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Roll number: bc190406569

Name: Nimra Rasheed Total Marks = 20

Edu 601 Assignment # 01

1. According to Plato; what is the role of a teacher? Explain (5)

Answer: According to Plato, human beings start from darkness of ignorance, but some of them

can realize their own ignorance and finally come to the light of truth through gradual process.

Plato’s Idea of a good teacher is an effective teacher who awakes the desire to know or

learn in students. According to Plato an effective teacher is not the one who focus on objects, but

the one who teach the essence time and universal principals that a human must follow.

The goal of a teacher to Plato should be the attainment of wisdom. The teacher should

have high moral values and pass his virtues to the students because knowledge and intelligence

are nothing without Virtue.

According to Plato a Teacher is like a torch bearer who leads his followers in the dark by

showing them the light of knowledge.

2. Write a comprehensive note on what is the purpose of education near to Kant? (5)

Answer: Kant see Human being as a unique existence who needs education. He thinks human

being can become a person only with the help of Education. Kant believe that animal does not

need any nurturing only human does. When we compare a person with an animal. We see that

person needs more care and help as compare to the animal.

The goal of education near Kant is for men to attain their destiny. Kant believe that moral

education should be a part of Education for men. A person should be educated to distinguish his

talents and understand himself.

According to Kant when a person is educated in a good way, he gains to think his mental

power as logical. The basic aim of education to Kant is to be committed to moral values.

3. Why it is necessary to teach the child; How to fight against negative education? Explain

with concrete examples. (5)

Answer: When a Human being is born, he has the ability to learn from his surroundings. But he

needs to know what exactly he should learn, That’s why it is necessary to teach a child.

 As a child grows he encounters different situations in life. He can learn many good and

bad things from it. A child needs to learn, what to learn, from any situations.

According to Plato: “Education is Teaching our children to desire the right thing.”

 Every child has a unique talent. Some may find it sooner than other and use them well,

but many children need guidance to find their talents and make them useful for the

betterment of world.

 Education prepare a child handle failure and stress. They should learn what to do when

they feel stressed and face negative comments on their failure.

 Education gives confidence to a child. When he accomplishes something by his own

efforts, he can feel his worth. He can become more confident in facing challenges.

Negative Education:

The theory of negative education was introduced by J.J. Rousseau. Negative education is

very harsh for students. Students are denied any chance of freedom. They are forces to

learn what was told. According to philosophers this kind of education leads to

ineffectiveness in learning. Because they are afraid of making new moves that can lead to

To fight negative education, a child should be allowed to give his opinion on topics.

A child should be given an opportunity to take part in challenging work.

A child should be allowed to take legal actions for the corporal punishment.

A child should be taught to understand is talents and use them in a good way and spread

positivity in the world.

4. What is the concept of state near to Aristotle? Briefly explain at least five points. (5)

Answer: A state is a community formed by people to exercise permanent power within the

territory. Aristotle has analyzed the nature of state by dividing it into several components.

 Aristotle believes that men by nature must live in the community. Those who can’t live in the

community is either GOD or a beast.

 Aristotle believes that laws and conventions are basically good, and man has made them to serve

their beneficial objectives.

 Aristotle believes that common interest is a factor in bringing men together. Together people

make a good life.

 The state is natural because it satisfies all need of man.

 For good life in a state both ethical and intellectual virtues is necessary.

 Only the state with enough size and population cam ensure the smooth supply of goods.

According to Aristotle man has to satisfy his physical or material need for a better life,
for that a state is the best way to fulfill his needs.

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