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Quiz #5—Solutions

Differential Equations
Dr. Peratt
September 30, 2019

Directions: Carefully answer the questions below. Remember to show your work so that I can give partial credit
where justified. Remember that your goal is not just to arrive at the correct answer but to convince me that
you know what is going on.

1. Use Euler’s Method to approximate the first 4 values of the solution y(t) to the IVP y ′ − e−y =, y(0) = 1.3
with ∆t = 0.02. Do not use the DE plot or table feature on your TI-89. Round your final answer to 3 decimal
Answer: First, we put the DE into the form y ′ = e−y + . The Euler recursion is therefore
! " y
ynew = e−yold + · dt + yold . Using dt = 0.02, we obtain
t y
0.00 1.30000 ...
0.02 1.35451 ...
0.04 1.40907 ...
0.06 1.46363 ...
Therefore, the final value of y ≈ 1.46363 · · · ≈ 1.464.
2. Complete the following tasks for the differential equation:
= −y 6 + 22y 5 − 160y 4 + 310y 3 + 1085y 2 − 4508y + 4116.
(You may use your TI-89 to factor the expression.)
(a) Sketch the phase diagram.
(b) Classify the equilibrium points as asymptotically stable, asymptotically unstable, or semi-stable.
(c) Sketch the time series for a solution in each regime of behavior.
(d) Indicate the different regimes of behavior.

Answer: The DE can be written as y ′ = −(y − 7)3 (y − 2)2 (y + 3). See the phase diagram and time
series in the figures below. There are 4 regimes of behavior.
• The equilibrium point y = −3 is unstable, y = −2 is semi-stable, and y = 7 is stable.
• There are four different regimes of behavior, as indicated by the different colors of the typical
solution curves sketched in the second diagram.

3. Match up four of the following DEs with the slope fields given below:

dy dy dy dy
A: dt = t−1 B: dt = 1 − y2 C: dt = y 2 − t2 D: dt =1−t

dy dy dy dy
E: dt =1−y F : dt = t2 − y 2 G: dt =1+y H: dt = y2 − 1

(a) (b)
2.5 2.5

2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

−0.5 −0.5

−1 −1

−1.5 −1.5

−2 −2

−2.5 −2.5

−2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 −2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
t t

(d) (c)
2.5 2.5

2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

−0.5 −0.5

−1 −1

−1.5 −1.5

−2 −2

−2.5 −2.5

−2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 −2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
t t

Answer: In clockwise order, beginning with the upper left graph:

(a) In this graph, the slope, y ′ clearly depends only on t, hence it must correspond to A or D.
Noting that the slopes, as t progresses from negative to positive values, begin positive and
become negative, this eliminates A. Hence, it must correspond to D.
(b) In this graph, y ′ depends only on y. Hence, it must correspond to E, B, G, or H. However,
since there is only one equilibrium solution, B and H are eliminated. Since slopes move from
positive to negative and y increases, G is also eliminated, leaving only E as a possible DE.
(c) In this graph, y ′ depends on both y and t, as evidenced by the fact that for a single y value,
multiple slopes can be had as they can for a single t value. Hence, it must correspond to C or
F. Noting that, if y = 0, the slopes move from negative to 0 to negative again as t increases, we
eliminate F as a possibility and conclude that it corresponds to C.
(d) In this graph, y ′ depends only on y, and there are two equilibrium solutions. Hence, it must
correspond to B or H. Since the slope is positive, then negative, then positive again as y
increases, it must correspond to H.

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