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Bara salah Assignment 1 1160162

Material engineering science

Every day we use many tools that are part of our life now: cars
for travel, Clothes we wear, computers or phones we cannot
live without it! In addition, all medicine equipment and
machines, all what we see is made from Materials extracted
from the ground .materials science is the base of developed
industrial countries.
Materials science involve study of Materials properties and its
applications on science and engineering, Engineering materials
are divided by their nature into (a) metals and their alloys (b)
ceramics and (c) polymers. Each section has its characteristic
physical and chemical properties, and it should be noted here
that all these properties and factors affecting them and ways of
changing them must be understood using thermal treatments
and thermal equilibrium schemes.
The materials used in each age are identified, for example, the
Stone Age and the Bronze Age. Materials science is one of the
oldest forms of engineering and applied science.
Most materials found as raw material extracted from earth
crust, or from other human made materials, Specialty of
Materials Science consider the separation of Metals from its
raw materials, to make it
For human use. Such as high buildings (Skyscrapers( and all
cars, trains, planes and ships.
Bara salah Assignment 1 1160162

As an example of Emerging technology in Material engineering

science the nanotechnology that is difficult for me so I will write
the meaning of it from internet, Nanotechnology is the
engineering of functional frameworks at the subatomic scale.
Which uses materials that are Semiconductors, A lot of
technology product that we use daily have Material engineering
science Nanomaterials and nanocomposites, Nanoparticles,
Carbon nanotubes, Nano photonics, Nanomedicine, Quantum
dots, carbon dots, Nanofabrication, Nano biomaterials.

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