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Laboratory Exercise No.

Familiarization with Matlab Environment, Built-in Functions, Matrices and Plotting

1. Objective(s):
The activity aims to familiarize the students with matlab environment, built-in functions, matrices and

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:
2.1 get acquainted with matlab environment and its various features.
2.2 understand the built-in functions of matlab.
2.3 Operate on the matrices.
2.4 Plot different graphs using matlab.

3. Discussion:
Matlab is a powerful language for technical computing. Its basic data element is matrix (array).It
can be used for math computations, modeling and simulations, data analysis and processing, visualization
and graphics, and algorithm development.
The standard Matlab program has tools (functions) that can be used to solve common problems.
The array is a fundamental form that Matlab uses to store and manipulate data. An array is a list of
numbers arrange in rows or in columns. The simplest array (one-dimensional) is a row, or a column of
numbers. A more complex array (two-dimensional) is a collection of numbers arranged in rows and
columns. One use of array is to store information and data, as in a table. In science and engineering, one-
dimensional arrays frequently represent vectors and two-dimensional arrays represent matrices.
Once variables are created in Matlab they can be used in a wide variety of mathematical
operations. Matlab is designed to carry out advanced array operations that have many applications in
science and engineering. Addition and subtraction are simple operations. The other basic operations,
multiplication, division and exponentiation can be done in Matlab in two different ways. One way, which
uses the standard symbols (*,/ and ^), follows the rules of linear algebra. The second way, which is called
element-by-element operations, uses the symbols .*,./ and .^ ( a period is typed in front of the standard
operation symbol).In both types of calculations, Matlab has left division operator (.\ or \).

4. Resources:

5. Procedure:
1.Identify the different matlab windows and write its corresponding purpose.
2.Note the different symbols used in the command window and write its corresponding use.
3.Use matlab as a calculator and show the results in the accompanying table.
4.Note the different built-in functions and show the results in the accompanying table.
5.Evaluate the results after pressing the enter key for the assignment operator (=).
6.Evaluate the results after pressing the enter key for the creation of vectors (row vector and column vector)
from a known list of numbers, with constant spacing by specifying the first term, the spacing, and the last
term, with constant spacing by specifying the first and last terms,and the number of terms
7.Evaluate the results after pressing the enter key for the creation of two-dimensional array (matrix).
8.Evaluate the results after pressing the enter key using colon (:) in addressing arrays.
9. Identify the different built-in functions for handling array and indicate its description and give an example.
10.Evaluate the results after pressing the enter key that involves strings and strings as variables.
11. Evaluate the results after pressing the enter key that involves the operations of matrices.
12.Evaluate the values of x, y and z of the three equations three unknowns :
4x – 2y + 6z = 8
2x + 8y + 2z = 4
6x + 10y + 3z = 0
13.Evaluate the results after pressing the enter key that involves element-element operations.
14.Identify the different built-in functions for analyzing arrays and indicate its description and give an

Course: Laboratory Exercise No.:

Group No.: Section:
Group Members: Date Performed:
Date Submitted:

6. Data and Results:


Window Purpose

1.Command Window

2.Figure Window

3.Editor Window

4.Help Window
5.Launch Pad Window

6.Command History

7.Workspace Window

8.Current Directory


Symbol Purpose




Mathematical Expression Result

>> 8 + 5/9

>> (8 + 5)/9

>> 8^5/9

>>29^1/5 + 35^0.7


Built-in Function Result











>>x= 10

>>x=4*x -15

>>a = 10

>>B= 9

>>C= (a –B) +50 – a/B *16

>>a=10,B=9; C= (a –B) +50 – a/B *16

>>x = 0.99;

>>E = sin(x)^3 + cos(x)^4


>>yr = [ 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005]

>>yr = [ 256; 299; 350; 402; 503]

>>y = [1:2:15]

>>y = [1.5:0.1;2.0]


>>b = [21:-3:6]

>>a = linspace(0,8,6)



>>a = [2 35 6;5 67 88;22 56 89]

>>b = [23 56 78 73 68
35 98 54 32 15
99 34 23 12 2]

>>cd = 9 ;e 6;h=8;
>>Ram=[e, cd*h,cos(pi/3);h^2,sqrt(h*h/cd),15]

>>Z= [1:2:11;0.0:5:25;linspace(10,60,6)]




>>aa=[4 8 9]
>>bb= aa’

>>B=[3 6 7 8; 8 7 6 4;2 7 9 3]

>>D=[ 3 5 6 8 23 67]


>>D(2) + D(5)

>>D(3)^3 + D(4)^4

>>M=[3 11 6 5;4 7 10 2;13 9 0 8]




>> v=[23 56 34 45 67 54 23 12 21]


>>Q=[1 3 4 5 6 8 ;4 6 7 8 2 1;1 1 4 6 8 9;
23 56 7 8 34 2; 21 45 67 83 2 3]








Function Description Example






where: A is a matrix and v is a vector


>> b = ‘Matlab Programming’

>>c= ‘ My name is Richard Schooling’



>>Info=char(‘Student Name:’,’Richard


>>VecA=[ 8 6 7];VecB=[2 3 6];

>>VecC= VecA + VecB

>>A=[3 -5 7;7 8 3];B=[2 4 5; 1 2 2];

>>C= A - B

>>D= A + B

>>A=[2 3 4; 5 4 7; 3 6 9; 5 3 1];
>>B=[3 4 ; 3 2 ; 7 8];


>>F=[6 7; 4 3]; G=[1 2; 4 5];



>>AV=[ 2 5 7];BV=[3;4;1];


>>A=[2 6 7 9; 3 2 1 4; 4 6 3 1]; b=2;




>>A=[3 -2 5; 3 2 6;7 4 2];





>>A = [4 -2 6;2 8 2;6 10 3];

>>B= [8;4;0];
>>X = A\B


>>C=[4 2 6;-2 8 10;6 2 3]

>>D=[8 4 0]



>>A=[3 6 8; 3 5 6]

>>B=[2 4 3; 6 3 4]





>>y=x.^2 + 5*x


>>y=(x.^3 + 5*x)./(4*x.^2 – 10)




Function Description Example














7. Conclusion:
8. Problems;

9. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):

<Provide rubrics here enough for this whole page.. delete this message after doing so.>

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