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Adriana Caballero


December 10,2019

Enligh 121

My Improvement in english 121

This semester my experience in English 121 has been helpful in a huge way, it has helped

me so much with my writing skills and reading skills that it is impressive because at first it was

tough because english is my second language. Ms. Litle had a lot of patience with us through the

course and helped us with anything we needed help on it didn't matter if it was so simple that we

should understand it and that made an impact too. We learned where to put everything where it

goes and where we shouldn’t put some things because it is not where it goes although we thought

it was correct.

At the beginning of the course It was just a little bit tough because there were things I

didn't really understand and I am not one of the persons that raise their hand to ask questions in

front of the class because I get nervous, but throughout the semester I got to learn from what

Ms.litle told and taught to us in class and the papers we had to do in class and outside of class.

Many things made me a better writer, what really helped me was the journals we did because it

was literally making us put our own thoughts in the papers and explain why we thought that way

and that helped me a lot.

When writing one of my essays, Ms.Litle handed out a Practice Response and

Incorporating Sources exercise sheet that we had to do before we did the essay and that would
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help us organize ourselves and we would practice how to use sources in the right way and

how to respond to what is being asked. Another paper that really helped me was when we had to

write an essay and Ms.Litle made us do Peer Review so that someone else could correct my

mistakes and so I could work on it to improve and make my final paper better, that peer review

also helped me understand what feedback was and how to give feedback and how to put it into

my paper.

My Final paper looked so much better than the first one that it impressed me in a big way

it was like feeling good about myself because it seemed that I learned a lot and that it would help

me with my further papers and that was relieving all that Ms.Litle taught us worked so much that

we would put everything we learned into the paper. I can see that it really helped me and now I

can write better papers. I was so happy with the class and I learned so much that it helped me


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