ragianare, this n'U
afford tu great matter for Cortacchiiio, m. a silly felloni Coricare, and Coricarsi, to lie
Corbàccio, n. a tort of raven down, stoop down
Corbàre, to puff with pride Coricato, adj. lying
Còrba, /. curbs corba d'una
: Corifèo, m. the chief, princifol
Copiglia,/, a linchpin Corhel'mre, to make a jest of Corimbo, m. ivy berries
Copiosamente, adv. copiously Corbellatdre, he that jests Corintio, m. Corinthian order
Copiosissimo, arf;. most pienti- Corbellatura,/ scoffing Cdrio, m. the skin ; (out of
Copiosità,/, abundance [fui Corbelleria,/ idle stuff- Joke) io ti trarrò il cdrio, l
Copista, m. a copyist, a tran- Corbèllo, m. a basket' ivilljlay thee alive
Corbezzola,/, the arbutus Corista, m. a chorister
Copistàccio, m. a scrawler Corbézzolo, m. arbuttts-tree Corizza, / a pose, a rheum
Cojipa,/. the nape of the head ;
Corbicino, m. a young crorv ; stopping the nose
Tiso, a cup : servir di còppa, 5rbo. m. a crutv; aspettar Còma,/, pi. of Como, horns
to be a cup-bearer Cornàcchia, / a rook
Coppardsa, /. copperas, or Corbdna,/. a purse Cornacchiaménto, m. prating.
vitriol Corcare, to go to bed
Còppe,/, plur. cups, a suit of Corda, / a cord, line ; corda
certain cards used in Italii,S;-e. del collo, the tendons
Coppèlla,/, o coppe/: argènto Cordame, ra. cordage, the rig
di coppélla,.^?ie silver ; met- gingofaship
tere alla coppèlla, to put to a Cordeggiàre, to be in a line,
trial even [cord
Coppellare, to try gold or silver Cordèlla,/, tape, riband, small Cornamusa,/, a bagpipe
by the coppel Corderia,/, a rope-yard Comamusàre, lo play on the
Coppetta./, a cupping-glass Cordiale, adj. iiiicere, affec- bagpipe
Còppia,/ a couple, a pair tionate : nemico cordiale, a Cornare, lo sound a horn
Coppière, m. a cup-bearer declared enemy Cornea,/ a portion of the eye
Còppo, m. pitcher, a cup Cordiale, m. a cordial Corneggiare, to toss about
Coppdni, »/i. pi. chips Cordialità, /. cordiality the horns ; la luna corneg-
Coprente, adj. covering Cordialmente, adv. heartily gia, the moon is in its in-
Cordicèlla, and Cordicina, /.
ha copriménto addsso, he is a small cord Cornètta, /. a musical instru-
Cordiglièro, m. a cordelier, (a ment a standard, a troop of

Coprire, io cover, hide, dis- Franciscan friar)

semble, si copra, put on your Cordiglio, m. a band, He, Cornétto, m a small horn
Copritore, m. a coveì-er,aiiler, Cordogiidre, tin. to grieve, be Cornicione, m. a large frame
thatcher afflicted Comicoldto, part, horned
Copritura,/, a covering Cordòglio, m. grief, sorrorv ; si Corniòla, /. berry, hedge-
Còpula,/, coupling, conjunction è fatto gran cordoglio della fruit
Copulare, to couple sua morte, his death has been Còrniòlo, »i the corn il-f ree
Copulativamente, adv. copula- greatly lamented I. horn : far le coma
iively Cordogliosaménte, adv. grief adu C1,ckold ;

Copulativo, adj. copulative of heart, sorronfully

Coraggio, ni. courage, valour Cordoglidso, adj. sorronful
Coraggiosamente, adv. vali Cordoncino, ni." a small string a ad 1

anlly [bold Corddne, m. a string

Coraggióso, ad}, stout, brave. Cordovaniére, m. a tanner, a
Corallino, adj coral colour shoemaker Comucdpia,/. plenty
Corallo, m. 'eorul Cordovano, >n. cordovan lea- Cornuto, adj horned, a cuc-
Coralmente, adv. cordially thi-r tirar il
: cordovano, kold
Corame, »n. dressed leather to use thifs, to play fast and Cdro, m. chorus, choir; coro.
CorampGpolo, adv. in public,
openly Cdre, m. heart (in poetry) Corografia,/, chorography
Coraravdbis, m. a lusty felloiv Coréggia, and Coregina, a / Corogràiìco, adj. chorographi-
Corata, f. the pluck strap; tirdre una coréggia.
Coratello, /. the liver of an eak wind Corollàrio, m
Coreggiaio, m. a ttrap-n it, kingdom.
Coreggiàto, m. ajlail
Coreggidne, «i a large strap cosa, to take the advantage <\f
Coregrafia,/ chorography anything
an', thins-
Coriandolo, and Coriàndro, m. Coronalo, m, a ch
oronàio, »«. chaplet maker
Coronale, nf n rrnm»
nrli of
'.nrnnA]f>. a<^.
corródersi il cuòre, io

Correo, «i. an accomplice, flarv

Corona2ii5ne,/. coronation
Ccrpacciàta,/. a belly full ; far Córrere, io run; córrer la
una corpacciata, to stuffone's pósta, lo ride post . córrer
lelf al fine, io be a dying ; uór- Corrompévole, adj. corrupti-
Corpaccio, m. a bulky body
Corjiacciùto, adj. corpulent member; córrer voca, they Corrompiménto, m, corrup-
Corpetto, m. a rvaUtcoat say far córrer voce,
; io
Corpicello, and Corpicino, m. spread nervs; córrer dietro Corrompitóre, m. a corrupter,
a weak body aduno, io entreat one córrer : falsifier,forger
Corpo, m. body, shape; so- addòsso altrui, io fall on. Corrosióne,/, corrosion, gnan-
ciety ; bello m
corpo, tvell-
shaped; egli ha
il diàvolo Correrla, /. incursion, excur- Corrosfvo, pr.rt. corroding
in corpo, the devil is in him ; Corróso, adj. corroded
combàttere corpo a corpo, Correspettivaraénte, adv. re- Corrottamente, adv. corrupt
io fight ; andar del corpo, io spectively ly
void ; nascere ad un corpo, Correspettività, /. relation, Corroltibile, adj corruptible
affinity Corrótto, pari. corrupted,
son nati ad un corpo, iliey Correspèttlvo, adj. equivalent, bribed; corrótta fede, bro-
corresponding ken faith; testimóni cor
Corporale, adj. corporal Correttamente, adv. correctly rótti, suborned, or bribed nit
Coiporalità, and Corporeità, Correttivo, adj. corrective
/. corporaliiy Corretto, part, amended Corrótto, ni. weeping, mourn-
Corporalmente, adu. corporally Correttóre, m. and Conrettrice, ing
Corporatura, and Corpulènza, Corrucciàrsi, io be in a pas-
/. bulk, size, plichi Correttorla,/. a correctorship
Corpòreo, adj. bodily Correzióne, /. correction, Corrucciàto, adj. provoked,
Corpulènto, adj. corpulent punishment, reproof: cor-
Corpulènza, /. corpulency rezióne degli abusi, refbrma- ComiCL-io, m. anger, passion
Corpùscolo, m. a corpuscle iion of abuses Corrucciosamènte, and Cor-
Corpusdómini, m. a certain orridóio, nt. a gallery rucciatamènte, adv. angrily,
festival, called Corpus- Corridóre, m. covered nay, peevishly
Christi-day scouts, a horse Corniccióso, adj. passionate
Corp\ito, adj. bulky, big-bel- Corrugare, io bend, contract
one's brorv, to rvrinkle
Corpiizzo, m. a corpuscle Corrimónto, m
a race cor- Corrusco, adj. sparkling

Corre, isee Cogliere) riménto di vènto, bloiving of Corruttèla, and Corruzione,

Corredare, to equip, furnish. the wind /. corruption, spot, ble-
Corrispondènte, adj. agree-
Corredato, pari, equipped Comittibile, adj. corrupti-
Corrèdo, in provision, feast ; Corrispondènte, m. ble
corrèdo di nave, rigging. respondent Corruttibilità, /. corruptibi-
Corrispondentemente, adv. lity
Correggente, pari, correcting aptly, fitly Corruttóre, m. corrupter
Corrèggere, io correct, io me Corrispondènza,/, correspond- Corsa,/, race : corsa di cavalli,

Correggèvole, adj. corrigibli ence proporzióne, propor-


Correggìménto, m. corree- Corsale, and Corsare, m. cor-

Corrispóndere, to agree niith, sair, pirate
Correggitòre, m. reformer to match, to deal Corsaletto, m. (corazza) a
Correggiuòlo, m. a crucible Corrispósto, part, ansrver
Corregnàre, io reign together Corritòio, m, a corridor Corseggiare, io rob at sea
Correlativo, adj. mutually re- Corritòre, m. a scout Corseggialo, adj. piratical
Corrivo, m. a silly fellorv Corsia, / a current, stream
Correlazióne,/, a mutuai rela- Corroborante, Corroborato, Corsière, m. a courser, a
tion, correlation and Corroborativo, pati, steed
Corrènte,/, a stream corroborated, or corroborat- Corsivamente, adv. running
Corrènte, adv. fluently ing full speed :passar corsiva-
Corroborare, io strengthen, mente una cosa, to take mo
confirm notice of a thing
Corroborazióne, /. confirm- Corsivo, adj. running; Tersi
corsiivi, flowing verses
1 •"^' ~.

stile cors ,vo. t smooth tlyle ; Cortigiano, adj. of, or belong- Cosmogràfico, adj. cosma-
carditeli __ i, italic types ing to a court
Córso, m. cotti Cortile, m. court-yard Cosmógrafo, m. a coanogra-
Cortilitto, and Cortiluffo, m. pher
in corsoT to pirate; far il CosmoUbio, m. an instrument
cdrso dpgli studj. io make a Cortina,/, a bed-curtain like the astrolabe
course of studies Cortinrtggic ' "
Cosmologia,/, cosmology
Còrso, part, passed run : ; Cosmològico, adj. cosmolo
l'anno còrso, last year Córt gical
Còno, ad j native nf Corsica Córto, adj. short córto di ; Cosmopolita, and Cosmopo-
Corsóio, adj. rumting càppio : vista, short-sighted. Di córto, li tdno, m. a cosmopolite,
adv. shortly tener córto, to ; inhabitant of the
keep in legar córto, to deal ; world)
Cortàldo, m. a cropt horse ; a Còso, m. nny, silly fet-
Córto, à<ii>. shortly low
Cortamente, adv. shortly, Corvétta, /. curvet Cospàrso, Cospàrto, and Cos-
rlejly Corvettare, to prance perso.par*. strerfed,natered.
•te,/ Corvettatóre, m. a horse that
irte, I Cospergere, and Cospàrgere,
to disperse, sprinkle
Cortedre, to accompany a Cospetto, m. presence
bride Cospetto, interj. xookers!
Corteccia, /. bark, crust : Cospettòne, hi. a vapouring
corteosiu i51a, f. a small
Cospicu adj. clear.
Corteggiare, to attend, court guénza, a serious matter ; fest
cose da nulla, baubles, Cospirare, io conspire
trifes Cospirato, part. conspired,
CortCcKio, and Corteggia- Cosaci-hi, m. pi. Cossacks plotted
Cospiratóre, m. conspirator
Coscéndere, (see Condescén- CospiraJióne,/. plot, comlina-
Cortegiar.esco, adj. of a dere)
Coscia, /. a thigh ; còscia di COsso, m. a wart, hunch
Cortegianfa, /. court-in- pónte, the Jhot of a bridge : Costa, /. a rib; spiaggia, a
còscia di castrato, a leg of coast ; andar còsta còsta, to
Cortéo, m. a train, or re- mutton ; còscia di manzo, a
leg ^beef !
Coita, adv. there, thither; via
Cortése , adj. courteous, affable Cosciale, m. cuisses fan ar- di costà, get you hence
Corteseggiaménto, m. gene- mour of the thigh Costaggiù, adv. here, below.
rosity, living at a high Coscienza, /. conscience; far
cosciènza, to make con- Costante, adj. constant, stead-
Corteseggiale, to spend high. science, or scruple of any fast ; per costante, for cer-
Cortesemente, adv. courie- Coscienzidto, adj. conscien- Costanteménte, adv. assi-
Cortcs'fa, /. courtesy ; mi fac- Coscienziosamente, adv. ton- Costanza, / consfanty
cia la cortesfa, be so kind scieutiously Costare, to cost ; caro mi còsta,
Cortézza,/, brevity Coscinétto, m. a bag / pay dear costare, to be

Coriicma., f. a sinall yard Coselllna, Coserella, and plain ; còsta a tutti, every
Cortigiana,/, a common n'O- Cosètta,/. trif.e body knows
man, (also) a court lady Cosi, adv. so. thus, after this Costassù, adv. there, above
Cortigianamente, adv. cour- manner ; egli mi disse Costato, m. side, ribs
tier-like cosi, Ae told me so ; cosi, Costato, part, cost
Cortigianeria, /. (see Corte- I rvish : così, cos), so, so ; Costeggiare, to coast along
gianfa) cost fatto, such like ; non Costèi, pron.f. she, or this
Cortigianésco, adj. belong- ho detto cosi fatte cose, / Costellazióne, /. constella-
did not say so ditegli cosi
; tion
mónie, compliménti cor- e cosi, tell '
- - — •

tigianésclii, fair empty just


si lettamente, adv. i this 1 i

i Cortigiania, /. courtier's Costernazióne, /.
Cosmetico, adj.
Cortigiano, m. a courtier, a (beautifying) there, in that
Cosmografia, f. cosmography
Costière, m. a coasting pilot Costumato, ff^rt. used, ac- Cozzóne,/, boiling, dressing
Costinci, adv. thence ; uscfte customed ; di buoni costumi, Cozz^e, to butt, as rams ; to
nell-bred strike, to contend
Costipare, to constipale, Costumazióne,/. instruction Cozzata, /. and Cozzo, m. s
Costume, ni. custom, usage, use 6/on' with a horn ; che giova
Costipato, actj. bound, cos- nelle fata dar di cozzo ?
wltat signifies striving
Cosfipazidne,/ costii'enets against fate t
Costitute, to constitute, ap- Cotài, and Cot^li, pron. m. pi. Cozzóne, m. a horse-dealer
point, to raise, prefer Cotale, pron. such ; in cotàl Crànio, m. the skull
Costitufto, part, appointed, modo, in such manner Cràpula, /. drunkenness, de-
established Cotale, m. a dunce bauchery
CostituitcSre, and Costitutóre, Cotanto, so much, so long, thus Crapulare, to eat and drink to
m. a constitutor much ; perchè siete stato
cotanto a venire ? why were Crapulóne, m. a glutton
you so long a coming f Crapulosità, gluttony
Costi ttitutioi Còte, /. a nhet-stone (in poe- Crassezza., f filth, grease
Ì,deer e, law try) Crasso, adj. fat, greasy :
CCsto, »i. charge, expense ; Cotenna, and Cótica,,/, the ignoranza crassa, o gross
sènza cdsto, rvithout any skin of the head ignorance
expense Cotesti, pron. this, this man Cravatta, / a cravat, a stock
Costola,/, a rib Cotesto, adj. this, that Creante, adj. creating
Costolati\ra,/. all the ribs Cotestùi, pron. this ; pi. Co- Creanza, /. civility; non sa-
Costoliére, m. a wood-knife, a testóro, these rebbe buona creanza se voi
Cotidianaménte, adv. daily faceste questo, il would not J
Costollna,/. a small rib Cotidiàno, adj daily be civil in you to do such a
Costóro, proa. m. pi. these, Cotógna, jr. a quince
Cotognéto, ni. marmalade Creanzato, adj. polite, tvell-
Costrettfvo, adj. astringent Cotógno, m. guince-tree
Costretto, part, constrained, Cotóne, m. corto» Creàre, to create
forced Cotomfce, and Coturnice, /.
Costrfgnere, and Constrln- a quail, a partridge
gere, to cotistrain, oblige : Cótta,/, a coat, a surplice creato, ill-bred
la necessità mi costrigne à Cotttccio, adJ. half-baked Creatóre, nt. creator : in-
fare quel che non vorrei, Cotto, adj. cooked gégno creatóre, an original
necessity forces me to do Cottura, dressing meat
what I would not Coturno, ni. a buskin Creatura, /. creature
Costiigniménto, and Cos- CÓTa,f. a tortoise-shell Creaturina, and CreaturSlIa,

tringiménto, ni. compuls Covacelo, and Covacciolo, m. /. a little creature

Creazióne, f. creation
Costrizióne, /. conttrici Covante, atlj. hatching Crèbro, adj. (in poetry) thick.
Covare, to hatcti, brood ; co-
Costruire, to build, to con- Credente, a<Ij. believing ; i
vare il fuòco, to sit close to
st me thefire credènU, the faithful
Cosn-utto, m. profit, gain, Covata,/ eggs for a brood
Credenza, faith, beli^, /
interests, contents, bottom ; credit pèrder credènza, to
Covatura, and Covazidne, /. ;

voglio sapere il costrutto, hatching lose credit far credènza, io :

1 will know the bitttom Coverchiare, to cover trust: dare a credènza, to

Costrutto, part, built, made Coverchio, m. a coverlid sell on credit: pigliare a
Costruttura,/. building, struc- Coverli'na, /. a housiitg, a credènza, to buy on credit
horse-cloth Credenziéra,/. a cupboard, a
Costru2iune,/. a Imilding Coverta, /. a cover, pretence beanfet
Costui, pron. m. this man Covertamènte, ado. secretly Credenzière, m. a btitler, c
Costuma, Costumanza, /. Coverture, to hide, conceal fidant
and Costume, m. custom, Covertàto, part, concealed Credere, to believe, trust
Covertfna,/. a horse-cloth Credévole, adj. credulous
Costum.-ire, to be customary Covfglio, m. a bee-hive
; Credibile, adj. credible
costumare alla córte, to Covile, m. a den, a cave Ci«dibilménte, adv. credibly
fregne costumare Cóvo, and Covolo, m. a den, Crédito, m. credit, trust, name,
rallo. hole, lurking-hole, the form esteem, interest èssere iu
\ ;

horse of a hare I
crédito, _ = . J -

Covóne, a shea f of corn m

métter in crédito, to put itk I
Covrire, (in r"'l'ry) (see Co-
prire, and its derivatives) C-editdi
Crédo, m. ike creed
Credulità,/, credulity I lose i

Crèdulo, adj. credulous,

Cricca, /. a game at cards ,

Credulo, part, believed, sup rout, a company

Cricche, m. crick, creak
Crèma./, cream Cricchio, m. whim, caprice Critichètto, ignorant
Crèmisi, m. crimson Crime, m. a crime
Cremisino, adj. crimson co- Crimenlèse,»n. a crime against Critico, m. a critic
majesty Critico, adj. critical
Créolo, adj. Creolian Criminale, and Criminóso, Crivellare, to sift, to bolt, to
Crepaccià'to, adj. cracked, ninal. find fault with
gaping criminale.
1 nalefac- Crivellato, part- sifted
Crepàccio, m. crevice, gap Crivèllo, »n. a sieve
Crepacuòre, m. grief, sorrorv Criminalista, m. a lawyer in Croccare, to snap, crack
Crepare, to burst, chap ; crepar chatter
di sete, to be thirsty Criminalmente, adv. crimi- Crocchiare, to strike, tattle
Crepato, part, burst Crocchio, m. prating, chat'
Crepatura, /. crevice, chink. Criminàre, to prosecute, to ting
rupture Crocchidne, m. prattler, blab
Crepitare, to crackle Criminazidne,/. accusation Croccia,/, a crutch
Crepolare, to burst Crimine, »n. crime, sin, Crocciare, to cluck
Crepùscolo, m. truilight fault Crdce, /. a cross ; torménto,
Crescente, adj. growing Criminóso, adj. criminal supplizio, torment, pu-
Crescenza,/, growth, increase Crinale, m. an ornament for nishment ; afflizióne, af-
Crescere, to grom, increase, the hair fliction ; a occhio e crdce, at
Crine, m. hair
Crescévole, adj. disposed to Crinièra,/, a horse's mane Cròceo, adj. saffron-colour
Crinito, and Criuùto, adj. Crocesignàto, ad^ marked
Cresciménto, m. increase. hairy with a
Crocevia, /. s-tvay.
Crescióne, m. mater-cresses
Crescitdre, m. increaser, ap- Crocetta,/, a small cross
Crisolito, m. a chrysolite Crociaménto, m. affliction
Cresciuto, part, grorun Crisopazio, m. a ckrysopaze Crociare, to torment, offici
Crèsima,/, consecrated oil Cristallino, adj. bright, crys- Crociata, /. crusade, holy
Cresimare, to confrm
Cresimatdre, m. he that con- Cristallo, m. crystal, trans- Crociato, part, crossed, af-
parent ; il mormorar de' flicted
Créspa,/ « liquidi cristalli, the mur- Crociato, m. torment, suffering
Crespamén and Cres-
, muring (if the clear stream Crocicchio, m. a cross-way
pezza,/ rvriJtrtiiJtg Cristéo, and Cristére, m. a Crocidare, and Crocitàre, to
Crespare, to crisp, or plait clyster croak
Crespèllo, m. a kind of frit- Cristianàccio, m. a bad chris- Crocifiggere, to crucify
ter ; tar crespèlli delle tian, (also) a good plain Crocifiggiménto, m. an<f Cro-
ciglia, to contract one's cifissióne, /
Cristianamente, adv. chris- Crocifisso, adj. crucified
Créspo, andCrespóso, adj. tian-like Crocifisso, m. a crucifix
wrinkled ; cappellatura Cristianella,/. a silly woman Crocifissóre, m. the crucifier
créspa, coloured hair Cristianèllo, and Cristiandne,
: Crocidne, m. a large cross
viso créspo, a wrinkled Cròco, m. crocus, saffron
face Crogiolarsi, to dress, or boil
Crésta, /. crest, top, height ;
nicely ; (also) to cocker,
crésta di gallo, a ctckS pamper, or make much of
one's self
Crestaia,/, a milliner Cristiano, m. a christian Crogiuolo, « -

CrestiSso, and Crestùto, adj. Cristianissimo, adj. most Croio, adj.
crested christian CroUamér
Créta,/, chalk Cristiére, and Cristiéro, m. a jogging
Cretóso, adj. chalky clyster Crollante, adj. shaking,,folting
Criàre, (see Creare, and its Cristo, m. Christ Crollare, to shake, jolt, jog
Critèrio, m. geod sense Crollo, m. a shake, toss,
Critica, and Criticazióne, /. jerk
1 Cròma,/, crotchet, quaver
cue cuo
Cromàtico, adj. cinto

Crònaca, aiid Cronica, /.

chronicle Crudo, adj. raw, unr Cucùrbita, /. a distilling
Cronicàccia,/. a bad chronicle
Cronista, and Cronlchfsta, m. Cruentare, to make bloody CucùrZa,/. a gourd
an historian Cruènto, adj. bloody, horrible, Cucuzzolo, m. the top of the
Cronico, adj. chronic, tedi- frightful
Cruna,/ the eye of a needle Cùffia,/, a cap
Cuffiàre, to eat immoderately
OronolOgico, adj. chronolo- Crusca./, bran, the Florentine Cugina, / a,id Cugine, m.
Cronolotrfsta, m. chronologist Cruscante, m. one who aims Cui, pron. wlwse, of which,
CronOm(5tro, and CronOscopo, of whom ; di cui la belléì-
m. a chronometer language za, whose beauty a cui ris- ;

Crosciare, to pour, to rain Cruscita,/. pósi, to tvhom I answered ;

hard, to fling, throw, strike. Cruschèllo, fiì m voi, cui fortuna tanto fa-
Cruscòne, m. eoa vorisce, you, whom fortune
Croscio, m. a
crushing, Cruscóso, adj. full cfbran favours so much da cui :

squashing cròscio d'acqua, Cubàttolo,

; to catch una favorevol risposta,
a shower, tempest from whom I had a favour-
Crosta, /. crust, scurf, scab Cùbico, adj. cubic, or cit-

cròsta Francése, the French Culatta, / and Culo, m. the

disease non intèndere che Cùbito,
; ni. the elbow, a breech, bum ; culatta, the
la cròsta d'una cosa, to have bottom of a church lamp ;

but a superficial knowledge Cubo, m. cube, a solid body culatta d'un cannóne, the
of a thing Cuccagna, /. the tiame of an breech of a gun
Crostata,/, a kind of pastry Culiséo, m. an amphitheatre at
Crostatiira, /. pavement, in- Cucchiaia, /. a charger (for Rome, the Coliseum
great guns), a shovel Culla./ a cradle
crostino, mtoasted bread Cucchiaiata,/, a spoonful Cullare, to rock the cradle
Crostóso, and Crostuto, adj. Cucchiaiéra,/. a spoon-case Cultivàre, (see Coltivare, and
Cucchiàio, m. a sjwon
Crostellino, m. a small crust Cucchinone, m. a soup- Culto, m. worship
Cruccévole, adj. passionate Cumino, m. the herb cummin
Cruccevolraénte, Crucciate- Cucchiàre, /. a trowel, (also) Cumulare, to heap, hoard
ménte, and Crucciosamente, a charger for great guns Cumulataménte, adv. abun-
adv. passionately Cùccia,/, a couch dantly
Cruccia,/, a mattock Cucciare, to lie down Cumulativamente, adi», ac-
Crucciare, to anger, provoke ; CuccioUno, m. a young whelp cumulatively
angry Cucciolo, and Cuccio, m. c Cumulativo, adj. accumulative
Crucciato, and Cruccióso, Cumulato, part. heaped,
aner», nrovoked , (for uòvo) m. c
( egg hoarded
passion, anger,
. Cumulatóre, m. mho accu-
Cruciaménto, and Cruciato, Cuccù, and Cùcùlo, m. Cumulazióne,/, and Cumulo,
m. accumulation
Cruciare, to tor7nent Cucina, /. a kitchen ; di Cuna,/ a cradle
Cruciato, part, tormented buona cucina, good for Cùneo, m. a wedge
Crucifiggere, (see Crocifig- cooking Cunlculo, m. a mine; far cu-
gere) Cucinare, to cook nlculi, to undennine (co- ;

Crudamente, adv. bitterly, Cucinato, part, dressed, cooked niglio) a rabbit

cruelty, bluntly, rashly Cuciniéra, /. and Cucinière, Cuòca,/, a female cook
Crudelaccio, adj. cruel Cuòcere, to dress meal (af- :

Cru.Iéle, adj. inhuman, fierce, Cucino, m. a cttshion, pillow fliggere) to vex, fret : me ne
barbarous ; un crudele, a cuoce il cuòre, my heart
Cucito, part, sewed, stitched bleeds; (also) to concoct,
Crudelissimamente, adv. most Cucitóre, »n. Ae that sews digest
cruelly Cucitrice, / a sempstress Cuòcersi, to get drunk
Crudelissimo, ndj. most cruel Cucitura, /
and Cuciménto, icióre, m
Crudelmente, idv cruelly Cuocitùra,, ing, baking,
Crudeltà, f. cruelty, inhtt- Cuculiare, to laugh at, scoff,
mnnity, barbarity
Crudetto, adj. almost ran Cuculiatùxa,/. raillery
[iio,m. Itatker, sk!n, parch'
ioi(; tirar le cuòia, to the ada n
ire, m. heart, life, mind : da,
to ; questo no e da
ilve : far cuòre, to cheer up .
man (dilettante
di fare, things not fit to
rare) a virtuoso Dà, (/roni dare) he gives, or
preRiSr di cuòre, to Curro, m
a roller give thou Da che voi vo-
aver a cuòre, to Cursóre, m. a courser, a kind lete cosi, since you will have
it so : da banda, aside ; da
heart Con gran cud Home bèffe, IH jest ; da indi in-
coHuti^eously. A ma Curvare, to curb, bend tìàm.i , heucefor rva rd ; daindi
Uingly. I Curvato, part, curbed, bent addiètro, llience backward ;
Curvatura, Curvézza, ana i indi i

Cupézza, /. depili Curvità, /. curve, crooked- in poi

Cupidamente, adv. gladly,
fondly Curvilineo, adj. curvilinear
Cupidfgia,/. covetoutness, lust, Curvi'pede, adj. curve-footed
greediness Curule,/. a c'urule chair Dabbenàggine, /. simplicity.
CupJdfne, m. (in poetry) Cupid Curvo, adj. arched, bent
Cupidissimo, adj moit desir- Cùscia, /.' a hotbed Dabbène, good, honest; da
Cuscinétto, m. a small pillotv uòmo dabbène, as an honest
Cupidilh, f. fondness, covetout- Cuscino, m. a cushion, a pillom
Cuspidato,!!, cuspidated, sharp Dabbridà, m. a psaltery
Cupido, »n. Cupid, love pointed Dacbé, conj. since
Cùpido, adj. desirous, eager Cùspide, m. cusp, point Daddovèrd, adv. in earnest
Cupo, adj deep uòmo cupo, Custòde, m. a keeper, a guar-

a cunning man: nel cupo Daga, a dagger [doe

del mare, in the depths of Dàin : Dàin
Dallato, orfu. aside, n.^
Cupola,/, a cupola keepihf; D' allóra innanzi, from that
Cujiresso, m. {see Ciprèsso) Custodire, to keep guard
Cura,/, care, diligence ; darsi A' allóra in qua, hithertn;
cura, to mind. Cura, parish ; Custodito, part, kept, secured dalla, of, from ; da lungi,
cura d' anime, cure of souls ; Custoditòre, m. a keeper at a distance, far off; da
cure amoróse, amorous tor- Cutaneo, a. cutaneous, relat- una volta in su, more than
ing to the skin
Curabile, adj. curable Cute, /. skin, bark
Curagiòne,/ cine, curing Culérzola,/. a species of wing-
Curandàio, m. bleacher ed ant
Curante, part, caring, minding Cuticola,/ cuticle, skin
Curare, to value, esteem ; non CutrStta, Cutrettola,/. a frag- the fine lady"'^'
curo di voi, / esteem you not ; rai"/ Damare, v. to king (at the
medicare, to cure, attend, Cuvidòso, adj. greedy game of draughts/
protect, defend Czar, TO. the Czar f emperor of ainaschlno, adj. damasked
Curasnetta, /. a buttress or Damasco, (see Dommasco)
buttrice Dameggiare, to court the ladies
Curata,/, the pluck
Curatella,/. the liver jella,/ a ymtug /ady'
Curativo, adj. physical Damigèllo, m. a page
Curato, m. a curate, a parson Damma,/, a doe (in poetry)
Curato, part, cured
Curatóre, m. and Curatrice, /. Damù'zza,/. a low nwwan
keeper, a guardian, a trustee Da molto, adj. of worth, of
Curazióne,/. cure prep, from; da, about;
Cùrcuma, /. a kind of Indian da venU, they were
plant employed by dyers about tnienty. Da meno, of
Curerta, /. administration, less tvorth ; da più, of more ; have
guardianship da, to, for to : buòno da Danaióso, and Danaróso, adj.
Curia,/, a court of justice mangiare, good to eat; da '

Curiale, adj. of the court, or Danaresco, adj. ready

council-house mall money
Curialita, /. kindness, civility Da niènte, adj. worthless : un
Curiandolo, m. coriander ' '
an insigni-
Curiosamente, adu. curiously

Dannàbile, adj. damnable, DàSio, m. custom, toll
blamalile Dazióne, /. donation, surren-
Dannabilmente, adv. damna- dering; dazión dell' anéUo,
bly, dangerously , to full rvedding-day
Dannare, to condemn, to damn, upon dar compimento, to
, De', art. (for delli) of the.'
to blame ; to erase. Dannare finish dar bando, to banish
; De', (for deve) he mutt

la ragidne, to cancel a debt. dar da dormire, to lodge Dea,/, a goddess :

dar fondo, to cast anchor Debaccàre, to storm, to fiy in


Dannato, part, damned, con- dar il buon viàggio, to vish a passion

der/\ned a good journey dar in uno, Debaccatóre, »«. a furious man

Dannati, pi. m. the damned to meet one ; dar la bàia, to Debbiare, ». to burn the stub-
Dannatore, m. a condemner jest; dar la corda, to give ble, to manure by burning
Dannazióne, /. damnation. the strappado dar la mano, Debellare, io overcome

io consent ; dar a credere, to Debellato, part, vanquished

Danneggiamento, m. damage make one believe ; darsi ad Debellazióne,/, conquest
Danneggiare, to damage, to uno (parlando d'una donna) Débile, adj. feeble, n-eak
io prostitute herself; darsi Debilità, and Debilitaménto,
Danneggiato, part, damaged, pace, to quiet one's self; ni. feebleness ; debilità d" ani-
hurt darsi buon tempo, to live a mo, faint-hearted ness
Danneggiatóre, m. he that does merry life; darla a gambe, Debilitate, to rveaken, ener-
hurt io run arvay dar che dire,
; vate : debilitarsi, to grow.'
Dannévole, adj. shameful, in- io give occasion to talk ; dar treak
famous, prejudicial le carte, lo deal ai cards; Debilitato, pati, weakened
Dannevolraénte, adv. damna dar (aver qualche somi- Debilitazione,/, weakening
bly gliànzà) io incline io ; questo Debilménte, adv. weakly
Dannificàre, to damage, hurl panno dà nel rosso, this cloth Debitamente, adv. deservedly.
Dannificàto, part damaged inclines to red, or is reddish ;
Danno, m. cost, hurt, damage non si dà à tutti d'entrare, Débito, m. a debt
a m(o danno, to my cost it is not permitted to every Débito, adj. dice -vi sono de- ;

Dannosamente, adv. hurffully body to go in bito per tutti questi favori,

Dannóso, adj. hurtful Dàrsena, f. (la / am obliged to you for all
parte più in-
Dante, adj. giving dante,
; tra'l téma del porto) a rvet-dock ihes favours
e'l ricevènte, belrveen giver Da scherzo, adv. in jest Debitóre, m. a debtor
and receiver dante, a kind
; Da senno, adv. in earnest Debitiizzo, a trifling sum m
of leather D'assai, adj. (sufficiènte) suf- Débole, adj. feeble, wecik
Dantésco, adj. in the manner ficient, very able; tenéi Deboletto.'and Deboluzzo, adj.
of B^nte, the poet d'assai, to think '-
" weakish, faintish
Da nulla, adj. good for nothing Debolézza,/, weakness
Danza, /. a dance èsser in
; DasseZzo, adv. lastly Debolmente, adv. ^veakly
danza, to he talked of; en- Data,/, a date Deca, decina,/, decade, ten
tr.<r in ddnza, to do as others Dataria, and Dateria, /. thi DecacBrdo, m. a psaltery
do datary's office (at Rome) Decadènza,/. decline,faU
Danzare, tu dance Datàrio, »i. a Roman officer Decadere, to decay, decline
Danzatóre, ni. and Danzatrice, Dativo, ni the dative case Decadiménto, ni. a decay
Dativo, part, rvho gives Decaduto, part, declined
Danfètta,/. a short danct Dato, part, given Decàgono, m. a figure of ten
Da oggi innanzi, adv. for the Dato, o dato che, conj. sup- angles
future ; da parte, aride, se- !, *c. Decàlogo, nu the ten command-
cretly: da parte a parte, Datóre, m. and Datrice, f. i

through; da per se, by him- Decanato, m. a deanery

self; da per tutto, 'every- Decano, m. a dean
Decantare, to publish, to de-
Dappiè, adv. from the foot cant, to boast, to ertol
Daopociggine, atid Dappo- Dattórno, prep, aboi Decantato, part published
chezza,/. ignorance, idleness about Decapitare, to behead
Dappòco, adj. idle, coward Davàntc, or Davanti, before ; I Decapitato, part, beheaded
Dappoi, adv. since,after, after- pararsi davànte, to runem- Decapitazióne,/. Micuding
Decennale, adj ten years old
Dappoichè, conj. since thai I Decenn.irio, adj. pf'ien
Dapprèsso, prep, near, just by \ Decènnio, m ten years
Da prima, adv. at first I Decènte, adj. decent
Da qua innanzi, adv. for the Davvantàggio, adv. more, m '
Decentemente, adv. decenih,
Decenviràto, ni. decemvirate
Jnirdeggiare, to dart., cast, i Davidico, adj. nf David 1 Ueceuviri, m. pi. decemviri
Decènza,/, decency Decotto, m. a decoction, a Defraud^e, to defraud
Decévole, and Dicévole, adj. bankrupt Defunto, adj deceased
decent, becoming Decozióne, /. decoction, bank- Defunto, m. a dead man
Decevolèzza,/. decency ruptcy (in law) Degàgna,/ a dragnet
;. to :cide Decreménto, m. a decrease Degenerante, adj. degeneraf
Deciferare, fv deciph Decrepità, and Decrepitézza,
Deciferàto, part, deciphered /. old age
Dècima./, and Dècimo, m. tht Decrèpito, adj. decrepit, de-
tythe. tenth
Decimàbile, adj. tytheable Decréscere, to decrease; le eracy
(laru term) acque decrescono, the waters iegene-
Decimale, adj. decimal ; ebb ; i giórni decrescono, the
— '•— decimale, decimal days grow shorter Degnaménte, adv. worthily
irithm Decresciménto, m. (see Decre- Degnare, and Degnarsi, to
'> to g ménto) vouchsafe, to value; se de-
Decretale, m. decretals ; decree, gnerete favorirai, if you
Decimatói iythittg- condescend to favour me ;
Decretalista, m. a canonist non degno la vostra com-
Dècimo, m. a tenth jiait Pecretalménte, adv. decisively pagnia, / do not value your
Decfna,/. ten Decretare, to decree, enact company
Decisióne,/, decision Decretato, part, decreed Degnazióne,/ complaisance
Decisivamente, adv. peremp- Decréto, »i. decree, order Degrièvole, adj. gentle, ajffh-
torilr, Dècuplo, adv. ten timet as
Decisivo, adj. decisive Degnevolménte, adv. worthily
Deciso, adj.' determined Decurióne, m. captain over (ironically)
Decisore, »i. rvko decides Degnificàre, lo make worthy
Declamare, tu declaim, in- Decussare, ti. to cut across Degnila,/, dignity
veigh Dedicare, to dedicate, conse- Degno, adj. worthy, deserv-
Declamatóre, wi. a declaimer crate ; dedicarsi, to devote ing, convenient, jit, tuH-
Declamatorio, adj. declama- one's self
Dedicatória, and Dèdica, /. Degradare, to degrade, dt-
Declamazidne, /. declama-
tion Dedicazióne,/, consecration
Declaratòrio, adj. declara- Dèdito, adj. addicted
tory Dedizióne,/, a surrender
Declinàbile, adj declifiable Dedótto, part, deducted Deh ! inteij. alas '.

Declinaménto, m. declination Dedurre, to deduce, reduce; ^ei! interj. gods! Dei, (for
Declinare, to decline, decay ; dedursi, to resolve devi) thou must. Dei, (art.
abbassare, to humble, de- Deduzióne,/, inference pi. m)
of the
press ; il tempo declina ver- Detalcaménto, m. deduction Deicida, m. a deicide
so '1 freddo, the weather Defalcare, to abate, deduct Deicidio, m deicide (the dsatU
grows cold; la bellezza de- Defatigare, to fatigue ofot Savio
clina coir età, beauty decays Defensóre, m. a defender Deificaménto, to. (see Deifi-
Deferènza,/, deference cazióne)
Declinazi( e,/, decline, decay. Deferire, to defer, to delay, Deificare, to deify
deck to esteem ; io deferisco molto Deificato, part, deified
Declino, wt. decline Deificazióne, /. deification^
Declive, and Declivo, adJ. for you (apotheosis)
Defesso, part, wearied, tired Deifico, adj. divine
Declività, /. and DecUvio, m. Deficiènte, adj. deficient Deifórme, adj. god-like
declivity, descent Deficiènza,/ deficiency Deismo, m. deism
Decollare, io behead Defintre, to define Deista, in. a deist
Decollaz'òne,/. beheading Definizióne,/.(«ee Diffinizióne, Deità. /. divinity ; deity
Decorare, tu adora, emiel- and its derivatives) Del, art cfthe
Deflorare, to deflower Delatóre, m. an informer.
Decorazióne,/. decoration Deflorazióne, f. defloration, or

Decòro, m. grace, decorum ddlon „ Del
Decorosamente, adv. honour- m. flowing, illapse
-•eflusso, ally
ably Deformare, to disfigure Delegare, to depute
Decoroso, adj. decorous, de- DL-formazióne, /." deformity I
Delegato, »?i. a delegate
Defórme, adj. deformed . Delegazióne,/, delegation
Dec<5rso, m. a cour.v, the end ;
Deformemente, adv. deform- Delettabile, adj delectable
la campagna decórsa, the last
j I
Delettamènto, m. delightt
campaign >
Deformita,/. deformity plsasure
Di-lettàre, (see Dilettire, and Denigrazióne, / slandering Depl orare, io deplore, 6e>
iU derivatives)
Deietto, m. a choice Denominare, to name
Delfino, m. the dauphin, (also) Denominativo, adj. denomina-
a dolphin, (a,fish) tive
Deliberare, to deliberale Denominatóre, m. a denomi-
Delil eratìvo, adj. delibera-
DenominaSióne, /. denomina-
Deponiménto, m. deposition.
Denotante, adj. signifying
Denotare, to denote, remark Depórre, lo depose, deprive.
Delicatezza,/. delicacy Denotazióne, /. significa-
delicato, adj. delicate, weak
Delimdre, tu corrode Densàre, isee Condensare)
Delineaménto, m. delinea- Densàto, and Dènso, adj. thick.
Depositeria, /. the deposi-
Delineàre, lo draw, delineate Densità, /. density, ihick- tory
Delineato, part, delineated. Deposito, m. trust, charge
Dentàccio, in. a bad tooth Deposizióne, j: a deposition,
Delineatóre, m. a designer, or Dentale, m. ploughshare degradation, evidence
Dentime, m. and Dentatura, Depósto, part, deposed, put
Delinquènte, m. an offender fasetofteelh out of place deposto ogni

DeUiiquere, to transgress Dentilo, adj toothed timore, laying aside all

Dclfquio, m. afaintingjit Dènte, m. tooth ; tener l'ani-
Delirante, adj delirious mo co' denti, io be almost Depósto, m. attestation, testi
Delirdre, to rave dead mostrare 1 denti,
; many
Delirio, m. delirium, mad- io look fierce ; pigliar il Depravare, to corrupt, vi-

stinate; stare a denti sec- Depravàto, adj. depraved, spoil-

chi, lo be idle; to be very

Dentecchidre, t> to nibble

Deliziare, and Deliziarsi, to Dentellato, pari, dented, in-
make merry Deprecazidne,/. entreaty
Deliziosamente, adv. deli- Dentello, m. lace denting, Depredare, to ptey upon
ciously notching Depredatóre, m. a rubber
Delizióso, ad), delicious Dèntice, m. a shark Depredazióne, /. and Depre
Del pari, adi), even Dentifricio, m. dentifrice, tooth- daménto, m. depredation
Del tutto, adv. entirely, guile powder Depressióne,/ depression
Delucidazióne,/ clearing up Déntro, prep, within Deprèsso, adj. depressed,
Deludere, to delude, mock, Denudare, <o sttip naked, ex-
deceive Deprimere, to deprei de.
Deludiménto, m. and Dela- Denudato, adj. naked
zióne,/ delusion, cheat Denunzia,/, a declaration Depurare, to purge, cleanse
Deluditóre, m. a deceiver, de- Denunziare, to infortn against Depurato, part, cleaned, puri-
Denunziatóre, m. an in- fied
Delùso, part, deluded, mock- Depurazióne, /. depuration
Deputare, to depute, appoint;
Demente, adj. mad, frantic a questa sorta d'alberi bi-
Demenza,/, madness, f illy sogna deputare un terreno
Demeritare, to do amiss Dependente, adj dependent grosso, we tnnst fat
Demeritévole, adj. unworthy Dependenteménte, adv. de- ground for tìiat sort of
Demèrito, m. demerit, punish- pendently
Dependenza,/. dependency Deputato, part. deputed.
Depèndere, to depend farò .

tutto quel che depende da Deputazióne,/, deputation

Demo'fre. io demolith me, / will do whatever ties Derelitto, adj forsaken
Demolizióne,/, a demolishing Derelizióne,/. forsaking
Demoniaco, adj. furious, mad, Deretano, adj. behind, back-
possessed of a devil
Demònio, m devil, demon Deploràbile, adj. lamenta-
Denaio, rn. {see Danàio)
Dewgrare, to darken, ob-
Derisivamente, adv. conitmpti- Desiderosamente, adv. DestruJióne, /. (see Dislni
Deriso, fari, derided, laughed Desideróso, adj. desirous Desviare, to dram away, de-
Desidia,/ idlene.'ss prave
Derisore, Deriditdre, and Dirl- Designare, to design, assign Detenére, detain
Designazióne,/ design Detentore, one that keeps
Derisdrio, adj. derisory Desinare, lu dine wrongfully another man's
Derivante, adj deriving

Tizi derivano dall' oìio,

idleness is the root of all Detergènte, adj. detergent
Desiosamente, adv. ardently Detèrgere, to scour, rub off
Derivativo, adj. derivative Desióso, adj. desirous Deterioraménto. m. and
Derivato, part, derived Desiràre, to desire, rvish Deteriorazióne, /. depra-
Derivazióne,/, derivation : de- Desistere, to forbear
rivazidne di voce, etymology Desolare, to desolate Deterioràre, lo grow, or make
ofrvnrds Desolato, adj. desolated, ruin
Derogabile, adj. disparage- Determinare, to determine, to

Dcrog,-ire, to derogate, lessen Determinatamente, adv. reso

Derogatòrio, adj. derogatory lutely
Derogazióne,/, derogation Desperazidne,/. despair
Derrata, /. ware: questo è a Despétto, m. spite, malice
bucina derrata, this is very Despoticaménte, adv. despo-
tically Determinazióne,/, resolution
Descendente, adj descending DespOtico, adj. (see Dispo- Detersivo, adj. cleansing
Discendenza, /. (see Discen- tico) Detestabile, adj. detestable
Déspoto, m. a despot Detestabilmente, adv. detcst-
Dcscendere, (see DiscSn- Dèssa, pron. f. she, she her-
self Detestàre, abominate, •

Desrenso, m. a descent
Deschétto, m. a footstool Detestazióne,/, abhorrence
Désco. 7(1. a table stall
; mi par désso, / do not think Detrarre, to detract, slanUer
Descritttbile, adj. describable this IS the same Detratto, part, slandered
Descrittivo, adj. describing Destaménto, m. awakening Detrazióne,/ detraction
Descr/tto, part, described Destare, to awake, revive Detriménto, m. loss, damage
Descrittóre, m. a describer Destato, adj. awaked Deuimentdso, adj hurtful
Descrivere, to describe Destatolo, m. alarm-clock, Detronizzdre, to dethrone
Descrivibile, adj. that can be Détta, / a debt tagliar la

cribed Destatóre, m. maker detta, to cume to an agree-
Desterità./ dexterity
Destinare " '
Dettàme, m. dictates, precept*
to, pa: led Dettare, lo dictate
Desèrto, m. a wilderness Destinazióne, /. appoint- Dettato, ni. diction, style
Desèrto, pari, abandoned ment Dettato, part, dictated
Desertdre, m. a deserter Destino, »n. destiny, fate Dettatóre, m. the dictator
Deserzióne,/ desertion Destitiito, adj. destitute, de- Dettatura,/, dictation
Desiare, to desire (in poetry) prived, abandoned Détto, m. word
Desiato, part, (in poetry) dt Désto, adj. awaked, sprightly Détto, part, spoken, called;
Dèstra,/ the light hand détto, fatto, said and done
Destramente, adv. dexter- Deturpare, to disfigure
ously Devastaménto, m. devastation.
Destreggiare, to manage dex- destru
Desiderabilmente, adv. de- terously [ness Devastare, / estroy
sirably Destrézza,/ dexterity, eiafti-
Desiderante, adj. desiring Destriére, m. a horse; des-
Desiderare, to desire
Desiderat/ssimo, adj. most de- Dèstro, m. opportunity; the

Desiderativo, adj. desirable subito, che mi vedrò il destro,

Desideratóre, m. a desirer Deviato, part, deviated
Desidèrio, jn. desire desi-
; an opportunity Devoluto, part, devolvea
dèrio di vendétta, resenl- Dèstro, adj. dexterotu Devoluzióne,^: devolution
Desti liggere, see Distrùggere) Devotamente, adv. devoutlv
Devóto, ni. devout, qffietion- Dravolélto, TO. a yoitni^ denl
DiavoUni, Diavoloni, in. «ugar
Devozióne, /. devotion plums
Di, prep. of; di, n-ilh. than, Diàvolo, m. devil, evil spirit ; Dichiaratamente, adv. plainly
from, to più ricco di me,
far il diàvolo, to play the Dichiarativo, adj. declaratory
richer than I; di giórno in devil ; diàvolo scatenato, flaw term)
giórno, from day to day: a devil shape of a
in the Dichiarato, part, declared
godo di vedérla, / am glad man sapere dove il diàvolo
; Dichiaratóre, m. a declarer
tien la coda, io be cunning ; Dichiarazione, /. and Dichi-
Di, m. day : di d(, day-time ; diàvolo di mare, the sea-cor- araménto, m. declaration,
morant interpretation
il di fra di, the afternoon ; Diavolóne, m. a great devil
di df in di. from day to day Di balzo, adv. at once Dichinameiito, »»i. stooping
Di, (from dire di arditamente, Di bando, adv. gratis, far no- down, descent, decline
tpeak boldly thing Dichinire, to decline, decay,
Diabéte,/, diabetes Dibarbàre, to root up stoop down
Diaboiicaménte, adv. diabo- Di bassa lega, di bassa mano, Dichino, m. decline, decay :
lically adj. base, low, mean non bisogna molto per met-
Diabolico, adj. devilish, mick- Dibàssaménto, m. fall, abase- tere un uòmo in dichino. Me
least thing dis»rders a man
Di.iconàto, ni. deaconship Dibassare, to debase Diciannòve, m. aiui adj. nine-
Diaconessa,/, a deaconess Dibassato, part debased teen
Diàcono, m. a deacon Dibastire, to unsaddle Diciannovesimo, adj. the nine-
Diadèma, m. diadem, cromn Dibastato, part, unsaddled teenth
Diafanità,/ transparency Dibàttere, to shake, to beat, to Diciasette, adj. and m. seven-
Diàfano, adj. transparent teen
Diagonale, adj. diagonal Dibattiménto, and Dibàttito, Dicibile, adj. that can be
Diagonalmente, adv. diametri- m. collision, striking
Dibattitóre, m. rvho debates Diciferàre, to decipher
Dialettica,/, logic Dibàtto, m. a debate Diciferàto, part, dtciphered
Dialetticamente, adv. like a Di bel nuòvo, adi', again Dlciferatóre, m. decipherer
Di bisógno, adj. necessary Dicioccare, to break offfruits,
Diafettico, adj. dialectical Dibonarietà,/. affability oijlowers
Dialettico, a logician Diboscamento, m. felling Diciótto, m. and adj. e-.ghteen
Dialetto, m. dialect
Dialoghetto, »»i. short dia-
logue [n'riter
Dialogista, «i. a dialogue
Diàlogo, m. a dialogue Dibàtto, adv. immediately
Diamantàccio, m. a bad dia- Dibrancàre, to dilate, spread
Di brigata, adv. altogether
Dibrucare, and Dibruscàre, io

Dibruscàto, part, pruned — consèrva, adv. together

Dibuctiàre, to peti bark — continuo, continually
Dibucciàto, part, peeled, bark- — córto, adv. shortly
— córso, adv. in running
Diàmetro, m. a diameter Hi buon ària, adv. cheerfully — Costa, adv. close by
Diana./, the morning star Di buon ària, adj. jovial, merry Dicòtto, part, withered, dried
Dianzi, adv. before Di buon mattino, adv. betimes Dicrescere, to decrease, nane
Diàrio, m. journal, diary Dfcco, m. bank, causeway Dicuóccre, to make a decoc-
Diarrèa, and Diarria, /. the Dicembre, m. December tion, to dry in the sun
DicSnte, adj. saying Di cuòre, aàv. heartily
Diàscolo inierj. the deuce
I '.
Diceria, /. discourse, speech ; Di dentro, prep, within
Diaspro, m. jasper tener diceria d'una cosa, to Didiacciàre. io thaw
Diàstole, f.'the heart's dilata- talk much of a thing Didiacciàto,pnr<. thawed
Di certo, adv. certainly Di diètro, prep, behind [ten
Diàvola, DiaTolàccia, and Dicervellarsi, to think in- Diéce, and J>iéci, m. and adj.
Diavoléssa, /. a ferina- Diesis, m. a musical tone
Dièta, /. diet, a diet, (assetn-
diavolàccio, a good-natured bly>
fellow Diètro, prep, behind, after;
Diavolerfa, /. a devilish qf- farsi in diètro, to draw
back; tirar ic diètro un
affare, in pvi off an affair ; Diffidàre, to mistrwt, n
tirarsi dietro qualche dis peel
grazia, io bring some mis- Diffidato, pari distrusted
Diffidènte, adj. mistrustful
Dietroguàrdia, /. the rear- Diffidènza,^, diffidence
guard Diffinire, to define, or decide fasted
Di fatto, adii. eJTectively Diffinitaménté, and Diffiniti- Digiundtore, m. a faster
Difèndere, io defend, protect vaménte, adv. definitively Digiune,/, pi ember weeks
Difendévole, adj. dffensible Diffinitfvo, adj. definitive Digiuno, m. fast, fasting. A
Ditendit<5re, and Difensóre, m. Diffinitóre, m. a definitor in digiuno, arf;./«s^-»g-
defender convents, (also) one who de-
Ditenditrfce, /• a proteo già di veder costui non
Diffinitório, adj. definitive son digiuno, / do not wish to
DifenslTO, adj. defensive Diffinizióne,/. definition
Difésa,/, defence, support Diffóndere, to pour out Digiùnto, part, disjointed,
Diféso, part, amended Difformare, to deform, spoil parted
Difettare, v. to be defective, to Difformataménte,adv. de- Dignissimo, adj. most worthy
be Tvithout formedly Dignità,/ dignity, greatness
Difettivamente, adv. defec- Diffbrmato, part, disfigured Dignitóso, adj. worthy
lively Diffórme, adj. deformed, ugly Digocciolàrei to drop
Difettivo, ad], defective Difformità,^, deformity Digozzare, to cut the throat
Difètto, m. default, defect Diffusamente, adv. diffusive- Digradaménto, ni. a degrad-
Difettosaméiite, adv, defec- ly ing, degradation (in paint-
tively Diffusióne,/ diffusion i»g)
Difettóso, adj. defective Diffusivo, adj. diffusive Digradare, to shorten, io de-
Difettuccio, and Difethiizo, Diffuso, adj diffuse, ample scend by degrees, to de-
m. a small fault Difimre, to file off grade
Difettuosita,/. imperfection Difilato, marchfd off Digradataménte, adv. gradu-
Diffalcare, to abate., cut off Di filo, and Di "filato, adv.
Diffalco, m. defalcation rvithout intermission Digradato, part, degraded
Diffalta, /. fault crime : Ditiniménto,
; m
definition Digradazióne,/, (see Digrada-
per mia diffalta mi trovo Difinire, (see Diffiiùre and its ménto) [degreet
derivatives) Di grado in grado, adv. by
Diformare, (see Difformdre, Di gran lunga, adv. by fa'r,
much rather
Di fresco, adv. lately, newly Digrassare, to lake offfat
Di fuòri, adv without Di grazia, ,7(/r. jray.prilbee
Dfga,/. a bank, mole, or pier
Digenerdre, (see Degene-
Digerire, to diaesi, discuss ;
Diffamazióne, /. and Diffa- digerire un affrónto, tobrook
"'?;• fi

Differgnte, adj different Digrignai ''"""««erf

Differentemente, adv. dif- snailed
ferently igrossaménto, m. forming,
Differènza,/, difference Digestions,/, digestion sketching
Differenziare, io distinguish Digestlre, to arrange, order ; ic Digrossjire, to form, fashion
Differenziato, part, dislin- Digrossato, part, fashioned
Digestivo, adj. digestive Digrumare, io chew, ruminale.
Ditteriménto, m. delay Digèsto, adj. digested
Differire, to differ, to defer Digè.sto, m." digest of civil law Digrumato, part, ruminated
Differito, part, delayed, put Dighiacciàre, (see Didiac Digruminàre, to ruminate, con-
sider [shaking
Differmdre, to refute Diguazzaménto, m. motion.
Difficile, adj. hard, diffcult Diguazzare, to siiake, to stir
Difficilmente, adv. diffxuUly Diguazzato, part. sitaken

Digusciate, lo shell
lo, adv. by day Digusciato, part, shelled
Difficoltare, to start diffculties Di là, prep, heyfnd, from
Difficoltóso, adj. difficult prep, below, beneath thence; secondo il costunre
Diffiddnza, f and Diffida- ii giù, adv. up 07 di là. according to the cuslo^n.
of that country
Dilettévole, adj. delightful Diluviare, to run hard: to
Di qua, di là, adv. here and
Dilettevolmente, and Dilet- overflow, to devour
tosaménte, adv. delight- Deluviatóre, m
a glutUn
Pilaccàre, va. to tear to pUecs no, m. deluge, great rain,
Dilacciàre, to unlace, untie folly
Diletto, m. delight, pleasure
Hìilaceraraénto, m. laceration "• DimagTJtre, to make lean, dimi-
Dilacerare, to rend, tear, andar a dilètto, to go ,

,iiih, lessen
ing prèndere a dili Lilétto, to
moniste ;
Dimagrazióne,/. the growing
Dilacerato, pari, rent, torn
laugh at
Diletto, part, beloved
Dilagare, to overjlon. Dimanda,/, demand, request
Dilagatamente, adv. impe- A diletto, adv. on purpose
andante, m. petitioner
Dilettosaménte, adv. agne-

tuously andare, (see Domandare)

Dilagato, part, overjlon Dimàn da sera, and Diman-
adv. directly, at Dilettóso, adj. delectable
dasséra, adv. to-morront
Delezióne,/, benevolence
Diliberaménto, m. deliverance night
Dilapiddre, to rvatte, squander Dimandatóre, m. rvho demands
Diliberare, to set at liberty,
Dilargàre, to thin, rarefy Dimandagióne,/. a demand
to deliberate, resolve,
Dilata,/ delay
Dilataménto, m. tvtjening
Dilalatlvo, and Diliberataménte, adv.
Dilatato, adj dilated
Diliberatlvo, adj. deliberative
Dilatare, to dilate, spread
Dilibeiàto, part, determined
Dilatazióne, f. extension
Diliberazióne, /. determma-
Dilatòrio, ari';- dilatory
Dilavaménto, m. washing
Diliberdrsi, to tumble, trip
Dilavare, tu tvash arvay
Dilicataménte, adv delicately
Dilavato, part, washed arvay delicateness,
Dilazioncella,/. short delay Dilicatézza, /.
voluptuoi Dimenaménto, m. agitation
Dilazióne,/, delay, stop Dimenare, to sliake, agitate
"licàto, adj. soft.
rveak Dimeno, adv. without, other-
Dileggiaménto, m. and Dile wise non posso fai dimeno
gidne,/. mockery, scorn Diligente, adj. diligent ;

Diligentiménte, adv. carefully di non ridere, I cannot help

Dileggiare, to deride, scoff laughing
DileggiaiezSa,/. effrontery ^•ìgènla,f. dilige!
liquidare, to liqui Dimensióne,/, dimension
Dileggiato, part, bantered Dimentare, to make mad, to
liquiddto, adj. explained
Dileggiatóre, jester, banlerer bewitch
Diliscare, <o ica/e, r
Di leggieri, adv. easily, pro Dimenucànza, and Dimenti-
Diliticàre, to tickle
bahly càggine, /. forgelfulness
remove, to steal
Dileggino, ma spark, a fop Dileggiare, lo
'.way Dimenticare, to forget
Dilégine, adj. weak, soft Dimenticato, part, forgotten
Dileguare, io run away; Ai Dileggiato, part, removed
Dilombarsi, to break the I Dimentìcatóio, m. oblivion ;
leguàrsi. go off: si di
lasciare nel dimenticatóio.
leguò come da corda cocca back
!« put 1 oblivi
he ran away as swift as ai Dilombato, part, broken-back-
>ntichév»le, and Dimén-
Di lontano, adv. at a distance co, adj forgetful
Diléguo, m disappearance "" ;idaméiite, o<iu. p/ain/r/ Dimentlre,' Co give the he, lo
Dilemma, m. dilemma
;idàre, to clear, explain
Dileticire, to divert, flatter Dimessióne,/ resignation
;idazid:ie, /. explana-
Dileticàto, part. tickled, laid
Dimesso, part, left,
pleased aside
Dilético, m. a tickling Diluente, ad), diluent
miMire, V. to dilute Dimesticaménte, adv. fami-
Dileticóso, adj ticklish
Dilungaménto, m. distance.
Dilettabile, udj. delightful
Dilettabilità, /. delight absence
Dilettabilménte, adv. delight- Dilungare, to stretch, e.Tlend
dilungarsi, to ramble, ti Dimesticare, to tame ; dimesti-
fully carsi, to fiimiliarize
Dilettaménto. m. delight Dimesticato, and Dimèstico,
Dilungato, part, removed
Dilettante, m. a lover of ani,
adj. tamed, familiar sono
mi son molto dilungato da ;

mio proposito, / have tmid dimestico alla fatica, I am

a long digression from mt inured to labour
Dimestichezza, /. familiarity.
Di l'ungi, adi!, far off. D
lungo, adv. continually
.zióiie, f. delectation Dilusióne,^; delusion

Pimezzàto, pari, divided Dintdmo, m. adjacent plac
Diminuiménto, m decrease (also) the contours,
Diminuire, io diminish drawing)
Diminuito, adj. diminished
Diininutfvo, adj. diminutive
Diminuzidne,^. diminution
Dimissdria, /. dimissorij: lèt- Di poi prep, after
tera dimissdria, dimissory Dinudàre, to strip naked, to Dipopolàre, to dispeople
letter display Diportarsi, to divert one't
DI modo che, adv. so that Dinumeràre, to number self
Di molto, adv. very much Diportévole, adj. diverting
Dimòra,/, delay, abode Dijidrto, m. diversion, sport
Dimoràzione, /. Dimoro, m. Dinunzia,/. declaration Dipositàre, fsee Depositare,
drvelling-place delay ; senza Dinunziire, to charge, accu

dimoro, without delay Dinunziativo, adj. denou Di posta, adv. at once

Diraoraraénto, >n. residence — prèsso, prep, near by
Dimordnte, jiart. living, dwell- — prima, adv., before
ing — qua, prep, this side
Dimorare, to dwell, reside
Dimorsare, to break with one's
Dimostràbile, adj. demonstra DIO, m. GOD
ble Diocesano, adj diocesan ;
— quando in quando, adv,
Dimostranza,/. demonstration véscovo diocesano, a. dio-
Dimostrare, to show, testify cesan bishop — qua si>, adv. from henct
Dimostrativamente, aiitv de- Diòcesi, m. diocese
monstratively Dipanare, to reel, to wind — qui, di quinci, adv. froT%
Dimostrativo, adj. demonstra- Di jjàri, adv. alike, equally
Dipartènza, and Dipartita, /. — quindi, adv. from thenee
— qui à poco, adv. in short
Dipartiménto, m. a parting. Diradare, to rarefy, to thin
Diradarsi, to grow thin
Dimostrazióne, /. demom^ra- Dipartire, to divide, separate, Diradato, p-att. rarefied,
Dindnzi^ prep, before ; lì Temo Dipelare, to tnake bald Diradicare, to root up, to over-
dinanzi, the preceding win- Dipelato, adj. bald
ter ; come dissi dinàn?!, as Dipelldre, tojlay, to skin Di rado, adv. seldom
I said before dinanzi che
; DipelUto, part. skinned, Di ragióne, adv hy right
venga, before he comes fiayed Diramare, to spring out
Jinasato, adj. without a nose Dipendènte, adj. depending Diramato, adj. pruned, lop-
Diiiascóso, adv. secretly Dipendentemente, adv. de-
Dinegare, to deny, refuse pendently Diramazione,/, branching
Dìnegaziòne,/. 'denial Dipendènza,/, dependence Bite, to speak, talk, relate
Dinervàre, to weaken Dipèndere, to depend on ;
voler d(re, to mean ; che
Diniègo, m. denial questo beneficio dipende vuol dire ciò ? what is the
Dinigràre, to blacken, defame, lai rè, this living is in ihf meaning of that?
ing's gift ; ciò dipendi Diredàre, to disinherit
Dinoccare, to break the head da 1 Diredàto, part, disinherited
Dinoccolarsi, to break one' DiretiSno, »n. the last, the

Tìinodàre, to untie a knot by hitnself. ro, adv.

Dinominare, to name, men apart
tion adv. is always joined
I'glio, Direttamente, (irJ IV directly
Dinnminàto, part. named, with dare ; dar di piglio, DiretUvo, adj. directing
take hold Dirètto, ad), straight, right
DinorainaJidne, /. denu. Dipfgnere, and Dipingere, to Direttóre, m. director
point, describe Direzidne,/. direction
Dinotare, (see Denotare) Dipinto, part. painted. Dirigere, to direct, rule, gc
Di notte, adv. by night, night.
Dipinto, m. painting, a pie-
Dintomamento, n
Dipintóre, Dipjgnitdre
Dipingitdre, m. a pair,
Dintornàto, part, i Dipintura,/, a picture Dirimènte, adj. impediménto
Dirdpo, and Dinip^tOt v>. a Disamatdre,
to. hater, en»
biriSto, pari, demolished Disamèno, adj. disagreeable
Dirimere, to divide Disabilita, /. incapacity Disamiclzia,/. enmity, grudge
Di rimpétto, di rincdntro, Disabellire, to make ugly, or Disàmina,/, examination
prep. over against groiv ugly Disarainaménto, m. examina-
Di rintòppo, udì;, mith oppoti Disabitire, to depopulate
Disabitato, part, deserted Disaminante, adj. who exa-
Diripàte,/. a precipice Disacconciaménte, ado. un-
Diritta, /. straight road ; ; civilly
diritta, on the right hand Disaccóncio, adj. disorderly,
Dirittamente, adv. directly obscene
Dirittézza, /. squaring, or . Disaccordire, to be out of tune
Disacerbare, to assuage, ap-
Diritto, m. the right, justice,
tar niuno ne sa il diritto
; Disacerbàto, part, assuaged
vero, noivdy knows the real Disacquistàre, to loose, free Disamóre, m, hate, grudge
truth of it Disadattàgine,/. impropriety Disamorévole, adj. unkind
Diritto, adj. straight, direct, Disadattamente, adv. foolish- Disamorevolézza, /. insentU
just, crafty ly bility
Diritto, and Dritto, adj. right- Disadatto, adj. unapt, unfit Disamordso, adj. insensible
ly ; la diritta è di' restare Disadórno, adj. careless, un- Disanimare, to discourage
Disanimato, adj. lifeless, dis-
Disatificarsi, to rest one's self couraged
Dirittrfne,m. an old fox, e Disaffezionare, to alienate Disapparàre, to unlearn, for'
cunning rogue Disagévole, adj. difficult,
Dirittura, /. integrity Disappassionatézza, /. in-
DiriSfaménto, m. direction difference
DirizSànte, part, directed Disappassionato, adj. inten-
Dirizzare, to direct, to maki
itraight, to addrttt one'i Disapplicàre, to live lazily
Disapplicatézza, and Disap-
), part, made si light
Dirizzatdre, Disagguaglia! , f. inequa- Disapplicato, adj. inatten-
Diroccaménto, m. dismantling lily
Diroccare, to destroy, demolish Disagguaglidrsi, to differ Disapprgndere, to unlearn
Diroccato, part, destroyed, Disagguagliataménte, adv. dif- Disapprensióne,/, courage
ferently Disapprovare, to disapprove
Dlroccat<5re, m. a destroyer Disagguàglio, m. difference Disapprovazióne, /. a disap-
Dirocciare, to fall down from Disagiare, to trouble, dis- probation
turb Disarborare, to unmast
Dirogàre, to derogate Disagiatamente, adv. incon- Disarginàre, to demolish
Dirogatório, adj. derogatory veniently banks
Dirómpere, to break, to soften Disagiato, adj. troublesome Disarginàto, adj. nithout
Dirompiménto, ni. interrup. Disàgio, m. inconveniency,
poverty, want ; stare a dis- Disarmaménto, m. disarming
Dirótta,/, a shower àgio, «0 be uneasy Disarmare, to disarm
Dirottamente, adv. immode- Disagìosaménte, adv. urua- Disarmato, part, disarmed
rately ; piàngere dirotta- sily Disarmonia, /. discord, ir-
mente, to shed a shower oj Disagióso, adj. inconvenient, regularity, fault
uneasy Disarmònico, adj. discor-
Disaiutare, to trouble
Disaiuto, m. hindrance Disascóndere, to discover
Dirozzale, to polish, smooth Disalberare, r, to dismast Disasprire, to appease
Dirozzato, adj. polished, in- Disalberato, a. distnasted Disassedi àto, adj. no longer
Disalbergàre, to remove besieged
Dirugginàre, to polish oJTrvsi Disalbergàto, adj. without Disastrare, to toil, to cause
Dirupaménto, a fall from a lodging
precipice, a precipice Disalloggiàre, to dislodge
Dirupare, to precipitate ; di- Di salto, <idij. immediately ; di
ruparsi, to throro one's self salto in salto, leaping Disastroso, adj. disastrous
headlong Disamare, to hate Disattènto, adj inattentive
Dirupato, part, fallen from a Disamato, part, hated, dis- Disattenzióne,/, inattention
precipite ,
liked Disavanzare, to Le a >V(ef
flisnvaiizo molto in questa DisciSiiito, m loss ; ho fatto Discidto, adj vntied, freed
con discapito in queste, I Disciorre, (see Disciosliere)
loserby these goods lost a great deal by that Discipare, (.lee Dissipare, and
Disavanzo, m. detriment, lost and Discà-
Disautorare, io degrade DiscipUnju, /. education, dis-
taggiiire, to wrong. Discaricare, to unload, ease
injur , hurt Discaricato, part, discharged
Disavvantaggio, >n. disad- Discarnàre, to pick the Jlesh Disciplinire, to instruct, to
vantage scourge
Disavvantaggioso, adj. dis- Disciplinato, adj. disciplined
advaiilageous Disciplinévole, and Discipli.
Disavvantaggiosaménte, adv. nàbile, adj. docile, teach'
Disavvediménto, ni. careless- Discolamente, adv. licen-
Disawedutaménte, adv. in- Discavalcare, io alight Discoletto, adj. Tvaggish,
Discédere, to depart knavish
Disavvediito, adj. imprudent. Discendente, part, descended Dfscolo, adj. dishonest, lewd,
Discendenza, /.
' '
Disavvenente, adj. unplea- Discoloramér
Discendere, to descend, to Discolorare, ind Discolorare,
springfrom ir ; discolorarsi, to
Discendiménto, m. descent, grow pate
declivity Disrolorato, and Discolorfto»
Discensdre, m. mho descends uted, pale
Disavventura,/, misfortune Discente, m. learning DiscoIoraZidi le, f. paleness
Discente, cedj, and s. scholar Discolpa, /. and Discolpa-
Disavventurosaraénte, adv. Discepolato, m. a scholar- excuse, justijica-

Disavventurato, adj. un- Discépolo, m. and Discépola,

Disavvertenza, / itiadver- adj. discerning

Disawezzare, to disaccustom
Disawezzato, part. disac- Discemévole, adj. quick-
customed Discompagn^re, to separate
Disavvisaménto, m. impru- Discerniménto, m. act of dis- Discompagnato, part, unac-
Disbandeggiàto, aJj. banislied Discompagnatiora, /. separa-
Disbarbare, to shave the
Discompdrre, (see Scora-
Disbarbàto, adj. beardless Discetre, to pick, separate pórre)
Disbarcàre, to land Discésa,/, a descent Discompdsto, part, dtscom-
Disbramàre, to gratify Discesso, adj. descended, de-
Disbrancàre, to sever, to part tcendent DiscompotézZa, /. unbecom'
Disbrandàre, to disarm Discettare, to dispute ingness, negligence
Disbrigare, to dispatch, hasten ; Discettazióne, /. a dispute Disconciaménte, adv. va
disbrigarsi, to disentangle Disceverare, to separate ; handsomely
disceverarsi, to part with Disconcidre, to disorder
Discacciaménto, Dischiaràre, to declare Disconcio, adj. unhandsome
Dischiattàre, to degenerate Disconclùso, adj. broken
Discacciare, to expel Dischiattdto, part, degtnerai- Disconcórdia,/ discord
Discacciato, part, expelled Disconfessare, to deny
Discacciatdre, m. an expeller Dischiavàre, to unlock Disconfìggere, to rout, </e-
Discadére, to fall away Dischieràre, to disorder feal
Discadimento, m. waste, de- Dischiomare, to cut hair Disconfftta,/. rout, defeat
Dischiùdere, to open, discover Disconfftto, adj routed
Discadiito, part. decayed, Dischiumàre, to skim Disconfortare, to afflict
rvasted aniay Dischiuso, adj. open Disconfdrto, m. ajjliction
Discalzare, io pull off shoes Disciógliere, to unite, dissolve Disconoscente, adj. ungrate-
Disciogliménto, m. loosening, ful
Discalzo, part, barefooted the discovery of a plot Disconoscenza,/, ingratitude
Discioglitdre, m. he that in- Discondscere, to take for on»
terprets, explains, unites
Discorriménto, Disdegnosaménte, adv. dit
Disconosclutaménte, adv. un- dainfiilly
knowingly Disdegnóso, adj. disdainful,
Dist:onsentiménto, m. dita-
irritated, furivus
Disdétta./, contradiction
Disdétto, adj forbidden
Discortése, adj. i
Disdicciàto, adj. unlucky at
kind piny
Disconsigli^re, iodissuade
Discorteseinénte, Disdicévole, adj. unbecoming
DisconsiglJàto, adj. dissuaded Disdicevolézza, /. indecency
Discontinuàre, to leave off Disdire, to refuse, deny dis.
sfa,/, discourtesy

Discontìnuàto, pari, discon dfrsi, to go from one's word .

so, adj. steep : dis-
io, m. a precipice
disdire il fatto, to give wam-
Discontinuazidne, /. discon
Discostaménto, m. departure.
Di'sefcaménto, ni. and Di-
Disconvenévole, and Discon- seccazióne, /. drying up
veniente, adj. indeceni Diseccare, to dry, to rvither
Disconvenevoiménte, adv. I Diseccatlvo, adj. apt to dry
_ ^ , .
Da discòsto, adv. frc rt afai
Disconvemenza,/. indecency Disegnaménto, m. design
Disconvenùre, to misbecomi Disegnare, to design, sketch
disconveniensi à signor d Discovirto, adj. discovered
Discovriméntó, m. discovery Disegnatóre, m. designer
esser si parco, it is unh Disegnatura./. ('«e Disegno)
Discovrlre, io discover
coming a gcUieman to be i Disegnetto, m. a sketch
Discredente, adj. incredu- Diségno, m. design, sketch ;
Discoperto, adj. discovered far disegno sopra una co-
Discoi>riméntó, m. discovery sa, to set one's heart upon a
DiscredSnza,/. incredulity
Discoprire, to discover disbelieve
Discrédere, to -,

Discopritóre, mdiicotwer undeceive Diseguàle, adj. uneven

discredersi, to
Discoraggiaménto, m. di
Disegualmén'te, adv. vne •

one's self; tutto il mondo

couragement, affright
non mei' avrebbe fatto dir
DisGoraggiante, adj. di
Disellare, to unsaddle
scrédere, ali the rvoild could
Diselldto, ad), unsaddled
Discoraggiare, to dishearten not have made me believe the
contrary Disenfiare, to reduce a swell-
Discoràre, to frighten
Discreditare, io discredit
N. B. Such words as cannot be Dìsenfiàto, adj. not swelled
Discreditato, adj. discredited
found by Disco, look for Sco Disennato, adj. senseless
Discrédito, m. discredit, dis-
Discoralo, adj. discouraged Disensàto, adj. unwise, stupid
Discordaraénto, m. disagree- Disenlerta, and Dissenteria,/.
Discrepanza, /. distension, a
contrast ofopiniens bloody, flux
adj. ditagret
Discordante, Diseppellire, to unbury
Discrepare, to disagree
Diseppellito, part, unburied
Discordantemente, adv. h Discrescénza,/. decreasing
Discrescere, io decrease, de- Diseredare, to disinherit
Diseredato, part, disinherit-
Discordanza, and Discòrdia,/. dis- ed
Discretaménte, adv.
discord, strife, debate^ Disederaziòne, /. disinheriting
creetly, wisely, warily, pru-
Discordare, te
Diserrare, to open, unlock
dently, distinctly, clearly.
gree ic)
Diserrato, pari, opened
Disertatòre, m. a destroyer
Discretézza, and Discre^òne,
Disertazióne, / and Diserta-
/. prudence, wisdom
Discréto, adj. discreet, pru- ménto, m. desolation
Discòrde, adj. discordant to ravage, spoil,
jarring dent
Discucire, to unseni
Discordemente, adv. disagree Disertito, part, spoiled, pit-
Discuoiare, to skin
Discordérole, adj. conteniwus Disèrto, adj. desolated, aban-
Discordia,/, discord doned, unhappy, misera-
Discordióso, adj. quarrel-

Discorrènte, adj. iattling

Discórrere, to discourse e :
Disertóre, m. a deserter
cosi va discorrendo, and so Disdegniire, to disdain, scoi
Diservfgio, m- an ill office
disdegnarsi, to be angry
forth Diservlre, io disserve.
Piscorrévole, adj. rvander- Disdegnato, adi angry
Disdegno, m. anger, disdaif


Biservfto, part, disserved
Disfrenare, to unbridle
Disfaciménto, m. destnie- ^i^Sn^iévoìe, adj. disagreea-
Disfrenataménte, adv- fiercely
Disfrenato, adj. unruly, Disgusto, m. displeasure
m. a destroyer
Disfamaménto, m. defama- Disganglieràre, Disgustóso, adj. sad, grievous
to unhinge Disiare, and Disiderlre,
Disgénio, m. aversion to de
Disfarnire, to fill, to si
sue, wish, long for
DisgittiCrsi, to be dishearten-
defarne, traduce Disiato, and Disideràbile, adj,
Disfiire, to undo, rui.. Disgitìngere, to disjoin
mi lasciar tosi disfatto"dó Disgiungiménto,
Disidério, m. (see Desidèrio)
not leavt me in this misera, 7»i. separa- Disiderévole, adj. desirable
state Disiderosaraénte, adv. desir.
Disgiuntamente, adv. sepa-
Disfatta,/, a defiat, a rout u.,ly
IJistavillante, adj sparklins ideróso, adj. desirous
Disgiu'ntlvo, adj. disjunctive
Disfavillare, to sparkle ^ Disgiùnto, part, disjoined
^.oigillare, tou7,seal
Disfavóre, m. displeasure Disimpacciato, adj. disintri-
Disgiunzidne,/. separation
Disfavorévole, adj. unkind,
adverse, contrary
Disgombraménto, m. part- )isii,Yparàre, to forget
^^f^vorevolménte, unfuvour lisimpedfre, not to hinder
Disgombrase, to remove; V •isimpegnare, to disengage;
Disfavorire, to oppose, cross disimpegnarsi di sua parola,
brdrsi, the air beeins
Disfavorfto. adj. out
of fa- ^ t(
clear "'"'
Disgradare, to dislike, de Dis
Disferm^re, <„
enervate mpiegdto, a. unemployed
sptse, scoru: io te ne dis-
Disferràré, to draw out iron DismclinaziBne, f. aversion
grado, I do not thank you
disferr^re un cavallo, io ur,
shoe a horse Disinffgnert Disinffrigert,
Disgradato, part, disliked
Disferràto, part, unshod to feign, d.^^emuic
Disgradévole, adj. disagree
Disfida,/, challenge Disinfintaraénte, adv. sincere-
Disfidante, adj diffident
Disgradiinénto, m. contempt
Disfidànza,/. distrust Disinfmto, adi. sincere tlm
Disgradire, to dislike dis-
' """
Disfidare, to challenge, pie
defy please
)isingannàre, to undeceive
Disgràto, adj disagreeable
Disfigurare, to disfigure )isingann<ito, part. undeceiV'
Disgravaménto, m. unload-
Disfigurato, adj. d,-fo,:med
Disfigurazidne,/ disfiguring
Disgravare, to unload, ease
Disfingere, to dissembli
Disgravidaménto, m. deli-
Distìngiménto, m. dissimula
Disinteressato, adj. impar-
Disgravidàre, to bring forth
Disfi nfre, to define, e:rptain
Disfinitóre, m. mho defines
Disgràzia, / disaster. Pei DisinterSsse, m. disinterested-
disgràzia, adv. unfortunate-
Disfioraménto, m. dehorati
Disfiorare, to deJlo„4 Di"fnvitàre, io disinvite
Disgra?iàre, to disgrace
Disfiorato, part, deflowered Disinvolto, adj. free, dexter-
Disgraziatamente, adv. un-
Disfogaménto, m. relief
Disfogare, to evaporate Disinvoltura,/, dexterity, vi-
Disgraziato, adj. unhappy, dis- *'
Disfogliare, to strip oJTleavc, •-'ity, skill
^.o.„, m. desire
Disgrazidso, adj. uncivil, Disiosaménte, adu. desirous-
Disformare, to disfigure
Disgregare, to separate
Disformato, part, deformed Disidso, adj. de-tirous
Disgregato, part separated
gisformazidne,/ deformity Disistancàrsi, to rest one't
Disgregazióne, /. Jissipa-
- disgregazióne di spi-
Disformità, i'.dejhrmUy
a wandering of the Dislacciare,
Disfornare, to take out Vo extricate
of ai
Dislagàre, to spread, to ex-
Ditgrignàre, to grin
Disfornfre, to unfurnish tend
Disgroppare, to undo
DisfomXto, part. ^ unfurnish- Disleale, adj. unfaithful, trea-
Disgrossare, to sketch
cherous, false
Disguagiiante, adj. unlike
Disfortunàto, adì. unfortu- Dislealraénte, adv. perfidioiu-
' •' "• Disguagliànza,/',-«eyuumy
Disguagliàre, to be unequal
Disfrancàre, to weaken Dislealtà,/ dislpyalty
Disguagliàto, a,lj. unequal
Disfrenaménto, |Dislegàre, to untie, loose;
,n. profit. Di.sgustàre; -'---•
*" aispiease,
-'B^o^'^^j, iu to
vex;\ explain, to discover
disgustarsi, tojegin to loath
Disleghévole, ad^. dissolubln
Dislocitre, io displace, re- Disobbliganteménte, adv. un' Disordinato,'<!<(;• tofcy, into-
politely lent,debauched
Dislogare, and Disluogdre, to Disobbligcire, to acquit, dis- Disardine, m. confusion
mU out ef place charge, displease, disoblige Disorganizzato, adj that hat
Dislogazióne, /. and Dislo- Disobbligazidue, /. requital, tke organs disordered
gaménto, m. putting out of reward, displeasure Disorrévole, adj. aishonoura-
joint Disoccupare, to free from care ; Me
Dismagire, to draw, to entice disoccuparsi, to free one's
out of the right road
Dismagliàre, to open the Disoccupato, adj. at leisure.

Disraantàrsi, to uncloak
Dismarriraénto, m. comterna- to unbury

Dismembraraénto, I die- Disolaménlo, m. desolation Disc

Disolàre, to ruin, lay waste , idv. too much
Dismembrare, to dismember Disolàto, part, desolated DisoTol<ito, adj. dislocated
Dismemoràto, adj. stupid, for- Disolatùra, /. the cutting ojf Dispaccare, to cnt asunder
getful the sole of the shoe Dispacciare, to dispatch
Dismenticàntc, euij. forget- Diiolaziiine,/. derastaiion Dispaccio, m. dispatch
Disolfire. to ejeiract the sul- Dispaiare, t» unmatck
Dismentieàjiza, /. forgeiful- phureous parts out of a body Disparàre, io forget
Disonestà, f. dishonesty, ob- DiS5>a»ato. part, forgotten
Dismenticàre, to forget DisparScchi, pron. pi. «»#•
Dismésso, part, dismissed
Dismettere, to dismiss ; ho dis- Disparecchiire, clear ih.
mésso di bere, / have lift off Disonestàre, to dishonour
drinking Disonestarsi, to be dishonest
Dismisura, /. excess. A di Disonestàto, adj. dishonour-
misura, adv. exceedingly able
Dismisurire, to go beyond Disonèsto, adj. hrvd, disho-
the bounds, to act rvithout

Dismisurataménte, adv. im- Dispargiménto, vi. dispert-

Dismisurdto, adì.
"^ invneasura- Disonoràre, dishonour
to Dispdri, adj. unlike, uneven
ble, excessive Disonorato, adj. dishonoured nùmero dispari, an odd
Dismodiito, adj. disorderly Disonòre, m. and Disonorànìa, number ; noi siamo dispari,
f. dishonour d'età, »i'e are not o/ the same
of a conveid Disonorévole, adj. dishonoura-
Dismontare, to dismount, a- ble Dispariménte, adv. unequal-
Disonorevolmente, and Dison- ly
oratamente, adv. disgrace- Disparire, and Disparére, t»
fully disappear
Di soperchio, adv. superfluous- Disparisc^nte, adv. unsightly,
Disnamorire, to love no more ly, much disfigured
Disnaturire, to change tut Disoppiàtto, adv. secretly Disparità, f. inequality; dis-
Disoppilàre, to loosen the belly parità d'opinióni, contrariety
Disnaturàto, adj. unnatural Di sdpra, or Disdpra, prep. of opinions
Disnebbiare, to gran' fair Disparito, adj. altered, pale
Disnebbiato, aJj. unclouded Di soprappiù, adv. over and Disparfaménte, adv. here and
Disnerràre, to enervate
Disnerràto, part, weakened Disorbitante, atlj. exorbitant,
Disnidirù, to leave the nest
Disnodare, to undo, untie Disorbitantemtnle, adv. ex-
Disnodevole, adj. easily un- travagantly Dispartitaménte, adv. asun-

Disncire, m. (in ptetry) dU- Dispartito, part, parted, at'

Disnudàre, to slrip Disordinare, to disorder; dis- Dis]iartit()re, m. mho di-
Disobbediignza, /. disobedi- ordin^e nel mangiare, to coi
immoderately Disparu.t£Zza, /. slender
Disobbligàute, a<lj. ditoUig- Disordiuataoiér.te, adv. diter-
Dispaiiito, adj. thin, slttdtr


Dispassionaménto, m. apa- Dispiacènte, adj. displeasing Disprezzativo, adj. confemptti-
Dispiacenza, /. and Dispia-
Dislfastoiàre, io take oj- the Disprezzato, part, contemned
fetters frmn a horse's leg row ; pigliar dispiacenza Disprezzévole, part, contempii-
Dispendere, to expend d'una cosa, to take something
Dispèndio, m. expense, cost DispreZzevoIménte, adv. scorn
Dispendiosamente, adv. cost- fully, disdainfully
Disprèzzo, m. contempi, scorn
Dispendióso, adj. chargaahle Disprigionàre, to free from
Dispeiinàto, ad), featherless
Dispensa,/. '•-• "- Dispiacévole, adj. unplea-
nntry lardet sant
Bispensdbile, adj. dispei Dispiacevolménte, adv. griev- DisproporZioriàto, part, dis-
ble ously proportioned
Dispensare, io distribute, di- Dispiacevolézza, /. and Dis- Disproporzióne,/, inequality
piaciménto, m. discontent Disprovvedutaménte, adv. un-
Dìspensatfva, /. the dispensa- Disjiiaciuto, jMrt. displeased
Dispianàre, to explain ; dis- Disprovvedùto, part, unpro-
Dispensàto, part, distributed pianàrsi, to lay end's self vided, unfurnished
Dispensatdre, m. dispenser Disprunàre, to rut thorns
Dispensazióne, /. and Dispen- Dispianàto, adj. plain, explain- Dispulzellare, to dcjlimer
saménto, m. dispensation, li- Dispumato, adj. frothy
Dispiccàre, to pull up Dfsputa,/ dispule, debate
Dispensiéro, and Dispensière, Dispicciàre, to dispatch Disputabile, adj. disputable
Dispiegare, to display, set Dispiitaniénto, jn. anil DispU'
Disperàbile, adj. despaired forth tazióne,/. disputatian
"f pispietataménte, adv. cruelly Disputante, adj. disputant
Dispen(re, to despair ; deh i Dispietdto, adj. unmet ciful Disputiire, to dispute, debate
perche mi fate disperare? Dispodestare, to put out of Disputativo, adj. disputable
ft'/i^ do you tease me so f power ; dispodestarsi, to Disputito, part, dispnted
Disperatamdnte, adv. despe- resign one's porver, autho- Disputatóre, m. a disputant
rately ; alia disperata, rash- rity Disquisizióne,/, disquisition
'y Dispogliare, to undress Disradicare, to root up
Disperato, adj. despaired of, Dispogliato, part, undressed Disramàre, to prune
Disponiraénto, m. disposition, DisredSre, disinherit
Disperazidne, /. and Dispera- Disredato, part, disinherited
ménto, m. despair Disponitdre, m. mho disposes Disregola'tamént-e, adv. disor
Dispèrdere, to consume Dispopolatdre, m. a destroyer derly
Disperdiménto, m. disper- Dispórre, to dispose, prepaie Disruvidfre, to smooth, polish,
Dispositóre, m. a dispo'ser
Dispèrgere, to scatter, to Disposizióne,/, disposition
squander, disperse Dispostamente, adv. orderly Dissagràto,' pari, polluted
Dispergiménto, »i. scattering, DispostéZZa,/. disposition Dissalare, to unsatt
ruin, rant, defeat Dispósto, part, disposed Dissaporfto, adj. insipid
Dispergitore, m
a destroyer Dispoticamente, adv. despoti- Dissavoróso, adj. insipid
Disperse, adv. separately cally Dissecazióne, /. dissection
Dispersione,/, dispersion Dispotico, adj. arbitrary Disseccdre, to dry up
Disperso, part, dispersed Dispotismo, m. despotism. Disseccativo, adj. apt to dry
Dispettdbile, adj. despicable Dispregévole, adj. despica- Disseminare, to sorv, spread
Dispettàre, to despise
Dispettàto, part, vexed, slighl- Dispregevolménte, adv. scorn-
Dispregiaménto, m. contempt
Dispregiare, to despise, scorn
ble Dispregiato, part, contemned Dissenteria./, bloody Jlux
Dispetti vamén te, adv. disdain- Dispregiatore, and Disprezza- Dissentèrico, aiìj. one that [it
fully tóre,m: despiser troubled rvith the bloody Jlme
Dispetto, m. an affront, spite : Disprègio, and Disprezza-
avere in or a dispétto, to ménto, m. contempt, scorn Disseparàre, to separate
despise. In dispétto, adv. Disprezzàbile, adj. despicable Disserrare, to open, unlock
in spite of Disprezzànte, adj. disdainful Disserrato, part, unlocked
Dispettosamente, adv. {spite- DÌ!prezzanteménte,adv.proud- Dissertazióne,/, dissertation
fully Disservtgio, m. disservice
Dispettóso, adj reproachful Dispreizare, to detpise, flight Dissest^e, to disordrr
OUsetire, and Dissetarsi, to Dissuria, /. difficulty in mak- DistinzixSne,/. dist'metion
ing water Distògliere, to divert from
Disieziòne,/. distectwn Distaccamento, m. a pulling Distogliménto, m. the act oj
Dissigillare, io break a seal away, a detachment, (in diverting
Dissillabo, m. dissyllable war) Distonire, to go out of tune
Dissimigliante, adj. unlike Distaccare, to dram by forcf Distórcere, to twist, wreath

Dissimiglidnza,/. difference distaccarsi, to part non Distomaménto. m. hinderarut

Dissimigliare, to differ posso distaccarmi da questo inder
Dissimile, adj. unlike luogo, / cannot leave this Distórre, to dissuade, rc„m^
Dissimililiidine,/ unlikeness place : Distorto^ adj crooked, bent
Dissimulare, to dissemble ; dis- Jistagliàre, io cut in pieces, to Distraére, and Distrarre, to
simulò la moneta, he debased avert from ; quando uno

Distagliatùra, /. separation. invecchia in un vizio^ dif-

Dissimulatamente, adv. co- I ficilmente sene distrae, ai»
vertly Distante, adj. distant I
old sinner seldom repents
Dissimulato, part, dissembled Distanza, and Distanzia, /. Di strafóro, adj. by stealth
Dissimulatóre, m. a dissem- Distratto, adj. absent
bler '

Distrazióne,'/, distraction
Dissimulazidne, f. hypocrisy, Distrétta,/ distress
Distrettamente, adv. rigorous-
Dissipaménto, m. and Dissi- Distemperaménto, m. diste
paZidne, m. dissipation per Distrettatezza,/ severity
Dissipare, to scatte. la neb- Distemperànza, and Diste
; Distretto, adj. pressed, crowd-
bia si dissipa, the fog dis- peratezza,/. intemperanci I
ed ; amico distrétto, inti-
perses Distemperare, to dissolve mate friend, parenti dis-
Dissipatfvo, and Dissipato, Distemperataméule, adv. i trétti, near relations
part, dissipated, dispersed Distrétto, m. district
Dissipatóre, m. a waster Distemperatura, /. disord Djstribuiraénto, m. distribu-
Dissipazióne, f. a squander-
Distribuire, to divide, share
Distribuito, part, distributed
up. Distribuitdre, m. distributer
plough Distributivamente, adv. dis-
Dissolubile, and Dissolutivo, tinctly
adj. dissolvable Distributivo, adj. distribu
Dissolvente, adj. dissolvent Distenebrare, to clear up
Dissolvere, to dissolve Distensióne, f
extension Distributóre, m. divider
Dissolutamente, adv. disso- Disterminàre, to exterminate, Distribuzióne,/, distribution
lutely extirpate Distrigare, to disintangle ; to
Dissolutézza, /. excess, licen- Distésa,/, a stretching. AUa unfoljt: distrigarsi, to dis-
distésa, adv. at large Jtit angle one's self
Distesamente, adv. extensive- Diitrlgnere, to tie : bind : ès-
sere distrétto di paura, to be
Distéso, adj. large, long; \ in a fright
DissoluzicSne,/. dissolution distéso, spranUiifg Distrigniménto, m. binding,
Dissotnigliante, adj. unlike Distico, m. a distich tying
Dissomigliiaza, f. unlike- Distillaménto, ni. distillation Distruggere, /(> destroy; dis-
Distillante, adj. distilled truggersi, to melt
Dissomigliare, to differ, vary Distillare, to distil: distillarsi Distruggiraénto, m. and Dis-
Dissomigliato, adj unlike il cervello sopra qualche — =
/. destruction, over-
Dissontiigliévole, 'adj. different cosa, io puzzle one's brains throw
Dissonante, adj disagreeing about something Distruggi tlvfl destrttc-
Dissonanza,/, jarring Distillato, part, distilled
Dissonarsi, to awake Distillatóio, m. a still Distniggitóre, wi. j dtsiroyer
Dissovvenlre, to have forgot- Distillatóre, m. a distiller Distruttivo, adj destructive
Distillazióne,/, distillation Distrùtto, port, destroyed
Dissuadére, io dissuade Distinguere, to distinguish ; Distruttóre, m. a destroyer
Dissuasiónp,/. dissuasipn distinguersi, to sigrtalizt one's Disturàre, to unstop
Dissuaso, part, dissuaded self Disturbaménto, m. and 'Dis-
Dissuasòrio, adj. dissuasive ]
Distintamente, adv. distinct- turbànza,/. disorder, confa-
Dissuetùdine,/, disuse ly
Dissuggellare, to break a Distintiva, /. and Distintivo, Disturbare, to disturb
m. mark, sign, token Disturbato, part, disturbed,
Dissuggellato, adj. unsealed Distinto, part, dlstingtiished disordered
Disturbatóre, m. a disturber Disviscer*re, to unbowel, Ditra5i(5ne,/. detraction
Disturbo, m. disturbance Ditrinciàre, tu cut in piece»
Di SÙ. prep, above, upon Disvischiàrsi, to get rid of a Dittamo, m. dittany (herb)
Disvalére, to prejudice Dittare, to dictate
Disvalóre, m. weakness Disvjtirchiàre, to disemba Dittato, m. a dictate, a precept
Disvantilggio, m. disadvai Dittatóre, m. a dictator
Dittatorio, adj. diclaiary
Disvariaraénto, m. variation Dittatura,/ dictatorship
Disvariire, to differ Dittòngo, m. a diphthong
Disvaridto, adj. different man ; disumanarsi, (u Diturpàre, to disfigure
Disvario, m. difere,ice, co, Diva,/, (in poetry) a goddess,
troversy, a mistake ; v'd gran Disunianiito, and Disumai a mistress
disvàrio fra questo e quello, adj. inhuman, cruel Divagaménto, m. a wandering
there is a great different Disiinfbile, adv. divisible Divagare, to wander, rove
between this and that Disunióne, a disunion/ Divallaménto, m. a descending
Disubbidiènte, adv. disohediei.^ Disunire, to disunite, divide. Divallare, to descend
Disubbidientemente, adv. dis- Perche, crudo destine Divampare, to flash, flame
obediently Divanzare, v. precede
Disubbidienza,/ disobedie stringe ? why, cruet destiny, Divano, m- the divan (in Tur-
Disubbidire, to disobey do you part us, since In key)
Disubbidito, part, disobeye unites us f Divantàggio, adv. more
Disudire, to pretend 7101 Disunitamente, adv. separai Divariare, (o vary, differ
hear Divàrio,»!, variance': è grande
to Disùnto, adj. lean il divàrio, the difference is
Disvolére, to refuse
Disusanza, /. disuse; av Divastiménto, m. and Divas-
disusània d'un luogo, to be tazióne,/. devastation
a stranger to a place Divecchìaménto, m. growing
Disusare, to disuse
Disvelare, to unveil Disusatamente, adv. unusually young
Disvelato, part, discovered Disusato, adj. unusual Divedére, to show, convince;
Disvelat(5re, »« a discovere: dare à divedere, to con-
Disvèllere, to pluck, to pull vince ; vi darò à divedere
up, mrin^, get out
Disventre, to faint, rvaste, Disùtile, adj. useless vince you that you are in the
cay [hap Disutilità,/, uselessness wrong
Disventura, /. misfortune, mis- Disutilmente, adv. unprojita- Divellere, and DivSrre, to pluck
Disv up, root up
fortun „ Di adv. with the edge
l^àglio, Divelllménto, m. plucking
Disventur^to, adj. unhicky Dita, m. j,l. the fingers Divelto, part, plucked out
Disvergindre, to dejlorver Ditale, m. a thimble -^i^enire, to become: to befall ;
Di tanto in tanto, adv. nor il nùmero divenne più
Disvestire, to undress grande, the number g>ew
Disvezzare, to disuse ' ' :>? 7vhat
Disvezzato, part, disused vili bl eofm
DisuggelUire, to unseal w: diventar
Disuggelldto, part, unsealed )iterminàto,' adj determinate nille
Disuguaglianza, and Disugua- )iterminazióne,/. resolution
lità,/, inequality )itestazióne,/ detestation Diventato, pmt. become
Disuguale, adj. unequal )ito, m. the finger, the toe Div&bio, »i. a dialogue
Disugualmente, adv. unequal- il dito grosso della mane n: ^,, ,..
;„ ;^„/^^ i^^ff^.
ly the thumb; dito, an invi. ; adv. diversely
Dif viaménto, m. a wandering a finger's breadth; mos Diversificaménto, m. dijjer-
Disviare, to draw out of the
nay, to degenerate ; disviarsi, at one ; aver qualche cos Diversificàre, and Diversare, to
to wander su la punta delle dita, to
Disviataménte, adv. wander- have a thing at one's finger ficàio, part, diverti-
ingly Jled
Disviatezza,/. a straying Ottono, adj. of two parts i Diversificazióne,/ variation
Disviato, adì wandering Diversifico, adj. different
Disviatdre, m. and Disvia- ppàre, to steal
trfce,/. a wanderer, debaucher Di tratto, adv. suddenly
Disviluppàre, to disentangle. Di tratto ir. tratto, adv. noi
and then
Diversi, pron. pi. avert, Divisióne, /. division, diiunionj '.

Di verso, prip. towards Divisivo, adj. separable
Diversdrio, m. inn, tavern Diviso, part, divided Ddga, /. the side-board, clap
DiT3rtere, to divert Divisóre, m a divider
DiTerticoIo, m. a digressicn Di vista, adv. by sight
Divertiménto, »«. att of divert- Divizia, /. plenty, a_ffluence ;
ing, diversion i firutti quest' anno sono in
DiverWre, to divert, interrupt ; gran divizia, fruit is this Doganière custom-house-
divertirsi, to take one's plea- year very plentiful
Divizidso, adi. plentiful »ogàre, to gird about, to
DivestJre, to undress Divino, adj. heavenly put, or mend the clap-
Divetl^re, to beat tht rvool Divo, adj. (in poetry) divine, hoards
Divettfno, m. beater of the excellent, heavenly Ddge, m. doge, eaptain-gene-
Divolgaménto, m. divulging
Divezzare, to mean Diveltare, to divulge, publish D' oggi in domani, adv. eveiy
Divezzo, part, unaccustomed Di volgari zzare, to translate intc Ddglia, and Dogliénza, /.
D' ivi, adv. from thence vulgar language grief, pain, complaint
Diviàre, (see Deviare) Divolgato, part, divulged Ddglie, /. pi. labour, travail
Diviatamente, adv. nimbly, Divolgazióne,/. divulgation (in child birth)
quickly, readily Dogliènte, adj. grieving
Diviito, adj. quick Ddglio, m. a tun, cask
Dividendo, m. a dividend / gluUw,y ^g
msam n
Dividente, adj. dividing Divoramento, m. greediness,
Dividere, to divide; dividersi, Doglióso, adj. grieved
Divoraradnti, m. hector, quar- Dogma, m. tenet, doctrine
Dividitdre, m. a sharer releome fellow Dogmàtico, adj dogmatic
Divietaménto, m. prohibition Divorante, adj. devouring Dogmatizzare, to dogmatize
Divietare, to forbid Divorare, to devour T ogni intdmo, adv. on eveny
Divietato, part, prohibited Divorallvo, adj. devouring side
Divietazi<5ne, /. and Divièto, Divota'to, part, devoured Dolce, adj. sweet, fresh, plea-
m prohibition Divoratura, and Divorazidne, sant, agreeable. D.olce dolce,
Divinamente, adv. divinely. / ,!cvoa,i„g adv. agreeably, little by lit-
excellently Divdrzio, m. divorce, depar- tle : partirsi a bocca dolce,
Divinaménto, m. divination ture to retire quite happy ; came
Divinare, to divine, guess at Divotaménte, adv. devoutly dolce parla! what a street
Divinatòre, conjurer D'vdto, adf. pious, godly
Divinaménto, in. and Divina- Divozióne, f. devotion Dolcemente, adv. softly, gent-
zidne, /. conjuration Diuretico, adj diuretic ly, foolishly
Divincolaménto, m. and Di- Diurno, adj. daily D»ìcé-Zza,/. sweetness, charm,
vincolazidne,/. con<<»r/iou Diuturnamente, adv. diumal- pleasure
Divincolare, to wrest Ddlcia,/. snnne's blood
Divinità,/, deity, a god, a god- Diuturnità, /. long eontinu- Dolciàto, adj. sweet, charm-

Diuturno, adj. lasting Dolcicandro, adj. melodious

Divulgare, io diottre, ytifc- Dolcificare, to calm, appease
lish Dolcificazióne, /. a sneeten-
Divinizzafidne,/. a deifying Divulgato, part, divulged
Divino, adj. divine Dizionàrio, m. a dictionary
Divisa,/, division, a livery, j Dizidne,/. diction, dominion
coal of arms Doina,/. (see Dogana) , adj. 'mild', (of ivealher
Divisamente, adv. separately Dobla, /. and Dobldne, m. - J)
Divisamente, m. separation, Dolentemente, adv. doleful-
thought, project Doccia, /. an earthen ca
Divisare, to think, imagine, to
describe, divide: share, de- rable. \ dolente! :

termine, diversify
Divisataménte, adv. distinct- Dolere, _.-
ly grieve, suffer ; mi dudle la
Divisato, part, disfigured, al- testa, my head aches ben :

tered : è tutto divisato, Ae is DOcile, adj. tractable ho di voi onde mi doglia,

Docilità,/ tractableness / have good reason to com-
Divisibile, adj. divisible Documénto, m. instrvction plain of you
Divisibilità,/ divisibility Dodicèsimo, adj the treelflh Dolorato, adj. abided, vexed.
DoMre, m. pain ; i dolrfri del Damine ! inteij. the deuce ! DoppiatCira,/ the act cf di
parto, pangs in child-birth Dominicale, adj. dominical I'ling, avgmeniution
Dolorosamente, adv. grievous- Dominio, m. dominion Doppière, and Doppiéro,
ly, mrrorvfully Dómma, «i. a dogma
Doloróso, adj. painful, sorrow- Dommaschino, adj. rose e Do,.piezza, / slyness, ci
ful, imhappy, rvicked
Dolosamente, adv. deceitful- Dommàsco, m. damask
ly Donagiiine, /. and Donaménto, :o più riccu
Dolóso, adj deceitful m. a gift, present dÌT<
Doluto, part complained Donante, adj giving you; duplicity; (also) in
Dolzafna, /. Dolzaino, m, a Donare, lo give chimes of bells
hafitboy Donatario, m. a donee {law Dóppio, adj. double, deceit-
Domabile, adj. tameable term) ful donna dóppia, a preg-

Domanda,/. ,«ee Dimanda) Donativo, m. and Donazióne, nant woman febbre dóppia,

Domandare, to demand, re- / gift, present, donation a continual fever. A il, or

quest : inquire : il vostro Donato, part, given al dóppio, adv. doubling, at
padrone vi domanda, your Donatóre, m. a giver much again è il doppio più.

Dónde? adv. whence? don- ricco di voi, he is as rich

ron. relai. rohereof, again ae you
, to .of whom Doppióne, jn. a Spanish pis-
Dondolare, to swing, loiter
Domandasséra, adv. to-^mor- Dóndolo, m. the thing fwing- , adv. every n
rom niffht volére il dondolo, to
Domandato, part, demanded, love Dorare, to gild
Dondolóna,/. and Dondolóne, Dorato, adj gilt
Domandatdre, m. a demander, m. a loiterer. A dondolóni, Doratóre, tn. gilder
adv. dingle-dangle Doratura, /. and Doraménto,
Domandaziòne, f. a request, Dònna, f woman, wife, mis-
tress; Nostra Dóima, the Dorè, adj. of gold cc
Domane, m. {see Dimane) Virgin Mary; donna no- 1''/- 1' J plate
Doman l'altro, m. the day after
to-morrorv nalfuóco, m. a sleepy idle
Domare, to tame, humble, con-
quer Dc>rmentório,Dormentóro, and
Domato, part, subdued Dormit<5rio, m. a dormitory
Domatóre, m. conqueror
Domattina, m. to-morrorv Dormicchiare, and Dormi-
Donnescaménte, adv. effemi-
Doraenedlo, «i. (Dio) God nately Dormiénte, adj. sleeping
Doménica,/; Sunday Donnésco, adj. ejffeminaie, Dormiglióne, «i. sluggard.
Domenicale, and Dominicale,
adj. belonging to Sunday; Dormiglióso, adj sleepy, dull
l'orazióne domenicale, the Dormire, to sleep ; dormire al
Lord's prayer ench fuòco, to he negligent; non
Domenicano, m.. a white Donno, m. master, lord sipuò dormire e far la guar-
friar Dònno, adj. gentle, happy dia, one cannot do ttvo tliings
Domesticare, {see ^Dimcsti- Dònnola,/, a weazle
Donnóne, m. a jolly woman
Doniestichgzza, /. familiarity, Dóno, m. gift, present ; in
kindness, love dono, as a gift
Domèstico, 7(1. a servant Donùz70, m. a small gifl Dormìtóre, m. {see Dormigli-
Domestico, adj. familiar, Donzèlla,/, and Donfello, m.
Dorso, m. the back of a beast
Domévole, adj. tameable, do- bachelor, knight, bail^, es- piegare il dorso, to submit
quire, tipstaff Dosa, and Dose, /. a dose cf
Domicflio, m. habitation Donzelletta,/ a damsel physic
Dominante, adj. reigning Dopo, prep, after, since, be- Dossi, m. pi. skins oj squtr-
Dominare, to domineer ; un
monte che domina la città, Dopo che, conj. after that Dossière, and Dossière, m. a
a hill commanding the tnrvn Dóppia, /. pistole, a hem, blanket, coverlid
Dominatóre, m. ruler, lord Dòsso, m. the back; dar il
Dominazióne, /. and Doraf- dòsso, lo turn one's back;
nio, m. dominion, power, levarsi da dòsso, to gel rid
Do^re, to jninfure, to endorv, '

Ognuno il suo dcviUo, to DuMtaménto, m. doubt, ;u<«-

to bestow ; la natura 1' ha give every one his due
doWta d'una gran bellézza, Dozzina, f. a dozen ; tenére
nature has endowed her rvith a dozzina, to board met- :

great beauty tersi in dozzina, to intrude

Dotilo, part, \endorved, adorn- one's self; poeta da dozzina.

Dubitato, part, doubted

Dubitazióne,/, uncertainty
ly Dubitevolménte, adv. doubt-
Dote, and Dota, f. portion, Dozzinante, m
a boarder fully
Dragante,/, gum-dragant Dùca, m. a general, command-
Dotta, '/. an hour, a favour- Draghinassa,/, a rapier er, chief, a duke
able opportunity ; fear; te- Drago, m. a dragon Ducale, adj. ducal
nere in dotta, to keep in Dragom.-inno, m. interpreter Ducalmente, adv. like a duke
Dragondto, part, dragooned Ducato, »i. a dukedom, a
Dottamente, adv. learnedly DragcSne, m. a dragoon
Dotto, adj learned Dragontéa, /. grass plantain Ducatóne, m. a ducatoon, a
Dottorale, adj. doctoral
Dottorare, to lake or give the Dramma, /. a dram rveighi Duce, m. (in poetry) a captain,
degree of doctor bit, piece: a tragedy, o general officer
Dottorato, m. doctorship Ducéa, /. a dukedom, duchy
Dottóre, m. teacher, doctor Drammàtico, adj. dramatic Dùcere, to lead, conduct
Dottorello, Dottorùzzo, and Drappelldre, to display the co Duchèa,/, the territories of a
Dottoràccio, VI. an ignorar duke
doctor Drajipelletto, m. a small troo} DuchSsco, adj. ducal, (of a
Dottrina,/ doctrine Drappèllo, m. a troop, a flag
Dottrinale, adj. instructive Drapperia, /. drapery, sii, Duchéssa,/, duchess
Dottrinare, to instruct, teach Duchessina,/ a young duchess
Dottrinato, part, instructed Duchino, m. « young duke
Due, m. and adj. two tra le ;

mercante di drappi, . due, cosi, cosi, so. so; in-

differently; stare intra due,
to be irresolute
going t dóve, whereas, when Duecento, m. and adj. {see
D(5ve, m. (luògo) a place. Dugénto)
sapete il dóve ? do you knorv Duellante, m. a duellist
the place t La dóve, adv. DuelUre, tofght a duel
Duellatóre, and Duellista, m.
Doverhè, adv. any where dueller, or duellist
Dovechesfa, adv. wherever Duèllo, ni. a duel
Doventàre, to become Duetdnti, adv. as many
Dovente, adj. owing Dròga,/, a drug
Dovére, to owe must ; dev
: Droghetfa,/. drugs DuEtto, m a duet (in music)
èssere cosi, it must he so druggist, Dugencinquànta, m. and adj.
Droghière, m. a
che dobbiamo fare ? who grocer two hundred andjifty
must we do? devo andare Dromedàrio, ni. a dromedary Dug'nto, m. and adj. imo
in città, I am forced to go Druda, /. a sweetheart, a nils- hundred
into the city ; mi deve diè- Dulcicanóro, adj. melodious
ci scudi, he ones me ten Dnido, m. a lover. DriSdo, Dulcificànte, a<y. softening
crowns adj skilful, valiant Dulciiìcàre, to soften
Dovére, m. duty ; farò il Druido, m. a Druid Dumfla, or Duemila, m. and
dovére, I'll do my best; Dubbiaménte.Dubhiosaménte, adj. two thousand
più del dovére, more tha. and Dubbitativaménte, Dumo, m. (in poetry) bush,
necessary t/«ity briars, brambles
Da dovére, adv. in earnest ^ ,^ Duna,/, plains, downs
Dovizia, /. store, riches fa : Dùnque, adv. then, what.
dovizia, to make presents Dùnque non ! son io capace
Doviziosamente, adv. pienti Dubbio', m doubt méttere ii di farlo ? what ! am I not
dubbio, to doubt
)ubbiosità, /. uncertainty Duo, m. and adj. (in poetry}
Dubbióso, Dubitóso, and Du
bitativo, adj. dubious
DubiUbile, adj. uncertain
Puomo, m, a cnthedral , fooU
Duplicare, to double
Duplicatamente, adv. doubly Ebdomadàrio, m. head of
Duplicato, part, doubled convent for the week
Duplicazióne,/ a doubling E'bere, to grow weak
Duplicità, Duplicitide, and Ebete, adj. weak
Duplicitàte, /. dissimula- Ebolliménto, m. and Ebol-
lizione, J.. /
oo-.iing; enoi-
ebol- ;

Duràbile, adj. durable lizidne di sangue, heat of Old Testament)

Durabilità,/, continuance Ecclesiasticamente, adv. eccle-
J)ìrrabilméatc, adv. continually Ebràico, adj. Jewish siaslically
Duràcine, adj. hard (said of Ebraismo, m. Hebraism, I Ecclesiàstico, adj. ectlesiasti-
fruit) Ebrèo, adj. Hebrew, Jew cal
Duramente, adv. cruelly, to get Ecclesiàstico, m. a clergy-
roughly, difficultly Ebnàto, ad], drunk, fuddled
Durante, adj. during, lasting Kbréz?a,and Ebrietà,/, drunk- ÈcT^"
Durare, to last, to continue, to
hold Ota : il suo dominio dura E'bro. anrf Ebridso, adj. arunk- book; eccolo lì, >

fin là, Ms dominions extend

io that place Ebùmo', and febùmeo, adj. pronto, here 1 am ready ;

Durata, /. duration questo : white as ivory

tempo non avrà lunga du- Ecatòmbe, and Ecatùmbe, /.
rata, this weather rviìl not an hecatomb (a sacrifice of Echio, m. hart's tongue (an
last hng a hundred cattle) herb)
Durativo, adj. lasting, steady Eccedènte, adj. exceeding Eclessàre, to eclipse
Durato, pari, continued Eccedentemente, adv. exceed- Eclissalo, part, eclipsed
Duretto, cdj. hard, tough ingly Eclisse, and Eclissi, m. an
Durévole, ailj. durable Eccidgnza,/ excess eclipse
Durévolmente, adv. corUinu- Eccèdere, to surpass, excel Eclittica, ecliptic line
aily_ Eccellfnte, adj. excellent Eco, and Ecco, m. and f. the
Eccelìenteméhte. adv. excel- echo
lenilo Economato, ni. stewardship
Eccellènza, and Eecellénf la./. Economia,/, economy
Vwro, adj. hard, firm, strong, excellency. Per eccellènza, '"
^' "
robust, cruel, obstinate, la- adv. excellently m^cllìy^"'^''
borious, harsh ; capo duro, a Eccellere, io excel Economico, adj. sparing,
blockhead Eccelsr.mèr.te, adv. loftily saving
DurStlo, adj. somewhat tough Eecelsitudine, /. h'ghness Economo, m. an economui
Dùttile, adj. malleable (title of a prince) Economa, /. a good housewife
Duttilità,/, ductility Eccflso, adj. high, lofty E converso, adv. on the con-
Duttdre, m. a leader, guide Eccentricamente, adv. eccen-
Duumvirato, m. duumvirate trically Ecùleo, m. an instrument
Duùmviri, m. pi. duumvirs, Eccentricità, /. eecentncity, of torture
(magistrates in the Roman deviation from the centre
republic} Eccentrico, adj. eccentric Ecumènico, adj. general
Eccessivamente, adv. excesa- Edace, adj. voracious
Edacità,/. greediness
Eccessivo, adj. excessive Edera,/ ivy
Ederóso, and Ederàceo, adj.
Eccetera, /. note of abbrevia- full of ivy
tion. cS-C. Edificamènto, m. a building,
Eccetto, and Eccettochè, conj. edifying

E '
ed, con;, and; questi
quello; this and thai
but, except
Eccettuare, and Eccettàre, to
Edificare, to build, edify
Edificato, part, built, edified
E, is ; egli è, i è, J Edificatóre, m. a builder
Eccettuato, adj. excepted Edificatòrio, adj. edifying
Ebanista, m. a worke Eccettuazidne, and Eccezi- Edificazióne,/, ediiication
ebony, a cabinet-maker óne, /. e-rcep/ion, ./(^èrence Edificio, and Edifizio, m.
E'bano, m. ebony Eccheggiànte, a. echoing, re- edifice
Ebbré2éa, Ebbrietà, and Eb- Edile, m. a sort of magi-
briachézza,/. drunkenness Ecclieggiàre, to echo, to strate
Ebbriàco. adj. drunk, drunk- Eccidio, »i. ruin, slaughter Edilità. /. the i^ce of edile
Editore, ni. editor
E-bbrio, and Ebbrioso, adj. Eccitare, ti Editto, ni. edict, decree
Edizióne,/, edition Eligl^ile, adj. Jit to be chosen
Educare, to educale Elisio, m. Elysium
Educato, part, educated Elistre, TO. elixir, quintet'
Educalidne, /. education
iffe, f. the letter F Eutropia, /. c
Effemèride,/ ephemeris Eguale, adj. equal, impai f a green c rvith red
EfFeminaménto, m. effemi-
naey Eutropio, . the herb turn-

Ella, pron. she, it; vuoi ella

venir meco .' mill you com»
Effeminatézza, and Eff'emi- with vie. Sir, or iladatn t
natàpgine. /. eff'eminacy Elli, egli,pron. he
Effeminato, adj. effeminate Eimè, ahi Ellèboro, m hellebore
Efferatamente, adv. cruelly EUera,/ ivy
EfferaleZZa,/. cruelty Elaborare, io take pains Ellisse./ ellipsis
Efferato, aàj. fierce, cruel Elaborato, adj. elaborate ElUtico, adj. oval
EfieTith,/., fierceness Elàstico, adj. elastic Elmetto, and Elmo, «i. hil-
Effervescènza, /. heat, vigour, Elasticità,/, elasticity
force Elaziòne,/. haughtiness Elocuzióne,/. elocution
Effettivamente, adv. effectively Elee,/, the holm-oak Elògio, m. eulogy, praise
Effettività,/ efficacy Elefante, m. an elephant EloquSnte, adj. eloquent
Effettivo, adj. effective ' Elefant/no, adj. belonging to Eloquentemente, adv. elo-
Eff'etto, tn. effect, success. In an elephant quently
effètto, adi;, in fact; l"hò Elefaniia,/. a kind of leprosy Eloquènza, and Eloquènzia,/
fatto a quest' eff'etto, I did it Elegante, adj. elegant, fine
rvith this intent ; in effetto è Elegantemente adv. elegant- Elsa./, and E\to, m. a hilt, or
come voi dite, really it is as ly handle
you say Eleganza, /. elegance Elucidarlo, adj. explaining
Enettóre, m. a maker, a Eleggere, to elect, choose Elucubralo, part. carifiUly
Elegia,/, an elegy nir ought
Elegiaco, adj. elegiac Elucubrazióne, /. composing
Elegiaco, in. a nriter of in the night-time
lually Elùdere, to elude
Effettuare, to , miplish Element4Ie, and Elementare, Emaciare, to make lean
Eftezidne, /. adj. elementary Emaciato, part, emaciated
effecting Elementare, to compose qf Emaciazióne,/. leanness
Efficace, adj. efficacious elements Emanare, to proceed from
Efficacemente, adv. effectu- Elementito, part, composed of Emancipare, to set at liberty
ally Emancipato, part, emanet-
Effiodcia, /. efficacy Eleménto, m. the element
Elemòsina,/, alms, charily Emancipazióne, /. etnanet-
Elemosinarlo, and Elemosi-
EiBgiàto, part, drawn, pmrU- nière, adj. almsgiver Ematlta,/. a bloodstone
Elènco, m. catalogue, index Emblèma, emblem
EffKgie,/. image., picture EletUvo, adj. elective Emblemàtico, adj. emblema'
Effluvio, m. an overflowing Eletto, part, elected, chosen, tic
Effondere, to pour out fine Wmhiice, f. tile- trifle
Effrenataménte, adv. excess- Elettorale, adj. electoral Embrióne, m. an embry
ively, rashly Elettorato, m. electorate Embroccàre, to make an em
Eff"reniito, aJJ. immoderate, Elettóre, 711. an elector, title of
unruly a prince Emènda,/, emendation
Effusióne, /. and Effbndl- Elettrice,/, an electrix Emendàbile, adj. eaey to 6*
E!§ttrieo,a(y. electrical corrected
Eftmera, /. a one-day fever . Elettro, m. amber Emendare, to correct, mend
an animal which lives bttt one Elettuàrio, m. an electuary E-menddto, part, corrected,
day Elevaménto, m. elevation amended, improved
Egli, pron. he, it, they Elevare, to raise, exalt, be Emendatóre, m. a corrector
E'glino, pron. pi. they proud Emendazióne, and Emenda-
Egli stesso, pron. himself Elevatezza,/, elevation mento, emendo, »»t. correc-
Egloga,/, pastoral poem Elevazióne./ exaltation tion, reparation
Egramente, adv. grievously Elezióne./, election Emergente, adj. emergerti ;
Egregiamente, adv. egregi- Elidere, te retrench necessità emergente,,» pr£*t«
Eligente, m. e/e«<or ing necessity
Encotnfato, pari, praited io fan Into a passion ;
questa cosa non m'enti»,
I do not comprehend thii

Entrata, /. entrance, income,

Endice,/, mark, token rent, beginning
Emètico, adj. and m. emeticai, Endivia, /. endive Entrato, part, entered
'Energi?i,f. energy, force Entrature, ni. a man making
Emk-rànJa, and Emigràiiiaj /. Energùmeno, m. one possessed an entry
of a devil Entratura,/, enfrancf, access;
Eminente, adj. eminent, ap- Ènfasi,/, emphasi»
Vroaching Enfàtico, adj. emphatical acquainted with
Kminenteménte, conspicuoiu- Enfiagióne, EnCatOra, /. and Entro, prep, in, within
Enfiata, m. a swelling, iu- Entusiasmo, m. enthusiasm
Kmin5n5«,.f. eminence Entusiaste, m. an enthusiast
Eniisterio, and Emisfèro, m. Enula, /. elecampane (a
hemisphere plant)
£inis5A:io, m. an emisaary, a vanity Enumeraménto, m. enumera-
stallion, spy Enfiare, to swell; enfiarsi, to tion
Emissióne, /. emtsswn, vent. be puffed up Enumerare, to enumerate
Enfiatàménve, adv. proudly Enumerato, part, enumerated
Emitritéo, I semitertian Enfiatfccio, adv. something Enumerazióne, /. enumera-
Enfiatlvo, adj. swelling Enunciare, io declare
Enfidre, m. imposthume Enimciatlvo, lulj. expressive
Enfiteusi, ni. a grafting, ot Enunciato, part, proclaimed.

Enigma, and Enimma, m. a Enunciazióne, /. expression

riddle Eòo, adj. eastern
)r tetter Enigmàtico, and Enimmàtico, Epàtica, /. Uier-woH (a
Empiamente, adv. wickedly plant)
Empiastràre, to plaster Epàtico, adj. hepatic (belongs
Empiastràto, m. a plasterer ing to the liver)
impiastro, Jrt. a plaster Enormemente, adv. griev- Evàtta, f. the epact
Empièma, m. gathering cf ously Epicèdio, m. a funeral song
Enormità, and Enormézza,/. E'pico, adj. epic, heroic
Empiente, adj. filling Epicurèo, adj. epicurean
Empiere, and Empire, to sa- Ènte, m. a being ; ente reale, Epidemia, /. epidemic dis-
tisfy, fill, accomplish
Empietà,/, impiety gidne, an imaginary proud Epifania, /. twelfth-day, epi-
EmpiezJa, /. impiety, (also) phany
an accomplishing, perjbrm- E'Sf. existence Epigramma, »n. an epigram
Entdmato, m. an tnsect Epilessia, and Epilesla, /
Empiménto, m. a filling, stuff- Entrambi, Entrambe, and Ea- epilepsy, falling-sieknets
tràmbo, adj. both Epilettico, adj. epileptic
Èmpio, adj. impious Entraménto, m. an entering Epilogare, to sum up
Empireo, adj. empyreal; ci- Entrante, adj. entering; (ar- Epilogazióne. /. concluiion^
elo empireo, the highest dito) bold: ragióni entran-
ti, convincing arguments ; Epilogo, ni. an epilogue
Empireumàtieo, adì. smelling air entrante del mese, Episcopale, adj. episcopal
offre in the beginniiig of the Eiiiscopato, ni. a bishopric
Empirico, m. a quack month Episòdico, adj. episodical
Enipfto, m. impetuosity Entrare, to enter; entrare à Episòdio, m. digression
Empitura, filing, sttrffing, tàvola, io sit ac table; en- Epistola,/, an epistle
trar in cammino, to set out ; Epistolare, adj. epistolary
Empiuto, adj. full entrar in ballo, io lead the Epistolàrio, «I. htter-book
Empòrio, m. a market-place dance: entrar in altro, io Epitàffio, m. epitaph
Emulare, to vie with, to change discourse entrare
: Epitalàmio, m. nuptial-tong
in paróle, to begin a dis- Epiteto, m. epithet
course; entrare ne' fatti d* Epitomare, to abridge
altri, to meddle with an- Epitome, m. abridgement, ah-
other's ajuirs entrare
; m
religióne, to go into a con-
vent ; enuàre in collera,
i 107
Eplttimslre, to makt or apply Eradicare, to eradicale
epith^ns Eradicatóre, m. a destroyer
Epittimazjdne,/. the applica- Eràrio, m. the exchequer,
tion ofepithenu Eroicòmico, adj. burlesque
E'poca, /. epoch, an 'epocha, E'rba,/. grass ; ogni mal erba Eroina, /. a heroine
cera, period of lime Erpicare, to harrow
Epuldne, m. a glutton pace. Non è erba dal vos- Erpicato, part, harrowed
Equàbile, ad), equal, like Erpice,/, a harrow
Equabilità, i: equality doing. Far fascio d'ogni Errante, and Erràtico, adj.
Equalità,/, equality, evenness, erba, to go through thick
uniformity and thin
Equanimità, /. eqtiantmUy, Erbàccia,/, rveed
Erba colombina,/, vervain
Equànimo, adj. moderate Eri'àggio, m. kitchen-herbs
Equatóre, m. equator, the Erba giùlia, / sweet maud-
equinoctial line
Equazióne, f equation, an Erbàio, m. grass, pasture ^rre.fthe letter R
Erbaiuòlo, m. an herbalist £rro, >n. a hook, brace [ly
Equestre, adj. equestrian, be- Erba trastulla, /. ribaldry, Erroneamente, udì', erroneout-
lon^ng to a horseman, or idle words Erróneo, adj. erroneous
knight EThSlteL,f fine grass Erróre, m error, fault, sin
Equiàngolo, adj. equiangular Erbolaio, m. an herbalist Erroruccio, m. a small fault
Equicrùre, adj. ejiiicrural Erbóso, adj. grassy, full qf £rta, and Ertezza,/, declivity :
Equidistante,' adv. equidis- stare all* erta, to stand on
Erbucce, /. pi. imall herbs.
Equidistantemente, zdy. equi- parsley Erto, adj. steep, upright ; fra
distantly Erède, m. andf. heir, heiress l'erto e piano era un sentiero
Equidistànìa, /. an tqual Ereditàggio, m. and Eredità, sghembo, between the hill
/. inheritance and the plain there was aa
Equilàtero, m. equilateral Ereditare, and Eredàre, to oblique path
Equilibrare, to equiponde- Erubescenza,/, bashfnines»
Eruca, /. the herb rocket, a
Equilfbrio, m. equilibrium ;
méttere m equilibrio, to Eremitàggio, and E'remo, Erudiménto, m. learning
poise tener 1' equilfljrio, to
: Erudire, to teach, instruct
Eremitico, adj. solitary Eruditamente, adv. learned
Equinoziale, adj. equinoc- Ereniitdrio, and Eremit<5ro, ly
tial ^ m. solitude, hermitage Erudito, adj. learned, skit
Equinozio, m. equinox Eresia,/, heresy fui
Equipàggio, m. equipage Eresiarca, m. chief of an army Erudizione,/, learning
Equiponderàre, to 7veieh Ereticale, and Erètico, a^j. Eruttare, to break wind, to
equally heretical belch
Equisèto, m. horse-tail (herb) Ereticalmente, orfu. heretically Eruttatóre, m. a belcher
Equità,/ equity ErSUco, m. a heretic Eruttazióne,/ belching
Equivalente, adj. equiva- Erètto, part, erected, raised Esacerbare, to provoke
Erezióne,/ erection Esacerbato, part, irritated
Equivalentemente, adv. egui- Ergàstolo, in. a prison Esagerante, adj. exaggerating
valently Èrgere, and Erigere, to en Esagerare, to amplify
Equivalènza,/, equivalence build, raise Esagerato, part, exaggerated
Equivalére, to be eqiiivalent Erlne, or Erinni,/. p/. erinnyt Esagerazióne, /. atnplijìca-
Equivocale, and EquivoccSso, (the infernal furies)
adj. equivocal Erisamo, m. wild-cresses, Esàgio, !. the sixth part of an

Equivocamente, adv. eauivo- hedge-mustard

c.Llly Ermafrodito, m. hermaphro- Esagitare, to agitate
Equivocante, adj. equivocal- Esagitazidne,/. agitation
Esagonale, and Esàgono, aàji
six-sided (having six sides)
Esàgono, m. hexagon
lion Esalare, to exhale, steam,
Equivoco, m. and Equivoca- recreate ; esalare gli ultimi
zióne, /. equivocation spiriti, to breathe one's last
Equivoco, and EquivocdsOj Esalato, part, exhaled
adj. equivocal Esalazióne, /. Esàio, and
E'quo, adj. Just, ejuilcblt Esalaménto,/. exhaUition
Esalbiménto, m. preferment Escoriazióne, f. and Escaria- Esequiàto, adj. buried
Esaltare, to exalt, extol ""' Esèquie, /. i>l. funeral obso-
Esaudito, part, exalted J^aying guies. funeral
Esaltatdre, m. he that prais- Escrementale, and Escre- Esercitante, adj. exercising
mentìzio, adj. feculent, dreg-
Esaltazidne,/ advancement gy practice
Esame, man examination, Escreménto, m. excrement, Esercitare, and Esércere, to
(also) a swarm of beet dregs
Esàmetro, m. hexameter Escreraentdso, adj. excrementi
Escrescénla./ excrescence Esercitatdre, m. exerciser
Escusabile, adj. excusable Esercito, m. an army, a num-
Esaminrfto, part, examined Escusare, to excuse, justify ber of people
Escusdto, part, excused Esercizio, hi. and Esercka-
Esaminazidne, f. examitu Escusazidne,/. an excuse zidne,/. exercise
Esecrabile, and Esecrando, Esereditilre, to disinherit
Esibfre, to offer, present;
Esecrare, to curse, detest m'esibisco di serrirla, I of-
f of life Esecrato, part. execrated. ffr my services to you
Esasperare; Esibita, /. presentation, (lato

Esasperato, part, irritated Esibltdre, m. he

that offers
Esasperazidne, /. irritation Esibizidne,/ offer, proffkr
Esattamente, adv. exactly Esigenza,/, exigency
Esatézza,/. punctuality Esigere, to exact, require
Esatto, adj. exact, strict, care- Esile, adj. thin, slender
ful Esiliare, to banish
Esattdre, m. a collector Esecuzidne,/. execution Esiliato, part, banished
Esaudévole, adj. entreated Eseguiménto, m. execution, Esilio, or Esfglio, m. banish
Esaudiménto, »n. and Esau- punishment ment
dizióne,/, a hearing Eseguire, to execute Esimere, to eiempt,free
Esaudire, to ^ant Esempigràzia, adv. for exam- Esimio, adì. ch-osen. singular
Esaudito, part, granted ple Esistente, adj. existent
Esauditdre, m. he that grants Esèmpio, m. example, model.
Esausto, adj. empty, exhaust- Esitare, to sell, to hesitate, te
Esemplare, m. a copy, model, doubt, to vend
Esazidne,/ exaction copy-book EsitaSidne,/. hesitation
£sca, /. bait, allurement: Esemplare, adj. exemplary E'sito, m. issue, end, event,
. avvicinar 1' esca al fudco, Esemplarità, / equity, justice. sale :metter qualche cosa
to expose to danger nel libro dell' esito, to givi
Escandescènza, f. anger. Esemplarmente, and Esem- a thing for lost
plativaménte, adv. exam- Esiziale, adj. destructive
Escara, /. Me scab of a plarily Esizio, Ml. destruction
rvound Esemplatìvo, adj. exemplary E'sodo; m
Escardtico, adj. bringing a Esemplato, part, drawn, co- Esdiago, m. the throat
pied Esorbitante, adj. exorbitant
Esemplificare, to exemplify Esorbitanza, /. extravagancy
Esemplificato, part, exempli
, tn. a going out. Esemplificazldne, /. exempli-
Esclre, to go out Esemplo, m. and Esempio,
Escfta,/. a ,vay m exemplar, copy
Esclamare, to c\ Esentire, to exempt, dit- ble
Esortare, to exhort, persuade
Esentato, part. exempted, Esortativo, and Esortatòrio,
freed adj persuasive
Esente, adj. exempt, free Esortazidne,/. exhctiation
EsenzionSre, to present one Esdso. adj. odious, hateful
with a freedom Espanzid'ne,/. expansion
Esenzidne.X- exemption Espediente, adj. expedient
Esequiale, adj. funeral
Esequiare, to perform obse-
ESP Esr*
Espedizidne, expedition Esprobàre, to reproach tenuàto di forze, exhauxt-
Esperien temente, adv. experi- Esprobazidne, f. reproach ed
mcitally Espugnàbile, and Espugnato, Estenuazióne, /. extenuation,
Esperienza, and Esperiénzia, taken by force, or that may
/. experience be,ifc. rìóre.adj eriernal
Esperiméntale, adj. experi- Espugnare, to conquer, force r-sieriorità,/. the outside
mental Espugnatóre, m. a conqueror Esteriormente, adv. outward-
Esperiment^re, to experience, Espugnazióne, /. a conquer- ly
ing Esterminàre, to exterminate
Espulsióne,/, expulsion Esterminàto, part, destroyed.
Espulsivo, adj forced out
Esperimentatdre, wj. a maker Espurgare, to purge, cleanse,
of experiments
Esperimént<\, m. experience, E squisitamente, adv. exjtti-
experiment, trial, proof
£spero, m. the evening star Esquisitézza./. exquisitenets
Espertamente, adv. expertly Esquisfto, adj exquisite Esternamente, adv. external-
Esperto, adj. expert, skilful Esquisitdre,m. observer, nearch- ly
Espettinte, adj. expecting Estemo, adj. external, of yes-
Espettare, to expect, mail i^^se,f. the letter S terday
Essecrazidne, /. execration EsterslTo, adj. detersive, cleans-
Espettatlta, and Espettazidne, Essgrapio, m an example ing
/. expectation Essènza, and EseSnzia, /. es Estesamente, adv. extensively
Espiare, to expiate, atone Estéso, adj. extended
Espiazióne,/, expiation Essenziale, adj. essential, ne- Estimare, to esteem, value, fo
Espirare, to die, expire cessary examine, appraise
Espirazióne,/', expiration Essenzialmente, essentially Estimativa,/, discernment
Esplicàbile, adj. explicable Essere, to be, to exist, to be- Estimato, part, estimated, va-
Esplicare, to explain come ; può essere, perhaps,
Esplicatdre, m. commentator it may be ; che sarà di lui ?
Esplicazióne,/, explication Tvhat null become of him ;
Esplicitamente, adv. explicit- sarò da voi domani, / rvill
ly come to your house to-mor-
EspUcito, adj. explicit
Esplòdere, to explode JEssere, m. elate, condition ;
Esplorare, to explore, search di grand' essere, of great Estfnguere, to extinguish
Esploratóre, m. scout, spy quality ; le cose sono in Estinguibile, adj. quenchable
Esplorazióne, /. an exploring. budn essere, things are in Estinguiménto, m. and Es
a good nay; non conviene tinzidne,/. extinction
Esponente, m. expounder air èsser mio, not suitable to Estinguitdre. m extinguisher
Espórre, to expound, explain; Estinto, adj. extinguished
espórre l'ambasciata, to open Essiccante, and Essiccativo, Estirpaménto, m extirpation
an embassy espórre i fan-
; adj. apt to dry Estirpare, to extirpate
cfuUi, to expose children; Essiccazidne,/. a drying Estirpatdre, m. extirpator
espórre alle fière, to expose Estirpazidne,/ extirpation
to rvild beasts voi, along with yon Estivo, adj. estivai, summer
Espositivo, adj. explaining Èstasi, /. ecstasy, rapture EstoUènza,/. pride
Espositóre, m. expositor, inter Estate, and Està,/, summer Estdrre, to except, exempt
Estàtico, adj. ecstasy Estorsióne, /. extortion
Esposizióne,/, interpretation Estemporàneo, adj. extempo- Estraneamóite, adv. strange
Espósto, part, expounded rary ly
Espressamente, and Espresso, Estèndere, to e-vtend, stretch, Estràneo, and Estrànio, adj.
adv. expressly, clearly, evi- enlarge; non m'estèndo à
dir più sopra questo sog- Estraordinariamente, adv. ex
Espressidne,/. expressive, sig- getto, / will not dwell any traordinarily
longer on this subject Estraordinàrio, adj. c.rtraor
Espressiva, /. an exprei- Estenzidne, /. extension, ex- dinarjj
tent Estrarre, to extract
Espressfvo, adj. expressive Estensivo, and Esterno, adj. Estrattivo, adj. extractive
Espresso, adj. plain, manifest, Estratto, m an extract
a positive order Estratto, part, extracted
Esprimente, adj. exprest- Estravagante, adj. extrava-

I'spn'mere, to express, uller Estenuato, adj. lessened; es- Estravagànza, /. extravaganci

Evangelizzante, an txpoundei poetry) adj. belonging to
of the gospel smiths, or to any manual
Evaporaménto, m. and Eva-
Katieraità, /. extremity, mi- porazióne, /. evaporation Fabbro, and Fabro, m. (in
Evaporare, to evaporate poetry) a smith, forger.
Estrémo, adj. extreme, last Evaporatlvo, adj. evaporat-
Jistrémo, m. extremity ing
Estrinsecamente, adu. extt Evaporatdrio, m. evaporation the c. ,eofo nisfor-
sieally, evidently, external- Eucaristfa, /. eucharist, sacra-
ly ment Fabuleggiàre, to recount, at
Estrinseco, ad.j. exterior Eucaristico, adj. encharistical compose fables
Estro, «1. pneiic rage Eveniménto, and Evènto, m. Fabulóso, adj. fabulous
Esti-udere, to thrust out, to ex- Faccènda, /. business; far
trude Eufòrbie, »i. euphorbiua (a faccènda, to be in business
Esuberante, adj. exuberant Faccendiere, m. an active
Esuberanza, f. luxuriance, Evidènte, adj. evident, clear man, a busy body
abundance Evidentemente, adv. evident- Faccenduzza, /. small busi-
E^sula, /. milk-thistle, (a ly
plant) Evidènza, /. evidence, per- Faccènte, adj. active, busy.
Esulare, to banish spicuity
Esulcerare, to make ulcers Evirato, a. emasculated Faccetta, f. facet
EsuIcerazicSne,/. exulctration Evirazióne,/, emasculation Facchinàccio, m. a mean fel-
E'sule, m. an exile Evisceratóre, m. an embowel-
Esultante, adj. exulting ler Facchineria, /. a work for a
Esultare, in exuir, rejoice Eviscerare, to embomel
Esultazióne,/. cxjiHalion Facchino, m. a porter, scoun-
Età. /. cifje (sècolo), one hun-
; drel
dred years, century Fàccia, /. face, appearance,
E'teve, m. the pure air, ether outside ; far fàccia, to dare ,
Etèreo, adj ethereal non aver fàccia, to be a-
Eternale, adj. eternal shamed. In fàccia, prep.
Eternamente, adv. eternally over-against
Eternare, to eternize Evizióne, f. eviction Facciata, /. front, face
Eternità, / eternity Face, / (in poetry) a torch,
EtSmo, adj. eternal. Abe- Evoluzióne,/ evolution splendour, light
tèrno, adv. from the begin- Eupatòrio, m. liverwort Facèlla, and FaccelUna, /.
Euro, m. the east ivind flambeau, taper, link
Eteróclito, adj. extravagant Europa,/. Europe Facetamente, culo, merrily
Eterogèneo, adj. heterogene- Evviva, interjec. long live! Facèto, adj. facetious, c-ami-

E'tica,/. ethic, hectic fiver Ex abnipto, adv. abruptly Facezia, /. merry conceit, at
Eticamente, adv. morally Ex profèsso, adv. by profession saying
E'tico, adj. consumptive Ex proposito, adv. on purpose Facialménte, adv. facing, face
Etimologia,/, etymology Ex tempore, adv. in an instant to face
Etimologico, adj. efymologi- Eziandio, ado. also, even Facibéne, m. a good child
Eziandio che, adv. although Fàcile, adj. easy : uomo facile,
a good-natured -man
Facilità, f. facility
Facilitare, to facilitate
FaciLnénte, adv. easily
Facimale, m.
Facimènto, «
Evacunmento, »n. evacuation
Evacuare, to evacuate, void pA'BBRICA,/. building.fa-
Evacuativo, adj. evacuating -'-
brie, workshop, manufac-
Evacuato, part, evacuated tory Facoltà, and Facultà,/. power,
Fabbricare, to build, form. faculty, riches
Facoltóso, adj. rick, wealthy
Fabbricato, part, built Facondamente, ado. eloquent-'
Evangelicamente, adv. evan Fabbricatóre, m. a builder, ,

getical/y workman, intriguer, liar Facóndia, and Facondità, /

Evangelico, adj. evangelical Fabbricazióne,/, construction,
Evangélio, m. the gospel building Facondiuso, adj fluent
Evangelista, m. evangelic Fabbrfle, and Fabrile, (in Facóndo, adj. eloquenf.JlueM.
raggelo, m. a place full of Famigliarità, ami FamUibritS»
beeck-trees f familiarity
Tiggio, m. beech tree Famigliarménte, and Famili-
Fagiano, m
a nheatani ; FalUre, to offend, err,
fail, arménte, adv freely
guastar la coda al fagiano, omit .di poco fallò eh' io Famiglio, wi. a servant, thief-
to leave oul the beet of the non cadessi, I n-as very near taker
Famigliuóla, /. a small fc^
Fagiiiolàta,/. silliness mily
Fagiuólo, m. a French bean Famosamente, adv. publicl}/
Fagotto, m. a fagot; tax Faraosita./ fame, report
fagotto, io bundle off ran(bììe, ad), fallible Famóso, adj. famous, known
Fafna,/ a pole-cat Fallibilità, f. fallibility Famùccia, /. a small appe-
Falange,/, phalanx Falliménto, m. fault, failing tite
Falàngio. m. a tarantula Falltre, io fait, sin, transgress. Fanale, m
a lantern
Falbo, arfj. yellow, tarvny Fanatico, adj. fanatic
Falcare, to bend, to crook, io Fallire, m. error, fault, Fanciulla,/, a girl
. 'off bankruptcy Fanciullaggine, childithnest,
Falcistro, m. a h\ Fallfto, pari failed
staff Fallitdre, m. offender Fanciullàia,/. many boys
Falcato, pari, hooked. Fallo, m. fault, error, ires- Fancinllerla,/. childishness
nétter il piede in Fanciullescamente, adv. child-
Falce, /. a scythe, or sickle; ishly
métter la falce nella biada .
Fanciullesco, adj. childish
d' altrui, to meddle with ano- Fanciulietta, /. and Fan-
ther's business 1 ciuUétto, m. a giri, or
Falcetto, m. a little sickle bay
Falchetto, m. a young fal- Fanciullezza, /. childhood, in-
FalOtico, adj. fantastical fancy
Falsamente, and Falso, adv. Fanciullo, and Fanclullùzzo,
falsely a chile
Falsamonéte, «t. a false coin Fandonia,/, a
Fanèllo, m
a linnet
Falsiirda,/. a tviick Fanfala,/. {see Farfalla)
Falsare, to falsify Fanfalùcca, /. spark, whim,
Falsariga, /. aiack-lines (for fancy, gewgaws, trifles
wfiting on) Fanfano, m. a romancer
Falsàrio, and Falsatóre, m. an Fanferina, /. jesting, mock-
FàlcolE,/. and Falcolótto, m. impostor, forger ing
a n'ox-candle Falseggiare, to falsify Fang^ccio, m. and Fanghiglia,
Falconare, to hunt with a fai- Falsetto, m. a false treble (in /. mire, puddle
F<ngo, m. dirt, clay; fer delle
Falcóne, m. harvk, falcon Falsfdico, adj. deceitfid sue paróle fango, to break
Falconeria, f
falconry Falsificaménto, m. a falsity one's word
Falconetto, m. a young fal- Falsificare, to falsify, coun- Fangóso, m. and adj. dirty,
con, (also) a piece of artil- terfeit, forge, adulterate, em- miry
Fantaccia, ,
1 bad servant-
Falconière, m. a falconer Falsificàto, part, falsified girl
Falda, a fold, or plait, flake Falsificatóre, m. a falsifier
Falsificazióne,/, falsification
flo.r. skirt, border, hem'; Fa.\ihk,f. falsehood, lie
falda del monte, the side Falso, adj. false mettere il Fantasia, ;
f. fancy, imagina-
of a hill. Falddne, m. a piede in falso, io make a
large fold wrong step
Faldato, adj. folded Falta,/. want, fault
Fai tare, to want : be deficient
Fama, f fame, report
ed Fame, /. hunger, scarcity ;

Faldiglia./, a hoop-petticoai
Faldistorio, m
an elbom-chair Famèlico, adj. hungry Fantasticamente, adv. fantas-
Falegname, m. a carpenter Famigerato, adj. fatnout
Falimbèllo, m. a rvag Famiglia, /./amiVy Fantas'ticàre, to devise, in-
scupper hole (in a Famigliare, and Familiare, m.
hip) and adj. servant, foUotver, Fantasticatdre. m. a thinking
Fallaci adj. deceitful, crafty bailiff, intimate
Fantastico, adj. fantastical Farsetto, m
a doublet Faticato, adj. rreary, tired
Fante, m and f. man-servant, Fascetto, »i. a little bundle Faticliévole, adj. laborious
Fàscia,/ a hand, fillet : h Faticosamente, adv. laborious
bin tènero in fàscie,
Fanteggiare, to perform do- infant in smaddling cloth
Fasciare, to bind, tu tie
Fasciato, part. swaddled ;

Fantic '"'-« I, and Fasciata, /.

FantoccSria,/. childi ligatur
Fantòccio, ni. a simpleton Fasciatoi
Farchetola,/. a teal fa hit Fasciatù
Fai-ciglidne,m. a sort ofti Fascina,/, a fagot
Farda,/. spittle Fascinare, to fagot mood
Fardàggio, m. bagftage Fascinata,/ a yénce
Fardèllo, m. truss, bundle; far Fascinazióne, /. and Fascir
fardèllo, to pack off Fatticcio, adj. fictitio:
Fare, to do, make ; farsi, to Fàscio, and Fastèllo, m.
approach fatevi a me, come
, bundle : andare in fàscio, to
near me farsi alla finèstra,

r> the Fasciame,

a heap of rubbish »!. Fatto, m. fact, deed, action ;
i fa, F!^&chiólR,f a little band andar pe' fatti suoi, to go
al far del giórno, l,reak of Fastel làccio, m. a large bundle
day . al far della notte, dusky fatto, so large; un pomo
eveuiu!,' : farsi tardi, to grow Fastidiare, to molest, disturb. così fatto, an apple so large ;
late, far sembiante, to dis- uòmo fatto, a full grown
.tto, to men- Fastidiato, part. molested, man ; ho inteso iiarlàre
. faraj to, to I troubled, scorned molto male di fatti vostri,
Faréa,/. a sort of serpent Fastidio, m. and Fastidiosàg- I heard you very ill spoken
Farètra,/, a quiver of. Bl fatto, adv. really so
Farfalla, f. a butterfly tion : èsser i'n fastidio, to be Fattoiàno, m. one' that rvorka
^—'"-"""•- "
Farfall at an oil press, (also) a busy-
a little butterfly,
Farfallui I f,b
farfallóne, /o A/i
Fdrfaro, m. footstool, coltsfoot, Fastidióso, adj. tedious, loath-

Farfna, /. meal, ,flour; questo Fastid/re, to detest, abhor, ic

non fa farina, this is useless ;

tu non sei farina da cialde,

you are a cunning fdlom the
Farinàccio, m. a die marked point
Fastigio, m. height, elevation Fattucchièra,/, a witch
Fasto, 171. pride, poynp Fattucchieria,/, witchcraft
Fastosamente, adv. vainly, Fattura, /. fashion, make,
proudly witchcraft, charm
Fastóso, adj. proud, haughty Fatturato, part, bewitched ;
Farinello, m. an assassin Fata, f fairy vino fetturàto, adulterated
Farisèo, m. pharisee Fatale, adj. fatal, destined
Farmacia,/ pharmacy Fatalith, f
fatality Fatuità,/, stupidity
Fàrmaco, m. a drug, remedy Fatalmente, adv. fatally Fàtuo, adj. stupid
Farneticare, to jave Fatiippio, m. a sort of bird Fava, /. 'a bean, a vote, pride,
FarneticliCzza,/, dotage, mad- Fatare, to destine presumption; pigliare due
Fatatamente, adv. (see Fatal- colombe ad una fava, to kill
Farnètico, adj. delirious
Faro, m. a light-house, strait Fatatura,/ a charm, sorcery Favagello, m. the herb celati-
Farràgine,/ mixture of grain, Fatica, /. fatigue, toil mia :

mixture of, rords {corn fatica, my rvork, mages, Favata, /. a ragout made with
Faricéllo, »i. spelt, a kind of reward; le mie fatiche, m^ beans, foolish pride
Fauci, /. ;-;. throat, gullet, a
Fatic^bile, adj. laborious river's mouth
Faticaccia,/, labour Favellare, m. and Favella^
'"" " '"' ^'
Faticare, to tire, fatigue ; /. speech, discourse, lan-
Farsettàio, m. a iarket maker affaticarsi, to labour guage
Favellaménto,. m. a word. Femminèlla,/, a poor tvomanf

Favellare, to tpeak, diicourae : Febbricóso, adj. feverish Femmineo, adj. belonging io a

favellar con le mani, io Fel.brifugo, m. febrifuge
strike Febbrile, adj- belonging to i Femminescamente, and Fem-
Favellatóre, m. a talker minilmente, adv. effemi-
Favellio, m. cajoling, chat Fèccia, /. dregs excrement ;

Favnia,/. a spark offire la fèccia del pòpolo, the mol Femm\nézzzi,f. female sex '

Favillare, to sparkle Fecciàia,/. bunghole of a cask Feraminiéra, adj. woman't

Favillùzza,/. a little spark Feccióso, adj full of dreg, apartment
Fàuno, m. farvn, Syh ill-natured, tiresome Femminile, and Femminino,
Fecondamente, adv. fruitfully adj. feminine
Favo, TO. honey-comb Fecondare, to fructify Femminùzfa, /. a despicable
Fàvola, /. a fable ; èsser Fecondatóre, m. one little n'ornai» \

fìvoia al p<5poIo, to be the makes fruitful Fendènte, m. cut

common talk Fecondévole, adj fruitful Fèndere, io cleave, split, cut,
Favolare, and FavoleggUre, Fecondità, /. fertility sever, plough fendere 1 ;

to tell stories, banter Fecóndo, adj. fruitful campi, io grub up the

Favoleggiatóre, m. a teller of Fede, faith /
dar fede, to ground la HI osa e'I Reno
: ;

stories give credit di buòna- fede, fendono l'Olanda, the Meuse


Favolfsco, and Favolóso, adj. sincerely uòmo degno di and the Rhine go through

fictitious, fabulous fede, a credible man Holland

Favolane, m. a romancer Fedecoramessàrio, m. feoffee, Fenditóio, m. a cleaver
Favolosamente, adv. roman- he rvho infeofied
is Fenditura, /. clift, crack,
tically Fedecomraesso, pari, com-
Favolóso, adj. fabulous mitted io care Fenestra,/ (see Finèstra)
Favònio,/ rvest wind Fedecommèsso, m. feoffment. Fenice,/ a phcenix
Favóre, m. favour, benefit, Fenicóntero, m. a sort of bird
Fedecommèttere, tofeoff of a crimson colour
Favoreggiante, adj. favour- Fededégno, adj. credible Fenile, to. a hay-loft
ing Fedéle, adj faithful, ìtonest Fenòmeno, m. phenomerwn
Favoreggiatóre, m. favourer Fedelmente, adv. faithfully Fera, /. (in poetry) a wild
Favorévole, and FavonSbile, Fedeltà, f. fidelity
adj. favourable lettere
; Fèdera,/, a pillow-case FerAce, adj. fruitful
favorevoli, letters of re Fedilk, ffillhiness Ferale, adj. deadly, mortal
Fegatèlla,/, liverwort Feretro, to. a coffin, tomb
favorevole, heaven prosper Fégato, m. the liver Fèria, TO. a festival, holiday '

Fegatóso, adj. diseased in the Feriale, adj. common, ordi-

nary, trivial
Yeìce,f.fem (an herb) Ferialmente, adv. commonly
Felce quercina, /. polypody Feriate, adj. vacant ; giórno
Favorire, and Favorire, to (a plant) feriéto, festival
favour, assist ; mi favorisca, Fele, m. (in poetry) gall Feriménto, m. a wounding
do me the favour FeU«e, adj. happy Ferino, adj. wild, savage,
Favorito, m a favourite Felicemente, adv. happily fierce, cruel
Favorito, adj. and m. favour- Felicità,/, happiness Ferire, to wound, strike, hit;
ed, a favourite Felicitare, to felicitate la barca feri sopra '1 lido,
Favoritóre, m. a favourer Felicitatóre, m. one that makes the boat struck upon the shore
Fàusto, adj. fortunate happy Ferita, f. a wound, hurt, cut
Faustóre, m. a favourer Fellóne, and Fèllo, m. (in Ferita, f. fierceness, cruelty
Favule,/, a bean field poetry) a thief Ferito, part, wounded
Fazióne, /. fashion, action; Fellonescamente, adv. fe Feritóia,/: a loop-hole
faction : èssere in fazióne, to loniously " óre, m. a striker
be on duty Fellonésco, adj. felontout
Fazióso, adj. factious Fellonia,/: /e/on^ Fermàglio, m. a buckle, clasp
FaSzolletto, m. handker- Félpa,/, plush, shag Fermamente, adv. firmly
Feltrare, io filtrate, strain Fermamènto, m. and Fer-
Febbràio, m. February Féltro, m. fell manza,/ the firmament, sky
Fèbbre, /. fever ; febbre ter- Feluca, a small ship Fermare, to stop, slay ; fer-
zana, a tertian ague feb- : Fémmina, f. female, woman marsi, to pause : mi fer-
bre pericolósa, a hard fe- Femminàccia, /. a large ivo mai di non partire senza
vederlo, 1 was resolved not
to go away without teeing
Fermata,/, rest, pout e Fèsso, part, chopped, cleft Fiadóne, and Fiale, m. «
Fermdto. part, stopped F*sta,/. festival, holiday, joy, honeycorr.b
Femientóre, to ferment mirth: far fèsta, to feast: Fiala,/ vial, bottle
Fermentato, part, fermented far fèsta a qua-lcheduno, to "^iàmma, / flame, splendour,
Fermentazidne, /. leaven, use one kindly blush méttere a fuòco e

yeast, fermentaiion Pestante, and Festeggiente,

Ferménto, m. ferment, yeait adj. merry, gay fiamma di vascèllo, streamer
Fermézza,/, flrmness Pestare, to revel Fiammante, adj. flaming ;
Fermo, adj. jìrin, fast Pesteggévole, and Festévole, nuòvo fiammante, quite new
Feróce, adj. fierce, adj. feasting Fiammasàlsa,/. a dry-itch
horrid, rough Festeggevolménte, and Fes- Fiammeggiante, adj. blazing
Ferocemente, adv. fiercely tevolmente, adv. cheer- Fiammeggiare, to glitter.
Feròcia, and Ferocità, /. fully
fierceness, cruelty Festeggiaménto, and Festeg- Fiammella, and Fiamètta, f.
Ferràccia, /. a fish rvith a gio, m. exultation a little fiame
poisonous sting Festeggiare, to feast, desert, Fiancata,/, a blow on the side,
Ferràccio, m. bail iron solemnize, celebrale
Fehragdsto, m. lammas-day Festeréccio, adj. holiday ; Fianchtggiàre, to support,
Ferràio, m. a farrier panni festerécei, Sunday assist, to coast along
Ferraindlo, m. a cloak clothes Fiancheggiato, part, defend-
Ferraménti, m. pi. iron tools Festichino, adj. sea-green
Ferrare, to bind rt'ith iron; Festinamente", and Festinata-
ferrare un cavallo, to shoe a ménte, adv. hastily
Festinazióne, /. hatte, dili-
Ferrata,/, an iron gats gence Fiancùto, adj. broadsided,
Ferrato, adj. done rvith iron Festino, m. entertainment, having large flanks
Ferratóre, m. a farrier, hM,feast Fiàsca, and Fiaschétta, /. a
Festivamente, adv. solemnly, flat bottle
Ferratura,/, iron work pleasantly Fiascàio, «1. a bottle-maker /
Ferravècchio, m. a broker Festività,/. Joy, gaiety Fiascheggiàre, to buy wine by
Fèrreo, adj. <ifiron Festivo, adj. festive, solemn ; the bottle
Ferrétti, m. small iron tools giórno festivo, holiday Fiaschètto, m. a small bottle
Ferreria,/ a quantity of iron Festóne, m. a festoon Fiasco, m. a flask
Ferrièra,/ /org^f Festosamente, adv. merrily, Fiascóne, m. a large flask
Ferrigno, adj hard jnyj'ully Fiata,/, time; una fiata, once,'
Fèrro, »n. iron ; venire a' Festóso, adj. merry, gay spesse fiate, often
ferri, to come to the fact ; Festuca, /. fescue, straw, mote Fiataménto, and Fiato, »».
métter a' ferri, to chain ; Fetènte, and Fètido, adj.
battere il ferro mentre è stinking, nasty Fiatante, adj. breathing
caldo, to strike the iron while Fetidamente, adv. stinkingly Fiatare, to breathe
it is hot Fèto, m. thefcetus Fiato, ni. the breath
Ferruglgno, and Ferrugineo, Fetóre, m. slink, stench p'llibia,/. buckle, clasp
adj. iron like Fétta,/, slice, cut, bit Fibbiagglio, and Fibbiàle, -n.
Fertile, adj. fruitful Fettùccia,/, ribbon buckle, clasp
yettì\\tò.,f fertility Feudale, adj. of the manor Fibbiàre, (see AfEbiàre)
Fertilmente, adv. fruitfully Feudatàrio, m
feudatory Fibbietta,/ a small buckle
Ferventemente, adv. ardently, Fèudo, m. feud, fee, fief Fibra, /. fibre, filament
eagerly Fiaba, f. fable Fibróso, adj. fibrous
Fervènza,/ fe Fiacca,/, a noise ricaccio, ni. a little fig
Feniggin hfr Ficàia./, the fig-tree
Fervidamente, adv. fervently Ficeàbile, adj. that may be
Fervidézza,/. /ertene^
Fèrvido, Fervènte, and Fer- Fiaccare, to break, bruise, cut. Ficeaménto, m. and Ficca-
voróso, adj. fervent tiira, /. thrusting, driving
Ferula, f. palm, (a plant) Fiaccato, pari, broken, tveak-
Fervóre, m. fervour il fer- ;
Ficcare, to fir, drive ficcar ;

vor del sole, the heat of Fiacchetto, adj. a little gli òcchi, to fix the eyes
the sun; in sn'l fervore del ficcarsi, to introduce one
giorno, J» the middle of ih Fiacchézza, /. weariness. self; ficcar carote, to tell
day fibs
Fèscera, /
nhite vine, (i Fiacco, adj. weak, faint, Ficcato, part, driven, thrust in
plant) neary Ficheretto, and Fichéto, m. a
Tesso, m. and Fessura,/, chop, Fiacco, TO. ravage, ruin fig-garden
crack, chink fiàccola,/. torch,fiambeau ,
Fico, m. a fig-tree, a fis
fichi fióri, green ftgs : fi I
FìgliuoIànSa, filioi Filònio, t of eledtf

Fidagiòne, /. "a pledge, i Figliuoltoo, m. a little child Filosofale, adj. phibisophical

Ffgnere, to feign, forge Filosofante, and Filosofo, m.
Fidanza, /. confidence, irui Ffgnolo, m. a bile, felon phib'sopher
sdtto fidanza, with promii Figura, /. figure, fashion, Filosofare, and Filoteggiàre,
dar fidanza, to gite bail firm. Poniam figura, let us to philosophize
Fidanzare, to warrant, to p suppose Filosofastro, m. a smatterer in
Figuràbile, adj. figurable philospphy
Figurale, adj. mysterious Fil osofi'a, ilosophy
Figuralmente, adi', figura- Filosoficamente, adv. philo-
tively sophically
Fidata,/ an oath offidelity Figuraménto, m. a figure Filosofico, adj. philosophical
Fidatamente, adv. confidently Figurare,to figure, fancy Filosomfa,/. physiognomy
Fidato, and Fido, adj. trusty, Figuratamente, and Figura- Filugello, oi. a silk-morm
faithful téme, adv. figuralive- Filunguello, m. a chaffinch
Fidecomrafsso, m. (see Fede- FiluZzo, m. a fine thread
commésso) Figurativo, adj. figurative Filza,/, a row, string
Fidelità, /^tóiVj/ Figurato, part, figured Fimbria,/, hem, edge
Fido, a. faithful Figurazióne, /. figure, form. Fimbriato, part, bordered
Fidùcia,/, confidence, hope Ffme, m. dung
Fiducìalménte, adv. boldly Figurina,/, a little image Fina.\e, adj final, last
Fiduciario, m. a trustee FUa, /. file, row. AÌla fila, Finalménte, adv. finally
Fiele, m. gall ; non aver fièle, adv. together, one after an- Finanze,/. ;;/ finances
to be good-natured other Finamente, and Finemente,
Fienàio, and Fienale, adj. be- Filalòro, m. a gold tvire- ado. perfectly, excellently
longing to hay falce fienàia,
; Findre, to desist, finish
/. a scythe Finattantochè, atid Finche,
'"ienfle, m. hay-loft, rack conj. until, as long a*
/"iéno, m. hay Filàre, to spin fiUr dell'
; .
Ffne, »<t. and f. end; giii-
Fièra,/, a rvild beast, a publi o dell' argènto, to wire-dram gnere al fine, to come to an
gold or sitve end io 1' ho fatto a buon

Fieramente, adv. cruelly Filare, m. a r fine, / did it tvith a good

fiercely fieramente acceso
: Filastròcca, Filastróccola,
Filatèra, and Filattéra,/. a Fine, aij. cmfty, subtle, thin,
Fierézza, and Fierità, J. story, tale, trifie, prolixity ; fine, ejrcellent
fierceness, dexterity, ala- dire delle filastrocche, t Finèstra,/, a window
talk idly Finestrate, adj full of min-
Fièro, adj. cruel, savage, wild. Filaterfa,/. philactery
Filatessa./, a confused rank Finestrèlla, FinestniZza, /.
Fiévole, adj. feeble, weak, Filaticcio, m. a thread made of Finestrino, and Finestrii-
faint colo, m. a little window
Fievolezza, /. frailty, rveak- Fila 1. part, spun Finestrdne, m. a large win-

Fievol ménte, adv. weakly

Fifa,f a lapwing
Figgere, (see Ficcare) Filiale, adj. filial
Ffglia, and FJgUu(ila, /. a Filiaìióne, f filiation Fingente, adj. pretending
daughter Filièra,/, a goldsmith Fingere, to feign, forge, dit-
V.igliàre, to bring forth, pro- drawing instrument
FiUggine,/. soot Fingiménto, m. fiction
/ and Figliastro,
Figliastra, Filigginòsq. and Filiggindto, Fingitóre, m. a dissembler
m. a daughter-in-law, son- adj. full of soot Finiénte, adj. finishing
Filo, m. thread ; filo di perle, Finiménto, m. conclusion
Figliatlccio, adj. proper to a striìig of pearls ; filo di Finimóndo, m. a great ruin,
beget children ferro, wire : mandar a lìl di thei - •"- -'•
Figliatura, /. th! time a fe- spada, to kill with a sword ;

male goes with young per filo, exactly filo delle;

Ffglio, and Figliuòlo, m. a reni, the backbone

snn, a child Filologia,/ philology
Filologo, m phitoìoger
Filomèna,/, a nightingale
Filóne, m. the principal
Figliuoldggio, m. infancy threcd, S^c.
f^nftimo, ail), cìnse, »i Fittamente, and Fittivaménte,
Finfto, parl'.fmished adi: feignedly
Pino, adj. fine, pure, ^ Fitteré'ccio, 7n. solid measurt
yino, finóra, jirep. and adv. of corn, S,-c.
until ; fin addésso, till non. YiMvo, adj. feigned, formed
Jin a Roma, as far i, Kittiziaménte, adv. feigned.
Rome ; fin dal tempo, fro>

r'innOccio, and Finocchfn(

m. fenn-d ; Toplio la mi
parte fino al findcchio, / ^
Fitto, part, drove, thrust; a
capo fitto, the head down
farthing" Fisàre, to fix one's eyes on Fittone, m. the principal root
f £nta, /. dissimulation, guise, thing
feint Fiscale, avvocato fisciSle, n Fittuario, m. (see Fittaiuòlo)
Fintamente, adv. feignedly the attorney-general Fiumàle, adj. river, coin
Finto, pari. counterfeited, Fiscella, and Fisclna, /. Fiumana, /. a river, rvhirl-
disguised basket
Finzióne, f.Jiction, invention Fischiare, io whistle Fiumàtico, adj. of a river
Ffo, m.fee pagar il fio, to pay
Fischiata, a whistling Fiume, m: a iiver
Fischiatóre, m. a whistler FiumicEllo, Fiumicino, and
Fiocaggine, and Fiocagidne,/. Eischio, m. a whistle
hoarseness [faintly Fisco, m. an exchequer
Fiocamente, adv. weakly. Fisica,/, natural philosophy Fiutare, to smell, to scent
Fioccare, to snom Fisicdggine,/. caprice Fiuto, m. the smell
Fiocco, m. and Fiocca, /. risicale, adj. natural Flagellaménto, m. flagella-
snow: a tassel, tuft of Fisicdre, to invent
hair ; un abito coi fiòcchi, a Fisico, m. physician
fine suit Fisico, adj. physical
Fioccóso, ad], full offtakes, risicóso, adj. difficult, scrupu.
tufts, S;c. Flagellatóre, m. a scourger
Fiochétto, adj hoarse Fisionirao, and Fis Flagellazióne, f. a whipping
Fiochézza./, a hoarseness phyMognomist Flagelletto, m. a little whip
Fiòcina, f. a Itook, or harping- Fisionomia, and Fisonomia,/. Flagello, m. punish-ment.
Fiòcine,/ a grape-Mone Fiso, (in poetry) adj. fixed. Flagrante, adj. notorious
Fiòco, adj. hoarse FWmula, /. heart's ease (an
Fiòco, adj. flint, feeble; acque Fiso, adv. fixedly, attentively herb)
fioche,' stili water Fisonomia, /. physiognomy F\ani:-na,f. flannel
Fionda,/, a slìng Fisonomico, adj. physiogno Flato, and Flatuosità, m./.
FioraUso, blue-b 4tle,Jlomer wind in the body, in the
Fiorcapùccio, m. larkspur Fisonomfsta, m. physiognomist
Fiordaliso, »i. lilly, Jloner-de- Fissamente, adv. attentively Flatudso, adj. subject to
Fissare, to fix one's eyes
Fióre, m. ajlorver, bloom, blos- Fii&o, adj. fixed, steady occhi

som ; di latte, cream ;

fior fissi, a steady look
fior di farina, Jlour ; se Fistella,/. a wicker basket
tu mi volessi un fior di bene, Fistiare, to whistle, hiss Floboto-
if you loved me a little ; Fistierélla, /. a kind of bird màre, to bleed
un fior non fa primavera, catching Flebotomia, and Flebotomia,
a swallom does not make Fistola, /. a fistula, pipe, / bleeding
Flemma,/, phlegm, patience
Fiorellino, and Fiorello, m. a Fistolare, adi, belonging to a Flemmaticitk, /. the nature,
little, flower fistula quality of phlegm
Fiorante, adj. blooming stato ; Fistolazidne, /. fistulation, Flemmàtico, adj. phlegma~
fiorente, a flourishing con- ulceration
Fistolo, m. a demon, devil FlesslTiile, adj. pliant, ten-
Fiorentinamente, adv. like a Fit'jne, m. spirit of divination der
FitonPssa, and Fitonissa, /. a F\eìsìhima,f flexibility
Fioretto, m. a little Jlower ; Flessióne,/, a bending
<also) a foil (io fence with) Fitonico, m. a conjurer Flèsso, part, hent, declined
Fiorino, m. a florin (a coin) Fitta, /. stitch, acute pain ;
Flessuóso, part. winding,
Fiorire, io blossom guagynire binding, crooked
Fiorito, pari, blossomed; elect- Fittaiuòlo, m. farmer, tenant Floride, adj. flowery, florid
FlSscio, adj. faint, weak Fòglio, m. a leaf of paper ; Fóndaco, m. a warehouse,
r\5tt:i.f a Jteet dare ad uno il foglio bianco, p: fondacbétto, a smaA
Fluidezza, and Fluidità, /. to give one full po'wer
.flu'dity Foglióso, and Fogliuto, adj. Fondamentale, adj. funda-
Flùido, adj. Jluid, fluent. full of, or covered with
Fondamentalmente, and Fon-
Flùido, m. a fluid Fógna, /. a common server datamente, adv. funda-
Fluire, to flow, run Fognare, to make sewers, meniully, learnedly, iound-
FlusElbile, adj. fluid, fluent, or conduits ; fognare le
loose, slothful Fondaménto, m. foundation,
Flussióne,/, defluxion basis, principle, beginning
Flusso, m. flux flusso e ri-
: Fognato, part, dug, dived Fondare, io lay foundation
flusso, ebbing andfiotving Fondato, part, founded: di-
Flutto, m. a nave Fòia,/, lust scorso fondato, a learned
Fluttuaménto, m. floating, a Fòla, fa story, a tale, a cronrd, discourse. Verno fondete,
the middle of winter
Fòlaga./ a coot, a moor-hen Fondatóre, m. founder
FoUla, a flight of birds, a pvff Fondazióne, /. foundation
of wind Fondèllo, m. a button-hole
Fluttuóso, adj. stvelling rvilh Folgorante, adj. thundering, Fóndere, to melt
the waves, stormy dreadful Fonderia,/, afoundery
Fluviile, adj. like a river' Folgorare, to thu-ider. Fon'digliuòlo, m. lees, dregs qf
Foca,/, a sea lion
Focàccia, /. a cake ; render
pane per focàccia, to re- Fólgore, or Fulgure, m. Zan-
quite der, lightning
Focàia,/, a flint Folgore, «1. brighine Fóndo, m. depth, bottom
Focaiuólo, adj. flinty Folgoreggiànte, «Wj. thunder- Fonduto, part, melted
Fóce, /. the throat : foce d' ing Fontana, / fountain
Un fiume, the vioiith of Folgoreggiare, to thunder Fontanella, /. a little foun
Folla, ^^ crowd, multitude
Focheréllo, Focolfao, and Fólle, adj. mad, foolish
Foconcfao, m. a little Hre FoUeggiante, adj. playing the
Focne, m. a steel to strike
fire Fol leggiaménto, m. folly. Fónte, m. and f. fountain,
Fòco, m. (in poetry) fire tpring: levare al fonte un
Focolare, m. a hearth, cambino, to stand godfather
Focóne, m. pan of a gun Foracchiare, lo pierce through
Focosamente, adi', ardently Follemente, adv. foolishly Foracchiato, adj. pierced
Focóso, adj. unruly, furioui Follétto, m. hobgoblin Foraggiare, to forage
FolUa. Foraggière, m. a forager
Fòdera, f alining FoU/cola,/. a«(f Follicolo, n Foràggio, m. fodder, fy-
Foderare, to line husk, sheU
Foderato, part, lined Follóne, m. a dyer
Foderatura,/, a lining, a fui Folia,/, a company, cromd
lining Foltamente, adv. crowding-
Fòdero, m. a scabbard ly Forare, to penetrate
Fog^,f fury, impetuosity Fólto, adj. thick ; folte tenebre. Forasièpe, m. a tort of littlt
Foghctta, and Foghetttoa,/. a
littlebonnet Fomentare, to foment, soak orata,/, a hole
FSggia, /. fashion, form ; se tu Fomentato, part, fomented ForattCrra,/ a dibble
fil à questa foggia, if you go Fomentatóre, m. afomenter " !- - •

on in this manner Fomentazióne, fomenlalion auget

Fòglia,/, a leaf: la fòglia delle Foménto, m. a poultice, a
parole, the literal sense of the plaster Foratóre, m. one that make»
Fòmite, m. an incentive, tin- holes
Fogliame, m. leaies Fòrbice, and Fórbicia, /.
Fogliare, to leaf Fónda, f. a purse
Fogliato, adj. full of leaves Fondacàio, nt. a warehouse- FerbicBtte, /. pi. small «cib-
Foglietta, /. a small leaf, a keeper
Fondàccio, m. and Fondata, ici, /. pi. scHsara ; (al
/. Itts, dregs
Fondachi^re, m. a draper scorpion , «Tetc un*

nelle forbici, to have Formàggio, m. cheese
. vmier one's thumb Foimàìe, adj. formal
Forbiciata./, d cut, a snip Formalità,/, ceremony
Forbire, to furbish; forbirsi Formalmente, adv. formally Fornuólo, m. a lantern to hunt
gli cicchi, to rub one's eyes ; birds l)y night
forbirsi le làgrime, to tvipe world Foro, m. a court of justice,
cway tears Form
Ite, adj.a market-place, a hole, a
Forbito, part furbished, cleat Formare, to form, make
ed, polished Formatamente, adv. formal- Forosétta, /. and ForosCtto,
Forbitdio, m. a furbishing m. a nàie countryman
tool Fórse, adv. perhaps, why
Forbottare, to beai again forse di si, may be so; forse
Forbottato, part, beaten di no, may be not;
Fórca,/, a pitchfork, a prong non bello? tvhy not hand-
Forcata,-/, a fork-fiUl, tin Formatóre, »j. former, fn
apeningofihelegs Forsechè, adv. perhaps, that
Forcato, part, forked Formazióne, /. forming, foi Forsennatàggine, and For
Forcatóra,/. the parting of the sennatéìza, /. foUy, ,nad-
Formella,/, a furrow, ditch
Forcella, /. a little fork Formentàre, to ferment Forsennatamente, adv mad-
Forcellùto, adj. JbrRed Fermentato, part, leavened
3"orchEtta, and Forcfna, /. a Ferménto, m. corn, ferment Forsennato, adj. mad, extra-
fork to eat rvith ; favellare in Formica, and Formicola,/, a vagant
punta di forchétta, to speak ant Forte, adj.
rvith ajfectalion Formicàio, m. ti-hiU;
i desidero t
Forchettièra, /. a sheath for .
throng, a croy
fork ilformicaio, to fa forte tempo, i
Forchiiidere, to exclude iveather
Forcóne, m. an iron fork Forte, m. Jlowe:
Forcutamente, adv. like i Formicolàio, m. a swarm of
Forcuto, part, forked Formicolaraénto, m. a pr usly
ForelUno, m. a littte hole ling in the body tike the izo, adj. rather strong
Forense, adj of the bar slinging of ants
Forése, m. a rustic country Formicdne, m. a large ani Fortézza, /. steadiness, for.
Formid.-ibile, adj. terrible titude; a fortress; for-
Foresdzzo, m. a countrt Formidine, f. fear tézza d' ànimo, conslan-
Forèsta,/, a forest Fdrmola, arui Formula, /. Fortificare, to fortify
Forestière, adj. strange, fo Fortificatóre, m. a fortifier
reign t'ormosita,/ beauty Fortificazióne, /. and Fortifi-
Forestierla, /
a quantity of Formóso, adj beautiful caménto, m. fortification
s franger», (also) an inn to Vomàce.f. kiln, furnace Fortino, m. a small fort
Fornaciàio, m. a kiln^man Fortitùdine, /. fortitude
Forestieraiùénte, adv. stran- Fomacella, and Foniacctta,/. Fortóre, m. force, sharp-
ger-like -furnace, a kiln
Foresto, adj. savage, wild rnàia,/ a baker's wife Fortuitamente, adv. casual-
Forfattura, /. cheat, imposi- Fornàio, m. a baker ly
Fomelle, m. a small oven, a Fortùito, adj. accidental; caso
Forfecchia, /. a sort of worm
rvith a forked fait Fornicare, to commit fornica- Fortume,' and Fortóre, m.
Ferfice, s. shears, scitsars ; imgs s ongly la
èssere tra le firfìci, to be in Fornicatóre, and Fomicato- Fortuna, f.fortL.
réllo, m. fornicator Fortunale, adj. ca.^ual
Forficctte, and Forficùie,/.p?. Fornicatrice,/ a harlot Fortunàre, to make fortunate,
little scissors Fornicazióne, /. fornication to try one's luck
Forficiàta, /. a cut with the Forniménto d'un àbito, trim- Fortunatamente, adv. lucki-
ming nf clothes fornimento
: ly
Fórfora, and Forforàggine, di sèlla, the harness
scurf, dandrifofthe head Fornire, to finish, to expire, to
Forière, m. fore-runner furnish
Fórma,/ form, shape, fgure FomiW, part, furnished, en- Fortunosamente, adv. by
Formàbile, adj. nhich may be dowed, adorned
formed Fórno, m. an oven, a baker't Fortunóso, a-irf FortunéTol»,

haxard- putrifac- 1

flrfj. fortuitoui, j


Forrdglia, adv. agaimt one't Fràdicio, adj. mei, rotten

Fragellàre, (see Flagellare, Frànto, adj. broken
atid in de; ivatives) Frappa, /. lappet
Fòrza, f. force, power a forza,
Frappare, to jag, t

Fràgi-, idi. brittle, frail

adv by iì^rce; far forza, io ,

Fragile a, and Fragilità, /.

compef \
Frappàtto, part, jagged, cheat-
Forzaménto, m. for rveakly. ed
Frappatóre, m. a sharper,
Fràgnere, to break boaster
Frappeggiàre, to paint foh-
Forzatamente, adv. by fon Fragola,/, strarvberry
ForZdto, part, forced Fragóre, m. noise: fragrancy
pórre, to interpose senza
Fragrante, adj- fragrant

Foriate, VI. a galley slave dim,

Forzatóre, m. he that e Fragranza, /. fragrancy
Frale, adj. rveak, feeble
Fralézza,/, (see FragUézza)
adv. rveakly, died
Frasca, /. a bough, a bush,
Forzt5vole, adj. forcible feebly
Framménto, m. fragment branch, an idle story, a vain
Forzevolraénte, adv. violent-
Frammescolare, man al buon vino non bi-
to mix, min- ;

sogna frasca, good wine needs
Forziére, m. chest, trunk no bush
Frammesso, l thing i :

Frascato, m. arbour, a
Frammesso, part, ptit be- shade
and Forzóso, adj.
Frascheggiare, to hustle, rnur-
Frammettente, adj. putting mur, to play the fool
Frascheria, /. wantonness, jeet.

Fraschetta,/, a small branch

Fraschettlno, m. a hare-brain

Fossa, /. ditrh, trench, grave Frammis( s, to mix rvith

Fraschiére, inconstant
Franare, ._^ giddy peri
Frasconàia, I birdingf
Francamente, adv. freely,
openly fowling
Fossaccia,/. a ditch Frascóni, m pi, dead branches
Francamente, m. a safety.
delivery to burn, (also) silly thing o»
Francare, to free, release saying
Francescaniénte, adv. French Frase,/, phrase
Frasinéila, /. fraxinella (bas-
Fòssile, adj. any thing dug like
tard dittany)
mineral salt Francescano, tn. a Francis-
sal fòssile,
Frassinetto, m. an ash-.grove.
Fosso, m. a ditch
Francesco, adj. French Fran-
Fotti vento, m. a kestrel ;
Fràssino, m. an ash-tree
Fra, prep, (tra) between, o- i
Frastagliaménto, m. and Fras-, fra me, to rny. Francheggiare,
tagliatura, /. a cutting, a
self: fra quài
Franchezza, /. boldness,
Frastagliantv.; a^j. cutting,
Fra, m. (for Frate) brother, grity, freedom, liberty
Franchigia, /. franchise, pri notching
,nonk lazy rogue
Frastagliare, to cut, -vftch

Fracassaménto, m. clutter. vilege

Franco, adj, free, bold, si; Frastagliata,/, confusion, dis-
Fracassare, to destroy, break Frastagliatamente, adv. con-
Fracassato, paH. broken
Fracassio, m. crash, ruin ,

part, notched.
Fracasso, m- crash, ruin, havoc,
Fràngere, to break, split
Fràngia., f. fringe Frastàglio, m. a cut, gash
Fracidàre, to rot, putrefy
Frangibile, adj. brtUie, fra- FrsistornàJe, to disturb, in
Fracidezza,/, rottenness terrupt : frastornar uno dal
Fracidiccio, adj. rotting
cammino, <o mislead
Fràcido, pari. putrefied ;
FràngihWìta. f frailty •'rastuóno, »n. a tomnA, od»-
llngisa fracida, venomous •
fused noise
Fratóccio, m. a wicked friar
Fratanto, adv. meanwhile
Frate m. friar, brother, fath.,
Fréga, ^ lust
Freschètto, a. cooli.-<h
Fregacciolàre, to marie, trace
Fratellanza, and Fraterfa, '" "'"' ^'*"'^"''2. /•
/. Fregagióne,/an</ Fregaménto, ^^coot''
m. rubbing, friction
Fratellévole, adj. hroiherly Frl^o7"rfJ. eoo., fresh; ,,an
Tre^àt^, fa frigate
Fregrito, part, rubbed
Freg:in\y!i,f. friction
/-«co ^ stiànTo'fréschri^
Fregianiénto, m. ornament 7s
hard with ,.s di frésco, adu
^reg,dre, lo embellish, adorn ;

Fratèllo, m. Lrolher ncwly, lately; è arrivato

^ regidto, part, adorned di
Frateria,/ nntkerkood tresco, he is lately come
traternàle, adj fratcmnl Fretta./, haste, sp^-ed
Ff^^emalnu^nje, and Fratei fS «. or„a,ner,t. lace.
frettolosamente, adv. hastily
Frettolóso, adj.
FratemitaVj-'iVoMerAooS' a. friable
!•ratemo, adj. brotherly Friabilità,. r-.^>,„/„7,V„
Fratésco, adj. of a -nmik
Fraticda,,„./,.<.,w«</e Frl^'erf '/
Frégola, / 'spa"!^;J,,p'!'/2g
fancy gli veime la fréj

d andare alla campagna, Fx,gHhva,f frigidity

Fratfsmo,*»!. monkery, monk, ì- rigido, adj. impotent
lTàtta,.f. a place, or bush
rugpd place:
a riffcpd piai
I e frjfrte, to be Fri

Frattaglie,/ the entrailt

FraUùrr/a/;^7Ì,, e, a«(i Fremire, ;o

Fraudato, part, cheated

Fraudare, to cheat
Fraudatóre, ,n. a cheat
Frauàcf. fraud, cheat
FT^^fe^oUnéme, adv. fraud:c-
Fraudolènte, adi. fraudvhni
^raudolenteménte, adv. fran-
Frenesia, /: fren::v
Fraudolènto, ad) fraudulent
Fraudolènza, ami Fraudolèn-
Freneticaménlo, m
Freneticante, adj. ,
^i}^,f. fraud
Frivola./, strawberry
Frazióne, f. breakin'r
Fréccia, fanarro?,,: darla
fréccia, to borrow from every
one, or to affront every
one conduct; ródere
Frecciare, to. hoot a da,i il fréno.
Frecciata, /. the mowid an of Frequentare, to frequent : fre-
quentare con qualchédunc
Frecciatóre, m. an archer
Freddamente, adv. coldly
Frequentativo, ad), freque.
Freddare, to i;et cold non la :

lasciate freddare, make haste

Frequentato, pari, frequented
Freddato, adj cold t requentatóre, ni. a freque '

Freddézza, /. coldness, indif-

v{Z7"- ^"''i- '^oldish Frequentazióne, /. usage.
Freddicelo, and Freddolóso,
Freddo, m. COM; è fréddo, "

Frequènte, adj. frequent, usual

requenteménte, adv.
!• ^
Freddura, / cold, violent cold.
Frequènza, /. frequency.
fregaménto, m. and Frega-
gióne,.^ rubbing, frictio,
Frescamente, adv. newly,
FreeaK.torub,toplay or.
I TTeiché2ìa,J. freshness
Fugace, adj. twift, fugitive
of wood, a blorv nith one's
Frondeggiare, and Fronddre, Fugaménto, m. rout, disor-
to produce leaves der
Frufre, to enjoy
Frondifero, ad), leaf-bearing Fugare, to cha^e
to Fniizìóne,f fruition
Frondfre, and Fronzlre, Frma, f a trifle, toy Fugato, part, chased
shoot forth leaves vento Fugatóre, m. he that chases
adj. Frullare, to roar: il
Pifondóso, and Fronduto, wind hlon-s hard Fuggènte, and Fuggevole, adj.
frulla, the
a whizzing, nothing flying away
pcantity of Frullo, in.
adv. oy
Fronidra, /. a
at all; non ne darei un Fuggiascamente,
frontlet, head- frullo, I fvould not give a adj. fugitive
Frontale, /. Fuggiasco,
Fugglbile, adj. unavoidable
FruUdne, m. a bolter to sift Fuggifatica, ni. an idler
T fonte, fthe forehead, head,
face front alia fronte dell
Frumentirio, adj. of corn
Fuggiménto, flight m
armata, at the head of
the Fuggire, to fly away, shun,
Frumentiére, m. a sutler, pur-
army portar in fronte one il
avoid: mi fugge 1' ammo
suo pensiero, to speak as wheat di vederlo, I have not the
thinks s'il
nome tuo nel Fruménto, m. com, adj. yielding
mondo tegna fronte, tf you FrumentiJso, Fvigg(ti,f flight
enjoy the esteem of the
world Fuggiticelo, and Fuggitivo,
Frusco, and Fruscolo, m.
Frontegriàre, to resist adj. fugitive
Fronticpfzio, Frontespizio,
game at Fuggito, part, fled away
Frùssi, m. a kind of m
a runaway
and Frontesplcio, m.frontis- l-rusta,/. a wmy, u. .•->'- s-
Fùio, adj. obscure, dark.
Frustàgno, m. fustian, dimuy
Front f. frontier of a,
Fulclre.'<o underprop
Frustamat<5ni, m. a lounger
I, _ _

Fulgente, adj. thtning,

bold, brazen- an idler _ ^
Fro , adj.
Frustale, towhip ; frustare un Fulgiditìi, /.
faced wear out clothes Fulgfdézza, and
àbito, to
Fronzuto, ad), green, leajy Frustato, part, whipped, used,
Frosóne, and Frosóne, m-
ar Fùrgfdo,"^»*?;. shining, bright
frustrated, deluded
Fulgorato, adj brilliant
FrXf/c,oti-infrdtta.a^ Frustatóre, m. a whipper m. splendour
Frustatdrio, adj. vain, useless
together Fuliggine,/, «oof
Frustatura,/, a whipping Fuligginóso, adj. smoky
Frottola,/, a fioZiflil
Frusto, m. a piece thunder-
Frottolàre, to compose baHads Fulminante, adj.
Frusto, adj. worn out
to banter
Frùtice, m. shrub, sprout thunder, rage,
Frucóne, m. a blow with the Fnittaiuólo, m. fruiterer Fulminare, to
nee, to be in a pas-
Fruttare, to yield, bear, pro
Frugacchiaménto, «i. a sound-
Fulminàto, part, fulminat
ing, probing
Fruttito, part, frudi lied
Frugacchiare, to sound with a
Fruttifero, Fruttévole, Frut- /. fulmina
sick Fulminazióne,
tificante, and Fruttifico, adj.
Frugalità, /rug^a^iVy
Frugare, to grope, sound, to Fùlmine, m. thunderbolt
, ^
Fruttificare, and Frulluare, to
seek impatiently Fulmineo, adj. thunder-like
Frugata,/, a groping, souna-
fructify Fulvo, adj. yellow, ruddy
rent, interest
vUtto,m. fruit, Fumàcchio, m. fumigation, a

Fruttuosamente, adv. usefully,

F^fat<51o, m. a long pole, coal which smokes much
(such as bargemen use) Fumaiuòlo, m. a smoky coal,
F^^li^osi^, ffruUfulness
Frugatdre, m. one that tries profitable, the chimney-top
Fruttuóso, adj.
rragifero, adj. fruitful Fumale, adj. smoky
FrugnuoUre, to go a bird fu re, the Fumante, adj smoking
FÙ, adj. deceased ; il
Fumare, to smoke
ina-, or fishing with a
Fumata,/ a smoke madejor a
hunter Fucato, par*, painfed, disguii
Frugnuolatdre, ,

with a lantern strike Fumèa,/, smoke


Fucile, «I. the steel to Fumicante, adj. tmnking

Frugnuòlo, m. a hunting Ian- archibùgio
fire fucile dell' Fumicare, to perfume
Fragollno, m. a child full of
fire-loek Fùraìdo, adj smoky
Fucina,/, a forge Fumicazióne, Fumigazióne
and noise
Fucinata,, r. a great number
Frugolare, to poke, /""^'«j / and Furalgio, m. fumiga-
frugolare il fuòco, to stir the mét-
flight, escape :
Fu-'a! f.
" Fummàre, (s« Fumare, and
tersi "iu'fuga, to run away;
Friigolo, m a waggish boy all its derivatives)
fugue in music
Frugone, m. a broken piecu ^ ^
Forno, m. smoke, fume Furfanteria, /. nickednets. Gabbiano, m. a sea-mew, cob.

fume, vapour ; aver fumo, to Furfantdne, ,. a great rogue. Gabbiano, odj. clotvnish, un-

Fumosità,/, fume, steam Fiiria, /. fury; passion; a Glblnàta,f afidi cage

Fumdso, ad) fumy, hntif^hty furia, adv. furiously Gabbière, and Gal)bit;ro,jn. an
FumostSrno, m.. fumitory, (i Furibondare, and Furiare, to
rage like a madman Gabbiollna,/ a small cage
Funaiòlo, m. a rope-maker Furibdndo, and Furióso, adj. Gabbi onata,j; a bulwark
Funata, /. many people tied furious, raging mad Gabbidne, m.. a large cage;
together ; fare una funata, to Furibdndo, and Furiato, adj. mettere nel gabbidne, to
make many prisoners full of madness allure by flatteries
Funditdre, m. a stinger Gabbo, m. jeering prender a ;

Fune, /. a rope, rack, tor- Furiosamente, adi', madly gabbo, to baniei'

Furidso, adj. fierce, mad (iabma,f. toll duty, tax
fune, to keep one in sus- Furdre, m. madness Gabellare, to pay duty non ;

pense Furtivamente, adv. secretly gabello quel che dite, T da

Funebre, and Funèreo, adj. Furtivo, adj stolen ; furtivo not believe a word of what
funeral desio, unlanful desire
Funerale, m. funeral Furto, m. robbery ; di furto, Gabellière, »». custom-house
FunSsto, adj fatal, unlucky adv. privately officer
Fl'ingo, m.' mushroom; fùngo Fusdggine, /. the spindle- Gabinetto, m: fl^set
Gaggia, /. the skuttle of a
Fungdso, adj. fungous Fusàio, »n. spindle^maker ship
Funicèlla./: a Utile cord Fusaiudio, m. a whirl for a Gaggia,/, acacia, (a tree)
Funicolo, m. a small cord Gàggio, m. hosfage; pledge
Funzióne,/, duty Fuscèllo, m. strarv, a skewer, Gagliardamente-, adu. briskly,
Fudco, m. fire, passion, dii- (also) meal, mill-dust boldly
Fusciacca,/ a silk sash Gagliardézza, and Gagliardfa,
mani al fudco, I could take Fusco, adj. dark, brown / strength, courage, prowess
Fusidne, f. fusion, melting. Gagliardo, adj. stout, strong,
troppa came al fudco, to far del gagliardo, to brave
undertake too many things Fuso, m. a spindle, shaft of a
pillar Gaglio m. rennet, that turns
Fudra, and Fudri, adv. and Fuso, part, melted
prep, out, ahr»ad,from home Busdne, m. a sort of stag ; a

fudr di mdno, out of hand fusdne, adv. plentifully


fudr di misura, very much Fusta,/. a sort of light galley

Fuorché, prep, except, only Fustagno, m. fustian
Fuorchiiidere, (see Forchiù- Fusto, m. stalk, stem, shank.

Fuormisdra, adv. excessivelfj Futuramente, adi», for the fu-

Fuorso'.amdnte, adv. except ture
FurascJto, m. an highway. Falùro, adj. future
,, iudlo, m. end, husk, shell
Furace, and Furante, adj. Gàgno, m. a plate abounding
th hurtful beasts, (also)
Furdre, to steal
Furato, part, stolen Gagnolaménto, and Gagnolio,
Furatrire, m. a thief m. the howling of a dog
Furbàccio, »n. rogue, knave Gagnolare, to howj, roar
Furbamente, adv. cunningly GABBADE'O, m. a hypo- Gaiamente, adv. ttierrily, plea
Furberia, /. a cheat crite sanity, gaily
Furbescamente, adv. roguishly Gabbaménto, m. a cheat. Gaiézza, /. gatety, cheerful-
Furbésco, adj. deceitful
Furbetto, m. a knavish man Gabbanèlla, /. ridinghood, or Gàio, adj. gay, joyful
Furbo, m. a knave, a rogue
Gala, /
ornament, finery^
aferr Gabbano, m. a felt cloak •
'SS ; star siine gàie, to fòt-
Furfantaocio, m
a scoundrel Gabbrfrc, to deceive ; gabbarsi,
Furfantare, to live the life of
scmtndrel G-abbato. part, deceived
Furfante, m. a rogue, rascal Gabbatdre, m. deceirer
Furfant-IIo, and Furfantino, Gabbia,/, <i cage, a jail
m. a little rogue Gabbiàio, m. a cage-maker
Galantemente, adv. genteelly Gambettare, lo play tvith one's
Galanteria,/. civilUy, bravery
Galantine, ailj. preti}/, delicate ; Gamb'tto, m. a trip up dare ;

un galanU'no, a beau, a spruce il gambétto ad uno, to turn Garpa,/. spavins

fellow Garrevole, adj. scolding
(jalantuiimo, m. a gallant man Gambière,/, harness for the Garriménto, and Garrito, r
GaliSppio, «I a trap legs
Galassia. X. the milky rray Gambo, m. stem, stalk Garrire, io chide, blame, si
Galeno,»», thegi.m galbaniim Garabuccia./. a small leg
Galea, and Galèra./, a galley Gambuto, high stalked
Galeazza,/, a double gatiey Gana, /. fare di gana, to do
Sale(}i)e, m a galleon 7piltingty, tvith a good lieart
Galeòtta,/, a small galley Ganàscia,/, the Jaw
Galeòtto -.« a galley-slace Gàncio, m. a hook Gàrrulo, adj. prattling, chat-
Galèra,/ (;ttf Galea) Gangherare, to set on hinges
GdUa, /. an acorn, gall-nut ; Gangherato, arlj. on hinges a,"/. a jay, (a soi-t of
luck Essere a galla, to get Gànghero, 7»i. a hinge, pivot : igpie)
dare ne" gàngheri, to take :onàccìo, m. a stout lad
uscir de' gangheri, to Garzoncèllo, and Garzoncino,
blunder m a young lad
Garzóne, m. a boy, a lad, ter-
Galleggiante, aJ]. snùmming . /• Hf',"""''
Galleria,/, a ^a««ry fare a gara, to be rivals Garzonèzza, /. childhood, fan-
Gallétta, /. «i kind qf grape. Garabullàre, to cheat
Garbare, to smile upon, please, Garzonlle. adj. boyish, childish
Galletto, 7«. ti rmaj' nock, (also) {^iho) to have a gent el air
i Garbatamente, adv. graceful- Gcirzuòlo. ni. tire heart of
Galliclnio, cock-crowing time ' '•'' herbs, *<:. CiU>bage, lettuce,
i .
of the night Garbaté2za,/. gracefulness ^-c. (also) a sort of hemp
Garbato, adj. un uòmo gar-
Gallin.-lccia,/.(I «s</f« Aen bito, a tnan if address GasOmetro, m. a gasometer
Gallinaccio, adj. of a hen Garbino, m. t!ie svulh-rvest
(ia.stigagiòne, /. and Gasti-
Gallinàccio, 7„. a kind of. tvind gaménto, ni. punishment,
mushroom, (also) a turkey- Gdrho, m. garb, carriage ; con
chastisement, (also) educa-
cnrJc bel garbo, civilly tion
Gallinàio, m. a poufterfi- Garbùglio, m. tumult : confa- Castigante, adj. chastising
Gàilo^ r,i. a code; gallo d'In- sion ; mettere in garbùglio,
Gastigàre, to chastise, to
dia, a turkey _
to put in di.mrder
GailJne, m. galloon, lace (ìareggiaménto, m. (.?es Gara) Gastjgatòre, m. punisher, cen-
Gallòria,/, transport qf joy ;. Getiegsiinte, adj. striving
far gallòria, to make a 'holt- . Gareggiare, to contend ; gareg-
day giare nello stùdio, to study
Gallò.za, and Gallòzzola, /. ' — *

It-gall (also) bub .s for,, Gareggiatóre, »n. a rival Gatt^jo, m. a cat's meat setter

Gareggiòso, adj. a litigious Gattaiuòla,/ a cat's hole
person Gattària,/, catsmiui (herb)
Garètto, m. the Ihigh, the ham Gatto, m. and Gatta. / a
Galoppare, to gallop <;argapIiàre,<o murmur he-cat, a she-cat ; vénder
Galoppatóre, ni. a galloper Gargagliata, /. a paddling, la gatta in sacco, to sell a
Galòppo, m. a gallop dabbling pig in a poke ; far la gatta
Galuppo, m. a poor object GarganUglia,/. a necklace morta, io dissemble; voler
Gambci, /. leg; dolersi di |
Gargarismo, »/i. ^ar^/< la gàtu, io be in earnest:
gamba sana, io complain ,
Gargarizzare, to gargU chiamar la gatta, to speak
without •gòzzo, /. atiil Gargozzùle, plain
gambe, to run arvay m. rvindpipe, throat GatUno, m. a kitten
Gambale, m. a stem of flowers iariandro. n». a sort of pre- Gattomammóne, m. a kind of
Gambaruòlo. and (xamberuòlo,
m. {see Gombiéra) Gattòne. m. a large cat fare :

Gambata,/, a gambol, a kick \ Garofanare, il gattòne, to connive at

Gattozibftto, m. a civet cat
Gavazza, /. Gavazzo, and

Gavazzaménto, in. shout for
J'-.V _
Gavazzale, to rejince much
Gavazxiiire, m. lie that rejo'icea GSnte, /. nation, men, peo-
ple, cron-d, kindreil, fa-
Gaudentemente, adv. joy- mily; la gènte del re, the
fnlbi king's soldiers ; gènte a
(ìàaiio.m. joy, mirth !?.Iogfa,/. pene cavalle, horsemen ; buòna
Gaudioso, ailj.jnyjul, glad gènte, good people di ;

bassa gènte, of "u mean

Genterella, f. cofnmcn peo-

Generalato, m
generalsMi ple
Gavi'gne,/. pi. kernels in the Generale, adj geieeral Gentildònna, /. a gentlervo-
Generalissimo, m. and adj. the
(5avill.-irè. (see Cavillare, and supreme commander, very Gentile, and GentilPtto, adj.
genteel, noble, vice ; gentili,
Genera\Hh,f. generality gentiles, pagans
Generalmente, ado. generally; Gentil!?sco, adj. handsome,
generalmente iiarlandojcoj»- genteel
Gentilésimo, m. heathenism
tsort of eel Gener;lnte, adj. begetting Gentilézza, /. gentility, cour-
a,/ a t offish Generare, to beget, bring tesy, kindness
zera, /. a jay, Gentilire, to make nnUe
Gentilità, /. heathenism, no-
(7azzétta./. gazette bility
Gentilizio, adj. common to a
Gazurro, m. noise, thundering country, or family
- Gentilmente, courteously, rich'
Gelaménto, m. and Gelata, /. ly, splendidly
frost GenalCtto, m. a country
GeUre, to freeze, to be frozen
tviik cold ; gela, it freezes I Gentiludmo, enlle-
Gelatamé-nte, adv. coldly,
cUU!^,fiarfully Gctitiiccja, f. rabide, mob
Gelatina, and GelerSa.f jelly Genericamente, adv. (see Ge- Genuflessióne,/ gennf.e.Tl
Gelato, and Gt'Iido, adj. frozen, neralmente) aflrsso, adj. knee':ng
Genèrico, adj. generical, com-
Géklrà, j: rabide, mob of people
Geliti'dio, m. flosty weather Grnero, m. a sonin-larv
Gelidézza, /. cooling, fresh- Generosamente, adv. gene- Geografia,/, geography
Geografo, m. geographer
'jé\o,m. ice, frost, cold Generosità,/. generosity Geomante, m. geonumcer
Geomanzia, /. a kind of di-
(ìelosaménte, ado. jealously
Gelosia,/, jealousy; a lattice. Genesi, /. Genesis, (the first Geòmetra, m. geomrtrician
Book of Moses ) Geometria,/, geometry .

adj. jealou Gengia, aied Gengiva, /. tht Geometricamente, adj. geome-

Geomètrico, adv. geometrical
[Gerarca; "L'i// "P""''rV../ ^

I spirit; ,ril, lafents, part

m.clli,' m. pi. the celestial '
and<Sre a gènio, to please
Genitale, adj. genital Geràrchico, adj. of heaven,

.manie, adj. groaning Genitivo, m. the genitive cc

I (in grammar) GTrgo, and Gergòne, m. the
Genito, adj. begotten obscure ca,:t of thieves, slung

Genitore, »i./uMcr CZrXa, dosser

Genitrice,/, mother Gern-.ànico, arfj. German
Genitura, / birth la prir ;

geniiiira, birthright; t german

\ men, casting one's nativity Germano, aJj. right, proper.
i^o'nl^'rrooi Gennàio, m. January
(Ì en tàccia. Gentàglia, /. and
1 Gentàme, m. rabble, -noi
Germinare, m. a budding, Ghiacciàia,/, an ice-house Ghironda,/, a musiealin>tru-
shooting forth Ghiacciare, to freeze
GerminaUvo, adj. Jit to engen- Ghiacciato, adj. frozen Già, adv. formerly, already :
der Ghiàccio, «I. ice già la sera è venuta, it ii
Germogliaménto, m. a bud- Ghiacciudlo, ni. icicle already night
Ohiacciòso, adj. of ice Giacché, conj. since
Ghiac<nto, m. a stone so Giaccherà,/, a play, a roguish
Ghiado, m. extreme cold Giàcchio, «1. a sweep-net,
Germdglio, m. bud, blossom Ghiaggiuólo, m. corn-Jlonier,
Geroglificàre, to make hiero- smord-grass uhio tondo, lo spare no
liiàia, /. gravel: Ghiera, person ; gittàre il giàcchio
Geroglffico, m. hieroglyphic Giaiàta,/. 1 g-rat)e/-p/ace sulla sièpe, to do a pteju-
Gerott'iffico, adj. hieroglyphical, Ghiaióso, adj. sandy, gra-
obiciire velly
Gerretiéia, /. order of tìie Ghidnda, / the acorn te, adj. situated, seat-
Ghiandàia,/, a jack-dam
Ghiandlfero, adj. bearing Giacére, be indisposed, io
lie down,
to be situated:
Ghiàndola, /. kernel in the Londra giace alla ripa del
Gessato, and Gessóso, adj. Jlesh, glanders Tamigi, London is situated
chalky Ghiandùccia, and Ghiandózza, on the Thames
G6<;so, m. chalk iacére, m. a hare's form,
Gèsta,/. lodging
Gcsteggii GhirabalSànza, and Ghieral- iaciménto, m. a lying
use too much gesture dàmi,f.trijles, nonsense
GEsto, m. action, gesture Ghiazzertno, m. a coat of mail.
Gesuita, m. a Jesuit
Gettare, to throw, shoot,
hurt ; gettar sospiri, to
fetch sighs ; gettar \ia, to
throw away ; gettar motto,
to mention gettare, to bud,
Giaco, m. coat of mail
bloom : gettar la sorte, lo Giallamina, and Gial'ionnina,
east lots ; gettir a male, to Ghignatdre, ni. a grinner /. lapis calaminaris
consume ; gettar il tempo, to Ghignazzare, to laugh, grin Gialleggiante, adj. yellowish
spend time ; gettare, to cast Ghignettlno, and GhignStto, Gialleggiare, to grow yellorv
in a mould; gettarsi ad una ni. a smile, simper Giallttto, and Gialliccio, adj.
cosa, to apply one's self to a Ghigno, »n. a smile yellowish
thing Ghiótta, /. a dripping-pan Giallézza,/, polene»»
Gettata,/, a cast, a throrv Ghiottamente, adv. greedily Giallo, adj. yellow, pale
Gettito, adj. thrown, cast Ghiotterellfno, and Ghiotte- Giallógno, and Giallògnolo,
melted rello, adj. dainty, nice adj. yellow, pale
Gettatóre, m. caster founder . Ghiótto, m. a glutton Gialios^nto, m. a light yel-
Getto, m. throw, cast canndm ; '"ltto,aJ). greedy
di gètto, a brass cannon .ttóne, m. a glutton
ad un gètto di pietra, at e Ghiottoneria, and Ghiottómia,
/. gluttony, daintiness, )
Gheppio, ni. kestrel ; far gishness, knavery
ghéppio, to die Ghióva, /. clod, turf </
Gherblno, m. the south' earth Giammài, adv. never, ever
Ghiòzzo, ni. a bit, morsel, GiammEngola,/. a small mut-
Gherlino, m. a hawser blockhead agudgeon, {ajish)
; ter, or Ming-
Gherminella, /. juggling Ghiribizzare, io devise, forge Giannetta,/, a sort qf arms,
tricks stick
Ghermire, t Ghiribizzatdre, m. a faniasti Giannettirio, a soldier amiti
Ghermfto, part. tnatchtd, cat whimsical fellow with a pike
GliJribizzio, m. a device, in Giannettàta, /. a blow with a
Gherofano, m. a giUyJlo
or elove, pink Ghiribizzóso, adj. fantastic
Gherone, m. gasset Ghirigòro, m. a dash, a stroke
Ghétto, m. an abode for of a pen
Ghirlanda,/, garland
Ghézzo, m. a nioor, a negro .
Gliiro, «1. a dormouse
Giocolarménte, adv. merrily Gióvane,
Giocolatdre, »i. a juggler
Giocolo, ni. game, sport
Giardino, and Giardinétto, m. Giocondamente, adv. joy-
a garden fully
Glarfjdne, m. a ttone so Giocondàto, adj. contented,
calleii .pyful
Oiarro, m. ajar Giocondévole, adj. joyful,
Giattanza,/.' brag, boast agreeable
Giàva. f. magazine, ttore- Giocondézza, and Giocondità,
/ mirth, jollity
Giavvellòtto, m. a javelin Giocóndo, adj. merry, gay
Gibbo, m. a hump Giocosamente, adv. merrily
Gibbóso, and Gibbuto, adj. Giocóso, adj. gamesome, S}iort-
Gibèrna,/, a scrip Giogàia, /. the dew-lap of an
Giélo, m. ice, frost, cold ox; ridge of hills
Giga,/, a jig Giogliàto, adj. mixed tvith
<Tigante,m" a giant
Gigantescamente, m. gianl- Gióglio', m. darnel
Giógo, m. a yoke, slavery,
Gigantésco, and Gigantéo, adj. bondage ; top of a moun-
Gigliato, m. fiorentine (piece Giòia, f.jervel, joy, mirth
of money) Gioiante, adj. cheerful
Gigliato, adj. ttrerved rvith Gioiellato, adj. set with
Gigliéto, m. a lily garden Gioielliere, m. a jerveller
Gigliétto, m. a S7>iall lily- Gioi-llo, m. a jewel
fringe Gioiosamente, adv. joyfully
Oil a lih Gioióso, adj. meity, cheer-
Ginepràio, and Ginepréto, ful
m. a place rvhere juniper chee
Ginépro, m. a jumper-tree ;

and Ginépra,/' the berry

Gin a,/ 4m
Ginestréto, »n. a place tvliere
Giornale, m. journal, diary
Gingia./ the gums Giornale, anil Giornalièro, adj.
Gingillare, to be fantastic
Gingillo, m. a subtle but fan- Giornalménte, adu. daily
tastic invention Giornata, /. a day giórno di

Ginnàstico, adj. belonging to lavóro, a day's rvork. Alia

giornata, adv. daily, now-a-
Ginnetto, m. a Spanish horse'
Ginnico, adj. of a rvrestler, of Giórno, «i. day, day -light ;

buon giórno, good morrow.

Ginocchiello, m. a hog's foot, L' aspetto di giorno in
or knee-piece giorno, I expect him every
Ginocchio, m. a knee day
Ginocchióne, adv. kneeling- Giostia, fjusting^ilting.Jight,
vjiocàre, to play Giostrante, m. a justler,
Giochévole, adj. merry, jo-

Giochevolmént adv. vier- .

Giovaménto, m. good, benefit
Gio'c'o, m. (see Gindco) Giovanàcciò, m. an unexpe-
Giocoforza,/, necessity, force
Giocolare, adj. jocular, mer- Giovanàgiia,/. youth, quantity
of young people
Gióvane, m. and /. a young
• Giudicare, to judge
Giudicativo, and Giiidicatòrìo,
, adj. judicial
vicissitude Giudicato, m. jurisdict _, la,/, defraud, deceit
Gire, to t'o office of a judge, judgmetU,
Girli la, /. a tmall rvheel,
rveathercock. pi<//ey, turn-
itile; dar nelle girèlle, to
i,f joint, seam
Girellalo, m. a maker nf . to play for trijle,
pulleys ; an inconstant pei Giudi ^f-.V GiuociJre. to sport
Ghiàicazióne,/. judgment Giuocatóre, ni. a gamester
Girèllo, 71 irete, rveather- Giudice, m. judge
Giudichevolraénte, adr. justly .

Giudiciale, Giudizi>ile, and o, I tvill see the end of thie

i (a Giudiciario, adj. judicial
harvk) Giudicialniénte, adv. judi- icofurza, /. unavoidablt
Gixo.m. a turn, tour cially cessity
adj. hy turns. Per Giudtcio, and GiucU?.io, m. icolare, to play, toy
comi nf justice, judgment, Giuocoiatóre, m. a toyer
Giróne, m. a g-reat circle, or sentence, decree, reason, un-
derstanding, opinion
Gfta,/. going, Tvalking Giudiciosaménte, and Giudi-
Gittare, tn throw, cast ziosamente, adv. Judicious-
GittàtSi, fa cast,
throw 'y
Gittate, adj. ' ' Giudicicjso, and Giudizióso,

thro Giùgero, «i. an acre of land

Gitto, and Gittaniénto, a Giùggiola, /. the fruit of {he
throw, loss, damage.
gitto, adv. exactly, to a Giuggiolino, adj. Giuratóre, m. a swearer
muddy red colour; (also) Giuratòrio, adj smearing ; or
sirup ofjujube to be swnrn {law term)
Giùggiolo, in. a jujube-tree Giure, »i. law, right
Giùgnere, to arrive,join, reach,
Giubba, /. petticoat. Giuridicamente, adv. 'legal-
Giugniménto, nu union ly
Giubberéllo, and Giubbétto, Giugno, III. month of June Giuridico, adj. lanful
m. a little doublet Giuladro, m. a bujffhon jiuridizion.iie, cutj. belong,
Giubbiléo, m. a jubilee Giulebbe, and Giulcbbo, m. ing to a judge, or jadg.
Giubbóne, m. a doublet, under- julep meat
coat córrere in giubbóne,
; Giulivamente, adv. jnyfully G iuridizióne, /. jurisdiction
to run very fast GiulivEtto, adj. joyjul
Giubilare, to rejoice Giulività,/, gaiety, mirth Giusàrma, /. a sort of hatch-
Giubilatóre, m. one leaping for Giulivo, adj. merry, gay '
used antong the au-
Giumèlla,/, trvo handfuls nts
Giubilazióne, /. and Giùbilo, Giumenta, /. a breeding Giuso, adj. down, belato
'Jiùsta, prep, according
Giucire, (see Giuocàre, and its GiuraenUére, m. a driver ìiustaménte, adv. Justly.
derivatives) Giuménto, m. a labouring agreeably
Giudàico, adj. Jeroish GiustézJa, /. exactness, jv»
Giudaismo, m. Judaism Giuncàia, /. and Giunchéto, tice
Giudaizzare, to imitate the m. a place full of rushes Giasxìfìc.lììie, adj.justfying
Giuncare, to slrerv flowers Giustificare, to justify ; gius
Giudaesco, adj. Judaic, qf the tificàrsi, to clear one's self
Giuncato, adj. coverea mith GìastUìcaViménte, adv. Justly,
Giudèo, wi. and Giudèa, /. a justifiably
Jew, Jewess Giunch(gIia,/>,i7Hi7 Giustificativo, adj. justifia-
Giudèo, adj. Judaical, of Giunco, m. ru-xh, bulrush ble
the Jews, obstinate, unbelicv- Giuncdso, adj. full of rushes itificàto, part, justified
Giùngere, {see Giùgnere)
?nto, m. judgment, Giùnta./, addition, increase; stificazión'e, /.* ju'stifica <

m. gund measure; prima ;

- cdj. judging giùnta, adii, immediately Tuii^, f. justice; clUa ,


Góndola./, a Venetian hoot, a
drop, a crack in the rvall. gondola
Gondolière, n ^ .

Gocciare, and GoccioUre, to Gonfalóne, »n. a ìl ,

fall by drops Gonfalonieratico, m. the dig

Gocciolaménto, m. a drop-
Giusto, ailj. just, right ; ping
questo abito è trojuJO giusto, Gocciolante, adj. dropping Gònfia, m. a glas.
ihìt coat U lw> tight GoocioMto, part. dropped. glass-blower
Giusto, m. an honest man ;
Gonfiagióne, m. a sw
Gocciolatóio, »n. gutter, drain Gonfiaménto, ni. pt
Giusto, adv. jii.-tly, precisely Gocciolino, J', a small drop
Glaba. /. a' young plant, ci Gócciolo, m. a drop
.lil Gocciolóne, m. a duice, a
ciàle, a,y. o/ice blockhead to behai-e proudly
Gladiatóre, m. gladiator. (jocciolóso, adj. dropping Gonfiato, part, swelled; gon-
Godente, adj. rejoicing ; wi. fiato di supèrbia, concciltJ
Gianduia./, kernel, gland order of knighthood Gonfiatóio, an instrument to
GlanduMso, adj. glnndùlovs Godere, to enjoy, rejoice; del filla balloon, a cannon
Glèba,/ glebe, clod of earth presente mi godo, e meglio Gonfiatóre, »n. a srveller.
Gli, the; gli scolari, the aspetto, I evjiiy what t have,
scholars^ gli, io him : gli and hojefr better times
dissi, Itold him ; gli parlai, Goderéccio, rrdj. agreeable
l spoK-e io him (lodévole, adj. pleasant
GItfbo, m. a globe Godiménto, m. enjoying
Globosità,/, ronndnfts Goditóre, m. à luxurious proud; paròle gonfie, boast-
Globóso, adj. globular pe'son ing, swelling words
Glòria, /. glvry, honour ; a- Goduto, pari, enjoyed GonfiOtto, m. a bladder
spettàre a glòria, lo tvait Goffaggine, Gofterra, and Gongola,/, sore throat, smelt
with patience Goffézza, /. dulness ing in the glands
Gloriente, adj. boasting Goffamente, adv. foolishly
Gloriare, to praise, extol, to Goffo, adj. foolish
boast, praise one's self Gógna. /. an iron collar, gown, petticoat
Gloriato, adj. glorious ; and string, net, embarrassment
Gìorióso, fanwns Gogna, m. a villain Gòra, /. a canal, aqueduct,
Glorific-ire, (see Gloriare) Góla, /. the throat; lust, conduit
Glorificatóre, m. glorijier passion, mouth Górbia, /. a ferrei ; the point
(ilorificazióne, and Gloria- Goleggiàre, to wish

z.ì6ne, f. glorification Golétta,/, a gorget, a stock Górga, and Gòrgia, /. throat ;

Glorio'saménte, ado. glorious- Gólfo, m. a gidf, a bay an- ; tirar di g<irgia, (o «/«arer
ly, n'ith honour dare a golfo làiiciàto, to sail Gorgheggi.-ire, to quaver
Glorióso, adj. gloriotis straight to a place Gorgneggiatfóre, m. a war
Glósa,/. commentary Golosamente, adv. greedily
Glosdre, comment, ex- Golosità., f gluttony Gorghidra, f. a neck-piece,
pound Golóso, adj. ravenous \
Glosdto, part. commented Golpato, adj. bad, spoilt Gorgióne, m. a drunkard
Golpe, /. a fox, rust which
dosatóre, m. commentator falls upon corn
Glossàrio, m. a glossary Golpóne, m. a large fox, a
Glùtine,/, glue sagacious, crafty man
Glutinóso, adj. glutinous Gómblto, and Gómito, m. Gorgogliaménto, »i. a gar
Gnaffe inlerj. faith !
! elbow, a cubit
Gnatone, m, a parasite Gómma., cable fa Gorgogliante, ndj. thai grum-
Gnaulare, to mem as a cat Gomitata, /. blow with the bles in the brw'tls
Gnòcco, m. dunce, blockhead, re, io, bubble,
a dumpling Gomitolo, m. a ball of thread I

Gnomóne, m. a gnomon of the Gomitónc, adv. star gomitóne, > Goreoglidto, adì. gncrved by
sundial to lean upon the elbows \
n-ievils, or mils
GnSrn, adj. ignorant Gómma, /. gum, a sort of Gorgóglio, m. a warbling.
Gobba,/, hump disorder I

Gobbctto, m. humped Gommaràbica, /. gum arahic I

Gobbo, m. and adj. hump- Gommifero, adj. producing 1

backed ; (also) a Spanith

Gommóso, adj. gummy \
Graduale,./?^;, tea crab; pigliare un g>£n
Gradualmente, adv. gradually cipdrro, to mistake
i,f.gou Gradudre, to distinguish by Grancire, to snatch, to grub
<ì(5tto, m. a glass, a cup degrees, to confer degrees Grancito, part, hooked in,
Gottóso, adj. gouty Graduatamente, adv. gradu- snatched
Governale, m. helm, rudder ally Grande, m. a nobleman, lord
Goveniaménto, m. govern- Grande, adj. great, large, tall,
ment, conduct high
Governante,/, governess Grandeggiare, to play the
Governare, to govern, rule Graffiante, adj. scratching great man
Governalo, part, governed (Jraffiare, to scratch Grandemente, adv. greatly
Governatóre, m. governor Graffiasanti, m. an hypocrite Grandétto, adj. somervhat big.
Governazidne,/. governme,it Graffiato, part, scratched
Govemfrae, m. dung Gr;Sffio, 7)1. a hook Grandézza,/, largeness
Governo, m. regimen, care, Gragnuóla,/. hail, drizzling Grandicciuólo, and Grandi-
conduct, government senza ; Grama gli a,/, mourning cèllo, adj. pretty big
governo, at random. Far Gramàre, to make unhappy Grandigia, grandeur, great- governo, to spoil a thing Gramigna, and Gramignudla, ness, vanity
Govèrno, m. government, a / dog-grass Grandinare, to hail
rudder of a ship Gramignato, part, overgrown Grandinata,/, a hail-storm
Gozzaia,/. a men tvith rveeds Gràndine,/, hail, calamity
Gozzo,m crop of a bird Gramigne, m. a sort qf olive- Grandinóso, adj. tempestuous
Gozzoviglfa, /. pleasure, tree Grandióso, adj. great, haugh-
mirth ; far gozzoviglia, to Gramignóso, adj full of dog- ty
make merry grass Grandfre, fo augment, to
Gozzovigliare, to Grammàtica, /. grammar
be inerry prefer
together Grammaticale, adj. gram- Grandlto, part, augmented
Gozzovigliata, J", mirth, good matical Granduca, m. a great duke
living, revels Grainmàtico, m. grammarian Granducato, nu a great
Gozzuto, adj. wide-throated Grammaticalmente, adv. duchy
Gracchia. /. a rook; m. a grammatically Granduchessa, /. a great
Gramo, adj. wretched, poor
Gràmola, vi. a brake (for Granello, m. grain, com.
Gramolare, to bruise flax
Gramolato, part, mashed
G racchiatdre, andG racchidne, Gràmpa, /. the pam of a Granfàtto, adv. so much,
m a prattler certainly
Gràcculo, m. a jackdarv , jay Grina.f. grain, cochineal Granigióne, and Granitura, f.
<;raciclare, to Granàio, adj. of corn, wheat pounding seed
Gracidatdre, m. a babbler, Granàio, m. granary Graniménto, m. becoming seed
chatterer Granaiudlo, m. comchan-
Gràcile, adj. small, thin dler Granito, part, grained
Gracilità,/, thinness Granare, to grain Granito, m. granite
Gradare, to go step by step Granaro, adj. of wheat Granmaèstro, ?n. grand-mas-
Gradatamente, adv. by de- Granata, / a broom, a gra-
grees rranmercè, adv. I give
Gradazione,/, gradation Granato, m. pomegranate thanks
Gradella, / a grate, hurdle Granato, part, grained Grano, m. wheal, grain
Gradévole, adj. grateful Granatuzza,/. a little broom Granóso, adj. full of grain
Gradevolmente, adv. loving- Granbestia, /. a certain beast, Grappa,/, the stem offruit
an elk Grappare, to g-apph, seize
Gradiménto, m. favour, kind- Grànchio, m. a lobster, crab, Grappo, m. grapling
crayfish, Cancer, one of the Grappolino, and Gràppolo, m.
Gradinita,/. a flight of steps twelve signs of the zodiac ; srrmll hunch of grapes, a
Gradino, m. steps pigliar il granchio, to catch uster : nuovo grappolo, a
Gradire, to accept, approve, to a Tartar ; to be '.aught ; ìckhead
mount up i granchi voglion morder le Gràscia, /. provision; a
Gradito, part, accepted tviih balene, they give themselves court of justice, a Roman
Grado, m. dignity Gràncìa
degree, ; / % the rascino, m. a commissary oj
CIO mi viene à grado, Hiat
Tpleases me mio mal grado.
; Grassamente, adv. with fat-
Grassatóre, m. highwayman
Grassello, m. a little piece of
fat, (also) a sort of very fine
Grave, adj. heavy, majestic. Gréto, m. a sandy ground,
Grassftto, adj. somewhat fat grave, serious, firm marshy, swampy ground
Grassézza, f. fatness Gravecémbalo, m. a Itarvsi- Gréto, aJj thick
(JriSsso, adj. fat, fertile, chord Grétola,/ bar of a cage ; way,
fruitful Gravédine, catarrh means, opportunity; trovar
Grdsso, m, fat ; stare sul Gravemente, adv. grievously, la grétola, to find the oppor-
gi-dsso, to be in easy circum- seriously
stances questo fu un jiatto
Grav5tto, adj. rather trouble- Gretóso, adj. gravelly, sandu
grasso per voi, this njas a some, hard, difficult Grettamente, adv. r.-.ggardìy
f/ood bargain for you Gravézza, /. heaviness, dis- Grettézza, and Gretti tùdine.
Grassòccio, adj. fat, one in quiet, weight
good condition Gravicémbalo, and Gravicém-
Grassóne, m. a very fat man bolo, jn. harpsichord Grève, adj. (in voetry) heavij,
Grassotto, adj. pretty fat Gravidézza, and Gravidiinza, weighty, grievous
Grassume, m.fat things / pregnancy Grevemente, adv. heavily,
Grata,/, a grate Gràvido, adj. full, pregnant grievously
Gratamente, adv. gratefully Gravità./, gravity, authority, Grezzo, adj. coarse, clownish
Gratèlla, and Gratfcolo, /. majesty, weiglit Gricciólo, m. caprice, fancy
Gravosamente, adv. grievous- Gricciòne, m. a kt-id of water-
GraUccia, /. a how net, or ly, severely forvi
Gravoso, adj. heavy, ponder- Grida,/, edict, rumour, report
Graticcio, m. a hurdle, grate. Gridare, to cry, scold, murmur
laltict vork Grazia, /
grace, agreeableness :
Gratificare, to gratify di grazia, I desire you ; mi
Gratificazióne,/, gratuity dica di grazia, pray tell me :
Gratis, adv. for nothing far grazia, to forgive ; le
Gratitùdine,/, gratitude grazie, the gracts Grido, m. cry, clamour
Grato, adj. grateful, agree- Graziare, to favour Grieve, adj. heavy, dull,
able Graziato, adj. loaded tvith grave, serious, majestic
Grato, m. mill, desire, pleasure kindness, gratified, gra- Grieveménte, adv. heavily,
Grato, adv. voluntarily grievously
Grattaca'po, m. itching of the Graziosaménte, adv. grace Grifagno, adj ravenous
fully, for nothing Grifàre, to rub snout against
Graziosita,/ gracefulness
Grazioso, «((;. graceful, agi ee- Grifo, m. snout, fece of a
grattare, scrape grattar gli
: man ; deliberar tutti tre
orecchi, to.flatter Grecamdnte, adv. after the di trovar modo d'ugnersi
Grattato, part. scratched. Grecian manner il grifo alle spese di Ca-
Grech-sco, adj. Grecian landrino, ali three resolved
Grattatura,/ a scar lo find means to have a nice
Grattùgia, /. a grater dinner at the expense of
Grattugiare, to grate Calandrino
Grattugiato, part, grated Griffo, and Grifóne, »?i. a
Gratuitamente, adv. freely, Gregario, adj. of the flock griffin ; griffo, face, mouth;
for nothing Gregge, m.jlock, herd, drove tòrcere il griffo, to grin -
Gratùito, adj. gratuitous Gregeia,/, sheepfold dare ungrifóne ad uno, to
Gratulante, adj. congratu- Greggio, adj. rude, unpo- give a box on the ear
lating lished Grfgio, adj, grey, grizzle
Greggiuólo, m. a Utile flock
GrilHre' to simmer
Grembiata,/ a lapful Grilletto, m trigger of a gun
Gravaccio, adj. dull, heavy Grembiule, m. a woman's '^-'"o, m. a cricket, gross-
Gravame, m. weight, burthen apron, a riding apron iper. maggot, rvhim
Gravaménto, m. weight, hea- Grumbio, and Grémio, m. lap, Grilloso, adj. fantastical
viness, duty, tax, aj'ront. middle, womb riUotalpai/i-nsecf
Gremire, to gripe, lay hold GrimaMillo, m. a picklock
Gravante, adj. heavy, weighty Grinza,/ wrinkle
Gravare, to aggravate, trou- Gremito, adj. thick, locked. Grinzóso, adj. vninkled
ble ;mi grava molto della Grisòliti, TO. chrytolite
vostra disgrazia, / am very Gréppia,/, rack, stall, man- '-risopàzio, TO. a tert of
sorry for your misfortune I
Grisplgnoìo, m. sow-lliistle
0'-óTnn\z..f. tartar, mud
Gronda, and Grondàia, /. m. tnout ; far il Guanciata, /. a box on th*
gutter, the eavei of a house, 3, to pout
a tori oftìle adj. tulle, Guanciòne, m. a sound slap
Grondante, adj. dropping drowsy, benumbed
Grondare, to drop, lo Jlow in Guantièra, f. a silver basin.
gutters Grum<Slo, m. a sort of mttsh-
Gròppa, /. ciupper, rump :
portare :n gròppa, to taks Cinirno, »i. clotted blood
up behind on liorsebuck Grùmolo, m. a cnhlmge, let-
Groppièra,/, crupper tuce, the head of greens Guardacorpo, m. a body-
GrOpjJO, m. kni'l, bunch, knob : Grumóso, part, doited, thick-
solvere il gróppo, to clear a Guardadónna,
doul^t Gruógo, saffron
«I. Guardamacclii t. the gunri
Groppóne, m. group, crupper Gruppetto, T<i. a knot, hnnp
Gruppo, in. a group, knot Gu{rdan",,o a napkin
Gròssa, /. a gross, tn-eire Gruzzo, and Grùzzolo, m. a (Suardarifdio, »]

ieap, quantity, a heap of Guardare, to look, to behold:

to keep guard, defend :
Guad.ngii;4bile, adj. to be at- guardate a' fatti vostri, mind

Grossacciuòlo, aJj. ill-buUt, (juadagnire, to gel, gain, de- (Juardaraba,/ wardrobe

Guardaròba, m. a yeoman of.
Grossn|ràna,/ a sort of stiifT Guadagn^to, part. gotten, the wardrobe
Grossamente, cdv. ilorvnishhj, Guardatòre, m. a keeper, in-
severely, rigidly, in a great Guadajjnatòre, m. a gainer
quantity Guadagno, aiid Guadagna- Guardatura, /. regard, a
drotseria, f. blackness «I. gain, profit; guard
Grossézza, /. a:id Grossume, a guadagno, to Guàrdia, / guard ; prènder
m. bigness, thickness, preg- gu;lrdia, to have a cars
Guadagnòso, adj. profitable, Guatdianéria, /. office of a
Grosso, m. the biggest part ;
il gròsso della gdmba, the (iuaddre. to ford, trade Guardiano, «i. keeper, guar-
calf of a leg: il gròsso Guade./ a sort
Guado, m. a ford : rompere il Guardinfante, m. a hoop-pel ti-
army ; vendere in gròsso, guado, to undertake a thing
io sell liy rvholesale : mer before ajiy body else Guardingaméntc, adv. cau-
rante in gròsso, ri'holesale Guadòso, adj fvrdabU
1 dirò Guafme, m. after-grass, (also)
gróss( rvilt tell it you ii blast
Guài! inter), fvae! alasi guài
a me ! trie to me .'

Giiafna,/. a sheath
Guaip.ato, m. one that makes, Guardo, m. regard, look
inpégnc or selh slieatlis Guarenttgia-, and Guaréntia,
Guàio, m. ,ni!:f,rlune /. guarantee, safely, d^e-
ishly, coarsely 'iuaire, (iuaioMre, and Guai- fence, adj. coarse olfre, to hnn-l like a dog to : Guarentire, to narrant, de
thick bewail, to bark (as a dog)
Grr,ttn,f. grotto, cave ; a stce^ Gualcliiéra, /. a calender. Guari, adv. much, long,
cloth- many ; gviàri di tempo, a
great while ; non è guari,
not long since ; questo libro
vily Gualcito, pari, rumpled, crush' non è guari più hello del
mio, this book fs not much

fiuarigidne,/. cure, recovery

Grovigliola,/. trvisting, rvind- Guar&e, to cure, io heal,
Gualdrappa,/ a horteclolk to recover; guarirsi, to he
Grò.ftke crane, a bird Gudncia, „/: cheek bdltersi la :

Grùccia,/, a stick, crutch guància, to repent of some- Guarito, part, cured, re

Grufol<ire, to grunt, to grub thing covered
Guarnitccia,/. night guivn faction aga'nsl the Empe (juidonerfa,/. rogftery
Guamalletto, m. a tlii7i veil, or Gufn<lo!o. m. a reel, sjiinite
summer's garment Guercio, adj. squinting, one- Guin7%lio, m. a cane-knot,,
Giiarnello, m. fustian
Guarnigióne, j; garrison Guirmlnéll' *• " *-i'i-
Guamiménto, m. furniiure,

(iuamfre, {see GÙernfrc)

Guarnitura, and Guami-
2i<5ne, /. trimmi,is for f clothes, defence, Gui22dnte, adj. gliding, slid
clothes foriifc
Guasc.-tppa, /. c Guemfre, to , 'ore with am- Guizzare, to slide along
munition : to Guizzo, m. the sliding of c
Guasclierino, adj. young, little, stored, adorn jLsh ,n water, or of a s,uik,
(as birds in a nest)
Guasco, and Guascóne, m. a id Gueniitura,
Guastalla,/, a decanter ur, strife, , -|Gust^bile, adj.' iatta'bU, that
(iuastafgsta, m. a disturber I di guèrra.
Guastamestiére, m. one who soldier : odiare u • Gustaccio, til. a depraved
undertakes rvUat he knows
tally' '
Gustaménto, m. a tasting, the
Guastare, to spoil, » , de- Guerregióvole, and Guerre-
gióso warlik reaten ;
CuitAre, to tasle, relisli
.sijunnder, destroy guas- ; I
Gustdto, part, tasted
trfrsi, to hurl one's self Guefreggievolménte, adv. ter Gu.-itatiire, m. a taster
Guastato, adj. spoiled

Gustévole, adj pleasant
Guastatóre, 'm. a squanderer ; Guerresgiaménto, m. a battle
di vedérvi, I am glad tu see
Guastatura. /. Guasto, and Guerreggianle, adj. fighting you
Gtiastannento, m. spoil, de- , : Gustosamente, adv. pleasant
solation : tiare il guasto, to qlarrei] dispute I
lay waste Guerreggiatóre, m. one iha t '
Gustóso, adj. relishing
Guasto, adj. spoiled I
(iutto, m. <i cruet fur oil
Guataraénto, m. and Guata- Guer ciuola, /. a sllg • Gutturale, adj. guttural
tùra, /. a prying, watch- tish

Guerrlt^ro, and Guerrésco, adj.

warlike, brave
Gufdre, to mock
Gufo, m. an owl
Guatalura, /. look, eye, i GtS^Iia, /. an obelisk, a nee
die rpHE teller H formerly
Gugliata,/, a needleful •* claimed its place in the
and Guatteraccio, Guida,/ guide Italian as well as other
Guidaiuóla, /
the leading languages Modern writers,
beast ofihejlock however, discard it as af-
Guirialérco, m. a fraction fording no increase of sound
(ìuidaménto, m. conduct to tlie vowels, and therefore
Guazzare, to shake, loss ; to Guidante, adj guiding useless. For instance huonio
wade, ford; to rejoice Guidare, to guide, govern I» pronounced uomo. The
Guazzato, part, shaken, nad- Guidato, part, conducted tame rule is observed in ali
Guidatóre, m. and Guida- words beginning with this
Guazzatóio, i J watering- trfce, /. a guide, director, letter; but by pvtling it with

place governor, governess, con- the letters C and G. and the

Guazzeróne, a fragmei vowels E, I, the H between
GuiderdonfSre, and Guidardo-
Guazzéto, m. nàre, to ren-ard, gratify
: Guiderdondto, part, reward- snnants are Joined with A,
O, U, as "Chino, Cheto,
G uiderdóne, and Guidardóne, Gherone, Ghiro, which musi
in. reward be pronounced thus, kino,
1 Guidóne, m. a rogue, cheat, ketc, <*!c. It should, how
ever, be used in the begin-
.doWtro, ni. idolater
ning «f tome nordt, at in
ho, / have, hai, thou, hast ; I'dolo, ».. idvl, image, or
hanno, thetf statue offalse deities : idolo,
ha, he has ;
Ignòto, adj. unknc
have; in order to distinguish an object that one is fund
them, more to the eye than Ignudare, to strip
from o, or a, to Idoneamente, adv. sufficiently,
the ear, ; ;
Ignudato, and Ignudo, adj.
also anno, year conveuiently, aptly
ai, to the ;
lùoneìtk,, aptness
Idòneo, adj., fit, proper Iguana,'/ a water-rfl
II, the, him il cavallo, the
Idra,/, hydra, a fabulous ser-

horse ; conósco, / knoTO

him: il (il di cui)
Idraulica,/, hydraulics
sort of pitcher ti'hose : sa il perche ? do
Vana,f. a
Idróleo, »i. a sort of medica- they say upon what ac-
count ?
nare, adj. merry, joyful
Idromànte, ni. a conjurer
Ilarità./, mirth
laculatório, adj. a short, fer- Idromanzia, /. hydrumaney,
II di che, adv. wherefore
hydromel, c Illacciàre, to tie, embarrass,
I'ade, /. pi. the hyades f.
entangle, to be entangled
_^ honey and fvai
Ialàppa,/.ja/ap Illanguidire, to languish, to
iambic (said of IdrCiii , adj. hydropical
be sick, or faint
hye- Illanguidito, adv. languid.
adj. winterly,

lèra of medicinal
Iato, m. (apertura) hiatus, i
lerarchla,/ hierarchy
opening leràtte./. a precious stone
Iattanza, /. jactation, vai Ieri. m. yesterday
leraltro, m
before yesterday
lattlre, to yelp, squeak lennatuna,/. yesterday morn-

lenTotte, /. yesternight, the

Icneumone, m. the ichneumon cipher, a kind of

Iconoclasta, m. iconoclast
Iconómaco, adj. averse to lerséra,/ last night
images, iconoclast Ignaro, adj. ignorant
Icóre, m. ichor Ignatòne, m. a great eater, a
Iddtide,/. a bubble, or blister man of no worth
Iddio, m. (Dio) God: Iddio Ignàvia,/, ignorance
non vòglia, God forbid I'gneo, adj. igneous, fieri/
Idea, /. idea Ignlcolo. m. a spark offire
Ideale, adj. ideal, of, or be- Ignito, adj. flaming, burning.
longing to an idea
Ideare, to imagine from ideas
Ideato, part, imagined
Identità,/ identily, the same-
ness of a thing
Idi, m. ides, certain days in the
Ignominioso, adj. igrutmini-
Idiòma, m. idiom
Idiòta, mdj. idiot, silly, fool-
ish; un idiom, an idiot, a Ignorantigg^ne,/. folly, igno-
fool, a ninny
I diotaggine, /. foolishness
Ignorante, adj. ig
Idiotismo, m. idiotism, vulgar
speech, expression
Idolatra, m. {see Idolatro)
Idolatraménto, «t. idolatry
Idolatrare, to idolalrize
Idolatria,/, idolatry
Idolàtrio, adj. qf, or belonging
(Imbarcatóre, m. a sea cap- Imberettito. n'ith a cap on
tain Imbertonarsi, to fail in love
), »i. embarkation Imbestialire, to become <t
Illustrissimo, adj. tnost illiis- beast ; mad, or cruel, brut-
II perchè, aav. rvìiy, tvh Imbestialito, adj. like a beast
Imbardare, io allure, capti- Imbestiarsi, to be like a beast
vate, procure a friendship Imbére, and Imbévere, to im-
Imbarràre, to bar ; imbar- bibe, infuse, to inspire, to
mblanc rdre la strada, to stop the drink up
Imagine, /. (see Immàgine, Imbevuto, part. imbibed,
atid ali its derivatives) Imbarràto, pari, barred
Imbaccolato, adj. bearing a Imbasaménto, »i. a basis Imbiacciaménto, m. a paint-
Imbascerla,^'. embassy ing
Imbacuccare, to disg^iise, io Imbasciaddre, and Imbascia- Imbiaccare, to paini tvith
mask, (also) to dress, cover t<5re, m. ambassador
Imbacuccato, part, disguised, Imbasciata,/, embassy Imbiadàto, part, sonin rvitk
masked Imbasciatrlce, /. an ambassa-
Imbagnito, adj. net, saga- Imbiancaménto, m. a rvhiie'
cious, cunning n-ashing
Imbalccnato, adj purple, (said Imbiancare, and Imbian-
_ of a rose) chire, to wash, whiten, to
ibastare, to pack-saddle grey, > suborn.
bastitilra, /. a basting Imbiancato, part, whitened
ImbalMre, to pack piece of cloth, serving on Imbiancatore, m. a whitsier,
Imbalordire, to stun slightly washer-man
Imbalordito, pari. Imbastire, to baste, or sew with Imbiancatura,/, washing
long stitches, to lay a table, Imbietolire, to be affected, to
begin an affair
Imbasto, »i. a pack-saddle Imbiettare, to put in the
JmbalsimAre, to spread bai- Imbàttersi, to meet with wedge
Imbàtto, m. an obstacle, kin- Imbiondire, and Imbidndere,
Imbambagiato, part, wrapped to grow fair
in cotton Imbisaceiare, to put in a
Imbambolàre, to be ajfecied bag
Imbambolato, part, affected, Imbizzarriménto, m. waspish-
itaving tears in one's eyes Imbavagliato, part, having the
Imbandiménto, in. and Im- fate covered Imbizzarrlre, to fall into pat-
bandigióne, /. a dish, or m bavàre, to slabber
Imbeccare, to bill as birds, Imbizzarlto, adj. very angry
Imbandire, to get dinner lit a horse, to give one his 1 mboccàre, to feed, cram ; to
discliarge, disembogue, to
Imbandito, pari, dressed, pre- Imbeccata, a bill-full; /.
pigliar r imbeccata, to be Imboccato, part, fed, dis-
,imbara2zàre, to perplex ; im- bribed, to swallom Vte charged, instructed
barazzarsi, to entangle one's bait Imboccatura, /. a horse-lit,
^ self Imbeccato, part, fed with a the entrance of a street,
imbarazzo, m. confusion ; em- bill, deceived mouth of a river
barrassment, intricacy Imbecherare, to suborn, cor- Imbolare, to rob, steal
Irabarben're, to grorv barba- rupt Imbolatdre, »i. a robber,
Imbecille, adj. weak thief
*mbarberlto, adj. cruel Imbeciìlilà, j: feebleness Imbollicaménto, m. blister
Imbarbogire, to grow chilalsh Imbèlle, adj. cowardly, fear- Imbollicàre, to break out into
through, age blistets
Imbarbottato, adj. made like a Imbolsiménto, »i. itraiiness of

Imbarcaraénto, m. emharka- Imbolsire, to be short-winded ;

io grow pursy
Imbarcdre, io embark; im- Imbolsito, adj. pursy
barcirsi, to engage ; im- Imbfrbe, adj. beardless Imbonire, and Imbuoirfre, 61
barcarsi senza biscòtto, hand •mberciàre,'fo hit, stick
tnberetescàre, to fortify with
Imbarcato, part, embarked parapets
ito, ad,. „ „ Immalsanire, io neaken, tth-
Imbrunire, and Iml>runire,
tourrow briinin, black, d<
Imlios re, io li, suir imbrunire, about dusk ;

Imboscata, /. and Imbosca- il tempo comincia ad im-

ménto, m. ambush brunirsi, the Tveather begint
Imbosciito, adj. in ambush to grow cloudy
Imboscliire, to «rom wild Imbruschlre, to grow sharp
Imbosclifto, adj. grown rvooiìy Irabruschfto, adv. sharp,
Imbossolare, to lay the bsi 'irl

Imbottare, to put in a cask

Imbottatóio, m. a funnel
Imbucatire, to rvash tvith Imraarginàto, ad), joined
lye ImmasLherarsi, to mask
Imliufonchiare, to grumble Immascher^ito, adj. disguited.
Imbuire, to become ignorant
Imbullettare, to dram a bill
Imbullettdto, part, that has a

Inibrattamdndi, m. a spoi, Imbuondato, adv. abundantly.

frude: a busybody

Imbrattare, and Imbruttilre,

/-> snU. to slain
Imbrattato, part, soiled
Imbrattatóre, m. a dauber
Imbrattatura. /. and I Imenèo, m. nuptials
brattaraénto, m. Jilthi- Imitabile, and Imitativo, adj, Immelàre, to give the taste of
imitahle honey
Imbrattc , food Imitinte, adj. imitating Immeldto, adj. siveef, agree-
Immelatura,/. a mixing with

Immeniordbile, adj past me-

f. and Imbriacaménto, wi.
Immensaménte, adv. »•»
Imbriacdne, m- a drunkard iufinitcly
Imbriconire, to grorv kttav- ' Immensità,/, immensity
Immenso, adj. immeuse
igamento, nu perplexi- Immaginamdnto, rn. imagina-
I m meritamente, ado. unde-
Imb ,
to perplex Immaginare, to imagine ; im- servedly
«igdrsi, to shift, endea- raaginàrsi, to believe Immeritévole, adj. undeserv-
vour ; non t' imbrigar de' Immaginariamente, adv. ima- ing
fatti miei, <7,) not trouble gina'rily Immérito, adj. unworthy
yourself about my ajfuirs

Immagijiario, adj. imaginary Immersióne,' f. dipping,

Imbrigliare, to bridle, to keep Immaginativa, f. imagina- pl-'nging
mraerso, adj. immersed
ImbrigIic-(to, part, bridled Immaginatlvo, adj. imagina- Immezz.-ire, and Immezzire,
I mhrocciii'e, to oppose to grow flaggy
Imbroccato, part, opposed Immaginato, adj imagined Imminente, adj. immin'nt;
Immagina/iòne',/, fancy pericolo imminènte, a threat-
Imbroilolitto, part, daubed Immagine, /. itnage, pic-
Immirienza, /. declivity, pro-
pension, threat
Imbroglio!''' aVd ^Imbroglia- Immisuràbile, adj. unmeasur-
Immaginevolménte, adv. in able
Immòbile, adj immoveable
Imbroglióne, m. a trijler, Immdgo, /. (in poetry) an Immobilità,/, immobility
Immobilmente, adv. immovt'
Imbroncidre, to be angry Le,to^^o.
Immoderànza, f incontinence, Impaduldre, to be marshy, or
Imraoderataménte, adv. ir. Impaduldto, part. become '.0 be di-
vided, indivisible
Immoderàto, adj. .excessii Imp.-.-liàto, adj. packed with Impassibile, adj. that cannot
Immodestamente, adv. imm Impalandrandto, adj. cloaked Impassibilità,/ impassibility
Immodestia,/, immodesty
Immodesto, adj. immodest
Immolaménto, m. a sact Impastnidre, to put shackles
Jice upon one
Immolare, to sacrifice Impastoiato, adj. having
Immolato, part, sacrificed sfiuckle.,, tied
Impastura, /. a pastern, the
dipping, soaking
Immollare, io net, di
Imjiatlbile, adj. in.tvfferable
Immondézza, and Immon- Impatridre, to return tu one's
dizia, /../Ì/M, dirt
Imm.ijndo, adj. foul, dirty shake he Impattare, to be quite clear,
mpalmdto, part, promised, free
betrothed Impaurire, and Impaurire, to
mpalpàbile, adj. not to be
felt Impaurito, part, frightened
Impalpabilmente, adv. im- Imp^iienie. adj. impatient
mmor p'alpably
Impaludarsi, to grorv marshy,
Immòto, adj. immoveable fenny, moorish
Immune, adj. ixetnpt,free Impancare, to J down at
table Impazzare, to grow mad
Impaniare, to daub with Impazzato, atid IrapaJÉito,
birdlime ; to ensnare ; al- adj. mad, distracted
lure Impecciibile, adj. that cannot
Immutabilità,/, imimilabilify Impani.-ito, ad}, entangled in
birdlime : in'love Impeciare, to pitch, glue.
Immutato', jiart. changed Impannicciàre, to plaster. dovunque va vi s'impecia,
Immutabilmente, adv. un- there is no getting rid of
cha»geably Impanio, m. a trouble, in-
Immutazióne,/ constancy Impeciato, part, pitched
Imo, m. the bottom, lon-est Impannata, /. paper-wtn- Impeciatura,^: a pitching
part da imo a
; sómmo, Impedalare, to gather strength
from /.aid to foot Impannàto, O!?;. having paper, Impediménto, iii. hindcrance,
Imo, adj. Ion,, deep baggage
impaccianiento, m. embar- Impantanare, to be mired ;
Imptdire, to hinder
Impeditivo, adj. hindering
; to I r.dcr.. slough Impedito, part, hindered
Impantanato, adj. muddy Impedildrc, m. one that hin-
cio, / do not trouble
bte my head
hea. Impappoldto, adj. dirtied,
ImpegnJJre, to pawn impe- :

Impacciatlvo, adj. trouble- Imparacchiare, to learn lit- gnane. In engage : inipe-

tle gndr la fede, to give one's
Impacciatóre, m, one n'ho Imparadisare, to make happy
Imparagonàbile, adj. incom- farlo, I promise you I will
Impacciato, part, hindered parable
Impaccio, m. hinderance, oh- Imparante, adj. learning Impegnato, ai!J. engaged,
eiricle, pain, vexation ; trdr Imparare, to learn, teach promised, pledged
d'impaccio u:io, to relieve a,li lea >ied
from Impareggidb
Impaàronfrsi, and Iinpadro- Impegolato, part, pitched
Impelapare, to embarrass, to
Imperióso, and Imperante, Impetratlvo, adj. obtainable
aJj imperious, ruling Impetrato, part. obtained,
Imperitamente, adv. igno- petrified
Iinpellicciàre, to put ona gar- rant ly Impetratdre, m. svpplicatot
ment iliade of skina Imperito, adj. unskilful Impetrazióne,/, entreaty
IinpendGnte, adj. duliioua Imperizia,/ unskilfulness Impetricàto, adj. hard like a
Impenetràbile, adj. impenetra- Imperlaqualcósa, adv. tvhere-
ble Impettito, adj. straiglit, up-
Impenetrabilità, /. impenetra- Imperlàre, to embellish tvitk right, erect
lility pearls, to ornament Impetuosamente, adv. impe-
Impenitènte, adj. impenitent Imperniisto, adj. unmixed
Impenitènza,/, impenitence Impermutàbile, adj. un- ImpiacevoUre, to make, render
Impennacchiato, adj. plumed changeable, constant agreeable
Impennare, to be jledged, to Impermutabilità, /. immuta- Impiagare, to rvound, hurt
bility Impiagato, part, rvounded
Impernare, to tveigh, poise Impiagalura, /. a wounding
Impeméto, part. poised, Impiallacciare, to tpecMe,
tveigfied inlay
Impennatura,/, fine, condem- Imperò, adv. therefore Impiallacciatura, /. inlaid
nation Imperocché, adv. because
Impennellére, to give a stroke Imperscrittfbile, thai cannot be Impianellare, to pave tvitk
prescribed square tiles
Impensatamente, adv. sudden- Imperscrutàbile, adj. incon- Impiantarsi, to place one's self,
ceivable take a stand
Impensato, adj. sudden, un- Imperseverànza, /. incon- Impiastragidne, /. and Impi-
stancy astraménto, ni. ingrafting.
Imperseveràre, to be incon-
stani.fickle Impiastrare, to plaster, pa-
Impersonale, adj. impersonal cify
Impepàto, part, peppered Impersonato, adj. corpulent, Impiastrato, part, plastered,
Imperadore, and Imperatóre, fat, well made pacified
m. an emperor Impersuasibile, adj. not to be Irapiastrazióne, /. unction,
Imperadrlce, and Impera- persuaded applying a plaster
trice, /. an empress, queen. Impertànto, adv. horvever Impiastricciare, to apply a
Impertinènte, adj. imperii plaster, to daub
Imperare, to command Impiastricciato, and Iinpia-
Imperativo, adj. imperative Impertinentemente, adv. im striccicàto, part, daubed,
Impercettìbile, adj. imper- pertinently perplexed
ceptible Impertinenza, /. imperti-
Impercettibilità, /. impercep-
Imperché, nt. the reason nby
Imperché, adv. because Imperturbabilità, /. uncon-
Imperciò, adv therefore Impiccato, pari. hanged .

Imperciocché, adv. rvhereas, Imperversànte, adj. waging, in ognuno ha '1 suo impiccato
because a passion, disturbed all' uscio, every body has his
Imperfettamente, adv. imper- Imperversare, to rage, rave fault
fectly Imperversato, adj. exaspe- Impiccatolo, adj. old enough
Irapertetto, adj. imperfect for the gallows
Imperfezidne, /. imperfec- Impervertlto, adj. possessed, Impiccatilra, /. act of hang-
cruel, furious
Imperiàle, adj. imperial, emi- Impervertfre, to pervert Impicciare, aid Impicciarsi,
Impestare, to irtfeci, cor- to intermeddle
Imperialménte, adv. imperi- rupt Impiccio, m. incumbrance
Impetìgine, /a tetter, ring- Impiccolire, to become little, to
Impericoloslre, to be in dan-
ger Impetiginóso, adj. having Impidocchire, to breed lice, to
Inipericolosfto, part, hazard- tetters, ring-rvorms
Impetuosità,/, impetuosity Impidocchito, adj. lousy
Impéro, and Impèrio, m. em- Impetudio, adj. impetuous Impiegare, to employ ; im-
Impetragiòne, /. an obtain- piegar male, to mit-
pério, adv. imperiously
Imperiosità, /. pride, arr •
Impietosire, to assuage Imporrare, to mould, gram Imprcgnaménto, m. and Ira»
Impietrire, and Impietrire, to pregnatura,/. pregnancy
Impórre, to impose a tax, to Impregnare, to impregnate
Impietrito, and Impietrito, Impregnato, part, impreg-
a.:], retrificd
Impigliare, to stop, take, to Imprendente, m. a scholar,
embroil, to bustle, put one's able
aelfforward Importante, adj. important Imprendere, to learn,undertake
Impigliato, part, taken, ar- Importànàa.X consequence Imprendiménto, m. under-
rested, embroiled Importare, import, denote,
to taking, enterprise
Impigliatdre, m. one that mean to amoant to ; questo
.- Imprenditóre, »t. he that be-
arrests, or embroils, a busy- importa a me, that concerns gins
nte non impdrta, no matter
; ;
Imprésa, /. undertaking, en-
lmligno,m. trouble, care il tutto impdrta dieci scudi, terprise, attempt, design, an
implgnere, to push, impel, the whole comes to ten crowns emblem, a device
Importazióne, X- importation Impresàrio, m. one who under-
Importunamente, and Impor- takes a public job, a manager
I mpigrfre, to grorv idle of a theatre
Impigrito, part, grown idle tunanti!/ Imprèso, adj. undertaken
Impilaccherire, to Jill with Importunare, to importun Impressionare, to insinuate,
Importunato, part. ir
Impinguare, to fatten
Implnto, part, forced, impelled liced"
Impinzare, to Jill over ; '~ Impressióne,/, impression
pinzarsi, to be filled Impresso, adj. printed
Impio, adj. cruel, wicked ImpretendCiite, adj. indif-
Impiombare, to colour
Imprezzàbile, adj. inestimable
Imprigionare, to imprison
Imprigionato, part, imprison-
Impossibile, adj impossible
Implacabile, adj. implaca- Impossibilità,/, impossibility Imprigionatóre, he that im-
Impossibilitare, to render im-
Implacabilménte, adv. im- Imprima, and Imprimaménte,
placably Impossibilmente, adv. itnpos- adv first, firstly
Implicare, to entangle, per- Imprimere, to print
Imprimieraménte, adv, first
Implicdto, part, embarrassed, qfall
Improbàbile, adj. improbable
Impostare Improbabilità,/: improbability
gler witidow Improbità,/, wickedness
Implicazióne, Impostato, adj. placed to jne't Impromessa, and Impromes-
Implicitaménte, adv. impli- Impostatura, /. posts, door- Impromesso, part promised
citly Improraettere, to promise
Implicito, adj. implicit Impostemlre, to imposiumate Imprónta,/, a print, type
Implorare, to implore, be- Impósto, part, ordered, com- Improntaménte, adv. with
manded nity
Impoetarsi, to become a poet Impostóre, m. an impostor Improntaménto, m. impres-
Impolminato, adj. pale, yel- Impostura,/, imposture sion, importunity
Impotènte, adj. impotent Improntare, to print, stamp,
Impotènza,/, impotency to importune, to request ; to
Impoverire, to grow yior, to
Impoverito, adj. reduced to
Impraticàbile, adj. impracti- Imprónto, adj. importunate,
Impratichito, adj. conversant, Imprónto, m print, stamp,
accustomed image, request, demand
Imprecare, io curse Impropèrio, m. a reproach
Imprecativo, part, cursing Impropiamente, and Impro-
•Imporporato, adj. in pur- Imprecazióne, /. impreca- priamente, adv, improper

Improprietà, and Impropietà, Impunito, part, unpunished Inaiare, to spread the sheaves
/. impropriety Impuntire, to point, to break i upon the barn floor
Impròprio, and Imprdpio, adj. -" in discourse, to forget Inalbnniénto, ni. a making
improper •'s self

Improspeifre, to he Imppjj Impuntito, adj. stuck in,

Improsperlto, part, become stopt i

happy Impuramente, cdv. impure

Improvatfvo, adj. that does not
prove,make good Inalberato, adj. up in a
Improverare, to reproach Inalidire, to grow dry
Improvidaménte, "arfj. incon-
ImprSvido, adj. unheedfid
Improvvedutaraénte, adv. im-
prudently Imputare, to impute ; impu-
Improvveduto, part, unpre- In alto, ado. highly: in alto
putire ad onore, to take it as
Iinprovvisaménte, adii, sud-an honour
denly Imputato, part, imputed
Improvvisante, adj. making of Imputatóre, m. an accuser,
verses extempore reproacher Inamidavo, to starch
Improvvisare, to make rhymes ImputaZidne,/ imputation Inamistdre, to enter inti
extempore Imputridtre, to rot friendship with any one
Improvvido, part, uncrpected Imputridito, part, putrefied Inamendibile, adj. incorrigi-
Improvvisto, part, unprepared ImpuzzoIIie, and Impiizzare,
Imprudente, adj. imprudent to stink Inanellire, to curl, put ia
Imprudentemente, adv. im- Impuzzolito, adj stinking rings
prudently In, prep, in,' in the, into, Inanellato, part, curled
Iinprii.'lènza, y. imptudence. at, for, upon ; sarò in
casa, / shall be at home ;

Imprimere, to enclose with movendo in me gli orchi,

lud^-es turning his eyes towards
Impùbe, and Impubere, adj.
Inabile, adj. incapable
Impudente, adj. impudent, Inabilità,/, incapacity
saucy Inabilitare, to disable Inappellabile, adj. not to be
Impudentemente, adv. impu- Inabissare, to swallow up. appealed .from
dently Inappetente, ed;, squpamish
Impudènza,/, impudence Inabitabile, adj. uninhabit- Inappetenza, /. inappctency
Impudicamente, adv. wanton- able Inarbordre, to plant trees
ly, obscenely Inabilito, adj. uninhabited. Inarborato, part, planted with
Impudicizia, /. wantonness,
imtnodesty Inaccessibile, adj. inaecessi-
Impuuico. m. loose, obscene
Impugnaménto, m. grasping Inaccordibile, adj. disagree- riglia ad uno, to astonish
Impugnare, to seize, gripe, Inarcato, ndj bent, crooked
grasp, to oppose Inacerbire, to exasperate Inarcatóre, m. one thù
Impugnato, part, seized, op- Inacerbito, part, exasperat- frowns
posed Inargentare, to silver over
Impugnatdre, »i. he that op- Inargentilo, part, silvered
Inaridire, to dry up
Impugnatùra 'di spada), /. Inaridito, part, dried up
the hilt of a sword In.iniicire, to climb
Impugnazióne, f. opposition. Inarrivibile, adj. inconceii

Impulito, adj. rough, un- Inarsicciito, part. burn

n'roughi, unpolished
Inarticolato, part, i
Impunemente, adv. ruith im- Inacquito, part, mixed, di- luted
punity luted, watered Inassinfre, to he a fool,
Impunità, /. impunity, indul- Inaddiétro, adv. formerly Inasperrire. to t-ex, exi
Infigguagliiiiza,/. inequality
Inagrire, and Inagrcstire, to
grow sour ^^
Inaspettato, pare, unexpecl- Incamiciatura, /. a rough- Incappato, part. catched ,

Incamiciata, /. assault by Incappellare, to put on one's

mght hat, to caver
Inctlmbio, adv. instead Incappellato, part, covered
Inasprito, pari, exasperated Incaminaménto, m. putting
In avanti, ail», before ; d' or in Incapperucciare, to be dis-
avvinti, hermifter Il begin, to si guised, masked
Inaudibile, adi. not to he In< 5, port. Incappiare, to entangle, to tie.
haard Incamuffato, f tofas
Inaudito, part, unheard Incancheràre, and Inoanche- ,., ,
,„.t. entanglea
Inaurato, adj. gilt, of gold lncà\>\-,o,m. .stumble, fall
Inavvedutamente, udv. imjjrii- Incancherito, part, festered, Incappucciare, to put on a hood.
denlhf putrefied
Inavveduto, adj. unwary, Incanito, jmrt. enraged Incappucciato, jiart. hooded
Incannare, to wind bobbins, to Incapriccirsi, tu fall in love
Inavvenenteménte, and Inav- Incaràre, to make dearer, to
vertitamente, adv. inconsi- Ine"'"
derately IncarbonchiiSre, to take the
Inavvertenza, /. inconsidera- ..,i„c..,jue.,. uncle
Incarcàre. to load, to charge

Incarcerato, part, imprison-

Incarcerazióne, and Incar-

ceragirfne,/. imprisonment
Incàrco, m. (in poetry) charge.

Incagliare, to stick to ; to be at
a stand : to run aground
Incagliato, jiart. stopped
Incalappiare, to snare, to con- ncaricàto, part, charged
found, to plot, embroil ncàrico, m. charge, load,
Incalcdre, to trample under : gua> l'incinto, to tax, affront, offince; non
foot, to press, squeeze, voglio prendermene 1 ni-
Incalciaraénto, m.JligUt incanto, to do a thing agaii

Incantucciiire, to hide one's self

Incauutaniénto, m. grey hai

old age Incamatino, m. flesh-coloured
incmutire, to grow grey Incamativo, adj. incarnative
Incallire, to grow hard Incan\Uito, hoary, grey Incarnato, part, made Jlesh,
Incallito, vart. hardened Incapace, adj. incapable flesh-coloured
Incalvare; and Incalvire, it Incapacità,/, incapacity Incarnaziiine,/. assuming the
grow bald Incaparbire, to be obstinate Jlesh
Incalzare, to chase, pursue Incaparbito, adj. obstinate Incarognire, to become carrion
Incalzato, part, chased, pur- Inca])ir»i, tube obstinate Incarrucoldre, to get out of the
Incaparràre, t,

Incalzati^re, m. a persecntor argam Incartdre, to mrap in paper

Incalzon^re, to put on set I, to

Incamerdre, , part, haltered

•a, /. manner of
Incamerato, part, impris r 0» a muzzle, (also)
confiscated /.• of a muzzle, or
Incanùciàre, to tvhite.vash a
nail, or house again

Incamicidto, part, Incappare, to stumble.

Incastellare, to fortify censita,/, a perfuming niith Inchiostrare, to slur '"!!)•
Incastellato, pari, fortified, ink
Incensare, to incense, praise, Inchiòstro, m. ink-, scrivere
Incastonare, to enchase commend ad uno di budn inchiòstro,/»
Incastonato, part, enchated Incensière, m. a censer, per- rvrite sharply : il tuo inchi-
Incastonatura, /. enchasing. fuming pan òstro non tigne, your credit is
Incenslvo, adj. inflaming
Incènso, part, kindled Inchiùdere, io enclose, con-
Incastrato, part, enchased Incènso, m. incense ; dar 1' in-
Incastratura,/, enchasing cènso, toflaiter
Incdstio, »n. buttress Incensuràbile, adj. unblame-
Incatarrire, to catch cold able
Incatenacciare, to fasten a door Incentivo, m, an incentive Inciampare, and Inciampi-
nith a bolt IncentTcirsi, to meet in a centre care, io slumble
Incatenare, to cliain Inceppare, to fetter, to put in Inciampo, m. stumbling.
Incatenato, part, chained fetters
Incatenatura,/. cluiining.Join- Incerare, to tvax
ing together Incerato, part, waxed
IncaCorzoliménto, wi. « ynottl- Incerato, m. oil-cloth
dering offruits Incerconire, to grow sour (as
Incatorzolire, to wither a- wine does)
Incertezza, Incertitudine, /. to grave, to cut
Incatorfolfto, part, faded, and Incèrto, »i. uncertainty Incielare, io place in heaven
Incèrto, adj. uncertain Inciferàto, and Incifràto,
Incatramato, part, tarred Incèso, part, kindled, burnt part, made, or written in
Incattivire, to gro7V wicked Incespare, to entangle, to grow. ciphers
Incattivito, adj. rvicked Incfgnere, io impregnale
Ine o pio Incùlto, adj. pregnant
Incaralcàto, part, laid upon Incessàbile, adj. continual In circa, prep. about
Incavalcatura,/, a laying one Incessabilmente, and Inces- Incioccàre, io knock, or run
thing over another santemente, adv. incessant-
Incavallàre, to provide oTie's ly Incipriato, pari, powdered
self nith horses, to mount a Incessànte, adj. continual Inciprignire, to exasperate, to
Incessanza, /. and Incessabi- fly in a passion
Incavare, to dig léZza,/. continuance Incirconciso, part, uncireum-
Incavato, adj. dug, holloro Incestare, to lay in a basket
Incavatura,/, hollowing Incèsto, m. incest Incirconscrltto, adj. bound-
Incavernato, part, laid in a Incestuosamente, adv. incesiu-
ously Inci«chiàre, io mince
lnca\icchiàto, part, joined, set Incestuóso, adj. inastuous
Incètta,/, a purchase
Incavigliare, to peg, or pin Incettare, to buy (to sell again)
Incavigliato, part, pinned, tied, Incettatore, m. an ingrosser,
joined together
Incavo, m. cave, hole, ditch Inchiavàre, to lock ne,/ tirrtng, pro
Incautamente, adv. unn»i- luchiavistellàre, to belt
rily Inchiedere, to ask Incitare, io incite, egg on
Incauto, adj negligent Inchièsta,/, inquiry Incitativo, adj. inciting
Incèndere,' to burn, to in- Inchinaménto, m. proneness Incivfle, adj. uncivil
flame Inohinàre, to humble, to submit, lncivi[iie, to grow polite
Incendévole, adj. easy to be to affirm with a nod Incivilmente, adv. uncivil-
biirtU, combustible Inchinata, /. humiliation, a
Incendiare, to burn
Incendiario, m. an incen- Inchinato, part, humbled
diary Inchinazidne,/. humiliation
Incèndio, and Incendimènto, Inchinévole, adj. inclinable Inclemènza, f.iCfenVy: incle-
m. conflagration, burning Inchino, m. a courtesy mènza dell' aria, dèi vento.
Incendentfvo, adj. kindling, Inchiodare, to nail inchiodare
; &c. inclemency of the a»
un cannóne, to nail up a
Incenditòre, i an incendi- pieceof ordnance
Inchiodato, part. nailed.
Incenerire, and Incener^e, to
Incensaménto, m. and In-
Inclinato, part, benf, dU- Incomodamente, adv. tncom Inconsideràbile, adj. incon-
Inclinazióne,/: inclination Incomodare, to incommode Inconsiderataménte, adv. in.
Inclinévole, adj. inclinable, Incomodità,/, inconveniency
Incòmodo, m. trouble, disad- Inconsiderato, adj. rash
l'ncUto, adJ. famous, noble Inconsiderazióne, aiul Incon-
Includere, to include Incomodo, adj. incon sideratézza, /. inconsidera-
Inclusa, /. the enclosed let- Incomparàbile, adj. tion
ter parable Inconsistente, adì. inconsistent
Inclusiraménte, adj. intlu- Incomparabilmente, adv. in- Inconsolàbile, aJj. inconsolable
lively Inconsolabilmente, adv. in-
Inelùso, part, enclosed Incompatibile, adj. di consolably
Incoccare, to notch, stammer ency Inconstànte, adj. inconstant
Incoccarsi, to be obstinate In'"" Inconstànza,/. inconstancy
Incodardire, to despond Inconsuèto, a. unusual, extra-
Incoerente, adj. discordant
Incoerenza,/, disproj^oriion Incompetente, adj. Inconsultamente, adv. incon-
Incogitdbile, adj. inconceiv- siderately
Incompetenteménte, adv. in- Inconsulto, adj. inconsiderate
dgliere, to c competency Inconsumàbile, a. inconsum-
cO happen, btfu.^ Incompetenza./, insufficiency able
Incognitamente, adv. incog- Incompiuto, adj imperfect Incontaminàbile, adj. incor-
Incomplèsso, adj. jvith ruptible
Incognito, adj. unknotvn Incontaminatezza,/, purity
I'ncola, m. an inhabitant Incomportabile, and Incom- Incontaminato, part, unde-
Incollare, to glue portévole, adj. intolerable filed
Incollato, part, glued Incoraportabilménte, adv. Incontangnte, incontinènte.
Incollerire, to be angry tolerably
Incollerito, aJJ. angry Incompdsto, adj. simple Incontentàbile, adj. imatiable
Incolorare, to colour, dye Incomprensibile, adj. incom- Incontentabilità, /: insatiable-
Incolpàbile, adj. blameless prehensible
Incolpare, to biame incolpare
: Incontest^ile, adj. indisput-
un altro, to lay the fault
Incontinente, adj. unchaste
Incolpato, part, blamed
Incolpatdre, m. an accuser nency
Incolpévole, adj. unblame- Inconcepibile, adj. ii Incónto, part, unadorned
able Incontra, prep, against
Incoltaménte, adv. carelessly Inconcepibilità, /. incompi Incontrainénto, »n. a confer-
Incólto, part, uncultivated ;
Inconciliabile, adj. incom Incontrare, and Incontrarsi,
IncombattfliUe, adj. incontest- liable to meet, to happen
able Inconcludente, and Incon- Incontrastàbile, adj. indis-
Incombènza, /. a commis-
In conclusióne, adv. finally Incontrasto, part, incontest
Incombustlbile, adj. incom- Inconcusso, part, unshaken
Inconfusaménte, adv. con- Incóntro, m. a rencounter,
Incongiungibile, adj. that
-mot be Joined cóntro, to advance
Incomlnciànte, m. a beginner ngiunto, part, divided Incontrovertibile, adj. not to
Incominciare, to begin IncongruSnte, adj. incon- be questioned
Incominciato, part, begun gruous Inconveniente, and Incon-
Incominciatdre, m. a begin- Incongruentemente, adv. im. venévole, adJ, income-
Inconimensuràbiie, adj. in- Incongruenza, /. incongruity Inconvenienteménte, adv. in-
commensurable Incongruità,/, disproportion ent/y
Incommensurabilità, /. ineom- " icongruo, adj. incongruous Incor enza, /. inconveni
iconnocchiare, to rvind a
IncGmmodo, m..{see Inotfraodo, distaff- Incorraggiaménto, m. encou
iconquassàbile, part, un-
Incommutàbile, adj. constant Incorraggiare, to encourage
Incommutabilità, /. eoa- Inconseguènza, /. in conte- Incorraggiàto, pari. ani
Incorare, to persuade, to take InoresccTolm«-nte, adv. tedi-
Incordare, to be hennmbed Increscinnénto, m. rveari-
Incordato, part benumbed
Incordatura,/, a stiff neck

Increspare, to carl, to shrink ; Indebolire, to grow weak

Incoronazióne icrespàre la fronte, to con- Indebolito, part, treakened
] ncorporà'.e. . act one's e</e-bri>ms Indecente, adj. indecctit
Increspato, part. curled, Indecentemente, ade. inde-
Incret«tre, todaub with clay Indecènza,/, indecency
Incrinare, to crack Indeciso, part, undetermined
IncoTjjorare, to incorporate Incrociare, to cruise {a sea Indeclindbile, adj. indeclin'
Incorporito, pati, incorporated term) able
IncorporaziiSns, /. incorpora- Incrociato, part, laid across Indecoraménte, adv. sitarne
tion IncrocicchiJre, to cross ftUly
Incorpòreo, adj. incorporeal icchidto, adj. cross Indécore. aJj. (in poetry)
Indecóro, adj. indecent
Indefessandéutp, adv. inde-
o%tatùra,f. a CTtistim; fatigably
Incrudei;re, to grow cr-uel Indefèsso, adj. unwearied
Incrudelito, port, bec-.nne cruel Indeficiènte, adj. not deji-
Incrudire, to make harsh,
Indeficientemente, adv. conti.

Indeficienza,/, abundance
Indefinito, adj. titUimitcd
Indefinitamente, adv. undeter
Incorruttihilmente, adv. in-
corruptible Inculcataménte, adv. ear Indefinito, adj. indefinite
Indegnamente, adv. unnor-
Inculcato, vart inculcated thiiy
Incortiiidre, to set cvriaim Incùlto, part, uncultivated Indegnazióne,/. itidignaiion
round Incurabenza, f. charge as ; Indegnità, Indegnitàde, and
Incortinalo, part. surround- sùmersi 1' incumbénza, I IndegnitXte,/. indignity
take upon one's self Indégno, adj. unworthy
In I ciénSa, adv. in con- Incuòcere, to boil, or bake i Indelebile, adj. that catmot le
little, to scold cancelled, or blotted out
Iiicostante, adj. inconstant Incuorale, to take in one" Indelebilmente, adi: inde-
Incostantemente, ado. inctm- libly
Incuràbile, adj. incurable Indeiicatire, to become dcli-
Incostrlnza, and iHcost^zia, Incùria,/, negligence
/..fickleness Incursióne, J', incursion Indemonialo, part, jtossessed
Incjtto, part, boiled, bak- Incurvrfre, to bow, bend; in with a devil
ed; incòtto dal sole, sun- to prostrate one' Indenne, adj. titihvrt, safe
self Indennità, attd Indemiit^de,
Ine ility Incurvito, part, bent, crooked / ittdetnnily
Increato, adj. tut created Incurvatura, and Incurva- Indennizzare, to indemnify
Incredibile, adj. incredible ziòne, /. incurvation ; or
Incredibllménle, adv. inci Indennizzaiiòne,/. indemnifi-
Incurvo, adj. bent, crooked cation (law term)
Incusàre, to accuse, blame Indentro, prep. wilUiti, iii-
Incustodito, adj. not guarded
Ine Incùtere, to tllrnst loith vio- Independcnte, adj. itidepend-
Iiicrepazióne,/ a reprimand lence
Increscere, to be tired ; to com- I'ndaco, m. indigo, (blue to- Independenteraénte, adv. in-
miserate, to be sorry quanto ;
Independenza, /. indepen-
s.i2ióne, hotv tired I am oj hi dency
cti'.'ersation IndetenTiinatain<!nte, ado «t
Increscévole, adj. tedious determinatively


Ihidetermindto, ailj. undecided, Indirettamente, adv. indirect- Indizióne, /. indica
naveiiiif^, doubtful
Indeterminaziijne, /. indeter- InairCtlo, adi. indir»
minatinn Inàirilzire, to direct ludo, adj. Indian, from India
Indettare, in agree, resolve Indocile, adj. indocile, dull
Indevòto, adj. ungodly Indocilire, io render docile
IndcToziòne,/. ungodliness Indocilità,/, indocilily
Indi, adv.frmn thence after, ;

aflemards Indi à poco, a


Utile after ; indi à poclii di, Indisciplinàbile, adj. undl

aferv days after ciplinable, indocile
Indiamantire, to counterfeit Indisciplinato, adj. unruly
diamonds Indiscretamente, adv. indis-
Indiana, adj. Indian stuff', lu<io\en-7.a,f.'indolence
printed cotton Indolenzire, to benitmb
Indiarolàre, to fall into a Indomàbile, adj. uutameable
passion Indomandàto, a. unasked
Indiavoldto, adj. mad, furi- Indòmito, aJj.jince, wtruly
Indonnarsi, to seize upon
Indicàre, to shew, indicate Indoppiàre, to donhle l'In- :

Indicativo, m. the indicative Indispensabilità, /. an indis- ghilterra s' indoppia colla

mood (in grammar) pensable necessity Scozia, England and Scot-
Indicativo, adj. demonstra- Indispensabilmente, adi land are contiguous ; la
dispensably vostra bellezza va indop-
Indicato, part, indicated Indisposizióne, /. indisposi- piando, you groru more
Indicazióne, / and Indica-

I'ndice, m. index, contents,

Indicere, to imitate Indisputabilmente, adv. Indoratùra, /. and Indora-
Indicibile, and Indicévole, contesiably
adj. ineffuble, unuttera- Indissolùbile, adj. indissolu- '"t'ofajy.'f
Indicibilménte, inexpressi- Indissolubilità, /. indissolu
bly bility Indormentlre, to stiipify
I'ndico, adj. Indian, of In- Indissolubilmente, adv. in Indormlre, to care very little
dissolubly Indonnito, adj. drowsy
Indiétro, adv. backrvards : Indistintaménte, adv. con IndSsso, adv. upon the back
volgersi indiètro, to look fusedly Indotàto. adj nnthout dowry
back ; córrer indiètro, to run Indistinto, adj. indistinct Indótta,/ inducement
Indistinzióne,/ confusion Indottamente, adv. unlearn-
Indivia,/ endive edhj
Individuale, adj. individual Indottivo, adj. persuasive
Indiridualità, /. individuality Indot adj.
Indifferentemente, adv. in- IndividualniC-nte, adv. indi-
differently vidually Indottrindbile, a. indocil
Indifferenza,/, indijffirence Individu:ire, to specify Indottrinare, io instruct
Indigeno, adj. indigenous Individuazióne, /. a speci- Indovinare, to divine.foreiell
Indigènte, adj. indigeni Indovinatóre, m. a diviner.
Indigènza,/, indigence Individuo, adj. inseparable ;
IndigesUbiie, aJj. indigesti- \m individuo, an individual
Indivisamente, adv. insepa
Indigestióne, /. indigestion
Indigesto, part, indigested Indivisibile, adj. indivisible oitlfio^lTan eni-^
Indignalo, part, provoked Indivisibilità, /. indivisibi-
Indignazióne, /. indigna- "*y. Indovino, ji conjuT
Indi ilménte, adv. indi-
IndigrOsso, adv. one with an- visibly Indovino, adj. prophetical
other ; compr<ire, or vendere Indiviso, adj. undivided Indovutamente, adv. unduly
indigrósso, to buy or sell Indi vóto, arf;. irreligious Indovuto, adj. undue, unlaw-
Indivozióne,/. irreligion
Indimostràbile, adj. not de- Indiziare, io give suspicion Indo^zamènto, m. sorcery,
rable Indizio, m. sign, token, no- IndozZare, to bewitch, to faU
e,tcU anay
Indragàre, and IndracàrCj t. Inefficace, adj. ineffectual Inestimabilmente, adv. in-
grorv furious, io rage Inefficàcia,/ ineffcaciousness
Indragonlto, adj. furious, mad Ineguaglianza, and Inegua- Inestinguibile, adj. inexiir-
Indrappàie. io make cloth lità,/ inequality guishaJile
Indrappellare, io drarv up an Ineguale, adj. unequal Inestricàbile, and Inestrig^»
army in bailie Inelegante, adj. inelegant bile, adj. inextricable
Indriéto, prep, behind Ineligibile, adj ineligible Inestricàto, part, entangled,
Indrizzàrsi, (see Indirizzarsi) Ineluttàbile, adj. unavoid-
Indrudire, to grow amorous able Inetumo, adv. for ever
Indubitàbile, adj. indubila- Inemendàbile, adj. incorri- Inettamente, adv. foolishly
gible Inettitudine,/, incapacity
Indubitabilità, /. certainty Inerrabile, adj. not to be rt- Inètto, ailj. inept, foolish
Indubitabilmente, adv. un- lated, told Inevitàbile, adj. inevitoMe
doubtedly Inentro, adv. within Inevitabilmente, adv. intvito'
Indubitilo, adj. undoubted Inequàle, adj (see Ineguale, bly
Indùcere, (see Indurre) and its derivatives) Inèzia, f. folly
Induciraénto, m. inducement Inequivalènte, adj. not equiva- Infaccendato, adj. very busy
Inducit(5re, m. an enticer Infacèto, adj insipid, cold ;
Indugévole, adj. slon:, late Inerbare, to cover with grass uòmo infacèto, a sorry jester
Indagia, /. Indugio, and In- Inerènte, adj. inherent Infallibile, adj. infallible.
dugiaménto, m. a delay, Inerènza,/, inherence
hinderance senza indugio,
; Inèrme, adj. unarmed Infallibilità, and Infallibi-
without delay Inerpicàre, to climb \é,f. infallibility
Indugiare, to delay, hinder Inèrte, adj. sluggish Infallibilmente, adv. infalli
Indugiato, part- delayed Inerudito, adj ignorant bly
Indugiatóre, m. a delayer Inèrzia,/, sloth In fallo, adv. in vain; tuttì
Inesauribile, adj. inexhausti- i colpi cadevano in fallo,
ble all his strokes fell upon the
forgiveness, pardon Inesàusto, adj. unexhausted ground
Indùlgere, to indulge, grant Inescaménto, m. allurement Imamàre, to defame
Indulto, m. pardon Inescare, to entice Infamato, part, defamed
Induménto, m. a dress Inescato, part, allured, en- Infamatóre, m, a defamcr,
Induràbile, adj. that grows ticed '
Inescogitàto, part, unthought Infamatòrio, adj. defamatory
Induraménto, m. hardness of Infamazióne, /. and Infama-
Indurire, and Indurire, to
harden Indurarsi, to grorv
Infàme, adj. infamous
hard-hearted ble Infàmia, dud Infamità, /. in
Indurato, part, hardened Inescusabilménte, adv. ine famy, disgrace
Indurito, adj. obdurate cusably Infando, adj. frightful
Indurre, to induce indurre; Ineseguibile, adj. not to Infangare, to dirt, mire
a tumulto, to stir up a re- executed Infangato, part, dirtied, full of
bellion; indurre per forza, Inesercitàbile, adj. not dirt
to force be •crted ;
, Infantastichire, to grow fan-
citàbile, an impracticable tastical
Indùstria,, Infante, m. an infant, a child
Industriàrà, to dofo'r ih? best Inesiccàbile, adj. inexhaustible Infante, adj. infanto, title of
Industriosamente, adv. in Inesoràbile, adj. inexorable the children of the kings cf
dustriously Inesorabilmente, adv. inexora- Spain and Portugal
Industrldsol and Industrio, bly Infanteria, /. foot soldiers
adj. industrious InesperiSnJa, /. inexperi- Infantile, adj. childish
Induttivo, adj. inducing Infanticidio, m. infanticide
Induttóre, m. an enticer Inespèrto, adj. inexperienced Infànzia, and Infantilità,
Induzióne,/, induction Inespiàbile, adj. inexpiable infancy
Inebriare, m. (see Imbriac&re, Inesplicàbile, adj. inexpli- Infarcire, to stuff
and its derivatives) Infardare, to besmear, foul
Ineclissàto, part, eclipsed Inesprimibile, adj. inexpretsi- Infardato, adj. foul, dirty
Inèdia,/, a iiet, abstinence Infaretràto, part, armed with
Inèdito, adj. unprinted Inespugnàbile, adj. impregna-
Ineffàbile, adj. ineffable, un Infarinare, to pender with
ufterahte Inessiccàbile, adj. ineihausti'
Ineffabilità, /. unutterable- ble Infarinato, part, whitened with
Inestimàbile, adj. inettima- meal ; who has a superjiciat
Jnefi'abilménie, adv. ineffably knowledge qf a thing
Infarinatura, /. small know- Infervorato, adj. fervent Infigniménto, and Infingk
kdge Infestaménto, m. and Infes- mento, m. dissimulation
Infastidiraénto, m. neari- tagidne, / molestation, Infignitóre, and Infingitdre,
Infastidlre, and Infastidiire, Infestamente, adv. impor- Infilare, and Infilzare, to
thread, string ; infil2ér un
Iiiastidfto, part, nauseated Infestdre, to infest, annoy discórso, to tell a long story ;
Infaticabile, and Infatigàbile, Infestalo, part, infested infilare le péntole, to fail ;
adj. indefatigable Intestatóre, m. a disturber. infilzarsi da se, to fall into
Infaticabilmente, adv. inde-
faiigahiy Infilzata,/, a ribblercm
In fatti, adj. in fact Infilzato, and Infilato, part.
Infatuare, to become stupid threaded
Infatuato, part, infatuated, Infestuto, m. the foundering of l'nfimo, adj. lamest, extreme.
Infaustamente, adv. inaus- Infettare, io infect, taint
piciously Infettato, and Infètto, part.
Infàusto, adj. unlucky, omi- infected, tainted
Infettatóre, m. a corrupter Infinchè, and Infinechè, adv.
Infecondità,/. barrenness Infeudare, to infeoff (lam since, until
Infecóndo, adj. barren term) Infin da ora, adv. hencefor-
Infedéle, adj. injidel Infeudazióne, /. infeoffment
Infedelmente, adv. unfaith- (lam term) Infine, adv. in short
fully Infettivo, adj. infectious Infingardaggine, and Infia
Infedeltà, and Infedelità, /. Infezióne,/ infection garderla,/ laziness
infidelity Infiacchiménto, m. aneaken- Infingardire, to grow idle
Infederare, to put on a pillorv Infingardito, and Infingardo,
adj. lazy, idle
Infelice, adj. unhappy Infingardo, m. the sloth (a
Infelicemente, adv. unhap- quadruped)
Infingere,to feign
Infelicità,/, misfortune Infingiménto, m. and In-
Infellonire, to grow cruel fingitudine, /. dissimulation
Infellonito, adj. cruel Infinità,/, infinity
Infemminire, to be effemi- Infinitam.énte, adv. infinite-

Infemminito, adj. e^eminate Infiammataraénte, adv. ar- Infinito, and Infinitivo, m.

Inferióre, adj. inferior dently the infinitive mood (in gram-
Inferiorità,/, inferiority Infiammatlvo, adj. inflam-
Inferire, tu infer
Infermamente, adv. rveakly
Infermare, and Infermarsi, to
fall sick Infino, prep, till, until ; fci
Infermato, and Inférmo, adj. fino dal principio, from the
infirm, feeble beginning ; inuno ad ora,
Infermeria, /. infirmary, a till nom,from that moment,
Infidamente, adv. unfaithfully inflno allóra, /rom this time,
Infermiccio, and Infermdccio, Infidelità,/. (see Infedeltà) till then, until then ; infine a
iickly Infido, adj. faithless quando, until, when, horn
Infielàre, to make bitter mith long ; andò meco inflno alla
Infermità./, infirmity Infievoliménto, «t weakening
Infernale, adj. hellish Infievolire, and InfieboUre, to
Inferno, m. hell Infinoattantochè, adv. until
Inferno, adj. infernal, hell- Infievolito, part, weakened that
Infiggere, to nail, or drive Infinocchiare, to impose
Inflgnere, to feign ; infl- Infinocchiatura, /. deceit
gnersi, to disguise one's self ; Infimamente, adv. deceit-
s' infinse di non saper nul- fnlly
Inferrato, m. and Inferriata, la di queste cose, he pre- Infintànto, and Infiatantochè,
tended to know nothing of adv. till, until
Inferrato, part, changed the matter Infinta, /
and Infinto, wt.
infervorare, and Iniervorire, Infignévole, part, feigned, duplicity, dittimUafion, iif
to animate dittembled gfise
1*7 G2


Infortunaménte, adv. unfor- Infrequènza,/, unfregueney
Infinto, pari, feigned

Innately Infrescaménto, m. refreshment

Infintiòne, /. simulation
Infiorare, lo blossom, to adorn Infortunato, adj. unfortunate Infrescatdio, a cooler m
Infortùnio, m. misfortune Infretta, adv. in haste
Inforzare, to strengthen ; to Infrigidente, adj. cooling
Infiorire, to bloom, or blorv
Inft-igiddre, and Infrigidfre,
Infirmità./. infirmity
Infirmo, adj. infirm Inforzato, adj. strong to cool, to grow
cool, frigid
Infoscato, part, darkened Infrtgno, part, rvrinkled
Infi scire, ia confiscate
'- " Infossare, lo bury Infrlngere. to infringe
InSiiso, pari, fixed
a Infossilo, pari, laid in the grave InfrondàKi, to shoot forth
InfisK into fis.
tula Infra, prep, betrveen, among,
amidst, in, about; infra il In fròtta, adv. in a company
Inflazióne,/, swelling
Infiruscare, to confuse
Inflessfbilc, adj. infiexible
infra me, within myself; Infruscato, adj. dai
Inflessiliihnénte, adv. obsl

Infracidaménto, and Infradi- Infruttifero, adj. unfruitful

Ii^essione./. inflection
ciaménto, m. corruption Irifruttuosaménte, adv. un
Inflettere, to bend, curb
Infracidare, and Infradiciare, profitably
Inflitto, part, inflicted
'.0 putrefy infracidare Infruttuóso, adj. nnfrmtful
lTì&uénzz,f. influence ;

arvo. Infunare, to tie with ropes

Influire, and Influere, to i
Infunatiira, /. a binding rviln
Influsso, part, influe
and Infradici Infundfbulo, m
Infliis md
Influì Infracidatiira,
Infuocare, (see Infonire, and
all its derivati
Infocaménto, Infuocaménto,
m. and Infocaziòne, /. con- Infìirìàrsi, t
flagration, hea
Infocare, to he red-
Infragniménto, m. and In- mad
firagnitùra,/. breaking liiftiriataménte, adv. furiously
Infragrànti, ad in the fact Infuriato, adj furious
Infocato, adj.
... - -
Infusamente, adv confusedly
Infocaziòne, nd i Infuocazi-
dejection Infusióne,/ infusion
dne,/. heat.
Infralire, lo grow weak Infuso, part, infusi
Infóndere, to i to
Inframèssa, /. and Infra- Infuturarsi ,

mSsso, m. interposition be prolonged

Infondiménto, m. infusion
InframSttere, to insert, to in Ingabbiare, to put in a cage
Inforcare, to fork, hang
termeddle Ingaggiare, to engage in
xaforcato, adj. caught tvilh a

Infranciosato, part, diseased gagi^uire a usura, to pawn

Infràngere, to break Ingaggiato, part, engaged
Inforcatura, /. a body cleft,
Infrànto, pari Ingagliardia, /. weakness
(also) a forkful
Infrantolo, m oil-mill, Ingagliardire, to grow strong
Informare, /o inform; infor- (

adj. brisk,
Infrantùra, /. (see Infragni- strong
Informàto, part, informed

ménto) Ingallappiàre, to catch in a

Informatóre, m. informer !

Infrascaménto, m. a stripping trap

Informazióne, /. information, proud
of leaves IngalluZzàrsi, io be
Infrascare, to cover with I„ga!luzzato. adj. proud
Infórme, adj. formless
branches, entangle. Ingambàre, to run away
Infornapane, m. a baker's to
Ingangherare, to put, or
Infornare, to put in the oven Infrascritto, part. under-
written, subscribed Ingannàbile, adj. deceitful
InfomaU,/. an oven-full
Infrascrivere, to subscribe Ingannare, to cheat ;
Infomito, part, baked
Infrazióne, /. rupture, frac- narsi, to mistake ; s'io non
Inforsàre, io put in doubt
In in doubt, in dan-
forse, tion, (also) a breach, viota- m' inganno, if 1 mistake
ger lasciare una cosa in

to leave a thing at

Infreddare, to take cold Ingannato, part, cheated

Infreddativo, adj. giving cold Ingannatóre, m. a cheat
random : io era in forse se
Infreddato, pari, having gut Ingannévole, and Ingannà-
dovessi farlo o no, / did not
adj. r,
know whether I ihould do il

Ingannev adv. de-

to strengthen
Inganno, and Ingai>.namónto,
«I. cheat, trick : trar d' in-
giivao, <c undeceive
Ingarabu.Iire, and Ingar-
buglidre, to deceive, per-
IngastigtCfo, pari. unpunUlted
Ingastigidiie,/. impunity
Ingegnaménto, m. craft, cun-

Ingegnarsi, to endeavour
Ingegnere, arid Ingegnerò, m.

ery body doe3 what h

Ingegnosamente, adv. ingeni-

Ingegn<5so, adj. ingeinous,
Ingegnurflo, »ii malice, craft
Ingelosire, to grow jealout
Ingelosito, adj. become jea-

Ingemmaménto, m. an adorn-
ing with Jewell
Ingemmare, to deck with
Ingemmato, adj. adorned with
In generale, adv. generally
Ingenerare, fa engender
Ingenerazidne, /. and In-
generaménto, m. genera-

Ingenito, aJj innate

Ingentilire, to become noble, to

Ingentilfto, adj. ennobled

Ingenuamente, adv. sincerely
Ingenuità,/, sincerity
Ingenuo, adj. ingenuous, free

Ingerirsi, to intermeddle

Ingessato, part, chalked

Ingessatura,/, a chalking
Ingésto, adj. inserted
Inghiottiménto, m. a swallow-
ing ; pool, pit, abyss
Inghiottire, to swallow, ab-
sorb; inghiottire altrui, to
surpass one; ingliiotUre
un' injuria, to put up an

Inghiottito, adj swallowed up

Inghiottitdio, m. the throat
Inghirlandaménto, m. a
crowning with a garland
Inghirlandare, to crown with
garlands fuor di quel mar

che la terra inghirlanda, out

of that sea which encompasses

Inimicfzia, /. enmily Innamoracchiarsi, to fall in Innocenza, and lunoc'nZia,/.
Inimfco, m. an enemy
Inimico, adj. unfriendly Innamoraménto, and Inna- Innoltràrsi, lo advance, exceed
Inimitàbile, adj. inimitable morazzaraéiito, m. tourt- Innominato, adj. nameless
In infinito, adv. infinitely Innondare, {see Inondare)
Inintelligibile, adj. obscure Innamoràre, to fall in love ; Innóssio, adj. harmless
Iniquamente, adv. perfidiout- innamorarsi al primo ùs- Innostràre, to cover with scar-
cio, to fall in love at first let cloth
Iniquità, /. iniquity, (also) sight Innovare, to innovate
inequality Innamorata,/, a mistress Innovatóre, m an innovator
Iniquitdso, adj. wicked Innamoratamente, adv. lov- Innovazióne,/, change
Iniquo, aJj. unjust ingly Innovellare, to renew
Injuria,/, injury Innumeràbile, adj. innumer-
Injustlzia,/. Ì7iju>tice able, numberless
Iniziale, adj. initial ed Innuzzollre, to excite a desire
Iniziare, to initiate Innamorazfire, lo be in love Inobbediènte, adj. disobe-
Iniiiato, adj. instructed Innanellàre, to curl, to give the
Iuiziat<5re, in. a beginner nuptial ring Inobbediénza, /. disobedi
Inlacciare, to fall into snaret Innanelijto, adj. curled
Inlaccidto, adj. ensnared Innanimire, and Innaniralre, Inoculare, to inoculate
Inlanguidlre, to become Ian' Inoculazióne, /. inoculation
euid Innanimàto, part, heartened Inodorlfero, adj. without any
Inlaqueire, to entangle Innànto, ajid Innanti, prep.
Inlaudàbile, adj. unniorthy qf {in poetry) {see Innanzi)
Innantichè, adv. before
Inlecitaménte, adv. unlarv- Innanzi, m. a model, origi-
fully Inoliare, to oil
Inlécito, adj. unlawful Innànzi, prep, before. In- Inoliato, j)art. oiled
Inleggiadrlto, adj. embellish' nanzi, adv. rather, better, Inoltrarsi, {see Innollràrsi)
afterwards andare innan-
; Inóltro, and Innóltre, adv.
Inle^ttimità,/. illegitimacy zi, to grow ; Tenure innanzi,
Inleglttimo,/. illegitimate to present one's self; più Inondare, to overflow
Inletteràto, adj. unlearned innangi, farther ; méttere Inondazióne, /. and Inonda-
Inlibtare, to balance innanzi, to propose ; non ménto, m. inundation
Inlividlre, to bruise andate più innanzi, say no Inonestà,/, dishonesty
Inlilnga, Inlungo, adv. mandir Inonesto, adj. dishonest
in lunga, to procrastinate ; Innanzi t , adv. first of Inonorato, adj. dishonoured
in lungo andie, in process I'nope, adj. indigent
of time Inòpia, f.' indigence
Inmalinconlre, Inmalinconi- Inopinàbile, adj. credible
chlre, and Inmalinconicare, Inopinatamente, adv. una^
to be melancholy Innarsicciàto, m. a burning
Inmarclre, to rot, putrefy Innascòndere, to hide Inopinato, aAj. unthoughl qf
Innabissàre, to be srvallowed Innascòso, adj. hid, con Inopportunataménle, adv. un-
Inopportuno, adj. unseason-
Innato, adj. innate, natural Inorare, to gild over; to ho-
Innacqn^e, to tvater, soak, Innaturale, adj. unnatural nour, beseech
sprinkle ; imiacquare il Imiebbiàrsi, to grorv dark Inordinataménte, aifiv immo-
vino, to mix wine niitfi Innebbiiàre, to make drunk derately
Innegàbile, adj. incontest- Inordinatezza, /. confusion
Innacquato, adj. watered able Inordinate, adj. out <f or-
Innaffiare, to mater Innestare, to ingraft
Innaffiato, part, watered Innestato, adj. ingrafted InorgogUre, to make proud;
Innaffiatóio, m. a watering- Innestatura, Innestagi<5ne, /. inorgoglirsi, to groiu proiid
and Innestaménto, m. o Inorpellaménto, m. a painting.
Innagresslre, togrow sour I

graft, a scion grafted

Innalberire, to gel up a tree Innesto, m. a graft Inorpellare, to counterfeit, to
Innalzaménto, m. and lunal- Inno, >n. an hymn with false t
zattìra,/. exaltation
Innobilità,/. ignobilily InorpelUto, adj. unterfeil-
Innalzare, to exalt, raise, ad- Innocente, adj. innocent

Innocentemente, adv. inno-

Innamìdàre, to dai \ I cently
Inospitale, adj. inhospitable, Inrevocal)i]ità, /. irrevocabilily Inscusàbile, adj. intxcut'
barbarous, cruel Inricchfre, to enrich able
Inospitalità,/, inhospifalify Inrigidire, to grK,tv sti^l hard Inségna, /. arms, colours.
Inóspite, uninhabited Inritrosfre, to grow unruly
Inosservàbile, adj. itnobserv- sly,stubborn Insegnaménto, m. document.
able Inriverente, adj. {see Irre-
Inosservanza,/. unoLsetvance verente)
Inosservato, adj. unobserved Inrossare, to dye with a red
Inottusfre, to become dull,
obtute, without taste Inruvidrre, to mark hard Insegnato, part, taught
In palése, adv. publicly N.B. For all the above and Insegnatóre, m. a teacher
In paragóne, adv. compara^ other words beginning with Insegréto, adv. secretly
tivelx) to Inr, (see Irr) Inseguire, to pursue
In parte, adv partly Insaccare, to sack, to bag Inseliciàto, part, paved
In particolare, adv. particu- Insaccato, part, bagged, sack- Inseliciàto, m. pavement
larly Inselvàre, and Inselvatl-
In perpetuo, adv. perpetually càre, to grow woody; in-
In persóna, adv. personally selvarsi, to take refuge in a
In piedi, adv. on foot Insa a,/ a s,

In protfilo, adv. in profile 1 have Insensatamente, adv. foolishly.

In pùnto, CUÌV. ready; sono in
pùnto, T am ready Insalato, wij. salt, salted Insensatàggine, atjd Insensa-
In qua, adv. since, this side ; Insalatura, /. a salting, or tézza, /. stupidity, folly.
da allóra in qua, siitce that pickling
Insaldare, to starch, (also) to Insensato, adj. foolish, tense-
In quanto, and In quanto che,
adv. in as much as, con- Insensibile, adj insensible
Insensibilità,/, insensibility
for my part Insensibilmente, adv. imper-
Inquietamente, adv. tinquietly Insalvatichfto, adj. mild, sa- ceptibly, by degrees
Inquietare, and Inquietli'e, to vage Inseparàbile, adj. insepa-
Insalùbre, adj. unhealthy
Inquietazióne, /. the act of Insanàbile, wlj. incurable :nseparabilménte, adv. inse-
Insanamente, adv. foolishly parably
Inquietézza,/, uneasiness Insanguinare, to make bloody 'nsepólto, adj. unburied
Inquieto, adj. umjuiet Insanguinato, part, bloody Inserenàre, to elear ttp, to
Inquietùdine,/, disquiet Insània, /. madness, folly
Inquisire, to accuse Insanire, to grow mad Inserenàto, adj. serene
Inquisito, part, accused Insanito, part, mad. Inserire, to insert
Inquisitore, m. inquisitor, Insano, adj. insane, mad Inserito, part inserted
sheriff, coroner [search Insaponare, to soap, flatter, Inserràre, to shut up
Inquisizióne, /. inquisition, Inserviènte, adj. good, tueful.
Inraccontabile, adj. that can- •fi* .
not be related
Inragionévole, adj. (see Irra- nsetàre, io wrap up with silk,
gionévole) (:iho) to graft
nsetaZióne,/. grafting
llirazionàbile, a'dj. 'irrational nsetto, m. an insect
Inregolare, adj. (see Irre- Insaziabilmente, adv. insa nseverlto, adj. grown te-
Inreiigiosità,/ irreligion Inscampàbile, adj. unavoid-
Inreligióso, adj. irreligious
Inremediabile, and Inrime-
diàbile, adj irremediable Insidiato, pati, slotted.
Inreprensfbile, adj. irrepre-
hensible Insciènte, adj. ignorant Insidiatóre, m. a traitor
Inreprobàbile, adj. irreprov- Inscrivere, to inscribe Insidiosamente, adv. treachc'
write, or to engrave ai rously
Iiu-epugi\àbile, adj. tinittet- Insidióso, adj ensnaring
Insième, and Insiememénte,
,dv. together, likewite.
:i;lto. adj. engraved. Insi.
Inretrattdbile, adj. irrevocable
Inciepiirsi, to hide one » self in Ins<5nte, adj. innocent, harm- Instigazióne, /. and Instiga-

Insfgne, adj. renomned, excel- Insopportàbile, adj. insupport- Instiltóre, to instil, it\fusc,
Insigniticinte, adj. insigiiifi- Insordire, to deafen, to become Instilldto, pait. instilled
deaf Instlnto, ni instinct
Insignemente, adv. noiabiy Insorgere, to rise against Institulre. to institute: insti-
Insignire, t» decorate, adorn Insormontàbile, adj. insur-
Insignito, part, adorned somebody one's heir
Insignorire, io make one Insórto, part, risen up Initituta, /. institutes
matter Insospettire, to groro luspi- Instituttsta, m. a reader if the
Insinattanto, Insintànto, In ititules
sintantoché, Insfno, Insi- Insospettlto, adj. suspicious Institute, m. Mitute
nochè, and Insinché, prep. Insostenibile, adj. unwarrant- Institutóre, »i
able Institu£ióne,
InsoJiàre, and Insozzile, to
foul, stain, grow dirty Instruire, to instruct
Insinuare, to imintiale : in- Insperàbile, adj. unhoped- Instrulto, part. instKueted
sinuarsi, to steal, creep in Instrumentdle, and Ini
Insinuazióne,/, insinuation Insperataménte, adv. unex- mentdrio, adj. jntal ;

Insipidamente, adv. foolithly pectedly

Insipidezza, /. insipidili/, jiat- Insperato, adj. unexpected strumetital music
Inspessamén'to, wi. conden- Instruménto, m. instrument
sity InstruttlTO, adj. iiistructive
Inspettóre, m. an inspector Instnitto, part, instructed
InspeZióne,/. inspection Instruttóre. m. a tutor
Insipiente, adj foolish N.B. The letter n in the fol- Instruzióne,/. instruction
Insipienza, and InsipiSnfia,/. lowing words, as far as In- Instupidlre, ta be surprised
ignorance,J'oolishness stupidlto, may be left out, Instupidlto, part, stupified.
Insistenza,/, obstinacy (see Ispezióne)
Insistere, to insist, persist, to Inspirare, lo inspire with, to In SÙ, adv. above ; andare in
suggest, to prompt SÙ e in giù, to go up and
I'nsito, adj. innate, natural Inspirato, part, inspired down da due in su, except
' '- -
Insoave, adj. unpleasant Inspiratóre, m. he who in- ' la tàvola, upon
Insociabile, adv. unsociable spires
InsofBciente, aJJ. (see In- Inspirazióne, /. and Inspira-
sufficiènte, and its deriva- ménto, m. inspiration
tives) Inspontàiieo, adj. involun-
Insoffribile, adj. insufferable
Inseggettabile,' adj. untame- Instàbile, adj. unstable ficiently
Instabilità,/, instability InsufficifnZa,/ insufficiency
Insognàrsi, to dream, fancy InsUncàbile, adj. indefati- In SUI, adv. upon ; "in sul fa
Insegno, dream, fancy
ni. gable del dì, by break of day ; i
Insolcare, to draw the plan of Instancabilmente, adv. inde- su'l bel del discorso, in il
a building fatigably middle of the discourse
Insolente, adj. insolent Instantaneaménle, adv. imme- JnsAiso. adj. foolish
Insolentemente, adti. insolent- diately Insultare, to insult
ly Instantàneo, adj. momentary. Insultato, adj offronled
Insolentire, to grow saucy Insulto, m. an insnlt, affront
Insolènzà, and InsolSnzia, / Insuperibi' •per-
insolence able
Insolito, adJ unusual, rare Insuperblre, to grow proud
InsolUre, to ^tow sitft, to di Insuperbito, adj. proud
minish, weaken Instanteménte, adv. instantly Insùrgere, to rise against, to
InsoUIre, to rise up in arms Instànza, and Instan2ia, /. resist by force
Insolùbile, adJ imlissoluble instance, eolicitation ; ad Insórto, part, risen up
argoménto, problèma, iVc. instànza vostra, at your re- j
Insussistènte, adj. not sub-
insolùbile, an argttment, o quest sistenU not snl<siating
problem, S;e. that cannot /« Instare, to urge, in.tist, press Insussistinza,/. the invalidity
Insterilire, to grow barren of any thing
Insolubilmente, adv. indis- Instigàre, to instigate, sug- ! Insusurràre, Io murmur
solubly I
Intabaccarsi, to fall in love,
In sómma, adv. at last {:xHo) to g,ve one's self up ^
In&onnàre, to lull asleep I
Intaccare, to jag, juilch, »
tiffcn^, hurt, injure, contract Intendevolménte, adv. ieanx'
edit,, carefully
Intaccato, part.Jaggeil, note! Intendiménto, m. understand'
ed, injured
Intaccatura, /. a notching, c nénte, adv. i

Intagliaménto. m. incisior Integramente, adv. honestly,

exactly ImenSitdre, m. an understand-
Integrare, to make entire ing man a budn intendi ti5r

IntegriSto, part, made entire poche paróle, a word to tks

Integrità, / integrity, perfec
Intagliato, i>art. engraved Intenebraménto, m. a darken^
carved, jiroportioned, nel Integro, a/ìj. whole, entire
honest, Just Intenebrare, and Intenebrare,
Intagliatóre, m. an engraver Integuménto, m. integument to darken
Intelaiare, to put upon the toon Intenebrato, pari, obscured.
Intaglio, m. and Intagli Intelaiatura, /. the skeleton of
/. an engraving, ea '"g: a building, jj-c. Intenerire, to mollify, soften ;
intàglio d'acqua fórte, ar\ Intellettfva, /. and Intellato, intenerirsi, to be affect-
m. understanding, intellect,
Jntagliuzzàre, to mince capacity Intenerito, part, mollified,
Intamburàre, to accuse, im- Intellettivo, adj. intellectual, softened
rational Intensamente, adv. intensely
Intamburazidne, /. impeach- Intellettuale, adj. intellec- Intensivo, and Intènso, adj,
tual intense, excessive
Intandre, and Intanarsi, te Intellettualità, /. intellectual Intentamente, adv. attentive-
faculty ty
Intellezióne,/, intelligence Intentare, to attempt
Intelligente, adj. intelligent, Intentato, adj. atttmjited ; TKt
well knowing, skilled, learn- tempted
Intantochè, adv. whilst, so Intentazióne,/ attempting
that asiiettatemi qui in-
; Intelligenza,/. knowledge, cor-
tanto eh' io venga, stai/ here respondence, learning ; in- Intento, adj. attentive, ready.
till I come telligènza secreta, a colla-
Intarlaménto, m. n<orm-hole Intenzionale, adj. intention-
Intarlare, to be muth, or worm- Intelligibile, adj. plain, easy
Intelligibilmente, adv. intel- Intenzionalmente, adv. intcK-
IntaiMto, adj. moth, or tvorm- ligibly tionally
Intemerata, / perplexity, con- Intenzióne,/, intention
Intarsi.-tre, to inlay Intepidire, to grow luke-
Intarsi<ito, part, inlaid adj. undpfiled.
Intarsiatura,/, inlaid rvork Inter^me, m. the entrails
Intartarito, adj. covered with Intemperante, adj. intempcr- Interamente, adv. entirely
Intercaldre, to add, to insert
IntemperdnJa, .and Intempe- Intercalare, m. intercalar, <X
ra, / e

Intasare, to set slits close toge- Intemperàrsi, to grow temper-

ther, to fill with tartar
Intascare, to pocket up, to Intemperato, adj. immoderate. Intercettare, to intercept
Intercetto, part, intercepted
Intassàre, to bend a bom Intempèrie, /. intempera- Intercezióne./ intercepting
Intatto, part, untouched Interchiudere, to encli'-e
Intavolare, to wainscot, or Intempestlvo, adj. unseasona- Intercidere, to divide in two,
rail in, (also) to make to hinder
a drawn game
at chess, IntercoICnnio, m. space be-
draughts, J<fc. to set in notes,
to place boards ; intavolare Interdétto, m. interdiction,
un negòzio, to propound an IntendSnte, adj. intelligent, suspension, prohibition
affair ski/led, knowing Interdire, and Interdlcere, to
Intavolato, parf. wainscoted Intèndere, to understand, to prohibit, forbid
Intavolatura,/. watnscof,rule, design, intend, to agree to- Interdizióne, /. and Inter-
instruction, a tablature, gether ; intènder gli dcchi, diciménto, m. a sutpen-
(mu4i< term) to fix one's eyes
153 G3
Interessante, adj. interetlitig Inteachi^to, adj. stubborn
Interessare, to inlenst Intéso, part understood
Interessato, part, interested, Intéssere, to rveai-e
concerned Intessuto, part, woven
Interesse, and Interesso, m. Intestarsi, to be obstinate
interest, profit, (also) loss, Intestato, adj. stubborn ; in»
prejudice ; badare a suoi,
interèssi, to mind one's own Interponiménto, m. interposi- Intestino, adj. intestine
Intestini, m. pi. intestines
Interézza,/, entireneas Interpdrre, to interpose Intiepidire, and Intiepidire, io
Interiezióne, and Interghie- Interpositóre, m. intercessor
zióne,/. interjection (a sud- Interposizióne, /. inierposi- Intiepidito, and Intiepidito,
den exclamation) adj. cool, lukewarm
Interiora, /. pi. and Interidri, Intfgnere, to dip, soak, steep
m. pi. entrails Intimamente, adv. intimate'
Intimare, to signify
Intimazióne,/, intimation
Interiormente, adv. infernal- Intimidire, to grow fearful
ly Interpretàto, part, interpret- Intimidito, adj. timid
Interlineare, io interline Intfmido, adj. bold, intrepid
Interlineare, adj. between tine Interpretazióne, f. interpreta- Intimo, adj. inward, inti-

Interlineato, part, interlined Intèrprete, and Interpretatóre, Intimorlre, to terrify

Inter!ocut<3re, m, a speaker. m. an interpreter Intimorito, part, frighted
Interpunzióne, f. punctua- Intingolo, and Intinto, m. a
Interlocutòrio, adj. interlocu- ragout, sauce, gravy
tory Interrare, and In terriere, to Infnto, part, soak.d, plun-
Intermèdio, m. an inter- do over with clay, (also) to
Intermèdio, adj. interme- Interrégno, m. interreign
diate Interrogare, to examine
Intcrmentlre, to be benumb- Interrogato, part, question- Intirizzire, and Intirizzire, ti
ed stiffen, to be benumbed
IntermSsso, part, intermit- Interrogatòrio, to. and In- Intirizzato, part, stijflned
ted Intisichire, to grow consump
Intermettere, to interrupt, dis- tive ; far divenir tisico, ti
Interrómpere, to interrupt,
Intermettiménto, m. discon- Intitolaménto, to a title
Interromplménto, m. and Intitolare, to entitle a thin>,
Intermèzzo, adj. intermedi- Intemizzióne, /. interrup- to, to inscribe, give a title
intitolarsi, to assume
Interniinito, adj. bound Intitoldto, part, entitled
Intitolazióne, /. title, dedica
Intermissióne, and Intermit-
Intolleràbile, adj. intolera
Intermlsto, part intermixed ble
Intermittente, adj. intermit-
ting Intersezióne,/ intersection
Intermittènza, /. intermilten- Intertenére, to detain Intollerante, adj. impatient
--^-- Ic
<y Interteniraénto, m. entertain Intonacare, and d Intonicdre,
Ir" '

Internamente, adv. internal-

ly Intònaco, Intonicàto, and In-
Internare, and Internarsi, to tònico, TO. plaster
Intonare, to tune, to sing
Internato, part. pierced Intonato, part, tuned, resound-

Interno, adj. internal, in' Intonatdre, m. a tuner, sing-

InT""^ Intonazióne,/, tune

Intonchiare, to be eaten up
Intésa, /. intention, under- with mites
ailj. entire, perfect, i'anding Intonicaliira,/. rough east
1 niesaménte, ado. attentively Intoppaménto, m. hinderaiKt
Intcppdre, io meet with intraméttersi, to tnlermed- embroil, confound, mingle,
Intoppo, m. a meeting perplex
Intorare, to put one's 3 Intramésso, adj. put be- Intrigataménte, adv. intri-
IntramischiiJuza, /. a mix- Intrigato, adj. intricate
ture Intrigatore, m. a shvjffling
Intramischidto, adj. mixed
Intorbidare, Intorbidare, and together
Intorbiare, to make thick, Intramissidne,/. mediation
or muddy; to disturb, vex,
Intorbidato, adj. thick, muddy, Intrapdrre, to interpose
troubled Intraprèndere, to undertake trinsicato, adj. intimate, fa-
Intormentiménto, m, numb- Inuraprendiménto, m. enter-
ness, stiffness prise, undertaking trinsichézza,/. familiarity,
Intormentire, to benumb, make Intraprenditdre, and Intra-
prénsore, »t. an under- trtnsico, and Intrinseco, adj.
Intorniare, and Intomeiire, to taker
surround, encompass Intraprèsa, f. undertaking, Intrfnsico, and Intrinseco, jr.
Intomiainénto, m, a turn, an intimate friend
Intraprèso, adj. undertaken Intrfso, m. a hotch-potch
Intorniato, part, surrounded Intràre, lo enter Intriso, part, kneaded, tern-
Intórno, prep, about, con- Intrardmpere, to interrupt
cerning ; air Intdrno, round IntratSssere, to ititermix Intristfire, to grow nicked
about ; guardar intdrno, to Intrattabile, adj. intractable Intristire, to dry away, not to
look about ; là intdrno, Intratt^nto, adv. in the mean
thereabout d' ogni intdrno,
; Introcque, adv. (by Dante) gi
from all sides v' ho cercato
; Intrattenére, to entertain the same time
intdrno intórno, I have look- Intratteniménto, »n. delay, Introdótto, part, introduced
Introduciménto, m. an intro-
Intra venire, to happen, befall duction
IntraTersàre, io cross, to lead Introducitdre,
astray, go astray, to op-
Introdurre, io introduce
Intraversàto, adj. laid across, Introduttóre, m. introducer
Intossicàre, io poison Introduzióne,/, introduction
Intossicato, part, poisoned Intraversatiira, /. opposition, Intròito, m. entrance
Intozzàre, lo grow thick Intromessidne, /. introduC'
Intra, prep, between, amongst
Intrabescare, to fall in love Intromesso, m. dainty dishes
Intrabiccolàre, to clamber up Intromesso, part, introduced
Intrachiudere, to enclose, en- Intrecciatdio, m. ornament for Introméttere, to let in intro-

coinpass the head mettersi, to intermeddle

Intrachiuso, adj. shut up Intrecciatura, /. a tress, gar- Intronare, and Intruonàre, io
Intradùe, adj. doubtful, un-
IntrSccio, and Intreccia- Intronato, part, stunned
Intrafàtto, adv. entirely ménto, m. mixture, tress, 'ntronatùra, /. and Introna-
Intralasciaménto, m. interrup- twist ménto, m. stunning
Intrementfre, to shake for Intronfiare, to put one's self in
Intralasciare, to interrupt, to fear a passion
intermeddle, leave off Intrementfto, adj. shaking for
Intralasciato, part, interrupl- far
Intrepidamente, adv. intrepid-
Intralciaménto, m. an in- ly Intrusióne./, intrusion
Intrepidézza,/, intrepidity Intriso, part intruded
Intralciire, to embarrass, in- Intrepido, adj. intrepid Intuitivamente, adi», intui-
Intrescàre, io involve, intri- tively
Intrambo, Intràm-
Intr.-imbi, Intuitivo, adj. intuitive
be, and Intramendue, adj. Intricàre, [see Intrigare) Intùito, m. a looking upon
both, both together Intridere, to temper, dilute, ), adv. quite, entirely

Intraménto, m entrance allay, soil, dirty, stain Intuzzàre, to blunt, abate, re-
Intrainèssa, /. interposition, Intrigaménto, m. intrigue, pel
perplexity, difficulty
Intrigare, and Intricare, io
Invaghiccliidre, io be a Utile Invericdndo, adj. immodest Inviare, to tend
Inverislmile, adj. improbable Inviato, part, tent ; m. an
Invaghiménto, m. dtsire, Inverislmilitudine, f. unlike-
love Invidia,/, envy
Invaghire, to inflame rvilh de Invermigliàre, to redden, to Invididliile, adj. enviable
lire Invaghirsi, and In-
; Invidiente, adj. enviuu»
vaghirsi, to fall in love Invemiinaménto, m. Invidiare, to envy
Xnva;Wto, adj. in love tion, breeding oftvor Invidiato, pali, envied
Invaiare, and Invaiolàre, to Inverminire, tobreed Invidiosamente, adv. envious-
grow black Inverrainàto, part. ly
Iiivalidaménle, adv. vainly Invidiatdre, m. an envious
Invalidare, to annul Invernare, to winter
Invalidità,/, invalidity '

avemàta,/. a winter luvididso,. and I'nvido, (in

Invàlido, adj. rveak, invalid, . .verniciare, to varnish poetry) adj. invidious
of no force Inverniciato, part, varnished Invietare, to grow obsolete
Invalorfre, to grow strong Invigorire, tu strengthen
Invanire, to grorv proud Invigorito, part, strengthert-
In v^no, adv. vainly
Invariàbile, adj. invariable In vero, adv. in truth Invilire, to discourage
Invariabilmente, adv. con- Inverso, adv. towards. Invilito, part, affrighted
stantly Inviluppaménto, m. confu
Invasare, to invade, attack, Invertere, to invert, to ov
possess, to be surprised, dip, Inviluppare, to wrap up
plunge : invasarsi qualche Inviluppato, wrapped up
cosa nella memdria, io ' liliippo, m. bundle, parcel
imprirt a thing on one's
Invincibile, adj. unsonquera
Invasato, part. possessed, lirr
amaxed, stupid invasato,
; Invescato, part, entangled Invincidire, to soften, to groro
nel giudeo, addicted to gam- Investigàbile, adj. not to be soft,fiabby
ing Invio, m. direction, address
Invasazidne, /. obsession, be- Investigaménto, m. an inves- Inviolàbile, adj. inviolable
tigation Inviolabilmente, adv. inviola-
Invasellare, '
to put into a Investigare, to investigate bly
Investigato, part, investigat-

,tiga- Inviperàrc, and Inviperire, to
tion, t rage, to be fierce, cruel, to
Investire, to invest ; inves- swagger
ludtto, adj. unheard of tire un vascello, to board a Inviperito, part, enraged
ivecchiàre, to grorv old, to Inviscàre, to ensnare
Investiménto, ni. Investi- Invischeràre, to penetrate the
ivecchiàto, part, grorvn old gidne, and Investitura, /. bowels
iverchiuzzàre, to rvaste, de- Invischiare, to daub with bird-
i vece, prep, instead Inveterato, adj. Invisibile, adj. invisible
Invetràre, and Invetriare, Invisibilità, /. invisibility
reduce to glass Invisìbilmente, adv. iuvin-
Invetriata, /. a glass win- bly

superfluous words and
[nventàre. to invent, desire Invettive, adj. railing: pa-
Inventariare, to make an jn- ròle invettive, abusive words Invitato, parr, invited
Invezidne, /. invective, excla- Invitatóre, m. an invitcr
nveutàrio, m. an inventory mation Invitatdrio, adj. invitalo-
r. ventato, ;;ar/. invented Inuggiolire, to set one a long-
nventdre, and Inventatóre,
Inùgnere, to anoint
Inuguàle. adj. unequal
Inverdire, to grow green Inviaménto, m. a way, or
Invericdndia,/. impudence
InJaccheràre, (o eovtr tvilh Irascibile, adj. passionate
dirt Irascibilità, 7: wrath, anger
Inzaccherato, adj. dirty Irataménte, adv. angrily
ilire, io wither, decay InSampognàre, to impose upon Irate, adj. angry
InZavardare, to soil, to grease I'rco, m. a he-goat
nanamente, adi', cruelly, InJavarddto, part, dirtied, Ire, to go
spotted I
Inieppaménto, m. a heap, an I'ride, a I iri, / (in poetry J

eggins on
Inumidire, Inzeppare, to gather up, amass Ironia,/, irony
Inumidito, part, moistened Inzibett^to, part, perfumed Ironicamente, adv. ironically
Invocare, io cali upon InzoccoUto, adj. having
Invocato, pari, invoked wooden shoes Irradiare, and Irraggiare, to
Invocatóre, ni. he that invokes Inzotichire, to grow awkward,
Irradiato, part, irradiated
Invoglia,/, a wrapper Inzuccherare, lo sugar Irradiazióne,/, irradiation
Invogliare, io give a desire ; InSuccheràto, part, sugared Irraggionévole, itdj. unreason-
invogliar 1' appetito, io whet InJuppaménto, m. soaking able
Inzuppare, to sop, or soak Irragior volménte, adv. \

Invogliato, adj. with longing. InSnppito, part, soaked tably

desìi vrapt Vi Io, pron I, myself Irra^onat
Invoglio, m. bundle, parcel ionico, adj. the Ionic order ablenese
Involare, io rob, steal; invo- Iòsa, a iosa, ad. abundantly Irrazionabilménte, adv. un-
Irfrsi, to disappear Idta, m. iota, ><; non vene reasonably
InvoUto, adj. stolen darei un iòta, / would not Irreconciliàbile, adj. irrecoit-
Involatóre, 7rt. a thief give you a tittle for it I cileable
Involgere, lo wrap up, to cover IoZzo,m. a seajish of greenish Irrecuperabile, adj. irrecover-
Involgiménto, m. a beating able
about the Irush Ipecaquàna,/. ipecacuanha \
Irrefragàbile, adj. undeniable
Involio, m. theft Iperbole, and Ipérbola, /. i
Irregolare, adj. irregular
Involontariamente, adv. in- hyperbole 1 Irregolarità,/ irregularity
--' ntarily Iperboleggiare, to exaggerate I Irregolataménte, adv. irregu-
Involon-"^-- - - 'nvolun- Iperbolicamente, adv. hyper- ]
-- ydeed bolically Irregolato, part, disordered
Involontàre, adj. involuntary Iperbòlico, and Ipèrbole, adj. Irreligióne, f. irreligion
Involpare, to be blighted cai Irreligiosamente, adv. irretì-
Involpire, to grow cunning Iperico, ni. Saint John's wort giously
In Volta, adv. about, here and Ipocistide,/ the herb cistus Irreligióso, a. irreligious
there ; anddr in volta, to go Ipocondria, /, melancholy Irremeabile, a. irremeable
Ipocdndrico, adj. hypochon- Irremissibile, adj. unpardoa-
put iojlight
Involtare, to wrap up Irremiisibilraénte, adv. un-
Involto, part. wrapt, in- pardonably
Irremuneràbile, adj. not io be
Involtura. /. a round-about Ipocritdne, m. a great hypo- rewarded [ed
Irremunerato, (tf//. not reward-
Ipos^rca,/. a sori of dropsy Irrepar<ibile, adj. irreparable
Ipostitico, adj. hypostatical Irreparabilmente, adv. irre-
luziOne, /. a wrapping up, Ipotéca,/, mortgage parably [ble
craft, deceit; involviménto Ipotecare, to mortgage Irreprensibile, a. irreprehensi-
di lingua, an idle story Ipotesi,/, hypothesis Irreprobàbile, a. irreprovea-
Inurbanità,/ incivility Ipotètico, adj. suppositiiiuus blc, irreproachable
Inurbano, adj. uncivil, dis- IppOmane, m. a bit ofjlesh on Irrequièto, adj. restless, uneasg
courteous the forehead of a calf Irresistibile, a. irresistible
Inusàto, and Inusitato, adj. Ippopotamo, m. a sea-horse Irresoluto, adj. irresolute
Ipsofàtto, adv. presently, im-
Inusitatamente, adv. uncsm- mediately Irretito, part, caught in a net
Ira, and Iracòndia, /. anger. Irreverènte, adj. irreverent
" . -
^jy^ irrf
Iracondamente, adv. angrily ently, . dely
Iracondo, Iracóndo, Iracon- I,/, rudeness
Invulneràbile, adj. invulnera diOso, and IracundiOso, adj. Irrevocàbile, adj. irrevocable'
ble hasty, passionate Irricordévole, adj.unminf^fut
Inul£olire, (see Inuggioiire) Iràre, to be angry Irrigare, to wet, moisiea
Irrigatóre, m. he that waters Itterfzzia,/. the Jaundice Lacciuòlo, m. ( tptinge tv
Irrisione,/, derision Iva, f. St. John's rvort catch birds
Irrisóre, »n. a mocker, jeerer, Laceraménto, m. a laceration
Iugulare, adj. Jugular Lacerante, adj. tearing
Irritaménto, m. irritation Ivi, adv. there Lacerare, to lacerate, : to
Irritare, io incense lure, m. lam defame, slander
Irritativo, aiìj. provoking luridicaménte, adv. lan'fully Lacerato, part, lacerated, di
Irritato, part, irritated lurldico, Iurisperit<
Irritatdre, m. a provoker lurista, m. a lawyer Lacerazióne,/, a tearing
Irritazióne,/, irritation lurisdizióne, /. Jurisdiction, Làcero, adj. torn, ragged
Irriverènte, adj. (lee Irreve- authority Lacerto, m. a sinew in tlie
rènte, and its derivative!) lus, m. lam, or right
Irrugginfre, to rust luspatronato, m. patronage Làco, m. a lake
Irrugginfto, adj. rusty lusqueslto, m. acquired right Lacrima,/, (see Làgrima, and
Imigiadare, to sprinkle lusquiamo, m. henbane all its derivatives)
Irsuto, and Irto, (in poetry) Izza,/, anger Lacuna./, a fen, or marsh
cJj. rough, bristled Izzapàre, to dig Lacunàle, adj. like a marsh
I'schio, m. a holm-oak Lacunóso, adj. full of fens, or
I'sola,/. island, isle marshes
Isolano, m. an islander Ladano, m. laudanum
Isolato, part, surrounded tvith Laddóve, adv there, where
water, that stands by itself Ladrino, m. a pilferer
Is<5po, and Issòpo, m. an Ladro, m. a thief, a robber
hyssop (an herb) Ladro, adj. bad, nasty; non
Isoscele, adj. isosceles T A, art. and pron. her, she ; fu mai vista la più ladra
Ispezióne, /. (see Inspezitfne, --' la donna, the rocimin; la
and its derivatives) redo, / see her. Là, adv. disgracing affair
I'spido, adj. rough, bristled there andate là, go there ;
; Ladronàia. /. a set of thieves,
Ispfgiiere, to efface, put out là giù, belorv ; qua e là, here gang, (also) mal-adminis'
Ispressaménte, adv. expressly and there; correr qua e là, tration
Istantaneamente, adv instant- io run up and down ; passar Ladroncello, m, young
più là, lo search into thief
Labarda, /. halberd Ladróne, m. a robber
Labbiàle, a. labial Ladroneggio, m. robbery
Labbidto, a. labeated Ladronesco, adj. of a rob'
Istantemente, adv. instantly Labbreggiàre, to move the
Istanza, /. instance, entreaty, lips, to pray rviih the lips Laéntro, adv. there, within
solicitation Labbro, m
a lip, brim, edge Lagèna,/, afiagon
Istàre, to insist Labbrtito, adj. lipped Laggiù, and Laggiùso, adv,
Istèrico, adj. hysterical Laberlnto, m
maze, trouble down, yonder
Istesso, pro», (see Stésio) Làbile, adj. sliding, slippery Laghetto, m. a lake
Istigare, to instigate Laboratòrio, m. laboraicry Lagnaménto, m. and La-
Istinto, m. instinct Laboriosamente, adv. lobo- gnanza,/ complaint
and Lagnarsi, to

Istòria, /. history Lagnare,

Istoriale, adj. historical Laboriosità,/, labour, trouble grieve, moan, bewail
Istorialmente, adv. historically Laborióso, adj. laborious Lagnévole, adj. plaintive

Istoriato, adj. set out tvith Labrace, m. 3 pike (fish) LagnosaméBte, adv. with com
figures, painted Labrùsca, /. a wild grape I
Istericamente, and Lacca, /. a bank, descent, a Lagnóso, adj. plaintive
mente, adii, historically leg; lacca di salvaticlna, a Lago, m. a lake, concavity
Istèrico, m. an historian haunch of venison lacca di Làgrima,/ a tear

IstoriStta, /. a little story, a Lagrimàle, m. the corners oj

tale the eyes from which the tears
Istori5grafo,m. historiographer Lacche, m. a tunning foot- proceed
Lagrimàre, to weep
Istrióne, m. a comedian Lacchètta, /. a racket, leg, Lagrinièvole, and Lagrima
Istupidito, part stupified buttock, haunch bile, adj. deplorable
Itiiliro, adj. Italian Lacchezzfno, and Lacchéz2o, Lagrimòso, adj. tveeping,
Iterare, to do over again m. a dainty, or savoury woeful
Iteratóre, m. he that doe» a thing Laguna, /. and Lagume, m.
thing over again Làccia,/. a shad-fish ,noor,fen.bog
Itineràrio, m. itinerary Lai, m. pi. moans, plattrft
Ittèrico, adj. having the yelloro uscir dal laccio, t» gei out
(tf trouble Laicale, adj. secular
liaicaménte, and Laicalmén
te, adv. profanely,
Làico, adj. secular, ignorant, Làno, adj. made of wool
silly Lanóso, adj. woolly
Làico, m. a layman Lanterna, / a lantern : mo-
Laidamente, adv. ugly, basely, Lampeggiare, to shine, blaze, strar altrui lucciole per lan-
filthily flash tèrne, to make one believe
Laidézza, and Laidità, f. de- Lampeggio, and Lampo, «i. a
formity flash, blaze, lightning Lanternàio, m, a lantern-
Laidire, and Laidire, to foul,Lampóne, m, raspberry
soil, dirty Lamprèda,/, a lamprey, eel Lanterniito, adj. thin, lantern-
Laidfto, part, btfouled, dir- Lana,/ rvooljleece jawed
Lanaiuòlo, m. a clothier Lanùgine,/, down, wool, cof-
Làido, adj. ugly, deformed. Lanato, adj. rvoolly
Lànce, /. a balance Lanugindso, adj. downy
L'altro ièri, adv. the other day Lancetta, /. a lancet, a little Lai'ilito, adj. woolly
'Lama., f. a blade, a - thin lance, (also) the gnomon of a Lanzo, m. a Cei-man foot-
plate of metal, also) a dial, hand of a watch
plain open field ; venire à Lància,/, a lance, a spear Laónde, ado. whereupon,
Lanciare, to hurl, dart, throrv, therefore
shoot, to strike, or mound La ove, adv. there, where
with a lance
Lanciata,/ a darting, a blow Lapida, /. a stone, tombstone^
with a lance tomb
Lambiccato, part, distilled Lanciato, part, hurled, darted Lapidare, to stone, pelt with
Lambicco, m. a still Lanciattire, m. a lancer
Lambiménto, m. a lapping Làncio, m. 2 jump, rous- Lapidàrio, idary.
Lambire, to lick, to lap ing a deer, starting a jeweller
Lambitlvo, m. an electuary hare, unkenneling a fox ; Lapidato, part, stoned
Lambrusca. /. and Lambrù- di primo làncio, at the first Lapidatóre, m. a stone, one
3, m. mild grapes that stones
Lancioniére, m. a thrower of Lapidazióne, /. lapidation,
a dart, or javelin stoning to death
Lanciottare, to wound with a Làpide, m. a stone, a tomb-
Lamentabilménte, adv. la- dart stone, a precious stone
mentably Lanciottàta, /. a mound nf a Lapfdeo, adj. stony, hard
Lamentànza,^, lamentation dart Lapidóso, adj. stony, full qf
Lamentare, and Lamentarsi, Lanciòtto, m. a dart, or Ja-
(also) a lancet
Lapillàre, to cut into small
Lamentato, part, lamented Landa, /. a plain, common
Laraentatdre, m
a lamenter field LapilUto, adj into tmall
Lamentatdrio, adj plaintive Landò, m. a landau
Lamentazióne,/, lamentation Landra, /. a strumpet Lapillo, m. trnall stone,
Lamentévole, adj. plaintive, Lànfa,/ orange water flint
lamentable Languente, adj. faint, feeble. Lapislàzzalo, Lapislàzzari,
Lamentevolmente, adv. la- Lapislàzzi >li, and LapisìàE-.
mentably Languidézza, /. faintness, zuli, lapts lazuli, a sky-
Lamento, m. complaiitt, groan. weakness
Lànguido, adj. languishing Làppola,/, burdock, bur
Lamentoso, adj. lamentable Languire, to languish, pine. Laqueàto, part, piled, board-
Làmia,/, a lamia, (sea dog)
Lamicare, to drizzle Languóre, m. weaktuss, fee- .ardatiira,/. a larding
Lamiera, / a cuirass, an iron bleness Lardellare, and Lardare, <>
plate Lamato, part, mangled, torn lard, grease
Làmina,/, a plate of metal, a Laniatdre, m. he that mangles, Lardello, m. a lardoon
blade tears to pieces Lardo, m. lard
Laminóso, adj. made like plates Lanière, m, a lannier, a star- Lardóne, m. bacon
of metal Largamente, adv. largely,
Lara vitch Lanlfero, adj, employed in freely, fully
.a fairy, a nymph the woollen business, lani- Largare, to enlarge
Lampa,/, a light Largato, part, enlarged
Làmpada, and Làmpade, /. ( Largheggiare, to give Itavt, tft
deiU bountifulln
Largheggiatóre, m. a spetul- Latte, milk; latte rap-
J.arghetto, arf; rvide [thrift prèsilo, curdled milk ; vi-
Larghézza, j'.breadth, wide- tèlla di latte, a sucking
nfjr», (also) liberality, bounty, calf: fratèllo di latte, a
abundance, liberty, leave fatter brother ; latte di
Largo, adj. broad, wide, large; gallina, the best : la bocca
farsi far Idrgo, to make one'- gli puzza di latte, he is very
telfto be retpecled. Al largo, young
adv. largely ; parlar largo d' lastrico, to come to beggary Latteggiànte, adj. milky
una cosa, to speak at large Lastricatura,/, a paving Làtteo, adj. lact'eous, rriuky
upon a thing Lastróne, m. a slab, a marble Latteruólo, m. curdled milk
Largo, m. iargenett, space, slab Latticinio, m. milk food
latitude Làtèbra, /. obscurity, lurking- Latticinóso, and Lattifero,
Largo, adv. largely, abundant- adj. milky (speaking of
ly; andar largo da che che Latente, adj. secret, hiddt plants)
si sia. to avoid all diffieulliet vately Lattlme, in. scurf
Largura,/ mildness, extent Laterale, adj. side-way
Lari, m. pi. lares, household Lateralmente, adv. on tn
guds •eking calf
Larfce, m. the larch-tree Laterlna,/. a sink,prit'y Lattovàre, Lattuàrio, and
Larictoo, adj. of the larch-tree Latinamente, adv. largeh, jattuàro, m. an electuary
Laringe, m. the larynx, or comfortably, like the Latins Lattuga,/, lettuce
throat Latinità,/, the Latin tongue Lavacapo, m. a rebuke
Ldrva, /. a ghost, phantom, a Latinizzare, and Latinàre, ( Lavacéci, m. a blockhead
speak or write Latin, to play Lavacro, m. a bath, bagnio,
Larsigna,/. a kind of paste the pedant font
Larsagnàio, »i. one that makes Latino, m the Latin tongue, Lavagna,/, a slate
language, speech ; Latino di Lavamàne, m. mash-hand'
Lasagnóne, m. a coxcomb, a stand
blockhead Latino, adj. Latin, plain, Lavaménto, m. a mashing
Lisca,/, a mullet intelligible ; (also) spacious. Lavanda,/, lavender (herb)
Lasciaménto, m. a leaving Lavandàia, and Lavaudàra,/.
Lasciare, to leave, to forsake, a washer-woman
to abandon ; lasciatemelo Latino, adv. of Latin can- ; Lavare, to wash lavar la testa

vedére, let me see it ; lasciate tavano gli augelli ciascuno ad uno, to speak ill of one ,

stare, let that alone in suo Latino, the birds sang lavar la testa all' àsino, to
Lasciato, part, left, abandoned every one in their way lose one's labour
Ldscio, m. a legacy, mill Latitare, to hide one's self Lavascodélle, »n. a seuUion
Làscito, and Làscio, m. a le- Latittidine, /. latitude, (also) Lavativo, m. a clyster
largeness, breadth Lavato, part, mashed
Lascivaménte, adv. mantonly Lato, m. side ; lasciare da Mto, Lavatóio, m. a laundry
Lascivia,/, wantonness to leave aside. A
lato, and Lavatura,/, a mashing, bath-
Lasciviente, adj. lustful, Allato, adv. by, near ing
Latóre, m. bearer ; latóre di Làuda./, an hymn, praise
Lascivfre, to grow wanton leggi, legislator Laudàbile, adj. laudable
Lascivo. adj. lascivious ; Latraménto, m. barking Laudare, (see Lodare, and its
paróle lasc/ve, obscene words Latrare, to bark, to cry derivatives)
Lassa, /. a collar for hunting Latrato, m. a barking Laudato, part, praised
Latrato, part, barked, bayed Laudévole, adj. laudable
Lastre, io weary, tire Latratóre, m. a barker Laudevolménte, adv. lauda-
Lassativo, adj. laxative Latria./, worship {due only to bly
Lassato, part, wearied God) Lavaggio, kettle.
Lassézza,/, lassitude Latrina, /. a dunghill, a
Lasso interj. alas
privy LavSndola, /. lavender,
Lasso, adj. wearied, tired, Latrocinio, m. theft, robbery (herb)
fatigued, unhappy, miser- Latrocino, adj. detestable Lavoracchiare, to work slow-
able Latta,/, tinned iron, tin ly
Lassù, and Lassuso, ^in poe- Lattaiuòlo, m. young tooth Lavoracchio, m. clumsy mark
try J adv. there, above Latt.-inte, adj. tuck-ing ; nu-
Listo, m. a load, a last fmta- trice lattante, a wet nurse Lavorare, to mark, labour :
Lattare, to give suck lavorar a giornate, to work
Listra, /. a fiat broad stone ; Lattata,/, orgeat by the day ; lavorare di sot-
porre uno in su le lastre, io Lattato, part, suckled to, to work tinder hand
kill one upon the spot Lattatrice,/. a nurse Lavorativo, adj. arable; gi-
«Imo lavorativo, a '
work- Lecconeria, arni Leccomfa, /.
gluttony, daintiness
Lavorato, pari, tilled, plaugh- Lecctime, m. a dainty, or Legióne, f. a legion
ed,worked tit-bit, (also) an excitement Legislativo, adj. legislative
Lavoratóre, m. rvorkman, hus- Lecitamente, adv. lawfully
Lécito, adj. lawful Legislatvlta, f. legislative au.
Lavorerfa, atid Lavoriéra, /. a Léga, and Leganza, league, /
cultivated land alloy eague, Legislazióne,/, legislature
Lavóro, and Lavorio, m. roorfc- Legista, a lawyer m
manship Legittima,,/-, portion l<y law
J.anrea,f. crown of laurei Legittimamente, adv. lawful-
Laureato, adj. laureate poèta ; „ arter
laureato, poet laureate Legale, adj. legal, lawful
Làureo, adJ. of laurei Legalità,/, legality
Laurèola, f. spurge-laitrel Legalmente, adv. legally
Lauréto, m. a laurei grove Legame, m. ligature Legittimazióne, /. legitima-
Lauro, m. laurei Legaménto, m. and Legatura,
Lautamente, adv. gallantly /. bitiding, umo7t Legittimità,/, legitimacy
Laut(5zza, /. gallantry, mag- Legare, to tie, bind, con- Legittimo, adj. lawful
in : legarsi, to make a Legna, and Légne, f. pt. fu e
Lduto, adj. fine, stately
Lauzzino, m. he that lashes the Legnàggio, m. family, race,
galley-staves pedigree
Lazeggiare, to be droll, cotnic Legatàrio, m. (law Legnaiuòlo, and Legnamelo,
Lazo, m. drollery, jest term) ni. a carpenter
Lazzeretto, ni. a pest-house Legato, tn. the pope's legate, Legname, m. timber
Lazzcruòla,/, a small medlar (also) a legacy Legnare, to cut wo^d
Legato, part, tied, bound LegTiàta, /. a blow >,ith <

Legatóre, m. a binder; le-

gatóre di libti, a book-bin- Légno, m. wood, a ship
L-egnoso, adj. rvoody
Lazzo, adj. sour, tart Legatùra./. ligature, filiti Legorizia, /. licorice
Le, art. the; le donne, the Legaiióne,/. legation Legume, m. pulse, (a* peas.
rvomen. Le, proti, her, Lrgge, a law
them ;le conósco, / knorv Leggenda, /. legend, a silly Lei, pron. pers. f. her
them ;parlatele, speak to story Lellàre, to dally, to linger
Leggendàrio, m. legendary Lémbo, tn. hem, edge, bcr-
Leale, adj. loyal Lèggere, to read ti leggo ;

Lealmente, adv. loyally fronte il tuo disegno, Lémme-lémme, pian piano,

Lealtà, f. fidelity, loyalty know your design ; mandare adv. gently
Leardo, adj Cavallo leardo, i vestiti à leggère, to pawn Léna, / strength, vigour.
leardo pomato, grey, dapple
Leggerézia. and Leggieréiza, Lendine, m. a nit
Lébbra, and Lebbrosfa, /. le- /. nimbleness Lendinóso, adj. full of nits
prosy, (a dry scab) Leggermente, adv. lightly, Léne, adj. kind, humane (in
Uebbróso, adj. leprous swiftly poetry)
ueccaménto, m. the act of Leggiadramente, adi: beauti- Leniùnte, adj, softening
licking fully, charmingly, sharply Lenificaménto, »i. softness
Leccapiatti, m. a spunger LeggiadrPtto, adj. genteel, a- Leniiicàre, to ease, assuage,
Leccarda,/, dripping-pan greeable mitigate
Leccdrdo, atlj. greedy Leggiadria, f. beauty Lenificatlvo, adj. lenitive
Leccare, lo lick, lick up Leggiadro, adj. handsome Leniménto, m.'a softening
Leccatamente, adv. effectu- Leggiadro, m. a lover Lenire, to suflen
ally Leggibile, adj. legible Lenità, and Lenitàde, /. le-
Leccato, part, licked Leggieraménte, adv. lightly nity
Leccatóre, ni. a spunger, or Leggiere, adv. very easily Lenitivo, adj. lenitive
greedy gut Leggiero, Leggieri, and Leg- Leno, adj. faint, weak, f.exi-
Leccatura,/, a scratch giere, adj. light, easy, little, ble, pliant
Leccéte, m. intricacy, maxe .'light, swift. Alia leggiera, Lenocinlo, ni. pimping, charm
Lèccio, m. holm-tree adv. rashly. Di leggieri,
Lùccio, m. gluttony, lechery adv easily Lentamente, udv. slowly
LCcco, in. the Jack or block (at Leggiermente, and Legger Lentarsi, to slacken
bowls) ménte, adv. lightly Lènte, and Lenta, f. lentils, a
Leccóne, m. a glutton Leggio, m. a reading desk
Limteménte, adv. slowly ziiJne, /. a manuring, marl-
Lente palustre,/, tvater-lentil
Lentézza,/, alorvneis Lelamindso, par<. covered with
Lenticchia, /. a small lentil Levatóio, m. a drarrbridge
Lentiggine, /. a freckle, pim- Letanle, and Letine, /. li- Levatóre, m. a puffer
p/e Levatrice,/, a midwife
Lentiggin<5so, ad], freckled Letargla,/. lethargy Levazióne,/. a lifting up
Lentischio, m. the lentUk tree Letàrgico, adj. lethargic Levistico, m. the herb lavage
Lènto, adv. slowly Letargo, m. and Letargia, /. Levità,/, levity
1/C-nto, adj. slow, idle Levitare, to ferment
Lèntòre, m. heavinesi Leticóso adj. litigious Levrière, m. a grey-hound
Lenza., f. an angling-line Letificante, adj. rejoicing Lézia, /. and Lèzio, m. en-
Lenzuolo, m. a sheet Letificare, to make glad
X>eonc£lIo, and LeoncmOjm. a Letificato, adj joyful
young, or little lion Letìzia, f. mirth, jny
Leone, m. a lion Lèttera, /. a letter; letter»
Leonfno, adj. leonine, of a lion di càmbio, a bill of ex- Lezióso, adj, wanton, effemi-
Leopardo, m. a leopard
Lepidamente, adv. pleasantly Letterale, adj. literal Lezzare, to stink
Lepidézza, /. facetiousness Letteralmente, adv. literally Lezzo, m. stink
Lepido, adj. pleasant, Jocose Letterato, adj. learned Lezzóso, adj. stinking
Leporalo, and Leporario, m. Letteratura,/, learning Li, ari. the ; li fiumi, the ri-
park for hares, a warren Letterato, m. a learned man vers. Li, pron. him ; li ho
Lepóre, m. gracefulness Lettièra,/, a bedstead détto, l told him ; li, them.
Leppare, to rob, steal Lettiga, /. a horse-litter, a Lì, adv. there; eccolo 11,
Leprotto, m. leveret, or young marming-pan
Lètto, m. a bed Libazióne, /. and Libaménto>
Lèpre, m. a hare; far lepre Lettóre, m. a lecturer m. a libation
vecchia, to be cautious ; levar Letteria,/, a lectureship Libàraina,/. pi. perfumes
la lepre e un altro la pigli, Lettuccino, and Lettuccio, m. Libare, to taste, to sip
to have the trouble, and ano- a couch, a couch bed Libbra, /. a pound weight ; a
ther the profit lyettùra,/. a lecture tivre, a pound sterling
Leproncèllo, and Leprotto, m. Leva, /. a lever ; leva da Libecciata, /. a gale of south-
a young hare, a leveret milizia, raising soldiers ;

Lerciàre, to soil, sully méttere o dare a leva, to Libéccio, m. the south wind
Lèrcio, adj. dirty, foul lift Uf with a lever ; far Libèllo, m. libel
Lesina, /. an awl, thrift, leva di soldati, to enlist Liberale, adj. liberal; paro-
sparingness soldiers lètta liberale, a licentiout
Lesióne, /. wrong, hurt Levàbile, adj. moveable word; arti liberali, //.e libe-
Léso, part, wronged Levaddre, m. a tax-gatherer
Lessare, to boil (law termj Liberalità,/ liberality
Lessato, pa >•<. boiled Levaldlna, /. a theft, rob- Liberalmente, adv. liberally
Lessatura,/, a boiling bery Liberamente, adv. freely, ab-
Lèssico, m. lexicon (a die- Levaménto, m. a raising soluiely
tionary) Levante, m, the east andare Liberamènto, m. delivery

Lessicografo, m. a lexicogrt- à levante, to turn highway- Liberare, to free, release

Liberato, part, freed, releat-
Lesso, m. a boiltng, (alio) Levantlno, adj. one born in
boiling meat Liberatóre, m. a deliverer
Lesso, adj. boiled Levare, to lift, heave; levar Liberatrice,/ liberairix
Lestamente, adv. nimbly il bollóre, to boil : levar Liberazióne, and Liberarfdne,
Lestézza, / nimbleness, (also) soldati, to raise soldiers ; / d./iverance
cunning, craft levar il cappèllo, to take Libero, adj. free, frank
Lesto, adj. nirnble, quick off the hat ; levarsi, lo get Libertà,/, liberty
Letale, adj. mortal, dead- up ; levar le carte, io cut Libertinàggio, and Liberti-
at cards ; levar la piànta, nismo, m. debauchery
io take a draught; levare il Libeitino, m. the son of a freed
capo, to be ptiffed up with
Liberto, r.

Levata, /. a raising up le- ;

vata del sole, the sun- Libidinosamente, adv. lust-

rising; un uomo di gran fully
levata, a man of conse- Libidinóso, adj. wanton, lenr
libito, m. pleasure Ligneo, adj. woody *ay well and do ill; egli
Libra, /. Libra, (a sign of the Ligustro, m, u privet, shrub
zodiac) Lima, /. file, correction molle, his tongue runs upon
; egli
Libraio, m. a bookseller è una lima sorda, he wheels is a
Libraménto, m. a n-eighing ; contriving fellow Lingua buòna, /. bugloas
libraménto della luna, the Limacelo, m
mud, mire (herb)
librationofthemoon_ Limaccióso, adj. muddy, miry Linguàccia,/, a bad tongue
Librare, to tvsigh, consider Limare, to file, consume, Linguacciuto, a prater
Librato, part, weighed waste ; to polish Linguàggio, m. language
Librazióne,/, libration Limato, part, filed Lingua serpentina, /. the herb
Libreria, /. a library, (also) Liniatiira, f
filings, file-dust
the bookselling business Limbèllo, and Limbellùccio, Lingueggiare, to chatter
Lfbro m. shavings of leather Linguella,/. a felt, or lingel
Limbiccàre, to distil Linguettàre, to slammer
Limblcco, and Lambicco, m. Lingudso, aLJ. chattering
a litnbeck Liniménto, m. a liniment, or
Licenziaménto, m, a dismis- Limbo, m. limbo thin ointment
Limitare, m. threshold Lino, m. line, fiax ; panno
Licenziare, disn. , dis- Limitare, to liinit
band ; licenziarsi, takt Limitativo, adj. that limits Lin^-^me, m. linseed
leave of Limitilo, part, bounded
Licenziato, part, dismissed; Limitazióne,/, limitation Liofànte, and Lionfànte, m.
un licenziato, a licentiate Limite, m. limits, bounds elephant
Licenziatura, /. licence Limitrofo, adj. bordering (law Lione, TO. a lion
Licenziosamente, adv. licen- LionSssa, /. a lioness
tiously Limo, m. mire, mud, dirt Liopardo, m. a leopard
Licenzióso, adj. licentious. Limóne, m. a lemon Lippitiidine,/. blear-cyedness
Limonéa,/. a lemonade Llppo, adj. blear-eyed
Licere, imp. to be lawful ; non Limosina,/. a;m« Liquefare, to liquefy
mi lice sperar ciò, / cannot Limosinante, adj. mendicant Liquefatto, part, liquefied
hope that; se mi lice dirlo, Limosinilre, to beg, to give Liquefazióne,/, a liquefying
if I may say so Liquidaménte, adv. clearly,
Lìcitaménte, adv. lawfully Limosinàrio, m. an alms- easily
Licitézza./. right. Justice Liquidare, to liquefy
Licito, adj. lawful Limosinàto, part, begged Liquidazióne, /. liquidation,
Licóre, ni. (in poetry) a li- Limosinatóre, Limosiniére, settling accounts
and Liniosiniéro, m. alms- Liquidire, to become liquid
giver Liquidità,/ liquidity
Limosità,/, muddiness Liquido, adj. liquid, fiuid,
Limóso, adj. muddy, miry clear, plain
Lietaxnénte, adv. gladly, m Limpidézza, /. clearness,' Liquido, TO. a liquid
rily Liquirizia./, licorice
Lietézza, f. Joy, mirth Limpido, adj. transparent Liquóre, to. liquor
Lièto, adj. merry, cheerful Lince, TO. a lynx Liquoretto, to. a light liquor
Liéva, /. a lever Lindamente, adv. fluently Lira, f. a lyre, a harp
Liéva, Liéva, adv. stand out of Lindézza, and Lindiira, /. Lirico, adj. lyric ; poèta lirico,
a lyric poet
Lindo, adj. neat, spruce, fine Lisca, / fish-bone ; a trifie,
Linea, /. a line, lineage (also) the coarse herds qf
easily Linealraénte, and Linear- jlax, or hemp
Lievézza, and Lievità, /. mente, adv. in Liscézza,/ smoothness
a direct
lightness line Liscia, / a sleek stone
Lievitare, to ferment Lineaménto, m. lineam*at, a Lisciamente, adv. fluently
Lievitato, part, fermented feature Lisciaménto, m. smoothing
Lineare, to draw Lisciare, to smooth, polish,
Ligàme, m. a tie, binding Linearlo, adj. linear flatter, wheedle
Ligamento, m. a ligament Lineato, part, delineated Lisciarsi, to paint
Ligamentdso, adj. full of iiga- Lineazlóne, /. delineation Lisciato, part, smoothed
Linfa,/, mater (in poetry) Lisc-atóre, J», a polisner
Ligclre, to tie, bind Linfàtico, adj full of water Lisciatura,/, polishing, print
Ligio, adj. sulject to, servile Lingeria,/, linen ing
Ligittim'are, {see Legittimare, Lingua, /. tongue ; pigliar Liscio, TO. pamt
lingua, to inquire; avere Liscio, adj. polished, smoothed
Lignaggio, m. race, lineage il cervèllo nella lingua, to Lisirvlte,/. a cordial
Lista, /. list, banJ, filUl,
stripe, roll, catalogue
Listare, to strip, to lace
Listulla,/. a small square

UUTglif. lethargy
Litàrgico, adj. lethargic
Litarglrio, Litargiro, and
Litargilio, m. litharge ; silver
Lite, /. strife:

tà, to take physic

ivnen one is ,veU [pute
Litigaménto, m. contest, dis-
Litigante, m. a pleader
Litigare, and Liticare, to liti'

Litigato, part, contended

Litigatòre, m. a pleader, a
litigious mrangler
Litigio, m. strife, debate
Litigióso, adj. qtiarrelsome

Litologia,/, lithology
Litorale, and Littorile, belong-
ing to a shore
Litteràle, adj. literal
Litteralménte, adv. literally
Litterano, adj. literary
Litteratura, /. literature
Littóre, m. a Roman lictor
Litóra,/. a blotting off
Liturgia,/, liturgy
Livella,/, a level [level
LivelUre, to level, to make
LiTellario, m. a tenant, or
Livellato, part, levelled
Livellatóre, m. a leveller, a
lord of the manor
Livello, m. tribute-money, a

Lùcco, m. a gotvn, Lupanare, m. a brothel
(rvorn at Florence! Lupattino, and Lupicfno, m. t
Luce, /. lii^M, hrightf, young wolf
méttere alla luce, to publish Lupesco, Lupigno, and Lu
a rvork venire in luce, to
; pino, adj. belonfring to t

"•olf, qf the nature of <

Lucènte, nitj. shining, bright Luminello, socket of a m rvolf

tùcere. to shine, to be bright
Lucerna,/, a lamu Luminosità, and Luminosi-
Lucemata, /. a lamp full <if Ulde, /. brightness, spten- Lupo, m. a rvolf
Lupo cervière^ »/i. o lynx,
lyucsrtola, and Lucèila, /. a Lumindso, adj. luminous cni ha il lupo per com-
Luna, /. the moon luna nu- ;

Lùchera, /. mien, look òva, the new moon ; luna

I^ucidaménte, adv. brighili^ crescènte, a half moon ;

Lucidare, to elucidate, unfold. luna scema. Me nane of the Ltippolo, TO. hops (an herb)
Lùrido, adj black and blue, at
Lucidato, pari, illustrated Lunare , adj. I. the
J.ucidezza, and Lucidità, /. Lisignuòlo, m. a niehtingaie
light Lunaria,/, lunaiy (an herb) Lùsco, adj. purblind
J,ùcido, adj. bright, lucid Lunàrio, in. an almanac Lusinga, Lusingheria, /. and
Lucifero, v\. the morning star, Lunarista, in. an almanac- Lusingaménto, m. flattery
Lucifer Lusingare, to flatter, coax
Lucificàre, to shine Lunatico, ai^j. lunatic, whim Lusingato, part. flattered
Lucignolo, m. the wick qf a Lusingatóre, m. a flatterer
candle, or lamp, (also; a dit- Lunato, adj. like a half- Lusinghévole, adj. flattering
iaff-fiUt Lusinghevolmente, adv.Jiatter-
Lucrativo, adj. lucrative LunaZi<5ne,/. and Lunaménto, '"gly
i,(thec e of the Lusinghièro, and Lusinghière,
Lucrosair gain- adj. flattering ; un lusing-
fully Lunedi, , hièro, a flatterer
Lucróso, adj. prqfiluble Lunga, adi>. long; alia Mnga, Lussazióne,/, a luxation; {the
Ludere, to play, sport at long run andar in 1 finga,
; being out ofjoint)
Ludibrio, m
a mockery to linger raanddr in lunga,
Ludilicire, to dcceii to put off Lussureggiare, to be wanton
Lungàgnola,/ and LunghiiJre, Lussùria,/, sensuality
LudiHca; ., f > /. a kind qf net, a tedious Lussuriare, to be sensual, to be
or Jecei , over-JhiUe
Ludimagistro, Lungamente, adv. long while Lussurióso, adj wanton
Lunge, adv. fur, a great way Lustra,/, den, cave
off (in poetry) Lustrante, adj. shining, bright
I,uughes6o, adv. long, near rare, to illustrate, polish.
Lunghézza, and Lmigheria,/.
e who calen-
LùtTo, m

Lustre,/, pi. shifts, evasions

Lustrino, m. lustring, a cloth,
julep (also) spangles
Liingo, adv. a long time Lustro, und Lustróre, m. lustre,
Luògo, m. place : room ; ce- splendour the space of Jive

; avere il luògo,
to have the precedency ;
Lumacdne, m. a large snail, non ho luogo di creder al-
sneaking fellow
Lume, j/i. light, brighine
knowledge far lume ad un^
: Lutifigolo, »rt. a potter
to light one pagare il lume : sheiter
eida"' '

end of" Luogoten?nte, '

m. li tute-
n affili)
^gidre, to illumin, Luogoteii«n2a, /. lieutenancy
ruttare, io lament, mourn Jiraceróne, m. a kind of pars- Jlaestà, Maestide, and Maes
iùtto, ni. mourning ley tate, /. majesty , delitts
Luttuosamente, adv. mourn- Ma che ? adv. but what f di lesa maett^, high trea
fuUy IMàcia, /. a heap qf stones,
Luttuóso, and Lutt<5so, adj. a lurking-hole, a scerei Maestosamente, and ]tlaes-
sorrowful, tad tevolraéute, adv. majesti-
Lutulento, adj. muddy cally
Maestóso, and Maestévole, adj.

Maci;énte, and Macilento, m. Maèstra, and Maestréssa, /,

M lean, thin, pale

Macilenza,/, leanness
Macinaménto, ni. MacinatlSra, wind
Maestrale, m. the north-west

and Macinata, /. a grind- Maestràre, to give otic the

MA,checonj. bui, nay; ma degree of doctor, or matter
prò to ? rvhcU pur- Macinàre, to grind of arts; (also) ti teach, in-
Macinato, part, ground ; m. struct
Macc*a,/. plenty, store Maestràto, m. magistracy
Maccatèlla,/. a defect, flam Mac oil-n Maestràto, adj. cm mede a
Macchéria, /. a calm, still- Macinatóre, m. a grinder doctor, ^c.
Màcine, and Màcina,/, a mill Maestranza, /. a amipany qf
Wacchcrdni, m. pi. a sort of stone esser alla macine, io
; tradesmen
paste meat un maccheróne,
be very poor Maestrévole, adj. masterly
a blockhead Maciulla, /. a brake (for Maestrevolmente, adv. curi •

Màcchia, /. spot, stain a flax);

note of infamy; (also) a Maciullare, to mash flax

bush, or bushy place mo- Macro, adj lean, thin
; ig, authority
néta a la9 E icchia ;,/>,7 ^n. Màcula,/, a spot, stain, a note Maestro, adj. skilful, chief;

ney of infamy strada maéstia, the high

Macchiare, to slain, spot, blur Maculare, and IVtacoIàre, to road; mal maèstro. Me /nW-
Macchiato, part, stained stain, blemish, to b*at ing sickness
Màcchina,/ machine, plot soundly Jlaéstro, m. master, or teacher :
JVIacchinàle, adj. machinal Maculazióne, /. a staining, maestro di casa, a steward;
Macchinaménlo, m. a machi- spot maestro di càmera, a Lord
nation Maculóso, adj. spotted Chamberlain
Macchinare, to contrive Madama,/. Madam Maga,/, a sorceress, a witch
Macchinato, part, plotted Madamigella,/, a young lady, Magagna, /. and Magagria-
Macchinatóre, m. plotter ménto, m. fault, blemish,
Macchinazióne, /. plot, de- Mademo, adj. maternal dtfect
Màdia,/, a hutch, a trough Magagnare, io corrupt, spoil.
Macchinfsta, m. a machin- Màdido, adj. damp
Ut Madie, atid Madìò, adv. in Magagnato, part, corrupted,
Macchiòne, m. a thiih bush troth, tn faith tainted
Macchióso, adj spotted Madonna,/, the Virgin Mary
Macciànghero, adj. strong- Madre, and Màue, / mother ;

limbed, dull, stupid

Macco, m. beans boiled to a origin, spying, root, a mould Magazzino,»!, a warehoute
nuuh. A macco, adi;, rlen- or frame to cast any thing Maggése, and Maggiàtica, /.
tifuUy in : madre di latte, a foster- a fallow ground
Mace, /. the middle husk qf a mother Màggio, m. month qf May;
Madreggiare, io be like one's adj greater
Macellàio, and Macellaro, m Maggioranza./, suptnonty
a butcher '«ladrepérla, /. mother of Maggiordòmo, tn. a steward
Macellare, to butcher, kill. Maggióre, adj. greater, eider,
superior maggióri, fore-

Macèllo, m. shamble, slaugh- fathers dare il suo maggióre,


ter-house ; massacre to do the utnuKt

Macerare, to steep, or soak, to Maggiorello.m. a little older
Maggiorenti, m. pi. the chi^
Macerato, part, macerated
Macerazióne,/, infusion, mor- Madrigaleggiare, to r 5Iaggioria,/. superiority
tificafuin, maceration Maggiormente, adv. mare
jflàcero, adj. nioeerated, soak- better, particularly
Màgica m. magie
ìHgico, aJJ. magical Magrézza, /. leanness, scar-
Jlaggiornàto, m. the eidtst city
Jlàghero, adj. lean, thin Magro, lean, meagre ;
adj. Malarrivato, ladj. unfortw
Wagfa,/. magic orno magro, fish-day ;

Wagicile, mnd Jldgico, adj. langiàr di magro, to for- Malassettito, part, disorder-
magical, magic :ar meat ; il magro, lean
Wagicalménte, adr. magi- .eat ;ten-éno magro, a bar- Malattfccio, adj sickly
cally '.n ground ; far magro, io Malato, adj. sick, ill

Slagidne,/ abode, habitation itjish Malatolta, or Mala tolta,/ a

JlagiOstra,/. haitlboij (a large Mai, adv. never ; mai più. robbery, theft, (also) a tax,
ttrarvberry) impost
Magisteriàlo, m. a freen Maiale, m. a hog Malattia, disease, sickness
Maiestà,/ majesty Malaventura,/, misfortune
Mainò, adv. no, not at all Malauguróso, adj. ill-omen-
Màio, m. a green buugh, a
btmch Malavòglia, and Malarogli
Maiòlica,/, earlhenn'are énza, /. ill-nìill, tnaltvo-
Magistrale, adj. magisterial, Maioràna,/. marjoram, (a sort
great, noble of herb) Malavvedóto, adj. impru
magistralità, /. doctrine, sci- I\raioràsoo,m. an elder brother's
Malavventurato, adj. unfortu
Wagistralménte, adv. chiefly, ]\Iaiordómo, «t. a sieroard
learnedly Mai più, adv. never before ;
Malavventurosamente, adv
Magistrato, m. magistrate, a mai sempre, always unfortunately
Maisì, adv. yes, truly Malavézzo, adj. ill-bred
Maiùscola,/, capital letter Malazzato, adj. sickly
MalaccOlto, adj. ill-received Malbigdtto, adj. ill-minded a ,

Malaccdncio, adj. ill-used Ion word)

Malaccòrto, adj. artless, in- Malcaduco, m. falling sick

Malacreànza,/. incivility Malcapitato, part, ruined.

Maglia to, adj. made qfmail Maladetto, part, ciirsed
Màglio, m. a mallet, a beetle, IWaladfre, and Maladicere, to
mail far con màglio, to dc

Magliuòlo, m. layer, shnoi Malcóncio, adj. abused
Magnanimità,/ greatness Malcondesceridénte, adj. un-
Magnànimo, adj. magnani- complaisant
Malconddtto, part, ill used
Magnano, m. a locksmith MalconoscEnte, adj. ungratt
Magnate, adj. principal ; i

magnati, peers Ma! consigliato, adj. inconsider

Magnesia, /. magnesia (c
mineral) Malagévole, adj. difficult Malcontènto, adj. discontented,
Magnète,/, loadstone Malagevolezza,/, difficulty ill-ajfected
Magnètico, adj. magnetic Malagevolmente, adv. diffi Malcostumato, adj. uncivil,
Magnificamente, adv. stately cultly indecent
Magnificaménto, m. a praise ]\IaIagl:5to, part, unprovided Malcreato, adj. ungenleel
Magnificare, to magnify Ma\agÙTa,f.abadomen Malcubato, adj. sickly
Magnifit^dto, part, extolled Malagurito, adj. unfortu Malcurante, adj. supine, care-
Magnificatdre, m. a praiser
Magnificènte, and Blagnifico Malagurio, m. a bad omen MaldicSnte, and Maldicitdre,
adj magnificent MalaguricJso, adj. ill-omened, adj. slanderous
Magnificenza,/. ìnagnvficence unhappy, ill Maldicenza,/, slander
praise Malaménte, adv. badly, Maldispósto, adj. ibl-minded
Magnifico, adj. magnificent elly Maldurévole, adj. of a short
Magniloquènra,/. emphasis Malandare, to ruin one's si
jragndoquo, adj. emphatical UTalandato, adj. wretched Male, m. evil, mischief,
Magnitùdine,/, greatness Malandrino, m. a robber; adj. harm, damage ; sickness,
Miglio, adJ great, eminent roguish, knavish disease ; far male, to dc
Malanno, m. mi^orlune, dis- wrong ; tarsi male, to hurt
Magramente, adv. poorly
Magrftto, and Jlagrfao, adj.
thin, lean
Malèdico, adj. slandering , m.
a slanderer
Maledire, to cune
Maledizii5ne, /. cursC; male- Malvagio, adj wicked mal» ;

diction, plague IWaliìiàto,and Malizióso, adj. vagió, a villain

Malefica,/, a lorceress malicious, mischievous Malvagità,/ wickedness
Maleficiàto, part, ben-itched Maliziosamente, adv. mali- Malvavischio, m. marsh-mtU'
Maleffcio, m. tvitchcrajt.
Malleabile, adj. malleable, Malvedére, to look with an evi
(said of metals) eye
Màlleo, ni. a hammer Malvedùto, m. hatred
Mallevadóre, m. and Melile- "Tal vestito, part. shabbily
MalfvoUnZa, and Malevo- vadorfa,/. bail, security
gliénza,/ hatred Mallevare, to bail one [al vicino, m. an iU neigh-
Malèvolo, m. adversary Mallevato, m. and Maleverfa,
Afalfaciménto, m. a crime /. a bail, security Malvisto, part, heated
Malfare, to do rvrong Millo, m, the green sheU of Mai vivo, adj. half dead
Malfatto, m. a crime, gvilt MalvogliCnte, adj. malevo-
Malfatto, pari, deformed Mai maestro, m. the falling lent
Malfattóre, m. a malefactor sickness Malvolentièri, adv. unnilling-
Malfattorra,/. witchcraft Malmenare, to afflict, torment. ly, with difficulty
Malfondato, adj. ill-grounded Malvolere, m. ill-will
Malfrancese, m. the venereai Malvoluto, odious, liai^ul
Maliiria,/. bad omen
Malusato, part, ill employed
Malmóndo, m. hell Mamma, /. mamma, (also) a
Malnato, adj. uncivil, rude woman's breast ('in poetry)
Malgrado, prep. in spile of; Mdlo, adj. bad, ill Mammalucco, m. a block-
m. displeasure, spite; vostro Malóra,/, andar in malóra, to
malgrado, in spite of your Mammina, f. a governess, a
teeth Malordinato, part, disordered, midwife
Malgrazioso, adj. disagree- covfused Mammella,/, a breast
Malóre, m. evil, disease Mammollno, adj. childish
Malparato, adj. destitute, de- Màmmolo, m. a child, an in-
praved Jbnt
Mai Malpiglio, m. angry look Mammóne, m. and Mammó-
Malifizio, m. (sec JMalencio, Malpr;<Uco, part, unexperi- na, / the god qf riches •

and its derivatives) a marmoset, monkey, nil..

Malignamente, adu. malicious- Malprcpaiito, adj. ill-pre-
ly, enviously
Malignare, to grorv malig- Malprò, m. hurt, damage
MalprocEdere, m. incivility
ha- Malpròprio, adj. improper
Jlalprovvedùto, adj. ill pro-
vided JMancdre, to want ; to fail .
Mal/gno, adj. malicious, hurt- Malsania,/. ill habit of body mancar di parola, to break
ful : m. the devil iMalsanlccio, adj. sickly one's word: mancar il col-

>ralinc6DÌco, adj. melon- Malsano, adj. unhealthy, in-

Malinconia,/, melancholy Malsicuro, adj. uncertain

Malinconicamente, adv. sad- Malsiniréro, adj. unsincere
Malsofferènte, adj. impati-
Malta,/, dirt, mud, mortar
Maltolto, »i. tax, exaction
Maltornlto, adj. rough, un-
polished Manchévole, adj. imperfect
Maltrattaménto, »i. ill usage Manchevolézza, and Man-
Maltrattare, to ill use, abuse chézza, /. fault, impcrfec-
Maltrattóto, part, ill used
Malióso, adj. enchanting ISIaltrovaniéntu, m. a bad in- M^ncia, /. drinking, mo
Malisc^lco, ni. a quarter-
master, a farrier, a noble-
Iato mancino,
the left Manganare, foca/enrff,.
Manifattiira, / workmanship
Manco, m. mani; né manco, Manganelle,/, a cross-bow
pi. benches (in
neither; mànce, left, left-
handed unhappy, dUaatrout,
Manifestamente, adv. plainly
defective. Manco, adj. less, Mamfestaménto, m. manifeil.
even ; venfrsi manco, to faint
away Mangeréccio, adj. eatable
Manifestare, to manifest
Mandaménto, m. a mandate Manifestato, part, manifeited
Mangeria,/ extortion Manifestazióne, /. maiùfèsta-
Mandare, to send, order, ii Mangiaf&rro, ,n. a cut-thro
/'>•)«, acquaint ; mandar
«re, to send nord ; mandi., Manifésto, adj. plain, evident
Mangiaménto, m. an e •
m. a manifesto, (a decree)
furfra. to pour out; mandar
Mangiapane, m. on. goo,
ad effètto, to effect
mandar '- nothing but to

a male, man-
to squander;
Manfglio, m. and ManlgUa,/.
dar giù,
<» rum to swaUow Mangiapélo, m. a moth,
down; mandar via, to dis. * Manigóldo, m. executioner
la worm)
miss mandar in lungo, to Mangiare,
Mannnésso, adi. cut
m. the act of eat- Manina./ anà Mainino, m, a
!«§•; (also) food, victuals
Mandata,/, a sending little hand
Mangiare, io eat, waste
Mandatàrio, m. a commission. JManmconla, / (see Malin-
Mangiata,/ beliyfuil
Mangiativo, adj. fit to eat
Manda'to, part, tivesi
sent man- Mangidto. pari, eaten Manipolare,
dato m. an order, warrant to work with
Mangiatóia, /. a manger, a
Mandola, and Mandorla, tìie hand» adj. soldato;
an almond manipolare, a common sol-
Mangiatóre, m. an eater
Mandòla, /. cithern (a musi- Mangióne, 7n. a great eater
ent) Manipolazióne,/ composition
Manfa, /. madness
Mandorlo, almond- Manfaco, adj. mad.fnrioi^
'>-f'"ipolo, m. a handful, (also)
maniple fused by popish
Mamca, fa sleeve, the handle
MSndra,/. nfloek, herd
a knife, S:c. Questo é
Mandracchia,/. a piostitttte
altro paio di maniche, it
isralco, m. fairier,
MandrJigola, /. mandrak ts quite another thing
(a p. •nt),
Manicaménto, m. an eatin" a
na, / m.anna, an ex-
Mandriiile, and Mandria..^, lie food ; (also) a sheaf
torroding, or corrosion "'
m akc-eperoflargtcattle Manicare, fo eat (low word)
of co
Manducare, to eat (Latin Mar
Ianni ia, /. .
manicarsi, to detest one chet
Mdne,f morning Manicarétto, m. a ragout
I annero, adj. lupo man-
Maneggiabile, and naro, a mail of the rvood, or
Maneg- Manichino, m. a
gievole, adj. tractable ruffle, satyr
muff, a small handle -.1 annerino, m. a lambkin
Maneggiaménto, m. manage- famco,
" rn. a handle m^mco Mano,
d- xm

violino, the neck of

/ hand, hand-nrif-
Maneggiare, to govern, direct, ing ; (also) aid, assist-
.fiddle; uscir del manirn
to feel, touch ; maneggiar ,
ance; porger la m;lno, io
-agant favour ; cader per mano,
ManicCtto, muffl to happen ; menir le
mani, to beat menar per ;

Maneggiato, part, handled mdno, to lead ; tener ma-

Manicrlsto, m. a kind of con- no, to assist ; fuor di mdno,
Manéggio, m. a riding honsi -^
(also) a negotiation, out of the way; ugner le
manage- Manièra,/, manner,
ment; manéggio occulto, a way, sort. mam, to bribe ; uscir di
mino, to escape : venire
Mangila,/, a sheaf alle raiSni,
Manére, and Manièro alzdr
remain,to stay le :

asant and
^^^^j^^càlco, m. (tee Manis-
adj. tame,
Manescamente, adv. with tne's able

Manésco, adj. handy, offfhand, N. B For a more copious
passionale, angry collection of idiomalical
ManSlte, f pi. handcufls, compounded with
^an&iiiJe, m. the iumdie IMdno, see Alberli's or
of a Baretti's Diet.
Manifattóre, workman
PA ET I. Manomettere, to make thi
first cut ; to set free ; to de- Manuale, adj. manual ; m. Màrcido, and Màrcio, adi.
bricklayer's labourer roilen ; à tuo màrcio dii.
Manopola, /. a gauntlet ; a Manualmente, adv. manu- petto, in spile of yuu
haif sleeve ally Maroigióne,/. corruption
Manoscritto, m. a. manu- Manùbrio, m. a handle, Marcióso, part, ccrrupied.
Manóso, adj. soft, tractable Manucàre, to eat
"''«fanotenenza, /. (see Manu- illanumissióne, /. manumu-
Manovalderfa,/. tukion Manuscritto, m. a manuscript farcorèlla, / m
JtfanoTàldo, m. a tutor, or Manutenzióne, /. a posses-
n culjudged upon a full
Manovale, and Mancale, m.
a manual, a bricklayer's Manzo, m. 071 ox
labourer Manzotta,/ a heifer
Manovèlla,/, a lever Maogàni, m. mahogany
Jland^-ra, /. the tackling, or Maommetduo, m. a Maho-
the wotking of a ship
Manrovèscio, and Manro-
vèscio, m, a back stroke
Mansàre, to tame
Mansionàrio, m. a chaplain Jlaragnuóla, /. a hay-stack
'Mansióne, f. abode ; baiting Marame, m. refuse, parings,
Mànso, adj. mild, tame (also) abundance of every
Mansuefare, to tame, ap-

MansuefàttD, part, tamed

Mansugscere, to grorv tame
Mansuetamente, adv. meek- Mar
ly disease)
Mansuèto, adj. mild, tract- Maraviglia, /. wonder. A
able maraviglia, ady. wonder-
Mansuetùdine, /. meekness fully
Màntaco, m. bellorvs ; the Maravigliàbile, and Mara-
.,- lungs; mantacare, to blorv, vigliévole, adj, wonderful,
^' astonishing
Mantèca, /. pomatum Maravigliaménto, m, admira-
Mantellare, to cloak ; man-
tenersi, to cloak one's :Maravigliàrsi, to wonder
self Maravigliosamente, adv. won-
Mantellètta,/. a rocket derfully
MantelUno, m. a veil, a cur- Maraviglióso, adj. marvel-

Mantello, ni. a cloak; sott-o Màrca, /. token, sign ; a

mantèllo, under colour coantry
Mantenente, adv. just nom Marcare, and Marchidre, to
Mantenére, to Reep, maintain, mark, to border upon
support ; mantenérsi, to sub- Marcasslta, /. marcassite fa
Manteniménto, m. mainte- Marcato, part, marked
Marcescibile, a. corruptible
Marchésa, and Marchesana,
judged upon a full trial /. a marchioness
Mantenitòre, m. a preserver Marchesato, m. a marquisate
Mantenuto, part, f.iaintained Marchése, m. marquis
Mantice, m. bellorvs Màrchio, and Marco, m.
Mantlciàro, m. a bellorvs- mark, sign
mender Màrcia, /. and Marciume,
Mantiglia,/, a rvoman's cleak m. corruption, pus, thick
Manale, m, a tt/rvel
Manto, m. a cloak, a mark: Marciapiède, m. causeway,
pretence, a rvoman's ck ik footpath
Mantdre, adv. cfteniinui Marci<tre, to march, rot,
Mantrugiare, to run'pU putr^y
martirizzarsi, to torment Massàia,/, housewife
one's self Massàio, m. a steward
Martirizzato, part, martyred Masseria, /. a farm-house, a
Slaritaménto, m. matrimony Martirològio, 7h. martyrology quantity of goods
Alarit^re, to marry Blàrtora, /. martin (an ani- Masserizia, /. furniture,
Maritato, part, married mal) sparingness
Marito, m. husband, spante Màrtore, m. a martyr (also) Massiccio, adj. massy, strong
Marittimo, adj. maritime Màssima,/, maxim, rule
Mariuoleria,/. a knavish trick m. a poor felloni
IMartorèllo, Massimaménte, adv. espedally
Mariudlo, 7n. a knave, cheat Martoriaménto, m. the rack Massimo, adj. supreme, verj,
Marmdglia,/. the mob Jlartoriàre, Martiràre, and great
Marmo, m. marble Blartorezzàre, to rack, to ^'lasso. m. a rock, a large stone
Warmorària, /. sculpture. torment Mastello, m. a bucket, pail
Martorio, and Martdro, m. Masticare, and Masticacchi-
Marmoràrio, ?n. a stone-cutter àre, to deliberate upon, to
Marraoràto, m. incrustation chew masticar paternòstri,

pieces of marble to play the hypocrite

Mormorato, adj. marbled Masticato, part, chewed
JWarmdreo, adj. like marble Masticatura, /. and Mastica-
Marmòtta,/, and Marmotto, ménto, m. chewed meat
m. a marmotte like Masticazióne,/ mastication
Mardso, m. a rvave, billom ;
Marzo, m. March Màstice, m. mastic, (a gum)
a marsh, a boggy place; Marzocco, m. a fool, a cast, or lip-glue
(also) perturbation of the painted lion Mastiettàre, to thrust in a hook
Marzolino, and Marzudlo, fora hinge
Marra, mattock
f. pick-axe, adj. belonging to, or grow-
; MastK-ttatUra,/. the iron work
ferro di due mirre, the an- ing in the month of March of a door
chor of a ship ; ferro di JMascagno, adj. cunning, Mastietto, m. a hook for a
quattro marre, the any,iMr of crafty hinge
a galley Mascalcia, a furrier's art Mastino, m. a mastiff dog
MaiTaiudlo, in. a pionee-, a Mascalzóne, m. a ruffian, a Màstio, m. the male
delver soldier Mastrevolménte, adv. in a
Marrano, i Mascèlla, f.jatv, cheek
Marretto, •....
I. „ mattock
a Mascellare, m. side teeth Mastro, m. master ; adj. prin-
Marriménto, m Mascheraio, m. setter of
affliction Mastrusciére, m. a door-
Manritta,/, the right hand Mascherare, to mask
Marrftto, adj. right-handed Màschera, /. a mask cavarsi ; Matassa,/, skein, heap, parcel
Marròbbio, to. horehound (a la maschera, to speak one's Matassata, /. several skeins,
sort of kerb) mind freely ; mandar in (also) embarrassment
Marrocchino, m. Morocco maschera, to steal a thing Matemàtica, /. mathematics.
Marróne, m. a mattock, (also^ Mascherata,/, a masquerade
chestnuts ; far un marróne, Mascherato, part, masked
to blunder Mascherlzzo, m. a livid
Marronéto, m. an orchard of mark mathematieal
chestnut-trees Mascheróne, m. a sculptured Materassaio, to. a mattress-
Marrovéscio, m. a back stroke or painted head
Marte, m. 3Iars (a planet) Maschiamente, adv. manly Materasso, m. and Materassa,
Martedì, m. Tuesday Maschiézza, /. virility, man- , / qvilt, mattress
Martellare, to hammer ; Materia, and Matéra, /.
tease, plague, to beat, or Maschfle, adj. manly - .ibiect, cattse
Màschio, m. the male ; Materiale, adj. material
Martellata, /. a blow rmth a maschi pensièri, noble Materiali, materials
hammer thoughts Materialità,/, the substance
Martèllo, m. a hammer Mascolinità,/, the being a male
Martinello, m. a crane (an i\,ro.^„i/„„ and Mascolino, Materialmente, adv. material.
ly, coarsely
Matemale, adj. materiial,
, a family, a company motherly
Martirio, and MartTro, iière, m. a soldier. Maternamente, adv. motherly
martyrdom Maternità, /. j
Martirizzaménto, m. mart\ Massa,/, heap; la massa del
sangue, the blood ; far masia.
Maturare, to ripen, tofinUh Me, pron. »
Matitatóio, m. a fencU-case Meandro,». — „-
Matràcrio, m. a retort (a glass Maturato, part, ripened^ old
[(AerA) Maturazióne, Maturezza, and
Meato, m. a pore of the body
vessel) mecha-
ÌMatricàle, m. molher-nwrt Maturità,/, maturity, ripe- Meccanicamente, adv.
ness, (also) rviidom, modera- nically
:^[atv;ce,/. momb, m»uld mechanical.

Meccànico, adj.
Matricida, m. nyirderer of a
mother, matricide Maturo, adj. ripe: età ma- I, Ion
tura, advanced age; uòmo Meccànico, m. a
If atricfdio, m. matricide, mur-
der «fa viother maturo, a discreel man ; Meccanismo, m. mechanism
consiglio maturo, mature Meccére, m. master (jc ^ly)
Matrfcola,/. matricular, book, proli, and prep, ivitn mc
judgment Meco,
money paid at setting up sepulchral Medàglia,/, medal
Mausolèo, m. a
edifice, nmusoleum
Medaglióne, m. a medallion
Matricolare, to matriculate
Mazza, /.
Medaglista, m. medallist
la ÌMedémo, a<y. {see Medésimo)
man-tgna, to pout Medesimamente, and Medis-
Matrigndre, and IMatrigneg- simo, adv. likcrvise, also
giàre, to use roughly, like a Medesi-
Medesimézza, and
raità,/ idenlily, sameness
Mazzafràsta,/. ballast Medésimo, adj. same, self.
Matrimònio, m. matrimony Mazzamarróne, m. a uwcn.-
Mediante, j.rej). hi one's help.
Matrfna,/. miditife
Matrisalvia, /. clary (a sort of MaZzamuiro, m. the crumbs of

Mazzapicchiire, to strike with Mediataménte, and Mediante,

a millet adv. mediately, by means
Mazzapicchio, »n. a mallet Mediate, adj. interposed, (a.lsQ)
aiattaccindta, /.
Mazjasette, m. a bravo
Mazzata, /. a blow n-ith a Mediatóre, m. mediator
Mediazióne,/, mediation
Slédica. lucern (herb)
Mazzeranga,/, a rammer f.

Mazzeranghe, to ram Medicàbile, adj. curable

Mattamente, adv. madly Medicaménto,' and Medi-
Mazzero, m. a knotty stick
Mattiire, to mate (at chess) :àme, m. a medicament, a
Matteggiare, to play the fool Mazzétta,/, a mallet
Mattematica,/. see Matemà- Mazzétto, m. a small bundle
Mazzicàre, to beat, bang Medicamentóso, adj.
Medicante, m. a physician
Mazzière, m. a mace-bearer Medicare, to heal, cure
nkh) mazzo di Medicastro, Medicastróne, &
Mattézza, and Matteria, /. Mazzo, m. a bundle : Madicastronzólo, m. a me.
foolishness carte, a pack of cards mazzo :

di fiori, a nosegay aliar

i dicaster, a quack
Mattina, J', morning ;

Meilicato, part, medicated

Mattinare, to sing under one's mazzi, to run away
Mazzocliiaia, /. a ivoma Medicatóre, m. a physician
that 3resses hair, (also) the Medicazione,/, a remedy
rising [the morning
whole hai
' ''
aiedichézza, /. a female phy-
Mattinata, /. o serenade, in
e bundle of a,
Mattfno, m. the morning Medichévole, adj. ceptihle

Matto, in. mad, foolish

Mattonare, t with square Mazzòcchio, m. a kind ofeot
the sprouts of succory, (ali
Medicina,/, physic,
land, crorvd, the nrtof physic
Mattonato, ptrl. paved; tvftofhah
Medicinale, adj. rn
mattonato, a pavemeiU remedy
M"a22occhiùto, adj. knotty,
Mattóne, m. brick, an arrant Medicinalmente, adv. physi'
fool cally
MattorUére, m. a brick-maker Mazzoino, m. a nose^^ay
Mazzuòla,/, a small stick Medico, m. a physician ad). :

Mattutinàle, adj. matutinal • nal; medico d' acqua

Mattutino, m. morning-prayer, Mazzuòlo, m. a little bundle, or
segay (also) a pick, a kind a quack
matins, (also) morning ; |

Medio,'»», the middle finger

Mattutino, adj. of the inorn- Medio, adj. of 'the middle
Me", adv. bettei ; or middle !

Mediocre, adj. mc'- '-

(in poetry): p er me", adv. j

through the middle, be- Mediocremente,
Jlediocrità,/. mediocrity Sfelmdso, adj. muddy Jlenatura, /. a joint, motion,
Meditare, to meditate Jlelo, m. an apple-tree agitation
Meditatamente, adv. detign- Melocotógno, m. a ijuince-iree Méncio, adj. lhin,iender,{also'
edly Melodia, and MeWde, /.
Meditativo, adj. given up to melody Mènda, f. amendment, pt-
Melodiosamente, adv. melo- natty, forfeit ; defect
Aleditato, part, meditated dinnshj
Meditazione, /. and Medita- Melodióso, and Melodico, adj. Mendace, adj. lying
ménto, VI. meditation Mendacemente, adv. deceit-
Mediterràneo, adj. Mediter- Afelogranato, m. pomegranate fully
ranean : mare Mediterràneo, AJekiggine,/. the crab-apple Mendàcio, m. a falsehood
the Mediterranean tea .Meluiiie, m. a hat blighting Mendàre, to amend
Méjjlio, adv. belter, betl, rather Mendicante, adj. begging un ;

more: andar di bene in mendicante, m. a beggar ;

mèglio, Iv -row better and frate mendicante, a begging
better ; alia mèglio, for the friar
best Membro, m. limb, member i\f endicàre, to beg
Jliglioràre, .Af embruto, adj strong-limbe4 Mendicato, adj. begged
Mémma,/. mud, dirt Mendicatòte, m. a beggar
^femoràbile, adj memorable Mendioazióne,/. a bagging
indo, and Memorévole, Mendicità, Mendicitàde, and
Mendicagiòne, /. beggary
Melacftola,/. balm-gentle .i:t^re,.c<.„ Mendico, m. a beggar
Jlelacotdgna,/. a quince Memorativa,/, tin Jlendòso, adj faulty
Melaciolcito, aJj. iweetened faculty Menno, adj. beardless, drftc-

Jlelagrana, and Melagranàta, Memorato, part, mentioned Jlèno, adj. less; il meno,
.f. pomegranate Mèmore, adj. mindful, recol- the least'; non posso far di
Slelagràno, «i. pomegranate- lecting
Memòria,/, memory, remem- non si può far di meno, one
brance: imparare a me-
mòria, to learn by heart

Melansàggine, and Melensàg-

Melarància, Melàngola,/. and
Melàngolo, m. an orange Menomanza, /. fault, nant,
ÌWelaràncjo, m. an otange- Ména, /. negotiation, staie^ diminution, depression
cintdilion, quality Menomare, and Menomenàre,
Menagerfa, /. a menagerie, (a
yard! Menomato, part, lessened
eugarj Menale, /. the cliord of an Menomo, and Jlénimo, adj.
elàta, /. the Aug,, less, least
(also) un apple-marmalade Mènsa, /. a table ; apparec-
Melato, adj. honeyed, srveet as chiar la mènsa, io lay the
honey cloth : mensa episcopale,
Mele, m. honey mèle, /. pi. ;
Henare, to lead. In bring, to
applet loosen, to produce, to beget : Mensàle, adj. belonging to the
Melea'grida, ]\Ieleàgride,/. the menar un pugno, to beat,
Guinea-hen to strike : menar buòno, to
^Melensàggine./, silliness, folly grant ; menar per la lunga,

Melenso, adj. silly, foolish to delay ; menar le mani, Mensuàle, adj. monthly
Meléto, m. an apple-orchard to beat, strike ; menar mo- Menta./, mint
Melichtoo,m cider glie, to marry ; menar via, Stentale, aiij- belonging to tht
Mèlico, adj melodious to lake an-ay ; menar i gi-
MeUfero, adj. fruitfitl in honey órni, to spend one's days : ^Iemalmente, adv. ttunlal-
ÌMéliga,/ Turkey corn menar a capo, tn accomplish :

Melfssa,/. balm-gentle menar :n servàggio, to en- Mentastro, m. tvilJ mint

Mellificare, to produce honey Ménte, /. understanding •

Mellifluo, adj. mellifluous, por ménte, to reflect im- :

smeet, agreeable parare a ménte, to get by

IVIeHiSne, m. a waler-melon, heart uscir di ménte, /•

(also) a blockhead forget sapere a ménte


Melma ': mud, dirt lo know by heart : tetórc


dare all' altrui mercè, io im- Merlotto, in. a loggerhead
metter la ménte di fuor Merluzzo, m. à meCwell, (a
del tondo, io rave, be half Mercechè, adv. because small cod)
Mercéde,/, reward Mèro, adj mere; acqua mera,
Mentecattiggine, /. foolish- Mercenariamente, adv. mer- clear mater mero sciòcco, a

cenarily downright fool

Mentecatti Mercenario, adj. mercenary Mesata,/, an entire month, a
Wenticàre, , „ Merceria./, mercery month's pay
Mentlcùrvo, adj. inclined to Méscere, to mix, or pour
Meschiaménto, m. and Mes-
Mentire, to lie: mentire !e chiànza, /. mixture, a
sue paròle, to ditsemble Mercoledì, and Mercordl, m.

mentire altrui, to give one Wednesday Meschina,/, a servant-maid

MercorEUa,/ dog's caul Meschinamente, ade. poorly
Mentita,/, a lie Mercuriale, adj. mercurial Meschinèllo, and MeschinEtto,
Mentitamente, aJv. faltely Mercùrio, m. mercury, quick- adj. poor, wretched
Mentito, adj. false, lying Meschinità, and Meschinia,/.
Mentitóre, m. a lidr misery, poverty
Mento, m. chrn Meschino, adj. miserable
Mentdsto, odu. much less Méschio, adj. mixed
Mentovare, and Menzionare, Merenddne, m. a blockhead Mesciròba, r
Meretricàre, to play the Mescitóre, m a cup-bearer
^Mentovato, adj. mentioned Mescolaménto, m. and Mes-
Méntre, or Mentrechè, adv. Meretrice,/, a strumpet colanza, /. mixture, mis-
tvhilst ; méntre ch'io vivo, Meretriciaraénte, adv. tvhor- cellany, a salad i/ small
ingly herbs
Mentuto, adj. with a long Meretricio, m.
trenching, Mescolare, to mix, blend, mid-
nhiiring (a barudy-house) dle mescolar le carte, to

Menzionare, to mention Mérgere, to plunge shuffle the cards

Menzionilo, part, mentioned Mergo, m. a diver (bird) Mescolatamente, m. promis-
Menzióne, /. mention Meridiano, adj. and m. meri- cuously
Mea2óga3i,f.alie Mescolato, part, mixed, blend-
Menzognèro, adj. lying, false
Meramente, adv. merely Mescolattìra,/. an<{ Mescùglio,
Meravigliare, (see Maravi-
gliare, and its derivatives; Mése, m. month
Meraviglia,/ wonder Mesenterio, nt. mesentery
Mercanteggiare, to trade Mei self MGssa,/ a mass, a service at
Mercantfle,a4;- mercantile _ table, (also) a stock, a shoot,
Mercanzia, and Mercatanzta, Meriggio, Merigge, m. anc sprout
/. goods-, merchaitdise Meriggia,/, mid-day, noon Messaggeria,/, an embassy
Meitatinte, and Mercante, m. Meriggióne, adv. at noon- Messaggiéie, and Messaggiéro,
merchant, tradesman : far m. messenger
orécchie di mercante, to pre- Meritamente, adv. deservedly 5lessàggìo, m. a messenger
tend not to mind mercante Meritamente, m. a reward
; Messale, m. missal
in di gròsso, a wholesale Meritare, to deserve, to reward Mésse,/ harvest
meritar d' uno, to do one t, Messère, m. sir, master ; met-
Merratantóne, m. an opulent of Si •.e ser si, yes, sir
merchant M^ritito, part. deserved. Messia, »i. the Messiah
Mercatore, to cheapen, to IMessióne,/ remittance
Meritévole, adj. deserving Me.'.siticcio, »M. a bud
Jlercàto, m. market, a bar- Meritevolmente, adv. deserv- Mésso, m. messenger, a ter-
gain ; treaty ; commodi- edly, duly, justly Jeant, a course at tabU
ties ; a buon mercato. Mèrito, m. desert, reward, mésso di Juno, the rain-

Mercatura, /. the art oftrad- Jleritoriaraénte, adv. meri- Mésso, part, put, placed
toriously Messóre, m. a reaper
Mérce, /. commodity, goods, Meritòrio, adj. Mestare, to mix, stir
merchandise, recompense, re- Mestatóio, m. a tool to mix
ward, kindness, favour, pity, Merlare, to build battlements
JWerletto, MBrlo, and Mer- Mestica, /. a print, impres-
Mercèi /. help, aid, compas- luzzo, m. lace
tion, pity ; mercè, gran Merlo, m. a battlement, (also) MesticiCre, to plaster a cloth, to
mercè, i thank you ; an- a blackbird
Mestière, Mestièri, and Ses- ter bottéga, to set up in Mez
tièro, »). business, trade, business : métter indtìgio,
rvant ; aver mestière di io delay ; métter le mani Mi, pron. me ; mi pidce, il

quattrini, to rvant money; addosso, io seize; métter phases me

fa mestière, it ìnust sotto sopra, io put topsy- Miagolaménto, m. and Mia
Mestizia, y. melancholy iurxy ; méttersi a correre, gelata,/, metuing
MEsto. adj. sad, pensive méttersi alla strada, ti Miagolare, to mem
MFstola, /. a ladle, (also) a Mica, adv. not, not at all :

Mestolone, and Mestola, m. a credeste, / tvould not have
fool, a lofrgerhead ready, out ;
(also) io set you believe mica di pane«

Mèstruo, m. monthly courses méttere a partfto, io pro- crumb of bread

Mèstruo, adj. monthly pose ; méttere a petto, io Micànte, adj. shining, hrigld
Mestùra,/. e mixture compare; métter cudre, io Miccia,/, match
Meta,/, the half, moiety Miccio, m. and Miccia, /. an
Mèta,/, limit, boundary zi, io propose ; métter in
Metafisica,/, metaphysics forse, to doubt ; méttere Micidia ! Micida, a^.
Metafisicale, and Metafisico, in novèlle, to rail at ;
ad) metaphysical métter in punto, io gei Micio, »?i. a cat
Jfetkfora,/. metaphor ready ; méttere nella via, Microscòpio, m. microscope
Metafòrico, adj. metaphori- Midólla, /. marrow, pUh,
méttere in opera, io ac-
Metaforizzare, io speak meta- complish, (also) to make Midóllo, m. marrow, sub-
phorically use of; métter in serbo, io stance, the best ; pervenire
Wetàllicc- and Metalltao, adj. put by al midóllo, io come to the
metallic, metalline Mettilòro, m. a gilder
Metanièra, m. lie rvho rvorks on Mezzaiuolo, m. a farmer Midollonàccio, n». a block'
metal Mezzana, /. the mizen-eails, head
Metiillo, m. metal a square brick, (also) a Midolióso, adj. full of inar
Metamorfosi, and Metamór-
Mièle, and Mele, m. honey
Metatèsj,/. metathesis Miètere, io reap, mow, crop
I\/etei5ra,/. a meteor t gather
Bleteorològico, adj. lelongìng Mietitóre, m
a reaper
Mietitura,/, harvest, crop
Mietuto, part, mowed, reaped
Mezzano, adj. middle Mfga, adv. not at all
Mezzóre, to grorv flaggy Migliàccio, m. a millet pud-
Metodico, adj methodical Mezzina, /. a pitcher
Mètodo, m. method, rule Mézzo, m. the middle, half; Migliàio, 'm. a thousand
Metricamente, adv. in verse nel mézzo del cammino, migliaia, by thousands
Mètrico, adj. metrical half-way ; in quésto méz- Migliardia, /. shot, haU-
Méto, m. metre, measure zo, in the mean while ; shot
prodikre in mézzo, to al- Miglio, m. a mile, (also) »ni7-
lege ; torre a mézzo, io
take in common mézzo Miglioraménto, m. amend-

ubriaco, half drunk. Méz-

Miglioràre, io mend, grotv
tion andarne di mézzo,

to be a victim to ; produrre in Migliorato,' pari, grown tet-

cammino, to set out ; mèt- mézzo, to allege; star di^méz-
Miglidre, adj. better, best
méttersi in cuòre, io re- Mignatta,/'» leech
solve; méttere in assètto, Blignéllo, m
a miser
to prepare ; méttere in ab- busl Mignolo, m. the little finger
bandóno, forsake ; mét-
to Mezzocérchio, m. a semi- Mignolare, to bloom as ti.
ter la tàvola, to lay the olive-tree
cloth ; méttere alla véla, Mezzocolòre, m. a weak IMigndne, m. darling
io set sail; métter amdre, Migrare, to migrate
io Jìx the ajfection ; mét- Mezzodì, Mezzodfe, and Mez- Mila, pi. of Mille, thousands
tere a fil di spada, to put to Milensàggine, / foolishness
the sri'ord méttere a sac-
; liso) the . Milenso, adj. silly, foolish
co, to pillage ; métter 1 Mill
paura, to frighten ; mét- 1 BliUt;
chièsa mllitónte. the church Miniménto, m. diminution Mfrto, m. myrtle-tree
mililanf Minimire, to diminish Misàlta,/. pickled pork
Wilitire, to militate Mfnimo, adj. least Misaltare, to pickle pork
Militare, adj. military ; drdir Minio, m. vermilion, painl- Misàntropo, m a man-hater
militare, knighthood Misaweniraéuto, ni. mis-
Milit^tore. m. a warrior fori
Mflite, m. « Wrf.Vr, a knight
MiUzia, /. milttia, the art of
mar ; miUzie, troopt Minktro, m. a minister
Afillantàre, tn amplify ; mil- Minoranza,/, minority Miscéa,/. old stuffs, trifles
lantJlrsi, to boast Minorare, to lessen Miscellàneo, adj. miscelta-
Millantatóre, m. a vaunter IMinoratfvo, adj. diminutive
Millanterfa, /. and Milldnto, Minóre, adj- less, least; m. a Mfschia, /. riot, fray, dis-
m. boasting, bragging, otten- minor (of writing)
Minorità,/ minority Mischiànza, Misr.hiàta, /. and
MUIe, %nd adj. thousand; Minugie, adj. of a low de-
dj. thi Mischiaménto, m. mixture,
Dille a lie, by thou- medley
tanas : star in sul mill'», to Mischiare, to mix, blend.
lord it mischiarsi, to intermeddle
Millèsimo, m. a thousand intestine Mischiataméntc, adv. rim-
years, the date of coins. Minufre, to diminish fusedly
Minùscolo, adj. least Mischijfto.m. and Mischiatlira,
Millefoglie, m. milfoil (an Minuta, minute fa /. a mixture, medley
herb) Minutamente, adv. minutely, Mischiato, adj. tnixed
Milza,/, the spleen carefully Mischio, m. mixture
Mfmico, mimic Minutézza, and Minuteria, Misconoscente, wlj. ingrate
^-- adj.
-mffo « trifle, smallness
Misconóscere, and Misco-
Mi . /• bushel. Minuto, m. a minute ; adv. gnóscere, to despise, not to
precisely, very small ; adj.
Minaccévole, and Miiiaccidso, thin, exact, particular ; MiscontSnto, adj. dissatis-
adj.menacing véndere a minuto, to sell by fied
Minàccia, and Minacciatùra, retail; popolo minuto, the Uliscredente, ailj miscreant
/. threat common people Miscredènza,/, incredulity
Minacciare, to threaten Mimifia,/. a small thing Miscrédere, to misbelieve
Jlinacciato, part menaced Minu^dme, m. a great many Muscuglio, m. a mixture,
Minaccio, 111. threat bUs adulteration
Minaccióso, adj. full of AlinuZzàre, to consider, to Miseràbile, and Miserévole,
adj miserable
Minare, to mine Minuzzilo, par<. minced Aliserabilita,/. calamity
Minatóre, m. a miner Bliniizzolo, m. a morsel Miserabilmente, and Mise-
Minatòrio, auj. threatening Mio, pron, my, mitie raménfe, adv. poorly, tniser-
Minchionare, to jest. Mira, / airn, intent ; pigliar ably
di mira alcuno, to prosecut'e M
iseràccio, adj. poor wretch
Minchionatóre, m. a railer Miseramente, adv. miserably
Minchionatiira, /. bantei; Miràbile, adj. admirable Miserando, adj. wretched
Mirabilmente, adv. tvondtr- Miserazi(Sne,/ compassion
Minchionerà,/. folly,fopp»Ty, fully Miserano, adj. wretched
Joke, jest, error, fault Miracolo, m. miracle, Mistfria, /. wretchedness, ava-
Minchióne, tn. a blockhead Miracolóne, m. a gr
Minerale, adj. mineral digy Misericordia,/, mercy
Minerale, m. minerals Miracolóso, adj. miraculous Misericordiosamente, adv.
Minestra,/ pottage, soup Miràglio, m. a looking-glass mercifully
Minestrare, to serve up Mirando, adj. wonderful Misericordióso, and Miseri-
soup Mirare, to behold, to aim at cordévole, a4j. merciful
'ingherlfno, adj. thin, lean Mirato, part, beheld, viewed JIfsero, ailj. sad, wretched,
Miratore, m. a spectator
si. to paint Mirifico, adj. wonderful Blisertà,/. stinginess, misery,
Miro, adj. surprising (in poverty
poetry) Misfàre, to do wrong, to con-
Mfrra, /. myrrh
JMiniéra,/. mineral, a mine Mirteo, and Mirtino, adj. of Misfàtto, »n. misdeed
Minerale, adj. mineral ; ac- myrtle, or made of myrtle Misfatlóre, m. a malefactor
qua mineriSIe, mineral Mirtéto, m. a myrtle-grove Misleale, ad), dislaycà
Mirtillo, m. a myrtle-berry Mislealtà, /. disloyalty
Missionàrio, j>i. ù


or lamp a bougie, (also; the

; MolestéTole, and Molestérile,
tip of the nose
MisteritSso, and ÌMistico, adj. Mijda,/. mode, fashion
mt/slical, oliscnre Mddano, rn. a mould, model 5f olésto, adj. troubUsome
Jlisticaménte, adv. mystically ivr«lellare, to frame Molla,/, a jp-iH^
Jlistichità,/. mystery Modèllo, m a model, rtile Mollame, m. sofifesh
mistione,/ '
Moderare, to moderate JI oliare, to loosen, unbend
Misi iirt. m tgled Moderatamente, adv. mode- Molle, adj. net, weak, f-eble.
soft, i 'Molle', /. pi.
Moderdto, adj. moderate fire
Jloderr.tóre, m. a moderator 5f olleggiare, to spring
Jlodorai-ióne, f. and Mode- ^follemente, adv. tveakly,
slowly, effemiudtely
ZModérno, adj. modern, recent Mollette,/. ;;/ pincers
baffle. Fuor di i ^\oàC-<.\.\a,f: modesty Mollezza,/ sojiness, delicacy
excessively; a i Jloddsto. adj. modest Mollica./, cnnnb
Modificare, to modify, limit Molliccio, «ry soff,tvet
Modificato, adj. limited, mode- Bfollilicamento, m. a viollify-
3MÌS1 adv. IMot! I
MoUificare, to mollify, soften
Hely I
IMolIificatfvo, adj. softening
Misuratézza,/, moderation I
Mollificato, pari, mollified
Misurilo, part, measured \
Mollificazidne, /. mollijica
Misuratóre, m. a land-sur- modo, tu tion
veyor find the way; oltre mòdo,
Misurazióne, /. (see Misura-
Misurévole, adj. measurable
Misusàre, to abuse
Misùso, m. abuse
Mite, adj. gentle, mild
Mitemente, adv. mildly
Miterlno, adj. roguish
Mitigaménto, m. mitigation
Mitigare, to pacify
Mitigativo, adj. lenitive
Mitigato, pari, allayed, eased
Mitigazióne,/, mitigation
Mitologia,/, mythology
Mitologo, m. a mythologist
Mftra, Mitria, and Jlftera, /.

Mitrare, J\Iitri4re, and Mite-

rare, to make a bishop
Mitrato, adj. mitred
Mitridate, m a mithridale
Mobilare, to furnish
Mobile, m. movements, move-
ables : adj. light, moveable
Mobilità, /. mobility, incon-

Moccéca, m. and f. a block-

head; (also) idleness or fool-

Moccicare, to be full in the


Monacare, to tliul i a Monizione,
/. (ste Ammoni- Moralizzate, to moralixe
Moralizzato, part, moralized
la, /. mistress, dame, . i Moralmente, adv. morally
Morato, adj black, or blackish
Morbètto, m. an indisposi-
Monachismo, m. a monkish life Monocòrdo, Sf MouacSrdo,
Mònaco, »n. a monk, drone monocìiord (an instrument)
Monarca, m. a monarch Monodia./, monody
Monarchia,/, monarchy Slonopòlio, m. monopoly
Monàrchico, adj. monarchical MonopoUsta, ni. a monopo- Morbidézza, /. softness, wan-
Moniro, m. a miller tonness, delicateness
Monastèro, and Monastério, Monosfllaba, /. and Monosfl- Morbido, adj soft, voluptuous
labo, »n. a
monosyllable smooth, delicate
Monotonia, m. tnonotony Morbisciato, adj. sickly, tick
Monotono, adj. of one and the Mòrbo, ni. the plague, corUa-
Móne ?.ronsignòre, m. my lord Morbogàllico, /. tlie French
Mondamente, adv. cleanly Jlonstruoso, adj monstrous
Mondaménto, m. a cleaning Mónta,/, the coupling the male
Mondana,/, a common rvoman witli the female
Mondanamente, adv. worldly Montagna,/, mountain Mordacemente, adv. satiri-
Mondano, adj. morldly un ; Montagnóso, adj. mountainous cally, sharply
mondano, in. a tvorldling Montambànco, »t. a quack- Mordacità, /. sharpness, mor-
Mondare, pare, cleanse
to peel,
fiondato, part, cleansed IMontaménto, m. a mo,unting Mordé'nte, m. a whiting (a
Mondatura, S( Mondazióne,/. Montanaro, m. a mountaineer
a paring, cleansing Montanèllo, m. a linnet (a Mordènte, adj. shar.p, tart
Mondézza,/, neatness bird) Mordere, to bite, to censure ;
Mondezzàio, m. a dunghill Montanino, (^ Montanésco, tene faro mòrdere le brac-
Mondiale, adj. rvorldly; la adj. boorish, rustic; (also) cia, / will make you repent
macchina mondiale, the
Montano, adj. mountainous Mordicaménto, and Mordi-
Mondificaménto, m. a cleans- Montare, to mount ; (also) to
cover (as animals do) ; to
grorv increase ; montare in

còllera, to grorv angry

Montata, /. ascent, progrest
Mondiglia, /. chaff, paring Montato, part, mounted
Mondizia,/. clea.Uiness Montatóio, »n, a mounting
Aldndo, ad), clean, neat, pared Morditura,/. a bile
Móndo, m. the world; uni- Montatóre, m. a stallion Morèlla, /. morel, or garden
verse : mankind dar al; nightsliade
mondo, to be brought A monti, adv. Morésca,/, a Moorish dance
heap, lump.
bed number Morésco, adj. Moorish
tn a great
Monelleria,/, knavery Monticéllo, m. a hillock, hill Morétto, adj. tawny
Monellésco, adj. knavish Montone, »n. a ram, arits, (a Morféa, /. tlte morpherv, (a
MonfiHo, knave cheat ; celestial sign) a logger- leprosy) ,

Monéta,/, ynoney, coin batter head, a dunce

; Mórfìa, /. the mouth (jocosely)
monéta, to coin Montuosità,/, an eminence Morflre, to devour
Monetaggio, m. a coining of Montuoso, adj. mountainous Moria,/ jtlague, contagion
money Monuménto, 7nonument Moribóndo, adj. dying; esser
Monetare, to coin falseggiar Monzicchio, m. a heap, a
; moribóndo, to be at the point
la monéta, to coin false mo-
ney Mora, /. mulberry, (a fruit) MorlGcia,/. ruins ;

Monetato, part, coined mora prùgnola, a black- Morice, and Morici, / pi. th*
Monetiére, m. a coiner berry (also) a heap ({/" ;

Mongana, adj. vitèlla mon-

gàna, o milk-calf Moraggine, /. {see Morosità,
Monile, m. a necklace and Indugio)
Moniménto, m, admonition IVIoraiuólo,/. a mulberry
Monipólio, m. monopoly Morale, adj. moral
Monistérq, and Monistérìo, m. Morale,/, morality, morals
a monastery, a convent Moralista, m. a moralist
iioxùuìas, m. a monitory Moralità,/, morality
vdglia, to long for ; morir di Morviglióne, and Morbiglióne,
checchessia, io be passion- m. the measles
ately fond of any thing Blósca, /. a fiy ; non si può
Mormoracchiare, to speak ill avere il mele-eenza mosche, Motteggiare, to jeer, latigh
Mormoraménto, m. a murmur there is no rose without Motteggiato, part, jeered
^Mormorante, adj. murmuring thorns; piijliar le mosche Blotteggiatóre, to. a banterer
Mormorare, to murmur, mut- per aria, ^o be easily angry a Jester
ter, rv/ùsper, buzz, (also) Moscido, m. musk ; and Motteg.
nocemos- Motteggiévole,
slander cdda, a nutmeg gióso, adj. facetious, merry
Mormoratóre, m- a detractor Moscàio, TO. a large number of Mottéggio, TO. a jest, joke.
Jf ormorazidne, /. detraction flies together
Mormoraggiàre, to rvarble Moscaiuòla,/, a safe Mottétto, TO. a jeer, joke
Moscardino, and Moscardo, to. Mòtto, TO. motto, or device; a
ing, detraction a sparrow-haivk, a tassel word, a jest; gittàre un
Mdro, ?«. a Moor, (also) a Jioscatello, m. mttscadel wine mòtto, io mention ; non ne
mulherry-tree Moscato, m. dapple-grey fc te mòtto, say nothing of it ;
Moróide,/ pi. (see Morice) Moschea,/, a mosque far motto ad alcuno, te salute
Blordso, adj. slotv, tardy Jloschettàre, to wound with a one; mòtto di rimando, a
Morsa, /. toothing: a corner musket witty answer
stone, or brick left for more Moschettata,/, musket-shot Movènte, adj. moving
building ; a vice. Can iron Moschetterà, /. a volley of Movere, to move, stir
press) musket-shot 31ovibile, and Movévole, adj.
Rlorselletta, m. a pill ^Moschettière, to. a musketeer moveable
Morsèllo, TO. a bit, a mouthful Moschetto, m.,a musket Moviménto, m. MovJtiva, and
Morsicare, and Morsecchikre, Móscio, adj. flabby, sqft Mozióne,/, motion ; fare una
to bite Moscióne, to. a gnat, (a little cosa di suo proprio movi-
Morsicatura, and Morsecchia- fly I a great drinker ménto, to do a thing of one't
tura,/, a bite Moscóne, m. a hornet
Mòrso, m. a bite; dar di Mòssa, /. the J^rst motion ; Movitivo, adj. affecting: »"•
mòrso, to bite the bit for a
: mossa d' armi, a march ;
origin, cause
horse a mouthful, a morsel
; mosse, /. pi. the starting- Movitóre,7.i. a mover

Morsura, /. a biting place dar le mosse, io give

; Mozzaménto, m. mutilatiottt
Mortadèlla, /. Bologna sou- the signal maiming, a cutting off
Mòsso, part, moved Mozzare, to cut off
Mortilo, m. a mortar ; pestar Mostàcchio, TO. whiskers Mozzato, part cut off
r acqua nel mortàio, to la- Mostacciaccio, m. a frightful Mozzétta,/ the episcopal drett
face Mozzicóne, to. a stump
IMortile, adj. mortal Mostacciàta, /. and Mostac- Mózzo^ adj. cut (ff
Blortalità./ mortality cióne, TO. a box on the ear Mózzo, TO. bit, fragment;
Mortalmente, adv. rtiortally Mostàccio, TO. face mózzo di stalla, a stable-boy;
Mòrte,/, death. A
morte, adv. Mostarda,/, mustard mòzzo di nave, a ship-boy;
mortally Mósto, TO. must, new mine mózzo della ruòta, the nave
Mortèlla,/. m.viWe Mostra, /. a show, an appear- or stock of a wheel móz2o ;

Morticelo, adj. half dead : ance muster, review ; far la

; di càmera, a drudge
color mortfccio, pale colour mostra, to pass muster ; a Mozzorécchi, m. pettifogger
Jlorttfero, adj. mortal mark, fign, token Mùcchero, m. an infusion oj
Mortificaménto, m. (tee Mor- Mostraménto, to. a show, roses and violets
tificazidne) showing, demonstration Mucchierèllo, MucchiEtto, m.
Mortificare, to mortify ; to Mostrare, <o show, demonstrate, a small heap
check ; mortificar le passióni. discover; to feign Mùcchio, TO. heap, mass, pile
Mostrato, part, snowed Mucellaggine, mucilage (a
Mortificativo, aij. mortifying iW estrazióne,/, a show \s extra

Mortificato, adj. mortified Mos wnsler Mucellagginos

Mortificazióne,/, abstinence part, showed
Mortine, and Mortina, /. (s Mostruosamente, ado. mon- Miicia, and Muscfa, /. a putt.
Mortèlla) strously
Mòrto, m. and Morta, /. a Mostruosità, / monstrousness
Mostruóso, adj. monstrous
Mòrto, adj. dead pale acqua ; Mota,/, mire, mud le,/ « cilage
mòrta, standing water Jlotivare, to mention, propose Mucillagginós
Mortòrio, and Mortóro, m. Motivato, part, mentioned
funeral Motivo, t». motive, cause ; adj. Muono,TO. Mucina,/,^ '
Morridaménto, m. [see Morbi- fit to move Mucosità,/, sliminest
daménto) Moto, TO. motion, impulse AIucóso; adj. mucous, tlin>ìf
MuJa,/. a mew, or mewing Muttiplicità,/. muttirlicily Musicale, adj. musical
Muda, /. a change, turn a ; Multitudine,/. multitude Musicalmente, adv. muiicallg
muda, by turns [thers) IVrùmmia,/. mummy Musicare, to play upon music,
Jf udàre, to mew 'to catt fea- Municipale, adj. municipal, to sing
Jlufta,/. mouldinees belonging to the freedom qf Mùsico, adj. musical
Muffare, to grow musty the city Mùsico, m. a musician
Muffato, and Muffo, adj. Municipio, m. a free town Muso, muzzle, snout, face,
musty, motUdx, Munificénìa,/. liberality phiz {jocosely), mouth, gri-
Muffètto, nt. a beau, spark Munifico, adj. splendid, liberal mace; torcere il muso, to
Muflone, m. a species of deer Muniménto,'m. {see Monimen- make faces
^ witli ram's horns Munfre, to store [to) Muso, adj. pensive, musing
3U ugeltóggine, /• {see Mucel- Munistéro, and Munìstèrio, 711. .^fusolièra,/, a muxzle
monastery, convent Musóne, m. a dallier, delayer,
Mugghiaménto, m. a beUowing Munitdiio, m. a monitory (also) a box on the ear, a
Mugghiare, to bellow, ov roar Munizióne, /. fortification; surly fellow
^Mugghio, m. beUowing. roar- muniti(5ne di guèrra, am- Musórno, m. a dallier, a dunce
ing (of the lion) ; (also) a munition, (also) amtnunition Mussolina, /. Mussolo, and
groaning noise Mussoltno, m. tnuslin
Mùggine, m. a species of tea- Munifioniére, m. the person Mustacchi, »i. pi. whiskers
fishwithout scales mho is charged with the dis- MustSlla,/. a weasel f Latin)
Jiuggfre, to bellow, roar tribution of ammunition and Mustio, m. moss, musk
Muggfto, m. bellowing provisions to tlie soldiers Mula, /. change, alteration ;
Mugherino, m. Jessamine Miino, m. reward, recompence muta di cani, a pack oj
Mughetto, m. a lily of the valley Miinto, part, milked hounds : muta di cavalli, e
MugnSja,/. a miller's wife Munuscolo, nt. a small gift """
Mugnàio, ni. a miller Muòvere, to move, stir, alter, VdJ:' by turns'"
Mugnere, to mUk take off; muòvere a pietà Mutàbile, and Mutévole, ad;.
Mugolaménto, and Mugolio, to touch one's heart ritor ;

m. lamentation nai al luogo onde mi mossi; MutabUità,/. mutability

Mugolare, and Mugiolare, fo Z went back to the place fr'orr, Mutabilmente, adv. cha'iigeably
groan, lament [talion whence I came questa strada ; arutànde,/. pi. trnirsers
MugoUo, m. groaning, lamen- muove da qui fin alla borsa, Mutare, lo chaoge : mutar
Mula,/. a mule a slipper an
; this Street raaches as far

obstinate woman the bank course ; mutarsi, to put on

Mulàcchia,/, ajatkdaw Muraglia, / a wall one's shirt, or clothes
Mulacchiàia, f. a prating, Muraménto, m. Trailing Mutato, part, changed
(also) a flight of daws Giurare, to wall about murare ; Mutazióne,/ and Mutaménto,
Mulàggine, /. obstinacy, per- una porta, una finèstra, 1

shut up a door, ov window Mutilare, to mutilate

Mulattière, m. a muleteer Murata,/, citadel, keep Mutilazione, /. and Mutila-
Mulazzo, m. a mulatto Murato, part, walled ménto, m. mutilation
Mulénda,/. the miller's fee for Muratóre, m. a mason Muto, m. diul Mutolo, adj.
grinding Murèna,/, a lamprey
Mulièbre, adj. womanish Muriccia,/, a heap of stones
Mulinare, to resolve in one's Jluricciudlo, m. a little wall
Mulinerò, m. a miller [mind Muro, m. a wall muro d'tma ;

Mulinèllo, m. a hand-mill
Mulino, m. a mill: Urar r Jlusa,/. muse, a pipe, aflagelet
acqua ai suo muUno, to bring Muriccia./, a hcup of stones
grist to the mill
Mùlj), tn. a mule Musardo, a. idler, gazer
MiKa.f. a fine, or penalty Musare, to gaze, stand idle
Multildquio, m idle discourse Muscato,/. a nuimeg
Multilustre, tój. eld [cation Bluseata, part, musked rii ;

Multiplicaménto, m. multipli- muscato, muskadine wine

Multiplicàre, to multiply Mùschio, ^ Musco, m musk
MuUiplicataménte, adv. di- Muschidso, adj. mossy -vrABISSARE, to bluster,
Muscolare, adj. muscular
Jlultivlicàto, part, multiplied MuscoUeggiKre, to articulate Nabfsso, m. hell, (also) a mis-
Multiplicatore, nt. a multipli- Mùscolo, «I. muscle chievous boy
Muscolóso, adj. musculout Nàcchera, /. a kettle-drum, a
Multiplicaziéne, /. multipli- Musèo, m. a museum child's rattle, snappers, any
Multfplice, adj. various, dif- Museruola,/, muzzerolt stnalt an'"uil, (also) moilier
feretU Mrtsica,/. music <lf pearl
Nacoheriiio, m. a kettle drum- turnip, a log-

Nafta,/, naphtha nativity ; il Santo Natile,

Nàiacìe, /. a ivater-nymph Christmas Nausea,/. /
Natalizio, adj. natal, of one's Nauseante, au
Nino, m. a dicarf, a shrimp birth
Natàre, to swim (Latin word)
Nappa,/ a tastel, a puff Natatòria,/, a pool, or pond
NappSllo, m. acoiiite (a plant) Nàtica,/, buttock
Nappo, m. a cup, or bowl Nativo, adj. native
NarcJso, and Narcisso, m. Natività, /. nativity la na- ; Nàutico, adj. nautical
daffodil (a plant) tività del Signore, Christ- Kaumo,m. the nautilus
NarcùUco, adj. procuring Nazàrda,/. a canoe
sleep Néto, pa)i. born Nazionale, adj. national
Nardo, gplkenard
«i. Natrice,/ a water-snake Nazióne,^; nation, people, ex-
Nari, Nàre, and Narici, /. pi. Natta, /. a trick, a bunch
the nostrils (a soft tumour in the
Narfce,/ a nostril mouth) I né l'amo, / neither
NarrKnte, adj. relating Natura, /. nature. Di sua
Narrare, to relate natura, adv. naturally
Naturacela,/, ill-nature
NariatiTO, adj. narrative Naturale, adj. natural, easy,
Narrato, part, related free, unaffected ; a bas-
Nanatdre, m. a relator tard
Narrazione, Narragióne, /. Naturalézza, /. nature, way. 3 lose one's
aud Narraménto, m. reci-
tal Naturalista, m. naturalist Nehbionàccio, and Nebbióne,
Nasale, aefj. nasal (throtigh the Naturalità,/, naturality tu. a very thick mist, or fog
Naturalizzato, part, natural- Nebbióso, adj. misty, cloudy
Nebula,/, a fog, miv

Nascènte, adj. growing, rising 5 natural,
Nascénza, /. nativity, birth,
(also) sn-elling, tumour Naturato, adj. natural, innate
Niscere, to be born, to spring, Navale, m. a dock-yard
appen Navale, adj. naval, navy
rth. Navata, f.'a ship's freight
beginning. Ndve,/ a ship, boat; la nave tated
Nascita, / d'una chiesa, the nave, or Necessitóso, adj. necessitous
body of a church Nefandézza, Nefandfgia, and
Nascóndere, to hide, conceal, Navetta,/, a small ship Nefandità,/. wickedness
disguise Naufragare, to suffer ship- J^efando, attd Nefario, adj.
Nascondévole, adj. hidden,
Naufragito, and Nàufrago, Negàbile, adj. deniable
adj. shipwrecked Negaménto, m. negation
Naufragio, m. a shipwreck Negare, to deny
Naufragdso, adj. tempestuous, Negativa, /. negation, a de-
y .ascosamente, and Nascos- dangerous
tamente, adv. secretly, Navicare, (see Navigare, and Negativaménte, adv. 7iega-
hiddenly all its derivatives) tively
Nascdso, and Nascosto, adj. Navicèlla,/, a boat, a barge Negativo, adj. negative
hidden, concealed. Di nas- Negazidi.e,/ negation
cósto, adv. ptivntely Navicellata,/. a boatful Negghienza,/. laziness
Naso, m. nose ; rimaner con Navigàbile, adj. navigable Neghittosamente, adv. negli-
iin palmo di naso, to be put Navigante, ni. sailor, mari- gently
Neghituso, adj lazy, idle
Navigare, to sail Negletto, part. -tegtecied,
Navigato, part, sailed despised, disrega aed
Navigatóre, m. a sailor Ncgligentare, and Negligere,
Nastraio, m. a ribbon-maker Navigazióne, /. navigation to neglect
Nastro, m. ribbon Naviglio, Navllio, Navlle, Negligènte, adj, negligent.
Nasturcio, and Nastùrzio, m. and Navlgio, «i. a fleet, a
'^ Negligentemente, and Neg-


lettamente, adv. negligent- number of armed men ; és Nfdio, and Nido, m. a nest,

ly Bere di buon nérro, to be roost, habitation

Negligènza, and Negleziòne, Nidóre, m. the unpleasant smell
/. neglect ervosità, /. strength, vigour of the snuff of a candle, or
Negoziante, m. dealer, mer- Nervóso, and Nervùto, adj. of a rotten e/;f
chatU, negociator Niegàre, and Negare, to deny ,

Negoaàre, to trade, negociate, Nesciènza,/, ignorance Niégo, m. a denial, refusal

transact Néscio, and Nesciente, adj. Niènte, and Neènte, m. no-
Negoziato, jiart. negocialed ignorant thing, not at all ; non ho
Negoziato, m. a treaty Nespola, /. a medlar ; nès- dormito niente la notte
Negoziatóre, m. negociator. polo, m. a medlar-tree passata, X did not sleep at alt
Nessuno, adj. nobody ; nes-
Negoziazióne,/, negociation Niènte affatto, adv. nothing at
Negtizk), m. trade aiuòla, /. nursery- alt
Negozidso, adj. careful groi Nientedimdnco, Nientedimé-
Negreggiàre, to be blackish Nestare, to graft no, and Nientemeno, adv.
Neglètto, adj. blackith Nesto, m. a graff, cion nevertheless, and yet, not-
Negrézza, /. and Negrdre, m. withstanding, however
blackness, sruarthiness Nettamente, adv. neatly, Nfffo, m. snout, bill; levar U
Négro, adj. black mannerly, honestly nlffo, to pout,fron)n
Negromante, m. magician Nettapanni, m. a scourer Nighittóso, adj. idle, lazy
Negroioantico, adj. necro- Nettare, to clean, scour, to Nirabóso, adj. stormy
make a sudden flight Nimicare, to hate, persecute ;

Nsgromanzfa, f. a conjura- Nettare, m. nectar nimicarsi, to quarrel

Nettatlvo, adj. cleansing Nimichévole, adj. inimical
Némbo, m. a sudden storm Nettato, part, cleaned Nimiclzia,/. enmity
Nembóso, adj. stormy Nimico, m. an enemy
NeniichéTole, adj. unfriend- Nimico, adj. adverse
ly Nettatura,/, and Nettaménto, Nimistà,/, hatred
Nemico, m. an enemy m. a cleaning, a cleansing Ninfa,/, a nymph, fairy
Nemico, adj. adverse, cross Nettézza, /. cleanliness, neat- Ninfèa,/, a water- rose
Nemistà, /. enmity Ninfèmo, m. hell
Néo, m. a mole, a patch Netto, adj. clean, neat; Ninnare, to lull to steep, to
Neofito, m. a convert cosciènza nètta, a clear con- rock [niece
Nepitella, /. the herb cat- science : portar via di nétto, Nipóte, m. and f. nephew,
to carry off at once ; farla Niquità,/. iniquity, cruelty
Né più meno, adv. neither nétto, to do it cleverly : ho Niquitóso, adj. furious
less guadagnato dieci doppie al Niscóndere, (see Nascóndere,
Kepdte, and f. nephem. netto, I have cleared ten \nd its derivatives
pounds. Giuocar nétto, to isùno. ad}, nobody
Nepotismo, m. nepotism, the proceed cautiously Nitidézza,/, brightness
influence of nephews over Nftido, adj. bright, shining
popes Nitóre, m. cleanliness, or
Neputa,/. mint fan herb) brightness
Nequitóso, adj. nicked, vicious Nitrire, to neigh
Nequizia, and Nequità, /. Nitrito, adj. neighing
nrickedness Nitro, m. nitre, saltpetre
Nerbo, m. (nerve) a nerve, a Neutrale, and Neutro, adj. Nitróso, adj nitrous
Niùno, pron. nobody
Nerboruto, and Nerbuto, adj. Neutralità, /. neutrality, in- No, adv. no dico di no, I say

nervous, stout
Nerbdso, Nérreo, and Ner- Nobile, adj. noble
bordso, adj. nervous Nobilita,/ nobility
Neieggiaménto, m. blackening Nobilitare, to make noble ;
Nereggiante, adj. blackish nobilitarsi, to make one'»
Nereggiare, to grow, or incline self illustrious
toblack Nobilitato, part, ennobled
Nerétto, Nericcio, and Ne- Nicchiare, to lameni Nobilmente, adv nob'ly
ricante, adj blackish Nicchio, m. a cnckle-jish Nobiltà, and Nobilitide, f.
Nerézza,/, swarthiness Nidiàce, m. a fool, a dunee nobility, nobleness
Néro, m. black, wicked Nidiata, and NidiSa, /. Nòcca,/, knuckle, joint
Narro, m. nerve, «inetv, nestful Nocchière, and Nocchièro, m.
vigtur, strength un buon ; Nidificare, to build a nest,
nervo di gente annata. breed, to tit [òcchio, m. a knob, or knot.
Nocchior<5so, Nocchioso, Noe- NomenclatiSra, /. nomtncla-
chiordto, Nocchienlto, Noe- ture
chierdso, and Norchioliito, Ndmina,/. nomination
adj. stony, knotty, knobby, Nominanza,/, name, fame Notarla, and Noterla, f. pro.
(speaking offruit) Nominare, to nanie, call ;
fession of a notary
NoccioUno, m. a small fruit- (also) to present to a living Notàio, m, a notary
Not.-Uo, i^ait. signed, marked
Nocciolo, and Nocciolètto, m.
a fruit-stone ; non valere Nominativo, m. the nomina-
una mano di ndccioli,
good for nothing ; sono Nominàto, pari, natned, call-
anime in un nòcciolo, they ed, famous Notévole, adj. notable
are like hand and glove Nominatóre, m. a patron Notevolmente, adv. notably
Kocciudla,/. nut, filbert Nominazidne, /. nomination, Notificare, to notify
Nocciudlo, m. a nut-tree presentation Notificato, jìurt. notified
Ndce, /. a walnut-tree, .. Nomisma, m. a mtdal Notificazióne, /. and Notifi-
nut ; noce del odilo, the mento, m. notification
neck-bone; noce del piede, Ndnà, /. a 'none, one of thi i.^L.zia,/. knowledge, notice
the anele-bone una noce non
; canonical hours Noto, part, known, noted
suona in sacco, one cannot Nonagentóo, adj. fo Noto, m. the south wind
accomplish rvhat many can and ten years old Notomla,/ anatomy
Nocella,/, a filbert, hazel nut Noncorrispondènza, /. dis- Notomista, m. anatomist
Noceraoscdda, /. nutmeg proportion Notomizzare, to anatomize
Nocénte, and Nocévole, adj. - oncurànte, adi. supine Notomizzàto, part. anato-
hurtful Kor.curàn-z^,}ulne,s
Nocentìno, m. a foundling Nondiméno, and Nondimàn- Notoriamente, adv. notorious-
Ndcere, to hurt co, adv. nevertheless, al-
Nocévole, and Nocivo, adj. though Notorieta,/. notor
hurtful Nondormire, m. want c^ sleep
Nocevolménte, adv. inis- None,/. Roman nones Notdso, part, stainetl, spotted
Nonescerclzio, m. want of '^'"'are, to grow dark
Nociménto, and Nocuménto, àta,/. a whole night
m- nuisance, hurt, damage ion meno, adv. not less, net Notte, f. night
Nocivamente, adv. pernicious- only Nottetèmpo, and Nottetém-
ly Nònna, /. grandmother. pore, adv. in the night-time
Noderdso, Noddso, and No- Nonno, m. grandfather fOttola, /
a bat, a wooden
derito, adj. knotty, knobby Nonnanndme, adj. anony- latch
Nddo, m. knot, knuckle. Nottolàta,/ a whole night
Joint; nodo corsdio, a run- Nonnatuiàle, adj. unnatural Nottolo, m. a hat
ning knot, a noose Nonnulla,/, nothing Nottoldne,»» one who is active
Nodosità, knottiness Ndno, adj. ninth in the night
Noddso, adj. knotty Non dstante, conj. notwith- Notturno, adj. nightly
Nodrlce./. a nurje standing Novamente, adv. ntwly
Nodriménto, m. food 'on per ciò, and Non per Novanta, adj. ninety
Nodrire, to nourish ciò di meno, (see Nondl- Novantèsimo, adj. ninetieth
Nodrlto, part, nourished, kept. ménc)
on so che, / know not
Nodritura, /. education, nou- what un non so c^è, a

Noi, pron. we, us Ndrma, / a rule, model Novellare, to relate tales, to
Ndia, /. vexation, sorrorv ; .7/ Norte, m. the north prattle ; novellarsi, to renent
words venire a ndia> to dis- Nosco, adv. (in poetry) with
; itself
please Novellata,/, a tale, story
Noiare, to weary, to tie Nostrale, adj. qf our tonn, cr Novellatdre, m. a relater
Noiàto, part, tired, wearied Novellista, m. a news-monger
Noiévole, and Noidso, adj. Ndstro, pron. our, our own Novellizia,/ the first fruits cf
tedious, tiresome Ndta, /. a note of injiimy ; the 1

Noiosamente, adv. tediously mark, sign

Notàbile, adj. notable, re-
markable, eminent
Notabilmente adv. notably
Notaio, m. a notary
Notamente, m. swimming
Nomenclat<$re, m. Tiomenelator Notindo, adj. remarkablt
Noverca, /. a mother-in-laiv Numerazióne,/, numeration
Nòvero, nu a number Numèrico, adj. numerical
Novésirao, «<y. ninth Nùmero, m. number, a quan-
Novilùnio, m. new moon tity
NoTissinao, adj. very new Numerosamente, adv. nu-
Novità, /. novelty ; che no- merously
vità son queste ? w!tat is all Numerosità,/, abundance
thUt Numeróso, adj. numerous
Novizia,/, a novice
Noviziato, m. probation-time; senger, ambassador
(also) a place where novices Nunciare, and Nunziàre, to
are kept amiounce, tell diente, adj. obedient
Novizio, m. a netv monk Obbedienteménte, adv. ole
Novizio, adj. unexperienced. diently
nskilful Obbedienza,/ submission
N evizióne, I idea, notion Obbedire, and Obedlre, lo

Nozióne,/, notion, idea Obbedito, part, obeyed

Nózze, /. pi. marriage Obbietire, and Obiettare, ti
Nozzerési-o, adj. nuptial Nunziàto, part, announced
Nube,/, a cloud (in poetry) Nùnzio, m. the pope's ambas- Obbiètto, and Obietto, m. an
Nubile, adj. marriageable sador (also) a messenger
; object, motile
Nubilità,/. cloudiness Obbiètto, part, opposed
Nubilo, and Nubildso, adj. Obbiezione,/, objecli.m
cloudy, glMmy, dark Obblatòre, m. an qjferer
Nuca,/, nape of the neck Obblaziòne,/. offering
Nudamente, adv. nakedly Obbliaménto, m. and Obbli-
Nudare, to strip naked ; to de- ànza, /. forgetful ness, ob-
prive, to baffle Nuotatóre, a sraimmer
Nudato, adj. naked, deprived Nuòva,/ news, notice Obbliàre, to forget
Nudità,/, nakedness Nuovamente, adv. newly Obbliàto, part, forgotten
Nudo, adj. naked, uncovered, Nuovo, adj. new, inexperi- Obbligante, adj obliging
un paese nudo d'acqua, a enced ; mostrarsi nuòvo, t(. Obbligare, to oblige, to en-
country without water dissemble: io son nuòvo, J gag: ; obbligarsi, to be
Nudriménto, m. nourish- want experience
Nutrlbile, adj. nourishing Obbligato, part obliged, bound
Nudrtre, lo nourish, feed Nuf- --- Obbligatorio, adj. binding
Nudrito, Tiart. nourished Obbligazione, /. and OCUsa-
Nudritòre, m. a tutor Nutricare, and Nutr/re, ménto, m. obligation, the
Nudritùra,/. nourishment nourish; nutricarsi, to feed engagement; fare un obbli-
Nugazióne, /. a trifle gazione, to give bond
Nugola, /. (s e Nùvola, and Nutricato, part, nourished O'bbligo, >n. obligaticn, duty
its derivatives) Nutrice, /. a nurse Obbllo, m. oblivion
Nugolosità,/. cloudiness Nutriménto, »/i. Nutritura, Ohblióso, adj. forgetful
Nugolóso, adj. cloudy Nutrizióne, and Nutrica- Obbliquaménte, adv. indi-
Nulla, nothing non ne so
; ziòne, /. nourishment, nur- rectly, obliquely
nulla, / know nothing qf Obbliquita,/ crookedness
it ; vuoi tu nulla ? do you Nutritlvo, Nutriraentòso, Obbllquo, adj. oblii^ue, crook-
Tvant any thing? per nulla Nutrichévole, and Nutri-
altra ragióne, for no other mentàle, adj. nutritile
Nutrito, part, nourished, fed,
NuUadiméno, adv. however brought up oblii'ii
Nullità,/, nothingness NuvoUto, m. a great many Obbròbrio, m. infamy, dis-
Nullo, adj. null, void
Niime, and Numine, m. Nùvolo, m. and Nùvola, /. Obbrobriosaménte, adv. in-
Deity cloud; nùvolo di pécchie, a famously
Numeràbile, adj. numerable swarm of bees nùvola di Obbrobrióso, adj. opprobrious,

Numerale, adj. numeral buriana, /()§ ignominious

Numerare, to' number, count Nuvolosità,/, cloudiness Obbumbrare, to overshadow
Numeràrio, adj. numerary (of Nuvolóso, adj. cloudy Obbumbrazióne, f. an over-
only) Nuziale, adj. nuptial shadowing
Nuzialmente, adv. wedding' Obedire, (see Obbedire, and
like vestito nuzialmente,

in a wedding-dress Obelisco, m. an obeliik


Obiòso, adj. stupicions Occhi Sto, adj. full of eyes, or O'dio, m. and Odiosità, /. ha
Oblato, m.« /ay /War tred, odium, aversion
Oblatóre, m. a bidder at Occidentale, adj. westerly Odiosamente, adv. odiously
Occidènte, m
west i
Odióso, adj. hateful, odious
Oblatratóre, m. a slanderer Occftlere, {see Uccidere, and ,
Odoràbile, adj. tweet scent
Obliire, {see ObbUàre, and U its derivatives) I

derivatives) Occip<2io, m. the nape qf the

ObliteriSre, to erase
Oblungo, adj. oblong Occoltàre to conceal (in poe-
Oboe, m hautboy
Obolo, m. a small coin
Obtrettaiirfne./. detraction
Obtùndeie, to blunt
O'ca,/. a goose ; a simpleton Occórrere, to happen, occur ;
Occare, to harrow, to grub to come to pass : to meet :

Occasionale, adj. occasional to present one's self, to want. Odóre, m. a smell, odour,
Occasionare, to occasion hint, knowledge dar di se

OccasioniJto, part, caused buon odóre, to have a good.

Occasione, /. occasion, pre- character ; avere odóre d'
una cosa, to have a hint of a
Occaso, m,
(occidènte) the thing

nest, fine, end, death Oc.o mento, « a meeting, \

Occhiaccio, m. o large eye uering ròs_. ^
fare occhiacci, <o look
"'" .

Occórso, m. a meeting, want Odoróne, m.

Occórso, part, happened Offèndente, adj ojjindiiig
Occhidioj I. the hollow of the Occultamente, adv. secretly Offèndere, to offend
eye Occultaménto, m. and Occul- Offendèvoie, adj. offensive
Occhialàio, m, a spectacle- '.,
f. a hiding, conceal- Offendlcolo, m. an obstacle
Offendiménto, m. an offence
Occhiàie, m. spectacles, tei Occultàre, to conceal OfTenditòre, m. an offìuder
scopes dente occhiàie, an ey
; Occultato, part, concealed OffensfTO, adj. offensive
tooth ; occhiali di conser» Occultòiza, /. secrecy, a hid- Ofiensòre, m. an offender
Occhiata, / a look; glnnc OcciSlto, adj. occult, secret Offerire, and OH'érere, io offer,
Occupare,'to possess occu- ;

parsi,to apply one's self; Ottlrut/. offer, proffer ; an-

occupare una casa, to occupy dare a offèrta, to make an
Occhiato, adj. full of eyes Occupato, part, usurped Otfèrto, part, offered
Occhiazzùrro, adj. blue-eyed Occupatóre, m. an usurper Offertorio, ni. offertory
Occhieggiare, and Occhiare, Occupazióne, /. and Occupa- Offesa,/, offence, injury
to ogle, to liiok to Offéso, adj. offended
Occhiellatura,/. Imiton-holes Officiale, OT. an officer
Occhiello, m. a buHon-nok Oceano, ni. ocean, sea Offirfna,/ a shop
Occhio, ni. an eye, sight, a O'chè, coHJ. or else |
m. an office
bud : (also) an oval chiefly Oculare, adj. ocular (of the Officiosamente, adv. offcious-
in churches; òcchio mio,
eyes) ; testir. jnio oculare, I.V
my dear, my precious ès- ; Officiosità, urbanity, kindness

ser 1' òcchio d' alcuno, to 'Ocularmente, adv. with one's Officióso, adj. obliging
be one's favourite ; V òcchio Offuscaménto, ni. and Offus-
Tuoi la parte sua, rve must Oculatamente, adv. cautious- caziòne,/. a darkening
pUase our eyes: far d'dcchio, Offuscare, to offuscate, darken
to wink guardar sott' 6c- Oculatéfia, /.
: circumspec-
chi», to ogie andar a chiusi

dcchi, to nalk n-Uhoulfiar OcuWto, adj. ocular


in su gli òcchi, or negli Oculista, m. an oculist

<5cchi, before one's face O'da, and O'de,/. an ode

piagnere a cald' dcchi, to Odiare, to hate, detest _..aóso, adj. officious

tveep bitterly; gettar l'occhi, (idiilo, part, hated, detested
Oftalmia,/, ophlhalmtf
to cast an eye upon : guai- Odierno, adj. daily, hodier-
! Oftàlmico, a. ophthalmic
d^re con mal òcchio, t» look I Oggetto, m. an object
O'ggi, adv. ic-day ; oggi a otto, OltraggiaUJre, m. an abusive protection ; umbrage, iutp>
tliit day se'ennight; star
d'oggi in dimani, to wait for Ombrare, to start as a horse
Ombràcolo, and Ombraculo,
O^icU, and Oggigiorno, adv. m. a shady place, or proteo-
norc-a-days Oltraggiosamente, adv. out-
O'glio, m. oil
OgnaccSrdo, m. a psaltery Oltraggidso, adj. outrageous.
O gni, every, each, all
Ognidì, adv. every day Ombratile, adj. shady, feigned
Ognissanti, m. All-saintt day Ombrato, part, shaded
Ognivdlta che, adv. rvhen, (a colour) adj. foreign O'mbre, m. ombre (a game at
Tvhenever Oltramiràbile, adj. most non-
Ogu<5ra,Ogn5tta, and Ogniótta, Jerful Ombreggiaménto, m. Ombra-
adv. always '.«Itramagnànimo, adj. most tura, and Ombragióne, /.
Ogniino, pron. every body
Oi, or Ohi, interi, alas ! ah I Oltramisurito, adj. im- Ombreggiare, to shade
Oihò,ihterjJierf,eonU! < ombreggiato, part, sttaded
Oimè, and Ohimè, interj. Oltramo'do, adv. extraordina- Ombrèlla,/. uviireHa
alas ! oh ! rily Ombrellàio, m. an umbrella-
Oisè, interj, alas ! poor he, or Oltramondàno, adj. celestial
Oltramontano, adj. beyond the Ombrello, m. an umbrella
Oitù, inter}, no to thee ' mountains, northern Ombrifero, adj. shady
Olà, interj. oh ! ah ! Oltramónti, adi;, beyond the Ombrosità, /. shade, dark-
Oleàceo, adj. oily
Oledstro, m, tvild olive- Oltranza, /. i outrage. A Ombrdso, and Ombrifero, adj.
shady, dusk
Olènte, adj. odoriferou* Ornella,/, a homily
Oleóso, adj. oily, greasy Oma-o, m. shoulder, back
Olezzare, to smell Omésso, part, omitted
Oliàndolo, »n. an oilman Omi?ttere, to omii, leave out
Oliato, part, oiled Ométi a Utile 7.

Olibano, m. incense Omicciudlo, m. a silly man

Oligarchia, /. oligarchy O'ltre, prep, besides, beyond, Omicida, m. a murderer, an
Olimpiade,/ olympiad very far venir oltre, to

Olimpico, adj. Olympic come nearer ; andar oltre, to Omicidiàle, and Oraicidiàrio,
Olimpionico, m. a conqueror go fart her adj. murderer
in the Olympic games Oltreché, and Oltredichè, Omicidio, m. manxlavghter
Olio, m. oil; tener 1" dio, to conj. moreover, besides that Omissióne, and Oraraissiòne,
Oltremare, adv. beyond the / omission
Olidso, adj. oily Oramesso, {see Omésso)
Olire, to scent, smell Oltremiràbile, adj. most ad- Ommtttere, (see Ométtere)
Oliva,/, ulive, olive-tree Omogénio, adj. of tlie same
Olivastro, adj. sniarthy
Oli veto, m. a grove of olivet Omologare, to approve of
OUvo, m. an olive-tree Omologaziéne, / approbation
Olla,/ a pot Oltremddo, and Oltramddo, (law term)
Olméto, m. a grove of elm» adv. very much Omòlogo, adj. agreeing
Oltrementi, adv. beyond the Omònimo, adj. homonyynous
Omordso, adj. full qf hu-
Oltrentimero, adv.
Ològrafo, adj. testaménto ably O'nagro, m. and O'nagra, /. a
olografo, a mill all written Oltrepassare, to surpass
tvith the tettalor't orvn Omàccio, m. a silly man Oncénso, m. frankincense
Omàggio, m. homage, respect O'ncia,/. an ounce, an inch
O'ltra, prep, (see Oltre) Ornai, adv. norv, at present Onclno, m. a nook
Oltracciò, adv. moreover Ombè, adv. noni, nell O'nda, / wave, surge, bil-
Oltrachè, conj. besides that Ombelico, m. navel ; om- low; onde, fin poetry) the
Oltraggiaménto, m. and 01- belico di venere, navel- main. A onde, adv. float-
traggerla,/. an outrage ing ; andar a onde, to stag -

Oltraggiare, to abuse, af- O'mbra, /. shadon, shade, ger

ghost, spirit : protection ;
patronage ; all" ombra del-
le vostre ali, under your
Cnde, adv. rvhenct^; therefore : Operàbile, adj. feasible Oprare, to work
ondectiè, adv. from whatever Operàggio, vi. a work, deed Opulente, adj. opulent
Operagidne, /. operation Opulènza,/ riches, wealth
Ondeggiaménto, m. jloaling Operàio, ni. a workman Opùscolo, m. a tract, or small
Ondeggiante, adv. tvaving Operare, to work, operate.
Ondeggiare, io rise in rvaves, Cra, /
an hour, time: ts
to disturb, perjilex ondeggio Operativo, adj. operative,
: la- in buon' ora,
you. Ora, adv. non
thousand thoughts rush on ì' uno, ora 1' altro, some-
times one, sometimes another;
Ondóso, adj. wavy, full of d- ora in ora, from ti,ne to
Operóso, adj. time ; di buon' ora, early,
Ondiinque, adj erery tvhere betimes ; in poco d' ora, in
Oneràrio, ndj.'tutdre oneràrio, Oplfice, and Opéfice, m. o a short time. Tu sei venuto
a guardiaii in trust nella tua mal' ora, you are
Oneróso, adj. heavy Opimo, adj. rick, magnificent come in an unlucky tinte Jbr
Opinare, to think. Ito fancy, you
(also) to vote, or give one's Oràcolo, m- an oracle
Onestare, to embellish, cloak, O'rafo, m. a goldsmith
Opinióne,/, opinion Oragàno, m. hurricane
Onestdto, adj. honest Oppiare, to give the opiate Oramai, adv. now
Onesteggiàre, to act honestly Oppiato, m. the opiate^ Orare, to pi ay, adore, to make
Onèsto, m. decency Oppilàre, to obstruct, Hop
Onèsto, adv. honestly Oppilato, part, stopped Ordta, /. the gold-fish, or
Onèsto, adj. honest ; modest Oppilatfvo, adj. oppilative.
O'nice,/. an onyx Oratóre, m. an orator, orato-
Onninaménte, adv. entirely rio a private chapel

Onnipotènte, and Onnipos- Oratoriamente, adv. eloquent-

sènte, adj. almighty ;
1' On- Òppio, nt. opiate, (also) the ly
nipotènte, Cod Almighty poplar-tree Oratorio, m. an oratory, a
Onnipotenza, /. Omnipotence, Oppórre, to oppose ; opporsi, to chapel
Almightiness be against Oratorio, adj. oratory, <if an
Onnisciènza,/, omniscience Opportunamente, adv. oppor-
Onoràbile, Onorévole, and tunely, conveniently Orazióne, /. prayer, an ora-
Onorando, adj. honourable, Opportunità, /. opportunity,
deserving honour necessity, need Orbacca,/, a berry
Onorante, arfj. honouring Opportuno, adj. seasonable Orbare, to blind, to deprive
Onoranza, /. honour Oppositaménte, adv. opposite- Orbato, adj. blind, deprived
Onorare, to honour, to respect Orbe, ni. orb, sphere
Onoràrio, m. fee, reward Jy. Or bene, and Orbe, adv. well,
Onoratamftite, adv. honoura- well now
bly Orbézza,/. a depriving
Onorato, adj. honoured, loyal. oppósto, he told n the 1 Orbicolàre, adj. orbicular
Orbfculo, m. a pulley
Oppositóre, m. an opposer Òrbita,/, an orbit, or the rut of
Opposizióne, /. and Opponi- a wheel
ménto, m. opposition Orbita,/, blindness
Oppòsto, m. the contrary Orbo, adj. blind, or deprived
Opposto, adj. opposed, con- Orca, /. an ork, or whirlpool
Onorificàre, (see Onorare) trary (a sea fish)
Onorifico, adj. honoured Oppressare, to oppress Orchestra, /. orchestra, a gal-
O'nta, /. scorn, disgrace Oppressióne, and Oppressiira,
lery, or place for musicians
onta tua, in spite of your oppression / to play in
Oppresso, part, oppressed orcio, m. a pitcher. jug,jar
Ontano, ni. an elder-tree Oppressóre, and Oppressatdre, Orciolàio, m. a potter
Ontàre, to dishonour Orcipdggia,/. larboard-sheet
Ontosamente, adv. shamefully Orciudlo, m. a Jug, a pit-
Ontóso, adj. shameful cher
Onusto, adj. laden, loaded Oreo, m. a hobgoblin (a spirit) ,
Opacità,/, opacity, darkness Oppugnare, to oppose, confute Pluto, hell
Opaco, adj. opaque, dark Oppugnato, part, opposed Ordigno, and Ordegno, m. a»
Opera, /. work, labour, ac- Oppugnazldne,/. opposition engine, tool, machine
tion, deed ; an opera, (a Opra, /. (in poetry) work, Ordinale, adj. ordinary, usu-
Playj deed
OreJEainénto, m. fresh Ornine, m. 0)-ion (a eonttcUs-

a,id Orfanltà, /. onlàle, adj. horizon

hanism (the stale of an
law, order Orizzontalmente, adv. hori
Ordinare, to order, rai
Orfano, and Orfanello, m. an •ntatly
vose; (also) lo oro
orphan Orizzónte, m
confer holy ordert) Orlare, to hem
Ordinariamente, ade. Organale, adj. organical
Orgànico, adj. organic Orlato, part, hemmed, set
generally mged
Organista, m. an organist
Ordinàrio, adj. latùra,/. hemming
irdinàr Organizzare, and Organare, to
Orllccio, m the kissing-crust,
at the usual (also) a brim, hem
Organizzato, adj. organized
;e organizzata, a melodi-
rlicciuzzo, m. a little
Ordinàrio, m
(also) the pott (a courier/
an organi-
Ordinatamente, adv. oiderty, Organizzazione, /. , foot-
dislinclly step
Ordinativo, adj. ordinal Ormkia, adi», now (in poetry)
Ordinato, pari, ordered {see Oramai, and Omài)
Ordinatóre, m. a disposer, Ormare, to trace
Orgogliosamente, adv- haugh
Ormeggiarsi, to moor across
Ordinazióne, /.
Orgoginho, ad], proud, loj Ornamentale, adj. omamen
order, decree tal
Órdine, m. order, dispositio yelloTV Ornaménto, m. omamtnt,
Oricalco, brass,
files; (also) a religiotis i
'der ordine, ready : ès-
all' to adorn
Oricànno, bottle for Ornare,
ser bene in ordine, to be nei I Ornatamente, adv. tlegani
dressed: mal in ordine, ill
dressed. In órdine, adv. rvith
.„„^. .vith)
Ordfre, to warp, to plot Orichlcco, and Orrichlo, m. a
Ordito, pari, rveaved, project- Ornatura,/, an adorning
ed, contrived
Oricrinito, adj. that has golden
hair : m. the wild ash
Ordito, m. a neaver's warp O'ro, «i. gold ciò che luce
Orientile, adj. oriental, east-

Orditóio, m. a loom non è sempre oro, ali is not

Orditóre, m
a rveaver
»»t. orient, east
gold that glitters ;

Orditura, /. a rvarping, or Oriénte, to li

Orificeria,/. (see Oreficeria) .,

solid gold potibile.

Orecchiare, Orifìcio, and Orifizio, m. ori- ;

potable gold
Orecchtno, Jiee, entry, brim

OrJgamo, Origano, m. origan, Orobdnche, m. strangle meed

pendant Oróbo, m. a kind of tares
Orécchia, /. and Orécchio, wild marjoram
Originale, »>». the original Orològio, m. clock, or watch
«I an ear parlar all' oréc-
Oròscopo, m. horoscope
chio, to whisper dar oréc- Originale, and Originàrio, adj.
to conceal, cloaks
chio, to hea'ken; sMr colle dissemble, to adorn with <»n-
orécchie levate, to hearken Originalmente, adv. original-
far orécchie «' , ^•
attentively 'y.

Originàre, to give, take. Orpellato, part, covered, dtt

di mercante, to give n(
tar; tirar gli orécchi, t< beginning, to ortgii
Orf<'ine, Originazióne, and Orpello, m. tinsel
reprimand; cantar a oréc Orpeménto,, m.
chio, to sing by ear Tenlr< ;
Originaménto, m. origin
Origlière, n». a pilloiu
alle orécchie, to have no-
Orina,/ ur- - 'y
Orinale, ni . urinai, ehamier- Orri?ndo, adj. horrible
OrreUzio, adj. obrepli-

orecchioni, Orinare, to u obreption flan-

^ ;
Orrezióne, /.
swelling about the ear term)
Orecchiuto, adj large eared Oriolàio, atid Orluolàio, m. a
clock, or watch-maker Orribile, adj. horrible
Oréfice, m. a goldsmith Orribilmente, adv. horribly
a goldsmUh'. Oriolo, and Oriuólo, m.
clock, or watch; oriuólo
Orridézza, OrribiUtà, and Or-
pólvere, an hour-glass ridità,/, horror
Oren 'old-plate
O'rrido, adj. horrid, hide-
and Orézzo, m,
I gentle gale
Orrdre, m. horror «pRio, m. cm hospital fo Ostidrio, m. a daor-kteper
O'rsa,/. a ahe-bear monks ; a dwelling-place Ostico, adj. morose, surly
Orsàla, /. complaint), gib- Ossalida,/. sorrel (an herb) Ostière, and Ostiéro, 7n.
Ossame, ni. a heap of bones lodging, or an inn, (also) a
Orsino, aJJ. of a bear Ossatura, /. disposition of the
O'rso, m. a bear, (also) a Ostile, adj hostile
shovel pigliar I' orso, to get
: 0ss5o, adj. bony Ostilità,/, hostililij
Ossequiare, to be obsei]uiotis Ostilmente, adv. inimically
OrsiSio, >n. the silk that ttands Ossèquio, m
obsequiousness Ostinarsi, to be stubborn
Ossequióso, and Ossequènte, Ostinato, adj. obstinate
Orsù, terj. come ! away ! Ostinazióne,/, ubstiiuicy
Osservàbile, adj. observable Òstrica,/, tn/sler
Ortaggio, m. greens, herbs Osservaméuto,' m. and Osser-
Ortfca,/. a nettle Tagióne,/. observation
OiticheggiUre, to sting mith Osservante, adj. respect- Ostruire, to obstruct
f"l Ostruttivo, adj. obsirucl-
O'rto, m. a kitchen-garden : Osservanza, /. observance,
birth, nativity; (also) east remark Ostruzióne, /. obstruction,
(in poetry) Osservare, to observe, re- hinderance
Ortodossia,/, orthodoxy (a true Otiiàca, /. treacle (a sort of
belief) Osservatlvo, adj. remark-
Ortodfisso, adj. orthodox able
OrtogratYa, /. orthography, Osservato, part. obserÉed
Osservatóre, m. observer
Ortogràfico, adj. orthographi- Osservatdrio, m. an observa- Otta, /. an hour, or time. A
tory otta, adv. every
Osservaziói !,/. observatìot
Otta per vicènda, adv. from
irJ) Ossuto, and Ossóso, adj.
Or via ! interj (see Orsù) ^ttagésimo, ad], the eighti-
Ostacolo, m. obstacle eth
Orùra,/. gold piate Ostàggio, m. hostage Ottagonale, adj. octangu-
Ozaiudlo, «1. a sty fa sore in Ostante, adj. opposing. Non
the eye-lid) ostante, conj. notwithstand- Oftalmia,/ blear-eycdness
Orzare, to bring the ship to ing Oftàlmica, adj. bleureyeJ
Ostare, to oppose Ottangolare, and Ottangulàre,
Orzata,/, a barley decoction Ostàtore, m- who opposes ad) octangular
Orzo, m. barley O'ste, m. an inn-keeper, guest ; Ottangolo.m. octagon
Osare, to dare' ;
Ottanta, adj eighty
OsbGrgo, m. a cuirass ! Ottantèsimo, adj. the eighii-
Oscenamente, adv. obscenely
Oscenità,/, obscenity Ottans'/lle, m. tigkhj-seven
Osceno, adj. obscene, jlilhy - Ottàrda,/. a buitard (a bird of
Oscuramente, adv. darkly pr-cy)
Oscuraménto, m. a darken- Osteggiare, to encamp. Ottative
(in g,
Oscurare, to darken, to cloud, Ottava, /. eight days ;
(also) to blemish 0/ eight ve.
Oscurato, part, darkened OstelUère, and OstTllo, i

Oscurità, Oscurazióne, and inn, abode, or lodging pasqua, first Hunday after
Oscurézza, /. darkness, ob- Ostélo, m. stalk, blade, stem, o Eaite r
scurity, ignorance shank of a plant Otlavo, m. the eighth part
Oscuro, adj. obscure, dark Ostensibile, adj. demonstra
; Ottavo, adj. the eighrh
Ottemperare, to obey (Latin
death Ostentare, to boast
Oscuro, adv. darkly
Ospitale, and Ospit^ile, adj. dark-
Ospitile, m. hospital Ottenére, to obtain, get
Ospitalità,/, hospitality Ostéssa,/ hoitess Otteniménto, m. acquiii-
Ospitalmente, adv. hospitably Ostetnce,/. a midwife
O'spite, m. guest, stranger, òstia, /. the conseerated Ottenuto, part, obtained, inn-keeper, landlord wafer, the a "
host, (also) •
i,f. optics
Ospizjare, [see Alloggi,ire) }, adj. optic, optical
Ottimamente, adv. perfeclly Paceficàre, (see Pacificare, atid Pagàbile, adj. payable
iodi its derivatives) Psgaménio, m. payment
Ottimate, m. the chief man in Paciare, to pacify Paganamente, adv. pagan-
astate Paciàro, m. a peace-maker
Òttimo, ad), perfectly good Paciénza,/ patience Paganèsimo, m. paganism
Ctto, adj. eigìU Pacificàbile, adj. placable Pagànico, and Pagano, adj.
Ottóbre, m. October Pacificamente, adv. peate- pagan, heathenish
Ottomano, adj. OUoman Paganizzare, to live like a
Ottonaio, m. a braner. Pacificaménto, m. act ofpaci- pagan
Pagano, m. a pagan
Ottóne, m. brass Pacificare, pacify Pagare, to pay; pagarsi di
Ottuagenàrio, and Otlogenélio, ragióni, to be reasonable.
adj. eighty years old Pacificato, part, pacified
Otturare, to stop Pacificatóre, m. a pacijica-
Ottusità, atid Ottusézza, /. fio, to lie revenged ; pagàr
bluntncss, stupidity Paclfioo, adj. pacific di contanti, to pay ready
Ottùso, arf;. obtuse, blunt Padella,/, a /rj/ing-.pan; (also)
the Tvhirlbone of the knee; Pagato, part, payed
Ovile,' and Ovato, adj. oval (alsol a bed-pan Pagatóre, m. pay-tnaster
Ovazióne, /. oration (a tri- Padellalo, and Padellare, m. Pagatorello, m. a bad pay-
umph at Rome) a maker or seller offrying-
Cve, adv. where ; (also) pro- Pàggio, m. a page, servant
vided that ; óve siete ? mhere Padellita,/. a panful Pàgina,/, a page of a leaf
Padiglióne, m. a pavilion Pàglia, /
straw, chaff; col
Padre, m. father; pidri, an- tempo e colla pàglia si ma-
cestors, fathers; (of the turàn le nespole, time brings
church, of a state, Sfc.) about every thing fuòco ;

Ovile, ni. sheepfold; (also) Padreggiare, to be like one's di pàglia, a blaze ; uomo
dwelling-place father di pàglia, a mean, pitiful
O'vra J", work(in poetry) Padróna,/, a mistress
Ovveraménte, conj. or, else Padronàggio, and Padrona- Pagliàccio, and Paglierfccio,
Ovviare, to obviate to, m. protection, patron- m. a small straw, a straro
Ovviaiióne./. a hinderance age bed
O'vvio, adj. comynon, tri- Padronanza,/, superiority Pagliàio, m. a rick of straw, a
Padronàta, m. patronage. rick of reaped corn
Ovunque, adv. wherever Pagliolàia,/. dewlap (of an ox.
Ozio, m. and Oziosàggine, /. Padróne, m. master, lord ;

patron ; protector padróne Paglióne, m. chopped straw


Odiosamente, adv. idly di casa, a landlord ; padróne Paglióso, adj. full of straw :
Oziosità,/, idleness di càuse, a lawyer; padróne vicious, defiled
Ozióso, adj. idle, lazy di vascèllo, captain of a Pagliuóla,/. spangle
Ozzimàtoi adj. full <if sweet ship; ella è padróne, do as Pagliuólo, m. chaff, small
basil you please
Oizimo, m. sneet basil Padroneggiare, to command, Pagliuzza,/ a bit of stram
to patronize, protect, de- Pagnotta,/, a small loaf
Pago, adj. contented (in
Padronerla, /. (see Padron- poetry)
ato) Pago, ?«. payment
Padron5ssa, /. a mistress Pagonàz-Zo, and Paonazzo, adj.
Padùle, m. a marsh, a bog purple
Padulóso, adj. marshy Pagóne, m. a peacock
Paesano, adj. of the same Pagoneggiàrsi, to admire one's
pAC. country
^ P Paese, m. country, land, re- Pàio, m. a pair pàio di carte,

<^«h .
gion tutto '1 mondo è paese, ; a pack of cards
Pacchetto, m. a packet one may live any where ; Vaiolata, f. a kef tlefIII
Paachiare, to eat greedily; to scoprir paese, to view, ob- Paiuólo, TO. a kettle, pot
eat together (vulgar) Pala, /. shovel, spade; ih
Pacchióne, m. a glutton Pae^Ctto, m. a landscape ladles mm
Pacciume, and Pacci&ne, m. Paesista, m. a landscape painter wheel
dust.f.lth Paffuto, adj. plump, fat Paladino, m. a hero, paladin
Pace,/, peace con buòna pace, Paga,/ pay, salary ; egli è una
: Palafitta,/, a fence of pales
with leave porre in pace, to
: cattiva paga, he is a bad pay- Palafittare, to drive in pila

patify, calm master ' Palafittata,/, apili-nork

^alafreniére, m. groom of the Palizzata, /. and Palizzàto, Palpare, and Palpeggiare, ta
stable palisade feel, touch, flatter, coax
Palafréno, m. palfrey, a state Palla, /. a ball, bowl, bullet ; Palpatóre, m. a flatterer
aver la palla in mano, to have Fa.\pébTa.f. the eye-lids
Palàgio, m. palace in one's fojver; prender 1 Palpeggiare, to handle, feel-
Palamita,/, a pilchard (a kind palla al balzo, to seize a. Palpeggiatina, /. a gentle
of tunny) opportunity la palla balz

Palanca, /. board, lath, pali- in sul tuo tetto,/or<Kne smile Palpitaménto, m. a panting
Palpitante, adj. panting
Palancato, m. a boarded Pallaccorda,/. a tennis-court Palpitare, to pant, throb
fence Pallàdio, adj. of Pallas Palpitazióne,^', palpitation
Palàndra, a bomb ship Pallafreniére, m. a groom of Paltonàto, adj. beggarly
Palandràno, m. and Palan- the stable Paltóne, m. a vagabond
drana,/, a great coat Pallàio, m. a marker fat tennis, Paltoneggiàre, to beg about
PaUrs, to pale, fence, to prop S,-c.) Paltonerfa, /. beggary, disso-
Palleggiare, to play at ten-
Palata, /. .palisade ; a shovel- Paltoniére, m. a wandering
ful Palifnte, ad), pale (in poe- beggar, a debauched felloiv
Palatinate, m. palatinate try) Paludàle, and Paludano, adj.
Palatino, adj. palatine Pallerlno, m. a player at ten- marshy, boggy
PaUto, m.' the palate, (also) PaluQaménto, m. a paluda-
taste Palliaménto, m. palliation ment, a cjat of armour among
Palato, part, paled, propped Palliare, to palliate ; palliare the Romans
Palazzo, m. a palace una malattfa, to patch up a V2i\ùà.e,famarsh,bog
Palchetto, m. a scaffold; Paludóso, and Palustre, a<y„
palchétti d' un teatro, Palliatfvo, adj. rimèdio pal- marshy, fenny, moorish
liativo, a palliative re- Palvesàta. /. a pavoisade, a
Palchistuólo, «I. n penthouse. medy target-fence
Palliato, part, palliated Palvése, TO. a shield, a defensive
Palco, ?n. a floor, stage, scaf- Pallidézza, Pallidità, and Pal-
fold ; (also) the horns of a lóre, m. paleness Palustre, adj. fenny, boggy
Pallidfccioi adj. palish Pampanàta, /. a burning of
Palèo, m. a rvhipjiing-top Pàllido, adj. pale, wan
Palesaménto, m. a declaration, Pallidóre, m. paleness sels
revealing PalUni, m. pi. shots Pàmpano, to. vine-leaves
Palesare, to declare ; palesare a Pàllio, TO mantle, pallium ;
Pampanóso, and Pampfneo>
(also) palliation, disguise adj. full of vine-leaves
Palesato, part, declared Pallóne, m. a balloon (a foot- Pampino, to.a vine-leaf
Palesatóre, m. a revealer ball) Pampintfero, adj. bearing
Palése, adj. public, mani- Pallottoliéra, /. a notch in a
Palesemente, adv. openly Palma, /. a palm-tree ; palm.
Pali ,/. wrestling, a rvrest- (the inner part of the Panacela,/, a confection to pre-
Palestrita, m. a wrestler Palmata, /. a blow with the Panàce, and Panacea, m.
Fulétla, f. afire-shovel hand; dare la palmata, to wound-wort, or panacea, (jn
Palétto, m. a hasp, (for a case- bribe a magistrate, victory universal remedy)
ment) Palménto, m. a mill (also) a Panàggio, to. a 'provision of

Palettdne, m. a shoveler, (a wine-press; macinare a due

bird) palménti, to get two ends at Vanita, f. apanado (a soup)
Palicciàta,/. a palisade Panattiéra, /. a pantry, a
Pàlido, adj. pale Palméto, m. a palm-grove shepherd's scrip, a bread-
Palificare, to palisade Palmière, m. a pilgrim
Palificata,/, a palisade Pàlmite, m. a branch of a vine Panattiére, to. a baker, jiani-
Palificato, part, palisaded Palmizio, m. a palm-tree
Palinddia,/. a recantation Palmo, TO. a span Pinca, /. a bench, a stool
Pàlio, m. a pall, mantle, ca- Pàio, m. a pale, a stake, a Pancàccia, /. a bench in pubi,
nopy ; (also) a prize ; cor- places where people meet tc
rere il pàlio, to run a Palombaro, m. a diver chatter
Palombfna,/. a sort of grape Pancacciuólo, m. a co
Palidtto, m. an altar-piece Palómbo, m. a wild pigeon flower ;

Paliscalmo, and Palischérmo, a kind of dog:fish Pancàle, to. a bench, carpet

m. a skijg; canoe, or ship- Palpàbile, adj. palpable, Pancata,/, a /uHiencA
Pància, / paunch, belli/


Pancièra,/, a cuirau \
Panteòne, m. pantheon Farad/so, m. paradise ; para-
Panci511e,ad. stare a pancWUe, Pantèra, /. panther, (also) i diso terrèstre, the garden of
to rvantfor nothing draw-net Eden ; méttere una cosa in
Panciuto, adj. big-bellied \
Panierino, adj. of a panther paradiio, to extol a thing up
Panconcellàto, part, covered Pantòfola,/, a slipper

Pantràcola,/.^ { old n Paradosso,nt. a paradox
with laths
Panconcellatùra, /. covering Paraféma,/. paraphernalia
with laths Pantiifola,/. a slipper Parafrasare, to paraphrase
Panconcélo, m. a lath Vania, f. paunch, billy Paràfrasi,/, a paraphrase
Pancóne, m. a plank, a board, Panzane,/, pi. 7wnse>tse Parafraste, »k. a paraphras-
a bench for a joiner Panziéra,/ a cuirass
Pancotto, m. a panado Pàolo, m. a silver coin Paràggio, »n. a comparison
Pàndere, to publish (Latin Paonazzo, adj. violet colour, Paragonàbile, adj. compara-
Pandette,/, pi. pandects Padne, m. a peacock ParagonànZa, /. (see Para-
Pdne, HI. bread; render pan Paoneggiare, [see Pavoneg- gone) comparison
per focàccia, to be revenged ;
giare) Paragonare, to compare, to
pan di zùcchero, a sugar- \
Papa, m. the pope
loaf; pan di céra, a cake of Papule, adj. papal Paragóne, m. a touclutone, a
comparison far paragóne,

to put in competition metter ;

bread ; pa Papato, m. papacy, the pop^s in paragóne, to set against

dignity oro di paragóne, pure gold.
Panegirico, m Papàvero, m. poppy ; papà- A paragóne, adv. compara-
Panegirista, ti vero erràtico, a wild tively
Panétto, m. a poppy Paragrafo, ni. paragraph
Pània, /. I PaperSllo, and Paperino, m. a Parallasse, /. a parallax (in
gosling (young goose) astronomy)
Pàpero, TO. unii Papera, /. a ParalSllo, m. a parallel, a com
green goose parison
Papésco, adj. papal, popish Paralisia,/. palsy
Panictuna,/. a strumpet Papilidne, m. butterfly Paralitico, adj. paralytic
Tanica, ni. panic, millet (a Papilla,/, the nipple Paralogismo, m. a paralo-
Pànico, adj. panic [grain) Papiro, m. papyrus (a
Panièra,/, a basket plant; (also) a sheet of
Panieràio, m. a basket-maker
Paniere, ?n. a basket Papista, m. a papist
Panificarsi, to become bread Pappa, /. pap (an infanfs Faram òsche, n
Panidne, m. a lime-twig food) Parapètto, nt. /
Paniuzza, PaniùZzola, /. one Pappachidne, ni. a glutton, Parapiglia,/. c<j fusion ; crowd
Paniùzzo, »n. a smalt lime- blockhead
twig Pappafico, 7)1. a hood
PaJinaiudlo, and PannicJre, m, Pappai,'àlIo, wi. a parrot
a woollen-diaper Pappalardo, ni. hypocrite, a
Fannatura, /. and Panneg- glutton
giaménto, m. drapery, c Pappalécco, m. a dainty bit
term in paintinsri Pappare, to gormandise
Panneggiare, ; paint dra- Pappatóre, ni. a greedy gut
pery Pappino, m. a servant of an
PannicùUo, and Pannicolo, ni.
a little cloth,{3lso) diaphragm, Pappolata, /. an idle story,
midriJT (also) a hash-mash
Pannolino, m. linen-eUth Pappóne, m
a devourer Parasitóne, barefaced
Pannina,/. rvooUen cloth Parabola, /. parable, parasite
Panno, m. cloth panni,;
ble Parata,/, a parade
starsi né suoi panni,
Paratio, m- a partition
sontented with t ^ Parato, ni. (*« Paraménto)
1 Parabola I, adj. false, t'àii»
Parabi5li( I
adj. parabolical Parato, part, adorned, decked,

ParacCnt i, adj. paracen prepared, ready

tapping for thi Paratura,/, adorning
dropsy Paravento, m. a screen
a ìnarsh, fin. Paràclito, the Comforter, or thi Parca, /. death, destiny :

Holy Ghost parche, thefales

Pantanoso, adj. marshy, miry Paracudre,m. 'see Polmóne) Parcamente, adv. iparingljf
Pàrcere, lo ftrgive (Latin atnénto, m. (set Pareg- Parotide./, a parof.d lasnelt'
Farcita, /. mnderalion
Frfrco, aiìj. paraimoniout, lav-
iiiz;. soher, moderate
Pariménte, adv. likewise Parricidio, m. a parricide
Parità,/ equality Parrucchi:i,/. parish
Parrocchiale, adj. parochial
a speech
Parladiira../'. chièsa parrocchiale, parish
Parlamentare, to confer in
parliament, to come to a Parrocchiano, m. the parish
priest parrocchiani, pa-

Parlamentàrio, adj. pai lia-

Pàrroco, m. a parish priest
Parlaménto, m.parliament, Parrucca,/ peruke
,mock.,x (also) a speech, discourse Parrucchètto, m. a paroquet,
Varegdrico, adj. paregoric Parlante, adj. speaking un :

Parentado, wi. parentage, kin-

dred, extraction, hirtli: fare Parlantina, f. talkativeness,
un v^^'entado, la make a (also) a reprimand Parso, part, seemed, appeared
match : rompere un paren- Parlantlno, adj talkative Parte, /. part, share (also) ;

tado, io break a match Parlare, to speak, talk parlar ; party, faction in ogni parte,

Parentale, adi. parental alla muta./o speak by signs ; every whe

Parente, aJJ. ukin, related ; un parlar finir de' denti, tu
speak plain parte, thrCf,.. ....„ .,...,..^,..
Parentela' and Parenterla, /. Parlare, m. a talk, discourse. da parte di tutti, in the
name of all ditéli da parte

Parentétco, adj. paternal mia, tell him from me star ;

Parentesi,/, parenlhesit da parte, to withdraw da :

Parentévole, adj. protector Parlatóre, m. speaker, ora- parte in parte, throughout;

of parents, cordial, ajfec- tor dar parte, to impart. A
tionate Parlatòrio, m. parlour p^rte, ado. aside, apart ;
Parentorio, adj. {see Peren- Parlatura,/, a discourse parte per parte, separate-
Parlético, adj. paralytic ly io son parte in questo

Parére, to seem, appear: to Parlévole, adj. expressible. negozio, / am concerned in

think, judge mi par cosi, ; this qffhit . In nissuna pane.
in it appears to me che ve Parlottare, to mutter

ne pare ? tvhal think you of Parnasso, m. moitnt Parnas-

it? parérsi, to shoiv one's
Parére, m. opinion, judg- Partecipare, and Participdre,
ment, esteem, thought; al to participate, to impart, ac-
mio parére, in my opinion Parodia,/, parody
Paréte, unJ Pariéte,/. a par- Paròla, /. n'ord: perder la Partecipe, and Partufice, m.
tition-wall paròla, io loie one's speech; partner, sharer
Pargoleggiare, to grow boy- romper le parole in bócca, Parteggiaménto, m. partition.

Pargoletto, adj. and s. Parteggiare, to follow party

Partenére, to appertain, belong
fc^nt'"' to
Pargolézza,/, infanaj Partenza,/ departure
Pàrgolo, m. an infant Partére, and Parterre, ni. par-
Pari, m. a peer (a title)
VAri, adj. equal, alike; pa- Partévole, and F.irtlbile, adj.
ri pari, very equal. Pa-
ri, adv. equally: pari, an Particella,/ particle
Parolàccia, /. lewd lan- Participat<)re, ?n. a sharer
CO' pari miei? is it thus guage Vsirticip^liónc. f. participation
you deal nith men of my
. Parolàio, m. a tattler Participio, m. participle f Posso farlo a! par Parolina, f. a sweet word Particola,/, a particle
di voi, / can do it as well as Parolona, /. and Parolone, m. Particolare, aJj. parlinilar,

Pàriet4ria, and Paritària, /. Parolòzza,/. a rough nwrd y, il ate man

pellilory of the nail Paroslsmo, m. paroaysm Particolsjritii,/. particularity
PART I 193
to give a Parvénza, /. appearance, tmall- banda a banda, to run
farticuiar account of, to through passarsi d' «ma

particularize Parvificàre, to diminish cosa, to be cimtented rv-ihout

Particolarmente, adv. parti- Parvifico, adj. iiiggardly, a thing: passar a mieto, to
cularly, distinctly, especially, stingy smirn over
in particular Parvipèndere, tn despise Passata, /. a passage; dar
Particulare, adj. (see Parti- Parvità,/, smallness passata, to omit
colare, and its derivatives), Parvo, adj. little, small Passatèmpo, m. sport pof
particular ParvolStto, and Parvolino, m.
Partigiana,/, a partisan (hal- an infant, a little child Passato, adj. past; passati
berd) Partita,/ appearance
Partigiano, m. a partitan, a Parutu, part, appeared, seem- Passatóio, m. a stone to eros.
favou— ed adj. easy to be got

Parziale, adj. partial

Parzialeggiare, to be partial Passatóre, m
a passenger
Parzialità./, partiality Passavogare, to row amain
Partire, to share, divide ; par- Parzialmente, adv. partially Passavolante. tn. a pass-volant,
tirsi, depart, set out Pàscere, to feed ; graxe : to a fagot in the mustering of
ParUta,/. a departure; (parte) ipport, nourish ; pascersi. soldiers ; (also) a piece of
a portion ; (divisa) devise,
colour: partita, a match, a Pascibiètola t dune Passeggiamento. m. a tvalk
set ;fare una partita, to play fool Passeggiare, to walk
a game; V ultima partita, Pasciménto, m. a pasturing Passeggiata,/, a walk
death Pascióna, /. a pasture-ground, Passeggiére, &
Partitaménte, adv. distinctly. abundance m. a passenger, or a toll-
Pascitrfre, m. a grazier gatherer
Partito, in. way, means, nii Pasciuto, part, fed, grazed Passeggiéro, adj fit to trans
ner, bargain : conditi , Pasco, m. a pasture (in port, (also) transitory
resolution ; (also) danger, poet>-y) Pagsègio, m. walking-place
hazard ; non voglio mèi Pascolare, to graze Pàssera, /and Pàssere, m. a
a partito, I rvill not Pàscolo, m
pasture sparrow ; pàssere di Canària,
danger; a mal partito, to Pàsqua./ Easter darla mala;

pàsqua, to ajjlict; Pàsqua confused chatter

cervèllo a partito, to puz- rosa, Whitsunday
zle ; prender partito, to en- Pasquale, adj. paschal Passerino, m. a great needle
list ; ingannarsi a partito, to Pasquino, m. and Pasquinata, Passetto, adj. a little musty
he mistaken ; donna di par- / a pasquinade, or libel bràccio passétto, an ell
tito, a strumpet Passàbile, adj. tolerable yard
Partito, part, divided, depart- Passàggio, m. passage ; èsser Passibile, adj. suffering
di passàggio, to be a passen- Passibilità,/, possibility
Partitdre, m. a
divider, a fire- Passino, m. the length of the
brand of sedition Passamano, m. lace, livery
Partizióne,/, partition Passamente, m. a passage, oi Passionare, to torment, suffer
Parto, m. child-birth, child- passing greatly
bed, child, infant: èssere Passante, adj. and s. passing, Passionato, adj. ajffectionate,
a mal di p^rto, to be in It or a leather band fond
hour : donna di parto, a h Passapòrto, m. a pass, pass- Passióne, / passion, affliction^
ing-in moman : d'un nàrti port love; la passióne di nostro
at one birth : parto (effetto) Passare, to pass, go through, Signóre, the suffering of our
questo è parto, this is the or go by pas.sàr il co-

effectparto del s-io ingégno,

; mando, to transgress ; Passivamente, adv. passively
the product cf niit come vela passate? hon Passivo, adj. passive
Partoriènte, and rartori- goes it? passar di sapere Passo, m. pace, step; pèrder
to surpass passar di vita
; i pàssi, to lose our labour :

lies i to die passare, to be re

; uccèllo di passo, a bird of
puled : passarsi, to be con passage uscir di pàs.'*, to
tented; passar agli órdini mend one's pace. Passo
to be admitted to orders passo, adv. softly, gently :
passar una sùpplica, ti a passo a passo,' one thi'nr
Partorito, part, brought to bed, grant a request; passar la after another; il più duro
serata, to spend the even- passo è quel della sòglia,
Parturire, {see Partorire, and ini; ; passar una strada, ur the beginning nf every
all its derivallve-i) fiume, &c. to cross over ù thing is always the hardest
St net, a river ; passar da Passo, part, dried, tvilhered
Parvènte, adj. visible, pia

timi hat suffered ; uve passe, Pastura,/, pasture
Pasturale, m. the pastern ;

PSssola, adj. uva pàssola, rat- (also) a crosier fa bishop's Pàtrio, adj. native, paternal
Patriziato, ni. patriciate fa
Passonata,/, a pile (a wooden Pasturare, to pasture cattle, to patrician's dignity
stake) lead cattle a
grazing, to Patrizio, s. and adj. patrician.
Passùro, adj. that is io suffer feed upon, (also) to have the
Pdsta, f. faste; udmo di charge of souls Patrizzare, to be like one's
gT(jssa pasta, a dunce ; Pasturévole, adj. of a pas- father
udmo di buòna pasta, a Patrocinante, adj. protecting
good-natured fellorv ; métter Patrocinare, to patronize
mano in pasta, to be med-
dling patron
Pastàccio, adj. silly, foolish Patrocinio, m. patronage
Pasteggiare, to feast, to eat Pattare, to make even
Patteggiaménto, m. an agree-
Pastelliére, m. a pastry-cook
Pastello, m. a pie, a pastel, Patteggiare, to bargain
or crayon, (also) a little Patèna,/, the paten of a chalice Patteggiato, adj. agreed on,
feast Patènte, adj. evident, plain i
Pastfcoa, /. a pastel (a kind of lèttera patènte, letters pa- Pattino, m. a skate
lozenge) Patto, TO. compact, agreement.
Pasticceria, /. a pastry-cook's Con patto che, adv. on con-
dition that ; per alcun pdtto.
Pasticciime, m vastry
Pasticcière, m. a pastry-cook Paternale, adj. paternal Pattuire, to bargain, to agree
Pasticcio, m. a pie, pasty Paternalmente, 'jadv. pater- Pattùglia,/, pa'ii-o/
Pastìglia,/ a pastil nally Pattume, m. sneepings, dirt;
Pastinaca,/, a parsnip Paternità,/, paternity (also) graving (sea tenni
Pastinare, to dig up the earth Patèrno, adj. paternal Patulo, adj. open, large
Pastinazidne,/. a digging up Paternòstro, m. the hordes Tavefàtto, part, terrified
P^sto, m. food, meal, a prayer Paventare, to fear
feast, or meal ; far pasto, Pateticamente, adv. patheti- Paventato, part, fared, or
io feast :mangiar a pasto, cally fearful
io eat at an ordinary ; tre Patètico, adj pathetic Paventévole. frightful
p^sti al giórno, three meals a Patibolo, m. a gibbet Pavènto, m. fright, fear
day Patiménto, mtrouble, grief Paventóso, adj. afraid, timo-
Pasto, adj. fed fin poetry) Patire, to suffer, endure : patir rous; (aha) horrid, terrible
Pastocchia,/. aJlam,otfib ravese, m. a large sn
Pavése, i

Pastocchidta,/. nonsense Pàvido, adj. fearful, I

Pastofdrio, m. the archives of a Pavimentà-e, to pave

Paviménto, " pavement.
Pastdia,/. a pastern, a shackle Patito, part causeryay
of a horse, a pasture, a Patitdre, m. Pavonàzzo, adj. purple
hinderance Patològico, adj. pathological Pavoncèlla, /. a lapwing fa
Pastorille, m. a crosier (a Patologia,/, pathology fa part sort of bird)
bishop's staff") a pastoral
; of physic) Pavoncèllo, \m. a young pea-
fa sort of poem) Fàtxe,m. father fin poetry)
Pastorale, a<lj. pastoral Pàtria,/, native country Pavdne, m. peacock
Pastoralmente, adv. like a Patri&ca, m. patriarch Pavoneggiarsi, to strut
pastor, or shepherd Patriarcale, adj. patriarchal Pavonessa,^-, a pea-hen
Pastorare, {see Pasturare) Patriarcato, nt. patriarchate Paura, /. fear, dread; far
Pastdre, t/i. shepherd, pastor ftitle, dignity of Sec.) paura, to frighten
Pastoraccio, adj. pastoral Patriarchla,/. the residence of Paurosamente, adv. timorously
Pastorèllo, m. a young shep- Paurdso, adj. timorous, suspi-
Patriclda, m. murderei
Pastosità,/. softness fath Pàusa, / pause, rest, stop
Pastoso, adj. plump, fat; Patriclùio, 1 . patricide, (also) Pausare, to rest, pause
Paziènte, m. a patient fa sick
pane pastóso, doughy bread
Pastriino, m. a cloak Paziènte, adj. valient
Pastricciano, m. caraway, Pazientemente, adv. patiently
(also) a dunce, simpleioti PaJiènza,/ patience
I PasttiiEe, adj. fostry Pazzà^rJo in an arrant foot

Pazzamente, adv. foolishly Pedagnuólo, adj. cut, pulled Peggióre, adj. worse
Pazzeggiare, tu dole, or rave from the trunk of a tree Peggiormente, adv. in a tvorst
Pazzeria,/ falty, madness Pedagògico, adj. pedantic
Plgzarésco, adj. mad, foolish Pedagogo, m. pedagogue (a Pégno, m. pawn, token, mark ;
dar la fede in pégno, to
Pazzeicaiiìénte, cdv. fo-dishly Ped.-lle, m. the trunk, slock of pledge one's self
V^zìésco. adj. foolish, mad a treepeddle d'organo, pe-

F37.zi3.f. folly, madness dal (the lorj key of organs) :

Pazziàre, to play the fool pedale di rorreggi;lto, the Pégola,/. pi7cA,<ar

Pazziuola./. a foolish thing handle of a.flail Pelacdne, m. - '
Pazzo, udj mad, also) rvhim- Pedana,/, a coachman's foot- Pèlago:
ncal ; un pazzo da caténa, a Pelam^ntelli, »i. a 'i

Pedineo, adj. giudice peddneo.

p-cca,./: vice, fault, defect Pelame, m. hair, the quality of
Pet^cahile, adj apt to sin Pedante, m. a pedant fa school-
Pei-,cadiglio,'m. a peccadillo fa Pelaménto, m. a pulling of the
venial sin)
Peccaminóso, adj sinful Pedantésco, adj. pedantic Pelanfbbi, m. an oppressor
Ppxcante. adj. faulty Pedantucolo, and Pedantùzzo, Petapièdi, m. a mean fellom
Peccare, to sin, transgress, err, m. a paltry schoolmaster PelapóUi, m. a noddy, a »iin-
fail Fedit^,f.f,u'ftep, track (also) :

Pe£cato, m. tin, offence, harm. a kick : seguitar le pedate. Pelare, tu make bald, or

Pelatina, /. a scald qf tht

Pelato, adj bald, fleeced

Pelatura,/, a picking. Sec.
m. pedicle (stalks
lilo, Pellame, m. skin
ind plants) Pelle, /. skin, hide, pretence;
Péce, /. tar, pitch: pece re, adj, pedicular pelle micizi
greca, rosin, macchiati d' der show of fi iendihip
una pece, all in fault non capir nella pelle, to be
Pècora, /. <i sheep: peco- extremity glad ;scampar
la pelle, to save one's self.
Pèdo, m. a sheep-hook Pelle pelle, adv. superfi.
fellom Pedona,/, a pawn at chess daily

Pecoràggine, /. foolishne Pedonaggio, m. and Pedonà- Pellegrinàggio, m. pilrjrimagt

Pecoràio. »i. a shepherd glia, /. fool-soldiers, iufan- Pellegrinare, to travel in
foreign countries, to go in
Ped'óto, Pedótto, ani Pedótta, pilgrimage
ma pilot, a steersman, a Pellegrinazióne, /. pilgrimage
Pecorfle, ma sheep-fold
Pecorino, adj. of a sheep Pedùccio, m. petty-toes (also) Pellegrinila, /. a rarity

Pecorino, ni. a lamb, (also) a corbel (in architecture) Pellegrino, m. pilgrim, tra-
Pedule, m. the foot part of
Pecoróne, and Pecorino, m. a stockings PellcgTlno, adj. singular, rare,
Pegaséo, adj. of Pegasus foreign
Peculato, m. peculation (the Pègaso, and Pegaséo, Pellicano, m. a pelican
robbing of the public trea- j
winged horse, or a northern Pelliccieria, /. a skinner
sury) ìtellation trade, or street
Peculiare, adj. peculiar Pèggi. adj. Pelliccia,/, a furred coat
Pecùlio, »M. a sum, stock, ef- worst: aver la pèggio, to Pellicciàio, m. a furrier
fect, (also) cattle, a herd be worsted; al pèggio de' Pellicciare, to make furred
Peculiarmente, rtdu. peculiarly peggi, let the tvorst come to
Pecùnia, / ready money the worst di male in pég- Pellicciére,"m. a skinner

Pecuniale, and Pecuniatfvo, Pelliccilo, m. a hand-worm

eggioraménto, m. a getting Pellieeo, adj. of a skin, or
Pocunialménte, adv. tvith ]

Peggiorare, to make worse , Pellicino, m. the bottom of a
Pecuniario, adj pecuniary peggiorare nella malattìa, to fishing-net
Pedàggio, mtoll, custom' Pellicola,/ pellicle, skin, film.
Ped.^gié^e, m a toll-gaiherei Peggiorativo, adj. worse and
Pedagna,/, the foot-board i; Pellùcido, adj. IranspO'
boat [
Peggiorato, part, grown morse
P^lo, m. hair lasciar il pe- Penetraménto, m. (see Pene- Pensatóre, m. n thinker
lo, ht l,e a k trazióne) ; Pensierdto, adj. thoughtful
Penetrante, adj. penetrating 1 Pensièro, and Pensiére, m.

f Penetrativo, ad), pcnetrativ

isriy : k pelo. \
Penetrato, part, penetrated

molto a pelo, I like you le Pensive, a>

adj. pensiv
Pelos-lla, /. moute-ear (. Penetrévole, adj. (see Penetra-
her I, I Ifvo)
Pelost-tto, m. a little hairy Penisola, /. a peninsula (land
Ve\6:.o, a,lj very hairy iòne,/, pension, allowance
Peltrdto, part, tinned, tinn adj. thoughtful, anx-

Péltro, m. pcvler Pentàcolo, 7(1. a talisman

Pelvi,/, pelvi. Pentatilo, ni. cinquefoil (an
Peluria./ Me rfon.« herb)
Peliizzo, m. a little hair, Pentagono, and Pentangolo,
tn. and adj. a pentagon .(a

A péna
sance, with difficnily
Penace, adj. that grieves Pentire, a,'.d PenUrsi," to re-
Penale, adj. penal
Penalità, '/. penalty (a fu i,a, / feather, a pen (also) Pentito, }>nrt repented
imposed) i. pénni "éntola, /. a pot saper quel;

Penalmente, adv. vnder pt actly che bolle péntola, to

Pennàcchio, »(i. a pit know what one U doing
TenàrctusuJTer, arry, bunch offeatliers Pentolàio, arid Pentolare, m.
Pennaiuòlo, m. a stationer,
also) a pen-case Ventokil3L, f a polful
:dgodsj Pennamatta,/ Me down
Penato, adj. torn nted Pennata,/ apenfulofink
Pendàglio', i '
Pennato, adj feathered Penùltimo, adj. the last but
Pennecchio', ni. a distaff-full e : la periiiitima sillaba?
Pendente, m. a pendati, Pennellare, to dram, to paint
hed-curlains, hangings ; Pennellata, aud Pennellatura, Penùria,/ penury
precipice ; (also) necklace, c / a pencil stroke Penuriàre, (o be in tvant
Pennellato, part. drawn, Penuriiiso, adj. penurious
Pendente r/j depending
PendénZi Pennellcggiàre, to paint Penzolare, to hang, to dangle
lere, to hang, to bend, de- PennPllo, ra. a pencil; fatto a Penzolo, adj hanging dorvn
ne, to depend, to be depend- pennèllo, elegantly done Penzolo, m'. grajres, or banche*
ing (law term) Pennino, m. a t,ft of fea- of grapes
Pendévole, adj. hanging Penzolóne, adj. hanging,
Pendice, /. the side of a hill; Pennito, m. barley-sugar
pendfci, /. ;./. the utmost Pennóne, m. a flag, banner Veónid, f piony, or peov^j (aa
bounds of a city herb)
Pendio, ni. steepness, declivity Pennuto, part, feathered Pepaiuóla,/. a prpper-box
Pèndolo, ni a level, a plumb- Penosamente, adv. pain- Pepato, part, spiced {latve ;

line, a pendulum clock fully pepato, gingerbread

Pendolo, adj. hanging Penóso, adj. troublesome, pain- Pepe, mpepper
Pendolónè, adv. in a hanging ful ;la settimana penósa, Peperóne, m. caiisicum
the holy rveek Pèplo, m. puril,:in (an herb)
Penduto, part, hanged Pensaménto, m. and Pensa- Per, prep, ly, through, in,
Penetrabile, adj. penetrable,
net gióne,/ thought, thinking per quindi, this
Pensante, adj. thinking quin
Penetrabili f. penetrability Pensare, to think, intend, per 3.

Penetrale, mind
nord pari ,f a Pensata,/ thought
Pensatamente, adu. purposely
ano, each of us; per parte, damnation, destruction, Perforare, to bore, pierce
Perfbra2ióue,/. perforation
part de per se, by liinuelf;
Perfrequentare, toj'requent
per modo, in manner; per Pergamèna, /. parchment,
vàén\e,for nothing mandar able
; (also) a lantern
per uno, to send for a per- Perdonànza,/. indulgence Pergamo, nu pulpit
fon ; star per cadére, ready Perdonare, to forgive, to Pergiurare, to forswear
to fall ; è per morire, he is pardon la morte non la Pergiuro, m. perjury

dying: per altro, horvever; perdona a nessuno, death Pergola,/, vine arbour; (also)
"re, 1 dare say ; per spares nobody tvinter-grapes
l'addi ro, her Perdonato, part, pardoned, Pergolato, and Pergolètto, m.
innanzi, hereafter; per ap- forgiven a vine-arbour
punto, exactly per lo meno, Perdóno, m. pardon
Pergolése,/. a sortofgrapa
at least per lo più, at most
; Perducere, to conduct
; Periclitàre, to be in peril
per minuto, by retail. Per Perduràbile, adj. durable. Pericolamènto, m. danger,
ora, adv. now per tempo. ;
Pericolante, and Pericol
adj. dangerous
Péra,/, a pear Perdurare, to last Pericolare, to be in peril ; to be
Percettibile, adj. perceivable Perdurévole, adj. lasting ruined ; to risk
Percezióne,/, comprehension Perdutamente, adv. dissolutely Pericolo, m. danger, peril
Perchè, adv. rvhy f because, Perduto, part, lost èssere Pericolosamente, adv. danger-

though il perchè, the cause ;

; perduto, to be lest usly
si sa il perche ? is it known Peregiinaggio, m. pilgrim-
tvhy ? mi maltratta senza
dargliene il perchè, h'. abuses Peregrinàre, to go in pilgrim-
me rvithout any manner qf Pericrànio,/. pericranium
Perielio, m. peril (in po
Pérchio, m. a padlock etry)
Perciò, adv. Iwivever, yet, Periglioso, adj. dangerou*
therefore Peregrino, m
a pilgrim Perimetro, m. perimeter
Perciocché, coni, and adv. Peregrino, adj. foreign Periodico, adj. periodical
since, for, in order to Perènne, adj. durable, last- Periodo, m. a period, a close
Perclpere, to conceive Perire, to perish to be ruined

Percórrere, to say in a few Perenneménte, adv. incessant- cast away ; to die

tvoi ds percóiTere uu libro,
; ly Peritamente, adv. skilfully
to run over a baok Perennità,/, perpetuity Peritanza,/, modesty, bashful'
Percossa,/ stroke, blow Perentòrio, m peremptory
Percosso, ad), stricken, beaten Peréto, m. a pear-orchard Peritasi, to be bashful
Percossura, Perco:sióne, /. Pertecitóre, rn. a finisher Perito, adj. expert, skilful;
and Percotiménto, m. a Perfettamente, adv. perfectly (also) perished, dead
Pert'rtto, m perfection Peritóso, »•{;. bashful
Percotitorp, and Percussóre, Perfètto, adj. perfect, com- Perituro, adj. iransitorj/f
plete fickle
Percotitiira,/ a blow Perfezionamént Periurio, m. a perjury
Percuòtere, to beat, strike tion Periuro, m. aperjurer
Percussióne,/, a blow Perfezionare, and Perffcere, Perizia./ *A-i7Z, experience
Perdènte, m. a loser to perfect TéiU,f.apearl
Pèrdere, to lose, to waste ; pèr- PerfezionaUvo, adj. Jit to per- Periato, adj. pearl-coloured
dere il procèsso, to bt cast ;
Perlismaltàto, part, enamelled
perdersi d' animo, to be dis- Perfezionàto. adj. perfect
couraged to despond pèr-
; ; Perfezióne,/ perfection Perlóne, adj. idle, lazy
dere la vergógna, to become Perfidamente, adv. trecche- PerlongiSre, to prolong
impudent, or dishonest _^
Permalóso, adj.
_. .sul-
Perdice, /. a partridge Perfidia, /. treachery, obsti- lea
Perdigidne, /. ruin, perdi- Permanènte, Peimanèvole,
and Permansivo, adj. last' ^

Perdigiomàta, m. an idlt ing, durable

fellow Permanènza,/ duration
Perdiménto, m. lass, perdi- Perfidióso, and Pèrfido, adj. Permanèie, (o preserve
perfidious, base Permesso, adj. permitted.
Pèrdita,/, loss Perfigurare, to imagine
Perditóre, m. loser Perfor.^mènto, m. perfora- Permesso, m. and Penned
Perdiiidne, /. perdition, sióne,/. permissior:
PersegTiitatdre, m. a perse- Pertinicia,/. stubhornnes»
Perméttere, , „. .
nilnr, a keeper, afollorver Pertinènte, adj. belonging to
mi permetta eh' io ledica Persoguitazidne, /. (see Per- Pertinènza, and Pertinénzia,
da amico, iet me teli you cu / appurtenance, depend-
a, friend Perseguito, m. persecution ency
Permischiaménlo, m. a tnix- Perseguito, part, pursued, Pertrattire, to treat, manage
ture, (also) an insurrection persecuted Pertugiare, to bore
Permischiàre, to mix Perseguitdre, m. persecutor Pertugiato, part, bored
Permissidne,/. pet mission Perseo, TO. Perseus (a constel- Pertùgio, m. a hole
Permissivamente, adv. by per- Pertuìbaraénto, m. pertur-
Perseverdnte, adj. persever-
o, adj. permissible ing Perturbare, to disturb
Perseveranza, and Persevcra- Perturbato, part, disturbed
Permoviménto, emotion
to. zióne./. perseverance Perturbatóre, m. a disturb-
Permutàbile, adj. changeable Perseverare, to persevere, con-
Permutare, to exchange, alter, Perturbjtzidne, /. perturba-
Pérsica,/. a peach
Permutato, part, exchanged Pertusàre, to perforate
Permutaménto, m. Permuta- Pertnso, TO. a hole, a chink
zióne, and Permuta, /. per- ' Pertùtto, adv. every where

Perveniménto, m. an attain-
Permutatdre, m. an exchang- Pèrsico, m. a peach- ing
Persistere, to persevi Pervenire, to reach, come,
Vernice, f. partridge Pèrso, adj. lost ; (also) bluish
Pemicidso, and Pemizidso, nire al suo intènto, to obtain
Persóna, /. a person
Pernizfe,/. ruin, loss body somebody
; ir Pervenuto,
; part, arrived.
Perno, TO. pivot, hinge, axis sona d' alcuno, instead of
Pernottare, to pass the night any body ; vedete se e' è Perversamente, adv. perverse-
Péro, TO a pear-tree persóna, see if any body
Però, adv. therefore, rvhere- there è ben fatto di p<
; Per versare, to scold, chidt,
, he is rvell made bluster
Perocchè, conj. because Personàggio, m. a perso:iiage Per(ersidne, /. perverse-
Perorare, to make, or close a Personale, adj. personal
Personale, Per\'ersità,/. perversity
Perorazione, / peroration Pervèrso, adj. perverse
Peniendicolàre, adj. perytn- Personalità,/, personality Pervertire, to pervert, con-
Personalmente, adv. person-
Perpendicolo, m. a level ally
Perjietrare, to perpetrate Perspettfva,/. perspective
Perpetuamente, adv. perpetu- PerspicicB, adj. Pervicace, adj. stubborn
VeTS-ìcàcÌ2i,f obstinacy
Perp'etu^re, to perpetuate Perspicacità, ar.d Perspic^c- Pervinca, /. perireinkle (an
Perpetuazióne, and Perpetu- cia, f. quickness of nit,
agidne, /. perpetuity, per- perspicacity Pèrvio, adj. open
petuation Perspirazidue, /. perspira- Pesaménto, m. a weighing
Perpetuità, and Perpetualità, Pesamdndi. m. a boaster
/. perpetuiti/ Pesante, adj. heavy, iveighty
Perpètuo, adj. perpetual Pesantemente, adv. heavily
Perplessità./, perplexity Pesantézza, and Pesànza,
Perplesso, adj. perplexed Persuasidne,/ persuasion /. rveight, sorrow, keavi-
Perquisizióne,/ perquisition Persuasiva, /. the persuasive
Perrucca,/. a periwig faculty Pesdre, to weigh, examine ; mi
Pèrsa,/, marjoram (an herb) Persuasivo, adj. persuasive pesa molto di non poterla
Persecutóre, m. a persecutor Persuaso, part, persuaded servire, i am sorry that I
Persecuziòne, /. persecution Persuasóre, m. a persuader cannot oblige you
Perseguire, to persecute ; to Pertanto, adv. therefore, yet Pesatamente, adv. cautious-
prosecute ; to go on Pertenére, to belong to
Perseguitaménto, m. (see Per- Pèrtica,/, a pole, a perch
Perticare, to strike rvith a
Perseguit^re, to persecute, to a, / a peach : (also) a
Pertinace, adj. obstinate ck eye, a lividity
Perseguitato, part. perse- Pertinacemente, adi', obsti- Pèsca, and Pescagióne, j: a
nately fishing party
Pescàia, /. < Pévera,/, a wooden funnel
Pcverada,/. meat-brolh Pévere, m. pepper
Pescata,/. Pèzza, / a piece, bit : (pé22o
Pescato, pari. Jiihed remainder: tuona pézta fa,
Pe>cat<5re, m
a fitherman Petecchie,/, pi. red spirit a good while since uòmo di ;

Péice, m-fish (also) Pitcei (a

Peteréccio, m. a whitlow péììa, a great num. A
Periture, m. demandtr, questa pèzza, adv. notv
Peacedurfva, ami Pesceduòvo, Pezzame, ni. remainder, mint
HI. an umeUt, an eni: pan- Petitório, adj. petitioning Peizato, (w/j. dappled
cake r./ùAtrv Petizióne./, petition Pezzéndo, adj. anddr pez-

Pescheria, /. a fish-market. Pélo. m. a fart: mind zéndo, to beg about

Peschièra,/, afish-pond Petràia,/. u i/narry Pezfénte, m. aiul Pézzenta, /.
Pesciaiuòlo, m'. ujiihmonger Petrena,f. a little stone a beggar
Pescrna,/. a fiih-pand Petf'lle,/. pi. a mould Pèzzo, »n. a bit. piece : un
Prscio, m. aJUh Petriére, m. a little cannon buon jiézZo, un pèzzo, a
Pesci<5so. adj. full ofJUk Petrificaiióne, /. petrifiea- long while essere:d'un
Pescivéndolo, »i. a fishmonger pèzzo, io be tincere
Petrlfico, adj. petrifying Pezzolata, /. a breaking to
vV^c°'J^',' ai^'^fithj! full of Petrigno, Vetrino, and Pe- pieces
fiih tróso, edj. stony, hard at a Pezzuòla,/, a handkerchief
Péso, m. n Pezìuólo. »rt. a piece
di and Petron- Placentare, iojlatter
Petronciàna, /.
gran péso, a man of ciàno, m. a pompion, or Piacènte, aJj. pleasing
quence pumpkin Piacentemente, adi: willingly
Pésolo, and Pesolóne Petrosémolo, m. parsley affably
danglifìg^ }ifin^in^ do: Petnizza,/. a pebble Pia.eenterÌA,f. flattery
Pessdrio, m. p'citary (a tort of Piaoentiéro, m. a flatterer
remedy) Piacén-jj,/. charm, grace
Pesiimaménte, adv. rurelched- Piacére, to please ; piacesse a
In Dio, would to God ; piacérsi,
Pessimiti, /. estreme nicked- io be pleased
Pettinagnòlo, ni. a comb' Piacére, m
pleasure, delight,
Pèssimo, adj. most wicked, favour, kindness : far pia-
Tvretched Pettinare, to comb, scratch cére, .'o pleate, (also; to tell
Pessundàre, to trample Pettinato, pari. combed.
Pésta./, crmid, throng: (also) PiaceTolare, and Piacero-
t, ock, footstep : scguitiralla leggiàre, to banttr, jest.
pésta, to trace ; lasciar nelle
péste, io leave in the lurch Piacévole, adj. pleasa.-it, af
Pestaménto, m. a pounding
Pestapépe, m. a blockhead PiaceTol'tto, adj. mild, agn-e
Pestare, to pound, bruite, Pettinella./. along spear able
trample upon Pettiniéra,/ a comb- case PiacevolèHa, /. pleasantness,
Pestata,/, pounding, bruising Pettirósso, wi. a robin red
Pestato, and Pésto, part. bility
beaten, bruised Piacevolmente, adi», agreeably
Pestatiiio, and P«'.téllo, m. a Piaciménto, m. pleasure, mill,
pestle :
of courage ; prender content, delight
Péste, /. plague, pestilence Piaciuto, J).
. pleased, de-
Pestifero, and Pestilènte, r at heart ; aver a petto lighted
adj. peitilential, hurtful. bambino, to suckle a PiJicolo, m. crime, sin
I. A petto, adr. in Pi.iga, /. a wound, trouble :
Pestilènza, and Pestilénzia, mpa, petto à petto. rinfrescare le pidghe, io
/ pestilence, plague ; (also) renew grief
stink, inf ction Pettóccio, m. a fine breast Piag.-lre, to rvound, to hurt
Pet enziàle, and Pestilen- Pettorale, m. a poitrel Piagato, part, wounded
!0, adj. pestilential Pettorale, adj. pectoral PiaggerClla, and PiaggStta,/.
:>, m. a trampling upon Pettoreggiare, io hit breast a hill, t

Pti Pettoruto, adj. kigh-breasted (poe

PetiiMnte, adj. petulant /«acc, ui cua/«ry; andar
Petul.1nza,/ petulancy piaggia piaggia, U keep clo4€
Peiicédano, m. bng.fcnnel
Piccata,/, a hit with a pike
Piccatigiio, m. hash-meat
Picchemao, pai t. spotted
Picchrtto. 7)1. game at piquet

riasnévole, ari], (see Pian-

Picchiare, to knock; to beat;
Piapiistéro, nwl l'iagnistéOjm, picchiarsi, tojigl.t
(also) offspring, descent Picchiata,/: a blow
Pianura, f. a plain, or r Picchiato, adj. stricken.
PiaKiiucoUre, lo cry a little
Pialla, j: rt cariieuler's {liane Picchière, m. a soldier armed
wilh a pike
Piallrftai f. a stroke n'ith a metal ; a dollar, (also) a dry Picchiettare, to speckle
Vlane Piccl-.iettatdra, /. spots
VìMóne, m. a moulJlng pian. Piastvmia,/. tiles, ora qvoit (to Picchio, m. a bloi", a stinke:
Piamente, pioutly
atlv, play rvitUJ (also) a woodpecker (a biid)
Piana,^: a plank, a board Piastrello, m. a
jnece of cloth Pfccia, f several loaves tvge-
Pianamente, adv. softly, fru- to spread plasters
Piastr(ccio, m. a hodge-podge Piccfno, adj. little, small
Pianare, to make even, Ficcio\ézzà,and Piccolézza,/.
arm) lilflene.'ìs
Pianella, f. slippers; mules i
Piatfre, to plead, to sue at law Picciolo, adj. little, smalt
slates; tiles to contest, contend Piccioncino, m. a young
Pianellaio, m. a shoe-maker PJatit<5re, m. a pleader, a quar
reliome fdlorv Picciun
Pianeta, /. a priest's cope, a Piiito, m. plea, suit in law ;

(also) a dispute, debate, ai

rianetto, adv. fair and soft- affair .work
ly FiAna.f aflat boat
Pianézza,/, a plain Piattafórma,/, a platform
Piangere, to weep Piattello, m. a >

Piangévole, adj. deploratile ;

Piatteria,/, a set fdisl
piangévoli onde, tears (in Piatto, m. dish.

Piàttola, /. a crab-louse: egli

Piangolare', to cry a little è un^'^attdla, he is a miserly
Piano, ,». a plain, orfloor fellow
Piino, adj. plain, smooth, PiattoliSso, adj. lousy
flat, clear, (also) affable. Piattonare, to strike with a
.'. softly, gently, Piattonata, /. a blow with a
piano d'una casa, Piazza,/, a square, a fortress ;

of a house: al
la pia-ila ? horì) goes market t
far il bello in piazza, to be

idle ; piazza d'arme, a for-

tified town
>ì^:^ 11. piano-forte Pica,/, a magpie, a chatterer
plant : the sole of Picca, /, pike, spear, pique,
oo[ plan, draufrhl, mo-
; dispute. Picche, spades (of
Piccante, adj. sharp [cards)
Piccare, to prick, sting; to
igginc, /. plantain (an offtnd; piccarsi, to pretend
tv ; si pfcca d'essere un ga-
iménto, m. a planting lantuòmo, he pretends to be
PiedestóUo, and Piedestflo, Pigramente, adv. idly, tlovt-
a redestai Piève,/ aparish-cht
Piédica, /. snare, (io catch Pifanla,/. Epiphany
birds) Piffero, m. afife
Piedistallo, m. a pedestal Pigamo, m. wild rue
Pièga,/, plait, or fold; liabit. Piggioraraénto, m. (.fee Peg- Plgro, adj. lazy, idle
gioraménto, and its deriva-
pila battesimale, baptismal
Pigiàre, to trample upon font pila dell' acqua santa,

Pigiatóre, m. a trampler the basin where the holy

Pigiatura, J'. a trampling water is kept in the Romish,
Pigionale, and Pigionante, m. churches
a housekeeper Pilastrata,/, pilasters
Piegato, part, bent, inclined Pigióne, /liouse-rent stare ; Pilastro, m. a pilaster, pillar
Piegatura, /./uM, plait a pigióne, to lice in lodg- Pllatro, m. St. John's grass
Pieghévole, adj pliant, pliable, Piliére, m. a pillar, pilaster
PigUamènto, m. seizure. Pilacchera, /. dirt, splash-
Pieg'ne'volézza,/. Jlexibilily ings
Pieghevolmente, adv. pli- Pigliare, to take, seize, Pillare, to pound
ably catch ; receive, accept ; Pilliciaio, »n. a furrier
Pjeggieria,/. a bail, security (also) cheat ; pigliar àni- Pfllo, m. a pestle
Piego, m. packet of letters mo, to take coinage; pigliar Pillola, and Pfllora,/. a pill
Pièna, /. a flood ; plena di partito, to determine, deli- Pillotta,/, a ball, (also) a kind
ptfpolo, a throng berate ; pigliar a vettura, oftennis
Pienamente, adu. fully, com- to hire ; pigliar ad irapres- Pillottare, to lard
pUtely tlto, to borrotv ; pigliar di Pflo, m. a javelin
Pienézza, and Plenitùdine, /. mira, to aim at; pigliar Pilóne, m. a pilaster
plenitude, fulness paróla, to get intelligence ; Pilòrcio, adj. niggardly
pièno, m. plenitude ; due ; pigliar querèla, to quarrel ; Pilóso, adj. hairy, full qf
idj. satisfied, full; luna pigliar terra, to land pi- ;

pièna, full moon ; in pièno gliarsela con uno, to re- Piloto, and Pilòta, m. a pilot
consiglio, before the whole sent; pigliarla per uno, to Piluccare, to pluck grapes, to
of the council ; nel pièno take one's part ; pigliar
della notte, in Me middle pròva, to experience ; pigliar Piluccóne, m. a pilferer
of the night; nel pièno pòrto, to come to an harbour, Pimàccio, m. a bolster
dell' inverno, in the depth of pigliar fiato, to breathe, Pimméo, m. a pigmy, a
pigliar a male, to take amiss ; dwarf
Pienotto, adj. pretty full, pigliar consiglio, to take PirapinSlla, /. pimpernel {an
plump, fat
Pietà, /. sorrotv, pa7>g (in Pigliato, part, taken Pina,/ a pine-apple
poetry) Pigliatóre,m a taker Pinicolo, m
Pietà, and Pietide, /. pity, Piglièvole, adj. that may be Pincérna, m. a cup-beater
compassion ; per pietà, for taken (Latin word)
God's sake Piglio, m. hold; (also) look, Pincóne. m. blockhead, fool
Pietanza,/, a small portion countenance ; dar di pi- Pincióne, »i. a chaffinch ;
Piètica, /. a horse (a niooden glio, to take hold ; dar di meglio è pincióne in mano,
piglio alla spada, to dram the che tordo in frasca, a bird in
Pietosamente, adv. piteously the hand is worth two in the
Pietoséf- -—' -' Pigmèo, m. a pigmy, dwarf
Pietóso, Pignatta,/, and Pignatte, m. Pindareggiàre, to speak a^ect-
godly edly
Piètra, /. stone ; piètra viva, Plgnere, to throw, push (also) ; Pindaréico. and Pindàrico, adj.
flint stone: piètra focàia, to paint pignérsi, to ad-
; Pindaric, after the style qf
a flint ; piètra filosofale, vance; pi'giiere 1' uscio ad Pindar
the philosopher's stone : uno, to shut the door against Pineale, adj. gianduia pine- ,

piètra di paragóne, a àie, pineal gland ;

touchstone piètra molala,

Pignéta./. a wood of pines Pinéto, «1. a pine-grove
a grinding-slone ; trar la Pignóne, m. a wharf, a dike Fingere, to paint ; pingersi, t*
piètra, e nasconder la mano, Pignoraménto, m. a seizure advanceforth
to do mischief, and to deny Pignorare, to give, or take as Pingue, adj. fat, plump
tt a pledge Pinguedine, //«;,««
Pielrdta, / a blow mith a Pigolare, to pip, (as little birds, Pinguedinóso, adj greasy
S,-c. do) Piniéra,/. a gallery
Ptetrificire, to petrify Pigolóne, m. brawler Pinna,/, theji't ofajish.
Pinnacolo, m. a pinnacle Piovlfero, adj. rainy Pistoléssa, /. an ìU-mriiteH
Pino, m. a pine-tree ; (also) a Piovigginare, and Pioveggidre, letter
thip fin poetry) to mizzle, or drizzle Pistolettata,/ a pistol-shot
Pindcchio, m. pine-seed Pioviggindso, and Piovóso, Pistóre, m. a baker (Latin
Pinta, f. a thrust, push, an adj. rainy, damp
Piovuto, part, rained,' or Pitàffio, m. an epitaph
Pfnto, part, painted, (also) fallen Pitale, m. the pan vf a close-
pushed, inttined Pipa,/, a pipe
Pintcire, m. a painter Pipistrello, m. a bat PitOcco, m. a beggar, (also) a
Plnt(jrio, adj. picturesque Pipita, / a flaw, or raising bigot
{painter-like) skin about the nails ; (also) Pittima,/, a cordial medicine
Pintura,/, pip, a disease in fowls Pitto, pari, painted (in
Pinzdcchio, m. a mite, or Pippidna, /. a sort of common poetry)
Spanish wine Pittóre, m. a painter, a limno- •
Pinzétte./, pi. pincers Pippionaccio, m. a blockhead pittdre da sgabèlli, a daub-
Pinzochera,/ a beguin (a sort Pippionata,/ nonsense
Pjppidne, m. a young pigeon Pittorescamente, adv. painter-
Pinzochero, m. hypocrite Pira, / a funeral pile, (also) a like
Pinzocherdne, m. a great hy- perfuming-pot Pittorésco, adj. picturesque
Pirajnidàle, and Piramiddto, Pittura,/ picture
Pio, adj. pious, merciful, godly pyramidal, of a pyramid Pitturacela, /. a daubing
Piràmide, f. the fusee of a Pitturare, to paint ^
Pidggia,/ rain
Pioggidso, adj. rainy watch, (also) a pyramid Pitùita, phlegm f
Piombarne, /. a lead- Pirdto, m. a pirate Fituitdso, atìj. phlegmatic
Piroétta,/, a whirligig Più, adv. more: al più, the
Piombare, to be perpendiai- Piromanzia./, divination byfire most; assai più, much
lar, to fall down plump ; Pirometro, m. a pyrometer more più tosto, rather ;

piombarsi, to lay heavy Piróne, m. a lever per Io più, for the most
Pirdpo, m. a carbuncle part ; più d'un anno, above
Piombarla, /. lead and silver Piscatòrio, adj. of a fisher a year: è più ricco di me,
Piscia,/, urìne, water he is richer tlian I èsser di ;

Piombata,/, a leaden bullet laccane, m. choke-tveed, or più, to exceed; io son da

Piombato, adj. leaden, heavy più di lui, I am above
Piombinàre, to level, (also) to Pisci^cchera, /. and Pisci-
più. ;

empty a privy alletto, m. a piss-a-bed presto, faster ; 'LJ!"Ì

più che più,
Piombino, »i. a plummet, Pisciare, te much more: più fa, long
a plumb-line; a bucket to while ago ; più volte, several
empty with a crayon, a Pisciarono, thin wine

pencil adj. of the colour of

; Piva, /. pipe, bag-pipe
Piviale, m. a priest's cope
Pidmbo, m. lead, or a level. Pivière, m. precinct of a
A pidmbo, adu. perpendi- parish, (also) a plover (a
cularly fa che abbi semt Piscio, m. and Piscia, /. urine ;
; bird)
pre il pidmbo à piedi, be foul water Piuma, /. down; a feather-
always cautious in your Viscióso, adj. full of urine bed, hair, a tuft of fea-
undertakings ; andar col Piscdso, aJj. full offish
calzar del pidmbo, to act Pisèllo, m. pease Piumaccio, m a bolster
Pispigliare, io muller Piuraacciudlo, m. little bol-
Piombóso, adj. heavy as lead Pispiglio, m. a muttering ster, (also) a pledget, or
Piòppo, »». a poplar- tree Pispino, m. a nater-work
Pidta, /. the sole of the foot ; Pissi pissi, m. a buzzing Piumata, /. down, feathers.
(also) a green turf
PidTa,/. rain {in poetry) Pisside,/, apyx, (also) a hol- Piumato, adj. downy
low, a cavUy Piumino, ni, a tuft of fea-
charge of a pai Pistacchio, m. pìstachio-nut, or thers
Piova èlio, V Piumóso, adj. full offeathers
Piova , adj. acqua piovana, Pistàgna,/ ^ap o/a pocket, or f4vo, m. a spark, a beau
collar of a coal Piudlo, a peg ; scala a m
Pistile'nza, /. (see PestilénSa, piudli, a ladder
and its derivatives)•
Più presto, and Piuttosto, adu.
Pistola, /. an epistle, a la- sooner, rath.r
.,|P Pizzicagnolo, »n, cheesei.icngtr,
pork -shop

PilSicaquestidni, m. a litigious Plenitudine, /. ftilne

Pizzicare, to pinch, peck, il pepe piSzira,
; Poggergjlo, and Poggétto, tn.
pepper bites; egli pizzica, a hillock, a little hill
Poggia,/ starboard
Plfco. m. a packet of letters Poggiare, to steer, sail, point :
PiZzicarrflo, and Pizzicamelo, Plinto, m. plinth (the square
m. (see Pizzicàgnolo) foot of a pillar) poggiarsi, lo lean upon
Pizzico, Pizzicotto, m. Pizzi- Plorare, to tveep (Latin Poggiato, vart. steered, sailed.
cottitó, and Pizzicata, /. a
Plumbeo, adj leader» Pòggio, m. hill, eliff, ascent
Pizzicóre, »n. itching, tick- Plurale, a(f;.p/ura/ Pdi, «df. then, ofter : da oggi

ling Pluralità,/. p/.,ra/,7y in pòi, e.rccpt this day : po'

Placabile, adj. placable Pluralmente, adv. in the plural pòi, in fine, in short, Src. ;
Placabilinénte, adv. peace- number pòi a pochi giórni, a fern
full;/ Pluviale, Plùvio, and Plu-
Placaménto, m. an appeasing, vidso, adj. rainy (iMlin Poiché," 'adr. when, since:
an atonement words) poiché vi piace cosi, «iti»
Placare, to pacify, calm Poàna,.f. a buzzard you insist on it
Placato, part. appeased, Pooània. f. smatlness Polare, adj. polar (of the
pleased mare placato, calm
; Pocciàre, to suck the breast poles)
Pocciòso, adj. large, fat Polédro. m. a co»
PlacazicSne,/. an appeasing PochStto, m. un pochette, a Poléggio, m. penny-royal (on
Placidamente, adv. quietly, little herh)
patiently Pochézza, /. scarcity Polèmico, adj. polemical
Placidézza,/, mildness Pdco, adj. a,id adv. little, Polèna, f. the beak, or beak end
Placidità,/ gentleness few poco innanzi, a little
; of a ship
Plàcido, adj. pleasant, gentle. while ago poco stiCnte, a
; Polénda, and Polenta, /. pud
little after ding of chestnut-flower
Plàcito', m. mill, pleasure Pocofila,/. a silly woman Poliarchia, /. city-govern
Pldga,/. a climate, or coast Fo(ìéiera.,f. the gout meat
Plagiàrio, m. a plai^iary Podagrdso, adj. gouty Poligamia,/, polygamy
Plàgio, m. plagiarism Podàre, to prune trees Poligamo, m. potygamisf
Piantarlo, m. far piantano, to Podére, m. power, authority ; Poliglotta,/ a polyglot, a bibl:
a manor, estate, farm in several languages
Plasma, /. a sort of g, Poderosamente, adv. power- Poligono, m. knot-grass, (also)
stone; (also) an earthen fiMy a polygon {in mathema
.figure Poderóso, adj. powerful tics)
Plasticare, to make clay-rvork Podestà, m. a governor, a Poligrafo, m. a poligrapher
Plàtano, m. a plane-tree Polio, m polium (an herb)
Platèa, /. plan, model, < Polipo, m. polypus (spongy
grnund-n-ork, (alsoj the pit Podestarto, /' the power, or flesh)
in theatres jurisdiction of a governor. Polip<5dio,m. polypody {an herb)
Platònico, adj. Platonic Polire, {see Pulire and its deri
Platonismo, m. Platonism Pòdice, in. the anus vatires) to polish
Plaudènte, adj applauding Poèma, m. a poetn FoUticn, f. politics
Plausibile, adj. plausible Poesia, /. poetry, {the art) a Politicamente, adi: polilieally
Plausibilmente, adv. plausibly poem, a piece ^poetry Politico, adj. political, (also)
Plàuso, m. applause Poèta, a poet m crafly, shy; m. a politi-
Plaustro, m. cart, chariot Poetacelo, m. a paltry poet
Plebàglia, and Plèbe, /. the Poetante, m. a rhymer PoUzza, f a note, bill, receipt
mob, populace Poetare, to make versej; to polizza di lotto, a lottery-
Plebeiaménte, adv. vulgarly rhyme; poetarsi, to be ticket : polizza di càrico, a
Plebèo, and Plebéio, adj. xml- crowned a poet billof lading
gar, mean Poetastro, m. a paltry poet Pólla,/ a spring of water
Plenariamente, adv. fully Poeteggiare, and Poeteziàre, Pollàio, m
a hen-roost, coop
Plenàrio, a</;./Hrt Pollaìuólo, m. a poulterer
Plenlunio, m.full moon Poetésco, adj. poetical Pollame, m. poultry
Plenipotènza, f.full poiver Poètica,/, the art of poetry Poìlàiita,/. a young turkey
Plenipotenziare, n». pltnipo- Pooticaménte, ath: poetically Pollare, to pullulate
Poeticheria, a poetical / Pollastra,/ a p«//c<
Plenipoteuzjdrio, m, plenipo- Poliastriére, a phnp {jocosely^
tentiary Poètico, adj. poetical PolK-Lstro, m. imllef, chicken
Polveriizàto, part. piUveriz Pontéfice,
Ponti .f-sl
Polleria,/, a fouUerer's shop Polverizzazióne, /. pulveriza Pónti
PoIléZzola,/ shont, a sprout i ficàie, ridj. pontifical
Pollice, ?n. the thvmb m. a book '
of pontificai
ro\\ina,f. hen's diaif,'
Pontificato, m. popedom
Pou\no,'^m"a'heu"-ìmsV Polveróso, adj. dus PontiRzio, adj. pontifical
Pt<llo, m. a chicken: pollo Pomàrio, m. an Pònto, m. the sea (in poetry)
d'India, a turkey ; portar chard Ponto, adj. pricked, ttiiug
l>olli, io pimp Pomata,/, pomatm Pontóne, m. a pontoon (a
PoUcine, m bud, sprig, bridge of boats)
spro X ki,ul of «.; Pontura, {see Puntura)
Pollài. art. i
UUed for, ^rly^us
PoMuii Pomellato,' a((;. dapple grey Ponzare, to strain, or "strug-
Pomelo, m. an orchard qf gle
apple-trees Popolàccio, m. the populace
Pomefólige, /. tulty (a sub- Popolano, and Popolare, udj.
stance in brazen furnaces)
Pómice,/, a pumice-stone Popolano, m. inhabitant pa- ;

Polosratia.i'. polngraphy Pomiciare, to rub tvith a pu-

Pdlpa, /: the tleshi/ part: prfl- mice-stone Popolare, to people
pa della gamba, the calf of Pomiérs, and Pomiéro, •«. an Popolarescamente, adv. popu
orchard, or any place planted larly
PolpacSiùlo, adj. fat, fleshy Popolarésco, adj. populnr
Polpétta, /. minced-meat Porarfero, adj. fruitful Vopo\a.xith, f
Pómo, m. 'an apple, fruit; Popolarmente, adv. popular-
Pólpo, m. many feet, a fish pómo sal vàlico, a crab: ly
Polpóso, and Polputo, adj. pómo cotógno, a quince ;
JlesUy pomo granàio, a pomegra-
PolsCtto, m. a bracelet nate : pomo della spada, the
Pólso, m. pnl.te, vigour, power ; potnmel of ' Popolàzzo, m. the populace
senza bàtter pólso, imme- Popolésco, adj. popular lu- :

diately ògo popolésco, a frequented

Pólla./, pap, or a hasty pud- place
Popolézza, /. ignobilily, mean
PolUgiia,/. mud. mire Pomposità, /. pomp, gra birth
Poltiglióso, ad). ?mtddy, Pòpolo, m. people, nation ;
the common people: (also)
Poltracchio, »«. a colt a poplar-tree ; far popolo, to
Poltrire, to sleep, (also) to
Ponderatainénte, adv. malure- Popolóso, adj. populous
Poltro,' rd, poltron. Popóne, «I. melon
Iid le fell Po'nderazióne, /. ponderosity Póppa, /. a woman's breast, a
Ponderóso, adj. tneightu
ard- Póndi, m. bloody fhix Poppare, to suck
Póndo, m a weight, load; Poppatola,/, a doll
Poltronescaraénte, adv. idly (also) importance (in poetry) Popputo, adj. that has large
Poltronésco, adj. idle, lazy
Poltroniéie, m. an idle fel- ponènte, ml: po. Pópulo, m. fin poctiy) (.c-.-
garbino, south-west Pòpolo)
ponènte libéccio. Populóso, adj. populous
est and by south pa- : Pòrca, / a i< w a slut ; a ,

ridge of land
Porcaio, aod Porcaro, m. a

shove ; pontare i piedi al ware (also) purslain, (an


herb) sea snail

Porce!15tto, m. a pig
levatóio, a draw-bridge : Porce;io, Porcellctto, Porcel-
tenere in pónte, to keep one lino, and Ffifthetto, m. pig,
ìxizzéxe, topulve in suspense porker, (little pig)

Poicheria.,/. Jilthinets Portal'ttere, m. a pocket-book, Posata, /. rest, quiet, a co-
Porcile, m. a hog siy, art in- (also) a post,nan ver, (also) plats, knife, fork,
Ponarazmteilo, m. travelling- spoon, and a napkin
Porclno, adj. came porcina, bag
oag Posaménte, adv. sofily, gerdly
hog-sjlesh Portaménto, m. beltav Posatézza,/, tranquillity
Pòrco, m. a hog; porco spi- look, presence, a carrying Posato, part, set dumn, laid, or
nóso, a hedge-hog; aclj. or bringing
nasfy, dirty orlante, adj. carrying ; ca-
Portante, Posatóio, m. a stick in a cage.
Pòrfido, m. porfhyry portante, an ambling
vallo portim
Pòrgere, to offer, afford, Posatura,/, dregs, settling
reach, present ; pòrgere Portare, to carry, or bring ; Pòscia, adv. after, then
aiuto, to assist: pòrger to produce, allege, cite; Posciacliè, adv. liiue, since
orécchi, to hearken; pòr- to near clothes, S,-c to con- that although

ger le mini, to stretch out duct, lead; to fnduce, ex- Posc.ttta,/. and Poscritto,
t/te hands ; porgetfmi quel cite ; protect,
to favour ; m. a postscriptum, or post-
cappèllo, reach me that porter via, to take arvay ;
hat : pòrger credènza, to portarsi, to behave one's Posdomani, adv. after to-mor-
give credit; porgersi, to self; portare in palma di
present one's self; la cosa, mano, to esteem ; portarsi Positivamente, adv. positive-
non è cosi come la porgo- in qualche luògo, to repair ly, 'also) modestly
no, Ihe thing is not as it is to a place ; porta la fama, Positivo, adj. plain, modest,
represented to be it is said. Portar la fede in (also) positive (larv term)
Porgiménto, m. ihe ad qf grembo, to be apt to break Positura, /. posture, titua-
Pòro, m. a pore Portata, f. equality, condi- Poslzióne, /. position, propo-
Porosità,/, porosity tion, reach, shot ; (also)
Poróso, adj. full of pores, the litter of a she-animal ;

porous ability
Pórpora, /. purple, (also) pur- Portabile, and Portalfvo, adj. cVc.
ple cloth portable Pospórre, to postpone, to de-
Porporato, adj. in purple Portatile, adj. portable spise, to neglect
Porporeggiare, to incline to Portato, part, carried; m. a Posposizióne,/ a postponing
purple brood, litter ; (also) a service, Pospósto, part, postponed
Porporino, purple coloured a course of dishes Pòssa, and Possanza,/, porver
Porrata, f. a leek pottage Portatóre, m. porter Possedére, to possess
Pdrre, for Ponere, to pui, Portatura, /. a burden, carry- Possediménto, m. possession
place, fix; pòrsi a sedere, ing, or carriage Posseditóre, m. a possessor
to set dorvn ; pórre agudti, Portavénto, m. a windpipe Posseduto, part, possessed
to lay in ambush pórre
Portmia, /. and Portèllo, to. a Possènte, aJJ porverful, strong,
bocca, to meddle tvith ; little gate, door able, sufficient
pórre in carta, to tvrite Portènto, m. a prodigy Possentemente, adv. porver-
dorvn; pórre in luce, to Portentóso, adj. prodigious fully
publish ; por legge, to Portévole, adj. portable, tole- Possessióne, /. a possession,
give larv ; por ménte, to (also) a farm, an estate
fix the mind, to suppose; Pórtico, m. a portico, piazza Possessivo, adj posses-tive
por mano, to set one's hand Portièra,/, tapestry, Src hung <
Possésso, m. possession
upon a thing; pórre caso, before a door; portièra di Possessóre, m. possessor
to suppose por da canto,
Possessòrio, to. possession (larv
to lay by por da parte, to
; a coach [keeper term) 1

hoard up ; por giù, to lay Portiere, m. a porter, door- Possibile, adj. possible
down pórre
; in uso, in Portinaro, Portinàio, and Por- Possibilità,/, possibility
opera, &c. to make use of, Pósta, /
place, post, station,
<S-c. Pòrto, m. haven, port, har- a post-house, or an am-
bour, carriage ; (also) given, bush, snare, track, foot-
step, opportunity ; pósta
Portolano, m. a door-keeper, ferma, a settled ajfair ;

Porta, /. a gate, a door ; m. a (also) a pilot pósta fatta, adv. on pur-

Portóne, m. a coach -gate pose ; Star alia pósta, -"o
Portabile, adj. portable Portulaca,/, purslain lay in : ddrsi
Portacàppe, m. a portmanteau, Porzióne,/, portion, share la pòsta, to rendezvous
bag Pòsa,/, rest, quiet far la pòsta, to guard ;
Portafiaschi, m. a hamper, or Posamènto, m. rest, quiet cavalli di posta, post
Posare, to put, or set dorvn, get horses : naviglio di pòsta,
Portafògli, m. a port-folio a packet-boai; andar per
la pósta, to travel hff post, Potenzialmente, adv. power- Pravo, adj. nicked, deprav-
A pdsta, adv. on ]>uTpose; fully, potentially
da sua pdsta, <yf one's own Potére, to be able ; non posso, Preaccennare, (see Sopraccen-
accord request, entreaty
: / cannot ; poter èssere, to be
Posteggiare, to travel pott possible Preambolare, to preface
Postèma, and Postemazidne, Potére, m. and Potestà, /. Preàmbolo, m. preamble, pre-
/. an abscess power face
Posteinato, and Posteradso, Potesterla,/. {see Podesterìa) Prebènda, / prebend, provi-
part, imposthmnated Potissimamente, adv. chiefly
Postergare, to despise, to throni Potìssimo, adj. chief, princi- Prebendato, adj. having a
Pdsteri, m. pi. posterity Potùto, part, been able Precariamente, adv. preca-
Posterióre, adj. posterior; s. Poveraccio, adj. poor, un- riously
happy Precàrio, adj. precarious
Poveràglia, /. poor people Precauzione,/ precaution
Poveramente, adv. poorly Prece,/, a prayer, entreaty
Posticcio, «I. nursery nf trees Poverèllo, and Poverétto, adj. Precedènte, adj. precedent
adj borrowed, false; pos poor, miserable Precedentemente, adv. for-
ticcia,/. the upper part of • Poverino, adj. unfortunate merly
Povero, adj. poor, needy, vile ; Precedènza,/ precedency
Posticipare, to differ (also) barren Precèdere, to precede
Postiére, m. posl-mnsler Povertà,/, poverty Precentóre, m. precentor
Tostiglióne, m. postilion Pozione,/, a potton Precessióne, f. precession fin
Postnia,/. posili, explication Po2ióre, adj. anterior (law astronomy)
- - ' ''ij the margin of Precèsso, part, preceded
...itimri Poziorità,/, anteriority Precessóre, m. predecessor
Posti re, to make noti P0273,/. a slough, a mire Precettare, to cite (Ian
'AUàto, paìi. explained Pozzànghera,/, puddle a
Postillatùra,/. notes, postili Pozzétta,/, a dimple
Pósto, m. post, employment PózZo, m. a well pozzo nero.

Pósto, adJ. put, set a sink ; mostrar la luna nel

Pósto che, conj. suppose pozzo, to inake one believe
any thing Precettóre, m. preceptor
Postrèmo, adj. last Pozzolana,/, pozzolana (sand) PrecettorPllo, ni. a pedant
Postribolo, ni. a brothel Prammàtica,/, the pragmatic Precettorfa,/ direction
Postulato, m. a demand (in Precidere, to cut, shorten
mathematics) Pràndere, to dine, or eat Precinto, 7n. precinct, compass
Pòstumo, adj. posthumous Pràndio, m. dinner
Postura, /. posture, a secret Pranzare, to dine
, Precipitaménto, m. overthrow,
complot Pranzo, m. dinner ; adj. satis- precipitation, —'••
Postutto, adv. entirely Precipltanza, /. (see Precipi-
Postvedére, to see after tazióne)
Potabile, adj. potable, drink- Precipitare, to precipitate,
able fall headlong, to hurry,
Potiggio, m. pottage
Potaménto, m. and Potagióne, PrecipitatEiménte, adv. hasti-
/. a pruning, lopping
Potare, to prune, lop, cut, Praterfa, /. meadows Precipitato, part, precipilat-
split Pràtica, practice, uiagt, /
Potato, part, pruned, lopped plot. Di pràtica, odi). /reriy, Precipitazjóne, /. precipita-
Potatóio, m. a pruning-knife tion ; haste, rashness, indis-
Potatóre, m. pruner, vine- cretion
Precipitóso, and Precfpite, adj.
Potatiira, and Potazidne, /. inconsiderate
a pruning, lopping, (also) Precipizio, m. a steep place;
twigs of trees I
andare, or mandare in pre-
Potentato, and Potentario, m. cipizio, to destroy, to tquan-
potentate, prince Praticato, part, practised
Potènte, adj. powerful, po- ! Pràtico, adj. e.rpert, skilfttl Precipuaménte, adv. chief-
Prato, m. meadom, fields ly

Pratolfno, and Prataiuólo, » Precìpuo, adj. principal, or

Precisamente, and Preciw,
Potenziale, adj. potential precisely
m. predicate (i djciévole, adj. piejudicial,
jiratied ;

logic) hurtful
Predicatóre, m. a preacher Pregiudicare, to prejudice:

Preclaramente, tJii. excel- Predicazióne,/, pt caching

lenlly. nobly
Prediciménto, m. prediction
Prediletto, part, beloved
Preclaro, eulj- excellent, noble,
Predilezióne, /. predilectioi
Preclùdere, to h
Predire, and Predlcere,
Préco, m, a prayei

predict, foretell Pregiudi adj.

Precogitìre, lo pre cial
Precognizióne, i
Predizióne,/, prediction
Predominante, adj. over-rn Preijndnte, adj. pregnant
giioscénza,/. a foreknorving Pregnézza,/. ,»e-;.u«r.y
Prégno, adj pregnant occM :

Preconio, pregni di lagrnne, eyes full

», to praise ;
Predominio, ,». su pregna di diversi pensieri.
my mind is full of different
pJES iów.f preco Predóne, m. a robi
Preeléggere, to pre thoughts
a fore Preelezióne,/, pre Prègo, m. a prayer
PreconoRcénìa, /. Prelato, m. a prelate
kuowledge Preeminénza, /
Prelatura,/. prelate-Mp
Preconóscere, to foreknow Prelazióne,/, preference, (also)
Precórrere, to fore-run I

Preciirsóre, m. a fore-runner _ omliat

la, /. prey, booty dare n :

Preesfstere, to e-rist b Prelibare, lo taste, to touch

Pretato, part, aforesi Prelibato, part, tasted, (also)
Prefazióne, /. and excellent, exquisite
self to grief Preliminare, m. preliminary
Preddce, adj. rapacious of m. a preface
re, to precede tvitli a
Preferènza,/, preference
Preferévole, and Preferibile, ;ht
Predàménto, m. pillage •lude
Predare, to prey, to rob, to idj preferable

pillage ;feriménto,^it. preferment

Preferire, to prefer rely
Predato, part, pillaged, rob- Prematuro, adj. premature
bed Preferito, part, preferred
Prefetto, ni. a magistrate Premeditare, io premeditate
Predatóre, »i. a robber Premeditato, part, premeii
l'redecessóre, m. predecessor; Prefiggere, tojix, prefix
toted nation
nostri predecessóri, Prefiggiménto, m. deterrmna-
Preraeilitarióne, /. premedi-
PreKsso, part, prefixed, limit- lènte, adj. pressing
Prementovato, adj.
Pregadi, and Pregati, m. pi. mentioned
Prèmere, to press, to squeeze,
the Venetian senate
regare, to pray, entreat, to oppress, to trample upon :
beg ; vi prego tutte le teli- che ciò non ri prema, do
cità che desiderate, I nùsh not trouble yourself about it
Premessa, /. premises (in
you all the happiness you can
Preméttere, to put, c r lay bs
Pregato, part. entreated
Predestinazióne, /. and Pre- Pregatóre, m ,

Pregévole, and Pregiabile, adj. Premiare, to remunerate

destino, m. predestination
worthy, valuable Premiato, part, recompensed
VreAéno, part, foretold Premiatóre, «t. a rewarder
Prèdica, /. a sermon, an au- Preghévole. adj. suppliant
Preghièra,/, a prayer, request. Premiazióne,/, a rewarding
ditory pre-emi-
Preminènte, adj.
Predicàbile, adj. predicable,
Pregiabilita,/. value nent
Predicaménto, m. a preach- Pregiare, to prize, esteetn ; pre-
ing (also.i a predicament giarsi, le boast
Pregiato, part, esteemed
Pregiatdre, m. one who values Premitóre, m. an oppresi
Prègio, m. price, worth, rale: Premitura./, a squeeziiii
tener in prègio, to esteem, Premlzia,/. {see Primlzi
talk to those who I

ralue Premura,/, importance,

will I'lOl ear
preacAci, Pregiudicante, and Pregiu-
Predicate part. 1
Pre>.iuri5so, orf/- important Presilgio, nt. presage Presfccio, adj. that has heen
Presagire, to presage, foretell taken're, to foretell Presdgo, ).i. a diviner Presidènte, and Presfde, i.i. a
VrtiunnAto,,.„r!.forelotd Presame, m. rennet (to tun
Principe, uud Prènce, m. milk, Presidènza, /'. presidency
Presbiterrfle, adj. presbytt Presidiare, to put a garrisr.n in
rrt'ndere, to take, accept :
(al^o) /,)
/«v hold of: Presidio, m. a garrism
yreiKlersi il' amóre, to full Presislimaiióne, /. prrfere„tr
Presmóne, «:. must (out oj
Prendibile, adj. that may be Presbitèrio, m. a parsonage grapes)
Prèso, part taken, caught
Prendi mento, m. a taking Presciènte, <i J,-. j;..e»«i,i^ ontuóso, adj. proud, pre-
Pienditcire, m. a taker Presciènza,/, prescience „.,ming
Prescindere, to separate Presuntuóso, aiìj. ptesuuip.
Prenominato, part, before- Prescito, part. reprobated.
Pressa,/, crotvd, throng, (also-
Prenotdre, to note before PresciiUto'^m h nn
Prenotato, part, before noted aJJ pres< Pressante, adj. pressing, ur
Prenozidne, /. foreknow-
Presapóeo, adv. thereabout
"""'"'•" to press, urge.

Pressatura,/ entreaty
Preoccupare, to preoccupy Prescriiióne, f. prescription, a Pressióne, f. pressure, a prrss-
Preoccupato, part- preoccu-
pied Presedère, to preside PrSsso, adj near, nigh ; «</if.
Preoccupazidne, f. preoccupa- Presentagiène, /. presenta-
tion comparison: almost: près-
Presentàneo, adj. present, so che, almost: prèsso a
poco, thereabout ; questo è
Presentare, lo present; presen- nulla prèsso al mio, this is
Preparare, to prepare nothing in comparison of
Preparativo, and Preparatòrio, Presentato, part, presented
adj. preparative Presentatóre, m. he mho pre- Pressura, /. oppression, vcxa-
Preparazióne, /. prepara
Presentazióne, /. presenta- Prèsta, ana PrestànSa, /. a
Preponderare, to preponde-
Prestante, adj. excellent, rar
Prestare, to' lend, yield,
borrow ; prestar fede,
Presentiménto, m. guess, fort give credit ; prestar ort
chio, to hearken ; pres!
Presentire, to f\jresee, foretell >, to help: 1
.màggio •o pay Iwma^
Prestato, part lent, grunted
Prestatóre, m. an usurer
Presènza, and Presenzia, /. PrestatUra, /. a lending, bor-
zióne,/. prerojfati Torving
Preriitto, adj.tteep (a Latin Presenziale, adj. present Prestazióne,/, {see Prestézza)
,vord) Prestère, m. the ihunde, loll
Présa, /. a taking, or price ; Prestézza, and Prestazióne,/.
Presèpe, and Presèpio, m. quickness, speed
di tabacco, a pinch of Prestigiare, to deceive, be-
mum far présa, hold fust ; Preservaménto, m. Isee Preser-
présa di gente, a band, vazióne) ;to, part, deceived
Preservare, to preserve
PreservatfTO, adj. preserva- j,m.\ind Prestlgia, /.
i j>'SS''nS
Prestila," /. and Prèstito, m a Prevedimènto, m. foreknow- Primièra, /. primero (a game
borrowing or lending
Presto, ad), and adv. quick, Preveuimènto, tn. preposses- Primieramente, adv. first of
nimble ; (also) diligent ; fate

presto, make haste Primièro, adj., first

Presuasidne, f. previotu per- Primigènio, adj. primitive
Primitivamente, adv. original'
Presumenza, /. presumption Preven2ióne,/. prevention ly
Presùmere, io presume, pre- Prevenire, to prevent Primitivo, adj. primitive
tend ; (a!so) lo conjecture Vrev\àénza,f:foresight Primizia., f.jirst fruits
Presumitdre, m. a presumer Prèvio, adj previous Primo, adj. first
Presuntivo, adj. presump- Previsióne, f foresight Primogènito, m. eldest son
Prevfso, and Previsto, adj. Primogenitóre, ?n. a first fa-
Prevòsto, m. provost Primogenitura, /. primogeni-
Preziosamente,, adv. precious- ture, a birtk-right
Presuntudso, adj. presump- Primordiale, adj. primitive
Preziosità, /. preciousness (law term)
Presunzióne, /. conjecture, or Prezióso, adj precious Principale, adj. principal
presumption Prezzabile, adj. valuable Principalmente, adv. chiefly
Presuppórre, to presuppose Prezzare, to value, esteem Principare, to domineer
Presupposizióne, /. and Pre- Prezzato, part, valued, prized Principato, tn. principality,
supp(5sto, m. a supposing Prezzatore, m. a prizer pre-eminence, government
Presuppósto, adj. taken for Prezzémolo, m. parsley Principe, and Prince, m. a
granted Prèzzo, m. prize, value (also)
, prince
Presura, /. seizure, a taking ; reward; servire a prèzzo, <o Principéssa,/, a princess
serve for money Principiamènto, m. a begin-
Prète, m. a j ''
"Jtiggler Prezzolare, io cheapen
Pretelle,/, p,. muma Prezzolato, part, cheapened, Principiente, adj. beginning:
Pretendénza,/ pretension haggled un principiante, a beginner,
Pretèndere, to pretend, design. Pria, adv. (in poetry) first,
Princip_iare, to begin
Pretensóre, m. a pretender Priègo, m. a prayer, desire Principiato, part, begun
Pretensióne, m. a pretension Principiatóre, in. a beginner
Preterire, to pass over Principio, m. principal, origin,
Pretèrito, part, past, gone by ;
Prigionia,/, imprisonment Priorato, m. priorship
Pretermesso, paH. omitted Prigionière, and Prigionièro, Prióre, m. prior, president
Preterméttere, to omit m. a prisoner, a gaoler Priorfa, and Priorità, prio- /
Pretermissióne,/. omission Prima, adv. first, before, ra- rity ;a priory
Pretematurale, adj. superna- Priscamente, adv. formerly,
; prima che, before, before
turai as anciently
Pretéso, part, chall'nged that ; vorrei prima morire, Prisco, adj. former, old, an-
Pretèsta,/, and Pretèsto, »n. / tvould rather die
pretence Primamente, adv. firstly ; first
Pretóre, m. prartor of all
Pretoria,/, pralorship Primariamente, adv. first of
Pretoriano, and Pretòrio, adj. all hi
Primàrio, adj. primary, Pristino, adj. past, ancient
Pretòrio, m. a prtrior's chief Privagióne," / and Priva-
Primate, m. a primate, pre- mènto, m. (see Privazi-
Pretosèmolo, m. parsley
Prettamente, adv. plainly Primaticciaraénte, adverb, Priva're, to deprive; privarsi.
Prètto, adj. pure, unmixed early
Pretura,/ prietorstiip Primaticcio, adj first, early Privatamente, adv. private-
Prevalére, to prevail: preva- Primato, «I. a primate, pre- 'y
lérsi, to take advantage Privativamente, adv. exclu-
Prevaricare, to transgress Primavéra, /. spring; (also)
Prevaricatóre, m. a transgres- first coming in offlowers Privatlvo, m. a depriving
sor, deceiver Primazia,/ primacy Privato, m. a privy; common
Prevaricazióne, /. and Pre- Primazidle, adj primatical sewer; .also) a p'ritice's fa-
varicaménto, »t. transgres- Primeggiare, to exceed others ouri.te
Primicèrio, m. a dean (in
Prevedére, io foresee *.ome churches)
Privatrfre, m. a depriver Prodilcere, to produce
Privazióne,/; privation, a dt- Producénte, adj. producing
priving Producfbile, adj. productive
Privfgno, m. son-in-law Proclama, / a proclama- Pro(!ucimènto, m. production
Privilegiare, io privile/re Producitóre, m. a producer
Privilegiato, part, privileged Froclaraàre, to proclaim Produómo, m. a brave man
Privik'gio, m. privilege Proclive, adj. inclined, bent ; Produrre, to produce, yield t
Privo, part, deprived m. inclination (also) to allege
Frizzalo, paH. spotted Proco, m. a suitor, lover ProdutU'bile, adj. producible
Prò, m. utility, bcnejit ; buor. Proconsolato, m. proconsul- Produttivo, adj. productive
prò Ti faccia, much good Produttóre, ?«. one that pro-
may it do you ; a che prò ?
to what purpose ; in prò, in Produziór productio)
behalf : prò e contra, /or and
against; senza prò, need- Procrastinàre, to put off Proemiale, adj. preliminary
lessly ; dare il buon prò, to Procrastinato, part, procrasti- Proemiare, to make pre-
congratulate adj. brave, nated a-mhle
valiant Procrastinazióne, /. a de- Proèmio, m. preface
Proàvolo, and Proavo, m. lay Profanamente, adv. profanely
great-grandfather Procreante, adj. procreating Profanare, to profane
Probabile, adj. probable Procreare, to procreate Profanato, part, profaned
Prolialiilita, f. probability Procreatóre, m. a creator. Profanatóre, m- a profaner
Probabilmente, adv. pro- Profanazióne,/, a profaning
Procreazióne, /. and Procrea- Profanità./, profaneness
Proba2idne, /. probation ménto, m. procreation Profano, adj. pufane
Procura, /. procuration; (also) Profènda,/, provender
Probità, /. honesty a letter of attorney Profendàre, to give horses pro-
Problèma,/, problem Procurare, to mind, to take
Problemàtico, adj. problemati- care, to endeavour strive ; ; Professare, to profess
to solicit ; procurerò di ser- Professióne, m. a profession
virla, I'll endeavour to serve Proféssa,/, a professed 7iun
you Profésso, m. a prqfessed
Procurato, part, endeavoured
Procuratore, m. an attorney Professóre, m. a professor
Procurazióne, /. a power to Profetare, Profetizzare, ani
Procacciànte, and Procaccé- act for another care, ; Profetteggiàre, to prophesy
vole, adj. diligent office dj.proy--"-'
Procacciare, to procure, make FiocuxeTta,f. profession of an
shift, endeavour after ; pro- attorney ProfferénJa
cacciarsi disgràzia, to get Txóda.f. shore, bank, proni qf (also) on
into misfortune Profferire, and Profferére, t
Procacciato, part, procured, Prode, adj. valiant, brave ; m. offer
got benefit, profit
Procacciatdre, m. a diligent Prodemente, adv. valiantly
Prodézza, /. prowess, valour, .ented
Procàccio, m. apostman ; (also) Proffèrta, /. offer, proposal,
Prodigalità, /. prodigality, oblation
Proccurare, fsee Procurare, Proficuo, adj. profitable
and its derivatives) Prodigalizzare, to be prodi- Profìguiàto, part, compared
Procedènte, adj. proceeding gal Profilare, to draw a profile
Procèdere, to proceed, to Prodigamènte, and Prodigal- Profilo, m profile, outline
ménte, adv. prodigally Profittabile, adj. profitable
Procediménto, »i. a proceeding, Prodigio, m. prodigy Profittare, to profit, improve,
a going forrvards Prodigiosamente, adv. pro<ii to be profitable
Proceduto, part, proceeded Profittévole, adj profitable
Procèlla, f. a slorm, tern- Prodigiosità, /. prodigious- Profittevolméme, adv. pro-
Procellóso, adj. stormy Prodigióso, adj. prodigious Profitto, m. profit, gain
Processare, to go to lam Prodigo, adj. lavish, profuse Proflùvio, »i. store, plenty.
Processióne,/, procession Proditóre, m. a traitor
Processi vo, adj. proceeding Proditòrio, adj. traitorous Profondamente, a V. deeply
Procèsso, m. progress ; far pro- Prodizióne,/, trea^ian, felony Profondaraénto, n
cèsso, to sue at law Prodótto, m. product, fruit Profondare, to sink, to div*
Processura,/. a proceeding adj. produced
Profondataménte, adv. ieep- Prolungato, part, prolonged to, adj. ready, bold
Proméssa, f. a promise, bail, , into air ira, passionate
rròfondiito, pati, sunk Pronùncia, / /ter Pronùnzia,
l'rofondazidne, f. dig- Promessidne, /. a promise,
inng permission
PrbftSndere, fo diisipate Promésso, part, promised
Profondità,/, deepness Promettènte, adj. promising
Profóndo, m. dr-plk adv. Prométtere, to promise ; pro-
deeply adj. deep profónda
: ; méttere per altrui, to bail
none, a <lark n!f,rht one prométtere bene, to be

Profondità./. dee,mess hopeful Pronunzialóre, tn. teho pro-

Pròfugo, adj.fiiiplive Promettitóre,
Profuiniire, to perfume Pronunzi;izione, /. pronuncia-
Profumitto. part, perfumed
Profuinatnizo, m. a spark,
Iieaii, empti) fitol
Profumièra, /. a perfuming- Promissòrio,
Profumière, m. perfumer Promontdrio, tn. a mountain,
Profumo, m. perfume hill ; high ground running
Profumdso, part, perfumed out into the sea Propagginare, lo propagale the
Profusamente, adv. profusely Promosso, part promoted vine, (also) to increase
Profusióne, m. profusion Promotdre, m. a promoter Propagginazióne, /. an in-
Profuso, adj. profuse, la- Promovénte, adj. promot-
ing Propagginamènto, tn. a plant-
Progenie, and Progenia, /. Promozióne, /
and Promon-
offspring', issue, race me'nto, tn. promotion Prop.-Jggine, /. a layer qf a
Proi^nitóre, m. ancestor Promulgare, to promulgate,
Progettare, to scheme publish PropaWre, /<' declare
Progètto, m
project, desi^ Promulgato, part, promid- Propalato, iktrt. published
Programma, tit. n proposal Própe, adv. hard by, near
Progrédere, to advance Promulgazióne, /. promu/^fl-
Progressione,/, progression tion, publieUy
Progressivo, adj. progress- Promudrere, to promole, to
Progrèsso, tu. progress, a ménte, adv. properly
proceeding ; (also) proji- Prwpieta, and Proprietà, /.
property, propriety, interest,
Proihlre, to pmhibit, forbid advantage
Proibitivo, adj. prohibitory Propiet;irio, and Proprietàrio,
Proibito, part, forbidden
Proiliitdre, m
he that for bids Propinare, to drink one's health.
Proibizidne./ prohibition Pròno, adj. inclined, prone
Proiètto, tjt. and Proiettiira, Pronóme', tn pronoun Propinquamente, adv. near, by
/. c. projectun (in arthitec- Pronominato, part, celebrai- Propinquità, f. nearness,
ture) neiglibourhood
ProWto, part, uttered Pronosticaménto, »n. and Pvo- Propinquo, adj. nigh, near ;

Prolatdre, tn. an editor nosticanfa, /. prognostica- propinqui, relations

Krolaiidne,/. pronunciation tion (foretelling) Pròprio, and Própio, adj.
Pròle./, offspring, family Pronosticare, to prognosticate, proper; mia propia figliuola,
Prolifico, adj. prolific foretell my own daughter ; amor
Prolissamente, adv. tediously, Pronosticatóre, m a prog- pròprio, self-love: possedere
round about' noxticator, one that fore- in pròprio, to be the right
Prolissità, prolixity tells owner: m. property; adi:
Prolisso, adj. prolix, tedious properly
Prologàre, and Prologi/zàre, to Propiziatóre, tn. a mediator
make a preamble Propiziatòrio, adj. propitia-
Prologare, and Prologizzire, to Prontamente, adv. readily, tory
speak at length to tell a long
Propiziazióne, /. propitia-
story i Prontire, to importune ; pron- tion
Prolongazidne, /. and Pro- Propizio, adj. propitious.
longamènto, m. a prolonga- i ProntézSa, and Prontitiidine,
/. quickness, speed, haste, im-
Prolungàre, to prolong mity
Proponiménto, m. inteni, Prosàico, and Frosàatico, adj.
m. a neighbour, re-

Prostendersi, to prostrate
prosare alcuno, to jok
ProiiovzJondle, OiiJ. piopur

Proiioriionalità, /. profor
Proiìorzionalménte, adv. j>rc
Proporziondre, to proportion Prosciogliménto, m. absolu
demean, vilify
Pro))or2Ìonataniénts, adv Prosciòlto, part, absolved; di Prostitdta./. a prostihite
proportionally prosciòlti, tvork-dayi ProstituJióne, /. prostitu-
Proporzionato, part, propor Prosciugare, to dry up
Prosciutto, »n. gammon of Prostrare, and Prostrarsi, to
Proscritto, adj. proscribed, Prostrato, adj. prostrate
•table Prostrazióne,/, an ovcrthron-,
Propòsito, m. purpose^ dit- Proscrivere, in proscribe, io dejection, n'eaknes,
bauish, to outlaw Prosuntuóso, preiumptmnis
caiise, motive, sign ; fuor di Proscrizióne, /. proscription, Proteggere, to protect
l.ropusito, improperly ; a outlawry Protèndere, to slretch pro- ;

proiidsito, seasonably Proseguente, adj. following tèndersi, to stretch one's

Propositura, f. « provoslahip ; self
dignity Protervamente, adv.frotvard-
Proposizióne, f
proposition, 'y
Protèrvia, and Protervith, /.
ProptJSta, f. proposal, pur- Proselfto, m. proselyte arrogance, perverseness
pose Prosodia,/, prosody Protèrvo, adj. frorvard, rcay-
Propósto, m. resolution, rec- Prosoh-la,/ ,,ro.clyte
tor, provost, sheriJJ- Prosontuositk. /
pr Protèso, paìt. stretched, ex-
Proprtsto, part, proposed tended
Propriaménte, adv. ' proper- Protèsta, atid Protestazióne, /.
« ''
Proprietà, Prosopopèa, and Prosopopefa,
/. property, pro-
/. ostentation ; (also) pr Protestare, to protest
sopopcria, (a figure in rl Protestazióne, /'. a protesta-
Prosperamente, adv. prt
Propugnare, to di-Jciut, sup- perovsly, fortunately
Prosperare, to prosper.
Projiugnatore, m. a dffend- Protétto, part, protected
Protettorale, adj. of a pro-
Protettorato, ni. a protector
¥TÓra,f.'thèpro,vofaship Prosperevolrr.énte, i

Pronto, m. an itchmg Protettóre, vi. a protector

Vrovóg:^, f.pron.i^nlion Prosperità, and Prosperaìióne.
/. prosperity Pròto, adj.' chief, first
ProrogaUva,/. arrf^-once Prosperóso, adj. strong, stout Protocòllo, »i. piolocol {a
Prorogato, part, prorogued I'rospettiva,/; perspective
Prorogazióne, f. proroga- Prospettivista, tn, a perspec- Protodidàscalo, m. first mas-
tive painter
Prorómpere, to break forth ; Prospettivo, adj perspective Protofldraine, m. f.rst fiamen.
to speak ; proruppe in Prospètto, m. prospect
queste parole, he jittered Prossimaménte, adv. next.
these trords. Prorompere in
qualche follia, io be guilty of
so,„e folly Protonotariato, m. dignity of
ProtopUiste, m. first crea-
PrósC/. prose
Prototipo, m. jìTOtotype, first età provétta,^ old Prudentemente, adv. pi-u
model, original
Protrarre, and Protràere, to Provianda,/. victuals Prudènza, /. prudence, r»!»-
protract, to draw lines, Providaménte, adv. rvisely,
.figures, Src. prudently, carefully Prudenziale, adj. pri
Protratto, part, protracted Providénza, and Providenzia,
Protrazióne, /. protraction, Prùdere, to itch
drarving of lines, Src. Prdvido, adj. providetU, heed- , Prudóre, m. itching
Protribunàli, adv. giudicar Pnigna, /. prune, plum
protribundli, to sit upon a Provfnca, f. periwinkle (an Prugno, m. a plum-tree
trial herb) Prugnola, /. o sloe, or vilJ
Prdva, / proof, trial, expe- Provincia,. f. province
riment, ess.i^; (also) bra- Provinciaiàto, vi. provincial- PriSgr.olo,m. a bullace-tree
very., testimony, mitness ; Pruina,/, hoarfrost
dare a pròva, to sell on Provinciàle, adj. and m. pro- Pruinóso, adj. frosty
trial; torre a pròva, to take vincial, of a province Pruna,/. a prune, a plum
Provocaménto, »i. and Pro- Prunàia,/. Prunàio, and Pru-
Provàbile, adj. that may be vocazidne, /. provocation narne, m. place full <J
Provocante, and Provocativo, thorny bushes'.
adj. provocative Prunéto, ni. a thorny place
Provocare, to exasperate Pruno, m. bramble, briar
Provocato, part, provoked Prunóso, adj. fJill of briars
ProTagióne, Provazìóne, /. Provocazióne, f. provoca- Prudva,/. proof, trial
and Provaménto, m. a Pnirigine, /. an itching,
proof, essay, mark, testi- Provvedénza,/. providence, or itch
mony foresight Pruriginóso, adj. that causes
Provino, adj. obstinate Provvedére, to provide, to
Provare, to try ;
prove, taste, observe, mind, to order. Prurtre, to itch
grow, thrive ; provarsi con Prurito, m. an itching ; (also,
qualchediino, to come to a Provvediménto, m. provi- temptation, desire
trial of skill sion, providence, caution, Prùzz art, hea
Provato, part, tried, attempted, Psllic, and Pslllo, m. Jiea-
Provazii5ne,' /. a trial, Pubblicaménte, adv. public
Provecciàrsi, to take the ad- Provvedutamente, adv. cau- Pubblicaménto,
ubblica n
vantage of
Provéccio, m, advantage, Proweduto, part, provided,
(also) prudent
Provedénza, /. providence Provvidamente, adv. care-
provision fully
Provedére, io provide Provvidente, adj. cautious.
Provediménto, m. precau-
Provvidènza,/, providence Pubblicazióne,/, publicalion
Pròvvido, adj. provident. Pubblicità,/, publicity
Pùbblico, m
the public ; adj.
Provvigióne,/, provision
Provenire, to thrive, grorv, to Provvisàre, to ituike verses Pubertà,/, puberty
proceed, derive extempore Pubescènte, adj. that has ob-
Provènto, m. revenue, rent Provvisatdre, m. an extempore
Proverbiale, adj. proverbial
Proverbialmente, adv. pro- Provvisionile, adj. provi- publish
verbially sional Pudenda, /. pi. the privy
Proverbiare, to scold. Jeer, Provvisioniire, to pension
scnj^i servirsi di provèrbi, to Provvisionato, part, pension- Pudicamente, adv. chastely
use proverbs ed Pudicizia, /. chastity, pudi-
Proverbiato, part, jeered, Provvisióne, /. provision, city
Pudico, adj. chaste, modest
Provèrbio, m. a proverb ;
Provvtso, m. an extempore Pudóre, m. modesty
(also) abuse, offence Prov visóre, m. an extetnpore Puerile adj. puerile, child-
Proverbiosamente, adv. an-
Provvisto, part, provided Puerilità,/. puerility
Pwverbidso, adj. injurieu* Prua,/, a prnrv }sea term) Puerilmente, adv. childi.thiy
JProvgtto, adj. aged, full Prudènte, adj. prudent, nite ,
Puerizia,/, puerility, infuHC})

Puèrpera, /. a tvotnati tn Pulitamente, adv. cleanly, Puntare, to point, to stop, it,
cMld-hed neatly push; to thrust, to criticise.
Puerpèrio, m. child-bed, or Pulitézza, /. politeness, ele-
lying-in gance, cleanliness Puntata,/ thrtui
Pugilato, m. fisty-fight, cuff- Pulito, ari), clean, neat, polish- Puntatamente, adv. punctu-
ing, boxing ed adii, cleanly

Pugi'llo, m. handful Pulitóre, m. a polisher

Puglia, /. jigM, fray, con- Pulitura,/ a polish
test Pulizia, f. cleanliness, neat. punctuation
Pugnace, adj. warlike Puntd^Sa,/ an iron point
Pugnacemente, adv. in a Pullulaménto, m. and Pul- Puntazza, m. a promontory,
lulazidne, /. a springing, (a cape)
PugnaMta, /. a blom tvith a sprouting Punteggiaménto, ni. punctua-
dagger Pullulare, and Pullotóre, to
Pugnale, m. foniard, dagger bud forth, to spring forth, to Punteggi^re, to point, or stop
Pugnare, to Jight, contrast, multiply
Pùlpito, m. pxdpit Punteggiato, part, pointed
Pugndto, part, fought Pulsare, tn beat, to knock Punteggiatura, /. a sticking.
Pugnazio'ne,/. a combat Pulsazióne, / pulsation, beat-
PugnCllo, m. a handful ing of the pulse Puntellare, to prop, sup-
Pugnénte. and Pungènte, adj. Pulzèlla, /. a virgin, a
poignant, sharp, slinging PuntelWto, part, propped,
Pugnere, and Pùngere, io Pulzdne, m. a punch, or supported
sting, prick, nettle puncheon Puntello, m. a prop
Pugiieréccio, adj. pricking, Pungéllo, m. a goad Punténte, adj. pointed.
sharp Pungènte, adj. pricking,
Pugnetto, m. a handful, (also) Punteruòlo, m. a bodkin, (also)
a spur Pungentemente, adv. sharp-
Pugniraénto, m. stinging, Puntiglio,' m. a punctilio, a
(also) coiitrition, repent- Pùngere, to prick, sting.
Puntiglióso, adj. cavilling,
Puntino, «1. a small point.
Pungiglióne, Pungiglidto, aiid A puntino, adv. exactly
Pu^ìtópo, m. a kind nf nettle Pùngolo, Jii. a spear, a Punto, m. a point, an in-
Ptj'iio, m. a Jist, a handful ; stant, a point, difficulty
aver in pugno, to have in Pungiménto, m. a prick- an article, a passage, state,
one's power ; a blow ; a cuff; condition, a wrangling, a
fare alle pugna, to box ; dare Pungitfvo, adj. poignant, stitch ; èssere in buon pun-
im pugno ill cielo, to Jight to, to be in a good state of
Pungildio, tn. a goad, or body; voi non avete punto
Pila.f. husk, hull sting di cosciènSa, you have no
Piilce,/. aj?ea Pungolare, io goad, stimu- conscience at all. Essere
Pulcella,/. tnaid, virgin late in punto, to be ready ;
PuIcelUggio, m. virginity Punibile, adj. punishable part, stung, pricked. Pun-
Pulcelidna,/. an old maid Puniménto, m. and Punizi- to per puuto, adv. exacl-
Pulcesécca, /. a pinch, a óne,/ punishment
pinching Punire, to punish Puntóne, m. a prop, a point ;
Pulcino, m. a chicken ; è più PuniUvo, adj. punitive adv. with a point
impacciato eh' un pulcin PunIto,,pai'<. punished Puntuale, adj. punduai.
nella stoppa, he is so puz- Punitóre, m. punisher
zled that he knows not what Punizióne,/, punishment
Pùnta,/, point, the end of any
Pulèdro, m. a colt thing ; (also) a pleurisy. ally
Puléggia,/, a pulley Punta di soldati, a troop of Puntura, /. puncture, an-
Puléggio, m. penny-royal (an soldiers. Pigliar la punta. guish, distress, sorrow,
herb) to gro pang
Pulica, and PuUga, /. a notch PuntdgUa, /. a , , de- Puntuto part, pointed
Punzecchiare, and PuiiZelUre,
Eulfce,/. a flea Puntale, TO. point, tag, aglet ; to spur, goad, sting
Puliménto, m. a cleansing, puntale di fibbia, the tongue Punzecchiatura, /. spoli, o?
polishing of a buckle speckles
Pulire, to scour, cleanse, polish. Pimtalnaénte, adv. punctually, PunSelIaménto, m. a prick-
(also) jointly J
ing, (also) solicitativn
Funzione,/, n pricking Quademdie, and Quaderni^
Punzdne, »i. .i hor on the car Piitn ;
(also) a coin to itamp money .fi'd
Putrèdine,/, putrefacti
Pupflla,/. the eye-hatl Putredinóso, adj. itrid,
PupilWre, adj. uf a yupil corrupt
Pupillo, m. pupil Putrefare, io piUrefj/ Quddra, / a quadrant ; dar la
Puramente, adv. sincerely Putrefattévole, adj. corrupli quadra, to Uiugh at
Purché, conj. provided, only, Quadrageuiirio, adj. forty
Putrefi<tto, part, putrefied
Pure, adv. yet, allhon Putretaiióne,/. putrefnclion
moreover, however, betid Putridume, m. rotten things
dite pure qu6l che voli Putrldfre, to grow rotten
rviU :
Quadramènto, i . quadrature,
pure ? tvhat then f pure die, do. adj. putrid a squaring
if, if so Putridume, in. corruption Quadràngolo, r, a quadran-
Puréllo, and Furétto, adj.
neat, iinadullerated Putta, and Puttana, f. strum auadrànte, m. a quadrant
Purézza,/, purity pet, harlot uadrare, to square, tn ap-
Purga,/, a purge Puttaneggiare, to rvench, i
Purgazióne, /. and Purga- play the strumpet non mi quadra, / do not ap-
ménto, m. a purging Puttanèggio, m. whoring prove your opinion
Purgante, adj. purging Puttanèlla,/, a strumpet Quadratino, m. a quadrate,
Purgare, to purge, cleanse, ''uttanésco, adj. whon'sh (in printing)
scour, purify, jnoderate 'ullanésimo, m. Puttanfa, m, it quadrangle
Purgatamente, adv. correct- and Puttanerfa,/. yveiu Quadrato, adj. four-square,
ly square; (comprèsso) strong,
Puttanière, m. a whoremaster, well-set, lusty, rvelt-pro-
Putt'Uo, and Puttlno, Quadratura, /. quadrature, a
Purgatóre, m. cleanser boy squaring
Purgatòrio, m. purgatory Quadrèllo, m. an arrow le :

adj. purgative quadrèlla d'amore, Cupid's

Purgatura, /^ttA darts; (also) a square brick,
PurpziJne,/. purgation PùZZa,/. a stink, stench, (also) or stone ; a packing-needle
pus, corruption Quadrétto, m. a square
Purilìcàto,' 'i'Jr""Ji^rified PuZzire, «0 stink
Puriricatcirio, m. Puzzo, ni. « stench Quadriènnio, m. the space c^f
PùZEola, /a tort of at four years
Ml Quadrifórme, adj. square
Pui'olèl! Quadriga. //.mr/ior*«
Purità, and Puritdde, / Quadriglia, /. a band of sot.
P'uzzolènza,/. dirt, filth diets
Puzzóso, cdj. stinking Quadriglie, m. the game <jf
PurZura, / stench, infcctio
Quadrimèstre, m. the space qf

Purpùreo, adj. purple Quadripartire divide into

Purulènto, adj. rotten four parts
Pusillanimaméntc, adv. wit
Pusillanimità, /. puùllam Quadro, adj. square ; r><. a
square, a picture, a frame,
P« md Pusillaniir a border ; quadri, garden-
adj. pusillanin beds
QVA, adv. here; qua e là Quadrùccio, m. a brick
Pusillità, / smallneis, mea here and there: di qua Quadrùpede, m. a qiujdru-
this side di: qua e di là, o> ped : a four-footed ani-
both sides: non l'ho visti
da quel tempo in qua, / Quadruplicare, to quadrupli-
have not seen him sinci that
Putalfvo, adj. putative, i Quàdruplo, adj. quadruple,
puled Quacchero, and Quàcquero, four-fold
Putente, adj. slinking Quaéntro, adv. Ure tvUhia
di quadnti far, at much ; quanti, «e ^sse dire, as if it
volete ? Aim' many will yon vild say ; qudsi quasi.
(luaggiiSs have f quanto potete ve- 'most
dére, as fur as you can see ; nd Ouf
quag e affair quanto a me, as fur me ;
quanto ciò, as fur that ; Qnjarìduàno,"''adj. of four
a bird) quanto prima, very soon :

tutto quanto, ali; quésto è Quaternàrio, m. (see Quader-

coagulation il quanto, this •
Quagliare, and Quagliarsi, to Quattaménte, adv. secretly, by
curdle, thicken quanti siamo del mese ? what stealth
Quagliatùra, /. coagulation, a day nfthe month it this f Quiitto, and Quattóne, adj.
curdling luantochè, adv. althouf;h squatting, quiet, still an- :

Quagliato, part, thickened. Quantùnque, cunj. though, diir qu-attdne, to creep along.
\irdled although adv. whosoev
; Quatto quatto, adv. very
Quagliare, m, quail-pipe
gu^Iio, «.. r, net intiinque volte. Quattordicèsimo, ndj. the
Qualche, «rf;. é y: in fourteenth
qualche parte, sometvnere Quattórdici, m.- fourteen
Qualchcdùno, and Qualcuno, ,
Quattrino, and Quattrinaio,
adj. somebody m. a farthing ; quattrini,
Qualcòsa,/, something
Quale, pron. rvhich, what ; s Quattro, ndj. four
è quale voi lo volete, it is (Ian Quattrocento, adj. four hun-
mkiit you will ; tale quale, QuaranU'na, /. forty, quaran-
tine :far la quarantina, to Quattrorafla, adj. four thou-
perform quarantine ; (also)
to keep Lent Quattrotémpora,/ J)/, the four
Quarantotto, adj. forty-eight rnbernt
Qualificato, part, qualified ;
Quarantotti, ni. pi. the forty- ^^ Q.
jiersdna qualificata, a per- ìuéUi, ;

son qf quality
Qualificazióne, /. qualijica- ord) Quel, 'and Quello, pron. he ;
Quarésima,/. Lent
Qualità, /. quality, condi- Quaresimale, m. Quelchesisfa, pron. whoei'er
tion; avere la qualità, <o i« preached in Lent ; adj. of Quél tanto, m. that which,
quali^ed Lent that quantity
Qualitktivo, adj. qualifying Quarta, /. a quart, or quart- Quercéte, m. a wood, a
Qualménte, adv. as, horv,soat pot ; (also) a quarter fin
QuaMra, adv. when astronomy) QuPrcia, and Querce,/.an oak
Quartina,/, a auartan ague
Qualsis , and Qualsi' .
Quartito, adj. 'well-set, lusty, Quercino, adj. légno quercino.
i Quartato, adj. noble on the
father and mother's side

Quarterdne, m. the quarter of


Querelante, and Querelatóre,

Quando, adv. when, when- m. a plaintiff; adj. com-
quando in
ever, since, if; plaining
uno ludgo, quando in un Querelare, and Qucrelirsi, to
Quartière, m. quaiter; i

place, sometimes in another ; tiéri d' inverno, n • Quurelàto, part, accused, in-
di quando in quando, now quarters; dar quartiéi
Quereldso, Querulo, Queru-
Quando che, adv. when, i/; rtiermàstro, m 1ÓSO, and Querelatòrio, adj.
mournful, groaning, com-
Quartina,/, (see Quadernàrio) plaining
Quandùnque, adv. whenever Quarto, m
the fourth part Querénte, adj. inquiring^

QuiJnquam, adv. fare il quan- ndj fourth Querimònia,/, lamentation

quam, to give one's self great Quartodécimo, adj. the four- Quesito, m. question, dc
à,/. quantity Quartogènito, adj. the fourth Questésso, pron, this ver^
, adj. how much, how
, as many; adv. as Quasi, adv. a if, like; quS- Quésti, pron. this, he hiinself
Questionaménto, »i. a quti- quindi, from the tame
Questionante, adj. question- Quindicèsimo, adj. the Jif
ing tecnth
Questionare, to question eulndici, adj.fjieen
ulnd' dltrè, and Quindltte,
dispute ; venfre a questióne, adv. thereabout
to fall out Quinquagenario, adj. ffly
Questioneggiaménto, m. a years old
Quinquagèsima, /. Quinqua-
Huestioneggiàre, to tpestion gesima Sunday
uestionévole, adj. doubt- Quinquagèsimo, adj. the fif-
tieth bero, m. rhubarb
Quésto, j>ron. this : in qudsto, Quinquènnio, m.Jive years Rabbaraftàre, io ruffie, to diS'
thereupon quésto e quel-
Quinta,/, a quint (in music) compose, to fight
lo, this and that io son : Quintadècima, /./tt/Z moon Rabbaruffato, part, tuffled^
venuto à quésto, / come on Quintale, m. quintal (hundred discomposed
purpose for that tveight) Rabbassamènto,
Quintana,/, a quintin (a post.
Canti Rabbassare, to lower, abase
^nilyofaqnestor aqu> e of pape Rabbassato, part, lorvered
guetaménte, adv. quietly Rabbàttere, to blunt rab ;

uetanza, /. and Quéto, r Quinto, adj. the fifth ; m. the bàttersi, to meet again
receipt fifth part Rabbattuto, part, blunted
Quetàre, to quiet, pacify. Quintodécirao, adj. fifteenth Rabbatuffblàre, to turn upside
of a
'. Quintuplo, adj. quintupli
tarsi, to be quiet, (.fivefold)
guetàto, pali, quieted Quisqulglia, and Quisquflia,
uéto, adj. quiet, itili, peace- f.nith, s, •epings handsome
able quéto quéto,
Qui dispute
, Rabbellito, part, embellished
quietly Rabberciare, lo patch, mend
Qui, adv. here, hither ; Rabberciato, part, patched,
qui, I am here ; di qui pieced
qui, from hence; fra, < Ràbbia, /. madness, passion,
qui a tre giórni, three days rage, fury, lust
hence ; qui dentro, here Rabbino, m. a Jewish rabbi
Rabbiosamente, adv. madly
Quiddità, and Quidità, /. Rabbióso, adj. mad, furious
quiddity, essence Rabboccare, to take with one's
luidéntro, adv. here tvithin Quistioneggiaménto, m. a teeth again rabboccar fiàs

tuiditatlvo, a^. essential chi, to Jilt up bottles

Quistioneggiàre, to dispute Rabbonacciare, to calm,
Quietamente, adv. quietly Quistionévole, adj. question- quiet ; rabbonacciarsi, to
•uietànza,/. a receipt able, doubtful grow calm
Quietare, to pacify Quitànza, /. acquittance, Rabbondàre. to abound
^uietiito, part, quieted Rabbonire, to appease (make
luiéte, and Quietazidne, /. Quitdre, to quit, free, acquit,
forgive Rabbracciàre, embrace
•uietéZza, /. repose, peace Suitdto, part, yielded, quitted
(uiéto, adj. quitt, calm ulvi, adv. there, then, af- Rabbrenciàre, to mend
[uincentro, adv terwards ; qulni vicino, Rabbreviàre, to shorten agrein
henc thereabout ; quivi entro, Rabbruscaménto, ni. dark-
hither ; dà therein ; quivi medésimo,
.quinci innanzi, heretofore ;
in this very place ; di quivi, Rabbruscàrsi, to grow dark
quinci a poco, a little after ; from hence ; non molto di Rabbruscato, adj grown dark
per di quinci, this may ;
quivi lontano, 7iot far from Rabbruzzàrsi, and Rabbruz-
quinci e quXndi, here and thence zolàrsi, to grow cloudy,
there (see Cuòcere) dark
Quincidltre, adv. here about uóio, ni leather, skin
Suòcere, Rabbuffaménto, m. disturb
Quindécimo, adj. fifteenth Quòta,/, quota (quote-part) ance, trouble, uproar
Quindi, adv. from thence, Quotare, to set in order Rabbuffare, to disorder ; rab-
or that Tvay ; after, then, Quotidianamente, adv. daily buffarsi, to grow d'atk, ot
therefore ; da quindi in- uotidiàno, adj. daily stormy ; to pitil one another
nanzi, hereafter ;
pei uóto, m. order, or ordering
Rabbuffato, adj. rvffled Raccoglitóre, m. a gatherer, Raccoppiàre, to couple
Rabbuffo, m. reprimand, re- Raccoppiato, part reunited
bi,ke, reproof glittSre del parto, a man- Raccorciaménto, m. making
Rabbuiare, to begin to grow
dark Raccoglitrice,/. a midwife Raccorciare, to shorten
Rabescare, to adorn rvith Raccòlta, /. a crop, harvest ; Raccorciato, part, shortened
A rabic work a stop, receipt, reception, Raccordaménto, ni. remeni-
Rabésco, m. Arabic work collection
Ràbido, adj. enraged, furious Raccòlto, part, collected
Raccapezzare, to Jind out, to Haccoltòre, m. a gatherer
Raccomandagiòne, /. and
Raccapitolàre, to repeat, turn Raccomandamènto, m. re-

Raccapricciaraénto, m. fright,
horror Raccoraandare, to recommend,
Raccapricciare, to frighten to suspend, to fasten
Raccapricciato, part, fright- Raccomandato, part, recom-
mended Raccosciàrsi, to bow, to stoop
Raccaprlccio, m. horror. Raccomandatóre, m, a pro- Raccostare, to approach again
Raccozzaménto, m. onset, en-
Raccomandazidne, /. tecom- counter
mendaiion Raccozzare, to strike, dash,
Raccomandlgia, /. a letter of bring together
Raccenciare, to piece, to patch Raccozzato, part, struck.

Raccèndere, to kindle, light

raccèndersi, to grow angry , Raccresciménto, m. augmen
raccèndersi nel viso, to blush
Raccendiniénto, m. lighting, Raccresciuto, part, increased
kindling Raccusdre, to accuse again
Raccennare, to show again Racconciaménto, m. amend- Racèmo, m. a bunch ^' grape»
Raccerchiare, to hoop again. ing, reconciliation ; aspet- Racemóso, adj. full <f grapes
tare il racconciaménto del Rachitico, adj. rickety
tempo, to wait for the fine Rachftide,/.'Me rickets
Racimolare, to gather, to pick
Racconciare, to mend, piece. up grapes
Raccèso, adj. kindled again Racimolo, m. remainder; (also)
Raecettare, to give a retreat Racconciato, part, mended bunch of grapes
Raccettatore, m. an host, a Racconciatòre, m. a mender, to lie squat
landlord Raccóncio, m. a mending, a Racquetàrc, and Racquietire,
Raccétto, m. a lodging, re- reparation ; adj. mended, to appease
treat Racquetàto, part, appeased
Racchetare, to appease, com- Racconferm^re, (see Ricon- Racquistagiòne, /. and Rac-
fort, calm ; racchetarsi, te fermare, and its deriva-
make one's self easy tives) ing, or recovery
Racchetato, adj. appeased Racconfortdre, comfort, to
to Racquistare, to recover
Racchétta,/, a racket fortify ; racconfortirsi, to Racquistdto, part, recovered
Racchiappare, to catch again take courage Ranqulsto, m. and Raquista-
Racchiùdere, to shut, to en- Racconsegnare, io restore. zióne,/. recovery
Ràda,/, a roadstead
Racconsolare, to comfort Radamente, adv. seldom
Racciabattare, to mend old Racconsolato, part, comforted Raddensare, to thicken, con-
Racconsolatòre, in. c com- dense
Raccoccdre, to strike again Raddimandàre, (see Raddo-
Raccogliénza, /. reception mandare), to ask again
Raccdgliere, to gather, colled, Raddirizzamènto, m. a setting
assemble ; to lodge, entertain, Raccontamènto, m. an ac- up again
to contain, to observe, note ; count Raddirizzare, to make simighi
raccogliere l'alito, tu take Raccontare, to- relate, speak-, Raddirizzato, part, rectified
breath ; raccogliere gli spiriti, raccontarsi, to be reconciled Raddolcare, to grow mild, to
, to recover one's strength Raccontato, part, related soften, appease
Raccogliménto, m. a recol- Raccontatore, m. a relater Raddolciàre, to mitigate
lection ; a heap, galnertng, Raccónto, vi. a relation, ac- Raddolciraénto, m. a soflen-
a reception count
sneeten, ap- Raffermare, conUrm,
Radilolcfre, to

pari, tweetened Raffermato, pari, confirmed

RaddolcUo, Ragazzetto, and Ragazzino,
redemand, Raffermaziòne,/. conjirmali
Raddomandare, lo
»t. a Irllle boy
Raffibbiare, to hackle
ask again Ragazzo, u boy, a lad, a
m. a re- Raffica, /. a sudden tjuall of Jrt.
Raddopplaraenlo, foot-bmj
Raggavignàrsi, to creep, crawl
Raddoppiare, lo redouble, in-
Raffiguràbile, adj. easy Raggelarsi, to congeal
RaggentiKre, to emhelltsh
Raddoppiataménte, Ragghiare, to bray (as an a.<is)
Raffiguraménto, m.
Ragghio, m. braying of an att
Raffigurare, io cali Raggiante, adj. shining
Raggiare, to irradiate
Raggiata, /. a ray (a tea
Raddormentito, pari. asUep
Raffigurato, pari, called io
again Ràggio, m. a ray : ràggi del
Raddossare, lo put upon
Raffilare, lo pare, shred, cut sóle^ rays of the sun
Raffilato, part, pared, shred Raggiornare, to grow light
Raddc5tto, m. an assemh
Raffilatura, /. parings, sitav-
Raggidso, adj. radiant, shin-
zàre), lo m. Raggiraménto, m. excuse,
Ridere, shea
shift, an evasion, a by-way
or raze to the f^r
fly, Raffinare, to refine, purify Raggirare, io run alMut: rag-
smootfii to polish;^ cratch perso
ràdere dal Raffinato, part, refined
Raffinatóre, m. a refiner by the nese] raggirare con
cuore," belle paróle, to give fair
_. Raffinatura, (see Raffin
Radézza,/, rarity, thinness
Radiale, and Radiante, adj.
mento) refining
Raffinlre, to be refined [(Ir< Raggirato, part, led about,
radiant confounded
Ràffio, m. a drag, a hook.
Radiare, io shine
Raffittire, to become thicki Raggiratóre, m. a eheat, a
Ràdica,/ a root, cause knave
Radicale, adj. radical darker : la nebbia raffittisc
the fog thickens
Raggiro, m. an evasion, sub.
Radicalmente, adv. radically. terfuge, (also) a spring, an
Raffxmdare, to sfnk, to dig c
Radicare, io take root, io grot» Raggiugnere, to reunite, r>
Rafforzare, i ify, to sup- 1

adj. radicated. port, prop

Radicato, Raf- Raggiugniménto, m. reunion
Raffreddaménto, and
freddóre,nt. cold, coolness
Raggiùnto, part, rejoined
Radicazióne,/, a takin Raggiustare, io mend
Radicchio, m. succory. Raffreddare, to cool, to grow
cold: raffreddarsi, to catch Raggrandire, to aggrandize
Raggranellare, to glean, i

Radice, f. radish root; (also)

Raffredd-ito, part, cooled
molto raffreddato, .

Radificdre, rarefy
:aughi cold
Radimadia,»!, a dough-scraper
Raffirenaménto, m. a refrain
Radióso, adj. radiant, bright
Raditura,/. scraping ing, a curbing
Rado, aJJ. scarce, thin, rare ;
Raffrenare, to refrain, curl raggricchi.
„,.,„ ._-
adv. seldom case rade, keep under ; raffrenarsi, to
àto, contracted nerve
houses distant from each control one's passions <;

Raffrenato, part, rifrained

Raggrinzaménto, m. a fwrin-
Radunaménto, «t. Radu- Raffrescaméntb, m. a cooling.
Raggrinzare, to

niinza, and Radunata, /. raggrinzarsi, to depend

gathering together, assem- pack up, to
Raggruppare, io

Railvmare, to assemble, ga- as-

Raffrontare, to eneounte ,
Raggruppato, part, tied,
sembled, reunited
Ràfano, m
horse-radish attack, to confront, to meet
again Raggruppo, m. a minding about
Raffardellàre, to pack up [fi''')
Raggnizzàrsi, to shrink
Raftai/onàre, <« trim, deck, Ràgana, /. a sea-dragon (a
Raggruzzolare, to hoard up
Ragazza,/, a lass, girl, neneh
part, hoarded,
Ragazzàglia, /. a parcel qf Raggruzédlàto,
boys, 01 bad soldier»
thruuk, shrivelled
rame di Corfnto, «/«Hon»

Ramerfno, m. rosemary fa
Raggua , adj. equal. rub)
Rametto, m. a little bough
Raggnagliat<5re, m. a relater Ramiére, sm. a n-orkman in
KagguAglio, m. notice, advice, copper, brass, or other such
cccouiit. equality
RagguardainéntOjtn rejìeciion, m>eb Ramificare, to product
face, l,„.k Ragno, and Ragndlo, m. a
Ragguardiive, to examine, spider, a crpb, a lobster Ramificazióne, /. ramijica-
n-eigli, cnntider, to belong to, Ragunainénto, m. and Ragu-
to concern nànza, f. an assembly, Ramfngo, adj. rotting; andar
RagguardSto, part, considered,
Ragunrfre, to get, or Join Rammantàre, to cover n'ilh a
Ragguardatóre, m. a tpecta- together ; chi mal raguna cloik
tosto disperge, ill got, ill
Ragunàta, /. an assembly, a
Racgii^rdo, ?i ard, respect, band, a heap, a pile Rammarco, m. complaint
Kagiinazidne./. a company Rammargin^re, to Join again
Ragguazzare, to niir, nnile pi. (in poetry) rays. to heal up ram'marginarsi

Rdgia,/. rosin; (also) a fraud, to cicatrize itself

a trick
Ragionale, ndj reasonable
Ragionaménto, »/i. reasoning. immaricàisi, (

Ragionare, to rea confer I
lib, Rammaricato, adj. vexea,
Rallarg^to, pnr-t tvidened
Ragionare, m. a disccurie Ralleggiàre, to relieve Rammaricature, m a grutn
Ragionatamente, adv. reason- Rallegraménto, »i. and Ral- bier
ably j
Iegr<-!nza,/.;,ii/, rejoicing Rammaricazióne, f. groan.
Ragionativo, adj reasonable i

Rallegrare, to divert, cheer ;
Ragionato, part. reasoned, rallegrarsi, to rejoice ; ral- Rammarichévole, adj. mourw
legrarsi con )ino, to congra- fui, groaning, dolejul
Ragióne, /. reason, jurisdic Ranimiirico, m. complaint,
Hon ; far ragióne ad al- Rallegratfvo. adj rjoicing lum.rrtution, grief
trui, to do Justice tener ; Rallegrato, adj. Joyful Ramniaricóso, ad), groaning
ragióne, ; to Judge saldar Hallegratura,/ joy, pleasure Rammassare, to collect, get
le ragióni, to settle ac- Kalleniire, to ubate Rammassato, part, gathered.
counts ; méttere a ragióne, Rallentaménto, m. relenting
Rallentare, to loosen, slacken,
una ragióne, to make a i
relent, abate, retard; ral-
company :a ragióne, at I
lentàr 1' ànimo, to unbend

the rale; ragióne di stito,

stale politics; ragióne ci- Rallentato, part, slackened, memorare, to rememb

di, or per ragióne, adv. RalleviCre, to bring up Rammemorarsi, to cc

Rallievàre, to relieve mind
Rallignare, take mot again
to Rammemorato, part, ri
Ragionévole, adj. reasonable, Ralluminàre, to reenlighlen ;
Jnst. right \
ralluminarsi, to recover one's Rammemorazióne, f. tc
R'aEJonevolézza, /. reason, morati' n, remembrance
Rammendare, to reform
Ragionevolmente, adv. mode- Rammontaménto, »?.
rately, competently, reason- Rallungare, to lengthen, Rammentànza, /. r<
stretch brance
Ragioniére, m. a calculator, an Ramaiuòlo, and Ramaiólo, m. RammentiJre, to comr,
I ladle >e rammentarsi, /

Radióso, adj. producing ro- R; imarro, m. a lizard

Ramato, adj. full of boughs ;
Rammentatóre, m. a re
Rdgna, /. a cobweb, a api- soldered
di-r, a fotliitg piece, a Rame, m. copper, brass ; fi-
tnare, fraud; "«lar nella gura in riime, a print ;
in the middle ; rammezz^re
Rancuràrsi, to be grieved Rapitóre, m. ravisher, robber
la via ad uno, to meet one Kandàfcio, m. a vagabond Rapóntico, »«. rhubarb
half way Randellare, to tie, to bind, to Rappacificare, and Rappaci»
RammoUàre, an<{ RammoIUre, bang àre,<opaci/V
to mollify, soflea : rammol- Randellata, /. a blorv mith a Rappacificato, part, pacifiec
lirsi, to grow effeminate cudgel Rapparecchiàre, to order a-
Rammollirsi, to ^otv s<ift I
Randello, m. a cudgel, a pack- gain, arrange
Rappareggiàre, to make equal

Rammollito, j>art. softened

Rammontóre, to heap up Randióne, »». a gerfalcon Rapparire, to appear again
Rammorbidire, and Ram- Rango, m. rank, condition Rappattumare, to pacify, ap
morbidire, to tuflen, tem- Rangolóso, adj. diligent, pease, reconcile
per eager Rappellàre, to recall
Rammucchiire, to pile Rannata,/, soap-sud Rappezzaménto, m. a piecing,
Rammucchiito, part, piled Rannicchiare, to contract, to mending
Ramo, m. a branch, a bough shrink ;rannicchiarsi, to Rappezzare, to piece, patch
Ramolàccio, m. a radish cringe, to stoop down Rappezzato, pari, patched,
Ramoruto, and Ramóso, adj. Rannicchiato. ^art, contracted.
fall ofbouglu, branchy Rappezzatóre, m. a patcher,
Rampa,/, a parv, a clutch Ranno, m. a lye, a mash fug- mender ;

Rampante, adj. creeping gire il ranno caldo, to avoid Rappiastràre, to platter again,
Rampante, adj. rampant
Rampare, to parv, (like a lion) Rannodaménto, m. act of tying Rappiccàre, to hang again, to
Rampare, ni. a rampart up again join again: rappiccàre il
Rampàta,/.a 6/ofV rvith the pan Rannodare, to tie again, to go sonno, to fall asleep again ;
Rampicàre, to creep, to crarvl rappiccàre la battàglia, to
Rampicóne, and Rampo, m. a Rannodato, part, tied up renew the coinbat
hook, a drag again Rappiccatura,/. reunion
Rampógna, /. and R4mpo, m. Rannuvolaménto, m. darkness Rappiccinire, and Rapplc-
reprimand, rebuke ; venir Rannuvolare, to grmv cloudy
a rampógne, to use high Rannuvolalo, adj. cloudy, Rappiccinlto, part, lessened
Rappigliaraénto, nu thicken-
Ranòcchia,/, and Ranòcchio,
m. a frog Rappigiiàie,
__ _, - _ coagulate,
Ràntolo, and Rinto, m. rheum, -- -, curdle, thicken; to
fluxion make reprisals, to detain,
Rantolóso, adj. hoarse
Ranùncolo, and RanÀnculo, Rappoggiàre, to lean, set on,
Rampollaménto, and Ram- m. ranunculus
póllo, m. a sprig a slip, Rapa,/, a turnip
Rapportagióne, /. and Rap-
source, head, spring, or Rapace, adj. ravenous, greedy
portamento, m. relation.
fountain (also) a branch of Rapacità,/, rapacity

a family Rape, m. rapes snuff Rapportare, to report, recount,

Rampollare, to stream, to flore. Raperélla,/. a ferule produce, to transport, trans-
Raperónzo, and Raperónzo- fer rapportarsi, to refer

Rampóne, m. a hook, a cramp- lo, wi. rampioni, (salad

' root) Rapportato, part, reported
V.3ia\isco.\óìo,adj.fullof boughs Rapidamente, adv. rapidly Rapportatóre, m. informer,
Rdna,/.a/,o^ Rapidità,/, rapidity accuser, tale-teller
Rancare, to rvalk crooked Ràpido, adj. rapid, furious, Rapportazióne, /. a report,
Ranchettare, to go lame rapacious, greedy recital
Rancidézza, and Rancidità,/. Rapiménto, m. a rape Rappòrto, m report, informa-
stateness, rankness Rapina,/, rapine; (also) rage. tion of a cause, account, rela-
Rancidire, to grorv rank tion ; part, related
Ràncido, adj. mouldy, rank. Rapprèndere, to take back
stink ng again
Rancidume, m. a rankness Rapprendiménto, m. renen-
Rancière, m. a mess-tnan Rapinosamente, adv. rat
Ràncio, ad), rank, rusty, nously, violetUly, rapidly Rappresàglia,/. reprisal*
orange-colour Rapinóso, adj. ravenous, vi Rappresagliàre, to use M» '

Ràncio, »i " i
Rancióso, Rappresentaménto, m. repre-
Ranco, adj. Ì i
senlation [sentativg
Rappresentante, adj. repre-
Rappresentare, to represent •


rappreseli tóre su i teatri, Rastiatóio, ni. a rake for an
to act , rappresentarsi, to
fancy Rastióne, m. a founder's
Rappresentatfvo, adj. repre- Raspóllo, m. a little bum plane
sentative , grapes
Rastrellare, to rake, or
Rappresentato, part, repre- Rassaggiàre, to taste again
sented Rassalfre, to assault again Rastrellièra, /. a rack for
Rappresentaiidne, and Kap- Rassegare, to coagulale hay
presentànza, /. representa- Rasségna, /. w; far la Rastrèllo, m. a rake, a stile,
tion ; the acting of a play, an rasségna, to muster the ward of a lock
Rassegnaménto, m. (see Ras- Rastro, m. (see Rastrèllo)
Rappréso, part, curdled, foun- segnazióne) patience Rasura, /. a shaving, a blotting
oJT; a priest's tonsure
Rappress^re, to draw near
-'-' — to resign,
--,egn<ir-= '~ — re-
Rata,/, rate, share
.'0 1 s self; Ratificare, to ratify, con-
Rapprofondire, (see Ripro- isegnàr soldà firm
fondare) to sink soldiers Ratitìcàto, pa>i. ratified
Rapprossirtiaménto, m. recon- Rassegnato, par^ resigned Ratificazióne,/, and Ratifica-
Rassegnature, m. a muster- ménto, m. ratification
Rapprossimàrsi, to dram near Rato, part, ratified (lam
again Rassegnazióne, /. resignation, term)
Rappurdre, to purify, purge Rassembrinza, /. and Ras- Rattaccdre, to tie up again
Rapsodia, /. rhapsody sembraménto, >n. a resem- Rattacconaménto, m. a patcK-
Raramente, adv. seldom, ing, a mending
rarely Rassembrjire, to resemble; tc Rattacconare, to patch.
Rarefare, to rarefy, to make assemble together
(lasserenaménto, m. a clearing Rattacconato, par^. patched up,
Rarefatto, part, rarefied up mended
Rarefazióne,/, rarefaclion Rasserenare, to rejoice, to Rattamente, adv. speedily
Raréiza, /. thinness; (also) Cj 'T up Rattemperare, to moderate,
rarity R;sserenàto, adj. serene, re- mitigate to appease

Rarità, /. rarity; (also) Rattenére, to keep, detain back

Rassettaménto, m. and Ras- ratteriérsi, to pause
Raro, adj. rare, thin,' not com- Ratteniménto, m. and Rat-
pact. Di raro, adv. seldom ; Rassettare, to settle, regulate; tenuta, /. detainment, or
carainare à passi rari, to walk
Rassettato, part, regulated. Raitenitlva, /. the memory
Ràschia,/, the itch Rattenitivo, m. rails, (or keyi,
Raschiare, to scrape, to Rassicurare, bridges, S;c.)
grate Rattenvito, part, detained ;
Raschiato, part. scraped. self (also) reserved; adj. cau-
Rassodare, to strengthi
Raschiatura,/, scraping fasten, harden, fortify Rattestàre, to reunite,join
Rasciugare, to dry up Rassodta,/ rhapsody Rattézza,/, quickness
Rasciugato, and Rasciutto, Piassomigliiinte, adj, alike, Rattiepfdire, <0f-'
Rasentare, to graze, or Rassomiglianza, /. and Ras-
glance somiglianiénto, m. resem-
Rasente, adj. near, grazing blance, comparison, simili-

Rasièra, /. a grater, scraptr Rassomigli^re, to resemble

Raso, m. satin Rassomigliatlvo, adj. alike
R4so, part, sliaved ; close, even ; Rassottigliare, to sharpen ;
blotted out; misura rasa, (also) to diminish, decay, Ratto, adj. quick, swift,
ail even measure ; campagna speedy, steep, craggy adv. ;

rdsa,an open field Rastello, m. a barrier quickly

Rasóio, m. a razor Rastiaménto, m. a scraping Rattoppare, to piece, patch
Rdspa,/. a rasp, a scraper Rastiapaviménti, tn. a mean
Raspante, adj. sharp, tart fellow
Raspare, to rasp, scrape, Rastiarchfvi, m. an anti-
Rasjjato, part, rasped, sci'a- RastiSre, to scrape, grate Rattóre, m. ravisher, extor-
Rastiatura, /. (see Raschia-
Basperélla,/. wild broom, tura,) scraping Rattornidre to surround
Raiiocinànle, m. an
Rattrappatiira,/. a iUriukiiig Ka2iocinàre, to reaso
Raziocfnio, m. »

Rattràrre, and RattrappiSre,
Razionàbile, adj. rat\
to shrink, contract, (speaking
Razionabilità,/ rea»
of the sinews) ad}.
Rattratto, part c<
Rattristar», to i
Razionalità,/, ratio "y
Raltura,/. arajx ivishment Razióne, /. the allowai
RavaglicSne, food for each sailor
Ravanèllo ,
and Riva Razza,/, race, family
Razzare, to shine forth
Recato, part, brought, car-
Raucèdine,/ hoarseness irradiati
Razzeggiàre, to
Rauco, lid). I Recatòre, m. a fetcher, or
Raviggiuòlo, m. a kind of bringer
nade of goafs milk Reeatùra, /. carriage, por-
m. a disk composed I

,s. cheese, eggs. —' Rccclìiàta,/. and Reccliiène,

Razzo, m. a tquib, beam,
e Radunare, and
Razzolare, to investigate, to
RauncinàU . scrape fas hens)
Razzolata,/, and Razzolio, m,
Ravvalorare, tu encourage
Ravvedérsi, to amend a scraping, or scratching
repentance, Razzuffarsi, to Join
Ravvediménto, m late
amendment of life Recentemente, adi». lad,
Ravveduto, part, repented Razzu(51o, m a spoke <{f

king; rè d' ai nlly

Ravviaménto, m. a setting out Récere, to vowit
Recèsso, m. recess, retreat
Ravv right
Receltacolo, m. receptacle
Recettore, m. a receiver, ail
rights ; (also) to begin one's host
Recidere, to cut
Realmente, adv. royally, (also) Recidiva,/, a rrlapse
Recidivo, aiìj falling back
Realta,/, loyally, reality Recinto, m. an inclosure
RavNriluppamén Rècipe, m. a recipe in phy
Reame, m. realm, kingdutn
wrap up, to Reamente, adi;, wickedly, im-
Recipiènte, m. a receiver
Reassùmere, (see Riassùmere, Reciprocamente, adv. mutual
'perplex one's self
Ravviluppato, part, involved, and its derivatives)
Reatfno, m. a wren (a bird) Reciprocazióne, /.
Ravvincidire, to ^rorv soft Reato, m. a crime, sin interchange-
Reazióne,/ reaction Reciproco, adJ.
Ravvlnto, part- tied, bound
Ravvisare, to know again; Rébbio, m. the branch ofa fork.
RtcI^o, adJ. cut, cut off: (also)
(also) to recall to mmd, to
laconic,' short
Rebèlle, adj. rebellious
Rebelliéne,/. rebellion Recitaménto, m. recital
Ravvivare, to to life

Recalcitrante, adj restive Recitante, wi. an actor

Recaménto, m. a bringing Recitare, to recite, ut ad
Recitativo, m. recitative
Ravvolgere, wrap, c Recapitare, (see Ricapitare)
io Recitato, part, recited, reprt-
ravvolgersi, lo rvander about Recapito, m. (see Ricapito);

(see Ricapitolare,
ravvolgersi in qualche attare, Recapi telare, -'---' Recitatóre, m. recilator
to entangle one's self in an
mditsi' recitation.
Recitazióne, /.
Recapitulàre, to i

Ravvolgiménto, «i. a tossing, carry Reclamare, io implore, ex-

Recare, to brit
winding, a winding about r,
persuade. postulate, complain
fetch :
(also) <(
Reclamo, m. a reclamation
Reclinare, to rest
lieclùta, /. a recruit, or rf
Reclutóre, <<> recruit Referiménto, m. reference, n Reggitóre, in., a governor, a
Retlutdto, jKirt. recruited
Recogiuire, lo imuder, rejl'ct Referlre, to report, refer Règia!"/. 'I royal palace
Récofjniziòne, /. {see Rico- Referito, part, referred Regiamente, adv. royally
pn:zi<5ne) Refèrto, m. a relation, re- Regicida, •
Recolémio, ndj. venerable killer)
Reconcilidre, to reconcile Refettório, m. refectory Regicidio, in. regicide (Iht
Recòndito, adj. secret, hidden Refezióne, /. meal, refresh- murder of a king)
Recreàre, lo rejoice, gladden ment (also) repair, repara-
; Regina, / a queen
Recreazióne,/, recreation Uégio.adj.rryal, princely
Recriminazióne, /. recrimina- Refiziare, to repair Regióne, /. province, coun-
tion (law lena) Reflessàto, part, reflected
Recuperare, to recover Reflessibilità, fi rejlexibi- Registràre, to register
Recuperato, pari, recovered lity Registrato, part, registered
Recuperazi<5ne,/. recovery Reflessidne./. reflection Registratóre, m. a register
Recusànte, adj. refusing Reflesslvo, adj. reflective Registratura, /. a regisler-
Rei-usiire, to refuse, deni/ Reflésso, m. rejlection
Re<:usà«o, pari, refused, de- Reflésso, adj. reflected
Reflettere, to refect
Recusaiidne, /. a denial, re- Reflusso, rn. reflux (the ebb) Regnaménto, m. dominion
fusal ReforilUre, to recreate; re- Regnante, adj. reigning
Reda, /. a,id Réde, m. an focilWrii, to recover one's un regnante, a prince,
heir, (also) a child, ojf- king
spring: Reft-àngersi, to break Regnare, to reign, to sway
Red^agio, m. inheritance Refrattório, ndj. refractory Regnato, putt, reigned
Redàre, to inherit Refrazióne,/, refraction Regnatóre, m. a king, a reig
Redarguire, to rebuke Refrigerare, to cool
Redarguito, part. repr»ved Refrigerativo, adj. cooling
Redazióne./, reduction Refrigerazióne, /. a refresh-
Redento, part, redeemed
Redentóre, m. redeemer Refrigèrio, m. refreshment
Redenzióne, /. redemption, Refuggio, and Refugio, m. religious crder
(also) remedy refuge, safety Regolaménto, m. a regula-
Re<iificàre, to rehuild Refalgere, to shine forth
Redificazióne,/ a rebuilding Refutaro, to refute Regolàre, to regulate, go-
Redimere, to redeem Regalile, to present ; re-
Redimire, to crown gale (also) to
: season (a one's self; adj. regular, tji-.

Rèdine, / a rein of a bridle : dish)

aver in mano le redini del Regalato, part, presented, re- Reintegrazióne, /. reintegra-
governo, to reign galed, seasoned
Redintegrate, to renew Regale, adj. royal m. rigols ;

Redintegrazione, f. and Re- (an i. ent)

dintegraraénto, m. a renew- Regalia, / regal (a right
belonging to the king) .u.nmonly
Redità,/ inheritance Regallsta, m. a royalist Regolatamente, ado. strictly
Regalmente, adv royally Regolato, adj. orderly, regular,
Regàio, m. present, gift exact
•Res&aa,f a boat-race Regolatóre, m. ruler, di-
Reduciménto, m. reduction Rége, m. a king (m poetry)
Reduplicare, lo redouble Regeneràre. to regenerate Regolfzia,/. licorice
Reduplicazióne, f. reduplica- Regenerazióne, /. regenera- Règolo, m. a ruler ; (also) a
tion petty king
Redu7Jóne,/ reduction Reggènte, adj. governing ; un Regrèsso, m. regress (law
Reedificare, to rebuild reggènte, a regent term), (also) return
Reedificàto, part, rebuilt Règgere, to govern : to sup- Reina, and Regina,/, a ^ueen ;
EeertiXicatdre, m. rebuilder (also
R»;ed>ficazióne, /. a rebuild- prop, resist, suffer, last, Reintegrare, to restar:
preserve, non possono reg- Reità, f crime, fault, cuilt
Réfe, m. thread: cucire à réfe gere un ora insieme, they Reiterare, to reiterate
doppio, to cheat both parties cannot live together an hour Reiteratamente, adv. repeated-

Referendàrio, m. referendary Réggia,f. a palace, seat

fin Chance,y); (also) tell- Reggiménto, m. government ;

Relass^re, to relax, to re- Reo, adj. wicked, bad; un Téo,

Relassdto, adj. relaxed, weak Reobàrbo, m. rhubarb

Relassazidne, /. relaxation, Remunerare, to reward Reparàbile. adj. reparable
pardon, remission Remunerato, part, recom- Reparàre, to repair
Belasse, m. a relapse pensed Reparatóre, m. a restorer
Relativamente, adv. rela- Rerauneratóre, m. renar.der Reparazidne,/. reparation
Remunerazione, /. reward Repartlto, part, divided
Kelatlvo, adj. relative; un Réna,/, sand Repatriàrsi, to return to one's
relativo, a relation Renàccio, m. sandy ground country
Relatóre, m. a relater Renàio, m. sands Repèllere, to repulse
Relazione, /. relation, ac- Rèndere, to restore; to ren- Repentàglio, m. danger
der ; (also) to produce, risk
Relegare, to banish, to rde- Repènte, adj. sudden, quick
ere. ; la mùsica mi rende adv. suddenly
Relegato, part, banished allegro, music makes me Repentemente, adv. all of a
Relegazióne,/, banishment gay ; rèndertestimoni-
Religionario, m, a protest- anza, to witiuss render ; Repentinamente, adv. unex
1' anima, to expire; ren- pectedty
Rcligidne, /. religion, a reli- der mèrito, to make a- Repentino, sudden, unlooked
gious order mends ; rèndere capace, for
Religiosamente, adv. reli- to convince ; render suón.o, Répere, to creep, crarvl
giously to sound well ; render Reperire, to find out
Religiosità,/, piety ària, to resemble ; render Repertorio, m. inventory ; re
Religióso, m. monk, friar, dilètto, to rejoice, glad- gister, index
clergyman ; religiósa, /. a den ; render cónto, to give Repertóre, m. a repeater
an account ; render lume, Repètere, to repeat
light; render sospetto,
to Repetitdre, ?n a repealer
give suspicions ; render
to Repetizióne,/. a repetition
voto, to vote; rèndersi, to Repléto, adj. full, filled
Reliquiàrio, m. a shrine surrender, submit ; rèndersi Replezióne, /. surjeit, reple
Reluttanza,/. reluctance in un luògo, to repair to a
Rèma, atd Rèuma, /. a cold. place; rèndersi in colpa, to Rèplica,/, and Replicaménto,
plead guilty m. reply, repartee
Rem^o, maker of Rendévole, adj. pliant, Jleai- Replicare, to reply, repeat,
Remare, lO ron> ; work hard Rendimènto, m. a rendering, Replicataraéate, adv. repeated
Remàtico, adj. rheumatic, reddition rendiménto ai
; 'y
pituitous : (also) strange, grazie, thanks Replicato, part, replied
odd, morose, peevish Rèndita./ revenue, income Replicazione,/, repetition
Rernatlsrao, m. rheuma- Renditdre, m. a restorer
Rendu to, part, rendered, re- Reprensibile, adj. i-eprehensi
Remato, part, rorved
Rematóre, m. a rotver Renella,/. gravel, sand
RemégUo, m. the oars of a Réne, / pi. reins, loins ; le
boat, or ship reni, /. pi. the back; dar fleprensdrio, adj. blaming
Remigante, m. a gaUey- le reni, to take to one's Reprèsso, part, restrained^
itave heel. Reprimènto, m. a represt-
Remigare, to rorv Renèlla, /. sandy ground, a
Remigata, /. act of row- gravel-itone {also) the gra- .

ing vel (a disease)

Remigatóre, m. a romer Renitènte, adj. redsting, stub-
Remfgio, m. tlie oars of a Reprobazióne, /. reproba-
boat Renitènza, /. resistance, *kU-
Reminiscènza, /, remem-
Renóso, and Renfsto, adj.
Remissibile, adj. pardonable sandy
Remissióne, /. remission, re- Rènsa,/. lawn, cambric
laxation Reniinzia,/. a renouncing
Rèmo, m. an oar Renunziare, to renounce Réprovaziòne, /. veprooa-
Remora,/ remora (ajieh) Renunziato, part, renounced, tion
Remolino, m. a whirlwind (sea Repùblica, anj R^xibblica, /.
Remòto, adj. remote, d''itant Rcpublicàno, adj. republicari
Repiiblu-hfsta, m. and f, a Resultare, to result
republican Resurrezióne, Resurressidne,
Repudiàrf, to divorce, repn- Resistere, to resist, last /. and Resurrésso, m, resur-
Resistito, part, resisted
Repudiéito, part, divorced Réso, part, rendered
Repudio, m. repudiation Resolutaménto, adv. resolute-
Repugnante, adj. repugnant' ly
Repugnanteménte, adv. in- ResolutfTo, adj. Jit to Réte, /. a net, a snare a veil
resolve ;

for women's heads

Resoluto, adj. resolute
Rep^gninza,/. aversion, oppo- Resoluzióne, /. resolution, de-
Retentlva, /. the retentive
sition, repugnancy faculty
Repugnàre, to oppose, repugn Respettivaménte, adv. respec- Retentlvo, adj. retentive

tively ReUcélIa, /. a cut-work (bone

Respettfvo, adj. respective ; lace)
{also] fearful, shy Reticèlla, /. a small net; net-
Respfgnere, to repulse, push work; a kind of lace
Repulsore, to repulse, deny back Reticènza, /. reticence (a rhe-
Repulsagidne,/. a refusdl Respiraménto, m. respiration torical figure)
Repulsiiine, f. a repulsing, ot Respirare, to breathe ; to ex- Reticolato, adj. made like a
hale ; to evaporate
Repuls/vo, adj. rejecting Respiratlvo, adj rejoicing Reticolazióne,/, a net->vork
Repulso, part repulsed Respirazióne, /. respiration, Reificare, to ratify
Reputare, to repute, think breath, rest, repose Retina, /. retina, 'a net-like
Reputato, part, reputed Respiro, m. breathing, breath tunicleoftheeye)
Reputazióne, /. repute, cre- Responsióne,/, an answer Retinènte, adj. shy, prudent
dit Responsivo, adj answerable Retore, >n. a rhetorician
Requiàre, io repose one's Ressa, /. importunity (also) Retòrica, /. rhetoric

self Retràere, to ioithdraro

Rèquie,/, rest, repose Resta,/, pause, rest ; the beard Retribuimènto, m. a reward
Requisito, m. a requisite , adj. of corn bones of Jish ; a Retribuire, to requite

rope of onions, or garlick; Retribuito, part, requited .

Requisitòria, /. suit, or re- the rest of a lance Retrihuitore, m. remarder

quest flam term) Restante, adj. remaining Retribuzióne, / retribution
Requisizióne, /. demand, re- Restare, to rest, cease, to stay ; Rétro, prep, behind, back
restarsi, to stop ; restir d' Retroazióne, /. retroactive
Résa,/ surrender accordo, to agree non resterà ;effect
Resarcfre, to repair per me, it shall not be my Retrocàmera, /. an inner room
Rescindere, to rescind, con- fault Retrocèdere, to retrocede, to
Restata,/, end, conclusion go back
Rescissióne, /. redsion, undo- Restauraménto, m. restoration, Retrocediménto, m. and Re-
reestablishment trocessione, /. tvak-ing over
Rescisso, part, cancelled, (made Restaurare, to restore, repair ;

correct, amend; to indem- Retrogradare, to go back, to

Rescritto, m. a rescript nify
Rescrtvere, to transcribe; to Restauratóre, m. a restorer Retrogradato, adj. going back
copy, to attstver in rvrit- Restaurazióne,/ a restoration. Retroguàrdia, /. rear of an

Resecàre, to cut off" Restauro, tn. a restoring Rètta, / resistance ; dar rètta,
Reservàre, to reserve Restio, adj. restive, obstinate to listen ; far rètta, to re-
Reservazióne,/. reservation Restituimento, m. restitution sist
Resfa, /. heresy, disorder, dis- Rettamente, adv. rightly
sention Restituito, part, restored Rettàngolo, m. a rectangle,
Residente, ady residing Restitutóre, m. a restorer adj. rectangular
Ri^sìdénte, s.'resident Restituzióne,./, restitution Rettézza,/ rectitude
Residenza, /. residence ; (also) REsto, m. rest, remainder, Rettificamènto, m. rectifica
grounds, settlings Del rèsto, adv. after all, tion
Resfduo, m. residue besides far del rèsto, to
; Rettificare, to rectify
Resiliènza, /. resUition (a Jly- venture all Rettificato, part, rectified
back) Restóso, adj. full of bones. Rettificatóre, m. a rectifier
Relir ,f.: esin, gum Rettificazione, /. rectification,
and Resin( Restringente, adi restringent proof
Restringere, («ee'kistrlgnere) to Rèttile, m. a reptile
Rettilineo, adj. redinnf^l
composed of right linee
Rettitùdine,/, rectitude Riaccréscere, to increase Ribaciare, to kiss again
R.-tto, adj. right, straight, Riacquistare, to recover Ribaciato, part kissed again
just ; governed ; ruled ; m. Riadjomand^re, to demand Ribadiménto, m. and Ribadi
tura./, a rivetling
Riaddormentarsi, to fall asleep Ribadire, to rivet, tn clench
Ribagnàre, to n-et again
Ribaldacela, /. a quean, or
Rettoricaménte, adv. eloquent-
ly i
self age Ribaldàggine,/. villauy
RetlGrico, m. rhetorician; adj. Rijttfermare, to confirm again Ribaldàglia,/ mob, rabble
Riaggravare, to aggravate Ribaldeggiàre, to play roguish
Riallogàre, to replace
Rialto, m. an eminence, height ;

Reubàrbaro, Jii. rhubarb adj. high, elevated

Rialzaménto, m. an elevation, Ribaldo, m. a rogue; (also)
Revel iziine,/. revelation promotion poor, needy, beggarly ; andar
ribaldo, to rove about
Riamante, adj. loving Riballàre, to da» re n^nin
Riamare, to love again Ribàita,/. 071 £ weight
Rianiéttere, to admit again
Riamicare, to reconcile Ribaltare, to subvert, to over-
Reverèndo, adj. reverend Riammalarsi, to relapsr
Reverènte, adj. respeclful Riammonire, to rvarn again Ribalzaménto, m. a bounce
Reverenteme'nte, adv. respect- Riandaménto, m. an inquiry. Ribalzare, to toss again
fully Ribalzo, m. jump, tos's, bounce ;
Reverenza, and Reverénzia,/. Riandare, to return ; to exa- (also) thè reflection (/ tlie
respect, reverence; (also) a beams of the sun
curtsey, borv Riannestàre, to graji again Ribandiménto, m. revocation
Reverenziale,/, respectful Riapparire, to reappear from batiishment
Revertre, to revere, respect Riappèndere, and Riappicàre, Ribandire, to revoke from
Revisióne, /. revising, revi- to hang up again banishment
Riapriménto, m. Riapertura, Ribarbàre, to take root again
and Riapritura, /. the open- Ribasso, m
an abatement
ing again Ribastonàre, to cudgel again
Riaprtre, to open again Ribattere, to combat, confute ;
Reumàtico, adj. rheumatic Riapèrto, part, opened again blunt ; snflen; reflect; ribàt-
Reumatismo, m rheumatism Riardre, to plough over again tere la monéta, to nerv-stamp
Revocàbile, adj. revocable Riàrdere,to burn again
Revocare, to revoke, repeal Riardiménto, m. a burning Ribattezzare, to rebaptize
Revocazióne, /. revocation, Riargtìto, part, reprimanded Ribattimènto, m. aiid Ribat
(repealing) Riarmare, to arm again titura, /. a rivet, st, iking
Revoluzione, /. revolution, Riarrecàre, to bring back back ribattiménto d'ali,

revolt, rebellion again flapping,Jlutlering

Rèzza •eil for Riarricchlre, to enrich a- Ribattuto, part, beaten back
heads ; (also) a fishing-net gain Ribeccare, to peck agatn ; to
Rézzo, m. a shady place; fax Riàrso, blasted, burnt again 'erate
rézzo, to shade Riascoltare, to hear again
Riabbassare, to abate "
Riassettare, to set to rights
Riabbellire, to embellish anetv ;

riabbellirsi, to grow hand- Riassicurare, to Ribellante, jn. rebellious, dis-

Riabilitire, to rehabilitate Riassùnto, part, reassumed Ribellare, to cause a rebellion
Riabilitazióne, /. reliabilita- Riattacare, to tie again ribellarsi, to rebel
tion, qualification Riavére, to have again ; ria- Ribellato, part, rebelled
Riabitàre, to inhabit again, to vérsi, to get one's strength, Ribellazióne, and Ribellióne,
repeople a country to revover ; riavére il fiato, / rebellion
Riaccèndere, to rekindle, to to recover one's self; riavére Ribello, adj. reoellious ; un
light again le paróle, to reasiame one's
Riaccèso, part, rekindled
Riaccettare, /o accept again Riàvolo, m. a rake for an
Riaccomodare, to mend Ribenedire, to reconsecrate,
Riavvicinàre, to dram near pardon
Riaccozzaménto, m. a re- Ribenedizione, /. a consecrat-
Riavuto, part.'got again ing again

Kilies, »i. currants (tree and
frnit) a change of sails, ropes, tempo, that require
KibcJ-ljolo, m. a saying --loftirr-
Kiboccru-c-, to run over, to over- Ricamo, m. embroidery Ricercare, i/i. a prelude,
Jlom, Jo aliound ; io ribocco Ricancellare, to cancel again flourish (in music)
d' allegrézza, / am over- Ricangiare, to requite Ricercata,/ a perquisition
joyed Ricantare, to sing again ; to Ricercatamente, adv. design-
Ribolliménto, ebullition, heatj edly
Ricercato, ad], looked fur
Ricercatóre,»!, a searcher
Ricerchi.ire, to new hoop
Ricerchiato, part, hooped
Ricérco, part, searched into
Ricapitato, part. directed. Ricémere, to explain belter;
(also) to bolt, or sift again
Ribiittaménto, m. a repulse Ricapito, m. a direction ; «- Ricessare, to stand still, slay
Ributtare, to drive back ; (also) Ricètta, /. receipt, prescrip-
to vomit tion
Ributtato, part, driven back
Ributto, «1. repulse
Ricacciaménto, vi. a repuls- Ricapitolare, lo sum tip, to

Ricacciare, to repulse to turn : Ricapitula> iène, " f. surnming

out ai;ain ricacciarsi nella
: up
selva, to strike into the tvood Ricardare, to card again, to
smooth Ricettàrio, m. a book of r»-
Ricardato, fart, carded a-
Ricettato, part, received, en-
Ricettatóre, m. a receiver
Ricètto, m. a shelter ; ahodt
Ricailfa, and Recadfa, .; Ricascare, to fall again part, received
Ricasciita,/ a relapse
Ricattaraento, m. a t 'ole, a,!J. receiving
Ricadiménto, and Ricaggi-
mento, Trt. a relapse Ricattare, to redeem, r,

Ricaditiso, adj. wearisome recover ; ricatuirsi, to I evitlvo, adj. Jit to re

Ricaduta, f. a relapse, second venged
Ricatto, m. a ransom, <

Ricaduto, part, relapsed

Ricagnato, adj. flat-nosed

Ricalare, io decline la ricevuta, to give a re-

Ricanto, part, declined
Ricalcare, to tread again rover, to copy Ricezidne,/. a reception
Ricalcato, part. trodden, Riccamente, adv. richly, splen- Ricliiamdnte, adj. reclaiming,
pressed didly revoking
Ricalcitraménto, m. a kicking, Ricchézza,/ riches Richiamare, to reclaim, re-
obstinacy Riccidia, / curls ; ground
Ricalcitrante, adj. rebellious. strewed with husks of chest cuse : richiamarsi, to exclaim

Ricalcitrare, to kick, to re- Rrccio, part, curled, frii Richiamata./, an appeal

zled ; vellutoriccio, shaggy Richiamato, part, reclaimed,
llicalcitràto, part, resisted revoked
Ricamaménto, ni. embroidery Riccio, m. husk of chestnuts Richiamatdre, m. he rvh» ap-
Ricamare, to embroider a curled lock, a hedgehog peals he who debauches

Ricamato, part, emiroidir- Ricciuto, part, curled, friz- Richiedènte, adj. requesting.
Rfcco, adj. richly, costly ; un Richiamo, m. a complaint, an
appeal, revocation : allure.
Ricérca,/, search, inquiry
Ricercaménto, m. a research. Richièdere, and Richédcre,
perquisition id ; request ; cite
Ricercare, to seek again, h ; be nee
Richiediménto, m. ademand ing again (also) an acknotv-
; Riconciàre, io mend, pi«K,
Richjéditdre, m. he that re- ledgment, requital patch botch again
; ; to sea-
quests, a petitioner Ricollocare, to replace
Pvichiésta, /. request, peti- Ricolmiire, to heap, or fill up eia, the weather begins^ to be
tion; (also) citation, ium- Ricdlmo, part, heaped up ;full
Ricolorire, to colour, paint Riconciliazióne, Riconcilia-
Richiésto. part, demanded, Src. Ricolta, /. and RicOlto, m. gidne, /. and Riconcilia-
Rìchinàrsi, to born down crop, harvest ; retreat ; (also) ménto, m. reconciliation
Richiódere, to thut richi- ;
Riconciliare, to reconcile
udéisi, to close up, to heal^ RicGlto, part, collected, ga- Riconciliato, part, reconcil-
Richiudiménto, m. a shutting thered ; egli ha U
up, confining presta à ricevere, ma ricolta Riconciliatòre, m. a recon-
Richiùso, part, shut, closed; a dare, he is ready to take.
Ricqnciliazidne, /. a reconci-
Rlchiusura,/. an enclosure
Ricfdere, to shorten, divide; lènto, m. and icimàre, to dung again
. to c Ricominciatùra, /. begin- Ricdncio, part, mended
orf, to c ss; Incidersi, to ning again a renewing
; Ricondannare, to reaondemn
eak, a icominciàre,to begin again Ricondensare, to condense.
Ricidiménto, m. and Ricidi- Ricomméttere, to recommit
Ricomparire, to appear again
Ricidf'vo, adj. \see RecidfTo) Ricompènsa,/, recompense
Ricigiiere, to gird, surround Ricompensare, to recompense,
Ricimentiirsi, to try again compensate, repair Ricondotto, part, reconducted
Ricfno, m. a trick (a vermin), Ricompensato, part, rervard- Ricondurre, to reconduct to ;

(also) a nettle enlist again

Ricfnto, m. circumference, en- RicompensaZidne, /. a re- Riconférma, and Riconferma-
closure, circuit Sidne,/. confirmation
RicJnto, part, surrounded, Riconfermare, te reconfirm
Riconfessàre, to reconfess
Ricioncàre, to drink again Ricdmpera, and Ricdmpra,/. Riconformdrsi, to reconform
Ricipiénte, adj. polite, easy redemption, recovery Riconfortare, to comfort; to
Ricircolare, to go about; tc Ricomperagidne, f, and Ri- strengthen, to renew
lurk, to return back again coraperaménto, m, redemp- Riconfrontàre, to confrcnt
Ricircolazidne, /. new circula-
Ricomperare, and Ricomprare, Ricongegnaménto, m. a n*i»
Ricfaa, /. an ine a gash.
a cut. Alia Ricomperato, part, redeemed. Ricongiùgnere, to rejoin
through the shortest way Ricongiùnto, adj. rejoined
(also) at random Ricongiunzidne,/ and Ricon-
Ricisaménte, adv. precisely giugniménto, m. a reunion,
justly, cleanly (speaking of 6 a joining again
Ricomperévole, adj. redeem- Ricongregàrsi, to assemble
Ricfso, adj. cut off; cut, quick,
speedy Ricompiere, to reward, accom- Riconiàre, to hammer again.
Ricdgliere, reap, gather
to redeem (things out of Ricompiménto, m. a reward Riconoscente, adj. gratini,
pawn) ricdgliere il fidto,
: Ricompdrre, to recompose; te thankful
to fetch breath ; ricogliérsi, settle; moderate; reunite, re- Riconoscènza, /. and Rico-
to take refuge (also) to dis- join nosciménto, m. acknowledg-
entangle one's self Ricompósto, part, settled ment, gratitude ; a knowing
Ricogliménto, m. a gathering, Ricomprare, (see Ricomperare, again reward, confession,
collecting, a crop, hart and its derivatives)
ricogliménto di cudre, Ricomunica, and Ricomuni- Ricondscere, to know again;
colled caZidne, /. absoliUicn qf the requite, reward to acknow- ;

Ricoglitt a collector; a ledge, to confess, avotv, to

gatnerer, a compiler Ricomunicare, to absolve qfan know, discover, perceive ;
Ric:oglitrice./. a midwife ricondscere una fortézfa,;un
Ricognizidne, f. acknowledg- Riconcéderc,to grant again paese, &c. to reconnoitre a
ment, a ktwwing again; Riconcentraménto, m. conce fortress, a country, .U.
duty, rent; service; (also) tratioa Riconoscfbile, adj. easy to at
Riconcentrare, to concentre
Riconcepfre, to conceive Riconosciuto, part, known
gain 1
Riconquista, /. r
Riconquistóre, to recon,quer Ricoverare, to recover ; rescue ;
Riconsiderare, to reconsider bring to: to deliver : free :

Riconsiderato, part ref.ected :overàrsi, to have recourse,

Riconsigliàre, lo readvise : ri- ., shelter Riddare, to turn about, to lead
consigliarsi, to determine Ricoverilo, part, recovered.
Riconsolaménto, in. and Ri-
consolazióne, /. a consola- overy, r
nfort Iter, asylur, Ridere, to lau-;h, smile, to
Riconsolare, comfort a- jeer ; la fortuna \-i fa rMere,
Ricreaménto, j fortune smiles upon you.
Ricontare, to i count, relate, <o Ridere agli agnoli, to laugh

Ricónto, m
an epiloguS Ridestare, to awake again
Riconvertire, to reconvert Ridétto, part, repeated
Riconvitare, to invite again Ridévole, adj. pleasant, cheer-
Ricoperchia're, to cover again
Ricopèrta, /. covering, pre- Ridevolménte, adv. agreetf
text Ricreatóre, m. redeemer
Ricopèrto, part, covered, ex- Ricreazioncella, /. a refresh-

Ricopiare, to copy, tran-

scredente, part, undeceiv- Ridicolosàggine,/. a ridiculous
Ricopriménto, »«. a covering thing
Ricoprire, to cover, hide, Ricrédere, disabuse, un-
to Ridicolosaménle, adv. ridicu-
conceal ; to cure again ; cor- deceive ; conceive ; be-
to lously
lieve : ricrédersi con uno, Ridicolóso, and Ridicolo, adj.
Ricorcàrsi, to lay down again to disclose one's heart to ridiculous, to be laughed at
Ricordanza, Hicordagióne, /. Ridimandàre, to demand, ask
and Ricoidiménto, m. re- Ricreduto, part, undeceived,
ntembranae, memory Ridire, to repeat, relate; tro-
Ricordare, to remember ; to Riorescénza. /. excrescence vare a ridire, to find fault
name mention, put in mind ; Ricréscere, to increase; ri-
; with; ridirsi, to retract, to
ricordare i morti à tàvola, crescersi, to multiply
to say things not to the pur- Ridirizzàre, to make straight
ing again, to redress, correct
Ricorddto, part, remembered Licriare, {see Ricreare, and its Ridiscórrere, to talk over
Ricordatdre, jn. remem- derivatives) again
Ricuciménto, m, a patching Ridisput^re, to dispute again
Ricordazióne, /. remembrance, 7tp, mending RidisUnguere, to explain more
memory Rici»clre, to serv again plainly
cito, part, sewed again Riditóre, m. a jeerer, a ban-
citóre, m. a botcher
Ricucitura,/, sewing; seam, Ridividere, to divide again, to
a botching subdivide
Ricuòcere, to roast, bake, Ridivincolàrsi, to wriggle about
roast again, to digest,
Ricoronare, to crown again weigh, consider, dis- Ridolére, to smell well, to scent ;
Ricórre, to gather, assemble ridolérsi, to complain, t»
Ricorreggere, to correo
Ridomandare, to ask again
Ricórrere, Ricuperare, to recover ; ricu- Ridonare, to give again
have se.Jlon perar la salute, to retrieve Ridondante, adj. redowjding.
Ricórso, n one's health
reflux Ricuperazióne, /. recupera- Ridondanza, /. and Ridon
Ricosteggiàre, io coast timi, recovery daménto, m. excess, redun-
Ricostituire, to replace Ricurvo, part, bent, crooked
Ricotonare, to card again Ricusa. /. refusal, repulse, Ridondare, to redsumd, to r*-
Ricòtti challenge
cbee. Ricusare, to refuse; ricusare Ridirne, m. a merry man
Ricòtto, part, boiled, or baked giudice, to challenge a Ridòsso, ade. - utter aneS
again ; weighed, examined, shoulders: cavalcar a ri-
di):tsted Ricusazióne, f. a denial, dòsso, to riife without asaddli
Ricoi-eraménto, m a reco- fusai \
Ridótto, m. shelter, rHreat
Ridire, ia give again , Hidótt; .^'jri, reduced
Riddnre, and Riddcerc, to Rifiancàre, to flank, fortify
I Riformare, to reform, to tup
reilucr, to subdue, compel ; Rifiataménto, »i. breathing press, cut off; to declare,
ridursi, to fix, for refuge, to Rifiatare, to breathe elect; riformarsi, to recover
assemble ; ridursi a mente, Hi ficcare, to put in again from
to recollect, remember RiHdare, to trust, to rei Hiformdto, pari, reformed
Riducibile, adj. reducible, that Riformatóre, m. a reformer
may be reduced Rifiggere, to drive in, or >iai7 Riformazidnfe, / a reforma
Rìdùttc, part, reduced, astern- again
bled Rifigliare, to bring forth again,
or spring up again
Rifigurare, to give a new fi-
gure Rifr'^gnere, to refract, reflect
Rifinaménto, m. a cessation Rifrancare, to free, fortify
Rifinire, and Rifinirsi, to Rifrangere, to reflect
cease, leave ofiT Ritratto, m. and Rifrazidne,
Rifiniménto, m. a great weari- / r,f,jction
Rifi-e<iaaménto, m. coldness
again Rifreddàre, to cool, to relent
Riempi tf TO, adj. filling Rifre'ddato, part, relented
Riempitura,/, a filling up Rifreoaménto, m. a curbing
Riempiuto, part, filled up Rifiorfre, to blossom, to Rifrenare, to curb, refrain
Rienfiàre, to swell again flourish again, to adorn, RifrenaZidne,/. a curbing
Rieiitraménto, m. a coming in deck up, to prosper aguiii, Rifrigerare, to refresh, re-
again, return to thrive create, comfort ; rifrigerarsi
Rientrare, to shrink, to re- Riffsso, pari, fixed again
enter ; to recollect, reflect; Rifiutagióne, /. and Rifiuta- Rifrigeratfvo, adj. cooling
rientrar in se stésso, to re- ménto, ?n. a denial, refusal, Rifrigério, m. a comfort, re-
.fleet on one's self repulse lief
Rientrato, purr shrunk Rifiutante, adj. refusing Rifriggere, to fry again
Riepilogare, lo sum up Rifiutàn>.a,/. a divorce^ Kihu.o, part, fried again
Riescire, to go out again Rifiutare, to refuse, deny, to Rifrondlre, to bloom again
quit : renounce ; rifiutare il Rifrusta,/, a searching
padre, to renounce the pater- Rifrust^re, to search, strike,
Rifaciménto, »ii. and Rifil- Rifiutato, part, refused, for- Rifrùsto. m. remains, plenty
Jione,/. reeslalilishment (also) whim
Rifacitóre, ni. a restorer Rifuggire, to fly for refuge
Rifallo, m. anew /au// Rifuggito, part, sheltered
Rifare, to mend, repair; Rifugio, „,. a refuge
rifar il Ietto, to make the RiflessitSne, /. and Riflèsso, Rifulgente, adj. shining, bright
bed; rifarsi, to recover, m. reflection Rifùlgere, to s.'iine, glitter
tnend, to retriei^e (what one Riflessivo, adj. reflective Rifutare, to refute, contra
bad tost), to grow hand- Riflèsso, m. reflection ;
part diet
tomer rifarsi
; dritto, to stand reflected RifutaZidne,^'. reputation
upright Riflèttere, to reflect, consider Risa.f.aline,adaih
Rifatto, adj. done again ; Rifluire, to tejlow, or run Rigàglia,/ profit
un mendico rifatto, an up- back Rigdgno, and Rigagnolo, m.
start Riflusso, m. reflux, ebb
RifavelMre, to speak again Rifocillaménto, m. a restoring, Rigaglio, »i. a larkspur fa
Rifpdfre, to wound again con,fori flower)
Rifendere, to split attain Rifocillare, io restore, recreate, Rigare, to water, to met ; (also)
Riferendario, m- referendary reftesh
Riferire, to refer, relate; ri- Rifondare, to found again, dig Rig.-ito, part, ivaiered, ruled
ferir grazia, lo give thanks ; Rigattière, m. a salesman, a
riferirsi, to agree with Rifondere, to restore, pour out
Rifermàre, to confirm, ratify,
approve Riforbfre, to furbish up
Riferràre, to nem-shoe (a Rifórma, and Riformagidne,
h'irse) /. reform Rigenerazidiie, /. regenera
Riférto, part, referred Riformabile, adj. that may be Hon
Ri fésso, pari, cleaved, split Rigentillfre, to make more gen
Rifciidne,/. restoraiitm Riformagidne./. reformation
Rjftamraeggidre, to shine. Riformaménto, m. a reform,
Riguardaménto, m. look, or Rilètto, part, read again
looking, circumspection mg up
Riguardante, spectatorm
Rigettato, purl, rejected Riguardare, to look upon, Rilevante, adj. important
Rigètto, rn. aisl ojf, r^nse Rilevare, to' raise up again,
Rigiacére, tn lie ilurvti agaii concern ; riguardare una erect, get up, u.tsist, comfort,
Rigirt:....,....^, .... , rigidly compute, add increase, bring

Rigiilé?.2a, and Rigidità, /. guardarsi, to preserve ontSt

rigidity Rilevatamente, adv. splendid-
Rfgido, adj. rigid Riguardato, adj looked upon, ly, nobly
Rigiraménto, m Rilevato, part, raised, lifted,
Riguardatóre, m. a looker-on ; high, noble, famous, nourish,
Rigirare, to surra (also) a keeper, a guardian ed, brought up ; m. a height,
Rigiralo, part, j» Riguardévole, adj. consider- - ising
Rigiratóre, m. a , able, worthy, notable, rare
Rigirazióne,/. ci Riguardevolménte, adii, wor-
Rigare, to return thily
Rigrro, m. turn, g round, a Riguardo, m. look, view, embossed work, basso t<-
byrway, shift, e
Rigittaménto, »/i. vrrence : di feroce riguardo, Rllucénte, adj. shining
Rigittare, to rut. of a surly look: stare à ri- Rilucentézfa, /. brightnett,
reject, despise guardo, to sland upon one's splendour
Rigiucare, to pi,n Rilucere, to shine, gUHer
Rigmgnere, to Riguardosamente, adv. cir- Rilustràre, to embellish, to

Rigna-, to neigh Riguardoso, adj. cautious, r>-u- Riluttante, a-;/, reluctarf.

Rfgnc dent Rfma, rhyme, poetry
Rigo, m. a rule, line Riguarfre,to be well again
Rigulderdonaméuto, m. a re-
Ì&:: TÈZg^, Riguiderdonàre,/o recompense,
Rimandare, end back.
so) rankness of pia. away, discharge
Rigogliosamente, Rigurgitaménto, m, a swell Rimandilo, adj. setU back
proudly (of iralers) Rimando, m. 'tossing back, or
Rigoglióso, ad), proud, lively, Rigurgitare, to swell again returning (a tennis ball,
Rigustkre, to taste again Sec)
Rigògolo, m. a loriot (a kind Rimaneggiare, to handle, touch
of parrot) or mend again
Rigolètto, «I. a country-
Rimanènza, /. abode, per-
Rigonliaménto, in. a new Rilassare, to relax, release, manence, fragments, re-
weary ; rilassarsi, to
Rigonfiare, to swell Rimanére, to stay, remain,
Rigonfiato, part, swelled téiia, f. relaratiofi to abstain, cease, hinder ;
Rigóre, »,. rigour, sternness, rimanetevi in pace, adieu ;
hardness; rigor di febre, </ie Rilassato, pa rimanére alla schidccia, to
"ildsso, adi weary, weak, fall in a snare : non rimarr*
Ri'%Tm''{''rivufèl" per questo, that shall not
Rigorosamente, adv. rigorous- ..ilavàr< to wash again
ly. severely Rilavate part, washed again
Rigorosità, y: severity, rigour ....„.„.„.=, to plough „g„.,.
Rilegamt'nto, m. a binding
Rilegare, to banish, exile, to
plate ; to manage, rule 'inder, prohibit: (also) tp vole, adj. remarkable:
Rigovernatura, /. a washing ind up again, to tie again ;
ofplute legare un libro, to bind up Rimarco, m. importance;
Rigraddre, to divide book [banished
Rigridàre, to call, or cry egato, part, tied again ;

again L'lreere. to read again '

Rigridàre, to cry, scold r

Rigriddto, adj scolded
Riguadagnare, te regain Rilento, adj. ! Rimari
Riguadagnato, part.' recovertd.
Rlm^o, irt. remained
pai ; Rimediabile, adj. curable Rimettlménto, m. remistioa
sidue Rimediare, to cure, help RimettitXccio, »t. a shoot, «
Rimasticare' J cherv aga Rimediato, part, cured graft
Rimediatdre, m. a repairer Rimirare, lo look upon
Rimasto, part. remained, Rimèdio, m. remedy ; medicine. Rimiro, m. merv, sight, loete
dmdled, abstainci Rimìschiiire, to mingle, to con-
Rimasùglio, m. remnanU, bits Rimeditare, to meditate again
Rimato, adp. in rhyme Rimeggiare, to versify, rhyme Rimissidne,/. rimissìon, par-
Rimatóre, 'in. rhymer, poet Rimegtciato, part, versified don, satisfaction, or submis-
Rimazidne,/. a strict inquiry Rimembranza./, remembrance.
Rimbaldanzire, to cheer up Rimisuràre, to remeasure
Riuftbaliàre, tojutnp, toss up ; Rimembrare, to remember Rimollàre, io wet, soak
to re.iult Riraemorare, to put in vtinA Rimodernare, to correct again,
Rirabalio, m. a rebound, re- Rimemorito, part, mentioned to reduce to a modern
Rimenàre, to carry back, to form
haucj ve, stir Rimondaménto, m. a clean-
Rimandare, to mend, patch
Rimondire, to clean, empty,
Rirabambogfto, adj. childish, limemlàto, part, mended to prune, purge, expiate
Rimendatdre, m. a botcher Rimondato, part, cleunted,
Rimendatùra,/. a mending
liimondatùra,/. a cleansing
RÌ^tno'm'are]w-Ì^h Rimontare, to go up again ;
Rimbastire, to haste (tailoring) Rimeritaménto, m. a reward rimontare a cavillo, to re-
Rimbeccare, to repulse, drive Rimeiitàre, to recompense
back (also) to peck (as birds)
: Rimeritato, pari, recompensed live un orològio, to mind up
Rimbellire, to emldlish ; rim- Rimescolaménto, m. a watch
bellirsi, to grorv handsome Rimontato, part, got up a-
confusion, disturbance, dis-
Rimbércio, m. a ruffle order, tenor, fright gain
RimbiaBcare, to whiten over RimescoUnza,/. a mixture Rimorchiàrei to tow, haul
Rimescolare, to mix, blend, Rimorchiato, part, towed
Rimbiondirc, to grow fair retouch rimescolare
; le Rimòrchio, m. a towing, com'
Rimboccare, to turn upside carte, to shuffle plaint
down, to discharge, emp'y. mescolarsi, to meddle, to be Rimordente, adj. biting .
Rimòrdere, to feel r
Rimboccato, adj. upside down Rimés'sa, /. forgiveness, hud, '.e agai
Rimboccatura, /. a turning sprout ; return of money '
; Rimordiménto,
coachhouse carròzza, di ri-

Rimbombaménto, m, ringing, méssa, a glass-coach

sounding Rimessaméi.t<», adv. respect-
Rimbombante, adj. resounding fully, humbly
Rimess(bile, ddj. remissible
Rimessióne, /. remission,
pardon (also)
an ap-
Rirabómno, and Rimbombio, RimostT^za, /. a retnon^
m sound', noise Rimésscr, adj. languishing, strance
Rimborsare, to reimburse faint, humble Rimostrare, to remonstrate
RimborsaZicJne, /. and Rim- Rimesta, /. a mixture, re- Rimotaménte, adv. solitarily
Rimdto, adj. remote, far qff
Rimboscàre, to go back to the Rimestare, to mix, handle
Riméttere, to replace, to
Rimbottàre, to put in the cask pardon, reassume, continue, Rimoviménto, »i. and Rimo-
to grow again, forgive, to zióne, /. removal, a change
Rimbrottare, reproach,
to remit money ; to intrust mi ; of place
charge, chide, reprove rimétto, I commit myself;
Rimbrottat<5re, »i, a reprover riméttere in possésso, to put
Rimbrottévole, adj. reproach- in possession : rìmettérs», to Rimpalmàre, to calk a ship
refer to rimétter
: su, to Rimparàre, to learn again
bring into fashion Rimpaistàre, to retouch
; rimet-
tersi in came, to grow fat Rimpatriarsi,
to return into
again nel vostro arbitrio
; one's country
Rimbucàre, to hi rimétto l'andare e lo stare, Rimpatriato, part, returned
Rimbucato, part, concealed you are free either io go or Rimpaurare, to be frightened
RimburcMare, to torn, haul stay
Rimpeciire, to calk a ship Ritnurchiàto, pari, tornea Rinciampàre, to fall again
Kimpedulare, to neiv foot Himùrchio, m. a lowing Rinciprignlrsi, to be angry
Rimpennàre, to put on rum Rimutaménto, m. an alte again
feathers ; rimpennarsi, to Rincivilirsi, to grow civil
prance (as a horse) Rincollare, to glue again
Rimpétto, prep, over agaitist Rincominciaménto, m. a be-
Rinipiagrire. to tvound again gitining again
Rimpiàgnere, to lament Rimutazidne,/. change, allera- Rincominciare, to begin again
Rimpiastràre, to plaster, par- Rincominciato, part, begun
get ; (also) to adjust, make Rimutévole, adj. inconstant. again
Rincontra, and alia rincon-
Rimpiattare, io conceal Hate again tra, prep, facing, opposite,
Rimpiattato, part, concealed o relate agai: andare alla rincontra d' uno,
Rimpiazzare, to replace adj. new bom to go to meet one
Rimpicciolire, to grorv less, -incontrare, to meet with, to
make less
Rimpinguare, te fatten Rina Rincontrato, part, t with. i

.f. new birth hit, guessed

I'iiiiato, l'art, born again Rincóntro, m. a meeting, rc-
Rinavigare, to set sail again encouuter, sign, token ; di
Rimpinzare, to cram.Jill Rincacciare, to repulse rincontro, a rincontro, op-
Rimpolpare, to grorv fat Rincagnarsi, to bend one';
Rimpopolare, to people again Rincoraménto, m. encoxÀ-age-
Rimpozzare, to stagnate (a
Rincoràre, io encourage; rin-
Rimpregnàre, to get with child corarsi, to take dbttràge
Rincalciàto, part, repulsed, Rincordare, to string a violin ;
Rimprigionàre, to imprison to tie close
Rimpi-occiare, to reproach, Riacalorlre, to rekindle, in- Lincorporàre, io incorporate

Rjmprdccio, and Rimproccia- Rincalzaménto, m. prop, de- Rincórrere, io pursue, run

mérito, m, reproach, imputa- after; (also) to revolve in
tion per rimpróccio,
; con- Rincalzare, io prop, support,
temptuously to lay new earth about the Rincréscere, to Be tired, dis-
Rimprométtere, to promise root of a tree; to solicit, pleased quanto mi rincresce

press, iiisist ; rincalzarsi, to lo stare à Ietto, how tired I

am to be in bed
Rincalzato, part, propped, lup- Rincrescévole, adj. tedious
Rincresciménto, m. weariness,
Rimproveraménto, m. re- Rincàlzo, m. and Rincalzato,
f a stay, prop Rincrescidso, adj. restless; sad
"— respàre,
Rimproveraiite, adj. reproach- Rincantare, to put up again to curl, frizzle
fat an auction)
Rincantucciarsi, to hide one's Rincrudire, to provoke again
Rinculare, to fall l/ack
Rincaponfre, to be stubborn Rinegàre, tu aeny
Rimproverazidne, /. Rim- Rincappàre, to full in again Rinegato, »i. a renegado, an
proverio. Of Rimpròvero, Rincappellàre, to hoard u
m. reproach, reprimand, in- fall sick again Rinettàre, to clean again

Rimugghiare, to bellow.
far Rinfaccùiraénto, m.
a re-

Rincarare, to grow dear Rinfacciare, to reproacn

Rimuginare, to search Rincamare, lb grow fat i Rinfamàre, io restore one'rre-
Rimuginato, part, searched
Rimunerare, [see Remunerare, B-infantocciàre. to grow child-
and its derivatives) ish ; to set to rights again
Rimuòvere, to reniove, move Rinfarcidre, to Jill, cram
again, to take away, di- Rincerconire, to grow sour, be Rmferraiolàre, to cover with a
vert, to dissuade, or sepa- cloak
Rinchmàre, to incline, bend. Rinfiammagidne, /. injlamma-
Bjmuràre, lo wall about
Rimuràto, part walled up Rinchiùdere, to enclose, to Rinfiammare, to injlamf., to
Rhiuurchiare, to torn (a stop, to include, contain light, or warm
again « in-
Rinchiuso, m. an enclosure tamo la battaglia &i rintiam»
Rinomare, to mention
Rinomato, part, renowned
Rinominanza, /. renown, re-
rinfusa, adv. promiscuously piUation
lUnfiancàre, to Jlank, forti- Ringagliardire, to regait Rinominare, to name , to
fy strength
Rinfiancdto, part. flanked RingalluzSàre, to leap foi Rinominato, adj. renowned
Rinfilare, to string aanin Rinovare, to renew
Rinflorare, {tee Rifiorire) Kv gangherare ingeagaii Rinquartato, adj. quartered,
Rinfodre to tet on fire, to in- full, filled
Kingenerare, to regenerate Rinsaccare, to bag again
Rinfocolaménto, m. conflagra- RingentilJre, to ennoble Rinsaldaménto, m. consolida-
Ringhiare, to grin, to frown
Rinfocolare, to rvarm : rin- Ringhièra,/, rostrum, bar Rinsanguindre, to make
focojiirsi, to fall in a pat- Ringhio, m. a grin, a frown bloody again, to renew a
Ringhióso, adj. grinnini
Rinfoderarsi, to withdraw surly Rinsanicaie, to restore health
Rinfiinclere, to infute, to re- RingioHre, to rejoice, to be
Rinfondiménto, m. an addi Ringiovanire, to grow yom^ Rinsegndre, to teach again, to
lion, or i«/,Mion ; the foun- Ringorgaménto,and Ringdrgo, indicate, let know
dering of a hone; (also) tor Rinselvarsi, to hide in a
row, regret, weariness Ringorgare, to swell, -•-- wood, to grow into woods, or
Riiiformàre, to form, framt Ringranàr- bushes again
again Rinselvàlo, part, in the wood
RiiiformaJlfine, /. a new in- Ringrandire, to i
fortnation Rinsignorlrsi, to be master a-
RinfoniiCre- to put in the oven proud, to brag gain, to seize upon again
again Ringrassare, to fatten Rintanarsi, to hide one's
RinforZamcato, m. a reinforce- Riiigravidare, -to be pregnant "If
again Rintegrdre, to reunite
Rinforf cfe, fc strengthen, rein- Ringraziaménto, m. thanks Rintegrazidne,/. a renewing
force, fortify ; rinforzarsi, to Ringraziare^ to thank Rintenerire, to soften; (also)
Ringraziato, part, thanked move to pity
Rinforzato, part, strengthen- Rinteraménto, m. a renewing;
Ringrossdto, part, increased rinteraménto di salute, a
Rinforzo, m. Sc Rinforzata, Rinnaffiare, to water recovery of health
f reinforcement, supply, re- Rinnalzamento, m. a raising Rinterzare, 'to triple, make
Rinnalzare, to raise, increase threefold
Rinfoscdrsi, to grow dark Rinnamoràrsi, to be in love RintiepidXre, and Rintiepiddr«,
Rinfrancare, to free, defend. again to cool, abate
ilinnegaménto, m. alijuration, Rintonacare, to plaster a-
Rinfrancato, part, reencou- forswearing
rnged Rinnegare, to deny, abjure Rintoppaménto, m. an obsta-
Rinfraneere, to break, split ilinnegato, .idj. forsworn; t. cle; hinderance
Rinfrenàre, to bridle, re- a renegado, an apostate Rintoppdre, to meet with,
linneslire, to ingraft, reunite, mend
Rinfrenàto, part. bridled,
Rinnest^to, part, grafted, re- impediment
Rinfirescaménto, m. coolness,
refreshment linnovaménto, m. and Rino- Rintracciaménto, m. an in
Rinfrescare, to cool, refresh.
Rinnovire, to renew
Rinfrescata,/, a refreshing ~ '
rinovàta, /. a renewing Rintraccidto, part, searched
RinfrescaUvo, a/lj- cooling
Rinfrescato, part, cooled nnovazióne, /. a renew- Rintronaménto, m. a resound-
Rinfì-escatòio, m. a glats- "g
rinovelMre, to refresh, re-
Rinfrésco, m. a refreshment
Rinfrigidrrsi, to grow cold Rinnovellazidne, /. a renerv-
Rinfronzfre, to repair: shoot 'ng. refreshment
forth new leaves: rinfroii- m. rhijioceros
iirsi, to deck, adorn one's Rinomanza, and Rinomata, /.
"if .fam.
Rinvenire, io find out, recover Riparàbile, adj. reparable Ripetere, to repeat
Riparaménto, »n. reparation; Ripeti mdnto, m. repetition
Rinverdire, io become /p-een (also) a rampart, bulwark Ripetitóre; m. a repeater
Riparare, to remedy, to help, Ripetiiura, and Ripetiiidne,
Rinvergàre, io discover, Jind restore, defend, to st'op, /. a repetition, r'kearsal
oppose Ripetuto, part, rn.eated
Rinvenire, io go back Riparato, pari, repaired Ripezzamento, m. a patching
Riiiverziire, to slop, shut Ripezzàre, to patch, piece
Rinverzicàre, and Rlnverzire, Riparazidiie, and Rìparatùra, Ripezzatóre, »«. a botcher
f. reparation, repair Ripezzatùra,/."<i patching
Rinvescdrc-, to allure, entice; RipKro, m. thelter, defence Ripiacére, to please again

(also) to dcub rvith bird- far ripilro intomo à qualche Ripiaciménto, m. a new pUom
luogo, to meet together
Rinvesciare, to tell tales Ripiagner ;ain,la.
Rinvestire, io invest
Rinviare, io send back
RinvigoraméntOjirt.o strength- Ripiantato, part, replanted
Ripicchiare, to knock again t
Rinvigorfre, and Rinvigor;(re; (also) to reiterate, to begin
to gather strength again, tc
restore, strengthen Ripartito, part, divided Ripiegare, to p'ait ; fold a-
Rinvigorito, part, strengthen- Ripartorire, to lax) in again gain, to blunt, dull, bend,
RipjCsL-ere, to feed again, to ea b'rv ;ripiegar del panno,
again ioftdd up cluth ripiegarsi, to

Ripassare, pats
to repass,
Rinvìi uppare, to rvrap Ripassata, /. a repassing
Rinvitnre, to invite again dare una ripassata, to exa
Rinvito, m. a new invi
I alcu
Ripièno, adj. fall, filled
Ripassato, part, repassed Ripièno, 7(1. stuffing; servir
Ripasseggiare, to tvalk out per ripièno, to stand for a
report again cipher
Rinunziare, to renounce ;
RipaU're, to suffer again Ripigliaménto, m. a remorss '

relate Ripatriare, to recall from ba- (also) a retaking

Rinunziato, part, renounced nishm. Ripigliare, io retake, io re-
Rinunziatdre, m. a tale-fellei cover, io reprove, rebuke
Rinunziazidne, and Rinu Ripignere, to push, beat, re
ziagiiine,/. renunciation pel
Rinvogliàre, to excite desire Ripilogdre, to recapitulate
Rinvdlgere, and Rinvoltare, Ripinto, part, repulsed, hid-
wrap, involve
t. wrapped . idvere, to rain again
Ripentirsi, to repent Riplacare, to appease, calm ;
Rinvdlto, :
packet, bun- "placarsi, to be appeat-
Ripentitdre, m. a repentant
Rinvoltura,/ nrapping Ripercosso, adj. beaten back Ripopolare, to repeople
Rinzepptlre, to Hop n Ripercotiménto, m. repercus- Ripdrgere, to give again
rvedges Ripdrre, to replant, replace.
Rio, m. a brook rivulet t ; ;

nicked, had fortuna

; i

adverse fortune vita ria ;

miserable life
RioMrbaro, m. rhubarb
Riobbligdre, to oblige again
Riordinare, to order again Ripérdere, io lose again Riportante, adj. carrying
Riosservare, to examine, Riperdiito, part, lost again
serve again Ripesare, io rveigh again ; {a., .iport^re, to earry hack, to
Riotta, /. a quarrel, dispi defer, delay, to acquire; ne
Ripesato, part, weighed riporterete grande onorr.
EjotUire, to quarrel "'scare, to fish out again
RiOttdso, adj. riotous , icàto, part, fished Ripe :arried back.
RJpa, /. a bank, coast, prt Ripestare, to beat again in .

pice, steip place mortar, to pound again

^ ,

RI 3
propose again ;, to resaliUe, taiutt
a report; (also) Ripropórre, to
Rioótto, »n.
to protest
Riposaménto, m. repote,
Riposare, to repose, cease,
Risanàbile, adj. curable
to get rest; andar a ripo- Risanaménto, m. a cure
sare, to go to bed ; riposarsi to cure again ri-
Riprovato, part, proved, tried Risanare, ;

sopra uno, to depend upon sanarsi, to recover |

Riprovazióne, /. reprobation, isanàto, part: cured

Riposatamente, adv. qnieily know, to be told
rejection, the act of trying Risapére, to
Riposato, part, reposed -
of: B'l r-
= ='- '- -=-
Riposévole, adj. quiet, peace- Riprovve- sapesse, should my h
Riprovedére, and
dére, to provide again, to
examine again
Ripruóva,X proof, mark
Ripudiare, to divorce
Ripùdio, m o divorcing Risarcire, to mend, to compen-
Ripugnante, adj. repugnant sate, repair; risarcire una
R'ipugnanza,/. repugnancy perdita, to make good
Ripostaménte, adv. Risata, /. laughter, derUion ,
Ripugnare, <o clash, to resist;
iripugna alia ragióne, it « se ne fece una risata, ne
contrary to reason laughed at it
Ripugnazidne,/. reluctancy Risbadigliàre, to yawn again
Ripugnere, to prick again Riscaldaménto, m. a heat, a
Ripósto, part. pttt, laid,
placed : luiSgo ripósto, a Ripuliménto, w. a furbish-

RipuUre, to furbish, clean,

Ripregare, to entreat again
Riprémere, to repress, squeeze, warm again
Ripulito, part, polished self
press again
Ripulitura,/, a po/wWngr s' è riscaldata, tìie u... —
Ripremùto, part, repressed
Riprèndere, to take, re- Ripulitóre, ma polisher broke out again'.
Riscaldatlvo, adj. heating-
Ripullulare, to bud forth
Ripulsa,/, repulse Riscaldato, part, heated
Riprendévole, adj. reprehen- Riscaldazióne, /. a tvarm-
Ripulsare, to repulse, deny
sible, bVamable
Riprendiménto, m. rebuke Riscappare, to escape again
Riprenditóre, m. a reprover Riscappinàre, to new -foot
Riprensfbile, adj. r'eprovea-

Riscattare, to redeem; t'lscat-

Riprensióne,/. ' reprehemion, tirsi, to be revenged
to repute, look, imr
pule, attribute Riscattatóre, m. a redeemer
Riprensóre, »i
Riscatto, m. a redemption.
Riputato, paH. reputed
Riprésa, m. a renewing, Riputazióne,/, reputation
choose again
reprehension; per più ri- Riquadràre,<o quadrate, square, Riscégliere, to
Riscegliménto, n». a nenr
prése, several times
Ripresiglia,/ reprisals Riquadratura,/, a squaring
requisUion Rischiaraménto, m. a clearing,
Ripresentàre, t> represent, Riquisizióne,/.
Rirallegràrsi, to rejoice a- I'g^t . ^ .
show, to present again Rischiarare, ana Rischiarlre,
Rìpresentatóre, m. an 'imita- to clear ; to explain, unfold,
Rirómpersi, to break again
tor, a dissembler
Risaldare, to solder; to mend illustrate
Ripreso, adj. retaken Ileal (a RischiéTole, adj perilous
Riprestare, to lend again again ; to cure.
md) Rischio, VI. risk, danger
Riprézzo, m. a shivering, Rischióso, adj. dangerous
fright, shuddering; mi vien Risciacquare, to rinse, mash ^
riprézzo, I tremble
going up again Risciacquato, part. washed.
Riprincipiaménto, m. a renerv- a
Risalire, to ascend, climb, mount
ing. beginning . Riscontrare, to deduct, abate,
Riprincipiàre,. to begin a- col-
to meet with, find, to
Risalt<!re, to leap, skip,
late riscontrar le scritture,
Riprodurre, to produce again again ; (also) 'project, jut out riscontrarsi

to compare ;

Riprométtere, to reprimise nelle parólo, to say Hie savit

ripromettersi, tn rel^ upon,
lojlaitcr ane'i self
Riseo:i<rato, pari, met with,
collated I

Riscóntro, m. a meeting, a .

coltiition, a comparing

Riscùirere, to run over, pe-

Ri scorriménto, m. a run, a
RiserliiSre, to reserve, diffe
RkcossWne, and Riscòssa, /. regard, consider, to deliVi
exaction, recovery from death
Riscosso, part, exacted. Riserbataménte, adv. caution
ly, prudently

Riscritto, m, a tvritten t

Risortilo, part, niritten

Riscrivere, to write again, to
answer a letter
Riscuotere, to exact, demand,
dun, to redeem, to ransom ;
riscuotersi, to regain (also) ;

to get loose, escape ; voglio

1 iscuotérmi, I will have my

Risdegnarsi, to fall in a pas-

Risecàre, to cut again, to re-

trench, cut off I

Riseccàre, to exhaust, to dry

up ; riseccarsi, to grow dry
Riseccdlo, part, dried up, ex-
Risedére, to reside, dwell; solo
à ciò la mia mente riseda, /
ink of nothing eUe
Risédio, m. and Risedénza,/.
residence, abode
Riseduto, part, resided
Riséga, /. a projecture, a jut-
ting (in architecture)
RisegAre, to cut off. part
Ristgdtùra,/. a cutting, or cut
Riségna, /. resignation, ces-
RUpc-ttÌTaménte, adv. retpee- Riss^re, to scold, ijnarrel

Hi:>tabilimi-nto, m. reeslablUh-
Ristucco, part. surfeited,
weary, glutted, full
per, or a rispètto, ;>rcji. i">i Ristudiare, to study over o-
comparitoti. Per rispètto,
mìv. for the sake, on •!€• Ri5t<!gno, m. stagnation
Ristampa,/, reimpression
Rispettosamente, adv. respect- nista.mpATe,to reprint
Ristampato, part, reprinted
Rispettóso, ad), respectful Ristare, and Kistirsi, to slop, Risudamènto, m, a vapour,
Rispiaiiare. to smooth, to rx- stai),jremain
plain, unfold Ristata, /. a pause, rest, a Risudàre, to sweat again, eva-
Rispianato, m. a plain, a halt
smooth ground Ristaurdre, to restore Risvegghiire, to awake
Rispfgnere, to push, beat back. Ristauratóre, m. a restorer Risvegliaménto, m. excitalton,
:>ulse RisteccWre, to grew dry, to stirring up, vivacity
RispigolàTe, to glean Risvegliare, to awake, to rouse,
Ris]>fngere, to reputi Rist'illàre, to distii again
Ristfo, adj. untameable RisvegliiJto, adj. an-ake, brisk
Rispinto, part, pushed, re- Ristitufre, to restore, repair Risuggellàre, to seal again
Ristepp^re, to stop mith Risviare, to divert, dissuade
Rispirare, to breathe Risultamènto, m. produce, re-
Rispiraziune, /. respiration, Ristoramènto, m. a restora-
breathing tion, a reward, requital Risultante, adj. resulting
Rispetto, Trt. rest, quiet, pause, Ristorare, to restore, reward, Risultare, (o result, redound
respite requite ; ristorarsi, to Risultato, part, resulted
Risplendènte, adj. shining, fresh one's self Risupfno, ailj. supine; cader
Ristoratf%-o, adj. restoring risuphio, to fall
Rìsplendentemènte, adv. cUan- Ristorato, pait. restored
Ristoratóre, m. a restorer Risurgéntc, adj rising
RisplendénZa, /. resplen- Ristorazióne, /. Risùrgere, to rise again, to
comfort spring, proceed; (also) 'to
Rispléndere, io shine, glit- Ristòro, m. a rtsioration, com raise from the dead
fort, amends Risurezzidne, /. and Risur-
Risplendévole, shining, bright Ristrettamente, ado. briefly gimènto, ni. a resurrec-
Risplendim^to, »i. splendour, RistretUvo, adj. restnclivi tion, a rising again from
ligHt, the dead
Rispogliàre, to strip naked RisusciWraènto, m. resurrec-
Rispondènte, adj. cuismet-
Risuscitare, se from the
Rl$pondèn2a, /. conformiti/ dead; to inspirit, to encou-
Rispóndere, to ansmer. ro»
respond questa
; finèstra Risuscitato, part, revised
rispónde nel giardmo, this Risuscitazióne, /. resurrec-
rvindotv looks into the gar-
Jen ; rispóndersi, to agree Ristrfgnere, to bind, tie, joii Ritacc.'re, to tie up again
Rispondévole, adj. answer- Ritagliare, to cut again, t»
oblige ; ristrfgnersi con un abate, take away, intrench
Risponsdbilo, adj. ansmer- Ritagliatóre, »>. a retail
'able, accountable dealer
Risponsidne, /. an ansmer, Ritaglio, m. shreds: véndere
reply shelter ; ristrfgnersi nell a ritaglio, to sell by retail
Risposare, to y agmtn spalle, to shtug Ritardan^a, /. and Ritarda-
Rispósta,/. 3» answer Ristrignimènto, and Ristrin- liiénto, »n. delay, hinder-
-i •--•-
Rispósto, p^rt. answered giménto,
Risputare, to spit again
RisquTtto, m. respite, rest Ristringere, {see Ristrt.
BisquoUbile, adj. demandable. gnere)
Ristringimènto, m. constric
Rissa, /. Ó strife, quarrel,
Rus^inte^ adj. quarreling 1 Ritégno, m. d^ew.
derance, moderation, lo- Ritrattista, /. a portrait
hriehj, rrop, support. Sen-
ia ritégno, adv. imprudent-
ly Ritondata,/. ri cmfere scription. i product, profit.
Ritemére, to fear, or fear
Ritondità, and Rilondézza, /. Ritratto, part, drarvn, re-
Ritemperare, io moderate mndness tired
Ritdndere, to bend again, to Ritdndo, »i. round; adj. Ritrécine,/ a sweep-net
Ritremiire, to tremble again
Ritorcere, to tnist bark; re- Ritribuire, to requite
volt; ritdroere gli dcclii, to Ritrinciàre, to cut out, carve
squint; ritòrcere il suo ca- Ritrincier:irsi, to entrench
mino, to tukf. another route : again
ritòrcere il senso, to tnitin- Ritritare, to pound again
ttrpret Ritrogradare, to retrograde
RiteniU'va, /. the relent. Ritorciménto, m. and Ritor- Kitrograda2iòne, /. retrogra
faculty citura,/, a tn>isting,a retort. dation, going hack
Ritenitòio, m. a bank, a di Ritrósa,/ afowling-net
Ritentdre, to tempt, try again Ritrosàccio, u,lj. peevish
Ritenuta,/, {see Ritégno) Ritrosaggine,/ peevishness
d: .ménle,adv. cauti Ritrosamente, adi'. peevisìUu
ly. warily Ritrovare, to grow peevish
Ritenute? za./, caution, discre- Ritrosia, /. peevishness, or
tion, Teservedness
Ritenuto, adj. detained, cai Ritrosire, to grom peevish,
fiiius, constant, equal, Jirri Ritornata./, a return
vigorou.s, shy Ritornato, part, returned iith, /. peevishness, ob
Ritenzióne, / retention, o, RitorjieUo, m. a retreat; the
stac/e upholding of a song
itómo, m. a returning, ar-
rival ; cavallo di ritóruo, a
relumed horse
Ritórre, to retake, draw back against the stream ; m. a
Ritorta./ a band, tie rvhirlpool, the mouth of a
Ritorto, part, crooked
Ritortola, /. the band of a Ritrovaménto, ni. invention,

Ritosdre, to skmr again Ritraydre, t» find again, in-

Ritraimcnto, tv alienation .

Ritràngola,/. tind RiUangolo,

iWtiritx f. a retreat, an evi
liitranquillire, to calm again, Ritrovato, part, found
Ritiratézza,/ retirement appease Ritiovatóre, m. an inventor
Ritirato adj. retired, pr RitràiTe, to extract, draw, Ritróvo, and Rilrovlo, m. an
vate , vita ritirata, a sotitai •; to draw a pic-
life da quàl- Rittamente, and RJtto, adv.
Ritiro, m. a solitary plac I prdtici rightly, uprightly
retreat, solitude from : trde dal padi-e, Rftto, adj. upright, straight;
Ritmo, m. rhythm, measure he ia r his father; man ritta, the right hand;
Rito, m. custom, use, right _ . -.pent, J!y f.,r
_ a ritta, to the right ; andar

Ritoccaménto, m. relouchin, shelter, to be dishearten- rftto, to be honest; m. t

ed ; ritrarsi dall' imprésa, thing;
Ritoccare, to retouch; rito to abandon a design. ; ri- og1.i'riUo%.fil' suo roves-
care un opera, to revise trdr da alcuna còsa, to re. cio, every pleasure has itt
work ritoccarsi, to adorn
; pain
one-, s.lf Rittovéssio, m. the tvrong
Ritócco, »»i. act of retouching.
Rituale, m a ritual
Ritócco, part, fctouched, leuch- Ritufiàre, to dip again ; ri-

Ritóglìere, to retake, recover, ento, m. a stopping

RitouUmérito, m. a retaking
Ritòlto, adj. retaken
Ritur^to. part itopped
Riturbare, to disturb agah
Riva, /. and Rivàggio, r
bunk ; a shore : rvaler-s 11 Ihe ear ; backrvards
an end. period; ii«v vestire, to dress again
riva riva, to sail along Rivestito, mrt. reclothed
Riviera, /."òuhA:, shore, river
Rivàie, «I. a , competi Rivincere, to overcome, con-
tor quer again, regain (at gam-
Rivalérsi, to recover ing) Riuscita, /. issue, succss! ;
R! valicare, to pass over Rivisitare, to revitit, to return suo figlio ha fatto buona
Rivalità,/, riviilry, rivalily riusclt.i, his son has proved a
Rivangare, to dig up again Rivista,/, a reviem
Rivarcàre, to ptss again Rivivare, to revive, cheer Riuscito, part, succeeded
Riudire, to hear again RiTlvere, to come to life a- Rivulsióne, /. revulsion
Rivedére, to revise, review
Rivedirnénto, m. reviewing Rizzare, lo erect, to make
RiveJiti5re, m, a reviser straiglU; TizzHr bottéga, <»
Riveduto, part, revicnied set up a sltnp ; rizzala, to
Rivelaménto, m. revelation stand up
Rivelare, to reveal, discover Rfzziito, adj. erected, straight
Rivelato, patt. revealed Rfvo, m. a rivulet, or brook Rdba, /a robe, goods, estate ;
Rivelatóre, m. a revealer Rivocàbile, adj. revocable far rdba, to get money
Rivelazióne,/, revelation "' -::aménto, m. and Rivoca- Robaccia,/, old stuff
Rivellino, m. a ravelin, or Robbia,/, madder (an herb)
half-moon (in fortifica- :àre, to revoke, repeal Robblccia, /. trifles, idle
:^atdrio, adj. revoking stufT
Rivéndere, to resell by retail ;
nazióne,/ revocation Robdne, and Robbdne, m.
lare, to fly again a gown (worn by doctors,
River.derla, /. truck, ex- lére, to rvish again, to ask Src.)
cliange Robustamente, ado. strongly
Rivendicare, to revenge ; ri- Rivòlgere, to turn, to change, Robustézza, /. strength, vi-
vendicarsi, to be revenged pervert ; revolve to involve,
; gour
Rivendito're, and Rivendù- engage, entangle ; to tv rap Robusto, adj. robust, strong
gliolo, m. a retailer up Rocàggine,/ a hoarseness
Rivenduto, pat t. resold Rivolgiménto, m. a revolu- Rdcca, /. fortress, rock; a
Rive retnr, tion, resolution, change distaff
Rivdlta, /. and RivoUaménto, Roccàta./. a distaff-full
m. rebellion, revolution. Roicétto, and Rocchétto,
m. a rochet, chursh vest-
Rivenuto, pali, conte back, Rivoltare, to revolt, discom- merit
Riverberare, to reflect, ring.

Riverberato, part resounded Rivoltato, part, turned up- Rdcchio, m. a piece of stone,
Riverberazidne, /. Riverbero, side dawn, revolted mood, S^c.
and Riverberaménto, m. a Rivoltolaménto, m. revolution, Rdfccio, /. a rock, i(9ip hill.
reflection, reverberation (aXso) fillhiness
Riverdlre, to grow green a- Rivoltolare, to turn round Rocco, m. a crosier ; a bishop's
Rivoltudso, adj seditious staff: a rook at chess
Rivoltiira,/. à rotndi^ig about, RochéSZa,/ hoarseness
(also) revolution Roco, adJ hoarse ; uncouth
Ri vol vere, to revolve, consider ; Rodente, adj. gnarving, sharp,
to turn about poignant
Rivoluzióne,/, revolution Rddere, to gnar», nibble, eat
Rivomitàre, to vomit again tip, consume rddere; il
Rivotare, to empty again fréno, or le mani, to fret
Riurtive, to knock, hit, dash inrvaràly
Riuscitile, atlj. ecjy, nitcesf Rodiménto, m. a griping, ves-
Riversato, adj. overset ation, trouble, anguish
Ki verso, m.' the m^ng side, Riu «ciménto, m. and Riuscita, Roditùra, /. i grtawing, bit-
a back stroke, ruin, disas-
Rompitdre, »n. a breaker, Rosseggiante, Rossétto, Ros.
transgressor sàstro. Rossiccio, and Ros.
tilde Rompitura,/, a breaking signo, «(/; riddish
Y.óffia. f. a cloud, density of Ronca, f. a scythe, orbili Ros^eggiàre, to be red, inctiriS
H^inciSre, to rveed to red
Rogare, to subscribe, sign Roncato, part, needed Rossézza, /. redness ; rossézza
Rogato, part, rubscribed Ronchidso, adj. rough, rugged di viso, a blush
Rogati5re, m. a svòtcriber Roncigliàre, 'to take rvith a Ros^ciré, to grow f-ed
Rogatario, adj. rogatory (U Rdsso, adj. red rdsso d'udvo,

m) Ronciglio, m. a hook, ten- the yolk of an egg ; diventar

rósso, to blush
Rdncola,/. a bill, or scythe Rossóre, m. « blush, bashfal-
Roncdne, m. an hedge bill ness ; also) redness
R<5gna,y. scab, iieh Rdnda, /. a round; far la, Rrfsta, /. a fan, a bough, en
Rognóso, adj. seabby or andar in ronda, to go
R(5go, m. a funeral pile, (also) Rostrato, adj. having a beak
a bramble, or briar Rdstro, m. bill, beak: ròstri,
Romaiudlo, m. a ladle ni. pi. a rostrum (a bar)
Komajoldta,/. a ladle full Ronddne, Rosùme, »i. and Rosiira, /.
Romàno, m. the rveiglii of bird) nibbling, gnawing
steelyard : adj. Roman Ronfcire, and Ronfiare, to snore Ròta,/, wheel
Romanzatdre, m. a romancer Ronzaménto, m. buzz; mur- Rotàia,/, track of a wheel
storyteller Rotaménto, m. turning
Romanzésco, adj. romantic
Romanzière, m. a romancer Rotare, to turn round like a
Romanzo, m. a romance rvheel, (also) to break upon
Rombare, to buzz, or hum, Ronzfno, m. a pad, nag
Ronzio, and B/inio, m. a
buzzing, hissing, hum-
Roteg ;, to ti
Ronzdne, m. a stallion R'otella,/. a shield, or buckler
Rdmbice, m. bastard rhubarl Rosa, /. a rose, (also) a red (also) the knee-pun
Rombo, m. a murmur, rvhi spot in the skin (caused by a Rotolare, to roll, or turn
zing (also) a rhombus (in
; bite, kiss, ire.) Rotolalo, part, rolled
geometry) Rosàceo, and Rosato, adj. Ròtolo, m. a sort of weiglii
Romboide, f. rhomboides (h rosy, the colour of a (also) a roll, a scroll
geometry) rose: labbra rosate, red Rotolóne, adv. rolling
Romèo, m. a pilgrim going t lips acqua rosata, rose- R.otondàre, to make round, to

m. an hermitage
Ron-.itóggio, Rosàio, w Rotondato, adj. mode round
Romito, m. an hermit Rosàrio, a rotary, string Rotondità, and Rotondézza,
K'jmdre, m. a noise, tumult tf beads /. roundness, rotundity
romdre di spade, clashing oj Rosecchiire, [ii Rosicchi- Rotóndo, adj. round, circu-
awards far romdre, tb be
; are)
talked of Roselifa,/. measles Rdtta, /. a breaking, a rout,
Ronioreggiaménto, m. bustle, RoselU'na,/. a damask rose a defeat ; venire alle rdtte,
stir Rdseo, adj. rosy (in po'etry) to come to blows; èsseri
Romoreggiàre, to make a noise, Roséto, m. a place planted alle rótte, to be offended,
jvith rose-bushes tuggire in rótta, to run a-
R-omorfo, m. a noise, rustle Rosétta, /. a rose of dia- way; partire alla rótta, to
Rompere, to break, to dash monds, ^c. a farrier's but- go away in anger
to pieces ; to interrupt, to Rottame, m. rubbish, crumbs
avoid, shun : rdmper le leggi, Rosicare,and Rosicchiare, to Rottamente, adv. immode'
to violate -the laws : rdmpere gnani
nibble, rately
in mare, to shipwreck Rosipnudio, m. a nightin Rótto, m. a fracture, break'
Rompevole.adJ. brittle, fragile ing
Rompicapo, m. a tiresome man Rosmarino, m. rosemary Rótto, part, broken, defeated;
Rompicollo, m. a ruirn, pre- Rtóso, parr, giiarved passionate; nùmeri rotti,
cipice, a break-neck ; (also) Rosolàccio, m. a mild poppy fractions ; strade rotte, a
a dangerous man fare una Rosolare, to fry, or roas
; deep way
cosa a rompicollo, to act Rottdrio, m. a cautery, an
Rosolato, part, fried, roasted
Rompiménto, m. a fracture, Rosolia,/, the measles
breaking Ròspo, m. a toad

RoTaglìcSne,m. the measles KubaldagUa, f. mob, rabble Rugumare, to ruminate, to
Rovaio, m. Ihe north wind Rub^ldo, ailj 'ascally ; un
Rovèlla, /. and Rovello, m rubaldo. a knave Rugumazidne, /. rumination,
Rubaménto, m. a robbery the chewing the cud
Ruina,/. ruin, decay
Rubato, part robbed, stolen Ruinàre, to ruin, destroy
Rubatóre, m. thief, robber Ruinàto, pari, ruined, spoileA
liubellare, to rebel, revolt
Rubellaménto, »n. [see Rubel-
lidne) Ruindso, adj. ruinous
Tvilh male oaks RubelUdne, Rubellagidne,and Rufre, to run headlong
overthrow, RubeUazidne, /. a rebellion, Rullare, to roll
revolt Rullo, m. and Rulla, /. a
Rovescidre, to ovi throw, pour, Rubéllo, adj. rebellions; un
spUt rubéllo, a nhel
Rovesciato, pari, overlkro Ruberia,/: mbbery, thejì
Rovèscio, m. a ihowei Rubésto, adj. horrible, fierce.
Ruminito, part, ruminated,
Rubicóndo, adj. red, ruddy pondered
Rubido, adj. rough, uneven Ruminazidne,/. rumination
Rubificdre, in make red Rumóre, (see Romóre, and its
Rovescidne, adv. bac^nardi Rubfgine, /. rust (Latin derivatives) report
word) Rumordso, adj. noisy
Rovéto, m. a place full of Rubiglia./. tares, vetches Rudio, m. a roll, register,
Rubfno, m. ruby fa stone)
Rubindso, adj. of the colour of Rudta, ajid R<5ta, /. a wheel,
rack: (also) a meeting of
Rubfzio, adj. robust, stout lawyers a compass, a turn; ;

Rubo, m. a bramble, brier

far a rudta, to wheel about
a./, a rubric, (also) red procéder per rudU, to take

Rubro, adj. red fin poetry) ;

Rope,/, a rock
Rovin; adj. Ru pinóso, adj. sleep, crag^tf
tifali Ruca, and Rucchétta, /. rock^ei Rurale, adj. rural, country
Rovin fan herb)
Rude. adj. rude, rustical Ruscello, m. a brook, rivulet
Rovinajore, m. a destroyar Rudiménto,»!, a rudiment Rusco, m. and Ruschia, /. the
Rovlnévolp, and Rovindso. adj. RuJa, and Ruffiana,/, a bawd ;

ruinous, ready to fall; (also) ruffa rafia, scramble Rusignudlo, tn. a nightingale
Ruffianare, to pimp, to play
Ruspare, to scratch as fowls do
ihe bawd Ruspo, adj. new, new coined .
Rovistavie, and RovistoUre, Ruffianésimo, m. and Ruffi- m. a pistole fa coin)
firret, to search aneria, /. a pimping Ruspone, m. a pistole and a
Rovfstico, m. privet (a sort of Ruffidrto, m. a pimp half fa coin)
shrub) Ruga, wrinkle fa Russare, to snore
Rugghiamento, m. a roaring Russo, m. snoi ing
Rugghiare, to roar Rusticaggine, /. rusticity,
Rugghiato, part, roatitl rudeness
Rùgghio, and Rùgei», m. a Rusticate, adj. rural, or
Rozzamente, ado. coarsely
Rozzézza, /. coarseness, unr Rùggine, /. rust, aversion. RusiicaloKente, • adv. rusti-
civilitt/ cally
Rózzo, adj. rough, harsh, Rugginoso, adj. rus'y , dènti Rusticano, and Rùstico, adj.
rugginosi, foul teetli rustic, rural (also) clownish

Rozzume, m. roughness Rustic&rt;. tc live in the couti-

Ruba, /. a robbery, thi-fi; Ruggito, part, roared; m. a
(also) scramble Rustichézza, «iirf Rusticità
Rubacchiare, to steal, plunder, Rugiada, /. dew : Pasqua ru- / clownishness, rus'icity
to pick pockets giada, WhiituKday Ruta,/. ì-ue fan herb)
Rubacuòri, /. a coquet Rugiaddso, adj. deivy, full of Ruticare, io move, totiir slowly
Rubagidne, /. a thievinsr, détv Rutilare, to shine, glitter
theft Rugiolóne, m. a box or. Ruttare, to belch, vomit, cos"
Rubdlda, /. a helmet, a head
Rugóso, adj. wrinkled
Rividaméntc, adv. rtidely, Sacciutézia,/. pride, conceit Saétta,/, an arrow, thunder
»»rscty Sacciuto, part, afflcted, c< Saettàme, and Saettaménto,
Ruvidézza, and Ruvidità, /. m. a quantity of arrows
terer Saettare, to dart, shoot, throw
Rùvido, a<IJ. rough, hard. Sacco, m. a sack, bag, pli Saettata,/, an arrorv-shot
ru^i;ed Saettato, part, darted, shut
late: fare il sacco, mét- Saettatóre, m. archer
Saettévole, adj. ,fan archer
(a kind krubj ,
Saettra,/ a brigantine
Ri lento, m. a sport, toy- ter; tenére' il sacco ad Saettolàre, to prune the vine
vickedness : j
Saettume, m. all manner qf
Ruzzare, to play the fool, to sciórre i

toy vilify : tornar colle trombe Saféna,/. the crural vein

nel sacco, to return with Sagace, adj. sagacious
Ruzzo hf.a ìing-top (to empty pockets Sagaceméiite, adj. sagely
'Vith) Saccòccia,/, a pocket, purse Sagacita, and Sagacézza, /.
Ruzzolare, to play with a top ;
Saccomiinno, ni. {see Saccdr- wisdom, sagacity
(also) to sink a ship do) ; far saccomanno, to Sagapéno, »n. sagàpenum (the
Ruzzolóne, m. a large rolling gjim of the root of fennel-
Saccóne, m. a strarv-bed giant)
Sacerdotale, adj. priestly Saggézza,/ ivisdom, prudent*
Sacerdotalmente, adv. priest- Saggiamente, adv. sagelt/
Sacerdòte, and Sacerdiito, n Saggiare, to try, essay, taste
a priest Saggiatóre, m. an as'sayer
Sacerdotéssa./, a priestess Saggina, /. millet, Turkey
Sacerdozio, »/<. the priesthood
SA'BATO, and Sàbbato, m. Sacramentile, adj. sacramer. Sagginale, »«. the stalk qf
Saturday tal Turkey wheat
Sàbbia, /. and Sabbióne, m. Sacramentalmente, adv. so Sagginato, part, mixed with
sand, gravel Turkey wheat, or of that
Sabbionóso, and Sabbióso, ac/j. Sacramentare, to administt
sandy ' Saggio, m. essay, proof, ex-
Sabfna,/. savin-tree periment, warning, advice,
Saburdo, m. a pnrt-hole caution, (also) a grain ; wise,
Sacca, anrf Saccàia,/, a rvallet,
Sacrare, to consecrate Saggiuólo, m. a sample
Saccardo, m. a soldier's boy, a Sacrario, m. a place to keep Sagittario, m. an archer
blackguard tsecrated things in, a ves- (also) Sagittariiui (in astro
Saccente, adj. learned, sty, j [cred, holy nomy)
Sacrato, adj. consecrated, sa- Sagliénte, adj. ascending
conceited fillow Sacrestla,/' sacristy, vestry Sagola, /. the log-line, (also)
Saccentemente, adv. learnedly, Sacrificante, adj. sacrijicing. the lead to take siatiidings
^ «/.V'y, insolently Sagoma, /. the rveight of a
Sacrificare, to sacrifice
Sacrificato, part, sacrificed Sagra,' / dedication, conse-
Sacrificatóre, ni. a sacrificing ation, multitvAe. cowd :
fare il saccent;5ne, to be con- . sua casa par che abbia
ceited . sagra, he keeps cpen house
Saccheggiaménto, and Sac- Sagrestano, m. a sexton
Sagrestia,/ a vestry
saccheggiante, adj. pillag- Sacrilegamente, adv. sacri- N. B. Such words as cannot
ing un saccheggiente, a
: legioiuly be found by S.A.G R, look for
Sacrilègio, adj. sacrilegious SACR
Saccheggiare, to plunder Sacrilego, m. sacrilege, pro Sagrf, *. shagreen
Sa cheggiàto, part, sacked fanation Saia,/, serge, woollen cloth
Saccheggiatóre, m. a plun- Sacristia, /. the sacristy, or Saica.fsaik (a Turkishvesse..
derer, pillager Sàio, and Salóne, m. a cas-
Sacchétto, Sacciiccio, Sac- Sacristóno, m. a sexton ock, a sort of great coat, or
chettfno, and Sacculo, m. a
satchel, budget i Sàia,"/ a hall, a parlour, a
Saccientézza, /. presumption ; liig-room (aiso) rush, or

tc sttiff" chair-bollorni
Sacciénie. m. a busy-lady
Salace, adj. talacious Salièra, /. a salt-cellar,
a sallbojr
Salaiutìloj s salt- box
Salamandra,/, a salamander Saligdstro, m. a sallorv tree
Salamandràto, adj. of a saU- Salimbacca, /. a mark put Salta, umpet-police-
mander >n merchandises ; (also)
Saldme, m. sausage seal of letters patent
- Saltabeccàre, and Saltabellàre.
Salamfstra, / an Saliménto, m. an ascent, a
ostentatioxu to hop, frisk, trip cUonp
mounting up Saltamartino, «n. a kind oj
Salaraistràre, to iherv oi >self Salina, / a salt-pit, salt meat, field-piece
witty saltfish Saltainbdrco, and Saltamin
Solamistrerta, f. presumption, Salincérbio, m. a sort of game, a clown's jacket m
or play Saltanséccia. /. a sort of little
Salamòia,/, irine Salire, to ascend, mount up bird: (also) a light, incon-

Salamene, »n. a discourse.

chi troppo in alto sale, rash- Saltare, to leap, jump, skip,
Salare, to salt to omit, to dance ; saltdr
Salariare, lo give a salary, to Saliscéndo, m. a door-latch; addòsso ad uno, to embrace
recompense la fortuna fa de" saliscéndi, a person : saltar in còllera,
Salariato, part, hired fortune is inconstant to fiy into a rage non mi :

Salario, and Saldro, m. salary Salita. /. a mounting, sally. fate saltar in grillo, or la
Sai.isso, m. blood-letting mosca, provoke me nM far ;

Salato, pnrt. salted Salito, part, ascended, raised, saltare in ària, to blow up
' '
Sala; mounted intc the air; vi farò saltar
Srilce villow- m. a ladder;
ilitòio, (also) a le scale, / shall kick you
down stairs ; far saltar le
Salitdre, m. a climber, a cervella ad uno, to dash out
mounter a person's brains ; saltar di
Salcio, m. a nnllorv, or sallorv Saliva,/. sj)itt!e palo in frasca, Ìo make a
tree Salivare, to salivate digression: far saltar la
Salda. / starch, paste ; (also) Salivazione./, salivation tèsta ad uno, to behead
solder, soldering Sàìnìa,f. a burden, weight Saltato, part, leaped, jumped
Saldamente, adv. firmìy Salmastro, ailj. saltish, brinish Saltatóre, m a I'eaper, or
Saldamente, m. a solderi, Salmeggiaménto, m- psalmody
solder: (also) balancing Salmeggiare, to sing psalms Saltaz'iòne, /. jumping, a
SalmeggiatJre, m. a psalmist leap
Salmoria, /. a baggage, equi- Saileltóre, to skip, trip
(also) Salterèllo, r». a cracker, a
Salmista, m. a psalmist

Sald<ito, part. squib a little skip ; (also)


ed; settled Salmo, m. a psalm jack qfa spinet

Saldatura, / Salmodia,/ psalmody Saltèrio, and Salterò, m. the
Salnitro, m. nitre, saltpetre book qf Psalms, pralter;
Salóne, ?» a great hall (also) a stomacher (fbr
incy, sKMIity, solidity Salòtto, m. a little hall, or
Saldissimamente, adu. firmly, Saltétto, m. a little leap
strongly Salpdre, tn weigh anclior Salto, m. a leap, skip,
Saldo, adj. solid, entire. Salpato, part, weighed anchor dance; (also) wood, fo-
sound, whole star saldo, to
; Salsa, /. sauce; (also) chas-
stand firm ; saldi, signóri, Salva,/, volley, discharge: una
*''.V»gentlemen ; saldo, m. salva d'archi busdte, a volteti
settling an account ; adv. of musket-shot
firmly Salvadanaio, m
Sale, m. salt : ha poco sale Salvadòre, m. a saviour
in zucca, he has not much Salsiccia, /. a sausage ; far Salvaggtna,/. venison
judgment salsiccia, tochop Salvaggiume, ni. game
Saleggiàre, to sprinkle ivilh Salsicciàio, »i. a sausage- Salvaguàrdia,/ a safeguard
Salvamente, adv. safely
Salsiccirfne, and SalsicciStto, "
' and Salva-
m. a thick short sausage 'e,/ p
SalsicciucJIo, tn. a piece qf Salva , to keep, i
Salic^stro, m. a mild toillon

Sau'atica lènte, adv. rudely^

Salvatichézza,/. talldne I
Sancolomliino, m. i tort qf Santificatóre

Sahatico, adj. rvild, 'i ip.ilalo, m. a pinnace, a slip-

per, a sandal, sandal-ivood, \

Santlaraca, and Sandracca, /.

Santità,/, holiness
Santo, adj. holy ; m. temple,

Santocchieria,/, hypocrisy
Salubreménte, ado. health SantOccio, m simpleton, a not-
filili/, nholesomefy die, a fool
Salubrità, f. tuholesomencst. Sruilolo, m. a godfather
Santonico, m. wormwood
Salve , /. safely, rueìfar Sanj;uin;iccio, m. a black- Santoréggia, /. the herb sa-
pudding vory
age (an herb) Sanguinante, adj. bloody Santuiiria,/ the relics of sainti
Salvia! and Salviate, adj.
" uinire, to 'bleed, to make
seasoiiea with sage ,dy Sanzióne,'/ sanction, ratifica-
Salviétta,/ a napkin SanaruinSria,/. blood-wort
Sal vigia, / immun ily, fr-eedom Sanguinario, adj. cruel, blood- Sapere, to know ; sa troppo
Salume, m. salt meat, fish thirsty di sale, itis too sail ; sa di
Salvo, adj safe, sure, sound ; Sanguini-,/, a cornel tree mùschio, he smells qf musk ;
in. an agreement, a bar- Sanguinella,^', biood-wort non sa far altro che bere, he
Sanguineo, adj. sanguine, does nothing but drink non ;

ve ne so né grado né grazia,
iguinità,/. consanguinity 1 thank you not ; fa se tu
Sanguinolènte, adj. bloody
anguinolentemente, and San-
guinosamente, ado. bloodi-
ly is no fool sa di medicina,

Salutare, adj. wholesome, good Sanguinóso, adj. bloody, blood- he u ìiderstands physic
Salut;Ito, part, saluted Sapere, m. learning, science,
Salutatóre, m. one mho salutes ; Sanguisiiga, /. leech, blood- knowledge
Sapévole, adj. conscious; es-
Salutazióne,/, salutation Sanicanidnto, m. cure sendo sapévole d'un si gran
Salute, /. safety, welfare, anicire, to restore, or recover delitto, he being privy to so
health, salut'ilion health great a crime
Salutévole, adj. ivholesome, Sànie,/, matter of a sore Sapiènte, part, learned
useful, profitable Sanióso, adj full ofnudter Sapientemente, adv. learnedly
Salutev;' -'-' - Sanità, / health Sapiènza, /. wisdom, (also) col-
Sanna,/. a wild boar's tuik lege
Sanuuto, adj. having tusks Sapoiiàceo, adj. saponaceous,
Saiuttfero, adj. healtliful, i Sano, adj. sound, healthy. soapy
.rh'ole, V,...,., Saponaia, /. fuller's need.
maged, unhurt ;

len'ce Saponàio, ni. a scap-maker

Sansa, and Sanséna, /. ( Saponata, / soap-lather
Sambuca, /. a sackbut, mu- Sapóne, m- soup; rader uno
sical instrument Sansùco, m. marjor senza sapóne, to play a slip-
pery trick
Saponètto, m. wash-ball, scent-
Sambuchino, adj. of elder ed soap
Sambuco, m an elder-tree Santamarfa,/ spear-mint Saporàre, to taste, relish
S.!imvó^a,f. pipe.Jiagelet Santambarco, m. a country-
Sanàbile, tulj. curable
>ja...,aménte, adv. holity
Santificaménto, m. sanctifica- Saporitino, adj relishing
Saporito, adj. saimtry ; un
Santificare, /.) sanctify; san- bacio saporito, a hearty ktss ,
icrSr le fèste, in keep holy vilty w
ys : santificarsi, to become
Saporóso, adj. relìthtng Satfrico, and Satirésco, adj. Sbadigliaménto, m. a,
SaiiiL^ate, a<lj. wise, knowing or yawning
Saputa,/, knowledge Sàtiro, m. satyr ; satirist Shadigliànte. adj. yawning
Saputamente, adv. deliberately, Satisfare, to satisfy Sbadigliare, to gape, ta yawn
visehj Satisfazidne,/. caution, giving Sbadigliato, adj. yuwned
Saputo, adj. knntving, mite Sbadiglio, and Sbadiglla-
Sara. /. a tatv-fisli Into, m a gaping, yatvn-
Saracinésca, /. a tort of lock,
a jjorlcullis Sbagliàre, to mistake, to be
Saracino, m. a Saracen ; (also) deceived, to err
a pale, a ttake Sbàglio, and Sbagl laménto, in.
Sarcasmo, »n. sarcasm Satollare, to fill, to satiate
Sarchiare, to weed Satollato, adj. filled, satiated Sbagliato, adj. mistaken
Sarchiato, adj weeded SatoUézza, and Satollila, /. Sbaldanzire, to despond
Sarchiatura,' Sarchiagiòne, /. itìety Sbalestraménto, m. ruin
and Sarchiaménto, m. weed- Satóllo, adj. glutted, full. Sbalestrare, to miss the mark ;

inn, or iri-eding-time to shoot ; (also) to speak no»-

SarchielWre, weed Hf;hily
to Sàtrapo, m. governor ; far il
Sarchiello, m. a small weed- sàtrapo, to set up for master, Sbalestrataménte, adv. incon-
or curry it high
Sàrchio, m. a weeding-hook Saturare, to saturate Sbalestràto, adj. hare-brained,
Sarcocdlla, /. balsam (the gum Saturèia,/, the herb savory imprudent, giddy
of a Persian tree) Saturità,/ satiety Sballare, to unpack; (also) to
Sarda,/, cornelian Saturnino, adj. saturnine dull relate falsities
Sardella, and Sardina, /. o Saturno, m. Saturn (the Sballato, adj. unpacked
pilchard a sprat
; planet) Sbalordiménto, m. amar.e-
Sardésco, nrfj. of Sardinia Sàturo, adj. full, cloyed nt, stupidity, giddi
Sardònico, m. a sardonyx Savére, to knuiv, m. knowledge
Sargano, m. serge (in poetry) Sbalordire, to be amazed
Sàrgia,/, a coverlet Saviamente, adv. sagely, wise- Sbalordito, adj. troubled
Sarménto, m. a vine-branch Sbalzare, to throw, cast, leep,
Sarnàcchio, m. spittle ^- /. misdom, prudence
;, rush
Kaniacchii5so, adj. phlegmatic Savina,/. Me herb savin Sbalzato, adj. leaped, thrown
.Sarpàre, tn weigh anchor Sàvio, adj. sage, wise, discreet ;
Sbalzo, m. a rebound, leap
Sirte, and SAnie.f. shrovds of farò sàvio, I will ex- Sbandare, to disband, to bt
a ship, cordage it to you
Sartiame, m. ship cordage
Salto, and Sartóre, »n. a tailor Savissimaménte, adv. wliely
Sassàia,/, heap of stones Savonéa, /. lozenge (a sort of
Sassaiuola, f. stoning, lapida- confection for colds, Sec.) Sbandeggiare, to banish
Savoróso, adj. savoury
Sassaiuólo, m. a wood-pigeon Savdrra,/. ballast of a thip Sbandigidne, /. and Sbandi-
Sassata,/, blow with a stone Sàuro, adj. sorrel: cav^.lo ménto, m. exile
Sassefrica, /. the h:rb goafs sàuro, a' sorrel horse ; sàuro Sbandire, to banish ; (also) to
chiaro, a light bay recall from banishment
Sassrllo, and Bassétto, m. a Saziabile, adj. easily latis- Sbandito, part, banished; tn.
little Jlint ; (also) a sort oj Jied
little thrush, a miser, a co- Saziabilménte, adv. enough, Sbaragliare, to disperse, mis-
vetous fellow lead
Sassifraga, and Sassifrdgia, /. Saziaménto, m- satiety Sbaragliato, adj. dispersed
Saziare, to satiate, to sa- Sbaraglino, m. backgammcn
Sassofràsso, nt. «a»raj tisfy
Saziato, adj. satiated, satis- Sbaràglio, m. a rout, defeat
fed Sbaràtta, f. confusion, iit

Satanasso, Satan, and Sàtana, Sbarattàre, (see Sbaragliare»

Sbarazzare, /o clear up
Satanico, adj. diabolical Sazievolézza,/, satiety Sbarbare, io deprive ; to era-
Satellite, m. bailiJJ] guard Sàzio, adj. satiated, full, dicate
satèlliti, satellites Sbarbato, adj. beardless ; uno
Sàtira,/, satire, lampoon Sbaccaneggiàre, to make a sbarbato, a lad
Satireggiare, to satirise Sbarbazzàre, to unbridle
•Satireggiato, adj. lampooned Sbarl.azz.-ita, /. tUe twitch of
SaUre«caménte,u(/u. tatirically the liridle
Sberrettala, /. a bow, » Sbocciare, to hud, io sh»ol

Sbarbicare, fo root up.

Sbarcare, to disembark ;

draw out of a ship SberaZZaménto, m. sipping,

Sbarcato, unloaded, landed tippling
Sb;Srco, m. disembarking Sbevazzare, to sip, tipple
Sbardellsire, to train a col Sbezzicàto, adj. pecked
sbardelldre delle risa. Sbiadato, and Sbiavàto, adj.
(-A bea CV.v sky-blue, pale
Sbardellataraénte, adv. ex- Sbiancare, ti; grom pale
Sbiancato, udj. nhitish.

open ; sbarrar gli occhi, ( Sbièco, Sbies adj.

Sl>arrdto, ad} wide, open Sbietolàre, fo be softened, af- ielly ; (also) to crack like a
Sbarro, wi. a bar, hiuderance fected
Sbasoffiiire, lo gutlle Sbiettare, to pull out a peg SbonJoldto, adj. having a.
Sl>assare, to let damn, decreas Sbigottiménto, m dread
Sbasso, m. deduction, discount Sbigottire, to despond, to be Sborchiàre. to take off the
Sbastóre. lo unsaddle, devour frightened bridle studs
Sbatacchiare, to knock on Sbigottitamente, adv. fear- Sbordellaménto, m, deban—
down fully
Sbatacchid Sbigottito, part, desponding, Sbordelìiire, to frequent bad-
frightened, astonished houses, to distuib with mer-
Sbàttere, to beat, shake, strug- SbilaWiamento, m. inclining riment, to ravage
gle, be troubled; (also) tu Sborrare, to tell all you knnrv.
abate from a sum of money : the
sbàttere le ali, to flutter ; Sborsare, to disbtirse, to pay,
sbattersi, to fret to sped
Sbattezzare, to renounce the Sborsato, pari, disbursed
Christian religion ; to oblige Sbdrso, rn. diibursement, pay-
one to change his religion ;

sbattezzarsi, to renounce it; Sbottonj5re, io unbutton *

to change one's religion insult, or reproach
Sbattiménto, and Sbàttito, 7n. Sbirbato, part, bubbled, de- Sbdzzo, m. a rough drang',.
a shake, toss, jolt Sbozzolare, to take the miliert
Sbattuto, ady tossed, agi- Sbirciare, to leer, or ogle P'ly or share
tated ; occhi sbatttiti, lan- "biraglia, and Sbirrerfa, /. a Sbrac-.ire, to undress (also) :

guishing eyes, dejected, body of baili fft leavour earnestly

grieved" Sbfrro, m. bailiff, constable Sbracataméiite, adv. excessive-
Sbavagliare, to unmask Sbisacciare, to take out of a ly, much
Shavagliato, adj. unmasked bracatfssimo, adj. excessive,
Sbavatura, /. froth, slaver ;
bizzarrire, to gram com-
drivel plaisant SbraeSto, adj. tvithout bree-
Sbeffàre, and Sbeffeggiàre, to Sboccaménto, m. a discharg-
deride, banter .rthening, overfloni- Sbracciarsi, lo luck up one'f
Sbellicare, to untie, absolve ; sleeves, to use all means
sbellicarsi delle risa, to burst 'o overflow ; (also) Sbracciato, adj. with sleeve»
'.violently; voltate tucked up
Sbendare, io unveil lanca, sboccate poi
Sbendato, adj. unveiled '
- upon i ; to I Wihe
Sberciare, to miti the mark
Sberleflfare, in ridicule, scoff, Sbràcio, m. and Sbraciata, /.
mock, make grimaces Sboccatamente, adv. filthily, stirring the fire, rodomon-
Sberlèffo, m. a mocking, a licentiously tade, boasting
Sboccato, part, emptied, dis- Sbraculàto, adj. having no coal
Sberlingacciare, to divert one- burdened ; adj. obscene,
self during the carnival filthy
feben-ettare, to take off the hat. Sboccatura, /. mouth of a

Sbranaménto, m. tearing Sbuffante, adj. puffing, blow- Scaglióso, adj. scaly ; pelle
Sbranare, to tear ; to man
gle Sbufrdre, to puff, be suddenly ScagÙuóla,'/-a/'We teal:, or
Sbranato, part, torn, man- shell
gled Sbugiardare, to belie, to con- Scaglinolo, m. a kind of alum.
Sbrancaménto, m. separating vince one qf a falsity Scagnàrdo, adj. mean, ugly
from the stock Sbasire, to gain all one?s Scala, /. a ladder, staircase ;
Sbrancare, to take, or tepa- money salir le scale, to go up stairs
rate from the stock: sbran- Scabbia, f. scab, itch Scalamati, »i. a disease in
cfcce i rami, to pluck off the Scabbiire, to cure the Uch, horses, leanness
hraneiies; sbrancarsi, to go (also) to plane, polish Scalaménto, m. scaling
astray Scabbióso, /. scabious (an Scalappiare, to tscape a
Sbrancato, part, separated. herb)
Scabbióso, adj. scabby Scalare, to scale, to storm
Sbrandellare, to cut a bit off Scabro, adj. rough, hard Scalata, /. a scaling teith
Sbr^o, m. a tearing, slaugh- Scabrosità, /. roughness, rug- ladders
gedaess Scalato, part, scaled
Sbrattdre, to cltan, or scour, Scabróso, adj. rough, rugged Scalatóre, m. he tliut scales
empty, (also) dispatch, ex- Scacazzaménto, m. looseness ;
Scalcagnare, to tread upon
tricate ; sbrattarsi d* un
vizio, to forsake a vice Scaccato, part chequered Scalcare, to tread underfoot
Sbricciinneggiilre, to pky Scacchiare, to dii: (vulgar) Scalcheggiare, to kick, jerk
I lead an t.t Scacchière, m. a chess-beard Scalcherla, /. the office of a
hfe Scacciagióne, /. and Scaccia
Sbriciolare, to cut, to break, to Scalcinare, unplaster i

Sbticiolato, adj. cut small, or Scalco, »i. a carver

Scacciata, /. (see Scaccia- Scaldaletto, vi. a rvarming-
Sbrigaraénto, m. expedition r^énto) expulsion
Sbrigare, to dispatch, expedite ; Scacciato, part driven arvay Scaldaménto, m. making hot,
sbrigarsi, to be rid of Scacciatóre, m. expeller. rartning-pan
Sbrigataménte, adv. quickly. Scaldare, to rvarm, to heat i

scaldarsi, to grow warm;

Sbrigativo, adj. expeditions non mi fate scalciar la bile.
Sbrigato, adj. dispatched,
ready Scaccomatto, ni. eheck-mate, Scaldato, adj. warmed, heated
Sbrigliare, to unbridle, to check, mi.\fortune Scaldatolo, m. a tvarming
Scacià.to, ad), excluded, de- place
Sbrigliata, and Sbrigliatura, luded, iMffled Scaldavivande, m. a chafing'
f. a pnll rvith a bridie ; (also) Scadènza, /. decay, fall, (also) dish
the day on mkich a bill or Scalèa./, steps : staircase
Sbrigliato, adj. unbridled, note of hand is due Scalena./, a suore
Scadére, to decay, to fall Scalfire, to scarify
Sbrizzàre, to met, moisten, '
beni scadono à lui, the Scalfitto, part, scarified
splash, (also) to break itate devolves to him Scalfittura, /. scarification, a
Sbrogliare, to disentangle, to Scadiménto, m. decay, fall scratching
Scaduto, rtrfj decayed, fallen Scalino, m
a step, stair
Sbrogliato, adj di.ienfangled Scafa../: a cock-boat, skiff Scalmana,/, pleurisy
Sbrucare, to peel, strip ScafKIe, m. a shelf Scalmanare, to get a pleurisy
Sbruffare, io bisprinkle Scaifdre, to play at even and Scalmàti, »;i. (see Scalamati)
Sbruffo, m. puff, a blast Scalmàto. adj. tvearied rvith.
Sbrattare, to clean, or mend Scafo, m. carcass of a ship
Sbruttdto, part. cleansed ; Scagionare, to excuse
mended Scàglia,/, a scale of a fish 'lallrt
Sbrucare, to dram out, to run ciiiy of marble, SiC. Scalpicciamdnto, m. a tread-
(as out of a hole) Scagliaménto, m.. a throw, iag upon, or under foot
Sbucchiàre, and Sbucciare, to flinging Scalpicciare, and Scalpitare,
Scagliare, to scale a fish, to to tread upon, to trample
Sbucrhiato, part, skinned, fiing, hurl scagliar le pa-
; under foot
role, to talk at random Scalpicciato, part, trodden.
Sbucciato, part, peeled Scagliato, adj. seated, hurled
Sbudellare, to drarv out the Scaglióne, nt. stairs, a step, Scalpiccio, m. stamping.
bowels degree ; scaglióni, m. pj. nnist of the feet i
Sbudellato; a.H. bon'els oi horse's tusks
Scnlpitóménto, m. trampling , recede, withdraw ; to
underfoot , escape, save (

m. complaint, regret
Scali)<5re, self ^
Scaltrézza, /. cunning, saga- Scampato, \iart. saved
Staltriménto, in cunning. :ampatére, vi. he that cantonàre, to avoid, shun •

sagacity another ; deliverer (also) to break the corners ;

Scaltrire, to ieaeh cunning Scampo, m. sa delivi scantonarsi dalla schièra, to
Sealtritaraénte, adu. slily, disband
subthj, cunningly Scapecchiare, io card flax ;
Scaltrito, and Scaltro, adj. Scàmijolo, scapecchiarsi, to disentangle
sharp, crafty one's self
Scalzaménto, m. pulling off Scdna..f. a tusk of a boar Scapecchiato, part, carded,
one's shoes and stoekings Scanalare, to channel, or disengaged
Scalzare, to pull off shoes and chawf-r Scapecchiatóio, m. a card, or
canalato, part, channeled an instrument for cLauing
Ssalzàto, adj. bare-footed, canalatiira,/. channeling tables, cVc.
poor, silly Scancc-llàre, to deface, blot out. Scapestrare, to take off the
Scalzatolo, m. a Jleam, a halter ; (also) to untie, to
Scancellato, part, dtfaced loosen, to be dissolute, to
Scalzatura, /. making bare Scancerfa,^! a dresser
the roots of trees ; (also) a Scancla, f. a shelf, a book- Scapestratamente, adv. li-
dimple centiously, dissolutely
Scalzo, adj. barefooted, poor ; zio, adj. sloping, oblique Scapestrato, adj. loose, un-
m. a poor miserable fellorv
Scamatare, to dust cloth, to

Scambiaménto, m. chance.
Scapezzato, part, lopped, cut
Scambiare, to mistake, truck, Scandalezzàre, to scandalize, Scapezzdne, »h. a blurv cm the
to be offended
the place of another Scandalezzatdre, m. a i Scapigliare, to dishevel, to pull
Scambiato, part, mistaken
Scambiettare, to change often, der ; (also) to live a dissolute
(also) to caper life
Scambiétto, in. gambol, caper,
1 of leap in dancing, Scandaldso, adj. scandalous
2ncy ScandClla,/. oats (also) drops ;
Scambiévole, adj. xutual. of oil and grease which
Scambievolézza, /. a mutual Scandigliare, to weigh. Scapitare, to lose, suffer loss
Scapitato, part, lost
Scambievolmente, adv. Scandire, to Scàpito, m. loss, damage ;
ciprocally a sort of far scàpito, to sustain a
ScAmbio, m. exchange, h
Scamerare, to take out qf the
public treasury
Scamerfta,/. a fillet of pork
Scamicciàto, part, without

Scamonèa, /. scammony (a Scannatare, m. Scariola, adj. unmarried, free '.

plant) killer Scàpolo, m. a bachelor

Scamoneato, part, mixed with Scannellare, to vind off the Scaponire, to overcome a per-
thread, to gush out
Scamosciare, to tan skins Scannellato, part, wound off
Scamosciato, part, tanned Scannello, m
a little bench,
Scamosciatòre, m. a tanner (also) a writing-desk Scappare, to escape, let fall,
Scampafórca, m. a scapegal- Scanno, m. a bench, a forget one's self; scappar
Ions (flight la paziènza, to tire Iht
Scampaménto, m. an escape. Scanonizzare, io make void
Scampanare, to chime Hcappata, f. flight, etcape
Scampanata, /. and Scampa- Scappellare, to pull off one'*
nio, rn. chimes, chiming hat, to salute
nd rreigh cheese (a sort of Scarrutolàto, part, slipped.
kild-s play)

„ it blon ScaricalSsiiio, m. a sort of Scarsamente, adv. scarcely,

Scapperuccio, m. a monk's game at draughts poorly
capti chin, or hood Scaricaménto, m
a discharge Sc_arsapdi>e, /. Me .herb mar-
Scappìnàre, io tote shoes, or Scaricare, to unload, dis-
to foot xlochings charge, sliool, to fulfil, sa- Scarseggiàre, to spare, save,
Scappinàto, part, new soled tisfy fail, have lued of
Scappino, tn. a sock, foot of a Scàrico, adj unloaded, con- Scarsèlla,/ « purse
tent ; scàrico di pensièri, Scarsétto, adj. sparing
Scapponéo. m. a reprimand fr.e from cares ; fine, clear Scarsézza, / wata, lack, par-
Scappuccidre, to take off (like liquors) simony
one's hood (also) to fail, Scàrico, m. and Scancazidne,
: Scarsità, /. scarcity, thrifti-
commit a fault; to stumble /. purgation, discharge
or slip Scarificare, to scarify Stótrso, adj. scarce, poor,
Scappucciato, part, unhooded Scarlattino, and Scarlatto,
Scappùccio, m. an oversight, scarlet cloth ; atlj. keep short : m. scarcity
fault, error arlet Scartabelllre, to run over a
Scapriccfre, and Scapricciare,
to be satisfied, to overcome Scartafàccio, and Scartabèllo,
obstinacy ; scapriccìéirsi, io tn. old books; old trash
be satisfied Scarmigliare, to twnble, ruffle ;
Scartare, to discard, io re-
Scaprieeito, part, pleased migliarsi, to struggle,
ScapuUre, m. a monk^s hood, 'tle.fight Scartàta, /. a discard ; dar
a scapulary Scarmigliato, part, tumbled
Scarabattolo, tn. a glass-box Scarmiglióne, m. a name given
Scarabillare, to play upon a to thè devil Scartato, part rejected
noisy instrument, to scrape Scarmo. m. a loop of leather Scarzo, adj. nimble
Scarabocchiare, to scrawl, or Scarnaménto, ni. scarifica- Scasare, to turn out of a
write badly house
Scarabocchiato, part, scrib- Scarnare, to scarify, pine, Scasimodéo, adv. for in-
bled consume .flesh
Scarabdcchio, m. a scrarvl, a Scarnascialiire, to feast, jun- Scassare, to turn out, to
blot ket, keep holidays break, to turn out of a
Scarabone, m. a beetle Scamatino, adj. pink-colour- chest, to grub up, or clear
Scaracchiare, to mock one ground
ScaracchiSto, part, mocked Scamàto, and Scamifitólto, Scassato, part, drawn out of a

Scarafaggio, m. a beetle (in- ad), scarified, lean chest, broken


sect) Scarnificare, to pick the flesh Scassinare, to break, spoil


ScaramSZzo, adj. bunchy, ir- off, to scarify Scasso, tn. ploughed ground
regular Scarnlre, to dimmish, to be Scatamita,/. a spitting
Scaramùccia,/, a skirmish Scatelldto, part, mocked
Scaramucciare, to skirmish. Scarnito, part. impaired, Scatenare, to unchain ; sca-
diminished tenarsi, to sally forth, to get
Scaramuccio, and Scaramii- Scimo, adj. lean, thin, slen- unchained
gio, m. a skirmish Scatenato, adj. unchained
Scaraventare, to throw rviih Scàtola, /. a bor dire a la- ;

greatforce tere di scàtola, to speak

Scarcare, to unload plain
Scarcerare, to set at liberty Scatolone, tn. and Scatoldna,
Scarco, adj. {in poetry) un- Scarpelldto, part, cut, en- /
a chest, or coffer
loaded; m. a discharge graved Scattlire, to shoot an arrow, re
Scardassare, to card wool, to Scarpellatdre, and Scarpellno,
slander, to detract tn. n stone-cutter Scattatdio, «t. the nut <if m
Scardassi, m. pi. cards foi Scarpèllo, m. a chisel
Scarpir - ""- Scrttto, tn. slip, slide; passagt
Scardassiére, m. a carder, c Scaturigine, /. a source.
wool-comber Sc.irpidne, m. a scorpion, a
Scardine, Scarddne, m. ano Scaturire, to rise, spring.
Scardava, /. a sort offish Scarnerà, / gente àX scar-
Scarferone, m. a thin boot, a Scavalcare, to alight, dis-
buskin Scarrucolante, adj. slipping.
Scarica,/, a discharge, volley Scavalcàto, purl, unhorsed,
Scaricabarili, m. weigh butter Scarrucolare, to slip, convey dismounted
SchermiJglia, a skirtnisH, a

Schermire, to avoid, shun

Schermidóre, in a fencer
Schermigliàto. i>art. dishe

Schermire, to fence, to deftni

Schermitóre, m. a fcncinir-
Scavaménto, >n. a digging, a
liilching Scendiménto, m. a descent, Schérmo. m. defence, protection
Scavare, fo dig, lo ditch Schernévole, adj. affronting
Scènico, adj. scenic, scenical Schernevolmente, adv. out-
Ìcave2°zacdno '''m' ''a^ltd rageously
fall ; a villain ; adv. precipi- Scherniménto, «i. mockery,
Scaveizàre, to break, liru Schemfre, to ridicule, scorn
Scerp;{re, to pluck asundt Schernito, part. ridiculed,
Scavezzato, part, hrnken .coffed
Sc^vo, m. hulloTV, mould Scerpasdlea, /. a sort of little Schernitóre, nt. a scorner,
Scazzònte, (a «, jeerer
erse) ScerpelMto, and ScerpelKno, Schérno, m. mockery, raillery,
Scéda, /. raillery, mockery, adj. occhio scerpeIlàto,Wuo(' affront: avere a schérno,V„
foolery shot, red eye laugh at prèndere a schérno,

Scedàto, adj. railing Scerpellone, m. blunder to ridicule

Scederia,^' mockery, jest Scérre, to chcose, select Schei la,/. 1,

Scegliménto, m. election, Scervellato, pai-< An re braim Scherza r'ay.

choice Scésa, /. descent, slop foolery
Scégliere, to choose, pick out Scherzante, adj. jesting, ban
ScegliU'ccio, m. the refuse of a Soéso, part, descended
Scèttico, adj. sceptical, sceptit Scherz-ire, to pUiii. joke, jest
Scegliti5re, m an elector Scèttro, » Scherzatóre, m. y ai ler, jester
Scelleràggine, Scelleratézza, See Scherzévole, adj. merry, jocose,
Scellerità, and Scellerànza, -paration
. pleasant, facetious
/. wickedness verare, and Scevrdre, to Schérzo, J», play, sport. I>a
Scellerataménto, adv. wieked- scherzo, adv. in jest
ìy Sceverata, /. distinction, Scherzosamente, adv. iest
Scellerato, ad), nicked, bad ingly
Scélta, f. election ; far scélta, Sceverataménte, adv. i Scherzóso, adj. gamesome;
to esteem; a sua scélta, to froticso,ne, fanciful
one's mind Schiàccia,/ a trap, a wooden
Scélto, adj. select, choice
Sceltumej m. outcast, trash lento, «I. a crushing,
Scemaménto, m " icévero, and Scévi
Scemanti separated ;, to crush, bri.
Scemare, _ ^c\\éàa\3L,f. schedule schiacciare crack
Scemilo, and Scémo,
adj. Schéggia,/, shiver, splinter, a
diminished, cut, decreased, chip of mood Schiacciata, /. ,

foolish, simple misVira

; Scheggiale, m. a leathern
scéma, short meastire ; girdle bruised, Jlat naso se

aver un poco dello scémo, Scheggiare, to split, shiver, to dito, a Jlat nose
to be a little crazy; m. the ike chips, or shingles, to Schiacciatura,/ confusi.
Schiaffeggiare, to box, cu'.ir
Scempiàggine, Scempiatàg- Scheggiato, part, shivered SchiaHo, m. a cuff, a bh
gine, and Scempiézza, /• Schéggio, m. a rock, a piece of box on the ear
folly, foolishness Schiamazzare, to cackle,to scold
Scempiare, .. to {explain 'a Scheggióso, adj. broken. Schiamazzatóre, »«. a bawler,
doubtful matter; (also) to oisy fellow
torment Schèletro, m. a skeleton iniàzzo, and Schlamaizio,
Scempiata'ggine, / folly, sim- Scherano, m. a rt^an, as-
plicity thief Schianciàna, /. the diagonal
Scempiato, adj. grown simple, f. a quinsy, (a line of a square
or single, (also) foclish ;
chiancto, adj. oblique, sloping,
timpU Schér i.ffem m slope, d'eclivUv
Sch.ancfre, io strike obliijuely Schierato, part, ranged, drarvn Scliivo, adj. shy, reserved,
Schiantare, to cleave, rend, teat up (also) sorrowful
turai, crack; (also) snatch, Schiettamente, adv. sincerely Schiùso, adj. open, vnlocked,
'lily Schiettéz?a, /. sincerity, can- shut out, ej:cluded
chiantato, part.I. cleaved, torn. dour, (also) agility Schizzante, adj. gushing,
burst, broken Schiètto, adj candid, sincere ; sportting
Schianto, m. a cut, cleft, crack, vino schiètto, pure mine ; Schizziii-e, to gush, spout, to
fracture ; (alio) noise, pas- (also) clean, neat; àbito squirt, to skeUh, solve
schiètto, a plain suit Schizzato, part. gushed,

SchidnZa, /. scab ulcer ; SchifalvJco, adj. shy skeiclted

Schiappare, to cleave, split Schifaménte, adu. sordidly, Schizzatolo, and Schizzétto,
Schiarare, to shine, to clear up ;
dirtily m a syringe, syringing ;
to shine upon, to rarefy, to Schifaraénto, m. and Schi- (also) a light gun
illustrale, give light fanza,/. avoiding, flight, re- Schizzettire. to syringe
Schiarato, part, cleared up, proach, disgrace Schizzinosamente, adi;, dis-
Schi£ire, to avoid, decline, dainfully, harshly
Schiaratore, m. an illustrator Schizzinóso, adj. rustic,
Schiaréa. /. rvild sage Schiféto, part, avoided haughty, scornful
Schiarire, to shine upon, to be Schifatóre, m
a hater Schiizo, m. dirt, splash, sketch.
conspicuous, to rarefy Schifévole, adj. loathsome,
Schiatta, f. race, family, gene- contemning, despising
ration ; also) sort, kind Schifézza, /. ddicacy, (also)
Schiattare, to burst JiUhiness; avere schifézza. Scia^u.«,j.a4.i</)cr
Schiattire, to yelp, hark. to loath Sciacquare, to wash, to nnsc
Schifiltà, /. modesty; clown- Sciagi-.atlare, to shu'He, em-
Schiattane, m a dorvn, bo ishness,fiithiness, dirtiness broil, perplex, jumble, set at
Schiava,/, a female slave Schiiilt<5so, adj. difficult, variance, to wash, clean, nnse
Schiavare, and Schiavelliire, Sciagura, f. misfortune, ad
to break through, to pierce Schifissimamènte, adv. very versity
Schiavato, adj. unlocked, open dirtily Sciaguratàggine,/, wickedness
Schiavésco, adj. servile Schifo, aty- "<">y>f'lfliy> (^so) Sciagiiratanidnte, adv. wicked
Schiavina,/, a slave's dress, a shy, coy, difficult, harsh ly, idly, unfortunately
pilgrim's robe Schifo, m. a skijf, a plasterer's Sciagurato, adj. unhappy.
Schiavitù, and Schiavitudine,
/. captivity, slavery Schifosamente, adv nastily, Scialacquaménto, tn, profusion
Schiavo, tre. a stave , adj filthily Scialacquante, «u a spend
Schifóso, adj. nasty, filthy, thrift [squander
SchiazZamàglia, /. dregs of disgustful Scialacquare, to con.
tlu people Schimbéscio, adj. cross-mise, Scialacquataménte, adv.
Schiccheraraénto, m. a blot- anyry, aslope fu.ely
ting, daubing SchimnUa,f.s<iumancy,juinsy Scialacquato, )>art. consumed
Schiccherare, Wo scrarvl nith Schinchimùrra,/. a word used Scialacquatóre, m. spend
ink, to sketch thrift
Schiccherato, part, scramled, Schiniéra, /. and Schiniére, Scialacquo, Scialacquio, m
sketched m. leg-piece, greaves and Scialacquatùra, /. pro
Schidóne, m. a spit, or broach Schiodiire, to unnail fusion, prodigality
Schièna, f. the back; schièna Scliiomàre, to disorder tlu hair Scialaménto, m. exhalation
d'un mónte, Me ridge of a Schl&ppo, m. a musket Scialare, to exhale
hill; a schièna d' asino, Schisa, / slope per or in
SciaJbilre, to whiten a wall
sharp, raised ischisa, adv. in a slope, or Scialbato, part, while-washed
Fchienrtle,/. croup angle may Scialbatura, /. rough cast,
Schienaniia,/ a quinsy Schisare, to find the broken plastering
Schienélla, /. disease in ruber ir Scialbo, adj. plastered, white
waslied, white, pale
Schieniito, adj broad-backed, Scialiva,/. spittle
strottg-backed Scialo, m. exhalation, refresh
Remerà, /. multitude, an Schilidere, to open, to exclude ment
anny^ fare schiera, <o jrf in Schiuma, f. froth, foam, scum Sciamannato, adj. ill-built,
array; a schièra, by com- Schiumar» io skim, froth, slighted
foam; (also) to take aivay; Sciame, and Scidmo, m. swarm
of bets
Sciamilo, m. a sort <jf stuff-
(alio) amaranthus
Sciancare, to break one's thigh
Sciancato, ail), flipped, lame Scimunitamente, adv. fool- Scipldézza. /. insipidity,
Sriarjlppa, /. Jalap ishly fi>ole,y, silliness
Sciar]>ellàre, io rub one's Scimunito, adj. silly, foolish Scipidire, and Scipfre, io grow
eyes Scendere, to cut, divide, sepa-
Sciarpellàto, part, hhar-njed rate, (also) to ungird Scfpido, adj. insipid, simple-
Sciàrra,/ quarrel, dispute Stinu'lla,/. a spark
Sciarraménto, m. dissipation Scintillaménto, m. a spark- Scirignata,/. a cut
Sciarràre, to put into disorder, Sciimga.,f. a syringe
dissipate Sciringare, to syringe
Sciarràta, /
a quarrel
Sciarr^to, part- put in disorder Sciroppo, r,

Sciàtica, /. the kip-gout, sci- Scioccàccio, m. ah insipid fel- Scire, »«. scirrhus
low, a dandy Scisma, TO. schism, dissension
Sciiitico, mij. of the hip-gout ; Sciocc^gginc'Scioccherfa, and Scismàtico, adj. schismatic.
m. that has the hip-gout Sciocchezza, /. fully, simpli-
Sciatto, adj. unregarded, sim- Scisso, pari etit, divided
ple; langiiisliing Scissura,/, crack, division
Sciaiira,/. misfortune Sciugàre, in wipe ; to diy
Sciauratdggine, /. wickedness, Sciugito, pari, wiped, dried
idlenes Sciocco, adj. silly, simple, m. a Sciugaldio, m. a towel, nap-

Scidgl'iere, t'} untie Sciupare, io dissipate, consume.

Sciogliménto, m. dissolution,
Sciempiéz2aj /. folly, simpli- liiliieficlioii, discovery, li- Sciupato, part, dissipated
Sciupatore, m. a waster
Scioltaménte, adv. nimbly, Sciupinio, and Sciupio, to.
adraUly dissipatioii, waste
ivisely, knowingly Sciohézz^i, f
freedom Sciamare, io cry, to excìaiìti
Scientificamente, adv.
adi Sciollo, adj. nimble, untied, Sclamato, part- exclaimed,
tipcally free, independent ; libro cried out, or aloud
Scientifico, adj. scientiftcal sciolto, a book in sheets ; vèrsi SclamaPidne,/. outcry
Sciènza, and Scienz'ia, /. a sciolti, blank verses ; a bri- Scoccare, io fly, io shoot
science, learning glia sciòlta, ^'hH speed Scoccato, part, flown, shot
Scienziato, paìi. learned Scióìvere, m. breakfast Scoccatòio, m, the nut of a
Scierpelldne, m. a great Scionàta,/ and Scidne, m, a
Scòcco, m. a shooting
mgird. Scioperaggine,/. idleness Scoccobrino, m. a buffoon
abso. Scioperare, io take one from Scoccolare, to shell ; to let oJT
Scilinguagnolo, m. the string '
ss, io spend one's ScoccoMto, part, reckoned,
of the tongue counted m. an evident lie

Scilinguare, to lisp, stutter Scioperatàggine,^, idleness Scocco veggiàre, io play the

Sciliva,/. spittle, saliva Scioperatlvo, adj. idle fool, to deride, rally, / •— '—
Scnia,f. a squill, a sea-onion; Scioperato, adj. idle, out qf Scodare, io e-— "-1 tail, to
I (also) a famous rock dock
Scillitico, adj. of an onion Scioperio, in. idleness, sloth. Scodato, pari, cropped, having
Scilócco, m! south-east wind Scioperóne, m. sluggard. [pottage
Sciloma, /. a long discourse ;
Intere Scodèlla, a pot /
che bisognano tante sci- Sciorinaménto, to. display. Scodellare, to put ilu

lóme ? ìvliot signify so many "-- porringer to i ;

Sciorinare, to rfijpZaj/, discover, |

,„c i;rvHitu
Sciloppàre, to flatter ; to give to undress, refresh, unbutton, SccKJellato, adj. served up ta
sirup to somebody publish I
Seiloppato, pari. Jlattered Sciorinato, pari, displayed, put Scofaccirtto, pari, crushed.
Kcilóppo, 7n. a sirup
Sclniia, and Scfmmia, /. an Scidrre, to untie, loose, dis- Scoi;" 'ri offile
ape, a monkey dir l'orazione
; solve; to separate, io ex- Scoffinàto, -filed, polished
della scimia, to grumble Scògli: /. ih. : slough of a
creily Scipa, m. an ignorant
Scin ), adj. apish Sci]>àre, to tear, spoil, dissi- Scòglio, m. n rock, shell, stone,
pate ; (also) to miscarry \
bark ; (aUo\ slough
^Scijiato, part, lorn, spoiled Scoglidso, ailj. sandy, rocky

Scipatdre,m. a spendthriji \
Scoiare, tojlay, skin, perl
Scipaiune,/. dissipation, vro- I
&r.oiiXo,pa:f.Jla^ed, galled' ,

Scoiattolo, >)i. a si^uirrel
Scoliicce./. n7iight-sigtml: ff. Scombuidto, adj. obscure, dark, Scomunicatdre, m. exemnmw
la scolacce, to hoist a night
tignai Scombussi Scomunicazidne, /. excommu-
Scolaménto, m.Jlotving
Scolare, m. scholar, student méssa,/, wager, bet
Scolare, to drain, tub off, drop mésso, part, dispersed
Scolareggiare, to act like < Scomméttere, to disjoin, i
sdwiar glue, excile discord, to b Sconcertaménto, »n. disorder,
ScoUstico, adj. scholastic trouble
ScholsUvo, adj. that forces t Scommettitóre, m. a belter Sconcertare, to ditconcett, to
(layer of Tvagers)
Scomraezzare, to divide into
Scommiatare, to dismiss, to Sconcézza, /. disorder, negli-
Scolatura,/, the drain press, a gence
running of ftraters, leavings Scommiatata, /. leave, dis- Sconciamente, adv. ungen-
charge, marning, playday teely, shamefully
ScolazWne,/. a running Scommiatato, part, dismissed Sconciare, to spoil, corrupt,
Scoliaste, m. a scholiast Scommodare, to incommode disturb, embroil; sconciarsi»
ScollaccWto, part, having the Scommuovere, to rebel, de- to miscarry
neck uncovered range Sconciataménte, adv. uiigen-
Scollare, to behead Scomodità, /. and Scdmodo,
ScoWMo, part, beheaded
Scollatura,/, a hollow, a nit
ScoUegKre, to disjoin, break a Sconciatura, /. abortion, mia-
Scollegato, part, separated Scompagnaménto, m. separa- Sconcio, adj. unhandsome,
ScoUinàre, to pass over the tops indecent, doomed ;m. loss,
of hills Scompagnare, to pati, sepa- disadvantage
Scolmare, to scrape a measure. rate, uncouple, to leave the Sconcobrfno, m. a buffoon
company Sconcordante, adj. discord-
Scompagnato, part, separated
Scolopèndra, / a venemous Scomparire, to lessen in value Sconcordanza, /. irregular
'""''* '""^"^ ''""
Scompartiménto, m. division, construction, blunder
iTr"'' distnibution Sconcordare, to disagree
Scoloraménto, m. paleness Scompartfre, to distribute, Sconcòrdia,/ discord, debate
Scolorare, and Scolorfre, to divide Scondito, adj. insipid, unsa
discolour, to lose one's colour Scompartito, pa^. divided voury, dull
Scoiorito, part, discoloured Scompigliaménto, m, per- Sconfessare, to deny
Scolpilre, to justify, to excuse ; turbation, disturbance, dis- Sconficcire, to unnail
scolpirsi, to justify, or ex- order Sconficcato, adj. unnailed
Scompigliare, to disturb, con- Sconfidenza, / diffidence, mis-
une's self: io non ho luogo found, entangle trust
da scolparmi con voi, I have Scompigliataraéute, adv. con- Sconfidàre, to distrust
nothing to say for myself fusedly Sconfiggere, to rout, destroy
Scolpato, part, justified Scompagliàto, part, disordered coui/uer, discourage
Scolpire, to engrave, to pro- Scompiglio, m. disturbance Sconfitta, /. and Sconfiggi-
Scompigliume, m
a heap ménto, m. rout, defeat, over-
Scolpitamente, adv. clearly. Scompisciare, to urine upon
Scompórre, to discompose Sconfitto, defeated, unnailed
Scolpito, part, carved, graved Scomposizióne, /. disorder, Sconfóndere, to distrust, con-.
Scolpitura, /. sculpture, en-
graving, impression, print. Scompósto, part, disordered Sconfortaménto, m. dissuasion
ScompuzzAre, to bestink Sconfortare, to dissuade, to be
Scòlta,/, natch, sentinel ScomuniSre, to break the com-
Scoltàre, to listen, hearken munity, to be separated Sconfortalo, part, afflicted
Scombavare, to defile with Scomunalo, part, separated Sconforto, m. trouble, gri^
spittle comunica, /. and Scomuni- Scongiugniménto, m. and
Scombiccherare, lo scribble in caménto, m.

Scombùglio, m. confusion. Scomunicare, Scongiura mento, m. at,

Scombuiare, to disperse, scat- Scongiurare, to conjur

Scongiurato, fart, exorcised. Scontoreiménto, and Scon Scopetfno, and Scoiiéto, m. a
place planted with birch-
Scontòrto, jior<. twisted, dis-
torted Scopétta,/ a brush
Scongiurazióne, /. and S( Scontraffatto, part, deformed Scojio, m aim, end, design
Scontraménto, t»i. accidental Scópolo, and Scópulo, m. a
trecci t/, mee/ing, combat rock; a difficult
Sconnèsso, adj. unconnected, Scontrare, to meet rvith, to Scoppiamènto, m. a noise that
Sconocchidre, to spin ScontnSta, /. meeting, acci-
Sconocchiato, part, spun off Scoppiare, ^o burst, clap, snap,
Sconoscènte, sJj. ungrate- Scontrato, part, met rvith,
ful, unknown, clownish. confronted, collated ScoppicSta,/. cracking, rattling
Scoppiato, part bursied
Sconoscentemente, adv. rash Scoppiatura, /. nuise, crack
ly, ungratefully scóntri d' Scoppiettdre, to rattle, crack
Sconoscénza, /. and Sconos- ward of a lock Scoppiettata, /. a bursting
ciménto, m. inf;ralilude Sconturbar», to disquiet, trou-
Sconóscere, to be ungrateful ble; sconturbarsi, <o ie trou- Scoppietteria, /. disclutrge of
Sconosciutamente, adv. pri- bled, disturbed
vately, obscurely Sconvenénza. /. indecency,
Sconosciuto, ad), unknown disagreement, disproportion
Sconquassare, io dash, break, Sconvenévole, adj. indecent,
split unbecoming Scoppietto, OT. a small nc
Sconquassato, adj. dashed. Sconvenevolménte, a/id Scon- a gun, (also) a pop-gun
Scòppio, m. a light gun, nt
Sconvenevolézza,/, indecorum
Sconveniente, adj. unjust,base,

Sconveniènza, f.ineonveniency, Scopritóre, m. a discoverer

am not against it inequality, indecency Scopritura,/, discovery
Sconsideratézza, and Seonsi- Sconveufre, to misbecome, dis- Scopulòso, adj. rocky, full of
derdnza, /. rashness, impru- grace
Sconveniito, adj. disagreed
Sconsiderato, adj. rash Sconvòlgere, to confound, in-
Sconsiderazidne, f. impru- vert, to wrest, to persuade, Scoraggiifto, ipart. discouraged
dissuade one from his Scorare, to dishearten
Sconsigliare, to dissuade Scorato, part, disheartened
Sconsigliatamente, adv. unad- Scorbacchiare, to traduce, or
visedly expose a person
S-onsig'lidto, adj. dissuaded Sconvòlto, part, overthrown, Scorbacchidto, part, traduced,
Sconsolaménto, m. affliction wrong, crooked
Sconsolare, to dishearten Scópa, /. a birch-tree, a Scorbiàrcj to blot, make blots
Sconsolatamente, adv. incon- broom, a scourge for crimi- on paper
solably Scòrbio, m. a spot of ink
Sconsolato, part, disconsolate Scopàre tweep ; to lash, to Scòrbùto, m. the scurvy
Sconsolazióne, f, sorrow, Scorcare, to rise from bed
^ grief « Scopato, part, swept, scourged Scorciaménto, 'lurteti-
Scontare, to deduct, take off Scopatóre, m. « sweeper ing
Scontentaménto, m. discon- Scopatura, /. a whipping, Scorciare, to shorten, lesi
sweepings dare
; una scopa- diminish
Scontentdre, disgust,
to af- tura, to reprimand Scorciato, part, shortened
flict, to be discontented Scopaziòne, /. a blow, slap. Scorciatolo, m. the slior
Scontentézza, /. and Scon-
tènto, m. disgust, grief, sad- Scoperchiare, to uncover
Scoperchii(to,^or<. uncovered
Scopèrta,/, discovery Scordaménto, m. oblivion, f>r-
Scopertamente, adv. openly, getfulncss
publicly Scordante, adj. dissonant, dis
Scontorcénte, adj. making Scopèrto, adj. uncovered, known
Scopèrto, m. open air
Scontòrcere, to rvrest, tvreath, Scopertura, /. an uncovered
ice, open, itaked
Scordato, part, untuned, fot Scorrubbidre, to be angry Scostumato, adj. uncivil, tut
Scorruhbiato, adj. an^ry
^corrubbidso, adj. sour, mo- Srolenn<Cre, to skin
Scotennato, part, skiniuj
cursa, /. incnrsion, course; Scotiménto, >n. a shaking, ax
dare una scòrsa ad un libro. earthquake, trembling
}^corc-<;sia,/'a leather thong Scotitóio, m. a strainer
Scoreggiare, to scourge Scórso, pitrt passed over, cor- ScoUtòre, m. a shaker, one mho
Scoreggiata, /. a blow of , rupted, spoiled .jogs
Scorsóio, adj. nodo scorsóio, a Scòtola, /. a wooden lath to
running, or sliding knot beat Jiax «nth
Scòrta, /. guide, guard, con-
Scotolare, to beat, flax
ScotoUto, par*, beaten, mathr
Scorgitóre, w. guide, conduc- Scortaraénte, adv. rviscly, pru-
tor denily Scotomàtico, adj. subject to
Sciiria,/. dross of metal, dirt. Scorldre, to abridge, to conduct,
escort, guide Scotomfa, /. dizziness
Scortato, part- shortened, led, Scótta,/, rvhey, butter-milk
escorted [bark Scottare, to burn, to scald
tie Scortecciare, to take off the Scottato, part, scalded
Scornacchiare, to rally, to ban- Scort'.-cciato. ad], barked, hav- Scottatura, /. a burning, a
ter, to sUntler iiii; the bark taken off scalding
Scornacchiato, part, rallied. Sconóse, adj. discourteous Seutto, m. a reckoning, club
Scorteieménte, adv. unpotitely, Scovare, to find otU one's
Scomare, io brtvik the horns; ungenUelly place, to quit, to unnestle.
to defame, deride, aj-ront io Scortesia,/ unkindness

be ashamed Scorticaménto, wi. excoriation Scoverchiare, to discover

Scornato, adj. hornless, af-
fronted, insulted
flay, to skin, to Scovertaménte, adv. openly,
Scomeggiare, to gore, to push ScorticiJria,/. a sort of fishing Scovérto, part, uncovered
-inth the • -'
Scovertiira,/. an open place
Scorticattvo, adj. that strips off Scovrfre, to discover, uncover.
Scorticato, part, skinned.
Scoronai-e, to Inp, to prune trees
Scorpacciata,/ a bellyjul Scorticatóio, m. a slaughter ble
Scorpdre, to eat a great de, house ; a sharp kmje, exco- Scozzonilo, part, tamed, bro
Scorpio, and Scorpióne, r ken, rvary, crafty
scoryion one of the signs qf Scort'icatóre, m. one that barks,
; Scranna,/, a chair, a bench
the zodiac or peels qtìf- Scredente, adj. increduloiis,
Scorporare, to extract from Scorticatória,/. a sort of net faithless, slubbom, disobe
the body, to take out of the Scorticatura, and Scortica- dieta
funds zióne,/. a scratch Scrédere, to disbelieve
Scorrente, adj. running, flow- Scórto, adj seen, perceived, Screditare, to discredit, di»
prudent, cunning m. abridg- ; grace, to cry dorvn
Scoviénza. / looseness Screditilo, adj. disparaged.
Sciirrere, to run, toflon iut,to
waste, to plunder Scrédito, »n. discredit, dit
Scorrerfa,/. excursion, it I grace, crying doivn
Scremento, tu. excrettietU
Scre])olare, to cleave, chink
Screpolato, adj. split, chink-
Scoscio, m. precipice

Scorrévole, adj. running, fiorv- Scossa, /. grief, shake, jM, Screpolatura, /. and Scrèpolo,
shotver [stript
Scorro2i(5ne, f. incorrectness. Scosso, part, sfuiketi, jogged. Scréscere, to diminish
Scostare, to draw back, to re- Screziito, adj. speckled, inlaid,
Seorribàada, and ScorriMn- fantasticai
dola./, a mie race Scostilo, pari, removed, re- Scriato, adj. tveak, feeble.
ScoiTidóre, m. a scout tnote, wUhdramn \
Srorriménto, in. a Jlotving ;
Scostumatamente, adv. inde- '

Scriba, »«. a copyist, scribe,

flux, slip
ScoiTitoio. m. a runnitig knot, Scostumatéicza, /. and Scos- Scricchioiire, tc rattle, erac-
adj. running, flowing^ vility
Srricchiolàta, /. a rattling, Scrun^e, to break the eye qf a Scndia, /. celiege. school, eom-
crackliiiif patiy, brotherhood
ScriiTio, and Scricciolo, in. a Scrupoleggiare, to scruple Scuòtere, to shake, jog, loss.
Scrupolo, m. a scruple
Scrigno, »i. a casket, desk, Scrupolosamente, adv. sctu-
e/test, coffer, knot, bunch pulously
Scrignùto, aàj. bunched, con- Scrujiolosita, /. scrupulous-

ScTima'.f. fencing Scru]iol(!so, adj. scrupulous

Scrimaglia,/. a defence Scruiibile, adj. searchable
Scriminatura,/ the parting of Scrutare, to search, sound. ScuréZz ,
/. darkness, obscu'
the hair upon the head
Scrinare, to unknot hair Scrutatole, m. God ; a searcher Scuricida,/. a scourge, a whip
Scrinato, adj. bald, without Scrutinare, to scrulinixe, seek Scurisciàre, {see Scudisciare,
hair, dishevelled out, make inquiry, or gather and its derivatives) to beat
Scritta, /. a writing, inscrip- Scurità,/, calamity, terrible
Scrutinio, m. a scrutiny, ex- destruction, obscurity, pale-
Scritto, in. writing; adj. writ-
Scuro, adj. dark, gloomy, pale,

Scurrile, adj. scurrilous, bttf-

stand Scucfto, part, unsewed, open- foon-like
Scrittóre, m. a writer, author Scurrilità, /. scurrility, buf-
Scrittura, /. a writing, bond, Scud^io, m. a buckler-maker, foonery
the Hob, Bible or maker cfshie'ds Scusa,/, an excuse, reason
Scritturale, m. scrivener, no- Scuilerésco, adj. of an es- Scusàbile, adj. excusable
tary, a learned man ; adj. Scusaménto, tn. cid Scus^nza,
bflonging to writing
Scrivano, nt. a writer, scribe. Scusare, to excuse ; scusarsi,
to excuse one's self, to justify
Scriv< fo list one's self
Scudisciare, 'to beat with a Scusilo, part, excused
Sdarsi, to grow lazy
Scudisciato, part, whipped Sdebitarsi, to get out of debt
Scudiscio, ?n. a rod Sdegnaménto, m. anger
1 Scudo, m. a shield ; buckler ; Sdegnante, adj. angry, pas-
Scrocchino, ni. a an escutcheon, defence, pro-
Sjiungir tection ; (also) a crown (a Sdegnàre, to disdain, despise,
Scròcchio, m. a sort of usury ; I coin) to be angry
swindling Scùffia, /. a coif, a hood, a Sdegndto, part, disdained, ir-
ScroccMone, m. an usurer woman's head-dress, a leather ritated, angry
Scròcco, m. sharping, spung- Sdégno, m. anger, seom, dis-
ing [syunger Scuffiare, to devour dain, indignation
Scroccóne, m. a sharper. Scuffina./. uj;/e Sdegnosdggjne, /. anger, dis-
Scrofa,/ a sow; a strumpet; Scuffiane, and Scuffiótto, m. a
a scrofulous swelling, the woman's head-dress Sdegnosaménte, adv. angrily,
Sculacciare, to Jlog, to whip, disdainfully, grimly
Scroliaménto, m. a shaking (also) to chide, scold Sdegnosétto, adj. scornful
Scrollare, to shake, to pull Sculacciata, /. and Sculac- Sdegnosità,/. anger, disdain
Scrollato, part, shaken with ciane, tn. a sound whip- Sdegnóso, adj. disdainful,
ping scornful, angry, morose
Scrollo, m. shaking, throwing Sculettar?, to shake one's tail, Sdentato, adj. toothless
Scrèpolo, m. a scruple (weight) to make one's escape Sdiacciare, ti thaw
Scrosciare, to crack, bubble Sculmato, ni. a soii of disease Sdicévole, adj. unbecoming,
in horses indecent
Scultare, to carve in stone Sdilacciare, to loose, unti»
Scultitto, part carved Sdilacciàto, part, untied
ackled Sculto, part, engraved, cui Sdilinquiménto, to. a swoon
Scròscio, m. the noise that Scultdre, m. a sculptor Sdilinquito, part, swooned,
water makes in bailing; Scultòrio, and Sculturésco, vanished
scroscio di risa, a laud adj. of sculpture, of an en- Sdinienticanza, /. forgetful-
laughter - eulptor
Scrostare, lo chip, to peel, cut
off- the crust
Sd'.méntico, adj. forgetful Seccàbile, adj. subject to dry. cording to . m. second of a
Sdiprgnere, to blot out a pic
iure, fff-'ice Secondochi, prep, as, accord-
Sdoganare, to redeem frm ing to
Secondogènito, m. a younger
Sdogato, adj. unhonped, loote Seccaggindso, part, withered son : adj. next to the eldest ;

Sdolcinato, adj. sweetish Secrdgna./ sand-bunk, shallow

Sdonnire, to make free, t Seccaménto, m. drought, dry- Secretaménte, adv. secretly
Secretàrio, m. secretary
Seccante, adj. importuning Secréto, m. a secret, mystery
Securaniénte, adv. securely
portune, drain, waste Secure, f an axe
Sdormentire, toScccdta,/. a dry story
anake, to be Sedare, In appease, calm
Seccaticcia, small dried wood f Sedataménte, adv. peaceably,
Sdonnentito, part, awake Seccativo, adj. drying quietly
Sdossare, to take ojf from the Seccato, pari, dried, tedious Sedato, part, appeased, sedate,.
Seccatóio, m. a place for dry- composed
Sdottorare, to take ateay a ing fruits. Sec. Sède,/, a seal, situation: a set
doctor'! gown Seccatóre, m. ti troublesome Sedécimo, adj. sixteenth
Sdottorato, part, degraded Sedentario, adj. sedentary
Sdraiarsi, to lie, or tit down Seccatrfce, /. a talkative wo- Sedente, adj. sitting
Sdraiato, adj. lying down Sedére, to sit down, to be ti-

Sdraióne, adj. lying at full Seccatura,/, a tedious thing tuated

Seccheréccio, dryness m Sedére, m. sitting down ; a
Sdrucciolaménto, m. flip, tlid- Seccherla,/. dry stuff, trifles
Seccherircio, arf;. half dry Sèdia,/, a seat, chair
SdrucciolJinte, adj. slippery, Secchézza,/, dryness, avarice, Sedicesimo, Me sixteerUk
that ilips away Sédici, adj. and jn. sixteen
SdruccioUre, to slip, slide, Sécchia,/, a pail, or bucket Sedile, m
a chair, a seat
stumble trip, commit
; a Secchiata./, a bucktt-full Sediménto, m. sediment
fault Sécchio, m. a pail, bucket , m. he that sits

Sdrucciolato, part, slipped Séccia,/, stubble, stubble-field Sedizione,/, sedition

Sdrucciolénte, ""'' «-i"-^'-!. Sécco, od;, dry, dead, withered, Sedizióso, adj. seditious
léTole, adj. lean ; avaricious m. dry-
; Sedótto, pari, seduced, misted
Seducènte, adj. seducing
Sdruccit)levolménte, adv. in a Seccomóro, m. sycamore Seduciménto, m. and Sedùtta,
tlippery way Seccóre, m. dryness, drought /. seduction
Sdrùcciolo, m. a slippery way, Seccume, m. dried leaves, oi Sedulìtà, /
dire, attention
a slide, slip, obstacle ; adj. fruit upon trees Sedurre, to seduce, deceive
sliding, slippery Secénto, m. and adj. Seduto, part, sealed
Sdrucciolóso, adj. 'slippery, Sedùtto, Sedótto, seduced, di
flowing Secèsso, m. a solitary corner ; ceived
Sdrùcio, m. unsewing ; the retreat, recess Seduttóre, m. seducer
part unsewed, opening, clejt; Seco, adv. with him ; conséco, Seduzióne,/, seduction
along with himself Sega,/, saw, hand-saw
Sdrucire, to unseiv, rip up, to Secoldre, adj. temporal. Segàbile, adj. that may be
he cleft, chink
Sdrucito, adj. Se^ce, adj. (see Sagace, and
up, cleft, ope
chink, cl^ Ségale,/, rye (a kind of bread
Sduràre, to soften, to mollify Secónda, /. after-birth, or bur-
Se, conj. if, since ; se bene Segaligno, arf;. rfny. Min, lank
although; se- (sei) thoi Secondaménte, adv. secondly Segalóne, m. a sort of bird
art. Se, pron. self; him Secondare, to help, assist, fol- Segaménto, m. a section, cui
self, herself, themselves, it
self Secondariaménte, adv. se- Segante, adj. cutting
Sebbène, ennj. although Segare, to saw, to cut, reap corn
Secdre, to cut, reat> Secondàrio, adj. second, te- Segato, part, sawed, cut
Secito, adj. cut. tondary adv. secondly ; Segatóre, m. a sawyer, a
Sécca, /. sands sand-bankf. Secondina, /. Me after- culler segatóre di biade, a

shallow rimaner su lie sec-

: birth reaper , segatóre di fièno, a
che, to be at a stand: las- Secóndo, adj. second, infe-
ciare in sulle sécche, to leave rior, favourable: adv. se-
•ne to his last sh{ft condly secondo, prep, ac-
Segavéne, aùj. too close SeguénSa, /. consequence.

a Segùgio, m. blood-hound

Seggétta, /. a cloie-slooi,
Seguiménto, m. a following
Scggia, /. and Sèggio, m. o Seguire, to follow, pursue,
second, execute, luippen
Seggiola, /. a low chair Seguitàbile, adj. worthy to be
Segnacaso, m. the prepositions imit tiled, or followed
that shorj the case (in gratn- Seguitaménte, adv. continu-
ally, without intermission
Seguitaménto, m. series, order.

Seguitante, adj. that follows

Seguitare, io >mriue, to follow.

Seguitato, part, follorved, per-

Segnalataménte, adu. prii
palli/ Seguiiatòre, m. a follower.
Segnalato, ad) notable, fern Seguito, part, happened, ar-
Segnale, m. signal, sign, m, rived, followed
s,gn , Seguita, m. retinue, trait
, adv. notably, troop, company; (also) pei
expressly, tnanifestly
Segnato, part, signed, mark- Sei, adj. and >n. six : di sei, i

id, printed, stamped, drawn, \

painted, prescribed Seicènto, md adj.

Segnature, m. a signer hundred
Segnatura, /. a matk, signa-
. miblanc
Ségno, m. a sign, mark, index.
A ségno, adv. to a hair's
breadth, exactly
Segnuzzo, m. a little mark
Ségo, m. tallorv,fat
Ségola,/. rye
'•égolo, .and 1

Segdne, m. a large saw
Segregare, to separate
Segregato, part, separated
Segrénna, /. palc?iess, a lean

Segréta,/, secret place

Segretamente, adv. secretly,
Segretària, /. a female secre-

Segrétarfa, /. the office, or

the employment of a se-
cretary; (also) a rvriting.

lare nord; sémplici, sim Sensitivamente, adv. nUk j
Sepsrac'vo, adj. thai ttpM-
sense ; sensibly i

fiempliceménte, adv. plainly Sensitivo, adj. eensuive:,


Separifo, part, feptttaftd

Semplicétto, adj. harmless h^sty, passioiiate, sensible, SeiJarazJóTw,/ ^i>arutitm

Sempliciàrio, m. a bouk treat- Sepolcrale, aàj. «j.n/tArjl

ing of simples of a »ejmìHrrc
Sempliciotto, Semplicétto, and Sepólcro, wi. a teptUchre,
Semplicióne, m. a great
boobn, a simpleton Sensudle, adj. sensual, ^ Hit I

Semplic&ta, w. an herbalist,
simpler, at sìmplist Sensualità, sensuality, sensi- Seppellire, to bicry, io hide
Semplicità,/, simplicity bility, sense Seppellito, pari, imried, hid
Sèmpre, adv. always Sensualmente, adv. sensually Séppia./, cuttle-fish
Semprechè, adv. as often as Seménte, adj feeling SepnlcTile, adj. of a sepulchre
Serapremài, adv. alrvays Sentènza,/, a sentence, decree, Sequela,/ sncccssiim, se fuel

Semprevfva, /. hoiise-kek (a Sequestraménto, m. tegnestra'

Sentenzialraénte, adv. cun- 1

Sena, /. sena (a plant) ningly, prudently Sequestrare, i» seqtiester, se-

Sènape, /. mustard-seed and Sentenziare, to sentence,judge, parate- to keep at a die-
plant affirm [jud^r.u
Senapismo, >in. a sort of plaster Sentenziato, part, sentenced, ;
Sftqnestr^to, pari, eejuestered,
made of mustard-seed Sentenziatdre, »i. lie that j
separated, seized
Senàiio, adj. of six Sequestrazióne, /
Senato, m. a senate Hon, eoneeahment
Senatóre, m. a seiiator Sequéitrp, m. seizirre
Senatòrio, adj. qf a senator judgment Sen,, f the ertmng, night
Senettà, and Senettù, /. old Sentenziosamente, adv. sen '""'--'>, adj. sertiphie
age tentiously
Sénici, m. swelling of the glands Sentenzióso, adj. sententious
of the neck Sentièro, m. a by-path, may
Senile, adj. old, serious Sentiménto, m, senses, orfeel- Serata,/ the evening
Sennino, ?re. a grave young iiig, knowledge, wisdom Serbabi.'e, adj. that may ii
Sentina, / sink of a ship. preserved
Sénno, m. sense, wisdom-, un- Serbanza, /. guard, preser-
derstanding uscir di sénno,
; Sentinella,/, sentinel, sentry
to be out of one's senses. Da Sentire, to feel, to be sensible of, Serbare, to restrre, keep, guard
sénno, adv. seriously Par- ; to perceive; sentir bene, to Serbastrella, /. burnet (ait
late V, e you have a good opinion ; come herb)
stf vi senUte voi ? horu do you Serbiito, part. preterred,
the breast, bosom,
. ^nd yourself f guarded
/isarf; a vault, an arched Sentita, /. feeling, perceiv- Serbatóio, m. a eoop ; adj. that
roof;' ability : gulf, crc.k, ing, cunningness, crafti- may he preserved
bay, plait, a fold Serbatóre, m. guardian, dep»
Se non, conj. except, but, sav- Sentitamente, adv. prudently siiory
ing, if not Sentito, adj. wary, cautious, Serbévole, adj. preservabte
Senoncbè, and Se non se, lonj. prudent, heard Sèrbo, m. guard, keeper, de-
Senbóre, m. smelt, scent,
Sendpia, /. sinopie, or ruddle ;
odour; (also) rumour, rwise, Sere, m. sir, yny lord; a notary
advii Seréna,/ sirea, mermaid
Sensale, ni. broker, a procurer ,
Serenitre, to te serene, elea'-, to
ajockey calm, quiet
Sensatamente, adv. wisely, Serenata,./, mght-ymuic, ter^
seriously Senzachè, coni, except that,
Sensatézza, /. wisdom, pru- withoiU this [then Serenilo, adj. serene. Lecerne
Senzapiù, adii, only, now and easy
Sensato, adj. sensible, prudent Separàbile, adj. separable Serenità, / ani Seréno, n»,
Sensazióne,/, sensation, tense Separaménto, m. and Sepa» serenity ^^
Senseria.^", brokerage rdnza,/. separation Seréno, adj. serene, clear
Sensfhile, adj. sensible Separante, adj. separating Serfedecco, m. a fool, a aand^
Sensibilità,/ sensibility Separare, to separate, to de- Sergènte, m. Serjeant ; neat*
Sensibilmente, adv. sensibly; part ; to withdraw one's officer
self SergenlfeKi,./. a strriqfarme
Sensitiva,/, sensitiveneii ; ten' Separatamente, adv. separate' Sergoncéllo, wj. ivrrel (a»
eUive (a plant) ty, asunder herb)-
Sergozzrfne,/ modiUon (a kind pinrh me; serrare il pugno, Sesonitérzo, adj. three and
of bracket) to clench the fist half
Seriamente, adv. seriously Serratamente, adv. strailly, Sessagenàrio, adj. of sixty
Sèrico, adj. si/ken, rich rlo.ìely, soundly, narrowly Sessagèsimo, adj. sixtieth
Sèrie,/, order, cmrse, series SeiTdto, part, locked close.; Sess'dgono, adj. sir-cornered
Serietà,/, gravity, seriousness compact; panno serrato, thick Sessamo. vi. (see Sèsamo)
Sèrio, and Serióso, adj. serious, Sessanta, «7. and adj. sixty
Serratura,/, a lock Sessantamila, /. sixty thoU'
Seriosaménte, adu. in earnest. Serto, m. garland, wreath
Sértula, /. melilot Sessantina,/, sixty
Serménto, m. a vine, tendril, a Serva,/, a servant-maid Sessènnio, m, six years
branch, shoot Servibile, adj. presrrvable Sessióne,/ congress
Semient(5so, adj. 6i full may bi ^ Sessitura, /. the fringe of a
ofshoots Servaggio, m. '.rvitude, sla- gown ; aver poca sessitura,
Sermocindre, to harangue, to to be awkward
preach Servaménto, m
preservation, Sèsso, TO. sex
SermolLfno, m. wild thyme ; Sèsta,/, a pair of compasses
(also) a tidy young man Servdnte. adj. keeping Sestanta, m. sextant
Sermóne, m. sermon, speech. Servdre, to preserve, guard, to Sestare, te adjust, rnfit
dUcouTse ; (also) the Jish reserve, ob-^erve Sestèrzio, m. a sesleree
salmon Servato, part, kept, prcserv-
Sermoneggiare, to preach ; Sestile, r; the I
of Au-
harangue Servatdre, to. an observer, pre- ^
gust, se
Seroldne, ma sort ofbirdwith Sestina,/, a sort of poem
a long beak Servènte, adj. serving; m. a Sèsto, 7»i. an order.
Serminaménte, adv. slorvly 'ofind i

Serijtine, Seròtino, adj. tardy, Servidordme, to. a number of

stoni, hacktvard domestics Sestodècimo, m. and adj.
Serjidto, adj. snake-like Servidóre, m. a man-servant
Sèrpe, m. and f. serpent. Servigio, TO. a kindness, ser- Seta. f. silk
Setaiuolo, m. silk-man
Serpeggiaménto, m.atvinding. Servile, adj. slavish, mean Satanasso, to. Hatan, the de-
Servilmente, adv. meanly
Serpeggiante, adj. winding. Servimc-nto, m. servitude. Setdta,/ a great thirst
Serpeggiare, to creep, to wind Sete,/ thirst, greediness
Serpeggiato, part, crept, che- Servire, to serve; servir la Seteria, /. alt kinds of silk-
tàvola, to wail at table; si
Serpentare, to impoiiune, to èe serva, help yourself Sétola, /. bristle; hair of a
troublesome b'rvito, m. service, servitude, horse's tail
Serpentaria, / dragon-wort course at table Setolare, to brush clothes, to
Serpentario, ni. serpent, scor- srvito, part, served dust
Servitóre, m. a man-servant Setolato, part, brushed, hairy
Serpènte, m serpent Servitrice,/, a ma: Setolóso, and Setoluto, adì.
Serj'enu'fero, Serpentdso, and "srvitù, /. J bristly
SeriJdso, adj. that breeds ser- (also) thi Setóne. to. a hair rope
pents family Setdso, adj. hairy, bristlt/
Serpentino, adj. serpentine ;
Servi?.iàle, to. a clyster Setta, /. a sect, plot, faction.
(also) a sortof marble Servizlato, adj. kind, affable,
twined like a serpent lingua
; obliging Settanta, adj. seventy
serpentina, an evil tongue Servizio, to. service Settantèsimo, adj.
the seven-
Serjiere, to creep, spread Servo, m. a servant, slave ; tieth
Serpétta,/ a -make adj. nfstrvitnde, slavish Rettangolo, adj. seven-angled
Serpigine, f. wild:fire ésamo, to. sesame fa teed) Settantottèsinio, adj. the «e«
Serpillo, /. and Serpillo, m. Sesamoide, /. catchjly (a venty- eighth
wild thyme plant) Settamotto, to. and adj. tf
"Sérqua, m. a dozen Sesamoidéo, adj. like sesame
Serraglio, m. an inclosure, a
trench, hedge : (also) the I the
Grand Signior's palace fothn vordj md the
Serrarne, m. a lock like) Sètte, m. and adj. seven
Serraménto, m. a shutting up Sesquiàltero, adj. containing Setteggiente, adj. factioiu
Serrare, to shict up ; to hide, one and a half Setteggiare, to enter i

cunceiU ; queste scarpe mi Sesquipedale, adj. of a foot and parties, ox factions

serrano il piede, these shoes "half Settèmbre, to. Septemitr
Pettenàlio, aJj. teptennial Sfasciiime, m. fragments, Sfìdaménto, m. a ehallengt,
Settentrionale, ad), northern defiance '

Settentrióne, m, the north Sfastidiàre, to recreate, to re- Sfìdànza, /. distrust, diffi-

Settimana, y: a weeA:
Settimo, and Settimano, aJj. Sfatatóre, »i. despiser
the seventh Sfatto, part, undone, ruined
Settlna,/. seven Sfavillaménto, m. sparkling,
Settóre, >n a sector
SettotraTérso, m. the mid- SfiivllUnte, adj. sparkling ; medici, he is given over by
riff shining the physicians
Settuagenario, adj. qf seventy Sfavillare, to sparkle, shine sedatóre, m. a challenger
Sfavorévole, adj. contrary, un- Sfiducciato, adj, mistrustful,
Settuagésima,/. Septuagesima favourable iffident
Sumlay Sfavorire, to contradict, to be .;urare, to disfigure
Séttuplo, m. seven times against Sfigurato, part, disjigttred
Sfederare, to pull offthe pUlorv- '''''-ccidre, and Stilacciirsi,
Severamente, adv. severely
Severi.ssiniainéntc, aJu. most Sfénders, to cleave, cut, Sfilacciato, part, unravelled
iplit Sfildre, to file off; sfilarsi, to
Severità,/, severity Sfera,/, a sphere disband, to unstring
Sevèro, adj. severe, strict Sferale, adj. spherical Sfilatàménte, adv. disorderly.
Sevizia,/, cruelty, vigour '" — caménte, adv. spheri-
Sevo, m. suet, tdllom 'i.y Sfilato, m. a gonorrhoea '

Sevrare, I» sever, divide Sfericità,/, orbicnlanly part, disbanded, unstrung.

Sezióne,/, a section, cutting Sfèrico, and Sferale, adj. Alia sfilata, adv. in confu-
Sé2zo, and Seziàìo, adj. the
last. Da sézzo, adv. late Sferòide,/, a spheroid Sfingardiggine, /. idleness.
Sfaccenddto, ailj. idle, lazy Sfèrra,/ an old horseshoe
Sfacciatdggine, and Sfaccia- Sferrare, to unchain, pull ojf; Sfinge, /. sphinx, a feignea
téìza,/. impudence sferrare un cavallo, <o unshoe
Sfacciato, adj. impudent, saucy. ahorse Sfiniménto, m. a swoon
Sferrato, adj. loose, broken ; Sfinfre, to finish, end
Sfaldare, tu untie, loose freed from irons Sfioccare, to unravel, undo
Sfaldato, part, loose, untied Sfervorato, adj. cold, indif- Sfiorare, to beat down UoS'
Sfallénte, adj. mistaking, ferent
erring Sfèrza,/, a whip, scourge
Sfallire, and Sfallàre, to err, to Sferzare, to whip, scourge,
correct, chastise ; induce.
Sfalaàre, to elude, escape Sfiorito, part, faded ; ni-
Sfamare, to satisfy, to fill Sferzata, /. a lash, jerk, therad
Sfangare, to walk in dirt chastisement Sfioritura, /. the falling qf
Sfangato, u</j out qf the dirt, oi Sferzato, part. whipped,
Sfessatùra, /. clefl, crack.

Sfoderato, part, drawn

Sfogaménto, m. alleviation,
Sfarindcciolo, adj. white like evaporation ; sfogaménto 4'
Sfiancare, to break the side, ira. vent of anger
Sfarinare," and Sfarinacciare, weaken Sfogare, to exhale, alleviate ;
to grind, or beat small as Sfiancato, adj. weak, feeble lasciate stogdr il fumo, let
Sfiandronata,/. a rodomontade, the snwke go out
Sfarinato, pari, reduced to a Sfogato, part, exhaled, alle-
powder, meal Sfiataménto, m. vent, air,
Starlo, m. pomp, parade Sfogatóio, m. a vent-hole
ostentation Sfiatare, to breathe ; to Sfoggiare, to be gaudy, to out-
Sfarzóso, adj. magnijiceni toil : sfiatarsi, to be out «if
hrealh Sfoggiataménte, adv. im-
Sfasciare, to untie, or unloosen adj. out of breath
Sfiat.-ito, moderately, extravagant-
to break ; sfasciar la testa, I Sfibbiare, "to untie, loosen,

Sfasciato, adj untied, loose Sfibbiato,

: part, untied, un-
poru sfasciaU, a broken
Sfibrale, to disorder thejibrtt
ifrfgha,/. a thin plate of any Sforzevolraénte, adv. strenu-
ously, by force
Kfogiiare, to strip the leaves off; Sfdrzo, m. etuleavour ; farò >e rid
sfogliarsi, to grotv lean ogni mio sforzo, I'll do what ofhi,r.
Sfogliata,/", a pasty, a pie Sgabellato, adj. free from taxe»
Sfogliato, part. without Sfracassare, to break to pieces Sgabèllo, m. a joint-stool
Sfracassato, part, broken to Sgagliardàre, to weaken
Sfogliare, to pet out qfa sink; Sgambato, adj. without legs
to leavf. vice SiragellSre, to dash to pieces Sgambettare,' to kick, to movt
Sfógo, m. exhalation, lewdness, Sfrangiare, to unravel, un- legs ; siedi e sgambetta.
alleviation vedrai tua vendetta, do not
Sfolgoraménto, m. lightning Sfratàre, to strip one of his be over hasty in your revengt
Sfolgorare, to shine, glitter-, monkish habit Sgambétto, m. a trick with the
hasten ['ngly Sfratato, pati, having forsaken foot to throw another down
Sfolgoratamente, adv. ' shin- his order [banish Sgambuccidto, adj. without
Sfolgorato, adj. bright; shin- Sfrattare, to send away, to
ing ; unhappy, wretched Sfratto, m. expulsion, or flight Sganasciaménlo, m. a great
Sfolgorfo,m. a bounce Sfregaménto,»!, rub, friction laughter
Sfondaménto, m. a breaking Sfregare, to rtib, scour Sganasciare, and Sgangas-
Sfregato, part, rubbed
slaughter Sfregiare, to dishonour to gash to laugh ; sj^anasciar dalle
Sfondante, adj. hollow, deep risa, to split one's sides with
Sfondare, to sink, pull down, Sfregiato, part, dishonour: laughing
break open [excessive Sfrégio, m. cut, gash. Sgangherare, to unhinge
Sfondato, adj. bottomless, Sgangherataggine,/, clownish'
Sf<;ndo, m. a bottom, or hollow
Sgangheratamente, adv. rude-
Sfondolàre, to pierce through, ly, excessively
to sink [deep Sfrenare, to unbridle : sfre- Sgangherato, adj. out of th«
Sfondolàto, adj. excessive. narsi, to grow licentious hinges : rough, awkward
Sforacchiare, to bore, pierce Sfrenataggine, and Sfrena- Sgannare, to undeceive
Sforacchiato, part, pierced, tézza,}: licentiousness Sgannato, part, undeceived
bored [disfigure Sfrenato, adj. unbridled, licen- Sgaràre, and Sgarire, to be the
Sformare, to deform, deface. tious [chaffinch
Sformatamente, adv. ex- Sfringuellare, to chirp as a n
child' [wardly
Sfrombolare, to fling stones baiamente, adv. awk-
Sformàto, part, disflgured, Sfrond;Lre, to pull off the Sgarbatezza, and Sgarbatag
deformed adj. odd, strange,
; leave -"ne, /. awkwardness, un-
Sfrondato, without ility
Sformazidne,/. deformity Sgarbato, adj. awkward, un-
Sfornare, to take out of the grow bald
Sfrontdrsi, to
Sfrontatàggine, and SfronU Sgargarizrire, ti gargle, gar
Sfomiménto, the taking tézza, /. impudence, rash-
away the furniture, or or- ness [dent Sgargarizzo, m. gargling, oi
naments ; (also) want, scar- Sfrontato, adj. saucy, impu- gargarism
Sfronzdre, to strip Sgarrare, to mistake, err, miss
Sfruttare, to exhaust, to im- Sgarrato, part, mistaken
poverish Sgarrettire, to hairrstring
Sniggévole, adj flying away Sgattigliar- '

Sfornito, part, unfurnished transitory, slippery, smooth .Sgava make i

Sfortunaménto, m. misfmiune Sfuggevolézza,/, srvlftness Sgemmàre, i

SfortunAre, to make unhappy Sfiiggiiisco, orfj. roving. Di jewels away

Sfortunato, adj. unfortunate sfuggiàsco, ajlv. by stealth Sghémbo, 7»i. crookedness ; adj,

Sforzaménto, m. an '
ejffhrt, a Sfugginiénto, m. flight crooked, arvry. A sghémbo^
Sfuggire, to avoid, shun adv. awry
Sforzante, adj. forcing Sfuggito, adj. avoided, fugi- Eghermlre, and SgUermfrsi, tm
Sforzare, to force, ravish, to tive; alia sfuggita, adv. by -t loo.
stealth : dare un baccio alia Sghèrri bully, a hector
sfuggita, to steal a kiss Sghiacciare, io inuru
Sfumare, and SfummSre, to Sghignare,to laugh at, jeer
Sghignazzaménto, Sghinazzl't,
_ i, elaborated ; (also) Sgabbiare, to take out i and Sghinazzata, /. lout
jn'odigiotts, huge cage, to deliver laughter
SinrzéToIe. adj. tyrannical Sgabell(ire, to redeem out of Sghignazzare, to laugh U>/.r>
Sgocciolare, to drain, dry trp Sgranire, to shell, to strip Sgualcire, to fumble, to handU
Sgocciolato, part, drained Sgranchiare, to ijuicken, to
Sgocciolatura,/, a draining stretch one's limbs non posso Sgualdrina,/, tvench, strumpet

Sgomberare, (see Sgombrare, sgranchiare questo cavallo, Sgualdrinétta, /. a mean

atid its derivatives) / cannot make this horse strumpet [bridle
Sgombero, m. a mackertl (a Sguància, /. the check of a
fish, S^anellàre, io pick grapes Sguanciàre, to hieak the Jar»
Sgombero, adj. empty, unfur- Sgranocchiare, to crackle, or Sguancio, m. a sguancio, arvry,

Sgombero, m. remaining Sgiavaménto, m. ease, relief Sguardaménfo, m. look, aspect

Sgombraménto, m. and Sgom- Sgravare, to ease, relieve Sguardare, to vien<, look; to
Sgravato, part, eased, re- value [ruince
Sgombràre, to take anmy, send Sguarclàta, look,
/. ct'unie-
arvay, remove sgombrate di
; Sguardatóre, ni. a beholder, a
qui,' go your mays Inokcr-on
Sgombrato, part, removed Sguardévole, adj. valuable
Sgombin^re, to cause confu- Sgràvio, m. ease, comfort Sguardo, m. a look, glance.
Sgraziatàggine, /. awkward-
Sgombinàto, part, confused ness [pity Sguarnito, part, unfurnished
Sgomentaménto, m.JriglU Sgraziatamente, adv. unhap- Sguazzare, to ford over, to
Sgomentare, to discourage ;
Sgraziato, adj. arvknmrd, un- srvim, to feast, be merry
sgomentarsi, to be disheart- fortunate Sguernire, to uufumish
Sgretolare, to break, bruise Sguernito, part, unfurnished
Sgomentàto, part, discou- Sgretolato, part. broken, Sgufdre, to banter, ridicuU
bruised Sguinzagliare, to uncot:ple, to
Sgomentévole, adj. dishearten- Sgretolio, m
fermentation let loose
ing,. frightful Sgricchiolàre, to crackle Sguisciire, to sn-im
Sgoménto, m. consternation, Sgridaménto, m. a check. Sguizz.-ire, to slide oJJ", to run

Sgominài'e, to disorder, con- Sgridare, to rebuke, scold Sgusciare, to shell, (fruits, S;c.\
found Sgridato, part, reprimanded sgusciare delle noci, to critck
Sgominato, pari, disordered Sgridatdre, m. a reprover
Sgominio, m. confusion Sgrido, m. a chiding Sì, pron. si dice, they say ; si,
Sgonfiaménto, »it. taking a Sgrigiàto, adj. grey eh ? ah, is it so f si pente, he
sn'elting arvay [arvay Sgrigiolare, to crack, or repents ; s'espose, he exposed
Sgonfiare, to take a smelling himself. Si. adv. yes; se
Sgonfiato, part, unswelled Sgrignare, to grin, joke, jeer, that ; thus, nei^ertheless
Sgonnellare, to strip, make laugh at Si bene, adv. i/es tiuiy

Sgi-oppàre, to untie, to undo ; Sibililre, aud Sibillare,

Sg<5rbia,/. a^ouge, sort of tool I
(also) to break the crupper ohistle. , to
Sgorbiare, to tnk, to speckle Sgroppato, ]>art. untied
Sgòrbio, m. a spot of ink, or Sgiossaménto, m. a draught Sibilato, part, hissed, whistled
Sgrossare, to form, to sket Sibilla,/, a sybil (a prophetess
Sgorgaménto, m. overfloming fashion ••fold)
Sgorganteraénte, adi', abun- Sgrossatcpart./ormerf, sketched Sibilo, »n. whistling, hissing
dantly Sijrott^re, to undo a grotto Sibildso, adj. whistling

Sgorgare, to overjlotv, disgorge. Sgrugno, m. and Sgrugnala,/. Sicàrio, m. murderer, an as-

a cuff; a blow sassin

SgiugntSne, m.-a great blom \SicceTa,f strong drirrk
Sgruppare, to disentangle. Sicché, and Si che, adv. there^

fore, so that

Sgozzare, empty the crop,

to Sguagliàre, to make Siccità,^: dryness, srccity

(also) to cut one's throat ; to part, to separate .Siccóme, and .Si come, adv.
non saprei sgozzar questo Sguagliàto, a,ij. diJcrerU, un- as: siccóme ho détto, as I
scorno, I cannot brook this equal I have told y.m
aJTront Sgu^glio, m. unequaliiy Slclo, m. shekel fa kind of
Sgradire, to displease Sguaiaulggine,/. an'krvardness Jewish coin and measure)
Sgradito, adj. disagreeable Sguaiatamente, adv. arvk- Sicomòro, m, a sycamore-tree
Sgraffiire, to scratch rvardly [atvkn'ard Sicuramente, adv. surety, as-
SgrafRiito, part, scratched SguaiSto, adj. dull, stupid. suredly, certainly
SgrafflgnSre, to steal, rob '
ci^.iv.iv.^a 4' ....... ...u.,
Sgraffio, in. a scratch sheath ; sguainare una bugia.
SgrammaticSi-e, to explain to tell a lie
^ramtnati -i//y ;uaiiiiito, pari, drawn
. —


Sicuriìzz?.,/. safety, security '
Simpàtica, adj. sympathizing
Sìcurilà, f. surety, bail Simpatizzdre, to sympathize
Sitiiro, adj. safe, secure SimplicitU,/. simplicity
Sicurtà, /. security, safety ;
Signorile, adj. lordly, noble Simpósico, adj. of a feast
render sicurtà, to defend Silènzio, m. silence, intermis- Simpòsio, a feast, a banquet
befree sion il silènzio della notte
; Simulacro, m, image, a si
the dead of night ; tdj. hush
Siderfte,/. iran-rvort (an herb J Simulare, to dissemble
Sido, m. a ^reat cold izióso, adj. silent Simulatlvo, adj. dissembling
Sfdro, m. cider s, m. heart-rvort (an herb) Simulato, part, dissembled
Sieda,/, a seat, a chair montano, ni. lavage, or Simulatóre, m. a dissembler
Siéffo, m. an eye-salve wild Ih n'ort Simulazióne, /. dissembling ;
SiepSglia,/. a thicket Sflice,/. a pebble disguise
Siepàre, to hedge round Silfgine,/ « kind of wheat imultaneo, adj. simultaneous
Sièpe, /. hedge ; tenére uno à Sflio, m. the box tree ; f.ea-
bane (an herb)
Siére, and S"iéro, Siliqua, /. the shell of beans,
peas, J^c.
Sillaba,/ a syllable Sinceramente, adv. sincerely
Sillaba re,<o spell the rvords Sincerare, to exculpate; sin-
Sillàbico, adj sylluldcal
such. Just I S,n\évsì,f a syllepsis
Sifóne, "m. conduit-pipe, engine Sillogismo, m. a .syllogism
Sigillare, to seal; (also) to con Sillogi/.ziSre, to syllogize, to Sinchè, prep, till, until
firm.jix argue [balsam-tree Sincopa, Sincopatùra, and
Sigillatamente, adv. distinctly Pilobdlsamo, m.the wood of the Sincope, /. a fainting, a
Sigillato, part, sealed, stopped Siloe, m. aloes (a shrub) syuc in gram
Sigillo, m. a seal Silvano, adj. rural, of the Sincopare, U .,. ^.
Signatura,/ signature, sign Sincopato, jtart. truncated
Signifero, ni. an ensign Silvés ind Silvestro, adj. Sincopizzare, to faint away
Significaménto, m. significa SincreUsrao, m. syncretism
Simboleggiare, to concur, ti Sincronismo, m. synchronism
symbolize Sindacaraénto, m. an account
Simboleita,/ conformity Sindacare, to look over ont?s
Simbolico, adj. symbolical accounts ; (also) to blame.
Signi fi o&e, to signify Simbolita,/. analogy, affinity
SignlficaUvo, adj. significant Simbolizzare, to symbolize Sindacato, and Sindacatura,/.
Significato, m. meaning, sense Simbolo, m. symbol, creed. the giving up ofaccouiits ; an
SignificSto, part, signified order, or permission tenére

Significazióne,/ meaning Simetria,/ symmetry a sindaciCto, to call to an

Signóra, /. mistress, madam Simi'c account
Signóre, m. lord, master, sir Simigliante, adj. alike, such ; Sindaco, in. overseer, comp-
Signor tale, m. master such a cose simigliànti, things a- troller, a syndic
greeable [wise Sindèresi,/ remorse, regret
Signorepgévole, adj. imperious, Simiglianteménte, adv. like- Siudicàle, adj. syndical
SimigliànZa,/. a resemblance Sindicare, to look over accounts,
Signoreggiaménto, m. domi- Simigliare, to resemble, to lo balance
compare SindicSto, m. (see Sindacato)
Signoreggiante, adj. reigning SimigliSto, part, resembled Siiiéddocha,/.a synecdoche (in
Signoregs'!>re, to rule, govern ;
Simigliévole, adj. resembling rhetoric)
una ringhiera che giardino
il Simile, adj. alike, such ; simil Sinèdrio, m. the sanhedrim
tutto signoreggiava,a balcony cosa, siich a thing; m. a good Sinéresi, /
a synere-iis (con-
rvhìch commanded the whole Sinéstro, adj. hft [traction)
garden Siiiiilitudine,/. likeness, simi- Sinfonia,/ symphony
Signoreggiato, part, governed SinghJottlre, Singhiozzare, and
Signoreggiatòre, m
a rider Similmente, adv. likewise
Sìgnoréllo, m. a petty lord ugh
Signorésco, adj. masterly Simo, adj. flat- nosed Singolare, m. (see Singu!
Signorévole, aiid Signoré- Simoneggidre, and Simoniz- and its derivatives)
vile, adj. noble, grucejul ; zlre, to commit simony Singulàre, adj. singular, parti-
(also) magisterial, impt- Simonia,/ simony cular [singularity
Simoniaco, adj. simoniacal Smgulareggiare, to ajfect
gignorfa, /. t'ic court officers ; Simonizzatóre, m. simonist Singularità, /. singularity
Simpatia, f. sympathy oddity; rarity
8fi? AI i
Singularizzàre, to particularize Slstro, m. a guitar Smallare, to jtel almond».
Singularizzàrsi, io be singular Sitare, to slink, smell
Singularménte, adv. singu- Sitibóndo, very thirsty ; (also) Smaltare, to enamel (also) U
larly desirous, greedy
Singulto, m. a tob, groan Sitlre, to be thirsty Smaltatura,/ enamelling
Sinisealcàto, m. a seneschal's Sito, m. a place, situation, Smaltiménto, m. digestion '

office habitation, house ; a stink (also) a sale

Siniscalchfa, /. a seneschaTs Situagiòne,/. and Situaménto, Smaltire, to digest, concoct ,
Jurisdiction m situation, posture (also) to sell, or vend ; smal-
Siniscalco, m. stervard, carver Situare, to situate, to seal Ure il vino, to sleep one's self
Sinistra, /. the left hand ; da Situato, part, situated, placed
sinistra, at one's left hand Situazióne,/, situation, seat Smaltista, and Smaltitóre, m.
Sinistraménte,a<f f. wretchedly, Si veramente, adv. provided an enameller
unluckily Smaltitóio, m. a sink, cntial
Sinistro, m. inconveniency, Smalto, m. cement, mortar,
disaster, mischance ; adj. basis, ground, a pavement,
left, sinister, unfortunate ; or floor enamel plngere in
; ;

Slanciare, to launch ; slanci- ismàlto, to enamsl

to do a thing to one's disad- àrsi, to rush upon Smanceria,/, niceness
SUndra,/. a prostitute Smanceróso, part, affected
Sfao, insino, prep, to, even to, Slargare, to widen, open Smània, and Smaniatura, /.
as far as, until; sinadésso, Slattare, to wean a child madness, fury, rage me- ;

hitherto ; sfno a quando ? Slazzeràre, to draw, get out nare smànie, to grow mad
hotp lojig ? sin dove ? how Sleale, adj. disloyal, unfaith- Smaniànte, adj. furious
far f sin qui, hitherto : sfa ful Smaniare, to rage, fume, fret,
là, thitherto ; sino a che, as Slealtà,/, disloyalty bluster
long as : sin da ièri, from Slegaménto, m. dissolution Smaniglia,/, a bracelet
yesterday ; è am^to sino da' Slegare, to untie, loosen sle- : Smanióso, adj. furious, mad
suoi nemici, he is loved even "^rsi, to get loose slegarsi ; Smantellare, to dismantle
by his enemies Smanzeróso, arf;. given to love,
Smodale, adj. synodal Slegato, part, untied, loosened donna smanz'erusa, a general
Sinodo, m. synod, convocation Slitta,/ a sledge
Sinòdico, ndj synodic Slogaménto, m. and Slogatura, Smanziére, m. a beau, a spark
Sinonimo, adj. synonymous ; /. dislocation of a limb Smargiasso, m. a bully
m.^ynony^nous word Slogare, to put out ofjoint Smargiasserla, and Smargi-
Sinopia,/, rule, compass (also) Sloggiare, to dislodge, remove assàta, /. bullying, ostenta-
red earth Slembare, to break one's back tion, rodomontade
SincSssi,/. synopsis Slongaménto, and Slontana- Smarriménto, m. wandering,
Sinòttico, adj short, correct less fear,
; amazement .
Sintassi,./ synioj; smarriménto di forze, lost
Sintesi,^', synthesis Slontanare, to remore, put off of strength avvertite di

Sintllla,/. a spark Slungare, to lengthen, t emove, cader un' altra volta in simile
Sintomo, m. symptom send away [vilify smarriménto, take care not
Smuosità,/. crookedness Smaccàre, to drfamt, squash. to commit again such a mis-
Sinudso, adj. oblique, crooked Smaccato, part, defamed take
Siòne, m. a rvhirlnind Smacco, m. an affront, abuse Smarrire, to miss, to lose ,
Sipàrio, m the stage-curtain Smagato, part, discouraged smarrirsi, to be disheartened
Smagarsi, to despond, to re- to lose one's way
Sir&ia,/. siren, mermaid tire Smarrito, part, missed, lost
Siringa, /. a syringe, syphon, Smagliante, adj. bright. Smascellare, to put the jam-
or crane [squirted bone out ; smascellar delle
Siringato, part. syringed, Smagliare, to break, or break risa, to laugh intensely
Siròcchia,/. aWrier mcuhes ; to unpack : to be Smascherare, to umnask
Sirocchiévole.fld; qf a sister bright : smagliare il cuòre Smascherato, part, unmasked
Sirocco, m. southward ad alcuno, to be dishearten- Smattonare, to unpave
Siròppo, m sirup Smelare, to take out the honey-
Strte,/. a saud-hank in the sea
Slsamo, and Sèsamo, m. *e- Smembrare, to dismember
same fa seed) Smembrato, part, dismembered
Sislmbrio. m, waler-mint Smagràre, and Smagrire, to Smemoràggine, Smemora-
Sisslzio, m. s club offriends make lean, to fall away tàggine, /. and Smemora-
Sistema, m. system [matically Smagrito, adj. lean, thin mento, m. forgetfulnett,
Sistematicamente, adv. syste- Smaliziato, adj. cunning, stupidity
Sistemàtieo, adj. systematical malicious Smemorato, adj. tlupid, dull
Srr.enomire, te dlminhh, Ut- Snodilto, part, untied
Snodatura,/ a joint
SmenticdnJa, /. forgetfulnett, Snudare, to unsheath
oblivion Smorfióso, part, affected Scatto, Sovàtto, and Sovàttolo,
Smenticrfre, lo forget S morire, to grorv pale m. a strap of leather
Smenticàto, adj. forgotten Sraors4re, to unbridle, to take Soive, adj. sweet, pleasant,
Smentire, to give the lie; quiet, calm adv. sweetly,

smentirsi, to belie one's self Sraortire, to become pate, wan softly camminare con soave

Smentito, jìart. belied Smòrto, and Smortlto, adj. passo, to walk gently
Smeraldino, adi. of the colour pale, ivan, sallow Soavemente, adr. pleasantly,
of an e,nerald rzàre, i
quietly, softly, patiently
Smeraldo, m. an emerald out Soavità,/, sneetness, mildness,
Smèrgo, m. a plungeon (a lorZ^to, pat gentleness
sea-bird) Smossa, J' motion Soavizzare, to sweeten
Smerigliare, to polish with Smosso, part, moved, allerta, Sobbizzàre, to swallow up
out ofjoint Sobbolliraénto, m. a light ebul-
Smeriglio, m. emery (also) a ;
Smottare, to tumble down (as lition
merlin (bird of prey) earth from a bank,.\c.) Sobbollire, to boil gently
Smèrlo, m. a merlin Sraovitiira,/. a moving, motion Sobbórgo, yn. stiburb
SniidoUàre. to take the mar- Smozzicare, to mangle, cut Sobillaménto,
; m. seduction
rom ; to discover, tc explain smozzicar le paróle, to clip Sobilldre, to seduce
Smilàce,/. rose-need, orrvithy- one's words Sobissàre, to cast into an abyss
Smucciàre, to slip, or glide Sdbole, /. (Latin wordj off"-
SmilUnta, m. a hoaster Smugghi^re, to roar, to bellow
Smilzo, adj. small, slender, Smiignere, to dry up; smii- Sobriamente, adv. soberly
thin, lean gnersi, to ruin one's self Sobrietà, /. sobriety, modera-

Sininchionàre, to Jest, to jeer Smunire, to reinstate tion

Sminuimento, diminution
?n. Smùnto, adj. lean, meagre, Sòbrio, adj. sober, temperate
Sminuire, to diminish exhausted Soccédere, to succeed
Sminuito, part, diminished Smuòvere, to move, stir, shake; Socchi amare, to call softly
Sminuzzaménto, m. a cutting pervert, excite, stir up Socchiùdere, to shut up
lo pieces Smurare, to pull down walls. Socchiùso, ad), shut close :
Sminuzzare, and SminuzZo- lère l'occhio socchiùso,
Smussare, to break the corners ; to take notice

Snamoràre, to tease to love Sóccio, m. and Società,/, a

Snaraoràto, part cured of love , rtnership in cattle
Snas^to, adj. noseless Sòcco, »«. sock, pump, buskin
Snaturare, to be unnatural, to SoccorrénZa, /. a looseness
Soccórrere, to succour, help;
Snaturato, adj. unnatural :corrérsi, to remember
Smoccolatdio, m. and Smoc- Snellamente, adv. nimbly Soccorrévole, adj. helping,
colatole,/, the snuJTers Snellétto, adj. brisk, nirnble xiliary
Smoccolatdrc, m a snuffer Snellézza, and Snellita, / Soccórso, and Soccorriménto,
Smoccolatura, /. candle-snuff agility, quickness help, relief
amodamento, »)t. immodera- nello, adj. brisk, active. Soccórso, part, helped, assisted
Sociàbile, and Sociale, adj.
Snerbare, {see Snervare, and
Socialità,/, sociableness
à./ s, iety, t
Soda,/. soda,potas
Smoderataménte, adv. immo- Sodale, m. a companion
derately rvatézz ,fn aknes. Sodalizio, m. company
Smoderatézza,/, excess Snervato, part. Sodamente, adv. surely, safety,
Smoderato, excessive, imtnode- Snidare, and Snidiàre, io un- briskly, stoutly
Sodaménto, m. establishment.
Smojl'il'.o, eulj. a single man, Smddto, adj. flown from the
a bachelor Snighittirsi, to grow brisk Sodare, to promise.
Smontare, to descend ; smon- Sninfio, m. a spark, a beau
tar le scale, to go damn Snocciolare, io take out the Soddiaconito, m. subdeacon-
stairs ; smontare in terra, nets ; explain, (also) to
to Soddiacono, m. a subdeacon
to land; smontar di colóre, . J in ready cash Soddisfacente, adj. satisfac-
iofade Snocciolataménte, adv. plainly
Smontito, adj. descended, pale Snodaménte, m. untying
Smorbare, to cure an infection Snodarc, (0 undo.
" ,


Soddisfaciménto, »i. satUfae- \
lo blow fire rvitk; (also) a ; Soggiornare, fo tojourn, stag i
Hon [able, please p rompici adj. preud, vain
; i to live,dwell; keep, preserve;
Soddisfare, to saiitfy, be agree- Sóffio, m. breath, blotving to delay, labour
iioddisfàtto, adj. satisfied, con- Soffioneila,/. pi-ide, presump- '
Soggiornato, pari, sojourned
tent Hon \ Soggiórno, m. abode, residence ;
SoddisfaJidne, and Soddisfai- Soffata, /. and Soffitto, m. a (also) e<

, /. satisfactioi . - jiUty; (also) en-

. [ Soggiùgnere, <o ai/d, rep/y
tablature (in architecture) ;

Soggiugniménto, m. addition,
Sodd<:>tta,/. seduction
adj. concealed, hid I a reply
Soddacere, io seduce Soffittare, to ceil, to overUiy Soggiuntivo, m. ike subjunctive
Sodduciraénto, m. seduction Soffi)gainénto, m. and Soffo- mood (in grammar)
SoUducitore, m. a seducer '
gazióne,f. suffiicaiion i Soggiùnto, pari, added, replied
Soddurre, (see Sedurre, and its Soffogare, io stijle, stiffhcate Soggólo, m. the baud of a bri-
Soffogato, pari suffocated die (also) a kind of tucker

„ - Soffolto. pari, propt, supported ,

tvorn by nuns
obstinacy, Soffomàto, part, vaulted I Sòglia,/, a threshold
cuii^iuniy Soffragàneo, adj. suffragan, '
Sòglio, m. a throne ; (also) a
Sodisfare, {see Soddisfare) to subject I threshold
satisfy Soffritta,/, want, scarcity : S6g\iol!i,f. a sole (a fish)
Sodo, m. foundation, basis ; quando sarò morto avrai Sognante, adj. dreaming
6ail, security; (also) uncul- soffratta di me, you will Sognare, to dream, fancy,
tivated grounds i

m'iss me when I am dead think

Sodo, adj. firm, solid, steady, Soffregaménto, m
a gentle Sognato, pari, dr'amed
constant, thick, hard, sure, friction [offer, or urge Sógno, m. a dream [silk
strong, intrepid; star sòdo, Soffregare, to rub gently; to Sòia, f. a banter, a rvheedling
to stand fast; adv. fast, ScfTifhile, adj. tolerable \ Soiire, to rvheedle, to banler
solidly Soffrlegere, to fry lightly ÌSóla, fa shallop, or great boat
Soduciménto, m. and Sodu- Soffrire, to suffer, endure |
Solàio, ni. the floor
iióne.f. seduction, deceit Soffritto, m
a fricassee; adj. Solamente, ódy. only, solely
oofa, m. a sofa, easy seat fried \
\S6\anà.rì, f. solander, a disease
Sofferènte, adj patient, stffer- Soffumicare, io smoke, perfume in horses
*>}e Sofisma, and Sofismo, wi. a SoMno, m. morel (an herb)
Soflferénza, /. patience, tuf- sophism, a false argument SoUre, adj. solar, of the sun
fsrance Sofista, m. a sophist, a so- Solatio, m. a place exposed io
Sofferévole, adj. tolerable phister the sun ; part, exposed to the
Sofferi mento,

patience Sofisteria, and Sophisticheria,

sun, sunny '

SolFerire, to 'dr^'i endure; Soìéto, pari, nerv saied

f. sophistry I

sofferirsi, to istainfrom Sciisticamente, adv. sophis- Sólatro, «i. morel, or night-


Bofferitóre, »n. ' °' "cally, falsely shade

_ \

Soffermare, to siop^fbr a short SÓfìsti^TV, to ntrangle, cavil Soìcdre, to plough to I


while Sofisticato, adj. rvrangled, Solcato, part, furrorvei


Soffermila,/, a pause jangled, sophisticated Solchévole, adj. arable


Soffiaménto, m. a blowing. Sofistico, m. a sophist ; adj.


"- '

slander, breach sophistical, deceitful

Solco, m. a furrow, track,
Soffiàip, to blow to excite, Soggettibile, adj. tameable
; wrinkle, road, way
pant; stir up; soffiarsi il Soggettamente, adv. tervice- Soldino, m. sultan
nàso, to blow the nose ; soffiare ably, obediently

Soldare, to recruit
ad un commediante, to Soggettamente, wi. subjection Soldatàglia,/, a] troop of bad
prompt a player aprir la Soggettare, to subdue
; soldiers
bocca à soffiare, to talk at Soggètto, m. a subject, object Soldatésca, and Soldaterfa, /.
random [^ Sogghignare, io smile, simper the soldiery scoundrels :

SofIiat<Sre, m. a blower, prompt- Sogghigno, m. a smile Soldatesco, adj. military

"-""' hide
SofBccàre, to conceal, '-'-
Soggiacente, par^ «iZyerfed Soldato, m. soldier, warrior,
Sòffice, adj. pliant, soft Soggiacere, to be subject adj. kept in pay
Sofficemente, adv. softly Soggiaciménto, m. submission Soldo, m. a p nny, a soldier's
Sofficiénte, adj. sufficient Soggiogala,/ dervlap of beasts pay, salary
Sofficìenteraénte, adv. suffl- Soggiogamento,
ciently, enough
a subdu- idle, m. the sun ; aver al sdle,
to have an estate [umbrella
Sofficiénza, /. sufficienty, abi- Soggiogare, to conquer, subdue Solécchio, m. a parasol, an
lity, skill, abundance Soggiogato, part, subdued Solecismo, m. a solecism
Sofficienzia,/ sufficiency Soggiogatóre, ni. conqueror Soleggiare, to dry ;» the sun
Soffiétto, m. a pair of bellows Soggiogazióne, /. a conquest. Solènne, adj solemn, splendid,
Sòffiola,/. meliLit an herb) 'tmoua solènne giuocatòre, ;

Soffióne, m. bellorvs, or cane Soggiogo, m. the dewlap <ifoxen noted gamester



Solenneggi^re, io solemnize Soltinto, ad), only, alone
Solennemente, adv. lolemnly Soltanto, adv. only, but
Solennità, /. glory, pomp; a Soltantochè, coni, provided
festival day SoUecitiire, to make haste ; to Solùbile, adJ su'luble
SolennUzàre, io celebrate Solvènte, adj. solvent
Solennizzato, part, celebrated, .Solvere, to dissolve ; melt ; io
solemnized untie, undo ; to resolve, de-
S'olenni2zaziòne, /. and Solen- clare; to free, deliver, ab-
SolIecita2:i5ne,/. solicitation solve ; to separate, divide
Solére, to be accustomed ; to use Sollécito, adJ solicitous, ar- solve- ='
Solèrte, adj. careful, matchful dent, uneasy, careful, pen-
Solèrzia,/, care, diligence
Soletta,/, sole, sock, fool of a Sollecitddine, /. haste, indus-
stocking Solviménto, . untying;
Solétto, adj alone, sole
Solfa,/, gamut {in music/ Solutivo, adj solutive
Solfandria,/. a sulphur mint Solleticiire, to tickle Soluto, adj' dissolved, free
Solfanello, m. a match SoUeticato, ;iar/. tickled Soluzióne,/ a solution
SolKto, adj. sulphureous Sollético, a tickling ; an a- Soma, /. a burden, a load, e
Solfeggiare, to sing in gamut musemeni; io son d'ognun sum; adv. plenliJuUy per ;

Sdlfo, m. sulphur proprio sollético, / am the

Solforare, to mix sulphur sport of every body use makes all things easy •
Solforato, adj. sulphureous Sollevaménto, m. and Solle- pareggiar le some, to art im
Solecchio, m. a varasol, oi um- uazidne, /. a lifting, insur- partially
brella rection, revolt, sedition ; a Somaro, m. an ass
Solidamente, adv. soundly comfort, a relief 'Someggiare, to carry a burden
Soliddre, to consolidate Sollevare, to raise up; to as- iomiére, m. a beast of burden
Solidario, adj. (lam term) ; suage ; refresh ; to revolt, to !oniig!icI]ite, adj. alike, like
contratto solidàrio, a con- Somiglianza,/: a resemblance
tract in solido, or for the agitate; sollevarsi, to unbei somigliare, to resemble, to
one's spirits ; to raise up t compare, to confront
Solidézza, and Solidità, /. so- Somigliévole, aJJ. resembling.
lidity, soundness SollevatéZza,/. sublimity
Sdlido, adj. solid, thick ; m. a Sollevato, part, lifted, raised Sdmma, /. a sum, pitch, top,
solid having three dimen- Sollevatóre, m. a seditious man result, conclusion ; adv. in
sions ; (also) solido (law SoUevaziiJne, /. a sedition, c short ; far s<Jmma, to multi-
raising, or lijling up ply ; in sómma, in short, in
Solildquio, m. a soliloquy Sollicitaménte, adu. quickly
carefully Sommdcco, m. sumach (a
SoKngo, adj. solitary, lonely Solhcitaménto, m. solicitation. shrub) (also) leather tanned

Stìlio, m a throne, or royal seat with sumach

Solitariamente, adv. soHlarity Sollicitare, to hasten, urge Sommamente, adv. mightily,
Solitàrio, adj. solitary sollicitirsi, to afflict one'i summarily, shortly
self mare, to St up
Sollicitatlvo, adj. soliciting Sommàrio, ni. a summary, g
SoIlicitaziiSne,/. solicitation
SoUJcito, adj. uneasy, pensive Sommàrio, adj. short, concise,
Soliiudine,/. a solitude Sollicitudine, /. liaste, quick- summary
Solivago, adi. wandering aloni ttes.i, solicitude, care [lief Sommato, part, cast up ; m.
Sollalzare, lo lift up a little Sollièvo, ,n. ease, comfort, re-
Sollazzare, to divert; sollaz- SoUióne, m. the dog-days Sommergere, to drown, sub-
zarsi, to rejoice, to recreate Sollo, ctJJ. mellow, soft,flask
Sollazzato, adj. diverted SollucheVaménto, vi. a tick-
SoIlazi:at(5re, m. a merry fel-
Sollucherdre, to tickle
Sollazzérole, adj. merry, plea- "lólo, adj. alone, lonely ; conj. Sommérso, part, drowned
unless ; adv. but, solely, only ; Sommessamente, adv. submit-
Sollazzevolmente, adv. mer- fui con lui da solo a solo, sively, scftly
there mere only he and myself Sommessidne,/. submission
Sollazzo, and Sollazzaménto, Solochè, co:iJ. provided. Sommessivo, adj. submissive
m. solace, comfort cept Sommésso, part, submitted;
Soiled leràre, to leap fur joy SoLsUZidle, and SolsUSiart
Sollecitamente, adv. diligently.
Sols'uzio, m. solstice
SoinministrKre, to fu Sonnolènte, and Sonnolènto, to suppose, to substitute f
Somministr;(to, p«r<. adj. sleepy child
Sommiiiistraziui /• Sonnolènza, sleepini Sopportàbile, adj. sufferablt.
siness sonnolènza
; tolerable
Sommissióne,/, stthmi.ssion a lethargy Sopportante, adj. patient
Sommfsta, m. a compiUr Sonnottire, to spend the night Sopportare, to suffer, bear up
Sommità,/, sumiìiit, top; sub- support, endure
limity [supremi Sonoramente, adv. harmoni- Sopportato, part, suffered.
Sómmo, adj. highest, chief,
Sommòssa,/, instigation, com- Sonorità,/, harmony Sopportazióne,/, toleration
Sonòro, ad), sonorous Sopportè»ole, adj. tolerable
Sommosso, part, moved Sóntico, adj. heavy, dull Soppósto, part, supposed, put
Sommoviménto, ni. and Som- Sontuosamente, adv. sumptu-
mozióne,/, a solicitation, an Soppróndere, to surprise
Sontuosità,/, sumptuousnest Soppressa,/, a press
Sommovitóre, m. an imtigit Sontuóso, adj. sumptuous Soppressore, to press, oppress,
" )erchi:.ménte, adv. excess- gtieve
Sommuovere, to move, ilir up "ely [Jluity Soppressalo, part, pressed;
Soperchiamènto, m. super soppresso, part, destroyed
Sonagliàre, to ring little bells Soperchiante, adj. affronting Soppressióne, /. suppression.
Sonagliàta,/. a ringing of lit
tie belts Soperchlanza, /
a villany,pro- Sopprimere, to oppress, sup-
Sonaglièra,/, a collar of bells fuseness press
Sonàglio, m. a little bell; a Soperchiare, to offend, cheat :
Sopprióre, m. subprior, vicar
bubble affront, abuse, surpass, excel Sópra, prep, upon, on. over,
Soperchiato, part, surpassed more, near, above, beyond,
Soperchiatòre, m. an over- except ; morir sópra parto, to
bearing fellow die in childbed sópra motto,

Bonkre, to sound, to play on Soperchieria,/ oppression, in- ve,y much

Jury, fraud Soprabbondàntc, adj. super-
sing around ; sonare a rSi:- Soperchièvole, adj. outrageous. abundant [ty, excess
Soprabbondanza,/. great plen-
màre ; téllo, t Soperchio, m. excess, super- Sopra.bbon(iàTe,to superabound,
alarm-bell ; son£(rIa a fluity ógni soperchio rompe

uno, to speak plain to one il copèrchio, too much of any

Soprabbondévole, adj. excetS'
to put a trick upon one thing is good for nothing
Sonàta,f. a sonata Soperchio, adj. excessive adv. :
SoprabbondeTolèzza, /. super-
Soniito, part, sounded abundance, excess
Sonatóre, m. a rnusician, an Sopire, to quench, suppress, lay Soprabbuóno, adj. very good,
instrumenl-player excellent [ant
Sonatura, and Sonazidne, /. a Sopito, part. suppressed, Sopracapo, m. a superintend-
sound, or ringing drowsy Sopracaduto, part, happened
Sónco, m. sow-lkistle (a plant) Sopóre, m. sleepiness Sopraccaricare, to overload
Sonettante, Sonettalóre, and Soj)orifero, adj. soporific Sopraccirico, m. a new load,
Sonettiére, m. a sonnetteer, a Soppalco, m. the ceiling of a surcharge sopraccarico d'un

composer of sonnets vascèllo, a supercargo

Sonettàve, to make sonnets Soppanàre, to line a coat, to Sopraccarta,/, a cover
Sonettfno, and Sonettiiccio, m. mear tnany clothes Sopraccelèste, and Sopracce-
Soppandto, part, lined, S^c. lestiàle, adj. super -celestial.
Sonétto, m. a sonnet Soppanno, m. a linitig adv. ;

Sonevole, adj. resounding under the clothes Sopraccennare, to mention

Sonnacchióni, adv. drorvsily Soppassire, to wither above [mentioned
Sonnacchióso, adj. sleepy. Soppestàre, to bruise, beat Sopraccennato, part, above-
Soppiàno, adv. softly Sopracchiàro, adj. most evident
Sonnecchiare, and Sonneg- Soppiantare, to trip up, to sup- Sopracchiedère, to exact, ash
giare, to sleep, slumber plant
Sonnellino, and Sonnélto, m. Soppiattare, to conceal Sopracchiùsa,/, a cover
a a nap
little sleep, Soppiatuito, part, hidden. Di Sopracciélo, »n. a tester of a
Sonniferàte, to slumber soppiàto, adv. secretly bed
Sonnifero, m. an opiate Soppiattóne, m. a dissembler, Sopracciglio, m. eyebron
Sonnifero, and Sonnìferóso, a deceUful man Sopracciò), m. a supeiinten-
adj. causing sleep, sepori- Soppidi^no, m. a kind of box
ferous Soppórre, to submit, subdue, to
Sónno, m. sl^ep, rest put under : sopporre il parto»
Sopraceómito, m. the chief Sopraspéndere, to spend (o»
officer of a gall fy
Sopraccomperire, to overpay Sopraspertinza,/. hope
Sopraccdnsolo, m. a tribunal Soprassagliénte, m. a pilot
at I'enice SoprassalSre, to oversalt
Sopraccopèrta, /. a cover; a Soprassalire, to attack tmex-
Soprannominato, part, above- Hedly
Sopraccdrrere, to run totvardt a reliev,
Sopraccudco, ma head-cook
Sopraddénte, m. a gag-tooth ;

sopraddénti di cavallo, Soprassedére, to supersede

n-olies' teeth Soprano, m tre Soprassegnare, to make sign ,
Sopraddòte, and Sopraddòta, singer ; adj. su^ Eoprassegndrsi, to near a
/. paraphernalia, a bride't Sopranségna,/. a
Soprasscgnàto, part, marked
Sopraddottàre, to give a larger Soprasségno, vi. a sign, mark
portion [praise Soprasseminàre, to sow again
Sopraesaltati<5ne,/. uncommon Soprassénno, m. sound sense
Sopraffaccia,/, a surface Soprantendénia,/. superinten- Soprassérvo, m. worse than a
Sopraff'àre, to overpower, op-
Sopranténdere, io surpass in Soprasséte, /. excessive thirst
Sopraffate, part, overpotvered, knowledge, to have a super- Soprassòma,/. a surcharge
intendency Soprassustàn-Za,/. substance
Sopraffine, and Sopraffino, Soprapagàre, ta overpay Soprassustanziale, adj. of a
adj. superfine, very fine Soprapparto, adv. in the lying-
Sopraffiorire, to flourish again Soprastaraénto, m. superiority ;
Sopraggaléa, /. the admiral's a demurrer (law term)
Soprastante, m. a superin-
iting, Soprastónte, adj. high, insolent,
'''?«,. dilatory, eminent, imminent
Sopraggiudicàre, to command Soprastantemente, 'fly
„ „
Soprappiéno, adj. overplus Soprastàn2a, /. superinttnd-
Sopraggiugnere, to come unex- Soprappigliare, to invade
pected, to add Soprappiù, m. the overplus ; . Soprastàre, to command,
Sopraggiùnto, part, come upon, adv. moreover, besides I quer, restrain, delay.
overtaken Soprapponiménto, m. an oppo-
Sopraggrànde, adj. very great sition I

Sopraggravàre, to overload Soprappdrre, to put over, to uHout, a

add, to join to, set upon ;

Sopragguàrdia,/. the chief body to

of the guard prefer.fix |
Soprattenére, to detain
Sopraindoràre, to double gild Soprappdsta, f. relievo, or Sopratétto, adv. on the roof

Sopralìegàto, adj. above-men- branched work Sopratiéni, a delay, respite

Soprapp<5sto, part put over Sopratiitto, above all
Soprappréndere, to surprise Sopravanzaménto, m. the over-
Soprapprendiménto, m. sur- plus
prising, surprise SopravaiiZare, to surpass, fj>
hand lifted up ; insolently ;
Soprappréso, part, surprised eel ;to spout out
immoderately m. a blow
; "loprarragionaménto, m. an Sopravanzo, m. remainder.
given by lifting up one's hand epilogue [further
Soprammatone, m. a thin brick Soprarragionàre, to add, to say Sopra vvedére, io observe atten-
Soprarrecato, adj. above-said tively [wary
Soprammentovàto, adj. above- Soprarrivare, to happen unex- Sopravveduto, adj. cautious,
come a
~ Sopravvegnénte, adj. unex-
mentioned pectedly,
Soprararaisura, adv. extremely Soprasbérga, / a
Soprammódo, adv. extremely Soprascritta, / a Sopravvegnénza, /. unexpected
Sopramontare, to ^row up a superscription, or airection .

Soprinimo,a<f 1'. rvith animosity Soprascritto, part. above- Sop

Soprannaturale, adj. super-
Soprascrftto, m. inscription, \

Soprannestare, ingraft epitaph

Soprascrlvere, to superscribe \

Soprascrizióne, /. an inscrip-
Koprarvénto, m. a favonrahle Sordizia,/. niggardliness Sorvenfre, to come, t
rvind • an insull, an affront ;
S(5rdo, adj. deaf, inexorable ; unexpectedly
venir sopravrénto, io tur- lantèrna sdrda, a dark Sorvlvere, to survive
lantern : lima sórda, a file Sorvolare, to fly high
which makes no noise in Soscrltto, pari, subscribed
fling Soscrittóre, »i. a subscriber
dalla pioggia,
ti Sorèlla,/, a sister, a nun Soscrlvere, to subscribe
caught in the rain Sorgènte,/ a source, cause Soscri-aóne,/. subscripti»n
Sopra vvéste,and Soppravvésta, SiSrgere, to rise, arise, spring Sospecciàre, to suspect
/. a trooper's cloak, a coat of Sorgozzdne, m. a prop, a stay ; Sospèndere, to hang up, sus-
mail, a surtout acufT, a blow pend, delay, put off
Sopravvlncere, io be tupe- Sori, 7)1. vitriol, a mineral Sospensióne, /. suspension,
rior ; to excel, surpass very Sorlce, m. a mouse, or rat uncertainty, suspense, doubt,
Soricigiio, adj. mouse-coloured a hanging up, delay, cessa-
Sopravvivente, adj. surviving Sormontante, adj. surmount-
Soprav vivènza, f. survivance ing, above Sospensivamente, adr. irreso-
Sopravvivere, to survive Sormontare, to grow, to sur- lutely [doubtful
Sopravvivolo, »». house-leek mount, excel, mount above Sospensivo, adj. ambiguous.
Sopreccedènte, adj. excessive Sornacchiàre, to spit, or cough Sospensòrio, m. a suspensory
Sopreccedènza,/, excess Sornàcchio, m. large spittle Sospèso, adj. stispended, ambi-
Sopreccellénte, adj. most excel- Soro, adj. sorrel (a darkish guous, perplexed ; star sos-
colour in horses) péso, to be perplexed
Soprillùstre, adj. most illus- Sordre,/. (Latin word) sister Sospettamente, adv. in a suspi-
trious Sorpassante, adj. surpassing,
Soprintendènza, /. tuperin- excellent Sospettàre, to suspect, mistrust
tendency Sorpassare, to surpass, excel Sospètto, m. suspicion
Soprintèndere, to superintend Sorprendènte, adj. surprising Sospètto, adj. suspicious, sus-
Sorprèndere, to surprise pected [ciously
swelling; a splint (liorse's Sorprèsa,/, surprise Sospettosamente, adv. suspi-
disease) Sorprèso, part, surprised Sospettóso, adj. suspicious
Sopnimàno, adj. extraordinary Sorquidàrsi, to grow proud Sospezióne,/ suspicion
Soprusàre, to misuse Sdrra,/. the flank oftunny-fish Sospicàre, to suspect
Sopruso, m. an injury pickled Sosplgnere, to push, thrust,
Soqquadrate, to overthrow Sorrecchiare, to listen to force, induce, incite
Soqquadro, m. overthrow, ruin Sorrèggere, <o support, sustain, Sospigniménto, m. and Sospin-
Soràre, (in hawking) to soar up prop ta, /. a push, shove, impulse,
Sòrba, f. a sorb-apple Sorridènte, adj. smiling persuasion, inducement, in-
Sorbetto, m. sherbet ; ice- Sorridere, to smile, to simper
Sorriso, m. a smile, simper Sosplngere, (see Sosplgnere)
Sorbtoo, adj. of a sour taste Sorsaltàre, to leap over Sospinta, and Sospinzióne, /. a
Sorbire, to absorb, to swallow Sorsàre, to sip up, to sip push, insligaiion, impulsion
Sorbito, part, absorbed Sórso, m. and Sorsata,/, a sip. Sospinto, part, pushed, shoved
Sòrbo, m. a sorb-apple-tree Sospirante, adj. sighing
Sorb<5ne, m. a cunning man, a Sórta,/, sort, kind, species Sospirare, to sigh, wish for.
Sórte, /. fate, destiny, event,
Sorciàia,/, a nest efrats chance, loss ; pel sórte, adv. Sospirato, part, desired, wished
by chance méttere alla sórte,
; for
Sórcolo, m. a graft, or scion io venture; pigliar sórte, to Sospirèvole, adj. sighing,
Sordacchiòne, m. a deaf man groaning
Sordàggine,/, deafness Sorteggiare, to augurate, allot Sospiro, »». a sigh, or groan
Sordamente, adv. softly, gent- Sortiére, m. a sorcerer Sospiróso, adj. doleful, groan-
ly, privately Sortilègio, m. sorcery ing, Tvrelched
Sordaménto, »«. deafness Sortilego, m. a sorcerer, a Sospif iòne, /. suspicion
Sordastro, adj. deafish Sossópra, adv. upside down ; m,
Sordèzza, /. deafness Sorliinènto, tit. an assortment an overturning
Sordidamente, adv. sordidly Sortire, to draw lots, to sally Sòsta,/, rest, peace, quiet
Sordidezza,/, deformity, dirli- ftrth go out elect, choose ;
: ; Sostantivo, m. a substantive
sortire incampagna, to take Sostanza,/, substance
Sdrdido, adj. sordid, covetous non so à che sorti-
the field : Sostanziale, adj. substantial
Sordina, /. and Sordino, m. ranno i miei disegni, I do not Sostanzialità,/ substance
check in a repeating watch ; know wimt will be the issue of Sostare, to hold, stop
sanare la sordina, to pretend my designs Sostégno, m. prop, help, a*-
to It deaf Scruta, /. issue, event, an as- sistance,support
Sordità,/, deajness, surdity fortment, choice a sally ; Sostenente, adj. sustaining
Sostenén:T3,/. tvjjerance, sub Soverchiamente, adv. txett
sistence.fvod sively
Sostenére, to sustain, uphold., overch!Knza,/. a cheat ,a trick
assist, dffind, snjffir, endure Sottilizzare, /o subtilize Soverchiare, to exceed, excel,
Sosteniménto, and Sostenta- Sottilmente, adi', subtly, art- to overset
ménto, m. maintenance, food, fully, cunningly Soverchiévole, adj. superfluous
support, prop, sufferance, re- ottinténdere, to understand Sovèrchio, m. the overplus
lief otto, prep, under, with Sovèrchio, adj. needless, or
Sostenitóre, m. a protector, a Sótto, adv. under, beneath
Sottocalze, /. pi. under-sioek- Sovèrchio, adv. excessively
Sostentàcolo, ni. (see Sostégno) So^Ta, adv. upon, on, over
support TabbondànZa, /. a super-
Sostentaménto, m. a support,
prop, maintenance cellar Sovraccennàto, adj. above-
Sostentare, to feed, maintain, Sottocàre, to touch gently lentioned
to prop, support: sosten- Sottocòppa,/, a salver Sovracréscere, io grotv out
tórsi, to drfend, or nourish Sottocuòco, ni. a/1 under-cook Sovraffamóso, adj. yncst fa-
one's self Sottoilivldere, <o subdivide
Sostentato, part, nourished Sottogiacére, (see Soggiacere) Sorraggiùngere, to happen un-
Sostentatóre, »n. a protector Sottogóta, /. the dewlap of an expectedly
Sostentazióne, /. a mainte- Sovraggrànde, adj. most great
Sovraillùstre, adj. most illut-
Sostenutézza,/. gravity, pride
Sostituire, to substitute SoTranaménte,ff<f 1'. sovereignly
Sostituito, adj. substituted Sottomano, m. a stroks tvilh Sovraneggiare, to domineer
Sostituito, m". a substitute Sovranità,/ sovereignty
Sostituzióne,/, an e7itail (larv So\Tannaturàle, adj. super •
(secretly), deceitfully turai, miraculous
Sottana,/, a cassock, petticoat Sottomessióne, ni. submission Sovrano, m. a sovereign
Sottécchi, and Sottécco, adv. Sottomettere, to submit Sovrano, adj. sovereign, enti-
Sottomettersi, to yield
Sottentraménto, m. succession Sottoponlménto, m. subjection Sovran2àre, to surpass
Sottentràre, to creep under, Sottopórre, to put under, to Sovrappièno, adj. over-full
to succeed, to introduce one's subdue, subject Sovrappiù, m. the overplus
self Sottoposizióne, subjection Sovrasaltirc, tu pant ; to attack
Sottentrazióne, / a creeping Sottoprióre, m. a sub-prior vigorously
U7ider Sottordinàto, adj. subordinati Sovrastaraénto, m. inspection
Sotterfugio, m. shift, evasion Sottorldere, to smile Sovrastante, nt. an overseer
Sotterra, adv. under ground Sottoscdtto, m. the trigger Sovrastànza, /. superintend-
Sotterraménto, m. burial Sottoscritta,/ a subscription
Sotterràneo, adj. subterra- Sottoscrivere, to subscribe Sovrastare, to superintend ;
Sottoscrizióne,/, subscription (also) to tarry
Sotterràre, to bury, to oppress Sottosópra, adv. upside-down Sovrattollerare, to tolerate
Sotterrato, part, buried Sottostare, to be subject Sovreccellènte, adj. most excel-
Sotterratóre, m. a burier Sottotlngere, to give the first lent
Sotterratório, m. a burial dye Sovrempiére, to heap up
SottigUaraénto, ni. a diminish- Sottovènto (essere), to have the Sovrèsso, adv. over, or upon
rvind against Sovrofféaa; /
a grievous of-
Sottigliare,<o subtilize, sharpen. Sottovèste, m. a waistcoat
Sottovóce, adv. softly, or with Sovrumano, adj. supernatural
Sovvallo, ni. drink-money
Sottraiménto, m.
'.way Sovvenèvole adj. helpful
Sottigliézza,/, subtilty, sharp- Sovveniménto, ni. assistance
Sovvenire, to help, supply, to
Sottigliume, m. thin food be useful, to do good by ;
Sottile, m. Jiecessity, rvant
Sottile, adj. subtle', fine, light i
Sovvenitóre, m. a benefactor
sottile ingegno, a penetrat- deducted, abated Sovvenzióne,/, help, subsidy
ing genius: menare un Sottrattdre, m. stducer Sovversióne, /. subversion, a
•vita sottile, to live penti Sottrazióne, /. a subtraction rising on the stmrmch
ously Sovènte, adv. often Sowérso.parf. subverted
Sovènte, adj. fi equent Sovvèrtere, and Sovvertire, is
Soventemente, ndv. oftentime overthron; subveit
Sovrertiménto, m. overthrow port, assist ; volger le spille, Sparire, to disappear, to edipM
SoTvertitóre, m
destroyer to run away ; alle spalle, at
Suzio, m. companion Sparizione./, a disappearing
Sozzamente, ade. dirtily, Spallàccio, tn. a shoulder- Sparlaménto, m. slandering
ihamefuUy Sparlare, to slander
Sozzare, to stain, dirty Spallàre, to break the shoulder Sparlatóre, m. a slanderer
Sozzézza,/. dirtineit Spalleggiare, to walk well; to Sparmiàre, to spare
S(52zo, adj. dirty, foul, shame- support, protect Spamaizaménto, m. a squan-
ful, bad; ugly, drformed Spallétta,/, rails, parapet dering, profusion
Sozzdpra, adv. one with ano- Spallièra, /. an espalier : tht Spamaziàre, to squander away
first bench of rowers in a Spamafzatóre, m. a spend-
Soiìó're, and SoiJftme, m. galley ; the back of a chair thrift
filthinei.i, foulness Spallière, m. thefirst rower in Spamicciàre, to disperse, seat-
Sozzura, /. nastiness
Spaccaménto, m. a splitting Spalmare, to careen a ship Spàro, m. a discliarge, volley
Spaccamonte, m. a boaster Spalmata,/, a blow onthepalrr, Sparpagliare, to scatter about
Spaccare, to split, cleave ; of one's hand Sparpagliataraénte, adv. con-
spaccarsi, to crack, chap Spalto, m. afioor, pavement
Spaccatura,/, a chap, cleft Spampanare, to strip Sparsaménte, adv. separately
Spacciabile, adj. vendible Spampanata, /. the pulling Spàrso, part, dispersed, scat
Spacciare, to sett, put off, to off leaves ; a boasting, osten- tered vanished, disappeared

dispatch, speed; spacciarsi SparJióne,/. an effusion

St, to se upfor '0 dis- Spampanaiidne, /. the rubbing Spartaménte, adv. severally
entangle one' self: )
off the superfluous leaves Spartataménte, adv. amply
ben spacciar midi' Spàndere, to spill, pour out ; Sparlato, part, divided, cut in
non so come, I wish to be rid spandersi, to overflow, two
of this man, but I do not know Spartfbile, adj. divisible
Spandiménto, m.asheddin Spartigióne, /. and Sparti-
Spacciataménte, adv. quickly Spaiiiàre,<o take off the ménto, m. a division, parti-
Spacciatfvo, ad;, expeditious lime; spaniàrsi, to get out
Spacciato, part, sold, dispatch of the bird'lirrie, or a scurvy Spartfre, to part, divide
ed, published; past hopes of Spartitaménte, adv. separately
Spartiiióne,/. share, division
Spacciatóre, m. a boaster Sparto, part scattered
SpiCccio, m. sale, utterance ;
SparvierSto, adj. swift sailing
dispatch, expedition ; dire Spantàre, to rvonder Sparvieratóre, m. a falconer
spaccio, to sett, put off " panto, aiij, spread, or diffused Sparriére, and Sparvièro, m. a
Spaccóne, m. a bully pompous, rich hawk, or falcon drizzare il;

Spada,/, a sword, a ord-fish Spappolarsi, to melt, dissolve becco allo sparvière, to at-
Spadacciata, /. a th Sparaghella,/, a sow-thistle
Sparagiàia, /. an asparagus-
Spadaccfno, m. a swordsman
Spadacciudla, /. sword-grasi Sparagio, m asparagus
or gladder Sparagnare, to save, spare Spanito, arf;. slender, thin
Spadàio, m. a sword-cutter Spciralérabo, m. a workman's Spàsa,/, ajlal basket
Spadata, / a thrust with Spdsima, / a swoon, convul-
sword Sparare, to draw the bowels ; to
[to fish
Spad<5rno, m. a hobbing-hook shoot, dart ; to unfumish ; to Spasimàre, to faint away, to
Spadiglia,/. spadilla. at ' unlearn (forget) long for, to be passionately
Spadulàre, to drain mar Sparata, /. a bravado (boast- in love ; spasimar di séte,
Spagliare, to winnow, cl ing) to be very thirsty : spasimar
Spago, m. packthread Spaiato, tn. the bo.iom cfa shirt la ròba,' to dissipate one's
Spaiam(-nto, m. a paiiii Sparatóre, m. a shooter state
Spaiare, to unmatch, pai . Sparecchiare, to clear a table Spasimataménte, adv. pas-
Spalancare, to set wide open, to Sparécchio, m. the act of clear- sionately
speak plain ing a table Spasimato, part, fainted away,
Spalare, to take away with Sparéggio, m. disproportion or amorous
s/wvel tn take away the Spàrgere, to spread, pour out ;
: Spàsimo, m. a convulsion, or
preps from under trees to extend, display to publish. ;
SpalcSre, to pull down ajlooi
Spildo, m. a jutting out of a Spargiménto,/ diffusion, effu-
sion distraction

Spargitore di sàngue, a mur-



S;>3S5eggiàre, io nalk Spellicciatóra,/. a reprotff; a
Spassévole, adj. diverting wrangling among doge
Spassionarsi, ta divest one's ttif Spelliciósa, /. groundsel (a
t'f passion Specchiàre, to look in a glass ;
Spassionatamente, adv.nuthout io look, or examine Spelónca,/, a den, cave
prepossession, coolly Spècchio, m. a looking-lass Spème, m. hope
Spassionatézza, /. apathy, Speciale, adj. special Spendente, adj. prodigai, pro-

Spassionato, adj. cool, insen-

Specialmente, adv. specially
Spècie, /. species, sort fo ;
— fu,.
Spèndere, to spend, employ, to
figure; far spér'- '- Spendimènto, m. expense
Spasso, m. a pastime, pleasure ;
jmpre Spenditóre, m. a spendthrift;
dare spasso, io di veri, amuse ;
Specificamente, adv. peculiar- a purveyor, provider
andar a spasso, to take a n^alk ly, chiefly Spennacchiare, to pull off th»
Spastàre, to unpaste to clean, ; Specificare, lo specify feathers
take off- Specificazióne, /. specifying Spennàcchio, m. a plume, or
Spastoiare, to lake nfTthefeltert Specifico, adj. specific feathers Uher*
Specióso, adj. pretty, fine Spennare, to pick out the fta-
Spastoiarsi, to disintricate one's Speco, m. It cave, cavern Spensieratàggine, /. careless-
self Specolàre, (see Speculare) ness, folly
Spàtola,/, a spatula, or slice Spècolo, »n. a microscope Spensieratamente, adv. cart-
Spatriare, to banish one from Specula, j: an observatory
his country Speculare, to speculate Spensierato, adj. neglectful
Spavalderia, /. impudence Speculativa, /. the speculative Spent rtmgi ished
Spavaldo, adj. impudent faculty Spenzolare, io hang, dangle
Spavénio, t»i. the spavin a Speculativamente, adv. specu- Spenzolóne, and Spenzoldni,
latively adj. dangling, hanging down
Speculativo, adj. speculative Spéra, /. a sphere, globe, a
Speculatore, m. a speculator looking-glass
Spav it.-iggir
. /• Spa- -
Speculazióne,/, speculation Sperale, adj. spherical, round
n. fear, fright Speculo, ni. a den, cave Speranza,/, hope
Spaventante, adj. frightful Spedale, m. an huSjAlal Speranzóso, adj. full (if hope
Spaventare, to frighten; to Spedaliére, m. hospitaller (a Sperare, to hope for
doubt, or fear knight of Malta) Spérdere, to dissipate, ruin
Spaventazidne,/ alright Spedallngo, ni. the director of Spèrdersi, io fall away
Spaventévole, udj. frightful Spèrgere, to disperse, waste ; to
Spaventa volniénte, adv. fright- Spedato, part, fatigued, tired
fully Spedatùra,/. weari,iess
Spavento, m. fright, terror Spediénte, m. an expedient ;
Spaventóso, adj. fearful, timid adi. necessary, fu
dreadful Spedire, io dispatch, end ; Spergiuratóre, m. a perjurer
Spauràcchio, m. a scareeroru spedirsi, io make haste, ' Spergiuraiidne,/. perjury
Spaurire, to frighten tngle o, self Spergiuro, m. a perjurer per- ;

Spaurévole, adj frightful Speditamente, adv. quickly,

Spauriménto, m. fear, fright distinctly Spérico, adj. spherical
Spaurire, to terrify Speditezza,/, speed, quickness Spericolarsi, to expose one's sclji
Spaziare, to wander Speditivamente, adv. expedi- to danger
Spazieggiare, to distance, leave Spericolato, adj. fearful

Spaziévole, adj. spacious, vast Speriénza,/. experience

Spàzio, 7/1. space, place Sperimentale, adj. espcri-
Spaziosita, f. extent Spedizióne,/, expedition, speed,
Spazióso, adj. spacious, ample diligence Sperimentare, to experience
S\iazzacaminino,m. a chimney- Spègnere, to extinguish Sperimentato, part, expcri.
Spegniménto, m. extinction enced. skilful
Spazzafdi !. a drag, ( Spegnitóio, m. an exlin- Speriménto, m. experiment
Spèrma,/, sperm, or seed
Spazzaraént •eeping
, Spelagàre, to come out of the Sperraàtico, adj. spermatic
Spazzare, io sweep, dea sea ; to be free Spémere, to couiemn, despise-
Spazzatolo, m. a mop Spelare, to pull off the hair ; Speronare, to spur
Spazzatura,^-, siveepings spelarsi, to lose one's hair Speróne, m. a spur
Spazzino, m. a sweeper Spelazzàre, to picK wool Sperperaménfo, ni. wasting
SpelaJzIno, m, a wool-picker Sperperare, to à'isiipuie
Spàzzola, /. a brush, " lélta,/. spelt (a

Sperperatóre. ni. a diesipalor-
switch J of corn Spérpero, ni. havoc, ruin
-Sperticato, adj. tlender and\ Spiagidne, /. and Spiamento, Spigionato, adj. empty (not
tall m. spying, rvat'ching let)
Spérto, adj. expert, skilful Spianaménto, m. a levelling Spfgnere, to push, thrust

Sperverllre, to pervert a demolishing ; interpreta- Spigo, m. natd, or lavetider


Spésa, /. expense, cost ; fer le Spigolare, to glean

spese ad uno, to defray one's Spiandre, to level, demolish, Spigolatdre, »«. a gleaner
expenses. Portar la spesa, raze to explain, unravel
; Spigolatura,/, gleaning
to Veworth one's ivhile Spianata,/, and Spianato, »n. SpigoUstro, m. hypocrite
Spesare, to defray an esplanade Spigolo, m. a corner
Spessamente, adv. often Spianato, adj. flat, even, le- Spigdso, adj. full of ears of
Spessamento, m. o tKickening velled
Spessàre, to thicken Spianatóio, m. a roller Spilla,/, a pin
Spessa2i<5ne, / thickness Spianatdre, m. a pioneer Spillaccheràre, to clean rvool
Spesseggiaménto, m. repeti- Spianatura, and Spianazidne, Spillare, to broach, or tap; to
/. a levelling, a making even tl'Op, distil
Spesseggi^e, to reiterate Spiano, m. esplanade Spillatiira,/. a broaching
Spessézza,/, thickness Spiantaménto, m. destruction, Spillettaio, m. a pin-maker
Spessire, ^o thicken ruin [out Spillétto, m. a small pin
Spessita,/, density (thickness) Spiantare, to raze, undo ; to root Spilleltdne, m. a large pin
Spésso, adj. thick, dense Spiare, to spy, seek Spillo, m. a pin, gimiel ; the
Spésso, adv. often Spiatóre, m. a spy, emissary
Kpetràre, to mollify, soften Spiattellare, to speak plain Spilluzzicare, to taste
Spettibile, adj. remarkable Spica.f.earofcorn SpilliSzzico, adv. little by Utile ;
Spettàcolo, m. spectacle Spiccante, adj. bright, shin-
Spett&e, to belong to Spilónca, /. a cave, den
Spettatóre, m spectator Spilorceria,/, sordidness
Spettazidne,/. expectation Spilòrcio, adj. stingy, sordid
Spettorirsi, to open on(fs i altri fior Spimacciàre, to smooth a bed
eels all other flowers Spina,/ a thorn the bone of a -.

Spèttro, m. a spectre, phan- Spiccar salti, to leap fish; the back-bone; a pun-
Spiccar le pardle, to speak die- cheon, or jpinch
Speziàle, m. an apothecary: Spindce, m. spinage (an herb)
adj. special [culanty Spicchio, m. a clove qf garlic Spinalo, m. a thorny bush

Spezialità, /. specialty, parti- a quarter (of any fruit) Spinare, to prick n-ith thorns
Spezialmente, adv. specially Spicciare, to rush out, rise Spinèlla,/ spinel/a (a ruby)
Spèzie, /. species, kind, sort Spicciarsi, to make haste Spinèllo, m. a sea-fsh
colour, pretence ; (also) spiceS; Spicciolare, to take out the Spinéto, HI. a thorny place
grain ; to pluck the leaves Spinétta,/, a spinet, or smaU
Spezielta,/. specialty Spicciolatamente, adv. little harpsichord
Spezieria,/. apothecary's shop by little Spingarda, /. a kind qf
spices Spicco, m. lustre, brighine gun
SpeZiosaménte. adv. speciously Spidocchiare, io cleanse Spingere, to jog one's feet
Speziosita,/. uncommon beauty head from vermin Spingere, to push, or thrust
Spezioso, adj. beauteous, spe- Spiéde, and Spièdo, m. a spit. Sp'mgiménto, m. impulse ;
spingiménto di vento, the
Spezzamento, m. a rupture (a Spiegàbile, adj. explicable iug of ti
breaking) Spiegaménto, m. explanation Spino, m. a thorn
Spezzare, to break Spiegare, te explain ; to unfold, Spinosità, /. spinosity, diffi-
Spezzar la testa ad ano, to culty
Spiegatura, /. inierpretation ;
Spinóso, m. a hedgehog
Spezzatamente, adv separately unravelling Spinóso, adj. thorny
Spezzatura,/, a rupture Spiegazióne, /. explanation Spinta./, a thrust, push
Spia,/, a spy, emissary Spiegazzare, to rumple Spiombare, to unlead, to be very
Spiacénza,/. displeasure Spieggiire, to spy often heavy
Spiacére, to displease Spietà,/, cruelty Spióne, m. a scout, a spy
Spiacévole, adj. disagreeable Spietatamente, adv. cruelly Spiovere, to cease from rain-
Spiacevolméute, adv. disagree- Spietatézza,/, barbarity
ably Spietato, adj. cruel, fierce Spippoldre, to sing out qffancy.
Spiacevolézza, /. disagreeable- Spiga,/ an ear 0/ corn
Spìganàrdo, m. svikenard (a Spira,/, aspirai line
Spiraglio, a breathing-hole. m
adj. spiral (like a
Spirale, m. a spiral line Spdglia,/. spoil, booty ; clothes, Spèrre, to expose, explain; ta
Spiralmente, adv. spirally cast off clothes ; shell, bark venture, hazard, to lay down
Spiraménto, m. a br'.athing Spogliagidne, f, and Spoglii Spòrta,/, abas.icet
Spirante, adj. expiring, dying mento, m. a stripping off; Sportire, to shoot, or jut cut
Spirare, to breathe, blow to ; depriving plunder
; Sportellàre, to open the wicket
inspire, suggest ; to expire, Spogliare, to undress, strip ;
Sportello, m. a wicket; apaiiti
to pillage, rob / to deprive.
Spirazidne, f. inspiration, Spòrto, m. a projecture
respiration, breath ; hint, Spoglia dressing- I

light spòrte, te
Spiritale, adj. vital, of life ; Spogliatdre, m. robber yruy earnestlv
spiritual Spogliatura,/. a stripping Snortòna,/. a large basket
Spiritalménte, adv. spiritually Spogliazza, /. a blow given Spèrtula, /. fees (given to
on the naked body ; dare Ir justices)
sessed rvith the devil spogliazza ad una casa, t Spèsa,/ spouse, bride
Spiritare, to be possessed » strip a house [tur Sposallzia, /. and Sposalizio,
the devil ; to be affrighted Spèglio, m. spoil, booty, fumi m espousals (wedding)
Spirito, m. spirit, tvit, s Spela e spuóla, /. o rveaver's Sposaménto, m marriage
life, ghost : spirituality, piety ;
shuttle Sposare, to marry, to wed
riconfortare gli spiriti, to Spolpare, io pick the Jlesh off Sposeréccio, adj. marital, con
recover one's self; render lo the bone ; to deprive, rob jugal
spirito, to die Spolpo, adj. lean, thin ; deeply Spositòre, m. a commentator
Spirit<5so, adj. spirituous, tvi Sposizjòne, /. exposition
ingenious Spoltrirsi, Spoltrirsi, and Spol- Spèso, m. a husband
Spirituale, adj. spiritual, pious, tronirsi, to shake off idleness Spossare, to debilitate
Spolveramùra, m. a mean Spossatamente, adv. weakly
Spiritualità, /. godliness fellow Spossato, adj. weak, faint
Spiritualizz^e, to tpiritualize, Spolverare, to sitake off the Spostarsi, to go out of one's
sanctify dust to search
: way
Spiritualmente, adv. spiritu- Spolverizzo, m
coal dust Spotestare, to deprive of power
ally ; by exhalation Spolverizzare, to pulverizi Spranga,/, a plane, c dovetail
. _

Spiro, m. breath, or spirit powder over [drarvìng Sprangare, io join with a dove-
Spirto, m. spirit (in poetry) Spólvero, m. a transparent tail, to be angry
Spiumacciare, to stir up a bed, Spènda,/, a shore, hank Spr«ngàr usci, to barricade
to smooth it Spondèo, m. spondee Sprangar calci, to give kicks
Spiumacciata, f. a blow rvith Spèndilo, and SpdnduU, SpraSzàre, to water
the hand spondylus fa joint of the Sprizzo, m. a watering
Spiumare, to plume, peck back-bone) Sprecaménto, jn. a wasting
Spizzeca, m. andf. a miser Spon^èso, adj. spongy Sprecare, to waste, consume
Spizzico (fare a), to do a liUle Sponim^nto, m. exposition Sprecatère, m. a spendthrift
Sponitère, m. an interpreter Sprecatùra,/. iavishness
Splebefre, to ennoble Sponsallzia, j' and Sponsallzio, Sprecipitàre, {see Sprofondare)
Splendènte, adj. bright, shin- m. a wedding, esptmsal
ing, splendid Sponsallzio, adj. nvplial Spregévole, adj. despicable
Splendentemente, adv. splen- Spresevolménte, adv. scorn-
didly, nobly Spontaneamente, adv. spon- fully, proudly
Splèndere, to shine, glitter usly Spregiaménto,'m. contempt
Splendidamente, adv. sump- Spontaneità,/. Spregiente, adj. disdainful
Spontàneo, anà Spregiare, to despise, disdain
Splendiilezza, and Splendidi tà, spontaneous, free goregiatdre, m. a despiser
f. splendour, pomp Spontdne, m. a spontoon rC'giévole, adj. contempii-
Splèndido, adj. splendid, bright Spopolare, to depopulate
Splendiraénto, and Splendóre, Spopolazidne, /. depopulation Sprègio, ft contempt, disdain
m. splendour, lustre Spoppaménto, m. a meaning Spregiudicai, part, unpre-
Splenetico, adj. splenetic, Spoppare, to wean
gloomy Sporcamente, adv. dirtily Spregnire, to bring forth
Splenico, adj splenetic Sporcare, to dirty, foul Sprèmere, to press, squeeze; it
Spodeitarsi, to abdicate, re- Sporcherla, f.Jilthiness express, utter
Sporchézza,/, naslinett Spremitura,/ squeezing
Spodestato, adj. impetuous. Sporcificàre, to soil, spot Spressaniénte, adv expressly
Sporciiza,/. JiWAine»» ; Ivxury,
,j Spressidne, /. expression
obscenity i
Sprésso,, adj. ._, ..., plain
_,_^. express,.
Sporco, adj. filthy, dirty Spretarsi, to Uave offthe prietf-
Spòrgere, to stretch out, to jut [ ly habit

Sprezy^ile, adj. detpieaUe Spruzzàglia,/. a drtxzling ra Squadra,/, a squadron, legion
Sprezzaménto, m. contempt Sruizaménlo, m. watering
Sprezzante, arlj. ditdainfut Spruziare, to water ;
Sprezzare, to despise
Sprezzatóre, m. a despiter Sprazzo, m. aspersion
Sprezzevoiménte, adv. con- Spruzzolare, to drizile, Squadrare, to squa
templuously spnnKle eak,te
Spréz2o, m. contempt Spugna,/, a sponge Squadrature,
Sprigionaménto, m. a release Spugnosità, /. a spongtous an observer
Sprigionare, to set at liberty Squadratura,/, a squaring
Spugnóso, adj. spongious Squadro, m. scale (a sea- fish) ;
Sprimacciare, to stir a feather- Spulare, to winnow corn a squaring
bed Spulcellàre, to dejloiir Squadronare, to draw troops in
Sprimere, express
to Spulciare, to take off the fleas squadrons
Sprimiménto, m. expression Spuleggiàre, and Spulezzàre, Squadróne, m. « squadron
Springàre, to n'ag one's legs to run away quickly Squagliare^ to liquefy, melt
Spulézzo, m. a hasty flight Squallidézza,/, paleness, leatf
Sprocco, m. a bud, band {mood) Spuma, foam, or froth
Sprofondaménto, m. a destruc- Spumare, to foam, or froth Squàllido, adj. pale, sailor» ;
Spumeggiare, to froth gloomy, sad
Eprofondànte, Spumtfero, and Spumóso, adj. Squallóre, »i. deadly pala-
weight foaming
Sprofondare, to sink down ; to Spuntare, to shoot forth, to Squàma, /. and Squamo, m.
ruin, destroy ; to dig to the peep to blunt, to blot off to
; scales offish, Sec or a shell
raze spuntare alcuna còsa,
; Squamóso, adj. scaly, full qj
Sprofondato, m. a bottomless to bring about alio spuntar

Sprolungiire, to prolong, defer del giorno, at break of day. Squarciaménto, m. a reni

Spromeltere, to go back from Questa rosa comincia a spun- Squarciare, to ^ear, rend to ;

tare, this rose begins to blow open wide

Spronàio, m. a spur-maker Spuntatura,/, a blunt point Squarciasàcco, (guardare a)
Spronare, to spur, incite Spuntellare, to take away the to look askerv, sideways
Spronàta,X- a spurring props Squarciata,/, a cutting blow
Sprdne, m. a spur the beak head
; pùnto, adj. pale, Squarcidtura,/. a rent
of a ship dar degli sproni,
: Spuntonata, /. o blow with a Squàrcio, ni. a rent, or gash
to spur a spron battùti,/u//
; Squarcidne, m. a boa.tter
Spuntóne, m. a spontoon (a Squarquoio, adj. filthy and
Spronclla,/. the rowel of a spur kind of half pike) old
Spropiàre, to dispossess Spunzecchiato, adj. stung Squartare, to quarter
Spropiazidne,/. a dispossession Spudla,/. a weaver's shuttle Squartata,/, a quartering
Sproporzionale, part, dispro- Spuràre, to purge, cleanse Squartatdre, m a hangman
Spurgaménto, m. a purging Squasimodéo, m. a fool, a*
Sproporiionalità, / dispropor- Spurgare, to purge, spit
tioned Spurgazióne,/, a purging Squasserà, to shake, jog
Sproporzionare, to make un- Spurgo, m a purge, spitting Squasso, m. a hard shake
Spùrio, adj. spurious (bas- Squdla, /. a little bell a sea- ;

Sproporzionito, adj. unequal tardy) onion, squill

Sproporzióne,/, disproportion Sputacchiitre, to spit qften ; or Squillare, to ring, to sound
Spropositare, to talk idly ; to Squfllo, m. a sound, gimlet
Sputacchièra,/, a spUting-box Squinante. m. Me flower of a
Spropositaménte, adv. unseti Sputacchio, m. a spittle smelling bulrush
sonably Ifoolish Sputare, to spit; sputór Squinanzfa,/ the quinsy
Spropositato, adj. unseasonable. ténze, to speak in sente SquintemSre, to disorder
Spropòsito, m. folly, silliness sputir senno, lo affect to be Squisitamente, adv. exqui-
Spropridre, to dispossess sitely
Sprovaménto, m. a trial Sputasénno, m. a pretender to Squisitézza,/, exquisilenesa
Sprovvedére, to leave destitute Uarn Squisfto, adj. exquisite
Sprovvedutamente, adv. im- Sputatóndo, m. i Squittinare, to poll at an
prudently Sputo, m. spittle election
Sprovveduto, and Sprovvisto, Spuzzdre, to stink Squittinatdre, m. a poller
adj unprovided, destitute Squaccherare, toad hastily Squittlno, m. a poll
Spruffare, to traler Squadernare, to peruse a Squittire, to bark, yelp
Sprunare, to cut .iff'thorns book to open wide
: to de-
Sradicaménto, m. a rooting up.
and Spruneggidio,
SlJruiiéggio, clare, show ; to examine.
m. iroom fa plant J
SragionéToIe, adj. unreaton-

Sregolatézza,/, debauchery St.ignata, /. a tin pot

Sregolato, adj. disorderly Stàgneo, udj.of pewter (Latin) Stangóne, m. a rack for an oven
Sreverénte, adj. irreverent Stagno, m. standing-mater, a Stanotte,/, to-night
Sreverénza, f.' irreverence pond ; pewter, or tin Stante, m. an instant a mo- :

Sriigginfre, to take the rust off Stagndne, m. a pewter vessel' ment ; the present time ; in
Stabbiare, to fold cattle Stàio, m. a bushel uno stitnte, adv. immedi-
Stàbbio, m. manure, dung Stalla, m. a stable, stall ately male stante, indigent.

Stàbile, adj. stable, lasting, Stalla di pecdre, a sheep-fold Non molto stante, not long
firm Sullàggio, »«. stabling, or after
Stabiliménto, m. establishment Stante, adj. being, standing ;
Stabilire, to establish; to de- Stallare, to dung bene stante, in good condi-
pute, prefer Stallàtico, m. dung tion
Suxb\liùi,f. stability Stàllio, adj. of afresh horse Stante che, cotij. since
Stabilmente, adv. solidly Stallo, m. abode, mansion Stanteménte, aid', instantly
Stacca,/, a hook StalWne, 7»i. a stallion (a stone- Stantio, adj. stale, old, needli
Staccaménto, m. division, de- horse ) a hostler
; Stantuffo, m. the sucker of
tachment Stamane, and Stamattina, /. pump
Staccare, to takeoff", separate this morning Stanza, /. a chamber ; an a-
Stacciare, to sift,'to sieve Stambecchlnl, m. pi. arms bode, lodging a stanxa an ; :

Stacciaio, m. a sieve-seller formerly used by bowmen instant: a stània d'uno, at

Stacciatura,/, bran Stam becchino, »n. a bowman the request of somebody
Staccio, m. a sieve, bolter Stanziale, adj. continual
Stadera, /. "a steel-yard, a Stanziaménto, m. a precept,

Stàdico, m. an hostage, pledge ; Stame, m.yam, thread,norsted Staniiàre, to live, abide : to

a sheriff Stamigna,/ etamine (a sort cf fix, prescribe ; to believe,
Stàdio, m. a furlong cloth) a bolting cloth
; judge
Staffa, f. a stirrup; a mould, Staminàra, /, a knee (sea SUnziétta, and StanJoIina, /.
or cymbals ; tener il pie in a little chamber
due staffe, tohavetrvo strings Stampa, / a stamp, impres- Stare, to be, consist ; lire,
sion : print, sort, quality dwell; stop, stand, tarry,
StaReggiàre, to lose one's Stanipanàre,fo rend, tear cease ; lasciare stare, to Ut
Stampare, to print, publish,
Staffétta, /. an express (a tofigure cloth ; stampar nell' Stare,m. abode, delay
cturier), an iron ring animo, to imprint on one's Stima, m. a grey partridge
Staffière, m. a groom, or ter- Starnazzare, to heat, shake
Stampatóre, m. a print Stamutaménto, m. a sneezing
Staffilaménto, m. whipping Stampatóre di drappi, Starnutare, ^0 sneeze
Kt^PKt'i..^ t !:.•„ .«__ Starnutatòrio, m. sternutatory
figures stuffs
Stampatóre nella zé (sneezing powder)
Staffilatóre, m. a i \>hxpper Starnutazióne,/ a sneezing
Staffilatura,/ a whipping Stamuure, to sneeze
Stafffle,m. the strap that holds Starnuto, m. sneeze
Stasare, to open
Staffisagra, Staffisagria, /. Staséra,/, this evening
staves-aere (an herb) State,/, summer
Staggiménto, »n. a seizure Stàtica,/ statics
Staggfna,/. a sequestration Stampo, m. a shred (for hats) Stàtico, m. an hostage
Stàggio, m. a crotchet; a Stanare, to come out qfa den Statista, m. a statesman
Stancaménto, m. weariness Stato, m. stale, rank, dominion,
Stancare, to rveary, tire power
Stancarsi, to grow weary Stadódero, m. stadtholder
distra..-. Stanchévole, adj. tiresome Stàtua,/, a statue
Stagionaménto, m. maturity Stanchézza, and Stanchiti, /. Statuària,/, a stcUuary's art
Stagionare, to ripen, season ; to Statuàrio, ?« a statuary
keep, preserve Stanco, adj. wearied, tired Statuire, to deliberate
Stagionatura, /. maturity Stanga,/, a bar, a peg Statura,/, stature, size ; heigH,
Stagióne,/, season Stàpga da sollevare, a lever position

St«;liàre, to cvt coars'.lj, I Stangare, to bar. barricade Statutàrio, m. a legislator

Statò to, m. a statuU, decree
Stentare, towork hard , (o suf-
Statuminàre, io prop^ttren'Hh fer, want: delay, ta-ty: si
SlidionAtà, f
a ipit-full
Stididne, m. a snit
stenta molto di grano quest'
Stavernàrej to go out of Stiettézza,/. sincenty
t anno, corn is very scarce this
Stigio, adj i.fernal, stygian
year. Stento à crederlo', 1
Staza, /. a gauge {to measuri ^tfgnere, to extinguish
hardly believe it
cask,,Sfc.J Stilare, to be custtmary
Stentatamente, adv. hardhi Stile,
Stazare, to gauge -^ TO. stile, pen style, way
slowly Sti ettàre, to stab with

Stazati5re, m. a gatiger a dagger

Stentato, adj. thin, Uan n
Stazionàrio, adj. stationary nare una x-ita stentata,
Stilettata, /
a stab with a
Stazióne,/, station, abode dagger
Itve hardly ; stile stentato.
Stazzonare, to fumble, feel
Stécade,/. lavender
aff-ected style ^Ir^crà
" "
" *'''"'
St.Sito, m. weariness,
Stécca, /. a stick, a folding- pain ; illa,^; a tear, a drop
" stento, adv. with difficultv
stick ^..llaménto, to. a distilling
Stenuàre, extenuate
to Stillare, to distil
StEcche, /. pi the sticks of Stenuazidne,/ extenuation
fan, the whalebone of stays Stillarsi, to clarify
Stereo, m. dung, excrement
Steccadénte, m. a tooth-picke Stillato, m.jelIy,%roth
Mérile, adj. sterile, barren
Steccàia,/, a fence
SteriléZza,/ barrenness
f}\\^tóre,m. a distiller
Steccare, fence nith bUUazidne,/. distillation
SteriUre, to make barren Stflo, TO. style, nay
palisade Stetilità, f. sterility ; a dagger;

Steccata,/, a palisade Sterilmente, adv. barrenly Stima, f esteem,

Steccatare, to barricade
Steccato, m. a palisade, a
Sterminaméni ™ .-j.
in istfraa, to esteem

Stimabile, adj. estitnable
Sterminare, to exterminate btiraaménto, to. esteem, value
Stecchire, to become dry Sterminatamente, adv. ex- Stimare, to esteem; to esti-
StScco,,m. a tooth picker: cessively
stick Sterminatézza, /. unmeasur-
Stecconata, m. an enclosure StimatTva, f. judgment
qf able bigness
Stimatóre, m. an esteemer
Sterminato, adj. immoderate Stimazióne,/, estimation
Steccane, m. a stake Sterminatóre, m. exterminator Stimile, and Stimate, '
Stala,/, a star, or eye ; destin deiiructor

prints, marks
/ pj
fateci the star-fish ; the ron SterminaZidne, /. and Ster- Stimolare,
to sting; to insti-
minio, m. extermination, gale,
Stellante, adj. starry, bright insist
Stellarsi, to grow starry Stimolazióne,/, instigation
Stéma,/, tfie swifl fa bird) SUmolo, TO. a goad, affliction,
Stellare, stellato, adi. starrv Stérnere, to lay on the ground
Stenstt^,f an asterisk {a
ginal reference in a book)
Z Sternuto, m. sneezing
gnef, incitement
[row S.timolóso, adj. sharp
Sterpàgnola, /. the hedge-spar. Stincaiudlo,
StelMne, m. a tarantula to. a prisoner
Sterpaménto, m. extirpation
S télo, m a stem, blade, axis Sterpare,
to extirpate, to ro,
Stincata, and Stincatura,
/. a
Stemma,/, arm (coat qfarms) stroke upon the shiit-bone
hteraperaménto, m. dissolu- Stèrpo, m. a sprig, Stinche, /. pi. jaiU (at Flo-
or sucker rence)
feterquiltnio, and Sterquiltoc Stìnco, TO. the shin-bone; theleg
StemperànZa, /. intemper- »n. a dunghill
Stinguere, to extinguish
Stemperare, to dissolve, melt;
Sterraménto, m. a digging up o, gun ma
to temper
Sterrare, dig up the earth StipA,f fuel, wood; heap
Stemperatamente, adv. excest- Sterrato, 7,,. a,
Stilare, to condensate, to heap
Stertdre, to. a ratti
S temperato, adj. incontinent,
immoderate Stipendiare, to hire
Sterzare, to divide Stipendiarlo, m. stipendiary
Stendale, and Stend(5rdo, m. a Stèrzo,
TO. a phaeton Stipèndio, TO. stipend, pay
standard, colour <'"
Stesamente, adv. diffusely
Stendere, to decamp Stipettàio, TO. an ebonisi, or
Stéso, part. diJTusi
sed, stretclu
Stèndere, to extend, stretch, cabinet-maker
spread, scatter about; to ar- Stipite, TO. the stock of a tree;
rive, reach a post, .jamb of a door
Stendiménto, m. extension Stipe, TO.' a press, or chest
Stenditóio, to. a drying-place
to crush, bluster, Stipala, fa stubble
Stenebrare, to illuminate Stipulare, to stipulate
SUacciàta,/. a cake SUpulazióne,/. stipulation
Stensidne,/. extension Stjappa,/ a splinter
Stensfvo, adj. extensive Stiracchiare, to cavil, to pull
Stiàre, to cram fowls in a mew Stiracchiare
Stenuménto, m. want, pain il prezzo, to
Stibio, TO. antimtmy clieapen
Stlraccìatùra,/. cnvillatton Stomichicc), adj. stomachic, Stortlgliito, •>!. and Stortiglia»
Stiraménto, (see Stiratura) comfortable tura, /. the putting the anklt-
Stirare, to stretch, widen Stomaco, m. stomach con- ; bone out ofJoint
Stiratura,/, a stretching tra stomaco, adv. unwill- Stórto, ««y. crooked, wicked
Stiratura delle funi, the rack ingly Stovigli, TO. jpl. and Stoviglie,
Stirpare, io extirpate Stomacóso, adj. loathsome /. pi. kit..^, vle,isils : dare
Stirpatóre, m. a destroyer Stonare, to go out of tune nelle stoviglie, to fall into a
Stirpàzidne,/. extirpation Stóppa,/, tow, stubble great passion
Stirpe,/, race, family StoppacciOy and Stoppaccidlo, Stovigliaio, TO. a potter
Stiticherfa, and Stitichézza,/. TO. the wad rammed in upon Strabalzare, to ins.;, to abuse '

costiveness. peevishness the charge of a gun Strabàttere, to torment

Stiticità, /. sharpness, costive- Stoppare, to stop with tow Strabére, to drink hard
Stóppia,/, stubble, .ntraro Strabiliarsi, to be astonished
Stftico, adj. costive, peevish, Stoppinare, to set on fire with wonder
Strabitire, to
SUtuziiSne, s. imtitution mdle Straboccaménto, m. excess
«tlfva,/. the ballast of a ship; oppfno, TO. snuff of a candle Straboccare, to precipitate, to
the plough tail Stoppióne, m. a thistle, stubble overflow
Stivalirsi, to put on one's Storace,/ slorax, gum Straboccataménte, adv. im-
Stórcere, to twist, wrest ; to moderately
Stivile, m. a boot, a logger- ofjoint ; to oppose Straboccato, adj. excessive,
head ; non sa quanti punti Stórcere una fune, to untwist a ha.ity, rash
entrino in uno stivale, he is Strabocchévole, adj. immo-
n perfect fool Storciménto, to. a writhing derate, steep, dangerous
Stivaletto, »u a huskin Storciménto di paróle, »i;!«<f- Strabócco, TO a precipice, fall
Stivaménto, m. a heap, lump ings, shuffling StrabuJzire, to look steadfast-
Stivare, io heap up Stordigióne, /. and Stordi- ly, to stare
Stivdrsi, to keep close together ménto, to. stunning Stracantire, to ting charm'
Stiumàre, to skim, to foam Stordire, to stun, amaxe
Stizza,/, wrath, anger Storditamente, adv. heedlessly Stracca,/, weariness a girth ;

Stizzirsi, to fall in a passion Stordito, adj. giiidy, stupid Straccàggine, /. weariness.

Stizrfre, to make angry Stòria,/ stoty, history
Stizzo, and Stizzdne, m. a Storiale, adj. historical Straccale, a girth, a hand
firebrand Storialmén'te, adv. hisiori- Straccaménto, m. fatigue
Stizzosamente, adv. angrily Straccare, and Straccarsi, to
.Stizzóso, adj. passionate iridre to story, to write a
Stoccata, /. a stoccado, (a Straccàrico, adj. over-loaded
Straccatfvo, adj. tiresome
Stoccheggiare, to wound one Stracchézza,^', weariness
with a sn'ord'; andare stoc- Stòrico, adj. historical Stràcciafoglio, to. a daybook
cheggiando, to stand upon Storiògrafo, m. an histoman S tracciaménto, m. a tearing,
the defensive Storióne, m. a sturgeon (a destruction
Stdcco, VI. race, descent; a fish) Stracciare, to tear, to break,
rapier fa long sword) Stormeggiàre, to throng toge- dash ; to disturb, torment
Stoccofisso, m. stockfish ther, to ring the alarm bell Stracciatura, /. a tearing,
StdfTa,/. stuff-, furniture Stormeggiàta, /. a thundering
Stdffo, m. quantity, matter Straccicalire, to tattle
Stdggio, TO caresses Stormire, to make a noise Stràccio, TO. a rent, rag ; a
Stdia,/ a portico, a mat Stórmo, TO. a Jight, combat ; a piece, bit ; nothing, none at
Stdico, TO. a stoic troop, band
Stòla,/, a stole, habil Stornare, to draw bask, to force Stràcci. TO. pi. tow {coarse silk)
Stdleo, TO. black cock to draw back ; to dissuade Straccióne, m. a ragged fetloro
Stolidamente, adv. stupidly Stornèllo, TO. a starling (a Stracco, adj. weary, tired,
Stolidézza, cn-f Stolidità, /. bird)
stupidity, foolishness Stornello, adj. flea-bitten Straccdcere, to overdo
Stolido, ddj. stupid, silly Stórno, »n. a thrusting back Straccuràre, to neglect
Stoltamente, atlv. foolishly Storpiive, to lame, maim Straccuratàggine,/. neglect
Stoltézza, and Stoltizia,/. /oW)/, Storpiatura,/ «/«mi»^ Stracòrrere, to run fast
Stòrpio, TO. a hinderance Stracòtto, part, overdone
Stólto, adj. silly, foolish Stdrre, to divert, takeoff Strada, jS a street, road
Stomacàggine,/ a surfeit Storsidne,/. extortion Strada vicinale, a cross-road;
Stomacale, adj. siomacMe Storsidne di ventre, the andare alia strada, to rob on
Stomacare, to loath the highway ; fare strada, tc
St.omacaiidne,/. a loathing Stórta, /. a twisting, scimitar ;
sail with a fair wind
StoinachéTole, adj.loathsomt a retort (to distilJ Stradare, to show the nay
Strangolarsi, to bawl o«l Stratta, m. an abstract
Strangolato, adj. stijled, nar- Stratto, part, drarvn, descend-
Stradiére, m. « euslomhoute row ; voce strangolata, « ed : addicted : strange
Stradina,/, a street-walker squeaking voice Stravagante, adj extravagant,
StradiOtto, tn. a Greciamo/dier trangolatóio, adj. dangeroK*
Stradone, «i. a n-alk (in a Strangolo, m. a strangling
g,zr,lenj Strangosciàto, adj. weary,
Straddppio, aJj. double tired
Strafalciare, tit leave something Stranguglióne, and Strangu- Stravasaraénto, «i. extravasat-
ill mOH'iiif; : to neglect ; to glióni, m. the glanders (a ing
walk very fast disease in horses) ; sickness Stravas-lrsi, to extrarasate
StrafalciiSne,m. error ; neg- Stranguria,/ strangury Stravedére, to see ynuch
Stranguriàre, to be afflictd Stravenàrsi, to extravasate
Strafàre, to do too muck with the strangury .Stravéro, adj. very true
Strafatto, ad), over ripe straniare, to remove, separate Stravestfrsi, to disgiiise ont^t
Strafficàre, to expedite [Itert) Stranière, and Strànio, adj. self
Strafizzéca, /. Jleabane, (an strange, ttnusual Stravincere, to get too much
Straforare, to bore through Strano, adj. strange, foreign Straviziare, to make merry;
Strafóro, m. any work bored pale, wan, rude, unpolite Stravizio, and StravfzZo, m. a
through ; lavorar di strafóro, Strano, culv. fiercely merry-making, a feast
toad underhand Stranuccio, adj. thin, slender Stravolère, to wish for to»
Strige,/, a slaughter Straordinàrio, m. an express much
f^triggere, to divert Straordinàrio, adj. extraordi- Stravòlgere, to wrest, twist
Stràglio, m. a prop nary Stravolgiménto, »n. contortion •

Stragodére, to enjoy mitch Strapagare, to overpay a revolutitn

Stragonfiàre, to swell too much Straparlare, to slander Stravoltamente, adv. wrong
Strainare, to unlearn Strapazzare, to ill use despise ; ; Stravoitàre, (see Stravòlgere)
Stralciare, to prune vines disdain ; strapazzare il mes- Stravoltiira,/. subversion
Stràlcio, m. end, issue tière, to do any thing ill, and Strazirire. to ill use ; to squander
Strale, m arrow, dart : mis- in a hurry [lesslg away : to jeer, banter
fortune [the eyes Strapazzatamente, adv. carf Straziatóre, m. a mocker
Stralunainénto, m. a rolling of Strapazzo, m. contempt, insali; raiter
Stralunare, to roll one's eyes excess, disorder Strazieggiare. to jeer, banter
Straniai viiggio, idj.very wicked Strapérdere, to lose much StraZièv'ole, adj. injurinu
Strammufzare, ta strike down, Strapiòvere, to pour down Strànio, m. outrage : m
Slraportàre, to transport
Straminazz;irsi, to fall in a Strapotènte, adj. very powerful Strebbiàre, to rub, paint
nmazz.-lta, / a fall Strappaménto,' m. (see Strap- Strecciare, to separate
cut, or Strefolàre. to untwist
Stréga. /. a sorceress, darsi
Strappata, /. a pull, the strap- alle streghe, to be vexed about
a thing
S trambasciare, to grieve Strapunto, m. a matrass Stregare, to bewitch
Strambellare, to tear to pieces Straricco, adj. very rich Strégghia,^'. a currycomb
Strambèllo, m. rags, tatters Strasapére, io be too knowing Stregghiare, to curry a horse,
Strambo, adj. bandy-legged Strascicare, to drag along
Strame, m. 'straw, litter Stràscico, »i. a dragging 'a- Strcgghiatùra,/. a currying
Strameggiàre, to eat hay, straw long the train of a gown
: Stregheria./, tvitchcraft
Stramezzaménto, tn. interpo- Strascicóni, adv. in dragging Strégnere, to press, squeeze
alon^ Stregóna,/. a sorceress
Stramezzare, to interpose Strascmaménto, m. a dragging Stregóne, m. a sorcerer
Stramoggiànte,a(<;. superfluous Stregoneria, /. sorcery, tvitch-
Stramoggiàre, to abound Strascinare, to drag along, or craft
Strampalato, adj. extravagant Strégua,/, portion, share
(vulgar) Strascini , /. and Stras- Stremare, to diminish
Stranamente, adu. rudely, Stremenzire, to weaken
strangely, excessively drawing along Stremità, /. extremity, necet-
btranàre, to alienate, remove; Strascino, m. a draw-net, a sity ; nrisery
paltry butcher Stiémo, m. extreme distress
Stranaturiire, to change one's Stratagèmma, m. a stratagem Strèmo, adj.
ordid, c
Stranézza, /
ill usage, a \eiv year's gijì
stranie thing (Latin) [ousit,
Strangolare, to strangle, ttijlt Stratta, m. a pull Strenuamente, adv. stttnit-
Strenuità,/. bravery Stringare, to write concisely StriSggersi, to pine away; mi
Strènuo, adj. brave, coura- Stringato, adj. close, short strugeo di sete, / am almott
Strióne, m. a stage player choked with thirst
Strépere,/o make a noise {Lai./ Strippare, to stuff one's guts Struggiménto, »»i. a liijnefy
Strepitóre, to make a bustle Striscia,/, a band, fie : a tract ing; excessive desire: ruin,
Strèpito, m. noise, bustle Strisciare, to creep, slide desolation; a swoon, faint-
Strepitóso, adj. 7ioisy Strisciata,/, a sliding
Stretta, /. a crowd, throng: Stritolaménto, m. a crumbling Struggitóre, m. a destroyer
Stritolare, to crumble Struire, to instruct, teach
dare la strétta, to oppress Stritolarsi, to long, tvish Struma, m. the king's evil
Strettamente, adv. closely ;
Stritolatura, /. a breaking Strumentile, udj instrumental
earnestly, extremely Struménto, m. an instrument •

Strettézza, /. narrorvness ; Stròfa, and Stròfe, /. strophe, a deed, engine

distress, Tvant
: strettézza di stanza Strupàre, to dejlour, violate
petto, shortness of breath ; Strofinàccio, and Strofinac- Stnipo, m. a dejlouring, rap»
strettézza di cudre, trouble ciòlo, ni. a dish-clout, or a Strùtto, m. lard, fat
of mind dusting-clout Strùtto, part, destroyed, dit'
Stretto, m. straits {narrow Strofinaménto, m. a rubbing solved adj. pale

place) ; distress, trouble Strofinare, to rub clean Struttura,/, a structure

Strétto, adj. strait, narrow, Strofinio, m. a rubbing Struzione,/. destruction
intimate,' familiar ; extreme, Strologare, to presage ; to Struzzo, and Striizzolo, m. an
covetous, stingy ; precise. meditate, reflect ostri.
Strologla,/. astrology Stucciire to do Iter with
Strétto, adv. niggardly Strologo, m. an astrologer
Strettóia, /. and Strettóio, m. Stiombazzare, tu proclaim Stuccatóre, m. a pia terer
a Land, binding ; a tight with sound of trumpet Stucrhevolàie, to weary
Strombazzata, /. the sound of Stucchévole, adj. wearisome
Strettura, /. straitneis trumpet Stucchevolézza, / wearinest,
Stria-, /. channelling (gutter- Strombettare, to sound a distaste, surfeit
trumpet Stucco, m. stucco
Striato, part, channelled Strombettata,/, the sound of a Stucco, adj. satiated, tired
Stribbiàre, to rub, clean trumpet Studènte,'?»!, a student
Stribufre, to distribute; U Strombettiére, m. a trum- Studiaraénto, m. study, care
Studiare, to study, mind
Stxibuizióne,/. distribution Studiarsi, to endeavour
Stridere, to cry, to bustle Studievolménte, adv. on pur-
Stridévole, adj. acute, creak- Stronzàre,
ing Stropicciagióne, /. and Stro- Studio, m. study, closet ; a
Strido, and Stridóre, m. a picciaménto, m. a friction. school, college [desk)
noise, clamour ; excessive Studiolo, m. a scruioire (a
cold Stropicciare, to rub ; to rveary. Studiosamente, adv. studious-
Stridulo, adj. harsh, acute ly : quickly, diligently
Strigare, to unfold, to unravel Studióso, adj. studious, dili-
Strige, m. a screech-owl gent, quick
Striglia,/, a currycomb Stuèllo, m. lint for a wound
Strigliare, to curry, rub m. pain, fatigue
Stroppicelo, Stufa,/. Ù
Strignere, to squeeze, press ; to Stroppiare, to lame igalion
bind fast ; to compel, force ; Stroppiatura, maiming Stufaiuólo, and Stufaiolo, m.
strignere il sangue, to stanch Stroscia, /. a furrow (which the keeper of a bath
Stufare, to stew, or keep a
Strlgnersi, to draw together; ,
Suosciàre, to rain, to fall. bagnio
strignersi nelle spalle, to Stufclrsi, to be weary, to sweat
shrug up one's shoulders Strosci a purling of Stufato, m. sterved meat
Strignitnénto, m. and Strigni- Stufo, adj. weary, surfeited
tura, f. constraint, J'ast- Stròzza,/ tim throat, gullet Stultlzia,/. /,)//!/ (Lat.J
binding : strignitùra di Strozzaménto, m, a stran ,ffrv
gling re, to Joan
Strillare, to scream out Strozzare, to strangle
Strillo, m. a scream Strozzatura,/, a .Urangling
StrimpelUre, to scrape upon Strozziére, m. a falconer
Strozzale, m. the throat
Stiimpelldta, /. a scraping Struffo, and Strufolo, m. <

heap of rags
Stringa,/, a /o«, a «e Struggere, lo dissolve, melt
sv.\ SUD
SlupéKrsi, to be amazed Svariato, adj. varioui, speck- Suburo*io, adj. near a city
Stupefazióne,/, ttuvidiiy Succedaneo, lidj. equivaleat
Stupendainéiv%, adv. tvonder- Svàrio^m. difference Succèdere, to succeed, follow ;
Svario, adj. different to happen, fall out
Stup<!iido, ad). ruonJerful Svarióne, m. absurdi'y Succedevohnente, adv. suc-
S'apidézza,/. sturi'ìihj [slupid Suasibile, adj. persuasory cessively
Stupidire, to wonder, to grow Suasióne,/, pemiasion Succediménto, m. succest,
atupidilà, /. stupidity, dulness Suasfvo, adj. persuasive
Stùpido, adj. stupid, surpriaed SutSve, adj sweet, soft SucceUi»óre, m. a successor
Stupire, to be astonished Suavézìa, and Suavilà, f. Succenericcio, adj. baked utt'
Stupóre, m. astonishinetit der the ashes
Stuprare, io ravish Subàlbido, adj. whitish Successióne, /. succession,
Stupro, m. a rape Subaltemare, to sttliordinale success: event
Sturare, to open, uncork Subaltemàto, and Su: altèrno. Successivamente, adv. suc-
Sturbaménto, m
disturbance , inferi, cessively : by degrees
Sturbare, to disturb SubastJtre, to sell by auction Successivo, adj. successive
Sturbatóre, m. a disturber Subastazióne, /. sale by auc- Succèsso, ni. success, issue
Sturbazióne,/. and Sturbo, Jn. tion (law term)
disturbance, trouble Sùbbia,/, a chisel Succhiare, to pierce, to bore ;
Stuzio, m mild cabbage Subbiare, to engrave
StuzzicadénU, m. a toolh- Subhiétto, m. subjfct Succhiellaménto, »n. tlie act qf
Subbiezióne,/. subjection
StuZzicaménto, m. excitation Subbissaménto, m. overthrow Succhiellare, bore with i

Stuzzicare, to excite, incite ; to Subbissare, to overthrow, to

pick, stir : sharpen, awake sink down, perish Succhiello, and Sùcchio, m. a
.tu/.-- _-
Stuzzicatolo, m. a sting, at Subbisso, n |f>,^ overthrorv.

Sùcchio, m. juice, tlie sap of

Stuzzicorécchi, m. an ear. pla,Us, Src.-"
Hubdivldere, to subdivide Succiamele, m. honeysuckle
SÙ, prep, above, up, upon ; Subentrare, to succeed Succiaménto, m. the act of
fu sull' impazzire à questa Sublllàre, to suborn, corrupt sucking
novella, he tvas almost dis- Subitamente, adv. immedi- Succiare, to ruck, draw ; te
tracted at this news ately sutTer, bear
Suvi, suTvi, adv. thereupon Subitanaménte, adv. suddenly Succiasdngue,/. a leech.
Su su, int. come on, courage Subitiineo, atid Subitjno, adj.
Su4ce,/. ajlounder (a fish) sudderi, unlooked for Succidere, to cut asunder
Suadére, to persuade Subitézza,/, quickness Succfgnere, and Succingére,
Suadévole, aHj. persuasive Sùbito, adj. sudden, quick ;
Sragaménto, m. a rvandering hasty, passionate Succino, m. amber [/y
Svagare, to divert from Sùbito, adv. stuldenly Succintamente, adv. succinct-
Svagarsi, to relax one's mind Subiugire, to subdue, tame
Succlnto, adj. succinct, sltort
Staglio, adj. wandering Subiuntivo, m. the subjunctive
Sùccio, m. a draught ; a red
Svaligiare, to take out of a spot; in un sùccio, adv. in
mail, to strip, rob Sublimaraénto, m, sublima- tlie twinkling of an eye
Svalorire, to grow weak Succo, m. sap, juice
Svampare, to be extinguished Sublimàre, to sublimate; to Succubo, m. a suecubus
Svanire, to pick the hair raise, prefer Sucido, adj. filthy, slovenly^
Svaniménto, m. a swoon Sublimazióne, /. sublimating, obscene, nasty
Svanire, to faint away; to promotion, rise Sucidùme, m.filthiness
vanish, evaporate Subh'me, adj sublime, Iiigh Sud, ni. Me south (sea term)
Svantaggio, m. disadi'aniage Sublimità,/, sublimity Sudire, to sweat, perspire ; tl
Svantaggióso, adj. disadvan. Subodorare, to get scent of a farò sudar senza aver caldo,
J shall tease you to death
Svaporaménto, r». evaporation Subordinaménto, 'm. subordi- Sudàrio, m. a handkerchief
Svaporare, to send forth va- nation, inferiority Sudatòrio, r». a stove
pours Subordinare, to subordinate Suddecàno, m. a sub-dean
Svaporarsi, to evaporate Subordinato, adj. subordinate .Suddelegare, to sub-delegate
Svaporazióne,/. anS Svapóre, Subordinazióne, /. subordina- Suddelegiito, m. a sub-delegate
m. evaporation, vapour tlon Suddelegazióne, /. sub-delf

Svariaménto, m. frenzy ; Subornare, to suborn, bribe

variety, variation Subornatóre, m- a suborner, Suddétto, adv. as above said
or debaucher Suddiacono, m. n suh-deacon
Svariatamente,' adv. diversely, Subornazióne,/ subornation Sùddito, m. a sulject
separately Subuglio, m. affray, tumult Sùddito, adj. liable, sulject
SVE- svo
Suddividere, to tubdivìdt
Suddivisidne,/. subdivision
SiSdduplo, adj. subduple Svergognato, adj. impudent
Sudiceria, /. nastincss Svernaménto, rn. a winieritg
Sudfcio, aJj nasty, filthy Svemdre, to winter; to rvarbli,
Sudiciume, m.Jillhiness
Sudi5re, m. sweat, sweating Hwé^e, to, duck, or SAgna, f. swine's grease
Svèrza,/, a chip, a shaving nf Sugndso, adj. fat, grea-'sy
Sudorifico, adj. sudorijic wood ; a green cabbage Sugo, and Succo, m. juice,

Svecchiare, renew
to gravy ; dung, manure ; un
Svegghiaménto, in. awaking Svernare, to cut to chips discorso senza sugo, a drt/
Svegghiàre. to awake Svestire, to undress empty discourse
Svéglia,/, an alarum-bell Svett<Jre, to cut off the tops of Sugosità, /.juice, moisture
Svegliaménto, m. the awaking trees ; to bend, shake Sugd.'io, adj. Juicy, dainty
Svegliare, to awake; to stir Svezzare, to mean
up, incite; end one's watch- Svezzarsi, to break oni't self of Sviaménto, m. a wandering
ing an habit Sviare, to put out of the way;
Svegliatézza,/ vivacity Sufficiènte, adj. sufficient sviare un colpo, to parry a
Svegliato, adj. waked, brisk Sufficientemente, adv. suffi- blow. Sviare uno dal suo
Svegliatóio, m. an alartn, ciently, enough proposito, to dissuade cut
Sufficientéiza.and Sufficiènza, from his resolution
Svégliere, to root tip, pull up /. sufficiency, plenty, ability, Sviarsi, to go astray, to blunder
Svegliévole, adj. (sonno) a Suicfdio, m. a suicide (self'
light steep Suffiziénte,«(y. {see Sufficiènte) rnurderer)
Svelaménto, m. unveiling SufTocaménto, m. suffocation Svignare, to run away
Svelare, to unveil, reveal SufFocSre, to suffocate, (stifle)Sviliménto, m. debasement
Svelataménte. adv. openly SuffocazicJne,/. a smothering Svilire, to debase, to disgrace
Svelenare, to take away the Sufrragàneo, adj. suffragan Svilaneggiàre, to revile
Suffragare, to assist, help to Sviluppaménto, m. unfolding

Svelenarsi, to vent one's anger excuse, justify [relief Sviluppare, to unfold, clear
Svelenfre, to mi titrate Suffragio, m. suffrage, help, Svilupparsi, to disentangle one'»
Svellere, to pull up Suftumicaménto,m./KmiVa<ion self
Sveniménto, ma pulling up Suffumicare, to fumigate Sviluppo, m. unfolding
Sveltézza,/, swiftness Sufiumk-azidne, /. and Suf- Svinare, to take the must out of
Svèlto, adj. swift, light, guick fumfgio, m. fumigati^ "- vat
Svenare, to open the veins; to .^.-.cigliare, to whip with a
kill [agreeable Suftusidne, /.' _ Svisare, to disfigure the face
disease in the eyef Svisceraménto, »i. embowel-
Suffuso, adj. wet, watered ling, opening
Sutblaraénto, m. a n'liistling, Sviscerare, to embowel, or gut
mur,nuri„g, whispering Svisceratamente, adv. cor-
r?uioiare, to whistle, whisper dially ; violently
Sugante, adj. that sucks ; carta Ivisceratèzza,/. violent love
sugante, blotting paper ivisceràto, adj. embowelied ;
Sugare, to suck, blot
fan» „ Suggellaménto, m. a sealing .jvtsta,/ mistake
Sventolare, to Jly about, to Suggellare, to seal, stop to im-
; Svitare, to disinvite ; tounscrftv
print impress to markwith
; ; SviticchitCre, to disengage
Sventr<ire, to run through the uperdre, to blame
body, to draw, or unbowel Suggèllo, m. a seal, .mark,
Sventura./. mUfortune height, fulness; velo dico Suimreo, adj. sulphureous
Sventuratamente, adv. unfor- sotto suggèllo di confessidne, Sullunàre, adj. sublunary
tunately I teli it you as a secret Sultana,/, a 'suUane.$s
Sventirrato, and Sventurdso, SiSggere, to suck, draw out Sultano, m. a sultan [nfford
adj. unfortunate, unluckli Suggerire, to suggest
Svenuto, adj. fainted, weak suggestióne,/ suggesHon Summurmorire, to buzz
Sverglieggiare, to lash, whip Suggestivamente, adi: cap- Sunto, m. an epitome; ar» ab-
Sverginaménto, m. defloration tiously
Sverginare, to deflour Sugge>tyvo, adj. ciptiaus Suntudso, adj. splendid
Sverginatole,/ a debavcher Suggettamènte, adv. servilely
Svergogna,/ injury, diidain Suggettamènto, m. subjection
Svergognaménto, »i. and Suggettàve, to subdue Sudre.a,/. a mother-in- lam
Svergognatézza, . impu- Sugp-tt«. m. a subject, object Sudcero, m. a father-in-late
drnce, effrontery SuggStto, adj. subject, liable Svogiiire, to loath, to dislike
Svogliirsi, to grow meary Superiormente, adj. belter Surreildne, /. recoi'ery: resur
Svogliatàggine, atid Svoglia- Superlativo, adj. superlative
tézza,/, a surfeit, rvearineti Superlazidne,/. exaggeration Surrogare, to surrogate, de-
Svogliato, adj. rveary, tur- Supcrnale, ad;, superior Surrogazidne,/. deputation
frited Supemalménle, adv. divinely Surto, part, risen, gone out;
Sudla,/. the sole of a shoe SupATio, adj. supreme, divine free, nimble, alert
Svelaménto, m. a flying, Jlight Superpurgazidne, /. super- Suscettibile, adj. susceptible
Svolare, to fly in the air purgation Suscezidne,/. susceptiun
Svolazzaménto, m. a flying Supèrstite, adj. si/rviving Suscitaménto, m. resurrection ;

about, fluttering Superstizidne,/. superstition

^ -"Wstizioszjnénte, adv. su- Suscitare, to rise from the dead ;
Svolazzare, to fly about ; to clap
the wings ; to wander up and , rstitionsly to stir, excite
Superstiziosità,/, superstition Susina,/, a p/um
Svolére, to change one's mind Superstizilho, adj. supersti- Susino, m. a plum-tree
Svdigere, to unfold; to divert; tions, bigoted Suso, adv. upon, above
dissuade ;to clear up ; ex- Supervacineo, adj. superfluous Suspensidne, /. a tuspen-
plain Supinamente, adv. supinely
Suòlo, tu. soil, ground, earth ; Supinarsi, to lie on one's back Suspensive, adj. suspensive
the sole of a shoe, hoqfof a Supfno, m. a supine in verbs Suspicàre, to suspect
Supino, adj. supine, idle; lying Suspizidne,/. suspicion
Svolta,/, and Svoltaménto, m. on one's back Sussecutivo, and Susseguente,
a turning, bending Sùppa,/. soup, pottage adj. subsequent, followhig
Svoltare, to turn, bend ; to en- Suppàlido, adj. palish Sussequentemènte, adv. subse-
gags, persuade Suppellettile,/, furniture quently, after
Svoltatura, /
a bending Sùpplica,/, a memorial Sussequénza,/. consequence
Svolticchiarsi, to trvist Supplicare, to entreat Sussequénte, udj subsequent
Svólto, part, unfolded, dis. Supplicatdrio, adj. suppliant Sus.sidiariaménte, adv. subsim
suaded Supplicazióne,/, supplication
Svoltura,/. a plait, turning Sùpplice, adj. suppliant ussidiirio, adj. subsidiary
Svólvere, to divert from; to Suppliceménte, adv. humbly Sussidiatóre, m. a helper
unwrap, to explain Supplichévole, adj. entreating Sussidio, m. subsidy, help.-
Su<5no, m. sound, fame, report Supplfcio, »n. punishment insligation
Sudra,/. a sister ; nun Suppliménlo, m. a supplement Sussiègo, m. gravity
Superaménto, m. a conquest Supplire, to supply Sussistènza,/, subsistence
Superare, to subdue ; overcome ;
Supplizio, m. to mtnt Sussistere, to subsist
to surpass, excel Suppórre, to suppose ; to sub- Sussoldno, »i. Me east-wind
Superatdre, m- a conqueror usta, /. a spring ; u rope, a
Superbamente, adv. proudly, ml Suppositfzio, packing cord
superbly, nobly Sustantìvaménte, adv. sub'
Supèrbia,/, pride, vanity
Superbiénte, adj. proud supposi! Sustantivo, m. .-ubstantive
Superbfre, to grow proud Suppiisla,/. a suppository Sustànza,/. asubslance ; estate,
Siiperbiuzza,/. vaiJtglory Suppósto, m. a supposition ;allh in sustàn2a, adv. in

Supèrbo, adj. proud, superb, Suppregiire, to entreat

Supi>ressióne,/. a suppression Sustanziàle, adj. substantial,
Snpercflio, m. the eyebmws Supprimere, to suppress thick, solid ; strong
tjupererogazidne, /. super- Supi)uraménto, m. suppura- ustaniialità,/. substantiality
abundance, excess Sustaniialménte, adv. sub-
Superficidle, adj. superficial, Suppur.lre, to suppurate stantially
»utmard, exterior Suppurativo, adj. suppurative Sustanziarsi, to take siJ;sistence
Superficialità,/, surface Suppurazidne,/. suppuration
Superficialniénte, adv. super- Supputdre, to compute, or
Superficie, /. superficies, oui- Suppuiazidne,/. computation
Supremamente, adv. supreme- Su»tent3iidne,/. maintenance
Superflnaménte, adv. super- ly, highly Sustituire, to substitute
fluously Supremazia,/ supremacy !>ustituto,m. a substitute
Superfluità,/, superfluity Suprèmo, adj. supreme Susti turione,/, substitution
Supèrfluo, adj. superfluous Susurr^re, to murmur ; to slan-
Sùperi, m. pi. the Gods S ùrgere,to rise, to get up, to der, speak ill ; si susurra per
Superinfiiso, adj. infused spring, proceed la città, it is whispered about
Superidre, m. a superior chief Surressidne,/. resurrection
Superióre, adj. superior SturretU'zio, adj. subreptitioxu,
Superierità,/. luperiorily frauduient
Taflerfa,/. a wooden boml Talora, adv. sometimes
Tafiertìgia, /. and TafferiV Talpa e talpe, /: a mete ; è
glio. m. an affray, tumult andato nel rt ;jno delle talpe.
Sutterfiìgere, in evaàt, shift Talfétta, / taffiti, (a silk

Talvòlta, adr. s
Tamànto, «,/; .
licery, fashion ; shape, fi-
gure, kind
Suz2amc^nto, m. a drying u '
Tagliàbile, adj. that may he
Suzzdre, ù, dry up, fo air
Siizìo, adj. dried, dry, lea Tagliabórse, m. a pickpocket uinny, blockhead
Tagliacantdni, m. a rnffian amburagiiine, /. impeach-
Taglialegna, m. a mood-cntter
Tagliamare, m. the beak-head Tan. mch
of a ship
'amburo, m. a drum; the
rpAnACCA'JO, and Tabac- aughte barrel of a watch; a
-» chino, m. tobacco anu wooden trunk
snuff-sdìer Tambussàre, to beai, bang
Tabacchiera,/, a snuff-box Tamer/gia, /. a tamarisk (a
Tabacco, m. tabacco, sm.Jf
Tabàllo, »n a keitle-drum ;liàre a péZ2i, io slaughter, Tampòco, adv.
Tabdno, m. a borsc-Jly ish Tana, / a co
Tabdvro, ni. a threat coat iliàrsi, io falter
Tabe,/, rottenness
Tabefatto, adj. rotten [talker Tanàglia,"/- nippers, or pin-
Tabèlla, /. a rattle a great :

Tabernàcolo, m. a tabernacle, f,7tijìca'tU,n)

a chapel Tagliatore, m. a cutter Tani,f.ta7vny colour
Tabi, m. tabby, kind of cloth Ta^\\atóra,f.acut Tanfo, m. a monidìi taste .

Ticca, f. stature, size ftltlii- : Taglieggiare, lo set a pr pigliar di tanfo, io grow

mouldy [ing
Taccasncrta. /: stinginess TangJnSa, /. ionch, or toucll-
Taccagno, adj. .sordid, stingy
Taccate, purl, s/eckled, spot- Tàglio, „.. „,. c..^.., cu, cut- Tàn|hero, adj. rough, rustie
ting an opportunity
; vén- ; Tangibile. //i.i< may le touch-
Tacchino, m. Tacchina, /. a dere a tàglio, to reti by retail
turkey Tagliolini, m. pi. fiat vermi- loc'cìó, ni, imjl.i.n,, dunce
Tàccia,/. <ispot, stain, vice celli
Tacciare, to tax, accuse Taglióne, »«. the iallion latv
Tàccola,./', a jackdaw poli-money tax ;

Tàccola,/, a sport, game, any Tagliuòla,/, a springe, snare

trijle Tagliuòlo, m. a slice, a bit
Taccolàre, to prattle, chatter T.igliuzzaménto, m. a mincinù
Taccolflio, ?n. chatterer Tagliurzare, io mince
Tàccole, m. sport, joke; broil. Talamo, »n a nuptial bed
confu.,u,. Talchi- • ' •

Taccone, jrt. a heel-pie Tàlee mdy SI

Taccuino, ?n. a pocket hook Tale, oJ;! „....,,„„,
Talentare, to le acceptable
Talènto, m. talent, capacity:
Tari.nénto. «i. silence [softly
Tacitamente, adv. iucitly. dento d'alcuno, epife, ili-
Tàcito, adj. tacit, still, quiet Tapinare, io lead a miserable
Taciturnità, f. taciturnity. Talismano, m. a talisman life
Tallire, io seed Tapinarsi, to be grieved
Taciturno, adj. silent Tallo, m. a grafi, sprout Tapinèllo, ad), miserable, poor
Tafanàrio, ni' the back leheel Tapino, aa;. unhappy
Tafano, m. an ox-JIy, gad-fly ; Tappa./ an i„n
levarsi all' alba di tafani. I
Tappare, to shut up, l.i conceal
Talmentechè, co»;, so that 1 1 appétOj m. a carpet ; meiijr
sul tappéto, io bring on the Tàrtaro, m. Tartarus, nell, Tayolata,/. a set of people mH%
carpet, lo propose
Tappezzare, to hang rvith lartarùga, /. a tortoise, a Tavolato, m. a floor, rvainscot
tortoise-shell Tavoimio, m. an office, count-
Tappezzeria, /. Tartassare, to thrash, beat,
tapestry, or ing-house
grieve Tavolétta, /. a little table, a
Tappo, m. a bung, a plug Tartufo, m. a truffle pocket-book
Tà-a,/. tare and tret (waste nf Tartufi bianchi, potatoes Tavolière, and Tavolièri, m.
gn„ds) Tiirva,/. an American animal a draught-board, or chess-
Tarabviso, m. a bustard (a Tasca,/, a pocket, wallet
bird) Tascata,/, a pocket-fall sul tavolière, to have all
Tarado're, m. a tvine-fretter Taso, m. tartar (a sort of salt) one's substance at stake
(an inseci) Tassa, /. a tas; duty Tavolière, m. a banker
Tarando, m. a kind of wild Tassagii5ne, /. taxation, im- Tavolòzza, /. a painter's
posiiipn pallet
Tarantèlla, /. a tarantuin Tassare, to tax, assess ; accuse Tauricida,/. a bull-killer
Tassazióne,/, taxation, duty Taurino, adj. of a bull
Tassellare, to inlay, vary Tauro, m. a bull; Taurus (a
Tassèllo, m. the collar, cf a celestial sign)
cloak Tautologia, /. tautology, re-
Tarare, to abate, bate Tassétto, a graver petition
Tarchiato, adj. ivell-limbed i
Tasso, «1. the yew-tree ;
a Tizia, f. a dish, a cup
Tazzétta,/ a little cup
Tardamente, adv. slorvly Tasta" f. a tent (to put in Tè, »n. tea (the leaves qf a
Tardaménto, m. delay, stay wounds)
Tardanteménte, adv. in a Tast^me, m. the keys of an Teatrale, m. theatrical
slorv manner Teatro, m. a theatre
Tardanza,/, slowness, delay Tastaménto, m. the touch Tccca,/. a fault, a spot
Tardare, to delay, tarry ; tc Tastare, to touch, feel, sound, Tècnico, adj. technical
grow late sift TéàA,f. a torch, link
Tardézza,/, slowness, delay Tastata,/, a touch, feeling Tediare, to weary, tire
Tardi, adii, late, slowly Tastatura, and Tastièra, /. Tèdio, m. tediousness ; fare a^
Tardità,/ slowness, tardily the keys of an instrument tèdio, to weary
Tardivo, adj. slow, tardy, Tasti, m. pi. stops, or strings Tedióso, adj. tedious, tire-
of musical instruments
Tardo, adj. late, slow, tedious Tasto, m. the touch ; andare al Tegamàta, /. a stewing-pan-
Targa,/ a target (a shield) tisto, to grope along full [ing-pan
Targata, /. a blow with a Tastóne e tastóni, adv. grop- Tegame, m. an earthen stew-
target ing along andar tastóne, to
: Tégghia, atid Téglia, /. a
Targóne, m. tarragon, oi grope along [talk
drasonwort; a buckler TattamGlla, / chit-chat, idle Tegliata,/, a pan-full
Tariffa, /. a tariff, a book of Tattamellare, to tattle Tegnènte, adj. tenaciout, co-
Tetterà,/, defect, blemish vetous, clammy
Tàttere,/. p/. trijles, nonsense Tegnénza, / clamminess, te-
Tàttica,/ tactics nacity
Tatto, m. the touch Tégola,/, and Tégolo, m. a tile
Tarlatura,/ wnrm-hole Tattìsa,/. a tattoo (an animal) Téla, /. cloth, or linen a ;

Tarlo, »n. a moth, a worm ;

Tavèrna, /. a tavern picture, painting: la téla,
worm-eatenncss Tavemà'o, m. a tavern-keeper the courie of one's life. A
Tarma,/, a moth, or tiny Taverniere, m. a drunkard ; a dirvi il tutto sarebbe una
Tarmato, adj. eaten by moths vintner, or tavern-keeper téla, it rmuld be a long storif
Taroccare, to fret, s*òrm Taunau/. damask-work to tell you all
Tarocchi, wi. pi. a play at cards Tàvola, /. a table, hoard,
Tarpare, to clip the wings of plank; far tàvola, to keep
birds an open house : méttere la ers)
Tarsia, /. inlaid work tàvola, to lay the cloth; le- Telègrafo, m. a telegraph
Tarso, m. a kind of marble vare la tàvola, to take arvay Teleria,/, all sorts of cloth
Tartagliare, to stutter Tavolarciàio, m. a wooden Telescòpio, m. a telescope
Taitaglidne, in. a stutterer target-maker Teletta, /. a tissue of gold, of
Tarliina, /. a tortane (a tort Tavolaccino, m. a tipstaff silver ; a light, or thin cloth
of ship) Tavolàccio, m. a nooden Tèlo, m. an arrow, a dart ;
Tartara,/, a milk-larl trget breadth qfthe cloth
Tart;*.reo, adj. Tartarean, f
Téma. fear; theme, subject
Temente, adj.ftarful, ;imid

Temènza,/, limidity, fear lance wheel of a watch ; pri- Tènero, a. tender, soft ; deli~
Temerariamente, adv. rasltly rHo a giovane tèmpo, tht
Teraerdrio, a. rash spring; avanzar tèmpo, to Tenenime, m. tendon, earti-
Temere, to fear, dread; U anticipate; dar tèmpo, te
doubt, stiflir defer, delay ; darsi buon
Temerità,/, temerity
Temo, m. the helm of a sh!p
Tcmpellàre, to stir, move ti grow old per tèmpo, early
; ;

keep at hay betimes ; un tèmpo, former

Tempellata, / and Tempgllo, ly, or for some time
m. agitation ; thundering Tempdne, m.. a long while Tenitdro, and Tenitdrio, m.
far temprine, to live merrily
Tempelldne, m. a blockhead, Tempora, /. pi. le quattro ..':ct
afoot tempora, Tenitura,/ support, stay
the ember-tveeks
Tempera, e Tempra, /. tern- Tempor,11e, m. time, weather, Tendre, m. the tenor, content
per, quality; tinging, har- nner ; fare iltendre,
mony ; sort, kind, may ;
Temporale, a. temporal play, or
Temporalità, /. temporal state : „ In tui.^
Temperaménti», m temper a passion far temporal things idne,/ tension
Temperante, a. abstemious Temporalmente, adv. tem- Tèma, /. un uitnnpt. trial ; a
Temperanza. /. temperance, porally ; for a time probi toisearch a wound
modification, reservedness Temporàneo, a. temporary Tentaménto, to temptation
Temperare, to temper, mode- Temporeggiaménto, m. dila- Tentare, to t mpt, try, at-
rat.-;to agree, ^x
upon ; to tempt ; to feel, probe ; to so-

Temperare Tentativo, m. an attempt,

a pen effort
Temperatamente, adv. tem- Tentatdre, m. a" tempter
" iptalion.
Temperatlvo, a- tempering
Temperato, a. temperate Tentennaménto, m. a waver-
Temperato, adv. temperately Tencionamènto, m. a dispute
Tentennare, to waver, stir
Temperatdio, m. a penknife Tencionàre, to dispute Tentennata,/, a motion, knock
femperattfre, m. moderator Tencionatdre, m. a quarrel- Tentennino, m. restless man
remperaliira, /. temperature, Tentdne, and Tentóni, adv.
Tènda,/, a tent, a curtain groping along in the dark
Temperazidne, /. temperance Tendènza,/, tendency Tentdne, adv. cautiously
Tempèrie,/, temperateness Tèndere, to tend, to spread Tenuf, a. small, slender, thin
Temperìnàta, /. a stroke with Tèndere 1' arco, to bend a bow Tenuemente, adv. slenderly
a penknife Tèndere l'orécchio, io listen "'—•ita, slenderness, thin- /
Temperino, m. a penknife Tèndine, m. a tendon
Tempèsta,/, a tempest, storm ; Tendindso, a. full of tendons Tenùta, /. slate, possession,
affliction tempèsta senz' Tenebra, /. darkness, igno-
; capaciousness, ertent
acqua, great cry and little Tenuto, part, held, obliged,
Tenebràre, to grow dark reputed
Tempestare, to storm, to vex ; Tenebrosità, /. tenebrosity ; a Tenìionàre, and Tenzonare,
to insist, urge to dispute, combat
Tempestivo, a. timely, season- Tenebróso, a. tenebrous, dark Tenzdne, and Teniidne, /.
able Tenènte, m. a lieutenant dispute, debate, combat
Tempestosamente, adv. im- Teneramente, adv. tenderly Teocràtico, a iheocratical
petuously Tenére, to keep, hold, stop; Teocrazia,/, theocracy
Tempestóso, a. tempestuous, , shell Teodla, /. a song in praise of
moved, agitated [head call in : to rule, God, a hymn
Tempia, /. the temples ; the preserve to take up, extend Teogonia, /. lheo--nny

Tempière, m. the keeper of a Tenérsi, to dwell, abide to Teologale, a. théblogical ;

temple ; a knigKt-temvlar esteem one's self Teologante, »i. a theologian,

Tèmpio, m. a temple Tenure, »»i. a handle ; a terri- [theologian
Tempiòne, m. a dunce, a fool Teologàstro, »i. a wretched
TenerSllo, and 1 enerètto, Teologia, /. theology, divinity
Tèmpio, TO. a temple, church a. very tender, delicate, or ""--'ogicamènte, adv. theo-
Tempo, m. time, weather, age, young neatly
days, opportunity j
Tenerézza,/, tenderness,
Ì :
scft- TeoICgico. a. theological
n/<i/sts ness, love, compassion

Tempo dell' oriutflo, the ba- Tenerlno, a. quite tender

1 theologica
Terragno, and Terràgnolo, a. Tési,/, a thesis, act
creeping, low Téso, a. stretched, tlraig
Terrapienàre, to make a ter- Tesoreggiare, to hoard
Teoria, and Teòrica,/, theory race, to fortify Tesoreria., f. treasun/
(the study of any tciencc Terrapièno, m. a terrace, a Tesorière, »n. a trea^urei
rvithuut practice) Tesorizzare, to hoard up
Teoricamente, adv. theori- Terrazzino, m. a country- Tesòro, m. a treasure
cally rruin : an inhabitant of a Tessera,/, a vwl-- ••'"'
Teorico, a. theorical fortified town Tesserandolo, w
TepeSire, to make lukewarm Terrazzo, m. a terrace ve, dei:
Tépere, to be lukervarm Terremòto, and Terremùoto, TessitcJ
Tepidéiza, and Tepidità, /. m. an earthquake
ItiKen Terrenamente, adv. worldly
Tepificare, to nu Terréno, m. ground, earth; a Te^iUo, m. a tissue
Terebinto, m. terebinth (the territory, or gr..„„dJloor Testa, /. head, top : wit,
turpentine tree) Terréno, and Terreo, a. ter- judgment ; èssere di tèsta,
Tergemmo, restrial, earthly
a. tripled, three- io be stubborn ; gridare à
faced Terrestrità, /. an eailfUy testa, to cry aUmd. Testa à
T<;rgsrs, to purge, dean, tvipe quality testa,/a«/o./ii«
Tergklutt(5re, m. a captain of Terrèstre, and Terréstro, a. Testamentire, to make a tvilt
a rear-guard terrestrial, earthly Testament-ft-io, a. lestamea-
Tergiversare, to shuffle Terrètta,/ a village, castle tary
TerijivcrsaZirtne, /. tergiversa- Terribile, a. terrible, dreadful, Testaménto, m. a will
tion, fickleness dismal , Testare, to make a will
Tèrgo', TO. the hack ; da, or a Terribilità,/, terror Testata./, end, head
tèrgo, adv. behind Terribilmente, adv. terribly Testatore, m. testator
Teriica,./". treacle Terriccio, m. mould Testé, a<ii>. noi long ago
Termale, a. belonging to baths Terrifico, a. terrible Testeréccio, a. stublann
Terme, m- haths Territòrio, and Territdro, »n. Testéso, adv. a little tvhile
Terminaménto, m. term, end a territory, district
Terminare, lo terminate, end; Terróre, m. terror, fright
to die, expire ; to bound, Terróso, a. earthly, muddy
Tersamente, adv. neatly
Tennmataménte, adv. deter- Tersézza,/, neatness
Tèrso, a. neat, clean, clear ;

TenninaÌL-zZa,/. bound, term stile téreo, an elegant style

Terminativo, a. terminating Térla, /. tierct (a canonical Testimonianza, /. testimony,
Terminatóre, m. a finisher hour) token, pro,f
Terminazióne./, termination, Ternamente, adv. thirdly Testimoniare, lo testify, to
Terzana,/, a tertian fever attest, i:.isure
T(irm Terzere, to plough the ground Testimònio, m. a witness
a third time Testimònio compralo, ». a
false witness
Tèsto, m. a te.Tt: an earthen
father pan. a Jlnmer-pot la pru :

Terzeria./, a third part ova del testo è la torta, l/u

Terzeruóia./. a pint measure proof of the pudding is in
Termoscòpio, m. a ther. Terzerurflo, m. the fourth sail
scope, 7vealher-glass of a ship
Ternario, and Terniiro, TerEétta,/ a pocket-pistol
ternary (of three thi
Terzétto, »)i. a tiercel 'a staff Test*
together) \
of three verses)
Ternàro, m. a tiercel, or siaj/ , Terzianiénte, adv. thirdly Testiidine, and Testùggine./.
qf three verses \
Terzo, m. a third part a turtle, or tortoise
Temo, -m. trvo treys. Ino sixes Terzo, a. third Testura,/, a texture, weaving,
(at dice) Terzi.3lo, m. a tassel, or connexion, binding
Terra, .f; earth, soil, land ; tercel Tetracordo, hi. a tetrachord
cad'Jre in terra, to fall, fail, Tesa, /. a stretching, the brim Tetràgono, wi. a tetra:;oa fa
perish gettare a terra, to
; of a hat : a place Jit to spread
knock dntrn, to ruin ; pigli- It
ilro téira,/.W«)i<Z to hoard up j
: baked earth
lorraii-.i I. baaishnient

ehia, /. the gn^-ernme nùlitide, and . ..«nneggiitre, .'.; tyrt.

lìignìty of a tetrarch Tirannello, T« a pilli
Tetrastico, m. a ijualrain (a
stanza offonr versi,) nicilly, c'r,r/"/'
Tètro, «(/;. dark, black
Télta.f. abreast
Tettare, to stick
Tetto, m. a roof (a top _nf a
house), a house ; stanza a
tétto, m. a gavì-et
Tettóia, / a vent-house, Tirannide, /. tyranny, apyre-
uach-hoi. Timorato, adj. godly, reti-
Tirannizz^re, to tyrannize
Timóre', m. fcar, apprehai- nno, m. a tyrant, usurper
i L.inte, ad], drawing, pulling
Tibia, /'. the /fi,-/'(i»c Timorosamente, adv. timo- Tir.-ire, to draw, diag, pull
Tibiirlino, and Tcburtfno, m. rously, fearfully "'---'ta,/. a drawing-, draught.
a ki„d of rvhiie stons Timoróso. «</;. godly, pious,
7'fcrhio,m. n'/dm. caprice Tirato, part, drawn, stretched
Tielismo, m. a kind of dis- bashful, cowardly
teni j> r ; spitting Timpanftico, adj. that has the Tiratóio, m. a fulling-mill, a
"-^Te. /. a suckstone, a dropsy
Tfmpano. m. a drum, tabor Tiratóre, m. a leader, or guide

Tieiiidaménte, adv. coldly, thctympa,,, or drum of the

indifTeraitly, idh) ear; cog-„:hcd of a mill Tfrella,/. a trace for drawing
Tiepidare. to grotv cold Tfna, f. a great tub, a vat
Tiepidézza, and Tepidézza, Tinàc'cio, m. a buch l„g tub Tiritera,/, a roundabout story
ThvMa.f. a place where vats , m. a throw, shot; a sort
tir,i,musnesf, bash'fuìness e kept
Tiepidìth. Tiepiditade, and Trnca, /. a tench
Tieiiidilate, f. coldness, Tiiicóne, m. a swelling in thi preniiceship

Tié\Mn, "„"d Térkì'n,"". , Tintila,/, little tub

Tinèllo, TO. « servant's hall
Tino, m. a large wine-vat
Tinòzza, /. a bucking tub, ox

Tipha.and Tigliàta, /. boiled

TiRlio, m. a linden-tree; the

fibres of wood ; the bark of
a stalk of flax, or hemp Titillaménto, ,».
Tiglióso, a. fibrous, hard,
tough as leather
Tfgua.f. the scab; trouble
Tignàmira, /. a kind of weed;
a niggard, a covetous fellow Tintinnire, to resound, jingle
Tignere, atid Tingere, to dye. Tintinno, m- the sound, the
.jingling of bells
Tignóso, a. scurfy, scatdhead Tinto, part, dyed, dipt in
TignuOla,^: a moth, worm
Tigrdne, m
a kind of pigeon
Tigre, and Tlgra,/ a tigress
màspi, TO. mild mustard Tómbolo, TO. a tumble Tórba, a,\d Tórbida, /. a
Tócca,/, gold and silk gauze Tórno, m. a fall, ruin, muddy stream
Toccalapis, m. a chalk pencil doTvnfall ; a volume of a book Torbidamente, adv. turbu-
Toccaraénto, m. a touch, Tonaménto, m. thunder ; lently, rigidly
touching thundering TorbidKre, to trouHe, mud, or
Toccare, to touch, to meddle, Tonare, to thunder ; make a make liquor thick
to have to do with ; to carry great noise Torbidàto, adj. troubled,
away, to obtain, to belong to ; Tonchiare, to be eaten of mites muddy
toccare il cielo col dito, to Tónchio, TO. a mite, or tvee- Torbidiccio, adj. somervhai
live in dover troubled, distut bed
Toccare, tn. a touching, or Tonchióso, adj. mity, rotten Tórbido, adj. troubled, thick ;
feeling Tondaménto, »m. a rounding, disturbed, uneasy, vexed
Toccata, f. prelude to a tonata or making round Tòrbo, adj. troubled, thick
Toccatìvo, adj. apt to feet Tondare, to round, to make Torcere, io bend, twist
Toccato, m. a touch round, to cut, or clip Torcere il muso, to make tprtf
Toccato, part, touched ; tnen- Tondatura,/. shavings
tioned above Tondeggiàre, to incline to a Tòrchio, TO a torch, fiam-
Toccauire, m. he that feels, or beau ; a printing-press, or
Tóndere, to shear, shave any press
Tocchétto, «i. a offxth. I Tondézza,/, roundness Tòrcia,/, a to%ch, a taper
ragout ; a hash Tondino, to. a plate (a term in Torciare, to twist, tie fast
Tdcco, TO. a little bit, a architecture) Torcicollo, TO a wuod-pecker
morsel ; the feeling, or touch ;
Tonditura, / a clipping, or Torciféccio, m. a straining
the stroke qf a hammer, or shaving shreds, parings

tingling of a bell; a fescue, Tóndo, adj round, simple, Torcigliare, to twine, or twist,
a night-cap foolish ; uomo tó'ido di pelo,
Tòcco, adj. touched a simpleton Torcimanno, m. an inter-
Tóga.f. a gorvn, or robe Tóndo, m. a sphere, circle, preter
Togale, ad), of the gorvn, or circumference, a salver, a Torciménto, to. twisting,
magistrate twining : a net
TogiSto. adJ. wearing a gorvn Toiidùto, part, shaven, shor.n Torcitóio, TO. a spindle
Togliere, and Tórre, to take, Tone'.làta, and Tonnellata,/. Torcitóre, m. a twister
lay hold of - ton, a measure of four Torcitura, /. a twisting, or
To-ìiménto, m. a taking ìgsheads, a weight of two twining about
away, a theft ,.iousand pounds Torcolàre, and TOrcolo, to. a
Toglitóre, TO. a thief, robber Tonfano, to. a whirlpool ; a
Tomia. f. a toilet kind of water pot, or large Tordàio, to.
Tolleràbile, adj. that may be th rushes
borne, tolerable TòiifoI m. a fall, or noise whUk Tordella,/, a large thrush
Tollerahilménte, adv. tolera- one makes in falling Tórdo, TO. a, a simple
bly, so so Tònica,/, a jacket t»n ; meglio è fringuello in
Tollerante, adj. bearing, svf- Tonnata, /. a place wiiere man eh' in frasca tórdo, a
they catch and pickle tunny- bird in hand is worth two in
ToUeranla,/ toleration fish the bush
Tonnina,/, tunny, the hack of Torlccia,/. a young she-goal
t iole- ike tunny pickled Tórma,/, troop, crowd
Tónno, m. a tunny (a fish) Tormentagiòne, /. and Tor-
Tollerò, m. a sort of coin Tonsura, /. the tonsure, a raentaménto, to. torment,
ToUétta, /. and ToUétto, to. priest's tonsure pain
thejl,robbery Tonsurare, to shave one's Tormentare, to torment, vex- :
Tolomméa, /. a place in hell to infest ; trouble ; to be
(mentioned by Dante) Topaia, /. a mouses nest ; an grieved, tormented
Tòlta, /. and Tòlto, »u theft, old house Tormentatóre, TO. a tormentor,
Topàzio, TO. a topaz (a pre- a tyrant
Tdlto, part, taken arvay cious stone) Tormentatrfce, /. a fanale
Tomàio, TO. tlie upper leather Topino, culj. of a mouse-
Tormentflla, / trefoil
Tornare, to fall, or tumble dorvn ,
Tflpo, ni. a mouse; a rat Torménto, ni. a torment,
Tómba, /. a grave, a vault, a Tòppa, /. a lock ; a piece, or punishrrunt, grief

patch upon a garment ; doni Tormentosaméute, adv. with
Tombolare, to fati upside isaidfo- a bet)

ToppalIacLhiàTe, m. a lock- Tormentóso, adj. grievous,
painfui [to appetite
1 Toppo, TO. a log of wood Tornagusto, m. aprovotutijit
Tornaletto, •>!.• Hit hast cf a
ted, bedstead
TornaroiSnto, m. a return,
repetition Toscano, adj. Tuscan
Tornante, adj. returning Tosco, adv.'Tuscan like
Tornare, to return ; to carry Tdsco, adj. Tuscan
back, to remember Torsióne, /. gripes, pains in Iosco, m. poison
Tornare alle medésime, lo Tdso, m. a boy, lad
n io 0. •s old ce Torso, and Tórsolo, m. the Tdso. part, dipt, shorn
Tornasdle, r nsul, . slump of a cabbage, or let- Tosóne, m. the golden fleece
tuce: the core vf fruits; the Tdssa, and Tósse,/, cough
Tornata, /. a return ; mnin- Tossicàre, to poison
tenance, keeping, meeting Tòssico, m. a sort of poison
Tornato, part, returned Tossicdso, adj. venomous,
Tomeaménto, m. (tee Tor- poisonous
niaménto) Tossiraento, »n. a coughing
Torneare, to tilt, Jastìt ; to Tossfre, to cough
turn round, to fence round Tostamente, and Tostana-
Tomeo, »«. a tournament ; a Tortellrtta, and Tortellina, / ménte, adv. euiekly, nim-
tour, voyage a small tart [a tart
Tomése, m. a French livre ; Tortello, m. a Utile pudding, Tostanéz?.a, /. quickness,
a piece of money ut Naples Tortevolménte, adv. unjustln
Tomiàio, m. a turner Tortézza,/, obliqueness, crook- Tostiino, adj. quick, swift
Tomiaménto, m. a tourna- Tostànza, /. celerity, velocity,
Tortiglióne,/, the crooked part swiftness
Tortiglióso, adj, crooked,

Torniéro, attd Tornitóre, m. td Tostocchè,

Tdmio, m. a turner's lathe Totale, adj. whole, entire^
Tornire, (see Torniare) Tòrto, adj. crooked, bent ; total
Tdrno, m. the hammer of unjust, unreasonable Totalità,/, the total, or whole
crvs,-hox; a dyerS roller ;
Turto, >n injury, wrong ;
avere il torto, to be mistaken Totalmente, ado. totally, al-
Torto, adv. crookedly, un- together, quite
justly, undeservedly Totomàglio, m. sow-thistle
Tortola, Tórtora, and Torto- Tòtano, m. cutlle-Jish
rélla,/. aturtle-.dove Tovjiglia,/. a table-cloth
Tortore, m. a tormentor, an Tova-'='— "• '"---•-'
Torpèdine,/, the cramp-fish 'ovagliudla, /. t
Torpénte, adj. numb, inactive Tortóso, adj. cruel, unjust. Tagliuòlo, m. a riapkin
Tórpere, to be benumbed Tozzétto, m. a bit of any
Torpóre, m. slothfulness, Tortuosamente, adv. obliquely, thing: a hob-nail
sluggishness ; numbness. in a crooked manner Tdizo, m. a piece, a bit
Tortuosità, /. obliquity, a Tòzzo, adj. ill-built, ill-
Torracchidne, m. and Torràc- winding
Tortuóso, adj. crooked, wind- Tra, prep, between, among ;
Torraiudlo, in. a wood-pigeon
Torrazzo, {see Torracchiòne) Tortura,/, crookedness, wick-
Torre, to take away tor- J raanuco, aoj. i
Tórre, f a tnrver Traavaro, adj.
Torre^giante, adj. towering
Torreggiare, to tower, to stand Trabacca,/, a tent, a pavilion
s^,f rigour, t Trabacchétta,/, a little tent
Torrènte, m. a torrent Trabalddre, to curry, or steal
Torretta, Torricciuóla, i /. extortion, a pull-

Torricèlla,/. a little toner ing and hauling about

Torricellaccia, /. a little old Torzóne, m. a lay friar
Torrido, adj. hot, torrid, Tosare, io shear, clip Trabalzato, part, tossed, shov
Tosato, part, dipt, sham ed about
Torrierer m. the keeper of a Tosatura, /
shavings, clip- Trabalzo, m. fraud, trick
pings ; a cutting, clipping
Traile. to, adj.'vertj happy Traconfortirsi, to console one' Trafiggiménto, i I. and Tra
Urab5lic, ad), vety handiom
Trabéne, adv. very well tiggittSra,/. a n nund, hurt
Tralirccolo, »,. „ kor.
Traconvenévole, adj. wn 'raffia, /. a i

Tracordare, to agree verx 'rimta, /.

Traboccam<«nto, m an ovi well
. sting, a wound ;
Jlowin^, ruin, deslruclic Tracorrénte, adi. ninnine Trafittfvo. adi. piercing,
foli swiflly pun-
Traboccante, gent, penetrating
adj. of full Tracorrere, to run swiftly, i, Trafittara,/. a sling, a wound
pass by Traforare, to run through : tu
Traboccantemente, Tdl: pre .
Tracottiggine, and
cipitatdy, inconside ruteìy Traco get through
t^n2a, /. presumption, into
Traboccilre, to overjlcmu-weigh lence, boldness
Trafóro, m
a hole
Trafréddo, adj. very cold
uri, cast Tracotare, to grow too hold
down headlong Trafugare, to run away with.
Iracotdto, adj. arrogant, in
Traboccato, adj. o verjlown.
Trafuggire fly, to
Trabocchilo, a'nd Traboc- Tracrucci
chetto, m. a trap, snare, pU Trafuggitóre, m. a deserter
Trafurellerta, /. a trick, a
Tracurdggine, TracurànEa cheat
Trabocchévole, adj. prod, and Tracut^giiie, /. negli
fòous, ùmnense, sad, ur Trafusola, /. and Trafusolo,
^gence, carelessness
racutàto, adj. careless, neg.
m^ sort of spindle, the leg-
Trabocchevolménte, adi
hastily, hand over head Tragèdia, /. tragedy ; an un-
Tràdimenticàto, adj. quite fortunate accident
Trabocco, m. ruin, downfall,
forgotten Tragédo, ni. a writer oftrage-
Tradiménto, /. treason, trea
stumbling place chery
Trabondare, lo
Tragett^re, to pass over, ia
b » great Tradire, to betray
plenty pass a river to toss up and.
Tradirftto, adj. very straight
Trabiiono, adj. very good
TradispregéTole, adj. very Tragettatóre, m. a juggler
Tracannare, to drink hard
Tracannato, srvallei'ed, having Tragetto. m. a path, footpath ;

Tracannato-re, m. a toper, cher....,.^

Tragitióre n. a stinger
Traditoràccio. Traghiatti , to swallow, d(
Tracàpéno, nx. dodder (an mo7is traitor
Traditdre, m. a traitor, be- Tragicamente,
Tracdro, adj very dear adv. tragically,
trayer rnoilally
TraccatUvd, adj very bad
Traditordsco, adj. false, trea- Tragico, adj.
Traccheggiare, to delay, take tragical, dole-
Tradizióne, m. tradition T.ragr.1nde, adj. very .arge
Traddlce, adj. very sweet Traguardare, to aim, to take
Tradótto, part, translated
trdccia di liti
Tradurre, to cany away Traguardo, m. a level
from one place to another, to Traiménto, ni. drawing, or
translate tpulling, a thrust
Traduttóre, m. a translator Trainante, drawing, dragging
Tracciaménto, r,
Traduzióne,/, a translation
Traènte, adj attractive Trainare, to draw, drag along
Tracciare, lo race, follow Trafelamérito, «i. languor, Traino, m. as much as itvu
the trace; to contrive,
horses can dram at once : a

; tre
* iciiiw.c, 711. an archer, stinger
Tralasciaménto, m. lcuvin~
oJBT, omission
Tralasciare, to
Tfpre, to nod. reel, tumbl \
^r^fefL^rir^rS^^^f •iff'
desist, leave

Trac^"o, "''^'' '""^'' Tralasciato, part, desisted,

„,. „ /„„. e.^J'^'cfn'^^rcT' given over
li^ tracollo, to bias, pre- TratVggere,
Ì . through ;
to transfix, run
to pierce, vex one
rra'azióne, f a translation,.
Tranuiegia,/. a n

Tralfccio, m. hiickram
Tralignare, to degenerate
Tral(5rdo, adj. very dirty, oi .
f the
Tralucènte, adj. very bright,
or transparent
Traliicere, to shine throui^h, to Tran^it^5rio, ai
shine, to he shining Tramontanaccio, m. a shot Translucido, a
Tralundre, to squint northerly vhid Transvicchtre,
Trama, /. the ,voof in n'cav- Tramcntrfre, to set, or f.

i'ig plot, conspiracy

: a
Tramaglio, in. a drag-net Tramortigidne, /. and Trj
Tramalvagio, adj. very vick- >rtiniéiito, m. a fuintin

, Tra'.nmagidne, /.

^lTf'ò'^"'oV'plZ'e ti
er: alteration

Trambasciaindnto, m. a> Tramutatore, m. he that

guish, affliction
Trambasciare, to he grieved titer rambler

Tramutazione, /. iransmiita-

Tranibustóre, to put in dis-

order, to confound X .andre, to 'drii\' atoieg
"' '
' xud Trambusto, Trane'.lare. to cheat, swindle
m. confusion, disc Trj^nelleria, f. a::d TranClI
Tramenare, to mane up c
Tr"anr-»o! «,/';'"",'",.™< m. a passenger,
Tramendue, and Tramendui Tranghiottiuiémo, m. swo
lowing, devouring Trapas adj. that may
Tramescolare, to mingle, t: TranghiotUre, to devou
•allow vp Trapasso, ni. pai di'
Tram<?ssa,/. mediation, inter- . rangoscidre, to faint
position a digression
; Trangosciato, part, falnti Trapelare,' to flow, run ; dis-
Tramesso, w made dishes til, penetrate
Tramestare, io intermingle Trangiijiamento, m. a sna xrapensare, to ihinle seriously
Trapiantagidne, /. transplaii'
Tramestfo,"?». confusion, dis-
order, jumble mtàre, to tt isplant
Tramétteve, to put between ;
Trangugjatdre, ni. a devourei

Tranquillamente, mIv. quie Trapdrre, to put between

I, ini: Traportaminto, m. trans-
Tramezzare, to put between. Tianquillaménto, m. a dela^ portation : export
Traportare, to transport, to
Tramezzato, pait. Tranquillare, to quiet
Tranquillato, part, appeased I
Trapossénte, adj. very power-
Tramezzatóre, m. an arbitra- Tranquillità,/ tranquillity j
tor, mediator Tranquillo, adj. quiet, cor Tt apósto, adj. put between
Tramezzatrice,/. a mediatrix tent I Trappola, /: a mouse-trap, n
Tramézzo, m. a partition. Tranquillo, m. tranquillity ] trap, an, ambush, snare; a
Transazióne, /. a transitiot
Tramischiare, to intermix transaction Trapiioliire, to catch, deceive
Tramischialo, paH. mixed, iTranségna, /. o tunic, c Trappolatóre, m. a deceiver,



Trappoleria,/, a deceit, fraud Trascurato, adj. pr mpfu. Trasonerfa, /. vanity, ostenta-
Traprèndere, io undertake
Trapùngere, and Trapuntare, Trasecolare, to tv.onder Trasordìnàre, to go astray, to
s astonished ; to astonish,
Trapùnto, m. a quilling nfmind Trasordinàrio, adj. extraor-
Trapùnto, adj. lean; extenu- Trasferire, to transfer dinary
ated, quilled Trasfigurare, to transHgure Trasordlnataménte, adv. dis-
Tràricco, adj. very rich Trasfigurazióne, /. transfigu- orderly
Traripaménto. mi a precipice ; Trasdrdine, m. excess, dit-
a tumbling down headlong Trasfdndere, to pour from one
Traripàre, to precipitate, to Trasoriére, m. treasurer
past from one bank to the Trasformare, to transform Trasparénte, adj. transparent
other Trasformazidne, /. Trasparènza,/, transparency
Trasparére, and Trasparire,
Trasgrediménto, m.
Traspiantaménto, m. a trans-
Trarupato, adj. veri/ craggy plantation
Trasalire, to leap over Traspiantire, to tran.tplant
Trasandaménto, m. a trans- Traspirare, to transpire
gression, negligence Trasgressidne, f. a transgres- Trasponiménto, m. a trans-
Trasandàre, to go before to
take too much liberty ; to Traspdrre, to transpose, trans-
neglect, slight plarJ
Trasattarcj to appropriate, Trasi, such, so great Trasportaraénto, m. a trans-
invade Tra«icuraménte, adv. very portation
Trasavio, adj. very mise securely Traspo.rtare, to transpose,
Trascannàre, to mind from one Traslatore, to transpose, to transfer, to carry, to carry
skein to another
Trascggliere, to choose m. a translator
Trsislatatóre, Trasportato, part. tran*-
Trascegliménto, m. and Tra- Traslativamente, adv. tvilh a
scélta,/, choice Trasportazióne, /. and Tras-
Trascendentale, adj. tran- Traslatóre, m. a translator pòrto, m. a transporting.
scendental, eo:cellent Trailaiidne, /. a removal;
Trascendente, adj. surpassing. translation, versitm
Traslignire, to degenerate
Trascéndere, to exceed, sur-
yo, Traspósto, part, transposed,
TrasciScco, adj. very silly, transplanted
foolish 'rasricchfre, to make very rich
Trascolorare, to change co- Trassinàre, to lutndle, manage
Trasmigrare, transmigrate
to to ill treat
Trascorrénte, adj. flying, Trasraigrazidne, /. transmi- Trastomàre, to delay, amuse
mattering gration Trastullare, to divett ; amuse,
rrascorrenteménte, adv. by Trasmodare, to exceed, go bi- to take pleasure, to play
the by. by the rvay yond measure Trastuilatdre, m. a buffoon
Trascórrere, to run over, to Tra'iTlodato, adj. extraor- Trastnllévole, adj. diverting,
take tuo great a liberty pleasing
TrascorréTole, adj. transitory. Trasmut^ile, adj. changeable Trastullo, m. amusement,
Trasmutagidne, /. and Tras-
mutaménto, m. and Tras- Trasvasire, to put from one
mutanza,/. transmutation vessel into another
mento di lume, a beam of Trasmutare, to transform Trasudire, to sweat much
light Trasmutazióne,/, transforma- Trasversale, adj. transverse
Trascorsivaménte, adv. by the Trasversalmente, adv. 06
Trasvèrso, arf/'. oblique, across ;

Trasnello, adj very nimble Trasviàre, to wander, to go

Trascrivere, to transerilie Tr^ognamento, m. a ravin out of the rvay ; to put out of
Trascuràggine, and Trascu- Trasognare, to dream to ra ; the nay
rànza,/. negligence Trasognato, adj. stupid, sense- Trasumanare, to quit human
Trascurante, adj. negligent nature and become divine
Trascurare, to neglect ^gently Trasumanato, part, become
Trascuratamente, adv. negli
road, to go astray; to lost

'ravicèllo, m. a small beam

Trasiistanziare, to iransub- ^ravillano, adj. very ignomi-
stanliate, to alter
Trasustanziato, part, changed >avinto, part, conquered
Tratta, /. space, dUtance :

noi siamo una tratta d'arco

dalla città, ne are near
Travaglióso, part, wretched
Trattabile, adj. tractable, Travalente, ail), extraordi-
easy : gentle, kind, affable nary powerful

Trattabilità, /. tractability. Travalicaménto, m. passage;

Trattabilmente, adv. kindly, Travalicare, to pass over ; to

friendly transsress, violate Trebbia, faf ail; scourge
Trattaménto, «t. a discourse-, Travalicatdre, m. he that Trebbiano, jh. a sort ,f wine
treatise, plot, contrivance ; Trebbiare, to thrash, to break
Trattante, adj. treating
Trattare, to treat, handle,
discnurse of ; to touch, feel
Trattato, 7n. a treatise, work, trébbio, to di-
plot, machination Traudire, to hear one thing in company
Trattato, part, treated of for another, to blunder
Trave,/, a beam
Trebel!iàni( f the fourth
Trattatóre, m. a negotiator, part of an
contriver, an interpreter Travecchiézza,/, decrepitnett, Trécca, /. a huckster ;

Trattazióne, /• an agreement,
treaty tdére, to see double
Tratteggiaménto, m. a draw- Travediménto, m. a seeing
ing double, an error
Tratteggiare, to draw lines, to Traversa, /. a cross-iron bar ;
speak rrittily misfortune, adversity a ;

Tratteggiiire, m. aflourish cross path ; a short cut ; retai.

Tratteggiato, part, drawn, Trecchiéro, adj. cheating,
full of lines deceitful
Trattenére, to entertain, a- Traversale, adj. athwart Tréccia,/, a lock of hair
Traversalmén'te, adv. side- Trecciéra. /. a ribbon for
women's hair
Treccóne, m. a huckster, re-
Trattenitóre, m. an entertain-
ing companion Trecentèsimo, adj. the three
Trattévole, adj. tractable, Tra versato, adj. strong-limbed, hundredth
Trecento, adj. three hundred
Tredécimo, and Tredicèsimo,

ipportable Tréfolo, m. a twist

Travèrso, m. a cross blow, i Tregenda,/, an apparition
Treggéa./ a
Traversóne, adv. across, eros

Travertino, m. a kind of white

Tratto di cdrda, the strappado ;
spungy stone
flogging Travestire, to disguise
Tratto, part, drawn mask ou^s self; i travestiti Tremante, adj. treinbling
Tratto tratto, Olii), oftentimes siconoscono aì cavar della Tremare, to tremble
Trattura, /. a throwing, pull- maschera, the deceitful Tremebondo, adj. trembling
sure to be discovered si Tremèndo, adj. horrible, ter-

Trementina,/, turpentine
Tremila, and TremCia, /.
TiavagUànte, adj. laborious three thousand
Trèmito, m. a shivering, Tribunalménte, adv. sitting Trionfatóre, »;

in the judgment-seat Triónfo, m. a

TremolJinte, aify. trembling, Tribunato, m. tribune's office Tripartrto, part, divided intj
Tribunésco, adj of a tribune
Tremolare, io tremlile, sparkle. Triplio-ire, to treble
Tributàrio, udj. tribntaiy Triplice, aJj. triple
Trèmolo, adj. trembling, Tributo, m a tribute render : Trijiliceraénte, adv. trebly
Triplicità, /. a threefold
Tremoiuso, adj. paralytic Tricorde, adj. with three quantity
Tremdre, m.'fear, apprehen- strings Triplo, adj. triple, threefold
sion, trembling Tricorpdreo, adj. of three Trippa,/.' <)i>e, belly, venter
Tremoróso, adj trembling Tripudiamènto, m. the action
Trémui.i, / a tremble (tree) Triciispide, adj. having three ofdancing
Tremuuto, »«. an earthquake Tripudiare, to dance, caper
Trèno, m. a train, equipage: Tridènte, m. Neptune's tri- Tripudiatóre, m. a dancer
a sledge, or dra^j dent Tripudio, m. merriment in
Trénta, m. thirty 'rifer.i,/. a kind of electuary
Trentacinquesimo, adj. the Trifogliato, adj. three-leaved Trirégno, m. the pope's diadem
thirly-f'fth Trifoglio, m. trefoil (plant) Trireme, m. a galley with
Trentamfla, thirty tlwusand. Triforcato, and Triforcuto, three ranks of oars
adj. three-forked Trisàvolo, m. a great grand-
Trentaquattresimo, adj. the Trifórme, adj. having three .father's father
thirty-fourth Tristdccio, adj. wicked, j)ro-
TrentavScchia,/. an idle word Trigèsimo, adj. the thirtieth
to frighten children Triglia,/, a rnullet
Trentesimo, adj. the thirtieth Trigonometria, /. trigon
Trepidare, to quake for fear metry '.y
Trepidazione, m. trembling Trillare, t er, to trill Tristanzuòlo, adj. unhealthy
for fear; great fright Tristare. to be sorrowful
Trepido, adj. trembling, Trilustre, Tristareilo, Tristere'lUno, and
shaking fifteen years old Tristerello, ad.j. unlucky,
Trepiéde, m. a ireret Trimèmbre, adj. of thi arch, roguish
Trésca, /. a country dance ; members Tristézza, /. malice, gritf'.
trouble, incumbrance Trimetro, m. a trimetre
Trescare, to dance country Trimpellare, to play ill on the Tristizia,/, sadness, heaviness,
dances to haiidle, to play,
; Inte, *<;. roguery
Tvanton,toy Trina,/, lace Tristo, adj. sad, sorrowful ;
Trescata,/. taWin^, prating Trincare, to carouse unhappy, miserable, prnjli-
TrescherClla./. a tittle dance Trincato, adj. cunning, sharp gate, wicked
Trescóne, m
a kind of dance Trincèa, /. a trench, an in- Tritamente, adv. piece-meal,
Tréspolo, m. a trestle, prop trenchment commonly
TriAca, f. treacle, medicine, Trincerare, to make an in- Tritamente, tn. threshing,
trenchment grinding
Triangolare, adj. triangular Trinchetto, m. 'the foremast Tritare, to grind, pound, dust ;
{three-cornered) sail
Triàngolo, m. a triangle Trinciante, m. a carver c Tritello, m. bran
Triàrio, m. stout soldiers in the table Tritico, m. wheat
rear among the Ramans Trinciante, adj. sharp, cun Trito, part, crumbled, ground :
Tribbiare, to grind, beat small passo trito, coìnmon high-
Tribo,/. a tribe Trinciare, to cut, to carve ; t way
Tribolare, to afflict, trouble caper, to cut capers Tritolo,m. a morsel, crumb
to torment one's self Titncio, K» a cutting Tritono, m. a musicai term
Tribolatdre, m. a tormentor Trincóne, ni. a toper Tritume, m.frasmestts,crumbs
Tribolazidne,/. tribulation Trinità, /the feast of the Tritura, and Triturazione, /.
Tribolo, m. a thistle, a bram Holy Trinity grirf, sorrow, grinding,
ble; tribulation; melilot (a Trino, adj. of three persons pounding, pincKing
plant) ; mourning, sorroto ^Vi,-,,,^ .„ n noisy assem- Trivèlla, /. Trivello, m. a
Triboldso, adj. mretched bly
Tribù,/, tri'ie onfale. adj. tri, <u,l Triviale, adj. common, trivial
Tribuna, /•. a gallery in Trivialità, /. trivial manners,
Tribunale, m. a tribunal Trivialmente, adv. in a trivial
Xribundle, adj lielonging to
TrììxnvÌTAto, {riummrate
Triunvfro, ni a iriumvir
Trocisco, m. a sort of pill
Trofèo, M. a trophy Truccare, and Trucciàre,
Tròia,/ asotv hit the
Troiata, m. a gans; of ruffiani Trucco, ill. billiards, the game
Trdraba, a trumpet; a pump of billiards Tuorlo, m. the yelk of an egg;
engine an eleph
"- ' —' Truce, adj cruel, fierce the centre, the middle
mba, i Trucidare", to murder, to kill Turàcciolo, li
Trucidatóre, m. a murderer Tur; a stopping ui
Truciolare, to cut in pieces Tur.ire, to st
Truciolo, m. a chip, or particle Turba, f. a t

pet Truculento, adj. cruel, bai Turbabile, c

Trombata, /. the sound of i

Truffa,/, a trick, cheat a to : Turbaménto, m. trouble, per-

Truffare, to deceive, cheat; t turbaiion, insurrection, re-
a irumpetu. make a fool of volt disturbance

Trombettare, io sound the Truffatóre, and Truffìére, rr, Turbjlnte, m, a Turk's cap,
trumpet ; to divulge, publish turban
around Trufferia, f.' imposition, dt Turbare, to trouble, disturb ;
Trorabettatòre, and Trom- ceit
bettière, »n. a trumpeter ;
Truógo, and Truogolo, m. Turbarsi, to grow cloudy
one that publishes alt he Turbativa, /. an indictment
Trombóne, ni. a sackbut I
whistle like Turbatóre, m. a disturber
Troncamente, adv. interrupt- thru Turbazióne, /. trouble, dis
edlfi Tuba, f. a trumpet
Troncato, part, cut ojf, im- Tubare, to groan, complain Tùrbine, and Turbinio, m. a
perfect, itnfinished Tuberà, f. and Tùbero, m whirlwind; a kind of shell
Troncatóre, m. a cutter offi Turbinóso, adj. whirling,
Trónco, adj. cut off, maimed, Tubèrcolo, m. a swelling
trunk of a tree, stock of a Tubei Tùxho, nu darkness; a storm,
family velliu, rlwind
TronconcCIlo, m. a little Tuberóso, adj. bunchy, tx Turbolento, adj. turbulent
stump Turbolènza, /. turbulentv,
Troncóne, m. a trunk, stem of Tugllo' m! the root of the nail vublc, tributa
a tree, a splinter, a piece tion
Tronfio, adj. proud, angrtj Tuffare, to plunge, dip ; to go Turcasso, ni. a quiver
Tròni, 7(1 pt. thrones, angels Turchésco, adj. of a Turk
Trdno, m. a seat, a throne ;
Tuff'rfrsi, to plunge one's self Turchina, /.' turquoise, pi
thunder, thunder-bolt Tuffo, »«. a dipping, plilng-

Tropològico, adj. moral m. a kind of bird

Tròppo, adv. 'too muck ; a Tufo, m. a kind of porous
cader va. chi tròppo in alto
sale, hasty climbers have Tugùrio, m. a cave, c Turco, m. a Turk
sudden falls Tulipjino, m. a tulip :,/ turf
Tròppo, m. excess, superfluity Tumefatto, part. swollen, ido, adj. swelled
Tròscia,/, a furrow which the bloated Turifbile, ni. a center
water makes in running Tùmido, aàj. proud, lofìy ""ùrma, f. a troop r.f norse : a
Tròta, fatrout Tumóre, m. a swelling pride ; Jl'jck of sheep ; a crowd of
Trotare, to dress, to steiv a Tumoróso, adj. swollen, bloat- people
Turpe, adj. base, deformed.
Tumulare, to bury dirty
Turpemente, adv. shamrfuHy
Turpézza, / dishonesty, base-
Tròttola,/, a top
Trottdne, adj. trotting Turpissimamente, adv. most
TroTiibile, adj. that may be Tumultuariamente, adv, tu
found Turpitùdine, /. defur,;i(y
Tumiiltu.-irio, adj. hasty, don

Tumultuosamente, adv, tu

TuteUto, adj. protected by a Valènza, and ^'alénzia, /.

m. a guardian, tutor
Tutrfre, Valére, to be worth to suffice,

Tutta f.àu, Tutta via, and or to be useful

Tutta vòlta, adv. alrvays, Valérsi d'una cosa, to make
continually ; neverthelett ; use of a thin^
yet Valer di mèglio, to improve
Tutta vòlta che, adv. io many der one's estate
times as, whenever Vagéllo, m. a large bras* pot ;
Valére, m. worth, value
Tutto, adv. all, the whole ; a dyer's woad Valeriana,/ valerian fa plant)
tutti e cinque andammo all' Vagheggiaménto, m. an Valetudinàrio, adj. sickly
opera, we went all five to the amorous look courtship
; Valetudine,/ health
Vagheggiare, to cast an Valévole, adj. useful, good,
Tutto, adv wholly, entirely amorous look) to court a valuable
Tutto in un tempo, adv. sud- Valicàbile, adj. fordable, pass-
Vagheggiatóre, m. an ad-
Tuttoché, adv. although, al- mirer, a gallant Valicare, to pass over, or ford
Vagheggino, m. a beau, a Valicatóre, m. one who passe»
over a transgressor

Vaghétto, adj. genteel. Jine Vàlico, m. a ford, opening,

Vaghézze, m. beauty, charm ; passage; a spinning-wheel,
bati' uòmo, every man a desire, passion, inclination a spindle
Tutumàglio, m. the milk-thistle Vagill^re, to be wavering Validamente, adv. validly,
Tututto, adv. entirely, alto- Vagillazióne, /. a wavering, legally
gether irresolution, uncertainty Validare, to validate, ratify.
TiiZia,/. tutty, a kind qfzinc Vagina, /. a sheath: thin
Validità,/, validity
Vagire, io cry (as children Vàlido, adj. strong, robust
Véglia, /. courage, stoutness; Valigia,/ a portmanteau
price, worth ; un uòmo di Valigiàio, m. a cloak-bag
gran vàglia, a very deserv-
Valigiòtto, m. a cloak-bag\
Vag'liàre, io sift ; io slight Vallare, to trench about
Vagliatóre, m. a sifterVallata,/, a vallet/, or trench
Vagliatura,/ a *;/!mg- Vallato, adj. walled, fenced
vacation, vacancy Vàglio, m. a sifl, a corn-sieve Valle,/ arale, valley
Vacare, to be vacant, empty Vago, m. a lover, a spark
Vallèa,/, a vaUey
to attend, apply to Vago, adj. wandering, in- Vallétto, m. a servant
Vacato, adj. vacant constant, vague, tindeter- Vallo, m. a palisade, rampart
Vacazióne,/, vacancy, rest Vallonàta,/. a valley
Vacca,/, a cow a stiumpet
; able egli è molto val^o della Vallon<a,/. a gall-nut

Vaccarèlla,/, a heifer caccia, he delights very Valoraménto, m. a fortifying

Vaccàro,/. a cow-keeper much in hunting Valóre, m. valour, bravery ;
Vacchétta, /. a young com ; Vagolare, to wander, err
Russian leather ; a day-book Valorosamente, adv. bravely
Vaccina,/, beef Vaiato, adj grey Valoróso, adj. valiant, stout ;
Vacillaménto, m. a wavering, Vaiézza,/. a blackness efficacious, powerful
irresolution Vainlglia,/ vaniUa Valsènte, m. value, price ; a
Vacillare, io be light-headed, Vàio, adj. blackish stock, a state
to waver Vàio, m. a grey miniver, or Valùra, and Valuta, j. value,
Vacillazione,/ vacillation viary fin heraldry) price, or value
Vacillita, and Vacillitdde, /. Vaiolato, adj. blackish Valutare, to value, rate
irresuliuion, wavering Vainole,/ p. and Vaiuólo, m. ValuUziòne,/. appraisement
Vacuare, to evaetsate the small pox Vàlvula,/, a valve
Vacua^ióne,/. evacuation Valeggio, m. power, force Vampa, m. afflarne, love
\vu:mxkf emptiness Valènte, adf. skilful, excellent, Vampeggiànte, aaj. blaxing.
Vàcuo, adj. empty, fret, idle brave, valiant
Vado, m. a fora Valentemente, adv. bravely Vampeggiare, <•• Maze
^'a^abondàre, to ramble about ^'a!enleria, a>id ValenUa, /. Vatnpo, m. a fame, or light-
Vagaiiondita,/. a ra^nbling valour, bravery ning; menar vampa, tojly
Vagabóndo, and Vagabiindo, Valentuòmo, m. a valiant
adj. n'nr.dtring. vasfant Vanaglòria, / vaìn-gU/ry,
Vagaiiiénte, adv. handsomely
Vanagloriarsi, to boast of, or Vaporazióne, f. evaporatvn ITìbiditóre, tn. he who obsy»
glory in a thing Vapóre, m. a vapour Ubbióso, adj. superstitious
Vanaglorióso, adj. full of Vaporévole, adj. full of va-
i Ubbliàre, to forget
glory, proud Ubbriachèzza, /. drunken
Vanamente, adv. vainly Vaporita, and \''aporosità, /,
Vaneggiaménto, m. folly, fury vapour, exhalation Ubbriaco, adj. drunk
Vaneggiare, to dote to rav
; Vaporóso, adj. vaporous Ubbriacóne, m. a gieat
Vaneggiatóre, m. a dotard Vapulazióne,/. chastisement drunkard
Vanerèllo, adj. little, t), Varare, to launch a ship, to Uberltero, adj. that has teat:,
foppijh land copious, fertile
Vanézza,^, vanity, vain-glory Varcare, to cross, to pass over U'bero, m. U'bera, /. pi.
Vanga,/, a spade Varco, m. a passage, opening
Vangaiuòla,/, pi. a drag-net Variàbile, adj. changeable Ubertà, /. abundance, fruitful'
Vangare, to dig the ground Variamente, adv. differently
Vangata./, digged ground Variaménto, m. variation Ubertoso, adj. fruitful, abun-
Vangatóre, m. a digger Variante, adj. different, va-
Vangatura, the act of digging ; Ubriacacelo, adj. drunk
the digging time Variànza, /. variety, change VbTiachéì7.a,f. drunkenness
Vangélico, adj. evangelic Variare, to vary, alter Urcellabile, adi silly
Vangelista, tri. an evangelist Variatamente, adv. diversely Uccellàccio, m. a voracious
Vangelizzàre, to preach the Variato, adj. divers, different; bird a simpleton

"- -"igióne, / a fowling

Vangèlo, and Vangélio, m. vl?iamZ!f7arkUion ; ga,n.
the gospel Vaneggiare, to diversify Uccellàia,
Vanguàrdia,/, vanguard Variet.=i, /. variety, diversity; place to keep birds
Vanire, to vanish variation, alteration Uccellame, m. game, or a
Vanità, /. vanity, pride Vàrio, adj. various, different ; great number of birds
Vanni, »n. pi. (poet, exp.) the changeable, fickle; ho l'a- Uccellaménto, m. derision
nimo vàrio dal vostro, / am Uccellare, to fowl, go a bird-
Vano, adj. vain, proud : frail, not nfyour opinion 'ching: to banter, rail at;
perishable : in vano, adv. to Vasàio, m. a potter long for
Vascèllo, m a ship Uccellatóre, m. a bird-
Vase. m. a vase, vessel
necdlessi Vasellaggio. m. plates, dishes Uccell attira, /. a fowling, the
Vantaggiare, to exceed ; to forvling season
Vasellame, and Vasellaménto, Ucceliiéra, /. an aviary, or
Vantaggiato, adj. excellent. «I. gold, or silver plate large cage
Vasellettìéra,/. a casket Ucceliino, m. a little bird.
Vantaggio, m. advantage, Vasèllo, m. a vase, vessel. pigliare gli uccellini, to toy.
profit, happiness; stare a
vantàggio, to be above one Viso m. a vase, vessel
; Uccèllo, m. a bird, simpleton
da vantàggio, adv. moreover. ^'assallàggio, m. vassalage Ucchiello, m. a button-hole
Vassallo, m. a vassal, or a Uccidere, to kill, slay
Vantaggiosamente, adv. ad- Uccidiménto, tn. a murder
vantageously Vassóio, m. u tea-tray, a hod ditóre, m. a murderer
Vantaggióso, adj. advantage- Vastamente, adv. amply sióne,/. a slaughter
ous, profitable Vastità,/, vastness, hugeness Udibile, arfj audible
Vantagióne, /. and Vanta- Vasto, adj vast, spacious Udiènza, and UdiènSia, /.
ménto, m. a bragging, Vasto, »n. (p. ex.) the main. audience, or auditory dare ;

Vantarsi, to boast, glory; to Vate, m. (p. ex.) a poet, a Udiménlo, >n. the act of hear-
Vantato, adj. famous Vaticinare, to foretell Udire, to hear, listen to
Vantatóre, m. a boaster Vaticinazióne, /. and Vati- Udita, /. the hearing ; per
Vantazióne,/, a boasti-ig udita, by hearsay
Vanteria, /. a glorying, or Vatti con dio, God bless you
vapouring Vbhia,f. a bad omen
Udito, »i. the hearing (one
the senses J
Vanto, in. praise, honour Ubbidiènte,
; adi. obedient, Uditóre, m. an auditvr
advantage, victory a boast-
; dutiful
ing, glorying ; darsi vanto, Ubbidiènza,/, obedience
Ubbidienzière, m. an obe- Udizióne,/, a hearing
'x'aporabili cà,/. evaporation
Vaporare, to exhale, or evapo- Ve, adv. there, yonder
Vècchia,/, an old womark

v'ecohinia. f. old age Veemeiiteiiiénte, ado. vehe- Velenosamente, a»/u. in
\'erchiàrda, /. and Vecchi- menily,. forcibly
arde, »M. a mischievous old Veemènza, and Veeménìia,/. Velenosétto, adj. a little t
vi-.hemence, rinlence
Vegetabile, aJj vegetable
Vegetale, oxlj what vegetata '
Velenosità, J' poison, or rage
A''eget;ili, m vegetables
\'eleJióso, adj. poisonous ;
Vecchiéiia.f. old age Vegetare, to vegetate j
paróle velenóse, sitarp words
Véccliio, adj. old, ancient Vegetativo, a,IJ. vegetative I Veletta, /. a sentinel (on
Vecchióne," m. a respectable Vegetazióne, /. vegetation, I
growth I
Velettàio, fn. a veil-maker
VeccliiStta, /. a healthy old Vegetévole, adj. vegetable ! A'^eletfcSre. to watch [gull
Vègeto, adj. robust, stout. Vèlia, /. a sea-mew, cob, at
Velière, adj. quick-sailing
Veggente, adj. seeing a suo ; Vellicare, Vo sail, set sail
veggènte, in his presente ,
\'elleità, /. velleiiy, inclina-
1, /. Jilch, or vetch fa Vègghia, f. rvaiching, or even-
ing watch, sentry
: i Vellicaménto, m. an itching
Véce, f. r Vegghie, J" pi. lucubrations I Vellicare, io stimulate
véce, adv. the room tff. Vegghiaménto, ni. rvaiching !
Vello, m. fleece, or hair ; a
insteud Vegghiinte, adj. ivatchjul, handful
Vececaiice'.liére, m. vigilant I
\'éllo, vello, adv. there he is
Vegghiàre, to tvatch, sit up '•

Vellóso, adj. hairy

Vegghiatóre, m. a watchful \'ellutilto, adj. soft
Velluto, m. velvet, made like
Vegghiévole, adj. gitani ;
velvet : tufted
XeàixeV to sec, consider A&te ; 1 careful Velluto, adj. hairy
a vedére, to let see, show ;
Vegghievolménte, adv. ca - Vélo, in. a veil, crape ; crust,
vedére il bello, to watch the , /»%
opportunity : non veder l'ora, Vèggia, f. a cask, pipe I Velóce, adj. nimble, swift
Vèggiolo, m. vetches, tares '

Velocecamminànte, »n. a
\'edére chiaro, io comprehend Véglia, /. watching, or i

wrll evening
Veder tòrto, io mistake Vegliarne, adj. vigilant I swiftly
Veder volentièri, io receive one A'egliai-do, m. an old man \
Velocità,/, stviftness
kindly Vegliare, to wnlch, sit up I Véltra,/ a greylwund hitch
Veìére.m.ilie sight Vegliatóre, m. a watchful Vèltro, m. a greyhound
Vedétta, f. a sentry on horse- \''egliévole, adj. walchfnl Vena. f. a veiti, spring ge- :

back; strire alle vedétte, to Veglio, adj. old, ancient I

«»«; plenty, fruitfnlness
stand upon the watch Veglio d'oro, the golden fleece
\ editore, m. a by-stander Vegnènte, adj. near, next,
A'editóri, m. pi. custom-house coming, thriving, strung
Veicolo, and Veiculo, m. a study to-day
A'édova, / a widow chariot, vehicle l'enai;ióne,y. game ; h
Ve'lo\'A.n^?.,f. widowhood Véla, /. a sail, {a.lso fg.) a Venale, adj. venal, o
N'edovàre, io make one a ship dare le véle al vènto,

widower, or a widow ; io to sei sail ; a véle gònfie,

full sail Ven^.to, adj full of veins
Vedovéilo,/. a young widow Velame, ni. a veil, or very thin A'endèmmia, f. vintage
Vedovézza, /. widowhood Vendemmiare, to gather
^'cdovfle, adj. of a widow, or Velamènto, i pre- grapes to get an estate by

bad means
Vedovile, m. a jointure Velare, io veil, cover, hide Vendemmiatóre, m a vintager
Vedovila., f. widowhood Velar l'occhio, to fall asleep Véndere, to sell, veiid ; voi
\'e'dovo, m. a widower Veiita.f. J sailing . da véndere.
\"e(UUa, f. the sight, oi pros- \'elatóre, m. he who veils very » t the
pect ; far veduta, to pretend , • ,fa slope, or glacis right [retail
testimònio di veduta, an Veiaz ^'ènderc a mintìto, to sell by
ailing Véndere in digrosso, io sell by
Vedutamente, adv plainly tvholcfule
^'èndere sotto iV;st,i, to sell by

vehement, Veìén
Vendétta, /. itngeance \'entTlre, to blotr, in he r.-mdy Veriialm('nte, adt. verbally
Vendettàccia, f. a crini ven- VcntavvoU, f a weathercock
\"enteg»i.-ire, to blow herb ' '

Vendi' fole, uni Viiidfbile, Venteg^ato, adj. shaken by Verbic^usa, and \"erbigrdzia
adj. venal, that is lo be the wind
Ventesimo, adj. the In-enlieth
Vénti,»! and adj. twenty
Ventiéra,/. a large fan
Ventilabro, wi. winnowing
Vendicarsi, io be revenged Verbóso, adj. talkative
Vendiiatfvo, adj. revengeful Verdastro, adj. greenish
Vendicatdre, m. a revenger Verdazziii-o, »j. a sea-green
A^enditliévole, ndj. vindictive Vérde, m, verdure, a green ;

Vendi men to, m. a selling Ventilatore, m. a ventilati r al V

Véndita,/, a sale Ventilazióne, /. veniilutio end
; la candela è al verde,
Venditóre, m. a seller, vender Ventina,/ a scare the candle is almost out
Veneficia, m. sorcery, poison- Ventipióvolo, m, a rainy Verde, adj. green, young,
ing fresh, tender; sour, sharp,
Venen.-ire, ta poison Vènto, m. the mind ; dare le
Venenffero, adj. venomous véle al vènto, to set sail Verdebruno, m. deep gretn
Venéno, m. ve'nom, poison dar al vènto, to scatto Verdechiaro, m. light gretn
Venenoso, adj. poisonous about ; fa vènto, the tvim Vcrdeggiaménlo, m. verdure.
A'^ciierabile, adj. venerable
" pigliar vento, ti
Venerabilità, /. tu/iai is tiene- nish Verdeggiare, to be, or look green
i di ^ empty Vcrdemèzzo, adj. between
Veneràndo. adj. venerable gieen and dry
A'eiieràre, to revere Verderame, m. rerdigrise
Vcrrlerógnolo, adj. greenish
Venerazióne,/, veneration \'erde.sècco, adj. half dry
Venerdì, jn. Friday Verihtto, adj. 'sourish
Vènere, f. Venus fa planet) Véntolo, m (see Ventaglio) \-erdc2za, j. greenness, or
Venereamente, adv. lust-
Venèreo, adj venereal, lustful Venlosare, lo apply a cuppi)ig-
glass [ness Verdóne, a greenfinch
Venerevolménte, adv. \'entosità, /. ventosity, windi- ^'erdóre, m. verdure, green
fnlly Ventóso, adj. wi:.dy,- or proud Verdi'ico, m. a square sabre
Vènia,/ a pardon: leave VenlrAxa.f the belly, paunch \'erd;ime, m. and Verdura, /.
Veniale, adj. venial, pardot Ventrata../, a Utter
Vèntre, »n. the belly ccónilia, f. modesty, bash-
Venimento, m. a :oming, ai 7entrfcolo, ni. ventricle ; the
rival, event, case stomach, or bowels econdo, adj. bashful, mo-
Venire, t» arrive ; to
come, Ventriglio, m a gizzard
succeed, happen ; venire a Ventura, /. adventure, fate,
battaglia, tu come to blows ; '
Dpiness, fortune : far la
Teuire a diètro, to go back ; itiira, to tell one's for-
venire a concordia, to a- Vérga,/ the stripe of any stv^fT
gree ; venire a grado, to Vergare, to streak (stujjs.

to come seasonably ; venire \'ergato, m. striped stvjf ; a

al niènte, to be reduced to medley
beggary; venire a nòia, <o Venustà,/, comeliness, beauty Vergèlla,/, a switch, stick
'• Vergheggiare, to whip with
displease, weary : ben ven- " to, adj. ^raceJuUìne
ga, you lite welcome; ve- a,/, arrival, cmning -
's, to brush, beat tvitli a
nire incóntro, to meet ; Venzèi, adj. twenty-six . ;t,:h

\enire inn.-inzi, to present A'enzètte, adj. twenty-seven Verghélta,/ a rod, switch, f brambles, thorns Verginale, udj. virginal
in stiito, to be promoted ;
Ver, prep, towards Vérgine,/, a virgin, maid
venire talento o vòglia, to Verace, adj. true Verginelle ,-.. a lad
\'ei-aceniènte,arfu. truly, really i-eruin,io, adj virginal
- -
-- 'icily Verginità, j: virginity
\"érgio, ni. verjuice
\-erpd^-;:a, /
sixame. mcdesl.^l.
Ventàglio, m. a fan i»Ja:„i, outrage
V'ergiSgiie, /. pi. the j>rivy Vernaccia,'/- " »ort of while

Vergognarsi, io be ashamed \''emàccio, m. a very hard

^•ergo-nalo, adj. shameful Versilto, adj. crafty, cunning
\'er{;ognevolniénte, a 'emacoI( Vertebra,/ the chine bone
shamefully \'ernale, adj. of the winter ;
Vertènte, (anno) Me currtnt
V ergofjiidsa, /. the sensit of the spring year
\'emare, to winter ; to beVerticale, a<1j. vertical
Vergognosamente, adv. mo- chilled with cold, to be in the
Vèrtice, m. a top, heigid ; the
destly, sham-.fulhj zenith (vertical point)
Vergognóso, udj shameful, Vernata,/, the win, Vertigine, /. vertigo (dizsi
modest, indecent, infamous VemerécEio, adj. winterly, of nets) a iurning round
Vérgola,/, a rod, switch the winter Vertiginóso, adj. dizzy
Vergolaménto, m. strijiet Vemicare, to varnish Veruno, adj. none, not one
Vergone, »n. a lime-tmig Vemfce, m. varnish, paint, Verzicare, to grow gretn ; to
Veridicamente, adv. truly sandarack, or orpine flourish
Veridicità,/, veracity Verniciato, adj. varnished Verzière, m. a kitchen garden
Veridico, adj. veridical, Vernino, adj of the winter Verzino, m. brasil, or dye-
frank Verno, m. the winter
\'crificdre, to verify Véro, m. the truth ; in, da Verziirae, m. and Verfiira,/.
VerificatiSre, m. an examiner véro, adv. truly è ben véro
; verdure, greenness
Verificazidne,/. verifying che, adv nevertheless; ogni Vescica, /. the bladder ; a
Verilóquio, m. a true recital vero non è ben detto, ali bubble qf water, or air idle ;

Verisimigliànza, /. likeli- talk

hoed ali ti Vescicatòrio, m. a blister
Verisimile, adj. likely certain ^'esco, m. a bishop
Verisimilitùdine, /. likeli- Vescovado, m
a bishnpriek
Verònica, /. speedwell (an episcopacy, diocese, a bishop't
Verisimilménte, adv. likely herb) palace
Ver.tà, and Veritide, /. veri- Verrétta, /. and Verrettóne, Vescovdle, and Vescovile, adj,
ty, truth : per, in, di verità. m a kind of shirt and sharp episcopal, of a bishop
inly: Véscovo, m. a bishop
bocca della vi ita, to Verrina,/, a whimble Vespa, f. a wasp
Verrinare, to pierce, bore (sea Vespaio, HI. a wasp's nest, a
Vèrro, m. a boar Vespaióso, adj. spongy
veridical, true, . Verruca,/, a war/ Vespertillo, m. a hat
Verme, m. a worm; Lucifer; Verniceria,/, a turnsol Vespertino, adj. of the evening
Cerberus: (poet, ex.) avere Versaménto, jn. effusion, Vèspro, and \'èspero, m.
il vèrme, to be in love spilling evening, vespers
Vermena, /. the sprig of a Versare, to pour out ; spilt ; to Vessare, to vex, torment,
plant (Lat.)
Vermicèllo, tn. a Utile rvorm Versiir làgrime, to shed tears Vessazióne,/, vexation
Vermicèlli, m. pi. vermicelli, Versàtile, adj. versatile Vessieatório, m. a blister
(a kind of paste) Versato, adj. spilt, or skilful Vessillo, m. a standard
Vermichidra,/. sea-rvorms Verseggiare, to versify Vesta e veste,/, a vest, coat
A'erraicoUre, adj. vermicular Verseggiatóre, m. a versi- Vestale, *. vestal, a virgin
Vermicolóso, adj. rvorm- VestiàTÌo, m. vestiary
Vestibolo, and Vestibule, /. a
Verrafglia, /. vermilion vestilntle, a porch
Vestigia, /. and Vestigio, m.
Versificàre, to versify a trace, mark, footstep
Versificatóre, m. a versifier Vestiménto, m. a vestment,
Vermigllézza,/. the vermilion \'^ersificazióne,/. versification
Versióne, /. a version, revolu- Vesure, to clothe, dress ; nas-
Vermiglio, adj. red, bright cer vestito, to be born to
Vermiglióne, m. vermilion Versipélle, adj. knavish, cun- good fortune ; vestite selve,
Verminàca, /. vervein (an verdant woods
herb) Vestirsi, to dress one's self,
Verminóso, adj. worm-eaten, VesUto, m. a dress, habit
or maggolty andare a vèrsi ad alcuno, to Vestitura, /. aressing, dretlf
Vérmo, m. a worm, or mag- please, second one the skin, or Aair cloth
Verso, pr. towards, against. Vestizióne, /. vesture
Vesldne, m. a large and noble ta weary, displease ; arére in
liggia, to hate, abhor
Veterano, m. a veteran Uggiolare, to howl Vice-^nimiràglio, m.
Vétero, aàj. old, ancient Uggiò.io, adj. shady, suspi-
Vetrài^,/ a glass-house cious, mistrustful Vice-cance'^ére, m.
Vetraio, m. a glazier, a gla chancellor
UgnAre, i cut with a sharp VicecOnsoIo, m.a vice onsiU
Vetrata, and Vetriata, /. Vicecuràto, m. a curate
t glass window, a pane of Ugnatura (tagliare a) to cut Vioedio, the vicar of Christ
glass with a sharp graver (the pope)
Véirice, /. a fir, or willow- U'gnere, to anoint, rub ; to t'icegerén'e, m
a vicegerent
tree (a deputy)
Vetriciàio. m. a spot planted U'gnere le mdni, to bribe VicelegAto, m. a vice-legate
* with willows Ugniménto, m. anointing Vicelegaziòne, a vicelegate-
Vetriéra, /. a glazing, a pane Ugndne, m. clutches, claws ship
of glass U'gola, /. the uvula of the Vicènda, /. revenge, change ;
Vetrificare, to vitrify
Vetrificazióne,/, a vitrifying ;
Ugonòtto,t«. a huguenot cénda, adv. alternately
vitrification Uguagliaménto, m. the act cf Vicendévole, adj. reciprocal
Vetrino, adj. silver eyed making equal V^icendevolézzaj /. vicissitude,
Vetriòlo, m. vitriol (a mi- Uguaglianza,/, equality change
ne, al) Uguagliare, to equal icevolménte, adv. recipro-
Vetriudla, /. pellitory of the Uguale, adj equal, like cally
wall Ugualità,/, equality /icenòme, m. a prorioun
Vetriudlo, »i. vitriol; (also) a Ugualmente, adv. equally Vicepatriarca, m. a vice-jia-
piece of glass Uhéi! inter}, alas! triarch
Vetro, in. glass Vi, adv. there Vicepretòre, m
a vice-pretor
Vétta, /. top. height, the ~\a,f. way, path, sti "icerè, m. a viceroy
handle of a flail ; a sprig, icereggénte, in. a vie -regent
sprout Vicerettòre, m. a vice-rcnur
Vettaiuòlo, adj. vulgar, rough Via di mézzo, a medium Vicesegretàrio, m. a second
Vétte,/, a lever
Vetuna, /. a conduit (pipe) "ia, adv. cheer up, courage ;
Vicinale, adj. neighbouring
Vettóne, m. a bud, sjirig much la dottrina deve via
Vicinamente, adv. near
Vettovaglia,/, victualc più stimarsi che le ricchez- Vicinanza, /. vicinity, neigh-
Vettovagliare, to victual ze, learning ought to be bourhood
Vettura, /. a carriage; dar esteemed beyond riches Vicinare, to border upon
a vettura, to let out a car- Via, via, adv. instantly, "icinàta, /. and Vicinato, m.
anon: va via, Jie, for neighbourhood, neighbours ,

Vetturàle, m. a carrier shame ; via, to put

dar vicinity [citizen
Vettureggiare, to carry off, part with: gittàr via, to
Vetturino, »n. a carrier sell too cheap ; mandar via, Vicino, adj. neighbouring,
Vetustà,/, antiquity
Vetusto, adj. old, ancient Viaggiare, to travel Zino, prep, near, about ; sta
Vezzalaménte, adu. agree- Viaggiatóre, ni. a traveller lui vicino, he lives just btf,
ably Viàggio, m
a journey ;glitill vicino à morire, he
Vezzeggiare, to caress Viale, m. a walk in a garden ras almost dead
Vézzo, m. diversion; charm, Viandante, m. a traveller Vicissitudine, /. vicissitude
pearl necklace Vicolo, m. a lane,
Vezzosamente, adv. tenderly, dreet
gracefully Vidàme, »n. vidame, mayor
Vezzosétto, adj. graceful, Viatdre, »n. a traveller Viduita, /. viduity, widow-
delicate Viatòrio, adj. of a journey
Vezzóso, adj. charming, love- Vie più, much more
ly : delicate, precious Vibrare, to brandish, dart Vie meno, much less
Uficidle, man officer Vibrazióne, /. vibration, oi V^ietaménto, m. prohibition
Uficidre, to officiate darling Vietare, ^^ prohibit, forbid ; i»
tfficiatura,^: divine service Viburno, m. the wild vine, oi
Uficio, m. an office, duty hedge plant Vièto, adj. old, rank
Uficidso, adj. officious Vicaria, /. and Vicariato, m. Vìétta,/ a path, lane
U'ggia, /. a shade, omen, au- a vicarage, curacy Vie via, adv. immediately
gur'i : essere, proràrsi, e
lenire in ùggia, io be hated.
Vi 1 leggi at óra, /. country di- VinoIénJa, and Vino!én5ia, /
V^illeréccio, and Viller&co, Vinoso, adj. Juicy, vinnut
Vij?iltinza,/. vigilance adj. rural, rustic Vinto, pi vanquished, wetik-
Vis;i!are, to be natchful, to Villóso, adj. hairy ened, exhausted dar la vin:

iiltend Vilmente, adv. vilely, meanly ta, to accommodate one. It.

\'Iffile, ailj. vigilant, natch- Vilpislréllo, m. a bat agree with one ; dirsi Tinto,
/«' Viltà, / t;i/e;ifM, meanness : to yield, surrender
Vigflia, /. ivatching, titling cowardice [rope-weed Vintìccio, and Vinicolo, m.
np.theei Vilùcchio, m. bind-weed, or
Vigilia de- Vilume, m. a confused heap Vidia, f. a violet, a stock,
Vi Viluppo, m. a tufi, a packet, (also) a viol (musical irutru-
seìy or bundle; a confusion.
Vigliaccherfa,/. cowardice intricacy .Violàceo, adj. purple
Viglìàceo, adv. cowardly Vime, and Vimine, m. a bond, Violamentoj ni. violation
Vigliaménto, m. a watchini tie a twig
; \'iolàre, to violate, ravish,
Vigliare, lo pluck, pick Vindccia, f. the grounds cf
Vigna, / a vine, vineyard; ^'iÓ!dto, adj. forced ; violet-
piantare una vigna, not to Vinacciuòlo, wi. grape, kernel
Vinagro, m. vinegar Violatóre, m. a violator, or
Vignaio, and Vignaiuòlo, m. Vinàio, and Vinatiére, m. infringer
,edres> wine-merchant, a vintner \ iola2idne,/. violation, rape
Vinario, adj. vinous, of vine; Violentaménto, m. violence
with cella vinària, a wine-cellar Violentare, to compel, force
Vinato, adj. of vine Violentemente, adv. violently,
Vignàzzo, and Vignéto, m. e Vincaperrinca, /. periwinkle .fiercely
fan herb) Violente, and Violènto, adj.
\''ig(Sgna,/ a vigone fa beast) Viiicàstra, /. and Vinctstro, fierce, vehement ; matri-
Yigorare, lo strengthen m. a switch, rod, stick monio violènto, m. a forced
Vjgóre, m. vigour, force Vincènte, adj. victorious match ; veléno violèiito>
Vigoreggiare, to encourage Vincere, vanquish, subdue
to : deadly jioison
Vigorosamente, adv. vigor- to extirpate, expel; vincer Violènza,/, oppression, force
ously denari, to min al play ;
Violetta, / a violet ; a sort of
Vigorosità,/ vigour, force vincer di cortesia, to sur-
Vigoriiso, adj. vigorous pass one in pnliteniss Viol'tto. adj. violet colour
Vile, adj. vile, base, mean ;
Vincévole, and Vincfbile, adj. Violino, m'. a violin, fiddle ;
avere, tenére a vile, te suonator di violino, a fid-
Vinchéto, m. an osier-bed, a dler
Vilificare, to revile, depress willow-plot Violoncello, m. violoncello
\''i!ipéndere, to despise X'incibdsco, ni. honeysuckle Violóne, m. a bass-viol
Vilipèndio, m. and \'ilipen- Vfncido, adj. soft, .flabby Viottolo, m. and \Mottola, /.
sidne,/. contempt, disdain Vincfglio, ni. a band, tie a lane, alley, path, entry.
Vilipéso, ailj. despised, mean Vinciménto, nj. victory, con-
Vilfve, to contemn fobs.) Vipera, /. a viper lingua di ;

Villa, /. a villa, or country- Vinciprémi, m. one who gains vipera, a rirulent tongue
Viperàio, ni. a viper-catcher
Vincita, f. gain, victory Vipèreo, adj of a viper
Vincitóre, m. a conqueror, \'ipistréllo; .«. a bat
victor [barid Viràgine, /
a virago, a stout
Vinco, m. osier, willow tic. :

Vincolare, to bind by contract re, to liticai)

Vincolo, ni. string, tie, chain ; Viigapasto i,f- a,
bondage tie
Vindénimia,/. vintage Virginale, and Virgineo, adj.
Vindice, adj. rei'engqful virgin-like, virginal
VineWcnu small wine ^'i^gInità./ virginity
\''inético, adj. vinous, ef Vii-go'.a,/. a comma
Virgolare, to point with com-
mas. to put stops to a writing
Virgulto, m. sprig, sprout
Viiidta,/. a villape bitd
Vill^tico, adj. rural Viridith, f. greenness
Virile, ad}, man!,;, virile; età
ririlità, /. manliness, force, Vituperatfvo, <Sf Vituperdto,
manhood adj. dishonoured, vittanovs
Virtù, /. virtue, knowledge, first t si Vituperazióne, /. dishonour,
jtroprielìj bast; la V infamy
Virtuale, adj. eJTectual, vir- Murage ; vi basterebbe la Vituperèvole, and Vituperóso,
vista di lasciarmi ? have you
Virtiinl^tà,/ ri rivalili/ the heart to leave me ?
Virtualmente, adv. virtually Visto, adj. quick, swift, seen Vituperevolménte, adv. un-
\'irtuoiaménte, adv. courage- Vistosamente, adv. neatly ; Ihily
oushj, virtuously sightly
Virtuoso, adj. virtuous, ho- Vistosétto, adj. well-looking
nest; teurued, skilled: ac- Vistóso, adj. handsome, pretti/
. que viitudse, efficacious iva- VisuMe, adj. visual, of the sigbt Vituperosamente, adv. shame-
Vita, /
life; shape; vi va fully [infa,no„s
della vita, life is at stake; Vituperóso, adj. shamtj'ul,
Virulènto, adj virulent aniliSr alia vita, to attempt V)\a, interj. long live
Virulènza,/, viruhncy, virus life; dar la vita, to charm; Vivace, ad), lively, brisk
\isaccio, m. an ugly face diire a vita, lo give for life ; Vivacemente, adv. lively, forci-
Visdggio, m. a visage guadagnar la sua vita, to bly [city
get a livelihood dari:i vita ; Vivacità, / liveliness, viva-
Vfscliio, and Vis bird- e buon tempo, to pass away Vivdgno, m. list of cloth, edge
,tp,s time; una donna di bella Vivàio,/, pondjjish pond
Vischioso, and Viscdso, adj. vita, a well-sìiaped woman ;
Vivamente, adv. briskly,
glutinous far buona vita, lo farewell ; sharply, rigorously
Visciola,/. tlie sour cherry Vivinda,f.vichiah,food, a dish
Visciolato, m. cherry tviue one chi ha tempo, ha vita,
; Vivandare, to live high
Viscónte, m. a viscount while there is life there is Vivandétta, /. a ragout a ;

Viscontéssa,/ a viscountess
Viscosità,/ clamminess Vitalba,/, snake -weed Vivandière, m. a sutler
Visibile, a,ul Visivo, adj. vli-i Vitile, adj. vital, alive
ble, plain Vitaiolo, m, and adj. annuity Vi vent adj. living, alive-.
Visi a,/. V for life
Vite./, a vine : a screw ; scala
fatta a vite, ar
(al; ^andy
Visitante, adj. visiting
Visitare, to visit, to Vitèlla,/ a'heifer
visitare una casa, to survey Vitellino, adj. yellow, like the
a house yolk (fan,egg
Visitatóre, m. a Vitèllo, m. a calf .dy, vi
Visitazione, /. j Vitellino, m. a small calf, a Vivili >, adj.,

sucking calf; adj. of a :alf, Vivificare, to nnicken, revive

?, adv. I libly Vivifico, and Vivificativo, adj.
Visfvo, adj. visible
Viso, m. face, visage; m \'ivificazióne, /. and Vivifica
strar budn viso, to recei inènto, ,n. reviving, rivifyin,
one kind/y ; mostrar il ^
so, not lo be afraid; fare living; dipingere al vivo, t

viso rdsso, to blush ddre : paint fro

nel viso, tu look impudently Vivo, adj. alive, b, sk; V
' -'--- apèrto, boldly ; sr vivo, all alive: '

I, •s face
I r col albero, inside oj
visobdssojfo look dorvn ; fare
il viso brusco, to look askew
a viso a viso, facing, face to
Vittorióso, ad), victorious
Vispézza,/, vivacity Vittuàglie,/>/. victuals nulh : per viva fòrza,
Vispistréllo, m. a bat Vittuària,/. ci'mmodilies ''/.'/. ^y ./'"'<« pietra v

Vispo, u(/j. quick, lively Vitn\a,fahdfir ,it stotie; calcina v

Vissuto, part, lived \'ituperàbile, adj. blame-tv lick lime
Vista, /. sight ; far vist thy shameful
\'ivo!a, violet flower ; a via
nod, shorv ; (also) to J ^ Vituperare, io dis'tonour; Vivole, /,,/. the vires
pretend Io conósco di disease in horses)
VìtuoIo, m. a clove-tree Umettare, to moisten Unguènto, m. ointment, ui*>
Viviito, part, lived Umettatfvo, adj. moistening guent, potnalum, perfume
Viuzza, /. and Viuzzo, m. a Uraettazióno,/. a moistemng,
Unfoile, «(/;. easy to be joined
Viziare, to vitiate, deprave, Umidétto, and Umidiccio, adj. Unicamente, adv. only, en-
eormpt, dejlorver moist,wet tirely unicamente amato,

Viziatamente, adv. malicious- Umidézza, Umidità, /. and dearly beloved

ly, deceitfully Umidóre, m. moisture, damp- Unicità,/, singularity
Viziato, adj. vitiated, crafty. U'nico, adj. only, sole; è unico
Umidfre, to moisten nel suo mestière, he is very
Umidito, part moistened expert at his trade
U'mido, adj. damp m. mois-
; Unicòrno, m. an unicorn
ture, dampness ITnificàre, to unite
Vièiosità,/. vice, fault U'mile, adj. humble, vile Unifórme, adj. uniform
Vizióso, adj. vicious, faulty Umiliàca,/. an apricot Uniformemente, adv. uniform-
Vizzo, adj.jlabhy, sqft Umiliàco, m. an apricot-tree
IT'lcera,/. an ulcer Umiliare, to humble Uniformità,/ uniformity
Ulcerazione, Ulcerazione, /. ^milidto, part, humbled
and Ulceraménto, m. vice-
union, unity, junciim
Ulcerare, to ulcerate Unire, to join level, unite;

Ulceróso, adj. ulcerous Umilmente, adv. humbly Unfaono,'fn. unison

Uligine, /. moisture, dryness, Umiltà,/, humility Unissimo, adj. the only one
dampness Uraoràccio, m. bad humour Unitamente, adv. jointly
Uliginóso, adj. moist, damp Umóre, m. humour, dampness, Unità,/, unity, conjunction'
Uliva./, an olive Unitivo, adj. that unites, unit-
Ulivile, and Ulivàre, adj. the umóre, a] btiffaon dar nell'
; ing
form of an olive umóre, to please Unito, part, of one mind
Ulivastro, adj. olive-coloured; Umorista, m. humourist Unitóre, m. a mediator
m. wild olive-tree Umorosità,/. humidity Universale, adj. universal
UlivéUa, /. an iron spike, iron Umoróso, adj. over damp Universalità,/, universality
pincers, slings Unauimaménte, adv. unani- Universalizzare, to reduce f&
Uliveto, m. an olive-yard mously uniitersnlity
Ulivlgno, adj. olive-colour Unànime, adj. unanimous Universalmente, adv. univer-
Ulfvo, m. '
olive-tree, olive Unanimità,/, unanimity
branch Uncicare, and Uncinare, to Università, /. university, ge-
Ulterióre, adj. farther snatch, wrest, catch; hang nerality, universality
Ulteriormente, adv. besides on a hook ; to take away, Univèrso, m. the universe
Ultimaménte, adv. lately, seize, to take with a hook Univèrso, adj. universal
lastly Uncicàto, .Uncinato, and Un- Uni vocazióne,/, univocation
Ultimare, to finish, perfect cinuto, adj. crooked, hook- Univoco, adj in one voice
Ultimato, part, terminated ed, rapacious; egli ha le UnizzSrsi, to identify '

U'ltirao. adj. last ; all' ultimo, mani uncicate, he is light- self

-fingered Uno
Ultóre, revenger, an Uncino, m. a hook r by .

enger Undécimo, adj the eleventh

Ululare, to homi, or roar V ndici, m, and adj, eleven uno, so much a piece, or
Ululato, ni. howling, roaring U'ngere, to anoint' heaa I'un per l'altro, one

Umanamente, adv. humanely, U'nghero, m. an Hungarian

friendly, kindly, gently, sequin Unqua, and Unquinche, adv-
courteously, affably U'nghia, and Ugna, a nail:
Umanàrsi, to take human ùnghie di cavallo, o horstfs Unquemài, adv. never
flesh hoof Untire, to anoint, rub
Umanato, j-art. made human, Unghiato, and Unghilito, adj. Untiito, part, anointed
incarnated that has nails Unticcio, adj. oily, greasy
Umanista, m. skilled in learn- Unghiélla,/. a whitlow Unto, adj. anointed, greasy
Unghióne, m. claws, or clutches
anity, classi- ,
Unghiùto, parr, having nails Untosita, /. oiltness, uncttto-
U'ngolo, m. and U'ngola, /. sity
nan, humane, I nail Untume, m. unctuous matter.
: umane, li- : Ungtientire, to anoint, rt
, ,


Vocabolàrio, m. vocabulary, Volato, part, fled m. a flight
: Volontiéri, adv. willingly
dictionary Volcano, m. a volcano Volontiéro, m. and Voiontiére,
Vocabolarista, Jitd Vocabo- Voleggiare, to flutter about adj. a volunteer
listàrio, m. a le-vicographer ^'olénte. (irf;. w'lling olpàia,/. afox-hole
Vocàbolo, »i. word, name. Volentièri, a'du willingly Vé\ve,fafox,acraftyman;
Vo!entieróso,arfj.eag^er, greedy, the falling off of the hair ;

Vocale, «(fi. vocal , lèttera vo- (also) the blast , delle volpi
cale, a vowel \'olére, to n/ill, to please, order; """ '"'"
Vocalmente, adv. vocally fomlines caught^
Vocalizzare, to me many lér Aire, to mean, to signify ; Volpicela, /. a young fox ; an
voler 'bène, to wish well, to artful crafty man
Vocàre, io call, name love. A volére che, cortj. in Volpigno, Volpino, and ^'ol-
Vocatfvo, m. the vocative case pàto, adj. of a fox, cunning
Vocazióne, ,/; mention Volére, m. will vòstro volére,
; Volpone, m. an old Jox; an
Vóce, f. voice, word-, note; at your pleasure; mal vo- artful designing man
lére, ill will di buon volére,
; Vòlta, /. a vault, cellar:
buona voce, to have a good willingly •ay, road, tumiiig; time.
character ; dar sulla voce. Volgare, adj. vulgar, common, volution
to interrupt ; in voce, by a living language „^. _ -Hi; dar
word of mouth : sotto voce, Volgarismo, m. idiotism di volta, to come back ; an-
Tvith a lorv voice ; ad una Volgarità,/, simplicity dare in volta, io rove ; alla
Volgarizzaménto, m. transla- volta, towards; altre volte.
ha voce in capitolo, nobody
minds rvhat he says Volgarizzare, to translate, ex-
Vociàccia,/. a had voice plain, expound
Vociferante, adj. harvling Volgarizzato, part. trans-
Vociferare, to bawl, whisper luted
Vociferatóre, m. a noisy man Volgarizzatóre, m. a trans-
Vociferazióne, f. vociferation. Voltàbile, adj. changeable, in-
Volgarmente, adv. vulgarly constant
Vóga, /. 3 rowing ; méttere \'olgàto, adj. known, common Voltaménto, m. and Voltata,
i remi in voga, to begin to \'olgénte, adj. iteming /. a turning, rolling
row ; èssere in voga, io be in Vòlgere, to turn, cross, in- Voltante, adj. turning
vogue, in fashion duce, persuade move, stir
; Voltare, to turn, change, wal-
Voglire, to row ; to strive to change, overturn; non low, tumble to value ; to ;

Vogatóre, m. a rower so dove volgermi, I know apply to ; iltàrsi, to change

Vòglia,/, mind, will, desire: not ivhich way to turn il ;

(also) mole, spot, longing tèmpo si volge a fréddo, Voltato, part, turned
J' '
1 voglia, willingly;
the -"?r grorvs cold; Voltazióne, f. a tu rning
i di long spalle, to run Volteggiaménto, m. a whirl-
fere un pónte, io ing round, fluttering
Vogliévole, adj. covetous, eh volgersi per Volteggiare, to turn about

flutter about
Vogliosamente, adv. willing- Vólto, m. face, visage va-ull, ;

ly arch gitlàr in volto, to re-


Voglióso, adj. desirous, mill-

ing, bold Voltolaménto, m. a rolling
Vogliùzza, /. Utile desire Voltolare, to tumble, roll, wal-
Volaménto, m.Jlight, flying low voltolarsi, io roll on the

Volante, m. shuttlecock ground

Volante, adj. flying, light, in- a,d) Voltolóni, and Voltolóne,
Vólo, m. a soaring, flight adv. tumbling, in rolling

Volare, to )-un, fly; m. a levarsi a volo, to soar di :

flight volo, suddenly, in an instant Voltura, /. rei<oll ; revolution ;

Volita, f. flight, or flying Volontà, /. the will, desire; a transfer ; the paying with
Volàtica, /. a kind of ring- di volontà, voluntarily,
greedily ; ùltima volontà, Voliibile, ad;, variable, flckle,
last will light
Volontariamente, adv. volun- Volubilità,/ volubility, flckle-
ness, inconstancy
Volatilità./. V Volontario, adj. voluntary Volubilmente, adv. incon-
Volatilizzare, i stantly
Volonteróso, adj. willing, easy, Volvcre, Cm poetry) ti tu-n,
ciiick, eager, greedy to whirl ab<ut
W.titore, m. lie that turnt Votaménto, m. and Votagi<5ne,
Volume, m, volume, trnne /. evacuation, emptying
^'olulrinuso, adj. volumiiioiu Vota])ózzo, m. one nlio cleans Usare, lo be accustomed, to UM,
\'olantà,/. miti, deshe wells lofreiiHent
Voluta, /. a vohUe (in archi- 'otire, to erttpty : to vote ; to Usatamente, adv. commonly
devote, consecrate ; to clean ; Usato, adj. comnwn, usual ; m.
Voliito, part, wauled, rvished votare il paese, to leave the
\'olutth,/. voluplìioìiswss, sen- country Usàtti,m. pi. boots
snalily, rfTevunan, Votato, part, emptied, vowed Usbèrgo, m. cuirass, armour
Voluttuario, adj. loluptuous VoUtùra,f. evacuation Uscènte, adj. going out
Vohutuoòainénte, adv. uoluj)- zza,/, vacuity, emptiness
tuoiuly !0, part, vowed '^sciére, m. door-keeper
Voluttuóso, adj. sensual, volup- Vdto, m. emptiness; a row,
going out
Uomaccio, m. a clumsy clown, wishes desires ; béstia vota, f'scio, m. a door, a gate
a fat fool J beast without burden; a Uscire, to go out, issue, tend,
Vijmere, to vomit (Latin end ; uscir il |vino dal capo,
word) to steep one's self sober ;
VOniero, and Vomere, /. uscir di passo, to mend one's
Ulivo, „, . pace ; uscir di tuono, to sing,
A'5mica,/. a vomit, emetic ésoe, the spawn of fish or play out of tune ; useir di
VomiciCre, to r»mrt 'asqua d'uova. Batter rom ; fuori di se, to gr,ow mad :
ere l'uovo in bocca, lo baf stupid ; uscire a riva, to
Vomfre, to vmnit .. one's designs
'.e land ; uscir di bando, to be
aménto, f n Udvolo, n sort of mush»n. recalled from banishment ;
Vomitare, I" «;«' drive out, m ; a slip of a reed the ; uscir dall' animo, to forget
retch Joint of a bone Uscita, /. ««lie, a way out,
Upupa./, a lapwing; a tuft
Uracano, m. a hurricane t> put down
Urbanamente, adv. politely g the .

Vomitivo, /l'i;, vomitire UrbaniU, /. courtesy, urba-

Vomito, m. iind Vomizidne, /.
a vomiting Usignuòlo, ni. a nightingale
Usitatamente, adv. usually
Usitato, ailj. tmual. comnuin
\. f urethra (the U'so, m. use, custom ; usance,

Ursente, adj. urgent, pre» U'so, part, used, accustomed

UTB:'ì:ìza,f. urgency, necei _ Usoliére, in. a lace, string
U'rgere, to urge, press (Latin
o (li im ,vord) U'sti,/. the scent (in the chase)
ledialor to make water Ustolare, to long, wish for
Uòpo, m. benefit, inlt Urlali tting Ustòrio, adj. vetro ustòrio,
need, want: aver nop Urlante, ad), howling, roaring burning-glass
tvant ; far uopo, to be i Urlare, to howl, to roar Usuale, adj usual, co>nmisn
U'rlo, m. howl, lamentation Usufiruttare, and Usufiruttuàre,
Vorace, adj. vorat U'ma, /. pitcher, pot, ui to enjoy the projits without
Voraeita,/. voraciotisness Usufrutto, m. ptofU nif.out
Voràgine, and Voraggine, /. property
gtiff, a whirlpool, abyss, Usufriittuario, ailj. usufitie-
tuary (taw term)
Vorare. to devour, eat up Usura,/, usury, exaction
Voratóre, m. u devourer m. and 1 Usuraio, and Usuric-re, nu
^'órtice, /. vortex, whirlpool, s.'wck, encounter, hit,
whirlwini Usuniro, and Usurdrio, my.
Uòsa,/, spatterdashes Urtone, m. a great slieck
Vosco, adv. (in poetry) with Usiggio, m. use Usureggiainénto, m. usury
Usaménto, m. conversai t'sureggiare, to lend on usury
Vosignoria, or Vossignorìa, familiarity, usage, c Usureggiato, part, lent on

adj. conversing, af-
Votabórse, adj. crpensive
Votacéska, m. a nightman , /. and Us.-ito,
Usurpare, io uturp Zafferano, m. saffron (a plant, Zara,/, hazard, risk, game at
Usurpato, part, iisurpttì Zaffiro, m. sapphire (a stone)
Usurpatore, m. an usurper Zàfib, m. catchpole, bailiff; Zardso, adj. hazardous
Utéllo, m
a cruet, phial a bung-stopper, cori, Zàtta./. a melon ; Jloat, raft
Utensili, m. pi. ute7tsils Zaffdiie,m. wild suffr Zattera, J", a raft
Uterino, adj. uterine; fratèllo Zagàglia,/, a javelin Zavanlarsi, to daub one's self
uterino, a brother by the Zàino, m. a wallet, po Zavòrra, f. ballast, gravel-pit
Zamberltìcco, m. a night- Zavorrare, to ballast
gown [water-close- Zàzzera,/, head of hair
Zàmbra, /. a wardrobe, i Zazzeruto, adj. long-haired.
Zambràcca,/. a strumpet
Utile, adj. useful, profitable 2ambraccàre, to wench Zeba,/, a goat
VtiUtire, to projit Zambiico, m. elder-tree Zébro, m. a scbra, (an ani-
Utilizzare, to profit, gain. Zampa,/, a paw, a claw
Zampare, to claw, stamp a; Zécca, /. the mint ; also a
Utilmente, adv. usefully tick (insect)
Zampata,/, a scratch Zecchiere, m. mint-director
^r«;-.,C; ^"vTcie'Trati^tur- Zampettare, to begin to walk Zecchino, in. a sequin, a coin
Zampetto, m. a little paw Zedoària,/. a kind of aromatic
berry ; poca uva e molta ^ peltitoe
foglia, great cry and little 2ampillaméiito, m. resilition, m. zephyr
_ a flying back Zelamfna,/. lapis calaminarit
Zampillante, adj. gushing, Zelante, and Zeldso, adj.
_ springing [spùnt
Zampillare, to spring, gush. Zelantemente, adv. xealously
Zampillio, m. a gushing out, Zelare, to be zealous
msla- Zelatdre, ni. a zealot, stickler
Zampillo, m. spout, water- Zèlo, TO. seal, ardour
Vulgarizzdre, to translate Zampino, m. fir-tree; little Zelosaménte, adv. xealously
Vulgata,/, the vulgar transla- ^ paw Zeldso. adj. zealous
tion of the Bible Zampogna, /. pipe, bag-pipe Zendado, m. a kind qf thin
Vulgo, m. the vtitgar. rabble Zampognare, to pipe, to play silk-stuff
Vulner<Ibile, adj. vulnerable _ on the bag-pipe Zenft, m. zenith
Vulnerare, to wound Zampognat(5re, m. a pipei Zenzàra,/. a gnat
Vulnerària,/, vulnerary Zana, basket, cradle, trick, Zénzero, m. ginger
Vulneràrio, adj. vulnerary cheat Zenzoveràta,/. hodge-podgt
Vultumo, m. north-east rvind Zanaiuòlo, m. a porter Zenzdvero, m, ginger
Villva,/. uterus, the womb Zanata./, a basket-full Zéppa, f a wedge
U'vola,/. tlie uvula Zanca./, a leg Zeppare, to fill up, cram
U'zzolo, m. intense desire Zànco, adj. left-handed Zeppato, and Zéppo, adj. full,
Zàngola,/, a thurn stuffed {fiiling up
t in Zanna, /. a tusk, toolh Zeppatùra, /. a cramming, a
Zannata, /. bvffooi Zéppo, adj. full, replete
, jest rollerii Zerbineria, /. foppishness,
<ith the tusk qffhctedness
Zanni, m. a buffoon Zerbfno, ?n. a beau, fop, dandy
Zannuto, adj. tusked Zero, m. cypher, nought,
Zanzara,/, a gnat fan insect) nothing
Zanzarière, a net ; a gnat- Zéilo, adj. last
ZACCA'GNA,/. the skin oi defence Zézzolo, m. nipple a teat

the front of the head Zanzaveràta,/. a sauce Zia,/ aunt

Zàcchera,/, dirt, confusitin, i Zappa,/, a spade Zibaldondccio, and Zibalddne,
Zappaddre, m. digger, tiller m. mixture, medley
Zaccheroso, adj. splashed, ;
Zapi>àre, to dig, till, sap ; Zibellino, m. a sàble-marim
dirty ruin, to stamp on the ground (an animal)
Zaffbinénto, m. stoppage Zappariglia, /. betony, fan Zibètto, m. a civet-cat
Zarrardita, f.,nith, dirt \
^ herb) Zibfljbo, m. dry raisins
Zairardóso, adj. nasty, dirty I
Zappato, part, broken, digged Z/golo, m. a grecn-finch
Zaffare, to stop, dam up I Zappat<!re, t«. a digger, la- Zigrino, «1. shagreen (leather)
Zaffata, /. a spouting out, Zilobàlsamo, m. the wood ej

Zappettare, to hoe, scrape the balsamtrce

Zaffato, part, stopped up Zapponàre, to work with a Zimàr, m. verdigrise
Zaffatura,/, a stopping _ mattock Rimarrà,/, a night-gonm
Zafferanato, adj. sajfroned I
Zappane, m. a maticck ZimbcIl^C, io allure bird*
limbèllo, m. and Zimbella- ehoes : andare le gitte in sale in zucca, to be stupid;
tura, /. the decoy bird ; zoccoli, to be very merry _ zucca al vento, giddy-headed
allurement ; èsser il zimbel- Zodiaco, n. zodiac Zuccaìo, m. pumpkin-ground
lo, to be a laughing stock Zóifa, /. the notes of music ; Zuccaiuóla,/ an insect
Zimino, m. meat to called cantare ad tino la zdlfa, to Zuccherato, adj. sugared, swecl
Zuccherino, m. sweetmeats
Zinépro, m. the juniper tree Zolfanèllo, m. a match Zùcchero, m. sugar zùcchero ;

Zinfonla, /. iymphony, ovcr- Zolfatéa,/. a sulphur mint rosato, a confection of rojes

Zolfàto, /. brimstone colour, ana sugar zùcchero bian-

Zfngara, f. a gipsy _ mixed with sulphur co, refined sugar di zùc- ;

Zingarésco. a«j. gipsy like ZolfatUra, /. brimstone smoke _ chero, charming, lovely
Zinghin^ia,/. bad health Zolfino, adj. sulphureous ; m. Zuccheróso, adj. sugared, sweet
Zinna,/, breast, a teat Zuccolo, m. crown of the head
Zdlfo, m. sulphur, brimstone Zucconaménto, m. a cutting
Zinzibo, m. ginger Zolfonària,/. a sulphur mine
Zólla, f. clod nf earth, glebe
Zombato, pari, beaten
Zip, m. uncle Zombatura, /. and Zombola- Zucconatore, m. a hair- cutter
Zipolo, m. a cork for a cask ménto, m. a beating Zncconatdra, /. the cutting
Zirlaménto, m. Che rvhistling Zombolare, and Zombare, to the hair, shaving
of a thrush beai, strike, thrash
Zuccóne, m. bald
Zirlare, to whistle as thrushes Zdna,/ a zone, ^i, Zucc'jtto, m. a head-pi
do [thrxish Zonzo, adv. andà: f. strif-
Imo, m. the tvhistling nf a
Zitèlla, /. a girl; zitèllo, a Zoofito, »i. zoophyte
boy, a lad Zoografia,/ zoography Zufolare; <o whistle, hiss,
Zitto, int. hush, silence; stare Zoologia, /. zoology buzz ; whisper ; to play upon
zitto, to be silent Zootamfa,/ zootomy _ the flute
Zizzània,/. cUoke-rveed, tares, Zoppaccio, in a larne man Zufolilo, part, whistled
Zoppicante, adj. lame Zufolatóre, m. a whistler, a
Zizzanidso, m. sorver of discord Zoppiccàre, logo lame sower of discord
Z(7.zXba, f. jujube (a fruit) Zoi)picc<5ni, adv. halting Zùfolo, m. a whistle, Jlagelet,
Zizzibo, m. Jujuhelree Z(5pi)0, adj. lame, imperfect, hissing
Zizzol'àre, tu drink, quaff", tope Zufolòne, m. a flute
Zoccolaio, m. a patten-maker, Zotic^ccio, m. a clown, rustic, Zugo, a kind offi Uteri
a rvooden shoe-maker rough Zuppa, /. sop. soaked bread ;
Zoccolante, adj. a rvooden- Zoticaggine, and Zotichézza, mangiar la zuppa co' ciechi,
slwe friar; a rogue /. rusticity, rudeness to have to deal with fools
Zoccolata, /. a blorv with a Zoticamente, adv. donnishly, Zurlàre, to make merry, joke,
wooden shoe roughly play
Zòccolo, ni. a wooden shoe, Zòtico, and Zolic<5ne, adj. Zurlo, m. mirth, joy ; andare
patten, sandal ; a moat, turf; in zurlo, to be transported
a fool, a ninny ; andare in
zoccolii to wear wooden Zvirro, J», gladness, joke


A ABjONE, m. Aaron Anna,/. Am
•« Abele, m. Abel
Abramo, m. Abraham,
Achille, m. Achilles Alessandro, m. Alexander Antonia,/. Anlhonia
Adamo, m. Adam Alfeo, m. Alpheus Apolinire, m. Apollinary
Adelaide,/. Adelaide, or Alic Ambrogio, m. Ambrose Apolonio, m. Apolhmiui
Adelina., f. Adeline Anastasio, m. Anastasiut
Adonide, m. Adonis Arabella,/. Arabella
Adrasto, m. Adr.astut Andrea, m. Andrtrv Araldo, m
Agata, f. Agatha Angelo, m. Angel
Agostino, m. Auguttin Angelica, f. .Angelica
Agnese,/, ^^imi Aimibdie, m, Hannibal
Augusta,/. Augusta Deborah,/. Deborah- Geronimo, ni. Jerome
Demetrio, m. Demetriu* Germanico, ni. Germanieut
Aurelia,/. Aurelia Diana,/. Diana Gertruda,/ Gertrude
Aureliano, m. Aurelian Dionisio, Dionigi, m. Denti Gille, ni. Giles
Bacco, m. Bacchus Dionisio, m. Dionysius Giacomiiia, o Giacobba,
Battista, m. Baptist Domenico, m Dominic
Barbara,/. Barbata Dorote,-»,/ Dorothy jiacomo, m. Jamet
Barnaba, m. Barnaby Dnisilla,/. Drusilla Giasone, m. Jason
Barnabita, m. Barnabite Eduardo, o Edoardo, tn. E
Bartolomraeo.m. Bartholomerv ward
Elena,/. Helen, or Helena Giobbe, ni. Job
Beatrice,/. Beatrije Eleonora,/. Eleanor Giosuè, m. Joshua
Benedettino, adj. Benedictine Elisabetta,/. Elizabeth Giosizde, m. Josiah
Benjamino, m. Benjamin Elia, m. Elias Gioviano, ni. Jovian
Benedetto, »rt. Benedict Elisea,/. Helisea Giuda, m. Judah
Benedetta,/. Benedicta Elvira,/. Elvira Giuditta,/. Judith.
Berenice,/. Berenice Emilio, m. Emili io,»». Julius
Bernardo, m. Bernard Emilia,/ £) ilia
Bernarda./. Bernarda Emma,/. Et
Berta,/. Bertlia , i. Henry Giuseppe, m. Joseph
Biaggio, ??i. Biase Enrichetta,/. Henrietta Giuseppa, /. Joiepha
Erasmo, ni. Erasmus Giustino, ni. Justin
Bia^a? } •^- Ercole, m. Hercules Giustiniano, ni. Justinian
Bonaventura, m. Bonaveniure Emesto, m. Ernest Godfredo, ni. Godfrey
Bonifacio, m. Boniface Ester, Esterre,/. Esther Gregorio, ni. Gregory
Brigida, o Brigitta,/. Bridget Eva,/ Eve Guglielmo, ni. William
Caio, m. Caius Evremondo, m. Bvremonì Guglielmina,/. Wilhelmtna
Calisto, m Calistus Eudos 1. Sudo Guido, tn. Guy
Calvino, m. Calvin - _ _ ,/. Eudosia Ignaeio, ni. Ignativ
Camillo, m. Camillui Eufrasia,/ Eufrasia Ilaiìo, m. Hilary
Camilla,/ Camilla. Eufemia,/. Euphemia Bilariu
Carlo, m. Charles Eugenio, m. Eugene Iimocente, m. Innocent
Carlina, o Carlotta, m. Char- Euridice,/. Euridice Ippolita,/. Hippolita
lotte Eusebio, m. Busebiui
Carolina,/. Caroline Eustacio, m. Euslatiu*.
Cassandre, m. Cassander Fabio, m. Fabius Irenea,/ Irenea
Cassandra,/. Cassandra Fabrizio, m. Fabricius Isaco, m. Isaac
Cassiano, m. Cassian Faustino, m. Faustine
Cecilia,/. Cecilia Faustina,/. Faustina Isidoro, »i. Isidorut
Celestino, m. Celestine Felio i. Felix Ismaele, m. Ishmael
Celestina, /. Celestina Ferdinando, in. Ferdinand Laura./. Laura
Celio, m. Celiut Filiberto, m. Philibeit Lazzaro, ni. Laxarut
Celia,/. Celia Filide,/. Phillis Leandro, m. Leander
Celso, m. CelsM Filippo, m- Philip Leone, m. Leo
Cesare, ni. Gasar Fineo, ni. Phineas Leonardo, m. Leonard
Cesariano, m. Cxsarian Firmino, »i. Firmin Leonarda,/, Leonarda
Cibele,/ Cybel Flammina,/. Flammina Leopoldo, ni. Leopold
Claudio, m. Claudius Flamminio, m. Flamminiu.
Clemante, m. Clement' Flora,/ Flora hìvìà,f. Livia
Constantino, m. Consiantine Francesco, ni. Francis Longino, m. Longinus
Cornelio, m, Cornelius Francesca,/. Frances Lorenzo, m. Laurence
Costanza,/. Constance Frederico, m. Frederic Luigi, m. Louis
Costante, in. Constant Gabriele, m. Gabriel Luigia,/. Louisa
Gaetano, o Gaietani :. Ca- Luca, m. Luke
Cristina,/ Christine jetan Luciano, m. Lucian
Cristoforo, m. Christopher Gasparo, m. Jasper Lucia,/. Lucy, or Lucia
Criso.storao, m. Clirysostom Gastone, m. Gaston
Crispino, m. Crispin Gedeone, m. Gideon Lucrezia,/. Lucretia
Cristofo, m. Christopher Gedoino, m. Godwin Lidia,/. Lydia
''ipriano, m Cypr' Genifreda,/ Winifred Lisiade, m. Lycxas
Dalra i. Daln Geoft'reddo, ni. Jeffrey Madalena,/. Magdalen
Damiano, m Damian Gerardo, m. Gerard Marco, nt. Mark
Daniele, m. Daniel Geremiah, ni. Jeremiah, Je- Marcantonio, ra. Mark-Ao
Davide, o Davidde, m. David
Marcello, m. Marcelli!» Paolo, m, Paul Simone, m. Simon
M-.:rgarita, /. Margaret Paolina,/. Paulina Simona,/. Simona
Maria, f. Mary Petronio, m. Pelronius Sofia,/. SopAia
Marina,/. Marina Petronilla,/. Petronilla
Mario, m. Martin Pio, m. Pitu Tancredi, m. Tancred
Maru,/. Martha Pietro, m. Prfer Teobaldo, m. Theobald
Martino, m. Martin PoUuc I. Pollux Teodoro, m. Theodore
Marziale, m. Martial Policarpo, m. Polycarf Teodosio, m. Theodotiut
JWatteo, m. Mutlherv Pompeo, tn. Pompey Teodulo, m. TAf.duiu*
Maurizio, m. Maurice Ponzio, m. Pontiut m. Theophilu*
Massimo, m. Maximiu Priscilla,/. Pritcilla Teresa,/ Thereto
Massimiliano, m. Maximilia; Prisca,/. Pritca Tommasso, m. Thnnuu
Massimino, m. Maximinus Procopio, m. Procopiut Timoteo,.n Timothy
Matilde,/. Matilda Proculo, m. Proculut Tito, irt. TiVu*
Melpomena,/. Melpomene Prudenza,/. Prudence Tobia, m. Toby
Michele, m. Mieliael Quirino, m. Quirinut Valentino, m. Valentine
Mose, m. Motet Kdchele, m. Rachel Valentina,/. Valentina
Narcisso, m. Na, Raimondo, m. Raymond
Raolfo, ni. /{a/;)A Valeriano, m. Ka/erian
Nes Kafaele, m Raphael Valeria, /. Valeria
Niciade, m. Niciat Rebeca./. Rebecca Venere,/. Venut
Nicolo, m. Nicholat Roberto, m. Robert Veronica,/. Veronica
Ognisanti, m. All Saintt Rodolfo, m. Rodolph, T I
Vittore, m. Victor
Olao, m. Olaut Ralph (Vittoria,/. Victoria
OUviere, m. Oliver Rugiero. m
Roger IVincenslao, m. Vincentlaut
Olimpo, m. Oh/mput Rosomonda,/. Rosamond IVincente, m. Vincent
Omfredo, yn. Humphrey Rosa,/. Ro« IVirginio, m. Virginiut
Onesimo, m. Onetimni Sabina,/. Safima 1Virginia,/. riV^-inia
Onesiforo, m. Onesiphorttt Salomone, m. Solomon i
Ugo, m. Hu^'/j
Onufrio, m. Onuphriut 1 Urbano, m. Urban
Orazio, m. Horatio Sara,/. SuraA i
Uria, »>». t/riaA
Orlando, m. Rowland, Sebastiano, m. Sebatlian Ursula,/. Ursula
Oriana Semiramide, /. Semirami t Xaverio, o Saverio, m. Xa
Ottavio, m. Octaviut Sempronio, jji. Semproniui
Ottavia,/. Octavia Semprcnia,/. Sempronia Zaccaria, m. Zachariah
Ottone, ni. Otho Seve Zacheo, »n. Zaccheut
Panfilio, m. Pamphiliut .. Sy.;<, Zenobia,/ Zenobia
Pasquale, m. Patehal
Paixizio, m. Patrick Simeone, m. Simeon 2enofonte, m. ZenofAo*



a. adjective,
Absolve, V. a. assolvere, —ing, significato (T una parola,
discarico di parola
Absolute, a. assoluto, perfetto, Accepting, I

ness, ». potere assoluto, —ion, Access, ». accesso, entrata.

Absonous, a. discordante, as- ary. I-accessorio, ible, a. — Accustom. t'. a. accostomare,

surdo, ridicolo [ghiottire accessibile, —ion, ». addi-
Absorb, v. a. assorbire, in- zione, giunto, avvenimento, —ably, ad. spesso, — arily,
Absorbent, a. assorbente ad. communemente, —anr,
Abstain, v. n. astenersi, ing. — — orlly, ad. leggiermente a. commune, ing, ». — tciitu-
Accidence, ». primi rudimenti
Abstemious, a. astemio, • della grammatica
ness, sobrietà
s. Accident, accidente, inci-
». Acerb, a. acerbo, aspero,
Abstergent, a. astersivo dente, al, —
li. accidentate, — ity, acerbità
Abstersion, s. astersione — ally, ad. accidenta'menle v. a. accumulare Acervate,
Acclamation, Ache, ». dolore, pena
». cu:clamazione
Abstinence, ». astinenza Acclivity, ». Achieve, v. a. (see Atchieve)
Abstinent, o. astinente, tem- Accloyed, Acid, a. acido, agro,
a. svogliato ity, ». —
perato Accommodate, ti. a. accom- acidità, agrezza
Abstract, ». astratto, — va. modare, —
a business, com- Acknowledge, v. a. riconos-
aitraere, —ediy, ad. sepa- pire un affare, ing, — —ion,
». accommodamento, paltò.
— ly, ad. be>ie, acconciamente Acme, ». Cima, punto, vetta
Accompany, ti. a. accompa- Acolothist, ,.^
Absurd, a. assurdo, — ity, ». Accompaniment, ». accom- Aconite, ». aconite
assurdità, — ly, ad. sciocca- pagnamento Acorn, ». ghianda
Accomplice, ». comphce Acquaint, v. a. avvertire.
Abundance, ». abbondanza Accomplish, v. a. compire, — inforn
Abundant, a. abbondante, — ^ly, er, ». che finisce, —ing, — . —
To get
' '
ad. abbondantemente compimento, perfe- luaintance, fa,
Abuse, ». abuso, affronto
Abuse, V. a. abusarsi, ingiu- Accompt, ^»ee Account)
riare, —a virgin, deflorare Accord, ». accordo, union Acquiesce, ii. n. consentire
una vergine —Of one's own accord, f Acquiescence, ». consenso.
Abusive, a. oltraggiante, ly, — lontariamenle, — v. a. ricoi
ad. abusivamente, ness, ». — Acquirable, a. ricuperabile
maltrattamento \cquire, v. a acquistare,
Abut upon, V. n. confinare. — ant, a. convenevole
According, ad. secondo. — acquistatore [parare
Abutment, ». suppuramenio According to one's raind, Acquisition, ». acquisto, I' im-
Abuttals, ». pi. confini come ^iace a uno To act Acquit, 11. — assolvere, lihe-
Abysmal, a. senza fondo according to reason, operare
Abyss, ». abisso, golfo ragg ionevolmente liherazione, —
tance, ». ri-
Academical, a. accademico Accost, ji. a. accostare, able, — cevuta, —ting, ». libera-
Academy, ». accademia, ma- a. affalTle zione, assoluzione
neggio, or eavallerizta Account, ». conto, calcolo, Acre, ». jugero
Accede, v. n. accedere, —to stima, risguardo. To give —
an account, rendere ragi- Acrimony, ». acrimonia
— —p. a.

one. Upon all accounts, in Across, ad. a. scHiancio,

Accelerate, v, a. accelerare, tutti i modi Account, ti a. traverso
—V. n. affrettarsi, -ion, ». contare, spiegare, —able, I

Acrostic, ». acrostico
acceleraménto a. responsabile, —ant, ». Act. ». atto, colpo, azione, of —
Accent, ». accento, tuono, — oblivion, atto di grazia, —
». a. accentare, ing, — ». V. a. operare, fare, animare,
uation, — ». ac- — ing, azione —
Action, ».
azione, fatto, atto, azione,
Accept, ti. a. aceetiare Acerue, ti. n. derivare, pro- processo, causa, —of tres-
Acceptable, a. grato, - •neis, Accumulate, v. J. accumulare, pass, azione criminale, a —
». grazia, accoglimento, -ly, — ion, ». accumulazione battle, battaglia, —upon aa
ad. gratamente Accuracy, ». accuratezza, cura appeal, causa d' appellazione
Acceptance, 1 ». accetta- Actionable, a. c/te porta tilt
Acceptation, J zionc. Actionary, », azionario
Active, a. allivo, —It, ad.
agilmente, —
ity, s. attività.
—Feats of activity, ghermi- Adit, ». adito, passaggio Adscititious, a. aggiunf*.
Adjudge, Advance, ». «ia«i;n.- Ad-
nella, artifizio
Actor, ». altare, —ess, >. at- — Uinnare,
V. a. aggiudicare,
—ing, Adjudi- vance - money, premio, —
Actual, a. attuale, effettivo,
— ad. attualmente
Actuary, ». secretarlo dì si- Adjuratioii, ». aggiurazione Advantage, ». xmntaggio. —
nodo, attuario [nare Adjure, v. a. scouL-iurare To take advantage of, pre-
Actuate, ti. a. animare, spro- Adjus . aggiu
Acute, a. acuto, sottile, — ly, 'dare, —ing, Advantage, v. a. acquistare
ad. acutamente, ness, ». —
giustamento, saldo accordi Advantageous, a. vantaggi-
acutezza [proverbiale _ itant, ». aiutante oso, — ad. vantaggiosa-
Adage, s. prover'' '-' - Adìutorj, a. aiutativo mente, —uess, vantaggio ».
Adar 'djuvate, V. a. aiutare, assis- Advent, avvento, — itious,
. adi ino. — Adaman- — ual, a. casuale, avventizio
ties, nodi aJai, dmensuration, ». agguagli-
Administer, v. a. amminis
Adapt, V.
a. adattare, intraprendere, — er, ». avven-
tare, ». adattai.
Add, V. a. aggiungere ardito, — It,
Adder, aspe, biscia
ter-adder, idra.
Adder's —
— Adrainistrator,
tratore, —ship,
tongue, brionia Admirable,
—ness, a. ammirabile,

rbiale, —ially, ad. _.
» eccellenza, ly, ad. verbialmente
Addict' one's self to, v. r. ad- ammirabilmente
darsi.— Addict one's self to Admiral, ». ammiraglio. —
a science, applicarsi ad una Admiral-galley, galea ca- Adverse, a. ai'verso, contra-
scienza, — ion, ». aggiudica- pitana. — Admiral - ship, rio, -ity, ». avversità
ammirante. — Admiralship, Advert, v. a. avvertire, —
Adding, ». aggiugnimento draglio ency, ». avvertenza
Addition, addizione, m,
» -ty. > ragliaù
faggio, —a!,
a. di soprappii er, » avvisatore, — ment, ».
— Additional tax, accresc
mento di tasse Advice, ». avviso, ragguaglio.
Addle, (t. r«o/o, t-ano.- Addle- — Advice-boat, nave di pro-
headed, scervellato
Address, ». arte, dedicazione, Admit of," J Advisable, a. convenevole, da
indirizzo, —
v. a. indir, Admit into.
zare, dedicare. To ad- — Advise, v. n. avvisare, signi-
dress the king, presenta I. mescolare, — tion, ficare, -one, dare avviso,
—with one, consultare uno,
». t/uelto eke presenta te su} —ed, consigliato. — Well,
advised, o. avvisato, pru-
Adducent, ». motivo potente dente. Ill-advised, a. im- —
Ademption, ». privazione prudente, ^ly, ad. pruden-
Adept, a. dotto, intelligente temente, ment, ». delibe- —
Adequate, a. adequato
Adhere to, v. n. aderire, at- Adolescency, ». adolescenza ing, ». avvitamento —
Adopt, V. a adottare, er, Adulation, ». adulazione —
Adherency, \ ». aderenza. ». adottatore, ing, ». adot- Adulator, ». adulatore, —
ry, —
Adhesion, J attaccamei tamento, ion, ». adotta- a. adiUatorio —
Adherent, ». aderente Adult, a. adulto
Adorable, a. adorabile Adulterate, t'. a. corrompere,
Adjective, ». addietlivo, —
Adoration, ». adorazioni ly, falsificare, adulterare, o. —
nddiettivamente Adoie, V. a. adorare, er, ». adulterato, corrotto, —ion, —
adoratore, ing, ». adora- ». adult, razione —
Adjoin, 1'. a. aggiugnere, mento [bellire Adulterer, ». m. adultero
crescere, ing, ». —
aggiu- Adorn, u. a. adornare, ab- Adulteress, »./ adultera
gnimento, —a. accosto, con- A doming, », adornamento, Adultery, ». adulterio
tiguo ment, ornamento —
Adumbrate, v. a. adombrale
Adjour Adrift, ad. a secjnda dell' Adumbrate, schiszarc, - iw»»
». schizzo
Aforehand, ad. t -Agile, a. iig'le, vivace, — Ity,
Afore, ad. prima. —Aforego- Agitate, agitare, trai
Advowson, ». diritto di pa- iure, — luii, ». agitazione,
Adust, or Adusted, a. adusto. d, a. suddetto. — Afore- disturbo
— Adust-blood, sangue ar- le, ad. altre volte
siccio, — ible, a. adustivo, Afraid, a. che feme —To make -Aglet, ». f'glia bitinta
one afraid, spaventare -Agnail, ». panereccio
fresh, ad. di nuovo Agnation, ». consuguinità
.^iquinoctial, a. equinoziale. Aft, ». la poppa. — Aft, ad. '
gnize, f. a. riconoscere
-.Equinox, ». Vequinozio verso poppa. Fore and aft,
/Era, ». epoca da poppa, e da prua -Ago, ad. Ex. a while ago.
Aerial, a. aereo, diaria After, pr. dopo, secondo, di qualche tempo fa. — Long
jEromancy, ». aerhnanxia dietro, —ad. dopoché, poi. — ago, mrdto tempo fa
-Estivai, a d'estate After ali, ad in somma.— Agog, ad. T!x. to set agog,//f
•Estivate, v- n. abbrucciare After the example of . ad —
^ther, ». etere, —
eal, a. ete- esempio To look after. -Agony, ». agonia, angoscia
rea, d' aria [tano cercare, avere cura. Af- — -A great, ad. all'ingrosso
Afar off", ad. da luntano, lon- ter-ages, » «eco/»futuri. — Agree, v. a. accordare.
.A.fiFal.ility, ». affiibilUà A fter-grass, guaime. — .4f- Agree upon, v. n. essere «f
AlFable,a. affabile, civile,— \y, accordo, convenire. Agree —
ad. affabilmente parfo. ^Afternoon, ». dopo with one for a thing, pat-
Affair, affare, hariiffà
». pranzo. After-proceeding,
Affect, r. a. affettare, toccare. ». procedura susseauente. — -Agreeable, a. piacevole, con-
After - reckoning, secondo venevole, —
ness, ». piacevo
Affectation, » affettazione, conto —
After-wit, ». »c-nno
After- —

conformità, unione,
ly, ad. piacevolmente, con-
fuori di stagione.
-Affected, a. affettato, — taste, ». cattivo gusto.—Af-
ad. affittatamente,
^iiess, ». — terward, ad. dopo, ^oi .A greed, a. stabilito, fìsso, —
offettuzione [sante Again, ad. ancora, di nuova. — a.1. vale, va
Affecting, a. patetico, interet- Over again, un' altra voi .Agreemg,
Affection, ». affezione, desi- —To love again, riamare.
derio, — ate, a. affezionato, To write again, riscrivere -Agreement, i

—atcly, ad. affettuosamente Against, pr. contro. ^Agaii —

Affiance, ». spozalizio, v. a. the end of the week, the —Agreement-maker, ». me-
fidanzare [con giuramerito year, &c. sulla fine delta diatore
Affidavit, ». deposizione fatta settimana, deW ann Agrestic, a. agreste, rozzo
A ffinage, ». afflnamento .Against the grain, o
-Affinity, ». affinità, conformità voglia Agrievance,». affizione, dolore
Affirm, V. a. confermare, af- Aghast, a spaventalo -Agrimony, ». agrimonia
fermare, -ation, ». qffer. Agate. ». agata -Agriot, ». agriotta
mazione, —ative, a. affer- '
ge, ». età, vecchiaia, St Aground, ad. Ex to run a
nuitivo, —atively, ad. affer- — Full-age, adolescenz ship aground, fare dar vn

Aged, a. d'una certa età, vec- Ague, f. febbre.— Fit of ague,

accesso di febbre. — Ague
Agency, ». azione, azienda powder, s. febbrifu gio
Agent, ». agente, pagatore Aguish, a. febbricitante
-Agglomerate, v. a. aggomi. Ah ! inf. aA ahi !


Affluence, ». toprabbondanzt Aid, ». aiuto, soccorso. Aid-

Agglutinate, v. a. congtuti- de-camp, aiutante di cam
Affluent, a. abbondante Aggrandize, ti. a, aggrandire pò. Aid, V. a. aiiUare,
Afford, I', a. dare, provveder! Aggravate, v. a. aggravare, sollevare, —ing, ». raiutare,
qffro aumentare. ing, ion, »,— — aita
aggravamento, aumento. Ail, ». male, dolore, — v. n
ento Aggravation of a crime, aver male, —meni, ». male
Affright, V. a. spaventare r enormità d'un delitto indisposizione
Affront, ». affronto, —5 Aggregate, ». vn aggregato, Aim, ». mira, bersaglio, di
affrontare, —
ive, a. ingiu- —V. a. aggregare, - '' "

rioso.— To affront death in aggregazione dérc—er, ». miratore,
Hangers, incontrar la viwrte -Aggression, ». assalto ». 1/ mirare
Air, ». aria, aspetto, cantata
Afloat, ad. a galla — Aìr-hole, ». ìfogaioio.—
Afore, pr. innanzi, avanti.— Air, ». a. aicivgOTe, tcal
fretta.— A\\ saints, la festa Along, pr. Ex. -. Along the
shore, lungo la spiaggia.—
di tutti i santi.— A\\ souls'
dav, il giorno de' morti.
— To lie all along, concur»»
All-heal, ». panacea Aloof, ad. di lungi, da lontano
Take airing, yighar I ana — Aloud, ad. forte, ad alla voce
Airy, a. d'aria, acreo, sottile, Allay, ». mistura, lega. i». a.
Alphabet, ». alfabeto, — ic, a.
le'f!fiiero, allegro, gmlivo. mischiare, mescolare, alleg-
giare, alleviare alfabetico, —ically, ad. par
ardine alfabetico
Airy, s. nido d'uccello di rapina
Ake, s. male, dolore, v. n. — Already, ad. di già, già
dolere, far male Also •anche. •

Alabaster, s. alabastro
Alack! ini. ohimè! Alteri v a
Alark-a-day ! int. oh ! oimè !
ar- Allegory, ». allege
Alacrity, s. allegrezza,
llcgro, ». allegro
lieviate. v. a. alleviare
Alarm, s. allarme, apavento.
—Alarm-bell, *. campana Ueviatiug, ». alleviamento,

per dar segno. — Alarm- aicviation, ( alleggiamento

-watch, *. sveglia. —Alarm, Alley, ». viottolo, andarone
t>. a. dare all' arme Alliance, ». alleanza
Allied, a. alleato, parente,
Alarum, s. allarme, sveglia
Alas ! int. lasso ! oimè !
camice ___ligator, ». spezie di cocodrillo
Albe, s.
Albeit, conj. benché Allocation, ». allegagione
Albugineous, a. bianchiccio Allodial, a. franco, libero di
Alkaline, a. alcalino
Alchymist, ». alchymista Allot, V. a. assegnare, aggia-
Alchymy, s. alchìmia
Alcoran, s. alcorano
Allow, 'v. a. concedere, dare,
Alcove, j. alcova
scontare, dedurre, soffrire,
Alderman, *. senatore d'una
città Alderman of a ward, permettere, confessare, —
able, da concedersi, giusto,
AMa-ti^ee. s. ontano lecito, — ance, ». mantenì-
Ale, s. cervogia senza luppoli.
—Alehouse,», osteria, dove si indulgenza
vende la cervogia. Alehoof, Alloy, » lega
che — si unisce a'
mettalli [».

Alegar, ». acelo di cervogia Allude, V. n. alludere, — ing, '

Allure, a. adescai "
Alembic, limbicco ». t;.

tare lleHanu
Alert, a. petulante, vivace
». /«» ìngator.
Algebra, s. algebra ,

Algebraic, a. algebraico

. Allusion, ». allusione
—ate,' 1) a. alien ,
Ally, v. a. legare, giungere
. Almanack, ». almanacco
A ImighUness, ». omnipotent;/!.
— of mind, alienazione Almond, ». mandorla. Al- —
mond-tree, ». mandorlo
Almoner, ». elemosiniere. —
Almonry, ». ufficio di eterno-

, ». alimento [mente
, provisione /"""
adu moglie
Alms-giv - ,

Ali, a. tutto, og>. AH e —Almshouse, ». spedale

da per tutto.— Ali of a sud- Aloes, ». aloè
den, subitamente. So much — Aloft, a. alio, elevato, ad. in
the better, tanto megli alto.— To set aloft, sollevare,
AH along,
Aiov.e, ad.—
for all, una voiia per amu Alone, a. solo
-For good and all, per a solamente. —
To leave one
pre. —With
all speed, alone, abbandonar uno
J. ambrotia ! Analogical, a. analogico, — ly, one, rimproverare una cosa
I. (Untassi, aiyibo ad. aniìlugicameute
Analogous, a. analogo Animai, —
—uncule, a.
Analogy, ». analogia, propor- animale, animo/ ».

ziORC uzzo, — facoltà animale

ity, s.
Analysis, ». analisi [litico Animate,», a. animare, — ing,

i Analytic, Analytical, a. ana- ». ranimare, — a. animante.

ammendare, ri- Anarchy, »• anarchia
1 ammendarsi. Anasarca, ». specie d'idropisia Animosity, ». animosità, ira.
—able, Anathema, »
Anise, ». anice. — Aniseed, ».
. Anatomical, a anatomico
Anatomist, ». anatomista I
Ankle, » caviglia
Amerce,' i imporre una Anatomize, v. a. anatomìi Annalist, ». annalista
multa, ent, ». multa Anatomy, ». analmnia. - Annals, ». pi. annali
pecunuina anatomy, ». scheletro 1 Annats, \ . _ .,,
Amethyst, ». ametista Ancestors, ». pi. antenati Aimates, J
Amiable, ». amabile, —
ness, Ancestral, a. ereditario '
Anneal, ti. a. (to temper glass)
». dolcezza, vezzo, ly, ad. —
Ancestry, ». schiatta, raxz temperare il vetro


amabilmente Anchor, ». ancora. To weigh Anneal, t

Amicable, a, amichevole, da

anchor, sciogliere l'ancora. — a. aggiungere.

amico, —
ly, ad. amichevol-

To ride at anchor, »<ar -'"


Amidst, pr. fra, nel mezzo Anchor-hold. ». luogo proprio ing, ». aggiugnimento
per gittar l'ancora Annihilate, v. a. annichilare,
ad. malapproposito To do Anchor, v. n. ancorarsi, — age, —ion, annichilazione

». piaggia, ancoraggio Anniversary, anniversario, a.

To Judge amiss of things, Anclioret, ». anacoreta — /'anfiit)er»ario<f un santo
giudicare male delle cose Anchovy, ». acciuga Anno Domini, ». l'anno del
Amity, ». amità, concordia Ancient, a. anziano, antico, Signore
— Ancients, ». pi. gli an- Annotation, ». annotazione
tichi, — ly, ad anticamente, Announce, t'. a. annunziare
— ^iiess, ». antichità, —Tj, an- Annoy, v. a. nuocere, —ance,
Among, or Amongst, ad. fra. ». danno, torto
Ancle, ». cavicchia Annual, a. annuale, —ly, cui.
Amorist, ». Andirons. ». pi. alari
intuinxorato annualmente
Amorous, a. amoroso, —
ly, ad. Androgynus, ». ermafrodito Annuiwnt, ».costituzionario
amorosatnente [conico Anecdotes, ». pi. aneddoti Annuity, ». rendita annuale
Amort, a. ammortito, màlin- Anemony, ». anemone Annui, ti a. annullare, —ling,
Amount, ». somma totale, —
Anew, ad. di nuovo, ancora ». annullazione
V. n montare Angel, ». angelo Annular, a. annoiare
Amour, ». amore impudico, Angelica, ». angelica Annumerate, v. a annoverare
—Amours, « pi. intrighi Angelical, a. angelico Annuncialion,».annuur«a2Jone
Anger, ». collera, ira, sgrida- Anodyne, a lenitivo
Amphibious, a. anfibio mento, — v. a. addirare, ir- Anoint, «. a. ugnere
Amphibology, s anfibologia Anomalous, a. anomalo, irre-
Amphitheatre, ». anfiteatro Angle, ». angolo, amo, — v. a. golare
Ampie, a. ampio, diteso pescar coli' amo —
Angler, ». Anomaly, ». irregolarità

Amplification, » amplifica- quello che pesca coli' amo '
non, ad. adesso adesso.
Anglicism, ». Anglicismo Ever and anon, ad. ogni
Amplifier, ». amplificatore Angling, ». il pescare coW momento
Amplify, V. a amplificare^ amo.^Angling-rod, ». canna Anonymous, a. anonimo
— ing, ». amplificamento Another, a. un altro, l'altro
Amplitude, ». ampiezza Angrily, ad. in collera \nswer, ». risposta, i-. a. —
Amply, ad. ampiamente Angry, a. adirato, iracondo rispondere. AiLSwer for one, —
Amputation, ». amputazione Anguish, ». angoscia, affanno es.ure mallevadore —Ansvez
Amulet, » brieve

Angular, a. angolare a debt, pagare un debito. —


Amuse, t'. a. trattenere, Angulosity, ». qualità di cosa Answer in law, comparire in

ment, ». passatempo i che ha molti angoli giu.ftizia
Anabaptism, ». la setta degli Anights, ad. di notte Answerable, n. risponsabile.
anahattisli. — Anabaptist, ». Animadversion, ». osserva- equi ,

Anachronism, » < \A
Apish, a. the ha della tclmta. Appellant, ». appellante
— Apish trick, buffoneria, Appellation, ». tiome
Antagonist, s. antagonisU — ad.
ly, buffonesc,
Appellative, a. appellativo
Antarctic, a. antartico. — The —ness, buffoneria ».
antarctic pole, i7 polo antai Apocalypse, ». apocalisi Append, v. a. sospendere, ap-

Apocrypha, ». libri apocrifi, piccare,
— —
age, ». dipendenza,
Antecedent,' a. antecedente, -al. a. apocrifo ant, a. dipendente
Apo<lictical, a. demonstrativo Appendix, ». dipendenza, ap-
Apogee, » apogeo
Antedate, v. a antidatare Apologer, ». apologista Appendage, ». piatto, dipen-
Antediluvian, a. antidiluvi, Apologetic, a. apologetico.—
Antelope, 3. sgecie di cervo Apologetic oration, discorso Appertain, tin. appartenere
Antepast, s antipasto Appertenance, ». appertenenza
Anterior, a. anteriore, —rity Apologist, ». apologisti Appetency, ». appetito, brama
anteriorità Apologize,!', a. fare un apologia Appetite, » appetito, fame. —
Anthem, ». antifona Apologue, ». apologo, favola — To lose one's appetite, e»-
Antichamber, *. anticamere Apology, ». apologia ,.re svogliato
Antichrist, 3. anticristo, —i Apophthegm, ». apotegma Applaud, V. applaudire,
Apoplectical, a. apopletico — er, ». approvatore, ing. —
Anticipate, ti. a, ant :,pare Apoplexy, ». apoplessia Applause, ». applauso, ap-
—ing, s. Panticipare Apostasy, ». apostasia provazione
s. anticipazione, or — Apostate, ». apostata Apple, ». pomo, o mela. Ap- —
Apostatize, v. a. apostatare ple-paring5, ». scorze di meh.
Aposteme, ». apostema — Apple of the eye, ». la
Apostle, ». apostolo, —ship, pupilla dell' occA/o.—Apple-
». apostolato, dignità d^apos-
lolo-, — olical, —olio,
apos- Applicable, a. conforme, ap-
tolico, — olically, ad. a.aposto- plicabile, che si può appli-
Antimonial, a. antiinoniale
Antimony, ». antimonio Apostrophe, ». ('), apostrofo Application, ». applicazione
Antipathy, ». antipatia Apostrophe a word, v. a. met- Apply, V. a. applicare, —ti. n.
Antiphony, » antifona tere l'apostrofo sopra una applicarsi, addarsi
Antipodes, ». pi. aniipadi Appoint, V. a. ordinare, no-
Antipope, ». antipapa Apothecary, ». speziale, —
Antiquary, ». antiquario shop, ». bottega di speziale assegnalo. — ^V'ell appointed,
Antique, ad. vecchio, antico Apozem, ». decozione ben attillato, —ment, ». as-
Antiquity, ». antichità Appai, v. a. spaventare segnamento, ordine, regola,
Antiscorbutica, antiscorbutico Appanage, ». piatto
Antithesis, ». antitesi Apparatus, ». apparato Apportion, v. a. proporzionare,
Antitype, s, figura Apparel, ». vestimento, vestito, -ment, ». distribuzione
Antivenerea!, a. antivenereo
Antlers, ». pi. corna picciole Apparent,» apparente, chiaro, Appose, V. a. esaminare
Apposite, a. acconcio, addato,
Anvil, ». incudine Apparent heir of the crown, ly, ad. acconciamenti, — —
Anxiety, ». ansietà erede legittimo della corona, ness, ». acconciaiezza, ^ion, —
Anxious, a. ansioso, inquieto. —
ly, ad. apparentemente ». applicazione
— Anxious search, ricerca Apparition, ». apparizione. Appraise, v. n. apprezzare,
— ing, ». Fapprezzare,
— er,
I. appre:

—Any thing, cAe —

Any how, come si vogli. azione,— irg, ». appella- pire.
Any more, piii, di piit. — Apprehension, ». intendimento,
Any farther, piit oltre Appear, v. n. apparire, com-

Apart, ad. da parte, in dis-

parire Appear
farsi autore. To make ap-

intelletto, timore, sospetto.—
To be quick of apprehen

Sion, essere d'.acuto intendi-
parte.— To lay apart, met- pear, mostrare, provare. It mento —To be dull of ap —
ter da canto, —
ment, ». ap- appears, ti. pare, si vede prehension, essere d' ottusa
partamento Appearance, ». apparenza,
Apathy, ». apatia sfoggio, —
in a court of jus- Apprehensive, a. anito. Ap- —

Ape, ». scimia Ape one, v. a.
ing, ». avpai
prehensive of danger, c/i»

[s. placàmer.
-ing, ]
Apprentice, ». garzone, fatto-


Archaneel, ». cangelo Armature, ». armadura
Archbishop, Armillary, a armillare. —
— rie, arcivescovado
». Armillary sphere, sfera ar-
Archdeacon, ». arcidiacono,
—ry, ». arcidiaconato Arming, », armamento
Archduke, ». arciduca, ^.dom. Armistice, ». armistizio
—able a. accessibile, — less Armlet, ». bracciale. —Armlet
a. inaccessibile Archduchess, ». arciduchessa of pearl, monile di perle
Approbation, approvazione
s. Archer, ». arciera, y, ». f — Armorial, a, d'armi. — Ar-
Appropriate, a. buona, pro arte di tirar farco morial ensigns, armi, in-
prio, —
!'. rt. appropriare Archetype, ». archetipo segne
— ion, s. appropriazione Arch-heretic, ». eresiarca Armorist, »,araldo
Approve, V. a. approvare.— Architect, ». architetto, —urej Armory, ». aralderia
Approved of, a. approvato, ». architettura
ratificalo. — An approved Architective, a. arehitettonico armaiuolo, — y, ». arsenale
author, un autore di auto- Architrave, ». architrave
Archives, ». pi. archivio A flying army, campo ve-
mento, — er, *. approvatore Arch-priest, arciprete ». lante. — The body of an
Approximation, *. appressi- Arch-priesthood, ». arcipres- army, i7 grosso d'un eser-
momento cito.'— To draw up an army
Appulse, s. appulso Arctique, a. artico in battle array, schierare un
Appurtenance, appartenenza, Arcuate, va. archeggiare esercito in batiaglia
Ardency, ». ardore, calore Aromatic, a. aromatico, odo-
Apricot, s. meliaca, albicocca, Ardent, a. ardente, vivace, rifero
—tree, s. albicocco y, ad. ardentemente Around, p. alP in<om«.—A-
_pril, s. Aprile Ardour, ». ardore, passione roundhim, all' intorno di lui
Apron, s. grembiale Arduous, a. difficile, arduo Arouse, v. a. risvegliare
Apt, a. alto, sogetto, incli- Arow, ad. in un rango
nato —Apt to break, fragile. Arquebuse, ». archibuso
—Apt to be merry, allegro, Arraign, v. a- citare in giti-
— itude, *. altezza, ly, ad. — Argii, dicio Arraign one, v. a.
attamente, —
ness, *. altezza, Argonauts, ». pi. argonauti fare il processo ad uno, —
facUità Argue, V. a. argomentare, ment, ». accusa, processo
Aqua-fortis, s aquaf.trte discorrere. —
To argue the Arrange, assestare, acciare, —
Aqua-vitse, s. acquavite case with one, disputare con nient, », accomrnoilamento
Aquarius, «. aquario Arrant, a. puro, vero. Arrant —
Aquatic, a, aquatico .4rgue, I', a. provare knave, /uréaccio
Aqueduct, s. acquidotto Arguing, » argomentazione Arras, (tapestry) arazzo
Aqueous, a acquoso Argument, ». argomento, ra- Array, ». abito, vestito, ordine,
Arabic, a. Arabo, —
». l'Arabo —
rango. An army in battle
Arable, a. arabile efficace, — ation, ». argomen- array, un esercito schierato.
Arbiter, ». arbitro tazione [Arianism»
Arbitrably, ad. ad arbitrio dare —Array a panel, eleg-
Arbitrarily, ad. arbitramente Arid, a, arido, secco, ^ity, », gere i giurati
Arbitrary, a. arbitrario, likero. Aries, ». Ariete [aridità Arrears, », pi. arretrato
— Arbitrary government, right, ad. dirittamente. To — Arrest, », arresto, decreto, sen-
governo arbitrario, despotico set aright, rettificare
Arbitrate, n.
v. arbitrari, rise, ti, n. levarsi, sollevarsi, ing, »'.
rar restare
— ion, arbitrato, —or, ». ar- venire, procedere
Arrìere-ban, », ultimo bando
bitro Aristocracy, '
Arriere-guard, ». retroguardia
Arbitrament, ». arbitrato ;al, a. Arrivai, ». arrivo, venuta
Arbour, ». pergola Arithmetical, a
Arbut-tree, or Arbute-trce, ». Arrogance, * arroganza
Arithm Arrogant, a. arrogante, — ly,
Arcanum, ». segreto ad. arrogantemente
Arch, ». arco, arco di ponte. area, cassa Arrogate, v. n. arrogarsi
—The starry arch, il cielo.
—A. tiiumphal arch,
.•\.rk, ».
Arm, », braccio Arm-pit, — ». Arrow, », freccia, o saetta —
». aico ascella. — Arm-chair, »<- ». Arrow-head, » punta d'utta
onfale. — Archwise, a. in dia d'appoggio. — Arm-full, freccia —A shower of ar-
for, 2 d'are, infarr, ». —
ima bracciata. Arm, », rows, tempesta di frecce

arme Arms in heraldry. Arse-smart, nettle, », persi-

I Armada, ».J?o«a
Art, *. arte, artificio, itìdu- Ask, V. a. domandare. Ask t Assisi, r. <j. assegnare, lotti-
ttria— The black art, l' arie question, interrogare uno.--
magicu Ask people in a church, far
Arterial, a. arteriale gnare il suo bene, —able, a.
Artery, *. arteria Askance, ad. a traverso
Anftil, a. artificioso, — ly, jd. Askew, ad. biecamente
artiticii lente Aslant, ad. obliquamente
Artichoke, *. carciofaio Asleep, a. addormentato.— To segnazione
Artide, « articolo, condi::ic fall asleep, addortnentarsi.— Assimilate, v. a. comparare
— Articles of a treaty, « pii To be fast asleep, dormire Assimilation, *. paragone
d'un trattato. — Alticle of profondamente Assist, V. a. assistere, aiuta
» .. j
agreement, jiatlo, accordo. a sghembo
— To surrender upon articles, Asp, ispic, s
Asparagus, s. asparago
Aspect, t. aspetto, aria
Asperity, s. asprezza, dui
Asperse, v. a. aspergere, - e of a

weights and i
articolazione gota per i pesi, e misi
Artifice, *. artificio, arte V. a. regolare
Artificer, s. artifice, artista Associate, *. associalo,
Artificial, a. artijicioso, ly, — lega, —in war, cuifed
ad. artificialmente, ness, *. — ipagnare,
Aspire, V. a. soffiare —Aspire
at, V. n. aspirare, pretendere [se.
Asquint, ad. biecamente
Artist, s. artista Ass, s. asino, asina minchione
Assail, V. a,

assalire, —ant,
Aruspice, s. aruspice *. assalitore, —ing, *. assali-
As, ad. i!^ conj. come
for, as to, in quanto Assart, v. a. svellere, diradi-
pale as ashes, pallid( Assassinate, ti. a. assassinare.
— Assassin, dere, —a title, arrogarsi un-
dolce < niele.— titelo


be, c Assault, s. assalto, attacco, Assumpsit, s. patto, contratto


;, per modo tJ. a. assaltare, er, s. assali- Assumption, s. assunzione

Assumption, *. la minore d' un
Asbestine, s. amianto Assay, s. pruova, saggio, — v. a. sillogismo
Ascend, u.n. ascendere,— 3.\>\e, Assurance, s. arditci:^a, corag'
saggiatore, —ing, s. preludio. gio, certesza, sicurtà
enry, *. ascendenza, injlu-
Assemblage, *. raccolta
Ascention, s. ascensione Assemble, r. a. radunare, —
Ascent, s. salita, montata

gelare, —ing, (. confrma- : Asterism, j. costellazione

Astern, ad. dalla parte dere-
tana d'una naie, dietro una

s. attril Asthma, s. asma, — tic, a. at-

Ash-ti s.fra,
Ashamed, a. vergognoso. — To 1 Astonish, v. a. stupire
be ashamed, vergognarsi i Astonishment, s. stupore, ma-
Ashen, a. di frassino
Ashes, *. cenere ! Astound, V. a. stupire, confon-
Ash-coloured, a. cenerognolo
Ash-Wednesday, *. il Merco- Astraddle, ad. a cavalcioni

ledì delle ceneri Astragal, s. cordone, astragala

Ashore, ad. al lido, a terra. — Astray, ad. Ex. to go astray,
To get ashore, sbarcare Assiduity, assiduità

smarrirsi.— To lead asUaj,

Aside, ad. da parie, in disparte. Assiduous, a. assiduo, dili- deviare,—s. bestia smarrita
- To lay aside, negligere, gente, ly, —ad. assidua-
astringent. I. astringcn
Astrolabe, ». astrolabio — ate, V. a. temperare, raf- Audible, a. audibile
AEtrologer, *. ailrologo Audience, ». audienza, audi-
Astrological, a. astrotog'u At tempt, I. tentativo, aisag-
Astrology, t. astrologia Audit, ». conto, iiame, or.
vare. Attempt upon a —
Astrunomical, astronomico's life, insidiare alla
Astronomy, s. astronomia vita altrui, ^ing, 4. intra- —
Asunder, aJ. separatamente. —
To put asunder, separare. Attend, v. a- —
badare, attendere, mged
To take a thing asur ler, vacare ad un' a^are.— At-
disfareuna cosa tend on, V. a. servire, tenersi tore, —ing, Il vendicarsi.
As veil as, ad. tanto bene vendetta
As well as could be, ad. benit- Attendance, s. servizio, atsi- A venne, ». adito, passaggio
duità. —To dance attt;nd- Average, ». divisione uguale,
Asylum, s. asilo, refugio ance, aspettare molto ragguaglio
At, pr. a la, a, da, ad, in. — Attendant, *. servitore, le-
At thb day, oggidi, addesso.
— To be at Attention, s. attenzione, cura
a stand, essere

imbrogliato. —
To be at Attentive, a. attento, ly, ad.
hand, avvicinarti, essere attentamente Aversion, ». avversione, repu-
vicino. —At that time, in
quel tempo.—At the Tery Avert, e. a. divertire, stornare
Auger, succhiello
Attest, V. a Augment, v. a. aumentare,
-At I re, tt- —ation, ». aumento, er, ». —
—Ato; ce, ad. Attic, a. Attico, puro
Attire, ». acconciatura, v. a. — Augur, ». auguratore, augure
Atchieve, v. a. eseguire, fare, acconciare, ornare, ed, a. — Augurate, v. a. augurare, —

ment, *. prodezza, fatto, ornato ing, — ^ion, ». augurio, pre-
arme, insegne Attitude, ». attitudine
Atheism, t. ateismo Attorney, ». procuratore. —A
Atheist, ». ateista, ical, a —
letter of attorney, ». pro-

Athirst, a. sitibondo Attoumment, 1

AthleUc, a. d'atleta, forte Avidity. ». avidità

Athwart, ad. di traverso Aukward, a.sgarbato, —
ly, ad.
Atmosphere, » atmosfera sgarbatamente, —
ness, ».
Atom, or Atome, ». atomo sgarbatezza
Atone, V. a. espiare, placare, Auln, ». carattello, botte
—raent, ». espiazione, placa- Auln of Rhenish wine, botte di
Attractive, a. attrattivo, — ly, vino del Reno
Atrabilarious, a. malinconico ad. per attrazione
Atrocious, a. atroce, feroce Attribute, ». attributo, — v. a. Avocation, » ostacolo
Atrocity, ». at rarità, crudelci attribuire. — Attribute to Avoid, V. a. evitare, sfuggire,
A trophy, ». otr<ifta one's self, appropriarsi scampare, schivare. Aioid —
Attach, V. a. arrestare- '^'o Attribution, ». attribuzione a place, ritirarsi da un luogo,
attach one's goo<ls, »»- Attrition, ». attrizione — ance, ». scampo, ing, ». —
guestrare i beni d'altrui. Avail, V. n. giovare, essere tcampamento
— ^ment, ». arresto, seque- utile, servire A voir-du-pois, ». peso di 16 once
stro Available, a. efficace,
profit- per libbra [tenere
Attack, ». attacco, assalto, — v.a. tevote, —ness, —ment, t.
vantaggio, profitto Avowal, ». giustificazione, ap-
assalta Avant, Avaunt, interj. va via provazione
Attain, V. a. ottenere, acqui- Avarice, ». avarizia Avowed, a. aperto, pubblico,
stare, —
able, a. che si pub Avaricious, a. avaro, avido, — ly, ad. apertamente
ottenere, —
der, ». (or a bill — ly, ad. avaramente
of inder) Avast, interj. via, presto
—ing, ». acquisi!' —ment, ». Auburn, ». bruno nereggiante

Attaint, f. a. convincere d'un ». venditore all' incanto.

delitto.— Attaint the blood,
o-rompere il sangue, ure. — Audacious, a. audace, ly, —
ad. audacemente —Aìidacìty,
Att.-mper, a. temperare. t, audacia, temerità
Auspicious, a. favorevole, — backward and forward, ton-
ness, s. favore, felicità pick-axe, bipenne.— A pole-
Austere, a. austero, severo, — axe, ascia d'arme. —A butch- indietro, —ness, ». tardità,
ly, ausleramente, ity, — s. maglio lentezza, repvgnanza
t. asse, —pin, «. Jacon, ». lardone. — A gammon
Austin friars, *. Agostiniani of bacon, spalla di porco
Authentic, autentico, valido, assioma, massima salata.— .S. flitch of bacon,
— ally, ad. autenticamente, mezzo porco salato
— ilj, s. qualità autentica mondo
— Jad, a. cattivo, malo. Bad —
Ay,ed. (foryes) Ji. A y, marry, fortune, sventura. — To be
Author, s. autore, inventore. sir, ma si, signore.— Ay me ! bad, i male
—Author of a sedition, Badge, ». indizio, segno
macchinatore d'una sedi-
Badger, » incettatore in grant
Badly, ad. malamente, appena
Badness, ». cattiva qualità
lo.'— To be in authority,

B Baffle, ». inganno, frode,— v. a,

vaJidare, — ing, i. I'autorix- '

, •
Aatomaton, *. automato BABBLE, t. cicaleria, ciarla, Baffler, ». ingannatore, furbo
Autumn, s. l'autunno, — al, a. —V. n. cicalare, ciarlare, Sag, ». sacco, sacchetto. —Bag-
—er, t. ciarlone, —ing, ». pipe, ». cor-namu»<z.— Bag-
Avulsion, s. lo svellere cicalamento piper, ». suonator di coma-
Auxiliary, a. ausiliario. Babe, ». bambino — musa. — Bag-net, ». reticino.
Auxiliaries, t. pi. milizie Babish, a. bambinesco — A cloak-bag, valigia A.
Baboon, ». babbuino leather-bag, tasca di pelle
Await, s. agguato, tranello, —
Baby, s. bambolina, bambola, — Bagatelle, ». bagatella, cosa
V. a. Sr «. aspettare things, ». pi. trastulli inezie
Awake, a svegliato. —
To keep Bacchanalian, a. baccanale- — Baggage, ». bagaglio, bagascia
awake, impedir di dormire. Bacchanals, ». baccanali, Bagnio, ». —
bagno. Bagnio-
feste in onor di Bacco keeper, » bagnaiuolo

BacheJor, ». baccelliere, uno Bail, ». cauzione, mallevadore.

Award, *, sentenza d'arbitri, smogiiato, ship, ». baccel- —Bail one, v. a. entrar mal-
— V. a. giudicare. —Award a leria, celibato I
levadore, —
able, a. che sipuà
blow, ribattere vn colpo Bark,», dosso, schiena.—Back mallevare


Aware, a. avveduto, accorto. of a horse, la schiena d'un

Bailiff, ». magistrato, —of
To be aware of a thing, cavallo. Back-bone, ». la husbandi-y, castaido, fat-
avvedersi d'una cosa. ^A- — spina dMe reni.— Back-door,
ware, inter), guarda ». porta segreta. Back- — Bailiwick, ». giurisdizione S
Away, get you gone, inter j. un podestà
via, andate via.— Away with Back-stroke, ». rovescione Bait, s. esca, lusinga, ristoro,

these fopperies, disfatevi di Back, ad. dietro,— v, .a.
di rinfresco, v. a, adescare,
scioccherie. — Away, for
shame, interj. eh, vergogna-
condare.— To
come back,
se- incitare
Bait a hook, a-
Bait a bull, inci-

tevi.-To run away, fuggir- ritornare. —
To send back, tare un toro a combattere
sene via. —
To take away, rimandare, ifc. contro i cani, ing, ». l'a- —
portar via Backbite, v, a. calunniare, descare. Baiting- place, ». —
Awe, i.timore, tema, rispetto, diffamare, —
biter, ». mal- osteria. Bull-baiting, », —
— V. a. far stare a segno. dicente, —
ing, ». maldicenza
— To keep one in awe, r«- Backing, ». il montare, soste- Baize, ». baietta
gno, assistenza Bake, v. a. cuocere al forno,
Awful, a. terr die, —ne Backslide, v. n. tergiversare, cuocere.— Bakehouse, ». bot-
— in religion, apostatare, tega di fornaio
— Backslider in religion, Baker, ». fornaio.— Ba,kiX-
apostata legged, a. strambo

Backsliding, ». tergiversa- Bating, ». cuocimento

zione, —in religion, apo- Balance, ». bilancia, contra-
pesamento, /iim.— Balance-
Awrv, a. storto, distorto, —ad. Backward, a. lento, freddo,

wheel (in a clock), tempo

— Balance-maker,

storto, di traverso.— To look d'orinolo.

—^^Backwards, ad

I'^t:. di dietro, addietro. —To go i
bilanciare, co'ttrcppesare.—


Balance an account, taliart Banrty, t;. a. palleggiart,—
Bandy about, discutere, n- guaggic
Balcoay, ». ringhiere, balcone gitare. —
Bandy together into barbara
Jlald, a. calvo, spelalo a faction, cospirare, congiu- barbarie, crudeltà, inuma-
Bald, a. usalo, spelato, sciocco, rare. —
Bandy-legged, a. che
— V. a. pelare Bald-pated, Ita le gambe torte Barbary, ». Barberia. Bar- —
Bane,», veleno, morte.— WoWs- bary horse, ». un Barbero
Balderdash, t. cicaleccio, — bane, ». aconito. Oi-bane, — Barbèd, a. batbato.—A barbed
». mortalità fra i buoi. Rat's — arrow, strale pennuto
Barbel, ». barbio
Baldness, s. calvezza Banettìl, a. mortale, funesto Barber, ». barbiere
Bale. s. balla Bang, ». colpo,bastonata,— V. a. Barberrries, ». frutto del berberi
Baleful, a. cordoglioso, funesto battere, tamOussare Barber;7-tree, ». berbero, ber-
Balk, *. solco, o terreno las- Banish, v. a. bandire, esiliare,
ciato incolto, trave, beffa, Bcurd, ». vate, poeta
vituperio, torto, pregiudizio, Bare,
—Bare nudo,
a. raso, scoperto.
V. a. omettere— Balk one, altezza, lido, «^ iaggia. — of money, privo di
V. a. mancar di parola ad Bank of a ditch, sponda di
fosso, —V. a. opporsi all' im- Bare, a. semplice, unico— Bare
Icucìamento peto del mare con argini in clothes, mal in arnese. —
Ball, s. palla, —(dance), t. Banker, ». banchiere Barefaced, a. fronte scoperta.
ballo, —
of the knee, la ro- Bankrupt, ». mercante fallito — Ba'-efooted, scalzo, Bare- —
tella del ginocchio, of the — Bankruptcy, s. fallimento headed, colla testa scoperta.

hand, la palma della mano, Banner, ». bandiera, insegna Bcire-legged, gambe «co-
—of the eye, pupilla dell' Banneret, ». banderese. —A
occhio, — (to play at bil- knight banneret, cavaliere Bare, V. a. scoprire, spogliare,
liards), 6ig-/ia. — Snow-baI), privare, — ly, ad. semplice-
palla di Banning, ». maledizione
neie.— Foot-ball, mente, solamente, stentata-
Bannock, ». focaccia mente, nes9, ». nudità —
Ba.\\aà.,s. frottola, ballata Banns, ». bando Bargain, ». patto, accordo. A. —
Ballast, s. stiva, zavorra. —
Banquet, ». banchetto, festino, bargain, fatto, ci consento,
Ballast a ship, v. a. stivare
un vascello, —
iug, *. lo tti-

V. n. far banchetti Ban-
queting-house, ». Xd/a da

—V. n. patteggiare, far patto,

ianehettare patto fattogli

BaUet, s. ballo Banter, ». burla, beffa, v. a. Barge, ». barca, navicella, —
Balloon, s. pallone beffare, scherzare, er, — ». man, ». barcaruolo, mas- —
Ballot,», voto, —
n. pallot- beffatore, —ing, ». scherzo ter, ». inspettore delle na-
lare, —ing, t',

s. il pallottare, il Bantling, ». figliuolo generato vicelle

prima del nuitrimonio Bark, ». scorza Jesuit's bark,
Baluster, s. balaustro, colonnate Baptism, ». battesimo, — al, a. ». chinnchina
Balustrade, s. colonnata Bark of a tree, » d'albero
Balm, ». balsamo. Balm-tree, — Baptistery. » battisteri Bark, v. n. abbai
».balsamo Baptize, V. a. battezzai Bark a tree (to
Balm or Mint, » menta •tezzator^ ~-mg,
Balmy, a. balsamico ». il battezza-,
Balsam, ». balsamo Bar, ». sbarra, stanga, leva,
Balsamic, ». balsamico lieva. —
Bar the lawyers),]
Bara, a. beffa, corbellatura i Uggisti.— Bar of a haven,
Bamboozle, v. a. corbellare secca.— Bar (in a public-
Bamboo, ». canna con piit nodi, house), luogo dove si nota i

canna di zucchero quel che si vende. Bar, ». — arm, ». spuma di cervogia

Band, ». legame, vincolo, ban- ostacolo, —
at law, cavilla-

am, ». capanna, Jienilt.

da, truppa, collaretto, col- zione, sofisma. Cross bars of — 1

Barn -floor, ». r«i<j
larino —
Band-hox, s. sca- wood, gelosia, ingraticolato Barnacle, ». tenaglie, —bird,
tola per biancherie. Band — di legno, v. —
a. sbarrare, ». oca di Scozia
fagot. escludere, privare.— Bai (at Barometer, ». barometro
dice), parare. I bar that — Baron, ». barone, giudice.—
throw, paro questo tiro Baron of the exchequer,
Barb. v. a. radere la barba giudice della tesoreria, age, —
— —
Barbarian, s. un barbaro ». baronia, ess, ». baro-
Barbarism, ». barbarismo nessa, et, ». baronetto.—
Bondage, »./*»< Barbarity, t. barbarie, cru- Barony,» baronìa
deltà Barrack, ». barraca
alta palla Barbarous, a. barbaro, fiero, ! Barratry, i. barar ia,fraude

Barrel, *. barile.— HarreX of a Bastion,» batliont
•watch, tamhuro d'oriuoto. — Baslon, s. bastone
Barrel of a gun, canna. — Bat, ». mazza, pipistrello.— Beacon, s.faro, lanterna
Uarrel of a jack, jiiramide. Brick-bat, peno di mat- Bead, ». pallottolina, avt-
— Barrel up, v. a. imbottare ti.ana. — Beads, ». corona,
Batch of bread, fortuita, ox Beadle, ». bidello [rosario
Barrenly, ad. iierilmente, — Beagle, ». bracco
Bate, ». conlesa iite.—A make- Beak, ». becco, —fui, ». bee-
Barricade, v. a. fortificare bate, facimale, v. a. calare, cala.— The beak head of a
sbattere ship, sprone d'una nave
Barrier, s. sbarra.— Barriers, Bath, » bagno — Bath keeper, Beaker, ». ciotola, tazza

». stufaitiolo —A hot bath, Beai, ». pustula, bolla, v. n.
Barrister, t. tin avvocato stufa, bagno taldo. — Dry i'mpostemire
Barrow, (a hand-barro-w) bath, stufa Beam, trave,
». —
of a coach,

wheel-barrow, Bathe, v a. bagnare, umet- &c. timone di carozza, —
cirrctlo, carriuola bar- —A tare.— Bathe a wound, doc- of the sun, raggi del sole,

iw-hog, porco casti ciare una piaga of a balance, lo stilo della
Bathing. ». il bagnarsi. — bilaticia.—Beam, striscia ».
Bathing-place, bagno. — di fuoco. —A weaver's beam.
Bathing-tub, vaio da ba-
Beamy, a. raggiante
Bating, » scemamento. —Bat- Bean, ». Jin'a.— Kidney-beans,

tardo fagiuoli
5ase, a. codardo, meschino, qualcheduno —
Bear, ». or»o. Bear's foot, ».
—s base, sostegno, —(in Batoon, ». bastone (plant) brancorsina
music) il basso. — Base- Battalia, ». schiera. — To draw Bear, r. a. sopportare,soffrire,
viol, viola da gamba. — Tho- up an army in battalia, patire,

produrre, portare.
rough base, basso continu- schierare tin esercito Bear away, dominare, rt-
ato, — ly, ad. bassamente. gnare.— Bear charges, fare
— Bear
ente, le spese. an office.
s. bassezza. -To
join battle, azzuffarti. — Bear witness, far testimo-
pitched battle, sciiiera nianza. —
Bear proportion.
Batten, v. n. vollularsi nel
fango, ingrassarsi Bear one's self, comportarsi.
a. vergoi Batter, v. a. battere, percuo- —Bear a good price, avere
mido, ly, ad. vergogno- tere. — Batter one's face, buono spaccio. —Bear with
schiaffeggiare uno. —Batter one, sopportare- uno. Bear —
up, t'. n. (to arise) alzarsi.
Basilisk, s basilisco batteri —Bear up, t. «. portare. ap-
Battledòor, ». racchei poggiare—Bear up against,
Bask in the sun, scaldarsi al Battlement, ». merlo resistere, sforzarsi. — Bear
Bawble, ». baia, bngatella
Bawd, ». ruffiana Bawdry,
». ruffianeria Beard oi _,
Basket-woman, s. zanaiu. Bawdy, a. osceno ; impudico. Bearded, a. barbuto. Boarded —
ola. —
Basket-man, ». za- Bawdy house, ». bordello arrow, una saetta pen-
naiuola, fui, — s. zanata Bawdy, ». oscenità.— To talk
Bason, s. bacino bawdy, parlare aporca- Beardless, a. sbarbato
Bass, J. un letto di giunchi Bearer, ». portatore, latore
Basset, s. bassetta Bawl, i;. [. grtc Bearing, ». portamento, (in —
Bassoon, *. bassone, fagotto heraldry) le armi
Bastard, a. bastardo, falso, Beast, ». bestia, animale. —
ala. — To stop Beast for the saddle, caval-
eattira, — liness, ». bestia-
tro.— To keep lità, sporcizia, schifezza,
daluccare uno. bestiale, sporco,
Baste ment a roasting, spruz- schifo

V a bastonare
Basting, i. bastonata.— Bast-
ing-ladle, «. romaiuolo
itUoruo ad una cosa—Beat
a thing into one's hea<"
mind, ficcare una cos
ietta ad uno.— Beat down, Beetle, *. maglio, Beldam, ». una vecchiaccia
abbattere, demolire. —Beat ga, scarafaggio. Belfry, ». stanza del companile
back, rispignert. — Beat out, headed, a. sciocco Belie, ». a. smentire, calun-
trarre, cavare. Beat — to Befall, accadere, avvenire

powder, spolverizzare Before, ad. Se pr. prima, in- Belief, ». fede, credenza.—
Beaten, a. battuto, pestato, nanzi, piit tosto. — Before, Past belief, incredible. —
vinto. —Beaten way, via bat. ad. altre volte. Before- — Easiness of belief, credu-
tuta —An old beaten sol- hand, ad. anticipatamente. lità. —
Light of belief, cre-
dier, un soldato veterano —To be beforehand with dulo.— Hard of belief, in-
Bcater, s. battitore, masse- one, prevenire qualclieduno credulo. —
Hardness of be-
Befoul, V. a. sporcare lief, incredulità
BeatiSc, a. beatifico Befriend, ». a. favorire Believable, a. credibile
Beatification, s. "beatificazione Beg, ». a. chiedere, mendicare, Believe, ». a. credere, pensare,
Beatify, v. a. beatificar* pregare, supplicare fidarsi —
To make one be-
Beating, * . battimento
Beatitude, s. beatitudine
Beget, V. a. generare, pro- lieve, dare a credere, — er,
». «n fedele, —ing, ». fede,
Beau, s. zerbinotto, affetta- generazione credenza, —
ad. con fede
tuzzo —
Beau-monde, gente Beggar, *. mendicante, pez- Belike, ad. probabilmente, forst
bennata, —
ish, a. gagliardo Bell, ». campana, —of a clock,
— liness, s. mendicità, Ij, — la squilla d'un orinolo. —
Beauteous, a. bello, vago ad. poveramerte, y, s. — An alarum-bell, sveglia. —
Beautiful, a. bello, vago, ly, — povertà, mendi Hawk's bells, tonagli A
ad. vagamente, ness, t. — principiare. chime of bells, un doppio.
bellezza Begin again, v. a. rìnn —Passing-bell, doppio dtf
Beautify, v. a. abbellire, —ing, morti. —
Bell-founder, ».
s. l'abbellire, ornamento keeping, metter su casa fabbricatore di campane
Beauty, *. beltà, leggiadria Begin, ». n. nascere, leva Bell-clapper, ». battaglio. —
Becalm, v. a. calmare, va- —ner, *. principiante, Bellman, ». banditore, rit-
—mg, -ing, s. principio, causa veglialore. — Bell-flower, ».
[di campanella
Because, coiy. perchi, Bell, or Belly, ». n. .7 gridar*
Eeccafigo, s. beccafico che fanno i cervi
Beck, ». segno, accenno Beha'lf,' 'àd^ìn Bellow, a.
». mugghiare, mug-
Beckon, ». n. accennare, — gire, —ing, ». mugghio
ing, s. acctnnamento Bellows, ». soffietto
Become, ». n. diventare, con- viour, » condotta, azione. Belly, ». pancia.
ventre, —
Belly-band, panciera del
dicevole, convenevole, — ing- Behead, ». a. decapitare, — cavallo. —
Beìly-worm, ver-

Bed, — (in Behest,

^, ».
(in poetry) ordine
me — Belly-ach, ». mal di
s. ietto, a garden) ». Belly, ». ,1. divenir
solco. —Bedstead, s. una Behind, ad. per di dietro. — to, far, ntre
lettiera. —
Bedside, sponda To be behind, restar debi- Belong, ». n. appartenere
del letto. —
Bedposts, colonne tore. — To be behindhand Beloved, a. amato
del letto. —
Bedclothes, co- in the world, trovarsi in eat- Below, ad. abasso, giii
perle del /erto.— Bedfellow, tivo siato Belt, ». brodriere, pendaglio.—
compagno di letto, — ». «. Behold, ». a. riguardare, os- A shoulder-belt, una ciarpa
Bemire, ». a. imbrattare,
Bedaub. ». n. sporcare obbligato, debitore, ing. zaccherare
Bedew, V. a. ornare, imbellire ». riffuardarnento, — a. o Bemoan, ». a. compiangere. —
Bedew, ». a. a-tperger di ru- bligato Bemoan one's misfortunes,
^gitda, innaffiare, bagnare Behoof, ». vantaggio, utilità deplorare le sue sventure, —
Bedia) ing, ». lamento
s. un matto — Bedlam-likeì Bench, ». panca. — (a seat of
ad. da matto justice) battco. — The king's
Bee, ». ape, pecchia. — A swarm bench, |7 banco del re
ofb. -being that, conj. Bench to lean upon, ap-
poggio [aj»e»»ore
Belabour, ». a. maltrattare. Bencher, ». giurisconsulto.
Bend, ». (in heraldry) sbarra
Eelav a Bend, v. a. tendere, piegare.
teidere i
—Bend back,
jiiegarsi. The besieger*, «. gli at$e- Between, Betwixt, pr, fra,
rittotcere.— Bend forward, <ra.— Between whiles," di
inchinarsi. — Bend one's Besmear, v. a. imbrattare, —
brows, inarcare le cij;lia., Bevel, ». squadra
—able, a. pieghevole, — ing, imbrattamento "leverage, ». beveraggio, bf
s. piegamento, piegatura^ Besmut, v. a. imbrattar con Vanda
torcimento, pendente, — of fuliggine [pefare Bevy, a bevy of ladies,
». eoe.
the elbow, la piegatura del Besot, t'. a. imbalordire, stu- stuolo dame,
di of roe- —
gomito, —
of a hill, pendice Bespatter, v. a, spruzzolare, bucks, un branco di daini,

di colle. —Beneath, ad. giù, of quails, un volo di
—pr. sotto, di sotto Besom, ». granata, scopa
Benedici -. pi, Benedet- Bespawl, sputacchiare
v. a. Bewail, V. a. compiangere,
Bespeak, ti. a. ordinare. —Be-
Benediction, j. benedizione lamento
Benefaction, *. beneficio — Bespeak a coach, impe- Beware, v, n. guardarsi, star
Benefactor, s. benefattore gnar una corazza all' erta [stralunato
Benefice, *. beneficio Besprinkle, v. a. spruzzare. Bewilder, v, n. sviarsi, ed. —
Beneficence, *. beneficenza, Bewitch, v. n. ammaliare, —
munificenzia Best, super,buonissimo, ol- ing, ». malia
Beneficent, a: benefico iimo.— To make the best of Bewray, u. a. tradire, scoprire
Beneficiai, a. vantaggioso a thing, trarre il tnagginr Beyond, pr. di la, oltre, —
Beneficiary, s. beneficiario vantaggio d'una cosa. To —
Beyond sea, a. oltremare.—
Benefit, s. beneficio, grazia, make the best of one's way, Beyond measure, ad. smo-
benefizio, vantaggio, v. n. — andare it piti presto che si deratamente. To go be- —
profittare, — r. n. far del pub.— To have the best of a yond, passare, sopravan-
thing, avere il vantaggio zar e [bexzuardo
Benevolence, ». benevolenza, Bestead, v. a. favorire Bezoar, or Bezoar-stone, ».
dono gratuito [notte Bestial, a. bestiale Bias, ». talento, inclinazione,
Benighted, sorpreso dalla
a. Bestir one's self, v. a. indus- —
of interest, la forza deW
Benign, s. benigno, cortese, triarsi, ingegnarsi interesse. Bias, d. a. pie- —
— itj, s. benignità Bestow, V a. impiegare, spen- gare, inclinare.— Bias one,
Bent, s. piega, inclinazione,
. dere, dare —
Bestow a kind- guadagnarsi uno, v. n> —
pro^'insione, specie di giunco, ness, rendere un servizio prevenire [sbevazzare
— a. inclinato, piegato, teso Bestride, v. a. cavalcare Bib, ». bavaglio— Bib, v. n.
Benumb, v. a. assiderare, in- Bet,. Bibber, ». bevitore
trizzare, istupidire, agghi- Bible, ». bibbia
Betake one's self, v. n, appli-
carsi. —
Betake to one's
Bequeath. v. a. legare, —er, heels, darsi alta fuga
Bethink one's self, v. n. di- tore, —
ing,». dispula, contesa
ìid, V. a. dire, comandare,
Bethral, v. a. soggiogare, vin- offerire, iiivitare.— Bid de-
gliare -ing, s Betide, v. n. accadere, succedere fiance, disfidare.— Bid up at
Bergamot, s. pera bergamotta, Betimes, ad. a buon'ora
Betoken, t>. a. significare,
Berlin, s. berlina pronosticare, —ing, ». mar-
Eemardines, s. Bernardini CO,presagio
Berry, s. coccola, bacca — Betony, ». betiomca
Gooseberries, s. uva spina. Betray, v. a. tradire, palesare.
— Raspberries, ». mora ros- Bide,
sa di rovo Biennial, a. I
Beryl, ». berillo, gemma Bier, ». (fot the dead) bara
Beseech, v. a. supplicare, — Biferous, a. in due guise
ing.s. supplicazione Better, a. miglio Biforous, «. che ha due porte
Beseem, v. n. essere conve- Better, ad. meglio.— Yoùi bet- Big, a. grasso, spesso, grande.
ters, i vostri superiori, —So — Big words, parole superbe,
Beset, v. a. eignere, assediare. much the better, tanto me- ^Biìj-bellied, a. panciuto.
— Beset on all sides, in- glio, —cheaper, a più buon — Big-bodied, corpacciuto.
prezzo, — migliorare.
V. a.
Besides, pr. oltre, eccetto. —Better one's fortune, a- Bigamy, ». hìgamìei

Besiege, v. a. assediare. — !'s


mondo — Bet-
provvedtr.n Biggin, ». scufiietta [dezza
ing, ». assedio— The be- comperare a miglior Bigness, ». grossezza, grnn-
sieged, ». gli assediati. — Bigot, ». bacchettone, ly, <• —
baechellonert'a, tupertti- Bitch, cagna'
Bite, morso,
s. v. a. '

Bilander, s. balandra dere. —

Bite one's nails,
Bile, *. ciccione, ulcera, boxxa dersi l'ugne. Bite off, —
Bilious, a. bilioso, tlizsoso portar via il pezzo
Billcj V. a tniflare, ingannare
BUI, t. biglictio, cartello, ce- Bite, 1'. a. ingannare, — Blank, a. smorto, pallido, —
dola, —
of lading, polizza in writing, bianco. Blaiìls —
di carico, —
in chancery, a mordente, pungeiìte verse, s. xerso sciolto, in —
BiUngly, ad. mordacemer the lottery, *. jiolizza bi-
«lictment, accusazione, — Bitter, e. amaro, agro, di —
anca. Point blaiUc, ad. af-
of a bill, *. becco —Hedging- crudele, aspro. — Bitter fatto. —
To hare blank, aver
bill, «. ronco;».—BUlfull, *. words, ingiurie, p carte bianche al gioco
beccata mordaci, !j, ad. — am Blanket, s. coperta di lana da
Billet,*. ceppo, bulletta, — of letto, pezzo di panno per
gold, vergo d'oro, (soldi istampare, —
(for a child)
alloggiare toldati con pezza lana
_ llcttim Blaspheme, v. a. bestemmiare.
Billiards, j. bigliurdo, -ball.
„ .
['"«< Blasphemous, a. eseernndo, —
Billow, *. onda, fiutio, cavai- ly, ad. esecrahilmenle
Bin, *. area- madia Blasphemy, s. bestemmia
Bind, s. tralcio di lupoli BivalTUlar, a. a due scaglie Blast, s. soffio, — (in com,
Bind, V. a. legare, attaccare, Blab, ». ciar/a/ore.— Blab e &c.) golpe, — t'. n. anneb-
biare. —
Blast a man's repu-
Bind "a book, legare un li- Blabber-lips, grosse labbra tation, macchiare ^altrui
bro.— Bind the belly, rw- Black, a. nero, infame. — fuma —Blast a design, ro-
trignere il ventre, -^er, *. Black-act, l'arte magica. vinare Paltrui disegno
— —ing, *. legamento, Black day, g-iorno funesi Blatant, o. ciarliere
a. costipativo. —Binding of — Blackbird, s. merlo. Blaze, s. fiamma, vampa, —
books, legatura Blackberries, more di t *. v. a, vampeggiare —Blazs
Biography, *. biografia IO—Blacksmith, s. fabbì abroad, v. n. divulgare. —
Bipartite, a. bipartito Blazing star, stella ris-
Birch, s. granata di tcope, —
Blazonry, s. blasone, araldica
Bird, c. uccello. Biid-cage,— Blazon, v. a. divisare, rap-
*. ^aiii'a.— Bird's nest, ni-
do d'uccello. —
Biidlime, *. Blacki.*, a. nericcio, s. — Bleach, r. a. curare, imbian-
vischio.— Bird-catcher, s. Bladder, * la vescica care al sole, —
er, s. imbi-
Biade, s. lama, of com, i, — ancatore, —
ing, s: bianchi-
lare.— Blrding, uccella- i. fusto del grano, of ar —
gione. — Birdingpiece, «. herb, fusto, o gambo d' uu Bleak, aspro, freddo, smor-
schioppo erba, —
of an oar, la pa- to, pallido, —
ness, *. freddo
Birth, s. natività, nascita,— letta d'un remo. The — Blear the sight, v. a. offuscare
(among beasts) ventrata oalelta
Birth, *. origine, estrazione. Ita. — The t Blearedness, i . cisposità
— Birthright, «. primoge- biade, U cassero del petto. Blear-eyed, a.

nitura. Birthday, s. giorno —A cunning blade, uno Bleal, i; «. belare, ^ing, s, —
di nascita. —Untimely birth, scaltrito.— A
stout blade, un betamento

sconciatura. — After-birth, bravaccio —A
notable voung Bleed, v n. far sangue.
biade, un furhacchintto Bleed one, v. a. cavar san-
Bishop, *. vescovo, — (ai Bladed, a. (corn-bladed) biada ad uno, —
er, s. cavatore
chess), alfiere, — s rie, sangut -ing. il et
vescovado Blain, s. apostema ^, a. sanguinoso,
Bisk, s. piatto alla Francese Blame, s. biasimo, colpa, — — BÌeeJing-heart. un cuore
— at tennis) fallo Blameworthy, a. iiasime- che scoppia di dolor-

Bissextile, s. —year
bisesto, able, a. biasimevole
anno bisestile Blameless, a. innocente, puro,
Bit, boccrne, pezzo, — of
s. : — ly, ad. innocentemente tare. — Blemish one's fame,
bridle, morso, fneno, — of i Blamer, s. biasimatore
key, buco di chiave, — o: Blaming, s. biasimo ing, *. bruttura, macchia
a horse, imboccatura d'ut Klanch, v. a. imbiancare, pal- Blend, V. a. mescolare, mia-
BIes«. '. benedire, laudare, [
B!ood-red, Blunder upon a tliinp, iif
= fitic, -Blesi
intgrj. Oh Dio ! Dio buono ! Blunderbuss, t. un moschettone,
Blessed, santo, felice.—
a. pistone
The blessed, beati, ly, — Blundering, t. stordito
ad. felicemente, ness, .».

— Blunt, a. ottuso, grossolano,

Blessing, benedixione , feli-
». Blunt, V. a. spuntare, guastar
cità, piacere. —
The blessings .la punta, mitigare, ly, aJ. —
ofGod, le grazie di Dio precipitosamente, —ness, *.
Blight, s. golpe, —ed, a. an- dele'.- L, Jlus.',. prontezza, ottusità
nebbia' r. — Bloody-minded, Jlur, i. macchia, disonore, —
orAo.— Blind 1
sanguitiario V. a. macchiare
Jlurt out, ti. a. strafalciare
Blind pretence, falso pre- ^ing, a. fiore \
— Bhuh, rossore.— To put one

tetto.— Blind story, s. faro- Blossom, s. fiore d'albero,— v. n to the blush, mer^o^ar uno,
laccìa —
Blindway, ». strada
occulta. —
A man's blind side, Blot, *. macchia, cancello,— l'arrossire, rossore
i7 debole <funo.-Pur-bIind, V. a. macchiare. Blot out, — Bluster, v. n strepitare, —
di corta «ijta.— S?.nd-blind, celiare (as the wind) v. n. stridere,
lippa Blot o s reputation, a —ing, s. strepilo, fracasso.
Blind, V. a. accecare.— Blind —Blustering weather, bur-
rasca,— Blustering style, stile
Blindfold, a. bendato, — ad. pomposo
ciecamente, — v. a. bendare gli Boar, s. ticrro. — Wild-boar,
Blindly, ad. ciecamente Board, *. tavola, asse, bordo,
Blindraan's bufF, 3. il giuoco Blow, s. colpo, schiaffo, dis-
della cieca [colpa astro, disgrazia, fiore. —A cil-board, tavola del con-
Blindness, *. cecità, errore. fine blow of roses, delle belle siglio regio Chess-board,
Blink, V. n. ammica,
ard, *. Blow, V. a. Sf n. soffiare, a-
prirsi. — Blow out a candle, — v. n. stare a dozzina
estinguere una candela. — Board a ship, abbordare un
Blow a bladder, gonfiare vascello. —Boarder, s. peit-
». pristula, vescic una vescica.— IMovi a tium- sionario. —Boarding of a
6,-1.. n. forma pet, suonar la «i-om/ja— Blow ship, l'abborda d'un vas-
ie,—v. a. applicc up a mine, fare iscoppiare cello. —Boarding-school,
una mtHa.— Blow over a
storm, dissipare una bur- z Boarding-house,
rasca.— Blow off, dissipari
soffiando.— Blovì awav, dis-
Blithe, a. lieto, giocondo, ly, — pargere —Blovr in, far en-
ad. lietamente, —
ness, ». al- trare soffiando— Blow out,
legrezza far uscire ,offiando.-Blo'«
B4ob- cheeked, a. che ha le down, rovesciare. — Blowed
guance piene
Block, s. tronco, pedale, otta- fiatare, —ing, s. soffiamento. nillantat
colo. —Blockhead, *. tetta di —Blowing weather, tempo sting. nUlant
legno, sciocco, matto. To — vano, orgoglioso, — ly, ad. per
cóme to the block, essere Blown, a. soffiato, aperto ostentazione
decapitato.— Block-house, t. Blowzy, a. gonfio Boat, s. battello, barca
Blubber, *. polmone mi ., Boatswain, s. sottocapitann
Blockade, s. bloccatura, o olia di balena. Blubber- — di vascello —
Fly-boat, uh
blocco lipped, a. labbrulo.—Bluhhe brigantino. —
Block up, V. a. bloccare with weeping, t'. n. gonfìars scafa. —
Ship-boat, *. tino
Blocking up, *. bloccatura le guance piangendo
Blood, s. sangue, famiglia, Bob, s. ciondolo, perrueca
.collera, omicidio. Blood- — Blue-bottle, t. campanella. — rta, molto, botta, ». <l.
Blue, V. n. tingere turchint. gannare, malmenare, ei-
—Bluish, a azzuriccio
Blunder, fallo, errare
Blunder a thing out, r. a. pai
lare inconsideratamente.-
— €

Bode, ». a. presagire a. bombardare, — Border upon, v. a. confinart,
essere contiguo. —
Bodied, u. (big-bodied) grosso s. pi. genii delle frontiere.
Bodil. Bombast, s. ampollosi
Eodily, a. corporeo, del corpo, Bombasti impolloso.
— ail. corporeameute gonfii fuoco. — Bore of a lock, per-
Bodkin, s. irifilacapj, di Bombasin, s. bambagino
Bond, s. legame, nodo, obbli pertugiare, bucare
Bod} , s. corpo, raccolta, soci , gazione, promessa, — man Boreal, a. boreale
f«rza, —
of a church, la na- i. sebi
». schiavo, age, — Borea», $. borea
vata d'una chiesa, —of Bom, a. na/o.— First-bom, il
tree, tronco d'un albero, —
Bone, s. un o*io.— Bones o. primogenito To be bom, —
divinity, sistema di teologia. fishes, lische de" pesci. Bone- V. n. —
nascere.— Stin-hoTB,
Busj-body, un faccendone, lace, s. merletto Bone-set- —
morto na/o.—Base-bom, bas.^
— —

Every body, ciascuno.— ter, s. colui che rimette l'ossa tardo. Bom before oneV
Nobody, nessuno. Some- —
a suo luogo. The jaw-bone, time, abortivo —
body, qualcuno la mascella. The shoulder- Borough, s. borgo —
Bog, s. palude bone, l'osso della spalla Borrow, v. a. pigliare in pre- —
Boggle, i: a esitare, lilancìare The shin-bone, stinco.— The stito, er, *. colui che piglia —
Boggy, a. paludoso back-bone, la spina, v. in prestito, —ing, s. presta- —
Boil, ciccione,
s. ulcera. — disossare, —
bonfire, s. fu _

An angry boil, un' ulcera d'allegrezza, —

less, a. sens' Bosom, t. il seno.— A bosom
friend, un amico di cuore
Boil, «. n. bollire, cuocere — Bonnet, berretta, cappel- The bosom of the church, il
Boil over, v. n. traboccare, grembo della chiesa
versare pel troppo bollire. — Bonny, a. gentile, allegro Boss, s. gobba. Boss of a —
Boil a-way, consumarsi a forza Bony, a. ossuto bridle, ». borchia del freno
di bollire, —er, s. caldaia, Booby, s. minchione, balordo Botanical, a. botanico
fornello da cucina, ing, j. — —
Book, s. libro. Bookbinder, Botany, s. botanica, la scienza

— —Book-
bollimento. Boiling-hot, a. s. legatore di «òri dei semplici
bollente seller, *. libraio Booksell- Botanist, t. botanico
Boisterous, a. impetuoso, furio- ing, s. libreria.— Day-book, Botch, *. pezza, ulcera, tin-
so, —
ly, ad. violentemente. s giornale. —
libro bianco. —
Book down, racciabattare, —
er, *. cia-
Bold, a. ardito, fiero, libero, V. a. allibrare. —
Bookish, a. battino, —
ingly, ad. gros-
disinvolto. —
A bold face, uno solanamente
ifacciato.—To put on a bold Boom, Both, proli, ambo, l'uno e V
albero di vascello,
fece, parere ardito, ly, ad. — catena d'un porto, ing, a, —
allro.-Botìi, ad. ex. both in
arditamente, francamente, — che veleggia a vele gonfie time of peace and war, in
ness, *. arditezza, libertà, Boon, s. grazia, richiesta. pace ed in guerra
fierezza Bottle, s. fiasco.— Bott\e of
Boll, s. stelo, o gambo Boon, a. allegro, giocondo hay, fastello di fieno.—Bot-
Bolonian stone, s. pietra di tle off, V. a. infiascare
Bologna Boorish, o. zotico, villano, — Bottom, s. fondo, fine.— Bot-
Bolster, s. cappexzale, piu- ness, *. rustichezza tom of a liquor, potatura,
maccio.— Bolster of a saddle, Boot, i. stivale. Boot of a — feccia.— Bottom of a busi-
cuscinetto di sella—Bolster coach, la cassetta sotto al ness, il fondamento d'un
up, V. a. appoggiare, proteg- tvcchio d'una carrozza affare
gere Boot, v. n. giovare Bottom, V. a fondare, —less, a.
Bolt, s. chiavistello, —of a lock, Booth, s. capanna che non a fundo, impenetra-
stanghetta Bootless, a. inutile, vano bile, excessivo, —ry, s. prestito
Bfalt, j. dardo. — Thunder- Booty, s. bottino, preda.— To alla grossa avventura
bolt, fulmine prison, —A play booty, intendersela con Bouge, s. gonfiatura.
er's bolts, ceppi, ferri, — out, ti n. gonfiarsi
V. a. inchiavisteltare. — o-peep, Ex. to play at bo- Bough, s. ramo d'albero
Bolt out, uscire subitanea- peep, guardar sett' occhio, Bounce, ». frac
mente.— Bolt in, V. n. en- giuocar a capolino nillan-
trare subito, —«r, *. bura- Borage, *. borrana
telto, —ing. s. staccio da fior Borax, s. borace Bounce up, v. a. saltellare,
difari/ia.—Boltsprit,t. trin- Border, s. orlo, margine. —
Borders of a country, confini Bouncer, ». millantatore
Bolus, s. bolo, pillola —
d'un paese. Borders (among Bound, s. limite, termine. —
Bomb, s. botnba Bound-stone, ». confine, —
Bombard, s. bombarda, — r. a. legato, obbligato. —To be
cello —Soldier's boy, baga- '
ferro ,
glione.—A. singing-boy, un !

Bound, V. a. Urminare, con- Boyish, a puerile, da fanci-

finare, balzare, sbalzare, — s. ulti, — ly, ad. fanciullesca]

balzo, salto mente, — ness, s. fanciullag-


Boundary, «. limite, frontiera

Bounden, a. che lega, che ob- Brabbling, s. querela

bliga Brace, j. coppia, paio, brac-

Bounder, lerminatore
*. ciale, — (in printing) ab-
BoHiiding, a. contiguo, vicino,
balzando rampone. — Braces of a ship.
Boundless, a. infinito
Bountiful, Bounteous, a. gene- Bracelet, s. braccialetto" sma- '

roso, liberale, benigno, ly, — niglia

ad. liberalmente, riess, *.— Brachial, a. appartenente alle

Bounty, s. generosità Bramin, s un bramino

Bourn uscelh Brachygraphy, s. l'arte di

Bout, s.fiata, volta —A m Bracket, ». beccatello

bout, una festa. —A drinking Brackish, a. aspero, rozzo, —
bout, bevuta
Bow, s arco, archetto, Brag, s. miUanteria, — v. n.
renza. — Bow of a ship, j
di vascello Braggart, or Braggadocio, «.
Bow (tomeasure) mezzo
cAio.—Bowstring, s. e Bragging, s. vantamento
d'arco.—Bownet, ne s. Braid, trina,
». —
of hair, trec-
—Saddlebow, arcion *. cia posticcia di capelli. —
sella — Rainbow, s. l'c Braid hair, v. a. intrecciare
baleno. — Crossbow, s.
Brain, ». cervello. —Brain-sick,
gare — Bow down, v a. frenetico —
To crack one's
brains with studying, rom-
Bowel, V. persi la testa collo studio. —
Bowels, s. viscere Brain one, v. a. dicervellare
Bower, s. pergola —
uno. Harebrained, a. scer-
Bowing, ». chìnamento vellato
Bowl, *. coppa, ta^zone, — Brake, s. manulla, brigìione.
of a spoon, il concavo d'un
cucchiaio, —
V. a. gittare la
boccia, —v a. giuocare alle
bocce, —er, s. giuocatore di

Bowling, s. il giuoco delle bocce.

—Bowling-green, prato del

Bowyer, s. facitore d'archi

Box (tree), s. bossolo. — Box, s.

house), palchetto. Box on —

the ear, uno schiaffo —
. Christmas-boi, s. strenna —
Coach-box, cassetta d'una
carrozza. — Dice, or money-
—A country
—Box .

v.a schiaffeggiare une-.—Box

up, V. a. chiudere in un
Box V. n.fare a pugni,
s. Sfare alle pugna
Boy, s. ragazzo, serv
catùn-boy, moszo di
Breeder, s. Eie. a good breeder, Brighten, v. a. lustrare, pulire,
— ing, ». pulimento
ground, aprire una trincea. Breeding, s. generamento. A — Brightish, a. lucente
— Break, out of prison, fug- breeding ^oman, una donna Brightly, ad. chiaramente
gir di prigione, tcappare, gravida Good breeding, Brighmess, ». chiarezza, eplen-
—V. n. gtlerdarsl.— BreaV buona educazione
Breeze, /. aura, venticello, Brilliant, a. brillante
ti ad uno. —
Break a jest, tafano Brim, ». lembo, margine
burlart, beffare. —
Break Brethren, s. pi fratelli Brimmer, ». un bicchiere pieno
forth, t'. n. *or^<re.— Sreak Breve, *. (in music) nota Brimstone, ». solfo
Brindled, a. viato, sagginato
—])reak out. n allagare, Brevet, s. breve, o bolla
«;. Brine, ». salamoia, il mare
inondare— Break, out into Breviary, s. breviario Bring, ti. a. portare, arrecare,
wrath, infuriarsi. — Break Breviat, t, compendio —Bring a design about,
in, V. n. avventarsi.— Break Brevier, s. (a type) gara- fare riuscire un disegno.—
into, ti. n. /orxare.—Break Bring forth a child, parto-
into laughter, scanatciarsi Brevitj, ». bre-
brevità. — For rire. —Bring forth fruits,
dalle risa. — Break through. vity's sake, per abbreviare produrre frutti.— Bring off,
Brew beer, ti. a. fare della liberare. —
Bring under, sot-
Break through difficulties,
superare le difficoltà. —
Break up the ground, van-


gare la terra. Break up,

ti. n. separarsi, da Bribe, «. ingoffo, donativo, calare, umiliare, — er, ». por-
V, a. nvrompere,
' — - --ery,
— er, s. eo
or—Ing, Brinish, ». salmastro
the peace, violatore de Brink, ». orlo, leiììbo.—To be
Brick, *. mattone, pane d'un upon the brink of ruin,
Breakfast, s. colazione,— v. essere in gran perii '

Brickkiln, *. /o > del

Breaking, s. rompimento, frat- - ickl
tura. —A breaking up of _ ;.— Brick
muro di mattoni. —Brick-
Bream, s. pe.ìce d' acqua dolce layer, s. muratore. —Brick- vace, lieto, allegro,
Breast, s. seno, petto, tetta.— maker, fabbricatore di mat- forte.-Brisk gale
'°— astplate, s. petto'
" toni —Brick, v. n. fabbricar un vento fresco.—
Brisk oi 'sself up, v. n. ral-
Biìdal, a. nuziale. — ». sposa- legrarH
lizio. — Bridal song, ». epita- Brisket, »
Breath, s. lena, fiato.— To
fetch one's breath, respirare. Bride, ». sposa, —groom. Briskly, ad. vigorosamente,
— Shortness of breath, diffi- lietamente
coltà Bridewell, ». ccua di cor Briskness, ». vigore, vivacità,
gagliardia, giocondità
V. a. esulare.— Breathe Bristle, ». setola, —v. n. arric-
one's last, spirare.— Breathe ciarsi.— Brhtle a shoemaker's
after a thing, aspit thread, attaccar la setola alto
qualche cosa Drawbridge, ». ponte levati sjtago
Breathing, j. respiro, _ Bridle, ». briglia.— B'lt of a Bristly, a. settoloso
mento. Breatliing-time, bridle, morso d'una briglia, British, a. Britannico
tempo di ripua —V. imbrigliare— Brulle BrìUie, a. fragile, frale, ness,
a. —
Bred, part, geii one's passions, domare le ». fragililà.—BrMX'S,
passioni fragUmente
Breeoh, *. il diretano.— Breech Brief, a. corto, breve, comum Broach, » stidione,—v. a. spil-
of a gun, culatta d'arme Brief, ». brevetto, o bolla,
J'uoco. —
Bear's breech, Iv, ad. bi
(a plant), hrancurtina.
Brier,», rotio, o pruno
Brigade, ». brigala
Brcea, ». razza, ti. a. genera) Brigadier, » brigadiere
pr odurre, causare. —
Breed Brigantine, » brigantino

'gbt, giorno chiaro.—

To grow broad, slargarsi. —

youth, allevare la gioventit. Bright, a. chiaro, lucido

— Breed teeth, spuntar i. is bright, è g^ior,».— Tho- To speak broad, parlare
rough bright, transparente goffbmeule. — Broad-fjced,
che hauna gran facck Browse, s. mtMtiticcio, - B\xW, s. cuoio di bufalo
B/oad awake, affatto dt I
Buffet, ». .-redenza, ~~v a
— Broad triinnied, che ha I schiaffeggiare
Buffet, ». schiaffo
Buffle, ». /m/oL.— Bufnehead,
lardarne strepito. -
Buffoon, ».' Iwjfmie.—yo play
Brult a thing abroat
ibroad, v. a '

Brock, s. tasso fare correr fama I the buffoon, hnffonare, —

Brocket, ». cervieit» Brumai, a. brumale ery, ».buffoneria, burla
Broccoli, s. broccoli Brunt, », impeto, urto, assalto.

Bug, » cimice. — Mavbug, ».

Brogues, s, scarpe di legno. I scarafaggio. Bxié-'^eur, ». -
<gua !
svauracchio, fantasma. -
Eroi tumvlto, dìsputa^ Bugbear one, v. a. »j)«reii
Broiled meat, ». br

Broken, a. rotto, rovinato.— bicchie, -Bugluho:

Broken sleep, sonno inter-
rotte —Broken meat, avan- Build, V. a. fabbricare,
zi, minuzzoli.— ìiro\m lan- pcare. — BuiUl upon


ga^f^e, linguaggio corrotto f.darsi

Broken-winded, bolso Brustle. ti n. strepitare Builder, » fabbricatori
Broker, s. rigattiere., sensale. Brutal, J. brutale, ity, ». — Chief builder, arc/iì^/^o
— Broker's row, ». rigai- utalità, —
ize, v. n, diven- Building, fahbricazi ».
iena. —A pawnbroker, che r brutale, — ly, ad. brutal- edifiziu.— The art of hv
_ ine, l'architettura

Brooch, ». collare d'oro.

Bulbous, a. bulboso
Brood, ». covala, razza, schi- ] Bulge, V. n. far acqua, affati-
atta. — Brood- hen, chioi
— V. a. covare.— Brooàing- -V a. truffar, Buhmy, s. fame canina, bulimo
—Bubble up, ii. >

Bulk, massa, grossezza.

». —
Brook, ». un ruscello.— Brooi garg uj —Bubbling Bulk of a man's body,
an affront, v. a. inghiottire foglia, tronco, busto. Bulk of' a —
un affranto Bnbby, ». poppa, mammella ship, scaffo, corpo di navi-
Broom, ». ginestra, scopa di Bubo, ». ancone glio. —
Bulkhead, ». separa-
ginestra, spazzola. —
But- Buck, ». un daino.— Buck goat, zione in un vascello, y, a. —
clier's broora, ». tnirto sal- ». un becco. Buck's horn, — grande, grosso, massiccio,
». Ramina. —Buck wheat, ». pesante, grave
Broth, ». ftrodo.— .Telly-broth, miglio Bulkiness, ». larghezza, gres-
Buck clothes, v. a. fare il
Brothel, ». bordello Bull, ». toro, —
(pope's brief)
Brother, ». fratello. — Bro- Bucket, ». calino, secchia holla, espressione ridicola,
ther-in-'.aw, cognato. ». — Buckle, ». fìbbia, rìccio.- — Bull's pizzle, ». nerbo di
Foster-brother, fratello di The tongue of a buckle, bove. — BuU-finch, ». capi-
ia«e.— Brotherhood, ». fra- 7!fro.- Bull-dog, » calie da
itllanza, confraternita, —ly, <oro.— BuU-fighting, ». com-
a. fraterno, —lj,ad.frater.-
- Bul-
. tela c
Buckthorn, » spinamagna
Bucolic, ». buccolica
Bud, ». pollone, boccio, v. n. —
Budge, ». pelle d'agnello.— •erghe
Brown paper, carta st Budge-barrel, ». bariletto do Uock, »
Bully, ».
- Blown blue, 'livido Budffe, ». un mariuota, —v. n
make brown, imbruni
"seul bnlgij, (also) U
,10 delie finanze
Bum bailiff, *. uno sbi^-ro Burnet, ». pimpinella Butler, ». dispensi ', -ag», f
Burap, s. un colpo, gonfia- Burning, ». scottatura, incen- dazio sul vino
men^o.— Bumpup,t). n. gon- dio, — a. abbrucciante, cat- Butt, ». botte
fiarsi do Burning coal, ». brace. Butt, limite, mira
Bumper, ». un pieno bicchiere — Burning-glass, vetro ar- Butter, ». butirro. Butter —
Bumpkin, j. un balordo, un milk, ». resto del latte dopo
Bumish, V. a. brunire, — ti. n. estrattone il iu/irro— Butter-
Bun, *. ciambella dolce fly, ». /ar/a«a.— Butter-
Bunch, *. gobba, tumore, —ing, ». brunitura.— B\xra- teeth, ». i denti d'avanti
mazzo, /ascio. Bunch of ^ ishing-stick, ». brunitoio Butter, V. a. condire con bu-
grapes, grappolo d'uva. — Burnt, a. abbrucciato tirro.— Battei at play, v. n.
Bunch of feathers, *. un Bumt-offering, ». olocausto truffare al giuoco
pennacchio Burnt up, a. arido, secco. — Buttery, ». dispensa
Bunchy, a. gobbo Sun-burnt, abbronzato Buttock, ». chiappa, o natica
Bunch out, I', n. gonjiarsi in Bm-rel fly, ». tafano —Buttock of b«ef, ». coseia
forma di gobba Burrow, ». tana di coniglio, di manzo
Bundle, ». fardello.— Bxmàle
V. n. intanarsi Button, ». bottone, — {in plants)
up, ti. a. affardellare Burse, ». borsa bottone, boccia. —
Bung, ». Burser, ». tesoriere di collegio
turacelo del cocchi- hole, ». occAicHo.— Button-

ume. Bung of a piece of Burst, ». crepatura, v. a. ^• — maker, ». bottonaio. — But-
ordnance, turacelo. Bung- —
n. crepare, scoppia, e.— Burst ton, V, a. abbottonare
hole, ». cocchiume out with laughter, scoppiare Buttress, ». barbacane, —ing,
Bungle, t. sbaglio, marrone, dalle risa ~
— V. a. acciabattare, acciar- Bursten, a. allentalo.— Baxst- Buxora, allegro, giocondo,
docile, benigno,
ness, ». —
Bury, V. a. seppellire gioia, allegrezza, docilità
Burying, ». seppellimento, — Buy, V. a. comperare. Buy —
p'ace, ». sepoltura, campo one off, corrompere uno, —
Bunglingly, ad. grossolana- er, ». comperatore. — Buying,
Bush, ». cespuglio. — Bush of ».comperamento
Bunter, ». birbone, attacca- hair, ». capellatura Buzz, V. n. ronzare. — Buzz
cenci; puttanella Bushel, ». staio in one's ears, soffiar negli
Bunting, ». (a bird) traceolino Bushy, a. cespuglioso, spesso
Buoy, ». gavitello. Buoy up, — Busily, ad. ardentemente Buzzard, ». bozzago
v.a. spalleggiare, sostenere Business, ». affare, faccenda By, prep, per, da, a, al. —By
Burden, », carico, peso. Bur- — Busk, ». stecca del busto
den of a song, intercalare, Buskins, ». stivaletti break of day, sai far del
ritornello —A
beast of bur-
den, bestia da basto,— v. a.
Buss, ». un bacio, u. a. ba- —
By, ad. Viano, accanto By
caricare, —
some, a. incomodo Bust, ». busto
Burdock, ». lappola Bustard, ». (a bird) otarda
Bureau, ». armario Bustle, ». romore, fracasso.

Bustling, ». strepito, fracasso — By-way, ». slatuto.-Bj'

tn un borgo Busy, a. occupato, affaccen- slander, spettatore
Burganet, ». borgognotta dato.— Buìy body, ». un af-
Burgess, ». borghese, chi vota fannone, ciarpòne. Busy —
per i membri di parlarne/ito day,», giorno d'affari.— Busj
Burgher, ». borghese one's self, r. r. occuparsi.
Burgher-master, ». burgomas-
tro But, ». corifine, limiti.— Bxit,
Burglary, s. furto in una casa conj. eccetto, ma, solamente.
Burial, ». sepoltura, mortorio — But y^t, nientedimeno. — CABALA, cabala ».
Burin, ». botino, o bulino But a wVùle since, poco fa. Cabal, prattica, con. ».
Burlesque, a. burlesco, burle- — But just now, adesso ades- giura, partito, banda, — »,
so.— But-end of a thing,
Bùrly, a. corpacciuto, grosso, estremità d'una cosa — But- Cabalist, cabalista ».
end of a musket, il calcio di Cabalistical, a. cabalistiee
— Bum
up, v. n.
V. n. cozzare.-But at
Cabbage, ». cavolo Cabbage-
lettuce, ». lattuga capuccia.

Bum to ashes, ridursi in one, V. n. urtare alcuno — A. tailor's cabbage, ritagli
cenere. — Bum one in the Butcher, ». macellaio, — V. a.
hand, bollare uno. Bum — cesto raccolto, —v, a. rubare
iaiDtand dim, far poco lume i ritagli del panno
dire il suo giuoco. — Cali Cancer, ». cancheri, cancro
Candid, a. candido, ingenue
Cabinet, S- gabinetio. — Cabi- Cali back one's -word, rivo- Candidate, ». candidato
net council, i7 f;abinetto. i care la sua parola. Cali — Candidly, ad. candidamente
aside, prendere uno da Candle, ». candela, snuffers, —
—Cabinet-maker, s. ebanista parte— Ca.n forth, fare us- ». smoccolatoio, ».
Cable, *. gomena cire.— Cali together, radu- candeliere, -mas, ». la can-
Cacao, or Cacoa, s. caccao narf.— Cali to one, invocare. delaia
Cackle, V. ... crocciare —Call one to account, fare
Cackling, s. croccio rendere conio ad «no.— Call
Cacophony, s. cacofonia
Cadaverous, o. cadaveroto luogo. —
Call one up in a fettare
Cade, s. barile morning, svegliare uno oane, ». canna, bastone.— The
Cadence, s cadenza Callidity, ». astuzia, malizia head of a cane, pomo d'un
Cadet, s. minornato, o cadetto Calligraphv, ». calligrafia
Cag, s. caratello Callimanco,». durante
Cage, *. gabbia, prigione, — Calling, vocazione,
». mestiere,
tJ. a. mettere in gabbia impiego [rezza
Cajole, V. a. vezzeggiare, lu- Callousness, ». callosità, du- Canicular, a. canicolare, —
singare, ingannare, —er, s. Callous, a. calloso, duro days, giorni canicolari
adulatore, lusingatore, ing, — Callow, a. spiumato Canine, a. canino. Canine —
». lusinga, carezza Cairn, ». calma, bonaccia, — appetite, » fame canina
Caitiff, s. schiavo, scellerato, a. calmo, tranquillo, v. a. —
calmare, —
ly, ad. tranquil-
Cake, s. focaccia dolce. A — lamente, —
ness, ». calma
wax-cake, «« pan di cera, Calotte, ». berretta
— t'. n. rappigliarsi Caltrop, ». tribolo, —(plant)
Calamine, s. giallamina spina Cannonade, ». cannonata,
Calamìnt, *. (an herb) cala- Calve, V. n.fare un vitello
minta [sfortunato Calvinism, ». Calvinismo Cannonier, ». cannoniere
Calamitous, ». calamitoso, Calvinist, Calvinista
». Canon, ». canone, regola, s\

Calamity, ». calamità, sfor- Calumniate, v. n. calunniare, luto della chiesa

— or, ». calunniatore Canon, ». canonico
Calamus, ». calamo, canna Calumnious, a. calunnioso Canonical, a. canonico
Calcinate, Calcine, v. a. calci- Calumny, calunnia
». Canonist, ». canonista
nare, ridurre in calcina Calx, ». calce, o calcina
Calcinating, Calcination, ». Cambering, a. (sea term) cur-
calcinazione vato, piegato Canonize, v. a. canonizzare
Calculate, v. a. calcolare, Cambric, ». tela batista Canonship, ». canonicato
—ing, —ion, ». calcolo, Camel, camello Canopy, ». baldacchino
computo Camelìon, ». cameleonie Canorous, a. canoro, melodico
Calculator, ». computista Camelopard, ». girajffa Canoe, s. barchetta
Calefaction, ». calefazione Camera obscura, ». camera Caut, ». gergo, gergaccio, •
Calendar, ». calendario V. n. parlar in gergo
Calender, ». punteruolo, — Camisado, ». attacco di notte Cantata, ». cantata
r'. a. manganare, lisciare Camlet, ». cambellotto Cantharides, ». canterelle
Calends, ». pi. calende, o ca- —
Camp, ». campo. A mnning Canticle, ». cantica

camp, campo votante, r. n, Canting language, ». gergn
Calenture, s. febbre maligna accamparsi, attendarsi Canile, ». tozzo, o pezzo
Calf, ». un vitello. — CaUe's Campaign, ». (level country) Canile out, v. a. smembrare,
foot, ». colocasia.
fherb) — —
campagna. Campaign wig, dividere
Calf of the leg, ». la polpa ». perrucea da cavaliere, —
della gamba ing, ». campagna Canton, ». cantone
Calf, ». un daino d'un anno Campecbe, ». campeggio Canton, ji. n. ritirarsi
Caliber, ». calibro, o bocca Camphire, ». canfora Cantonise, v. a. dividere in
Calico, ». tela di cotone Can, v. defect, potere.— I can-
Calix, ». calice d'ogni fiore not, non posso It caimot Canvass, canavaccio
». Can- —
Calk a ship, v. a. calafatare un be, non è possibile vass (a business), ti. a. età-
Canal, ». cOTiale
Calker, ». calefaro, calefato Canary, ». vino di Canaria, — for a place, r. 7». far brugiU
Calking, ». i7 calefatare bird, ». Canarino
Cali, ». chiamata, invilo, — Cancel, ». a. rittrignere, limi-
V. a. chiamare, nominare. tare.— Caxuxl a writing, v.
convocare. Cali one's game, a, annullare uno scritto Gap, ». berretta, capo, testa
Cap-maker, btrreitaio.—Caf- Carbuncle, ». carbonchio, car-
a-pie, ad. da capo a piedi. n cella
— Cap one, v. sberrettare Carcass, ». carcame, cadavere tomento, —
for ordnance,
Card, s. —A
carta pack of letto di cannone. —
Capable, a. capace, idoneo
Capacious, a. capace, spazioso, (foi —A trump
wool) cardo.
of an army, bagagli
Carri - ''.iiriììo, messag'
card, trionfo. — Card-maker, gierc
Caparison, *. o'ptriina, — o. Carrioi carogna
porre la copertina ad un cardare, K.AiioL, carota. — Carroty, di

Cape, 3, capo, punta, bavero Cardinal ». cardinale, ^-cap, Carry, v. a. portare, menare.
Caper, .». capriola, cappero, ».cappellodi cardinale.—Cax- — Carry away, v. a. portar
galea di corso. — Cross capers, dinal, a cardinale, ship, ». — via, rapire —
Carry back,
3. infortuni, traversie, — v. cardinalato

iportare, rimenare. Carry —

Care, ». cura, pensiero. To —
Capillary, a. capillare take care of a thing, pi — Carry off, portar via, dis-
Capillament», *. (of plants) .fì/i sipare. — Carry it, vincere,
Capital, a. capitale, grande. curarsi, tenere conto svere il vantaggio. To car- —
— Capital crime, delitto Careen, ». carenare ry the day, ottenere la vi7-
degno di morie, ad. — ly, Career, ». carriera, co
eapitalrt\ente {xiont
Capitation, t. (a tax) capita, Careful, v. sollecito, prudente,
Capitol, *. campidoglio, citta- inquieto, pensoso, ly, ac- —
della dell' antica Roma cnralamente, prudentemente,
Capitular, t. capitolare — ness, ». cura, cautela, i
Capitulate, t; a. capitolare, quietudine
— iou, s. capitolazione Careless, a. negligente, ly, —
Capon, s. cappone, ». a. — ad. negligentemente, -
capponare f.neglig.
Capot, 4, (at piquet) cappotto. Caress, carezza, lusinga,
». Cartilage, ». cartilagine, —
— Capot one, v. a. far cap- V. a. accarezzare, lusingar!
Carman, ». carrettiere Cartoon, ». cartone
C apri ce, caprìccio, fani
s. Carmelite, ». carmelitano Cartouch, Cartridge, ». car
Capricious, a. capriccioso, —ly, Carminative, a. carminativo taccio, cartella
ad. capricciosamente Carmine, ». carminio Carve, v. a. tagliare, trinciare,
Capricorn, *. capricorno Carnage, », strage, uccisior intagliare, scolpire, er, ». —
Capriole, ». capriola pasto che si dà a' cani
Capstan, *. (with mariners) Carnai, a. carnale, sensuale, wood, scultore, —
argano, —The main capstan, — ity, ». sensualità, — ly, ad. incisore. —
Carver's work, ».
*. argano doppio carnalmente
Captain, *. capitano, capo, — Carnation, ». garofano, —(in Caruncle, ». caruncuta
painting) colorito, carna- Cascade, ». cascata
gione, —colour, ». co/ore in- Case, ». caso, soggetto, fatto,
Captious, a.
biguo, critico, litigioso, — Cameous, a. carnoso bottles, una cantinella. —
ly, ad. sofisticamente, — Case (to put any thing in),
ness, *. birberia, fraude, scatola, cassa Case for
eavillazione pens, pennaiuolo. Letter- —
Captivate, ti. a. cattivare Camosity, ». carno»i<<i case, porta - lettere.
CaptÌT2, s. cattivo, schiavo, — Carol, ». carola, canto di Watch -ca "
— ity, ». cattività
Captor, ». colui che fa una Caroline hat, ». cappella di
cattura Caseharden, v. a. indurire
Capture, ». cattura, bottino. Casemate, ». casematta. — (in
architecture) barbacane
Capuchins, ». Capuccini Casement, ». finestra, ferrata
Car, ». carro, carretta
Carabine, ». carabina Cash, ». cajsa, cassetta, de-
Carack, ». (a Spanish ship)
Carpenter, ». falegname, —y, of cash, prodigare il suo
».arte di falegname
Caravan, ». caraifana, corso Carper, ». critico, maldicente.

Caravel, ». caravella [ciano

Caraway, », (a seed) pastric-
Cashoo, (India gum) sugo dert alcuno.— CtAch Cautious, a. avvisato, cireot^
di legno
Indiano V. n. raj'reddarsi— Catch pctlo, —
ly, ad. saviamente,
Cask. s. botte, barile up, impugnare cautamente, —
ness, *. ctr-
Casket, s. una casaetta Catching, i. presa, cattui cospexione
Casque, s. elmo Cawl, s. membrana neW utero,
Catechetical, a. catechistico — for women's heads, cap-
Cassock, s, sottana da chie Catechise, v. a. catechizzare
Cast, s. colpo, tiro, of the — Catechism, s. catechismo Cease, v e, desistere.
eyes, occhiata. — Cast away, Catechist, *. catechista
». rifiuto, — a. naufragato Catechumen, s. catecumeno
Cast,"i;. a. gitlar e. — Cast a Categorical, a. categorico, le. —Without ceasing, ad.
dart, lanciare un dardo. — ly. ad. categoricamente
Cast lots, tirar le torti Category, s. categoria
Cast, V. n. vomitare, incur- Cater, v. n. fare provvisioi Ceùai
Ceiling, s. soffitta

Cast aTvay, v. a. abbitndonare. Caterjiillar, *. (insect) bru Celandine, s. (herb) celidonia


—Cast forth,esalare. —s. (plant) scorpiòide

Cast headlong, precipitare. Caterwaul, *. miagolata, CeìehxateA, a. celebre, famoso
Cast off, spogliare, rigei- Celebrating, Celebration, t.
tare.—Cast up, siipputare, celebrazione, solennità, .laude,
coniare. — Cast up one's Cathedral, *. cuìtedralc
eyes, alzar gli occhi. — Catholic, a cattolico
Cast down one's eyes, citi- Catholicism, s. cattolieismo
tiare gli occhi.— Cast down, Catholicon, .i. diacailolicone laude
Cattle, i Insilarne Celerity, s. celei Uà, prestezza
Cavalcade, s. cavalcata Celery, *. sedano
Cavalier, s. cavaliere, — ly, ad. Celestial, a. celestiale
Castellany, and Castleward, cavallerescamente ('destines, s. celestini
Celibacy, *. celibato
Castifjate, v. a. castigare, Celi, s. cella, cellula
"ellar, s cantina, canova, -
^caverL iTeì'on nge, *. cantine
càstle," s. 'astello, forte, — (law term) avt
V. n. (at chess) roccare lenza, cau\ re,f(rr
Castor, *. castoro. —
Castor- . Cens
hat, t. un cappello di castoro
Castrate, i'. a. castrare, —ion.

-ty,4 ,__ _
Casuist, s. casuista
Cat, s. gatto, gatta— pole- A •ling, a. saccente, soft
cat, s. faina— Civet-cat, s.
zihetta Cauldron, s. calderone Cent, s. cento
Catacombs, s. catacombe
Catalogue, catalogo
s. Centenary, «. centena
Catamountain, s. gatto sai- Cause, s. causa, principii ,
Centinel, s. sentinella
- (at lai») s. ,
Central, a, centrale
Cataplasm, j. cataplasma
Catapult, s. catapulta far —
Cause sleep, far dor
Cataract, s. cateratta Centry, s. sentinella, — (fot
Catarrh, s. catarro Causeless, a. S,- Iv, ad. senza —
Catastrophe, s. catastrofe cai,sa, ingiusto, 'a torto Centry, *. santuu'rio
Catcall, s fischio, o richiamo Causey, and Caujeway, t. Centuple, a. ^ s. centuplicato
Catch, s. spezie d'uria musi Centurion, *. centurione
cale :cattura, presa, (of —
tic, a. caustico, adustivo
a latch) ganghero del salir Cautelous, a. accorto, astuto, Cephalic', a. cefalico
cenda. —
Catchpoll, s. sbii dritto [incendere Cerate, s. cerotto
ro, Zfl^o.— Catchword, Caufenze, v. a. cauterizzare,
, Cere cloth, s. tela incerata
Cautei7, *. cauterio
Caution, *. cautela, accortezza,
liso, avvertimento, V. a- —

Ceremony, s. eeremonis segnare, —ing, Changeableness, ». mutabilità
Certain, a certo, fuso, sicuro, (of a picture) sbozzo d'un Changeling, ». parto suppo-
—It, ad. certaminte, — ty, s. ritratto sitizio, sciocco, balordo
Chalky clay,marga [fiuto
s. Changer, ». camhiatore
Certificate, *. certificato Challenge, pretensione, ri
s. Changing, ». catnhiameTtfo
Certify, v. a. certificare, «wer- Challenge, prt
v. a. sfidare, Channel,» canale, ofarirer, —
^re, luticurare tendere, accusare, rigettari il letto d'un fiume.— The
Certitude, ». certezza Knglish channel, la Manica
Cerulean, a. Turchino Chalybeate Chcinnel, scanalare
v. a.
Chant, » canto fermo
Cess, *. tassazione, tassa, — Chant, V. a. cantare, —et, t.

Chanticleer, ». un gallo
-of Chamberlain, s. camerlingo.
— Chamberlain of London,

Chap, ».fessura, speccalura
Cession, i e, trasporto, il Tesoriere di Londra. Chap, V. n. spaccarsi, crepare
—arv, • cessionary
ej:- Chamberlain, (at an inn), Chape of a scabbard, ». pun-
bankrupt, cessionario cimerìero, or cameriere d'un tale del fodero della spada
Cestus, ». cesio albergo Chapel, ». capclla, — ^ry, ».
Cetaceous, a. che pertecipa Chamfer, s. scanalatura cappellania [na attempata
della balena Chamfer, v. a. scanalare, — Chaperon, ». cappuccio, don-
Chafe, V. a. risealditre, fre- ing,-». scanalati Chapiter, ». capitello
gare, m-itere in collera, Chamois, ». camoi Chapiters, ». capitoli, articoli
adirarsi, —
v. n. (in riding) Champ, V. a. ma Chaplain, ». cappellano, —
ship, ». cappellania
Champaign, or Champaign- Chaplet, ». rosario, corona
country, ». campagna, pia- Chapman, ». compratore, av-

Cl.iaffer; J. jnercanaia
Champion, ». campione [nura CHapter, ». capitolo
Chance, ». sorte, accidente Character,

Chaffer, v. a. negoziare, Chance-guest, ». un sopprav- —To g ill


prezzolare, —
ing, s. negozio. venente. Chance- customer, character, sparlare d'uno
Characteristical, Character-
Óhance-medley, ». omicidio istic, a. caratteristico
involontario, caso fortuito.— Characterize, v. a. caratteriz-
An ill chance, disgrazia,
Chaffv, a. pieno di loUa sfortuna. —
To take one's
Chagrin, t. affann:> chémce, arrischiare
Chain, e. catena, servitù. — Chanca, v. a. succedere, av-
Chain-lace, s. catenella Charge, ». carico, peso, carica,
Chain-shot, s. palle incatentle. Chancel, ». balaustrata, of — incombenza, cura, condotta,
—A link of a chain, anello a church, i7 presbiterio imputazione, —
di catena Chancellor, ». cancelliere,— spesa, —
(in fighting) ca-
ship, ». la carica di can- rica, atsalfo. To lay a —
tiling tg one's charge, dar
Chair, s. sedia, sedile An — Chancery, or Chancery, colpa d'una cosa ad uno
arm-chair, sedie d'appoggio. court. ». la cancelleria. — Charge, v. a. caricare, inca-
— A privy- chair, seggetta Chancery-ofiSce, liccio della
Chairman, s. capo, presidente, cancelleria accuse) incolpai e, accusare
portantino Chandelier, ». lumiera Chargeable, (expensive) a.
Chaise, s. calesse Chandler, ». pizzicagnolo. — dispendioso. —
To be charge-
Chalcedony, s. (precioiu Tallow-chandler, candelaio. able, essere d'incommodo ad
stone) calcedonio —A T»ax-chandler, ceraiuolo
Chalcography, s. inlnglir.tura Change, cambiamento, va-
». Charger, ». un gran piatto
rietà, cambio, — (or ex- Charily, ad. frugalmente, pru-
Chalcographer, s. intagliatore change) la borsa. — Change dentemente
Chaldron, s. misura di car- of seasons, .7 corso delle Chariot, ». carro, cocchio, —
bune di 36 moggi stagioni Change of the
Chalice, s. calice moon, interlunio Charitable, e. caritatevole,
Chalk, *. creta bianca. — Cliange, v. a. cambiare. —
Chaik-pit, s. luogo donde si Chaji^ one's mind, mutar 'tatevole, ly, ad. carita- —
d'intenzione, —
able, cangi-
Charity, ». carità, limosina.—
:han^ t live in charity with all men,
im ritratto. — CìiaW. 'ara dmnò VIVO tn carità con ognuna


Chark coals, v. a. far carboni. Check one's talk, romptrt Chide one, v. a. sgridare
—Chark, or charcoal, s. alimi le parole in boica Chider, » riprensore
carbone di legno Checker-work, e. tarsia
Charles's wain, (a constella- Checker, r. a. intarsiar Chief," «". *pW nc;"«/er—». um
tion) Pìrsa rnaggiore ed, a. scaccalo capo, generale, —est, a.
Charm, *. incanto, alletta- Checkmate, *. (at chess) princi,.alissimo, —ly, ad.
mento, bellezza, vagh principalmente [tan»
Cheek, s. la gnancia.—Cìieek- Chieftain, ». (obsolete) coj;»-
Hare bone, s. la mascella. — Chilblain,». perf/gnone
Cheek-teeth, s. denti Child, ». fc.nciullo Child- —
Charming, s. incatUamento, — cellari. — Cheek - varnish, birth, ». par/o.— Childlìed.
a. vezzoso, pago belletto ». puerperio. —A
Charnel-house, ». carnaio Cheer, s. festa, pasto. ». ./!g-«occio.— To be with
Charter, s. patente, privilegio. child, essere gravida. —
—Charter-party, s. contratto Cheer up, v. a. rallei. From a child, dalla cultcu
fra de' mercanti, e capitani —Childhood, ». infanzia
di vascelli [altre Childish, a. fanciullesco, ly —
Charts, s. carte marine, o sia ad. puerilmente, ness, e. —
Chase, s. caccia, (a forest) —
bosco, foresta [cesell.ire Cheerful, a. allegro, festoso, Childless, a. che non ha figliuoli
Chase, ti. a. cacciare, incassare. — ed. allegramente,
ly, — Children, ». pl.fcnciuìli
Chaser, s. cacciatore, colui che ness, * gioia, allegria Chiliad, ». un migliaio
lavora di cesello Cheerless, a. malinconico Chill, and Chilly, a. gelato ,
Chasm, s. fessura, apertura Cheese, ». formaggio. — freddoloso
Chaste, a. casto, pudico, ~-ly. Cream-cheese, giuncata. — Chill, V. a. gelare, n^ghiae-
ad. Cheese curds, latte rap- ciare, —
v. n. gelerst, fred-
ìtità preso —
Cheese-cake, ». torta darsi, —ness, ». freddo,
Chasten, di lette. —
Cheesemonger. gelo, freddura
ing, s. gastigai fo,-,njggiaio Chime, doppio di campane,
Chastise, i'. a. gastigare, — Cherish, v. a. voler bene, -Chime the bells, v. a.
ment, s. gastigo sonare le campane a doppio
Chastity, s. cnstitc —Cherish the memory Chimera, ». chimera, fatUasi
Chasuble, s. (priest's dress) Chimerical, a. chimerico, ly, —
pianeta ad. chimericamente
Chat, s. cicalamento, ciarla, — Chimney, ». cammino, —
Chattels, s. beni mobili mino, —sweeper, ». spazza-
Chatter, i'. n. cornacchiare, Cherub, or Cherubin, ». cfte- cammino
ciarlare, garrire Chin. ». »ien/o.— Chin-cloth,
Chatterer, s. ciarlatori Chess, ». scacchi. Chess- — !. bai
Chattering, *. cicalerfa, —of board, ». scacchiere >r Chin
birds, garrimento degli «o Chest, ». ca»»r, forziere, of — - Chin
celli, —of the teeth, halli- drawers, un cassettone. — porcellana. -^
mento di denti. Ghatterpio, — A man's chest, il cossero, il China orange, ». melaranci
t. gazza, o pica
Chatting, s. ciancia, cicala- Chestnut, castagna,
». tree, — hine, ». schiena, fio della
». castagno, colour, ca»-— reni, —
v. a. rompere il fila
Cheap, a. a buon mercato.— tignino delle reni
Dog-cheap, a vii prezzo Cheveril, or Cheverll leather, Chink, ». fessura, crepatura^
Cheapen, v. a. prezzolare, — ». capretto, o euoio di ca- V. n. spaccarci, fenderst,
er, s. prezzolatore pretto
Chew, V. a. masticare. — Chinky.'a. picn dìfessure
lìuirit, s. truffa, furberia; un Chew the cud, rumimre, Chintz, ». ;.;. Indiana fina
furbo, truffatore, un baro, digrumare Chip, ». scheggia, brucialo.
-- e. a. ingannare. —Cheat Chewing, ». masticamento Chips of bread, croste di
at V^aj, giuntare al giuoco Chicane, ». cavillazione, —
Cheater, s. ingannatore, truf- villare
Chica ner, ». cavillatore, — y, ».
Cheating, ». inganno, — ly, ad.
Chick, or Chicken, ». pollas-
Check, or Cheque, ». freno, tro. —
Chicken-pox, ». mor- Chipping of bread, crosta àt
briglia, danno, perdita, dis- vigliane. — Chickweed, ». pane
grazia, censurt, riprensione, nchio, herba di poi- Chirographer, ». un maestr»
— f. a, reprimere, frettare — lastH di scrittura
143 ^^
Chirograpli;-, s. chirografta Christen, v. a. ballezsare, — Chylifiiation, ». chiliJicazioTU,
Chiromancy, s. chiromanzùt dom, ». ciistianità, — ^ing, ».

! diventar chilo {chimica

Cliirjj, I'. «. garrire, cantari Chymi. al, a. chimico, della
di battesimo Chymist, ». un chimico
Christian, ». un cristiano, Chymistry, ». la chimita
Cliirurgical, a. clth Cicatrice, ». cicatrice
Chisel, J, scarpeh ' ''ij, ad! Cicatrize, v. a. cicatrizzare
work, s. lavoro Cider, ». cidro [mera
Chri.^tinas, ». il natale. — Cieling, ». »oflì«a «Tuna co-
Ckristinas-box, ». salva- Cincture, ». cintura
danaio, (also) la ynancia di Cinders, ». cineri
natale, il ceppo
Gingie, cinghia
». cicalio, chicc- —
„..,„.!, ».cannella,
albero di cannella


Chitterlings, ». budella, mi- Chronical, a. cronica, —dis- Cinque, ». cinque. —

nugia, salsiccia, strigolo ; eases, malattie croniclie foil, ». cinigie foglie
gala della camicia rhroiiicle, ». cronica, — t'. a. Jion, ». innesto, poli,
Chitty, «. puerile, sciocc».— Cipher, ». cifera, ro.— To
Chitty face, un viso }nccclo, Chronicler, ». autore di cro- stand for a cipher.
»n balordo, minchione
Chivalry, ». cavalleria, feudo Chronologer, ». eronologista far
lar., ^..
nobile, che dipende dal ri, o Chronological, a. cronologico calcolo, Cv.,,,^
da altro signore Chronologist, ». crunolngista Circle, ». circolo, globo. —
Chi»es,«. costole di fiori, spezie Chronology, ». cronologia
Chrysalis, ». crisalide .Jcòlo^'^'
Chocolate, ». cioccolata. — Chrysolite, ». (a precious Circlet, » cerchietto di mttallo
Chocolate pot, ». eioccolat- stone) crisolito per ì piatti
fiera, —
stick, or niill, ». Chub, ». (a lish) capitone, — Circling, a. che cerehia intorno
fruito Circuit, ». circuito, contorno,
Choice, ». elezione, scelta, Chuck, ». schiamazzln, sor- dispartimento, —
v. a. cir-
varietà, abbondanza, —
o. goszone. — Chuck-farthing, conddre
scelto, eletto, raro.—Choice fossaita. — Ch'uct, v. a. Circular, ». circolare, rotondo
men, fior di gente, — ly, ad. schiamazzare,

(under the Circuiate, v. n. circolare, —
preziosamente, caramente, — cliin), t>. a. dare un sorgoz- ion, ». circolazione, tory,—
ness, ». delicatezza, cura «. circolare Circulatory
Choir, ». coro d'une chiesa Chuckle, V. n. dare nelle risa letters, Irttere circolari
Choke. ,.. ... .u.jrocare, stran- di quando injiuando \zotico ircuraambient, a. ambiente,
golare. — Choke up a pipe, Churt-, ». un Rustico, —
fy, a. che circonda
stoppare un condotto Chump, ». un pezzo, tocco Circumcise, v. a. circoncidere.
Choki„g, s.^ffocarnento
». Church, ». chiesa, — man, ».
Choler, bile,
». collera, ira, ecclesiastico, —^yard, ». ci-
— ic, a. collerico miterio, —lands, ». pi. beni
Choose, see Chuse, scegliere ecclesiastici, —time, tempo
Chop, ». fetta, pezzo.— ilut- d'andare alla chiesa, — CircumAei, ». accento circon-
ton chop, braciuola di cas- •warden, »a«<c»e.—Church a Circumfluent, a. circonfluente
tratto.—Chops, mas- ». pi. Circumfused, a. sparso o.'."
celle,— v. tagliere, a. tri- santo, purificarsi
tare, — cr e)cchange. ba- Churl, ». zotico, villano, un
rattare. — Chop oft; V. a. taccagno, avarone
troncare. — Chop at a thing, Churlish, a. rustico, rozzo, —
». a.afferrare, Ì7npugnare. ly, ad. rusticamente, ness. —
gliero. —Chopping-knite, ta- ».
». Churn, ». zangola, —v. a. fare Circumspect, a. circospetto, —
U burro ion, ». circospesicne, — ly,
Chorist, ». corista Chus gger, ad. prudentemente
Chorography, ». corografia Circumstance, ». circostanza
Chorus, ». coro — One's circumstances, lo
Chough, ». (bird) mulacchia stato d'una persona, ed, n. —
Chouse, » minchione, sciocco. Chusing, sceglimenio. This — situato [ziale
was of my own chusing, Circumstantial, a. eireostan-
<;uestofu di mia
elesiont Circumstantiate, v. a. circos-
Chvlaceous, a. di chilo tanziare [lazions
Chyle, ». chilo CiicumTallatioD. ». circoncal-

ifrepito, —of thunder, t-

gery) scolazione
Circonvohition, «. circuizi Clap, V. a. battere, bussa
giro — Clap hands, apjihiudi
Circus, *. circo — Clap on, V. a. mette
Cistern, *. cisterna, cisterne
Clap, ),'. ;i. scoppiare, strepita
(litaciel, 6. cittadella, farlezza,f. —Clap in, r. a ficcare.
Citation, J citazione Clap spurs to one's hor
Cite, V. a citare, allegare spronare vn cavallo
Citing, s. citazione, allega- Clapper, s. apjilaudilnre, —
lill, battente di molino, -

CHÌz. {fidino, borglie ht;\\,l,,:ffocehio di campa,,

zze, — fov
- Clappiiifj


Class, s. clasie, sfera, vrdin,

Classical, or Classic, n. classici

— Classic authors, autoi

Clatter, s. strepilo cnnfus',.- Clerk, s

di sta,

Cl;nv, t. artii^lio
Claw, ,. a. graffiare.
(also) Insingare
;iav, s. argilla, cr Clever fellow,
fango.-Ciay-UnA. d'atjllilà
Clai;destine, argillosa. — Clay-p Cleverly, ad. alni,
IO, segreto. -ly. d'onde si cava rargi
coprire d'argilla

getta. ——
Close coat, ». gius- lordo —Clonterly, ad. gru*
tacuore. Close-fisted, spi-
lorcio. —
Close, *. Jine, Clown, ». contadino, villano
Climax, s. gradazione clnsione, chiusa, chius Clownish, a. grossola-to, ly, —
Climb, V. 11. rampicare, — Close to the ground, ad. grossolanwrr.f^,ze, rustica-
V. n.

Climb up a ladder,
talire una scaUi,
sente la ferra.— To study
close, applicarsi allo stu- grossolanexza

dio. —
Close by, ad, molto Cloy, V. a.'iatolare, saziare
vicino To keep Club, ». clava, bastonacele,
assemblea, crocchio, , (at —
Clinch, «. bisticcio, moi greta cards) Jìorf.— Club of wits,
Close, V. a. finire, concludere. società d'uomini d'inge-
cnnchiudere. - Clinch — Close a wound, rarnmc —
gno. Clublaw, ». legge sta-
nail, rtbatUie un chioà ginare una ferita.>— CU bilita in una società.-,Ci\ib-
—Clinch the fist, «fW-uere up (as a wound), rammc fibted, che ha un gran pugno.
jìugno ginarsi Close with the — Clubfcoted, che ha i piedi
Cling to, f. 72. appiccarsi, e enemy, venire alle strette col
toccarsi. — Cling together, nemico. —
Close with one, Club, v. n. andar di metà, con-
accordarsi con uno, ly, ad. — tribuire
Clingj> "
tenace, viscoso segretamente, di nascosto. Cluck, V. n. chiocchiare
Clink, «. tintinno,— V. a. tintili- — Closeness, *. spessezza, Clurap, ». sciocco, balordo
vicinità, unione, risei va, Clumsily, ad. grossolane-
Clip, V. a. tondere, tosare caiUela
Clipper, s. 'quello che tonde, — Closet, s. gabinetto, camerino Clumsy, a. grossolano, rustico,
of sheep, s. tonditore di pecore. Closing, s. chiuso, chiusura, villano.— A clumsy little fel-

Clippings, s. tosatura low, un tozzo d'uomo
Cloak, s. mantello Clot-head, ». balordo, sciocco Cluster, ». mucchio, gruppe, —
Cloath, V. coprire, celare Cloth, ». tela, panno —Cloth of grapes, grappolo d' uva. —
Clock, s. oca/o^-o, ora.— Clock- trade, ». di tele, di To come in a cluster, venire
work, movimento, a forza di panni. — traffico
Clothweaver, ». infoila
peso,e di ruote. —Clocknsaker, tessitore di — Cloth-
tele. Clustered, a. serrato, raccolto
Clusterly, ad. in gruppo
«. arte del orologiaio, —of a Tablecloth, ». la tovaglia. "^''rh, v. a. serrare, impu-
stocking, conio, or il jiore — Tis.suecloth, broccato. — are. —
Clutch a thing, tener
Horsecloth, ». gualdrappa.
— Haircloth, ». cilicio Clutches, ». pi. artigli
Cottoncloth, bambagino Clutch-fisted, spilorcio, avaro
erpicare Clothe, V. a. vestire, coprire. Clutter, ». calca, turba, su-
Ica, erpicare, rompere,
V. n. erpi, —Clothes, ». abito, vestiti. stirro, strepito. — Clutter

coagularsi. Clodded blood, — Clothes, biancheria. — A together, v. n. adornarsi. —
* sangue grumoso. — C'odded suit of clothes, un vestito. Clutter, i'. n. strepitare, -
milk, latte quagliato — Bedclothes, coperte di Jng, * fracasso, strepito —
Cloddy, a. zolloso, quagliato. letto,— pannaiuolo.
ier, ». To keep a cluttering, romo-
— Clothing, -

Clpg, >, ostacolo. — abito viziale

Cloud, » tube, nuvola Coacervate, v. a, o
Cloud, involare, an-
. barazzare, incaricare, —ging.
involato - Coach
Cloister, s. chiostro.— C\oister Cloudy, a. nuvoloso, offuscato.
up, V. a. rinchiudere con- m 0,malinconico valli A
stage-coach, ».
garofano, of — carrozza publico. A 'ack- —
ciaie, '». mantello, pretesto.— lie, uno spicchio d'agli ney-coach, carrozza d'af-
Kidingcloke, i. cappotto. — Clove gillyflower, — Coachman,
—house, rimessacoc-
viola fitto. ».
Clokebag, *. l'aligia Cloke- garofanata chiere, di
bearer, s. colui che porta il iloven, a. spartito, spaccato. — carrozza, —maker, carroz-
mantello,— v. a. coprire, pig- A cloven foot, «n piede fesso. zaio, — V. a. andare in car-
liare — Cloven-footed, a. die ha il
Close, a. serrato, stretto, piede fesso Coaction. ». forza, coazione
conciso. — Close man, s. over, ». (grass) trifoglio Coadjutor, ». coadiutore

Close wea-
tempo fosco. —
Clout, ». cencio.—-Clouts, ». pi. Coagulate, v. a.

ion, ». coagu-

Close fight, sujfa rubbii

-Cloìestool, teg-[ Dal, s. carbone.— Coalman,

coo COH
».carbonaio. Coalpit, —
niera di carbone. Coal- —
hearer, s. facchiìio. Coal- —
house, *. carbonaio.— Vit- Coherent, a. coerente
coal, > carbon fossile.- dogana Cohort, s. cootte
Charcoal, s. carbone di legno Cocking, s. battaglia di galli Colf, s. c.ffia
Coalesce, v. n. unirsi, Ì7icor Cockle, *. piccolo pesce col Coil,s. strepito, fracasso.—Coìl
guscio. —
Cockleshell, s. - •- - - raggomitolare
Coalescence, Coalition, t. u. conchiglia. —
Cockleweed, a gomi
nione, riunione, coalescenza - - --
hglio.—Coc- ), danaro. — Coin,
Ccarse, a. grossolano, ruvido kle, t>. n espars:
sgarbato, vile, basso, ly, ad — Cockliiig-sc — Coin money,
grossolanamente, ness, s. — battere moneta. new- — Coin
bassezsa, rnvidesza Cockney, s. ehi è nato i: words, inventare nuove pa-
Coast, s. costa, —
of a country> dra, un gonzo role, —
age, s. il monetare.
paese, regione. From all — Cocoa-nut, s. m
bollitura, diget- Coincidence, ». rincontro
Coincident, a. che si rincontra
Cod, s. baccello, guscio, — (fish; Coiner, ». monetario
Coining, ». t^ coniare monett
— Coat, —

ubilo. s. for w Codded, a. che ha guscio Coit, ». mortila. To play at

men) una gonnella, gonn . Coddle, i'. a. cuocere, bollire coits, giuocare alle morelle
—Coat of armi, arras, ) Code, s. codice Coke, ». carbon fossile mezzo
i/xrme. —
Coat of mail, già > Codicil, s. (law term) codicillo
lorica. —
Coat of armou Codling, a. mela buona di Colander, ». stamigna, colatojo
paludamento. great co£ —X ,

Cold, ». freddo, fredagione,

lopratoJos. — A waistcoa Coequal, e catarro, infreddatura. — To
una sottoveste. — A turn- catch còld. raffreddarsi
coat, un rinegato. — Coat ^°fre"r' Cold, a. freddo, indifferente,
, child. Coercire, a, che tiene in freno s freddezza.— To
fan. ulto Coessential, a. dell' istessa et- cold entertainment,
Cob, s. (sea bird) gabbiano.— Coetaneous, a. coetano [senza uno freddamente
Cobiron, s. alare ;mal, a coeterno Cole, or Colewort, ». cavolo
Cobble shoes, v. a. racconciare Coeval, a. della stessa età, con- Colie, or Cholic, ». colica
temporaneo Collapsed, a. rovinato
Cobbler, s. ciabattino Coexistent, a. che eatstt nel Collar, ». collare, of a band, —
Cobweb, s tela di ragno medesimo tempo collaretto [collar»
Cochineal, s.cocciniglia Coffee, or Coffee-berry,», caj^, Collar one, v. a, pigliar uno pel
Cock, *. gallo. —A turkcv —
tree, caffé, house, s. utia — Collate, V, a. conferire, para-
icock, gallinaccio— Cock
s. bottega di caffè, —pot, s. una gonare. — Collate a book,
rf>f hay, un mucchio di fieno, collazionate un libro
—-of a sundial, «. gno- Collateral, a collaterale, —de-
mone, stilo. —A
peacock, gree of kindred, tinea collate-
y un pavone. — A wood- rale di parentado
cock, utia beccaccia. Wea- — — *""' —
Collation, ».
' nda; compa-
thercock, banderaìuolo. ruota —
The cog-wheel, .coltazim
CockfighUng, s. baitaglia ruota dentata Colleague, ». collega, compagno
di galli. —Cockpit, s. arena Cog, V. a adulare, lusingare. Collect, ». colletta
dove si fanno combattere i — Cog the dice, mettere dadi Collect, ». a. raccogliere
galli — Cockloft, stanza s. falsi Collecting, Collection, ». col-
a — Cockbrained, a.
tetto. Cogent, a. urgente, potente lezione, raccolta. Collection —
"^ogger, s. adulatore, lusin- of authors, raccolta di autori
Collective, a. collettivo, !y, —
Cogging, adulazione, lusinga ad. collettivatnente
"^ — '*-'
cogitare, pen- Collector, » collettore
College, ». collegia, società
archibuso. —Cock up hay, igitazione Collegiate, ». studente d'un
ammucchiare del fieno. — colli-gio, —
a. coUegiato. —
Cock up one's hat, <irur su A collegiate church, chiets

Cockade, s. 7iastro a modo di CoUetT». castone

rosa che ti porta al cappello. Cohabit, V. a. coabitare, — Collier, ». mercanti di ear-
bone fossili, (also) vascevco
Cockatrice, t. batUìschio \
Combustion, t. eombuttione, mand one's self, raffrenarsi,
" ;, tumulto —er, » comandante, com-
Come, V. n. venire, montare menJntore, a —

Coììop,s. fetta di carne al possesso d'un credità.—

Coìloquy, s. colloguio, dialogo Come to preferment, esset
Collude, u n. tuar collusione promosso.—Come to hand
Collusion, «. collusione presentarsi. —
Come to light. Commence, r. a. cominciare.
Collusive, CoUusory, a. col manifestarsi. Come into —
llisiVi danger, esporsi al pericolo. Commend, v. a. laudare, com-
— Come at a thing, of niendare, raccomandare
Commendable, a. commenda-
Collyr S. colliri bile, lodevole, —y, ad. Jude-
Colon, s. thus ( : ) due punti arsi, — up, salire, —down, volmente
sc-ndere, —cut, or Commendam, ». etmmenda
Colonnade, t. colrnnata uscire, scoprirsi. — Come Commendation, », commenda-
Colonel, colonnello asunder, disfarsi, scollarsi mento, lode— Letters of com-
Colony, s. colonia, popolazione Come forward, avanza-t mendation, lettere di rac-
Coloss, or Colossus, *. colosso. comandazione
— Colossean, a. colosseo —Come short of, fallire.— Commendatory, e, commen-
Colour, *, colore, earnaf^onCì Come short of, essere iufe- commendaterio
prelesto, ombra, -r- Colours, Comraender, ». lodatore
s. pi. insegna, bandiera Comedian, s. un commediante Commensurable, a. cqmmen-
Colour, V. a. colorire, illumi. Comedy, * commedia
nare, scusare, palliare, — Comelines», *. leggiadria, Commensurate a. proporzi-
V. n. arrossire, —able, a. bellezza Comment, ». commento, gioia
specioso. ^ing, *. —
colora- Comely, a. bello, grazioso,
decente, convenei-ole, ad. —
Colt, *. puledro —Colt's teeth, decentemente, gentilmente, con
s. denti di latte. Colt's foot, — grazia
s. unghia cavallina Come off", s. pretesto, scusa Commentitious, a. finto, falco
Columbary, *. colombaio Commerce, ». commerziu.
Columbine, s. colombina, , forestiero
color colombine Cornet. *. una cometa Commercial, a. di commercio
Comfìt^, ». confitti.- Comiìt- Commigration, ». commigra-
Colwort, i. cavolo verde maker, ». confettiere
Comb, s. — Comb
pettine. Comfort, ». consolazione, ris-
brush, s. spazzolada net-
tare il — Comb-
pettine. tclare, alleggerire,
case, i. ;)e«jiiifra.— Comb- Coraminute, t,
maker, s. peltinagnolo. — up, incorraggiare Comminution,
Conib, s. vallone. —
A honeycomb, s. fiale, favo. ComfortaMe, a. confortante.
A horse-comb, stregghia. evale, r
— Cocfscomb, s.
s. cresta di onforto, ristoro, — ly, «

Comb, V. a. pettinare.
a horse, stregghiare un r.a~
—Comb Comforter, ». consolatore
Comfortless, a. inconsolabile,
vali». —
Conib" wool, cardare dìspincctite, i

della lana. —
Camh flax, or Comical, a. <

herap, conciare del lino, o fa ridere

della canapa
Combat, s, combattimento—A. Coming in,», entrata, rendita.
single combat, un duello — Corning, a. inclinato, facile
Combat, v. a. combattere
Combatant, s. combattente, —a. Command, ». comando.— To
have the comm: thing lo memory, impri
Combination, *. congiugni- person, saper

Commitment, »
Comj>any, a. compupnia. —
Company of a ship, equi-
paggio d'un vascello. To —
keep company, frequentare.
Commodity, s. :omndiid, rnita,
tnerca?tzia, gmiciagno, pro- pany, praticare una donna
Jitio, vantaggio Comparable, a. comparabile, Compile, v
Commodore, ». un cxposqua-
Comparative, a. comparativo,
-ly, ad. a comparazione
Compare, v. a. co?nparare. — Complacency,
ilacency, ». compiacenza,
Compare notes, ragionare
t. repubblica. Common, — '
council, cuiisiglio di cilia.— Comparing, s. il comparare, -ant (law tertii), ». attore
Common sewer, fogua, paralello Complaint, s. lamento. —A bilV
ijnultitiiio.— Common, s. UH Comparison, s. comparazi-
one. — Beyond comparison,
Commonalty, *. comunità, il
jiopolazzo, la plebe parison, ad. a paragone di
Cofnmoner, s. membro de' Compartment, s. comparti- Comi)laisant. a. compiacente
comuni, cittadino, uomo Complement, ». cn.mplimenio,
plebeo, — of a college, Compass, s. circuito, giro, —
membro d'un collegio Comjilete, v. a. compire, —
Cornmonlv, ad. comunemente To keep one within com- a. compito, finito, bello,
Commonness, s.comunanza regolare, garbalo, ly, ad. —
. pietanza— The limili del dovere.—In the ptrfittameutc, -ness, ».
s, la a compass of perfezione
Completion, s. compimento
Compass, v. a. circondare, Comjìlex, a. raccolto, aggi-
unto —
Complex ideas, idee
capo. —Compass th" death iposte di molle altre idee
Complexly, ad. u
Compliance, s. compiacenza
Compliant, a. co:idi:.sceiidente
Complicated, a. complicato
Compassionate, a. compassi- Complication, ». complica-
, disc confere zione, —
of figures, gruppo
pa.isione, compatire, — ly, ad. di figure, —of diseases, ag-
Communion, *. comuni"». Compatibility, compatibilità
s. Complice, ». complice
Compatible, a. compatibile Compliment, f. compili
Compatriot, s. compatriotta compii
Iti, CI
Comrnunity, j. comunità, si Compel, V. a. sforzare, spi-
gnere [lenza Complimentai, a. ceremnnii
Compliment, v. a. com,
mentare, — er, ». quello.
Commutative, a. commutativo '
quelle che fa complimenti
Commute, ti. n. commutare Compiine, ». compi '- -

Commutual, a. mutuale, co-


Compendium, *. compendio,
Compact, *. patto, accordo, I
— a. pulito, proprio, ben Compenfate, v. £. compensar:.
fatto, saldo, congiunto, —
r. a. congiungere, unire in- Compensation, ». eompensa-
tieme, —mg, s. commessura, ing, ». compiacenza
giuntura, — ly, ad. salda- Competency, ». competenza, il Comport, V. n. accomodarsi
mente, aggiustatamente. lonvenire. — Comport one*
Competent, a. sufficiente, self, V. r. portarsi, — ment.
convenevole, competente, — ly, ». comportamento, condotti,-
ad. competentemente
; Comi^ctible, a. aoivenevole ',

Compose one's self, v. r

opinione, sentimento. Idle —
Compose a man's passion, conceits, scherzi, ghiribizzi
calmate la d'uno.
collera — Conceit, ti, a. immaginarsi
Compose one's affairs, rego- Conceited, a. affettato, trop-
lare suoi affari po studiato, ridicolo, fan- Concubinage, ». concubinato

Composer,.», compositore, au- tastico, — ly, ad. ostinai Concubinp, ». una eoncuhina
tore. —
Composing-stick, s. mente, -ness, ». affettazio. Concupiscence, ». concupis-
(in printing) compositoio
Composite, a composto
Composition, s. composizione. Conteive, v. a. concepire:
pensare, credere, iinmagi-
Compositor, s- compositore nare —
Conceive a jealousy,
Composure, s. composizione, pigliar sospetto, ;

—of nsind, quiete cTanimo

Compotation, gozzoviglia
s. Concentre, v. n. concentrarsi corso [pretendente
Compound, a. composto, — Concentric, a. concentrico Concurrent, a. concorrente.
Concepdble, a. intelligibile Concussion, movimento,
Conception, ». concezione. — ^ —ary, a, concussionario
Comprehend, compren- false conception, mola Condemn, a. condannare,
Concern, ». affare, inieresst —able, a. condannevole, —
Comprehensible, a. compren- cordoglio, importanza atìon. ». condannazione
sibile [sione Concern, v. a. concerner! Condensate, v. a. condensare,
Comprehension, s. compren- importare. —
Concern one's

spessire, —ion, ». condensa-

Compreheasive, a. che com- self, tormentarsi, interes-
prende molto, succinto sarsi, — V. concerns Condense, V. n. condensarsi
imp. it
Compress, v. a ingravidare me as much Condescend, v. n. condesctn-
as yon, m'i
Compression, t. compressione dere, degnarsi
Comprint, v. a. contraffare Concerning, p. Condescension, ». condescen-
una stampa sione, compiacenza
Comprise, v. a- contenere Concernment, ». conseguenza Condescensive, coiulescendente
Compromise, i;. n. compromet- Concert, ». concerto, v, a Condign,— a. condegno
concertare, deliberare Condite, v. a. condire
Compromise, s. compromesso Condition, ». condizione, slato,
Coraptrol, s. contradizione clausola, umore, natura.
Comptrol, V. a. criticare Conciliate, v Upon condition that, con —
Comptroller, s. soprastante, guadagnare. patto che. Condition with —
censore, correttore one, V. a. far patti con uno,
Compulsion, s. costrignimento bile — al, a. condizionale, —
Compunction, *. compunzione concordanza. ad. condizionalmente
Compurgator, s. testimonio bellezza Condolatory, a. di condoglienza
che prova per giuramento Concmnous, a. ben ordinato Condolence, ». condoglienza
Cinnocenza d'un altro Concise, a. conciso, succinto Condole with one. v. n. con'
Computable, a. che pub essere dolersi con uno
stimato Conclave, ». conclave Condolement, ». di condogli.
Computation, s. computo. Conclude, v. a. conchiudere,
deleiminare, fissare. —
To Conduce, v. n. servire, essere
Compute, V. a. computare, — conclude, in conclusione, utile
jng, t. computamento, er, — infine Conducible, Conducive, a».
». computista Conclusion, conclusione,
». profittevole, utile
Comrade, »• compagno, amico esito [elusivo Conduct, ». condotta, direzi-
Con, for Contra, ad. Conclusive, a. ultimò, con- one. —A safe conduct, ». un
antra Concoct, V. a. concuocere, di- salvo condotto. —
V. a. condurre, guidare, —

Conceal, r. a. nascondere, Confabulate, v. n. discorrer

celare. — Conceal a secret, ». concordanza, —
ant, a. Confabulation, ». discorso
tacere un segreto, —er, ». concordante Confection. ». confezione, —

eccuttatore, ing,— —^ment. Concordate, ». concordato

Concorporate, v. n. incorpo-

Concourse, ». concori», calca

confederato, Confujed, a. confuso, mesco-
Confederate, *.
collegato, — V. confede-
n. lato, ly, ad. cor\fusaìnente

rarsi, cospirare, ion, * — Confusion, confusione, dis-

perpleeaità, rovina.
confednaziont rJine,
Confer, t:. a. conferire, dire,
agicuagtìare, comparare.
— Confutation, s. confutazione
Confer with one, v. n. dis- Confute, V. a. confutare, con-
correre con alcuno. Con- — •inceie —
Confute a slander,
fer a living upon one, con-
ferire un beneficio ad uno. —ing, s. confutamento mago, —ing, ». stregoneria

— Confer notes, unirsi m Cenge, or Congee, s. licenza

Congeal, v. n. congelare, con-
Connate, a. nato insieme
Connaturai, a. naturale
Conference, s. conferenza gelarsi, rìppigliarsi, —ing, Connect, a. legare, giungere,
Confess, confessare, di- congelazione, —
able, a, che —ing, Connexion, ». lega-

—a. v. n. confessarsi si può congelare
Confessedly, ad. certamente Congee, v. n. salutare
Corifessing, Confession, s. Congelation, ». congelazione

confessare, confessione, —
Congenial, a. dele itesso ge-
ary, s. confessionario nio, ity, *. somiglianza di—
[dare genio Connubial, a. congiugale
Confessor, s. confessore
Oonnudate, v. a. spogliare
Confide, v. n. fidarsi, confi- Congeniture, t. nascita con-
Conquer, v. a. conquistare,
Confidence, *.
cvdacia, baldanza
confidenza, temporanea
Congeon, ». un nano, cara- domare, sottomettere, ^ing, —
». conquistamento, conquista,
Confident, s. confidente, de-
Conger, ». (a large eel) gon- — or, conquistatore

agante, — ly, ad.

Conquest, ». conquista
Consanguinity,», consanguìnità
,nfiden Congestion, ». mucchio, massa
Confi^u ration, onfigura- Conglaciate, v- n, congelarsi
sione, -of Conglutinate, ti. n. congluti-
Confine, v. a. imprigionare, ghilinazione
reprimere, moderare, v. n. — Congratulate, v a. congratu- Conscionable,
a. equitabile

tonfinare, contiguo,
essere e, —ion, ». congratula- giusto,

». equità, gius-

— ment, prigionia, cos-

ad. giustamente
consapevole, —
ìrignimento, soggezione,
bando, esilio
Confines, t. confini, limiti
Oonfirm, v. a. confermare, —
ation, s. confermazione, —
Confiscate (one's goods), ». a.
Confiscation, s. confiscaztone approha-
Conflagration, s. incendio
Conflict, s. comlnxttimento,
...evole Consent to, v. n. consentire.
conflitto, contesa, disputa
Conio, a conico Consentaneous, a. convene-
Confluence, Conflux, affiu- Conical, or
Conjectural, a. conghietturale, vole

ly, ad. per conghiettura Consenting, ». consentimento
Consequence, ». conseguenza,
Conform, a. conforme, —v. a. Conjecture, ». congkiettura, importanza. Bj conse- —
quence, ad. conseguente-
Conformable, a.
—mg, ». congkiettura
Conjoin, V. a. congiungere, Consequent, ».

— tly, ad congiuntamente
— ad. con-
Conjugal, a. cokgtugale importante, ly,

Conjugate, v. a. congiugare
Conjugation, ». congiugazione Conservable, a. conservabile
Conjunction, ». congiunzione.
Conservator, ». conservatore.
Confoundedly, ed. terribil-
Conjunctive, a. ». congiun-
Conserve, ». conserva,
Confratemity, s. confraternita
Conjunctly, ad. congiunta- -Conserve firn tg
Confront, v. a. confrontare,
conferire, — ing, i. riscontro
confettare frtt.

Conserver, ». i Conspiring, s. cnspiraiione mere.— Contain one's sel^
Conserving, *. "^"•istable, ». cotianitsario di
Consider, v. Contaminate, r. a. bruttare.
contemplare Constancy, t. costanza., fer
Contemn, ii. a. sprezzare,
Constant, a. costante, fermo sdegnare, —ing, ». sprezzo
perseverante, durabile, e Contemplate, v. a. contem-
guale.— To be constant t( plare
one, esser» fedele ad uno Contemplation, ». contempla
Considerate, a considerato.
Constellate, r. n. formarsi il

mente, —ness, *. considera-

Consideration, s. considera- Contemplator,». contemplatore

; presi mpetis Constipate, v. a. e , Contemporary, ». «n contem-
Constijiation, ». costipazioi
Constituent, ». commettenti Contempt, ». sprezzo, scherno.
tsideramento, Constitute, v. a costituire
Constituting, Constitution Contemptible, a. sprezzabile.
indiziai — Considering costituzione, regolami ,-, ad, spre.
IO che legge, of the body, — 1

Consign, V. a. consegnare peramento zante, superbo, ly, ad.
Consign one to punishme Constrain, v. a. costngr, alteramente
far punire alcuno, ing — —
ertly, ad. di mala vagli Contend, v. n. contendere,
consegnatone litigare, pretendere, man
Consist, V. ». consistere. ienei-e.— Contend for, fart
a gara .

Coment, a. contento, sod-

disfatto, — ». conlento.
Contents, ». il contento, la
Consistent, a. plausibile, coe- grandezza
Content, ti. a. contentare
Consistorial, a. consisloriale Contented, a. contento, felice.
Consistorv, s. consiilorio
C'onsociate. v. a. associare, —
Con.soìate, v a consolare Consul.
Consolation, s. consolaxione
Consolatory, a. consniativo Consult, ». consulta, 1>. a. —
Console, v. a. consolare consultare, —
v. n. deliberare,
Consolidate, v. a. consolidare, —ation, ». consultazione, —
ing, ». il consultare, consulta —ness, ». disputa, lite, umore
Cor^solidation, ». consolida- Consume, t;. a, consumare. —
zione, congiunzione di dut Contentment, ». contenta
Consonance, ». consonanza,
accordo, conformità, tomi- C;or.suming, » consumamento A table of contents, tavola
CoT.summate, a. terminato, di materie
finito Contest, ». contestazione, —
lonsuramate, a. perfezio- V. n. contestare, —abie, a.
nare. finire, terminare

che si pub contestare, —ation.

ly, ad. conforme, secondo Consummating, Consumma-
Consort, ». consorte, socio tion, ». compimento, perfe- Context, and Contexture, »,
Consort, i>. n. associarsi
Conspicuity, Sì Conspicuou Contigui
ness, ». l'evidenza, l'esse etica ^ontigut
Consumptive, a. etico
Conspicuous, a. cospicti Contact, ». contatto, 'tocca- Continency, Continence, s.
ill'istre, rimarcabile, —
ad. notabilmente Contagion, ». contagione Continent, a. continente, —ly
Conspiracy, ». cospirazione Contagious, a. contagioso, ad. moderatamente
Conspirator, ». cospiratore —ness, ». contagione Contingency, ». contingenza^
Conspire, v. n. cospirare, a Contain, v, a. contenere, rin-
Contingent, contingente, -
e. seoUo, parte, — ly, ad. Contravention, e. conlravven-
Continuai, a. continuo, — ly,

Contributor, *. contributore
Contrite, a. contrito, pentito Convex, *. convessità. —Tì^e
Contrition, s. contrizione convex of a globe, il con-
vesso d'un globo, ity, i, —
arte, ingegno convessità
Contrive, a. inventare. —
v. Convey, v. a. trasportare, por-
Contrive a design, concer- tare, mandare. Convey a- —
Continued, a. continuo, —^ly, tare un disegno. — Contrive way, portar via. Convey —
ad. continuatamente , trami one out of danger, salvar
Continuity, s. centinuUà
Continuous, a. continuo tore, 'autore, —ing, — In- s.
Contort, V. a. attorcigliare
Contortion, s. contorsione Control, s. raffrenamento, — Convict, s.
Contour, s. (in painting) con- Convict, v.
torno Controversial, a. di contro-
Contraband, a. proihito.— Con-
traband goods, mercanzie I

Contract, s. contratto, patto
Contract, v. n. contrattar
abbreviare, ristrignere, coi
Convocation, s. convocazione
ture.— Conu-act debts, inde- Convoke, r. a. convocare
bitarsi Convolution, s. torcimento'
Contraction, s. abbreviatura, Convoy, ». convoglio, .teoria

Convenable, a. convenevole scortare

Contradict, s. contraddizione Convulse, v. a. trasportare
Contradict, v. a. contraddire. V. n. ragunarsi Convulsion,- s. canvulsiune. —
—Contradict one's self, con- Convenience, Conveniency, t Convulsion fits, s.pi. con-
traddirsi. — Contradict an comodità, convenienza, con
formila ConvuUive, a. convulsivo
Convenient, a. comodo, con Cony, s. coniglio —Cony war-
Contradiction, s. contraddi- iente, convenevole, pri ren, s. conigliera
zionato, atto, ly, ao — Coo, V. n. mormorare.—Coo-
Contradictious, a. contrad- ing, s. mormorio
dicente sattamente, Cook, s. un cuoco, un trec-
Contradictory, a. contradil- cone,—maid, fantesca ches.
Cotivent, s fa da cuoca, — shop, 's s.
Contradistìnguish, v. a. con una — Cook, v. a.
tradistinguete fare la cucina, — ery, l'arte s.
Contrariety, ». contrarietà Conventicle, conveuticoio
t. del cuoco
Contrarily, ad. al contrario Convention, s. assemblea degli Cool, a. fresco, freddo
Contrariwise, ad. altrimenti stati, convenzione, patto, al, — Cool, s. il fresco
Contrary, a. contrario, op- a. fatto per convenzione. Cool, t'. a. rinfrescare, -
Conventioner, s. membro di V. n. rinfrescarsi, raffred-
yr. e o his assemblea darsi, moderarsi, rallen-
promise, Conventual, a. conventuale
messa. —
Contrary Conversable, a. sociabile
Conversant, a. praticò, versato.
derj. —On the contrary, ad.
Conversation, *
Contrast, s. contrasto, lite, con- Coolly, ad. di sangue .freddo
Coom of corn, miiura di
Coop, s. specie di stia. —Coop
Cooper, ». hutlaio. — Wine
Cooperate, ti. n. cooperare Coriander, ». eoriandro convenevole, ing, a. eonve» —
Cooperation, t. cooperazione Cork, s. sughero, turacciolo niente, conforme
Cooperator, s. cooperatore Cork, V. a. turare «n fiasco Corrigible, a. corrigibile
Coordinale, a. eguale, del con un turacciolo Corrival, ». rivale, concor-
medesimo ordine Cormorant, *. specie di smergo rente
Coot, s. (bird) emergo Corn, s. frumento, grano Corroborate, v. n. corroborare,
Cop, e, capo, cima, sommità, n-loft, fortificare, appoggiare, —

ciuffetto Cornchandler, s. venditore ion, ». corroborazione,

Copalj t. ragia bianca e lucente di grano
callo nel piede

Com on the toe,
Coparoener, i coproprietatio . corrodere, ro-
Coparceny, *. divisione eguale Com, V, a. aspergere di sale,
Copartner, *. compagno, sozio. insalare un poco Corrosive, a. corrosivo, —ness,
Cornei, s. corniola, —tree, ». qualità corrosiva

Cope, s. pianeta ; il concavo corniolo Corrugated, a. pieno di grinze

delle nubi Cornelian, s. cornalina Cormpt, a. corrotto, cattivo
Cope, V. a- barattare, Corner, s- cantone, angolo, Corrupt, v. a. corrompere, —
biave, sporgere, uscire del —ed, a. angolare V. n. guastarsi. — Cormpt
- "- -«^ witnesses, v. a. subornar!
Copier, s. un copista
Coping, s baratto. Coping — Corrupter, ». corruttore
of a building, cima d'un Comigerous, Corruptibility, ». corrutiUi-
edijizio. —
Coping of a wall, Cornucopia, lifà
sporto d'un muro bondanza Corruption, ». corruzione,
Copious, a. copioso, abbon- Cornute, a. cornuto, — ». un marcia, putrefazione
dante, — copiosa- —
cornuto. Cornute, v. a. far Corruptive, a. corruttibile
—ness, ad.
mente, s. copiosità, Corruptive, a. pestilenziale
— of a language, ricchezza Corollary, ». corollario Corruptly, ad. corrottamenU
d'una lingua Coronation, ». coronazione Corsair, ». cersare, pirata
Copped, a. crestuto, puntuto. Coronet, ». corona. —
A duke's Corsalet, s. corsaletto
coronet, » corona ducale Coruscant, a. corruscante
aldero Corporal, ». caporale, a cor-—
— Coppersmiin, s. cai: porale, di corpo, ly, ad. —
— Copper-plate, s. lai corporalmente Cosmetics, ». belletti per ren-
Corporate, a {ex. a body cor- dere la carnagione bella
Copper-n naso di gali- Cosmetic, a. cosmetico

Corporation, » communità. —
Cosmqgrapher, ». cosmografo
Còpperas, s. vitriolo Corporation town, città mu- Cosmography, ». cosnìografia
Coppice, Copse, ». macchia Cosset, ». agnello, puledro, S^e.
Copulate, V. a. accoppiare. — Corporeal, a. corporeo, — ^ity, ». allevato senza la madre
Copulation, ». copulazione Cost, V. n. costare, valere
Copulative, a. copulativo Costive, a. costipato, costipa-
Copy, ». copia, il doppio, es- tivo.— Costi^enesi, ». costi-
emplare, modello, esempio, pazione, costipamento
— Copyhold, podere. —Copy- Corpse, ». corpo morto Costly, a caro, splendido, —
holder, s.fittaiuolo Corps-de-gtiard, ». corpo di ad. sontuosamente, ness, —
Copy out, V. a. copiare, ira-
Corpulency, ». corpulenza
Coquette, ». una civetta Corpulent, a. corpulento, grosso
Coquetry, ». civetteria Corpuscle, ». corpusculo Cotemporary, ». cotemporarìi
Coral, ». corallo, sonaglio Corpuscular, a. di corpusculo Cottage, ». capanna, r, t —
Coraline, a. di corallo bifolco
Corbel, §. una nicchia Correct, v. a. correggere, tem- Cotton, ». cottone
Cord, ». una
corda. Cord of — perare, castigare, ion, ». — Cotton, raggrinzarsi
». n.
wood, catasta di legrta. correzione, emendazioni:, — Couch, or couch-bed, let-
Cord-maker, ». cordai» ». castigo. —
Under correc-
Cordage. ». sartiame tion, con rispetto, ìve, a. — Couch, t!. a. rinchiudere. —
Cordelier, ». Francescano correttivo, —
ly, ad. corretta- Couch an eye, /erare la
Cordial, a. cordiale, sincero, mente, —
ness, ». esattezza, cataratta d'un occhio, v. n. —
— ly, ad. cordialmente, ity, — or ». correttore coricarsi
». cordialità Correlative, a correlativo Couchant, a. giacente
Cordwainer, ». calzolaio Correspond, v>. n. corrispon- Couched, a- ex. a letter well
Cordon, ». cordone dere, — enee, ». corrispon- couched, t;iia lettera te»
Cordovan leather, » cordovano denza, —
ent, ». un corri-
Core, ». tcrsOf/iinJQ spondente,—tM, a, conforme,
Countermand, — ly, grossolanamtntt,

—ness,ad. grussotania
Countermand, r. a. coniram- Courser, ». un corsiere dispu- —
trattare, -ex, s. mandare.
conftdeiato Countermand a —
Cover, ». un coperchio, una will, invalidare un testamento Court, or Court-yard, ». coriil*
posata, pretesto, —
of a letter, Countermarch, 3. contram- Court, ». una stradella.~The
involto d'una lettera court, ». la corte.— Court-
Cover, a. coprire, nascon-

dere, velare, palliare Cover — Court ladies,

corte. — Court-card,
le dame
Coverlet, s. copertura figurata.—Court like, a. alla
Covert, s. coperta, na maniera della corte. —A
teimis-court, giuoco dì palla

Counterplea, ». replica ptr Court, V. a. corteggiare, fhr

giustificarsi ' -igare, sollicitare
Counterplot, ». cospirazione Courteous, et cortese, galante,

-ly. cospirazione finta

didam, Counterpoint, ». contrappunto ». cortesia
pidifiia, desiderio, avari: Counterpoise, ». contrappeso Courtesan, ». cortegiana
Cougli, s. la tosse, v. a. io — Counterpoise, v. a. contràppe- Courtesy, ». riverenza di don-
Coulter, s. coltro na, cortesia, favore, beni-
Council, «. conciglio. Council- — Counterscarp, ». contrascarpa gnità, affabilità
board, la tavola del conciglio. Countersecurity, ». cedala che Courtier, ». cvrtegiano
— Council - chamber, ». il sì dà ad un mallevadore Courtly, a. elegante, pulito
'Ciglio Countervail, v. n. valere al- Courtship, ». civilità, cortesia,
Cour to, —
V. a. ricomptn- galanteria
Cousin, ». cugino, cugina
Counterwork, v. a. contram- Covey of partridges, nidiata di
Countess, s. contessa pernici
Counting, ». contamento, Cow, ». vacca.— milch cow, —A
dissuadere Counting-house, ». banco ». vacca lattante.— cow A
Counsellor, ». consigliere. Countless, a. innumerahile with calf, vacca pregna. —
privy-counsellor, consigi Country, ». regione, paese, —
Cowkeeper, vaccaio
house, ». una villa, —
man, Cow, V. a. sgomentare, iiìtimì-
». un contadino, dance, ». —
Count, V. a. contare, calcol contraddanza Coward, ». un codardo, un vile,
County, ». contea, provincia —ice, —
liness, ». codardia,
Countenance, ». aspetto, a Coupee, ». passo intrecciato viltà, —
ly, a. codardo, vile,
aiuto, appoggio Couple, ». una coppia, laccio — —
ad. vilmente, da codardo
Countenance, v. a. sosten Couple, V. a. accoppiare, le- Cowl, ». cappucciolo
proteggere, aiutare, er — — r. , n. copularsi.
protettore, fautore, partig,
Counter, ». banco, un gett Couplet, ». due rime
Couplet, V. n.far versi Coxcomb, uno sciocco, un
Counterbalance, ». co ttrappeso, Coupling, ». copula ffo. —
An ignorant cox-
—v. a. contrappesa Courage, ». coraggio, valore )mb, UH ignoranlaccio, un
Covmtei change, » co itraccam- Courageous, a. coraggioso, —
ly, ad. coraggiosamente, — Coxcombical, a. impertinente
Countercharm, ». malia ap- ness, coraggio Coax, V. a. vezzeggiare, lusin-
posta ad un altra Courant, ». corrente gare. —Coaxer, ». vezzeggia-
Countercheck, ». censura re- Courier, ». corriere iore, —ìng, ». j7 lusingare.
ciproca, V. a.— riprendere Course, ». corso, carriera,
reciprocamente •ammino, viaggio, giro, —
Counterfeit, a. contraffatto, :olta, vicenda —
via, metodo,
falso, finto, supposto, ». — naniera, condotta, misura.
—Course of eggs, una covata
Counterfeit, v. a. contraffare, l'uova.-Oi course, or in
fingere, —
s. imitatore, in- ;ourse, ad. naturalmente
veulore, autore, of hands,— Course, v. a. cacciare. — Crab, ». mela salvaiica, — (a
wills. &c. un falsario, —er rse of a hill, trapassare fish), granchio Orab-louse,
of coin, vn monetario falso, ». piattola. — Crab-nree, t.
edly, ad.f.ntameute Caurse, a, grossolano^ rustico, melo salvaiico
Crabbed, a. acerbo, arcigno, Crash, v. a fracastare, --v. n.
strepilare,far rumore, — ing,
I. ruvidezza, umore fanias- s. strepito, fracasso
Crass, a. grosso, grossolano, rampica. — Creep-hole,
spesso [grossezza
spessezza. —
pare pretesto, scampo
Crack-brained, a. Crepuscle, *. crepuscoli
Crescent, *. luna crescente la
Craek, v. a. scoppia, Cravat, s. cravatta

" ive, V. a. domandare, ^ìng, —

domanda, ing, a. insa-— Cresset, ». lanternone. (to —
Ciacker, s. un mil- salterello, set a pot on) u» trepiede
laìUatore. —
A nut-cracker, * Crest, ». cresta, cimiero. —
strumento da rompere le noe Crest-fallen, a. sgomentato
duole Crevice, ». fessura, crepalt.ra
Crackle, v. n. scoppiettare, — Craw, s. gozzo. —Crawfish, s. Crew, banda, torma,
». et —
ing. s. scoppiatura gambero a ship, la ciurma d'un vas-
Cracknel, s. ciambella Crawl, V. n. rampicare, stra- cello
Cradle, s. cii//a.— Iron cradle 'nare, serpere, er, s. un — Crib, ». mangiatoia
s. gruticolu da fuoco.— To Cribble, ». cribro, crivello
rock the cradle, cullare Crick in the neck, ». un tor
Craft, J mestiere, prnffissione,
Cricket, ». grillo, sorta di
Craftsman, s. artigiano Craziness, s. caducità, indif- giuoco alla^ palla — seggiola
Crafts-master, un artista
Crafty, a. astuto, accorto, Crazy, a. malaticcio, indis- drier, ». gridatore. —^A public
Craftiness, s. destrezza, as- Cream, j. fior di latte, d'un Crime, ». delitto, peccato
libro Criminal, a. criminale, — ly,
Craftily, ad. astutamente, con Cream, v. n. rappigliarsi ad. criminalmente, — ity, ».
Crease, *. piega, cattiva piega caso criminale
Create, v. a. creme, costituire. Crimple, v. n. ritirarsi
Crimson, ». chermisi
Cringe, ». sommessiune servile
Cragged, or Craggy, a. diro Criiige, t'. n. essere vilmente
calo [cafo ìsequioso, —ing, ». ahbiet-
Cragginess, s. Fessere dire
zza. —Cringiag som, anima
Cram, v. a. ficcare, stivare
empire. zeppare. — Cra
poultry, ingrassare il pol-
Crr.mho, s. giuoco di rima Credentials, ». pi, lettere di storpiato, toppo., s. il granchio.
Cramp - iron, *. rampi? Credibility, probabilità
». Crisis, ». cn"»i, cri»e
graffio Credible, a. credibile, ness, ». — Crisp, a. fragile, facile da
Cramp, a. costrignere, un- 'obabitità, —
ly, ad. proba- romperti, crespo, fritto

Crisp, ». a. increspare. —
Cramper, j. uttcino, graffio Credit, ». credito, autorità, — Crisping-iron, ». calamistro
Cramping, s costretta, forza Criterion, ». il segno della
Crane, s. grtta, gru, argan Credit, r. a. dar fede, credere.
Criticai, a. critico, pericoloso,
ly, ad. da critico
crane up, v. a. tirar su per Criticism, ». critica
mezzo d'un argano '
iciseupon, v. a. criticar*
Crank, a. possente, vigoroso, Creditor, ». creditore Critic, ». un critico, censore
—allegro, festoso Credulity, ». credulità Croak, v. crocitare, gracidare.
Crankle in and cut, v. n. t Credulous, a. credulo — , ». «7 crocitare dei conn e
fiere Creed, ». simbolo degli ajìostoli delle cornacchie, il gracidare
Crankles. ». giravolte Creek. ». cala, seno di mare delle tane
Crannied, a. crepato Creek, or Crook. ». molo Crock, ». pignatta
Cranny, ». fessura, crepatur Creek, u. n. crosciare, —ing, ». Crockery, ». majolica
Crocodile. ». cocodriFiU. —
Crash, ». strepito, fracasso, Crocodile's tears, falst m-
contesa, gara grimi

Crocus, s.enxp tm, licdema^ Cijstai, s. crisiath, —ine, a.
Croft. J. un chiiiSt:, praiiCi^nn
> scudo, of —
CroheSjS.pellegrivi, '
cuffia d'una Cub, (a bear's cub) ortacehio
Cronv, s. amico iiilim
Crook, « u7tcino.— A shep cappello. — Culiical, or Cubic, a. cubic»
herd's crook, roccj Crown-Iand, dominio delta Cuhìt, s. cubito
Crookbacked, a. golibo Cuckold, * un becco, cornuto.
Crooklegged, a. che ha le , .finire. —Cuckold one, v. a. f%r
gambe storte
Crooked, a. storio, adi . Cuckoo, s. cuculo
Crooked nose, naso Cucumber, s. cetrinolo
— Crooked line, lint Cud, s. parte interiore
—'fo della
gola. chew the cud.
rivers, &c.), le rivoltar c-ible, s.
fumi Crucifix, s ^ , Cudden, Cuddy,
Croi', *. raccolta, ricolta,
a bird, gozzo d'uccello Crucify, V. a. crocifissare, — Cuddle, ti. a. careggiare
Crop, V. fl. scortare^ tondere. inK, s. crociti ggimento Cudgel, *. bacchio, hjtocehio
—Crop com, cogliere del Crude, a. crudo. Crudity, * — Cudgel, ti. a. bastonare
crudità, indigestione Cue, s. umore, coda
Crosier, s, rocco pastorale Cruel, o. erudele, barbaro, — CuiF, s. un manichttto.—Catf,
Croslet, J. frontale ly, ad. crudelmente, —tv, « or a fistycufF, s. un pugno. —
crudeltà To go to cuffs, venire aìi*
Crossbow, balestra.
s. — (;iuet, s. guastadettc.
Cross-staft", s. croce geome- Cuft; t;. a. schiaffeggiare
trica. — Crosswise, nd. at-
traverso. —
Cross^ained, a. . ;
fastidioso, caparbio Cull, ti.

Cross, a. traversato bisbetico, — I

fantastico, eattivo. Cross- — ,
'Cullis, 'X:tZn.
path, ». crocicchio. Cross- — Cully, s
linès, linee traversali. — Crummy, a. midolioso

I Cully c .

Cross-bite, s. inganno Crump, or Crump shouldered, ingannare

Cross-bite, v. a. ingannare a. gobbe Culm, s. specie di carbone
Cross, ad. attraversa, alla Crumple, s. crespa, grinza Culpable, a. colpevole
traversa, —pr. a, Crumple, v. a. raggrinzare Culprit, s. persona accusate
— V. a. traversare, passare, Crunch, v. a crocea-- chest
incrocicchiare, nuocere, af. Crunk, v. n. gridar, '
Culter, s a
— Cross

fannare, affiìggere. grit Cultivate,

mcellare, — ly, Crupper, s. groppa, groppiera

ad. ì nenie, - Crusade, s. crocia/a
I. malizia, Crush, ti. schiacciare, am- Cultivator,
Crotchet, s. croma—funi

care. Crush a party—

capriccio— inganno, asti 11, sterminare un par-
Crouch, ti. n, apiattarsi Cumber, s. impedimento
Croup, s. assistente nel g!u( , Crust, s. crosta
e di a
Cnistaceous, Crusty, a. croj-

foot, s. trib . Crusty, a. puntiglioso

Crustiness, s. cattiva umore
Cock crow,'. r Crutch, s. gruccia
- A Cry,

—A crysusurra,
*. grido, pianto.
of hoiuids, una muta tarn
l. sagacement

Cup, s. ceppa, tazza, of a —

flower, la boccia d'nn fiere.
— Cupbearer, s. coppiere. —
-Cry up. lutare, lodar Cupboard, s. bnjjitto, armario
Cup, v. a. ventosure
1 Crying' out, s. grido, esclama- Cupidity, s. cupidigia, pattione
calca— Crovfd tiune—A woman's crying Cupola, *. cupola
spiegare tutte h Cuppel, s. coppella
Crowd a thing ir ying down, *. scredito, calo
Crying, a gridante, enorme
Curable, a. curabile :tain-rod, s. verga
Girate, s. curato, vicarh dife^ro
Curator, *. curatore Curvature, s. curvatura
Curb, *. freno Curve, a. curvo. Curve line. —
Curb, V. a. frenare, trattenere
Curbs, t. malattia di cavallo Curvet, *. corvetta
Curd, or Curds, i. latte rap- Curvet, V. n. corvettare, —ting, T\.^B, ». schìaffetto, —(fish,'

Curdle, v. n. rappigliarti
*. corvetta
Curvilinear, a. curvilineo
'-' rrmbo Dab of
—— Dab-chick, dirt, ».

Cure, ». rimedio, cura cura, — Curvity, s. curvità gallinella


benefizio Cushion, *. cuscino Dabble, v. a. zaccherare.—Tt

Cusp. s. la punta dabble in the dirt, dimenarsi
Curfew, *. campana per far Cuspidate, a. puntato nel fango
estinguere il fuoco Custard, s -pecie di tarla Dace, ». specie di pesce
Curing, *. cura, guarigione Custody, s. guardia, prigione Dactyl, ». dattilo
Curiosity, s. curioaità Custom, s. costume Custom- — Dad, or Daddy, ». babbo
Curious, a. curioso, ammira- house, » la dogana Daflbdii, ». asfodillo
bile, -delicato, destro, esalto, Customable, a. ordinario, — Dag, ». schioppetto
fino, —ly, ad. curiosamente, ly, ad. ordinariamente Dagger, ». un pugnale
Customary, a. comune Daggle, V. a. zuccherare, im-
ness, esattezza
j. Customer, s. avventore brattare [nalmenie
Curi, ciocca
t. riccio, Custos, s. custode, guardiano Daily, ad. cotidiano, ad. gior
Curi, V. arricciare, inna-
a. Cut, ». taglio, ferita, sfregio, Daintily, ad. delicatamente
nellare, —
v. n. arriciarti,
ing, *. l'arricciare. Curliiig- —
— figura, stampa
». tagliacantone. C.ut-purse,
Cut-throat, Daintiness, ». lecconeria, de-
licatezza. Dainty, a. lec- —
iron, calamistro s. un borsaiuolo. To draw — cone, goloso, —•splendido,
Curmudgeon, s. uno spilorcio cuts, giuocare alle buschel- abbondante
Currants, s. ribes. — Ked cur- te Dairy, ». luogo per il latte.—

rant, ribes tossì Cut, V. a. tagliare, mozzare. Dairy-woman, ». donna che
Currency of coin, corso 'della —Cut the vine, potare la vende latte
moneta. —
Current, ». (of l'ite.— Cut a loaf, tagliare Daisy, ». margherita
un pane.— Cut capers, fare
Current, a. corrente, stabilito. delle capriuole. Cut — one Dalila
—Current price, prezio cor- short, interrompere. — Cut Dallier, ». burlone, un baione
off an heir, diseredare. — Cut Daily, V. n. scherzare, burlare,
Carrier, s. conciatore asunder, stracciare, rompere. baluecare, indugiare, bur-
Currish, a. cagnesco—brutale, —Cut up, trinciare. Cut —
larsi, beffare
brusco, — ly, ad, brutalmente down, segare Dalmatic, ». tonacella
Curry, v. a. conciare pelli Cutaneous, a. cutaneo Dam, ». la madre di certe
Curry a horse, strigliare Cuticle, ». cute bestie, cateratta. —Dam up,
un cavallo. —Currycomb, s. Cutlass, ». coltellaccio V. a. stoppare, chiudere. —
ttregghia Cutler, ». coltellinaio. —Sword- Dam up a window, murare
Curse, s. maledizione cutler, ». spadaio
Curse one, v. a. maledire
uno, — bestemmiare,
Cutter, ». tagliatore
cutter, »
uno che taglia
— Damage, danno, torto,

V, n. V. a.
calli. —A stone-cutter, ». Damask, ». dammasco, —
Cursed, a maledetto, — ly, ad. Damask-rose, ». rosa dam-
Cutting, ». ritaglio maschina. — Damask nap-
perversità Cutting, a. pungente, satirico kins, ». salviette dumynas-
Cursitor, *. cursore Cuttle, ». seppia chine. — Damask-bed, ». lett-ì
Cursorily, ad. alla leggiera, in Cutlets, ». bracciuole dammasco
Cycle, ». rivoluzione, corso Damask wine, v. a. scaldare
Cursory, a. leggiero, fatto in Cyclopaedia, ». enciclopedia
Cygnet, ». un cigno giovine Dame, ». dama
Curstness, s. forza, rigore Cylinder, ». cilindro Damn, v. a dannire, condan-
Curtail, V. a. troncare, moz- Cylindrical, a. otlindrieo nare, —
able, a. dannabile,

zare. To curtail a horse, Cymbal, ». cemJbalo — ably, ad. orribilmente
tagliare li orecchi e la co- Cynical, a. severo, austero Damnation, ». dannazione
da ad un cavallo To cur- — Damnify, v. a. danneggiare
tail one's wages, dimi- "ynosure, ». la eosteUazione Damp, ». umidità, umi
nuire altrui il suo sa- delCorsa minore midire
tiric Cypher, s ci^ff'ro Damp one, v. a. scoraggiar*
Cypress-tree, ». cipresso Dampness, ». umidità
Czar, «7 Czar Damsel, ». zittella
Djimson, *. specie di susina daughter,' s. figlioccia. — self to death, affiiggerst
Grand-daughter, una nipote sino alla morte, —fui, a.
Dance, s. danza, ballo, v. n. — Daunt, V. a. spaventare, in- mortale, —
watch, s. (insect)
(S- a. danzare, ballare. — un grillo, — less, a. immor-
l)ance attendance, aspettare. Dauntless, a. intrepido
— Dancer, s. ballerino Dauphin, s. il delfino Debar, v. a. privare, escludere
Dancing, s. ballo. — "Dancing- Dawn, V. n. spuntare, appa- Debark, t;. n sbarcare
room,*, sala da ballo —Dan- Debarring, s. esclusione
(parjando del giorno) Debase, v. a. dispregiare, av-
Dandelion, s. spezie di cicoria Dawn, s. l'aurora, l'alba '.. — Debase coin, fal-
Dandle, v. a. allottare, carreg- Day, *. giorno, dì, giornata
giare, vezzeggiare, digerire —battaglia. —
Day - book, s. debasing, abbassa-
Dandruff, s.forforaggine "'-
tale —Daybreak,
'D2Li-s,s. pi. tempo. mento

Dandy, s. zerbino, damerino, s. lo Debate, s. onlesa, disputa

del giorno. Dog- — Debate, v
Dane-wort, s. ebbio, ebulo days, s. giorni canicolari. tare, discutere, v. n. con-—
Danffer, s. rischio, pericolo — Day's work, s. giornata tendere, litigare Debate —
Dangerous, a. pericoloso, — ly, Dazzle, v. a. abbagliare, ing, — with one's self, deliberare.
ad. pericolosamente s. abbaglio

gle about a woman,

Dangle, v. n. dondolare Dan- Deacon, s. un diacono, —ship.
Debauch, v. a. subornare, se-

sempre air intomo d'una Dead, a. morto, stupido, in-

donna, —
er, s. un effeminato dolente.— The dead, s. pi.
Dank, ei. umido, bagnato i morti. Dead sleep, s. —
Dapper, a vigoroso, gagliardo lettargia [allentare Debile, a. debole, fiacco
Dapple, Dappled, a. pomato, Deaden, v. a. rallentare. Debilitate, v. a. debilitare,
Deadly, a. mortale, periglioso, indebolire, ing, — s, debilita-
Dapple-grey, leardo pomato violente, furioso, —ad. mor-
talmente, furiosamente Debility, j. debolezza
' V. 'a. sfidare, irritare Deadness, s. addomient amento Debonair, a. qffUbile, cortese,
Danng. a. ardito, temerario, Deaf, a. s»rdo allegro, festoso-
— ly, ad. arditamente, uess, — Deafen, i>.a. assordare. Deafish, Debt, s. un debito
t. baldanza dastro, —
ly, a. solita- Debtor, ,. debitore
Dark, a. oscuro, tenebroso. — ad sordamente, ness, — Decade, s. decade
Dark lantern, s. lanterna Decagon, s. decagono
sorda.— Dark, or Darkness, Deal. s. abbondanza, quantità. Decalogue, s. decalogo
t. <e?ieAre.— Dark-sighted, a. —Fir, deal, afic^e. Deal, ,. — Decameron, s. decamerone
(at cards) la parte di chi Decamp, v. a. levar il campo,
e, —mg. tocca a fare le carte
— Deal, — ment,
s. il levarsi del
V. n. (to trafficare,
Darkly, ad. oscuramente —
negoziare. Deal well with Decant, v. a. irasvasare
Darkness, ». oscurità one, trattare uno bene —To Decanter, ,, guastada
Darling,,, un cucco.favc deal cards,, fur le carte Decapitate, v. a. decapitare
—a. favorito, diletto Dealer, s. negoziante. Dealer, — Decay, s. declinazione, rovina,
cards) colui che fa le -V. n. scadere, appassarsi,

Plain dealer, i. uomo msumarsi, imbastardirsi,
Damel, s. loglio, zizzania ti hm a fede idebolirsi —Decay in one's
Dealing, s.'negozio, trafict
Dan, s. dardo, strale, — t — Honest dealing, procedere Decease,
scoccare, lanciare, e) — —
franco. Treacherous deal-
lanciatore ing, perfidia, inganno Deceit, s. delusione, inganni
Dash, t. colpo, tratto, — i Deambulation, s. spasseg- Deceitful, a furbo, falso. —
colpire, urtare. Dash a — giata Deceitful trick, ». una fur-
Dean, s. un decano, —ship, ia, —
ly, ad. ingannevol-
^c«o.— Dash out, v. a. s s. dignità d'un decano. —
celiare Deanery, s. giurisdizione Deceivable, a. facile ad essere
Dastard, s. un codardo, ingannato
eifemin< -ly.i. Deceive, v. a. ingannare,
fingar^. gabbare, v. n.— burlare,
Date, *. data, —(fruit) dattero deridere, — er, ». inganna-
Date, v. a. dxtare Dearth, «. care. tore, impostore, —ing, ». de-
DaUve case, dativo
s. il Death, *. la morte. Upon —
Daub, V. a. imbrattare pain of death, sotto pena
Daughter, s. figliuola.—tìoà- della vita. — To grieve one's

I>cft6n\vh?, s. pi.deeemrirl f ^ ucceih —a'deltnyntnln.
Decency, *. decenza, decoro
Decrease, s. scadimento, — v. a

Decree, ». decreto, ordine, edito

Dsce].tion, «. de. Defect, ». ilifvUo, vizio, —ion,

franie decretare, statuire
Decide, v. c. liecUere Decrepit, a. decrepito, — ^ness, defetiivo
Decrepitude, ». decrepità. Defence, ». difese, guardia,
Deciding, """
». decisione
Decrescent,». Jojcfmo delliz luna difésa
'^"'^ ~ '^' "'

Decretai, a. decretcte. Decre- — Defend, v a. difendere, seste-

tals, ». pi. decretali «ere. —Defend one's cause,
Decretory, a. decisivo difendere la cause di, ant. —
Decry, v. e- discreditare, spar-
lare. —Decry a custom,
nullare un costume
Decuple, a. decuplo, dieci volte
spiei^a le cifere
Decision, ». decisione Dedicate, r . dedia
Decisive, n. decisivo [dedica
Deck of a sliip, ». bordo, ponte Dedication, dedica
Dedicator, 4 Deference, ». riguardo, ri-
Dedicatory, a. dedicatoria
Dedition, ». arrendimento Deferring, ». prolungamento.
Declaim, v. a. declamare, ar Deduce, t'. a. dedurre, inferire,
—ction, deduzione,
». sottra- Defiance, ». disfida, chitmala.
Declaimer, ». arrinf;atore zione, —conclusione, conte- —To bid defiance, sfidart
Declamation, ». arringheria Deficiency, ». deficienza
Declamatory, ». declamatotiu Deed, ». azione, fatto, alto, Deficience, ». insuìvalUilà
Declaration, ». dichiarazione contratto Deficient, a. deficiente, imtl-
— of war, intimazione d. Deem, ti. n. credere,stimare
Deep, a profondi, cupo. - Defile, ». passaggio stretto, —
Declarative, a. dichiarativo Deep sorrow, grande af- r. a. sporcare, lordate, —
Declare, »•.

a. dichiarare,
scoprire, svel-
Deep coat, un abi'
Deep moumin
lare, — 1>. n. confessare. gran bruno. Deep blu — Definable, a che si pub definire
mostrarsi turchino oscuro.— Deep n
Declaring, s. dichiarazione
Declension, ». declinazione Detpen, v. a. affondare
Declinable, a. declinabile Deeply, ad. profondamente
Declination, ». scadimento, Deepness, ». profondità
declino, declinazione Deer, ». il genere de' ceri Definitive, a. definitivo,
Decline, ». scadimento, decli- — Red-deer, cervo, cerbi ad. dyfinilivamente
declin — A fallow-deer, un daino. Defla<^ation, ». incendia

Deface, t'. a. scancellare, Deflour a virgin, v. a. diflo-

guastare. —ììeface a town,
clining, ». declino, sfuggi- Deflourer. ». corruttore
face the coin, disfigurare la Defluxion, .flussione
Deform, v. a. formare. De- —
Defailance, ». mancanza form one's face, sfregiare
Defalcation, ». difalcazione
Decollation, ». decollazione Defamatory, a. diffamatorio Deformity, « deformità, bru-
Decorate, v. a. decorare, or Defame, v. a. diffamare, er, — De&aud, a defraudare,
ti. —
». diffamatore 'u\g, s. fraude, inganno
Decorator, ». adornatore Default, ». fallo, vizio, man- Defray, v. a. spesare, far U
Decoration, ». decor jsioue canza.— In default whereof, spese
Decorous, a. decoroso IH diffalta di che Defunctì a. defunto, mori»
Decortication, ». decortica- Defeasance,» eontraletlera Defy, V. a. sfidare, bravare
Defeat, ». sconfitta, rotta.— Degeneracy, ». degenera-
?rc. — Defeat
Mare Valtrui I Degenerate, v. n. degenerar*
DFllrious, a. paz»}, metto s. denominazione, —01
Dcgcneiation. *. depravazione
Degenerous, a. rile, infame
Degradation, s degradazione
Degrade, v. a. degradare. —
Degrade one's self, derogare.
degrada- Denounce, i'. a. demuniare
Degi-ading, t. i

with child, parto, - i Denouncing, Denunciation, s

grado, passa.— Bj liberatore

Degree, J.
degrees, grado per grado, Delivery, *. liberamen I
Dense, a. denso, spesso, — ity, »
poc.,n pocu— To take one's
degrees, prendere i gradi Delude, v. a. i

Delve, V. a. zap)
Deieide, s. deicidio Deluge, s. di,

Deject, V. a. abbattere, afflig-

Delusion, s. ddi t. polvere da pulirt
Delusive, a ing
Demagogue, s. i
Denudate, v. a. spogh

DeiTy one, 'deifoare uno,

v. a.
— ing, s deif castone
Deien. v. degnarsi
Dsiim', s. deismo
Deist, s. deista
Deitv, s. Deitri, Divinit,). Demean one's
Delay, s. ritardo, i7idiig:o,

dilazione, —v. a. dijerire, Demeanour, s

tardare, —er, a. indugiatore,

—mg, s. dimora, 'n.'.ngio
Delectable, a. dildlahile, piace-
vole, —ness, -. dUcltalilita,
—\y,nd. diletlnbilmcntc
Delectation, s. dUettaznme Depasture, v. n. pascolare
jeiiiise by lease, r. a. dn
Delegate, a. delegato, depntato.
afillo. — Demise by will, Depeculation, s. peculato
Depend, v. n. estere

Dem s. lascito —Depend upon, ti. n. di-

Democracy, pendere, confidai si.— jyepend.
Democratical, a. ileoiocratico of, V. n. consistere, essere
. delibi -ly, ad.
Doinolisli, 11. a. demolire, di pendente
Dependence, Dependency, s.
Deliberatii — ing' Demolition, s. demoli dipendenza
Dependent, s. nn partigiano^

., I l.e
Demonstrable, a rabile. Depict, v. a. dipingere
,,' effiminato, -ly, ad. _

y, ad. dimo, Depilatory, a. dipitatorio

Deplorable, a. deplorabile
Deploration, s. lamentazione
Deplore, v. a. deplorare, tamer
tare, —ing, s. lamentanza
Deplume, v. a spinmare
Dtligh't, s. delizia, gusto
ral- Depone, t). n. depone
Delight, V. a. dilettare,

Delfghtfal, o. dilettevole, deli-

zioso, —
ly, ad. piacevolmente.

; Deport, V. a. portarsi. meiit, —

*. portamento, condotta
Depose, V. n. deporre, v. a. —
Delinquency, s. delitto, qjfeia depositario
Depositary, s.
Delinquent, s nn dfimqiicnte deposizione
• Deposing, s.
Deliquium, deliquio s.
colato Deposit, V. a. depositare, eoa
Delirate, v. n. delirare
pazzia Denominate, v. a. denominare, fidare
Delirium, s. delirio,
Deposit, t.'deposito Descry, v. a. scoprire, 'ing, Destination, t. dsHinasiont — '

Deposition, «. depotixiont s. scoperta \

Destine, v. a. detiinare, 1Ì4. i

Depository, *. deposito Desert, * meriio si^nare . I

Depravation, s. depravazione. Desert, *. deserio, solitudine Destiny, s. U destino, la sorte \

—of mamiers, corruzione di Desert, v. a. lasciare, abbon- Destitute, a. destituto, abban

costumi dot dcnato
Deprave, tt. a- depravare, —
Deserter, s

Destitution, *. ahhandon

ing, s. depravazione, —
ity, s. Deserve, v. Destroy, v. a. distr
depravila Deserving, g^tasfare, er, *. dist —
Deprecate, v. a. pregare in- merito '
ing, Destruction, —
siantemente, —ion, s. pre- Deservedly, ad. giustamente
ghiera, domanda Design, s. disegno, progetto
Depreciate, v. a. abbassare. Design, v. a. disegnare, pro-
avvilire porre j

Depredation, s. depreda- Designedly, ad. pensatamente Detach, r. a. slaccare, -

xione Designer, s. disegnatore
s. staccamento
Depress, v. a, abbassare, cori- Designing, a malintenzionato, Detail, s. particolarità
care, deprimere, umiliare, — furbo, astuto 1
ion, s. depressione i Deiignment, *. disegno, inien-
Deprivation, s. privazione 1 Desirable, a. desiderevole I

Deprive, v. a. privare I
Desire, *. duiderio, voglia.
Depth, s. profondità. —Depth '
preghiera, domanda
of winter, cuor del verno.
i7 Desire, v. a. pregare, deside- dvgio, tardanza
—The depth of a battalion, I rare, ordinare, comandare Deter, u. a.frastom
l'ampiezza d'un squadrone Desiredly, ad, a seconda Deterge, v. a. detergere


Depuration, * purificazione Desirous, a. desideroso, ly. Deterioration, s, deteriora-

Deputation, *. deputazione |
ad. ardentemente
Depute, v. a. deputare '•

Desist, v. n. desistere, —ing. Determinable, a. determina-

Deputy, s. un deputato. —
i. tralasciamenio !

Deputy-governor, un sotto Desk, un desco Determinate, a. determinato,
governatore Desolate, v desolare,
a. ro-
Deracinate, v. sradicare, tbar- i
vinare, affliggere, —
a. de-
bare solato, rovinato, solitario,
Bei^gn, V. provare, mostrare, \ afflitto
far vedere (law term) Desolation, s. desolazione. Determine, v. a. determinare,
Derange, v. disordinare, scorn- rovina, affanno, mestizia fissare, risolvere


Despair, v. a. disperare, ». Detersion, s detersione

dispn-azione, — v. n. dispe- Detersive, a. detersivo
rarsi '

Tetest, r. a. detestare

Desperado, s. un disperato '

Detestable, a. detestabile, ly.—

Dereliction, s. abbandona- Desperate, a. disperato.furioso, ad. pessimamente


violente. Desperate man, s. Detestation, *. detestazione

un arrabiato Desperate at-
tempt, un colpo disperato, —
Dethrone, v. a. stronare,
" ''
ing, —

ly, ad. disperatamente, furie

Deriding, Derision, s. derisione. Detract, v. a. detrarre, spar- ia,
lare, sminuire, tagliare

Derisory, a. risibile Detraction, *. detrazione ;

DerivaUon, s. derivazione Despicable,

-^-. ., ... -ly. Detractor, s. maldicente

Derivative, a. derivativo ad. vilmente Detriment, *. torto, detrimento,


Derive, t;. a. derivare, pro- Despisable, a. sprezzevole al, a. detrìmentale —

cedere Despise, " - ^ i'DfATViAe, v. a. scacciare
Derogate, «. n. <f«rog-are Despite, s. dispetto, sdegno,— Devastation, *. devastazione :

Derogation, s. derogazione fully, ad. dispettosamente Dcure, *. due, il diavolo ;

Derogatory, a. derogatorio Despoil, V. a. spogliare Develope, ». a. sviluppare

Despond, v. n. scoraggirsì, Devest, t>. a. spogliare —
ency, *. scoraggimerUo Deviate, v. a. deviare ;

- V. commentare. Despot, s. despota Deviation, s. smarrimento

Despotical, a. dispotico, ly, 'Dcnee, s. astuzia, artifizio^

I. discendere ad. dispoticamente
invenzione, mezzo j

:esa, calata, tuisci- Despumate, v. a. schiumare, Devil, s. il diavolo

I Devijish, a. diabnlico, ly, ad. 1

Dessert, s. le frulla, S^c. dopo

dUtbolitamente I

pasto j
Devise, v. n. i-nmaginarit
dd^rare. Devise to— a. bossolo. —
Dice-player, latory pleas, sofisHcherta,
by «ill, legart ad uno, far giuocafore di dadi.— To sei
the dice upon one,ingannari.
Derise, v. a.Jingere, inventare
Devise, *. lascito, legato Dictate, V. a. dettare Diligence, s. diligenza
Devisee, * un legatario Ì3ictates, s. yl. precetti, regole Diligent, a. diligente, ly, jj, —
Dictator, s. dittatore, —ship, s. diligentemente
Devisor, s. un testatore dittatura Dilucid, a. chiaro, evidente
Devoir, s, dovere Dictionary, s. dizionario Dilucidate, r. a. schiarire, —
Devolve, V. n. scadere, cascare. Didactic, a. didattico, istruì- ion, s. dischiarazione
— Devolve a trust, dare a Dilute, V. a. stemperare, «te-
custodire s. un dado, tintura, tinta.
Devolutarv, s. devolutario Dira, a. oscuro, torbido—Dim-
Devolution, s. devoluzione sighted, a. che ha la vista
Devotee, s. bacchettone offuscata
Dim, V. a. oscurare
Dimension, j. dimenzione
Diet one, v. a. dictare, — v. n. Diminish, v. n. diminuire
Diminution, s. diminuzione.
Dmrf'vZ. differire, —enee,
s. differenza, disputa, lite Diminutive, a. diminutivo
Difference, v. a. differenziare Dimissory, a. dimissorio
Different, a. differènte, diverso, Dimity, s bambagina
ad. dicotamente, --nesi — ly, ad. differentemente.— Dimness, i. offuscazione
Differing, a. differente Dimple, a. pozzetta.— v. n.
Deuteronomy, s. il Deu Difficult, a. difficile, —
ly, ad. formar delle pozzette nelle
diffidi >
-ty, guance
«. ruggiada.— Dewlap,
s. giogaia Dew-snai" Diffide, V. n. diffidarsi, —enee,
lumaca Dewy, a. ruggi- s. diffidenza,' timidità
Diffident, a. diffidente,— ly^ad. j. sala da mangiare
Dexterity, desterità
s. timidamente Dinner, ,.pm«.o^
Dexterous, a. destro, abile, — ly, Diffuse, V. a. diffondere, — ly, Dmt, s. impressione, forza

Diabetes, s. diabete diffusione, —ive, a. disteso, Diocese, s. diocesi

Diabolical, a. diabolico, — diffusivo Dioptrics, a. diottrica
ad. diabolicamente
Dig, V. a. zappare, vangare. — Dip, V. a. integnere. bagnare
Diadem, s. un diadema Dig out, V. a. sterrare Diphthong, s. dittongo
Diagonal, a. diagonale, — ly. Digest, V. a. digerire, redi- Diploma, s. diploma
gere, disporre, —
ible, a. di- Direct, a. diretto, diritto
Diagram, s. piano disegno gestibile Direct, V. a. dirigere, rettifi-
Dial, s. orologio a sole, —of a Digestion, s. digestione
watch, mostra d'orologio Digest, s. pi. pandette, digesto
Dialling, s. gnomonica Digger, s. zappatore s. direzione, —of a letter,
Dialect, s. dialetto, ically, ad. — Dignify, V. a. innalzare a indirizzo d'una lettera, ly,. —
dialetticamente, ician, s. — qualche dignità ad. direttamente, ness, *. —
un dialettico, — ic, s. (logic) Dignitary, s. un preiato rettitudine,

—or, s. diretto! e,
la dialettica Dignity, s. dignità, elevazione ory, s. la liturgia
Dialogue, s. dialogo Digress, v. a. ullontanani di Direful, a. crudele, terribile
Diameter, s diametro Digression, a. digressione Direption, s. rapina, sacco
Diametrical, a. diamet e, — Dijudicate, v. a. decidere, di- "-3, s. uffido de' morti, can
ly, ad. diametralmente scernere, distinguere, — ^ion, tefunebrt
Diamond, *. un diamante, at f.decisione . a. fango, porcheria
cards, cuor;.— Diamond-cut- Dike, s. fosso, irgine Dirtily, ad. indegnamente
ter, s. gioielliere Dilacerate, v. a- lacerare, —ion, Dirtiness, s. sporcizia
IMapason, ;r. diapason Dirty, a, sporco, lordo, basso.
Diaper, a. lavorato Dilapidat
Diaphanous, a. tratpareiite
Diaphoretic, a diaforetico
Diaphragm, s. diaframma
Diarrhoea, s. diarrea Disable a siiip, j

Diary, s. diario, giornale vascello

Dibble, ». zappa, marra Disacknowledge, v. a. negare
Dice, «. pi. iia<fi.—Dice-box, Disadrautage, a. avantati^io
Disadrantageous, a, tvanlag- —able, a. biasimevole.

Pisaffect. II. a. biasimare Discommode, v. a. incomodare, Disesteem, s. sprezzo, sdegno,

Disalfection. *. cattiva volontà, — ity, s. incotnodila — V. a. sprezzare
— ed, a. malintenzionato Discompose, v. a. tconcfrtare,

Disfavour, s. disgrazia
inquietare, — ^inj,, t, disor- Disfigtire, V. a. disjigurare, —


able, a. dispiacevole,
contrario, opposto, ing,— Disforest, n. a. disboscare
Disfranchise, v. a. eschtdere
della franchila, ment,
s. privazione della fran-

Discontinuance, s cessazione Diàful-nish, ». a. sfornire

Di :. sbi;;nttire Discontinue, f. a. cessare, — Disgamish, ». a. sfornire
Disannul, a. annullare
i.'. Disgorge, ». a. vomitare.
Disappear, ». «. sparire Discord, * discordia, divisione,
Disappoint, »'. a. mancare di discordanza Disgrace, *. disonore, dis-
parola,frustrare,seoncertare, Discor.lant, a. discordante grazia. ——Disgrace, a. diso-
— ment, mancamento di pa- Discover, ». a scoprire, able, — norare,

fui, a vergognoso,
a. facile a scoprire, —
er, s. infame, —fully, ad. vergo-
Disaijprove, dilatore gnosamente
Discovery, i. scoperta DisgufSe, s. travestimento, pre-
Disaster, s. disastro tesiOfJinzione [fingere
Disastrons, a. funesta sconto, cala Disguise, v. a. travestire.
Disavow, ti. a. negare, contra- Dis^ountenance, r. a. impedire. Disgust, *. disgustOi'aviersione,
Disband, r.a. confrediare Discourage, Dish, s. un piatto— T)\ù\ ot
Disbelief, ». dìjjìdensa, dubbio coffee,una tazza di caffè. —
Disbelieve, v. a. dubitare, — Chafing-dish, s una scalda-
mg, s dubbio, diseredenza vivande. —
Dishclout, s, strc-
Disburden, ti. a. scaricare finuccio
Disburse, v. a. sbordare, ment, — discorrere. Dish up, ti.

Disealceated, a. scaho Discourteous, a. scortese tiearten
Discard, v. a. licenziare Discourtesy, s. ingiuria, torto tiimidirt
Discern, v. a. diseernere, — Discredit, s. disonore, scredito. Dishevelled, a. scapigliato

ible, a. visibilt^, —ing, — Dishonest, a. disonesto, ly,
Discreet, a. discreto, savio, — ad. disonestamente
ly, ad. discretatnente Dishonesty, s. disonestà, im-
Discrepant, a. contrario pudicìtà
Discretion, *. discrezione, — Dishonour, s. disonore r. a.
ary, a. illimitato disonorare, —
able, a. disono-
Discrimin.tte, i;. a. distinguere, revole, —
ablv, ad. disonore-
Discuss, V. a. discutere, esami- Disincorporate, v. a. separare
nare, —
ioli, *. discuzione, — Disingenuity, * cattiva fede
ive, a. risolutivo Disingenaous, a. dissimulato
Disdain, s. sdegno, sprezzo. Disìnhabited, <!. spopolato
Disinlierit, v. a. diseredare
Discipline, *. disciplina,— v. Disdainful, a. sdegnoso, ly, — Disinheriting, s. disereda-
disciplinare, regolare, fi ad. sdegnosamente, ness, ». —

mare, ing, s. disciplina sdegno, fierezza Disinterested, a. disinteressato,
Disease, s. male, malattia, — — ^ness, s. disinteresse
ing, s. rinunzia incomodare
V. a. Disinter, ». a. tterrare
Disclose, ». a. aprire, rii Disembark, v. a. sbarcare Disinvito, V. a. rivoear rinvilo
lare. —Disclose a s'aeri Disembogue it-self, v. r. scari- Disjoint, Disjoin, r. a. dis-
carsi, — 11. n. sboccare
Disenchant, ti. a. rompere Disjunction, disgiunzione
Discolour, V. a. scolorare Disjunctive, a. disgiuntivo
Discomfit, 1'. a. sconfìggere, Disencourage, ». a. reprimere Disk, e. disco
onjìu.ì, tolta Diseiigage. v. a. disimpe- Di.'ikindness, *. cattivo vficio
gnire, liberare, —ment, s. Dislike, s. disgusto, avversioni
Dislike, r. 3. disapprorare
Dislocate, v. n, dislocar»
Dislocation, *. lìhlocazione
Dislodge, V. a. scacciare.—
Dislodge a stag, levar un Displea:
Disloyal, a. sleale, —ly, ad. Displeai
slealmente, ty, s. slealt.l Displosi
Dismal, a. terrible, funesto, —
ly, ad. terribilmente . passatempo, — v. n.
Dismantle, smantellare
Dismay, s. stupore, timore Disposal, s. disposizioni
Dismay, v. a. spaventare Dispose, V. a. dispcrre, „,
— Dispose

Dismember, v. n. smembrare tare, lasciare. of

Dismiss, V. a. licenziare one's time, impiegare i'
Dismission, s. licenzia, con- suo /«JHBO -—Dispose of one
disfarsi d-uno, -ser, s. di,-
Difmount pensatore
Disobedience, e. disubbeii- Disposition, J. disposizione

Disobedient, a. disubbediente Dispossess, V. a. spossessare.

Disobey, r. a. disubbidire
Disobligation, s. dispiacere D'yposure, s. disposizione, cm-
Disoblige, V. a. dissentire
Disorder, s. disordine, im- Dispraise, s. rimprovero, —
broglio, —
V. a. confondere,
dis{,rdinare, inquietart
sordi Dispr
»»/„« •goluta. I Disproiit, v. a. vuoc Dissiniiiitude, s.

Disproof, s. confutai Dissimulation,

Dissipate, v. a. l

iioiiato, —ably, ad. ineguai

Disprove, V. a. confutare
Disputable, a. disputativo
Disputant, ». un disputante
Disparity, s. dispariti Disputation, s. disputa, tesi
Dispart, spartire Disputative, a. litigioso
Dispute, s. disputa, lite
Dispatch, s. spedizione Dispute, V. n. disputare, con

Disputer, s. ìitigalore
I «ifare.-Dispatch i Disqualification, s. incapacità
Disqualify, ». a. disabilitare,- Dissonant, a. dissonante, con-
ing, «. degradazione trario, differente
Disquiet, _ s. inquietudine,- Dissuade, v. dissuadere, —
ing. Dissuasion, s. dissua-

Dispensation, s. dispensa
perturbatore, —ness, *. t«
Dissuasive, a. dissuasivo
Dispensatory, s. farmacopea Disquisition, *. inquisizione Distati; s. rocca [vallo
Dispense with, v. a. dispen- Disregard, v. a. sprezzare Distance, *. distanza, inter-
sare, amministrare, distri- Disrelish, v. a. disapprovare Distance, V. a. discostiire
buire Disreputable, a. vergngnoto Distant, o. disfante, Ivninno
Dispenser, s. dispensatore Disreputation, Disrepute, «
- ,^Xs,s. disgusto, afflizione
Disjieople, v. a. spopolare Distaste, v. a. disgustare, —lui.
Disperse, v. a. spargere gogvi
Disi«;rsedly, ad. seperata- Disrespect, *. inciviltà,— v. a Distemper, s. ìnalallia,—v. a.
sprezzare, —
fui, a. sprez
Dispersion, *. dispersione zante, insolente ature, s. disordine
Dispirit, V. a. scoraggiare Disrobe, i>. a. levare la gonna Distend, v. a. distendere, dar-
Displace, >. o. dislogare, dis- Dissatisfaction, s. disgusto
Dissatisfactory, a. spiace nsion. s. distensione
Displacing, disordine
Displant, V. a. sradicare
Disptay, 3. spiegazione,
" —

Distillation, ». distillazione, '

Divinity, s. divinità, teologia Domesti '.. domestico,— s. urn

er, t. distillatore Divisibility, *. diviribiliià



Distinct, a. distinto, chiaro, [

Divisible, a. divisibile
Dome, ». cupola
I, s. divisione, discordia. Domicil, domicilio, d
diversità, —ive, a. distintivo, Domineer, ». a. do

ly, ad. distintamente braveggiare, ing, — ,

Distinguish, 11. a. distinguere lente, altiero

Distinguishable, a. che si pub t. ripuda' Dominical, a. dominicale
distinguere, —ness, s. dif- Dominion, i

ferenza, distinzione Divulge, ». n. divulgare Donative, ». v,t uunuiiro

Diuretic, —
al, a. diuretico Done, part, of Do —It is done,
rival- Diurnal, a. diurno, giornaliere, è/utto.— It shall be done, »t
— ». giornale
Distract, ». distrarre, divi Dizziness, ». vertigine Donee, donatario
Distraction, s. distrazione, Dizzy, a. vertiginoso Donor, ». donatore
ordine [est, Do, ». a. fare Do off, ». a. Doom, ». sentenza, decreto.—
Distrain, ». a. seauest disfare, levar via. —Do up, Doom's day, s. finimondo
sequesir amento, ». a. ijnballare


stnggi-.t calamità Docile, a. docile, . ity, ». doci- Dobr, ». porta. Door-keeper, —

, .- _. ridurre aliai I' ». poi-<inaio— Door-case, ».
miseria Dock, : coda, hors, impostatura di porta. —
Distribute, v. a. distribuire, — Door-posts, ». stipiti della
or, ». distributore Dock, ». a. tagliare
Distribution, ». distribuzione Docket, ». un estratt Doric, a. Dorico
Distributive, a. distributivo Doctor, ». dottore- Dormant, a. dormente
District, ». distretto care, —al, a. di Dormitory, ». dormitorio
Distrust, ». diffidenza Dormeuse, ». un ghiro
Distrust, ». a. diffidarsi Doctrinal, a. istruii Dose, ». dose, presa
Distrustful, a. Doctrine, ». dottrine Dot, ». far dei punti, punteg-
Distnisting, j. diffiden Document, ». istruz —
giare. Dot, ». punto piein->
Disturb, ». a. Dodder, ». androsac Dotage, ». vaneggiamento
Doddle along, ». n. Dotard, ». veccltio rimbambito
arce, ». disturbo, disordine, vacillando Dote, ». fi. vaneggiare —Dote
— er, ». perturbatoì Dodecagon, ». dodecagono upon. ». n. amare sovercliia-
Disunion, ». disunì Dodge, v. ». tergiversare.
Double, a. doppio — Double-
Disunite, ». a. disunire ». una damma dealer, ». un ingannatore. —
Disuse, ». disusanza Doer, ». fattore, facitore Double-tongued, buggiardo
DofF, ». svestirsi, spogliarsi Double, t - -•- •"
Ditch,' ». un fosso,—v. n. fai Dog, un cane. Dog's grass,
». — doppi
. fossi, —er, ». un die fa fossi ». gramigna. —
Dog days, ». Doublet, 6 ,^_ <,.

Dition, ». imperio, potere la cahicola.-^Dog one, codiare Doubloon, ». un daliblmi

Dittany, ». dittamo Doge, ». doge, governatore Doubly, ad. doppiamente
Ditty, ». canzone Dogged, a. aspro, burbero, — I

Doubt, ». dubbio, difficoltà

Divan, ». il divano Doubt, ». n. dubitare

Dive. Doggish, a. cagnesco, brutale Doubtful, a. dubbioso, —ness,


-Dive tuffU- Doggerel, ». cattiva poesia ». dubbio

tore, sìnerga

Dogma, ». un damma, —tical,

Doubtless, a. indubitabile
Divell, ». svellere, separare a. dommatico, — tist, ». un

Dough, », pasta
Divers, a. diverso, d-ffierente caparbio, —tize ». a. dom- Dove, ». colomba., —
Diversiff, ». O. variare

». colombaia. Turlle-dove, —
Diversion, ». diversione, Doing, fatto, astone
». ». toriorella
Dole, ». parte, porzione, dona- Dowager,

tiseraent, divertimento ». una vedova

Diversity, ». diversità , dono.— Dole, v. a. Jp n. Dowdy, ». una donnaccia
Divide, ». a. dividere, sparti p, donare Dower, ». pensione, dote
Dividend, ». rtumcio dividente. Doleful, a. dolente, deplorabile, Down, ». piuma, lanuggine.

— ly, ad. dolentemente )• .

;o apri
Divider,'», dividitore Doli, s. popazza —ad. abbasso, giii. —To fall
Divination, indóvinamento Dolorous, a. doloroso down, ca»care— To go down,
Divine, a. divino, celeste, — ». Dolphin, ». delfino discendere
o, — ». n. injovi-

! Dòit, ». un sciocco, pazzo Downfall, ». cascata, rovina

^?Zi ad. divinamente, Doltish, a. pesante, stupido, a. palpabile, evi

vino, -ine, *• dente, franco, 'sincero

indovinament I Downward, ad. abbatta
Bownv, a. iciiuginoso ll, a. tMi!!ie-— Dress victuals, Drub, V. a. bastonare, —
Do-^y,',. jmttcumccia
Doze, V a addormentare
cucinare vivande —
Dress a
garden, coltivare un giar- Drudge, s. im garzonaccio.

dino.— Dress a Tine, potare

Drab, s. prostituta, specie di
tela Dresser, s. tavola di exteina Drudge, v. a. servire
Drabler, s. pìccola vela Dribble, v. cadere in goccie Drudgery, s. servigio servile
Drachm, a. dramma Drift, *. disegno, intreccio Drug, s droga, robaccia
Drag, s. uncino, ^i-a^o.— Drag- Drill, s. succhiello, un babbui Drugget, s. droghetto
net, s. tramaglio— Dra^, v.n. — v. a forare, bucare, im Druggist, s. droghiero
nare, stimolare Druid, s. un Druido
Draggle, i'. a. strascicare Drink, bevanda Drum, *. tamburo, tamburi-
Dragon, «. un. dragone. — Drink, 1). o. bere, —able, no. — Kettle-drum, s. tini
Dragon-wort, s. dragontea potabile
Dragoon, s. un draifone Drinker, *. bevitore Drum, v. n. battere il tam-
Drain, s. condotto, fogna,— Drip, t). n. gocciolare buro
- -.fognare, —et, s. colui Dripping, s, grasso. —
Drip- Drummer, «. tamburino
hefogna ping-pan, *. una gW.otta Drunkard, s. un imbriaco
Drive. V. a. condurre, gui- Drunken, a. ebrio, - ness. «
dare, spingere^ forzare. —
guar K> dano Drive at something, ritirare
Dram, s. drat a qualche cosa. Drive off. —
Dramatic, a. drammatico
Draper, s. pannaiuolo
Drapery, s. drapperia Dry shod, a. stxcn, a p'i secco
Draught, s. sorso, piano, —of a ""
writing, est tatto, copia Driver, * conduttore, guida br^-iy. ad. ùmilmente
Draughts, pi. il giuoco delle Drizzle, v. n spruzzolare Dry, va. seccare, inurridire
dame. —
Draughtboard, s. Drizzling rain, s. spruzza- Dryad, s. driade
glia Dual, a. duale
Draw, V. a. tirare, strascinare, Droll, s. un buffone Dub, V. a. fare, armare. -
allettare, adescare Draw — Droll, V. n. burlare, scherzare Dub a knight, armare un
on, persuadere —Draw nigh, Drollery, s. scherzo
Dromedary, s. dìomedario Dubious, a. dubbioso
der, separare, dividere. — Dubitation, s. dubbio
Draw together, radunare. Dronish, a indolente, — ^ness, Ducal, a. ducale, di duca
—Draw back, ribasso. — s. indolenza Ducat, s. ducato
Drawbridge, s. ponte leva- Droop, V. a. appassarsi,-^v. n. Duck, s. aHÌ<>a.-- Duck-weed,
toio. —
Drawer, s. tiratore. ^ .Jl'f^gers .

Drooping,*, litng: -ly, ad. Duck, ti. a. tuffare,— V. n. in-

pair of drawers, mute «de- languidamente
Drawing-room, s. < Drop, s. una goccia. Drop- — Ducker, *. palombare
mera, assemblea ping, s. gocciola.— Drop- Ducking, s. cala
Drawl out, t>. a. strascin wort, s. filipendula Duckling, s. unitroccolo
Dray, s. carro, slitta, - Drop, V. a. lasciar cascare, — Ductile, a. pieghevole, duttile
sgocciolar-. Ductility, s. duttilità
Dropsical, a. idropico Dudgeon, s. pugnale
Dropsy, s. idropisia Due, a. dovuto, requisito, c.-n-
Duel, s. duello [reitevolt
Drossy, a. pioto di scoria Duellist, *. un duellante
Drove, *. gregge, branco Duelling, * ducilo
Drover, s. conduttore di bes- Dueness, s. esattezza
Duet, s. un duetto
Di ought,*, seccherezza, aridità. Dug, *. tetta [ducale
Dreaming, a. lento, balordo, Duke, s. un duca, —dom, s. u«


ly, ad. lentamente i

Dulcify, V. a. addolcire
Dreary, spaventevole
a. Dulcimer, s. specie di salterio
Dull, a. ottuso, ingrossale,

Dreariness, s. orrore
Dreggy, s. feccioso Drowsily, ad. lentamente materiale, stupido, mesto,
— v.

Dregs, s. la feccia Drowse, v n. sonnacchiare tristo, pensieroso, a.

Drench, s beveraggio •
Drowsiness, s. sonnolenza, tra- stupidire, rendere insen-
Drench, v. a. abbeverare, bi sato, abbagliate, appan-
gnare, umettare nare. Dull— the hear=ng,
Dress, *. abito, vestilo, assordire
Bnlty, ttufidamente, glffi:- Dying, ». iinla,~-a. moribondo,
atl. Eastward, ad verso Furiente
languido Easy, a. facile, agevole, dolcCj
Dulness, *. stupidilà, balor- Dynasty, ». principato
ditgginc, pigrizia, negligenza Dysentery, ». dissenteria sociabile,' chiaro, naluraU.—
Duly, ad. doviilamente, esatta- Easy of belief, credulo
mangiare —Eat well,
Eat.'t). a.
Dmnb, muto Dumb trea-
a. —
tare, «. una bestia, un uccello,
ì.n. avere buon gusto. Eat —
— ly, ad. mutamente Eatable, a buone a mangiare
Dumbness, s. mìUolezza T7'ACFI,a. Sr Eatables, », pi. viveri, vivandi
pro. ciaschedune.
Dump, *. stupore, sorpresa Eater, », nmngiatore
Shimpish, a. tristo, afflitto, Eager, a. agry, ardente, vio- Eating-house, ». una bettola
— ^ness, *. stupidità, melan- lente, ly, —
ad. ardente- Eaves, ». gronda
Eaves-drop, v. n. ascoltare
©un, a. bruno oscuro. Dun- — ». agrezxa, asprezza, ardore, Ebb, ». il riflusso,— V. n. colare
fly, or Dun-bee, s. tafano Ebbing, ». rijlusso
Dun, s. un creditore importuno,

agle, ». un equità. — Eaglet, ». Ebonist, ». ebanista
t'. a. sollicitarc, premere Ebony, ». ebano, legno d'ebano,
Ear, ». —of corn,
l'orecchio, — tree, », ebano
una spiga. — Éar-ring, ». Ebriety, ». ubbriachezza
orecchino. — Ear-picker, », Ebullition, ». ebutlizione
stuxzicorecchi. — Ear- wig, ». Eccentric, a. eccentrico, —ity.
formicola fuscata
Dungeon, a. segreta, frigion Ear. V. n. spigare
Earl, ». un conte, —dom, *, una
'.riifjare. ingannar
Dupe.J Early, a. mattutino, tempei-
Duplicate, t'. a. radnppiare
Duplication, s. duplicazione
Durable, a. durabile, perma- Eclat, ». splendore, romore
nente, —ness, s. durabilità prwiuvera Eclipse, ». ecclissi,- -v. a. ecclis-
Durance, s. Earn, v. a. guadagnare sare, sparire, sormontare,
Dui.ition, s Earnest, a. diligente, attento, sopraffare
'.ran te. m ardente, premuroso. Ear- — — Ecliptic, ». ecclittica
nest entreaty, instanza. Eclogue, ». egloga
In good earnest, da dorerò. Economie, Economical, a.
— Earnest money, caparra,
— economie; frugale [jgalìtà
ad. ardentemente,
ly, dili- Economy, ». economia, fru-
gentemente, — ness, ardore. ».
Edacity, », ghiottoneria
Earth, », la <errj, — Earth- Eddy, », rijlusso d'acqua contra
quake, ». terremuoto. — Earth- la marea. — Eddy-wind, ».
Dust, V. a. coprire di polvere worm, ». lombricco — Potter's vento di rimando
Dustar, ». st^ ofmaccio earth, argilla Edge, ». taglio, filo, orlo, angolo.
Dastiness, s. polverio Earth, V. n. intanarsi — Edge-tool, strumento di »,
Dusty, a. polveroso Earthen, a. di terra. Earthen- — taglio. —To set on edge, aguz-
Dutch, *. Olandese ware, vescellame di terra
Dutchess, ». duchessa Earthen, v. a. coprir di ir-ra Edge, 7 i,fare V crlo,
Butchy, s. un ducato Earthly, a, terrestre . 'f'Iato
Dutiful, a. ubbidiente, smn- Earthy, a. mondano, grossolano Edgìng-lace, ». merletto stretto
metso, —
ly. ail. sommessa- Edible, a. boon a mangiare
mente, —ness, ». ubbidienza Edict, » edito, bando
Duty, ». dovere, funzione, dazio, Edification, ». edificazione
gabella Edifice, ». edifi^ro
Dwarf, f nano,
. nana. —Dwarf- Edify, v.a. edificare, fabbric
elder, ». ebbio, rbulo
I>well, I'. n. dimorare, abitare. EditioB, », edizione
— Dwell upon a thing, dila- i Editor, ». editore
tarsi sopra una cosa Ea.siness, »,/(jci7i7à Educate, v. a. educare, allevar»
Bweller, ». abitante East, ». il /ev/jii^e.— East- wind, Educating, or Education, »,
Dwelling-place, ». dimora ». levante, snffolano
Dwindle away, v. ». declinare, Eel, ». anguilla
acalere, venire in x>-ggiore
Elate, a. fiero, altiero. — trimente. — Elsewhere, at,
altrove, in altro luogo. —
Somewhere else, altrove
Efftci Elbow, ». gomito, — V. n. dar Elucidate, v. a. dilucidare
— ing, s. esecuzione nitate. — Elbow -cliair, ». Elucidation, ». spiegazione
Efifectivi ', a. editavo, effica< la d'appoggio — Elbow- Elucidator, ». spiegatore
fossetite, — ly, cd. ej/ittiv Elude, V. a. schivare, sfuggire
metile Elder, a- maggiore, maggior- Elusion, ». frande, inganni:
Effectless, a. inefficace "*
, —
of the church, un Elusorv, a. ingannevole
uno della chiesa, ship. — Elysian, a. eliseo
Elysian fields, i campi Eliti
Elders, ». pi. antenati. — Emaceratiou, ». emaciazione
Emaciate, v. a. dimagrare
Eldest brother, ». maggioi Emanation, ». emanazione
Elect, a. eletto, scelto, Emanative, a. emanato, pro-
— ly, ad. eleggere, scegliere, io! — ceduto, prodotto

elezione, scelta, ive, a. — Emancipate, v. a. emancipare

Ertervescence, Effervescenoy, Emancipa tion,».e»iU7i citazione
». ejfervescensi Emasculate, v. a. castrare.
Efficacious, a. efficace, ly, —
md. efficacemente, -ness. Emasculating, ». il castrare
Efficacy, ». efficacia, virtu elettorato
Efficience, ». virtii, injluenza Electrum, ». elettro, ambra Embarrassment, ». imbarazza
Efficient, a. efficiente Electrical, a. elettrico Embarrass, r. a. imbarazzare
Effigies, ». effigie, immagine Electricity, ». elettricità Embassador, ». ambasciatore
Efflor Electuary, elettuario Embassadress, ambasciatrice
''"% ».
Eleemosynary, a. caritatevole Embassy, ». ambasciata
?, Efflux, ». ejfu Elegance, ». eleganza, gius- Embellish, v. a. abbelire
Embers, ». pi. ceneri.— Kmher
Elegant, a. elegante, grazioso, weeks, le ijnattro tempora
Effrontery, » sfacciataggine — ly, ad. elegantemente Emblem, ». emblema
Effulgence, ». splendore Elegiac, a. elegiaco Emblem, r. a. sfigurare, rap-
Effusion, »..^,«,o«e Elegy, ». elegia presentare
Eft, ». stellio,ie Element, ». elemento, princi Emblematical, a. emblematico
Eftsoons, ad. spesso, subito pio, fondamento, — ary, a Emboss, v. a. intagliare
Egestion, ». egestione elementario Embolden, v. a. rendere ardito
Egg, ». UK uoro, —pi. uova.— Elephant, ». elefante Embrace. ». abbracciata, o. —
A new-laid egg, un uovo Elevate, v. a. elevare, esaltare
fresco [tare Elevation, ». elevazione
Egg on, V. a. stimolare, iitci- Elevatory, a. elevatorio
EgUntine,.. rosacanina Eleven, a. undici
Egregious, a. egregio, eccel- Eleventh, a. undecima [rante Embrio, ». embrione
lente, —
ly, ad. egregiamente
'^"- ». un folletto, spirito
- Emendation, ». emendazione
Egress, ». esito, uscita it, f. a. estrarre, tirare Emerald,». tmeraldo,tmerigli't
Ejaculation, ». fervente pre- Eligible, a. elegihite Emerge, v. n. uscire, ritirarsi
Emergency, ». emergenza
Ejaculation, ». grido, lamento Emergent, a. emergente
Ejaculatorv, a. ejaciilatorio Emery, ». smeriglio. To bur- —
Eject. V. a. gettare, buttare nish with emery, smerigliare
Ejection, ». emissione, evacua- Ellipsis, ». elisse Emetic, ». emetico [zione
Elliptical, Elliptic, a. elittico, Eminence, ». eminenza, eleva-
Eight, ». o«o.— Eighteen, ». defettuo- Eminent, a. eminente, famoso.
diVc/o/Zo.— Eighth, a. ottavo. Elm rElm
-Kighty, s. ottanta [ovvero Elocution, ». elocuzion
Either, a. ciascheduno, —conj. Elogium, Elogv, ». elogio Emissary, ». emissario, spia
Elongate, v. a. 'allontanare Emission, ». emissione
Eke, protrarre, prolungare
V. Elongation, ». allongazione Emit, t'. a. gettare, spicciare
Elaborate, a. elaborato, per- Elope, V. n. fuggire da un Emmet, ». una formica
fetto, —
ly, ad. con esattezza marito, -meM,s. il fuggire Emollient, a. mollijicativo,
Elacerate, v. a. lacerare da un manto lenitivo [pro fitte
E lance, v. a. lanciare Eloquence, eloquenza Emolument, ». emolumeutOf
Elapse, V. a. correr via Eloquent, a. eloquente, ly. —
Elastic, a. elastico, ity, ». — l>ale, T impalare^
elasticità Else, (i. altro, altra, conJ. al-
Ktnperor, 3. imperadore
Emphasis, *. enfasi
Emphatical, a. enfatico, — ly, dossare [arricchire libro. — Enter into bond, en-
ad. enfmticamente Endow, v.far la dote, dotare. trar mallevadore. Enter— .

Empire, ». imperio Endure, v. soffrire, sopportare upon a design, intrapren-

Empirical, a. empirico. Em- — Enemy, » nemico
piile, ». empirico Energica!, a. energico Enterprise, ». intrapresa, —
Emplaster, v. a. emplasirare Energy, ». energia V. a. intraprendere, er, —
Employ, ti. a. impiegare Enervate, v. a. snervare « intraprenditore, iiig, a. —
Enervating, Enervation, ». de- intraprendente
Empress, ». imperatrice bilitamento Entertain, v. a. ricevere, trat-
Emptiness, » votezza, inutililà Endure, v. soffrire, sopportare tare, regalare, ing, a. —
Eraption, ». compra Enfeof, v. incorporare al feudo, piacevole, —
ingly, ad. piace-
Empty, a. voto, aperto, vano volmente, —
ment, ». trattato,
Empty, V. a. volare Enflame, v. a. infiammare ricezione, festino, pasto
Empyreal, a. empireo Engage, v. a. impegnare, ob- Enthusiasm, ». entusiasmo
Emrods, ». emorroide bligare [bligo Enthusiast, ». entusiaste, — ^ic,
Emulate, v. a. emulare Engagement, ». impegno, ob-
Emulation, ». emulaziont Engender, v. a. generare Enthymem, ». entimema
Emulator, ». emulo Engine, ». ordegno, macchina, Entice, ». allettare, adescare,
Emulgent, a. emulgente tromba, artificio, astuzia — ment, ». adescamento, lu-
Emulous, a. gelato Engineer, ». ingegnere singa, — «r, t, incitatore,
Emulsion, ». emulsione English, a. Inglese istigatore
Emunctory, ». emuntorio Engrave, v. incidere, inta- Entire, a. intiero, indiviso, —
Enable, v. a. abilitare gliare, — er, ». incisore, inta- ly, adv. intieramente, com-
Enact, V. a. ordinare, decretare piutamente
Enamel, ». smalto, v. a — Engross, v. scrivere al netto. Entitle, V. a. intitolare
smaltare, — ler, ». smaltitore Entity, ». entità, ente
Enamour, v. a. innamorare er, ». chi copia al Entomb, v. seppellire
Enarration. ». narrazione cettatore di derrate, —ing, il Entrails, ». pi. le vìscere
Encamp, v. accamparsi, — copiar a netto, Cincétta di Entrance, ». entrata, principio
ment, ». accampamento derrate [laudare Entrap, ». acchiappare, ingatf
Enchant, v. incantare, ment. Enhance, — v. incarire, alzare.
Enigma, ». enimma, a. Entreat, ». supplicare, pre-
Enchase, v. incassare gare, — ty, ». preghiera, sup-
Encircle, v. circondare, in- Enjoy, v a. godere, possedere, plica [tiporlo
cherehiare — ment, ». godimento Entry, ». entrata, andito, an
Encomiast, ». panegirista Enlighten, v. illuminare, schia- Entwine, v. a- avvolgere
Encomium, ». elogio, lode Enucleate, ». a. spiegare
Encompass, v. a. circondare Enlist, t». assoldare, arrotare Envelope, ». inviluppare, in-
Encore, ad. ancora, un altra Enliven, v. a. animare
Enmity, ». iiiimicizia Envenom, ». a. avvelenare
Encounter, ». zufTa, scara- Ennoble, v. a- nobilitare, — nvious, a. invidioso, ly, —
ing, ». lo annobilire ad. invidiosamente, ness, » —
Encounter, j; a. combattere il Enodation, ». «7 tagliare nodi invidia, gelosia
Enormity, ». enormità
Encourage, v. a. incoraggiare
Encroach, v. usurpare una — ly. ad. enormemente
parie di qualche cosa poco Enough, ad. abbastanza, assai. Enumerate, ». a. enumerare
a poco, — er, ». usurpatore. —It is enough, basta Enumeration, ». enumerazione
Enrage, v.far arrabbiare Envoy, ». un inviato
End, s.fine, disegjio, evento nrich, r Envy, ». invidia, gelosìa, —
End, t a.fmiri, compire
. Ensaraple, ». eser delh
Endear, v. render caro, grito, Ensign, ». alfie Epnct, ». epatta
—merit, atto carezzevole
». marca, segno Ephemera, » febbre continua
Endeaiour, ». sforzo, v. n. — Ephemeri, ». effemeride
ingegnarsi, sforzarsi. — To Ephemerist, » giornalista
do one's endeavour, fare Epicene gender, ». il generi
ogni sforzo suo
Endecagon, ». endecagono Epic, a. epico, eroico
Ending, s fine, conclusione E))ics. poesia epica
Endive, ». indivia Epicure, ». «» epicuro
Endless, a. infinito, sema fine Epicurean, a. epicureo
Sadorse, v. indossare, porre il Epicurism, ». epicuristno
Epicurise, V. ». vivere Eradicate, v. a. sradicare Estivai, a. estivo, d'estate
Eradication, ». stirpamenio Estrude, ». pianura, piano, al-
Epicycle, *. epiciclo Evase, ti. a. raschiar via
Epidemical, Epidemic Erasement, Erasure, ». scan- Estrange, :

demic», universale cellatura

Epidemy, s. Fepidemia Ere, ad. prima citè, piit tosto
Epidermis, j. I'epidem <de 1. dirli Estuary, ». seno
Epigram, ». epigraimna , inalzare, Estuate, ». n. '., gorgo-
Epigraph, ». epigrafia gliare, gonfia,..
Epilepsy, s. epilessia Erector, ». erettore JLtch, ». a. scolpire con aequa
Epileptic, a. epilettico Erection, ». erezione, edifizio forte [qua for te
Epilogue ». epilogo Ermine, ». ermellino Etching, ». scolpitura con ac-
Epiphany, ». epifania Erode, v. a. rodere via Eternai, a. eterno, —
ly, ad.
Episcopacy, ». episcopato Erosion, ». erosione eternamente
Episcopal, a. episcopale. — Err, v. n. errare, deviare Eternity, ». eternità
Episcopalians, ». pi. epiaco Errand, ». messaggio
Episode, ». episodio [pa/i Errant, ». errante, vagabondo
Episodical, a. episodico Erreta, ». errori di stampa Ethnic, a. pagano
Erratic, a errante Etymological, a. etimologico"
Epistle dedicatory, dedica- Erroneous, ei ronco, falso, — ly, Etymologist, ». etimologista
zione [epistola Etymologize, ». n. trovart
Epistolary, a. epistolario, i" ,
Epitaph, ». epitaffio Eniditi( Etymology, ». etimologia
Epitlialamium, ». epitalamio Eruption, ». impetuosità Evacuate, ». a. evacuare,
Epithet, ». epiteto Escalade, v. a. scalare, salire purgare
Epitome. ». epitotne :ape, ». fuga, inganno, — EvacuaUon, evacuazione
Epitomize, v a. abbreviare n. scappare, fuggire, — Evade, v. n. scappare, fuggire
Epoch, ». epoca -. a. scampare, evitare Evangelical, a. evangelica
Epulation, » banchetto Eschew, v: a. evitare, schivare. Evangelist, ». evangelista
Equal, a. eguale, simile, - Evaporate, ». n. evaporare
V. a. agguagliare, corn Escort, ». scorta, convoglio, — Evaporation, ». evaporazione
tpimdere, —
ity, ». egualità "vasion ». fuga,, fuggUa,
— ize, V. a. agguagliare, - Esculent, a. alimento sotterfugio, rigiro
ly, ad. egualmente [meni Especial, a. speciale, singolare,

lucharist, ». l'eucaristia, —
Equanimity, ». tranquillità a ly, ad. specialmente ical, a.eucaristico
Equation, ». equazione Esplanade, ». spianata
Equator, ». equatiyre \[cipe Espousals, ». tpozalizio Even, a uguale, pari, simile
Equerry, ». scudiere d'un prin- Espouse, V. a. sposare. — Es- Even, or «'•— -' anche,'- —
an- .

Equestrian, a. equestre Z!.— liven on, ad. dritta-

Equiangular, a. equiangolare
Equidistant, a. equidistante
Equilateral, a. equilatero, che
Espy, ».
scorgere, vedere
a. spi .
——Even nov, ad
mente. Even so, ad. giusto
Even, »
or' ora
a. aggitagliare, ap-
ha i lati uguali [librio Esquire, ». scudiero, «hip, », pianare
Equilibrious, a. che è in equi- dignità di scudiere vening,Eveningtide,». lasem
Equinoctial, a. equinoziale Essay, ». saggio, ». a. tag- — venly, ad. egualmente, uni-
Equinox, ». equinozio Essi :
Equip, V. a. fornire, preparare, vent, ». evento, fine, riuscita,
— age, ». apparecchio, — senza, naiurl, —
ly, ad' _ veimess, ». egualità
ment, ». armamento nzialmente Eventilate, ». a. ventilare, dis-
Equipoise, ». equilibrio Essoin, scusa legitima. Es- —
Equipoise, v. a. equilibrare soin, ». a. scusare una per- Even'tilation, ». eventilazione
Equipollent, a. equipollente sona che non comparisce in Eventual, a. accidentale, —Ij,
Equiponderancy, ». egualità di ad. all' azzardo
Establish, ». a. stabilire, —
Ever, ad. sempre, tuttavia,
Equiponderant, a. d'ugual peso it, ». stabilimento

Equitable, a. equitabilc, ness, — Estate, ». stato, condizione, tempo in qua. Evergreen- —

». equità, —
ly, ad. con equità
Equity, ». equità, dritto 'Es\.eiim,s. stima,pregio, —». a. »e»-rfe.— Everlasting,a.«Jerao,
Equivalent, a. equivalente perpetuo, —
ly, ad. eterna-
Equivocai, a. equivoco, ly, — Estimable, a. estimabile melile, —ness, ». eternità
ad. equivocamente Estimate, ». stimazione, va- Jver-living, a. immortale
Equivocate, t;. a- equivocare apprezzare. E version, ». sconvolgimenta :

Equivocation, ». equivocazione. Evert,» a. sconvolgere

Eveiy, a. ogni, ciascheduno.-^
Kvery one, ognuno.— Krery Excellence, Excellency,
where, ad. da per tutto
Excellent, «. eccellente, — Executory, s. mandato t

ad. eccellentemente Exegetical, a. espnsitivo

Except, pr. eccetto, fuorché, Exemplar, *. esemplare,
— V. a. — Except
eccettuare. gola, —
ily, ad. esem
against, ricusare, — ion,
eccezione, esclusfotu. — ioi
Evidences, s. pi. carte, atti able, a. cosa alla iptale
Evidence, v. a proi-are può obbiettare, —ious, d a.
Evident, a. evidente, chiaro, Exemplify, V. a. esemplificare,
Except, a. scegliere, —
11. ioi provare con esempli
Evil, a. cattivo, malvangio, Exempt, a. esente, franco, v. a.
— J. male, le scrofole. Evil, —
or Evilly, od. malamente, Exenterate, v. a. sventrare
Exequies, s. esequie
Exercise, s. esercizio, fatien.
— ». a. esercitare, professare,
-ing, s. esercizio
Exercitation, ». esercizio, uso
Evitable, a. evitabile Exert, r. a. dimostrare, sco-
prire. —
Exert one's self, i'. r
Evolution, ». eroluzione sforzarsi
Evocation, *. invocazione Exniseable, a. che pag". la tassa Exertion, ». tperazione
Euphony, s. eufonia Excise, *. tassa, estorsione,— Exhalation, ». esalaziont
European, a. Europeano man, s. collettore delle tasse Exhale, v. a. esalare
EvuUion, I. svenimento Excision, t. rovina, amputa- Exhaust, ». a. consumare, vo-
-ing, s
Excitation, s. istigament Exhib mostra
a.fiirliare Exliibiting, Exhibition, «.
lare, - ento esihizinne, produzione
"' eiclam. Exhilarate, rallegrare
». a.
richiedere Exclamation, .. __ allegrezza

Exclamatory, a. che esclama Exhort, ». a. esortare, a(i<m- —

Exclude, ». a. escludere
Exclusion, ». esclusione [»«à
Exacuation, s. affilamento Exclusive, a. esclusivo, —ly Exigence, ». esigenza, neces-
Exacgerate. r. a. esage, Exigency, ». imbarazzo, esi-
—ion, s. esagerazione genza, espediente, citazione
Exa^itate, v. a tormen Exiguous, a. piccolo, sottile
—ion, s. tormento Exile, ». un esule, bandito,
Exalt, II. a. esaltare, alzare, esilio, sbandeggianunto, —
a magro, sottile, — ». /%
a. sublime, eccellente esiliare,sbandeggiare
Sxìnanition, ». annichilamenio
Exist, ». n. esistere, enee, ». —
Excruciation, ». tormento Exit, ». congedo, sortila
Exculpate, ». a. scolpare Exitial, a. destruttivo, nocivo
Excursion, ». scorreria, di- Exodus, ». Esodo
Exonerate, ». a scaricare
' Excusible, a. ibile Exorable, a. esorabile
Exciiie, ». », Exorbitancy. ». esorbitanza
e»eH/are.— Ex- Exorbitant, a. esorbitante, — Ij,
Ex.isperate, ». sable, ad. scusabile,

—ness, rbitantemente
perure,- —ioi scusabilità Exorcise, ». a. esorcizzare
""[ZVe ;rable, a. esecrabile Exorcism, ». esorcismo
Exorciser, ». esorcista
Execration, ». esecrazione Exordium, ». esordio
Exceed, ». a. eccedere, superare Execute, w a. eseguite Exomation, ». ornamento
Erceeding, a. eccessivo, enorme Execution, ». esecuzione, te- Exotic, a. straniere
Exceedingly, ad eecestivamenle 'ramento, mandato, er, — Expand, v. a. dilatare, spandere
Excel, ». a. eccedere, ». n. - --«'Jice — {guire Expanse, ». estensione, spazio
Executive power, potere d^est- Expansion, ». dilatazione
Expatiate, r. a. etlendersi Express, a. espresso, chia
Expect, V. a. aspettare, tpe- — ly, ad. espressamente. —
Express, s. staffeta. Extraordinarily, ad. straor-
ene, — ant, a. spettante, — Extraordinary, a. straordi-
rappre. nario [straordinarie
. espre, Extraordinaries, s. pi. spese
Expedient, a. espediente espressivo, Extraparochial, a. che non è
Expedient, a. espediente, meizo di nissuna parocchia
Expedite, a. pronto, facile Exprobate, r. a. rimproveri Extravagance, s. stravo-
Expedite, v. a. spacciare Exprobation, s. rimprovero ganz
Expedition, *. espedizione Expugnation, s. espugnazio Extravagant, a. stravag lte.
Expeditious, a. speditivo, —
ExpuFsion, s espulsione ly, ad. stravagantemente
— ad. speditamente
ly, Expulsive, a. espulsivo Extravagate, v. n. vaneggiare
Expel, ti. a. scacciare, espellere Expunge, r. a, scancellare, Extravasate, v. n. stravasarsi
Expelling, s. espulsione Extreme, a. estremo, —
s. es-
Expense, s. spesa, costo Expurgatory, a. purgativo tremo, estremità, — ly, ad.
Expend, ti. a. spendere Exquisite, a. squisito, raro,
Expensive, a. dispendioso, — ly, ad. squisitamente, —
spendereccio, prodigo Extricate, v. a. sviluppare
Experience, ». sperienza, — Exsiccate, v. a. seccare Extrinsical, a. estrinseco, —
f. a. esperimentare Exsiccation, s. secchezza ly, ad. estrinsecamente
Experiment, s. esperimento Extant, a. che esiste Extrusion, s. espulsione
Experiment, v. a. sperimer, Extasy, s. estasi, trasporto, Extuberance, s. tumore,enJiat»
elevazione dell' anima Exuberance,», soprahliondanza
— ly, ad. esperimentatmenti Extatic, a estatico Exuberant, a. abbondante
Extemporary, a. improvviso Exulcerate, i;. o esulcerare
Expert, a. esperto, abile, - Extempore verses, versi im- Exulceration, ». esulcerazione
— ly, ad. espertamente, - Exult, V. a. esultare
ness, *. destrezza Exultation, ». esultazione,
Expiate, V. a espiare, riparar allegrezza
Expiation, *. espiasi Exsuperable, a. superabile
spirazione, Exundation, ». inondazione
Eye, ». un occhio, —of a nee-
,_.nnire, dle, il foro dell' ago.— 'Eyes,
». pi. gli occhi, la vista, —
Expl : spiegare, —er. spectacles, occhiali. —Eye-
Explanation, s. spiegazione -EyeV
ciglia. — Eyelids, ». ;;/. le
Exjilicable, a. esplicabile palpebre.— Èyeleeth, ». pi.
Explicate, v a. spiegare, — i denti occhiati. — Eyesalve,
or, *. spositore, ion, s. — External, a. esterno, esterior ». collirio [guardare
spiegazione •ly, ad. esteriormente Eye one, v, a. occhieggiare.,
Explicit, a. espresso, chiaro, Extinct, a. estinte, morto, - Eye-glass, ». occhiali
— ly, ad. espre.itame/ite, — Eyre, ». corte di giudici am., *. chiarezza Extinguish, V. a. estinguer bulanti [rapina
Explode, f. a. condannare redimere, —able, a. che

Eyry, ». nido d'uccella di.
Exploit, s azione, fatto può estinguere, er,
spegnitoio, — mcnt, ». estin-
zione, ammortamento
Extirpate, v. a. estirpare,
Explosion. ». Ktrepito di ta
di fucile. Sfc. xtirpating. Extirpation, pABLE, ». favola, —v. j..
Export, V. a. trasportare
T favoleggiare, -er, ».
ation, s. trasporto Extirpator, s. estirpatore fabulista
Fabricate, v. a. fabbricare
Extortion, s. estorsione, —er, Fabrication, ».^cWr,cu2/«ne
— sitor, s. inierprtte Fabric, s. fabbrica, edifizio
Expostulate, v. a. Jf; Extorsive, a. ingiusto Fsibuììst, s. fabulista

Extort, V. a. strappare Fabulous, a. favoloso, —

Extract, j. estratto, ~~v. a.

Faee, ». faccia, viso, appo-

za, il fuori. -AVry ti^
Face, V. a. guardar uel vUo, Farinaceous, a. farinoso
far — Fase about,
— Face a card,
voltarsi. vol- Farmer, ». fattore
tare una carta. — Feice out a Falcon, s. falcone Farness, ». distanza
lie, matitenere una bugia Falconer, s falconiere Farrago, s. farrag:Hne
FaceUous, a. faceto, —\y, ad. Falconet, s. falconetto Farrier, ». maniscalco
facetamente, —ness, *. fa- " 11, V. n. cadere,— Farrow, ». un porchetta
cezia [.fabile ;heaper) v. a. catari Farrow, ». n. figliare, (par-
Facile, a. facile, credulo, af- Fall, s. cascata
Facilitate, v. a ficilitare Falling away, s. cascai Farther, ad. più lontano
Facilitation, 3. il facilitar Fallacious, a. fallace, ly, — Farther, ». a. incamminare.
Facility, s. facilità ad. fallacemente, —ness, t.
Facing, f facciata falsità, fallacia
Facinorous, a. facinoroso Fallacy, s. inganno Farthest, ad. il piit distante,
Fact. s. fatto, azione Fallibdity, s. fallibilità —at farthest, ad. al più
Factious, a fazioso, —
ness, *. FMible, a. fallibile Farthing, ». fardino
spirito fazioso Fallow ground, t. maggese Farthingale, ». guard" infante
Factitious, a. /aHizio "-•se, a. falso, —hood, s. fal- Fascinate, » a. ammaliare
Factor, *. fattore, agente, la,— —
ly, ad. falsamente, - Fascination. ». fascinazione
ship, s. fattora ess, ». perfidia, ^ifìcation, — Fascine, s. fascina
Factory, *. reiidenxa del falsificaiMne Fashion, ». modo, guisa, —
fattore, manifattura Falsifier, s.falsjieatore ». a. formare, —able, o. a/f
Factotum, *. uno che fu tulle Faislfy,v. a. faliifieare usan3a, alla moda
le faccende Falsity, ». faUità

Fast, V. n. digiunare, ». — rfi-
Faculty, *. facoltà, forza, Falter, v. n esitare, ingly, giuno, -a. fermo, st retto
licenza, privilegio con esitazione Fasten, » a. attaccare
Faddle, v. a. vezzeggia) Fame, s. fama Faster, ad. piit presto, — ».
Famed, a. famoso digiunatore
Fade, or Fade away, v. r Familiar, a. famigliare, — ». Fastidious, a. fastidioso
amico intimo. — Familiar Fasting, a. digiuno
Fadge, v. n. spirit, ». un folletto, — ity, ». Fastness, ». fermezza
Fag-end, la testa d'una pezza familiarità [zart Fat, ». grasso, grassume, —a.
Familiarize, ». a. familìariz-
Fagot, e. fastello, feudo di Farailiarize one's self, ». r. Fatai, a'. fatale,—ity, ». fata-
familiarizzarti. Familiar- — lità, — ly,ad. fatalmente
Fagot one, v. a. legare le mani ly, ad. familiarmente Fate, s. destin
e i piedi ad uno Family, s. famiglia Father, «
Fai!, s. fallo, errore Father-ir. _ ,.
Fail, V. a. fallire, trasgredì Famish, ». a. affamare Father, ». a. addottare,
Fall one, v. a. mancare Famous, a. famoso, — ly, ad. less, a. senza padre, ly, a —
parola ad uno con fama paterno, —
ad da padre
Failing, *. fallo, difetto Fan, ventaglio,
». t. (for — Fathom, ». braccio, scanla
Failure, s. mancanza grain), vaglio, ». a. — glio, —
». a. scandagliare, -
Fain, a obbligato, costretto gliare del grano less, a. impenetrabile
Pain, ad. volentieri Fanatic, Fanatical, a. sjpiri- FatìdicfH, a. fatidico [iicar
Faint, o. languido, debole iato, fanatico Fatigue, ». fatica, —v a. fa
Faint-hearted, a. timido, Fanaticism, s. fanatismo Fatness, ». grassezza
ly,ad. vilmente, —ness, Fanciful, a. capriccioso, —m Fatten, » a. ingrassare, -
timidità ». n. ingrassarsi, —ing, i
Faint, V n. svenire, divenir Fancy, » fantasia
languido, —
ing, s. sveni- Fancy, ». n. immaginarsi
mento, —
ly, ad. languida- Falle, ». tempio
mente, lentamente, —
^ness, ». Fang, ». artiglio
debolezza [candido Fantasticai, a. fantastico,
Fair, a bello, biondo, sincero. ly, ad. fantasticamente, — ». mancanza, — less, a. senza
Fair, s. fiera ness, ». bizzaria
Fairing", s. dona/ivo di fiera Fantasy, » fantasia Faulty, a. colpevole
Fairly, ad. onestamente Far, ad. lontano Favour, favorir-,
». a.
». —
Farce, ». una farsa favore, —(knot of ribbons)
Fairy, s. fata Farcy, ». lepra de' cavalli
Faith, s. fede, credenza. — Fardel, s. fardello Favourable, <i. favorevole,
Faithful, a fedele, — ly, Fare, ». cera, vettura, —v. — ly, ad. favorevolmente.
ad. fedelmente, ness, — *, andare, vivere
fedeltà Farewell, ad. addio Favourite, »./uicr:<0
y^wn, s. «n daino giovctne, — Fibre, y. f.bra, fbronc, -ous,
V. a.piaggiare a. fibrosii
Fawningly, ad. servilmenie Fickle, a. mobile, instabile.
Fealty, « femllà, fedeltà
Fear, s, timore, paura. Fen, palude, pantane
.! Fiction, t.fizìone
Fence, s. chiusura, riparo, — ^ ''''"'°"'' "•
trepido fi,li^,fitti'zìoso
Fearful, P""' -ly, ad. —Fencing-school, scuola di Fiddle, s.violino, —v a. suo-
scherma. — Fencing- master. nare il violino
Fiddle-faddle, v. n. frai'
Feasibilitv, s. possibilità Fend, v. n. parare, sfuggire
Feasible, a. fattibile Fender, *. arnese di ferro per Fiddje-faddle, inierj.
Feast, s, banchetto, — v. a. Fiddling, a. frivolo

festeggiare, regalare, ban- Fennel, s. finocchio Fidelity, s. fedeltà

chettare Fenny, a. paludoso Fidge, V. a. dimenarsi
Peastful, a. festoso, allegro Fenugreek, s. fiengreco Field, s. campo
Feat, s. azione, fatto Feodal, a. feudale Fiend, s. furia, demone
Feather, s. piuma, penna. — Feoir, V a. incorporare al feudo Fierce, a. feroce, ly, ad.fie —
Feather-bed,*, letto di piuma Ferine, a. feroce ramente, —
ness, s. ferocità
Feature, s. ftUtezxa Flerity, s. ferocità Fiery, a. igneo, di fuoco, via-
Febrifuge, s. febbrifugo Ferment, v. a. fermentare — lente, ardente
Tebrìle, a. febrile Ferment, *. fermento, — Fife, s. piffero
February, *. Febraio ation, s. fermentazione Fifteen,V quindici
Feculence, s. feccia Fem, «. felce, sorla di pianta Fifth, a. quinto
Feculent, a feccioso Ferocity, s. ferocità Fifty, a. cinquanta
Fecund, a. fecondo, — ity, *. Ferreous, a. ferruginoso Fig, s. Jì co—
Fig-tree, s.
feconéUà Ferret, s furetto Fight, t;. ,1. combàttere, —s.
Fee, s. mercede, ìnancia Ferret about, v. a. ricercare
Fee, V. a. vgnere le matti. Ferret, (tease) v. a tormentare
Ferruginous, a.ferniginoso Figurative, a. figurativo, —ly,
Feeble, a. debole, fievole,— FeiTy, s. passaggio.— Ferry- ad. figurativamente
ness, s. debolezza, ly, ad. — boat, s. barca, una scafa Figure, s figura, -v. n. fi.
debolmente Feniìe, a. fertile
Feed, v. a. nutrire, pascere Fertilate, v. a. fertilizzare Filaments, s. fibre
Feed, s. pascolo Fertileness, or Fertility, ». Filbert, s. avellana, —tree, 1.
fertilità ^
FeeI, V. a. sentire, tastare Fertilize, v. a. fecondare Filch, V. a.
Feeling, s. tatto, sensibilità, Fervency, s. .fervore, zelo .fare, —ing, mariolare,
-\y,c Fervent, a. fervente, —ly, ad. 'ile, s. una fila, lima, — v a.
Feign . .fingere, —edly. limare.— Filer, s. limatore
Fervid, a. ardente, —ness, 3. Fi! -al, a. filiale, di figlio
.fervore, zelo Filings, s. filatura
FlnrìUtiV.'Tfelieitare Femia, a. sferza, ferza "^"1, V. a. riempire, empire,
Felicity, s. felicità '

Fell, a crudele, —s. pelle Fesc°'^'''' Fillet, *. henda~ — of veal,

pelliccia, ~v. a. abbattere Fester, v. a. imimstemire "faci
— ing, s. abbattimento Festival, a. festivo, —s. festa, Fillip,
Fellmonger, s. pellicciaio festività [allegrezza
Felloe, ». quarta d'una ruota Festive, a. allegro, ity, *. —
pa,..,,^^,o Festoon, s. festone
Fellow, j. uguale. mciato. Fetch, i). a. andare a cercare,
—A y fellov
Fetid,; a. fetido, "puzzolente, —
assortir', —feeling, Fetters, s. pi. catene, schiavitù
inter ìse, profitto, —ship, t. Fetter, v. a. inceppare
Feud, ». rissa, uggia
Felo de se, s. suicidio
Felon, s. fellone
Fever, s. febbre. —
a. che ha febbre, febbricitante
Felonious, a. fellonesco Few, a. poco, pi. pochi, —
er, a.
Fe\ony,s. fellonia mene [far fuoco
Felt, s. cimatura, born Fewel, s. tutto ciò che serve a
Felt-maker, «. cappellai Fib, s. menzogna, —ti. n.
Felucca, ». una feluca — ber, s. bugiardo
Flagrant, ». notorio Flippant, a. svegliato
F.lail, s correggiato
Flirt, v. n. beffeggiare, s.
Find, t). a. trovare
Flake, ». «»« icin'MUu — beffa subitanea. —

Fine, o fino, bello, ». am- — hussy) sfacciatella

menda, —
V. a. condannari Flake, v. n. spelarsi Flit, V. a.cangiar di luog»
Flitch, ». eo-slerecci» di porco
all' ammenda, raffinare, — F'am, ». menzogna,favola
— Flam, V. a- mentire Flittermouse, ». pipistrello
ly, ad. bene, riccamente,
Flambeau, ». fiaccola Float, V. a. ondeggiare, gal
liess, t. finezza, bellezza
Flame, ». fiamma, ~v. leggiare
Flock, ». gregge, mandra, —
of people, calca, folla. —
Finger. ».^ dito, dita, —v. a. Flock bed, ». tetto di borra
maneggiare, toccare cheggiare
Yìannel,s.fianella Flock together, v. n. affollarsi
Finical, a. ritroso, affettato.
Flap, ». percossa, botta Flog. V. a. frustare
Flood, ». riflusso, inondazione
Finish, 'v. a. finire, —er, ». Flare, v. n. far barlume
Flash, V. a. scintillare,
- Floor, » tavolato. Floor, —
finitorel story, piano.— Floor, i'. a.
Fir, ». abete, abeto lightning, » lampo, balen.

Fire, ». fuoco. Firelock, ». Flashy, a. subitaneo, insipio
Flask. ».Jìo»eo
Florid, a. fiorito, —ness, ». il
uno schioppo.— Fheshìp, ».

vn brulotto. — Firearm, Flasket, ». canestro, cesto Florist, s. fiorista

arme da fuoco — Firework,

Fiat, piatto, spianetto. Flounce, v. a. tuffarsi, — ».

fuoco artifiziale
Flat-nosed. camuso. — ina. — Flounce about,
ad. scir sbuffare di sdegno

Fire, V. a infuocare.-Vire,
shoot, tirare, sparare. — Flounder, ». pesce passera
Flourish, V. Ji. fiorire, [em- —
Firing, ». legna, carbone da Flats, (at sea) secche
Flatten, v. a. appianare broider) ricamare, ery, *. —
Flatter, v. a. lusingare
Thm, a. firmo, àuro
». lusingatore, y, — lu- Flout, ». 6«r/a, buia, r. a. —
Firmament, s. firmamento burlare, scherzare [scorrere
Firmness, s.firmezza Flow, ». flusso, —V. n colare.
Flattish, a. insipido
First, a. pmmiero, —-ling, ».
Flatulency, ». ventosità, qua- Flower, ». fiore. Flower, —
lità ventosa meal, ». farina
Fish, ». pesce, —V. a. pescare.
Flower, v. a. fiorire, —(em-
^Fish-bone, ». spina di Flatulent, a. ^a<HO»o
Flaunting, a. ario»o broider) ornare di fiori, o di
cAena.— Fisherman,
». ges- " sapore gustoso ricamo.— Flowerpot, ». testa
catore. -=- Fishing,
». pes-
». pes-

ifetto, —V. a. violare

cheria. —
Fish-woman, », FÌax,'». lino lowiiìgly, ad.
Fluctuate, v. n. fluttuare
Flav, V. a. scorticare
Fishy, a. pieno di pesd

Fleà, ». pulce, v. a. scorticare Fluctuation, ». agitazione
Fleck, li. a. macchiare Flue, ». piccole piume
Fisk, ». j;»co, tesoro
Fledged, a. piumato Fluency, ». eloquenza
Fissure, s.fissura
Fluent, a. colante, eloquente
Fist, ». pugno Flee, V. n. sfuggire
Fleece, ». tosone, vello, —v. a. Fluid, a. fluido, liquido, itj —
Fistula, s. fistula
fondere alcuno s. fluidità
Fisty-cufFs, ilJar alle pugna
Fit, ». un accesso, a. idoneo, — Fleer, v. n. beffeggiare. — Flummery, ». avena cotta
Fleer, ». viso arcigno Flurry, ». disordine
—ness, Fleet, ». flotta, —a. ijeloee. Flush, v. a. arrossire, —a,
ly, ad. attamente, ».
gonfio, —at cards, Jiu»»o
Flushing, ». rossore
Fitting, J. decente, ragione-
Fluster, v. a. sconcertare

Flute, ». flauto. German —
f\ale,flauto Tedesco
Flut., _
Vix,'v. a fissare, affissare
Flutter, V. n. di»« tarli.
Fixedness, ». applicazione
Flex.„.., dimenamento
Flabby, a. moscie
Flight, fuga, —of birds, F\ux, s flusso, dissenteria
Flaccid, a. vizzo, frollo
Flag, t. a. sgomentarsi, av- sto) mo
d'uccelli Flux one, ti. a. dare il flusso A
Aocca ad uno
vilirsi, ». —
bandiera, ««• FWs^hiy, a. rapide, veloce
Fluxion, s. flussione
Fliìnsy, a. moscio
Flinch, r. a. tralasciare, — ei Fly, V. n fuggire, volare,—
Flagelet, s. zufolo
» tergiversatore mosca. — Spanish fly,
Flagellate, v. a. flagellare
Fla{,ntious, a. sciagurato Fling, V. a. gei/are, lanciare
- creila. — Fly-flap, ».

Flagon, ». un fiasco Flint, ». selice, selce. — Flint iam osche [posta

vetro di rocca ;-coach, ». carrozza di
Flagrane •, s.fia^ranz'a glass, ».
Foal, *. puledro, —v. a. fglia . forzare, — ible, a. po- Fornicator, t. fornicatore
tente Forsake, v a. lasciare, —ing,
Ford, s. un guai *.abbandonameato
guadare, passare Forsooth, ad. da vero
Forswear, v. a. spergiurare,
—<r, s. spergiuro, —Ing, ».
Foe, *. iiiimice, neviico Forthwith, ad. incontinente
Kceces, FEEces, s. feccia Fortification, *. fortificazione
Foetus, Foetus, s. il feto Vortify. v.a. fortificare
Fog, s. nehhia Fortitude, s. fortitudine
Foffsy, «- nebhioio Forecastle, . o di i

Foible, s. debolezza Fortress, s. fortezza

Foil, V. a. vincere,— t. .fioretto, Foreclose, v. a. escludere Fortuitous, a. fortuito, —U, ad.
— (set off) s. ornamerUo Forefathers, s. antenati
Foist; a.fcUifica Forego, v. a. cedere Fortunate, a. fortunato, ly, —
Foisty, I Forego, «. fronte ad. fortunatamente
Fold, ». sheep,
piega, —for Foreguess, v. a indovinare Fortune, *./or<u)in.— Fortune-


KiiuviU;—v. piegare a. Foreign, a. forettiere, er, .

Fold sheep, condurre le pecm Forty, a. quaranta [fortuna

ueir ovile Forejudge, v n. giudicar avan Forward, a. libero, avanzato,
Foliage, s. fogliame Foreknow, j>. a. sapere innanz —V. a. affrettare, ajutare,
'Foìio,s. un libro in foglio —ledge, s. prescienza promovere
Folks, s. gente, popolo Foreman of a shop, s. capo di oiward, ad. avanti, — ly, ad.
Follow, seguire, succeder.
t. a. avidamente, — ness, s. pre
— er, 3. seguace, aderente Foremost, a. primiero Fosse, t. fosso [mura
ToUy.s. pazzia, follia Fossile, s. fossile
Foment, v. a. fomentare, - Foster, v. a. allevare.— Fostrx-
Foresight, s. antivedimento father, t. balio
Foreskin, *. prepuzio Foul, a. sporco, sucido, v. a. —
Fond, a. appassionato Forest, s. foresta, bosco sporcare, -ness, s. sporcizia
gente, benigno, folle,! Forestali, v. a. pregustare, as Found, ii.'a. fo/irfure, —^cast),
Fondle, t'. a. vezzeggi saggiare fondere, gettare
Forester, s. forestiero Foundation, s. fondamento
Foreteeth, s. denti d'avanti Founder, s. fonditore, of a —
Foretell, v. a. predire beli, s.fonditor di campana
Forethought, s. prevedimente Founder, r. «. attrarre. —
Forewarn, v. a. arertite Founder of a ship, affondare.
Food, s. cibo, vivanda Forfeit, s. ammenda, }iena, — — Founding, s. fondazione
(in a bargain) disdetta, —v.a. Foundling, s. fanciullo esposto
Foolhardy, a. temerario perdere per sequestrazione, — Fount, s. fonte
Foolish, a. semplice, ness, — j. i,s. fontana
seynplicitù Forge, *. fucina, ferriera. - Four, a. yua//ro.— Fourscore,
Foot, s. un piede, infanteria. Forge, r. a. battere ferro, ita Fourteen,— a.
—Foot V. a. andare a altro metallo, macchinari lei. - Fourth, a.

— Footman,
Football, s.
baitene. inventare, —ry, t. falsifica
j. staffiere. i

— Foot-pace, ad. pian piano, I volpe, volpo,

— Footpad, un s. ladro a Fraction, s. frai
piedi Footpath, s. viale,
via — Foo^ soldier, s. soldato
a piede. — footstep, s. pedata.
Fork, s forca, —ed, a. forcato
Forlorn, a. abbandonato
ri fragile, -ity, i.
Form, s.f.rma,-v. Fragment, frammento
a. s.
Foppery, s. schiocchezza Formai, a. formale, ity, s. Fragrant, a. fragrante
Foiniish, a. attillato, affettate Frali, a. frate, fragile— Fr^n
For, prep, per, e. pcTchè — basket, una sporta.— FtailU,
Forage, «. foraggio. — v. n. Formerly, ad. altre volte s.fralczza
Formidable, a. .formidabile Frame, v. a. formare, inven-
Formosi ty, s.fòrmositl tare,— s. forma,.fìgura,—<ii a
Formulary, s. formolo, for picture, quadro, cortiice
Franchise, s. franchigia, —
?runk, a. franco, schietto,— '

Frightful, <i- sfaventevole,—\j, Fuliginous, a. fuligginoso

ad. spaventevohnente Full, a. pieno, —
nesS, ». alibo»
Frigid, a. fiigido, freddo, —
— —
ity, ». frigidità, ly, ad. Full fare, ». viso pienotto
Frankincense, incenso ». freddamente Full, ». a. sodare, —
er, follone
Frantic, a. matto, feroce Fringe, frangia, —
». v. a. Fuller's earth, ». creta. Ful- —
Franticness.a. maltezza furiosa guarnire di frangia ling, ». gualchiera usala nel
Fraternal, a. fraterno Frippery, ». vecchiame
Fraternity, s. fraternità FrLsk, a. vivace, ». n. — saltel- Fully, ad. pienamente
Fratricitle, s. fratricidio lare Fulminate, ». a. fulminare
Fraud, s.fraude Frith, ». braccio di mare Fulmination, s. fulminazione
Fraudulent, a. fraudolente, — Fritter, s. fritella,—v. a. dissi- Fulsome, a. stomachevole, —
ly, ad. fraudoientemente pare, consumare ness, s. fastidio
Fray, s. combattimentu, ». n.— Frivolous, a. frivolo Fumble, ». a. malmenare
Frizzle, ». a. arricciare Fumbler, ». un bietolone, unQ
Freak, ghiribizzo, —idi, a. Fro (to and fro) , ad. qua e là scempiato
Frock, » vestimento aiC Inglese Fume, ». fumo, esalazione, —
Freckle, ». lentiggine Frog, ». ranocchia ire.— Fura up»
Free. a. libero, franco.—Free- Frolic, ». ghiì-ibizzo, some, —
dom, s. libertà. Freehold, — a ghiribizzoso Ite, ». a. f,.
». franco /eudo.— Freecost, a. From, prep, da, dal, dallo fumigazio
spesalo. — Freely, ad. libera- Front, ». fronte, facciata, of ——
mente. — Freeman, ». bor- a building, frontispizio,
ghesCT—Yree^tone, ». pietra V. a. frontei^giare
«itjo.— Freethinker, ». un
libertina. — Freewill, libero Frontispiece, ». frontispìzio Fund, s. fondo, banco, monte
arbitrio Frontless, a. sfacciato Fundament, ». fondamenti
Freeze, ». n. agghiacciare Frontlet, » frontale —al, a. fondamentale
Freight, ». salma, nolo Frost, ». gelata
Freight, ». a. noleggiare una Frosty, a. agghiacciato funebre
Froth, ». spuma, ». n. spu- — Fungous, a. fungoso
French, a. Francese.— French-

mare. — Frothy, ». a. spumoso Fungus, »./un^o
Funk, ». rancio, —v.
bezms, ». pi. fagittoH. Frouzy, a. mucido, fetido a. fumai
Frenchified, a. infranciosato Froward, a. ritroso, — ly, ad. Funnel, ». imbuto
Frenzy, s. frenesia a r rogantetnente Fur, ». pelticia, pelle
Frequency, frequenza». Frown, c.>;^/;<,,-». n. in-
». Fur, foderate con pelle
». a.
Frequent,' a. frequente,—v. a crespar la fronte. Frown — Furbe\ovf,s. falbalà
frequentare, -ly, ad. fre- upon one, guatar uno bieca- Furbish, ». a. forìtire, pulin
Frozen, a. agghiacciato Furious, a. furioso, — ly, at
F;ructiferous, a. fruttifero /«'^--
Fructify,», a. fruttare Furi, ». a. a
Frugai, a. frugale, ity, — fru-
». gare le vele
galità, — !y, ad. frugalmente Furlong, » stadio
Fret, ». st collera, —of Fruit, ». frutto, —erer, frut-
». Furlough, ». «renra [lati

liquor, ». agitazione,

». a. — Furmenty, ». cibo difromento

corrucciare, - -fui, a. stizzoso, Fruitful, a. feitile, —ness, ». Furnace,
cruccioso Furnish. ». re.—Far-


Friable, a. stntolnbile Fruitless, a. vano, inutile, ly, nish a house, addobbiare i

Friar, ». un frate, monaco. — ad inutilmente

Friary, ». confraternità Frustrate, ». a. deludere, ion, — Furniture, ». fornimento,
Fribble, ». damerino ». delusione of a house, mollili
Fricassee, s. fricassea Fry, ». pesciolino, fregole, — Furrier, ». pellicciaio
Friction, ». fregamento, frego ». a. friggere.— Frjmgpan, Furrow, ». solco, gorello
Friday, ». Venerdì ». una padella Further, ad. piii lontano^
Friend, ». amico. «. a. favo- — Fub, ». a mandar in lunga ». a. giovare
— — less, a- senza amici, Fuddle, ». a. imbriacare I. furtiv ad.
ly, a. amichevole, ship, ». — Fuddling bout, ». imòriacatura furtivinncuie
Fugitive, a fugitivo furia, rabbia, impelo.
•"ury, ».
Frieze, fregio, fregiata. Fulfil, ». a. adempire
Fulgency, s. fulgidezza Furze,», spezie di ginestra
Frigate, ». una fregata Fulgent, a- rifulgente, ri- Fuse, ». a. fondere,
ion, — ».
Fright, ». spauracchio, terrore • e [d'orinolo

paura, en, ». a. spaventar! Fulgor, ». lampo, fulgori s. schioppetto, roccUello
Fn:ible, a. tttto a fonderti Gallipot, s. alberello Gate, ». porta, andatura
Fusilier, s. fuciliere Galloti, ». trina, gallone Gather, v. a. cogliere, v. n —
Fuss, a. strepilo, romore Gallop, V. n. galoppare, • —
radunarsi, er, ». ricoglitort,
Fustian, s. sorta di pannc^ galoppo —ing, a. collezione
(bombast), ampollosità, gon- Galloway, ». piccolo cavallo Gaudily, ad. fastosamente
Gallows, ». la forca, patibolo Gaudiness, s. fasto
Fustian, a. ampolloso Gambler, ». un briccone Gaudy, a. sfoggiato
Fustiness, i. muciJezza Gambol, V. n. saltellare, — Gauge, v. scandagliare
Fusty, a. mucido, mufatto saltello Gauntlet, ». guanto di combat'
Futiie, a. leggiero, — it; Game, ». giuoco, trastullo,-
fatiità, loquacità (hunting) caccia, cacciagion. ,
Future, a. futuro, — ity. —V. n. giuocare. (romp) —
scherzare. — Game-keeper,
Fuzz, V. n sfilarsi, sfilacciarsi capocaccia. — Gamesome, Gauze, ». tocca, drappo di seta
Fy, iiiterj. oibb Fy upon it, a. giocondo. — Gamester, ». Gay, a. gaio, festoso,—ìa dress,
dek vergognatevi bisca2ziert. — Gaming-house, attillato
Gayness, ». gioia
Gammon, ». presciuto Gaze at, v. n. guaidar fista-
Gamut, ». solfa
Ganch, v. a. impallare Gazette, ». gazzetta, ~er, a.
CJander, maschio dell' oca
». il
r^ABARDINE, s. j,alan- Gang, ». banda, frotta
Gangrene, ». cancrena, v. n —
Gabbie, i. cicalamento, —v. n. incangrenarsi ing.
Gantlet, ». bacchetto, castigi
Gabion, gabbione
s. militare, guanto diferro_ Gem, ». una gemma, — (in
Gad, M. vagabondare, vagare,
71. Gaol, ». carcere, prigione, ^—er plants) germoglio
—ding. vagamento,
s. der, — Gemini, pi gemini
s. vagabondo. Gadfly, s. un — Gender, ». genere
Genealogical, a. genealogico
3afFer, s. compare male Genealogist, ». genealogista
Gaff-, ». uncino arb, ». vestimento Genealogy, » genealogia
Gag, V. a. mettere la sbarra in Garbage, ». le interiora d" un General, a. generale, ». un —
bocca ad uno, s. sbarra — generale, un capo, ity, ».
Gage, s pegno, sicurtà, scan- Garble, ». a. vagliare, — la maggior parte, — ly; ad.
daglio. —
Gage, i'. a scan- (choose) scegliere generalmente, — ship, i. ge-
datrliare una boti^. — er. a. Garbles, ». pi. mondiglie eralato
e, — ing; Garden. ». giardino, er, — », Generate, i gener
Gaggie, gridare e (liniere, ortolano, — ing,
Gaiety, *. allegria „ e, V. a. gargarizzar: Generical, a. generico
Gaily, ad. allegramente Garland, ». ghirlanda Generosity, » generosità
Gain, V. a. guadagnare, s. Garlic, * aglio Generous, a. generoso
guadagno, —
er, s. guada- Garment, ». vestimento Genet, ». giannetlo
guatare, —*ul, a. profittevole Gamer, ». granaio Genial, a. naturale, gioioso,
Gainsay, v. a. contraddire Gamet, ». granato festoso
Gait, «. portamento, passo " ""b, ». ^«rmre Genitals, ». pi. testicoli
Gale, s. vento fresco niture, ». mobili Genitive, ». genitivo
Galeon, s. galeone Garret, ». soffitta, stanza a tetto.
Galiot, s. galeotta Genius, ». genio
Gali, s. fiele, —
v. a. scorti- Garrison, v. a. presidiare, — ». Genteel, a. galante, gentile,
care, (vex) tribolare, in- — ly, ad. gentilmente, con
quietare Garrulity, loquacità
». leggiadria, —
ness, ». buona
Gallar.!, v. a. cori'ìggiare " -u'.ous, a. /oj«ace
Gallant, a. galante, s. —
un er, » giarliera, legaccio.
limante, — ly, ad. galante Tlie order of tlie garter,
niente, — ry, *. galanteria. rdine della giartiera
Gas. ». vapore fluido
Gallery,'*, gaìleria Gasconade, ». spacconata
Galley, s. galera Gasconade, v. n. spacciarsi like, a. da galani' uomo, -»
Gallev-slave, s. un galeotto Gash, t». a. sfregiare, — ». ness, » beniffnità, — womin,
Gallican, a. gallicano sfregio,-taglio ». gentildonna, ly, ad. dtl' —
Galligaskins, i. calzoni Gasp, v.n. respirare con Uffanno cemen/e
Gallimaufry,», cibreo, spropositi Gasp, ». respiro Gentry, s. i gentìt-Mmiai
Genuflection, s. gtnufiettione Cipiy, s. una zingara

Geographer, t. gengrafo
Geograiih'cal, a. geografieo
Geography, *. geografia
Geometer, *. geometra
(Jeonietrical,. a. geometrico
Geometrician, t. geometra
Geometry, t. geomel ria
German, a. Tede-ico
Germany, ». Germania
Geiminate, v a. germinare,

Gerund, ». gerundio
Gests, s. gesti, fatti gloriosi
Gesticulate, v. a. gesticulare,
— ion, «. gesticnJazione
Gesture, ». gesto, alto
Get, I', a. guadagnare, ottenere.
— Get above one, sorpassare

(Jetting,». acquistamento
Gew-gaw, » bubbola, baia
Ghastful, a. spaventevole
Ghastliness, s. squallidezza
Ghastly, a. squallido, orribile
Gherkin, ». citriuolo confetto
con sale ed aceto
Ghost, t, spirili di morti, — ly,
a. ipiritujte
Giant, ». «II gigante, ess, ». —
Gibberish, s. gergo, garamufTa
Gibbet, ». la forca
Gibbosity, ». gobba
Gibbous, a. gibboso, gobbo

Giblets, ». pi. frattaglie

Giddiness, ». vertiggine, ca-
Giddy, a. vertiginoso.— Giddy-
headed, a. scervellato
Gift, d»no, regalo
Gifted, a. doluto di qualche

Gig, » trottola, paleo

(iigantic, a. gigantesco
Giggle, V. n. ghignazzare, —
ing, ». ghignazzata
Gild, V. a. indorai- — -

—ing, s

Gills of fishes, narici di pesci

Gillinower, ». vivuolo
Gim, or Gimmy, a. pulito
Gimlet, ». un succhièllo
CJimp, ». merletto, cordoncino
Gin, ». trappola, geneva
Ginger, ». gengiovo, bread, —
,. eo,,fortino,-ly, ad. piana-

Ging'.t; V. n. tintinnare, — li"g,



Godfatlier, ». palrhio. — Gmft, t. Gravitate, v. n. pesart
Godliness, saniitù. i. Gravity, ». gravità
Godhead, divinità. *. mento Gravy, ». sugo cht ei
Godly, a. pio, divolo, — Grain, ,

piamente. — Godmother, Against

-^Dved* in
Godson, s._figlioccio grain, iimi, ,n grana.— A
Gold, s. ora. Golden, — c rogue in grain. Grayling, (a fish), ». ombrina
d'oro. —Goldbeater, i. bai Graze, v. a. pascere
<!7»i-o.— Goldsmith, 4 on grammatica
<jraiiiiiiar, ». Grazier, ». uno cht ingrassa
JÌCC-.— Goldfinch, s. calde Grammatical, a. grammati-
Grease, ». grasso, sucidume.
Gonorrhoea, *. gonorrea Granary. ». granaio
Good, a. />«.)«o.— Goodly, a
Lello, vezzoso, ness, t — Grand, a. — Grandee,
bontà. —Goods, «. pi. mo s UH .grande. — Grand-
daughter, nipotina. —
». Great, a. grande, grosso. —
Graiiddam, madre. — ». Great deal, a. molto, ly, —
Grandfather, ». un uro ad. grandemente, ness, ». —
Grandmother, ». un' ava. grandezza, grossezza
Gooseberry, ». uva spina, — ~- Grandsire, ». avolo. — Greaves, ». pi gambiera
bush, s pianta d'uva spina Grandson, ». nipotino Grecian, a. Greco
Gore, s. sangue quaglialo, Grandeur, ». grandezza Greedily, ad. avidamente
pvnta, —
II. H. punzecchiare Grange, ». casa da lavoratore Greediness, ». avidità
Gorge, *. gozzo, gorgia, —v. n. Grant, v. a. accordare, — ». Greedy, a. avido, ingordo
satollare Greek, ». un Greco
Gorgeous, 1. magnifico, — Grantee, ». donatario Green, a. t-ert/*.— Green-finch,
— —

ness, s. magnificenza, ly, Grantor, ». donatore ». verdone Green-house,

ad. magnificamente Grape, ». «ua.— (irapestone, ! ». una stufa. —
Gorge, s. gorgiera » granello, vinaccioh
man, ». riveiidugliola d'erbe.
Gormandize, v. n. mangiare Grapple, v. a. arrampinare
da ghiotto, — er, s. un ghi- Grasshopper, s. un grillo
Grasp, V. a. aberrare, ab- '

Gosling, s. i n papero
Grasp, ». una brancata
Gossip, ». ciarlatriie, — v. n Grass, ». erha. —Grass-plan- Gregarious, a gregario
ciarlare Grenade, a. grenata
Gothic, a. gotico g.assy, a. erba Grenadier. ». grenadiere
cola di fen Greyhound, ». veltro, levriere
able, a. che si pub gover- Gridelin, ». fior di lino
Grateful, a. grato, -ness, ». Gridiron, ». graticola
gratitudine Grief, ». dolere
Grater, ». grattugia Grievance, ». gravame, torio
Gratification, ». gratificazione Grieve, v. a. affliggere
(iratify, v. a. gratificare Grievous, a. ajfannoso, nes». —
Gnatingly, ad. acerbamente
Grim, a. arcigno
Gratitude, ». gratitudine Grimace, ». smorfia
Gratuitous, a. gratuita
Grabble, v. a. palpeggiare Gratuity, ». liheralitù Crime, V. a. imbrattare
Gratulate, v. a. evngratulare Grimly, ad. austeramente
adornare. —
To say grace, Gratulation, ». congratula- Grhi, V. a. ghignare, — ning,
benedire la tavola, after — ». ringhio

meals, rendere grazie Gr3Lse,t. fossa, tomba Grind, ti. a. macinare, er, s.
Graceful, a. gentile, grazioso, Grave-digger, ». beccamorti arrotino. —
Grinders, ». pi.
— ly, ad, graziosamente 'ìrave, a. grave, v. a. in- — —
mascellari. Grindstone, ».
Graceless, a. sceleraio tagliare, — ly, ad. grava-

Graces, ». pi. le grazie Gripe, 1'. a. afferrare, a.
Gracious, a. grazioso, ly, ad. — Gravel, s. ghiaia, renella.— una manata, un pugno.—
Gravel-pit, ». luogo 'dove si
cava la ghiaia, ly, ad. —

intagliai (Jrisly, a. spaventevole
Gristle, s, cartilagine, - Habitant,», abitante
cartilaginoso Habitation, ». abitazione
Grit, s. limatura di metallo, Habitual, a. abituale
polvere ài pietre Habituate, v. n. abituarsi
Grittj, a. pieno di tabbia Guest, s. un convitato Hack, i; a. sminuzzare
Grizzled, ». canuto Guide, V. a. condurre, ». Hack, ». carrozza d'affìtto —
Groan, v. a. gemere, pungere Hackle, v. a tagliuzzare
Groan, *. gemito Guild, ». »oc/rtJ.—Guild-hall, Hackney, a mercenario, —
». U casa della città coach, ». carrozza d'affato
Guile, ». fraude, inganno, Haddock, ». merluzzo —
<jrocer, s. droghiero, y, —
fui, a. ingannevole Haft, ». un manico


drogheria Guilt, ». defitto, colpa, —less. Hag, ». una strega, v. a.

Grogram, *. grossagrana tormentare
Groin, *. anguinaia Guilty, a. colpevole, reo Haggard, a. deforme, selvaggio
Groom, «. mozzo di stalla, —
Guinea, ». una ghinea. Gui- Haggish, a. deforme —
of the king's bed chamber, pig, porcello d'India Haggle, V. a. prezzolare, er, —
cameriere del ré ». stiracchiatore
Groove, s. scannellatura Hail, ». grandine, ». a. '

Groove, v. a. scannellare Gules, ». i7 rosso dello scudo
Grope, t'. a. tastare, maneg- Gulf, ». un goffo, abisso air, ». capello, pelo.— head A
giare Giill, v. a. truffare, ». gab- —
of hair, capellatura.— Hair,
Gross, s. il grosso, parte mag- a. capelluto, peloso
giore, grossa, -HI grosso, Gullet, strozza
». Halberd, ». alabarda
rozzo, materiale, ly, ad. — Gulp, a. palpitare.
t). Gulp — — Halberdier, ». alabardiere
grossolanamente. down, V. n. inghiottire. Halcyon, ». alcione, a. quieto, —
Gulp, ». »or»o, tratto placido, tranquillo
Grot, or Grotto, ». grotta, ca- Gum, ». gomma, of the eyes,— Hale, a. robusto, — v. a. re-
Grotesque work, ». grotesco cispa degli occhi
Grove, ». un boschetto Gums, ». gengive
Grovel, V. n. triiciare per Gummy, a. gommoso
Half,» la metà
mezza strada.

''un, ». arme da fuoeo, — a. semplice

Ground, ». terra, terreno. —
smith, ». un armaiuolo. — Hall, ». sala, fondaco
Ground, a. feccia di liquore. Gunner, cannoriiere Hallo • •-
— Ground floor, ». piano Gush, V. n, traboccare, sboc- —mg. . grido di t legrez-
-». impetuosità
Groundless, ». senza fonda- gherone Hallow, V. a. sanctijìcare
Gust. ». gusto, of wind, — ». Halser, ». alzana
groppo di vento.— Gusty, a. Halt, V. n. zoppicare, andò-
Ciroiip, ». gruppo tempestuoso
Gut, ». un budello, — v. a.
Grow, V. n. crescere, divenire sbudellare.— Greedy -gut, ». ptcont
Halter, ». cavezza
Growth. ». aecrescimenlo, ag- Gutter, » gronda, — n. sco- v. Halve, V. a. dividere in due
— Gutter-tile, tegola
lare. ». Ham, ». prescinto
Grub up, V. a. sradicare. Guttle, V. n. crapulare, — ». Hamlet, ». un casale

crapulone, — ing, crapula ». Hammer, ». marteUo, —«. :

Gr Guttural, a. gutturale
Grudge, Guzzle, V, n. crapulare, irin- Hammock, ». amaca
Hamper, ». paniere, cesto
Guzzler, I imbriacone Hamper, v. n. imbrogliare
Hand, ». mano, scrittura, -
ad a Gyves, ».

v. n. barbottare, —
ing. ». barbottamento

Grunt, v. «. grugnare, —ing.

Guarantee, » mallevadore
•juaranty, ti. a. assicurare, ABERDASHER,
ryABERDASI ». mer- Handle, ». orecchio, manie»,
guarentire Al ciaio,—y,,. roba di mer- V. a. maneggiare —
Guard, v. n. guardare, — ». Handsel, v. a. fare una co*>
guardia Habiliment, » abbigliamento per la prima volta
Guardian, ». guardiano, — Habit, ». abito, abitudine Handsome, a. bello, vezzor..
Habitable, a. abitabile

H 6cly, a. destro, ainìe Harry, v. n. ajffUtinare, stan- Haze. ». —y, a.
nuvolo, nebbia,
H ,.g, r. a. hnpic,
iXang a room, tappezzare Harsh, a. rozzo, aspro, —ness. Head, ». capo, —
una camera. —Hang loose, condurre. — Headache, a. v.
V. n. star pendolmie mal di testa — Headdress,
Hanger, t. un coltellaccio ». scuffia. — Headstrong, a.
Hart, ». cervo di cinqve anni. ostir2to. — Headlong, ad.
Hangings, tappezzeries. — Hart's tongue, sculopen- inconsideratamente. Head- —
Hangman, ». carnefice rfria— Hartshorn, ». corno piece, ». elmo, chniero.—
Hanker, v. n. desiderare, — Heady, a. ostinato, perii-
Harvest, ». mietitura, — v. n.
Heal, V. a. guarire, ing, ». —
Hap, accidente, —less, a.
*. guazzetto al" Inglese guarigione, —
ing, a. consa-
sfortunato, —
ly, ad, casual- Hasp, ». fermnsrlio lidativo
Hassoc, ». stoi Health, ». sanità, salute

Happen, v. n. succedere Has <cia,fret Healtliful, a. ^no, saltUifero,

Happily, ad. feli cementi Hasten, v. n. affrettare
Happiness, ». felicità Hastily, ad. frettolosamente Heap, V- a. ammonticellare, —
Happy, a. felice Hastiness, ». prestezza
Har ngue, Hastings, ». pi. ftuHi prime Hear, v. a. intendere, itdire,

—er, ». auditore, —
ing, s.
Harass, v. a. straccare Kasty, a. pronto, collerico r udito, udienza
Harbinger, ». foriere "-t, ». ca/jpeWo.— Hatband, Hearken, v. n. ascoltare, —er,
Harbour, ». porto di mare ordone di cappello » ascoltante
Harbour, v. a. alloggiare, c Hatch, ». covala, —v. a. c( Hearsay, ». romore, fama

Hard, a. duro, difficile, oi — Hatchel, » orti

belief, incredulo. Hard by, — Heart, ». cuore. — Heartach»,
a. qui vicino. Hard-heart- — Hatchet, ». scjire, axza ». crepacuore, cordoglio
edness, ». crudeltà Hate, r. a. odiare Hearten, v a. animare
Harden, v. a. ittdurire Hatred, ». odio Heartily, ad. cordialmente
Hardiness, ». arditezza Hateful, a. odioso, odiabile, — Hearth, s. focolare
H?jdly, ad. difficilmente, ap- iy, ad. odiosamente Heartless, a. vigliacco
Hatter, ». cappellaio Hearty, a. sinciro
Hardness, » durezza Have, V. a. avere Heat, ». calore, riscaldimento,
Hardship, » durezza, fatica Haven, ». un porto — I' a. riscaldare
Hardware, ». manifatture di Haughtily, ad. fieramente Heath, ». lungo aprico, mac-
metallo Haughtiness, ». fierezza, al- chia. —Heathcock, ». frart-
Hardy, a. ardito, robusto
Hare, ». /epr«.— Hare-brained, Haughty, a. altiero, fiero Heathen. ». un pagano, ish, —
a. scervellato Haul, V. a. rimnrchiàre a. pagano, gentile, ^ism, «. —
Hark! inter j. senti ! odi! Haunch, ». anca, coscia
Harlequhi, a. arlecchino Haunt, ». covile, covalo, — Heave, v. a. aliare, — v. n.
Harlot, ». puttana, ry, — ». lievitarsi
puttanismo Havoc, ». guasto, iirage Heaven, ». .7 cielo, — ly, a.
Harm, ». male, disastro, — Hautboy, ». oboi celestiale
V. a. far male, ^ful, — a. Haw, ti. a esitare, — ». moro Heavily, ad. pesantemente

— di —
spinalba, Hawthorn, ». Heaviness, ». gravezza.
Harmless, a innocente, ly, spinalba
ad. innocentemente Hawk, ». falcone, a. fal-—v Heavy, a. pesante, stupido,
Harmonious, a. arìnonioso conare —
Hawk's nose, ». balocco
Harmony, ». armonia Hebrew, a Ebraico
Hawknosed, a. che ha il naso Hecatomb, ». ecatombe
arredare. — Harness-maker, Hector,
Hawker, ». merciaiuolo, gaz- I taglia,
Harp, V, n. suonar dell' arpa, Bay. ». ^«10.— Haycock, ». Hedge, siepe. Hedgehog, —

bica di fieno. Haymaker, ». io spin
Harping-lron, ». uncino di segator d'erba a far il fieno. Hedge in, v. a. insiepare
ferro [lene — Hay-dance, ». carola, ballo Heed, v. a. attendere, badare,
Harpooner, ». pescator di ba- tondo — ». guardia, cura, —fili,
— —

Harpsichord, ». buonaccordo Hazard, ». pericolo, rischio, a. attento, f-iliy, ad. ac-

Harpies, ». arpie i'. a. arrischiare, —
ous, a. curatamente, — less, a. in
arrischievole, -ly. ad. ar-

considerato, — lessly, ad
erpicare, spinare rischievolmente \
Keel, ». calcagno, iallone.- azzardo. —Hit together, rin-
Hec-1 a ship, mettere u Hernia, ». ernia
rascrllo alia banda per ct Hero. ». «n eroe, ical, a. — Hitch,*^»!^". dimenarst
lafcAarlo e.«.-co.— Heroine, ». eroina. Hithe, ». porlo di fiume
Hegira,*. egira — Heroism, ». eroismo Hither, ad. qui, o quii, —most,
Heifer, ». una giovenca Herring, ». aringa a. più vicino. —
Ilitherto, ad.
Height, *. altezxa Herse, ». una bara Jìu' nddesso,Jino a quest' ora.
— Hitlierward, ad. da questa
Heinous, a. odioso, atroce, - banda
Heteroclite, a. eteroclita Hive, ». alveario, arnia
Heir, Heiress, t. erede, — shij Hew, V. a. minuzzare, abbat- Hoar-frost, ». brina
tere.— Hewer, ». tagliatore Hoard, i-. a. accumulare, —«.
Heyday, interj. ohi, (espres-
sione di sorpresa) Hoariness, ». capelli bianchi
Helm, s. timone, elmo Hibernal, a. invernale Hoarse, a. rauco, ^ness, — ».
Helmet, i. elmetto Hiccough, ». singhiozzo ,fiachezxa [cido
Hide, I', a. nascondere, celare. Hoary, a. canuto, brinoso, mu-
—Hide and seek, ». mos- Hobble, V. n. zoppicare
aiutatore, —less, a. disagiato, Hobby, ». (nag) cavallo 4'
povere, stroppiato Hide,». una pelle, cuoio Irlanda
Helter-skelter, ad. confusa- Hidebound, a. duro, avaro Hobgoblin, ». folletto
spilorcio Hobnail, ». un rustico
Hideous, a.
orribile, —ness, » Hock, ». parte della coscia
cosa orribile Hocus-pocus, ». un giocolare
Her Higgle, Hod, un truogolo
—Hem rinchiudere
in, v. a. tnde i ande t Hodman, ». manovale
Hemisphere, s. emisfero Hodge-podge, ». mescuglio
Hemorrhoids, *. pi. emorroidi Higgledy-piggledy, ad. Hoe, ». marra, zappa, f. a« —
Hemp,, ». canapa. Hemp- — zappare
seed, ». canapuccia Hog, ». UH porco. — Hogwash,
Hen, - - gallina.— Hen.
-, ». broda. —Hog's cheek, ».
. gallin -Hen- teschio di porco. —Hog-
grease, ». »Hg^7ia.— Hogsty,
». porcile. —A hedgehog, ».
uii riccio. — HoggLih, a.
Henceforth, ad. da qui in- Highlander, ». un montanaro porcino
Highly, ad. grandementt Hogo, ». fetore
Hen-hearted, a. pusiUanimo. Highness, ». altezza Hogshead, ». una botte
Henroost, ». pollaio Hoiden, ». una contadina
Heptagon, ». ettagono Hill^-k. ». mo"uicello Hoist, V. spiegare, alzare
Herald, ». araldo, ry, ». — Hilly, a. montagnoso Hold, V. a tenere, arrestare.
aralderiet Hilt, ». else, elsa
Herb, ». erba. Herbwoman, — Hind, ». damma, cerva, un
». erbaiuola. Herbage, ». —
eiihaggio. —
H'erl>a!ist, ». er- Hinder, v. a. impedire Holdfast, ». rampicone, un
/«iÌH»/o.— Herbous, a. erboso Hinderance, ». ostacolo
Herd, ». trmenio, branco, — Hindmost, a. ultimo Hole, buco, foro. Lurking-
» —
V. n. associarsi. —Herdsman, Hinge, ». ganghero nascondiglio
hole, ».
». santità
Here, ad. qua, qui. — Here- Hqllow, a. cupo, concavo. —
Hip, ». anca, coscia, la sciatii Hollow-hearted, a. dissi-
— Hereafter, ad. da ora in. Mire, ti. n. affittare, p,rend, mulato-— Hollow place, ».
nanzi. —Heretofore, per att. ad affino, — ». salario, q strada a doccia
I'addielro. — Hereupon, ad.

fitto, —
ling, ». un mere Hollow, t'. n. scavare, vuotare,
in questo mentre. — Here grillare, acclamare
and there, ai. qua e là liss, V. a. fischiare, —ing. H-olly, ». HoUy-oak, ». alloro
Hereditary, a. ereditario spinoso
Hereditament, ». eredità Holm, or Holm-oak, ». alma
Holocaust, ». ohctiuslo
Holster, s. fondo della pistola
Holy, a. santo, »acr.//o.— Ho-
Hermaphrodite, j. ermafrodita i, giorno di
Hermit, ere^nita-, —age, ». fest
eremitaggio :. omaggio
Home, .?. dimora. —Hor Huckle-bonc, 3. anca, l'otU

Huck-shouldered, a. gobbi
Huckster, s. rivendugliolo
Huddle, V. a. confondere in-
^sterne, —s. confusione
Horseback, ad. a cavallo.
—Horse - fly, 3. tafano. — Hue and cry, schiamazzo
Honest, n. onesto, giusto. — Horsemanship,
" «. manei'i'io. Huff, r. a. braveggiare, in.
radish, s. rafano.
dabbene, — ad. onesla- —Hor sgherro, — ish, a. petulanti
loia — Horse-shoe, 3. ferri Hug, i. a. abbracciare
di cavallo Hug, 3. abbractiata
Honey,'*.' miele, me/e. Ho- — Hose, 3. una calzetta
ney-comb, s. favo. Honey- — Hosier, 3. calzettaio Hugeness, ». grandezza
dew, 3. manna. — Honey - Hospitable, a. ospitale, che use Hugger-mugger, ad. sordida'
Hospital, 3. spedale, — ity, 3. Hulk. piatta
Hull, corpo d'un vascelU
Honour, j. onore, —
(at cards) Host, s. oste, esercito, ostia Hull (shell), s. guscio, baccello,
.figura, testa, —v. a. ono- Hostage, 3. ostaggio —V. a. sgranare
rare, — able, a. onorevole, Hostess, t. ostessa
—ably, ad. onorevnlmcnfe Hostile, a. ostile, da nemico
Hood, s. cappuccio. — Hood-
Hostler, 3.mozzo di stalla
Hot, a. caldo, ardente Hot
Hoof,'*, ungh; bed, letto di teira e pac-
Hoof-bound, a stellalo ciame.— To be hot, aier(
Hook, caWo.— Hotbath, ». stufa Humble, a. umile, — ». x,
^.,.u,e Fishing-hook, s. terme. — Hotly, ad. calda- umiliare, —ness, *. umilila
amo. — Sheep-hook, bas- s. mente. — Hot headed, a. vio- Humbles, s. pi. coratella di
tone di pastore. — Tenterà lente, stordito
hook, s. pendiglio Hotch-potch, *. miscuglio Humbly, ad. i
Hovel, s. capanna Humdrum, 3.
cerchiare, legar con cerchi. Hover, V. n. svolazzare Humect, ti. a.
— Hoop ring, 3. anello. — Hough, garretto, -v. a
Hoop -petticoat, *. guard- tagliare garrettoil
Hound, s. cane di caccia
Hooping- cough, s. n al di e Hound a stag, v. a. lasciare :

Hoot, V. n schiamazzare Hour, 3. uh' ora, - ly, ad. ac
Hop or Hops, s. lupolo. —
Hop. ground, s. campo da
iiijjoìi. —
Hop-beer, ?'. a. viet-
ieve bipoli nella birra
Hop, V. n. saltellare house, *. un gabinetto. —
Hope, 3. speranza, speme. — Country - house, s. villa. —
Householder, s. capo di capriccio, fantasia, —r. a.
Hopeful, a. dì grand' aspet- famiglia
Housekeeper, 3. casiera. — tune, dare delle grazie ad un
Housekeeping, s. massieri-
Hopeless, a. disperato zia.— House wife, una • *. Hump, s. gobba, scrigno. —
ÌJopper, *. *n«a/ore. — Mill- massaia. — Household, *. Hump-backed, a- gobbo
hopper, s. tramoggia casa, famiglia. — Housc-wi- Hunch, 3. gomitata, — v. a.
fery, 3. masserizia.— Uouse- dare una gumitata.—Hvinca'
backed, a. scrignuto
How ? ad. come f Hundred, a. cento, centinaio.
:orno, pi. cor, However, ad. nulladimeno —Hundred-fold, s. centuplo.
, 3. calamaio Howl, w. n. urlare, —s. urlo, —Hundredth, a. centesiino.
un calabrone urlamenio —Hundred-weight, s. can-
Howlet, 3. allocco taro
oroscopo, iltu- Howsoever, ad. con tutto ciò, Hunger, 3. fame, appetito. -
pu,e, nulladimeno V. n. aver fame.— UnnsO 1 <^-

Hubbub, 3. ilrsvito, fracasso



Hunks, s. tpilorcio, avaro Jack, latra, — atrize, a. i^o/» ».
Hunt, V. aiidare alia cac-
a. Jackanapes, trare, —atry, idolatria
cia. — Hunt out, i>. a. «co- Jacket, ». sai Jealous, geloso, —a. ad. ly,
Jackdaw, gracchia ». getosarrunte. — Jealousv, »,
Hunter, i. cavallo da caccia Jack-pudding, ». buffone. gelosia
Hunting, s, la caccia Jade, ». pettegola, (bad — Jeer, a. burlare, —
». burla, ».
Huntsman, s. capocaccia, cac- horse) carogna, ri beffa, _er, ». schernitore
a. affaticare Jejune, a. voto, sterile
Hurdle, t. graticcio, grutic- Jagg, ti. a. intaccare, — ». tacca Jelly, ». gelatina, tredt, -
rio, — V, a. graticolare J^Sgy» a- intaccalo Jelly-broth, ». consumato
Hurds, s. capecchio, stoppa Jail, ». carcere, prigione Jennet, ». giannetto
Hurl, ». -tumulto, v. a. tirare, Jeopardy, ». pericolo, rischio
Jakes, ». cesso, privato. — Jakes Jerk, v. a. frustrare, sferzare,
ly-burly, t. scompiglio,
scompiglic farmer, ». vutacessi — ». frustata, scossa
rbuglio \rasca Jambs, ». stipiti di porta Jerkin of leather, ». colletto
Hi agano, bur- Jangle, v. n. litigare, — r, ». Jessamine, ». gelsomino
xiuii}, u. u. precipitare, af- garritore Jest, ti. n. scherzare, — burla, ».

frettare, spronare, —s. fret- Janty, a. gentile, lesto, —iness, scherzo.—Jester, burlatore,
ta, disordine, scompiglio buffone. — Jesting, beffa. ».
Hurt, ». male, torto, ferita. January, ». Gennaro

verniciare, ner, — ». quegli Jet along, ». a. pavoneggi-

Hurtful, a. nocevole, ly, ad- — che fa la vernice, —^ning, ».
nocivamente Jet, ». pietra nera e lucida
Hurtless, a. innocente Jar, V. n. disptUare, discor- Jew, ». un Ebreo, Giiuleo
Husband, v. a risparmiare, Jewel, ». gioia, —
ler, ». gwj"
— s. marito, man, ». agri- — (vessel) giara
Jargon, ». g-erg-o Jewish, a. Giudaico
Jasmin, ». gelsomino Jew's-harp, » tromba
Hush, interj. zitto, silenzio, Jasper, ». diaspro If, coiij. se, purché
—a. tranquillo, v. a, acquie- Javelin, ». giavellotto Igneous, a. igneo, di fuoco
tare, calmare Jaundice, ». itterizia Ignoble, a. ignobile, ^y, ad

Husk, ». guscio, lolla. —Husky, Jaunt, ». camminata, girata, ignobilmente
a. che ha guscio — (of a wheel) gavette di Ignominious, a, ignominioso,
Hussy, ». pettegola, massaia ruota, —
V. n. vagare, scor- ly, ad. ignominiosamente,—
Hustle, V. a. dar gomitate ignominy. ». ignominia —
Hut, ». una capanna Ignoramus, ». un sciocco
Hutch, ». madia, cassa Ignorance, ». ignoranza
Hyacinth, » giacinto Ignorant, a. ignorante. —To be
Hydrography, ». idrografia Jay, ». ghiandaia ignorant, ignorare, — ad. ly,
Hymen, ». Imeno, Imeneo Ice, a." ghiaccio —Ice cover, ignorantemente
Hymn, ». inno r. a. far una crostata di Jig, ». giga
Hyi)erbole, ». iperbole, — ical, rucc/iero. —ilce-house, ». con-
''" ». piccola misura per il
a. iperbolico, ize, — V. n.
iperltolizzare Icicle, ». ghiacciuola Jilt, ». una civetta, — ». a.
Hypochondriacal, a. ipocon- Icingiass, ». talco ingannare
Icy, a. agghiacciato Jingle, ». n tintinnare, —
Hypocrisy, ». ipocrisia Idea, ». idea, immagine
Hypocrite, ». ipocrita, ipocrita, Ideal, a. ideale Isle of a church, ». ala in
—rical,a. ipocrita Identical, a. identico, che è U
Hypothesis, ». ipotesi medesimo 111, ». male, disgrafia, a. —
Hyssop, ». isopo Identity, ». identità male, cattivo. Ill-Iuok, ».. —
Hysterical, a. isterico, uterino Ides, ». pi idi sventura. —
I II - shaped.i a.
Hysterics, ». mal isterico Idiocy, ». imbccililà >na//a«o. —
Ill-faToured, a.
Idiom, ». idioma, dialetto rf<rorme.— Ill-will, ». »n<i/-
Idiot, ». idiota, sciocco, — talento. —
II!-work, ». cattiva
ism, ». idiotiemo, idiotag- «ra.— Ili-nature, ». malizia,
— ad. male
IJ IcQe, pigro Illness, ». malalUa
Illegal, a. illecito, — ity, ».
Illegitimate, a. illegitim'*
*•» Jabber, ti. n. cian Illiberal, a. so-.dido, rozzo, —
ing, ». ciancia
inirit, a. illecito Imperiai, a. impenale, — ists.
Illimited, a. illimitato
Illiterate, a. ignorante
lUurle, II. a. ingannare

Impersonai, a, impersonale
Immobility. ». immobilit-à Impertinence, ». impertinenza
Immoderate, a immoderato, Impertinently, ad. imperti-
— ly, ad. immoderatamente,
Impervious, o. inaccessibile
Illustrate, r. a. ilhtstrare, — Immodest, a. imminlafn^ — Im- Impt'tration, ». impetrazione
ion, s. illustrazione modesty, ». iniimnhitia Impetuosity, ». impetuosità
illustrious, a. illu-itre Immolate, v. a. immolare Impetuous, a. impetuoso, — ly.
Image, immagine,
». v. a. — Immoral, a. depravato
rujipresentare, immaginare Immortai, a. immortale, — ity,
Imagery, s. immagini, appa- ». immortalità, — ize, v. a.
renza, false idee immortalare, — ad. im-
Imagine, v. n. immaginare Implacable, a. implacabile
Imaginable, a. immaginabile Implant, v. a. piantare
Implead, v. a muovere lite
Imagination, *. immagina- Ira Implement, ». stromento, or-
Immutability, ». immutabilità digno
Imbalm, v. a, imbalzamare Immutable, a. immutabile Impletion, ». rìempiìnento
Imbargo, proiliizione
». di Immutation, ». cangiamento
vascelli d'uscir dal porto Imp, ». folletto, innesto Implication, ». implicazione
Imbark, v. n. imbarcare Impair, v. a. diminuire Implore, v. a. implorare
Imbarkation, s. imbarco Impale, v. a. palijiccare, im- Imply, ti. a. implicare
Imbecility, s. imbecillità
Imbellish, v. a. abbelire, — Impalpable, a. impalpabile ''
ment, s. abbellimento Imparity, ». disparità ally, ad. » ^
Imbezzle, v. a. dissipare, Impark, v. a. siepare, pali- Import, v. a. trasportare, ini
fraudare, — ment, s. dissipa- ficcare portare, dinotare, —
». it
Impart, v. a. comunicare
Imbibe, v. a. imbevere Impartial, a. imparziale, ity, —
Imbitter, v. a. amareggiare, ». imparzialità, ly, ad. irn- —
irritare, inasprire
Imboklen, v. a inanimare Imparting, ». partecipazione
Imbossed, a. rilevare, in re- Impassable, a. impracticabile Importun
itero Impatience, ». impazienza,

Imitation, s. imitazione
Imitator, s. imitatore
Immaculate, a. immncnlato

Iramarcessible, a. incorrutti- Impeccability, ». impeccabilità

bile Impede, v.a. impedire, ri-
Immaterial, a. non materiale, tardare, —iment, impedi- ».
— ity, s. immaterialità
Immaturely, ad. prematura- Impel, V. a. impellere, spi-
mente gnere
Immeasurable, a. immensu- Impend, v. a. soprastare
rabile Impenetrable, a. impenetra-
Immediate, a. immediato, — bile
Impenitence, ». impenitenza
Immedicable, à. imurabile Impenitent, a. impenitente
Immemorial, a. immemorabile Imperative, a. imperativo
Imperceptible, a. impercetti-
bile, — ly, ad. impercettibil-
mperfect, a. imperfetto,
ion, -
imperfezione, -ly.
». :

ad, imperft
Inclose, V a. cnnlciiere, ca
Inanition, ». inanizione
Inanity, J. var.iià pir-:, attorniare. T\\e — in-
Inarticulate, a- indistinto closed, s. l'inclusa
Ttiticial, a. naturale Inclosure, *. chiudeniìa

as -much as, conj. poiché

Inattentive, a. inattento Inclusive, a. inclusivo, ly, —
levar gente per forza
Inattention, s. inattenzione ad- inclusivamente
Impression, s. impresi
Inaugurate, t'. a. inaugurare, Incogitancy, s. sconsideranza
'on, ». inaugurazione Incogitant, a. inconsiSerato
improntare, unfort Incognito, ad. incognito, sco-
Imprint, V. a.
Incamp, ». n. accampa
Incantation, s. incantesi Incoherency, ». incoerenza
Imprison, v. a. imprigionare, Incoherent, a. sconcordante _
— ment, s. imprigionamento Incapability, *. incapaci
Incapable, a incapace Incombustible, a. incombusti-
Improbability, s. improimbilitù
Improbable, a. improbabile Incapacitate, v. a. incapacilare
Improbate, v. a. disajìprovare Incapacity, s. incapaci'
Improbity, s. malvagità Incarcerate, v. a. imprigionare
Improper, a. improprio, —\J. Incarnate, - '

Incommode, v. a. incomodare
ad. impropriamente, mal a Inca
— Incamative unguento ii Incommodious,
— u. incomodo,
fastidioso, ly, ad. incoino-
Impropriate, v. a. appropi
Impropriety, s. improprit
». Incommodity, ». incomodità
Improvable, a. chi si ,

e di discordie Incommunicable, a. incom-

n Incense, a municabile, —y, ad. incom-
Improve, V. profittar
Incensory, ». Incompass, ti. a. circondare
glicramento, cultura. i _

Incompatible, a. incompati-
bile [libilità
Inception, ». j
Incessant, a. Incompatibility, ». incompa-
Incompensable, a. incompen-
Improvident, a. inconstaer,
to, ly, ad. inconsiderati
incestuoso Incompetency, ». incompetenza
mente Incompetent, a. incompetente,
Imprudence, ». imprudenza Inch, ». un
ly, ad,
imprudent, a. imprudente,

Incomplete, a. imperfetto
ly, ad. imprudentemente
Incompliance of humour, ».
Impudent, a. impudente, sjb
Incomposure, ». disordine
Incomprehensible, a. incom-
. impulso.

Incident, a. incidente, —ce, ». isibilità

Incongruity, » meo
Incircle, v. Incongruous, a. ine

Incision, ». Inconsiderable, a. i
In, pr. in, dentro
Inability, ». incapacità
Inable, v. a. ineapacitare
Inaccessible, a.inaccessibi
Inaccuracy, ». inesattezza
Inaccurate, a. inesatto

Inactive, a. indolente, — il

indolenza . inclemenza
a. sproporzioi inclinevole

Inadvertently, ad. inconsidera-

Inalienable, a. inalienabile
Inamoured, a. inamorata
ad. incottanlementc
In&nimatei a. inanimata
Inrontestable, a, incontesta-

luontrovertible, a.

Incorporate, v. incorporare.

Incorporeal, a. iiiaiyporeo
Incorporeity, *. incorpnralità
Incorrect, a. incorretto, ly, —
ad. scorrettamente
Incorrigible, a. incorn'gibUe
Incorrupt, a. incorrotto
Incorniptibleness, «. incorrut
Incorruptible, a. incorrutti-
bile, — ly, ad. incorruttibil-

Increated, n. increato
Incredihility, 3. incredibilità
Incredible, </. incredibile.—^
ad. incredibilmente
Incredulity, s. incrediditU
Incredulous, a. incredulo
Increpate, v. riptenden

Incubation, *. incubazione, co-

Incubus, s. incubo [yatura

Incult, a. incolto, senza coltura

Incumbent, s. beneficiato
Incumber, v. a. inj^ombrare,
— ance, s. ingombro, ostacolo

». infuUìhUità, —
ly, td. »«- Infrequent, . nfre- Inkindle, v. n. accendersi
Inkle, ». nastro di filo
Infamous, a. infatne, ly, td. — Infringe, V, a. trasgredire Inkling, ». indizio, avviso
ienomin'wsamenle Infuriate, a. a rrattùiato, furioso
Inland. ». intcriore
Jnfamy, s. infmma, catttra Infuse, ». a. infondere, ^ion. —
Inlarge, v. a. aggrandire
faìna,vergogna, dUoiiort, ' ilay, V. a. intarsiare. Inlaid —
vitapeno Ingathering, ». ricolta
Infancy, *. infanzia lngen;inate, v. a- raddoppiare Inlet, ». entrata, passaggio
Infint, s. infante Ingeniler, v. n. generare Inmate, ». pigionale
Infinticide, *. infantjcilio Ingenious, a. ingegnoso, ly, —
t- osteria, albergo

Infantile, a. infamile ad. ingegnosamente

Infantry, s. fanteria Ingenuity, ». destrezza, genio

Infatuate, r. a. infatuare,— Ingenuous, a.ingenuo,franco,

— !y, ail. ingenuamente, —
Infect. V. a. infettare, —ion, ness, X. ingenuità
Inglorious, a. disonorevole
t'agioso Ingot, ». verga d'oro, o d^ar-
Infecundity, s slertlUà Ingraft, v. a. inestan [gento Innocence, ». !i
Irifeeble, t>. a. indebolire Ingrateful, a. ingrato Innocent, a. innocente,
InfelicitT, s. infelicUà Ingratiate, v. a. cattivarsi tocenletnenle
Infer, o.a. inferire, significare, Innocuous, adj. innocer,
Ingratitude, ». ingratitudine
InftHo'r.'a! inferiore, -ity, j. Ingredient, ». ingrediente
Ingress, ». ingresso, entrata
Infernal, a. infernale Ingulph, ti. a. inghiottire Innovation, ». innovazio
Inferlile, a. sterile, —ity, « Inhaliit, V. a. abitare, able, — Innovator, ». innovatore
infertilità a. abitabile, ant, ». ibitaute, — ìcenle, die
Infest, V. a. infrxtare
Inndel, s. infedele, —ity, t^ InVialc, ti. inghiottir Paria Innumerable, a. innumerabile,
infedeltà IrJìerency, ». inerenza — ly, atl. al infinito
—ly, ad. Inherent, a. inerente loculatc, V. a. ingemmare
Infinite, a. infinito,
Inherit, v. a. ereditare, —ance.
Infinity, s. infinità il vaiaolo. —
Inoculation, »
Infirm, a. inferirlo l'annestare a occhio, inocula-
Infirmary, s. infermeria, in- zione del vainolo
fermie're Ino<lorous, a. »eii2
Infirmity, s.infermità Inhospifality, ». inospitalità Inoffensive, a. innocente, ly, —
Infix, V. fissar^ ad. innocenteyneiUi
Inflame, V. a. infammare- Inhumanly, ail. inumanamente InolBcious, a. scortese, incitile,
Infiammane, u. i,if,um,rwlnle Inhumanity, ». inumanità —ness, ». scortesia, inciviltà
Inflammation, s. injiamma- In&ume, i', ci. sotterrare Inoiniortune, a. incomodo, in-
gione [toric Inject, i'. a. schizzettare, —ion,
Inflammatory, a. infiamma- ». infezione Inordinate, a. disordinato, —
Intiate, v. a; gor^fiare Inimicai, j. inimichevole
Inflation, s. infiagione Inimitable, a. inimitabile,~ly. Inorganical, a. privato
Inflect, V. a. tendere, —ion, », Oil. iriiri.itabilmenle organi
injle,. Injoin, V. a. ingiugnere Inquest, ». ricercamento
Iniquitous, (I. ingiusto
Ini<iuity, ». iniquità, neifuizia
inftessibi Initial, ». iniziale. —
Initial —Inquire into, v. a. esayi
Inflict. V. a. injliggtre, -io letttr, ». lettera maiuscola Inquiry, ». inchiesta [un
». inflizione Initiate, v. a. iniziare, prinei
Influence, ». infliieiiza,—v. santo nffìciv
influire, injluere Injudicious, a. imprudente Inquisitive, a. curioso
Influx, ». iboccamento di fimi
Infold, r. a. costrignere Injunction, ». ordine Inroad, ». scorreria, incur
Inforni, l'.a. istruire, informare
Information, ». avviso, infor- Inrol, v- a. registrare, —mei
mazione, istruzione ». registramento
. Informer, ». delatore Ins.ine, a. insano, pazzo, — ily

fnfbrmous, a. informe
Infraciiòn. ». infrazione Injustice, ». ingiustizia, torlo Insatiability, ». in.,tziiibilii
Infriuchise, v. a. affrancare, Ink, ». i<if/iiWfri).— Ink-hom, Insatiable, a. insaziubile,
--meni, s. franchigia I
». calamaio ad. insaziabihnunle
Iiucribe, v. a. indirizzare.
- a. inventare, - Joggle, dimenarsi, mu»-
V. n.
!, II. T«. intervtnire,
versi, — ing,
t. agitaztone

Join, V. a. giugnere, unire,

er, ». lepnaimiliu ery, «. —

Inventory, v. a. inventariare lavoro di legnaiuolo
Inversion, *. inversione Jointly, ad. congiuntamente
Intestine, a. intestino.— Intea- Jointure, s. d-ite. assegnamento
pi. intestini
Invert, v. a. inveriere
tines, *. _
Joist, travicello
Inthral, v. a. cattivare
Joke, ». n. burlare, beffare, —
Inthralment, s. schiavitii ». burla, ì-elP', scherzo
Intimacy, s. fratellanza
Inumate, a. inlimo, — v. a. Investigate, v. a. , Jolliness, Jollity, ». giulività,
allegri 2
Jolly, a. giulivo, giocoso, pia-
Intimidate, v. a. intimidire,- Jolt, i II. balzare, ». ico»»a —
ion, ». spavento, jnin.iccia
Intitulalion, ». intitolazione Jollbead, ». un sciocco, gonzo,
Into, pr. in, nel, nello, nella
Intolerable, a. intollerabile,
— Jonquil, ». giunchiglia

ly, ad. intollerabilmente Joviai, a. giocondo, giovial

Intoxicate, i'. a. ubbriac
Invincible; a. invincibile, — Ij, .Toumal, » gioviale, diano, —
ist, ». giornalista
Intractable, a. intr< labile
Inviolable, ad. inviolabile, — ly, Journey,», viaggio, giornata,
ad. inviolalìilmenle —v. «. viaggiare, —man,
Intrench upon, ». lavorante, —work, ».
Invisible, a invisibile
Intrepid, a intrepido, — ity, » Invitation, ». invitazione giornata
intrepidità ràlleggrare'.— To wislt joy.
Intricacy, ». imbarazzo
Intricate, a. imbrogliato Joyful, a. gioioso, allegro,—U,
Intrigue, ». intrigo, t;. n. in —
(rigarsi Joyous, a. gioioso, allegro
inviluppare.- Ipecacuanha, ». ipecacuana
Intrinsically, ad. intrinsica Involve, r. a.
Involve one's ^elf, v. r. im Irascible, a. irasribile
brogliarsi Ire, ». ira, collera
Introduce, v. a introdurre Iris, ». iride,fioie
Introduction, » introduzione Involuntary, a. involontario
Introductory, a. preliminare
—ly, ad. involontariamente Ivksome, ». rìncrescevole
Iron, ». ferro, —a. di ferro.-

Intrude one's self, v. r. intru Involution, ». involgimenti

Intruder, ». usurpatore [din e, v. a. aecostumare, i'. n — Iron linen, v. n. ripassare.
—Iron-ware, ». Jlrro malo.
Intrusion, ». intrusione, usur — Iron-plale, ». piastra di
/erro.— Ironmonger, ». /«•'•
a. conjidare, deposi-
[mina sepolcrale
Inutility, s. inutilità Ironical, a. ironico, — ly, ad.
t. penetrazione, esa-
intuitivo, specula- Invulnerable, n. invulnerabil
Inwall, v.a circondar di mur ,
Irony, ». ironie,—a. ferrugi-

Inwards, ad. ad.ientro, di

Inward, a. interiore, interno,
— ly, ad. interiormente. — I
irrational, a. irrazionale,— n>,
interiora. ». mancanza di ragione
V. a. invalidare, —ity, Inwards, ». pi.

Irreconcileable, <i. iii-ecoiici-

Invaluable, a. inestimahile
Irrecoverable, a. irreparabile,
Invariable, n. invariubile
Jobber, (stock), sensale
». irrecuperabile, bly, ad.—
.lockey. di cavalli
Invasive war, ». guerra d'in- ».
Jocose, a. giocoso, gioviale,
— Irrefragable, a. irrefragildle
Irrefutable, a. che non »i può
Invective, ». invettiva, — a. ly, ad. giocosamente
Jocular, a. sciierzoso ity,
JociuuHty, ». giocondità Irregular, a. irregolare,
Inveigh, V. n. declamare contro
Jog, I'. a. scuotere, Imlzare. — ». ». irreiiolarilà, —
ly, ad. ir-

scossa, crollo. —Jog one on, regolarmente

Irreligion, ».
r. a. far ardare avanii
Irreligious, a. irreligioso, — Judicatory, s. giudicatura Justly, ad. giustame^ite
ìy, ad. irreligiosamente Judicature, s. giustizia Justness, *. giustizia, eguità
Irremediable, a. irr emediabile Judicial, a. giudiziale, — ly, Jut, V. n. sporgere, uscir di
ad. giudizialmente piano
J arrenile, a. giovanile, finciulh
bile. Juvenility, s. ardere di gio-
nepara 1-vy, s, ellera, edera [lentù

nierà irre'iùensibile
Irreproachable, rt.
netto di giocolare. Juggliii — K
Irrejiroveable, a. ii-rcprobabile ck, s. inganno, ghern
Irresisi KALENDAR, s. calendario
Jugular, a. della gola
.soluto, -ly, Juice, *. sugo, succo, —inei Kaw, V. K. cornacchiare
s. abbondanza di sugo.
Juicy, a. sugóso Ke'ck'v! sforzarsi di vomitare
Juke, V. 71. apjmllaiarsi Keckle, v. vestire una gomena
"''^'' Julap, s. giule!:bn, giulebbe
Ir^!-^r"'r '••- ,. Luglio Kedger, s. ancoretta
Irreverent, e. i mble. onfon. Keel, s. carena di vascello.
ly, arf irreveri -.,. coufi
Irreversible, a. i callabrighe -ing, s. Keen, a. acuto, affilato, aguz-
Irievocable, t.
Jumeiit, giumento
Jump, za, of style, acrimonia di
— s.
V. n. saltare,
salto, balzo, —balzare,
er, «. stile

saltatore Keep, V. a. guardare, tenere,

Jumps, s. giubba da donna

s. custodia, 'guardia'. — To'

Iside, s. gliiacciuolo, gocci
ghiaccio pendente
Isinglass, s. cola di pesce, — Ke^, s. sorta di barile
stone, talco gmepra Kell, *. rete delle budetle
Isle, and Island, s. un' isola, Junk,*, unal Kelp, s. sale prodotto da pian
— er, s.un isolano pezzo di gon
Isosceles, *; triangolo isoscele Junket, s pi. Ken, V. a. scoprire
n. far bu
gliuoli, prole,— lìn the arm), cani, eanale
cauterio, —
v. a. procedere, fazione Kerchief, s. spezie di cuffia
terminare, —less, a. senza Kerchiefed, a. col capo accoi
prole Jurat, s. giurato
Isthmus, «. istmo Juridical, a. giudiziale Kern, i. villano, contadin
Italian, a. Italiano Jurisdiction, s. giuridiziow vagai
Italie, a. italico giustizia, tribunale <" ?'<' spezi,
Itch, s. scabbia, ro^ Jurisprudence, t. giurispri Irlandese.

— Kem,
', —V. a. pizz •idarire come fa il grano
ulorla, gianduia
Item, ad. item, di più, —s Kersey, s. spezie di panne
Iterate, v. a. ripetere gi<"i- Kestrel, s. gheppio, sorla dì
Itinerant, a. ambulante
Itinerary, s. itinerario ustice, s. giustizia. — Lord Ketch, s. tartana
Jubilee, s. giubbileo chief Justice, capo giudice Kettle, s. caldaia, calderone.
Judaic, a. Giudaico Justiciary, s. giudice — Kettledrum, «. timpano,
Justifiable, a. che si ptà) taballo
Judaize, v. a. Giudaizzare giustificare, ~ìy, ad. con Key, s. una chiave. —
Keys of
Judge, s. un giudice, un as giustizia ;ans, tastiera d'organo.
sessore, — a v. giudicare ustification, s. giusti fica;.ione Keyhole, J. buco delie
pensare, — ment, *. giudicio :
Justify, V. n. giustificare
)iarere, castigo., sentenza Kibe, s. pedigncnc
" a03
Lacker, ». vernice, —er, t.
quello che innernisce
'',foca_ Lackey, ». lacchè
Kid, *. capretto, —v. n. figli/ire Kneel, v. n. inginocchiarsi, Laconic, a. laconico
Kidder, s. uno die compra —ing, ».inginacchioni Laconism, ». laconismo
frrani per farle rincarare Knell, ». campana a mortorio Lacteal, a. latteo, bianco
Kidnap. V. a. trafugare figli- Knife, ». coWetfo.— Peiiinife, ». Lad, ». un giovanetto
noli, —per, ». colui che tra- Ladder, ». scala
fila figliuoli Knight, cavaliere,
». ». a. — Lade, ». a. caricare, ing, ». —
Kidney, *. arnione creare cavaliere. Knight- — carico, caricamento.— y.ill of
Kidney -beans, *. pi. fagiiwli hood, ». cavalleria lading, polizza di carico
Kilderkin, /. mezzo barile, Knit, V. a. lui-ora re. annodare, Ladle, ». mestola
barilotto [dire logore. — Knit itockings, ». Lady, ». signora, dama, ship, —
calzette fitte all' ago. - ». qualità di dama
Knitter, ». uno che lavora Lag, a. ultimo, — ». ji. restare
calzette all' ago
Knob, ». nocdtio, fiocco, — r, ». ricettacolo di cervo
Kiln, . fornace. — Brici-kil' V. n. annodarsi, by, — a. Laity, ». i laici, i secolari
noderoso Lake, ». lago
Kiinbo, a. curvo, piegate Knock, V. a. picchiare, ». — Larab, ». agnello, —kin, ».
colpo, picchio. Knocter, ». —
Kin. t. paretiie, congiutito, — martello di porta ,anie, a. zoppo, — (cf band)
Kind, o. benigno, cortese, — s Knoll, sonare una cam-
V. a.
genere, modo, testo, surte pana a mcrtorio, » cima, — — ly, ad.
Kindle, ti. a. accendere sommità [razzo —ness, ». stroppiatura
Kmdly, ad. cortesemente, — Knot, ». nodo, nocthio, imba- Lament, ». a. lamentare. —
ness, s. bo7ilà, amicizia Knottinoss, ». ncdositì able, a. lamentevole, ably, —
Kindred, ». parentado Knotty, a. noderoso ad. lamentevolmente, ation, —
K ine, s. pi. vacche KnoTrahle, a. che si pub sapere ». lamento
King, un rè, rege, — Know, sapere, conoscere, Lammas, ». i7 primo f.igosto
King's- — — ing, a.a.sapiente, — ledge,
». Lamp, ». lampade. — Lamp-
fisher, s. alcione, — ly, a. black, ». nero d'elio
abilità Lampoon, ». a. sa'ireggiare
Knuckle, r. a. schiaffeggiare
Kinsfolks, ». pi, parenti Knuckle of vesU, garetta di
Kinsman, ». un congiunto vitella. — Knuckles, ». pi.

Kirk, ». chiesa (voce Scozzese) Lancet, ». lancetta

Kirtle, ». sorta di gonnella Land, ». paese, terra, ». a. —
sbarcare. —
Land-forces, ».
baciare, — er, ». quello che for-^e terrestri. — Land-tax,
». taglia, imposizione. —
Kit, ». violino di tasca LABE] Landing, ». sbarco. — Land-
Kitchen, ». cucina Kitchen- die — .
lady, ». oslesa. —Landlord, ».
garden, ». un orto Labia!, a. labiale proprietario, un oste
Kite, ». nibbio.— Kilt: (paper), Landed man, ». uomo riccc

Kitten, ». un gattino, — v. n. Land.scape, ». paesaggio

figliare (parlando d'una Landwards, ad. verso la terra
galla) [l'erba Lane, ». vico, sfilati, rietta
Knab upon grass, v. n. pascer — er, » lai- Language, ». linguaggio
Knack, ». baia, bagalella, lavoro, sfirzo Languid, a. languido
arte, abilità Labyrinth, ». labirinto Languish, ». a. languire, —
Knag, s. nodo d'albero, —gy, — ingly, ad. d'una ìnuniera
strìnga, — (of thread)
Knap, ». sommità, cima. — to, —(of gold) passa- Langìior, ». languore
Knap at, v. a. xcoppinre, Lank, a. minuto, fiacco, deli-
acchiappare [dtz/j Lace, ». a. allacciare, gkllo-
Knapsack, ». bisaccia di snl- Lanncr-hawk, ». laniere
Knave, ». furfante, ribaldo, Lacerate, ». a. lacerai Lanniard, and Lannier, ».
— at cards, il fante. — Laceration, ». laceraziot scotta, quella fune che s'at-
Knavery, ». furfanteria — Lachrymal, a luci

male tacca alle vele per mollarle o

Knavish, a. furbesco, Lack, ». a. r,u diifemlerle
ad. da furfante 1 tisogtu), dibatta Lansquenet, ». lonzo
Leagije, ». lega, unione [sediti
Lantern, s. lanterna.— han- Leaguer, ». confederalo, ai'
tem-maker, «. lantermere, Leak, ». apertura per la quale
—ship's lantem, «. fanale e up.
l'acqua trapela, v n. toa- —
Lap, s. i;rimho, falda
». laude, lode, able, — pelare, —
age, ». crepatura,
lapdog, s. un cagnolino
a. laudevole, —ably, arf.
— y, a. che trapela, fesso
Lap up, f. a.
ladabilinente Lean, v. n. appoggiarsi, posare
magro, povero, ste-
Lapidary, s, lanidario Laudanum, s. laudano
Lave, V. a. votare, lavare sti, a. magretlo,

Lapidation, j. lapidazione ness, » magrezza
Lapis-Lazuli, '--'- -'-• Lavender, s. lavanda, spiga
Leaning-staff", ». bastone per
pietra prezit Laver, s. lavatoio
appoggiarsi [giatoio
Laugh, V. n riJere.— Laug'a
at, V. n. burlarti, scìierntre,
Leaning -stock, ». un appo-
Lappet, s. falda
Lapse, s. errore, colpa, —v. n. —able, a. risibiln, ridicolo, Leap, V. «. saltare, coprire,
—v. a. palpitare, battere,
fuggirsene, passarsi
—ex. s. un che ride, —ter, s. — Léao-
Larboard, 3. lato manco <Pun un riso. — Laughing-stock, —e. salto, balzo.
Canno bisestile, —er,
zitnbello.—To break out year, ».
into laughter, scoppiare
Larceny, s. furio Learn, v. a- imparare, inse-
Larch-tree, s. larice
d.ille risa
Lavish, a. prodigo, profuso, gnare, —
ed, a sapiente, ca-
Lard. s. lardo —v n. lardare..

V. a- prodigare, ness, i. — pace, —
edly, ad. dottamente,
— er, s. di>pen»u.— Larding-
ly, ad. pro- —
digatmente [un vascello Lease, »'.
— v. a. dare in
Large', a. grande, ampio, li-
a pigione, spigolare
berale.— At large, ad. di^tfa- i-aunch a ship, v. n. varare affitto,
pianura Leaser, ». spigolatore
Laund, s.
Leash, guinzaglio, —of
I^aundress, ». lavandaia
Laundry, ». lu<go da lavare hounds, ». tre cani aggum-
Laureate, ». i* jiùeta del re zagliati insieme
Largess, Least a. minimo, più piccolo.
Laureate, a. toronatt. d'alloro
Laurei, ». alim, lauro -At least, ad. almeno, al-
Lav.-, ». U^ge, la giurUpru-
Leather, ». cuoio.-iLeaUier.
dressei, ». conoiatore di
Lawful, u. gittsto, legittimo,
— un
Lash, s. sferzata, frustata, — iegittimamente
Iv, at.
neHe.— Leathervieller, ».
pellicciaio. — i^eather-.bottle,
re,frn. Lawless, a. che non ha legge
». otre, ofro.—rLeathem, a.
hasi,s.'nna fanciulla Lawn, ». rensa, pianura
processo, lite di pelle
Lassitude, s stanchezza Lawsuit, ». . .

Leave, permissione, licenza,

Last, a. vliimo, ly, and last — Lawyer, ». avvocato, legista
Lax, a. tnolle, debole, ative. — addio,
congedo, —v. a. las-
of all, arf.u/' ciare, abbandonare.—:\.eavt
Last, V. n. dura
—s. -At last, ad. Lav, a. laico, secolare, — i'. a. out, V. a. omettere, escludere
allafiuc, infine lievitare, fermentare
Lasting, a. durabile
Latch, siifuceudo.— Latches.
r, » rampollo, brocco
s. pi. cordicela di scarpe
Ì,ayman, « un laico
Late, a. tardo, ultimo, defunto, LechèV,"». «"» «"""0 lascivo
—a,:, tardi Lecherous, a. lascivo, impw
Lazily, ad pigramente
Lately, ad. recentemente —;ly, ad. lascivamente.
Laziness, ». pigrizia
Lazy, a. pigro, infingardo.—
Lecliery, ». lascivia
Lateral, a. laterale Lecture, ». lettura, lezione,
Lazy-bone, ». utio scioperato —
zione, er, ». leggitore,
Late l'ultim Lead, ». piornio.— Red lead, ».

ciuaabra, minio.— Le^i, v. p, ». '««"^«^^

Late ward.
Lath, ». uffìcella, —v, piombare
gran libri di mer-
Lead, v. a. menare, guidare, r, ».
coprire d'afficelle
Lathe, ». tornione, divisioni

condurre. Leader, ». con-
insavon duttore, generale d'armata,
Lather, v.
». supon — capo d'un partito Leading- — Lee-shòre, ». la spiaggia ali*
quale dà il vento
strings, » stringhe, nastri-
Latin, a. Latino, — isni, ». — Leading-card, ». la prima Leecn,
leech, »
un maniscalco
iinismo, — ist, ». Lalinisi
un porro Lcek-pot- —
foglia, foglio.— The Leek, ».
X,elt; ».
Latish, ad. tardetto tage, ». zuppa con porri
Latitude, s. latitudine fall of ths leaf, Caulunno, sguar-
Lesv, ». Oi:chiata oblic»,
Latten, ò. latta .
-^j, a. fronzute
jtiù piccolo. —To grow .esS;
Lessee. conduttore
, feccia, sedintentc
J. fl. Lf!«sen, V. a. impicciolire.—
I/Ce'tt-ard ship, a. iiare Lessen from one's self, ab-
noil va a seconda del vento. Licentious, a. licenzioso, — ly,
— Leeward tide, s. vento ad. licenziosamente, — nes's,
». dissolutezza
teft/*. manco, sinistro.— Left- '.

Liok, V. a. leccare.— Lick li)),

Ijanded, a. mancino V. 71. —
lambire. J.ick, ». pic-
Leg, s. una fftimha, of mut- — co/o colpo, una Lotta
Lioterish, a. ghiotto, leccardo.

I-egal, u. legittimo,
lecito, — impedire. —-Het
blood, v. i Licorice, ». tcgolizia, lii]uo-
itv, s. conformità alle leggi, cavare sangue— Let, t. in
— ly, ad. legalmente pedimento, ostacolo
I>egalor, s. testatore, donatore Let out, V- a. appigionare
Legatee, s. legatario Lethargic, a. letargico
Legateship, s. legazione Lethargy, s. letargia zogtia, bugia
Legendary stories, favole, Letter, s lettera, epistola.- Lie down, ti. «. coricarsi
Letters patent, patente. - Lief, ad. volentieri, —a. e
Letter of attorney, s. un

Lettered, a. letterato, dotto

Lettuce, s lattuga

Legislator, s. legislatore
Legislature, s. legislatura Level, a. livello, piano, -
Legitimaey, s. legittÌ7nità a. spianare, livellare, -
Legitimate, a. legittimo, — livello, livella, — irig, j pensione a vita Life- —
guard, ». soldato di guardia.
Le — Lifeless, a. che non e

Lift, ». sforzo, —v. a. levare,

alzare. —
Shoplifter, ». un
Levity, ». levità, incostanza
Levy, V. a. levare, — i. leva. Ligament, ». ligamento
Ligature, ». ligatura. ligame
Lemonade, s. limonata Lewd, a. licenzioso, — ly, ad. Light, ». leggiere, frivolo, in-
Lend, v. a. prestare, acci costante, biondo, cUiaro
modare, ^r, s. prestati Light, V. a. accendere, far
—ing, s. presto, prestilo Lexicon"s.''dizUmariò""' lume, -». ,«me.- Light
Length, s. lunghezza, —of Liable, a. soggetto, esposto upon, V. n. incontrare
time, durata del tempo, — Liar, ». UH mentitore, bugiardo Lighten, v.a. alleggerire, sgia-
en, V. a. allungare, accres- Lib, V. castrare
cere. —
At length, ad. in Libation, ». libazione Lighter, ». piana, barca, —
jomma.— Lengthwise, ad. in Libbard, ». loepardo. Lib- —
bard's-bane, ». aconito Light-footed, a. leggiero alla
Lenient, a. dolcificante Libel, libello, satira, do-
manda giudiciaria, v. a — Light-headed, a. fuor di
Lenitive, ». un lenitivo diffamare, —
ler, ». «;i dif- Light-hearted, festoso, al-
Lenity, *. affabilità, dolcezza famatore, — lous, a. diffa- legro. —Light-horse, ca- ».
Lens, *. lente, cristallo < raleggiere. — Lighthouse, ».
figura simile alla lena Liberal, a. liberale, generoso. /.«la/e— Lightly, ad. facil-
Lent, ». la quaresima —
Liberal arts, arti liberali, '

Lentil, lenticchia
». —
ity, ». liberalità, ly, ad. — ness, ». le^^
Leo, ». leone, uno dei dodici liberalmente 18 head, delirit
tegni del zodiaco.— Leonine, Libertine, ». scapestrato, svi- Lightning, ». lampo, baleno
ato, —
ism, ». sfrenate! Lights, » pi. polmoni
Leopard, ». leopardo Liberty, ». libertà, per Lightsome, a. luminoso, allegra
Leper, ». i,„ /cpi-o.?o.— Le- libero arbitrio inosc Ligneous, a ligneo
prosy, ». lebbra. — Leprous, Libidinous, a lascivo, libidi- Like, a. simile, pari, proba-
a. lebbroso Librarian, ». bibliotecario bile, credibile, — v. a. amate,
Less, ad. meni .-a. minore, Library, ». biblioteca, libraria gradire
Likelihood, s. apparenza Liquescence, ». liquefatione
Likely, a- verisimile, bello, ben Liquid, a liquido, ate, v n — — Sugar loaf, ». un pane di
fatili, —ad probabilmente liquidare, — ity, s. liquidità
Liken, v. a. paragonare Liquor, * liquore Loam, ». terra grassa, creta
Lisp, V. a. scilinguare, balbet- Loamy, a. argilloso, pastoso
tare, er,— scilinguato, —
». Loan, ». prestito
Liking, *, scelta, penio ing, balbuzie
». Loathe, v. a. schifare, ab-
Lilac, s. ghianda ungìienlaria List, a. arrotare, —
V. ». / borrire, —ing, ». fastidio,
Lily, ,. giglio giostra, — of cloth, cin.
. ascoltare, udire Lob, ». un villano, balordo
Lobby, ». un portico
Listless, a. infingardo, pigro, Lobe, » lobo
Limber, a. ^flessibile, piegh -ly, ad. trascuratamente. Lobster, ». gambero di mare
LtScal, ». locale, — ly, ad. lo-
Limbo, ». limbo, prigione Litany, ». litania
Lime, ». calcina. —
Birdiimi Literal, a. letterale, — ly, ad. Location, ». altogagione
». vischio, pania. lAm, —
tree, ». /jg^/io.— Limekiln, Literate, a. letterato, dotto, — gun, rottila, — of hair,
furnace ure, ». letteratuia ciiijfp! di capelli. — Lock-
Limit, ». limite, termine, - Litharge, ». letargo smith, ». chiavaiuolo
Lithe, a. pieghevole, flessibile, Lock, t'. a. serrare con serra-
-riCi!.,s. flessibilità Loclter, ». colombaia [tura
ther, a. pigro, tardo Locket, ». monile, gioiello
Litigant, a. litigante Lockram, ». tela grossa

Limous, a. limoso, fangoso Litigate, V. a. litigare, dis- Locust, ». locusta

Limp, ti. n. zoppicare, esse putare, —
ion, ». lite, processo Lodge, loggia, ostello.
». —
Litigious, a. litigioso, ly, — V. a. alloggiare, -v. n. far
Limpid, a. limpido, chiaro tin riparo, —
ment, ». al-
wnore litigioso loggiamento, —
er, ». un pi-
Litter, ». letto, paglia solfo gionale, —ing, ». camera.
le bestie, lettiga, ventraia.
— To make a litter, met- Loft, ». granaio [samente
tere iscompiglio.
in Lit- — Loftily, ad fieramente, maestà-
ter, (bring forth) fare calel- Loftiness, ». fierezza, maestà,
•with fur, soppanait altezza [elevata
Lofty, a. alto, fiero, sublime.
Log, ». ceppo, toppo
Loggerhead, s. un balordo
Liturgy, » liturgia Logicai, a. logicale
Lineament, ». fatezza, linea-
Liiion, ». tela, — (made up) Lo,
biancheria — Linen - dr.iiJer,
mercante di tela Livelihood, ». facultà, vita, Loin, ». l'arnione.— Loins, ». le, baccalà, tamerice
». Loiter, V. n. tardare, — er,
Linger, v. n. tardare, lan- ». infingardo, —ing, ». ne-
guire, ing, — a. lungo,
tardo, —
ingly, ad. lenta- LUevrT7%alo. - Liver- Loll, V.»!. appoggiarsi.— LoU

colour, color di fegato out the tongue, stender la

'0 nelle lingue Liverwort, ». epatita
I.ìnfme..., .. ..„„.„„„ Livery, ». livrea, to wear, — Lone, Lcnely, Lcnescme, a.
Lining, ». fodera, of a — ì portar la livrea. To keep —
cttffia d'un cappello Lonesomenesss, ». solitudine
Link, ». asinelio di cati valli d' affitto

[dezza Long, a. lungo, lento, ad. —

fiaccola, — V. a. incatenai Livid, a. livido, —
ity, » livi- molto tempo. — Long suffer-
Linnet, ». fanello Living, ». benefizio, vitto. —
Linseed, » semenza di lino Good living, buona cera Long, tv desiderare
Lint, s.filaticcio Longanimity, ». longanimità
Lintel, ». listello Livor, lividezza
». Longevity, lunga mia»'.

Lion, ». Hone, leone Lizard, ». lucertola Longing.,.», desiderio

Lioness, » leonessa, lionessc Load, ». carica, peso ri-Caxt- Longinquity, ». lontananza,
Lip, » labbro, orlo load, ». carenata. Load, ti. — lungo spazio di tempo
Liquefaction, ». liquefazion a. caricare [nete
Liquefy, v. a. liquefare Loadstone, ». calamita, mag-
Long-safferiiig, a. paziente Lc7ely, a. amabile,— ad. ama- Lump, mtiza, pezzo,
». tnue-
Long-winded, a. che ha buon ciào, —ing, grosso a.
fiato Lover, ». amante, amadore, Lumpish, a. materiale, petunie,
Longwise, ad. pel lungo drudo, amaliice ness, ». baiordaggine, pas-
Lougwort, ». angelica Loving, a. amalnle, buono, —
Looby, s. un balordo Ij, cui affettuosamente Lumpy, a. massiccio
Loof, *. la parte del vento, il Lounge, v. n. impigrirti Lunacy, s. frenesia
sopravvento Louse, ». un pidocchio, — v.
Loot up, t'. n. serrare il vento a. spidocchiare, -^ily, ad. Lunatic, a. lunatico
Look, V. a. guardare, mirare. Lunation, ». lunazione
— Look like, rassomigliare. danza di pidocchi. — Lousy, Lunch, ». pezzo, tozzo
— Look well, ti. n. aver a. pidocchioso Luncheon, ». merenda
buona cent. —
Look upon, Lungs » pi. i polmoni
considerare Low, a. basso, vile, inferiore Lungwort, ». polmorutria
Look, s. aria, cera, risguardo Low,t.'. a. muggire, mugghiare Lupine, ». lupino, sorta di
Looker-on, s. spettatore Lower, v. a. discendere, smi-
Looking-glass, ». specchio nuire, ablxtssare Lurch, (at cards) ». marcio,
Loom, ». telaio Lower, (of the sky) r. n. co- posta doppia one, — Lurch
Loon, ». un briccone prirsi I', a guadagnar il marcio.
Loop, ». affibiaglio. — Loop- Lowering look, aria iiicres- Lurch, (leave in the) ab
hole, rigiro, sotterfugio pata. —
Lowering weather, bandonare
Loose, V. a. sciorre, —
slegare, tempo coperto Lurcher, (dog) ». un bassetto
Lowermost, a. il piti basso Lurching. ». insidia
Loose liver, ». danaro d'a- Lowing, ». muggito Lure, ». esca, allettartunto
Liviiness, ». umiltà Lurid, a. livido, pallido
Loosen :ciogaere Lowly, o. umile Lurk, V. n. appiattarsi
railent ento. Lowness, picciolezza, —
». of Lurking-place, ». nascondiglio
spirits, di mente, Luscious, a. dolce, melato, de-
Loosening, a. lassativo pressione.—Low-spiiited, de-a
lizioso, — ^ness, ». dolcezza
Lop, V. a. stralciare, polare Lust, ». coticupitcenza, —
a. n.
Loquacious, a. loquace, —ness, Loja!, fedele, —
a. leale, ad. ly,
». cicaleria lealnunte, — lealtà
ty, ». Lustful, a. impudico, — ^ly, ad.
Loquacity, loquacità, cicalio
». Lozenge, ». pastiglia impudicamente, —ness, ». in-
Lord, ». signore, —
of the ma- Lubber, » facchino, poltrone
nor, feudatario.
a. Lord, — Lubricate, v. a assonare Lustily, ad. vigorosanjeate
1'. a. signoreggiare. Lord- — —
Lubricity, ». lascivia, leggie- Lustiness, ». vigore, fiirxa
like, da gran signore. Lustrai, a. lustrale
Lordliness, ». alterigia. — Lucid, a. lucido, lucente, — ^ity, Lustration, » lustrazione
Lordly, a. altiero, signorile. ». chiarezza Lustre, ». lustro
— Lordship, ». signoria, ee- Luck, ». caso, fortuna, —less, Lustring, ». lustrino
cellenza a. sfortunato, —
ily, ad. per
Lorimer, ». artefice che fa fortuna [turato Lusty, a. robusto, forte
briglie, sproni e simili stru- Lucky, a. fortunato, ax Lutanist, ». suonator di liuto
menti pe" eavalli Lute, liuto

Lose, V- a. perdere, scordare. Lucre, ». lucro, profitto Lutestring, ». corda di liuto

Lucubrate, v. a. studiare di Lut_, .
notte, —ion, ». veglia, studio Luther; Il Luterani»'

Loser, ». perditore notturno

Losings, » pi perdite Luculent, a. luminoso, chiar Lutherans, ». pi. Luterani
Loss, ». perdita, danne Ludicrous, a. burlesco, piai Lutulent-, a. fangoso
Lot, ». sorte, porzione role, —
ly, ad. piacevolment Luxate, v. a. dislogare, — v.
Lote-tree, ». loto Lug, li. a. tirare, —
». la punta
Loth, a. avverso deir orecchio
Lotion, ». lozione Luggage, ». arnese, bagaglii Luxuriance, ». abbondanza
J.otterj-, ». lotto Lugubrious, a. lugulire Luxuriant, a. frtilc, grost
Loudj'a. allo, forte, grande, Lukewarm, a. tepido, indif- lano, sopr abbondatile
— ad. forte, ly, ad. ad— ferente, — ^ness, ». tepidezza, Luxuriate, v. n. esst e tropp»
alta voce, —
ness, ». forza, freddezza fertile
strepito Lull asleep, v. a, addormen- Luxurious, a. lussurioso, •
Love, V. a. amare, affilio- ness, ». lusso forte, ly, aé.—
nare, —s. amore Lo^d- Lull, V. a. ninnare, accare
letter, ». episkilella amoroscr Lumber, ». masserizie Luxury, j. russo, superfluità, .,

viovejjly, ad. amabilmente,

acii, ». grazia, bellezza
luminoso, lucente
Lye, ». bucato, bugia, —
JLye, or lie, v. n. giacere, much of.
al letto,alloggiare, dimorare. Make off, »
— Lye-in, partorire.— Ly^ :- Blake after
le, seguitare.
wait, star in agguato Magi, ». pi. magi ».

I,yingin, «. parto Magical, a. magico, ly, ad. —

Lying, s. bugia, mensogna mugicamente Maker, ».facitore
Xyncean, a. linceo, d'actt Magician, s. uno stregone Maker (peace), ». conciliatore
vista Magic, !. magia, a. magico — Mal-administration, ». mal-
Lynx, s. lince, Inpo cerviero Magisterial, «. fiero, magis- procedere, catUra condotta
trate, — ly, ad. da maestro Malady, ». malattia
lirico.—^Lyric poet, s. poe Magistracy, ». magistrato. Jlalapert^ a. sfrontato, — !y.

Magistrate, ». un magistrato
Magnanimity, ». magnanimità Male, ». i7 maschio
Magnanimous, a. magnanimo, Malecontent, ». malcontento

M Magnet,
ly, ad. coraggiosamento
». magnete, —ica3, a.
Malediction, ». maledizione
Malefactor, ». malfattore
Malefic, a. malfacente
Magnificence, ». magnificenza Malevolence, » malizia
lyTACARONI, s. maccheroni, Magnificent, a. magnificente, Bfalevolent, a. maligno, tn«
-ly, ad. magnificamente
Uracaronic, a maccheronico IWagnify. v. a. aggrandire Malice, ». malizia, animosità.
Jlacaroon, s. sorta di biscottini IMagnitude, ». grandezza Malicious, a. malizioso, in-
Mace, s. mazza, — bearer, s. Magpie, ». gazza, pica vidioso, — ad. maliziosa-
Mahometan, ». Maomettano mente, —ness, malignità ».

Mace (spìce), s. mace, macis Maid, ». pesce di mare, fan- Malignancy, ». malignità
Macerate, v, a. inzuppare. ciulla. — Maid - servant, ». Malignant, a. maligno, nocivo
serva — Chamber-maid, ca- Malignity, ». malei'olenza
Mail, ». maglio, martello
Machinate, a. macchinare, Maiden, ». ragazza, zittella Mallard, ». anitra saioatica
Jlaiflenhead, ». virginità Malleable, a. malleabile, —
e, — or, s. macchina- IMaidenly, a. virginale ity, ». qualità di eio cb' è
tore Maidenly, ad. modestamente malleabile
Machine, macchina,
s. ery, — Majestic', a. maestoso, grande, Mallet, ». maglio
». uso delle macchine sublime malva
Mallows, ».

Machiner, macchinatore M ajestically, ad. maeitosa- Malmsey, ». malvagia

Machinist, s. macchinista Malt, ». orzo per farne dellt
Macilent, a. macilente, magro Majesty, ». maestà, elevazione, birra.- Malt, skin, ». «n
Mackerel, s. sgom'bro /omo. — Malt -mi 11, ». un
Macula (spoti, s. macula Mail, ». maglia, valigia. —A mulinello.— Maltsier, ». mer-
Maculate, v. a. m.acchiare,
maculare Malversation, ». prcvarica-
Macule, s. foglio guasto
Mad, a. insensato, atrabiato, Mammocks, ». pi. frammenti.
matto, giocoso, allegro. — Main, principale. — Maia
Mad-cap, ». uno stordito. — guard, la gran guardia.
». Mammon, ». ricchezze
Mad fit,ghiribizzo, capric- — :\rain sea, mare, — l'alto Man, ». uomo. —Man-servant,
cio. — Madhouse, ». spedale Main land, continente, ». il -Mar
— ad. principalmente
ly, nave da guern -.Man
Mad, V. a. fare arrabiare Alainprise, a. mallevare, —
v. slaughter, ».omiciaio
Madam, ». madama, signora ».mallevadore tlan, V. a. fornire d'uomini.
Madder, ». robbia Maintain, a. mantenere. —
Madefy, v. a. bagnare Maintain a cause, difen-
Madly, ad. pazzamente dereuna causa, —able, a.
Madman, ». un matto, pazzo
Madness, ». collera, furia, paz- ». difensore, protettore di Manage, ». maneggio, — v. a
zia, rabbia manegfiiare. — Manage
Madrigal, ». madrigale, ma- Maintenance, ». difesa, man-
tenimento vallo — Manage one, gover-
Magazihe. ». magazzino, fon- Major, ». un maggiore, — ity, nare alcuno, — able, a. trat-
daco, stanza dove si ripongon ». maggiorità, pluralità. — tabile, — ment, maneggio. ».
Urajorship, ». mag-; rettore
Maggot, ». vermicello, cac- Mar ervj ». condotta, i

thione, — (whim) capriccio,

Manenet, t. pan biiffMò Manufacture, v. a. fabbricare,
Mandatary, «. mandatario — er, s. manifattore, ing, —
Mandate, «. mandalo, ordini s. fabbrica
Mandible, «. matcella, — Manumission, ». liberazione da Jlarrow, ». mi</o//<i.— Marrow-
mangiativo bone, ». Oi»o midolioso
Mandrake, t. mandragola Manumit, i;. a. liberare di
Mane, *. crine, chioma Manurable, a. da coltivare (heigh marry) ad. vera-
Manes, *. le anime dei morti Manure, t;. a. concimare la
llaniul, a. bravo, genero terra, — s, concime, letame Jfarsh, ». palude, laguna
— ly, ad. valorosamente, Manuscript, ». manoscritto Marshal, ». maresciallo, — v. a.
Many, a. m-^lti, gran numero.
Manly, a. coraggioso — Many times, ad. spesse Marshy, a. paludoso
flange, *. scabbia di cane Mart, s. fiera
Manger, s. mangiatoia Marten, or Martem, ». «lar-
Manginess, s. prurito
Mangle, v. a. sbranai, sir: ^lai. guerriero
IVIartialist, ».
Marauder,"», soldato che va à Martial, a. marziale. Court- —
Mangy, a. scabbioso predare martial, consiglio di gu-
Manhood, *. coraggio
virilità, Sfarauding, ». scorreria
Manìa, s. mania, pazzia Marble, » marmo. Marbles, — Martingal, ». martingalla

gere a foggia di marmo

Marcasite, s. marcassita
March, ». Marzo, of sol- —
diers, marcia, March, v. a. — tnartirio, —ology, ». mar-

marciare. March off", pie- tirologio
gar <e«(ie.— Marches,
le ». Marvel, v. n. maravigliarsi, ».
Manifold, a. vari, molti frontiere
Alaniple, s. manipolo Marchioness, ». marchesa Marvellous, a, maravishoto,
Mankiller. *. assassino Marchpane, ». marzapane - ly, ad. maravi'gliosa-
Mankind, s. il genere umane Mare, s. cavalla, giumenta
Manliness, s. aspetto maschi Margin, ». rtiargine, orlo, — Masculine, a. mascolino
Manly, a. maschile, maschio, al, a. marginale. — Marginai Mash, V. a. stiacciare, mesco-
coraggioso, prode lare, —mescHglio
Msisk, V. mascherare,
a. ». —
Mar maschera, pretesto, colore,
ccslun Marine, a. marii la — er, ». una maschera


Mariner, ». ma Mason, ». nuratore, ^ry, s.

compass, bussola fabbricn
Marjoram, ». marjorana, »
Mannikiu, ». omacciuolo Maritai, a. maritale Mas io, la
Manor, ». feudo, signoria, Maritime, a. marittimo
dere. villa signorile Mark, v. a. marcare Mark Massacre, ». strage, — r. a.
Mansion, ». soggiorno, dirm uccidere, —ing, » macello
Mark, ». marca, segno, tur- IHassiness, Massiteness, ».
]Wanslaughter, ». omicidio gravezza, solidità
Mansuetude, ». mansuetudine Marker, ». segnatore Massive, a. massiccio
]\Iantelet, maniellctto
». Market, ». mercato.— Market- Mast, ». alb<:ro
Mantle, mantello, manto,
». price, prezzo corrente.—
». Master, maestro,
». li. a. —
mantellina, —
(for a child) Market- town, ». bur go, — sormontare, raffrenare, go-
vaglinola able, a. buono, ben condi- vernare. —
ly, ad. da maes-
Mantle, v. a. stendere Cali, zionato. — Market-house, ». tro. —
Masterpiece, ». capo
fare una pìccola spuma mercato, piazza d'opera. — Mas\ership, ».
Mantua, ». manto da donna. Marksman, ». uno che tira bene mae»/ria.— Mastery, ». mag-
— Mantua-maker, ». sarta al seguo gioranza. To get the mas- —
da donna Mari, ». marga, marna, v. a. tery of, venire a fine —
Manual, a. manuale. Sign- concimare.— j

Marl-pits, ». Masticatory, a. masticatorio —

manual, segnatura. Ma- — Maslich, ». mtistico, mastice.
Marmalade, ». cotognata
Marmoset, ». mascherone
Jlanuduction, ». guida, ice- Marquis, ». marchese. Mar- —
quisace, ». marchesato. —
ManufarJure, Manufactory, ». Marquisship, ». qualità di
matrimonio. — Match, v. a. MtBse I. laberinto, ttupore,
assortire, accoppiare, gi- :^lia
Mead, s. idromele
vnle, — less, u. iitcutnpara- ]Meadow, ». prato Mediation, ». mediazione
bile Meagre, a. magro, sientiafo, Mediator, IMediairix, ». medi-
Mate, s. compagno, of a ship, — — ly, ad magramente, ness —
solcopadrone di nave Medicable, a. che si può
Mate, V. a. pareggiare, stupire.. Jleal, ». farina, un pasto.— guarire
Mealy, a. farinoso Medical, a. medicale
Material, 7naferiale.— Ma-
a. Sleal-mouthed, a. contegnoso Medicament, ». medicamento.
terials,s. materiali, ity, s. —
mcierialità, —ìy, ad. mnte- basso,
vile —M -, ad. Medication, ». medicazione
Medicinal, a medicinale
Jlaternal, o. maternale\ ilean, v. a. intendere, disegnai Medicine, ». medicina, medica-
Ulatliematical, a. matematico,
— !y, ad. matematicamente Mediocrity, ». mediocrità
]\Iathematician, s. matematico Meditate, t'. a. meditare, pre
Mathematics, s. pi- matetna-
— By means, ad. per
toul Meditation, ». meditazione
Matins, ». mattutino forza.— By fair means, colla Meditative, a. meditante
IMatrice, s. matrice Mediterranean, ». it Meditrr-
Matriculate, v a. matricolare, Meanders, ». giri, rigiri
— ion, i il matricolare Meandrous, a. pien di rigiri Medium, ». me-'.:o. spediente,
Matrimonial, a matriinoniale Meaning, ». intenzione, sen- mediocrità, invenzione
so, significazione.— A well- Medlar, ». nespola, tree, ». —
mcanine man, uomo di buona
fede Medley, ». mescuglio, confu-
Meanly, ad. riimente, medi-
Medley colour, ». color mei-
Meanness, ». bassezza, medi- Medullary, midolla
a. della
IMattery, a. marcioso Measles. ». rosellia Meed, ». guiderdone, merito
Mattock, s. zappa, marra Measurable, a. che si può Meek, a. mansueti!, trattabile,
Mattress, s. materasso — ly, ad affabilmente, util-

Mature, v. a. maturare, —
ly, land, livellare.—
ad. maturametite, — ity. s. pleasure, i

maturità [turio ludt

Maudlin, a. cotto, *. cupa- — tjualche modo.
Maul, J', a. tartassare, battere, rincontrare. — '^leet witli,
tnto, r of land, »• V. n radunarsi, — ing, ».
Mai borbottare. agri-,
Measuring, ». misuramento ». idoneità, — ly, aiJ. addotta-
Maundy Thursday, s. il Ci- Meat, ». carne, nutrimei
—Roast meat, » dell' Megrim, ». migrana
Mausoleum, s. mausoleo ro»/o.— Boiled meat, ». dell' Melancholic, a. malinconico
Maw. ». lo stomaco de'le bestie Melancholily, ad. malinconica-
Mai evale, Meat (for fowls, &c.), cibo,
tvegtiato, —ness, s. insipt- ìnfet- Melancholy, ». un malinconico,
Maxillary, a. mascella^ Melioration, ». miglioramento
Maxim, s. massima Meliorate, v. a. migliorare
May, s. il mese di Maggio — Mellifluent, a. mellifluo
May-day, s. il primo g' Mechanics, ».meccanica Mellow, a. maturo, moUe,
di Maggio. Maypol( — Mechanism, ». meccanismo — V. a. maturare, —ness, ».
un maio — .Alaybug, s Medal, ». medaglia, — lie, a.
Melodious, a. melodioso, —
U defect, potere — Medallion, ». medaglione ness, ». melodia, —
ly, ad.
much asmay be, tanto Medallist, medaglista,
». dilet-
si può. — It may be, pui tante di medaglie Melody, ». inelodia
tore. —Melting-house, ». Mercurial, a. mercuriale. ..letheglin, », idromele
fi>-id^W»..OIeltinglanfuage, .Methinks, v. imp. mi pare
lusinghe Mercury, ». mercurio, argento -Method, ». metodo, mattierae
Sfember, s. tnemòro via. — To follow a rieht
Membraneous, a. membrancto Mercy, ». misericordia, grazia. method, 7neltere le cos, in
Membrane, * membrana
Jfemoirs, memori-
». Mere. a. puro, franco, vero, Methodical, a. metodico, — ly.
IMeraorative, a. mcmoralivo —IT. a-'., puraraf.ite
Jlemorably, (id. memorabiU Mcrttricious, a. meretricio, Metho<Uz a. ordini
Meridian, a. meridiano, — s ^leioiiymical, a. metonimico
linea tneridiana Metoposoopy, ». metnposcofiia
IMeridional, a. meridionale Metre, », tnetru, —ical, a. me-

letropolis, », metropoli
Meritorious, a. meritorio, — ly, Metropolitan, », metropolitano,
ad. meritevolmente —ship, », arcivescovado
Merlin, ». smeriglio Mettle, ». vivacità, foga, co-
Menace, v. a. minacciare Mermaid, ». sirena
Menaces, *. pi. minacele Merrily, ad. allegramente coraggioso, vivace, foscoso
Menacer, s. minacciatore Merrymake, festa Mew, mudare.
—Mew up,miagolare,
v. a.
Menagery, *. menageria, t Merriment, ». galloria, festeg- rinchiudere,
j. a.
giamento — gabbiano. —Mewing,
». ».
Mend, t'. a. riparare. —Mend Merry, a. allegro, feUevole, muda,—of a cat, miagolare il

clothes V. a. raccomodare d'un gatto

Mender, uomo gioviale. — Mérry-an- Mezzotinto, ». mezzatinta
Mending (clothes), drew. ». bi'ffone. — Merry- Miasm, ». miasma
making, ». allegria Mice, », sorci
Mendicant, *. metidicanie Merry-thought, ». osso forcuto Michaelmas, », la festa di San
JVIendicity, s. mendicità del petto d'un pollo Buchete
Menial, a. domeslico. —Menial Mersion, ». immersio Microcosm, ». microcosmo
Meseraic, a. tneseraii Microscope, ». microscopio
Menstrual, a. mettruale Mesentery, Mid, a. mezzo. Mid-day, — ».
Menstruum, s. mestruo Mesh, ». ìnaglia mezzogiorno
]Uens)irabi!ity, t. qualità di Mess, i. vivanda,
p Middle, mezzo. a. mez-
». il —
cosa che si jnib misurare Zina,

pUtanza.—Mess toge- zano, —

ing, a. mediocre
Mensurate, v. a. misurare ther, ». a. mangiare insieme Midland, a. mediterraneo
Mensuration, t. misuramento Message, ». messaggio, am- Midlent, «. la metà della
Mental, a. mentale, ly, ad. —
Messenger, ». messaggiero Midnight, ».mezza notte
Mention, s. menzione, v. a. Messialì, », il Messia Midriff, ». diaframma
mentovare, --ing, s. men- Messmate, ». compagno mari- Midst, ». mezzo, —pr. fra, nel

Mercantile, a. mercantile Messuage, ». casa con campi

Mercatura, commercios. I
Metage, ». tnisuramenio di
Mercenary, a. mercenario
Mercenariiess, * venalità '
Jletal.». metallo
• Metallic, Metalline, a. metal-

Midwinter, t. il mezzo dd
Jlerchandise, s. mercanzia,
— v. a. trafficare, — ing, *. il Mien, ». aspetto, aria, cera

traffico Might, ». potere, ily, ad.

Slerchant, ». mercatante. —
Merchant-ship, s. vascello netaforii — Mighty, a. potente, — ad.
mercante, —
able. a. ben con- Metaphra
dizionato. —
Merchanl-Uke, MeUphysics, ». pi. la i Migration, ». migrazione
a. merccuitesco Milchcow, ». vacca lattante,
Merciful, a. misericordioso, UH minchione, uno sciocco
— It, ad- compassionevol- Metempsychosis, Mild, a. dolce, pacifico, indul-
— —
miseri- Meteor, », meteora [éc gente, ly, ad. mitemente,
Meter, », misuratore ness, ». dolcezza, lenità
Metewand, Meteyard, t, n Mildew, », golpe

Milfoil, t. mille foglie Minor, ». più giovane, mi- Mischief one. v. a. fare del
militant, a. militante nore.— Minors, ». pi. frati
Military, a. militare —
minori. Minonty, ». mino- Mischievous, a. maligno, per-
JWilitia, *. milizia
aiilk, *. — a.
latte, V. MinotP.ur, ». minotauro
^ncre. — Milk-maid, *. Minster, ». chiesa, monasterio
/««aia.— Milk-sop. *. Minstrel, ». suonator di vio-
dardo, bietolone.— Milkiness, lino Misconceived, a. /,i?»o
c. qualità che tiene della Mint, V. a. monetare, — ». zecca, Misconduct, ». cattiva con-
7iatiira del /o«e.— Milky, a. menta.— Wild mint, ». men- dotta
latteo Miscon lecture, ». falsa con-
Mill. s. ?ni-/''no.-Hand-mill, gettura,— v. a. fare false con-
mutinello. —
Paper-mill, s. M inter, ». zecchiere getture
cartiera- —
W'iiid-mill, n;u- Minuet, ». minuetto Misconstrue, v. a. interpretare
Minute, ». un minuto, mi-
Mill, V. a. macinare
Blill-dam, 3. chiusa di mulino — 11. a. abbozzare. —Minute Miscount, a. sbagliare, —ing,
Millenarian, *. millenario book, ». un foglio, ly, ad. — I',

Millepedes, *. porcellino ter- minuto, —

ness. ». picciolezsa Miscreance, ». miscredenza
Jinx, ». sfacciatella Miscreant, ». un miscredente,
Miller, ». mugìiaào Miracle, ». miracolo infedele
Miller's thumb, a. capitone Miraculous, a. miracoloso, — Jlisdeed, s. fallo, misfatto
Millet, s. miglio ly, ad, miracolosamente Misdeem, v. n.farc torto
Milliner, *. ynerciaìa [ire, s. fango, limo Misdemean one's self, v. r.
Million, «. millione Mirifical, a. nuiraviglioso condursi male
Millstone, «. macine da mu- Mirror, ». specchio, modello, Misdemeanour, ». fallo, er-
lino I\f irth, ». allegria [esernpio
Milt, 3. la milza, —of
fishes, Miry, a. fangoso, melmoso Misdoubt, v. a. dubitar mal a
*. latte de' pesci Misacceptatioii, ». cattiva
Mimic, V. a. contraffare,- costruzione r, ». misero, taccagno.
mimo, buffone, —
r^, s. b Misadventure, ». accidente.
Miserable, a. spilorcio, sor-
Misadvise, v. a. mal avvisare •o, miserabile, — ly, ad.
nthrope or P.Iisanthrcpist,
—Minced meat, s. manica-
Misanthrop., ». misantropia Misery, ». miseria, disgrazia.
Mincmg, a. affettato Misapplication, ». distrazione
Mind, s. spirito, mente, voglia- Misapply, V. a. applicar male

desiderio, volontà, ti. a. ba- Misapprehend, v. a. intendere Misgive, V. a. temere
dare, rijlettere Misgiving, ». pressentimento
Mindful, a. diligente. —ness, s. Misapprehension, ». mal ao-
cura, attennione. —lU-mind- ^
male " '

ed, a. mal disposto. ~-We\h iTsbécome, V. a. disconvenire Misguide, V. a. smarrire

minded, ben affetto Blisbegot, a. bastardo IMishap, ». sventura, disgraz,
Mindless, a. trascurante Misbehave, comportarsi Blishappen, v. n. intravin,
v. n.
male ^
Mine, V. a. minare Misbehaviour, ». cattivo porta- Blishear, v. a. frantendere
Miner, a. minatore mento Mish-mash, ». garbuglio, m
Minerai, s. minerale, ist, — ». Misbelief, ». miscredenza
mineralista, persona che »' Misbeliever, ». miscredente Blisinformation, ». caiiix-a i
intende di minerali Miscalculate, v. a. sbagliare
Mingle, V. a. mischiare, — ». Misinfonn, v. a. informa
miscuglio, mise/danza
Mmjature, ». miniatura
Miscarry, v. n. sconciarsi,
iifragare, perdersi, perire,
_ •_.
^^ cattivo ]\Iisjudge, v. a. giudicare male
Mislead, v. a. smarrire, se-
a, di ministro Miscellaneous, a. mescolalo durre, — er, ». seduttore
Ministration, ». di minìtterio, Mismanage, v. a. m.aneggtart
amministrazione Mischance, ». disgrazia, dii
Ministry, ». ministero neggio
Minium, ». minio [pesce) Mismatch, v. a. appai enta,>
Alinnow, ». ghioz^, (sorta di male, assoriir male
Mitred, a. mitrato Moisten, i-. n. umeUare
Moistness, Moisture, t. una-
dezza, umidità, —of plantt
dare in prigione sugo delle piante
Mix, V. a. mischiare,
— . Mole, *. talpa
metcolarsi, ing, t mii— Mole-catcher, s. cacciaiar it

a. fare errori nella mento, miscuglio

, t'.
Molehill, s. mil
Mixture, t. mischianza
Mixtlv, ad. confutamenti fatto da una talpa
a. deprezzare.
Mizze- -
^' - Moletrap, s. ordegno per preti-
, dere le talpe
I\nsprisl^n, s. negligi ». molo, riparo
trinchetto Mole (fence),
Blisproportion, v. <
Mole (on the skin), *. neo
Mizzle, V. 71. sp
Molest, V. a. molestare, in-
gem lestia, noia, —ing, «. mo-
Jlisquote, V. a. citare Moan, V. n.
tarsi, — t. gemii
MoUient, a. emolliente

festuca, a Mollification, j moUificationt

Moat, s.

Mollificative, a. mollificatwo
Misremember, i
Mollify, v.a. mollificare, al-
Mob, i. acconciati

leviare, pacificare, ing, *. —

tumultuare mollificcmento
Mobbish, a. canag Molosses, or Molasse», «./oiiai-
Mobile, J. mnbik; gliuoli di zucchero
Moment, ». momento, peso,
plebe, mobilità
r. n
mportanza, — ary, a. ca-
mancare, fallire, lattare,
nai e. — 3\Iock-king,
Mh&aU s. messale
Mock-praise, ». zimbello Mommery, ». btiffionerta
.Misshape, ti. a. disfigurar Monachal, a. monacale
Mocker, ». beffatore
Mockery, ». scherno, bur. Monachism, ». monachismo.
Mockingly, a schernevol- Monarch, » monarca, ^ical; —
rchico, monarcale

Mode, » modo, fattura Monarchy, ». monarchia

Model, » modello, piano,— v. a. Monastery,». mOKa»<erto
modellare ]\ronasterial,a. monastico
Moderate, a- moderato, v. a — Monastic, a. monastico
rappresentare fai-
moderare, —
Iv, ad. mederà-
danaro, moneta-
tamente, —ion. ». modera Money,' ».
,. a. far una eou,
Moderator, «. moderatore
danari contanti
Modem, a. moderno
mo Moneyed, a. danaroso
Modernize, v. a. rendere
demo Moneyer,». monetiere
diffidenza, —fili, a. diffidente
Modest, a. modesto, ly, ad eyless, a. senza danari —
modettamente Monger, ». un mercatante
—ing, ». sconfiilenza Mongrel, ». un mulatto
Misty, a. nebbioso Jlodesty, ». modestia, pudore
Mongrel dog. ». cane procreato
Misunderstand, ti a. intendere- da due di diversa specie
male, —ing, ». di' Modicum, ». un boccone
Monition, ». ammonizione
Misusage, ». citt tratta- fllodificalion, ». modificazione
Modify, ti. a. modificare,— ing, .

s. modificazione
Monitory, a. monitorio
CUI»'!/ ..u.-,
Monk, ». monaco.— Monketj,
a. abusare, SfodiUon, ».
moda 6. monachismo
ine, ». vii- '
IModish, a. alla
" modulazione Monkey, ». scimia, bertuccia.

IM odule.
— Monkey-trick, ». buffib'
Mohaii . panno di peli di

nello Monkish, a. monai

Mithridate, ». milridate cale
Mitigate, 1-. a. mitigare, rad Monkish life, mona
d-ilcire, —ion, ». tnitigasione,

Jlonochord, » mo»
rzddoldmcHto I Jlonoframy, nwnogi
Mitre, ». mitra
A'onomachy, i. duello ly, ad. mortalmente, gravt- Mouldv, a. miijjlito
3Ionopolist, s. monopolista Moult," i'.n. mudate
Monopolize, v. n. incettare Mortar, s. mortaio, -s. cal- Moulter, ..anitrino i<
Monopoly, s. monopolio cina, rinallo Mound, s argine, ripi
Monosv liable, s. monosillaba Alortgage, s. ipoteca, pegno, Mount, j. m.iite, man
Monotony, s. monotonia
Monsoon", .. monsone gagee, s. quello che ha un
ipoteca. — .'Mortgager, s.
quello che ha ipotecato
Mortification, ». mortific

Month, s. u ;, -'y. ' Mortify, V. a- mortificai

ogni I reprimere, affliggere Mourner, t, piagnone
Monument, i. Mournful, a. dolente, lugubre,
J.Iood, s. umore,modo — ly, ad dogliosamente
Moody, a. fantastico Mourning, *. lutto, duolo, af-
Moon,«. /a /una— Full-moon, "--' Mourning (sc-
plenilunio. —
Moonlight, s. md), . nào lutti
chiaro di luna. Moonshiny — Mortuary, *. legato Mot io—Dor-
Mosaic, a. Mosaico ghxr
Moor, s. palude, pantano, un Wosque, *. moschea, mescliita Jlousetra una trap-
(an herb),
Moor. V. a. gettare fane iness, s. lanugine *. peioseua
Moot, lef;ge, — Mossy, a. copcfto di musco Mouth, s. bacca. — Mouth,
disputare di qualch. Most, ad. il più, le piti.—
materia legale Most learned, J. dottissimo. mouthea, a. maldicente, —
Mop, s. spazzatolo, smorjie — Most of all, a. principal- fu!, s i boccata. -less.
Mope, s. un minchione, —
.Mostic '• appoggiamano from hand to mouth, I't-

;\[osti> vere ulla giornata.— He

]\Io"ppet, s.J\,ntc Mot nfoss. sends mouths sends meat,
Mor orale, - Moth, s. tignnolu, tallo Iddio proveJc a tutti
Mother, s. mailre, —a. natnlt Mow, mucchio,
s bica di fieno,
-Motherhood, «. matcrnitì -y.n.fareitgrugno.svgare.
r. a. moralixznre, — ly, ad. -IMotherless, a. senza n
moralmente.— Mora\s, s. pi. Ve.— Motherlv, Mower, «. segatore, mietitore
la morale Motion, «. movimi Mowing, s. segamento
Much, ad molta To make —
much of, far gran stima J»
less, a. immobile Mueilage, s, mucilagine, —
Mordicant, mordente
a. Motii-e, a. viotivo inous, a. mucilaginoto
Mordacity, s. mordacità Motley, a. maculato. —Mot-
JVlore, aj. piu JMore — and ley-colour, s. color chiaz-
— Muck hill.
more, un' altra volta
Slorel, s, morella
Moreover, ad. oltre a cii
ove, r. a. muovere, toccare
Morning, s. mattina. — 5Iom-
ing star, /,,c7j>ra.— Morning inger, provocare, irritare, -
gown, vesta da camera
Morose, a. fantnsti Mover, *. movitore
Moving, a persuasivo, pn-
fantasticaggii 'ite, ly, —
ed. IH modo Muddv, a. fangoso, intorbi-
dato. — Muddy look, cera
^lorris-dance, s Mould, s. modello, forma, \ brusca
ra, —V. a. gettare, for- JVfufF, s.manicotto
ì Muffle, V. a. camuJTare, im-
lirmuffatP bavagliare

s. dopo domali Moulder, v n. ridursi in poi- Muffler, s. benda di tels pel

re, consumarsi, ing, s. ;

JVIug, *. brocca [mento
Muggy, a. coperto, oscuro
Moóldi^'ess, s"mu^a I

Mulatto, s. mulatto
^loa\àìri^, s. foggia, imposta I Mulberry, ». mora, frutto dei
Murder a work. !\Iutinous, a. fasitso, — ly, id.
multa, ammenda, — ing, s. omicidio, - Mutiny, ». sedizione, rivolta,
tanguinohnte, crudele — muiinarsi, ribellarsi
V. n,
Mure up, v. a. murare. Mutter, V. a. Se ». bronto-
Mule, 3. mulo, mula Muring up, s. muramento lare, borbottare, er, ». —
rHule-driver, ». mulall Murky weather, s. tempo o borbottaiore, uog, ». bor- —
?.Iul[-wine, &c. V. a. bottamento
e del v: Murmur, Mutton, ». castrato. — Af utton-
jMullar, *. tnacinella fist, ». mano grande e grossa
Mullet, *. tnuggitte -mg, ». mor- Mutual, a. mutuo, scambie-
Mulsa, t. vino ed acqua con moramento vole, ly, ad. mutuamente, —
Murrain, ». mortcUìtà ity, ». mutualità —
Multifarious, a. frequente Murrey, a. color rosso, (mus- Muzzle, ». muso d'un bue, toro,
— ly, ad. dijjlrentemente. cadipe) ». vin moscadello musoliera
Muscle, ». »iu»co/o, moscolo, Myopy, ». vista corta
Multiform, ! ha ììioUe Myriad, a. dieci mila
Muscular, a. muscolare, mus- Myrmidon, ». un briccone,
3\Ìultipliable, a. mnltiplicabile
Multiplicand, s. il numero da ». contemplazione. — Mj-rrh, ». mirra, —ine, a. di

Multiplication, ». ìjwUlplica- ), riflettere, tnedilsre Myrtle, ». mirto, mortella

.. le muse Blyself, pro. io stessi
Muitiplicator, ». inolliplicatore 3, ». gabinetto di cu- Mystagogue, ». interprete <r
Multiplicity, ». moltinlicità aìiticanlie religiose
Multiplier, ». moltiplicatore Muslirc ri fungo
Multiply, V. a. moltiplicare, Mystery, ». misterio, mistero
— Musical, a. musicale,
moltiplicazione. ly, ad. — Mysteries, segreto, intrighi
—ing, ».
Muitiplyiiig-glass, oc- da musico ». Mystical,
a. mistico, mis
chiali afccette Musi( teriaso, —
ly, ad. mistica
Multitude, ». moltitudine, il Musk, ». muschio. Musk-rose, — mente, —
ness, ». misticità
popolo, popolaccio ». 70»« moscata. Muskcat, — Mythological, a. mitologico
Munì, ». ita zUto ». zibetto. uskpear, ». —M Mythology, ». mitologia
Mumble, v. n. borbottare, pera moscadella
masticare a bocca cliitua, —
Musket, ». mojc/iri/o.— Mus-
er, ». borbottone ket-shot, ». moschettata. —
Musketeer, ». moschettiere
Mummery, ». mascherala Musk -melon, melone musculo
Mummy, ». mummia. —To Musky, a. fragrante VTAB, V. a. afferrare. ,

beat one to mummy, am- Muslin, ». mitssolina -^ ' chiappare

maccare uno a forza di bat- Must, ti. def. bisognare, — Nag, ». cavallino, corsiero
terlo V. n. diventare muffò, — ». VoioHgs,
Naiades, f, pi, naiadi
Mump, i'. TI. ingannare, tcroc- mosto, — y, a. mosioso NaU, ». I chiodo, chiavello,
Mustaches, ». basette ottava parte d'un I
Mustard, ». mostarda, se- alla, ti. a. inchiodare,
napa. —
Mustard-pot, ».
>Iuraping, ». raccattare mostardiera Nailer, ». chiodaio
Muster, a. rassegnare, —
v. Naked, a. nudo, spogliato, —
•tmstra, rassegna. — Mus- ly, ad. nudamente, — ^ness, ».
». masticatura niaster, ». rasvegnatore nudità
jVIundane, a. mondano IMustiness, ». rancidezza Name,j ». nome, nomina, cre-
Munùatory, a. mondijicativo " . uiffato, rancido dito, pretesto, colore, —v. a.
Mundification, ». mundijica- Mutability, ». mutabilità, in-
Nameless, a. anonimo, senza
Munrtify, v. a, Mutable, a. mutabile, in- Namely, ad. cioè. Name- —
^lanicJpal, a. municipiiie costante sake, ». che ha lo stesso nome
Nap, ». pelo, sonicello, som-
Munificent, a. liberale, — ly, Mute, a. muto, mutolo, — ». mità d'un colle
sterco, — V. n. stallare Nap, V. n. dormicchiare, car-
flfuniment, ». titol» Mutilate, V. a. mozzare, strop- dare del panno
piare, —
ion, ». stroppiatura, Nape of the neck, ». nuca, a. munite stroppio
Mutineer, ». un sedizioso, un Naperr, ». biancheria di lavo!»
cii-.mJzzarc, ^uccidere.
— ammutinato Napkin, ». salvietta
stromento da mettervi gli
Nappy, a. peic aghi. —
Needle-niaker, »,.
spumoso, forte fabbricante di aghi.-=-tieet\\e-
Navy, s. armala,flotta
Nay, ad. né, rifiuto, colla Needless, a. inutile^ — ly. ad.
Nard, or Spikenard, j Neal,™.^"^ricuóc"re, —ir
Narrate, d. a. riuconti assolutamente
Narration, s. narrazn Neap-tide, s. marea bassa Needy, a. indi,;ente
Ne'er, ad. mai, giammai
Nefandous, a. nefmdo, scel-

. hand, pronta, — Nefarious, a. atroce, ntfario

Negation, s. negazione
Negative, a. negativo, —s.
cino, meschin nenie. negativa
mente.— To look narrowly. ness, ,. pars- Neglect, V. a. negligere, per.
.ita, —of kill;
genza, —
er, «. «n negli-
Nasal, a. nasale, del naso ^eat, bue, vacca.
s. Neat's — gente, —fui, a. negligente,

Nasty, a. sporco, lordo, schifo, tongue, lingua di bue
s. ing, s. trascuramento
Neat, a. netto, polito, destro, Negligence, s. negligenza
chezza, — ily, ad. sporca- scaltro, abile, ly, ad. pu- — Negligent, a. negligente, — ly,
litamente, destramente, —
ness, *. nettezza, pulizia, Negotiate, v. a. negoziare,
garbo, leggiadria, of style. — ""care, trattare, —ion, s.
liazione, negozio, ircìgi-
inded, , tngemoi --. .itrigo
Neat-herd, s Negotiator, s, negoziatore,
Nebulous, a mediatore
cessary. Negotiatrix, s. negoziairice
Negro, s: un negro, un nero
Naturai, s. un idiota, sciocco, Neigh-, V. a. annitrire
— ist, s. un naturalisla, — .

: Neighbour, s. vicino, prossi-

hood, s. vicinato,
Naturalize, v. a. ìiaturaliz- ecessitate, v. a. necessitare. —mg, a. vicino,
zare, adottare 0. Neighboiu'iTig

Naturally, ad. naturalmente Necessitous, a. necessitoso -itomi d'un luogo,
Naturalness, s. naturalità Necessity, s. indigenza, po- 'ciabile, ly act. —
Nature, *. natura, naturale, vertà, necessità, forza, vio-
umore, sorta, specie. — Good- lenza Neither, conj. uè, pro. ni l'u-
nature, buon naturale Ill- — Neok, s. il collo, of land, —
no, ne l'altro
nature, cattiva natura Neoteric, a. moderno, nuovo
Naval, a. navale. Naval — Nejihew, s. nipote
forces, forze navali Nephritic, s nefrìtico
Nereides, s. pi, Nereidi
nave di chiesa Neckcloth, s. cravatta Nerve, *. nervo, nerbo, —less,
Navel, s. umbilico Necklace, «. monile, vezzo a. snervato
Naught, a. cattivo, malvagio, omancer, s. ncgromai ;ervous, a. nervoso, forte,
— s. nulla, nieiite Necromancy, s. negroman robusto. — Very nervous,
Naughty, a. malvagio, cat- Necromantic, a. negi
prapn Nei-vosity, s. nervosità, forza
Naughtjness, s. cattivezza " ,t, s. nido, nidio, nidiata.
Naughtily, ad. tnaliiagia- Nectarine, s. , ugnuola, - -Nest egg, s. guardanidio
menie —
Naughty trjci, s. e, s. brugni .t of thieves, asilo di ladri

tiro di ribaldo Need, «. bisugno, indigt

Navigable, a. navigabile Nestle about, v. n. dimenarsi.
Navigate, v. a. navigare, go-
Nestling, .5. uccello nidiace
zione, — or, s. navigatore,

Nauiasje, ». nolo, naulo. Neediness, *. indigenza Network, s. reticella.— ì^et-

Needle, s. ago. —fui, ie, reticolato
egvgiiaio.—lS^cedle-case, . Nether, a. inferiore, basso, -"
lands, i patti bass!,
t. — mport -By
most, più basso
a. il
Nettle, s. ortica, v. a. p — Nobilitate, v. a. nobilitare
gnere, inasprire, esasperai Nobilitv, ». tw!;itità, o no-
biltà.— To forfait one's no-
Never, ad. mai, giammai sordidezza liility, degradare della sua
Never-failing, a. infallibile
Never-ceasing, a. cUe non ces Noble, ». un nobile, —a. nobile.
Nevertheless, ad. nientec
Nobleman, nobile
». un
Neutiir, Neutral, a. netUrn, Nobleness, nobiltà, ckia-
Neutrality, s. neutralità Nighness, *. prossimità lezza, sublimità, eccellenza
Neutrally, ad neutralmente Night, s. notte, serata. — Noblesse, ». pi. nóbiii
New, a. nuox'o, novello, fresi Nightcap, s. berretta da Nobly, ad. nobilmente
recente.— yew year's day,
capo d'anno. -New year's — notte —
Nightshade, ».

lam, Nightgown, s. vesti
so- Nobly bom, di na.tcita
Nobody, ». nessuno

gift, strenna, 'anew) ad.

di fresco, da capo. New-

da camera

Night revel-
divertimenti not-
Nocent, a. colpevole, nocivo.
Nocive, a nocevole [nocente
laid egg, s. un uovo fresco turni, — (by night) di notti Nocturnal, ». nottolabio, —a.
New-comer, *. forestieri notturno
New-mould, ti. a. rifondere Night-hawk, t. allocco Noctum, ». ncttumo
New-coin, v. a. ribattere la Nightingale, s. rusignuoh Nod, V. n. accennare, v. a. —
moneta [a//a moda Nightly, a. notturno, —ed. dormicchiare, tentennare, —
Newfangled, a. scioccament ». segno, cenno.— Nodding,
Ne\vfaund, a. trovato .

fresco Nightmare, s fantasima

Newgate-bird, J. un furfante Nighlpiece, s. quadro di notte
Nimble, a. agile, —
attivo, pecorone

ness, s. agilità. —Nimble- Node. ». nodo
s. nuove, novella.— witted, d'ingegno veloce Nodosity, ». nodosità
Newspapers, ai'i Nimbly, ad agilmente Nodous, a. nodoso, tiocchiiUo,
]>ali, gazzetta. - News- Nincompoop, s un gonzo difficile
monger, novellista. — r> Noggin, ». lìoccaletto
!. un gazzettante ad. nove volte. — Nine- Noise, ». ramare, strepito,
Newi fracasso, rombo, schiamazzo,
lueertola Ninepins, 3. pi. birilli. — — ti a. publicare, divulgare.
Next, , Nineteen, a. diecinove. — —That makes a great noise
Nineteenth, a. decimo nono. in the world, questo rimbom-
ba mollo
g-Ken/e.— Next month, s. il Noisiness, ». »u»iirro
Nine hundred, a. nove —
Nias, I.7iid"ac1 [criticare
Nib, s. becco, punta, ti. a. —
Jinny, s. scimunito, milenso
Nibble, V. a. morsecckiare, Ninth, a nono
dentiechiare, er, *. —
un Nip, v. a. pizzicare, motteg- Noli-me-tangere, ». canchero
riprcnsore giare al viso
Nibblings, s. morsecchiatura ip, ». botta, motto, satit ico
I Nomenclator, ». nomenclatore
Nice, a. delicato, esatto, scru- Nip ofF, i;. a. tagliare Nomenclature, ». nomencla-
fuloso, circospetto, difficile, Nippers, ». mollette
pericoloso, ly, ad —accura- Nipping, a mordente, pun- 'ominal, a. di nome, titolare,
tamente [te:za, esattezza
Niccness (nicety), s. delica-
gente Nipping-jest, ». una —
ly, ad. nominalmente
ominate, v. a. nominare

Niceties, s. le sottigliezze, Nipple, ». capezzolo, tetta di Nomination, ». nominazione
puntigli [,nente Nominative, ». nominativo
Nicety (with), id. delicata- Nonpareil, ». piccola lettera di
Nick, tacca.— yick of time. ro, salnitro stamperia, specie di tnela
avpunto. — Old nick, il Non-ability, eccezione, ina-
Nick, r. a. incontrare. Nick — Nonage, ». minorità
the time, I'entVe in tempo Nonagon, ». nonagono
apporluno. - Nickname, s. Nonappearance, ». mai
sopranome —
non più. No where, ad. in Noncoinplianr- - --•'

Nictate, V. n. occheggiare, — nessun luogo.— To no pur- Non compos i che n

ation, ». occheggiimento pose, inutilmente. — No nel suo senni
f oncmiforniist, «. noncovfor nota, segno.
mista, discordante nerirbile. —Numbers, ». pi, i
Nonoonformity, s. nonconfor
Numbness, s. intirizzimeutOf

Noted, a. illustre, segnala

insigne, fumoso, — ly, e

Nothing, *. niente, nulla. Nur

Nonjuror, s

Notoriety, s. chiarezza

Notwithstanding, conj. non-

ostante, malgrado
Novel, s. novella, istorietta, —
iSoon, s. 7nezzodi, mez~ogi-

orno, Noonday, lul. in jiuno
t;iorno.—'Vhe Ibrenoon, s. la
mattina November, *. Novembre
Nooning, s. yneri^^giana Novenavy, a', del numero nove
Nought, ad. niente, nulla, —
(accio, insidia, — v. a. ailac-

Novity, s. novità, novillà

Noun, s. nome, titolo
Nortli, J. tramontana, set Nourish, D. a. nutrire, soste-
trione. — North wind, s. nere, —
er, s. nutritore. —
<uro/o.— Northwards, ad. ing, a. nutritivo, ment, j. —
Northerly wind, *. tramon- Now, ad. adesso, ora. Now —
Northem, a. settentrionale and then, di quando in
Northward, ad. dal nardo ijunndo. —
Now- a-<iays, o^'-
North star, s. la stella di tra-
Nose, s. it naso [montana Before now, ad. avanti
Nosegay, s. mazzetto di fiori Noxious, a. nocivo
Nostril, s. «are, nari, of a — No/le, s. cannone d'un can-
horse, &c. le froge
Nubilous, a. nuvoloso
Not, ad. von, nb. —Not yet, ad. Nudity, s. nudità
Nugacity, s. scherzo !

Notable, a. notaMle, segna-

lato, grande, -ness, s. abi-
lità, — ly, ad. notabilmente

Notch, s. tacca, taglio, -

Nullity, *. 'ii///i<à
Violamente, —ing, s. tacca,
taglio Number, v. a. nu
i Obreptitious, a, orreliiz:o Obumbiate, v. a. adomtrjre
Obscene, a. osceno, impuro, Occasion, ». occasione, cauta,
— ly, ad. impudicamente bisogno, materia,
Obscenity, ». oscenità, impu- soggetto, —affare,
f. a. cagionare,
—al, a. occasionale, acciden-
Cjten, a. di'vena [mìa Obscuration, ». oscuramento tale, —ally, ad. accidental-
Oath, *. giuramento, bestem- Obscure, a. oscuro, tenebroso,
Oatmeal, s. farina di vena difflcile, -V. a. oscurare. Occident, celiente, t
Oats, ». tiena.— Oatmeal, fa- qffitscare, eeclissare, ly, entale -
rina di vena, farina di ad. oscuramente, ing, ». Occult, ». occulto, n, —
panico oscuramento, —
ity, ». oscu- Occupant, ». possessore
Obduracy, 3. induramento Occupation, ». occupazione,
O'bdxirate, a. indurato, osii- Obsecrate, v. a. pregare, scon- impiego, possessione •
nalo, insensibile, ». a. indù- — Occupier, ». po.':sessore
ion, ». supplica, scon- Occupy. V. a. occupare, possf
Obedience, s. ubbidienza Obsequies, ». esequie dere, godere, trafficare
Obedient, a. ubbidiente, — ^ly, Obsequious, a. ossequioso, Occur, r. n. occorrere, avve-
ad. ubbidieiUemenle !so, — ad. ossequi-
ly, nire, — rence, ». occorrenza,
Obeisance, *. riverenxa te, —ness, ossequio,
». novella, evento
Obelisk, ». obelisco, gtiglia nza, obbedienza Occursion, ». apparizione
Obey, V. a. ubbidire, obbedire Observable, a. notabile Ocean, ». Coceana, - ic, a. delC
Object, ». oggetto, .so;;geXto, Observance, ». riguardo, som- oceano
Octangular, a. ottangolare
rimproverare, incolpare, — Observant, a. obbediente, som- Octave, ». oliava
ion, ». obbiezione, ritnpro- Observation. ». osservazione Octavo book, s. un' ottavo
Obserrator, ». osservatore Octennial, a. cttennio
biettivo Observatory, ». osservatorio Octol)er, ». Ottobre
Obit, esequie, mortorio
». Observe, v. a. osservare, no- Octagon, ». ottagono
Objurgate, ji. a. riprendere, tare, studiare. —
Observe the Ocular, a. oculare. — Ocular
-«ion, s. riprensione, —017, ,
" ' oculare
a eke rimprovera le leggi, costumi, —e Oculist, ». oculista
Oblation. ». oblazione, offèrta osservatore, • -ing, ». u Odd, a. impari, dispari, cat-
Oblectation, ». gijia, piatere singolare, bix-
Obligate, v. a. obbligare, for- Obsession, ». assedio, circon-
damnito Odditj-, singolarità

Obligation, ». obbligazione, Obsolete, a. obsoleto, vecchi Oddly, ad. stranamente, fan-

impegno, dovere tasticamente
Obligatory, a. obbligatorij Oddness, ». capriccio
Oblige, v. a. obbligare, fare Obstacle, ». ostacolo Odds, ». avvantaggio, diffe-
servizio, far un favore Obstinacy, ». ostinazi
enxa, disparità
Obliging, a. cortese, obbli- ObsUnate, a. protervo, osti- Odds-bobs, int. cospetto di
gante, compiacente, affabile, tutto. To grow obstinate, —
— ly, ad. ohbliganiemenlc. ostinarsi, ly, ad. ostin^ —
Ode, ». oda, ode
" "'ous, a. odioso, odleivìf,
Oblique, a. obliquo, torti Obstreperous, a. strepitoso troce, — ly, ad odiosameattt
fraudulenio, ly, ad. oh —
Obstruct, V. a. impedire,
bliquamente, ity, ». obbli- —
rare, stoppare, er, ». quello —
che impedisce, ion, ». im- —
pedimento, rituramento, —
ive, a. oppilativo
Obtain, v. a. ottenere, acquis-
Oblivion, ». 0/16/10.— Act of tare, guadagnale
oblivion, indulto Obtest, V. a. scong - fficuntienical. a. ecumenico
' - . di, del. dei, Src.
Oblocutor, ». sparlatorr, mal-
Offtf!a),ad. lontano, lungi
Oblong, bislungoa. Off- hand, ad. immediata-
Obloquious, a. maldicente Obtuse, a. ottuso, materiale,
Obloquy, ». maldicenza, spar- - nes.s, ». halotdagine Off-reckoning, » disconfo
Obventions, ». pi. rendite ec- Offspring, ». posterità, razza
Offal, ». rimasuglio, avvan-
Obnoxious, n. soggetto.
-' clesiastiche [dire ,

Oh' rious, a. -sr! Offence,

chiaro, sensibile, ». offesa, scandalo,
Obnubilate, v. a. annuvolare, -ly, ad. evitlenlemenls, — affronto, ingiuria.—OfTenc*
(to take), tenersi c_ffìio. -•

eis, ». evidenza !
Offience (to gire), nffindere, I
Olympic, a. climpieo
scandalizzare, less, a. in-—
Òme\cU s. frittata spalancata. —
OlFend, v. a. r-ffindere, dis- ness, s. sinceriià
Opening, a. apritivi
er, s. delinquente, —ing, a.
mento, principio
OffensiTe, a. ingiurioso, of- Openly, ad. apertamente, evi'
male, quaLiti nociva, ly, — Openness, s. franchezza, sin-
ad. ojfenMvamenie Omit, V. a. ommetiere, negli cerità, —
of temper, schiet-
Offer, V. a. offerire, esiiiire, gere, lasciar passare tezza d'animo
proporre, allcfsare, — *. of- Omnipotence, s. onnipotenza Opera, s. opera
ferta, sforzo, propotizione Omnipotent, a. onnipotente Operate, ti. n. operare, far»
Offering, s. offerta, oblazione. "^raniprescence, s. iibiquità •affetto
— Burnt -offering, j. olo- imnipresent, s. presente h Operation, s. operazione
Operative, a. operativo
Omniscience, ^za inji. Operator, s. operatore.

Omniscient, a, che «a tutto

Officer, «. ufisiale, sbirro On, pr. sopra, a, alla, al. —
Official. «. ufiziale On purpose, ad. a posta, a Ophthalmy, s. ottabnia
Officiality, s. ufizialUà brllo studio. —
On a sudden, Opiate, s. oppiato
Officiate, V. a.'vffiziare ad. in un subito On the —
Opinate, v. a. giudicare
OfP.c-ous, a. servizievole, nf- contrary, ad. al contrario. Opinator, «. opinante
JÌTÀOW, — ad. ly. itjjiziosa- Oh iny part, dal canto Opine, V. n. opinare, dichia-
mente, —ness, ». amUiilit-'t — —
mio. On the left, a man

Off,!nj, * alto mare sinistra. On the right, a Opiniative, a. ostinato,
Offset, rampollo, o poUone
s. — On
man dritta. foot, a ss, s. ostinazione, ca-
Offscouring, s. lavatura, por- piedi. — On horseback, a ca- rbietà, — ly, ad. ostina-
Offspring. s. descendenii Once, ad. una volta, altre Opiniator, s. protervo
Oft (often) ad. spesse volte, voHe. —Once for all, una Opinion, s. opinione, parere^
spessa. — How often? quante voHa prr sempre sentimento, stima, credenza
One, a. uno. Cuna. — One's Opium, s. oppio
3gle, t>. a. occhieggiare, va- self, pr. se stesso. — Qne-
Opponent, s. un opponente
gheggiare, — s. occhiata, handed, a. monco, mnncHie- Opportune, a. opportuno, enn-
rino. —One-eyed, *. guercio veniente, ly, ad. opportu- —
ghcggino One, s. qualcuno, un tale, namente, a tempo—
Oil, s. olio, —V. a. oliare, Every one, ciascheduno. —
Opportunity, *. comodità, op-
condire con olio, — iness, s. Any one, chiunque portunità, occasione
tà.— Oilman, s. oli- Onerate, ti. a. caricare, ag- Oppose, i'. a. opporre. r«Js-
andalt -Oil- grava <er*.—Oppose one's self to a
e—Oily. Onerous, a. oneroso, di carico thing, impedire
Ointment, s. unguento Onion, s. una cipolla Opposer, s. antagonista. —
Oker, s. ocra Only, ad. solo, solamente, a. — Opposite, a. apposito, con-
Old, a. vecchio, antico. —Old- trario, —
ad. dirimpetto, s. —
fashioned, a. aW antica Onset, a. assalto, attacco
Of old, ad. anticamente. — Onward, ad. avanti. —To come Opposition, s. opposizione.
Old age, s. la vecchiaia onward, amìicinarsi
Oldish, a. vecchietto OnvK, i. onice Oppress, r. a. opprimere, ii-
Oldness, *. anzianità Ooze, V. n. sgocciciare, — #.
Oleaginous, a. olìoso, untuoso fango, palude
Olfactory, a. olfattore Oozy, a. fangoso, paludose
Oligarchical, a. oligarcìùco Opacity, s. opacità
Oligarchy, s. oligarchia Op?.l. s. opalo Oppressive, a. tiranno
Opaque, al opaco Oppressor, s. oppressore
Olivaster, s. uleastro, —a. Open, V. a. aprire, sturare Opprobrious, a. obbrobrioso,
Open, a. aperto, scoperto —
Open-handed, liberate, gè- Opprobrium, s. obbrobrio, in»
ulivo Olive gi-ove. s. uli- nevoso. —
To lay open, es-
vetta. —Olive-coloiir, i. color porre, scoprire. Open- — Oppugn, ti. «. oppugnare, —«>
liearted, a. franco, sincero. s. oppugnatore
OÌTnipiad, s. oHi^piide —In the open street, nella Oytative, *. Cottativo
Oplic, Ojitical, a. ottico, 'ap- ical, a. organico, — ist, ».
parie nenie alla vista
Ojìticiaii, *. un' ottico, che sa Organize, v. a. organizzare
Orgies, ». }./. orgie
Orient, ». l'oriente
Option, *. a Orifice, ». orifìzio, o orificio
Opulence, Origin, ». orìgine, principio. Overbid, v. a. alzare il prezzo

Originai, a. originale, origi-

-^'crire troppo, —
ding, ».
l. opnl nario, —
». originale, princi- troppo grosso
^big, a.
Or, CI pio, origine, —
ly, ad. origi- Overboil, r. a. bollire troppo
Oracle, s. vracolo, deiisione Overbold, a. temeraria
Oracular, a. divino, d'oracolo Ornament, ». ornamento, — Overburden, aggravare,
al, a. che adorna, —
ed, a: opprimere
v. a.

Orai, a. orale, vocale adornato

Orange, s. arancia, melaran-
Overcast, i-. a. offuscare, cw
Orphan, ». orfano e a
cia. — Orange-tree, *. me- Orpiment, ». orpimento, orpino
soprafjìtto, incrostare,
-a. offuscato, tenebroso
larancio. —Orange- colour, ». strumento solare
». Orrery, Overcautious, a. troppo caute-
Orthodox, a. ortodosso
Oration, t. discorso, oraeioni, Orthodoxy, ». verità orto- Overcharge, v. a. caricare
preghiera troppo, opprimere
Orator, s. oratore Ortho^raphical, a. ortografico Overcloud, v. a. offuscare
Orthography, ». ortografia Overcome, i;. a, vincere, sor.
Orb, /.
s. l'arte
orbe, sfera
oratoria, ora-
(Irtolan, ». ortolano montare. —
er, ». vincitore
Orts, ». rimasuglio, avanzaticci Overconlident, a. troppo ar-
Orbicular, a. rotondo, orOico- Oscillation, ». oscillazione
lare, — ly, ad. ritondamente Oscillatory, a. oscillatorio
Overcurious, n. di troppa deli-
Orbit. ». il corso d'un pianeta, Oscitancy, ». negligenza, pi-

Orchard, ». pomelo
Overdo, v. a. —
Overdo one's self; v. r.
Ordain, v.
». orchestra
a. ordinare, im-
ticarsi troppo. — Overdone
(meat), a troppo cotto
porre, conferire, -tr, ». Ossify, !'. 71. divenir osso Overdrive, v. a. spingere troppo
Ordeal, ». prova, cimento, vanagloria Over-earnest, a troppo ardente.
purgazione per combatti- Ostentatiou.s, a. fastoso, vano,

ly, ad. fastosamente Overeat, v. n mangiare Iroppr,
Order, ». ordine, regola, ma-
niera, costume.— In order to,
Ostentator, ». millantatore — ing, ». impinzamento
Osteology, ». osteologia OverfaW, s. cataratta
per, per cagione To lie Ostler, ». stalliere Over-fierce, a. troppo fiero,
out of order, essere indis-
posto, — ordinare, nre-
Ostracism, ostracismo
». troppo intenso, ly,' ad. —
t'. a. Ostrich, 5. struzzolo, struzzo troppo fieramente
tcrivere, stabili , castig, Other, a. altro —One body or Overfill, V. a. empier troppo
punire, regolar , govern.
— other, qualcheduiio. — Others, Overfìne, a. strofino
(Church orders, a. gli altri. — Otherwhere, Overflow, v. a. Se n. irahoc-
ad. altrove. — Otherwise, ad. care, inondare, ». sopra- —
Orderly, a. regolati
moderato, — altrimi nie

bondanza, —
ing, ». inonda-
ad. . Otter,». zione, straboccamento
mente, per ordine Ottoman, ». Ottomano Overfly, ... a. volare oltre
Ordinai, à. ordinale. Oval, a. ovale, — ». Jigur, Overfònd, a. che ama troppo
Overforward, a. troppo ar-
Overfreight, ». a. caricare
, Over, pr. sopra, di sopra. — OverfuJl, a. troppo pieno
Over again, ad. di bel nuova. Overgo, r a. trapassare
Overgreat, a. troppo grande
passare, restare.—Aìl over. Overgrow, v. n. crescere troppo
Overhale, v. a. ricercare, al'
Overact, v. a. sopravanzare
Overhappy, a. troppo felice
Over-ag.-.inst, pr. dirimpetto Overhasten, a precipitare
Organ, ». organo. — Organ- Over and above, ad. cifre, ài Overìiastily,
ad. precipitosa
pipes, dcccis d'organo, —
OTerhasbness, * precipua rersiglit, s

OTerhas^y, troppo affrettato

Overhead, ad. per di sopra la

Overhear, v. a. intendere, aseiatura

Orcrheat, i'. e. riscaldare spogliai
Overheavy, a. troppo pesante — ad. pr. fuori,

Overjoy, s. estasi; —ed; a. d, V. a. dilatare Out of order, indisposto. —
Out of friendship, per ami-
Overkinii, a. che ama troppo Overstock, v. a. fare troppi cizia.-To be out, v. n. er-
Overlade, v. a. agfiravare larghe provvisioni rare, smarrire.— To be out
Overlay, t>. a. affogare, ìj\g. — of place, che ha perso il suo
gare qualche nerbo impiego.— Oat of hatred, ad,
Overleap, v. a. saltare Overstretch, v. a. stender' per vilio. — Out of haiid, ad.
Overlive, v. a. sopravvivere
Overliver, «. sopravvivente «versway, v. a. dominare Outbalance, v. a. eccedere
Overload, v. a. aggravare Overswell, v. a. tr'ilboecare Outbid, II. a. incarire, alzare it
Overlong, a. troppo lungo Overt, a. apetto, manifesto prtzzo, —der, s. il maggior
Overlook, v. a. soprantendere, Overtly, ad. apertamente offerente, —ding, s. l'aumenta
tollerare, dissiìnulare, so- Overtake, v. a. sopragiugnere.
prastare, — er, s. sopranten- a-:chiuppare Outbound, a, caricato, desti.
iente ivertalk, v. a. parlar troppo
Overmatch, s. partito ineguale Outbrave, v. a. braveggiare,
Overmatch, i'. a. sormcniare opprimere frvntare Sfaccia
Overthrow, i nvolger Outbrazen, ti. a. sostenere in
Overmuch, a. sui.criìm),—ad. Outbreak, s.e,v.sione
sconfìtta, ro Outcase, s. fodero
Over-otficious, '''"PPO '.
Outcast (refuse), rifiuto, sban
nato, mal'in
Overpass, sorpassare
v. a. «,-iy, Outcry, s, schiamazza, incanta
Ovei-pay, strapagare
v. a. Outdare, v. a. sfidare
Overperauade, it. a. persuadere v.a.fal. Outdatc, V. a. antidatare
mal a proposito Overtoil^ Outdo, V. a. superare
Overplus, s. soprappiù troppo Outdoing, s. superamento
Ovei-power, v. a. superare. Overtop, V. a. sormontare. Outer, a. esteriore, ly, ad. —
esteriormente, most, a. —
Overtrade, v. a. far troppo gran
negozio Outface, v, a. muntenere in
Overture, *. apertura, proposi- Outfall, s. canale, trincea
Outfast, va. digiunare più d'un

-ing, *. sovverli- Outgo, 5 . precedere, —mg.

Override, v. stancare, faticare Overvalue, v. n. stim r troppo. Outguard, *. guardia avanzata
Overripe, a. troppo maturo -i'ng, a. troppo t Outhouse, s. tettoia
Overroast, v. a. arrostire troppo Outjeer one, v. a. straburlare
Over violent, a. troppo violente
'vervote,!'. a. aver la pluralità Outjutting,*. sporto, proiettura
delle voci Outlandish, a. foresi icru
Overween, v. a. aver troppo Outlast, V. a. durare piii d'un

Oversea, a. ultramarino —ing, s. presunzione, —ing.

Oversee, i;. a. soprantendere,
Overweigh, n, essere piii '

Overseen, a. ommesso, accie-

Overweight,*, sopprapiii dipeso
Overseer, s. soprantendente Overwell, ad. troppo bene
Oversell, v. a. stravendere Overwhelm, v. n. sommerger t,
Overshadow, v. a. ombreg- worn, o, oppresso
giare Ought, s. gualche cosa
Overshoot, v. a. tirar di là del Oviparous, a. oviparo
[ Oviform, a. ovale, ovaio
PaSt II.

Owl, ». contrabbandiere Pagan, ». un pagano, ism, », —
Own, a. proprio. —My on paganismo
Page, ». un paggjo, una pa-
gina, facciata r^v. a. segnar
Outparish, i. pjrocchia fuori
le facciate d'un libro
cH città
Owner, ». proprietario Pageant, s. carro trionfante,
Outpensioner, *. nn' estemo
Gwse, ». concia spettacolo, ry, ». pumpa, —
Ox, ». ten bue, botie. Oxen, fasto —
», pi dei »«ai.—Ox-cheek, ». PEitCod, ». pagode
mncelln di tue.— Ox eye, ». Pail, ». una »e<:cAia.—
occhio di bue
Dxymel, ». essimele Pain, ». tormente, male, dolore,
aransare a
pena,—v. far della pena.

Oxycrate, ». ossizzachera a.
Oyer and Terminei, commis-
sione per giudicare eerie Painful, e ISO, fatiosa.
Oyster, ». ostrica, — «liell, ». mente,

Ozier, or Osier, ». salcio, salce.

Ouuhjrie, v. a. ««ere più ria-

belletto, li
Outshoot, V. a- pirtar it coip-
Painter, ». pi«ore.— Painter'»
gold, oro macinato
Outside, ». il eli fuon, perle
Painting, ». pittura, liscio
esteriore, apparenxc- At the — Pair,», paio, coppia, —ef bel-
outside, 3d. al di piit
lows, un soffietto, —of tables,
Outspread, v. n. spargersi
Outstand, v. a. far faccia ad
». tavoliera. —
Pair-royal (at
dice), zara
uno, sporgere,— ing, ». svorto, appaiare, accop-
I^ace, 1'. n andar l'ambi Pair, V. a.

Outstare, v. a sconcertare Pacer, ». cavaUo che va Cambio

Pa» ific, a. pacifico. Palace, ». palazzo
Outstretch, v. a avanzare
di Pacification, &. pacificazione Palanquin, » palanchino
Outstreet, s. strada fuori
Pacificator, ». pacificatore Palatable, a. grato al palato
Pacify, V. a. pacificare, quii Palate, ». palalo, gusto
Out Palatinate, ». pahitinato
Pack, ». balMto, balla, — Palatine, ». palatino
cards, mazzo di carte, — Pale, a. pallido,
hounds, mula di cani
Pack, r. a. imhallare.—V-nc'k
off, tirade le ta/ie.— Packer, Pale, a. palizzata, (in he- —
Outvote, t
». imbaHator.e raldry), palo, pertica, —of
delle voc
Packet, s.fucio, fardello the clmrcli, grembo della
Outwalk c
più pres n altro P.ickhorse, ». cavallo da basto
Packneedle, ago par cucire Pale, V. a. pidificcare
Oatwall, J
Dutward, i. esteriore, — ad. Palefaced, a. smori»
esternamente. Outward- — Packsaddle, ». basto Paleness, ». palidezxa
Palette, ». tavolezza, mestola
bound, caricato per un paese Packthread, ». spago
Packet-boat, ». nave da pro- Palfi-ey, ». palafreno
fcresliero, -ly, ad. esterior-
mente, apparentemente. — Palinody, ». palinodia
Palisade, ». palizzata, — v. a.
Outwards, ad. at di fuori Paction, ». patio.
Outwear, t;. n essere di miglior
Palish, a. palidetto
yaU, ». panno di morto, palio,
Ontweigh, t). n. pesar pih
Outwit one, ». n. ingannare, arello. — To pad, mantello, »'. —
n- diventar
mucido, perdere il sapore, dis-
Outwoilts, s. edifici esteriori
Palladium. ». palladio
VMnA, a. mucido
Pallet, ». tavoìez-~a — Pallet-
bed, ». pagliucci.i
Palliate, v.a. palliare, —ion,
».palliamento, -ive, u. pai'
rallid, a. pallido. smiHa f anther, ». pantera Paraj>hrase, ». parafrasi, —
Palm, i. fiahuay palmo. — Pantile, s. tegola, tegolo
Palm-tree, i. j,olma, — Panting, a palpitante, ansante, raphrast, ». parafraste, intef
beiry, dattero. — Palm, v. a. ~s. palpitazione di cuore
truffai e, maneggiare. — Palm Panller. s. panettiere Paraphrastical, a. spiegato co»
Sunday, 3. Domenicj de^lt Pantofle, or Fantoufle, s. pi- parafrasi
vlivi Paraquet, ». pappagallo pic-
Palmer, s. velle^rino, ferula Pantomime, s. pantomimo
Palmister, s. chiromante Pantry, s. dispensa
Palmistry, s. chirouianzia Pap, *. pappa, mammella
Palpable, o. palpabile, main- Papa (fathert s babbo

Papacy, s. papato
festa, chiaro,— ness, s. qualità Parasitical, a di parasito
palpabile, —
ly, ad. palpabil- P«pàl, a. papale Parasol, ». parasole, ombrella
Papaverous, a di papavero Parboil, v. a. sobbollire, meziC-
Palpitation, s. palpitazione Paper, s. -aria Paper-maker, —
Palpitate, v. a. palpitate *. .-artaio. —Paper-mill, .s.

Palsj, s. paralisia. Sick of —

una cartiera. Paper-book, —
« libro di carta bianca.—
Paper-windows, s. impan-
nate. — Papers, *. pi. scritti,
uomo doppio scritture
Paltry, a. abbietto, meschino. Papist, s. papista, cattolico adustione
—A little paltry house, una Parchment, t

cmsaccia.—A paltry book, Papistical, a. di papista

libraccio Papism, *. il papismo
Pami>er, v. a. Par, a. uguale
trattar deli-
Parable, a. facile ad ottenere,—
Hamper one's self, trattarsi s. parabola perdonabile, —ing, ». perdo-
Parabola, s. parabola, in ge-
Pamphlet, s, libretto di pochi Pare, v'n. pareggiare,tagliare,
fogli, -eer, s. scrittore di Parabolical, a. parabolico
libretti, autore d% l.ibelti, Paraclete, s. consolatore Parements, paramenti
». pi.
libellista Parade,*, parata, mostra To — Parent, ». padre e madre. —
Pan, s. padella, torta, scalda- keep up a parade, /are gran God is the great parent of
letto, ghiotta, tegame, v. a. —
figura the world, Iddio è il grand'
Paradise, ». paradiso. To — architetto del mondo — Plenty
Panacea, j. panacea bring one into a fool's pa- is the parent of luxury,
Panado, s. panata radise, pascere alcuno di vana l'abbondanza è la madre del
Pancake, s. sorte di frittata speranza, promettergli mari
Pandects, s. pandette e monti Parentage, ». parentado, pa
Pander, s. ruffiano Paradox, ». paradosso, ic;il, —
Pane, s. quadro—Pane of a a. attenente a paradosso,
wall, un' ala di muro stupendo
Panegyric, a. attenente a pane- Paragon, ». paragone, modello

girèco, é. panegirico faragon, ti. a. paragonare Parenthesis, »
Panegyrist, s. un panegirista Paragraph, ». paragrafo Parer, ». incasi
Panel, s. quadro. —
Panel, Parallax, ». parallasse Parget, ». intoi
«. lista dei giurati scelti dallo Parallel, a. paralello, ». com- —
sceriffo parazione, V. a. comparare, —
Pangs, s. pi. doglia estrema, —
ism, s. paragone, compara-
angoscia, dolori zione, —
ogram, ». paralello-
Panie, s. panico, a. panico — grammo, — ly, ad. ugual-
Pannage, * raccolta delle mente. Would you put —
ghiande, dazio sopra il yourself on a parallel with Parietary, ». pariefana
Parings, ». pi. tonditure, -^
Pannel of a saddle, fardello apple, pear, scorza di mela,.
Paralogism, Paralogy, ». para di pera.— Paring-knife, ». uil
Pant, V. n. anelare, ansare, logistno
palpitare, battete, ansare di Paralogise, 11. n. sofisticare Parish, » parrocchia. Pa —
Paralytic, a. paralitico rish duties, ». cariche di pai^
Pantaloons, s. calzoni allapan- Paramount, ». signore assoluto rocchìa — Parish-priest,
talon parrocchiano
Pantheon, panteone, o Parishioner, ». tir» fattoi
Pariij'.labic, del medetimo nu- Parterre, ». giardino da fiorì Passade, a. passata, post*,
Partial, a. parziale, iniquo, botta, colpo
Paritor, cursore, bidello
*. — ity, s. parzialità, —
ize, Passage, s. passaggio, trater-
Parity, s. pariti, egualità, V. n. parteggiare, —
ly, ad. samento, evento, accidente.
tomiglitmj, similìhtdihe parzialmente
Park, ». pzrco, serraglio Partible, a divisibile Passenger, *. viandiMite, un
Park about, v. a. circondare di Participate, v. a participare,
— ing, —
tion, s. participa- Passibility, Passibleness, *.
Parley, s. parlamenti, la menfo, participazione passibilità
chiamata, — r. a. parlamen- Participial, a. di participio, Passing, s. passamente, — ad.
— ly, ad. a modo di parti- ei<iemameH/e.— Passing-bell,
Parliament, s. parlamento. —
Parliampnt-house, s. palagio Particle, s. particola, part Passing beauty, j. belleìta
ove/a'duna il parlamento. — senza pari
Parliamentary, a. di parta- Passion, s. passione, agitazione,
collera, trasporto, amore,
Parlour, *. sala, sala bassa ardore, talento, inclinazione,
Parlous, a. accorto, astuto pena, patimento
Parmesan, s. Parme'giano ity, —ness, s. singolarità, Passionate, a. collerico, 'stizzoso,
Parochial, a. parrocchiale appassionato, amoroso, an-
Parole, s. parola. Parole- zure,— ly, ad. particolar- — sioso, impetuoso, ly, ad. —
evidence, s. testimonianza
di viva voce. —A
will-pa- Parting, s. separazione, par-
role, s, testamento nnncupa- tenza
iivo Partisan, a. partigiano
Parotides, s. gangole, parotide Passive, a. passivo,
Paroxysm, s. parosismo
Parricide, s. parricida, parri- qualità passiva,

Parrot, s. pappagallo Partlet, *. goletta

Parry, v. a. pareggiare Partly, ad. in parte
Parse a word, v. a. spiegare Partner, *. compagno.
una parola secondo la gram-
urabile. —
Past disputCj
Pariiftioiiious, a. frugale, tnconlrastabile. Past all —
economo, — ly, ad. frugal- danger, fuori di pericolo. —
To be past recovery, essere
P-^'Lmy,s. frugalità of soldiei disperato da' medici
Parsley, petrosemolo
«. soldati

— To make
one's S( f Paste, s. pasta, colla, v, a. —
Parsnip, s. pastinaca party in any thing, sosten —
impastare. Paste up, v. a,
Parson, s piovano, ministro di appiccare
Party-jury, s. giurali spartiti Pasteboard, s. ccrtone
Parsonage, s, casa del pio- Party-wall, *. tnuro divisorio Pastem, s. garretto
Party-coloured, a hiscolore Pastil, s pastiglia
Part, ne, di- Parvitude, s. .piccolezza Pastime, *. passatempo, di-
Parv-ity, s. minorità
personaggio. — Parts, s. pi. Paschal, a. pasquale Pastor, s. pastore
ijualità, doti dello spirito. Pash, V. a. schiacciare, ammc Pastoral, a. pastorale
—A man of parts, nn uomo Pastry, s. pasticceria. Paa- —
di spirito —
To take in Pasquil, Pasquin trjcook, s. pasticciere. —
good part, pigliare in buona Pastry-work, s. pastume.
parte. — For my
part, in Pass, *. grad'i, condizione, stato,
quanto a me possa-porto, botta, colpo, — Pastura") 'e, a, di pastura
Part, V. a. dividere, separare, v.n. Sr a. passare, trapassare, Pasturage, Pasture, s. pastura.
— n. disfarsi,
r. separarsi, fuggire
—(go away), v. n. andar Pass an act, fare una legge.- Pasture, v. a. pascolare, —ing,
Pass the time, consumare il s. pastura, pascolo
Partage, *. partizione, divi- —
tempo. Pass a compliment, Pastty, s. pasticcio
Pat, s, botta, colpo
Partake, v. n. parliciparc, — er, Pator-
— Pass by, v. a, scordare. una botta.—

Passable, a. jnediocre, prattic'

Pattern, s. esempio, model uola.-To
-V. -raffezzart, —v. n.
a Pavan, Spanish dance, Pear, ». jjero,- tree, s. pero
mettere nei sul tiiio.— Patch pavana, ballo Pearl,», perla, maglia neW
up a disease, palliare un Paucity, s. piccolo numero
mule —
Patch up a wall. wrapped pearl, perla ier-
n»cco/!i(« — IMolhcv-of-pearl,
set out with pearls, croce
Pate, s. In testa Pavier, j. vn lastricatore imperlata
Pateo, s. un pasticcio Pavilion, s. padiglione, tenda Peasant, ». contadino
Patefaction s. palesamento Paving beetle, s. mazzeranga Peasantry, ». l'ordine conia-
Patent, (ur letters-patent).
Paunch, v. a scentrare
Patentee, *. colui che ha una Paunchbellied, a pnnriulo
patente del Rè Pause, s. pausa, fermata
Pater-guai-dian, s. il padre- Pause, v.n. pausare, fermarsi. Pebble. »

Paterna], a. paternale, paterno


Pathetically, ad. patetica-

Pay, s. paga, soldo
Pathological, a. patologico Pay, I). a. pagare, soddisfare.
Pathologist, s. patologista —Pay a visit, rendere una
Pathology, s. patologia visita.— Vay a ship, impe-
Pathos, s. energia movente ciiire un vascello. I paid —
him in the same coin, gli
Patible, a. passibile ho reso pan per focaccia.-
Patience, s. pazienza To rob Peter to pay Paul,
Patient, s. ammalato, —a.
pagaie un vecchio
Payable, a. pagabile
Patine, i. patena, coperchio Pay back, v. a restiiuire
Patness, s. proprietà, comoditi. Payer, Paymaster, s. che paga.
Patly, ad. comodamente
Patriarch, s. patriarca, al, —
:.patriarcale, ate, s. pa- —
Patricii , riposo,
Patri, zione. —
l-atnmonial, a. patrimoniale mediatore.— A justice of the
Patrimony, p.utrimonioi. peace, commissario
Patriot, s. difensore della sua Peaceable, a. pacijico, ness, —
*. natura pacifica
Patriotism, s. zelo per la pa- Peaceful, a. tranquillo, ly, —
ad. tra uillanii
Patrol, s. ronda, r. n. far — !. tranquillità

laronda ,
Peach, V. a. aecus
Patron, s. protettore, padrone
Patronage, ». padronaggio,
Peacher, s. accusatore
Patronal, a. di padrone Peacoek, *. pavone. Peahen, —
Patroness, s. padronesta ». pavoncisa.—A young pea-
Patronise, v. a. difendere, - '- pavoneelio
Peak, punta, —of a hill,
Patronymic, a. patroni- ctma aun monte
Patten, zoccolo.
s. Patten- — Peaking, a. malaticcio
maker, zoccolaio,
t. of a — Peal, ». fracasso, strepito,
pillar, zoccole di colonna eeampanio. — Peal of hail.
—A printer's peel, pallella Penetrability, ». penetrabilità] Perambulate, v. n
da stampatore Penetrable, a. penetrabile
Peel, t'. a. scortecciare, sbuc- Penetrate, i;. a. penetrare
ciare. — Peel hemp, maci- Penetrating, Penetration, ».

itllare della canapa.— Fee] penetrazione, acutezza, tol-

off. V. n. scorticarsi, sca- tigliezxa Perceivable, a. percettibile
gliarti Penetrative, a. penetrativo
eak of day, ». / Peninsula, ». peninsola servare, concepire, capir»
Penitence, ». penitenza Perceptible, a. percettibile
PeT"»"»""'; pigclan Penitent, a. penitente, ^». — Perception, ». perceeiont,
uscire,guaraare ai secreto.
penitente, —
i'al, a. peniten- intelligenza
—Peep in, u. n. guardare ziale, —
iary, ». peniten- Perch, ». pertica, nome fu*
dentro.— Teep out, guardar ziere, penilenzieria pesce, —V. adagiarsi sopra
Pennant, ». fune che serve nei una pertica, collocare
Peer, s. un pari, ottimato, vascelli Perchance, ad. per casn,fr>rse
spalletta Penner, ». pennaiuolo Percolation, ». filtrazione,
Peers, *. pi. uguali, pari Penny, ». un soldo. Penny- — filtro
Peer upon, v. n. occheggiare worth, ». quanto li compra Percussion, ». percussione
per un soldo, compra fatta Perdition, ». perdizione, ro-
Peerage, dignità dì pari
s. con vantaggio. buy a —To
Peeress, *. mnSilie d'un pari good pennyworth, comprar Perdue, a. perduto, sentinella
Peerless, ». incomparabile avanzata
Peevish, a fastidioso, fan- Pennyless, a. senza denari, Pei dues, ». pi. soldati esposti
tastico, —
ly, ad. fantastica- povero Perdurable, a. perdurabile
mente, —
ness, s. sdegno, o Pensile, a. sospeso Perduration, ». durata
fastidio [òracco Pension, ». pensione Peregrination, ». peregrina-
Peg, s. cavicchia, caviglix, ttn Pensioner, ». salariato
Pe5, V. a. incaoigliare Pensive, a. pensieroso, tristo, Peregrine, a. peregrino, fo-
Pelagians, s. pi. Pelagiani ramrtiarico, —
ly, ad. pen-
Pelf, s. cosa sprexzevole, rie- Peremptorily, ad. perentoria-
siero, mestizia, malinconia
Pelican, s. pellicano Pentagonal, a. pentagonale Peremptoriness, ». maniera
Pellet. ». pallottola, palla Pentagon, ». pentagono
Pellicle, ». pellicella Pentameter, ». pentametro Peremptory, a. perentorio,
Pellit-ory, ». parietaria Pentateuch, ». pentateuco decisivo, assoluto
Pell-mell, ». confusamente Pentesost, ». la Pentecoste Perennial, a. perenne, con-
Pellucid, a. trasparente, — Penthouse, ». grondila, gron- tinuo, perpetuo
da, — of a steeple, ». co- Perennity, ». perpetuità
Pelt, ». pelle, cuoio. —Pelt perta del'.afinesirella Perfect, a- perfetto, consumato.
wool, ». lana tratta da una Penvirious, a. a'-aro, tpilor-
pecora morta. Pelt, v. — .
Perfect, ». a. perfezionare,

tirare, lanciare sopra.— ¥ alt finire, compire, ed, a.
and chafe, v. n. tempestare perfetto, —ion, ». perfezi-
Pen, ». una penna, pollaio, one, eccellenza, ly, ad. —

mandra. Penknife, ». tem- Penury, indigenza, miseri perfettamente, a mente, —
perino. — Pencase, ». pen- PKinywort, or Wild mir ness, ». perfezione
naiuolo. — Peiiful, una menta saèvHiica Perfidious, 3. perfido, infida,
[in carta Peony, ». peonia — ly, ad. perfidamente, —
Pen, V. n. scrivere, mettere People, ». popolo, uaz , ness, ». perfidia, tradimento
Pen up, V. a. rinchiudere mondo. — Full of people, Perfidy, ». perfidia
Penai, a. p*naU molto popolato Perforate, v. a. perforare^
Penalty, ». penalità People, V. a. popolare Jbrare
Penance, ». penitenza Pepper, ». pepe.— Pepper-box, Perforation, ». perfiramento,
Penates, ». i Dei pendi ». —
pepaiuola. Pepper-plant, buco, pertugio
Pence, ». pi. soUli ». albero di pepe. Pepper- — Perforce, ad. per forza .

Pencil, ».
f enfilo proof, che è accoslumaty al' Perform, f. a. effettuare, ese-
Pendants, ». pi. orecchini, pepe. — Wall-pepper, ». »em- guire, fare, — upon an in-
— of a ship, pennoni di strument, tuonuie d'un is-
Ponihilous, a. pendolane, in- Performance, ». c<*»'pimenfn.
— Military performance,
Pendulum, ». pendolo. Pen» — fatti mililnri.—A:\ inge-
dulum-watch, ». oriuolo a nious performance, opera
ous, a. pemiìitto^i^ Perspicuity, t. ehìarexia,
d. perniziosamente, -^ purezza
*. qualità pemixìosa Perspicuous, a. chiaro, evi-
miere.— Perfurainij-pan, or dente, — ad. chiaramente
Perspirable, a. ccpace di per-
Perfunctorily, ad. negligen-
ttmente, leggermente
Perfunctory, a. fatto alla

Perfunctorliiess, s. negligenza Perjietrate, v. a. perpetrare,

¥erha]ìs, ad. forse commettere, fare
Pericardium, s. perieariiio Pei-petual,rt. perpetuale

Pericranium, pericrania
s. Perpetually, ad. perpetua.
Perijree, s perigeo mente Fersuasibly, ad. d'una maniera
Perihelium. s perielio Perpetuati ng, Perpetuation, s. persuasiva
Peril, «. periglio, rischio perpciuanzz Persuasion, s. persuasione.
Perilous, a. pericoloso, — ly, Pei'iietuits, s perpetuità
ad. pericvlosamente Pei-plex, V. a. intrigare, im- Persuasive, Persuasory, a.
Perimeter, s. perimetro Lroglure
Period, s. periodo To bring— Perplexed, a. imbrogli Persuasively, ad. in modo
Perplexedly, xd. nfusa.
jiiire. — In tlie last period Persuade, v. a. persuadere
of his life, neW ùltimo Perplexity, perplessità. Pert, a. vivace, alerte, imperli-
incertezza, conjusione
Perquisites, s. pi. emolument Pertain, v. n. spettai
profitto Pertinacious, a.
gloria Perquisition, *. perquisizione
Periodical, a. periodico, ly, —
ad. periodicamente Perry, s. cidro fatto di pere Pertinacity, Pettini
Peripatetic, s. peripatetico Persecute, v. a. perseguitare^ Pertinence, s. conve evolezxa
Peripliery, *. circonferenza impori. Pertinent, a. co,tv<
Periphrasis, s. perifrasi, cir- ly, ad. pertinentemente
Pert'iigency, s. il ferire,

Perlingent, a. che ferisce

t. persti-erante Pertness, s. ardore, vivacità.
Peripneumonical, a. peri-
Pertinence, t. per^-inenza
Peiipneumony, f. peripneu- Perturbate, v. a. turltare
Pra-tiUibation, s. perturbazione,

Perturbator, *. perturbatore
Perishable, a. caduco, cade- l'ervade, v, a. penetrare, tra

Feristyle, s. peristilio Perverse, a. perverso, mal-

Perjure, r. a. epergiurare vagio, — ly, ad. perversa-
Perjurer, «. spergiuro mente, —ness, ity, *. per —
Perjury, s. spergiuro Person, s. persona, figura.-^ versila, malvagità, deprava
Periwig, s parrucca To appear in person, com-
Periwinkle, s. pervinca parire personalmente Perversion, *. «
Perk up, V. n. ricuperar le Personable, a. vistoso, arioso.
forze, alzar la testa
Permanent, *. pertnanente. Personage, *. personaggio
Personal, a. personale. Per- —
sonal goods, beni mobili,
— ity, *. personalità, in- Pervi,
Peruke, s. parrucca
Personally, ad. personalmente !
Peruke-maker, s. parrucchiere
Personate, v, a. rappresentare Perusal, s. lettura, esame
Perspective, s. perspMiva, Pjruse, V. a. rivedere, legger*
prospettiva, paesaggio Peruser, *. lettore
Perspicacious, a. perspicace t Perusing, ». lettura
"r„,urc rerspicati
Perspicacity, t. perspicacità, Pei-uvian, a. che è del Perù.—
Permuter, ». permutatore \
sagacità I Peruvian bark, ». la chini
Pheasant, n fagiano —A Pica, ». voglia di donna gra-
vida ; specie di lettera per
giano. —A
pheasant pewet, istcmpare
Pester, v. a. inquietare, in- vnfagianot'o Pick, ». «nazii/o/o —Picklock,
Phial, s. caraffa, ojiale ». un grimaldello, quello
Pssliferous, a. pettifero, per- Philanthropical, a. n che apre le porte col gri-
malilello. — Pickpocket, ».
Pestilence, t. pesiikn^a, peste Philanthiopy, nità. tagliaborse, borsaiuolo. —
Pestilent, Pestilential, a. Pickthanks, ». un palpaiore,
pestifero, pestilenziale adulatore
Pestle, *. pestello, — of pork, Pick. r. a. nettare, mondare.
fosso delpresciuto Philologist, ».«n^/o„„_ — Pick wool, r. a. cardare
Pet, s. sdegno, collera. To — V\\i\o\og:^-,s. filologia la /ano.— Pick a fowl, »ne)i-
take pet at a thing, njfet Philomel, s. filomena nare un' uccello —Pick a
Philosopher, s. un filosofo bone, rosicare un' osso.—
Petalism, s. petalismo Philosopher's stone, s. — Pick a lock, aprire una
Petard, ». petardo pietra filosofale. —A moral serratura col grimaldello. —
Peterpenee, s. tributo d'u pliilosopher, un moralista. Pick a quarrel with one,
soldo al Papa —A naturai philos(^her, attaccare lite con alaino.
Petition, s. supplica, mem Pick and steal, civflare,
riale, domanda, preghiera Pliilosophicai, a. filosofilo, ck and choose,
Petition one, v. a. presentai — ly, ad. filosoficamente sciegliere, cappare. — Pick
una supplica di qualche cosi Philosophise, v. n. filosofeg- one's pocket, truffare. —
Petitioner, s. un supplicante giare Pickthanks, piaggiare. —
Petriiic, a. pe(ri^co

Philosophy, ». filosofia — Pick out a livelihood, gua-

PetTjhcation, s. pefripcazio7U Moral philosophy, la inorale. dagnarsi il vitto
Peb-ify, — Naturai philosophy, la Piclc up, V. a. raccorre, levar
—ing, j di terra
Philter, ». filtro Pickaroon, ». vascello da cor-
FÌltì2Ù''~s''''so-,an Phii, ». viso, muso seggiare, corsale, pirata
Pettifogger, s. un beccatile Phlebotomy, s.fiebolomia Picket, ». picchetto, palicci-
Pettifogging, s. lite, bri^a Phlegm, s. flemma
Pettish, a. fastidioso, di et, Phlegmon, ». specie di tumore Pickings, ». pi. mondiglia
Phoenix, » fenice Pickle, ». salamoia, r. a. —
Phosphorus, ». fosforo, pietra marinare, salare, confettare
"ologna Picture, ». pìltura, quadro.
'., s frase, — ». a. espri- — To be the picture of, ras-

PhFaseology, s. frasi, dizione Picture-drawer, ». un pittore

Petty, a. piccolo, picciolo. — Phrensy, ». frenesia Picture, V. a. dipignere, rap-
Petty king, un regolo. — '"""""'
». presentare
Petty-larceny, ». ladion- ie%, Piddle. V. n. denticchiare,
eelieria. — Petty-pattees, *. Physical, a. fisico, naturale, badaluccare
pi. pasticetti Piddler, ». un badalucco
Petulancy, s. petulanza, — ad. secondo la medicina, Piddling business, una baga-
fisicamente [medico tella
Pew, s. banco di'chiesa 'hysician, ». un fisico, ten Pie, ». «n pasticcio. —Magpie,
Pewter, s. stagno, peltro, 'hysic, V. a. medi ». una gazza
piaHi di staglio dicamentare Pie-bald, or Pied, a. pezzato
Pewterer, a. quello che lavora Physics, s. fisica Pie-ball, ». cavallo pezzato
di stagno Physiognomer, Physiogno- Piece, ». to2zo, pez-io, una
Phalanx, s. falange nista pezza, —of ordnance, ».
Phantasm, s. fantasma Phj ognora ». fison »m can/ione.— Piece-meal, ».
Phantastical, PhamasUc, a. pezzo a pezzi! —A
funtastiio Physiologer, ». colui eh' è piece, » un moschetto —
Phantom, s. fantasma versato 7iella fisiologia A fowling-piece, ». uno
Pharisaical, a. di fariseo Physiological, a. fisiologico schioppetto
Physiology, s. fisiologia
Piacular, a. espiatorio
Phari itical, Pharmaeeu- mater, membrane, ». pia
Pied, a. pezzato
Fharmacy, s.fannazia Piastre, ». piastra Pie-powder court, ». corte the
Pliasis, ;/. Phases, ». fate, Piazza, ». piazza pubblica, un
apparenza Pier,», pilastro /'un ponte

pierce, ti. a forare, pene- piny at nine-pins, giuocare
— -

trare. Pierce through, di sbrigli, (of a musical

sir.iforare. —Pierce a pipe instrument), *. bischero, — Pinner, s. spilMtaio
(of a sundial), i. stile d'oriu- P-mUs. foglietta
àio a sole, —
(to make a door

Pioneer, s. guastatore
Piercing, a. acido, sottile, vi- fast), s- ch'iavistello. — Pin |

Pious, a. pio, divoto, — ly,


vace, ly, ad. svllilmenle and web in the eye, maglia. piamente lea
Piety, s. iiielil, devozione. catara -Pin.< Pip, ». pipita,
buccio per le spille. Pin- — Pip, V. a. levar via la pipita
Pig, 1.un porci-ilo. Pignut, — dust, s. limatura.— A crisp- Pipe, ». una pipa, condotto,
i. <art»^.- Pigsty, s. un ing - pin, t. calamistro. — acquidotto, tampogna, —
porcile.— Pige^ed, a. die ha Lardingpin, s. lardaruolo. of wine, botte di vino. —
gli cechi piccoli. boar- —A —, s. matterello Bagpipe, ». cornamusa. —
l.ig, *. ferro.— pig of diA pasticciere. Axlepin, — Clysterplpe, cannella di ser-
lead, .?. farina di pioitùto chiodo di ruota
Pig, ,•. n. figliare Pin^Id, s. parco da pecore Pipe, V. n. suonar la sampogna
Pigeon, s. columba. Pigeon — Piper, ». sampognatore. —To
liouse, s. coiumbaio Pi- ipilìa. — Pin up a gown, ~ pay the piper, restare ttuf-
gecii-hole, s. cestino. — una gonnella.
siiccignere fato —
Pigconpie, s. pasticcio di Pin up a window, serrare Piping-hot, ». caldo caldo
piccioni "."."'"«^'"'•- Pipkin, ». pignatta, mela ap
Pigment, *. belletto Pin'^T''''' piuola
Pigmy, s. un pigmeo, un nano seguitare l'altrui parere Piquant, a. piccante, pugnenie
Filce, s. luccio, picca— Pike- —
Pincer, s. cane. Pincers, s. pi Pique, ». una picca, —
v. a. pie-
picca.— Vìs.estafr, s. bastone Pincli, s. pizzico,' presa, an- piccarsi, pretendere di sapei
gustia, necessità.— To be at una cosa, -ffendere, irritare
Pilaster, s. pilastro a pinch, trovarsi all' tslr. Piracy, ». còrso.— To exercise
Pilchard, s. sardella piracy, corseggiare
Pile, s monte, massa, mucchio, Piìich, t>. a. pizzicare, stri) Pirate, ». pirata, corsoi.,
palo. —
Pile of wood, catasta gere, pugne) e, molleggiar plagiario, —
v. a. rubare
di legna -V. n. patire, soffrire.- Piratical, a. di pirata
Piles, *. pi. emorrnide r:nch one, strappazzan Piscary, ». il privilegio della
Pile up, V a. ammassare, am- Pinch off", V. a. strappare pesca
Pinchpenny, Pinchfist. ». Pisces, ». pesce, uno di dodiei
Pilferer, s. ladroncello lordo, taccagno. Pinched — segni del zodiaco
Pilfering, s. ladronccllcria with hunger, affamato Pismire, ». formica
Pilgrim, s. pellegrino Pincushion, s. cuscinetto per le Piss, ». piscio, orina, f. n.—
Pilgrimage, s. pellegrinaggio spille orinare [pistacchio
Pindaric, a. Pindarico pistachio, or Pistachio nu't, ».
Pistol, ». pi»fo/a.— Pistol-case,
». fonda di pistola. Pistol- —
shot, pistolettata
— The temei of a j Pistole, ». doppia
Pillar, s. pilastro, colonna ipple, pinucchio del pino Pit. ». /o»»a, /o»»o, ina- -
Pillion, s. sella da donna Pine, playhouse,». p/(rfca.— Sand-
Pillory, s. la berlina. pit, ». renaio. —
Pillow, s. guanciale Pining,
mbeer. Pillowcase, pit, ». l'ascella.— A
d-tra —
luogo argilloso. Bottomless
pit)'a6i»»o. —
Pitfall, ». schiac-

'•ufi. io del piloto Dn, V. inchiodare.

a. — Pitch, ».
iilon one, legar le braccia
Pint, s. garofano, pinco
Pmk, V. a. iaggliuz: Pitch, s. cima, altezza. —
Pimpernel, ». pimpinella , _. The highest pitch of a
Pimple.*, enfiatelìo, pustuletta. Pinker, ». tagliuzzaiore thing, la sommità d'una
—A face fluii of pimples, un Pinking, » tagliuzaamento costa
viso pieno di pustùlette Pink-eyed, che ha gli occhi Pitch, v. a, impeciare, jmpe-
Pimpled, a. pieno di puttu- piecoti gelare, Pitch a tent, pt- —
Pinnace, ». scappavia {sorta di antare una tenda.— Pìicìi a

Ptii, t. tpììla, siriglio. — To iarco) net, spiegare I

481 T3
I Itch a camp, porsi a earn- PUguily, ad. gagliardamente

«o.— Pitch a wheel, impe-\ Plaguy, a. cattivo, pericoloso

tiare una ruote. — Pitch a Fldice, s. passere Plaster,
I vascello. Plain, a. piano, eguale, tchi- piatirò
Plastic, a. atto a dar forma, •

gCiere una cosa. — Pitch upon $. arte di far figure di gestn

one's head, cascare colla testa 0. — Plain dealer, s. Plat, s. camperelli)
all' ingiù. —
Pitched battle, — Plaindeal-
dabbene. T)i--
Piate, - -genteria, tondo,
battaglia schierata ing> s. buona fede, pro- - Plate-
Pitcher, s. brocca - Plain bbton d'oro
Pitchy, a. meschino, misero, Plain coat, abito d'argento. —
Piate - candle-
— iiy, ad. meschinamente schietto. —To speak plain, stick, ». candeliere con mani-
Pith, a. miUolla, midollo. parlar chiaramente. — To co. —A copper-plate, stampa
go plain, vestirsi setnplice-
Pithily, nd. vigorosamente mente Ivellare Piate, V. a. inargentare, in-
Pithiness, s. forza, energia Plain, *. pianura, —v. a. li- dorare. —
Piate" of meUl,
Pithless, a. smidollato, setco Plainly, ad. sinceramente, ridurre il metallo in piastre
Pithy, a. midolioso ehiaramente, semplicemente Platen, ». piastretta di slam-
Pitiable, Pitiful, a. meschino. Plainness, s. egualità, miità,
e, pietoso, — ly, ! chiarezza, semplicità Platform, ». piattafórma
ramente, pietosa- Plaint, s. querela, doglienza Platonic, a. Platonico
ness, s. miseri- Plaintiff, *. colui che chiama Platonism, ». Platonismo
\ in giudizio Platonist, ». Platonico
Pitiless, ù spieiato, crudele. Plaintive, a. dolente ! Platoon, ». squadrone

Plaister, Plaster, s. stucco, Platter, ». tafferia

Pittance, s. pietanza, porzion-

cimento, —
v. a. intonicare, Plausible, a. plausibile
cella, particella

— er, s. stuccatore

Plausibility, Plausibleness, ».


Pitted with the sraall-pox, a. Plait, s. piega, of hair, qualità plausibile

blaterato treccia di capilH '

Plausibly, cui. con applauso

Pituitous, a p:<uiVjjo Plait, v. a. piegare —Flait Play, ». giuoco, passatempo,
Pii/, s. pietà, compassione,
peccato, danno
the nair, intrecciare i cO'
pelli [getto

commedia Playhouse, ». un
teatro.—To keep one in play,
Pity, V. a. compatire, eom- Pian, *. pianta, disegno, pro- tenere uno a bada
piangere Planchor, s. pancone, tavola Play, V. a. Jr n. giuocaie. —
Pivot, s. perno, cardine . Piane, s. una pialla, piano. Play the fool, fare il mat-
Pix, s. pisside —A Cornish plane, #. piai- to. —
Play the feaave, far


Placabilityj s. affabilità, fa delle /«rieri». Play Uie

-...ià a placai.. Piane, v. a. piallare, polire, truant, fuggir la scuola. —
Placable, a. placabili —V. n. librarsi su l'ale Play a trick, /are una burla.
Placart, s. proclamazione, edit- Plane-tree, s. platano — Play pranks, fire delU
to, permissione Planer, s. piallatore sue. — Play a set game.
Place, ». luogo, sito, posto, Planet, s. pianeta
rango, qualità, condizione, Planet-struck, a. golpato, at- Play upon one, burlare uno,
impiego, carico, piazzai '
-ordito beffarlo
fortezta. —
Place of arras, Planetary, a. di pi Player, ». giuocatort, un com-
piazza d'arme. —
To give Planimetry, s. planimetria mediante, —
upon any instru-
place, cedere, dare luogo. Planish a dish, v. a. litciare ment, suonatore di qualche
— To take place of one,
precedere, tener il luogo
un piatto
Planisphere, *. planisfirio

Place, V. a. allogare, collo- PIani»her, s. lisciatore Plea, ». pialo, scusa, pretesto

care, mettere al servizio Plank, s. tavola, asse [lare Plead, V. a. litigare, piatire,
di — Plank, v. a. tavolare, intavo- — Plead guilty, confessarsi
Placid, a. dolce, grazioso Plant, ». pianta, ramicello colpevole.— Pieni ignorance,
Placket, ». la parte d'avanti Plant, v. a. plantare, stabilire, allegar causa d'ignoninsa
d'una sottana —v n. stabilirsi Pleadable, a. che s ) liti-
Plagiarism, ». plagiarismo Plantain, ». piantaggine
Plagiary, ». un ladro di fan- Piantai, a. vegetabile Pleader, ». un' avvocato
ciùlli, plagiario , Plantation, ». piaiUazùme, Pleading, ». piato
Plague, ». la peste, conta- colvn-ia Pleasant, v. piacevole, alle-
gione, flagello, gastigo, un' Planter, ». piantatore, padrone gro, impertinente, ridicolo,
impórtuHo. —
Plaguesore, ». d'una colnnirt — ly, ad. piacevolmente, ri-
gavocciolo Planting-slick, s. foraterra diculosamente, ^ness, —rj, —
Plague, V. a. tormentare, Plash, ». pantano, v. — a. ». piacevolezza, burla, schert*
appesi ire \ piegare, rimcscclar . Please, v. a. piacere, c»nten-
Please one, okbli Plot, s. congiura, trama, con,
spiraxione, —
of a play,
-Pie; every body, sod- l'intreccio, — of ground, un
. e tutti —
pf:zo di terra. The.ground- irai, a. plurale. ~s. il
l'iease, v. n. piacere, volere ]ilot of a building, la pianta nmero del pw, -ity, t.
l'Iezising, a. piacevole, grato
Pleasing, *. piacevolezza
d'un' edificio
Plot, V. n. cospirare, tramare
pluralità, muHiplicità, ist, —
* uno che goi'>e più d'un
Pleasurable, a. piacevole Plot together, concertare, pi- beneficio, —
ly, ad. plural
Pleasure, «. piacere, diporto,
grazia, favore, volontà, vo- Rlush. s.peluzso, felpa
Plotting, «. il cospirare Pluvial, s. piviale
Pltasu Pluvious, a. pio'coso
Plough, s aratro, aratolo Ply. s. una piega, -v. a. an.
Plough - tail, PlpngU - handle, plicarsi, attendere. Ply —
one hard,/ure lavorare uno
urta. Ploughsliare, s il coltro
— troipo forte. — F\y one'»
prova dell' aratro. Ploughman,
nio«ia»ia.— Pledge, (in war) *. aratore, bifolco. Pfough- — --Ply a aplac
ostaggio wright, 4. «« facitor d'ara- 10 posto
Pledge, t'. a. iinpegnare, dare tri.— Plough Monday, s. il , a- pneumazieo

in pegno. —
Pledge one, fare Lunedi degli aratori Pneumatology, s. pneunmto-
Plougfi, t'. a. arare, ing, *. —
Pledget, s. piumacetlo, una aramento, aratura
Pluck, *. coratella Poarb, V. a. Se n. ammax-
Pleiades, s. pi. Pleiadi PlutK up, V. a. strappare,
Plenary, a. plenario svellere. — Pluck a fowl,
Plenipotency, s. p<eno potere, spi amare un pollo. — Pluck Pock, s. erosta di vainolo
asunder, staccare. Pluck — Pocket, s. tasca, scarsel.'a. —
Plenipoteiitial, a. plenipoten- up by the roots, sradicare. Pocket-b
— Pluck up one's spirits, portalettere. —
Plenipolentiary, s. un plcnipo- farsi animo fockét-mon
Plug, s. pivolo, cavicchia rio.'— Ì'ocket''of
Plumage, s. piumacchio
Plum, s. susina, prugna. —
hondante, grande,
copioso, Plum-tree, s. prugno.- A
immenso, magnifico, ly, — wild plum, s. prugnolo. —
ad. abbondantemente, ness. — Damask - plum, s. susina
damaschina. — Plum- pud- Pocky, a infranciosato
To have plenty, abbondare ding, torta con uva passa. Pod, s loppa, guscio
Pleonasm, s. pleonasmo — i'lum-cake, pasticetio *.
"" * '"' podagrìi'
Plethora, s. phlora con uva passa [confetti
Vìeùiotic, a. plLu.i d'nmoii
Pleurisy, s. pleurisia
Plurcs, or Sugar-plums, s ' Poesyi ::C-
Pleuritic, a. che patisce di s. pennacchio Poetaster, s
Poetess. ». uno poetessa
Pliable, a. pìeg'hevole, fles- Poetic, Poetical, a. poetico, di
sibile, traitabile, nesT — -

.flessibilità Poetically, ad. poeticamente

Pliant, a. pieghevole, docile, Plump, a. pienotto, grassotto. Poetise, 1'. n. poetare
— Plump face, inso tondo. — Poetry, s. powii.— The pis-
fl^sibiiM.-^ pillar Plump-faced, che ha it viso poetry, la poesia pas-

per, gratiusa natura pienotto tora

Piicature, s. piegatura Plump, v. a. gonfiare, —:>. n. Poignancy,
Plight, s. stato, abitudine del cascare a piombo, —ness, *.
corpo, pegno, piega, piega- ìungenle, aspro
Plunder, s. bottino, sacco, —
Plight, v. a. promettere, dare. V. a.predare, saccheggiare,
— Plight one's faith, impe- — er, saccheggiante,
s. ing, — i della calamita.
gnare la sua parola s. sacr.heggiamento
Plinth, s. zoccolo Plunge, s. pena, noia, imba-
Plod, V. n. aver l'animo intento
a qualche affare, affaticarsi

Plodding, a. pentieroio
punto in bianco. :. dazio che <i pag»
— Point, Politician, s. un politUo
Politic, a. accorto, astuto
— Point icallj ad. politicamente
Politics, ». la politica book of pontili ', il
Politure, *. puntura pontificale
Polity, t. pulitezza, ordine. — Pontiiicalia, ». pi. abiti ponti-
Ecclesiastical polity, il go- ficali
di fermo verno ecclesiastico Pontificate, ». pontificato
Poiii! „ oli, s. testa, voto, suffragio. Pontificalibus, ». paramenti
Poise, *.
fe.10, gravezza. — Poll-tax, *. capitazione, pontificali, sciocca foggia
Equal poise, equilibrio. tassa imposta testa per festa Ponton, ». pontone di barche
Water-poise, peso di pesare oli, ti. a. ricevere i voti ad Pony, ». un cavallino
un' elezione, —
v. n, sjuitti- Pool", ». uno stagno
Poise, V. a. pesare, ponderare, Poop, ». la poppa, — V. r,.

Pollard, ». crusca, muggine, scoreggiare

Poised, a. pesato, bilanciato, albero che è stato scapezzalo Poor, a. povero, indigente,
sed'ito, posato di quando in quando scat so, cattivo, iterile.— The
Poison, *. reZeno, veneno, Poller, s. colui die da il tuo poor, la poveraglia, ly, ad. —
V. a avvelenare, appesti poveramente, meschinamente,
infettare, guastare, enrn Pollute, V. a. imbrattare, sos- — ness, ». povertà, bassez-

-ing, s. i vvelena cnto PoUuUng, Pollutio . pollu- Poor-spirited, a. codardo, —

Poltron, ». poltrone, codardo Pop in, V. u. sovvenire. —
Polyante, ». poliante Pop out, t'. n. corsela, sfi-
PoWchrest, ». sale purgativo larsela.— Vop out a -word
Poitrel, ». pettorale Polygartiiit, ». poligamo lasciare scappare una pa-
Foie,, sacchetto Polygamy, » poligamia rola. —
Pop otr a pistol,
Poke, frugolare.— Foie Polygarchy, » poligarchia sparare una pistola
Ji. a.
Polyglot, a. poliglotta Pope, I. t7 papa. The pope's —
Polygon, ». poligono dignity, il papato. — The
Pclypode, ». polipodio pope's-eye in a leg of mut-
Polypus, ». polipo
Polvsyliabical, a. che ha molte
si'llabe Popedom, . papato, pontifi-
Poking, ». frugata Polysyllable, ». polisillabo
Poi, ». un pappagallo Polytheism, ». politeismo Popery, ». papismo
Polythoist, ». politeista Popinjay, ». specie di pappu-
rolar, ». polare Pomatum, or Pommade, ».
Pole, ». un polo, pertica, pale pomata Popish, a. cattolico Romane,
— (to dance on the rope) Pomegranate, ».

melagrana, —ly. Ex. popishiy inclined,

contrappeso. Po!e-boIt of — tree, ». melagrano — propensità al papismo
Pommel, ». pomo — Pommel, Poplar, ». pioppo
V. a. zombare, battere Poppy, ». papavero
Polehedge, ». pergolato. Pomp, ». pompa, splendore, Populace, ». il popolo
Polecat, ». puzzola. —A magnificenza Popular, a. popolare, ity, —
bsrbor's pole, insegna Pompous, a. pomposo, grande, ». spirito popolare, il popò-
barbiere magnifico, — ly, ad. pompo- lazzo, — ly, ad. popolaresca-
Polemical, a. polemico, di
o.flentazione.—Vompous non- Populate, V. a. popolare
Policy, ». politica cond sense, vana ciealena Population, ». popolazione
Pond, s uno stagno. A fish- — Populous, a. popolato, popolose
pond, un vivaio Populousness, ». abbondanza di
Polish, ». poli ililu- Ponder, v. a. pesare, ponde-
ra, — V. a. polire, lustrar raret esaminare, riflettere, Porcelain, ». porcellana
—er, ». un' uomo che consi- Porch, ». portico, piazza
lin colui e dera, —
ing, ». it ponderare Porcupine, ». porco spinoso
-ing. jiulinentn. Ponderosity, ». gravezza Pore, ». poro
Ponderous, a. ponderoso, pe- Pore, t>. n. fissare la viita, leg
sante, —
ness, ». pondo
Pelite, a. ptUiia, civile. — Ponent, a. ponente Pork, ». porco, caritè di porto
ad. fulitamenle, ness, —
Poniard, » un pugnale, — v, a. Porker, ». porcello
y-ulitezza pugnalare Porosity, ». porosità
Poroii<;, a. poroso, pieno di

Po%"jry, s. rorfiro Postilion, .!. postiglione

Porpoise, s. porco marino Possess v. a. possedere.— Vos Postiller, *. anniutatore
Porrenger, .?. scodella, — fui, sess one's self with a thing; Post meridian, a. del dopo t

Porridge, s. sKp^a, minestra, Possess one's self of a town,

— Porridge disi», piatto di impossessarsi d'una cittù.—
estro Possess one with an opinion, Rè
Port, s. porto, luogo d preoccupare altrui di qualche Postpone, V. a. negligere, i

Postscript, s. poscritto
tass'obordo'. —
Porthole, Possessed, a. posseduto, p Postillata, s. domanda
canr,omera d'im rast Postulate, v. a. richiedere,
/(..—Port wine, vino to """l"Ì"ZvZ^esÉo^s, 's ''p. domandare
d'Oporto beni — Possession Postulatum, s. richiesta
Porte, s. la Porta Ottomana godimento provii- Postulatory, a, che serve a
domandare [stato, ordini
. ™o^o,. .^, a. possessivo Posture, s. postura, positura,
Possessor, s. possessore Posy, s. parole, motto
Posset, s. certa bevanda.— Sack- Posy, (nr Nosegay), ». un maz-
Portage, Porterage, s. porto, posset, bevanda composta
portatura, vettura Pot,
ui, .. itoccale, misura, {or
Porta!, .1. particella cafa, uova sbattute, e di zuc- H?ad-piece), morione.— Pot-
Portcullis, s. seracinesca chero butt^r, s. butirro salato. —
Portend, t>. a. predire, pronos- .'ossibilitv, t. possibilità Potashes, s. ceneri da fare il
ticare Possible, 'a. possibile sapone —
Potherb, *. erbag-
Portent, s. portento, prodigio Possibly, ad. possibile, forse gio. —
Pothanger, s. catena
^'"=' s. posta, posto, carica, del camm;;io--Pot-hook, s.
Porter, *. portinario, porti- posta, il procacao. — manico d'un vaso -^FotUd,

naio, facchino, of the verge, 5t horses, cavalli di po- t. —
un testo. A seething-pot,
bidello .— To ride post, correre una pignatta.— A gallipot,
Portglaive. s. colui che porla la posta.— A foot post, cor- boccia. —A watering-pot, an-
spada avanti un ,prencipe, o Post-office, naffiatoio.-' A driiiking-po*»
l'uficio della posta.
Porthole, s. cannoniera master, il maestro della
pista —In post-haste, ad. in Potable, a. potabile
Portion, porzione, parte,
*. fretta Potato, t. pomo di terra
dote, —
V. a dotare una -'ost, s. palafitto in terra Potbellied, a. panciuto
figlia, -er, s. ministro che Post it, V. n. andar in posta. Potcompanion, s. tcialac-
partecipa dèlie decime del suo — Post away with a thing,
spacciare una cot,a Polency. ». potenza, potere
Potent," a. p'^tcnte
Post'one's self, v. r. pigliare il Potentate, ». potentato
Potential, a. potenziale, — ly,
Post up, !', a. affiggere. — id. potenzialmente
Post one for a coward, tently, ad potentemente
spacciare uno per codardo, ''~ "
liei, ».scomptgtio, tumulto.
compiglio, rur
repi<o— Pother, v far
Portnìote, s. e count from the journal to repito, e mollo gridar'
the ledger, trascrivere un
Portrait, va. t ratti, - conto del giornale al capo Pottage, ». minestra, zuppa
pittura Potter, ». ;!c;i<<./nio.— Potter*!
Portraiture, s. rìfrntto, quadro Post ige, *. porto clay, 4. argilla — Potter's
Portray, v. a. dipigna e Postdate, *. data falsa ware, ». vasellame di terra
Pose, .5. catarro Postdate, f. a. mettere una data Potile, ». misura Inglese
Pouch, ». scarsella, borsa, —
gare, imbrogliare Poster, s. carriere A birding pouch, carniera.
Poser, s. quello che imbara::za Posteriority, s. posteriorità — Pouchmouth, grosse lab-
Position positura, siluaziìnc, Posterior, a. posteriore, Pos-— bra
izione, proposta teriors, *. pi. il deretano Poverty, ». povertà, neceitità
Posterity, s. posterità bisogno, mancanTa
Postem, s. pórticciuola Poult, ». pollastrella
Postliumous, a. postumo, nato Poulterer, ». pnlluiuclo
dopo la morte del ijddrt Poultice, t, cataplasm»
Poultry, s. pollame Practise, ». a. praticare, eserci- certo, precario, — ^!y, ad. ptr
Pounce, t. unghia,
artiglio, tare, professare
pulfere di pietra pomice Practise a piece of music, con-
Pounce, V. a. artigliare, tener certare della musica
coir artiglio Practitioner, s. uno studente
Pound, s. specie di prigione per Prsetor, s. pretore- —
le bestie, libbra, <(i«.— Pound house. *. pretorio
Frazionali, a. di pretore Precedence, Precedency, s.
Pound weight, il peso d'una Pr^torship, ». pretura precedenza, il luogo. — To
libbra Pragmatic, Pragmatical, a. give one the precedency,
Pound, pestare, tritare,
V. a. pramtnalico. —
Pragmatical cedere il luogo ad uno
rinchiudere del bestiame fellow, s. un affannone, ly, — Precedent, a. precedente, ». —
Poundage, s. uno scellino per ad. da imbroglione, — ness, esempio, istanza. Prece- —
lira, un soldo per libbra «. protervia dt3it-l)ook, *. protocollo, ^-Ij,
Pounder, s- un tritatore. —
Pralie, v. a. lode, vanto
Pounder (ten), *. un can- Praise, v. a. lodare, dar lode, Precellence, Precellency, s.
none di dieci libbre di portata apprezzare, stimare
Pounding, s. pestamento Praiser, s. stimatore
Pour, or pour out, f. a. ver- orlhy, a. luudabilt Precept, s. precetto, regola.
sare.— Vonr down, V. n. di- Prai-c mpenn
Preceptive, a. istruttivo
Four out of one vessel into 1 Preceptor, » precettore
another, trasvasare Precinct, *. limile, precinto
Pout, s. lampreda, francolino. Prank, s. tiro, giarda, burla, Precious, a. prexioso, ly, ad. —
—A turkey pout, un dindi- stravaganza preziosatnente, —
ness, *. pre-
otto. —A pheasaiit pout, fa- Prank up, v. a. ornarle, abbel-
gianotto lire Precipice, *. precipizio, peri-
Pout, V. n.fare it grugno Prank one's self up, t'. a. colo, disgrazia, rovina
Pouting, s. viso arcigno Precipitance, Precipitancy, s.
Pouting fellow, *. un uomo fretta temeraria
burbero Prate, v. n. cicalare, ciarlare Precipitant, s. pericoloso, pre-
Poutingly, ad. con viso arcigno Prater, s. un ciarlone, ciarliero cipiloso [affrettato
Powder, s. polvere. — Powder- Prating, s. ciarla, cicalata Precipitate, a. precipitoso.
Prattle, v. n. cicalare, ciarlare Precipitate, f. a. precii.itarc,
Prattler, s. un cicalone, ciar- affrettare
Sweet powder, polvere lerò ; cicalatrice Precipitation, j. precipitazione.
Cipro. —
Gunpowder, s. pc Prattling, s. ciarleria
vere da cannone Pravity, *. pravità, malignità Precise, a. preciso, esatto, ri-
Powder, v. a. incipriare, pu terbato, affettato, scrupoloso,
veriitare. —
Powder be« —ly^a'
salare del manso rare. — Pray to God, invocare
Powdering-tub, s. un tinello Iddio Precision, *. preó
Power, *. potere, potenza, auto- Prayer, s. preghiera, orazione, tezza. affettazione
rità, forza, potentato, prin- richiesta, domanda. Prayer- — —
Preclude, v. a. escluaere
book, libro di preghiere. Precocity, anticipazione della
Powers, *. pj. podestadi — The Lord's prayer, l'ora-
zione Dominicale The com- —
maturità delle frutta
Precogitate, v. a. premeditare
Powers of the soul, le fa-
coltà dell' anima mon prayers, le preghiere Precognition, ». precognos
Powerful, a. polente, possente,
efficace,— ness,s. forza, ener- Preach, a predicare, annun-
v. Precontract, ». contratto prece-
va, —
ly, ad. patentemente, ziare, riprendere, garrire —
efficacemente Preach up, esaltare, van- Precursor, ». precursore
Pox, s. mal Francese.— Chlck- tare. —
Preach one's self up, Predatory, ». predatorio
en-pox, morviglione. The — lodarsi Predecessor, ». predecessore.
small-pox, il vainolo Preacher, s. un predicatore —Predecessors, ». pi. ante-
Practicable, a. practicabile Preaching, * predicazione
Practice, Practical, a. pra- Preachment, s. prèdica Predestinarian, ». che crede alla
tico, contrario di speculativo, Preadamites, t. preadamiii
Preamble, s. preambolo Predestinate, r. a. predestinare
Pra( raticJ, intreccio, Prebend, s. prebenda, canoni- Predestination, ». predestiiut-
ne, complotto, zione [avanti
u*o, modo, costume. By — Prebend, Prebendary, i. pr*- Predetermine, va. deierminart
foul practices, con meui in- Predetermination, ». pr«M(r-
Precarious, a. mendicate in-
Pregnant, a. pregna, 'gravida,
— Pregnant token, un segno

infallibile. — Pregnant wit,

Predicable, a. predicabile, —
i. ^' ". '
r'alfinefoZ"' Preoccupancy,
Predicament, s. predicamenio, . TTegxxstztion, s. gusto anteriore
stato, condizione, qualità Preingage, v. a. impegnare Preoccupate, a.
Predicate, ». predicato, — j

anteriormente, — ment, s. Preoccupation,
V. a. predicare, pubblicare,
' Prejudge, v. a. giudicare pri- Preoccupy, ». n.
predicabile Preonninate, ». e
Prejudicate, a. ex. Preju- Preorìiain, ». <

dicate opinion, pregiudizio,

prevenzione. —
Prejudicate Preordained,
stiffness, una mera ostina- Preparation, ». preparazione,

Prejudication, s. pregiudizio sr, preparativa di

Prejudice, s. pregiudizio, pre-
Preparatory, a.
0, preparatorio
s. un preparativo
Preelection, t. elezione fatta
Prejudiced, a. pregiudicato
Preeminence, *. preminenza Prejudicial, a. pregiudicativi Preparedly, ad. preparativa-

Preemption, j. compra anteci- Prelacy, s. prelatura Prepense, a. premeditalo

Prelate, prelato
t. Preponder, Preponderale, ». a,
Preen, v. aggiustare, mettere Prelatical, a. di prelato esaminare, considerare a
in ordine, (parlando degli Prelibation, s. gusto anteriore
Preliminary, a. preliminare,- Preponderate, ». n. essere dì
Preengage, ». a. impegnare t. il preliminare più gran peso, o di più graiuP
antecipatamente Prelude, Preludium, ». pr importanza
Preexist, v. n. preesistere, — ludio, entrata, preparazion Prei>ose, ». a. preporre, porre
enee, s. preesistenza, ent. — avanti [che si prepone
Prelude, ». a, tuonar un pr Preposition, ». preposizione,
Preface, s. prefazione, pre- Indio Prepositor, ». un preposto
fasiu, preambolo, ». a. dire — Prepossess, ». a. preoccupare,
uvanti prevenire [pregiudizio
Prefatory, a. preliminare tempestivo, -rly, ad. prema Prepossession, ». prevenzione.
Prefect, *. prefetto, preposto, turamente, —
ity, s. qualità d Preposterous, a. fuor di sta-
magistrato principale gione, inai a proposito, ly. —
Prefecture, *. prefettura
Prefer, ». a. preferire. Prefer — Prepuce, ». il prepuzio
a law, proporre una legge, Prerogative, ». prerogativa,
— Prefer one, promuovere Premise, ». a. dire una cosa preminenza

alcuno. Prefer abili against Presage, ». presagio, augurio,
one in chancer)-, proseguire Premises, ». pi. premesse, casa,
luoghi, predio ighiettùrare
Preferable, a prefirabile Premise, ». proposizione antece- Presbyter
Preference, *. preferenza chiesa, . .

Preferment, i. avanzamento. Presbyterian, ». un presbite-

Jì-Jo. -To\ Presbytery, ». la religione dei
presbiteriani, il presbitero
Premunire, ». imprigiona- Prescience, ».prf»cien2a
Preferrer of an indictme mento e conjiscazione de' beni, Prescribe, ». a. prescrivere.
delatore, accusatore
Prefigure, ». a. figura self into a premunire, e»j>or»» Prescript.», ordinanza, formula
a qualche imbroglio Prescription, ». prescrizione.
Prenominate, ». a. nominare
Presence, ». presenza, tembi-
Prenomination, a. nomina-
zioneJhUa avanti
I Prenotion, i, pretcienKa
Present poison,
Ifiito. —
The present state of
things, to stato presente degli
affari. —
The present year,

l'anno corrente. At present,
ad. al presente
Present, ». un presente, un dono
Present, t>. a. presentare, of-
ferire. —Present to a living,

conferire un beneUcio.
tare -Pre-
regalare ijualche cosa ad
uno —Present an offender
to the jury, accusare uno ai

Presentaneous, a. present anco,

Presentation, s. presentazione,
Primarily, ad. prineipnlmenie Printer, s. stampatore
Primary," a. princiyaU, Printing, ». impressione, la
siale, primieì stampa. — Printing-house, ».

monastery, priore claustrale tenta la prqfondità d' una

Prime, a. grande, ecceh
— s. il fiore, principale, la Prior, «. anteriore, precedente, Probity, s. probità, integrità
primavera, prima, -"
Problem, ». problema
gun, il pol-jerino d' un' < priorato, dignità di priore. Problematical, a. problematico
-Pritory, j Problematically, ad. pruble-
fi di c<
nel focóne -Prim Prisr
cloth, prepai prismatico
d'una pittura Prison, ». una prigione gante [ganza
Primer, ». un salterio, libretl: Prisoner, ». prigioniero, pri- Procacity, ». insolenza, arro-
— Long
». breviario Romat Procc«d, ». prodotto. —
primer, il piccolo Pristine, a. pristino, antico -"
. -
n. '
Jlr „ - -ocedete, deri-

Homi pri.n Prittleprattle, ». ciarleria

Romano grande Privacy, ». ritiratezza, solitu- Proceeding, ». procedere, pro-
Primero, ». primiera dine, segretezza cedimento
Primeval, a. primo, primh Private, a. privato, segreto. Process, ». processo, serie. —
Priming, ». la polvere w —Private chapel, una cap- In process of time, in pro-
stU focone dell' are/Muso — Private place, un
pelletta. gresso di tempo
Priming- iron, ». uno spillo nascondiglio Procession, ». processione
Plimitial, a. che concert r Pnvateer, ». una nave cor- Processionai, a. di processione
premizie Proclaira, r. a. proclamare,
Primitive, a. primitivo, pn- dl'chiarare
micro [tura Prorlaimer, ». proclamatore
Enm.ogeniture, ». prtmogeni- Proclamation, ». proclama-
Primordial, a. primo, primi-
Proclive, a. proclive, inclinato
Viìylu^s.%i%utV!'''rovistico Proclivity, ». inclinazione, dis-
— 'Barren privet, ». sempre-

Prince. ». principe, il pr ilegio, van-

— Prince's feathers, », rogati
maranto. — Prince-like, da vilegiar tentare da una
principe, — principesco.
a. Privileged, a. privilegiato
Privily, ad. segretamente
Princess, ». principessa Privity, ». notizia, partecipa-
Principal, ». principale, il ca- zione [pcrticolare
pitale, —
of a college, il Privy, a. segreto, nascosto. Procreating, Procreation, ».
Privy to a thing, consapevole procreazione, generazione
— ly, ad. principalmente, d'una cosa. — Privy seal, il Frocreator, ». procreatore
particolarmente suggello privato. — Privy to
Principle,», principio, origine, Proctors, ». pi. moderatori
motiva, massima, sentimento, Ulto —Privy-stairs, ». scala d'università. Proctors of —
— V. a. istruire. Principle — segreta.— Privy-council, ». il the clergy, i deputati d'un
one well, imbever uno di consiglio privato assemblea ecclesiastica. —
buoni seìttimenti. Princi- — Privy, privato, cesso
». Proctorship, ». qualità di
pled, ex. A
man well prin- rise, ». presa, cattura, gui-
cipled, un uomo dabbene. — derdone, ricompensa. Prize, — Procurable, a. che si pub
Ill-principled, disonesto V. a. apprezzare, valutare
Procuracy, Procuration, ».
una stampa, carattere. — Prizing, ». stimazione procura, certa somma che si
Prints of the foot, pedate Pro and con, pro e contri paga al vescovo
—Print of a-nail, unghiata. Probability, probabilità
». Procurator, <
—A book out of print, li- Probable, a. probabile
tro che non si trova piti a Probably, ad. probabilmente Procure, v. a. prociir
Probate, ». la verificazione de' V. n. fare il rufiìan
testamenti [ato, proba ruffiana
Probation, ». prova, novizi- Procuress, ». ruffiana
Procuring, s. il proenrari Profuse,
a. prodigo, ly, ad. —
Prodigal, a. prodigo, vano, prodigamente, ness, ioi — —
mztto, —itj, a. prodigalità, ». profusione, prodiganti
—To spend prodigally, prV abbondanza Promontory, ». promontorio.
Prog, ». vettovaglia, v. » —
cercare, impegnarsi, inge- Promote, v. a. promovere,
gnarti, affannarsi avanzare, fare fiorire
dinario, —
l_v, 3d. prodigio- Progenitor, ».- progenitore Promote a design, portare
tamenle, —
ness, t. larghezza, Progeny, ». progenie, stirpe evanti un disegno. Pro- —
o grandezza prodigiosa Prognosticate, u. a. prono mote trade, accrescere il
Prooigy, t. prodigio traffico
Prodition, s. tradimento Prognosticating, Prognosti Promoter, ». promotore, au-
Proditor, ». traditore tore. — Promoters
law), (in
Proditorious, a. traditortsco Prognosticator, ». quallo che delatori
Produce, v. a. produrre, mo- pronostica [sagii Promoting, ». at'anzameii<o
tirare, causire Prognostic, ». pronostico, pre- Promotion, ». promozione,
Producing, ». producimcntn Progress, ». progresso, profitto, aggrandimento. To seek —
Product, t. produzione, frutto ondula, giro, viaggio for promotion, cercare di
Production, s. produzione Progression, » progressione
Productive, a. che produce, Progressional, Progressive, a. Prompt, a. pronto, lesto, —
— ness, s. la qualilù'produi- V. a. soffiare, suggerire.—
tiva [preambolo"'
Prohibit, ti. a. proibire. Pro- — Prompt one to a thing.
Proem, Proeraium, s. proet hibition, ». proibizione
Profanation, s. profunazion Prohibited, a. proibito Prompter, ». suggeritore, —
Profane, a. profino, —
11. _. Prohibitory, a. proibitivo ing, ». istanza, istigazione
profanare, —ly, ad. profa- Project, ». progetto, disegno, — Promptitude, Promptness, ».
namente, —
er, *. profana- V. a. disegnare,
— intrapren- prontezza, diligenza, sol-
tore, — ness, ». impietà, — dere, ing, ». il far progetti, lecitudine, speditezza, le
ing, ». profanazione — ing, a. inventivo. —
Profess, V. a. professare, man-
tenere, fare professione, Projector, » iyneulore
giurare, protestare Prolegomena, ». prolegomeni
Professed, e. professo, giurato, Prolific, a. prolificc Promulgate, i'. a. promulgare
— !y, ad. apertamen' cita generazione, Promulga tion,».pr(m)UÌgaz>onf
blicamente qualità prolifica Promulge, v. a. promulgare
Profession, s. professio Prolii, a. prolissa, tedioso, —
mestiere, proleslazioi ity, ». prolissità, —
iy, ad. eiiess, ». pìopensione, in-
Professor, ». professore, —
ship, Prolocutor, ». l'oratore delC
s. carica di professore assemllea eceletiastica
Proffer, v. a profferire, offe- Prologue, ». prologo
rite, — ». profferta, offl'rta, Prolong, I'. a. prolungare, dif-
tentativo, sforzo, —ing, ». ferite, allungare, —
ation, ». , giudici ; decidere.
profferta [vanzamenlo prolungamento, — er, ». pivolo
Proti-Tiency, 1. progresso, a- per la candela, —ing, ». pro- ounc-mg, ». pronunzia
Profìcient, a. avanzato, che ha lungamento unciatiou, ». pronunzia-
fatto qualche progresso Prominence, ». prominenza
Profile, ». prnffilo Prominent, a. prominente Proof, ». prova, cimento, ra
Profit, ». profitto, guadagno, Promiscuous, a. mescolilo, con-
fjjto, V. a. profittare, essere fuso, —Jy, cui. confusamente, Proof, «. che è alla prova del
— ness, ». metcuglio, con-
Prohtable, a. profittevole, —
nes», ». profitto, utilità, ly,— Promise, ». promessa. To —
ad profittevolmente keep one's promise, tenere
Profiting, ». profitto, progresso la parola. —
Promiie, v. a. Prop, V. a. appuntellai
Profitless, a. che jioii da pro- protnettere. — Promise one's Prop one up, sostenei
fitto Self, promettersi, sperare, — cuna —
Prop a viiie, punici
Profligate, a. teeìlerato, mal- er, ». promettitore, —ing, ».

vagio. Profligate doings. promissione, promessa
Promising, a. di buona indole.
— Promising countenance,
ropagate, r.
seminare. —
a. propagare,
Propagate ;i
ana bella ,fisonomia. ¥10- — gnu — Propagate one's <

mising youth, un giovane di nions, spargere le tue (

buona indole ì
Propagating, Propagation,
^ropagaxi-jite, generazione
Propagator, ». propagatore
Propend, v. n. inclinare, < Protrude, t. a. spignere, o

gnimeiUo Protuberance, ». gonfiamento.

Prosecutor, ». attore
Proper, a. proprie, particolare, Proselyte. ». un proseliia
convenevole, grande, ly, — Prosodian, ». versato nella
ad. propriamente, acconcia- Proud
Prosody, ». prosodia moria.— Proud bitch, cagna
». tiella vita Prosopopeja, ». prosopopea in succhio.—To be proud of
Property, proprietà, natura
». Prospect, ». prospettiva, vista, a thing, vantarti d'una cosa,
prophecy, ». profezia, v. a — intento,fine, disegno — ly, ad. altieramente
profetizzare Prospective, a. di lunga vista. Prove, I» a. provare, mostrare,

Prophet, ». profeta -Prospective -glass, ». un esperimentare, —

». «. dive-
Prophetess, s. profetessa mnocehiale nire, succedere
Prophetic, Prophetical, a. Prosper, v. a. fj.r prosperare. Proveditor, ». proveditore
profetico Provender, ». pascolo, pastura
Proiiinquity, ». prossimttà, —
of blood, parentela, placf — Prosperity, ». prosperità, feli- Proverbiai, a. pi •ly.
cità, fortuna
Propitiate, v. n. Sr a. espian Prosperous, a. prospero, fa- Provide, v. a. provvedere,
placale, rendere favorevole vorer-olf, —
ly, ad. prospe- munire. — Provide against,
Propitiation, ». propiziazione mettete ordine. — Provide
Propitiatory, a. propiziatorio one's self, provvedersi. —
Propitious, a. propizio, fave Provide one with a benefice,
revole, —
ness, ». la quatità conferire vn beneficio
d'un buon cuore, —
)y, ad. Provided, Provided that, ad.
p ropiziosamente titute, a. impudico, ». — purché, a condizione che
Proportion, ». proporzione, a prostituta, v. a. pros- — Providence, ». providenza
regola, misura, parte, por- uire. —
Prostitute one's antivedimento, economia.
zione, —V. a. proporzionare, Af.v.r. prostituirsi
— able, ad. proporzionale, Prostituting, Prostitution, ». Provident; a. prendo, prudente,
— ably, ad. proporzionata- pruslituzi07ie riiparmiante, economo
mente, —al, a. proporzio- Prostrate, a. prostmto. — Providential, a. della provi-
nato, — ally, ad. proporzio- Prostrate one's selt j'. r.
nalmente, —
iag, ». il propor- Providentially, ad. prudente
Prostrating, Prostration, ».
Providently, ad. con cautela
Protect, V. a proteggere Provider, ». provveditore
" ìctiug. Protection, ». pro- Providing, ». il provvedere
quetlo che propone, —ing, », ione, difesa Province, ». provincia, af-
Protector, ». protettore, reg- ihcombenza,
Proposition, ». propesizione gente, amministratore, —
Propound, i'. a. proporre, — ship, ». protettorato Provincial, a. provinciale, — ».

er, ». colui che propone, un 'rotectrix, ». protectrice

incettatore, —
ing, ». «7 pro- Protervity, ». insolenza
porr Protest, ». protesta, frotesta-
Jone, —
li. a. protestare. — Proving, ». il prova)
?rotest against, v. r. op-
piarsi [prot-tstante
Propriety, ». proprietà Protestantism, ». la religione
Prorogation, ». prirogaziotv Protestant, ». tin prote-itanle
— Prorogue, i'. a, prorogar! Protestation, ». protestazione
differire Protested against, contro chi iso, ». condizione, clau-
Eroroguing, ». prorogazione » è protestato
Prosaic, a. prosaico Protester, ». quello che protesta Provisor, ». rettore di collegio
Proscribe, v. a. proscrivere Protocol,», protocollo
Proscript, ». un bandito Protomartyr, protomirtire
Proscription, ». proscrizioni Protonotary, ». prolonvtario
il lonfiseare i beni del debi Prototype, ». prototipo Pro focati ve, o. provocativo
tore, è fenderli all' incanì Protract, v. a. protrane. |
ProvoVe, v. a. provocare, ine»»
fare, esacerbare, stuzzicare,

Provoker, s. provotafore to alla si

Provoking, s. provocazione del ce
Provoking, a. che provoca Pudder, v. n. agitar la pol- offor clothes
Provost, proporio, rettore,
s. Pulì out, cavare, 'levare.
— ship, propostitura
*. mentare, —ing, *. dimena- Pulì out one's eves, cavar
Prow, ,. prora, prua gli occhi ad uno.— Pull up,
Prowess, s. prodezza, valore Pudding. s. sanguinaccio, rar- alzare, tirar su. —
Pull up by
Prowl, V. n. ingannare, truffare volto di panno the roots, sradict.
Prowling fellow, barattiere Puddle. «. fango, limaccio PuUel
Proximity, «. prossimit.ì, — of Puddlewater, s. acqua fangosa Pulley, s. girella,
blood, parentela, — of place, Puddle, ti. n. sguazzare nel —Pulley of a boat, giuoc-

fungo chielto. —
Pulley- door,*, porta
Proxy, s. procuratore, deputato, Pudency, and Pudicity, * pu- fatta a carucola
procura Pullulate, V. n. pullulare
Prude, t. un' affdtatuzxa, una Pulmonar.y, a. attenente ai
sputasenno Puerile, < puerile, fanciul-
Prudence, s. prudenza lesco Pulp, *. polpa, carne senza
Prudent, a. prudente, savio Puerility, s. puerilità
Prudential, a. prudenziale Puet, s. upupa Pulpit. *. pulpito, pergamo
Prudenlially, ad. prude Puff of wind, di vento.
s. soffio Pulpous, Pulpy, a. polposo,
— Puff-ball, s. vescia, specie polputo
Prudently, ad. prudentemente di fungo. —
Vate -paste, s. Pulse, *. polso, legume. 'J'o —
pasta a sfoglie tee! one's pulse, toccare il
Prune trees, v. a. dibuscari Puff, V. a. soffiare, —v. n polso ad uno
alberi. —
Prune a Tine, potart sbuffare, gonliursi. —
Puff Pulverization, *. pulverizza-
una vite one with pride, /u re insuj
Prunello, *. specie di susina,
Puffin, s. smergo marino
Pruner, s. potatore Puffy, a. paffuto, gonfio, e

Pruning, s potamento
Pruning-knife, unfalcMo Pug. s. uno scimioUo Pump, *. tromba. Pump- —
Prurient, a. che prude PugiI, s. pugillo handle, manovella di tromba
Prurience, Pruriency, *. pru- Puisne, or Puisny, s. cade Pumps, *. pi. scarpini
il più giovine
Puissance, *. potenza colta tromlta — Pump one,
gentemente, investigare Puissant, a. potente. Mighty — —
Prying into, s. inveitigamento puissant, potentissimo, ily, tromlia, scalzare uno
Psalra, s. salmo Pumpion, Pumpkin, *. specie
Psalmist, s. salmista Puke, V. ». aver voglia di
Psalmody, s. salmodia
Psalter, s. salterio Puking, s. voglia di vomitare.
Psaltery, s. salterio — Puking stomach, stomaco

Pseudo, a. falso svogliato

Pseudomartyr, s. pseudomar- Pulchritude,*, bellezza
Pule, V. n. piare, pigolare,
Pshaw ! int. via via ! Punch, Punchinello, *. polici-
Ptisan, s. acqua colla Puling, a. malatici
Puberty, s. pubertà Pulì,* ' - Puncheon, *. succhio, — of
VuhVicSin, s pubblicano Pull, V. a. tirare, cavare.— hotte di vi,w

Publication, * pubblicazione Pulì asunder, svellere. — Punctilio, *. puntiglio

Public, a. pubblico, commune PuU away, tirare, sconfic- Punctilious, a. puntiglioso, di
—Public good, il bene pu!>. care— VixU back, fare rin-
blìco. —
Public -house, un culare.— Fall down, man- Punctual, a. puntuale,

dare a terra, demolire. — — ity, *. puntualità, ly, ad.
Public concern, un' affare chi Pull down one's hat, tirare puntualmente
ri'iruarda it pubblico giìi suo cappello.
il Pulì — Punctuation, *. la punteggia-
Public-spirited, che è portati down one's spirits, umiliare
jf-r il bene pubblico alcuno. —
Pulì in pieces, Puncture, ». puntura
Publicly, ad. pubblicamente sbracciare —Pulì in the bri- Pungency, ». punta, puntura
Publish, ». a. pultbticare, — die, tirare la briglia Pungent, a. pungente
pubblicdtore, —ing, Pull off, levare, cavare. — Punish, t). a. punire, castigare.
pulM. PuU off the mask, cavarti —able, a. degno di vuniiio:
-cr, s. gasiigaiore, -

— men( . pun.
Punition, J. punizioi e, gasiigo
Punk, *. una bagascia
Puny, s. un cadetto
Puny, a. picculo, spregevole
Pup, I', a. Sr n., figliare
Pupil, s. pupillo, scolare, al-
- of the eye, la pupilla
dell' òcc/i
rromperrì, —ing. Quaffing, ». ubbriachezs,
Quaffing-cup, ». una chicchera
QuJiggy, a. paludoso To give quarter, dar quar-
— nes>s, t. corruzione Quagmire, ». pantano tiere.~To cry for quarter,
Putty, ». polvere di stagno Quali, ». quaglio. Quail-pipe,

— cl,ie,;ere quartiere.-Qn^rtcr.
». richiamo. ^A young quail, day, ». l'ultimo del quartale.
Puzzle, i. imharaszo, diffi- una quaglietta — Quartermaster, qnattier.
cnllà, —
V. a. imbarazzare Quail, ». n quagliarsi, — v. a. mastro. — Quarterdeck, un
Puzzling, a. intrigante ammaccare, languire, — Ing,
Pyebald a. di diversi colori
Pyebald, languore
». beat up the enemy's quar-
Pygm Quaint, a. pulito, bello, deli- ters, assalire i quartieri del
P.vgnn. cato, strano, bisbetico, ly, —
Pyramid, s. pirat ad. pulitamente, leggiadra- Quarter, v. a. squartare, r. —
•°-— midical, a. fyramidiale, mente, —
ness, ». pulitezza, n. essere alloggialo. Quarter —
di piru..iti<^ delicatezza soldiers, mettere i soldati ne'
Pyre, s. pira, rogo Quake, v. n. tremare, — v. a,
Pyromancy, ». piromanzia Quarterage, ». quartiere
Pyrotechny, s. pirotecnia Ouaker, ». uomo che trema Quarterly, ad. per quartiere
Pyrrhonism, ». pirronismo, Quakers, ». pi. Quacqueri
dubitar di tutto Quakerism, ». la religione dei Quarto book, ». un libro in
Python, ». pito
"- pitone,
• — ess, ». p; Quacqueri quarto

Pji, ». pisside Po,,.»» Quaking, ». tremore, a. tre- Quash, V. a. guast rovi-

Qualification, ». qualità, con- Quat, ». pusfula

dizione, talento, dono Quatercousins, ». buono amici
Qualify, V. a- qiuUiJicare, tem- Quaternary, a. quadernario
perore.— Qualify one's self, Quartemion, ». quattro, il nu-
QUACK, ». ciarlatano, — capacitarsi, prendere i giu-
V. n. fare il mestiere di ramenti necessari per eserci- train, ». quadernario
ciarlatano, gracchiare, —cry, tare un' impifgo
». ciarlatancsìmo Qualified, a. atto, idoneo trillo, — n. gorgheggiare,
Quadragenarious, a. quadra- Qualky, ». qualità, stato, abi- — V. a.

tremolare. — ing, ».
genario tudine, inclinazione il gorgheggiare, trillo, — er,
Quadragesima, ». quaresima Qualm, ». mal di cuore ».cantore che gorgheggia
Quadragesimal, a. quaresimale Qualmish, a. che ha il mal di Quay, ». argine fatto al mare
Quadrangle, ». un quadrangolo o ad un fiume per uso di
Quadrangular, a. guadrango- Quandary, ». sospensione d'a-
nimo, irresoluzione uean, ». una sgualdrina
euadrant, ». quadrante Quantity, ». quantità al>bon-
uadrate, » quadrato danza, numero, —
of sylla-
Quadrate, a. quadro, t;. n. — bles, la misura delle tUlabe

quadrare, accommoJarsi Quarantine, ». quarantena. Queasy, a. debole, schifo
Quadratic, a. quadrativo To perform quarantine, /a re Queen, ». reina, regina, at —
Quadrature, ». quadratura la quarantena cards, la dama. Queen- —
a. quadriennio Quarrel, ». querela, lite, of —
gold, ». specie di enti ala
- quadrilatero a crossbow, quadrello d'una della regina
Quadripartì Quarrel, r. n. litigare, con-
quatre porzioni trastare. —
Quarrel with, ueest, ». sjtezie di piccioni
Quadruped, ». quadrupede trovare a ridire. Quarrel — selvatico
Quadrupedal, a. quadrupedo with one, appiccare querela, Quell, t). a. reprim raf.
Quadruple, a. quadruplo — ier, », un litigatore, — ling, fre,
Quadruplicate, v. quadrupli- ». querela, dispute Queller, 1. soggiogatore
car/; accrescere quattro volte a. litigioso, Quench, ».
più umore litigioso Quencher, ». colui che estingue
Quadruplication, ». t7 quadru- uarry, ». pet r aia, la preda tuerimonious, a. dolente,tncsto,
degli uccelli di rapina querulo
Quadruply, ad. quattro volte Quany, v. n. vivere di rapina
" boccale, quarta
Quaestor, ». questore, —ship,
Quaft; ». chiceìiera, tazza, v. n. i
Querulous, a. querulo, dolente.
mesto, lamentevnle
Quaflèr, ». imbriacon |
Query, », quesito, o domanda
Ouest, t. inchicsfx, Quillet, s. tottigliezzc

^rice,ca,»e„to. To
quest of one. cercare
Question, j. questione,
Quince, s. mela cotogna. —
Quince-tree, s. un cotogno
Qinn<iuagesima-Sunclay, s. la
Domenica della Quinquagesi-
able, 4 i,
di che
Quinquennial, a. quinquennio

Quibble, •io, scherzo

.s, Quinquina, s. la china
Quint, *. una quintu R
Quibble, n, ,. ,7 giuoco T» ABATE, V. ricovr
Quick, .a. vivo, vivace, aiuto, '.. — To run ••^ falcone, farselo ton
sottile. —
Quickfire, fùoc( pugno
Quicksand, arene
Quick apprehen-
Rabbet, Rabbetting,
latura per


sion, tagadtà d'ingegno.

Quick of scent, c! Quintessential, a. citi riguarda

l'odorato JÌHO.— Quick. la quintessenza rabbinUta
-To c Quinzain, s. stanza di quindici Rabbit, t. un coniglio
Rabbie, s. la canaglia
Rabinet, *. piccola pezza d'

Quip, V. n. motteggia: Race, s. razza, progenie, corso,

Qmre,s.corod-una, stirpe. — Racehorse, un s.
of paper, un quii corsiere. — A footrace, corsa
carta.— A book ii di genti a piedi. — A horse-
libro sciolto raee, corsa di cavalli
Quirister, *. corista di chiesa Racinass, s. frizzo, gusto pic-
Quirk, s. cavillazione, cavilia
Kac'c, s. rastrelliera, rastrella,
tortura, colla —
Rack to lay
Quit, V. a, abbandonare, liii the spit en, alare ad uso
tifica . dare, tralasciare, desistert_ di reggere lo schidione. —
affrettare, premere, esentare, dispensare, cedere, To put to tlie rack, dare la
rinunziare, giustificare. —
che ha già pr^so viti — Quit scores with, pareg-
giare le taglie con uno
Qui'cklV, Zd. presto. Quite, ad. q//;i«o.— Quite and

guickness, prestezza
*. Quite contrary, strepito, fracasso
uiddity, i. essenza d'una cot, trarlo Racking, s, tortura
finezza, giro, cavillo Quits, (or even), a. pace.— To R.ackoon, s. coniglio dell' Indie
Quiescence, s. quiete, riposo be quits, essere pace Racy, a. piccante, gustusu, sa-
Quittance, s. quitama, ricom- poroso
Radiance, Radiancy, s. splen-
calino, pacifico, tranquillo, • dendimento
—To be quiet, tacere Quiver, s. faretra, turcasso,
Quiet, V. a. calmare, quetare — a. snello, agile, — v. ti. Radiation, s. splendore
Quieting, a. toporalivo Radicai, a. radicale, primi-
Quietism, quietismo Quivering, a. tremolo tivo, — ity, —n^ss, s. stato
Quietists, *. pi. i quietisti Quodlibet, s. sottigliezza di quel di' é ì adirale, sor-
Quietly, ad. iran,,uillamen/e Quoif, s. cuffia,— V. a. accon-
Quietness, Quietude, s tra? ciare il capo
*"'^ Quoins, s. pi.
Quietus, j. qiitanzT'
Quill, penna, calamo, cai
s. Radish, a. ravanello. —Horse-
nella d'uiia botta.— \ knight raclJih, rarnalucci»
of the quill, ttn' autore. — Ratfle, s. zarn,—v.n. giuocare
A brother of the quill, uno >
Raft, s. zalta, satura Rake, v. n. menare una vita burattel/n. —To- gi^e ono'j
Rafter, *. corrente, ravicello, fancy its free range, dare
— V. n. impalcare, ing, s. — Raker, s. spazzaforno, rastro. campo alla smi fantasia
rimpalcare Range, v. n. vagare, vaga-
Ra?, ,. cencio, straccio. - Raking, a. avaro. — Rakish,
bondare. —
R.-inge up and
Meat boiled to rags, came scostumati!, dissali down, andare 71K/ e lit

troppo bollita
Ragamuffin, j. uii birbone Raily, V. a." riunì . schierare, ordinare
Rage, I. rabbia, furore, —v. n. glie-e, burlare, bejfare, v.n. — Ranger, ». maestro di caccia
arraljbiare, imaniare, tetn- riunirsi, ing, ». raccoglia — Rank,», grado, ordine, './era,
mento, burla, brjjlx
Ragged, a. stracciato, coperto Ram, s. ariete. — Kam's head, —
ahbomlante. To grow rank,
di stracci, mal vestito. — s. liei xdifer, pullulare in troppa abbon-
Ragged stones, rottame ili danza —To smell rank, sen-
tire del rancido
Rank, v. a. schierare, anno-
- Ram down piles, ficcare
.ali Rankle, v. n. infistolarsi
Ramage, andare attorno, Rankness, ». fertilità, troppa
v. n.
Ragout, s. gnazzetlo abbondanza, rancidezza
R-ail, s. cancello, steccato. — \

Ramble, s scorsa.— To he ali Ransack, v. a. saccheggiare,

Kails of a bridge, le sponde upon the ramble, andare rovinare, ing, ». saccheg- —
d'un ponte. —
Rails of a ginmento
church, il balaustro d'un Ramble, ». n. scorrere, vaga- Ransom, ». riscatto, taglia, —
a/tare.— Rail in, r. a. chiu- bondare t'. a. ri.icaltare, scorticare

lere con cancelli, o balaustri Rambler, ». un vagabondo Rant, ». trasporto, smania, —

Rail, t). n. beffare, corbellare Rambling, scorsa, —a. va-
Railer, s. corbellatore, tnaldi- gabondo. — Rambling head, Ranter, ». stordito, arrabbia-
vn cervello balzano. — Ram- tello
Railing, ». malidieenza, ly, — bling thoughts, pensieri Rantipole, ». cattivo ragaz
ad. corbellevolmente
Raillery, ». corbellatura, burla Ramification,». > mifica R^p, ». picchio, -
l'essere ramoso sare, picchiare.
Rain, ». pioggia, ac^ua. — Ramify, v. ramificare,stenderst rend, acchiappi
Rainbow, ». Carcobaleno
Raindeer, ».animale simile al Rammer, ». nuizzeranga, bac-
chetta da schioppo
Rain, v. a. piovere. — To rain Rammish,
a. che sa di becco, Rapacious, a. rajMzce, avido
down a shower of arrows, ». odore che sente del Rapacity, Rapaciousness, ».
far piovere o scagliare una rapacità, ingordigia
gr.inline di frecce Ramp, v. n. rampicare, sal- Rape, ». ratto, stupro, raspa,
tellare, girare rapa salvatica. Rape- wine. —
Raise, V. a. levare, alzare. — Rampant, a. rampante
Raise motley, raccogliere Rampart, ». riparo, terra- Rapid, a. rapido, — ity, ».
(Janarj.— Raise a siege, "/ewar pieno. —
To fence with rapidità, — ad. rapida-
Passedio. —
Raise one's for- ramparts, cireoruiare di ter-
tune, aggrandirsi. Raise — Rapier, ». stocco, spadone
Rancid, a. rancidii, stantio, Rapine, ». rapina, furto
prezzo. —
Raise one's voice, mucido Rapture, ». rapiinento, tras-
alzare la voce. Raise a — Rancidity, Rancidness, ». ran-
storm, suscitare una tem-
pesta. —
Raise a sedition. Rancorous, a. pieno d'ani-
mosità, — ly, ad. sdegnosa- Rapturous, a, estatico
Raise a report, spargere Rare, a. raro, singolare, ec-
voce. — Raise up, avanzare, Rancour, ». rancore, risenti- cellente, —ad. molto, perfet-

Raisins, ». pi. uva passa Random,

Rake, ». rastrello, rastro, bec- Random shot, or blo'
co di naviglio, uno scapes- colpa a caso.— Tu leav
trato. — Rakeshame, ». un at random, lasciare tutto ]

furfante in abandono, At random, —

Rak», V. a. rastrellare, sar- ad. incoHsideratament:
chiellare —To rake the fire, Range, ». fila, graticola, giro,
atiiszure il fuoco corsa, timone di e
Rattle, 3. sonaglio.- -Rattle-
4. cock's
rattles, cresta il'u gallo.

— Rattle-headed,
capaciLr. pn.
-of thought.
ipemficii scervellalo

celiare" rir>,o'reggiare, ripremPeleZ

Rash, <i. temerario, i Rattle it, parlare presto, — Reach,
Rash-headed, a preciji
Rasher, s, fella di pre the throat, gorgoglimnento
—on the coals, carbon — of a coach, strepito d.
> porgere
RasHly, aJ. tcmerariam carrozza.— 'X-he empty rat
Rashness, s. tewerilà read un /ho^'o.— Reach
tling of words, parole vane t
i tiling, cercare di arri.
raschiare. Rasp — --.lings, *. pi. funicelle, cht Reach, v. n. distendersi
scrostare del pane formano
Rasjiatory, s. raspatoio
Read, v. a. leggere.— Recd
Rattoon, a
leggere ad alta voce,
Rasure, s. pennuta r
>rrere. — Read about,

Rat, .—Ri
— Rafs-bane, [tassato
Ratable, a. soggetto ad esser
Ratably, ad. egualmente
Ratafià, s. sorln d'acquavite
fatta con nncciuoli di pesca,
e d'alt ri frutti
Ratan, s. sorta di canna, che Il readiness, essere
Ravening, s. rapina
viene dalle Indie Ravenous, a. rapace, ingordo, Reading, tt. lettura, lezione
Rate, s. piezzo, valore, tassa, avido, goloso, ly, ad. avi- — Readjoum, !.. a. prorogare di
imposizione, sfera, ordini,
ragione, proporzione. At — damente, ingordamente
nuovo, —ing, s. nuova pro-
mangiare con
the old rate, secondo il cos.

tume At a strange
stranamente— To live
rate, Rlvhi'"
[preda Rea'dmission,
Readmlt, v. a. riammettere
*. seconda nm-
at an Ravinei,,. Ready, a. pronto, lesto, indi,
digalmente. —
rate, vivere pro-
To set rates
vaio, atto, vivace. Ready —
upon provisions, mettere
ly, ad.
deli, at hand, apparecchiato- —
fassisa sopra le provvisioni Ready money, danari con-
Rate, V. a. sHmare, valutare,
tanti. — To
get one's se»
ready, prepararsi
tiare,'are.— To tàìi r
l'ieady, ad. gi.t, di gii). —
high rate, parlare ard Room: !.idy furnislicd
mente, arrogantemente -e Ine, nde
Rater, s. stimatore
Rateen, *. sorta di panno li
Rath, Rathe, a. pr.imatic
maturo a buon' ora.— Rath'. zio. — Raw silk, The realit;
*. i

fruits,/,u//i primaticci
Rather, ad. piuttosto, meglio.
a. — Raw stomach,
— To Iiave rather, ornare thei

Ì7idÌ!,'esto.—liav x
tempo freddo ed i/»i Realize, v.
meglio ,

Really, ad.
Ratification, s. ratificazione
R.-itify, v. a. ratifieare, —ins, Rày, s. raggio, splendore, '
Realni',"*" t(
s ratificamento razza.— Raj of gold,
Rating, *. estimazione
una Ream, *. rii
foglia d'oro ;
Ratiocinate, v. a. raziocinare Kaycloth, ». panno che non è Reap, v. a. i
^ratiocination,», rasiocinojione <'"'«
Ratiocinative, a. discorsivo 1 Reaper, s.
a. raggiare
Rational, a. razionale. ity. — .

sorta di misura,
s. — |

ing time.
a. spianare, rovinare Rear, s reti
• -

'ghiaie admiral,
gìio.—To bring up the rear, lare, —ion, [». ricapìtula- dtre una cosa. — Reclaim,
andare di retroguardia [recedere I', n. riformarsi, — less, a.
Recede, v. n. retrogradare, incorrigibile
Rear, v. a. inalzare, ergere,
Receipt, ». ricetta, ricevi- Recline, v. a. pendere, itieli-
Rear up, allevare, nutrire.— mento, ricevuta
Bear one's self up, avan- Receivable, a. ricevevole
zarsi. —
Rearward, s. coda, Receive, v. a. riceiere.- Re-
ceive taxes, riscuotere le
Reascend, v. a rimontare — Receive one at one's
Reason, ». ragione, senno, di- house, accogliere una in casa
equità, considerazione. sua.— Receive into an office,
— Bv reason a causa di.
of, ammettere. — Receive an
abbracciare un' Recognisee, ». colui che ha
—To bring one to reason. opinion,
opinione. — Receive stolen fatta un obbligazione
goods, celare beni maltolti Recognition, ». ricognizione.
To yield to reason, sottCH
mettersi alia ragione
stolen goods, cetutore Recognitor i dodici
Reason, r n. ragionare, dis-
Receiving, s. ricevimento delta co e delle a
correre, dispaiare.— Reason
•with one's self, meditare
Recoil, V. ». rinculare. —
Recoil of one's promise,
Reasonable, a. ragionevole,
Receptacle, s. ricettacolo mancare alla sua promessa,
giusto, moderato, convene-
vole, competente, — ^ness, *. Reception, ». accoglienza —ing, ». rinculamento
giu.ifizia, equtià, — ly, ad. Recoin monev. v. a. battere la
ragionevolmente moneta di nuovo
Reasoner, s. colui che ragiona lìtud'ine Recoining, ». stampa di mo-
Reasoning, s. ragionamento neta n
Reasonless, a. irragionevole Rechange, f. a. cangiare di Recollect, v. a. radunare -Re-
riadunare, nuovo _[n collect one's self, rammen-
Reassemble, v. a. _

Recharge, v.
Recidivate, i Reeoramence, v. a. ricomin-
Reassume, v a. ria;
Reave, v. a. fendere ion, ». recidiva
Reoaptize, r. a ri Recipe. ». ricetta emendare
—ing, *. ribatlezz, Recipient, ». recipiente

dare, — able,
». a.
lodevole. —
Rebate, s. scanalati.. .., Reciprocal, a. reciproco, ly.
scanalare, spuntare. Re- —
bate one's pride, rintuzzar Reciprocate, v. a.
Valtruì org-o^Zio.— Rebate in bidre i^i.«,.^ mandatorio
Reciprocation, ». reciproca- Recompense, ». ricompensa,
deduzione, diminuzione Recision, ». recisione — ». a. ricompensare, — er. ».
Rebeck, s. ribeca, una vecchia Recital, ». ragguaglio, rela- eolui che rioompensa, —ing,
Rebel,, t. un ribello, —v. n. ».ricompensamento
rifteWarsi.— Rebelling, Re- Recompose, r. a. ricomporre
rivolta Reconcile, ». a. riconciliare,
bellion, s. ribellione,
Rebellious, a. ribello, disobe- accordare, —ment, — ation^
diente, —
ness, s. ribeUione Recite, ». a. recitare, raccon- ». riconciliazione.
Rebellow, v. a. rimugghiare J

Reciting, ». recitazione ciliam^ [bile

Rebound, balzo, rimbalzo,
— V. n. rimbalzare, ing, s. — Reckless, a. trascurato, negli- Reconcileable, a. rice
rimbalzo gente [negligenza Recondite, a segreto, ni
Rebuff, t. rabbujTo, rifiuto Recklessness, ». trascuratezza. Reconduct, » a. ricondi
Rebuild, ». a. rifibbricare Reckon, ». a. contare, calco- Record, ». atto pubbh
Rebuke, *. riprensione, — v. a lare, credere, pensare, far
riprendere disegno, dipendere, assi- teniica.— To bear 1

Rebukeful, a. severo, agro, — curarsi. —

Reckon upon a

Iv, ad. agramente thing, far capitale di.
Rebdker, «. rij-remore, gar Reckon up, cempvtiire, —
ri/ore [riprensione er, ». contatore. ing, ». —
Rebuking, s. riprendimento. conto, scotto.—To be near
Recali, V. a. richiamare, — one's reckoning, essere vi-
ing, s, richiamo cina a part-yrire. Off- —
Recant, v. a. ritrattare, — reckoning - '• '"

V. n. disdirsi, — ation, —ing. Reclaim, rar gli spiriti. Recover
from sickness, rimettersi

RecapituUte, in pierfe.— Recover a loss.

riparare t ; perdita, —a I Redden, v. a S; n.
a ter Reddish, a. rossiccio
Recoi wind, pigliare
,pafo, —abl< Redditive, a. che risgttarda la
Recovery, s
rimedio-, riscorsa, —
ofhealtlij Redeem, v. a. redimere. —
guaritfione [coiiiare Redeem time, riparare la
Recount, v. a. narrare, rac- perdita del tempo. Redeem —
Recourse, s. ricorso, rifugio, goods in pawn, riscattare
delle robe impegnate, able. — Reexamine, v. a. t
di nuovo, rivedere
Refectio •

Refectiv rimedi con-

Redeliver, v. a. liberare di fort
Redelivery, s. restiiitzione Refectory, s. refettorio
Recredentials, *. pi. lettere di Redemand, v. a. ridomandare, Refel, v. a. confutare, — ling,
domandare s. confutamento
Redemption, *. redenzione Refer, v. a. riferire, rimet-
Redintegrate, v. a. reinte- tere.— Refer a difference to

giudicio degli arbitri

Recruit, s. soldato di recluta. Referee, s. arbitro

Recruits, s. pi. una re- Reference, s. riferenza, ar-
cluta. —
Recruit of provi- bitrato. — In reference to
Redouble, v. a. raddoppiare, that, in quanto a ciò
Recruit, a. reclutare.
t'. — —ing, s. raddoppiamento Referendary, s referendario
Recruit one's self, ristorarsi Redoubt, s. ridotto Referring, s. riferimento
Rectangle, «. un rettangolo Redoubted, a. temuto, formi- Refine, r. a. raffinare, affinare,
Rectangular, a. rettiiugolo dabile purificare, —
er, s. affinatore,
Rectification, s. rettificazione Redound, i;. n. ridondare. —ing. ,. affinamento
Rectifier, ». rettificatore Refit a ship, v. a. racconciare
Rectify, rettificare, ing, s. — Redress, s. riformazione, — un vascello
rettifica-Jone Refitting, s. racconciamento
Rectilineal, a. rettilinenle rimediare, correggere. Re- — Reflect, V. a. riflettere, riper-
Rectitude, s. rettitudine, e- dress one's self; farsi gius-
— cuotere —
Reflect upon one,
quità, giustizia tizia, er, s. riformatore, cascare sopra «no.— Reflect
Rector, *. rettore, — of a —less, a. incorrigibile upon a thing, considerare
parish church, piovano d' Reduce, v. a. ridurre, s. —
una parocchia, — ial, a. di Reflecting, *. riflessione,— a.
rettore, —ship, s. dignità di
Reducing, Reduction, s. ri-
Rectory, *. reitori/i —
giuria. To cast a retìectit
Recubation, Recumbency, s. Reductìve, a. riduttivo, — ly, upon one, sparlar d'uno
I'litto del giacere, o dell' ap- ad. per riduzione Reflective, a. riflessivo, —it
poggiarsi Redundance, Redundancy, s. s. qualità riflessiva
Recum!)ent, a giacente soprabbondanza, superfluità Reflow, v. n. ritornare ver
Recur, v. n. ricorrere. —Recur Redundant, a. soprabbondante la sorgente
Reduplicate, v. a. raddop- Reflux, *. riflus
Recurrents, i rsi Che si piare, —
ion, s. raddoppia- Reform, *. rifa riforv

Recurrency, *. ricorso Reduplicative, a. riduplica- Reform, v. a. riformare, —

Recusancy, *. non conformità Reecho, v. a. echeggiare
Recurvation, Recurvity, s. Reed, s. can;ia.— Reedplot, Reformed, a. riformato
curvità, curvatura Reedbank, «. luogo dove Reformer, s. riformatore
Recusant, s. settario Reforming, s. riforma
Recuse, ti. a. ricusare Reedy, a. pieno di canne Reformist, s. un frate rifor-
Red, a rosso— Red. lip, lab- Reek of hay, *. covone di fieno
bra vermiglie. Red her- — Reek, s.fumo, vapore. Reek, — Refractedness, Refraction, s.
rings, aringhe salate. — i'. n. fumare, fare del fumo Refractory, a. caparbio, os-
Red deer, s. il genere de' Reel, i. naspo. arcolaio, —
cerei'.— Redfaced, a. rubi- a. aggomitolare, v. n. — mente', — ne'ss, s. ostinazione
coHrfo.— Redhaired, che ha '.ciliare, —er, s. quello che Refrain, t>. a. reprimere, raf-
i capelli rossi.— Robin red- , 'gomitala
' '

, breast, *. un pettirossi Reeling, s. vacillamento Refre»h, v. a. rinfrescare^

rinnovelUre, Refresh one's — of the heart, la sede del —To hold th9 reins of the
self, V.r. rinfrescare, ri- empire, governare to stalo
posarsi, —ing, «. rinj'resca-
^^^ s. registro, cancel-
Reins, » pi. le reni, arnioni

7runto, —ing, a. che rìnfres- v. a. registrare, Reinforce, ti. a. rinforzare,
mg, ». registratura. To —
Kefr'igerate, 'v.' rifrii;erare, register a thing in one's Reingage, t'. a. attaccare di
—ing, —ion, *. rifrifrerio, memory, impritnere che che nuovo la batta glia
rinfresco, —ire, a. rifrige- si sia nella mente Reingratiate one's self with
riitivo, —ory, s. rivfres- Registry, s. cancelleria, bal-
Refiige, ». refugio, asilo, ap- Regnant, a. regnante, prin- Reinstate, i>. a. ristabilire,—
poggio, protezione, v. n. — cipnle ing, ». ristabilimento
jìrcteggere Regorge, v. a. vomitare, re- Reinvest, v. n. rimettere in
Refugee, s. rifngito possesso, ristabilire, ing, —
Refulgence, Refulgency, s. —ment, ». rislabitimi-nto
Rejoice, f. a. rallegrare, ri-
Refulgent,' a. rifulgente, lu- Regrater, Regrator, s. rigat-
godere, — ing, ». allegrezza,
Refund, i rifondere, r Regress, s. ritorno To have gioia, — ing, e. piacex'ole
free egress and regress, avere Rejoin, V. a. riunire, repli-
Refusal, i. rifinto.— To have il passo Ubero
the refusal of a thing, a- ìegret, s. disgusto, dolore, —
V. a. compiagnere
Regular, a. regolare, rego-
ato. — Regular canons, i
egolarì.— To live a regu-
ar life, vìvere regolata- Reland, ». a. sbarcare vnu
nenie, —
ity, ». regolarità, seconda volta
-ly, ad. regolatamente, pre- Relapse, ». ricaduta," ricadi-
isamente mento, —
v. n. riammalarsi.
Refutation, i. confuta Regulate, r. a. regolare, — To relapse in the same
Refute, ti. a. confutar, formare, determinare.— Ke- fault, ritornare al medesimo
Regain, v a. riguadagnare, gulate one's expense, ri-
- - riguadagn durre le sue spese Relate, v. a
Regal, egale. Regulation, s. regola
Regal. , erogativ. Regulator, ». regolatore
regalo, fe Regulus, ». regolo, minerale Related, a. parente, congiun
galare. tre Rehear, v. a. sentire di nuovo. Relation, ». relazione, affini
Regalia pi. l'insegne reali,
r. tratto, risguardo, un ]
prerogative reali Rehearsal, narrazione, re-
». rente, una parente. By —
Regality, s. realità lazione, prora, repetizione, relation, per quel che si dire.
Regally, ad. realmente — of a play, la prova d'una In relation to that, in
Regard, *. riguardo, stima, commedia quai'to a questo
— of a forest, Vispezione Rehearse, i'. a. recitare, rac- Relative, a relativo, !v, ad. —
d una foresta. In regard of, — contare, ripetere, ridire, relativamente
in quanto a.— In regard, it —ing, ». ripetizione Relator, ». fautore d'una
Reject, V. rigettare, ribbut-
Regard, v. a. riguardare, eon tare, disprezzare, —able, a. Relax, V. a. moderare, rilas-
che si deve rigettare, ing, —
devole,- "guaì — ion, ». rigeltamento lasciare. —Relax one's mind,
—fui, a. Reign, ». regno, autorità re- r!>.)»«>»«— Relax, v. n. ri-
cli! non ha riguardo gia, — V. n. regnare, domi.
Relaxation, ». rilassazione,
Reigning, - "-" '-
scioglimento, ristoro, riposo
I. regna -, domi ante Relay, ». posta, muta di cani
Reimbark, v. n. imbarcarsi —
di caccia. To be in relay,
di nuovo, —ing, —ation. stare alla posta
Relays. ». pi. cavalli freschi
Reimburse, »•. a, rimborsai
Regiment, ». regimento — ment, ». rimborsamento
R.egimen, ». redimine, govt Reimpression, ». seconda et tare, dispensare. — Release
no, —of a church, un go- one troni an oath, sciorrt
vno dal giuramento, —mi
». libertà
Remand, v. a. richiamare,

Remarle, t. nota
Relent, v n. nidare, distil- ', far

labile, contidei
Remediless, a. irremediabile
Remedy, s, rimedio, ripiego,
rissorsa.— Fast remedy, in-
Reliance, s. fiducia- speranza. curabile
—There is no more reliance Remedy, v. a. rimediare, ripa-
upon hira than upon a rare. — Not to be remediedj
broken reed, non è jnu da
Jidiirsi di lui che d'un' canna Remember, v. n. ricordarsi,

Relic s. reliquia, una vedova

Relief, s. tollievo, ricorso, ri-

luogo dove la lepre pasce la

Remind, v.

Remissly, ad. negligentemente
Relievo, *. rìliet^o Remissness, *. negligenza
Relight, i'. a. raccendere Remiss, a. negligente, lento,
Religion, s. religione, ordine, —
ible, a. remissibile, ion. —
-ist colui che professa
qualche religione
Religious, a. religioso, divolo.
— Religious debates, con-
troversie. —
Religious exer-
cises, esercizi di devozione.
— Religious obsen-er of hi» Remonstrance, ». rimotlranzi
promise, inviolabile osserva- Remonstrants,*.?/, rimostran
tore delia sua nrttnjfjtx/i Kv Remonstrate, v. a, rimostravi
5, ,. religione, Remora, *. remora, ostacolo

Relinquish, i i. abbandonar,:.
re, lasc,
che abbai Remoteness, «
Reliqueii, *. pi. reliquie Removeable, i che
Relish, s. gusto, sapore, —
V. a. dare buon sapore, gus- Removal, ». trasporto, ratio
tare, approvare, —able, a. del trarre via, of lodg-—
gustoso, —
ing, *. approva- ings, sgomberare. Remove —
one out of the way, di^fa
Reiucen t, a. riluc
Reluct, Remount" v. a. rinwntare

Rely. V. u. fidarsi, fare capi- Remumiur,

Renard, ». u
Relying upon, s. fiducia Renavigate,

Remainder, ». resto, re.iiduo.

Remains, ». avanze, reliquie

doppio pagamento
Repeal, ». rivoeazu

abolì reported of, un uotno di


—ing, «. rivoca-
Reporter, » rapportatore
Repeat, v. a ripetere, ridire, Reporting, ». rapportamento biasimevole, vituperevole, —
Repose, ». riposo, quiete, — ed, a. rimproverato, rin-
oriuoto a ripetizione, —ing, V. a. mettere, commettere. facciato, -fui, a. ingiurioso,
oltraggioso, —
fully, ad.
Repeek (at card^), t. ripicco, fidarsi sopra uno. Repose — vituperosamente, ing, ».—
an entire confidence in one. rimprovero
Reprobate, ». un reprobo, un
gnere, ripercuotere, confa- mxilai'agio, —
i'. a reprobare,

rimedio ripercutsivo riprovato

Repent, v. n. pentirsi, ance, — Reprobating, Reprobation, ».
». pentimento, —
ing, a. pe- Reposition, ». stabilimento reprobazione, esser reprobalo
nitenlr, che ti pente [nuovo Repository, ». ripostiglio Reproduce, ii. a. riprodurre,
Repeople, v. a. populare di Repossess, v. a. rimettere in produrre di nuovo
Repercussion, # ripercmsione possesso
[possesso Reproduction, ». riproduzione
Bepeicussive, a. ripercuaivo Repossessed, a. rtjnesso in Reproof, ». riprensione, ammo-
Repertory, ». repertorio Repi"ehend, v. a. riprendere, nizione [rip ole
Repedtion, ». ripetizione, ammonire, correggere, ed, — Reproveable, a. rip
pruova a. ripreso, ammonito, er. — Reprove, v. a. ripreni
Repine at, » rimbrottare,
rincrescere. —
Repine at one's Reprehensible, a. riprensìbile, Reproved, a. ripreso, o
good fortune, invidiare l'al-
trui fortuna, —
er, ». mormo- Reprehensibly, ad. riprensi- Reprover, ». riprenditore
ratore, —ing, ». fastidio, Reproving, ». riprendimento
dispiacere [collocare Reprehension, a. riprensione. Reprune, v. a. cimar di nuovo
Replace, v. a. rimpiazzare. Represent, ». a. rappresen- gli alberi
Replacing, ». coUocamenio tare, chiaramente mostrare, Reptile, ». rettile
Replant, r. a. ripiantare far vedere, significare, figu- Republican, ». repubbììchista
Replead, v. a. piatire di nuovo rare, descrivere, tener il Republic, ». repubblica
Replenish, v a. riempire, — luogo d'un altro, —
ation, ». Repudiable, a. degno d'essere
ing, t. riempimento rappresentazione, descrizi- ripudiato
Replete, a riempiuto, pieno one, —ative, ». un rappre- Repudiate, v. a. ripuaiare,
Repletion, ». replezione rifiutare [fiatato
Replevin, ». reintegrazione presentaiore, —ed, a. rap- Repudiated, a. ripudiato, ri-
Replevy, ». mallevadoria, — presentato, —ing, — ment, ». Repudiation, ».ripuàio
V a. ricuperare. Replevy — rappresentamento Repugn, V. n. ripugnare, os-
1 distress, ricoverare quello Repress, v. a. reprimere, rin-
del qual altru tuzzare, —
ed, a. ripresso,
raffrenato, —
er, ». quello, o
quella che reprime, ing, ». —
tivo, limitativo
•leport, ». fama, rapporto. — Reprieve, ». sospensione, dif-
«. flying report, ». ramare, ferimento di giustizia, V. a. Repulse,— ». ripulsa, negativa
hishiglio. —
By report, per sospendere resecuzione d'un Repulse, v. a. ripulsare, rl-
fama, per quel che si dice reo condannato alla morte
R.eport, ». ragguaglio, rappor- Reprimand, ». riprensione, RepuUed, a. ripulsato, rifiu-
tamento, relazione, rijmta- ammonizione, — v. a. ri-
preiulere, ammonir biasi- Reputable, a. onorato
strepito d'un cann-me mando, —ed, a. ripreso. Reputation, ». riputazione.
Report, V. a. rapportare, n-
Reprint, ti. a. ristampare, —
Repute, ». riptitazione, stima,
esporre, — of a lavsuit, ed, a. ristampato, ing, ». —
....... ...

v. a. reputare, giu-
esporre lo stato d'un pro- il ristampare [saglia T^ey
eesso. — Report of one, ill Reprise, Reprisals, ». ripre- repu te him :

tparlnr d'uno, parlar male Reprise, ». ripresa, cotUinua- riputai IO dabl^n

«/» /ut.— Report, ». n. 4cop- ijone.— Reprises, ». costo e
Reservation, s. riserbasione,

Resolution, s. disegno, delibC'

of request, l/i corte delle razione, fermezza, arditezza,
suppliche. — To make a coraggio, analisi, il risolvere,
request of one, fare una Reserved, a. riserbaU la risoluzione
Resonant, a. risonante
-ly. ad. Resort, ». concorso, ridotto,
alcun modo richiesti erba, cautela ricorso,rifugio, giurisdizione,
Request, a. richiedere, do- Reserver, *. ristretto, —
v. n. capitare,
Resettle, ti . a. ristabilire frequentare, bazzicare, ed, —
richieditore, supplicante Reside, v. n. residere, i a. frequentato, bazzicalo, —
er, s. quello che bazzica un
Requirable, a. ricerc Residence, s- residenza.
Require, v. a. domandare, di Resound, v. a. risuonare, rim-


chiedere, —
ed, a. domandato, siderite bombare, ed, a. risuonato,
Resident, a. residente,
sidente. —
Residentiary, ». nansa, — ing, a. risonante,
! residente, — o. di residente — ingly, ad. d'una maniera
Requital, s. ricompensa, rico- Residue, s. residtto, avanzo
Resign, V. a. rassegnare, con- Resource, ». rimedio
Requite, v. a. co segnare. Resign —
one's Respect, ». rispetto, riguardo,
place to anothe'r, cedert il stima, onore. —
Out of re-
suo luogo ad uno Resign — spect to you, pe- rispetto
ratore, —ing, i. ricoiupensa- one's self, sommettersi alla vostro. —
To pay one's re-
volontà di Dio, ation, 3. — spects to one, riverire, salu»
Reremouse, s. nottola, vispis- tare «no.— In respect of, a
!. colui a chi si fa la ras- rispetto, in comparazione —
sej^na^ —
er, j. rassegnatore, In some respect, in qualche
—ing, —
ment, s. rassegna, modo. —
Respects, ». com-
rassegnazione baaamani— Pray
Resaluted, c Resilient, a. zampillante remember my respects to
Rescind, v. Resilition, s. zampillio him, vi prego di riverirlo
Resm, s. ragia, resina da mia parie. Respect, —
Resinous, a. resinoso, ragioso 'spettare, portar
Resipiscence, s. resipiscenza,
pentimento isguard -ed.
Resist, V. a. repngnare, far — That will
resistenza, oppugnare, ri- make vou respected by all
the wo"iId, ciò vi farà ris-
.a, opposizione, ostacolo pettare da ognuno
ì, a. resistito-, repugnato, Respectful, a. rispettoso, umile,
quello che resiste, — — ly, ad. rispettivamente.
. dar
tempo, dijferi l'est
Resolvable, a. solubile.— "Re-
arnpo. soluble, da liquefarsi Respective, a. rispettivo, rela-
Resolve, s. deliberazione, de- tivo,— X-j, ad rispettivamente,
Research, s. inchiesta, rìcci cisione, — V. a. risolvere, relativamente
camento, —v. a. inchieder Respiration, ». respirazione,
minutamente, domandare dissipare, deliberare, deter- fiato
Resemblance, s. somiglianza minare, statuire. Resolve — Respire, v. respirare, riposare,
Resemble, v. a. somigliari into matte-r, risolversi in dopo d'aver fatta cosa fuii-
rassembrare. — He resem
bles his father, egli rat is resolved upon, la guerra è Respite, ». intervallo, indugio.
somiglia a suo padre, — inj già stabinta
- nigli— - '• Resolved, a. risoluto, ly, —
—ir.g, .
ad. risolutamente, ^ness, «. —
risoluzione, .fermo proposito
Resent, ti. d'una
a. risentirsi Resolvents, s. rimedi dissolutivi Resplendency, s. splendore

ingiuria, vìndicativo,
fui, a. Resolving, ». risoluzione, di- Resplendent, a risplendente
—ing, —ment, risenii- s. chiar anione Response, ». risposta
mentn, — m^Iy, ad. risentita- Respond, v. n. rispondere,
replicare —ent, ». rispoti'
Retchl«ss, a. infingardo, pigro,
— negligente-
—ness,ad. infingardia.
lento, ly,
llesponsible, a. beneslantt, mente, s.

Kesponsion, s. asticuramenlo Retention,

llebuscitate, v. n. risucitare. ritenere
Restraint, s. freno, raffi Retentive, i ritenente, e.he
Resuscitated, a. rttucitato mento— To he undei
Hest, t. riposo, pace, rilascio, restraint, ester in pien
rilatsaziotte, sunno, il dor-

3'o take one's rest, dor-

tnire, riposare I had strillivi Retire, v. n. ritirarsi, riti-
yery good night's rest, Restringe,
v. a. rettrignere rare, tirare a se. Retire —
— —

riposato molto bene. Rest P.estringed, a, ristretto home, ritirarsi a casa.

i)f a lance, resta di lancia. K^estringcnt, a- astringente Retire from business, Hti-
— All the rest went away, Resty, a. restio, ostinato, e i dagli affari. Mliich —
tutti gli altri andarono via parbio, testereccio
Rest, V. n. riposare, prender Result. *. risultamento, — v.
riposo, dormire, portare.
Rest yourself satisfied about ]

that, nim vi pigliale fastidio

di questo. —
The difficulty Retirement, s. ritiratezza, »
rests there, qui sta la diffi- /iV..-6'.ne
Resumed, a. ripigliai Retiring, *. i7 ritirare, — ^1;

Resuming, s. il resim ad. addietro, indietro

Resumption, s. riunii Retort, s. storta, —v. a. r

Retail, «. nuim^o.— To sell by :

ad. ostinatamente.

Retract what one has said,

Resting. riposo, quiete
«. Retain, v. a. ritenere, tenere a dir contro a quel cite s' è
Resiiiig. a.ex. A
resting- —
mente. I retained him for detto prima, —
ion, ». ritrat-
place, nn luogo di riposo my counsel, l'ho preso pel tazione, etl,— a. ritratto,
Restitution, s. restituzione mio avvocato, —able, a. che disdetto, —ing, ». ritratta-
zione, il ritrattarsi
ritenuto, — er, ». una persona Retreat, ». ritirata, luogo ri-
salariata al servizio di qual- tiralo, —ti. n. ritirarsi, —ed.
cheduno, senza esser suo
domestico, — ing, s. riteni- Retrench, i'. a. levare, scemare,
mento, ritegno trincerare, —ed, a. levalo,
di riposo, impazienta, Retake, v. a. pigliar di nuovo tagliato, —ing, ». il levare
quietudine Retaken, a. ripigliato — ment, ». trincea
Restorative, a. ristorativi Retaliate, v. a. render la pa- Retribute, v. a. ricompensare
riglia Retribuier, ». che ritribuisce
Restove, « a. ristorare, ris- Retaliated, a. reso Retribution, ». ricompensa
Retaliation, s. pariglia, con- Retrievable, a. che si pub ri-
traccambio. By way of re- —
his i)!ace, ristabilire alcuno taliation, in contraccambio, Retrieve, v. a. ricuperare, ri-
lei ma impiego. —
Restore in vendetta covrare, riparare, —ing, ».
Retard, v. a. ritardare, inter-
grazia.— Kcstòne one to life tenere, —
ed, a. ritardato, Retrocession, ». i7 tornare in-
Bgaiii, ridare la vita ad uno. intertenulo, —
ing, ». indugio. dietro, il retrocedere
Retrogradation, ». iV rctrogra-

Retrograde, a. retrogrado, —
r. a retrogradare, —ing, ». Rhetoricate, v. n. fare il ret

Retrogi-^ssion, s. il retrocedere Rhe'torician, ». ,ln re'torico

Retrospect, v a. guardare Rheuni, ». reuma, catarro
Rheumatic, u. tematico, reu-
Retro-pection, ». il guardare
Review, ». rivista, mostra Rheumatism, ». rrma,fiutsione
d'eserciti, —v. a. rivedere. Rheumy, a. rematico»«.c<:n-u,
— "'
of kind-
Rhomb, ».

ness, un leneficio, — in love, Rhomboid, » romboide, —al.

of money, rimetta di da- Rliubarb, ».

naro. —
À commodity that
jieids a «juicfc return, una

Return, Rhvmster, ». rimatore, ver

Return Rhythmical, a. armonioso
, ....^. .......'. — Re Revi Rib, ». costola, moglie, (per
vu.ii .1 shopkeeper his com
modity, mandare indietro ravvivarsi. — He begins to Ribald, ». 1/ 1 rilialdo, un ri-
—Retjam an answer, reu baldane — ItiliaUiry, ». ribal-
der riposta, — able, a. di ri nurse a se. — We
shall see
mando, — inj;, ». il ritornare trade revive, vedremo il com- Ribbon, ». fcttuct^a.—A rib-
mercio fiorire ancora,—ing, bon weavei, tessitor di fet-
». il revivere luce
rivelatore. — ing, Revelation, Reunion, ». riunimento, ncon- Rib-roast, v. a. tartassare
Rice,», riso, giano
Revel, » gozzoviglia, -v. n. Reunite, ». a. riunire di nuovo. Rich, d. ricco, opulento, ai-,
— —
festeggiare, ler, ». che bondante, fertile, lauto.
tlivertitce g02zoviglijndo, Reuniting, ». riunimento The rich, i ricchi, ly. ad. —
ling, ». allegrezza, una festa Revocable, a. rivocabile riccamente, ness, » pom-—
pa, magnificenza, ricchezza.
Revenge, ». vendetta, — v. n. Revoke, v. a rivocare, — v. n. — Riches, ». n-:chezze, ab-
rinunciar!. —
Revoking, ». il bondanza di beni di fortuna
la'rsl'-r\l be revenge" on — Rich wine, vino gagliarda
him, mt vendicherò di lui Revolt, ». rivolta, ribellione, Rick, ». bica.—\ rick of hay,
Revengeful, a. veìtdicalivo, — v. j. rivoltarti, er, ». — or corn, bica di fietv, o
— ly, ad. d'una maniera reii- ribelle, — ing, ». il rivol-
dicativa Rickets, ». specie di malattia
Revenger, ». vendicatore Revolve, v. a. rivolgere, esa- Rickety, a. soggetto al malore
Revenue. » entrata, rendita minar colla mente chiamato, in Inghilterra,
Reverberate, r. n. riverberare, Revolution, ». rivoluzione rickets
Reward, ». rimunerazione, — Rid, a. liberato.— To get rid,
ti. a. ricompensare. God — V. n. liberarsi.— I don't know
Rcverberatorv, reward you. Iddio ve lo get rid of that trou-
torio renda, —able, a. degno di bles le fellov
Revere, v. a. riv
pensutore, —ing, ». il ricom-
pensare Rid, v. n. liberare, sbr
Rewet, ». la rotella d'un ar- —Rid one of all his
bles, trarre uno d'imi
Reword, v. n. ripetere colle —Rid one's self of a
Rhapsodist, ». compilatore blesome business, usi di
Rhapsody, ». rapsodia, colle- ""/""
Riddance, ». spedizione, spac-
Rhen !o del Reno cio. —
To make a clear rid-
dance, spacciare un luogo.
—I made at la^t a good
Reversible, a. che s Rhetoric, ». la rettorica, arte riddance of him, alia fine
di ben parlare me ne sono sbrigato
Rhetorical, a. reiloHco Ridden, <j. cavalcato

Khetoricallj,nrf. retto ricamente Riddle, ». indovinello, cribro,


-V. J. tpiegare un indovi- This is the right way, que- Rinded, a. che ha della cor.
nello, — I', n parta sto i il vero mezzo. This — <«cria.— Tliick-rìnded, che ha
ramente. — Riddle coals. is his right name, questo è la corteccia grossa
il suo proprio nome. —A Ring, *. anello.— To run the
Ride, V. n. cavalcare, andare right owner, proprietario, ring, correr fanello. The —
a cavallo —Ride in a coach, padrone.— To be in one's ring of a door, anello di
andare in carrozza. Ride — right senses, essere in buon porta.— The ring of a piece
away, andarsene. Ridel —
back, ritornarsene. —
Ride Bight, s. diritto, pretensione, moneta. —A ring of people,
about, fare una girata. —
potere, prii-ilegio, ragione. un cerchio di gente. —A fine
Ride, manage a horse, —To be in the right, aver ring of bells, un belC ac-
maneggiare un cavallo. ragione. This belongs to — cordo di campane.— To give
Learn to ride, imparare me by right, questo m' op- the bell a ring, dar un tocco
montare a cavallo. A ship — —
al campanello. ^An ear-ring.
that rides at anchor, tin
vascello che è all' ancora. Ringdove, *. piccione, tor-
Rider, s. cavaliere
Ridge, s. cima, —
of a house, Right, ad. forte, bene. I am — — Ringworm, *. empitiggine
i7 tetto d'una casa —
Ridge- not right, non sto bene. Ringleader, s. capo
tile, ^e^o/a. —Ridge of land, Very right, molto bene. — Ringtail, s. gheppio
right honest man, un gran Ring, ti. a. Se ri. fonare.- To
glia ed alza in solcando. — galantuomo. right learn- —A ring tlie bells, suonar le
Ridges. ». scanalati ed man, un uomo inolio campane. — To ring again.
long ridge of hills, giogaia. You say right,
— Ridgebone of the back, la dite / -I ; the
spina del dosso right, io ho ragione. — Right
Ridged, a. alto, alzato, s r again pane
Into Rinse, V. a. sciacquare
Ridicule, s. an ridicolo. Right, V. a. fare, o render Rinsing, s. il sciacquare
chetto di donne, —
». a, giustizia. —
To right one's Riot, s. eccesso, stravizzo,
der ridicolo self,/ar*t giustizia riotta, conlesa, violenza, -
Ridiculous, a. ridicolo, — ly, Righteous, a. diritto, giusto, v. n. riattare, gozzovigliai e
ad. con modo ridicolo, — ly, ad. dirittatnente, gius- Rioter, s. uno scapestrato
tamente, —
ness, *. giustizia. Riotous, a. licenzioso, dissoluto,
— —
Riding, s. l'andare a cavallo, ly, ad. dissolutamente,
— Riding-habit, abito da ca- Rightful, a. legittimo ness, s. licenza, sfrenatezza
valcare. —
Riding - cap, ba- Rightfully, ad. legittimamente Rip, v.^. scucire, stracciare,
rella per la campagna. — Rightly, ad. iene.— He is serv- '
-To rip up an old
Riding coat, gabbano. — ed rightly, egli lo merita ovellare
Riding-hood, veste da don- Rights. (E^r. to set to rig-hts)
na a foggia di mantello da
cavalcare. —
Riding, s. divi- — To 1

Ridotto, s. m. ridotto
Rife, a. comtme, che regna
RifF-ra£F, s. robbaccia
Rigid, a. rigido, severo, — ity, soon rotten, cosa die matura
con troppo fretta, presto
Rifle, u.a. taccheggiare, predare Riglet,*. rigS
Rifle-gun, s. archibuso rigalo Rigour, s. rigore, severità Ripe, Ripen, v. a. maturare,
Rifler, s. ladro Rigorous, a. rigoroso, ly, ad. — render maturo, v n. ma- —
Rifling, *. il saccheggiare rigorosamente turarsi, divenir maturo
Rift, *. fessura, crepatura Rill, *. ruscello Ripely, ad. maturamente
Rig, V. a. ammainare, allestire Rillet, « ruscelletto Ripeness, *. maturità
un vascello, ornare, addob- Rim, s. orlo Ripening, ». maturamente, it
bare. —Rig, s. una fanciulla Rime, *. consonanza, brina,
lasciva [correda nebbia. — Rime,
v. n. met- Ripped, Ripped up, a. scucilo
Rigger, s. chi allestisce, chi tere inrima —To make one Ripper, s. quello che scuce
Rigging, s. l'ammanare, — of verse rime with another,/ar Rise, *. l'origine, causa, as-
erandimento avanzamento
Riggish, a. lascivo, puttanesco
Riggle, r. n. ditnenarsi
Right, diritto, che non piega Riming, s. rima, il comporre Rise, V. n. scaturire, sorgere,
da niuna banda, retto, giusto, Ri my, a. nebbioso levarsi, uscir di letto, levi-
buono, franco, puro, vero, '

Rind, s. scorza, la corteccia tarsi. -Hs lo'es to rise

tonveniente, opportuno. — | d'un melangolo |
early, tgli ama di levarti
a buon' ora.— To rise from orrendamente. — rhe soft roe of a fish,
table, levarsi di tavola oars. i7 mare latte di pesce
Tlie sun rises, il iole si ruggito, Rogation, (Ea.: the rogatlon-
leva.— To rise up in arms, HHgl^hi week), ». le rogazioni
prender le ar»ni, sollevarsi. Roary, a. rtigiadi Rogue, un furbo, un fur-
—The waters bepn to rise, e. — To fante, un Indro, cattivello.
rule the roast, governare a
— — To ]ilay the rogue, scher-
scere.— Thtì com liegins to suo modo Koait meat, ».
rise, il comincia ad
larario Roguery, ». furberia, malìzia,
incarire.— To rise from the lob, f.rubare.— To rob
a. malignità, burlo, scherzo
dead, rìsiicitar da' morii Peter to pay Paul, fare un Roguish, a. da furbo, mali-
Riser, (an early riser) s. uomo debito nuovo per pagarne zioso, —
ly, ad. furbesca-
che si leva di buon' ora UH vecchio. — To rob upon mente, —
ness, ». furfanteria,
Risible, a. risibile, ity, s. — the highway, gittarsi alia burla, scherzo
Roist, Roister, ti. n. far it
Risins, a. il levarsi. — The Robber, ». rubalore, ladro.— bravaccio e il cattivo
risinfj of a hill, il dirupo A church robber, un sacri- Roisterer, ». un smargiasso,
d'una collina A rising of lego. —A sea robber, un spaccone
the skin, tumore pirnto, un corsale Roisting, I. rodomonleria
Rising, s. rivolta, ribellione, Robberj-, ». ruba Roll, »." invoglio, ruolo, rullo,
nte.— The Robbing, ». rubamenio. —Rob- lista, — for a woman's head.
'Sing in, il s bing of the public treasury,
L rising ground. peculato oli, ». a.
Robe, ». vesta.— The gentle-
of the long robe, le
ne togate
Risk, s. Robe, ». n. vestire pomposa-
schiar te
Rite, *. rito, statuto.— 'PxmeraX i-redbreast, ». pettirosso
Robin good fellow, un buon
Ritual', un rituale, —a. compagnone
solennemente fatto, —ritu-
ist, Robust, a, robusto, forte, —
s. un difensore de' riti ness, ». robustezza
Rivage, s. riva, ripa, sponda Rocambole, ». »orf<i d'aglio
Rivai, s. rivale, competitore,
— V. o. esser rivale, emulare, Roche-alum, ». allume di rocca
— ship, s. rivalità Rochet, ». rocchetto
Rive, ». u. spaccare, fendere, Rock, ». rocca, roccia, balza,
rupe. —
Rock - crvstal, cri-
Rivel, ». aggrinzare, — Rivel stallo di roccn. Rock oil, —
». grinza petrolio. —
Rocks in the sea,
Rock, rocca, strumento da
filare.— Roc}i, ». fi. essere
dimenato, caracollare, ». —
Rivet, . ribaditura di chiedo, a. cullare, dimenar la culla
I. ribadire.— To r Rocket, ». rocchetta, razzo
a thing il Recking, ». il cullare un barn-

moria, —
ing, s. il ribadir Rockless, a. senza rocche
Riving, s. tV spaccare Rocky, a. pieno di rocche
Rivulet, ». ruscello Rod, ». verga, frusta, sfer-
Rix-dollar, ». tallero za, pertica Save the rod —
Roach, ». lasca, [pesce d'acqua and spoil the child, madre
rfo/ce).— As sound as a roach, pietosa, .figlio tignoso. —
An angIin?-rod, canna da
Road, ». »i pescare. Curtain-rod, ver- —
largo, piag ga di ferro. Rod - net, —
Rubrict, s. rubrica
Ruij», s. Tvbino,—!. rosso
3H/ontà.— Rule, in tin —
muro. Run to one's
help, aver ricorso ad uno per
Ructation, * rullo regolo, rigare, re aiuto —Run to seed, semen
RuiAet, s.iimouc diriggere, guidare. zire. — Her tongjie runs
Kttldiness, s. color rosso perpetually, ella parta inces-
Ruddle, s. sinopia santemente Your tongue—
Ruddy, u. rosso, rubicondi nips before your wit, voi
ssolar pigliate il mio consiglio. - non pensate a quel cht
gotico, villano, rustico, in Ruler, *. regolo, conduttori dite.-Ryir away, fuggire •
vile, scortese, grossolano, governatore. —Ruling, *. ; scappa, ivith
fiorante, malvagio, catti for a wager, scomm>
— ly, ad. grossolanamei
distilli niad, impazzire, diventar
zezzit, tustìcilà, ignoran Rumb, ...qua
, lo di V matto. —
It runs in their
incivilita, furfanteria, bt Rumble, v. »i. rombare, strepi- blood, men di razza. Run —
coneria aground, v. n. dare in secco.
Rudiments, s. pi. rudimenti the bowels, gorgogliamenti. -Run for it, fuggire, darla
Kue, s. ruta —
a gambe That ever runs
Rue, V. n. pentirsi.— \'oM shall Ruminant, a. ruminante In my mind, ciò mi cone
Ruminate, v. n. riconsiderare. sempre neU' animo. Run —
away with a thing, portar
—He uefuUy, I
Ruminating, Rumin via che che ti «/a. The —
horse rr.n away with him,
Ruft-, .?. lattuga, gorgi i7 cavallo lo porlo via. — Run
Rufì-, V. a. pigliare u back, correr indietro.— Rxia
col trionfo , counter, r.p«^Hare. Run —
Ruffian, s. un masnadiere, un Rumour, '

* 'rZ'grTdò'l down a stag, r. a. straccare

assassino, — a. brutale, san-' ed, a. I 5 rumoured o.-Rur ? dowi
guinario abroad.
s. manichino.— LaceA
manichini di mer- Rump, s. groppone
ceie alcuno —
Run a thing
down, vilipendere una cosa.
/e«o.— Ruffle, v. a. ìncres- Rumple, s. piega. — Run down with blood.
pare, scompigliare, disor-
.... disti , ...... -ed, a. i respa . raggri Run one's self into milchief,
—Ruffling, s. il distu espoTsi a qualche pericolo. —
Rumpling, .». Fincrespare Run in debt, indebitarsi
Rug, s. coperta da letto con nel Run, s. una corsa.— To take Run a pin i
lunghi \a spiilla.-
Rugged, a. rozzo, ruvido - Good or ill run at play, uiture e. — If
severo, austero, rigido, zotico. delta, o disdetta al giuoco.
— ly, ad. rozzamente, nesS; — — Run, ti. n. correre.— Run voi andate avanti
before, or after, correr a- mede-lima maniera di vi
Ruin, s. rovina, distruzione. —Run over a book, tra.
— To bring one to ruin, rer un libro Run over <

rovinare, perdere alcuno.— full speed, cu, work again, rivedere

mente. —
Run hazard. oper -The
the banks, il fiume ku sover
through chiato le sponde. The pot—
passar uno aa oanaa a runs over, la pignatta versa.
banda colla spada. Run — —Run out into excess, an-
Ruin one's self.i'. a. rovinarsi the gauntlet, pa.isar per le dare all' eccesso. Run one's —
Ruined, a rovinato bacchette. — Run
out, v. «. self out of breath, correr fino
Ruining, s. il rovinare colare, gocciolare. - His a perder il sfiato Run out —
Ruinous, a. rovinoso, cadevole, nose runs, gli cola il naso. one's T&ce. finire la sua corsa.
pericoloso, — ly, «
— Run, scorrere, passare
ente, scdleia- -Time runs away, .7 tem-

po passa. —
Run from, us-
rcgola, meilelln,
render marcia, far capo — mina. — Run through,
precetto. —
Carpenter's rule, e da banda. —Run
fyiKfrfra.-Accordingtorule, ontare, tallire. — Run
head against i

dnr lì elln /^t/,r i


Sadducism, ». l'eresia de" Sad

Sadly, ad. malamente, catiiva-

Rundle, *. globo [bariletio menfe, ness, ». tristezza, —
Rundlet, s. piuolo d'una scala, O ABBA TARTAN, ». un ri- affanno. In sober sadness. —
Kunner, s. eorritlore, of a —
mill, la mola da sopra del Sabbath, ». »a/)a<o.— Sabbath- Safe, a. salvo, sicuro, felice.—
day, la Domenica M'ith a safe conscience, in
Runnet. s. quaglio, coagulo Sabbatic, and Sabbatical, a. Safe -

Running, «. corrimeiito, il cor- attenente al sabato fidai —He

Sabine, » Sabina is come home safe,
Sable, ». la pelle del zibellino. arrivato salvamente. Safe- —
Running-])lace, carriera, conduct, un salvo condotto.
corso. —
Running footman, Sabre, ». sciabla, scimitarra — Your money will be safe

vn lacchè. Running water, Saccharine, a. zuccherino, di in his hands, il vostro danaro
acqua corrente. Running- —
knot, cappio, nodo scorsoio. Sacerdotal, a. sacerdotale' God keep you safe. Iddio vi
Running sore, «ina piaga che Sack, ». sacco, saccheggio,
co/a.— Running title, il tìtolo spezie di vin dolce, i'. —
a. Sate, ». uno stipo. Safe-guard,—
saccheggiare, dare il sacco. — ». salvaguardia, grembiale
facciata d'un libro Sack up, ti. a insaccare
Runt, ». una vacca di Scozia.- '
Sackbut, ». sambuca Safely, ad. i , in
An old runt, vecchiaccia I
Sackcloth, ». tela da far sacch
Ruptory, ». rottorìo, cauterio Safety, ». salvezza, sicurezza
Rupture, rottura, crepatura Saffron, ».2u;^fnino.— Salf'ron-
Rural, a. rustico, campestre gold, oro fulminante
Rush, ». giunco. It is n< — Sacrament, ». sacr Sagacious, a. sagace, astuto.
worth a rush, non vale u I
Sacramentai, a. si
frxdlo.—l would not give -ly. ad. sacrami Sagacity, ». aagacità, perspi'
rush for it, non ne' darei u

Sacramentarians", Sage, a. saggio, prudente, —».

un saggio, un uotno savio,
Rush, n.
V. lanciarsi.— H^ — (an herb), salvia, — ly, ad.
rushed, si lanciò Rush in, — saggiamente, ness, — ». »at'i-

Rush in upon one, sorpren- —

Sacrifice, ». sacrificio, ». a. Sagittary, ». sagittaria
dere alcuno, —
ing, ». i7 lan- Jr n. ojirire, dedicare, conse- Saie, kind of ship, ». saica
grat e, sacrijìcare, rinunziare, Sail, ». If/a.-Set sail, v. a. far
Rushy, a. giuncoso -r, sacrijicaiore vela. —To be under sail, esser
Sacrificial, a. di ^crijicio alla I
Russet, a. rouetto Sacrificing, ». il sacrijìcare
Russetin, ». melaruggim Sacrilege, ». sacrilegio, —
ious, giorni di navigazione. -—A.
-' ». ruggine,— rrug. fleet of a hundred sail, i

ly, ad. sacrilegamente flotta di cento ce/».—Sail-

Rustie, Rustical; Sacristan, ». sagrestano maker, /a/tore di teZe.— Sail-
Rustically, ad. rui Sacristy, ». sagresti yard, » antenna. Sail along —
Rusticate, v. a. rendere rustico, Sad. a. mesto, male

the coast, costeggiare. Sail —
o zotico come un contadina tivo, tristo, infelice, vile. back, pigliar terra
Rusticity, ». rusticità, rusti- Sad new.s, rie novelle.— Sailor, ». marinaro, navigante,
chezza [dezza sad mischance, una gran nautilo, (specie di pesce.) —
Rustiness, ». ruggine, ranci- Good sailor, un buon veleg-
Rustie, V. n. cigolare, ing, ». — Sadden, 11, n. parer tristo,— v.a. giatore
affliggere, render mesto Sailing, ». veleggiamcnto, navi-
Rusty, a. rugginente, ruggi- Saàdle, ». »e//a. Put the sad- gazione
noso. — To grow rusty, irru- dle upon the right horse, dar Saim, ». lardo, strutto
la colpa a chi ha torto. —
Sainfoin, ». trifoglio
Saddlebow, arcione di sella. Saint, ». un santo, una santa.
— Saddle-cloth, gualdrappa. —Saint Peter, san Pielro.-
Ruthful, a. — Pack-saddle, un basto.— Saint Anne. »aii/a Anna. —
compassionevole, miserabile, Saddle-backed, sellato Saint Anthony's fire, volatica
— ly, ad. miserabilmente, — Saddle, v. a. sellare, metter la Saint, r. a canonizzare, far il
ness, ». pietà, compassione sella santo, —
ed, santo, sacro, —
Ruthless, a. spietato, crudele Saddler, ». seliaio. —Pack- ly, ad. santamente, —ship, ».
Rutting-time, ». frega [segala
Rje, ». «eg-rt/u, —bread, pane di Saddaeecs, ». pL SadSucei Sake, ». amore, catisa.-Vot
Salute, s. saluto, r

Sapor, ». sapore
namesake, egli porta il mù Saporific, a. saporoso
Sappiness, ». l'abbondare di
Raker, ». sagro, falcone hope you are the same, il
Sappy, a. pieno di succìiio
Salacity, lascivia
«. calore, Sameness, s. medesimezza Saraband, ». sarabanda
Salad, t. insalata. Salad- — Samphire, s. finocchio marino Sarcasm, ». sarcasmo

oil, olio d'oliva Sample, *. esemplare Sarcastic, —

al, a. satirico,— Ij,
Salamander, s. salamandra Sampler, *. mostra ad. in maniera pungente
Sanative, a. sanativo Sarcenet, ». tajfeta
Sanctification, s. santificazione
any thing to sale, mettere Sanctified, a. santificato Sarcling, ». sarchiagione
Sanctifier, s. saniijicatore Sarcocele, ». sarcocele
Saleable, a. vendibile Sanctify, v. a. santificare, far Sarcoma, ». scirro, tumore
Salesman, j. venditor» di abiti santo, —
ing, s. santificazione Sarcophagus, ». sarcofago
fatti Sanctimonious, a. sante Sarcophagy, ». il pascerti di
Salic, or Salique, a. Salico Sanctimony, s, santimonia, Sarcotic, a. sarcotico [carne
Salient, a. che salta, palpitante santità Sardine,». sardina
Saline, Salinoiis, a. salso, sal- Sanction, ». ordine, decreto, Sardonie laughter, cachinno
confermazione, ra- Sardonyx, ». sardonico
tifica Sarsaparilla, ». salsapariglia
Sash, ». cinto ta.— Sash
rindow, finestra che sco
;, a- appartenente alta rifugio

Sand, ». arena, rena. Sands, Sassafras, sassafrosso
». pi. massa di rena. —
Sand- Sat, {see Sit), sedere
box, ». polverino —
Sandpit, Satan, ». Satana, il diavolo
or tìandbed, cava da sab- Satanic, and Satani cai, a. d
Saily, s. sortita, furia, bollore bione. — Sandblind, and Pur-
Sally, and Sally forth, i.. a. blind, a. che ha diffetto negli Satchel, ». sacca, sacchetto
Sate, u. a. satollare
Salmagundy, *. manicaretto di Sandal, ». —
sandalo. Sandal- Sated, a. satollo, sazio
vivande riscaldate
piii maker, ». uno che fa gli Satellite, i

Salmon, *. salmone. Salmon — Satia 2. satollare, i

Sandarack, ». sandaraca, gom-

Saloon, s. salone ma di ginepro Satiety, ». satolezza, sazietà
Salt, ». ia/e.— Bay
sale salt, Sandever, s fuidiglio di vetro Satin. ». raso
bigio. —
Saltcellar, saliera. Sanding, ». barbio, sorta di pesce
— Saltbox, cassa dove si con- Satiric, or Satirical, a. suti-
Sanguinary, a. sanguinvlente
Salt, a. salalo.—SalihoxiBS, Sanguine, a. sanguigno, che Satirically, ad. satiricamente
satina. —
Saltspring, una ser- abbonda di motto sangue, Satirist, ». scrittore di satire
gente d'acqua salmastra ardente, ardito. —He
is al-
Salt, V. a. salare ways too sanguine, sempre Satisfaction, ». soddisfazione,
Salter, s. uno che vende del sale si picca troppo contento, ragione, ristaura-
Salting, *. il salare Saiiguinolent, a- sanguinolente, —
zione. Satisfactorily, ad.
Saltish, a. alquanto salato crudele d'una maniera soddisfacente.
Saltless, a. che non ha gusto Sanicle, rigatico, spezie d'erba —You will have full satis-
faction, ella sarà vendicata
Sap, ». succhio, sugo, umore,
la buccia delle piante, — Satisfactory, a. soddisfacente
Satisfy, V. a. soddisfare, sa-
perato robe naufragate
Salvation, s. salvazione, satut Sapphire, ». zaffiro
Salubrious, a salubre, sano Sapid, a. giudizioso, gustoso fied -with him, non sono con-
Salubrity, *. salubrità Sapidity, and Sapidness, ». tento di lui, —
ing, ». il sod-
Salve, s. unguento. Salver, — t giudizio, senno, gusto disfare
Salrap, ». satrapo
Salving, «. il salvare Sapient, a. savio, sapiente Saturate, v. a. satollare, »»-
Salvo, s. eccezione, scusa Sapless, a. senza succhio,
Salutary, a. salutare
Sapling, ».
Safum. *, Saturno, jnotnba Ser. ,'s« See •ct'.trt Scan, t'. a.' esaminate, pmule-
Satunials, ». pi. $aturnah Saw, V. .z. segare
Saturnlan, or Saturnine, . Sawing, s segamento Scandal, s. scandalo, vergogna.
Sawyer, *. segatore
Saxifrage, s.sassifragia Scandal, v. /> jndalezzare.
Say' V. a. dire, favellare.— Scandalize, v.
A\'hat do you say che dite f i'

rudeU —That is to say, cioè.— They

Savages, t. pi. popoli lalviU
— Iv, ad. talvaticameiite, Saying, ». dieimento. —Com-
ness, s. ferocia, crudeltà mon saying, un detto coìninie.
—True saying, uno rcnVà
Scab, s. scabbia. . lo scandere tin
Sauce, s. salta. — To dip in the di piaga
sauce, iiitignere nella salsa. Scabbard, »./u(/ei-o
— Saucepan, *. un padel- Scabbed, a. scaòbioso, rognoso
lino. — Saucebox, *. uh im- Scabious, a. scabbioso sita
Scabious, ». (a flower) »cai- Scantling, ». grandezza, mi-
sura, un pezzetto
Scabby, a. scabbioso Scantly, ad scarsamente
s. pialello Scabrous, a. scaltro, scabroso Scanty, a. scarso, die manca.
Saucily, ad. tfacclatameitte, Scabwort, ». em
nrroffaiitemeiUe Scaffold, ». pale —
Scape, s.fuga, v. n. evitare,
Sauciness, s. impudenza Scaffolding, ». fuggire
Saucy, a. sfacciato, sfrontato Scapular, ». scapolare
SaveJ ad. salvo, eccettuato, — .Scalade, ». scalala, scalamenti!
V. a. salvare, conservare, Scald, V. a. scottare con liquore Scar,
riser'iare, riservare, rispar- trie,
taiare, sparagnare. That — Scalding, scottatura
». Scaramouch,
Mi!l jave me
chariies, questo Scale, scaglia di pesce,
». —
mi risparmierà della spesa. of a map, la scala d'una
— I'll save you that trouble, carili. —
Scales of iron,
vugl'.o essentarvi da questo scaglie di ferro. Scale of —
incoinmodo. Uod save tlie — a balance, it guscio della
k;ng, viva it rè. God save — bilancia. — Pair of scales,
him. Iddio lo conservi.— yo bilancie Scarecrow, ». syaven
Scale a fish, v. a. scagliare i chin. —Scared, a. atteri
pese;".— Scale the walls of a — To have a scared c
Saveall, ordigno sul quale
s. '
si posa la candela quando città
viene a finire Scalene, a. scaleno Scarf, » arpa.—Scar&kin, C
Scaling, ». lo scalare epider
ivnig. salvamento. Scaluig ladders, scala da scalar

— To be savin», v. n. xuat Scali, ». tigna, lepra Scarification, ». scarijicazioi

economia, —
ly, ad. frugal- Scalled, a. ^g^no»o.— Scald- Scarify, v. a. scarificare, se,
mente, —
ness, ». frugalità, head, ». testa tignosa nare, —
iiig, ». scarifica
Scallion, ». scalogno
Saviour, » salvatore, liberatori Scallop, ». sorta di nicchio Scarlet colour, t
Saunter aboct, v. n. batter le Scalp, ». pericrania, v. a. — scarù
strade, vagare sfregiare Scarlet, •arlatto. — Scar-
Savour, ». sapere, gusto, odore, Scalper, or Scalping-iron, ».
-«-!•. a saporare, assaggiare, latto. — Scarlet-oak, ». elee.

— Savourily, ad. sapo- Scarp, ». scarpa
Scate, ». squadro spezie di pesce
Scarnbicr, s. uno faccialo Scale, f. n sdrucciolare sopra
Scambling, ». dissipamento, — Scales, ». coccoli da sdruccio-
ly, ad. sfacciatamente
.'. srgs. — Trandsaw, » Scàmmony, ». scamonea
— Sawdust,
iteita. ». »e-
aiu. — £-aw.*;sh, ». syada
Scatter, »•. a. sparpagliare, Science, t. sdenta, dottrina, t'. a tagliare.— ScaUh-co\-
sparf^ere, —ing, s. tpar/zi- arte liberale lops, s. braciuola di carne di
meuto, —ingly, ad. tparta- Scientifica!, a. scientìfico vitella fritta
Scotomy, s. scotomìa
Scaycngev, ». paiadino Scintillate, V. a. scintillare. Scoundrel, ». «« gaglioffo, vn

Scenery,"*, scenario
Scion, s. ramicelto
Scenographic, a. scenografico Scoir, s. burla.— Scoff at one,
Scenograiihy, s. sccnnf,'r,ifi,, V. n. burlare alcuno.— ScotY-
er. derisore, beffatore

fiutare, odore,
sentore, — Scoffing, s. burla, beffa
V. dar buono, o cattilo
a. Scold, vua ^arrit'rice, —V. n.
s. un vagabondo, uno sciope-
odore, profumare, annasare, brontolare, borbottare, ing, —
odorate, fiutare s. contesa, contendi mento — Scouring, ». i7 forbire, uscita.
Sceptical, 'a. scettico {tiri Scolding man, un garritore.
Scepticism, s. precetti de scet- Scourge, ». »/erra, flagello,
Sceptics, s. scettici — V. a. sferzare, punire,
Sceptic, a. scettico Scollop, s. petoncolo gastigare
Sceptre, s. scettro Scolopendra, s. spezie dì pesce Scout, ». corridore. —To send
Sceptrebearer, che porta lo Sconce, *. tin forte, certo so-
stegno quasi braccio, t) o. — afar la scoperta.— Scoìxts, ».
Schedule, s ^artuCi far,
ìo qualcl Scout, ». sorte di naviglio ve-
. attigni- loce per andar a vela
Scout, or Scout about, v. a.
Scope, *. scopo, dises^no —To battere le strade
have free scope, aver libertà Scowl, V. n. fare il grugno, —
di fare che che si .sia
Scorbutical, a. di scorbuto Scrabble, v. a. graffiare, ta-
Scorch, ti. a riardere, scottare, stare, brancolare
—ing. *. adustione Scrag, ». mio scitetetro.— Scrag
-15red a holai Scordium, «. scordio end of a neck, la scarna-
alter Score, s. cauto, scotto, rispet- tura del collo. ScraggHy, —
to, taglia, venti, ventina. (Ex. he looks scruggily)
Iti trfle le scii-nze — Scholar- — Fourscore, ottanta. Six- — ad. pare molto magro. —
score, cento tenfi. Three- — Scraggy, a. sparuto, molto
larsliip, i. /,( qualità d'uno score, sessanta. On the — magro
score of friendship, in ris- Scramble, —ing,
sorla ai ».
Scholasticallv, ad. da scolas- guardo della vostra amici- giucco che si fa col gettar
tico alcuna cosa in mezzo ad
Scholastic, —
al, u scolastico couto. — Score a writing, un gruppo di ragazzi, —
Scholiast, *. un commentatore lineare una scrittura.— Scot<: V. n. rìuifare, aggruppare,
Scholium, .!. breve esposizione out, scancellare rampicare
School, s. scuola. — To keep Scorn, s. dispreizo, sdegno, Scranch, r. a. schiacciare,
rompere co' denti, ing, ». il —
Scrap, ». rimasuglio, avanza-

Scrape, v. a. raschiare, grat-

r, ; Scomer, s. dispregiatore
Scornful, a.sdegnoso, Ij, — a.

t- Scorning, s. dispregiamento
Scorpion, s scorpio, pesce i

esti — Scorpion-grass, *.
schooling, s. la paga che si nome d'erba
Scot, s. parte, porzione.— Vaj
Tay for a child's school- scot and lot, pagare i diritti
ing, pagare il della jHirrocchia.—Seot free, chiando
franco, che non paga niente, Scratch, ». sgraffio.- Scratch-
es, ». malattia che viene ai
Scotch, s. picciol taglio, — cavalli
Scratch, v. a. graffaye. — diligerti ementfì —Go to sea, aninr tul mare.
Scratch one's sel^ praitar- censurare il portamento — Put out to sea, mettere
«'".graffiare la pelle coir —
a mare. By sea and land.

unghie. Scratch out one's Scrutiny, ». scrutinio, squittiiw
eyes, cavar gli occhi ad- Scrutoire, ». scrittoio
uno. — Scratch out -writing, Scud, ». rovescio, scroscio

cancellare una scrittura, Scuci away, v. n. svigni -To get sea -room, cor-
ing, a. il grattare — Scud along, affrettarsi ere al largo —
ÌNlain sea.
Scrawl, ti. a. scarabocchi Scuffle, ». zuffa, riotta, - Ito mare. —
Sea - captain.
—ing. n. contrastare. have — We
scarabocchie nothing to scuffle for, noi
non abbiamo che spartir!
Scray, s rondine di mare insieme Sea-c a del n
Screak, i'. n. cigolare, ing, — t. Sculk, i». n. celarsi, codiare,
—-Sea-side, del mare.
«7 lido
cigolamento alcuno, — er, ». colui che a N'arrow sea, uno stretto.
Scream, or Scream —Sea-port,
— Sea chart, cartamare.
out, «. n. porlo di »
gridare, strillare, —ing, a. Sculking-hole, nascotidiglio - da ».
strido, stridore Seuil. ». cranio, osso del capo. navigare. —Sea-voyage, viag-
Screech, t'. n. squittire. — — Scullcap, ». cuff a di tela gio per mare. — "Sea-mark,
Screech-owl,», civetta Seuil, ». piccol remo.— Sculler, segno in vicinanza degli
I parafuoco ». battello con un barcaiuolo scogli, per farne conoscer il
glia. Foldii— solo, uti barcaiuolo solo con
un battello green, a. verdazzuro
leggiare, protegge Scullery, ». lavatoio Seagull, », gabbiano, mugnaio
gliare Scullion, ». guatiero di cucina, Seaweed, ». alga, aliga. Sea- —
Screw, s. vite Corkscrew, una guattet a di cucina
Sculptor, ». scultore Seal, ». sigillo, suggello. —
ghero atte bottiglie Sculpture, ». scultura, la cose Under hand and seal, sot-
Screw, or Screw in. - „ - . toscritto e sigillato


entrare girando. Screw up, — cum, ». schiuma, of the Seal, ». vitello marino
)'. a. strignere people, la feccia del popolo. Seal-ring, ». aiullo con u»
Scribble, v. n. scarabocchiare, — Full of scum, sigillo acolpiio
Seai, v. a. sigillare
— ing. s. lo scarabocchiare Scum, V. a. schiumare, tor via Sealer, ». colui che pone il
Scrip, s. bisaccia, sacco, un Scummer, ». una mestola Sealing, ». il sigillare
Scupper-holes, ». piccoli buchi Seam, ». cucitura, cicatrice.
Scriptural, a. scritturale sul ponte d'una nave, dai
Scripture. ». la scrittura quali Cacqua scorre in ynnre
Scripturists, ». quelli che met- Scurf, ». tigna, of a wound, — glass. libbre di
tono ogni loro credenza sola- scabbia, iness, » — '

Scurfy, a. tignoso
Scurrility, or Scur

Scurrilous, b,ffones,
Scrofula, ». scrofula di
Scrotum, ». scroto A-ily, ad. malamente
Scrub, ». una scopa, un don Scurviness, ». malignità sagena
Scurvy, a cattivo, fello. — Sear, v a. arrossare con ferro
Scurvy fellow, un fellone. 'ente
Scrubbed, or Scrubby, — ». scorbuto. —Scurvy grass, Searce. ». staccio, — v. a. ab-
scabbioso, tignoso coclearia, gramigna
Scrubber, ». raspa Sent, ». coda Search, ». inchiesta, r. a. —
Scruple, scrupolo,
». ac\ Scutcheon, ». scudo, la toppa
dubbio, —V. a. fi d'una serratura, scudicciuolo. wound, tentare una ferita.

la chiave, o la pietra che —

Search into, inchiedere.
ipoloao, —

ScrupuU nel centro d'un edifizio —

Search out, inchiedere,
iiess, umore scrupoloso,
». Scuttle, ». paniera, tramoggic
— ad. scrupolosatnenle.
— You are too scrupulous, Scuttle here and there, v. a Sear-clotli, ». cerotlo
ella è da vero troppo se- Season, ». statrione, tempo op-
Scythe, s falce portuno.— in season, ». di
Scruse, r. premere, affollare ». il mare.— Billows of
e sea, cavalloni di n Seasonable a. che è di
ttagione, comodo, opportuno, ì and Seeing that, conj.poicfit

che è di stagiotie, stagione, Seek, or Seek for, v. a. cer

tempo opportuno, ly, op- — salvarsi. —
Secure one, ar- !.— Seek one's help, do-
restare alcuno, — ly, ad. ndar soccoiso. Seek —
Beasoned cask, una botte sta- in piena sicu- 's Tuin, macchinare P
gionata. —
Seasoned timber,

ui rovina. —
Seek out,
Seourity, s. sicurezza, sicurtà, 'ar cercando, braccare
Seasoner, s. guello che malleveria, lontananza da _„i af
giona ogni pericolo, fiducia, bat- Seek a
Seasoning, s. stagìonamen un impiego.— 1 am further
Seat, edan, *. sedia to seek than I was, mi trovo
-Fin bel- Sedate, a. sedato, quieto, più angiatiato di prima
la villa ——Judgment- (

tranquillo, —ness, s. tran- Seeker, *. cercatore

Seeking, *. cerca, cercamento
tribunale. Seat, a v. sii quillità
posare, stabilire
self, stabUirsi
Sedentary, a. sedentario
Sedge, s. spezie d'erba
Seel, V. a. barcollate
Seers, v. n. parere, sembrare.
Seaward, ad. verso il mar Sediment, s. fondigliuolo — That seems reasonable,
Secant, s. segante questo pare ragionei'ole. —
Secession, s. V andai e da parte.

Seclude, v. a. escludere Seeming, a. appareiite, — ly,

Secluding, or Seclusion, * ad. apparcnleir.ente
fer self 1 be Seemliness, s. decenza
Second, a. secondo. —Second- duced, lasciarsi sedane, — Seemly, a. decente, convene-
'duttore, —ing, and
— A second Cicero, un nitro Dn, s. seduzione Seen, a. veduto
Sedulity, «. accuratezza, dili- Seer, s. profeta
Second, s. un difensore, la genza, cura Seesaw, s. altalena, - , biu-
sessantesima parte d'un mi-
nuto, —
ji. a. secondare, aiu- Seeth, lire, lessare,
tare, —
ly, ad. secondamento -ing, bollimento.— Seeth-
Secrecy, *. segretezza See, (ex. bishop's see), sedia ng-pot, *. pignatta
Secret, s. segreto, privato, episcopale Segment, ». fetta, pezzo
ee, V. a. vedere, comprender Segnity, ». infingardia, injin-
ta.— To tell c colP occhio, domandare, co- gardaggine
noscere, avvertire. 1 do — Segregate, v. a. disceverare,
not see him, non lo vedo. — segregale, li. —
n. disceve-
He sees nobody, non am- rarsi, separarsi, tion, ». —
mette nessuno. —
To go to segregazione
see, andare a vedere — See Seigniorial, a. sovrano, inde-
what he wants, domanda-
Secreting, t. nascondimen quel che imole. — See
tegli Seignior, ». signore, ity, —
Secretary, «. segretario. Se- — that all be ready, sia vo- ». signoria, age, ». signo- —
cretary's office, segreteria. stra cura che il tutto sia in raggio
— Secretaryship, ordine.— I'll see you home,
ufficio di Seisin. possessione

Secretly, ad. segretamente

vi condurrò a casa I'll see
you paid, vi farò pagare.
— — Seìzable, a. che si pub ajffir-

Secretness, s. segretezza Let one see, mostrare Seize, V. a. afferrare, tener

Sect, I. setta Seed, s. seme, semenza, sper- per forza, staggire, seque-
Sectarian, s. di setta ma, cagione. Seedtime, — strare, usurpare, prender
Sectary, s. settario sementa. Seedplot, semen- — per forza, assalire, sor-
Section, s. sezione, divisione zaio. Seedman, mercante — —
prendere. Seize again, ri-
Sector, s. compasso di propor- di semi.—Seed, v. n. tallire,
zione, settore fare il tallo Seizing, .t. l'afferrare, usarpa-
Secular, a, secolare, temporale Seeding, s. il tallire
Secularity, s. lo stato di per- Seedy, a. pieno di sememi Seizure, ». staggine, sequestro
Seeing, s. il vedere. Seeing — Seldom, ad. rado, di rado,
Secularizatic . secolarìzza- is belieying, quando la cosa — ness. ». radezza
si vede, si crede.— The thing Select, a. scelto, v. a. sce- —
is not worth seeing, no gliere, eleggere, —ing, ».
Secularly, ai cMa degna d'esser vedi scella, —or, ». sceglitore
The sense of seeing, la — Self, pron.medesimo, stesso. —
Secundine, i vista, il vedere. Seeing, — Myselfj io medesimo. Thy- —
Senate, ùr Senate house, «.
it senato
— Ourselves,
medesima. Senator,

*. seiuifore, —ian, o.
7U't meilesimi. — Yourselves, ing, or Separation, ». »ep«.
voi medesimi. — Themselves, Send, V. a. mandare, inviare.
essi medesimi — I went thi- — Seri,-, a messenger, spe- Separatist, ». uno scismatico
ther by myself, vi andai dire —
un messaggero. Send, Separator, ». divisore
money, rimetter del danaro. Septangle, ». settangolo
te, il". — To look to one's — Send one word, mandare Septangular, a. die ka tette
self, badare a se.— To clear a dire —
Send back, ii. a. angoli
riwiani/are. —
Send in, fare September, ». Settembre
entrare. — God hira send Septenary, a. settenario, —».
health. Iddio voglia die si sette annidi vita
«^slo.— Self-same day, Vii Sending, s. l'atto del mandare Septentrional, a. settenirio-
Seneschal, * siniscalco
Self-conceit, —edness, t. pre- Senile, a. senile, vecchio Septuagenary, a. settuagena-
Se'nnitrht, *. una settimana.
Self-coacei'ted, a. vananlo- — This day se'nnight, og- Sepcuagesimal, a. di settua-
Senior, a. anziano, •
-its. Septuagint, ». la Bibbia, i
Sepulcliral, ad. sepolcrale, di
Self-will, s. ostinarJone
Stlf-denial, or Self-renuncia- , opin affètto Sepulchre, ». sepolcro, avello
Sepulture, » sepoltura
Selfdependent, a. che non -To speai ^ ,
Sequacious, a. seguace
dipende da nessuno pa rlar giudiziosamente Sequel, ». sequela, serie, con-
Self-evident, a. chiaro, ma- Senseless, a. che ha perduto seguenza
nifesto l'uso de" sensi, — ly, ad. sen- Sequence, ». tegiunza
Self-murder, ». omicidio nella za giudizio, pazzamente, —
sua persona propria, -er, s. ness, ». stupidezza, assur- i del : tarilo defunto,
dità tarlare. Se- —
Self-excellency, eccellenza na- Sensibility, ». sensibilità self from the
turale Sensible, a. sensibile, dolo-
Self-wise, a. presontuoso roso, angoscioso, di gran
Selfish, a. proprio, interessato. giudizio. —
To be sensible
—Selfish man, s. un tacagno, of a thing, ester persuase
di checchessia I sen- am depositario delie cose seques
sible I have done amiss, irate
conosco che ho mal fatto, Sequestering, ». j7 sequestrare
Sell, V. a. ve — ness, ». sensibilità, giit- Seraglio, ». serraglio
Seller, ». tei dizio, cervello, ly, a.d. sen- — Seraph, or Seraphim, serafino
Selling, s. vemlimentv sibilmente Seraphic, a, serafico
Sensitive, a. sensitivo, plant, — Sere, a. secco, non piti verde
Serenade, serenata, — v. a. far
SeWe"fV'^o/séìf;j Sensory, ». Porgano del senso
Semblable, a. simile, — ly, ad. Sensual, a. sensuale, lascivo, Serene, a. sereno, chiaro,
carnale, —
ily, ». sensualità, allegro. — Most serene, »f-
Semblance, ». apparenza — ly, ad. sensualmente
Semblant, a simile, ». — »a- Sent, part. p/Seud, mandare
miglianza,Jigura [pria Sereneness, and Serenity, ».
Sembìative, a. acconcio, pro- breve, giitdicamento, v. a. —
Semibreve, ». semibreve dar sentenza, ing, ». giudi- — lità, calma, riposo
Semicircle, ». semicircolo Serge, ». sargia
Semicircular, a. semicircolare Sententious, a. sentenzioso, — Serge-makei, ». fabbricante di
Semicolon, ». punto e virgola ly, ad. sentenziosamente sargia
Seminary, ». seminario Sentiment, ». sentimento, opi- Sergeant, ». sergente, birra.—
Semiquaver, » mezzo trillo
Semitone, ». mezzo tuono Sentinol, or Sentry. ». senti- to.—Sergeants of the mace,
Semivowel, ». mezza vocale Separability, ». divisViUilà mazzieri, — ship, carica ».
Sempiternai, a sempiterno Separable, a separabile di sergente, — ry, ter- ».
Sempiternity, ». sempiternità Separate, a. separato, diffe- gcnteria. — Petty sergeant-
Sena, ». sena, erba medicinale rente, — 1>. a. disgitigners, ry, ». piccola sergenterta
. officiosa.
fere canzona in musica
a price upon a thing,
mettere il prizy.o ad una

Serving, *. it servin
cosa. —
Set against one, op-
vero studente nelle u —
porsi ad alcuno. Set forth,
Sermon, sermone, predica,
». Inglesi [i-itii esporre, rappresentare. Set —
orazione, —v. a. insegnare Servitude, *. servitù, schia- at defiance, sfidare. Sot —
con severità Sesquialter, —
al, a. sesquial- one's self forward, avaria
Serosity, *. serosità tero, che contiene una volta e xarsi.— Set off, al.bellire, far
bello. —
She had nothing to
Seipent, s. serpe, serpente, Sesquipedal, — ian, a. sesqui- set oft" her beauty, ella non
aveva niente da far spiccare
tario. — Little serpent, ser- Session, ». sessione. —Quarter-
auiirare alcuno. Set up, —
Serpentine, a. serpentino, gono per gindicare cause ergere, innalzare. Set up a —
serpeggiante, — s. serpentino civili e criminali. —Sessions- shop, aprir bottega Sfct up
Kail, corte di giustizia
s. for, spacciar-ìi, farsi.— Set
dorè. — Jlaid-servant, una Sesterce, s. sestertio upon a I

serva— To be servant to Set, a. messo —Set raeal, pctj^o che che

regolato.— S>et price, prezzo ÌHutT/,«.«.«a ar.
stabilito. —
Set hour, ora te, ornare, parare, partire^
Jissa.—'Set form of prayers,
formula di preggìiiere. Set — Setaceous, a. setolo.^n, ispido
vizio, far •
-isita formale Set — |

perare, tener lungo, far

ujricio.—Thii will serve for
an example, questo sentirà

d'esempio. Serve one's self, purjiose, a posta, a bella Setting, ,. il mettere
f . «. approntarsi. Do you — posta Setting-stick, s. regolo, stru-
serve me so ? in questa ma- Set, s. ferma, paHita di giù- mento di stampatóre
niera mi trattute ? You — oco, guernimento Fine set — \

Settle, V. a. stabilire, fermare,

served him right, roi avete of silver plate, un belC ap- regolare, ordinare. — Settle
fatto iene- I'll serve him parato d'arfri'uleria Set of one's abode somewhere.
in his kind, gli renderò la trees, un filare d'alberi. —
pariglia.— fieive one a trick, Set of teeth, dentatura Settle one's mind, quietare
fare una burla ad uno. — Set of coach-horses, un tiro la sua 7nen/f.— Settle one's
\\Tien occasion shall serve, carrozza.-Set spirits, acchetarsi. Settle —
mando of n
sione. — Thepre-ienterà
wind serves,
I per-
conto. — Settle a pension
vento propizio.— While the
é Set, V. a. mettere, porre, tra- upon one, assegnare una
time serves, mentre avete il —
montare. Set a tiling be- read u

tempo. That will not serve fore one, mettere che che sia H.—Set-
ray turn, questo nonmi basta. avanti agli occhi ad uno.— tie to the bottom,
-Serve a warrant, arrestare Set free, mettere in liber- fondo. — The weather settles.
una persona tà Set down, mettere in
iscritto. —
Set on shore, Settiedness, s. ttibilltà
Service, s. servigio, servizio, Settlement, s. Juudigliuolo di
henfuio, piacere, ufficio thing on foot, mettere una qualche liquore, siabilirnento,
cosa in piedi.— Set a house entralajissa, a.isegnarnento.
—He has a settlement of,
sa. —
Set to sale, esporre in egli ha un assegnazioni
vendita.— Set your heart at
ce. — Hard rest, quietatevi Set aside, — Setwall, s. valeriana
Setwort, *. braneoisina
spiegar le vele.— Set a stone Seven, a. sette. —
oTa, frittolo in gold, legare una pietra a. doppio sette volte, —ad.
. mandata sdte doppi. —
page, comporre uno pagina. a. sette volte venti. — Seten-
teenth, a. diciassettesimo. — Shaggy, a. velloso, velluto 1

SevenUi, a. settima, -l;r, iti Shagreen, *. pelle di pesce.

settimo luogo. Seventieth, — — Shamefaced,
— a. vergogno;
Shake, scossa, trillo,
*. ly, ad. vergngnosamen
Seventy, a. settanta V. a. scuotere, tremare, gor- — Tiess, ». vergogna, tin
gheggiare —
Shake a tree,
Several, a. molti, Jiverst. — far crollare uti albero. — ]

•gognoso, VI-
Several persons, direrse The fear of death shakes tuperevole, — ly, ad- r» >g-
persone, ly. —
ad. separa- the stoutest man alive, it

tamente. —
Severance, ». timor di morire fa tremare Shameless, a. sfacciate, ly,
separazione i più coraggiosi. Shake — ad. sfacciatamente
Severe, a. severo, crudnle, rì- hands, darsi la mano, las- Shaming, svergognare
». lo
gido, austero, grave, ly, — ciare a/ciino. ——
Shake off, Shamois, camozza. ^Sha-
». —
ad. severamente. ity, s. — levarsi d'addosso. Shake to mois-leather, ». pelle di
severità, —
of life, austerità pieces, far cascare in pezzi.
—My hand shakes, mi trema Shank, ». gamba, il gambo
Sew, V. a. c la mano Shanker, ». »or<a d'ulcera
stagno Shaking, s. scossa, crollo Shape, s. forma, figura, sta.
Sewer, s. ur e, fogna, Shall, (sign of the future
condotto sc tense in English )— I shall — Shape' one's
Sex, *. sesso.— Mz\e sex, love, amerò— I shall go, drizzare il corso.— To be
sesso mascotlno andrò well shaped, avere una bella
Sexagesima, *. sessagesima Instead of the Eng-
Sexennial, a. di sei anni lish also make use of rvill, Shapeless, a. sformato, mal-
Sextìle, a. sestile but with this difference, that fatto
Sexton, s. sagrìstano shall in the fir=t person de- Shaping, »./or»ia2!one
Sextuple, a. doppio sei volte notes a declaration, and in Shard, coccio
Shabby, a. sciamannato, m the second a-nd third a com- Share, ». parte, porzione. —
vestito, —
ily, ad. mendii mand; whereas will in all Ploughshare, coltro
mente, vilmente, vitupero- three denotes a promise, re- Share, v. n. dividere
samente.— To go shabbily,

Sharer, » spartitore
tsser mal vestilo, ness, —
Thev often make use of the Sharing, ». spartimento
s. mendicaggine, viltà. —
sign without the verb, to a

Shark, ». i>e»( '

Shabby fellow, «no strac-


— Sha
ciato. —
Shabby wench, una I shall. ing, scrocco, lo
pettegola Shabby
abito straccialo.
— suit,
Shabby —
; —Sharking ».

doings, azioni basse Sharp, a. acuto, taglianfe,

Shackles, s. ferri, ceppi. — vuole che io vada st puntuto, astuto, fino, sa-
Handshackles, manette s. gace, agro, pungente, mor-
Shackle, i'. a. mettere in ceppi, Shalloon, dente, vivo, violento, fiero,
inceppare fino leggiero, ra crude/e.—Sharp fight, »an-
Shad, s. aiosa Shallop, s. sehiffo guinoso combattimento. —
Shade, ». oynbra. — Night- Shallot, ». scalogno
shade, s. morella, — v. a. Shallow, a di poco fondo,— —
pro. Sharp cold, freddo
» —
Shallow-pate, or
Shallow-brains, s. un nidi-

acuto. Sharp reproof, as-
pra bravata. To look —
I ace, un pecorone, — ad. ly, sharp, star sulle stoccate.—
scempiataìnente, da scemo, Sharp-set, » affannato.—
' — ness, poco fondo
». Sharp-sighted, che ha la
breggtare una pittura, — Shalm, sorta d' -'-
». rumenta vista buona. —
ing, *. omltreggiamento. — I

musicale da fiato
That poor fellow is but the Sham, ». baia, l Sharp, V. a. mariuc'are,
shadow of a rr supposti truffare
.-I si, , Sharpen, v. a. aggtizzare,
Sham business, v affilare, —ing, ». ^àgguzza-
Shadowy, or Shady, e .-

supposta. Sham ci —
I burlare alcuno Sharper, ». un furbnne, un
a Shambles, ». beccherìa uomo mariuolo,
Shame, s. vergoirnc furfante
Sharply, ad. sottilmente, agra-
Shag, ».
es. calzoni di
felpa — ^Shag-breech-
Sharpner, ». arrotino
haired àop barbone 1
Sharpness, s.filo, punta, acri-

tftonia, rintemperie, it rigor, — Shecp-hoofc, verga di Sherry, ». spezie di vino btanc*
U rii^ihzza, of sight, — pastore Shew, ». apparenza, pretesto,
perspicacitàj —
of wit, solli- Sheepish, a. semplice, ines- festa, pompa. IVIake a —
ffliezza (Tingegno, of sto- — shew of one's riches, far
Sheer, ad. affatto Sheer
through, da banda a banda.

pompa. Make a fine shew,

— He carrieil it sheer away, Shew, I', a. mostrare, mani-
lo portò Iti a festare, provare, far vedere,
Sheer, v n. andare alla banda. parere, far vista, insegtiare,
—Sheer off, v. n. involarn annunciare, pubblicare. —
Shave, v. a. radere fondere, Sheer-hooV, a. ferro di quattro Shew mercy to one, far
spogliare, saccheggiare, — grazia Shew tricks, far —
Shave close, radere fin Sheers, s. forbici giitochi di mano. Shew —
presso alla superficie. I — Sheet anchor, s. Vancox cause, addurre ragioni
bhave three times a week, piti grossa —
Sheet cable, s. Shewer, ». colui che fa vedere
mi fu la barba tre volte la la go.ttena Shewing, ». il mostrare, mo-
Sheet, s. foglie, lenzuolo.
Shaveling, s. un ttomo tun- Book in sheets, un lib <rillante, sfivi
sciolto. —Sheet, v. a. pot
Shavcr, s. hatbiere. — He is
a cunning shaver, egli è un Sheeting, ». lenzuolo
Shekel,*, conio Giudaico anti
Shaving, s. tonditura Shelf, s. scaffale, secca
Shavings of wood, bruciali Sliell, conchiglia, com
». ing, ». protezione, difesa
She, pron. ella, essa bomba. Tortoise-shell,
Shear, s. covone di grana, scuda della testuggin medio, spediente,
Egg-shell, guscio d'Hai scusa, prelesto. — Heastuzia^
Nnt-shell, sco-sa di noce
Fish-shell, nicchio di pesce.
— shifts and evasions, egli ha
giri e rigiri.— Be put to
Shear, v. a. tondere — Shear —Shellfish, pesce di nic- one's shifts, non saper che
cloth, ciynare il panno, —er, chio. —
Shells of peas, or fare—He makes shift to
*.tonditure beans, guscio di piselli, o live, vive alla giornata. —
Shearing, s. tonditura —'Throw shells, gittar Shift, V. a cambiare. —
Shearing-time, il tempo del Shift one's lodgingG, mu-
fondere pecore
le Shell, V. a. digti re.— Shell tare la sua dimora. Shift —
Shearings, t. tosature one's self, cambiar di ca-
Shearman, *. cimatore piselli, o fave. Shell wal- — micia.—StàSl for one's self,
Shears, ,./orfc,-ri nuts, disgusciare delle noci ingegnarsi, industriarsi
Sheath, (scabbard), fodero di Shelly, or Shelled, a. squa- Shift, li. a. trovar giri e rigiri.
«parfa.— Sheath, i;. n. met- moso, coperto di conchiglie — Shift one on, strigarsi
tere la spada nel fodero Shelter, s. coperto, riparo, ri d'v >, —
er, ». mariuolo, —
Sheath a shii>, ricoprire il fugio, protezione. t'iy to — in( -.cambiamento. Shift- —
fondo d'un naviglio con a place for shelter, correre ing trick, astuzia, arte. —
al coperto. — He is fled to Shiftingiy, ad. astutamente,
me tor shelter, egli è ri
corso a me. —Shelter one. ShiUing, ». scellino
alcuno Shily, ad. con ritrosia
Shed, a. sparso. Bloodshed, — • !"•< re, di- Shin, or Shinbone, ». stinco
*.effusione di sangue Shii\e, » chiarezza, splendore.
Shed, s. casipola, casupula, — less, s. che noti.- ha rico- —Sunshine, la chiarezza del

spargere, versare. He be- — vero alcuno-

Shelves, s. pi. of Shelf, scaf-
il chiaro

gins to shed teeth, comincia fale Shin . rilttce

a mutare i denti Shelving, ». pendente ..
Shedding, s. spargimento, Shepherd,
». — ess,
eff-usiotie pastorella king should
Sheep, s. una pecora- To — be the shepherd of his liness, ». rtttosia, peritanza
cast a sheep's eye at one, people, un ré dovrebbe essere lingle, ». a»»iccHa— Shin
guardar uno sotto occhio. — il pastore del popolo eles, fuoco salvatico. —
Sheep-skin, s. pelle di ca- SBerbet, ». sorbetto Shingler, ». fscitor d'assi-
i<ra^o.— Sheep's-head, testa Sheriff, ». sceriffe, altv, or —
Shrievalty, ». l'ufficiò del
8heep-cote, or Sheep-fold, sceriffe—Sheriffwick, ». la
paroì di pecore, manàra. giurisdizione d'un bargello cello. — Shipboat, tchiffo.—
Shipboy, *. mnxzo di nave. Shopbook, *. libro di conti
— Shipboard, bordo di vat- Shoplifter, *. un mariunlo
ce/lo—To go on shipboard, Shoptecjjer, ». bottegaio

andare a bordo. Shipwright, Shorn, u. fonduto. Shorn vel- —
or Shipcarpenter, ». fale- vet, velluto raso

gname di vaicello. Ship- Shore, ». Udo, spiaggia, fogna,
monoy, ». tatta per la con- condotto, puntello, rincalzo. —
Shore up, v. a. appuntellare,
Short, a, corto, di poca lun-
fhezza, succinto, di poca
urata, breve. — To be short.

s. scheggia, girella, To make short work, per


finirla. —Be .short of mo-

tpeszare. ney, essere
ere spravisto di ad
freddo. —Shivering fit, rac-
—naro. In short, ni irei
^Short breath, ambascia -
Shoal, s. fhUa Shorthand, maniera di scr

Shoal, V. n. affollarsi I vere per abbreviature. -

Shock, *. urto, assalto, )f In a short time, fra poi

— —
tempo. Come short of one
designs, tnancare il colpo.-
Speak short, mangiar
parole — Short-sighted, a. t

Shoe, scarpa.
». Horse- — Short-lived, a. di corta vita
shoe, ferro di cavallo. — Short-winded, bolso, che ce
Wooden shoes, zoccoli. — difficolta respirai

Shoeblack, ragazzo che

netta le scarpe. Shoe- —
string, correggiola di scar-
pe To save shoe-leatl>er,
risparmiare le scarpe. — più
Shoe a horse, ferrare un Shortest, a. il pin corto
Shoeing, s. il ferrare poco tempo
Shoeing-hom, ».caizatnio
Shoemaker, ». calzolaio Shortened, i

Shook, pret. of shake, •^enotere

Shoot, ». pollone, rampollo,
un porcastro, tiro, colpo, — Shortenin
V, a. sparare, tirare, puliti- Shot, ». tiro, scotto
lare, passare come un lam- Shot, ». palle d'arine di fuoco,
po, martellare. —
Shoot a pallini. —dreat shot, palle
gun, sparare un schioppo. — I
di piombo. —
Shoot an arrow, scoccare palle di eannone.— 'Fo be
un dardo. —
Shoot at one,
tirare ad uno. Shoot out — i
a tiro d'i caHKOHc— Within
in ears, spigare, far le spi- musket- shot, a tiro di mos-
ghe, cascare, parlando d" chetto
una stella. —Shoot forth, Sho»-free, or Scot-free, a.

Imciarti, Shoot com, coals. franco, bardotto
Sic. vuotare un sacco di Shotten herring, aringa che
grano, di carbone Shoot — ha gettate Vunva. — He
one to death, moschettare
Shoot a bridge, passare sotto
— looks
a shotten - her-

un ponte magro e
Shooter, ». tiratore, pullula-


Shrivel, V. n. raggrinzarsi Sickly, a. malatìccio Sign, segno, indizio, trac
rjliroud, s. vestimento tana nel
quale s' inviluppano i co
Sickness, ». malattia Green, — s.
eia, pedata, insegna— Sign-
sickness, ifterijia.— Falling.
manual, signatura
Shroud, Sign, V. a. segnare, assegnare.
s, coperto, covei . lato, fianco
difesa 'i- "ettii, ban Signal, a. segnalato, egregio.
Shrouds of a ship, sartia
di vascello —
Shroud, v. „.
coprire, mettere al coperto.—
banda— TW ..^,.. ^,..^ „,
the stuff, il diritto d'un pan-
Shroud one's self, v. n. met 'erfam
no.— On ihe other siile, dati
tersi al coperto s self.
altra patte.— On both sides.
Shrovetide, segnalarsi
s. carnasciale dalle due bande— I am
of Signally, ad. segnalatamente
Shrove-Tuesday, Marled. neither side, not sono ver
nessuno. -Take one's side,
Siglature, s. segnatura.
Blank -signed, un bianca

Shrub, s. arhusceVo pigliar le parli di qualche-
Shrug, V. n.
stringersi nelle
spalle Signet, s. suggello
Sidesaddle, s. sella da donna Significance, or Significancy,
Shnint, a. scorciato, onpresi Sidelong, ad. per traverso,
Shudder, V. n. tremare /. signìjicanza, importanza
Shuffle ,. scompiglio, guo Sigmficant, a. significante,
Sideral, a. sidereo, stellato
zabugho, truffa, furben Sidesman, "'': "S^*Ìfi<:<^«tmiente
-—V. a. mescolare, — er, s. i sagre,
s. assistente del Q.-I^'fi
aigmficauon, s. signìfica-
Side- s, or Sidpwise, ad. da
Shuffling, s. mescolamento a. esprimere, sig.
Shufflingly, - nifican
Sidle, i ,„, „„,,„„„„c
Sh_., ""' ~'"°' *'^'^-
Siege, s. assedio— Lay siege te .^„ie,uo
Shunn a town, metter F assedio ai
Shut, rrato, fermato, — una città
Signing, s. il segnare
X.-. a cniudere. He sh — Sieve, s. buratelli, crivello,
Silence, j(. silenzio,
nitó.— Silence there, silen-
the door upon me, mi chiù staccio. — Sieve-maker, s. zio, zitto — Break
la porla in faccia.— Shut i
rinchiudere.—Shut one ov
staccialo. — Boltmg-sieve, s. rompere silenzio
frullone Silence, v. a. imporre silen-
chiuder la porta dietro adu:
Shutter, t, scuro d'una
finest i
3ift, V. a.
" a zio. —
I silenced him, lo
Shutting, s. il chiudere
2/0.— Sift cliurch-minister,
Shuttle, s. spola, spuola interdire
Shuttlecock, s. il giuoco d un prete
Silencing, s. ilfar tacere
Shy, pauroso, ritroso.— Si
Silent, a.
taciturno, cheto —
is very shy, ella è molto
tacete, _!y, 'ad.
tegnosa Look shy upo
mente.— He is very shy of Silk, s. ie^a.— Silk stockings,

me, egli mi fugge cnlzette di «^a.— Silk,

si^hin?;'; or
Sibilation. «. sibilo Silk stuff, drappo di seta
Sibyl, s. sibilla
Si|ht,T.' Silk wares, s. drapperia.
Silkmaii, un settaiuolo

Sicamore, s. sicomoro
Siccate, V. a. seccare, render ilk-weaver. s. faritn,. ^,
Silk-throwsters, s. ti citori dì
Siccity, s'. siccità, aridità
Sice, *. due sei,
! Silkworm, t. baco
(al giuj. sight.
— H( 1
Silken, a. di seta
Sick, a. ammalato, Sick of
thing, svogliato di quakh
a — sight, non lo vec ^i:-M I
Sill, s. limitare
Sillabub, or Sillibub
the first sight, _ „ fa
Sick, or Sicken, v. n. an
vista. — Get you out of
my dolce, e
si e

sight, sfrattate di qui.

Quick-sighted, perspicace. ___j,)/"£^'' r"^'
v. a. debilitare, rt — Snori-sighted, di co'-ta silly things, sciocchezze. ~
Sisto— Dim-sighted, a. di I

Silly man, un donno

Sickish, a. che è un poco
malato Silver, s. a>-^mfo._QuJcksiI.
Sickìo.s. falce
Sickliness, t. poca saniti
Sightly, ad. vistoso
rio. — Silver-wire, argento
Sigli, s. sigillo
filalo. — SiUer foam, schir-
urna d'argento. —
Silver- Sincere, a. sìncero, ly, ad. Siphon, ». sifone —
smith, s. argentiere. —Sil- sinceramente, ^ness, or Sin- Sipper, ». bevitorello —
Ter lace, «. gallone d'ar- cerity, s. sincerità Sippet, ». fetticella di pant
gento. —
Silver-mine, s. mi Sipphig, ». i7 bere a sorsi
Sinecure, ». beneficio semplice Sir, ». {to a gentil i) lignort

Sinew, ». nervo Sire, ». padre. •andsire.

Sinewy, a. nervoso
Sinful, a. crlminnle, corrotto, Siren, ». sirena
—ly, ad. Ex. To live sinfully,
viver nel peccalo, ness, ». —
jieccato Sirrah,'», briccone, furfante
Sing, V. a. cantare, lodare Sirup, ». sciroppo
Singe, ». a. abbrucciare leg- Sister, ». sorella Sistcr-in
giermente V, cognata. — Sisterhood,
Simmer, v. bollire adagio un gruppo di —
sorelle, ^ly,
Slmile!, ciambella, chicca
*. Singing, ». canto
Simoniaca!, a. simoniale, — ly, Singing-man, ». un cantante
ad. per simonia Singing-boy, ». un cantore
Simonist, s. un simoniaco Single, a. se,^plice, solo. - cavallo. -Sit i the
Slmony, *. simonia. Commit — Single life, ce/iiato—Single sun, slare al sole. iVhich —
siraony, v. a. simoneggiare combat, duello way does the wind sit ? in
Simper, v. n. sorridere, gril- Single, or Single cut, v. a. se- che parte è il vento t her» —A
parare, sceverare, segnare, that sits, una gallina che
Simple, — ness, ». simplicità, purità —
cova. Sit, adunarsi, radu-
Singly, ad. ad uno ad uno narsi.—Sit waiting for one,
Singular, a. singolare, parti- aspettare qualcheduno. Sit —
Simples, s. f colare, speziiUe, raro, eccel- drinking, passar il tempo
medicinali lente, bizarro. —
ity. ». singo-
Sirapleness, s. semplicità, sem- lariti'i, rarità, eccellenza, versi, stare ozioso. —Sit
plicezza aiJeltazione, —ile, ti. a. dis- one's picture, farsi dipi-
Simpler, or Simplest, ». «em- tinguere, ly, —
ad. singo- gnere. —A
coat that sits well,
«7» abito attuato. Sit up —
Simpleton, s. vn semplicione Singult, ». singulto, singhiozzo at night, vegliare. Sit up —
Simplicity, s. semplicità, bef- Sinister, a. disonesto, ingiusto, in one's bed, sedersi assiso
faggine, schiarezza, purità maligno, mtilizioso, infelice. sul letto. —
Sit up, /*rar»/.
Simpling, s. Ex. To go a — Sit upon one, giudicare
simpling, andar cogliendo —
alcuno. Sit down, sedetsi.
Simply, ad. semplicemente, e
— Sit you
8U down
a place,

didamente, scioccamente assediare un luogo
Simular, ». simulatore sewer, cloaca, fogna
». Site, ». sito, situazione
Simulate, v. simulare, dissi- link, V. a. S,- u. affondare, an- Sith, ». poicìiè, posciachi
dare a fondai distrtiggere, Sitter, ». uno che sta a sedtr^
Simulation, ». simulazione disfare, custodire parie d'una Sitting, ». il sedere
Simultaneous, a. simultaneo scrmma di danari, perire, Sitting, ». sessione
Sin, ». peccato, fallo, difetto, perdersi, —
^ing, ». l'affimdare. Sitting-place, ». un seggio
— V. n. peccare, errare, fai- — Tills paper sinks, questa Situated, a. situato, collocato
caria beve l'inchiostro. His — Situation, ». etto, situazione
Since, ad di poi, dopo. Since — courage sinks, i7 corraggio Six, a. sei. —
Six hundred,
his death, dopo la sua morte. gli manca Sink into secento. —
At sixes and «o-
—That happened since, ciò veiis, in abbandono. Six- —
accadde — How long
dojio. fold, a. sestuplo. —
since was it done? quanto a. sedici. —
Sixteenth, a.
tempo i che questo è fatto f—
Sinking, ». P affondare ima sedicesima parte. —
Long since, long ago, moìln Sinned, pret. of Sin, peccare Sixteenth, a. sedicesimo. —
tempo fa. —A
while since, Sinner, ». peccatore Sixth, a sesto. —

poco fa. Many years since, Sinning, ». il peccare a. sessantesimo. —
molti anni sono He died Sinoper, ». sinopia ad. in sesto luogo. Sixty, —
Sinuosity, ». sinuosità a. sessanta
/ che è -It is r., misura,
four days Sinus, ». seno, luogo stretto
quattro giorni
Since, conj. poiché, posciaclU.
— tòrsi.— To ìove a sip, esst
Since it is so, poiché '
Sizeable, a. proporxionala- Skittish, a. res Sltp, r. a. battere, tchiqffeg.
mente grande schifo, fantastico, capriccioso, g-iare.— Slap up, inghioitare,
Sizer, a. vn pmrero scolare che ly, ad. saltellone, —
^ness, s. ingoiare
qualità d'wi cavallo che è Slapping, s. il battere
Sizing, s. l'incerare, misur restio, capriccio Slash, s. staffilata, taglio,
Skittles, s. birillo freggio, —V. a. stq,ffilare,
Sizy, a appiccane- Skue, ad. a traverso. —
—V. n. tagliare, —ing, *.
askue upon one, guardare staffilamenio
uno con occhio bieco Slate, *. lavagna, —v. a. coprir
V. n. camminare di tra- di lavagne
lattem, s. una djnna spen-
Skeptic, I. un incredulo, Skulk, V. n. celarsi, nascon-
septieo, — al, a. miscre- dersi Slav schiavo. Bf ake a —


dente, ism, incredulità. Sky, s. il firmamento, il cielo. slave of one, trattar uno

Sky-colour, azzurro, tur- di schiavo, v, n. tormen- —
Sketch, schizzo, sbozzo,
t. — chino. — Skylark, allodola. — tarsi
r. a. schizzare, abbozzare Skyrocket, razzo Slaver, s. bara, —
v. n. bavare
Skewer, s. brocco, stecco Slab, s. fango, sfasciatura Slavery, s. schiavini. Death —
Skiff, ,. schifo Slabber, v. a. sporcare. —
v. n. preferable to slavery, la
Skilful, fl. saccente, dotto, ly, — havare. —
Slabber-chops, or irle è da preferire alla
ad. dottamente Slabbercr, *. un bavoso, — .liaritù
Skill ing, *. lo sporcare Slaughter, s. uccisione, strage.
To have skill in any thing, Slabbiness, *. lo siato d'una — Slaughter-house, bec- s.
iiUetidersi di qualche cosa. cosa eh' è fangosa cherìa. — Slaughter-man, ma-
—I have no skill in horses,

Slabby, a. fangoso, sporco cellaio, —v. a. ammazzare,
ionon m'intendo di cavalli. Slack, a. lento, negligente, trucidare
Try one's skill, dar pruova pigro, tardo, —
v. n. rallen- Slavish, a. di schiavo, ly, —
del suo sapere tarsi. —His fever slacks, la ad. servilmente, ness, s. —
Skilled, a. dotto sua febbre si rallenta, —v. a
Skillet, J. paiuolo
Skim, r. a. scliiumare, scor-

rallentare i
Slay, V. a. uccidere
E.T. a man slayer,
—un omi-

Skimmer^ «. sehiumatoio Sleazy, a. rado, so'.tile

Skimming, s. lo schiumare Sledge, s. slitta. Smith's —
Skin, s. pelle, cuoio,—of fruits, alle, sledge, un martello d%

buccia. He is nothing but Slackly, ad. lentamente, fred- fabbro
skin and bone, non lia che la damente Sleek, a. liscio, pulito, —v. a.
pelle e P ossa Slackness, s. lentezza, pi-
Skin, r. a. scorticare grizia per farla pulita, —ing, s. il
Skink, *. serpe di quattro Slain, a. amaszallo
Slake, V. a. liquefare, stem- Sleep, s. sonno, t'. n. dor- —
SWnnéd, a. scorticato. — perare.-^Slàke one's thiitó,
Thick-skinned, che ha la smorzarsi la sete. —
Slake ily, ad. dormendo, iness, *. —
pelle grossa sonno, —
ir.g, s. il dormire,
Skinner, *. pellicciaio riposo. —
Sleeping-place, luo-
Skip, salto, balzo. — Sfcip- Slaking, s. stemperamento go oppoìiuno a dormire
Slam. s. capotto Sleepless, a. che non dorme
cionnu. — Skip-kenne!, s. un Slander, s. calunnia, i). a. — Sleepy, a. addormentato. —
calunniare, sparlar d'uno, The sleepy disease, le-
Skip, V. n. saltare, saltellare — er, s. calunniatore, ing, — targia
Skipper, s. saltatore, padrone s.maldicenza Sleet, s. pioggia mescolata
d'una barca Olandese, mari- Slanderous, a. calunnioso, mal-
dicente, — ly, ad. calunniosa- nevicare insieme. — Sleety
Skipping, s. il saltare mente
Skirmish, *. scaramuccia, —
Slank, a. maero,
^ asciutto, s. —
V. n. scaramucciare, —ex, s. sala, alga
una che scaramuccia, —
ing, Slant, or Slanting, a. traverso, —To laugh in one's sleeve,
4. scaramuccia obliquo. Slanting blow, ro- —
Skirret, f . vescione. — Slantingly, or Slee'^elès's. a. senza maniche.-
Sfc fimbria, gherone. —
Slantly, ad. obliquamente
Skirts of a gown, il lembo Slap, j. colpo, percossa, la-
d'una gonna. —
Skirts of a vatura, on tlie face, uno — Sleight, s. furberia, burla, —of
couiitr)', le frontiere d'un ifljTÒ. Slapdash, in un — hand, gittcco di mano
dipo S;ender, a. magro, smunto-
4S3 X 2
ponevo, piccolo, — ly, ad. p gìUzzanie, —
iness, ». qualità
veramente, —ness, 3. quali sdrucciolevole. —
Slippery bu-
siness, negozio geloso
Slept, prel. 0/ Sleep, dormir: Slipping, ». lo sdrucciolare Slut,»
Slew, prel. of Slay, uccidere Slip-ihoil, a. che ha le scarpe Sluttery, ». sporcizia
Sley, I), dividersi, o attorcer Sluttish, a. 'sporco, sucido, —
infila.— S\ey, s. peUiiie~dei inelle, se a tin u dalle ly, ad. sporcamente, lorda

:. tagliai
simil CI. a. fino, astuto
infette Slipt, e ciolato Slyiy, ad. astutamente
Slid, pret. of Slide, sdrucciolare ìpaccato,— a. fen- Slyness, ». astuzia, destrezza
Slide, s. sdrucciolo, • —v Smack, ». gusto, sapore, un
sdrucciolare. —
Slide dere, — V. n. fendersi bacio che scoppia fra le lab-
hand into one's pocket, liver, ». una fetta, —v. a. bra, sorte di nave, of learn- — —
ter pian piano la mano nella affettare ing, tintura delle scienze,
scarsella ad uno Sloe, ». prugnola v.n. sapere, aiier sapore, fare
Slider, ». quello che sdrucciola Sloetree, ». prugnolo strepito colla bocca, assag-
Sliding, s. lo sdrucciolare Sloop, ». »cA;/o
Sliding-knot. nodo scorsoio Slope, V. a. tagliare in pendio,
Sliding-place, sdrucciolo — V. n. sbiecare, andar a
Slight, a. rado, saltile, di poca sghembo, — ». incavo taglio, Small, a . „^

importanza. Make slight of pendice, il declivio Small print,

lettera minuta.
a thing, /ai- poco conio di che Slopeness, ». obliquità — Man of small learning, un
Sloping, a. obliquo, pendente, uomo di poco sapere. Small —
Slight, V. a. dispregiare, ^ing, — — ly, ad. in pendio, obliqua- arms, armi corte da fuoco
s. disprezzo, —
inglj, or ly, — Small cards, le carte basse. —
ad. dispregevolmente, negli- Sloppy, a. umido, sporco Small-po.\, il vainola
superficialmente. Slops, s.calzoni di marinari Small,». Ex. The small of the
Slot, ». la traccia d'un cervo leg, la parte minuta della
Sloth, ». accidia, infingardag-
gine Smallage, appio

vischio, umire, bel- Slothful, a. scioperato, — ly, ad. Smallness, ». piccolezza

pigramente Smalt, ». smallo
Slouch, ». un zotico Smaragdine, ». smeraldo
Sloven, ». uno sporco, un brodo- Smart, a. acuto, ardente, agro,
^'ing, t. fromba, frombola, — aspro, mordace, piccante,
colla fino, vivace
frombola, — er, ». fromboliere,
—ing, ». lo scagliare hifezza Smart, ti. ». frizzare, pizzicare.
Slink, t>. a. icappace.—Slink Slough, ». l'umidità, pozza, la- wound smarts, la mia — My
aside, mettersi in disparie cuna, of a snake, scaglia — piaga mi frizza. You shall —
— ing, ». scappata di serpe smart for it, voi la pagherete,
Slip, ». errore, fallo, svario low, o. pigro, lento. ing, ». cociore, — My
ly, ad. sot- — —
piantone, pollone, cordone d watch goes too slow, il mio tilmente, ^ness, ». violenza —
seta. — Hempen slip, uni orinolo va troppo tardi del dolore, l'energia d'un dis-
corda. — Slip of paper, un lowness, ». lentezza
pezzo di carta.— Gite one the Slubber, v. a. acciabattare Smatch of learning, tintura di
slip, involarsi, —
Slip shoes, Slug, ». palle d'archibugio.
scarpe che si portano come Smatterer, ». semidotto
pianelle Smattering, ». tintura
Slip, V. n. sdrucciolare, scor- che non veleggia bene, una Smear, v. a. imbrattare, lodare
rere.— S\rp away, scappare. Smeli, ». sentore, odore. —
— Slip down, sdrucciolare, Sluggard, ». un dormiglione, Smell-feast, scroccone
cascare. —
Slip into, sotien- pigro, infingardo Smeli, V. a. ... »e.i<ire, fiu-
— *
trare. —Slip out, uscire occul- Sluggish, a. dormiglioso, pigro, tare. Smeli tliis rose, odo-

tamente. It will slip out of —
ly, ad. lentamente, ness, —
rate questa rosa. I smeli a —
my memory, m'uscirà di ». infingardaggine rat, mi diffido dì qualche cosa.
mente. —
Slip one's clothes Sluice, ». cateratta. Sluice —
Smeli a thing out, presen- —
on, mettersi subito gli abiti ondare, mper tire qualche cosa, er, ». —
in dosso Slip off one's colui che fiuta, ing, ». —
(iioes, cavarsi le scarpe {•odorato
Slipper, ». pianella Smelt out, a, seoperlo, pr€
Slipper;-, a. sdrucciolevole, sentito
Smelt, *. (fish), cefalo, perìano Smug, a. pulito, lesto
Smelt, v.Jhndere.far liquefare Smug one's self up, v. n. ag-
i metalli, — er. s. fonditore di giustarsi, adornarsi
metalli Smuggle, V. a. fare il mestiere Sniff, V. 71. torcere il
' di contrabbandiere Snigger, v. n. .'^irrider
allegra Smuggler, s. contrabbandiere Snip, s. pezzo, bocce,
Smerking, j. aria ridente Smugly, ad. pulitamente snips with one, spai
Smicket, s. camisciu. da donna Smugness, s. pulizia
Smut, s. spoìchezza, oscenità, Snip off, ti. a. mozzare
ridere. — She smiled upon — V. a. indjrattare, spor- Snipe, s. beccacino
me. ella m' ha sorriso Snivel, s. macchio,— V.
Smilitig, s. sorriso Smutty, a. sporco,
osceno, — il fiat
Smite, f. a. percuotere.— She ily, ad. oscenamente, iness, —
has me, ella m' ha 'J}'l!g^"e,osc^ità Snore, or Snort, v. n russare.
— Snorer, quello che russa.
Smiter, s. percuntitore — Snoring, s. il rttssare
Smith, s. —
fabbro. Smith's Snaffle, «. filetto a morso di Snot, s. moccio, mucco
shop, fucina. — Goldsmith, cavallo
orefice. — Gunsmith, armai- Snag, s. nodo, bozzolo, lumaca Snout, s. grifo, tnuso, la pro-
uolo. — Locksmith, magnano. Snaggy, a. litigiosa boscide d'mi elefante
—Silversmith, argentiere Snail, t. lumaca Snouted, a. che ha il grugno in
Smithing, s. arte del fabbro Snake,«. «r;)e,6iicia.— Rattle-
ferraio [ferraio snake, cavdisona. Snake- —
Smithcrj-, s. bottega ài fabbro weed, bistorta li !

Smiting, s. percuotimeiUo Snap, s. strepito, romore,

Smitten, a. percosso boccone, — v. a. rompere, Snub, t ibbvffare, repri-
Sraock, s. camiscia da donna frangere, afferrare, pigli- rucHcre, singhiozzare,
Smockface, s. viso etìlmmi- are. — Snap — bing, s. il rabbuffare
nato.-a. pallido Snuftj s. lucignolo d'una lu-

Smoke, s. fumo, v. n. fumare, Snap, V. tt. rompersi, fondersi, cerna, un pezzo di candela,
far fumo, ajriimicare.-T:hì& tabacco in jio/recc— Snuff-
room smokes, tjiiestu ca7nera Snapper, s. acchiappatore

box, s. tabacchiera. To take —
fuma. Smoke tobacco, fu- Snapping, s. il rompere snuff, v. 71. prender del
mar del tabacco. — Smoke a Snappish, a. rozzo, zotico, tabacco
business, odorare qualche — ly, ad. incivilmente Snuff, V. a. smoccolar la can-
Snare, *.galappio, trappola. — dela.— Snuft' at one, andare
Smoker, fumatore
s. To lay snares, v. a. tendere
Smokiness, s. gran fumo Snuffer, s. colui che smoccola le
Smoking, s. il fumare Snare, r. a. allacciare. — Snare candele
Smokv, a. affumicato, fumoso, one's seltj allacciarsi Snuffers, s. smoccolatoio
vecchio, offensivo Snarer, s. insidiatore, che tende Snuflers-pan, s. pialello da
Smote, pre^ o/ Smite smoccolatoio
Sniootli, a. piano, uguale^ liscio, Snaring, s. l'insidiare Snuffing, 4. lo smoccolare
ajffabile.ciiilc. —Smooth style, Snarl, v. a. raggruppare. —
Snuffle, V. n. parlar dal naso
uno stile corrente. — Smooth Snuffler, «. qxtello che parla nel
file,lima sorda. Smooth — Snarling, a. ringhioso
tongue, una lingua melata, Snatch, *. pezzo, v. a. — Snug, a. comode, ben fatto. —A
adulatore abbrancare, afferrare, _er, snug room is better than a
Smooth, r. a. appianale, *. arrappatore palace, uva camera co-
i;»a«are. —
Smooth one up, Snatching, *. l'arrappare, — moda e da preferire ad un
piaggiare, adulare ly, ad. con modo stibito
Smoothen, v. a. rendere uguale Sneak, r. n. rampicare. —
Smoothing, s. l'appianare Sneak away, andare colla
Smootlily, ad. do!cejnente,pian testa bassa. — Sneak into
— Is it so ? e COSI r— suppose
Smoothness, s. dolcezza, — of cantoni it to be so, supposto che sia
style, stile limato Sneaking, a.
abbietto, vile, coii.— Why so, e perchè —
Smother, v. a. affogare, sof- povero, tapino, avaro, stretto, So much, tante —
It is so
focare, celare,' sopprimere, —s. il rampicare, ly, ad. — good, è così buono.— So that,
—er, «. quello che affoga, bassamente, meschinamente, di maniera che, talmente
—ing, s. affogamento — ness, s. bassezza che. —
So, (provided that)
Smonlder, t. a. affogare Sneer, r. n. ghignare, er,
— —
purché. If it be so thai.
Smouldering, a. affogante. s. che ride scoi
— ing, s. ghignata
Soften, V. a. ammorbidare, Solicitor, t. tolleeitatore
mollijicare, addolcire, mi- Solicitous, a. sollecito
tigare, ammollire, i». n. — Solicitude, ». sollecitudine
Soap, s. sapone. —

ammorbidirsi, - ing, s, il Solid, a. solide, duro, mat
«. colui che fi il sapone. raddolcire [molte siedo, reale, *jffWivo,—s. va
Soap-house, s. saponeria. — Softish, a. molliccio, alquanto corpo solido, —
ity, ». soli-
Wash in soap, insaponare. Softly, ad. pian piano, bel dità, —ly, ad. solidamente
—Soapwort, saponaria btlln, con bel modo, adagio, Soliloquy, ». soliloquio A
Soar, V. sorare, volare.
n. — piano, alto là, piano, sotto soliloquy is the touchstone
He soars above his sphere, of a good actor, 1/ solilo-
la sua vanaglurìa affoga il ]uio è il criterio d'un buon
comediante [scarpe
Soaring, a. sublime, il sorare Sol-ing, ». il mettere le suola alle
Sob, *. singhiozzo, v. n, — Soil, s. suolo, terreno, letame, Solitary, a. solitaro, che fugge
singhiozzare concio. —
Soil of a boar, il la compagnia, —
ily, ad. solo
Sobbing, *. singhiozzo porcile d'un cinghiale a solo, —
^mess, ». vita solitaria
Sober, a. sobrio., parco, asti- Soil, V a. dar il concio, Ida. Solitude, ». solitudine
nenie, grave, serio, che one's clotlies, Soliar, ». granajo, soffitta
non è briaco, — ly, ad. so- Solstice. ». solstizio
Soiling, s. il letamare Solstitial, a. solstiziario
Sobemess, or Sobriety, s. aria Sojourn, v. soggiornare, Solvable, a. benestante, che pub
modesta, so.hrietà, temperanza dimorare, —n.
er, s. forestiero,
Socage, or Soccage, t. igno- —ing, s. soggiorno Soluble, a. solubile
Sol, s. sol, (voce musicale), il Solve, V. a. solvere, risolvere
Socager, or Soccager, ». igno- Solvent, a. che pub pagare
Solution, ». soluzione.— Hk
Sociable, or Social, a. sociabile, oddities challenge every
sociale solution, la sua fantasti-
Sociableness, s. umore snciabile chezza non si pub espri-
Society, s società, compagnia Solar, a. solare,— i. soffitta
Socinians, s. Soeinic,
' —
Sold, a. venduto. ^A thing to Solutive, a. solutivo '

Socii !. Socìn be sold, una cosa da vendere Some, pron. qualehe. Some —
Solder, *. saldatura time or other, un giorno o
Soldier, s. soldato l'altro
Soldier-like, or Soldierly, a. Some, a. un poco, un pò. —
pone,—ot a tooth, la gengiva, soldatesco Give me some bread, da-
— of the eye, occhiato Sole, a. solo, unico, s. la — temi del pane.— Some men,
Sod, s. gleba pianta del piede —
Sole of a alcuni. — Some way, o:ie
Sod, or Sodden, a. lesso, bol- shoe, il suolo d'una scarpa some another, di qua,
Sole, s. (fish), sogliola chi di là. —Somechi (certain),
Sole, V. a. mettere le suola certi, alcuni
Soder, or Solder,
— s. saldatura, Solecism, s. solecismo. Vou — Somebody, ». qualeheduno.
V. a. saldare, riunire, —ing, have —Give me some of it, da-
parable solecism in that
Sodomite, ». sodomita aiTair, ella ha commesso takes himself to be some-
Sodomy, s. sodomia errore senza riparo in questo body, poveraccio ! treperà
Soever, particle united with d'orgoglio
the pronouns who, what, Some (about), da, incirca
which. Ez, Whosoever, Something, or Somewhat,
qualunque, chiunque. AVhat- — unifico, pomposo, qualche cosa
soever, che che »/a.—Which autentico, — ly, ad, lolen- Somewhere, ad. in qualche
«vay soever, in qualunque nemenle luogo. —
Somewhere else,
Solemnity, s, solennità, pompa altrove
Sofa, * Solemnization, or Solemniz- Somniferous, a. sonnifero
Soft, a. motte, tenero, benigno, ing, s. il solenneggiare Somnolence, ». sonnolenza
piacevole. —
To speak with a Solemnize, v. a. solenneg- Son, s. fglio,.figli7lolo.—Son-
soft voice, parlar sotto voce. giare, —ing, ». il solenrteg- inla.w, figliastro, genero.
Soft pace, passo lento. — —Grandson, un nipote. ».
Softly, ad. mollemente, piano, Solicit, V. a. sollecitare — Godson, un figlioccio.
atto là
Soft, — —Every mother's son, ria»-
,. Ex. Soft-brained, molare, importunare,
stolto, scimunito. Soft- — ation, ». sollecitazione, in- Song, ». canzona, cantnt.e
hearted, misericordioso, stigazione, —
ing, ». soiled- Songster, ». «n cantant
pietoso tam
Sonorous a. sonoro, che rende my great sorrow, Mgran
tuono, — ad. tonoramente
Senship, s. qualità di figlio Sorrow, V. n. affliggersi af-
Soon, ad. tosto, suLito. Too — fannarsi. — Sorrowful, a, Soundness, i perfetto.
soon, troppo presto. Soon — tristo, misero, in-
after, non mollo dopo. As felice, —afflitto,
ly, ad. cordoglio- Soup, s. zuppa, minestra
soon as I saw him, subito che samente, infelicemente Sour, «3. agro,
acido, acerbo,
lo vidi Sorry, a, tristo, mesto, dii- —ish, agretto, alquanto
Sooner, ad. più tosto, ansi pregevule. meschijio. I am — agro, ly, —ad. agramente,
Soonest, ad. il piti presto sorry for it, mi dispiace aspramente, —ness, *. a-
Soot, t. fuliggine, caligine Sort, *. sorta, spezie, modo, grezza. —
Soux look, cera
Sooth up, t'. a. lusingare. miera. —
After this sort,
questo modo. —
To be out Sour, V. n. infurrarsì, divenir
Soothing, s. lusinga, adulazione sorts, esser di cattivo —
agro, V. a. inasprire
Soothsajer, i. indovino Source, s. sorgente, fonte
Sootlisaving, i. l'indovinare Sort, V. a. assortire Sous, s. un soldo di Francia
Sooty, a. fuligginoso Sortable, a. convenevole Souse, s. porco marinato.—
Sortably, ad. convenevohnenie mse pork, v. a. mari-
Sorting, s. assortimento dei porco, — ad. im'
zuppai Sortment, s assortimento lamente
gnere Sot, s. babbuasso, donno, un South, s. ntezzogiorno
Sophi, s. il SoJÌ, il Rè di Pertii Southern, or Southerly, a.
Sophism, sofisma Sottish, a. sciocco, scimunito, meridionale, di mezzogior-
Sophist, —s.
er, s. un sofistico — ly, ad. scioccamente, — no. —
South wind, vento di
un volpone, un uomo astuto ness, /. sciocchezza, pazzia mezzogiorno. South-east —
Sovereign, a. sovrano, asso- wind, scilocco. South-west —
Sophisticate, v. a. adulte' luto, eccellente, singolare, wind, garbino, libeccio
rare, —
ing, or tion, s. — Southwards, ad. verso
sofisticheria, —or, s. colui — ly, ad. mezzogiorno, South
che sofìitica celtenfemente countries, paesi menrfjo-
Sophistry, s. sofisticheria Sovereignty, s. sovranità, state
Soporiferous, a. soporifero d'un principe sovrai Southem wood, *. abrutino
So}iped, or Sopt, a. inzuppalo Sought, pret. o/Seek Sow, s. troia. — Sow of melt-
Sopper, s. colui che inzuppa boul, s. anima, spirito.— Good ed iron, grosso pezzo di
Sorbapple, s. sorba. —
Sorb- honest soul, MH uomodabbei ferro. —
Sow of lead, massa
apple-tree, s.sorbo — Upon my soul, su I'anir di piombo. Sow-pig, una—
Sorbonist, *. dottore del col- —
mia. All-souls day, ilgior
legio della Sorbona in Pa- de' morti Sow, V. a. seminare, sementare
rigi Soul-saving, a. salutare Sower, *. seminatore
Sorcerer, s. uno stregone Sound, s. suono, rimbombo. Sowing, s. setninamento
Sorceress, s.ttna strega —To make a sound, risonai Sowing-time, s. sementa
Sorcery, s. stregoneria Sound, s. lo stretto del ma, Sown, a. seminato
Sordid, a. sordido, so:zo, su- BaUico Space, *. spazio. In a short —
Sound, a. intiero, al quale ne space, 2K piccolo spazio
manca niente, ben condiz Space between, s. intervallo
Spacious, a. spazioso, ly, —
lido. —
To give one a sound ad. spaziosamente, ness, —
ulcer, piaga.— Full oi se blow, dare un gran colpo ad s. ampiezza dì luogo

uno. To be in a sound sleep, Spade, ». zappa, vanga, cervo
Sore, ad. mclto, grandetnente. esser in un profondo sonno. ditt
—l vas sore afraid, temevo — Wood that is not sound, j. pi. picch

molto.— 1 am sore vexed, il legno fr acido

mio cuore è trafitto Sound, V. a. sonare, spiar Spadille,
Sorel, s. daino di tre anni l'animo, risonare. Sound — Spake, prei.c/ Speak
Sorely, ad. gravemente the retreat, batter la Span, s. jpanna.— Spick and
Soreness, *. male,— of the eyes, rata. —
Sound forth, span new, nuovo di zecca
mal d'occhi nare, rirnbombare. Sound — Span, v. a. mi.iurare a spanne
Sorrel, s. acetosa a letter, pronunziare una Spangle, s. foglia, pagliuola,
Sorrel, a. sauro, rosso lettera. —
Sound the deptli
— V. a. spargere di pa-
Sorrily, ad. malamente, cat- of the sea, ecandagliare ^liuole
tivamente [povertà Spaniel, s. un bracco, tane di
Sorriness, meschinezza. Sounder, a. più sano Spagna
Sorrow, s. sfortuna, disgra- Sounding, s. il sonare Spanish, a. Spagniuo'o, —
zia, ajffunno, dolore. — To Sounding-lead, «. scandaglio lly, canterella, paint —


cerusta, — wool, liscio, Spaying, s. il castrare la fattila. —
He stood speech-
pezzetta, —red, cinatro Speak, f. a. parlate, profe- less, rimale /„or di se
Spanker, moneta piccola
«. Speed, s. fratta.— To make
Spanking, a. letto. Undo Speak out, parlar ad alta sjieed, affrettarsi. — Run
Spanner, s. il cane d'una ca- ••oce. —
Speak low, parlar with all speed, correr fret
Spar, s. una sbarra di legno, Speed, V. n. riuscire, —v. a.
vetro di Motcovia Speaking, s. il parlare far riuscire. God — speed
Spar, V. a sbarrare Speaking trumpet, tromba you. Iddio v' accompagni
Sparables, s. chiodi piccolissimi Speedily, ad. prontamente
Sparagus, asparagus, *. aspa- Spear, s lancia, asta. — Spear- Speedmess, ». prontezza, fretta
man, lancia. —French spear, Speedy, a. pronto
Spare, a. magro. diet, dardo.— Spear, ti. a. trafig-
vita p.'irca, frugale. — gere con lancia, germogliare. compitare le lettere, ortogra-
Spare thing, cosa di riserva.
—Spare time, ozio. —Spare Special, a. speziale, singolare, Speller, ». quello che compita
money, danaro d'avan;.o. eccellente, squisito, ottimo, Spelling, ». it compitare.—
— Spare ribs, coslule di — ly, ad. spezialmente, ty, — Art of spelling, l'ortografia
s. obligazinne, cedola Spelt, a. compitato
Specie,», oro, o argento battuto Spelt, ». spetda, biada
ragnare, riservare, conser-
vare, perdonare. Spare
for nothing, non sparagnar
— Spec
.... [cifico
Spelter, »
spezie di metallo

Spend, r. a. spendere, spie-

niente. — I'll spare you tliat Specificai, or Specific, a. spe- gare, passare, consumare,
trouble, i-cglio esentarvi Specifically, ad. specificamente rifinire. —
Spend one's self,
da questo incomodo.— It I Specificate, v. a. dichiarare ». n consumarsi
can spare any thing, te avrò posilivamenle Spender, ». spenditore
Specihcation, s. specifica- Spending, ». lo spendere
Sparing, s. risparmio Spendthrift, ». uno spende-
Spiring, a risparmiante, Specify, V. a. specificare
Specifying, *. specificazione Spent, a. consumato.— Ili got,
mente, —ness, s. risparmio Specimen, s. saggio, cimento ili speeit, farina del diavolo
s. scintilla,
Specious, a. spezioio, apparente
Speciously, ad. apparentc-
va tutta in crusca — I am
piceolo diamante Sperm, ». sperma, seme delC
Sparkish, a. gain, galante Speck. s. macchia
Sparkle, s. scintilla. Spar- — Speckle, v a. macchiare Spermatic, spermatico
al, a.
kles of iron, pagliuole di Speckled, a. macchiato Spew, v. a. vomitare
ferro Speckling, s. il macchiare Sphacelate, i-. cagionar can-
Sparkle, v. a. scintillare, sfa- Spectable, a. spettabile chero, incancherirsi
villare, brillare, rispìen- Spectacle, *. spettacolo. — Sphacelus, ». canchero,cancrena
dere Pair of spectacles, uh paio Sphere, ». sfera, portata
Sparkling, s. lo scintillare, — d'occhiali. Spectacle- Spherical, a. sferico, — ly, ad.
a scintillante, sfavillante maker, s. occhialaio sfericamente
Sparrow, s. passero. — Hen- Spectator, s. spettatore Spheroid, ». sferoide
sparrow, passera. — Hedge Spectatrix, *. spettatrice Sphinx, ». sfinge, {mostro
sparrow, verdiero Spedile, s. spettro, fantasma favoloso) [sierie
Spasm, s. spasmo Speculate, t'. a. speculare, Spice, r. a. condire con spe-
Spasmodic, a. spasmodico contemplare [teorica Spice, ». spezie
Spat, s. fregola d'ostriche Speculation, *. speculazione. Spicer, ». speziale
Spatter, v a. sporcare, lordai Speculative, a. speculativo Spicery, ». spezieria [zierie
Spatterdashes, t. specie < Speculatively, ad. specula- Spicing, ». il condire con spe-
tivamente Spider, ». ragno. Spider'» —
Spattle, or Spatula, ». spatola Speculator, *. speculatore web, ragnatela. Spider- —
Spavin, s. spavento Speculatory, a. speculativo wort, spezie d'erba
Spawl, 1-. n. sputare Sped, pret. S,- part, past of Spigot, ». zipolo
Spawling, s. lo sputare Speed, spedirsi Spike, ». chiodo grosso, v. a. —
Spawn, s.fregolo,-v. Speech, s. favella, pa-nla, lii appuntare. —
Spike a gun,
Aare m
frega, er, t. pesce — gua, linguaggio, i,4rors , inchiodare un cannone
feminina, pesciolino, ing, — —
orazione. The eight parts
s. fi ega. —
Spawning-time, of speech, le otto parti deW
il tempo che i pesci vanno in orazione. —
To be slow of
frega [femmine speech, parlar lentamente
Spay, V. a. castrare animali Speechless, a. eke ha perduto
Spit. (I. tpuiulc, —v. a. mettere

I. Jìtere.— spin < nello spiedo, sputare

'^'ìhè 't Spitchcock, spezie d'atiguilla
at the irar./ur durare grossa


III guerra The top spins, Spite, s. rancore, dispetto.—He

troffola dorme has a spite against me, mi ha

Spinage, s. spinace

in odio. In spite, ad. per
Spinai, a. spinale dispetto, malgrado
Spindle, s. fiiso. — Spindle- Spite. V. a. dispettare, far Sponsor, ». mallevadore, pa-
legs, gambe di fuso—Spia- dispetto drigno
dle-tree, fusaggine. —Spin- Spited, a. di-spettato, irritato Spontaneous, a. spontaneo, —
dle-niaker, fusaio. — Spin- Spiteful, e. dispettoso, mali- ly, ad. spontaneamente
dle-shanked, che ha gambe zioso, — ly, ad. dispettosa- Spool, ». canello
di fuso Spooling-wheel, ». arcolaio
Spine, s. la spina Spitter, ». che sputa Spoon, cucchiaio.
». Spoon- —
Spinet, s. spinetta full, una cucchiaiata. —
Spiniferous, a. spinoso Spoonwort, ». sorta d'erba.
Spink, j. /( ingnello Spitting, s. il mettere nello — Spoon-mcat, ». tutte quelle
S,.inncr, s. ragno, filatore spiedo, lo sputare vivande che si mangiano col
Spinning, j. il filare.— Spin- Spittle, ». sputo, scialila
Jlmg^^heel, s filatoio Splash, I'. a. zaccherare Spor
Spinositj, s, intrigo, perples- Splashing, ». zaccheramento diporto, il piacer dell
Splashy, a. zaccheroso eia, o della pesai.
Spinster, s. filatrice, titolo che Splav a horse, spallare un ca-
sidà a tutte le zittelle vaìlo
Spiny, Spinous, a. spinosa Splaj-footed, a. sbilenco, stram-
Spirai, a. spirale bo
SpiralW, ad. spiralmente Spleen, ». fniha, odio, rancore.
Spiration, s spirazione — Spleenwort, ». scolopen- Sport, i'. »ur»i.—Sport
Spire, ». spiro, —of a church, vith 01 d'uno.—
la guglia d'una chiesa Splendent, a. splendente ;ion, far poco
Spire, V. n, far la spiga Splendid, a. splendido, — ly,
Spirit, ». spirito, il senso vi- Ad splendid"—'—''
tale, anima, l'anima d'una Splendour, ». .vplendore.
persona .morta, genio, intel- pa, magnificenza
letto, ingegno, animo. To — Splenetic, a. splenetico Sporting, ». scherzo, trastullo
have a high spirit, esser al- Splent, or Splint, s, scheggia Sportive, a. piacevole
tiero. —
To put spirit into d'osso, assicella, spinella
one, animare alcuno. To — of dirt, zacchera, of ink, —
recover one's spirits, ricupe- Splice a rope, v. a. congegnare scorbio. —
Spot in one's re-
rare gli spiriti due corde pe' due capi putation, taccia d'infamia.
Spirit, V. a. inanimare Splinter, ». scheggia — Fine spot of ground, un
Split, ... a fendere, —v. n.
Spirited, J. animato. —
High- fendersi —Split upon a rock, upon the spot, io ero pre-
spirited, fiero. —Mean-spirit- naufragare contro uno sco-
ed, di basso cuore glio.— SpUl with laughing,
Spiritfulness, ». vivacità morir delle ri.m
Spiritless, a. abietto, vile Rplitted, or Split, a. fesso,
Spin a. spir spaccato Spot, v. a. wcchia
Splitting, ». il fendere
Spoil, ». ladroneccio, furto, Spotless, a. immaculato
spoglia, preda,— V.
gione, pio, divoto, ity, ». — Spotty, a imbralt.itu
spiritualità Spousal, 3. nuziale, — ». mari-
Spiritualization, s. spiritualiz- .-i^ui.t., •. guastato;
Spoiling, ». ilgua.ttar Spouse, ». »po»o, marito, sposa,
Spiri V. a. spir Spoke, pre^. 0/ Speak
Spout, zampillo.
». Rain —
Spiritually, ad. spiritualmente Spoken, a. parlato, dello. — spout, torrente di pioggia,
Spirinious, a. spiritoso, vivace, Thing spoken of. la cosa so- —of a conduit, chiave d'
praddetta. — Well - spoken
Spissitude, t spessezza man, un uomo eloquente gronda, —
of a mill-hopper,
Spit, ». spiede. —
Turnspit, me- Spokesman, ». oratore [vare tramoggia
Spoliate, V. a. sfogliare, pri- Spout, or Spout out, V. a.


gettare. — Spout out, v. Sprout, s. broccoli Squamous, a, sfuamoso
Sffurgare, zampillare. — Sprout, v. n. germogliare Squander, prodigalizzare,
v. a.
Spout, or Spout up, V. n. Spruce, a. attilaio, vago. — — er,
s. scialacquuture, ing, —
schizzare. —
Spout down, pio- To spruce, t). n. pararsi. — prodigalità
vere strabocchevolmente Spruce fellow, *. zerbinotto, Square, a quadro, onesto, gi-
Spouting out, *. sgorgametilo — ly, ad. vagamente, —ness. usto, —
un quadro, piazza,
Sprain, s. storcimento, —v. a. squadra, —ad. egualmente
sconciare.— Sprsiin one's foot, Sprung, pret. of Spring Square built, fabbricato in
dishgarsi un piede. Sprain — Sprunt, a. molto lesto
Spud, s. coltellaccio, uomaccino Square, v. a. quadrare, — v. n.

Sprang, pref. ef Spring Spuing, s. vomito Squaring, s. quadro, quadra-

Sprat, *. spezie di sardina Spume, *. spiuma, — v. a.
Sprawl, V. n. stendersi per Squash, v. a. schiacciare, am-
terra Spumy, or Spumous, a. tpu-
Sprawling, s. lo stendersi per Squashing, *. lo schiacciare
Spun, prct. of Spin Squat, a. quatto.— To lie squat,
Spray, s. ramicello, schiuma Spunge, s. spugna, u. — a. '
dtl mare. —
Spray-fagotSj nettare con una spugna. — paffuto
fastelli di frasche Spunge upon one, scroa Squat, 11. n. appiattarsi
Spread, a. teso, tirato Spunger, s. scroccone Squatting, s. appiatiamentc
Spread, v. a. tendere, disten- Spunginess, s. spugnosità Squeak, *. grido, —v. n. stri-
dere, spandere, spargere. — Spunging, s. lo scroccare, s dere, ing, s. grido —
Spread one's arms, stendere 'o.— Spunging-house, s. la Squeal, V. a. strillare

le braccia. —
Spread the cloth, Squeamish, a. svogliato, —
mettere la tovaglia.— Spread Spungy, a. spugnoso ness. s. stomacaggine
a net, tender una rete — Spunt, s. esca, legno
Spread a sail, spiegar le vele. frecido, miccia [spr
— Spread dung, spandere Spur, s. sprone, inceni Squeeze,
del letame. —Spread a report, Cock-spurs, unghione d'un Squelch, s. cascata
divolgare, o spandere la Squib, s. razzo
fama Spur, V. a. spronare, instigare Squill, s. squilla
Spread, v. n. stendersi, aprirsi Spurge, *. titimaglio, titimalt), Squinancy, or Squincy,». squi-
Spreader, s. spargitore sorta d'erba nanzia [sbiecare
Spreading, *. lo spandere purious, a. spurio, bastardo, Squint, *. un guercio, v. a. —
ramuscello, bronco
ftiprig, s. falso, —
ness, j. bastardaggine Squinting, s. I' esser guercio
^pnggy- a. pieno di ramuscelli Spnm, V. a. calcitrare, tirar i^quintingly, ad. biecamente
•Spright, s. fantasima Squire, s. scudiero
^prightliness, ». vivacità, al- Spurrier, s. facitor di sproni Squirrel, s scoiattolo
Spurring, lo spronare Squirt, s. diarrea, soceorrenza.
Sprightly, a. gaio, allegro Spurt, s. capriccio
Spring, s. fonte, scaturigine, Spurt, t'. a. schizzare Stab, s. una stoccata, — v. a.
primavera, lancio, of a — — Spurting up, lo schizzare pugnalare
lock, molla di serratura. Sputter, s. strepito, fracasso Stabbing, s. it pugnalare
To take a spring, prender il Sputter, V. n. sputare poco e Stability, *. stabilità
lancio, saltare Stable, a. stabile, fermo
Spring, v. n. sorgere, uscire. Spy!Ts :. spia Stable, s. stalla, —for swiue,
— Spring out, spuntare, porcile, —
for sheep, ovile
germogliare, nascere, pro- Stable, V. a. alloggiare bestie in
cedere. —
Spring a part- una stalla
ridge, far levare urta per- Stableness, s. stabilità
Stablish, V. a. stabilire
volare una mino.— Spring a Stack, ». catasta di legna, —
well, cavare un pozzo. — Squabble, s. contesa, v. — of chimnìes, un filare di
Spring a leak, fare acqua. contendere, —
er, s. rissoso, cammini, ^Kjf coni, bica di
— Spring a mast, fendere ing, s. motteggio
l'albero Squadron, *. squadra Stacte, ». aromato
Springe, *. lacciuolo, galappio Squalid, a. sporco, sudicio Stadie, é. gruccia
Springer, s. imposta Squall, s. burrasca, tempesta Staff,». bastone, stanza
''— ' dies, cor Squall, V. a. gridare, schiame Stag, ». cervo

e, — er, s. quello che grii Stage, a. teatro, palco, posta.

ng, s. gridamento —To bring one upon the
Squall, V. gridar forte, — stagt, mettere una persona
bpritsail, f . trinchetto che grida forte
Ì in ballo. —
To go ofF the
itage. ritirarsi dopo aver Stali, V. a. mettere nella sfalla Standard, *. misura che ttr*e
fallo la stia parte. Stage- — Stallage, J. stallof^gio, diritto di modello a tutte Taltre, sten-
plar, opera teatrale. To — "
di poter aprir bottega dardo, modello, regola
come to the stage, " Stalled, a. messo netta stalla.— Stander, Standil, s. a

Stalled with a thing, stufo di cello

Stage-horse *. cavallo da Stander-by, s. spettatore
Stalling, s. il mettere nella Standing, s. il fermarsi.^
Stage-coachj carrozza di stalla Standing- place, s. posta,
v)dg^o Stalliou, ». stallone posto, —a. stagnante. —
Stager, s. praticone, Stamina, stami che nascono
s. Standing corn, biada. —
nel centro di ogni fiore Standing forces, gente in
cervo di quaitrc Stammer, v. n. tartagliare,

piedi. — To do a tiling stand-
esitare parlando, er, s. ing,/ur che che sia in piedi
Stagger, v. barcollare, star tartaglione, —
ing, s. il tar- Standish, s. calamaio


tentare tagliare, ìngly, ad. tarta- Stank, yie^ «i/Stùik

smuovere, sollevare, — er, gliando Stanza, s. stanza
ijuelìo ohe barcolla, —ing, Stamp, s. stampa, impronta, Staple, s. scaricatoio.— Staytle
il hu I-collare segno, impressione, conio, — commodity, mercanzie bu-
Staggering-, a. barcollante, one, —Staple for a bolt,
vacillante, — ly, ad. barcol- Stamp money, improntare ganghero
moneta. — Stamp under foot, Star, s. stell.1, astro, fato, <«•
Staggers, s. vertigine di ca- calpestare. — Stamp with the terisco. —
Dog-star, la cani-
vallo foot, battere cot piede in terra cola. —
Seven stars, le pleiadi.
Stagnancy, s. stato stagnante fortemente Star-hawfc, s. falcone lani-
Stagnant, a. stagnante Stamping, s. calpestamento, ero —
Star-night, notte stel-
Stagnate, v. a. ìtagnare calpestio lata. —
Star-flower, ornitogolo
Stagnation, s. stagnamento Stanch, a. buono, ben condi- Starboard, *. poggia, lato
Staid, prrf. o/Stay zionato, franco, puro
Staid, a. grave, serio Stanch, v. a. stagnare, — v. n. Starch, s, amido, — v. a. in-
Staidness, s. gravità amidare
Stain, Stancheon, s. puntello, sostegno Starched, a. ajffìttato, alba-
Stanching, s. to stagnare
Stair^ g-ratfo.— Staircase, s. Stanchness, s. la bontà d'utia Starching, *. l'inamidare
—A privato stair- Starchness, s, maniere ajfet-
scala segreta. — One Stand, s. ulto, posta, incertezza.
of — To make a stand, fare Stare, s. stornello, guatatura
—To put one to a stand,
alto. Stare at, or Stare upon, v. a,
Slake, *. steccone, palo, posta, imbarrazzare alcuno. — To be guardar fissamente
— To sweep stakes, tirar la at a stand, star sospeso Stare, v. n. stralunare
posta. —
Our honour is at Stand, s. lucerniere Stargazer, «. astrologo
stake, ei va dell'onore nostro. Stand, v. n. fc; Staring, s. il guardare fisja-
— Stake, V. a. rispondere alle -My
watch stands, il mio Stark, a. rigido, austero
Stale, a. vieto, stantio. Stale — —
non va. Stand neuter, esser Stark, ad. pretto, puro, — He
bread, pa;» duro. Stale — neutrale. —
Stand to one's is stark-mad, è un matto
beer, birra vecchia. — word, mantenere la promes- spacciato, Stark-naked, tuf' —
grow stale, invecchiare. — sa. —I can scarce stand, ap-
Stale, s. orina, simbellc, — pena posso reggermi in piedi. Starling, j. stornello
— To stand ^ood in law, Starred, or Starrj, a. stellato
Staleness, *. vecchiezza esser valido. —
Stand by one,
Stalk, *. stelo, gambo, stoppia, tener per uno. Stand for, —
gambo significare. —
Stand foith, ncerla della
Stalk, v. n. camminar pian —
avanzare. Stand off", stare mano. Start of fancy, ca- —
alla larga. —
Stand in, priccio.—By starts, capriccio'
Stalkers, s. spezie di rete da tare Stand in the way,
pedire. — Stand in need of a Start, V. n. saltare. A horse —
Stalking-horse, s. cavallo per thing, aver bisogno di qualche that starts aside, tin cavallo
la caccia delle pernici cosa. — Stand in one's light, che ha ombra. Start back, —
Stali, s. stalla.—
stalla da buoi.

fare ombra ad alcuno Stand
in fear of one, temere alcuno.
— Start, 1'. n. spaccarsi. Start
stall, desco di beccaio Cob- — — Stand out against one,/ur —
Hp, levarsi. He starts up a
bier's-stall, desco di ciabat- testa ad uno gentleman, egli comincia a
tino. — Stali in a market, Standard-bearer, s. colui che fare il gentiluomo.— Stali a
bottigii di mercato porta lo stendardo hare, levar la lepre

StaJ-teT, s. un giovane to- r a weaver's Icom, petti Steeple, s. campanile
Steepness, s. pendio
Starting, s. il saltare, i Steer, s. giovenco
Staniti!;, a. (Ex. a itarting morsi, to/:gtornare, dimo- Steer, v. a. governare, guidare,
horse), cavallo ombroso rare, ritenere. appimtel- — Steer iioitliward, far vele
Starting hole, «. sotterfugio /aie— Stay a little while, verso tramontana
Starting-ii'.acc, s. mosse aspettare un poco. Stay for — Steerage, t quel luogo del
btartisìi, a. un poco ombroso me, aspettatemi — He i iviglio à^ tìmir '.

Startle, r. a. atterrire, sorpren stays in a place, non sif

dere, strabiliare. Startling,— mai in nessun luogo—Stay
Steering, ». governo
one's fury, placare Va"
sL^t'['.""aJPnm Stellar, a. stellalo
i Stayed, > — ly Stellionate, ». sfellinnaio
ari. co, . grat Stem, ». stelo, gamlio.—f^tevn
gravii of a tree, tronco d' albero.—
Stayer, *. placatore Stem (race), ». famiglia. —
Stays, *. busto da donna Stem of a ship, lo sprone
Stead, j. luogo, vece. In hi — d'un viglio
nito stead, in sua few.— Instead Stem, fermai
f. a.
State, s. essere, condizione, of that, 171 lungo di questo. thing, opporsi a qualche cosa.
grandezza, pompa, alterigia, To be of no stead, non * — Stem the tide, vcUggiare

grado, qualità. Bed of state, lire a nulla
un letto di rispetto. — To Stead, V a. render servizio Stench, ». puzza
Steadfast, a. fermo, costan Step, ». passo, vestigio, pro-
splendidamente.— State craft, —
ly, ad. costantemente.
politica Step by step, a passo a passo.
State, V. a. regolare, stabilire. — To follow one's steps,
— State an account, prepa- pigliar il suo esempio. —
Steps of a staircase, eli
Statcliness, *. pompa, magni- scalini d'una scala. To —
ficenza, maestà, alterigia, make a false step, fare un
orgoglio costante passo eattivo. — Step-father,
Btately, a. magnifico, maestoso, Steaks, *. braciuole. Beef- — ». patrigno. — Stepmother,
grande, fiero, superlto, — steaks, braciuole di manzo ». matrigna. — Step-son, ».
ad. superbamente, maestosa- Steal, or Steal away, v. a. ru- figliastro. —
mente, fieramente bare, invotare. — He
stole s. figliastra
Stater, s. uno staterò, moneta away my
-watch, egli m' Step, V. n. andare, fare un
Greca rubato l'orinolo. — Steal passo. — V/ill you step thi-
Statesman, ». un politico ther.' valete andarvi? —
Statics, s. statica
Station, s. stazione, stato, alcuno. — Step after, segui-
— Step aside, mettersi

grado tare.
Stationary, x. sta:^ion ùnuarsi a poco a poco nella in disparte. — Step back,
Stationer, s. colui „ ozia di qualcheduno v. a. iorrtare indietro.— Step
carta, libri ia scr Stealer, *. ladro, rubatore do\vii, scendere. Step up, —
Stealing, s. rubamento ascendere —
Step in, entrare.
Statuary, *. scultura, ttatu- Steaiingly, ad. segretamente —Step out, uscire. — Step
Steallh, s. Ex. To do a thing passare
Statue, a. statua by stealth, fare die che si sia Steril, o. ; He, che 1 ge-
Stature, s. statura segretamente
Statutable, a. regolare, ly, — Steam, s. vapore, fumo Sterility, ». sterilità
ad. confor-ne agli statuti Steam, ». n\fumare, esalare Sterling, ». sterlina. — A
Statute, s. statuto Steed, *. cavallo pound sterling, una lira
Statutes, s. pi statuti Steel, s. acciaio, fucile
Slave, 1-. a. fendere— To stave Steel-yard, s. una stadera tern, a. torve, austero, brusco,
a ship, sdrucire un vascello. Steel, V. a. attaccare Facciaio a — ». la poppa d'un nat-iglio,
—To stave a cask, sfondare ferro, indurire.— To Steel — ly, ad. con aria torca, —
e's self in sin, indurirsi
Staves, pi. 0/ Staff, bastone Stcmon, ». cassero
Staunch, {see Stanch), /tr«o
Stay, s. ritardo, soggiorno,
dimora, puntello, rincalzo, Sternutatory, ». sternutato
torff/^no.—I shall make some
itaj fari qualche dimora, — Stew, ». iiitfio; bordello
Are you here still ? siete an levarsi.~To be always s
ring, essere sempre in m
'till, ad. 7»;e/o.— Stand still
state quieto^ — To sit still
sedere in puce.— Sit you still,

—Still-born, a vwrto nato

Slewardshiji, s. la carica d'ui. till, V. a. lambiccare, stillare.
calmare, tranquillare, far
K tewed, n. stiifa/o
Stin-up, ». siajpi— The stir-
tillator, or Stillatorj-, lam- rup leather, *<a/r,/e.-Stirrui.
Stick, t.bastóne. Fagot- — s.

stick, sfocco di fastello. — lling. 'stilla-Jo,

stockings, ca/ie a staffh
Stitch, s. punto, dvh
Stick of wax, bastoncello ili
cera lacca —
Small sticks, maglia
Stitch, V. a. cucire, appuntare
boscaglie —Candlestick, cait-
Stitched, a. cucito
Stitch-wort, camomìla
Stick, V. a. attaccare, fccare, Stitching, s. il cucire
Stimulating, s. lo stimolare Stitching.siIk,Kta arrossa
favorire.~lt sticks too fast,' Stimulation, s. stimola'-ionc
Stithy, *:!,u„'«„e
•?'"'""'' '^'''^'' Sting, s. spina, —of a fly, l'ago
not'hiT stufare, soffocare
wii.c, ,. xia soldo d'Olanda
Stoaked, a. turato
rlh, Udiri'
"°" " ^^ ""' — That stung me to t..^ Stoat,s. puzzola
heart, questo mi trafisse il St«ccado, s. una stoccata
Stickle liard in business, adi.
Stock, s. tronco d'albero, sebi,
perarsi in qualche cosa Stinginess, s. grettezza, ava- atta, razza, progenie, pian-
Stloìcìer.s. un affannone, cola
tone, fondo, capitale, il mon-
che ostinatamente contend Stinging, puntura '«> —of an anvil, ;/ pedale

dun incudine, —of a gun,

[fv, a. sordido, spilorcio
la cassa d'un schioppo. —
A\{ild stock, pollone.-étocìs.-
King, a. Jetidn, — ly, ad. gilliflower, s. viola. -A
merchant's stock, il fondo
7s'.'limil'è,\onJÌ„e d'un mercante. Good or —
great stock, quantità. To —
be made a laughing-stock,
ofbées Ì,!'arnìa% 7; f'
Stocks, s. ceppi, casso. —A
"lip upon the stocks, uu
.ascelb< in casso
Stock-fish, s. stoccafisso
Stock-dove, «. colombaccio
Stiptic, 3. un rimedio astrin- Stock-jobber, i. sentale di fon-
di pubblici
Stipiilate, a. stipulare, con-
Stock, V. a. fornire. am —I
storked Mith clothes,
tìimlatioiì, s. stipulazione ^-^.^ ben fornii^ d'abiti
Stocked, a. fumila, prorristo
al, a. disonorali
Stocking, calzetta.— stock- mk
ings, calze di se/a
Ùe"'v7uà"è' ZT'''''''"'^'- Stock-job,

versi, agitarsi. — He- cannot V. a. i.\- n. far un
Stock-stili, a immobile
Money does not stir, il da- "toical, a. stoico, ly, — or
Stoic-lik •

inqaillo. — Stili
Stoici degli

is sm",Ìrvent<r.
Stole, s. stola, guardaroba

lach, s. stomaco, appetito,

mach, svogliare lo stomaco. Store, ». abbondanza, quanlUà, voee. —Strain too high.
—To have a good stomach, viveri, vettovaglie.— To la;
avere buono appetito in a store of provisions, /ui Strain one's self, f. n.
Stomach, or Stomach at, v. a. provvisioni. —
Stores, ». pi

munizioni. —
Storehouse, » cersi un braccio
Stomacher, *. pettorina magazzino Strainer, ». colatoio, c(
Stomachful, a. fiero, altiero, — Store, v. a. munire, provve-
ness, s ostinazione dere. —
Store a ship, vetto- fStrait, Straight, or Streight,
Stomachic, a. stomacale vagliare un naviglio. Store —
Stone, s. pietra, sasso, la pi- up, riserbare torto, stretto, angusto
etra, peso di quattordici Storing, ». il munire Straight, ad. subito. Go —
libbre. — Free-stone, pietra Stork, s. cicogna straight along, andate di-
viva.— To be troubled with

StorkbiU, ». geranio ritto. To make straight. —
the stone, aver la pietra. Storm, ». tempesta, procella, _.
Stonehorse, cavallo iutiero. fracasso, frastuono, turbo- Strait, or Streight, ». stretto di
— Stone (of fruits), ». noc- lenza, confusione, assalto. ìnare. —
To be in great straits. —
ciolo, osso. —
Stone (of grapes), Storm of r„ E.!

granelli che son negli acini —To take a t wn by storm, „ „ i

dell' uva. — Stone-pitch, espugnare un piazza pei- Straighten, i-. a. dirizzare

Straightway, ad. subito
strepitare. — ,

Straiten, v. a. strignere, ser-

Stonecutter, s. taglia pietra Storniing, ». lo strepitare

Stonethrow, tiro di pietra Stormy, a. tempestoso
Stonewall, s, muro di pietra Story, ». storia, novella
Stonework, *. lavoro di tnura- finzione, un piano. -A
three stories high, une
Stone, V. a. lapidare di tre piani
Stoning, s. il lapidare, lapi- Storv, V. a. narrare, tacce Straitning, ». strìgnimento
e. j _ piaggia, sponda, Jila
Storj-teller, ». novellista
Stony, a. lapidoso, pietroso, di Stove, ». bagno caldo
stufa, |
di corda
Stound, affanno, stupore
». I
Stood, pret. o/Stand, stare Stout, a. gagliardo, Jiero,forle, '
Stool, s. scanno, seggio. — vigoroso Strange,
Closestool or Footstool, ». Stoutly, ad. gagliardamente, ^
, bizza
predella, sgabella vigorosamente I

Stoop, ». bica a, fierezza,

Stoop, V. a abbassare. v. n. — „ jparbietà jar cattiva cera aa uno
abbassarsi, umiliarsi, ca- Stow, V. a. stivare, ordinare. Oh strange ! interj. Oh me-


lare (parlando d'un fal- Stow goods in a ware- raviglia

house, assettare delle mer- Strange, v. n. stupirsi, ly, —
Stooping, ». abbassamento canzie in un magazzino I ad. stranamente, ness, ». —
Stop, indugio, ptinio, pausa, Stowage, ». un magazzino, stranezza
dimora, tasto di strumento cella, magazzinaggio Stranger, a. forestiero. To —
musicale, intoppo. That — Straddle, v. n. allargar le

make a stranger of one, /rn<-

— forestiere. — Vou

put a stop to my journey, ganibe camminando. To |

tar uno da
questo ritardò il mio viag- ride straddling, andare a are a great stranger, voi }wn
gio. — Full stop, ». punto cavalcioni con una gamba da

vi fate mai vedere

una banda e l'altra dall' Strangle, v. a. strangolare, —
Stop, r. a. fermare, terminare,
suspendere, far cessare, ri
tardare, fare indugiare,
chiudere, turare. —
Stop one's
mouth, chiudere altrui la Straggling, »
bocca. Stop one's breath, Strain, ». forza, sivrcnnKnio, aLorrt^g«u/c
affogare alcuno aria, concerto. Melodious — Strappado, ». strappata
strains, concerti armoniosi Strapping girl, ». una ragaz-
Stoppage, ». soffocazione, op- Strain, v. spremere, pre-
a. zaccia
mere, legar fortemente. — Stratagem, ». strattagemma
Stopping, ». l'arrestare Strain, or Strain through, Straw, ». pag^/io. A —
Stopping, a. restringente far passar , f'I^ .-„. . Stack of
Stoppie, s. turaccio gni sforzo. Strain — pagliaio. To be im —
Storài, ». storace, gomma voice, sforzar la the straw, aver partorita
Straw hat, cappello di paglia Strickle, s. picciol bastone da Strippe<?, a. spoglialo
Straw bud, s. paglierìccio Stripper, s. spogliatore
Strawberry, s. fragola Strict, a. strato, intrinseco, Stripping, s. spogliamente
Strawberry-plant, *. pianta di esatto, puntuale, preciso, Stript, a. spogliato
fragola formale, rigido, severo.— To
Stray, a. sviato, traviato, —
V. n. sviare, traviare, iiig, — osservare attentamente gli Strive with one, conten-
s. lo sviare alti ni andamenti.— To keep dere, disputare. —
Streak, s. striscia. The — against, ostare. —
who shall run best, fare a
strettamente, puntualmente, gara —Tost
Streak, v. a. strisciare — — ness, s. strettezza, rigidez- against the stream, i wtare
mark with sti'eaks of se
ral colours, vergare di t Stricture, s. colpo, tratto, e Strive--, , colui che procura
colori Striving, s. il procurare, — ly,
Stream, ». ruscello, la Stride, v. n. camminare a passi ad. a gara
d'un fiume.—To go with the lunghi, —
s. passo lungo Stroke, s. colpo, —with a
stream, andar colla corrente. Stridingly, ad. a gran passo stick, bastonata.-The clock
— Streams of fire, taggi di Stridulous, a. stridulo is upon the stroke of eleven,

fuoco Strife, s. contesa sono quasi le undici.
Stream, v. n. colare, sgorgare Strike, s. misura che contiene Stroke of a pen, %ina pen-
Streamer, s. penonccllo guati ro itaia di grano, —
Street, s. strada, via V a. battere, percuotere. —
Stroke, v. a. passar la tnano
Street-walker, una bagascia Strike fire, batter il fuoco. bel bello sopra gualche cosa
Streight, s. «<re«o.— Streights — Strike the iron while it is Stroll, V. n. vagare, vaga-
of Gibraltar, lo sit etto di hot, batti il ferro mentre bondare
Gibilterra é caldo. —The
clock strikes, Stroller, s. commediante
Strength, s. forxa, potere, — l'orologio suona —
It struck Strolling, a. vagabondo
of mind. —
penetrazione, — twelve o'clock, sono sonate Strond, s. spiaggia, lido, ripa,
of a word, l'energia d' una le dodici. —
StrO^e sail, am- sponda

mainar le vele. Strike the Strong, a. potente, poderoso,
Strengthen, a. fortifica flag, abbassar lo stendardo. grosso, spesso, forte, sodo.
— Strike the sands, dar in —
To be strong in purse,
un 6aJ2co.— Strike one's head aver motti danari. Strong- —
against the wall, batter la limbed, nerboruto. — A
testa contro il muro. Strike — strong-bodied man, un uomo
blind, acciecare. Strike— forte
against, contrariare- Strike Strongly, ad. fortemente
out, cancellare. —
Strike a Strophs, s. strofa
bargain, conchiudere un mer- Strove, pret. 0/ Strive, cercare
Stress, s. punto principale.— Strow, v. a. spargere
The stress of war, it nerve Striker, s. battitore Struck, a. percosso
delta guerra.— To lay stress Striking, s. battimento.—With. Structure, s. struttura
apon a thing, fare istanza.
iking a blow, senza Struggle, s. contesa, disputa, —
— Stress of weather, bur- V. n. muoversi, confendere,
Strickle, or Strickler, j. rasiera contrastare. Struggle with —
String, s. cordicella. Strings death, combattere colta morte,
of a musical instrument, le —
er, s. contenditore, ing. —
stillars corde d'uno strumento mtui-
Stretch, v- a. stendere, stirac- cale. —The small strings of Struma, s. scrofola
chiare. — Stretch out a cord, roots, le barbe delle radici Strumous, a. scrofoloso
tendere una corrfa.— Stretch String, V. a. tetidere, infilzare Strumpet, s. una bagascia
one's self, distendersi. — Stringent, a. che stringe Strung, a. guarnito di corde
Stretch for doing a thing, Stringy, a. fibroso. —
These Strut, or Strut along, v n.
sforzarsi, -er, s. ferro da carrots are stringy, gueste paoneggiarsi. Strut, i. l' —
romper le pelli, — ing, s. carote sono fibrose atto del paoneggiarsi cam-
stendimento Strip, s. striscia di panno, —
Strew, spandere. — Strew
V. a. Stub, s. tronco, ceppo
the ground with flowers, . colpo, di Stubnail, s. chiedo usato
coprir la terra di fiori. —

—To make white o Stub up, v. a. sradicare

Strew with sugar, asperger / stripes, rigare di bi Stubbed, a. robusto, membruto
di zucchero, — ing «pan- s. o di giallo. Stripe — i Stubble, s. stoppia
vergare drappi Stubblegoose, s. oca d'aulunna-.
Stricken, a. avanzato \
Stubborn, a. caparbio, osti-
nalo, —ness, s. caparbietà, stuprare, violare,
—Iv, ad. caparbiamente icrc stupro
Stubby, a. paffuto Stupration, s. stupro, strupo
Stucco, s. stucco Sturdily, ad. bruscamente, in-
Stuck, a. appiccato solentemente
Stud, s. borchia, palo Stud Sturdiness, s. rigidezza, in-
valle Sturdy, a. robusto, gagliaido,
Stud, V. a. guarnire di borchie, brusco, insolente
—Studded with gems, tem- Sturgeon, s. storione Submit, li. n. st
pestato di gemme Sturk, s. giovenco •

Student, s. studente Stutter, i'. n. tartagliare, —er, to that, bisogna che vi som
Studious, a studioso, —ly, ad. s. tartaglione, ing, — *. il meniate a qtiesto
tudiosa ;nte, - r. ap- tartagliare Submitting, » il sommettere
fo studi Sty, ». porcile Subordinate, a- subordinato,
Stygian, a. stigio — II. n. subordinare, — ly, ad.
studia, applicazione, v. a. — '^s:^ìile, titolo, l subordinatamente [zione
studiare, meditare, comporre, pingere, n-dial, i Subordination, ». subordina-
osservare per conoscere, v. n. ferro che mostra .ore ,« Suborn, ti. a. suliornare, sedurre
studiarsi. —
Study one's orologio solare Subornation, ». subornazione
brains about a thing, stil- Style, t>. a. chiamare. 1 — Suborner, ». seduttore
larsi il cervello in gualche style one's self, norrùnarsi Suborning, a. il subornare
cosa, —
ing, s. studiamento Styptic, a. astringente Subpoena, ». citazione, ti. a. —
Stuff', s. panno. — Household Suasory, a. persuasivo chiamare in giudizio
stuff, mobili. —
M'hat nasty SuaTity, ». dolcezza, soavità Subreptition, ». surrezione
stuff is this ? che porcheria é Subalmoner, s. sotloelemo. Subreptitious, a. surrettizio
questa t Subscribe, ti. a. soscrivere
Staff, ti. a. stivare. —Stuff a Subaltern, or Subaltemate, Subscriber, ». sottoscrivente
chair, riempire una sedia di subalterno, —
». un subalter Subscribing, ». il sottoscrivere
borra.— My head is stuffed Sub-deacon, s. sottodiacono, Subscription,», soscrizione
with a cold, ho una grande ship, ». sottodiaconato Subsequent, a. suiseguente, —
infreddatura nella testa Sub-dean, ». sottodecano
Stuffing. *. stivamento Sub-delegate, .t. deputato Subserve, v. a. servire
Slum, *. mosto, v. a. mes- — Subdititious, a. supposto Subserviency, or Subservience,
Subdivide, v. a- suddividere
dienti per farlo piccante Subdivision, ». suddivisione Subservient, a utile
Stumble, s. inciampo, grajì- Subdolous, a. doloso Subside, ti. II. abbassarsi
chiii, —
V. n. inciampare Subdue, v. a soggiogare, me Subsidence, or Subsidency,
Stumbler, s. quello che inciampa tificare, —er,soggiogatoi
». s.fmdigliuolo
Stumbling, *. inciampo. — — ing, ». soggiugiizione Subsidiary, a. ausiliario
Stumbling horse, cavallo che Subject, a. soggeU >, de- Subsidy, ». »H»fiJio, soccorso di
inciampa della danari
Stump, s. tronco, —
of a tree, il quale si tratta, suggetto, Subsist, V. n. sossistere, —
tronco d'un albero, —of a soggetto, —v. a. soggettare, enee, ». sussistenza, mante-
tooth, pezzo di dente. — obbligare, —
ion, ». sogge-
Stump-footed, che ha il piede zione, obbligazione, servitii. — Substance, ». sostanza, essenza,
To bring under subjection, materia, quello che si trova
Stun, V. a. stordire soggettare di migliore, realità, l'essen-
Stune. a. morso, morduto Subjoin, V. a aggiugnere, — ziale
Stunning, s intronamento ing, ». Paggiuguere Substantial, a. so-itenziale, es-
Stunt, t). u. provenir male Subilaneous, a. stibitaneo senziale, sustanzioso, bene-
Stunted, a. bistorto Subjugate, v. a, soggiogare stante, reale, solido, ly, ad. —
Stupefaction, s. intormenti- Subiimctive, a. soggiuntivo siutanzialmente
mento, stupefazione SuMimate, v. a. sublimare, — Substantive, a. sustantiv», —
Stupefactive, or Stupefying, a. ly, ad sustantivamento
che stupefa Sublimating, or Sublimation, Substitute, ». sostituto, — v. a
Stupendous, a. stupendo ». sublimamento [mare sostituire, —ing, ». sostitu-
Stupid, a insensato, attonito, Sublimatory, ». vaso da subli-
— ity, s. stupidità, — ly, ad. Sublime, a. sublime, v. a. —
da stupido sublimare, purificare
Stupify, V. a. stuprare, istu- Sublimeness, or Sublimity, ».
pidire, empir di stupore, —
ing, s. stupefazione Sublunary, a. sublunare
Subterrantan, or Subtcrra- — of a pump, il cannoncello -A suit of cards, t

Sucking, «.sncclnamento
Suckle, i). a. allattare,— ing, s.
Rubtilize, V. a. render sol- l'allattare, agnello lattante
tile, aguzzar l'ingegno, Suction, s. succiamento
ghirihi^^zare, —ing, s. aa- Sudden, a. subitaneo, im-
proviso. —
On a sudden,
ad. subitamente, —ne

Sudorific, a. sudorifico
Suds, i. liscitii di sapone ed !

acqua. — To be in the suds.

Sub-vicar, 5. solU
Suburb, a. borgo Sulphur Iphur
Succeed, r. n. su -Sulphur

he suftered, questo non Sulpliùrvr'"o''"''sulpl'mreous.

a. sulfureo
s.qi oJTre, perditore Sultan, s. il Sultano, principe
ultana, or Sultaner.s, «. la
Sufficiency, s. sojfficienza, ca- Sultana [Turchesca
Sultane, s. vare da guerra
Sufficient, a. so£icienfe, suf- Sultry, a fervido
ficiente, capace, ly, ad. — Sum, s. somma, sustanza, ii
ad.' fell] ndio
progressi Suflfbcate, v. a. sufTocnre
Suffocation, or Sufibca»

Suffocative, a. suffvcativo
Suffragan, s. sujj)aguneo
Suffrage, s. suffragio, ap-

nigatio! s. sujjiimigu Summer, s. la state. — Summer

Mther, tempo estivo.—Sum-
Suffuse, t). a. spandere
Suffusion, s, suffusione
Sugar, s. zucchero. To —
sweeten with sugar, in-
zuccherare. Sugar - loaf, —
Succulent, a. sugoso pan di zucchero
Succumb, V. n. succomhere Sugar, V. a. metter del z
Such, a. tale, simile —Such as,
quelli, quelle. —And such like, mgi•udici, nidare.
e altri simili
Suck, s. Ex. to give suck, al- suggerii —i"g. Summons, s. co-.nmanda

Suckstone, lamprey, s. lam- Suicide, s. suicidio

Suillage,*. .vpoi-ciii'a Sumptuary, u. nmtuarii
Suck, r. a. «ucciare — Suck Suing, i. lite Sumptuous, a. sontuos
the breast, poppare. A — Suit, s., memoriale,
child that sucks, un liam- — ity, s. sontuosità
hino alia nmjHcHa. Suck — -• '-
Suit of clothes.
in, t.. a. succiare. — ^ucy a del sule.—Sun-
out, fare uscire succiando Suit, il levar del sole.—
Sucker, s. juelh die succia. rnt, a. abbronzalo
Sun, V. a. soleggiare
Sunday, s. Domenica. Palm- — —mg.
Sunday, la Domenica delle iriptio
Supersede, v. a. soprassedere,
Sunder, v. a. dividere — ing, s. il soprassedere
Supersession, ». intermissione
Sung, a- cantato Superstition, ». superstizione Suppurate, v. n. marcire
Sunt, a. aJfondato.—Swiik in Superstitious, a. superstizioso, Suppuration, ». il marcire
his credit, screditato Suppurative, a. suppurativo
Sunless, a. privo di sole Supnrstruct, ti. a. edificar so- Supputation, ». computamento
Sunned, or Sunnj, a. soleg- ^difizio Suppute, t'. a. computare
giato, aprico Supputing, ». computo
a. sopravvs- Supremacy, ». supremazia
Sup up, V. a. sorbire Supreme, a. sapremo, ly, —
Superable, a. superabile Supervise, ti. a. sopranten- ad. altissimamente
Superabound, w. n. a. so- dere, rivedere, — Surbate, ». malattia che rende
prantendcnte, ing, ». — ,

i i cavalli spedati Surbate

Superabundancej *. soprab- soprnnlendere a horse, v. a. spedare un
bondanza Supervive, v a. sopravvivere cavallo
Superabundant, a. soprahbon- Supine, a. supino, ». supini — Surcease, n. cessare, —mg,
datUe, — ad. soprabbon- — ly, ad. oziosamente, itj — t>.

d antemente
— ness, negligenza Surcharge, ». sopraccarico,—
Superadd, v. aggingnere
a. Suppeditate, ii. a. suppedilart
Superaddition, aumentos. nstrare
Superannuated, a. vecchio.— Supper, ». —To bring Surcingle, a. cintola
Superannuated beauty, una in supper, servir la cena. Surcoat, ». saltambarco
hellez: — To eat one's supper, ce- Surd, a. sordo
Supercilio S -ly, nare. —
Supper-time, tempo Surdity, sordità
ad. : di cenare. —
Supperless, a. Suro, a. sicuro, certo, indid'i-
sussiego [nea;a tato, infallibile, fedele, fuor
Supereminence, s. preemi- Supping, ». il cenare di pericolo, fermo, solido. —
Supereminent, a. eminente, —
Supplant, V. a. dare il gam- To make sure of one, a»»i-
ly, ad. eminentemente betto ad uno, ingannare, — curarsi d'una persona. Be —
Supererogate, v. a. strafare er, ». ingannatore sure you do it, non fallite di
Supererogation, «. i7 dare più Supple, a. flessibile, umile farlo, -ly, ad. cettamcUe,-
di quel che uno è tenuto Supple, i'. a. rendere flessibile
Supererogatory, a. di super- Supplement, ». supplemento Suretiship, ». malleveria
Suppleness, ». flessibilità, Surety, ». mallevadore
SupeVfetation, s. superfeta- Surf, s.Vacifua del mare battendo
Superficial, a. superficiale, Suppletory, a. che supplisce
— ly, ud. superficialmente Suppliant, or Supplicant, ». Surface, ». superficie
Superficies, s. superficie supplicante Surfeit, ». cràpula, noia. —
Superfine, a. finissime Supplicate, V. a. supplicare To take a surfeit, avere i.n
Superfluity, s. superfluità Supplication, ». supplici i'idigestione. —
Surfeit watei,
Superfluous, a. superfluo, — Supplv, ». soccorso, rinforzo, acqua distillata con erbe buone
ly, ad. superfluamente —V. a. sovvenire al difetto l'indigestione. —Sur-
Superhuman, a. soprumano — Supply one's "—place, feit . stlf. ;

Superinduce, v. a. coprire piere luogo

Superintend, ti. a. sopranten- — Supply with, mmisxrare. Surfeiting, ». stucchevolezza
dere, —
ancy, s. sopranten- fornire, —ing, supplire ». t7 Surge, ». onda, —
v. n. on-
denza, —
ant, s. sopranten- Support, sostegno, — V. a
dente, —
ant, a. che governa sopportare, mantenere, as- Surgeon, ». chirurgo
Superiority, s. superiorità sistere, proteggere, appog- Surgery, ». chirurgia
Sujwrior, a. superiore, s. ìi — giate, alimentare, able, — Surly, a. arcigno, ily, aa.—
a. tollerabile, er, ». ap- — fastidiosamente, ness, —
Superlative, a. superlativo, — poggio, sostegno,.—oi a table, noia, sdegnosità
ly, ad. superlativamente Surmise, ». imaginazione, —
Supernal, a. supernale, r. a. Sr n. pensare, credere,
ad. supernalmente —ing, ». peiuiero
Supernatural, <j. sopra Suppose, a. supporre, pei
V. Surmount, v. a. sormontare, —
turale, —
ly, ad. sopran- suadersi, credere. It is — 1 able, a. che si puì, vi'
-• '-•-
be supposed, bisogna t- ing, »
Supemumeisry, a. sopran- dere, —ing, ». ilsupporre
Superscribe, i-. a. soprascrì- Supposition, ». supposizione
sus SWE
able, 3. che si pub atipei Sustentation, s. sostegno,
— ^Ing. s. il superare,
iiiglj, — puntello
ad. atraordinariamente Sutler, i vivandiere^
Surplice, 3. cotta
Swab, s. spazzatolo per la-
vare le camere, — v. a. scopare
presa, maraviglia Swabber, s. mozzo di vascello
Surprise, v. a. sorprendere. Swaddle, s. fascia, v. a. —
fasciare, bastonare
Surprising, s. il sorprendere, Swaddlingband, or Swad- Sweep, V. a, scopare. — Chim-
— 1)-, ad. con {stupore dlingcloth, s. fascia ney-sweep, uno spazza-
Surrender, s. resa, — v. a, Swag, V a. sfondare,- V. n.
rendere, v. — n. rendersi, ciondolare. —
belly His Sweepings, s. pi. spazzatura
— ing, s. arrendimento swags, la pancia gli ciondola Sweepnet, s. vangaiuola
Siirreption, s. sorpresa Swagger, v. n. vantar' Sweepstake, s. colui cTie vince
Surreptitious, a. surrettizio, —ing, tutto il denaro degli altri
— ly, ad. segretamente millan Sweet, a. dolce, grato all' odo-
Surrogate, s. sostituto, a.— Swain, s. un eontadino, , rai}, leggiadro, vago, che
sostituto,— V. a. sostituire, pastore, un giovane ^Boat- —
swain, s. bosmano profun
Surround, i'. a. circondare Swallow, s. rondine.—Water- —Sweet
coditremola. —

Surtout, s. zimarra —swallow, .?.


smile, dolce s.yrriso. — Sweet-

Swallow-tail, s. coda di meats, conjìtture, — ad.
osservare da ogni banda, rondine dolceynente, ness, — s. dol-
Swallow, s. gorgo, la gola. cezza, —
ner s. ciurmadore —
soprantendente, agrimen- Swallow-wort, s. celidonia Sweet-smelling, odorifero
sore, —
orshlp, s. rqfficio del Swallow, V. a. inghiottire.— Sweet-natured, affabile, cortese
soprantendente Swallow up, assorbire. —
Sweetbread («alt's), animella
Survival, s. il sopravvivere To swallow one's words, di vitella
Survivance, *. sopt
disdirsi, —
ing, «. inghiot- Sweetheart, s. amante
timento Sweeten, v. a. addolcire, mi-
Swam, pret. of Swim, nuotare tigare, with sugar, in- —
Swamp, s. pantano
Swampy, a. pantanoso Swell, s. Ex. the swell of the
Swan, s. cigno. —Wild-swan, sea, l'onde del mare
suscettibile pellica,io Swell, V. a. gonfiare, ingros-
Suscitate, v. a. suscitare Swanskin, s. pelle di cigno
Suscitating, or Suscitation, Swellcut./ai-'jacfo
Sward, s. cotenna. — The Swelling, s. gonfiamento
green-sward of the earth, Swelling in the groin, tincone
la superficie della terra Swelter, v. n. affogare
Swarm, v. a. far lo sciame, Sweltry, or Sweltring, a. che
abbondare, s. gran —
quan- Swept, a. scopato [cffoea
tità, —
of bees, sciame d' api, Swerve, ... k. stornarsi
Suspend, V. a. appiccare, tener —of ants, formicaio Swerving, s. lo stornarsi
sospeso, differire, sospendere Swarth,a nero, irih'to, maligno. "viih, a. veloce, presto, — ly,
Suspending, or Suspension, ad. velocemente, ness, — s.
Suspensory, «. bracchiere Swig, V. a. bere a gran sorsi
Suspicion, s. diffidenza, sos- Swill, s. broda,—v. a. in-
petto.— To entertain a sus- Swash, s. torrente, — v. a. ghiottire,— v. «. trincare
picion of one, prender ombra Swill-bellied, a. panciuto
d'uno Swath, s. un ciglione Swill bowl, s. bevitore
Swathe, v. a. fasciale Swilling, «. crapula
Swaihing-clothes, s. pi. fascie
— Swim, i;. n. nuotare. Swim —
Sway, s. potere, v, n. domi- away, salvarsi nuotando.
Sustain, V.
*. il sospirare nare, governare. Sway the — —Swim over a river, passere
a. sostenere, ap- sceptre, portar lo scettro :nfi,nr
poggiare, sofferire. —To s. nuotator
sustain a loss, fare una Sweal, or Swale, ?.. fondersi,
perdita, —able, a. che si pub liquefarsi. — The candle
sweals, la candela si liquefa
Swear, v. n. giurare, bestem-

miare, Swear one, fargia-
*. iartujo. — Swine-sty, i. !. l'arte dello schierare
Synoda., or Synodical, a. si-
Sflrine-!:te, ad. da porco
Swing, s. bindolo, spinta,
altalena.— To give one a
Svnopsis, s. compendio Taffety, » taffettà

imo. Swing, v.a. dondolare. Syntax, s. sintassi Tag, ». puntale, v. mr"~-—
r. a. metter
Swing about, girare Synthesis,», sintesi ilpuntale,
ntale, —
v. n. codi
Swinish, a. grossolano Syphon, s. canna
sifone, tubo, il, ». coda, il din
Syringe, ». siringa,— v. a. Plóugh-tail,'
Switch, s. bacchetta, v. a, — siringare
dell' ì. — Tail-p
battere am
bacchetta System, ». sistema, fregi e

Rw'ivel, «. perno a. sistematico , ito ne' libri

Swollen, or Swoln, a. gonfiato. Systole, ». sistole Tailed, a. codato
gonfio Tailor, » sarto, sartore
^nimenio, — v. r. Taint, ». prova di delitto,

Swop, r. a. affei cogli corrompere, guadagnar con

Swoop, J', a. barattare, — ^ping, TABARD, ». sopravve infetto
». baratto d'araldo Tainture, ». macchia
Sword, s. spada. To wear a — Tabby, ». ^aAj.— Tabby, Take. v. a. prerdcre —Take
sword, portare spada. To — Tabby-iike, a. ondato one's part, pigliar la parte
put all to the swcard, metter Tabernacle, ». tabernacolo d'uno.— Take a town, es-
tutti a fit di spada Tabid, a. magro, smunto pugnare una città. Take —
Sword-pìayer, s. un gladiatore Tablature, ». intavolatura in marriage, pigliar per
Sword-fish, *. pesce spada Taljle, ». /aro/a, — for m£ moglie. —
Take in pieces,
Sword-cutler, spadaio mettere in pezzi. Take a —
Sword-grass, ghiaccinolo volino. —To keep a good walk, fare una passeggi-
Sword's-man, ». combat'.lore table, trattarsi iene. Ta- — ata.- Take one's pleasure,
Swore, pret. f/ Swear, giurare ble of a book, indice d'un dii'eriirsi.—Tcìkc tlie law
libro. —TaWe-cloth, <aio- of one, »i «Olire /i7e ad
/^/'a. —
Table-plate, ra»»e/-
lame da tavola. Table- - supporre. -
beer, birra piccola. Ta- — to a thing, metier amore
Sycophant, s. un adulatore ble-buok, libro in cui i ca- a qualche cosa. —Take
Syllabical, a. di sillaba ratteri non sono fatti colf after one, rassomiszliare.
Syllable, s. sillaba —Take asunder, separare.
Syllogism, s. sillogismo Table -talk, conversazione —Take awav, sparecchi-
Syllogistic, —al, a. sillcgìstico che si fa a tavola. —Side are.— Take one down, ali-
Syllogize, V. n- sillogizzare table, ». bujfetto bassare. —
Take in hand,
Sylvan, a. silvano, ». un Tablet, ». tavoletta in<rap;iren(fere. — Take off,
Tabour, ». tamburino, — v. a. levare, togtitr via. —Take
Symbol, *. simbolo, — ical, out, ill-are. —Take up, al-
a. ^mbolicn, — ize, v. a. colui che sunna il cimhalo
Tabouret, ». sgabello
Symmetrical, a. fatto con Tabular, a. tavolar-;, tavol:io Taker, ». preuditore
Symmetry, ». simmetria Tabulated, a. liscio, piano Taking, ». prendime-Uo, — a.
Sympatlietic, — al, a. simpa- Tacit, a. tacito, —
ly, ad. ta-
citamente Talbot, ». levriere
inente [zare Taciturnity, ». taciturnità Talc, s. talco
Sympathize, v. n. simpatiz- Tack, ». agutello. — Tacks,
Tale, ». novella, favola— To
Sympathy, s. simpatia, com- (ropes) armadure di vas fello tell tales, novellare.— To
'pass: Tack, V. a. attaccare.— Tacìc tell tales of one, sparlar
together, unire. Tack the — li'iino.- Telltale, or Tale-
ship, diir la volta al bearer, ». «II novellista, una
cello —Tack about, pigliar
altremisure [sartia Tale. ». conto, numero
Tackles, or Tackle-ropes, Talent, » talento, capacità
Tackling, » sarte, robe, m Talisman, ». talismano, — ic.
Syndic, *. procurator di co-
Talk, ». parlare, discorso,—
Syndicate, or Syndicship, (.
Synecdoche, sineddoche
TalkaUre, a. s. ciarliero, — forma d
Tajier, r. n. farsi in Taudry, a. sfoesiaio
piramide Tavern, s. tavema.-Tayem.
Talked òi\a. d'i cui HJTi gran Tapestry, s. tappezzeria.— Tu Imnter, s. quegli che fre-
pestry-maker, s. quello olii quenta le taverne.— Ta\m\.
Talker, s.jiarlaton, miUanta- lavora di tappezzeria
/oie. —Much talking, cica- Tapping, «. paracentesi Taunt, *'.
motto, —v. a. J^ n.
leccio, ciarla Tapster, s. colui che tira di motteggiare, burlare, —
er, «.
Tall, a. grande, allo
Tallage, *. liif;lia, imposizione Tar, s. pece liquida, marinaio Tauntingly, ad. in burla
Talley, or Tally, s. fescera, — spalmare
V. a. Taurus, s. Tauro
Tarantula, s. tarantola Tautologize, v. n. ridire le me»
Tardily, ad. tardamente
Tallness, *. altezza Tardiness, s. tardezza Tautologica', a. tautologico
Tallon, s. artiglio Tardy, a. tordo, pigro, negli Tautology, *. tautologia
Tallow, *. sevo, sego gente, colpevole
Tallow-chandler, s. candelaio Tardy, v. a. ritardare cui si giuoca
Tallow, V. a. insevare, i>h, — Tare, s. tara, —v. a. tarare Taw, V. a. conciare
Tares, s. loglio Tawny, a. bruno
Tamarind, s. tamarindo Target, s. targa Tax, s. tassa, imposizione, —
Tamarisk, 3. tamarisco Tariti-; ,. tariffa Tax-gatherer, «. colletlore
Tambour, s. tamburo appannarsi, — delle tasse
Tame, domato, domestico,
a. Tax, r. a. tassare, biasimare.
umile, som7nesso.— To grow Tarpauling, ». catrame, un — Taxable, a. soggetto alle
tame, addomesticarsi
Tame, v. a. domare, umiliare, Tarragon, s. targone, erba odo- Taxation, * tassagione
— ly, ad. sommessamente. rìfera, e di sapore acuto Tea, (shrub) s. il tè.— Tea,
Vilmente, —ness, t. sommis- Tarry, v. n. indugiare, dimo- (liquor) » té
sione. —To tame one's pas- rare —
Tarry for here, me Teach, i'. a. insegnare, predi-
aspettatemi qui care, —able, a. i„s
passicni Tart. a. agro, brusco, piccante, Teacher, s. predica
Tamer, s. domatore ad. agramente,
ly, ness, —
Tamkin, s. il turacciolo d'un asprezza.— Tari, s. tirta-
A-ppìe-taTt,totta da potai.
Tart-pan, s. tortiera
suUecii — Toia Tarlane, s. tariana
per with Tartar, s. tartaro
biosi med Tartarean, a. infernale
Tan,s. eon, Tartarous, a. pieno di tartaro
Task, s. carico.— Hard task,
cosa malagevole a fare
Task-master, s. esattore
Tassel, s. fiocco. Tassel, —
(liawk) s. terzuolo
bile Taste, s. gusto,— v. a. gustare,
Tangible, a. tangibile assaggiare, aver qualche
Tangle, v. a. imbrogliare gusto This wine tastes
Tanhouse, s. concia well, questo vino ha buon
Tank, s. cisterna da tenervi gusto.— Welì-tasted, gustoso.
acqua — Ill-tastetl, ingrato.—To be
Tankard, s. boccale
Tanned, a. abbronzato Taster, ». gustatore. — The
king's '-'- -

a le vivo
Tasting, i. ^ifu'
Tantamount, a. equivalente Tasteless, a. insipi
Tantivy, s. gran galoppo Tatter, s. cencio
Tap, J. botta, percossa, ti. —
Tatterdemallion, s. uno strac-
spillare una botte, battere.
Tap a tree, scalzare un albero Tatterèd, a.
T3iVe,s. fettuccia di fih Tattle, V. n. cornacchiare —s. ,

Taper, s. cero ciarla

Taper, -ing, a. aonico- Tattler, ». un cicalone
'rattoo, «, ritira, chiamati
Temerarious, a. temerario Tendon, ». tendina Testaceous, e. testaceo
Temerity, s. temerità Tendril, ». tenerume, pompano Testament, ». tesiamettto, -
Temper, s. tempra, umore Tenebrous, a. tenebroso, — ity, ary, a. testamentario
Temper, v. a. temprar del ». tenebre Testator, ». testatore
ferro, moderare, stemperare i Tenement, ». case Testatrix, ». testatrice
colori Tenesmus, ». tenesmo Tester, ». cielo del ietto, sei
Temperament, t. tempera- Tenet, ». opinione soldi
Tennis, ». pallacorda. —Ten- Testicle, », testicolo
Temperance, *. temperanza niscourt, luogo dove si Testification, ». teslificar.ione
». il
Temperate, a. temperato, —
ly, giuoca alla pallacorda Testify, V. a. testificare, ing, —
ad. inoderaiamente, — ^neìs, ». Tenon, ». arpione ». il testificare
moderamento Tenor, ». teiwre, soggetto Testily, ad. caparbiamente, con
Temperature, ». tempra —
Tense, ». tempo, a. esteso, teso
Tempest, *. tempesta, uous, — Tension, ». tensione Testimonial, a. testimoniale,
a. tempestoso Tent, ». padiglione. Tent- — —
». lettera testimoniale

Templar, s. templare cloth, ». fodera. —
Tent- Testimony, ». testimonianza.
Templars, *. pi. te>nplari maker,/aoVoi-e di tende In testimony whereof, in fede
Temple, s. tetnpio, — of the Tentation, or Tentative, ». di che
head, tempia saggio Testiness, ». fantasticaggine
Temporal, a. temporale, se- Tenter, ». uncino Teston, ». testone
colare, — ties, s. i beni Tenth, a. decimo, ly, ad. in — Testy, a aromatico, fanta.itico.
temporali, — ad. tempo- decimo luogo
Tenths, ». pi. decime Tether, ». pastaio, —r. a. im-
Temporary, a. die dura a tern- Tenuity, ». tenuità
Tenuous, a. tenue 1 Ptrarch, ». teirarca
Temporize, Tenure, ». titolo
^iare, — er, ». en,
Tepid, a. tepido^ — ^ity, ». iepi-
Tetrarchy, tetrarchia
Tetter, ». serpigine

Teutonic, a. Tedesco, Teutonico

reggiare Terce, ». misura di lipiidi Text, ». testo
Tempt, V. a. tentare. Tergiversation, ». storcitnento Textuarist, or Textuary, ».
Tenn, ». termine, confine.— imno intendente de' testi della
Temptation, ». tentai Term-time, giorni curiali crittura
Tempter, ». tentatoi -The Terms, ». pi. condizioni Texture, ». tessitura
tempter, i7 diavolo Term, t». a. nominare cfie non,
Than, conj. di, che, piii
Ten, a. dieci. —
Tenfold, a. Termagant, ». campionessa, —
anzi che. I know it better
died volte tanto a. torbida, litigioso than you, /i> so meglio di voi ,
Tenable, a. che si pub tenere Terminate, - ' Thane, ». persona nobile
Tenacious, a. tenace, ly, ad. — Terminatio; , Thank, v. a. ringraziare. —
tenacemente Termless, a. illimitato God be thanked, ringraziato
Tenacity, ». viscosità, ava- Termly, ad. ogni termine Iddio
Ternary, a. ternario
TenancT, ». casa che tenie Terrace, ». terrazza
d'un altro Terraqueous, a. terracqueo
Tenant of land. s.JUtuario Terreous, a. terroso Thankless, a. ingrato
Tenant of a house, ». p'i^o- Terrestrial, a. terrestre Thanks, ». graxie. ~ Give
Terrible, a. spaventevole, — thanks, render grazie
Tenantable, a. abitabile ness, ». terribilità, ly, ad. — Thanksgiving, ». ringrazia-
Tench, ». tinea terribilmente
Tend, n. n. tendere, aver Terrier, ». can bassetto, registi That, pron. quello, quella.
mira, curare, badare . rei. i che. conj.
Tendency, ». fine, inclin, Terrific, a. terribile che, acciocché
Terrify, ». a. atterrire Thatch, ». paglia
Tender, Territory, » territorio Thatch. V. a. coprir di paglia.
Terror, ». spavento —Thatched house, ». casa col
tetto Terse, a. terso.—Teese style, tetto di stoppia, o paglia
Tender, v. a. amare, aver stile netto Thatcher, ». conciatetti in
della tenerezza. — As tliey Tertian ague, ». uno febbre paglia
tender his Majesty's dis-
pleasure, sotto pena d'incor- U dighiaccia,;e—lt begins to
rere tiadigncaione di tua thaw, commcia d' esser men
Maestà, ly, —
ad. tenera-
The, art. il, lo, la, i, gli, It
Theatre, ». teatro
Theatrical, a. teatrali
, a

Thte, pron. ti, te
Tlieft, s. ladroneccio
l/„r/, per traverso. Ttorouffh —
, ,

padre loro
—Their fa-
i luevmg,
inclinato a ru
s change, intiero can^riamento
hose, pron. quelli,
ad. da ladro.— queeli.'
Th,hen,, pron. pi. li. le, loro, que', quelle ^
,^/'-— I love them, gli amo
j. heme, s. sogf^etfo, tema '^^t,Tàìuno
'"' "" " ''"''^'^
Then, ad. allora, in quel tempo. Ihili,
Though, con}, hencliè
—Now and i, iiTnojie di
at carro.^-
then, di qitando Thill-horse,
s. pensiero
in quando s. il cavallo che Thoughtful,
sta al timone a. pensoso, _Iy.
Then (afterwards), poi, dopo Thimble,
Then, con}, dunque. What — '"hm,
s. ditale
a. sottile, rado, picco-
1. umor pensieroso
' '

shall I do then ?— Thoughtless, a. spensierato,—

dunque ?
c/ie farà


ness, *. inavvertenza
Thence, ad. dit /,), indi. —He gtòvr thin^ 1 housand, a. mille, s, mi'
is gone from thence,
ei'li è Thin-bodied, a. smilzo
partito di là
Thenceforth, or Thencefor-
Thine, pron. il tuo, la tua, i Thi-"' —
Thousandth, a. mil/esin

ward, da quel tempo in qua

Theogony, tco<(onia
Thing, s. co;sa. — Where are
Thrash, v. a. battere,
enotere, — er, I
my things ? dove sono mie
*. trebbiatore,
Theoroger, or Theologian, s.
—mg, s. trebbiatura, -ing-

Theolojfical, a. teologale, — ly,
V. n.
well or ili, pensar bene o Thrasonical, a. vanglorioso
male.— Think of, or upon, Thread, s. fio,-,: a infì-
Theorbo', s.
considerare. I think so,— lato
credo di «i—Think light of
Theorem, s. teorema " thing, far poco conto di
Threaden, a. fatto di filo
Theorematic, a. teorematico Thready, a. Jilamenioso
i heoretical, <j. speculativo Threat, s. minaccia.—A man
s. un che pem full of threats is a coward.
Thlnkfn^. „. ^.,..„„.,„.„._,,
Tlierapeutic, a. terapeutico
roy Uiinking, à mio parere
There, ad. li, là -Here and 1 hinking, a. giudizioso
there, qua e là There is, or Thinly, Threaten, ti. e
ad. radamente
Thinness, s. radezza Threatener, s.
Thereabout, ad. incirca, in- Third, a. terzo, (in music). Threatening, erole,.

Thereabouts, ad. là intorno.

un terzo, — ly, ad. in terze
-ly, ad. mi, ente
— Ten pounds, or there^ Thirst, s. sete
Three times, tre volte
abouts, dieci lire incirca
Thirstily, ad. avidamente
Threelea»ed grass, trifoi;lio
Thereby, ad. da di, Thirsty, a. sitibondo,—Blood-
Threefooted, a. che ha tre
Therefore, conj. per oft thirsty, a. sanguinolente
Therefore (then), dunque Threeforked, a. triforcato
Thirteen, a. tredici
Thirteenth, a. tredicesimo
Threecomered, a. triangolare
Theieofìad. diciò Threefold, a. triplice, tri-
1 hirtieth, a. trentesimo
Thereto, ad. a cib Thirty, a. trenta
Thereupon, ad circa di ciò threescore, a. sessanta

Theriasal,'«. trincale
Thi.s, pron- questo, questa.—
What does this mean.^ che Thresh,
Thresh one,
v. a. trebbiare. —
battere alcuno,.
Thermometer, j. termometro
.»^t dir questa !
Thistle, s. curdo.— ThìMe
—er, s. trebbiatore
Thesaurize, v. n. tesauriz- Threshin
down, cottone di cardone
Threshing-floor, s. aia
Thither, ad. ti, là.~Go thi.
These, pron. questi, queste Threshold,)ld, .
s. limitare
ther, andate là, —to. ad
Thrice, arf.t, e i„„c
They, '
.fin là, —wards, ad verso là Thrift, s. pc^sitnonia.—SiKTiA'
e/slino, elleno, Thong, s. striscia di cuoio thrift, s. un prodigo
legalo con sirisee d,
Thick, s. spesso.— To speak Thriftily, ad. moderatamente
Thriftiness, s. parsimonia
Thicken, V. a. spesi
igua grL
—ing. Thorn, ». spi
........ — AVliite- Thrill, s. succhiello, —v. a.
s. lo spessare Hawthorn, s. sticchiare
spinulba. Thorn bush, [sperare
Thicket, s. boschi Ho, folto s. Ihrive, r. n. profilare, pro-
Thickness,*, spessezza Thornback, s. Thriving, s. prosperità,—
Thickset, a spesso
Thorny, a. spinoso, pien di
prospero, —
ly, ad. prospera-
Thief, i. ladro mente.—-He goes on thriving-
spine, tedioso, molesto
Thief-catcher, j. birra
' Thorough, or Through, prep. in megào
e A A

Throat, *. gola —To have al I tua, i .
Tiller, » lavoratore
"ore throat, aver male alia ne d'una U
^ola — Throatwort, *. nome .—Wild tliyme, Tilling, ».
sennullino I
Tilt, ». tenaa
Throb, V. ii. jialpitare Tiara,» tia mitra, la iiara :Tiltboat. ». liarca coperta
Throbbing, s. pnluilamento \Tiìts,s. giostra
Throes, ». ,,/. {of jl woman) U •ick,''».''/o<i
Tiltyard, ». luogo destinato alla
doglie ase
ca, (disea in horses), eiostra
Throne, s. trono. —To sit upon tiro Tilt, V. n. giostrare
a throne, regnare Tick, ». n. pigliare a credito Tilt with swords, armeggiare
Throne, v. a. porre in trono Ticket. ». Tilt, t . alzar una botte d\
Throng, ». caUa, r. —
n. Tickle, V a.
; lusing. Tilter, ». giostratore
Throttle, v. a. slrizngclare Tickling, ». » Tilth, ». agricoltura
Througli, prep, per, a tra- Ticklish, a. Tilting, ». torneamento
verso, — Iv, aJ. intiera' Timber, ». legname. —Tim-
Tid, a. delicato, lezioso.— l>er- merchant, mercante di
Throughout, prep, fuor, fu- tidbit, un boccone delicato legname. —, ».
ora, per Tide, ». J(h»»o del mare, ri- lavoro di legname. — Timber
Throw, t. tiro, colpo. — tempo, sta. of skins, quaranta pelli
stone- throw, in tiio di pi- gione Windward - tide, Timber, v. n. annidarsi
-Lee- Timbrel, ». cembalo
Throw, V. a. gettare.— Throw ward-tide, vento Time, ». tempo, secolo, oppor-
silk, torcer della seta.— To —To go with the tide, an-
throw away one's money, dar colla maiea— Tide- Time out of mind, timpo
gettar via il tuo danaro man, or Tide-water, doga-
Thrum, ». la frangia dello niere. —
\Vhitsuntide, ». la cui tempo, «/oixi.T-To come
staine, — 1\ a. bastonare, Pentecoste. —
Martinmas- enough.
strimpellare tide, la festa di San lUar-
Thrush, ». tordo , .. a. prender del tempo .

Thrust, ». spinta, una batta Tide, r. n. so.tpingete cotjlutio Timely, ad. opportunamen- I

Thrust, V. a. spignere Tidings, ». novelle te, di buon' ora.— To give

Thrust (forward), tpignere Tidy, a. destro, acconcio timely notice, avvertire in
arun<t.— Thrust (back), ri- ""ie, ». Iet:ame, tiodo,\ tempo [midezztl —
spignere.—Thruit into ))ri- legare— Tie up, attaccare. Timid, a. timido, —ily, s. li-


son, mettere in prigione. lle tied himself up by a vow. Timorous, a. timido, ly,
Thrust in, conficcare. —
egli s'ohldigh con volo ad. timidamente, I

Thrust away, altJnlunare '^' '' """^'"'

Thumb. ». ;/u//;ce — 'l'ìiumb's Ttn!'t'fagno, latta
breadth, «7» pollice. — Tiir, V. n. tm collera, raTicll<!i-ii «n
Thumbstall, ». fascetta di latta. —
Tinman, s. ferraio o
V-lii per il diVo. — Thumb a Tittany, ». spezie di taffettà latta
book, V. a. squadernare Tin over, r. a. stagnare
Thump, ». colpa Tight, a. pulUo, tirato Tincal, ». oricalco
— ing. Tighten, v. a. legare che sia Tinct, or Teint, ». tintura '

bene stretto' Tincture, ». tinta, imprei

Thumping, a. grosso Tightly, ad. alHlitamente sione, infarinatura, iufu
Thunder. ». tuono Tightness, ». proprietà, stret- sionc. —v. a. dare un
Thunderbolt, s. fulmine
Thunder, v. n. tuonare, fulmi- Tigresss, ». tigre Tinder, ». esca
nare. —It thunders, tuona Tike, ». pidocchio TinderboT, ». scntnla in cui .<

Thundering, ,„onamenlo, Tile, ». /cgii/rt— Tllesherd, tiene il fucile e l'esca J

— II. terribile,

grande. —
». cocca.— Tilemaker, ». fa- balt,re fuoco
Thundering noise, strepito, citor di tegole. — Tilekihi, Ting, ». tintinno
s. fornace uà tegole .
Tinge, ti. a. tingere
Tluirsday, ». Giovedì Tile, V. a. coprir con tegole ! Tingle, r. a. tintinnire.— My
Thus, ad. cosi Till, ». d'una bottega, < ears tingle, mi ri
Thw.-ick. ». fnula, sfena,— tavoletta di stampatore \
V. a. frustare, ^erzar Till, ad. fino, inftno Till Tingling, ». /ùi/iniio
Thwart, a. bieco, bittorto,- r\ow, Jin' adesso 1 Tinker, ». caWeraio. Tin- —
V. a. attraversare Till the ground, v. a. zappare ker's budget, sacchetto di
Thwarting, a. contrario, — Tillage, ». agricoltura. — |
Ij, Land tìt for tillage, /erra j
Tinsel, ». drappo tessuto e
arabile I orpello
Tint, ». tintura, colore Toast, j). a. arrostire Tonsure, ». tonsura
Tiny, a. piccolo, s. tignuola — Tobacco, *. tabacco. — To Too, ad. anche. Too much, —
Tip, s. punta, cima smoke tobacco, /umariie/ ta- troppo.— Too much of any
Tip, nntnire di ferro. Tip — bacco. —Tobucco-hox, s. ta- thing is good for nothing, it
down, abbattere Tip one's
hand, ugnei- le mani ad uno
— bacchiera.
— Tobacco-pipe, soverchio
Tool, stromento
rampe il coperchio

Tipstaff, «. tavolaccino, sergente

Tip-toe, punta del piede
*. mercante di Tooth,
». Tooth-ach, ——
». di denti. Tooth-
Tippet, s. ciarpa. Woman's — Tod, s. peso di 28 libbre drawer, cavadenti
tippet, collare di pelle Toe, *. dito del piede Great — —
Toothing, ». morsa
Tipple, t'. n. ubbriacarsi spesso toe, il dito grosso Jet piede Tootlvsome, a. gustoso
Tippler, s. bevitore From top to toe, da capo al TooUiIess, a. sdentato
Tippling, s. imbriachezza. — Top, ». sommità, —of a bed, il
Tippling-house, s. osteria Together, ad. insieme. — '

cielo del letto, —of the water,

Tipsy, a. mezzo cotto gather together, raccoglici la superficie dell' acqua. —
Tire, for Attire, s. ornamento. Toil, s. pena. —
w. n. faticar From top to bottom, da alta
— Tire-woman, cameriera Toiler, s. lavoratore —
a basso. Top-heaTy, a. trop-
ToUet, s. tavolino a cui le donne po pesante in cima. Top- —
lassare, faticare I tear I — knot, ». nastro che le donne
shall tire you, temo d'esservi Toiling, s. fati _ portano sulla testa Hound
Toilsome, a. f-ilichtvole, — top of a ship, gabbia. Top- —
Tire, V. n. lassarsi I am 5s, s. aJffU mast, or Top-gallant-mast,
tired with walking, sono Token, s. segno, presente, re- ». trinchetto. — Top-sail, ».
stanco di camminare galo vela di trinchetto
Told, a. dello Top, ». paleo, —
v. a. tagliare
Tolerable, a. tollerabile, me- la cima, coprire, —
v. n. mag-
diocre, —
ness, s. mediocrità, gioreggiare
— ly, ad. cosi così Topaz, ». topazio
olerance, ». tolleranza Tope, V. n. trincare
Tolerate, v. a. tollerare Toper, ». bevitore
Tolerating, or Toleration, ». Topical, a. topico
tolleranza Topic, ». soggetto, materia
Toll, ». pedaggio. — To pay Topographer, ». o /iti che fa la
toll, V. a. il pedaggio.
Tithe, s. decima, —v. a. deci- — Toll-gatherer, collettore del Topographical, a. tovografiao
mare. —
Tithe-gatlierer, s. pedaggio. — Toll-free, a. Topography, ». topografia
riscuotitor di decime, ing, — franco di pedaggio.-— Toil Topping, a. principale, con-
*. una decina booth, il luogo dove si paga ii

Tithing-man, s. il capo d" una pedaggio Topsy-turvy, ad. sotto sopra

Toll, v. a. gr n rintoccare. Torch, ». torcia
Titillate, V. a. titillare adescare, incitai Torch-wecd, ». tassobarbasso.
Titi nation, s solletico Tomb, ». sepolcro — Torch-bearer, ». die porta
Title, s. titolo, ragione Tombstone, ». pietra che copre
Title-page, s. il titolo la sepoltura [i giovani Tore, pret. of Tear, stracciare
Title, V. a. intitolare Tomboy, ». sfacciata che ama Torment, ». tormento, — v. a.
Titter, f. n. ridere sconciamente Tome, ». tomo, volum tormentare, —or, ». tormen-
Tittle, s. punto [calane Tomtit, ». cincallegrt tatore, —ing, ». tormenta-
Tittle-tattle, s. cicalamento. Tone, ». tuono, accento. One —
Tittle-tattle, v. n. gracchiai may know by his tone that Tom, a. straccialo
titolare he "is an Italian, si pub Tornado, ». burrasca
To, prep. a, al, allo, alla. He — nascere dall' accento eh' egi

Torjiid, a. agghiadato
i3 gone to Rome, egli è an- un

Italiano Torrent, ». torrente

dato a Rmna. To go to — Tong of a buckle, ardiglione I Torrid, a. torrido
France, andare in Francia. Tongs, ». molle [di fibbia Tortoise, ». testuggine.— Toi-
— To have a title to a thing, Tongue, ». lingua, linguaggio.
—The toise-shell, tartaruga
aver ragione sopra qualche English tongue, la Tortuous, a. toititoso
lingua Ingljse — Tongue-tietl, Torturable, capace di tortura
To, ad. vèrso. —
IVI y love to a. mezzo muto. Double- — Torture, ». tortura, v. a. tor- —
you, l'amor che vi porto tongued man, uotno doppio, mrntare, —
er, .». carnefice,—
Toad, s. botta, rospo.— To^d- — less, a .che non lui lingua. ing, ». tortura
stone, s. chelonite. Toad- — Torvity, ». aspetto burbero.
stool, s. spezie di fungo forvila
Toast, s. fetta di pane abbru-
s'olata: donna celebre ! Tory, s. uno del partite reale

Tose, r. tcerdasiare, pettinar Trait, ». colpo, toecì. ritto
Traitor, ». traditore
Toss, s. scossa, —
v. n. pallct;- Traitorous, a. da traditore, -
giare, —v. a. scitotere.—To ly, ad. tradiloriamente
toss one in a blanket, dare dare, seguir la traccia Trammel-net, ». tramaglio
la copertacela. —
Toss a ball, race to the originai, ripi,
— Trample on, v. a. ealvestrare
rimandare una palla, —ing, t7 principio. Trace oui Trance, ». estasi
Tranquil, a. tranquillo
Total, a. totale, s. la — somma Tracer, t die trova la TranquilUze, f. a. traru/uillare


totale, il totale, ly, ad. in- Tranquillity, ». tranquillità

teramente Track, s. vestigio, traccia.— Transact, v. a. negoziare, ag-
T'other, a. Faìtro great track of hills, una giustarsi
Totter, t'. Tj. vacillare eiosaia di monti Transacting, or Transaction,
Tottering, ». vacillamento, — TFaclless, a. senza traccia ».transazione, convenzione
It, ad. à onde, vacillando Tract,* tratto, spazio, trattato Transactor, ». quello die nego-
Touch, *. tatto, tintura, ci- Tractable, a. trattabile, be-
mento, battone, — v. a. toc- nigno, —
ness, s. trattabilità, Transalpine, a. transalpino
care, esser ricino, compu- — ad. trattabilmente
ly, Transcend, v. a. trascendere
gnere. —
Touchstone, para- Trade, s. mestiere, (tools), or- Transcendency, ». eccellenza

gone. He fears to come to degni, (traffic), negozio.— Transcendent, a. trascendente,
the touch, teme di venire alle Trade wind, vento eliseo — ly, ad. perfettamente
prove —
Touch-hole of a gun, Trade, v. n. trafficare Transcolate, v. a. colare
spiraglio. —
Touchwood, es- Trader, s. un mercatante Transcribe, f. a. trascrivere,
ca Touchpan, focone. Tradesman, s. artista — —er, ». copista, —ing, ». il
This will never stand the Tradeswoman, s. artigiana
touch, questo non può resistere Trading, s. negozio Transcript, ». copia
all' esame Tradition, ». tradizione, —al, Transcur, v. n. trascorrere
Touching, s. ioccamento Transcurrence, or Transcur-
Touching, pr. intorno, circa 1st, ».colui che va dietro alle
Touchy, a. litigioso tradizioni Transfer, i'. a. trasferire
Tough, a. tiglioso,duro, robus- Traditive, a. che pub trasmet- Transferring, ». il trasferire
to, crudele, spiegato, difficile. TransfiguraUon, ». trasfigura
Toupee,'' s.'ciujb Transfigured, a. trasfigurato
Tour, s.spasseggiata Transfix, v. a. traijìggere
Tournament, *. torneamenio Traduction, ». traduzione, ca- Transform, i'. a. trasformare
Touse, r. a.scardassare lunnia, tradizione Transformation, ». trasforma-
Tow, s. stoppa Traffic, ». traffico, —v. n. traf-
Tow, V. a. rimurchiare jicare, negoziare, er, s. — Transformer, ». quello che tras-
mercante {(gomma) Transformjng, ». trasforma-
Toward, a. inclinato, prono Tragacanth, ». dragante,
Towardliness, s. docilità Tragedian, ». componitor di Transfuse, v. a. trasfondere
Towardly, a. docile, —ad. de- tragedie, attore tragico Transfusion, ». trcufondimerUo
Tragedy,», tragedia, accidente Transgress, v. a. trasgredire,
Towards, pr. verso deplorabile —ing, — ion, ». trasgredi-
Towel, *. tovaglia Tragic, or Tragical, a. tragico, mento,— or, ». trasgressore
Tower, s. torre doloroso, fatale, ly,ad. Irct- — Transient, a. transitorio, ly, —
Tower, s. colui che rìmurchia, gicamenie, —
ness, ». miseria ad. transitoriamente
— V. n. alzarsi alto, —ing, a. Tragi-comedy, ». tragicomedia Transit, ». transito
altiero, superbo Tragi-comical, tragicomici: Transition, ». passaggio
Town,», città, piazza. — Town- Trail, v. a. strascinare Transitory, a. transitorio
house, casa della città. — Trailing, ». strascino Translate, v. a. traslatore, tra-
Town- walls, mura della ciV- Train, ». seguito, strascico, durre, trasportare
tó—Townsman, s. concitta- sidie. —He has a nobie tri Translating, or Translation,
dino.— Tova-talk, bisbiglio. egli ha nobil corteggio ». traslazione
—Township, giurisdizione.s. Train of artillery, traino rf* Translator, ». traduttore
—She was the town talk, artigtiera.— To lay a train Transmarine, a. oltramarino
non si parlava che di lei per for one, tender insidie ad uno. Transmigrate, v. a. trasmi-
la città — Train-bands, milizia
Toy, s. bagatella, baia, — Train, or Train up, v. a. is- Transmigration, ». trasmigra-
cianciare —
Toyman, t. che truire, educare, disciplinare Transmission. ». trasj'undi-
vende gioie Train-oil, ». olio di baleno mento, trasmissione

Traipse, t-. carrtt Transmissive, a. trasmissibile

medo negligente, Transmit, f. a. trasmettere
Treble, v. a. triplica-e
Transmute, v. a. cambiare !, ». (in heraldry) Trebly, ad. triplicemem
Transom, s trareraa. Tran- — Tree, ». o/i«ry.— Fruit-
som window, telaio is (troubles), traversie. atbero pomifero. —
Transparency, a. trasparenza tree, ». melo —
Transparent, a. diafuno —
To Traverse, v. a attraversare
be transparent, v. n. tralu- Travesty, a. traresliio.~Vir?^\ Trefoil, ». trifoglio
travestied, Virgilio travestito 1 Trellis, ». (lattice) gelosia. —
Transpierce, v. a. trafiggere Tray, ». trungn —Mason's tray, Trellis (cloth), traliccio
Transpiration, a. traspirazione <goìo di muratore Tremble, v. n. tremare
Transpire, v. n. perspirare man, ». manovale Trembling, ». i7 tremare.—
Transpiring, a. traspirazione

Treacherous, a. perfido. To cause a trembling, far —

Transplace, v. rimuovere, porre Treacherous man, un tradi- tremare, ly, ad. tutto irs- —
Transplant, v. a. traspiantare,
— Treacherous

corta, Iv, ad. per- Tremendous, a. tremendo
— ation, traapiantamentn,
a. fidamente Tremour, ». brivido, tremore
— er, a.quello che Iraspiaiila, Treachery, ». perfidila Tremulous, a. tremolante
—ing, traspianiamento
a. Treacle, ». teriaca Tren, ». pettinetla,fi:ifiiia
Transport, —ship, Tread, Trench, '"
s. estasi, ». ». ria, ». fosi • '

vascello di trasporto traccia, «. camminare.

r. perai stagli
Transport, v. a. trasportare, —To tread upon one's foot, cea, ripa militare. —To open
metter fuor dì se, able, a. — camminare aUli piedi d' trenches, aprir le trincee. —
che si pub trasportare, — alcuno. — Tread softly, cam- Trench about, v, a. circondar
ation, s. trasporlo, ing, ». — minar pian piano. Tread —
il trasportare upon, V. a. calpestare. — Trencher, ». tagliere e ta-
Transpose, v a. trasporre Tread the grapes, calpestar glierà
Transposing, or Transposition, l'uva. —The cock treads the Trencher-mau, gran mangia-
hen, ;/ tore
gallo galla la gallina
Transubstantiate, ;
n. tra Treader, ». calcatore Trencher-fly, ». scroccone
Treadle, .». calcale Trendel, or Trendle, ». il per-
Transubstantìation, ». tran- Treadles of sheep, sterco di no sul quale gira la tnacina
sustanziazione pecora
Transubstantiator, a. difensore Treason, ». tradimento. High- — Trenta!, ». servizio per i morti
dilla transustanziazione treason, delitto di lesa maestà. che dura trenta giorni
Transvasate, v a. Irasvasare —
Petty-treason, il delitto Trepan, ». trepann, furbo,
Transverse, a. traverso d'un servitore che ammazza truffatore, —v. a. trapaimre.
Trap, » trappola, insidia, fra- padrone
il siut
ma —To set a trap, tendere Treasonable, a. traditoi
vna trappola. — IMouse-trap, Treasonably', ad. da traditore

Trap, V a. aitrappare.—Trap
one, ingannare alcuno
Trape, v. n. andar ramingo
Trapes, ». una donnaccia
Trappings, ». gualdrappe
Trash,», robaccia, fruiti cattivi
Travail, ». sforzo, affanno,
lori del parto, viaggio
Travail, v. n. esser ne' dolori
del parto
Travail, ti. a. tormentare
Travel, ». n. viaggiare ^He
has travelled ali over France, Treatable, a. trattaJAle
egli ha viaggiato per tutta Treatably, ad moderatamente
la Francia Treating, ». trattamento
Traveller, ». viaggiatore Treating-house, ». bettola
Traveller's-joy, ». vilnirno Treatise, ». tratto
Travelling, s' riaggio Treatment, « tratìamento
Trarelling bird, ». un uccello)I Treaty, ». accordo, trattato
i'riangle, *. triangolo Trim, V. n. star in mezzo Tiooper, ». un cavaliere
Triangular, a- triangolare Trimly, ad. pulilamenle Tiope, ». tropo
Trilie, «. tribù, razza, fami- Trimmer, s. un che tiene dalle Trophy, ». trofeo
glia.— He is one of the tribe, due bande Trophies of honour, gli onori
egli é dellarazza Trimming, s. il guarnire Tropics, ». pi. tropici
Triblet, s. ordigno che l'orafo Tropical, a. tropico, metaforica
adopera quando fa anello Trine ». trino Tropologica!, a. tropologico

Tribulation, s. trilmlazìone Trinity, s. ti Tropology, ». discorso morale

Tribunal, s. tribunale Trinket, s. trmcnetio Trot, ». trotto, —v. n. trottare.
Trinkets, *-. ciancia, fruscoli — Trot up and down, correr
Tribunitial, a. tribunizio Trip, s. inciampo, scorsa qua e là [vero
Tributary, a. tributario Trip, V. n. inciampare, cammi- Troth, fede. — In troth, da
Tribute, *. iribiUo, tassa. — Trothless, a. falso, perfido,
To pay tribute to nature, saltcllare—Ue trips with his senza fede
.norire [«,. p«»<o tongue, egli non sa quel che Trothplight, ». promessa
Trice, s. (Ex. In a trice), in dice.— Trip one up, dare il Trotter, » trottatore.— Trot-
Trick, s. modo, burla, fur- gambetto ad uno
fanteria, —
at cards, mano. Tripartite, a. tripartito Trotting, ». trotto
—To play one a slippery Tripe, *. trippa. —
Tripe-wo- Trouble, ». fatica, disaven-
trick, viancar di parola ad tura, imbarazzo, disturba,
delle trippe. — Tripe-house, sollecitudine.— To be a tron."
Trick up, parare, ornare. - s. mercato dove si vendon ble to, incomodare. With —
le trippe little trouble, sema molta
Triphthong, s. trittongo fatica
Tricker, s. grillo Triple, a. triplice Trouble, v. a. intorbidare,
Tricking, s. l'abbozzare, a Triple-tree, s. forche incomodare, interrompine, in-
bigliamento Triple, V. a. triplicare quietare, traragliare, affiig-
TT\ckH\x, a. furfantesca Triplication, s. il triplicare
Trickle, s. gocciola Triplicity, s. triplicità Troubler, ». perturbatore
Trickle, 01- Trickle down, Tripod, s. tripode Troublesome, a. affannoso, eat-
Tripoly, s. iripoH
Tripping, 3. inciampo Trough, s.truogo, — Kneading-
Tristful, a. tristo trough, madia
Trisyllable, *. trisillabo Troul, V. muoversi volubil-
Trite, a. comune, usitato mente, parlar con volubilità
Trifallow, terzare
v. a. Triton, s. tritone, girella di lingua
Trifle, «. baia, bagatella Triturable, a. che si può tritare Trounce, v. a. maltrattare
Trifle, t'. n. cianciare. Trifle Triturate, v. a. tritare Trouse, Trousers, ». calzo/i'.
away one's time, spender il Trituration, s. lo stritolare lunghi alla marinaresca
Trivet, s. treppiede Trout, ». trota
Trifler,*. bagattelliere Trivial, a. triviale Trow, V. n. credere
Trifling, J. cmHcfa.— Trifling Trivially, ad. trivialmente Trowel, ». cazzuola
business, affare di nulla Triumph, s. trionfo, vittoria, Troy-weight, » peso di dodici
Triflinglv, ad. di nessun peso
Triform,' a. triforme (ruota
— V. II. trionfare
over, soggiogare

Truant, ». un infingardo. —
Trig a wheel, incatenare una Triumphal, a. trionfale To play the truant, /uggire
Trigger, s. pezzo di ferro col Triumphant, a. trionfante, — la scuola
qnale si ferman le ruote d' ly, ad. trionfalmente Trub-tail, ». una donnicciuola
un carro, —
of a gun, grillo Triumpher, s. trionfatore Truce, ». tregua
Triglyph, *. triglia, termine Triumphing, ». il trionfare Trucidation, ». trucidamento
Triumvir, ». Iriunviio Truck, ». baratto, —v. a. ba-
Trigon, s. triangolo Triumvirate, ». triimvirato
Trigonal, a. triangolare Triune, a. un sol Truckle, ». girell
Trigonometry, ». trigonometria Trochee, ». trocht [so. Truckle-bed, ». e
Trilateral, a. che ha tre lati Trochisk, ». trocii... Truckle, v. n. sommettersi
Trill, s. trillo [dotare Trod, or Trodden, a. calpe- Truckling, ». sommessione
Trill, f. a. gorgheggiare, goc- stato, battuto Trucks, ». trucco. Truck- —
Trim, a pulito, attillato, — Troll about, ti. k. vagabondare. table, la tavola dove si giuoca
s. (dress) abbigliamento. — —Troll away, sbrigarsi al trucco
Trim of a ship, stiva Trollop,». una schifa Truculent, a. feroce
Trtm, V. a. guemire, rac"^. Troop, ». truppa, compagnia. Trudge, r. n. trottare.
—Trim a boat, mettere i«hl — Troops, ». esercito Trudge a - foot, andare a
barca in inliva, Trim up,— Troop, i'. »!. adunarsi piedi.— Trudge, v. n. affati-
aggiustare, accomodare Troop aviay, fuggire
1 nie, a. vero, esailc, —ness, s. Tmsty, a. fidato, leale Tun of timber, »
franchezza Truth, verii-i' .To speak
s. piedi e legna
True-hearted, a. franco the truth, dire la verità. — Tim-bellied, <
Tnie hcartedness, «. smcerità, In truth, ad. seriamente Tun, v. a imbottare
Trug, s. truogolo Try, V. a. fare il saggio, — Tunable, a. armonioso
Trull, s. una bagascia V n. tentare, sforzare. — Tunably, ad. armoniosamente
Truly, veramente
aii. Try a friend, speriinen- Tune, j. tuono, accorda, aria
Trump, trionfo.— To have
s. tare un amico. — Try one Tune, i'. a. accordare
trumi'S, trionfi. — for his life, fare il processo Tuner, s. colui che accorda
Trump of an elephant, pro- ad uno.— Try metals, rajjì- Tuneful, a. musicale
boscide d'un elefante Vi Try experi- '
— Tuneless, a. scordante
Trump, V. a. premiere con un -s,/.!n lenti Tunic, s. tunica [brana
h/o, magnificare rjing, s Tunic, or Tunicle, *. mem-
Tub, s. <m«. —
Bucking-tub, Tuning, s. accordo
:cio da bucato.— Tale Tunnel, s. irnbuto, spezie di
rete da prender pernici, of —
Tube, s. tubo a chimney, il fumaiuolo
*''"'" Tubercle, s. tubercolo Tunneller, s colui che piglia
Trumpeter, trombettiere
.5. Tuberose, s. tuberoso le pernici cella rete
.Truncheon, s bastone Tuberosity, *. tu::erjsità Tunny, s. tonno
Trundle, or Trundle along, v. Tuberous, a. tuberoso Tup,
a. runtolare {nella Tuck, t. sorla di spada Turban
Trundle tail, s. una btrghi- Tuck, V. a. snccingere
Trunk, (chest), cofano
.?. Tucker, s.gala, follone
Trunk covered with leather, Tucking up, s. il snccingere Turbid, a. torbido, fan
un baule. —
Iron trunk, s. Tuesday, s. Martedi.—ShTore- ness, f. torbidezza
Tuesday, s. Martedì grasso
Triuik - maker, un baulaio. Tufi, «. ciufetto di capelli,— Turbulency, s. tnrbolci
—Trunk of a tree, il tronco of silk, jìocco di seta, —of Turbulent, a. impetv
d'un albero. Trunk of a — feathers, mazzo di piume
man's hody, il busto Tuft, a. iy//u<o.— Tuft-ribbon,
Trunk, s. (pipe), canna, cana- s. nastro vellnlo. -TuUteA-
-" '•
Turcolse- stone,
letto di legno, fìo\ver,fiore ueZ/u/o.— Tufted- >r s.
phant '- amba '- d'un ele- lark, s. allodola crestata
fante Tug. «. il tirare, —v. a. tirare. Turf, s pezzi 1

Trunnions, t. pi. orecchioni d -Tug hard for a thing, v. ""'"""""""

Truss, s. fardello, bracchiere
darsi molla pena

Tugger, s. quitto che strappa

Turgent, a. gonfio
— of hay, « fastello di fieno Tugging, s. tiramento Turk, s. un Turco
—Trusses, s. (ropes), funi Tuition, s. condotta, prote- Turkish, a. Turche-ico
Turkey, s. Turchia.— Turkey-
Tullp, s. tulipano merchant, uno che mercan-
Tumble, s. cascata, —v. a. teggia con gente in Turchia
Truss up a fowl, accon cadere, capitombolare. — Turkev, or Turkey-cock, j.
Tumble one upon a bed, gallò d'India, gallinnceio
Trust, ». confidenza, Turmeric, a. turtumaglio
denza, deposito. To put —
/"«r-Tumble''a b^, scon- Turmoil, s. fracasso, —v. n.
one in trust with a thing, volgere un letto far grande strepito
confidare che che sia ad Tumbler, s. saltatore, un gran Turn, s. tornio, passeggiata,
uno —
Place of good trust, girata, vicenda, giro, rivo-
carica importanti. —To go Tumbler-dog, *. un bassetto
upon trust, pigli Tumbling, *. il rotolare
Tumbrel, *. carretta
Trust, t mfidar Tumefaction, s. tumore
Tumefy, v. a. gonfiare
Tuinid, a. tumido, gonfiato

Tumult, s. tumulto
Tumultuary, a. tumultuario
Trusteeship, *. curatela Tumultuous, a. tumultuoso,
Trustily, ad. fedelmente — ly, ad. tumultuosamente.
Trustiness, s. fedeltà
Trustless, a. sleale, infedele, d,
- Twilight, ». crepila ulo Vacuity, or Vacuum, », va'
Twin, s. gemello
Twine, *. filo ritorto, —v. a. Vacuous, a. vacuo
-ere. — Twine about, ab Vafrous, a. astuto
Vjigabond, », un vagabondo
Turning, * giro, of a rive— , Twinge,

s. dolore acuto, tor- Vagary, s. fantasia
serpeggiamenti dCun fiume mento, V. a. cruciare Vagrancy, ». viia vagabondi
Turnip, rapa
s. Twinkle, *. occhiata, —v. n. Vagrant, a. vagabondo, vno
Turnkey, *. garzone del ca sfavillare. — In the twink-
ling of an eye, in un batter
Turpentine, ». trementina. V^^'s'''vIìo7—v. a. velare.
Turpentine-tree, terebinto Twirl, V. a. voltare —Vali one's bonnet, levar U
Turpitude,* turpitudine Twist, sfilo, of the —
tliigh, cappello ad uno
Turrel. s. sacchiello il dideìUro della coscia, — Vailing, ». velamento
Turret, j. toricciuola (girder) travicello, —v. a. Vails, ». mancia
Turtle, testu/^f^iue di mar
.'^. torcere —Twist hair, intrec- Vjiin, a. inutile, org0!;lioso
— Turtle, er Turtle dorè. Vain- glory, ». vanagloria
Vain-glorious, a. vanaglo-
Tuscan, a. Tosco, Toscano
Tush, interj. oibb Vainly, or in vain, ad. vana-
Tushes of a horse,
del cavallo I. a, schernire Vain, ». vanità
Tasks, s. zanne Two, a. due Valance, ». cortinaggi
Tusked, or Tuskv, a. zannuto Two-edged, a. due tagli Vale. ». valle
Tut, inlerj. uibb Two fold, a. doppio Valediction, ». licenza
Tutanag, s. sorla di metallo Tymbal, ». taballo Valerian, ». valeriana
imperfetto Tympan, ». timpano Valet, ». servo
Tutelage, s. protezione del Tympanist. » idropico Valet-de-chambre, ». came.
Tympany, ». spezie d'idropizia riert
Tutelar, or Tutelary, a. tute- Tyny, piccino
a. piccolo, Valetudinarian, or Valetudi-
Tutor, precettore Tvpe, aymbolo, modello nary, a. infirmiccio
». ».
Typical, a. figurativo Valiant, a. valoroso, bravo, —
Tutor, V. a. addottrinare Typically, ad. figurativamente ly, ad. valorosamente, ness. —
Tutorship, ». tutela Typographer, ». stampatore
Tutty, ». tttzia, mazzetto di Typographical,», di stampatore Valid, a. valido
Tvpographv, ». stampa Validate, v. a. corroborare
T"wain, i.due Tyrannical' a. tirannico Validating, or Validation, s.
Twang, Tyrannically, ad. tyrannica- corroborazione
accento. —To
speak with Validity, ». validità
twang, parlar col naso Tyrannicide, tyrannicida ». Valley, ». valle
Twang, V. n. render un sua Tyrannize, v a. tyranneggiare Valorous, a. coraggioso
Tyranny, ». tirannia
Twattle, ». n. cicalare Tyrant, ». tyranno. Petty ~
Twattling, ». ciarleria tyrant, un tyrantullo
T weag, or Tweak, » imbroglio.- Tyro, ». colui che non possiede Valuation, ». valuta
—Tweak hy the nose, v. atuor bene la sua arte; un Value, ». valore, stimi
tirare per il naso stimare, pregiate, —ing, ,

Tweezers, ». fil. mullefii Tythe, ». decima

Twelfth, a. duodecimo - Valve, ». valva
Twelfth-day, ». epifania Vamp, tomaio,
». d. — 'a. ae-
Twelve, a. dodici. —
Book co>nodare, rappezzare
twelves, un libro in duode- Vampire, ». vampiro
Vamplate, ». guanto di ferro
Twelve onth, », Van, or Vanguard, ». t-aa-
Twenty, a. venti. — One and Vac 1 Van, ». (for com), vaglio
Van, V, a. vagliare
Twibill, » piccone Vane, ». girella [svanire
Twice, a. due volte.— Tsice- Vanish, or Vanish away, v. a.
fold, ad. doppiamente pascolo da vacche Vanity, ». inutUUu, vana-
Tvìg,s. vermena. — Lime-twig, gloria
». paniuzza. — To set lime- 1 Vaccination, Vanquish, r. a. vincere, —er,
». vincitore
Vantage, », vantaggio
Vapid, a. svaporato Vauntmure, dita. Give vent to a cask of
Vapidness, s. insipidexsa Uberositv, s. abbondanza wine, aprire una botte di vino
Vaporation, s vaporazione Uberous, a. copioso Vent, V. a. scoprire, palesare.
Vaporous, <i. pien di vapori Ubiquity, .5. ubiquità
Vapour, s. vapore, — v. a. fai UUdér, ». tetta Ventiduct, s. condotto di vento
Veal, *. vitdla Ventilate, v. a. ventolare
tvajforare. Vapours, s. pi. Veer, v. a. girare,— v. n. (as the Ventilation, «. ventilazione
vapori, — ing, s. fierezza,— wind), cangiarsi Ventilator, s. ventilatore
Vegetable, a. vegetabile
Variable, a variabile, ness — Vegetables, s. i vegetabili
». variazione, )y, ad. va- — Vegetation, s. vegetazione
Vegetative, a. vegetativo, venture, per sorte.— To put a
thing to a venture, mettere
Vegetive, a. forte, vigorose citeche sia alla ventura
Vehemence, or YehcmenL
V. n. venturarsi. —He ven.
Varicoloured, a. variato \'ehement, a. violente tured too far, egli j' è troppa
Varicous, a. varicoso, ynalato A'ehemently, ad. veem
per dilatazione Vehicle, s. veicolo [n
Variegate, v. a. variare VeU, s. velo, — v. a. velare Venturesome, Venturous, a.
Variegation, t. variazione. Vein, s. vena. —To open a
Variety, s. varietà Venturously, ad. alla ventura
Various, a. vario, ly, ad. — Veined, or Veiny, a. venoso Venue, s- (in law), vicinalo
Velleity, s, velleità Venus, ». Venere
Varix, i e, dilatazione di Vellicate, v. a. pizzicare.— Veracious, a. verace, veridico
(rail at), sbottonare Veracity, ». veracità
Varlet, s. briccone Veilication, t. pizzico Verb, ». verbo
Varletry, s.popolaccio, canaglie Vellum, «. cartapecora Verbal, a. verbale, — ly, ad.
Varnish, s. vernice, — v. a Velocity, s. velocità verbalmente, ity, — ». qualità
Velvet, .'. velluto Velvet-like, di quel che e verbale
che fa la vernice, —ing, *. il^ vellutato. —
Velvet-coat, «71 Verberation, ». riverberazione
abito di velluto Verbose, a. verboso
Vary. v. a.variare Verbosiór, »• loquacità
Varying, s. variazione Verdant, a. verde
Vascular, a. vascoloso Verdict, ». giudizio, parere
Vase, s. testo, vaso Verdigrise, ». verderame
Vassal, s. vassallo Vendible, a. vendevole Verditure, ». verdenorro
Vassalage, s. vassallaegio Vending, s. vendita Verdure, ». le^Hra
Vast, a. vasto, grande, mollo, Vendition, s. vendimento Verdurous, a. verdeggiante
— s. spazio vasto non occu- Vendor, i. venditore Verge, ». verga, mazza, giù.
pato, —
ly, ad. grandemente Veneer, v. intarsiare
Vastation, s. desolazione \'enefical, or \'eneficial, a. Verger, ». mazziere, — of a
Vastity, s. grandezza velenoso cathedral, bidello
Vastly, ad. grandemente, eccea- Venefice, s. avvelenamento Veridical, a. veridico
eriest. Ex He is the veriest
Venerable, a. venerabile rogue that ever lived, egli i
il più gran briccone che mai
Venerably, ad. venerabilmente stato

Veneration, s. venerazione Verification, ». verificazione

Venereal, a. venereo Verify, V. a. verificare
\'enery, s. libidine, caccia
Verifier, ». quello che verifica
Vengeance, vendetta.
*. —
To Verifying, ». prova
Vault, *. valla, cantina, cesto take vengeance, far vendetta. Verily, ad. veramente
Vault, v. a. vallare — With a vengeance, alla Verisimilar, a veri.umile
Vault upon a hovse, v. n. Verisimilitude, or Verisimility
Vengeful, a. vendicativo
\'auUe(fsky, la volta celeste Venial, a. veniale
\'aulter, * . vr.lteggiatore Venison, ». salvaticina Vermicelli, ». vermicelli
Vaultj, s. voltato Venom, ». veleno Verjuice, ». agresto
Vaunl, s. vanto hmntarsi Venomous, a. velenoso, mor- \'ermitulated, a. vermìcolato
dace, —
ness,». velenosità \'eimilion, ». vermiglio
Vaunter, s. vantatore —
Vent, ». vento, aria, of a gun Vermin, ». vermi
Vaunting, s. vantamento, —^ly, /ocone.—Vent-hole, ». Vernacular, a. vem
ad. con vanto raglio.— Ver'*, or Sale, Vernali di vrimat .
Versatile, a. flessibile


Verse, verso, versetto.

s. To
make verses, verseggiare.—
Verse- maker, s. versificatore
Versed, a. versato
Versicle, *. piccai verso
Versification, *. versificaiione
Versifier,*, versificatore
Versify, v. n. verseggiare
Version, ». traslazione
Vert, s. gli alberi d'una foretto
Vertebre, s. vertebra
Vertex, s. vertice
Vertical, a. verticale
Vertiginous, a. vertiginosa
Vertisio, s. vertigine
Vervain, s. verbena
Vervise, s, sorta di panno
Very, a. vero, stesso, medesimo.
—He a ver» knave, egli
is è
un pretto furbo, —ad. molto.
—Very molto fedele.
—Very poco fà.—l
am very much afraid of it,
ne temo moltissimo
Vesicatory, *. vesicatorio
Vesicle, *. vesichetta
Vespers, s. vespero
Vessel, *. vaso, vascello
Vest, s. camieiuola
Vest, v. a. investire
Vestal, *. vestale
Vestiary, s. vestiario
Vestibule, s. vestibule
Vestige, *. vestigio
Vestment, *. vestimento
priest's vestment, paramento
^A —

To call a ves-
try, fare adunare i princi-
pali della parrocchia nella
sagrestia. — Vestry - men,
guelli che compongono C
assemblea delta sagrestia.
— Vestry-clerk, s. secretario
Vesture, s. vestimento, inves-

Vitriolous, a, vitriuolato Unadvised, a. mal
jiueo. -
Virgin- \'ituperable, a. vituperabile — ly, ad. impru iute.
honey, miele vergine. — Vituperate, ti. a. vituperare — ^ness, *. imprudenza
I'iripn - w.-.x, cera vergine. \'ituperalion, ». vituperazione Unaffected, a. semplice, ly, —
—Virgin-lite, a. vevf^'inale. ad. naturalmente, ness, *. —
—Virgin-milk, «. latte ver- Vivacity, *. vivacità
Vivary, (in law) s. un parco Unaffecting, che
\'irglnals, s. spezie di spinetta Viver, *. drago di mare
Virgiiiitv, s. verginità Vives, s. vivale
Virile, a. virile Vivid, a. allegro Unalienable, a. inalieiuibile
Virility, «. virilità, cuore, ani- A^vifical, a. vivificante Unallowable, a. che non si deve
Vivificate, v. a. vivificare permettere
Virtual, a. virtuale, ly, ad. — VivificaUon, ,. vivijtcazione Unalterable, a. che non si può
virtualmente Viviparous, a. viviparo, opposto alterare
Virtue, s. virtii.— To make a ad oviparo Unamazed, a. intrepido
virtue of necessity, /urdeHo Vixen, s. una garrilrice ; un Unaraendable, a. incorrigibile
necessità virtìi ragazzo che non fa Unamiable, a. che non é ama-
Virtuoso, *. uno che s'intende gridare ; a» volpici
d'antichità Viz, *. cioè
Virtuous, a. virtuoso, — ly, ad. Vizard, *. maschera. To put — 1

on a vizard, metiers'
Vìrulency, s. marcia, veleno maschera
Virulent, a. velenoso, mordente,
— ly, ad. mordacemente nistro nella corte del grat
Visage, «. visaggio signore
Visceral, a. delle viscere Ulcer, *. ulcera
Ulcerate, v. a. ulcerare Uiiappalied, a. ardito, che i

>sità Ulcerating, or Ulceration, *

-Vis- ulcerazione Unapparent, a. oscuro, inv
Ulcerous, a. ulceroso
Uliginous, a uliginoso, umido
Viscons, a. viscoso a. ulten
Visibility, *. qualità visibile Ultimate, ultimo, — ly, ad.
Visible, a. visibile

Unapt, a. incapace, — ness, s.

Visibly, ad. visibilmente incapacità
Vision, s il vedere, apparizione Unaptly, ad. male
Visionary, a. uno che s'ima- Unarm, v. a. disarmare
gina aver delle visioni, — a. a. oltra Unasked, a. non ricercato, non
che appartiene alle visioni Ultramundane, a. chi domandato
Visit, *. visita, —
V. a. visi- del mondo [tontario Unaspiring, a. che non è am-
tare, affiiggere.—Viàt one's Ultroneous, a. spontaneo, vo-
Ululate, v. a. ululare Unassuming, a che non è arro-
— If God should Tjsit us Umbered, a. ombreggiato gante
with any disease, se Iddio ci Umbilical, a. d'umbilico Unattainable, a. che non si
visitasse con qualche malat- Uinbles, s. coratella di cervo o può ottenere
tia Unattempted, a. che non s' i
Visitation, s. visitazione
Visiting, s. visilamento. — To Umbrella Unattended, a. solo, senza se-
go a visiting, andare in guilo
Umpirage, s. arbitrato Unauthorised, a. non autoriz-
Visitor, s. visitatore zato
Visor, s. maschera Unability, s. incapacità Unavailable, nr Unavailing, a-
Vista, s. vista, prospettiva Unable, a. incapace
Visual, a. visuale Unableness. s. inabilità Unavoidable, a. inevitabile
Vital, a vitale Unacceptable, a. dispiacente Unawares, ad. all' improvviso
Vitals, s. pi. le parti vitali Unaccountable, a. bizarri Unawed, a. non trattenuto da
Vitiate, V. a. viziare
Vitreous, a. vitreo Unaccustomed, a. insolito
Vitrificable, a. che si può con- Unacquainted, a. non versati

Vitrification, *. il convertire in Unactivè, a.'ìeuto

Unaddjcted, a. che non è dedit
Unadvisable, a. che non si dei
Unbelief, ». incredulìlà Uncharitablv, ad. LVinVi Uncontemned, a. che non è
Unbend, v. a. rallentare. — Uncnaste, a. che non è castn^
Unbend one's mind, ricre- impudico, —
Ij, ad. impudi- Uncontroulable, a. incantesta-

Unbeseem, v. n. non convenire Unchewed, a. che m UncouTcrsable, a. insociabile

Unbeseeming, a. sconvenevole, Uncord, v. a. .^ciorre
—ness, ». indecenza., — ly, ai. Uncorrect, a. scorretto
Uncorrected, a. che non è
Unbewailed, a. non compianto
Unbisissed, a, che non è par- Uncircumcised, a. i Uncorrupt, or Uncorruptcd, a.
stato incorrotto
Unhidden, a. cite non è com- Uncomiptly, a. con integrità
mandato Uncircumspect, a. imprudente, Uncorer, v. a. scoprire
Unbind, ti. a. sciogliere —
ly, ad. imprudentemente Uncouple, i;. a. sciogliere
Unblameable, a- innocente, —
Uncivil, a. incivile Uncourteous, a. scortese
ness, ». innocenza, ly, ad. —
Unclad, a. spogliato Uncourtly, a. incivile
Unclasp, ti a. sfibbiare Uncouth, rozzo, gqffb, —ness.
Unclean, a. immondo, — ^ly, Uncrown, v. a. levar la corona
ad. sporcamente, —uess, ». Unction, ». unzione
Unbloody, a- non sanguinoso immondizia Unctuous, a. untuoso
Unbodied, a. incorjioreo Uncleft, a che non è fesso Uncultivable, a. indocile
Unboiled, a. che non è bollito Unclothe, v a. svestire Uncurable, a. incurabile
Unbolt, V. a. scatenacciare Unclose, V. a. schiudere Uncurious, a. che non è curioso
Unbone, ti. a. dissosture Uncoif a woman, v. a. strap- Uncursed, a. che non è ìnule-
Unbooted, a. senza stivali pare la cujfia delta testa d'una detto
Unborder, v. a. inondare Uncut, a. intero
Unborn, a. che non è ancori Uncomely, a. indecente Undaunted, a. intrepido
Uncomfortable, infelice,
a. — Undauntedness, ». intreptdità
ness, ». miseria, ly, ad — Undeceive, ». a. sgannare
miserabilmente Undecided, a. indeterminato
Uncommon, a. straordinario. Undeclinable, or Undeclined,
Unbound, a. sciolto a. indeclinabile
Unbounded, a. illimitato Uncommunitable, a, incom- Undecked, a. mal adorno
Unbowel, t'. a. sventrare Undee, in heraldry, a. ondato
Unbrace, v. a. sfibbiare Uncompounded, a. semplice. Undefaceable, a. indelebile
Unbribed, a. che non è corrotto Undefended, a. »e«:o difesa
Unbridle, v. a. sbrigliare Unconcerned, a. spassionato, Undefiied, a. puro, senza tnac-
Unbridled, a. smoderato — ly, ad. spoisionalamente
Unbroken, a. che non è rotto Unconcludiug, or Unconclu- Undejected, a. intrepido
Unbuckle, v. a. sfibbiare sive, a. che non conchiude Undeniable, a incontestabile
Unbuilt, a che non è edificato Unconcocted, a. crudo Undeniably, ad. incoiUestabil-
Unbung, V. a. levar il coc- Uncondemned, a. che non è
condannato Under, prep. sotto, meno. —
Unconfined, a." che non è limi- Over or Under, plxt o meno.
— To swim under water,
Unconfirmed, a. che non è con- nuotar soli' acqua, To be —
Unbury, v. a. sterrare firmato [conforme under age, esser minore. —
Unbutton, v. a. sbottotiare Unconformable, a. che non è Under hand and seal, sotto-
Uncalled, a. che non é chia- Unconformity, ». differenza scritto e sigillalo. —
'i'o keep
Unconnected, a. non connesso, under, tener corto. Under —
favour, con vostra licenza. —
Under age, ». minorità
Underbid, v. a offrir meno che

Underbid one, offi-ir meno fun

Uncaught, a. che non è preso Unco,i5ecrated, Under-butler, ». sotto botti-
Uncertain, a. incerto

Undergo, v. n. sojfrire. —
Uncertainty, ». incertezza Undergo a punishment, esser
Unchain, v. a. scatenare
Unchangeable, a. immutabile
Uncharitable, a. che V)n ha Unconsumable, e
Underlayer, s. puniello Unequitable, a. che non i in-
Underleather, s. cnoio di sottJ parziale, ingiusto
Underling, «. un inferiore Undistingiiishable, a. che non Unequivocal, a. senza equivoco
Underliv, J. U labbro di sotto Unerring, a. infallibile
Undermine, .'. a. miu.ire, sot- Undisturbed, a. placido Unevangelical, a. che non i
tominare, consutnure. — Un- Undividable, a. indivisibile
Undivided, a. indiviso Uneven, a. ineguale, caprte-
Undivulged, a. secreto, non
Undermost, a. che i in fondo pubblicalo iviicvitable, a. inevitabile
Underneath, a. di svilo Undo, V. a. rovinare Unexampled, a. senza esempio
Underprop, v. a. jtuuleltare Undoer, s. disfacilore Unexceptionable, a. d'intera
Underrate, v. a. dispreizare, Unduiiig, s. di^acimento fede
—s vii prezzo Undoubted, a. indubitato Unexecuted, a. che non è stato
Under-Secretary, s. sotto segre- Undoubtedly, ad. senza dubbio
Undraw, ii. a. tirare Unexercised, a. non praticai:.
Undersell, v a. vender per Undreaded, o. non temuto
Undreamed, a. non pensato, Unexhausted, a. che „
esausto [mtnte
Underset, v, a. metier di sotto Unexjiectedly, ad. inopinata
Undersort of people, il popo- Unexpert, a. inesperto
Unexplicable, or Unexponnd
Understand, v. a. comprendere. Undress, v. a. spogliare
— To give to understand, Undried, a. che non è seca Unextended, a. che non s
dare ad intendere, ing, s. — Undue, a. indebito stende
Unduly, ad. indebitamente Unextinguished, a. che non
Understrapper, ». supposto Undulatsd, a. ondeggiato
Undeitake, v. n. intraprendere, Undulation, s, ondeggiami Unextiipated, a. che non
— V. n impacciarsi Undutiful, a. disubbidiente, — estirpato
Undertaker, s. intraprendiiore ness, s. disubbidienza Unfair, a. ingiusto
Undervalue, v. a. sprezzare Uneasily, ad. disagiata) Unfaithful, a. infedele, —
Underwent, {see Undergo) Uneasiness, s, disagio, inquie- id. infedelmente, —ness.
Underwood, s. alberi piccoli Infedeltà
Underwork, v. a. cercar di Unfalsified, a. vero, sincero
spiantare Unfashionable, a. che non
Underwrite, v. a. sottoscrivere alla moda
Undeserved, a. immeritevole, Uneaten, a. non mangiato Unfasten, v. a. sciorre
— ly, ad immerilamente Unediiying, a. che non edifica Unfathomable, a, che non
Undesigning, a. sincero Uneducated, a. senza educa- pub scandagliare, ly, e —
Undesirable, a. che non è da d'una maniera da non j
desiderarsi [nato Uneffectual, a. inefficace
Undetermined, a. indetermi- Unelected, a. non iscello, non Unfeasible,
a. che non si '^p
Undevout, a. non divoto eletto fare
Undied, a- che non è tinto Uneligible, a. non tligibile Unfeathered, a spiumato
Undigested, a. non digerito Uneloquent, a> che non i elo- Unfed, a. non pasciuto
Undiligent, a. negligente Unfeeling, a insensibile
Undiminishable, a. che non si UnempIojed,a. non impiegato. Unfeigned, a. sincero
pili) diminuire Unfeignedness, s. sincerità
Undipped, a. non tuffato, non Unendowed, t. non dotato Unfelt, a non sentito
Unengaged, a. no» impegnato, Unfenced, a. non difiso, e
non appropriato
Unenjoyed, a. non posseduto, UnfenileTa^Veri'le'"'
Undiscenùble, . che n Unfetter, v. a. sferrare
Unenlarged, a. non slargato. Unfilled, a. non riempiuto
Undisciplined, a. ignorante Unfilial, a. sconve/ievole in i
Undisguised, a. aperte, ingenuo, Unenlightened, a. non illumi- figlio
semplice Unfinished, a. imperfetto
Undismayed, a. non sbigottilo. Unenslaved, a. libero, non sog- Unfit, a. incapace It is vù
Undisposed of, a, non ancora Unentertaining, a. che non è
disposto divertevole, seccante
Undisputed, a. che non è dis- Unentombed, a. insepolto Unfitting, a, sconvenevole
Unequal, a. ineguale, —
^ity, Unfixed, a. che non é fitto
Undisserabled, a. non dissimw inegualità, —
ly, ad. in- Unfledged, a. che non è coperio
di piume
Unfoi'.ed, a. non sotlomeiio, Ungrateful, a. ingrato, —ness, Unimportance
non ridotto al peggio s.ingratitudine
Untola, V. a. spiegare, svi Ungravel, v. a. levar la ghiaia Unimportant, a. che non im-

Zuppare. To unfold sheep, Ungrease, v. a levar il gnisso porta che non assume gran-

fare ujcire le pecore dall' Unbounded, a. malfondato

ovile Ungrudgingly, ad. senza in- Unimportuned, a. non tolled
IJnfooI, a. guarire della pazzia vidia, di buon cuore iato
Unforced, a. vulnntarin Unguarded, a. indiscrete Unimprovable, a. ineapaec di
t/nforcedly, ad. liberamente Unguent, *. unguento
Unforeseen, a. inopinato Unguiltiness, s. innocenza
Unforfeited, a. che non è per- Unguilty, a. innocente
Uninhabitable, a. inabitale
Unforgiving, a. implacabile Unhaft, V. a. levar il manico Uninhabited, a. disabitato, de
Unformed, a. sformato Unhallow, v. a. profanare
Unfortified, a. che non è forti- Unhallowing, s. profanazione
Unhalter, v. a. levar la ca-
Unfortunate, a. infelice,— ly,
ad. sfortunatamente, —ness, Unhand, ex. Unhand me,
s. sfortuna lasciatemi andare Uninstituted, a. che non é
Unfought, a. non combattuto Unhandsome, a. bratto, scar- instituto
Unfouled, a. non contaminato, tese, — ^ly, ad. malamente, — Unintelligible, a. che non i
non polluio oscuro
Unfound, a. che non è trovato Unhandy, a. balordo Uninterested, a. disinteressato
Unfounded, a. senza fonda- Unhang, v. a. spiccare una Uninterraitteid, a. continuo
cosa che è appiccata Uiùnterrupted, a. che non i
Unfree, a. che non è libero Unhappily, ad. infelicemente
Unfrequency, *. rarità Unhappiness, s, infelicità Unintreatable, a. Unsorabile
Unfrequent, a. raro, —
ed, a. Unhappy, *. sfortunato Uninvited, a. che non è invitata
deserto, — ly, ad. radamente Unharbour, v. a. fare uscire
Unfriendliness, 3. poca ami- dalla tana Unjoin, ti. a. disgiugnere
Unharmful, a. innocente Unjoint, «'. a tagliar le giun-
Unfriendly, ad. scortesemente Unharmonious, a. scordante ture, dislogare '

Unfruitful, a. infruttifero Unharness, r. a levar gli arnesi Unison, s. (in music) unisono
UnfruitfuUy, ad. infruttuosa- Unhasn, v. a. sfibbiare Unit, ». unità
Unhea'lable, a. incurabile Unliable, a. cAe »» pub unire
Unfurl, V. spandere, aprire Unhealthy, or Unliealthfiil, a. Unite, i>. a. unire
Unfurnish, v. a- sfornire malsano Unhealthiness, ». Uniting, ». unione
Unpaged, a. che non é scanda- Unity. ». unità
gliato Unheard of, a. inaudito Universal, ». «ti universale
Ungained, a. strano, bizzaro Unheeded, a. non badato Universally, ad. in universale
Ungainly, a. sgarbato
UngEimished, a. sfornito sita. -
Unheedy, a. negligente
Ungathered, a. che non è colto
Unhinge, v. a. sgangherare
Ungenteel, a. grossolano, scor-
Unholy, a. profano
Ungenteelly, ad. grossolana- Unhoodwink, v. a. sbendare Univocally, ad. d'un

Ungentle, a. indocile, severo Unhook, V. a, spiccare daW Unjudged, a. che n

Ungenerous, a. non generoso
Ungild, V. a. levar Poro Unhoped for, a. non sperato
Ungili, a. che non i doralo Unhoused, a. scavalcato
Ungird, t>. a. levar le cinghie Unhurt, a. illeso
Ungine, v. a. scollare Uuhusbanded, a. incuUo Unkennel, v. a fare uscire
Ungodliness, *. irreligione Unhusk, v. a. sgranate Unkind, a. scortese, eattivo,
Ungodly, a. empio Unicom, a. liocorno — ly, ad. malamente, —ness,
Ungovernable, a. sfrenato Uniform, ». uniforme ». scortesia
Ungraceful, a. sgraziato, — Uniformity, s. uniformità Unknit, v. a. snodare
Unimaginable, a. che non si Unknowing, a.ignorante
Ungracious, a. sgraziato pub immaginare Unknowingly, ad. ignoiante-
Ungraciousness, s. sgarbatezza Unimitable, a. inimitabile
Ungrafted, a. che non è innes- Unimortal, a. non immortale, Unknown, a. incognito
soggetto a morte Unlaboured, a. che non è col-
Unimpairable, a. che non si
Unlace, v. a. slaccìart
Unlade, v. a. scaricare, vuo- Unpared, a. che non è mondai»
tare Unpartable, a. inseparaliile
Unlaid, a. non collocato, non Unparted, a. che non è separai»
acquietato Unmerciful, a. spietato, - Unpastured, a. a chi non s' i
Unlamonted, a. non compianto ness, s. crudeltà
Unlaudable, a. vituperevole Unmeritable, a. immeritevole Unpattemed, a. senza esempio
Uiila\rf'ul, a. illecito, — ly, ad. Unmerited, a. non meritato Unpave, v. a. disfare
illecitamente, ness, «. — lo non ottenuto che per favore Unpeaceable, a. torbido
il selciati,

stato d'una cosa illecita Unmilked, a. non munto Unpeaceably, ad torbidimente

Unleani, v. a. scordarsi Unmindful, a negligente, — Unpensioned, a. seiizii pen
Unlearned, a. ììon litlerato, un ness, negligenza
Unmingied, or Unmixed, Unpeople, v. a spopolare
Unperceivable, a. impercetti-
Unperceived, a. del quale uno
Unmoor a ship, v. a. salpai Unperceivedly, ad. impercetti-
Unmoveable, a. immobile, — bilmente
ness.s. fermezza, —
ly, ad. Unperformed, a chj non è
Uniicked, a. deforme Unmoved, a. immobile Unperishable, a. incori uttihile\
tJnlighted, a. non acceso Unmould, v. cambiar il mo Unpetrified, a. non impietrilo
Unlike, a. differente, —ness, s. dello, mutar la forma Unpin, V. a. toglier via te
dissimigliaaza, — ly, ad. non Unmoumed, a. non compianto spille
Unmuffle, v. torre la maschera, Unpitied, a. che non è com-
Unlimited, a. illimilalo o altra cosa che copra la pianto
Unline, v. a. sfoderare Unplait, V a. spiegare
Unload, V. a. scaricare Unmusical, a di suono spiace- Unpleasant, a. ingrato, — ly,
Unlock, V. a. aprire vole, senz'armonia
Unlocked for, non previsto Unmuzzle, v. torre la muse- spiacevolezza
Unloose, V. a. disfare Unpliant, a.
Unlovely, a. che non è amabile Unnail, v. a. schiodare Unploughed, a. che non è a-
Unluckily, ad. per malafoiiuna Unnamed, a. non nominato
Unluckiness, s. disgrazia Unnatural, a. soprannaturale. Unpolished, ù uvido
Unlucky, a. malafruroso Unpolite, a. incivile
,r j.
Unmade, a. che .
i :„ Sfatto Unpolluted, a. puro
Unm; Unpopular, a. che non è popò
Unnecessarily, ad. senza veruna
Unpractised, a. non praticato
igeable, a. difficile ,
Unneedtul, a. inutile Unprecedented, « che non pub
Unneighbourly, a. incivile esser giustificato da alcun
liness. s. condotta in Unnerve, v indebolire
Unnoble, a. ignobile Unpreferred, a. che non è pre-
Uimoted, Unnoticed, a. ino*-
vato, tra.. Unprejudicated, a. che non i
Unmannerliness, s. inciviltà Unnumbered,
Unmannerly, a. ruzzo Unprejudiced, a. che non i
Unmanured, a. incolto Unoccupied, a. che non è oc- prevenuto
Unmarked, a. non osservate Unpremeditated, a. che non i
ÌTnmarry, v. a. rompere il Unoflfending. a. innocente, li- premeditato
bero da ogni colpa Unprepared, a che non è pre
Unmarried, a. scapolo, senza Unoperative, a. inefficace
Unopposed, a. non opposto Unprepossessed, a. che non i
Unraask, v. a. smascherare Unordiuary, a. raro premeditato
Uumast, V. a. levar l'albero del Unorganized, a. che non i Unpressed, a. che non è stata
vascello organizzato spremuto
Unmatch, v. a. spaiare Unpack, v. a. sballare Unpretended, a. non preteso
Unraeasurable, a. immenso Unpaid, a. che non è pagato Unprisable, a. inestimaliile
Unmeasurably, ad. smisurata- Unpainted, a. che non è di Unprofitable, a. inutile, che
non éprofittevole, —
ness, *.
Unmeet, a. che non è conve- Unpalatable, a. nauseoso, spia- inutilità, — ly, ad. inutil-
cevole al palato mente
Unparalleled, a. incnmparabih Unpronounced, a. che non «t
Unjiardonable, a. irremissibile
L'nproportionable, or Unpro- '
Unshaken, a. che noti è smosso
portioned, a. sproporzionalo !
Unshamefaced, a. sfaccialo^
Un prosperous, a. infelice I
—ness, s. sfacciataggine
Unprotected, a. senza prote- Unreveaied, a. che non è sta I Unshapen, a. dtfurme
Unshaved, or Unshaven, a. che
Unproved, a. che non è pro- Unrevenged, a. invindicato
Unrewarded, a. non rimun
Unprovided, a. sprovvisto
Unprovident, a. imprudente Unriddle, v. a. spiegare
Unprovoked, a. nan provocato Unrig, V. a. toglier le sarte Unshoe, v. n. sferrare un ca-
Unpruned, a. 7ior« potato Unrighteous, a. iniquo, nes —
Unpunished, a. impunito Unshom. a. che non è tnnduto
Unqualified, a. che non è ca- I Unsilvered, a. che non è inar-
Unripe, a. immaturo '
Unquenchable, a. inesiingui- Unripeness, ' ' '' " 1. che non è sincero
tnle cosa che è Unsincerity, s. dissimulazione
Unquestionable, a. indubita- Unsinning, a. perfetto
bite, d'intera fede Unskilful, a. ignorante, —
UnquesUonableness, *. cer-
— ly, ad. malamente, —ness,
Unroll, V. a. sviluppare s. ignoranza
Unquiet, a. inquieto, — ly, ad. Unroost a bird, ti. a. snidare i Unslough a wild boar, v. a.
inquietamente, -ness, *. tn- Unroot, ti. a. sradicare lanciare un cinghiale
quietudine Unruffled, a. tranquillo Unsociable, a. solitario
Unravel, v. a. sviluppai Unruly, a. sfrenato, indomito Unsodden, a. che non è bollito
Unready, a. che non è Unsaddle, v. a.'levar la sella Unsoiled, a. netto
Unsafe, a. pericoloso Unsold, a. non venduto
Unreasonable, a. irragionevole, Unsafely, ad pericolosamente Unsolder, v. a. levare la salda
— ^ness, s. ingiustizia, — ly, Unsaid, a. disdetto tura
ad. irragionevolmente Unsaluted, a. non salutato \ Unsole, f. a. levar la suola
Unrebukable, a. irreprensibile Unsanctified, a, che non è san- Unsolid, a. non solido
Unrecallable, a. irrevocabile tificato

Unsolicited, a. non sollecitato

Unreclaimable, a. che non è Unsatisfactory, a. imperfetto i
Unsought, a. non ricercato
ridotto alta ragione UnsaUsfiable,' a. insaziabile j
Unsound, a. malsano, corrotto,
Unreconcileable, a. irrecon- Unsavouriness, s. insipidezza guasto
ciliabile Unsavoury, a. insipido '
Unsown, a. non seminalo
Unreconciled, a. che non è Unsay, v. a. disdirsi Unspared, a. senza risparmio
riconciliato Unscale, v. a. scagliare Unsparing, a. che non rispar-
Unrecovered, a. che non è ri- Unscriptural, a. che non è fon-
cuperato dato nella scrittura sacra Unspeakable, u. ineffabile, —
Unredeemable, a. che non si Unseal, v. a. levare il sigillo ly, ad. ineffabilmente
Unsearchable, a. imperscrul- UnspecifiedTa. non mentovato

Unreformable, a. incorrigibile tahile

Unregarded, a. disprezzato Unseasonable, a. fuor di sta- Unsped, a, non ispedito, non


Unrelenting, a. inJlessibiU, gione, ly, ad. intetnpestiva- 1 ispacciato

Unspent, a. che non è speso '

UnreUeved, a. che Unseasoned, a. che non ha sale Unsphere, v. rimuovere dalla

non i soc-
Unseconded, a. non assistito, sua sfera,togliere dal suo orbe I

Unrepaired, a. che non è ri- non ispalleggiato Unspied, a. non ispiato, non
Unrepealed, a. che non è abo- Unseduced, a. non indotto a
lito Unspilt, a. non versato fuori,
Unrepented, a. non pentito Unsecure, a. che non è sicuro non guasto, intatto
Unrepenting, Unrepentant, a. Unseemliness, s. indecenza Unspirit, t;. scoraggire, far
impettitente [biU Unseemly, a. indecente perder l'animo
Unreproveable, a. irreprensi- Unseen, a. invisibile Unspoiled, a. non saccheggiato,
Unrequited, a. irremunerato Unsent, che non s" è mandato a non guasto, intatto
Unreserved, a. sincero, senza Unspoken of, a. del quale non
limite, — ly,ad. sinceramente, Unserviceable, a. inutile, — s' è parlato
— ness, *. franchezza, since- ness, j. in u/aità UnspoUed, a. puro
Unset, a. che non è piantato I UnstabJlity, ». istaUHià
Unresistible, a. irresistibile Unsettled, a incostante, che Unstable, a. istahiU
Unrespcctful, a. screanzato non è stabilito, —ness, i Unstaid, a. volubile
Unrespectfulness, s. inciviltà \
Unstained, a. senza macchia
Unrest, «. inauielTulint •

Unstate, v. privare di dignità

Unrestored, I Unstaunched, a. a»n arrestata
Unsteadfast, a. incostante Untameable, a. indomabile Untoward, a. malvagio, — Jy,
Cnsteadt'astness, s. incostanza Untameableness, s. qualità i; ad- ostinatamente, —ness, s.
Uiisteadiness. s. leggerezza domabile caparbietà
Unsteady, a. leggiero Untamed, a. indomito Untractable, a. intrattabile
Unsteeped, a. non immollato, Untangle, v. a. distrigare Untrap, v. a. levar gli arnesi
non tuffato Un tasted, a. che non è sta Untriramed, a. che nun è or-
Unstil, a inquieto
Unstinted, a. non limitilo Untrod, or Untrodden, c/ie
Unstirred, a. non mosso uiio non è calpestato
Unstitch, V. a. scucire Unteach,
v. a. far scordare Untioubled, a. che non è intor-
Unstotk a gun, v. a, smontare Unteam, i'. a- levare i cavalli bidato
une schioppo dalla carrozza Untrue, a. falso, infedele
Unslop, i'. a. sturare Untempted, a. non tentato Untruss, v. a. scingliere
Unstrained, a. facile, non sfar- Untenable, a. che non si pub Untrusty, a. perfido
difendere, che Jion si pub te- Untruth, s. falsità
Unstrengthened, a. non assis- Untuck, V. a. calare
Untenanted, a. I JittaJ. Unninable, a scordante
Unstvung, a. scordato Unturned, a che tion é voltato
Unstudied, a. non premeditato Untender, a. senz —
To leave no stone un-
Unstulìed, a. clie non e ripieno Untent, v. scacciar fuori della turned, Jace ogni sfurto
Unsubdued, a. che non è vinto tenda [medicato Untutored, a. che non è stalo
Unsubrcitting, a. che non si Untented, a. non curato,
sommette prontamente Unterrified, a. intrepido
Unsubstantial, a. non solido. Untestate, a. intestato
Unthankful, a. ingrato, — ^ly. Unvail, V. a svelare
Unsuccessful, a. infelice ;
— Unvaluable, a. inestimabile
Unvanquished, a. invitto
Unsufferable, a. insopporta-
Unsufficient, a. insofficiente Unthicken, ti. a. rarificare, —
Unsugared, a. non zuccherato Unvaried, che 7ton ha variato
Unsuitable, a. inconvenevole, Unthinking, a. indiscreto Unversed, a. inesperto
indecente, —
ness, s. incon- Unthojght of, a. inopinato Unuseful, a. inutile
Unthread a needle, v. a. sfilare Unusual, a. strar,rJinario
Unsullied, a. non sporco un ago Unusually, ad raramente
Unsung, a. non celebrato con Unthreatened, a. non minac- Unutterable, a. iiiefìabile
ailed, a. senzfmnra
Unsunned, a. non esposto al Unthrift, s. prodigo arily, ad, imprudente'
sole [tato Unthriftily, ad. prodigameule
Unsupplanted, a. non soppian- UnthrifUness, ». prodigalità _ - imprudenza
ariness, s.
Unsupportable, a. insopporta- Unthrifly, a. prodigo Unwarrantable, a. che non si
Unthriving, a. che non cresce pub giustificare
Unthrone, v. a. levar dal trono Lnwary, a. imprudente
Untie, v. a. sciogliere Unwashed, a. spot ci>
Until, ad. fino, insinochè Unwatered, a. che non è ad-
Unsurmountable, a. insuperi Uiitile, V. a. scoprire il tetto acquato
bile Unwavering, a. fermo
Unsusceptible, a. che non [tilled, a. inculto Unwearied, a. riposato, infa-
Untin a. fatto fuor di abile
Unsuspect, Unsuspected,
Untimely, ad. intempestiva-
Unsuspecting, Unsuspiciou mente, —
a. primaticcio. —
birth, sconciatura Unwelcome, a. che non è ben-
Untirable, a. infaticabile
Untired, a. che non è faticato Unwholesome, a. malsano
Unto, prep. a, al, allo, alla. Unwieldiness, *. lentezza
— He said unto him, egli Unwieldy, a. pesante
gli disse [merato Unwilling, a. che non ha vo-
Untold, a. non detto, non nu-
J, —ìy, ad. mal voleniierit
Un toothsome, a. che non è .less, s. ripugnanza
grato al gusta Unwind, v. a. distrigare
Untaken, a. che non è pret Untouchable, a. che non st pub Unwise, a. imprudente
Untalked of, a. di cui ni Unwisely, ad. imprua'.nt^
parla, non menzionato Untouched, a. intatto


Unwished for, a. die nort si Upper, a. »Hpi?riore.-. Upper-
Uii'vilherable, a. che non pttò
room, camera alta
hand, *. vantaggio


appassire Voluptuous, a. sensuale, — Uppermost, a. i7 più allo,

Unwithered. a. incorrotto primo.— To be uppermost.
Unwitnessed, a. se/iza testi- voluttà
Volute, ». voluta Uppish, a. Jlero, —ness, *.
TJnwitting, a. che non sa Vomica, ». vomica sup erbia
Unwittingly, ad. senza saperlo Voraic-nut, ». noce vomica Upright, a. ritto in piedi,
Vnviittj, a. sciocco
— — — onesto, giusto. — ly, ad. di-
Unwonted, a. insolito, ^ness, i'. a. vomitare, ^ing, ».
Unworn, a. che non è usato Vomitory, a. vomitivo Uprise, ». i7 sorgere
Unworthily, a indegnamente Voracious, a. vorace, rapace, Uproar, s. tumulto
Unworthiness, s. indegnità — ly, ad voracemente Upshot, .!. successo, fine
Unworthy, a. indegno Voracity, ». voracità Upside-down, ad. sotto sopra
Unwrap, v. a. sviluppare Vortex, *. vortice Upsitting, ». il tempo che una
Unwieathe, v. a. storcere Votary, s. un devoto. of love, —
donna si lev: di parto
Unwring, v. a. sciorre, disfare un' amante, —
of learning, Upstart, ». fi7/an rifatto
Unwrinkle, v. a. levar via le dedito alte lettere Upward, or Upwards, ad. in
su. —Upwards and down-
Unwritten, a. non iscritto timento, —
v. a. dar la sua wards, per di sopra e per di
Unwrought, a. crudo voce, stabilire per pluralità di
Unyielding, a. inflessibile ». urbanità Urbanity,
Unyoke, v. a. disgiugnere, le- Vouch, V. a. affermare Urchin, ». ricchio, nano
vare dal giogo Vouch one, (in law) citare uno Ure-ox, s. spezie di bufalo
Vocabulary, j vocabulario
\oca\, a. vocale Vouchee, ». che è citato in Urge, v. a. sollecitare, irri-
Vocalitv, s. jualità di quel che giudizio tare
è vocale Voucher, ». che chiama un Urgency, ». urgenza
T'^ocation, s. vocazione altro in giudizio; ieslimo- Urgent, a. urgente, — ly, ad,
\'ocative, a. vocativo instanlemente
^'ociferation, « vociferazione Vouchsafe, t> n. degnarsi, — Urinai, ». orinale
Vociferous, a romoroso V. a. concedere, — ing, ». con- Urinary, a. deW orina
Vogue, s. voga, stima descendenza Urinator, ». pescatore
Vow, ». voto, — V. a. votare,
Void, a. voto, invalido, va- giurare, protestare. —I Tow, vare. — To provoke urine,

lasa , mandar fuori, in Vo< ;el, ». una vocale Um, » urna

validar, ». viaggio. To go a Ursulines, ». — (a sort of nuns)
Voidance, ». vacanza long voyage, fare un lungo Orsoline
Voider, s. canestro viaggio
Us, pron. pi. noi— With ns,
Volture, s. vettura V^oyager, viaggiatore

Volatile, a. volatile, — ity, s. Up, ai/, su, in su.— To look np,

volatilità guardare in su TTsance, ». ti»o
Volatilization, s. volalilizza- Use, ». uso, servigio, costume.

Volatilize, V. a. volatilizzare letto. —To run up and down,

VoleiT, s. uccelliera andar qua e là
Volitate, V. n. svolazzare Up hill, IK su
Volition, s. volontà Upbear, v. a. alzare
Volley, ». grido, —
of mustet- Upbraid, v. n. rimproverare
shot, una salva di moschet- Uphold, V. a. sostenere, er, — »
tate fautore, intraprenditore, — Useful, a. vantaggioso, neces
ing, ». mantenimento sario.— To make one's self,
Upholsterer, » tapezziere useful, rendersi utile, ly, —
Upland, ». pae»e montagnoso ad. utilmente, —
ness, ». uti-
Voluble, a. volubile Uplander, » montanaro
Volume, s volume, onda Upmost, a. it più alto
Voluminous, a. voluminoso Upon, prep, su, sopra
Voluntarily, ad. voluntaria Upon, prep- (about, towards)
per, presto, incirca. Upon —
the news of his coming,
a//a novella delta sua venuta
J{stìon, s, ustione —
gascia. AValkers, *. guar'
•^sual, a. ordinario, solito, diani di foresta
— ly, ad. comunemente. — AA'age war, v a. muvvet AValkìng, s. spasseggiala
ness, s. il frequente itso di che guerra Aì'alking-stifF, s. bastone
Wage, at law, v. n. dar malie- AVall, s. un muro.-Partition-
Usufruct, *. usufrutto —
f «°"
wall, parete AVall-creeper,
Usufructuarj-. s tisufruftuario vìTÌr'
a wager, /a
[.—To lay s. sorta d'ucce/A>. Wall- —
louse, s. sorta di cimice.
Usurious, a. che contiene usura AVages, s. salario AVall-tree, s. spalliera.—
Waggery, or W^aggishness, AVall-wort, s. paritaria
AVall, V. a. circondar con muro.
-ing,s ento V,-l^i\T,v. a. dimenarst,-.v. — AVall a town, murare una
Usury, s. iMiira. — To lend AA'alIet, s. valigia [città
upon usury, usureggiare. Waggon, t. carretta AA'allow, *. voltolarsi, ing, —
—I shall pay you with usury, AVaggoner, s. carrettaio voltolamento, ish, *. in- —
re la renderò con usura AVaif, a. che non ha padrone
Utensil, s. ordigno AVail, v. a. dtplorare AValnut, noce, —tree, s. al-
Uterine, a. uterino Availing, s. lamento bero che produce le noci, —
Utility, *. uiilità AVain,«. carro.—AVain-dnver, Shell, s. scorza di noce
Utmost, a. il più, rimoto, — s. AVanible, v. n. bollire,— {as an
Ex. I shall do my utmost, arrow) vacillare
farh ogni possibile AVan, a. pallido
Utter, a. totale AV^and, s. verga
Utter, f. a. proferire, espri- AVainable, a. arabile AVander, v. n. vagare, smar-
mere, dire. Utter, (wares)— —ing,
AVainscot, v. a. coprir le « *. vagamento, —ing,
Utterance, s. maniere delle stanze di tavole
lare , vendita AVair, s. pezxo di Ugnarne
Utterly, a. interamente lungo due braccia è largo AVanness, palidezza
Uttermost, a. il più estremo Want, s. mancanza, talpa
AVaist, *. cintura Want, —AVhat
Vulgar, a. volgare, — s. il volgo, AVait, s. aguato doyou..._

— ity, s. hassezxa, — ly, ad. AVait, V. a. attendere AV anting, a. bisognevole

volgarmente Wait on, s. servire, acco; AVanton, a. scherzevole, las-
Vulnerable, a. vulnerabile pugnare. — To wait on civo, impudico,—!, puttana,
friend, visitare un amico — V. n. bagordare, — ly, ad.
Vulture, ». avvoltoio AVaiter, s. servo scherzevolmente, lasciva-
Uvula, *. ugola AVaiting, «. aspettamentn. mente, —ness, I. scherzo,
Uxorious, a. che ama troppo la To be in waiting, osser impudicizia
propria moglie, ness, s.
amore soverchio per la propria
— guardia
—A lady's waiti AVapentake, *. cantone
damigella d' u s. guerra.— To make
Waits, of » r da
AVaive. i. lasciai

w AVake, s. festa,—of a ship, solco

AVake, v. a. svegliare,
destarsi, svegliare
v. ». —
VyABBLE, V a. volteggiare AVakefuI, a. svegliato, —ì^ess, gli uccelli) gorgheg-
*' Wad, s. cuscinetto, — s. vigilariza
of pease, un fascio di piselli AVakes, s. certe feste rustiche AVarbling, d'uceelli.
\Vad-hook, s cavastoppa AVale, s. pezzi di legno at- trillo
Wad, v. a. guarnire una car- taccati alla banda d'un AVard, ». una delle parli nelle
vascello che servono di gra- quali si divide Londra : ;>«-
Wadable, a. guadoso dini a que' che montano pillo : carcere, —
of a forest,
Waddle, v. n. dimenarsi Wale-knot, nodo rotondo parte d'una foresta,— of a
AVade, t*. a. guadare un fiume AValk, s. viale, passeggiata. lock, ». la giiariia d'una
vV'afer, s. cialda, ostia —To take a wait, fare una toppa. —AVatch and ward,
Wafer-iron, s. ferro di cialde passeggiata aguato
M'aft, s. segnale,— V. a. con- AValk, v. n. spasseggiare. Let — AVard, v. n. far la guardia.
vogliare us walk thither, andiamo là. —A\'ard off i blov
Wafier, * fregala di convoglio —AValk in, entrare.- AValk
Wag, s. un trastuUatore Warden, ». guardiana, — of
Wagtail, s. cutretloìa AValker, s. camminatore. a college, il rettore d'un

Warder, «. guardia- lavatoio. —
Wash-pot, s. ha' —To paint in water-colonis
Wardmote, t. sorta di giu- ciao da lavare. Wash-ball,—
dicatura Inglese «. palla di sapone. \Vash- — rt'ater-gold, ». oro macinato
Wardrobe, *. guardaroba tub, X. tino da lavar iVater-bome, a. galleggiante
Ware, s. mercanzia— "Ea-rih- AV'asli, V. a. lavare Water-gage, ». 'strumento da
enware, s. vascellame. — Washerwoman, lavandaia
*. misurare la profondità delle
Chin.iware, porcellana. — Waslùng, a. lavamento
Small wares, s. merceria.— Washy, a. debole Water, v. a. adacquare. —
Haberdasher of small wares, Wasp, s. vefipa Water ahorse, abbeverare un
Waspish, a. fastidioso, ^ly, — cavallo
Warehous»;, *. magazzino, — ad. fanta-fticamente, ness, — Watered, a. (as stuffs) ondato
s. fantasticaggine Waterfall, ». cataratta
Warfare, s. vita militare Wasiel, s. pasto.— Wassel- Watering, ». adacquamento
Warily, ad. sagacemente bowl, ,». una gran tazza. —
Watering-place, ». abbeveratoio
Wariness, x. prudenza, eco- Wassellers, s. tavolata di A\'atering-pot, ». annaffiatoio
gente che bevono e si divertono AVateriih, or Watery, a. ac
Warlike, a. bellicoso 9«o»o.— Watery eyes', occhi
Wtam, a. caldo, thzoso, ar- Waste, a. inutile. — Waste
dente.-To be warm, aver paper, s. carta straccia. — A\'a'ule!''».J/o"^'"'*
caldo. — To make warm, Waste ground, terra inculta. Wattle, t>. a. ingratticolare
—To lay a country waste, Wattle-wall, ». muro fatto di
rovinare un paese
^^'aste, s. preda, rovina,— v. a.
deggiare, — v. a. fare a onda,
Warm again, v. a. riscaldare Was ^itor voltare, omettere, cedere. —
Warming-pan, s. scaldaletto Wasteful, u. prodigo, — Wave a business, scansate
Warmly, ad. caldamente ad. prodigahnente, uess, —
"Warrancòs, or Warmth, s. cat Waver, v. n. fluttuare, —ing.
dezza "Wasting, s. guastamento
Warn, v. a. avvertire AV'atch, s. guardia, vegghia. Wavy, a. ondato
—To be upon the watch, /ur "Wawl Jscream), v. n. gnau-
Warning, s. avvertimento. - la g^itardù!.— AVatchraan, s.
To give one warning, ai un uomo che fa la guardia. "Wax, ». cera. —
vertire qualcheduno '^ —Watchlìght, s. fanale ». ceralacca. —
AV'ax candle,
take_ warning, pigliar Watch, un oriuoio.— Alarm
s. ». candela di cera. — Was
watch, s. sveglia. Watch- — taper, ». cero, torcia. Wax- —
Wa^,'" case, s. cassa d'oriuolo, — maker, ». colui cheja la cera.
-Warp a ship, v. a. Watchmaker, s. un oro- Wax-chandler, ». oeraiuolo
rimurchiare un vascello, AVax, V. a. incerare, divenire
—ing, s. piegamento. — Watch, v. n. vf^Kare.— Watch Way, ». strada, parte, banda,
"Weaver's warping loom, mezzo, espediente, maniera.
—High way maestra.
Warrant, autorità. —Deep way, strada rotta.

place at court), AV'atchful. a. vigilante, — ly, —Covered way, strada ».

— of attorney, t. coperta. — To go the same
procura s. vìgi.*r,ia way, pigliare la medesima
Warrant, v. Water, *. acfiia, urina. — strada. — Every way, da ogni
promettere, Spring water, i. acqua di banda. — I will show you the
fonte.— Ho\j water, ». ac- way, vi mosti ero modo. — To il
"Warranty, s. inalleveria —
qua santa. To go by water,

be out of the way, ingan-
Warren,' igliera-Wa.r- andar per acqua. Water- narsi.— Cxoss-'way, ». capo-
-keeper, i. guardiano di man, s. barcaruuh. Water — croce.—Way through, pas- ».

fowl, s. uccello acquatico. — saggio. — Way in, ». iulrata.

Warrior, *. guerriero Water -dog, s. bracco da —Way out, ». uscita
Warring, s. il guerreggiare acjiia. ——
Water- wagtail, s. Waythom, ». spezie di ginestra
Wart, s. porro. — Wart-wort, cntrettola. Water-lrough, *. Way-goer, ». mendico
abbeveratoio. —
Water-pot, s. SVay, V. a. incamminare un
— Warty, a. pieno di porri vaso da acqua. Water-mill, — cavallo
Wary, a. prudente, parco s.mulino a acqua. Water- — Wayfaring-trce, ». viburno
^V'as, pret. of I am.— I was works. ». giuochi d'acqua. Waylay one, v. a. tendere
there, vi ero, vi fui, vi sono — Water-spring, ». fontana. insidie ad uno
— Waterfall, ». cascata. — Wayward, a. fantastico. -
Waterspout, ». getto d'acqua Wayward sisters, le streghtt
Water-ci;'<.urs, .'. atiucrello. —ness, ». fantatticaggins
We, pron. (plur. of I; noi.— Weaver,», tessitore ogUtre. —ing, ». aceoglU
We love, noi amiamo AVeaving, s. tessitura a, — iiess, ». piacevolezza
Weak, a. debole, semplice "Web, ». Wa.— Cobweb, Welfare, ». prosperità

Weaken, v. a. debilitare, —ing, rag7iatelo.— Web

of lead,

M'eik, ». petoncolo
or Weakning, debilitamento un foglio di piombo, (in tlie Welkin, or Welking, ».
il cielo,

Weakling, s. un deboletto eye) maglia il firmamento

\V'eakIy, a. impotente. — ad. Wed, V. a. sposai —Wed 1 Well, ». j)0220.— Well-water,

debolmente ». acqua di pozzo

Weakness, s. debolezza Wedding, ». sposalizio.

Well, — ad. bene, molto.— 1 am
A\'eak side, s. il debole Wedding -garment, '
M'eal, s. bene —Well 'beloved, motto t

Ai'eald, s. le foreste,— Wealdii M^e'dge," s. conio, ,

of Kent, boschi della pro- Wedgewise, a. in
vincia di Kent or Well-nigh, appresso a
M'ealth, *. beni, ricchezze. — poco, —
Weil-bom, a. ben
Commonwealth, s. repub- nato. —
Well-favoured, a.
blica bello, vago. —
Well affected,
Wednesday, ». mercoledì a. ben a^e«o.— Well-man-
nered, a. cortese. — AV^ell-
W'ei wibher, ». am/ro. — Well-
-To 1 s seir bottomed, a. ben fondato.—
from pl( Well-disposed, a. caritate-
iiualche piacere Weed%\ a. sarchiare vole.— '^VeW-memt, a. ben
yV'eanling, ». creaturina d'età Weeder, ». sarchiatore intetizionato. — Well-mean-
da essere spoppata A\'eeding-hook, ». sarchio ing, buona
». intenzione.
Weapon, s. arma [simpatico Week, ». (seven days) — Well-tasted, a. che ha
%Veapon-salve, s, unguento mano. — So much a week, buon gusto. —Well-lraded,
Weaponless, a. disarmato la a. mercantile. — Well-doing,
Wear, «. ogni sorta d'arnesi ». buone azioni
che si portan per vestimenti ; Well-a-day, interj. cappita
ordigno che serve a pigliar Welt, ». orlo, - of a shoe,
pesci ne' fiutili Weel, nassa, voragine
Wear, v, a. portare. ^Wecir a — "Ween, t'. n. pensare, credere orlare
sword, portar la spada — Weening, ». pensiero A\'eUer, v. n. voltolarci
Weep, V. n. piangere, —er, Wem,». macchia, pancia
\A'earable, a. portabile ». piangitore Wen, ». lupa, —
in the throat,
M;earer, *. portatore Weeping, ». piangimento, —
ly, ad. con pianto IVench, ». una ragazza, ba-
Wearing apparel, abiti, ves- Weerish, a. insipido, scipito
^\''eevil, gorgoglione taneggiare,
Wearisome, a. noioso, —
ness, Weft, ». un tessuto.-ot hair,
s. ambasAa una treccia di capelli Went, prel.
Weary, «. a. fiaccare— To Weigh, TI. a. pesare, esami-
grow weary, v. n. stufarsi. nare, ponderare. Weigh —
'ept, pret. o/Weep
— To weary one with dis- down, pesar piit Wept for, a. pianto
courses, tediare alcuno con \\'eigh, V. n. esser petante, Were,»/, (jf Was, in the verb
discorsi er, ». pesatore, — ing, ». i7 —
To be.— We were, noi eramo.
WeasanJ, s. strozza pesare
Weasel, s, donnola Weight, ». peso, momento.—
Weather, s. tempo. Fine — To sell things by weight,

weather, *. bel tempo. — vender a peso. To make — dentali, — a. occidentale.
Rainy weather, tempo pio- good weight, far buon peso. West Indies, le Indie Occi-
— Pair of weights, ». una dentali. —
AVest wind, venta
Weatherglass,». barometro occidentale
Weathercock, *. girandola Westerly, or \^'estern, a. oc-
AVeatherwise, a. che sa pre- cidentale. —
Western .world.
vedere il tempo che farà
Weathergage, a. vantaggio del Westward, or Westerly, ad.

. bagnato, unido. Wet —

. ». balia.— M'et sweet-
Weather a hawk, si

ireas, ad. , perchè, stante Whinny, v. n. nitrire
•, in luogo che \\^linyard, a. spada
^\'^hereat, ad. al che, col che. \\Tiip,s. frusto, sovraggiunto
Wether-sheep, s. «n castra- — Whereat he was much Whipsaw, s. pialla.— \V\\m-
to. —
\Vether-mutton, carne surprised, del che egli restò staff, ». manovella
di distrato. — lìelwether.
molto sorpreso Whip, V. a. frustare, tra-
ad. per il quale puntare. — A\'hip a top, ».
AVherever, ad. ovunque
Wetting, s. bagnamento Wherefore, ad. per che causa, WTiipping, s. frustatura
Whale. « balena perciìt [dove Whipster, s. frustature, furbo
Whalebone, s- osso di balena UTierein, o in che, nel quale, Whirl, ». turbine, piombo ver
Wharf, s. molo 11 iicieiuLu, ad net quale ticello
Wharfage, s. diritto che si pa^ Whereof, ad. del quale Whirlpool, ». voragine
per sbarcare robe sopra \\'heresover, ad. (see Wher- WTiirlwind, ». turbine
ever) Whirl, V. a. Sr n. girare con
Wharfinger, t. padrone d'un A\Tiereto, or '^A'hereunto, ad.
A^'hat, pr. che, quale al che [jnentre Whirligig, ». un zurlo
AVhatever, pr. qualunque, che AVhereupon, ad. in questo Whisk, ». spazzola, — v. a.
che, quel che. —
Whatever he Wherewith, ad. con che spazzolare. MTiisk — away,
be, sia chi si vogliu Wherewithal, ad. di che
•Whatsoever, CseAvhatever; \\'herret, s. uno schiaffo, — i'. a. WTiilkeT».' 'i^^stacchio
Wheal, s. ciccio,te schiaffeggiare \^^lisking, a. grande
Wheat, s. g)ano Wherry, s. barchetta Whisper, ». bisbiislio. — v. n.
Wheaten, «. di grano. — A^Tien-yman, i. harcaruolo bisbigliare
bigliare pian piani.
"Wheaten flour, s. Jìor ài AVhet, V. a. affilare r, ». bisbiglìo.—Wìà&t, int. 1

farina A\Tietstone, s. cote

W^heedle, t'. a. lusingare, — Whether, pro. quale,— conj. se MTiist, i di giuoco di
er, s. lusingatore, ing, — s. Whetter, s. affilalore
blandimento, allettamento Whetting, s. l'affilare Whistle, ». fischio, la canna
Wheel, *. r«o<a. — Water- della gola, —
v. n. zufolare, —
wheel, s. pozzo.—
ruota di Which, pro. che, il juale, la — er, ». quello che fischia,
Spinning - wheel, Jilatoia.— —
quale, quale. WTiich is the — ing, », fischio
WTieel-work, ». ruote best ? quale è il migliore ? Whit, s. un tantino. -He
AVheehvright, s. facitor di Which way ? come, in che does not see a whit, non vedt
Wheelbarrow, s. carriuola Whichsoever, pro. qualunque WTiite, a. bianco,— V. a. im-
Wheel about, n. voltarsi.
v. Whiff, s. fiato, —of tobacco, un hlancare, ». color bianco.—
— To wheel salt out of a soffio di tabacco —He was clad in white, era
pit, V. a. tirar su del sate Whiffle, V. a. truffare,— v. n. vestito di bianco
White, », (paint) bdktié
Wheelage, s. tassa che pagano Whiffler, s. Jin piffiiro
MTiiffler, or 'WTiiffling fellow, White-liveret!, n. stupido
Wheeze, v. n. portare come AVTiitely, a. pallido, macilente
fa una persona che è in- AVhiffling, a. di niun valore \ATiiteness. ». bianchezza
freddata A\Miig, s. repubblicano Whitewash, ». liscio, — v. a
\Vhelk, «. bitorzolo, pustula

M'hile, s. tempo, volta. -A intonicare
ì\nielp, *. un cagnuolino. while after, qualche
tempo MTiitewort, ». marticale
Lion's whelp, *. lioncino Whither, ad. dove
—Viper's whelp, >. una While, or
men- MTiiting, ». rimbiancare,-
AVTiilct, conJ.
tre, tanto che t'oT walls, bianco, a lish —
\\-hè\^%\. figliare, -ish, a. MTiile off, r. a. procrastinare merluzzo
A\Tiilst, conj. mentre che Whitish, a. biancastro

AVhen, ad. quando, ad. allora AVhim, or Whimsy, s. ca- Whitishness, ». bianchezza
Whitlow, ». panericcio
Whence, or From whence, ad. UTiim-wham, s. bagatella Whifster, ». imbiancatore

donde. VVTience come jou ? A\'hiramish, a. bisbetico NVhitsun-hoIidays, le feste
AVhimper, tv n. lamentarn, — della Pentecoste
Whenever, or AVliensoeTer, Whitsunday, ». Pentecoste
pr. quando, ogni volta che AV'hin cai. a. i -ly, WTiitsuntide, ». Pasqua ro.
Where, ad. dove
Whereabout, or Whereabouts, UTiiu (a shrub), s. pugnitopo Whittle, ». un coltelli
ad. dove, in che
luogo. — ^, .. n. gagnola tagght,2Z^..
*now whereabouts you are, Whining, s. dolore Whit, v.n. far,
so quel che volete dire Whining, a. querulo Who, pro. chi

Wlioever, pro. chiunque Wilily, ad. astutamente IVine, ». lino— Small wiue,
Whole, a. iuilo, intero, —s, il Wni, s. volontà, testamento.— „.ne//o.— Fiat wine, » vina
tutto, — ness, s. integrità Goodwill, s. benevolenza. — I
seventato. — Raspberry wine.
Wholesalo-man, s. che vende Goodwill of a house, pratica
air ingroòso AVill, V. n. volere, pregare. — Win

.Wholes,ile, ». vendita all' in- bicehieì 3.—WÌ,

f^rosso Willing, a. pronto a fare. — -Win
^Vholeso!^e, -a. sano, salubre, bibber, ». teviwre. — \> uie
— ness, s. sanità /ai7o.— God willing, se piace merchant, ». di mercante
Wnolly, ad. interamente a Dio, ly. ad. volentieri, — — vino.- AV'ine-cooper, ». bot.
Wliom, che: ex. The man taio che traffica in vino
•whom I love, l'uomo che amo Willow, or AV'iìlow-tree, ». Wing, ». ala. —
To take wing,
A^Tiomsoever, pron. chiunque salce. Spiked willow, ». dj- — V, n. volare. —
A\'ing of ai»
^\'hoop, s. (bird) pupa, v. n. —
6«rno.— Willow-plot, ». sal- army, il corno d'un esercita
Wing, V. a. muover P ali
iujie^'f;iure, — dom, S. put-
taneggio, — monger, s. put-
Wimple, ». soggolo, banderuola Winker, ». quello che fa e I

Whorish, a. di puttana Win, v. a. giiadagnare.— To cogli occhi \

^Vhose, pro. di cui, di chi win the prize, riportare

"^ il 'Winking, ». cenno i

..r:_,.:„_ .. ..._._
Whosoever, pro. chiunque premio i

MTiy, ad. perchè Wince, or Winch, j'.

Wick of a candle, s. lucignolo, trare, tirar de' calci Winning, ». il guadagnare. —
stoppino Winching, or Win Winning. ». guadagno
Wicked, a. catti — ly, ad. Winnow, v. a. spagliare. —
malamente, —r

Wind, vento.— The wind

» Winnow com, ventilare il
blows, il vento tira.— To sail |
grano, —er, ». ventilatore, —
against the wind, navigare '

Vi'iAet, s' portello contra il vento A\-innowing sieve, '».' vaglio

"Widdleivaddlc, v. n. cammi- Windmill, ». mulino a vento nter, ». inverno. -Winter
nar barcollando Windpipe, ». la ca,ina della eason, ». rerna^a.-AVinter-
Wide, a. largo, ampio, grande, gola ìght, ». una notte d'inverno.
—ad. in tutto. —
Far and Windfall, ». accidente pros- Winter weather, ». tempo
wide, da ogni banda, — ly. pero, frutti che il vento lia d'inverno. —AVinter, t
vernare, —ing, ». sverna-
Windflower, », anemone mento, — ly, a. invernate
A\'ind-bound, a. trattenuto dal
AVipe, ». bottone
AVidow, ». rrffrvfTjifc rr. ». re- Wind-egg, ». «oro vuoto Wipe, f. a. asciugare. AVlpe —
Windgall, ». tumore acqueo che your hands, asciugatevi le
Width, ». larghezza viene alle gambe de' cavalli mani. -
AVipe one's nose,
Wield, v.a. maniare, trattare Wind, V. a. girare, aggomi- soffiarsi il ;ia»o.— AVipe out,
AVieldy, a. attivo talare at-
Wife, ». moglie torcigliarsi. —
To wind up a AVire, ». filo fatto d'alcun me-
AVig, ». ciambella, parrucca watch, tirar su un oriuolo tallo.— Copjper wire, fit di
Wight, ». un uomo, o una AVinder, », aggomitolatore rame. AVire strings, corde —
donna Windiness, ». ventosità d'ottone
Wild, a, salvatico, deserto AVinding, ». giramento. AViredraw.i'. a filare un ine- — .

Wildfire, ». fuoco salvatico AVindings and turnings, ser- ìallo,—er,s. colui che fa filo
Wild conceits, ». pi. strava- peggiamenti Windings of
a river, i giri d'un fiume. - A^'isdom, sapienza
Wìlds, ». ;)/. deserti
Wilderness, ». deserto
AVinding-sheet, ». sudario
— ».

— In
stairs, scala chi- modo, maniera. this
— Winding

Wilding, ». corif2;o/f.—Wild- occiola. riv wise, in questo modo

ing-tree, corbezzola.
». — fiume che serpeggia
\Vildings, s.fruHi salvatici AVindlass, ». spezie d'argc AVisely, ad. 'saviamente
AVildlv, ad. stravagantemente AVindles, ». naspo AViser, ». piti savio
\Vildness, » ferocia Window, s. finestra.— Glass AVisest, a. il fiiii savio
AVile, s. furberia, asttizia Windows, vetrata. —
Paper AVish, ». desiderio. To have —
AVilfuI, a. caparbio, preinedi- windows, impannata one's wish, avere quel che si
Windward-tide, ». marea con- desidera
AViàh, ti. a. bramare, congra-
A\'indy, a. ventoso tulare. I wish you a happy
voyage, ri auguro tin felice Wold,*, una campagna aprica Wood-land, ». paese boscoso
e montagnosa senza alberi \\'ood-monger, ». mercante di
Well- wisher, t. un buon amico Wolf, * /upo. — She-wo!f, s. legna
\Vistet, * canestro lupa. —Young wolf, s. lupi- Wood-men, ». pi. guardiani
Wisp, *. ttrqfinaccio cino.— Sea-wolf, s. lupo ma- de' boschi del Rè
Wistly, ad Jittamente A\'ood-ward, ». ufficiale di fo-
Wit, *. ingegno, genio, giudi- Wolf, ». ulcera che viene nelle
zio, lenno, acutezza. — To gambe M'ooden,a. di legno. —M'oody,
Wolf's teeth, ». topraddentì di ' boscoso, pien di boschi
alcuno. -To wit, ad. cioè cavallo er, ». amatore
Wilch, strega
». Wolfs milk, s titimaglio A'.'oof, ». trama
At'itchcraft, s, stregoruccio ^Volf-b.^ne, ». aconito "7ool, ». lana — Wool-driver,
With, con}, con, col, colla. — ^\'olfish, a. goloso, vorace ».che compra la lana in cam-
With me, meco pagna e la rirende nel mer-
Withal, prep, con, da, per, — cato. —
Woolstaple, ». luogo
mche, a man, vecchia. — Lady's wo dove suole vendersi la tana. —
Withdraw, i Wool biade, ». (plant) tasso
dama, —of the town, ». uhi bariiasso
donna di partito Wool-gathering, a. Ex. Your
Womanlike, a. donnesco wits are a wool-gathering,
Witlier, V. n. appascarti, — AV'oraanhood, ». slato d'uni voi avete dato le cervella a
ing, s. aridezza donna rimpedulare
Withers, s. garrese Womanish, a. femminile AVoollen, a. di lana, ». pan- —
AVithhold, V. a. Tileneie, AVoinanise, r. n. prender ma nina. —
WooUen-cIoth, ».
niere o costumi donneschi r'anno —
Woolly, a lanoso
Womankind, ». t7 femmine M'oolpack, ». fascio di lana
Within, —
pr. in, fra, dentro. Word, » parola, termine. In —
Within a few days, /ra pochi Womanly, a. muliebre a word, in una parola. To —
giorni.— From within -"-
keep one's word, mantener la
denaro.— Is he within ? AN'onder, ». maraviglia parola. —
Word, v. a scri-
casa — To keep within
f Wonder-working, ». -stupende vere, esprimere.— He had not
doors, restare in casa Wonder, t;. n. maravigliarsi.- a word to say for himself,
Without, ad. fuori, ftiora.— I wonder at it, me ne maro non seppe che dire in sua
He without, egli é fiora.
is difesa
—Without, prep, fuor, fuori, Wonderful, a. ammirabile, — Work, ». travaglio, lavoro. —
ienaa.— Without the town. ly, ad. maravigliosamente, — An ingenious ]>iece of work,
fuori della cUtà r.ess. ». qualità maravigliosa un' opera ingegnosa
Withsay, i'. a. negare Wondering, », ammirazione Work, i;. n. «ir a. lavorare, ope-

Withstand, v. a. resistere, — Wonder-struck, a. istupidito —

rare, effittuare. To work a
er, *. quello che resiste, —ing, Wondrous, a maraviglioso, — man'i^uin, macchinare l'al-
t. resistenza ly, ad. maravigliosamente trui rovina —
(as liquors).
Withy, lineo
«. Won't, Ex. I won't, non vogli( bollire, fermentare. Work —
Witless, a. balordo out, sfinire —To work upon
Witness, s. testimonio. — Eye- — After my wont, secondo il the humours, mover gli
mio co.viuxie.— Wont, or lo
— Ear-witness, s. testimonio he wont, v. n. solere.— Wortt, Worker, ». lavoratore
Working, ». lavoro, lavorio
che testifica per aver sentito V. a. (frequent)/rf9uCTi<are
dire. —To call to witness, Woo, V. a. amoreggiare Workman,», operaio
V. a. chiamare in testimonio Wood. » bosco, selva, legno Workmanship, ». lavoro
Witness, V. a. testificare, — Woodbine, ». madreselva Workmanlike, a. benfatto, ben
ing, s. testimonianza Wood-cleaver, ». taglia legna
Witticism, *. concetto spiritoso Woodpecker, ». pecchia M'or •day. , giorno di I

Wittily, ad. ingegnosamente Woodcock, ». beccaccia

Wittingly, lid. a posta AV'orld, ». il monilo.~To come
Woodculver, ». colombaccio
Witty, a. spiritoso, ingegnoso Wood- louse, ». cento gambe into the world, nascere. —
Witwal, t. (bird) picchio Wood-fretter, ». gorgoglio The New World, le /miie
Wizard, ». indovino, — ly, A Vood -sorrel, ». acetosa salva- Occidentali. He has seen —
mago, stregone the world, egli ha pr.iticalo
Wo, or Woe, s. guaio, —
Wocd .pease, ». cece il mondo. To knoir the —
interj. gnat — Wo
is to mr Wood-house, ». luogo dove si world, s-iper vivere. -A —
sventurato me teiigon le legne world of people, una grin
AV oad, 6. guado Wood-pile, ». castola di legno calca di gente.— WHì&t say^
^Voful, o. tristo, dolente, —I; Wood-y?,r(l, ». cortile dove s the world* of me ? che dice '

/id, miseramente gente di me t

tengono le legna
Worlàliness, *. vanità man '

To be in the wrong, aver

torto, — ad. male, a torto. —
\VorldIiiig, *. «11 mondano Right or wrong, a. diritto, o
W'orldlv, a. mondano a torto, ~v. a. far torto
V>'orm,' s. renne.— Silkworm, I \\'rongful, a. ingiusto, -ly,
s. baco da setti. Glow-worm,— '
ad. ingiustamente
s. /uccio/a.— Hand-worm, s AA'rongnig, ». ingiustizia
s tarlo. AVroth, a. irritato
—for a gun, ( Wreck, s. quella Wrought, a. lavorato
of a ascello che rimaite Wrung, a. attorcigliato
00 fatti uffaj;io Wry, a. bistorto. To make —
Wn !. lui. wry faces, fare il grugno.—
Wrench, AVrv-mouthed, a. che lore*
la bocca
Wrest, v'. a. torcere, attorci- \Vryly, ad. tortamente
Worm, gliare, spiccare. AVrest a —
passage, stravolgere il senso

Wom, a. portato Wrestle, v. n. lottare, cr, s. —

"Worry, v. a- sbranare lottatore, —
ing, s. lotta. —To
Worse, a. piii cattivo, peggiore YACHT, ». una saettìa
practise wrestling, esercitarsi
Worse and worse, di male in alla lotta Yard, ». misura Inglese,
peggio Wretch, s. un meschino cortile, —of a ship, antenna
Worshij), ». adorazione, il culto Wretched, a. sventurato, mi- Vare, a. ardente, snello
rfn/no.— Your worship, vos-
sigìi^ria, —
V. a. adorare. — meschinamente, — ^ness, ».
A\'t*ship one, v. n. prostrarsi meschinità, cattiva azione Yarrish, a. ringhioso
Wrigfjle, V. a. scontorcersi Yarrow, ». millefoglie [grido
Worshipful, a. rispettabile, — come un Sirpente Wriggle — Y'awl, li. n. sgridare, — ing, ».
Yawn, ». sbadigliamento, —
\\'òrs! ipper. adoratore ing, ». serpeggiamento
AV'ors; Wright, ». artigiano. ~Cs.n- che sbadiglia, — ing, ». shadi-
i y^gk Ye^or You,pr„. voi [glio
MTieelwright, 4. facitor di
a. svantaggiare Yeìn^v.n. figliare
Wrì \ear, ». antio. — New year,,
aniio nuovo. —
Every other
year, di due in due anni.—
Years, ». (age) annj,e/ù.— To
. birra novella grow in years, invecchiare
s. che vale, prez Yearling, ». che non ha che un
Wrist, la giunluia della anno [annualmente
— AVristband, orlo ». Y'early, a. annuale, —ly, ad-
delle maniche d'utva camicia ii a pietà.

Writ, ». citazione. — To issue

AVorthy, , out a M-rit, dare ordine
AVrite, V. a. scrivere, comporre.
thy, sia — AVrite out, copiare
\Vriter, ». scrittore, autore
Writhe, V. Yelling,» rilulo
glia re, strappare Yellow, a. giallo— To grow
Writhing, ». torcimento yellow, divenir giallo.— YeU
AVritings, ». scrittura.— \\ low, ». giallo.— To die yel-
rire, offendere, far io tings, gli scritti low, V. a. tingere in giallo
^V'oundless, a. invulnet Writing-master, ». maestri Yellows, ». (jaundice) itterizia
Wrangle, v. n. con, Yellowness. ». eiallezza
Writing-desk, ». desco di s Yelp, V.
Wrap, V. a. AV'rong, a. falso, indiretto.— To Yeoman of the guard, gua
pure, —i: take wrong nieasu
vvrapj>er, i dere mezzi indiretti. The — Yerk, v. n. calcitrare
wrong side outward, alla Yes, ad. si
Vest, fermento ii cervogie
Vi'rong, s torlo, iogiustigia.- Yesterday, ad. Uri

Fet, as yet, ad. ancora.— He is soggiigare, impadronirti. —
not gone as yet, egli non è To marry, to join with an- Zeaf, j. zelo, affetto
ancora partito.— Yet, but yet, other, unire con un altro
peiò, nientedimeno Yoke-fellow, or Yoke-mate, 3. Zealous, a. zelatile, —
ly, ad.
Vew-tree, ». tasso, nassa compagno nelle fatiche zelantemente
i'ield, V. a. cedere, dar luogo, Yolk of an egg, *. tuorlo Zebra, s. zebra, Fasiìio In-
concedere, produrre, rendere, Yon, or Yonder, ad. là diano
Yore, or of Yore, ad. già, an- Zechin, t. zecchino
— To yield to a thing, chn- ticamente [vi amo Zed, s. la lettera zela
cedere una cosa.— To yield —
You, pron. voi. I love you, io ZedoasY, *. (root) zedoaria
the victory, ceder la vittoria. Young, a. giovane, vigoroso Zenith," *. zenito
— That tree yields very good Young ones, s.fgliuolini. To— Zephyr, s. zeffiro
fruit, iiueste albeio produce bring forth young, figliare Zero, s. (cipher) zero, niente
buoni frutti. —
To yield up Younger, a. piii giovane. — Zest, *. un po' di scor;:a di
the ghost, render lo spirito. — Younger brother, il fratel
To yield to the times, cedere —
minore. Younger hand, (at
al tempo, temporeggiare. — play) ruUimo nel giuoco
will not yield to these terms. Youngest, a. il più giovane adui
Youngish, a. alquanto giovane Zigzag, *. zigzag, tortuositàr
Your, pron. vostro, vostri. — serpeggiamento
Yielding, a. facile. Your father, vostro padre.
-\y,' . libera — Yourself, pron. voi stesso. Zocle, s. zoccolo, orlo, dado
-He ii Yourselves, voi siesA. Zodiac, *. zodiaco
littletoo yielding, è un poco Zone, s. zona, fascia
troppo facile ; è un poco trop- Youth, s. gioi'atiezza, un gio- Zones, (in astronomy) s. zone.
po condescendente ; egli si vanotto. — From ii)> youth, —There are five zones, one
lascia andare troppo facil- dalla mia giovanezza, dalla torrid, two temperate, and
Yoke, s. giogo, servitù [mente mia gioventù
Yoke of oxen, *. coppia di buoi. Youthfiil, a. giovanile, jeAer- Z07ie, una torrida, due tem-
—To put the oxen to the sevole, gioct>so, —ness, s. perate, e due frigide
yoke, mettere i buoi al giogo. gioventù. — In my youthful Zoographer, s. zoografo, —
—To bring under the yoke, days, nella mia gioventù phy, s. zoograjia
soggiogare. — To be luider Zoology, s. zoologia
the yoke, esser solio 'I giogo. Zoophyte, s. zoòfito
— The yoke of matrimony, i7 Zootomist, s. colui che fit Pana-
tomia degli animali
Yoke-elm, sorta d'arbore Zootomy, s. l'anatomia degli
Yoke, V. a. accoppiare al giogo.

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