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Atlas of

Breast Cancer
Second Edition

Daniel F. Hayes, MD
Clinical Director

Breast Cancer Program

Lombardi Cancer Center

Georgetown University Medical Center

Washington, DC

~T~ Mosby
London Edinburgh New York
Philadelphia St LOllis Sydney Toronto 2000
Breast cancer is an extraordinarily important disease in the development are gender (female) and age (over 50 years).
western world. Over 180,000 women are diagnosed each However, more than 75 percent of women with newly
year in the United States alone, and roughly one-fourth of diagnosed breast cancer do not have any of the other
them will die of breast cancer. However, breast cancer known risk factors (such as a positive family history). This
affects not only the potential long-term survival rate of implies that the etiology of breast cancer is probably mul-
patients but also their cosmetic and emotional well-being. tifactorial, including both inherited and acquired factors.
Moreover, the psychologic and physical consequences of Although these interacting factors ultimately generate inva-
breast cancer have a far-reaching social impact on relatives, sive malignancy, they almost certainly lead to a variety of
friends, and associates in the home and in the workplace. genetic changes that produce variable biologic behaviors
Almost no one in our society is entirely unaffected by from one patient to the next. These differences produce a-
breast cancer. broad spectrum of clinical situations that make sweeping,
Over the last 30 to 40 years, subsrantial progress has generalized statements about the behavior of breast cancer
been made in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. difficult, if not impossible. This heterogeneity is the source
Furthermore, dramatic efforts have been made to detect of much of the confusion and controversy that have sur-
"risk factors" that will help to identify those women likely rounded the study and treatment of breast cancer over
to develop breast cancer and the genetic factors that con- the years. The diverse characteristics of carcinoma of the
tribute to these risks. These studies have led to investiga- breast have underscored the importance of designing con-
tions regarding the multiple causes of breast cancer and currently controlled clinical trials in order to reach satis-
ha ve genera ted efforts to prevent it. factory treatment recommendations.
This Atlas presents, in a graphic manner, the basic The study of breast cancer has been dominated by one
concepts of the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of breast of two schools of thought. During the first three-quarters
cancer. The Atlas not only emphasizes the surgical and of this century, most physicians assumed that breast
medical approaches devoted to these advances but also cancer began in the epithelium of the breast, remained
outlines the important contributions toward preserva- localized for a period of time, and then spread in an
tion or restoration of cosmetic integrity that are so impor- orderly fashion to regional targets such as skin and lymph
tant to the overall well-being of patients with this disease. nodes, and finally to distant organs (Fig. 1.1). This con-
Cha pter 2 deals wi th the potentia I ca uses of breast ca ncer cept, championed by Dr Halsted, led to extremely aggres-
and the identification of women who are at higher risk, sive local approaches to therapy, included the so-called
with special attention to BrCal and 2. The discussion of "radical ntastectomy" and/or the addition of postmas-
normal breast development and anatomy in Chapter 3 tectomy radiation therapy.
leads into a review of the emerging field of chemopre- Severa I cl inica I tria Is testing the Ha Isted theory
vention (Chapter 4) followed by a description of both the demonstrared that although increasingly intense local
techniques and the results of screening and diagnostic thera py decreases the risk of loca I recurrence, it does not
mammography (Chapter 5). Chapters 6 through 10 illus- decrease the rate of distant recurrence or the overall
trate the importance of multimodality interactions in the rate of survival. These results led to a second theory
diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, with an empha- that breast cancer may become metastatic very early in
sis on achieving an acceptable cosmetic outcome while its course. According to this theory, most if not all
preventing recurrence. Chapters 11 and 12 discuss patients with newly diagnosed breast cancers also have
advances over the last 20 years in the use of systemic ther- widespread, systemic micrometastases. Regional lymph
apy (both endocrine and chemotherapy). These chapters node involvement serves as a marker, not a barrier, for
include the major successes that have been realized by the distant metastases (Fig. 1.2). This theory led to the study
use of early adjuvant therapy to prevent relapse. Finally, of adjuvant systemic therapy (see Chapter 12).
in Chapter 13, local and systemic therapy for the treat- However, results from recently reported clinical trials
ment of recurrent (metastatic) disease is discussed in suggest that reality may lie somewhere between the two
detail, in the context of the various diagnostic techniques extremes. It appears that although adequate systemic ther-
used for detection of metasta tic disease. apy decreases the probability that distant micrometastases
Breast cancer is an extremely heterogeneous disease. will survive, it may be difficult to "sterilize" the chest wall
For example, the most clearly identified risk factors for its and surrounding lymph nodes.
In this case, radiation to these areas, coupled with adju- data, we can conclude that local-regional disease may serve
vant systemic therapy, appears to reduce mortality even as a "reservoir" from which subsequent metastases can
further than adjuvant systemic therapy alone. From these occur, a theory that links the Halsted and systemic concepts.

lymph nodes)

Axillary lymph Axillary lymph

node (local) node

Primary breast Primary breast

cancer cancer

0 Primary
0 Primary

0 Local Metastatic
(local and
Regional distant)


Figure1.1 Halsted theory of breast cancer spread. This theory Figure 1.2 Systemic theory of breast cancer spread. This theory
suggeststhat breast cancer originates in the breast. eventually suggests that breast cancer becomes metastatic very early in its
spreads to local skin and/or lymph nodes, and then ultimately course, once invasion through the basement membrane of the
affectsdistant organs. This theory maintains that local/regional duct or lobule has occurred. This theory maintains that
lymphnodesserve as "barriers" to the spread of metastatic aggressive local therapy will have few if any long-term effects on
breastcancer.The implication of this theory is that more survival, since the disease is already systemic at the time of
intensivelocal therapy should lead to an increased rate of cures. diagnosis.
Indeed, data from several studies of screening mam- tases. Nevertheless, many other patients are not cured by
mography as reviewed in Chapter 5 had previously sug- local therapy even with earlier diagnosis, and therefore
gested that early local therapy alone results in improved they may benefit more from systemic therapy. These con-
survival for approximately 20 percent of patients. These cepts are illustrated in Figure 1.3.
results suggested that in certain patients breast cancer Even as we become more sophistica ted in the technol-
remains noninvasive or invasive but localized during a ogy of diagnostic studies, primary surgery, radiotherapy,
period of its natural history before becoming metastatic, and systemic therapy, it is still unclear which combination
and local therapy alone during this time is curative. In or combinations of modalities are optimal for the treat-
fact, a subset of patients may have disease that is con- ment of patients with breast cancer. In the past it seemed
fined to the regional lymph nodes without distant metas- logical that those patients with disease still confined to the

Epithelial hyperplasia Basement

in situ cancer membrane

Invasive Metastatic
cancer cancer

Invasive Lymph
cells node
Figure 1.3 (A) Time line of breast cancer suggesting probable of the duct or lobule. As these cells go through several
heterogeneity. Primary breast cancers begin as single (or more) doublings, at some point they invade through the basement
cells which have lost normal regulation of differentiation and membrane of the ductule or lobule and ultimately metastasize to
proliferation but remain confined within the basement membrane distant organs.
breast should benefit principally from limited, locally This reasoning suggested that those patients with mini-
applied therapy, whereas those with widespread systemic mally microscopic metastases are the ones most likely to
diseaseshould benefit primarily from systemic therapies. benefit from a combination of both local and systemic

Screening and
therapy Future Present Past Metastases
techniques (7) (current mammography) (pre-mammography) occur
••I •• I

Large primary, all in situ,
no invasion or metastases

Normal hyperplasia/
in situ cancer

Normal hyperplasia/
in situ/invasion

Figure 1.3 continued (81 These events may occur very early or patients' disease remains localized throughout their life, or until
verylate, or at any time in between, during the development of very late in their initial course, whereas other patients are
the primary tumor, resulting in tremendous heterogeneity in the destined to die of metastatic disease regardless of when their
clinicalpresentation for individual patients Therefore, some primary breast cancer is detected.
therapy, especially if, as outlined in Chapter 11, systemic It is not the intent of this Atlas to provide detailed
therapy is most effective before the development of grossly descriptions of the various studies concerning breast cancer.
metasta tic disease (Fig. 1.4). However, recent advances In this regard, the reader is frequently referred to resources
from cl in ica I tria Is ha ve suggested tha t system ic thera py, in which such details are presented. Rather, this Atlas is
such as with tamoxifen, may suppress emergence of new designed for the student, physician, and even the oncolo-
primary cancers, opening up the field of chemoprevention gist who wishes to have access to a more graphic depiction
of breast cancer. These data and concepts are reviewed in of the concepts of this disease and the various modalities
Chapter 4. that can be used to evaluate and treat it effectively.

Relative potential Large

benefits of therapy
increase in cure,
prolongation of life,
or improved quality
of life)

Premalignant Invasive Micro- Locally Macrometastatic

noninvasive nonmetastatic metastatic advanced (widespread
micrometastatic systemic

Local therapy Systemic therapy Combination of

(surgery, (hormone and/or local and systemic
radiotherapy) chemotherapy) therapy

Figure 1.4 Potential benefits of local and/or systemic therapy be expected to have its greatest effect in prolonging survival in
depending on the patient's stage Local therapy would be patients who are most likely to have distant metastases but
expected to be most effective at a time when the patient's whose disease has not had an opportunity to develop substantial
disease is confined within the ducts or lobules (premalignant or resistance (micrometastaticl. which might develop with ongoing
noninvasive) or is only minimally invasive. Local therapy would be tumor growth However, tamoxifen may serve to suppress
expected to have little if any effect in patients with widespread emergence of new primary cancers, and chest wall and
systemic disease (macrometastaticl. except in specific cases of surrounding lymph node radiation may prevent subsequent
Isolated organ sites requiring palliation. Systemic therapy would micrometastases.
There are at least two reasons to identify certain factors increases with age (Fig. 2.1). Unfortunately, more than
that predict which members of a population are at risk for 70 percent of women over the age of 50 who present
a given disease. First, if treatment of the disease is more with breast cancer do not have any other identifiable risk
successful when applied early in the course rather than factors. Therefore, although risk factors other than
late, then monitoring and preventive efforts can be focused gender and age have been identified, they account for
on those individuals most likely to develop the disease. only a small percentage of patients with the disease. For
Second, information about identifiable risk factors may this reason, an attempt to increase the efficiency of
provide insight into the pathogenesis of the disease, lead- screening by focusing on a small, high-risk segment of
ing to more productive research and perhaps to improved the general population (other than older women) is
prevention, screening, or treatment. presently not feasible, since this would exclude the vast
The two most important identifia ble risk factors for majority of women who develop breast cancer.
breast cancer are gender and age. The incidence of breast Nevertheless, certain risk factors have been identified
cancer among women in the developed western world is that may provide insight into the genesis of breast cancer
approximately 200 to 250 per 100,000 women per year. (Fig. 2.2). In general, they can be divided into factors that
Moreover, the incidence of breast cancer in women confer a highly, moderately, or slightly elevated risk in

Figure 2.1 Age-specific incidence of

breast cancer in the United States
Cases/ Reproduced from Ries LAG, Kosary CL,
100,000 Hankey BF et ai, eds (1999) SEER Cancer
women/ StatistiCS Review, 1973-1996, National
year Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD.
comparison with individuals who do not have the factor. syndrome, have an extraordinarily high risk of develop-
Forexample, women born in orth America or Europe are ing breast cancer, as well as other epithel ia I and mes-
far more likely to develop breast cancer than are women ench ymal mal igna ncies.
born in Asia. A previous personal history of breast cancer These apparently inherited patterns of disease have led
or a familial history of breast cancer, especially in a first- to investigations of genetic alterations that may occur in
degreerelative (sister, mother), elevates the relative risk of patients who develop breast cancer. Two basic approaches
developingbreast cancer over the individual's life by three- to this goal have been lIsed. In one, investigators try to
to fivefold. Some studies have suggested that this risk is associate (or link) the development of breast cancer in
higher in women whose sisters developed cancer under high-risk families with the expression of certain patterns of
theage of 40, and the risk is further increased if their can- polymorphic genes at previously located chromosomal
cerswere bi la tera!' sites. These polymorphic sites may have no role in the
In a few rare families, almost all women (and some development of the disease, but rather are geographically
men)develop breast cancer, often at an early age. Likewise, related (linked) to an unknown oncogenic gene of interest.
members of so-called familial cancers families, such as For example, if a certain genotype is consistently expressed
thosewith the Lynch syndrome or those with Li-Fraumeni by members of a family who have breast cancer but is

Highly elevated risk (relative Moderately elevated risk (relative Slightly elevated risk (relative
risk at least 4 times that of risk 2 to 4 times that of population risk 1 to 2 times that of
population without factor) without factor) population without factor)

Female Any first-degree relative with history of Moderate alcohol intake

breast cancer
Age> 50 Menarche < 12 years old
Upper social/economic class
Country of birth in North America, Hormonal replacement therapy
Northern Europe Prolonged uninterrupted menses (late first
Proliferative benign breast disease,
pregnancy, nulliparous)
Personal history of prior breast cancer if no atypia
Postmenopausal obesity
Family history bilateral, 70ral contraceptives
premenopausal, or familial cancer Personal history of prior carcinoma of ovary
syndrome or endometrium

Heritable genetic susceptibility Atypical proliferative benign breast

IBrCal, 2) disease
randomly distributed among unaffected members, then have implicated a gene present on chromosome 17. Once
the "breast cancer gene" must be "linked" (located on such a site is identified, further studies are aimed at iden-
the same chromosome) to the known gene (Fig. 2.3). If the tifying the specific gene (and its product) involved in the
genotype of the marker gene is randomly distributed development of the cancer.
among those individuals with or without breast cancer, A second approach has been to identify certain candidate
then the genes are not linked. For example, recent data genes that might be responsible for the development of

Breast cancer gene site and polymorphic (alleles Breast cancer gene site on different
A, B, C) site linked closely on same chromosome chromosome than polymorphic site

•• R


•• ••
If individual has trait 'B', also has
• •• • II

breast cancer traits

•• =• .=
Normal allele at breast cancer gene site

o Not affected ~ Breast cancer patient

Breast cancer trait not linked to A, B, or C traits

Figure 2.3 Example of linkage analysis. In family A, breast cancer allele at breast cancer gene site; Y = normal allele
development of breast cancer is associated with expression of at breast cancer gene site. In family B, development of breast
the" B" phenotype This suggests that the gene responsible for cancer is not associated with expression of A, B, or C. This
breast cancer is geographically "linked" on the same suggests that the breast cancer gene is located on a different
chromosome as the polymorphic gene, and therefore is not chromosome from the ABC gene and segregates randomly
randomly segregated during meiosis. This linkage is during meiosis, as schematically illustrated underneath the family
schematically represented underneath the family pedigree. X = pedigree
cancers. These "oncogenes" can produce tumors in in virro in the appropriate setting (see Fig. 2.4A). The expression or
models and can be detected at a reasonably high frequency function of these genes is altered, often by mutations at cer-
in primary cancer tissues. For the most part, oncogenes are tain critical sites, or by amplification of the genes, so that
actually derivatives of normal celIular genes, designated they are no longer subject to normal control processes (see
proro-oncogenes, which have been altered so that they Fig. 2.4B). One dominant oncogene in breast cancer is the
function abnormalIy and cause malignant cell transforma- so-called HER-2/neu or c-erbB2 gene. This proto-onco-
tion. Oncogenes can be either dominant or recessive (Fig. gene encodes for a growth factor receptor, and amplifica-
2.4). Dominant proto-oncogenes are normally involved in tion and/or overexpression of the proto-oncogene by breast
stimulating cell growth and/or inhibiting differentiation, cancer cells appears to be associated with more aggressive
and their function is regulated to ensure restricted growth behavior and poorer clinical outcome.

rf:\ Normal proto-oncogene Abnormal proliferation inhibited,

~ activity Proto-oncogene protein affects up- growth is controlled
or downstream genes or proteins

First signal stimulates to stimulate proliferation, but
P"t<K"W9'~~,"""p"o_n 01;,
by 'oh,bit'og g,o"

Proto-oncogene protein translated ) G

Second signal Inhibits proto-oncogene proliferation to
transcription, translation, or activity perform function

Activated oncogene
Constituitively activated
Proto-oncogene activated proto-oncogene product
independently of first signal affects other genes or
(mutation, amplification, proteins to stimulate
translocation, etc.) unregulated proliferation

IAct,,,"doo!g,o, peo,,'o",",I,,,d
=-J~ I
Second signal unable to
inhibit proto-oncogene
transcription, translation, or activity
Figure2.4 Dominant oncogenic changes. (A)A normal, proto- of a second gene, resulting in controlled growth. In (B) the proto-
oncogeneencodes for a protein that causes other genes or oncogene has been activated, and expression of the gene or
proteinsto stimulate proliferation. However, expression of this activity of its product is no longer subject to the inhibitory effects
geneor activity of its protein product is regulated by the activity of the regulatory gene(sl. leading to uncontrolled proliferation.
Normal recessive suppressor proto-oncogene activity
First signal stimulates growth-promoting gene transcription
01 OJ

88 ~ --
Affects other genes or proteins to stimulate
proliferation, but regulated by other, inhibiting genes
H u
Two copies of growth-inhibiting :J

suppressor proto-oncogene
protein translated

First signal stimulates growth-promoting gene transcription

I Affects other genes or proteins to stimulate
proliferation, but regulated by other, Inhibiting genes

Growth-promoting protein stili translated

J80 ~
8 U
One copy of growth-inhibiting ~
proto-oncogene protein translated Intact copy of suppressor gene still affects other genes or proteins ~
to inhibit proliferation, although effects may be decreased 6
abnormally or not at all (mutation, :J

deletion) in all cells

Absent recessive proto-oncogene activity

First signal stimulates growth-promoting gene transcription

01 §
I Growth-promoting gene (e.g. dominant proto-oncogene) ;::;

Affects other genes or proteins to stimulate proliferation,
no longer regulated by other, inhibiting genes 0 }
!(3=- :::-

~ X .... • Growth-promoting
unregulated J ~ ~
Second :py
of growth-Inhibiting
protein translated
abnormally or not at all (mutation,
No longer affects other genes or
proteins to inhibit proliferation

Figure 2.5 Recessive suppressor oncogenic changes (A) The the recessive proto-oncogene has been altered, resulting in
recessive proto-oncogene produces a protein product that serves elimination of its growth-inhibiting function and unregulated cell
to control other genes or proteins to control proliferation. (8) One proliferation The first alteration may be a germ line, inherited
copy of the recessive proto-oncogene has been altered (e.g., change, as occurs in certain familial cancers, or both alterations
mutation, deletion, translocation), and now only one copy of the may occur at random after birth in the somatic tissue from which
gene functions to control proliferation. (C) The remaining copy of the cancer originates
Recessive proto-oncogenes have become known as must be altered, in a so-called "two-hit" manner, to pro-
"tumor suppressor genes." It is now clear that every duce transformation (see Fig. 2.5C).
normalcell has several such genes. These genes appear to Two such tumor-suppressor genes have been identified in
functionin the normal state by repairing genetic mistakes breast cancer. For many years, investigators had noted that
that occur during cellular division, suppressing prolifera- certain families had extraordinarily high risks of breast and
tion,promoting differentiation, or inducing programmed ovarian cancer, with multiply affected individuals, often at
celldeath if repair is not possible (Fig. 2.5). young ages and with bilateral disease. Using techniques
Areas within chromosomes in which these tumor sup- such as LOH and mapping, investigators ultimately identi-
pressorgenes reside can be ma pped by detecting a "loss of fied these genes, designated BrCa 1 and BrCa2, which are
heterozygosity" (LOH). LOH is identified by comparing located at 17 q21 and 13q 12-13, respectively. In affected
heterozygosity (two different alleles at the same genetic members of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer families,
site)of known polymorphic genes in normal tissue with one allele of the respective gene (for example BrCa 1) is
thatin cancer tissue from the same patient. If only a single abnormal (by mutation, translocation, or deletion) in all
alleleis detected in the cancer tissue when the normal cells, not just breast cells, usually as a result of an inherited
tissuewas heterozygous, then an allele has been lost and defect. Therefore, this abnormality is designated as an
the cancer is said to exhibit LOH. Because cancers are "inherited germ line susceptibility" because the individual is
geneticallyunstable, some background LOH is expected. born with "one hit" already pre-existing in all the cells in her
WhenLOH occurs more frequently than expected within body. In unaffected individuals, occasional damage occurs to
agivenarea (for example, one portion of an arm of a spe- one or the other of the normal alleles, but it is quickly
cificchromosome), it is likely that a cancer suppressor repaired and cancer does not occur. However, in affected
generesides in the area that has been lost. With careful and individuals, since one allele is already malfunctioning,
painstaking work, investigators can map and clone the damage to the second allele (the "second hit") is much more
precisegene or genes that were lost. likely to result in a malignant phenotype. It is not clear why
Deletions or lethal mutations at critical sites of these this process is relatively tissue specific, focused primarily on
geneslead to genomic instability of the cell, resulting in breast and ovarian cells, since all cells in these individuals
unrestricted cell growth, migration, invasion, and other have an abnormal BrCal allele.
phenotypical patterns of malignancy. It is important to BrCal and 2 only account for a small proportion
notethat usually both alleles of a rumor-suppressor gene (probably less that 5 percent) of breast cancers in the

Figure2.6 (A) Florid intraductal hyperplasia without atypia This some, but not all, of the features of ductal carcinoma in situ
leSionIS cha'racterized by a proliferation of epithelial cells which (DClS). In contrast to florid hyperplasia without atypia, this lesion
filland distend the involved duct. However, the cells vary In Size, has a SUSpiCIOUSpopulation of uniform cells With monotonous
shape,and orientation. In addition, the secondary spaces nuclei, raising the possibility of DClS. However, there is also a
producedby the cell proliferation tend to be elongated Lesions population of polarized cells at the periphery of the duct,
suchas these are associated with only a mildly elevated risk of distinguishing this lesion from DClS, which would lack this
breastcancer (Ie, 15-2-fold) (8) Atypical ductal hyperplasia feature Proliferative lesions such as this are assOCiated with
Thisproliferative lesion is considered" atypical" because it has moderately elevated breast cancer risk (three- to fivefold).
United States population. However, the discovery of these oping breast cancer (for example, inheritance of one or
genes has led to a remarkable understanding of the patho- more abnormal recessive oncogenes) which, when coupled
genesis of breast cancer, and ongoing research is con- with exposure to a particula r environ menta I factor (for
tributing even more to this remarkable process. Clinically, example, something in the diet), leads to the develop-
the discovery of BrCa 1 and 2 has generated programs to ment of a malignant clone of cells (Fig. 2.7). Subsequent
provide counselling to families and individuals suspected uncontrolled growth, invasion, and metastases might then
o~' proven to harbor these germ line mutations. These be the result of further exposure to factors that are not
programs deal with both prevention and treatment of "oncogenic" per se but rather promote these behaviors in
breast cancer and with the complex social, cultutal, legal, already transformed cells. These might include substances
and economic issues associated with inherited suscepti- wi th growth -sti mula ti ng potentia I, such as estrogens.
bility to diseases. Other mutagenic factors might produce dominant but
These results do not imply that breast cancer is exclu- weak oncogenic changes that would be of no consequence
sively an inherited, genetic disease. In fact, considerable in "normal" cells, but when coupled with prior recessive
data exist indicating that exogenous factors may be as (or dominant) oncogenic mutations, as well as exposure
important as genetic causes. For example, "strong" risk to growth potentiators, might lead to the malignant phe-
factors include older age, prolonged, uninterrupted notype. It has also been speculated that a variety of "ami-
menses (late first pregnancy, nulliparity), country of oncogenic" mechanisms ha ve evolved to protect against
origin (independent of ethnic background), and perhaps the development of malignancy, such as programmed cell
diet, alcohol intake, and use of estrogens (see Fig. 2.2). death in the event of an oncogenic mutation or immune
These observations suggest possi ble a ven ues of preven- surveillance with elimination of transformed cells. If these
tion, and investigative trials of lifestyle changes, diet mechanisms do exist, the development of invasive,
modification, and/or chemoprevention with antiestrogen metastatic breast cancer must include oncogenic steps
agents such as tamoxifen. that evade such innate controls. The breast cancer model
Of interest is that ntost benign breast lesions are not should also include satisfactory explanations for both
associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. For the tissue specificity of oncogenic factors and the critical
example, fibroadenomas or cysts may mimic breast cancers effect of timing of the exposures (for example, an early
clinically but are not "precursors" of malignancy. full-term pregnancy appears to be protective, whereas a
However, women with certain types of proliferative breast late one is not).
diseases have a three- to fivefold increased risk of devel- In summary, present knowledge does not absolutely iden-
oping breast cancer (Fig. 2.6). Treatment recommenda- tify a high-risk subgroup (other than older women) in whom
tions are not necessarily more aggressive for these patients, screening and/or prevention should be focused. However,
but they should be followed closely. Laboratory and clin- certain models have been developed that help to do so. One
ical studies of proliferative breast diseases may provide of these, designated the "Gail model," is described in
further insights into the step-by-step development of breast Chapter 4 (Fig. 4.3). or do we have sufficient insight into
cancer. environmental causes of breast cancer to suggest lifestyle
It is probable that the genesis of breast cancer is mul- changes that might lead to its prevention. evertheless,
tifactorial, with genetic, inherent metabolic, and envi- research in the areas of both inherited and environmental
ronmental components. A reasonable model might oncogenesis is proceeding rapidly and may provide effective
include an inherited genetic susceptibility toward devel- approaches to these problems in the near future.
All normal cells with
genetic susceptibility
Atypical, hyper- In situ Invasive
le.g., weak recessive
proliferative cells neoplastic cells cancer cells
oncogene with one
abnormal allele)

First random ~ Second ~ Third ~ Fourth ~ Has escaped all

~ '" uncommon=;> ~ = uncommon=> ~ = uncommon===> =-oncogenic ====:> tumor-suppressor
~ oncogenic oncogenic oncogenic change (4) mechanisms
change (1) change (2) change (3)



~ Most normal cells do not cascade

Potential anti-tumor mechanisms

First-line anti-oncogenic process, e.g., programmed cell death, prohibits most cells from
proceeding further through cascade
Second-line anti-oncogenic process, e.g., immune surveillance prevents most of these cells
from proceeding further through cascade
Third-line anti-oncogenic process, e.g., growth suppression prevents most of these cells from
proceeding further through cascade

Potential oncogenic cascade

(1) Damages other allele, results in clones of abnormal cells

(2) Activates dominant oncogene, promotes growth of transformed cells, escaping first anti-oncogenic process

(3) Mutates recessive or activates second dominant oncogene; might only be important during cycling menstrual
periods. Inhibited during pregnancy; allows invasion of proliferative cells. Escapes second anti-oncogene process
(4) Mutates other allele of recessive oncogene, or even activates another dominant oncogene; allows metastases of
cells with proliferative and invasive capability. Escapes third anti-oncogenic process

Figure2.7 Hypothetical model of breast cancer development Idominant or recessive), which by itself may be only weakly
andprogression. A subject with a genetic susceptibility to breast oncogenic, results in a combination of changes that produce a
cancerIfor example, mutation of one copy of a weak recessive malignant cell. This factor might be oncogenic only during certain
oncogene)is exposed to a random, uncommon factor that periods of life in which other promoting factors are present or
damagesthe other allele. This change might be insufficient to tumor-inhibiting factors are decreased (for example, in women
producea malignant cell but results in a clone of abnormal cells with continued, uninterrupted menstrual cycles) A variety of
Iforexample, atypical proliferative cells). Exposure of these cells mechanisms may exist to prevent progression of oncogenesis,
toa second uncommon factor (for example, a dietary factor) including immune surveillance, programmed cell death, as well
resultsin a dominant but weak oncogenic change. This factor as genetic growth control (" recessive oncogene"). The effects of
mightnot produce any change in cells that do not contain prior each mechanism may be more or less important during different
recessiveoncogenic changes. Exposure to a third factor stages of oncogenesis.
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