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Albert Camus

Parties and Truth

x. Doyou believe it is still possible to identi[y The truth is that no nation has a monopoly
the cause o/theTruth with that of a party, of peace--not even, we know now, the
of a state, or o/ any organisation whatsoever? "neutral" nations of the Orient. The manner
k you believe that it is still possible to spea in which these last, the Arab countries (ex-
in good[aith, a priori, of a "’campof peace"? cept Tunisia),* and especially India--yes, the
Or do you believe that today such an attitude India which once was Gandhi’s--betrayed
represents the gravest form of "abnegation" Hungaryat the same time as their own prin-
of one’s conscience? ciples puts them hereafter on the same foot-
If anyone in the world is custodian of the ing as the other nations. The nations of the
absolute truth, it is surely not the manor the Bandoeng group could have tried to save
party which claims to possess it. As for a great European nation from slavery and
historical truth in particular, the more one death. That would have been a recognition
claims to possess it, the moreone lies. In the of, and a partial paymentfor, the efforts of
end, one becomes a butcher of the truth. all the free Europeans who pleaded freely
The Hungarian insurrection was launched in the cause of the colonised peoples. But the
the first place against the Big Lie. It was Bandoeng group has become realistic at a
therefore necessary to assassinate the men very early age. Apparently adulthood comes
whowere fighting against the lie and then to quickly in history. These new nations must
try to dishonour them by a bigger lie, by therefore be judged from now on as adults,
calling themFascists. solely on their acts, without preconceived
So far as the "campof peace" is concerned, sympathyor antipathy. Andtheir attitude in
it wouldbe better to put this question to the the face of the Hungarian massacre is in-
former "partisans of peace" who mobilised excusable. The future will undoubtedly ex-
in the StockholmAppeal to outlaw the atomic pose this self-interested evasion as profitless.
weapon. They have now to reconcile their The moral strength which these nations
attitude with Bulganin’s ultimatum threaten-
ing England, France, and Israel with atomic * So far as AIgeriais concerned,to myknowledge
rockets. The question has to be put to them at least, only the MNA of Messali Hadj has pro-
for, apparently, they are not putting it to tested against the Soviet intervention in Hungary,
withoutga’ving way on any of its owndemands.
themselves. I amnot awareof any protest fi’om the FLN.

EDI’rOR’SNo’rl~: A[ter the suppressiono/ the Hungarian revolution by the RedArmy,lgnazio

Silone and Nicola Chiaromonte,the editors o~ our Italian contemporary,"TempoPresente,"
asl~edAlbertCamus somequestionsaboutpolitical principlesandpolitical expediency.Wepresent
them here, with M. Camus"answers.


4 Albert Camus
possessed from the fact that they had been It is perhaps expedient for a Communist
oppressed in a recent past has been squan- newspaperto say that all the people df Hun-
deredby themin a fewd, ays. gary are Fascists except.Kadar,his police, and
Let us therefore say that there are nowonly his executioners.Butthe factual truth is that
nations whichare moreor less belligerent. It wehavewitnesseda revolt of workers,intel-
seems, if I maytake the word of the Pro- lectuals, and peasants whowantednational
gressist press, that Americahas lately shown independence and personal liberty. Real
herself less belligerent than Russia. But we Fascism, to speak plainly, is that of Kadar
need no one today to point out to us that and Krushchev,whocrushed a popular revolt
Socialism,as well as capitalism, can engender alongwithits soviets.
wars.All that is necessaryis a certain will for I confess that I do not understand either
power, and I knowhardly any nation which the sense of expediencywhichhas impelled
lacks it (exceptionmadefor those whichhave certain of our Progressist militants, after
no arms--perhaps). Wedid not knowthis having denouncedthe Soviet intervention in
before for the simple reason that there was Hungary, to recommendin their congresses
no Socialist state. Nowwe know. "Moral unity of action with the French Communists
abdication" is in any case too noble a phrase whoare still insulting the revolters. This
to describethe attitude of those whopersisted recommendationcomesat the same time that
in seeing only dovesto the East and vultures Hungarians.are still being hanged(only the
to the West.Blindness,a passionfor slavery, other day a young womanof twenty) and at
or a nihilistic admirationof force seemto me a momentwhen a representative of. the
to be moreexact descriptions. French CommunistParty has declared that
in identical circumstances he wouldaccept
the infliction by the U.S.S.R. on France of
2. Doyou thin k that one should nevertheless the sametreatment inflicted on Hungary.So
attach moreweightto considerationso[ politi- muchacceptance ends by becomingcrushing.
cal expediency than to the impulse which What?Do these militants and Progressists
leads us to recognise[actual truth be[ore all love so madly the Russians they have never
else? 1[ so, what in your opinion is the seen ? No, but they heartily detest a part of
criterion o[ expediency? the .French--those whothemselveshated the
Cases of expediencyshould be examinedto others enoughto serve the cause of Hitlerian
determinewhat proportion of truth they con- victory. If France is to disappear, we may
tain, what lessons maybe drawn from them be certain that she will die poisonedby these
to correct what had been believed accurate two hates.
hitherto. But expediencycannot be allowedto
take precedenceover the search for factual 3" In the oppositecase, whatcanthe intellec-
truth. Aboveall, expediencycannotbe allowed tual do today?Is it his duty, in all circum-
to take precedenceover respect for the truth, stances, to express his [eelings and his
as it is permittedto do by the Communists and opinionspublicly, to all comers?Org~venthe
the Left intellectuals whofollow them. For gravity of events and the lack of effective
this systematic relativism leads to the death political power, do you thin k he should
of the intelligence and the oppressionof the simply continue his ownwork as best he can?
worker.Apress, a book, are not true because It wouldbe-better for the intellectual not
they are revolutionary. They have a chance to spendall his timetalking. In the first place,
to be revolutionaryonly if they try to tell the it will wearhim out--and especially it will
truth. Onehas a right to believe that the prevent him fromthinking. Heshould create,
Truth, with a capital T, is relative. Butfacts if he can, andthat first of all, especiallyif
are facts. Andhe whosays that the sky is what he creates does not recoil before the
blue whenit is grey prostitutes wordsand problemsof his owntimes. But in certain
opens the wayto tyranny. exceptional circumstances(the Spanishwar,


Parties and Truth 5
the Hitlerian persecutions and camps, the dence, a prisoner of words, boggeddownin
Stalinian trials and camps, the Hungarian its vocabulary, capable of no other than
revolt) he should permit no ambiguityabout stereotypedanswers, failing consistently to
whichside he has chosen. He should refuse measure up to the reality from which it
aboveall to dilute the effectiveness of his asserts neverthelessthat it derives its laws.
choice by shrewdhair-splittings or prudent The Left is schizophrenicand should undergo
reservations, andshould leave no doubtas to treatment, by pitiless criticism, by using the
his personal intention to defend freedom. heart, by sound reasoning, and by a little
Intellectual groupscan, in certain cases--par- modesty.Until considerableprogresshas been
ticularly whenthe liberty of peoples and of madeon this work of reform, any group
thought is mortally menaced--constitute a action will be useless and even harmful.
force and carry out an action: the Hungarian Meanwhile the rble of the intellectual will lie
intellectuals havejust provedit. However, it in pointing out that the king is nakedwhen
should be noted, for our guidance in the he is naked,andnot in describingecstatically
West,that the constant signing of manifestos his imaginaryrobes.
and of protests is one of the surest waysof However,to makea constructive contribu-
degradingthe effectivenessand the dignity of tion, I would suggest as one of the pre-
intellectuals. There is a permanentpressure liminaries to any future grouping,the accep-
to do this whichwehave all experiencedand tance of the following principle: Noneo[
whichwe must have the courage to resist-- the evils whichtotalitarianism (recognisable
often alone. primarily by a single party and the suppres-
Withthese reservations, it is possible to sion of all opposition) claims to remedyis
favourgroupaction. Butit is first necessary worsethantotalitarianismitsel[.
that we, the Left intellectuals, whohave In conclusion,I believe(as onesays, I be-
already given wayso often and are likely to lieve in God,creator of heavenand earth)
do so again, shouldbeginto analysecritically that the indispensableconditionfor intellec-
the reasoning and the ideology to whichwe tual creation and for historical justice is
have so far subscribed and whoseravages we liberty and the free oppositionof differences
can see in the mostrecent historical develop- of opinion. Withoutliberty, there is no art.
ment. This is our most difficult task. Con- Art lives only by the limits whichit sets for
formism today, it must be admitted, has itself. It dies fromall others. Andwithout
fastenedon the Left. It is true that the Right liberties, there is no Socialismeither, except
is not brilliant. Butthe Left is in full deca- that of the gallows.


Paul Ignotus

The Revolution of the Word

Poets, Peasants, and Commissarsin Hungary

Pushkin’sverse, to not properly understand-

Bolshevism and Snobbery ing him; but he added that there must be
H E vices of Communism are many, some great merit in works which inspired
T but its doomhas been brought about, highly educatedyouths to fight side by side
in Hungaryat any rate, by its few with illiterate workersagainst the traditions
virtues. The most important of these is of an oppressive past. Like so manyenemies
literary snobbery.It is a virtue that dates from of paganantiquity in the early MiddleAges
the epochwhenits leaders wereintellectuals, whononetheless vindicated Virgil on the
caf~-dwellers,andwell-wisherstoward, if not groundsof those verses which,they said, had
always adherents of, vegetarianism, homo- predicted the birth of the Holy Child, so
sexuality, Esperanto,absinthe, andthe artis- Lenin, the prophet of 2oth-century messian-
tic avantgarde. Lenin, a dreary but sagacious ism, madeevery effort in his powerto save
intellect, loved musicand poetry and wasas from damnationthe i8th- and I9th-century
tolerant about rhymes and tunes as he was Virgils he adored, and also the Virgils-to-be
intolerant about opinions. Andit will be re- of his ownday. Thanks to his gentlemanly
membered how,in the midst of the civil war, and revolutionary upbringing, he was a
he found the time and energyto cajole Gorki, worthy successor of the more enlightened
and ultimately to convince him that the Czars,
horrors conspicuous in Bolshevik behaviour UnderStalin’s rule, and in particular after
wereboth needful and legitimate. His voice, the Second World War, Lenin’s kind of
so sharp and venomoustowards political occasional, fascinated tolerance vanished,but
opponents or even simple workers, simple an odd reverence for Culture continued to
peasants, and simple philosophers (e.g. in haunt the mindof the dictator. Theinfalli-
Marxismand Erapirio-Cr#icism), at once bility of the First Secretaryof the Party was
became as ingratiating and tender as an established and nothing could be exempted
amorousbull whenhe approachedthe repre- fromhis jurisdiction: this applied to music
sentatives of Art and Letters. Theleader of and painting as much as to genetics or
the Russian avant garde was at that time philology. No one wasallowed to doubt that
Mayakovski,a fervent though doubt-ridden Stalin was the greatest philologist in the
Bolshevik (who later committedsuicide). world: it is laid downin so manywordsin
Lenin had but a vagueidea of his talents and the Dispute on the late Professor Marr’s
said so; he confessed, as one brought up on theory of the origin and development of



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