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Katrina Staring 20113357

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Master of Education in Special Education

PROGRAM: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

SPD-590 9/5/2019 12/18/2019

COURSE: _____________________________________________________ START DATE: ____________________________ END DATE: _____________________

McAllister Elementary School

COOPERATING SCHOOL NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

New York
SCHOOL STATE: ___________________________________

Cindy Cashman
COOPERATING TEACHER/MENTOR NAME: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Jeanette Barone
GCU FACULTY SUPERVISOR NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


POINTS 75.5 points 75.5 %
10.00 1000 755 100
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Katrina Staring 20113357

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

GCU Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this disposition in
future evaluations)
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this disposition and consistently exceeds this
disposition or expectations disposition and expectations this disposition and disposition and expectations for expectations for a Teacher disposition and all
for a Teacher Candidate for a Teacher Candidate expectations for a Teacher a Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student expectations for a Teacher
during student teaching. during student teaching. Candidate during student student teaching. teaching. Candidate during student
teaching. teaching.

High Expectations Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates should believe that all students could learn and should set and support realistic expectations for student success. 1.00
These expectations should be communicated in positive ways. 74
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Mrs. Staring really hasn’t shown much in this area, she is very quiet: to the students, her CT, and the staff. Occasionally, she will say she knows that student could of done that.

Respect for the Diversity of Others Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates should be sensitive to individual learning and the social needs of students and embrace the cultural diversity of
the community. They should develop and maintain educational communities marked by respect for others. They should interact
with their students, fellow educators, administrators, parents, and other community members with courtesy and civility and 74 1.00
establish relationships characterized by respect and rapport.
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Mrs. Starting has worked well with the students. She needs to work on facials expressions when a student doesn’t get what they are learning. Mrs. Staring is very quiet, so she hasn’t really
interacted with the staff. She keeps to herself.

Katrina Staring 20113357

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

GCU Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this disposition in
future evaluations)
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this disposition and consistently exceeds this
disposition or expectations disposition and expectations this disposition and disposition and expectations for expectations for a Teacher disposition and all
for a Teacher Candidate for a Teacher Candidate expectations for a Teacher a Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student expectations for a Teacher
during student teaching. during student teaching. Candidate during student student teaching. teaching. Candidate during student
teaching. teaching.

Fairness Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates should promote social justice and equity, maintain appropriate standards of confidentiality, and exercise
fairness in all areas including assessment. 80 1.00
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Mrs. Staring has looked through all the students IEP’s. She has not judge any particular student or staff member.

Professional Conduct Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates should exercise sound judgment and ethical behavior. They should be a positive role model within their
community. 78
Evidence 1.00
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Mrs. Staring is positive with the students, with what interactions she has had with them. She has done well working one-on-one with a student when her CT is working with the group.

Katrina Staring 20113357

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

GCU Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this disposition in
future evaluations)
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this disposition and consistently exceeds this 1.00
disposition or expectations disposition and expectations this disposition and disposition and expectations for expectations for a Teacher disposition and all
for a Teacher Candidate for a Teacher Candidate expectations for a Teacher a Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student expectations for a Teacher
during student teaching. during student teaching. Candidate during student student teaching. teaching. Candidate during student
teaching. teaching.

Reflection Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates should recognize that reflection combined with experience leads to growth as a professional. Educators should
be thoughtful about their professional practice, critically examine it, and seek continual improvement. 74
((The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
As per her CT, there hasn’t been much of Mrs. Staring teaching, she’s been observing because she started so late. She listens to suggestions. Hopefully, when she starts to teach she will apply
them to her teaching.

Curiosity Score No Evidence 1.00

Teacher candidates should promote and support curiosity and encourage active inquiry.
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Mrs. Staring hasn’t asked many questions. Her CT teaches 7 different periods and has a prep period. Her CT has offered Katrina to look at the reading manuals/ programs so she will be more
comfortable and Katrina hasn’t, to date. Her CT has explained how much panning goes into each group.

Katrina Staring 20113357

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

GCU Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this disposition in
future evaluations)
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this disposition and consistently exceeds this
disposition or expectations disposition and expectations this disposition and disposition and expectations for expectations for a Teacher disposition and all
for a Teacher Candidate for a Teacher Candidate expectations for a Teacher a Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student expectations for a Teacher
during student teaching. during student teaching. Candidate during student student teaching. teaching. Candidate during student
teaching. teaching.

Honesty Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates should model integrity by their words and actions.
74 1.00

(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Mrs. Staring doesn’t say a lot but it has only been two weeks. This week she started with a group. When she has been working one-one, her CT has to remind her of the importance to always giving a
student positive praise.

Compassion Score No Evidence 1.00

Teacher candidates should demonstrate professional friendliness, warmth, and genuine caring in their relationships with others
while providing intellectual, emotional, and spiritual support. 74
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Mrs. Staring really seems to care about the students and has learned all their names. This week, working with a group will help her acclimate herself to the classroom environment. She needs to
work on communicating/friendliness with staff (saying hello and goodbye).

Katrina Staring 20113357

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

GCU Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this disposition in
future evaluations)
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this disposition and consistently exceeds this
disposition or expectations disposition and expectations this disposition and disposition and expectations for expectations for a Teacher disposition and all
for a Teacher Candidate for a Teacher Candidate expectations for a Teacher a Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student expectations for a Teacher
during student teaching. during student teaching. Candidate during student student teaching. teaching. Candidate during student
teaching. teaching.

Advocacy Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates understand the impact of community involvement and servant leadership as it applies to the welfare of others in
the educational setting. 79 1.00

(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Mrs. Staring has attended everything her CT is involved in..

Dedication Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates should be committed to the profession of teaching and learning.
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Mrs. Staring is starting to ask questions about planning and what she is going to be doing. Her CT keeps reminding her there is a lot of planning and to ask. It is also important to be creative and as
teachers we are always learning.

Katrina Staring 20113357

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Please review the "Total Scored Percentage" for accuracy and add any attachments before completing the "Agreement and Signature" section.

Total Scored Percentage:

75.5 %
Attachment 1:

Attachment 2:


This evaluation reflects the results of a collaborative conference including feedback from the Cooperating / Mentor Teacher. The GCU Faculty
Supervisor and Cooperating /Mentor Teacher should collaboratively review the performance in each category prior to the evaluation meeting.

I attest this submission is accurate, true, and in compliance with GCU policy guidelines, to the best of my ability to do so.

GCU Faculty Supervisor E-Signature Date

Jeanette Barone
Jeanette Barone (Oct 7, 2019) Oct 7, 2019

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