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CENG 0320 Unit Operations Laboratory I / MENG 0412 Thermal Sciences Laboratory


Unsteady-state Heat Transfer
To determine the unsteady heat transfer coefficient for cross flow of air over a heated
cylindrical rod.
To develop a correlation between Nusselt number and Reynolds number for the cross
flow of air over a heated cylindrical tube.

1. J. P. Holman, Heat Transfer, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2002
2. McCabe, Smith and Harriott, “Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering” 6 th Edition,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 2001

Cross Flow Heat Exchanger System. Plint and Partners, Ltd., Engineers

In a cross flow exchanger, a fluid flows perpendicularly to a heated or cooled tube or tube
bank. The rate of heat transfer from the element to air is given by (Newton's law of cooling).
Q = hA(T-TA) (1)
Q = rate of heat transfer BTU/hr, W
A = surface area of the element ft2 or m2
h = heat transfer coefficient BTU/hr.ft2 .oF or W/m2.oK
T = temperature of the element F or °C
TA = temperature of air F or °C

In a period of time dt the fall in temperature dT is given by:

- Q dt = m C dT (2)
m = mass of element
C = heat capacity of element
t = time
Combining equations (1) and (2) and eliminating Q gives:
- dT/(T-TA) = (hA / mC) dt (3)

CENG 0320 Unit Operations Laboratory I / MENG 0412 Thermal Sciences Laboratory

ln(T-TA) – ln(To-TA) = - (hA/mC)t (4)

where To is the element temperature at time t=0

This equation suggests that plot of ln (T-TA) against t should yield a straight line of slope
(- hA/mC). Since the other factors in this expression are known, the heat transfer coefficient may
be calculated.

Dimensional analysis shows that the Nusselt number is a function of Reynolds and Prandtl
Nu = h d/k = f(Re, Pr) (5)

h = as defined in equation (1)
d = as defined under element specifications later
k = thermal conductivity of air, Btu/hr.ft. oF or W/m.oC
In practice, the Prandtl number is practically constant for gases under quite a wide range
of conditions and the rate of heat transfer is effectively a function of Reynolds number.
Nu = a R eb (6)

a and b are constants which should be found from experimental data.

The following equation can be written for a pitot tube.

V = [2gwh/A]1/2 (7)
V = velocity upstream of working section (m/s)
A, W = density of air and water, respectively (kg/m3)
h = pitot tube reading, m

The apparatus consists of a Perspex working section through which air may be drawn by
a centrifugal fan. Perspex rods may be inserted into the working section with their axes at right
angles to the direction of flow, thus simulating a typical cross-flow heat exchanger of the type
used in many branches of engineering.
One of the spaces provided in the working section for the rods is occupied by an element
consisting of a rod of pure copper approximately 10 cm in length. Arrangements are made for
heating this element in isolation from the working section, replacing it in the section and then

CENG 0320 Unit Operations Laboratory I / MENG 0412 Thermal Sciences Laboratory

recording its rate of cooling as indicated by a thermocouple embedded at its center.

The centrifugal fan discharges through a graduated throttle valve. Adjusting this throttle
valve regulates the air velocity through the apparatus.
Specifications of the Element
m = 0.1093 kg (mass)
C = 380 J/kg oC (specific heat or heat capacity)
d = 0.0124 m (diameter)
A = 0.00404 m2 (surface area)
T = C (temperature)


Connect the copper element to the T/C read-out.

1. Insert the element in the heater and switch on the heater.
2. Adjust the throttle opening to 100% and turn the fan on.
3. Record the air inlet temperature °C (use a thermometer), and the pitot tube reading.
4. When the temperature of the element reaches 60-70 °C, replace the element in the
working section.
5. Read and tabulate temperature (C) reading versus time (seconds) to obtain a good
cooling curve.
6. Repeat the entire experiment (steps 2 through 5) for different openings of the throttle
valve (40%, 60%, 80%). Select settings randomly.
1. Tabulate (T- TA)
2. Calculate the velocity of air past the tube using equation (7)
3. Calculate the Reynolds number
NOTE: Density and viscosity are evaluated at T f where Tf = (TA + Ttube) / 2
4. Plot equation (4) - [ln (T -TA).vs. t]. Determine the heat transfer coefficient from the
initial slope of this line
5. Calculate the Nusselt number.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for all the throttle openings. Prepare a table showing Reynolds
number and Nusselt number for different throttle openings
7. Plot ln Nu vs. ln Re. Determine the constants a and b from equation (6)

CENG 0320 Unit Operations Laboratory I / MENG 0412 Thermal Sciences Laboratory

Heat Transfer to air flowing normally to a single tube.

Nusselt number (hoDo/kf) vs Reynolds number (DoG/uf)
(From W.H. McAdams, “Heat Transmission,” 3rd ed. 1954, McGraw-Hill)

CENG 0320 Unit Operations Laboratory I / MENG 0412 Thermal Sciences Laboratory


Data Sheet
Group: Date:
Inlet Temperature:

Throttle Throttle Throttle Throttle

Opening Opening Opening Opening
____ % _____% ______% ______%
Pitot tube Pitot tube Pitot tube Pitot tube
reading reading reading reading
h, mm H2O h, mm H2O h, mm H2O h, mm H2O

Time Temp Time Temp Time Temp Time Temp

(sec) (oC) (sec) (oC) (sec) (oC) (sec) (oC)

Instructor’s Signature: ___________________ Date: _________________

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