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Jarrett Graff

PS1 Lesson Plan

Date: Nov. 25st/2019
Grade: 5 Lesson Title: Using Equations to Solve Problems (Lesson 7) Lesson Duration: 45 mins

Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives . Carefully select GLO and SLO that pertain to your lesson.


Patterns and Relations (Variables and Equations) PR2:

- Represent algebraic expressions in multiple Solve problems involving single-variable, one-step equations with whole
number coefficients and whole number solutions. [C, CN, PS, R, V]

Learning Objectives
Students will…

- Students will express a given problem in context as an equation where the unknown is represented by a letter
- Students will solve a given single-variable equation with the unknown in any of the terms (n+2=5, 4+a=7, 6= r-2)
- Students will be able to create a problem in context for a given equation

Annotated Learning Resources List

These must be relevant and age appropriate and from a reliable source. If it is on online resource provide an active link.. If it a book, cite the book and author.

Resource #1: Math program of Study

Resource #2: (Online Textbook)

Material and Equipment

List: Art supplies, manipulatives, smartboard, online white board etc…

- Smartboard (Presentation/used for examples)

- Whiteboards (If possible*)
- Students will use scribblers for notes and written questions

Lesson Procedures

Jarrett Graff
PS1 Lesson Plan
Introduction (10 mins):
Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and Behavior; Transition to Body. Indicate the timing for each section

- Start with an example

Examples will be shown on the smartboard
 5+9=_
 _+3=7
 10 - _ = 5
 44 - __ = 22
 3 x _ = 12
 _ x 4 = 24
 How do you decide which value goes into each spot?
o Makes the equation true or equal on both sides

 PROMPT: These are similar to expressions BUT we are using an equals sign within equations
o Can show the difference between n + 25 and n + 25 = 75

- Using the interactive whiteboard, demonstrate initial example of Clara and her brother and sister (height question)
o Read Question to class:
 How much taller is Clara’s brother than her sister?
 Use 3 students, similar heights —> Brother tallest, Clara, Clara’s sister
 Students chosen will stand side by side
o We do not know Claras height so we can use c as the variable
 (unknown height of Clara = c)

Prompt question:
o What equation can we use? What do we know in the short answer question?
 Her bothers height is known (140)
o The equation we would write on the board is c + 5 = 140
o This is because we were told Claras brother was 5 cm taller than Clara
 Answer is 135 for Clara’s height

 Next, we need to find a equation to determine Clara’s sister’s height

o We had learned Claras height was 135 from our last equation
o We know Clara’s sister is 3 cm shorter so we must subtract
 Written in the equation it would still be 135 – 3 = s (sister)
 Clara’s sister is 132 cm

 So now we know that her brother height is 140 cm, Clara’s height is 135 cm, and her sisters height
is 132 cm

- So answering our initial question we are able to now use an equation 140 – 132 = ___
o Answer is 8cm, in a sentence it would be: Clara’s brother is 8 cm taller than her sister.

Jarrett Graff
PS1 Lesson Plan
Complete A, B, C questions:
A. What does the variable c represent in Justine’s solution?
a. The variable c represents Clara’s height

B. Write an equation to compare Clara’s height with her sisters height. Solve your equation.
a. Clara is 135 cm and 3 cm taller than her sister so I can write 135 – 3 = s, s=132
C. Write a equation to compare the height of Clara’s brother with the height of Clara’s sister. How much taller is Clara’s brother
than her sister?
a. 140 – 132 = 8, written in a sentence —> Clara’s brother is 8 cm taller than her sister.

D. How did Justine choose what the next variable in her equation should represent?
a. Hint: the trick we talked about for expressions

E. Could you use the equation s + 8 = 140 to determine Clara’s sisters height? How do you know?
a. Yes, similar to C question
b. The brother is 5 cm taller than Clara and Clara is 3 cm taller than her sister, 3+5 = 8

Transition to board work**

Body (30 mins):

Steps and Procedures: Identify Teaching Strategies:

- Direct instruction is used predominantly
Using interactive white board, use checking question about for promoting questions, explanations
Bears and lesson
1. A Kodiak bear is 120 cm taller than a black bear. A grizzly bear
is 95cm shorter than the Kodiak bear. The Kodiak bear is 305 Formative Assessments:
cm tall. - This will be done through observation as
o Help students by breaking down information in a students will have the opportunity to
short answer question. answer on the board, this will guide the
 k + 120 = b (Black bear) lesson as students may be confused or
 g – 95 = k (Kodiak bear) need extra time to develop
 k = 305 understanding
o Now we understand what they are saying easier using
a) b + 120 = 305, b = 185cm Reflecting questions will be used half way
b) g + 95 = 305, g = 210 cm through the lesson to indicate the extent the
students understand
c) Black bear: 185cm, Grizzly bear: 210 cm
Reflecting Questions:
2. 5 + m = 15, m=10 - How did Justine choose what the next
variable in her equation should represent?
3. A) h = 55 o Hint: the trick we talked about for
B) b = 76 expressions
C) g = 177
D) x = 75 - Could you use the equation s + 8 = 140 to
E) f = 53 determine Clara’s sisters height? How do you
F) a = 126 know?
o Yes, similar to C question

Jarrett Graff
PS1 Lesson Plan
4. 16 – 6 = h o The brother is 5 cm taller than Clara
a. h = 10 and Clara is 3 cm taller than her
sister, 3+5 = 8

(5-10 mins) Consolidating and Closure:

- We can see expressions from last class within equations, this as we simply add the = sign.
- Writing equations can help as answer questions that may be full of numbers.
- This helps us to break down the short answer questions and help us get to the standard n + 5 = 10 format
which helps us to understand what n is and what it also represents

Reflective Notes: You will only fill out this section after your deliver your lesson.

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