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Lesson Topic: Comparing and Ordering Numbers 0-10

Date & Time: 10/22/19 Grade: Kindergarten Subject: Mathematics

Content Standard/s:
● CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.CC.C.6: Identify whether the number of objects in one
group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g.,
by using matching and counting strategies.
● CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.CC.C.7: Compare two numbers between 1 and 10 presented
as written numerals.
● Computer & ELMO
● String
● Clothespins
● Cards
● Worksheet
Lesson Objective/s:
● By the end of this lesson, students will be able to determine if a number is greater or less
than another number (between 0 and 10) and place them in the correct location on a
number line.
Introduction to Lesson:
● Start the class counting to 10, using hands and manipulatives as needed
● Review comparing sizes of groups using manipulatives
○ Ask students, “Which group has more/fewer? How can we check?”
○ Start with two groups, then introduce question using three groups
Learning Activities:
● Clothesline Math: This is essentially an activity with a clothesline to represent a number
line. There will be a length of string with moveable flash cards. These cards will either
have numbers of representations of the numbers.
● Students will be able to think-pair-share their ideas of where it gets placed
● Order of cards presented to students
○ 0 (numeral)
○ 10 (numeral)
○ 10 (10 frame)
○ 1 (numeral)
■ Ask, “how close should it be to 0?”
○ 2 (numeral)
■ Ask, “how close should it be to 1?”
○ 5 (numeral)
■ “Tell me where to stop” → talk about how it’s probably going to be
closer to 2 than 10
○ 5 (fingers)
○ 5 (10 frame)
■ “How can we check that this is right?”
○ 3 (fingers)
○ 7 (10 frame)

Overall Teaching Strategies:

● The students will be engaging in a lot of pair and group work. This allows them to talk to
one another more about what they are learning. Students who may be an emergent
bilingual will be supported in being able to socially learn the language and comprehend
the terms through speaking and listening.
● I will also allow students to come up and place it for me or share with the class their
reasoning. This will allow them to have ownership over their ideas and feel like they are
contributing to the lesson better.
Assessment/s (How you will assess or evaluate student learning):
● I will have a quick exit ticket that have something similar to the clothesline math we had
just done with a couple of numbers on it. I will then ask them to either write a number or
draw a representation of a number. They will have to think about where it goes on the
Closure (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.):

● I will end the class by asking students if we can keep adding numbers to the clothesline. I
will ask, “what other numbers can we add here?” to engage them in the idea that this
could go on forever.
○ We will also look at a number line and compare what we see on the clothesline to
the number line. I will remind them that they can use this tool to help them count
and compare numbers anytime.

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