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Unit 2 Task 2 – Contributing to teacher´s develpoment

Tutor: Dina Esperanza Bonilla

Nancy Viviana Leguizamo Cantor
Jennifer Suspe
Code: 1032422033
Karen Marcela Cutiva Duarte


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación
Licenciatura en Ingles como lengua Extrangera
Teacher Development - 551023


Those who investigate and, above all, those who are interested in learning are the
students who wish to achieve a good future. Motivation allows learning and acquisition,
Gardner (2001) mentions that attitudes contribute to motivation.

Motivation and interest are crucial to support student success with challenging and
informative activities that support development and help the student learn complex skills.

These motivations must vary, each class, each experience, for the effective
development of the capacity of each student according to the needs, for this reason, the
teacher must be very creative and strategic in their classes having a vocation and love for
their profession and its pedagogy and methodology.
2. Purpose.

Why am I starting this action research project? Is it to solve a problem that has
occurred in my classroom? Or is it something else?

This Project is carried out in order to be able to provide innovative strategies that help
in the motivation of students and teachers regarding the teaching - learning issue, where both
roles are participatory among them, which allows them to develop their skills against the
needs that each one has, and that in the same way the teacher as a guide can transmit the
desired knowledge creating an effective and dynamic environment.

Motivation allows interaction, and from this start the different teaching methods,
which in some way or another can be combine to create or complement another, this
according to the student is in an active, interactive and participatory role against the classes
taught by a teacher.

3. Topic.

What issue are you going to investigate? What is going on in yours classes that is
causing them concern?

As mentioned above, the problem to be investigated is “the importance of the

motivation of the student and the teacher.”, Because not many schools have technological
means such as ICTs that can participate in student development, motivation of the student
could be reflected in the results shown throughout the learning depending on the degree of
effectiveness and the interest that each student puts on the subject, and that degree of
effectiveness is equal to the satisfaction that is taken to the teacher in charge of their teaching

The idea is to implement joint work and directed not only to students but also to
teachers who show their interest in updating their knowledge and expand or enrich new
subjects that are acquired according to those generated by the ICTs; the systems with the
basic technological means (computers, tablets, cell phones), allow to reach the programs that
according to the Ministry of Education You can create programs that facilitate and call the
interest in the student, so that they see it as a tool necessary that optimizes based on access
to efficient and concrete results to the study, and these, at the same time, are projected and
rise towards their careers as future professionals

4. Focus.

How can you narrow down the issue to investigate to make it manageable within a
specific time frame? What is the precise question you are going to ask yourself?

The question that a teacher should ask is, how creative can it be when starting and
during classes? The subject of the creativity of a teacher in the classroom is very important
for the motivation and interest on the part of the student, this problem is constantly being
presented as the classes became more monotonous every day, the chairs became theoretical
and not It is flashy or motivating for students and the results of this situation is the low grade,
average and performance of the students since they are not interested in the subject and for
this reason they do not participate and do not understand or care to investigate or learn, this
problem a percentage is responsible for parents and of course students, but most of the teacher
has to create spaces and activities regardless of the chair, provided it is motivating for the
student and not to achieve a good note but to achieve a correct and complete learning and
feel the need to investigate and know more about the subject unfortunately there is no
stipulated time In order to start a strategy for motivation, the motivation must now be, in each
class, in each activity and in each class planning, the space and strategies to achieve the
motivation and daily interest of the students must be encouraged.

5. Mode.

How are you going to conduct the research?

We will work with a group of first grade students for two weeks with thirty-minute
sessions in a routine class to demonstrate and assess progress. Then in the third and fourth
week I will conduct dynamic classes, with opening games to the class with the help of the
tics, at the end of these two weeks we will make a survey where we will refer to the topic
addressed in the first two weeks and in the last two of this way compare the progress

What data-collecting methods will you need and why?

We will implement evidence on the activities carried out during the four weeks, we
will also make a data table where we will compare the answers given by the students
comparing the weeks studied and the topics learned

6. Timing.

How much time will it take and how much time do they have?

We will have one month for the activity (four weeks)

two weeks: traditional method without dynamics

two weeks. ludic activity of induction and implementation of TICS

7. Resources.

What are the resources, both human and material, that you can call upon to help
them complete the research? How can your institution help?

The most important human resource in this problem and the only one who can solve
it is the teacher since he is the person in charge of planning their classes and of course he is
the person who best knows each of the students in all learning spaces and what motivates
students and what does not and the activities that each one serves to strengthen their
shortcomings and develop their skills.

On the other hand the material resources are infinite since if we talk about the
motivation in each class each activity can be carried out with infinite resources to achieve
and captivate the attention and interest of each of the students, first the spaces that can be
generated within the educational institutions since leaving the comfort zone is important
and creates a different learning environment, the floor, the technology room, park, and
other places that can be accessed.

And in the face of activities and strategies, resources are all that can be used of
technology, televisions, projectors, DVDs, and, on the other hand, sheets, images, and the
brain already retains more information that has images that only theory, paintings, videos,
movies, songs, role play and many more resources than some of them have no cost such as
role play since it simply poses a situation and character and you can perform infinite
teaching activities.

The important thing about this issue of resources is the ability of a teacher to put
into practice each activity and especially how the activity arises since only if the teacher
arrives with a correct and attractive disposition captivates the attention of the students and
you can consolidate a very good class.

8. Product.

What is the likely outcome of the research, as they intend it?

The result of this research must be based on the development of students and teachers
in their teaching-learning process, where the participation of both roles is evident in relation
to the environment and its actuality, fulfilling the dream and / or purpose of each in order to
motivate you to achieve these activities successfully and fluently.

Motivation will play the role of being able to involve the entire student education
community and parents, demonstrating the great interest of the teacher in their participation
as an active agent and guide, and that of the student as an agent driven by motivation,
dynamic participation and development of activities.

9. Action.

What action will you expect to take as a result of conducting this research?
The dynamics is the active methodology that allows you to get out of the routine in
a classroom, because if there is no variety or creativity during the learning sessions, it will
become boring and it is at that moment where the dynamics get an important role in the
teacher's hands Because it helps create a fun environment that causes children to break
interpersonal barriers and know the importance of working together, every teacher should
use dynamics in their sessions because they contribute to develop group qualities such as;
responsibility, sincerity, mutual responsibility, among others

How will you carry out this action?

Am I really having dynamic classes?

10. Reporting.

How will you share the finding of this research with other teachers? What forum will
you use for this and why?

The finding of this research and the needs found, we want to share it with other
people in this case teachers, or aspiring teachers, where through a digital platform can
participate forums and web conferences giving and showing the chosen theme, in order to
provide different solutions, mainly motivating the use of ICTs and generating a new form
of dynamic and participatory communication

The creation of new teaching methods allows dynamic strategies focused on the
development of the skills of students and teachers, with the purpose of covering the needs in
the face of the topic witnessed and creating a participatory environment between teacher-

The motivation and interest that the student and teacher put in their classes allow the
correct development of the same, with a satisfactory result both of acquisition of knowledge
as well as the sharing of information

Richards, J., & Farrell, T. (2005). Action research. In Professional Development for
Language Teachers: Strategies for Teacher Learning (Cambridge Language Education, pp.
171-194). Retrieved from

Barba, C. O., Gutiérrez, I. P., & García, M. V. (2002). Improving Teacher

Development and Training. Revista Panamericana de Pedagogía: Saberes y Quehaceres Del
Pedagogo, (3), 197. Retrieved from

Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2006). Estándares básicos de competencias en

Lenguas Extranjeras: Inglés- Formar en lenguas extranjeras, el reto- Revolución Educativa.
Serie Guía 22. Bogotá. Recuperado de

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