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1. NURUL ISNAINI SA’ADAH (720153084)
2. RIANA PRAHESTI (720153085)
3. SITI FARIDA (720153086)
4. SLAMET CHOLIFAH (720153088)
5. SUKMA DEWI (720153089)
6. TAUFIK WICAKSANA W (720153090)
7. TRIA NEVA VALIA (720153091)
8. TRISNA SAFITRI (720153092)
9. TRISNAWATI (720153093)
10. UPYCA ROSITA JOHAR (720153095)
11. WILLA FITRIANA (720153098)
12. WILNAN KHANAFI S.M (720153099)
13. WINDI DIAH A.L (720153100)
14. WISNU BAYU P (720153101)




PAGE COVER................................................................................................................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... 2
PREFACE .......................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER IPRELIMINARY ........................................................................................ 4
A. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................... 4
B. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES ............................................................................ 4
C. BENEFITS ............................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER IIDISCUSSION ........................................................................................... 5
A. DEFINITION OF DIARRHEA ............................................................................. 5
B. ETHIOLOGY OF DIARRHEA ............................................................................. 5
C. CLINICAL OF MANIFESTATIONS ................................................................... 5
D. PATHOFISIOLOGY ............................................................................................. 6
E. DIAGNOSTIC CHECK UP .................................................................................. 6
F. DIARRHEA PREVENTION ................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER III COVER ................................................................................................... 7
A. CONCLUSSION.................................................................................................... 7
B. SUGGESTIONS .................................................................................................... 7
BIBIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................... 8


Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of God Almighty for His blessings and
grace we can finish the English paper with title DIARE
Writing this paper is intended to meet one of the assignment of English courses of
education program S1 Nursing STIKes Muhammadiyah Kudus. For the help and support
given so that this paper can be completed. We realize that this paper is far from perfect.
Therefore, we are looking forward to constructive criticism and suggestion from all readers
for the perfection of this paper.
We hope this paper will be useful for all readers and colleagues of STIKes
Muhammadiyah Kudus students

Kudus, May 13, 2017


A. Background
Diarrhea is still the leading cause of under five year old baby death (under 5 years
old) in the world. According to UNICEF records, every second of a toddler dies from
diarrhea. Diarrhea is often regarded as a trivial disease, whereas in global and national
levels the facts show otherwise. According to WHO records, diarrhea kills 2 million
children worldwide each year, whereas in Indonesia, according to Surkesnas (2001)
diarrhea is one of the 2nd leading causes of death in infants.
Based on 2007 Basic Health Research data from the Ministry of Health, infant
mortality rates aged 29 days to 11 months due to diarrhea reached 31.4 percent. As for
infants aged 1-4 years as much as 25.2 percent. The baby dies from lack of body
Diarrhea is still a major problem in society that is difficult to overcome. From
year to year diarrhea remains one of the diseases that cause mortality and malnutrition
in children. (World Health Organization (WHO, 2009).
Diarrheal disease is a very dangerous disease and occurs almost in all
geographical regions of the world and can affect all age groups of both males and
females, but diarrheal diseases with severe dehydration rates with the highest
mortality rates occur in infants and toddlers. In developing countries including
Indonesia children suffer from diarrhea more than 12 times per year and this is the
cause of death by 15-34% of all causes of death (MOH, 2010).

B. Purpose and Objectives

Based on the background and formulation above the writing of this paper aims to:
1. Knowing the meaning of diarrhea.
2. Knowing the etiology of diarrhea.
3. Know the pathophysiology of diarrhea.
4. Knowing the clinical manifestations of diarrhea.
5. Knowing Diarrhea Diagnostic Diagnostic.
6. Knowing how to prevent diarrhea.
7. Knowing how to treat diarrhea.

C. Benefits
The benefits of writing this paper include:
1. Provide knowledge about understanding diarrhea.
2. Provide knowledge of the etiology of diarrhea.
3. Provide knowledge about pathophysiology of diarrhea.
4. Provide knowledge about diarrhea clinical manifestations.
5. Provide knowledge of diarrhea diagnostic examination.
6. Providing knowledge on how to prevent diarrhea and how to treat it.


A. Definition of Diarrhea
Diarrhea is defined as a condition in which there is a change in the density and
the character of the stool and the water feces is removed three or more times per day
(Ramaiah, 2007: 13).
Diarrhea occurs due to digestion of E.COLI bacteria against food. These
bacteria are very happy to be in human feces, dirty water, and stale food. To prevent
diarrhea, food given to children should be hygenis. Do not forget to always wash
hands with clean (Widjaja, 2005: 26).

B. Etiology of Diarrhea
According to Dr. Haikin Rachmat, MSc., Causes diarrhea to be classified into
six groups:
1. Infection caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites.
2. The presence of food absorption disorder or called malabsorption.
3. Allergies.
4.Poisoning chemicals or toxins contained in food.
5. Immunodeficiency is a decreased immune system.

Diarrhea can be caused by environmental factors or from food menu.

Environmental factors can cause children infected with bacteria or viruses that cause
diarrhea. Foods that are incompatible or unacceptable and well received by children
and food poisoning can also cause diarrhea.Sometimes it is difficult to know the cause
of diarrhea. Diarrhea can be caused by an infection of the stomach or intestine.
Inflammation or infection of the intestines by the causative agent:
1. Infection Factor: Bacteria
2. Parenteral factors: infection in the alin body (OMA often occurs in children)
3.Malbabsorption factor: carbohydrate, fat, protein
4.Food factors: stale food, toxic, too much fat, undercooked vegetables, hand
washing habits
5. Psychological factors: fear, anxiety

C. Clinical Manifestations
1. Increased bowel sounds, abdominal pain or mules
2. Diarrhea, vomitus, signs of dehydration (+)
3. Acidosis, hypokalemia, hypotension, oliguri, shock, coma
4. Examination of micro organisms (+) (eg amoeba)
5. There can be blood and mucus (mucus) in the feces (eg in amoebic dysentery)
6. Frequent bowel movements with the consistency of liquid or dilute stools.
7. There are signs and symptoms of dehydration; Bad skin turgor (decreased skin
elasticity), crown and sunken eyes, mucous membrane of the kerin.
8. Abdominal cramps
9. Fever.

10. Nausea and vomiting.
11. Anorexia.
12. Weak.
13. Pale.
14. Changes in vital signs; Pulse and rapid breathing.
15. Decrease or no urine expenditure.

D. Pathophysiology
This disease can occur due to contact with infected stools directly, such as:
1. Eat and drink that has been contaminated, whether already contaminated by insects
or contaminated by dirty hands.
2. Play with contaminated toys especially in infants often enter hands / toys / anything
into the mouth. Because the virus can survive air surfaces for several days.
3. Use of contaminated water sources and not cooking water with proper water.
4. Do not wash hands thoroughly after defecation.

The basic mechanism of the cause of diarrhea is the presence of increased

bowel sounds and the secretion of intestinal contents as the body's efforts to remove
irritant agents or infectious agents. Besides causing disruption of toxin secretion in the
intestinal wall, so the secretion of water and electrolyte increases then diarrhea and
absorption of water and electrolyte is disturbed. As a body homeostasis, as a result of
the entry of irritating agents in the colon, there is an effort to immediately remove the
agent. So the colon produces excessive mucus and HCO3 which affects bowel
mutility disorders that result in hyperperistaltik and hipoperistaltik. As a result of
diarrhea itself is loss of water and electrolytes (dehydration) resulting in acid-base
disorders, nutritional disorders, and disorders of blood circulation.

E. Diagnostic Checkup
1. History of allergy to drugs or food
2. Fecal culture.
3. Examination of electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, and glucose.
4. Fecal examination; PH, leukocytes, glucose, and the presence of blood.

F. Diarrhea Prevention
Diarrheal disease can be prevented through:
1. Using clean water.
Water signs:
a. Colorless
b. No smell
c. Does not taste
2. Cooking water until boiling before drinking to kill most germs.
3. Thoroughly dispose of baby and baby feces


A. Conclusion

Diarrhea is a watery defecation of more than 3 times a day with or without

blood or mucus in the stool due to gastric or intestinal mucosal imflamation resulting
in excessive loss of fluid and electrolytes.

As a result of reduced absorption of fluid and electrolytes in the large

intestine, there are some nursing problems from diarrhea, including fluid and
electrolyte disturbances; Less need and nausea.

From this problem, selected some management actions, including:

a. Drink plenty (oralit)
b. Rehydration perinfus (type of crystalloid isotonis)
c. Appropriate antibiotics (eg ciprofloxacin and metronidazole)
d. Diit high protein and low residue
e. Anti-cholinergic drugs to relieve abdominal seizures
f. Tintura opium and paregorik to overcome diarrhea (or other drugs), eg
g. Observation of fluid balance and electrolyte level
h. Prevent complications

B. Suggestions
1) Get used to always live healthy so we do not get diarrhea.
2) Improve the health of both individuals and the environment, so as not to get sick.
3) Cook water to boiling.
4) Wash hands before and after meals
5) Defecate (BAB) and Urinate (BAK) in latrines (WC).


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