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Read the text ~n~_the instructions to the uestions ver carefull . Answer ali thc uestions in En lish.
I ~sk a tccnage g1rl, how often do you text?" "250 times a day or something" shc tells me. Shocking! The digital lives
obf teenagers ~ave becomc the target of weekly attacks In a' reccnt essay f~r the Guardian. the novclist J . Fran.zen
cmoaned onlm · r · · · · ·
.., . e socia istng, argumg that it was creatíng a uniquely sh_,11,.,,., and trivial culture, making kids unablc to
sociahse face to face. ~
As a parent of two boys at primary schc10 t 1· · • O.. · 1I · ·
k1.d.s ·mto emoucon-addled
zomb' . bl
• m not unmune to worry about these issues. 1 hat trcnd 1s rea . s 11 turnsng
- ---- - ld h'
be true'! ses, una e to conncct, to form a cohcrcnt thought or even rnakc cye contact? Cou t is

I ~on't thi~k so. New technologies always provokc genera,tíonal panic, which usually has more to do wíth adult fcars than
wi~h ~~. hves of teenagers. In the 1930s, parents wcrct.)~ about thc radio &1ining "an invincible hold of their
ch1ldrcn .. . In the_ 80s, the grcat danger wa~ the Sony Walkman _ producing the tecnager who "~~s with orgasmic
rhy~~ms • as philos_opher Allan Bloom ~Jll,!!$.d, Whcn you look at today's digital activity, thc facts are much more
pos1t1ve than you nught expect.
ccd, soci~I scie~ti~ts who study young people havc found that thcir use of digital technology can be invcntivc and
ev:~ ben:~.cial._ Thts 1s true not just in terms ~f_their social lives, but of their education too. So if ~)u constantly use the
social media, will you become unable, or unw1lhng, t o ~ in face-to-face contact? Thc ~'iuggests not.
So what's the best way to cope? The same horing okl advice that applies to cverything in parentmg: Modcration. lt's the
!$~ to model good ~ ~ r . Parents who ~non-stop at their phones and don't rcad books are likely to brecd kids
who will do thc same. As ever, wc ou ht to scrutinise our own bchaviour. -


... l. Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important poinlo;, using your own words
(approx.imately SO words; 1 point).

2. Indicatc whethcr the following statements are true or false (T/F) áccording to the tex.t. Copy that part (and ONLY that
part) of thc text which justifies your answer. (1 point; 0.2S each)
a. Online socializing is generally lhought to be a very enriching activity ..
b. The use of social-nctworking scems to make young people incapable of direct communication.
c. Parents havc always worried about their children getting entangled in the new technological deviccs.
d. The best piece of advicc to parents is to set a good cxamplc

... 3. Find words or phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given he:re. ( 1 point;
0.25 each).
a. goal. aim b. not very deep c. reluclant d. raise

~ 4. Pronunciation. (l point; 0.25 each)

a. In which word is the plural ending pronounced hz /: pencils, benches, plots, scientists? .
b. Write the word in which thc "-ed'' cnding is pronounced /sd/: argucd. produccd, stared, mtendcd
c. Which word has the stress on the first syllable: connect, provokc, ~ . control?
d. In which word is thc underlincd letter ("a") pronounced diffcrcntly: mª-yor, ~e. ~e. d;!nger?

S. Complete the second sentence of each pair so that it has the same meaning as the first one. You must use the
word or expression in ilalics. ( 1.5 points; 0.5 points each).
a. 1 ask a tccnage girl: "How ofte:n do you text?" "I text 2S0 times a day" she tells me.
I asked a teenage girl how ... and she
h. lf you constantly use the social media, will you become unable, or unwilling, to cngagc in face-to-face
lf you constant/y used ...
c. In thc 1930s, parents were anx ious about the radio gaining "an invincible hold of thcir children"
In the 1930s. parentsfeared...

- 6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of social networks? (Approximately 120 words; 3 points)

~ead the text and the instructions to the questions very carefully. Answer aU the auestions in En1?lish.
~hchael Sch~macher was 50 on 3 January 2019. His physical condition remains a mystcry to thosc outsidc his personal
~•rcle, ~ollo_wmg the skiing accident in Deccmber 2013 which left him with scvere brain injuries. He has not bcen seen
10 pubhc smce 2014. But lhe memory of what Schumachcr achicved in Formula 1 in the coursc of a carccr lhal

spanned 21 years is indclible. Apart from his records of seven world tilles and 91 wins. Schumacher changed lhc sport
forever. As a driver, Michael too k Formula J ro a ncw level with his attenrion to detail, his tcc hnical knowlcdgc and
physical preparatio n.
There had always been doubts about his lirst title with Benetton in 1994. givcn the highly controversia\ naturc of that
year's compction. Illegal driving aids wcre found in the car, but Benctton was not punished because the govcming
body (AA) said thcy could find no proof they had bcen uscd. Then, people hegan to question thc do minan! Ferrari era
of thc carly 2000s, when Sc humachcr won five titlcs. They startcd to wonder how much of an advantagc he had had.
Fcrrari was the richest team and 1hcy had unlimitcd resourccs. Did this mean Schumacher was not as good as he had
lookcd ?
Thcrc was a dark side to Schumachcr. and i1 was nevcr far away. Sc humachcr often sccmed to act without morals. and
ro be prcparcd to do litcrally anything to w111 Thc sporting personification of Machiavelli's princc.
A human machinc, a force of nature, a sportsman who raised standards in his chosen arena and carved himself a place
in sponing immonality. Thc complexity o f his Jegacy j ust makcs him ali the more intcresting. Whether Schumacher's
records are brokcn or not. whcther or not he recovcrs from hili accident suflicicntly to re-cntcr public lifc, he will
forever rema in one o f the _grcatest F I drivers there has e ver bcen.

1. Write a summary of the text in EngJish, induding the most important points, uslng your own words
(approximarely 50 words; 1 point).

2. lndlcate whether the following statements are true or false (T/F) according to the text. Copy lhar part (and
ONL'{ that part) of thc text whic h justifi,!s your answer. ( 1 point; 0.25 each)
a . There was nothing suspicious about his first title with Bcnctton.
b . Ferrari had less money than othcr tcams.
c. Schumacher was not really ambitious.
d . People wi\l always remember what Schumacher did.

3 . Flnd words or phrases in the text thc1t correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given here. ( I point;
0.25 cach).
a. enigma b. profcssional period of your life c. evidence d. ask rhcmsclves

4. Pronunciation. ( 1 point; 0 .25 each)

a . Which om: ofthesc words contains lhe sound la1I as in "my"; rcmains, highly, aw-ª)'., m,i!chine?
b. Which onc of these words contains the sound /11!/ as in "fat": spanned, always, bar, onc'!
c. Which one of thcse words contains thc sound / /i;/ as in "sce": physicaI, jnjuries, r~ding. grcatest'?
d. Writc the word whosc undcrlined lct1ers are pronounccd differenlly from the resr: WQn. fQllowing. n.Qt, pQtter.

5. Complete the second sentence of each pair so that it has the same meanlng as the first one. You must use the
word or expression in ilalics. (l.5 points; 0.5 points each).
a . His physical condition rcmains a mystery to thosc outsidc his personal circle .
Nobody ......... knows ...
b. Illegal driving aids wcre found in thc car. bu1 Benetton was not punished.
In spite of ... . . .
c. The complexity of his legacy makes h1m ali the more mtereslmg.
... is made ...

. In which part of life is lt more important to be competltlve, in~) studies, b) sports ore) business? Why is it
especlally lmportant in that area? (Approximarely 120 words; 3 pomts)

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