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A Quantitaive Research

Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department


Calapan City

In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements for the Subject: Research Project









Seventy nine adults say that science has made life

easier for most people and a majority is positive about

science’s impact on the quality of healthcare, food and the

environment according to PEW Research Center.

Science subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics,

etc., are vital to the development of our society, for the

discoveries of things that can improve lives of humanity,

and to understand the things around us. This field of

knowledge has been valued by the society because its

application helps to satisfy many human needs and improve

living standards. Scientists and researchers testified how

science has shaped the world and human civilization. Almost

everything that make eases our daily life are the wonders

of modern science (Jain, 2018) Through the help of

scientific knowledge, humanities found cure to almost

illnesses and even find a way to rationally use of natural

resources to ensure the continuity of humanity.

We can anticipate that in the coming years, there will

be a great change, as the inventions of things that were

once confined as science fiction will be in the palm of our

hands. Times were illness never last for a day, travel in

the speed of light, and even customization of humans can

also be possible in the future just by observing how fast

knowledge innovates and how brilliant human think.

Background of the Study

The term science comes from the Latin word Scientia,

meaning ”knowledge”. It can be defined as systematic

attempt to discover by means of observation and reasoning,

particular facts about the world, and to establish laws

connecting facts with one another and, in some cases, to

make it possible to predict the future occurrences –

Ancient History Encyclopedia.

It (Science) was once an easy subject to teach and

learn (Johnstone, 1991). However, science has been marked

as one of the hardest subjects and maybe the hardest one.

In fact, researchers of Durham University found out that

among the hardest subjects, science subjects are on a

higher level compared to Drama, Sociology, Media Studies,

English, and Business subjects. In this case students will

most likely shift their career that is not fully concerned

with any branch of science. This may be due to different

factors such as cognitive development, practical, financial

and psycho-social; especially motivation and relevance of

subject material.

In today’s rapid growth of knowledge, students are

required to be more adaptable in thinking than the former

generation and using technology for teaching and learning

are common nowadays in order to bridge the gap between

scientific phenomenon and informal knowledge (Price &

Kirkwood, 2014). Technology can also serve as a key answer

for scientific questions and can make them explore and

develop hypothetical skills in science. In a study by

Hennessy in 2007 indicates that using technology shows that

students engaged more in learning and exploring. As the

world engaged with modernization, the minds of students

modernized as well, teaching strategies need to go along

with the developed thinking and learning of the students.

The traditional “chalk and talk” that has been used for

hundreds of years is now inferior compared to the modern

way of teaching that involves technology (Jackson, 2012).

On National Elementary Achievement Tests (NEAT), results

shows how Filipino pupils struggles in the subject of

science with average score of 48.61% that has no

improvement in recent years.

As time passed by and as knowledge evolve in an

instant, we also need to adapt to these changes and

continue to explore and pass not just to achieve our basic

needs but also for the survival of our race. Integration of

ICT in teaching science subjects is one of the best and

accurate method that could give much more learning to

students taking the courses related to science.

Oriental Mindoro National High School which is one of the

schools that offered science-related tracks such as General

Academic Strand (GAS) and Science, Technology, Engineering

and Mathematics (STEM) integrates technology in their

classes to give detailed and in-depth understanding of the

subject. This study is undertaken in the urge to explore the

effects of ICT integration on teaching methods in student’s

academic performance. To evaluate the level of academic

performance of the students is one of the objectives of

this research.
Theoretical Framework

The recognition-by-components theory, or RBC theory,

is a bottom- process proposed by Irving Biederman in 1978

to explain object recognition. According to RBC theory, we

are able to recognize objects by separating them into geons

(the object’s main component parts). Biederman suggested

that geons are based on basic 3-dimensional shapes

(cylinders, cones, etc.) that can be assembled in various

arrangements to form a virtually unlimited number of

objects. Usage of ICT appropriate ICT tools to embed

scientific knowledge in the minds of students would be easy

in these modern times. For instance, it would be easy for

students to learn photosynthesis using 3d video

presentations and/or 3d-illustrating software than reading

words in the board and tries to imagine what really is

going on inside a plant during photosynthesis.

According to Sensory stimulation theory of John Laird,

effective learning occurs when our senses are stimulated.

He further states that the more senses we use the greater

learning takes place. Researches done by the author of this

theory revealed that majority of knowledge held by adults

(75%) is learned through seeing. Hearing is the next most

effective (about 13%) and the other senses – touch, smell,

taste account for 12% of what we know. Based upon this

theory, we can conclude how good technology can improve our

learning capability. In fact, ICT tools nowadays can

stimulate most of our senses simultaneously.

While Technological Determinism Theory that was coined

by Thorstein Veblen, explains the link between technology

and society. In this theory, it is believed that technology

is the driving force of culture in a society and it

determines its course of history. Langdon Winner

hypothesized that technology is the fundamental influencer

and the most important source that leads to change in the

society. So it would only mean that to capture the

attention and influence students in this generation, it is

highly recommended to use modern technology. This way,

educators can maximize the technology for the betterment of


Living in this modern times where knowledge and

technology is abundant, people tends to have short span of

attention to traditional things. In order to embed large

amount of information on learners, one must devise a way

that can stimulate the brain through five senses. This is

where technology can serve one of its purpose, to help

Conceptual Framework

ICT integration in
Teaching Science
Subjects: Performance of
Grade 12 GAS
 ICT tools General Biology
students of
 Software/ Oriental
Application Mindoro
National High
 Frequency of School

Figure 1: Relationship of ICT Integration on Teaching

Strategies and the level of Academic Performance

Of Grade 12 GAS Biology Students of OMNHS

As shown in figure 1.0, there is significant

relationship between the dependent and independent variable

as the Integration Of ICT in teaching method exhibits

certain effects on the academic performance of Grade 12 GAS

General Biology students of OMNHS.

Statement of the Problem

As the society develops and knowledge evolves every

time, the need for better adaptation method is badly needed

to secure proper passing of knowledge from generation to

generation. These developments are brought by science which

is the mother of technology that increases the rate of

advancement in humanity. However, difficulties in teaching

and learning Science may bring hindrance in achieving

further improvements. Moreover, this study aims to answer

specific questions as follows:

1. What is the status of Integration of ICT in Teaching


1.1 ICT tools

1.2 Software and applications used

1.3 Frequency of usage

2. What is the level of academic performance of Grade 12

GAS General Biology students of OMNHS?

3. Is there a significant relationship integration of ICT

in teaching Science subjects and the level of academic

performance of Grade 12 GAS General Biology students of

Research Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between

integration of ICT in teaching Science subjects and

academic performance of Grade 12 GAS General Biology

students of OMNHS.

Scope and Delimitation

In general, this study is focused on the effect of

integration of ICT on teaching science subjects in the

academic performance of students. Grade 12 GAS General

Biology Students of OMNHS of the present school year, 2019–

2020, will be the target respondents of the survey to be


Although the research reached its aims, there

were some unavoidable limitations. Because of the time

limit, this research was conducted on a small population

who were taking the General Biology in their second year of

Senior High education. Another limitation of this study is

the overloaded activities that the researchers are having

spontaneously with this research that might affect the

result of the study when it comes to the writing

Significance of the Study

This study will be undertaken to find out if there is

a significant relationship between ICT integration on

teaching Science subjects and student’s academic

performance. Benefiting from the study are various

persons/sectors as follows

Students. The direct recipients of the output of this study

are the Grade 12 GAS General Biology students of OMNHS.

This study can help them to better understand the struggles

they are facing in their particular subject and create new

techniques to improve their performance.

Science Teachers. This study will be very useful for the

teachers to guide them on how approach them and devise a

better plan on how to help students to learn effectively.

Parents. The research benefits the parents by giving them a

proper understanding of their children’s situation and

guiding them to a better and responsive parenting skills.

Future Researchers. This research will be a useful

reference to the researchers who would plan to make any

related study of ICT integration in teaching Science

Terms and Definition

For clearer understanding of the terms used in the

study, the following are defined operationally:

Biology. Is the natural science that studies life and

living organisms, including their structures.

Chalk and Talk. It is a traditional method of teaching

where a teacher is standing in the front of the class

holding a chalk while explain concepts.

Chemistry. Is the science that deals with the properties,

composition, and structure of substances.

Cognitive Development. Is the construction of thought,

including remembering, problem solving, and decision-


Embed. To fix something firmly

Hypothetical skills in science. Acquired expertise in the

use of advance reason skills in the field of science.

ICT (Information and Communications Technology). Refers to

the technologies that provide access to information through


Integration. Is the act of combining or adding parts to

make a unified whole.

Physics. Is a natural science that studies matter, its

motion and behaviour through time and space, and that

studies the related entities of energy and force.

Science Fiction (Sci-fi). Is a form of fiction that deals

principally with the impact of actual or imagined science

upon society or individual.

Science. Is a system of knowledge that is concerned with

the physical world and its phenomena. Science involves a

pursuit of knowledge covering general truths or the

operations of fundamental laws.

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