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Triple Alliance-
❖ Germany transformed european politics Prussians attacked and defeated French
and forced them to give up territory. This caused them to be enemies so
Germany made an alliance with Italy and Hungary-Austria.

2. Triple Entente-
❖ Germany challenged Great Britain, ​GB​ needed alliances so they made a new
relationship with the ​French and Russians​ called “entente cordiale” (friendly
understanding). Relationship was known as the Triple Entente.

3. Causes of World War 1 -

❖ M​ilitarism
❖ A​lliances
❖ I​mperialism
❖ N​ationalism

4. Archduke Franz Ferdinand-

❖ Visited the bosninan capital of sarajevo with his wife and a bosnian rev. Gavrilo
princip shot them, was a part of the Black Hand.

5. Zimmerman Telegram-
❖ sent by German foreign secretary arthur zim. to Mexico
❖ it was intercepted and decoded by British.
❖ stated Germans would again begin unrestricted submarine warfare. Telegram proposed
an alliance between Germany and Mexico. Germany promised to help Mexico to get
land back.
❖ Leaked to America and they knew war was necessary

6. Lusitania-
❖ German submarine fired on british ship killed 1,200 passengers, including 128

7. Sussex Pledge-
❖ met the foreign policy goals of both German and President Wilson by keeping the US out
of the war a little longer.

8. Why do the Serbs get so upset with Austria-Hungary in 1908?

❖ A-H annexed Bosnia, which at the time belonged to the Ottoman Empire.
❖ Serbs were furious b/c they wanted Bosnia to be apart of their nation

9. Allied Powers-
❖ Those fighting for the Triple Entente (Franch, Russia, GB) Italy joined after Allies
promised to cede A-H territory to Italy
10. Central Powers-
❖ what remained of the triple alliance (A-H and G) joined the Ottoman Empire and

11. Neutral European Nations-

12. No Man’s Land-

❖ space between the opposing trenches
❖ A rough barren landscape pockmarked with craters from artillery fire.

13. U-Boats-
❖ Submarines used by germans to get around britain's blockade

14. Trench warfare-Why?

❖ Troops that dug themselves in and relied upon modern rifles and a new weapon
(machine gun), could easily hold off the attacking forces.

15. Use of airplanes?-

❖ they were used to observe enemy activities

16. Dough Boys (AEF)-

❖ a nickname for inexperienced and fresh soldiers, boosted the morale of allied

17. CPI, George Creel, and propaganda-

❖ Propaganda- information used to influence opinion
➢ German P- mostly Anti-Russian, didn't appeal to Americans
➢ British P- skillful, able to sway Americans to support the Allies

18. Women’s role in war-

❖ Women served in the armed forces but in noncombat positions. (nurses)

19. Armistice-
❖ an agreement to stop fighting

20. What are the 4 empires that disappear after WW1?-

❖ Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia and the Ottoman Empire.

21. Food and Fuel Administrations-

❖ established to make sure supply levels were high enough for soldiers, included
rationing certain items to one day a week
❖ Herbert Hoover- Food Administration
❖ Meatless Mondays to conserve for the armed forces
❖ Liberty Gardens

22. Daylight Saving Time-

❖ to conserve fuel

23. Convoys-
❖ Merchant ships and troop transports be gathered into groups

24. Espionage and Sedition Acts-

❖ two laws, enacted in 1917 and 1918, that imposed harsh penalties on anyone
interfering with or speaking against U.S. participation in WWI

25. Selective Service Act-

❖ Wilson created a new conscription system. It required all men between 21-30 to
register to draft

26. Schenck vs. United States-

❖ The supreme court ruled that an individual's freedom of speech could be curbed
when the words uttered constitute a “clear and present danger”

27. Great Migration-

❖ war time job openings drew African Americans to factories producing war

28. Post-War strikes (Boston?)-
❖ 75 percent of the police force walked off the job.
❖ weren't allowed to go back

29. Vladimir Lenin & Russian Revolution-

❖ Vladimir (leader of bol party) overthrew the russian gov. and established a
communist gov.

30. Red Scare and the FBI- page 602

❖ fear that communists were working to destroy the American way of life

32. Race Riots-

❖ Migration of African Americans to northern cities increased racial tensions, which
led to violence in many cities. Conditions were no better in the South than in the

33. Wilson’s 14 Points & the League of Nations-

❖ Wilson’s plan, based on “the principles of justice to all peoples and nationalities.
❖ L o N- Wilson's 14 point “general association of nations”
➢ Would help preserve peace and prevent future wars by pledging to
respect and protect each other's territories and political independence.

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