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Noah Gonzalez
English 115
Professor Beadle
December 9, 2019

Reflection Essay: My Improvement As a Writer

Over the course of this semester, I feel I have a learned a lot about writing and how it can

improve the way interact with people in the world. It has taught me a lot by showing different

ways on how to improve yourself not only as a writer but as a person. This semester showed me

that in certain situations you have to be presentable by the way you talk. English 115 opened my

eyes by knowing how I did on my first essay in college. Before college, I had zero understanding

on what college essays were going to be. My first essay I failed miserably. But it taught me a

valuable lesson. It taught me that things aren’t going to be as easy as they were in high school,

and I need to get on top of things on my own now, because now that I live on my own and

leading my own path to reach my goal, staying focused is what is going to reach me to that goal I

set. But everything does happen overnight. I knew it was going to be a progress. You can’t be

good at something if you didn’t fail your way to get there. So I got help immediately. I kept

asking my professor questions on what he wanted for the next essay to improve my grade. The

more asked for help, the better I’ll be at writing an essay. The first essay was a project space.

Where I failed was meeting the minimum requirements. I didn’t meet the page requirement and I

didn’t have the right citations for my work cited page. I didn’t know any better because it is my

first year in college and I learned real quick that when professor puts a certain requirement on the

directions, you must meet them. Instead of looking at the little things that are fixable and easy, I
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looked too far ahead at the big picture. Everything takes one step at a time. I learned on how to

give a compelling argument with having the right sources and how to give good explanations.

That is what I learned from my project space essay. For my project text essay, It has taught me

on how to speak and to put things a better sense for others to understand what I am saying in my

essay. I learned on how to become a better communicator and have good in grammar. The more

mistakes I make the more I learn to improve myself. That is the benefit of making mistakes, you

always learn something new. But the one thing I did right on the project text essay is that I met

the requirements that my professor put. To me this shows improvement to becoming a good

writer. Both essays have given me the tools to become efficient at not only writing, but also

speaking to others in manner they deserve to be spoken to in. This semester can teach us to

become better as a person and improve on skills that we can master for years to come. It’ll be

second nature to us if we put in the effort to improve what we can put our minds into. College so

far is giving me a lot to learn from and is pushing me to get the help that I need to do well in

whatever career path I choose to do. Everything in an essay matters. It can be a very small thing

that is unimportant to a person writing the essay but can be one of most effective parts of the

essay when being graded. One little thing can depend on the overall grade whether it is good or

bad. This class pushes students to a limit where everything needs to be perfected. The class is

very critical of what a student chooses to put in an essay and sometimes it can be harsh. But it is

the only students will be able to improve their overall writing skills. It can be stressful but

anyone can do it if you know how to manage your time well enough to being able to focus.

English 115 has taught me a lot on how to do essays the right way. Each essay teaches me

something that I didn’t know before, and I will remember what it has done for me. I still have a

lot more room to improve but I know it will pay off in the end.

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