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10 Habits to Become an Effective Student

Hey there, friend!

In today’s blog post I’ll be talking about ten habits that could help to become an effective

To start off with, I’ll be talking about more concrete specific tasks that might be a little bit
more obvious. And then as we move on, they become bigger, more universal things that are
more mindset shifts than a specific action that you should take. So, without further ado, let’s
just get right into the list.


Habit number one is putting things back where they belong. Having an
organizational system is the first step to getting organized. But the most
important part and arguably the hardest is actually putting things back where
they belong within that system. One of the best things you can do to help
yourself with this is to set up your organizational system in a way that makes it
easier to put things away rather than necessarily making it easier to take things
back out. This habit would include day-to-day actions. Just habitually putting
things back where they belong rather than just dropping them in a random spot
and also having regular larger cleaning sessions like on a weekly or monthly

Habit number two is pretty obvious but it’s to not cram and instead spread out
your studying over a longer period or just make it a regular part of your daily
routine. A really helpful tip: if you just study for ten minutes for each subject
every day, you’ll pretty much be ready for anything. Because that ten minutes a
day really adds up and since it’s so regularly repeated, you can really drill things
into your memory instead of just looking at them one time in a giant cram
session. By making studying a daily habit rather than something you just do
before a test you’ll be always prepared in case there is a surprise quiz or for any
other assignments. Of course, you should be planning your studying as well for a
larger test or exam.

Habit number three is to pack your bag for school the night before after you
finished your schoolwork. This way you can start the morning right instead being
rushed and panicked trying to get everything gathered together and putting into
your bag, you’ll have everything ready to go and you won’t be so frazzled in the
morning. Also, since usually in the morning you are kind of in a rush to get out
the door, there’s a possibility that you’ll forget something, maybe an important
project that you need to turn in or maybe you’ll just forget your supplies and not
be quite prepared for class.


Habit number four is writing everything down in a planner. I know there are some
people are just so big brained that they can remember that they need to do in
their heads without writing it down. But it’s still a better practice to actually write
everything in a planner or notebook so that there’s a smaller chance of
something accidentally slipping through the cracks that you end up forgetting
doing. Plus having a planner to look at will give you a physical unavoidable
reminder of long-term projects and tests that are coming up and other events.


Habit number five is when you get home from school you should start your
homework before you start doing fun things. This will endure that you actually do
have enough time in your day to finish everything that you need to finish. And it
prevents you from getting caught up in doing fun like say you get stuck in a
movie marathon.

Habit number six is having a consistent sleeping schedule. It’s recommended
that you sleep for at least eight hours but realistically that’s not necessarily
going to happen. So, if you do have to be sleep deficient, it’s better to have a
regular consistent sleeping schedule. This means always sleeping at around the
same time and waking up at around the same time. This consistent timing will
help your body’s circadian rhythm get used to being awake at certain hours so
during those times you’ll be more alert and more functional.

Habit number seven is to address and learn from your mistakes. These mistakes
might include slip-ups that you do on practice work at home or it might be a
bigger error that you make on a test or quiz. Whenever you see these mistakes
you really do have to look at them. This will help it stick in your memory by
knowing your mistakes and remembering them you’ll be able to avoid making
them again. And you can also find your areas of weakness where there are
misunderstandings you might need to correct.


Habit number eight is to ask for help when you need to. It is kind of hard to strike
a balance between feeling too proud to admit that you don’t understand and that
you need help and between being annoying and dependent on other people and
never actually learning how to figure things out yourself. You can get help from
your teacher, your friends, your family, classmates, or the internet.

Habit number nine is to always look ahead. Don’t just be thinking about what
assignments are due tomorrow, rather think farther ahead. Look on what long-
term projects and assignments that you have coming up and any quizzes or
tests. And this doesn’t necessarily have to be just long-term assignments either
but long-term life goals that you might be working towards. It’s better to be
ahead of the game and constantly looking ahead for what you can do better
that’s coming up.


And lastly, habit number ten, arguably the most important, is to continue
learning outside of what’s just required for classwork. So, this could include
reading for fun both fiction and nonfiction, since in fiction you could also learn
about writing skills and vocabulary and story-telling. You can also watch
documentaries or go to witness cultural things happening in your area. You can
take online courses like learning a language on mobile apps like Duolingo or
watch free educational videos on university websites like Khan Academy. You
could also read and listen to the news or articles that explore various other
topics. Just find information and learn about what’s interesting to you, not
necessarily what you think will be useful in your future. Being well-informed is
important to be a good citizen and contributing to the society.

And… that’s it. I hoped this blog post will be helpful to you.

Thank you for reading!

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