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Subject: 21st Century Literature

Date: February 12, 2019

CONTENT STANDARD: The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in
various genres across national literature and cultures.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and

appreciation of 21st century literature of the world through a written close
analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and
theme, with a description of its context derived from research

At the end of the lesson the Grade 11 students are expected to:
a. identify representative texts and authors from Asia, North America, Europe, Latin
America, and Africa EN12Lit-IIa-22;
b. present the story analysis; and
c. appreciate the cultural and aesthetic diversity of literature of the world

Topic: Hebrew Literature: “Cain and Abel”
References: The Hebrew Bible: Old Testament (Genesis 4:1-16), SlideShare, and YouTube

III MATERIALS: Laptop, PPT, Marker. Cartolina, Projector

Teaching Strategies: Lecture Discussion, Collaborative Learning, Story Grammar

 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Classroom Cleanliness

 The teacher will present the different facts about Israel through a video presentation.
 After the presentation, the teacher will ask the following questions:
o What is the most interesting fact you learned after watching the video? Why?
o If you will be given a chance to go to Israel, what is the first thing that you will do
upon your arrival?


 The teacher will divide the class into 5 groups.
 Then, the teacher will ask the students the following questions:
o Do you have a brother or sister?
o How is your relationship with them?
o Did you experience having misunderstandings with your siblings? How did you
resolve it?
 Next, the teacher will present a video clip about the story of Cain and Abel.
 Each group will be given a card which contains a task to be completed at end of the
video presentation.

 Based from the activity, each group will be tasked to present the analysis of the story
using the story grammar.
 It is consist of 5 parts. (Major Characters, Minor Characters, Central Theme, Tragic
Plot, Author’s Message)

 The teacher will ask the students about the significance of the story.
o What is the morale of the story?
o As a Filipino, how will you describe the culture and traditions of the Hebrews as
shown in the facts and in the story?

 The students will answer the question:

o How will you relate the story of Cain and Abel to you and your brother/sister’s
life as siblings?

Directions: Read carefully each questions below and answer it critically.

1. If you are Cain in the story and you are given a chance to change one thing in the
past, what would it be? Why?
2. If you are given a chance to be God what punishments would you give to Cain and
to people who imitates the wrongdoings of Cain, what would it be and why?


 The students are tasked to search about Globalization and Migration.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Junilyn C. Samoya Maria Luisa T. Caluyo Ignatius H. Romero

CSHS Faculty Principal I Head Teacher 1

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