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GRADES 7 School: Grade Level: VII

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH

Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 08-12, 2019 (Week 1) Quarter: 1st Quarter


A. Content Standards
Reading and Listening Oral Language and Vocabulary Grammar and Language Writing and Composition Weekly Quiz
Comprehension Development

B. Learning Use appropriate volume and

Competencies Recognize differences in voice enunciation that meet the needs Observe rules on subject-verb Identify the exclusive features
levels and speech patterns. of an oral communication agreement. and properties of oral language.
Philippine Folk Literature in
Translation Determine words or expressions in
a selection that are similar or

II. Content
(Subject Matter) Valuing Our Elder’s Wisdom
This lesson allows you to appreciate the wisdom of our ancestors that continues to influence our experiences. Discover how their proverbs serve as guideposts towards
strengthening our values. You must aim to:
1. Express whether a statement is true or false based on what you know.
2. Recognize differences in voice levels and speech patterns.
3. Determine words or expressions in a selection that are similar or opposite.
4. Use information presented in an article to infer, to evaluate, and to express critical ideas.
5. Discuss the features of proverbs, their intended purpose, and the setting during which they were produced.
6. Use appropriate volume and enunciation in a given communication situation.
7. Identify the unique features and properties of oral language.
8. Observe rules on subject-verb agreement.

III. (Learning Resources)

1.Learner’s Materials Pages
LM English G7 1st quarter pg 1-10 TEST PAPERS
GRADES 7 School: Grade Level: VII
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 15-19, 2019 (Week 2) Quarter: 1st Quarter


A. Content Standards
Reading and Listening Oral Language and Vocabulary Grammar and Language Writing and Composition Weekly Quiz
Comprehension Development

B. Learning
Competencies Explain the influence of Observe correct pronunciation of Observe rules on subject-verb Identify the exclusive features
differences in tone and accent critical vowel and consonant agreement. and properties of written
patterns in understanding a sounds. language.
Determine words or expressions in
Philippine Folk Literature in a selection that have causal or
Translation associative relations.
II. Content
(Subject Matter) Searching for Our Beginnings
This lesson prepares you to appreciate diversity in our culture. Discover how stories from varied regions in our country reveal ideals, customs, and beliefs regarding our place in
the world. You must aim to:
1. Express your awareness of diversity in our culture.
2. Enhance your production of critical vowel and consonant sounds.
3. Classify words to associate its meaning with another word.
4. Use information presented in a creation story to infer, to evaluate, and to express critical ideas.
5. Use a variety of tones for an oral interpretation of a literary text.
6. Determine the use of precise words to create objectivity in written language.
7. Observe rules on subject-verb agreement.
8. Assign meanings to verbal geography or landmarks of a myth.

III. (Learning Resources)

1.Learner’s Materials Pages
LM English G7 1st quarter pg 11-19 TEST PAPERS
GRADES 7 School: Grade Level: VII
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 22-26, 2019 (Week 3) Quarter: 1st Quarter


A. Content Standards
Reading and Listening Oral Language and Vocabulary Grammar and Language Writing and Composition Weekly Quiz
Comprehension Development

B. Learning
Competencies Listen for important points Observe the right syllable stress Observe consistent tense. Distinguish the features of
signaled by shifts in stress and pattern in three categories: two- literary and academic writing.
intonation. syllable word stress, compound
noun stress, and words with stress
Philippine Folk Literature in derived from suffixes.
Determine words or expressions in
a selection that have time
(temporal) or place (locative)
II. Content
(Subject Matter) Explaining Our Beginnings
This lesson allows you to understand some forms of conflict in our world. Discover a new perspective on how you can manage and help others resolve a conflict. You must aim
1. Express opinion concerning given scenarios.
2. Listen critically to match shifts in stress and intonation with intended meaning.
3. Create a story map.
4. Use information presented in a creation story to infer, to evaluate, and to express critical ideas.
5. Use proper stress and intonation in dialogues.
6. Differentiate literary and academic writing.
7. Observe rules on consistency of tense.
8. Analyze the elements of creation stories, their intended purpose, and the setting during which they were produced.
9. Use the card catalog, the online public access catalog, or electronic search engine to locate needed sources.

III. (Learning Resources)

1.Learner’s Materials Pages
LM English G7 1st quarter pg 20-28 TEST PAPERS
GRADES 7 School: Grade Level: VII
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 29 - AUGUST 2, 2019 (Week 4) Quarter: 1st Quarter


A. Content Standards
Reading and Listening Oral Language and Vocabulary Grammar and Language Writing and Composition Weekly Quiz
Comprehension Development

B. Learning
Competencies Listen for important points Observe the right sentence stress Observe rules on pronoun- Enumerate the common
signaled by shifts in stress and using the Rhythm Rule guidelines antecedent agreement. purposes for writing.
intonation. for both stressed and unstressed
Philippine Folk Literature in
Translation Distinguish between familiar and
colloquial expressions commonly
used in casual or informal
II. Content
(Subject Matter) Learning from Our Beginnings
This lesson helps you understand the value of knowing how things came to be in the eyes of our ancestors. Everything on earth, good or bad, has its beginnings. Be perceptive,
and let the stories of the past inspire your future. For this lesson, these are your goals:
1. Use definitions to guess given words.
2. Create a graphic organizer for a text read.
3. Observe rules on pronoun-antecedent agreement.
4. Listen to shifts in stress and intonation in identifying important information based on a text.
5. Observe correct sentence stress in reading a text.
6. Use colloquial and informal expressions appropriately in conversations.
7. Locate data using library resources.
8. Write a family genesis using the elements and themes of myths.
9. Give different reasons for writing.
III. (Learning Resources)
1.Learner’s Materials Pages
LM English G7 1st quarter pg 29-37 TEST PAPERS
GRADES 7 School: Grade Level: VII
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and Time: AUGUST 5-9, 2019 (Week 5) Quarter: 1st Quarter


A. Content Standards
Reading and Listening Oral Language and Vocabulary Grammar and Language Writing and Composition Weekly Quiz
Comprehension Development

B. Learning
Competencies Listen for important points Distinguish between and among Formulate correct simple Recognize the parts of a simple
signaled by shifts in stress and the rising-falling intonation, rising sentences. paragraph based on writing
intonation. intonation, and non-final purpose.
intonation patterns..
Philippine Folk Literature in
Translation Distinguish between colloquial
language and slang.

II. Content
(Subject Matter) Recalling Our Ancestors’ Beliefs
Will help you discover how your ancestors explained the world around them. You will relate these olden stories with the current situation in your world. Consequently, you will
realize that the stories of before remain relevant in today‘s modern world. For this lesson, you must aim to:
1. Deduce the advantages and disadvantages of a given situation through the help of various graphic organizers
2. Infer the meaning of symbols from the text
3. Use context clues to get the meaning of given words
4. Compare and contrast the three legends
5. Explain the value of knowing the consequences of one‘s actions
6. Distinguish between colloquial language and slang
7. Read texts using the appropriate intonation pattern
8. Present resolutions in correct simple sentences
9. Locate information in different sections of the library
10. Respond to ideas, issues, and concerns presented in the reading selections
III. (Learning Resources)
1.Learner’s Materials Pages
LM English G7 1st quarter pg 38-44 TEST PAPERS
GRADES 7 School: Grade Level: VII
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and Time: AUGUST 12-16, 2019 (Week 6) Quarter: 1st Quarter


A. Content Standards
Reading and Listening Oral Language and Vocabulary Grammar and Language Writing and Composition Weekly Quiz
Comprehension Development

B. Learning
Competencies Determine how pitch, Observe the right phrasing and Formulate correct simple Follow steps in crafting a simple
phrasing, and pacing affect pacing when reading texts or sentences. paragraph of five to seven
understanding of a message. passages aloud or participating in sentences.
Philippine Folk Literature in
Translation Use appropriate idiomatic
expressions in a variety of basic
interpersonal communicative

II. Content
(Subject Matter) Revisiting My Past
This lesson takes you to the experiences of the past that determines our present. Discover this past by knowing the origin of things and how it affects us as a people. After
revisiting the past, you must be able to:
1. Use pictures and context clues to get meanings of words and phrases
2. Determine how pitch, phrasing, and pacing affect understanding of a message
3. Observe the right pitch, phrasing, and pacing when reading texts or passages aloud or participating in conversations
4. Use appropriate idiomatic expressions in a variety of basic interpersonal communicative situations
5. To organize ideas in the myths using comparison-contrast chart
6. Formulate correct simple sentences
7. Recognize the various sections of the library
8. Use materials in the different sections in the library
9. Write a five-to-seven sentence paragraph on information gathered
III. (Learning Resources)
1.Learner’s Materials Pages
LM English G7 1st quarter pg 45-49 TEST PAPERS
GRADES 7 School: Grade Level: VII
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and Time: AUGUST 19-23, 2019 (Week 7) Quarter: 1st Quarter


A. Content Standards
Reading and Listening Oral Language and Vocabulary Grammar and Language Writing and Composition Weekly Quiz
Comprehension Development

B. Learning
Competencies Determine the effect of facial Observe the right oral language Formulate compound sentences. Follow steps in crafting a simple
expressions and eye contact conventions when inquiring about, paragraph of five to seven
in understanding a message. summarizing, or reacting to what sentences.
has been listened to/read or
Philippine Folk Literature in observed.
Use appropriate idiomatic
expressions in a variety of basic
interpersonal communicative
II. Content
(Subject Matter) Connecting to My Past
This lesson makes you understand how our ancestors lived in the past as well as makes us appreciate the richness of our own culture. As you relate to the past, you must be able
1. Use pictures and context clues to get meanings of words and phrases
2. Determine the effects of facial expressions and eye contact in understanding a message
3. Observe the right oral language conventions when inquiring about, summarizing, or reacting to what has been listened to, read, or observed
4. Use appropriate idiomatic expressions in a variety of basic interpersonal communicative situations
5. To organize ideas in the legends using comparison-contrast chart
6. Formulate compound sentences
7. Use archives, vertical files, and electronic databases to locate information
8. Write a five-to-seven sentence paragraph on information gathered
III. (Learning Resources)
1.Learner’s Materials Pages
LM English G7 1st quarter pg 50-53 TEST PAPERS

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