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pengertian hipertensi

Definition of hypertension

Hypertension is defined as a persistent blood pressure where the sestolic pressure is above 140 mmHg.
In the elderly population, hypertension is defined as a systolic pressure of 160 mmHg and a diastolic
pressure of 90 mmHg (Sheps, 2005).

Hypertension is defined as an increase in blood pressure continuously so that it exceeds the normal limit.
Normal blood pressure is 110/90 mmHg. Hypertension is a product of peripheral vascular resistance and
cordial output (Wexler, 2002)

2.Classification of Hypertension

a. Based on the cause there are two types of hypertension:

Primary (essential) hypertension is a persistent increase in arterial pressure produced by the irregularity
of the normal homeostatic control mechanism. This hypertension is unknown cause and covers
approximately 90% of cases of hypertension (Wibowo, 1999)

Secondary hypertension is persistent hypertension due to a second basic disorder besides essential
hypertension. This cause is known and this is related to approximately 10% of cases of hypertension
(Sheps, 2005).

b. Based on the form of hypertension there are three, namely:

Diastolic hypertension (diastolic hypertension) is an increase in diastolic pressure without an increase in

sisitolic pressure. Usually found in children and young adults. Mixed hypertension (elevated systole and
diastole) is an increase in blood pressure in systole and diastole. Systolic hypertension (isolated systolic),
which is an increase in systolic pressure without increasing diastolic pressure. Generally found in old age.
(Gunawan, 2011)

3.manfaat daun serai

Lemongrass, often used as a cooking spices. Lemongrass or in Latin called Cymbopogon ciatrus is a
genus that contains about 55 species of grass. This plant can flourish in warm weather and reach heights
of around 2 to 4 meters. Lemongrass plants are used in various cultures. Parts of this plant that can be
used for herbs include roots, stems, and leaves.

4.morfologi daun sereh

Morphology of Lemongrass Plants

Classification of Lemongrass Plants

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Spermatophyta

Subdivision: Angiosperms

Class: Monocotyledonae

Order: Poales

Family: Graminae / Poaceae

Genus: Cymbopogon

Species: Cympogon nardus

The characteristics of lemongrass plants are annual grass plants with fibrous roots. These lemongrass
plants can reach 50-100 bm in height with no woody stems.

5.Zat-zat yang Terkandung Dalam Tanaman Sereh

Lemongrass plants contain substances that are important for the body, including:

a. Saponin

Saponins are substances that are not only found in lemongrass plants, saponins are also found in other
plants. Saponin is useful for reducing blood sugar levels. It is also useful for increasing immunity and also
as an antibacterial.

b. Essential oil

Essential oils are substances found in lemongrass and other plants. Essential oils are useful as anti-
inflammatory and relieve pain. In addition, lemongrass plants are also useful for blood circulation,
because one of the functions of this essential oil is blood circulation so that these substances can reduce
high blood pressure.

In addition to the above substances, there are also other substances that are useful for the body, namely
polyphenol flavanoids.

6.ciri2 atu gejalah hipertensi

characteristics or symptoms of hypertension

1. Easily angry

2. Red face

3. Restless
4. The nape of the neck feels sore

5. Headaches

6. Shortness of breath

7. Fatigue

7.faktor penyebab hipertensi

There are two factors causing hypertension, namely factors that can be controlled and factors that
cannot be controlled.

1. Factors that can be controlled

a. Lifestyle

b. Food preference

c. The habit of drinking alcohol

d. Smoking habit

e. Excessive salt consumption, and

f. obesity

2. Factors that cannot be controlled

a. Family history

b. Gender, and

c. Age

8. treatment methods

1. Hypertension (high blood pressure)

To treat high blood pressure we can use lemongrass plants. How to treat it, namely:

a. Wash 7-10 pieces of lemongrass thoroughly

b. Boil 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup

c. After a cold drink the water taken 1 time a day.

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