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Cultural Lag Definition

Cultural lag refers to the phenomenon that occurs when changes in

material culture occur before or at a faster rate than the changes in non-
material culture. In other words, cultural lag is when technological change,
or something similar like tools, develops faster than society can process
those changes. Let's look at an example to better understand cultural lag.

Ogburn's Theory of Cultural Lag

The concept of cultural lag was first developed in 1922 by
sociologist Williams F. Ogburn. Ogburn noticed that material culture tends
to develop and advance at a faster rate than non-material culture. Material
culture is the physical and tangible aspects of culture including technology,
buildings, and tools. Non-material culture is the aspect of culture that isn't
physical, nor is it tangible. Non-material culture includes cultural values,
morals, and religion.
In modern societies, it is technological change that sets the pace.
According to Ogburn, “technological progress produces rapid
changes in the material aspects of our culture, but the non-material
aspects fail to adjust or they do so only after an excessive time lag.
As a result, many troublesome social problems are created”.

For example, automobile was introduced long before we could

sufficiently broaden our streets, which were suitable for horse-drawn
carriages, and enforce strictly traffic rules in order to avoid motor
accidents. There is, thus, a gap between the material aspects of a
culture, represented by the automobile, and the non-material aspects,
represented by broader streets and appropriate traffic rules.

Some Examples of Cultural Lag

Medical technology has advanced at such a pace as to put it in conflict with
several moral and ethical beliefs. Here are a few examples:

 Life Support: Medical technology is now being used to keep people’s bodies
functioning long after they would otherwise have been declared dead. This
raises cultural and ethical questions about when life ends and who has the
right to end artificial life support or to prolong existence. The development
of new cultural beliefs, values, and norms lags behind the dilemmas posed
by the technological change.
 Stem cell research and therapies: Stem cells have been proven to defeat a
host of diseases, yet they must come from unborn fetuses. Some types of
abortion remain illegal on several state and federal levels, creating a
conflict between medical advancement, the law, and ethical and religious
 Cancer vaccines: A vaccine against cervical cancer became available in the
21st century, but some oppose it because it is given to preteens. This is seen
in some quarters as encouraging youngsters to engage in sexual activity.
Again, medical advancement has outpaced cultural and moral

Other Cultural Lags in the 20th Century

History — and particularly recent history — is rife with other, less traumatic
examples of cultural lag that nonetheless support Ogburn's position. Technology
and society are fast-paced, and human nature and inclination are slow to catch

Despite their many advantages over the handwritten word, typewriters weren't
routinely used in offices until 50 years after their invention. A similar situation
exists with the computers and word processors that are commonplace in
businesses today. They were at first met with objections from labor unions that
they would undermine the workforce, ultimately replacing people and ultimately
costing jobs.

Is There a Cure?
Human nature being what it is, it's unlikely that any solution exists for cultural
lag. The human intellect will always strive to find ways to do things faster and
more easily. It has always attempted to fix problems thought to be
insurmountable. But people are wary by nature, wanting proof that something is
good and worthwhile before accepting and embracing it.

Cultural lag has been around since man first invented the wheel, and woman
worried that traveling so fast would surely cause grievous injury.

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