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Public transport vs Private transport

A) Introduction
- Reasoning: I made the choice of researching public transportation vs private
transportation in order to see the opinions of people about transportation.
- Purpose: The purpose of the questionnaire is to see what people wish for in order
to satisfy their needs.
- Idea/Phenomenon/The market: The market chosen was all the people that live in
- The type of questionnaire realized, localization in time and space: The
questionnaire was realized from November to December (one month) in Bucharest.
- The description of population and the sample:The type of questionnaire realized
is as an online form and the target audience are the inhabitants of Bucharest
between the ages 16 and 61 years old who do not have an efficient private or
public transportation.
-The hypothesis from which I started: With this study we can see if the public
transportation can replace the private one at relative low cost, high comfort and
time efficient.
B) Presentation of the questionnaire
1) Do you prefer public or private transportation?

Type of the variable studied: Qualitative

Type of measurement scale: Nominal
Motivation: I chose this question in order to see people’s preferences about

2) Do you own or have access to a vehicle?

Type of the variable studied: Qualitative

Type of measurement scale: Nominal
Motivation: This question was chosen to see whether people prefer to use public
transportation even though they have access to private transportation.

3) Do you have a driving license?

Type of the variable studied: Qualitative
Type of measurement scale: Nominal
Motivation: As the previous question.

4) On average, how often do you use public transportation to get to places in a

month? Please enter the number in the empty space.

Type of the variable studied: Quantitative-continuous

Type of measurement scale: Ratio
Motivation: I chose this question to see how much people use the public
5) What kind of public transportation do you prefer?

Type of the variable studied: Qualitative

Type of measurement scale: Nominal
Motivation: This question shows which is the preferred way of public
transportation among the people in Bucharest.

6) With what means of transportation do you get to work / college faster?

Type of the variable studied: Qualitative

Type of measurement scale: Nominal
Motivation: This questions shows which is the most efficient mean of public

7) Do you think that if public transport were more efficient (time, price, comfort,
punctuality), you would replace it with the private one?

Type of the variable studied: Qualitative

Type of measurement scale: Nominal
Motivation: With this question we see whether people that use private
transportation would be willing to switch to public transportation is the system was
8) How much money do you spend on monthly public transport? (in Ron)

Type of the variable studied: Quantitative-continuous

Type of measurement scale: Ratio
Motivation: This question was asked so we can find out if people from Bucharest
are spending or not a lot of money on public transportation.
9) How much money do you spend on private monthly transport? (in Ron)

Type of the variable studied: Quantitative-continuous

Type of measurement scale: Ratio
Motivation: This question was asked so we can find out how much money people
spend on private transportation .

10) How old are you?

Type of the variable studied: Quantitative-continuous
Type of measurement scale: Interval
Motivation: To find out the age of the person.

11) What is your sex?

Type of the variable studied: Qualitative

Type of measurement scale: Nominal
Motivation: To find out the sex of the person.

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