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New Zealand

Tertiary College

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education)

(Level 7)
Course Synopses

Stage 1

BEd 110 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education – International

This course introduces you to the benefits of early childhood education. You will investigate a range of perspectives
on early childhood education and early childhood education services in New Zealand and your local context. You
will be introduced to the concept of quality in early childhood education and study examples of quality indicators
and guidelines for a quality curriculum. The role of early childhood professionals in maintaining health and safety
policies and procedures is examined. You will also begin to articulate a personal early childhood education
philosophy through a process of reflecting on your values and beliefs about young children and their care and

BEd 115 - International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education

This course provides you with an opportunity to explore the historical influences and developments that have
contributed to the current state of early childhood education in your country and local community. You will explore
how national and local politics, societal attitudes and international agencies influence early childhood contexts.
You will also investigate a range of national and local early childhood services to develop an understanding of
the impact of these diverse influences.

BEd 121 - Play as a Framework for Learning credits

This course introduces you to the concept of play as a valuable tool for promoting children’s learning and
development in the early years. You will be introduced to theories that support this view and learn a range of
observation techniques that will assist you to identify the different aspects, characteristics and purposes of play.
You will learn how to implement meaningful play activities using the ideas suggested in Te Whāriki, The New
Zealand early childhood curriculum framework.c

Stage 2

BEd 221 - Early Childhood Curriculum 1

This course offers you an in-depth understanding of curriculum in the early years with reference to Te Whāriki
– the New Zealand early childhood curriculum framework, as well as other documents that support and guide
curriculum development. You will examine a range of curriculum learning areas such as language and literacy,
social sciences, health and physical well-being and the arts. You will also investigate effective teaching strategies
that support learning and development of infants, toddlers and young children in early childhood settings.

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BEd 222 - Early Childhood Curriculum 2

This course builds on your knowledge of curriculum in the early years. You will examine the principles and
processes of planning for learning and socio cultural assessment practices, including how to document childrens’
learning. Additional curriculum learning areas such as mathematics, science and technology are studied and
strategies that promote learning for infants, toddlers and young children in these areas are investigated.

BEd 231 - Lifespan Studies 2

In this course you will examine the importance of human development theories and how these relate to
practice in early childhood education. You will examine the relationships between the different domains of child
development (physical, socio emotional, intellectual, language and spiritual development) that contribute to
ensuring the holistic development of the young child. Strategies that could support children’s development in
these domains will also be investigated.

Stage 3

BEd 312 - Leadership in Early Childhood

This course introduces you to nature and importance of effective leadership in early childhood education
settings. You will examine the relationship of management to leadership, leadership styles and cultural and
gender influences as well as the concepts of shared vision-building, strategic planning and program review.
You will also investigate strategies for enhancing organisational culture through effective leadership, effective
communication, team work and staff development.

BEd 315 - Investigation in Early Childhood Education

This course provides you with the opportunity to investigate and critically reflect on interesting and important
issues and challenges in the field of early childhood education. You will develop strategies and skills involved
in the development of a research topic, the creation of a literature review on this topic and the assembly of a
research proposal.

BEd 321 - Curriculum Approaches

This course will enable you to critically investigate different curriculum approaches such as Montessori, Reggio
Emilia and Steiner etc. that have influenced early childhood curriculum across the world. You will also critically
examine Te Whāriki – the New Zealand early childhood curriculum framework and other curriculum documents
specific to New Zealand. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to develop and evaluate your personal
philosophy of early childhood education with reference to the curriculum approaches you learn about in this

BEd 322 - Quality Curriculum

In this course, you will critically reflect upon the concept of quality in early childhood education. You will investigate
the role of early childhood educators in ensuring quality curriculum within early childhood programs, and also
examine a range of strategies and policies used to support and evaluate quality in early childhood education.

BEd 322 - Lifespan Studies 3 - Contemporary Perspective

This course broadens your understanding of child development theories by reflecting on previous theories you
have learned and introducing you to more contemporary ones. The emphasis in this course is on theories that
are related to the social and cultural influences in children’s lives. You will also be challenged to reflect on the
relevance of theories to the world that we live in today and to examine strategies that early childhood educators
could use to support the holistic development of young children.
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BEd 332 - Inclusive Practice

This course aims to raise your awareness of the importance of including children with diverse needs in early
childhood environments. You will explore milestones of development and factors that affect children with atypical
development. You will also learn about the role of early childhood educators in supporting children with diverse
needs through different intervention strategies and support structures.

BEd 341 - Multicultural Perspectives in Early Childhood Education

It is important that an early childhood educator is able to support children and their families from different
communities and cultures in their centre. This course will help you reflect on your values, beliefs, practices and
identify your assumptions and biases. Teaching strategies to support children from different cultures will be

BEd 342 - Early Childhood Issues and Trends

In this course, you will explore relevant historical and contemporary social, political and cultural issues and
trends in early childhood education in the present day scenario. You will have an opportunity to reflect and
critically evaluate your role as an early childhood educator in addressing these issues and trends.

BEd FE3 - Field Experience 3 (Optional)

This course is designed to extend your professional development and practice in early childhood settings. You
will continue to apply your theoretical understanding of children’s learning and development to the practical
experiences and observations in early childhood settings and, begin to reflect on and evaluate your practice.
Feedback and mentoring from teachers and other professionals in the early childhood setting will also enhance
your developing professionalism. You will have the opportunity to develop leadership skills and an understanding
of factors that ensure quality provision of early childhood curriculum.

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