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Engineering Management in Production and Services

Volume 10 • Issue 3 • 2018

received: 15 January 2018

accepted: 25 August 2018

Facility layout design – review pages: 70-79

of current research directions

Mateusz Kikolski, Chien-Ho Ko

Corresponding author:
The article discusses the topic of designing the optimal distribution of workstations
within a production plant. A review focused on publications on this subject in Mateusz Kikolski
the  Scopus database, covering the years 1975–2017. The article presents a facility
Bialystok University of Technology,
layout problem and basic principles of optimisation methods for the distribution of Faculty of Engineering
workstations within the factory. The author proposes a methodology for designing Management, Poland
the  optimal distribution of workstations using available optimisation methods and e-mail:
computer simulation. Also, directions for further research are indicated.
Chien-Ho Ko
facility layout, production lines design, production optimisation, workplace National Pingtung University
planning of Science and Technology,
Department of Civil
DOI: 10.2478/emj-2018-0018 Engineering, Taiwan

tition, determines the use of new, innovative, efficient
Contemporary production companies must and more profitable solutions in the field of produc-
quickly adapt to the changing requirements of cus- tion engineering (Halicka, 2016a). The correct divi-
tomers, i.e. implement structural and technological sion and organisation of the workflow within a given
changes and production projects related to manufac- production unit is the basis for the functioning of
turing of new products (Koliński & Tomkowiak, production processes (Kosieradzka, 2008).
2010). The dynamic development of technology, Important factors enabling the improvement of
under conditions of globalisation and strong compe- the manufacturing process are the planning of ratio-

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 10 • Issue 3 • 2018

nal material flows in the production process, aimed at places facing the product have a problem, namely,
reducing production-in-progress stock (Wolniak, a  proper balancing of the production line
2013), and the correct distribution of production (Zwierzyński, 2018). In the case of specialised indus-
infrastructure inside a plant (Staniewska, 2015). tries, the appropriate distribution of production
These factors are related to facility layout. departments is also paramount: important depart-
Continuous improvement could be regarded as ments should be located close to each other and sepa-
a principle for an enterprise’s survival (Godinho Filho rate those departments that should not be in close
et al., 2016). Improvements can be carried out at any proximity (Kikolski, 2018).
stage of the manufacturing process. From the point of One of the key elements of production optimisa-
view of a manufacturing company, the productivity of tion is proper planning and scheduling of production
a production line is a key parameter (Brundage et al., tasks and the deployment of workstations. The pro-
2016). The performance analysis, which assesses duction efficiency depends largely on the location of
the level of production, the average level of stock as the production equipment within the plant. There is
well as the  profit rate is of great importance in also a close relationship between the manufacturing
the design and operation of production lines (Gálová process and the available surface (John & Jenson,
et al., 2018). The essence of production line improve- 2013). Appropriate placement of machines within
ment lies in the continuous analysis of carried out a production line considers the optimal use of avail-
processes. Facility layout, elements that make up able space, time and cost of material flow, and pro-
the production line, plays a crucial role in production duction flexibility. The incorrect layout of workplaces
improvement. results in possible losses (Piskrzyńska & Cieślar,
Determining and defining emerging problems is 2015). There are many factors affecting the shape and
decisive and allows choosing the best optimisation manner particular to the operation of production
solution while improving production performance lines, including the number of working shifts, the size
(Kikolski, 2018). Methods for the optimisation of of production batches and their nature (variable or
production lines mainly focus on the improvement of constant size of the lot), and types of transport and
line performance or increasing the speed of its opera- storage. Due to a large number of possible connec-
tion (Azadivar & Wang, 2000). tions between positions and the resulting differences
The main factors determining the structure and in their mutual location, the optimisation problem is
organisation of production lines are design goals, usually solved with one (or several, together) criteria
required or available infrastructure and the number (Lis & Santarek, 1980):
of products manufactured. How to utilise available • minimisation of transport or mass of transported
infrastructure to effectively produce required prod- details,
ucts has been considered as a goal of facility layout • minimisation of transport routes,
design (Friedrich et al., 2018). • minimisation of the number of transport opera-
• minimising transport costs,
• minimising the costs of locating positions,
1. Characteristics of • minimisation of total transport costs and loca-
the facility layout problem tion of stands.
The optimal placement of workplaces should
The basic objective of planning the deployment shorten the production cycle, reduce production
of workstations is to develop a system that would be costs or improve the use of production resources (Hu
the most suitable for production and bring savings. et al., 2011; Vergara & Kim, 2009).
Among the types of workstation placement, one can
distinguish process-oriented locations such us nest-
ing system – related machines in production sockets, 2. Literature review
the product such us flow system – machines arranged
according to the order of tasks and production lines
such us grouping of machines into lines for similar To identify methods used for the optimisation of
products. Firstly, the main optimisation problem is the workstation distribution, a bibliometric analysis
the  location of the devices. The arrangement work- was made, which enabled the assessment of
the  dynamics of changes in the number of publica-

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 10 • Issue 3 • 2018






1975 1979 1983 1987 1991 1995 1999 2003 2007 2011 2015 2017
Fig. 1. Number of publications indexed in 1975–2017 in Scopus database referring to the facility layout optimisation
Source: elaborated by the authors based on (

tions in the examined period. Due to the size and their co-classification. The method used to analyse
availability, the publications were reviewed in the coexistence of words was based on counting
the Scopus database. The database search was focused the  sequence of words appearing in the text. This
on the problem of facility layout optimisation men- method allows the classification of research sub-areas
tioned in keywords, titles and abstracts. The analysis based on the co-occurrence of words. Using the VOS-
covered the years 1975–2017. 341 studies were found viewer software, a bibliometric map was developed,
registered in the Scopus database for the analysed which is a visualisation of the results received from
period. The importance of the topic is constantly the analysis of coexisting words. The size of the circles
growing. This statement is supported by the growing reflects the number of specific words, while the dis-
number of studies available in Scopus database from tance between the circles depends on the number of
one year to another. The number of publications in co-occurrences (Halicka, 2016b). The results of the
particular years of the analysed period is shown in article analysis are presented in Fig. 3.
Fig. 1. The analysis of the coexistence of words made it
In the first part of the surveyed period, possible to identify five clusters that together con-
the increase in the number of publications was slow. tained 41 words/terms. The proposed cluster names
The first study available in the database comes from refer to most of the terms of a given cluster. The anal-
1975, but in the next fifteen years, only five articles ysis of the coexistence of keywords identified by
were published in the field of facility layout optimisa- the authors of articles resulted in the following clus-
tion. The last 25 years indicate a sudden increase in ters:
the interest in the discussed topic. The number of • Cluster I – ways for presenting the layout of
research works on the problem of workstation distri- workplaces,
bution optimisation underwent a steady increase. • Cluster II – methods of system optimisation,
Also, research efforts intensified at the beginning of • Cluster III – factors affecting the distribution of
the second decade of the 21st century, when the num- workstations,
ber of studies increased threefold in comparison to • Cluster IV – ways for formulating problems
the period preceding 2010. related to the arrangement of objects,
Main thematic areas of the highlighted articles • Cluster V – study objects.
available in the Scopus database were Engineering, According to the literature review, main prob-
Computer Science, Decision Science and Mathemat- lems related to the design and operation of produc-
ics, amounting to a total of 84,5% of all publications. tion lines were (Teunter et al., 2008; Zawadzka, 2007)
The indicated thematic areas include both methods of determining the number of machines within a line,
solving (methods) and presenting (models) problems the location of inter-operation buffers and their size,
related to the optimisation of the layout of the pro- and the layout of machines and stations working
duction halls. within a plant. Appropriate optimisation methods are
The final stage of the bibliometric analysis con- necessary for the elimination of the problems men-
cerned the evaluation of the coexistence of words and

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 10 • Issue 3 • 2018

Agricultural an… (0.5%) Other (1.7%)

Multidisciplina… (0.8%)
Environmental S… (0.8%)
Social Sciences (1.4%)
Engineering 30.20%
Chemical Engine… (1.7%)
Computer Scienc… 24.10%
Business, Manag… (8.7%) Engineering (30.2%)
Decision Scienc… 16.10%
Mathematics 14.10%
Business, Manag… 8.70%
Chemical Engine… 1.70%
Social Sciences 1.40%
Environmental S… 0.80%
Mathematics (14.1%)
Multidisciplina… 0.80%
Agricultural an… 0.50%
Other 1.70%

Decision Scienc… (16.1%)

Computer Scienc… (24.1%)

Fig. 2. Most popular subject areas of articles indexed in Scopus database referring to the layout
Source: elaborated by the authors based on (

Fig. 3. Map of co-occurrence with research areas related to the scope of the facility layout optimisation problem from
Scopus database in 2012–2017
Source: elaborated by the authors based on ( with the use of the VOSviewer software.

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 10 • Issue 3 • 2018

tioned earlier related to the design and operation of process (Halicka et al., 2015). It is necessary to create
production lines. a solution supporting the selection of an appropriate
Optimisation methods for production processes method to optimise the deployment of workstations,
are, considered an important tool for continuous enabling the improvement of manufacturing pro-
improvement of product quality (Radziszewski et al., cesses. Also, despite the diversity and a large number
2016). They include the modelling of input and out- of methods used to optimise the distribution of
put parameters and the determination of optimal workstations, there are often no clear rules related to
conditions (Mukherjee & Pradip, 2006). There are them.
many ways to optimise the placement of worksta- An important factor is the limitations and
tions. For example, Santarek and Lis distinguished 86 strengths of the methods used for the optimisation of
methods (Lis & Santarek, 1980). They selected four facility layout, which have been presented in the lit-
criteria for the classification of the methods, namely, erature, as well as the appropriate indication of prob-
the accuracy of obtained solutions, the manner in lems that can be solved with their help. Main features
which positions were set up, the type of placement of production lines that are important in determining
received, and the form of the presentation of the set- the best optimisation method are as follow (Rekiek
up positions. The mentioned classifications included et al., 2002):
numerical parameters of the method and their opera- • topology of the manufacturing process,
tional properties and did not consider the character- • designation of available equipment,
istics of the manufacturing process. Methods for • connections between devices,
workstation layout optimisation are constantly modi- • method and location of stock storage,
fied and developed. Among the currently available • material transfer – the determination of trans-
methods used to optimise the deployment of work- port routes,
stations, the following can be distinguished (Sa'udach • lot size,
et al., 2015; Aydinel et al., 2008; Khan, 2004; Burduk • batch processing time,
et al., 2016; Wu et al., 2007; Mahdavi et al., 2009; • number of working shifts,
Zielecki et al., 2014; Kowalski et al., 2016; Ojaghi • resource constraints,
et al., 2015; Ertay et al., 2006; Abdinnour-Helm et al., • time limits,
2000; Hassan et al., 1986): • costs.
• mathematical methods, It should also be noted that other methods are
• CORELAP, used when reorganising and designing new produc-
• Schmidgall's triangles, tion lines (Lis & Santarek, 1980). The set of methods
• Systematic Layout Planning (SLP), used to optimise the distribution of positions within
• COFAD, a production line is the basis for developing a solu-
• BLOCPLAN, tion to support the design of production lines.
• SHAPE algorithm, Selected optimisation methods were used to develop
• Graph-Based Theory (GBT), the original methodology for the design of the opti-
• strategies for minimising transport costs, mal distribution of workstations, which would allow
• CRAFT, accelerating the design of new or the improvement of
• ALDEP, existing production processes.
Existing methods for the optimisation of work-
station can be divided into strict and approximate
methods, of which strict methods can be applied only
3. Proposal of an original
in the case of the limited choice of the workspace methodology for the facility
(Santarek, 1987). The wider application of methods layout design
occurs in the case of approximate methods, among
which one can distinguish methods with limited and
unlimited possibility to choose places. Available studies indicate that many production
The large number and variety of available optimi- companies have little knowledge in the field of plan-
sation methods may generate difficulties related to ning and production control, and optimisation
the choice of the appropriate method depending on methods are used rarely or not at all. The theory and
the type and characteristics of the manufacturing methods for solving optimisation problems are either

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 10 • Issue 3 • 2018

unknown or improperly understood by practitioners describe how to optimise the design of workstations.
(Siderska & Jadaan, 2018). Another indicated prob- It should also include a set of methods that can be
lem is the belief that theoretical situations are not applied depending on the specific characteristics of
sufficiently similar to those found in practice (Rekiek manufacturing processes.
et al., 2002). The reason for this situation may be The initial research assumed that the original
the  lack of a comprehensive look at the problem design methodology (Fig. 4) would consist of two
related to choosing of the right method for the opti- blocks: a part supporting the design of a new layout of
misation of the workstation deployment and the lack workstations and a part dedicated to the reconstruc-
of a tool to support the selection and the use of tion of the existing layout of the stands.
the optimisation method to solve a specific problem. From the standpoint of a factory, studies are
The methodologies used to optimise the facility desirable regarding non-interference with the opera-
layout have some limitations (related to failure to tion of the production line (Pałucha, 2011). The prob-
adapt to current trends in the design of manufactur- lem of the deployment of workstations can be
ing processes, among other things, and a decision modelled using various types of tools, including spa-
problem related to the selection and application of tial, structural and mathematical models (Jakowska-
appropriate optimisation methods to specific features Suwalska & Wolny, 2009). Currently, digital models
of the manufacturing process); consequently, they depicting the existing infrastructure are a popular
must be further developed. tool used in the optimisation of manufacturing pro-
The literature review revealed a methodology for cesses and the positioning of workstations within
designing the arrangement of objects based on production lines (Ryan & Heavey, 2006; Matuszek
the  Systematic Layout Planning. However, it has & Kurczyk, 2017). Planning research based on simu-
a number of limitations, the most important of which lation models can greatly contribute to the develop-
is narrowing down the research to the use of one ment of efficient production lines. Research that does
approach in the deployment of workstations (Yang not interfere with the work of the manufacturing
et al., 2000). process requires the development of a methodology
Lis and Santarek (1980) prepared a general that considers the use of a model simulating the oper-
scheme of the methodology for designing the deploy- ation of production lines and containing process
ment of workstations based on the operational parameters. A correctly constructed simulation
research strategy. The authors stated that the  indi- model allows predicting the effects of changes and
cated scheme could be used in the  design of new the choice of the optimal decision variant.
production cells or the remodelling of existing ones, In the part supporting the design of a new work-
but they did not indicate differences between the two. place layouts, key elements are gathering and analys-
The proposed methodology scheme consists of five ing the parameters of the projected placement
main stages, namely, the formulation of project task, (identifying the number of positions and establishing
the construction of a mathematical model, the solu- connections between positions) and choosing
tion of the task, model adjustments and solution the  method for optimising the distribution of posi-
evaluation, and project implementation. The dis- tions are using which the layout of the production
cussed methodology does not specify the method for line implemented in the digital model would be
selecting the optimisation method depending on designed (phase I). The next steps are the analysis of
characteristics of the manufacturing process. the developed model and the comparison of
The  authors acknowledged a large number of avail- the results obtained and the selection of the best solu-
able methods and indicated that their variety imposes tion (phase II).
to choose one. However, a particular method or The second part (reorganisation of the facility
a  group of methods is not chosen dependent on layout) consists of four main stages containing ele-
the  characteristics of the manufacturing process. ments of the digital model structure pertaining to the
Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a methodology tested object, the diagnostics and optimisation phase,
that considers the knowledge about the type and and the evaluation of the obtained results:
characteristics of the manufacturing process, the cri- • construction phase (I) – containing the examina-
terion of optimisation, limitations of the production tion of the current configuration of workstations
process, and available methods of optimisation. and the construction of the model;
The methodology should consist of a description of • diagnostic phase (II) – including the analysis of
the stages, activities and activities used to clearly the simulation model (measuring the effective-

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 10 • Issue 3 • 2018

Designing a new manufacturing process Reorganisation of the production process

Designing a new facility layout Reorganisation of the facility layout

Analysis of the parameters of Analysis of the parameters of

the manufacturing process the manufacturing process

Phase I

Examining the settings of workstations

and relations between them
Selection of the optimisation method

Development of a digital model of

the analysed manufacturing process
Typology of methods
Development of a facility layout project for optimising
the distribution of
Analysis of the digital model

Phase II
Preparation of the design of
the manufacturing process in Identification of errors
the digital model

Phase I
Selection of the optimisation method

Development of an alternative layout

of work station

Phase III

Application of the optimisation result

in the digital model

Analysis of the digital model Measurement of

Analysis of the digital model
production efficiency

Comparison of the available variants Comparison of the available variants

Phase II
Phase IV

Choosing the best solution Choosing the best solution

Implementation of results

Fig. 4. Proposed preliminary diagram of the methodology for designing the optimal placement of workplaces

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 10 • Issue 3 • 2018

ness according to the index chosen by the designer Conclusions

while the indicators help in making decisions
and conducting activities aimed at better and
more efficient functioning of the production The continuous need to effectively respond to
line) and identification of weaknesses (bottle- competition and the growing pressure made by cus-
necks) of the production process; tomers on product quality demands for the use of
• optimisation phase (III) – consisting of the selec- optimisation methods in production processes are
tion of methods for optimising the deployment fundamentally important for the production unit.
of workstations, developing an alternative solu- Problems related to planning and placement of
tion and introducing results in a simulation production positions are not a new topic in the aca-
model; demic circles as these issues have been the subject of
• control phase (IV) – comparison of the results scientific research in response to constantly increas-
obtained and selection of the best solution (if ing competition between enterprises. The pressure to
several are available). improve the technological processes of enterprises
The general diagram showing the elements of the and competition in the market is also reflected in
methodology identified during the previous research scientific research centred around production. A lit-
is presented in Fig. 4. In the course of the research, erature review on methods for the optimisation of
the methodology will be detailed, and the relation- workplaces indicated a constant and growing interest
ships between particular elements will be analysed at in the analysed topic. A review of publications in
a greater depth. It is also not possible to exclude Scopus database was made with the aim to identify
the distinction or deletion of certain elements. methods for optimising the facility layout and exam-
As mentioned before, there are many ways to ine the dynamics of changes in the number of publi-
optimise a facility layout, but there is no clear proce- cations on the subject in question in 1975 – 2017.
dure for choosing methods that allow optimal place- Research efforts related to methods used to optimise
ment of workstations. Therefore, the key element of production processes have intensified in recent years.
designing the optimal distribution of workstations The analysis and use of optimisation methods, as well
will be the original typology of methods for optimis- as the introduction of methods and the creation of
ing the distribution of workstations, which, among new algorithms, is a constant research challenge.
other things, will consider the following: the type and Designing the deployment of workstations
characteristics of the manufacturing process, factors requires a two-pronged approach, namely, focusing
affecting the shape of the production line, and an on the design of new production lines and the reor-
optimisation criterion. The proposed typology will ganisation of existing systems. The literature review
allow the selection of the best method for the optimi- also unveiled a close relationship between scheduling
sation of the distribution of workstations depending and scheduling production tasks, and the facility lay-
on characteristics of the manufacturing process. out designing. Available optimisation methods focus
Choosing the right method will be a multi-stage task: on improving selected process features. From
• phase I: defining the type of the designed pro- the point of view of a production line technologist, it
duction line; is crucial to choose a method or a set of methods with
• phase II: determining factors affecting the distri- the greatest possible amount of available data.
bution of workstations; Optimisation methods help to create a worksta-
• phase III: determining the optimisation criterion; tion layout scheme that allows the design of facility
• phase IV: selecting the method for the optimisa- layout, including distances between machines,
tion of the deployment of workstations depend- machine distances from transport routes or construc-
ing on the characteristics of the manufacturing tion elements of production halls. An important
process. condition for obtaining the intended effects is proper
A multi-stage selection of the method used in identification and quantification of emerging prob-
the  design or optimisation of production lines will lems, as well as an appropriate selection of methods
allow narrowing down the choice of methods from and tools leading to their solution.
the available number before the implementation in The article is an introduction to further work
the simulation model. related to the identification and classification of
methods for optimising the distribution of worksta-
tions. The set of optimisation methods and tools was

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Volume 10 • Issue 3 • 2018

created as the basis for a further search for instru- Godinho Filho, M., Devos Ganga, G. M., & Gunasekaran, A.
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