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Melvyn C. Goldstein

Ngawangthondup Narkyid


Berkeley · Los Angeles • London
University of California Press
Berkeley and Los Angeles, California

University of California Press, Ltd.

London, England

© 1984 by
The Regents of the University of California

Printed in the United States of America


Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Goldstein, Melvyn C.
English-Tibetan dictionary of modern Tibetan.

1. English language-Dictionaries- Tibetan.

I. Narkyid, Nganwangthondup. II. Title.
PL3637.T52G65 1984 423'.9541 83-18119
ISBN 0-520-05157-2

Acknowledgments vii

Introduction ix

Grammatical Introduction xi

Tibetan Alphabet XXV

List of Abbreviations xxvi

English-Tibetan Dictionary 1

The following dictionaries and glossaries were consulted in the preparation of this dictionary:


C. A. Bell. English-Tibetan Colloquial Dictionary, West Bengal, 1~05,

S, C. Dos. Tibetan-English Dictionary. Calcutta, 1~02,
T. G. Dhongthog, The New Light English-Tibetan Dictionary. Dhoromsolo 1 1~73,
M, C. Goldstein and N. Nornong. Modern Spoken Tibetan: Lhasa Dialect, University of Washington Press,
Seattle, 1970.


Anon, Rgyo bod shin sbyor gyi tshig mdzod, Peking, 1964,
Anon. Rgyo bod ming mdzod. Peking, 1~7~.
Bsom gton et ol. Dog yig gsor bsgri~s. Ch 1 inghoi 1 1~79,
Bsod noms rgya1 mtshan, Tshig mdzod brdo dog .kun gsol me long, Peking, 1~80,
L. S, Dogyob. Bod brda'i tshig mdzod. Dharomsa1o 1 1966,
Dge bshes chos kyi grogs, Brdo dog ming tshig gso1 bo bzhugs, Peking, 1~57.

The preparation of this volume was mode possible by grants from the Research
Tools and Reference Works Program of the Notional Endowment for the Human-
ities, and the International Research and Studies Program of the Deportment
of Education,


This dictionary was compiled during a thirty-month period beginning in the Summer of 1980 under
the sponsorship of the National Endowment "for the Humanities (RT-*13.74-80) and the Institute for
International Studies, U,S, Department of Education (G008001738),

My aim in compiling this English-to-Tibetan dictionary was to produce for the first time a Tibetan
dictionary that was semantically sensitive, that is 1 able to bridge the semantic gap between English
and Tibetan so that English speakers could express themselves effectively in Tibetan, Let me illustrate
the type ·of semantic incongruity this dictionary tries to overcome, Where English uses ~ term,
"blow," for three types of action--(1) the blowing out of a flame (e,g, 1 a candle) 1 (2) the blowing of

the wind 1 and (3) blowing air (e.g,, into a balloon)--Tibetan utilizes three different terms, Earlier
dictionaries and glossaries at best simply listed various Tibetan terms that represented submeanings in

English without indicating which of the English submeanings they conveyed, The user had no way of
knowing whether he was selecting the term for "the blowing of ·the wind" when he was trying to express
"the blowing up of a balloon," The present dictionary was compiled precisely to overcome such
discontinuities between Tibetan and English, Thus 1 it is concerned primarily with spoken communication
and is meant to provide English speakers with the spoken Tibetan equivalents of English terms in a
semantically sensitive framework,

To produce a dictionary of this type, previous works could not be used as prime building blocks 1
and Mr. Ngawangthondup Narkyid 1 a noted Tibetan scholar, and I accordingly started from scratch, We
began with the unabridged Random House Dictionary of the English Language ( 1967) and went through the
entries from A to Z 1 debating and arguing, not only on spoken usage in Tibetan, but often on current
usage in American English. My colleagues at Case Western Reserve University and Tibetan friends
throughout the U.S.A. and abroad were often drawn into these discussions, and their patience and advice
were greatly appreciated, Since I assume that this dictionary will be used primarily by teachers,
students, and scholars, we have included not only "basic" English lexical items such as "house" and·
"blow" but also terms that might be useful in research or scholarly communication, On the other hand 1
it seemed pointless to include obscure words such as "prolegomenon," "proleg 1 11 or 11 proline 1 11 since
these either have more standard English equivalents or fall within the realm of highly technical
subspecialties such as organic chemisJ:-ry and would be meaningless to all but a handful of Tibetans who
would probably already know the English term.

It is important to note that in no instances did we simply transrate definitions of English terms
into Tibetan, While such translation-definitions might be useful for Tibetans learning English, they do
not assist native English speakers studying Tibetan, Instead, we tried to select Tibetan terms and
phroses that could be used equivalently in spoken Tibetan. For example, we did not define "ketchup" as
"a type of sauce for food 1 11 since this would be of no help to English speakers communicating in
Tibetan, Finally, although we consulted older Tibetan dictionaries, including a realphabetized version

x Introduction

of my own, large Tibetan-English Dictionary of Modern Tibetan (Bibliotheca Himalayica, Series II, Vol.
7., Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Kathmandu, 1975), in the end our decisions regarding equivalent terms were
based on our own knowledge of modern Tibetan. It is worth reiterating that our guiding principle was
simple: what would the user hove to know to convey English terms in Tibetan. Thus, whenever there was
an option between a spoken and a more literary term, the spoken term was always selected. This spoken
orientation of the dictionary, however, does not preclude its usefulness in communicating in modern
written Tibetan, since the written loreuoge is based to a large extent on the spoken. In fact, we see
assisting Westerners to write and spell correctly in Tibetan as one of the important functions of the

Two techniques have been employed to convey the relationship between the Tibetan oi1d English
semantic universes. The first consists of indicating which submeaning of English terms is intended by
means of very brief paraphrases introduced usually by ~ (in the sense of). The second technique is
to provide a sentence or clause to illustrate the usage of that submeoning. For example, for the term
"blunt" we distinguish two submeonings: (1) iso. not sharp and (2) iso. frank. With each of these
submeanings we provide on illustrative sentence. For (1) the example is 11 This knife is blunt," and for
(2) it is 11 He is very blunt." There are, of course, other submeonings of "blunt," but we felt that
these were the two most useful and common meanings. Clearly 1 then, the present dictionary does not
attempt to list comprehensively all submeonings of English terms, but rather presents only what we
consider the more important submeonings. Illustrative examples are also often used to demonstrate the
most common form of syntactic construction used for that entry.

In many cases common English terms simply could not be meaningfully translated into Tibetan and
were omitted. We hove also tried to ovoid including newly invented Tibetan terms that ore used only by
a small group of intellectuals. In general, we preferred to toke less precise, "common" phraseologies
that would be universally understood in context rather than arcane, newly invented terms. When we have
included more specialized new terms, we assume either that they ore widely used, that they ore
self-explanatory from the constituent morphemes, or that they will be used only by specialists in tho~

field (e.g., physicians for medical terms).

Finally 1 it is important t.o note that there are really two speech communi ties of Lhasa Tibetan.
One consists of the Tibetans now residing in exile in such countries as India, Nepal, England; the
other, of the Tibetans residing in Tibet. Whiie these two groups hove absolutely no difficulty in
comm~nicoting, divergences with regard to new vocabulary hove occurred since their initial separation
in 1959. Although it is not unlikely that the two speech communi ties will continue to diverge in the
years ahead--with the "exile" Tibetans continuing to use substantial numbers of English and Hindi
phonological borrowings as well as newly coined terms, and Lhasa Tibetans using Chinese phonological
borrowings and other newly coined terms (which ore indicated in the dictionary by 11 c 11 )--with only a few
exceptions the terms used in the present dictionary will be understood by Tibetans both in Tibet and in

Melvyn C. Goldstein
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
March 1983
G ra·mmatical Introduction

In contrast to English, meo·ning in Tibetan is basically syllabic in that most Tibetan

syllables have meaning independent of the compound word (morpheme) in which they ore found, For
example, just as the English word "soldier" is disyllabic, so too is the Tibetan word for "soldier"
(dmag mi). However, while neither of the two English syllables has a separate meaning, both of the
Tibetan syllables have: dmag 1 war; ~~ person, This syllabic structure affords tremendous flexibility
with respect to both the expression of new ideas and concepts and the expression of old ones in new
and original ways, Because of-this, an understanding of patterns of word formation in Tibetan will aid
the reader i~using this dictionary effectively,

A. Word Formation

1. Nominal compounds

Nominal compounds consist of two or four syllables each of which is o nonderived noun,

1,1 Synonymic compounds

Synonymic compounds consist of two syllables that are synonyms, The overall meaning of the
compound word is identical to the meaning of the component parts, For example, ~Z\~'..ft:!<n~·
("power, strength") is composed of two syllables: ~Z\<'-\" ( 11 power 1 strength") and '?
~:r\~· """' (11 power,
strength 11 ) , ""

[They] seized many areas by force,

Same as (a),

Other common synonymic .compounds are:

~z:.:~-~.·(2.~"'.· quality, nl.lll'ber, amount·; "')A\Q"(2..1~· difficulty; ~~· ~Z4<-\' time, period,

1.2 Premodifying compounds

In these constructions the first syllable modifies the second, Thus, in the word
11 hospital 11 ( ~"\· (Zlr:;..: ) 1 the first syllable ~0\· (11 medicine 11 ) describes what kind of (Zl~' ( 7...(')

x'ii Grammatical Introduction

("house, dwelling") it is. Some other common examples of this ore:

sky-boot: airplane; war-person: soldier •.

1.3 Conjunctive compounds

Like premodifying compounds, conjunctive compounds have component syllables with

different meanings, but here the relationship between them is one of conjunction rather than
modification, For example, "workers ond farmers" consists of the first syllable of the word ~~2...1 ·
("workers") and the first syllable of the word ""
cy::..: ;q· ("farmers"),

Many workers and farmers held a meeting.

Same as (a).

1.4 Polar compounds

In polar compounds the two components have opposite meanings, but the overall meaning
of the compound is either conjunctive or an abstract notion deriving from both, For example, ~·04 · is
literally composed of "24' ("father") and '0\.,\' ("mother") and as a compound can mean either ("father and
mother") or ("parents").

2. Adjectival compounds

Adjectival compounds are compounds in which at least one of the syllables is an

adjective and neither is a verb,

2.1 Polar compounds

Adjectival polar compounds function the same as nominal polar compounds, They consist
of two comparative adjective stems having opposite meanings.

For example:

big-small; size ""

~c:...·~z:...· long-short; length, distance

<€· ~z::::. ~. hot-cold; temperature good-bad; quality

~a-1· 'fa· dry-wet; dampness high~low; height

~ C'4." \
Grammatical Introduction xiii

2.2 Postmodifying compounds

Postmodifying compounds consist of a noun in the first syllable slot, and the first
syllable of the basic adjective form in the second, The adjective describes the noun, and the resulting
compound is a new noun, The main difference between this construction and that of normal adjectival
modification is that only th;; first syllable of the adjective is used, For example,~~·~~· (•.•big
meeting, general assembly, plenary session") consists of the noun ;i~<!,J.,' ("meeting") and the first
syllable of the adjective a;"\· ("big").

3, Verbal compounds

Verbal compounds consist -of noun-verb and verb-verb combinations, All such compounds ore
nominols that then can be used with verbalizers such as·~~· or~~· to make verbal constructions,

3,1 Premodifying compounds: Adj,-Vb,

As was the case with the earlier premodifiers, the first syiloble of verbal premodifying
compounds (here the adjective stem) describes or modifies the second, For example, ~<ljc.t' ~~-:<!-\'
......__ ...- /
("good/thorough understanding") consists of (2..\~~· ("good") and~~\<::\' ("to understand"), Other common
examples ore:

~~~~· new-change; revolution "\~f2.·zt~· happy-receive; welcome


4'\~(2.1·~'0\' clear-show; demonstration

3.2 Synonymic compounds: Vb,-Vb.

When the meanings of both syllables in a verb-verb combination ore the same, the original
meaning does not change, and by combining the syllables they form the noun of the actions. For example:
(.l.~' !~ ("go-go") means ("going"),

(o) ~ • ~:r.,; ~,'~R~·

"' "' ~-~~.,;,·
~- "' "' v-
v- a~·:zp-1\~\
(2~:)' v-- ~2-\'~.if\l

[They] prohibited foreign nationals from going to Lhasa,

3.3 Summation compounds: Vb,-Vb,

Summation compounds ore composed of syllables with different meanings wherein the ~veroll

meaning of the compound is the summation of the two independent ones, For example, z:)¥"'~· ~;x:,.·
"reform" is composed of~~- ("to correct") and~"'\· ("to change"), Like the preceding 2cimpounds 1
these function as nouns and toke standard verbalizei?s, Some common compounds ore:

plant/erect-make; construction, development, building

v- ...,....
(1-{(Zl'~"'\' need-give; supplies
xiv Grammatical Introduction

3.4 Polar compounds: Vb,-Vb.

Polar compounds consist of verbs with opposite meanings, The overall meaning· is usually
the abstract ideo derived from the two syllables, although it may also be simply conjunctive, with each
syllable retaining its independent meaning, For example, (2!}' -~")' breaks down into "going" and
11 stoying 11 and together mears either 11 movement 11 or "going and stoying 1 11 as in the following example:
11 As for going and staying, staying is better." Similarly, ~ ~<=..·
....-..c: ( 11 buying and selling") has the
general meaning of "trading."

3.5 Premodifying compounds: Vb,-N.

In premodifying compounds the first syllable (the verb) _modifies the second syllable, as
in ~"\-~h·( 11 live-house; residence"), and similarly, :(,~?,J,'{::.{;-_,(2.( (11 help-money; aid or relief funds 11 ) .

3.6 Premodifying compounds: N.-Vb,

As in other premodifying constructions, the first syllable modifies the second. For
.,..... ~

example, "spring planting" breaks down into the first syllable"\~~ ( spring
11 11 ) (from z:,.~r.,- -""\' ) and
the verb (<.~~~· ( 11 to plant/sow"), The first syllable tells us what kind of planting it was: a spring
planting. This nominal compound con then be verbalized.


The formers ore doing spring planting.

3.7 Sequential compounds: Vb.-Vb.

In sequential compound constructions the first verb takes the post stem (if it has more
than one stem) and the second the nonpost, The overall meaning consists of the action of the second
verb acting on that of the first. For example, in "' ..;- •
Zl.4~' Zl.~(.2..t the first syllable mears 11 to bind 11
and the second 11 to release," with the overall meaning of 11 to release or untie that which was bound, 11
This compound is used to express the modern concept of 11 liberotion, 11 Sequential compounds ore usually
idiomatic in the sense that the meaning is not derivable from the constituent elements. Like the other
compounds cited earlier, they ore usually verbalized by one of the standard verbalizing terms, such as
' ~~·

4. Quodrisyllobic compounds

Quodrisyllobic compounds consist of two disyllabic compounds, The relationship between

these two disyllabic units is that of premodificotion (i.e,, the first disyllabic compound modifies the
second). When a quodrisyllobic compound is encountered, each of the two disyllabic subunits should be
analyzed separately before the overall meaning is determined. For example:
Grammatical Introduction xv

(a) ~- ~:\- ~· ""~0..\<---\'

China ~~--,~- ) Tibet ~"'i · place 1 limit/space between 1 gap

China and Tibet ~order

------------ Sino-Tibetan border

airplane station

B. Sentence and Verb Types

1.1. Introduction

There are four basic types of verbs in Tibetan: active I involuntary I linking, and
existential. Each defines a type of sentence and clause, Active verbs (and constructions) express
action done by an actor (subject) and are noted in the dictionary by ~; involuntary verbs express
unintentional, nonpurposive action or states and are noted in the dictionary by ~; linking verbs link
a subject to an attribute; existential verbs express the idea that something exists,

The syntactic structure of Tibetan verbs is considerably different from that of English, For example,
the basic English dichotomies of "active/passive" and "transitive/intransitive" have no exact
correspondences in Tibetan. The difference between active and involuntary Tibetan verbs turns on the
dichotomy of intentional/unintentional action. Factors such as the presence or absence of a direct
object are -irrelevant, The English sentence 11 He slept!' illustrates this, Tibetan has two separate verbs
meaning "to sleep." One of these is active and connotes sleep resulting from an intentional act--going
to sleep. The other is involuntary and connotes unintentional sleep--falling asleep without wanting to
or trying to do .so, Thus, the presence of vi, before a verb such as "change" will indicate that it
means "to be or get changed," as distinguished from the~ form, which means "to actively change or

The difference between existential and linking verbs (and constructions) can be seen from the two
English sentences 11 He is a boy" a.nd "He is here," Where English uses the same verb ("is") in both of
these, in Tibetan the former requires a linking (or copula) verb, and the latter an existential verb,
Because of this it is very important for the reader to assiduously avoid the all-too-easy tendency to
use his own language as a template. for Tibetan grammar,
xvi Grammatical Introduction

1.2 Linking verbs and sentences

Tibetan uses different verbs to express the ideas that we express in English by means of
the verb "to be." For example, where English uses the same verb in both 11 The man is poor" and "The man
is home," Tibetan requires a linking verb in the former and on existential verb in the latter.

The linking sentence typically consists of a subject, an abject, and a linking verb. The
latter links the former so that the object is either a class to which the subject belongs ("He is
poor") or an equivalent of the subject ( 11 He is John").

There ore two main linking verbs in Tibetan: "''U.l'\· and ..._:t:,'i · • Unlike English linking verbs
(is, are, were, etc.), these do not express tense or number, both of which are conveyed in Tibetan by
context. <'
The first of these verbs ( "Zt.\ "\. ) is normally used with first-person subjects,


I am Dorje.

The linking verb "Zl.IO\' is used with a third-person subject.

He is Dorje.

1.3 Existential verbs and sentences

Existential verbs and sentences express existence and location ( 11 there is 1 11 "there
exists"). Like linking verbs, they do not indicate tense or number and indicate person only somewhat
equivocally. The three basic existential verbs ore:~"\·~-~""'\ 1 ~-:")"~"\." 1 and~\' • The last is used
for first-person constructions as well as dependent clauses; the other two ore used for third-person.

Previously (M. c. Goldstein and N. Nornang, Modern Spoken Tibetan: Lhasa Dialect,
University of Washington Press, 1~70) I wrote that <-L'l~· is used for firsthand visual knowledge while
~ ~ ~
the ~"\·ZJ.· ""-,"'\. form is used for less certain, secondhand knowledge. This now seems an
oversimplification. The f2""\~· verb is used when one has firsthand knowledge (or on rare occasions,
when there is impeccable secondhand information from someone having such knowledge) and certainly
conveys this; ~~ and this is important, it also conveys a dimension I shall call "specificity,"
Specificity refers to the fact that 12~~- is always used with respect to knowledge deriving ·from a
specific situation or state and is never useg for general, usual, or corrmonly known situations or
-.r -
states. For these the-.:.~.~"\~·"'\"\ form is used. When fl.S"<r"\' is used in a sentence such as 11There ore
three soldiers there 1 11 it means roughly that the speaker was 11 there 11 and found out that there were
three soldiers.
Grammatical Introduction xvii

Let us suppose that you ore standing in a parking lot and wont to soy that there ore a
lot of cars there. You would hove to use the f2!5,.,.l verb because it is a specific statement based on
firsthand knowledge, However, if you wanted to say that there ore lots of cars in America, you would
use the~"'\· -z..t''=\"'\· form because this is a general statement of a commonly known fact, If the 12.::1~·
form were used in a sentence such as 11 Th ere ore many cars in America 1 11 it would only be in the context
of 1 soy, a Tibetan who has come to America for the first time and has just found out that there are
many cars in America. In other words, for this imaginary Tibetan, the fact of cars in America was not
common or general knowledge, and his use of 125~ · emphasizes this as well as the visual aspect,
Thus, no Tibetan would ever use f2"'1 ~· in this sentence: "' 11 There ore yaks in Tibet. 11

1.4 Active and involuntary verbs

Active and involuntary verbs may have as many as four forms, We list only the post tense
form of verbs (i.e,, the form that goes with -pare~!) in the main dictionary entry, although the
examples we use ore not restricted to the form. To facilitate ·correct conjugation of verbs we indicate
for all but a handful of irregular verbs (see bellow) the grammatical class to which the verb belongs,
We do this by means of the letters A., B., c., D., which represent four macro-classes of verbal
conjugation whose tonal and vowei patterns ore listed below. Thus, when we list 11 vo, B, 11 after a verb,
it means that it is on active verb of the B. type. The following chart illustrates this:

Verb T>;:~ Post Present-Future Infinitive Imperative

A. ' '
B. - -, -'
c. ' '
D. '
For exompl e:
A. 13~ lo~ 133 15~ "to read"
B. khrr khii khrr khrr "to toke"
c. nod iiu iio no-d "to buy"
D. l~p l~p l~p l~p "to soy"

It can be seen from these examples that not only do tones change in different tenses, but
the vowels change also. These changes ore predictable and ore shown below,

For verb types A., B.' o. the vowel conjug_oti on is:

Past Present-Future Infinitive Imperative

0 a a a, 0

e: e e: o, &

e i e e
:) 0 :) ::>

0 u 0 0

0 u 0 0
xviii Grammatical Introduction

For verb type c. the vowel conjugation is:

u u u u
Un un un un
e a a 0

en en en en
0 u 0 0
on un on On
a a a o, a
an an an on

For example:

iJ]!~' va. c. 11~ 11_!:! 11~~ "to cry"

' va.
s!:e, c. sa sa '
sao "to eat"

1.5 Verb honorifics

Almost all active and involuntary verbs have honorific forms. Either these have a separate
stem--e.g., n~d (va. C.) "to buy" and s~l (va. A.) "to buy" (honorific)--or the nonhonorific past stem
is made honorific by adding the verb n<ion "to do"--e.g., s~t5 (va. C.) 11 to make" and s~dnaan "to make"
(honorific). In the dictionary, if the verb is of the former type, both stems are listed, but if it is
the type that takes noon, only the nonhonorific stem is listed.

1.6 Irregular verbs

There are a number of important verbs that are somewhat irregular in that they conjugate
as follows:

Past Present-Future Infinitive Imperative

chcc chi che chil "to do"
k~p kaa kaa k~p verbalizer of n9111inals
noon nan nan nan "to do, honorific"
taan tan tan to?J "to send"
chim/ i_!:! t,£ kuu "to go"
chuun "got"

For this reason, no verb class or verb type of classification will be included in the dictionary for
such entries.

1.7 English verbs as verbalized nominals and noun-verb compounds in Tibetan

Many semantic concepts that .are expressed as verbs in English are expressed in Tibetan as a
nominal plus one of the irregular verbs listed above, For example, the English verb "work" is
Grammatical Introduction xix

expressed in Tibetan by the noun "work" (l£E_qa) plus the verb "do" (ch£~), Generally, these will be
presented in the dictionary by listing first the nominal form as (1) and then the verbal meaning as
(2), using two dashes to indicate the ·noun, For example:·

work, 1, n, (2.1.,..._'"'\ /l£E_qa/ 2. va, -- ~~- /-- chE_~/

Similarly, sometimes an English verb requires a noun-verb compound in Tibetan, In the example
below,. "give birth" literally m~ns "child born."

birth, 1. n, ~ . ..,_. /kewa/ 2. give birth, va, C, ~·2r\.·~~- /pOqu kee/


1.8 Unitary English verbs requiring active and involuntary verbs in Tibetan

Tibetan verbs often have both an active and an involuntary form where English has only one verb,
For example, there are two Tibetan verbs for ·"boil, 11 One expresses the idea that on actor "boiled"
something, whereas the other expresses the ideo that "something got or was boiled," These will be cited
in the dictionary as:

boil, 1. va. B. ~~c>.i /q'i!td/ ~ He boiled the water, khos chu bkol shag (qhS'd chu q38shaa)
2. get/be boiled, vi. B. ~rr~· /qh~/ ~ The water (got) boiled, chu 1 khol shag, (chi:i qh33shaa)

C. English Nouns and Adjectives as Tibetan Nominalized Verbs

Another grammatical discontinuity the reader should be aware of involves the difference between
nouns and adjectives, While Tibetan does have what in English we would call adjectives, many of the
English adjectives· have no equivalent in Tibetan and are expressed by nominal constructions, For
example, where English has a separate noun and adjective, such as "impotence" and "impotent," Tibetan
expresses both of these by the same nominalized verbal phrase, rlig pa 'greng yag med pa 1 which
literally means "not being able to get an erection. 11 Context and other grammatical particles indicate
which .meaning is intended, The dictionary will list these types of construction under either the
adjective (as seen below) or the noun, depending on which form is more commonly used,

impotence, see: impotent

D. Guide to the Dictionary

The order of dictionary entries is as follows:

1. The main entry

1.1 The main entry in English is set flush with the left-hand margin. In addition to the main word or
xx Grammatical Introduction

phrase, it may also include o phrase or word(s) of semantic clarification, particularly when the entry
has multiple subentries. For example:

greens, iso. vegetables

1.1.1 When a main entry has several subentries, these ore listed numerically. If semantic
clarification is needed for all or some of these subentries, it is provided and is usually introduced
by iso. (in the sense of), For example:

argue, 1. iso, dispute 2. iso. debate.

1.2 Following any entry 1 four types of further information can be conveyed, The first, neo, 1
indicates that the term is o neologism recently coined in Indio. If the term was coined in Chino, neo.
c. is used. The second type of information consists of o series of abbreviations indicating that the
word is o term used in o special discipline or field--e.g., polit. for political terms. A third type
consists of abbreviations such as eng. (English) which indicate the language from which the Tibetan
term was phonetically borrowed. The fourth type consists of a series of grammatical features such as
vo. (for active verb). All of these may be used with on entry, although this would not normally be
done. A hypothetical example is:

liberate, neo. c., polit., vo.

This indicates that the word is o Chinese-coined neologism, is o political term1 and is on active verb.

1.3 Sometimes o group of related words ore listed under the main entry. For example, under the main
entry "life," terms such as "next life," "post life 1 11 and "whole life" ore listed. These terms ore
indented one space in from the left-hand margin.

2. The Tibetan main entry

2.1 The Tibetan main entry follows the English main entry and is written in the Tibetan orthography.

3. Pronunciation

3,1 Fallowing the Tibetan orthography, the phonemic equivalent is presented in accordance with a
slightly modified version of the system described in Goldstein and Nornong 1 Modern Spoken Tibetan. It
is placed between slosh marks (/ /).

3. 2 Consono nts
Grammatical Introduction xxi

3.3 Vowels (nonnasal)

3.4 Vowels (nasal)

Instead of a tilde being_ used over vowels (x) to indicate nasality, the letter n will be placed
after them (in 1 en, en, ~n, an, an, un, on, ~n, Un, 6n 1 ~n). The reader should remember, though 1 that
nasality occurs simultaneously with the vowel sound.

R e
B e 0
i t p p G
1 D r a a 1
a e 0 1 1 v 0
b n f a a e t
i t 1 t t 1 t
a a e a a a a
1 1 X 1 1 r 1

Unasp. p t 1- k q
Asp. ph th 1-h kh qh

Unasp. ts c
Asp. tsh ch

Unasp. m n n
Asp. mh nh r)h

Unasp. r
Asp. s rh s h

Unasp. 1
Asp. lh
xxii Grammatical Introduction


VOWELS Unrounded Rounded

front back front back
i u u
e 0 0

tense ~ tense a tense 6

lax & lax a lax ~

For those readers unfamiliar with the linguistic terminology presented above, the following list
of approximate English equivalents of the phonetic qualities of Lhasa consonants and vowels has been


q - similar to ~ in Hone th -similar to the·t in tow

qh - similar to ~ in ~old h - similar to the h in hoe
k - similar to£ in re£ulate 1 sh - similar to the ~ in ~ip

i.e., gy t - similar to~ in ~ill. To

kh - similar to~ in ~ute 1 i.e., produce a more accurate re-
cy production, the tip of the
ii - similar to ~ in ca.!:!lon tongue should be bent slightly
n - similar to n in no backwards so that a part of
n - similar to ~ in si~-a-long the underside articulates
m - similar to the m in mat with the roof of the mouth
1 - similar to the 1 in let th - similar to the~ in ~iumph.
lh - this is made with no voicing. The same holds true regard-
It is something like an ! ing the position of the
with heavy aspiration (puff of tongue for this consonant as
air) said simultaneously in t
p - similar to the b in bet r - say the word .E2l with the lip
ph - similar to the £ in £et in a retracted position (as
c - similar to the j in jar in a large smile). To this
ch - similar to 22 in 22anp sound add some friction to the
ts - similar to the dds in adds up r. This sound should approxi-
tsh- similar to the ts in Pa~y mate the Tibetan rea "to be"
s - similar to the s in sit
t - similar to the ~ in ~ig

For the voiceless consonants mh 1 rh 1 and iih 1 see the instruction for lh.
Grammatical Introduction xxiii


a - similar to the a in the short ~ - similar to the ~ in ~ but

form of mother ~ father in shorter and with the tongue
English, m~ or ~~ but said held very still
shorter o - similar to the a in all

- -
u - similar to the o in to
o - similar to the o in so
U - similar to the German fUllen
or the French ~r. Also, if
a - similar to the a in alone one leaves the lips in the round-
& - similar to the e in ~t ed po~ition they ore in when say-
i - similar to the! in moch,!ne, ing suit, and then says the vowel
but without the diphthong "y" ~ ~ in s~t, he will get a sound
that follows the English pro- approximating the U
nunciation of this vowel 8 - similar to the eu in the
e - similar to the! in h,!t, but French seul
slightly lower, The teeth 6 - similar to the ew in ~~ but
should be very close when say- with the lips very tightly
ing this vowel rounded

The remaining sounds ore nasals, These ore best described as the consonants and nasality, that is,
the consonant pronounced while the passage between the throat and the nasal passage is kept open,

Tone (pitch) . is a distinctive feature of Tibetan. Each single or geminate (long) vowel has a
particular tone in each syllable, Fpr example: to in high-tone is "horse," but in low-tone it is
"arrow." Four tonal phonemes ore differentiated in this text: (1) high-tone, which is indicated by a
line above the vowel or vowels (e,g., to); (2) low-tone, which is indicated by a line below the vowel
or vowels (e.g., t~)i (3) falling-tone, which is indicated by on oblique line above the second
geminate vowel (e.g., too; t~a); and (4) mid-tone, which is not marked at all (e,g., s~o), The
mid-tone never occurs in the initial stressed position. It tends to be higher than mid following a
high-tone syllable, and slightly lower than mid after a low-tone syllable, Short vowels in Lhasa
Tibetan ore very short, arid special attention should be poid to their length. Geminate vowels ore
long, and this is indicated by writing the vowel twice (e,g., ~~). In disyllabic words, falling tone
in the final syllable (e.g,, loptoa) always goes from mid to law.

4. Romonizotion system used in illustrative examples

4,1 The transcription of the Tibetan orthography follows the standard system described in T. V. Wylie:
"A standard system of Tibetan transcription," Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 22: 261-67 1 1959, A
step-by-step explanation of this system os well os rules for alphabetization con be found in Lesson One
of M. c. Goldstein, Modern Literary Tibetan, Occasional papers of the Wolfenden Society on
Tibeto-Burmon linguistics, Vol, V., U. of Illinois, Centre for Asian Studies, Urbano, 1973,
xxiv Grammatical Introduction

4.2 Because Tibetan has no capital letters, the first letter of each sentence in the romanization will
not be capitalized.

5, Phonemic notation in illustrative· examples

5,1 Following the romanization of the example the phonemic trcmscription is presented in parentheses,
No punctuation or capitalization is used,

6. Explanatory chart

6,1 For simple entries:

phonemic notation indicates that a y e r b a·l traduces examples

phrase follows this term

definitely ""'\?"<\' oZS)"'? 0{ ·

[vb,]/ ~
He is definitely coming, kho gtan gtan yong gi red,
(qh~ t~nt&&n yuQqire~)

I - I
phonemic notation Tibetan ln romanization
(parentheses in the example indicate phonemic transcription)

6,2 For complex entries with submeanings:

deliver, iso, deliver a baby, y· c\ _,-

~-~-~70\ /puqu tSiV

verb type and class


gas, 1, cool gas ~..:t.~·~z::.: /sOOluun/ 2. poison gas, iso, kill by gas 1
va. -- A?e::.: /--taan/'""

~indicates the noun or adjective entry within a subentry

in the previous entry
Tibetan Alphabet

~· ~· .r:f\' r:::.:
ka kha go nga

.:o· ~· r=..:. ~·
co cha ja nya

7' ~·
~ ~·
to tho do no

~· ~ A' ~·

JXI ph a ba rna

~- ~- ', ~ fl:J.
tsa tsha dza wa

~· <:2,.' ~·

zha za 'a yo

.::r; 0-\' --A" ~·

ra la sha sa

~· ~-

ha a

List of Abbreviations

A. verb type A,, see "Grammatical inf, infinitive

Introduction" iso, in the sense of
adj. adjective lit, literally
adv, adverb leg, legal term
anat, anatomical term ling, linguistic term
anth. anthropological term math, mathematical term
arch it, architectural term med, medical term
astron. astronomical term mil. mili tory term
B. verb type B,, see "Grammaticai n. noun
Introduction" neg, negative particle
biol. biological term neo, neologism
bor, borrowing from another language p. past tense
c. verb type C,, see •fGrammatical polit. political term
Introduction" rel.ig, religious term
c. Chinese language or China see: refers user to the closest
chem chemical term equivalent
D, verb type D, , see 11 Grammatical skt, Sanscrit language
Introduction" sm. same as
eng, English language syn, lit. literary synonym
fin, financial term syn, synonyn
gram, grammatical term usu. usually
h. honorific term va. active verb
hin, Hil')di language vi. involuntary verb
id, idiom vulg, vulgar term
imp. imp.erati ve

a (indefinite article) ~«~,· ~"t\' ~"'\' /ci/ , A
young man ·come, mi gzhon gzhon zhig yong po
red, lmi sh~nshonci y~pore~)
aback, token, vi. A, .lC]'Ql~' /he lE_"&/ ~ I was
taken aback by the young child being able to
read this book, phru gu chung chung des deb 1.. di
klog thub par ngo ho los byung, (puqu chui')Cun-
te~ th!pti 1~~ thCpoo ~~ he lE_Cchu)
abacus, 1, n, :a-<9..:~~ /s~mpr.&n/ 2, use on
abacus, va. -- ~"?t:::.' /--teen/ ~ Does he know
how to use an abacus? khos zon phon gtong shes
kyi 1 kug gas? (qh~d s~pcr.n t~on shi~qituqc"&)
abandon, 1, iso, leave persons, things, ideas, vo,
A. "'\~en.·~~..-\' /yOq sh~?J/ ~ She abandoned
the child in Tibet, mos phru gu bod lo g,yug
bzhog po red, (~d pCqu ph~lo yilq sh~?Jpor';~)
[Syn, lit. dor; bskyur] 2, abandoned, iso, not
token care of l!:l"-."f\'~~"\'c.t.' /t~qo m!~po/ ~ on
abandoned house bdog po med po 1 i khong po ( t2-
qo ~p£& qho~po) 3. abandon wo~k before com-
pletion, vi, B.·~·q'tfo.r /tho mCikhoo/ ~
He got sick and hod to abandon the work, kho no
nos los _ko mtho 1 mo 1 khyol po red, (qho 112nc
l.!:£qo tho mokhoopore~) 4. iso, intentionally
sacrifice ~~'1<\\'jt:.' /l~d tcion/ ~ When he fled
from his home 1 he abandoned all his possessions,
kho nang nos bros yong dus co log tshong mo blos
btong po red, (qho n~n& '
ph3!0 y~ntu, ,,.'u - '
tsh~~mo l~d t6onpore~)
obose 1 see: degrade
abash, see: to embarrass
abate, 1. reduce value/amount, vo, A .q~~· /cc?J/
~ The government abated the tax, gzhung gis
khrol beag song. {sh~?)qil }hf~ ca?Jso) 2. iso,
enthusiasm, vi. A, ~~<-t~~~'C&"t\' /simS!hw
cho~/ ~ His enthusiasm abated, kho 1 i sems
shungs chog shag, (qhSS srmshut cho~sho~)
abbess ~~-a.·~·d-l~ /~nii ilmts~A/
abbot ~tz\"~ /qh~mpo/
abbreviate, va. C, ~~~· ltl£.~1 ~ He abbreviated
the nome. khos ming bsdus shag, ( qh~ m_!~ t!!U-
sho?J) [Syn. mdor bsdus]
abbreviated tst~·"'\~-N.' /t~rtu'll/ ~ abbreviated
2 abdicate

nome ming mdor bsdus (m~Q t£rtu~) qhel;/ 11 He will not be able to handle the
abdicate, va. B. (i~:"l:v<f~· lt.hi_sh83/ 11 Reting horse. khos rta de glogs 1 khel gy i rna red,
abdicated the throne, rwa sgreng gis khri bshol (qh8i?s tate loa qhooqilll9..ree) 2. iso. able to
ba red. (r~tiQqil 1-hi sh83pore~) handle, cope or manage with regard to having
abdomen, see: stomach enough time, vi. A Cf""l.~' /c'5?;,/ 11 I'd like to
abduct, va, ~~·~"\:€;~' /ts~ntil ch£_'&/ 11 They help you but I am unable to manage (the time)
abducted many children, kho tshos phru gu mong now, ngo khyed rang lo phyog rags zhu 1 dod yod
po btson khrid byos po red. (qhontsod pOqu ~Q­ de do lto lcogs po mi 'dug. (1').9_ kheraanla choo-
qu ts~ntil chE_&paree)
~ . .
r::>;; sh~ntod y~cit&& thonto c'5::>po m~ntuu)
. .. 3,
aberrant, see: abnormal iso, capable person <tT~2F /c~po/ 11 He is
abet, see: encourage very able, kho mi 'byon po zhe drag 'dug, (qho
obeyance, to leave in, vo, A, .o:t.>:.:~~='Zl.Ci'\41' m~ c~po sh~too t~ld 4. iso. expert '&-l.f<~· i:V
/ph.9_ntsoll1 sh9_'b/ 11 He left the work in abeyance /q~'f!'{!po/ [Note: this connotes expertise in a
for two months, khos zlo ba gnyis los ko bar ' skill--being expert--where as 'byon po relates
mtshams bzhog bo red. ( qh ~
<Xi t.9_wa i'iii more to overall evaluation of a person. Thus on
ph.9_ntsam sh.9_aporee) expert artist could be mkhas po (in art) but not
obhidhorma, skt. ~~'"'t' /Q'Ompo/ 'by on po in. general.] 11 He is an able carpen-
obhidhormokosa 1 skt. ~~~·<q'$.1 if"'-.· /Q'Ompots<:ili/ ter. kho shing bzo mkhos po 'dug, (qho shir)So
obhisomaholonkora, skt, <!>l~~~~·~ /Q8nt::>q qhr;r',po t~u) 5. iso, able to look after oneself
k~n/ ~~~~lq£ th8npo/ 11 The small child is very
abhor, see: dislike able, phru gu chung chung de mgo than po zhe
abide, adhere to, va. C, ~~· /tsil/ 11 We abide drag 'dug. (puqu chui')Cuunte q£ thBnpo sh~tao
by the low, t~u) "''~"'\~·2t-S<~.c:.·il­
. . ngo tshos khrims la brtsi gi yod.
thim la tsiqiyod)
. 11 Not only don 1 t /s~qu
6. iso. able bodied
thoQpo/ 11 I need an able-bodied mon, ngo
they abide by the agreement kho tshos kho la mi gzugs po thong po zhig dgos yod. (Q~ mi
chad lo rna brtsis pas rna tshod (qh6ntsod s~qu thol')poci q,2.~yb~)
qhoce:&la matsilpe:& m.:!_tsh&'&) [Syn. brtsi I jog ablution, to do, vo, B. ~~·"1\~<>-r /thO"~ s'OS/
byas] [Syn. khrus gsol byas]
ability, 1, iso, natural talent n. a.~Ol.,:R.C::.' abnormal, 1, iso. not usual/normal ~.l::.'"'l'9t::.'"\C:..'~'
/d:j_ntoon/ 11 This man has great obili ty, mi 1 di c:t~·c:t' /cirUJan to m.9.ntaa/ 11 This is abnormal.
lo 1 byon thong zhe drag yod po red, (mi tee 1 di spyir btang dong mi 1 dra ba red, (ti cir-
c~ntaon sh~too Y2.~ree) 2. iso. level of know- t aan t a m.9.ntoo 'l
' r!:_e 2. iso. deviant I bizarre
ledge, neo. c. /y~ntsee/ 11 One must (for people/behavior) ~"'o.;~~· /kh'f!ntsoa/ 11
give work in accordance with each one's ability, He is very abnormal. kho khyod mtshor zhe po
so so 1 i yon tshod lo bltos nos las ko sprod dgos cig 'dug. (qh5 kh'f!ntsaa sh~puci t~u)
red. (s6sod y~ntse:& lo t~&ne: l&&qa t8qoree) abode ~~· ; h. .,-\::a Cll:.f:\"'\' /todsa; h. s~mshao/
abjure (on oath, pledge, vow), vo, C. <l!H1.,""-'t::l.a=· [Syn. nang]
;na s£_&/ abolish, va. C. ~~q·ct.~.l'-\' /mE_&po s'§:.d/ 11 The
able, 1. ~~· /thup/ 11 He is able to go to Tibet, government abolished the Red Guards. gzhung gis
kho bod lo 'gro thub gyi red, (qho ph~lo 1-£ srung dmog dmar po med po bzos po red, (sh~i1qil
thDOqiree) 11 She was unable to buy dried meat, SUI')mOO moapa ~&pa s~dporee)
mos sha skarn po nyo thub rna song. (m~d sho abolition &Je;_:.q·"'~ ~l.l.l.-'>1. /ffi!:,epo s£yoo/ 11 the
qampo no thtiumasoQ) vi. B. ~l:''\-«1.'<7.~0-\' /loa abolition of slavery bran g,yog mad po bzo yog
absent 3

. .
(th££ny~~ ~epa s~yoo
") is o meadow above that, de 1 i thod lo spang ri
A-bomb 1 see: atomic bomb zhig 'dug, (th!!!, thS"dlo p§l')rici t~;;.~l 2, iso,
abominable ~.q'j'CI:>'t\' /t~;;.qco'?l/ 11 He is abominable, more than/over ~~· /lh'(j~/ 11 If there ore above
·kho sdug chag red, (qho t~;;.qco'?l r!~l fifty people, mi lngo bcu !hog yod no. (m,! ~pcu
aborigine ~·~~~ot~· /th5~cc ytrumi/ 11 He lha'?l yb·ona) 3, iso, above a limit C-l,l~·cl)e,:
is on aborigine, kho thog ma'i yul mi red, /y§_nccc/ 11 People above 18 years of age can
(qho th55mcc yUUmi re~) drive cars, mi lo bco brgyod yon chad kyis mo
abort, 1, do/hove on abortion, va, C, 2. iso, to btang chog gi red, (m,! 12, copkc& y_£ncc&qil
terminate, vo. A, !'1-1~·"'1.@\.<1\' /tshom shf2.'?1/ m~ta ta'(jn ch~qire~) 4, iso, rank/status ~w­
abortion, 1, n. ~·~·~"-:~·~r.-~"1· /puqu ~~po /tho/ 11 His rank is above mine, kho 1 i go so ngo
s2,yo'?l/ 2. terminate a pr~gnoncy, vo, C, ~'';1' los mtho gi red, (qh88 qh~a I' thuqiree)
~"-:~·~a~· /piiqu ~~po s'§d/ 11 She hod two above all, see: first of all,
abortions, mos phru gu mad pa thengs gnyis bzos above and below ~c::.·~· /tet')Sho'ls/
pa red. (~d pllqu lll!~po then iiir s'!dpare~) above and beyond, see: addition, 2
[Syn. phru gu skye yog med pa bzos] above mentioned ~c::. '""'-N 0-.l. • /qhE,t'JS&C/
abortive ~c.:l'~~·~".'~~· /th.=mt.c& ll!!PCC/ 11 above sea level tJ<A"4f&·eE:""~·~~· /k~tsod l')~dnc/
on abortive movement grub 1 bros med pa 'i los abrade, vo, see: scrape
'gul (th~mt.c& m~pcc l£nqUU) abrasive, n, [Note: There is no general term for
about, 1, iso, approximately ~·~~· /tsaci/ 11 I abrasives--several common abrasives are cited
poured about half a cup of water, ngas chu dkor below,] 1. coarse sharpening stone ~·<=~.o;,x.·
yol phyed ko tsom zhig blugs pa yin, (t'J£C chu /tsuptor/ 2. smooth sharpening stone ct"""&-\'"\'\,-"''
qayod cheqa ts§ci lll~payin) ~ There ore about o /cf2.mtor/ 3, a file ~~·e:to;,~· /soqtor/ 4,
hundred people. mi brgyo tsom zhig 'dug, (m,! sandpaper JTV~"'t\· /qopso'?l/ 5, iso, personal! ty
kf2. ts§ci t~;;.tl 2, iso, concerning/in regard to -w~~~·.?f" /cBpo tsupu/
~: /q5r/ 11 The representatives talked about abreast, see: line up
Tibet, sku tshob tshos bod kyi skor lo bko 1 abridge, 1, odj, 5l--;;c:-X..'G~~· /t~rttr~/ 11 on
mol gnang shag, (qiitsaptsod ph~i q5rlo qombo abridged biography rnom thor mdor bsdus (namtaa
naonsho~) 11 He wrote a book about Nepal, khos t~rtuU) 2. vo. -- €l~·/--ch£C/
bol yul gyi skor deb cig bris pa red, (qh~ abroad ~·'tl,o.J.' (<=.l.') /chikM(la)/ 11 He went a-
phf£yUUqi q55 th!pci th,!lpare~) 3, on the verge brood, kho phyi rgyol 1 a ph yin bo red, ( qh o
of 'SJ~.lll;\· (vb,) It~~ (vb,)/ 11 I om about to go chikMlo ch~~pare~)
to Lhasa, ngo lho sor 1 gro grabs yod, (~ abrogate, s'ee: abolish
lhlfsoo t.~t.::>~ y~'ls) 11 I was about to buy that, abrupt, is_?• brusque ~-~·(Z.:\·~· /h'Opte qhola/ 11
ngos de nyo grabs byes pa yin, (r:J£C th! ii~t.~~ He left abruptly, kho hob te kho lo phyin song,
ch_£cpayin) _4. about when 4\'~-N·~· /qh~tuiitsa/ (qho h'Opte qhola chinsot')) [Syn, lit, glo bur
11 About when did he come? kho go dus tsom lo du] ~·~·~·~~· /qh§ri qh§tu~/ 11 He is on ob-
yong song? (qho qh~tuU ts~la y~?ison) 5, after rupt person, kho mi kho ri kho thug cig red,
about ~'<;l,-N' /toone/ 11 We will go to Tibet (qho m,! qh~ri qhatu~ ci r!~l
after about one year, ngo tsho lo gcig tsom nos abscess 1 see : boil
bod lo 'gro gi yin, (r:J~ntso 1~ ciq toone ph'!dlo abscond, vo, (1'1.' ~X.·Q.J.' ~· /qhoqhoolo chi~/ 11
t.!::qiyin) He absconded, kho kho khor lo phyin shag. (qho
about-face, mil, vo, D, ~~~~· /k!P k~;;.r/ qhoqhoalo chi~sho'?l)
above, 1, in a higher place~ /thr§3/ 11 There absent, vi, c. d:J~ /cht'c/ 11 Three persons were
4 absent-minded

absent from the meeting. tshogs 1 du lo mi gsum khang 1 dir bzo' chos 1 dzom po dug ste 1 bal po mi
chad shag. (tsh~~ntu la m_!, sum chl!cstio~) 11 He 1 dug. ( tshol)qaon t~ s2pc&c ts~mpo t~t~~ p~po
was absent for one day's work, khos los go nyin m_!,ntut)
rna gcig chad shag. (qh~d l~~o n_!,ma ciq chfc- abundant time/season (time when certain i terns ore
sho(!.) [Note: One cannot use chad with 1st and abundant) ~~~-~~· /p&&tUU/
2nd person or in the active voice. Normally abuse, 1. iso. verbal or physical, va, A. ~:\~~·

Tibetans convey 'absent 1 by saying someone was <=!.~~-~~"-.' /Mpcod shl!&/ 11 The soldiers
not there or di dn 1 t come, e.g. Why did you ab- abused the villagers. dmog mi tshos grong gseb
sent yourself from the meeting? khyed rang par brnyas bcos bshad po red, (meemitsoa th~l)­
tshogs 1 dur rna phebs yog go re yin no? (kherol) seepoo ncpcod shfcporee). 2. iso. torture/
tsh~nt66 mcph~yoo qh~re y_!,no).] starve/beat, vo. ~~-~·~~~::.· /t.!:!,qco'Q toon/
absent-minded q_~"'~~·~·,;:r- /c'!!!_r)e~ t~hcpo/ [Syn. mnor gcod btong]
absolute egalitarianism, neo. c. ~·if<;~.t-N·~~~· abutment (of bridge) :<!~·~"'~ /s'E_mt&&n/
~"'-·~~~· /ch~nom qhon&& r_!,l)lut/ abyss, see : precipice
absolutely, 1. see: completely 2. see: positively academic, neo. ~-~~· /lopril/
absolute power ~"'\"\~~·~:.:.·<{"'~· /sr.Iwal) 'l!ntsiin/ academic affairs i{G·~"'\·Q.t~·:.C~ /lopril l~~bon/
[Syn. dbang shugs sger 'dzin] academic association ~·~~-~<t\'N'~· /lopril
absolve, see: pardon tsh!5qpo/
absorb liquids, vi. c. ~~~~· /thim/ 11 The rub- academic bulletin ~~~-~~~l:l' /lopril th~tep/
ber mattress has absorbed much water. 1 gyig academic course ifc::t'~"'{\'0.~':!).' /lopril ts.!,nta/
gdon 1 dir chu mang po 1 thims shag. (k.!,qt~~n t~ academic freedom ~q_·~·.:ct=:.·~t:~.l::..' /lopril r~l)-
chu m!l)qu thimsha(!.) waan/
absorbent cotton ....,_ "'
~15\.:a.~~·~l;l,.'~<:>.l' /ml!ncod academician ~·~A:\'~\"\~·~· /15pril qhl!fpo/
academic research if=t·~~·<?;~~-~~· /lopril
abstain, 1. iso. refrain from, va. c. ~t:::~· n!mship/
/pc'Q/ 11 He abstained from eating meat. khos academic society ~~~-~·i'-~~· /lopril cits66/
sho spongs pa red. (qhOO she pa?)pare~) 2. iso. academic subject 1[.::l.·5<""'·~~ /lopril te-
voting, vo. A. ~~:.:t!\~·~·~"-n'N' /w~sh:>?l ts&&n/
m~lu'tt/ 11 Three men abst,oined at the meeting. ocerya, skt. ~~·~~~· /lqppBn/
tshogs 1 dur mi gsum gyis 1 os shog ma blugs po accelerate, see: speed up
red. (tsh~nt66 m_!, scrmqil w~sh:>~ melutpare~) acceleration ~~~~-~"' /k2qtsh&c/ [Syn. neo.
abstract, 1. iso. not concrete' ~e£""~·~"-.· /1)3'&nee/ c. mgyogs snon tshod]
11 abstract figure dngos med kyi gzugs brnyon accent ~~~'\"-~' /qffto?J/ 11 My English has a
(1)38me~ qi s~l)n&&n) 2. see: summary Tibetan accent. nga 1 i dbyin ji' i skad la bod
abstruse, see: hard to understand po 1 i skod gda ngs yod po red. (I)~ incii qfclo
absurd, see: senseless ph~p&& qffta?J Y2~ree)
abundant, 1, iso. plentiful c:l..~~-e::r:- /p~po/ 11 accept 1. iso. toke, vo. c. ~c:.~· ; h. ~:~~· ;
Dried meat is abundant in Tibet. bod lo sha h. (1st person) ~~· /lo~; h. sh~; h. sh~U/ 11
skarn po ' bal po 'dug. ( ph~d lo she qompo P££po She accepted the present (gift), mos log rtags
t.!:!,t) 2, iso. many kinds of things but not blangs song. (m.![d l~qto~ lo~o) 11 My son was
necessarily plenty of all of them q~-a.t~·i:f-' accepted by the school. ngo'i phru gu slob grwa
/ts!!!Tlpo/ 11 This shop hos various kinds of nos blangs song. (1)££ pOqu lopton& lo~o) 2.
eatables but not an abundance of them. tshong iso. accept responsibility, vo. (1::1.~'~0;\'~~·
accordian 5

/qhl:l!len ch£,&/ V I accepted the do.ty. ngos los hove any occomodotions? khyed rang lo gnos
1 gon khos len byos po yin. (1')£,~ l£,nqen qhl!l!len tshong yod pos? (khilroon lo nl:ftsoon y_!:!pec)
ch£,Cpoyin) [Syn. blongs] 3. iso. accept o [Syn. sdod so; h, bzhugs so]
treaty, etc., vo. c. cq~·at~·; h. ta,.~·c::s.q~· accompany, 1. vo. ~'9"&.1'~~~ /n~mtM chi"/ 11
/qhl!c Hin; h. sh£!:_ sh2.,~/ 11 We accepted the He accompanied me to Lhasa, kho ngo mnyom du
treaty. ngo tshos chings yig de khos blongs po lho sor phyin bo red, (qha ~ iiemtM lhl!l!soo
yin. (rJ!!ntstrd ch!l')yil t! qhl!c lo?!poyin) 4. chi~pare~) 11 Thunder accompanies lightening.
iso. admit to, vo. C. ~~·~Z::.·~-1:; h. ct"~·~~~· glog mnyom du 'brug skod yong gi red. (13~ n~m­
/l')~d " h. l')~d, sh~, I
lan; f I accepted my mistake. t66 t.~qe& yul')qiree)
ngas ngo'i skyon ngos blongs po yin. (I')£,C I'J£!:_ accomplice, 1. n. ~-<9,.'"-l'"'-l.<l"\'ct~O-l'"%"\:~~Ol'
k83n I'J~d lonpoyin) /I')E.,mpo 12_1')!-ee ch,!]een/ 11 Who was your accom-
acceptable, 1. adj. ~~~«1.'.-.:t' /l~n wcSopo/ 11 We plice? khyod rang lo ngon po log 1 brel byed
should accept those acceptable suggestions. mkhon su red? (kh8roo l'l£mpo 12_1' ch!l')een·su
bsom 'char de tsho len 1 os po red pas. (somcoo rE.,t) 2, oct as on accomplice, vo. ~~~·o..41,·~<>.t·
th2.,ntso l!:,!n w!:rdpo r2.,pec) 2. vi, ~~4"\·~·~c::...· ~· /I')E.,mpo 12_1' ch£,&/
lt.!_qire~/ 11 Is i t acceptable i f we go at 5 accomplish, vi. D. ~~· !t."h.!;!PI f They accom-
o'.clock? ngo tsho chu tshod lngo por phebs no plished the government's task. kho tshos gzhung
'grig gi red pas? (1')2_ntso chatsod I')Opoo pheeno gi los 'gon grub po red. (qhontsb~ sh.!:!~qi len-
t..!_qir!pec) qeen t.h.!;!pare~)
accessible, iso. easy to approach ~~l.l.l·~~ /c~ accomplished, see: skilled; expert
t!po/ 11 The Dalai Lama is accessible. rgyol bo accomplishment, see: achievement
rin po che mjol bde po 'dug. (k£wo r.!_npoche c~ accord, 1. see: agreement 2. iso. voluntarily,
t!po t~u) [Syn. bear bde pol vo. q,'\"\ar-~~~· /t~od ch£&1 f I did the
accessory, 1. iso. to o crime .::::~q·<,ll~·~~· work on my own accord. ngos 1 dod mos byos nos
/1'J£,mpo l2_qro~/ 2. iso. things ~~·~x:: los ko 'di byos po yin. (l'l£C t~od ch£cne lee-
/t2_mcoo/ 11 What accessories go with this? 'di qo t,! ch£tpayin)
mnyom du sdeb 'byor go re yod po red? ( t.!_ narn- accordance, iso, in accordance with '\l<.·~~c;t:c.t'

tOll t2_mcoo qh2_re Y2.~ree) [Syn. sdeb 1 byar co /t2,1'J thtlnpo/ 11 They worked in accordance with
log] the plan. kho tshos los ko 'char gzhi dong
occident, 1. iso. two moving things colliding, vi. mthun po byos po red, (qh5nts~ l~qo ch66shi
<t)"'l!!F'~<l"\'"'t.§~' /t2.1')tuu k2_p/ f The two cars hod ~I') thtlnpo ch£,tpo re~)
on occident. mo de gnyis gdong thug brgyob according (to), 1. see: accordance 2. iso, as
po red. (m~t.o t2_nii t~I'Jt.uu k2_pare~) 2. iso. by stated by, 1. if o written source "\~"\'<.1..\~'<:rl'
occident/mistake ~-~· /n~e/ 11 I took his /q88yoo lo/ f according to the newspaper tshog
book by occident. ngos kho 1i deb nor byos dpor nang lo bkod yog lo (tshaqpoo ~nlo qOO-
'khyer shag, (I'J£,C qh88 th!P n~ce qheesho~) yoo lo) [Syn. bkod gsol] 2, if o spoken source
accidently, see: occident lt~·U14\'Q.1' /S!_YOO lo/ 11 according to the
acclimate, see: accustom radio rlung phrin thog nos zer yag lo (lul')tiin
accolade, see: praise th3~ne s!ya~ lo) [Syn. brjod gsol]
occomodoting ..It\~~~·~~-~ /ship t2.,po/ 11 He is accord ingly "' ~
r.T."\~0\.~·~<a,~· I t.!_nt.M... n2_1')Shiin/
very occomodoting, kho mi gshibs bde po red, 11 Please do it accordingly. 'di 'dro nang bzhin
(qho m.!_ ship t!po r!~) gnong rogs gnong. (t,!nt~JA n!I')Shiin naanro~noon)
/n'fftsoon/ 11 Do you accordion, neo. ~"'\'~<\' /pUUneen/ [Syn. c,
6 ·account

hro'u pheng chin] sh~&so)

account, 1. iso, statement of events ~~~·~· accuse, 1. iso. serious crimes, vo, A, e._~·~~·
~~~tstru/ 11 He gave on account of events in ~~~· IO£r:J'iie~ tsut/ 11 (They) accused him of
Lhasa • khos 1 ho so 1 i gnos tshul bshod pa red. murdering someone. khos mi bsod po red zer nag
(qhB"~ lh~~s&& n~~tsUU sh~cpare~) 2. iso, list nyes btsug shag. ( qhsB m_! s~cpore~s 112.11ne~
of expenses ~:er /tsirt.a/ f We need on tsutshoo) 2. iso, find at fault, vo. ~~·~(~~·
account of your expenses, ngo tshor khyed rang @,~· /~ntsut ch£C/ 11 Chino accused Russia
gi 1 gro song rtsis khro dgos yod, (11_2ntsoo of expanding, rgyo nag gis u ru su lo rgyo
kherol') qi t.,2sol') tsiita q2~yb~) 3, iso, because skyed byed kyi 1 dug ces nyes 'dzugs byos po red,

of ~- .....~~-~~· /lo te~nn&/ 11 He did it on ac- (k~naoqil Drusu la k~k~ ch,!qituts n~ntsut

count of patriotism, khos sho zhen yod po. lo ch£cpare~) [Syn, ngon khog g,yogs) 3. iso, mi-
brten nos 'di byas pa red, (qhOO shCisheen y~ nor crimes, vo, A, ~·~·e;t.~~· /y_2lo sh~o/ 11
lo. te~nn& t_! ch_£&pore~) 11 On account of that, She accused him of stealing o pen. mos kho lo
he left early, de lo brten nos kho phyin pa snyu gu brkus shag zer yo lo bzhog shag, (~d
red, (th!_ lo Uienn& qho chimpare~) 4. iso. "''•' y_2lo sh_2oshoo)
qh'!5 i'IOqu quushoos '' 4, iso, ac-
toke into account, vo. ~·~@,e;t' /tsil k!f/ 11 cuse folsely 1 vo, ~:~~·~·~.J:f""l\~'€!,~' /m~iie~
He didn't toke into account inflation' when qhayo?> ch£Cf 11 (They) falsely accused him of
making the plan, khos 1 char gzhi bzo dus gong being o murderer, kho mi gsod mkhon red zer rna
'phor yog rtsis rna brgyob po red, (qhs8 ch~~shi nyes kho g ,yogs byos po red, (qho m_! s831')&&n
' qh2_2n pheryao' tsil m~kaparee)
S_!:!tutf ' r2,~s m~ne~ qhayoo ch£_&pare~)

accountant ~·~· /tsiipa/ accustomed get/be, vi, C. ~l:lt~' /qh~/ 11 She

account book ~-~~· /tsiitep/ become accustomed to Tibetan tea. mo bod jo
accounting (do/make) 1 va. ~-q,~~· ; h. <}!4'\-'<'-'~' 'thung yog goms shag. (m,2 ph.!:f2co thuunyoo qh~­

~·w /tsrl k~p; h. c!!tsii k83n/ 11 They did shoo)

on accounting of all the expenses, kho tshos oce 1 iso, the playing cord ~'-"\' /eqo/
'gro song tshong rna rtsis brgyob pa red, (qhOn- ache 1 see: hurt
tsod 't-~011 tsh~l')mo tsil k~pare~) achieve, vi. D. a.~t:~,· /'t-_!:!P/ 11 He achieved his
accredit, iso, school or envoy, vo, ~~-~~.:~~· wish. kho i 1 1 dod po 1 grub shag, ( qh8S t_2pa
/n~leen ch_£&/ 11 Schools accredited by the gov- 't-_!:!pshoi!l)
ernment will receive aid, gzhung gis ngos len achievement, n, ~ct·~~· /t.!;!mt.&c/ 11 The build-
byos pa i
1 slob grwo lo rogs rom rag gi red, ing of o new hospital is on_}lchievement, smon
(sh.!:!r:Jqil l')ooleen chE_cp&& lopt.o lo r~ram r,!!qi- khong gsor po btsugs po 1 di grub 'bros cig red,
re~) (mfnqoon sa~po tsatpati t~mt&&ci r!~l
accumulate, vo. A, ~~~~· /sao/ 11 They were acknowledge, 1. iso, o letter, vo. c:t~'G"llsl.;~~c::.:
able to accumulate much wealth, kho tshos nor /c~l&&n t~an/ 11 I acknowledged her letter,
mong po bsogs thub bo red, ( qh5ntsod nor m,211qu ngas mo'i yi ge'i 1 byor lon btong pa yin, (r:JE_C
sao thOpare~) m~ y_!qii c~l&&n ta~npoyin) 2. iso, recognize
accurate ~.o!r\-~"t\' /taqtoo/ 11 His account was the claims of 1 va. ~-c-~.~~· /l')oaatsiin
accurate, kho'i gnas tshul de rtog rtog red, ch£Cf 11 They acknowledged that he is the
(qh88 n~ftsUUti toqtoo r!,~l [Syn, nor 'khrul re~ncornotion of Sokyo. khong tshos khong so
med po] skyo'i yang srid yin'por ngos 1 dzin byos pored,
accurately ~~·o/1\•/taqtoo/ 11 He told it accurate- (qhontstrd qhoon sak&& y~I')Sil y_!mpao 1')0&tsiin
ly. khos rtog rtog bshod song, (qhsB toqtoo ch£Cpore~) 3. iso, guilt, vo, ~-~01..'@,.~'
actual 7

/~b~leen ch£~/ ~He ocknowledged.his own guilt, (pretended) she understood. mos shes po 1 i khul
(mcr'o shemptt qhOO chtcpore~)
khos rang gnong ngos len byos song,
r~~noon ~~dleen ch£~so)
(qhBa byos po red,
[Syn. yin mdog mdog byos]
- -~·

ocme, iso. the very best ~-~"\:: /tseptr~/ ~ the acting, 1. iso. temporary G<.l.«:t'~' llE£tsap/ ~
acme of science rtse phud tshan rig (tse«puU acting president srid 1 dzin los tshob (sgn-
tsh~nril) [Syn. rtser son} tsiin 1E£tsap) 2, iso, acting in .a ploy ~~~·
acquaint, 1. iso, mo~·others get acquainted, vo, ~· /~h~ptoon/ ~ The acting was terrible,
c. ~~.t"'.·~~~· ~~~h~ s~d/ 11 I got the two 1 khrab ston de sdug chog cig 1 dug. (~h~ptb~n ti
of them occquointed, ngos kho gnyis ngo shes t_!!qcoo ci t_!!~)
bzos po yin. (r:J£C qhDi'i,!l l')~he~ sb"dpayin) action, 1. see: behavior 2, iso. toke actiOn
acquaintance, 1. n, r~~·e:...\' ~~~hempo/ ~ He on, vo. ~<:l.l'~Cl\'~~· /q_!!kl>'6 k!p/ ~ The
is on ocquaintonee of mine. kho ngo 1 i ngo shes government hosn 1 t token any action on our plan,
po red, (qho IJ&E: ~oshe~po re~) 1 2, iso, make gzhung gis nga tsho 1 i 1 char gzhi 1 i don dog lo
someone s 1 occquo~to~ce, vo. i:-~k'.:t\j~' ~~~he~ sgul kyog rtso bo nos mo brgyob po red. (sh~­
to~n/ ~ I mode his acquaintance when we were in qil l')~ntsod ch~~shii th~to~lo q~66 tseant ma-
the airplane, ngo tsho gnam gru 1 i nang la yod k!pare~)
dus ngos khong la ngo shes btong bo yin, (1')2_n- active a..~~\'~ /~hOqu/ ~ He is a very active
tso n~m~Ull n.92_r;~la yootuU n£& qhoonla l')~he~ person, kho mi 1 khrug po zhe drag red, (qho ~
toonpayin), 3. iso, become acquainted, vi, A. ~hOqu sh!~oo r!~) [Note: Refers to someone who
~.:t\~'"'-"X\~' /l')~he~ cha~/ ~ We became acquain- does a lot of things and moves around to o lot
ted. ngo gnyis ngo shes chags yod, (r:J!nil ~~­ of places. Also con hove the meaning of being
he~ cho~yljij) 4, see: accustomed fun-loving with regard to drinking and sex,]
acquire, vi. D. ~~· /thqp/ ~They acquired much activist, neo, c, ~.l:..·~~'4'.~· /hOrtsoon c~~n/
wealth, kho tshor rgyu nor mong po thob song. ~ activist worker bzo po hur brtson con (s2_po
(qhCintsoo k~or m!l')qu th5pso) [Syn. rag; byung] hOrtsoon c~~n)

acquit, va, A, ~~'k.l'~"\::1'.\l:::.s!i~' ~'<r>""( /neepo octivi ty @,.o;.:if /ch2_qo/ 11 What ore the doily
me_2pao tho~ c~~/ octivi ties in the school? slob grwo 1 i nang lo
acrimonious (in speech) ~~·&:(' /tsiipu/ 11 He spoke nyin re 1 i byed sgo go re go re yod po red?
in an acrimonious way,"' khos skad cha rtsub po (lap~&& n.92_nlo ~nree ch!qo qh2_re qh~re Y2~rtt)
zhig bshad song, (qhBa q~co tsOpuci sh~cso) actor ~<!:l~·<sn~~· /~h~m~ttn/ 11 movie actor 1 be

acrobatics, see: gymnastics se kob 1 khrob mkhon (~qop ~h~m~ttn)

across 1 iso. on the other side of ~);:. • ~~~ acts, 1, iso, deeds, h, 'lll~~· /tsE£po/ 11
/ph~c~6/ 11 There is a restaurant across (on the acts of the president srid 1 dzin gyi mdzod pa
other side of) the river, chu de •i phor phyogs (sgntsiin qi tsE£pa) [Syn, rel, 1 phrin los]
la zo khang cig 1 dug, (chDtii ph~bA la s~qaon­ 2. iso, do, vo. @,~' /ch£C/ ~ He acted
ci t~~) strangely. khos khyod mtshor zhig byos song,
oct, 1. iso. perform in o show, vo, D. c.t~l:\' (qhStl kh~ntsoo ci ch£~so)
/~h~p/ ~ He acted in the movie, khos 1 be se actual, iso, real, not ideal e;.,~~·~· /1')'6Syb~/
kob nang la 1 khrob po red. (qh~d ~qop n2_~lo 11 We hove to work in accordance with the actual
~h~pare~) 2. iso. oct as (pretend) <%0-1'~~· situation, ngo tshos dngos yod gnos tshul dong
/qhOO ch£C/ ~ I acted as on army officer, ngos bstun nos los ko byed dgos red, ""
... ~ooybo...
( ~~ntsb~

dmog dpon yin poI i khul by as po yin. ( ~£C moq- ~~tsu~ th2_~ tDUnnt lttqo ch£qore~) [Syn. dngos
pbon y_!mp~A qhnD ch£tpoyin) ~ She acted as if bden; dngos 1 brel]
8 actually

actually "\£~·""'~~~· ( ~~·Cl._·) II'J8ne:c (ch££na)l 11 i i , iso, do addition, -- ~@.,"'~' 1--k!!_pl 2, in

Did yau actually go to Tibet? khyed rang dngos addition to, i. [at end of clause] "'l~'Cl.l.'af'~·
gnas bod la phebs pas? ( kheraan 1')3n&e ph~la lpl!c motshe:el 11 In addition to knowing Tibetan
phe~pe:c) 11 Actually, you bought these things in language, that Englishman knows Chinese, dbyin
Tibet. dngos gnas byas na co lag 'di tsho khyed ji des bod skad shes pas mo tshod rgya skad
rang gis bod nos gzigs pa red, (1')8ne:& chE_Cna kyang shes kyi dug. (!nci th~e ph~qe:c shenp&c
colaa .
t!ntso kheraanqi ....
.... ')
s!iparee 11 Actu- motshe:c kaqe:e: shinqituu) [Syn, sgong la; ma
ally, where did you come frcxn? dngos gnas byas zad; thog lo] ii, [at beginning of clause]~~·
no khyed rang go nos phebs pa? ( 1')3ne:& chE_cna .if.9 •0-.1' lth~ th3~lol 1f In addition to going to
kheraan qh~ne:& pheepa) [Syn. dngos don la] Tibet, he went to Chino, kho bod la phyin shag,
acupuncture, va. ~·(<lq_'<::I.~J'l.' lts~qhap k!!_pl de 1i thog la rgya nag lo yang ph yin shag, ( qho
acute, iso. severe a,q~·~<\· ltshapceehl 11 an ph.![dla chi~shao. thee th5~la kanaole:e: chi~shoa)
acute famine mu ge tshabs chen (m;:qi tshap- [Syn. de'i sgong lo],
ceen) additional ~<>l't..I' lth88pa/ 1f We need two addi-
acute angle ~~~· lnesuul tional people, nga tshor mi thol pa gnyis dgos
A. D. ~~~-;r.- lte:&lol 11 the 6th century A, D, kyi 'dug. (l')~nts~~ m! th88pa ni! q;:qil)
1 das lo brgya phrag drug pa (te:e;lo k~ta~ th_!:!q- addition sign, moth. -i(":s.,:~.::t~,~' ln8ntaol
pa) address, 1, iso, place to which mail is sent ~·

adage <l\.~<).1·""-~' ltompel w· j h, ca._%·~c::.· lqhoca~; h, sh££CO~/ [Syn,

Adam's apple ~·~<:>4· loqtoml kha yig] 2. iso, house number if~"''-«·~c::.·
adapt, 1. see: accustomed 2, iso, change, va, C, lq£too or)/ 3, see: speech [Syn, yi ge skur
~~· lc'=.el 11 Tibetans adapted (changed) their sa; gnas yul]
clothes in accordance with India's climate, bod adept, see: skillful
pa tshos rgya gar gyi gnam gshis dang bstun pa'i adequate, iso, sufficient, vi, D, c'l..~.:q~·lt!ql 1f
dug slog br jes pa red. ( ph~patsoti k~qaa qi If you speak slowly, it will be adequate, khyed
n~shil th~l') tD"umpe:e: th_!:!qlo6 c"leparee) rang bko' mol go ler la gsungs no 1 grig gi red,
add, 1. iso, add more to, va, *q_'q~q: ln3mp&& (kheraan qomo~ qh2_liila sOI')na t!qiree)
k2_pl 11 They added more manure to the field, adhere to, 1, see: abide 2, see: follow 3,
kha tshos zhing gar lus snon pa brgyab shag, see: stick to
(qh8ts~ sh!l')qaa 1~~ n2rnp&& k2_psho~) [Syn, kha adherent ~~-"'\~<t\~· lch55b~l 1f There are
snan brgyab] 2, iso, add up numbers, va, ~· not many adherents of colllllunism in America.
~·q~q·lt;:mtsil k2_PI 11 If (we) add up all t~ Amirika 1 i nang la dmar po 1 i phyogs gtogs mang po
people at hcxne, there are about seventeen, nang mi 'dug. (ami~iq~~ naanla moopod ch55t~~ mf!_l')qu
qi mi tshong ma sdom rtsis brgyab no bcu bdun mintuu)
tsom yod. ( n~l')qi m! tshol')ma t~mtsil k2_pna c0p- adhesive, 1. iso, a substance that sticks, n. ~~·

tu11ntsa Y.![~i) ~ lcf!_rtsil 1f This adhesive is not very good,

addend, moth. ~·~c:.~· ln3nta~l sbyar tshi 1 di yag po mi 1 dug, ( Cf!_rtsi t! Y;!qo
addendum, iso, a thing added("\'~' lqhoqoiV m!ntuu) 2. iso, stick ~ ltshi/ 11 This glue
addict, get I be, vi. A, ~~~·~~~· I yil')
_, ~h_!:!u'I is not very adhesive, spyin 1 di la tshi yag po
11 He became addicted to opium, kho nyal thog mi 'dug. (pil') t!! tshr y~qo m!ntuu)
'then yag lo dbyings zhugs shag. ( qho ri££to~ adjoining, iso, having the same boundary ~-~~-«'
thenyo~la yiQ sh;:ushaa) lsonteel 11 There are four countries adjoining
addition, 1 • moth , i , n • lt;:mtsill Tibet. bod dang sa 1 dres lung pa bzhi yod pa
adulterated 9

red. (ph~dta sonte~ l~~pa sh! Y2~re~) [Syn. sa admit, 1. va. A.<:!'{;."'\' /cuu/ 11 They admitted him
'brel] to the club, "'
kho tshos kho skyid sdug lo bcug
adjourn ""'-x..·cu~~~-~\.C'\"l\' /ph;!ntsam sh:2a/ ~ shag. ( qhonts'b'U qho krtuula cuushoo) 2. iso.
They adjourned the meeting for three days. kho get/be admitted, vi. A. 11 I was
~ /tshrltl/
tshos tshogs 1 du nyin rna gsum bar mtshams bzhag admitted to the school. nga slob grwa 1 dir
pa red. (qhontsod tshMntu ii!ma sam ph£ntsam tshud byung. (~;!lepta tM tshOOcu) 3. iso,
sh;!aporee) admit on error, etc., va, T~·GUO\_~~-
adjudicate, va. A. %.<;l.J~..sf'"''·~~·.,;a~·~-'6~' ~ He admitted he was wrong,
/thimt66nc thea c~&/ ~ Those problems have al- khos rang gi nor 1 khrul ngos len byas song,
ready been adjudicated. rnyog dra de tsho ( qh8'd r£1')qi n:2ntUU l')ooleen ch§_Cso)
khrims thog nos thag bead tshor po red. adolescence, to reach, vi. C, CFC(.if"~ /l;!na
th~ntso thrmt66nc thoa c~c tshooparee) s8n/ ~ (You) can not drink liquor until you
adjust, va. D. /t!q/ ~ The workers reach adolescence. lo no rna son bar du a rag
have finished adjusting all the machines, bzo btung chog gi rna red, '
(lana mosoh p~tM araa -
pa tshos 'phrul 1 khor tshang rna bsgrigs tshor tun ch~'qim£re~)
shag. (s£patshoB thOOqhM tshor)lllO t!q tshoo- adopt, 1. iso. a child vo, C, ~-~q,·~e:::~· /ph~­
shaa) tshap lorV ~ They adopted a boy. kho tshos bu
administrate, va. ~~~'{1-'N..' /ts!nkon ch§_c/ tshob cig blangs pa red. (qhontsod ph~tshapci
~ This president administrates the government lonpare~) 2. see: accept
well, srid 1 dzin 1 dis gzhung 1 dzin skyong yag adopted bridegroom, 1. n, CAcryc..!'

po gnang gi 'dug. (siintsiin til sh~Q tsinkon take in an adopted bridegroom, va. C, -- §\c;,~·

Y::!qo n~~~qil) /--lon/ 3. send as an adopted bridegroom, va.

administration a..c~~·w· /ts!nkoQ/ ~ The admin- a1"'\'.<..IX.'i:l.«]c;:.· /m;!qpaa taon/
istration of a school is not Posy work, slob adopted child ~-~· /ph~shap/
grwa 'dzin skyong gi las ka de las sla po zhig adopted son, see: adopted child
ma red, (lepta ts!nko?)qi lE§.qa the l£clopo ci adore, va. see: love
maree) adorn, va, see: decorate
admirable adroit, iso, with hands
11 He is an admirable person, kho yid smon byed qh~~po/ 11 She is very adroit (with her hands).
'os pa'i mi zhig red, (qho y!!moon ch~odpee m! She con make all kinds of things. mo log po
ci r~e) [Syn. rjes su yi rangs 'os pa; smon 1 os mkhas po zhe drag 'dug, go re yin na'i bzo thub
po] gi •dug. (m;! l;!qpo qh~~po sh~taa t~u qh;!re y!n-
admiration .s:r-~-;;:r-- /mb"Cf;lo/ ~ He earned the ad- M S;! thuOqil)
miration of everyone. kho la mi tshang mas mos adult a\.·~"'q_· /m~ q§_mpa/ 11 This movie can be
po byung po red. (qh~~ m~ tsho~mec mbopo ch~n­ seen by odul ts only, glog brnyon 1 di mi rgon
poree) [Syn. rjes su yi rangs] pas mo gtogs ltas chog gi ma red, (13~neen ti
admire, 1 , va, D. ~- /m8n/ 11 Everybody admires m! q§_mpe& ~tb6 t~c ch33qi~ree)
him. khong la mi tshong mas smon qi 'dug, (qhoo- adulterate, va. ~~qyc;' /lh~c taan/ ~ He
nla m! tsho~mec m8nqituu) [Syn. mos po byes] adulterated the gol¢. khos gser la lhad btong
2. iso, admire and respect, relig. vo, ~-~~· shag. (qh8'd s~ala lh~c taanshaa)
~~- /mu1.lqu1J ch§_C/ ~ They admire and respect adulterated, adj. %~ /lh~c/ 11 This gold is
that lama. kho tshos blo rna de la mos gus zhu adulterated, gser 1 di lo lhod 'dug. (see tee
qi 'dug. (qhontshoB lama thEE,. mbequU sh~qil) lh~c t~'tll
10 adults and children

adults and children ~&._~-N' /q!:_ncil/ 11 All yong gi red. (n~ntsod ph~ntshUUn niiph&&n ch~
Tibetans (adults and children) had great thOOna y~qo y~l')qire~)
difficulties. bod mi rgan by is tshang mar dka 1 advantages and disadvantages, 1. ~~·~~ /q!-
las zhe drag byung pa red, (phi:Ximi q£ncil kodn/ 'II It 1 s good if we can see both the
tshanmaa qol&~ sh!taa ch~pare~) advantages and disadvantages. ngo tshos dge
adult school ~'4\0\:~''Sl,' /m.!,q&&n lopta/ 11 We skyon gnyis ko mthong thub no yag po red,
established an adult school (school for adults), (n5!_ntsb~ q!koon niiqao thoon thOuno y52qore~) 2,
nga tshos mi rgan slob grwa zhig btsugs pa yin. iso. financial profit and loss (2\·~· /qhekOI')/
{Q~ntsod m.!,q&&n loptaci tsutpayin) 11 First we should know what are the advantages
advance, 1. iso. move forward, va. 4'\~·~·-if"~if~· and disadvantages, sngon lo ngo tshos khe gyong
@,~' /qh2"pa n8npb'ts ch!:_'&/ 11 We should advance ga 'dra yod pa shes pa byed dgos red, (n8nla
toward victory. nga tshos rgyal kha 1 i phyogs su 1')5!_tsod qh~ko~ qh2_nt.c& y~tpa she?.po ch!qore~)
gom pa sngon spos byed dgos red, {n~ntso"ts k££- adversary "\.~'(Z'\'t:l.«=;e=.,: /t52 qhopt&&/ 'II Russia
q&& ch~~su qh~pa Q8npot ch~qore~) [Syn. sngon and China are adversaries. u ru su dang rgyo
skyod byas] 2. iso. give something in advance, nag dgra kho btad red, (Orusu ta k~na~ t-~ qhap-
va. ~·q_l!Qit'@._-'1:'\' /Q5ntoon ch!;_&/ 11 Please tc& r!~)
give me an advance of some money, nga la dngul
tog tsam snga 'don gnang rogs gnang. <n~ nDO 11 They advertised a lot, kho tshos dril bsgrogs
t~~ts Q5nttrdn naonr:>?lnaan) 11 I gave him some mang po byos pa red. ( qhi5ntsod thii to~ m2_nqu
money in advance. ngas kho la dngul tog tsam ch!:_cpare~) [Note: This term is also used for
snga 'don sprad pa yin. (n!:_'& qh~~ riiO t~~ts propaganda.]
Qontb"Bn tl:cpa-yin) 3, iso, (in) advance {of)~· advise, vo, ~~~'@,'l!:l@F\'; h, •;v~~~'"\\'li,C..' /lap-
/Q'(isanc&/ 11 We must make preparations ca k2_Pi h, qolop noon/ 11 Mother advised me not
in advance, ngo tshos snga so nos gro sgrig to go, a mas ngo la rna 1 gro zer bslob bya
byed dgos red, (q~ntsoo nesanc& t-h2_fi ch_£cqo- brgyab byung, ( Crn&C Q~ m~ntos !~pea k2_pcU)
re~) adviser -i['t::~.~~· /loptbonpa/ 11 military adviser
advanced, adj. ~.>::.·Sf'~· /y5!_rth"&!/ 11 advanced dmag byus slob stan pa (m~qcuillapti:X:inpa)
worker yor thon bzo pa (y~thCJ?. s~pa) 11 advisory committee if~·~~-a._:-g'~<"\' /Ioptoon
advanced techniques yor thon 1 phrul los ( Y5!_r- lht:ntsh:>~/
tho?. thUOicc) [Syn. sngon than] advocate, see: support
advanced warning, give va. ~ct~q_IC)c::..' /nSnto aerial "ll,~Sl' /nam/ 11 aerial. bomb gnam 1 born
ta~n/ 11 (They) gave advanced warning that there (nompom) [Syn, nom mkha'; mkha' dbyings]
will be a storm tomor~ow. sorg nyin drag char aerogramme, neo. ~<51,"'-l'~ct\·~~~· /nCimt-a~ y.!,q-
'bob kyi red cas sngon brdo btong shag, (saniin shM/
t~qchao ph2_pqire~ n8nto taonshad) aeronautics, neo, C%.~;x,~c::.·~"t\.'"l\C;l,~' /phOrtiin
advantage "'4a_::sr-=,~· /ph~nt:>~/ 11 If we do this, r.!,Qn&&/
what is the advantage? 1 di byos no phon thogs aerosol, neo, ~'CJ..lC\_0..' /ph'Onta/
go re yod pa red? ( t.!, ch££no ph~nth:>~ qh52re aerosol bomb (for insects) 1 neo, C':l..%~0!.·~· 0:1~q_·

y~?Jre~) [Syn. khe phon] /p~m&&n phDnta/

advantageous (mutually) <"<1~'~4"\'1.~·t:4t:a..:
..., affairs ~x·~· /l££todn/ 'II home affairs "'c:.•
/phl:ntshtrun nirph&&n/ 'II It will be good if we ~'\:e>:I-N'~' /n2_1')sil l£,£tts"dn/ 11 foreign affairs
could do something mutually advantageous. ngo ~~ "-'o.t~·~~· /chisil l££ti:X:in/
tshos phon tshun gnyis phon byec;l thub no yag po affectionate, to be, va. €!.~~·;;:[-"~~· /ch~mpo
... age - 11

Ch!:_&/ tor expelled it, mo phru gu skyes nos sha ma ma

affiliate, va. ~~·.<f\~"1\~·§,~· /qhont:>~ ch!:_&/ don tsang am chis bton song, {m~ puqu keen&
~ He got the {government) passport because he shama m~t6ntsaan amcil t83nso)
affiliated with the school, kho slob grwa'i
khongs gtogs byes tsang gzhung gi lag khyer rag Please come to my home tomorrow afternoon, sang
pa red. {qho lopi&& qhont:>~ ch!:_hsaan sh,!:!?Jqi nyin nyin dgung rgyab nos nga i nang la phebs 1

l~qkhee r~~pare~) rogs gnang, {saiiii ii_!l')quun k2_pn&& 1')!:_£ naanla

affinity ~F-~- /yiQ/ ~ She has a great offin- phe~r:>~nan) [Syn, phyi dro]
ity for skiing, mo gangs shur glad yag la afterwards "'\~<'t\·~· /sh~tla/ ~ {I) will meet
dbyings zhe drag 'dug. (m~ qh2_1)shuu lti"Syo~la you afterwards. gzhug la mjal yong. {sh!:tla
yiQ sh!iaa tut) c&tyo~) [Syn. rjes la; rjes ma; gzhug ma]
affirm, see: assert again <:4<:;.'~~· /y~l)kaa/ ~ Please read it again,
affix, see: attach; fasten 1 di yang sky or klog rogs gnang, {t_! y~l')kaa 153-
affluent, see: wealthy r::>~non) [Syn. yang; skyar du]
afford, va, [Note: Use the verb 1 buy 1 with 1 able again and again ~c.·a..~·~e:.·~ /y~l')n& y~l')tu/ ~
to 1 ; also see: 1 expenses, '] He came to my home again and again, khong nga 1 i
afforest 1 va. C. ~c::.· a..."<\.&·~~· /shil')na~ s'§_d/ nang la yang · nos yang du phebs pa red. {qhoon
[Syn, nags bzo byes] 1')!:_£ n~nla Y,21'Jn& Y_21')tu pheepare~) [Syn, yang
afforestation ~._-'~\~·~s-- /r~qso/ yang]
afire, set, va. ~·~~"'\- /m! k2_p/ ~ They set the against, 1. iso, opposed to, va, ~K~·~·
mili tory camp afire, kho tshos dmag sgar la me fr:J2,qoo ch!:_t/ , We are against the war. nga
brgyab shag, {qhonts~d mOaqar la m! k2_psha~) tshos dmag la ngo rgol byed kyi yod, {1')_2ntsod
afraid, 1. see: frightened; scared 2. iso, make ma~la 1')2,qb-d ch_!qiy~d) 2. iso. leaning against,
afraid, see: frighten; scare va. A. .::.~.~~ /iie~/ ~ I sat {leaning) against
after "1\.~~·cq· /sh,!:!tla/ ~ After this I shall go the wall. nga rtsig par bsnyes nos bsdad pa
to school, 1 di 1 i gzhug la nga slob grwar 1 gro yin. {1')_2 tsiqpaa ne~n& t!~payin) 3. iso,
gi yin, ltg shut la I')~ laptaa i!;!qiyin) ~ against {the wind) (R.'"'ll<)"" /qha u:&/ ~ The
After I ate, I read a book, ngas kha lag zas ship is going against the wind, gru rdzings
pa 1 i gzhug la deb bklogs pa yin, {r:JE_t qhala~ !hags par kha btad nos 1 gro gi 1 dug, {ih!;!tsi~
S!:_£p&& sh~tla th!P 13~payin) [Syn, rjes la] lhoqpaa qha U:en& i_!!qil) [Note: Can also be
after a while "'\~'.:6&.\"*Ql..~· /qh~ntsam son&/ used for going in opposite direction,], 4, iso,
~ She left and after a while he came, mo phyin against one's wishes/will M'ct~·.q_~~~
nos gang tsam song nos kho slebs byung. (mo /m~nto•d sh_!ntu/ ~ (My) father made me a monk
chi~n& qh~ntsam s&l& qho leku) [Syn. gang tsam against my wishes. pa 1 lags kyis nga ma 1 dod
zhig nos] bzhin du grwa pa bzos byung. {p1io 1,2~ qhi ~
afterbirth, 1. n, --<q·~· /shama/ 2. iso, get/be 111,2nur6 sh_!ntu ih,2po s~dchu) , I went as a bride
expelled, the afterbirth, vi, C, ~~· /th2_},f ~ against my will, .nga mna 1 mar ma 1 dod bzhin du
After the child was born, the afterbirth was phyin pa yin, {1')2, nomaa m2,ntod sh_!ntu chi~pa­
easily expelled, phru gu skyes nos sha ma las yin) [Syn, 'dod pa med bzhin du]
sla par don shag, {pOqu ke~n& shama 1£& lop:>:> agate a.J. -~~ /111,2nuh::>:>/
th~}, sha~) 3, iso, expel! the afterbirth, va. age 1 1 • iso. year~ old QS7; h, ~~c;.·;;s: /1~; h,
C. -- ~<f~ /--t'8~/ ~ After she gave birth, q2,1)lo/ , What is his age? kho i lo go tshad

because the afterbirth didn't come out, the doc- red? {qh83 lo qh2_ts&t rE_t) 2, iso, a period/
12 aged

era ~~·.:.::.q:z:.,.· /th~rep/ 11 atomic age (era) (qhontsoB p~~nc::>::> qhi n~~tary t~~ru toanparea)
rdul phren dus robs (t~t~~n th~rep) 3. iso, aggression, 1. n, <:t~Q.~~- /ts~ntsUU/ 11 wor of
animal cycle year (age) ;j. ~"'1~- /1'2_ptao/ 11· aggression btsan 'dzul dmag (ts~ntsUU mao) 2,
Sonamla, what is your animal cycle year? bsod commit aggression, va. --§,~' /--ch_£c/
noms lags khyed rang gi lo rtags ga· re red? agile ~.::.~·zz;.:_~ /y2_~ha th~po/
(sonamlao kh~aanqi 1'2ptao qh'2re r_£c) 4. iso, agitate, 1, iso, couse trouble, va. ""-~""~c:::.·"l.@fl-'
same age CiS"~'?~' /1'2i'om/ 11 We are (both) the /tuqshiin k::_p/ 11 She has agitated them, mos
same age. nga gnyis lo mnyam red. ~~~nil 1'2iiam kho tsho'i bar la dkrug shing brgyab shag, (m!fd
r~a) qh5ntsoci p::_ruu le Fiqshiin k~pshao) [Note:
aged, 1. n. <f,.tl.,'~"t"\' h. ~~~-~ /q_£nq::>~ h. Tibetan adds 'in between, 1] 2, get agitated,
t~po/ 11 He is oged. kho rgan gog red, ( qhi5 vi. A,~~'<\~' /thiiu/ 11 She got very agitated,
q_£nq::>~ rea) 2. iso. grow old, vi, A. <fi,C\'9"\'.:I;"l~ mo (khong khro za nos) zhed po cig 1 khrugs shag,
/qE_nq::>?> chao/ 11 Her maternal uncle hod· aged. (m~ qh~nto s2_ nee sh~poci thD~shao)
mo'i a zhang rgan gog chogs shag. (m~ oshaan agitator ").c:;.·a;:,·~·<9-t(Z'I-<5l..' /s};_~e lo~een/
q_£nq::>~ chaoshao) [Syn. lo rgos] agnates, anth • .,.q ·~ ~ /phapUUn/
ageless, iso. persons looking youthful ~~~·"'\']f'" ago ~-o.r ~~~flo/ 11 three days ago nyi mo
~ 2t- /sh~nso todpo/ 11 He is ageless. kho gsum gyi sngon la (~ma slim qhi ~~~lo) [Syn,
gzhon bzo dod po red, (qho sh~nso toopo r~a) gong lo]
age limit Q:l-~""-· /1'2tshe£;/ agQDy, see: pain; suffering
agency, iso. office or division of government~~­ agrarian ~·~c:..· /s~shiin/ 11 agrarian reform sa
~C::-N.' /l~qun/ 11 intelligence agency so· pa 1 i zhing bcos sgyur (sashiin cOOkuu)
las khungs (sopee l~~qun) [Note: tshogs pa can agree, 1. iso. concur, va. ~~-<Sl~~~~·
sometimes also be used, esp. in 'welfare agency: /m~thtnln ch£C/ 11 He agreed with her opinion.
rogs ram tshogs pa] khos mo 1 i bsam tshul la mos mthun byes song.
agenda, 1. iso. a plan a,(X):>:..'.<!'\~' /ch~ashi/ 2. (qhS"d m~ samtshtru la m!!!;!thtrun checso) 11 I
iso, the day by day plan of a conference (:tl~' didn 1 t agree with their suggestion, ngas kho
a,~;c_· /leechar/ 3. iso. plan for actual discus- tsho'i bsam 'char la mos mthun ma byas, ·(~£C

sions a;-meetings ~-4\~' /th~shi/ qh5ntsoci sCimcaa la mUUthUUn m2_cec) • 11 I don't

agent, 1. iso, authorized representative of a agree with what he said, khos zer yog der nga
business or organization
...,...,., mos mthun med, (qh33 s~yao tee ~ m~thUUn ~a)
<1S. ~ ' ' \ :s.;{@f'CJl 0 ~
/leetbon ch~een/ 11 He is an agent of the [Syn. blo mos byes; yid mthun byes] 2. iso,
American bank, kho a mi ri ka'i dngul khang gi things/calculations being in agreement, vi, B.
las don byed mkhan red. (qho amiriqee l')lj[J_ ~%~.:fth00n/ 11 These two accounts don't agree,
qhaanqi l,££tbon ch~een ~a) 2. iso. authorized rtsis khra 'di gnyis mthun gyi mi •dug. (tsrrta
representative of a government ~--'t\'6'<=;._' tiiiil thtJnqim};_ntuu) [Syn. mgo thug] 3. iso.
/th~nc<%/ 11 He is the agent of the Nepalese agree (settle) on a price, va. C. 4'\F'CI..~"'\~'
government. khong bel yul gzhung gi don bcod /qh~n t};_l/ 11 We agreed on a price for buying a
red. ( qhoon pheeyUU sh_0qi thoncoB r!:.a) [Syn. house, nga tshos khang pa nyo yag de gong
(Qantso~ qhoQpa noyanti qhoon til-
don gcod pa]
aggravate, 1. see:
3. see: spy
irritate 2. iso, make worse,
'grigs song.
- -
4. iso, agree/decide to do, va, A. :9:']~:31-=t\'
- ·-
va. ~"n-~'"l.'?C::.' /t~~ru toon/ 11 They aggra- ~:;\~""-: /tho·otao c~c/ 11 After we got his agree-
vated the economic situation. kho tshos dpal ment, we agreed (decided) to act, khong gi mos
'byor gi gnos stangs sdug tu btarig pa red. mthun byung nos nga tshos gros thag bead pa yin.
agriculture 13

(qho~n qhi mUUthUUn chuunne ~~ntsocl t~thaa /sonam l_££qurV

c~cpoyin) 5, iso, suitable or good for ~~·:;.:4- agricultural off-season
/thBSpo/ ~ The weather in India doesn't agree th~ttr~/
with Ti be tons, rgya gar gi gnom gshis bod pa agric~ltural producers 1 co-operative ~c.· Ol~'_;a-"
tshor 1 phrod po mi 'dug, (k~qoo qhi n~mshil ph~­ ~<:..: ~'? ~J:a.~~· (<l.c.: /sh_!~lcc thEnkee nomteeqaan/
pots~~ th88po m!ntut) agricultural production ~C.'o.I<'I':a&.,·~"'-\ /sh!:_~-
agreeable, 1. in taste 1 see: delicious 2, iso, lcc th3nkee/
sui table, see: agree 1 5 3, iso. compatible/ agricultural products ~.::;:·Gl:l~~Cl,Jft~· /sh!:_~lce
congenial ~~"'.~·~~;:r-- /ship t:_Po/ th3ntsec/
agreement, 1. iso, written, i. n, ~ca..·~~· /thOn- Agricultural Revolution ~·~t:::·<I\z..:p;:_·~1,· /sa-
t(iU/ ii. make an agreement, vo, A. -- "'~.~~· shiin scree/
/--sh£a/ ~ The two countries mode an agreement, agricultural yield 'ia~· ~qq· /th8npap/
rgyal khab gnyis kyi bar la mthun gros shig· bzag agriculture. ~~~·0:.~-"\~'~-N· /sonam t!:_plec/
pa red. ( keeqap liii qhi ph_£rla thOntuU ci barley ~~· /n~c/
sh£aparee) [Syn. gros mthun] 2, iso, a verbal barley field <'\~·~.::;.· /n_££shi~/
agreement, i , n , (2:1. ·~"( ; h, ca._Q.l'O<.' I qhocec; barley tsampa «.,~·~a.:~,· /ncctsom/
h, sheeccc/ ~ We have an agreement to go to blight, 1. n. q~c:~.· /too/. 2. get blight, vi.
Tibet. nga gnyis bod lo 1 gro rgyu 1 i kha chad -- R.~:=t. · I --k~p/
yod. (~~nil phoS la t~kUU qh~ccc y![6) ii. iso. bone fertilizer ~~ -~~ /rUUltr~/
make a verbal agreement, va. --~· /--ch~c/ buckwheat, sour ~·~ lt£wo/
3. iso, reach an agreement, see: agree, 1 4, buckwheat, sweet ~·~· /k£pra/
iso, abide by an agreement, see: abide, 2 bundle of cut stalks ~· /c5':>/
agricultural (work), 1. n, ~~·~· /sh!~lcc/ 11 busy ogricu~ tural season ~c.·o.t~·~~·~.<q' /sh!:_~­
agr icul turol exhibit zhing las 1 grams stan lcc th~tuu;
(sh!~lec t!;.mtocin) 2. do agricultural work, vo. chaff ~"t\·~· /phu~ma/

-- .§iN' I -- ch~c/ 11 The officials had to do cut off heads of crop, va. ~~.q<fzt~.·q~q·

agricultural work, gzhung zhobs tshos zhing los /q£t~?l k2_p/

byed dgos byung po red, (sh~haptso1i sh!~lcc disease damage '\Z:.,:iflQ.: /n_££koon/
ch~qo chuunparee) estate (agricultural) ~~~·"T\' /shiiqa/
agricul turol cooperative ~ <=;:'G>:l~'19.\'? 'ClJ.' Ct.!~· estate manager ~~~·"<\)..>:.· /shiiner I
(ll~· /sh!~lcc Mmlccqaan/ estate servants ~~~·"1'\dl"t\~· /sh}J:..Y~?l/
agricultural farm, see: agricultural field estate steward ""\~~·~~ ; h, ~~-N.'"''.~"\~·
agricultural field ~~·~· /sh!~qa/ /shii to1i; h. sh!!:_shut/
agricultural front, iso, ~~·<'4~'CI.3Gq·~~~· even out fields by pulling plank 'f\'~'"'1.@,.4'

/shi~lcc th~pc~6/ /shale k~p/

agric:ltural implements ~~'GX.l..l:'l.'.;:r--§,e:;,: /sh!:_~- experimental plot
-../'A <'\
~~~-~~'"'<\' /tsh38ta sh!:_~-
lcc Y£Pcec/ [Syn. so nom yo byad] qo/
agricultural insecticides, neo, 'q~·q_~·Q_tf\"'<\'~"\· fallow field @l..~·"'\·~·2f\~· /sh!:_~qa thoq~':>/
/shi~pu q~qmecn/ farmers and nomads 'G\c:..'et.~z:rr /sh!:_~t~':>/
agric:l tura~ landlord ~c:..·~"\.<f\' /sh!~tao/ fertilizer (chemical} ~-N~' /lUUcM/
agricultural machinery ~.::;:·Ol~'<:l.?1"'-''a:,~· /sh!:_~­ fertilizer (manure} ~"' /ltr~/
lcc thOOchec/ furrow XaJ. · /ro-ci/ " -
Agricultural Office/Ministry ~~tl.l.·~~·~c;~· grain <:1..~~~· /t~ril/
14 agriculture

popped rice ~ON.·ur-~· /t&&yod/ [Syn. 'bras grain that has been roasted (popped) ~~· /y!fd/
rngos] green plant stage of grains ~~=_·q• /c:;!.t'Jpa/
popped wheat ~ cJS-=01.· /th~yo-3/ grind (grain), va. A, "l.'9"li~· /too/
rake ~~·~· /th&&ma/ [Syn, rgya gseb] harvest, 1. n, ~~£!~· /t8nt~~/ [Syn, stan
rice a_~<'~' ft~}-1 'bras] 2, va. A, .::t~'N·~·~a:.~· /tsl:~ma t')CC/
rice field O..S\~'~<::.' /t&&shit')/ head of grain ~'Q.l.' /Piima/
roast grains, va, C, ~·<::~,~~· /y2_~ t')~/ insecticide, 1. n. a_~~~· /p!;!R&&n/ 2. use
roasted grain that has been ground (the Tibetan insecticide, va, -- ~@fl.' /--k,:p/ 3, spray
staple food) ~~;M·~· /toompa/ insecticides, va, D, --~~·/--t3r/
seed ~~ /sP!'on/ insecticide sprayer Q.~;~<Sl...:<t"\.~X.'~""\'0:.~<>.:!.·
seed (set aside for planting) ~~~· /s8ntsa/ q~.:r;/p!:!_m&&n t5ryao thOOqM/
shovel, 1. n, i[L't\'0-\' /c:;:;.ma/, 2, shovel, va, irrigate, va. ~"'l-'9!::.' /chu taan/
-- ~~· /--k,:p/ irrigation canal, 1. n, 1:-QX'~ /yMpu/ 2, dig an
--~~-- /--1-h_!!~/
sickle tf--"' /s~ra/ irrigation canal, va,
slash-and-burn field ~"'<\-~&<..· /seqshit')/ irrigation water ~e;.· 00 • /shit')chu/
"" - c-.,
sow, 1. general term, va. D. /s88n land hereditarily held on tax basis (;:l.~' 0\"-'
Uip/ 2, broadcast seed 1 va, C, ~~· <:;\. ¥\~ · /th~~shit')/
/s88n shBtl/. 3, seed behind a plow, va. C, ~~· land leased on 50-50 basis "'l.'V<\.:N.'~c:.· /shl:cshit')/
;&-~~¥\~· /rb-dsodn sh~/ leased land ~"'1\~·~c:.· /ph22_shit')/
space between furrows ~~·~· /lot')ma/ lentils ~<X.,Cl-.1' /tcma/
spring irrigation, 1, n, "'-~"'~· /ciichu/ 2, maise· ~~~· /ashom/
va, -- <:;\.")~· /--tot!Jn/ manure ~~·
...., -
spring plowing, 1. n, "\~".·~~"l..:N.' /cintep/ 2. mechanized agriculture a.~~·<JO~·~t::.·""J...N.'
va. -- ~· /--ch£C/ /thOOchcc shj;,t'Jl&c/ [Syn. 'phrul las so nom]
straw (cut up for fodder) ~OS..:A.' /s£mpa/ mill, va. see: grind
straw ~·r.y<:l-l' /s'YSmao/ mill (water), n, cu'l8..~x..· /chCqM/ [Syn, chu
terraced field (on gentle slopes) ~·~c:.· /rj;,- 'thag]
shit')/ pea ~tl,:o-l' /tt:ma/
terraced field (on steep slopes) ~~·&,e;.· /them- pea field ~"'~c::..· /tt:l:nshit')/
shit')/ pea pod ~~· /q:;!.m/
thresh, va. c. ~<:!\·~~·~~~· /yi1qcaa sh,!:!U/ pea tsampa ~ <>l,_'~~- /tt:ntsam/
thresh (by cattle), va. B. %l'WN'd;,'t\,'q_~·/ch0cao pick axe a.~=-.,· / c22_/
q55/ piles of cut grain ~'&\' /tshooma/
thresh (by yaks), va. 8, <\1_"\l~·c.o~·q :;s--.:.:... /yoq- plant, va, D, "'1.'9Cl.' /t'!!Jp/
' ~~
coo q55/ planting by hand, va. et..\"t\' cti{"\\-'N. :si~ · /l_:t')tsu~
threshing floor "1"\~W: cz..· /yrn:lqa/ chcy
transplant, va. ~-{f~-~~· /toopod kap/ plow, 1. n. Ja-c..·"'\.;;q--0-l.. /thot')Shod/ 2. va. ;_;-Cl..·~·
unripened head of grain ~~· /tun/ .<:::\@;Cl.' /m8mpa k,:p/
volume measure used for measuring grain and land plow, with iron tip <t\..:p;--0.1.~~· /sh?!dca'b/
~o.:J.' /qh'U!/ plower ~c:..·~\""-<5\' /thot')qh&&n/
volume measurement (20 =1 khal) ~· /i-h2_/ plowing dzo ~~·~ir'· /m88ntso/
weed, va. /yuuma kap/ plowing ox ~~·me:..· /m88lat')/
wheat ~ /th2/
" ~ - - plowing yak ~~-<r\,~~· /m88ya'b/
air raid shelter 15

wheat field ~ ~o::.· /t.h~hir:J/ /nomth~~ q~ntsln/ 2. vo. c.

wheat tsompo ~~~· /th~tsom/ /nBmth~~ ts_!'Q/

winnow, va. ~~~·Q.~;x;,·~~· /lhoqchoo k2_p/ air-condition, vo. 930::. ·gfc:n. '":!. «j c:.: /th.2r:Jb~ toon/ 11
wooden device for separating groin head from Because (they) oir-condi ti oned the home, it was
stalk ~C<l' fth88/ cool inside. khong po 'i nang lo grong glog
yoke "'\<?)Q.~c.· /Fi~shir:J/ . btong tsong bsil po 1 dug, ( qhor)pE:E: ~nlo th,2r:J-
agronomy ~<::.·C>-!~·~~4\· /sh_!r:Jlcc tsh~nril/ .l~~ taantsaon siipu t~u)
ogro-postorol, sm. ogro-postorolist air conditioner, neo. ~o::.·gf"'\·~~-~· lth_2r:Jb~
ogro-pastorolist ~·~-~~~· /somot.~~/ thOOc~~/
ahead ~(,:IJ,' lr:JrJ.f!lo/ 11 Please go ahead, sngon air control, see: air supremacy
lo phebs rogs gnong. (r:JrJ.~lo pheer~~noon) 11 We aircraft, see: airplane
hove to complete the plan one year ahead of aircraft carrier, neo. <t'\<;\,~·~·a:~t:t~''d:~·"'"\')o::.~·
schedule, ngo tshos 'char gzhi 1 di lo gcig gi /n~tu ph!psE:E: t~tsin/
' ~
sngon lo 'grub thub po byed dgos red, (r:J_2ntso1> air current ~.:::. ·~ <5\' /lur)ku1Jn/
ch~hi t_! 1.2cifqi r:J~~lo t.h~pthupa ch~q.2re~) air defense, 1. neo. ~~l9-.l'a"t\·~c:.:i'"'~.' /nemth~~
aid, vo, ~~·.:.::~·@,~' ; h, ~41.~~·"<\~c:;:· sur)kop/ [Syn, neo. c. mkho' srung]
/r~rom Ch£C; h. chaar~~ neon/ 11 The government airfield 4\d..~,··~t>:~.c:.· /n~mtu thoon/ [Syn. gnom
aided the refugees. gzhung gis skyobs bcol bo gru bobs thong]
tshor rogs rom byos po red, (sh~~il kapcbowo- air force /nommo~/ [Syn, mko'
ts~~ r~rom ch£Cporea) [Syn. rogs byos]. dmog]
aid agency/organization ~~'.l;.<9.1'¥ll"\~'"-\' /r22_- air letter, see: oerogromme
rom tsh~qpo I airmail, 1. n, ""'"'a.!'1!"1' /nBmto~/ 2, send
aide, see: assistant airmail, vo, -- ~·q~c::.·. /--lo toon/ 'II Please
aids (for teaching) ~·~"'.'~..§.' /lapthil send this letter airmail. yi ge 1 di gnom sbrog
Y.2pccc/ lo gtong rogs gnong. (y_!qi t_! namto~lo toonr~~­
ailment, see: illness noon) [Syn, mkho 1 lam sbrog thog btong]
aim, 1. iso. purpose /miqytiU/ 11 airmail envelope "'\~~'1:1"'\'~lt\'?if<t'\' /nomtoa
What is your aim in going to Tibet? khyed rang y_!q66/
bod lo phebs yog gi dmigs yul go re red? (khe- airmail stomp t).l.~~-~~·~"t\·~~;~·r /qholom t.2q-
roon ph~dlo phe~yoaqi m:IqyUU qh,2re r£&) [Syn, toa/
dmigs don] 2. iso. shooting, va. C. ~l':l~~· airplane, 1. n, .:n.~o.r·~· /namtu/ 2. fly on
/so t~c/ 11 He aimed and (then) shot, khos so airplane, vo, -- ..::t.yc:.: /--toon/
btod nos me mdo' brgyob po red. (qh~ so tfcn& airplane, jet, 1. 4"\~<).t·~·~t:..:<l.' /n~mtu C£t/
lll!!nto k2_paree) 11 We come in a jetplone, ngo tsho gnom gru 1 jod
air ~c:..· /lur:J/ 'II The air is not clean, rlung to nang lo yang po yin. (r:J_2ntso namtu cct noon-
gtsong mo mi 'dug. (lOr) tsanma m_!ntuu) lo Y.2npoyin) [Syn. neo, c. sgro mgyogs gnam gru]
air attock, neo, 1. n. ">:\<3...~'~"\''~~· airport, see: airfield
/nBmth~~ th~pqbo/. 2. attock by air, vo, air pressure, neo.
@.~. I --Ch£f-l shOqtshcc/
air-balloon, neo, "lt\c;'~"<\·~~;;\J.·~· /q22..npuu air pressure gouge, neo, ~O::.'CJ.l0\,01..~9-<'l-'t':CC.,:~'Zl..l~'
namtu/ [Syn. neo, c. rlung lgong] /lur)nccn shuqtshcc toyoo/
airborne troops, see: paratroops air raid shelter, neo. 41,111,0-l'~·afc:·~~·"n.""-'~·
air combat, 1. n. ~"\~·Si:·~r1\=·a.'g-c::.~· /n~tu Y.2r:Jt~~ qh!psa/
16 airroute

air route -<t\<'~~·~al'(ll"'\' byed dgos red, (qh!t!.11l Y!n&& qi:imoi'llo th~qsoon
[Syn. mkha 1 lam] ch!qore~) [Syn. bog zon] 3, iso. alert specif-
airs, put on~ va. ~·<:?)~~·%.~· /cheiia~ chE_'&/ 11 ically to enemies "\"=~!'~~· /f.!:!_s<?on chE_&/ 11
He puts on airs, khos che nyams byed kyi 1 dug, The late king always hod to stay alert to his
(qh~d cheiia~ ch!qil) enemies. rgyol po dam pa de rtog par dgro zon
air space ~~~·""-.~"-· /n&t ~r)/ 11 Their air- gnong nos bzhugs dgos byung song. (kEE,po th2_m-
plane entered (came) into our air space. ngo pate t!:!_qpoo t!;!.soon naanc shuuqoch~nsu)

tsho 1 i gnam dgung la kho tsho 1 i gnam gru yong pa algebra, neo. c. ~·~~~·~· /tshaptsil r!qpa/
red. (r)2_ntsoo nam quunla -qhCintsoo namf.u y~po­ olios <l'\~<::.~e:.· /s~r)mir)/ 11 The olios of the
r~~) [Syn. mngo 1 1 khongs mkha 1 dbyings; gnom spy is 11 yok, 11 so po de 1 i gsong ming lo g,yog
khongs; mkho' khongs] zer gyi yod po red. (s5po th~ s~r}llir)la yao s!-
air travel, !.
va. l:t\<sl....CI..I.'~~-o..~c:q·"'\~~~· /n'fim- qiyE_re~)
f.UU f.UUshtru chE_'&/ 11 Nowadays, there is air alien ~·~· /chimi/ [Syn. phyi rgyol]
travel between India and Nepal. deng song rgya alienate, vo. ~ "C1.l~·.sa"'\~"'-'~"\<t}C:.' /semthoo r!r)ru
gar dang bol yul gyi bar la gnam gru 1 i 1 grul taan/ 11 He has alienated his friends. khos
bzhud byed kyi 'dug. (th!r)Saon kaaqao ta ph££- grogs po tsho dong sems thog ring du btong shag,
yUU qhi P!ruu la narnf.UU f.UUshuU ch!qil) [Syn, (qh~ f.h~qotshoto semthoo r!r)ru toonshoo)
gnom grur phor tshur phyin] 2, see: travel by alien custom a·~:@;~"\~'~o.l· /chik&&qi l~q­
air sbo/ [Syn. phyi lugs]
okonilif.o, skt. <:'i:"<\~~· /wE_min/ alien rights ~·~~AA·~c:.· /chimii thopthoon/
alabaster -'1"\' "-!.'~· /qoporu/ alight, vo. D. "tq~· /ph!p/ 11 When I alighted
alarm, 1, iso, give/sound an alarm, va. ~~"\i!<..: from the plane I met him. ngo gnam gru nos bobs
~'<]c.: /~nta toan/ 11 When the alarm is sounded, dus khong mjol byung. (r)2_ namf.un& ph!ptu11 qhoon
everyone has to hide underground, nyen brdo C££CU)
gtong dus mi tshong mo so 'og lo gob dgos red, align, 1. see: ally 2. see: adjust
(ii~to tor)tu11 m! tshcr)mo saw:>~lo qh!pqore~) 2. alike, 1. iso. similar c:t_~·~ /'t!:!_po/ 11 These two
iso. get/be suddenly frightened, vi.; A.~~~~­ knives ore alike. gri 1 di gnyis 1 dro po 'dug,
/t-~"5/ 11 He was alarmed when he sow the sol- (f.h! t!iiil t!:!,PO t~~) 2. iso, exactly alike
diers. kho dmog mi mthong nos 'drags pa red. "n.~"''Y~' /ciqpa/ 11 These two ore exactly a-
(qho m~ami th55nc t~~pore~) like. 'di gnyis gcig po red, (t!iiil ciqpa r!~l
alarm clock ~·~~~:x:.·illz:;.:"-1.· /chutshod thir Y!!- alimony, neo, -<I\~'\~<'1.1' /sQr)UU/ 11 He has to give
po/ 11 Please lend me on alarm clock. ngo lo alimony to his wife. khos kho 1 i skye dmon lo
chu tshod thir yod po zhig g. yor rogs gnong. gso dngul sprod dgos red. (qh~d qh38 kem&&nlo
(r)~ chutshod thir y~poci yaar:>"5noon) s6r){JU f.S'dq ore~)
alcoholic, iso. o person a;,~::.·~· /char)po/ olive "".~·~ /s&npo/ 11 Is he olive? kho gson
alcoholic beverages a;,c:.'-""'t\' /chaonroo/ po re pas? ( qho s&npo I'!P&'&)
alert, 1., iso. sharp-witted ~e:.·~ /f.h~qu/ 11' alkaline ~·~-<:.::~\ /ph2_tshoc&&n/ 11 alkaline water
The child is very alert. phru gu de grung po chu bo tshwo con (chO ph!:!_tshoc&&n)
zhe drags 1 dug. (puqu th~ f.h,!!Jqu sh~f.oo t~t) alkaline earth ~·.q·~~~· /so ph!:!_tshoc&&n/
[Syn. spyong grung dod po] 2. iso, alert to all 1 1 • <Jfe:.·~· /tshl;ir}lla/ 11 All the people went.
danger, vo. ~~;r5\·~~· /th~qsoon chE_c/ 11' One mi tshong ma phyin song. (m! tshor)ma ch,i\su)
should always (whenever the time) be alert to [Syn.'thoms cod; kun; sgong go] 2. with numbers
thieves, go dus yin no' i rkun mo lo dogs zon ~· /qo/ 11 all three gsum go (sumqo) 11 All
alloyed 17

four went. kho tsho bzhi go phyin song. (qhon- went into the pipe 1 I hod to go on all fours.
tsho sh!qo chr~su) !cogs mdong nang lo 1 gro dus rkong log bzhi
all ages (lit. the three: old 1 young and middle) btsugs nos 1 gro dgos byung. (col)toon ~nlo }.!;!-
~~"t\~~q::>:;'"''\~C).t' /q~_n sh~n ph_2r sum/ tuU_qol)loa sh! tsOunt t,2qochu1Jl
all along ~-~·01...~· /r)oson&/ , I knew all ollioncej .polit, 1, n. a.(~at,·~*\· /th0nc6~/ 2.
along that you were a communist. khyed rang make on alliance, vo. --@,~' 1--ch§}l
dmor po yin po ngos sngo so nos shes byung. allied force <9-t'9'0.1'~~~·'\~~,-~~- /nom}ee meq-
(kheroon moopo Y!mpa D£t r)esont shinchu) puun/
all around ~·n.~~· /'"!q':J':J/ , All around the allied notion ~~Cl\·~~-§,~'~t:!.. • /th0nc6A k~­
school new houses hove been built, slob grwo 1 i qhap/
nye 1 khor lo khong po gsor pa brgyob shag. allies ~~~~~· /thtlnc6~/ 11 Russia and Indio
(lop~&& ~q':J':Jlo qhor)pa saopo k!pshoa) [Syn, nye ore allies. u ru su dong rgyo gar mthun phyogs
skor; mtho 1 skor; khor yug phyogs bzhi] red. (Orusu ta k~qoo thtlnc~ r!~l
all at once, see: at the some time allot, vo, ~~·~;;f\~·..§;~· /ch33qoB chE_t/ 11 Two
all day q,~~~=:.· /n!r)qoon/ officials hove come to allot houses to the
all directions (from) ~~-~·~·~·Cil._~' /ch33 workers. los byed po gnyis bzo po tsho lo khong
qh_2so qh_2nt/ , In Tibet change is occurring po phyogs bgos byed por yong song. (l~cepa ?iii
from all directions. bod nang lo phyogs go so s_2potsh':J':J qhol)po ch55qoB cheqoo Y.!:!~so) , I hove
go nos 1 gyur bo 1 gro gi yod po red, (ph~~ ~n­ come to allot work to you, ngo khyed rang tsho
lo ch3~ qh,25o qh_2nt k.!;!Wa 1-.!:!qiy':J~re~) [Syn. lo los ko phyogs bgos byed por yong pa yin. (1)_2
phyogs gong so nos; phyogs mtho 1 dog nos; phyogs keroontsh':J':J l~qo ch55q~ ch!qoo Y.!:!~payin)
kun nos] allotment, iso, shore ~Qt·~· /qolo/ 11 This meat
allegiance ~·~"' /shosheen/ 11 (One) should hove is my allotment • sho 1 di ngo 1 i skol bo red.
allegiance to one 1s own country. so so I i lung (she t.!, I)~ qi5lo r!~)
por sho zhen byed dgos red, (sasbo l,!;!r)pao she- all over -<t\~·c:n,·o.t· /qh_2so qh_2lo/ 11 The new song
sheen Ch!_qore~) has spread all over the world, gzhos gsor pa de
allergy, 1. n, a;~~·~· /ch~mtsi/ 2. hove/get 1 dzom gling go so go lo khyob shag. (shE_t soopo
allergy, vi. A. -- ~"""\' /--ph5~/ th! ts2_mlil) qh~so qh_2lo khapshoo) [Syn. gong
alleviate, 1. iso. a doubt, worry, fear, vo. ~~''\' sor; khyon; khyon yang nos]
" '0
(l.'<]t:.' /chur)ru toon/ , He alleviated her doubts. allow, iso. be permitted, vi. A, ~~· /ch5~/ 11
khos mo i dogs pa chung du btong bo red.
1 (qh8B (You) ore not allowed to eat beef in Nepal, bol
m~ t_2qpa chur)ru toonpore~) 2, iso. anger, vo. yul lo _glong sho bzos chog gi mo red. (ph~yu~­

A. ~~~·~·~·~·qy /sem sh!ru cO"U/ 11 She la loi)Sho sE_t chooqi111.2re~) 11 Please give me a
spoke gently and alleviated (his anger). mos permit (visa) allowing me to go to Tibet, ngo
skod cho 1 jam po bshod nos kho 1 i sems zhi ru bod lo phyin chog pa 1i chog mchon gnong rags
bcug po red, (m£"d ql:co C_2mp0 shl:tn& qh8S sem gnong. (1)_2 ph~lo chi~ ch5q&& ch5qc&&n noon-
sh!ru cOupare~) 3. iso. pain, vo. A. ~~·.::t·~·r r':J~noon)

/~tsho coo/ 11 The doctor gave on injection and allowance ;;r-..lf\~·~· /ph55nl)on/ 11 She got on al-
ollev.ioted his pain. smon pas khob brgyob nos lowance from the government, mo lo gzhung nos
kho 1 i no tsho beag po red. (m!:mp&c qhap k2_pn& phogs snon rag po red, (m~ shiJnt ph53nodn
qh3B ~tsho coopa r!~l r~opore~)

alley (l{&.·~~· /l2_mcuun/ alloyed, 1. iso. a metal ~'9Q.:\'to:~~~·

all fours .i!\C..'(l.t'l\,'~~•.' /qol)loo sh!f 11 When I /noms~/ 11 alloyed steel mnyom bsres ngor
18 all ready

lcags (nomsee n2rca~) 2. iso. adulterated ~~· iso. about to vi. [vb,] ~q~·~· /[vb,] }h22
/lh'l!&/ 11 This silver has been alloyed, dngul Ch£C.f 11 It almost fell, 'di gzags grabs by as
'dir lhad yod pa red. (nOD t~ lhfc y~~re~) song. (t! sao~::>::> Ch£CSO) 11 They almost came
·all ready I See : ready here. kho tsho 'dir yong grabs by as pa red,
oll right, iso, okay to do ~~~~· /~!1/ 11 Is it (qh5ntso tee yoontoo checparee) 3, iso. almost
all right if we do this work? nga tshos las ka a time ~~~~~·~·/s!~M chE,.c/ 11 It's almost
1 di byas no 'grig gi red pas? (~ntsb1S leeqo ti noon. nyin dgung zin grabs byed kyi 'dug.
ch££no ~!qir~pec) (n!Qquun s!mt-66 ch!qil)
all sides ~~·t.l\·~·~· alms, 1. ~· ~~·~· /c!mpa/ 2, give alms, va. --
all sorts of ~~~~~~~-/riimee notsho~/ l=l'l9~' /--torJn/
all the time, iso. always ~·~-'«-~(;\.'<>\~' /qh2_tuU alms bowl ~c:.·q.-~C::.,: /lhOQSM/
Y!nnM/ 11 He studies all the time. kho go dus almS!-giver, iso. patron ~~·~~·:n: /c!ntaa/
yin na'i slob sbyong byed kyi 'dug. (qh5 qh2_tuU alone 1 1 • iso. without another person ~~<!'\ • "-l •
Y!nnM l~c«. ch!qil) [Syn. thog mtha' bar gsum h. ~·lf-' /c!qM; h, qUkaan/ t Today I om a-
du; snga phyi bar sum du] lone at home, de ring nang la nga gcig pu yin,
all together 1 1 • iso. in sum ~~·q~~~ · /kh3ntoil./ (th!,riin n~nla Q~ ciq66 Y!n) 11 I came alone,
11 All together, the expenses were 10 1 000 (dol- nga gcig pu yong pa yin, (Q_2 ciq66 y~?tpayin)
lars). 1 gro song khyon bsdoms sgor mo khri gcig [Syn. kh~r rkyong; gcig rkyang] 2, iso, apart
phyin shag. (~~soon kh8ntoil. q22mo }hi ciq chi~­ from anything ~·.tr\~' /qhoptsaan/ 11 Put
sha~) [Syn, khyon) 2. iso, in one bunch, at one those books alone (separately, i,e, don't mix
time ~q·~~~·~· /t~p cilla/ 11 I bought their them with others), deb 1 di tsho khe gtsong lo
furniture all together. ngas khong tsho'i 1 dzin bzhag rogs gnong. ( th!P t!ntso qhoptsoanla
byad tshang ma sdeb gcig la nyos pa yin, (n£& sh~r::>~noan) 3. iso, without family/single !i2C:.'
qhantst:ro ts!ncee' tshonma t!P
' -·'
n~'8payin ) ~~· /hr~Qraan/ 11 He is a person alone (without
[Syn. sdeb la] family) , kho mi hrang hrang zhig red, ( qho m!
all told 1 see: all together 11 I came alone from America
allude, iso. refer 1 va. ~~·q\7~::;: /qh!;!ku toon/ (i.e, without family; used only for long jour-
11 He alluded to revolution in his speech, khos nies) • ngo a mi r i ka nos hrang hrang lo yong
skad cha i nang la gsar br je i go rgyu btang pa
1 1 pa yin, (Q_2 ~irikane hr~Qraanlo y~?tpayin)
red. (qh8'd q'l!cee n_22n la s~rcee qh!;!ku toonpa- along, 1, see: alongside ·2. iso, on or through
re~) ~~'\'/k!J:"ul 11 I came along this rood, ngo lam
ally (with) 1 va, ~0"-l'~CIJ.'@.~' /nom~ee ch£&/ 11 kh"gg 'di brgyud nos yong pa yin. (Q_2 loQqo~ t!
Will Indio ally with Russia? rgya gar gis u ru k~e y~l'tpoyin) 3, (go) along 1 iso, in agree-
su dong mnyam 1 brel byed kyi red pas? (k2qaoqi ment with ~.:.·<>.t·~~ /.q~}U.a ~~/ 11 I gg_ along
urusuta nom~ee ch!qirept&l with his plan, ngos kho'i 'char gzhi 1 i sgang la
all year al-~c:.·d;,~· /1~ '1.22ntsaan/ 11 ·I worked all 'gro gi y od • ( I'JE,.&' qhoo
"" ch33shii ceru.a
' },!:!_qiy_20
year (for the whole year). ngal las ka lo sgang [Syn. thog la 1 gro] 4, iso, gets along with,
tshang gcig byas pa yin. (nc& l_££qa 1~ q~n­ va. ~~.l:t\~<::1~·§,~' /thODnship chE,.&/ 11 He
tshaan ci ch£Cpayin) [Syn, lo hril pol gets along with everyone, khos mi tshong ma
almanac Cil·~ /l!_to/ dang mthun gshibs byed thub kyi 'dug. (khS'd mi
almost, 1. 1:<:\e>.p~~· /ph'l!fcee/ 11 My work is tshaQmota thnDnship ch~ thuuqil)
almost done. nga'i las ka phal cher tshar song. alongside ~~· /}hil/ 11 There are many restau-
(n££ leeqo phffcee tshooso) [Syn. ha lam] 2. rants alongside the road, lam. khog gi khi'i.s lo
amble · 19

za khang mang po 'dug, (lal')qa~qi thilla s~qaan altitude, iso, height a.<Sf.'<i'&::.: /thotshcc/ 11 What
m~l')qu t~t) is the altitude of Lhasa? lho so i mtho tshad

along with, 1. iso, together with OJ.<t)O.l ·:;_· /n~- go tshad red? (lh~~sc& thotshcc qh~ts~~ r_£c)
t6o/ 11 I went to school along with him. nga altitude sickness, 1, n. ~·~~- /l~tuu/ 2. get
kho mnyom du slob grwor phyin pa yin (r){i qho altitude sickness, vi, -- -G~"'.' / --k~p/

n~t6o loptaa chi~payin) 2, iso, at some time aluminum ~-~~- /hoyol')/

"\_C:..'~~«\·~· /th,SI'J ch~pcil/ 11 Along with aluminum pot ..l(]'O..IG:.' (:lf;~·~;c,· /hoyal') qhUtii/
studying, I work, ngas slob sbyong dang chab always '1,;-"\'"·P.: /U!qpaa/ 11 The cat always sleeps,
cig las ka yang byed kyi yod. (r:J_£C lopc&l to zhi mi de rtogs par nyol gyi 'dug, (sh!miti
ch~pcil l_££q~~ ch!qiyod) 3, iso, in accordance tc!qpaa iiccqil) [Syn, 1 char con; go dus yin
with, see:~ accordance na'i; nom gton du)
aloud ~'\'l:l.~c;).·~~· /qec k~pnc/ 11 He read the amalgamate, see: combine
letter aloud, khos yi ge de skod brgyob nos amass, 1. iso, graduaily, va. A. ~.<!i~· /soa/ 11
bklogs song. (qh~d Y!qiti q~c k~pn& 13~so) He amassed much money, khos dngul mang po bsogs
alphabet ~-~· /qoqo/ shag. n.'
( qhoo ""
l')uu m~l')qu ' '
saashaa) 2. iso, collect
alphabetize, vo, D. -'t\."~"\1.'"'\~~~·/q~mil t!q/ at one time, va, C.
already ~~·ci<,_~' /th~ton&/ 11 I hove already s2_'1>!
finished. ngos do 1 to nos byes tshar pa yin, amazed, be, vi, A, --oC?'Cl-1~' /ha l_£c/ 11 He was
(I'J_£C th.sntan& ch_£C tshaapayin) 11 I hove already amazed, kho ho las pa red, (qho ho l_£cparee)
eaten, nga ko lag do lta nos bzas tshar pa yin. amazing -'9'GU~·~~ • /ha l_££ya~/ 11 That 1s
(1')_2 qhal~ th_2ntanc s_£c tshoopayin) amazing news, gsor 'gyur de ha las yog cig red,
al tor, 1 , is a, altar put on cabinet called phyag (s~nkuu ti ha lccya~ ci r!el

sgam 04 ~"'\~~~ • I ch8"osh~/ 2. iso. al tor ambassador .tl\~c;·~· /sh~l')tshap/

on which offerings are placed ~~~~~~·/ch33- amber {gem) if~~~· /poshee/

teq/ onbiguous, iso. not clear "<\~~·;:f." [neg,)
altar, see: change /s~~po [neg.]/ 11 This is very ambiguous, 1 di
ol ternote 1 1 , iso, a substitute member /delegate, gsal po khyon nos mi 'dug. (t! sc~po kh3nc m!n-
n. ~~~os~: / 2. iso, another 4:\~"'· tuu) [Syn, go nor thebs yog]
'\"\' /sh_£nta~/ 11 I have on alternate plan. nga ambition, iso. desire Q.~'e<.\' /t2_pa/ 11 It's his
la 1 char gzhi gzhan dog cig yod. (I')~ ch~ashi ambition to become a pilot, gnom gru gtong
sh_£nta~cr y_£d) 3, va, :?i;.-,;:r-~.~~'lr!:,mod chE.,c/ mkhan byed yog de kho rang gi 1 dod pa red,
11 They alternated planting barley and wheat. (n~mtu tol')ccn cheyaa te qhorcc tope reel

kho tshos gro dong nos btab yag re mos byes pa ombftious ~~~~~GI.\~~·.-::t<·HJ.r~ lchem;o ch!yoaqi
red. ( qhontsb15 th.sta nE.,C t~pyo~ r!:,m<rci chE.,cpa- somlo/ 11 He is very ombi tious. kho chen po
reE\) byed yag gi bsam blo zhed po cig 'dug, (qho
alternately 11 They chempo ch!yo~qi somlo sh!puci t~u)
alternately planted barley and wheat, kho tshos anbivolent -~:<:>~'.::\~ /n!:}_su/ 11 They ore ambivalent
gro dong nos re mas byes blab po red, (qhontsod about going to Tibet, kho tsho bod la 'gro yag
th,S to n_£c r!mb"dcc taparee) nyis bzo red, (qh~tso ph~ lo t.2yoa fi!:}_su ~e)
alternating current (electricity), neo, ~~'~"t\~' [Syn. nges med; gtan gton med pa]
~"'\'@~· /r~kut loqkUtln/ [Syn. glog gnyis re amble, 1. n. c':>.~~· /t_£d/ 2, va, -- 1'\~.::t· /k~p/
mas bYes rgyugs mkhan gyi glog rgyun] 11 This horse doesn't amble well. rto 'dis 'gros
although, see: even though yog po rgyog gi mi 'dug, (ta til t~d y~qo ~qi
20 ambrosia

m.!_ntuu) amnesty, to give, 1. iso, pardon o prisoner, va •

ambrosia, see: n~ctar .o::~.')f'~·~~<:>:~·~l?c::.' /tsSntod toCin/ 1l The king gave
ambulance, neo, ~""·1'~0\.l"CUI,'\~'af."<t· /nE_pa khee- amnesty to all the prisoners, rgyal pos btson
~ccn ~to/ [Syn. dza drag sman 1 khor] pa tshang ma btson bkrol btang pa red, (kccpb~
ambush, va. ~f::"l.'~Cll."§,ll-t' /c2_pqod chE_c/ f The ts8mpa tsM~o ts~ntoo toonpare~) 2 •. iso, a
guerrillas suddenly ambushed the government gar- pardon for an offense ~'N"<.l.l<:;.'N' /neeya~/ f
rison. 'job dmog tshos gzhung gi dmag sgar zhig If the soldiers surrender 1 they will get amnes-
lo glo bur 1 job rgol byas shag, {c!ma~tshtru ty. dmog mi tshos mgo btags zhus no kho tshor
sh_!!~i ma~qoa cr!a lopur c2,pqod chE_csha~) nyes yangs thob kyi red, (maemitshoB q_2pta~
ameliorate, see: improve; lessen sh.!!!!"a qhontsoo iieeya'h thOpqireM
amenable, see: agreeable among ~c::.·~~· /n~nc/ f I recognised him from
amend, iso. altered, va. "''.~~~·q,~~· /s2_pc'OB among many people, ngos kho mi mang po'i nang
k2_p/ f The National Assembly amended the nos ngo shes byung. (~E_c qho m.!_ lll!~qtru n~nc ~2.
constitution. rgyol yongs tshogs chen nos rtso she'hcl..l) 1l She was the best among the dancers.
khrims la bzo bcos brgyob po red, (kccyoon zhobs bro rgyog mkhon gyi nang nos mo mkhos shos
tsh~'cheennc ts~thimla s2_pcod ~pare~) red, ( koo~ccnqi n~nc m2. qh~cshb~ r!~)
America 'a\~'~'Ji\' /amiriqa/ [Syn. dkyil nos]
American 1 • iso. a person ~·~~'.1T\' /amiriqa/ amount, 1. ~c::.·~e..· /m2_~nuun/ 1l One should make
f He· is American, kho a mi ri ko red, (qho food in accordance with the amount of people,
amiriqa r!~) [Syn, a ri] 2. adj. ~~fX·'T\~' mi mong nyung la btas nos kho log bzo dgos red,
/amiriqcc/ 1l on American gun a mi ri go' i me (m.!_ m2_~nuunla t~cnc qhCilo~ s_2Ciore~) 2, iso,
mdo' (~miriqcc m!nta) amount of rain oo::o:.~.::n,~· /charshuu/ 1l A
American continent ~~~c;.~C~._· /ari Ir~heen/ great amount of rain falls in Chino, rgyo nag
amiable "'t\~o=:J.~'o=:J.);:~ /ship tepa/ 1l He is very lo char shugs chen po bob kyi 'dug, (
amiable, khong gshibs bde po zhe drag •dug. ch~rshuu chempo ph2_pqil) 3, iso, amount of snow
(qhoon ship t!po sh!tao t~u) [Syn, mthun po] ~c::.~·~""\~' /qh2_~huu/ 1l A great amount of
amicable, see: amiable snow falls in Tibet,· bod lo gongs shugs chen po
amidst, see: among
... ...
bob kyi 'dug. (ph~lo qh2,~huu chempo ph!pqil.
... )

Ami tabha 1 skt, rt""''\~~~-" /wb"Opo~me~/ 4. iso, amount of production ~""'~~·

Amitoya, skt. ~'\"'\<:(\'~'\' /tshi3po~e~/ /th8mpoo/ 1l This year they produced a large
amity ~~~"'t\~' /thtlnto~/ 1l They mode a treaty amount of wheat, do lo gro thon 1 bar chen po
of amity. kho tshos mthun grogs kyi chings yig byung shag. (th2.lo th.2 th8mpoo chempo ch~n­
bzhog pa red, (qhontsod thtlnt-o~ qi chi~yil shoo) 5, iso, large amount ~~~~;:r- /pE_r
sh2.~po red) [Syn, mdza' mthun; zhi mthun] chempo/ f He brought a large amount of money,
ammunition, 1. n. ~·~~~· /tsEE,ntee/ 2. be out khos dngul 'bor chen po zhig 'kyer shag, (qh~d
of ammunition, vi, A, ~~· /--ts2~/ dUO pE_r chempoci qheesho~) [Syn. phon chen po]
ammunition box l:l-\~~·~.;u· /t22..qam/ ample, see: sufficient
amnesia, 1, iso, partial loss of memory, vi, C, ompli fy 1 1, for sound 1 see: enlarge 2, for
~~·z.t·'?~~·/thE_mpa ~m/ f He banged his head and descriptions, vo. ~~·~·~vc:.· /kE_eru taan/ 11
got amnesia. kho mgo brdabs nos dron pa nyoms Please amplify your suggestions, khyed rang gi
shag, (qho q2_ t2_pnc thE_mpa Pi2_msha~) 2. iso, dgongs 'char rgyos su gtong rogs gnong, ( khe-
complete loss of memory, va, o·. ~l;l..:~_·<:t~' roonqi q2_~coo kE_cru toonro~noon)
/tE_mpa th~r/ [Syn, dran pa brlags] amputate, vo. ~~'\'~.oCt\~~~· /cMte~ chE_&/ f
animal 21

They amputated his legs, kho tshos kho'i rkang ~c.·~· /nil')ma/ 11 an ancient family (i,e, a
po gcoo bregs byas po red, (qhonts~ qh38 qol')pa family with a long history) mi tshang rnying ma
cSSte~ ch_£&pare~) [Syn, dbarg pa gcod bregs] (m!tshaan ii!l')ma)
anulet, 1. made from thread ~~·8.3.~~ ; h. ~'t\~' and ·"\,t:..' /t21'J or ta/ 11 He hos a dog and a cat,
tit~'\' /sOI')tuU; h, c~tuU/ 2. general name ~~· khor khyi cig dang zhi mi cig 'dug. (qh3!5
~ ltur>al khicita shimici t~t)
amuse, va, B. ~~q~·; h, "\~.:3.~'; h, '\~·~~· and so forth, see: et cetera
<i~' /q2 q~!5; h. 0 _q,!5; Ol')qM sh!:"U/ 11 I amused and yet, see: but
the children by telling a story. ngos sgrung anemia, neo. c •
bshad byas phru gu tsho mgo bskor pa yin. 111£& nE_c/
t~ilt sh~&ce& puqutsho q2 q55poyin) 11 She amused anesthetize, 1. iso, give a local anesthetic, va,
the guests. mos sku mgron tsho dbu skor zhus ~.:.;.·~~"'~"'-' /p!rmeen k2_p/ 11 When a tooth·
song. (m~~ qun}~dntsho Ol')q~~ sh~u) is extracted, [they] anesthetize (i.e, a local
amusing zt.~O>\:~V\"'\'<5;)"'~ /t~fnshil tshCipo/ 11 He is anesthetic is given) • so bkog dus sbir sman
an amusing person. kho mi bstan bshig tsha po rgyag gi 'dug, (so q53ttr~ p!_rmeen kaaqil) 2,
zhig 'dug. (qho m! t~fnshil tshCipoci t~t) iso, give a general anesthetic, va. B. ~·~~
an, see: a .q_~~- /shrmeen tee/ 11 When doing an operation,
analogous, see: similar [they] anesthetize (i.e. a general anesthetic is
analyse ~~ZS\.'"-'%"-'~~· /toqce& chE_&/ 11 She given), gshags bcos byed dus shi sman ster gi
analyzed the new situation, mos gnas tshul gsar 'dug, (shoqc~ ch!tuU shimeen teeqil)
pa der brtag dpyad byas pa red, (m~d nfftshUU anew, see: again
soapatee toqce& chE_tpare~) [Syn, brtag zhib arger, see: angry
byas; dpyad zhib byas; dbye zhib byas; also see: angle, math. ~~·~· /qhOqka/
research] argry, 1. iso, get angry, vi. C, ~A\·~· .a • ; h.
ana 1 ys1s, . t'f'
scJ.en 1 1c 1 neo, ~
00 "' ~~·1'.\·df~~· /tsh!qpa sE_&; h, 9211pa tshOn/ 11
•\'§;~~· /tshffnrilta thOmpee yeship/ I got angry. nga tshig pa za byung, (I'J2 tshiq-
analyst ~~~·~~~·~· /yeship qhffpa/ 11 He pa s~chu) [Syn, rlung longs; sku rlung bzhangs]
is a chemical analyst, khong rdzas 1 gyur dbye 2. iso, make someone angry, va. C, {i!i""''WC\~-"~·
zhib mkhas pa zhig red, (qhoon tsE,£nkur yeship /qhoonto lCi'n/ 11 He made me angry, khos nga
qh~fpaci r2_~) [Syn, brtag dpyad mkhos po] khong khro bslangs byung, (qhS8 112 qhOC5nto
anarchism, neo, c, .%..:;;.·~~c:.·~~~"<\~c:.·~~~· lCincu) 11 I made him angry. ngas kho khong khro
/srrshul') ~~pee r!l')lut/ bslangs pa yin, (r:Jc& qho qhoonto lorpayin) 3,
ancestors (paternal) .z-.1•~ 'I ph6me~/ iso, look angrily, ~a. C. ~~·Gi.t"""\'"t~~·/miql6b
anchor, 1. n, 4\~c:.·~ /tii')to/ , 2, weigh anchor, tfc/ 4. iso. control anger, va, A. ~C:.'&:\"\\~·
va. c. -- R~~/--thfn/ 3, lower anchor, va, A, /101') qo~/ 11 He couldn't control his anger,
-- "t!~~~·/--yau/ khos rlung bkog thub kyi mi 'dug, (qh~d 101') qo~
anchorite &:t~~·4·c::::~.· /tshCimpa~/ thOOqim!ntut) [Syn. khong khro bkag]
ancient 1, iso, of times long past ~·.if" /Y)omo/ 11 anguish ~<f\'&:\~~· /t~~M
ancient city snga mo 1 i grong khyer (l')omoo animal, 1. iso. both humans and non-humans~~""-'\·
th~khee) [Syn, sngar; sngar snga mo; snga dus; ~01.: /s&!cecn/ [Syn, srag chogs] 2. iso,
dus snga robs; snga robs; gna' bo; gna' mo; gna' non-human animals '\"'Cl~ /th~tu/
snga mo; gna 1 dus; gna 1 robs; dus gna' robs; animals with shells c::;,~'CI...,_.
~ "\.) -
sngon robs; dus robs sngon ma] 2, iso, very old birds Q.'\"1.' Clb"t\~' /tf!.pcha~/
22 animal products

carnivorous, wild animal <1'\<'I<S(.'"t\:!101,.' /c'fns&n/ (sh~?.Jqil chaashi saopaci khap}a"t:J chE_csha"t:J)
[Syn. sder chags] announcement, 1, n, ~G.-~1i\<l'\~· /khaptacV 2. make
carrying animals (l'l P.:J.·~· /qhf!fma/ an announcement, see: announce
carrying horse ~at·~· /qhff!ta/ annoy, va. C.
carrying mule· ~~·~C>J.' /qhf!ft;ee/ nayed me, khos nga sun pa bzos byung,
( qhod I)~

carrying yak ~~·"'\~"'\' /qhffyooi sOmpu s_£-&hu)

colt~-~· /tiqi/ [Syn, rti 'u] annoying, adj. ~51.·~ /s!lmpu/ 11 The children's
creeping animals ~%~ /p::_siin/ noise was very annoying. phru gus skad cor
domestic animal ~<t\-<'-\'~"t\.~' /chuqril/ rgyag yag de sun po zhe drag 'dug. (pOquU qf!f-
domestic animals kept in house/stable c:>:> k~ya"t:Jte sOmpu sh~}aa t~u)
/q~huu/ [Syn. sgo zag] amual 2,{!-~a- /l2_ree/ 11 annual meeting lo re'i
herbivorous, wild animal ~''i"f\-N' /r!_ta"t:J/ tshags 'du (l2_ree tsh!5!5ntu) 11 annual produc-
working animals ~"Jf\G>:l.·~~· /q~oo/ tion lo re 1 i thon tshad (l2_ree th3ntscc)
animal products .i;:\;u<'l ·~Ol.:~'~~&..· ~ • /semc&&n qi annually ~~x..·~·l:l.~O\· /l2,tar r="hi/ 11 They go
th3ntse:c/ to Nepal annually, kho thso bal yul la· lo !tar
animosity, see: hatred re bzhin 'gro gi red, (qhontso phE_£ytrula lotar
anise ~·x..· /ts!_ra/ [Syn, sngo dri zhim] r~shi }~iree) [Syn. lo !tar]
ankle .f\C::.~~· /ql!il')tsil/ anode, nee, ;s:~~- /ph'Ol:>o/
amal, 1. iso, yearbook ~~l:3: /l2_tep/ 2, iso, anoint, va. A, ~~·~"'\~' /nrln c~t/
historical text ~Q.·$al;.· /th2,pter/ anonymous ~z;;.·~·~~· /mj;_l') ~t~pa) 11 The stu-
annex, va, .<::~.~.q~c::.'@,\' /tsff!nsu?t chE_C/ 1! Strong- dent received an anonymous gift(of money), slob
er nations annex the territory of weaker no- grwa ba der ming rna ston pa 1i rags dngul rag
tions, rgyal khab stobs shugs che bas rgyal shag, (lop}ad thE_£ mj;_r.J mat~pcc r~I')UU r~dshad)
khab stobs shugs chung ba'i sa cha btsan bzung. another, 1, ~G\.&.:""-~· /shE_ntad/ 11 Is there an-
byed kyi yod pa red, (kEE,qap topshuu checqil other person with him? kho mnyam du mi gzhan
ke:cqap topshuu chu?,&e: sacha tsffnsun ch!_qiy:>!>- dog 1 dug gas? ( qho iiamtbb mj;_ shE_ntad t~qcc)
re~) [Syn, gzhan pa] 2. iso. one after another -n.~~·
annihilate, va. -t''~"'q;~· /tsame~ t5Bn/ 11 They m~q:\'4\~·~~e..,:~· /cil')cut iiiithu'Ucc/ 1! Many
annihilated the enemy troops, kho tshos dra 1 i cars are going one after another, mo }a mang po
dmag mi rtsa med btang song, (qhentsod t&& ml!il!i- gcig mjug gnyis mthud byas 1 gro gi 1 dug. ( m2,ta
mi ts5me~ taanso) [Syn. med Po bzos] m!l')qu cir)Cut iiiithUUcc t;~qil) [Syn. mu mthud
anniversary, 1. for weddings ~o.~-l:,~'~C\ nos]
/12_qh:>:> thtrut&&n/ 11 This is my 20th wedding answer, 1. va. Ol~•.'""'@.,'~.' ; h, ~'\'~ /1E_£n
anniversary. 'di nga chang sa brgyab nos lo nyi k!p; h, c!!2l&cn k3n/ 11 She didn 1 t answer his
shu phyin pa 1 i lo 'khor dus dran red, (tj;_ I)~ question. mos kho'i dri bar !an brgyab rna song,
choi')Sa k.:!_pn& 12_ ii!_shu chi~p&& l2_qh:>o th~}&cn (m~d qh33 }h!_waa 1E_£n k!pmasoon) 2, iso, answer
r!~) 2. for events/deaths ~~·~0( /thUUtccn/ specifically by letter, va. '@."'='.'~"'~~.:::..·
11 Today is the anniversary of the revolt, de /yj;_qleen taan/ 11 She answered him by mail, mos
ring ngo rgol sger longs kyi dus dron ·red, khor sbrag thog yig Ian btang shag, (m~ qh33
(th!_riin l')!;_qoo q!rla?t qhi thuute:cn r!~l t~qth:>o y!_qlccn taanshad)
announce, va. \~\.,''l..'~~4'\~·~~· /khapta"t:J chE_C/ ·11 ant ~"t\'al' /t;h~mad/ [Syn. 'bu grog rna]
The government announced a new plan. gzhung gis antagonist, see: adversary
'char gzhi gsar pa zhig khya~,bsgrags byas shag, antagonize; see: angry, 2
apart 23

antarobhava, skt, .:::1.:.:.•~~

/ph2.rto/ into that house, khang pa pha gi 1 i nang lo mi
antarctica, ~-- "'
,.,""\.'" ~
neo, ~""-G>.'~~;:;.·~·~n..·~<l)~·~c..· "' su yin na 1 i phyin chog gi red, (qhol)pa ph~qii

/ts!mli~ lh5th&t kh~qli~/ n~nlo m_! sO y,!n~~ chi~ ch33qiree)

antelope "'\~"\' /ts_"(id/ anyhow, see: anyway
antenna, for radio, etc. ""\1$...-a..t·~a,.· /namqW/ anyone, see: anybody
anthem, national ~o..t·~· / anyplace, see: anywhere
anthem (of flowers) 'i\%~- /sj;_n}u/ anything, 1. used with a verb lf\:X. [vb,] a__<ct.·
ant hill ~"'\·A· /}h~tsaon/ / [vb.] nM/ 11 Anything you need, ask
anthology ~~c;.· ~
..J"o- I s!lr)tsom c.rrtu11
't Dor je. khyed rang lo go re dgos pa gnong no 1 i
[Syn. rtsom bsdus phyogs bsdebs] rdo rje lo.gsung rags gnang. (kheraonla
anthracite (hard) coal z.t:~·~~"'\~.;:r- /t~oo q:_~ nei5ntt t~ctt sOOnro~naan) 2. used without
}hoqpo/ a verb ¢\'~'CI..~"t\'CI,~' / t.!:!.!:!n&t/ 11 Anything
onthro~logy 1 neo. <::'.,
'"" you need 1 ask , khyed rang la dgos yog qa re
/m,!kUU qh2'"sb<J r,!qn&c/ [Syn, neo, c. mi 1 i rigs 'dug no 1 i gsung rags gnong. (kheroonlo q~yoo
kyi .rig pa] t.!:!.!:!n&t sOOnro~naon)
anti- ~·~~· /t:_qcho~/ 11 anti-American ~· anything at all "l\c;.'Qlt::.' [vb.] /qhE£ [vb,]/ 11
~~·~~·/~rii t:_qcho~/ 11 anti-communist Did you buy anything at all yesterday? kho sa
""~.:>;;.·~·c(i::rt'~'"t\~·/marpod t:_qcho~/ khyed rang gis gong yang gzigs pas? (qhl!l!sa
antiaircraft gun, neo. 41 ~Q.l·~·"t\ "f':c..
·~~·~ · kheroonqi qhE£ s,!lpt&) 11 Do you need anything
~~· /nam}u t3ryoo ~rko~/ [Syn, gnam sgyags] at all? khyed rang la gang yang dgos pa gnang
antibiotic, neo, ~~.-N·a?t'\oO!li'~· /kentr~ q:_q- yag 1 dug gas? (kheraanla qhE£ q:_~ nCii5nyao t.!:!,-
ts&~/ q&c)
antidote, for poisons only \"t\.'~c:r.t·~~· anything else "t\ 1.'\"\'cl\.."\' /shE,.nto"'/ 11 Do you want
/th!!qsee ml!l!n/ to buy anything else? khyod rang co log gzhon
antipathy, see: hatred dog nyo dgos yod pas? (khSro colo"' shE,.ntao n~qo
antique ~c;.'aJ.' /ni~a/ 11 antique furniture y_!:!pt&l
'dzin chos rnying mo (t~ct& nr~a) anytime "'~'\'~~· [vo,] ~~: /qh!tuU [vo,] nM/ 11
antiquity, see: ancient It 1 s okay for you to go to the market anytime,
antlers """\'~' /shora/ khyed rang khrom lo go dus phebs no 1 i 1 grig gi
anus~~·; h. ~0:\.~c:t.· /qOp; h. s3Squp/ red, (kh~oan }hemlo qh!tuil pheentt. ~,!qiree) 11
o~uttar (tontra)' skt. ~·~~~r--: /lomee kJ!ill Anytime you (wont) to eat is okay, khyed rang
[Syn, blo no med pa'i rgyud] zhol log go dus mchod no 1 i 1 grig gi red.
anxious, 1. odj, ~a..l-<"1.'~~· /sam}&&/ 11 She is (kheroon shEJ:.lo"' qh!tuiJ chSBntt },!qiree)
anxious. mor sems khrol 'dug. (m~ sam}&& t.!:!,~l anywhere ¢1, '~.:-::.·~~a_~· /qh2.pao y!._nM/ 11 One
2. be anxious, vi, --@,~' 1--ch£&1 11 She is con buy this kind of paper anywhere, shag bu
acting anxious. mos sems khral byed kyi 'dug, 1 di 1 i gros go par yin no' i nyo thub gyi red,
(m!!"d sem}tt ch!qil) [Syn. sems 'tshab; blo (shOqu t~t&c qh2.pao y!._n~~ n2.thOpqiree)
1 tshab] apart, 1, iso, aside/separate Ql"'\~''\<t\"-'/l~qoa/
any at all [used with negatives] "1:\~lf\·~· 11 Please set the book apart (from the others),
/cii.yM/ 11 He does not have any books at all, deb 1 di logs dgor bzhog rags gnong, (th!:,P ti
khong la deb gcig kyang mi 'dug, (qhoonlo th!P l~qoo sh~ro~non) [Syn. khog khog byos] 2.
ciiyM m_!ntut) iso. fall aport, for buildings, vi, A, ~~~.·
anybody ~-~~<:;!,~' /sO Y,!nM/ 11 Anybody con go /sh!._l/ 11 The house fell apart. khong pa 1 di
24 apartheid

zhigs shag. (qhor)poti sh.!_lsho~) 3. iso, fall brgyob po red,

aport, for o pion, vi, A. if~~- /p9_ l!!_t/ ~ thol::>o k2_paree)
Their plan fell aport. khong tsho' i 1 char gzhi appealing, see: attractive
sbo lug shag. (qh~ntsoo cheeshi P9., l!!_tsho~) 4. appear, 1, iso. become visible, vi. C.~~· /tho~/
iso. toke aport, vo. A, 1::\~<n,' /shill ~ He ~ A dog appeared behind the tree over there,
took aport the camera, khos dpor elias bshig shing sdong pho gi 1 i rgyob nos khyi zhig don
shag. (qhSti porccc shilsho~) 5. aport from, song. ( shfr)toon ph~qii k2_pnc khici th~nso) 2.
see: except for iso, hove the oppeoronc~ of /seem to be <t~ "'-o;::,.:
oporthied, see: racial discrimination ~'t\' /s9.raci/ ~ He appears to be Nepalese, kho
apathetic, 1, os on attribute of persons ~qr~ bol po 'i bzo 1 dro zhig 'dug. ( qho phE.,£pbMd
/n;!pto/ ~ He is on apathetic person. kho mi s9.raci t!:.t) ~ The war appears to be over, dmog
nyob to zhig I dug, ( qh(5 ml n9.ptoci t!!_t) 2 o be thog chod po 'i bzo 1 dro zhig 1 dug. (ma~ tho~
apathetic, vi. D. ~q· /n:;_p/ ~ He has become ch~dp&& s::.raci t! ~ He appears sick, kho no
apathetic. kho nyob shag. (qh5 n9.psho~) po'i bzo 'dro zhig 'dug. (qho ~p&& s9.raci t!!_u)
ope ~'~-"' /m.!_qb'tl/ [Note: This is also used appearance, 1. see: appear 2. <::~.~~· /s9.pto/
for the abominable snowman,] ~ His appearance frightened me. kho'i bzo lto
ope man~-~· lt~mi/ mthong nos ngo zhed byung, (qh88 s9.Pto th5onn&
aphorism <n,~~·'\.~' /tempe/ rJ::. sh~ecu) [Syn. phyi tshul; phyi rnom po]
apiece x:~. / ~ The books cost one dollar appease, see: pacify; calm
apiece. dep re re la sgor mo re re gnod shag, append, 1. see: add 2. see: attach
(th~p r2::.relo q~mo n~csho~) appendectomy, 1. n. ~'%J4"\'l:l.'"f'C;<,·q~'"-\"'i""'\'"'\~'(
apologize, vo. C. ~~'N.'"'-,.:1;\'~~- /q~to~ sh.!;!"~/ /k!!_lho~ t8np&C sh~qcb'tl/ 2. do on appendec-
~ I apologized to him, ngos khong lo dgongs dog tomy, vo, -- ~~· /--ch£&1
zhus po yin. ( r'JE_C qho5nlo q9.nto~ sh.!;!"~payin) appendicitis ~~~·Cl..·ci' /k!!_lho~ ~tsha/
[Syn. dgongs sel zhus; bzod gsol zhus] appendix, 1. iso. a supplement 01-'j\c:.' /qhoqon/
apology, see: apologize 2. iso. organ in body ~;~'4\' /k!:.lho~/
apparel, see: clothes appetite, 1. n, ~c..~·cq· tth9.r)qo/ ~I didn't hove
apparently, 1. iso, post actions q~0\"<\"'\'0\'~ any appetite. ngo kho log dwongs kho rtso ba
/y~nt::>~ qhopo/ ~ Apparently he went to Tibet. nos mi 'dug. (rJ::. qholo~ th9.r)qa tsoon& m.!_ntut)
kho bod la phyin yod mdog kha po red. (qh5 ph~iJ 2. lose one 1s appetite, vi. A, '2.<!;,~· (l'\'R"{),"l\'
lo chin y~nt::>~ qhopo r~e) 2. iso, future ac- /th9.r)qo q9.~/ ~ He got sick and lost his appe-
tions [vb.] """Z""t\' (l'l'2f /[vb.] t2~ qhopo/ ~ tite. kho no nos dwongs kha 1 gags shag. ( qho
Apparently 1 he will go to Tibet. kho bod lo ~n& th£r)qa q9.~sho~) 3. hove one's appetite. im-
'gro mdog kho po red, (qho ph~d lo t9.nt::>~ qhopo prove, vi. D. ~~~·~~ /th::.r)qa ch~/ ~ A few
reel days hove passed since my appetite improved,
appeal, 1. vo. «.I:S:'\.'~C\.\·~~· /pboqu11 ch_£c/ ~ He ngo dwong kho bye nos nyin mo kho shos phyin
appealed that all should oct unified. khos song. {r)::. th::.r)qo ch~n&c n.!_ma qh5shcc chinsu)
tshong mo gcig sgril byed dgos red ces 1 bod skul applaud, vo. D. c:u~·~·~~<:!l~' /l9.,qpo t~p/ ~
byos po red. ( qhlm tshor)ma ciq!-ii c~qorees All the people welcomed him with applause, mi
podqUU ch_£cporee) 2. iso. appeal o written le- tshang mas log po brdobs nos khong lo dgo 1 bsu
gal decision, vo. <~:iFr~@;C\' /t.hol::>~ k2_p/ ~ zhus song. (m.!_ tshonmcc l9.qpo t2_pncc qh5an lo
He appealed the District Officer's decision, q2_su sh~u) [Syn. thol mo brdobs]
khos rdzong gi thog gcod byos par khro slog apple ~~' ; h. ~~~\),' /qllshu; h. sh_g_shu/
appropriate 25

appliances, electrical i[""'.·~~;»<>.· /13qce:c/ gdan 1 dir gong tshod rgyog rogs gnang. (qhate:e:n
applicable, see: proper/appropriate t~ qh~l')tshe:c k~r::>~naan)
applicant ~~ ~· o..~<:1..!.' ;,l. ~ ~ /i'i~fshu pUUr)e:e:n/ appreciate, see: appreciation
application form ~01...~«\· /i'iffnsh::>~/ appreciation 1 1 , iso. gratitude 1 n, [not used for
applied science 1 neo, <:1..!."\'~~~~l:t\\ trivi~l things] "\Jt\<>.'~~· /qatin/ 2. show ap-
/l~qleen tshffnril/ preciation, va. B. -- a:~"-3· /--c~/ 11 (One)
applied studies 1 neo, e<:i'''Y~ ""-if.::t.·-<f\,-q,;x:;.• should show appreciation to (one 1s) parents.
/l~qleen l~pi'iee/ pha mar bka' drin 1 jal dgos red, (ph5maa qatiin
apply, 1, iso, spread on, va, A,~~~· /ch}!'U! 11 c~qore~)
I applied medicine on the cut, ngas rma la sman apprehend, see: arrest; catch
byugs pa yin. ( I')E_C mol a mffn Ch}!Upayin) 2. apprehensive, see: worry
iso, make an application for, va. B. ~a·~-~ct3.' apprentice ~·~~· /q.!_tuu/ 11 He is an apprentice
/nffnshu phDO/ 11 I applied for a government tailor. kho tshem bu ba 1 i dge phrug red, (qho
job, ngas gzhung gi las ka zhu yag gi snyan zhu tshimpobqi q.!_tu'U r~~)
zhig phul pa yin. (I')E_C sh~~i l~qa sh}!yaaqi approach, 1. iso. about to arrive ~<:::~.~·~q~·
i'iffnshuci phDOpayin) 3, iso, put (theory) into /le~t::>::>/ ~ As they approached Lhasa they sent a
practice, vo, l9 ~~'Ol<sl._'~' /i'i~mleen chE_C/ 11 message, kho tsho lho sor slebs grabs yod dus
He applies communist theory, khos dmor po 1 i !to kho tshos lan zhig btang shag, (qh5ntso lhffsoa
bo nyoms len byed kyi 'dug. (qh~ mc'ilipbo tBwo le~t::>::>
. qh5ntsod.
yootUU l~nci taanshaa') 2. iso,

n~mle:e:n ch.!_qil) come to a superior to ask/say 1 va, B, ~·"4:.:>::.'

appoint, vo, C. ~~· ; h. ~~o:tt0\""\'-<f\.~~:;.· '"\~::...· /sh}!qaa cot:J/ 11 He approached the president
/q8"d; h. qoshoa noon/ 11 They appointed him with a suggestion. khos srid 1 dzin lo bsam
Prime Minister, kho tshos khong la sr id blon 'char zhu bar bear pa red, (qh~ s!ntsiinla
bskos pa red. (qhontsois qhoonla siilbon q3Bpa- somcaa Sh}!qoa COOpore~) 3, iso, method/strategy
re~) .,2.q~·~~· /th~pcuU/ 11 Making relations with
appointment, 1, iso, make a time for a meeting, the poor is a new approach of our president, mi
va, c. ~.l:--\·~~"l~~· /th.);!!!tshlrd s~/ 11 I•ve skye po tsho la 1 brel ba byed ngo tsho 1 i
made an appointment to meet him at 3 o'clock, srid 1 dzin gyi thabs byus gsar pa zhig red, (m.!_
ngas khong chu tshod gsum par mjal yag gi dus kopotsh::>::> t~wo ch~yaate l')~ntshod siintsinqi
tshod bzod yod. (I')E_C qh~on chlitshod sampao c~­ thapcut soapoci r~~) 4. iso, plane's approach
yoaqi thUUtshod s!fdybMd) 2. iso, appointment to 4\CQ.C>l·~·a..~l::\·.sa.;~. i!l:l ~a.:~ 5l.' I namtu ph2_pthaanqi
an office or position "'\~~~~~~~~· /qo- qholam/ 11 The plane 1 s approach to the airport
shaa ch~yaa/ 11 His appointment was approved, was dangerous, gnom gru bob thong gi mkha 1 lam
kho bsko gzhag byed yag bka 1 'khrol pa red. de nyen go yod pa zhig red, ( n~tu ph2_pthaan
(qho q5shaa ch~yaa qo th~pare~) qhi qholom ti nenqa y~pa ci r~~)
apportion, va. <l;)•q:<f\~·l:t~Z\· /choqod k2_p/ 11 approachable £\"'\'~z:r--
...., ; h. q<;,~~~~ /thOu
(They) apportioned this land among four fam- t~po; h, coli t~po/ 11 He is a person who is ap-
ilies, sa cha 1 di mi tshang bzhi la cha bgos proachable. khong mi bear bde po gcig 1 dug,

brgyab song. (soca ti m.!_tsor:J shi la choqod (qh55n m.!_ coB t~poci t}!'U) [Syn, mjal 1 phrod zhu
k2_psU) bde po]
appraise, iso. give expert judgement on the qual- appropriate, 1, adj, (t~ ·~· /w"§:dpa/ 11 They sold
ity/value, va. ~·.;G'"\'W' /qh.!:!l')tshe:c k2_p/ 11 the land that was appropriate for planting. kho
Please appraise (the value of) this rug, kho tshos zhing go 1 debs 1 os po 1 i sa cha btsong pa
26 approval

red. ( qhi5ntsl:S"~ sh.!,l')qa t~p w~pcc socho tsonpa- approximation, 1. n, ~""o:.t."\' /tsh3Spoo/ ~ This
re~) 2. see: okay 3, vo, 1 see: allocate 4. is on approximation. 'di tshod dpog cig red,
iso. steal funds, vo, %"\·;f'~·%:'~-:l..' /q!5qsb15 _(t! tsh88peo ci r2.~l 2, make on approximation,
ch£C/ ~ He appropriated government money, khos see: approximate
gzhung gi dngul lkog zos byos shag, (qh8'~ apramar;~o buddhi 1 skt, ~~"~·£­
sh~Qqi nDO q!5qs~ ch£Csho~) . /tshffminki 15/
approval, iso, get approval from higher source, apricot ~""-~~~-~'<9-l·~· /l')aril qhempu/
vi. o. ...~~cteCI.l'M' /q~thl:S"d thop/ , They apricot tree ""
9-l.C:.e:.!~~·~'S-l.·~'a.·~·.;:r-- /l')aril
got government approval for making this place a qamptru t_£1')po/
people's pork. so cho 1 di mi dmongs kyi gling April ~~·<=t,~·~· /ci'nta sh!pa/
go bzo yog lo gzhung gi bko' 1 khrol thob shag, apron, 1. iso. the type used by Tibetan women~~·

(socha t.!, m,!monqi lii')qa s~oola sh~?)qi qot.hod ~"\l>\; /pol')tccn/ 2. iso. any apron "-l.c::.·~~·
thopshoo) [Syn. chog mchon than] /~l')rcc/ [Syn. spang khebs]
opprove 1 1. vo, B. ~1f\a.'a$;"0l' /qc th38/ ~ The opt, 1. see: appropriate 2. iso, intelligent
president approved the plan, 'char gzhi 1 dir ~·"'{~,:f""/r.!,qpa n5po/ 11 He is on apt student.
srid 'dzin gyi bka' 1 khrol Po red, (ch~ashi t!£ kho slob grwa ba rig pa rno po zhig red, (qho
siintsiinqi qll }hOOFiore?a) [Syn, bko 1 1 khrol lepta~ r.!,qpa napoci r2.~l
gnong; chog mchan gnong] 2, iso, approve o aptitude, 1. for studies ~~·~· /r};.qpa/ 11 This
plan/decision at o meeting, i, va, B. ~"9'8..: student has o good aptitude for mathematics.
l':l>n_C!.:l' /t!:l:n q!:l:/ 11 The meeting approved the phru gu 1 di ong rtsis rgyag yog gi rig po yog po
plan·, tshogs 1 du nos 1 char gzhi gton bkol po 'dug. (pOquti al')tsil k~yo~qi r};.qpa y~qo t~u)
red, (tsh~ntunc ch~ashi t!:l:n qfl:pore~) ii, vi, 2. for work ~lt"~·.ac:.· /c~taan/
B. "'\<9Cs\:.O:.~Q.l' /Ul:n qhi!e/ 3. iso, be in aptitude test ~~~-"'C:.'I'\~""\'"\.~~~·cl:,~'
favor of ~~· /1&10'~/ 11 I don't approve of /c~taon toqcccqi y.!,qtshcc/ 11 The teacher gave
Lamas living in luxury, ngo blo mas rgyos spros an aptitude test to each student. rgan lags
byed yog lo blo mos med, (I')~ lamcc kcc}o~ ch!- kyis slob grwo ba so so 1 i 'jon thong brtog dpyad
yoolo 15mod m!~l [Note: This requires the da- kyi yig tshod btong gnang song. (q!£nlooqi lop-
tive-locative.] }ao s6s~ c~ntaan taqcccqi Y!qtshcc toan noonso)
approximate, 1. iso, make on approximation, vo, aquarium, 1. iso. building where fish ore kept and
lfC:::..:"\G"".'@;~O\'/tshtmpao ch!£nal 11 I approximated displayed
. 1 neo, a:,·q.s._~·~~«-t·~...,-~~("lC::.'
~ ........
there were about 10 1 000 soldiers, ngas tshod /chOncc semcccn s~aan/ 2, iso. glass container
dpog byos no dmog mi khri gcig tsom zhig 1 dug, for keeping fish, neo, ~~~~~.xs.·~~·
(1J£C tsh8Spoo ch!£no m~ami }hi' ci'qtsaci t~~) ~ /chOncc sh§~t.o~/
Please approximate how many soldiers there were. aquatic &·~~~· /chOncc/ 11 aquatic sports chu

dnog mi go ·tshod yod med tshod dpog gnong dong, gnos rtsed igron (chOncc tse§}ccn)
(maami qh,!tshcc yl:S"dme~ tsh83poo nCianto) [Syn, aqueduct ~-x::~ /yMpu/
1 ol tshod; bsom tshod; rob tshod] 2, odj, {)"'\' arable, 1. iso. cultivatable land tate::.·~·

~o<:f\·~~"4' /taqtao m2_~po/ 11 an approximate /sh};.l')sa/ [used with nyon pa] ~ One shouldn't
price rin tag tag med po (r.!,!n taqtao m2_~po) plant trees on arable land. zhing so nyon po 1 i
approximately ~~~· /tsaci/ 11 Come at approxi- so cho 1o shing 'dzugs rgyu yod pa mo red,
mately 6:00, chu tshod drug po tsom zhig la (sh!I')Sa i'i£mpcc sochao shii') ts,!;!!:!kU Y2~mare~) 2.
phebs rogs gl)ang. (chotshl:S"~ }~qpa tsacila phi!e-;__,. iso. land under cultivation ~·~t:.· /sashil')/ 11
r~~noan) How much arable land do they have? kho tshor sa
arid 27

zhing go tshad 'dug? (qhCints:x:> s~shil') qh2_tscc khyags nang la mi sdod mkhan yod pa rna
t_¥,) red. (tsi!mlil') ch~l')thcc khsqlil') naanla mi tbo-
arbiter l')&&n Y2~mare~)
He is the arbiter for our problem, khong nga arduous, see: difficult
tsho'i rnyog dra thag gcod bycd mkhcn red, area ~-d>· /s(Jcc/ 11 This a good area for planting
(qhoon l')~ntsod n~qtc thoqc~ ch!l')&&n r~~) barley, 1 di nos btab sa 1 i sa cha yag po zhig
arbitrary decision, 1, by people in official 'dug, (t_! n£& t~ps&& socc y~qoci t~~)
positions of authority, n. ~q~~"'~~-~~- border area ~-a, 51 c": /sotha/
"'\~"" /wai')She~qi thZlqcoB/ 2, va. ---~~- cold area ~·..,·~c:.·~· /soca t~l')sa/
/--chcc/ 11 The president made an arbitrary desert area ~·..s:.c:..· /ch~thoan/
decision that we have to go to war, srid 1 dzin frontier area, see: border area
gyis dmag rgycg dgos red ces dbang shed kyis grassy plain -$::1<::.'.!i!.t;:O.' /p(il')thol')/
thcg gcod byes pa red. (siintsiinqi moo k.9!2,qo heavily populated area ~-Cl.~:.::-~·~·
r!:_S wai')Sheeqi thoqcod chccpare~) chase/
arbitrate, va. 53~·'"1't"c;.·.§JN· /thoqc~ chE_c/ 11 He hot area ~·.?JO·~~· /soca tsheso/ [Syn. tsha
arbitrated their dispute, khos kho tsho 1 i rnyog ba yod sa]
drc thag gcod byes pa red, (qhaB qhontsod i'i3qta lower elevation area, usu, forming area X'c:.·~·

thoqc~ ch£~pcre~) /r2_1')SO/

archaeol,ogist, neo, "'1"\.«-''\~,...-}("1"\'"<\~~-'9.1\".~·q·/nol')oo nomad area ~~-~·
r.!_l')n&& qhccpa/ northern plain (in Tibet) {@_,C.',iac.:
archaeology, neo, ...-,...._c:r.. ..._'l!:'~~"f\'"'\<;l..~· /n1'il')o1; pasture area "{)''.:.::..' /ts1'ira/
r.!_l')nc&/ [Syn, neo, c, gnc 1 rdzcs rtog zhib] plain /thor)/
archaic, 1, for wards "'
~or,:~c:.· /t2_nil')/ 11 This word remote area ~c:.-~"1'\' /l~l')qW/
is archaic. tshig 1 di brda rnying red, (tshiq sandy soil area ~-~~~· /saca ch~o/
t.!_ t!nil') r!e) 2, for other things ~-af~-c~j'~'\~' steep and precipitous area ~c..·<=-~:·~·.3:!:C.•<\'f\'~
~Qq· /l')amod l~qsoo/ 11 Leaving a long finger- /l~l')pc s(Jron th2_qpo/
nail is (an) archaic (custom), sen rna ring po argue, 1. iso, dispute, va. 4'\~.:.::..·"'l~' ; h. "t\~'
bzhcg ycg de sngc mo 1 i lugs srol red. (sana ~~ /tsee k!Pi h, tsee kBn/ 11 He argued with
r.!_l')qu sh~aycate l')omb"d l~qs6o r~e) the teacher. khos dge rgan la gtser brgyab pc
archer ~'\~'~"1.'~("1151,." /t~ k~l')&&n/ [Syn, mda 1 red. ...... q!q&cnla tsee k!paree)
( qhoo ' [ Syn. rgya

pa] 1 dre brgyab] 2, iso, debate, va, ~"-t'"t~.f'\.';

archery, 1. n, iso. a sport ~'\<l.'~'\· h, ~""\"'-.t'~~ /tsBpo kap; h. tsBpa k!ron/ 11
2. va, --~·I--ts~/ They ere debating about the Gelugpa doctrine,
archery grounds ~"',c:1:-=s; /t~ra/ khong tsho d ge 1 ugs pa 1 i 1 to bo r i skor 1a rtsod
archery songs <ll<i,~·"t\<11\~' /t~shcc/ pc rgyag gi 'dug, (qh5ntsho q~1uqpa~ taw&& q55-
architect ~-e<t~Q.l~-'N.'-4' /tsiqso qh~&pa/ 1a tsBpc k~qil )
architecture ~·~~X"t\'"'\,~~· /tsiqso r_!l')n&c/ argumentative 4'\'?€-~·~&:f-" /tsee tshapo/ 11 He is a
archive ~"t\·~~ /y.!_l')tsoB/ very argumentative person, kho mi gtser tshc po
Arctic Ocean 1 neo, Cl.~·'fuc:.·@_,<::.'<;,u!."<j_.@i.;u~· zhe po zhig 'dug. (qh15 m_! tsee tshapo sh.!_puci
/tsi!mlil') ch~l')thcc k~tsho/ t~~)
Arctic region, neo, C~,~·~c:.'@f':e.l.2~'~"'i~' arhat, skt. "'~·~T~-~- /t~ c'Ompa/
C\ .
~~- /ts2_mlil') ch~l')thcc kh~qlil')/ 11 No one lives arid ~~·,;:f/ql!mpo/ 11 arid climate gnom gshis skarn
in the Arctic region, 1 dzam gling byang mtha 1 po (namshil qampo) 11 arid place· so cho skarn po
28 arise

(sCJcha qompo) khrob 1 khor lo (qh2.,}hap qholo)

arise, 1 • iso. come forth, vi. C • .:if"z::.· /y2.,?-./ ~ armored force ~'2\."l"'\~''\''\"\1,~' /qh_£thep m~qpuun/
New opportunities arise doily, go skobs gsor pa armored soldier ?tV~ct.''\a!"f\'~' /qh2.,}hap maemi/
nyin 1 tor yong gi red. ( qh.!:!qap socpa iii ntoo arm patch ""''%~'~"'\~' /pO~taa/ [Note: dpung
y~~qir!~) [Syn. thon] 2. see: get, 3 rtags is also used for 'shoulder patch,']
aristocrat ~·~~· /qutoa/ [Syn. sgar pa] armpit ~~a..'C%"'' /ch~~quun/
aristocratic family ~~~'-F\"'1' /s!:_mshoa/ ~ the army, 1. iso. a military force, n, "'-~"'\'«..~c:.·

aristocratic family Nornong nor nong·gzim shag /m~qpuun/ ~ India has a large army, rgyo gar
(n~noon s!:..mshoa) la dmag dpung chen po yod pa red, (k;!_qaola maq-
arithmetic, 1. n, ~~~~· ~~~tsil/ ~Do you know puun chempo y2_?>re~) [Syn, dmag mi] 2. iso,
arithmetic? khyed rang gis ong rtsis mkhyen gyi join the army, va. B. "\"-l"l\'~:>;.·ct~· /~6-

yod pas? (kheroonqi a~tsil khinqiy~pc&)' 2. !TM!A ts!:!!:!/ 3. iso, land army only, neo, c, ~~·
study arithmetic, vo. 0, -- ~~q~· /--lap/ ~ '\~9' /qammaa/
(You) hove to study arithmetic in school., slob battalion, neo, bor. c, ~~· /y~~/
grwo'i nang lo ang rtsis bslob dgos red, (lcptee battle area "\·~- /m6qsa/
noonlo a~tsil lapqora~) 3, do arithmetic, va, bodyguard regiment (in traditional Tibetan gov-
-- <;r~t::~· /--k2_p/ ~ They ore doing arithmetic, ernment) ~-~c.·"-~·~· /qi:isu~ m66mi/
kho tshos ang rtsis rgyog gi 'dug. (qhantsW brigade ~-~"'\' /r.!:!qaa/ [Syn. nao, bar, c, lu'i]
antsil kaaqil) brigade commander ~'\~~ /r.!:!pbon/ [Syn, neo.
arm, 1. area from shoulder to wrist Q.t"\'"-X.' ; h, bor. c, lu'i krang]
~lt\·c:.;,;.· /l::!f!~ao; h. choo~o/ 2. arm, va, A,~ bugle ~~~e..· /m~qtuun/
CU"f\'~ ;r;,.: /qh2.,laa t~&/ ~ They armed the soldiers. cavalry ~-"\~~· /tomaa/
khong tshos dmag mir go log sprod shag. common soldier "\as"'\'"\~~,· /m~qkuil/
(qhontsod m~~m~~ qh2.,laa t!:&shoa) [Syn. drag company .q~~· /k;!_sh::J?>/ [Syn, neo, bar, c,
chas sprod] 3. arm in arm, va, <":lr<!\'<::>-~tll.'l:l. \')C:.' len]
/l::!f!ntee tacn/ ~ They want arm in arm, kho company commander "<@<;,q-~- /k!:!.qpodn/ [Syn,
tsho lag 'brel btang nos phyin song. (qh6ntso neo, bar, c. len krang]
l::!f!ntee·tCJonce chr"?-osu) division '\~c:.·~· /pu~te/ [Syn. neo, bar, c,
armband, neo, "\~c:.·;.;.~· /pO~re&/ [Syn. neo, c. hri]
dpung rtags] general (in traditional Tibetan army) ~'\~''\~
armed ~="l\·t:i:lc=..:.l'.l' /qh2.,laa y~pa/ ~ There are /tEE,pO'dn/
twa armed soldiers hare. 1 dir go lag yod pa 1 i gua~d ~~c:=.·e:t. • /q2.,su~e/
dmog mi gnyis 'dug. (tee qh!:..loa y~pee m~ami nii guerrilla army /forces ~l:;;.l:l.''\~"t\· /c2_moa/
t~t) [Syn. lit. go mtshon can] infantry :f\C.. ''\!91.<>:\ • /qo~maa/
armed forces ~~"t\·e:.._~t;(· /maqpuun/ [Syn. neo, c. mercenary troops/army /l'f'fmaa/
drag dpung] [Syn, dmag mi gla pa]
armed intervention, neo, ~--- '<"'"
~"<\·~-~·.sa·"'"\'9"'1~' military division z::._m'll"\·~· /mCiqte/
poe thrt66/ mili tory drill '\&<J)'~ /maqtse~/
armed rebellion ~~·;:f"~·~ci!"''· /th;!_qpl:m ~2.,1:J?>/ mili tory exercise k<U'~·o:;.,:~9~"f\·w· /~amtoon
armistice "co. ""
"'!lV~'\".Ia¢\'1!:1.~"\~0;aQC:~·UJ.I:f\" I moqthoa.. maqcorV
c~&pee chi~yil/ mili tory flog/bonner "'-al't\''\~' /mCiqtao/
armor li\;~· /qhoca/ [Syn, (go) khrab] military hat '\'9.l'l\'~' /m6qsha/
armored ~~<:::1' /qh_£thap/ ~ armored vehicle go mili tory low "\~"\·~a.l~' /meqthi~/
arrow 29

military maneuvers, see: military exercise phiti ciq t,!:!t) 3, iso, turn around, vi. B, C'l.~:o:,·
military practice, see: military training /qh~':J/ 11 The wheel is turning around, 'khor
military route "\~"'1.''-"110:1' /moqlam/ lo 1 khor gyi 'dug. (qholo qh~qi t,!:!t) 4, iso,
military strategy ""<!>l.4\'~~· /maqctr;J/ turn .around, va. B, <:~.:ff"-' /q':J':J/ 11 The wheel has
military tax "-l9'1.""' ~a:(' /moqthcc/ to be tur(led around by hand. 1 khor lo de ·lag
military tent e;._~"''. ·~x.· /m:!aquu/ pas bskor dgos red, (qholote l~qpcc q~~qore~)
military training ""m<r\.'~· /maqcoo/ 5, iso, go/walk around something ( circumambu-
military uniform "-~«\'co~· /maqchcc/ late) ~·~·q:@,~::~,- /qoro k2_p/ 11 He walked around
militia ~o.t·"-~'"'' /yUUma?J/ the house, khos khang par skor ba brgyob song,
monk soldier ~.:.:.·~~«\' /serma?J/ (qh8'd qhor)poa qoro k2_pso) 6. iso. toke a
national defence army ~~·~c..·e:;._~<t)''\~c:.· stroll, vo. ~~·q;l9-l·~·~~ /chCimcaon la
/k_££SU~ maqpuun/ chi~/ 11 He walked around the city, kho grong
/tsh15ma'?J/ khyer nang la cham cham la phyin song, (qho
payment in lieu of sending soldier (in
tional system) -"~~·~· /rrllqtBiJ/
..,. -
thOrJkhee naonla ch&!coan la chi~u) 7. iso,
around here ~~~.:~;.· /t_!pa'b/ 11 Is there a res-
people 1s liberation army ~ ·""~"~'"\~~-N ·~}li'~· taurant around here? 1 di bar zo khang 'dug gam?
""-~""·~· /m_!mo~ ciry~UU m:!ami/ (t.!_po?J s~qaan t.!:!q~A) 8, iso, about/approxi-
platoon ~t:.'(ZI.<r\.' /t_!r)qo?J/ [Syn. neo, bor, c, mately, see: about, 1
pho'e) around-the-clock ~<>1.:~~~'\.'J:..\' /n.!_ntsc&n rrf!..epa/
platoon leader ~~::·"'-~' /t_!r)poon/ [Syn, neo, [Syn, nyin mthsan bar med)
bor, c. pha'e krong) arouse, 1, iso, woke up from sleep, see; woke 2,
political commissar 1 neo, c. a;~·%«..:~-~~· iso. stimulate politically, vo, ~~·i:fc::.·%~·
/ch:!psil uyodn/ /qOOlo~ ch£&1 11 They aroused the masses, khong
red army "-~~-~"-'"""tc:.'"O\~ • /marsu?} pur)ma'?J/ tshos mong tshogs lo skul slong. byas po red.
regiment, neo, bor, c, ~~ /th3n/ (qh5ntshbt m~r)tsh~~lo qODlo~ ch£Cparee)
regiment commander 1 neo. bor. c. $ifa.· -!Il e..• arraign, iso, bring before, va, A, .q~"'\' /quu/ 11
/th3nt,ar)/ He was arraigned in court, kho khrims khong lo
squad ~~~· /clishob/ [Syn, neo, bor. c, bkug po red. (qho thimqaanla qutparee)
pan) arrange, 1. iso, set in order, va, C, ~C>.I·oQ.~4\~'
squad leader "~~'"'-t;:r~· /cuqpUUn/ [Syn, neo, /th.££ t,!,l! 11 Sonam arranged the books, bsod
bor, c, pan krong) noms kyis deb gral bsgrigs song, (sonamqil th2,P
volunteer army 5.."'-~~.:.:~·"'-~~· /th~r)la~ mo?J/ th_££ t..!_lsu) 2. iso, make arrangements, va. ~·
army comp 1 see: army garrison ~~-~~·/th!,til ch£C/ 11 Sonam arranged for his
army garrison ~""\'~~· /rrlloqao/ ~sit, bsod noms kyis khong gi mtshams 1 dri 1 i
army officer '\.~~·"'-.:r-~· /maqpbMdn/ don dog la gro sgig byes song, (s5namqil qhoon-
aroma ~·i:l.l. • /th.!_ma/ qi tshamt,ii th~nta?Jla th!,til ch£Cso) "
around, 1. iso. surrounding~-~· /Pi2,q~~/ 11 arrest, va, C, ~~.<q· /c'E_U/ 11 The police arres-
There were many stores around the school, slob ted him. pu li sis kho 1 jus po red, ( pulisil
grwo 1 i nye . skor la tshong khong mong po 1 dug, - .
qho.c~paree ) . [ Syn. zin )
(l< ii2,q~~la tshOr)qhaon m2_r)qu t,!:!t) 2, iso, arrive, vi. A, 11 He arrived here
in circumference ~~~·~· /qh~rka/ ~ This tree today. kho 1 dir de ring slebs song, (qho tee
is one foot around. shing sdong 1 di la 'khor theriin leaso) [Syn, 1 byor)
rgya phi t,i gcig 'dug. (shir)toon tila qh~rka arrow, 1 • n. ~'\'tl.: /t~/ 2. shoot an arrow, va, --
30 arsenal

"'\~~- /--k2..p/ ~ He shot an arrow at the deer, artillery battalion ~·if.:t\~'"-.~<n'-3'!\"-'

khos shwa ba la mda 1 brgyab song, (qhM shoola niiaqoa/
t£ k2..pso) artillery, heavy ~·~<I\~~·~· /m~rk::>~ chewa/
arrow feathers ().1"\0..'W /t£~0/ artillery, light ~··~c:..·l':l' /~rk':J?; chul')wa/
arrowhead ~"\O:.'<:i"'\~- lt£ca~/ artilleryman ~ ·if~~'"-.<'l.l<li,'~' /~rk::>~ maami/
arrow-maker Q-1"\0.'"l. ~Cl' /t£ps-:J?J/ ·
artillery t --... ........
C>::\'®."<\~''\_Cl-.l~·~:c,· I ~r k ':J':J'
arrow shaft ~"\0..'1!3"'\' /t2..iiuu/ mooqoa/
bow«\~.' artillery shell
bow-string "'l~·~c:;.· /sh!:!,kuil/ t.!_wuu/
, " /peen//shushup/

-[Syn, 'bern; rgyang 'ben]
artillery troops

thumb guard ~c:;.·'f\~· ~~~l:"q-:J-:J/ artisan ~""'·~-~\:'\~'~' /l£qts&& qhffpa/

arsenal ~~i&'"-.· /qh_£mtsols/ artist, iso. painter ~'ciFd:t~~·,:.r /r.!_mu qh~~pa/
arson, va. ~-~~ /~ k2_p/ artistic ""
"'-'l:"'\'~~·"\~·~~·0'-l(:\' /r.!_qtsM ta
art 1 1. iso, cultural activities ~<1-l~·=n: t_£np&&/ ~ artistic criticism rig tsal dang
/tsumriq/ ~ art ard science rtsom z:ig dang ldan pa'i skyon brjod (r.!_qtsM ta t_£npcc kSn-
tshan rig (tsumrilta tsh~fnril) [Syn. rig co~i) [Syn, rig rtsal]
rtsal] 2. iso. painting/drawing 'X.·er-- /r!:_mu/ artistic film x-'n,·~·~-~~ex,· /r!:_qtscc 151')ii&cn/
~ art exhibition ri mo'i 'grams stan artistic performance X"'t\·~=·o..~"\'~' /r.!_qts&&
~~mtodn) t-h~ptbon/

arteries %"\'-t-' /~hoqtsa/ artistic program /riqtscc

.:.:.c.:.'§_l;.'~~''-\' /rai')Cur) ~hCimpa/ cha~shi/
artesian well

arthritis ~~%<t~.~'C\:~ /r~tsiq 11£tsha/

- arupadhatu, skt. -<11~41.~'~"'-.'('1./'1.;1~' /s!:!,qme~ qho~/
article, 1. iso, a literary article ~·~¢\' orya, skt. Q.J4"<\-N'"'-\' /phoqpa/
/tsumyil/ ~ He wrote an article in the news- as 1 see: like
paper. khos tshag dpar nang la rtsom yig cig as ••• as /n2_1')Shiin/ ~ He is as rich
bris shag, (qhM tshoqpaa ~nla tsOmyilci t!:_l- as Dar je, kho rdo r je nang bzhin phyug po red,
sha~) [Syn, neo, c, ched rtsom] 2, iso, part (qho t~ce n2_1')Shiin chuqpo r,!!~l ~ Is this book
of an agreement/treaty ~-,€.:~..' /th,Tts&&n/ ~ as good as that one? dep 1 di dep de nang bzhin
There are 10 articles in this treaty. chings yag pa 1 dug gas? ( th!P t.!_ th,!!P the n~r)shiin
yig 1 di 'i nang la don tsha bcu 1 dug, ( chil')yil Y£qO t~q&c)
t~ n~nla th~nts&&n cO t!:;!ul 3, iso, things ~­ as •• , as possible "tt_c.:.· /qh::5!,n/ ~ as big as
<.=tl~' /cola~/ ~ articles for exhibition 1 grems possible gang che che (qh::5!,n cheche) ~ as
ston byed yag co lag (~~mtodn Ch,!!YOO cola~) good as possible gang yog yag (qh::5!,n Y::5!,Ya~ ~
[Syn. dngos rdzos] as many as possible gang mang mang (qh::5!,n
articulate ~·~~~ /qha t~po/ ~ He is very m.9_1')maanl
articulate, kho kha bde po zhe drag 'dug, (qho as always, see: as usual
qho t~po sh,!!ta~ t!::!u) as before ~'a.l.'Cl__C:.'q~O\ /l')~ma~ n~I')Shiin/ ~ His
artificial ~·cu.• /tsUUma/ ~ artificial leather situation is as before, kho 1 i gnas stangs sngon
ko ba rdzus mo ( q~3 ts!!!:!ma) [Syn. neo. c, mi mo nang bzhin red, (qh&l n~fta~ r)~ma~ n2_1')Shiin
bzos] r~~)
artillery, 1. n. ~·~"'\~' /~rb~/ 2. fire asbestos ~~"' /t~kii~/
artillery, vo, -- ~@_?·/--k2_p/ ascend, 1. iso. go upward, vo. IY9f!.
ask 31

ch!~/ 11 The airplane ascended into the clouds, tsho lam khog gi zur lo g.yol song. (m~t.o yoon-
gnam gru de sprin pa 'i nang la yar phyin song, tuU qhentso l£1')qoaqi suula y88so} 2, iso, put
( n~m~ute !-imp&& n~nla y~ chi~su) 2, iso, aside, vo, -%l:.'"<\~·~· /s~rs::>~ chE_C/ 11
climb up something, va, A, ~~"\~· /t~a/ 11 They put money aside every month. kho tshos zlo
He has to ascend the ladder, kho skas 1 dzeg de ba mi re ngo rer dngul zur gsog byed kyi 1 dug.
'dzeg dgos red, (qho q~~ntsa th~ ts£aqore~) (qhontsod t£wo m~re l')_£r&& 110U s~rs::>~ ch~qil) 3,
ascetic person aside from, see: except for 4. iso, step
c831')&&n/ aside, vo. C. "...~~·"-~·~~· /q_£1')po sh!::_U/ 11
ascetic practice/life, 1, n, ""-'T\C>.:Sil.(;).'
......, /qatup/ 2, The president stepped aside (resigned). khong
iso, live the ascetic life, va, A, -- ~~ srid 1 dzin dgong po zhus po red, (qhoon siin-
1--c'r.c/ 11 He lived the ascetic life for many tsiin ~I'Jpo sh~~pare~)
years, khos lo mang po dka' thub spyod nos as i f q_c.·t:\.~~ /n2_1')shiin/ 11 He spoke as i f he
bsdod po red. ( qh~~ 1_£ m2_11qu q~thup c' tee- went to Tibet, khos bod lo phyin po nang bzhin
pare~) gi skod cho shod gi 1 dug. ' ph~lo
(qhoo ' '
OS for OS /p2_tM/ 11 I went as for as n2_11shiin q~co sh'r-~qil) 11 He acts as if he is a
Lhasa, ngo lho so bar du ph yin po yin, ( 11.£ teacher. khos dge rgon nang bzhin byed kyi
lhr.tso p2_t66 chimpayin) 'dug. (qh~d q~q&&n n2_11shii ch!qil)
as for ~ /ni / 11 As for Lhasa 1 i t has improved. as is known ~.:t<l·~·"'-~'<:t.~CJ.; ; h, ~~<tlt..'>.\'d,.<::<:t.~q,·
lho sa ni yor rgyos byung shag, (lh~~soni Y£r- /shempo n2_r)Shiin; h. khe~o n2_r)Shiin/ 11 as you
k&C ch.!:!!:!nshoa) know khyed rang gis mkhyen po nang bzhin
ash-colored, iso, light grey :<:fV.!a<:ll'~~· (kheroonqi kh~po n2_1')Shiin) 11 as everyone knows
/qhQth&& t2_~/ tshong nos shes po nang bzhin (tshcl')m&c shempo
ashes ~3ao.:l.' /qh_£th&&/ n~I')Shiin) [Syn. shes gsa! !tor]
ashes of cremated body ~3aQ.l.' /r_£thc&/ ask, 1. iso, question, vo. C, 111.~·a:,·~~· ; h,
ashram ~~~ r;ztc:: /chMqhoon/ "'1.'1\Vt'Cl.~'"n,~c.· /q' th!l; h. qenti na1in/
ashtray ..a·~~-"'-~·~· /thOrnoo t2_psa/ They asked him about Tibet, khong tshos kho lo
Asia """:.:..·~c::.· /sh~rlil')/ [Syn, e sho yo; neo, bod skor skod cho dris po red, (qh5ntsod qh53
c, yo kro'u gling] qh~d q55 q'r-co th!lpare~} 2, iso, ask a favor,
Asian continent --AX.·~::N.·~~-~~ /shorch::>~ va. C. -.l>IQ~·~~"l\·~~· /kamcuu sh!::_U/ 11 He
~ ~ ~
lii')Cheen/ asked her a favor. khos mar skyobs 1 jug cig
Central Asia /sharlil') zhus po red, (qh~d m2.2. k~mcut ci sh~pare~) 3,
!lOrna/ iso. ask for donations, vo. C, ""~ift::.;.:.;t' /!on/
East Asia (For East) 11 The monks asked for donations for the mona-
/sh~rlii'J shark~~/ stery. grwo po tshos dgon po 1 i don dog lo zhol
North Asia /sharlil') ch2_11 'debs bslongs po red. ( t£potsho1i q.£111p&& thon-
kuU/ taalo shE,£nte~ lo~pore~) 4. iso, ask for help,
South Asia 'P._x:$_c.·~~~· /sh~rlil') lhokU'U/ vo, c. ~~~"\:~~-~~'<Xl&:l,' h. ~"'\'
Southeast Asia "'\-"'~c.· ~..f'\~' /sh~rlil') lho ..,..._ ""'"'
.:c...:q~·<D,""C.'"'-~~-"'\~c.-~:N,' I '
r::>::> c h er::>::>c
' h''
shoo/ l2_p; h, ch1i1irr::>~ n1i1inr::>~nan sh!f~/ 11 He asked me
West Asia 'llq::.-.·~c:.·~<:l.·:@"'-' /sharlil') n~pktiU/ to help him. khos ngo lo rags byed rags gyis
aside, 1. iso, physically move aside, vo, B, ::{;>:;.' lob byung. n.'
( qhoo ~ r2_::>' ch2_r::>::>chil.
' ' l2_pcu) 5,
C>l'-'<\~<:1.\' /s~la y83/ 11 When the cor was ask indirectly (for money, foOO), va. 4'\~~~·
coming, they moved aside, mo to yong dus khong ifc.·.g,~·/sh2_qlon chS:_C/ 11 He asked me indirectly
32 askance

for money, khos nga la dngul gzhogs slang byes the meeting yesterday, khong tsho kha so tshogs
byung. (qh~d ~~ ~00 sh2qlo~ ch£CChu) 'du tshogs shag. (qhontso qh~fsa tshoontu
askance, to look, va, C. ~l:t\·~x.·~~<-t' /miqsuu tsh:5~sha~) 3, iso, monks assembling for prayer,
t~&/ , He looked askance at her, khos mor mig va. A. ~""~·n.:W9 ~· /tsh5~ tsh:5~/
zur btas song, (qh~d m~ miqsuu t~&su) assembly ~<:!\~·~~ /tsh:5:5cheen/ , Notional
asleep, 1, iso, f~ll asleep, vi. A. 4\~"-·n~"f\~' assembly rgyal yongs tshogs chen
/nil qhu~/ , He fell asleep at midnight, kho tsh:5:5cheen)
nom phyed la gnyid 'khugs shag, (qho n~mche~la assembly hall (for monks) ~~~c.· /t!;!qoan/
nil qhutsha~) 2. iso, go to sleep, va. B, ""!~"\' assemblyman, (iso. member of assembly) i/S<q~-~15\,'
~~- /nil ii~/ 11 He went to sleep at mid- ~-~~~-~· /tsh:5:5chenqi thOOmi/ [Syn. tshogs
night. kho nom phyed la gnyid nyal bar ph yin 'thus]
song. (qho ~mche~la iiil ~&&qa~ chi~su) assembly plant /lhQtiq s2,to/
asparagus tJ:>::.'~Q..l.' /kOuts&&/ assent, see: agree
asphalt, neo, ~~-Cl...~' /n'Cmna'?J/ [Syn, sa nag assert, va. A, 0..~'9<$\,'~¥\&;,.' /n~nt&&n sh~t/ 11
snum nyig] He asserted there is no change in his plan,
aspire, va. /t~pa ch£&/ 11 He khong gi 1 char gzhi la 'gyur ba med ces non ton
aspires to be a doctor. kho am chi byed yog gi bshod po red, (qhooQqi ch~§shila kuwo me~s n~n­
1 dod pa byed kyi 'dug, (qho amci Ch!:_ya'?Jqi t~pa t&&n sh~cpare~)
ch_!qil) asses, va. see:· appraise
aspirin, neo, ~·~~~~ /lls pirin/ assets \'~'<;~.!."\' /k!;! colo'?J/ 11 The factory has
ass 1 1, iso, the domestic animal ~c.·~· /ph!;!~qu/ many assets. bzo grwo dar rtyu co lag mong po
2. iso. wild ass ~~· /ko~/ 3, iso, anus ~<\' 'dug, (s2,tat&& k!:! colo'?J m!~qu t!;!t) [Syn, rgyu
/qup/ nor; rgyu dngos]
assail, va,, see: attack assiduous(ly), see: diligent(ly)
assassinate, va, D. ~-4\~"'"l.'i)t:::.~ /q:5qsod toan/ assign, 1. iso, work, vo, A, ~C.<f\~' /~?1/ , I
, Our president was assassinated, nga tsho'i assigned work to each student, ngas slob grwo
srid 'dzin lkog gsod btang pa red. l~2,ntsod ba re re la las ka byed yog re re mngags po yin,
sintsiin q:5qs~~ tllllnpore~) II'J£C lapto'?J r~rela lEE_qo ch~ya?l r~re l')o?lpo
assault, see: attack y_!n) 2, iso, assign a seat or room, va, A,~~·
assay, 1. iso, test abilities, va, ~"'\~-~~· n "\: /tsrl t~c/ , I assigned them each a seat.
/tsh88ta chJ:.C/ , We assayed their strength, ngas kho tshor sdod sa re re rtsis sprod po yin,
nga tshos kho tsho 1 i stabs shugs gong 1 dra 'dug 111£t qhontsoo t~sa r!!re tsrl t~&poyin)
tshod lta byes pa yin. ~~~ntso~ qh5ntsoo top- assignment ~·a~~: /l£nq&&n/ 11 I took on the
shu~ qh!nt&t toO tsh88ta ch£tpayin) 2. iso, me- assignment of compiling a dictionary, ngas
tals, va. "'~.~'"\%"\.'~~· /taqcc& ch£f./ , tshig mdzod rtsom sgrig gi los 1 gan blangs pa
We assayed the gold 1 s quality. nga tshos gser yin. (11£t tshiQtso~ tsemtilqi l£nq&&n lonpayin
yag nyes brtag dpyod byos po yin. ~~~ntstfd see assist, see: help
yoane~ tllqc&t ch£tpay_!n) assistant ~·~~· /lEE_ro~/ 11 assistant direc-
ossell)ble 1 1. iso. put together, va, D. ~ 'l:\~¢1,~' tor gtso 'dzin las rogs (tsontsiin l~ro~) 11
/lhu t_!q/ , He assembled the camera. khos dpar He is my assistant, khong nga 1 i las rogs red,
chos lhu bsgrigs song. (qh~ pare&& lhu t_!qsu) (qhoon 11££ l££ro~ re~)
2. iso, assemble/hold a meeting, vo, A, .~~· assistantship, see: scholarship
t'<~<l:~"f\~· /tsh~~ntu tsh5~/ 11 They assembled associate, 1. va, D, ~'?~'~<!\~"~~' /ii~mtM
at all times 33

ship/ ~ I don 1 t associate with aristocrats, astonished by the girl's behavior, kho bu mo
nga sku drag tsho mnyam du gshibs kyi med, ~~~ de 'i spyod pa lo ho las pa red. (qho ph~mo tg
qutaotsho n~mt66 shipqime~) 2. an associate, n. cSpalo ho lE_cpare~)
a..N·~""'· ; h. ~~·~<:4' /lee tee; h, chootee/ ~ astray, to go, vi. B. co.t'a-1.'0\."'1' ~· /l~~qao
He has two associates, khong la phyag sbrel mi n:;;_/ ~ They went astray on their way to Lhasa
gnyis 'dug. (qhoonla chootee m~ nii t~~) and ended up in the Chongta~. khong tsho lha
associate professor, neo, ilfe:t·"\~~~~"'-'CJ.' /15- sar 'gro dus lam khog nor nos byang thong la
poon t~~~a/ [Syn, neo. c. ca'o hro'u gzhon pa] slebs pa red, (qhantso lh~~soo t_!!t!Jii l~~qao
association, 1. n, "'£""'1~'1'-l.' /tsh:Sqpa/ ~ They n::>::>c& ch~~thoonla !~~par~~) [Syn. lam nor
founded a new association. kho tshos tshogs pa thebs]
gsar pa zhig btsugs shag. ( qhontso-3 tsh:Sqpa astrologer ~~·""~.' /tsripa/
soopaci tscr~shao) 2. iso, mutual-help associa- astrological chart ~~""~·=~·~~· /tsherap
tion ~"'~··~r /kitut/ lcctsil/
as soon as [vb.] ~~"\.:X..' /[vb,] pat~qaa/ ~ I astrology, n. ~x.·~~· /qartsil/ 2. do astro-
come as soon as I received the message. ngo !an logy, vo, B. -- ~ 1f.x.: /--q:S:S/
byung pa de gar yang pa yin. (~~ l£E_n ch!:!!!npa- astronomy, neo. ~·~-".~"'1'"'\q,_~· /k~qar r!~n&c/
t~qoa y~~qoyin [Syn. rna thag par] [Syn. skar rtsis, neo. c, gnam rig]
assume, 1. iso. take for granted, va, A, w'l:l..@..~· astute o!l.l.~~·~ /qh~~po/ ~ He is astute in
/cho sh~o/ ~ In the old days, they assumed the business. kho tshong rgyog mkhos po red, (qho
world was square, sngon rna khong tshas 'dzam tshoonkoa qh~~po r~~)
gling gru bzhi yin par cho bzhag pa red, (~~mao osuro, skt. ~·CI:l·~~· /lhomoyin/
qhCintsho-3 ts~mli~ th~pshi y~mpaa cho sh~opare~) as usual a..~·~~~c::~~~ /n~mk!fun n~~hiin/ ~
2. iso. assume responsibility, va. A, <>~.:e..·a.<\l!l\ Come to us as usual at 5, nom rgyun nang bzhin
a~.c..~ /lE_nq&cn !Ci~/ ~ He assumed the pasi tion of chu tshod lngo par phebs rags gnong, (n~mkUUn

teacher two months ago, khos zla bo gnyis kyi n~~shiin chutso6 ~opoo pheer::>::>noon) [Syn, sngor
sngon nos dge rgan gyi las 1gan blangs pa red. rgyun]'
(qh~ t~wo niiqi n~~~ n& q~qc&nqi lE_nq&&n lo~pa­ asylum, 1, iso. mental, n, i[~~c..· /n3nqaon/ 2.
re~) ~ He assumed responsibility for writing iso. conrnit to on asylum, see:. commit 3, iso,
the report. khos los bsdoms snyan zhu 1 bri yag political asylum %,«-:ZISI.:~"'~·"l.~""l:· /sii-
gi las 'gon blongs pa red. (qh~d l&&t~ n~~nshu tb~n kapcb"d/ ~ The Indian government gave the
th!yaaqi lE_nq&&n fanpare~) Tibetan refugees political asylum this year. do
assurance, 1. n, <:l:<t'\<\'~5\· /qc&nleen/ ~ He lo rgyo gar gzhung gis bod pa btson byol bo
received an assurance of support for his project tshor srid don skyobs bcol sprod pa red, (th~lo

from the government. khor gzhung nos kho 1 i k.c;!qoo sh~~qi ph~pa ts~ncb"dwots::>::> sirtbon k~pcb"o
'char gzhir rgyob skyor byed rgyu'i 'gan len tfcpare~l
byung shag. (qh!5:5 sh~~n& qh8S cha~shM k~pk::>::> at c:~.:~· /l.c;!/ ~ My dog is at home, ngo 1 i khyi nang
ch!kUU q£E_nleen ch!:!!!nshao) [Syn. khas len] lo yod. (~~ khi n~nlo y~d)
assure, iso. assure, va. -- €1;-'N' /--chE_C/ ~ He at all "'<1,"'-'0l.!e:.' [neg.] /qh&c [neg,]/ ~ I hove
assured him (gave assurances) the job would be nothing at all to soy. nga lo gzhan dog zhu yog
finished soon. khos las ko mgyags po tshor bo gong yang mad. ( ~~ shE_ntoo sh~yao qhEE_ m~~)
byed · rgyu 1 i 1 gon len byas shag, ( qhoH l£E_qa [Syn. rtsa bo nos]
k£qo tshorro ch~ku"u q~nleen chE_cshao) at all places, see: everywhere
astonished, vi. A, "'5>'(l.l.~· /ho lE_c/ ~ He was at all times, see: all the time,
34 at any time

at most ~c.·ll.lla;:.;.' /~l')thoa/ 11 At most, we need

I ask him 1 he will come at any time, ngos kho one hundred people. nga tshor mang mthor mi
yong rogs zhes lob no kho ga dus yin na 1 i yong brgyo dgos kyi 'dug, (l')f!_ntsoo ~l')thoo m_! ko
gi red, (I')_£C qho y_22nro~s· l_:pna qho qh_:tu'U y!_- q_!:!qii) [Syn. mong shos lo]
nM yul')qire?l) atom ~G\t~~~ /ttrut.~~n/ [Syn• rdul phra rob; neo,
eose 1. 1 iso, easy going/relaxed ~~"" c, yon tsi]
/lh88lhtrd/ 11 ·He is a person who is at ease, atomic age 1 neo,
kho mi lhod lhod cig 'tug, (qh~. m!_ lh3Slho~i th!!;!rap/
~~) 2. iso. act at ease 1 adv. -- ~· atomic bomb, neo, \<;..3. -~~ct'=S:~· /t!.IU~Mn Pf!.m/
/--ch_£&/ 11 He answered the questions at ease, [Syn. neo, eng, a 1 bom; neo, c, yon tsi ton]
khas lon lhOd lhod byas brgyab song, (qhBr> 1E,£n atomic energy, neo, ~CI.l·~~~~~~~· /tu'U~Mn
lh3Slhb'8cc k_:pso) n~shuU/ [Syn. neo• c. yon tsi'i nus po]
at first "\c:.·~· /thf!_l')poo/ 11 After they or- atomic war, neo, ~<13.·~~'\l9-l.~'(:(~"'"\· /t~t.Mn
rived, at first they built roods, kho tsho m~q~huu/
slebs nos dong por lam khog bzos song. (qhontso atomic weapon, neo, ~Q.1'~<:1..:5-111?~~- /tu'U~Mn
le?l n& thf!_l')qoo lf!_l')qoa s~dso) [Syn, thog marl tshSncha/
atheist ~~'"'-""~"'~· /chootc& lfll!~po/ 11 There at once QI~~<::.' /lf!.msaon/ 11 We need this book at
are many atheists in America, o mi ri kar chos once, ngo tshor deb 1 di lam song dgos kyi 'dug,
dod mad po'i mi mong po 'dug, (amiriqaa ch88tc& (-l)f!.ntsoo th!pti l_2msoan q~il)
~p&& m_! m_:l)qu t.!:!,t) at one time ~q~~~·c:q• /qepcilla/ 11 At one
athlete ~~·~<ll.·~~\'\~' /l,!:!!!tsM tsel)&&n/ time he was o teacher, skobs shig lo kho dge
athletic competition . ~~·~<ll.·~~.c-.~· /l_!!!!tsM rgan red, (q~pcilla qho q!q&&n ~~) [Syn, dus
~_£ntuu/ cig lo]
athletics, 1. n. ~~-~<ai· /lQ!!tsM/ 2, play at present ~<::.·~r::..· /th!!JSaan/ 11 At present they
athletics, vo, c. -- ~- /--tse~/ are in Indio, deng sang khong tsho rgya gar lo
Atisho 1 skt. Ef-~~- /chE2Pe/ yod po red, (th!!JSaan qhontso k_2qaala Y.2.~re~)
Atlantic Oceon 1 neo, ~l:l.·~-~~~<1-l~ /n!!,P shi- [Syn, de ring kho sa; neo, c, mig sngor]
w~~ kotso/ atrocious ~"'\'<'~:>"'\'~"\'~~· /t.!:!,qca?l sh_!puci/ 11
atlas 1 neo, ~-~~W",l::l.'
/sap~&& th!P
I His behavior at the meeting was atrocious,
at last 1 iso, in the end/finally ~(:1.'<11-l.' /tho- tshogs 1 du 1 i nang la kho spyad po sdug chog zhed
rna/ 11 At last I was able to go to Tibet, mtha' po cig 'dug, (tshontUU n~nlo qho c3po t.!:!.qcoa
ma nga bod lo 'gro thub byung, (thama 1)_2 ph~dla sh_!puci t.!:!.~)
t.f!. thOtcu) atrophy, vi. c. ct~~~· /qhum/ 11 His hand was
at least '1be..·~c~:n.r~c:: 11 We need
/ii.!:!,l)thal&&/ atrophied, kho'i lag po 'khums shag, (qhSS
at least ten workers, ngo tshor los ko byed 1_2qpo qhumshoa)
mkhon mi bcu nyung mtho' la 1 ang dgos kyi 'dug, attached, 1. iso. on attachment, i. n. ~Ol... ~.!t\~'
(l')f!_ntsoo 1E,£qa ch!r:l&&n mi cu ii.!:!,l')thal&& q.!:!,qil) /sh2[1choa/ f He is very attached to material
[Syn. nyung mthor] things. kho co log la zhen chogs chen po 'dug,
Iitman 1 skt, ~"\~ • /tf2,al (qho_o5loala sh!nchoa ch~po t.!:!,u) ii, vo.
atmosphere, neo, ~C:.'(l:l,~~· /lul')qh~/ [syn, ch, ~~· /--ch_£&/ f She is attached to the child,
rlung khoms chen po] mos phru gur zhen chogs byed kyi 'dug, (m2_1i
atmospheric pressure, neo, ~C:.'(Z\~~·.Q\~~"1'\~' puqM sh!ncha ch_!qil) [Syn, zhen; chogs zhen;
/lul)qh~ n88nshut/ sems chogs] 2. iso, the attachment of children
audience 35

to parents, vo. ~~"4·&4-~· /~hiipu chE_c/ the people got up at the some time. mi thsorQ
11 He is very attached to his mother, kho a mar mo dus gcig lo longs po red, (m.!_ tshol')mo th.!:,fr
1 khril po zhe drag 'dug. (qho &lao ~hirpu· she- ciqla !!!?!pore~) [Syn, dus mnyom lo]
~o t!;!.ul attitude, 1. iso, disposition ~~~·{'"a.~x..·~c:.~·
attock, 1. iso, military attock, vo, «4""-'~CI.l'~' /sclmio kherto},j 11 He has a good ottiude toward
/phorqbo chE_t/ 11 They attacked the enemy, kho work. kho los ko 'i thog lo bsom blo 1 khyer
tshos dgro lo phor rgol byos po red, (qhontsod stongs yog po 'dug. (qho l~q&& th5~lo samlo
~~lo phorqod chE_cpore~) 2. iso, oppose a pol- kher-to}, y~qo t!;!.~l 2. iso, viewpoint ~·~c;~·
icy/ideo ~·.if\=-·.§,~- /I'J!!qod chE_c/ 11 They at- /tclto h/ 11 What is his attitude toward commu-
tacked his policy. kho tshos kho 1 i srid byus lo nism? dmor po'i thog lo kho 1 i lto stongs gong
rgo rgol byos po red. (qhontoB qh38 siicUiha 'dro 'dug? (moopoo th3~lo qh38 totoh qh_2n~cc
I'J!!qod chE_tpore~) 3, iso, a military attock t_2Al
against oneself, vo, ~x..·,af\<.q~· /tshlirqO<> attorney, neo, ~&{~'~'"4' /~himtsodpo/
chE_c/ 11 If they don 1 t attock us 1 we won't at- attract, 1. vi. A. ~1:\<l.~~~· /y.!_l ~h5~/ 11
tock them. ~ho tshos tshur rgol mo byos no ngo They were attracted by her knowledge, mo 1 i yon
tshos phor rgol byed kyi min, (qhantsb~ tshOr- ton gyis kho thso 1 i yid 1 phrog po red, ( m~
qoo m~c£&no l'l!!ntsod phllrqoo ch_!qimcn) 4. iso. y~ntccnqi qhontsoo y.!_l ~h3~pore~) 2. vo. A. ~
beat up, vo. C. q~~- /ts_!~/ 11 They attacked <:~.~'!\~· /lo qu~/ 11 They attracted many people by
the spy. kho tshos so par 1 dzings po red, giving out money. kho tshos bngul bster nos mi
(qhontsod sepoo ts_!npare~) 5. iso, surprise/ mong po blo bkugs po red, (qh<>ntshoa !')DO tee nc
guerilla attock, vo, ~R.~'~Cl.\'@,~' m_! m_21')qu lo qOOpare~)
chE_c/ attractive, iso. good looking for both men and
attain, see: accomplish; achieve women ct~ ;s;4\.N'~ ~~~ chaqo/ 11 She is very
attend, 1. iso, be present at, vo. A. ~'11~' attractive, mo 1 dro chogs po zhe drag 'dug.
/sh~/ 11 He attended the meeting. khos tshogs lm2 ~~ choqo sh!~oo t!;!.U)
1 dur zhugs po red, (qh~ tsoontM sh,!:!Upare~) audacious ...:(.c::·T~~".:~' /r~l')sodn ~~po/ 11 He
2. iso. attend to one's affairs, see: look of- mode on audacious speech. khos rang zon med
ter 3. iso, going to regularly, vo. C, ~<\' po'i skod cho bshod pored, (qh~ r~I')Scrdn ~~­
/chi?!/ 11 He attends school in Lhasa, kho lho pee qfcho shfcpare~)
sor slob grwor gro gi 'dug, (qho lh~fsoo lop~oo audience, 1 • iso, spectators ~~-~~'o:t\XIi>\ /tffmo
~!!.qil) tal')&&n/ 11 There was a large audience at that
attention, to pay, vo. ~~~-@,~' /th!!noon chE_C/ movie, glog brnyon der !tad mo lto mkhon mong
11 When the teacher speaks, he doesn't pay atten- po 'dug, (13qn&&n th~.tffmo tol')&&n m,21')qu t!;!.~l
tion. dge rgon gyis skod cho shod dus khos do 2, iso, spectators at a sermon -n_~c:.·~~'<.tclA~<Il.'
snong byed kyi mi 'dug. (q!q&&nqil qfco shBStu~ /sOI')Cb~ sh~l')&&n/ 3, iso, on audience (with
qh~ th!!noon ch!qim_!ntuu) [Syn, yid zob byos] religious personages) atSCI.l'~' /c~qo/ 11 Did you
attest, vo, "~"·il~~- /pel')po ch£_&/ 11 I attested get on audience with the Lama? khyed rong lo
to his veracity. ngos kho'i bden po'i dpong po blo rna 1 i mjol kho rag byung ngos? (kheroonlo
byos po yin. II1£C qh38 t!mpcc pol')po chE_cpoyin) 15m&& cccqo rEP ch,!:!I'J&C) 4. iso. request on au-
at that time ~~-"' /q'~p th~E/ 11 At that time dience, vo. C, -- "'tOl""'~.:N.·c:n,~c;·~~·
she was a student, skobs der mo slob grwo bo /--nBonr::>~ noon sh.!§l/ ~ He requested on audi-
red, (q§p th~ m!! lllp~o~ r!~l [Syn. de dus] ence with the Lama. khos blo mo'i mjol kho zhig
at the some time '""
~~·~'{)~·e>I' I th_!!U' crqlaI 11 All gnong rogs gnong zhus po red, (qh~ 1om£& ccc-
36 audit

qaci n50nro~noan sh~pare~) 5, iso, give an au- limitations of my authority nga'i dbang tshad
dience, va. -- ~~·•.: /--noon/ 6, iso, have an kyi nang la (1)£_£ war)tsh&cqi n~nla)
audience, va, C. -- ~~- /--sh~~/ , I had an au- autobiography :.:.c::.• ~w· /r2_1)nam/ , I read Gan-
dience with the Lama. ngas bla ma'i mjal kha d~i 's autobiography, ngas ghan dhi 1 i rang rnam
zhus po yin. (IJ£_C Him&& CE£,qa sh~~payin) 7. bklogs po yin, (IJ£C q£ntii r2_1)nam 15opayin)
iso, audience/meeting with lay persons 'i>lG~·a.~<;,· autocracy %"' ""'-""'-"'-' ii\.x.•o.~·~ ~· ~ <l1~'
/cE£,n}cc/ /siiwaOn q~ntsiin l!mlu~/
audit, va. ~·~q·~~· /tsiiship ch£_&/ , She autocratic, va, ~"'e::.,.~c::..·~::.:_·('.t.~<;l.,'@,.~'
audited their accounts. mos khang tsho'i rtsis /siiwoon q!ntsiin ch£&/ , The king acted
khrar rtsis zhib byas shag, (mod qhontsbo tsii- (ruled) autocratically, rgyal po des srid dbang
}haa tsiiship ch£_csha~) sger 'dzin byas pa red, (k&&po th!~ siiwaan
auditorium ~oN·~~::~~~ /tsh35qhaan chemo/ q~ntsiin ch£cpare~)
augment, see: add autograph, neo, ~~~iS\:~'~4:\.· /}h£_nteen sayil/
August ~~·.q~~~· /cinta k£fX!I automatic, 1, n, ;o;,~::.·a..~(>.l.' /r!l)qW/ · , auto-
aunt, 1. maternal ~-~ /s&no/ 2. paternal~~· matic machine rang 'gul 'phrul 'khor (r!l)qW
/lJni/ 't.hml:jhM) 2, automate, va. 0, -- ~-oi::\~X.'
auspicious sign/event ~~~~·~""·~ /tem}ee 1--la k~r/ 3, get automated, vi. 0, --G:l.·~~·
Y':,.qo/ , There were many auspicious signs when /la k':lr/
that Lama was born, bla ma de 1 khrung dus rten automobile, 1, n, ~<t.' /m2_ta/ [Syn, neo, c,
'brel yag po mang po byung po red, (lomati rlangs 'khor] 2, drive an auto, va. -- .q'<jc:.:
}hOOntuU tem}ee Y':,.qo m!l)qu ch~npare~) /--taon/
authentic ~~· /l)':,.ma/ , This is an authentic autonomous ~c:..·~· /r2_r)ko'Q/ , autonomous region
antique tanka. 'di thong go rnying ma ngo rna sa gnas rang skyong (son&c r2_1Jko~)
red. (t! thOI)qa nil)ma l)~a r!~) autopsy, to do, va. ~Ql·~~4:\.'~"''%-~· /r2_la
authenticate, va, ~~·~~~~~· /l)ootsiin ch£_c/ toqc&c ch£_&/
~ He authenticated that this is an antique rug, autumn ~~·~· /t8nqa/
khos kha gdon 'di rnying ma yin par ngos 1 dzin autumn and spring ~~,,:~s /ti:Jncil/
byas po red, (qh~ qhOt&&n t! niQma Y!mpoa l)oo- autumn planting 1 1 • n. ~5\: e~.~l:l.~ • /tontep/
tsiin ch£_Cpare~) 2. do autumn planting, vo. -- .@,!N. • I --ch£_c/
author ~·~~~ /tsanr)&&n/ , He is the author autumn plowing, 1. n. ~~·~~· /tBmmo-1>/ 2. do
of this book, khong deb 'di rtsom mkhan de red, autumn plowing 1 va, -- .q@,<:\ • I --k!p/
(qhoon th!P t! tsCiml)&&n ti re~) [Syn, rtsom pa auxiliary, neo. ~·-["~ .fc2!,nodn/ , auxiliary
po] soldier rjes snon dmog mi (c2!,n01:Jn malJmi)
authority 1 1. n, ~i!:lt::..'<IJ' /wai)Ca/ , Who has auxiliary word/particle, for verbs, $~~·~~·~.en,~·
authority over this office? las khungs 'di 'i /ch2_W&& tshiq}66/
dbang cha su la yod po red? (1E£,qu?t tii w51)Ca ovadh0ti 1 skt. ~~'al' /isna/
s~ Y2~r&&) 2. give authority to, va, A. available, 1. iso, existing ~~· /y!!,pa/ , He
~'\1--t.~&! , The government gave him authority used whatever materials were available to build
over this office, gzhung gis kho la las khung a house, khas rgyu cha gong yod po de bed spyod
'di'i dbang cha sprad pared, (sh~Qqi qh35 1£,£- btang nos khang pa zhig brgyob shag, (qh~d k~p­
qu?. tg wol)ca t~cpare~) 3, give up authority, ca qh.92.n y!!,pate phE£,cb'l> tol5n& qhcl)poci k!psha'?l)
va. A. -- .ql.<\"l\' /--sh2_'?l/ 4. iso, limits of 2, iso, able to get, vi. A.).;."'~:\' /r2_~/ , If the
authority ~~1:::.·~ /wol)tsh&c/ 1i within the book is available at the market, buy it, deb de
ayatama 37

khrom nos rag gi •dug no gzigs rogs gnong. away "4.>;: /phorJ/ 11 Go away I phor rgyugs I ( phao
(th~pte }h5mn& r~qi tuuna s~ro~noon) k!:!,~l
avalanche, 1 • n. "'\."'-~ ·~c,: /qh2_r)r!I~/ 11 He died awful ~"\'<b"'\' /t!:!,qcad/ 11 This book is awful,
in on ovolorx;:he, kho gongs rud 1 og lo shi po deb 1 di sdug chag cig 'dug, (th~p t! t~qc~ci
red. (qho qh2_rUU w2~lo shipare~) 2, hove on t!:!,~l
avalanche, vi. -- "'t~t=~· /--k2_p/ 11 He was awhile ~~·~m-~'t\.' /khuqtsaci/ 11 Stay awhile.
killed by .on avalanche. (lit. There was on ava- khyug tsam zhig bzhugs, (khuqtsaci sh!:!,~l
lanche and he died,) kho gongs rud brgyob nos [Syn, tog tsam zhig]
shi po red. (qho qh2_r)ru~ k2_pn& shipare~) awkward ~q·~ /qh:!_pto/ 11 He is very awkward.
Avoloketisvoro, skt. "t!..~~~-~~"'\~· /cl:nr&c- kho mi gob to zhed po cig red, (qho m! qh~pto

sil/ sh!puci r~~) 11 This choir is very awkward,

avaricious c::t~"".l!;.d.i'«~<:il.,.-~ /toor)om chempo/ rkub bkyog 1 di gob to zhed po cig •dug, (qup-
avenge, see: revenge kad t! qh2.pto sh!puci t~~)
overage, on the a;-~~~· /choooi'n/ 11 On the awl iic:..·~ /iiur)qu/
overage, teachers here get paid 1 ,000 dollars a awn (of cereal plants) ~'iill' /~h~moo/
month. cho snyoms byas no dge rgan re re lo zlo awning §,·~~q· /ch2_yap/
re phogs sgor mo stong phrog re re rag gi yod po ox, 1. n, ~;::. /t~ri/ 2, cut (iso, split) with
red. (choiioi'n ch_££no CJ!G&&n r~relo tore ph5~· on ax, va. A. ~-~'"t\"9<X\~· /taril shad/
qoomo tor)}ho~ r~re r~qiy2~re~) 3, cut (iso. transversely) with an ax, va. A,
~version, to hove, vi. A, @\<Sl·&:.~.·~· /sh~mpa ~·~-~~e::..:. /t~ril c'l!c/ 4. hit with an ax,
12?:>/ 11 He has on aversion to (eating) meat, va. c. ~·x·"t\.a~· /t~ri sh!I~/
'? "\) C'-..-,:-r;:<\.
kho sho lo zhen po log shag. (qh6 sholo sh~mpo axis, earth's, neo, c. ..l'-\'0.'~"!\'...(<I,C:.'

lo?>sha~) soqshiin/
avid ~c:;:~· /yi?J/ 11 He is on avid reader, kho axle, neo. ~(1\x.·Cil~-~"1'\~c:;: /qholoo soqshiin/
deb klog yag la dbyings yod po zhig red, (qho oyotama, skt. ~-§,c.: /kece~/
th~p l~~ya~la yr~ y~paci r~~)
avidya, skt. ~·~~·~:..~.• /m2_riqpa/
ovoid, va, B. <!\,J:lo.l· /y83/ ' They avoided a war,
kho tshos dmag la g • yol po red. (qhontscru
madla y38pore~) 11 I avoided him, ngas khor
g,yol po yin, (rJ£C qh5~ y33payin)
awoke, vi. and va. A. "'"\~~~c:;..· /iirl s'l!c/ ~
He awoke me early,
byung. ......
( qhod r)~
khos nga snga po gnyid sod
r)opo ni1s&&chu ).
award, iso. something concrete, e.g. medal
"t\~~~·~~~· /s~r)tao/ ~ They gave him an
award. khong tshos khor gzengs rtogs gnang
shag, (qhCints~d qh~~ S~r)tad naansh~)
aware, 1, see: know 2. vi. A, 4\'~~·~c,:
/qh~to?> sl:'&/ ' I became aware of this after
you told me. khyed rang gis ngo la 1 di gsungs
nos nga 1i go rtogs sad byung. (kheraanqi r)~

ti suh& r'Jf£ qh~to?J s'l!ccu)


babble, va, B. ~·n~Ol' /qho chOO/

baboon ~ · /p{j/
baby ~·~14-~~ /puqu mancoon/ ~ She is
giving the bpby fruits, mos phru gu mo 1 byor lo
shing tog star gyi 'dug, (m_![d puqu mCincoonlo
shint66 U!iiqil )
baby pacifier ~~ct·..~:· /cipru/
""'c-. "l
babysitter, 1. n, ~·~· /p~ts6e/ 2, babysit, vo,
--~~· /--ch§_~/
bachelor ~~<::.: /phohron/
bock, 1. of body~<=>\·~· /q!:£_pa/ 11 My bock hurts,
ngo'i sgol pa no gi 'dug, (!')!:£_ q!:£_po ~qil)
[Syn, stod sgol] 2, of head 1~·~~· /Uia-
quun/ 3, of hand Ql~·.q,~~A' /l~qp&& k:_p/ 4,
of neck ~~~·~· /cf_npa/ 5, iso, corry on the
back 1 vo, B, ~~·~~·a.~· /q~poo khii/ 11 She
carried a box on her bock, mo'i sgol par sgom
1 khyer shag, ( m.2!! qEE,pao ~m khiisho?J) 6, iso,
load on bock, vo, B, ~G\l'•:.p;,•q"'\~' /k~poo
qef/ 11 They loaded the box on the bock of the
yak, kho tshos g, yog gi sgol par sgom bkol
shag, ( qhants~d yfl~qi q~poo q~m qffsho~) 7,
iso, look bock ot 1 vo, A, ~"'>'"'1.~-N.·~~~·
/chrUA 1~~/ 11 He looked bock at the mountain,
khos ri lo phyir bltos bslogs song, (qh~ rile
chitM l~~so) 11 He looked bock at his own post
(history), khos so so 1 i 1 dos pa 1i lo rgyus lo
phyir bltos bslogs po red, (qh~ s5sod t_£tp&&
l~kuUla chit6A l~~pore~) [Syn, phyir mig bltos]
8, iso. in bock of ~q·~~~·~· /k:_pl66la/ 11 He
woi ted in bock of the house, khos khong po 1 i
rgyob log lo bsgugs po red. (qh~ qhal')p&&
k:_pl6bla q~upare~) ~. iso, the bock·of a thing
~·~~·/k:_pl66/ 11 The back of the book is red,
deb kyi rgyob log dmor po red. (th!pqi k:_pl66
m5Cimo r!~) 11 They complain behind his bock.
kho tshos kho 1 i rgyob 1 og lo kho btong gi ·1 dug,
(qhontsod qh83 k:_pl66la qho tal')qil) [Syn. rgyob
lo] 10, iso, give bock 1 vo, ~.:r..·~~·~~·
/chil60 ch_£U 11 Please give the book bock to
me, deb de ngo lo phyir slog gnong regs gnong.
(th!pte I')~ chi166. riionr:>~non) 11. iso, go
backwards 1 see: backwards 12. iso. go bock on
bag 39

o business deal, vo. A. /tshoon backwards, 1. iso, back up

1':5"::>/ 11 He went bock on the deal, khos tshong /chishil k!:p/ 11 He is driving the cor backwards
bslogs shag. (qh~ tshoon 1':5"::>sho~) 13. iso, go (backing up the cor). khos mo to phyir bshig
bock on (e.g. on arrangement ) 1 vo, C, ~-"'CI..!i?.C\:
...... "" brgyab byos gtong gi 'dug. (qh~ m£1-o chishil
~-H· /chitheen shu'U/ 11 Sonom went bock (on the k!:pchcc toDqil) 2, iso, less advanced, odj,
agreement) , bsod noms kyis phyir 1 then zhus 1~·~~~"'\~·~~- /c~ltru theepcc/ 11 a backward
song. ( sonomqil chitheen sh_!!Usu) [Syn. phyir country r jes lus thebs pa 1i lung po ( c~llru
'gros brgyob] 14. iso, bock up o vehicle, see: theepcc l~~pe) [Syn. rjes su lus po'i] 3, isa,
backwards, 1 15. iso, talk behind one's bock, turning and going backwards 1 va, ~.>;.'Ol"'\·.q~"'\·
vo. ~'<'\"'1"\:4@,"'\ · /k::pshcc k::p/ [Syn, kho /chil~~ k::PI 11 When they saw the soldiers they
btong] 16. see: backing turned and went backwards, kho tshos dmag mi
backache 1 to hove 1 vi, ~~~· ~ /tSSqcc ~/ nithong nos phyir log brgyob po red, ( qhontsb-3
11 Do you hove o backache today? de ring khyed m~mi thoonc chil~b k::peree) 4, iso, put on
rang gi stod sgol no gi 'dug gas? (th~riin khe- backwards, va, A, @,~'<lll~~·.q~~· /k::mtU"Lin 15"::>/
roonqi U>dqcc n::qituq~~) [Syn, stod sgol lo no 11 He put on the shirt backwards, khos stod
tsho btong] thung rgyab mdun bslogs nos gon shag. (qh~
bock and forth ~-'C.·<G'~·
..., /phootshuu/ 11 We sent t88tuun k2_mtUUn 15"!:>nc qhocinsha~) 5, iso, face
letters bock and forth, ngo tsho phor tshur yi backwards, vo. A. /k::p 15"::>/ 1J
ge brong pa yin, (~~ntso phootshuu y~qi toonpa- Sit facing backwards. rgyab bslogs nos sdod,
yin) (kf!_P l':5"::>nc t~d)
backbone (spine) ~G.1~4~· /qcctshil/ bacteria, see: germs
bockdoor ~"\'if /taaqo/ bad, 1. ~'1"\'<10-'t\' /t~qca'b/ 11 He is a bod person,
background, 1, iso, stage in theaters/ploys ~~· kho mi sdug chog cig red. (qho m~ t~qco'bci r~e)
<if~· /k::mc~n/ 2. iso. people ~"'0-\'d::CiFt~· 11 This book is bad • deb 1 di sdug chag red.
ID~~mcc l~kUU/ 11 What is his background? kho'i (th~p t~ t~qcaa re~) 2, go bod (get spoiled),
sngon mo'i lo rgyus go 'dro red? (qh83 ~c~mcc vi,, see: spoiled
.. .. '!.)
l~kUU qh::ntcc r~~ bod, not too "t4'~<f\'.>:.t;.· /t.!:qca'b r5E,n/ 11 He is
backhand (as in tennis or ping pong) 1 neo, ~·at"'\' not too bad (a person). kho mi sdug chag rang
/chilo~/ [Syn, rgyob log] ma red. (qho m2:_ t~qca'b r~n m£ree) 11 His ill-
backing, 1. n, ~<::.·-t-· /k::ptse/ 11 He won the ness is not too bad. khong snyung gzhi sdug
dispute because of the strong backing he hod, chag rang mi 'dug. (qhoon fiu~hi t~qcoo roan
kho lo rgyob rtso shugs chen po yod tsong kho m~ntuu) [Syn, sdug po rang; a 'u tsa]
mchu thob pa red, (qh':5':5 k::ptse shuq chempo y~d­ badge ~~~·~· /to~ma/
tsoon qhamchu th1:ipere~) [Syn, rgyob skyor] 2. bag ~·~"' /n3"opcc/ 11 I bought some bags.
iso, give backing/bock, vo. -- ~· /--ch~c/ ngas snod phad kha shas nyas po yin, (~~c
backpack, neo, %"'~'<'<~"'\ /k!:pphcc/ nmlpcc qhashcc ii.£Bpoyinl
bock page/cover %"'~:.J'I' /kf!_pshe/ cotton bog x.~·~"'\' /rMquu/
bock side of a page @f':.R'"'' /kerx;;h':l"!:>/ food bag 'f'eq"-.' /topcc/
bock to back ~q ·~ /k::ptb-6/ 11 Those two sot hand bag ""'-'~'{-~.~-'()' /19,~pe~/
bock to bock, kho gnyis rgyob sprod byos bsdod paper bog ..:;.!\"1· ~4· /sh5':5qhuu/
shag. ( qhuni1il kf!_pto&c t~csho~) [Syn, Hog saddle bag 9'-f" /toto/
sprod byas] school bog ~"'-~"-: /y±.,qpcc/
bock up, va, see: backwards, 1 small bog ~<>\·~· /qhu~me/
40 bail

bail, 1, iso, money "t\ '?Cl.'"\_~0-.\- /ter)tfLI/ ~ He left so'i sgam]

bail (money) and got out of jail. khos gta 1 bamboo ~<!\·at· /nur]ma/
dngul bzhag nos btson khang nang nos don pa red, bamboo shoat ~~·~· /ntlqtsa/
(qh~d ter)UU sh~~nc ts2nqaan n~nc th~paree) 2, bamboozle, va. 1>-l::/V"t~'"'-\'ir:;.' /qoq':J':J ta6n/
iso. bail water, va, C, ~-q<f;~.; /chtl t8n/ ~ bon, 1. n, -"1-'t\"'\'l:l~~· /qCiqtoint 2, vo,
They bailed water from the boat, kho tshos ~· /ch£_C/ II The government bamed cigarettes.
gru 'i nang nos chu bton sang, (qhi5ntsb1> \!:!!! gzhung gis tho mag bkog bsdoms byes shag,
naanc chtl t8nso) (sh~qi thoma~ qoqtom ch£_csha~)
balance, 1. see: even 2, iso, scale, n, ~.::;.· banana ~-~· /q'fko/ [Syn. ngang lag]
/sal")/ 3, iso, money owed q_~~ • /th3ti/ ~ band, 1. iso, orchestra ;:("<>l.·~·<!\~'5-l0\~·1f(_>l~'
After he gave 100 dollars 1 he still had a /r~a tor)ccn tsh~qha~/ [Syn. rol cho 1 i ru
balance of 100 dollars to pay, khos sgor mo khog] 2. iso, military band ~.J:.·a:.·~~C::'a.I(_l\"'
brgya sprad nos do dung 'phros sgor rna brgya ~'l."\'t1' /p~co tor)ccn r.':!qo~/ 3. iso. o group of
sprod dgos red, ( qh8~ q.92mo k~ "t-!:enc th~ntM people t'(.l\<11' /tshoqhoo/ 4. see: hoop
~ q2?.mo
\hoo k~ ~ ')
tooqoree 4. iso, lose one's bal- bondage, 1. n, ~~-.>:..~' /m!:!:nrc'/;f [Syn. rma res].
ance a;·-if<J.l~~"'\d-:1'~"'1' /choiiom ch~e m~thuu/ 2, bandage, iso. tying, va, C, -- "\~~·/--til/
~ He lost his balance and fell from the bridge, ~ She bandaged his wound. mas kho 1 i rma la
kho gzugs po cha snyoms byed rna thub pa byes zorn smon ros dkris song, (m![d qh28 malo m!:!:nrcc
pa 'i sgang nos bzags pa red, ( q~o s~qu ch6nom t!lsu) 3. bandage, iso, stick on, vo, B,
ch~ mathupachce s~mpcc q~nc s~paree) iif-'1--c;:::./
balanced ~·-ifa.t4"1' /ch6iiom/ ~ These two are bandit ~-'t\·e::..s: /ch~qpa/
balanced. 'di gnyis cha snyams red, bandit gong ~~·~-~~~- /ch~qpa tshCiqhoo/ [Syn.
chonom r~e) ~ balanced budget cha snyoms sngon jog tshogs]
rtsis (chonom r)8ntsil) bandit hideout ~"'\·i'fir:::.: /ch~qtsaon/
balance of power "'-"::u::.'-\':,"'1\-N'<~;,"~~-N· /war)Shuu bong against, vi. D. and vo, D. 1'\a:.._"l~' /tf?_p/ ~ I
chonom/ [Syn. dbang tshad cha snyoms] banged my head against the chair. ngo rkub
balcony (outside) ~C::'<f\G4"'l' /ser)yap/ [Syn, mda' bkyag lo mgo brdobs byung, (r)~ qilpka~la q~
g.yab] t~pchu) (unintentionally) ~ ngas rkub bkyag lo
bald, 1. n. Ool4\-"\~"'-' .;:r /q~ moapa/ 2, become mgo brdobs pa yin. (r]£_C qOpkoola q~ t~payin)
bald, vi. A. -- 00 ~~- /--ch6~/ (intentional! y)
bale, see: load bangle, see: bracelet
ball, 1. in sports ~~ /polo/ 2. play ball, va. bongs (iso. hair style)~~-"'-~~ /pccnqo/
-- ~~~· /--k~p/ 3, iso, ball of yarn/thread ~· banish, va. @_;C:.'<:<.'%"'"'~"'--' /k~r]pil ta6n/ ~ The
~; /th~qu/ 4. iso, iron ball (large) ~41~--'flt::".' thief was banished from Lhasa. rkun rna de lho
/c6oqoon/ 5, iso, iron ball (small) ~41~ ·~<a.J • so nos rgyong bud btong po red, (qtlmoate
/caqrii/ lh!:!:sonc k~r]pil taanparee) ·
ballad, see: folk song banister (of stairs) <>l<t\' c.~· /l~r)cu/

balloon, 1. n, ~.:::..·~~· /q~mpuu/ 2. blow up a bank, 1. iso. financial "\~~·(Z\e.• /r)OIJqoan/ 2,

balloon, vo. -- ~-~-.q~.q· /--1~ phu kap/ iso. shore n:~<>.~· /t~m/ ~ There are many houses
ballot, 1. n, ~~~"\· /wb'Osh':J?>/ 2. cost o bal- along the bonk of the river, gtsang po'i 'gram
lot, vo. A. -- a!~~· /--lilu/ [Syn. 'dems la khong pa mong po 'dug, (tsar)qbo t~mlo qhor]pa
shag] m~r)qu t.':!ul
ballot box ~~-*\~- /w~qam/ [Syn, 'as shag lug bonk draft, see: money order
based on · 41

bankrupt, vi. C. ~·~Z<!i!..' /ph.!:!,r)qu th'§fo/ ~ He bsgr ig dgos red. ( colaa ii~tutr qh~n 1-l_qoree)
has become bankrupt. kho bong bu don shag. (qho [Syn. rin pa sgrigs) 2. iso, barter for goods 1
ph.!:!,r)qu th~nshaa) [Syn. ma rtsa stongs) va. C. g-t;.•<:(~"\~' /tshoon t~l!
bomer "'\~'d::i /th.£rca/ bark, 1. iso, outer layer of a tree ~c.~·~~~·~·
banquet, 1, n. 4\~<>-l.·"f;:a,· /smltbon/ ~ Last /shir)qi p5qpa/ [Syn, shing pags; shing shun)
night's banquet was good, mdangs dgong gi gsol 2. iso, animals, va, c. ~aoc;~· /chon/ 11 The
ston yag po 'dug, (t5!,r)qonqi smltbon Y£qo t~u) dog is barking. khyis 'chang gi 1 dug. (khil
2. give a banquet, va, C, -- "!'f'\0-l~ • I --shorn/ ch~r)qil)
banyan tree a~-~~·i'<!l,.~.:;.: /ch2_r)Chuu c~nshiin/ barley"'..~' /nE_&/ [Syn, 'bru]
[Syn. byang chub shing) barley beer ~'Q&l::..' /n~chaan/
baptise, va, ~~·<!"\~~-~~- /thOOsoci chE_f:./ barley field a.,~·~c:.· /~shir)/
baptism ~~~\''\C\1'~.' /thOOwaan/ barley flour -a.~·~· /n~che/ [Syn, nas shib)
bar, 1. iso. tavern ~t:.·(:Qc::.' /chor)qaan/ 2, iso, barley head ~%~·~·~· /t-UU nema/
bar for a door, i, n. i\"~'7~' /qot&&n/ ii, barley, popped '¥'t',;:r-~. /n~y"ci'd/
bar a door, va, -- ~~q_· /--k2_p/ 11 They bar barley porridge ~~·~· /n~chaa/
the door at night. kho tshas dgong mo sgo la bar ley tsampa <51..~· ~i!il:l' /n~tsam/
sgo gtan rgyag gi 'dug, (qhCintsod q£r)od q£la bar maid •Q;,C:.. '<:A' /chor)ma/
q_£t&&n k~qil) barn ~"'1\~·<S'c:..· /chuqtshaan/
barbarian m·~ /lolo/ barrel (wood) ~~- /s~/ 11 a barrel for water
barbaric, see: cruel chu zom (chOsom)
barbecue, va. A. "'R'~~·ct.~~~- /shoptaa toe/ barren, 1, iso. an uninhabited/uncultivated waste-
barbell ~"'1~'~9 · /coonb~/ ~ He was able to land ~·~'-'"\' /thoq~~/ 2. iso, arid and dry
lift a heavy barbell, khos lcags 1 gyog lji po but inhabited ~'-51\<:l.l'.;:r---- /sa qompo/ 3, iso, a
zhig bkyag thub song, (qh~ coonk~~ c~puci koa childless woman ~.:r.~·~c;,:<~-~.· /r2_pct'Ema/
thnUsu) barricade, va. A. .<:\-'(\¢\' I qaa/ 11 They barricaded
barber ~·~~.:l:.'o!:l' /topshara/ the road with a tree. kho tshos shing sdong gis
barbershop ~'(tiC:.' /toqaan/ lam khag bkag shag. (qhCintsod shir)toonqil
barbwire %<1"\~'.:8!'\~'~'.%.'&!~ /c~aquU sema r£11- l£Qqaa qaashaal
qo/ barter, va. ~-q~· /tshoon k2_p/ 11 They bar-
bore, 1. iso. body, n, ~;.:;_~c.·~· /mO'orar)a/ 11 His tared barley for wood, kho tshos bal dang 1 bru
chest is bare. kho i brang khog rmar hreng ba
1 tshong brgyab pa red, (qhCintsod ph~ta t~
red. (qh88 ph£r)q~~ moorar)a r~e) 2. iso, head, tshoon k2_paree) [Syn, brje tshong byas)
n, ~~~'£\' /q2_ t15r)pa/ 11 His head is bore, base 1, iso, foundation, n. ~"-'"t\~' /mar)Shi/ 11
(He) has no hat, kho mgo stong pa red. zha mo They fixed the base of the bridge, kho tshos
mi 1 dug, (qho q£ tor)paree Sh£mO ml_ntuU) 3, zorn po'i rmang gzhi bzo bcos brgyab shag,
iso. rooms/house ~'1:-l.' /tor)pa/ 4. iso. bore ( qhCintsod S£mp&e: mal')shi Sf:.pcl:l'd k2_pshao) [ Syn.
fangs, va. C, w~·c!:\·~~~~· /chewa tsiq/ rtsig rmang) 2. iso. mili tory base ~Cl.,_~·.:n,~·
barefoot .rnc:..·~a;<l.l' /qor)cema/ /n'l!'l!shi/ 11 naval base mtsho dmag gnas gzhi
barefoot doctor, neo, c. Sl~~·>f)c:..~~·c!l-1· /m~m­ (tshCimaa n'l!'l!shi) 3, iso, base of mountain ~·
pa qor)Cema/ [Syn, rkang rjen sman pa) G'\"1~' /rl_ntap/ [Syn, ri gsham) 4, iso, vile
bargain, 1, iso. a price, va, C, ~~~~~<'~..' person/action ~"'""-l.' /I')E_mpo/
/qh,.£2n 1-i}/ 11 When you buy things, you have to based on, 1, within a clause, 4~'"1@1..~·~·
bargain over the price, co lag nyo dus gong /sh~shaanc/ 11 We have to work based on this
42 baseless

policy, nga tshos srid byus 1 dir gzhi bzhag nos bathe, va. c. "'1~"'\~·~q/TI~' ; h, ~·"t\~~·~'r
' ~ ' ~ ~
las ka byed dgos red, ( I'J!:!ntsocl sricuii tM ~~~· /s~qu t.UO; h, qlisuu tO"u/
sh!shaan& l££qa ch~qoree) 2, at the beginning bathhouse, see: bathroom, 2
of a clause "''~''\l<\""(a1 ·~r'\~· /sh!shaaqi th5~n&/ bathroom, 1. !so. toilet ~c:.·~ ; h, «\.')~·~
~ This is a government policy, Based on it~ we /sooncocl; h. s!mcoa/ 2. iso. a room for washing
must work, 1 di gzhung gi sr id byus red, 1 di ~~c: ; h. oo"'·~c:: /chuqaan; h. chapqaan/
gzhi bzhag gi thog nos los ko byed dgos red, [Syn. khrus khang)
(t! sh~i)qi sircuii r~e. t! sh!shoaqi th5~n& lcc- bathtub tt,'"'\~C:.'
; h. i!;,Q.'<(\_~l:.' /chlishoon; h. chep-
qo ch~qoree) [Syn. gzhi rtso 1 di 'i thog nos) shoon/
3. va, A. 4\~'"~C"'\"'\' /shi shoo/ ~ His strategy baton (used by police 1 etc. ) ~;.;.· ~"\· /ph!rkut/
was based on communism, kho'i srid byus de dmar battery, 1. !so, flashlight size ~·~·~~·~"\
po'i lta ba la gzhi bzhag pa red, (qh38 siicuU- /p!cilii ml!fn/ 2. iso, other larger sizes ~t:~~·
ti mo~poo towala sh!shaaparee) ~-N • /l~qtscc/ ~ I bought a car battery. ngos
baseless ~c;~·~"\.· /qhul')mee/ ~ baseless c;ri tic- mo ta'i glog rdzas shig nyos pa yin, (r:J!C m£t&&
ism khungs med skyon brjod (qhur:Jmee k3nco~) 15qtscc ci n3[6payin) [Syn. glog sman)
basement ~"'1'\"X\C:.' /w~qhaan/ [Syn. sa 1 og khong battle, 1. n, "'-~«y~t:~: /maqthep/ 2. va.
po) ~~·/--ch£C/ ~They fought a battle near Lhasa.
basic /ts5w&&/ ~ basic rules rtsa ba 'i kho tshos lha so'i nye 'gram la dmag 'thab byos
'gro lugs (tsow&& t~luu) po red. ( qh15ntsols lhl!l!s&& ~ntomla maqthep
basic reason ~·.{(,,-~''\"'\' /tsCiw&& th_£ntaa/ ~ What ch£Cporee) [Syn. 'thab 1 khrug]
is the basic reason for your coming here? khyed battle area "\<l->."'1'~' /m5qsa/
rang 'dir phebs yag gi rtsa bo'i don dog ga re bottle front, see: battle line
red? (kheraan tee phooyooqi tsow&& thontoa bottle ground, see: battle area
qhare r&c) [Syn. don dog rtsa bo) battle line, neo. "'\~'''Y~:<I"l.'~«\·dlot~""'' /maqthep
- - "" c--.. ...... thrqtshom/
basic rights "''C'\'~<\'5:l"''£i&..' /sh!tsM thopthoan/
basin, 1. !so. bowi "'\Q;:c:,·~· /sh!:!r:Jpa/ 2. iso, bawl, see: cry
place ~~ · <n, ~.::::_· /shoi')Sh011/ [Syn. thong bay e:~g:~~· /tshoqhuu/
gshongs; gshongs) 3. iso. wash basin ~~·"'\~"'-' bayonet, 1, n. ~·'B· /tseti/ 2. va. A,
/t.h00shoon/ /--tsii'u/
basis, see: foundation bazaar, 1. permanent ~~· /th5m/ 2. temporary
basket, !so. the general name ~ru·..:.;.· /siire/ ~·o_~· /tshor:JtuU/
'""'- ""'~'-- C\ '
basket carried on bock ~~·~ /H~epo/ bazooka, neo, Ol'~~<'\'@jm_c.•(2J.' /m~rb-:> k.::lil')qe/
basket, usu. small and for food ~~· /15ma/ be, see: grammatical introduction
basketball, neo, 1. n. ~<:J.l.,;:r-<'4' /siip-:>-:>/ 2. beach ~~~~· /tshontam/
ploy basketball, va. -- ~~· /--tsee/ [Syn, bead i£:""\' /t2_~/ II I need 3 beads of coral. nga
neo. bor. c. lan chi'u sbo lo) la byu ru rdog gsum dgos yod, (r:J~ chiru t-:>~

bas relief ~~·.q~~· /p~rtoon/ ~ All the statues sum q2~yo't>)

ore bas-relief. sku tshang mo 1 bUr bton red. beak <:1-1.~;~ /chutu/
(qu tshol')ma p~rtoon r~e) d [Syn. 'bur dod) beam "i\~C.·~· /t~?me/ ~ three beams gdung ma
bastard !so, ille~itimote offspring W-\'~9' gsum (t~l')me sum)
/ch!Pthut/ ""' bean ~a..·~· /t.l!:nma/
bat ~!M_h.'~ /tsitsi q~mp-:>-:>/ broad bean @;~~·~· /katcmo/
bath, see: bathe mung bean ~Cl.;~c..· /tfncal')/
beer 43

soybean ~"~:c..· /tl!nser/ 11 Don 1 t beat around the bush. skod cha kyag ge
beorcurd, bor. c, ~~~ /too phu/ kyag ge ma shod. (ql!ca koqe k5qe moshoij)
bean oil ~~~~· /'t-l!nnum/ beautiful ~"~·;:f" /nil') c~po/ 11 That girl is
bean sprout, neo, c, bor, ~~9\i." It!:!,!! y2_tsi/ very.beautiful, bu mode snying rje po zhe drag
bear, 1. iso, able to tolerate, vi, A, ~~ 'dug. (ph2."'oti iiil') c!pa sh!_taa -t.!:!,U)
/s2_15! 11 He is not able to bear the pain, khos because, 1, [ vb,] :('c..· /[ vb.] ts5on/ 11 Because he
no tsha de bzod thub kyi mi 'dug. (qhM 1'12- came, she went. kho yong tsang mo phyin song,
tshate s~Cs thuOqim_!ntuu) 2. iso, bring forth a (qho Y2.r:Jtsaan m2. chinsu) 2. [at start of
child, vi, C.~~· /k~/ 11 She bore a child, mo phrase) ""1'\~·~·a).;x::O\ /qh2,reyin s2_no/ 11 She
lo phru gu zhig skyes shag, (m~ puquci went outside because he came, mo phyi logs lo
keesho~) 3. iso. bear in mind, va, c. ~'eol~·~· phyin song. go re yin zer no kho yong po red,
4(.0\"t\' /s~lo sh2,~/ 11 You have to bear in mind (m2. chil6Ala chinsu qh2,reyiin s!no qho Y2.nparee)
his advice. kho 1 i bslob bya de khyed rang gi because of, see: account, 3,
(qh38 l~pcati kheroanqi "'l\Ull:3,'""\~~·<:l.ln<?.' /y~yuu kap/
sems la bzhog dgos red, beckon, va.
~ ~ - 11 She sh2,~qoree) 4. iso, hold up or support is beckoning to us, mos· nga tshor g. yob g, yug
something on top of it, i, va. A.""\~' /ko~/ 11 rgyog gi 'dug. (m!fCs r:J2,ntsh::>::> y~yuu k~qil)
A big beam bore (the weight of) the roof, gdung become, vi. A. ao~~· /choo/ 11 Now the weather has
mo chen po zhig gis thog yar bkyog po red, become cold, do gnam gshis grong mo chags shag,
(t.!:!,l')ma chempo ciqi th3!5 yea ka~poree) ii, vi, (th2, n~shil th2.1'JU cho~shoo) 11 If I become rich
A. c:t~'"\~' /kho~/ 11 The bridge will not bear nga phyug pa chags no • • • (r:J2, chuqpu choa-
(the weight of) a cor. zam po des mo t.a 'kyog na. • •)
gi mo red. ls2,mpotee m2.t.a kh~qimoree) 5, iso, becoming, iso. attractive <:~:!~~ /l!mpo/ 11 That
responsibility/suffering, vi. B, ~~~· /khii/ dress is very becoming. chu po de len pa zhed
11 He bore many responsibilities, khos los 1 gan po ci 'dug. (chupa te l,!"'po sh_!puci t.!:!,ul
mong po 'khyer pa red. (qh~d l£nq&n ~l')qu khii- bed, 1. n. Q,l<l('~'; h."'\~l!l.l'~· /n&&thi; h. s_!mthi/
paree) [Syn. 'khur] 2, go to bed, see: sleep 3, make a bed, vo, C,
bear (animal) ~~· /th~/ ~¢.l·~·q~·/fi!£Ch&C s2_15/
bearable, see: bear, 1 bed bug c:>..~4\'t\' /t_!shil/
bear cub :<_k~"t\· /th~thuu/ bedding ~0-\4~· /ii£chcc/
beard ~ /k2,/ bed net '9o..t·~.>:..· /n&&quu/
bear lair ~·di>"c.: /th2."'tshaon/ bedpan ilO"''.'~"t\· /ch~pt6~/
bear skin ~'"\"1\~·/thompoo/ bedroll .q~·o.!!;' ln£co/
beast, see: animal bedroom <9~~·; h, ""\')~·-""'' /n&&sa; h, s_!msa/
beat, 1. iso, hit, va. A, ~..N' /Or:.e/ 11 He beats bedspread ~·~q,~ • /n&&qhep/
the child, khos phru gu de nyes kyi 'dug. (qh~d bee ~c..·¥·~· /Pfli'J nMpu/
pliqute neeqil) [Syn. brdungs] 2. iso, beat a bee comb, see: beehive
drum, vo. c. "\\"~· /t.!:!,n/ 11 He beats the drum, beef ~C.".(<\' /loi')Sha/
khos rngo brdung gi 1 dug. ( qhM l')a t.!:!,l')qil) 3, beehive ~c..·.JQ~' /'t-2,r:Jtsaan/
see: win 4. iso, beat a rug, va. "\~"\·~~<:l.' beer, iso. the Tibetan type alcoholic drink o;,c;, •
-<tyC:..' /t2_pta~ toan/ 11 Please beat the rug. gdan /chorj/
de brdob brdab gtong rogs gnang, (t!£nte t2_pta~ barley beer a,.~'<!Oe:.' /n&&chal')/
toonr::>~non) 5, iso, beat around the bush, millet beer 6ffi.:~"'t\~·q,~::.· /m~ncooqi chol')/
va. A. @.-<C\~'@"t\~'~¥1"\' /kaqe k3qe shl!c/ rice beer n.~~·C~Qc:..' /!-&&char)/
44 beer house

wheat beer ~·;s,e;:.• /}h_2Chol')/ beginning, 1 di 1 i skor 'go nos gsung dong, (t!!
beer house a;e::·~c:..· /chCil')qhoon/ q33 q~n& santo)
beeswax ""
-=:\'~~- /"t-~tshii/ beginning, in the ~·cu:s::.: /th33mao/ ~ In the
befitting <S:~·"4' /w"f!"opo/ beginning, they lived in tents. kho tsho thog
before, 1.·it~..'<:>.l' /l')r!.r!.lo/ ~She went before him, mar gur nang lo bsdod po red. ( qhontso th33mo
mo kho'i sngon lo phyin po red, (m~ ¢38 l')r!.r.lo qh!!.!: ~nlo tE_&paree) [Syn. dong po]
chilt.pare~) 2, [neg. vb,] ~t..'Cl' /[neg, vb,] beginning, middle, and end C\~~~q\'~X.·~~~·
qh2!!nlo/ She went to Tibet before him, kho
~ -
/qoncut phorsum/
bod lo mo phyin gong lo mo phyin po red. (qho beginning of the month 1 1 , up to 5th of month ~~·
ph![dlo m~chin qh~nla m~ chilt.pore~) ~:.:..· /tsheeshoo/ 2. up to 10th of month a:~
beforehand if"~~<;:~~· /l')tlntstrTh&/ ~ He told me !t£t'Ois/
beforehand, khos ngo lo sngon tshud nos bshod beginning of a year 1 1 , iso, 1st 2 months Qf-'Q.~
byung. (qhsB I')~ l')llntsUUn& shr.&chu) /l:!Jqo/ 2, iso. 1st 4 months ~~· /l~to~/
befriend, vo, SS'""\~'q.%~' /t.h2q:> ch£&/ ~ He be- beguile, see: entice
friended her, khos mo'i grogs po byos po red, behalf (of) ':!Ci'i\..'"'-."1\'Cl.l.' /th~ntac~J!o/ ~ They went
(qhsB m~ t.h~qo ch£&pore~) on behalf of Dorje. kho tsho rdo rje'i don dog
beg, 1. iso, for things, vo. C. "\~~· /15'?1/ ~ lo ph yin song. ( qhontso t:>:>cee thl:into~la chin-
The beggar begged for money, sprang pos dngul su)
bslongs song, (paanqb1l 1')00 lo'?lso) 2. iso, behove, vo, see: behavior
beseech, vo, c. C'\;"'o..'~~ /sh!!,wa then/ ~ The behavior ~~· /c3po/ ~ The behavior of the
girl begged him not to bully (her), bu mo des child yesterday was good, kha so phru gu de
kho lo thub tshod ma gtong rogs zer zhu wo •then spyod po yog po 'dug, ( puquti cSpo y~qo
po red. t!:!t) ~ Yesterday 1 his behavior was good. kho
sh!!,wa th§nporee) 3. iso. 'please, please!' ~· sa kho'i spyod po yog po •dug, (qhr.r!.sa qh!3S

~'\'~'~"\' /qlichi qlichi/ ~ The girl said to c3pa Y£qO t!;!U)

him "Please, please help," bu mo des kho lo sku behead, vo, A, ~·.q.Q-"
skyid sku skyid regs byed rogs zer lob song, behind, 1, iso, in bock of~~· /k~p/ ~The horse
(ph~motil qh33 qOchi qOchi r~~ ch~r:>~s l~psu) is behind the house, rto de khong po'i rgyab lo
beggar i;ft ;:;,·.?f'" /paanqo/ 'dug. (t6te qhol')p&& k~pla t!!,t) [Syn. rgyob
begging bowl (monk's) ~~-~"'ae;; /lhui')S~/ log] 2. iso, buttocks ~q· /qOp/ 3, iso. late,
a,;;q.~~:N.' /q~ tshO~/ ~ When At\~<f\·~·Q.l~· /shutla 1&&/ ~ They ore
begin, 1. vi. A.
did the work begin? los ko go dus 'go tshugs po
vi. A.
behind schedule.
"'kho - -
tsho 'char gzhi'i gzhug lo
red? (l,££qo qh~ur;) q~ tsh~par&c) 2. vo. A. las shag, (qhantso ch~~shii shuula lE_&shaa) 4,
o.~.q:f"~~· /qo tsOt/ ~ I began the work lost iso, support, see: support
"V -
month. ngas zlo ba sngon mo i nang lo los ko 1 Beijing, see: Peking
'go btsugs po yin, (I')§_C t~wa l')r!.r!.ma~ noonla 1&&- belated 1 see: late
qa q~ tsOtpayin) belch, vi. 1!t\"\~'GE§_,q' /q~qte k~p/ [Syn, sgreg
beginning, from the, 1. ~~·~;~J.·~~· /th35ma nE_c/ pa brgyob]
~ From the beginning, they lived in tents. kho belief z::t~'&.l·~~w·~~·/samlo kheeto~/ ~ 0 str-
tsho th~ ma nos gur nang lo bsdod ·po red. ange belief bsam blo 1 khyer stongs yd mtshan
(qhSntso th33man& qh!!.!: n22nlo tE_&poree) [Syn, (somlo kh~to~ Y£mtsh&&n)
dong po nos] 2. iso. something spoken or read believe, vi, ~~~· (~~·) /yiich~ (chE_C)/ ~ I
et.~~~· /q~n&/ ~ Tell me about this from the don't believe that, ngo der yid ches med, (I')~
beseech 45

thE,£. ygchoo m2.e) ~ He believes in democracy. belt buckle, see: buckle

kho dmongs gtso'i ring lugs lo yid ches byed kyi Senoras %•.x..·"'·~· /W.9,ro nf!>i/
'dug. (qho mol')tsoo r,!_l')luUla ygchoo ch.!_qil) ~ bench ~"'\-~<fl·~~-;:r- /qupkaa r,!_l')qu/
Do you believe he'll come? khyed rang kho yong bend, 1. iso, make curved, va. A, "<~"<\· /qOO/ ~
yog la yid ches yod pes? (kheroon qho yoonyoalo He bent the iron, khos !cogs bkug song. (qh~
ygchoo y£pec) [Syn. yid ches) cao quusu) 2. iso. bend down, adv, and va, '\~"-'
belittle, vo. "'\="'-·~c..·~· /y~pchul') chf:_"t/ ~ He '\~"'-·~~· /q.':!quu ch£C/ ~ He bent down to pick up
always belittles my work.
los kor g.yob chung byed kyi 'dug,
khos rtog per ngo'i
(qhsB toqpoo
the book,
red. ( ......
khos dgur dgur byes deb bsgrugs pe
... ...
qhoo q.':!quuce th!P 1-.'::!uparee ~ He bent
11££ lf:_£qoo y~pchul') ch.!_qil) down out of respect, khos gus zhobs chad du
bell, 1. n, ~<>.~·~· /1-hgpu/ 2. ring a bell, vo, dgur dgur byes pe red, (qh~d qhu1lshap cheetu
B. ""-.~"'1' /--1-W/ 3, ring a bell os a ququu checporee) 3, iso, be~d backwards (physi-
signal, etc., va. ~~-~~"''jic:::.: /1-h.!,!ta toon/ colly ) , vo.
-.. . . -.. . .
I k!kee ch£e/
bellicose (for people) ~o._~·J\t:..:~ /k.9,mte qoopo/ beneath, see: below; under
belligerent, 1, for people, see: bellicose 2, benefactor ~<>\.<:\'\~' /c.!_ntoo/ ~ He is our bene-
iso. a country engaged in war '\&"f\\I,~..N' ~<:>.<· foetor, khong ngo tsho'i sbyin bdog red, (qhoon
('1."'~' /m~qshuu k~qap/ 11.9,ntsbo c~ntaa r2.el
bell metal ~· /1.!_/ beneficial ~a,.·-'f""'\~' /phl:nth::>~/ ~ This is very
bellows, 1. n. i(\,".:c:.t' /piipa/ 2, use bellows, vo, beneficial to us, 1 di ngo tshor phon thogs zhe
-- .<;\@f\' /--k2_p/ drag yod pe red. ( t~ 11.9.nts::>::> ph!:nth::>~ sh~Joo
iron tube tip of bellow "\~<n'I'J' /sh!:nchu/ Y2.~ree)
belly, see: stomach " benefit, 1. n, ~ilt,·¥'.~:n.~· /phl:nth::>~/ ~ What ore
belly ache, see: stomach ache; complain the benefits of this plan? 'char gzhi 'dir phon
belongings ~'OJ."f\' ; h, ~<'6~· /coloo; h. quc&c/ ~ thogs go re yod pe red? (chaashi tee ph!:nth::>~
He sold all his belongings. khos kho 1i cho log qh.9_re Y2.~rec) 2, for the benefit of ~''\"'<\'CS-1'
tshong me btsongs shag. (qh~d qhSS colaa /thl:intoolo/ ~ They· did i t for the benefit of
tshol')ma ts~shaa) the party. 1 di kho tshos tshogs po'i don dog lo
beloved (used as a letter heading) ~~·~~· byes po red. ( t,!_ qhootsod tsh5qpee th!;!ntaalo
/ch~teen/ ~ to_my beloved mother byoms !don a ch£cparee)
me logs (ch.9_mteen omoloa) bent ".\\,~'~"'\' /qh.':!quu/ ~ The stick is bent. rgyug
below, 1, iso, physically lower or under ~"'\' po de gug gug red. (k.':!qpati qh.':!quu r~e)
/w2_~/ ~ My house is below the monastery, ngo'i bent over (usu, due to age) ~~'\~;.;.·~· /t3Squro/
khong po dgon po i 1 1 og !a yod, (11££ qhcl')pe ~The man over there is bent over, pho qi'i mi
q.£1!1pee W2_~lo y£'d) [Syn, gshom) 2. iso, below de stod dgur be red, (qhaqii mite tSSquro r~e)
/mf:_ncec/ ~ Below 18 [Syn, dgur dgur1
years of age you cannot drive a cor, lo bco berry ~~' /siuu/
brgyod man chad kyis mo to btong chog gi mo red, berserk, iso, go mad, vi, D. ~ /n75/ ~ He went
(1.9, copkec m£ncecqi m.9,to toan ch'b6qimoree) 3, berserk, kho smyo shag. ( qho niSshoo 1
iso, a rank ""'-~""· /mo/ ~ His rank is below berth 00-l'-<'-1. • /nf:_£sa I ~ I got a berth on the
mine, kho 1 i go so ngo los dmo 1 gi red, ( qh38 train, ngor ri l i 'i nang lo nyol so zhig rag
qh.9,50 1').9_lec maqiree) byung. (I')~ r,!_lii n~nlo neesoci r.9.ochu)
belt, ~"\:X"<\·
1. for clothes /qeroo/ 2. beseech, va. c. ~9·~~0\.' /sh.':!wa then/ ~ They
tie/buc.kle a belt, vo. C, -- .o.%c;~· /--ci'Q/ beseeched him not to go. kho tshos kho lo rna
46 beside

'gro zer zhu wo 'then po red, (qhentsod qh5!5 beyond, iso, on the other side C<i.:O:.'~"'<\~'
~ntos sh~wa th~pore~) /phach60/ ~ Sonom's house is beyond the temple,
beside, iso. near ~~~- /t.hil/ ~ The choir is bsod noms kyi khang pa lho khang de 1 i phor
beside the bed, rkub bkyag nyal khri'i 1 khris phyogs lo dug. 1 (sCinomqi qhi'i~po lhoqhaon thee
lo 'dug. (qupko~ n&&t-ii !-hilla t~~) [Syn, ... t!!u"')
'gram] Bhagavon, skt. .1::1.~~-~~<.:~..e;:,~· /c'Omt&&n tE_c/
besides, 1. iso. in addition to ":t\r:::.'c::>:~.' ./q~?ilo/ bharol ~<sl,Cl.'~' /noa/
~ Besides the money, he got a pen. kho la dngul bhi'ivona, skt. ~~· /q~m/
gyi sgang lo snyug gu zhig byung shag. ( qh55 Bhutan c.t9.~-~~· /t-uqyUU/
"'\!) """" -
rjl(]qi q~?ila nuquci ch~nsho~) 2. iso. other Bhutanese ~'l\''4' /i-!!qpa/
than/except for 3-\''t\.~"'\~' /mE_t':J~/ ~ Besides me, Bhutanese dress (clothes) q,~<t\'~· /t.~qch&c/
no one come. ngo mo gtogs gzhan dog· yong mkhan government of Bhutan Cl..~"'\'4\~c;.· /t.!!qshu~/
mi 'dug. (~~ m~t':J~ sh~nto~ y~~&&n m!ntut) King of Bhutan ~<t\'@,<q';;:r:- /t.~t k&&po/
best Cl.l.~~~· /yE_qshoB/ ~ This horse is the Queen of Bhutan <"-~"f\@,C>.I.',jf-' /t-~u kE!?_mo/
best • rta 'di yag shos red. (to ti y~qshcru bias, see: biased
r~~) [Syn. rtse gro] biosed, 1. ~~-~(\' /ch55sh&&n/ ~ He is very
bestow, see: give biased, kho lo phyogs zhen zhe drag 1 dug.
bet, 1 • n. ~a,: /kE!?_n/ 2, va, A, -- .q,~9 • (qh55 ch55sheen sh! t!!t) [Syn. phyogs ris;
/--shE_~/ ~ He mode a big bet on the white phyogs 1 then] 2, vo, -- @.,~ • /--chE_C/
horse. khos rto dkar po der rgyan chen po zhig bible "\6.1.'~~·"'\~C::.'..>;,"\' /th~mp&& sO~rap/ [Syn. ye
bzhog song. (qh8ti to qoopot&& kE!?_n chempoci shu'i gsung rob]
sh~~so) [Syn. va. rgyan btsugs] 3, win a bet, bicker, see: quarrel
va. D. -- AA' /--thap/ 4, lose a bet, vi. B. -- bicycle, 1 • n. ;nc;,'11\'~GIJ. • /qc:J~qarii/ [Syn, rkang
'f!\.x..· I --sh55/ 1 khor] 2. ride a bicycle, va. B. -- "'ti.t"O\.'
betel nut ~~~; /qh~yu/ /--shoon/
• - -.r- ~ -:-:-...<\ I
betray, va. c. ""1.~~· /tson/ ~ Sonam betrayed bienn~al Ql·~<?~~~· /1~ iiiiree ~ a biennial
his partners. bsod noms kyis kho 1 i rogs po meeting lo · gnis re 1 i tshogs 1 du (lo nirree
btsongs po red. (son9mqil qhBS r~qpo tsonparea) tshoontu)
[Note: This literally means 1sell, 1 ] bifurcated, see: bifurcation
betrothal, 1. n. ~·~c;· /lo~hoan/ 2. betrothe, bifurcation ~'S:)•=rr /qhapro~/ ~ We come to a
va. -- 4 ;c:.· I --toon/ bifurcation in the rood. ngo tsho lam khag kho
between ~;(,'Q.l' /paruula/ ~ There is a river brag cig la slabs byung. (~~ntso l~~qoo qhopr~
between the two mountains, ri de gnyis kyi bar ciqla leechu) [Syn. mdo gsum; gsum mdo kho]
la gtsong po zhig 'dug. (ri th~nilqi paruula big ~~~ /chempo/ ~ That dog is big. khyi de
tsCi~poci t!!t) chen po 1 dug • (khrti chempo t~t)
beware, va. C. ~a..:~· /soon ch&c/ ~
Beware of bigger, 1. ~'t:::l.' /chf.c/ ~ This is bigger than
the dog. khyi la zon
(khila s~ ch!l) that. 'di de las che ba 'dug. (t! th~l&c chfc
bewildered, vi. c. ~~~r~~· /q~ them/ ~ When tu~) 2. make bigger, va. ),·~·~'?c;.' /cheru toon/
he first arrived in the city he was bewildered. ~ Sonom mode the house bigger, bsod noms kyis
kho grong 'khyer nang la dong po slabs dus mgo khang po che ru btong shag. (sonomqi qho~po
'thorns pa red. (qho "t;h~kee noanlo th~~qo cheru toansha~)
leetuU q~ thcrnparee) biggest~~~· /cheshoB/
bewitch, see: cast a spell big toe ~c:.·~~:e-.i~·~ /qa~p&& thepo/
birth control 47

bike, see: bicycle n, ~&::~'-'1¢\' /chiY)thao/ 11 This country has been

bikshu, skt, ~·~· /q!_loY)/ freed from the binds of colonialism, lung po
bilateral ~~~-~~· /niimbiS/ 11 bilateral 1 di mi ser spel yul gyi chings thag nos sgrol
agreement gnyis mos gros don (niimbiS th~tbCin) tshor po red, (l!!_l)pa t!:., m!:.,see peeytruqi chiY)thao
[Syn. phyogs gnyis kyi] n&& 1-tlo tshoopare~) [Syn, chings zhags] ii.
bilingual '1t\"\4\.%~~~·~~~· /qff:. nii she- va. C, -- ~~·.:t~~· /--qhi ci'Q/ 4, iso, bind
Y)&&n/ 11 I .need a bilingual assistant, ngo la a book, vo, ~'"1..·¢1;-<:~..~·l:\~~· /k2_ptshem k2_p/ 11
skad gnyis shes mkhan las rogs shig dgos, (Y)~ They didn't bind the book well. kho tshos deb
qfc orr sheY)&&n lr.&roOci qo~)
. - - [Syn, skod gnyis kyi rgyab tshem yag po brgyob mi 1 dug, (qh5n-
smra bo] ts15'd th2_pqi k2_ptshem y,2.qo k2_pm!:.,ntu'tJ)
bilingual (book/text/document) "'
~"\.·~~"R~·~:o:;,· binding (of book) ~"'1.·~·~<=~,'~<;1-l' /th2_pqi k2_p-
/qf'l:.nil shfncaa/ tshem/
bill, 1, n, q_~· /tsjj;_n/ [Syn, 'dzin shog] 2, bindu, skt. ~4\·~· /thiqle/
va, -- ~~c:.: /--tejon/ Sonom billed (sent me the binoculars @l,c:;~<>-\' /k,2.r,shee/
bill) yesterday, kha sa bsod noms kyis nga lo biochemistry, neo, i}·"\ef'l:--\·~·a.~:.:.·~.:t\'~<9,-<'~' /ke-
1 dzin btang shag. (qhi!fsa sonomqi ~ tsgn '
Y)15'o ts££nkur r!:.,l)n&f:./

toanshoo) 3, iso, o legislative bill ~at~·.qa~· biography ~a.l'.i\X..' /nomtao/

r.l.I«t~'<'l&' /'t-hims15'd y!:.,qcha/ 4. iso, o bird 1s biologist, neo. ~·'\~~·~·'Y""Ci\~'~tl\~'~' /keY)o't>
bill, see: beak r_!l)n&& qhffpa/
billet, va, A. ~QJ.·~~·~.::.·o..t· ~~«!\' biology, neo. m·"'\~~~¢\·~~~· /keQo't> r!_Y)n&f:./
I (khimtshoon n-22,nlo) shf:!O/ 11 (They) billeted birch tree ~.::.·~~·~· /shiY) toqpo/
the student in the former s home, 1 slob grwo bo bird, 1, iso. the general term ~; /ch,2./ 11 Are
de so nom pa 1 i khyim tshong nang lo bzhog · po there many birds here? 1 di bar byo mong po yod
red, (loptaote s~omp&& khimtshoon noonla shoo- pa red pas? (t!:.,poO ch,2. m2_Y)qu Y2~r!p&f:.) [Syn,
pore~) bya bye'u] 2. iso, baby bird~~~· /chee-t.hw/
billfold ~·~"!\' /p2_qu'tl/ [Syn, dngul khug] 3, iso, year of the bird @;'a·~ /ch~lo/ 4,
billiards, 1. n. ~"''~03' /k!!_qpM/ 2. play iso, flock of birds ..@;'~r /ch2_khu/ 5, iso, bird
billiards, va, A. -- ~· 1--ts~/ droppings @;~~· /ch,2.pkao/ _
billion ">c::.·~x.·o:t~·
~ '"')

billy goat ~·~ /rf:!po/

~ -
/thuY)Chur cO/ birth, 1. n. ~:~::~.· /kewo/ 11 future birth skye bo
phyi rna (kewo chima) 11 past birtl) skye bo
bimonthly ~A.'4{\~~~~· /tf:!WO i'iiiree/ 11 bimonthly sngon mo (kewa Y)ffma) 11 human birth mi 1 i skye
newspaper zlo bo gnis re 1 i tshogs dpor ( t~wo bo (mjj;_ kewo) 2, be born again 1 -vi, C,
nrrree tshoqpoo) ~c:.~· /--loQ/ 11 I think I will be born
bin ~0\·if~· /q~mtom/ 11 They put cool in the bin, (again) as o human, ngos byos no nga yang skyar
kho tshos sgam sgrom nang lo sol bo blugs shag, mi'i skye ba len gyi red.
- ,....
(Y)&f:. 1)0 yal)kao
(qhonts15'd q~mtom ~nla solo lu'tlshoo) mjl_ kewo lenqire~) 3. give birth, vi , C, ~·~·
bind, 1. iso. tie tight, vo, "'~~· /tf:!m/ 11 ~~· /puqu ke~/ 11 She gave birth yesterday, mo
Sonam bound my hands with rope, bsod noms kyis la kho so phru gu skyes shag, (lll2,2 qhi!fso puqu
nga'i log pa thag pas bsdams song, (sohamqi Y)~ k~shoO)
lf:!qpo thoqpr.& t,2.~o) 2, iso, with a bondage, birth (high status) ~'-<'-\'a.I~e:F /ki!so thopo/
va. "\~~· /1-il/ 11 He bound the wound with a birth (low status) ~-~·'\~Cl.·;;;:r-- /keso mopo/
bandage, khos rmo la rmo ras dkris song, (qhOO birth control, 1 ~- n, ~~·~·~~·~· /puqu m6k~-
mo lo mor&& 1-ilsu) 3, iso. binds (fetters), i, yoo/ [Syn. skye sgo bkag yag] 2. practice (use)
48 birth control medicine

birth control, va. A. ~·-if"\'t\""1.' /keqo qo'?l/ black and blue mark, 1. n. '&"l\.'~<=ll,' /mi:iqtil/ 2.
birth control medicine ilto..~"'\'~<>..: /kl!nqo~ get black 1 vi. A. -- ~~~· /--cha'?l/
mffn/ [Syn. phru gu rna skye yag gi sman] black and white movie ~~·...,~-5:1."\&.t.~'~'"\'"'\~~
birthdate ~~~oN.' ;~h, ~~c.~~~· /k~tsh~; h, /tshOOshi m!!pcc l!:sqnccn/ [Syn. tshon med glog
thul)tsh~/ brnyan]
birthday ~~·~.:.;,.·; h. ¢.~.:::.~·1(\;x;,' /keeqaa; h. block and white photographic film ~<5\,~""\'~"'1\';:r--
thul)qaa/ /pir)ShM ~qo/
birth horoscope ~~·11\.:c..'~~"'\'"'-~ • /keqor toqpa/ blackboard ;g__"t\.'"-\C:.' /n'2_qpaan/
[Syn, tshe robs las rtsis] blackest a_""l.'..f\<-:~.· /~qshoi>/
birthmark ""¥\ •~.<t\<-:1. • /shapta?J/ blackmail, neo. 1. n. ~"'\~'1':\~-'«·~~~-<:t.~~·
birthplace -i,~·~o:t·; h. ~~c.~·~OJ.' /keyUU; h. /t!qt~~ ci5mtho~/ 2. va. -- ~· /--ch£~/
thul)ytru/ black market ~¢\,·~· /n~qtshOI)/ t;r I bought this
birth rate ~~·.::l..'~c:o.l' /keephee/ t;r How was the from the black market, ngos 1 di nag tshong nos
birth rate this year (lit. was it high or low)? nyos pa yin. ( IJ£~ t! ~qtshol)nC ~dpayin)
do lo skyes 'phel che chung go 1 dra byung 'dug? block teo 1 iso. tea without sugar and milk c$0.''5,c.~·

(th~lo ke§phee chrchuun qh~ntc~ ch~nt66) [Syn. /ch~thaan/

skyes tshad] blacksmith, 1, the person ~4;1,<-l'~~l::l' /coqso~/
bit, 1. for a horse, i. n. ~J\1.·~~.<':-:l' /fapca'?l/ [Note: Also called mgor bo (qora)] 2. do black-
ii. put bit in mouth, va. C. -- <o,.~4;1,~·/--y5~/ smithing, va. ~~·":tx.-~· /caqso ch£&1
2. iso. a little bit -..r--~"'
'9~'v~·~~· /t3otsaci I ' blacksmith shop ~~:.:-_·~· /q~rtshoan/ [Syn. mgar
t;r Sonam gave me a little bit of meat, bsod noms khang]
kyis nga la sha tog tsam zhig sprad byung, blacksmith tools &.t."'\.:t;.'.q~·Ol<tycl<,' /g~rcc l~qca/
(sonamqil I)~ sha t3~tsaci tf~cu) 3, iso. bit [Syn. mgar bo'i yo byad]
by bit 'f"t\·~·~"'\'JO"a...·~~· /t5~ts t5~tsace/ 1r blade, 1. of a knife ~· /ttJ!f 1T This penknife
He built the house bit by bit. khos khang pa de has two blades. ltebs gri 'di la gri gnyis 'dug.
tog tsam tog tsam byas brgyab song. (qh~d qhol)~ (t2_p't-i t,££ t-h! nrr t~~) 2. of grass t'J\\C..'
pate t3~ts t3~tsacc kapso) /tsCiqar)/
bitch (dog)~~· /mi:ikif blame, va. A. e.~t·~·q\.0\~' /y~la sh~'?l/ 1T Don't
bite, va. ~q,~~· /so k2_p/ 1! The dog bit him, blame me, ngo lo yo lame bzhog. (1)22 y~la me-
khyis kho la so brgyab shag, '(khil qh53 so she~) [Syn, yo lo dkris; khag 'phongs bzhag]
kapsha'?l) blond, iso. food 1 nao. ~·~4\,'~"'~.9l"\.._.' /qho-
bit~er 0-'~~· /qh~til/ t;r The bear is bitter. loa ml!no m£~pa/
chang 'dir kha tig 'dug. (choon t££ qhatil t~~) blank v· . . .- /tor)pa/ 11 a blank sheet of paper
bitter experience ~c:.·~·"'<lf'4\~~·Q.l."'\'~'9'0J.~·~· shag bu stong pa /shOqu tol)pa/
/nil)la natsha toonyo'?Jqi n~mnoon/ blanket, 1. for sleeping <?JO'l'-"'"l~' /nccsccn/
bituminous (soft) coal -....r- .....s--
......,...._ 7'1"- I t~oci [Syn. hin. kam par li] 2. for horse ~·~~~·
s3pso~/ /toqhe?J/ 3, iso. coarse blarket mode usu. from
biweekly ""l..lit~'<.<,~~~~~·~~-~s~qhoo niiree/ t;r bi- yak hair ~~ /liuu/ [Syn, 'phyar bo] 4. see:
weekly magazine gza' 'khor gnyis re 1 i tshag dab electric blanket
(s~qhoo niirea tshoqtep) blaspheme, va. .:t~-":..'C:...~.q~',§..~· /qOrtep ch£~/
bizarre ~" ~~· /khfntshaa/ t;r bizarre cloth- blast, see: explode
ing dug slog khyad mtshar (th~ql6b kh~ntshaa) blast furnace, nao, ~~~"'\.~C:..'<=l' /thopuU
black ~~·~ /n~qo/ lul)thap/ [Syn., neo, c. tsha rlung gi thab ka]
blockade 49

blatant ,...r--a;,"<\'<-t~·"«.·i:l- /rldns&& th~po/ 11 a [Syn. mtson mo mthong ma thub yag] 7. iso,
blatant error nor 1 khrul mngon gsa! dod po zhig follow blindly, va. &"'~'\"'\~·~· /mCil')ku~
(n~nt.tru 1')8ns&& thoopoci) ch£C/ 11 They followed their leader blindly.
bleak, see: barren kho tshos kho tsho 1 i 1 go khrid kyi r jes lo
bleed, 1. vi. c. ~~·~· /}hoc th"2_?!/ 11 He bled a rmongs rgyugs byas pa red, (qhontshoB qh3ntshbo
lot from his nose, kho'i sna khug nos khrag zhe qutilqi c~la m~l')ku~ ch&cpare~)
drag don song. (qhOO n~qu~n& thea sh~t.oo th~- bli~d alley- ~~A'.\'~"<:.1~-:Q.\ll-l.'~<t\' /th38!nsa m~p&&
so) 2. iso, a medical treatment, va. A. Ci\5\' l~l')qaa/
;q.:f"\· /thea tooa/ 11 The doctor bled the patient. blind faith, 1. n. ~"-''\~ /mcmt&c/ 2, have
am chis nod pa 1 i khrag btsag pa red. (amcil blind faith, va. -- %.'{..\' 1--ch£'&!
n£p&& t.hoa tseapare~) [Syn. khrag gtar] blindfold, 1. n. ~~·.>:.~· /miqr&c/ 2. put on a
blemish, n. ~~ /k88n/ 11 The silk has a blem- blindfold oneself, va. B. -- ¥;""~· /--qh!!]!n/ 3,
ish, gru 1 u tsi 1 di !a skyon 'dug. ("t-h~tsi t~ blindfold someone else, va, A. -- <t~.,Gf'~1--y,"!:>/
k8"on t~~) [Note: This literally means 'defect.'] blind loyalty 1. n. ~·~~· /moryaheen/ 2. be
blend, 1. n, ~~'a.!.' /t.~ma/ 11 This is a blend of blindly loyal, va. -- ~-M' /--ch£C/ 11 He is
water and milk. 1 di chu dang 1 o ma 1 dres ma blindly loyal to the government. khos gzhung la
red. (t.!, chOta w~ma t.eema r~e) 2. va, A. ~-""' rmong zhen byed kyi •dug. (qhOO sh~l)la moi')Shen
/t.~/ 11 He blended water with milk. khos 1o chiqil)
mar chu bsres shag. (qh~d w~aa chu t.eeshaa) blin~, vi. c. ~4\,'~CJ.l·~ot·~~· /mil s~msum ch£C/
bless, 1. va. ~~al<WI-'<Il.lsi._C:.' /ch.!,nlap noon/ 11 blister 1 1. n. ~'l\c:..· /chuqan/ 2. get a blister,
The lama blessed Sonam's rosary. bla mas bsod vi. C. -- '\&: /--th"2_?!/
noms kyi phreng bar byin rlabs gnang shag, blizzard, 1. n. ~·~"'\' /ph~yu~/ 2. vi. D. -- a.~q·
(lam&& senamqi t.hol')aa ch.!,nlap naonshaa) 2. isa, /--tshup/
bless by putting hands on head, va. @"'\' "\"~"' • bloat, vi, C.~~·/p'§_d/ 11 My stomach is bloated
4'\"-' /chollwal') nlJon/ 11 The lama blessed the boy, today, de ring nga 1 i grad khog sbos shag.
bla mas phru gu der phyag dbong gnang
(lom&c pOqut&& choowal') noonso)
- -.- -
(theriin I')&& thoqho?J podshaa)
bloc ~· C't«\' /sh'3'3qhaa/ 11 a reactionary bloc
blessing '%15\'ai~~· /ch.!,nlap/ log spyod shag khag cig (l~qcor; sh'35qhao ciq)
blight, for plants ~·~~· /nenaa/ [Syn. c, phyogs khag; tshogs khag]
blimp, iso, the plane, neo. ~~·~"'\'4~-·%· block, 1. of wood ~c:.·~a1·~· /shil') th!f~pu/
/q2:mphu~ n&Jt.u/ [Syn. shing sdum] 2. va. A. ~'1\"t\' /qoa/ 11
blind, 1. iso, a blind person CQ"c;:·t;;~.• /l~l')a/ 11 They blocked the road. kho tshos lam khag bkag
Is he blind? kho long bo red pas? {qho l~l')a shag, (qhontsoB l~l')qaa qaashaa) 11 They blocked
r~p&c) 2. become blind, vi. A. - ~~~· the plan for development. kho tshos yar rgyas
/--choa/ 11 He became blind last year, kho zla kyi 'char gzhi bkag pa red, (qhentsod y~rk&'&qi
nyin long ba chags pa red, {qho t~i'iiin l~a chMshi qoaparee) 3. be blocked, vi. A•. <"l.<t'\"'\'
choaparee) 3, iso, color blind, neo, -g~·Qf"c;.· /q~a/ 11 These days the road is blocked. deng
/tsh3nlol')/ 11 He is color blind, kho 1 i mig sang lam khag 1 gag shag.
tshon long red, (qh38 mil tsh&lol') r~e) 4, q~ashaa) 4. iso, a block (used in construction)
iso, blind in one eye ~"'\'<<p:.'G' /mil sh~ro/ 5, "'('~ ~ /te.cheen/ 11 o cement block 'bi lor sa 1 i
iso. snow blindness, i, n, ""\t:.~·~e;_· /qh2_1')Chil/ rdo chen (p.!,laas&& t~heen)
ii. become snow blind, vi. -- ~%-"'\ • /--k2_p/ blockade 1 1 • n. •P{\'{\.'t:~-'i(<il.l~' /qoqt~/ 11 naval
6, iso, night-blindness ~~·es-c;• /tsh~fnlol')/ blockade mtsho thog bkag bsdoms (tshotho?J
50 blockade line

q~qt~) 2, VO, -- ~· /--Ch£C/ .t;·~~~· /n(Jqtso lo~/

blockade line ~~·'t\'"1.~~~-.<q~~· /qoqto~ sathiq/ blotter ~"'\·?il.<:~.,.::tf"t\·~ /noqleen shuqu/
[Syn. bkog bsdoms thig mtshoms] blouse (usu, women's) ~<f\·ct~~· ; h. ~O..~"'t\'
blond (hair) ii'~;.:.·&:F Ito serJpo/ /w~cu~; h. qancuu/
blood, 1, n, ~~· /tho~/ 2. draw blood, vo, A, blow 1 1. iso, blow (air) 1 vo. ':~;~~~· /phO k2_p/ 11
.... ~"<:\' /--tsa?J/ 3, test blood, va, 1!\"'\'Q(' Blow on the fire, me lo phu rgyab. (m!lo phO
.q,~~·~~·~· /tho'?Jla toqc&& ch£&/ 4. iso. k2_p) 2. iso. strike a blow 1 see: hit 3, iso,
blood donation t::~.~·~·~<l\:&.l' /tho'?Jqi c!_mpa/ blow a horn, va. A. ~c;.·~"'\ /th~ ph!=_'i.r/ 4. iso,
[Syn, khrog gi zhol 'debs] the wind blowing, vi. ~~~·~·q~- /lhoqpo ~p/

blood cell 1 neo, c, G\~!X~· /'t-h13qrii/ 11 red blood 11 The wind is blowing now. do 1 to !hogs po
cell khrog ril dmor po (th13qrii maapo) 11 rgyog gi 'dug, (th~nto lhoqpo kaaqil) 5, iso,
white blood cell khrog ril dkor po (thaqrii blow out a (flame) 1 va. A. ""~"-" /sr.'f./ 11 He
qaapo) blew out the candle, khos yang la' bsad shag,
blood from child birth ~c..·~"t\· /ph~r:Jthao/ [Syn, (qhl3'd y~l')laa sl!&sh~) 6, iso. be blown
skyes khrog] (carried) by wind 1 va. B, %"tt.~'&..t~'CI.~.z:.·
blood from nose, 1, n, ~12:\.~' /notho'?J/ 2. bleed /lhoqpc& kh~e/
from nose, vi. C. ~~ /th~/ blowout 1 for tires 1 vi. B. %~X..' /phu sh55/ 11
blood pressure ~G'\'<i'"'\ /thoqshe~/ 11 high blood Yesterday my tire had a blowout. kho sa nga 1 i
pressure khrog shed mtho po (thoqshe~ th5po) mo ta'i 'gyig 1 khor phu shor shag, (qhl!l!sa r:l.!:£
11 low blood pressure khrog shed dmo 1 po ~tee k!qqhbO phO sh55shao)
(thoqsh~ mopo) blow up 1 1. iso, explode, va. B, a.<=~.;>;,·~·~·
blood pressure meter, see: sphygmomanometer ~~~· /~rtsc&qil t5r/ 11 They blew up the plane,
blood relative ~0\:~. h. ~·41~~ /pOnkao; kho tshos 1 bar rdzos kyis gnom gru gtor shag.
h. q5mce~/ [Syn, gnyen tshon] (qhents~d ~rtsccqil namtu t5rsha'?J) [Syn, neo,
bloodshed, see: killing and bloodshed c, 'bar gtor] [Note: Tibetan also uses the
bloodshot (eyes) 1 1 • n, ~<t\' ~'"\"-1"'-'2\- /miqtsa verb meaning "to destroy completely," va. B, and
moopo/ 2, have bloodshot eyes, vi, A, -- ~~­ vi • B, ~~;>;,.· /t5r I and ~x.: /thor I 11 They
/--choo/ blew up the plane, kho tshos gnam gru gtor
blood type a'l'\~"'t\~' /th13qril/ [Syn, khrog rgyud] shag, (qhontsoB n13mtu t'5rshao) 11 The plane
blood vessel ~"'\'~' /thoqtso/ bleW Up, gnom grU I thor shag, ( namtu
bloody, to get, vi. c. "\~.:..·~QJ.·';)·<!6'=·"1.a~· th5rsha'?J) .] 2. iso, enlarge a photo, va, ~·-%;
/mortsh&& qh~tsh&& s!!d/ 11 He got bloody in the A~"· /ch~u t~on/
fight. kho rgyo 1 dre brgyob nos dmor tshol go blue ~~~ /l')ampo/
tshol bzos shag. ( qho k~mte k2_pn& martsh&& completely blue ~~}?.c::·~~c;.· /1')5 thil')thiin/
... )
s~hoo [Syn. sngon po sngo rkyang]
bloom, 1. vi, B, (~·~41'1"'1"1-"' /('"!to~) shoo/ 11 light blue -~~ /l')oka/ [Syn. sngo song]
The flowers haven't bloomed yet, do .lto me tog blue collar worker, neo, ~<:t\~·o.t~~"'~~~·
shor mi 'dug~ ( th~nto ~t::>~ shoo m!_ntul~l) 2. /shuql~ ch!r:J&&n/
oct of changing fro~ bud to bloom 1 vi. D. c:a,.~· ~ • blueprint, neo, c, ""<=.\><:~~·~~ /p(Jril l')ompo/
@• /sh&&qo ch2_/ bluish-grey 0."-'~•;1.1~-~· /2_1')qu tE_~/
blossom, 1, n, ~·~~- /~to~/ 2, vo, 1 see: blunder, see: error
bloom blunt, 1, iso, not sharp ~~"" /nome~/ 11 This
blot, 1. n, see: spot 2. blot ink 1 vo, C. ~~· knife is blunt. gri 1 di rno med red, (th!_ti
Bon 51

' re~)
nomee 2. iso. frank "'
("t 'X.'('\'~"\' /qhari bodhisattva, skt. /ch~~cuu
qhathu~/ ~ He is very blunt. kho kho ri kho sempo/
thug zhe po cig 'dug. {qho qhari qhathu~ bodhisottvobhumi, skt. €1.-''.'-N' /ch2,~o/
sh~puci t!;!~l body 4'\~"C\~·~; h. ~-"'\~"\~· /suqu; h, qusuu/
blurred, iso. vision Q.~'C\"o.l·~- /2,le ~le/ ~ body and mind ~~·~~~· /lUUseib/
This picture is blurred. [Lit. I see this bodyguard ~·~~;..·~· /qDsu~e/
picture as blurred.] par de 1 a le 1 ol le zhig body hair ~·~· /ph~pu/
mthong gi 'dug. {parte 2,le ~leci thu~qil) ~ My body height ~~<n,~·~ /suqtshc&/
eyes ore not good, (I) see everything blurred. body odor ~.q~· /sip}hi/
ngo 1 i mig yog po mi 1 dug. co log tshong rna 1 a body search, 1. n. ~~·A.~.:x:.· /l.!:!_!!shee/ 2. va.
le 1 ol le zhig mthong gi 1 dug. ( ~££ mil y2,qo ~ ']!::..' I --taan/
mintuu cola~ tsho~mo ,£le ~leci thu~qil) body size ~<1'\.:N.~~- /s!:!qtop/
blurt out, vi. B. "A"''""'*-' /q~co shoo/ ~ So- bog q"\~' /t_£m/
nom blurted out that he is a spy, bsod noms bogus, see: fake
kyis kho so po red cas skod cho shor pa red. boil, 1. n. iso, a sore "'\'?~'C>.~=<.· /i'i_£mpuu/ 2.
(sonomqil qho s~a r~~s q~co shoopore~) ·get a boil, vi. C. -- ~Ol..' /--th~/ 3. iso.
blush, vi. A. "'1\~'""-.~-"·Zf:".x,.::;x:\.<:-\1' /t92_n maapo heat liquids, vo, B. .q~Q.l' /qr!td/ ~ Sonom
ch~/ ~ She got embarrassed and blushed, mo boiled the water. bsod noms kyis chu bkol song.
ngo tsha nos gdong dmor po chogs song. (m_£ ~2. (sonomqi chu q88so) 4. iso, get boiled, vi. B,
tshonc t~n moopo cho~so) Q~C>.l' /qh88/ ~ The water boiled. chu 'khol
boor ~""\' ~" I phooqbM6; shag, (chD qh88sha~) 5. iso. cook a solid in a
board, iso, plank q~·~.q· /p5~le~/ liquid, vo, C. ~~· /ts?id/ ~ Sonom boiled
boarding school, neo. ~~-~~~·-ifi·~· the potatoes, bsod noms kyis zho gog btsos
( sonomqi ..,_ n.' ')
/tboso y~pcc lop}o/ [Syn, slob shag yod pa'i shag. sh"E.q:x:> tsooshoo
slob grwo] boil over, iso. overflow, see: overflow
boost, va. A. ~~'<::>-'«\"\,' /porsho~ sh~c/ boiled water ~·~~· ; h. aoq,·fi"'QI' /chuqhoo; h.
boastful $·":f\"""·if;·~ /p2rsho~ -;,shopo/ ~ He is chapqhoo/ '[Syn. chu khol mo; chab khol rna]
very boastful. kho sbor shob tsho po zhe po cig boiling point ('t\Q.t'~"' /qhMtshce/
'dug, {qho p2rsho~ tshopo sh~puci t!:!~) bold ~·~~·~a,·~ /loqo~ chempo/
boat, 1, n, ~· /}h!:!/ 2. soil a boot, vo, --~\)c..' bolshevik, neo, bar. c. ~~·~,;n. /p!:!rhi
1--tor:Jn/ w~qe/ [Syn. neo, bor, eng, 'bol she big]
boot made from carved log "'\~~·~· /t!:!~}u/ bolt (of door), 1. n. -it~·~"\-~'7<\' /q.!?,2}hee-
fishing boot 0·~· /i'i~"!-u/ tccn/ [Syn. sgo'i rgyob brtan] 2. bolt {a door),
hide boot (coracle) >fl'~· /qoo/ va. -- .q_~q· /--k~p/
patrol boot, neo. "'1.~'4'\~c.·~·"'\'\,::;~· /qoryoan bolt (for horses), vi, A. C>.~"'\-N.' 11-2,~/
}h~sin/ [Syn. bskor zhib gru gzing] bomb, 1, n. q,A'~· /p_£"tn/ [Syn, 'bar mdel; bor, c,
ship ~·"'1').~~· /}h!:!tsin/ kro kon] 2. va. A. «.~"'-<'"'\~<~'\-«' /p_£"tn yu~/
boot fee ~·~r /th~lo/ [Syn. ko glo] bombard, vo. ~·~"1)-N.'~~· /m~rko~ k~p/
boatman ~~· /1-h!:!po/ bomber (plane) o.'G'~·o.~t~..·<J\Cl..~·~· /pompheen nam}u/
bob, va. <':>."44\'C>.C<I"'\'~' /phoqpha~ chE_c/ [Syn. 'born g.yugs mkhan gnom gru]
Bodhgoyo ~~'""'\""-""' /t22.cetccn/ Bon, 1. iso, the religion ;=ft:(~~~~-'N.'~"'l-N.'
bodhi, skt. ~c:~l:l' /ch~~u~/ /ph~poo chnDluu/ ~ When did the Bon religion
bodhicitta, skt. €!-c.·~q·~<3!<-l' /ch~~u~- seln/ decline? bon po 'i chos lugs go dus nyoms rgud
52 · bone

phyin pa red? as a border .,.....aa_·~~-N· /thocaa/ 11 the

2. iso, an adherent to the Bon border of a rug kha gdan gyi mtha 1 lcags
religion ;;r-~~ /phampo/ (qhoteenqi thocaa)
bone ~~·~""·
[Syn. rus pa] border policeman ~-~e::.'Q.' /sasul')a/
bonfire 1 1• n. ~ · ~<=..· /~ph uun/ 2, make a bore (a !->,ole) 1 va, C, ~·t!:l,C::.'~"'\· /iquun pil/
bonfire 1 va. C. -- <::l'£"~· / --s'§d/ [Syn, i khung rtol]
bonus "'\~<'4.'A.~''\~<>-l.' /s88re& l')rn:l/ bored, to feel, vi. D. ~· /n~p/
book, 1. iso. religious and woodblock books '\~'C!;,' b~rn, see: birth
; h. €t"'-'"\?:l.· /pika; h, choope/ 2. iso, all borrow, va. B, "'\"'-P'' /yoo/ 11 Sonam borrowed 100
other books~"\' ; h. ~~-~C\' /th~p; h. choathep/ dollars from me, bsod noms kyis nga 1 i rtsa nos
3. iso. write a book 1 va, C, ~"' -~~ • /th~p t-h.~} / sgor mo brgya tham pa g. yar song, (sonamqi 11£.£
4, iso, read a book 1 va. A, ~q·,q_~~~· /th~p tsoon& q~mo k~thampa yooso)
1!:5~/ 5, iso, publish a book, va. C, ~""-'"\"-!.:>::.' boss, 1, iso, head of a work team o.s~·".~'
(.!.:~0-l.~'~<-'1' /th.!:P p5rt-e~ chE_c/ 6. iso, print a /l£_£pb~n/ 2, iso, head of an office 1 etc, ""~
book, va. ~C\'"."'-P::.'<=\~' /th.!:P par k2._p/ 7, a_~· /tsontsiin/
iso, copy a book 1 va, C, -;:,._
/thep shuU botany, neo, "" "' "'
~l::.'A."'\'"f\<l\,~' I tsishil') ..
book cover ~G·~-~<::I.':.f'j' /th.!:pqi k2._psha/ [Syn, neo, c, rtsi shing rig pa]
book 1 hardcover ~.::o..·~a."../;'<ll~"'\'"l.' /th!:_P k2._psha both ""'~~'-"\' /niiqaa/ 11 Both teachers came,
thClpa/ dge rgan gnyis ka phebs song. {q.!:q&&n niikaa
bookkeeper ~'hi.' /tsiipa/ ph~so) [Syn. niicaa]
book, paperback ~a.·~a.'-f'\'~"\'""' /th.!:P k2._psha t-apa/ both sides 1 1, iso, in a dispute ~~·"<\~-<'-l.'.fl'\'
bookshelf ~~~· /th.!:pt-o~/ [Syn. dpe sgrom; dpe /ch!:l~ niiqaa/ 2. iso, front and back ~<:1,'<3-l.~"'
khri] "'~'\%,.:N. '"\' /k2._mtUUn niiqaa/
bookstore ~~·(".c.' /th.!:pqhaan/ [Syn, deb tshong bother, va., see: annoy
khang; dpe deb tshong khang] bothersome, see: annoying
boot 1 1. iso, traditional style boot, i. n, %~· ~ottle ~~·"\at' /sheetam/
/hal1qllb/ ii, make boots, va, c. ""\~~· bottle, thermos, see: thermos
/--s'§d/ 2, iso. western style boot ~~·,~,}'~<=..' bottom, 1, of container 61~~· /thii/ 11 There is
/ha11qll~ y~ri~/ 3, see: kick a needle in the bottom of the box, sgam gi
felt boots ~~· r-a_: hi..· /hal')q66 S!:,f~~pa I mthL!, la khab cig 'dug. (q~mqi thiila qhapci
galoshes ~·~<l..!' /chDlham/ tuu) 2, iso. bottom of a pile (\'"'\' /w2_~/ 11
leather boots ~~0-1· /qolhCim/ The dictionary is on the bottom of (that pile
bootmaker %~'t::\s-t:~,• /homs:)~/ of) books, tshig mdzod de deb de tsho 1 i 1 og la
boot strap {tradi tiona!) 1 1, n, %Cl.\'~' /hCimt-:)!>/ 'dug, (tshil')tsodte th.!:P th.!:ntsoo w2,~la t~u) 3,
2. tie boot strap, va, C, -- ~~~~· /--ci~/ see: anus
borax <5{;\~· /tshali/ bottoms up, va. ~"\~'"\~'.:l.~.:l.' ; h, <='!.~~~'"\""\'~
border, 1. iso, a political border ~·~~~· /sh2._ptaa k2._p; h. thDI')taa kB"on/ [Syn. c. kan
/santsha~/ 11 the border of Nepal bol yul gyi pe 'i]
sa mtshams {ph£_£yuuqi sontsho~) 2. iso, edge bough U-.:\Cl.l.'<t\,' /yE!:.,qa/
Bl~Q' /tho/ 11 the border of the page shog boulder~"\·~~-· /t-haaqoon/

lhe 1 i mtha 1 {sh:S::llee tho) 3. iso, edge of a bou11ce 1 vi. D. ~~::.;:: /phor/ 11 The ball bounced
field ~ /m~/ 11 the border of a field. zhing off my hand. po 1 o nga i lag pa 1 i
1 sgang nos
go 1 i mu {sh.!_l')q&& mu) 4. iso. something put on 'phar song, (polo 11£.£ l~qpr.r. q£~nr. phorso)
branch 53

bound, 1. vo. p. of bind 2. iso. going, neo, rtsol]

.q~ /kS"d/ 11 Tibet bound bod bskyod boy ~· /ph_!:!/ 11 This child is a boy, phru gu de
( ph~ko-3) 3. see: jump bu red. (puquti ph_!:! r~e)
boundary, see: border, 1 boycott, 1. iso. not doing on action such os
bounded, see: limited 'buying' 1 va, A. [vb.] ~o;;'iS'l~·t:t~"'\' /[vb,]
boundless ro"r;;. ~"'-.: /tsh!':~mee/ 11 boundless faith tshom sh~a/ 11 They boycotted (buying food from)
dod po tshod med ( th_£po tsh!!!':mee) that store. kho tshos tshong khang pha nos zo
bountiful, see: plentiful bca 1 nyc mtsoms bzhag po red, ( qh5ntso1s
bouquet <l>Cl._';:r- /chOmpu/ tshor)qhaan ph~nc s~ca n~ntsha~ shoaparee)
11 bourgeoisie
revolu~ion 1 byor
- ldon .grol
/canteen th~rim/
boy friend 1 1. romantic "\"'-\~-~~· /qflr:J'?:i/
you have a boy friend? khyod rang la dga' rags
11 Do

gyi gsar brje (c~ntccn t-h~rimqi scree) 11 yod pas? ( kh8raa q~n?J y.£pcc) [Note: This is
petty-bourgeoisie 1 byor chung grol rim (c~r­ the same for boy friend or girl friend,] [Syn,
chuun 1-h~rim) snying sdug] 2. non-romantic ~"~"~""'~ /1-h~qo/
bow, 1. iso. weapon"'"\~,' ; h, ~"~"('""\~' /sh_!:!; h, brace 1 1 • n, ~"a\ ff\ l;;.' /Dmshir:J/ 2, va. -- "l@_,ct'
ch~shu/ 2. iso, bend down out of respect, vo, /--k~p/

~~'"'<-:Q,-":.·~-N· /qh.!:!£qur ch_£r-l [Syn. dgur dgur bracelet ~-~l;;,· lt-~tun/ [Syn. lag gdub]
byes] 3. iso, ribbon for tying ~~·:.:.~· brocket, 1. n, <"=~.~'~""\~' /ph~r)teq/ [Syn, bong
/t~mrcf:./ 4, iso, ribbon for hair ~·~~· khri bkyag yag] 2, put up a brocket, va, B. --
/t.ateiV e::t_~x..· /--q~/
bow and arrow "'-1"\Q.'.<t\,~· /t~shu/ brag, see: boast
bowels ~·~· /k_!:!mee/ Brahmaputra River (in Tibet) Cl.:!.X.:~~-"1\~-~

bow-holcfur <9-l'\_'"'-'CJ.l~' /tflntoon/ /yf;_lu?; tsor)po/

bowl, wood (for eating/drinking) ;;;r-;.:.· ~· /ph53po/ brahmin ~~~- /th~mse/ 11 brahmin coste brom
bowl for beer roc::.·z;r-x_· /chor)ph::>:)/ ze'i rigs (t-h£msee r~q)
bowl for teo ~· .:<\.,:.: /chflph:J:J/ braid, 1. n. ~.N·~· /lh!!!':mo/ 2, broid 1 va. C, --
bowl for tsomba ~~· ~· /tsEimph:J:J/ hi-S!~· I --l~c/ [Syn. lhos rna brgyab]
earthenware bowl k'-'4.>:.· /tSflph:J:J/ brain ;[l~'G.t' /l'
incense bowl ~~·~· /pBSp:J:J/ brain disease <:14~Cl.."\.' /l'f!':ncc/ [Sy. klad po 1 i no
porcelain bowl ~~~-~· /qoyod/ tsa]
silver bowl ~~~-~· lr:JITDp:J:J/ brain hemorrhage 1 neo, ax,~C!:I""\'~'<;1,.".' /l!':~thaa

bowstring "'--~i!j'\ kccncc/

box, 1, iso, a container, n, ".;i\""''
/qflm/ 2. box brainwash, va, C. :;n~~-~~~· /l!!po t-OU/ 11 They
in a container, vo. -- -<l.@Jct' /--k~p/ 3. box as brainwashed the prisoners, kho tshos btson po'i
in a fight, see: boxing klad po bkrus po red. ( qhontsod tsSmpcc l!':pa
cardboard box Yf'""\'~"-t· /sh33qom/ toUporee)
hide covered box ~·~34· /kiqom/ brake (a vehicle) 1 vo. A, ~~·~~<~."!\""\' /qholo
iron box/chest ~"1"(-N'-:!'A~' /cooqom/ qaa/
small box
.., -
"' /qemcuun/
wooden box Y)c;:~<>.I' /shir:Jqom/
bramble d!;x.·CI.l· /tshemoa/
branch, 1. of a tree ""4<'l..\'"f\' /yE,£qa/ 2. of an
boxing, nea., 1, ~X.'M~.<tl.-<-\~~ /murts6b organization Ql.i\1.. '<>.l..ct\' /yccnlaa/ 11 a branch
shuqtsee/ 2, box, vo. C, -- ~~· /tsee/ [Syn, store tshong khong gi yon log (tshor)qhaanqi
neo, 'bog sing rtsed mo; neo. c. khu tshur snun YE,£nlaa) 3. of a monastery '\~"\.'="'\' /qodn-
54 brand

la"'/ sh::.."'/ 11 We take a break every two hours, nga

brand, 1. isa, burn a mark of identification on an tshos chu tshod gnyis gnyis kyi thog la las
animal, va, ~·)!~·z:t~· /~thee k:p/ 2, iso, mthsams bzhag gi yod. ( l')::..ntsod chutsh~ nrr
brand mark of a product eq ~· "1.-l:;. • /l!mpa r I nriqi th'S~la lcntsham sh2:qiyod) [Syn, bar
[Syn. tshong rtags] mtshams bzhag] 4, iso, without a break "'\-"".'
branding iron ~·~o.t· /m!thee/ ~~~·6t"'~' /ph::..ntsham m!epa/ 11 He studied 6
brandish, va, ~~"t\'~\~4\·~~· /yOqyu~ ch£C/ 11 years without a break, khos lo drug bar mtshams
Sonam brandished a knife, bsod noms kyis gri med par slob sbyong byes pa red, (qhsi5 lo t.h,!:!U
g,yug g.yug byas pa red, (slSnamqil t.h!_ yilqyu~ ph::..ntsham m2..epaa ll5pcon ch£cparee)
ch_£cparee) breakdown, 1. iso, machines, vi. B.~~~· /k38n
brand new ~.:t:.·~c::;· /~orkaan/ sh55/ 2. iso. mental state, vi, D, ~/rio/
brasier ~·~· /m2_p::~::~/ breakfast, neo, @\.:n,~-~~·~·CI.l.<l'\' /sh::~::~qcc qholao/
brass "'-"t\' /r::.."'/ [Syn, c, zhogs zas]
brass choin .:c....q\'~.:t\.' /r::..qta"'/ break in (a horse) 1 va, A, ~ 41, • /co"'/ 11 Sonam
brass hoop/band ~"t\'.J"'Q\.' /r::..qshccn/ broke in the horse. bsod noms kyis rta lcag pa
brass horn -"'¢\'~.:::· /r:qtuun/ red, (sanamqil to cooparee)
brassiere \~ct~· /n~hup/ break one's promise, va, (Zl.~'~Q\.~"'1;~·"'\~¢\'
brass ware ~~·""~· /r::..qchcc/ @,~·/qhl:Cleen th~pc::~~ ch£C/
brass wire -"~'~"·.' /r:qqtiu; break out, see: escape
brave, 1. adj. ~~-~~;;r-- /lCiq::~~ chempo/ 11 He break someone's heart, va, A. ~c:::·c::s..Q.:t'\' /nil') co"'/
is very brave, kho blo khog chen po zhe drag 11 He broke her heart. khos mo'i snying beag pa
red. (qho loq::~~ chempo sh!~aa r2..el 2, act brave, red, (qh~~ m~ nil') cooparee)
va, -- &,~· /--ch£&1 breast, 1. iso, chest area ~e::.·(£\"'\' /ph!:,.l')q::~'O/ 2,
brawl 1 1 , n, ~0:.~
3, get into a brawl, vi, B. --
2, va, -- ~~~·
*' iso, woman's breast ~~· /n.!:!ma/
breastbone .ere:.•;:.:;~· /t.hal')ruU/
"'"'\ ....,
breathe, va, D. '\~""~-~~~·
/uu toon/ 11 I have
bray (of donkey), 1. n. ~·~~ /ph,!:!l')qcc/ 2, va. difficulty breathing. nga dbugs gtong yag khag
-- ~@J'=I.' /--k:p/ po 'dug. (I'J!:,. a~ tolSnyao qhoqo t.!:!~) [Syn, dbugs
brazen, see: shameless gtong len byes]
breach, 1. iso, break through a defensive wall/ breathe in, va, B. ~~~·o_~C\,' /uu theen/ 11 We
fortification, va. D, 41,~-"' /t'Sr/ 11 They breathe in unclean air, nga tshos r lung btsog
( q~ntsod lui') ts5qpa
breached the enemy 1 s fortifications,
dgra 1 i 1 dzing rag gtor shag,
kho tshos
(qhontsod t.££
pa 'then gyi yod pa red.
thiii')qiy::~~ree) [Syn, dbugs brngubs]
ts!_l')ra"' t~rshao) 2. see: gap 3, see: violate breathe out, va. A, ~4\.~'~"\.' /uu lsi5/ [Syn.
bread, 1, n, ~c:n,·~~· /phaalee/ 2, make bread, dbugs btang]
va, C, <:t.T~· /--s'§.d/ 3, knead bread 1 see: breathtaking, see: magnificent
knead breed, 1. n. ~4\~·~~ /rJ:..qku'U/ 11 What breed of
breadth, iso, width ~c::;·~· /sh!:,.l')qa/ sheep is this? lug 1 di 'i rigs rgyud go re red?
break, 1, vi, A, a;.~· /ch'do/ 11 The cup broke, (1,!:!~ t_g, rJ:..qku'U r£&l [Syn, rgyud pa] 2,
dkar yol chag shag, (qoyb~ cho"'shao) 2. va, A, i , iso, breed two speci fie animals 1 va, ~ '<) 'a.t'

l:t.)S~' /co"'/ 11 He broke the cup, khos dkar yol ijf..·~· /name::~::~ ch£&1 [Syn, kha sbyor byes]
beag shag. (qh~d qoyOB coasha"') 3. iso, take a ii, iso. breed in general, va. B. -- ~"\tlQl'~~·
break, va. A. o.t.~·~~~'.:::!.Gl!,~\' /l£ntshaill /--ke§pee ch£C/ 11 They'breed mules, kho tshos
broadcast 55

drel skyed spel byas pa red. (qhontscru ~h~ brigand ~!<.""\'~' /ch~qpa/
keepee ch£~parea) 3. iso. increase, vi. B. bright, 1. for sun and stars ~"\·~~~ /w!!d chan-
~~e>.t' /--phee/ ~ Mice breed quickly, tsi tsi pol ~ Today the sun is very bright. de ring
mgyogs po 'phel shag. (tsitsi k2qo pheesha~) nyi mo 'od chen po 'dug. (th::.ri n~ma w~~ chempo
breeze ~c;.·-"\~o..t·.;:f /101') siipu/ 11 There is a bre- t~t) 2. for moon "''~~·~ /sffpo/ [Syn. dkar
eze today. de ring r lung bsil po zhig 'dug. mdangs chen po] 3. iso, being light inside a
(th!riin 101') siipuci _t~t) room/house "\'t\"''""'l:.l.!-«1'~ /qorca y~qo/ 4. see:
brew, 1. iso, tea, see: make 2. iso, trouble, intelligent
va. c. ~"'l·~·q~?;:~' /ii'q~a loh/ brilliant, 1. iso. shining and illustrious ~~·
bribe, 1. n. ~-~"\: /k~l')&&n/ [Syn. skyabs rten] "\~"\~O..:,:;f/s.!,cil chempo/ 2. see: intelligent
2. give a bribe, va. A. -- ~"'.: ; h. ~Cil' brim C"\'&1~-<-..\' /qhontshail!/ ~ Fill the pat to the
/--~f&; h, phD!J/ ~ He gave the judge a bribe. brim with water, chu ha yang gi kha mtshams bar
khos khrims dpan la rgyu rngan sprad pa red, du blugs. (chu hoyaanqi qhcntsham ph~rtu lut)
(qhsB thimpodnla k~l')&&n tf&parea) 3, take bribe, br~mstone ~~-~ /m~si t~/
va. c. -- <::~~~- /--s£&1 bring, 1. va. B. ~~.>:;,.· ; h. -"1d.,~~· /khii; h.
brick -N.'C4""\' /scpaa/ [Syn. so phag] nom/ ~ Bring the book here, deb de 1 dir 1 kyer
brickmaking factory ~-~4\·~--;r.-~. /scpo~ s~~a/ shog. (th~pte tee khiishu) 2. iso. bring some-
brick tea ~·~'(1\"<\' /ch~paqa~/ [Syn. ja sbag] thing oneself, va, C. a,~X.·~· /khii y~h/ 11 I
bride, 1. n, /nema/ 2. take a bride, va.
<J-..U~,o..·<U' brought a book with me, ngas deb cig 1 khyer
c. -- ~~· /--16'?-./ 3. give (as) bride, va. B, yong po yin. (I'J£t th~pci khrr y~hpayin)
~~X.: /--t(!JrJ/ bring up, iso. rear, va. c. ~~~· /s?lo/
bridegroom (adoptive) '0-l.~'.z:..t' /~qpo/ briquet ~~~~· /s"if&ii/
bridge, 1. n • .=t~'"-1.' /s~mpo/ 2. build a bridge, bristle, 1. n, ~· /s!!.J 2, vi. C. - <=>t"'-~' /l~h/
va. -- ~~c:t· /--k2_p/ Bz:itish, 1. iso, person ~ <;~,:~· /Inci/ ~ He is
bamboo bridge ~9'.0\().:(.' /iiuqsam/ British. kho in j i red, (qho Inci r!al [Syn.
boat bridge ~'.;;;)6-.1.' /th~sam/ dbyin ji] 2. adj. ~~~-/IncH/ ~ British
bridge girder -"\ 'a3. '"t\.~c:.· /s::.mtul')/ money in ji 1 i dngul (IncH 1')00)
iron bridge ~"'\~·.a~· /coqsam/ British government ""-~.>\'""\~c..· /yiinshul')/
log bridge "<\~""-'.=!"-\' /t~I')Sam/ British Isles ~;.o·~~·~c:.·~·
...... ~ -
/Incii lul')pa/
rope bridge ~.::..·-"'.\~' /~!l")sam/ brittle co"'\'~~-~-~ /ch~q~um t!po/ [Syn. chag
stone bridge ~40-l.' /t~sam/ chog chog]
bridle, 1. with bit ~~· /t~p/ 2. without bit broad, 1. iso, wide ~c..:~a,:k' /sh~l') chempo/ ~
(iso, halter) ~;.:.·C>.:?f\7 /thul')qu/ The river ·is very broad, chu de zhang chen po
brief ~c.·~c::· /thur)tuun/ ~ a brief speech skad 'dug. (chuti sh~l') chOO!po t~t) [Syn, zhang kha
" .__,
cha thung thung (qfca thur)tuun) chen po; kha zhang chen po] 2. iso, great
briefcase, neo, <;q<n.'o...~· /l~r)pe~/ size/extent ~~'Cl..:;:r-- /k~ chempo/ 11 a broad
briefly ~<f\·~· /khuqtsa/ ~ He came here briefly. plain thong rgya chen po zhig (thol") ka
khong 1 dir khyug tsam phebs byung. (qhoon tet chrJmpoci)
kh!lqtsa pheachu) broadcast, 1. iso, transmit by radio, etc., n. ~c.:

brigade, 1. neo, c, "'-'C"\"\' /ruqa~/ ~ production z:;~,~~~- /k~r:J~aa/ 2. va. -- .@,~' /--ch£'&1
~ - 11
brigade tt}.on skyed ru khag (th&koo r~qa~) ~ They broadcast: the news every day. kho tshos
shock brigade myur sgrub ru khag (ii~rtup r~qa~) nyin !tar gsar 'gyur rgyang bsgrags byed kyi
2. iso. army, neo. bor. c. ~~· /lUU/ 1 dug. (qhontsb~ iiintaa s~nkuu k~l')~aa ch~qil)
56 broadcast station

3, 1so, broadcast seed, va, C, ~0\_·qVf'~· /sstln brush for calligraphy~:.::.· /p!r/ [Syn. spu snyug]
sh3i5/ b rus h one •s t ee th , va. c • -N'"\~~·
......_ . I so- +""'·;

broadcast station >.Q,tl...'~~·~c;,.·o.~~(.l>.r::.' /qOnkap bubbles ~·.:;t /p';!wa/

lul')~iinqhaan/ buck, 1. for horse/mule, va, C, ~'@j"t'\'"\~~·
brood daylight ~·"\~:.::.·x:-"'-.'1"\""-' /qhoqaa r:J;:.qaa/ '!
I t2.11kaa' sh_!:"U 2, iso. male deer ¥)'«\'
-.r- I shophoI
broaden, va. ~~·~·~'?~· /k2. cheru taon/ ~ We bucket (for water) ~-1!~· /chDsom/
have to broaden the road, nga tshos lam khag de buckle, 1. n. a;,q~' /chaptse/ 2. va. -- ~~:
rgya che ru gtong dgos red. ( 112.ntso't> 12.11qa~te /--kap/
- ' C'\
k2. cheru tol')qore~) buckshot b:I."-O-\'~o.t·t'6.::;.·a;c:..• /tMrii chul')Chul')/
-.;:) ~

broodminded ~~&;:;a,:;:r-- /loka chempo/ buckwheat flour ~ ·~· /th2.che/

brocade ~~·&'isl,_· /qh~c~n/ buckwheat, sour ~·~ l}f!.wu/
broil 1 see: roast buckwheat, sweet ~';;j_' /k2.pra/
broken ~·~· /choank:>~/ ~ The watch-· is broken, buckwheat (sweet) flour ~~<;t' /kf!._ship/
chu tshod de chag kyog red, (chutshuUti bud, 1. n. ~~ /thrwuu/ 2. vi. -- ~'9"'' /--tCian/
chCionk:>~ r!:_~) Buddha, skt. ~c;.~·~~· /sCil')kcC/
broker q=c;,·~·G>.l·'j?c;.•@f\·~~<\' /paruula tshoon Amitabha Buddha, skt. (\<;..:"'"'-l¢1,'~"" /w.!?.2pa~
kaal')ccn/ [Syn. bar tshong rgyag mkhan; bar ke m!"e/
za mkhan] Bodhisattva, skt. ~-~,;'~C;U~·~~~· /chf!._l')cuu
brokerage fee t:t-':. ·~' /ph2.rqhe/ sempa/
bronze ~- /l!f Buddhism ~c::::~·~~~-¥;'~· /sal')kccqi ch8"d/
bronze age 1 neo. ~~"'-~~·;zt::~.~· /l.!_chcc [Syn. nang pa'i chos]
lhlltlrap/ [Syn. neo. c, li'i yo chas spyod pa'i Hinayana Buddhism ~-¢\''\CilO(_~·~~~.c..l' /theq-
dus robs] mccnqi t~mpa/

bronze statue~·~· /l.!_qu/ Mahayana Buddhism ~«~,-~l£l.·a·~~~·.q• /theq-

brook ~<t\~'<f>'<JOc;.'a<,c:.. • /k~qcu chuncuun/ cheenqi t~mpa/
~ ""\.)""\:>'""
broom @f<l~·cu· /ch(Joma/ Manjusr i 1 skt. /c2.mpcc
broth ~·t:;t· /qh"6"6/ ~ meat broth sha khu (sha- yc'Q/
qhu) Maitreya ·Buddha, skt, ~Ql·~·.§..~~·~·

brothel 4\ <.a,.c::::• ('\C...' /sh2.11qaan/ ch~pa/

brother, 1. older ~R ; h • .;;[-'Cl.l"'\~'/c5c:>~; h. Vajrayana Buddhism )f~-A<x"\'&.1~'~~<;1,:~· /t2_ce
ch;:.laa/ [Syn. gcen pa] 2. younger ~"t\'a.:\i h. thaqpcc t~mpa/

~Q.\~·/:>:>ma; h. aolcX:l/ [Syn. gcung po] budget, 1. n. ~f~·/1')3ntsil/ 2, make .a budget,

brow, see: forehead va. C. -- q,_?J;'~·/--s'§d/ [Syn. --bkod]
brown, 1. light brown ~-~~· /tsc.=_nt:>"5/ 2. dark buffalo, water ~-~· /m2.yee/
brown ~~~· /kf!._muu/ [Syn. rdza smug] '3, iso, buffer, polit. J;:J..:x:_·<q_~~· /ph2.rncC/ ~ buffer
brown meat, see : roast state bar gnas rgyal khab (ph~rncc kccqhap)
brown sugar ~·C~:;_a-=:~,.' /phuram/ bug~· /p~/
bruise, 1. n. "$:l~·~~· /muqtil/
- 2. vi. A, bugle c:;.,;a.:~.~ • ~c;..• /maqtuun/
i30<'t\~ • I --cha~/ build, 1. for building, bridge, wall, va. ~~~·

brush, 1. n. ~·R~ /phCiCinto/ 2. va·, -- ~~· /kf!._p/ ~ They built a new bridge. kho tshos zorn
/ --kf!._p/ ~. She brushed my hair , mos nga 'i skra pa gsar pa zhig brgyab shag, (qhantsod s2.mpa
la phag 'do brgyab byung, (m![d 11E£ ~a la phCiCinto saapaci k~pshaa) 2. for roods and small things
kf!._pcU) like tables, cars, etc., va. c. &:::~.'1"~· /s'§d/ ~
bus 57

They built a rood, kho tshos lam khag bzos -- "'-~.);:,· /--quu/
shag. (qh5ntsod l~nqaa s~dshaa) bureau, 1. iso. on office 0-l~·~c..~· /l££qhurV
building f"\C..'&-l.' /qhanpa/ 2. iso, an office of the Tibetan refugee govern-
building materials '<R;>:..·2t~<t\'='<l,~·~<S<,' /oapo ment ~·<1\'f'-=-.·('\<:.' /th,!:!ncbiiqhoan/
k~yaaqi k!:!_pca/ bureaucracy, neo. c, (pejorative) ~~-c..~
building site, neo, a_~~~·~a.:o.:I~-~0-:1.' /ts!:!_q- /p'dncn/
't-i.Rln l,££yi.RI/ bureaucratic capitalism, neo, c. ~;;:f"~<=:.a_:~·-t'~'
~·q~~~a.t'("'\· ~c::.-~«\~· /p'dncn motscc ril')luu/
bulb (electric)
..... -
1. iso, the person it~·~·
- /qiimoa/ 2.
bulge, 1. n. o.~.:o:,·Q.~.>;_· /p!!f~puu/ 2, vi. -- ~~· burglarize, vo. C, .-- "l.~~· /--q'li"0!
/--ch£C/ ~ The wall bulged. rtsig pa 'bur 'bur burl (in wood) <;1ii.'Q.' /~/

byas shag. (tsiqpa p~puu ch£Cshaa) burlap ~·A~· /tsarcc/ ~ burlap bog rtswo ros
bulky, see: large; big phad khog (tsarcc phc'f!q~:,)
bull "4.''a\c::.' /phman/ Burma c:>..l::\::X:.'<:I.l' /p~rmo/
bulldozer, neo, ~·-if~'<:"{!J,o:t'c<_~~· /solo~ th00- burn, 1. vo, ~..::c.·~~'"l.l()<:.' /~too tiiiin/ ~ He burned
qh06/ [Syn. neo. c, sa 1 ded 'phrul 1 khor] the paper. khos shog bu,,mer sreg btang song,
bullet ~~~ /t!wuu/ (qh&S shOqu ~tao taanso) 2. vi. A. o.~"l\~·
bulletin, 1. iso. a magazine ~~·~<4· /tshoqtep/ /tshil/ ~ The paper burned. shag bu 1 tsigs
2. iso. an announcement .:q~Q.3.·e::t~"l\~· /sc'f!taa/ shag. (shOqu tshilshoa) V I burned my hand,
bulletproof ~t'"~·~c..· /tsh88nsu1V [Syn. neo, c, ngo'i lag po 'tshigs byung, In££ l~qpa tshilcu)
mdel thub] burnt remains 1 n. o.~~ /tshiqro/
bullock ~c..-~~· /lanq~:,; burr ~~::x:.· /notshee/
bull's eye ~~~-'<\' /n~qthil/ burrhel (wild sheep) ""\~a.·l4' /naa/
bully, 1. va. A. ~~~~'""\""\"'\.' /iiiipcoii sh'f!c/ burrow ~ · ~2:1\·~ ~c..· /saw~:, tsh~l')qhuunj
~ He bullied her. khos mo la snyad bcos bshad burst, 1. va. B. ~~~· /t'O'O/ ~ He burst th~ bal-
pa red. (qh&S m~ fiapcod shccparee) 2. iso. a loon. khos lgang phug brtol shag, (qhi%
person who is o bully q~mpuu t88shoa) 2. vi. B. if::os.· /t"§:!_/ ~ The
/napcbii sh88nccni [Syn. dbong yod bshad mkhon] tire burst. 1 gyig 1 khor de rdol shag, (k!qh-
bum if'~..N.·~c..· /ch~~paan/ ~~te t~shaa) ~ The pimple bu;st. thor po brdol
bump (against), see: bang ogoinst shag. ( th33pa t~shoa) 3. iso. burst into
b umpy ""' ~
~c::t.:t:.• x: .::>..~-"'-·-"' •
I p~n. P_!;!n·; tears, vi. B. ~"t\'<1::>·~· /micu sh33/
bunch ilil"'f\'"-\' /choqpa/ ~ a bunch of flowers me bury, 1. vo. c. ""'"
~q_·C{'~·Q!·~~· /s'f!.c w2._:,1o P£C/ .
tog chug pa zhig (m!t~:, choqpa ci) ~ They buried the gold, kho tshos gser so'i 'og
bundle, 1. of wood/gross ~.:.:.·~ /qhurpo/ ~ two lo sbos pa red. ( qhontsbMd see si'!'f! W2._'!:>lo P£CPO-
bundles of wood shing khur po gnyis (shin ree) 2. iso, bury o corpse,- vo. A. ~~-~~·
qhiirpo nit) 2. of things wrapped in cloth and "\'(;C:/r9.. sapcc taan/
carried on bock <:l.~\' /p2._'!:>/ 3. of clothes :lf\~· burying place (for corpses) ~~-~"'-.· /th~~.hi~/
~<l'l/qhootii/ bus Cl..~o..·~· /rx:..s/ [Syn. neo. c. spyi spyod rlong
bunker ~c..·~~· /ts!nroa/ 1 khor; neo. bor. c, kung kung chi 1 i khre; 1 grul
burden, 1 • n, 2t~·~"" /t2._qtee/ ~ He has many skyel mo to]
burdens. kho lo rdog khred mong po 1 dug, (qh53 bus station Cl...~Q.·~·q.q~~~~· /P9,s ph~ptshuu/

t2._qtee m~nqu t!:!_u) 2. corry a burden, vo. B. -- [Syn, 1 grul 1 khor bob tshugs; kung kung chi' i
0.~~· /khii/ 3, put a burden on someone, vo, B, khre bob tshungs]
58 bush

bush ~-"f·•y /ts9_no"O/ [Syn. shing ldum] /--k~p/

business, 1. iso. occupation ~~ •'!\' /1!:2_cy;J/ 11 button hole ~z::~.·~~· /thaplur)/
His business is teaching language, kho 1 i los ko buy 0~· ; h. "t'\~~~· /~d; h. s!:_l/ 11 I bought a
skg,d....yig .slob yog de red, (qhml 1!:2_qo q!!!!yil house. ngos khong po zhig nyos pa yin, (r)£C
Hipyo~te r~~) 2. iso, conmerce t"~·o..t-<>:3.' qhar)paci n!fdpayin)
/tshor)lc£/ 3. iso. do business, vo, ~~·oo~· buzzing (sound of flies/bees), 1. n, ~c::.·~~·?)\c;.:
~/tshor)lcc ch£&! 4. iso, business partner /p~r)qUU q!!&/ 2. va. -- ~~z::~.· /--k2_p/
~c:.:Q..~~· /tshor)tee/ 11 They ore business by, 1. iso. instrumental case~~·;~~·;~~,·;
partners. kho gnyis tshong 1 brel red, (qhunil ~~·; -- ~· /qil/ 11 It was done by Sonom, 1 di

tshor)tee r~~) bsod noms kyis byos po red. (t!:_ sonomqil

business cord, see·: cord, 3 chccpare~) 2. iso. by means of something ~"t'\'
businessman 'ilfc:;.·~· /tshOr)pa/ /th~~/ 11 I come by plane. ngo gnom gru 1 i thog
bustling <>.~zt\'~ /t-huqpu/ nos yong pa yin, (I")~ r':Jmt-UU th5~nc yo~payin)
busy~~·&::~:; h. ~<t\~~~· /t-h~wa; h. thuut-ee/ 11 3. iso. via/through scimeploce z::~.~"' /krjJ/ 11 I
These days, I om very busy , deng song ngo brel come to Lhasa by Gyontse. ngo rgyol rtse brgyud
bo zhe drag yod. ( th~r)Soan ~ th~wa sh~t-ao y!!_1;) nos lha sor yong pa yin. (I")~ kf}_l)tse ktr~nc
but, 1. [at start of phrase] ~ca.:~· /y!:_nM/ 11 lh!!!!soa Y2_~payin)
He said he will come but hasn't arrived. kho bye-bye 1 see: goodbye
yong gi yin zer byung yin no 1 i slebs rna byung, bypass iso. go around, va. ~~x.:~~· /q53nc/ 11
(qho Y.!:!,r)qiyiin s~cu y.!_nM le~m~cun) 2. [with They bypassed New York on their way home, kho
verbs] ·~- ; ~· ; ~ /tM/ 11 He is at home but tsho nang lo 1 gro dus ne 1 u yog bskor nos ph yin
is asleep. kho nang lo 1 dug ste gnyid nyol bsdod pa red. (qhontso n~nla '1-.!:!,tuU ii.!!! y_2q q53n&
shag. (qho ~nlo t.!:!.ut~~ nil n!:2_ t£&sho~) 11 He chi~pare~)

went to Tibet but didn 1 t reach Lhasa. kho bod by-product <.<\X:~~·~<51.:i),~ /sh~rchur) th3nk~/
lo phyin po red de lho sor slebs mi 1 dug, (qho [Syn. zhor thon dngos rdzas]
ph~dlo chi~pare~t~~ lh!!!!soo 1~~ mlntuu) by way of, see: via
butcher A'IA,~·~· /sh!!!!po/
butcher shop ~-~c:;.· /shoqhoon/
butler, see: servant
butt, see: handle
butter, 1. n. ~.x.:; h. ~~Ol·~x..·/m~; h. s'3Smao/
2. churn yogurt to make butter, va. A. ~"~~·
/sh2_ p~/
butterfly ~~-~~·~· /cemcemo/ [Syn. phye mo
butter lamp, 1. n. ru~,~- /ch'33me/ 2, light a
butter lamp, va. B. -- ~~· /--p05/
Butter Lamp Festival (15th of 1st month) ~~·
~~~· /c8r)a ch'dpa/
butter, melted ~.>;,·~· /mf!2_qu/
buttermilk "'X..' <::I. • /thoro/
butter tea ~·1;\~.:v:·~·a.r /ch~ sOOma/
button, 1. n. -:2z::~.·~~· /th':Jpcu/ 2. va, -- .:!.~c:r

cab, see: taxi

cabaret, see: restaurant
cabbage, 1, iso, long type '-1"'(~"'-1· /pi!l!tshcc/ 2.
iso, round type Q:f'~;(.'"-t"'~~· /1_?2q:J:J p!!&t-
cabinet (wooden) €ll."'''':li\<A' /chaaqom/
Cabinet (in traditional Tibetan government) ..:vn,t<.·
V\"1' /qoshoa/
Cabinet Minister (in traditional Tibetan govern-
ment) q"\\e>.·gfa; /qolbon/ [Syn. zhobs pod] ,
Monk Cabinet Minister bko' blon bla rna (qolbon
lama) , Secretary to Cabinet bko 1 drung (qa-
cable, 1, iso. electrical ~"'\·~~ /1:5:5quU/ 2,
iso, telegram, i. n. <:q:S:.: /tor I [Syn, glog
'phrin] ii, send o telegram, va. -- -"''?Z:::.'
I --to on/ , Where can I send a cable? ngos tor
go nos gtong dgos red? ( r:l.£C tar qh2,ncc tor:~qo­
cadaver, see: corpse
cadre, neo, c, c:t.l'N~~· /1.£.£ceepo/ , the
leading cadre 'go 'khrid los byed po (q~thil
/ 1.£.£coopo)
cafe, see: restaurant
cage ~~·~Gll' /Hir:Jtsii/ , There ore two birds in
the cage. rlung sil nang lo bye 'u gnyis 'dug,
(lOr)tsii n~nla ch~wu nii t~u)
cairn '!(~c.: /t~puun/ [Syn. rdo mchod]
coke, neo. ~·,:::l:t<!"\~c:t· /q~r:Jo phaolee/
Cokravartin, skt. Q.~X: .;r'~'ti.l:.'t.\'ct·~~·~
/qharlod k~rwcc k.£.£po/ ~
calamity, see: misfortune
calculate, vo. /tsil k2,p/ , Please
calculate how much the price is, rin go tshad
yin min rtsis rgyag rags gnong, (r~n qh2,tsce
y~nmiin tsil k~r:J~naan)
calculator, neo. \NI:..'~'<=t%<ll~"\ /ar)tsil
[Syn. rtsis rgyog 'phrul byod]
calendar ~-%'" /l:;_to/ [Syn. lo tho)
"' :>r:: 0.. -.{';;
calendar watch "'1:3.Q..';iS'~·~&<..:'"-1'"'-'~·~.::,: /s~tshee
y_£pcc chotshcru/
calf, 1. of cow, n. "'--e;:"'-l&:..: /pfl!pcc/ [Syn. be'u]
2. of leg, n. '9'~Q.'l' /n2,prii/ 3, see: calve
60 calisthenics

calisthenics, 1. n, ~~-~~· /!U'Uts&&/ 2, do ru cO~pare~) 5, iso, calm down worry/nervous-

calisthenics 1 va. C. -- t~· I --tse~/ 11 They ness, va. C, ~~.~::~.":t~· /lh8lhoB s2_'1'o/ 11 She
do calisthenics every morning. kho tshos zhogs calmed him down, mas kho !hod lhod bzos song,
!tar !us rtsal rtsed kyi 1 dug, (qh5ntsod (m!fd qh5 lh8lhod s!rdso)
sh~taa l~ts&& tsiqil) calumny, 1. n, ~'a.\' It-homo/ 2, va, A. -- "'-\<l\'
call, 1. iso, yell, va. ii\~~~z:..· ; h, "1\~~'z:t'\01..~· /--cuu/
/qf~ taan; h. sui') nl'Jon/ 11 He called out to her calve, vo, A. ~"'-~'~~· /pffp&& k~/ 11 When
"come • 11 khos mor shog ces skad btang song. do cows calve? ba phyugs !a pa 'i pa 1 i go dus
(qhSB m~ sh5os qf~ taanso) 2, iso, phone call, skye gi red? (ph~huu la pffp&& qh!tuU kiqir&c)
i. n. ~·""~x.· ; h. ('1..~'"'-G.J:.' /qhopaa; h. [Syn. be'u skyes]
sh££paa/ ii. call by phooe, va. -- t:I.I<]C:..' h. camel ~·~· /om~~/
/--taan; h. --noon/ 11 He called me camel's hump ~-~·~~·"'l.'1l"~· /6m~~qi shopts~o/
yesterday, l<hos kha sa nga la kha dpar btang male (breeding) camel ~·~c:.·"t\~~· /6m~~sep/
byung, (qh~d qhffsa I')~ qhopaa taancu) .3. iso. camera;.'c'l)~' /pare&&/
call on 1 see: visit 4, iso, call up (e.g, sol- camera lens "-.14-'l:'~~~~·iif /pare&~ sheeqo/ [Syn,
diers), see: summon dpor len she! ko]
called, 1. for people ~.:c·~~"' /s2,1')&&n/ 11 He is cameraman "''C.U:.'@_,"'\'ll.l~'fl\ /par kool')&&n/
the one called Dor je. kho rdo r je zer mkhan de camp, 1, n, ~.:c· /q2,r/ 2. vo, 0, -- t:s,~~·
red. (qho t~~ce S2,I'J&&nte r!~l 2. for things I --ph!p/ 11 We hove to make camp at 3 o 1 clock,
).l:.· t.l.{"'\' /s2,yao/ 11 The thing called phodca is ngo tsho chu tshod gsum par sgor bob dgos red,
Tibetan tea, bod ja zer yag de bod pa'i ja red, (l')~ntso chotshod sOmpaa q2,r ph!pqore~) 3, iso,
(ph~ca s2,yaote ph~p&& ch~ r!~l political /mili tory allies 1 neo, "\~C::. •1\"'\· I pul')-
' '\7
calling card, see: card, 3 shM/ 11 the socialist camp spyi tshogs ring
callous, 1. iso, unsympathetic person ~c:..·~·~"-: lugs kyi dpung shog (crtso6 r_!l')luuqi pui')Sh66)
~· /n!I')Ce ~~pa/ 11 He is a callous person, kho campaign, polit., neo,, 1. n, ~~-<'l.~C>l· /l££n-
mi sning ;-je med pa zhig red, (qho m_! nii')Ce qUU/ 11 political campaign srid don las 1 gul
~~pa ci r2,~l 2. iso, hard skin "f\'~~· /sh6- (sirtoon l££nqUU) 2. va. -- ~· /--chE,t/ 11
}eq I 11 I have callouses on my feet , nga i
1 They conducted a health campaign. kho tshos
rkang pa !a sha dreg yod. ( l'l££ qol')paa sho}eq 'phtod bsten gyi las 1 gul byas pa red, (qhon-
y.!?_iJ) tsod }h8Staenqi l££nqUU chE,tpare~)
calm, 1. iso, still weather,~at·'l'\~~· ():(~~-;;to campfire, 1, n, ~·.qc:..• /mephuun/ 2. make a camp-
'.J -
/n§mshil c2,mpo/ 2. iso, a characteristic of fire, va, C, -- e:<)f~· /--s!rd/
people ~"'\:<if.O:.:. /lh8lhoB/ 11 He,.. is a calm camphor ~·~.:.:.· /qh!puu/
person, kho mi lhod !hod cig 'dug, (qho m_! campsite ~.l:::~· /q2,rsa/
lh8lhodci t~~) 3. iso, a characteristic of sit- can, 1. iso, able, vi. A. [vb,] ~o.· /[vb.] thO~/
uations/places 1 i. n. ~~·o.o;:<n,~' /lhii')Cao/ 11 11 I can go tomorrow, nga sang nyin 1 gro thub
These days Vietnam is c.alm, dang sang wi ti nem kyi red. (I'J2, senii t-2. thOOqire~) 2. iso, may,
lhing 'jags red. (th!I')Saan w,!tinem lhil')cao r2,~l vi. A, [vb;] ~~· /[vb.] ch5o/ 11 Con I go to-
ii, make calm, va, C. -- ~li~· /--s!rd/ 4, iso, morrow? nga sang nyin phyin chog gi red pas?
calm down anger, va, A, ~~~·~·,;c·~<~,~"''\' (1')2, s~ii chr~ ch~~irapc&)
/sam sh_!ru cO~/ 11 When he was angry, she calmed
can, iso, metal container ~"t\~·~a,· /caqtiin/
him. kho rlung lang dus mos qho 1 i sems ;zhi ru canol, 1. iso. irrigation Ql.~:.;~ /yMpu/ 2,
bcug pa red. ( qho 101') l~ntUU "" sem' shi-
' m,£ci' qhoo iso, a man-made canol "3
neo, c, "\ --
capsule 61

/m_!su'U y~pu/ (Syn._ mtsho yur] canopy, used over Lomas ~·~.N· /l~pre~/ [Syn,
cancel, 1. iso. on oppointment/t!:ip, vo, C, ~~~ gnom rgyon]
/theM 11 I cancelled my appointment with the canteen, 1. for water ~"\l9..t' /chutom/ 2, see:
teacher. ngos rgon logs mjol yog gi dus tshod restaurant
'then po yin. (I')~C qEE,nloi!l cEE,yoi!lqi th~tshod canter, iso, horse goit 1 1. n. i:!"'~' /~rqo/ 2.
th~poyin) 2. iso, a ticket/order, vo, A, canter 1 va. -- <I.'9C:.' /--.taon/
~~~'/1~~/ 11 I cancelled (returned) my plane cantonment '\~"'\·~~- /mBCiqoo/
ticket. ngos gnam gru'i ti ko si bslogs pa yin, canyon ~·~· /'th3._qro0/
(r:J£C n~mtUU tiqssi 13~payin) 11 He cancelled the cap, 1. see: hot 2. see: close; block
order. khos co lag mngags pa de phar bslogs po capable ~-g-""~ /c!!"po/ 11 She is very capable.
red. (qh~d c~laC!I l')oi!lpa te pho~ !~~pore~) mo 1 byon po zhe drag 1 dug,
cancellation mark (on stomp) ~4\'"..53.' /t~qtom/ t!!~)
cancer 1 med. i)ia,:<'!l.."..' /1-lfn~&/ capacity ~-~"' /shC51')ts~&/ 11 What is the
candid, see: frank capacity of this hall? tshogs khong 'di'i shong
candidate ~~·~· /w'§:!_mi/ 11 He is a candidate for tshod che chung go tshod red? ( tsh3~qhoon tii
president, khong srid 1 dzin gyi 1 os mi red, shol')ts&c chichuun qh:_tsh~c r~&) [Syn. khog
(qh~n siitsiinqi w~i r!~) 11 He is o candi- rgyo]
date for the (new) job, kho las byed gsor po'i capillaries ~-~~ /tsCit-h~~n/
wos mi zhig red. (qhlS l&~c~ saap~~ wi:S&li ci capital, 1, iso, seat of govmt, ~-~· /kEE,so/ 2.
r!~) iso. stock of wealth ~· ~· /m2,tso/ 11 Do they
candidly, see: frankly hove the copi tal for building the store? kho
candle, 1. n. ~~-~ /y~l')loo/ [Syn, tshil bzhu] tsho lo tshong khong or po rgyog yog gi ma rtso
2. light a candle, va. B, ~~· /--poo/ 11 'dug gas? (qhonts~o tshanqoon aapo k~yooqi ~­
He lit two candles. khos yang lo 1 gnyis spar tsa t!!q~cl [Syn. mo dngul]
song. (qh~ Y2,r:Jloo i'iir pooso) 3, put out a capitalism a.t·t'a.-~~·~"f\~· /fll.2ts&& r!:_l')lu"tl/ 11·
candle, vo. A -- ~~ /sfc/ capitalist countries nio rtso 1 i ring lugs kyi
candlelight we:: ·~i:!\~'Ci,.~ • /y2_1')1oa pCion~/ 11 rgyol khob (m2_ts~~ r_!l')luUqi kE£qhap)
They ate by candlelight, kho tshos yang lo 1 capitalist ~· "'s'~~ /m2,tsoc&~n/ 11 They ore
spar nos kho log bzos po red, (qhantsod Y2,1')loo capitalists. kho tsho mo rtso con red, (qhon-
pCion& qhaloi!l s~cpare~) [Note: This li teroll y tso matsac~~n re~)
means: Hoving lit a candle, ••• ] COp1· t 0 1':" · t-
1S t SOC1e c-..""" c:-... <\, '{'?:;_
y ~-~~·x~·~"t\,>::'('~~CO"'\~' I fll.2-
condor, see: frankness tsCC r_!l')lu~qi citsh~/
cordy ~·~o..:!' /ch!:_rii/ capitalist system ~·~~·~·~l:t\~·~·cq~·~.:t'\~·
cane, 1. iso, a staff Q('q~·~~· /qhr!Jrku?.l/ 2. /m2_ts~c r_!l')lUUqi l:_mlu"tl/
iso, woody stem ~· /~/ 3. iso, sugar cone CQpitol punishment ~· .5if'"t\·~~~ ·~"\' /soqth~~
~~~~· /ph~rshil')/ thimcb"d/ [Syn, srog gi chad pol
canine teeth ~~·~· /ch~wo/ capitulate, see: surrender
conned meat ~~Ol' /shr;tiin/ copi tulati onism 1 neo, c. l!lt~Q."\o::n,~ ·~c:. • %o<t'\.:N. •
comibol 1 neo, ~:.A,'.:l1.·~~S..: /m!:_sha s~l')~~n/ /q.2nto~ r_!l')tut/
comonj 1. n, ~-~~· /m!rk~"!l/ 2. fire o eon- capsize, vi, A. ~'1;\<~.·~· 11 The
non, vo, -- ~~.q,· /--k:_p/ boot capsized. gru kho sbub log shag. (1-h.;!
cannon boll ~-~"\~'01.1~~ /'"!,rk~"!l t!:_wuu/ qhr;pu"tJ 13._"!lshao)
canoe 1 iso. wooden dugout ~~~·~· /t!!r:Jtu/ capsule, iso, o pill, neo, ~~~~~ /shupmccn/
62 caption

pa btong yang ngo lo khyod mi 1 dug • (choopa

captive, see: prisoner to15nM I')~ khfc m!_ntuu) 7. iso. concern 1 see:
copture 1 vo, C'l..~l':\~t::.·~·
. .,., /tsgnsui\ chE_&/ 11 concern 8. see: love '7. iso, don't core for 1
They captured two spies. kho tshos so po gnyis see: like
'dzin bzung byes shag. (qh5ntsb1i sopo nrr carefree ~'ll'l~''""'-'~ /se~ qh.!:yol')po/ 11 He is
tsgnsun chE_csho~) [S~n. 'jus; 'ju bzung byos] carefree. kho sems gu yongs po red, (qh6 se~
cor ~~· /m~to/ [Syn. neo, c. rlong 'khor] qh~yol')po r.=,~l [Syn, snong bo skyid po; sems
cor (railway) 'X·~~('\."'~' /rj}ii. qhol')tom/ bogs yongs po]
caravansary ~Gt\~·~c:.: /tshuqoon/ coreful(ly), vo. ,a.q•';lot·~· /s:,sap chE_C/ 11 He
caraway seed ~~"'\ /qh2_'fi(J'd/ works carefully. khos los ko zob zob byes byed
carbon. paper 1 neo.~~-0\~' /sh3qno~/ kyi 1 dug. ( qh8ls lE_E.qo s2_psapcc ch!,qil) 11 When
corcass 1 1, ":£: /r~/ 2, iso, dressed carcass ""'\' one climbs mountains 1 one should be careful, ri
~'!\' /shoqo~/ lo 'dzeg dus zob zob byed dgos red, (r!_ia
cord 1 1. ~~·~· /sh3qcaon/ 11 New Year's card ts.::,tuU s2_psap ch.=,qore~) 11 He is a careful
lo gsar shog byong (l~oo sh5qcoon) 11 sympathy person. kho mi zob zob byed mkhon zhig red.
cord sems gso 1 i shog byong (siimsoo sh5qcoon) (qhi5 m!, s2_psap ch.=,l')&&nci r.=,~l 11 She is a
2. iso, playing cords 1 i. n. ~~·~· /taose/ H. careful typist. mo !cogs dpor zob zob byes
ploy cords 1 vo, -- J:l.@f'' /--k2_p/ 3, iso, rgyog mkhon zhig red, (m2. coqpoo s:,psapcc koo-
business/calling cord ~&::.'.(§,C:.' ; h, a.t.£~.:-€t<::.' l')&&nci r.=,~l
/m!_l')coon; h. tshJ!ncoo n/ [Syl'l, ming byong shog careful of one 1 s enemies, vo. "\~Y~~· /t.!:!_soon
lhe] 4. iso. cord wool 1 vo, A. ~~~·) A~.:N.' ChE_C/
/(phE£,) s'(j~/ coreless(ly) 1 1. n. -'))~·~·~· /hari huri/ 2,
cardamom ~'t\'~~· /suqmel/ vo, -- ~· /--chE_c/ 11 He always works
cardboard -.P\""·c:.t.~· /sh3qpaon/ carelessly, khos rtog par los ko ho ri hu ri
cardboard box ~·~a..· /sh5~qom/ byed kyid 'dug. (qhS~ toqpao 1E£,qo hari hOri
cardinal number ~c:.~~· /fJI')ri~/ ch!_qH) 11 He is a careless worker, kho los ko
cording brush 1 1. n, 1!:\<'-l'.f\~' /phE£,shcC/ 2, cord he ri hu ri byed mkhon zhig red,
by brush 1 vo, -- q~~· /--k2_p/ h~ri hOri ch.=,l')c&nci r.=,~l
core 1 1. iso, worry J{~~·~C~.t· /siimtcc/ 11 She has caress, iso, tender stroke, 1, n, ~:s:.·~x.·

many cores, mo lo sems khrol rna ng pa 1 dug, ( m~ /ch~huu/ 2. vo. ~~· /--chE_c/ 11 He
s&rt,cc m2_1')qu t~~l) 2. iso, look after someone, caressed her face, khos mo 1 i 1 gram par byur
. ...... .
i. n. ~'?lf\~' /t(Jto~/ H. vo. --.f;!~·; /--chE_c/ btur byes song. (qhS~ m~ t!!mpoo chuuchuu chcc-
11 She cores for the old monk, mos grwo pa rgon so)
'khogs der lto rtogs byed kyi 1 dug, (m.!fd th!!pa caretaker (ZlC:.'~<::.·~· /qhai')Sul')a/
q£nqo~tcc tBto~ ch!_qil) 3, iso, toke core 1 see: cargo "\~~~"\' /I')'SSso?:J/ [Syn, zog; co log]
careful 4. iso, toke core of work/business, vo, cargo ship, see: freighter
4\~l:t\·if"~· /coqo chE_c/ 11 He takes core of his caricature ~~'t:l<')<t~,~~·a:r:- /r2_pto~ r!_mu/
business well, khos los ko gcoq po yog po byed carpenter ~c:.·~l7~· /sh:i:I')S~"b/
kyi I dug. ( qhstl 1E£,qo coqo Y!!qo . ch!,qil) 5, carpentry 1 1. n. -$jc::·.:;.r- /sh:i:I')So/ 2. do carpen-
iso, core for/look after a child, vo. ~<9.1~·~· try, va. --~~·/--ch£&1
~· /ch!!mkon chE_C/ 6, don't core, iso, makes carpet, 1, n, ~~· /r~m/ [Syn, grum rtse; kho
no difference, vb, -a._~· .. , ~~~·~~"'I' /nM ... gdon] 2. weave a carpet, vo. A, -- c:l.~"'l'\~·
kh~c m!_ntuu/ 11 I don't core i f i t rains, char /--tB~/
casualty 63

Chinese carpet ~~~· /k~rum/ cortology ~'CI."lt'<=:l.lf("l.i:f\<::.:'X"\·4\151,.'1-l' /sop~o son-

floor carpet ~'"t\C::...~ /si'Jptr.&n/ qoS r_!l')n&&/
Mongolian carpet ~·~~· /s'Jqrum/ carton ~'t\'*\il.l.' /sh'S'Jqom/
Persian/Kashmir type carpet ~·~~·~~·~"\.l;l,.' cartoon, neo, 4.~o&.,·CI.~"t\~'&:r." /tl!l!nshil r_!mu/
/qhochee r~mtr.r.n/ "" cartridge ~~~ /t_!wuu/
Tibetan carpet 2:\"'~~·
Tsang carpet tt'\~·~~·
....., -
cartridge belt OJ.~Ol'.f'\<>.l' /tf!!shr.&/
carve, 1. iso, the general term, vo, ¥';
>t\.2>('"\~t:J.' ~

carpet weaver ~~'CVl<=t'\'l:J.l(ll.~' /r~m thOCil')&&n/ k2,p/ 2, iso, carve in relief 1 va, Q.~x..· ~~·
carriage ~C..'Q)'O.~.:x::Cif-' /shil')ta qholo/ &:~.~t::t· /p~rq'ds k2_p/ 3, iso, carve all the way
carrier, 1. iso, a deliverer ~~'al(t\.'o\," /kf!l!l')&&n/ through, vo, "\~"'l''=\@_i:l.' /~88 k2,p/
~ newspaper carrier tshog dpor skye! mkhon cascade O..CI.CI.'d>' /papchu/
-..:> -
/tsoqpoo kl!l!r;&r.n/ 2. iso. a load carrier who case, 1. iso, sheath '\l,CI.-N' /shOp/ 2, iso, box
usually accompanies you '('2:f"~~~·l!.t~~· /th~po "l>\~' /q£ml 3. iso, low suit (ZI.'~~·
khiii')tr.n/ ~ I need three carriers to go to the /qh§mcu/ ~ He won his case. kho lo kho mchu
poss. ngo lo lo 1 gro dus do po 1 khyer mkhon mi thob po red. ( qh'J'J qhamcu th§paree) 4. in any
gsum dgos, (I')~ l~lo t~tuU th~po khiir;r.&n m!·som case, see: any 5, in case (of), see: if
q_2~) 3, iso, a load carrier who usually goes cosh, 1. see: money 2. iso, change (get) money,
alone ~¢<G:·~~~· /th~po 'J'JI')&&n/ va. c. "".,~0-l'&\.c.~· /1')00 Ion/ ~ I have to cash
corrom, 1. n. ;n.·~~· /ql3rem/ 2. ploy corrom, va. this check, ngo ceg 1 dzin 1 di 1 i dngul len dgos
-- ~~· /--k2_p/ red. (I')~ ceqtsiin t~ 1')00 l!nqoree)
carrot ~·Cil·~ct~,· /q~l') l2_pu'tt/ cosh crop, neo, df'e::;,·~x..·~%'"t\' /tshol')kuu 1_2to~/
carry, 1. va. B. a,~-'1:.' i h, ~~0-\~' /khee; h, cashier ~·~· /tsrrpa/
nam/ ~ He carried a box. khos sgom zhig 'khyer cask :if"~· /s2fll/
shag. (qh8"d q£mci khl3esho~) [Syn, 1 khur] 2. cost, 1 • iso. throw, va. A. "1'\a..l.:t'\~ • /yOu/ 2.

corry out, iso, put into practice, vo. D, ~~· iso, cost metals, vo. ~~·<=::~~~· /l~q k2_p/ 3,
'GQe~,:~~.:s:: / tor I ~ We must corry out his iso, cost/throw away, vo, A. "'t\~~·C~.~ll\.· lyOq
plan, ngo tshos kho'i 'char gzhi log len bstor she~/ 4. iso, cost a vote, see: vote; ballot
dgos red. (n£ntsb~ qh3B cha§shi l_2qleen torqo- 5, iso, cost.for o bone, med,, i. n, ~.X..' lc£rl
ree) 3. corry something on bock, see: bock, 4 ii. put ?n a cost, vo. -- t:J..~a./--k2,PI 6, iso,
carrying animal ('1'\<'l'~· /qhl!l!mo/ ~ carrying yak cost a spell, vo, D, ~'&l'l:t~~ /k~ma tl!n/ ~
~~'<l\,Z'.I.\Of\ /qhf!l!yo~/ ~ carrying mule ~~~.._., ·She cost o spell over ,.im, mos kho lo sgyu rna
/qhl!l!tee/ , carrying horse 1,'\....:s·~· /qh'fl!to/ bston po red. (m2_i! qh'J'S k.!:!,ma tl!nporee)
carrying ,pole (carried on shoulders) "\.~"'-·~~· on item mode by costing o metal ~ct~.·~· /l.!:!,l')ma/
/pOI')kuu/ [Syn. phrog rgyug] coste ~"'~~· /r!q/ ~ high coste rigs mtho po
carrying strop/rope ~~X.'.!II'l\' /qhOrto~/ (riq thopo) ~ low coste rigs dma' po (r_!q mopo)
carsickness, see: nausea cast iron w~~-"l' /~hOcao/
cart ~c.·~·o..~-x.·Of' /shil')ta qholo/ [Syn, rto/glong castle l:J.l~X..' /qhor/ [Syn. mkhor rdzong]
sgo ril] castrate, 1. for animals, va, A,.§,'t::t.~~· /ch~ cl!&/
horse cart ~·~·~""'' /ti'J q2_rii/ , They castrated the yak, kho tshos g,yog bye
ox cart ~c::·~·~Ql' /151') q2_rii/ bead po red, (qh~tsod yo~ ch,2 cr!&paree) [Syn,
cartilage ~J!l..J.,-~l!l·~· /~hiln~uma/ [Syn, phrum sgong rdog bton] 2. for men, vo. c. ~"1'\'~al'.:t~·
rus] /ii.!:!,qrum s'§_d/
cartologist -N'~~·qT-~~;;a,.· /sop~o S,!!I'J&&n/ casualty -$\·~~'§C..'&:..l' /shimr.& ch~npa/ ~ There
64 cat

are many casual ties, shi rmas byung pa mang po cause~"' /ke~n/ ~What is the cause of the war?
'dug, (shim&& ch~pa m!nqu t~u) dmag lang yag gi rkyen go re red? (ma~ lEflnya~­
cat~~- /shimi/ [Syn, zhum bu;" byi la] qi ke~n qh2,re r£&l
catal.ogue, 1, n, ~"<\~c;· /th6shul')/ [Syn, dkar external cause '€t~51.: /chikeen/
chag] 2, catalogue, va. A. -- c::t::f]c;: /--q"OiJ/ ·
~mme d'~a t e cause "'· c.."'
•cj""'.~'@,<S.: !"'-
ro:w&& k een I
catapult, 1. n. )f~<t\~' /t2_ko"'/ 2, shoot a internal cause ~'--~" /n2,nkeen/
catapult, vo, -- ~i@.~· /--k!p/ cause and effect ~-~~ /k~keen/ ~ He studied
cataract ~-~c..·
""' ""<"- I ~ilol')/ the cause and effect of the war, khos dmag
catastrophe, iso. serious misfortune ~~.-~~· rgyag yog gi rgyu rkyen la nyoms zhib byes pa
/ch~ne~/ ~ The air crash was a great catastro- red, ( qh8"d mao kEflya~qi k~kei:mla n!mship ch~c­
phe, gnam gru brdabs pa de byus nyes chen po pcire~)

zhig red, (n~~u t!pati ch~e~ chempoci r!~l cauterize, va, ~·c::t~~· /rfl! k!p/ ~ He cauterized
[Syn. chag sgo] t he wou nd • khos rma la_me brgyob pored. ( qh "oo:-.
catch, 1. iso, capture, va, D, ~~ /s!m/ ~ The ma la m! k!pare~)
cat caught the mouse, zhi mis tsi tsi zin song, cautious, 1. n. ~.>!!-{·~· /th2qsoon/ 2, be cau-
(sh!mil tsitsi s_!msu) [Syn, 1 jus] 2. catch up tious, vo, --@_~' /--ch~c/ ~ We must be cau-
to, va, C. g~:::~~ /c!~ s_!m/ ~ He caught up to tious of him, ngo tshos kho la dogs zon byed
the soldiers. khos dmag mi de tsho'i rjes zin dgos red, (1')2.ntsh'OB qh35 th2qsodn ch!qore~)
shag. (qh8"d m~§mi th2_tsh<SO c!~ s_!msha~) 3, cavalry ~'"-.'Sl"'\' /UJma"o/
catch an illness from someone, vi, A, co..~~· cavalryman '?'"\.~"'\''\'a1«\'~· /tamoa m§§mi/
/q~d/ Y He caught a cold, kho la c~oms pa 1 gos cave ~~'Col' /phOqpa/ 11 The monk lived in o
shag. ( qh!5!5 chCimpa q.!:!_BshaM It. catch a boll 1 cave, grwa pa des phug pa 1 i nang lo bsdad po
sm, 1 5. catch on fire, iso, start burning/ig- red, (~h2,pa ti phOqp&& n2.2.n la t£Cpare~)
nite, vi. B, Sl'Q.c::t.:l:.' /m! PE2,1 ~ The paper cove in rocky hill/mountain '::!.~'~&!\' /}h~phu~/
caught on fire. shog bur me 'bar shag, (shuqb6 cavity ~~-~· /qh3qtoon/ ~ tooth cavity so
~ P,22Sha~) 6, catch on fire, iso, be consumed khog stong (s5 qh3qtoon)
with flames, vi, B, ~~x: /~ sh33/ ~ Be- cayenne pepper, see: chili
cause the house caught on fire 1 three people cease, va. A. ~a!:'~~·~"''t\' /tsh~ sh2,~/ ~ They
died. khang par me shor tsang mi gsum shi shag, hove ceased eating meat, kho tshos sha zo yag
(qhanpaa m! sh5!5tsaan m_! sum sh!sha~) mtsams bzhog pa red. ( qhonts'OB she s2.yao tshoill
categorize, see: classify sh2.~pore~)
caterpillar <:(.~·~·'i"~· /pu pUs:)~/ ceosefire, 1, n. '\'e.lct\:~~~~ /maqtshaill/ 2.
cattle ~"t\~·T~· /chuqs:)~/ make a ceasefire, va, A, -- ~~~· /--sh2,a/
cattle disease ~~~'<3...''-.' /chuqn&U ceasefire line 'tl.!.<!S'a.l~'O.";{"<=I'\~~'t\· /tshamc:)~
cattle herd ~q\~· ~,' /chuqkhu/ s§thil/
cattle herdsman ~o<t'\.:N·~· /chOqtsi/ ceaseless(ly) ""!.X.';;I..l~~·~"~· /ph2.ntshom m!~pa/
cattle manure ~·~· /c"6"6/ 11 They have to work ceaselessly. kho tsho los
cattle shed ~'t\«'~c..· /chuqtsaan/ ko bar mtshams med pa byed dgos red, (qhontso
caucasian ~-~"t\~'"'->n,x:~ /m_!ril qaapo/ ~ Is l££qa ph2,ntshom m!~pa ch!qore~)
he caucasian? kho mi rigs dkar po red pas? cede (territory), vo, A. ~-~-~'\ /sacha }~c/
(qhl5 m_!ril qaapo r!p&c) ceiling ~<n,·~c:.· /th53pal')/
cauldron t€;;::;~' /~h5sa~/ [Syn, dkyil khro] celebrate, vo, ~~Q.'S_Cil·~· /tem}ee ch£C/ ~
cauliflower ~~~·)f(c::t~' /phOOl q3pi/ We celebrated Independence Day. nga tshos rgyol
chamber 65

khab rang btson · gyi rten 1 brel byas pa yin. /tul')yol') Oyocin lh'€nqaan/ [Syn. dbus lhan tshogs]
~~~ntsod kccqap r~~tsccnqi t~tee ch~cpayin) Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party,
celebrated, see: famous neo. c. ~-=::-~<:.:~~·~.;.·~-~~%~~<:,: /t.ul')qu~
celebration, 1. iso. a party "\"'\C>.'~' /q~tbon/ tul')yol') uyoon lhr!nqoon/ [Syn. rgyo dmar dbus
2. iso. a festival \~-~~- /th!:!!:.k:hen/ lho~ tshogs]
celery ~~~<1.!· /chintshcc/ centralism, neo. c. ..cri'i.~-~~~c;·~~<-t· /ciqtuir
cell, 1. iso, monk's room ::!l'-!'1.~' /th~shao/ [Syn, r_!l')luu/ 1f democratic centralism dmang gtso
shag ] 2. iso, prison room ( .q~·
-v::- "-.(~'
"' ) f'\G:;'e.l"ll"
"' gcig sdud ring lugs (mol')tso ciqtlf~ r!l')lu~)
/(ts8mpcc) qhaQmil/ 3, iso. hermit's room, see: centralize, va • ...-\~~-~"'%~· /ciqtuU ch~c/
retreat Central Tibet "\~~-~~- /OOtsaan/
cellar ~<X\'<;tlC:: /W2J..qhoon/ century ~-e:[.'c!:!.~~""\' /chilo k~thoO/ 1f twenti-
cement 1 1. n. ~;>:::Cl."\~· /or tam/ [Syn. 1 bi lor eth century phyi lo brgyo phrog nyi shu pa
so] 2. pour cement, va. A. ~"'t\""-'' /--lu~/ (chilo k~thao n_!shupa) [Syn, lo robs; dus robs]
cement factory ~.:.:.:<:>.."-.~'t:l.~~· /ortom s~t.o/ ceramic l?''~ /ts~qo/ 1f ceramic vase rdza ko 'i
[Syn. 'bi lor sa'i bzo grwa] bum pa (ts~q(rd ph!:J.Illpa)
cemetery ~x.·~· /th!:J.rsa/ cerebellum, neo. med. ill'"'- ~z:: /Hfch UQ/
censer ~~-~- /p88ph:J:J/ cerebrum, neo. mad. ~.:.,:~ /lr!fko/
censor, va. neo. ~~.::!.'.<:l:J\\<f\'t:!.~~~~- /k83n- ceremonial scarf (white) ~'"'l'9~~· /qhotao/
ship qoqtoill chf:_c/ 1f They censored the news. ceremony c:'!-1~-if /ts~qo/
kho tshos gsar 'gyur skyon zhib bkag bsdoms byas certoin(ly) z:n.«;>~-"t\'95.' /U!ntccn/ 1f He will
pa red. (qhantsbMd s~nkuu k82nship qoqto~ ch£C- certainly come. kho gton gton yong gi red,
pare~) (qho t'€ntccn Y!;J.I'Jqiree)
censorship, neo, ~·~"'l.~"t\·~~- /q!:_kocin qoq- certificate a.t"1' ~;x;: /l~qkhee/ 1f identity certi-
toill/ ficate ngo sprod log khyer (I'J~tod l~qkhee)
censure, see: criticize cesspool
census, 1. n. ~-<"=l.q-'.·~·~· /mimpM tumtsil/ chaff !$,~·~· /phul')ma/
2. take a census, va, -- ~~"'l.' /--k~p/ chain, .1. n. ~"t\~'.>?."'1'\' /coqta~/ 2, va. A.
cent, 1, in China, neo, bar. c. 2¢1\- /phin/ 2, ~~-~'?Cf1.:N' /--qi teio/ 1f He chained up the dog,
in India and Nepal, bor, hi. Al"\:.t<\' /pr!'€shao/ khos khyi lcogs thog gis btags pa red, ( qh2i?l
centennial ~<G@'d.. • /l~kcc/ 1f centennial cele- khi coqtaoqi taoparee)
bration lo brgya'i dus chen (l~kcc th!!!dchen) chair .i5ic!:!. ·~"'\N · ; h. ~~-'<:-'! ·~41.~· /qupkaa; h.
center ~~~· /kii/ 1f The bank is in the center sh~pkaa/
of the city. dngul khang grong khyer gyi dkyil chairmo n 1 1 • /tsontsiin/ 2. neo, bor,
la 'dug. (Q!JOqaan th~Qkeeqi kiila t.':!_~) [Syn, c. ~%~' /tuushi I 1f Chairman Mao mo 'o kru 'u
dbus] zhi (m~wo tuushi)
centipede ~~·-n,c:.·q~-<1\~·q~ /p.':!_ qoQka l~qko/ chaitya, skt. see: stupa
central, 1. neo, bor, c, ~.:;·~~· /tuQyaQ/ 1f chalk ~~"'!\· /s:;.?iu"U/
central committee (of the Chinese Communist Par- challenge, vo. C. \.1-..;:r-.N • %~ · /ph2i?l sh_!!iJ/ 1f They
ty) krung db yang u yon lhan khang ( tul')yaQ acr- challenged them to play ball, polo 'gran sdur
yodn lhr!nqoan) 2. Tibetan term "''%~ • !f'i"0.! 1f byed par shog ces 'phos zhus pa red, (polo
central government dbus gzhung ( ......
uu sh~;l-) t£ntuu ch!qaa sh~~s ph~~ sh~paree)
Central Asia '<9::t.·~e;·c:;,~~·~· /sh~rlil') O!Jma/ chamber (D.C:.'~"t\' ; h. "'f\~a.l'c¥>C:.'
...., /qhal')mil; h. sim-
central committee, neo, c, ~:~::"\~-~-~~&;~e.: cuun/
66 chamberlain

chanberlain ~~~A"\~x:~a,:~ lt.!!nffee chemo I is this? 'di le 1 u go re red? (t~ liwuu qh!!re
chamber pot, see: bedpan r&c)
chance, iso, opportunity .<if~"\.~' /qh':!qap/ • I character, 1, iso. personality <t\~=·'11' /shiiqa/
got a chance to go to Tibet, nga bod la 'gro 'II His character is not good. kho'i gshis ka yag
yag gi go skabs thob byung. (r:J!! ph~la t!?_YO~qi po mi 1 dug. ( qhM shiiqa y2_qo m!ntuu) 2. iso,
qh!!qap th~pcu) salient features ey_"'-~~· /khl:fcho-3/ • What
change 1 1 • iso, alter 1 modify.;· i •. va, D. ~.>;.·~"'f'.:N, · is the character (ore the characteristics) of
""'9~ · /k';!rco'U toon/ • I changed 'Ri'y mind. capitalism? ma rtsa'i ring lugs kyi khyad chos
nga 1 i bsam blo sgyur bcos btang pa yiri. (r)E_£ go re red? lm2_ts&& r!r:Jluuqi khl:fchoB qh2_re r&c)
somlo k!!rcod taonpayin) [Syn. bsgyur] ii. vi, 3. iso. letters ~-~· /y~qi/ [Syn, yig gzugs]
D. 0.~:.:.• /k';!r I t The color changed, tshos characteristic, sm. character, 2
'gyur shag.
( tshod k!!rshaa)
. 2. iso. switch/ex- charcoal, 1 • n. ~~· Q.' /sola/ 2. make charcoal,
change, va. C. ~~- /c~/ t He changed his va. C. -- ~~· /--s'2_15/
clothes, kho'i dug slog brjes shag, (qh38 charge 1 1 , iso, charge with a crime 1 va, A• ~"t\ ·

th!!ql:>~ cel\shaCi) 'II He changed his job. kho' i 0~-""~""-~· /n!!l')ne~ tsuu/ • They charged him
los ko br jes shag. ( qhti"S 1E£qa c~~ha~) 3. with spying. kho tshos kho so pa red zer nag
iso, reform ~~-~:X' /chOOkur/ 4, changes, nyes btsugs pa red. (qhontsod qho sapo r!:.l\s
n. ~.>;.·~· /k';!rwa/ 'II Many changes ·occurred. ~r)iiel\ tsuuparel\) 2. iso, charge a price, va.
'gyur ba mang po byung shag. (k';!rwa m2_11qu ~.::;.·~"1.· /qh22f! k2_p/ 'II He charged 5 dollars.
chuunshoo) [Syn. sgyur bcos (but only for man khos sgor mo lnga gong brgyab pa red, (qhS"d
made changes)] 5, change miraculously, va. B. q~mo r)o qh2_2n k2_parel\ ) 3. iso, take charge 1
~o.t· /tOO/ 'II She changed into a witch, mas va. B, Ol~·et..~<t.,:a.~::c.· /1E_£nq&&n qhii/ 'II He
1 bo 1 mo la sprul pa red. ( ~d P_2!!m:>:> t!IDparel\) took charge of the office, khos las khungs kyi
6. iso, loose money "'\~Cl.l-~Ql·~· /l')f.i1J siima/ las 1 gan 'khyer pa red, (qh8t; l&&qu~ qhi l&&n-
changeable ~~·~:.:.~· /k2_ri k';!ri/· • change- q&&n qhirparel\) 4. iso. charge electrically 1
able weather gnam gshis 'gyor ri 'gyur ri va. A. ~~-~~"'\=· /1~~ so~/ 'II He charged
(nanshil k2_ri k!!ri) 'II He is very changeable. the battery. khos glog rdzos la glog bsags
kho mi 'gyor ri 'gyur ri zhe po zhig 1 dug, (qho shag. (qhS"d l~qts&c lo 1~~ soCisho~) 5. iso,
mi kari kuri sh~puci t!!u) person in charge of a."t\CJ,:Cl.~' /qE_ntsiin/
channel, irrigation ~,._-~ /y~pu/ 'II She is in charge of the office. mo las khung
chant (prayers) 1 va. ~.>;.:"'~·~~- /w!!rtoon chE_&/ gi 'gan 1 dzin·red. lm2_ 1E_£qu~qi qE_ntsiin re~)
• The monks chanted the prayers, grwa pa tshos chariot, see: cart
smon lam 1 ur 'don byas song. (th!!patshoB mSnlam charitable, see: generous
w!!rtoon chE_cso) charity, 1. n, ~~.q· /cimpa/ 2, give charity,
chaotic ~e::.·~c;.·~~ /s~r)coan tshopo/ 'II The va. -- ~'9c:: /--toon/
meeting was chaotic. tshogs 1 du zing ph yang charity divided into small gifts given to many, 1.
tsha po zhig 'dug, (tsh'li?lntu s!r)Caan tshopo ci n, ~
. l':tt:J~ /k~'/ 2, va. -- ~@,.1:1' I --k2,PI
t!!~) 'II They gave, each monk 1 dollar in charity. kho
chap, iso. skin, vi. A. 41~· /qhE_c/ 'II His lips tshos grwa pa re re la sgor mo re re 'gyed
got chapped. kho 1 i mchu to gas shag, (qha8 brgyab shag. (qhontsod t~pa r~rela q:>:>mo ~re
ch~to qh_£csha~) k~.. k2_ps h00
.. )

chapel <).!. ~"'({'I.C:..' /ch8Sqaon/ /q!!po s2:_d/ •

chapter 1 in a book OJ~ /l~wuu/ • What chapter She charmed him and got the job. mos kho dga 1
cheese 67

po bzos nos mo lo los ko rag po red, (~d qho /qoo/ 11 They checked their ad-
q~po s~dn& m~ 1££qo r~opare~) 2. see: amulet vance, kho tshos kho tsho mdun skyod byed yog
charm box ~~ /qh~wuu/ de bkog pored.
(qhontsoci qhontso
charming ~~&~·~·~ /y.!_nt66 qhopo/ 11 She is te qeoporea) 5, iso, a bonk draft, neo. ~"\'Q.~
very charming. mo yin mdog kho po ci 'dug. (mo /~eqtsiin/ 6. iso, check up on, va. ~'\'"'\~·
y.!_nto6 qhopoci t~t) [Syn, yid du 1 ong bo] s.~· /ts't!fco'ls ch£_~/ 11 We checked on where he
chart, 1. n, x~~"l"'\' /r};_wumil/ 2. make 0 chart, went to school. ngo tshos kho slob grwa go par
vo. C. -- 1:\i!~' /--s2:d/ 3, see: diagram P,yin yod med rtsod gcod byos pa yin. ( Q,£ntsod
chose, va. ~-n..~"-.'~'9z::.: /c~ntea teen/ 11 They qho lepta qh,£poa chih y~a ts't!fcoB ch£_cpayin)
chased the thief, kho tshos rkun rna rjes 1 ded 7. iso. medical check (up), va. ~<l)"<\'t:..~e._:~·
btang shag. (qhonts~~ qumoo c~nte~ teonshoo) /Uiqcec ch£_f./ 11 I went to the hospital for a
chat, see: talk medical check up. ngo smon khong lo gzugs por
chatter, 1. n. ~~·n· /q't!fc-:J-:J/ 2. va. --~~q· brtog dpyod byed par phyin po yin, (n,£ mfnqoon-
/--k~p/ lo s~qoO taqce& ch~oo chimpayin) 8, iso, check
chauvinism, neo, c, ~c.·"@.d..'%~' /mor)Sheen by feeling, va. 4\"""<1.'«~,-'()"t\'~~-r /coqcao ch£_c/
r};_Qluu/ [Syn, c. sho'o bin ring lugs] 11 He checked his pockets. khos po kir gcog gcog
cheap (%:.· ~ /qhepo/ 11 Food is very cheap here. byes po red. (qh~~ paqii coqcoo ch£_cporea) 9,
1 dir kho log khe po 'dug, (tee qholao qh~po iso. check with someone about a doubt, vo, ~~~·
tuul -'t\~·~· /th2qclrd ch£_~/
cheapen, vo. :?f\c. ·~ ..::;; "'\'Y e;_· /qhoon qheru teen/ checkbook, neo, 36~·~q· /ceqtep/
11 Cheapen the price of this a little, 'di 1 i checkered design (for clothes)(;)_'~' /theta/ 11 a
gong tog tsom khe ru gtong dong, (tg qhoon checkered shirt stod thung khro khro (tO!Jtuun
t~~ts qheru toonta) theta)
cheaper ~-~·q· /qh~n qh't!~/ 1! This is cheaper checkers, 'neo. c.
than that. 'di de los gong khe bo 'dug, (ti m!nmao/
th~le~ qh~n qh't!cl checkpoint
cheat, va. <9-!~~~-~'9~· /q,£q-:J-:J teon/ 11 He tsuu/
cheated me. khos ngo lo mgo skor btang byung, cheek G\.5_\~·~· /t~mpa/
(qh~ n~ q~q-:J-:J teencu) cheek bone area &~:x:.~· /qhutsod/
check, 1, for mistakes, vo, ~l::l.'Q.~"t\'@,~· cheeky t"\'~"'1~·~· /qho kE_qpo/
/sh.!_mcuu ch£&1 11 I checked the letter for cheer, va. ''-;''\~if~~"\.' Q.~t;.:%-~' /q~tbo q't!fmpcr'd
mistakes, ngos yi ge lo nor 1 khrul yod mad zhib ch£~1 11 They cheered when the king come. kho
'jug byos po yin. ( O£C y.!_qee n~nthUU y~mea tshos rgyol po phebs dys dgo 1 spro' i skod 1 bod
sh.!_mcuu chE.~pciyin) 2. iso, check/search for byas po red, (qhonts~~ k££po pheetu~ q~t-od q't!m-
something, va. ~Q.·~~~·€~.,.~- /sh.!_psher ch£~/ pb1s che~porea)
11 They checked his house for guns. kho tshos cheerful- "\ -v-. -
~~<?J'ru~'"\,'\'"-\' ; h,
.:;::r-c ~ .....--....
kho 1 i khong par me mdo 1 yod mad zhib bsher byos /kiii'iam thoopo; h. tOriom thoopo/ [Syn. dga •
po red, (qhentso~ qhBS qhonpoa ~nta y~rnea nyoms dod po]
~ '-..(- ~ -....r-v--...r-
sh.!_psher ch£Cporea) 3. iso. count/enumerate, cheer up, vo. C, ~.:;,:"-\·~~~· ; h, ~'t:..:l'l:I.Q.~·

va. D. ~~:x:.· /sher/ 11 They checked the list /kipu s~d; h. t-opo s~~/ 11 He tried to cheer her
of things bought (against what arrived). kho up. khos mo skyid po bzo thobs byes po red,
tshos co log nyos pa 'i tho bsher pa red, (qh5n- (qh~d m.£ krpu s,£thap ch£_cparee)
tso3 coloo i'iocipee tho sherporea) 4. iso. stop, cheese ~:X:.'l::l' /ch'Ora/
68 chef

.dried cheese (in form of squores 1 etc,)~-'t.'-fi\~' childbirth ~-~·~·>:.4~' /pOqu keyo~/ 11 She hod
. ~

/chOqum/ a difficult childbirth, mo phru gu skyes yog

dried cheese (in small bits) ~:.:.·~~:~.· /chOshil/ khog po byung shag. lm,2 puqu key~ qhoqo ch~n­
rotten cheese (like blue cheese) ~x.·~~· sho~)
/chOrUU/ child 1 illegitimate ~~·~"t\' /ch!ptu~/
sheep cheese %-4'\'~..x:.· /l~qchur/ childless, for women .X.C!.~'a:,~C;l..l· /r2,.pchc~mo/
yak cheese t'l:.~· ~"· /Hchur I children 1 see: child
chef '1'1-\'.§,~~<:i\:~ /m!!_c&&n chemo/ [Syn to 1 mo children's nursery ~·.t:xt~~c:.· /ph!_Suqhoon/
byon] chili 1 1. as a general term for whole and powdered
chili .c:J.~Gil·~~· /sip&&n/ [Syn. dmor tsho)
2. green chili ~cif"~~ /solo r)empo/ 3.
y&hip/ mixture of chili powder and water ~~~-~~·
chemical fertilizer 1 neo. ~· a..'ij~· Co\~·~ l'\: ~~~·~x.· /si.p&&n m~~ntuu/
/ts£nkuu sh!~lUU/ [Syn, neo. c, rdzos 1 gyur gyi chill 1 to get a 1 vi. A. Cl:. ~~~· /kho'?J/ 11 I got
lud) chilled lost night, ngo mdongs dgong 1 khyogs
chemical worfore 1 neo, ~·~'"''a.!."t\'~Jal::l.' byung. (~!!_ t!!_r)qo~ kho~cu)
/ts§E_COO m2,.qtap/ chilly ~~<:ll·~ /si.Ipu/ 11 It 1 s chilly today,
chemistry, neo. ~·~~~~'l!l'\l;l..~· /ts£nkuu de ring bsil po 1 dug. (thiriin si.i.pu t~u)
r~qn&~/ chimney ~ ~ c::: /th~quun/
chemist shop 1 iso. pharmacy ~<it.,·~·~""-· /m't!fn chin ~"f\'l:l-3.' /'S5mo/
tshOr)qoon/ Chino 1 1 , trodi tiona! nome ~<1\."t\' /kE[lo~/ [Syn.
cherish 1 va. "'t\.~~·~S:fr.·~> /ceeto~ ch£~1 11 neo. bor, c, krung go) 2, Red Chino ~j,,'"\.'<9.1X..'
He cherished the ring. khos tshigs khebs lo /k!!_mor I 3. People 1s Republic of Chino ~c..·~·
gees mthongs byos shag. (qh~ tshi.qo~ lo ceeto~ ~-"\.~e;.~·~-~~~@;~-~~· /1-0r)hua '"!mol') ci.tuUn
ch£bho~) k&cqap/
cherry ~~~ /si.wuu/ Chinese cabbage, neo, bor. c, ~C(~Ol· /p't!fts&&/
chest 1 1. of body ~~·*"t'\' /pho~qo~/ 2. for Chinese 1 Han ~X~*\· /k2,.ril/
storing things~~· /q!!_m/ [Syn. sgom chen] Chinese longuage 1 1, written ~~.:t\' /k!yil/ 2,
chew, va. ~q~C\' /s5 k2_p/ 11 Chew your food spoken ~~~ /k!!_q&&/ 11 He speaks Chinese
well. kho log lo so yog po byos rgyob. (qholo~ well. khos rgyo skod yog po rgyog gi 1 dug,
(qh~d koq&~ yoqo kaaqil)
lo so y_2qocc k2,.p)
chew cud, 1, n, i!~·~z;: 2. va.
- -. -
Chinese person @,·~· /k2,.mi/ 11 There ore many
~~· /--k2,.p/"<> ,-Chinese here. 1 di khul rgyo mi mong po •dug.
chic ~-~~«.·.;:r- /terso th'B'opo/ (t!po~ k2,.mi m2_r)qu t~u) [Syn. rgyo rigs)
chicken 1 1. iso, the animal~~· /ch!!_te/ 2. iso, Chinese woman ~~ /k!!_mo/ 11 Is she Chinese? mo
the meat~""'\' /ch!!_sho/ 3, see: coward rgyo mo red pas? (m,2 k!!_mo r!;p&~)
chicken coop/form @..'<t\.if."(ZI.~ /ch~oqhoon/ chip a;,~·~~· /ch~q}um/ 11 Does it hove any
chide 1 see: scold chips? de lo chog grum 'dug gas? (th§E_ cheq}um
chief, 1. see: leader 2. see: main ~qc?:l
child ~·~· ; h. ~·&:{;::,;:,· /pOqu; h, owao/ '11 He has chipped, vi, A. ~~~· /}h~"tn/ 11 The cup got
one child. kho lo phru gu gcig 1 dug. ( qh55 chipped, dka yol grums shag, (qoyoo th~"tnsho~)
pOqu ci.q t~u ) chisel ~~~· /s2fl/
child, adopted ~~~· /ph~tsap/ choice 1 see: no choice but ...
circumstances 69

chpke, 1. iso. strangle (with some material), va. (I')~ l:SI')iiccn taqaa chimpayin) [Syn, bar, hin. be
c. 1i\'l:\~~~· /qe tr:_m/ 2. iso, strangle ~e kob]
(someone by hand) 1 va. D. ~-q_~· /qe tsir/ circle 1 1 , iso, circular shape i\:x.: ~· /q22,-
3, choke on food and cough, vi, ~~"".·~~· q::>::>/ ~ Draw a circle, r i me sgor sgor zhig
/Hipsu~ k2_p/ bris; ( r _!mu q'E.q::>::>ci th};_l) [Syn. sgor thig] ~

cholera ~'~1""·1..¥\~'<51..1::..~~~· /kuqshcc n£_him/ The girls sat (arranged) in a circle, bu mo

choose, 1.~a. C.~~~· /tr:_m/ ~ Sonam chose tsho sgor sgor by as bsdod shag, ( ph~otso q'E.-
the white shirt. bsod noms kyis stod thung dkar q::>::>cc t£_Cshao) 2. iso. go completely around 1
po de 'dams song. (sonamqil trn:lttrun qaapote /q5ra kf!_p/ ~ They circled
tamso) 2. iso. choose/select the best, va, ~-"\' the city. kho tshos grong khyer la skor ba
o,~a.:~~·~· /t-h~l')tem ch£_C/ ~ He chose the brgyab pa red. (qhentso~ th_£1')keela q5ra kf!_pa-
best statue, khos sku 'dra drag 1 dems byes pa ree) 3. iso. by-pass 1 see: by-pass 4. circle
red. (qh2U qOnta th~l')tem ch£Cpa r~e) [Syn. yag in the air 1 iso. hover ""~<-'1;\.:t:.'""~"'-'
shes 'dams] kf!_p/ ~ The vulture hovered above them. rgod
/tsap/ ~ He chopped the kyis kho tsho'i sgang la !ding skor brgyab song,
meat. khos sha btsabs shag, (qhS'd sha tsep- (q~dqil qhontsoo qr:_nla t};_l')q66 kf!.pso)
shoo) circuit journey' 1 • n. ~~-q~ /q5rkb1i/ 2.
chopping board, see: cutting board va. -- @~ · I --Ch£C I ~ The doctor goes on a
chopsticks, bor. c. ~~·~· /qhB8tse/ circuit trip every month. am chis zla ba re re
chose 1 see: choose la thengs re re bskor bskyod byed kyi 1 dug,
Christ ~~· /y};_shu/ (amcil tr:_wa r~rela then r~re q5rkod ch};_qil)
Christian q~~·~·~~~·~· /y};_shuu ch83luq- circular (shape) ~·if.:~::.· /qE_q::>::>/
pa/ circumambulation, 1. n. ~'Cl.' /q5ra/ 2. cir-
Christianity ~~~-~~·~~~;"'\~· /y};_shu"U ch2Slu~/ cumamf?ulate 1 va, -- .<::l.®_Cl' / --kf!_p/ ~ Sonam cir-
chronic illness ~~·a..'\· /cOI')ncc/ cumambulated the monastery. bsod noms kyis dgon
chronicle 1 1 • iso. religious ~~ ·!"'-' par skor ba brgyab pa red,
/chB8ncul')/ 2, iso, mainly secular ~q_·::5!;,:.· "' ra kf!_paree)
/th~pther/ circumambulation path ~;:c:~ ~· /q5rlam/
chrysanthemum ~"!\~~~~· /l~qmil ~b::>/ circumcize, va·. A. et_CCm-<'1.'"--.~~·.q-v'\' /tr:_mpaa
church ~~'H.,·o.~~·(!lc..:/y};_shUU chS3qaan/ cr.& I
churn 1 1 • n. aJ~c::: ~ /t!;FJmo/ ~ tea churn ja circumference /thoq::>::>/ ~ the circum-
mdong (ch~ntol')) ~ butter churn zho mdong ference of a circle sgor thig gi mtha 1 sgor
(sh_£ntol')) 2, churn butter, va. A, ""->!fen.~· (q£rthilqi thoq::>::>)
It~?>/ 3. churn tea, va, C. "'l~"'-~· /sfl'"(J; circumspect, see: careful
chute ~::>:.: /shur I [Syn. shur khung] circumstances, 1. iso, cause ~a_: /keen/ ~ What
cigarette, 1, n • ..!<l'Ol-';~'1: /tho- were the circumstances of Sonam's death? bsod
mao; h. sh~tao/ 2. iso, smoke a cigarette, va. noms grongs yag gi rkyen ga re red? (senam
D. -- ~<:l.:; h. -- ~Cl.,<-' /--then; h. --nCion/ ~ th~nyaoqi keen qh~re r£C) 2, iso, under
I don't smoke anymore, do nga tho mag 'then gyi (these) circumstances ZfjD\,~'~0-:\'~'\<'<..'«..~'
c-- "' --c-- I nr.r.-
med. (th~ I')~ thomao thel')qimee) tsu"U tii w::>?>/ ~ Under these circumstances, So-

cinder ~·'-"~""-' /m~ntaa/ nom will not come, gnas tshul 1 di 1 i 1 og la bsod
cinema ~~'<:!.i'i)~ /l:SI')iiccn/ ~ I went to the noms yang gi rna red, (ncr.tsUU tii w::>?>la sonam
cinema, nga glog brnyan 1 to bar ph yin pa yin. Y!:!,I'Jqimaree)
70 circus

circus, neo. ~.t'o.!'C>.<,Sq'i'~ rae)

cistern ~;~~· /chut-om/ claim, 1. n, AA'>oc::..' /th<ipthaan/ 'II claim to
citadel, see: fort land sa zhing thob thong (sashir:J thoptaan) 2,
citation, 1. iso, a quote, i. n. ~c.'c>,~~.: see: assert
/1.':!,111-een/ ii. va. -- ~~· I --chE_c/ 'II There clairvoyance l").l~~~· /rJ'dnshee/
ore many citations in his book. kho 1 i deb nang clamor ~c:.;_:(;:.:.· /qU!coo/
la lung 1 dren mang po 'dug, (qh88 th~p ~nla clamp, 1 • n, -51\~·o..~· /q~mtsiin/ 2. clamp,
l.':!,r:Jteen m~r)qu t.':!u) 2. iso, footnotes and sup- va. -- t::l.~<::t' /--k~p/ 'II Clamp the two books
porting references, neo, i. n, ~~·c~,e:::~-~~<>.:1· together, deb de gnyis mnyam du skarn 'dzin
~~- /c.':!,r)qun s~fW"dn/ 'II Those citations in rgyob. (th!:P th.!_nil n~mtb6 qamtsiin k~p) [Syn.
Dorje's book are good, rdo rje'i deb nang gi gcud sgrim skarn pa]
'byung khungs gsa! stan de tsho yag po 1 dug. clan ·~""!· /r':§J/
( t22cee th!:P nar)qi cur)qun s~ftocin th!:ntso y.9.qo clandestine, see: hidden
tuu) [Syn. khungs stan] ii. va, -- %'«' clan name ~-~c:.· /ru11mir)/
f.:--ChE_&/ clap, 1, iso. applause, va, D. ~""1'"'-l.'~c-._q~·

cite, see: citation /l.9,qpa t~p/ 2. iso, derision, va. £"'\'9'q'@<'l.'

citizen /kc&paQ/ 'II Sonam is an A- /t2qpa k~p/
mer icon citizen. bsod noms a mi ri ka 1 i rgyal clarinet (Tibetan instrument) ~-~~· /k~lir:J/
'bangs red. (sanam ~mirik&& kE_£paQ r!:~) [Syn. class, 1. iso, an educational course t'l:~·~·

rgyal khab kyi mnga' 'bangs; miser] /ts!nta/ 'II spoken Tibetan class bod skad 'dzin
city m-<::.·~.:..: /1-h_£r)kee/ 'II I live in a city, grwa (ph'l:S'oq&c ts:!_nta) 2. iso, a grade <l.~'':lf
nga grong khyer nang la sdod kyi yod, (r:J;?, 1-h;?,r:J- /ts.!_nta/ 'II Sonam is in the first class, bsod
kee ~n la t,!;!!!qiyo1i) noms 'dzin grwa dang po red. (s5nam ts.!_nta
city dweller ~"·~~·~· ~- /th.£r:Jkeeqi mi/ th;?,r:JPO r!:e) 3, iso, style ~~.lSI.' /n'2,m/ 1J
civil and military ~'.':\"i' /sh.!_ta~/ 'II civil and Sonam has a 1 ot of class. bsod noms !a nyams
military officials zhi drag las byed (sh!_ta~ zhe drag 'dug. (sonamla ii'2,m sh!:"t-a~ tuu) 4.
lr.cce~) iso. social class ~(!q·~~· /1-hMrim/ [Syn. gra
civil engineer, neo, ~~<>:t~·"'\~X"'\'~' /or- sgrig 'dzin grwa]
lee s.9,riqpa/ [Syn. neo. or las lag rtsal pa] class consciousness ~Oo.\'~<9J.·~·~~~· /1-h!!rim-
civilian <;,~<n:~·~<:l..:~~-~· /maami mE_mp&& mi/ 'II qi qh~b?>/
Many civilians were killed. dmag mi min pa'i mi class contradiction
mang po bsad shag, (maami mE_mp&r. m.!_ m~r)qu sfc- qE_£nta/
sha~) [Syn. mi dmangs] class education ~Q..l~~·~·~~ /thMrim lop-
civilian plane ~-~·4\a.,BJ.·~· /sh,!_wM n~tu/ so/
civil rights ~-~~c;~·~·5[".<::1.·J<.C::.' /m_!,maQqi class exploration
th<iptaan/ 'II civil rights movement mi dmangs shOshM/
thob thong las 'gul (m.!_maQ thoptaan l£nq~u) · t y' ~Q..~:·~~-~~q«,·
c 1 ass soc1e <"\, ..,...... <'o. ~.-.r.:-
g'~"'V''· I 1- h~rim'
civil servant ~~~-~4~' /sh.':!,r)Shap/ y~p&& crtsM/
civil war, 1 • n. Q...,C::.'Gt~"'t\' /n~r:Jtuw/ 2. fight a class struggle ~o.J.~~·CU1q,·:f'e;,: /1-hMrim thap-
civil war, va, -- ""~~· /--k~p/ 3, hove a tsb-d/
civil war break out, vi. B. -- ~~. /--sh3'5/ 'II class viewpoint "!\.~·~~-~~-~~-
The civil war broke out last year. zla nyin tatstm/
nang 'khrug shor pa red. (t~niin n~r:Jtuu sh3'5pa-
climb · 71

lOI'Ier class '!!:l.t'll:'~~·~"'\'~· /"th!!,rim sher/ 2. vo. -- ~:z:-t• /--chE_c/ 11 (We) must
middle class «.~·~e:::.-~OJ.·~a.t· /c~~ir:J ~h,!!- cleanup politics, srid don gtsong bsher byed
rim/ dgos red, (siitb-dn tsar')Shee ch!qore~) 3, iso,
proletarian class ~-~e:.,:~~~""-1' make. big profit, vo, ~·q,=a,~·~o.:.,_;::f.-&,c;,· /qhep-
~h,!!rim/ soon chl!!mpo ch.!:!!:_n/
reactionary class ~--w:~=~~· /l_2qcod clear 1 1 • ~~OJ.-~ /s'f.'f!.po/ 11 These letters ore
~h!!rim/ not clear. yi ge 1 di tsho gsol po mi 'dug,
ruling class ~~c:.·~.:c·~o..t~~· /war')kuu th_!!rim/ (y!qi t!ntso .s'f!.fpo m_!ntut) 2. make clear, vo.
upper class ~-Q.I·~~·~c..·~· /"th!!rim qh_2r:Jmo/ C. &:t1"~ • I --s!"cjf 11 He mode his meaning
classical "t\~~·l!l&· /nawoo/ 11 classical lit- clear, khos kho 1i skod cho'i don dog gsol po
eroture gno' bo'i yig rtsom (nawoo y!qts~) bzos song. (qhS"d qhm! q'f.c&& th~to~ s'f!.fpo s.![d-
classify, vo, D. "'.~·.r::t·~· /yewo che/ , The so)
people were clossfied into three classes, mi clearly "t\~Q.l·~ (.@,~') /s'f!.'f!.po (chE_t)/ 11 Sonom
dmongs tsho grol rim gsum lo dbye bo phye po didn 1 t explain clea7ly, bsod noms kyis 'grel
red, (m!ma~tsho ~h~rim sOmla yewo chepore~) bshod gsol po brgyob mo song, (sonomqil }eesh&c
classless ~~-~~-~~c..t.· /~h!!,rim lllf!~po/ 11 s'f!.'f!.po k2_pmosoon)
classless society grol rim med po'i spyi tshogs clear out, iso, smoke/smell, vi, C. ~~~~·

(~h!!rim m!~P&& citsbb) /;,an/ 11 The smell didn't clear out of the room
classmate ift·~"t\~' /lap~o?>/ quickly, khong po 1 i nang gi dri mo mgyogs po
classroom ~1::1. ·~~· /lopqhoon/ bsongs mo song. (qhar')p&& n,2r')qi ~h!ma k_2qo sa?.-
clavicle, med, ~-~~· /"t-,2qruU/ mosOr'))
claw, 1, n. ~::c.·~ /t!rmo/ 2. vo. ~~~-~~~· cleave, vo. A. 4\""\.!!:1\~' /she~/
/t!rsh&c k2_p/ 11 The leopard clawed me, gzig cleaver, Chinese style ~~ /tsh'f!.ftoo/ [Syn,
gis ngo lo sder shes brgyob byung, (s_!lqil ~ tshol gri]
tersh&c kapcu) [Syn, sbor brad brgyob) cleft palate ~~ /sh~pto/ [Syn. kho sho]
cloy ~~0-l '.:{' /c_!mpa/ clemency, 1. n, ~~·V-~;c:.~· /neeyo?./ 2, give
cloy (earthenware) pot/vessel ~-~ /ts,2qo/ clemency, vo. -- ~'<je:.' 1-:-taan/
clean, 1, "11 ~· ~ • /ts(Jr')mo/ , The office is clench, 1. fist, vo, C, ~..._-~,4:\~~· /m~r-
clean. los khungs gtsong mo red, (l~qu~ tsor')- tso?> q~/ 2, teeth, vo, D, ~.:~;\'"\~~~·
mo r!~l 11 How clean is that hotel? mgron khong /so~o "t_!_q/
de gtsong los 'dug? ("t~nqoonte tsar')lod t~6J 2, clergyman, Christian ~~~·'9:1'""'' /y!shu'tl ~h,2po/
vo, C. -- .<=:~.~~· 1--s"!s! 11 Sonom cleaned the clerk, see: secretory
office, bsod noms kyis los khungs gtsong mo clever ~f·~ /car')qo/ , .Sonom is very clever,
bzos song. (sonomqil l~qu~ tsar')mo s_21iso) 3, bsod noms spyong po zhe drag 'dug, (sonom car')qo
iso, swejap and dust, see: sweep and dust 4, sh!}o~ t~t)
iso. clean out o tub/pipe/chimney, vo. C, ~¥!~' client (business) ~~~~· /tshor')Sho~/ 11 Sonom
/sha?./ 5. iso. clean by wiping,· see: wipe has many clients. bsod noms lo tshong shag mong
6. iso, clean by dusting, see: dust po 'dug, (sonomlo tshor')Sho~ m2_r:1qu t~t)
clean copy, 1. n, ~~·~~~· /ts§r')ShW/ 2. clientele, sm. client
prepare clean copy 1 vo, --· "''.~~ • /--k2_p/ climate ~~lal.·~~~· /n~mshil/ 11 The climate is
cleanse (sins) 1 vo, A. ~"'\'"-\'~'<9"'\.:t\t' /t_!qpa good here, 1 di bar gnom gshis yog po 1 dug,
sha~/ (t_2poo n~shil y,2qo t~t)
cleanup, neo, polit, 1. n. <f\.:O'l::.·.q~.:(.' /tsar')- climb, vo, A, ~~· ItS£~/ 11 Sonom climbed
72 climbing plant

the mountain. bsod noms kyis ri la 'dzegs song. close fisted, sea: stingy
(sonaffiqil rll~ t~aso) closely, 1. iso, associate together closely a-!"<,>'6.!.'
climbing plant P-%,$'t c.· lt-hishir)/ ~·'<I~ "'l.~ ·~~· /n~mtM shipnc/ 11 They worked
clinch (a deal), va. A. /thea c'l!-c/ together closely. kho tsho mnyom du gshibs nos
cling, 1. iso. hug, see: hug 2. iso. hold on to, los ko byos pa red. (qhantso namtoo shipnc 1~­
sea: hold qa chccp~re~) 2, iso, carefully '&."'1.'&"4:\~-.;r-~~·
/mcncb15qaan/ /sh_!p tshaqocc/ 11 He watched them closely.
clip, 1. va., see: cut 2. i, n, iso. paper clip khos kho tsor zhib tshags po byas bltos po red,
~~-~~· /qhapquu/ ii, iso. clip together with (qh~ qhonts-;;-;; sh!P tshoqocc tccporee) [Syn. do
popar clip, va. -- ~€b"l' /--k2_p/ snang chen po byas]
clique V\""<\' 0."'\' /sh:5:5qaa/ , ruling clique 1 go closer, 1. -"l~~'C\' /th5a nE_C/ 11 This is closer
'khrid shog khag (q!!thil sh:5:5qaa) [Syn. c, than that, 1 di de los thag nye bo 'dug. (tl
tshogs khag] thalc& thea nE_cl 2. iso. become closer, vi.
clitoris, med. a·~· /ch;:.le/ /thea chin/ 11 They become
cloak, usu. religious ~x.: /ph::..r/ closer. kho tsho thag nye ru ph yin shag,
clock a;, • ~ /chutshl:il5/ , electric clock glog (qhontso thea ~ru chinshaa) 3. iso. make/move
~ '
'gul chu tshod (l~~nquU chutshoo) closer, va. .sd".'\.·~·~q'91:::..' /thoa n~ru t55n/ ,
clockwise C9..._c.·~· /n;:.r)q-:;-:;f 11 Go clockwise, I will move (my residence) closer to school,
nang bskor la rgyugs. (n;:.nq-;;-;;la kuu) [Syn, nga (sdod sa) slob grwa dang thag nye ru gtong
g,yas bskor] gi yin. (rJ;:. tb~a lopt-a to thea n~ru tur)qiyin)
clog, vi. see: blocked closer and closer ~<t\,~-~~'2i,' /thea ii~ro ii~ro/
close, 1. va. /q2_ k2_p/ 11 Sonam , Sonam came closer and closer. bsod noms thag
closes the store at 6 o'clock, bsod noms kyis n ye ru nye ru yang pa red. (sonam thea nero
tshong khang chu tshod drug par sgo rgyag gi ii~ro y;:.nparee)
1 dug, (s5namqil tshor)qaan chUtshW 1-h.!;!qp~~ q2_ closing, iso. final, nao, .o:~:q~,"'\'"'l.~'d.l~' /c':::_q-
k~~qil) 2. iso, shut box/drawer, va. (_A't;t~q,· tom/ 11 closing ceremony mjug bsdoms mdzad sgo
/qh5 k2_p/ 11 He closed the box, khos sgom kho (c':::_qtorn tsecqo) [Syn. mjug bsdu]
brgyob song, (qhod q;:.m qh5 k2_psul 3. iso. shut clot, iso, blood vi. A. ~""--~""- /thea chcc/ 11
window/door, va. t:!..~<:l.' /k2_p/ 11 He closed the The blood will clot if you press here. 1 dir
door. khos sgo brgyob song, ( qhod q2_ k2_psu ) bsnan no khrag chad kyi red. (tee leemna thoa
4. iso. eyes, va, c. q~~· /tsurn/ · 11 He ch'l!-cqiree)
closed his eyes. ....., btsums song,
khos mig (qh"oo:-.

mil tsurnsu) 5. iso. flowers closing, vi, C, ('l:\' cloth wrapper, used in Tibet ~"<\-~0-.l.' /p~t.ii/
~~• /qh5 S':::_m/ 11 The flower closes at night. corduroy ~~·~· /sh'Orm~/

me tog 1 di dgong mo kha zum gyi 'dug, (~b~ti cotton cloth ~· /rc&/
qoor)od qh5 sumqil) 6. iso. close on umbrella, raw silk cloth Q..~·..::.:.~· /p':::_rcc/
v-:: D. ~~Q.~' /tip/ 7. iso. close to. ~"<\' woolen cloth, Tibetan ~~·~ /narnpu/
~-,?f.- /th5a n~po/ 11 The book store is close to woolen cloth, western -;;a;x::.·a.s.· /thermo/
the restaurant. dab tshong khong de za khong clothe, l. iso, dress others, va, A, ~~\·i['~·
dang thog nya po red, (th::..p tshor)qaon te s;:.qaon ~~¢1~·/thuqlob y:5~/ 11 The mother clothed the
to thea n~po r~~) a. iso. close friends (9-~ child. a mas phru gur dug slog g. yogs song.
/n::..po/ 11 Those two ora close. kho gnyis nye (5mce puqM th':::.qlob y:5~so) 2. iso. dress
po red. (qhunil n::..po re~) oneself, va. D. '\"<\'~'~oO\' /th':::_qlob qh~/ 11 I
coconut 73

clothed myself, ngas dug slog gon po yin; (I')_£C coal industry ')(:~~·~'f.'01w /t9_s!:i'o s2_l&c/
th~ql6~ qh~npoyin) coal mine l('~Ol'"'\~:S:.'{ll.' /t~!:i'd Uirqa/
clothes \¢t'if'¢t' ; h. ~~·.::t-'I.C\' /th~ql6b; h. nom- cool oil, see: kerosine
sa/ coo! pit ~~o.1.·*"~l:..' /t;:;!:i'o qi5quun/
children s clothes1 /puquu cool seam ~~·~"'\~'~l!-:1.· /tosb"d ch~qrim/
th~ql6b/ mine coal, va, D. (~o.:~.·.::t'f'"'· /t~!:i'd t88n/
everyday clothes ~~X,ct_·~.:r\'~<:t\· /ngnrM th~q- coalesce, see: unite
loO/ [Syn. rgyun chas; rgyun gos] coalition, see: alliance
dressy clothes 4\=-'!.z::t.'if~· /s.!:!p~!:i'd/ coalition government &l.'9~'0::S..Ol.'~C:..'""\~c;.·
men's clothes ~o;~· /phOc:h&t/ /n~mtee siishuun/
women's clothes ~Q;,~' /m9_chc&/ coarse, 1 • iso, anything woven ~~-.;:{? /tsupu/ 11
cloud ~~~· /~Impa/ This cotton is coarse, res "'di rtsub po red,
cloudy, 1. iso. completely clouded over, vi, D. (r_£t t_! tsupu r2,~l [Ant, 'jam po]. 2, iso,
(l.:s~,c::!."N' /thip/ 11 It's cloudy today, de ring having large particles ~R·~· /hr!:sphro?>/
gnam 'thibs shag, (th_!riin nom thipsh~) 2. 11 This sugar is coarse. bye rna ka ra 1 di hrob.
iso, partially cloudy Cl,~l:\.~'0..~~~· /th~pi hrob red. ( qora t_! hr2_phro?> r2,~) [Ant.
thipi/ zhib zhib] 3, iso, talk, iso, dirty language
clove~-~· /l_!shi/ ?1\"\.'oo'c::l.~"t\'10.:1.' /ql!ca ts!:sqpo/
cloven hoof 5:s."':\'~=.:t.•(Z:l'!::\"'\' /miqpa qhoprao/ coast 'I);!.~Q..'!q ~· /tshi5n~am/
club, 1. iso. cudgel, i. n. -;q~~"t\' /ph2,rku~/ coastal 'e.t~el:Jc:;,' /tshOkuU/
ii, va. C. --~~~·/--sh,!!'~/ 2. iso, on asso- C?CJt, 1. -~· /q3r I 2, iso, traditional Tibetan
ciation ~"\~""\' /kitu~/ [Syn, spro skyid .cloak/dress ~·c.s• /chupa/ 3, iso, animals'
khang] 3, iso. cord suit ~<:~.!.~~· /srpsil/ coot (excluding sheep) "i:l'
...., /pu/ 11 The yak has
clue ~~~· /teo/ 11 They haven't found any clues a thick coat. g. yag la spu mthug po 1 dug,
as to who is the murderer. kho tshos mi gsod (yoola pu thOpu t!;!~l 4. iso, sheep's coot ~G..''
mkhon su yin pa 1 i rtags gang yang brnyes mi /ph££/
'dug, (qh5nts!:i'd m_! s881')&&n su y_!mpr;r; tao qh££ coauthor ~1>~'~<1l.O:fo.:t·~·~ /iiomtee tsi5mpapo/
iirl m_!ntuu) [Syn. rtags mtsan; khungs sne] coax, va. A. ~-~~~"'-\¥=\"\ /qho iil!mpo shl!t/ 11
clumsy, see: awkward Because he coaxed her, she went. khos kha snyan
coach, 1. for sports, n, ~-«·~·"\~·~~ po bshad tsang rna phyin pa red, (qh~ qho iil!mo
/l~tsr;r; q!q&&n/ 2. iso, vehicle, see: cart sh~'&tsaan m2. chi~pare~)
coagulate, 1, iso. become thickened, vi, A.~~·~ cobbler %~·q'f.'l::l: /homso?>/
'ab<ll~· /q22po chao/ 2, iso, blood, see: clot cobra ~""\-~Ol.'o!!-:1.~~""-· /th~qtUU q2_lee/
3. see: curdle 4, iso, o hot liquid cooling and cobweb ~~·~..,. 1 · /t2_mtaa/
congealing, vi. C, ~t~~· /khi?)/ 11 The melted cock, 1. see: rooster 2, see: penis
butter coagulated in the cup. mar khu dkar yol cock-a-doodle-doc >f\".:~~·.Tf\"'\ /qSo,ooq~/
nang la 1 khyings shag, (m~qu q~yUU naanla cockeyed, see: cross-eyed
khinshaal cockroach ~"&· Q..Cl..
-.,• /shi5mpu/
coal ~~<>.\' /t9_s!:i'o/ cockscomb ~1t~· ~~c:t~~~· /ch2_tee q2_tsu~/
anthracite (hard) coal cocktail party, neo, c,, 1. n, ~.:;·i'"s.:
sb() ~hoqo/ /chol')t!:i'on/ 2, throw a cocktail party, va.
bituminous (soft) coal ~\)G::' /--tcon/
s'3pso~/ coconut "?!:X''?' /ph!:!ta/
74 coconut oil

coconut oil ~:.:..·..,"a..·~e;u· /ph2_rtcc num/ seqmo/

coconut tree ~~·'9~c;.· /pherta shi'l)/ coke oven, nao, c. :(:'~<>..!.·~~·.sot~.•
cocoon ~%~c::t.~· /p!::_Shup/ [Syn. srin gong] seqthap/
code, 1. iso, legal ~~~·~«\~· /~hi'mlut/ ~ colander i!iJ"rrr.' /tshoa/
·Each country has a legal- code. lung po re lo cold, 1 • iso. temperature g:rc:.·w /~hf!IJU/ ~ This
khrims lugs re yod po red, (l~l)pa r!lo ~hi'mluu water is cold, chu 1 di grong mo red, (chuti
re y,2_?>ra~) 2, iso, secret code ~~c:.·~<f\~· ~hf!IJU r!e) 2. iso, on illness, i, n, <10~~-l:.l.'

/siSI)toa/ ~ The army has a new code, dmag mi ; h, QJ.~<'Xl.·a;,~~· /chompo; h. q}!ncom/ ii, vi.
tshor gsong rtogs gsar po zhig yod po red, -- t:;t~q· j h, ~'61..: /--kf!Pi h, kBSn/ ~I hove o
(maamitshbO sBI)toa soopaci y,2_?>ree) cold. ngo chams po brgyab shag, (IJ~ chCimpo
coeducational, neo, c;r-~~'9~·c::t..~~· /phomo k_:pshoa) 3, iso. feel cold, vi, A. ~~«\~·
ii5msee/ ~ Is this a coeducational school? 1 di /kh5a/ ~ I feel cold, ngo 1 khyog gi 1 dug. (IJ~
pho mo mnyam bsres kyi slob grwo red pas? (t! kh~aqil)
ph5mo iiamsaeqi lop~o r!pcc) cold storage, neo, :SlC::.'<JJ."tf".· /~hol)tsb't>/
coerce I vo. B. ~~CI..\' /qfJfi/ ~ They coerced me cold war 1 neo, t;!:).C:..'".llll~~ /~h~l)moa/
to do form work, kho tshos ngo lo zhing los cold wove SJC::.'~:(.·~~~ /~h~l)ar chempo/
bskul byung. (qhontshoB IJ.!:2 sh!l)lc& qOOcu) [Syn. neo, c. grong rgyun]
[Syn. (vb, inf.) ru bcug] colic, 1. n. ~"t\~~· /k';!.ser/ 2, get colic 1
coexistence, neo, polit, aJ'9ll.l'"\~~· /iiamncc/ vi. ~@...~' /--k_:p/
~ peaceful coexistence zhi bde mnyam gnas collaborate, 1, see: cooperate 2, iso, collabo-
(sh_!te i'lamncc) rate with the enemy ,;;~~'Q..f.¢\·~Q..~.·~~· /I)E.,mpo
coffee, neo; c, ~·'i;a• /qhcpe/ [Syn, ja kob pi; l~l)~ee ch£&1 ~ He collaborated with the enemy,
1 tshig jo] khos dgro dong ngon po log 1 brel byos shag,
coffin X.~~· /roqam/
...... ~~to IJE.,mpo l~l)~ee ch£~Shoo)
(qhol:l ~ .
cog a~.:.:.·~~ /qholb'C::I so/ collapse, 1. for roofs, vi. D. '<:!:~~· /t!p/ ~
cogent, 1. sea: clear 2. see: affective The roof collapsed. thog brdibs shag. ( th3~
cogitate, vi,, sea: think t_!pshoa) 2, for houses, walls, iso, collapse
cognition ~~·~· /sheepo/ [Syn. rnom rtog] totally 1 vi. B, o.@.Oo.l' /k!;!/ ~ The wall
coil 1 1 • vo. A. "'-~~' /~!l/ ~ He coiled the collapsed. gyong 'gyel shag, (kh.!:2n k!!shoa)
·rope around the tree, khos thog pa shing lo 3, for walls, houses, iso, collapse partially,
dkris shag. (qhS"d thcqpo shii)la ~ilshaa) 2, vi, A,~~~· /sh!l/ ~ The house has collapsed,
gat <;:oiled, vi, B. Q.~at· /~h!i'/ 11 The rope khang po zhigs shag. (qhcl)po sh_!lshoa)
got coiled around the tree, thog pa shing lo collar, 1, l:fi·~=:~· /qh:!Jo/ [Syn. bor, c. ling
'khril shag. (thcqpo shi'l)la ~hiishoa) tse] 2, dog's collar ~~·~·~· /khii' qeq:>:>/
coin ~·5f"' /q22mo/ ~ These days; ore there [Syn. khyi'i rngo sgor]
coins in Tibet? dang song bod lo sgor mo yod pa collarbone :ef\c:.· ~.N..· /qhol)ruU/
red pas? ( th!I)Soon ph~l:llo q22mo Y,2.=>r!pcc)
. .. collate, iso. arrange in sequence, vo. D. ~~·
coincidentally 1 meet, vi, (tl.'~"'\'ll.@,l::l' /qhatut 9:\~~·t~.%~~· /sh3q~on t_!q/ ~ He collated the
k2fJ/ ~ We mat coincidentally yesterday at the pages, khos shog grongs bsgrigs song.
market. ngo tsho kho so khrom lo kho thug sh3qton t_!qsu)
brgyob byung. (IJ.!:!ntso qh~~so ~h5mlo qhatuu collateral 1 1 , fin. i. n, "'1\"?Cl.'~· /temo/ ii.
k_:pcu) leave as collateral, vo, A.-- .<3.0\"1\' /--sh~a/
coke, iso, fuel, nao, c, ~ He left his watch as collateral, khos chu
color blind 75

tshod gta' mar bzhag shag, (qh~d chotsh~ temaa /iiantM/ 11 We worked collectively (jointly),
sh~~sha~) nga tsho mnyam du las ka byas pa yin. (l')~ntso

colleague <">:1~'-'T\'~~~·~·~.;:~~~· /leeqa ii~mtM ii~mt66 l££qa ch£Cpayin) [Syn. thun mong nos]
Ch_!l')een/ collectivize, va. D. 51<!'1.:~'~0\,'<\'~~~- /thtimol')
..... \) ~

collect, 1. iso. loan, tax 1 donation, etc,, va. C. cr!E!ntu k':!.r/ 11 The government collectivized the
"'~.~~- /t!§l/ 11 He collected donations for the farms. gzhung gis sa zhing thun mong can du
monastery. khos dgon pa'i don dog la zhal· •debs bsgyur pa red. (sh,!!?Jc!il sashil') th0mol') c&ntu
bsdus pa red, (qh~d q~mpee th~taola sh_£nte~ k,!!rpare~)
t_!!'iipare~) 2. iso, pick up off the ground, e.g. college 1 1. iso. school for higher learning~-~·

firewood, va. A• .~::!~"'\~' /t,':!.u/ 11 He went to ~~~ /H!pt,a chemo/ 2. iso, unit within a
collect firewood. kho me shing sgrug par phyin university ~%~'<9-l~·~· /thari~ lopt,a/ 3.
son~. (qho m~shiin t,uuqao chi?!su) 3, iso, iso, monastic "college 11 -5!] -~ c;. • /t,h::.tsaan/
bring together, va. c. ~"'t'~c:::J.'"''.if"~· /r':!.ruu collide; vi. D• .q ~~~· /t2_p/ 11 The two cars
s'2:d/ 11 He collected the students• exams, khos collided, mo t,a gnyis brdabs pa red, (m~t,a nrr
slob grwa ba tsho'i yig tshad rub rub bzos shag, t2_pare~)
(qh~d lopt,aotsoo y~qtsec r':!.rut s!!dshao) 4. iso. colloquial (language) 1 1 • n. "'lc::t>'?t'l.-" /phr!fqec/
collect grass/hay, va, C, ~~~· /l')E!C/ 5, 2. speak in colloquial language 1 va, A.
iso, collect (religious) merit, va. A, ...:~.~ct)~' ":t¥\C..' /shr!c/ 3. write colloquially, va. c.
/sa~/ 11 One should always (try to) collect "<~Ol'~"-'~~·/phffqec !h~l/
merit. go dus yin na 1 i dge ba gsag dgos red, colloqu!um, see: meeting
(qh2_tllll y~nee q~wa saOqore~) 6. iso. people callosal, see: gigantic
assemble together 1 vi, C, c:t~· /ts;:_~/ 11 colon 1 med. /k~mao chempo/ [Syn.
The students collected in the restaurant, ·slob long go]
grwa ba tsho za khang la 1 dzans pa red, colonial 1 poli t. /m~see
(lapt,aotso s~qaanla ts~pare~) piiyUU/ 11 colonial rule mi ser spel yul gyi
collection ~~·~q· /ch3qtep/ 11 They pub- dbang sgyur (m~see piiyUUqi wOI')kuu)
lished a collection of poems, kho tshos snyan colonialism, polit. ~-~~-~Q..l.·~o..t.·~c::..·~4\-"'\'
ngag phyogs sdeb cig dpar skrun byas shag. /m~see piiyUU r~l')luu/
(qhontsod iir!l')ao ch::Sqtep ci pert,UUn ch£Cshao) colonize, polit, 1. va. C. ~-~x.:~o..t.·~~·kl.'&"~·
collective, neo, polit, c, £!~~- /ththol')/ [Syn, /m~see piiyUU s2_Y,f [Syn. mi ser spel yul la
mnyam sdeb] bsgyur] 2, become colonial! zed 1 vi. A, ~-~x:
collective agreement &,~~-~.:R'&~~.: /ththol') ~Q.(·~~·as<l'\~· /m~see piiyUU choa/ [Syn. mi
t,h~thUUn/ ser spel yul la 'gyur]
collective farm %a:~·~c.·..:._· /ththol') sh~l')ra/ colony 1 1. polit. ~-~~-~~-~~~·~c::..·~·/m~see
[Syn. neo. c. thun mong gi zhing grong] prryuu qi l':!.l')pa/ 2. iso, group of similar
collective farmer ~<a.:~·~c.·c..t.· /thl:lmol') sh~l')pa/ people (e.g. by language or work) ~-~· /m~te/
collective leadership ~~-~-n.~~c;,· /th!lnol') q~t,­ 11 a colony of writers rtsom pa po'i mi sde
hil/ ( tsempapoo m~te)

~"'-J£2.-~·o.-g-·.q· /thflnol')qi tshowa/ l:l.l.~\'"'\E:~ /cuqc~/

collective life
collective point of view ~;;,.:_~·'9·~-~~·
color ~~-"1\~'
11 What color is this?
/thDmol')qi tatshUU/ 1 di tshos gzhi go re red? (ti tshDnshi qh~re
collectively [Note: In normal conversation this reel [Syn. tshos mdog; tshon mdog; mdag]
is expressed by mnyam du together,] <>t"'l~·~ color blind ~~- /tsh8Snlol')/
76 colored races

colored races t>t.~''!>"'\~'~'l\-"'\' /t2,qc&&n m.!_ril/ (together) plus a verb such as yod (exists/is).]
[Syn. mi rigs nag po dang ser po] combined positions/jobs "'l"},"i'~~~· /c!qc6b/
color film ~~-~~-~"'-·~· /pir)ShM tsh8nt,a/ 1f combined interpreter and secretory skod sgyur
colt ~~ /trwuu/ [Syn. rti ki] dong drung yig gcig !cogs (q~fkuuta t.h;;!r:Jyil
column, 1. iso. a pillar holding up a ceiling li\'10.' crqcoAl
/qar:J/ 1! How many columns does the house have? combine harvester, neo, 1;\~·~~0.~Cl.l.·a.~~- /l')atu
khang po der ko bo go tshod yod po red? thOOqM/ [Syn. neo, c, brngo bsdu mnyam •brei
(qhor:Jpat&& qoo qh!tshcc Y2.~r&c) 2. iso. of a 'phrul 1 khor]
c.-.. ,....._
page/newspaper ~c.· /III')/
- "::'.."'>. ..,......, ~
combustible ~-'9~"-'-J.""~"'"'\.!:.~'Z..\'
comb, 1. n, ~<1:\~~· ; h. "'-~~~· . /k~qshcc; h. 1')88po/
Oshcc/ 2. comb hair, va. --«~,~· /--k!!_p/ come, 1. Ulc.· ; h, t::3c::t...l:'-\' /y2_~; h, ph~/ 1! He
combat, 1. iso. physical fighting, va, C, ~~~; come here, kho 1 dir yang song, (qho tE,£ Y2.~so)
/ts.!_Q/ 1! They engaged in much combat in the 2·. imp. ~"'\' h, ~q_~· /sh:S~; h, phe~/ 1!
war. dmag rgyag dus kho tshos zhe drag 1 dzings Come here! (nh,) 'dir shog! (t££ sh:S~)
po red, (me~ k~tuU qh~ntsb~ sh!too ts.!,~pare~) come about, vi. ~~::.· /ch':!;!n/ 1! Many reforms
2. iso, oppose, va. tt-',;('o.J.·~· /l')~bo chE_c/ hove come about in Tibet, bod lo bcos sgyur
1! We have to combat colonialism, nga tshos mi mong po byung po red, ( ph~lo cOOkuu lll!!.r:Jqu
ser spel yul ring lugs lo ngo rgol byed dgos ch':!;!nparee )
red, come bock, va. c. O<f"<l'\·o:f'c:.·
ch!qore~) 3. hand to hand combat, i. n, =~· /12,~ Y2.~l h. 12,~ phee/ 1f He come back from
1-t~.~:-~·/l!I'Jtsi~/ ii, va. --<:\'?C.' /--teen/ Lhasa. kho lho so nos log yong po red. (qho
combatant q;Q~·a.~~·'"'l..· /thamtsi"Qpa/ lhffsanc 12,~ y~pare~)
combat za1e et_SQ~ ·~· /moqso/ comeback, to make a, vo, 1. polite ~.:=:..·'.§:''~"-·

combination, 1, iso, intentionally combined «1.~~­ /korlan chE_c/ 2. pejorative ~~~·q~~­

~- /te~po/ 1! This is o combination of flour /r2_lan k!PI
and water. 1 di gro zhib dong chu bsres pa zhig comedian, neo,
red, (t.!_ th~hilta cht:i te~poci r!~l 2. iso. thaml')c&n/
unintentionally combined a.~~·e.t• /t!epo/ 1! comedy G.~~·«~.~"'·~.;:f /tffnshil tshopo/
It is a c·ountry with o combination of people of 1f They ore showing a comedy film, kho tshos
many national! ties, 1 di mi rigs mong po 1 dres glog brnyon bston bshig tsho po zhig ston gyi
po 'i lung pa zhig red. ( t.!_ m.!_ril m!!_l')qu t!epcc 'dug. (qh5nts1:S"d l:Srjiccn tffnshil tshopoci
1.9_r:Jpaci r!e) tanqil)
combination lock, neo, /ar:Jtiq come in O.p:...'~ • /y~ sh:S~;
qE_Ca~/ h. Y~ phee/
combine, 1. iso, mix together, va, C • ..q.'~~· come into o state/situation of, va. [gen.] 415\.~~-
/te~/ 1l She combined all the ingredients, mos f&.:>:..' /nfcsu kh2_r/ 11 They come into a state of
rgyu cho tshang mo bsres shag. (m!?:ti k~pca hardship. kho tsho dko' ngal gyi gnos su gyar
tshol')ma te~sha~) 2, iso, consolidate or merge be red. (qh5ntsho q5r:J&&qi nfcsu kh2_rporee)
entities, i. n. "'
a\'~a.~:· /t!!_nt,ii/ ii. va, C, come out, see: appear
-- 1:\.\}C." /--taon/ 1f The two families combined, comet ~"l.'<A~<l'\:'Xc.· /th2,2 C;;!qri~/
· mi tshang gnyis zlo sgr i l btang pa red. come to master, 1, va. A. ~o,.)\<t'\<'4'4~c;/t2.nto~ cfc/
(m.!,tsoan n!!· t!ntii toonparee) [Note: ~any in- 1! He come to master Tibetan philosophy. khos
stances of 1 combine 1 ore expressed by mnyam du bod kyi mtshan nyid la sgro 1 dogs bead po red.
commission 77

(qh::ru ph~dqi tshl:ni'iille t-,£nb~ c&epare~) 2. vi. /th££nso/ 2. va, -- -€,~· /--ch!;_f./ 1! They held
A. if<>-~~ ·;;J;e:.; /t-.9_nt::>~ chsB/ a meeting to commemorate the dead soldiers, kho
comfort, see: console tshos dmag mi shi po dron gso'i tshogs 1 du
comfortable, 1, .q.~i:F /t:_po/ 1! Is this chair tshogs pa red. ( qhentsW maami shipe thE,£nsoo
comfortable? rkub bkyag de bde pa 'dug gas? tshoontu tsh~~paree)
(qupkaate t:_po t~qcc) 2. see: (at) ease commemorative \ .... '~C51.: /thUUt-c:c:n/ 1! commemoro-
comical .q.~«_:'\~"'\'~·c:F /t~~nshil tshopo/ 1! ti ve meeting dus dran gyi tshogs 1 du ( thl!!:!-
His behavior was comical. kho 1 i spyod pa bstan tc:c:nqi tshMntu)
bshig tsha po zhig 1 dug • ( qh88 cSpa t!:l:nshil commence, see: begin
tshopoci t~~) commend, see: praise
comic strip, neo, t:~,~~"<~'t\~-~ /t~fnshil rJ:_mu/ commendable .<J.-<ifc;,:.:.:.·~~-<'i:~·&.l' /t88ro tor)
coming and going, 1. n, ~x.:a.'£:'~·a./Ji7 /phon w!!dpa/ [Syn. bstod bsngags 'os pa'i]
'!.J '""' ~
t,9. tshun t,£1 2. va. -- &" · I --ch£_c/ 1! These commendation, see: praise
days soldiers are coming and going, dang sang commensurate, see: (in) accordance with
dmag mi tsho phar 1gro tshur 1gro byed kyi 1 dug, comment, 1. verbal, see: talk 2. see: commen-
(th:.nsaan ma~itsho phon t~ tshun t,£ ch~qil) tary
command, 1, n, "l'I"\C:..' /qrJ/ 1! This is a command commentary, 1 • n. C~..$a.t'Cl.¥\'\: /teeshcc/ 2, make
from the president, 1 di sr id 1 dzin gyi bko' a commentary, va. -- ~~- /--k~p/

red. (t! siintsiinqi qa r:_e) 2. iso, command, commerce, 1. n. *""C::'<>-l~' /tshor)lc:c/ 1! This year
va. -- "'\<QZ::..' /--tol!m/ 1! The president com- commerce with India decreased. do lo rgya gar
manded, "Do not fight." srid 1 dzin gyis dmag rna dang tshong las nyung du phyin pa red, (th_£lo
rgyog CeS bko I bta ng pa red, ( siintsiinqi mOO k~qaata tshor)lc:c n~r)ru chi~peree) 2. engage in
1112kaas qa taanparee) 3, iso. order and guide commerce, vo. -- ..§_~ • I --ch!:_"tl
(oct as commander) i. n. l:t-'t\0..'"1.~"' commerce office -~.:~=~· ~c:.~· /tshOr)t<fon
/qoqed/ ii. va. /--toon/ 11 He lc:c:quu~/
commanded the troops. khos dmag mi tshor bko 1 commerce representative ~c:.·~·~·.;;f;q_· /tshor)tb"dn
bkod btang pa red, (qh~ maamitSJJ qoqo~ qutshap/
toBnpar~e) [Syn. bkod 1 doms byos] commercial, see: commerce
commandeer, see: take by force commercial charge d 'offaires dlf~·~ <:>-l:~·r <;6'Q..'
commander, 1. iso, military, i, n. /tshor)tb"dn 1E,£tshep/
/moqpoon/ ii, iso, oct as a commander, vo, commercial documents a?c:: ' i\Cl\. :4 <t\,' tt;,• /tshor)tbon
§,:r:::<.·/--ch!;_f./ 2, iso, civil, n, "'.~Q.~~~· yJ:_qca/
~· /q88ntompa/ commercial intercourse ~c::·ct~cq· /tshor)tuu/
commander in chief, 1, n. "'-""-'"t\ -~- /maqci/ -commerical port ~·~~-0 · /tshor)tbon th~qa/
[Syn, nee, bor. c, tsung si ling] 2. act as commiserate, vo. see: console
commander in chief, va, -- ~· /--ch!;_C/ commissar, nee. c, ~~"'~·~· /chapsil uyoon/
....,...._ -..{'-
commander of a thousand ~~-~~~3( /tor)pl:ion/ commissary, 1, see: supply office 2. iso. commu-
commander of one hundred ~@,''\"f'~ nol mess ~'.s!J:J.' /crt hap/
commander of ten 'q..Q'"\_~ /cOpl:ion/ commission, 1. see: order 2. iso. fee ~.:t::·~·
commondism, nee, c. """' -,. ""'
.q_'r\<'<.'CI..-ql:t'AC.:~"<\~· /qompep /ph~rqhe/ 3, iso, responsibility a.I~'0."\1.01.:
r};_r)luu/ /1E£nqc:c:n/ 1! Their commission was to investi-
commando, nee', Q.B=t'q~c:: • "-il.t"'''~ · /c~ptui\ maami/ gate the factory. kho tsho 1 i los 1 gan bzo grwar
commemorate, iso. honor a memory, 1. n. ~~·"'\~ zhib 'jug byed yog de red. (qhontsl:io 1E.£nqc:c:n
78 commit

samshi/ ~ They had no common ground. kho tshor

commit, 1. see: entrust 2. iso. commit to th un mong gi bsam gzhi mi 1 dug. (qhontshoo
memory, va. D,_ ~~-~~ 3. iso. thOmoDqi samshi m};_ntuu)
/m<i~la commonly "'
~'<::1..'9~·~-~- /cirtaan tshoQma/
taon/ 4. iso, commit to a mental asylum, va. A. ~ He is commonly said to be a Lama, spyir btang
~-\"'C.'<»'<:I~~· /iil:lnqaanla cuu/ 5. see: pledge' tshang mas khong la bla rna zer gyi red. (cir-
promise 6, iso. commit suicide, va, .:.:..c:.Qq·"'.~"'.' taan tsh5Dm&c qhoonla lema s};_qire) ~ This word

/r~Qshi k~p/ 7, iso, commit murder, va. A. ~­ is commonly used. tshig 1 di spyir btang tshang
"'l~h..: /m};_ s~c/ 8; iso. commit a crime, va, <\"<\' mas bed spyod byed kyi red, (tshiq ti cirtaan
~~~~· /n~Dnee chEc/ 9, iso. dedicate oneself tshal')!llcc ph~cW ch};_qiree) [Note: also see:
to, va. A. ~at~·.a~'l:l.O"".:' /semta~ ccf./ ~ He usually]
commit ted himself to finish· school. khos slob coomon market 1 neo. /thrlmol')
grwa mtha' skyel yag sems thag bead pa red, tsh_£Dra/
(qh~d lapta tho k~~Y~ s~ta~ c~cparee) common sense "'
"""" /c!rtaan sheeca/
committee, 1. iso. the term used in India ~"'._' commonwealth (country), neo.
~~~- /lh~ntsho~/ 2, iso. the term used in /namthtrun kEE,qhap/
Tibet, neo. c, ~-~-~~(l:lc:.' /Oybon lhcnqhaan/ commotion /s};_Deaan/ ~ There was a
~ The Preparatory Committee for the Autonomous commotion outside. phyi 1 ogs la zing 1 ph yang
Region of Tibet bod rang skyong ljongs gra 'dug. (chil6bla s};_Dehaan t~u)
sgrig u yon lhan khang (ph~d r~Dkon coD th~thil coomunal 1 see: commune
uyoon lhcqhaan) [Note: Technically u yon lhan communalism, neo. c, ...... ""
'\\,t:;.'.::Q_'.J:.:,o;:.'~"l'\.~- /qODhre
khang refers to a coomittee with an office and r};_Dluu/ [Syn. neo, spyi khang ring lugs]
lhan tshogs to a committee without a special of- communalize, 1. va. B. ~-(X>..C.·~·t::\,~.1:_' /ci-
fice,] qhaanla kur/ [Syn. neo. c. kung hre la bsgyur]
committee member ~-"~">t(~·q_· /lhcntshoqpa/ [Syn. 2. vi. B. ~-~~-~-(:t.~-'l:.' /ciqhaanla kur/
neo, c. u yon lhan khang gi tshogs mi; u mi] [Syn. neo. c, kung hre la 'gyur]
commodity -gc:,- ~"'\' /tshoDSo~/ communal labor, 1 • n, ~~~-(,>.!~· /Mmle:C/ 2.
circulation of commodities, neo. c. ~~·1f'~·~~· work communally, va, -- €1.,~- 1--chEcl

OL~.:.:..· /tsh5DSO~ kQnqoo/ communal mess "'

~ ·~.q • /crthap/ [Syn. spyi pa 1 i
commodity economy, neo, c, ~~·5:'~'"'"-\0-li'C::.@;-'C..' za khang]
/tsh5DSo~ p~cncoo/ commune, neo, "'
il'\'Zl.c::.: /ciqhaan/ [Syn. neo. c.
common, 1. iso. shared "'
~· ~· /cipa/ ~ common kung hre]
property spyi pa'i rgyu dngos ( cip&& k~Dl:f~>) ~ commune member, neo, ~·~c.·\f:c.~~· /ciqhaan
common enemy spyi pa'i dgra (cip&& tal ~ com- qhoDmi/ [Syn. neo, c. hre yon]
mon hope spyi pa 1 i re ba ( cipcc rewa) [Syn. communicable, iso, illness (";J,_:f\~·t::!.~i:f.:lq~ t'!..po/
spyi] 2. iso. ordinary '\'_?J~'"--1.' /kOOma/ ~ a ~ This sickness is communicable, na tsha 1 di
common soldier dmag mi dkyus ma (maami kOOma) 'gos bde po red. ( rl£tsa t};_ q_![d t'!..po r'!..e)
3. iso. common view, id. ~.:X:..'"''.'?c:.:~-~*·%'~· coomunication, 1. iso, by letter, i, n. ~"'r~~~­
/cirtaanqi th5Dtshu-u/ /y};_Dtu~/ ii. communicate, va. --~~· /--ch£C/
House of Commons ~~-g-"f\-«'~~·~· /th~tsho~ ~ He communicated about his plan by letter.
w22ma/ [Syn. gros khang 1 og rna] khos kho'i 'char gzhi 1 i skor yig 1 grul byas pa
canmoner ~·"\~~'<J..l:' /mi kOOma/ red.· (qh~ qhl33 chaashii qoo Y};_Dttru Ch£cparee)
~ '-!'-- C\ - "\
common ground ~ ~·d-.l.c:-~ ·~~~·"!"\ ~- /thrlmoD qi 2. iso. by speech, va. A. .<::!.'<'\ '\' /shcc/ 11 He
com·pete 79

conmunciated about his plan, khos kho 1 i char companions. kho rogs po gnyis mnyom du phyin
gzhi 1 i skor bshad pa red, (qhOO qh~ ch~ashii song, (qho r2qpa nir namt66 chi~su)
q~~ sh~cpare~) 3, iso, make comprehend, va. A. .company, 1. neo. bor. c, 'Q,e::.~· /qui')Si/ 11
~<tl(~" /qh_£ta thOO/ 11 Because he doesn't publishing company dpar 1 grem kung si (pCirtem
know Tibetan, we can't communicate, khos bod qlii')Si) [Note: Sometimes bzo gro or tshong
skad me shes tsang nga gnyis go brda 1 phrod thub khong con be used] 2. iso. guest C9I~~;r:-

kyi mi •dug, (qhOO phooqc~ mashentsaan ~nnil h. ~<M~i5\.: /t_!:!mpo; h. qaritooo/

qh_£ta th~d thuuqi m~ntu~) comparoble ~~.>;.·='t\' /t.!:!ryoa/ 11 These two ore not
communique, 1. n. @,"'.'q~'t\~' /khaptoa/ 2. comparable. 1 di gnis bsdur yog mi 'dug, (t!nil
issue a communique, va. -- ~· /--chE_C/ 11 The t_!:!ryoa m!ntu~)
government issued a communique today, gzhung comparative research '\.~"\,.1:.\~;l::.,·"}~·~q_· /c't!'ftur
gis de ring khyab bsgrags shig byos shag, -
n~ms h'1pI "'
(sh~i)qi th!riin khaptoaci chE_tshaa) comp.ore 1 va. B. ~~-"· /t,!:!r/ 11 He compared the
communism, neo. c. ~c·~~~c.·~~~· /qh!;!")t&cn two colors. khos tshos gzhi 1 di gnyis bsdur pa
r~~lu~/ [Syn, neo, dmor po'i r!~lu~] red. (qh~d tshiiDshi t!nil t_!:!rpare~)
communist, neo. c, "'%<:..'~"' /qh.!;!~tccn/ 11 He compartmentalize, see: divide
is a communist, kho gung bran red, (qho qh~l')­ comportment of a train ~·~~·\Gc:.~~·/r1:,lii qha~mil/
tccn r!~) 11 Russia is a conmunist country. u compass, 1. iso. instrument for telling direction
ru su gung bran lung pa red, (i:irusu qh!;!")t&cn ~~·~·R~.X.·~ /ch3~to qhorlo/ [Syn. phyogs
l,!:!l')pa r~~) [Syn. dmor pol ston 1 khor lo] 2. iso instrument for making
communist government '\MI.:.;.·i:f~~~· /niiopoo sh,!:!?-!1 circles ~~~·Ot-"-€V'\ /certhil k~qccc/
communist party, neo, c. ~"·~~'9C..' /qh~tccn compassion ~c::.~· /nii')Ce/ 11 He has great
to~/ [Syn. dmor shog] compassion. kho snying rje chen pa zhe drag yod
communist party member, neo, c. ~c:.·s,"'~C!~· pa red. (qho nii')Ce ch&lpo sh!too Y2~re~)
/qh,!:!~tccn tal')mi/ [Syn. dmar shog tshogs mil compassionate 1 see: compassion
Communist Party of Chino, neo. c, ~~-~~c..·~~· compatible ~~a:_'if"" /thtlmpu/ 11 They ore very
'9C::.' /tul')qo qh~I'Jtccn ton/ [Syn. rgyo nag dmar compatible. kho tsho mthun po zhe drag 1 dug,
shog] (qhontso thOmpu sh!too t.!:!~)
~ ~"" compel, vo. A. t:t~·r:::._qc::.·§~· [vb. inf,] ~
communist society, neo, c, ~<:::~~.::.·~~~·~·~·

~~· /qh~tccn r!~lu~qi citshb6/ [Syn. dmar ~~r /ts~'€nwoon chE_c ... [vb. inf,] r~cu"t.i/ 11
po'i spyi tshogs] They compelled him to do agricultural work, kho
community ~·~· /m!te/ 11 In Lhasa there is a tshos kho lo btson dbong byos zhing los byed du
community· of Nepalese. lha sa i 1 nang lo .bol bcug pa red. ( qhonts~ qh33 ts~~nwoon chE_C
po'i mi sde zhig yod pa red, (lh~~scc noonlo sh!~lcc ch!ru cO~pare~)

pccpbo m!teci Y2~re~) compensate 1 see: compensation

commute a sentence 1 vo. 0~ 'C!O" a.:;..:;· ~"l '<)C..' compensation, iso. making up for, 1. n. ~lsl..'«t\.:N.o::l'

/neecc& y~nru taon/ /qhtrunsap/ 2. iso. compensate 1 vo, A. -- ~ e::_:

compact, 1. for soil 1 adj. ~~~~·~ /thoqo/ 11 I --t'€&/ 11 The government compensated all the
compact soil so gzhi mkhregs pa (s~shi thoqo) workers. gzhung gis bzo pa tshong mar gun gsob
2. for buildings, towns, etc., adj. ~4·~e1.· /r,!:!P-
ru~/ 11 a compact village grong gseb rub rub
sprod pa red.
-. -
(shui)qi sopa tshal')moo qhUUnsap
3. iso. receive compensation, va. C,
( th.£')Se~ r.!:!pru~) 3. see: agreement -- l!Ac..~ · /la~/
companion ~~·~· /r2qpa/ 11 He went with two compete, vo,
80 competent

~ They competed for power, kho tshos dbang dO"'t\~·~~- /choqtan/

shugs 'gran bsdur byas pa red, (qh5ntsb~ compost ~· /l':f;l
w~QShut }£ntuu ch£~pare~) compound, 1. n, ~ This is a
competent, see: capable compound of sugar "and salt. 'di tshwa dang bye
competition ~~~":~.~~· l"t£ntuu/ me ka ra 'dres ma zhig red, (t.!_ tshcto ch!"la
competitiveness ~S\0\;:~~-N.· /i,!?£nseill/ qora t~moci r2_e) 2. iso, make a compound, va,
compile, va, C, ~-~<t\'@,~· /tsam}il chE_~/ C. ~~· /tee/ 3, iso, compound medicine,
~ He compiled a dictionary. khos tshig mdzod va. ~~w·~· /ml:nc:>:> ch&~/ 4. iso,
cig rtsom sgrig byas pa red, (qh~ tshiQtsb1ki compound word ~~·~t:~.· /cMtup/ ~ "Air-
ts5m'til chE_~pare~) [Syn, phyogs sgrig byas] plane," is a compound word. gnam gru zer be 'i
complain, va. ·A. ~"''\Zl\'~'~~ /'ii3qta shl!C/ ~ tshig de rjes sgrub red, (n~tu s!ya~qi tshiqti
He always complains about his job, khos kho cM-t.up r.!:_e)
rang gi la ka'i skor la rtag par rnyog dra shod compounder, see: pharmacist
kyi 'dug. (qh~ q~r&& 1E_£q&& q35la toqpaa 'iioq}a comprador, neo, c. ~!'l.:.'o<:~..)~·~G;.·~· /chirtMn
shOOqil) [Note: This literally means 'causes tshOr)pa/
troubie, '] comprehend, see: understand
complaint ~"'t\' ~.' comprehensive, 1. iso. broad ~~·~~· /y2.Qkap/
complaisant, see: agreeable ~ a comprehensive plan yongs khyab 'char gzhi
complete, 1, iso. having all parts .x,·~· (y2.Dkap ch~ashi) 2. iso, profound knowledge
/chotshaQ/ ~ He has a complete set of "t\~c:..·~c:!,',:r:- · /UQ s2_pu/ ~ He has comprehensive
newspapers, khc:. la gsar shog cha tshang zhig knowledge of philosophy, kho la mtshad nyid
'dug. (qh35 sorsh:>~ chotshaQCi t!!t) ~ a skor gyi yon tan gting zab po yod pa red, (qh55
complete victory rgyal kha cha tshang (k_££qa tshfnil q55 qi y~nt&cn tin s2_pu y~~ree) [Syn,
chotshaQ) 2. iso, finish, va, B, <Stx..• ; h,.§b"' gting zab]
/tshco; h, th~p/ ~ He completed the work compress, va. B. ~~: /tsir/ 11 They compressed
yesterday, kho 'i las ka kha sa tshar pa red, the cotton into a box, kho tshos sgam nang la
(qh3B l££qa qhl!fsa tshooparee) sprin bal btsir byas blugs pa red, (qhontsb~
completely ~-".:~' /p£te/ ~ The work is complete- q~m n~nla timp&& tsircc& lytparee)
ly finished. las ka rbad de tshar song, (lE_£qa comprise, see: includes
P£te tshcoso) compromise, va, q_~~··@.~· /"t.!_qthap ch£~/ ~
complex, see: complicated They compromised and agreed to work, kho tsho
complexion '1"\'~e:.,.~· /shonto?)/ [Syn. sha mdog] phon tshun 'grigs thabs byas nos las ka byed yag
compliance, see: accordance la mos mthun byung pa red, (qhontso phl!ntshUUn
complicate, iso, make difficulties, va, C, t-.!_qthap ch&~n& 1E_£qa ch!ya~la m!:idthUUn
- '
~-~1\~· I q~oo ';
s~d ch!!!;!nparee)
complicated ~~~·~ /q2_ n3qo/ ~ a compli- corrpulsory C('~· <l..~~· /w.2!;!nq&&n/
cated plan 'char gzhi mgo rnyog po zhig (cha~­ compulsory education (t"~·~~ifi·"'i.~ /w~nq&&n
shi C!2. n5qoci) lopso/
complimentary, see: gift compulsory labor ~~'Q.<f\Q(&:.G\.1:~'
comply, see: agree D&&tsb"c!/
component 1 see: part compute, see: calculate
composer ~·~~0\' /ts5mQ&&n/ computer, neo, ~-~~· ~~oo ·~~· /tsiiril
composition, 1. see: essay 2. iso, structure thOOch&~/ [Syn, glog rtsis 'phrul chas]
condemn 81

comrade, neo. ~~C5>.: /loth'lt'Un/ II Comrade Mao ch£Csha~) 2. iso, come to a conclusion, vo. C,
blo mthun Ma 1 o (lothUUn M~o) -"!"'-'<=~.~~ /thM cl:c/ 11 He concluded that
con 1 see: swindle Dor je was a spy, khos rdo r je so pa yin par
concave ~c..·Jf\(:_· /qo'()qoon/ thog bead pa red, (qhOO t=.:.ce sapo y.!,mpaa tho~
conceal, see: hide c~cpare~)
concede 1 see : admit conclusion 'e:l!%"t\'~~~· /c~qtrln/
conceited .::c.c..·~~·~a,:i::P /r~l')thoon chempo/ conclusive ~e.·~"'· /le'()me~/ 11 We need
conceive, 1. see: think 2, iso, become pregnant, conclusive proof that he is a spy, ngo tshor
vi. B. ~~;et~::s:.· /piiqu qh33/ kho so pa yin pa 'i ra sprod gleng mad cig dgos
ccncentrate 1 1. iso, thought, va. C. ~"T\'I:..('~~I!q~r kyi 'dug, ('()~ntsoo qho s~ y_!mp&& r~pto'H
/r.!,qpa 1-.!,m/ II He concentrated on his studies. le'()meki q~qil l
khos kho rang gi slob sbyong sgang la rig pa concoct 1 see: made up
bsgrims pa red, (qhBB qhor&& lopcoon q~~lo ccncomitont 1 see: accompany, 3
r~qpa 1-.!,mpare~) 2; iso. bring together in one concord 1 see: agreement
place, vo. C, ~q·~q·A_~~· /r~rut s'2:d/ 11 ccncordonce, see: agreement
They concentrated all the cannons at the bridge, concrete 1 1 • iso. cement mixture '\M.l;..' 0..""~·
kho tshos me sgyogs tshang ma zam pa'i 'khris lo /orntom/ 2. iso, real "\~~·zl:f"""-: /'()88yoB/ 11
rub rub bzos pa red, (qhoontscru lll!rko?> tsho'()ma All concrete things can be seen. dngos yod
s~mp&& 1-hil!a rurut s~dporell) 3. iso. tshang rna mthong gi red. ('()38yo1! tsho'()ma
concentrate effort, vo. B. ~~~"\~'"11~'9~'"~~­ thu'()qire~) 11 We need concrete proof. ngo tshor
/nQ!!shuu c!qtu 1-ii/ 11 They concentrated on dngos yod ra sp~od dgos ·kyi 1 dug, ('()ontsoo
production. kho tshos then skyed kyi thog la 1')38yoo .' )
' r~pto•o' q~qil.
rus shugs gcig tu bsgril pa red, (qh5ntso11 concubine, neo, ~c:..·~·~·t:t~"'l.'"'-1.~~<\"'1!4.' /cho'()Sa
th3nke~qi th!S~la ~shuu c!qtu 1-iipare~) m~kap&& niJmo/ 11 The king had many concubines,
ccncentration comp 1 neo, ~~"\'~"".:\~·..:~::,· rgyol po dar chang sa ma brgyab pa 1 i mna 1 ma
/ciqtuU ts88nro/ [Syn. gcig sdud btson sgor] mang po yad po red, (k&&pot&& cho'()Sa m~kap&&

concept 1 see: i dec nama m~'()qu Y2?,re~)

conception, see: beginning; origin; pregnant concur 1 see: agree
concerning ~:.:.· /q33/ 11 concerning this 'di 'i concurrence 1 see: agreement
skor (t!! q33) 11 concerning W.W. II dmag chen concurrent, isa. same time i,~'"t\~<:t\,'0-:\.'
gnyis po'i skor (moqc&&n ni!p&& q33) c!qla/ 11 concurrent attack by land and air sa
concert Q.~-<'-l'c::t..~~~Q.l·~· /t!:!ntsom rm)sh&t/ gnam gnyis ko nos dus gcig lo tshur rgol byes pa
conch (shell) ~C..'l'\:rq:.;.• /th~'()qao/ red (sanam nrrqaanc thll'~ c!qla tshOrqoo ch£"&-
ccnch bracelet ~e.·if\X.· /th~'()qM/ pare~l
conch horn, 1. n. ~~'"\.'Tl-"' /th~'()qoo/ 2, blow/play a condemn, 1, express disapproval, vo, A. 9-~·ifot..·
conch horn, va, -- ~c:;;.~::..: /--teen/ o!:!.¥\G;: /neeko·on sh~c/ 11 They ccndemned imperi-
conclude, 1. vo. ~~.1:1\'l:l.~~·.g~· /c~qtom chE_c/ alism. kho tshos btsan rgyal ring lugs kyi nyes
11 He concluded the speech with a song. khos skyon bshod pa red, (qhentsoB ts&nk&& r_!'()luuqi
skod cho de gzhos dong chabs cig mjug bsdoms n!!!kb-dn sh~cpare~) 2, iso, sentence to
byos song. ( qhOO q~cote sh£Cta ch~pcil c~qtom punishment, va. ~cn~~'.:t'51<!:.' /1-himne~ taon/
ch£Cso) 'II They concluded the treaty yesterday, 'II He condemned him to death. khos kho srog thog
kho tshos chings yig de kha sa mjug bsdoms byos khrims nyes btong pa red, ( qhOO qho s3qtho?,
shag. (qhentstr'o ch!'()yilte qhl:~so c~qtom 1-h!mne~ toonpare~)
82 condensation

condensation, 1, iso, liquids ~"'-"""'a)' /l't!Jry;hu/ /q~toon ch!Q&&n/

'> ..
2, iso, for books ~~-~~~· /t~rtUU/ confederacy 1 see: alli.ance
condense, 1, for books, va, C. ~tQ::.·"\~~-"1..~~­ confederate, see: allied, united
/t~rtuU s!£d/ [Syn. mdor bsdus] 2, cham., i. confederation, see: alliance
vi. A. ~c::~ ·<>;,·Q.;lt\~' /l't!JJ')Chu chM/ ii. va. confer, see: give
"'> '
conference ~~·~"'\~·
c. -XC::.<N.'d&'t:;~.~~- /lai')Chu soo/ /frh~tsh:>~/ ~ They held a
condensed milk
C'.i: ~~·
/W2_friin/ [Syn, !cogs frin big conference lost year, kho tshos zla rnying
nang la blugs pa'i 'o rna] gros tshogs chen po zhig tshogs · pa red,
condiment ~<3..:.~· /mr!na/ (qhontsb"d t~iin frh~tsh:>~ chempoci tsho~pare~).
condition, 1. iso, situation ~&..~~.:;.~/nr!r!ta~/ ~ [Note: tshogs 1 du is sometimes also used for
What are conditions like in Tibet today? dang 'conference.']
sang bod nang la gnas stangs go 1 dra 'dug? confess, va, ~·~"\·~· /Qooleen ch£&1 ~ He
(thei')Saon ph~d n~nla nl!r!ta~ qh~nfr&~ tM) 2, confessed his crimes, khos rang gi nag nyes
iso, health ~~~~·~&:~...~· /s~qpap/ ~ His ngos len byes pa red. ( qh8"d rE_Qqi n2.qiie~ Qbo-
condition (health) is bad, kho'i gzugs bobs leen ch£Cpare~)
sdug po 'dug. (qh88 s~qpap t~qu t~~l) 3, under confidant ~&;.'"1\«;0t.t~-~- /iiiQtam sh8"osa/ 11
or based on.some event/situation/condition, va. Who is the king's confidant? rgyal po'i snying
B. ~ot.~'~'Q:l'"'~~· /nl!r!tstrula teen/ ~ Under what gtam shod sa su red? (k&&pb"o iiiQtam shl:!Ssa su
conditions will they revolt? gnas tshul go re r&&)
la brten nos kho tshos sger longs ngo rgol byed /niQtam sh&c/
kyi red? (nr!r!tsUU qh2.rela teen& qhontsod q!rla~ 11 He confided in her, khos mo· la snying gtom
Q~bo ch~qir&&) 4. on the condition that [vb.] bshad pa red, (qh~ m~ iiiQtam shr!cparee)
~ /[vb,] 11'f2./ ~ We will go on the condition confidence, see: confident, 1.
that we get freedom. rang dbang byung no QO confident, 1. !so, having confidence, n, and adj.
tsho 'gro gi yin, ~~~· /t!Q/ ~ I am confident I con do it,
fr~qiyin) ~ I will work on the condition that I nga 1 di byed thub yag gi gdengs yod. ( QE, t~

get half of my salary in advance, nga 11 phogs chee thuOyaaqi t!~ y!£dl 11 They are confident
dngul phyed ka sngon la byung no ngas las ka they will succeed. kho tsho lam !hongs yang yag
byed kyi yin. (Q,££ ph~~QUU cheqa Q&&nla chuuna gi gdengs 'dug, (qh5ntso lE,mloo Y2£nyoaqi t!~
Q£C l££qa ch!qiyin) t~t) [Syn. gdengs tshod; blo gdengs] 2. iso,
con.ditional, see: condition, 4 description of a person ~~e;.~·~l::l.· /t!Qthup/
condolence note ~·e:.'"'~CI.l~'~~~~-~- /~Q&&n ~ He is (a) very confident (person), kho mi
s!msoo y~qi/ gdengs thub cig red, (qho m~ t!Qthupci r_!:~)
condom %4\~"'1.~' /liqshup/ confidential G'[~t::.·c:t.· /scQwa/ 11 confidential
condone, see: forgive letter gsong bo 'i yi ge (soQw&& y!qi) 11 This
conduct, 1, iso, behavior ~ 1=..1.' /c'dpa/ ~ His is confidential 1 don 1 t tell others. 1 di gsang
conduct is terrible, kho 1 i_ spyod pa sdug chag ba red. gzhan dog la -ma lob. ( t_!. sOr)wa re~
red, 2. iso. guide, shE_ntoalo m~lap)
see: guide 3, iso, conduct electricity, vi, A, confidential matter/affair 0\_C.~ /nE,Qtoon/ ~
~<11-~'\: I 1~:>... khuu
"''•; ~ Rubber does not conduct This is a confidential matter. 1 di nang don
electricity, 'gyig la glog 'khyud khyi rna red, red, ( t~ rYf2.Qto"on ree) [Note: 1 secret 1 con
(kig la 1~~ khOOgimaree) also be used.]
cond:ctor of a band, etc. ~~-~~~~~0...: configuration C\~~- /s5!}'to/ 11 if one looks at
congratulate 83

the configuration of events gnas tshul de 1 i bzo conform, vo. C. ""-~' /tsf.l/ 1J·She didn't con-
1 to la bl tas no ( nfftsu11 t!:! s~ptala tffna) form to the customs of the area, mos lung pa 1 i
[Syn, dbyibs] lugs srol ,lo rna btsis pa red. (m_£d l~I1P&&
confirm, 1. vi. B, ~~"-">'~'(2.~<1.1'-&C.' /t2_11ct'lee ch~n/ l~~sifdlo ml!itsilparee) [Syn. mthun po byos]
11 The report of an earthquake was confirmed, confound, 1. see: confuse 2. see: contradict
sa yoms skor gyi gnas tshul gdengs 'khel byung confront, 1. iso, meet face to face in a dispute,
pa red. (soyoo q!5!5qi nfftstru t2_1)qhee vo. ""1~'""-~..l:..'t~.~.:=~· /t~hee k2_p/ 11 They
chuunparee) [Syn, nges rnyed byung] 2. vo, C. confronted each other in court. kho gnyis
~"'~·o.~'"-'·~a~· /t2_11qhee s'§_d/ 11 They went khrims khang lo gdong bsher brgyab pa red.
to Tibet and confirmed conditions. kho tsho bod (qhunil }himqhaanlo t_£r)Shee k2_paree) 2. iso.
la phyin nos gnos stangs gdengs 1 khel bzos pa present to one's face ~~~·Cl.\· /11~toonla/ 11
red. (qhCintso ph'§_dla chii'l& nfftoi'l t2_r)qhee They confronted him with photos, kho tshos
s_£dparee) 11 Are you able to confirm my ticket kho'i ngo gaong lo dpar bston pa red, (qhontsifd
to India? khyed rang gis ngo rgya gar la 1 gro qh88 r)~toonla per tf~poree)
yag gi tJ. k.a si gdengs 1 khel bzo thub pa •dug confuse, 1. vi. c. ~4\-Q.~~~· /q~ them/ 11 They
gas? (kheroanqi 11~ k~qaalo }~yoOqi }iqasi were confused by his explanation. khong gi
t2_11qhee s~ thu~pa t~q&c) 'grel bshod des kho tsho mgo 'thorns po red,
confiscate, vo. '<\~"·~~·.:tv"'-' /shur)Sh~ toon/ 11 (qh05nqi }&&sh&ctil qhontso ~ thcmparee) [Syn,
They confiscated his property. kho tshos ko 'i mgo 1 khrul] 2. vo • A• at 'lfVq_rs;--<9.!.. ~~~"'\­ /q~
mkhar dbong gzhung bzhes btong pa red. thCimru cu"U/ 11 He hos o plan to confuse the
(qhonts<rd qh88 qhorwaan s~r)Shee taanparee) people. khong lo mi mang mgo 'thorn du bcug yog
conflagration ~:~"'e4- /fll! chempo/ [Syn. me gi 'char gzhi zhig 'dug. (qhoonlo mimon q_£
phung] thCimru cOuyoaqi chl!iashici t~t)
conflict, 1. iso. dispute ~~· /ts88ii:)~/ 11 confusion ~"-·Cl.~C:: /s};_r)Chaon/ 11 There was
There was a conflict between the workers and much confusion at the meeting, tshogs 'du der
farmers. bzo po dong zhing pa 1 i bar la rtsod zing 'phyong zhe po cig 'dug. (tsh6<'intutM
rnyog cig 'dug, (s~pato sh.!_11P&& ph~rlo tsSS-
iiJ~Ci tut) 2. iso, a conflict about doing some- confute, vo. B. ~"'~t:\. A. "'fa.r /ts_!!nqup t88/
thing c-:t.~~-~~- /q&&keen/ 11 I hove a conflict congeal, see: coagulate
regarding going to India, nga rgyo gar 1 dro yag congenial, see: agreeable
lo 'gal rkyen zhig 'dug. (I)~ k~qoolo t~yo~lo congenital ~-~~·a,_.:~-r /kettr~ nE_c/ 11 congeni-
q&&keenci t~t) [Syn. 'gog rkyen] 3, iso, tal sickness skye dus nos nod pa (kettr~ nE_&
disagrees &'~&~~:.~.· /ml!itht}npo/ 'II His account nE_po) 11 congenital blindness skye dus n<is long
of the battle is in conflict ·with her account. bo ( ketuU n£,& 12110)
khos dmog lo 'dzing yog gi gnos tshul des mo congested, 1. iso. overcrowdd
e c-.~ ' -.r-

dong mo mthun po byas po red, (qhSB m6ala ts.!_11- /m};_tsJ~ chempo/ 2. iso, one 1 s nose/sinus 1 vi.
yaaqi nfftsUUtee m~ta m1!ith0mpa ch£,tporee) 4. A. 1lt~~·o.~~- /naqut q~a/ 11 My nose is
iso. a bottle <U~·a..~~- /thl!imtsii'l/ 11 The congested. ngo'i sno khug 'gag shag. 111££. na-
conflict lasted three days. 1 thob 1 dzings de lo qu~ q£~shoa)
nyin ma gsum 'gor pa red. ( thl!imtsin thM iiima conglomeration, see: mixture
s~m ~paree) congratulate, va. C. ~~'-f\~·~e;,:~~-~~-
£'., """ ' /}1!ishi
confluence 1 1. of two streams or roods "1\~Q.t·M"' telee sh_!:!ij/ 11 They congratulated him. kho
/siirnto/ 2. of three "'\~-~~ /sh}pto/ tshos khong lo bkra shis bde 1 egs zhus pa red •
84 congratulations!

(qhontso1J qho~nla ~ashi t!lee sh.!:!'liparee) [Syn. conquered India. kho tshas rgya gar dba119 sgyur
rten 1 brel zhus] byas pa red. (qh~ntso'd k_2qaa wankuu chf:.cparee)
congratulations! "'l~~~-~:~.~·~~~- /~eshi t!!_lee/ conscientious ~o.t•~i:.:~ox:~ /t~qhur chempo/ 11
congratulatory letter ~~~-~·~· /tem~ee y.!_- Is he conscientious? kho do 1 khur chen po •dug
qi/ gas? (qho t~qhur chempo t.!:!q&c) [Syn. hur po;
congratulatory present ~~ ~~·~""\~-~~· /tem- btsun po; hur brtson]
~ee l!qk~/ conscious, 1. iso. awake ~<5\:~'

congratulatory speech ~~~o.t·lr\~C:.'l::\\f\''.' /tem~ee is not conscious. kho la dron pa mi 1 dug.

s0r)sh&c/ (qh!5!5 t-h~pa m.!_ntuu) 2. iso, aware, vi. B, ~
congratulatory telegram ~~~~-'Y~' /tem~ee t-or/ ~.:;.·!!c:.· /thonaan chuun/ 11 He was conscious of
[Syn. rten 'brel tar 1 phrin] everybody, kho tshang mar do snang byung shag.
congregate, see: assemble (qho tshor)maa th~aan ch~nsha~) 3, iso, inten-
congregation %~~-~- /tsh!5qte/ tional, adj. ~c;;.:<»c::~~· /ch'ffer)a~/ 11 a conscious
congress, neo, ~~-~"t\~' /~h~tsh:>~/ 11 Ameri- insult -ched mngags dma' 'bebs (cheenaa mampee)
can Congress a ri 1 i gros tshogs (arii }h~­ consciously, see: conscious, 3,
tsh:>~) [Note : Sometimes tshogs pa is used for consciousness, 1. relig, ~"'-~~· /t.hEE.nshee/
congress,] [Syn. shes pa] 2. regain consciousness, vi, A.
congressman ~~~~::if4\~·~· /t.h~tsh:>~ tsh5qmi/ !;~'Col'&:~~- /}hf:.mpa sS'd/ 3, lase conscious-
Congress Party (India) 1 neo, 'f\c:.·..:~:~~-~~~·~· ness, vi. D, ~&,:Col'~"-' /~h!fflPO th5r/
/qonrcs tsh!5qpa/ conscript, mil. 1 1, n. "'\~~·a..~<t\.:t\' /moqcha?J/
conjugal ~-'~-~~· /s,2tshaan/ 11 conjugal dis- [Syn. dmag skull 2. be conscripted, vi. C.~~~·

pute bza' tshang bor gyi rtsod rnyog (s,2tshaan ~~~·OJ"/:;,' /moqchaala tshOO/ 11 He was con-
ph~rqi ts88ii:>~) scripted into the army. kho dmag 1 phyags la
conjunction, gram. ~·~<:;..' /tshiq~h&c/ [Syn, tshud pa red. (qho moqcha~la tsht:ltiparee) 3,
sbrel tshig] conscript, va. '\~""\'~<\~'.!:1~<:1.· /roqchaa k~p/ 11
conjunctivitis 1 1 • n, ~~·~'\' /minn&c/ 2. get The government conscripted many soldiers,
conjunctivitis, vi. A. -- a~~· /--~1!/ gzhung gis dmag mi mang pa dmag 'phyags brgyab
conjure, va, c. ~"t\·o..~~\'l:l.~a_· /mrnt-UU trfn/ po red, (sh.!:!Qqi meami ID!r)qu moqchaa k~paree)
conjurer, see: magician consecrate, va. B. ~""\·~~~·~~~· /r~pncc nagn/
connect, 1. va, B. 1:1~· 1~!!1 11 He connected 11 The lama consecrated the monastery, bla mas
the two ropes. khos thag pa de gnyis pbr~l pa dgon pa la rob gnas gnang po red, (lome&
red, (qh~ thoqpa th!iiil ~~paree) [Syn. q~pala r!pncc naonparee)
mthud] 2. be connected, vi. B. a&~· 1~!!1 'II consecration ~.:J.'"f\<1!.\~· /r!pncc/
The two ropes were connected. thag pa de gnyis consecutive ~·ot~~i>\.,~' 1m.!! thOOnc/ 11 I stayed
1 brel shag. (thaqpa th!!_iiil t.eesha~) in India for three consecutive years, nga rgya
connectiOn t:l..~~·<a,• /~!wa/ 11 I do not have any gar la lo gsum mu mthud nos bsdad pa yin. (n~

connection with them, nga kho tsho dang 1 brel k~qaala 1_2 sOm m.!:! thOUnc tf:.Cpayin) [Syn, byud
bo gang yang med. ( IJ~ qh~ntsota }!!_WO qh~qh&& btud btud par]
~el consensus ~c..·~· /m;;,nmo1l/ 11 The consensus of
connoisseur ~ ~-~· /qh'l!fpa/ 11 He is a con- the meeting was to buy the house. tshogs 1 du 1 i
noisseur of Tibetan art. kho bod kyi ri mo mkhas nang la khang pa nyo yag la mang mos byung po
pa red. (qho ph_2dqi r.!_mu qh'l!fpa r!!_e) red. ( tshCintUU naanla qhonpo ii,2yaa1a m,21Jmcr6
conquer, va. "\"'-C.'l.:t:.'~~· /wankuu chf:.&/ 'II They ch~nparee)
constant 85

consent, see: approve; agree chen po gnang mkhang zhig red, (qhoon q~q&&n

consequence ~~·~<>l' /c!!.n~&&/ 11 A consequence thuuqhuu chempo nol)&&nci r!e)

of going to Tibet was that he become. o monk, considering, iso. in view of .q~~·~""'?~·~
bod lo ph yin po 1 i r jes 1 bros lo kho grwo po /somlo toano/ 11 Considering his age, he is very
chogs po red. (ph~dlo chimp&& c!!.n~&clo qho strong. kho 1 i lo lo bsom blo btong no, kho
't-h~po choOpore~) shugs chen po red, (qh33 lola samlo toano, qho
consequential <n"'."~~o:F /n'fc chempo/ shuq chempo r!~)
consequently [vb.] ~"c:.: I [ vb.] tsaan/ 11 He went consign, see: entrust
to Tibet ond consequently become o monk, kho consignment, 1. n. ~·l::\~cu·~-~~· /tsho~bo eo-
bod lo ph yin tsong grwo po chags po red. ( qho lao/ 2. leave on consignment, va. A. ~-.q~~­
ph~~lo chr~tsaan th~pa choopore~) o.:t·a.(a,~' /tsho~ocilo sh£0/ 11 He left a ring on
conservation, iso, protection, n. "'1:5~·~· /sim- consi~nment, khos tshigs khebs shig tshong bcol
kop/ 11 conservation of animals sems can srung la bzhog shog. (qh33 tshiq66 ci tsho~oo lo
skyob (semc&&n su~kop) sh£oshao)
conservatism, neo. /iU:~heen consistent(ly), see: always
r.!.'')lu~/ C9f1SOle 1 VO. ~'C1:1~·"{\.i\-"\'9C:.' J h, ~4:\-<'-\'"'1~~~·
c-. '
conservative ~"-'<.<s\~ /iiii')Sheen/ 11 He is a con- /s&lso toon; h. thuuso sh!!~/ 11 He consoled her
servative. kho rnying zhen yod po zhig red, when her mother died, khos mo 1 i o ma shi dus mo
(qho nri')Sheen y~pa ci r~~) la sems gso btang po red, (qh~ m~ ama shrttr1:t
conserve, va. ~o=:.·~·a~· m~ semso toonpore~)
must conserve resources, nga tshos rgyu cho 1 i consolation
1 byung khungs la srung skyob byed dgos red. h. thuOso/
(~£nts~ ~pc&& c~~qu~la su~kop ch~qore~) [Syn. consolidate, see: combine; unite; merge
srung 1 dzin] consonant 1 ling. ~~f-4 ~"',' /s'f'{!ce~/ [Syn. ming
consider, 1, iso. think about e::t~~·~.q19~· gzhi]
/samlo taan/ 11 We must consider the consort, see: spouse
consequences. ngo tshos r jes 1 bros kyi thog lo conspicuous ~~~4'\~~·~..:P /~33ns&& th~po/
bsam blo gtong dgos red. (l)£ntsW c~nt&cqi 11 o conspicuous error nor 1 khrul mngon gsal
th~~lo somlo to~qore~) 2. iso, hold as, va. A. dod po ( n~nWU ~S&s&& thocipo)
~~- /tsrl/ 11 They considered this essential, conspiracy, 1. n, ~··:t'\~-~· /q3qshom/ 2. con-
kho tshos 1 di dgos nges yin par brtsis po red. spire, va, -- ~· /--ch£C/ 11 They conspire9
(qhontsb·'d t! qodQe~ r!mpoo tsilpare~) to overthrow the government. kho tshos gzhung
considerable '\~~-~~- /q~r6o/ 11 They got con- mgo gzhug slog yag gi lkog gshom byes pa red,
siderable profits. kho tshor khe bzong dga 1 rob - ..
( qhontsb·o l. .. 1 .. . q~qshom' ch£&po-
sh~rJ q_!:!Shuu 33yaoqJ.
cig byung shag. ree) [Syn. lkog byus]
ch~shoo) conspirator <li\~·"t\~~"'\~~0\ /qoqshom ch!~&&n/
considerate, to be/act, vo. ~(;)l~·o:.~~· (~~~) constable, see: policeman
@,~·; h. ~4\~-Gt~..l::.: (~~.;:f-) "<\0\e:.: /semqhur constant 1 1 ... iso, unchanging "'<?~if" /tfmpo/ 11
(chempo) Ch£t; h. thOOqhuu (chempo) noon/ 11 He The weather in Indio in winter is constant.
is considerate to all the students. khos slob rgyo gar lo dgun go 1 i gnam gshis brtan po red,
grwo bo tshang mar sems 1 khur byed kyi 1 dug. (k£qoalo q~~q&& namshil tfmpo r!~) 2, iso.
(qhsij loptoo tsho~moo semqhur ch!qil) 11 He is a continuously/always ~'t\·~.>;,· /tciqpao/ 11 These
considerate teacher. khong dge rgon thugs 1 khur days, there are constant disturbances in Assam.
86 constantly

deng sang a sam nang la rtag par zing 'phyang 'thung byes pa red. ·(qhl5ntsoii tope&& m.!~qu S,!-
1 dug • ( th!:,l')Saan 15sam naanla toqpaa s~I')Chaan thuun chE_cpore~) 2. iso, destroy, va. c. ~-"'~·
t,!!~l ~11~· ~~~pa s![d/ ~ Fire consumed the forest,
constantly, see: constant, 2 mas shing nags mad pa bzos po red, ~~~ shi~na?J
constellation, astron, ~"'~~'<lb"'""<-\'~~~· /qormt& m~~pa s~dpare~) 3. iso, filled up with 1 vi, A.
chaata?!/ /kEE_ tE_C/ ~ He was consumed with
constipation, to have, vi. A. i;-'0'."'1,"'1,' /tso q;:_'?l/ hatred. kho zhe sdong gis brgyal bsdad shag,
~ I have been constipated far two days, nga nyi (qho sh!taanqi k~ tE_csha'?l) 4. iso, use up 1 va,
ma gnyis rtsa 'gag byung. (q~ nima nrr tso ~~ /chi~/ ~ This car consumes a lot of gas,
q;:_'?lchu) mo to 'dir snum zha drag 'gro gi 'dug. (m::.ta
constituent, sea: part tEE_ num sh!ta?J t!:!,qil)
constitution as·$.~~· consumer goods 1 neo. ~"'~'\~~·~ /ph!:!:,cbii
cmstitutional government .:t·~~~·~·'19.1.~~c:..t"a_· ~88po/ [Syn, spyod zed dngos po; neo, c, 1 dzad
.cn,~c. • /ts§thimta thllnp&& sh!;!_Q/ rdzas]
constrict, vi. A. <:l,~~~· /qhrln/ consumption ."l"~~ /s~t_'i:rdn/ ~ Is consumption
construct 1 va. C'l..~~·~~~~ • /tS,!!qtlftln chE_f:./ high? zed gran chan po 'dug gas? (s_£E.tbon
[Syn. for buildings, etc, only: or po brgyab] chempo t,!!q&c)
construction q~~·ii"' /ts!:!,qtUUn/ ~ socialist contact, 1. iso, be physically touching, vi. A,
cmstruction spyi tshogs ring lugs kyi 'dzugs ~e;,.· /thu~/ ~ Are the two wires in contact?
skrun (crts6b r~~luUqi ts~qtlfun) glog skud de gnyis thug 'dug gas? (155q!f~ th!-
construction industry a.*'..l:'4:'~"'"'~~ru~· i'ii.l thu~ t,!!q&c) 2. iso, communicate or meet,
/ts,!!qtUUn s~l&c/ va, ~OJ.'"'.:S,~' /t!wa chE_&/ ~ Are Sonam and
cons.trua 1 see : understood Dor ja in contact? bsod noms dang rdo rje kho
consul '
"C\~~·~<:1.1.'~-'«·~· gnyis 'brel ba byad kyi 'dug gas? (s5namta t22-
[Syn. nao. bar. c. ling hri] ca qhonil t!wa ch~qi t!;!_q&c) ~ I'll contact you
consulate "<'\~·~e:~.·~~·~~· /sh!:!,~tsap l.£!:.qoan/ by phone. ~as khyod rang la kha dpar thog nos
consulgeneral ~~~~~· /sh!:!,~tshap/ [Syn. neo. 1 brel ba byed kyi yin, (~E_C kh&oanlo qhopaa
c. spyi khyab ling hri] th,~n& tewa chiqiyin)
consult, 1. with a person, va. ~~·a.~·~"'-l.' contact le~s 1 ne~. ~~·Ol~-~~cu· /miqnoon q5shee/
/thooti chE_t/ ~ He c~nsulted with the teacher, contagious ait\-"'·~~~ /q'2,d t!po/ ~ contagious
khos dge rgan la gros 1 dri byes pa red, ( qhbii disease no tsha 1 gos bda po ( n;:_tsa q'2,d t!po)
q~q&&nla th~ti chE_cpare~) 2. a thing 1 va. C, [Syn. 'gas nod]
"'\~~- /t'fc/ ~ He consulted the dictionary. container ~~~~ /n88ccC/
khos tshig mdzod la bltas pa red, (ghB"d tshi~­ contaminate, 1. iso. get/be rotten (smelly), i, n.
ts~la t'fcpare~) ~o.w:..t· /r_!:!!!pa/ i i . vi. B, ~Q:\' /r!JEJ ~ The
consultant ~~-~~~~· well got contaminated, khron pa rul shag,
need a consultant on Tibetan religion, nga la (th6mpa r_!:!!!sha'?J) ~ This meat is contaminated,
bod pa'i chos kyi skor la gros 'dri byed sa zhig she 'di rul shag • 2, iso,
dgos kyi 1 dug. ( ~~ ph~p&c ch~qi q:):)la th.!;8!ti dirty 1 but not smelly 1 vi. "l.~'"'·C.§_~· /ts5q-
ch~saci ~qil) pa chE_c/ ~ This water is contaminated, chu 'di
consume, 1. iso. eat and drink foods, va, ~:li.O...' btsog pa byes shag. ( ch!:!, t~ tsoqpo chE_cshaa)
~c:.:.@,~· /s,!thuun chE_c/ ~ They consumed a 3. iso, intentionally make dirty 1 vo. C, 1':1*\'
lot of food. kho tshas 1 to chas mang po bza 1 t:.!.'.::.S:~~· /ts3qpa s'1'1 11 They contaminated
contract 87

the wells, kho tshos khron pa btsog pa bzos A, ~a\~<;,: /m~ thOU/ ~ The school continued
shag. (qhontsb~ thempa ts~qpa s~ishoa) after the fire, me shor pa'i rjes la slob grwa
contemporary, 1, iso, at some time \'N'(1..1.'?1!1-t' mu mthud· pa red. (~. sh3~pcc c~elo lepta m~
/thUUnam/ ~ He was contemporary with Perno, kho th!:t~aree) 2, iso, last for a time ~-~~<;,:~"""-·
pad · rna dang dus mnyom la byung pa red, (qho /~ thnUnc/ ~ The famine continued for three
pC~moto thrrunamla ch~npare~) 2. iso, modern years, mu ge lo gsum mu mthud nos byung pa red,
~-~~· /n~tuU ~ contemporary history nye dus (m,!:!qi n.''.
lo sam mu thuunc '
chuunparee) 3, iso,
rgyal robs (n~tuU kccrap) [Syn, deng dus) extends ~-~c;: /m~thUU/ ~ The rood con-
contempt, 1. n. OJ.R:c;:;.·~~::.: /thoi')Chuun/ 2. treat/ tinues for three miles, lorn khag de mel le gsum
consider with contempt, va. -- ~~- 1--chE_}:J bar du mu mthud yod pa red, (1~0qoate male sum
~ He treats foreigners with contempt, khos phyi ph~r'tu m!:!thuU Y2~ree)
rgyal mi la mthong chung byed kyi 'dug, (qhS~ continued, iso, article/story, see: continuation
chikcc m! la tho0chuun ch!qil) 3, contempt of continuous, see: continually
court, neo, ~"-!.~·ct~·a.t.·~·C9'&.,:~- /thimqo~la contorted, 1. vi, C. ~~· /chOU/ ~ When he
m~i'iccnpa/ had an epileptic fit 1 "'his body contorted, kho
contend, iso, strive in competition/combat, va, sgal gzer rgyag dus gzugs po 'chus shag. (qho
~o..:ne~..:~· /ts32nteen chE_c/ ~ They contended qccsee '
k~tUU n' ')
s!:!qu chuUshaa 2. va, C, "<\'i~ ·
with the enemy for control of the city, kho /cnU/ ~ They danced in a contorted fashion,
tshos grong khyer dbang sgyur byed yag gi don kho tshos gzugs po gcus byes zhabs bro brgyob
dog la dgro dong rtsod 'gran byes pa red, song. (qhontsod s!:!qu cUUccc shaaro k~psu)
(qhantsod th~0khee w~0kuu ch~yoaqi thontaala contour line, neo, ~-~"t~~'f\·oS'' /sayip thiq-
t~ta tsBSnteen chE_cparee) tshcc/
content ~~~· /ch~~sh~/ ~ He is very con- contraband, iso. illegal trading, 1, n, ~"\·~c.·
tent. kho !a chog shes zhe drag 1 dug, (qh5~ /~qtshoon/ 2. va, -- "'t~t;· /--k~p/ ~ He
ch~~shee sh~tao t~u) does contraband trading between India and Amer-
contest ~/;\.·~.:~.: /tE_ntuu/ ~ sports contest ica. khos Tgya gar dang ami ri ko'i bar la nag
!us rtsal 'gran sdur (lUUtscc tcntuu) tshong rg yog gi 1 dug • ( qh8"d k~qoota emir iqcc
contestant o.._~~~;.;_~~;..:~ ~01..· /tE_ntuu ch~0££n/
contiguous, vi. B. ~04.· It~/ ~ The two contraception, 1. n. /keqo
villages are contiguous. grong gseb 1 di gnyis q2qthap/ 2. iso, use contraception, va. -- fii~·
'brel shag, (th~0Se~ t! nff t~haa) /--chE_f;/
continent ~c.·~~ /lii')Cheen/ contraceptive, 1. n. ~·.iifc:t.-'tt.zt\'' /keqo qoo-
contingency fund ~.l>'l.'~"'-: ~X.'"\<;;;C1J.' I0E£me~ sur- yaa/ ~ Do you have contraceptives? khyed rang
~ .....,
0UU/ [Syn. nges mad rogs dngul] la skye sgo bkog yag yod pas? (kheroanlo keqo
contingent 1 see: depends on qaayaa y~pcc) 2. use contraceptives, vo.
continual, see: continually ~"'~~~~· /--ph~cod ch£_"/;J
continually ~IS:!~"-:a..~· /m~ thl:t;Jnc/ 1f They contraceptive injection, 1. n, neo. ~a..~~·~·~. :
fought continually. kho tshos mu mthud nos (.2\"~.' /kenq~:, mCnqhap/ 2. get/use a contracep-
'dzings pa red. (qhents~ ~ thl:t;Jnc ts~Qparee) tive injection, va. ~~q_· /--k~p/

continuation (in newspaper, etc,) a.~~· /th~/ contract, 1 • n. 4\~~j /qhE_nka/ 2. make a con-
1f a continuation from last week gza 1 1 khor tract, va. A. -- <:~.@..41, • I --sh~a/ ~ I mode a
sngon mo'i 'phros (s~q~J 08mcc th~d) contract to build a house. ngas khang pa rgyog
continue, 1, iso, go on after on interruption, vi, yag gi gan rgya zhig bzhag pa yin, (0E_C qho0pa
88 contractor

k.29,ya~qi qh£nkaci sh~payin) 3, get a contract, mintuu) ~ The teacher couldn 1 t control the
va. C. -- ~c:.~' /--loh/ lt, sign a contract, students. dge·rgan gyis slob grwa ba tsho glags
va. -- ~'-«'~zt\'~@,~· /--1'2 sayil kf!.p/ 5, 'khel ma thub po red, (C!!q&&nqi lopta~tso 15~
iso. to get a disease, vi, A. a:..~.l:!\~· /ph5"::i/ qhee m~thuupare~) [Syn. 'chun] 3, iso, control
~ He contracted a disease. kho la no tsha 'phogs regulations, numbers, costs, etc., va. C, ct"'~~­
shag. (qh!i!i n'2tsa ph5"::isha~) [Syn, byung] 6. ~~- /tshffshi s"E:d/ ~ The government controlied
iso, order something, va. A. <».c::.~~· /r)o~/ ~ I the price of sugar. gzhung gis bye ma ka ra'i
contracted a desk from him. ngas kho la yig cog rin gong tshad gzhi bzos po red, (sh~Qqi ch~o­
cig mngags pa yin. (Q£C qh55 y,!qc~"::ici r)o~payin) qCircr:. r,!Qqoon tsh~fshi s"E:dpore~) [Note: There
contractor (in building trade) ~.x..-~\'<:'\'~-G>l~ is also a special term for 1 price control 1 :
l!l.l.\'\"" /capo ph22.maa 12_r)&&n/ gong tshad]
contradict, va, iso, disagree with ~-~~~~-~· controversy R~· /tsOOi'ioq/
/mathOmpa ¢h£C/ ~ He contradicted the teacher, convalesce, see : rest
khos dge rgan dang mi mthun pa byas pa red, convene, see: assemble
(qh~d q!q&cnta m~thOmpa ch£Cpare~) convenient ~~·~~-~ /tap t!po/ ~ My house
contradiction, polit. Q,"t\,\_' /q£!2,nta/ ~ class is very convenient, nga'i khang po stabs bde po
contradiction gral rim 'gal zla (1h££ri~ zhig 'dug. (r)££ qhor)po tap t!poci t~u)
q££nta) convenient to use 'l:1"'\~~"\~~·-c::r.- /ph~co·6
contradictory, 1. iso, opposite ~'t\~'c.Y /q££n- ch!~ t!po/ 1l This typewriter is convenient to
ta/ ~ contradictory statement skad cha 'gal use. mdzub gnon yig dpor 1 di bed spyod byed bde
zla (qfca q££nta) 2. iso, in disagreement with po zhig 1 dug, ( ts~mnocin y_!qpaoti pheecm; che~
0-\.' ~"'-4' /m~thOmpa/ t!poci t~t)
contrary (iso. personality) ~-~'<:'\-~·&J.~~ convent, see: nunnery
/pore~~ l!i!ir)&&n/ ~ He is very contrary, kho mi convention, neo. <"X.~·~~·df"l\~'~"-..· /ts~m­
spar phyogs zhe drag slog mkhan zhig red, (qho tuU tsh55chen/ ~ a convention of doctors sman
m,! pore~~ sheta~ 155r)&&nci r!~) [Syn. sgab phyi .po 1 dzoms 1 dus tshogs chen (mfmpo tsumttrZ!
go slog byed mkhan] tsh5!ichen)
contribution, 1. iso. donation ~<:q·~~~· conversation, 1. n, 11\'\'il:) ; h, ~7T\.~~c;>.l.' /q'f-
/sh££ntep/ 2. iso, va. A, -- ~C\: ; h, ~~.:;· ca; h. q5moci/ 2. make conversation, vo, A.
; ~COJ.' 1--tfc; h. nBan; phnD/ ~ They contri- "'""'"' ; h. -- "<~ ~c:.· 1--shfc; h. --naan/ ~
buted money to the monaste_ry. kho tshos dgon They made conversation about Tibet. kho tshos
par dngul zhal 'debs phul pa red. (qhontsod bad kyi skor skad cha bshad song. (qhontsod
q.2"'paa Q!ID sh££ntep phnDpare~) ph!dqiqoo qfca shfcso)
contributor ~~·c:t_"\~~·~~·<1\l~'&,' /sh££ntep pu1J- converse, 1. see: conversation 2, see: opposite
r)&&n/· convert, 1. vi. D, <'l.~-"'· /k!;!.r/ ~ He was con-
control, 1, iso. exercise power over, va, '\.q_c:.·~x:.· verted to Buddhism, kho nang po la 'gyur shag.
~~- /war)kuu ch£C/ 1l He controlled the workers~ (qho ~r)pola k!;!.rsha~) 2. va. D. ~11x:.· /k~r/
khos bzo po tsho dbang sgyur byas po red. (qh~d ~ The Muslims converted many peopl-; to Islam,
s~patso w~l')kuu ch£Cpare~) 2, iso. when used kha clie tshos mi mang po kha che'i chos la
negatively, vi. B. a:\4\.~'CI..~Gl:l' [neg;] /[neg,] bsgyur po red, (qhocetsod m,! m_:r)qu qhocee
H'l~ qh~~/ ~ They can't control the soldiers. ch~dla k!!.rpare~) 3. iso, change money, va, C.
kho. tshos dmag mi tsho glags 'khel thub kyi m_! "'~' /c!~/ ~ They converted Indian rupees to
'dug. (qhontsod m~~mitso 15~ qhee thuCqi U.S. dollars, kho tshos rgya gar gyi sgor mo a
cope 89

ri'i sgor mor brjes po red, (qhontso1> k9_qaaqi ...

de grong mo bso rogs gnang, (ch_2te th2_1')U soroo-
q~mo ~rii q~moo C!:_~pare~) It, n. ~~.l:.'¥4' noon) 3, iso. become cool, vi • C. Sl"-'..;f.' ~'
/k~rpa/ 11 He is a convert to Buddhism, ·kho /t.h2_1')U ch!c/ 11 The tea cooled immediately. ja
nang pa'i chos la 1 gyur pa zhig red, (qho n9_1')- de lam sang grang mo byes shag. ( ch,2te lomsaan
p&& ch~dla k~rpaci r!~l t.h!I')U ch£Csha~)
~ -
Cl..."::\~·o.~ :r:..:
11 convex lens /pumpuu/ dpor coolant, neo, :;nc.·M-c:~.'l!-<)..l""\·~·C'Q' /th2_1')U s_2yo~
. -
shel 'bur 'bur (pBrshee pumpuu)
convict, 1. n, .ltT~~· /ts&npo/ 11 He is a con- coolheaded &fr:.t.~~ /1'(, tl:mpo/
vict, kho btson pa red, (qho ts&npa r!~) 2, coolie ~~<::l.~'~\1:\'&.: /th,2po kheel')&&n/ [Syn.
va, A. a._~~.N·.q,*'~· /n_211iie~ tsuu/ 11· They neo, bor. hin, ku li]
convicted him of robbery, ""' kho tshos kho rkun me coop 1 1 • iso, cage ~c.·~~- /lul')tsii/ 2. iso,
-red zer nag nyes btsugs pa red. (qhontscrci qho chicken coop @;~c.: /ch,2tshaan/
qOma~ re~s nol')iie~ tsuupare~) co-op 1 see: cooperative
convince, see: persuade cooperate, 1. iso,·physicolly work together, va.
convivial (attribute of persons)£\"'-:~ /t.hoopo/ ~'?'&:l.'aJ.~'&'' /iiliml&c ch£C/ 11 They cooperated to
convoluted, see: complicated build the bridge, kho tshos zom pa rgyag yog la
convoy, see: escort mnyam las byes pa red, (qhonts~d ~mpo kaayo~la
convulse, see: convulsion iioml&c ch&cpare~) 2. iso, act jointly but not
convulsion, 1. n, @_CU'l:fl')l:.' /k~see/ 2, have physically work together, vo, ~<?~·~o.:1·~~·
convulsions, vi. -- ~~"\' /k2_p/ 11 He had con- /iiomtee chcc/ 11 Indio and Russia cooperated to
vulsions and died, kho sgal gzer brgyab nos shi build a dam. rgyo gar dang u ru su mnyam sbrel
shag, (qho q££See k2_pnc shisho~) byes nos chu rag cig brgyab pa red, !k,2qoato
cook, 1. iso, make food, vo. C, ~'Cil""\'<::l."lf'~· urusu · ch!cn& chQra~ci k2_pare~)
/qhalo~ s!f.d/ 11 I shall cook tonight. ngas do cooperation, see: cooperate
dgong kha log bzo gi yin, (r.J!t t_2q~ qhaloo cooperative ~<2;'19.l'Ol~' /iiaml&c/ 11 agricultural
suqiyin) 2, iso, cook solids in liquid (such as cooperative so nom mnyam los (sonam iiamlcc)
;totoes 1 rice, meat, eggs) 1 va. ""\~' /ts'Ctd/ cooperative society ......_
"" /iiomtee
11 He cooked rice, khos 'bros btsos shag, (qhS"d krtuu/
t£&' tsoBshoa
n!" ' ) 3 , iso, mo k e [N o t e: Con be used cooperative store /nomtee
for all foods and drinks,], va. C, ~~~· tshOr)qhoan/
/s~/ 11 I shall cook rice tonight, ngos do cooperotivize 1 1, vo, 0, ~'9~'P.J.~'Ql'.I;I.~X'
dgong 'bros bzo gi yin, (r.J!C t_2q~ t£& s~qiyin) /iilimlccla k~r/ 2. iso, get/be cooperotivized,

4, a person who cooks, n, ~·~<sl.: /m_2cccn/ 11 · D• ~""~'cu.N·~·o..rn.::c,· /iioml&Clo kur/

v~. .,.. ~ -
He is o good cook, kho mo byan yog po zhig red,
coordinate, va, ":::\.~"\:~~~~· /q8Stiq ch!C/ 11
(qho ~c&&n y_2qoci r!:_~) 5, iso, fry, va, C. He coordinated their work. khos kho tsho'i las
~~'/1')3-d/ 6, iso, roost, va, A. "'.~"t\~' ka bkod sgrig byas pa red, (qh'Ctd qh5nts~d l~qo
Ita~/ qb~tiq ch&cpare~)
cookbook, neo, 1..'>:\'Ql"'\'<::l.~~~· . /qhola~ s,2tep/ cope, 1, with respect to people, vi, B, ~Of\~·o.~Cl:l·
cookie ~· .li~' /qhopscc/ /lB~ qh~e/ 11 He can't cope with the students.
cool, 1. n. ~~~-~ /siipu/ 11 It is cool this khos slob grwa ba tsho glogs 'khel gyi mi 'dug,
evening, de ring dgong dog bsi1 po zhig 'dug, (qh~ lopta~tso 15~ qhiiqim!ntuu) 2, with res-
(thiriin qoonto~ siipuci tuu) 2, va, C, ~~·~ G.l\'~·o.~~- /2_psu tif.~/
/t.h2_1')U s2,"'d/
' -
11 Please cool the teo, ja
pect to work, vi, A.
He can • t cope with the new work, khos las ka
90 copious

gsar pa 'ab su 'dus kyi mi 'dug, (qh8"d 1E£_qa red. ( chi;~shii i'iir)toonte si5nampats:J:J r :J:, che-
soopa ~psu ttn.lqim..!,ntuu) 3, iso, climate 1 etc, 1 yaate r~e)
see: tolerate coriander (plant) ~~~~~-"'-l."-.:CI.~<:l'l~·
copious, see: .abundant /si5nao p~fntsoon/
copper ""'~~· /s~_?-./ cork, n, ~·~c:..· /s~pshir)/
copper color ::a.::::.~·a..~.~· /s9.:Qt:J~/ corn, 1. iso. the whole plant <S>l.'~~·~'f~·

copper mine, 1 , n. .::J.c:.~·<l\~~· /s';;.Qter / 2. mine /mamoi> l_£b~/ 2, iso. kernels and cob ~~m·
copper, va, C. 41::.~'"3.~~ /s£'?1 t8iV 11 They /oshom/ [Syn. rmar rgan]
mined copper in Chino, kho tshos rgya nag nang corner ~x_,· . /s~/ 11 in a corner of the room
la zangs bton pa red. (qh5ntsod kanao noon la khang mig gi zur la (qh~r)milqi s~la) 11 corner
s£?. t8?.paree) of the table cog tse'i zur (c~qtsee s~)

copper plates (for printing) ~c:~·"-~~· /s';;.Qpar/ cornerstone '%-"'~ /surto/

coppersmith .:;;oc:.~;~c:.·~· /s~'Qtu'?)a/ corn flour ~~~·{1·0-.1. · /ash om chemo/
copper utensils ~t:;.k\' ·~·-'"' /s';;.r)C&C/ corn oil '<s-'l.;f\l94.·~~· /ash om nOm/
corn tsamba ~~~·~Q-.:1.·~· /ashom tsC!mpa/
copperware, see: copper utensils coronary, see: heart attack
copulate, 1. polite, va. B. ~~~·~'9~· /ni;mtM coronation, 1. n, ~·Ql~' /thintbon/ 2. iso,
FiE£_/ 2, vu1g., va, ~~· /k£ k~p/ corronate, va, --·a~· /--chf:_C/
copy, 1. iso. writing, va, ~\\,~· /shtl'~/ 11 He coronet, see: trumpet
copied the letter. khos yi ge de bshus pa red, corporal punishment, 1. n, ~~·~"''·~~'d0""­
(qh~ y~qite shtUparee) 2. iso, behavior, va. /1tn.lth:J~ i'ieecc&/ 2. vo. -- ~~c:: /--toan/
~c;,:~~·~· /1_£ntod ch_£c/ 11 He copied the corps, mil. ""*"t\'~' /moqte/
Nepalese, khas ba1 po'i lad z1as byes pa red. corpse ~a.·c:r:- ; h. ~·~c:.· /phur)pu; h. qupuun/
(qh~ ph_£~pod 1_£ntod ch_£cparee) 3, n. ~"'\~~· [Syn. ro]
/noshu~/ 11 I have a copy of the letter. nga 1a corpuscles, see: blood cell
yi ge de'i ngo bshus shig yod, (rJ.9E, y!_qi thee corral ~· t::t. • /r5!!2/ 11 horse corral rta rwo
r)~huUci y~d) [Syn. 'dra bshus] (tara) 11 cattle corral at house ba rwa
copy book .1'\\.'f\'~·~~· /qllqa C_£r)tep/ (ph'::.ra) 11 nomads' cattle/sheep corral 1has rwa
copyright "'-.~'"\"'.e:..· /par wan/ [Syn, dpar skrun (1h~fra)

thob thong] 11 She

coracle ~1<.1.· /qYJ/ corrected his letter, mos kho' i yi ge la bzo
( m~cl nn '
coral (gem) ~·~ /chiru/ be as brgyab pa red, qhoo y~qila s_£pcoo

cord .$'i J:t\'1.::1,' /thllqpa/ k~paree) [Syn. bcos brgyab] 2. iso, right (in

cordial, see: friendly speech) ~"'\·;;~· /Hiqtaa/ 11 What. you said

corduroy ~;.::.·~· /shurma/ is. correct. khyod rang gis bshad pa de rtag
core, 1, iso, the inner part of a thing or sub- rtag red, (kh~c& shf:_cpate taqtao r~e) 3. iso,
stance ~c::·~ /i'iir)pu/ 11 The core of the tree right (for w;-iting), vi. A, o..'~<r~~' /t..!,l! 11
was rotten. shing gi snying po ru1 shag, Is the letter correct? yi ge de 'grigs •dug
(sh!Qqi nir)pu r,!!!;!shaa) [Syn. For fruits only gas? (y!qite t~l t~qcc)
nang rtsi.] 2. iso, most essential part, e,g., correctly, iso, without mistakes ~· et.~o.t·~~ "-\'
of a plan ~c..~· /nir)toon/ 11 The core of /n,Tttn.l m~epa/ 11 He did the work correctly.
the plan was to help the farmers. 'char gzhi 'i khos las ka nor 'khrul mad pa byes shag. (qh~
snying don de so nom pa tshor rags byed yag de l££qa n';;.nttru ~epa chc&shaa)
counteract 91

correlate, see: correlation nl!fqire~) 2. n, 4\~· /qh22!1/ 11 How much does

correlation, 1. iso, a connection, n. C-l.~<>l'"l' this cost? 'dir gong go tshad red? (t,££ qh.s£n
lt=.wa! , Is there a correlation between class qh,!!tse& reel [Syn, rin pa] 3, iso, production
and wealth? grol rim dang phyug po 1 i bar lo cost /~net/ 11 For this house, how
1 brel ba yod pa red pas? (t,.h~.rii'llta chiiqptru much is the production .cost? khong pa 'dir rna
ph!:!,rla t!wo y~~repe&) 2. correlate, vo, c. gnod go tshad red? ( qhcl')pa tee mane& qh~tse&
~1\~· /--s2_~/ reel
correspond, 1. iso, communciote 1 va. ~"f\'ct~o..s.· costly, see: expensive
W"' /y.!_l')t,.tru chE_c/ , I corresponded with him, costume, 1 • iso, one used in a performance t'l.\!ilo:;t'
ngos kho la yig 'grul byas pa yin, (I')E_C qh55 ao~· /th~pchct/ , The movie actors wore cos-
y.!_l')t,.UU chE_cpoyin) 2, see: agree tl!mes, glog brnyon 1 khrab mkhon gyis 1 khrab
correspondent, iso. a reporter, neo, ~·~.x..·a.<i\'\ chas gon shag. (l~l')ffeen t,.hami')Ccnql thapchCC
a:t'\1\•>l•." /s~nkuu qool')e&n/ [Syn. gsor 1 gyur byed qhbi:inshoa) 2. iso. one worn for a party a;,~·
po] ~~· /chl!fqod/
corridor, see: hall cot, see: bed
corrode, see: rust cottage cqc:.·~c:.· /qhal')chuun/
corrupt, vo. c. :~r~a-:Q.a.N.'- /k~l')&&n SE_C/ 11 cotton ~"''"l.(>..l. • /Fmpcc/
Tbe government officials ore corrupt (lit, take absorbent cotton, see: absorbent
bribes). gzhung zhobs tshos rgyu rngon za gi cotton cloth ;.:.~· /rE_'&/
yod pa red, (sh!;!I')Shaptsots k!;!l')&&n ~qiy~~re~) , cotton thread ~-~"' /rMqtll/
He is a corrupt official. kho gzhung zhobs rgyu cotton wick ~- .:.:.~ • /t!!_l')rc&/
rngon zo mkhan zhig red, (qho sh!;!I')Shap k~l')&&n couch, see: sofa
S!:!,l')&&nci r=.~l cough, vi. ~"'\~t;~.· ; h. a~~-~~- /lo k~p; h,
corruption ~,'l::.~:=!'ti.1""~·(0..1~'~· /k~l')&&n S!:!,- qUUlo k88n/ 11 I'm coughing a lot today. de
yaaqi lccqa/ , There is much corruption in .that ring nga glo zhe dgag rgyag gi 'dug, (th!riin
country. lung pa de'i nang lo rgyu rngan za yag 1')!:!, 15 sh=.tao k~qil)
gi las ka mang po •dug. (l~l')pa thee n£!.2nla could 1 see: can
k.!:!_l')&en s!:!.yoaqi l£qa m~l')qu t~~l council ~~'*~~· /lhl!ntsho~/ 11 Security Coun-
corvoo, 1. iso. human labor, i. n. ~·at~' /w!:!_laa/ cil srung skyob !han tshogs (siil')kop lhfntsho~)
ii. do corvee 1 va. C. -- ~\~~· /--k.!:!_"tJ/ iii, Council of Ministers in the traditional Tibetan
order to go OS corvoo, va. B. --~~~- /--qOO/ government <S.J\\Q.:..r=j"\' /qoshaa/
2. iso. carrying/riding animals, i-. n, iliJ~O..l' Council Minister in the traditional Tibetan gov-
(t\o.t·~· /t~wuu qhffma/ ii. send as corvoo, va. ernment ~"T\~·~· /qoloon/ [Syn. zhabs pad]
q_yc:.• /--toon/ iii. order to send, va, B, counsel, see: advise
-- .q_~~· /--qfiD/ counselor ~~·~~-~"'\~~~- /th~ro~ ch!_l')&&n/
cosigner ~~·"~:~~· /qhl!fkaa/ 11 I need a cosign- [Syn. bslab bya rgyag mkhon)
er for the loon, nga la bu lon gyi khos bkyag count, va. ~c:::N'-'f\'"'{~"'\· /th!:!,l')qO k!p/ 11 He
cig dgos kyi 'dug, (l')aa ph!;!luunqi qhf&koaci counted the number of sheep, khos lug grongs ko
~qil) [Syn. khag 1 thegs] brgyab song. (qhSB 1~~ th~l')qa k!pso)
cosmetics, 1. n, 19:1.~·~"' /ts!!:!cc&/ 2, use countenance, see: 'face
cosmetics, vo, A. -- ~~~·/--ch~~/ counter, see: contrary
cost, 1. va, A.~~~ /nl!c/ 11 This costs a lot, counteract, vi. A. ~~· /t~~/ 11 This counteract-
'dir zhe drag gnod kyi red, ed the hardships of formers, 1 dis zhing pa
92 counterattack

tsho 1 i dka 1 ngal 1 dog pa red. {trl sh_!,I')Patsoo courtyard ~;.;.: /q~ra/ [Syn. rdo bcal]
qol)&& t~~pare~) cousin, first ~"'~~· /ptlntuo/
counterattack, neo, va, A. 1\~·<;l{~'!:!~' /qBol&&n cover, 1. iso. a lid, n. (i:i."\~'"'-":f'"' /qhopc-&5/
~fc/ ~ They counterattacked by land and air, 2. iso, cover with a lid, .va. ~~~·

kho tshos gnam sa gnyis nos rgol lan sprad pa /--k2_p/ ~ Please cover the cup. dkar yol la
r~ !shontsb~d namsa iirin& qool&&n ~f&poree) khebs gcod skyon rogs gnang, {q~yUUla qhopcbis
counterbalance, see: balance kSSnr~~noan) 3. iso, cover over with some kind
counterclockwise "t\~"\~· /y8nq~~/ [Syn, of cloth, va. A. ~tif'"'<\~' /y3~/ ~ He covered
phyi bskor] the window with a cloth, khos sge khung lo ras
counterfeit, 1. ~-~· /ts~ma/ ~ counterfeit g , yogs shag , {qhOB
n.' q,!quunla r£,&
' y3~shaa)
' ' 4,
money dngul rdzus rna {1)00 ts!:!!;!ma) 2. make iso, fill the surface with snow , va, D, "'\"\\"\•
counterfeit, va, C, ""\~~· /--s'2:d/ /q~p/ ~ Snow covered the field, gangs kyis
counterintelligence, neo, ~~=·c::t~<rt·~~· zhing go bkab shag. {qh2_hJil sh_!l)qa q~psha<:')
/sonUU q22_qb~d/ 5, iso, spread on/over, va, A, ~~~· /ch}!t/ ~
counterrevolution, neo, c., 1. n, ~~;o:;.·"'\~~·CG' He .covered the bread with honey, khos bag leb
1\Q.l.' /sore&& l)~qb'8/ 2, make counterrevolu- la sbrang rtsi byugs shag, {qh~d ph~leela ~2_1)­
tion, va, -- ~:('!.' /--ch£,&1 tsi ch~tsha~) 6. iso, be on top of, va, 0,
counterrevolutionist, neo, c, ~~·~~.x:..·'£?cf\=· ~"\\~' /q~p/ 11 The paper was covered by the
~"'-' m(f\6l,'
/sore&& l)~qb'8 C2f)&&n/ [Syn, gsar book. shog bu deb kyis bkab shag, {shuqu
brjer ngo rgol bo] th!pqil q~psha~) 7. iso, cover-up, va. 0, ~'t\~'
co~ntless '9:1~~-~" /~h2_1)mee/ ~ Countless people /q~p/ ~ They covered up his crimes. kho tshos
died during that war, dmag de 1 i ring la mi kho 1 i nag nyes bkab pa red, {qh5ntsod qh38 n2,1J-
grang med shi pa red, {rna~ t~~ r_!l)la mi iie~ q~paree) a. iso. front page '8-l~l<!,.::(!!\"<\'
~h2,1Jme~ shiparee) It,!;!!!nsh ~~I
country, 1. iso, area ~C..'""!.' /l}!IJPa/ ~ What covering, iso, case/sheath ~"\~'/shup/

country are you from? khyod rang. lung pa go nos covert <r\~<;.'1:1.' /sol)wa/ ~ covert agreement gsang
yin pa? {kh8ra l~l)pa qh2_nc y,!mpa) [Syn, yul] ba'i gros mthun {sol)wt& }h~thu~n)
2. iso, nation @Ja.t·~~· /kcr;qap/ covet, va • .<:~,~~-~~~~~· /n~pse~ ch£,&/
coup d'etat ~~a.~l:.· /sirnkuu/ covetous "-\.~<::~.·~~·~~· /n~pse~ y2_po/
couple, 1. iso, husband and wife l:''c:.: cow "\. ·«~<lt\~· /phachuu/
~ -
/s2,tshaan/ 2. iso, a few ~·~~· /qhCish&c/ milch cow ~~~·~· /sh"§na/
coupon q~...fS\"'\' /ts!:J:.nsh~?J/ yak Cc:NI ~· I~Y
courage ~~~ · /loq~~/ ~ He has courage, kho cc:N~ard i:f(i\""'.'~~CJ.' /loq~~ fll!epa/ 11 He is a
la blo khog 'dug. {qh33 loq~~ t}!tl Cc:Niard, kho mi blo khog med po zhig red, {qh6
courageous ~~<X\·~~·i:f-" /li5q~~ chempo/ ~ He m_! 16q~~ m!epaci r!e)
is courageous. kho blo khog chen po red, {qho cow herd ~-9~·~· /chuqkhu/
16q~~ ch§mpo r!el cowwherd """"'
~-~· ~ /phatsi/
courier, see: messenger cc:NI hoof ~~-~~·e..t·- /ph~ miqpa/
course, 1. see: class 2, iso, in the course of, cc:N~ry ~~~·~· /~}!mpu/
see: during Cc:NI shed ~"t\~·~·c:: /chuqtshaan/ [Syn. ba tshang]
court, iso. a court of law ~&~~·~c..· /~himqhaan/ Cc:NI 1s milk o~q,~·~S-1' /ph~ w2,ma/
~ supreme court khrims kharg mtho shos {~him­ coyote, see: wolf
qhaan th6shi:i8) crab ~~-~ ~ /t_!qsiin/
critical 93

crack 1 .1 • n, ~.:.::.· {"\ · /sf!eqa/ 2, be/get cracked 1 creation ""'-e...·;:f.'~"F0-:14\.' /th~l')qo s2.,yao/ f the
vi. A, -- "t\~ • I --qhE._C/ f The dish cracked, creation of the kingdom rgyal khab dang po bzo
tho peg la ser go gas shag, (thopaola seeqa yag (k&&qap th~nqo s2,_yao)
qhE._cshao) creature ~0-1~'-Q"' /semc&cn/ [Syn• srog chogs]
crafts 0-lol!t'\':p_-N.. /lE_qsh~/ f craft center lag creche ~-""\~~~:.· /ph!:_Soqhaan/
shes bzo grwa (l~qsh~ s~ta) credit cooperative, see: credit union
craftsman ot"'\~~·~· /12.9,Shoopa/ creditor ~~&:~."'-."<\' /ph,!!ntao/
crafty 1 see·: cunning credit union, neo. ~"'-\~>:-\'~'90-l.'r:.q<-\'~C..· /y!J:_ce~
craggy x.c..·~ ·:iC::.•~.: noml&cqhaon/ [Syn. yid brtan mnyam las khang]
cram 1 va. A. ~~· /k~~/ f They crammed tsamba credulous ~"~~-~·C{" /yiice~ lopo/
into the bag. kho tshos ph ad gog nang la rtsam creep, see: animal
pa brgyangs shag. (qhent~ot phffqo~ "2,2nla cremate, vo. l?'~x.·~~·&· /r2,_ 111!1-oo taan/
tsampa kE_?ishao ) crescent iS\'"'\'~·t:{' /t,2wa tsh~po/ f They hove
cramp, 1. in calf 1 vi. D. <?'a.~x..· /n~ k!:_r/ f a crescent on their flag, kho tsho'i dar cha'i
He got a cramp in his calf. kho'i nyc 'gyur sgong la zla be tshes po yod pa red, (qhontsoo
shag. (qh33 no kurshao) 2. in stomach, vi.~ th2.,rccc q~~a towa tsh~po Y2~re~) [Syn. tshes
Ci\""'1'4\~e;,:~~-~'iu<:\-:' /th~o~ dlOrii k2_p/ 3. i~ gsum zla be)
back, vi, C. ~·a.a;,~· /tslJ chlllJ/ crevice, see: crack
cramped ~'\"l\·if" /qh!:_ th,2qo/ f His house is crew ~·~· /1E._£mi/ 'II the crew of the ship gru
cramped. kho i khang pa gu dog po red,
1 ( qhOO gzings las mi (\h!:_tsi~ l~mi)
qhanpa qh!:_ th,2qo r!~l crime, 1. n. a.,~·~~· /n~rj'ie~/ ~ What. was his
crane, 1. iso. the bird ~e..·~c..· /tur.~t.uun/ 2, crime? kho'i nag nyes go re red? (qh~ ~l')ne~
iso. the mechanical hoist, neo, c. ~"-:.C>..'\"'\~· qh,2re rE._c) 2, commit o crime, va. €L~·
~~~ •o..(fi:::.:..· /cgnteq t.hOOqM/ /--chE._C/
cranium -'\\'~· /qapli/ [Syn. ka pa li] criminal, 1. adj. ~"l\'~ls(
crap 1 see: excrement did many criminal acts. kho tshos las ko nag
crate, see: box can mang po byes pa red, (qhontsot lEE._qa
crawl, va. D. -fi\'1.'~'"-.";!,X.' /q2_pu q~/ f The baby ~qcc&n m2_nqu chE._tpare~) 2. iso. person ll-{'!1\,"t\'
crawls around. phrug gu des sgab bu dgur byes .JS &>\' /m!_ "!!qcccn/
'gro gi 'dug. (pOqutil q2_pu q~c& t.~qil) crippled, n, 1, legs if\.~'~"1\' /qol')ko~/ f He is
crazy, 1, n, ~~~<-t' /n&npci/ f He is crazy. crippled (in his legs). kho rkang kyog red.
kho smyon pa red. (qho nampa r!~l 2. go crazy, (qho qoonko~ r!~) 2. arms (.tl~·@:""'\' /l~qko~/
vi, -- ~~· /--chE._c/ f He went crazy. kho 3, iso; limp, va. c. 'f\C.'"'-\'~~~· /qcl')po the~/
smyon pa byes shag. (qho nampa chE._cshao) [Syn, crisis (9"\·~·~l9\#:f"" /i'i!nqa chanpo/
smyo] crisp, for vegetables ~<:1.1' ;;:f' /n'impu/ f The
cream ~ '""-' /t-ime/ lettuce is very crisp. pad tshol 1 di snyim po
crease ~"'~·~x..· /U!psuu/ 'II Make a crease in zhe po cig 'dug, (plftsccti n'impu sh!_puci·t!:_u)
my pants. nga 1 i gos thung la 1 tebs zur zhig criterion, see: standard/limit
bzos do. (nE._£ qh!:_tuun la t~psuu ci s~1lta) critic, 1 • iso, one who critiques ~~·~ n..~ls\'
create (anew) 1 va, ~~·<=~11~~· /sorso chE._t/ f ~\1:1.'<11,.' /q!kodn t~ni')&Cn/ [Syn. dge 'don skyon
He created a different (kind of) weapon. khos bsrong byed mkhan] 2. see: dissident
go mtshon mi 'dra be zhig gsar bzo byes pa red, critical <t\'~5\"CI.<r\"\~~~ /nlfnqao chempo/ f
(qh~ qh~tsodn m2_nt.aoci sorso chE._cpare~) This is critical for us. 'di nga tshor gnad
94 critical point

'gog chen po zhig red. (t_! l')~ntsoo n~fnqo~ 2. cross breed, va. A. ~"t\~-~~~- /r_!q t.e~/
chempoci r!:.~) 11 They crossbred cows and yaks. kho tshos bo
critical point CI..'W't\':t'" /qr.:_qtso/ 11 That bottle dong g.yag rigs bsres po red, (qhontsoa ph~to
was the critical point. dmog 'dzing yog de 'gog yo~ r_!q t.~pare~)
rtso chen po zhig byos shag. (mo~ ts_!l')yo~te cross cousin ~-(~j"\l':. • ~~'«· ~-~· /aquta anii
qr.:_qtsa chempaci ch~csho~) phllqu/
criticism ~~~~· /k8ntsut/ cross-examination, 1. n, e::.~·~"t\·~~~~·<:~,V\):;.'
self-criticism ,>;..c:.·'@:~;,:.c:.·l!!.~ /r~l')kb"cin r~l')co~/ /l')~qtho~ tOqshee/ 2. cross-examine, vo. --a~·
criticize, va. ~o.~~-.@;~· /k8ntsuu ch~c/ 11 /--ch&C/
He criticized the workers. khos bzo pa tshor cross-ey~d ~<t\''t\~·~· /mil s_!lM/
skyon •dzugs byas pa red, (qh8i> S_£patsoo crossing (usu. for rivers) ~R~· /clmsa/ f
k8ntsut ch~cpare~) 2. see: scold I'll wait for you at the river crossing. ngas
critique, va. C. ""-~-w.~ /q!:_kbon t8n/ 11 chu gcod so der khyed rang bsgug gi yin. (I')~C
The teacher critiqued the book. dge rgon gis chu c88sa th!£ kheraon q~qiyin)
deb de' i dge sky on bton pa red. (q!;_q&&n qhi cross section, iso, transversely cut section .q~"

thep tee q!;_ko·on t8npare~) [Syn. dge •don skyon ~- /c'ffqa/

bsrong byos] crouch 1 1 • odv • /q_!:!quu ch~c/
crocodile ~-~~ /chOsiin/ 11 He waited crouched, khos dgur dgur byos
crook, see: thief bsgugs bsdod po red, (qhB"d ququuc& q.!:!t
crooked, iso. not straight/bent; not straightfor- t~&pare~) 2. vo, "'-..~"'-'"\~;>;,'€!.~' /q~quu
ward @"t\'if"'~\" /k'5qko?>/ 11 The street is ch~c/ 11 He crouched in a corner, khos zur cig
crooked. lam khag de kyog kyog red, (l~l')qa~te lo dgur dgur byos po red, (qhsB s~ cila q~quu
k'5qko?> r!;_lt!) 11 His foot is crooked (deformed). ch~cpare~)
kho'i rkong po kyog kyog red. (qh88 qol')pa crow l?i''7' /qhoto/
k'5qko~ r!;_~) 11 He is crooked (iso, dishonest). crowd, 1. n. ~-~zt\~· 11 There was a
kho sems kyog kyog red, (qho se~ k'5qko?> r!;_~) large crowd at the ceremony. rten 'brel byed
crop, 1. n. ~~)f"<:£\· /t8nt:>~/ 11 How was the sor mi tshogs chen po zhe drag· •dug. (tem}ee
crop this year? do lo ston thog go 'dro byung ch.2,50o m_!tso~ chi!mpo sh!}ao t.!:!.~l) 2. crowd in,
'dug? (th~lo t8nto~ qh~nt.&c ch.!!!nt6b) 2. har- va. <.".l..~'"f\'<::l.~/!1' /tshol')qo k~p/ 11 Many people
vest a crop, va. C. "'l~'t;ll'~~~- /tsffma l')f'f;/ crowded into the store. tshong khong nang lo mi
3. plant a crop, va. D. ~~~\)c:l.' /slmn tap/ 4, mong pos •tshang go brgyob pa red. (tshol')qoan
rotate crops 1 va. ·~. .~{·c:r."\"'\~-~~- /r~tep ch~c/ noonla m_! ~l')qu~ tshol')qo k~pare~)
crore ~-~· /ch!wo/ crowded 0:.~'"'1' /tshol')qo/ 11 The market was
cross, 1. iso. the figure ~-i~~· / 11 crowded. khrom lo ' tshong go zhe drag 'dug.
the Red Cross rgyo gram dmor po ( maopo) (t.hamlo.tshol')qo sh!:_t.oo t.!:!,t)
2. see: angry 3. iso. cross rivers, etc., va. crown, 1. for king ~<:~.I·if"~l~\'~ /kE,£pOci
C. ""':-'6C::..: /c'fc/ 11 They crossed a big river. 't-'5qshu/ 2. for queen "'l~~£-z;T~·~·
kho tshos chu chen po zhig bead pa red. /tsllmo·o }'5qshu/
(qhontsoa chu chempoci cfcparelt!) [Syn. brgol] crucial, see: critical
4. wood cross used for punishment crucible ~"\·.Tf\c:. • /luuqoon/
/k~l')shiin/ crucify, va. ~c:.-~l::.·~@"\' /k~I')Shiin k2_p/

crossbow Zll.~~"\q_' /sh~nta/ crude 1 1. iso. row ~~~· ./c:!"pa/ 11 crude oil
crossbreed 1 1. n. ~~· (:l..S.,~-~- snum rjen po (niin C!;_mpo) 2. iso. locking in
currently 95

skill/quality ~t;\'~"1"\' /th~pcaa/ 11 a crude cuff link, neo. ~-~a.J.~~-q,~· /phuntee thep-
painting ri mo theb chag (r_!mu thepcaa) 3, cu/
iso, lacking refinement ~·.;:fo" /tsOpu/ 11 cuisine (l>..'Gl.l."'t\' ; h, ('\<'l.l."Cll.<:fl' /qhola~; ·h,
crude behavior ~o::..:.~·~·~ /c8pa tsupu/ 11 sh~la~/ [Syn. gsol tshigs]
crude speech -$i'\"'-.:<\'> ·~·.;r:-
..., I q'fca tsupu/ [Syn, ma cul-de-sac, see: blind alley
dul ba; reng po] cultivate, va. D, '&!.~·<l\'<=t"j~' /sh_!r)qa Uip/
cruel ~~;k'~"'~· /niry:;e rr'2•.'~pa/ 11 cruel pun- cultivated land ~~·~· /sh_!r)Sa/
ishment snying r je mad pa 1 i khrims nyes (iiiry:;e cultivator, see: farmer
~~pee thimiie~) 11 He is a very cruel . person, culture, anth, ~~-"<\.~~· /r_!qshuun/ 11 He
kho mi snying rje mad pa zhig red, (qho m_! iirry:;e studied Tibetan culture, khos bod kyi rig
~~paci r:;_"t3) gzhung slob sbyong byes pa red,
crumble, see: collapse r_!qshuun lCipco~ ch£Cparee)
crumbs "'."t\'~· /phf:!qche/ cumin ~""- /qhf!..ii"tid/
crush, 1. va. D. <::t~":::c.· /ts!r/ 11 He was crushed cunning ~~~ ~ ~ /yo chempo/
by (under) the rock, kho brag gi 1 og la btsir cup, 1. general name (traditionally it referred to
shag, ( qho th!;!~ qhi w:::>~ la tsirshoo) 2, iso, porcelain cup) "\'1"\.::C."Qlett• /qoyoo/ 2, wooden
crush an enemy, va, C, ~""~·~a~· /m2_epa cup ~c:.·~·
. /sht~ph:::>:::>/ 3, silver cup ~.:;.~·*-'
s2_d/ 11 They crushed the guerrillas, kho tshos /~lltlp:::>:::>/ 4. clay cup ~~-~· /ts9..po:::>/
1 jab dmag med pa bzos pa red, (qhontso1i c~pma~ curable ES,"i"~""\·tif'"t(~' /th~ya~ y2_pa/ 11 a
m:;_~pa s~paree) curable disease drag yag yod pa 1 i no tsha
crutch ~""'-"'::li~· /qh~rkuu/ ( th~yaCi y2_pee 119_tsa)
cry, 1, iso, ~th noise, va. C, -~~· ; h, q,~ ~<'\.· curator, neo, ct~<l'l.·~·~c:;.·~ ('H\' lt:;_mtocin tOrJeen/
~~~; h. shOrn/ 11 He cried when his father died, curb, iso, x'Ejstrain 1 va. A. ~-"\""\' /qo~/ [Syn,
kho 1 i pa pha shi dus khos ngus song, (qh88 papa bkag sdo.m byes]
shituU qh8'd ~UUsu) 2, iso, weep silently, vi, curd, 1, n, CR:" /shf:!/ 2. make curds, va, B, ~
B. ~"'f\'~"t::l.«)-C:.' ; h. it"'"'~'t::l.~Q...\' /micu ~~.:q· /sho n'fl!/
toon; h, c'fncap sir/ 3. iso, cry out, va, ~'\' curdle, 1. iso. change into curds, vi. A. ~i'l&"''\~'
~~ · /q'fc kf!.p/ 11 He cried out 1 "Don 1 t go, 11 /she, cho~/ 2. iso. milk, vi. D. ·8':~~- /w!!f'a
khos ma 1 gro zer skad brgyab song, (qhSB m2.ntos shi/
q'fc k~pso) cure, 1. va. C. q_"l"\·~·qJr~· /th!;!~pa s2,1i/ 11 The
crystal (stone) -¥\cu·~ /sheeto/ doctor cured him. em chis kho drag pa bzos
cub (used in compounds) ~ <:<\' /thO~/ 11 tiger cub shag. (~mcil qho th9_Cipa s~BshaCi) 2. get cured,
stag phrug (t~qtuu) [Syn, ph rug gu] vi, A, ~~- /th9.,a/ 11 He got c~red, kho drag
cubit ~- /thu/ shag. (qh5 th!;!asha~)
""' ~-~~· /qhiiyu~/
cuckoo bird curl, for hair, va, C, ""$i·~·oo;t;e:s.~~· Ito sUlu so1i/ ·
cuckoo clock f.ll'<.\.l"t\'Q;,"af"'\.· /qhuyu~ chotshts"d/ curly hair ~·~·~· /to sUlu/
" ' -.., -.:>
cucumber '1\c:.:x..• /qo~ra/ currant, see: raisin
cud, 1. n, ~'\: It£&! 2. chew cud, va, currency ~~ocr· /~00/
<:!.~t::\" /--kf!.p/ current, iso, present "\"~' /thf!..nta/ 11 this cur-
cuddle, see: hug rent month do lta 1 i zla ba 1 di (thf!..ntee t2.wa
cue, 1. iso, a secret sign/signal "'f\~"'~"l\~' t_!) 11 current work do lta 1 i las ka ( th2.ntee
/sor)ta~/ 2. iso, pool cue ;;:f<i.l·~"\' /polku~/ leeqa)
cuff ~.z-~· /phOrtse/ currently ~c:.·~"· /th:;_r)Saan/ 11 He is currently
96 curriculum

in Lhasa; khong deng song lho sor yod po red, cute, see: pretty
(qh~n th!nsoon lh~~soo Y2~re~) [Syn, do lto] cutting board ~~ ")~' /antcc/ [Syn, btubs stan]
curriculum ~·~;~'&-I.'!:Qe:.~· /lope~ namtaiV cycle 1 1, of 12 years Q:f-'Q.~x_·.q~·"'\~~· /lf!_q:):)
curry powder ~·~·~IJ.'l.' /qr:_se chema/ cunnil/ 2. of 60 years -'=."\'~~· /r2_pcuun/ 3,
curse words ~~·e:.~ /tshiqn&cn/ [Syn, tshig vi, go/come in cycles [Number number lo
rtsub] noun r~re vb,] 11 War comes in twenty year
cursive writing ~"1\' /khOt/ [Syn, khyug yig] cycles, lo nyi shu nyi shu lo dmcg re re yong
cursorily )t~· ~· /r;:,pts/ 11 He studied the gi red. (1~ Pi!shu n!shu la ma?J r~re Y';!,.nqire~)
book cursorily, khos deb de rob tsom zhig slob [Note: War C9f11es every twenty years, 11 This
sbyong byos po red, ( qhtla th_2pte r~ptsaci literally means"] 4. see: bicycle
lope~ ch£&pore~) cyclone ~c:..·q_~q· /lOntsup/
curtoil 1 see: reduce cymbal ~ ~'cl6o.I' /p!3_qcr.&/ [Syn, sil snyan]
curtain ~-~· /y~la/ cyst 1 see : boil
curved, 1. iso. rood ~~·4t<l'l.' /k3qk:>~/ [Syn,
kyog ge kyog ge] 2. iso, curved line '!l,"'\'sa~·
cushion, 1, small "<\"\.i51._'~.:r:..·

~~m'J:r\'\~' /pbotccn/
custodian (l'liC::.'"'t\~:.:.· /qhBnnee/
custom, 1. is;>• traditions ~'11.~·~· /l';!_qsbo/
11 This is a Tibetan custom, 1 di bod po 'i lugs
srol red. ( t,! ph~p&& l!!qsoo r!~) [Syn, goms
srol; goms gshis] ."2·. iso, duty 1 tariff Gl."t\.21\'~·
/q~qo/ 3, see: tax
customarily, see: usually
customary, see: usual
custom-made "'.~~~·.q~~·~~·~::~.)\.(q·~~· /miqs&&qi
s'§.dp&&/ 11 a custom-made rug dmigs bsol gyis
bzos po'i kha gdon (miqs&&qi s~~&& qhot&&n)
custom's check post (mainly at airport) ~~~~·
~~·~~x..:@_"".:oN'/chrnod sh,!pshee ch~o/ [Syn,
phyi rgyol dngos zog zhib bsher byed so]
custom's office ifia..\'Cl.l.~·~c.~· /q~th&& lM-
custom's tax/duty ~~~· l9£th&&/
cut 1 1. vo, D, l:t~"\~' /tOp/ 11 He cut the meet,
khos she btubs song. ( qhoo
sh~ tclpsu) 2, iso,
cut with a scissor, vo. A. ~~~·~~~·
/ch!mts~ phf!_'?l/ 3, iso, get a cut 1 vi, C, ~·
.::t~~· /mo s'§.d/ 11 His hand got cut. kho'i log
par rmo bzos shag, (qh88 l~qpoo me s'§.dsho'?l) 4.
see: haircut 5, iso, cut by chopping, vo, D.
~~· /ts§p/

dab 1 see: apply 1 1.

dabble 1 va. ('\'~<:~·~·.~·~l!ll'@_,~' /qho hy~ptse
hyaptse chE_c/ ~ He dabbles in many kinds of
work. khos las ka mang .Po kha hyab tsam hyab
tsam byed kyi 'dug. (qhBB 1E£qa m!!l')qu qho hy-
~pts hyapts ch!qil)
dacoit li<."'=\'"-l' /ch!:.,qpa/
dad 1 1. iso, term of address ~·t:4• ; h, ~Ql9~·
/papa; h. poala~/ 2, iso, term of reference~·
~·; h • .el.l"\' /p(Jpa; h. Y!!PI
daft 1 see: crazy
dagger ~·~c.·
...., /~h!chul')/
daily ~~~.x..· /ii!ntaa/ ~ The newspaper comes
daily, tshag dpar nyin ltar yong gi 1 dug,
(tsh5qpaa n_!nta'a Y.!:!,I"Jqil) [Syn. nyin re]
daily agenda ~~~~~~ /n~nree ch~qo/
daily needs ~~x~·~~·"-l~ /n~nree ii!rqo/
daily newspaper '9~'-'1:.~'-'t\~.:Z::.~«"\'
<:'-. """" '!"- ngnree sor-

daily wage, 1. n, ~~m: /n~nle/ 2. iso, work
for daily wages, va, -- ~· /--ch£&/
dairy 1 iso, dairy foods/ products"\-rr"',;a<'\•/qors&c/
[Syn, mar phy~r]

dairy factory '\'f\.:Z::.'I>.l~·.q'f'~ • /qorl&c s2,ta/

dairy farm, neo, "'\.ll'\.>;.·~~·1lt_~·;~::: /qorlc& sh};_l')re/
[Syn. mar phyur.las gra]
dak bungalow et.~O-l·~c:.· /tUt.lqhaan/
Dalai Lama '¥.;0\a'§:\'CI.:I' /talc& lana/ ~ the 5th
Dalai Lama to la 1 i la rna sku 1 phreng lngo pa
(tcil&& lorna qun~el') l')opa) [Syn. sku mdun; yid
bzhin nor bu; rgyal ba rin po che; skyabs mgon
rin po che; gong sa chen po]
Dalai Lama's mother (title) ~Cl.l'~liU·~"w
/k&&yum chemo/
dale, see: valley
dam, 1. n, ~·.>;.~· /chOra'O/ 2, iso, make a dam,
va. -- &::t.®,e:1' /--k!!p/
damage, 1. n. ~· /kSSn/ ~How much damage was
there? skyon gang tsam byung 1 dug? (k8Sn qh~­
qeets ch~nt66) 2, iso, be/get damaged, .vi,
.€J,~· /--chE_&/ ~ The rain damaged the crops.
char pas ston thog la skyon byes shag, (choop&c
t8nto~la k88n chE_csha'O) 3. va. !;(.~?h.'
98 damage by breaking

/--teen/ ~ They damaged the car, kho tshos mo dardelion ~&.l·~·"f'"\' /qhlina~ m!!b~/
tar skyon. btang shag. (qhiSntsb'ts m!?,}aa kSSn dandruff ~-~ /q'F)~ki/
t<'ransha~) danger ~~en.· /n!!l)qa/ ~ There is a danger of
damage by breaking, 1, n, a,"\·~ war. dmag gi nyen go 'dug. !ma~qi n!IJqa t.!:!_ul
2. vi. B. -- Yf~· /--sh~~/ dangerous ~Ol..:'<\'~01.:¢ IPi!!IJqa ch&!po/ ~ This
damage by cracking, 1, n. ~«~·if&: work is dangerous. los ka 1 di nyen go chen po
2. vi. B. -- ..:q-x.- /--sh~~/ red. (l& th! n!l)qa ch~mpo r!el
damage by fire 1 1. n. ~·~· /~~~f!k'Odn/ 2. vi. B. dapper ')."~~-;:t: /th2_1)tb'ts "tshopo/
-- ~:x· /--sh~~/ dare, vi. A. ~~- /niJUf ~ I don't dare do this,
damage by insects (to plants) 1 1. n, q_~-~~­ nga 'di byed nus kyi mi 1 dug, (IJ.!:!, th! ch!e nUU-
/p!:_k'Odn/ 2; vi. -- ~.!!.\' /--ch£_'&/ qim!ntuu)
damage by water, 1. n. ~-~~ /chukbon/ 2, vi, daring ~(f;'<t\~li\.·22 /loqo~ chempo/
B. -- ¥\x.· I--sh~~/ Darjeeling ~~~~· /tE_celiin/
damp 1 1. iso, moist/wet, i, n. ~~'R' /!Smpa/ 11 dark 1 1. iso, little or no light ~""\·~~· /n22,-
The shirt is damp. stod thung rlon pa red, quun/ ~ It is dark here, 'dir nag khung 1 dug,
(t88tuun !8mpa r!!el ~ The weather is damp, (th££_ naaquun t.!:!_u) 2. iso, dark colors ~zt\'"'t'

gnam gshis rlon po red, (nemshil !8mpa r!!el /muqpu/

ii. iso. become damp, vi. A. -- ~<0:1~' /--cha~/ dark blue £-.::a,_"t\' /l)ona~/
[Syn. rlon pa byes] 2, iso, moist/humid 1 n, <'\' dark brown Ef''~<t"\· /ts!muu/
~01.,· /sh2_tsr.r.n/ ~ This area is very damp, sa darken, 1. va, ~""\~'~<?!::' /n.2,~ru teen/ 2.
cha 1 dir zha tshan chen po 'dug. iso, weather, vi. A, "'<t'\'~r;:.'<l<J<t'\~' /n22,quun
sh.2,tsr.r.n chernpo t.!:!_~l) che~/ ~ The sky darkened suddenly. gnam hob de
dampen, iso. make wet 1 va. C, ~~~-~:~.~~­ kha !a nag khung chags shag. · (nom hCipte qhola
/18mpa s2,d/ n:2quun che~sha~)
dance, 1. n. @1.."'\~·:?f /sh.2,prol.. 2, va, -- .tt,~~· dark green ~~'<;1.,"\' /c2_1)na~/
(--k!,p/ ~ They danced a Tibetan dance. kho dark meat ""\'~"'\·~ /she muqpu/
tshos bod pa'i zhabs bra brgyab song, (qhonts'Od dark room (for"""developing film) 1 neo, '\,c.t~·a.~
ph2p&& sh.2,pro k2,psu) 3, iso. a dance party 1 neo, ~c· /p<'rr thOqhaan/

~<:~~-~~a.~g-<1'\~· /sh.2,prb1S t.!:!_tso~/ darn 1 1, iso, mend 1 va. A. ~~'t\~' lt-2,~1 ~ He

circle dance, 1. n. ~'""\$.,~' /qE_Sh&'t/ 2. darned my socks, khos nga 1 i u mu su lu bsgrogs
va. -- ~~~::~.· /--k!p/ pa red. (qhaB IJ££_ Omsulu t2,~paree) 2. iso, sew
Tibetan religious dance 1 1 • n, i50 ~ • /cho~/ on a patch 1 va, ~~&.(·~~e~_· /lhl!mpa k2,p/
2, va. -- .q~· /--k2,p/ dart 1 iso, small arrow ~"\a.·~~· /tf!Phuun/
Tro dance 1 1 • n • !:f /t.h.!:!,/ 2. va, dash 1 1. see: break 2, iso, get/be dashed in en-
/--t.hap/ thusiasm/spirit 1 vi. A, ~ a.1...._ ~'"\~'CfJ"'\ •
Western dance 1. n. ~~:~a.(<\<:1.~·~ /incii sh.2,pro/ /semshuu che~/ ~ His enthusiasm for going to
[Syn, nub phyogs pa'i zhabs bra] 2, va, --~~~;~· Tibet was dashed, kho bod !a 1 gro yag gi sems
/--k!,p/ shugs chag shag. (qho ph2,dla }!?,YO~qi semshuu
dance music ~<:~.~-~~-:;c-Q.l''*>' /sh2_prb"d r~a/ chaashao) 3, see: run
dancer @..<:\.~~~'<\.'~~~ /shapro kaal)t&n/ ,Des Kapital 1 neo, c. ~-.{S"~·s_~·~""''l:\ /fll.2.tS&&
dance school ~ct~~\~·~· /sh.2,pr'Oo lept-a/ nemshr.c/
dance troupe (with singers) (l\"'\':N'~<0\,.<'1.'"*~~·1:4:' data, neo, c. "'~"'en.~· /c"Mshi/ ~ scientific
/sh.2,pshr.c tsh~qpa/ data tshan rig dpyad gzhi (tshl!l!nril c~~shi)
deadlock 99

/tshepo/ 11 What is the dote tseen sh.!_ chi~par~) [Note: Tibetan expresses
today? de ring tshes pa go tshod red? (th~ri this as 11 4 11 days and nights, i ,e. 2 days and 2
tshepa qh~tshec r£&) 2. for Western system spe- nights.]
cifically ~-~~· /citshee/ [Syn. phyi tshes] day before yesterday ~~-~0\:a:r:- /qhcl! n!;_r)qo~/
dote, iso. fruit ~·~· /qhasuu/ day school ~Cl..:~~·if"i.·:S:l· /n!;_mtru lopto/ [Syn.
doted, iso. old style ,.)-:~·%z::.·"-1· /s!?_pto nyin slob]
n!r)pa/ 11 That kind of hot is doted. zho mo day shift 0~---~l' /n.!_nlM/
'di'i gros de bzo lto rnying pared. (shomo tii days journey ~'61.:0-l.~ · /ninlam/ 11 How many days
tE,.Cte S!?_pto n!r)pa r~~~ journey is it? nyin lam go tshod yod pa red?
daughter ~~ ; h. ~<-;·~ /ph!?_mo; h. scl!mo/ (ninlam qhatsh~ y~~rec)
daughter-in-law, 1. n. a.:u:l,<::~_'<l.l' /noma/ 2. iso. doyt;me ~~,ig_.~c.· - /i'i!;_meeqoon/ 11 We should go
give as daughter-in-law, vo. 8, during. the daytime. ngo tsho nyi rna 1 i dgung lo
I --tel3/ 3. is a. toke a daughter-in-law, vo. C. 1 gro dgos red. (r)2,ntso n!;_meeqoonla ~!?.qore~)
--§.\c.~· I --leiV day-to-day ~a.:?:'&· /n}1_nree/ 11 day-to-day work
dauntless, see: courageous nyin re'i los ko (n}1_nree leeqo)
down, iso. be/get, vi, c. Ol..<1.:1'<l..lC.~· /1112,m l!?_n/ day wage ~:s...·~- /n!;_nla/
day, 1. interval between two nights ~Cl._'tl-l' /ii!;_ma/ doze, vi , C. o:~.'li\;Q..'lt"~~· /q!?. thorn/ 11 After
11 How many days will it toke? nyin mo go tsho the fire, he was dozed. me shor nos kho mgo
'gor gyi red? (ii!:_rna qh~tsec qMqirE,.c) 2. iso. 'thorns shag. (~ sh~~ne qho 9£ thomsho~)
day of the week "<\~o_· /s2,/ 11 What day is to- dazzling "'1.~"'\'""'-'\"~·-:io..:,.;:r /tor)ton
day? de ring gzo 1 go re red? ( th~ri so qh2,re chempo/
r£C) dead, 1. adj. ~·q· /shipa/ 11 dead animals
every day ~~~.:r.: /n!;_ntoo/ [Syn. nyin re; nyin sems con shi po (semceen shipa) 2. iso, die/be
rna rtog par] dead, vi. D. ~· /shi/ 11 He was dead when I
five days from now .q%~· leO'~! [Syn. bcus come. ngo yong dus kho shi tshor po red. ( r'J2,
nyin mo] Y!?,ntUU qho shitshorpare~)
four days from now "\~~· /q~/ [Syn. dgus nyin dead body, see: corpse
rna] dead end ~~·~c.,:z..;' /th.£:!nso ~~po/ 11 dead end
the day .after tomorrow street don so med pa 1 i lam khag (thodnso
n!;_r)qo~/ [Syn. gnongs] ~~pee 12,r)qaa)
the day before '0'<\C).l'~ct.:_O-\' deadline, 1. n. ~~·t::t.-"\"'\' /thtrliqaa/ 2. iso,
[Syn. nyin sngon mo] give/ have a deadline, va. C. -- <':l.'£"~· /sE,15!
the following day 901..·0-\~·~· /ii!:_rna c~moa/ 11 Do you hove a deadline? khyed rang lo dus
[Syn. phyi nyin] bkag bzos yod pa red pas? (kheraanlo thUUqoa
three days ago Cl.l~;,~~ lm£!:. n!;_r)qoo/ s,!fd y_;:~r!':pec) .'11 The government gave us a dead-
.'<c- I sh~
three days from now <\\<.0\~''9q'~·
"" ""' ' -n!;_r)qoo'I line. gzhung gis ngo tshor dus bkog bzos po
today ~·'Xc.. · /th~ri/ red. (sh~8qi r'J!?.ntso~ thu1qo~ sE,1;pore~)
tomorrow ~t::.''9C\.' /s~niin/ /q2,a tE_c/ 11 The
yesterday ~·~· /qhl! discussion between the two parties is dead-
doyen (Chinese Silver dollar) '\«:...:l~' /t~yoon/ locked. shag khog gnyis kyi bar lo gros bsdur
day and night ( 24 hours) ~ <5l,.'Cl..\~O\: /i'i!;_ntseen/ 11 byed yag de 'gog bsdad shag. (sh3qoa iirlqi
They went for two days and nights. kho tshos ph2,rla 1h~tur ch!!ya~te q!?.~ tE,.cshoo) [Syn. rna
nyin mtshon bzhi phyin po red. (qhontsod iiin- 'grigs par bsdod]
100 dead tired

dead tired, see: tired death rate ~·~'\' /shitshcC/

deadweight, iso, carrying capacity :5a"''\•af<;..: debase, see: demean
/theqtshcc/ debate, 1. !so, discussion at o meeting, i, n,
deaf ~~~· /w~mpa/ ~ Is he deaf? kho 'on pa ~~·q~.x:.: /'t-h,!!!tuu/ ii, vo, -- €Y~·
red pas? (qho w~pa r!pcc) /--ch£CI ~ They debated (about) building a new
deaf and dumb, see: deaf mute palace. kho tshos pho brang gsar po rgyag yag gi
deafen, 1, iso, make deaf, va. C. ~c:t.:~·e::~.F~· skor la gros bsdur byes po red, (qhontsbt pho-
/w~pa s'§:.d/ 2. iso, become deaf, vi. A. '?t".x.,·~· t.oan sBCipa k~yaoqi q~~la t.h~tuu ch£Cparee) 2,
a;,~\~' /w~pa cha~/ iso, debating contest, i, n, ~e:..:~· /ts8po/
deafening, see: loud ii. vo, -- ""1.~""1. • /-k!p/ ~ The students have a
deaf mute ~~~"t\' /w~quu/ debate every month, slob grwa bo tshos zlo ba
deal, 1, iso, cords, vo, A. ~~ lt.eC! ~ When re 1 i re 1 i no ng lo rtsod pa thengs re 1 i re rgyag
do I (have to) deal the cords? ngas tag se go gi red. ' ' tEwo r.22ree nE2nlo tsopo
( lapt.ootsi:S1:S "
dus sprod dgos red? ~
(D£~ tease '
qh!t~u ~' ')
t.ooqorcc thery r~re kaaqire~) 3, iso, monk's philosophi-
[Note: This literally means give,] 2, iso, cal debating, !, .n. """"&:.'~" /tsh~iiil/ H.
does business in 1 va. ~-~~c:~,· /tsh56n k!p/ va, A. -- .ot,~ /--ts~d/
~ He deals in rugs, khos rum gdan tshong rgyag debilitate, 1, va. C, ~~<t\~-~~~~·
gi 'dug, (qh~d r~tccn tsh66n k!!qil) /s~qu kopo s'§:.d/ 2. iso, get debilitated, vi, A.
dealer, 1, iso, cords ~.;n~~ /t.3SD&&n/ 2, <t\~~~·~~=r.-<!504\~' /s~qu kopo choo/
iso. business ~C::.'@J<t\'~('0.~ /tshoon k~D&&n/ debrief, iso, ask detailed questions, vo, C, ~"\.'

~ He is a rug dealer, kho rum gdon tshong rgyag ~-~~-~~~· /ql:ca sh!pcha t.h!l/ ~ When the
mkhan red, (qho r~mtccn tshoon koaD&cn·r!~l spy. returned, they debriefed him, so po tshur
dean, neo, ~~~~·~·~~·"-t~~ /thOrii!t lop- log nos kho tshos kho la skad cha zhib cha dris
t-ee untsiin/ po red. (sopo tshOu 12,~nc qhontsod qh53 qfca
dear, 1. iso. close/beloved ~~·~~· /tsentccn/ sh!pcha t.h!lparee)
~He is my dear friend. khong ngo'i brtse ldon debt, 1. n, ~-~· /ph~lUUn/ ~ national debt
grogs po red, (qhoon tJ~ tse.ntccn t.h2,qo r!el rgyal khob kyi bu lon (kccqapqi ph~lttun) ~ He
2, iso. precious ~-~·~~CF /.tsCio.chempo( ~ has many debts. kho la bu lon zhe drag yod pa
This statue is very dear t~ us, sku 'di rtsa ba red. (qh~~ ph~lUUn sh~t.oa Y2.~ree) 2. iso, get
chen po zhe drag red, (qu t! tsaa chempo sh~toa into debt, vi. A. -- <30"'\~' /--choa/ 3, iso,
r!e) 3. iso. dear price ~-~~ir-~"'-:.:F~"'\' poy a debt, va. A. -- ~~ /--t.fc/
/qh~n chempo sh!puci/ 11 I paid a dear price, debtor ~·~~~0l~' /ph~lUUn yoc:it')&&n/
ngas gong chen po zhed po cig sprad po yin. debut, neo, ~-~~~\' /thEI"JPO th~nyoo/ ~
(D£C qh~n chempo sh!puci t.fcpayin) 4. iso, o When was your debut? khyed rang dong po don yog
letter heading ~~·F;~.'Bl· /tsewcc/ ~ Dear de go dus red? (kheroon thEDPO th~yoote qh!-
Friend Sonom brtse ba'i grogs po bsod noms lags ' rE_t')
(tsewcc t.h2,qpo sSno~a~) decade, neo, c::r.~·Qf" /culo/ ~ two decodes bcu
dearth, see: scarce lo gnyis (cOlo nrr) [Note: Normally said sim-
death, 1. n, ~-~··•r /shiyoo/ ~ as for his death ply ~s "x" no, of years, e.g., 2 decodes is 20
kho shi .yog ni (qho shiyooni) 2. see: die; years.]
deceased ~x.·~"''.::l,~-~~~·
c- -v-
point of death '4'~'Q..I·~x..· /shiqa lEma/ [Syn,
decagon, neo.
decal, neo.
~ ~
/cErpoo rimu/
- -
/surcu soyip/

shi yag gi mtshams] decanter, 1. !so, general term ~~~· /th!mpi/

decline 101

2. iso. beer decanter o,c:::.·t;,'al' "/chol')tom/ 3, k~p/ 11 They decentralized the work. kho tshos
iso. liquor decanter ~.!1::.""\l!.l.' /ortom/ los ko phyogs bgos brgyob po red, (qhontsb"d
decapitate, va. A. ~-~~"' /qe cf!c/ l&&qo ch3~q~ k~paree)
decay, vi. B. ""'Ol' /riJE/ , The· meat decoyed. decide, 1. vo. c. £1"1'<>.:{,'\' /th~ cf!c/ 11 He
sho rul shag. (she r~ho~) decided to go to Tibet, khos bod lo 1 gro yog
decoyed, adj. ~~''"-\' /r§pa/ , This meat is thag bead po red. (qhS'd ph~lo t~ya~ tho~ c~c­
decoyed. sha di rul po red.
1 (she t!_ ru1Jpa poree) 2, iso, decide o legal case, vo, ~~··

r~e) ~~~~· /thimco1i ch£_t/

decoyed inside (outside looks okay) ~4"\'~0ol.· decimal, neo, c. ':!Q<:::W~e:.· /th~r)Chuun/ , 1,8
/qh~qrUU/ tons ton gcig dang grong chung brgyod (!Sn
deceased, 1. iso. died~·~·; h.~~~~·.e.t.·/shipo; ciqta th~QChuun k£_c)
h. sh~pa/ , Is he deceased? kho shi po red decimal point 1 neo, c,
pas? ( qho shipa r2,pe&) [Syn. grongs po] 2. /th~l')chuun thiqtsheq/
adj. "'-~'1'.\'/th~mpo/ , my deceased father ngo'i decimate, see: destroy
po' logs dam po (I')~ pollia~ th~mpo) [Syn. h, decipher, va. A, ~~~~~·
gshegs po; zhing gshegs] They deciphered the message, kho tshos Ion gyi
deceit, 1. n. ~~~ /q~~~/ [Syn, g,yo sgyu; go don bsnyes po red. (qhonts~ l~n qhi qh~
bslu bo] 2. iso, use deceit, va, -- .q,v~· thCidn iiilparee)
/--toon/ , He got his position by using deceit, decision, 1 , ~"t\'"'1\~"( /thoqcCid/ , What was
khos mgo skor btong nos go so byung po red, his de~ision? · kho 1 i thog geed go re red? (qh88
(qhBB q£q~~ toon& qh~o ch~nparee) thoqcbis · qh~re. r£_&) 2, iso, final decision
deceitful !9-l~~-olt'\~~·<MI."\~· /q~q~~ tol')t::&n/ , mtha' mo'i thog geed (thCim&& thCiqcod) 3. iso,
He is very deceitful , kho mgo skor gtong mkhon written legal decision ~·~· /!hCimo/
zhe po cig red. (qh5 q~~~ tol')&&n sh!_puci r~e) decisive, 1. iso, person's quality ~~<t\'~"'\il­
deceive, 1. va. ~~~·~'9c:.· /q~q-:J-:J toon/ , /loto~ chSSpo/ , He is very decisive, kho lo
He deceived the enemy, khos dgro la mgo skor thog chad po zhe drag red, ·(qho leta~ ch33po
btang pa red, (qhS'd t~la q~q~-:J toonporee) sh,2too r2.,el 2. iso. vital/key"\,
[Sy~. bslus] 2. iso, be/get deceived, vi, A, /thCiqcbt/ ~ o decisive vote thag geed 1 os bsdu
~~w·Sl.~=t.N'. /qoq~~ thea/ ( thCiqcCid w,!8!tu)
decelerate, 1, vo. t'l.:tf\~·~.:t<yt;,.' /q22,ru toan/ declaration, 1, n, <1\-M~·.:t~··•v~·~· /sf!~to~/ 2,
2.,iso, be/get decelerated, vi, Q~·~~'lsl.: iso, declare/make a declaration, va, -- ~~·

= ·
/q~~ru chin/ /--ch£_c/ , They declared independence. kho
DeceuLJer ~ o-
-e..'~'"'t~'"t\<J>~'"'-l.' I c1n - -i'1paI
- t a cul')n tshos rang btson gsol bsgrogs byos po red,
decennial ~t'l.~X.·~~· /loq~~ cu/ , a decenni- (qhontsb"d r~nts&&n sf!~!o~ ch£_cporee)
v -
ol ceremony lo 1 khor bcu phyin pa'i rten 1 brel declare, see: declaration, 2
(l~q~~ cO chimp&& temtee) decline, 1, _iso. deteriorate, vi. c. <'9~~- /FI~m/

decent, 1. iso, a personal quality "'-l'~-"3.~' , This city has dec~ined, grong khyer 'di nyoms
/y~rap/ , He is very decent, kho yo robs zhe shag, (!h2Jkhee t!_ ii~~ho~) [Syn. nyoms rgud
drag red. (qh~ y~rap sh2,too r~e) 2. iso. pro- phyin] 2. iso. go down in cost/price, vi. A,
per/appropriate ;.\;.~..:~ /r£_mpo/ 11 decent .clo- a,•rr /cho~/ 11 The price of kerosine has
thes dug slog ron po (th_!:!ql~~ r£_mpo) 3, see: declined. sa snum gyi gong chog shag, (senumqi
adequate qhoon chCi~sho~) 3, iso, refuse, vo, C. ("!.~'

decentralize, va. i;r~.:N.·z:t~-N·.q:~z:t· /ch33qo1i ~·~c.~· /qhf!c mCiHin/ 11 He declined to go to

102 decompose

China, khos rgya nag la 'gro yag khas rna blongs the poor. khos skyo por rogs ram byed yog lo
po red. ( qhBi5 k~noola t~yao qhC& mala~ore~) rang blos btang byos pa red, (qhBi5 kop~~ r~~ram
4. iso. go down in number, vi. c. '?{,"'~~"" ch~yo~llo r2.5ln 188taon chE_cporee)
~ The. number of students has deduct, vo. D. ~~~ /thet:i/ ~ After you deduct
declined, slob grwo ba 'i grongs 'bor nyung ru your expenses from salary 1 there is nothing
phyin po red. (loptooqi th~~p~~ n~~ru chimpare~) left. khyed rang gi phogs nos 'gro song 'then
decompose, vi. B, ~~- /riJE/ ~ That corpse has nos lhog mo bsdad mi 'dug, (kheroonqi ph5~n&
completely decomposed, rode rbad de rul shag. t~soon thane lhaamaa tee m!ntu~)
(r~ th~ pE_t rQ!;!shob) deduction <":Ul~CJ-.19' /thenyoa/ 11 There are
decomposed, odj, ~~·q• /r~pa/ ~ a decomposed three deductions from my salary. ngo 1 i phogs
corpse ro rul po (r~ r:!!:!pal nos 'then yog gsum 'dug. ( ~~ ph5?Jnc theenyoa
decongestant, mad. ~<%~·~c:=·~l;l..' /naqu~ so~- sum t~~)
m&&n/ deed, 1. iso. action/work ~~·"\· /l~qo/ ~ good
decontaminate, iso, make clean, va, C, ~~·01.\· deed las ko yog po (l&&qa y~qo) [Syn. byo ba]
/:;\1\-N.· /tsa~ma s';!,d/ ~ They decontaminated the 2. iso. title to property o<:\:rn_o_·~"?~· /qotccn/
hospital. kho tshos sman khong gtsong mo bzos de-emphasize, vo, ~~c:.·~c:.·~~'Yc:..· /th~naan
shag, (qhontsoB mCnqoon tsa~mo s~ibhab) chu~ru taan/ ~ This year they de-emphasized
decontrol, va. c. ~~~€\~"'"-''"a~· /tshC!!shi religion in that school, do lo kho tshos slob
~~po s'§_d/ ~ The government decontrolled the grwa de' i nang la chos do snong chung du btong
( th~lo qhentsoo n:-
price of sugar, gzhung gis bye mo ko ro 1 i rin pa red, lopta th~ n~nlo choo
gong tshad gzhi mad po bzos po red, (sh;;!~i th~naon chu~ru toanparee)
m~~po s';!,dpore~) deep "'t\~c:.·~c:.·2\- /tr~ r!~qu/ ~ The well was
decoration 1 1 • n. /kE_ntoB/ 2, iso, deep. khrom po de gting ring po 'dug.
decorate 1 vo. I --chE_c/ ~ They (th5mpote tr~ r!~qu t~u) ~ deep thoughts bsom
decorated the house, kho tshos khang par rgyon blo gting ring po (somlo tr~ r!~qu) [Syn.
sprod byos po rea. (qhontsb1; qharwaa kE_ntod gting zob po; tom ring po]
chE_cpore~) 3, see: medal deepen, 1. vo. ll\~ ""
'9 c:.. ;r::.z::. -~ ~ '? 1::..'
decrease, 1. va, A. "'"(,"'\' I coal ~ We hove to taan/ ~ They deepened the well. kho tshos
decrease the number of factories, ngo tshos bzo khrom pa gting ring du btong pa red. (qhontsod
grwo 'i grongs 'bor beag dgos red, (~~ntsb1; s~­ thanpo tir) r!~ru toonpare~) [Syn. gting zab tu
tcc th~~p~~ cooqoree) 2. iso. be/get decreased, .
bt ong ] 2 , iso, get d eepene d 1 VJ.. C\~ ~
~'9C:.' .xz::.·~~~·
vi. A. ~"<\' /choa/ ~ The nurrber of factories /tr~ r!~ru chin/
has decreased a 1 ot, bzo grwo 'i grongs 'bar deep-fry, see: fry
chag shag. (s~tcc th~~P~~ chaashao) deeply ~'9c:.·~~- /t!~nct./ ~ He believed deeply
decree, 1. n. ~.Tf\'-'·~~-N.· /qat-him/ 2. iso. in comnunism, khos gung bran ring lugs lo yid
issue a decree, vo. ches gting nos byos po red. (qhBi5 qh~tccn r!~­
/--kh~pt,oa chE_c/ lu~la y!!ce~ tr~c& chE_cpare~) ~ He fell deeply
decrepit, 1. iso, people <t,_~-41 ~. .;:r-""/:.l,' /q~- in love with her. kho mo lo sems pa gting nos
co~ y2_po/ 2. iso, things ~~-"'""~~· shor po red, (qho m.2.:: sempo tr~c sh55pore~)
/qOOsc& chimpa/ deep ploughing, 1. n. ~~z:..· ;;l~· /ti~mo1;/ 2.
dedicate, 1. see: consecrate 2. iso, devote one- vo. -- ~~~- /--k~p/
self wholly, vo, ;l:.C:.'~'q'9c:.'@,~· /roan deep voice ~~-~-~
188toon chE_r./ ~ He dedicated himself to help deep-water port, neo, c,/q!:c pompo/(<l.'
I tir)Sap
definite 103

th~qha/ [Syn. neo, c, chub zob mtsho kho] ~- m~to koon

(qhoo ' '
~ y~poci ii~dshoo)

deer ~·~· /shoo/ defend 1 vo. ~r::.· ~·§,~' /suQkop chE_t/ 11

antlers Y'\'"'i,' /sh6ro/ They defended Lhasa, kho tshos lho so srung
deerhound ¥1' ~; /sh~khi/ skyob byos po (qhentsod lh&l!so suQkop
deerskin '¥l'"l"f\~· /shopo"l1/ chE_cporee)
fawn ""<'\' ~""· /sh~thu~/ defendant, leg, ~"~· /kh'&5yo/ [Note: In
female deer '¥\·~·~ /shoo mo/ [Syn, shwo mol Tibetan this con be used for both defendant and
mole deer ¥\'(!.' ~ /shoo pho/ [Syn. shwo pho] plaintiff.]
musk deer ~·.!:;\· /loll/ defense ~~·~· /suQkop/ 11 war of defense
deface, iso. make ugly, vo. C, ~~·~~·<::\1\~· srung skyob dmog (sOQkop mo'?J) 11 air defense
/t~~ne~ s!rd/ 11 They defaced the wall with writ- mkha 1 dbyings srung skyob ( qh6yil) sul)kop) 11
ing. kho tshos rtsig po 1 i !debs lo yi: ge bris defensive fortifications srung skyob 'dzing rag·
nos mdog nyes bzos shag, (qhonts~ tsiqp&& t!~­ (sul)kop ts!l)ro'?J) [Syn. neo, c. 'gog srung]
lo Y!qe th!ln& t~ne~ s~dsho'?J) Defense Deportment (U.S.A,) ~~c:..·<:t.t~·~c;,~·
defocto, neo. ~~·Z"Ol..: /rj38tbon/ 11 defocto /k££sul) l££qu~/ [Syn, neo, c. rgyol srung pu 1 u]
minister dngos don bko' blon (Q88toon qolbon) Defense Minister
defame, vo, ~~·l:.:~'?l:.: /ml!l!ro t6on/ [Syn, cheen/
(for religious personages) bkur bo btob] defensive, see: defense
default, iso, on a loon, vi. A. ~~~w.·~"\' defiant, 1. vo •. C, <9l~c:.·t:.~..'C\~t::~· /c!Qpa t~l)/
I ph~lUUn tots m~thuu'! 11 He defoul ted on his 11 The workers ore defiant. hzo po tshos mjing
loon and was put in jail. kho bu !on sprod rna po sgreng gi yod po red. (s~potsod c!Qpa t~Qqi
thub tsong bt.son lo bcug po red, (qho ph~ltrun y~:,re~)" 2. adj. 0-l~t:::·<::.\·~~·;:r-- /c!l)pa P_2m-
t~6 m~thu~tsoon ts83nlo cutpare~) po/ 11 He is very defiant. kho mjing po sbom po
defeat, 1. vi. c. ~<R~· /pho~/ 11 They were she drag 'dug, (qho c!l)pa p~mpo sh!toa t~~)
defeated in the war. kho tsho dmog phoms po deficient, 1, iso. lock completely, vi. co"'-.:
red, (qhontso m6'?J pho~pore~) [Syn, shor] 2. /chl!C/ 11 He is deficient in mathematics (i.e,
vo. ''·<Hu -~~ •.l:l.'? r::.· /ph6miie~ tcion/ 11 They has studied none) • kho ong rtsis slob sbyong
defeated the enemy, kho tshos dgro ph om nyes chad yod po red, ( qho aQtsil lopco~ chl!t
btong po red. (qh5ntsod t~ phomne~ taanporee) y~:,ree) 2. iso. be insufficient, vi. C, [neg,]
defeatism, neo, c. ~~·a.~x:~c:..·~9~· ~c:.·/[neg,] t£~1 11 He is deficient in mathemat-
/phomqhur r!Qlu~/ ics (i.e. hosn 1 t hod enough) • kho ong rtsis
defecate, va, 1. polite a;,q,·~~"\"}C:.' /ch6pchen thog lo ldeng gi yod pp mo red, (qho al)tsil
taan/ 2. vulg. ~"t\·~·~'9c.-/koqpo t66n/ th5:,la t~Qqiy~:,mare~)
defect 1 1 • n. if'~ /kB"on/ 11 The cor hos several deficit and surplus ~C::..:~~· /chcl!lhaa/
defects, mo to der skyon kha shos 'dug, (m~to­ defile 1 1. iso. make foul, vo, C, ~~~· ~·~:;~,~~·
t&& k8Bn qh'Osh&t t~u) 2. iso, desert to the en- /tsoqpo s~d/ 2. iso. deep volley ::rc;.·;('c:.
emy, vo, ~~~·~~·o..''~.?;t..' ltE,£ ch5:,lo chi~/ /conroon/
[Syn. dgra phyogs su zhugs] define, iso. explain 1 va, o.~o.t·~¥>,""~~·
defective, 1. iso, hove a defect if'~ /kSSn/ 11 /teesh&c k~p/ 11 He defined all the terms, khos
This cor is defective. mo to 1 dir skyon 'dug, tshig tshang mar 1 grel bshod brgyab po red,
(m~to t££_ k8Bn t~~) 2, iso, adjectival use i'O\.' (qh~ tsh'iq tsh6Qmaa t££sh&t k~paree)
~~· /k38n y~po/ 11 He bought a defective definite, 1. iso, precise 'it:~A'"'\'Y~· /~t&&n/
cor. khos mo to skyon yod po zhig nyos shag. 11 a definite time dus tshod nges gton (t!:!!;!tsod
104 definitely

rjeet&&n) [Syn. nges can] 2, iso, certain"'~'?""' q~~paree)

"'<\~ ;s,: /tCnt&&n/ 11 It is definite he will come. defroster, neo. .,_~"'-·'\:.:.·a.~O-I'if:>"'' /sh:;_ntur thOO-
kho yong yag de gtan gtan red, (qho y~nyabte ch&c/
tCnt&&n re~)
definitely /t&nt&&n/ 11 He is defied the government. khos gzhung la gan log
definitely coming, kho gtan gtan yang gi red, byes pa red, (qhatl shuQla qh&&nl~~ ch&cparee)
(qho t~nt&&n y~qire~) degenerate (become) 1 vi , A , '90\.l~ • ~~~/ ~ The

defini tion 1 iso. meaning ~""""\' city has degenerated a lot. grong khyer de zhed
What is the definition of 11 house 11 ? khang pa 1 i po cig nyams shag. (th~keete sh!puci n2~hab)
don dog go re red? (qhoQp&& th~ntaa qh2re r£&) degrade 1 1 • va. "\"'-'o..· e>..~~ '-<§}A' /mompee ch£C/
definitive ""1.'9"'e>:..~~·q~· /t!!fn qheep&&/ 11 a 2. iso. be/get degraded, vi. C. '\~.:m:c:lA~·~cz·
definitive agreement gtan 'khel ba 1 i gros mthun /mompee ch!:!.!;!n/
(t!!fn qheep&& th~thu~n) [Syn, nges gtan gtsang degree, 1. iso. level '1:a.l·~· 11 5th
'khel gyi] degree rim pa lnga pa (r!mpa Qopa) 2. iso, de-
deflate, iso. air or gas 1 1, va, C, ~;q,~<5l..,' gree of temperature (when warm) 0!/,·;i;~
/phil t8n/ 11 He deflated the. tire. khos 1 khor /tshotsh&C/ 11 Today 1s temperature is 80
lo'i phu bton shag, (qh8'd qholoo phU. t8nshaa) degrees, (th!riinqi tshotsh&c k~cu thampa r~e)
2. vi. c. ~·z-~· /phu th~n/ ~ The tire got 3, iso, degree of temperature (when cold) ~"'of'\'
deflated. 'khor lo'i phu don shag, (qholoo phil /th2Qsh&c/ 4. iso, degree of an angle ~"'-·~~·
th.£nshaal /s.~::rthil/ 5. iso. degree of longitude ~~<:.·~~·
deflect, see: block /sh.t::Qthil/ 6. iso. degree of latitude ~'\.:ii,."<\·
defoliate, va, C, d{:-"~· i:3:l~"'--.'q~~· /l;:na m=.epa /theethil/ 7. iso, school degree ~·w·1i:~''\
s2_'15! /lopcon th8ntsh&c/ 11 He received the B.A.
deformed, 1. iso, a person ""-hll=:.'"--\'1i~=<>~ degree, kho la 'bi'i e i slob sbyong than tshad

/waQpo k8nc&&n/ 11 He is deformed, kho dbang po byung pa red. ( qh33 pii ee lopcon th8ntsh&c
skyon can red, (qho woQpo k~nc&&n r!e) 2. iso, ch~nparee)

limbs /k?tdn/ 11 His leg is deformed, dehydrate, va. D, \"\'~" Q.~"\ /sh2loon th~/
kho i rkang par skyon yod pa red,
1 ( qh8'6 qoQpaa deify 1 va. C. ~·q~~· /lho s'iJ/ 11 They
k83n Y2~ree) deified the king. kho tshas rgyal po lha bzos
defraud, va. /q~~~ taan/ 11 He pa red. (qhontso-13 k&&po lho s_£'dparee)
defrauded the government. khos gzhung la mgo deity, 1. 5so. general term ~· /lho/ 2. iso,
skor btang pa red, (qh8'd sh!;!~la q~~~ taanpa- meditation /y!tam/ 11 Who is your
ree) deity? khyed rang gi yi dam go re red?
defrock (lit, expel from monastic community) 1 va. (kheraanqi Y!tam qh~re r&c)
A• ~ c...c-.
~"'<\<S..:.I:.lG..'~""\.~~·<'51..~-~"\ I q;:np&& k ituun&
' area deity ~O'.l·~· /yu~lha/

pil/ birth deity ~~-~ /keelha/

defrost (lit. melt) 1 1. va, D• .q_~;z· /shur/ 11 earth deity (female) ~~·~·~ /s'Ef !homo/
He defrosted (the .ice in) the refrigerator, fire deity ~·'2),' /~lha/
khos khyags sgam nang gi khyags pa bzhur pa red, house deity ~'c>;\'9),' /khimlha/
(qh8'd khooqam n~nqi khoqpaa sh~paree) 2. vi. protective deity ~c::·~· /silQma/
.q~.:l:;.' /sh:;_r/ 11 The meat took two hours to war deity ~"!l·~· /t!_lpla/
defrost, khags sha bzhur yog la chu tshod gnyis water deity ~-~· /chOlha/
1 gor pa red. (khoqsha sh:;_ryabla chotsl:i~ iiii wealth deity ~.:.:.:"'f,' /n~rlha/
dell 105

wood deity (female) ~~-~·~·a:f /shil)qi lhomo/ (qh~d qon tsOtnt k~qtsiin shfcporee)
dejected, iso. be/get vi, A, ~~~-~~~·~c:;· delicate, 1. iso, fragile (of things) wc:q,·~·n:~·

/s~pho~ ch~n/ ~ He got dejected when he heard /choa ch!!!!cho~/ 2. iso. health ...,~·~
the news. kho gsor 'gyur de go nos sems phons /col)qo/
byung po red. (qho s~nkuuti qh~nt sempho~ delicious ~'&..\·~ ; h.~~ /sh.!_mpu; h, f.opo/
ch~npare~) ~ This food is very delicious, kho log 1 di zhim
dejure ~"$.l~''\c.·~~~c:.{~' /thi~ta thOmpt&/ po zhed po cig 'dug, (qholoo ti sh~mpu sh.!_puci
delay, 1 • vo. C. r.•.-~l.c:~ · /k2_n/ ~ They delayed tut)
the game. kho tshos rtsed mo 1 gyongs po red, delighted "\"t\ ~ • ~ /q2,po/ ~ Everybody was
(qhontsb~ tseemo k2_npore~) 2. iso. be/get de- delighted when he come. khong phebs nos mi
layed, vi. C. Q@F~· /k2_n/ ~ The departure tshong mo dgo' po byung po red. (qhoan ph~nt
was delayed for seven days. thon yog nyin mo m~ tshol)mo q2,po ch~npare~)
bdun 'gyongs shag. (thSBny~ n~ma t~n k2,nsho~) delineate, 1. iso, boundary, vo, ~·a..~.<~;~~·~'<jl9..'
11 The arrival of the plane was delayed, gnom ~~"\~~· /sontso~ tfmpee ch§_&/ 11 They de-
gru 'byor yog 'gyongs shag, (n~mtu c~yo~ ken- lineated the boundary, kho tshos so mtshoms
shoo) gton 'bebs byos po red, . (qhonts~ sontso~ tfm-
delectable, see: delicious .pe~ ch§_cporee) 2. iso. present in detail 1 vo.
delegate, 1. iso, elected ~~~·~· /thOOmi/ ~ c. ~t:l'<l:\~<:>.t·""~Cit.: /sh.!_pstt tfn/ 11 He delin-
a delegate to the meeting tshogs 1 du'i •thus mi eated the plan in his speech. khong gi gsung
( tshoontutl thOOni) 2, iso, appointed ·~;alA· bshod nang lo 1 char gzhi zhib gsol bston shag,
/qutsap/ 3, iso, delegate (responsibility), vo, (qhoonqi sui)Shtt ~nlo ch~~shi sh~ps&t tfnshoa)
A. C"%.:'~'~"'-""C:.'~"' /q££,nwoon t-l:&/ ~ He del- delinquent, iso. post due, vi, A. a<>"'"'.<'\"1\'
egated responsibility to his secretory, khong /chl:t sh2,o/ ~ He is delinquent in his rent.
gis drung yig lo 1 gon dbong sprod po red. khos khong glo chad bzhog shag. (qh~ qhoonlo
(qh05nqi th~nyilla q££nwoon tf&pore~) chl!t sh2,oshoo)
delegation, 1. iso, elected officials ~~~·~· delirious, 1. iso. with fever, vL B. ~~<11'
~~~·~· /thOOmi tsh!Sqpo/ 2. iso. appointed /ch38/ 2. iso. with joy, vi. "'-""'-:~. • 'iif<€"'.'~"'
officials ~~"\'~"'\~·~· /qutsap tsh:Sqpo/ ~c;: /q2,t-o tshl!l:mee ch~n/ ~ She was deliri-
delete, vo. D. <:J.~t:l~· /sup/ ~ They deleted his ous with joy. mo lo dgo 1 spro tshod med byung
nome, kho tshos kho'i ming bsubs shag. (qhen- po red. (~ q2,t-o tshl!fmee ch~npare~)
tsb~.qh38 m~l) supsho~) deliver, 1, vo. B. ~~ct.\' /kl!f/ ~ He delivered
deleterious st"'-· CIO""\~:& ~ ~
"<\ I nSBtsap chempo/ the letter to her. khos mo lo yi ge bskyol po
~ Smoking is deleterious to one's health. tho red. (qhBS m~ y.!_qi kfl!pore~) 2. iso, deliver
mag 1 then yog de gzugs por gnod tshobs chen po o baby, med,, vo. c. ~";!,·"\~"<~\' /puqu t8n/
red. ( thamoo thei!fnyo~te s_!!q66 nOOtsap chempo 3. iso, give birth, vo. c. ·~;~;~~· /puqu
ree) k~/ 4. isQ. freed, vi. A. ~~ /l~d/ ~
Del~i ~·~· /t~li/ [Syn, dhi li; ldi li) They were delivered from prison, kho tsho btson
deliberate, 1. iso. intentional, see: deliberate- khong nos glod po red. ( qhootso tsS"oqhoonnt
ly 2. iso. think about, vo, ~~<!1.:1·~"\~C::.· lsBpore~)
/somlo toon/ deli verymon i\c:u ·~ ~ <1;!,.' /kf"t!l)t&n/
deliberately, iso. intentional 'f\C:.'"\~~~·a..~· delivery room, med, ~·~·~~·\2;\C::.' /puqu
/qon tsutnc/ ~ He lied deliberately, khos keqhoon/
rkong btsugs nos skyog rdzun bshod po red. dell a;..*~·a:,c:.· /shoi)Chuun/
106 delouse

delouse, va. $t."t\·~~"''.~"': /shiqm&&n k2_p/ m~emi t_£& mach:>qa s"2_dparee)
delousing medicine ~~·~~ /shiqm&&n/ demilitarized zone "\~'''\~·ct~"'Z~·~~- G~.:~·
delta, iso. a river ""
~("'.~·~·~c::;.· /chuqh&& sa- ~~- /me~mi t£t moch:>q&& sequ~/ [Syn. drag
thaan/ [Syn. chu mdo'i sa thong] dpung mad pa'i sa khul]
delude 1 1 • see: deceive 2. iso. be deluded men- demise, see: death
tally 1 vi • B• /newa thiiD/ 11 He democracy, neo, "\-a.u::::.«·~~~·o.t~~· ~

became deluded and thought he was the Buddha, /ma~tso r!:,~luu/ [Syn. mi dmangs dbang gtso 1 i
khos kho rang songs rgyas yin par snang ba ring lugs]
'phrul shag, (qha"d qhara saank&e Y!:,mpaa nawa democratic /ma~tso/ [Syn. mi
thiiDsha~) dmangs dbang gtso]
deluge 1 1. !so, great flood ~·c;:r-"'\~~;;r-­ democratic alliance "\~c::;.~·"\~54i5!.._Q.'~~Q(
/chUl:>~ ch~mpo/ 2. iso, heavy rain, i, n, C!O-"': /ma~tso n~ttrun/
~'"\~'~<5l.:Cf"' /ch~rshuu chempo/ ii. vi. D. democ~atic dictatorship -a:~""
"\~c::;.~·~~" .. ~~'\.c:tc:.•

~~-W /--ph2_p/ 1i\.x.·<A~ .

/ma~tsb'"d srrwaan q!rtsiin/
delusion, see: delude democratic election ""-~c:.~·"'\~&·(':1..~~-l:l.~
deluxe ~·s:t• /tseta/ 11 ~a deluxe car mo to rtse /ma~tsb'"d t~mqo/
gra (m~ta tsetal democratic elements ~c:.~·'t\1f&·~·"ei..'
demand, 1. va, c. ""-~·o..~~.!:1.~~· /qodntUUn /mCir)tsb'"d m!:,na/
tS~/ 11 They demanded high wages. kho tshos las democratic party ".~r:::.~·~~~~·{"'.~·
gla chen po dgos 1 dun bton pa red, (qhontsod /mo~tso ch~~qha~/ [Syn, neo, c, dmags gtso'i
l££la chempo qo·otUUn t8~paree) 2. iso, economic tang pha 1 e]
demand, n., neo, "\.~~·o:.~· /q~nui;t 11 Democratic Party (U.S.A.) "\.~c:.~·~~~"\'(.Z'\"\'
There is a great demand for sugar. bye rna ka ra /mor)tso sh~~qo~/ [Syn. dmangs gtso tshogs pa]
dgos 1 dod chen po 'dug • ( ch!ffia qora q~tcru democratic reform "\~i:::'N'lt\,%&'"l.l'~·~:r.·
chempo t_!!u) /ma~tsoo c88kuu/ -v
demarcate, va. A. ~ll.l.~~'"l."Sc;.,: /yentsail. democratic republic, neo, c. "-...lAi:.-<"!·"",~~~~0\:
c'fe/ 11 They demarcated the border, kho tshos ~·(.>I.~' /m1ir)tso crttrun k£!:,qap/
sa khongs dbye mtshams bead pa red, (qhontsbt democratic revolution "\~c::~·ll"\W4"\~.X..'"'3.~'
saqhoh y~ntsail. c~&paree) /mar)tsod scree/
demarcation line ·~;~A~~·"\.~~""\" /yen- democratic rights "\~c::~· "i~·)i'~· !a~·
tsam c'fethil/ /m1i~tsod thopthaan/
demeanor, see: conduct democratize, va. D. ""~c::~·""\'f'.:x:.·t::~..~x.·
demented, see: crazy /mor)ts:>:> k_!!r/
demerit 1 1. iso, faults, i. n. if\.· 5:f-' /kSntho/ demography, neo, ~·Q..~·o.~x··ro<t\.'~"t\'-<X'\~~·
ii, record demerits, va, A, -- ~~~ /q~d/ 2. /m!:,mpoo phercha~ r!:,~n&t/
iso. opposite of religious merit, relig, i, n, demolish, va, D, ~~x· /t~r/ 11 They demolished
~~-~· /t!:,qpa/ ii. amass demerits, va. A. the building. kho tshos khong pa de gtor pa
~~~~- 1--sa"a/ red, (qhontsot qhor)pate t~rparee) [Syn. mad pa
demi-god, relig. ~-~-~(;( /lhomayiin/ bzos]
demilitarize, va. C. "'-'13-3.4'\~-~~C:.,:~~'t\'o:.{'~~· demolition, 1. iso. destroying/defusing a bomb or
/ma~mi tE_e · moch:>qa s"2_d/ 11 They demili tori zed explosives c:l.,~'&l' .st~ '"'<\~x: t:.l.l "'f\' /p~mts&c
the border. kho tshos sa mtshams la dmag mi t~rya~/ 2. !so, using bombs/explosives c:l:..2f'~·
bsdad rna chog pa bzos pa red. i qhontsbt ~-4'\~"'\·a..~cx; /p~mts&c yuqpheen/
department store 107

demolition expert, neo. 1, iso, defuse bombs~~- dense, 1. /thDpu/ ~ o dense forest
~~::t:.'at\"1.~''-1.' /p_£mt::lr qh&fpo/ 2. iso, use ex- shing nags mth ug po (shir)noa thOpu) ~ 0

plosives/bombs /p_£mpheen densely populated -area mi tshogs mthug po yod

qhffpo/ poI i so khul ( m~ts~~ thOpu y~pee saquu) 2.
demon, 1. iso. mole n.S; It=.! [Syn, bdud] 2. see: stupid
iso, female ""\"'-:~ /t.!:!,l;!mo/ [Syn. 'dre mo] dent, 1. n, /t~pko·on/ ~ Does the cor
demonstrate, 1. iso. show 1 vo. ~<n_·~<:<.~C>.l.' hove dents? mo to de lo rdib skyon 1 dug gas?
-"l.\fl,"'\:~;,q· /m~qUrcin t~shce chE_c/ IT· They demon- (m~~o thee t~pkoon t~qecl 2, iso, get dented 1
strated the new machine. kho tshos 1 phrul 1 khor vi. D, .t:t'¥._<::<-N. • /t~p/ IT The cor got dented
gsor po de mig ston 1 grel bshod byos po red, yesterday. kho so mo to brdibs shag. (qhffso
(qhontsoci ~hO"uqh~~ saopote m~qtoon teeshec chE_c- m2,~o.t~pshoal
pore~l 2. iso, rally, polit., vo. <f./3.l'~(ifl3.l· dental floss, neo, ;::r~~ /soqu"U/
W'.§J't" /r)Bmtbon thanq~~ chE_C/ IT They de- dental hygiene -N"'&-~~l:l.~'=' /s33 ~h33teen/
monstrated against the king. kho tshos rgyol dentist ~<SI..C..:.-81~"-l· /sCinec mfmpo/
por ngo rgor gyi rngam ston khrom skor byos po dentistry zy<>~._c..:.S<"t\''-1..' /sCinec r !_qpa/
red. (qhontso·"d kE£P~~ r)_£q'OOqi r)Omtbon thanq~~ denture ~~'''-.' /sotshap/
chE_cporea) denude, vo. c. ~".:'-l..'l::\.1'"'~· /m=.apo s2_13/ IT The
demonstration, 1. iso, on explanatory show ~"\· hail denuded all the leaves. ser bas lo rna
~-o.~<'-l.'l:l.'<9c;,:~"\:_Zol.l"<\" /m~qtoon t~shec tshong rna med po bzos shag, (serec lorna tshor)mo
ch2_yo~/ IT When is the demonstration of the cor? m=.apo s.!?,'dsho~)
mo ~o mig ston 1 grel bshod byed yog go dus red? deny 1 iso, not odmit 1 vo. K'"~·Os."'·l:t--l.·~~·
(m~to m~qtoon t~shec ch2_yo~ qh~ttr;J rE_c) 2. /r)o·oleen m.£chec/ IT He denied he was a spy.
iso, political rally i!:.~·{f"-a_:~<l.l·~· /r)em- khos so po yin po ngos len rna byos po red.
tbon ~hanq~~/ IT They held o demonstration in (qh~d sopo y!_mpa r)odleen ~checporea) IT Despite
the copi tal. kho tshos rgyol sa la rngom stan his denials [lit, his not admitting], we know he
khrom skor byes shag. ( qhCintso·"d kE£soa r)omto·on is a spy, khos ngos len rna byos no 1 i ngo tshos
~homq~~ chE_csha~) kho so po yin po shes kyi yod. (qh~d r)ooleen
demoralize, 1. vo. A, ~~~:..t:.\~~·"'J.-<:,9_' mochec nee r)antsb13 qho sopo y!_mpa shinqiyb~)
/semshuu coo/ "'
IT They demoralized the soldiers •. deodorant, neo, 1. n. ~c:::~.>:s~.c;:.-<:-3.'§::!"'\:
kho tshos dmag mi 1 i sems shugs beag po red. /~h!_r)een sor)meen/ 2, iso, deodorize, vo.
(qhontsb~ me~mi semshuu cl!aporea) 2. iso, "'\@F · I --k~p/

be/get demoralized, vi. A. deport, vo. C, ~15\.'

/semshuu chea/ /th3?.; h. ph(!!ptho?. noon/ ~ He deported lost
demote, va. ""~~·a..~-.q((jc:::' /q.£mp~~ teen/ night. kho mdongs dgong than song, (qho t~r)qon
~ He was demoted lost year, kho zlo nyin dgongs th8hnso)
1 ph og bto ng po red. (qho tefiiin q.£ffip~~ deported, see: deceased
teonporea) [Syn. gnos dbyungs btong] deportment, neo, /tshfnqoa/
demount, see: dismount deportment of internal medicine ngo tsho 1 i khog
den o[;c::: /tshoon/ IT bear's den dom tshong nod smon bcos tshon khog (r),£ntso·o qh5qnef.
(th2_mtsoon) mfncod tshfnqo~)
denial, see: deny Deportment of State (U.S.A.) ~-~'\C!..\~-~k.~·
denigrate 1 vo. ~'\:.:1:'o<:!yc.: /mffro teion/ /chisil 1E£quh/
denote, see: sign /nets~~
108 departure

tsho~qaan/ [Syn, rnam mang tshong khang] 'bru nyung du phyin shag, (m6emi ma~qu Y!?_?!tsaan
departUEe _~~l.l.l"'\" /th83nyoo/ 11 What time is ~2_ntsbo }!!qaan ~nqi }~ i'i~~ru chi?.sho~)
your departure? khyed rang than yag gi dus deplorable, see: bad
tshod chu tshod ga par red? (kheraan th88nya~qi deplore, iso, strongly dislike, va, ru·"\~'-t'"'.'
... ... ~
th.!:!!!tscro chotsbo qh2_paa rE_c.) €L~' l111£qa~ chE_c/ 11 He· deplored the new plan,
depend, 1. iso. rely for support, va, C, <:1~~ khos 1 char gzhi gsar pa dar ma dgo ' ba byas pa
/UJ?./ 11 We will depend on government funds, red. (qh~ ch~~shi saopatcc m!?.qa~ ch£~pare~)
nga tsho gzhung gi rogs dngul la brten gi yin, deploy, va, C. "\';I:\.~~· Ita~/ 11 They deployed
(~2_ntso sh~Qqi r22~UUla t~nqiyin) 2. iso, place soldiers on the border, kho tshos sa mtshams la
trust in, va. B, ~"'\'l"-.:"'1.~~· /lotc& c38/ dmag mi bkrams pa red, (qhontsb15 sontsa~la ~a­
11 They depended on Russia, kho tsho u ru su la mi tempore~ )
blo gtad bcol yod pa red, (qhentso Qrusu la depopulate 1 vi. A. ~· cx.~· (~"'-~~"\') d5"'\'
lotc~ c88y2~re~) 3, iso, based on ~·"'l.~'ll\: ~~· /m!mp~~ (sh!puci) chc~i 11 Because of epidemics,
/12_ te~ncC/ 11 Depending on the funds 1 they the island became depopulated, rims nod byung
build the hospital, kho tshos gzhung gi rogs tsang gling phran de 11 mi 1 bor (zhed po cig)
dngul la brten nos sman khang or po brgyab pa_ chag shag. (r!mn&c ch~ntsaan li~tccntee m~p~~
red, (qh5ntsb15 shu~ qhi r~~Ul.i la teennc mfn- (sh!puci) ch6~sha~)
qaan oopo k~pare~) depart, va. ~~·Q.~~~~· /chirpu'U chE_&/ 11
dependable (for people) ~-cx.~Ol.·~ /lS"d They deported the foreign workers, kho tshos
qheepo/ 11 He is a dependable person, kho mi phyi rgyal gyi bzo po tsho phyir 1 bud byas pa
blos 'khel po zhig red. (qho mi 1~ qheepoci red. ( qhentsbMo
ll. ·ru' chE_£pa-
chik&&qi s2,patso chfrpu
re~) [Syn. brtan po] re~)

dependent, 1. iso, a person who is a dependent deportment, see: behavior

.:t~a,:.~~·~~»~~ /teen& too~ccn/ 11 I have depose, va. C, ~e;,: /prl/ 11 The workers deposed
three dependents, nga la brten nos sdod mkhan the president, bzo pa tshos srid 1 dzin phud pa
mi gsum yod. (~~ te~n& toonccn ~ sllm y![d) 2, red, (s~patsb15 srntsiin pilpare~) [Syn_, mad pa
see: depend bzos]
dependent country 4'\@\<1\:t::l~~~·(."\"1.' deposit, 1. n. q_~Ol'"\C:.~' /c88~U't.i/ 2. iso, de-
-o ...
/shE_nteen kE_£qap/ 11 Mongolia is a dependent posit money, va. A, -- "1.\"\<1'\' /--sh2_a/ 11 I depo-
country. sog yul gzhan brten rgyal khab cig sited money in the bank, ngas dngul khong la
red. (s~~yu~ shE_nteen kccqapci r!~) bcol dngul bzhag pa yin. (~E_C ~OOqaanla cSS~U't.i
deplane, vi. D, ""-"'-ou·~·<'s\~'Gt::l~' /namtun& sh~~payin) 3, iso. put inside, va, A. ~~~·
ph~p/ 11 We will deplane soon, nga tsho mgyogs /luu/ 11 Deposit your books here, khyod rang gi
po gnam gru nos bob gyi red, (~2_ntso k!?_qo deb 1 dir blugs, (kh8rcc th~p t££ luu) 4, iso,
namtun& ph~qire~) mineral deposit ~~:.:;,·~c::.· /terquun/
deplete, 1. iso, make fewer, va, ~~·~ deposition, leg, neo, ~lsl.....~·q~~·~~·"'\¥\"'\1:{~'~'\'
~19;:;: • /ii~~ru toon/ 11 The soldiers depleted our ~·/no kffnc shfcp&& qfca/ [Syn, neo, mna' bskal
store of grain. dmag mi tshos nga tsho 1 i 1 bru skad cha]
khang gi 1 bru nyung du btang shag, (m~amitsb1s depository ~~<tl,·~· / [Syn, lit, 1 jog
112nts'Od t!!,qaanqi t~ i'i!!,~ru toonshoo) 2. vi. ~c:.· sa; 1 jug sa]
~~~· /i'i~~ru chi?./ 11 Because many soldiers deposit slip, neo, ~~<:t.l'"\~Q.t~·%· /c88~UU
came, our groin stores became depleted, dmag mi sh!5,le/
mang po yong tsa~ nga tsho'i 1 bru khang nang gi depot, 1. see: station 2. see: warehouse
descent 109

deprecate, see: belittle ~"--'<5\_=«~.'~Q.l· /coqlam q~nc r}J;_/ ~ The train got
depreciate, 1. iso, price/value, vi. A, ~-d<,"f\' derailed, ril li lcags lam sgang nos ril shag.
/qhoon choo/ ~ The car depreciated rapidly, mo (r.!_li coqlom q~nc r}J;_shao) 2, va, B. ~"'1~·=d-r
to 'i gong yug te chag shag, (m~tcc qh~n Y,!!qte ~~;· ""-~ · ~~· /c1Sqlam q~nc rii/ ~ They de-
chooshao) 2. iso. gold, silver, money, va. A, roiled the enemy train, kho tshos dgra 1 i ri li
a_~'"""'~· /t~ co'a/ ~ Indio depreciated the lcags lam sgang nos dbril po red, (qhontsod t£
rupee. rgya gar gyis rgyo gar sgor mo'i 1 dza 1 r.!_li cBqlom q~nc riipare~)
beag shag. (k~qoa qhi k~qaa q22mbo t~ coosha'a) deranged, see: crazy
3, get/be depreciated, iso. gold, money, vi, 0..
derelict, 1, iso. abandoned "".~"'~·~<i'\"'\' ""-~·
A.~d'A_·~'<\/ts~ chao/ ~ The Indian rupee has de- /yuu shoopcc/ ~ a derelict ship g.yugs bzhag
preciated. rgyo gar sgor mo'i 1 dzo 1 chog shag. po 'i gru gzings ( yuu sh~'apcc 1-.!:!tsi~l) 2. iso.
(k~qaa q::>::>mbo t~ cho'ashoo) [Syn, 'dza' thong beggar ~c.·~ /paonqo/ 3. iso, negligent,
chag; rin thong chag; thong gzhi chog] vo. «.~:.;.·~"'.,'~· /qhDrme~ ch£C/ ~ He was
depress, 1. isa, be/get mentally/emotionally de- derelict in his work, khos las kar 1 khur med
pressed, va. A. ~"'-.:~"'\~ · /yj) ml1u/ ~ These byas po red. (qhS"d l_££qaa qhDrme~ ch_£cpare~)
days, he is very depressed, deng sang kho yid deride, va. e~:~;='\,'l..~· /ch~ncc k~p/ [Syn.
zhe drag smug bsdod shag. ( thel)Saan qho y!,l 'phyo dmod byas]
sh~taa muu tccsha't:J) [Syn. yid mug shyes; dermatologist, neo, "-1~-""'-~".:~~"-t' jpaqncc
rmongs] 2. see: press down ~mci/
depressant, iso. a medicament, neo, ~'Sl~· dermatology, neo, /poqncc
/lh88mccn/ r.!_qpa/
depression, 1. iso, mental/emotional ~.:;,:~"<\' derogatorily '\~Cl."Cl..~c:t· /m5mpe~/ 11 He speaks
/ygmu'tl/ 2. iso, economic depression ~<=..t~'<~:i::: derogatorily about the government, khos gzhung
'9'a\~'~"' /p~~nc::>:, Fi~mqUU/ 3. iso. a low area la dma' 'beb 'gyi skod cho shod kyi 'dug. (qhifd
""\-¥¥:~·"\~~- /sh7Sl)Shcli/ Sh.!:!_Qla mOmpe~qi q~ca sh8"oqil)
deprive (lit. take away forcibly), vo, A,~~~~· descend, 1, iso. move down, vi. D. 0-l.'l;,'.::J.~~- /m~

/ph'5?J/ ~ They deprived him of his house, kho ph~p/ ~ They descended from the mountain pass,
tshos kho 1 i khang po 1 phrogs po red. ( qhontsbMd kho tsho lo nos mar bobs po red, (qhontso l~nc

qhOO qhoQpa ph'5?Jpore~) moo ph~paree) 2. iso, being a descendant of ~"'\

depth, 1. iso. deepness -<t\~C.'d':>~ /tiQtsce/ ~ "-l.' /k_!:!pa/ 11 He is descended from the ancient
What is the depth of this lake? mtsho 'di 1 i kings. kho sngar gyi rgyal po'i rgyud po red,
gting tshad go tshad red? (tsho tg tiQtscc qh~­ ( qho Qorqi k_££pcrc5 k,!;!pa r~a) [Note: Tibetan
tscc r_£c) 2. iso. emotional profundity .Q.c:·~ • expresses this nominally as: He is a descendant
""\~c:·~~·/FiiQqi tiQnce/ ~ from the depth of my of ••• ] 3. iso, slopes downward ~-~:.:.-<>t·~W
heart ngo'i snying gi gting nos /m92 thuUla t~/ 11 The path descends to the
nee) [Syn. sens kyi gting nos] 3. see: deep lake, lam khag de mtsho ngos lo mar thur la
depth charge, neo, ~'-'<\yC:'C-1:...<::!.'<:.'~· /chDtiQ ~r- 'gro gi red. (l~l')qoote tsho Q~dlo moo thuula
tscc/ [Syn, g\ing 'born] 1-.!:!_qiree)
depute, va. c. ~-.q_~~· /tshap qS"d/ descendant, see: descend, 2.
deputy "f\7!5:01..·~· /shinpa/ ~ deputy chairman descent, 1. iso. the way down ~:.;.·,·

gtso 1 dzin gzhon po ( tsbntsiin sh~po) [Syn, /thurlam/ 11 Two people died on the descent.
neo. c, hphu] thur lam der mi gnyis shi po red. (thDrlamtcc
derail, 1. iso, get derailed, vi. B. S:i">'\~'Cl.lo:i' mi Fiii shiparee) [Note: Tibetan expresses this
110 describe

nominally.] 2. onth. ~"'\1:.1.' Mjpa/ [Syn, h. thu0nto15/ 1f Do you hove a desire to go to

rigs rgyud] 3, iso, matrilineal descent, onth, Tibet? khyod rang bod lo 1 gro yag gi 1 dod po
o.t't"'-= /m~kuU/ 4 ...iso, patrilineal descent, yod yas. (kh~roa ph~dla t~ya~qi t~pa y~pe:c) 2,
anth. "<~'~'\ /phakUU/ vo. @,~ · / ch£C / 1[ He desires to become
describe, va. """1~~''1¥]'\'~' /sfe'she:c ch£_&/ weal thy. khos rgyu phyugs po yang yag gi 1 dod
~ He described Lhasa. khos lha sa 1 i skor gsol po byed kyi 'dug. (qh3"d k~ chuqu y~nyo~qi t~po
bshad byes pa red. ( qh2"d lh~fscc q5~ sffshe:c ch!qil) 3, see: wish, like 1 want
ch£Cpare~) [Syn, 'grel bshad byos] desist, see: stop
description -'1'\~o.t·<\""l'\' /s~fshe:c/ [Syn. 'grel desk ~"'\·~~· /y!qc::>~/
bshod] desolate 1 1 , iso, area
desegregation, 1. n, ~-~.;;~"'\4' /yencoo This is a desolate place, 1 di so cha lung stong
m~~po / 2. iso, desegregate 1 vo, ~· zhig red, (t! soca l~r)tonci r~~) 2, see: sad
/--chE_f./ ~ They hove to desegregate the despair 1 va. ~-&::\'~.::;,'&..1.'~' /r~wa ~~po chE_C/
schools. kho tshos slob grwa dbye 1 byed med po 1[ He despaired of going to Lhasa. kho lha sar
byed dgos red. ( qhontso1l lopto yence~ m~~po 'gro yog gi re wa mad po byos po red, (qho
ch~qore~) lh~fsoa t,£Ya~qi rewa m~~po ch£Cpore~) [Syn, re
desert, 1. iso. arid area, n, ':@_·s:tz:.' /ch~thoon/ thag chad]
2. iso. run away from, e.g. 1 army, vo, ~.<-.t-~<:\: despatch, see: dispatch
/ph~d chin/ 3. iso. abandon, see: abandon desperado ~~ru-~q,~·£,~.: /qOmo~ ts£pcE:e:n/
deserted, -1, see: abandoned 2. iso, empty ~·q· desperate 1 1. adj. ~~"'\' /w~thuu/ 1f a
/tor)po/ ~ a deserted village grong gseb desperate situation 1 u thug gi gnos stangs
( th~nse~ tor)po) (wuthuuqi n~ftan) /w~ thuu/
stong po
deserter, mil. neo. 1f~·~o:t"<\' /th~ma~/
- 2, vi. A.
1[ We were desperate and had to do this,
deserve (:i'~-~- /w~15po/ ~ He deserves to get a tsho 1 u thug nos 1 di 1 dra byed- dgos byung po
scholarship. kho slob gnyer rags dngul thob 1 os red. (r:J.!!ntso wu thuune: t!nte:c ch~qo ch~npare~)
po zhig red, (qho lopnee r2:!r:JUU thop w2dpoci 3. see: serious
re~) [Tibetan expresses this as: He is one who despicable, iso. person ~'\.l:tl.'~"'\.' /m!:_ t.':_qcaa/ 1[
deserves ••• ] He is a despicable person, kho mi sdug chag cig
desiccate, va. and vi. Q,_~~~- /q5~/ red. (qho m! t~qcaaci r~e)
desiccator (machine) 1 neo, ~~-~~-~~Q.3.·~· despise 1 vo, D. 1IG<i\· ~ · ~: /tshiqpa S£/ 1[ I
/q~luun thDOce:c/ despise leftists. nga g. yon phyogs po lo tshig
design, 1. va. <:l:.<5&~o:~~~- /chorqod ch£Cl pa za gi 1 dug. ( rJ£ y8nc::>~poo tshiqpa s2_qil)
'I! They designed the new bridge, kho tshos zom [Syn. rtso bo nos dga 1 gi mi 1 dug] [Also see:
pa gsar pa de 'char 'god byos po red, (qhontso1> hate.]
s.!!mpo soopate chorqod chE_cpore~) 2, iso, despite, iso, even though [vb,] ~· or ~~·
intended for ~.c:rv~'~-~ • /mi.qpa/ 1[ a dictionary /[vb.] t~ or n~/ 1f Despite having gone to
designed for Tibetans bod po tshor dmigs po 1 i Lhasa, he didn't learn Tibetan, kho lho sar
tshig mdzod ( ph~pots::>::> miqpe:e: tshir)tso1i) 3, ph yin po red de 1 bod skod bslobs mi 'dug. ( qho
iso. on artistic motif x~--"1~ /rgso/ 1f lh!:fsaa chi~pare~tM phi:fciqe:c lap m!ntuu) 1f
This is a pretty design. 'di ris bzo snying rje Despite hearing the news 1 he went, khos gsor
po zhig 'dug. (ti riiso nil') c~poci t~u) 'gyur de go no 1 i ph yin po red, ( qh8'd sankuute
designate, see: nominate qh~M chimpare~) [Note: tM is used after
desire, 1. n, c:l..~~- /t~po; r~e, .~.
' Y£0 1
' 1
~e . 1
y~n mE_n, '
t~u, soon and chuun ]
detrimental 111

lo zhib mjug zhib cha byas pa red, (qhontsl:id

Despite that, I want to go, de 1 dra red de 1 nga ph~h&tqi th3~lo s_!mcut sh_!pcha ch_£&pare~) 11 a
1 gro 'dod yod. (then"t-&& re~tM 1 1)0 "t-ontot' ybt') detailed report snyon zhu zhib cho (i'i~fnshu

despite this ~~~i~~ it_!n"t-&t r~~t;M - sh_!pcha) [Syn. zhib phra; zhib rgyos; zhib
despondent 1 see: sad tshag]
despotic "'\~~t::.~~~ /ts~fnwaan chlmpo/ detailed, see: detail
11 a despotic ruler dpan ngan btsan dbang chen detain, vo, ""'-"f\."t\'~Q.l·~· /q;qkii ch_£&/
po (p881')&cn ts~fnwaan chempo) [Syn, btsan 11 They detained him for three days, kho tshos
dbang can] kho nyi rna gsum bkog skyil byos pa red,
despotism, neo, ""
~~·~<:~.~·x.c:.·~~~· /ts~fn- (qhontsb~ qho ~ma sum q;qkii ch_£&paree)
waal') r_!l')luu/ detect 1 vi, 0, ...l9'~ /ho qh2_/ 11 They detected
destination <:l.~~· ; h, ;aq~·~· /t~a; h, poison in the water, kho tshos chu 1 i nang la
pheesa/ 11 His destination is Lhasa, kho'i 'gro dug yad pa ha go pa red, (qhonts~ chOO noonla
sa lha sa red. (qhBS 1-~o lh~fsa r!~) [Syn, th~t y~pa ho qh2_pare~)
'gro sa'i yul phyogs 1 sa phyogs] detergent, see: soap
destiny 1 see: .karma determination ~~~·A~·~~ /semta~ chSSpo/
destitute ~~~~:~.~·~-"M'
/tshothap "'!~pa/ 11 11 She hos a lot of determination, mq sems thog
There are many destitute people in India, rgya chad pa zhed po ci 'dug , !m,2 serntao chSSpa
gar la 1 tsho thabs med pa 'i mi mong po 'dug, sh_!puci t~u)
(k~qaala tshothap ~~pc& m_! ~l')qu t~u) determined, be 1 vo, A, ~~<-\'Ja~'"'l~'\.· /sernto~
destroy, 1. iso, demolish/crush/raze, va, B, ""\Tx.• clt/ 11 They ore determined to go to Tibet, kho
/t~3/ 11 They destroyed the enemy ship, kho tshos bod la 1 gro yog lo sems thog bead pa red,
tshos dgra'i gru gzings gtor pa red, (qhontsod (qh6ntsl:id ph~lo toyo~lo semta~ c~&pare~)
'to&& 1-h~tsi~ t"pare~) [Syn, med pa bsos; gtor detest, vo. ~~~·'€.··~~{~c::.·~~·""~~·~·~·~~"\'
bshig btang] 2, iso, do away with Papers/ /slmqi tirl')nc q_:qimintuu/ 11 I detest him.
records/evidence 1 etc , 1 va, C. ~"\' 1'-\'l::lla>:>:t,' nga kho lo sems. kyi gting nos dga 1 gi mi 'dug,
/fn!~PO s2_~/ (I')~ qh33 semqi tiii')n& q:qimintuu)
destroyer (ship) 1 neo, mil, """\~'~Q1·~·4f\"1~~· det.hrone 1 va, 0, ~-"~'~l:\' /thin& pl3p/
/t~rqoo th~tsi~/ detonate, 1. va. B. ~X.: /paa/ 11 They detonated
destruction, 1, iso, demolish/crush/raze 4\~' a big bomb , kho tshos 1 born chen pa zhig spar
l:l~~· .l:t\~' EX\""\' /t3rshil toonya~/ 11 senseless shag. (qhCSntsO'd p_2m chernpoci paashao) 2, iso,
destruction don med bstor bshig gtong yag detonate by itself, vi, B. ~~x.· IP221
(th~me~ t3rshil toonya~) 2, iso, doing away detour, n, Clli!U'~'tl,' /12fRkoo/ 11 We have to go
with ~"\.:t·~!f-'u.t~' /m!,~PO s2_ya~/ 11 The via a detour, ngo tsho lam kyog lo 1 gro dgos
destruction of the records yig cha med pa bzas red, (l')~ntso l~mkoola t,2qore~)
yag (y_!qca ~~pa s,2ya~) detrimental, be, vi. <t\~~~~· /nS"okb1:in
detach, iso, make separate, va. C, (l!.~·~~·""a~· ch_£t/ 11 The new rule will be detrimental to our
/qhaqo~ sfJ.d/ party. sgrig srol gsar pa des nga rang tsho 1 i
detail, iso. elaborately, adj, and adv, ~~-~· tshogs par gnod skyon byed kyi red, (t_!qsocS
/sh_!pcha/ 11 He told the news in detail, khas soopat~ l')~raantsocS tsh3qpaa n8Skb1:in ch_!qire~)
gsar 'gyur zhib cha bshod pa red, (qhS~ sankuu 11 Is this detrimental to us? 'dis nga tshor
sh_!pcha sh~tpare~) 11 They did detailed res.eorch gnod skyon· byed kyi red pas? ( t_!l ~ntsoo
on Tibetan songs, kho tshos bod gzhas kyi thag
112 deuce

.deuce "'\~~·z.3.· /niipa/ ~ I have three deuces. ~ leftwing deviation g,yon phyogs su lhungs
nga la gnyis pa gsum yod, (Q~ niipa SUm y~d) (y8nch:)~su lhuM ~ rightwing deviation g,yas
devaluate, iso. currency, va, A. ~c:.·~~'"'l.-'1>"'\' phyogs su lhungs (y&fch:)~su lhO~)
/th~Qshi ca?J/ ~ They devalued their currency. deviationism, neo, polit, ~~·~~·~c:.·~"t\~'
kho tshos dngul gyi thong gzhi beag pa red. /ch33lu~ r,!Qluu/
(qhontso~ QUOqi th~QShi ca?Jparee) device, see: thing
devastate, va. ""1~'~"'"'1<7c:..· /t~rkbon toon/ devil <;\_~'\ /t~:ut
~ The soldiers devastated the city. dmag mi devoid of meaning '("""~~"' /thoonmee/ [Syn, don
tshos grong khyer gtor sky on btang pa red. dag mad pa 1 don stong]
(m~~mitsb~ th~Qkee t3rkbMdn toonparei~l) ~ The devoted, 1. iso, a religious figure, va. ~-~~·
flood devastated the city. chu log gis grong ~~·/mu1JquU chE_&/ ~ He is devoted to the Lama.
khyer gtor skyon btang pa red, (chU16'6 qhi khos bla me der mos gus byed kyi 1 dug. ( qh3'd
th~kee t~rkoon tBonparee) 15matcc mUUquU ch,!_qil) 2. see: attached, 1.
develop, 1. iso. advance/improve the capabilities, devout &!!:'~· /Qf!Oa/ ~ He is a devout Buddhist,
va. ~.l:::~~·~'9c::.' /y~rkcc toon/ 11 They kho nang pa ngo me red. (qho ~I'Jpa l')~a r!:,el
developed their natural resources. kho tshos dew, 1. n. ~~'"-t' /siipa/ 2. vi. A. -- ao~~·
rang bzhin 'byung khungs yar rgyas btang pa red. /--cha~/
(qhentsod r~Qshiin c~Qqu~ y~rkc& taanparee) 2. dexterous, 1. iso. in body ~"'.:1:..1.'~)<;~,_·~ /qepa
iso. expand/spread, va. C':l...~o.:~:~>N.'t::l.'<)l:::.' n&lpo/ 2. iso. in hands o:.);~'"'-t'<l.{~~~ /l~q­
/phe~kcc teen/ 11 They developed Marxism-Len- pa iiempo/
inism in China. kho tshos rgya nag la me ka se Dharamsala 1 iso. town in India ~.ll;.a.:!'~·o:t·

le nin rl:,Qluu 1 phel rgyas btang pa red. /t~ram sola/

(qhontsod k~na~la m~qas l!:nin r,!_Qluu phookcc dharma, skt., 1. n. ~~· /ch3~/ 2. iso. listen
taanparee) 3. iso. develop film, va. c. ~~ to dharma, va. D, cq~ 1--nE,nl 3. iso.
~-.q~~·/piQShM trllr/ 4, iso, invent, va. C. practise dharma, vci. -- 4~· /--ch£&/ 4, iso,
~a-~~""\~"' /s2_qb~ t8iV ~ They ,developed preach dharma, va. A. ~~·~"'\~ ; h. ~~<~·
' ' ~
a new car. kho tshos mo ta gsar pa zhig bzo ~"\c.: /ch3'd sh&c; h. suQCb"'d neon/
bkod ston pa red. ( qh5ntsoB m~ta soopaci s~qoB dharma cakra, skt. ~~·o.~~- /ch83cp:)/
t8~pareel dharmakoya 1 skt. ~~·~· /ch88qu/
developed countries ~x.·~~·a~&.l.'ct..·~~·~· dharmaraja, skt. ~~·~Qq· /chSBkcc/
/yarkcc chi~pcc luQpa/ diabetes, ·neo. ~~·>n_·.:.:_'a:~~· /ch!:,ma qor&& rl!!tsa/
deve;oping countri~ eJ..t.l::'~~·a..W~;~.~a:q~·~c::.· diabolic ~e:;.~· ~~·
'9 "'""='
/tuqtsup/ ~ a diabolic plot
~· /y~rkc& t2_shimpcc l~Qpa/ gdug·rtsub ldan pa'i 'char gzhi (t~qtsup tE,mp&c
development, 1. iso. progress v,s.:r:~:~~.-.1' /y~rkcc/ cha~shi)

2. iso. construction (:{.,~~~·~5\ /ts~qtlfun/ diacritical mark ~·~~~· /t~ta?J/

deviant behavior ~ ~· <~f'\~~x: /c3pa diadem '\~ ~~ /Okc&n/ .
kh!!ntsaa/ diagnose 1 med. 1 va. G..""".~ t!::"'~ · o..~ .§,~ •
deviate, neo. polit., va. ~~·~··~y«~.·~i;\.,' /n£,£shi QUUtsiin ch£&1
/l2_mk:)~la chi~/ 11 He deviated from the party diagonal line ~9.~"'\' /saqthil/
ideology. khos tshogs pa'i lta bo'i lam kyog la diagram "i:·&f.'" /r,!_mu/ [Syn. dpe ris]
(qh~ tsh3qpcc tawcc lamk:)~la dial, 1. iso, dial a phone, va. B. ~~·
pa red.
[Syn. lam gol la phyin]
- 11 Please dial this number for me.
kha dpar
deviation, polit. ~~-~~t;,~· /ch5~su lhurV 'di'i eng ki bskor rogs gnang. (qhopaa t!! aQqi
difference 113

q~~r::>:.noanl 2. iso. dial on a watch ru'\c<.' iso, give orders, see: command
/t9_/ dictator ~"\ "\~" ·~.l;_·a._~ g~ ~ ~ '<\: /siiwaan
dialect ~Cll'-?r\"'( /yuuqcc/ q~rtsiin ch~r)££n/

dialectical materialism 1 neo. c. "\~~ 'LT\~ ~"" dictatorship, neo, c. ~"'..:"\qc:.·~x.·a..~

~t::l.·j(c;.-~"'1\=' /1')38tso ts38tup r!_r)luu/ /siiwaan q~rtsiin/ 11 dictatorship of the
dialectician, neo, c, ~-~~ 'Cl.!(l:l~'"'-l. • /ts88tup proletariat 'byor med gral rim gyi srid dbang
qh~~pa/ sger 'dzin (c2rme~ th£f.rimqi siiwaan q~rtsiin)
dialectics, neo, c. /ts88tup diction (good) ~·q~~ /ce t~po/ 11 He has good
r}_qpa/ diction. kho lee bde po 'dug. ( qho ce t!po
dialectology t.!:!_U) [Syn. sgra dog po]
dialogue, see: conversation dictionary ~·l9.l'if~ /tshil')tsocl/ [Syn. ming
diameter .....- <\. "-- ""'
~..:t::~·~"~'R>~' mdzod; dog yig]
diamond, 1. iso. the gem -"<<.'Cl..!&l;' /pholam/ 2. die, 1. ~- ; h, "t\~~~· /shi; h. shod/ 11 He
iso. suit in cards ~-~""\' /sopa'd/ died last night. kho mdangs dgong shi shag,
diaper <ti;t:::l'"t\'\~ /ch~p{ccn/ ( qho t9_1')qoon shish ad) [Syn. grongs] 2, see:
diaphragm, (iso. the contraceptive device), neo, dice
it·et.~'ol>.l.<~S"o<:~~· /kenq::>~ tsh~nqhep/ die an unpleasant/painful death, vi. ~:::_~~-"1.~"1.'
diarrhea, 1. n. ~'<"\=·~~ /sh~~n£C/ 11 Do you /I')£E_nshi k~p/
have medicine for diarrhea? khyed rang la bshal die down, see: calm
nod kyi sman yod pas. (kheraanla sh&fn£tqi m~fn diehard ~~~·~·~~""~'~"-M~~ /quqpa crtsuu
y£pcc) 2. iso, get/have diarrhea, vi. D. -- ~­ ch~l')~£n/
/ --rr;:./ 11 These days I have diarrhea, de ring die of cold 1 vi. <;.'1't\<'t'-<'\' "\~~· /khaashi k~p/
kha sa nga bshal nod no gi 'dug. (th!_riin die of heat, vi, D. a&'~~~- /tshowcc shi/
qh~fsa 119, sh&fn£t n~qil) [Syn, grad khog bshal] die of starvation, vi. ~~~-"l~l:l.· /t5~shi
diarrheic excrement ~C:.'<3:l.' /nor)ma/ k~p/
diary, 1. iso. a book, n. ~<1\~q· /Fi~ntep/ 2, diesel fuel, neo, ~-~<>.!·~~· /th~sel nlin/
iso. keep a diary va, C. -- E\~· /--1-h~l/ 11 He [Syn. neo, c, khra'e yiru]
kept a diary. khos nyin dib bris shag. (qh~ diet, 1 • poli t,, see: assembly 2, iso, type of
n!_nthep th~lshao) food and drink eaten (.'\'~-"',' /qha!ad/ 11 What
dice, 1. n. ~ ; h. ~"t\~ /sho; h, choosho/ is the diet in Tibet? bod la kha lag go re bza'
2. iso. play dice, va, ""®;Q.' ; h, ~ gi red? (ph~dla qholad qh9_re s~qircc) 3. iso,
/--k~p; h. --kBBn/ 3. iso, dice (food), va, D, eat less, va.
~q~· /tup/ taan/
dice and majong ~~"<\· /shopa'd/ dietary law
dice paraphernalia ¥f~· /shopc£&/ dietetic, neo, l').lt::."-'<IO'~C.'Q"' "" /l')orca n-:;,1')££/ 11
dice playing pad ~"<\c:;._O( /shi'iptccn/ dietetic soda mngar cha nyung ba 1 i chu mngar mo
dice sayings *"t\<.'\~' /shopshcc/ ( r)orca n.!:!_l')££ chu r)oomo) [Syn. mngar bcud med
dice throwing cup *'~' /shop::>-::J/ pa'i]
dictaphone, neo, "'-~'<:<.~z:t"\.~<:t.·~~.:t..' /pWcuu differ, 1. see: different 2, see: disagree
tepq::>::>/ di ff ere nee @_,e.,:"-''"-.' /kh&fpaa/ 11 What is the
dictate, 1. iso, read aloud, va. A. ~~· /pffd/ difference? khyad par go re yod pa red?
11 I dictated and he wrote, ngas dpod nos khos (kh&&paa qh9_re Y2;)r££) 11 Is there a difference?
bris pa red. 2, khyad par yod po red pas? (kh&fpaa Y2:.r!p£t) 11
114 different

There is no difference. khyad par yod pa rna act dignified, va. '9 a.~~ •~~ • j h. ~Ci)W~'

red. (kh~fpaa y~~m~ree) R\<:l.,_C:.' /fi~m ch_£c; quiiom noon/ 11 Our president
different ~-<"'-~"\· /m2_ntao/ f Are these doesn't act dignified. nga tsho'i srid 1 dzin
different? 'di tsho rna 1 dra bo red pas? (t.!_n- gyis sku nyams gnang gi mi 1 dug. ( I')E_ntsbo
tso m2_ntao r=.pcc) sintsiinqi qunam nel')qi m.!,ntu~)
differentiate, va, D. ~-<=l..-~' /ycl! che/ 11 We dignitaries, neo. ~·~~'\l:l.<=t'\' /m.!,na cheqao/
have to differentiate between Tibetans and [Syn. dpon rigs che khag]
Indians, nga tshos bod pa dang rgya gar bo dbye digress, vi. A. ~ "'-...~· ~·t::t. • ~@.~~· /th.!;!ntao
ba 1 byed dgos red. (1').9_ntsb1> ph.!;!pata k.9_qara y~~ tewa lao/
cheqoree) dike, 1. n, ~-.:.:."'<\' /chOra'?:l/ 2. iso, build a
difficult ~zn,·~ /qhoqo/ 11 This is a difficult dike, va. -- "\~"'. · I --k2_p/
test, yig tshad 'di khag po 1 dug. (y.!_qts&C t.!_ dilapidated ~~ ·"f' /qh~pto/
qhoqo t~u) f This work is difficult to do, las dilate, med., va. D. ~-~ /qha che/
ka 'di byed khag po 'dug. (l_££qa t.!_ ch=.e qhoqo dilettante ~'&...·~·~· /heri hOri/ f He is a
t~td dilletante, kho mi ha ri hu ri red, (qho mi
difficulty "'-"'-~·Q,:s=·; h. ~-~~Q.l.-~ /qaicc; hari huri r=.el
h. qu neepo/ f Did you have any difficulties on diligence q~a,~~· /tsOntuU/ [Syn, hur
the trip? khyod rang lam khag la dka' las byung brtson; 1 khur brtson; 1 bod brtson; do brtson]
ngas? (kh3ra' 1.9_1')qaola qol&c ch.:!I'J&C) [Syn. dka' diligent, 1. adj. t"\~<:l.~~-~~~ /tsOntu~
ngal] chempo/ 11 He is very diligent. kho brtson
diffuse, iso. spread out, vi. D. ~~- /kh~p/ f 'grus chen po zhe drag 'dug. (qho tsOntu~ chem-
The bad smell diffused everywhere. dr i rna sdug po sh=.taa t.:!~) 2, iso, be diligent, va. "'1..~0,:
chag de go sa go la khyab shag. (th.!,ma t.:!qca'dte q_~~~~· /tslJnf.u~ ch_£c/ f He is very
qhosa qhcla kh~pshao) 11 The new word diffused diligent in his studies. khos slob sbyong la
immediately. tshig gsar pa de lam sang khyab brtson 'grus zhe drag byed kyi 1 dug. (qh&'>
shag. (tshrl saopate 1.9_msaan khapshad) lopconla tsOntuii sh=.taa ch.!,qil)
dig, va. C. ~~· /th~U/ 11 They dug a well. dilute, 1. va. ~-~·"'\'?~' /loru toon/ f He
kho tshos khron pa zhig brus pa red. ( qhontsb13 diluted ·the beer with water. khos chang la chu
th5mpaci th~~paree) bsres nos sla ru btang shag. (qh3'd choonla chu
digest, vi. D. ~- /c.:!/ f This food is hard to f.eenc loru taanshao) 2. iso. be/get diluted,
digest. kha lag 'di 'ju khag po 1 dug. ( qholao vi, ~·~·a~ /loru chj:n/
t.!, c.:! qhaqo t~ul dim, 1. iso, dimly lit "" ~
~~--"""1.'.5'\"'l.' /n.9_a .
digestive organs C<.'%''%~'\"1.~·~ /c.:!Cee wal')po/ thipthil/ 11 This room is dim. khang mig 1 di
[Syn. 1 ju byed nang khrol] nag thib thib 1 dug. ( qh~l')mil t.!, n~o thipthil
digestive system ~~~~~~~~· /c.:!cee k~rim/ t~u) 2. iso. lights/flashlights ~~~·oq·~·
digging machine ~-~o:.";!!~-q~· /soqo th!:i'Oq:J:J/ ~~a.r/s~~la mos&&/ f The flashlight is dim, bi
digit, 1 • iso, toe/finger .:».~ ·£"' " /ts.:!qu/ 2, ji li gsa! la rna gsal red. (p.!,cili scfla mes&&
iso. number ~c::::~· /el')ql/ r=.el 3, iso. indistinct 11 I saw a dim object
digital watch, neo, ~c:::·o.~=.·~"f'"' /el')qtru on the hill. ngas ri'i sgang la gsal la rna gsal
chutsuU/ zhig mthong byung. (I')_£C rg q.9.n la ..t>l:fla mas&&
dignified, 1. adj. '?~<'~·~~ /Fi.9_m th.!:!2po/ f ci tho5ncu) 4. iso. unlikely [vb,J 5'1.~-~·i:f'
He is very dignified, khong mi nyams. dod po ~-~~- /[vb.] t.?,~ qhopo m.9.ree/ f The chance of
zhig 'dug. (qhoon m.!, n.9.m thoopoci tuu) 2. iso. rain today is dim. de ring char pa bob mdog kha
direct-current 115

po rna red. (th!ri cho~po ph!mt66 qhopo m~ree) diploma, neo, ~~ ·a;~GX.I""\' ~.>::.' /sheetse:&
11 The chances of being able to go to India soon l~qkee/
c-.. .... ....._
are dim. rgya gar la mgyogs po 'gro thub mdog diplomat, nee. €!il_,'O.,S.OJ.·cu~-~~z:..t· /chintee
kha po rna red. (k~qaa la k~qo t~ thuunto~ qhopo l££ceepo/ 11 Do many diplomats come here? phyi
maree) 5, iso. lower a light, va. ;;.;-~·Q:,C::..'5..' 1 brel las byed po mang po 'dir phebs kyi red
at- "' "
~~~: /1'?> chul')ru talln/11 He dimmed the light, pas? (chintee l££ceepo m!l')qu tE,£ phiiqirepcc)
khos glog chung du btong po red, (qh8B 13~ diplomatic credentials, nee, ~-~~'"\1'\C:.'~c;.:
chunru taanporee) 6. iso. take a dim view, see: ~l:l"\·~.:.::.· /chintee wol')tse:c l~qkee/ [Syn. phyi
dislike 7. see: dimwit 1 brel 'gan dbang yig cha]
diminish, 1. va, ~c::.·~a...~c::..· /i'i;;_I'Jru toon/ 11 diplomatic personnel, neo, ~-~~·~·~·
They diminished the relief aid, kho tshos skyob /chintee m!na/
gso nyung ru btang pa red. (qhontsod kopso n;;_l')- Dipper (the Big Dipper) ac:.·~z·~~l:l.~~-.'

ru taanparee) [Syn. (for expenses) beag] 2, /ch~r)qar pOntUUn/

iso. be/get diminished, vi. ~.:;.·~~"" diptheria, mad. ~~C\~~· /tin~~/

/i'i;;_l')ru chin/ 11 The water in the pond has direct, 1. iso. be in charge of, va. a:_~~<¥~~;
diminished. chu rdzing nang gi chu nyung du h. ~Gt~~~c:..· lq£ntsiin chE_c; h. tsontsiin
ph yin shag. ( chOsiin noon qhi chu n;;_r)ru nCion/ 11 He directed the hospital construction
chinshaa) project, khos sman khang 1 dzugs skrun gyi las
diminutive, see: small gzhi 'i 'gan 'dzin byas ·po red. (qh~ m~nqaan
dimly, see: dim ts;;_qt-UUn qhi l££shii qE_ntsiin chE_cparee) [Note:
dimple l!l:l.~·)f\"c::.· /ts~qoon/ Also see "manage",] 2, iso, direct a movie,
dimwit ~~·~· /quqpa/ 11 He is a real dimwit, play (lit. order and plani, va. .<::~,~-~~-.ql<jC:.'
kho lkug po zhe po cig 1dug, (qho qOpqa sh!puci /q88ctr;J taon/ 11 He directed the movie. khos
t~t) glog brnyan bkod byus btang po red. (qhS'd
din, 1. n. ~"'?f'x· /q&ccoo/ 2, iso, be a din, 13qiie:e:n qS"ocuU toonporee) [Syn, nee, c. khrid
vi. -- q~q_· /--k!p/ ston byes; skul khrid byes] 3. iso, frank ~·S(·
dine, see: eat ~·~~· /qh~ri qh~tut/ 11 He is extremely direct.
ding dong (the sound) ~c::.·~&;:.· /til')tir)/ [Syn, ti kho kho ri kho thug zhe po cig 'dug, (qho qheri
ling ti ling; ti ling to lang] qh~tut sh!puci t~t) 4. iso, through/straight ~·
dinghy ~~c::.· /1-h;:_cuun/ ~.:q· /qh~tut/ 11 a direct flight to Tibet bod
dinner, iso, evening meal "\~'"\~'(2\'~"\' ; h, !a kha thug la 1 gro mkhan gnam gru (ph~ la
"'-~c:..·~"l:\· @\<:U. ·~<X\· /q~ntaa qhalaa; h. q.££0taa qhetut la t~r:J&&n namtu) [Syn, shar rgyag] 5,
shcr,laa/ 11 Please come for dinner. dgong dog iso. order, va. ~'t\c:t.'l:tl<jZ::..' /qo toon/ 11 I
zhal lag la phebs rags gnang, (q~ntaa shttlaa directed him to leave ot once. ngas kho la lam
la pheero?>naan) sang rgyugs bko' btang pa yin, (I')E_C qh55
dip, 1. iso. immerse, va. ~~~·~·@.,~' /cutts lamsaan kuts qo tallnpayin) 6, iso. show, va, C,
chcc/ 11 He dipped the cloth in the water, khos o:.t<'l.:\'(2;\'"t\'~~~ /l~l')qaa tr.n/ 11 I directed him to
ras de chu 1 i nang la bcug tsam byas po red. the hospital (lit, showed the road going to the
(qh8B rE_c ti chrn:l n~n la cuMs chE_cporee) 2. hospital). ngas kho la smon khang la 'gro sa 1 i
iso. decrease, vi, A, ~z:t'\' /cho'?l/ 11 The price lam khag bstan po yin. (r:JE_C qh53 m~nqaanla 1-~­
of gold dipped slightly. gser gong tog tsam se:e: l£r:Jqaa t~~poyin) [Syn. lam ston byas]
chag shag. (serqoon t53ts chaasha'?J) direct-current (electricity), neo, c,
diphthong, nee, ~~~~-~·~-".~\~ /yor)ta niitee/ ~~~0\' /th~r,kuu HiqkUUn/
116 direction

direction, 1, ("\ • ~-""'t • /qhopc:)~/ 11 What re red. (chaashi t~ k83n qh, r£t)
direction is Lhasa from here? 1 di nos lha sa disaffiliate, va, A. ~=·~-"\~"'\_ /t!;.wa c~&/
kha phyogs ga par yod pa red? (t_!n&c lhc~sa disaffirm, see: deny
qhapc:)~ qh.9_paa Y2~r&&) 2. iso. guidance =10-t' disagree, 1. iso. not agree, va. a:r-~-~~~~-~~··
~· /1.9_mto·on/ 11 Did you receive any direction /m~tu~n m,9.chcc/ 11 He disagreed with the presi-
when you worked? khyod rang las ka byed dus lam dent, khos srid 1 dzin la mos mthun rna byes pa
ston byung ngas? ( kh&a 1EE_qa chi ttr~ lamtoon red, (qh~ sritsiin le m~tu~n m,9.chccpare~) 2.
ch_!!l')&t) 3, iso. change directions, i. iso. iso. be in disagreement, vi. ~:l:\·~~~1;1.1.~c:;.·
travelling, va. C, ~01.3.;~"'1.:<-'1.'~~~· / /m~tUUn ~cuun/ 11 We disagreed concerning the
C!!_~/ 11 They changed directions and went north, plan. 'char gzhi de' i skor la nga tsho mas
kho tsho lam phyogs brjes nos byang la phyin pa mthun rna byung, (ch~ashi thee cj5~la I'J2ntso mu'U-
red. (qhontso l.9_mc:)~ c~n& ch~n la chi~pare~) tuUn m~chuun)

ii. iso. strategy, va, C. ""\~' /c~/ 11 They disallow, see: disapprove
changed direction (lit, changed plans) with re- disappointed, iso, get/be, vi. ~~~~~~·
spect to development, kho tshos yar rgyas gtong /lopham ch.!:!!!n/ 11 He was disappointed by the
phyogs kyi 'char gzhi brjes pa red, (qhontsl:iB agreement. gros mthun der kho blo pham byung
y.9.rk&c toi')C:)~ qhi ch~ashi c~pare~) 4. iso, shag. (th~tUUn t&& qho lopham ch.!:!!!nshaa) 11 He
direction of, see: toward 5. see: instruc- disappointed us. kho nga tshor blo pham byung
tions shag, (qho l')~ntS:):) 15pham ch.!:!!!nshaa)
eastern direction
"""\ "'' ~""'~' /shorch:)~/ disapprove, 1, iso. not approve, va.
a.\.fo.t·~ '<r\ "\C..'
h. "'t-'T\(:1:..'

northern direction ~-F~""'-"""' /ch21')ch:)~/ I qotoo manoa n/ 11 The government

southern direction ~~~- /lhOch:)~/ disapproved their request. kho tsho'i snyan zhu
western direction ~.q_-~"1\~' /n_!!pch:)~/ la gzhung gis bka' 'khrol mo gnang pa red,
directive, see: order (qhontsbo i'i~nshu le sh_!!D qhi qotoo mCinaanpare~)
&:l.~"'\ ij~·.on.~· [Syn. chog mchan gnang] 2. iso. think poorly
director, 1. iso, a movie, play
~!f'Cl.: /q8"ocu"U tol')&&n/ 11 He is the director of /15mcrci ~chcc/ 11 He
the movie, kho glog brnyan de'i bkod byus gtong disapproved of the plan. khos 1 char gzhi der
mkhan red. (qho 15qn&&n t~ q38cu~ tol')&&n r!!_~) blo mos rna byes pa red. (qh~cl chaashi t&& lomocl
2. iso. of an office, bureau, project et.CI\!9.: a.~~· ~ch&cpare~)
; h. ""\:f'· a.~ I q£ ntsiin; h. tsontsiin I 11 He disassemble, va. B. ~'Q.t"'\'0..~<>3. • /chelae the~/
is the director of the library. khong dpe mdzod 11 He disassembled the radio, khos re ~i yu de
khang gi gtso 1 dzin red. (qhoon pentsbii qhoon cha lag 'phral shag. (qh~ r2,tiyu ti chelae
qhi tsontsiin r!~) [Syn. 'go 1 dzin] th~~shaa)
~-.....r-..-......... -...r-
directory ~"1\~C:::.' /thfuhuun/ disaster 1. iso. great harm <:C'\tsl.."'-:~01.:~~~·

disabled, iso. having a physical foul t ~ /n88kbon champo/ 11 Last year there was a great
/k88n/ 11 His hand is disabled, kho'i lag par disaster. zla nyin gnod skyon chen po zhe po ci
skyon 'dug. (qhtlS l.9.qpaa k33n t_!!~d 11 He got byung pa red, (t~niin nlmkoon chanpo sh.!_puci
disabled during the war, dmag rgyag dus kho 1 i ch.!:!!!npare~) 2. iso. be/have a disaster, va.
gzugs por skyon byung pa red. (mao ki!attiU qhtlS ~· /--ch£'&1 11 The "Great Leap Forward" was a
S_!!q66 k83n ch.!:!!!npere~) [Note: Context makes disaster. mdun mchongs chen pos gnod skyon chen
this meaning clear,] po byes pa red, (t!:!_nc~ chempoB n88ko'l:in chanpo
disadvantage if~ /k38n/ 11 What are the disad- ch£Cpare~) [Syn. byus nyes chen po]
vantages of the plan? 'char gzhi de 'i skyon ga disastrous, see: disaster
discourage 11 7

disavow, iso, didn't adrriit 1 va. ~-~~~-@...~' disciple -sf"'-·~· /lorna/ 11 He is a disciple of
~~~olean m£chtc/ ~ He disavowed he was a commu- the Lorna. kho bla rna de 1 i slob rna red. ( qho
nist, khos kho rang dmar po yin pa rgos len rna lorna tee 15mo r!e)
byes pa red. (qh8'd qhara mocpo y_!mpa ~b'Oleen
m£chccparea) monastic discipline dgon po 1 i sgrig khrims
disband, 1. va, D. ~~:x_· /t3r/ 11 They dis- (q£mptt \-,!qthi~) [Syn. sgrig lam] 2. iso~ ob-
banded the association. kho tshos tshogs pa serve discipline, va, C, -- ~~c;.~· /--sOn/
gtor po red. (qhents~d tsh5qpa t5rpare~) [Syn, 3, iso. impose discipline, va·. ~~~'"''.'<jZ:::.'
mad pa bzos] 2. iso, be/get disbanded, vi, D, /\-hi~ taon/ 11 He disciplined the students.
Q.~' /th'Jr/ ~ The association disbanded, khos slob grwa be tshor khrims btang po red.
tshog pa 'thor pa red, (tsh'Jqpa th5rpare~) (qh8'd !opt-oats~~ thi~ taanporea) 4. iso, tame,
[Syn, med pa byos] va. c. ""'~~ /c"Jn/ 11 He disciplined the
disbelieve, vi. ~'"'~'<11..\~C:.: /yiich~ macuun/ horse, khos rta de bcun po red, (qh~ tate
11 They disbelieved what he"'said, khos bshod par dlnporee) 5, iso. branch of learning -ifi,·"'\~z:::.·
kho tsho yid ches me byung po red, (qh~ sh~c­ /lopshuun/ 11 What is his main discipline?
paa qhontso yiiche~ m~uunparee) kho'i slob gzhung gtso bo go re red? (qhSS lop-
disburse, 1. see: give 2, iso. disburse funds, shuun tsowo qh£re rE_c) [Syn, slob sbyong gi
va. o....~~-""~c:.· /t.~oon toon/ 11 He disbursed gzhung]
funds to the soldiers. kho tshos dmag mi tshor disclose, va. c. "'\~"'-'"'!.'~~~ /saQwa t8n/ 11
rogs dngul 'gro song btang po red, (qhontsb'H She disclosed that she was pregnant, mos mo
m~amitsh~~ r~~UU t~oon toonporee) rang lo phru gu chags shag zer gsang be bton po
discord, vo. A. ~~~· /yu't:J/ 11 He discarded red, (m!rd m£raa puqu ch6oshaos sa~wa t8nporee)
his old hat, khos kho'i zhwo mo rnying po [Syn. gsang rtol byes]
g.yugs po red, (qhBB qhSS Sh£mo ni~pa yiJ~paree) discolor, see: fade
discern, 1. see: see 2, see: differentiate discomfort, see: pain
discernible ~·~~-<:J.4~' /thoon thiJuya?!/ 11 disconcerting, see: confusing

a discernible difference mthong thub yog gi disconnect 1 va. A. ~""'"'- /c'fc/ ~ They discon-
khyad par (thoon thuuyaaqi kh~~poa) nected the phone. kho tshos kha dpor bead shag.
discharge, 1 • iso. release, va. .<::!.'9" • /ta6n/ 11 (qhontsod qhopaa c~cshoo)
They discharged the child from the hospital. disconsolate, see: unhappy
kho tshos phru gu ·de sman khang nos btong pa discontinue, va. A. "<\~~-~~"'~\' /yuq sh£a/
red. (qhontsod p~quti m~nqhaonnt taonporee) 2. ~ They discontinued making pens. kho tshos
iso. fire a gun 1 va, ~-~'\_0..'"'1.~1"\' /m!:,nta snyug gu bzo yag g.yugs bzhog po red. (qhontso't>
kf!_p/ 3. iso. a gun accidently discharging, vi. niJqu S£Y00 yuq Sh£0parea)
B. ~-~"\._0.'<"\*' /lll!nto qho sh'J'J/ 4. iso. discount, 1. iso. reduce price, va. A. ~'"'l.:Q"<\'
remove/send forth, va. C, <=~,~lsl._' /tB'n/ 11 They /qh~n coo/ ~ He discounted the price of the
discharged the cargo at Bombay, kho tshos gru book. khos deb kyi gong beag shag, (qh8"d th!:P
gzings nang gi tshong zog de tsho 'born 1 be 1 i la qhi qh~n coashao) 2. see: disregard
bton shag. (qhentsa~ t~tsin ~Qqi tshoQS~~ p~­ discourage, 1. iso, be/get disheartened, vi. A.
peela t8nshao) 5. iso. fire from work,. va, A. ~ru~~'t\~'<X>"t\' /simshut choo/ ~ They are dis-
~"'\ /prl/ ~ They discharged him from his job, couraged, kho tsho sems shugs chag shag.
kho tshos kho las ka nos phud po red, (qhontsb't> (qhontso simshut chooshaa) 2. iso. dishearten
qho l~qont pilparea) [Syn. phyir 'bud byes] /simshw
118 discourse

coo/ ~ He discouraged them. khos kho tsho I i cold '5:.~=q_· /ch~mpa/

sems shugs beag shag. (qh~ qhootsoci simshu~ diseases caused by nogos (e.g, boils, sores)~·

caashoa) a,.r:;.,.: /lun~A/

discourse, va. ~ "'\0::) ; h, "'1."\c<..'~CQ. • /ql!ca; epidemic &.."'1.1..\~~- /n~yam/
h. qombo/ eye disease/sickness ~~-~""' /mir)n~~/
discourteous, see: impolite gonorrhea ~"'·~~· /th!!r)shi/ [Syn. grong ba]
discover, vi. A. .1::1.~· /nil/ ~ He discovered heart disease ~c::"'~· /nir)n~A/
gold. kho la gser rnyed pa red. (qh55 see nil- kidney disease ~\l"'-o:,·~c::.._· /qhl!l!n&C/
pare~) [Syn. gsar rnyed] leprosy ~~'~"'\ /ts!n&c/ [Syn. mdze]
discreet 0\'~~c:F /qho tsl!mpo/ 11 He is very liver disease ~*'~'0\'\' /chiin~A/
discreet, kho kha btsan po zhe drag red. (qhi5 mange 1€: /no/
qho tsl!mpo sh~taa r!e) nervous disorder ~~·~'\' /lur)n~~/
discreetly =0'=·2f"~· /qh~l!poch&c/ 11 He did respiratory disease "\~"t\~-~~ /Oqn~A/
it discreetly. khos 1 di mkhas pa byas by as pa scabies, see: mange
red. (qh~d t! qhl!l!poch&c Ch£Cparee) sinuses ~·~· /y~ma/
discrepancy ~·~et.:~· /m~thUnpa/ 11 There was a skin disease .l'.t"'f\"'\'0\"\' /pliqn&c/
discrepancy between the two accounts of the bot- syphilis ~-~·=~r /sem~?J/ [Syn. rgyo nod]
tle, dmag gi gnas tshul gnyis po rna mthun pa tooth disease/illness ~~.;: /son&&/
byung shag. (mao qhi nl!l!tsutl n!ipu m~th Unpa tuberculosis ~~~ /lon&c/
ch~nshaa) worm diseases ~~0\.~ /p!!n~A/
diseased ~~- ~ ""\' /n~tsa y~pa/ 11 a diseased
~ They discriminated against negroes, kho tshos cow no tsho yod po 'i ba (n~tsa y~p&& ph~)

mi nag pa dbye 'byed byos pa red. ( qhontso·ci m! disembark, va. C, ~~- /th~n/ ~ We disembarked
~qo yencee ch£Cparee) from the plane in Delhi, ngo tsho dhi lir gnam
discrimination ~~"' /yencee/ 11 racial dis- gru'i nang nos don pa yin, (n~ntso t!l&& n~mtu~
crimination mi rigs dbye 'byed (m!ril yencee) nCion n&& th~npayin)
discuss, vo, ss-=·c:~.~-"'%;~~: /th.22tuu ch£C/ 11 disembowel, va. C. ~Q..l·~§~
They discussed the plan. kho tshos 'char gzhi They disemboweled the prisoner. kho tshos btson
gros bsdur byas po red, (qh5ntsb~ ch~eshi thoo- pa 'i rgyu rna bton pa red, (qhontsoB ts&lp&& ku-
tuu ch£Cporee) mo?J t8nparee)
discussion ~~-~~"'-· ; h. <=:\-":1,~'"'1.~~.: /th~tuu; disengage, 1. iso. groups 1 va. A. Cl.:~r·~"'""-0\""\'
h. q~tuu/ v /k~r)p&c sh~a/ ~ The two armies disengaged.
disease (iso. sickness/illness), 1, n, ~<5&­ dmog dpung gnyis kyi bar la 'gyang phod bzhog po
/~tso/ ~ He has a disease, kho lo no tsho yod red. (m~qpuun nrrqhi ~ruu la k~r)p&c shoapore~)
po red. ( qh55 n~tsa y_2?lree) 11 Does he have a 2. iso. gears, etc., vi, B. (4'!;\CI4' /qho th~/
serious disease? kho lo no tsho sdug chog 'dug 11 The motor disengaged, 'phrul 'khor a rna kho
gas? ( qh55 ~tsa t!!qcaa t!!q&c) [Syn. nod] 2. bra! shag. (thOOqh~ oma qha th&&shaa)
iso, get/catch a disease,' vi. A. disgrace, 1. n. "'~~·ct~~- /sh~mteen/ ~This
/--ph5?l/ 11 He got a serious disease. kho lo no is a disgrace. 'di zhabs 1 dren zhig red, (t!
tsho sdug chog cig phog shag. (qh35 notsha t!!q- sh~mteen ci r!~l 2, va. C. -- "3,~ · I --sh!!.,TI/ 11
caO ci ph~~sha0) He disgraced our school, khos nga tsho 'i slob
chronic disease "'\~'Ol.."'.' grwa'i zhabs 'dren zhus pa red, (qhW ~ntsoo
!opt&& sh~mteen sh!!.,~paree) 3, iso. be/get dis-
dismay 119

graced, vi. A. "'~"\'9~"-:a;;"'· /no choa/ 11 Our ~Cl.\'A.'~-~"'\. /qCilo mate&/

leader was disgraced, nga tsho'i 'go 'khrid disintegrate, 1, iso. buildings, vi. '"'~.l:.'q"t\>:'1'
gna ' chag shag. ( l')£ntsoo q~il no choashaa) 4. ~~· /th~rshil chi~/ 11 The house is gradually
iso. be/gat out of favor, vi. A. <l-l~~'i!O"'\' disintegrating, khong po de go ler go ler lo
/tho?:! choa/ 11 That minister is in disgrace, 'thor zhigs 'gro gi 'dug. (qhor)pati qh~lii qh~­
blon po de mthongs chag shag. (18mpo the tho?:! lii la th~rshil 1-.!:!_qil) [Syn, zhig] 2, iso,
chaOshaa) natural objects, vi. ~~·adl._' /th33 chi?./
disgraceful, see: disgrace, 1 11 These rocks are disintegrating, brag 'di tsho
disguise as (something) 1 va. ~~·-a.t·~· 'thor 'gro gi 'dug, (1h£d tlntso th33 1.!:!_qil)
/tsUUma ch£&1 11 He disguised himself as a monk, [Syn. 'thor] 3. iso, groups, vi. B. (Z'\'~~x..·
khos grwa po rdzus rna byos po red, (qhS'd 1h!?_po /qho th33/ 11 The army disintegrated. dmag
ts~uma ch£&pare~) dpung ka 'thor po red, (maqpuun qho th33parae)
disgusted, vi. c. ~<ll.·~:c.·~z:::~· /kur)mae l!?_n/ disinterested, 1. iso. no interest "".~c::~ •
11 He was disgusted with his work. kho kho'i los [neg.] /yi?:J [nag.]/ 11 He is disinterested in
kar skyug mar longs shag. (qho qh38 lEE,qaa studies. kho slob sbyong lo dbyings mi 'dug.
kul')mee 1!?_nshaa) (qho lopcon la yi'r) m!_ntuu) 2. sea: impartial
disgusting ~~·~x.·c;q~::.· ~9.· /kur)mee laanyoo/ 11 disjointed, for speech ~"-'0:.~"'\'.;f';)"'-.'e::p /qh,!:!l')
That food is disgusting, kha log de skyug mar t.!_qu ~epa/ 11 He gave a disjointed speech.
lang yag cig 'dug, (qholaa th~ kul')mee l~nyaa khong gigs gsung bshad _gung 'grigs po med po
ci t.!:!_u) zhig gnang song. (qhllon qhi SUUI')Shc& qh.!:!_l') t!_qu
dish .si'.._."'\. /thopaa/ [Syn. sder tse] m~epa .ci noonso)
disheartened, see: discouraged dislike [neg,] /q!?_po [neg.] I 11 He
disheveled, iso, hair ~·~z:::·~z:::· Ito s!_I')Siin/ dislikes Sonam. kho bsod noms la dga' po mi
11 His hair was disheveled, kho'i skro zing zing 'dug. ( qho sonamla q!:!po mlntuu) 11 I dislike
red. (qh83 to sli')Siin r~~) dried meat. nga sho skarn po lo dga 1 po med.
dishonest ~c:~ [neg,] /1h£1')qo [neg,]/ 11 He (I'J!?_ sha qompo la q!?_po ~~~
is dishonest. kho drong po mi 'dug. (qho 1h£11- dislocate 1 med. vi. A. ~~· ~ · /tshi'l ch!J';J; 11
qo m!_ntuu) 11 a dishonest trader tshong po He dislocated his arm (shoulder joint) , kho' i
drang po mad po zhig ( tshor)qo 1h£1')qo ill!~pa ci) dpung po 1 i tshigs 'chus shag. ( qh83 pul')pcc
dishonorable '\lt..l ~-<\~1:1. :~/'\"'\~ 'V-l."'\'~ · /niimpe~ ch~~ tshil chnUsnaa)
q_£yaaqi I 11 He is a dishonorable parson, kho dislodge 1 1 • vo. C. ~~~ /t'3'h/ 11 One should
dmo' 'beb byed dgos yag gi mi zhig red, (qho dislodge food from between the teeth. so'i sing
mompa~ ch~ q_£yoaqi m!_ ci r~e) [Syn, dma' 'beb gi kha log 'don dgos red, (s93 sil')qi qholoa
byed 1 OS po 1i ) t8i\qore~} 2. vi. c. z~ /th2,'h/
dishwasher, iso, machine, neo, Ja'~"'\'a.~·a,~;:.:,· disloyal, iso. traitor ;g:-c:.•<9-l(ll.C9,,.' /tshoi')&Cn/ 11 He
/thapoa t.huqhM/ was disloyal to the nation. kho rgyal khob
disinfect, vo. ~"t\·.N~-~~.:r /th.!:!_qsea ch£&1 11 tshong mkhon red, (qho kEE,qap tshoi')&Cn r~~}
We have to disinfect the room. nga tshos khang [Lit. one who sells]
pa de dug sal byed dgos red, (Q£ntsod qhol')po ti dismal, see: bad
th.!:!_qsee ch~qore~) dismantle, va, B. ~-~c::u.· /lhu th~c/ 11 He
disinfectant \~'~'<Sl..:CI.~«\'~0( /th.!;!'!nccn q_?,qmccn/ dismantled the table, khos rgya cog lhu 1 phral

[Syn. dug sal sman rdzas) shag, (qh~ k£C~~ lhu thccshaa}
disinherit, iso, not give (a/one's) shore, vo, A. dismay, see: discourage
120 dismember

dismember, va. A. ~"''«>.t.<:t\·~~"'-.: /qol')la~ c'Cc/ dispensary 1 iso. pharmacy ~ ~ ~.l:.' *" c:.. (l(c.:
dismiss, 1. iso. a class, vi, B. o..~~·~a.t· /m'Cnc~~ tshol')qaon/
/ts!_nt-a 't-h~/ 11 She dismissed the class. mos dispense, sea: distribute
1 dzin gra grol pa red. (m![d_ ts!-_nt-a t-h!!!!pare~) disperse, 1, va, A. qm_~~· Ita~/ , They
'II The class was dismissed at 3 p.m. 1 dzin gra_ dispersed the soldiers along the border. kho
chu tshod gsum par grol pa red. (ts!_nt.a chotsot tshos sa mtsams lo dmog mi bkroms pa red.
sumpaa t.ha"dpare~) 2. iso, fire, va. A. ~"'\ (qhootsod santsaa~ la m~ami t.a~pore~) 2. iso,
/pilI 11 He dismissed two workers, khos bzo pa be/get dispersed, vi. A. ~~· /'t-h~~/
gnyis phud pa red, (qh~ ~~pa nrr pilpare~) 3, displace, iso. expel people, va. A. ~k..':
iso. not pay attention to, va. ~~t:..'6\.l.'~' , They displaced the workers from their homes.
/th~aan ~chc&/ 11 He dismissed the news. khos kho tshos bzo pa tsho nang nos phud pa red.
gsar 'gyur la do snang rna byes pa red. (qhB"d (qhontsotl s~potso n~n n& pilparee)
s~nkuu la th~aan m~chccpare~) display, 1. iso. exhibit, va, c. ~ /tS?-r/ 11
dismissal ~~c:.t.t~· /priya~/ 11 His dismissal was He displayed his goods on the ground. khos
investigated. kho phud yag der zhib 'jug byes kho'i co lag so mthil sgang la ston shag. (qh~
pa red. (qho piiya~ thee sh!-_mcut ch£Cpare~) qhS8 cola~ sathii q~?-rla t3?-rsha~) 2. iso. on
dismount, vi. D. 'l.l::l,~.:s: /phf!_p/ , When he exhibit, i. n. ~~~·~~ lt-=.mtoon/ ii,
dismounted· from the horse kho rta nos bob dus iso. display (usu. as an exhibit) vo. -- ~~·
(qho to n&& phf!_ptuU) /--ch£"&1 11 They displayed the old statue in the
disobedient, 1. iso. a parson who is disobedient museum. kho tshos 1 grems ston khong gi nang la
~'"'-t'<:l.t.'l?~t:..t·~e;_:5.1~~ /qhola ~ii&mpa sku 1 dra rnying pa de 1 grams ston byes shag.
ch!:_l')&&n/ 11 He is disobedient. kho kho lo rna (qhootsod t-=.mtb'an qhoanqi n~nlo qunt.o Oil')pati
nyon pa byed mkhon zhig red. (qho qhola ~iicmpo t.!mtirdn ch£Csha~ )
ch!I'J&&nci r=.~l 2. iso, act disobedient, va. ~· displease, iso. make unhappy, vo. C. Q.l·i~!=.I.'
~·<:».'CCJ'a.:t:..!.'~~· /qh!Ua m~iinpa ch£C/ , When he ~~·/m~krlpa s~/ 11 His reply displeased the
was disobedient khos kho la rna nyan pa byed dus king. kho 1 i len gyis rgyal po rna skyid pa bzos
(qh3B qhala m~iicnpa ch=.tuU) pa red. (qh3S l££nqi k&&po makipa s_2dporea)
disobey, va. D. ~'GI.l'~·~a_: /qhola m~n&&n/ 11 He disposal, sea: dispose
disobeyed his teacher. khos dga rgan gyi kha la dispose, 1. iso. throw away, va, A. ~~~~·
rna nyan pa red. (qhB"d q!:_q&&n qhi qhola /yut/ , He disposed of the old hot, khos zhwa
m~n&npare~) [Syn. bka' lo rna nyan] mo rnying po de g.rugs pa red. (qhsB sh~mo nil')-
disorder, sea: disturbance pa ti yutpare~) 2. iso. kill, va. A•. "'\~.:;,:
disparage, va. ~~~~c:.·~~· /thoi')Chuun /sr:.'&/ 11 He disposed of Sonom. khos bsod noms
ch£&/ 11 They disparaged his accomplishments. bsad pa red. (qh8'd sooaill sfcparee) [Syn. med
kho tshos kho'i grub 'bras la mthongs chung byes po bzos] 3, iso. give away, va. B. 4~.3;:._·

pa red. (qhonts'Ot> qh3S 't-h_~:!mt-&c thoi')Chuun /tetS/ 11 He disposed of all the food to the

ch£Cpara~) poor • khos 1 to chas tshang rna skyo po tshor

disparate, _sea: different bster pa red. (qh8'd topcc& tshol')mo kopots~~
disparity, sea: difference Ui~pare~)

dispatch, va. /taan/ 11 He dispatched disprove, no. c."\~~"-1.'~ /qhul)lllee yimpa

-three soldiers to the fort. khos dmog mi gsum t8~/ 11 He disproved his statement, khos kholi
mkhar rdzong nang la btang pa red. (qh~ maami skad cha de khungs med yin pa ston po red.
sum qhortsoon noon la taanparee) (qhB"d qh88 qfca ti qhul')mee y!-_mpa tol'pare~)
distance 121

disputant ~~-~"'t\'=\Z'l•;j,.' /ts8po k~l')&&n/ 'dug. (l&&qa t!l 11~ t~po qhal')qimintu~) 2. adj.
disputatioUs ®0E:.:~·2:F /k~mte tshopo/ et.'i:::"'.='aJ._• ftc:.~·"{· /t~po moqho}pa/ ~ all the
dispute, 1. n. @~· /k~mte/ 2. vo. --t::t~c:.\' dissatisfied students 'dod pa mo khengs po'i
I --k2_p/ ~ They disputed with the government. slob-grwa ba tsho (t~po moqhllhp&& loptaotsho)
kho tsho gzhung dang rgya 1dre yod po red, dissect, anot. 1 vo. ~(tl~·~·~·"':\'<"\"~\'"t\.~""~~·
(qhontso sh~ ta k~mte Y2~re~) 3, iso. have a /r~q~~ lopcoh shoqcod ch£&1
dispute break out 1 vi. B. - ¥[.:.:..· I --sh53/ ~ A disseminate, va •. C, Ita~/ ~ They
dispute broke out. rgya 'dre cig shor shag. disseminated the news by mail, kho tshos gsar
(k~te ci sh33sho~) 'gyur sbrag thog nos bkroms po red. (qhCintsb'B
disquieting, see: disturbing s~nkuu t~qth~~n& to~poree)
disregard, va. ""t.~·~c=;:%J~' dissension, iso, corre to be 1 1. vi. m·&~j'l\:~~c::.·

The students disregarded the advice of the tea- /m~thUnpa ch~n/ ~ There was dissension in the
cher • slob grwa ba tshos dge rgan gyi bslab byo group. shog khog nang lo rna mthun pa byung pa
lo brtsi med byes po red, (lop}a~tsod q!q&&nqi red. (sh33qhao n~n la mathUnpa chuunparee) 2,
lopcaa tsrma~ ch£&poree) ~ They disregarded the iso. intentionally cause dissension, va, ~~~·

treaty, kho tshos chings yig lo brtsi med byes ~c::.·q_~· /!Oqshiin k2_p/ ~ He intentionally
pa red, (qhents~d chil')yilla tsime~ ch£&poree) caused dissension in the association, khos
[Syn. ltos med byes] tshogs pa 1 i nang la ched mngags dkrug shing
disreputable, see: dishonest brgyab po red. ( qh8ts tsh3qp&& noon la cheei')Oo
disrespectful, 1. .:::' :::-..
tsiquu rreep&&/ . tOq5hiin k2_paree)
~ He made a disrespectful remark about teachers, dissimilar ~·q,~~· l111£nto~/ ~ The two houses
khos dge rgan la brtsi bkur mad pa 1i skad cha were dissimilar, khang po gnyis po de rna 'dro
bshod pa red, (qhtru q!q&&nla tsrquu ~~p&& q!!co ba red. (qhcl')po nrrpu t! m~nta~ r_!e)
sh!!cpare~) 2. iso, act disrespectful (lit. not dissipate, iso. waste, vo. <:t.~"'t6i_4\.'l:t:X?C::.'
to act with respect) 1 va. ~~·&::~.~""-' [neg,].@,~' /t.h33lao taon/ ~ They dissipated their energy.
/tsiquu [neg.] ch£&1 ~ He was disrespectful to kho tshos kho tsho'i nus shugs 'phro brlag btang
the Lama. khos bla rna la brtsi bkur mo byes pa pa red, (qh~ntsod qh6ntsoo n~shu~ th53lao
red. (qhtlB Hlmaa tsiquu m~chEE,pore~) taonparee) [Syn. chud zos btang]
disrupt, 1. iso. cause a disturbance, va, A. "'\.ilf"'\~' dissipated, see: weak
/t-3~/ ~ The students disrupted the conference, dissociate, iso, avoid 1 vo. B. 4\~o.:t· /yrtd/ 11
slob grwa tshos tshogs 1 du dkrogs po red, He tried to dissociate himself from the plan.
(lapta~tsb1s tshoontu }3~poree) 2. iso. inter- khos kho rang 'char gzhi nos g.yol thabs byes po
rupt briefly, vi. A. ~~ /chr!t/ ~ The mail red, (qh8a qhoro ch~~shin& y8Btap ch£tparee)
was disrupted for two weeks. sbrag yig nyi ma dissolve, iso, a liquid 1 va. and vi. D. ~~~·

gnyis chad po red, (!2_qyil n!me nii chfcpare~) /sh~r I 11 He dissolved the salt in water. khos
3, iso. disturb and lessen, e.g. production, va. tsha chu'i nang la bzhur pa red. (qh~ tshi'i
>:.:t~'a>""-~'9c::.· /ph~rc&c toon/ ~ The war ch!lll n_22nla sh~paree) 11 The sugar dissolved
disturbed production. dmag gis thm skyed la quickly. bye rna ka ra lam sang bzhur po red,
bar chad btang pa red. (mo~il th8nkoola ph~r­ (ch2'1a qaro l~msaan sh~rparee)
c&c taanpare~) dissonant 1 iso. music ~ ''9~ t:.t'
dissatisfied, 1. vi. C. <'t~·~·~c::.~· [neg,] /~iiE:npo; h. mos&npa/
/t!!_po qhllh [neg. ] I ~ I am dissatisfied with dissuade, see: discourage, 2
this job, las ko 'dis ngo 'dod pa khengs kyi mi distance, 1, iso. distance between 2 points @_<;.'
122 distant

£J "'i' /k,9_r:Jthaa/ ~ What is the distance between all the students without distinction. khos slob
Lhasa ard Nepal? bal yul dang lha so 1 i bar la grwa ba tshang mar rags ram dbye ba med pa byas
rgyang thog go tshod yod pa red? ( ph£_£yUU ta po red. ( ph3"d lotao tshol')maa r22_ram yewa m.=,epa
lh££see p~ruu la k,9_r:Jthaa qh~tsec Y2~rec) ~ The ch£cparee) [Syn. khyad par med pa]
distance between New York and California is 3000 distinctly ""1~<:>..1.-t::r- /scr!.po/ ~ He spoke
miles. ri'u yog dang khal li pho ni ya'i bar la distinctly. khos skad cha gsal po bshad song.
rgyang thag me le gsum stong yod po red, (n!u (qhBa qr!.ca s~r;po shccso)
Y2qta qh~liphoniyee paruula k,9_r:Jthaa ~le sumtoon distinguish, 1. iso. recognize as different, va.
2. iso, far away /k.9.n D. ~-cs.-~· /ycr! che/ ~ He is able to
~ I saw the city in the distance, ngos distinguish Bhutanese from Tibetans, khos bod
grong khyer de rgyang nos mthong byung, (r:JE_C po'i nang nos 'brug pa dbye ba phye thub kyi yod
th~r:Jkheeti k,9_nne thooncu) pa red. (qhS"d ph~pee n~nne t~qpe ycc che thuu-
distant @,c:;_·Qc.·2f'~- /k,9_n r!r:Jqi.lU/ ~ a distant qiy:J~ree) 2, iso, make prominent, va, C.«~&:.~·
mountain rgyang ring po'i ri (k,9_n rir:Jq~u ri) :sa"' 2r.c:;~~· /s!n th&lpo s2_13/ ~ He distin-
distasteful, iso. n..Zs:_Qx.·~.-..:"-~~· /t,!;!paa ~epee/ guished himself in battle. khos kho rang dmag
~ a distasteful job 1 dod par med pa 1 i las ka gi nang la gzengs than po bzos pa red, (qhb'13
(t£paa m!epee l££qa) [Syn, 'dod bobs med po'i] qhera m~a qhi n~n la s~n th2mpo s"§_dparee)
distend, vi. A, ~~· /p"§_d/ ~ His stomach was distinguished ~~Sl"''"K\'~"-{~: /ncntaa y,!;!pee/
distended, kho 1 i gros khog sbos shag, (qh88 ~ a distinguished expert snyan grogs yod pa 'i
thoq:J~ p£dshaa) mkhas dbang (ncntaa y~pee qhcr!.waan)
distill liquor, va. c. \N'.::.:."\·q'f'~· /oroo s"§_d/ distort, iso, misrepresent, va, i{""'\'"\'¥\""~~·

distillate .ale::.<-\'~' /lal')chu/ /kh~qshec chE_E/ ~ They distorted the facts.

distilled water, 1. n. .:t._c;.~·.;:,'
.,.._, --v /lai')Chu/ 2, kho tshos dngos don khyog bshad byos pa red •
distill water, vo, C, ~~· /--s2_'13/ (qhantsod 1')83toon kh5qshec chE_cparee)
distillery ~ 'X"t\'<:t.::if-""'!1 • /orao s~ta/ distorted "if'~'"l..Y'\"-.'.§.,~'q_' /kh:Sqshec ch£C/ ~ His
distinct, 1. iso. different/dissimilar ~·t"'l~'G:I.' account of Tibet was distorted. kho'i bad kyi
/ ~ Gold is distinct from iron. gser gnas tshul de khyog bshad byas pa zhig red,
!cogs dang mi 'dro ba red, (see coo ta m~mtao (qh88 ph£"dqi n~ftsUUti kh~qshec chE_cpaci r!el
r!e) 2. iso, clear "l\~<J.:I'~ /s~r!.po/ ~ Is the distraught, vi. A. ~al..l:'N.'"'-t'"f\~"-'~~·ct~<Ct\~·
photo distinct? dpar gsol po 1 dug gas? (par /sempa til')ne thuu/ ~ She was distra~ght. mo
scr!.po t~qec) 3, iso, make a distinction, va, D. sems pa gting nos 1 khrugs shag. (m~ sempa trl')ne
~"-~"'"-~' /khcr!.paa che/ ~ He made a distinction t.huushaa)
between farmers and workers. khos zhing pa dong distress, iso. be in danger, vi. A, a;~-~~-~l:.."t:>:l'
bzo pa 1 i bar la khyad par phye pa red. (qhS"d ~"-.:. ln!r:Jqee n~n le tshtlU/ ~ The ship was in
sh!r:Jpa ta s~ee paruu la khccpaa cheparee) distress. gru gzings de nyen ga 1 i nang la tshud
distinction, 1, iso, difference shag. (th~tsi~ti n!l')qee n~n le tsh0Ushaa)
/khcr!.paa/ ~ There is a distinction between distress signal ~~';(.i'3J.'0...~"'<~ /r22_ram
level of wealth and class. rgyu che chung dang poota/
gral rim mtho dma'i bar la khyad par yod pa red. distribute, 1. iso. deliver, va. D. .<:!.>I:J."'-1~­

(k_!:! chechuun ta th~rim thomee paruu le khccpaa /ta~/ ~ He distributed the newspaper. khos
Y2~ree) [Syn. dbye ba] 2. iso. make a distinc- tshag dpar bkrams po red. (qh'38 tshoqpaa to~pa­
tion, see: distinct, 3 3. iso. without dis- ree) 2. iso. give out/away, va. a.4r<l. .['~O'..\'
tinction ~·c:t·~~q· /yewa m.=,epa/ ~ He helped ~~· /"t-!mpee ch£C/ ~ He distributed food to the
divide 123

poor. khos skye po tshor kho log 'grams spel [neg.]/ ~ They ore disunified. kho tsho gcig
byes po red. (qh~d kopots~~ qhol~ t!mpee chE~­ sgril mi 'dug. (qh~ntso c!qtii m_!ntuu)
pore~) [Note: sprad ("to give") can also be disuse, fall into, vi. A. ~"'~"'<\~' /ph~-
used.] mee choa/ ~ The fields fell into disuse. zhing
distribution, 1. n. e:t~~·~"'l·~~<:.l..l""\' lt!mpee go de tsho bed med chags po red. (sh!_l')qa then-
ch~yao/ ~ The distribution of powdered milk was tso ph~me~ chCiaporee) [Syn. bed spyod med po]
bod. 'o rtsam 'grams spel byed yag de yag po mi ditch, 1. n. ~~::.:.· /s~shuu/ 2. iso. dig a
'dug. (w!:!tsom t~pe:e: ch~yaa ti Y!:!qo m_!ntuu) 2. ditch, vo. C. -- ~~- /--th~/ 3. iso. irriga-
vo. see: distribute, 2 tion ditch ~:.:;·~ /yMpu/ 4. iso. abandon,
district 2fe.· /ts5:2.n/ ~ How many districts ore see: abandon
there in Indio? rgyo gar nang la rdzong go ditto machine, nee. ~~-'\~;,;:,·a,~:s::..·~ /numpoa
tshod yod po red? ( k~qoo naanla tsoon qh~tsc& qholo/
Y2:,rd) ditty, see: song
distrust &~~~· [neg.] /ygchoo [neg.]/ ~ dive, vo. B. l>'l.~o/=.·t:~.~k\'Ol.._~'ct.~"o.:t· /q.!:!_til')
I distrust him. nga kho la yid ches med. (I')~ l~:,nc ts£:!!:!1 ~ He dived into the water. khos
qh~~ yiichee m!e) chu'i nang la mgo rting bslogs nos 1 dzul po red.
disturb, 1. iso. bother, va. c. ~~2F~~~· (qh~ chOO noanlo q.!:!_til') 15~ne: tsuupare~)
/sDmpu s~d/ ~ He disturbed me often. khos nga diverge, vi. A. (!\~' ('l.•'<'\cl><4\.~· /qhoqaa chao/ ~
( qhoo n
Their path diverged at Lhasa. kho tsho lha so
yang se sun po bzos byung. I')~ y~I')Se sum-

pu s~dcu) 2. iso. make troubled, va. C.~&!~' nos lam khag khag khag chags po red. (qhontso
(!3<X\ ·q_1\~· /sl!mtcc s'§_d/ ~ Her strarge behavior lh~fsane: l~l')qaa qhaqao chaaporee) ~ Their opin-
disturbed him. mo'i spyod po khyod mtshor des ions gradually diverged. kho tsho'i bsam blo
kho la sems khrol bzos po red. (moo c£po kh~n­ rim pas khag khag chags pa red. (qhontsoo somlo
tsoa thil qh~~ semte:c s'§_dporee) 3. see: dis- r_!mpe:& qhoqao choopore~)
rupt divergence (1:1.""\,' ~9'\· /qhaqoo/ ~ There is a
disturbance, 1. iso. small disturbance ~c;.·e.;,• divergence in opinion. bsam blo khag khag yod
/s_!l')cha/ ~ Last night there was a disturbance pa red. (samlo qhaqao Y2~ree) [Syn. mi 'dro
in the bar. mdangs dgong chang khang nang la bo; mi mthun pa]
zing cho byung shag. (t~l')qon ch~l')qaan n~nla diverse
s_!l')cha chuunshao) 2. iso. large disturbance person with diverse experience. nga tshor mi
(with fighting) ~c;.·a_~l:t'\.' /s_!l')thuu/ ~ There nyams myong 'dro mi 1dra yod mkhan zhig dgos.
was a dis turbo nee in Tibet in 1959. chig stong (l')~nts~~ m_! n~mnoon t~ m~nto yool')e:e:n ci 92~)
dgu brgyo lnga bcu ngo dgu 1 i lo lo bod lo zing diversify, va. ~~~·§,~· /nets~~ chE~I 11
'khrug byung po red. (chiqtoon q~ka l')apcu l')~­ We have to diversify production. nga tshos then
q1.11 1~ lo ph~ lo s_!IJthuu ch~nparee) skyed sna tshogs byed dgos red. (l')antsod th2n-
disturbed, med. ~~~·~~·~ [neg.] /sem t!po kee nets~~ ch~qore~)
[neg.] I 11 She is disturbed. mo sems bde po mi divert, 1. iso. turn aside, va. C. "f\'<=:1.~..:.:-:1.'

'dug. (m!:!.sem t!po m_!ntuu) /qhCI cllU/ ~ When irrigating one has to divert "'
disturbing ~&I~·R~"l\·~~· /sem thuuy~/ 11 They the water. zhing gar chu gtong dus chu'i kha
heard disturbing news. kho tshos sems 1 khrug gcu dgos red. (sh_!l')qaa chu toontuU chnD qho cu-
yag gi gsar 'gyur go shag. (qhontso"d sem thuu- qore~) 2. see: amuse 3. have one's attention
yaoqi s~nkuu qhoshao) divide, 1. iso. separate into shares, vo • .<:3:~'-fl,'
disunified ~"t\.'~Cl.\' [neg.] /ch!qtii l:l,~Q.' /q~ha k~p/ ~ They divided the money.
124 dividend

kho tshos dngul bgo bsha' brgyab pa red, (qhon- 11 Is he divorced? kho bza 1 tshang khog khog
tsb1s l')llll q_2sha k!pare~) [Syn. cho bgos brgyob; byas po red pas? (qho S_£tsaon qhoqo~ ch_£cpa re-
bgos] 2. iso. separate in sections/parts, vo, pcc)
C. \?'l.<:t\' [number] G1.1'&:~.2i\~· /qha~ la q2_d/ 11 divorced from the mosses, id. neo, c., vi. ~c::.:

They divided the house into three parts, kho -g-~~·1:\..~'.2.'"\,"\.'~·q~x: /m_£1')ts:J~ to thatchu
tshos kharg po de khag gsum la bgos pa red. k~r/
(qhontstl'c:S qhtll')po te qho~ sU!n la q2_dpore~) 3. divulge, va. A. .<:t'\~c::..·~"?O-l'"''..'f\"\' /sol')tam sh~&/
iso. separate and put in something, vo. A. ~:<f\~· dizzy, iso, be/get feel vi, B. a.J.~Cl.lo.t·a.~~
~·~4\~' /q2:_dnc lOu/ 11 He divided the cards /q_!:!yUIJ qh33/ 11 He .felt dizzy. kho mgo yul
into three boxes. khos shog byong ·de tsho sgam 'khor shag. (qho q~UU qh35sha~)
gsum la bgos nas,blugs pored, (qhOO shoqcoan do, va. ~· ; h. ~~.!::..' /ch_£'&; h. neon/ 11 He
th!ntso q_£m sum la q2:_dnc luupare~) 4. iso. did it. khos 'di byos po red. (qhM t.!_ chc&-
cause to disagree/make division, vi, C::S.<:l\'(21."'1.' pore~) 2, Tibetan uses byos and several other
<1)~~·/qhoqo~ chCi~/ 11 The issue of going back to verbs (btang, brgyab) to verbalize nouns where
Tibet has divided Tibetans, bod ·lo log yag gi we use "do-did. 11 11 Did he work? khos las ka ·
don gnad de 1 i thog nos bod po tsho khag khag byas song ngas? (qhM l,££qa ch_£CsOrJ&'&) 11 When
chogs po red. (ph~lo l22_yo~qi th,22nc& th~ did she sing? mos gzhas go dus btang song?
tho~nc ph~potso qhoqo~ chtl~pore~) 5, see: (m.!fd sh£C qh!tuU taansOI')) 11 Did he shoot the
diverge 6. iso, moth. va. C. e::~.~· /q~/ 11 gun? khos me mdo brgyob song ngos? (qhoci
..... ~nta

Ten divided by five is two. bcu lnga la bgos no k!psor)&C)

gnyis red, (cO l')olo q~no nii r!~l do away with, 1. see: abolish 2. see: kill
dividend, 1. fin, ~c:;..:''t\' /kMqo/ 2. moth, docile l,t:\.'~''9Cl..:~ /qholo ii£mpo/ 11 The child
l::l.~~-<t'\~·~~~· ~~· /qtil:Sshi th_£r)p:>:>/ is very docile. phru gu de kho lo nyon po zhe
divination, 1. n. ~if' ; h. ~<1'\·;:r- /m_£; h. choo- drag 'dug. (puqu ti qholo ii£mpo sh!toa t~~)
mo/ 2, va. -- ~~~·; h, --~~ /--k!Pi h, dock ~·..a.e:~..· /th~som/
--noon/ 11 The Lama did divination, bla rna des doctor, 1. Tibetan doctor ~~~· /amci I [Syn.
phyag mo gnong po red. (lema til choomo nCiCinpa- smon po] 2. doctor of Western medicine ~ • @_,Cl.l'
re~) [Syn. thugs dam] ~"'\'hi:' /chikce: m~mpa/ [Note: om chi is also
mirror divination, 1. n. ~· IV!'J/ 2. va. D. us9d for Western medicine doctor.]
-- ~~· /--pep/ doctrine /U'lwo/ 11 communist doctrine
diviner ~@,4\'C;I.\~~ /m_£ k~l')&cn/ [Syn. mo pa] dmor po'i !to ba (moopoc:S tBwo) [Syn. bston po]
division, 1. moth. "'l.~~·"'\~: /qts"c:Stsil/ 2, document, 1. n. ~A:\'d:>' /y!_qca/ 11 Are there any
iso. a section ~~~<=r\' /tsh~nqhoo/ 11 pedio- old documents? yig cho rnying po 1 dug gas?
tric division byis nod tshan khog (y!_qca nil')pa t_!:!q&c) 2. iso, document in 0 re-
tsh~nqho~) 3. iso, military division ~~"<\·~ search sense, vo, c. .:.:.·~""~"1'\'C:O'~~<\.' /r_£t<>'~
/mCiqte/ [Syn, neo, c. hri] y!_qca tfn/ 11 He didn't document his book. khos
division of labor 1 neo, ~c::t.l.·~· Cl\l~'<=t~~· kho'i deb nang lo ro sprod yig cho bston mi
/l')ccts'Ol:i 1E£qoi$/ 'dug, (qhOO qh8a th!P n~n lo r_£t.b"d y!_qca t~~
division sign .q:~·~"'t\~' /q2,2ta~/ m.!_ntu~) 3. iso. verify, vo. C, X.'~l:\.~0\,'
divorce, va, z=t.i!~~·~Zf\'t?:!.lt\'~~· /s_£tsaan qho- /r,2toii t~~/ 11 They documented the murder of
qa~ chE_c/ 11 Sonom and Perna got divorced, bsod prisoners, kho tshos btson po gsod mkhon ro
noms dang pod rna bza' tshong khag khog byas po sprod bston pa red. (qh5ntsts"d ts&lpo s331')&cn
red. (senom to p~~mo s_£tsaon qhoqo~ chE_cpare~) r,2to"d t~npare~)
door 125

documentary film, neo, 4\~·~"cu.-~~·e:t~<s<.: domestic fowl ~"'-·l'@; /khimca/

/nffts~u l~~nccn/ domesticate, va. c. ~§,«\.~·t::~.a=· /q!:u't.t s'2:d/
dodge, va. B. "\\.;:f'""' • /y'd'O/ 11 He dodged the 11 Tibetans domesticated yaks, bod pas g,yag sgo
arrow. khos mda' la g,yol pa red, (qh8B t£ la phyugs bzos pa red. ( ph~pcc yoa q!:ut s2:dpare~)
y88pare~) 11 He dodged the questions. khos dri domesticated animals if'~"<\~' /q!:u't.t/
ba lo g.yol pa red, (qh~ th~wa la y88pare~) domicile ~~- h. q,~zn.~·~· /t~sa; h.
doe ~·~ /shomo/ sh~sa/
dog ~- ; h. "<\~'a.\·~· /khi'; h. s~mkhi/ dominant, iso. leading /tsutil/
female dog ~~· /m~khi/ Capitalism is the dominant ideology in America,
hunting dog 4·~· /sh~khi/ 'rna rtsa 1 i ring lugs de a mi ri ko 1 i nang gi 1 ta.
Lhasa apso '<5'\"l_'::N"t\· /cps~~/ ba'i gtso 1 khrid red. (m£tscc r~~lut te amiri-
mad dog ~· ~· /khimno·on/ qcc n~nqi t~wcc tsutil r!el
male dog *~· /pht:lkhi/ dominate, 1 • n. l:::..,"\ c::.• a..~"a..' /wa~tsiin/ 2. va.
puppy ~; ~,'''\' /khi'tut/ [Syn. a yo o] 1 -- @~' /--ch£&1 11 ·The party dominates the
running dog, polit. id, c. ~"<\.~·~- /kuqkhi/ government. tshogs pas gzhung dbang 1 dzin byed
stray dog <'l.~l>3.~'\§,' "" ~
/kh&lkhi/ - kyi yod . pa red, ( tsh~qp&C Sh_!:!Q Wa~tsiin
watch/guard dog (lit, tied dog) q_"tC"''=·~· ch,!_qiy:::>~re~)
/t~khi/ domination "'\~c::.·a.~· /wa~tsiin/ 11 under the
dog collar ~-~x.· /keq~~/ domination of the party tshogs pa'i dbang 1 dzin
dog flea ~.:::~.· /c'lJ~/ [Syn, khyi shig] gyi 1 og (tsh~qpcc w~~tsiinqi w~~)
dog house ~o:S'c::: /khi'tshoon/ domineer, va. "'-.,l:l.c..·~~· /wo~ ch£C/ 11 His wife
dogma C>..lC:.'~O( /l~r)ktiUn/ 11 Christian dogma ye domineered him. kho 1 i skye dman gyis kho la
....., "
shu' i chos kyi lung rgyun ( y~sh~u ch8'd qhi dbong byes pa red. (qhM kemccnqi qh5~ wa~

l~r)ktitln) ch£Cpare~)
dogmatism, neo • c • domineering "".,&::!..~~~~ /we~ chempo/ 11 She is
/l~r)tsiin r~r)luo/ very domineering, mo dbang chen po zhe pa ci
doleful, see: sod 'dug. (m~ wo~ chempo sh~puci t_!:!t)
doll ~'0-l.<:t\. ""-"'\Jtl\~ · /alae pff'q~~/ donate, va. A. (<>1,_a.s.·o:..~"'l.~'~"" ; h, ~o..rQ.~~~·
dollar, 1. iso. U.S. d.ollor ~·*· /oq~~/ 2. ~Q;l' /shccntee tfc; h. shE.£nte~ phUO/ 11 He
iso. o dollar, rupee, franc from any country donated money to the monastery. khos dgon par
~·~ /q;;;:_mo/ 11 Lend me five dollars. ngo dngul zhol 'de~s phul pa red, (qh8'd q~mpaa rJ!JO
lo sgor mo lnga g,yar to. (rJ~ q;;::_mo r)Q yoota) shE_£ntee phnfipare~)
domain ~q,·~c:;:,"N:' /kh~pqo?t/ 11 the people under donation ~¢..l·~~· /shE£ntee/
the Tibetan government's domain bod gzhung gi done, see: finish
khyob khongs lo yod pa 1 i mi dmongs (ph~ sh_!:!Q donkey ~K·~· /ph_!:!rJqu/
qhi kh~pqo~ la y~pcc ~rna~) wild donkey ~~· /kor)/
dome ~=,·Jir'-«\· /m~qth:::>~/ [Syn. zhwo mo rmog donor """"''~~·~~VC\'Cl.l.~'Ol.,: /sh&cnte~ ptitlr)&&n/
'dra ba'i khang thog] 11 Who is the donor? zhal 'debs 1 bul mkhan su
domestic, 1. iso, household <:J.,c:.•;£c:.: ln£t}tsaan/ red? (shE_£ntee pUUr)c&n su r£&l
11 domestic relations nang tshang gi 1 brel ba door, 1. n. ~ ; h. ~~ru·~ /q~; h. s~mqo/ 2.
(n£r)tsaanqi t~wa) 2. iso. within a nation ~~· iso. close the door, va. -- ~.@,<l.'i h. -- ~­
"\I::.' /kE_£naan/ 11 domestic trade rgyol nang / --k:;p; h. k83n/ 11 Please close the door.
tshong las ( kE_£noan tshOr)lce) gzim sgo skyon rags gnang. (s~mqo k83nr:::>~naon)
126 door bar

3, iso, open the door, va, D. ~~· /q~ che/ double bed '1!._"'.'~>\_c.·o/""1·~· /t!pshel') iicc}hi/
It, iso, lock/bolt the door, va, ~~~~·q_~q_· double check, va, ~~-~~-~~· /karship ch£~1
/q~a~ k!p/ 5, iso, electric door ~'t\·~ 11 They double checked the letter, kho tshos yi
/l~~qo/ 6. iso, back door ~~·~ /tooqo/ 7, ge dar skyar zhib byes pa red, (qh5ntsb1i Y!qi
iso, front door a..:~.~~~ /t_!!nqo/ [Syn, tc& k§rship ch£tpare~)
gzhung sgo] 8, iso, outer door ~~ /chiqo/ double-dealer ~¢V""\~~·e.t· /q~iiilma/
9, iso. inside door ~c.·-iilf /n;:,,I'Jqo/ 10. iso, double-decker ~~· ~l:t\' /Figtsao/ 11 a
secret door ""'~t::.·~ /sol')qo/ double-decker bed nyal khri nyis rtseg (iiccthi
door bar ~""-'?-a,: /q~t&&n/ ngtsa~)
door bolt ~~~· /~shil')/ double exposed
door frame -i:if~· /q~tom/ double negative, gram,
doorknob ~~-=~· ct~· /q~ l!l')cu/ tshi l ii!:J:..tsa~ I
doorman ~~~·~· /q~raqpa/ [Syn. sgo srung be] double one 1 s fist 1 va, C,
door number ~~~~· /q~ta~/ [Syn, sgo eng] /m_!:!rtso~ q~~/
~ ~
doorplate ~.§,t::." /q~aan/ [Syn. sgo rtags] double-space (a text) C.U"'\'"\."'l.'t.'l:t'\'9~'
doorstep ~~Cl-1' /q~tem/ nii/ 11 Please copy this double-spaced. •di yig
dope, 1. see: stupid 2. see: opium dbar gnyis bzhag byes bshu rags gnang, (t!
dormitory 1 1. in general ~OJ.· (.z:l.<=-' /n&&qoan/ 2. Y!qpaa nii Sh2_0Ch&t shOr::>~naan)
for monks ~~· /sho~/ doubt, 1, iso, suspicion/uncertainty about some-
dorsal (lit. the back) ~~·~· /qE£pa/ 11 dorsal thing "('4\,·c.t' /th2_qpa/ 11 I doubt that what he
muscles sgal pa'i shugs she ~~p&& shuqsha) said is true, nga khos bshad pa de bden pa a
dosage, see: dose yin bsam pa'i dog pa yod. (1')2_ qh~ sh!:tpa te
dose ~~~13\.: /m!:nthu'Un/ 11 How many doses t!:_mpa §yiin sompc& th2_qpa y~1;) 11 I hove many
should I take a day? nyi me gcig la sman thun doubts about the plan, 1 char gzhi de 1 i skor la
go tshad bza' dgos red? (n!ma ciq la m!:nthUUn nga dog pa mang po yod, (chaashi th~ q5~ la I'J2_
qh!ts&~ ~qor&&) th2_qpa m!r)qu y~1;) 2. iso. fear/hesitation ~·
dossier ~"'\·a.~~· /y!qphee/ ~~· /thetshom/ 11 I have doubts about going to
dot 1 1 • in general "'\"!\'~~· /n!qthil/ 2. dots China. nga rgya nag la 1 gro yag la the tshom
on dice ~~~· /shllnil/ 3, dot used in yod. (1')2_ k2_nao la t.9,ya~ la thetshom y2,1i) 3.
Tibetan orthography ~· /tsho~/ iso, without doubt ~:::~·~·<s~,:"'t\<C}~l:t\'9;,;,: /1'J£C
dote, va. ~~~'!!!\lf\' /ch~m th.9,~/ 11 She dotes 11 Without doubt, they will
on her son. mos mo rong gi bu la byams drags invade, l')gas byas no gtan gtan kho tshos btsan
kyi 1 dug. (m![d m~r&c ph~la ch~m }haaqil) 1 dzul byed kyi red, (I'J£C chccna t!:ntccn qhon-
dotted.line ~~~· /tsh§qthil/ ' ts!:ntsUU ch!qiree')
double, 1. ~q· /t!p/ 11 We received double pay, dough, 1. n, ~"t\' /pao/ 2. iso. knead dough,
nga tshor phogs dngul !dab gcig rag byung, va. C. ~~~::~.·e::t~· /}h.!:,IShil ts!l/
(r)2_nts::>::> · ph3~1')UU t!P ciq r.9.~cu) 11 Production douse, iso. extinguish a flame/light (lit, kill),
has doubled. thon skyed ldab gcig byung shag. va. A. "'<~~: /s!:&/
(thSnke~ t!P ciq ch.!:!!:!nsha~) 2. iso. playing dove n_.::.'%' /!l')qu/ 11 peace dove zhi bde 1 i 1 ang
doubles (in sports) 1 neo, ~~-~OJ.-~c:t.~O\: gu (sh!tee !I'Jqu)
/niin}ee tseent&cn/ dovetail (joint) ~~".:~~"'\' /th!IDcut/
double-barreled shotgun ~·ot"\o..·~~c:;:·~~·"t\~"'1.~' dowel ~~·~~.:.:.· /shii')Ser/
/~nta photaan ii.!,!ship/ down, 1. ~X..' /m::;;/ 11 He fell down, kho mar ril
drain 127

pa red, (qho m~ riipare~) ~ They went down, dozen 1 eng. ili..x:~ /t~rtsccn/ 11 I need a dozen
kho tsho mar phyin song, (qhontso m~ chi~su) pens, nga la snyu gu rdar tshon gcig dgos,
2, iso, down there ~·~;.:.· /mf!q&&/ ~ His book ~~~ iiOqu t~rtsccn ciq q2~l
is down there, kho'i deb mo gir 1 dug, (qhOO drab ll\.<t'\'~~·~· Ire.~ tshOptshu~/ ~ Their
th!P mf!q&c t!!_~l) 3, iso, down feathers @i~ clothes were drab, kho tsho i 1 dug slog nag
/chf!pu/ ~ down jacket bye spu 1 i stod thung tshub tshub red. (qhontso"'ci th..!:!CJlO~ ~~ tshup-
(chf!pUU tOOtuun) tshu~ r!~l
downcast, see: sod draft, 1. iso, preliminary writing ~lll:~~· /s.!,n-
downfall 1-il/ ~ Is this a draft? 1 di zin bris red pas?
His downfall was the economy, kho nyom rgud (t! s!ntil r!p&c) 2. iso, military draft, i. n.
1gro yog de dpol 1 byor gyis byes pa red, (qho '\"&~-~~· /m~~qUU/ ii. draft for the
... ... ,_ ')
n2.mqUU t~yoo ti p~fncoo qhi ch£~poree mili tory 1 vo. ~~l:l.' I --k!!,PI 11 They drafted
downgrade 1 iso, minimize 1 vo, ~~~.;s.·~~·~..:l!'l.' men over twenty. kho tshos khyo go lo nyi shu
/thui')Chuun ch£&/ 11 He always downgrades his lon po yon •dabs dmog skul brgyob po red,
colleagues, khos go dus yin no'i kho rang mnyam (qhi5ntso1J khi5qo 1~ ii!shu l~pa Y£ntep ma~qUU kf!-
du las ko byed mkhon lo mthongs chung byed kyi pare~) 3. iso. ·current of air ~"f\~'"-l.' /lhoq-
'dug. (qh'33 qhf!UID y.!,ncc qhero ii~mtM l~qa pa I 11 There is a draft here, 1 dir lhag pa
ch!~&cnlo thu~chuun ch!qil) 'dug. (t~ lhoqpo t~~) 4, iso. draft animals
downhill ~x: /thuD/ 11 We hove to go downhill, ~~~~· /mOchu~/ 5. see: bonk draft
ngo tsho thur lo 1 gro dgos red, ~~~ntso thOu la drofte-; '\~"<"\·~c::q·'\5:1."t\'~· /m'a~qUU m~ami/ ~ He
t~qore~) is a draftee, kho dmag skul dmog mi zhig red,
downhill rood ~x_·<:U..~· /thOrlam/ (qho m~~qUU m~~mi ci r!~l
~<9.:"'-l::-~·~.9.1'~·'\~·~ ~a;,:c..~~
down payment
... "' ~~
draft plan /charsiin/
r.!,mtUU th2_~po/ draftsman "\~~-~~·'IR~~·~:.~:· /peril qhf:fpa/
downstairs ...;<f""" /shSt;; 11 He lives downstairs, drafty (lit, windy) ~~~·.q,·~·~ /lhoqpo
kho shod la sdod kyi yod pa red, (qhi5 shsB la tshapo/ ~ This office is drafty. los khungs
t~qiyo~re~) 1 di lhags po tsha po 1 dug, ( l££qu~ t! lhoqpo
downstream ~-~"-.: /chOmcc/ [Syn, chu mdo] tshopo t!!_~)
downtown ~e.·~~-~""-.~<:>.l' /th2_~keeqi kii/ 11 drag, 1. iso, pull 1 va, A. ~""-· /'t-h£&1 ~ He
Are there beggars downtown? grong khyer gyi dragged the log, khos shing sdum de drud po
dkyil lo sprang po yod pa red pas? (th.2'Jkeeqi red. (qhsB shi~tum ti th£Cpore~) 2. iso. drag
krtla pCionqo Y2~repcc) [Syn. grong khyer 1te on 1 nqt end 1 vi, B. Ol~~· /q22/ 11 The meeting
bo] dragged on for two hours, tshogs 1 du chu tshos
downtrodden, see: oppressed gnyis 1 gor po red. (tsh~~ntu chotso'U iiii 922pa-
dowry, 1. n. ~15\~~c:c~.:'AA._O-l""l' /nCimcc qna/ ~ re~) 3, iso. drag on a cigarette, va. C, 0.~15\·
She got a big dowry, mo lo mno' mo 'i skal bo /the~/
chen po rag pa red, (m22 nome& q~la chempo r~~- dragon q_~~y 11-.!:!,~1
pore~) 2. iso, give a dowry, vo, A, -- ~~ dragon year ~.t:f\·~ /t~qlo/
t--t'f&t 3, iso, get a dowry, vi, A, -- -"~' drain, 1. iso. water, vo. C. ~·<::~.~<sl.,' /chO t81V
/--r~~/ ~ They drained the water from the fields, kho
doze (off) 1 vi. ~"'~·q,~~· tshos zhing go nos chu bton po red. (qhontsb1>
~ He always dozes off, kho rtog par gnyid jog sh!~qe n& chu tS~pore~) 2. iso, drain food, va,
rgyog gi 'dug. (qho toqpao iiiicO~ k~qil) A. i!l'q-'t"'l\~'
......, /chu t&Jo/ ~ After cooking the
128 drainage system

noodles, (you) hove to drain them, rgyo thug snyigs mo (choanq! iiiqma)
~~ no~ chu lo btsog dgos red, (k!tu~ ts~ncc drench 1 vi. A. -'>!!,&:.~· lf12.~l ~ I got drenched
chO la ts~~qore~) 3. see: drain pipe 4. !so, in the rain. nga char pas sbangs byung, (1')9_
drain pus, vo. c. 6..."\'<::~.if"lSl' /na~ tS?t/ cheep&~ P9,~u) [Syn. rtsop rkyal bzos]
drainage system ~~Sf /chLrl't-u/ ~ There is no Drepung monastery ~~·~c:.~""'-.-.:f\CS\.q' l't-E£PU~
drainage system in the city. grong khyer nang q.2mpo/
lo chu 1 gro yod po mo red. ('t-h,2'1kee n22n lo dress, 1. ~-~· /chi.Jpa/ ~ She bought a pretty
chOnt.u yo~more~)
,.. dress. mos chu po snying rje po zh!g nyos shag.
drain pipe, 1. on roof <;~t·~~· /'ll'llcu/ 2, .. ')
(m.![d chilpa nil') C!,POCi n2_'"dshaa .. [ Note: phyu po
elsewhere ~.s.>~· /chPntoon/ is also used for the traditional Tibetan men's
drain spout 'l;t' \""\' /w9_qo/ and women's dress type garment.] 2. iso, get
drama, see: ploy dressed, va, D. -- ~~ /--qh2_n/ ~ He dressed
drape, 1. !so. hong over, vo, A. "'t\~.:w /y5~/ quickly. khos chu po mgyogs po gon pa red.
~ He draped the rug over the chair. khos rkub (qh~d chi.Jpa k~o qh2_npare~) 3. !so. clothing
bkag sgang la kha gdan g.yogs shag. (qhBts q!:!,p- ex:,~· /chf'&/ ~ Tibetan dress bod chas (ph~-
ko~ q9_~ la qhetccn y5~sho~) 2. iso. o curtain chc~) 4. !so. dress-up, va. A. 4\:ia<:l.'~'ti.<:<~'
l'.i:fCQ.·.q• /y2_lo/ ~ He made new drapes. khos yol /s9,ptod tf~/ 5. iso. dress someone, va. A.
ba gsor pa bzos shag. (qh~ y~lo saapa soclsha~) \":t\'~'"t'\~"'1~· /th,!!qlo~ y5~/
draw, va. C. ~-Jl~-/r,!_mu 't-h.!,l/ - - foxsk!n dress ~·~~· /w9_tsa~/
drawback ( 11 t. faults) ~ /kS8n/ ~ What are mil! tory dress "\,Q.l."t\'ClO~ • /maqchc~/
the drawbacks of this plan? 'char gzhi 1 di 1 1 monk's dress ~·a<,~· /'t-9_chcc/
skyon go re red? (che§sh! t!,!_ k88n qh~e r£~) sheepskin dress .0:..:"'\~'<E;<f\• /paqtsa~/
drawbridge ~~·;;ae.l' /tepsom/ summer dress "'-~.:.:.· ~- /yorchc~/
drawer ~.l<.·~~· /shi:lrqam/ winter dress "\~~d;,~· /q!!nchcc/
drawing "X.·~ /r,!_mu/ dressing room ~~ (21.1:..' /kh2_nqhoon/ [Syn. dug
dread, see: fear slog gon sa'i khang mig]
dreadful, iso. terrible ~~'<Ott'\' /t~qca~/ ~ a dressmaker, see: tailor
dreadful storm drag char sdug chag ( 't-h9_qchoo dress-up, see: dress, 4
t.!!qca~) dribble, vi. B. ~·~-~· /qh§chu sh55/ ~ He
c._ "'\;
dream, 1. n. "'t\"?~c:.:q'CI.t' ; h. !A~CI.l-C>..l.~' dribbled while he spoke. khos skad cha shod dus
/iirlam; h. ii~~lam/ 2. vi •1 .-- .~:t-y~::..· /--teen/ kha chu shor sopg. (qh~ q~ca shOOtUU qh§chu
~ I dreamed of Tibet. hga la bod gnyid lam sh55so)
btang byung. (1');!2 ph2_"d nrlam teencu) 3. !so. dried 1\'\.~·ir- /qompo/ ~ dried meat sho skom
interpret o dream, va. A. ~~e;_'CI.l.'SJ.'t::l.Y'\"\' po /she qempo/ ~ dried vegetables sngo tsal
/iirlam sh~V 4. iso. hoJ)e ~·t:~, • /rr;_wa I ~ I skam po (l')otscc qempo)
have a dream of going to India, nga rgya gar 1~ drier, 1 ;-!so, the machine, neo. ~~·~·•:n_-Q.~<:Z.l.'

'gro yag gi re ba yod. (I'J9_ k9_qaala 't-9-yo~qi rr;_wa ~~~· /qomyo~ th00q66/ ~ hair drier skra skam
y2_is) yog 'phrul 1 khor ('t-5 qemya~ thOOqM) ~ clothes
dredge, va, C, ~-~~-.<::~..¥\&:.~· /chOlam she?)/ ~ drier dug slog skam yag 1 phrul 1 khor ( th!:!,qlo~
They dredged the canal. kho tshos yur po'i chu qamya~ th00q66) 2. iso. the comparative of dry
. lam bshangs po red, (qhentsod yMpu'tl chOlam 1ii_~:.q• /qe~pa/ ~ This is drier than that. 'di
she?)pare~) de las skam pa 'dug, (t,!_ th,!_ l£C qa~pa~)
dregs ~<f\~'<»-1' /iiiqma/ ~ beer dregs chang gi driftwood ;•;:,-:f\c:..· /chilshil')/
drove 129

drill 1 1, n. ztj_~:.:..· /s'5r/ 2. va, -- ~@_"!' /to~&&n/ 11 He is a truck

/--k~p/ 3, iso: electric drill 1 neo, ~"'1'"'\~l::.' driver, kho mo to tag gtong mkhan red. (qho
/1'5qs~r / 4, iso, drill bit ~~.>::.· (ll.' /s'5rqha/ m::.ta toq t~~&&n r~~) [Syn. kha lo pa]
5, iso, drill lathe ~-~~~· /s'5rteq/ drizzl_e, 1. n. O<>:t:..·~Q.l' /charsii/ 2, vi, D,
6, iso. drill for carving or making bowls ~~~· ~"'~' /--ph~p/
~~~·/tuqs~r/ 7, iso, drilling equipment (e.g, dromedary (camel) '4·~'1f<ll'"t\,~"'\' ~"'-"-l.~-.;e:~·
for a well) "'<\~'"-~zt1.-~~ /s'5rpiq /shots~~ ciq y~p&& omoo/
Y2_pc&c/ 8, iso. drilling machine 41~·~"4_41· droning noise '%"'-' ~~: /w~rwur /
o..'%a.t'O..(fi:'.>::.· /s3rpiq thrnlqM/ 9, iso, practice drool, 1 • n, ("".'<It> / qhlk:hu/ 2, vi. B, -- ~->:.:
(sports/military) 1 va, C. ~~·.,s<;q·~c.~· /--sh'5'5/
/lUUts&& c::_~/ 11 The soldiers drilled daily, droop, vi • D, /nip/ 11 All th'e leaves
dmag mi tshos nyin 1 tar lus rtsal sbyangs pa drooped, lo ma tshong mo rnyid shag. ( l.£ffia
redo (ma~mitsbMd n~ntaa,l~ts&& c::_~re~) tsho~mo n!pshao) [Syn, rnyid to chags]
drink, va. C. ""~%~· /tu'h/ 11 He drank the drop 1 1, iso, a liquid 1 n. ~Z>'\'"-l.' /thiqpa/ II
water. khos chu btungs pa red, (qhS'd chu tu~­ Put two drops of water in the cup, dkor yol
pare~) nang lo chu thig pa gnyis blugs, (qoy'oo n~n la
drinkable q~c.~O\&..T. • /thO~ n~mpa/ 11 Is this chi:i thiqpa fiii lOu) 2, iso, an object from
soda drinkable? chu mngar mo 1 di 1 thung nyen pa one's hand, vi. B. Ct.l."'l'\'~'"'~*· /l2_qpanc
red pas? (chu ~como t! thO~ n~mpa r~p&c) sh'5'5 I II He dropped the book, khos deb log pa
drinking fountain, neo, (::t5~,c.•;u·<:>]l::.;,·~a\· /th~chu nos shor pa red, (qh~ th~p l::_qpan& sh'53paree)
""' " "'\
3. iso, drop off, va, A, «\~(:Q'"'',@\.~· /k~f

drinking vessel /thu~hu sh::_"&/ 11 I shall drop off the book tonight.
l~qnb1s/ ngas deb de do dgong bskyal bzhog gi yin, (I'J£C
drinking water Q;~c.·ro· /thu~hu/ th~p te th2_qo~ kff sh~qiyin) 4. iso, go down,
""- --v "
drip 1 vi, ..51"'\' &:.I:'~' /th!qpa k~p/ ~ The vi, A, .x,~· /cho"&/ ~ Prices dropped sud-
water dripped on the rug, kha gdan sgang la denly, gong hob te kha lo chag shag, (qh~n

thig pa brgyab shag. (qhots&&n q2.~ la thiqpa hopte qholo cho"&sha"&) 5, iso, drop-out, vo. A.
k~pshaa) ~<A."'\' /sh::_o/ 11 He dropped out of school,
drive, 1. iso, a vehicle, va. "'y&.:..' /toon/ II He khos slob.grwa bzhag pored, (qhsB lepta sh2."&-
drove the car, khos mo to btang pa red, (qhS'd 6, iso, send a note/letter "'1.'9~:

m::.ta toonpare~) [Syn. kha 16 bsgyur] 2. iso. /toon/ 11 Please drop me a line. ngo lo yi ge
drive out/away, va. A. ~e;..:_ /pil/ 11 They gtong rogs gnang. ~~~ y!qi toonr~~noon)
drove out the villagers. kho tshos grong gseb dropper, med. ~~·<:.I·..f'~·"-ll4'\' /thiqpa tsiryo"&/
pa tsho phud pa red, (qhontsod th~ns~patso drought, 1. n. ~~"4.· /th~mpa/ 2. iso, hove a
pilpare~) 3, iso, drive back, va, %x.·Q..~<=\ drought, vi. -- ~~· /ch!!!!n/ 11 They had a
~~·/chirpuU ch£CI 11 They drove back the enemy. long drought lost year, zlo nyin kho tshor than
kho tshos dgra phyir 1 bud byes pa red, (qhon- pa yun ring pa byung pa red, (t~iin qhonts~~

tscru t2. chirpuU ch£Cpare~) 4. iso, a competi- thfmpa yu~n r~~qu chuunporee)
tion 0.:..~<'5\:"'l.~:t:..· lt£ntuu/ 11 labor emulation drought damage ~~~ /thfnk'oon/
drive ngal rtsol 'gran sdur (~&&tsoo t£ntuu) drought-resistant )a~~e::t· /thfnthup/
5. iso, drive in a nail, va. "'t\").X.:-"\'"'\~t:~.· drought-resistant crops than thub lo tog
/s~rqaa k~p/ 7. drive mad, va. C. ~"-l.'l:l-1\~· (thfnthup lob~)

/fi£mpa s'oMd/ drove, see: flock

131} drown

drown, 1. iso. getibe drowned, vi. D, ~·ctl~~·~~· name, va. A. ~c:.·~'9~~· /m!D tao/
~· /chula th!mne shi/ ~ He drowned yesterday. duck t::.G:.'t'o\' /[;!l)pa/ [Note: This also is used
kho kho so chu lo dim nos shi shag, (qho qh~~so for swan and goose.]
chula thimne shishoa) 2, iso. intentionally duct 1 see·: pipe
drown, va. A. ~·<l.t.·~~.:n.~·"'-~'~"\: /chula due 1 1. iso. have to give, va. ~"\,~<'~-'
yuune s~C/ ~ He drowned her. khos mo chu !a /t~o/ ~ When is the rent due? khong gla go
g.yugs nos bsad shag, (qhb~ m~ chula yuune sfc- 'n
dus sprod dgos red? (qhoonlo qh~tu~ .''
shoa) ~ The report is due today. snyan zhu de de ring
drowsy, vi. D. ~~::),' /n~p/ ~ I am very drowsy. sprod dgos red. (n~~shu t! th~ri tS"dqoree) 2.
nga zhe drag nyob kyi 'dug, (~2 sh~too ~pqil) !so, arrive 1 vi, B. ~· /c~/ 1! When is
drug, 1. iso, medicine M~ /m'f!fn/ 2. iso. the plane due? gnom gru go dus 1 byor gyi red?
stupefying (narcotic) drug ~-~"\: /shimeen/ (namtu qh~tu~ c6oqirec)
[Note: This is also used for anesthesia,] 3, duel 1 va, D, ~~"'-~' /tfip/ 1! They dueled, kho
iso, take drugs, va. C, -- ~~~· 1--sE,_C/ 4. tshos bskrabs pa red. (qhontsod t~paree) [Syn,
iso. drug someone, va. B. -- ~~.:c: /--tee/ tshad]
drug pusher "1.~'~01.:~~·~(.1\C\' /s!meen tsho~een/ dues 1 iso, membership fee -g""\~'~Q.l' /tshMI)UU/
drug store m~~·~z::..· /ml!fn tshol)qoan/ d uet ">~:'> ~
' I r22,s
·•· h ee' -nintee I
drug user e<:r~ -~~ ;;a·a.:\ ('I.~ /sl:_meen 52.~een/ dull, 1, iso. not shiny l9.1."--"-"''~"\,~' /t2'Q
drum 1 1. n. &::._' /I)B/ 2. va. C, -- &:>.,.~t:.:$,'1--t!!.,~l m!epo/ 2. iso. not sharp ~~~ /nanee/ ~
drummer c:_:~· /I)Bpo/ This knife is dull, gr i 1 di rno mad red, ( th!
d;rumstick 1 1. iso. straight e=:~""\' /l)akuu/ 2. t! n5mee r!e) 3, see: stupid 4. iso, not in-
iso, curved ~: l:ll ·=~: /l)ayap/ teresting ~Ol.,:Z'f'~"' ~· /n~mpo ~epa/ 1! a
drunk, vi. D. -"'"'-~' ; h, ~·..:~::_·~"\. /r:= s!; h. dull -speech skod cha snyan po mad po ( q~co
qllra phE,_&/ ~ He got drunk last night. mdangs n~mpo ..
m!epa) 5, iso, dull pain ~~G:.'!!:\G:.'
"" <'-.

dgong kho ro bzi shag. (t21)qon qho r2 s!shaa) tiDtiin/

drunkard ~·r:::t~'<::l.' /r2_psec/ dumb, iso. physical and slang ~"\'J::.t' /quqpa/ 1!
dry 1 1. ~l>l.l.·.;:r- /qompo/ ~ The cloth is dry, He is really dumb. kho lkug po zhed po ci 'dug,
res skarn po red. (rE,_C qBmpo r!e) 2. va. c. (qh6 quqpa sh!puci t!!.,~d ~ He wos dumb from
..::J.~&I~'/qaiV 1! She dried the clothes, mos dug birth, kho skye dus nos lkug po red, (qho ki-
slog bskoms song. (~d th,!;!Cll=>~ qo~o) 3, iso, tUUne quqparee)
dry by sun, va, C, "0·~x.:q~~~· /ii!maa qo~/ dumbell 1 1. iso. weight for exercise ~~~~Ct.\'
dry clean, neo, ~&J.·or::t~~'.::t.@;r:::t' /numtUU k2_p/ "'~~·~o.'l.·
....... /caqrii iiiitee/ 2, see: dumb
dual (lit, two) ""\~~· /nii/ 1! He has dud! dump 1 1. va. ~.<:!.'Q!'~ll\~' /t~pla lOu/ 1! Please
citizenship. kho rgyal ·khob gnyis · kyi mi red, dump the fertilizer here. lud de 'dir sdeb lo
(qho k£,£qap niiqi m! r!~d 1! They have a dual blug rags 'gnang. (l_!:!U t i tee t!plo luur:>~naan)
policy, kho tshor srid by us gnyis yod pa red, [Note: This li teroll y means "pour out toga-
(qhonts:>:l siicuU nrr Y2~ree) [Note: S!!.,IJtel is ther,"] 2. iso, a place for throwing garbage
sometimes also used.] '-t\e;,.:~"'l'\'~"1'~· /qh£iii1 luOsa/
dub, 1. iso, translate films, vo, A, ~.:;.:cq·~~""\' dumpling (general term) ~-~· /f!l~m:>?J/ [Note:
/q~c la cOt/ 1! All the English films are dubbed This is usually used for Tibetan meat dump-
in Hindi, db yin ji i glog brnyan tshong rna hin
1 lings,]
dhi 'i skad lo bcug pa red, (incii l~qneen cheese dumpling ~:r:.·~·~·~· /chllra m~m:>?J/
tshol)mo hintii q~cla cuuparee) 2, iso, give a meat dunpling made without yeast -,•':·\' ~~ · ~'"!'\'
dysentery 131

dutiable (items)
~C\ "-('- --r-
meat dumpling with yeast dough ""1\'~~·~"'1.·~~· I)S3ril/ [Syn. khral rgyag dgos yag gi co lag]
/chiim££n m~mo~/ duty 1 1. iso. obligation, 1. n, c:q~·~"'\0\.'

meatless non-yeast dumpling ¢f.'i¥\-".'~"'\·~· /l§£nqcen/ 11 Is this my duty1 1 di nga 1 i las

/l~qoo m~mo~/ 'gan red pas? ( t_! ll§£ l££nqcen r!pe&) [Syn,
meatless yeast dumpling ~<::.-~"'\' ~~ • /'t-il) 1 os 1 gon] 2. iso. do one's duty, va. B.
m~mo~/ [Syn. kring mog] c:t ~x: I --khir I 11 They di dn 1 t do their duty,
potato dumpling ~~-~~·~·'&"4:1,· /shooqoo kho tshas kho tsho'i las 1 gan ma 'khyer pa red,
m~mo~/ (qh5ntsl:!B qhC5ntsO'd l££nqccn makhiipare~) 3,
dune @_'X' /ch!ri/ iso. tax ~~· /1-hff/
dung, 1. iso, cattle ~·~· /c~~/ 2, iso, sheep duty free ac:t..l·~~"'.~~~~~/t.hff!me~ I)S3ril/ [Syn.
and goats X.(:1.l'~·· /riima~/ 3. iso, horses khral rgyag ma dgos yag gi co lag]
~-~c;.· /t'ffpan/ 4. iso, donkeys ~·~~· dwarf ~~~· /m_!u thOI)/ [Syn. mi chung te leb]
/ooril/ 5, iso. used as fertilizer ~~ dwell, see: live
/lrjJ/ dwelling ~~·~· /qhcl)po/ [Syn. sdod khang]
dungeon ~lSI..:~"-' /m!!nquun/ dwindle, vi. <:ic:.·~~C;( /n~l)ru chriV
dupe 1 see: trick dyad 1 see: pair; couple
duplicate, 1. iso, in duplicate ~~~~-""\~~· dye, 1. n. g~. /tsh?/d/ 2. va. -- ~~·
/l)~shuU nri/ 11 Please type the letter in /--k:p/ 11 He dyed the cloth blue, khos ras der
( qhoc:i ~ n.'
duplicate. yi ge de ngo bshus gnyis yig dpar tshos sngon pa brgyab po red, r.£_t;tC tshoo
skyon rogs gnang. ( y_!qi ti ~shUU · nrr y_!qpar I)C5mpo k!pare~)
kBSnro~naan) 2, see: copy dyed cloth ~~ · ~· /rcct.ha/ [Syn. ros tshon
duplicator (machine) ~~·"'\~~·(:(.~<2-l.'CI.~' /numpaa khra]
t.h00q06/ dyed thread ~~"' /tshtlnqtr~/ [Syn, skud pa
duplicity ~~"''.~'c:l.l' /q2_riilma/ tshco khra]
durable ~~~~~ /thup chempo/ dyeing shop/plant ar~·~c:.: /tshSBqaan/
duration, iso, time ~~·~~· /thtiuyUUn/ 11 for dyer ~~·~· /tsh33pa/ [Syn. tshos rgyag mkhan]
the duration of the war dmag gi dus yun (rna~ dying (lit. about to die), vi. ~·~~~·~~·
qhi thtruyutln) /shit.M ch.£_C/ 11 He is dying. kho shi grabs
during 'X~·o.r /r_!l)la/ 11 During the war 1 I got byed kyi 'dug. (qho shit-66 ch_!qil)
married, dmag gi ring la nga chang so brgyab pa dynamite a.,~:::~..:-.:~· /Pf:.rtsct/ [Note: This
yin, (mo~qi r_!l)la ll2. choonsa k:payin) actually refers to any explosive,]
dusk ~·~~· /s~rup/ 11 He came at dusk, kho sa dynamo, see: generator
rub dus slebs song. (qho s~ruptUU l~so) dysentery, see: diarrhea
dust, 1. n • ..1<\0l'.q_• /th'f!la/ [Syn. rdul] 2. va.
-- c:c.~""~· /--cho"'/ [Syn, rdul 'phyags byes]
dust bin -c:q""'~~-~~·~· /qh££iiil lOOsa/
dust cloth ~~~~· /chrire?:,J
duster, 1. iso, yak-tail duster ~-~4t'\~· /l)op-
co~/ 2. iso. cloth duster ~~·~~~· /t!!!;!-
dust storm, 1. n, ;a~~"-' /th'f!'f!lul)/ 2. iso.
have/be a dust storm, vi. -- ~~· I --kap/

each ~·~· / 11 I went to each house, nga

khang pa re re'i nang la phyin pa yin, (rJE!
qhar)pa r2.ree n22n la chiillpayin I 11 He comes once
each week, kho gza' 'khor re re 1 i nang la thengs
gcig yong gi yod p(i· red~ (qho saqoo reree noon
la th~n ciq Y.!1,rjqiy;~~e~ l - - - -
each according to his need, id, neo. c.
:S"'l·~e;.,: /qhotli1ln th5ptb1i/
each other ~~<t\.~~·"'.~<t\.'CQ.' /cilqi cilla/ 11
They helped each other, kho tshos gcig gis gc1g
la rogs ram byas pa red, (qh5nts~d cilqi cilla
rooram ch&~pare~)
eag;;, [vb,J ~~ ~~~~~- /[vb.] t2_1i sh_!pu-
ci/ 11 He is eager to learn >Tibetan, kho bod
skad slob 'dod zhed po cig 'dug, (qho ph3f2qcc
lamt~d sh!puci t.!1,~1
eagle, 1, iso, mythical ~c:_· /khur)/ 2, iso,
real '\~~·m~'\"1\X..' /qoo lffqao/
ear ~·M~~· ; h, ~<9.:~~~· /amco~; h, iif~
ear (of grains) ~·~· /n~ma/ 11 ear of barley
'bru'i snye ma It~ nama)
earache, 1, n. ~~~ /nen&&/ 2, iso, have an
earache, vi, 0, ~·~~l:t\·~ /Cimco~ n~/ [Syn,
rna nod no]
ear drops l§..:c;,_~~·~C;( /nCinc~ chlim&&n/
ear hole ~·~~·~·~·~~;:.· /Cimco~qi Iqwn/
earlier ~'4::t' /r)o~/ 11 She came earlier than
him, mo kho las snga ba yong pa red, (mE! qho-
lcc rJ~ YE!~pare~l
ear lobe &_,~Ol' /rlJshcc/
early, 1, ~·~ /r)opo/ 11 He got up early
yesterday, kho kha sa snga po longs pa red,
(qho qhffsa r)opo 12~are~) 11 He came early,
kho snga po yong pa red, (qho r)Cipo YE!~pare~)
2. iso, early period, era ~-~~· /r)amb"d/ 11
early 1merican history snga mo'i a mi ri ka 1 i
lo rgyus (r)Cimb(:) amiriqcc 1.!1,kml)
early sowing ~-Q..~e::.~· /r)ontep/
earmark, iso, identification for animals, 1, n,
~~·~"t\~' /omta~/ 2. va. -- .2:1.~<0::\· /--k~p/
earn, iso, obtain wages, vi. c. ~fc!&'~~· /loco
r2~/ 11 He earned 100 dollars. kho la gla cha
eastern 133

sgor mo 100 rag pa red. (qh33 !&a q22_mo ka- stag lo]
thampa r£~pare~) earthenware ~-~ /t~qo/ ~ on earthenware
earnest ~.:::-~~~~~ /nYI)ru-ll chempo/ ~ He basin rdza ko i gzhong pa
1 (t5£q'i:i0 sh2!Jpa)
is very earnest. kho snying rus chen po zhe earthquake, 1. n. ~·tl:f"<~.t· /sayom/ [Syn. sa
drag red. (qho iiYI)ruU chempo sh~}ao r!e) g_.yos] 2. iso. hove an earthquake, vi.
earnings ~·q_"':l.~' /y!:.l)pap/ /--k~p/ ~ There was a big earthquake
earphone ?"a.:§,d.:CJ..~a..t.·~· /iiE_ncee }htltlcc&/ yesterday. kho sa so yom chen po zhi'g brgyab
earplug ~-CI:l~'G>r\"t\'Zl.\~'/omc::>~ qaaya~/ shag. (qhffsa sayom chempo ci k~psha~)
earring, 1. n. ~-0-l~~~-~~<!Q·· /Cimc::>~i kE_nca/ earth's axis O.efa:l·m"-''\.~""l%""\· /tS!mlil)
[Syn. rna rgyon] 2. iso. put on on earring 1 ·va. kYYthil/ [Syn. sa'i go la'i snying thig]
A. --'t\~' /--ta~/ earth's gravity ~~-~Gl.!..~·~a.,~~~· /sff
earring in shape of ring ~·alc.· ; h. ~Ol.:.~' qhol&& the§nshu~/
- <A.
/oloon; h. ii~fnloon/ earth's orbit ~~·~Gl.l~'C-~..1f"' /sff qh~l&& t-~-
earring worn with woman's headdress ~·~· lam/
/ffq::>::>/ ear wax &.:~~~- /napo~/
turquoise earring worn by Tibetan lay officials ease, 1. iso. lessen pain, va. A. "'l'6""\' /co~/
on left ear ~-@_OJ.• ; h. ~dl._·'%cq· /s~cii; ~ The medicine eased the pain. sman 'dis no
h. ii~ncii/ tsha beag song. (mffn t!l n£tSO CO~SO) 2. iso,
earth, 1. iso. the planet q~·~c::.· /ts2_mlir)/ reduce, va. and vi. ~<:.-~Z<\.'<jZ::..' /chul)ru
[Syn. 'dzam bu gling] 2. iso. soil ~· /sa/ taan/; ~~-~~II\: /chul)ru chi?!/ ~ We have to
earth-bird (year) ~·~ /saca/ [Syn. sa bya ease international tension. nga tshos rgyol
lo] spyi 1 i dngangs tshobs chung du gtong dgos red.
earth-dog (year) ~· ~ /sakhi/ [Syn. so khyi (1J£ntso1> k££_cii l)ar)tsap chul)ru tol)qoree) ~ The
lo] danger of war eased. dmog gi nyen go chung du
earth-dragon (year) ~·~41.· /santu~/ [Syn. ph yin shag. ( mo~qi ii!!_nqo chul)ru chr?!sho~) 3.
sa 1 brug lo] iso. with ease, see: easily
earth-hare (year) ~·~~· /seyod/ [Syn. sa easier ~"-Sl~·~.:;,: /lE_t laqiree/ 11 Which is
yos lo] easier? go gi las sla gi red? (qh~qi lE_t laqi-
earth-horse (year) «·~· /seta/ [Syn. sa rta rc'&) [Syn. las sla bo 'dug]
lo] easily ~~-~·~· /lE_t Hip:>:>/ 11 He did i t
earth-monkey (year) ~·~- /sate/ [Syn. sa easily. khos 1 di los sla par byes song. (qh8B
spre lo] t! 1£& lap:>:> chE_cso)
earth-mouse (_year) ~~· /s~i/ [Syn. sa byi east 'f\;<;.' /shea/ ~ They came from the east. kho
lo] tsho shar nos yang pa red. (qh5ntso shoon& y~?!­
earth-ox (year) ~·m&::: /saloon/ [Syn. so paree)
glang lo] easterly (direction) """'\~-~~- /shoor)oB/ ~ We
earth-pig (year) ~'«<l<CI"\' /sopho~/ [Syn. so have to go in an easterly direction. nga tsho
phag lo] shar ngos la 'gro dgos red. (l')£ntso shaal)odla
earth-sheep (year) ~-~~- /salut/ [Syn. so t~qoree)
lug lo] easterly wind, 1. n. '¥\X,.'<:S;.o't\~' /shorlha~/ 2.
earth-snake (year) ~-~~- /sat-U'U/ [Syn. so iso. be blowing, vi. -- ..~::!.~~- /--k~p/
sbrul lo] eastern "f\"C.'~~· /shorch::>'5/ ~ the eastern
earth-tiger (year) ~-~~- /seta~/ [Syn. so side of the lake mtsho'i shar phyogs (tsh88
134 easterner

shcr.cho~) [Syn. shar ngos] tsho 1 i skad cha lkog nyan brgyab pa red, (qh~
easterner "4.:>:..'1'..1.' /sh~rpa/ rJ,2ntsod ql!ca q:5qn&&n k2_pare~) [Syn. nyan pa
Eastern Tibet (iso, the Khom Region) ~i>tl~' brgyab]
/qham/ [Syn. mdo stod] ebb (tide) 1 neo. -e..~..:.:_·~~· /m2_rlap/ [Syn,
Eastern Tibetan (.2:1.~~·1!:.l:· /qhampa/ rgya mtsho mar 'grib kyi rlabs]
east longitude '<'1~· ~-~~c:.·sa~· /shooqi sh,!:!I'J- eccentric ~·Ol.~' /yr:..mts&cn/ ~ He is very ec-
thil/ centric. kho mi yo mtshon zhed po ci 1 dug,
eastward, see: easterly direction {qha m_! yr:..mtsccn sh_!puci t!:!u) [Syn. ya mtshan
easy, 1. iso, not difficult ~~·~·c:T-' /lE,t lopo/ po]
~ This lesson is easy. slob tshan 1 di los sla ecclesiastical, iso, religion/religious ~~·
po 'dug. (15pts&&n t~ lE,c lopo t!:!ul 2, iso •. a /ch~d/ ~ ecclesiastical writings chos skor gyi
person who is not strict "" '1-
....... yi ge ( ch~d q15rqi y_!qi) ~ ecclesiastical law
~~~ /}_!qlam th_2mpo m_2chel')t&n/ ~ He is an chos khrims (chnD}i~)
easy master. khong dge rgan sgrig lam clam po ma echelon~~·~· /r.!_mpe/ ~ the top echelon rim pa
byed mkhan zhig red, (qh65n 9!q&&n ~_!qlom th_2m- mtho shos (r.!_mp~ thashb1J)
po m_2chel')&&n ci r!~) 3. iso, become easy, vi, echo, 1. n. ~olt\'<E>' 2. vi. B. ~~:::~.:

A. ~~·~·;;::r.-~""1~· /lE,c Hipo choa/ ~ After a /--qh:5'J/

year, Tibetan became easy. lo gcig gi rjes la eclipse, 1. n. ~AQ.·cf~ /s2_ntsiin/ 2. !so.
bod skad los sla po chogs shag. (1.2 c r ..~qi c!e
' lunar eclipse £.'G:I..'"\.l\Q.'c{'~ /tr:..wa s:.ntsiin/
la ph~q&c lE,t Hlpo choi!lstiai!l) 4. !so. make 3. iso, solar eclipse ~-~·~.a~·~ /ii.!_me s_:n-
·easy, va. C. cu~~·2f.'l'::ll'"~· /lE,t lopo s",21J/ ~ tsiin/ 11 There is a solar eclipse tomorrow.
We hove to make it easy for them, kho tsho'i sang nyin nyi ma gza 1 1 dzin yod pa red, (smlii
don dog lo nga tshos 1 di las slo po bzo dgos n.!_me s:.ntsiin y~~re~)
red, (qhCintstrd th~ntai!lla 11.2ntso1J ti lE,t lopo economic "'-o<.to.t·o:%'x: (~·) /pE£nCOO (qi)/
s.2qore~) 5. !so. easy to do a verbal oct [vb,] They sold the house for economic reasons, kho
~~·~ /[vb.] t!po/ ~ This is easy to make, tshos dpal 1 byor gyi don dog la khong pa de
'di bzo bde po 'dug, (t~ s~ t!po t!:!ul ~ This btsongs pa red, (qhentstrd PE£ncooqi thantai!l lo
is not easy to understand. 1 di go bde po mi qhal')pa ti ts5~p~re~)
•dug. (t_! qh.2 t!po m!ntuu) economic growth "\<:(OJ.'~-~~-@_~'
easygoing ~~·~~·~c:.~·~ /sl!mpai!l Y':..I'JGO/ Y!:!rk&&/
eat, va. C, ~;~.q~·; h. il-l.~"-; &:1.~~·/sE,.c; h. ch~; economics "'-..t:.:t~·~~~·"\~~· /pE£ncoo r.!_l')n&c/
sh~/ ~ I ate dried meat, ngos sha skom po economic struggle "\t:.l.o::t.·~~~~·~ /pE£ncoo-
bzos pa yin. (I')E,C sh~ ~mpo S£Cpayin) qi th~ptsod/
eatable, 1. !so. fit to be eaten .=i\'~Zl\' /sr:..yoi!l/ economist ""-~~·ci@:.x:.~"'\'":t\01..~'c:J.l(l'\~'~=ot' /pE£ncoo
~ Is this leaf eatable? lo ma 1 di zo yag re r~l')n&C qhl!fpo/
pas? (l.2mo t.!_ ~yai!l r!p&c) 2. !so. permitted economize, va. ~~C.'.§,~' /}h,2ncuun ch£C/ 11
to be eaten .i::\:.t~·¥;"\1·~ /sE,t ch33yao/ We have to economize, ngo tshos gron chung byed
eat out ~~~·cu.·~·\'&:1.::.(~· /chilM 1~ qho- dgos red, (l')ontstrd }honcuun cheqore~)
lai!l S£C/ ~Let's eat out tonight, do dgong ngo ecstatic (lit. :xtremely-happy) ~·"JA·%"~(:t·
tsho phyi logs lo kha lag zo bar 1 gro to, (th.2- '\"\~·2{- /pe mrsrlp&& qr:..po/ 11 They were ecstatic
qoon 1')_2ntso chi166la qhol~ sr:..qoi!l }.2to) about the visit of the lama, bla mas mtshoms
eavesdrop, vo. ~~~· /q:5qii&tn k2_p/ ~He 1 dri gnong pa der kho tsho dpe ma srid pa'i dga'
eavesdropped on our conversation, khos nga po byung pa red. (lame& tsh§m}i naanpat&& qhCin-
effectively 135

tso pe mrsilpcc q~po ch~pare~) higher education i!l..l.:sf'~·J\~·~~~·~·

edema, iso. have/get, vi. A. "'-1"'\~'\%'"'1.~"1\~· /thorim sheeyoon lope&./
/pl!lqcu srJ~/ 11 He died from having edema, kho physical education ~~·~·~·if\·~·
pags chu bsogs nos shi pa red, (qho p~qcu so~nc lopeoiV
shipare~) preschool education ~·o:f'~·~'c9.;_~r::..·~~~­
edge, 1. ~.sae<: /th'CJ/ 11 There is a forest on the ~~·~· /loplo mosl:idn qh~qi sheeyb'l:in 15pcoo/
edge of the road, lam khog gi mtha 1 la shing primary education ~~-~~~~-~"'~·-w-·
nags 'dug, (l~r)qo~qi th'CJlo shir:r10a t_!!u) 2, /sh!rim sh~eyoon lopcon/
iso, cutting edge of a knife "\~ /r)o/ 3, iso, secondary education ~r::..·~~~~·tif"~w·~·
sharpness of a blade, see: sharp lt-!f'Jrim sh~~yl:idn lope&./
edible, see: eatable educator ~~-~~~·~·~·.¢\&.:_ /sheeyi:Xin
edict, 1 , n, "'1.'1\<::~.'-@_; /qoka/ 11 a government lopeoo q=.qccn/
edict gzhung gi bko' rgyo (sh;;!?)qi qoko) 2, eel 1j,a:t'~' /"t-!!!:!_iio/
iso. issue on edict, vo. ""1.'9C::' /--toon/ eerie, see: scary
edit, 1, iso, supervise the publication of and set efface, see: wipe out; rub out; eliminate
policy for a _newspaper or periodical, va, ~· .
effect, 1 , '"'
consequence ~4\.~'@,~ /shuq-
~"'\·~· / ch£,C/ 11 He edited the newspa- keen/ 11 What was the effect of war on our live-
per. khos tshag dpar rtsom sgrig byos pa red, lihood? dmag gis nga tsho' i 'tsho ba 1 i thog la
(qh~ tsh1.iqpao ch£Cpore~) 2. iso. re- shugs rkyen go re byung pa red? (m1iaqi r)~ntsb'l:i
vise and make ready (a manuscript) for publica- tshowcc th~~lo shuqkeen qh~re ch.!!..,unparcc) 11
tion, va. ~·~e:t·~~· /tsQmship ch£,t/ 11 He What is the effect of race on livelihood? mi
edited the manuscript this year, do lo khos dpe rigs kyis 'tsho bo 1 i thog la shugs rkyen go re
cho rtsom zhib byas pa red. (th~lo qh8B peca yong gi yod pa red? (mirilqi tshowcc th~~la
tsumship ch£Cpare~) shuqkeen qh~re Y;;!f'Jqiy~~rcc) 2. iso, hove an ef-
edition, 1. iso, books '\.<.\-"'.::R.c::~· /pCirthe?)/ 11 fect/influence, vi. =~A\~~~· /phffno'tl
first edition dpar thengs dong po (parthen ch!!,!!n/ 11 His petition had no effect, kho 1 i
th~r)po) 2. iso, magazines published by season snyon zhu la phon gnod byung mi 'dug, (qh33
"\e.\~'"\~ls\: /p(irti:Xin/ 11 sunmer edition dbyar i'iffnshula ph~fnl:id ch~n m!ntuu) [Syn, nus pa
dus dpar bton (y~rtuU pCirt<:l'dn) thon] 3, iso, in effect, see: in fact
special edition ~~ ~""\" /cheet-iq/ 11 special effective, 1., adj. ~~'1:..\'~1:..\' /nu11pa y!;!pa/
newspaper edition ched sgrig tshog dpar (che~­ 11 He made on effective speech, khos skad cha
"t-iq tshoqpao) nus pa yod pa zhig bshad song, ( qhW qfco nQ!!pa
editor ~·~~·~~~~<\: /tsOmtil ch~ccn/ 11 y!;!poci shfcso) 2. iso, a person %~·c.t~~~
newspaper editor tsag dpar rtsom sgrig byed /ntrupa chempo/ 11 He is on effective worker,
mkhon (tshoqpaa tsDmtil ch2JCCn) kho bzo po nus pa chen po zhig red, (qho s~po

educate, without any specific object, va. A. ~~· n!!!:!_pa chempo ci r=.el 11 His speech is effective,
~~·if·~~ /sheeyodn lope&. t~c/ 11 They kho 1 i s~ad cho nus po chen po 'dug, (qh88 q~co
educated all the children in Tibet, kho tshos nUUpa ch~mpo t;;!ul 3, iso, be effective, vi, C,
bod nang gi phru gu tshong mar shes yon slob ~~·R.'X'O\: /n.!:!!;!pe th8n/ 11 That policy was not
sbyong sprad pa red, (qhontso~ ph~ ~nqi puqu effective. srid byus de'i nus po thon mo song,
tshor)maa sheeyodn lopeoo t~cpare~} (siicuU th~ n~upa th~nmosoon)
educated person ~-~.:Q~ /sheey<rdncccn/ effectively =~%~·vr-cz~· /phc~nUU y!;!po/ 11 He
education ~~ . .;:r~~·w• /sheeybMdn lopcon/ gave the speech effectively, khong gis gsung
136 effeminate

bshod phon nus yod pa zhig gnong song, (qhoon 1--r)'?!c:i/

qhi SUQShcc ph~~n~~ y~po ci naonso) fried egg ~'h.'"·~· /q2_r)O r)b1ipo/
effeminate ~'7-ro>:;>.·~~ /m~iiom th~po/ 11 He hard boiled egg ~l:.'t:::.'"ti\C:..'.:::t%«• /qE_r)a q~r)-
is effeminate. kho mo nyoms dod po dug, (qho tsb'ti/
m~iiom thodpo t~u) [Syn. spyod pa skye dmon 1 dro omelet ~·~.zt~.· /q2,2.nta~/
po; skye dmon nang bzhin] soft boiled egg ~·;:::·~~1::1..~<-\' /q~o chee-
effervescent, see: lively tsod/
effete +AN.~"'\~·~"\~:..~.- /topshuu m~~pa/ 11 sunnyside-up ~t::.·c::: ·~.:''-~"'~\' /q~o cheetao/
The people become effete, mi dmangs stabs shugs white of eggs "'\'1\::t:'~.::J; /qaatiin/
med pa chags pa red, (m~mo~ topshuu m~~pa cho~­ yolk ~.>::..-~0\_' /setiin/
pare~) 11 an effete policy stops shugs med pa 1 i eggshell ~'l:..l."'\~' /q~r)paa/
srid byus (topshuu m~pcc srrcuu) ego attachment, relig. ""t"-.'<\'O.~C<: /t2_r)tsiin/ 11
efficacious, see: effective He has a big ego (ego attachment) • kho lo bdag
efficacy, see: effective 1 dzin chen po 'dug, (qh~~ t2_rJtsiin chempo t~u)
efficient, is· a. capable "'Z~i>!..:2f7 /c~po/ 11 He egocentric -"'-C:..~"'\:~d.:.CF" /r~r)Shoo chempo/ 11 He
is efficient. kho 1 jon po 'dug, (qho c~po is very egocentric. kho rang shed chen po zhe
tuu) drag red, (qho r~r)She~ ch~po sh~tao r~~)
efficiently, iso. capably ~2f"'~,;r-- /c~mpo/ 11 egoism .xt=.~~;£c;. • ~"<\,~ • /r~r)Sh~ r ~r)luu/
He works efficiently. khos las ka 1 jon po byed egotism, see: egoism
kyi 'dug. (qh~ l~qa c~po ch~qil) eight 1::1.~~ /kE}I
effigy, 1. n. "'\~· /sop/ [Syn. 1 dra gsob; 1 dra eighteen ""''.:t'e::t®~ /copkcc/
gzugs] 2. iso, make an effigy, va. C, -- .e:::t.T~· eighteenth ::t't·~~~c:..:~.· /copkccpa/
1--s![d/ 3, iso. burn in effigy, va. --at::.:.· eightfold ""t.-@_,~q;_e::t· /k~tap/
~ "'\' ~ ~&::.. • I --m!:Jo~ ti'ian.L Eightfold Path, relig. <:t:l.~·~~~ /l~m k£C/
effort, 1, n, 0:.~"'-:t:~.T~ /pcctsoc:in/ 2. iso, eighth -"\~"\.Co.\' /k£pal
make an effort, va, €1~' /--ch£C/ 11 We eight hundred <::l:.@_,~~@/ lk£ko/
hove to make a great effort to achieve victory. eight hundred thousand t::t~~~~~· /k,££mpum/
nga tshos rgyal kho thob yag lo 'bad brtson chen eightieth "l.Cf.'i'.~·~· /kacupa/
"W ''XI -
po byed dgos red. (r)~ntsod kEE_qo thopyaa la eight thousand &::~.@!'~' /kEE_toon/
pcctsoc:in ch~po ch~qore~) [Syn. 'bad rtsol] eighty ~~z:::.:~· /k!f!?U/
effortlessly =«~·2[-'~~· /l£C lopo ch£C/ 11 He eighty-eight ~®~~'@,'~e;,:_ /k!f!?u k~pkcc/
runs effortlessly. khos zhar 1 phen las sla po eighty-eighth t:l~/\'!i'~~~~~· /k2_CU k~p-
byas rgyugs kyi 'dug. (qh~ sh~mpoc:i 1£& lopo kccpa/
chcc k.!:!!;!qil) eighty-fifth
egalitarian ~~'9'&\~~·~-'t\~·~· /t~iiam r~r)luu eighty-first
qhi/ 11 an egalitarian policy 'dro mnyam ring ciqpa/
lugs kyi srid byus (t~nam r~r)luu qhi siicut)
egalitarianism, ·neo. ~·"'-\ '9 <s1·;i.c.-0;\41~ · I t~iiam
egg, 1. /q2_r)0j h.
sheeqoon/ 2, iso. loy on egg, vo. -- ~'9~·

/--toan/ 3. iso. boil on egg, vo. C. -- &::~.:f'.:.:-~.·

/--tsP!d/ 4. iso. fry an egg, vo. C, --qa;.~·
electric blanket 137

iiilpa/ "'-l"<'\~· /coc~?>; h. ch..£lo~/ 3, iso, elder sister

eighty-seven ""l~"\'~~·t::~.~~ /k!!cu k!!ptutln/ \N'.:O<t\,' '3'\('~'ti,'GX.l."t\~· /Cico~; acoola~/ 4.
eighty-seventh J::\~:~;~~~~ ~· /k!!CU iso. elderly people (usu. people over 60 yrs.)
k!!ptUUnpa/ ~"\'~~· /q£nq~?>/ 11 He met the elders in the
eighty-six ~~~·~· ~~· /k!!cu k!!"t-u~/ village. khas grong gseb lo mi rgon gog tsho
eighty-sixth "\~~~·:w~.oq_·~· /k!CU thug po red. (qh~ th2')Soola m!, qE.nq~~tso thu~­
k!!"t-u~pa/ paree) [Syn. rgan 'khogs]
eighty-third eldest ~CSI_~~· /q~nshod/ 11 He is the eldest
k!!sumpa/ in the village. grong gseb de 1 i nang lo kho
eighty thousand J::\~'\:~· /k&&'t-hi/ rgon shes red. ('t-h_£QSe~ tii n2,2nlo qho q~nshoB
eighty-three ""1:~~~'@,'"'\~~- /k!!cu k!Sum/ reel
eighty-two q~~~·~. 41~. /k~u k2fiil/
either, 1. iso. either ••• or·~~~ /yoom&no/ elected a new president, kho tshos srid 1 dzin
11 He will come either today or tomorrow. kho de gsor po zhig 1 dem bsko byos po red. (qhi5ntsb1>
ring yong gi red. yang min no song nyin yong gi siintsiin sliapo ci t~mqo ch£Cporel\) [Syn. 'os
red. (qh5 th!!ri y~Qqire~ yaom&no saiiiin y~Qqi­ bsdu byes]
re~) 2. iso, either side, see: both (sides) elected
ejaculate, vi. C. ~~·::;q·~a._- /thiqli th2_?!/ resentatives 1 dems bskas 'thus mi
eject, see: expel thll"umi)
elaborate, 1. adj. ~·i:F /k&&po/ 11 on election, n. C't"<--t·"\,~ 11 When is the el-
elaborate ceremony mdzad sgo rgyos po (ts~qo ection? 'os bsdu go dus red? (w~tu qh!tUU
k~po) 2. vo. c. -- ~:f'~· /--sod/ 11 We hove rE,.C) [Syn, 1 dem bsko] 11 general/notional elec-
to elaborate the plan, nga tshos 1 char gzhi tion rgyol yongs 'os bsdu (k&&yoon w~tu)
rgyos po bzo dgos red. (1')2_ntsod chaashi k&&po elective surgery a;,~~·~¥\"'\'l':l~' /t~-
S_£qorel\) mcrd shOc:oB/
elapse, vi. ~~ /chi?!/ 11 Two hours hove electoral district, neo, (\"~·.q'\~~· ~~·
elapsed .since I arrived. nga slebs nos chu /wootUU saqUU/
tshod gnyis phyin song, (1')2_ Hi~n& chotsaB iiii e 1 ec-t
oro 1 1 ow, neo. ~ ""~
''-~·~~c:l..'e!~~~~~· ···tuu
chinsu) 11 How much time has elapsed? chu tshod thimlut/
go tshod phyin song? (ch5ts~ qh!!ts&c chi?!so) electorate, neo. "£~ '"\,~~-Jfz:;r.•,5a.c..' ~~\'ld..: /w"§!!.-
elastic, n. q~~· /k!,q/ 11 elastic band/strop tUU thoptoon y~l')&&n/ [Syn. 'dem 'bongs]
'gyig gyi thog po ( k!,qi thaqpo) [Syn. 'gyig electric ~4'\' /13~/
thog] electrical equipment gf4t'@_,"( /13qc&&/
elated, iso. get/be, vi. A. "\~~·R.~·~"' /q!!ta~ electrical industry ~·a:.~cq·~~Ol~' /l~tUU
ch3B/ 11 They got elated at the news. kho tsho s,21&&/
gsor 'gyur de go nos dgo' thog chad po red, electrical output, neo. ~~~~~·~~~~
(qhontso sankuu ti qh~&& q!!ta~ chSBpore~) /!~shu~ t8ntshcc/
elbow ~-~ /t.umu/ [Syn. gru du ru mo] electrical woork, 1. n. ~"'<\'o.:l~'
elbow joint ~-~~· /th~shil/ /l'Sqlc&/ 2. va. -- ~~· J--ch£&1
elder, 1. iso. older ~~'"-'' /qE,.~o/ 11 Who is electric appliances ~4·~· /l'Sqc&c/
elder? su rgon pa red? (su qE.mpo 11 the electric bell :if"'\·~=~::.:: /!'~'&)qUti thir/
elder soldiers dmag mi rgan po tsho (maami electric blanket ~~~'9<:Um~· /l'S'Sqtbt n~-
9£mpotsho) 2. iso. elder brother' l!;i!;' ; h.~ c&C/
138 electric cable

electric cable m"\'l'!."'i.' /1!5!5qthaa/ ectrified this year. chu 'khor do lo glog 1 gul

electric cord if"'1'~'\ /l~&ju1l/ lo 'gyur po red. (chuqM th~lo l<!i~l')qutila kura-
electric current, neo. gr"t\.'~0\ /13qkUUn/ ree)
electric door, neo. al""\.'~ /1'5'5qo/ electrify, vo. D. m"'i.'t<..~<>.t·~·~~.:~:/l<!i~l')c(tiilla k'::_r/
electric elevator, neo. ~~-?f\~' /13'5qcc/ electrocute, vo. A., neo. "'
electric energy, neo. m"f"\·~·~~~"1\-N' /13~qi /13':> toone sl!c/
nQ!!shuu/ electrocution, neo. m"tt·l:f-=n,·~"t\'"'t~ /15qt::>~
electric fan /l<!i&Jqu11 lui')- s'5qcoi'>/
qM/ electrode, neo. ~~·~· /13qne/
electric furnace, neo. gf"t\.'.!a~' /1'5qthap/ electromagnetic, neo. ~"'1.'~"'\~'\"'."l..'~"' /13q-
electric generator ~~·Cl-"l\~~~·a:.*' /1'51')- shuu qhapleen/
tbon t-htlOcp::>/ electron, neo. &f~·~~· /1'5qtUU/ ~ negative
electrician gf"'\'Gll~'d.l~.N:'"-\' /1'5qlcc qh!:!:pa/ electron mo glog glog rdul (m~l::>~ 15qtW.i) ~
electricity, 1. n. ~2:\1' /1'5~/ 2. iso. pro- positive electron pho glog glog rdul ( phob~
duce electricity, vo. C. -- ~~~ /--t8~/ 1'5qttru l
negative electricity ~~~· /m~l::>~/ electron microscope, neo.
positive electricity ,:;q:~· /ph 51::>~/ cheshee/
electric lamp gf~·~~ /!&!shu/ electroplating, neo., 1. n. ~~~- /13qtsi/ 2.
electric light $"\·"'Q~ /1'5qwoi'>/ iso. electroplate 1 va. -- ~y 1;:: I --toon/
electric light bulb £""q·q~~~a..\·~· /13q- electroscope, neo. gr"'\'~"\. q, ~:>~'€.;"" /13qtsc?:
shUll sheet::>~/ toqcc&/
electric meter ~~·~'\~·~ /1'5qtsc& tacc&/ elegant, 1. iso. things or clothes ~·2f:
electric motor 3f<:t"\·a.~~·o..f1al' o:: ~-' • /lol')qUU /ts!_qu/ ~ The furnishings were very elegant.
'dzin chos rdzig po zhe drag 'dug. (tsincc&
electric phonograph E"".·~o.:J.'i?\~'\"'-1...:(,' ts!_qu sh_!!"L;ao t~::.ul 2. iso. a person's character
qu-t.l q!:~poa I (refined/dignified) 0~.<->.·~..2F /r¥:_'ffi th~po/
electric plow, neo. ~4"\~ru· /15qshoo/ ~ He is very elegant. kho nyoms dod po zhe drag
electric power ~~!f\.l:<\~' /1'5qshuu/ •dug. (qho n£m th~po sh_!!"L;aa t~::.ul
electric power plant "..,-
m"'\'(2:1.1:;,' /1'5'5qoon/ elementary school 4\.~&.~·ift·~· /sh~rim !opt-a/
electric sow, neo. ~~· O..~Cl.l'.i.l'tj· CQ. /l<!i<!il')qUU [Syn. dmo 1 rim slob grwo)
s'5'5le/ elephant rue:..·~~ /loi')Cean/
electric sewing machine ~~·Q.~O-l,~·o:.~x.: elevote, iso, raise higher, va. Cl-lR.'~l:l'?C::.'

/l~~qUU tshemq::>::>/ /thoru toon/ ~ He was elevated in rank. kho

electric shock, see: shock rim po mtho ru btang po red, (qh5 r!_mpa th5ru
electric sockets, neo. m""\·C:U~C\.:~'t:\:():"-1.' /16qttr;l. taanporee)
"\J '0
epcuu/ elevation ~sa:-~~ /th5tshcc/ ~ What is the
electric switch, neo. g}~·a:.~~::t::x;:t::J."(\Z{\' /151')!-o elevation of Lhasa? lho so 'i mtho tshod ga
ph£rqaa/ tshad red? (lhl!~scc th~tshcc qh~tshcc r£C)
electric train m"<l.·a:.~OJ~·~· /l<!i~qu'U r!_li/ elevator, neo. ~"'i.·~~· /1'5'5qccc/
[Syn. neo. c. glog 'gul me 1 khor] eleven ""\~·~~~· /cilqcil/
'elect.ric waves, neo. §1""\'Stl::\~' /1'5qlap/ eleventh t::!.~'-"<1~~·~·
electrified, iso. get/be, vi. D. ~~·~~~·~· elicit, va. C. ~~01,' /t8~/ ~ He elicited the
- ~ The grinding mill was el- secret. khos gsang bo bton pa red. (qh~d sonwo
embossed 139

t8~pore~) [Syn, gsang bo brtol)

eligibility, see: eligible elude, vo •. B. 4\""-J~' /y88/ 11 They eluded the
eligible, iso, legally qualified 11<:\·~c.· /thop- police for two months, kho tshos pu li si lo
thaon/ 11 He is eligible to vote. kho la 1 os zla be gnyis g .yol pa red, (qh5ntsod pulisi la
shag blug yag gi thob thong yod pa red, (qh53 t~wa iirr y88pore~)
woosh:::>~ luuyaoqi thepthaan Y2:)re~) [Syn, 1 os elusive "<\~'~\"o~·.2F /y88 qh~~po/
bobs) emaciated ~~-2F~~-2P /qompo col')po/
eliminate, va. C. ~"'"-\'l:l.1i"""~· /m~apa s'§d/ 11 emancipate, see: liberate
They eliminated their enemies. kho tshos kho emancipation, see: liberation
tsho'i dgro med pa bzos pa red, (qhontsb~ qhon- emasculate, 1, see: castrate 2. iso, debilitate
tsod t~ m~~pa s'§dporea) 11 They eliminated all a plan /program, va. A. c:~:.q,;,:,··~..;(~_. "\~"<\~ ·
diagrams in the book. kho tshos deb nang gi dpe /chaashi tuu/ 11 The government emasculated our
ris tsang me med pa bzos pa red, (qhontsod th~p plan. gzhung gis nga tsho'i 'char gzhi dkrugs
n~~qi piril tsha~ma m~epa s'§dpare~) pa red, (sh~~ qhi l')~ntsbo chaashi tuuparea)
elk, see: deer embalm, va. -sl~~·~c.·-w·~· /m~ntscc
elliptical, see: round phO~c:::>:::> chE_C/
tir""~·t:~'~c;_· /yomp:::>~ shi~/
"",, - embankment, 1. n. X"<\' /r;:_o/ 2. iso. build an
elocution, 1. iso, speech Vf'\·~c:;~.lJ h, 't\~c;_·~~~ · embankment, va. -- t::l, ;;;;:;• /--kap/
- ~ -
/sh88tan; h. sul')taan/ 11 His elocution is good. embargo, iso. trade, 1. n. -g-c:.'~<'l.'•':vn.~·a:.::f\'9'
kho 'i skad cha shod sta ngs yag po 1 dug, ( qh38 /tshol')lc& qoanq:::>~/ 11 groin embargo 1 bru rigs
q~ca shSBtan Y£qo t~u) 2. iso. reading aloud tshong las bkag 'gog (t~ril tsh~lc& qoonq:::>')

~"<\'~"~ ; h. al't\'"\"\c.'~"-N' /155tan; 15:) 2. va. (1~ • /--chE_C/

naantan/ embark, see: begin
elongate, 1. va. 'Xc.-~l:<yC::.' /r3:_1')ru teen/ 11 embarkation, iso, point of embarkation ~~·
They elongated the canal. kho tshos yur bu ring /th88nsa/
du btang shag. (qhontsot yoopu r3:_~ru taanshao) embassy "t\~c;_·<~::>~·~z:.·/sh~l')tsapqaan/ 11 U.S. Embassy
2. iso, get/be elongated, vi. a ri'i gzhung tshab khang (arii sh~tsapqaan)
/r3:_1')ru chi~/ embellish, va. C. -s;J~.2f'l::\1\~· /n~mpo s2_~/ 1!
eloquent L't:i.'c:J.'f'a.~~·.2f' /qhopso pheepo/ 11 He is He embellished the account of the trip. khos
eloquent. kho kha bzo 'pher po 'dug, (qho 'grul bzhud byas pa 'i skor de snyan po bzos pa
qhopso pheepo t~u) red. (qh8'd tUUshUU chE_cpcc q53te n~mpo s2_~pa­
else 4\\'\~~'9 • /shE_ntao/ 11 What else did he do? ree)
khos gzhan dog ga re byes pa red? (qhaB shcntao ember ~ 'C;IJ.~~- lrr-=.ntaa/
qh~re chE_cparcc) 11 Who else was there? gzhan embezzle, va. ( <'<l""t,'"\~O.S.' ) t::l_~~ '0.1§,~'@...~'
dog su 'dug? (shE_ntaa su t~) 11 Where else can /(l~~u~) qOOkee chE_C/ 1! They embezzled a lot of
I buy these? 1di tsho gzhan dog ga nos nyo yag money. kho tshos lag dngul mang pa brkus 'khyer
yod pa red? (t!ntso shE_ntao qh~ncc n~yao Y2:)rcc) byas pa red. (qhontsoU l~~UU m~l')qu qfiakee chE_c-
11 someone else's money mi gzhan dog gi dngul paree)
(m3:_ shE_ntoo qhi ~no) embittered, see: hate
elsewhere "l\0\"''~zn,· /shE_ntao/ 11 You will hove emblem ~~~·~· /tonma/ 1! school emblem
to look elsewhere. khyod rang gzhon dog la blto grwa'i rtags rna ( loptcc tol')ma)
dgos red, (kh8ra shE_ntoo lo toqore~) 11 He embossed
c, . . . . ,. . _
Q.~.::('_g..Ot.:_A_' ~· /p~rtl:ion rimu
bought it elsewhere. khos 1 di gzhon dog nos y'ljpcc/ 11 embossed stationery 'bur than ri mo
140 embrace

yod po'i yig chas (p~rtodn rimu y~p&& y~qc&c) emphasize, va. 0\l!\''?<:il.'%,~' /nE_nt&&n chE_t/ 11
embrace, 1 • iso. hug, va. C. QJ<!.<sl.l~ • /tho~/ 11 He emphasized war in his speech, khong gi gsung
He embraced her. khos mo !a 'thorns pa red, bshod nang la dmag gi skor de nan ton byos
(qhsB m~ tha~poree) 2, see: accept gsungs song. (qh~en qhi sOI')Sh&t ~n la moo qhi
embroidery, 1. n. "4X..~~ /pharciin/ 2, iso. q~' te nE_nt&&nc&c sOnsul
embroider, va, -- ~~· I --k2_p/ emphatically /nE_nt&&nc&t/ 11 He
emerald ~~"\.· /m;2rqce/ answered emphatically. khos non ton byes Ian
emerge, vi. c. ~~· /th2n/ 11 The ghost emerged brgyab pa red, (qh~d n_£nt&&nc&c l_££n k2_peree)
from the lake, gdon 1 dre de mtsho'i nang nos empire ~z::.·""'~'~GX4-~o'!l.' /qh~l')m&& k_££kep/
don po red. (t~ntete tsh38 ~nn& th~nparee) empirical ~-*'-·~~· /1')83b'5/ 11 empirical
emergency ~ ~"'\' /t59Jao/ 11 emergency relief investigation dngos thog zhib 'jug (r:JWto':J
funds dza drag skyop gso (tS£tao kopso) sh~mcuu)
emergency room (of hospital) ~~"'\·~ "'&:1~~· \J'<C.' empiricism, neo. '\ct"""-·~·'3(c::·~l:C\~'
~9' /tS£tao ml!ncb'ii qhal')mil/ r~r:Jluu/
emetic -~\:''\'~~ /kOqm&&n/ employ, 1 • see: hire 2
• -~so • use ' va. ~e::-~·
.c:r '~"'
emigrant -v-"1\~~-~~·0l.·<-t.l!f""'--1.~<5\,· /sh_gchao la ~· /ph~co1i chE_C/ 11 They employed new tech-
t:!n&&n/ niques, kho tshos bzo los gsar pa bed spyod
emigrate, iso, go settle, va.
"'\~~·~"\~'a!' byes pa red, (qhCintso·6 sol&c soopa ph~cb'ii
a01;_ /sh_gchao lo chin/ 11 He emigrated to the chE_cporee)
U.S. kho a mi ri kar gzhis chogs lo phyin po employed =~·~ llEf:fod/ 11 Are you employed
red. ( qho ~miriqao sh_g_choo Ia chimperee) these days? dang sang khyod rang los yod yin
[Note: To convey meaning of overseas, the loca- pas? (th~I')Saan kh3ra 1Eyo·6 y.!_mp&c)
tion must be mentioned,] [Syn, gzhis chags employee <:X:V"'\·~· /l_££mi/ [Syln, las ka byed
byos] mkhan]
emigre, see: emigrant employer 0.1~'-'l\.'~dl~~ /l&&qa t33r:J&&n/
eminent, see: famous empty, 1. adj, ~·~· /t'Or)pa/ 11 The house is
emissary, 1". iso, agent ~·~&:1' /qUI:.sep/ 2, see: empty. khang pa 'di stong pa red. ( qhor:Jpa ti
spy tonpa r~e) 2. iso, make empty, va, C, -- ~~~·
emit, see: shine /--s"§.d/
emotion 11 He shows no emotion empty-handed 11 I
(lit. doesn't show the appearance of emotion). come empty-handed from home, ngo nang nos log
khos 'du shes yod po'i rnom 'gyur ston gyi mi pa stong par yong po yin. (I')~ noon n&& l;!qpo
'dug. (qh~d t~sh~ y~p&& n~kuu t~nqimintuu) tor:Jpaa y~npoyin)
mixed emotions "\"'\~'~"'\~·z1r~ /q;2ko enable ~~ [vb,] ~&:1' /yoono [vb,]
niiyotl/ 11 He had mixed emotions about the war. thOu/ 11 This letter will enable you to buy a
kho dmag de'i skor lo dgo' skyo gnyis yod byung gun. yi ge 'di yod no khyod rang gis me mdo'
pa red, (qho moo th~ q~~lo q;2k0 n~iyo1i ch~n­ zhig nyo thub kyi red, (y.!_qi t.!_ yodna kh3r&c
peree) menta ci ii~ thOOqiree) [Lit. If you hove this
emperor ~-a.:x.· /qh2Jma/ 11 the emperors of Chino letter you con buy a gun,]
rgya nag gong mo (konoo qh2Jmol enact (a low), vo. c. ~~-~"t\~·~r~· /thimluu
emphasis "&_~'7Cl..~t;.;tl.\.''\' /nE_nt&&n ch~yoo/ 11 so·"'d;
What was his emphasis? khos non ton byed yog de eno~el, 1, n. ~~· /tsh&.tsi/ 2. iso, paint
go re red? (qhsB n&t&&n ch~yao ti qh;2re rE_C) with enamel, va. R'7<::::.' /--toon/
endeavor 141

enamored, vi. B, ::N.a~.~~· /se~ sh53/ 11 He encouragement ~Cl..\'CJ.J.' /qOOma/ ~ His encourage-
become enamored with her. kho mo lo sems shor ment was helpful. kho 1 i skul mo de phon thogs
po red. (qho m~ sam sh33pore~) yod po zhig red, (qhM qO!hati phl!nt:>~ y.£poci
encampment, see: camp r~e)
encase, 1. iso. wrap up, vo, C, "''~~~· /tum/ enculturote 1 iso. get/be, vi. ~&.:!<-:~·a_~·~~:::.·-<:)

11 They encased the pointing in silk, kho tshos /qh!:!_ffitil ch!:!!;!.n/ ~ They got enculturoted to Ti-

ri mo de si lig gis btums po red, (qh5ntsols beton culture quickly. kho tsho bod kyi rig
r!mu ti siliqqi tumparee) 2. iso. cover, va, A. gzhung la mgyogs po goms 1 dris byung po red,
'l\..;s->n,~· /yo?:!/ 11 They encased the statue in (qhotso ph~ qhi r!qshuun la k~qo qh~til chuun-
gloss, kho tshos sku 1 dra lo shel sgrom g.yogs paree)
shag. (qhontsols quntaa sheetom y3'?:lshao) encyclopedia ¥\~-~~""G~~-~..,:1~: /sheco
encircle, va. B. OJ.JqO.:.::t~.:c..· /tho q55/ 11 They qOntuU th2_ptee/
encircled the enemy, kho tshos dgra 'i mtho 1 end 1 1 • iso, end point of something long like a
bskor po red. (qh<lntsod tee tho q55pore~) street/rope ~- /n~/ ~ His house is at the end
enclasp, see: embrace of the rood, kho'i khang po lam khog gi sne der
enclose, 1. iso, surround with woll/fence 1 vo, C, yod po red, (qh83 qho1Jpo l~r)qaaqi ne tee '

~"'\~~-~~~· /c~ari q~/ ~ They enclosed reel 2. iso. concluding pore ~"Z'<;l.l~~·

the vegetable garden with a fence, kho tshos /th~ncuu/ 11 at the end of his speech khong gi
tshal zhing la !cogs ri bskongs po red. (qhon- gsung bshod kyi mtha I mjug der (qhoonqi SU~­

tsb~ tsh~&shiin la c~ari qo~poree) 2. iso, in- shecqi thancuu t~) 3. iso, finish, va. ~~""\·

clude with 1 va. A. <l-l.<q't!:.'~·~~~· /n~tM lu'tl/ .q,~~·~~· /c!:!_qtom chE_c/ ~ The meeting ended
11 He enclosed a check with the letter, khos yi quickly, tshogs 'du nigyogs po mjug bsdoms byas
ge mnyam du ceg 'dzin zhig blugs po red, (qh3"d pa red. (tshoontu k~qo c;:!qto~ chE_cporee) 4,
yiqi n~mtoo c~~tsiin ci lu'tlparee) iso, goal/purpose '\~""-~·~-a.: /mrqtocin/ ~
encode, vo, D, ""
"'\~c::.·~~-~-~~x_· He achieved his ends. kho'i dmigs don 'grub po

k!:!_r/ red. (ph38 mrqtb~cin t!;!.qaree) 5, iso, see

encompass 1 iso, include 1 vi. A, ot'e::._: /tshij1J; ~ through to the end 1 vi. B. ~2.0.'<::\.?&""'-' /tho
The book encompasses all of "Tibetan history, kl!r!/ ~ He's not going to see the work through
deb de 1 i nang lo. bod kyi rgyol robs tshong mo to the end. khos los ko mtho' bskyel gyi mo
n.' l~qo '
tshud yod po red, (th~p th~ noonla ph~dqi kee- red, ( qhoci tho kr!l!qimoree) 6. iso. in

rap tsho~mo tsh~~ y~'?:lre~) the end 'Cl:!R.~·~· /theme/ ~ In the end 1 he

encore! 1 id, ~c::.·~;:,;.·~~~·-":\~1:::.· lost the money, mtho' mo kho dngul shor po red,

th~nr::>'?:lnoan/ ( thomo qho ~on sh55poree) 7. iso. have/make

encounter, see: met ends meet, vi. C, c:>.sr-~~:::.·~«;>~: lt~on t9_n/ ~

encourage, 1. va. ~=·o:t·~· /qrnlma chE_c/ ~ She couldn't make ends. meet on her salary. mo'i
They encouraged him to go to school, kho tshas phogs kyis 'gro song !dong gi yod po mo red,
kho slob grwor rgyugs zhes skul mo byos po red, (moo ph3~ qhi t~soan t~~qiy::>~maree)
(qhontsols qho loptao k,;!ts kOOna chE_cporee) 2, endanger, vo. C. 0~"t\·~'£~· /ii~~qa 's.£~1 ~ He
iso. get encouraged, vi. C, ~~~~"'\~-~~''\.' endangered everyone, khos mi tshong mar nyen go
/simshuu kee/ ~ After hearing the speech, he bzos po red. (qh~ m! tsho~moo n~~qo s~clporee)
got encouraged. skad cho de go nos kho sems endeavor 1 vo. <:t.J::tc;.z~&'\' /peetsocin ch§;_C/ ~
shugs bskyed shag, (ql!ca t i qh~e qho srmshu'tl We must endeov or if we are to succeed. ngo
keeshaa) tshos ngo tsho 1 i don dog 'grub yog lo 1 bod
142 ending

brtson byed dgos red. ( r)~ ntsot5 r)~ntsoo th'Ontoo zhi bde 1 di yun ring pu_ gnos thub kyi rna red.
t~pyoo lo P££tsbMon ch~qore~) (th~ntcc shiteti y~n r_!Qqu nfc thupqimoare~)
ending, see: conclusion enduring, iso. lasting ~Ol..::i(c::.·"'.""-~'~""-·~·
endless, 1. iso. geographically <>-tsta.:~~~: /th~ /yu1Jnriin nfc thupo/ 11 an enduring peace yun
m~~po I 11 on endless plain mtho 1 med pa 'i thong ring gnos thub po'i zhi bde (y~nri~ n~& thupcc
(tho m~~pcc thaon) 2. iso, inexhaustible (for shite)
concrete things) ~<-t'>::l.I."\'~~G· /ts~yoo endways ~~·ct.1f~~-€-~· /soo 1?5~cc/ 11 Set the
m~~po/ 11 endless money rdzogs yog med pa 1 i table endways, cog tse de sag bslogs byes zhog,
dngul (ts~yoa m~~pcc Q!Jrl) 3. iso, limitless (c?5qtse te sao 1?5~cc sh?5~)
(for abstract things and numbers) ~iR"'"-l:'
enemies and friends "\~'"1.'9~.: /1-~Yieen/
/tsh~c m~epo/ 11."·endless compassion tshod med enemy, 1. n. "\":!:!' /1-~/ 11 They ore our enemy,
pa'i nying rje (tsh~c m~pcc nir)Ce) kho tsho ngo tsho'i dgro red, (qhontso r)_£ntsbo
end of the month £,''ll~q"\' /t~mcuu/ t,£ r~~) 2. iso. be/oct as on enemy, vo, --~·
end of the year or-~~· /l~ncuu/ / --chE_C/ 3. odj, ""-~"d.· lt££1 11 enemy troops
endogamy, neo, CI,C..'~~·~c:.·~· /~r)qo~ choonso/ dgro'i dmog dpung (1-E.£ m~qpuun)
[Syn. rigs rus dong sde tsogs gcig po nang energetic, 1 • ~;x::~~~~ /hOrtsooncccn/ 11 He
khongs chong so brgyob po] is on energetic leader, khong dbu 1 khrid hur
endorse, 1, see: support 2. iso, a check, see: brtson con zhig red. (qhoon Otil hDrtsb"oncccn
sign ci re~) 2, iso, oct energetic, vo, -- EL~'
endow, vo ,. A, -- <'=!. (01,~· I --sh~o I 11 He endowed /--chc&/
the school with one hundred thousand dollars, /hDrtsooncc/ 11 He
khos slob grwo la 9o1 lor 'bum gcig sbyor 1 jogs worked energetically. khos hur brtson byes los
mo rtso bzhog po red, (qh3tl loptoo 1-~loo p~m ko byes po red. (qhB-6 hDrtsooncc l££qo chccpo-
ciq c2rcoo m~tso sh~opor~) re~) [Syn, hur thog]
endowment, n. ~Q.E"'\~·~·~· /c2rcoo m_£tsa/ 11 energy '8:,~'{),'<\~' /n~huu/ 11 He has no energy.
Our university doesn 1 t hove much endowment, ngo kho lo nus shugs mi 'dug. (qh?5~ n~huu mintuu)
tsho 1 i gtsug log slob grwo lo sbyor 'jogs mo 11 solar energy nyi mo'i nus shugs (nimcc nu1J-
rtso mong po mi 1 dug. shuu)
c2rco0 m_£tso m~r)qu mintuu) enfeeble, vo. A. o/1-1-<'~'~·""1.~~· /~mru cuu/
end-to-end ~·~~ /ne thti'li/ 11 They put the enforce, vo, ( ~::R~'O-:i' ) ~~C:.'@_,<-\' /(thiill la)
pipes down end~ to-end. kho tshos lcogs mdong thonoon chE_c/ 11 They enforced the low on block-
sne mthud nos bzhog shag, (qh5ntso6 car)toon ne morketeering. kho tshos nag tshong gi khrims lo
thtlUnc shaoshoo) do sno ng byes po red, (qh5ntso6 n~qtshoon qhi
endurable 1::\"'-CI-l'Cl.~<'l.'"-l'fu·Cl,~~· In£& mokhoapo thrill la th~noon chE_cporeeJ
m_!ntuu/ 11 The pain was endurable, no tsho 1 di engage, 1. see: hire 2. iso, betroth, vo. #·
nod mo 'khyogs po mi 'dug, (notso ti nee
... mq-
~z:::.·t:~. "9 c::: /15r)coon teJon/ 11 They were engaged
khoapo m_!ntuu) lost month. zlo bo sngon mo'i nang lo kho tsho
endure, 1, iso, tolerate, vo. kl~~"'''t:.l'§,~' sl ong chong bto ng po red, ( t_£wo r)fmoo qhontso
.. thOpa ch£&"!
/s2_o 11 I hod to endure hardships. lor)Coon t5Cinporee) 3, iso, engage in bottle,
ngo dko 1 ngol bzod thub pa byed dgos byung, vo, "'-.,"'-1."'\'"'~@,Cl..' /moo k~p/ 11 They engaged in
(Q~ qar)c& s~ thOpa ch~qochuun) 2, iso. lost, bottle for o year, lo gcig gi ring lo dmog
vi. B. ~~;(c:.· ;;.f'"''.;,_~ ·~c:t.· /y~n r!r)qu nfc brgyob po red, (1~ cil qhi r!r) la mao k~paree)
thOp/ 11 This peace will not endure. do to 1 i engagement, 1. iso. betrothal ~·,:oc::: /lor)Coon/
enough 0 143

11 engasement party slong chang thugs spro /kipu ch~n/ 11 I enjoyed meeting you. nga
(loi")Caan thoo}o) 2. see: engage, 3 3, see: khyed rang mjal nos skyid po byung, (n~ kheraan
appoin:tment c~n& kipu ch~n)
engine a.~=o~(A.x...·~·~· /}htl0qM ama/ [Syn, enlarge, 1. va. ~~·~·~:t"?C...' /k~ cheru toon/ 11
sgul byed 'phrul 'khor lte-ba] They enlarged the house, kho tshos khang pa
engineer ~"iil-<:1.1~·~(11.~·~· /s!:!.l&"& qhffpa/ rgya che ru btang shag, (qh5nts1:id qhonpa ka
engineering college e:t~~~·~·~·~~~ /s2_ltc cheru toZinsha~) 2, iso, make an enlargement of
Hlp}a chemo/ a photo, va. ~-~~::~.~c::..· /cheru toon/
England ~~-~~· /Inl&&n/ enlargement, iso, photography ~~·~'9t:..·~· /cheru
English ~~(;1,_·~· /incii/ 11 English food dbyin taonpa/ 11 I want an enlargement of this photo,
ji 1 i kha lag (incii qhola~) [Syn. in ji'i] nga la dpar 1 di che ru btang pa zhig dgos kyi
English language ~ll\:~'~"\' /incii qf?:./ •dug. ( q~ par t~ cheru taonpa ci q2o)

Englishman ~"\:'2a·~· va. A. ~c;.~·~·

/Incii m!f enlighten, 1. relig.
/son k&c/
engrave, va. ~~-~~~· /q'SiJ k2_p/ 11 He engraved 11 The Buddha became enlightened, songs rgyas
the ring. khos tshigs khebs la rkos brgyab pa songs rgyas po red. (sank&"& son kE_tpare~) 2.
red, (qhSB tshiq60 la q~d k2_pare~) iso. impart knowledge, va. C. "'1-N~-.;:r--~r~·
engraving ~:.:-\'CiU. • /q88ma/ /s~~po s'2:d/ 11 He enlightened them about the
engross, 1. vi. B. "&:l~Q.~' /q2. ¢5~/ 11 when situation. khos kho tshor gnas tshul de 1 i skor
he was engrossed working kho las kar mgo 1 khor de gsal po bzos pa red, (qhBB qhontsJJ n~ftsUU
dus (qho l&&qaa q2. qh~tuU) 2, adj. iso, en- th~ q55rti s~fpo s2tparee)
grossing ~~o.~·=·~r/q2. qh~~ya~/ 11 This is enlist, mil. va. ""
C)._l:::.'£"-~''\19.1.4\'d.l'~~· I th9_n1an'
an engrossing book, 1 di mgo 1 khor yag gi deb m~~mi chE_t/ 11 He enlisted in the army last
red. (t~ q£ qh55ya~qi th!P r=.~l year, khos zla nyin dwang blangs dmag mi byas
enigma at~~'r.l(l:r\'~"\'~' /q£ tshWya~ m=.~pa/ 11 pa red, (qh8B t2_niin th9_nla~ ma~mi chE_tpare~)
He is an enigma. kho mgo tshod yag med pa zhig enlisted soldier '}.~-~~-~ot•rr~· /thf:_nlan
'dug. (qho Cl2. tsh83ya~ lll!~pa ci t~t) [Syn. mMmi/
spyod pa yo mtsan] enlistee, see: enlisted soldier
enigmatic .l>U~e;,:UJ.~·~e;,:l<.(~o/qo tshSSya~ m=.~pa/ en masse =;:,"'~.~' /r~pti/ 11 They went en masse,
11 an enigmatic situation mgo tshod yag med pa'i kho tsho rub te phyin pa red, (qhontso r~pti
gnas tshul (q:?. tsh88ya~ ~~p&& nfftsu-u) chi~pare~)
enjoy, 1. iso. books/written things, vi. ~'\·et-"~~- enmity, 1. n. ~(4C;l.·~~· /qh8ntsiin/ 11 I have
/n~mpo ch~n/ 11 (I) enjoyed the book, deb de no enmity toward him, nga kho la 1 khon 1 dzin
snyan po byung. (th!P te n~mpo ch~n) 2, iso, med, (nf:_ qh55 qhSntsiin me~) 2. iso, regard with
eating, vi. "-..Cl\c:t·i:F~c...· ; h. ~~·;:{7~c;.• enmity, va. -- ~~· /--chE_"&/
/q9_pa ch~n; h, neepo ch~n/ 11 He enjoyed the ennoble, va, C, -~:~;~~-~::\~' /qll}a~ s'2:d/ 11 They
meal. kho kha lag la dga' po byung pa red, (qho ennobled the soldier, kho tshos dmog mi de sku
qhola~la q~po ch~nparee) 3, iso, shows/movies 1 drag bzos pa red. (qhontsoci maami t=. qut-a~ s~B­
vi, ~o;..:ar--&.a._:~~c...· ; h. 4\~<X\~·~~~ii'-~~· pare~l
/tffmo chempo ch~n; h. s!!mu chempo ch~n/ 11 enormous """' "'"' ""' :......
""~~-~"'"'1.~-&~~- ---<:-- /pe masilp&&
I enjoyed the last night 1 s movie. mdangs dgong chempo/ 11 The lake was enormous. mtsho de dpe
gi glog brnyan de Had mo chen po byung, (tf:_n- ma srid pa'i chen po 'dug, (tsho t=. pe masilp&&
qoi\qi Bnn&&nte t~mo chempo ch.!:,!:!n) 4. iso, chempo t~~)
meeting/being with someone, vi. ~"\. ~~c;.· enough, vi. C. ~'\~~· / 11 Will this solt be
144 enrage

enough? tshwci 'dis 'dang gi red pas? (tsho til film was entertaining, glog brnyan 1 di mgo
t~l')qirepccl bskor yag red, (15qnccn t~ q2 q55yoa r~~l
enrage, see: angry enthrone, vo. C. ""~·~·~~~-
. . ,. . _ I thJ.- la qoo
enroll, va. A, ~K·T-"<if\"-, enthronement ~-""\~· /thisod/ 11 enthronement
ensemble, iso. group of performers ceremony khri gsol mdzod sgo (thisoo ts_££qo)
~~·~· /r~shcc tsh::5qpa/ enthusiasm, 1. n. ~1511~~""~· /s'imshuu/ 11 He
enshrine, va,~ A, ~·(<I.C::.'C~.__~·~·"<i?\"'1' /lhoqaan naonla doesn 1 t have much enthusiasm. kho sems shugs
sh9_o/ 11 They enshrined the lama's ashes, kho chen po mi 'dug, (qho s'imshuu chempo mintuu)
tshos bla rna' i gdung thal lha khong nang lo 2. iso, lose enthusiasm, vi. A. ~-

bzhog pa red. ( qhontsoB lomcc t_!:!l')tcc lhoqoo n /--chao/ 11 After a month, they lost enthusiasm,
naanla sh9_~pare~) zla ba gcig gi rjes lo kho tsho sems shugs chogs
enslave, va. C. ~~"\~"l\'"'1.'"11~· /th£E,ny::>~ s'2:d/ 11 pa red. (t9..wa crlqi ce~la qhontso s'imshuu choo-
They enslaved the prisoners, kho tshos btson pa pare~) 3. iso, make lose enthusiasm, va. A.
bran g.yog bzos pa red, (qhontsbMd tsBnpa ~..,~. 1--coo/
th££ny::>~ s~~pare~) enthusiastic, 1 • adj. ~o.t~~c:t\"'1.' /s'imshuu/ 11
entangle, iso, one item, e.g. o horn or foot, vi. He was very enthusiastic about going to school.
C.a_(~~;/qh8~/ 11 The yak's horn got entangled in kho slob grwar 1 gro yag la sems shugs she drag
the tree. g .yag gi rwo co shing lo 'khon pa 'dug. (qho loptaa t~yao la simshuu sh~taa t_!:!u)
red, (yao qhi shii') le qh8~pore~) 2. iso. make enthusiastic, va. C. -- ~~·

enter, 1 • va. B. a.~' /ts.!:!!:!/ 11 He entered /--t~c/ 11 They mode the students enthusiastic.
school this year. kho do lo slob grwar 1 dzul pa kho tshos slob grwo bo tshor sems shugs sprad pa
red. (qho thole loptaa tsi.itipere~) 11 when he red. (qhents~~ loptaots::>::> simshuu t~cpare~)
entered the house kho khong pa'i nang lo 'dzul enthusiastically ~,..,_~~"t\..<q),Ol.:4~·~<~._~·
dus (qho qhol')p&c n9..9..n lo tstruWtl) 2. iso, /simshuu chempbMo q2nc/ 11 They worked enthusias-
enter in a register/book, vo. A, ~~~~ /tho tically. kho tshos sems shugs chen po'i sgo nos
q~/ [Syn. deb sbyor byes] las ka byos pa red. (qh5ntsod s'imshuu chempoo
enterprise, 1. see: project 2. iso, business~· q2nc 1_££qo ch_£Cpore~)
~~- /qhelcc/ 11 a government enterprise gzhung entice, vo. C. <:3.~' /lOU/ 11 They enticed him
gi khe las (sh_!:!l')qi qhele:cl with money. kho tshos kho dngul gyis bslus po
enterprising ~c.·2r. /th_!:!l')qu/ 11 He is very red, (qhontsb"d qho I')OUqi l~~pere~)
enterprising. kho grung po zhe drag 'dug, (qho /tshol')ma/ 11 I read the entire
th~qu sh~tao t_!:!u) book, ngos deb 'di tshang rna bkl ogs . pa yin.
entertain, 1. iso, amuse, vo, B. ~~~~.:.::._· (r).£C th~p ti tshoQma 15~payin) [Syn. cha
/q2 q5!:5/ 11 He entertained "the children. khos tshang; mthar phyin pa]
phru gu tsho mgo bskor pa red. (qh~d puqutso q2 entirely, 1. ~~~~· /l~nti/ 11 She did the work
q::5!:5pare~) 2. iso, be entertained, vi. B. ~~ entirely herself. los ka de lings te mo rang
o.:~-.>::.' /q2 qh!:l!:l/ 3. iso, hove a dinnet, picnic, rang gis byes pa red, (1££qo ti l~nti m2ra roan
party, etc., va. ~~-~-"""').'?C::.' /kipkil toon/ qhi ch£Cpare~) 2. iso, not entirely [odj,] ~c::.·
11 I (invited and) entertained them at my house, ~-a.~C(I,' /[adj.] r~n m~ntuu/ 11 I om not en-
ngos khong tsho ngo 'i nang lo skyid skyid gtong tire! y happy with her work, ngo mo 1 i los kar
bar gdan dren zhus pa yin, (I')_£C qhontso l'l.££ dgo' po rang mi 'dug, (1')£ m~ 1££qoa q9_poroon
~n la kipkil tol')qoo t£n}een sh~peyin) m~ntuu)
entertaining 5-l.4V"'l.~-~"'\' /q2 q35yaa/ 11 This entomb, vo, A• .e:t.~·~«·~c::·CI.l·q"\"'.' /ph£1')SbMo noon
equal 145

la shp_a/ sr id khoms] 2, iso, situation/condition "<\01.~ •

entomologist, neo, o..~~~~~'"'\0\~'~(2>.>:-•>~' ~~~· /nf~tah/ ~ The environment in the ciy was
/p~siin r,!Qntc qh~fpa/ bad, grong· khyer gyi gnas stangs sdug chag red,
entomology 1 neo, /pl!Siin (thp_r:Jkee qhi nCftan t~qcoa r!e)
r_!Qnce/ environmental <1'\~~·~"C\·{f~@.- /noms£& kh38nqi/
entourage q_~;t;.· h, ~-a..~.:.:.· /qh~r; h, qunqM/ ~ environmental research gnom sa 1 i khyon gyi
~ He is in the king's entourage, khong rgyal zhib 'jug (nBmscc kh88nqi sh,!mcuu) [Syn, snang
po'i sku 1 khor nang la yod pa red, (qhoon ktt- srid khams kyi]
pbo qunqM ~n la Y2~ree) environs ~-G!.~.:.:.· /n!q:;,:;,/ ~ the environs of the
entrails ~c:.'i&"O-\' /np_r:Jtb"ci/ city grong khyer gyi nye 'khor (th2_J')kee qhi
entrance, 1. iso. the place of entering a..~~· ii!q:;,:;,)
/tst!Usa/ ~ entrance of the house khang pa 1 i envisage, see: see
nang la 'dzul sa (qhal')ptt n~n la tst!Usa) 2, envoy ~-~· /qi:itsap/
iso. the act of entering O:.~'l:.\' /tsQ!;!pa/ ~ envy, see: jealousy
His entrance caused a disturbance, kho nang la epaulet .:::...~c:.·~4\~' /pul')toa/
1 dzul pa des dkrogs rkyen bzos pa red, (qho ephemeral ~0\-~~·&c:.' /yUUn thul')thuun/
n~n la ts~pa t,!l t~qkeen s~dparee) epic, see: story; tale
entreat, see: beg, 2 epidemic ~~~- /r,!m/ ~ They had an epidemic
entrenched, iso, solidly in place, va, A, ~~~;r;­ last year, zla nyin kho tshos rims no pa red,
~·..q1:i!.._"\.' /t~mpocht tE_C/ ~ Our. enemies are ( t~iiiin qhontso rim np_paree) [Syn, rims nod 1
(firmly) entrenched in the government, nga nod rims]
tsho 1 i dgra gzhung gi nang la brtan po byes epileptic fit 1 1. n, @,c:tl'4'\'").;:o;,• /k!£see/ 2, iso,
bsdad yod po red, (r:Jp_tsoo tp_ sh~J')qi noon la have an epileptic fit 1 vi. .q~Q.· /--k~p/ ~
t~pocht t£& Y2~ree) He has epileptic fits often, kho sgal gzer yang
entrust, va. B. ~~~· /c88/ ~ We entrusted him se rgyag gi 'dug, (qho qccsee yp_I')Se k~qil)
with our lives, nga tshos kho la nga tsho 1 i epileptic person ::>. -· .......- eo.. c-..
@.,~'"'\.:IA.'~<::..:~o..·~· I k!£see
srog bcol pa yin, ( qp_ntsod qh~~ r;p_tsoo s~~ c88- y_£pcc m,!/
payin) epitome ~·~ • /ts~ta/ ~ He is the epitome of a
entry, iso. make an entry, see: enter, 2 soldier. kho dmog mi rtse gra red, (qho maami
enumerate, 1. see: count 2, see: check, 3 ts~ta r!e)
enunciate, 1, see: say 2, see: announce; pro- epoch, relig, "-'11\Q.l'G..t.' /q~fpa/
claim equal, iso. some os "'<1~-'l'\'G..t.' /ciqpa/ ~ These two
envelop, iso, covered, vi. C, "'~.'%~~· /tum/ ~ are equal in size, 1 di gnyis che chung gcig pa
The house was enveloped by fog, khang pa de red, (t,!iiil chrchuun ciqpa ree) ~ Pour in
smug pas btums shag, (qhal')pu t,! muqptc tumshaa) equal parts of beer and water. chang dang chu
envelope, 1. n, il:t~-3\\~· /y,!q~b/ 2, iso, seal mang nyung gcig pa blugs, ( chol') ta chu m~l')nuun
an envelope, va. B, -- {,%1.·~~· /--qha CP.P./ ciqpa luu) ~ Seven Indian rupees are equal to

envious, see: jealous one U.S, dollar. rgya gar gyi sgor mo bdun dang
environment, 1. iso. the physical environment a mi r i ka 'i sgor mo gcig gcig pa red, ( k2_qaa
1:1"\~al.l·~'ci..·~&,_· /noms&£ khMn/ ~ I came to qhi qo:;,mo t~n ta amiriqcc q22mo crq ciqpa r!e)
study the environment, nga gnam sa 1 i khyon la ~ Men and women have equal salary, khyo go dang
zhib 'jug byed par yang pa yin, (r:Jp_ nomst& skye dman phogs gcig pa yod pa red, (kh5qa ta
kh88n la shimcuu ch!qaa YP.npayinl [Syn, snang kemccn ph~~ crqpa Y2~ree).
146 ~quality

lt~nom/ ~ In America there red. (m~oqi th~rap ts~oparee)

is equality between men and women. a mi ri kor eradicate, vo. c. -t-·6's."-:c:::t.~~· /tscSmee s2_~/ ~
khyo go dong skye dmon 'dro mnyom red. (emiri- They eradicated all the rots, kho tshos tsi tsi
qoo khoqo to krmcen t~ram r~e) ~ racial equa- tshong mo tso med bzos po red, (qhontsod tsitsi
lity ~~"''~'C>;.~'<'<.\'9~' (m_!ril t~nam) tshor)mo tsamee s_!fdparee)
equalize, va. c. d;>~.:~n~.T""1.· /choiiom s~/ ~ eradication campaign, neo. c. ~·~""Z"l~"l~'~~·
The government equalized taxes, gzhung gis <=~..~C<:l' /tsamee s_£wee lEE_nqu'tl/
khrol cho snyoms bzos pa red. (sh_!:!?] qhi th~~ erose, vo. D, .q~q_~· /sup/ ~ He erased the
choi'iom s_!fdparee) letters. khos yi ge de bsubs shag. (qh8~ y_!qi
equally "'1~"'\'l:..l.' /ciqpa/ ~ Everyone's work is ti sOpshoa)
equally important. mi tshong mo'i los ko gal eraser, 1. n. <;~<; -~"1\.' /supyoa/ [Syn. srub byed]
che chung gcig po red. (Ill_! tror)mee 1E£qo qhE£ 2. iso. a rubber eraser ~~4'~'1:\' /sumkiq/
chichuun ciqpa ree) ~ We should pay salary to erect, 1 • iso, a building, vo. ~~"'l. • /k2_p/ ~
everyone equally. ngo tshos mi tshong mar phogs They erected a school. kho tshos slob grwo zhig
che chung gcig pa sprod dgos red. brgyob pa red. (qhontsW lopto ci k2_poree) 2,
tshor)moo ph'~ chrchuun ciqpa tS"dqoree) iso. a long thin thing, e.g., a pole, vo. C,
equal sign, neo. ~~~·~"\~' /tshur)toa/ ~~·/lo}J/ ~ They erected the telephone pole.
equator, neo. o:.~·~c;~.:;.,:~"'C\· /ts2_mli11 thee- kho tshos kho dpar gyi ko bo bslongs pa red,
thil/ (qh5ntsod qh~poo qi qaa lo~oree) 3. iso. stand
equestrian sports, neo, erect, vo. C, ""<\~9~.;;:r~~"--<:-l.'~~·¢.lc::~·
lUUtsee/ /s_!:!qu t~Qne l~}J/ 4. iso. sit erect, vo. A,
equidistant .la«\~c·~c.·""\~"'\'<=.t' /thoa r_!r)tuun ciqpa/ <:t\~"1-«';;;:f'~~~·Cl...«·~~"\' /s_!:!qu t~Qnc tE_t/ 5,
equilibrium, see: balanced iso. become erect (penis), vi. C, ~e:::.~·
equinox '0<S.:a-.~~01.:co' 5.\.~"' /ii_!ntseen ch~thu'Un/ lt~}Jf
equip, va. A. 0-l~<l':>~-~~· /qhoccc t~c/ 11 They erection, iso, penis, see: erect, 5
equipped the soldiers. kho tshos dmog mir mkho erode (by water), vi. C. ~·"l ~~· /so SE_f./ ~
chos sprod po red. (qhontsod maamee qhocec t~&­ Water has eroded the (soil) in this area, lung
poree) [Syn. neo. c. sgrig chos) pa 'dir chus so bzos shag. ! 1!;!11Pa tee chOU sa
equipment ~~~· /qhaccc/ ~medical equipment
smon bcos mkho chos (m~nci% qhacec) [Syn. neo.
erosion ~' ~ 'u.:J"'\> /sa s_£yoa/ , Erosion (by rain)
c. sgrig chos] is a major danger, (char pas) so zo yog de nyen
equitable, see: fair, 1 go che bo zhig red. ( (chaapcc) so '
s~yoo ti ;;~11-
equivalent, see: equal qo chi:& ci r~e) [Note: Tibetan must-include the
equivocate, 1. iso. speaking equivocally, vo, A, agent of erosion,]
~~~-~""-'1t"t\'c::::!.~"'. .' /ql:co P_!:!qpuu she&/ 2. erotic o:.~<X>"<\~ • /t'!if:oa/ ~ on erotic film
iso. answering equivocally, vo, ¢.1~'~"'1.·~~· 'dod chogs glog brnyon (t'!if:oa 15qiicen)
"""~- /l££..n P_!:!qpuu k2_p/ err 1 vi, B, ~ /n:E_/ ~ He erred, khos nor po
era, 1. n. ~~-..:l::.4~' /thu'Urap/ ~ the modern era red. (qh~ nE_poree)
nye bo 'i dus robs ~-~"8:·~~:.:;:.."l~ · (iiewe& errata ~-q~~~~"\' /n~rcb~ r_!wumil/
th_!!!rap) 2. iso, begin on era, vi. A. -- o:.~ erratic (behavior), see: eccentric
~~·/--q_£ tshuu/ 3. iso. be finished (for on erroneous ~-o.~~-~~· /n_£ntlru y3;!pa/ ~ He
era), vi. A. ~~· /--ts~o/ ~ The era of gave on erroneous answer, khos !on nor 'khrul
Moo is finished, mo 'o gi dus robs rdzogs po yod po ci brgyob pa red. ( qh8ti leen n_£ntti'U y3;!po
estimate 147

ci k::pare~) thug gog yang pa red, (qh~d ~~ miqsccqi thuDqoa

error, 1, n. a?:-· 0. ~Ql' /n~nt-uu/ 11 There ore y~~pore~)
many errors in this book. deb 1 di'i nang lo nor espionage, 1, n, ~'%Q.J.' /soiiUU/ 2, iso, engage
'khrul mong po 'dug, (th,!!P t~ ~n la n~ntU'U in espionage, vo. -- g~· /--chE_C/
m::~qu t~u) 2. iso, make on error, vi, B, essay, 1. n, ~·~"'\' /tsDmyil/ 2. !so, write
~~· / --sh':>':>/ 11 He mode a big error ( uninten- on essay, vo, C, -- ~~· /--th!l/ 11 He wrote
tionolly), khos nor 1 khrul chen po zhig shor many essays, khos rtsom yig mang po bris shag,
shag. (qh~ n£ntuu chempa ci sh53sho~) (qh~d tsiimyil m~~qu th!lshaa)
erudite ~<ll.:'?~~~~ /y~ntccn chempo/ 11 on essence ~c::·2f." /ni~pu/ 11 The essence of democ-
erudite lama blo mo yon ton chen po zhig (lome racy is freedom, dmong gtso'i snying po rang
y£ntccn chempo ci) dbong red, (ma~tsoo ni~pU r£~Waan r~e)

erupt, 1. iso. a volcano, vi. B. "'<l!C<l.!' /too/ 11 essential, (be), vi. ~~·~.-.;.·~"\~'N.' /~portu
The volcano erupted, me ri rdol shag. q2_?>/ 11 Discipline is essential in the army.
tb"cishoa) 2. iso. a pimple, vi. C. )f.i:_ • "-l. ·ICC\' dmog dpung lo s~rig lam nges par du dgos pared,
/th':>rpa thoh/ (maqpuun la 1-!qlam l')eeportu q2_'?>re~) 11 This is
escalate, 1. vo. ~~·~ztiCjC:.' /k£ cheru toon/ 11 essential for us, 'di nga tshor nges par du
We hove to escalate the war, ngo tshos dmog dgos po red. ( t! ~£nts::>::> ~~portu q2_'?>ree)
rgyo che ru gtong dgos red, (~~ntsli> moo k£ [Syn. yin gcig min gcig dgos]
ch~ru to~qore~) 2. vi. ~);·3o·~~ /k£ cheru establish, vo, A. 4*"'~· /tsut/ 11 They
ch!~/ 11 The fighting escalated, dmog 'khrug established a school, kho tshos slob grwo zhig
rgyo che ru phyin shag, (m~qt-uu k£ cheru chi~­ btsugs pa red, (qhantsod lapt-o ci tsutparee)
shoa) estate, iso, land and peasants ~~~·-'\\' /sh~qa/
escalator, neo, /l~linqUU matrilineally transmitted estate ~-~~~·
ql:l:ntso/ /m~shil/
escape, vi. B, .sa_.x. • /thoo/ 11 He escaped from monastic estate w·~~~· /ch8"oshil/
prison. kho btson khong nos thor pa red. (qho potrilineolly transmitted estate ~-~~~­
ts8nqoonnc thaapore~) 11 He fled but didn't es- /ph~shil/
cape. kho bros pa red de thor mi 'dug. (qho estate manager Al~"""''"tt.~!l:..'
<'., ' /shiinee/
ph![dporeetcc thoa mintut) estate servants "'"\~~-"'\~"<\' /shiiy::>'?>/
escort ~C>..l.·~~C;l,.· ; h. ~c:~.~-~Q.l·~·~~C;l,.· estate steward ""\~~·~ ; h, ~~~'l:l.(\"'t\-'<:'-\'
/kee~&&n; h. phepkcc sh~ccn/ 11 on armed escort /sh~tod; h, sh~shut/
skyel mkhon dmog mi (kee~&&n maemi) [Syn, esteem, 1, iso. high esteem ""~c::~·&"" q:- /thon
skyel rogs] chempo/ 11 They hold women in high esteem, kho
escrow, iso, the person holding the money, etc, tshos skye dmon lo mthongs chen po ched kyi
c:t.x.·~·(!l.~:sa"l'\:a"\:d.l(.Z'. ~· /ph!rmi qhcfkoa 'dug. (qhantsod kimccn lo tho~ chempo ch!qil)
ch~ccn/ 11 We put the rent in escrow. ngo 2. iso. low esteem o:J.*~·~c.·~z:::.· /thon
tshos khang gla bar mi khog theg byed mkhon lo chuncuun/
bzhog po yin, (l')~ntsod qho~la ph::rmi qhl:fkoa estimate, vo, ~'\' ,~"f\' ~.lN.' /tsh88poa chE_'t/ 11
ch~ccnlo sh~apayin) They estimated the cost. kho tshos rin gong
especially "'-~""~·"t~a:l·®· /miqs&&qi/ 11 Be tshod dpog byas pa red, (qhontscru r!nqoon
especially careful. dmigs bsol gyis zob zab tsh88paa ch£'tporee) [Syn, sngon tshod byes] 11
gnong. (miqsccqi s~psaa noon) 11 He come What is your estimate of production this year?
especially to meet me, khos ngo dmigs bsol gyis khyed rang gis tshod dpog byes no do lo thon
148 estimation

skyed go 'dra yang gi red? (kheraan qhi tshb~­ ethnic minority group ~-=-~·~.:.·~·~"'.~·
paa ch££na th~lo th3nke~ qh~nt&c y~Qqir&&) /th~nnoon m.!_ril/
estimation, iso. judgment ~~c::;,.~ct~·~·~ /tsh38paa ethnic oppression
ch££na I 11 In my estimation 1 he is the spy. ~nbon/

ngas tshod dpag byas no kho so po red, ( rJE,C ethnic policy ~-~~"""~~"\·~~· /m.!_ril siictr~/
tsh33paa ch&&na qho sopa r2.e) ethnic rights ~-~~~·~'M'.2C.' /m.!_rilqi
·estrus ~~ o.~~· O.~l:<\' ~~· /thUUnt<rci thiqtuU/ thoptoan/
[Syn. dud 'gro 1 i rgyo dus] ethnic struggle /m.!_rilqi
estuary ~-i;l~ /chunto/ th~ptsod/
et cetera ~·"\~' /crtoa/ 11 Tibetans, Chinese, ethnic unity "" "" <\ ~
~'A."'\~'~<>"f\'~~· /miril ciqtii/
et cetera arrived. bod po dong rgyo mi dong ci etiology 1 iso, cause of disease
dog slebs song. (ph~o to kami ta citoa le~so) /n£keen/
[Syn. la sogs pa] etymology ~:~\~l:.·~~~· /tshiqtbHcin C;!Qqu?./
etch, see: engrave eu 1ogy --o..,_
o.r- I t£p:xJ tooQao
"" 'I
eternal, relig, ""~~-~·~--.:t:.l.. /paqtu ~~pa/ 11 [Syn. tshe 1 das pa'i mila bstod bsngogs]
eternal life tshe dpog tu med pa (tshe paqtu eunuch /n~rum/ 11 He is a eunuch, kho
m2.epo) [Syn. dpag med; tshod med] nyug rum red. (qho i'i;!qrum r2_el
eternally *'~~q· /tsh~c m2.epa/ 11 I om euphemism ~·~«,"'<\~·~ /tshiq t~choqo/
eternal! y grateful to him, ngos khong gi bko' Europe ~·~· /y;!r6p/ [Syn. neo. c. yo gling)
drin tshod med po dran gyi yod, ( rJE,C qhoon qhi European, 1. adj. ~·'AA·~· /y:!_rop qhi/ 11 Eur-
q~tiin tsh~c m2.epo thE,nqiyo~) opean customs yu rob kyi lugs srol (y;!r6p qhi
eternity 1 iso, an exceedingly long time ~~·;:u·~c;.· l;!qsutl) 2. iso. a person ~-;fA·~·~· /y!3!6P
1'.(~-~~c:::.'iF /pe masilp&& y,!;!!!n r.!_r)qu/ 11 I hod qhi my
to wait on eternity for help. ngo rogs rom yong evacuate 1 va. C. 'hl_ 'CI.~~· /m,!_ t3?./ 11 They
yag lo dpe rna srid pa 1 i yun ring po bsgug dgos evacuated the building. kho tshos khang pa'i
red, (Q~ r~rom y~nyoa lo pe m~ilp&& y~un r.!_nqu nang nos mi bton po red. (qhontsoB qhoQp&&
q~tqore~) ~nne m.!_ t3npore~)
ethnic (group) ~·~""\~' /m.!_ril/ 11 In America, evacuation ~h:::(.~"'<.l.l."'\' /m.!_ t38nyaa/
there are many ethnic groups. a mi ri ko'i nang evade, va. B. ""'~' /y83/ 11 He evaded the
lo mi rigs tsho 'dus mong pc yod pa red, (amir- police. khos pu l i si la g.yol po red. (qh3i5
iq&& n~nlo m.!_ril tshentu~ m~Qqu Y2~re~) pulisi la y83paree)
· t ics
eth nic c h aroc t er~s c-."' S. .....-
<l=l'·::;,y.·~"\Cl&~' I m.:_r
· i'~ evaluate, 1. iso, financial worth/value, vo, D.
qhi kh~~chbHd/ ""t~h.;'.!0~'>«:1q' /n~~taon p~p/ 11 They evaluated
ethnic discrimination the house. kho tshos khang pa'i gnod thong phob
yencee/ po red. (qh5ntsl:fd qhor)p&& n~~taan paparee) 2.
ethnic equoli ty isa. quality, va. C. ~"<\~~~·s_o.:t··~,'"'-~"'
ethnic integration /l2_qi'ie~ namye c'tc/ 11 They evaluated the plans.
iiamte~/ kho tshos 'char gzhi legs nyes rnam dbye dpyad
ethnic issue (question) ~~~;·~-=!.'%'"'(~"~ pa red. (qhontscru ch~~shi l2.,qi'iee namye c&cpa-
/m.!_rilqi n~~t~on/ ree)
ethnic language ~·x~~~·~~ /m.!_rilqi q~c/ evaporate, vi. c. ~-"\.~~.<-.!' /chu qo~/ 1T The
ethnic loyalty ~·~·:~v~~·a~·~~ /m.!_r:ilqi water evaporated from the bowl. phor po 1 i nang
shi5sheen/ gi chu bskoms shag. (ph~~p&& n~n qhi chu qa~-
every 149

she~) "'\il'\I:.·"-."'1' /qh~f n!_r)qo~ q22.nta~/

evaporated milk ~~~ this evening ~~~~· /th~qon/
eve, neo. "'ql;l._ai.'Cl"\e;.· /nB'()O,aan/ 11 New Year's eve tomorrow evening ~~::.· "'-"<:{\!"::.• /sor)q&l/ [Syn. song
lo gsar gyi gnam gang (losaa qhi nor)qaan) nyi!"l dgong dog]
even, 1. iso, level/flat n.~~-~~~-~ /qh~ yesterday evening ~""-~~·"'.~' /tor)q&l/
nompo/ 11 Is the table even? rgyo cog de 'khos evening party/gathering "'..~C:::~~·~~""\
snyoms po dug gas? (k!:!_CO~ te qh8B ni'impo t_!!q&C) /q.£1')tS:>~ 1_!!kil/
2. iso. evenly a:,-~~~~~· /cho ni'imc&/ 11 evening school ~'<fi:c::·~&·~·~· /q!:!,Ombo lopta/
They divided the money evenly, kho tshos dngul event ~~~q_~· /thUUqap/ 11 sporting event
cha snyoms byes bgos po red. ( qh5ntsod 1)00 cho rtsed 'gran dus skabs (tseent&&n thUUqap)
nomce qoBpare~) 3. iso, even though ~- or~­ in any event ~-~-~~->~..~· /qh!:!_re y!_n&&/ 11 In
lrl££1 or /t&&/ 11 Even though he comes, I hove any event, she will look after you, go re yin
to go. kho yong na 1 i nga 'gro dgos red, (qho no 1 i mos khyod rang la !to rtog byed kyi red.
y~n n££ r)!:!_ 1!:!_qore~) 11 Even though he ate it, (qh~re y!_n&& m.!!15 kh8roo toto~ ch!:_qire~) [Syn.
he didn't get sick, khos 1 di bzos po red de kho gang 1 tar Y.ang]
me ro pa red. (qh8"d t!, S£tpare~ t££ qho ~nopa­ in the event of, see: if
re~) 11 Even though he is Chinese, he speaks even-tempered ~·~-~ /na r!,r)qu/ 11 He is very.
Tibetan. kho rgya mi red de khos bod skod rgyag even-tempered, kho mi sno ring po zhig 'dug,
gi 'dug. (qha k~mi r!~ t££ qh~ phooq&c k~qil) (qho m!, na r!:_r)qu ci t_!!Ul
4. iso. even when, [vb.] ~~-~· /[vb,] t~­ even though, see: even, 3
y&&/ 11 Even when I went, I didn't get a permit. eventual, see: eventually
nga 1 gro dus kyang ngo ph yin chog po 1 i bka 1 eventually ~~::.·o..a:,"'at~~c:.·O\~·/qh!:!_ntsom soon&/ ,
'khrol rna byung. (r)!:!_ t,!!trruy&& r'J!:!_ chin ch5q&& qa Eventually, he come home, gong tsom song nos
thBS m~cuun) 5. iso, even one "11~~-~- /cii- kho nang lo yong po red, (qh!:!_ntsom soon& qho
y&&/ . 11 He didn't give me even one picture, n,22n lo y2_npare~)
khos nga lo dpor gcig kyang sprad rna byung, ever, iso. experienced [vb.] ~- /[ vb,] Fi!:!_r)/
(qh8"d r'J22 pBr ciiy&& tl:c m~cuun) 6. iso, make 11 Did you ever go to Tibet? khyod rang bod la
even, va, c. ~~-e:r--~~~· /ni'impo s'§:d/ 7. 'gro myong ngos? (kh~o ph~ lo 12. Fi_!!r)&t)
iso. even now ""\.~c::.· /th~nt6M 8, iso, even as, .Everest (Mt.) ( -"t\C::~·~· ) ~~:f!C::'a.-1' /(qh~r)ri)
see: even when ~. iso. get even with, vo, A. chomo lBr)mo/
co..t<';l,.·~~9~' /1E£;_n B~/ 11 I'll get even with evergreen tree, neo,
him, ngos kho la len bslog gi yin, (r)£t qh55 shir)tor)/
l&&n lli~qiyin) 10, 1so, break even, vi. D, (Zi.· . everlasting ~SilG.'Q.~~·/tho kho?J/ 11 everlasting
~·[neg,] /qh~koon [neg,]/ 11 I broke even friendship mdzo 1 1 brel mtho' 'khyongs (ts!:!_ntee
playing cords. ngos tog se brgyab nos khe gyong tho khB?)) [Syn. rdzogs rgyu med po]
mi 'dug, (r)£C taose k~p n& qhekoon m!,ntu~) 11. ever since, [vb.] J:S.~~~·~~· /[vb.) p&& c!~n&/
iso. even-handed, see: impartial 11 Ever since he got sick, he couldn't work. kho
evening ""-~'""-"'\' /q22,nta~/ 11 I shall come in no po 1 i r jes nos los ka byed rna thub po red.
the evening. nga dgong dog yong gi yin, (r)!:!_ (qho ~p&& c~n& l££qo ch!~ m~thuupare~)
q~nta~ Y_!!r)qiyin) every, 1. iso, all ~e:.·<:~-~.• /tshor)mo/ 11 Every man
the day after tomorrow evening "1'\~~:;.~·e:;.,_~<:::..· come. mi tshang rna yong po red, (m!:_ tshor)ma
/nar)qon/ [Syn. gnangs dgong dog] y~pare~) 2. iso. each ~·~· /r!re/ 11 (They)
the day before yesterday evening gave a rupee to every monk, grwo po re re lo
150 · everybody

sgor mo gcig gcig sprad pa red, (th.9_pa r! la "X\~~·;:f.Ot.t'!a; /sffpo l)'dn/ 11 It became evident he
q~~mo crq crq tfcpare~) was a spy. kho so pa yin pa gsa! po mngon pa
everybody ~-<D=.·~· /m!_ tshol)ma/ 11 Everybody red. ( qho s(lpa y!:_mpa sffpo Q'dnparee)
sang. mi tshang mas gzhas btang pa red, (m!_ evidently, see: apparently
tshol)mec she& toonpare~) evil &:::~«:\' /l)£_mpa/ 11 He is an evil person, kho
everyday, 1. :dj, ~Ol..'~~· /fignree/ 11 everyday mi ngan pa zhig red. (qho m!_ l)£_mpa ci r!:_~) 11
clothes nyin re i dug slog
1 ( iiiinree th!;!qb~) an evil plan 'char 'gzhi ngon pa ( chaashi 1J£_m-
2. adv. ~~~-'' /ii!_ntaa/ 11 He went everyday, pa) 11 evil personality/character <t\~'-"t\' C::Cl..:
khos nyin ltar phyin pa red, (qh~ nintaa chim- 2f/shiiqa l)£_mpo/
pare~) evince, see: show
every month iA'~· /t::_re/ evoke memories, va. ~~41.~~-«· /th££.nso ch£_c/
everyplace, see: everywhere 11 The story evoked memories of Tibet. sgrung
everything, iso. all ~'<:l.J..' /tshol)ma/ 11 He des bod dran gso byes pa red, (!-!;!~ t2_~ ph~1>
bought everything. khos t~arg ma nyos shag. t-h£_£nso ch£_cpare~)
(qh~d tshol)ma nodsho~) evolution, neo, ~~·~s.:.· /r!_mkuu/ [Syn. rim
everytime ~·~~· [vb,] ~~· /qh!tUU [vb.] nee/ 11 pas yar rgyas; rim pas sgyur bcos] "
Everytime he went, he got sick, kho go dus evolve, iso, gradually change, vi. D. ~~·l:.l~'
phyin no 'i no pa red,
(qho qh!WU chiinne n::_pa-
-~ - -
"'...,.:.::: /r impr;r; k ur /
mi spre 'u nos rim pas 'gyur pa red,
11 Man evolved from monkeys,
(m!_ piww
everywhere, 1. -'t\'<:.l.X: [vb.] -a._~- /qh.9_paa [vb.] nee r!_mpc& k!;!rparee)
ncr;/ 11 Everywhere he goes, he gets sick. kho ewe ~~·C):!.·~ /l!;!U m::_mo/
go par phyin na 1 i no gi red, (qho qh.9_pao chiin- ex- 1 iso, former =lA.'~'..\' /surpa/ 11 ex-president
nr;r; n!qire~) 2 • ..:t\~'"1\'Ctl' /qh.9_s0 qh.9_la/ 11 He srid 'dzin zur pa
"' (sintsiin
- s~pe)

went everywhere. kho go sa go la phyin pa red, exact, iso, precise ~-"\·;;s"l\· /U'lqta~/ 11 He gave
(qho qh.9,5a q::_la chimpare~) me the exact (sum of) money. khos nga !a dngul
every year Cl.f'~l::.' /l2_taa/ [Syn, lo re] rtag rtag sprad byung, (qh~ ~ 1)00 taqtaa
evict, va. A. ~"-..' /pil/ 11 They evicted the t-ftchu)
beggars. kho tshos sprang po de tsho phud pa exactly ~l:t\'~-"'' /toqtaa/ 11 Come exactly at
red. (qhontso·ci paonqo th~ntso pilpare~) five. chu tshod lnga pa rtag rtag la shag.
---... ....,.._
evidence, 1. iso, proof ~c::~·~m·x..·~~ (chotsb1> l)opa tBqta~la sh~~) 11 I bought exactly
/qhul)kee r.9,ptcrd/ 11 What evidence do you have? five books. ngas deb lnga rtag rtag nyos pa
khyod rang la khungs skye! ra sprod go re yod? yin, (IJ£_t th!P l)o taqtaa n~yin)
(kh&aa qhOI)kee r.9,pt-b-d qh.9_re Y.?,~) 2. iso, a exaggerate, va. A. ~l:;.~c:::·~:~.Y'\~ /hoi)So?i shfc/ 11
sign ~~~· /to~/ 11 Blushing is evidence of He always exaggerates. khos rtag par hang song
lying. gdong dmar po bye yag de kyag rdzun shod kyi 'dug. (qhl:td toqpaa hoi)So?i sh'6Sqil)
bshad pa 'i rtogs red. ( toon mCiopo ch2_yaa te [Syn. 'ur bshad; sgro 'dogs byes]
k~qtsiin shfcper; tao r!~l exaggeration .l:9&:::'~c:::.· /hoi)So?i/ [Syn. sgro •dogs]
evident, 1. iso, make evident, va. C, exalt, see: praise
~~<:>:\·~~~ot· /n~mkuu s!!fpo tf?./ examination, 1. iso. test in school, i. n, ~-4'.;:
evident to us that he was angry. khos ngo tshor /y!_qtsr;C/ ii. give/toke an exam, va. -- .<:t'<}"-'
k.ho rlung longs pa'i rnam 1 gyur gsa! po bstan 1--tBon/ 11 The teacher gave a big exam. rgan
byung. ( qhl:td 1J.9_nts~~ qho luul) l.9_~ce n~mkuu lags kyis yig tshad che mo zhig btang song,
sf~po t!!?.cu) 2. iso. become evident, vi. D. (q£E_nlaoqhi y!_qtscc chemoci toonso) 2. iso,
excerpt · 151

medical check-up, i, n. ~~-"l.~~'S¥'\'"{;1."\;/m~ncoo thon byas pa red. ( t~iin te thalo qho tseemb-d
t8qc&~/ ii, va. -- ~~· /--ch£_~/ th'~ la r:JBnthan ch£_~paree)
examine 1 · 1 , iso, research a problem/thing, va, excellence ~-~·UfZ:::·~""\' /tset-a y22_nya~/ 11 You
~~'el§;,"t\.'~· /sh!_mcuu ch£_~/ 11 He examined the have .to work diligently for excellence, khyod
illness. khos no tsha la zhib 'jug byas pa red, rang gis rtse gra yong yag la hur brtson byed
(qhS"d n2_tshaa sh!_mcuu ch£_~pare~) 11 He examined ~gos red, (kh'art& tset-a y,22nya~ la hOrtstrun
the report, khos gnas tshul 1 byor pa der zhib ch!qoree)
1 jug byas pa red, ( qhS"d n~ftstru c.22pa t&& excellent ~--:!S· /tseta/ 11 This is an excellent
2, iso, give students a book. 1 di deb rtse gra zhig red,
test, see: examination 3, see: investigation tseta ci r!:_e)
4, iso, examine medically, see: examination, 3 except <9:1.'""\~~· /m2_t~"'A/ 11 No one came except
5. iso. investigate, va, ~~ct~.·~~· /taq- me. nga ma gtogs gzhan dog slebs ma song, ( t")E_
c&~ ch£~1 11 They examined whether or not it was m2_t66 sh£nta~ lee masoon) 11 Except for him, all
permitted to go to Tibet. bod !a 1 gro chog gi the people were young, kho ma gtogs mi tshang
red rna red kho tshos brtag dpyad byos pa red. rna gzhon gzhon red, (qh!S metM mi tshot")ma
(ph~~la t~hooqire~ ~re~ qhants~ taqc&~ ch£~­ sh~nshocin r!e)
paree) exception, 1, n. ~"1.~-~~~- /miqs&&/ 11 This
example, 1, ~· /pe/ 11 This example is not is an except.ion. 'di dmigs bsal zhig red, (t!_
good, dpe 'di yag po mi 'dug. (pe t_! y2_qo m!qs&& ci r!:_e) 2, iso, make an exception, va.
ni_!ntuu) 11 Is this an example of Tibetan art? -- l:l.'9~- /--trJon/ 11 They made an exception in
1 di bod pa'i ri mo 1 i dpe red pas? (t,! ph,!!p&& my case, kho tshos nga'i thog la dmigs bsal
r_!mtru pe r!p&~) [Syn, mig dpe] 2, iso, set an btang pa red. (qh5ntsb~ t")~ tho?> la miqs&&
example, va. C. ~<1.'"\.~'ZI..~~- /m_!qpe tt!?./ 11 He Uianparee)
set a good example for all the students. khos exceptional, 1, for Weather 11 This warm weather
slob grwa ba tshang mar mig dpe bzang po zhig is exceptional, gnam gshis dro po 1 di dmigs
bstan pa red, (qhs8 !~to~ tsh61')11laa m_!qpe S2_tJPO bsal zhig red, (n~mshil t-hE_po t_! miqs&& ci r!el
ci tfmparee) 3, iso, for example ~·COl.: /pe- 2, iso. superior 4\Gl..~<::..<:.:~·~·<::~.· /sh£_nta
no/ 11 For example, Sonam bough~ a gun, dper no mE_nt-a~/ 11 He is an exceptional teacher. khong
_.. ..,
bsod noms kyis me mda 1 zhig nyos pa red,
sonam qhi menta ci n!rdparee
dge rgan gzhan dang mi
C!!qccn sh£_nta mE_nt-a~ ci r!el
1 dra ba zhig red, (qhoon

excavation, 1. n. ~~-~~~ /t")"f>t")tb'"dn/ 2. iso. exceptionally, 1. for weather ~""\~'<!:t~o.I·~·

excavate, va. -- ~~· /--ch£_~/ /m!qs&cqi/ 11 The weather was exceptionally
exceed 1 vi. and va. B. 1'\\~Ql.' /qE£/ 11 This warm, gnam gshis dmig bsal gyi dro po byung pa
exceeded the limit, 1 di tshad nos brgal pa red, red • ( n~shil miqs&cqi t-hE_po ch~npere~ ) 2.
( t_! tshfcn& q~paree) 11 He exceeded his power. iso, superior ~~~~1::!~-~~~'?.t- /sh£nta
khos dbang cha'i tshad nos brgal pa red. (qh~ mE_nta~qi/ 11 He is an exceptionally good
wot")C&& tshf~n& q£_£pare~) teacher, khong dge rgan gzhan dang mi 'dro ba'i
exceedingly~1:\·~-~"(-G.~' /pe misilp&&/ 11 This yag po zhig red, (qh<Slln C!!q&cn sh£_nta mE_nta~
is exceedingly small. 1 di dpe ma srid pa'i qhi yE_qo ci r.2,el
chung chung red. (t_! pe misilp&& chunchuun r!e) excerpt, va, ~~·Q..~~~· /s!:!rtbMcin ch£&/ 1J
excel, va. ~~r~~· /t")Sntht>?. ch£_c/ 11 Last This was excerpted from the newspaper. 1 di

year and this year he excelled in sports. zla ishag dpar nang nos zur 'don byas pa zhig red,
nyin dang do lo kho rtsed ma'i thog la sngon (t_! tshoqpaa naannc S,!:!rtb'"dn Ch£CPO ci reel
152 excess

excess, !so, surplus ~~·Q.~~· yag gcig pu la bed spyod byed kyi yod pa red,
excess production than skyed lhag 1 phros (qh6ntsb~ t.!_ m3mpa k22ya~ c!q06la ph~cb~ ch.!_qi-
(th3nke~ lhaq~b"d) 11 excess value rin thong yo~re~) 11 It is a school exclusively for Tibe-
lhag 'phros (r.!_ntaan lh~q~b"d) tan children, 1 di bod phrug gcig pu gi slob
excessive ~ o:.~~· /tsh!!nqcc/ 11 excessive grwa zhig red, (t.!_ ph~}uu c!q66qi lop~oci r2,~l
profit tshad 'gal khe bzang (tsh!!nqcc qhep- excrement "'1.~~·~· /ts'Jqpa/ [Syn, skyog pa
saan) 11 excessive tax tshad 1 gal khral (tsh!!n- (vulgar)]
qcc ~h!!!!) excursion, 1. n. ~-~~· /toqoo/ 2. iso, go on
exchang~, 1. va. ~~-~l:l..@f\' /c2_po k2_p/ 11 He on excursion, vo, -- ~-~~ / - la chin/
exchanged the shirt. khos stod thung br je po excuse, 1, !so, "excuse mel" "\~~·~~·

brgyab song. (qh~d tOOtuun c2_po k2_pso) [Syn. /q~nto~/ 2, !so, indicate one is sorry, va, C,
brjes] 2. iso, money, va. ~~OJ.'I':{~'ct~~· "\~~·~J:t\·~~·/q_2nto~ sh~iJ/ 11 He said excuse me
/nOOcee k2_p/ 11 He exchanged dollars for rupees, to his teacher, khos rgan logs lo dgongs dog
khos 9ol lor ru pi la dngul brjes brgyab song, zhus po red, (qh~d qE_£nl~ lo q~nto~ sh~pare~)
(qhaa ~~loa r.!;!pi 1a nOOce~ k2_pso) 3. iso. mu- 3, i. iso, on explanation ("\""\""\~· /qh~an~i/
tual exchange .<:::!.~·~~· /c~e~/ 11 cultural ex- ii, iso, make on excuse, va. A. "'t\1'\~·

change rig gzhung brje res (r.!_qshun c2,re~) /-- sh,2~/ 11 He always makes excuses, khos rtag
excise, 1. iso, tax ~-~oo.· /s2_'?>~hcc/ 2, iso, par khog dkri bzhog gi red, (qhab toqpao qhlJ~n­
expunge/cut out, va, C. e:t~~ /t8n/ 11 He ~i sh22,qire~)
excised the tumor, khos kran bton pa red, execute, 1. iso, o plan/will, va. D, Q.t"'\·~~"\~'
(qhab ~!!!!n t8~pare~) /l~qleen UJr/ 11 They executed the plan, kho
excited, iso, get/be vi. D, ~~~~· /tshlJp/ 11 tshos 'char gzhi log len bstor po red, (qhon-
He got very excited, kh o zhe po ci 1 tshabs tsod ch~ashi 1,2qleen torpore~) 2, iso, inflict
shag. (qh6 sh.!_puci tsh~psha~) [Note: Connotes death, va. ~"'\·)f"~·<::\'9C:..' /s:Sqtho~ toon/ 11
a kind of nervous excitement.] The government executed the spy, gzhung gis so
exclamation point, neo, ~1S\o;,.:<9~~· /p"o"dta~/ pa de srogs thog btong po red, (sh_!:!~ qhi si5pa

exclude, iso, prevent from entering/joining va, A. te s'Jqtho~ toonporee)

~·.:~.~~· /m~cuu/ 11 They excluded women from execution ~~·~·~~C..'o.t":t\' /s'Jqtho'?> ti5i5nya~/
their club, kho tshos skye dman kho tsho 1 i executioner ~"t\_·Jil~·-'t\~"'<'9-:l (XI.~' /s5qtho'?J ti5nccn/
skyid sdug la me bcug pa red, (qh6ntsod kemccn exemplary, 1. !so, model ~·~:qc:..• /peson/ 11
qh6ntsoo k!tuu la m~cuupare~) exemplary worker bzo po dpe bsang (s,2po peso?!)
excluding, 1. !so. not counting/calculating~-.:~.~· 2, !so, illustration ~~· /pe/ 11 This is
~~· /m~tsilpcc/ 11 Excluding taxes, we made exemplary of the old style of poetry. 1 di snyon
10,000 rupees, nga tshos khral me brtsis pa i 1 ngog bri stangs rnying pa i dpe zhig red,1 ( t.!_
sgor mo khri gcig bzos shag, !n,2ntsod ~h&!! n!!!!no~.~h.!_ton nrnpcc pe ci r!~l
m~tsilpcc qoomo ~hi ciq sodsha~) [Syn. me the exempt, 1. vo. ~"'C\'Q.!C.~·~vc.· /chooyan toon/ 11
be 'i] 2, ~o. except forfother than ~~~~· They exempted him from paying taxes. kho tshos
/mE_mpcc/ 11 Excluding Sonam 1 no one helped. kho lo khrol chog yongs btong po red, (qhi5nts"o"d
bsod noms min po 1 i gzhan dog su gcig gis rags qh'J'J ~h!!!! chooyon toonpare~) 2. iso. get ex-
byes me byung. (sene~ mE_mpcc sh~nta~ sO cilqi empt, vi, q)~'ct.'l.c::~·~c:..· /chaayan ch,!:!!;!n/ 11
r2_~ ch~&macuun) [Syn, me gtogs] He was exempt from paying taxes, kho lo khrol
exclusively .1:!'\~"t\·~x.· /crqM/ They use this exclu- chog yongs byung po red, ( qh:S:S ~h!!!! chooyo?!
sively for plowing, kho tshos. 1 di rmon po rgyag ch,!:!!;!npare~)
exit 153

exemption <~:>~·~c:::~· /chooyo?,/ ~%~' /t.2,mtb"dn ch£&/ ~ They exhibited the

exercise, 1. iso. physical exertion, i. n. ~~· rugs. kho tshos kho gdon 'grems stan byes po
~·/l~ts&&/ ii, vo. C, -- ~~~· 1--c~?,/ ~ red. (qhontsod qhCit&&n t.2,mtl:iCin ch£tparee) 2.
He exercises everyday. khos nyin ltor lus rtsol n, isQ. an exhibit 1 see: exhibition 3, iso,
sbyong gi 'dug. (qh~d n!ntao l~ts&& c~~qil) sha.v/monifest 1 vo, C, ~~~ /tl!'?!/ ~ He
2. iso. military exercises, vo. "'-~ctl.'~"-.' exhibited anger, khos rlung bstan pa red,
~~~·/m~qtsil c~?,/ 3. iso, something for prac- (qhSB 10~ tl!mporeel
ticing ~~·~&;,.~· /c:!Jtoo/ ~ on exercise book exhibition ~<S.l~·~· lt2,mtoon/ ~ on exhibition
for moth ong rtsis sbyong bdar slob deb cig of Tibetan rugs bod po 1 i kho gdan gyi 'grems
~~~tsil c:!Jtoo loptep ci) stan zhig ( ph~p&& qhCit&&n qhi t.2,mtb"dn ci) ~

exert, 1. iso, vigorous action, vo. <=t.~--.:.::t~~ exhibition hall ' .....,.._

~· /p&&tsoon ch£&/ ~ They exerted themselves qhoan/

on behalf of the, kho tshos spyi khong exhibitor (:!.:~~~·~~".'il.\(21..~ /t.2,mti:i0n ch,!;l')&&n/
gi don dog lo 'bod brtson byos pa red, (qh5n- exhort, see: urge
tsoi?i cr.qoon qhi th~nto~ lo p&&ts'CXSn Ch£Cporee) exile 1 1. iso, banish for- a crime, vo, ~F~"'
2. iso. exert influence, vo, ~dt-O...~CI:I.~.::t~· ~1:<7~·-' /k~l')puU to17n/ 11 They exiled him, kho
~~·€L~' /yo~qUU thetap ch£&1 [Syn. nus shugs tshos kho rgyong 'bud btong pa red. (qhontsod
than thobs byos] qho k_:l')puU taanporee) 2. iso, expel from a
exertion, 1. iso. physical exertion ~"t\~·2f"~· country 1 vo, A, ~~ /pil/ ~ They exiled all
~~~·"t\~~· /s!::_q::>::> t~psil/ ~ I wont o job the Muslims. kho tshos kho che tshong mo phud
with physical exertion. nga lo gzugs por brdobs pa red. (qhontsod qhCiche tsho~ma pilparee) 3,
gsigs yod pa 1 i los ko zhig dgos. ~~~ S!::_q::>::> iso. go into exile, va, ~~@;~·~·§.01.:
t~psil y~p&& l££qo ci q~o) 2. iso, mental exer- /tsl!ncb"d la chi'?!/ ~ They went into exile in In-
tion ~~~·OJ.·~~A~-~~-~r/s~la t!_psil/ dia. kho tshos· rgya gar la btsan byol la phyin
exhale, vo. ~'%4\~'~X:o~:t'9c;..' /ut ~ toon/ ~ pa red, (qh5ntsod k~qaa la tsl!ncCiO la chimpa-
Please exhale, dbugs mar btong rags gnong. (Ot ree) 4, iso, live in exile 1 va, A• .q~·@:a.l'«<'
m~ to5nr::>::>naon) q~"' /tsl!ncb"d la t£&/ 5, iso, an exile e:t-"'01.:
exhaust, 1. iso. get/be used up 1 vi. A. ~~· @:o:t·t:t• /tsl!ncodwa/ ~ Is he an exile? kho
/ts~o/ ~ They exhausted their food. kho tsho'i btson byol ba red pas? (qho tsl!ncCiOwa r!p&t)
lto chos rdzogs shag. (qhontsod tope&& ts2,0- exist, 1. ~~· /t!::_'tl/ ~Yaks exist in Tibet, bod
·shoo) 2~ iso, get/be drained of strength, vi, la g.yog 'dug, (ph!d la yo~ t,!:!~l [Nate: yod
A, a;,~ /chl!C/ 11 I'm completely exhausted, po red is used when the speaker doesn 1 t have
ngo rbod de chad shag, ~~~ p£t chl!tshai~J) 11 direct or first hand knowledge,] 2. see: live
After the horse got exhausted 1 we walked, rto 3, iso. not exist ~'C-1.5.-.::t\'
"'I:> ..
~ Yaks
chad nos ngo tsho rkong thong lo ph yin po yin. don 1 t exist in America, a mi ri kar g, yag mi
(to chl!tn& ~~ntso qa~toan lo chi~payin) 'dug. (amiriqoo yo~ m!ntut) [Note: yod bo mo
exhausted, see: exhaust red is the negative of yod bo red,]
--.,, .....- <:"-.
exhaustive 1 iso, thorough /sh!P existing '"'\~·~~·u.J~~~· /th,!;I')Saan y~p&&/ ~ in
tshoqo/ 11 They did on exhaustive study of yaks, accordance with existing lows deng song yod
kho tshos g. yag gi skor lo slob sbyong zhib pa 'i khrims lugs lo brten nos (th!I')Saon y_!:!p&&
tshog po zhig byos shag. (qhCSntsod yo~ qhi q33 t,himlu~ lo te~nn&) [Syn, de yod]
la lope~ sh!P tshaqo ci ch£tsha~) exit 1 1. n, ~~· /th~so/ [Syn. phyi lo don
exhibit, 1. iso, make an exhibition, vo. a:.~~~· sa; than so] 2. vo, C, 'Z""a.: /th"§l/ [Syn. phyi
154 exodus

lo don; thon] They expedited the making of the treaty, kho

exodus 1 1 • n, ~"\ ·~<Y; /t~pth<:>h/ 2, iso, make tshos chings yig bzhog yog mgyogs su btang po
an exodus, va. --~~· /-- ch£C/ red. ( qhontsod chil')yil sh~yoa k2_~ro toonporee)
exogamy, neo, ~-~z:::.~·~~-~· /chiqhoh choonsa/ expedition, neo. 1. iso, o discovery "'\~"'-·a.~~·
[Syn. rigs rus dang sde gcig pa min par chang sa a.~<>4.'"tc~;:::.: /sortshoo t£l;!shUU/ 2. iso. a
brgyab pa] war "\,""'-¢\.'~"1.·~=.·""-~"' /meqthep tUUshUU/
exorbitant ~~Q."<\,~' /tshl!fnq&&/ ~ on exorbitant expel, 1. iso. repel!, va,>:,·~~'9c:.:

price tshod 'gal rin gong (tsh~~nq&& r~Qqoon) /thoto'B iliOn/ 11 They expelled the invaders.
exorcise, vo, A. 4~~-~"'-.· /t_£Qte pil/ kho tshos btson 1 dzul byed mkhan de tsho mthar
exorcist 4\~~·~~a:!.1_2:1.~· /t_£Qte piiQ&&n/ skrod btong po red. ( qh6nts1:i~ ts~ntstru ch~I')&Cn
exotic <:.l:l'Cll~ /y'2mts&&n/ thentso thotbMd taanpore~) [Syn. phyir 'bud
expand, 1. iso, territorially, vo, ~~"'%~' byes] 2. iso. dismiss, vo. /pil/ ~.They

/k'2kee ch£C/ ~ They expanded their borders. expelled him from school, kho tshos ko slob
kho tshos kho tsho'i so mtshoms rgyo skyed byos grwa nos phud po red, (qhantsod qho lepton&
pa red. (qhontso~ qhontsoo sontso~ k'2kee _ch£C- pilperee)
poree) 2. iso, leather becoming loose, vi. A. expenditure, see: expense
~"'1.-~"'t\'~"'\~' /lhiiqluu choo/ 3, iso. bird's expense(s) 1 1, n, a.~~ /t_£soon/ ~ Owning a
wing 1 vo. A. ~~ ~J:-.1.· /koh/ 4. iso. make cor is a big expense. mo to nyor yog de 'gro
bigger, vo. ~·x,•q~Q~' /cheru toon/ 5, iso, song chen po red, (m'2ta naoyao ti t~oon chempo
""' 7 .
become larger 1 vi. 5;,·~ ~l5l..: /cheru chi~/ r~e) ~ I have many expenses (lit. to pay out).

expansionism, neo, ~~~~~·~<q~·/k'2ke~ r~l')luu/ ngo la 'gro song gtong dgos yog mang po yod.
expansionist policy @;~"'--~""-·~~· /k'2kee siictr~/ (I"J'29. t,£soon toon q_£yoo m~l')qu Y!!~l 2. iso, pay
expatriate a·~~04·~· /chrto~ yUUmi/ ~ There out expenses, va. -- ""\"jic:.: /--toon/ ~ I paid
ore many American expatriates in Indio, rgyo many expenses yesterday. ngas kha so 'gro song
gar nang lo a mi ri ko 1 i phyi sdod yul mi mong mang po btang pa yin, (I"J£C qh~~sa 1-~oon m_:::l')qu
po yod po red. ( k'2qoo noon lo emiriq&& chrto~ taanpayin)
yuumi m~l')qu y~~ree) expensive -"tif::~~2F /qh~n ch1impo/ ~ This is
expect, 1. iso. regard as likely ~·"<\.~· /tsii- very expensive. 'di gong chen po zhe drag red,
shi/ ~ I expect to leave tomorrow, ngo sang (t~ ~h~n chempo sh~taa r~~)
nyin 'gro yog gi rtsis gzhi yin, (1')'2 seniin 1-'2- experience, 1. n, ~~·~·
yod qhi tsi!shi y~n) 2. iso, require, vo, A. as· has experience building houses, kho lo khang po
.q~.o:~,· /cho sh'2o/ ~ We expect you to work tomor- rgyog yag gi nyams myong yod po red, (qh55
row. ngo tshos khyod rang gis song nyin las ko qhol')po k~yaa qhi ii'2miioon Y2_~ree) ~ He has ex-
byed yog lo cho bzhog gi yod, (I"J'2ntso~ kh3rc& perience as a teacher. khong la dge rgan gyi
seniin l&cqa ch~yoo la cha sh~qiyod) nyams myong yod pa red. (qhoon la q~q&cn qhi
expectation, 1. see: expect 2. iso, wait in iiomiioon Y2_~ree) 2. (usu, for bad things) 1 va,
hope 1 va. ~·~~·~~· /r~quu ch£C/ ~_,They C. ~~'In~.?)/ ~ They experienced hardships in
waited in expectation that he would come, kho prison. kho tshos btson khang nang lo dka' ngol
tshos kho yong yog lo re sgug byes po red, myangs pa red, (qhontsod ts8nqaan n~n la qol')&&
(qhontsod qho y~nyoa lo r~quu Ch£Cporee) ~?.!pore~)
expectorate, med., vo. A. experienced /~miioon y~po/ ~
yuu/ He is on experienced teacher, kha1g dge rgon
expedite, vo, Q.l~"l'\~~·.q,y~· /k2_?Jro taan/ ~ nyoms myong yod pa zhig red. (qhoon ~q&&n nom-
express 155

noon y~po ci r!~l exploiter "\'<l,'<t\~~·o~~tt.¥•Q.l.~b\.' /shllshM tol)&&n/

experiment, 1. n. ~~; /tsh88to/ 11 This is o exploiting class .q_~'<'t'\@\~·~<~;~~~· /shilshM. 1-tt-
scientific experiment. 1 di tshon rig gi tshod ri~/
lto zhig red, (t.!, tsh~fnril qhi tshBBto ci r!~l /tsh38ship chE,.t/
2. vo. --~~· /--chE_c/ 11 They experimented to 11 They explored for oil. kho tshos so 1 og gi
see whether trees would grow here. kho tshos snum 'tshol zhib byos po red, (qh5ntso~ saw06qi
1 di khul shing skye gi yod mad tshod lto byos po nOm tsh88ship chE,.tpore~) 2, see: examine
red. (qhentsts'd t.!_po~ shii) keqiy~me~ tshBBto explosive 0..-"'..::t.'~' IP2rts&c/
chtcpore~) export, 1. vo, ~x..·~·~· /chrtshoon chE,.C/ 11
expe;imentol ~~'&· /tshBBtt&/ 11 This is on They exported rugs. kho tshos rum gdan phyi
experimental form. 'di tshod lto'i zhing rwo tshong byas po red, (qhontso~ r~mtt&n chitshoon
zhig red, (t.!, tshBBt&& sh.!,l)ra ci r!~l chE,.tpore~) 2. n. ~-"·g~.""-.~~·11"1:1,' /chitshoon
expert, 1. n. and adj. ~{'\~·~· /qh~fpo/ 11 He is 1)88so?J/ 11 Teo and salt ore exports of Indio.
on expert carpenter. khong shing bzo mkhos po jo dong tsho ·rgyo gar gyi phyi tshong dngos zog
zhig red, (qhoon sh!I)So qhffpo ci r!~l 2. iso. red. (ch~ t~ tsho k~qaaqi chitshoon 1)88so?J r!~l
become expert, vi. -- ~~· /--cha;,/ [Syn. expose, 1. iso, loy open to danger, i, va. C, (?~
byos] "t\'t:l.~~· /~l')qa s'!d/ 11 They exposed the
expire, 1. iso. come to on end, vi, A. ~~·:g-"'-.: soldiers to danger, kho tshos dmag mi tsar nyen
~~·/th,!!!!tsl:l~ ts2,_'?J/ 11 His permit expires next go bzos po red. (qhentsod maanitsoo n!l')qo s_![d-
month. kho 1 i log khyer gyi dus tshod zlo bo pore~) ii. vi. -::....~·':tY§.C:::...' /nel)qo chuun/ 11
'<J "<0 - -
r jes mo nos rdzogs kyi red. ( qhBB l~qkeeqi They were exposed to chemical poisons. kho
th~tsod t~wo c!!man& ts60qire~) 2, see: die tshor rdzos sbyor dug gi nyen go byung po red,
explain, vo. ~~OJ.'~'.<'\'@,.~' /teesh&c chE_&/ 11 (qhontsOO tS££COO th~t qhi n!l')qo ch~npare~) 2,
He explained the plan, khos 'char gzhi 1 grel iso. uncover to sight, va. C. k<l.:"l~·~~~
bshad byos po red, (qh~ ch~ashi }eesh&t chE_t- /c!mpaa tf~/ 11 He exposed his chest. khos
pore~) brang khog rjen par bston pa red, (qh~d ph~l')qo?J
explanation 11 detailed c!mpao tf~parea) 3, iso. expose/uncover a se-
explanation 'grel bshad zhib cha !t.!!shcc cret, va. C. ~~· /tB~/ 'II She exposed his
sh!_pca) secret. mos kho i gsang ba bton pa red,
1 (m_2~
explicit /sh.!_ps&&/ 11 He made an qh88 sol')wo t8~pore~) 11 They exposed the spy.
explicit statement. khos skod cha zhi b gsal kho tshos so pa bton pa red. ( qhontsts'd sOpo
bshod song. (qh~ qfco sh!_ps&& shfcso) tmpore~) 4. iso. expose a lie/false identity 1
explode, vi. D. ~~x.· IP£rl 'II The bomb exploded, va. B. -"~OJ.' /tffd/ 11 They exposed his lies.
1 bom 1 bar shag. ( P£~ p~rsha~) 11 He exploded kho tshos kho'i rdzun rkub brtol po red. (qhon-
with anger, kho rlung 1 bar shag. ( qho 101') tsod qhBB ts.!_l')qut tl38pore~)
P2rshoo) exposition, see: exhibit
exploit, vo, .>::I..\1'"\<R"l:l\'.§,~' /shllshM ch£Cl 11 express, 1. iso. soy, va. A• .q_¥1,"\.' /shfc/ 11 He
They exploited the formers, kho tshos zhing po expressed the idea clearly. khos bsam tshul
tshor bshu gzhog byos po red, {qhonts~ sh!_l')pa- gsal po bshod po red. {qh~ samtsu~ sffpo shfc-
tsoo shush6b chE,.tpore~) [Syn, bshu gzhog btong] por~) 2. iso. show, va. c. ~~~· /tf~/ 11
exploitation ~~·~~4"\' /shllshM/ He expressed his anger. khos r lung bstan po
exploited class q,~·.o!t\~"t\·~·C;I.l~ ~·~~~~· red. (qh~ 101') tf~pore~) 3. iso. represent
/shllshA6~1')ttn 1-t&ri~/ with a substitute, va. ~:®,~· /tshap chE_&/
156 expression

, We shall express "dollars" by this sign. ngo /k,!;!kei\/ ii. build on extension, vo, -- {it.~·
tshos rtogs 'dis 9ol lor gi tshob byed dgos red, 1--chE.,tl ~ He built on extension on the house,
(r:J,!;!ntsod to~ t_!l t-.?2,laa qhi tshap ch.=_qorei\) 4. khos khong po rgyo skyed byes shag. (qh8'd
iso. express mail, i. n. ~~"'\~ ·~<t\.· /k2qto~/ qhor:Jpo k,!;!kei\ chE.,Csho~) 2, iso. prolongation
ii. send by express moil 1 va. -- <:IJ.'>:i.9Z::...' /--lo ~ ·q_~~ • /th~ko~/ ~ He got on extension on
toan/ , He sent the package by express. khos his visa, kho'i log khyer lo dus 1 gyongs byung
sgril sgril de mgyogs sbrog lo btong shag. shag. (qh8B l,!;!qkee lo th~ko~ ch~sho~) 3,
(qh8tl tiit.ii ti k2qto~ lo toonsho~) 5, iso, ex- iso. telephone extension ~·~~'C'I-'"\."t"'-'

press (for bus, train) 1 neo, ~@"<\~:1\~· /k2q- /~r)qo~ qhopoa/

sho1s/ , on express train ril l i mgyogs shos extensive, 1. iso. wide/brood ~~-a_:~ /k£
shig (r_!li k2qshod ci) [Syn, neo, myur mgyogs] chempo/ ~ He mode extensive repairs, khos bzo
expression (facial) ~~·a.__~· /nr!imkuu/ , He hod bcos rgyo chen po zhig brgyob shag, (qh~ sop-
a sod expression. "
khos rnom 1 gyur skye po_ zhig ecru k£ ch~mpo ci k2_psho~) 2. iso, extens~e
bston song. (qh83 namkuu kopoci tf~so) [Note: knowledge, see: comprehensive
requires bstan, •to show' on expression,] extent ~~"''1(3Z:.' /k,!;! chichuun/ ~ What is the
expressly "\~'t\~'"'1.~~·~· /miqsccqi/ , He extent of his fields? kho'i zhing go rgyo che
expressly asked me. khos ngo lo dmigs bsol gyis chung go 'dro 'dug? (qh8B sh!r:Jqa ko chichuun
skod cho dris byung, (qh8'd I')~ miqsccqi qfco t~"A) ~ What is the extent of the dam-
t.h_!lcu) age? skyon rgyo che chung go 1 dro 'dug? (k88n
expressway ~~~'Clllsl' /k2qlom/ [Syn, myur k£ chichuun t~"Al
lam] exterior ~-~~· /chilt:J"'A! ~ Point the exterior
expropriate, see: confiscate of the house blue. khong po'i phyi logs lo
expulsion, see: expel tshon sngon po btong, (qhcr:Jp&& chi16o la tshBSn
expunge, see: erose r:JOmpo to6n)
exquisite ~v~-·~·<A~""~"-<lo!l'\'~ /qh~n m_!ntsccqi exterminate 1 va. C. ~-~ .....-~~~· /tsomei\ s'id/ ~
Y,!;!qo/ , on exquisite meal gsol tshigs gong. min They exterminated all the rots, kho tshos tsi
'dzod kyi yog po zhig ( sOOtsil qh2.2n m_!ntsc&qi tsi tshong rna rtsa med bzos po red. ( qhSntso-3
Y,!;!qo ci) tsitsi tshcr)mo tsomei\ s'idporei\)
extemporaneous a,,~/
th2,tl.1 '
m!ep&& I external, 1. ~-~~· /chrl6b/ ~ This medicine
, He gave on extemporaneous speech, khong gis is only for external wounds. smon 1 di phyi logs
gro sgrig mad po 1 i gsung bshod cig gnong song. kyi rmo gcig pur red, (mffn t_! chill:Jb qhi rna
(qho6n qhi t2, m.=_~p&& SUI')Sh&C ci noonso) ciq66 la rei\) 2, iso, external affairs ~:~"­
extend, 1. iso. stretch out, va. C, .<:ll.@_,c::~· ~~~6\/chisil 1E.,£tb-dn/ [Syn, phyi 1 i los don]
/ko~/ , He extended his hand, khos log po 3. iso. external trade, i. n, ~-<.:t.~Gl·~~0-1-N'
brkyongs song. (qh8~ l,!;!qpo konso) 2. iso, pro- / tshor:Jl&c/ ii. va, --~~·/--chE.,t/ ~
long ~~-;t'"~~~-~-q'<jC::.' /th~o-6 r!r:Jru They did external trade with Tibet, khos bod
toon/ , He extended his vocation, khos gung mnyam du phyi 1 brel tshong los byes po red,
songs kyi dus tshod ring du btong po red, {qh83 (qh8'd ph![d n2_mto chintee tshor)l&c Ch£Cpare~)
qh~r)so~ qhi th.!;!!!tsots r _!r:Jru toonporei\) 3, see: extinct ~~~"'-:,a:."'(~· /r_!qku'U chfcpa/ ~ on
offer extinct fish rigs rgyud chad po i nyc 1 (r_!qku'U
extended fomily 1 anth, neo, ~·1i"""'\'"'t\~~-~·~·~c..· chfcp&c n£)
. ~ ~
/~tho~ sum qhi m_!tsoon/ extinguish, 1. iso, ·flame/light/lamp, vo, A. "'~.~/\.,'

extension, 1. iso. extra room, i, n, @_'~"' /sf'c/ , Please extinguish the flame. me gsod
eyelid 157

regs gnang, (~ s83r::>:,naan) 2, iso, annihi- what is usual, sm. 2. ~ He was given extraor-
late, va. C. ~~<=.<_·q~~· ~~~po s'§.~/ ~ He dinary power, kho la dbang cho gzhon dong mi
extinguished all my hope, khos ngo 1 i re bo 1 dra ba zhig sprad pa red, (qh~:5 wai)Ca shE_nta
tshang rna med po bzod pa red, (qhS"d I)£E_ r!wo m~ta~ ci t~cpare~)
tshol)ma m!~po s~~pore~) -...r-........ -;:r-,;:-...-
extrovagant, be I get va, ~'al"'\o_':l.l·~~·.q«jC:.'

extinguisher, neo, ~·4"\~"'~'<;~.:~'\ct.' /m!s-&3 chlinta/ /chome~ }£soon toon/ ~ My wife is very extrava-
extol, see: praise gant. nga i 1 skye dman cho med 1 gro song zhe
extort, va. '<1.~<:=\.~'€!.-~' /ts~nt::>:, chE_C/ ~ drag gtong mkhan zhig red. (nEE, kemcen chana~
They extorted money from all the shops, kho t£soon sh!taa toneen ci r!~l
tshos tshong khang tshang rna nos dngul btsan extremely ~""~"'' /sh!_puci/ ~ He is extremely
'phrog byas pa red, (qhontsoci tshol)qaan tshonma happy. kho dga' po zhed po cig byed kyi •dug.
nee nUG ts~nt::>:, chE_cparee) (qho q£po sh!_puci ch!_qil)
extortion "\~Gl.l ·.q~"'~·@.::..:<.>:l"'\' /nfiO ts~nt;,~ extremities ~C:·<:l.l"q • /qonla~/
ch!yab/ extricate, 1. iso, get extricated from, vi. C. ~:

extortionist "\,~CI.l·q~·~ii;f"'l·@.c..:.~~~· /nGO 11 He extricated himself from the

ts~nt::>:, ch!neen/ difficult situation. khos dka 1 ngal nang nos
extra :a-~·~· /th'3Spa/ 11 Do you hove on extra don pa red. ( qh'dti qonee n~nne th~?!paree)
pen? khyed rang la snyu gu thol pa yod pas? [Note: Tibetan expresses this involuntarily, as
(kheraon lo nuqu thS8po y~p&c) "got out from.") 2. va. c. t::\~0.: /t'dn/ ~ He
extract, 1, iso, tooth, va, A. ~~"<\' /q5~/ 11 extricated them from the difficulties. khos kho
He extracted my tooth. khos ngo 1 i so bkog song, tsho dka' ngal gyi nang nos bton po red, (qhsB
(qh~ 1)£_£ so q~~so) 2, iso, thorn, etc, vo, C, qhontso qanec qhi noon nee t8?!paree)
t:~.~C;!,_' /tS?!/ exuberant (welcome)
- .............
~ -~ ~~· ~\'....Ctl'"'l.C>:.'
?C;. c:, '
extradite, va, 0~'..1<>15\:~'~@,~· /iieeceen qhBSwe&/ ~ They gave the soldiers an exuberant
tsrrtb1i ch~c I welcome. kho tshos dmag mi tshor spro sems
extradition ~·~C~;~~ /neeceen tsiito~/ 'khol ba'i dga' bsu zhus pared. (qhontsoB maa-
extramarital (sexual) relations mits::>::> tose~ qh83wee q~su sh~paree)
/ph5!_qmee l!!Qnte~/ [Syn, bza 1 tshong min pa 'i exude, vi, C, "\"<..' /th'§.?!/ 11 Pus exuded from the
lus 1 dres) wound. rma nos rnog don shag. (monee nab. then-
extraordinarily she~)
m5!_nt.a~ qhi/ 11 The movie was extraordinarily eye, 1. n, ~4\' ; h, ~lQ.,' /mil; h, c'Cfn/ 2. iso,
good. glog brnyon de gzhan dang mi 1 dra ba 'i open eye, va. C. -- .<t\.".,~~· It£?!! 3. iso,
yag po zhig 'dug, (lOI)necn ti shE_nta m£nto~ qhi close eye, va. C, -- ~~~~· /tsu~/ 4. iso,
Y£qo ci t~u) [Syn, dpe mi srid pa'i) pluck out eyes, va. C, ~"<\~":t~<S.: /mil t8n/
extraordinary, 1, iso, exceptionally great 0·~· eyeball ~"'!\·~· /miqrii/ [Syn, mig 'bras)
~"'<:..:!~~<sl.:~ /pli! misilpcc chempo/ 11 They won eye blood vessels ~~~· /miqtsa/
on extraordinary victory, kho tshor rgyol kho eyebrow ~~r:~;r /miqpu/
dpe mi srid pa'i chen po thob po red. (qhonts::>::> eye doctor ~:"'\'<=t.~·~~·~· /miqc'$ mfmpo/
kceqa pe misilpc& chempo thaparee) 2, iso, ex- eye drops ~"t\·~~·q:,·~~· ~
/miqmeen chutil/
ceptional in character "'<\~~'"\"'-'~'0-~l':l.' eye glasses ~"<\~CI:l' ; h, ~~~a,;- /miqshee; h.
/shE_nta m£nta~/ 11 He is on extraordinary per- cffnshee/
son. khong mi gzhan dang mi 'dra ba zhig red, eyelash 1€::o:1· /ts!:_ma/
(qhoon mi shcnta m£n}ab ci r!e) 3, iso, beyond eyelid ~"'<\'t:l.l:{\~' /miqpob/
158 eye medicine

eye medicine ~"!\-~ "'t_' /m'ir;m&&n/

eye mucus ~"'t\-~"'1.' /m'iqkaa/
eye ointment, see: eye medicine
eye shadow ~~·~: /miqtshoon/
eyesight, iso, range of vision ~.::.-~.);;..'

/thoi')Saa/ 11 The ship came into eyesight. gru

gzings nga tshos mthong sar slabs song. (t!;!sin
r;£ntsod thor;saa le~so)
eye signal ""
~<t\'l:l;!;( /m'iqta/
eyewitness '(l.::t_·~~~· /ph~rmi r';£ma/ [Syn. dngos
mthong ra sprod byed mkhan)

fable ~~·
fabric, """'iso. mot3riol ~·~· /k~pca/ ~ What fabric
is this? 1 di rgyu cho go re red? (t_! k~pca

qh~re .rE_e) [Note: This con also be used for

tables, etc.)
fabricate, 1. see: make 2. see: lie 3. see:
"' ~ ""' -..-I
fabulous "!Z:.'Ol.·~c.'\'@.;~·q · qh~n ..m_!nts&t;qi
l. y~qo I
This new book is fabulous. deb gsor bo 1 di gang
mi 'dzod kyi yag po 'dug. (th!:P soopo t_! qh~n

m_!ntsceqi y~qo t~~)

focode 1 1. iso. give illusion of something, vo.
~~·!)l.Z'i\·~· /t22,nto:, chE,_e/ ~ They main-
tained the facade that (they) ore wealthy. kho
tshos phyug po yin mdog mdog byos po red.
( qhontso·d chOqpu Y.!!, n t:>::>nt:x> ch_£epore~) 2.
iso. the front ~~~ /t!!!!n/ ~ The facade of
the house is beautiful. khang po 1 i mdun de
snying r je p0 I dug 0 ( qhol)pCC t!!!;!n te nii)Cepo
t~~) [Note: This con also mean the area in
front of a building.)
face, 1 • iso. front of head "'I~· ; h. @\Ol. '-'<~ •
/t~n; h. shccrce/ ~ He has a cut on his face.
kho'i gdong la rmo 'dug. (qh83 t~n la ma t~~)
2. iso. face of a watch 1 sm. 1 3. iso. face
toward, va. A. 0\'t:l.if~· /qho 13:,/ ~ He faced
the window. khos sge khung la Jfo bslogs po
red. (qh~d q_!quun la qho 13:,pare~) ~ The house
faced the monastery. khong po de dgon par kho
bslogs shag. · (qh~l)po te q~poa qho 13:,shoo) 4.
iso. dignity/reputation, i. n. ~~· /pom/ ii.
lose face 1 vi. B. -- ~· I --sh33/ ~ He lost
face at the meeting today. de ring kho tshogs
'dur spom shor song. (th~il) qho tshonto:> pam
sh33so) 5 •. iso. make a face, va. C. "'\~'"'\~'\'
/toon U!n/ ~ He mode on angry face. khos rlung
longs po 'i gdong bsta n song. ( qhW Hi I) l~npcc
toon t~'hso) 6. iso, met, vi. A. ~~· /thu~/
~ We faced many difficulties doing this
dictionary. tshig mdzod 1 di bzo dus nga tshor
dko 1 ngol mong po thug byung. (tshil)tsb1i t_!
s~tu~ l)~nts:>:> qBI)cc m~l)qu thutcu)
face down 1 1. n. ~'~"l"\' /qh~put/ 2. iso. put/
160 facet

leave face down, va, A. -- "''.i\"1'<'\' /--1'5~/ 11 the main foetor rkyen rtsa gtso bo {kentsa
He left the book face down, khos deb kha spub tsowo)
bslogs byes bzhag shag, {qhB'd th_p qhaput 15~ factory "1;~'3;)' /sE_to/ 11 They built many fact-
ce shaasha~) ories, kho tshos bzo grwa mang po brgyab shag,
facet, 1 , iso, a gem ~ ~ /s~/ 11 This diamond (qhontsb~ sE_ta m~r')qu k~psha~)
has many facets, ph a lam 1 di !a zur mang po cement factory '<Sq;I;_'<"-c:;,._~·~~~- /ortom sE_ta/ [Syn,
'dug. {phCilam tee s~ m~r')qu t.!:!.tl 2, iso, as- 'bi lor so'i bzo grwo]
pect <s.._t:.·~~~· fn£r')See/ 11 They studied every fertilizer factory ~"(iX.'1::1.1i=:;n· /lY!:!c::>::> SE_to/
facet of the plan, kho tshos 1 char gzhi 1 i nang ordnance factory ~a-v~\'~~~· /qhE_laa sE_ta/
gses tshang rna slab sbyong byas pa red, {phon- steel factory t::.;s:;_·~tr~.~·~li;~· fr"J£rcoa sE.ta/
tsod chaashii n£r')See tshar')ma lopcon ch£&pore~) fade, vi. B, Zl.lo..:t. • lyS:f:./ 11 The color of the
face to face, 1 , iso, opposite ~·~ /qhoptc>"d/ shirt faded, stod thung gi tshos yo! shag,
11 They sat face to face, kho . tsho kha sprod {tY!:!tuun qhi tshBB YS:f:.Sho~) 11 His anger faded,
byes bsdad shag. {qhontso qhopt<>"dce t£&shaa) kho'i rlung yo! shag, {qh38 lur') YS:f:.Shaa) [Syn,
2, iso, meet in person, va, ~-%"'\'~' /r'JE_- songs]
thut Ch£&1 11 They met face to face, kho tsho foil, 1, iso, an exam in school, vi. D, ~C..~'&.l'
ngo thug byes pa red, {qhontso r')E_thut chE_&pa- ~/er')qi m£18n/ 11 He failed his exam, khos yig
re~) tshad eng ~i ma !on pa red, (qhsB Y!qtse& ar')qi
facile, see: easy m~l3nparee) 2, iso, without fail >n_;~·.if\·~·~~
facilitate, va, C, C<J~·~· 2\-A.1\~· /1£& lopo s2J;/ I'.J.' /qore qore m=._epoa/ 11 I '11 come tomorrow
11 This will facilitate our going to Tibet, 'dis without fail, ngo song nyin ko re ko re med par
nga tsho bod la 'gro yag las sla po bzo gi red, yang gi yin, {r'J_9. saniin qC!re q5re m2_epaa Y.!:!.r'J-
{t!l r')~ntso ph![d !a tE_yaa 1£& lopo s.!:!.qire~) qiyin) 3. iso. get/be weak, vi. ~~·~.@,~·
fact, 1. n, ~51..~·~·GS<9-l·
you know the facts?
khyod rang gis gnas tshul
/n~C'tsu11 r')oma/ 11 Do /cor')qo
ch£&1 11 His health failed after the
gshag bcos byos pa'i rjes la kho'i
ngo rna de shes kyi yod pas? {kh8rc& n~~tsUU r'JE_- gzugs po gcong po byos shag, {shoqcoB ch£Cpce
ma te shinqiyopcc) [Syn, dngos don; dngos yod cee !a qhSB S.!:!.qu cor')qo Ch£CSha~)
gnas tshul] 2. iso, in fact s_~~·O!'"".··•rv~,~· failure, see: foil
~~·Q;!.' /r')88yi>"d n~C'tsu11la/ 11 In fact, he didn 1 t faint, 1. vi. B.~~· /kEf:./ 11 She fainted, mo
go to Tibet this year, dngos yod gnos tshul lo rgyal shag, (mE_ kecsho~) 2. see: dim
kho do lo bod lo phyin mi •dug. {r')88yoB n~~­ fair, iso. not biased/honest 5._c..•es- /th~r')qo/ 11 He
tsUUla qho th~lo ph~~la chih m!ntut) 3, iso, in is a fair judge, khong khrims dpon drong po
point of fact, sm. 2 zhig red, {qhoon thimpbon th~r')qo ci r=..el
faction $1~·4"\~~~· /ch5'Sb~/ 11 oppOsition fairly, 1. iso, honestly ~~·Zf-€1'«'/th~r')qocc/ 11
faction kho gtad phyogs gtogs {qhoptee He divided it fair 1 y, khos 1 di drang po by as
ch'S'St::>~) [Syn, shog khag] bgos song. {qhB'd t! th_9.r')qoce q_£'dso) 2, iso.
factionalism ~~~·Zll~.:n_~~c:·•~;'''l~· /ch5'St::>~ fairly good ~Cl-~· loots/ 11 This is a fairly
r!r')lut/ good movie, glog brnyan 'di o 1o tsam 1 dug,
factor ~~-'%' /kentsa/ 11 What factors caused {lor')necn t! oots !tl
their defeat? kho tsho shor yag gi rkyen rtsa fair-minded, see: fair
go re red? {qhontso sh3'Syoo qhi kentso qh~re fair trade ~"'4C:::.'~<l-l:~l/nE_tsoon th£r')nom/
r£&) 11 the most important foetor rkyen rtsa fairy~'-"'\' /+.h!sa/
gal gnod che shos {kentsa qhccnc& cheshcrd) 11 faith, 1, n, ~"" t:.l 1 /th£pa/ 11 I have faith in
family 161

lomas, ngo bla rna lo dod po yod. (rJ!; Himoo decoy, see: decoy 13, iso. fall into the hands
th_tpo y~) 2. iso, hove faith, vo, ~~· of, vi. B. C.X:""\'-4-"'~~- /l!;qpoo sh5:S/ ~ She
/--ch,tc/ ~ Many people don t hove faith in re-
1 fell into the hands of the enemy, mo dgro'i log
ligion. mi mong po chos lo dod po che gi mi par shor po red. (m!; tEE, l!;qpoo sh:S:Sporee) 14,
'dug. (m! m~r)qu ch~d lo th_tpo chi3imintu~) iso. fall out (lose) hair, vi. C. -w·'§.~ /to
faithful, 1. iso. reliable §l~·q~=-~ /llfd ph!l/
qheepo/ ~ He is a faithful servant. kho g.yog fallacious, see: erroneous
po blos 'khel po zhig red, (qho y5qo 1~ qheepo fallacy, see: error
ci r~~) 2. iso, those having faith "\."-:"-l'UJ" follow .field, 1. n. 'R_c::.·~'.!a'~~ · /sh.!_r)qa thooqo~/
"-l.<?\"' /th_£po y~r)&&n/ ~ The faithful all went, 2, iso, leave follow, vo. A, -- ~'"'t'\~' /--lo
dod po yod mkhon tshong ma phyin po red, (th_tpo sh9_o/
y~rJ&&n tshor)mo chr~pare~) false, 1, iso. untrue ~·~· /tstruma/ ~ This
fake, 1, n. ~~· /tsUUma/ ~ This is a fake, story is false, lo rgyus 1 di rdzus rna red.
1 di rdzus mo red, (t! ts.!:!!;!ma r~~) 2. iso, ·make (l~kuU t! ts~ma r~~) ~ false passport log
a fake, vo. C. -- .:t~~ · I --s2:d/ khyer rdzus rna (l!;qkee tstruma) 2, iso, false
falcon, s~e: hawk front, i , n. %'C:l.:Cl.q"'\ • /ts_!:!npoo/ ii. put on o
fall, 1. iso. the season ~-"\· /t8nqo/ 2. false front, vo, D. ~~- /qh~/ ~ Putting on
iso. fall off something, vi, B.~~~~· /s~/ ~ the false front of a friend, he stole the money,
He fell off the roof. kho thog kho 1 i sgong nos khos grogs po 1 i rdzun 1 bog gon nos dngul brkus
gzogs shag. 3. po red. (qh~d t~CSO ts_!:!npoo qh~n& r)rn:l qtkipa-
iso, fall down, vo. B. ~OC\' /r!J:_/ ~ The tree ree)
fell down. shing sdong 1 di ril shag. (shi'r)- falsehood, see: lie
toonti rilshoo) 4. see: slip 5, iso, the bot- false teeth ~~· /sotsap/ [Syn, so rdzus]
tom falling out, vi. B. ~"3.·q~· /qOp t~/ ~ falsify, vo. C. ~~· 0-J.'q?J\~· /ts_!!!:!ma s2:d/ ~ He
The bottom fell out of the box. sgom gyi rkub falsified the account book. khos rtsis khro
brdol shag, ( q!;mqi qOp t~shoa) 6, iso. fall rdzus mo bzos shag, ( qh8~ tsiita ts.Y.!:!ma sao-
asleep, vi. C • .:t@~~"'(''/iiil qhOO/ ~ He fell shoo)
asleep quickly. kho lam song gnyid khugs song, 11 His fame spread
(qho l~msoon iirl qhD~su) 7, iso, rain/snow, vi. everywhere, kho 1i skod grogs go .so go lo khyob
D. -":\"'l~' /ph~p/ ~ Snow fell today. de ring po red. (qh88 q~tao qh!;so qh!;lo khepare~)
gongs bobs song, (th!riin qh!;~ ph~pso) 8, iso, familial, see: family
fall behind, vi. A. 41.~-~-~~· /shut lo lee/ familiar, iso, hove knowledge of @..l:'\ • /k';:_"U/ 11 I
'---0' ~ - - '-.?
~ He got tired and fell behind the others, kho om familiar with Tibeto n religion, ngo bod po 1 i
dko 1 los kho ros gzhon dog gi gzhug lo las po chos lo rgyus yod. (rJ!; ph~p&& chlfd lo kQU y~~)
red. (qho qald qhon& sh£ntooqi sh~~do 1£&- familiarize, 1. vo, A, 4\illl~~·~.:t\'/qh9..mru cD~/
poree) 9, iso, fall bock, see: retreat 10, 11 They familiarized the workers with the new
iso, fall in love, vi. B. ~01~~·/se~ sh:S5/ ~ machine, kho tshos bzo po tsho 'phrul 'khor.
He fell in love with Drama. kho sgrol mar sems gsar par goms su bcug po red, (qhontsoii S!;potso
shor po red. ( qho t~oo se~ sh5:Spore~) 11 , thOOq~~ saapaa qh~u cutpare~l 2. iso, become
iso, occurs or falls on, vi. B. q~~·/qhee/ ~ familiarized, vi, C, :;ff>«~-N.' /qh5!Jn/
His birthday falls on the second, kho'i skyes family, 1. n, ~-~c;: /m!tsoon/ 11 They ore a big
skor tshes po gnyis lo 1 khel shag. (qh8S keeqoo family, khong tsho mi tshong chen po red.
tshepo nrr lo . qh005hoo) 12. iso. fall into (qhontso mitsoon ch&lpo reel 2. iso. language
162 family lineage

family ~"-:~~~·~I!Q·~· /ql!l:ril khimtsaan/ ed far and wide. khos go sa go la btsal pa red.
family lineage ~-~·~·m""'"-1.' /m!tsaonqi k_i!pa/
( qhod qh~sa
qh£la tsl!fparee
[Syn. khy1m rgyud]. "' far away, see: far
family members ~c:..·~· /r12.nmi/ 11 There ore five far behind, iso. lag, vi. C. ~~-~-~~c.·~·~~·
people (family members) in my family. ngo 1 i mi /c!~la k~h r!l')qu l£C/ 11 Production lagged far
tshang la rcng mi mi lngo yod. (I')EE_ mitsaonlo behind the plan. then skyed 1 char gzhi 1 i r jes
nal')mi mi na yw l su rgyang ring por lus pa red. (th8nke~ chaa-
fam~ly no:a ~;~·~~· /kimmil')/ shii c!~la k£h r!l')qu l£Cpare~)
family plaming, neo. ~~~ltl,·q,~a~:~: /keqo farce, see: comedy
qBqt~/ 11 What methods of family planning do fare m_'<'lb' /loco/ 11 How much is the train fore?
they use in Tibet? bod la skye sgo bkag bsdoms ril li'i gla cho go tshad red? (r_!lH loco
kyi thabs shes go re byed kyi red? ( ph~il la qhatsc& ret)
keqo qaqtom qi th~psh~~ qh~re ch!qircc) Far ~ast ~~C:.'..f\-'1:.'~· /sh~rlil') shormo/ [Syn.
famine, 1. n. ~·~·/muqi/ 2. iso, get/be a famine, neo. c, yon tung]
v -
vi. -- ~c:.· /--ch~n/ 11 There was a famine farewell, 1. said to person leaving ~~·~~~·
lost year. zla nyin mu ge byung pa red. (t~n­ /qh~li phe~/ 2. said to person staying "'t\'~'
iin m~qi ch~npare~) "'!.~"'\~· /qh~li sh~t/ 3, i. adj. ""."'<1.0..'~0-.l.'
famished, see: hungry /q~kee/ 11 a farewell party dgo' skyel thugs
famous ~G\:~~~· /qft-a~/ 11 He is very famous. spro ( ~kee thoot.o) ii. bid farewell, va. C.
kho skad grogs chen po red, (qho ql!t-a~ chempo -- ~~· /--sh~/
!'!~) farm, 1. n. ~"-''t\' /sh!nqa/ 2. vo. (;\<:;.·o.>~·~~·
fan, 1. iso. hand-held fan, i. n. ~~-~t:.l..l~· /sh!nlc& ch£&1
/lul')yap/ H. va, -- ~~.::n.·"t\~~:~~· farmer~~·~·/sh_!l')pa/
/--yoayut ch£&1 2. iso. electric fan, i. n. farmers and nomads ~~-~"'\' /sh!,nt-:)~/
~c;;.·c:t*-' /lul')qM/ ii. operate/use an electric middle farmers ~c:..·~·~~·.?f-" /sh!.l')pa t-!.lpu/
v -
fan~ va. -- "'\<:<jZ::..' /--toCin/ 3. iso, fan (o poor farmers ~r::;:<:..\'"\qo.\•~/shil')pa
\.""<.: "\) -
flame), sm, 1 1 H. rich formers ~~·~·~~·;:r- /sh!,l')pa chuqpu/
fang, 1. n. ~~'&:\.' /chawa/ 2. iso. bare one's farm implements "'""~ ""
(Q\C:::.'C>.l~'c.q~~ /sh_!r)l&& y~pc&&/

fangs, va. D. -- ~~~~· /--tsiq/ farming, iso. collective, see: collective

fantasize, va. C, '\~a:~·q_~·Q.~c:..~·/kil')q66 sh£'nl farming season~c..·~~-~:g-"\/sh!l')l&t thil.ltsoil/
11 Sonam fantasized o lot. bsod noms kyis dkyil forming techniques ~c:.·~~·cu.<t\.'t"«J.' /sh!l')l&t
'khor zhe drag bzheng shag. (sonom qhi kinq66 l~qts&&/
shet.aa sha~ho~) farmland ~·~c;;:.· /sash!rJ/ [Syn. zhing kha]
- - ""
fantastic ~·~~"""c.l..' /pe masilp&&/ far out ~"'-=~*-· /kh!:ntsao/ 11 That's far out.
far .Ji!tzt\~~-~ /tho?~ r!_l')qu/ 11 The restaurant is 'di khyod mtshor zhig 'dug. ( t_! kh!:ntsao ci
far from here, za khong de 'di nos thag ring po tut)
red. (s~qaan te t! nee tho~ r!nqu !'!~) • ;:.r.:,""'--..t-
forsighted, 1. 1so. having foresight o:t'~<l><;t,:q'

so for, see: until now /loka chempo/ 2. iso. having better vision for
. --..r--""'-
far and away ~~"' tsoomee
I "" ... , 11 She is for and distant objects ~c:..~~~~.;:fik~l')mil s!:fpo/ 11 He
away the prettiest girl. mo bu mo snying r je is far sighted. kho rgyang mig gsal po •dug.
shos yin po rtsod mad red. !m~ ph211u nil') c!shoti (qho k~nmil s!:fpo t~t)
y_!mpa ts88me~ r!~) fort, 1. n.~\'1"\~' /tuuri/ 2. vi. B. ~·
for and wide <t\.'~·~·Q.l' /qh~sa qh~lo/ 11 He search- /--sh~'/ 3. iso. fort intentionally, va.
favor 163

"''9 z::.: I --taon/ (qho r~ rJ~po sh!_puci t~u)

farther Q.l<{:,act\~' /lE_C thao r}:_rJ/ 11 This is far- fat, 1, iso, corpulent ~'<\""''&..~.' /kr;;_qpo/ 11 He is
ther than that, 'di de los thog ring gi red, very fat. kho rgyogs po zha po ci •dug, (qh5
(t! th~lcc thea r!0qira~) kE_qpo sh!_puci t~u) 2. iso. become fat, vi. A,
farthest ..2\z:q~c.·:f\""·l.' /thao r!05hotl/ 11 the farthest -- <'~>"'\~· /--chao/ 3. iso. fat (of meat)~-~·
mountain ri thog ring shos (ri thao r!0ShW) /tshilu/ 11 They bought a lot of fat, kho tshos
fascinate, vi. A, ~c::.~·~"t\~' /yi?) sh~'tJ/ 11 He is tshi lu mong po nyos shag. (qh5ntsW tshilu
fascinated by books, kho dab lo dbyings zhugs m~r)qU n~dshoo) 4, iso, grease (5\_"f\.%' /sh~q­
shag. (qho th~p lo yi~ sh~~shaa) tsi/
fascinating ""
"\'%."'~-~~-<'I.'Ul~' I y~r)
-' s h~yoo' / .." fatalism, neo,
This is a fascinating show. ltos mo 1 di dbyings r,!.r)lu~/
zhugs yog cig 1 dug. ( t!:~mo t! yi?J sh~yoo ci fatal wound ~-~~ifu~-~ /s::Sr)i'ieen m!:fkocin/
t~~) fate ~~· /lE_c/ 11 It's his fate to suffer, sdug
fascination ""-~/:::~· /yi~/ 11 He has a fascination po myong yog de kho'i los red. (t~qu nr::.nyoo te
with mountains, kho ri lo dbyings yod po red, qhBB lE_c r!e) [Syn. los dbong; bkod thong]
(qho r! le yi~ y~~ra~) father, iso, term of address/reference <:.l'~'

fascism, nao. "<1~~~.:::-~<>'\~' /phi;shis r!_r)luu/ h. ~=""\~· /pope; h, paCiloa/ [Syn, a pho]
fascist, nao, >«l~·~·y· /phi;shisita/ [Note: For another person 1 s father 1 yab is a
fashion, iso. latest fashion ~-~~;,;,· /pesoo/ 11 polite term that con be used,]
He wore the latest fashion hot, khos zhwo mo father-in-law; 1. iso, husband's father ~<t\.~'1'-\'~'
dpa gsor zhig gon shag, (qhM pesoo ci /kh5qcc papa/ [Syn, mog pa 1 i po pho; gyos po]
qh3;!nshoo) 2. iso, wife's father ~-"'-~~~"'l'&.a' /kemccnqi
fashionable ~~;,;,·qT-«·~ /sarso th~po/ [Syn, papa/ [Syn, mno' mo'i po pho; gyos po]
chos gos dpe gsor la dong dod yod po] fatherland :lll~·~<l.l,' /m~kcc/ [Syn, mas po'i rgyol
fast, 1., iso. quick ~~""1~·2£7" /k~o/ 11 The khob]
horse is fast, rto de mgyags po 1 dug, (tote father's relatives .«''~c;,:~·~~~· /ph~kuU pinkoa/
kE_qo tuu) 2, iso, a fast color g~.J:l.~~c:r­ fatigue, 1. n, "\>t'\~:<>-~.-N' /qolc&/ 2, iso, get fa-
/tsh~d t!:mpo/ 3. iso, abstain from eating food 1 tigued, vi. D, -- \"l.' I --qha/ 11 He gets fa-
i. n. "mC.'<t\,Cl,~' /nur)ntc/ ii, vo, A. -- ~·.q~" tigued easily. kho lam sang dka' los khag gi
/--lo tE_C/ 11 He fasted for a week, khos gzo red. (qho lE_msaan qalcc qh~qiree)
'khor gcig snyung gnos lo bsdod po red, (qhBB fatten 1 va, C, -®"t\;'>\·~·ct:1!:':.:::~.· /kE_qpo s2_d/
~q~~ crq nur)ncc la tE_cporeel faucet ~·-'t\'<5~ • /qh~cuil/
fasten, 1. iso, tie, vo. c."'\~~~· /tr;;_m/ 2, iso. fault, 1, iso. flaw ~- /k38n/ 11 He has many
pin, vo. B. ~~("l~·~~-~it\.:s:;,· /pir)qapqi q~/ faults. kho la skyon mang po yod po red, (qh::53
[Syn. khob gzer brgyob] k88n mer)qu y~~raed 2, iso, error ~::<,·o:.~~­
foster Q..5.~"<'\~·~· /k~qo/ 11 This is foster than /nr::.ntUU/ 11 It's not my fault we lost, ngo tsho
that, 1 di de los mgyogs po yod po red, (ti shor po de nga'i nor 'khrul rna red.- (0_£ntso
thelcc k~qa y~~ree) sh::S~po te rJ££ nr::.ntUU m.£ree)
fastest ~~""'\_, :p;-~ · /k~qshod/ 11 This is the faultless ~~~"-: /k88nmee/
fastest horse, 'di rto mgyogs shos de red, (t,!. faulty -i"-"tl:f'""~· /k8"on y3;!po/ 11 a faulty cor mo
ta k~qshod te r!e) to skyon yod po zhig (m,£ta k88n y~po ci)
fastidious ;.;:::t::..::r.:~ /r~ rJ;;;;;.po/ 11 He is very fauna, sea: animal

fastidious, kho ru ngor po zhe po ci 'dug, favor, iso. help, va. r¢1._~'"1<\C::.' /r~~ noon/ 11
164 favorite

Would you do me a favor? khyed rang gis nga la fee, 1. n. :!1' /15/ 11 doctor's fee am chi 1 i glo
rogs gnang gi yin pas? (kheraan qhi ~ r:l~ (amcii Hi) 11 school fee slob glo (lopla) 2.
n~l')qiy_!mpe:c) iso, pay o fee, vo. A. ~- ~~ 1--t-~c/
favorite ~01("\~C>.I.· /cU!nse:e:/ 11 He was the king's feeble, 1. iso. weak physically "'V~,"'\'~c :ti· f zr.
favorite. kho rgyal po'i spyan gsal red, (qho /s!:!,qu kopo/ 11 He is feeble. kho gzugs pa skyo
k££pb"d c~fnse:e: r~~) po red, (qho s!:!.qu kopo r~e) 2. iso, ineffec-
favoritism, 1. n, 0'~"'\..,._'~c.-~<t~_.o,t./n~::>~ r_!l')luu/ tive ~~·~·~"'--:"'~.' /n~pa m2_epe:e:/ 11 feeble
2. iso. show favoritism, va, ~"'-.<t"\~'~"'\~·~~.,.:~.· resistance nus pa med pa'i ngo rgol (n!!!!pa
~~·111,2qa ch~<!ilu~ chE_&/ m~epe:e: 11,2qod) 3, see: feebleminded
fawn, iso. baby deer ""1'~"'1' /shatuu/ feebleminded, iso, dull &f"~~·t:f" /lo tti1Jpu/ 11
fear ~"\iii._~· /sh::2,naan/ 11 He has a fear of planes. He is feebleminded. kho blo rtul po zhig red.
kho gnom gru la zhed snong 1 dug. ( qho namt&6 (qho 15 tOOpu ci r~e)
sh::2,noon t!:!_~) feed, 1. for both animals and humans, va. 8, ~·

fearful, iso. be, vo. ~"'->~..c:.·€1~' /sh~noon ~~.:.:_· /to Uri./ 11 He fed the dog. khos khyi lo
chE_C/ 11 He is fearful of losing his job, kho lto bster bo red, (qh~ khila to teepa r~e) 2.
los ko shor dogs kyis zhed snong byed kyi 1 dug. for hunons only, vo. B. \~'0-l't\'"'l.~X.: h, C0\,(0.3,'
(qho 1E_£qo sh~~t:>~qi sh~noon ch_!qil) Q.l<{l·~<~~/qholaa tee; h. sh_££loa phOO/ 3. n, ~
fearless ~"\~C:.~'\ "'-' /sh!!;noon ~~po/ 11 He is /to/ 11 pig feed phog 1 to ( phoqto) 11 chicken
fearless, kho zhed snong med pa zhig red, (qho feed byo sde'i !to (ch,2tee to)
sh::2,noan ~~po ci r~e) feed bag (for horses) ~·Ul~ /choophe:c/
fearsome 7-\"\~c:.·oS-·2\- /sh!!;noon tshopo/ feel, 1. iso, touch, vo. A. <3:1"\'"-1.'"'\~"'\~' /l,2qpa
feasible, 1. see: able; possible 2. for plans tu~/ 11 He felt her forehead (with his hand),
r::z"lll:l.'..!a.~''"-UJ:t\' It-up thuuyoa/
·~ "'
'grub thub
yog gi 'char gzhi
·11 o feasible plan
( t-!:!,P thuuyooqi
khos mo'i dprol bo lo log pa gtugs song,
m~d p~fq:>~ la 1,2qpo tuusu) 2. iso, sensation,

chaashi) n. ~:r::::t; /tsh'Orwa/ 11 How does this feel?

feast, 1. n. 4\*"~·~ /smlU:idn/ 2, iso, give o 'di 'i 'tshor ba go 1 dro 1 dug? (tii tshorwa
feast, vo. C, -- ~"f\Cl.U-l,'/--sh~/ qh~nt-e:c t~?,) 3, iso, experience an emotion or
feather, 1.{!_'if /ch,2t-o/ 2. iso. down feathers condition, e,g, I feel sad, [Note: There is no
@_'~' /ch2_pu/ 3, iso, toil feathers ~~·~ spoken form for this, Use the vi, form of the
/c~qt-o/ appropriate verb, e,g. I feel sick, ngo no gi
feathers of on arrow <;l.l~a.·~ /tr;:,,to/ 'dug]
February ~·"'\%~·~· /chYnta nYipa/ feeling, 1, see: feel 2. iso, have one's feel-
feces .q'f'~·~· /ts~qpa/ [Syn, chob chen] ings hurt, vi. ~~~'<:ll.'<::l.@t:l.'/se~ lo k~p/ 11 His
C'\ -.... ..
federal, neo, @._.C<l'~"\:IJJ.'9"0:l~~Q.l' /k.££Sh nomt-ee/ words hurt my feelings. kho 1 i skad cha de nga'i
11 federal republic rgyal srid mnyom 1 brel spyi sems lo brgyob byung, (qh8S q~co te I')~ se~ la
mthun rgyal khob (k££sil ~tee crt~un ke:e:qap) k2_pcU)
federate, vo. ~1-~~c:q,·~~· /namt-ee chE_C/ feet, 1. iso, the distance measure, neo, eng, ~·
federation 'S.l'S>~·~~' /iiomt-ee/ 11 workers 1 ~· /phit-i/ 2, see: foot
federation bzo tshogs mnyom 1 brel feign, see: pretend
nomt-ee) fell, see: fall
fed up, vi. C. ~~·~.:.:_·C>:le::.~· /korynee l::,n/ 11 I fellowship, iso, a grant for studies ~·~~~·
am fed up with my job, ngo nga'i los kor skyug ~~·.:.::~·/Himl')tru r:E_ram/
mer longs byung. (1'),2 r:Jf£ 1E_£qoa korynee l::,hc:u) felony, see: crime
feudal system 165

felt ~"'-'"4.' /chir)pa/ ~a felt rug phying po'i sh.!_QluU s2,t.o/

gdon (chinpee teen) fester, mad,, vi. A. ~'t\' "\~en,~· /nco sCi~/
felt hot~.::.-~· /chrnsha/ festival ~~·d;)~ /th,!!!cheen/ ~ New Yeor 's
felt rug ~"'-'.on."'\.~' /chrnteen/ festival lo gsor gyi dus chen (l~ooqi thl.J~­

felt tent ~.o::.·~~- /chrl')quu/ cheen)

female~ /m2,/ ~ Is the dog female? khyi 1 di mo festive, see: joyous
red pas? (khr t! m2, r~pec) fetch, iso, go and bring bock, vo. ~~~:.:.·~<>~.:
-v--v- ~
feminism, neo, ""l' Q.l.'Q.S\<3-I.'g>&l.'AG:..'~ "t\~ • /ph6mo /l~l')qo~ chrn/ 11 He fetched the water. kho chu
~:!_Pia~ r!nlut/ [Note: This l i terolly means len par ph yin po red. ( qho chu l~l')qo~ chi~pa­
"mole and female equality,"] re~) 11 (Go) fetch the book! deb len par
femur ~~ ~~ · /l~ruU/ bsgyugsl (th~p l~l')qo~ k,!!~l
fence, 1. n, ~~~·~· /c~ari/ 2. vo. C, fetid (smell) ~·&-~"<\'<!O"f\' /th.!_me t!!qco~/ [Syn.
I{W...~I --qon/ dri ngon]
feral, see: wild fetter, 1. for feet, n. ;n_c..·~""l-N' /qonco~/ 2,
ferment, 1. vi. C. ~c;:.~· /1!:_'?1/ ~ The beer has for hands, n. ~<:n.·~~· /l!:_qcoo/ 3. iso, bind
fermented, chong longs shag, (chaon l!:_?isho~) with fetters, vo. -- ~~t::~,· /--kf!.p/ 4, iso, the
2. vo. B. "'',~Q.l.' /n'r-1!/ 11 He fermented the beer. general term for fetters ~~·~en,· /chintho~/
khos chong bsnyol shag. (qhB"d chCilJn nr.tshoa) feud, 1. n. '\~~"'\·~~· It~ k22,.re~/ 2, vo,
3. see: foment ~~·/--ch£_&/
fermentation ~l';.'W.<t\ • /l~nyo~/ feudal, neo. ""\'¥'\'l::l~~~~l51..: /q'f'l!q~rci kUUn-
fern ~·~~.q· /tsCi qh'l!npo/ tsiin/ 11 the feudal system bkos bkod rgyud
ferry, 1. n. ~'-!"~~ lt,!!sheen/ 2. vo, -- ~'ijl;;..' 1 dzin gyi lam lugs (q'l!'l!qbis k,!!!!ntsiin qhi lf!.m-
/--ta~n/ lu~)

fertile, iso, soil .«.'1'"'\~·~.:4- /so shrmpu/ semi-feudal, neo, ~711~·~~~"c{'~~"'~·

fertility, iso. births, neo, ~~-~-~~- /puqu /q'f'l!qbis k,!!!!ntsiin ch~tsom/ v
ketse&/ feudal closs~s, neo, q"\\~'.!:l.7f\t;;,'~""\Cl-~~Oo.l.'
fertilize, 1. iso. reproduction, vi. A. ~·~"t"\'0..~~- ~~·/q'ffqbo k!!!;!ntsiin t~riim/
~ ~
/qhutho~ t~~/
C\ ""'
2. iso, enrich soil, i, with feudal estot~, neo. ·•=vn,<'\'"'-t~"\:~c:..:.o..~~~·"'\t"',~·
manure, vo, ~"'-: Cl~~ • /1,!:11 kf!.P/ ii, with chem- ~· /q'l!fqoo k~ntsiinqi shiiqa/
-..r- eo..,... ~
ical f'ertilizer, vo. ~·w·~~·~'\~q· /tsE£_coo feudal exploi totion, neo: ..::.V\I,~'l::tlf\""~"'- a..~~~·
sh!l')lutl kf!.P/ ~'IG''tl.:~:-"'t\' /qf'l!qbo k!!!;!ntsiinqi shllshM/
1. iso. manure ~""\ /1':!,~/
"'0 6,,._ ""
fertilizer, [Syn. feudalism, neo, "\'t\~'"'\.Tf\~~"\:O.~~.:.::.c..·~~~·
zhing lud] 2. iso. chemical fertilizer it<'{'~.:t.,' /qf'l! qb~d kUUntsiin ril')lu~/
~~·~c;,: /tsE£_coo sh~nlUU/ f eudol londlor~, -:eo. ~JII;-.:iit\~~C,Z Cl:.~~-@ ·~·
bone fertilizer ~~- ~·=:.: /r,!:!!!lU'~/ ~"\~r /q'f&qb'Cl k.!!,!;!ntsiinqi seta~/
inorganic fertilizer ~·~~~~·~~· /k~~ sh!I'J- feudal lord, neo, ol:l.-'t\~'.<:tif\e;,:~~o.~~-~c;;.tt'
luil/ ~"\~·/q'l!'l!qbis k~ntsiinqi l')ato~/
mineral fertilizer /tertse& feudal privile~e, neo • .q"'T\~·~Jf\'\'~"'\~@_·~"'
sh~QlU'~/ ~~~ /q'l!fqb"o k~ntsiin qhi kh'f'l!woon/
organic fertilizer /kenteen feudal society, neo, o<:l."\~·"''.X\" ~ ~q_~~-~ -~·
sh.!_QlU'~/ ~~·/q'l!fqod kutlntsiin qhi crtsoo/
uric fertilizer <111,~.:~ c..,: /ciinluil/ feudal system,, neo. ~"'\\.~·.q,~~~ct~~~·Q.l<f.l.'
fertilizer factory ~·~·~~-~1:\.:<!:l."F~· /tsE£_coo ~~~·/q'l!'l!qbo kUUntsiin qhi lamlu~/
""' - -
166 fever

fever, 1. n. ao~·q· /tshowa/ ~ He has a high fever. lc&/ 2. iso, do fieldwork, va, --~~-

kho tsha ba mtho po 'dug, (qho tshawa thopo /--ch£C/

t!:!_u) 2. iso. get o fever, vi, C, -- .q,~-=;,: fiend, see: devil
/--k~c/ 3. iso. diseases with fever ond shiver- fierce ~~-~ /t_h~qpo/ Va fierce wind lhags pa
ing at;'""-""'~ /tsh~e"nd:/ [Syn. 'dar tshad] drag po (lhoqpa th~qpo) V He is a fierce per-
few, 1. iso. not many ~e.·~~· /ii_!!r)Sh&C/ ~ Few son. kho mi drag po zhig 'dug. (qho m! th~qpo

Tibetans live here. 1 dir bod pa nyung shes shig ci t!!u)

bsdad yod pa red. (t~ ph_!:!pa ~r)Sh&c ci tee fiery ~·""c.·q_~"' lrrf2. n~r)Sh.$-in/ V fiery heat
' .
y,;:;)ree') [ Note: Has underlying c;omporoti ve no- me nang bzhin gyi tsho po (m! n~r;shiinqi tshapo)
tion, i.e, most Tibetans live elsewhere.] 2. fifteenth l:l.~~'CJ.' /c88r)apa/
iso. several (l\'-t9_~' /qhoshcc/ ~ I bought a few fifth, 1, ~-G:.\' /r)opa/ V the fifth day nyi ma
books. ngas deb kho shos shig nyos po yin, (Q£C lngo pa (ii!ma Qopa) 2. iso, a fifth ~·a;;·

th!P qh05hcc ci n![dpayin) ~~~ /r;oca cil/ ~ two fifths lnga cha gnyis
fewer ~c::q·/'ii!:!_Qr)a/ 11 Fewer came than we thought, (r;aca iiii)
nga tshos bsams pa las nyung bo slabs song, fiftieth ~·.::t.~·~· /r;apcupa/
(Q~ntsoB sampalc& n!!?Jr;a leesol fifty ~·.::t-<> /r)apcu/

fiancee, neo. ~c;.·~·~·"'-'C<i.-'~,·<:1..\ci'o_·~"'t\~' fifty-eight '2t~c:.·Q.~~ /Qapcu r;~pkcc/

/chor)Sa k~yaoqi t~t;)~/ fifty-eighth <z,!.·~~· or..·.::t~""~. /~pcu r;~pkccpo/
fiat, see: order fifty-fifth ~·t:~..~·c:.·~·~· /napcu r;~r;apa/
fib, see: lie fifty-fifty ~""-:.-'\\'~"""'"~' /cheqa cheqa/ [Syn,
fickle, 1. adj. ~-~~;z·o;)·~ /esaa tshopo/ V She lngo bcu lngo bcu]
is very fickle, mo a gsar tsha po zhe po cig fifty-first ~·t::~.~·c:.•"'<\.%"'1.·~· /~pcu l')aciqpa/
'dug. (m~ esao tshopo sh!puci t_!!u) 2. iso, oct fifty-five "'
%-!.'q_~·c:::.·~· /r;apcu rJE£r)o/
fickle, va. --€L~· /--ch£C! fifty-four ~-q~·~·~~- /r)apcu IJ!pshi/
fiction, 1, iso. traditional story/fable ~c::: fifty-fourth '7itl:I..~'C:.'~~·~· /r)apcu r;apshipa/
1-t.,!!ml 2. iso, mode-up story ~"<\'"'-~·~~-~~­ fifty-nine QJ'q~·c;:·e:::""'· /r)apcu r;aqu/
=- -v '"' -
~c.· /r!qsod ch~p&& t,!!m/ [Syn. bcos sgrung] fifty-ninth ~·t:~.~·t::·c:;._~q· /~pcu ~qupa/

fictitious ~.:c~·~· /ts~a/ V fictitious name fifty-one ~-~·c:.·~~~·/~pcu ~cil/

ming rdzus ma (m~Q tsu1ma) fifty-second ~t::l.~'C:.'"1\~·~·/r)apcu IJ!riilpa/
fidelity, see: loyalty fifty-seven ".2f.'l:\~'h.'e::t~"' /napcu r;
fief "'\\,@\~·111 · /shiiqa/ fifty-seventh '2'c:t~·c:.·.::t~~'-' • /r;apcu ~J!ptiJUnpa/
field, 1. iso. agricultural field ~C-'Q=\' /sh~r;qa/ fifty-six ~~·c:.·~~· /napcu ~tuu/
~ He has three fields, kho lo zhing kha gsum fifty-sixth ~~·c:.'%"'<\'~' /Qapcu ~tuqpa/
yod pa red. (qh~~ sh!r;qa sam Y.2~ree) 2, iso. fifty-third ~-~·&;·~~<9.3.'"-\'/~pcu ~sumpa/
vegetable field ~-~c.· /tsh~e-shiin/ 3, iso. fifty-three <~f"l~'c;::.·~~ • /Qapcu IJ!sum/
open field ;a~· /thoon/ 4. iso, salt field fifty-two ~-~h.·•~{~~· /l')apcu ~'iiil/
~~~·/tshi:lshiin/ 5, iso, playing field ~ fight, 1. iso. verbal, i. n, ~~- /k~mte/ 11
.aco.· /tsee toon/ 6, iso, major field (of study) The fight has not been settled, rgya 1 dre thog
4"\~~ /tsowo/ V My field of study is religion. ma chad po red. (k_2mte thao m~choBparee) ii.
ngo 'i slob sbyong gtso bo .. chos red. ( rJE£ 1 ope~ va. ~@,l:\' /--k2_p/
V He fought with her.
tsowo ch8i?> r!e) khos mo la rgya 'dre brgyab pa red, ( q h nl'.
oo m~
field hockey ~q_,~·~«'-\·~~ /yiiqtrtl polo/ k~mte k~paree) iii. vi. B. -- ~· /--sh5'5/ ~
fieldwork, iso, agricultural, 1, n. ~~-Cl.l.~·~.:/sh!rJ- A fight broke out between them. kho tsho rgya
financial policy 167

'dre shar po red. (qh~tso k,2Rli-e sh33pore~) shag. (qhOO mil micuU qhansho~) 3. iso. fill
[Syn. kho 1 dzingsl 2. iso, physical fight, i. in for someone, vo, ~-~· itsh1ip ch£C/ 11 He
n. ~"\'X~· /k2_qre~/ ii, iso, hove o fight filled in for me. khos ngo'i tshob byes po red.
--~.::.:.: /--sh33/ (qh8"d r)&& tsh~p ch&cpore~) 4. iso, fill .JJ
break out, vi. B.
the cause of their fight?
11 What was
kho tsho rgyog res tooth,
vo. c.
~"'~.~~,. /so k2_n/ s. iso. fill
shor yog gi rkyen !tso go re red? (qh~ntso k2_q- with bod ideas, va. c. (i\«\'"'~.'"''.~c;.~· /qh5q-
re~ sh3~yo~ qhi kentso qh2_re r£C) iii. vo. po k~n/ 11 Pemo filled Sonom with bod ideas a-
~~· /--k~p/ 11 They fight often. kho tsho yang bout his uncle. pod mas bsod noms lo kho'i a
se rgyog res rgyog gi 'dug, (qh5ntso y~r)Se k~q­ khu 'i skor khog po brgyong shag. ( pffm&c sonom
re~ kaaqil) 3, iso. hond~to-hond combat, i, n. lo qhOO ~qUU q3:5 qh3qpo k2_nsho~)
OJ.«\'c{'~ • /l~otsi'n/ ii. vo. -- &:;tX)c:.: 1--taBn/ film, 1. iso. photographic film, n. ~c:.~·
[Syn. 1dzings] 4. iso. fight o bottle, vo. '\Ol"'\' /pir)Shb6/ 11 color film ping shog tshon khro
~~"'\.' /mo~ k~p/ 11 They fought bottles many ~c::.~·~ ~ ( pir)Shb6 tsh8nj.o) [Syn. spyin
times. kho tsho dmog thengs mong po brgyob po shog] 2. iso. develop film, vo, c. ~~~-'(\.'
red. ( qhontso mo~ th~n m~r)qu k~pore~) 5. see: .:t~'/piY)ShM tllti/ 3. iso. o movie, i. n.
box ~et\·~~~ /13r)ii&&n/ [Syn. be se kop] ii, iso,
fighter plane, neo. /th~tsin show a film, vo. c. -- ~~Cl..' /--t'fn/
n~t.u/ iso. make o film, vo. C.
fighting strength c:vaq·a:.~c::·~~~~~· filter, see: sieve; strainer
/th~mtsin t~pshut/ filth, see: dirt
fighting techniques ~-~~-cu~-~~· /th~mtsin filthy, see: dirty
fin ~~'"q"''"\~'
~· I ii&& sh3qpo/
figure, 1. see: calculate 2. see: think 3, see: final ~C'~.:~· /tharna/ 11 The final day is
shape tomorrow. nyi mo mtho' rna song nyin red. (ii!ma
figurehead ~c::.·~~· /m!:_otsa/ 11 He is a figurehead. th&lo s~iiiin re~) 11 This is my final decision.
kho ming tsom zhig red. (qho m!:_otsa ci r!~) 'di nga'i mtho' mo'i thag gcod red,
file, 1. n. iso. folder for papers ~~·o..~a!' tham&& thoqcod r!~l
/y!:_qphee/ 11 Does he hove a file on Tibet? kho final copy "t\~co.·~~~·

lo bod skar yig 'phel 1 dug gas? (qh33 ph_2ti q53 finole,-see: conclusion
y!:_qphee t_!!q&c) 2. vo. A. -- <:J....c..:~·~"t\~' finalize, vo. l!ll~CL.'/:;\~-N.·~· /thoto~ ch!?_c/ 11
/--n~nlo lOt/ 3. i. n. iso, the tool ~~-~".X.' Th~y finalized the treaty. kho tshos chings yig
/saqtoo/ ii. vo. -- ~@,~· /--k~p/ 11 He filed mtho' bsdoms byes po red. (qhOrltsod chir)yil
the wood. khos shing lo sag bdor brgyob song. that~ ch£~pore~)
(qhbMd shir) la saqtoo k~pso) finally .svao...·~ • /thamo/ 11 Finally, he came.
fill, 1. vo. c. ~~- /k2_n/ 11 He filled the mtha' rna kho yang song. (thCimo qho y_ilso)
cup with water. khos phor po de chus brgyongs finance "\<:.{Oo;l'~·/p'ffncoo/ 11 finance office/
shag. (qh~ ph3~po te chrill k~nsho~) 11 He bureau dpol 'byor las khungs (p'f'fncoo l~qun)
filled in the application farm. khos snyon shog [Syn. neo, c, nor srid]
brgyong shag. (qh~ iil!fnsh:)~ k~nsho~) 2, iso. Finance Bureau (in Traditional Tibetan government)
be filled (up), vi. c. ~c::.~· /qhan/ 11 The cup "'
~·~z;:· /tsiiqoon/
filled up with water. ph or po de chus khengs Finance Minister ~~~·Ol~~~2&~· /p'f'fncoo 18n-
shag • ( ph:5~po te chOU qhansho~) 11 His eyes C&&n/ [Syn. neo, c. nor srid pu 1 u krong]
filled with tears. kho'i mig mig chus khengs financial policy "\~0-l·~~~~~·/pftncoo sii-
168 financial system

cu~/ cu~paree)
financial system /pCCnc::>::> finger's width (measure) ~- /s5r/ ~ one
't.,!:!lu~/ finger s 1 width sor gong (s5r qh~n) ~ two
find, 1, vi. A. l:l.~~· ; h. .o::s.~~·"'\~0:::.' /iiil; finger's width sor do (s'Jr th.9_) ~ three
h. nil ro'dn/ f I found a hat, nga la zha mo finger's width sor gsum (s'Jr sum)
zhig brnyes byung, !11,22 sh.9_mo ci iiilcu) 2, fingertip ~·~· /s'Jrtse/
iso, find out/come to know, vi, C, ~~· /she~/ finish, 1. iso, complete, vi. B. ;f);.:..· /tshoo/ ~

~ I found out he is a spy, kho so pa yin pa Did he finish the work? khos las ka tshar •dug
ngas shes byung. (qhll s!5pa y_!mpa I'JE_C she~cu) gas? (qh~d l££qa tshco t.!:!qcc) 2. iso. be ex-
[Syn, ha go] 3,_ iso, find out/inquire/ask, va, hausted 1 vi • A. ~~ • /ts2?J I 'II Is the paint
~"t\~"\'€\1~· /tsCfcotJ chE_c/ ' Find out when he finished? tshon rdzogs 1 dug gas? (tsh33n ts::>?J
is coming. kho go dus yong min rtsad gcod byis, t.!:!qec) 3, iso. finish off, see: kill
(qho qh!thuU Y_£1'Jmiin tsCfcoB ch.!_l) fir (tree) ;&"a.J.~c:::.· /sllmshii'J/
fine, 1, iso, high qwlity ~-~'t\·.?f-" /pllU th.9_qo/ fire, 1. n. ~· /m!/ 2. iso. light (start) a fire,
'II fine gold gser spus dog po (see pllU th.9_qo) va. A. -- *\::>:.: /--poo/ 3. iso, make (and keep
2. iso, minute particles ~"''.·~et· /sh.fpshil/ going) a fire, va. -- A'<)~· /--toon/ 4. iso,
f fine sand bye ma zhib zhib (ch!ma sh.!_pshil) set fire (to) 1 va. .::c~· /--k2,p/ 5, iso.
3, iso, long thin things iso, thin in diameter~· catch fire, vi. B. ..;<fx_· /--sh'J'J/ 6, iso,
i:f' /phopo/ 'II The thread was fine, skud pa de put out a fire, va. A, --"'-..~"\_/--sCc/ 7, iso.
phra po red, {qDpa ti phopo r!a) 'II fine expell from a job, va. A, ('1.{~'"'1'\.'"'-.<-3.'~~

hair skra phra po (ta phopo) 4. iso, fine /l££_qa nee prl/ 8. iso, fire pottery, va, ~
(close) weave "'\'~~9.-.;::r-- /sho coqo/ 5, iso, .o::s. '9l:.' /so taan/ 9. iso. open fire (with gun) 1
a penalty, i. n, ~~·~· /neepa/ ii, va, va. "0.\·o;~'\~'"'1.~ • /"'!nta k!p/ 10. iso, open fire
C\'7<::..: /--toon/ ~ They fined him 5 dollars (with artillery) 1 va. ~·~·"'1.~&:1' /m!rk::>?J k2,p/
(U ,S,), kho tshos kho la a sgor lnga nyes pa fire alarm ~·~~o.t·t:t~ /lll!k'trc5n 't.h!,!.ta/
btang pa red. (qhents't>d qh5:5 oq::>::> I'JO neepa firearms, see: weapons
toonpare~) 6, iso, well <=~.~·~ /t2_Po/ 'II He is fire-bird (year)~-@; /m!ca/
fine. kho bde po red. (qho t!po r!a) firecracker 1 1 • n. ~"" · "'-l"t\ · /sh'J'Jpaa/ 2. iso,
fine arts, neo, ~<l.l~t::.·~"'\·~o:~.· /phiiDcuun r_!qtsce/ shoot fircrackers 1 va, -- t:t.@?-' /--k!p/
[Syn. neo, c, mdzes rtsal] fire-dog (year)~·~· /fTY!khi/
finger, 1, iso. hand !1-l~·~ /ts!;;_qu/ 2, iso, fire-dragon (year) ~'0..'1:\""\' /mentu't/
~ -
finger an instrument, va. ~"'1.'~"1:\'~~<:1' firefly ~a:c:t~·~·a:~.l;;.' /sinpu IJ'!khee/
/thepkaa k!PI fire-hare (year) ~-~~· IIJ'!y't>d/
middle finger '\~-~~&:1' /kiintsu't/ fire-horse (year) ~·~· /ITI!ta/
pinky ~~~·<~&~· /tsuqcuun/ fire-monkey (year) ~-~ • I"'!tel
-v '\) -
thumb ~)..·~ /thepo/ [Syn, mthe bong] fire-mouse {year) ~~· IIJ'!cil
finger joint ~::.:.-~~ • /sartshil/ fire-ox (year) ~ ·ruc:.: /"'!lal')/
fingerprint, 1, n, &~~o.:~.· /ts!;;_qtee/ 2, iso, fire-pig (year) ~ '"'4"t\" /"'!phaa/
make one's fingerprint, va. -- "'l~"''.' /--k!P/ fireplace ~q· /thap/
3. iso, fingerprint another, va, A, ~·~· fireproof ~-~~· /m!thup/
"'~.~"'\' /--k.9_arucu't/ ' They fingerprinted the fire-sheep (year) ~-~""- • /~rrf!luu/
thief, kho tshos rkun mala mdzub thel_rgyag tu fire-snake (year) ~ ·~Ql. • l"'!"t-UU/
bcug po red, (qh3ntsb1s qlinaala ts!;;_qtee koaru- fire-tiger (year) ~-~"'t'\· /m!taa/
Five-Year Plan 169

firewood 1 1 • n. ~J\~· /~shiin/ 2. iso, cut fish flesh '9'.f\' /'ii£sha/

firewood (in forest) 1 vo, A, -- .q~"' / --cr!.c/ fish hook '9''f?s' /n~ku/ [Syn. nyc 1 dzin lcogs kyu]
3. iso. chop firewood (into pieces), va, D. fishing boot '?>'~' /n~tu/
4, iso, collect firewood, fishing grounds "9'?.' /nflra/ [Syn, nyc zin sa]
1--t!!,tl fishing industry '9'~e:tr-04'«' /ri~ntsiin S£lec/
firm, 1. iso, not soft ~~<1'\~ -~ /-t.hoqo/ 11 fishing line '9'C!.~~""t.t' /n~ntsiin q!Jpaf
firm ground so cha mkhregs po (soca thoqo) 2. fishing pole '9'c{'~·~~·l:.4' /n~ntsiin k!:!qpao/
iso, steadfast ..q~~i\- /tr:mpo/ 11 a firm belief fishing season '9'0:.~~~~ /n~ntsiin th~tshod/
yid ches brton po (yiiche~ tr!.mpo) 3. see: fishing work '9'0-l~' /rn:_lec/
strict 4. see: company fish market «)' ~~ • f'ii£thom/
firmly ~o/'~%.~· /tr!.mpocec/ 11 They held firmly fish net <?'~' lri£1-o/ [Syn. nya 1 dzin dra ba]
to Buddhism, kho tshos songs rgyas kyi chos fish nursery, see: fishery
lugs brtan po byes zin po red, (qh6ntscr'd sel')- fish oil <?>'~a.· /n~num/
keeqi chUOlut tfmpocec s~mpare~) fish pond '9'~' /n~tsil')/
first c::;,_~::.·¢ /th:;,rJpo/ 11 I 1 11 come in the First fish scale ~-S(~· /n~ril/
Month, QO zla ba dang po i nang la yang gi yin.
1 fish skin '9'r:.!..z:t\~ • /'ii£pao/
(rJ:;, t:;,wa th:;,rJpb1:S n~ la Y!!,Qqiyin) 11 First, fish tail '9~'"'\~<t\·~· /nee sh!!qu/
I 111 go to India, dang po nga rgya gar la I gro fissure, 1. n. ~~ /qh£_£kocin/ 2. vi.
gi yin. (th:;,rJpo rJ:;, k:;,qoo la t!!,qiyin) 11 Who did §r'l.· I --ch£_c/
it first? dang po sus byes pa red? (th:;,r)po sOU fist, 1. n. ~-~· fml;!rts-:;~f [Syn. mdzog rum]
ch£_cporee) 2. iso. make a fist, va, c. -- ~~~· /--q~n/
first aid 1 1. n. ~~·~='MO\:l:l.:;~- /-t.hcl!see fistfight 1 1. n. ~;.:,·r~-~~~·/m!!,rts-;;~ sh!!Te~/
mr!.ncb~/ 2. iso. give first aid 1 va. -- @_~' 2. va. -- .-.q<yz::: I --t{Jon/
/--ch£_C/ fistfull ~x_·..;r:-~c::.· /pflra qh.92,n/
first class 1 1 • iso. best quali t y"~'':Sl·/ts~"t-a I 11 fit 1 1 • iso. suitable "9&.: "'-~..' /nempa/ 11 Is this
This is a first class car. 1 di mo to rtse gra fit to eat? 1 di za nyan pa 1 dug gas? ( t!_ S£
zhig red. (t~ ffi£ta ts~ta ci r~~) 2. iso, most n£_mpa t!:!qet) 2. iso. right size I vi. D. X.<sl.,'
expensive accomodation ~~·e..t·"\z:..'~ /r~mpa /ren/ 11 Does the shirt fit?· stod thung de ran
th:;,rJpa/ 11 first class room khang mig rim pa gyi 1 dug gas? ( tO!ltuul') ti r£_1')qit!!,qec) [Note:
dang po (qh~l')mii r~mpa th:;,rJpo) This can also be expressed adjectivally by ran
firsthand ~~-Ol~'<Alt\'~"' /miqthMn l~qsim/ 11 po.] 3, iso, make or alter to fit 1 va. C, -".~

firsthand account mig mthong lag zin gyi gnas ~·t:~.r~· /r§;_mpa s':!,d/ 11 He hos to fit the ring to
tshul (miqthMn l~qsimqi ncftsu~) her finger, khos tshigs khebs de mo 1 i mdzub mar
firstly "\?:;.'~' /th:;,rJp-;;-;;f ran pa bzo dgos red. ( qhB'd tshiqll~ ti mm>
first name ~Z:..'"\_1:;,'~ /m~Q th:;,r)po/ ts!!,qM r£_mpa s~qoree) 4. iso. physically fit fitc:.:
fish, 1. n, ~-Ire_! 2, vo. D. -- ~~ /--s~n/ 3, ;r:- /thol')qo/ 11 Is he fit? kho thong po 1 dug
iso. school of fish ;;· ~· /n~khu/ gas? (qho th{JI')qo t!:!qec) 5. see: epilepsy
fish bone q,·~~· /n~rUU/ fitting, see: appropriate
fish eggs '9'~' /FV.:..qoon/ five ~.' /l')o/
fisherman '9'/!.J.' / five-fold ~-~z:t· /l')~mtap/
fishery '9'4\iif-~-c:.·/re..soqaan/ five hundred ~-~~· /Q£pka/
fish fat~·~· /~tshii/ five thousand ~-~· /l')otoon/
'7 <='\ ~
fish fin <ef~~·~~f.ip..; · /n£_£ sh3qpa/ Five-Year Plan .:lf<'<E_~o..a:.::.:.,·A\~' /l~ee chaeshi/
170 fix

fix, 1. iso. repair, va. RY-"<~~-"'.~oq· /s~pco~ flaregun ~"1·~~-~-~'\0..' /13f)t&& ~nta/
k2_p/ ~ He fix~d the door. khos sgo bzo bcos flash, 1, iso, lightening,. i. n, ~"t\' /l'So/
brgyab song. ( qh8ti q~ s~pco1> k2_~o) 2, iso, ii. vi. -- .<:::to@.,R' /--k!p/ 2. iso, camera at-
make, va. C. <I.~~· /s'§_d/ 11 Shall I fix some tachment, n. ~~~"" /13qwotl/
food? ngas kha lag bzos ka? (r.J_£C qholaC':. soB- flash bulb (for camera) ~¢\-~"-~~~· /l5qwod
qaC':.) 3, iso, stick up/attach, va, B, ~""-' /cf:;!/ shMtj~/
11 He fixed the letter -onto the wall, khos yi flashlight "%:~·~· /p~cili/
ge de rtsig pa'i ldebs la sbyar shag, (qh~d y~qi flashlight battery ~~-~~·i[~·~kl' /p~cilii
ti tsiqp&& t!~ la c~shao) 4. iso, decide/set- l'Sqts&c/ [Syn. bi ci li'i sman]
tle definitely, va, ~'V~'AAoq:@,~·/t!:mpe~ ch_£C/ 11 flashy (clothes) ~:x..-.c:r:-- /h'Orpo/
They fixed the amount of production, kho tshos flask 4\,~~· /th2_mpi/
th on sk yed tshad gzhi gta n 1 beb by as pa red, flat, 1. iso, level O:t""·~q: /l!ple~/ ~ This
( qhontso'ls th8nk~ tsh~fshi tl:mpe~ ch_£cpare~) roof is flat. thog 1 di leb leb red. ( th5o t~
[Syn. gtan bkal] l!ple~ r!:,e) 2. iso, lose effervescence, vi, D.
flabby, see: fat ~· /shi/ ~ The soda is flat (went flat). chu
flag, 1. n. "-."'-'¢,• /th2,rca/ 2, iso, raise/hoist mngar mo 'di shi shag, (chu f)oomo t~ shishaC':.)
a flag, va, C, "'-iSl.;:~· / --15~/ 3, iso, flatten, va. c. at~·~q·<=~,r~· /l!pl~ s'!d/ 11 He
wave a flag, va. A. -- en.~~~· /--yOu/ flattened the dough, khos gro zhib brdzis pa de
prayer flag ~~·~en_· /th2,rcj~/ leb leb bzos shag. (qh8"d }h!:_IShil ts~lpa ti le-
national flag ~~·"-x.' /k&&taa/ ple~ s'!dshaC':.)
flagpole ~X.~~· /th2_rshir.J/ flatter 1 va. A. ~ '""-l"\'q,¥\"-" /pffl&c shl!c/ 11 He
flail, 1, n, /yuqcoo/ 2. iso. flatters the teacher. khos dge rgan la spra lag
thresh with a flail, va. C, -- ~~..N· /--sh'f=.11/ shod kyi 1 dug, ( qh8'd q!q&&n la pl!!:l&C sh2Sqil)
flair, see: talent [Syn. dpal las bshad]
flake (of snow) ~l:\-~<=1.· /lheple~/ flatterer "'-o..r.Q.l'<"J~·c6'·q. /pl:fl&c tshopo/
flame, see: fire flatus, see: fort
flame thrower, neo, ~·~~~-a.~~'Ol"\~' /m!:,ntee flaunt, see: show-off
}hOOnta/ flavor ~CI. • /th2.2_/ ~ The flavor is very good.
flammable ......,_
/m2_ p~ t!pa I bro ba yag po zhe drag 1 dug, ( }h2.2_ y2,qo sh2_}aa
flank, 1. iso. side of body "'\~~- /sh2_0/ 2, t~ul
iso. pass around the side of an enemy, va. B. flavorful, see: tasty
~~~-"t\~:>:-\'d,~'-=t~.:t:..· /sh2_0 niin& q35/ 3. iso. flavoring (iso. spices) ""\'S:l~' /shan&&n/
make a flank attack, va, C,
"t\~~~·~'9~·ca_~· flaw i'"'' /kSSn/ 11 There are several flaws in our
t::t,~.:>:::<;~.,~·c:t.~~- /sh2_0 niin& q33n& ts~?J/ 4. plan , nga tsho 1 i 1 char gzhi la sky on kha shas
iso, left flank "t\~"'~'<t~,l:ila;/sh2_0 yl38n/ 5, iso, 'dug. (f)~ntsb~ chaashi la k88n qhosh&c t~u)

right flank 4'\~<f1.~·cn.~~-/sh2_o yl:c/ flax ~OJ.·~-~ /s&!a ratsa/

flap, va, D. J:~.~q,~· /t2_p/ 11 The bird couldn't flea ~~· /khishil/ [Syn, 1 ju ba]
flap its wings. bya des gshog pa brdab thub kyi flee, va, A·!i'~· /ph'§d/ 11 He fled from the enemy,
mi 'dug. (ch2, th2_~ sh3qpa t2_p thuuqimintuu) khos dgra 1 i sa nos bros pa red. ( qh~ }&& tsaa
flare, 1. mil.~~-~,ct·/l3f)ta/ 2. iso, burst out n&& ph~pare~)
in anger, vi. C. ~~·asc;::.~· /luun 12,~/ 11 She fleece, 1. iso, coat of sheep, n.¥::),~·/phf:£/ 2.
flares up easily, ma lam sang r lung lang gi see: swindle
red. (m~ 12,msaan luun 12_f)qire~) fleet ~· /khu/ ~ a fleet of ships gru gzings
floor 171

khyu gcig (th~tsin khu ci) flipper, see: fin

flesh -v<j' /sha/ ·~ human flesh mi sho flipside, see: backside
[Note: For humans, the honorific is sku sho.]
flex, vo. C. "''~a.:l~' /qtm/ 11 He flexed his arm, always flirts. mos rtag par 1 phrul shod kyi
khos log po bskums song, (qhaB l~qpo q~so) red. ( m_£d toqpoo thm:l shBSqiree) 2. iso. a
flexible, 1. iso. pliant, n, ~'9~<::t- /iiftmpo/ ~ person O<.~=·~"~ /thOO tshopo/ ~ She is a
This leather is very flexible, ko bo 1 di mnyen flirt. mo 'phrul tsho po zhig 'dug. (mo thtiil
po zhe drag 'dug. (q33 t! nempo sh~too t~~) 2. tshopo ci tcru)
iso, adjustable to charge, adj. ~q~·<::o.~<x,:~"'<ct_. flirtatious, see: flirt, 2
/t1;pttrun t~wr;r;/ ~ a flexible policy stabs float, vi. C, ~c:::.· /t~n/ ~ The paper floated on
bstun bde bo'i srid byus (taqt~un t~wr;r; siicu~) the water. shag bu chu'i sgong lo lding shag,
3. iso, tractable ~~">'t·~~~~"'=C"'-~' (shuqu chOO q~n la t~nshab)
/Uiqtu1In ch~l')r;r;n/ ~ He is very flexible, kho flock, 1 • n, ~· /khu/ ~ flock of sheep lug khyu
zhe drag stabs bstun byed mkhon zhig red, (qho (luqku) 2. iso, make into a flock, vo, 8, l;_:l:
sh~too t~ptUUn ch~l')r;r;n ci r~~) ..qil\a:~·/khu t.!..Y 3, iso, flock (for humans), -:a.
flicker, vi. /w'2:d chemcheen ~~~~~:;.·~~q·~:<:-t·§.~· /t~puun k~pcr; chin/ 11
chE,_c/ Many women flocked to see him. skyes dmon mong
flier "'<\'5l..S-l'~·~~-~~~ /n~mtu ti51')r;r;n/ po sdeb phung brgyob byes kho lo mig lto bar
flight, 1. iso. air trip, neo, o.~:..·"''.~ /phur- ph yin po red. ( kemeen m~l')qu t~puun k~pcr; qh35
kcrd/ ~ a flight of 100 miles mel le brgyo mil toqoa chimpare~)
1 phur bskyod (m~le k~ phQrkod) 2. iso. fleeing flog, see: whip
/ph()ciyoa/ 11 What is the reason for flood, 1. n. ~-~"\· /chulob/ 2,vi, --~c:.:
their flight? kho tsho bros yog gi rgyu mtshon /--ch~/ ~ It flooded lost year here, zlo
go re red? ( ph()ciyoa qhi kumtsr;r;n qh~re nyin 1 di khul lo chu 1 og byung po red, ( tai'iiin
rE,_c) t~poa chul~~ ch~npare~)
flighty, see: fickle flood crest ~-~·«.\~;lO'c:;,_• /chub:. thi5tsr;r;/
flimsy, 1. iso. unsteady ~'9~.,;:r- [neg,] /U~m­ flood damage, 1. n. ~if~ /chukbon/ 2. iso,
po [neg.]/ ~ This choir is flimsy, rkub kyog get flood damage, vi. -- ~~- /--chE,_c/ ~ They
1 di brtan po mi 'dug. (qOpkoa t~ tempo m~ntuu) got O•lot of flood damage. kho tshor chu skyon
2. iso. fragile ~ ~'<\=.'.;::r-- [neg.] /thoqo zhe drag byes shag. (qhi5ntsoo chiikocin sh~too
[neg.]/ 11 This material is flimsy, rgyu cho chE,_cshoa)
'di mkhregs po mi 'dug, (k~pca t~ thoqo m~ntu~) floodlight, see: searchlight
3. iso. unconvincing ~e:.~·.;u·"'-"'\' /qhul')matoa/ flood protection ~·Q.4\"'\' /chul')qo~/ ~ a flood
11 The excuse is flimsy. khog bzhog yog de protection plan chu 'gog 1 char gzhi ( chul')qo:,
khungs ma dog red, (qhoa shooyaa ti qhul')matoa ch~~shi)

r~~) floor, 1. /satii/ ~ It fell on the

fling, see: throw floor. 'di so mthil sgong lo gzogs shag, (t.!.,
flint, 1. iso, the stone ~·~ /~to/ 2, iso, s1ltii 'En lo ~shoo) 2. iso, wood floor ~c::.·

flint lighting device, i. n. ~·~"t\~' /m~coa/ ~~'''·1.'/poi')Cr;r;/ 3, iso. stone floor ~"'\,'Q<>.l,'

ii, iso, light a fire with such a device, vo, /t~pcr;r;/ 4. iso. loy down/make a .floor, vo. C,
a. -- ~;.:,: /--paa; -- zq~r::..:/--ti?J/ 5, iso, story ~·~· /th5q-
flip, see: throw so/ ~ The second floor thog sa gnyis po (th5q-
flippant, see: sarcastic sa niipa) 6, iso. threshing floor "'<\~~·("'.'
172 floral wreath

/ytlOqa/ flute, 1. iso. generic nome, n. ~c:.·~· /lil')qu/

floral wreath ~-~~~·~c::..·&:~.· /~to~i thol')a/ 2. iso, play a flute, va. -- q'9z~: /--taiin/
flour (wheat), 1, n,s:)·~~·/th,!;!Shil/ 2, iso, grind 3. iso. traverse flute ~e;..:m,c::.· /theelil')/ 4.
flour, va. A. -- "'\'<]~~· /--too/ 3, iso, iso, straight flute "1\~""-·ro_c::.· /sh';!_l')lil')/
knead flour, v·a, A, flutter 1 vi. %-=t'~&:l.'.§,~·/lhl:;pluu chf:..C/ ~ The flag
any roasted grain that is ground ~~·q• is fluttering, dar cho lhob lhub byed kyi 'dug.
/ts5mpa/ (th~rca lhopluu ch,!qil)

barley flour ~~·~· /nEJ:..che/ fly, 1. iso. insect ~z::·~ /p2_1')qu/ 1! He killed
buckwheat flour ~-.q_~~·<n·/th~wcc chama/ the fly, khos sbrong bu de bsod song. ( qhS"d
corn flour ~\f\~~'""-l.' /oshom chema/ P2_1')qu t_! sf&so) 2. vo. D. Cl.~.:c.· /phir I ~
millet flour ~~~"'\·~·o:>.· /m~ncao ch~ma/ The bird flew. bya de 'phur song, (ch!? te
wheat flour ~~· /t,hoche/ [Syn, gro zhib] phirsu) 3, iso, fly a plane as a pilot, va.
flourish, vi. "-"·~~·~t:;.· /th~rkcc ch,!:!!!n/ ~ "'\'~t:~'9C::..' /nl:;mt,u t~iin/ ~ Did you fly a plane?
Religion flourished at that time. de dus chos khyod rang gis gnom gru btang pas? (kh8rc&
dar rgyos byung pa red. (th_!tUU ch2B tharkc& namtu t~onp&&) 4, iso, fly in 0 plane I VO, "1\~3-t·
chuunparea) [Syn. 'phel rgyas byung] ~x.·~~ /nl:;mtM chi~/ ~ I'm going to fly
flour mill ~'<::X...!O!."<\'t:;t~'5:\' /chetho'O sota/ again. ngo yang skyor gnom gru lo 'gro gi yin,
flow (for water), vo. A ·ol::t.~'t't,"'{'/k';!_u/ ~ The water (I')~ y~l')koo nl:;mt66 t':!.,qiyin) [Note: This is lit-
flows quickly. chu mgyogs po rgyug gi 1 dug, erally "to go in a plane,"]
(chu k~qo kuuqil) flying a...~.=>:.<AR<;l.,.' /phirl')&&n/ , flying insects
flower ;;l:r-~~- /~to?>/ 'phur mkhon 'bU rigs (qhirl')&&n puril)
flower garden ~·'f""C·~~·.l:.' /~to:, t';!_mra/ fly paper, neo, ~c:.~· /t~I')Sho?>/ [Syn. sbrong
flower pot ~-~·<t\'(l:':i::"~·~· /~t::)~ qh35mo/ bu gsod byed shog bu 'byar tshi yod po]
flowing, see: flow fly swatter, neo, ~t:;.'~zt\' /t~l')cao/ [Syn. sbrang
flu (epidemic) o;,~~·~Ol.l~' /chomrim/ bu gsod byed lcags song lheb lheb]
/phorchao 1-!?/ ~ fool, see: colt
The price fluctuated a lot, rin gong 1 phar chag foam ~'""\' /poO/
zhe drag phyin shag. (r_!l')qoon phorchoo sh!toa foam contraceptive, 1. n. neo, ~-o.:tn:".tf\·~·~·
chr~sho'O) /kenqo~ p66/ 2. iso. use foam contraceptive,
fluent, 1. iso. language ~-~"'1-"'l.'~<t\_&' /chu vo. A. -- ~<l\~' /--ch!:_u/
k~kuu/ ~ He is fluent in Tibetan. kho bod focal ~~~ /tsowo/ 1! focal issue don gnod
skod chu rgyugs rgyugs red. (qho ph~qc& chu gtso bo (th~ncc ts5wo) [Syn, lte bo]
kuukuu rea) 2. iso. speak fluently, vo. ---"\~<\' focus, 1. iso. make clear, vo. D, ~~c::Q·~l:\~zt\~'
/--k:;p/ ~ He speaks Tibetan fluently. khos /s~~po 1-_!q/ 1! Please focus the camera. dpor
bod skad chu rgyugs rgyugs rgyog gi 'dug, (qh~ chos gsol po sgrig rogs gnong. (pCircc& s~~po
phoaqcc chu k~kuu k~qil) t_!qro~naan) 2, iso, main orientation, i, n.
fluid, see: liquid -<q1,'·2r- /ts5wo/ 11 What is the focus of his
flunk, see: fail lecture? kho'i legs sbyar gyi gtso bo go re
flunky, see: servant red? (qh83 l!qcaaqi ts5wo qh~re r!:_c) ii, iso,
fluroscope, see: x-ray focus on, vo. -- @,~' /--ch!:_C/ ~ He focused on
flush, iso, blush, vi, ""1.~'"'-~:.::.·er--.§,~' /t92_n Tibet in his book. kho'i deb nang la bod skor
mol!po Ch!:_&/ , She got flushed, mo gdong dmar gtso bo bshad shag. (qh'SS th!P noon la phi>qoo
po byes song. (m~ t~n moiipo ch!:_cso) tsowo shfcshoo)
fool 173

fodder 1 1, iso. mixture consisting of peas 1 Following that, they went. de'i rjes lo kho
groins, woter 1 etc, CJS"l' /chr!Ja/ 2, iso, tsho ph yin po red. (th~ c~~lo qhontso chi~pa­
chopped straw (stalks of groin) ~l>\'".t.' /sE_mpo/ re~) 2. iso. body of followers/adherents ~~·
3. iso. hoy 1 i. n. ~· /too/ ii, iso, mow ~"-~"-:(!.1('1.'0\,.' /c~ton ch~Q&&n/ ~ The Lama has a
hoy 1 vo. -- .oqc;~· 1--r)'r:.c/ 4. iso, dried hoy ~· large following, blo mo der r jes 'brong byed
~~·iF /too qampo/ [Syn, skom rtswo] 5, iso, mkhon mong po 'dug. (Hlmo tee c~to"h ch~QC&n
fresh hoy /ts5 smlpo/ [Syn. rlon lll2_nqu tui~l) 3. iso. body of odmirers'\,"<\O. .'~('<\·~..'
rtS\YO] /q£n&cn/ 11 The comedian has a large following
foe 1 see: enemy here. bston bshig 1 khrob mkhon der dgo 1 mkhon
fog ~~'""l' /m'::_qpa/ ~ Yesterday was very foggy. mong po 'dug, (tffnshii thapl')&&n t,£E. q£Q&cn
kho so smug po zhe drag 1 dug. ( qhffso m'::.qpa lll2_nqu t'::_~l) 4. iso, following (for doy 1 yeor 1
sh~~oo t'::_t) month) ~~·~· /c~mo/ ~ The following doy 1 he
foible 1 see: fault come, nyin mo r jes mo der kho slabs song,
foil 1 see: block, 5, (nima ceemo tee qho leeso)
fold, vo. ~~·~·4~· /taptsil k2_p/ ~ He foment 1 iso. make, vo. C, ~~~· /s'§.d/ 11 He
folded the mop, khos so bkro de lteb rtseg fomented trouble, khos rnyog dro bzos shag,
brgyob song, (qh~ septa te taptsil k2_pso) (qh~ n~qto s~~hoa)
folioge 1 see: leaves fond ~"1\ a.,• .;:r> /q£po/ 11 He is fond of dogs, kho
folk 1 iso, the village ~a.1· /yu1J/ ~ folk song khyi lo.dgo' po 'dug. (qho khi la q£po t'::_t)
yul gzhos (y~shcc) fondle 1 see: caress
folk opera (Tibetan) ~~·%·~ /oce !homo/ fontanel ~'g<:t~_'!!J.l.' /tsh~~mo/
folk saying (%\'~0<.:. /qhaku1Jn/ food 1 1. iso, a meal, ~·Ol~· ; h, <.<\~·=~· /qho-
follow, 1. iso, come after vi, 4'\~"''.'<>.l'*' loa; h. shE.,£loa/ [Syn, Ito; h. gsol tshigs] 2.
/sh'::_'tlla y~"h/ ~ The speech follows the dinner. iso.·. eat food 1 vo, k\.1\,~' ; h, CJ..I'i£'"'\,'
gsung bshad gsol tshigs kyi gzhug la yong gi /--sE_& ·~;
... h. --chod 3, iso. make fo od 1 vo, c • --
red. (sOQSh&c s~siiqi sh~tla y~Qqie~) ~ ! 1 11 '9.~~· /--s'§.d/ 4. iso, foodstuffs ::;a·e.t~o:..·
follow you in my cor, nga ngo'i mo to btang nos /s£co/ 11 There was a shortage of food lost
khyed rang gi gzhug la yong gi yin. (Q~ Q.!:E., year, zlo nyin zo bco' mo !dong po byung shag,
m~t.a ti!onn& kh~roanqi sh~Ula y~Qqiyin) 2, iso, (t2_nii S£CO m£ntonpa ch~nshoa)
a troil/onimol 1 etc, vo. ~-cr..~"'&:\~~· food and drink ::t ·~%c.: /s2_tuun/
/c~ntoo toBn/ ~ The spy followed me, so pas food expenses ;=a '·~W~;:::..· /s£c&& }~soon/
ngo rjes 'ded btong byung, (s5pcc r'l.9. c~nte~ [Syn, Ito chos kyi 'gro song]
toancu) 3, iso, accept as guide/authority }i~· food groins .:a·8..~' /s2_n}u/
~c.~· /cee~on chE_C/ ~ The Tibetans follow food industry 1 neo, :;;\'t:t<;'ct.'e.t~<;:>:l~' /s£c&c s~lcc/
the Lama. bod po tsho blo mo'i rjes 1 brong byos food prices .=:J't:t-'()~·X~·~· /s£c&c r!:_nqoon/
po red. ( phocipotso lam&& cee}an chE_cpore~) 4, food processing plont 1 neo, =a•~::~..:v~-~~~·1:1.~~·
iso. follow blindly 1 vo, ~c::.·~~~·~· /S£CO qh~}il S~~O/
/mOQkut chE_C/ foodstuffs, see: food 1 4
follower ~·a.!:;\c.~c;.:ou(ti.<J\' /c~ton ch!Q&&n/ ~ fool, 1. iso, stupid person ~41,'&:..\' /quqpa/ 11 He
He is a follower of communism. kho dmor po 1 i is a fool. kho lkug pa red, (qho qD.qpa r~~)
r jes I brong byed mkhon red, (qho m00p00 C~e}on 2. iso, fool (someone) 1 va, ~~~·.<::~.~c::.· /q~­
ch~Q&&n r~~) q:::>:> toan/ 3. iso, get fooled 1 vi, A. ~;:£\'·$•
following, i. iso, after ~·~· Ja~~1 ./q~q~~ thee/ 4. iso. fool around 1 va. C,
174 foot

~~~· /tseemo ts~~/ see: block; prohibit

foot, 1. iso. JXJrt of leg • .if\~'10.3.' /qor)JXI/ 2. iso. forbidden, 1. vi. [vb.] ~~· [neg.] /[vb.] ch5o
distance measure ~'%' /phOt.u/ 11 one foot phu [neg.]/ 11 It is forbidden to smoke here? 1 di

t.u gcig {phOt.u cil) 3. iso. bottom of hill~· khul tho mag 1 then chag gi mo red? {t,!po~
Cl.,~~· /rJ:..ntap/ [Syn. ri gshom] 4. iso. on thomo~ the§n ch~~imoree) 2. adj. ~-~""\'"l'a.·
foot, i. n • .:f\~""l:.l' /qh;!"po/ ii. iso. go on /moch33pcc/ 11 o forbidden book bltos mo chog
foot, vo. -- ~~-=~ I --k2_p/ 11 They went on foot. JXI i deb
1 {tfc mCich33pcc th!Pl
kho tsho ·gom po brgyob byos ph yin po red. force, 1. iso. strength/power ~~~olr\~'
{qhontso qh~po k2_p chE_C chi~pore~) /topshuu/ 11 Their military force is great, kho
football {soccer) 1 1. n. "\~-~· /qor)p-:J-:J/ 2. tsho 1 i drag po 1 i stobs shugs chen po red,
iso. play football, vo. -- -'<\~' /--k2_p/ {qhontslrd 't-2_qpb"d topshuu chempo r!e) 2. see:
[Syn. rkong rtsed polo; neo. c. dzu 1 u chi 1 u] compel 3. iso. o body of troops ~'61.«\'~' /maa-
football team ~G:.-.;:('(;1.1~·~~· /qor)p-:J-:J r!!.qo~/ mi/ 11 police force ~1ifx.~c.·l<,~CI\~·/q15rsuun maa-
foothold, see: footing mi/ [Syn. pu li si dmog mi]
footing lftC.'t:;t·a.~~·~· /q~r)po ts~a/ 11 He lost forceful ~<tl,~-~~i'F /shOq chempo/ 11 a
his footing and fell, kho rkong JXI 1 dzugs so forceful appeal 1 bad skul shugs chen po zhig
sho~ nos gzogs po red, {qh~ q~r)po tsuusa sh33- {pUUqUU shCiq chempo ci)
ncc s~JXIre~) forcibly ~~·"\.q,~'.@...~' /tsfnwooncc/ 11 They
footnote -CI\"'\"al'~ifo~' /sh5mchccn/ took it away forcibly. kho tshos btson dbong
footJXJth if\~'GJ..t~' /qor)lom/ byos 1 khyer .JXI red. {qhi5ntslrd tsfnwooncc khii-
footprint ~~-~~· /qoQCee/ paree)
foot race, 1. n. ~-~"t\~' /mJ:..kuu/ 2. vo. ford {a river) 1 va. ~-.:(~·~~~· /chOrap k2_p/ 11 We
.q_~~~· I --k!!,u/ have to ford the river here. 1 dir ngo tshos chu
footstool ~~-~~~·/qonko~/ [Syn. rkang stegs] rob rgyog dgos red, {tE_£ r)~ntslrd chOrap k~~qo­
footwear i\i.r:;,·@;"~· /qonkb"dn/ ree)
for 1 iso. for the purpose of ~01...'"\"t\'~' /th~nto~ forearm cq~·~x..· /122,r)oo/
la/ 11 They worked for the JXJrty. khos tshog forebode, iso. a sign, n. ~((\~' /to"C/ 11 Those
JX1 i1 don dog la los ko byas po red. {qhSls clouds forebode a storm. sprin po pho tsho drag
tsheqpcc th~to~ la 1E_£qo chE_tpore~) 11 This char gtong yag gi rtogs red. {t.rnpo phantso
book is for you, deb di khyed rang gi don dog t.2,qcoa toonya~ qhi ta~ r2,e) [Syn. sngon brdo]
la red. {th!P t!:., kh~roonqi th~to~ lo r!~) forecast 1 1 • iso. expenses 1 i. n. -if'~~"' /nSn-
forage, see: fodder ts~/ ii. va. -- ~~· /--ch£Cl 11 He forecast
for a long time ~1il.,~G:.·C:f'" /k~n r,!nqu/ 11 He the expenses. khos 1 gro song sngon tshod byos
stayed for a long time. kho rgyun ring po bsdod po red. {qh'S'd t._25oon nSntsols chE_cparee) 2.
po red. {qho k~n r,!nqu tE_cporee) iso. forecast weather, vo. ~~<=I.~'I'I;.'YC..' /nSnto
for a little while ~·.{at• /t33ts/ 11 He stayed toon/ [Syn. sngon bsgrogs byos]
for o while. kho tag tsom bsdod JXI red. {qho forefather 1 see: ancester
t33ts tE_cparee) forefront, see: vanguard
forbear, see: abstain; refrain foregoing, 1. see: previous 2. see: above men-
forbid, 1. vo. A. [vb.] ~~·.q~~· /[vb.] ru rna- tioned
cOu/ ~ that book.
11 They forbid him to read kho forehand, iso. sports, neo, 1. n,
tshos kho lo deb de glag tu mo bcug JXI red. /t~nlo~/ 2. iso. hit forehand
{qhantslrd qh33 th!P the 13~ru macuuparee) 2, /--chE_c/
forgery 175

forehead '\~<'l·q.• /pff!q:;~/ forest covered mountain ~""""':x_. /n~qri/

foreign~-~· /ch!k&&/ ~ foreign support phyi forester 19..."'\~'Cl.\~·~(.7:1.-':'\'~ • /n~ql&c qh&f!pa I
rgyol gyi rgyob skyor (chik&&qi k~pk6b) forest fire, 1. n, ~C::.'OI._4\~·~·~c::.· /shir)noo me-
foreign affairs~-~""-.' /chfsil/ [Syn, phyi 'brei puun/ 2, iso, hove/be forest fire, vi. -- ~z:::·
los don] /--ch!:!!:!n/
Foreign Affairs Minister ~-~"'-q'l"\0..'~~ /chisil forestry lli...""'.;N.'<Xl~' /n~ql&c/
qBlbMdn/ [Syn. nee, c. phyi 'brei pu'u krong] forestry science "'\."<\~'0-l'<-\'~~"'1'/n~qlc& tshcf!nril/
Foreign Affairs Ministry ~~&::..:\'\<=·-' /chisilqoon/ foretell, vo. A. ~&.~~-l:l..'-1<\"'..' /rJBnshee shcc/ ~
[Syn. nee. c. phyi 'brei pu'u] The lama foretold the future, blo mo des mngon
foreign aid ~~"'-1.·@;~~-.:.:.~· /chik&&qi r22_rom/ shes bshod po red. (lorna t!e 1')8nshee shf!cporee)
foreigner ~~-~~· /ch!k&&qi mj/ ~ Is he a forethought, 1. n, ~~~-"'{~~· /phuqsoam/ 2,
foreigner? kho phyi rgyol gi mi red pas? (qho vo, -- .!::\9Z::.' /--toBn/
ch!k&&qi m~ r!p&c) [neg,] /tseon& [neg,]/ ~

foreign policy ~~<.>.:~·~~@,~ • /chintee siicUU/ That house will lost forever (lit, will never
foreknowledge, iso, hove, vo, {[0\:~::f\~· /r)f!f!n& collapse), khong po de rtso bo nos zhig gi mo
she~/ ~ Did you hove any foreknowledge of the red, (qhor)po th! tsoon& shiiqimaree) [Syn, nom
plan? khyod rang gis 'char gzhi de sngon nos yang] ~ I '11 remember you forever (lit, I 1 11
shes kyi yod pas? (kh8r&c cheashi ti rJffn& never forget you), ngos khyed rang rtso bo nos
shir)qiyopcc) ~ He hod foreknowledge that they br jed kyi min, ( I'J_£C kheroo n ts6on& C!!:,qim&&n)
would come, khos kho tsho yong gi yod po sngon [Note: Tibetan expresses this with negatives.]
mas shes kyi 'dug. (qh~ qh~ntso y~r)qiyopo· rJff- 2, see: always
n& sh!r)qil) forewarn, va. ~a.i!("''~c.· /rJBnto toon/
foreleg <>l"'\' c.J. • /I;:.qpo/ foreword ~~t::t. X"-"" /rJBnco"o/ [Syn, gleng gzhi]
forelorn hope~·~· /r!toon/ for example 0.!(.'i;t..' /perno/ ~ For example, John
foreman -=1~"-l.~Q.~<-l.· /s2,p&& q2,pa/ is very good, dper no 'jo 1 on yog po zhe drag
foremost z:.lJ."f\~~· /y2,qsh-dJ/ ~ It is the foremost 'dug, (perno c22_n y;:.qo ch!too t_!:!u)
university, 'di gtsug log slob grwo yag shes forfeit, 1, iso. lose a right, vo. B. ~·_at:::.~;,;,·
shig red. (t! tscrqloo lepta y;:.qshoB ci r~e) /thoptoon sh:S:l/ ~ He forfeited his right to
forename, nee, "il:\c::.•"'f-'~ /m!rJ th2,1'Jpo/ vote. kho'i 1 os bsdu'i thob thong shor shag,
forequarter ~~~ ~"'\' /t_!!nq:;~/ (qhBB w~tUU th5ptoon sh:S~shoa) 2. iso, a game,
forerunner, see: sign i. win by forfeit, vi. D. q,~'l:..\'"'l,yi::.'"'~~l:l,,
foresee, vi. B. ~.:c&~·~~~c:.-~c:.· /fTI9..WO~ /neepa toone thep/ ii. lose by forfeit, vi, B,
1')8ntoon ch.!:!!;!n/ ~ He foresaw the revolt, khos <9;z.-."\•q' 2<f""'t\·~~*· /~po ph3~n& sh:S:S/
ngo log yong gi yod po mo 1 ongs sngon mthong forge, 1. iso, blacksmith's fireplace, i, n, D-t"'\~·

byung po red, (qh~ I'Jf2b~ Y_!:!I'Jqiyopo mowo~ 1')3n- JaA' /q~rthap/ ii. vo, ,q~a.~e::.·~~· /s2.tuu~
toon ch.!:!!;!nporee) chf!c/ 2. iso. imitate illegally, va, C, ~~·
foresight ~ w~c;.· /r)Bntoon/ ~-c:::ta~' /tsUUma s'2_~/ ~ He forged a poss-;ort,
foreskin q_z~·"'-l:.::n.~· /tf!TlpaO/ [Syn, pho mtshon khos log khyer rdzus mo bzos shag,. (qh~d l~qkee
sgrib byed pegs pa] ts~ma s3[dshoa) 3. iso, forge a signature, vo,
forest "f'\C::.' ~"t\~· /shfr)noa/ ~~· Cl:\. &:\@.,"'\.' /tsUllma k~p/ ~ He forged her

forestall, see: prevent; hinder signature. khos mo'i so yig rdzus mo brgyob
forestation 4c::.'C;l.._"'\~·.q,~~o5( /shir)noa s.!;!tUUn/ shag. (qh~d mod s~yil ts~ma k~pshoo)
[Syn, nee, c. shir) 1 dzugs nags bzo] forgery ~~'d-t't::l.~~"'\' /ts~ma s2.yoa/ ~ Is
176 forget

this a forgery? 1 di rdzus mo bzo yag red JXIS? po sngon rna de ( k££JX1 r)fmo~ tel
(t_! ts!:!!:!ma S£YO~ r!p&t) ~ Forgery is a crime, formerly ~CI.l.' /l')'f!.mo~/ ~ Formerly 1 there were
rdzus mo bzo yog de khrims 'gal red, (ts!:!!:!ma kings, sngon rna rgyol po yod JXI red, (r:J'f!.mo~
S£YO~ te ~hrmq&& r!~l k££PO Y20re~)
forget, vi. A. q1_"'- ; h, "'\~Cll' /c!~; h. iiee/ ~ former times, see: formerly
I forgot his _nome, ngas kho'i ming brjed shag, formidable <:t~"t\~'-'N'.l:::.C:..~'
/c!_qsu r.!:!,l')a/ ~ He
(r)£~ qh88 m_!r:J c!~sha~) ~ Don't forget, me has a formidable opponent, kho lo kho gtod
brjed po byed ong. (m,!;ce~pa ch!_ co) 'jigs su rung bo zhig 'dug. (qh33 qhopte~ c!_qsu
forgetful ~~~c:l·~~ /c!!,r:Je~ tshopo/ ~ The r.!:!.r:Ja ci t.!:!,tl
old man .is very forgetful, mi spa bo de rjed formless, see: shapeless
nges tsho po zhed po cig 1 dug, (m_! pCi_woo te .formulate, va. C. t::t~z:..· /tr'M ~ He formulated
C!!,r)e~ tshopo sh!_puci t.!:!,tl the plan, khos 1 char gzhi bting JXI red, ( qhS'd
forget it!, slang -<1"\~'"'~'"'l.~"'\· /yuqsh:>o/ ch~ashi trQpare~)
forgive, va. A. ~'i\"'~·.q~~· /sl:l"dpa she~/ ~ fornicate, vo, -l[~e:t· /k~ k!p/
Please forgive me, nga la bzod JXI bzhes rogs fornication ~ /k~/
gnang. (I')~ s~JXI sh,!;!r:>onaan) forsake, see: abandon
forgiveness, iso, to ask, va. C. ~=~.)f"~"-\·~~T~· forswear, see: renounce
~ot.,z:.· ~~· /sb'1:lpa sh!!;r:>onaan shJ!~/ fort <Sll_l:\!:1:;.' /qhor/ [Syn, mkhor rdzong]
fork (utensil) 3\\..:::..'<Z:' /ql!r)~a/ forthright ~.'~.'(1"1.'~"'\' /qh~ri qh~thut/
<:'\ -v
forlorn, see:
form, 1, see:
shape 2, iso, structure a:.~~·
fortification, 1. n,
-.;) -
<'=l.~·~~· /ts!_r:Jroo/ 2,
~~~· /choota},/ ~ What form of government do !so, construct fortifications, vo. -- o!::l.,~q·

they have? kho tsho'i gzhung gi chags stangs go /--k!p/

'dra zhig yod pa red? (qhOntsBO sh~~i chooto}, fortify, see: fortification, 2
qh!n~&t ci Y20r&~) 3, iso. make a group, va, A, fortnightly o!::\~s_..,t{~~· /t.J:!!:!n iiii/
G~-~· /tsut/ ~ They formed an organization, fortress, see: fort
kho tshos tshogs JXI zhig btsugs shag, (qh5ntsl:l"d fortuitous, see: occidental; lucky
tsh3qpa ci tsutsho~) 4, iso, a printed document fortunate .q~~~-~..'~~~ /s15te chempo/ ~ We
~&'ffl· /ph!lmsh:>o/ ~ Please fill in the ore fortunate, ngo tsho bsod,, bde chen po red,
form, phom shog 1 di brgyang regs gnong, (phCim- (r:J,!;ntso sote ch~po r!~l [Syn. bsod nams chen
sh:>o t_! k_22nr:>onaan) 5, see: body 6, iso, po]
mould/make shape, vo, C. ~F~-~~~· fortunately ~"'l.~'"<..l.t~'l:.l.'~"'':\' /t~p y~qo c!_q
ls£pto s'2.,'tl/ ~ First he forms the clay, khos la/ ~ Fortunotely he came before we left,
dong po 1 jim· JXI la bzo lto bzo gi 'dug, (qhS'd stabs yag JXI zhig lo ngo tsho me thon gong la
th,!;I'JPO c_!mpoo s~pto s~qil) khong phebs byung, (t~p Y,!;qo c!_q la ~ntso me-
formalism, neo, ~~-~~~c:..·~"t\~· /l.!:!.qti.r1In tho~~ qh~n lo qhoon ph~cu) [Syn. stabs legs
r_!l')lut/ JXI zhig la]
formality ~~~·'\e::.:~<51.:_~· /l~qta thtlnpa/ ~ This forty o~::~.~·~· /sh_!pcu/
is a formality, 1 di lugs dang mthun JXI zhig forty-eight o!:l~·q~·~·e:t@,~ /shipcu shepk&t/
red. (ti luqta thOmpaci re~) forty-eighth "''.~·q~~-"'~~~· /sh!_pcu sh!P-
formalize 1 - vo~ C, ~Gtl.' c£~~~·z:.t•.:t"'£"~· /th.2!;!nla k&tpo/
~!_qa s![d/ [Syn. 'thus sgo tshang bo bzo~] forty-fifth ~~-~~·~·~ • /sh!pcu sh!I'JCJXI/
former ~a:~.· /I')T;mo~/ ~ The former king rgyol forty-first .o:t.'C.i\-~~~-"'\~"t\·~· /sh!_pcu shicil-
fox skin 177

pa/ mrii')Shi) 2. iso. lay a foundation, va. C,

forty-five "'l.~·~-~~· /shipcu shel')a/ ~~~:::.· /--ti~/ 3, iso, foundation stone ~.:::~
forty-four "'\~'~:'6·-::::,..'c!:l.~.
..,, '-"\ \..ol, /shipcu
- shipshi/
- /m~l')to/ 4. iso, foundation of a wall ~-~c:·
forty-fourth J:J.~·<=l.~·~-~~·~· /sh!_pcu shipshipa/ /ts'i;qmal')/ [Syn. rtsig gdan) 5, iso. basis ~151.:
forty-nine ~~·e::t~·~·"\~ /sh!_pcu sh!_qu/ ~~·/te§nshi/ 11 The main foundation of life is
·~ - -
/shipcu shiqupa/
/sh!_pcu sh!_cil/
'tsho ba 'i rten gzhi gtso bo chos
(tshow&& te~nshi ts5wo chaB r!e)
forty-second l::l.,~·~~~-~~·.q• /sh!_pcu sh!_f'iilpa/ founder ;g-·a~~~~a..~<>\: /ts§ntsuu ch!r:J&&n/ 11
forty-seven ""~'"''.~·@.·e::t~<!!l,.' /sh!_pcu sh!_ptlfun/ He is the founder of the party. kho tshogs pa
forty-seventh l::l..~'l:3.,~~~"l.~"'~· /sh!_pcu sh!_p- rtsa 1 dzugs byed mkhon de red, (qho tshoqpa
tu11mpa/ tsrintsuu ch!r:J&&n te r!~l
forty-six ~~-~~-~""\· /sh!_pcu sh!_t-u~/ foundling ~-~·&:~."'-."t\'~"\' /puqu t~mee/
forty-sixth ~@t·~·~-~~''"-l.' /sh!_pcu sh!_t-uupa/ foundry ~~·~c::. • /luuqaon/ [Syn, lug rgyag sa 1 i
forty-third <=~.~'""J..~'~'-'t\~~·e.:~.·/sh!_pcu sh!_sumpa/ khang po)
forty-three ~~·q,~~-.:r\~'\9.1' /sh!_pcu sh!_sum/ foundry worker ~~-~- /luqpo/
.forty"'two t::\~·~~~-"t\~~· /sh!_pcu sh!_iiil/ fountain, 1. iso. ornamental fountain, neo, a..~·"Q·
forword 1 1. iso, toward the front ~Q.l.' /l')r!.r!n /th3rchu/
2, iso, drinking fountain, neo, c;uac.:
la/ 11 They moved forward slowly. kho tsho go o.1_~~'60' /thul')ya~ th3rchu/
ler la sngon la phyin po red, (qh6ntso q~!liila fountain pen, see: pen
l')r!r!n la chimpare~) 2. iso, from now forward ~~­ four e::t~· /shy
~~~·In£& s~Q/ 11 From this day forward, I won't fourfold ~c.t·.::t{\• /t!P shy
eat meat. de ring nos bzung ngas she bza 1 gi four hundred ~~:e::t.@; /sh!_pka/
min. (th!_riin&c s~~ r:J£t sho-s!qim&&n) 3, iso, four seasons ~-~~- /tUUshi/
go forward/advance, neo,, va, ~~~~~~· fourteen ~:o·~~· /cOpshi/
/t!£nko'ts ch£C/ 4. iso, transmit/send Q..~~·o:.t• fourth, 1. ~Gi\'IA..l.' /sh!_pa/ 11 the fourth man mi
~~}~ • /t.haBpo ch£&1 11 Please forward this letter bzho po de (m_!, sh_!,pa ti) 2, iso, one fourth
to him, yi ge 1 di khong la 'phrod po gnang rogs .o:t~<6'<t\~~· /sh!_cha crl/ 11 Give me one fourth.
gnang, (y_!,qi t!_ qhoon la t-haBpo ch!r::>~chi) nga la bzhi cha gcig sprod dong, ( ~ sh!_cha
fossil, 1. n.~~~·/t~rut/ 2. iso, become fossil- cil t-S"d_ta) 11 three fourths ~~~-~~~- /sh!_cha
ized, vi. A. -- a;,<t~,~· /--cho~/ sum/
fossil man, see: ape man fourthly l:S.~'c..I.-"' /sh!_poa/ 11 Fourthly, we must
foster, 1. see: rear 2. see: encourage work hard, bzhi per nga tshos las ka shugs chen
foster child 4'\~~·~-<t'\· /smlt.uu/ po byed dgos red. (sh_!,poa l')~ntsW l&&qa sh!:!q
foster father"'!\'~' /phritsap/ chempo ch!qoree)
foster home ~~~-~~·~'(Zl.C:.' /st:lfit.uu ii!:!rqaan/ four t?gether ~~·~· /sh!_qaa/ 11 the four students
foster mother M'~t:~,· /m!tsap/ together slob phrug bzhi go (lopt-aa sh!_qaa)
foul, 1. adj. ~"'t\·~· /ts3qpo/ 11 a foul smell fowl ~~ ~- /khimca/
dri rna bstog po ('t-h!_ma ts3qpa) 11 foul water fox tat~ /wE_mo/
chu bstog pa (chu ts3qpo) 2. iso, make foul, fox cub ~·~~- /w!t-uu/
va. C. "'tS~· 1--s"§:_d/ fox den tat·c?t'~;:..• /w~tsaan/
found, 1. p. iso. find 2. see: establish fox hat <'J;t·~· /w~sha/
foundation, 1. n. i9lC::..'"t\~: /m'fmshi/ 11 foundation foxhole ~e::t''1C:.' /qh!pquun/
of the bridge zorn po 1 i rmang gzhi (s!:!mp&& fox skin ~-~.It\~' /w~poo/
178 fracture

fracture, vi. A. ao~· /cho~/ f He fractured his He fraternized with the enemy. khos dgro dang
arm. kho'i lag pa chag shag. (qh8S l~qpa cho~­ mthun grogs byes pa red, (qh~ 't-!! to thUnt-o~
sha~) ch_£cpore?l) [Syn. mthun .sdab byes; mthun •brel
fragile ll<>.t:t\'&""4\'~«\' /cho~ ch5xho~/ byes]
fragment co~·r- /chooro/ f fragments of brick sa fraud, see: fake
phag chog ro (sapo~ chBoro) fray, 1. see: fight; quarrel 2. iso, worn, vi.
fragmentary, sea: incomplete A• .=~,"' /s_£&/ f The shirt was frayed, stod
fragrant ~·3l·~o:t·2t' /1-h.!:_ma sh.!:_mpu/ [Syn. dri .thung de zod shag • ( tOOtuunti sE_cshao)
bzong po; dri mo yog po] freak, iso. untimely ~·~"<\~' /th]!!miin qhi/ f
frail "\~<rt~·f"~ /Ot kopo/ freak snow dus min gyi gongs [Syn. rgyun gtan
frame, 1. iso. a picture, i, n. ~~.:.:_·~al' /pGr- nang bzhin min pa]
toiV ii. iso. make a frame, vo, C. -- .q1!~· freckle-~,%"'\'
/--s"§.d/ iii, iso. put in a frome 1 vo. C. --<11.0::.'
free, 1. iso. having liberty ..:(.~'"-.1:1.~· /r~nwaan/ f
~-~"l\~· /--~n lo Hit/ 2. iso. a door/window Formerly, farmers were not free, sngon ma zhing
~~-~~~~/ f window frame sge khung gi sgrom pa tsho la rang dbong yod pa ma red, (l)~ma?J
(.q.!_quun.qhi 1-~~) sh.!_l)patsba r~nwaan y~~mar~) f We ore free to
frame-up, va. A. ~~·(1.\"'1'-'t\~~:sb·~·:l.: /m~nae read anything. ngo tshor go re yin yang klog
qhoyo~ ch£&1 yog gi rang dbang yod pa red. (l)~ntso:> qh~re

Franca ....t·~~~· /phorccns/ [Syn. c. ph'o go] y.!_n&& lo~ya?.! qhi r~woon y~~ree) f free country
franchise, iso. right to vote .:i!\,~-4<:\~'AA'~c::.· rang dbang yod pa'i· lung pa (r~waon y~p&& 1!:!_1)-
/t!mqbo thi5ptoon/ f They guaranteed the fran- pa) 2. iso. no cost ~1:5\.:1<1;'~"\~'"'\~~·~· /r.!_mpa
chise of every citizen. kho tshos rgyol 1 bangs
. .
m~qooyao/ f Is the book free? 'di rin pa
re re 1 i 'dem bsko 1 i thob thong 1 gon len byes pa sprod ma dgos pa 1 i deb red pas? ( t.!_ r.!_mpa t-SU
red. (qhontsod k££mpo~ rerae t!mqoo thoptoon m~o~yaoqi th!:_P r!p&c) [Syn. rin mad] 3. iso,
q&&nlaan ch£Cparae) no wages ~ -~"\ /lomee/ 4. iso. set free. vo.
frank, 1. iso. a person ~·x..·c::zt.·~"t\' /qhari i[c;..:,~;_tf=.·~'?c:.· /18'8tod tcion/ t They freed the
qh~thut/ f He is very frank. kho kho ri kho prisoners. kho tshos btson pa glad bkrol btang
thug zhed po chig 'dug. (qho qhari qhathut_sh.!_- pa redo (qhontsb~ tsBmpa 18StbMo toonparee)
puci t!:!tl 2. iso. a discussion ~~-~ /lhiiqpu/ freedom .;,:.c:_·~<::~.t:: /r~nwaon/
f They hod a frank discussion, kho tshos gros freedom (personal) ~:.:..-~xc:::.· ""-l:l c::.•
sdur lhug po byes shag. (qhotsb~ t-~utuu lhiiqpu wean/
ch£csha?.!) freedom fighter .::.:..c::.-1'\.~c::.·~·Z~.xt·C'I..~"'I.'Q~·~"
frankly (2:1.~·~·~"'\'<:t.I' /qhari qhathut la/ t He <J.l~~ /r!!nwoan qhi th~n lo thamtsiln ch!:_l')&&n/
spoke frankly. khos skod cho kho ri kho thug lo [Syn. rang dbang 'thob 'dzing pa]
bshod song. (qh~ q~co qhari qhathut la sh~cso) freedom of choice o:,~~0:..""'!9;['x_~·"\<::I.C::.' /t,22ntei'll ron-
frantic, vi. lf~c::t~·@.~' /not-oo ch!!:,U f Ha is wean/
frantic with worry. kho sams khrol gyi smyo freedom of movement ~~c..·~·.:.:_c:;.·"'~:~.~· /t~wo~
grabs byed kyi 'dug. (qho se~th&& qhi notoo qhi r~nwoan/
c_h.!_qil) [Note: This form literally is a noun freedo~ of speech <t\'9~ ·q.~"".:.::.~- "\.<::.\~. /tomcW
such as "worry" plus "about to go crazy."] r~nwoon/
fraternal twin, sea: twin freedom of the press '\"-l..X.:~~x.c::.·"'\,"::l.~· /part-u11n
fraternity, see: club r~nwoan/
fraternize, vo. ~~~~~~· /thnnt-o~ ch£C/ f freedom of the seas ~~----
. /tshot:>~
frightening 179

ranwaa.n/ /soopo/ ~ a fresh idea bsam blo gsar po (som-

fre: part 1fc:.· ~0-l-~"'\'l:..t'a.·~·~· /tshol')~hcc m~~pcc lo soopa)
~h~qa/ fresh water lake ~·~<;,:"'a..·~if- /tsho '"!~PC& tsho/
free time ~~-~~· /thcctuU/
~ -
freeze, 1. iso. get/be frozen, vi. A. ~&~~·"'1.'Cil)"t\~·
fresher ~~·"=l' /s'(;dra/
sho sos ba de nyos.
11 Buy the fresher meat.
(she s'(;dra te n~d)
/khoqpa~ choo/ ~ The meat froze. she khyags pa fret, see: worry
chags shag. (sho khoqpao chaoshao) 2, va, c. Friday· ""\."!.O.'e:.t'~~.:M' /sa paasa?!/
f%~«l'l:l.'"l.'lt""~· /khaqpao s"§.d/ 11 He froze the fried ~1"~· !:..\' /'()B'dpo/ 11 fried potatoes zhog gog
meat, khos she khyags pa bzos shag, (qh3B sho brngos pa (shooqo~ '()'(;dpo)
khoqpao s]!dshao) 3. iso. a lake, river [implies friend, 1. n, ~~~·~ /~h!;!J.o/ ~ He has many
one can walk on the ice] vi. A. "\X.:a:,'t\~' /thE_r friends. kho la grogs po mang po yod po red,
cheo/ 11 The lake froze. mtsho la dar chags (qh55 'th!;!J.O m_:'()qu Y2~ree) [Syn. dgo' po nye po]
shag. ( tsho la thE_r chaoshao) 4. iso. tempo- 2. iso. make friends, va. c. -- ~~~· /--s]!d/
rarily halt, va. A. <!IJ.a:.~~·~:~,@l.~' /tsh~ shE_o/ female friend~~~·~ /'thE.,mo/
~ They put a freeze on hiring. kho tshos las friendly ""'-~o..·i:f.'~·~ /C(£PO ~po/ 11 They are
kar 1 jug yag mtshams bzhag pa red. (qhontsb1! friendly. kho tsho dga 1 po nye po red.
l££qaa C~yao tshem ShE_Oparee) (qh6ntso CJ2.PO ii~po r!~l 11 He gave her friendly
freeze-dry, va. ~.l!t\~·~(1.1'<:;.19~· /khaciqaill teen/ 11 advice, khos dgo 1 po nye po· 1 i bslob bye brgyob
They freeze-dried the meat. kho tshos she 1 di pa red. .lqhtiB q£po ii~p!;i'd l_:pca k_:pare~)
khyags skarn btang pa red. (qhontsod shoti khoo- friendly nations ~.sfa:tii.J.~<s~..·~·~t.::~.· /ts_:ttrun
qalll tcionparee) kccqap/
freeze-dried meat 'f\' ~~·~~·-=t«j~·~· /she kooqam friendly relations o:l~CI...'liU~~®~ax.·~· /ts,:ttrun
toonpa/ qhi }~wo/
freezer, neo. \W\&·.qa~~-'&\~' /khoqsb·o 135qam/ friendship C-:~.ef'q,·C)J.~~ /ts_:ttrun/ 11 friendship
freezing, 1. iso. extremely cold in temperature and cooperation mdzo 1 mthun mnyom los (ts,:tuUn
~~~~o:;.:e?t="~~y /~h_:l')u sh.!_puci/ ~ It 1 s freez- iioml&c) 11 class friendship grol rim gyi mdzo 1
ing today. de ring grang mo zhed po cig 1 dug. mthun ('th££rim qhi ts_:t~un) ~ friendship visit
(th.!_riin th_:l')u sh.!_puci t~o) 2. see: cold mdzo 1 mthun gyi 'tshoms 1 dri (ts_:tu"un qhi
freezing point ~'t\~'~" /kheqtsc&/ ~ It 1s below tsh~m'ti)

freezing tonight. do dgong khyags tshod kyi 1 og frighten, 1. va. B. R"\.'~&:.·~1!1,~- /sh~noon qOO/
la slebs shag. (t~qo~ khoqtsCCqi W£~la leeshao) ~ He frightened the children. khos phur gur
[Syn, khyags pa brgyab pa'i grang tshad] zhed snong bskul song. (qhtlB puqoo sheenaon
freight ~~-Cl~a: /s£1')}een/ ~ freight train zog qrn:lso) 2. iso. get/be frightened, vi. A. ~"'-.'
'dren ril li (s£1')}een r!li) /sh!~/ ~ He got frightened, kho zhed song,
freight charge '{"~·a..~a:~ra.:> /s21')}een l£Ca/ (qho sh~so) 3, iso, get frightened, for

freighter ~·~~~·"'!"a~~· /S£1?teen "t.!:!tsi~/ animals, vi. A. ~~~· /t2o/ 11 The horse got
French t4'·.:>\.~~~· /pherccnsee/ ~ French food pha frightened, rta de 'drogs song. (to te t2~so)·
ran se'i kha lag (phorccnsee qholaa) 4. iso. frighten animals, va. A. "'~~~· /t3~/
Frenchman ~~01..~~-~- /phorccnsee m!f 11 He frightened the birds. khos byi 1 u dkrogs
frequently, see: often song, (qhB'd ch!wuu 't3~so)
fresco ~"'<'~.'~~· /t~pril/ frightening ~e;.:~c.·~·,;r:- /sh~noon tshopo/ 11 His
fresh, 1. iso. foods ~~·~· /s3'8pa/ ~ fresh meat face is very frightening. kho 1 i dgong de zhed
sho sos. po (she sbilpa) 2. iso. new ~~·~· snang tsha po ihe po cig 1 dug. ( qhSS toon te
180 frightfu I

sh~naan tshopo sh!puci t~u) frozen, see: freeze, 1

frightful, see: frightening, frugal, 1. iso, be economical, va. "<~~'~-'<"~·~~·
frisk, va. Cl.l~'"'\.~.>::.·<:~.~nc:;.• /ltll.ishee taon/ ~ The /sitsao ch£_C/ 11 He is a very frugal person.
" I" -
police frisked him, pu l i sis kho la !us bsher kho bsri tshags zhe drag byed mkhan zhig red.
btang pa red. (pulisil qh~~ l~shee taanpare~) (qho sitsaa sh~taa ch~cenci r!:,el 2. iso,
frisky a.;;bC';l.·~ /tshupu/ ~ This puppy is frisky. stingy ~"''.·q·"'-..~';:r-- /l~qpo thr:..mpo/ [Syn. lag po
khyi phrug 'di •tshub pa 'dug. (khit.uu t! tshu- gcag po]
pu t~ul fruit, 1. V\c.·~"t\' /shr~to6/ [Syn. shing 'bras]
frog -';;:!a.I'"-'' /pecpaa/ 2. see: result
frolic, see: play. fruition, see: achievement
from a__~· /n£_c/ ~ He came from Tibet. kho bod fruitless ~"'~.·as.~·~"'....,. /th~mte& ~epa/ 1f a
nos yong pa red. (qh~ ph~ n£C y~parea) fruitless search grub 'bros med po'i nyams zhib
from now """"'~ · /th~nec/ (th~mtcc ~epee n2.mship) [Syn. 'bras mad]
from top to bottom ~c:.·~~·~<:t\'~' /qr:..~ nee W::>~ fry, 1. iso, cook in oil, va. C, "''.T~· /~WI ~
ph~r/ He fried the meat, khos she brngos song, (qh~d
from where 4\.'i>\__~' /qh2_nc'f:./ sho ~3tiso) 2. iso. boby fish 97'~"'1.' /n2_t-uu/
front, 1. ~~~.' /t~n/ ~ the front of the house frying pan ~~c..· /tsh!:f!aan/
khang pa'i mdun (qha~pee t~n) 2, iso, politi- fuel ~·~X'<:.t:l"'i' I'"! paayao/ ~ The price of
cal front, neo, c. ~""'·~~· /thapchl>~/ ~ airplane fuel increased, gnam gru'i me spar yag
liberation front beings bkrol 1 thab phyogs gi gong 'phar shag. (n~mtUU m! p/jayao qi qh~n
(cr~t.b~o th~pchl>6) pharshao) [Syn. ma'i rgyu cha; 'bud rdzas]
front and bock ~l:l.'<Jl~~ /k2_mttrtln/ fugitive ~~· lt~h::>r/ 11 fugitive slave
front area 0-1~~-l:-\' /t!;!!;!nsa/ bros shor tsha g.yog (t.hoosh::>r tshey::>~)
frontier ~·~~~-~~"-·~at· /sontsa~ thaqtRi/ fulfill, see: achieve; accomplish
front page ~~a..~"\' /t~nshl>6/ full, 1. iso, be full, vi. C, fit:.~· /qha~/ ~ The
front row ·
m::o~·~Q.J. /t!!nt-ee/ cup is full. dkar yol khangs shag. ( qeytiti
front teeth ~ ~~.N= /t~nso/ qha~shaol 2. odj. "'\~ /qh92,n/ ~ a full cup
frost, 1. n. ~~· /sT;c/ 2. iso. get/be frost, vi, dkar yol gong (qayu~ qh~n) 3. iso, satiated
-- ~i§;l:1./--k2_p/ ~ There was a frost last night, from hunger, vi. A. ~~~~· /kr:..o/ ~I om full,
mdangs dgong sad brgyob shag. (tr:..~qo~ s'f;c k2.P- ngo brgyags song. ~~~ kr:..oso)
shoo) full moon ~·.:qc..~'"'\.' /fir:.qoon tr:..wa/
frostbite, 1. n. <:t\e:::~·~"" /qh2_r)Chil/ 2. iso. fully, 1. see: completely 2. sea: thoroughly
get/be frostbite, vi. -- t:!,~Q,:/--k2_P/ ~ I got fumes, sea: smoke
frostbite last year. zla nyin nga gongs phyid fumigate, va. ~z::t~~-~- /th~san chE_c/ ~ They
brgyab byung. (t2_niin ~~ qh2.~chil k2.pcu) fumigated the house, kho tshos khang po du
frost damage, 1. n. ~"\~25( /s'f;fkbon/ 2. iso. bsangs byes pa red. (qh<5ntsod qhO~pa thusan
get/be frost damage, vi. -- ~~· /--ch£C/ checshoo)
froth ~;z::t· /pM/ ~ Froth came from the do'g 1 s fun, 1. adj. ~c:.·~·~~~"' /nCiwa kipkil/ ~ It's
mouth. khyi 'i kha nos lbu ba don song, (khii fun to play boll. po lo rgyog yag de snang ba
qhone p6l> th~so) skyid skyid 1 dra zhig red. (polo k92,yoo te nawa
frown, va. C, "'=\~'.:1.,"\'~~~<>\' /t92,.n nr:..qo tr;~/ kipkil r2_pci r!:,~l 2. iso, make fun of, va.
~ He frowns a lot. khos gdong nag po zhed, po ci ~'OJ.~·~..,- /ch'f;flcc k2_p/ 3, iso. in fun,
ston gyi 'dug. (qh~d t92,.n nr:..qo sh!puci tr;~qil) see: jest
future 181

function, 1. see: duty; responsibility 2. see: .oO:\~~~· /ts.!_nc&t t.!_q/

consequence furniture o..~cs:.~ • /ts_!nc&&/
functionary, see: official furrow X'~· /r~/
fund, 1. n. ~''\'::::,~· /m2_'()liu/ 11 public fund mi furry ~·~~-~<:::\.' /p'O sopso~/
dmongs kyi mo dngul (m!_mo~ qhi m2_'()uu) 11 spe- further, 1. iso, greater distance Ja"'\'~c:.-~·
cial fund dmigs bsol mo dngul (miqstt m2_'()UU) I tho~ r fna I 11 Let 's not go any further. ngo
2. vo. ct~~"·~~·.::(.~;€!,~'1: lt.~oon r~rom tsho 'di los thog ring bo mo 'gro. ('()~ntso

ch§.f:./ 11 They funded his plan. kho tshos kho'i t_!ltc tho~ r _!~a m~nt-o) 11 Which is further? go
'char gzhi 'i 'gro song rogs rom byos po red. gi thog ring bo 'dug? (qh2_qi th~ r_!~) 2.
(qhonts~ qh~ chaashii ~~soon r~rom ch£~pore~) see: furthermore
fundamental "t\~-~- /sh.!_tso/ 11 This is fundamental furthermore ""~c:..·~-~~~~·<:Q.' /th2_ntM sh_!:!yoo
to conmunism. 'di dmor po'i ring lugs kyi gzhi cila/ 11 Please tell him to come, and further-
rtso red. (t.!_ moapt>i:S r_!'()luu qhi sh.!,tsa r!~) 11 more, you come. kho lo shog gsung rogs gnong,
fundamental human rights 1 gro bo mi 1 i gzhi do dung zhu yog cig lo khyed rang _yang phebs
rtso'i thob thong ~~~wo m_!! sh!_tst& thaptoon) rogs gnong. (qh33 shU su'Onr::)~>noon th2_ntM
fundamental principle ~;z~~'"'\' /tsotbon tewo/ 11 sh_!:!yo~ cila kheroony&& phe~r~~noon) 11 Further-
What is the fundamental principle of communism? more, please go buy medicine. do dung zhu yog
dmor po 1 i ring lugs kyi rtso don 1 te bo go re cig lo smon gzigs phebs rogs gnong. (th!ntM
red? (moapoo r!_'()luo qhi tsat~dn tewo qh~re ret) sh_!:!YO~ cna ml!l!n s!_l pheer~~noon)
funeral ~-~C:.'l:{l.'\~·~· /qupuun tEE.,nshu/ furthest .2~ ~c:.-46;~ • /tho~ r .!_'()Sh~d/
fungus, see: mushroom fury, see: anger
fun-loving ~r::..·e::~,·~o;,:~ /nowo kiqu/ fuse, 1. iso. gun %,~· /piti/ 2. iso. explo-
funnel ~-~· /pipi/ 11 I need o funnel to pour sives ~-~.::;;,· /tst~qtr~/ 3. iso. fuse-box,
the oil • ngo lo snum blug yog pi pi zhig dgos neo. ~4\·~~~· /1!5qthUU/ 4. iso. join by melt-
kyi 'dug. ('()~ num l'Ouyo~ pipi ci 92~) ing, vo. and vi. .<::\~~~-~~- /sh_!:!thtr~ ch§.t/
funny ~~CJ,:"\~<n,·<t·if" /U!nshil tshlipo/ 11 The movie fusion .<::\~~"'~~·~· /sh~hii~ ch£Cpo/
was funny. glog brnyon de bston bshig tsho po fuss, vo•c. ~r~~~~- /n!5qt.o s2_~t
zhig 'dug. (13'()n&tn te t~nshil tshopo ci t~t) fussy ~~ • ~"'"\~'if-' /sh!_p tshoqo/ 11 He is very
[Syn. khyod mtshor] fussy about clothes. khos dug slog la zhib
fur (on animals) ~· /pO/ 11 That animal has no tshogs po byed kyi 'dug. (qh3B th_!!llo~lo sh!_p
fur. sems con de lo spu mi 'dug. (semct&n th&t tshoqo ch!._qil)
pu m!_ntut) futile ~C3\.:E~~· [neg.] /phl!nto~ [neg,]/ 11
fur coot .q-'t\~·~~· /p(iqtso~/ Giving him medicine is futile. kho lo smon
fur hot ~-'t\~·~· /poqsho/ bster nos phon thogs yod po mo red. (qh5!5 ml!l!n
furious, see: angry teen&& phl!nto~ Y2~more~) 11 It 1 s futile to ask
furlough, see: vocot~on him for help. kho lo rogs .byed rogs zer lob nos
furnace .s.~· /thap/ 11 electric furnace glog thob phon thogs yong gi mo red. (qh55 r2.~ ch!r~~s
(l'&Jthap) 12_pn&t phl!nt~~ Y_!:!'()qimore~)
f.urn~sh, 1. iso. supply, vo. ~ ~i"""'e.,~ • /qho- future ~·(£"&;.~·~· /m~o~po/ 11 future plans rna
}b~ ch§.c/ 11 Ther furnished him with tools. kho 'ongs po 1 i 'char gzhi (m~~p&& chaashi) 11 In
tshos kho lo . log cho mkho sprod byos po red. the future, who knows whcit. will happen? mo
(qhants~6 qh3' l~qco qhoto1> ch£cpore~) 2. iso. 1 ongs po lo go re yong gi yod po sus kyong shes
fit out (house/room, etc.), vo. D. o,~~~~· kyi mo red? (m~~polo qh~re y~'()qiyt>po siJii&&
182 fuzzy

fuzzy, 1, iso, having fuzz ~·.itG.' /s3ps-:>?J/ 2,
iso, not clear ""'\~Ol.'<:l.l.'~-~~<X\· /s~fla mascc/
11'-· a fuzzy pic:;turEt dpar gsa! la rna gsa! zhig
(par s~~la mascc ci)

gob, see: talk

gag, 1. iso. choke, vi. A. ~·•=FT\:"\' lqho qo?JI
2. see: joke
gaiety, see: goy
gaily '\~'-l.·~c:..·~~;:t:"%~·C lq£roan chanpoc&l
~ They song gaily. kho tshos dgo' snong chen
po byos gzhos btong song. (qhonts~d q£roon cham-
poe& sh£C tBonso) [Syn. dgo 1 spro 1 i ngong nos]
gain, 1. see: obtain; get 2. see: profit 3,
see: nearer (come)
gait .<t\dl-l·~~~·~c;~· lqh~po k~tonl [Syn. 'gro
galaxy ~~'*""\~· lqrJrtsh<J~I [Note: See
Milky Way.]
gale, 1. n. ~c.·<:l..d'fq· llul')tsupl ~ There was a
gale yester;foy. """ kho so rlung I tshub 1 dug,

( qh!:fso liir)tsup t~~,) 2. vi. -- l::t@f.' I --k2_pl

gallbladder a.l
....-... '\' lthiinool
gallant, see: brave
gallop,, 1. n. ~~~·~· lk~r)mal 2. vo.
<lif'~· 1--k~u/
"'J :::£:"::.'"' v- /s3r)iie~ cor)toml
gollows, neo. --.s:::J"'\''9~·'\~"'~<1.1·
[Syn. neo, c. 'gags sgrom]
goloshes ~·~.;l.l· lk_!qlhom/
gamble, vo. C. ~~"\~'.N'
He gambles a lot, khos rgyon rtsed zhe drag
rtsed kyi red. (qh~d k£ntsee sh~too tsiqiree)
gambler ~}1,:~~-<l-\("'C\\.' lk£ntse~ tseer)&&lnl
game 1. n. ~"'\ar:- /tseemol ~ a child's game
phru gu 1 i rtsed mo ( pOqUU tseemo) 2. ploy a
game, vo, C. -- ~- /--tsee/ 3, iso, wild
animals ~Ot;~ ·~ s...· lsemc&&nl
big moh jongg 1 1 , n. ~"'\'~d..· /P9_qceenl 2.
ploy big moh jongg, vo. -- ~~~- /--k2_p/
cords, 1 , n. '<}'""\ ~ • /toosel 2, ploy cords, vo,
-- <:~.~c:t. • I --k2_pl
dice, 1. n.--.;<f lshol 2. ploy dice, vo. -- "'.@_~·
moh jongg, 1. n. ~·t=~:;.• lm92_coon/ 2. ploy moh
jongg 1 vo. -- ~~' I --k2_p/
gong 1 1.iso. small group '!if·t"'<f\' ltshoqo?JI ~a
gong of laborers ngol rtsol tsho khog (rJ££tsoo
184 Gang of Four

tshoqao) [Syn. shog khag] 2. iso, gong up on, see: gasoline 3, iso, coal gas ~CQ.·~a:.·
va. ~"\'"'1.~&:1' /r!}p k~p/ /s88luun/ 4. iso. poison gas, i. n. "\"'1'ai~'
' ~
Gang of Four, id, c. ~·4~~'\"19' /m.!_shi /th~qlan/ 11 gas warfare dug rlangs dmag
sh~'qhoo/ (th~qlah moo) ii. iso. kill by gas, va.
Ganges (River) "'<"\~ /qh£_r)qa/ <::~'C) a:.' I --tor:Jn/
Gangtok -ft\C:.'~q\' /q~nt:>?>/ gas furnace, neo, /numluun
gap,. 1. iso, opening •=P:.:~· /ph£_rtoh/ 11 There th~thap/
is a gap in the fence. lcags ri der bar stong gash, see: cut
zhig 'dug. (c~~ri th~ ph£_rtoh ci t~u) 11 There gasify, va. D. ~c.·~·4~.:x::.: /~Or) la k~r/
is a gap in the records, gnas tshul bris pa gas mask, nao. ~<:f~,·~.:::~·"'<\'\.::.'o...Q,.q:\' /th!!qlah
da'i nang la bar stong zhig 1 dug. (nl!l!tsUU t£.rJpaa/
th.!_lpa th~ n~n la ph£_rtoh ci t~u) [Syn, stong gasoline, eng. ~·~C>..J' /petal/ [Syn. mo ta'i
cha] 2. iso. disparity ~·o.~· /hepao/ 11 snum; neo. c. rlangs snum]
There is a gap between rich and poor, dbul gas station ~-~,.~.(l\~' /petol tshOI)qaan/
phyug gi bar la he bag 'dug. (00chuu qhi ph.9_r gas stove ~154'§§,"'~~~· /nOmluun ~thap/
la hepao tuul gate ~<l.:l·~ /k~qo/
garage ~<Z_'C"l.iif.iy~~·f\c:'"'l' /m.9.ta sh:J::>scc qhor)pa/ gate-keeper ~~<::.'"'!.' /ce.sur)a/ [Syn. sgo rag pa]
garb, see: clothes gather, 1, iso. collect together, va. c. ~~·~.t::J.'

garbage "1\"\~~· /qh~iiil/ Zl,~~· /r!!ruu s2_d/ 11 He gathered many books on

garbage can '9<:;.'~~~·~"\·~· /qh~iiil luusa/ Tibet. khos bod skor deb mang po rub rub bzos
garden, 1. for plants ~a!'-".' /t~mra/ 11 flower shag. (qh~d ph2_d q~~ th~p m~r)qu r~ruu s2_dshao)
garden me tog ldum ra (~t::>?> t~mra) 2, for veg- 2. iso. pick up things, va. A. "i~"'\~' /th~u/
etables o&~·~c:.- /tshl!l!shin/ 11 He gathered firewood, khos me shing bsgrugs
gardener, 1. for plants ~W'-"'4r-O\l~a._· /t~mra shag. (qhSB m.!,shiin th!!ushao) 3, iso, come to-
S£.rJC&n/ 2. for vegetables ~o.t·~c.·("Z.."\"\<-\' <:>-~. (ll.O\' gether, va, C. '"'-~~· /ts2fn/ 11 They gathered
/tshl!l!shiin t~pr)ccn/ at his home, kho tsho kho 1 i nang la 1 dzoms

gargle, va. ~c--

<'l.'t\' a.J'Q..'t\'Q.l'-@,~'
"""" I Cll:;li '
q.!,li chE_c/ shag. ( qhi5ntso qh&l n~n la ts.9.mshoo)
garish -><)X:~ /horpo/ 11 garish shirt stod gathering (;~.~~~· /tr:3.ts6b/ , It was a big
thung her po (t83tuun horpo) gathering. 1 di 1 du tshogs chen po zhig red.
garland (flowers) ~·~<(\,·a.~c.·c::,.• /~b?l qhi (t.!, t~ts66 chempo ci r!e) , public gathering
thor)a/ mi dmangs 'du tshogs (m.!,mah t!!ts66)
garlic ~'"4' /q~qpa/ gaudy 1 sea: garish
garment, sea: clothes gauge, 1. sea: judge 2. n, "'~-~/'~\'"\~'v::1-o@,t:.\
garner, see: collect; amass; obtain /toqcee Y£.pc&fJ , rain gauge char tshad brtag
garnish, sea: decorate byed yo byad (chartshcc toqcee Y£.pccc)
garrison ""'9'0\'~'\"ru'9''S:\~· /t&ntod mCioqaa/ gauze ~ ·.x_.t~ • /rriJrcc/
garrulous 1'(\'\'a;,'~c:.·a:l- /ql!ca m~r)qu/ 11 He is gay, 1. ~C:.'<::!.'~"\'~ /nawa kipu/ , a gay party
very garrulous, kho skad cha mang po zhe drag snarg ba . skyid
.. pa 1 i thugs spro (nawa kipu'U

red. (qho ql!ca m~r)qu sh~taa r~e) thlil)to) [Syn. dga dga skyid skyid]
1 1 2, sea:
garter, neo, C<.@J"t\'~ "\' homosexual
Gartok ~;t,_·;t""'1· /q£_rb~/ gaze, see: stare
garuda, skt. ~c:- /khUr)/ [Syn. bye khyung] gear ~~a,;~Pi";..•Cif'"/socccn qh~lo/ [Syn. so 1 khor;
gas, 1, iso. natural gas ~~·~c::;.· /nOmluun/ 2. 'gir 'khor]
get 185

gelatin /phiqpil/ (:1.~.u·.t:f7 /q~co c~mpo/ 3, iso. gentle for animals

gem ~· /tho/ (tome) ~0-l-~ /thUUpu/ [Syn, lhing po]
gender, see: sex gently, 1. iso, carefully 41.~if".§,-N' /s;:pocc/ 11
genealogy, neo, ~-.<n~X<3.•"hl.qy /m.!_kuU r.!_wumil/ Put it down gently. bzo po byos zhog. (s~poc&
~ "\)
general, 1, iso, military officer ~~~-~~~ sho~) 2. iso, speech q~~-;:f"~· /c~mpocw 11
/tE£_ptrdn/ 2. iso, widespread ~;us-~~· He spoke gently, khos skod cha 1 jam po byos
/ciycli/ 11 general election spyi yongs 1 dem bshod pa red, (qhsB q~co c~pocc shfcpore~)
bsko (cryon t!mqo) 3, iso, in general/usually- gentry, see: aristocracy
~~·~ot.._· /n!"lktrun/ 11 In general, they don't genuine (for things)~~· /l)~mo/ 11 Is this a gen-
eat ~at, nom rgyun kho tshos sho za gi mo red, uine rug? 1 di kho gdon ngo mo red pas? (t! qho-
( n~mkl!Un qhootsod sho s~qimare~) [Syn, spyir tccn l)~mo r!p&c)
btong lo] geographer, neo, ..N.'"'\"\Q.. ·a__a:r~~~~ (l\~'£.l' /sa-
General Assembly (of U,N,) ~·g~-N·~~~·~ca._· shii nomc&c qhffpo/
/kcctso~ tsh~~cheen/ geography ~·lt\~~'d.,a.l'£.l,' /sashii nampa/
generality, 1. n, ~·~~· /cipom/ 2, speak in geological structure, nee, ..N.'"'\~'<Q"'\~'<&~'
...., /sashi
generalities, vo, A, ~"\·,~/~;~~·~·""l.'i"\'\' ch~qtshUU/

/q~co cipom lo sh~c/ geological survey, neo.

generalize, vo, ~·t:.\{(0-l.:~.\'%~' /crtom chE_C/ 11 /s~shil taqccc/
He always generalizes from his experiences. geologist, neo, ~-"X\~-N~'f\·~~~·o.s~:N'"-'' /s~shil
khos rtag par kho rang gi nyoms myong thog nos ril)n&c qhffpo/
spyi bsdoms byed kyi 'dug. (qha"d toqpao qhor&& geo-1ogy, nee., "" <'\
~·"""4~'J;:;~·.qa_~· Isas
- hu·' • '"I
~mnoon qhi th~~ nee c~tom ch!qil) geometry, neo, <"- " <'-.
"" I yrptsh&c'
generally, see: general, 3, tsirril/
generate, 1, see: create 2, iso, generate alec- geriatrics, neo.
tricity, va, ~"'1'\·.q_~~~·..@f'\' /1~~ sonto·on [Syn, rgan gog gi nod la lto zhib rig pa]
chE_c/ germ a._~·~· /nE£_pu/
generation ~·3f"'l.· /m!t6"b/ 11 three generations Germany ~E~'~<9.,_' /c~rmen/ [Syn. nee, c, te go]
mi thog gsum (m!t60 sOm) germinate, vi. ~·~·.q_'9~· /n!!qu toon/ 11 The seed
generator gr""\'C'l..ZO\.·~~o.t·a.~x..· /l:SI)to·dn thOO- germinated, son de myu gu btang shag, (s8n t!
qM/ ii.!:!,qu taansha~)
/l~qpa sh5qo/ 11 He is germ warfare, neo, ~~·a.~;."\~<t\' /nE£_ptJU mo~/
very generous, kho log po shag po zhe drag red, gerontology, neo, <!\"\&.!.~~·~·~ • /qE,nc&; r!qpa/
(qho l~qpo sh:Sqo sh!too r!~) [Syn, gtong phod gesture, 1. iso, a signal, i. n, ~~ /t~/ ii,
chen po; sems bzong po] vo, -- .q_'<jt:.' /--torJn/ 2. iso, a hard gesture,
genesis, see: beginning; creation i. n, 1>\l'f\'"\z;; /l~qto/ ii, make a hard gesture 1
genial, see: friendly va .-- ~~· /--chE_C/ 3, iso, an eye gesture 1 i,
genitor, see: father n. ~~·"\~ /miqta/ ii, make on eye gesture,
genocide, 1. n. ~·~"l1~·~·~'\' /m!ril tsCimeiV va, --.§_~· /--chE,C/
2. commit genocide, va, C, - 41;~· /s'2:d/ get, 1 • iso, obtain, vi. ~c.: I ch~n/ 11 He got a
genteel <9'0-l~~·;:r-- /n~m thoopo/ horse. "
kho lo rto zhig byung po red, (qh53 to
gentle, 1, iso, a person ~~"·.?.\- /s~l)po/ 11 He ci ch~nparee) [Syn. rag; thob; 1 byor] 2. iso,
is very gentle, kho mi bzong po zhig 1 dug, fetch, va. c.~~~·; h, ~~~· /l~n; h, sh~/
(qho m! s~l)po ci t!!ul 2. iso. speech '!;t\"-'•~> 11 He went to get the horse, kho rto len par
186 get along with people

phyin song. (qho ta l~nqoa chrnsu) gi don dog rdog rdog go re red? (qh~ q!:ccc
get along with people 1 vi, A, "'1$9"'\.;q'~"''' /ship n~n qhi th~ntoa t,2qt:>~ qh~re rE_c) [Syn. snying
thu~/ [Syn. 'dris thub; goms 1 dris "thub] don]
get away, see: escape give, 1. vo., A,~"'.: ; h. -"\'<\C..' /t~c; h, noon/
get even, vo, A. /r]_££nlccn 13"?:>/ ~ He gave her a book, khos mo lo deb cig sprod
get started, see: begin shag. (qh~d m~ th~p ci tt:cshoa) 2, iso, give
get together, 1, see: party 2, see: meet OS 0 gift, vo, B. ~~;.:;.· h. "''.~Cl.\·~~'4\1:\C.'
get up 1 vi. C, C>.!&::~· ; h, ~~~::.~· /1~'?1; h, /too; h. s8'3r cc rXJan I
sh~?J/ ~He gets.up early. kho sngo po long gi give bock, vo. A. ~.:..·~·<§/'\' /chrl{l~ t~c/ ~ I
'dug. (qho r]opo l~r]qil) gave i t bock to hirit, ngos 1 di kho lo phyir log
get used to, see: accustomed sprod po yin, (!JE_E t! qh~~ chil{l~ tfcpoyin)
get well, vi. A, "'~\~~· ; h, ~~"'\G{·~\~.<'-1.' /n~- give birth, va. c. ~-~-~~· /puqu ke~/ ~ She
tso th~a; h. nOr]Shi ·t~n/ gave birth to a boy, mo lo phru gu bu zhig
Gandhi ~IS\.~· /qE_nti/ skyes shag, (m~ puqu ph~i ke~shaa)

ghost "<\~I:.'Q.~' /t~r]te/ [Syn, 1dre] give up, 1, see: surrender 2. see: abstain·
giant (person) @,"\'~ • /khccmi I (from); renounce
gift, 1. n, D.l~''Y-'t\~·; h. ~~''?"'\~' /l~qtoa; glacier ~<:t'\~·~o.J. • /khoqro~/
h. chaatoa/ 2. give a gift, vo, A. -- ~"'-.' ; h~-· glad "'-""'"' 2f=" /q-;;po/ ~ I'm glad you come. khyed
~~· lt~c; h. phtlO/ [Syn. rngon po; gsol ros; rang phebs nos ngo dgo' po byung, (kheroon phee
gnong sbyin] nc !)a qopo ch~n) [Syn, dgo' 'tshor chen po]
giddy, see: dizzy glance, vo. ~ ·..(~~~ · /tots chE_r./ ~ He glanced at
gigantic, see: huge her. khos mo lo lto tsom byes song. (qh~ m:>:>
giggle, see: laugh tots chE_cso)
gild, vo, ot-<f\~X.'-"1.)><=...' /tshasee taan/ glare, 1. from light, n. ~"'\~"1. · /wcrcitip/ 2.
gills ~~· a:'I\Yl"'\ · /nE:_ amc:>~/ see: store
gilt ~~""- · -"!~::.~ • /serson/ glaring, see: obvious; conspicuous
ginger ~·~~- /q~mu~/ gloss ~~-~ /sheeqo/ ~ a gloss door shel ko 'i
gingerly, see: carefully sgo (shffqoo q~)

gingivitis ~~c::._·""oS· /sonir] n~tso/ gloss case· ~<>..r.g-~· /shootom/

giraffe '"Vi'~·~~e:· /shota q~rin/ glosses 1 see: eyeglasses
girder, see: beam gloss ves~el V!Q..t·~· /sheeno1i/
girdle ~~~0-\' /qeete~/ glassware ~o.:~·~· /sheeccc/ [Syn, shel ko'i co
girl' /ph!:!fiu/ log]
girl friend, 1. iso. romantic "\~e.._·~~· /q~r:>~/ gloos window ~Cl.l·~· /sheeto/
~ She is my girl friend, mo ngo'i dgo' rogs glassworks ~ Cl.l'~~.ct'a-Sl, • /sheeqb"ci s~to/
(mo r)CC qor:>?J re~)
·some for
- friend
- girl - -or [Note:
boy friend,]
This is the
gleam, see:
glee, see:
snying sdug] glib (2=\'~.;:r- /qho t~po/ 11 He is very glib, kho
/th~mo/ kho bde po zhe drag 'dug, (qho qho t~po sh~too

girth (for horse), 1. n. ~ /15/ 2, tie a girth, tu~)

vo. c. -- <:::\~dl~' /--t~~/ glider ~c..·~~::. '41(\Cl..l'~' /lur)tin nOO!tu/ [Syn, 'phrul
gist ~"\~r~·~· /th~ntoa t,2qb~/ ~ What is 1 khor med po'i gnom gru]
the gist of his speech? kho 1 i skod cho 1 i nong glimpse, see: glance
gold letter 187

glisten, see: shine goat, 1. ;r..· /r2_/ 2. male goat .:~::~ /ropo/ 3,
glitter ct"""'~~·~~· /w2_d chi!mcheen/ female goat :.:.:3!-/rf!mo/ 4. wild goat ,;.;..• ~
gloomy, 1. see: dim 2, iso. pessimistic ~'\'~<().' /r2_qciJ/ 5, baby goat x. ·~~· /r2_t.u~.l/ [Syn. re
"-\' /y!l m!:!.qpa/ ~ a g~oomy viewpoint yid mug 'ul
pa'i lta tshul (y!l m!:!.qpee tatSfu) goatee ~-~~·/3qtsom/ [Syn. og shol)
glorify, vo. <I.~.:I::.'Aye;:' /t83ra to6n/ 1! They goat hair .:>;_·~· /r2_pu/
glorified the king. kho tshos rgyal po la bstod goat herder A.•;;. • /ratsi /
ro btong po red. (qhllntsi:id keep:>:> t83ro tcionpo- goat house (actually first floor of o house) ;c.:
ree) [Syn._ bstod bsngags byes) <fuc...• /r2_tsaan/
glorious ~·8.\·~~q,"c\•UJ"ff';r- /pe m~silpee y2_qo/ ~ goat meet ;>;...'-"'\' /r2_sha/
glorious weather gnam gshis dpe rna srid po 1 i goat skin .:C.'L.l.«\,~' /r2_po~/
yag po (n~mshil pe m~silpee y2_qo) g~ts and sheep.::.:.·~~· /r2_luu/
gloss, 1. iso. shine, n. ~'\' /w2_d/ 2. put a gobble, iso. food, va. A. ~~~·~l:l..i\~· /k::,qo
shine on, vo. C. -- .<:~."f'~· /--t'8'?./ S£f./
glossary ~·o..~co.:t'~"t\~'~"'\' /tshil)t-ee ch3q- go-between ~:t:,~· /ph2_rmi/ ~ He was their go-be-
tep/ tween. kho kho tsho'i bar mi red, (qho qhan-
glossy .q~'"\i;l.l'\._.~·d\"\'"-1' /tol)ta~ y"2_po/ ~ glossy tsi:id ph2_rmi r~e )
photo bkrog mdangs yod po'i dpor (tol)ta~ y,!!pee god~· /lho/ ~ There ore many gods. lha mang po
par) [Syn. 1 od yod po) 'dug. (lha m2_1)qu t!:!.ul
glove ~4"\!.(\,q~ · ; h. ~'t\ ~~~ · /l2_qshuu; h • chae- goddess ~~/~homo/
shuu/ goggles 1 see: glasses
glow, 1. n, (\"\ /w'rid/ 2. vi. -- .<:~.~~· /--k2_p/ going, see: go
Y The light bulb glowed, glog gi shel rdog 'od going and coming, va. i=<l..X::. ·~~-a~.. /phoo tshuu
brgyab song. (13~qi sheet:>~ w2_d k~psu) chin/ ~ There were many people going and
glue ~.::.:.·~.__· /c~rtsi/ ~ This glue is very coming. mi mang po phar tshur ph yin po red.
adhesive. sbyar 'rtsi 1 di tshi dam po 'dug. (m! m~qu pho~ tshuu chi~paree)
(c~rtsi t! tshi th2_mpo t!:!,u) goiter <ij'4' /p~/ ~ She hos a large goiter. mo
gnash, va. C. ~~·.!:\~~\~·Isoto 1-!l/ la lbo be chen po zhig ~dug. (m~ ~ chempo ci
gnaw, see: chew t!:!.ul
gold 1 1 • n, -<:t\~~ • /see/
go, 1. va. ~~ ; h. ~.q~· /chin; h. ph~/ ~ 1! a gold ring gser gyi
He went home. kho nang la phyin song. (qho tshigs khebs (seeqi tshiq66) 2. mine gold, va.
noon lo chinsu) 2. iso. go to visit someone of c. ¥~·~).~'(2:\.'G'f"~· /sooqi terqa t8~/
high status, va. B. ~·<IJ~'\-~'d::I..:{>X.' /quntuUnla gold ash, med, <f\.~l:.'.Si:lt:>.l.' /serthee/
coo/ 1! We visited the Lama, nga tsho blo mo'i gold bar ~~X~'z..l"'\' /see sapo~/
sku mdun lo beer po yin. (1)2_ntso 16mee quntUUn- gold dust 'tq~.l::.·~· /serce/
la cliopoyin) 3. iso. go on foot, vo. ;n_c::..•.soc::..•a..\' golden, 1. see: yellow 2, iso.·made of ~old

~0\'/q~l)toanlo chi'?./ "'t~.:t: ·~· /seeqi/ ~ golden earrings gser gyi

go (the game) '.il"t\.·&.c:. • /mil)man/ rna rgyan (s~qi nakeen)
go after, see: follow goldfish <1'\~X.''?' /serfio/
go against, see: oppose gold hoop 4\~.l:..:.F\iX_' /sersheen/
goal '\~"t\~'UJCll'
..., /miqyu'ti/ 1! His goal is to be a gold ingot, see: gold bar
teacher. kho'i dmigs yul dge rgan byed yag red. gold leaf <t'\~:.;.~"\· /sersh:>~/
(qh'88 miqyUU q~qeen ch~ya~ r~e) gold letter -.. ""
~RX.'t.l.(~' ·'t
I seryu
188 gold mine

gold mine"<\~:.:.~·~~~·("\· /seeqi terqa/ government "'i~c..· /sh~?J/ II a communist government

gold ore ~~:~:.: ~ /serto/ dmar po'i gzhung (moopod sh_!;!Q) [Syn. neo, c,
gold plate 1. n. ~"'-·~· /serchu/ 2. va. -- srid gzhung]
"'l'<j~· 1--tor:Jn/ British government 1\~~· ""\%c..• /yiinshur)/
goldsmith "'f\~~-~~~· /sf!ks~~/ central government ~~~·~~c.· /OU sh_!;!Q/
gold thread ~~~·1!1.::;,: /serqi.lJ/ Chinese government ~"'i~c..· /k2;3hur)/

gong 1 1. n, q_~;.:.·a· /qhar)O/ 2. sound a gong 1 vo. coalition government ~'?~·~~-~'\'4'\~c::..· /namtee
c. -- ~~<l;,-'N_' 1--t~n/ srrshuun/
good UJ.~·~ /y5:.qo/ II This is very good, 'di yag Indian government ~"'iX..'<tj_~&.::.' /k!?_qao sh_!;!Q/
po zhe drag 'dug. ( t.!_ y5:.qo sh.=taa t.!!t) II a military government .5,"'\'~~·"t\~~::... · /~h2,qpo"o sh~'Q/
good plan 'char gzhi yag po zhig (ch~ashi y52.qo Nepalese government &;~ (;1{'4\, ~co..· /phEJ:.shur)/
ci) provisional government ~"'~·~~·~<:,;4'\,~C:..'
good-bye 1 1, said by person leaving to person /nccqap siishuun/
staying ~·~·,::u~"!\-N.' /qh,!li sh.!!t/ 2. said by puppet government, neo, ""\~"\''\~l::.·~c;..:"'t\~"·
person staying to person leaving <t\'~x:..·~<:::~'N' /sh~nwoan siishur)/
/qh~li ph~~/ Tibetan government ?:\z:;.:z:n_ ra c:...· /phl:icishur)/
. "' -~C\
good-looking, 1. for men ~-<:l~•(i~;~ /terso token government OJ.C.'~'a.l·~·~~c:::..' /m.!_r) tsomqi
th~po/ 2. for women ~c.·~·2f.' /niry;;epo/ sh~Q/
good-natured .:t:.C:~.'~~i;l,'4 ;;}(;.' ~ /rai')Shiin sor)po/ government affairs "'i~c.·~~· /sh_!;!r)toon/
good-night ~ ~' a._zga.t_ ·~t ~c.·..,_~· ~.!_mcaon ~ar)q:>/ government and private 4l,~<l;.·~~· /sh_!;!r)qer/
[Note: Used when going to sleep,] government income "'\ ~C.'(:1..<::l.~ • /sh};!lpap/
goods ~~~·a'9· /r{?f6s:>?J/ II handicraft goods lag government-in-exile G~~·~~·.<ll.,~l:..' /tsfnc'OOshu'Q/
shes dngos zog (l52.qsh~ r)8"os~?J) government official ~~&.::.'~4~·/sh_!:!r)Shap/
goof 1 see: error government owned"!\~&.::.·~~· /sh_!;!r)tsiin/ II govern-
goose &.::.1:...'"\.lt'\;z:.' /2,r)qao/ ment factories gzhung 'dzin bzo grwa (sh~r)-
gopher 1 see: marmot tsiin sota) [Syn, gzhung khongs]
gore 1 vo. C. ~~~ • ft.!!~ I II He was gored by o governmen~ policy "'ff~<::.·~~"\'~~· /sh_!;!Qqi siicuU/
yak. kho la g.yag gis brdungs shag, (qh5~ yoo government seal ~~c.·'\~' /sh_!;!r)tam/
qhi t~~shoa) government structure "'l\~"-'dO"'i~'~l::.~· /sh~'Q chao-
gorge ;ulri·R· /th2_qroon/ to~/
gorgeous, see: beautiful government work/business ~~c.·P-I~· /sh_!:!r)l&c/
gorillo 1 see: ape governor {t·~q· /cikap/ II governor of Kham mdo
gossip 1 1. va. A. (2:1.'~"\.x;. ·mt:;;.' /qhoptao 18"d/ II smod spyi khyab (t2,m&c cikap) [Syn. mdo spyi]
He gossips. khos kho bdar glod kyi 'dug, (qh~ gown 1 see : dress
qhoptaa lOOqil) 2. iso, person who gossips o grob 1 vo, C. ~~4'-1' /cJ!J/
lot ~'<:l'\X. ·~"\'i)..101 ~: /qhaptaa 18Sr)&&n/ grace, 1. see: elegance 2. iso, grace of God
gouge 1 1 1 iso, the tool ~· /s:!_r)/ 2, vo, '\~<9._'cJ.> -g-""\.~ ~4'\~ ~- /q0nc60qi thuqce/
.q~~' /--k,!p/ grade 1 1. iso. grade on exam 1 i, n. ~"'"l\' "
gout, med, ~~·dl~· /theqn&c/ /§r)qi/ ii, vo. A. ~~·~¢1.~'\N.Z:.'~' /y.!_qkut
govern 1 va. C. ~ "\' .q;~e:::.<'.l: /srl ko'Q/ II They 2. iso. grade in school t:t~<S..~~·
governed well. kho tsos srid yag po byes /ts!_nri~/ II 5th grade 1 dzin rim lngo pa
bskyangs pa red. ( qhontsot> sil yoqoc&c ko'Q- (ts.!_nri~ r)opa) 3, iso, rank ~QJ.'t.l' /r};_mpa/ II
.pare~) [Syn, dbong lung bsgyur] 5th grade official gzhung shabs rim pa lnga pa
grea"t 189

( sh_!:!r)Shap r ,!mpa l')llpa ) grasping, see: greedy

gradually ~<1-l'LJ.~·/r!mpc~/ 11 He gradually became grass of;· /ts'd/
rich. kho rim pas phyug po chags pa red, (qho grasshopper ~e4·~· /tsh~~mpu/
r,!mpt~ chuqpu chll~pare~) gross~ond ~'Ji!.c.: /ts'dthoon/
graduate, vo, C. Sf"~· /th'd?!/ 11 He graduated from grate, 1, iso, window guard ~~~'(!\' /coq}o/ 2,
school lost year, kho zlo nyin slob grwo thon see: annoy 3, see: grind
pa red, (qho t!niin lllp}o th~pare~) grateful, VO, C, ;Cl"f\Q.~~~~a.J~' /q~}iin SO~/
graduation (ceremony) if"'-•$;a:~Q(ct~~ · /loptho?! 11 I om grateful to you, ngos khyed rang gi bka'
U! drin bsom gyi yod. (r:JE_"& kheroon qhi q~}iin

graft, 1. vo. Ol~"\:tf..l:.'f@.,~· /th00c6r chE_f:./ 11 s~mqiyb'U)

They grafted a branch on the tree, kho tshos gratification ~~c.l'~ ·~· /t2_po tshimpu/
shing gi yol go mthud sbyor byes shag, ( qh5n- gratify, vo. C. a..~"\·~·~·~·~1"~· /t,!:!pa tshimpu
tsod shil') qhi Y££qa th00c6r chc"&sha~) 11 They s~d/ [Syn. re 1 dod bskongs]
grafted skin, kho tshos pegs pa mthud sbyor gratifying ~a.t~~i;\.1~·~·/s~ tshi~po/ 1i gratif-
byes pa red, (qh5ntsod ~qpo th00c6r chE_"/;pore~) ying work sems tshims pa 'i los ko (se~ tshim-
2, see: corruption pcc l££qo)
groin, 1. iso, cereal groins C\~~"'1~' /}_!:!ril/ 2. groti tude <G"'\a..~~~~. .'~ /q~}iin chempo/
iso, groin in wood ~· /}ho/ gratuity, see: tip
gramnor ~Q3·~~.lN.' /sumto~/ 11 gromnor book sum grove, 1. ~~·~~· /th.!:!rquun/ 11 We dug his grove:
rtogs kyi deb (sOmto~qi th!Pl [Syn, skod yig gi ngo tshos kho 1 i dur khung drus pa yin, (~ntsoo
'gro lugs] qh3S th_!:!rquun }hQUpayin) 2. see: serious
granary r.~,'%·~~· /t._!:!qaon/ grove digger ~~·~c.~·~(l\(\' /th_!:!rquun }h_!:!l')ttn/
grand, see: magnificent grovel '4·'(" /ch2_to/
gronddauQhter ~a.r=- /tshomo/ grave yard ~x·~· /th_!:!rsa/
grandeur "'\~'"'~.~~ /s,!cil/ gravity, neo, ~'C\.·<f'z:t~~.... ~~~· /qllntsiin lul')-
grandfather -i['".:f /p'tJ"lJ/ [Syn, mes mes] shut/
great grandfather ~.:::·if~ /y::,l')poo/ [Syn. pho gravy ~·l:l.' /qh'f>"6/ [Syn. ldur ldur]
mes] gray, 1. iso. color ~"'l\-<'-l'<!l.li0\' /cllont~~/ 11 o
grandmother ~;;;f-" /m'tJ"lJ! [Syn, i pi] gray shirt stod thung lcags mdog cig ( tOOtuun
great grandmother U-tc..·l£'· ;q.- /y::,l')moo/ [Syn, me caant~~ ci) 2, iso. hair ~'\"t\.'1::.' /toqoo/
mes] graze, 1. iso. eat gross, vo. C, "t'"''.~~· /tsa
grandson tl;·~ /tshowoo/ sE_"/;/ 2, iso 1 send to feed on gross, vo. l''~X..'
grant, see: give .q ~~· /tsBqoo taan/
grant-in-aid ~~·""""'~· /rE,r:JIIu/ grease, 1, n, ~¢1.~ /sh!qtsi/ [Syn. snum tshi]
granulate, va, C. ~"''.'~Q·~~~· /shipshil s2_t/ [Note: This con be used for eatable and
grope ~·~t;~,.·~a.t' /chO q_!!n}um/ ineotoble grease·,] 2, va, A,. -- ~~-<'\ • /--ch_!:!t/
grope ~eof ~S.,:~CJ.l·~· /q_!!n}um l~o/ 11 He greased the cor, khos mo to lo zhog tshi
grapevine 4 ~ ~~ ·~ ~' /chu q_Bntum shil')/ byugs song. (qhsB m::.too sh!qtsi ch_!:!tsu)
grope wine ~"\·co~· /q_Bncol')/ greasy (food) (0\"'t\~~~·;;:p- /sh!qtsi chempo/ 11
graph, see: chart This food is very greasy, kho log 1 di zhag tshi
grasp, 1, vo, C, ~~· /c'!:fJ/ 11 He grasped the chen po zhe drag 'dug, (qholoo t! sh!qtsi
rope, khos thog pa 1 jus song, (qhsB thoqpo chempo sh2_}oa t~tl
c~su) [Syn. zin; bzung] 2, see: understand great 1. iso, very good /pe y::.qo/
190 Great Leap Forward

, a great idea bsam.blo dpe yag po (somlo pe griddle, see: frying pan
y,9_qo) 11 a gre_at cook w~a.;~''Q.l"\'¢ /m,2cccn grief ~e::.~· tr~Qccn/
pe y,9_qo/ 2. iso, exalted ~"\~~~ /l~pcheen/ grieve, va. ~:c..~@,~' /i'i;!_Q&&n ch£&! 11 She grieved
11 our great leader nga tsho'i rlobs chen gtso over his death for a year, mos kho shi nos lo
1 dzin (Q,9_ntsb~ l~pcheen tsontsiin) gcig mya ngon byas pa red, (m![d qho shine lo
Great Leap Forward, neo, c, '$1.\lS\_~~~~~~~ ciq ~Qccn Ch£Cpare~)
/tQnchon chempo/ grill, 1. see: roast 2. see: cross-examine
great many ~"-·;;:f.-~-~~· /m_:Qqu sh~~ocV 11 a grimace, iso, grit one's teeth
-.('-. c..
va. D, ~'-!13.'"1.~~~·
great many people mi mang po zhe drag (m_! /so~a ~_!q/ 11 He grimaced in pain, kho no tsha
m_:Qqu sh!:,}a~) btang nos so gra bsgrigs song. (qho natsa
Great Wall (of China), taannc sot-a ~_!qsu)

c~~ri/ grime, see: dirt

greed ~;.;.·~ /hompa/ [Syn. 'dod rngam] grin 1 1, n, ""\"\.'.;r.-~"\'d'>~' /q££,mo tshftshc/ 2,
greedy, 1, adj. ~~·"'ll·~~ /hCimpa tshopo/ 11 He va. -- ~· /--ch£&1
is greedy, kho ham pa tsho po 1 dug, (qho hempa grind, 1. iso, pulverize, va, C, <11<7"'1\~· /to'A/
tshopo t_!!t) 2. act greedy, va, 29~·~·~· 11 He ground the grain, khos 1 bru btags shag,
/hompa ch£&1 (qhsB 't-_!! UI'Asha~) 2. iso, sharpen, va, D, "'\'\.:.;.'
green, 1. iso. the color ~c;·~· /c_:Qqu/ 11 a /t.2r/
green flag dar cha ljang khu (th.9.rco c_:Qqu) grinding stone, 1. for flour .:>:.-"'0.$1."1'\' /r~n-
2. iso, the color of grass ~~ /QCimpo/ 11 ta?J/ 2, for sharpening "''\.:>:.'~ /t.9.rto/
green gross rtswa sngon po (ts5 QC5mpo) 3, groan, vi. B. c:t~~~'\.~' /qhiJnqc& sh33/ 11
iso,_ unripe ~·~-a_:~· /m~mimpa/ a green berry He groaned, kho 'khun skad shor song, (qho
si •u ma smin pa zhig (srwuu m&limpa ci) 4, qhflnqc& sh33so)
iso. inexperienced ~~~·~c..·~"".:.t' /n.2mnoon grocery store ,a '<!I.~~-~ '(ll."'/s,2ccc tshoQqaan/
rrr:..'~pa/ groin t-"'\'S!"\ /k~mc&/ [Syn, grod khog gi smad
dark green ~~·~~· /c,9_Qna~/ [Syn, ljang smug] cha]
light green ~c..·~~~· /c~Qqaa/ [Syn, ljong skya] groom, 1. iso. the person who grooms, n, ~·4\o:if.4r
yellowish green '2£.~·~· /c~QSe/ /toy:>~/ 2. iso, clean and curry animals, va. C,
greenhouse, neo, ~ • ~4:\ •~ ~e:..· /'"!!t::>~ ~h~- ~:l'~·&J·.q~· /tsC!Qma s'is/ 11 They groomed the
qhaan/ horse daily. kho tshos rta nyin 1 tar gtsang ma
greens, iso. vegetables ~~~· /Qoptscc/ bzos shag. (qhonts~d ta nintaa tsCIQma s!fdsha?J)
greet, va, C, ~~:s:!~'CI.~'~-1:'-\' /tsham~i sh~/ 11 groove ~.:.:.· /shOr/
He was greeted by many people, khong la mi mang grope (in dark), va. ~;o;:.-~<:r.~.·~~"\ • /p_:ytru k_:p/
pos 1 tshoms 'dri zhus pa red, ( qhoon la m_! ·
gross J.ncome .e.l.J~'Q..::I.<l.'~Dt._·"\~Cll~·
- '('- -.r- I Y,2Qpap k hontom
" '!
maQquU tsh~~i shuUpare~) [Syn. yong 'bob bsdoms 'bor]
gre;tings ~oS-61.1~·;~, /tsh~~i/ 11 Please send ground, 1. iso, earth .'("1'-'1\~~· /s~thii/ , He sat
my greetings to her. khong la nga i 1 1 tshams on the ground, kho sa mthil sgang la bsdad
1 dri 1 bul rogs gnang, ( qhoon la Q££, tsham~i shag, (qho s~thii. C€,h la tE_tsha~) 2, see:
ptrur::>~naan) grind 3. iso, coffee grounds ~"t\·~ /lhoqro/
- a-. ~'-.(--.
gregarious -"t\."1<\"'t~ ·~"\.'l'..t' /ship t!po/ group 'i'(.l=l~' /tsh()qha?J/ 11 We met o group of
grenade, see: hand grenade soldiers, nga tshor dmag mi tsho khag cig thug
grey, see: gray byung. (Q~nts::>o m~~mi tshoqha?J ci thu~cu)
greyhound-like Tibetan dog ¥\~' /sh~khi/ grove ~"''9~G' /shiQSe"e/
guidebook 191

grow, 1. iso, size, vi, :i;·~·~~· /cheru chi~/ 11 "'1'\~·.,.:~.• /temo/ 11 What did you leave as guaranty?
He grew two inches, kho in ci gnyis che ru khyod rang gis gte mo go re bzhog po? (kh&-e:&
ph yin shag. ( qho inci nrr cheru chi~sho~) 11 temo qh_£re sh~~po~) [Syn. gta 1 mo]
The tree is growing slowly, shing de go ler lo guard, 1, n, ~~.:~f--<:1..' /t,CII')te:n/ 11 He is o
che ru 1 gro gi 'dug. (shil')ti qh_:liila cheru guard for the factory. kho bzo grwo srung mkhon
t.~qil) 2. iso. grow up, vi. n:e€'..x.·*~·~~· red, (qhl5 s~t.o t-OI'Jttn r!~) 2. vo. C, t:l~~~·
/tshi5rloQ ch£~/· 11 He grew up in Tibet, kho bod /tOn/ 11 They guarded the factory. kho tshos
lo 1 tshor longs byes shag, (qho ph~~ lo bzo grwo bsrungs po red, (qhentsb"d s~t.o
tsharlon ch£&sho~) 3. iso. plant, va. D. -G~?t:l' t,Cinpare~)
/tr;p/ 11 He grew barley lost year, khos zlo guard dog a..~·~· /t~khi/
nyin bru btob shag.
1 ( ..... -
qhoi:S t,:niin t-~ Upshoo guardian (for children) ~-~:a"'-~(1'1. ~· /tokon
4. iso, grow beard/hair 1 va. A. ~~"'\~·/sa~/ 11 ch!")&tn/
He grew a beard. khos rgya bsags shag, (qhBts guardian diety ~C:.'6.1' /sur)ma/
k_£ sli~sha~) 5, iso, become, vi, A. ~"'\~' guerrilla, 1. iso, the person· o.e:~'ol\_011:1'\,'@,..oq_'Cl.t~a_·

/chi5~/ 11 He grew rich, kho phyug po chags /c,:pma~ kool')&tn/ 2, iso, guerrilla warfare, i,
shag. (qho chuqpu cha~sho~) 11 It grew dark, n, o..~~'"\alA'l,' /c,:pmo~/ ii, vo, -- cl:l.~~· /k,:p/
nag khung chags shag. (n,::quun cha~sha~) 11 He 11 They waged guerrilla warfare and won, kho
has grown old. kho rgan gog chogs shag, (qho tshos 'job dmog brgyob nos thob po red, (qhon-
q£1)q::>~ cha~sha~) ts~ .
' c_:pmoo k_:pne: theparee')
growl, va. e::.~'3t\~~·®f~' /q2rqe:c k_:p/ 11 The dog guerrilla war c:~,~·'\a;)~·'\~~·~sa<>/c_:pmo~ mr;qthap/
growled, khyis ngar skad brgyab po red, (khil guess, vo. ~4\·~·.@.~·/thiqpa ch£tl 11 Guess what's
I'J_£rqe:c k,:pare~) in my hand. ngo 1 i log po'i nang la gore yod po
grown-up, see: adult thig po byis, (I'JE l_£qpe:e: ~nla qh_£re y_2po
growth Q.~<>-l'@f'\' /phMke:c/ 11 economic growth thiqpa ch~})
dpol 1 byor 'phel rgyas (p~fnco::> pheeke:c) guest aJ~<s,:~ ; h. ~·~:;fj""~· /t~mpo; h, qunt,bon/
grub, see: worm 11 He is my guest, khong ngo 1 i sku mgron red.
grubby, see: dirty (qhl50n I'JE quntbon r!~)
grudge, 1. n, 4'\~t::.\:l,.'\.' /tii)ne:c/ 2, hold a grudge, guest house ~~5\' (tl il'.' /t-_2nqoon/
VO, -- .€a~' /--Ch£&/ guest of honor\Y.~ /qtlnt,~ri tsowoo/
gruel ~~·r.l' /thCiqpa/ guest room ~·~~C;I..'.<t~,~CIJ'...N.' /qunt.~n s!:_msa/
grueling ~c.';o,"\'.-.1..1~· /thi5an chffyo~/ 11 grueling guidance, 1. n, Cl.ll9.\'~a._· /l_£mt~n/ 2, give gui-
work thong chad yog gi los ko (thaan chffyo~qi dance, vo. -- .@.~' /--ch£'&1 3, get guidance,
lEqo) vi , -- ~ 1::. • /--ch~n/
grumble, see: complain guide, 1, iso, the person, n. o:;<;l.l·~~~"-5.1.1,"1~
grumpy, see: short-tempered /l,:mktru ch!")ttn/ 11 He is my guide, kho ngo'i
guarantee, 1. va, ~"':t'\~·~~.:~· /qEnleen chE_~/ lam rgyus byed mkhon red, (qho I'J§£ l,:mkuU
11 He guaranteed they would come, khos kho tsho ch!IJCE:n r!~) 2, vo. <=4Cll'~~·.@,.:N.' /l,:mkuU
yang rgyu'i 1 gon len. byes pored, (qh~d qhontso ch£C/ 11 He guided us, khos ngo tshor lam rgyus
y~l')kUU qEnleen ch£Cpore~) 2, see: guaranty byes po red, (qhod :-.
l)_£nts::>::> l_:mktru 'l ')

guarantor, 1 •. n, ~~·~4\' /qhffkho~/ [Syn. khog 3, iso. guide in museum, city, etc. ~~<:i,'
theg] 2. oct as guarantor, vo, - ~· /n&he:e:n/
/--ChE_&/ guidebook, 1. for a holy place ""1~-N'Al"t\' /n~f-
guaranty, iso, something given or held as security yil/ 2, in general ~ ~-~1::\'~d':l.' /l_£mt!:l0n
192 guided missile

th!:_p/ gymnast <?;1.l!-l'~Q.('~(l:l~'<.t' /l,!!!!ts&& qh!:fpa/

guided missile, neo. Ol~·~o,.~,:.;.·~~QJ' /l~m- gymnastics ~~'t'<>l' /l,!!!!ts&&/
tb'Un phOntee/ gynecologi~t, neo, ;r-~~8!~'1!..\' /m_2tsccn mfm-
guile, see: cunning po/
guillotine, neo, ~·"f\l""\~~~·~· /qecod teqpu/ gynecology, neo, ~~~~'"\ij..:..· /m_2ts&&n mfnc&&/
guilt, see: guilty gypsum ~~C\· /t~hUUn/
guiltless ~~'"'~'~"\:~' /iieepa lfl!~pa/
guilty ~~-~· /iieepo/ 11 He is guilty, kho la
nyes po yod pa red, (qh35 i'ieepo Y2.~re~)
guinea pig ~~·;:c:.· /opra/
gull, see: water bird
gullet ~"\'"\' /m!:_qpa/
gully, see: ravine
gullible ~"'-'~"N·~·~ /yiice~ lopo/
gum, 1, see: glue 2. see: resin 3, iso. tissue
around teeth ~~~- /soi'ii~/
gun, 1. n. ~·~"\.~' /lfl!nta/ 2, shoot a gun, va.
-- ~~~· /--k~p/
cannon lA'~~~· /lfl!rb~/
flaregun ~~·~""~· /15~ta/
handgun. G>.l""\'CI-1"\Q.' /l!:,.~ta/ ."
machine gun aJ •~"\O.'~"f\ ·~...\~ /~nta P2_qpoo/
modern guns (as opposed to old Tibetan ones)
0-.~0-1.'~'\c:t· /t.hOOnta/
pistol 'i:i~·~· /pist6p/
rifle ~·~"\.CI..'tl\'X~' /lfl!nto qh~ri~/ [Syn. ring
Tibetan style gun ~"' ~"'-"' /ph~nta/
gunpowder ~-~· /~tsc~/
gun rest i3\ ·~..zct. ·~ /~ntcc r~/
gun sight ~·61.3~-~~c.· /mente& sOqhuun/
~ ..., -
gun stock e;.,~(;I.J.'-<'1~' /q!;!mshi~/

Gurkha ~~ /qh2,rqa/
Guru ~~· /q!;!ru/
gush, see: come out
gusty ·~;"~\~·e..t·~·~ /lhcqpa tshopo/
gut, 1. iso, bowels t.'!l.!' /k~a"t:!/ 2. see: cou-
rageous "'
gutter &,·~~
..... /chOnt.u/
guy ~- /mj;_/ 11 He's a nice guy, kho mi yag po
~hig red, (qho m!:_ Y!:..qo ci r!~l
Gyantse %~·~· /k~~tse/
gymnasium, neo, ~..N'.i$0l'~c.· /l!:!.!:!ts&& qhoon/

habit, 1. /qh_!!mshil/ 11 Smoking is

on American habit, tho mag 'then yog de a mi ri
ka 'i goms gshis shig red. ( themaa theenyao te
~miriqcc qh~shil ci r2_~l 11 good habit goms
gshis yog po (qh~shil y.9.qol_ 11 bad habit goms
gshis sdug chog (qh~shil t_!!qcaa) 2. iso, get
into (bod) habit, vi. B. ~4"\- !Uh'..:0:A,' /kaq-
1oo n sh~~/ 11 I got into the hobi t of smoking.
ngo tho mag 'then yag kyag lang shor shag. (~£

thBmaa theenyaa koqlaan sh~~shaa)

habitual, iso, always. 9~·-q:o;· /toqpaa/ 11
habitual saying rtog par shod yog (toqpao
habitually /toqpaa/ 11 He habitually
stole. khos rtag par rkun mo rku gi 1 dug.
(qh~ toqpoa qline qjjqil)
hock, see: chop
haft, see: handle
haggard, see: tired
. haggle; see: bargain
hail, 1. iso, hailstones, n, ~"'-'"'~' /sera/ 2,
vi. -- "'~'?~- /--toBn/ II I t hailed a lot lost
year, zlo nyin ser bo zhe· drag btang song,
(t~fiiin sera sh~t.oa tciOnso) 3, iso. call out,
va. ~l".,A ')I':.. /q~t taon/ 11 He hailed a taxi.
khos\ tag se'i skad btong song, (qh8'd t~qsee qft
t55nso) 4. iso. greet, va. ~-"'~f"\-~"\·1'2-~'"\-
... ... ~
€..~'- /chetoo q~fmpoo ch!:_t:./ 11 They hailed the
king. kho tshos rgya1 por che bstod skod 1 bod
byes pa red. (qhootsod kEf:.P:J:J chetb"ti q~fmp0d
hair, 1 • iso. head hair !\ · ; h. "'~ ~ · /to; h. uta I
2. iso. body hair zc.t. /pD/ 3. iso. genital
hair (female) ;R' '0\' /musu/ 4, iso. genital
hair (mole) il.·"~l,'~ ~", /liqpu/ 5. iso, cut hair,
see: haircut 6, ~o. shave hair on head, va, B,
~'t'l(~'\- /1-CI sh~/ 7. iso, fall out (lose) hair,
vi. c. Ei_'~"\· Ita ph.!_l/
bold a.~~z:..O>..\:t.,· "l.. /q5f"ara/
curly hair ~· t' ~ Ito sUlu/
long hair (for people) ~·~1=:.- i::;"· /1-5 r.!_~qu/
matted hair h''I2~~:;0H·z..,· /t.a chi(Jpe/
tangled hair, 1 • n, ~· (2"f~<.· "'~~"'\· 'Z-.1 • Ita ts.!_?.l
194 hair brush

tE_cpa/ ~
2. iso. get tangled 1 vi. C, ~'12-"("'<>1' hall, 1. iso, corridor .zt.:T.,'-J'1"-' /ph~shuu/ 2,
Ito ts3:.,'M iso. meeting hall g ..\"'' {'1"-'"" /tsh:S~qhaon/ [Syn.
thick hair ~f&l~·~y"'-'· Ito thDpu/ [Syn. skra tshogs tshom chen] 3. iso, assembly hall (for monks)
mthug po] (Z~(A"'-' /t~qaan/
thin hair Bj'~ll.-~ /to t~pu/ holt 1 1 • iso. block <:l~·~y /qB~/ 11 They hal ted
hair brush!t·-fJ~'74-rrR~ /tashcc phaanto/ the enemy at the river, kho tshos dgro zorn po 1 i
haircut, iso, give, vo. C, ~- ..q1),~- /to s2_~/ ~ khris lo bkog shag. (qhontsod to s~mpcc thil le
He gave me a haircut. khos nga'i skra bzos pa qooshao) 2. iso. the command "halt!" ~"\'
red. ( qhB'd r1!E, to s2_'dpare~) ~ I went to get a /t2.1J/ 3, iso. stop for awhile 1 vo. A. A~'<l-ld)Ql-\~·
haircut at the barbershop. nga skra khang la 4~~· /ph~nt5o~ sh~~/ 11 They halted for lunch.
skra bzo bar phyin pa yin. ~~~ taqaon le to s~­ kho tshos kho log za bar bar mtshoms bzhog po
qo~ chi~peyin) red. (qh8ntsod qholo~ s~qoo ph~ntso~ sh~opore~)
haircut fee i) -~ · /tala/ halter 1 1. iso, for horses ~~.:t;d.l;f\" /thuunqo/ 2.
hair ends ~ );- · /totse/ iso, for yak 1 cattle (through nose) ~-r>-~-
hair knot ~-~~- /toe~~/ /nencu/
hair less ~ ~"\ · /pume"e/ halting place ,b.r-\''"~· .l!:l~<~r """'' /tshOu ph!pse/
..., ...

hair oil ~.r~~- /tanum/ halve 1 vo. c. ~"\A:¥\~·Z\~i!l· /chooqoo k!p/ ~ He

hair ornament"' ~-~<\- /tokccn/ halved the salary, khos phogs phyed bgos brgyab
t:>o' ~ ... ...
hair part;-04~- /tontsha~/ po red. (qhoo ph:S~ chooqoo k!peree)
hairpin :n_·~"'\· /tapiin/ hom 1 see: pork
hair ribbon ~-..q~.::~· /taci?!/ [Syn. skra sdem] hamlet, see: village
hair style B(i- "\~ 'tJ · lt!:f s2_pta/ [Syn. skra hammer, 1. n, ~-~· /th~~/ 2, vo, C, -- 4"!~~­
1 jog stongs] /--shuU/
hair tossle ~'AI~"'\· /tapshuu/ -
hammer (of gun) ~
d<'OIJ~~-~d-1- ~· "' /~nt&c qompa/
hairy ~· ~~- ~-
~ ""
/pu m!~qu/ ~ Americans ore hairy. hammer and s!ckle 1 neo, '.a-:.:.: iEI-,q· /s2_rth~-:>/
a mi ri ka i 1 mi la spu mang pa yod pa red. hamper 1 see: obstruct
(amiriqcc m3:., le pu m!~qu Y2~ree) " J:-
hamstring ~(muscle) ~~i /kii tsa/
hale and hearty ---
~"\·~.::: · /t!thaan/ ~ He is hale Han (Chinese)~ -~"\~t· /k!ril/ [Syn. neo, c, han]
and hearty. kho bde thong red. (qho tetoan Han . .
chouv~msm 1 neo,1J., ·'' . . . '¥-"' '\.

re~) [Syn. thong po] /k!ril chempoo r3:.,~1uu/

half ~~·'ll.· /cheqa/ ~ Half of 100 is 50, brgyo hand, 1. (2J"\'z.t' ; h. ~""\· /l~qpo; h. chao/ ~ He
thorn pa 1 i phyed ka lnga bcu red, (k~thampcc burned his hand, kho 1 i lag po 1 tshigs shag,
cheqa ~epcu r!el ~ one and a half gcig dang (qh88 l~qpa tshilsha~) 2. !so, hand over/in 1
phyed ko (crq te cheqo) see: give 3. iso. on/in hand (l.j"Y~"\ /l~q­
halfbreed 1 see: hybrid y'oiJ/ ~ money on hand lag yod dngul (l~qy<:R;
half full 1 vi. ~\ >r) ·{zl~~- /cheqa qha?!/ ~ The ~rn:l) [Syn. lag thog] 4. iso. hands of clock
gloss is half full • 1 gi lor s i phyed ko khengs ~ .g"\. &- ::>.~.c:,~<· /chotso~i t~/ 5, !so, change
shag. (q3:.,1oas cheqa qhansha~) hands 1 va. C. ~~~---~· /c!~l ~ The store changed
half moon ~- ..q · ~") · lfl · /towa cheqa/ [Syn. tshes owners, tshong khang gi bdag po br jes shag.
brgyod zla ba] (tsh5Qqaanqi t~qo c!~shao) 6, iso. hold hands 1
halfway (2JC).l -~"\ • /l~mch~ I 11 We rested halfway. va. f2J9'Zl'l!l7z:;- /l~qpo taon/ ~ They walked holding
ngo tshos lam phyed la ngal gso brgyab po yin. hands, kho gnyis lag pa btang byos ph yin song,
(qhuiiil l~qpa taancd: chrnsu) 7. iso. shake
happen 195

hands, va. (2l"r\'~A 7.A: ; h. ~.on,· ;q '?~ · /l;;qpa tsii1/ 2. iso, fight hand to ham combat, vo.
taan; h. chao toi:in/ 8. iso. raise hands (as in -- Al]l:..' /--teen/
a vote), va. c. fLI"\'.t..l-"\~1'..~-\' ; h·. ~ilj ~~t:.~\' handwoven t2-1"1\'t=l741~· /l;;qtoo/ 11 Is this handwoven?
/l;;qpa kah; h. chao keh/ 'di log btogs red pas? (t! l;;qtoo repcc)
handbag 12-l'' Y (Z.~~· /l;;rJpeG/ hamwriting ~"1·"1~"'\~· /y};_qsuu/ ~ good handwriting
handbook (21"!'\'~-'4· /l;;qtep/ yig gzugs yag po (y};_qsuu yaqo)
handcuff, 1. n. 1'2'"\''::\("\~'· /l;:_qcao/ 2, va. handwritten r:u••y~~- /l_!!qtil/
t:~~ll · I --k~p/ handy, 1. see: convenient 2. iso. skillful with
handful ~"i· ~4"\"'-. /p.9.raqaan/ ~ I need a handful hams t2J4 '2.1'01..;(32:8'~· /l;;qpa qh~fpo/
of salt. nga la tshwa sbar mo go~ dgos kyi ha~, 1. iso, fasten on wall/hook, vo. B. 'Z:l'1(>.l.

'dug. (r)~ tsho p,9_raqaan q~~) /q~r./ ~· He hung up the picture on the wall.
hand grenade (1.1~· r>-ie<l· /l~r)po'm/ khos dpar de rtsig pa 1 i 1 debs lo bkal song.
homgun (2.l.ayouc;,('2.: /l:;,r)to/ (qhS"d par te tsrqpcc tee lo q~fso) 2. iso.
handicap, see: obstacle kill~ va, A.~-~~"'-'\'\·a.,~·..q<!-1"\' /qe co~nc sfc/
handicapped, see: crippled ~ They hung the prisoners yesterday. kho sa kho
handicraft n.J<<y.::;q~ · /l:;,qshoo/ ~ homicroft fact- tshos btson pa tsho ske dpya~s nos bsad shag.
ory lag shes bzo grwa (l;:_qshee s::_to) ~ handi- (qh~fso qhontsb-d ts8mpatso qe co~nc sfcshoa) 3,
craft products (21'f\)\_~ ·~~· ~.<'\· /l;:_qshee th8n- iso. hang up phone, va, A. f'l·'\~"i·-<:1~~· /qhopoa
tscc/ sh;;a/ 4. iso. be hanging out, vi. D. (2..1("\ ·
handily, see: easily /t5£r/ ~ His shirt hung out. kho'i stod thung
c, dzor shag. (qhBS tOOtuun t5,9.rshaa) 5, iso,
hom in hand, iso, go, vo, (lJ'1\'.q·.>:~7t:.·~~· ~'\· 1

/laqpo taanccc chfh/ hong around, va, ~z::-~z::·t:>J.'.<:I~"'\· /chor) chor)lo

- <\. <'.
handkerchief ~ · ~ "'\ · h. "'1. z::.<:~ · ~ ~ · /napcil; h. t£C/ 11 He hung around the bar. kho chang khong
sh~r)Cil/ no~ la phyong phyong lo bsdod shag. (qho chor)-
handle, 1. ~·.q· /yM/ 2. see: cope (with) 3. qaan n.9..9.n la chen chanla tccshaa)
iso. curved handle (as on mug) f2H::: /l';!rJ/ hangar, neo. 4'\i9..l'1:).~\'f'lr:;· /namtu c2.2.qoon/
-v ~ .........
handlebar r:>..jtry C't~' /l~r)cu/ ho~ one's head (in shame), vo. D. &:.' "4 .z:l' In::.
handless ~"'\·~·~·y2..1· /l;;qpa m~epa/ p~p/ ~ The Red Guards made them hang their
handloom ~"\"'~?ill~· /l;;qtao/ heads (in shame) , srung dmog dmar pos kho tsho
handmade ~~yA:i"z,..o. · /l;;qso1:l/ ~ Is this handmade? ngo phab tu bcug pa red. (s0r)maa maapb~ qhontso
'di lag bzos red pas? (t! l;;qso1:l r~pcc) '02, ~pru cOuparee) [Syn. gdong phab]
hand operated t<J~· ~f2l· /l~qtru/ ~ hand operated hangover, 1. n. a;~:,.·~"\· /chi:ir)n&C/ 2. iso, hove
machine lag sgul 1 phrul 1 khor ( l~qUU thOO- a hangover, vi. -- ~~..q· /--k~p/
·qhM) hansom ~"· 7· fl.fJ-:<; ·({i· /shir)ta qh~lo/ [Syn. rto
handprint f2l"~'\' ~~- /l;;qcee/ sga ril]
handshake, see: hom, 7 haphazardly 4jh.'€;<,.'C>.\I:..',Bt::.· /qh~ncuun mancuun/
-..:> --::>
hand signal, 1. n. <'-l~'A->j. /l;;qto/ 2. iso. make/ ~ They worked haphazardly. kho tshos las ka
give a hand signal, vo. -- ll7"'-. /--toon/ gong byung mang byung byas shag, (qhontso'B
......... C\,. ,,
hands-off policy, neo. ~ · <'~''i'f-<1~· ~t:.':-P-ta · ~~ · ~~ · l££qa qh~ncuun ~ncuun ch£Cshoo)
/that~~ po~pcc siicUU/
.. "'-'
happen, 1. iso. take place vi. ~<-~ /ch£c/ 11
handsome (of men) ~-.q~·{'\·~ /terse th~pa/ [Syn. What happened yesterday? kha so go re byos pa
1 dro chogs po] red? (qh~csa qh;;re ch£cparcc) ~ What will hap-
hand to hand .combat, 1. n. (21"'1' f2.i:;&:.~· /l~r)- pen if we go? ngo tsho ph yin no go re byed kyi
196 happiness

red? (1')_2ntso chine qh~re ch,!qir&t) 2. see: hard of hearing ~-~~'"\·~·('l<ry ~

occur qhoqo/
...... "
happi~ss J:\"\'!!"'\'
/t,!kil/ ~ The happiness of hardship, 1. n, ""\"\I2.'&::C>J' ; h,5,·z::..t>.t· /qol')&&; h,
the people is important. mi dmangs kyi bde qur)&&/ 2. vi • -- ~~ · I --ch~n/ 1f They had
skyid gal chen po red. (m_!ma'h qhi t,!kil qh££, many hardships, kho tshor dka 1 ngal chen po
chempo r!_e) mang po byung shag. (qhoots::>::> qol')&& chempo
happy ~"\·
" v-·
Z4 /kipu/ ~ I was very happy, nga m!l')qu ch~nshao)
skyid po zhe drag byung. (1')_2 kipu sh!_~aa ch~n) hard up ~,..Z:J...· f'""Y ~- /tshowa qhoqo/ ~ These
happy-go-lucky " ..,..
~?;:·~·~·•:\'"'~ · /rilwa kipu/ 1f He is days he is really hard up. deng sang kho tsho
a happy-go-lucky man, kho mi snang ba skyid po ba khag po zhe drag 'dug. ( qho th!!JSaan tshowa
zhig red. (qho m_! nawa kipu ci r!e) qhoqo Sh!_~aa t,!:!~)
h arass 1 va. C • ...,........__
I" . .l'./
sumpu s~o 1f They hardware ~-"'~·a>~ · /coqch&&/
harassed him, kho tshos kho sun po bzos shag. hard wood O>.i~.of"\"<!-1'~~ · /~hl!iqshiin/
(qhonts~d qho sOmpu s~16ha~) [Syn, brnyas gtser hardy ~"\' f212:\'
~"\·~· /k~top chempo/ 11 This
byas; sun gtser byas] is a hardy plant, 1 di rtsi shing skyed stobs
harbor, 1, iso, port~-~· /~h!!qhe/ 2. iso, give chen po zhig red. (t,! tsishil') keetop chempo ci
shelter /refuge 1 va, ""\.) " z::..· ~~ •
'l} ·~ /takon ch£&/ r!_e)
[Syn. lta rtog byas] hare i4~· /y2_t/ [Syn. ri bong]
hard, 1. iso, not soft ......
~""\~· '"-t·
" /~hoqo/ 1f harelip ,;<\- f /sh(5pto/ [Syn. kha sho]
This is very hard, 1 di mkhregs po 'dug, (t,! hare year ~~-~ /y~olo/
~hoqo t.!:!~) 2. iso. difficult rvry~· /qhoqo/ harijan, hin. 79·~·1<"' ~·~<5\a.t· /h~ric&n m,!ril/
1f This book is very difficult. deb 1 di_ khag po [Syn. rigs ngan; h. rigs dman po]
'dug. (th!P t,! qhoqo t.!:!~) 3, iso, hard to do harlot -f)('\~' af.z::..· &.l · /sh,2.1')tshoma/
(verbal action) [vb,] rzt~·if· /[vb,] qhoqo/ harm, va, B. •r\~.~ ~~(2.1' · /n8'd k'f'f/ ~ He harmed
1f His speech was hard to understand, kho'i skad them. khos kho tshor gnod bskyal po red, (qh88
cha go khag po 'dug, (qhSB qfca qh~ qhoqo t.!:!~l qhonts::>::> n8'd kf'fparee) ~ Did he harm you? khos
~ It's hard to find a job. las ka rnyed khag po khyod rang la gnod bskyal byung ngas? (qhsB
'dug. (l££,qa nil qhoqo t.!:!~) khSraa n8'd k'f'fchul')ee) [Syn, gnod 'tshe byas 1
hard boiled egg ~ ~ ~
~J:;.· .z::..· ~"'\· ~z-~ · /q~r)a cheetsoo/
' ' gnod]
'-'"'..1' ...... v-
hard bound book~~-~-~~<!"\·~· /k!psha thijqpu/ harmful, 1. usu. for things .c')""''<OA.<!-\'C!>"';q·
v- ...,- ........... .:)2.
hard coal ~-~(>..1-~f!:\~<!·r ..._. · /t~s~d ~hoqo/ /nSStsep chempo/ ~ Hail is very harmful to the
hard cover book 1 see..: hard bound crops, se ra ston thog la gnod tshabs chen po
harden, 1. va, C, '
y- ...,-
/~hoqo s~"d/
zhe drag red, (s~o t8nt::>~ la nSstsep chempo
...... y-
2. iso. get/be hardened, vi, A. Oll~~~-~·a;""\~· sh!~aa r!e) 2. usu. as a modifier for animals
/~hoqo cha~/ 11 The clay hardened. rdza ko ....,... ...... "'
and people -4\"\'\·~· €"\' CllfZI'\' /nSStse ch!'J&&n/
mkhregs po chags shag. (tsaqo ~hoqo cho~sha~) ~ harmful insects gnod 1 tshe byed mkhan 'bu
hardened criminal "\41~~-~-~ln,2.r)nee tshipcheen/ rigs (nSStse ch!'J&&n P,!:!ril)
hard-hearted ......
~-~ao.· ""t!l~~·-l..l.
....., v- I sam' ~hoqo/ harmful insects .of\~~· ~;q· /nSSpu/
..... ~
hardly "f(l)·£"""·~·4\f""'~· [vb, neg,] /t3~tsa harmless q~·'%..1· Cl.I"\'-CI' /ntrupe lfr!.epa/ 11 He is
m_2t::>~ [ vb. neg,] I ~ He hardly ate. khos tog harmless, kho nus pa med pa zhig red, (qho
tsam ma gtogs bzas ma song, (qh'ilS t3~tsa mat:>~ ntrupe ~epa ci r!e)
S§_Cmasoon) harmonious, 1. iso, music ~~-~ · /n'fmpo/ 2.
hardness aJ~""'\~· £""' · /~heqtsh&&/ iso, groups/people ~:a~·~ /thtbpu/ ~ Their
hazard 197

group is very harmonious, kho tsho 1 i tsho khag •tshab bi 'tshub bi zhig byes po red, (qhontso~
de mthun po zhe drag 1 dug. ( qh i5ntsbo tshi'iqho?! thoqcb~ tsh~pi tshDpi ci ch£Cporee)
te thOmpu sh~tao t~t) [Syn. 'cham po] hat, 1. n, ~·a:;-· ; h.'\\,~· /sh~mo; h. Osha/ 2.
harness ~·a;~· /tapch&C/ iso, put a hot on someone, vo, A, -- -'1\.z::;:;-.:rr"'"~.
harpoon, 1, n, Clj' 0\l~i':: 2. va. A. 1--y~~/ 3, iso, put a hot on oneself (wear a
. "'
/--tsuu/ hot), vo. D. ---'if~· /--qh~/
harrow, 1. n. '-"11'4·~· /sh51a/ 2 •. vo. hatch, va. B • .z:!~f>.l.· /nee/ 11 They hatched the
/--k~p/ eggs, kho tshos sgong ngo bsnyol shag, (qhon-
harsh, 1. iso. climate;q·~· /tshupu/ 11 tsod q£r)O nCfshaa)

Ladakh has a harsh climate. la dwags 1a gnam hatchet, see: ox

gshis 1 tshub po yod pa red. (l~ta?! lo ~mshil hate, vo, ~.z::~· ~<'{· /t~r)po chd/ 11 He hates
tshupu Y2~ree) 2, iso. punishment/treatment women, khos skye dman la sdang po byed kyi
~4\·2::1· /~h~qo/ 11 They gave him a harsh punish- 'dug. (qh8'd kem&cn lo t~npo ch~qil) 2, iso,
ment. kho tshos kho 1a khrims gcod drag po byes hate to.,. (don 1t like) '\~"'~·~"i · /q£po err~..'~! 11
shag. (qhontsbMd qh~~ ~hrmc~ ~h~qo ch£tsha?!) I hate to go to his house, nga kho'i khong par
3. iso. person -f'\"''~\;t;..q·e5'0\·i:'l· /t.!::_qtsup chempo/ 'gro yog lo dgo' po med, (YJ~ qhBS qhar)poo t£yo?!
-..J "
11 He is a harsh person, kho mi gdug rtsub chen la CJ!!PO me~)
po zhig red. (qho m~ t.!::_qtsup chempo ci re~) 4. hateful, see: hate
iso, speech x~·~·
/tsupu/ 11 harsh talk skad hatred ~- C2ft"<\ /sh~qhodn/ 11 He has hatred for
cho rtsub po (qCca tsDpu) the communists. kho dmor po lo zhe 'khan 1 dug,

harshly %~·~· /tsllpu/ 11 He spoke harshly to (qho moap:::>:::> sh~qhodn t.!::_t) [Syn. sdang 1 dzin;
her, ""' mo la skod cho rtsub po bshad shag,
khos 'khon sems]
(qh~ m~ q~ca tsupu shccshaa) hotter '1'""~·~· /sh~ps:::>~/
harvest, 1, n, f0\·~...-1' /t8nt:::>~/ 11 a good har- haughty R' (Zl.;sy"'a,a_· :4· /t~q:::>~ chempo/
vest ston thog yag po ( tBnt:::>~ yaqo) [Syn, haul, 1. sea: drag 2, see: carry
~-.... ..__..
ston 'bras] 2. va. C• .z:!:&:~·re~-t·~t::.~· /tsfema haunted ~")~·1"-~·'<4"\'"'-~· /t£nta y'2_pa/ 11 a haunted
nee/ 11 They harvested the barley field, kho house gdon 'dre yod pa 1 i khang po (t£YJ~e y~pc&
tshos nos zhing btsos ma brngas shag. (qhontsod qhar)po)
n££Shir) ts~ema r)eCshaa) have, 1. for first person ~"\· /y8'd/ 11 I hove a
harvester, nao, .z:\i!:_·.z:t~· <"~1>..1·12~::0:..· /n~tu }ht'lO- horse. ngo lo khong pa yod, (r)~ qhol')pa y~~)
qhb6/ [Syn, btsas "' "
rna brngo yag 1 phrul 1 khor] 2. for third person (2.~4")· /t!::_t/ 11 They have a
has, sea: have horse, kho tshor rta zhig •dug, (qhi5nts:::>:::> to ci
haste, sea: hastily tuu)
hasten, vo. a.~~-<1"\"~'' ~ · ~ ") z;. · /k2~ru teen/ 11 They haversack /t~phcc/
hastened the and of the war. kho tshos dmag hawk ~·
v- -.r::
thog geed yog mgyogs su btong po red. (qhontso~ hawk, iso. sell door to door 1 va. ~·fEe:..· ~,2Zl. ·

moqtaa c83yoa k2~ru toonporee) /q£tshoon k~p/

hastily, iso. quickly ~t<.r n~· 2~· /~h~- hoy, sea: fodder
tshapc&/ 11 They did i t hastily. kho tshos 1 di hayfork, sea: pitch fork
bral 'tshob byes byes shag. (qhontsb"d t~ th~­ hoy stock f'·~~· /tsaphuun/
tshapc& chccshaa) hazard );~· "\' /n~r)qa/ 11 This job has many hazards.
c,- _r <......._
hasty rzafz:,·z:::.· r2.<o"''. ZJ · /tsh~pi tshupi/ 11 They las ko 'di lo nyen go zhe drag 'dug, (l££qo ti
mode a hasty decision. kho tshos thog gcod n~nqo sh~~oo t.!::_u)
198 hazardous

hazardous ?..J~·-4:\·~"\·"-~· /ii!r)qo y~po/ ~ a hazardous head tax C).l~fflllJ' /q_2th&&/

job nyen qo yod po'i las ka (n!r)qa y~p&& 1~­ headway, see: progress
qa) headwind, 1, n, "'1~· ~~- /t2_r)lh~/ 2, iso, be
haze ~'I\·~- /qhOqna/ " blowing, vi. -- ~~l:l· /--k_!p/
hazy, 1. see: haze 2, iso, unclear in vision~-~· heal, vi, C, 41~ · /sB'd/ 11 The cut healed
~-~·/r_!pi rl:_pi/ ~ Everything is hazy, tshang rna quickly. rma mgyogs po gsos song, (me k2_qo
ra bi ri bi red, (tshcl')llo r_!pi rl:_pi r!e) 3, sB'dso)
iso, unclear ideas, etc, .d(l!i(>.l'f2.1'01..\'4)~~- /sffla health (2.~'"', ·.q~ "\ · /}h8Steen/ [Syn, !us khoms
mos&&/ bde thong]
he (fi- ; h. (iio:..· /qhiS; h, qh05n/ public health campaign (Z.?:f")·~~C('(2.1~·~-'t'\~·
he himself (a·:::t...~·~-e....· ; h, Ta"k ·:=r;r:...· .:J,.r::.. • /qhara ""
/thooteen lE.£nqUU/ --.:7

r~n; h, qharaan r~n/ health care f2.~"1'.'(\'jC\· ~ ·f~ · /th'OOteen toto?>/

head, 1, of the body 01-1~· /qf!/ ~ He has a big health clinic (2.~"'\·..q,~~- (Dor:..· /thSSteen qhocn/
head, kho mgo chen po 'dug, (qho q.2 chempo healthy t~r:..· ~ /thCir)po/ 11 He is very healthy,
tuu) 2, of an office, etc, c-z. ~·CL~ot · ; h, .-:.1:1 · kho thong po zhe drag red, (qho thcr)po sh!taa
~~;·/q_2ntsiin; h, Cntsiin/ ~Who is the head of
the group? tsho khag 1 di 1 i 'go 1 dzin su red? heap, 1, n, /phO?)/ ~ heap of stones rdo
(tshoqha~ tg q_2ntsiin sO r_£c) 3, iso, shave phung (t~phu?)) 2. iso, make a heap, vo, C.
the head, va. B. ~ ·.l:l~;>;. · Ito sh~/ 4. iso, _f1z:::.~· /pO~/ 11 They mode a heap of manure, kho
head of grain ~·01-.1. • /n'l1ma/ 5, iso, head of a ~hos !us spungs shag, (qhontsh'ci3 1~ pO~ha~)
line ~~- r>-~· /}hE.£nqo/ 6. iso, head of a hear, 1. vi. 0, 41" ; h. 41~"\ · /qh_2; h, sffn/ 11
family ~ 1:..·~ • .i\~ · cz.~· /~nqi q_£r)qo/ [Syn, khyim I heard the speech, ngas skad cha go byung,
bdag; nang gi a·pha] (rJE_C qfca qh_20u) 2, iso, listen to, vo. D.'<)"\';
headache, iso, get/have, vi. D. 01.1~~- ; h, ~~· h, 41~"\ · /ii_£n; h, s'ffn/ ~ I went to hear the
"~?4l:..' /q_2 n2_; h, 0 nO~/ ~ I have a headache, nga song, ngo gzhas nyan par ph yin pa yin, ( r)2_
mgo no gi 'dug, (r)2_ q_2 n_!qil) [Syn., 1. n. mgo sh£C ii£nqo~ chr~payin)
gzer 2, vi. mgo gzer brgyab] hearing, see: trial
headache medicine ~~~a.,· /oe.mcr.n/ hearing aid, neo, ~~\'..f9"\'05-\'('l.~(2.1·a;<!>-l· /th8Sshuu
headman (of village) c>-~·~· /q_2pa/ [Syn, rgon po] thuuch&&/
""' "-..:>"'

headdress (worn traditionally by women in Tibet) hearing, iso, hard of 1 see: hard, 5,
l:l · ~4'\· /p~tuu/ heart, 1, ~~ · " /nir)/ 2. iso, cord suit "\o>.~::... ·
heading (of a page) n~ ""~ · /qopc'ci3/ ~~· /morto?>/ [Syn, kham bu]

headline (of newspaper) (2.~ • ;!:li;"\ · /q_2pcbM';;; break someone's heart, va. A, ~z::..·~=i5'4"'\'

head-on, 1. iso, collide, va. <f1~r:...·"'· /t_2r)- ./'f'rllr)·CCi~/

tuu k_!p/ ~ They collided head-on, de gnyis from the bottom of one's heart ~t:..-~'1\,~'"\~'/nrr)qi
gdong thug brgyob nos b~dobs shag, (thl:_nil t£rJ- trr)nr.&/
tuu kapn&c t_!psha~) 2. iso, confrontation, vo, learn by heart, va, D, .::::~·~·~'C\· /r)2_~la sim/
41'J{'r:...· .zt-i9::...· zt~~· /t£r)Shee i<!PI take to heart 1 va. A."1\~t;. • (21' ..q C"a,.il'\ · /iiir)la sh2_~/
headphone, neo, ~~·n1 C\·(:1.~(2J.· a;3.1· /qonr.&n }h00chr.c/
[Syn, mgo lo gon nos nyon yog 1 phrul chas]
- with all one's heart
~"k· =-~· ~~·
heart attack, 1. n, ~~-"."-Z:::.I:!-I''C\·cf·
/nir)ru'U ch£&/
/nir)O~ n2_tso/
headquarters cz.:fi ·~'\ (2.l<S-\' (C\r::.. • /~il l~qoon/ 2. iso. get/have a heart attack, vi. A,
[Syn, bko' bkod khang; spyi khyab las khungs] ~""!' /--ph'J?l/
headstrong, see: stubborn heartbeat, 1. n. ~~·rz.'Z<1"-''Z4"'\' /nrrJ phcrya~/
helper 199

2. · iso. beat (for heart) 1 vi. D, " r::.:

~ (2 "4 ::Z /F'iir) heavy weapons v '(>.J~y "a.·"'\<!'\"'{·
<tj ("\,. /qholaa' cheril./

phar I hectic 1 1. adj.11n.•·';it:: /ih~ir)/ ~ It was very

heart disease ~Z:.'1"\
/nir)nr:."f:./ hectic just before going. thon kha la mer brel
hearth 0\,l'~hl' /~thap/ [Syn. me khung) zing zhe po ci byung. (thl3nqa l~m::>::> th~sir)
hearth deity a~·~' /th!!plha/ sh};_puci ch!:!,!;!n) 2. iso. act hectic 1 va, -- ~~ ·
t'\ - -....... I
heartless ~"-':I(''Cll."'\'2..1' /Fiir)Ce meltlpa/ /--chE_c/
heart transplant 1 va, C. "~z:::: ~~~- ~ - ;-nil') c h~"/ hedgehog -_;:~:~ /s~mo/
heat, 1. iso, temperature of the air c£· z::,. · hedonism 1 nee, ~"\ ·4~Cl-\· ".:r;,t:.:~"'\~
0.. ..,. /krisa~
/tshowa/ ~ I don 1 t like the heat. nga tsha ba r};_r)lu~/
la dga' po med, (r)~ tshCiwa la q~po ~~) 2, heed 1 va. ~'1-r>£"1· ~~- /fiE_nc::>?> chE_C/ ~ He didn't
iso. heat something, va. C. <6·~-"'~lf~· /tshopo heed the advice, khos bslab bye la nyan jog

s~d/ ~ Heat up the food, kha lag tsha po bzos, byes mi 'dug. (qh83 l~pca la n~nc::>~ chE_cmintu~)
(qhola~ tshopo s~) 3. iso, heat from combus- heel ijr:..·z.r· /tir)pa/
tion, i , n, _r"'\ · /ih2,15/ ~ the heat of the hegemony 1 nee, .<l¥1"\' ~~-~A~'-A-'f\<H.
'V -..:J
/q33ctJU War)-
oven me thab kyi drod (m~thapqi th~d) ii, iso. shut/ [Syn. kha lo sgyur dbang)
turn on the heat, va. -- A~z:.· /--taan/ height 1 1 • iso. elevation Ol.J ~a;'"\· /thotshr:.c/ ~
heater, 1. n. <f.·.£~· /tshCib?>/ 2, iso, turn on/ What is the height of Lhasa? lha sa' i mtho
use a heater 1 va. -- A7"'-. /--taan/ tshad go tshad red? (lh~Csr:.r; thotshr:.c qh~tshcc
heathen ,il · £· /lolo/ rE_C) ~ height above sea level rgya mtso nos
heating pad ~"'!· ~- t2~Z'\,· '"\~· /l~qtod k~qtam/ mtho tshad (k~tsonr; thOtshr:.c) 2. iso, person's
heat produced by steam 1 va. Gi&:.e\'~"'\-~?e:.. · /lorJtoB height ~~·~\~·r <£~· /s.!::!qtshr:.c/
taan/ heighten 1 vi. .i.· ~-~"'I· /cheru chin/ ~ Their
heat rash a;· ~:I:..· /tshoth::>r I enthusicism heightened. kho tsho 1 i sems shugs
heat-resistant, neo. ~-~~ · /~thup/ ~ Is this che ru ph yin shag, (qhontsod srmshu~ cheru
heat resistant? 'di ""' thub
me red pas? (t~ ~- chinsha~)
thup r~pr;c) "
heir ~C)..J'(2.c(~· /shO"utsiin/ ~ Who is the heir?
heave, see: throw shul 'dzin su red? (shUOtsiin su rE_C)
. ~ ..../" (\. -.......
heaven, 1. iso. god's abode ~·1(;ru· /lhayu1I/ 2, heuloom 04·~"\· c_,z:.z..t·.:r;.4)~·
iso. sky ~.)J· ';}.J.ra(2.· /nomqha/ tsache/ ~ Is that an heirloom? de mi rgyud

heavier ~ '.<::~· /cE_&/ ~ This is heavier than that. dngos rigs rtsa che zhig red pas? (th~ m};,ku'U
I di the la lei 00 I dug, ( ti thelf:.C Cf:.C t!:!,~) r)B8ril tsache ci r~pr;c)
[Syn, ljid gog che be] helicopter 1 nee, £!l)'i2Z<~'\'<f\'1~-~- /th~Cphur namtu/
heaviest W~·J:G· /c};_sh'Od/ ~ This is the heaviest. [Syn, he le kob tar)"" ""
1 di ljid shos red. (t};_ c};_shoB r~~) hell '\~Rl·~· /nrJla/
" ..,-
~~-~- /c};_pu/ ~a heavy box sgam ljid po helmet ~'fy /m~?>/
zhig (qam cipu ci) help 1 1, n. '\~"!-\ · h. ~..ry-:(~~- /r2_~; h •.
heavy arti~ler; ~ ·f~"!-\:a;~-~- /~k::>~ chempo/ charir::>~/ 2. va. ~~- /--chE_C/ ~ The
heavy industry %1~1-2-\~-~-.q · /s~lr:.c c};_wa/ gov'ernment helped us. gzhung gis nga tshor regs
heavy rainfall/hail <t,"' -J<q~~~~-~- /charshu~ chem- byas pa red. (sh,!:!Qqi r)~nts::>::> r::_?J chE_Cpare~)
po/ "' [Syn. rogs ram]
heavy snowfall
~ v- ...
<5D1·'Zf·/qhanshuu chempo
... I helper
V' ---..
~"'\~· ~"') 'C)..lf'I'O\ ·
/r2_::> ch!r)t.t.n/ ~ I need o
"\; I -
[Syn. gangs mthug po) helper. nga la rogs byed mkhan zhig dgos, (r)~
heavy water 1 neo. ~"\·~· /c}J;,chu/ r::>~ ch~r)&cnci q2_?Jl
200 helpful

...,.. v- <\
helpful ~"'·R!.if"\3-\.2..1 · /ph~fn thoqo/ 11 That is very horses '7. ~- · /t~tsi/ 3; iso. for goats "'· ~ ·
helpful. de phon thogs po zhe drag 1 dug. ( th! /r2.,tsi/ 4. iso. yak 'q~4Y "ir /y~qtsi/ 5.
ph~fn thoqo sh!"too t,!:!tl 11 He is very helpful. iso. cattle ~~a.~·~· /chuqtsi/

kho phon thogs po zhe drag 'dug. (qho ph&fn herdsman, 1. see: herder 2. iso. pastoral nomad
thoqo sh!~oa t,!:!tl ~ ~~. Z-1. lt2qpa/
' "'"' -...
helpless "'"\·~'"'\·~·~"\ ·04j·.:z.!" I qh_2Cee
' t.!_cee
· ' m2,epa
' I 11 here 1 1 • 12--')-"' · /t&&/ 11 Put it here, 1 di 1 dir
She is very helpless. mo ·go byed 1 di byed med zhog. (t_! tE,£ sh2~l 2. see: hereabouts
par bsdod shag. (m_2 qhoce~ t_!ce~ m!~poo t_£&- hereabouts rz.~·~f>..l· /t_!pa"'/ 11 There are many
sha~) 11 She become helpless. mo go byed 1 di factories hereabouts. 1 di khul.bzo grwa mang po
byed med po chags shag. (m£ qhacee tice~ m!epa 'dug. (t_!pa"' s,2to m2.,~qu t!;!tl
ch~sho~) [Syn. ci byo 1 di byed mad pa] hereafter "--·a.~· /th'2.n&&/ 11 Hereafter 1 we shall
hem, 1. n. ~fl~.' ~"'~"\~· /th'Oca"'/ 2. iso. make o help you. do nos ngo tshos khyod rang lo rogs
hem, vo •. A. -- Z\~4\· /--sh2_"0/ byed kyi yin. (th2_n&t ~'2.ntsod kh8rao r2~ ch_!qi-
hemisphere I s&f qh2_1&& chee
to.. v- " "'
~<\·4"\·f'<.ln.·~") -';
• yin)
. "-v-""'
Northern hem1sphere ~(t ·~r{ZI~ · ~"\ ·~r:.: a..t · I sff hereditary, 1. iso. titles, posts, etc. ~"\·~!['\ "' ·
qhol&& ch~ cha~ma/ /ku11ntsiin/ " 1dzin
11 hereditary title rgyud
- - c'v-'\"'- v-
Southern hemisphere ""1/2"-"fcua·~"\·~·.;w /sf'€ ming gnas (k~ntsiin m_!~ncil 2. iso. diseases,
qh2_1&& ch~~ lhamo/ physical characteristics 1 etc. ~ 4")~ · ~~ ·

hemorrhoid, 1. n. 4<d,&;..(2.Ej~· 2. /r_!qkW/ 11 heriditory disease rigs r~ud no


iso. get/be ill with hemorrhoids, vi. D. ~· tsho (r_!qkuU n'2.tsa)

/--n'2/ heredity
~.l)·C'Zf"\'fZ-~· ~~·
...., /k~tsiin },!:!luu/
V"'J ""
hemp ~<M·-"· ~ · /samarotso/ heresy ~a~· t2:1~ ·
I ch881 ~~I
~~·~"i.~"\ ..... (ll'\. che~&&n/
- 4 .
hen ~·,).~ · /ch'2,mo/ heretic /ch8Sloo
hence, see: therefore heretofore "\·~·<'4'\'P.I. /th2_nta ph&&nlo/ 11 Hereto-
henceforth "\·~"·a;y /th2_ chine&&/ 11 Henceforth, fore 1 we were unhappy. do 1 to phon la nga tsho
I will study daily. do ph yin chad ngos nyin skyid po mo byung. (th_2nta phffnla 11.2ntso kipu
ltar slob sbyong byed kyid yin. (th2_ chine&& macuun)
~&t nintoa lope~ chiqiyin) hermaphrodite /phuliin m,!:!liin/
he;tit7s .../~'\·-;tl· -/chintsh&t/ [Syn. me ning]
her, 1. iso. possessive ~~ · /m"§!}/ 11 her book hermit, religious /tshompa"'/
mo'i deb (m.!8! th2,pl 2. iso. dative (to her) ~::o:..· hermitage, religious -..;6~~· rae:.. /tshomqaan/
/m~~/ '11 He gave it to her. khos mo lo sprad pa hero ~~r•.: ~· /p6wo/ 11 He is o hero. kho dpa'
(qh~ m~~ }ftpore~) (phCI p6wo r!~l
herbal medicine
- ...-
~ · ~1 · /~am&&n/ [Syn. rtswo
bo red.
heroine ""\-z..JP. · ~· /p6mo/
v7 ,,
smon] heroism "'\7-Jrz..· q~· :.:.e:.· ~~~·
herbalist ~· ~"·Ollfla-\·q · /~am&&n qh&fpa/ herself ~~~:;.· /moroon/
herbivore ~ ·")"'\~ · /r_!to"'/ hesitant, 1. ~·.lf.;~.t· /th~tshom/ 11 She is very
herbivorous .f ·;~.·~(dOl.,· /tsa s'2,~&&n/ hesitiant. mo la the tshom zhe drag 'dug. (m22
herd, 1 • n. ~ · /khu/11 o herd of sheep lug th~tshom sh!~oa t,!:!t) 11 She is hesitant about
khyu zhig (l,!:!qkhu crq) 2. va. c. Zl¥~· /ts?lo/ going. mo 'gro yog la the tshom 'dug. (m'2.
11 He herds sheep. kho lug 1 tsho gi yod pa .red. }£yo"' la th~hom t,!:!~l 2. iso. oct hesitant, va.
(qho l,!:!t tsh~iy~~re~) -- ~~ I --ch_£&/ 11 He is acting hesitant about
herder 1 1 • iso. sheep ~<l"\· if · /l,!:!qtsi/ 2. iso. going. kho 'gro yog la the tshom byed kyi 'dug.
his tori ca I 201

(qho t£YO~ lo th~tshom ch~qil) hijack, va. ~~·.<:J.~c>J·~~· /ch£qcom ch~c/

hesitation 1,·~d-l· /thetshom/ 11 his hesitiotion hijacker "'"""·"~~~· :2"\ ~f1~ · /ch£qcom ch~r)&&n/
kho'i the tshom (qh~ thetshom) hilarious, see: funny
heterodox (theory), relig,
....- ~·
(2.l"T /l£qmo/

hill ~· ~z::.· ~.<..· /r! chUnchuun/

....... v-'
Hevajaro, skt. ~· ~- ~ · /ke t~e/ hilt . ~·ZLJ· /thiyu/
--J-.., -
hex see: bewitch him (to) (fi('.l· ; h, (!f~:.·('J· /qh':J5; h. qhoonla/
hiatus, see: gap Himalayas '7 ·i>..l· f.U'ZLl' /himalaya/
hibernate, va. ~~~'9"'-1-·~· himself (Z' · -=lF -"iZ:.. · /qheraraan/ 11 He did it
hibernation /q}!nii&&/ vo. -- ~<!-\· himself. 'd~ kho rang rang gis byos pa red,
/--chE_c/ (t~ qher~roonqi chE_tpare~)
hiccups, 1. n, <3-l'f\'""1· "' /iqa/ 2, iso. hiccup, vi. Hinayono Buddhism -:s"\ ·'"'.<J..J ~ · /th~qm&&n/

-- -"\~"1.· /--kap/ [Syn, ig bu; skyig bu] hinder, see: obstruct

<\ <\
hide, 1. iso. hide something or someone, va. A. Hindi 7~·"\. /hinti/ 11 Hindi (spoken) language
~~· /pE_c/ 11 He hid the book, khos deb de sbos hin di'i skod (hintii q~c)
shag. (ph~ th~p te p~Csha~) 2. iso, hide hind legs ~ ~ · "lz:;. · /k2._pqaa n/
oneself, vo. D. ")%:\. /qh2._p/ 11 He hid in the hindrance, see: obstruction
box. kho sgam nang la gab shag. (pho q!:!m ~n Hindu ~"\· '\ · /hintu/
la qh2._psha~J [Syn. gob bsdad] 3. iso, hide ~hinge, n. 2:1~-"\· ~-"'· /qopcoo/
feelings, va. A. ~~-;;t,"\'(2.l"Zl,~~"/rXiryne~lo tE_C/ hint, va. 4)·.<:!.'\'""'5"'"' /qh~ta taon/ 11 He gave us
4, iso. pelt/skin ZJ.Zj"2,-l' "-'. /p{jqpa/ many hints. khos ngo tshor go brda mang po
hideaway, see: hiding place btang shag. (qh~ ~ntsoo qh£ta ~r)qu toansha~)
hideous, see: ugly [Syn. go rgyu btang; brda btong]
hideout, see: hiding place hinterland ('
~"'-·Zo.lp..·~~~· /l!;!.DP&& sh!;!,D/ [Syn. so
hiding place 41~·~· /qh2._pso/ cho'i gzhung] "
~· :r_~ ·
,, /qh!;!,rim/
hip ""~'(24" /crrnqo/
h~erog 1 y ph"~cs .of\~~-'""\·'\~·" c-..."'
z.11 '4)· I S!;!,qru
·' y_i q~·; hippopotamus ~"";t ·Z4>fj · /tshCipha~/
high, 1. iso, toll/lofty .-.t'€·~· /th'Opo/ 11 o high hire, usu. on o temporary basis for wages, vo, C.
mountain ri mtho po zhig ( r~ thCipo ci) 2. ;'IJ:l!-1' /l~c/ 11 We hired two men, nga tshas mi
see: expensive 3, see: drunk gnyis glas pa yin. (r)£ntsod m! iiii l~tpoyin)
higher do{"£-"~· /th':J~/ 11 This is higher than that. hired hand 1 1 , n, :;"} · 21 · /HJpa I 11 I hove two hired
'di 'di las mtho ba rdug, (ti tile& th5~ tuu) hands. nga la gla po gnyis yod. (D£a lopo iirr
yf\... ........ ~- -
higher education ;>.Jfl'::l\Cl-1.. -<"'\~·""<~~ · /thlirim shee- y_£"BJ 2. iso. work as o hired hand, va. -- -;Z.~'
yoon/ /--chE_C/
highest /thash~/ 11 the highest his {£'~ h. ~z:;.· ~ · /qh~; h, qhoonqi/ 11 his
mountains ri mtho shos de (r! thash~ tel book kho'i deb (qh8S thep)
v- " - (\
high jump, neo, ;~.isr 04i("~~·/th~h0111/ his own fll · ~.:. · ~z::..· "'\. ; h. ,;:tll:. · -"~<- ·"\""-· 4')" I qhora
highlands ~·.;ll~ · /sotho/ ror)qi; h. qhoraan r£r) qhi/
v-- <\
high level dl~ ·:::r;.<l-1· /thuriil.; 11 high level meeting hiss, vo. A. ~· ~·""~.~~~· /sita t~~/
mtho rim !han tshogs (th!;!,rim lhCntsh~~J historian (15 · ~..,· ~· .;t~f''O\ · /l!;!,kUU t~D&&n/ [Syn.
n.'. th£qo/
high quality ~~·"\4\LJ "/puu v-
lo rgyus mkho~ pa; rgyol robs mkhos pa]
"""-:.\ v-- ' v c-... ..
high school <>~Sf-"'~· z:<~·1J · /thlirim lopto/ historical (l.J·~~· ~"\· ~~ • /l~kUU tEOp&&/ 11 his-
high seas ~~· ~·~~ · lcii k£tso/ torical period lo rgyus ldan pa'i dus skobs
highway ~<:f· (~0>.\· /sh!;!,r)lam/ (l!:.kuU t~mp&& thu~qap) 11 historical situation
202 historical materialism

lo rgyus ldan pa'i gnos tshul hockey, 1. iso, field hockey, neo, ~a"]·~~)-l·~.
n~ftshUU) /h~qii ts~mo/ 2, iso, ice hockey, neo, ~d\«'
historical materialism, n~?· ~~<!-\·~~ ..·-~~· >;,~~· ~~': ~"\· -1 ~ · /khoqta?J h~qii/
...r: ' '
-~p-;· . =v:...·~<r\'~"- /l,!;!kUU' t£mpcc
- nr: "'-.;!
r)ootso '
r_!r)luu/ hoe, 1. n. f.>.~.:~\· /c~/ 2. vo. C, -- ~~~-
. t or~co
h~s . 1 reseorc h (l..l-~~·~~-~(.1''"\""l'~..!!j·
...r <\ "' /--sh,!l/
... "> '-'
/l,!;!kUU t£mpcc sh~mcuu/ hcg, see: pig
history, 1 • r.G· ~2!-1 · /l.!::!ktr~I/ 11 Tibetan history bod hoist, see: raise; lift
~ ... ... <\. ...
kyi lo rgyus (ph_£'ciqi l.!:;!ki..l1l) 11 history of the hold, 1. iso. keep in hand, vo, C, 3Ql,· /s~m/ 11
airplane gnom gru'i lo rgyus (n~mtu~ l,!;!k~~) 11 She held the book. mos deb de zin bsdad shag.
the study of history lo rgyus slob sbyong (m![d th!:pte s~~ t£_esho~) [Syn. 1 jus] 2. iso,
(l.!::!kuil lopc&d
2. iso, religious historyi;"~·~c:.·
[Note: rgyol robs is used for the
set aside, va. B. 3~·'"'1·"'-~·
the book (for me) •
deb de
/surtu noa/
du nyor rags.
11 Hold

history of a country.] (th~p te S.!:;!rtu n~o~) [Syn. zur du bzhag] 3.

history book ;t;.~~-~·;-<:~· /l,!;!k~uqi th!:p/ iso. detain 1 va, B, '<):t.. · /i'i~/ 11 The police
"-> ...
hit, 1. vo, C. <1'\l'l~·
mo lo gzhus song.
~ -
(qh'OB m~ sh_!!'Usu)
11 He hit her.
held him for a week.
gcig nyar po red.
pu li sis kho bdun khrag
( piilisil qho t,!!n~o~ crl naa-
bang against, vi. D. ~:r. ;Zl~· /t'!_p/ 11 He hit porae) [Syn. bzung nyor byas] 4, iso, con-
his head on the door. kho sgo !a mgo brdabs tains, vi. IZ~ lt.!:,l 11 The bottle holds five cups
song. (qho q~lo q~ t'!_pso) 3. iso, by a missle, of water. she! dam 1 di 1 i nang lo chu dkar yo!
vi. A. 'B>=~oe-1· /th(3"6/ 11 The bullet hit me. nga lngo 'gro gi 'dug. (sh~etam t~ n~n la chu qo-
lo mde 1 u thebs byung, (r)~ t_!wuu th~cu) yUU r)o t,!;!qil) [Note: This is actually the
hitch, 1. sea: tie 2. iso, hitch a ride, neo,, present/future tense of "go".] [Syn. bshongs]
vo. c. . . . . ....-
~~·.q·..,.-;or· I thepo U:n'I 3, see: pro- 5. iso. hold office/position, vo. C. (U~·/Zl:x_·~e:.'l,{·
(~ (1.1

blem /l_££qhuu lrJ?./ 11 He held the office of minis-

hither ;i:r..,· /tshuii/ 11 come hither tshur shag ter. khos bka' blon gyi las khur blongs pa red.

( tshiiii sh~~) (qh~ qolbonqi l_££qhuu · lo?.poree) [Note: This

hitherto ""\-...::<.,· /th2,_par/ literally means "did the work of".] 6. see: ad-
hive (bee) ~c.:a;~.: /t_!!r)tsoan/ here; believe 7. iso. hold out, va. B. <>-~d=\· ~ ·
hoard, va. 4\~-'<'\' r>-Jf~· ~~- /s~ry:;~~ ch£_f;f 11 They "l~:.;:/q~ m'!_quu/ 11 They held out against the en-
hoarded sugar. kho tshos.bye rna ka .ra gsog 'jog "'
amy. kho tshos dgra la mgo rna bsgur po red,
byas shag. ( qhontso~ chama qoro s~ry:;~~ ch£_C- (qhontsod t,!! la q~ m~quupara"e) a. iso. keep
sha~) forcibly, va. C. ~"\- /s~~/ 11 They held the
hoarse, iso. get/be, vi. D. A1"\ 'f2K:;. /q~& ts~r/ hill. kho tshos ri rtse zin po red. (qhontsod

11 He is hoarse today. kho de ring skod 1 dzer r_!tse s.!,mpare"e) 9. iso. hold bock, va. A • .<:~"14'\'
shag. (qho th~riin q~c ts!:rsha~) /qBa/ 11 They held bock the crowd. kho tshos
hobble, 1. iso, tie up legs, va. C, ~-z:..,·.<\~;;o..~~­ mi phung bkog po red. (qhontsod m_!phuun qoapo-

/l_!!qpo t2,.~/ 11 He hobbled the horse. khos rto 1 i ree) 10. iso. hold on/wait, va. A. ~"\~· ~&..·
log po bsdans song. (qhM t~f l2,_qpo t2,.~o) 2. /q.!::!u aa/ 11 Hold on a minute, khyug tsam zhig
iso. limp due to being hobbled, vi, f2.~3')'f.>.~<!-<· sgugs ong. (khOu tsi:lci q~u oo) 11. iso. hold
!l-"". /kh~r)to-6 ch£&1 up as on exomp 1 e, vo.·c"--.......
• ~-··\"\%..1'(.>..l·.q~<\· f·
hobby "\"'V'2.' 2:1'· ~z;,· Ul'"Y /q2..po ch!:yo~/ 11 My hobby la t~?./ 11 They held up the former as an ex-
is painting. nga dgo 1 po byed yog ri mo bri yog ample. kho tshos zhing po de mig dpe lo bstan
de red. (r)2.. q2,.po ch!:yo~ r~mu th~yo~ te r~~) po red. (qhontsod sh~r)pa ti m_!qpe lo t~?.poree)
hopeful 203

holdup, see: delay; rob tshos blo ma de lo gus bkur zhus pa red,
hole, 1. n. 0{f'.&.... /Iquun/
2. iso. make a hole, (qhontsod lema thee qh~quu sh~Upore~)
va. A. -- ~"!· /--pil/ honorable C<J' "\-"''!-\ · /y~rap/ 11 He is an honorable
holiday, 1, iso. festival "12-1'~"\· /thtrticheen/ 11 man. kho mi yo robs shig red, (qho m~ y~rap ci
"V -
a Tibeto n holiday bod pa i dus chen
1 ( ph~pce r2.e)
th,!;!!;!cheen) .2. iso. vacation .<rv::, · :<>{<:..,..._ · /q!::_r)- honorary ...,)z;:~·""\~"\· /s2_r)tod/ 11 a honorary pro-
son/ fessor gzengs bstod mkhos dbong (s2_1')to~ qhff-
hollow, 1. iso. empty covi ty (f-or~· /qh5qtoon/ woon)
11 o hollow tree shing sdong khog stong zhig honorific language~·~· / 11 What is the
(shir)toon qh~qtoon ci) 2. iso. worthless f;:: "'-' · honorific of this word? tshig 1 di 1 i zhe so go
/tr5r)pa'/ 11 a hollow victory rgyol klio stong pa re red? (tshil t~ sh2_50 qhE_re rE_C)
zhig (k,££qo tor)po ci) hood a.~~·-'4~>:-~· /q!_JShup/
,, ~

holy If'Zl. -a,~· 20l- /tsaa chempa/ 11 holy place gnas hoof ~ayZ-~ · /ml.qpa/
rtso bo chen po (nfc tsaa chempo) cloven hoof .9-;lfyZ-~· f1'.:x;.(>.j · /ml.qpa qhoree/
homage, see: respect; reverence hoof and mouth disease ~~-~'\· /hSncc/ [Syn. kha
home ~~· "
; h. 4~a0>..\·rat:.· /~n; h, s~mqoon/ tsha rmig tsho]
My home is in Indio, ngo 1 i nang rgyo gar lo hoofprint, see: footprint
yod. (rJE,£ n~n k~qoo lo y3[d) hook, 1. n. ~if\~·~- /caqku/ 2. va. -- 4~~ ·
home for children "'~'~""" /phukhim/ /--k~p/ 3. iso. hang on a hook, vo. B. -- %lif\'\·
home for the elderly _,;lj~'4* rar;:... /qE_!!Soqhoon/ /--q88n/
homeless a._c.· .;u"\ ·'<.I' /~n ~~po/ fish hook [Syn, nyo 1 dzin lcogs
v- ...
homework, 1. n,.:<,.-,:..·~~·;r~r)con/ 2. iso, do home- kyu]
work, vo. -- ~<!-\·I --chE_C/ [Syn, nang sbyong] hookah ~·ou"f\·~o::.·-'11· /th5ma~ h5rqo/
homicide, see: murder hooker, see: prostitute
....,. v- .......
homosexual, 1. iso. mole neo, Z42-I'Z4·P.!· a:,""\,.._."-l.~'\· hoop, 1 • n, -J9 ~ · /shfr:n/ 2. iso, hoop a cask,
::>.!('11<\' /ph8'd pholo choqpo ch2_1')een/ 2. iso. fe- etc., vo, -- Zl.~l:l· /--k~p/

male, nee. ;;G"~·~·r>.l· a,<~"\6-\' ~-~z:.,· a4f'A'\ /m3['o brass hoop .:r,.~· "1'\' /r!!qsheen/ [Syn. zangs shan]
m.9.lo choqpo ch2.1')een/ gold hoop -<t'\~::X:..~CI( /s~rsher.n/
honest 5J<::.:i:;· /~h!!r)po/ 11 He is a very honest man. iron hoop ~.:r-~~~·....q'\· /cE_qsheen/

kho mi grong po zhe drag red, ( qhi5 m~ th,9_r)PO silver hoop "'\C:f21'..P1'0\· /r)00sheen/
sh2.~oo r2.~) hop, va. e-u::: "~
~ ~"' · "\ · /or)qo til')qa chE_r./
honestly, iso. truthfully ;;;~=.·z.~·~~·

/th!!l')pocec/ 11 hope, 1. ~-Zl. · ; h.~~~·'?.:_· /rewa; h, thuure/ 11
I hope he comes,
ngo kho
yang yog gi re bo yod,
He does things honestly. khos los ko drong po
byos byed kyi 1 dug. ...:-. 1E£qo thE_r)pocce
( qhoo ' c h~- (rJ.£ qho y~nyadqi r2_wo y~3) 2. iso. hope for,
qil) va .~·:21· ~~· /r2.wa chE_r./ 11 They hoped for peace,
honesty ~z::: v......
>:.J' ~''\tl.!Si ·
/thE_r)po ch2_yoa/ 11 Honesty kho tshos zhi bde yang yog gi re bo byos po red,
is important, grang po byed yog de gal chen pa (qh5ntsb1i sh~te y.9..9.nya~qi r2.wo chE_cpare~) 3.
red, (thE_r)po ch!ya~ te qhce chempo r!~) iso. object of one 1 s hope ~·"'\·)Z)·~ · /r2.wci ch!5o/
honey "%;~.: %- · /t~rJtsi/ 11 He is the object of my hope. kho nga 1 i re bo
honeybee ~z-.·~'\· ~ · lt,£rJ n22,pu/ byed sa red. (qho I'Jf£ r!wo cheso re~) [Syn, re
honeycomb ~~- <f.c:.· ltE.rJtshaan/ bo bcol so]
honor, iso, show respect, vo, C, ''l"''.-"l'"rx,·"\<!{' hopeful, 1. iso, a person ~·.z:!.·;:(')·~· /r2.wa y2_po/
" '-> --.:>
/qhUUqur shuil/ 11 They honored the Lama, kho 11 He is a hopeful person, kho mi re ba yod pa
204 hopefully

zhig red. ( qho mi rewa y~pa ci r!;_~) 2. see: horrendous, see: terrible
hope horrible, see: terrible
h opef U11 y,. 1 o l.SO, f U11 0 f h ope ' "\"A"a;,'\·z.t(2.·..::.z:.·,~·
' -.rK horrid, see: terribie
/r!wa chempoo l')~l')ni:&/ 11 We worked hopefully. horror, iso. fright, vi. A. ' ~) · ...
/sh!;_e/ 11 He
nga tshos re ba chen po i ngang nos las ka byes 1 stepped back in horror. kho zhed nos phyir
(qho sh~n& chishil kapsu)
pa yin.
(l')~ntso6 r!wo chempod I'J~.'')'l&C l~qa
2. iso. if all goes· well ~-~-~~·.q·
bshig brgyab song.
horror film
.....,.... ......... ....,.-- -
~~-;q~~-1'0\"'\·~-,:;&-2.!· /lorfi&&n sh~-
"'- "' ~
f>-!:l"'\"'·.;~.,· /r!;_WO ch_£t;pa l'l_!!I' }.!_qna/ 11 . nao tshCipo/ [Syn. 1 jigs skrog ldam pa 'i glog
Hope.fully, ··he will come. re ba byes pa nang brnyan]
bzhin 'grigs. no kho yong gi red. (rewa ch_£cpa horse, 1. n. ~- /tfJ/ 2. iso. mount a horse, va.
n~shiin t.!_qna qho y~l')qiree) D. z:~(.\" · /--sh~n/ 3. iso. ride a horse,
hopeless, 1. iso. without hope~'"'~-'\·~· /r!!_WO va. .z:s7~· I--UJan/ 11 He rode on horseback
IT'rf!.~pa/ 11 a hopeless situation re ba med pa'i to Lhasa. khos kha sar rto btang byas ph yin
gnos tshul zhig (r!;_wa ~~p&& nfftsu~ ci) [Syn. shag. (qh8"d lhffsaa tlf taanccc chi~ho~) 4.
re stong] 2. iso. a person who can't do things iso. saddle a ~orse, vo. ~- .¢\-~~;q- /tffqo k2,.p/
right nu::.'<'-\·~z:.-~z:-"'-1· /qhill')luun me~pa/ 11 He is horse cart iJ·~--'\~· /to q2,.rii/ [Syn. shing rto
·~ -....;} l -
hopeless. kho khungs lang med po 1 i mi zhig red. 'khor lo]
(qho qhul')luun m~~p&& m! ci r!;_~) horse drown 5· 12?i D( · /tan}een/ 11 horse drawn
horde, iso. large group "\" [21"f"\" /r~qa?J/ 11 a nomad harvester rta 1 dren rnga sdu 'phral 1 khor
tlorde 1 brog po ru "" cig
khag ( }2qpa r.!:!_qo~ ci ) (tan}een n~tu thnHqh~~)
[Syn. khyu tshogs] horsedung ~-~z::.- /tffpon/
horizon ""\"'i".t·~·a<l"\·~~~:ar /namsa thill')tsa~/ [Syn. horse fodder ~ · d>-4'\' /tacha~/
neo, c. sa ngos"'snyoms thig] horse hair, 1 • iso. mane "!r /s!!_/ 2. iso, toil
horizontal ~"'\ · /}h~e/ 11 horizontal line phred hair ~k /tonal
thig (theethil) horse head ~- ~~ /tal')qo/
horn, 1. iso. musical, i. n• r;,t::.· /th~l')/ ii. iso. horse herd :f;-~· /Uikhu/
ploy a horn, va. -- "'~?;o::.·" /--Wan/ 2. iso. ""'· /t'tnsi/
horseherder 'l:j' K
animal '2_' ~ /r~co/ horseman \?".Q9"\'Gl.l~~-tr- /to sh~ qhffpo/
conch shell horn :t""\'f\"'"-. /th~l')qao/ hoz:semeot \1"9' /tasha/
long horn used in religious ceremonies "\.<; -~"\ · horse, pock (carrying) ~CZJ • ~- /qhffto/
horsepower ~ ·~:41~· /tashu'tJ/

thig~ bone. horn "\~:-.· ~z:.. · /qal')liin/ horse race, 1 • n. ~-~if!~·

2. iso. race
. ...r .../' horses, va. A. -- ,f)")· I --10'0/
horned ·'z;-'\S'Zt.l")":>:.i'/r~co y~po/
hornet ~z:::-0>..1· /}~nma/
·horse rider, see: rider

hornless (animal) "\~'Z<I' /Dyu/ [Syn. rwa co med horse, riding "'\fa;-.,-~- /sh"2_nto/
po] "'"' horse saddle ~-~- /tffqo/
horoscope, 1. n. ~x..·£'~· /ql!irtsil/
2. iso. cast horseshoe, 1. n. ~-'f\' ~~~- /miqcoo/ 2. iso. shoe
a horoscope, va. D. - ~~:::(..· /--q3r/ a horse, va. -- A~.q- /--k2,.p/
~ A)
horoscope done at birth ~e~.· ~~ ·..:) ~ <f\- z...1- /keqar horsetail ;r~'"")IC!' ~ · /t'ff shuqu/
'7 '"\7'V -

toqpo/ [Syn. tshe robs las rtsis] horse whip 9 ·~41· /tffcoo/
horoscope done at death ~f9~-~- /shintsil/ horticulture f "
c&n~· '\•'f"\"'1,<!-\ · /l')ots&& r.!_l')n&C/
horoscope done at marriage 2:1.4\0>-.1 ~,-z:..-~~-~-'%-2-1.· hose, rubber a.~41· d.l~z:.· /k!:_qtoon/
/ph~l')ma tonleenqi tsil/ hospitable, 1. va. ' ~-~'\'Z{.(-'1'\'~-~~-
... V'
/neleen y~qo
hug 205

chE_c/ ,-r He was very hospitable to me when I /--lo sh9.,0/

lived there. ngo ph a gir sdod dus khos ngo lo housebreak on a nimol, vo. D. "ft' "-t' ~ · ~ · :r) ;~..~· Z<l''l
N' 4')
sne len yog po zhe drag byos byung. (~£ ph~q&& ~~l':J~·r /kh.rle cimpe qtinyoo Hip/
' qhod
ttrutuu ~
~.9£ ~
neleen Y£qO sh!too ChE_t;CU ) 2. housecleaning, vo. "
,.a.t::ZJ""''41)'~"\· ~~·/qho~poo qh££_-
iso. hospitable person ~-dl~""'~"t\'~~""~~"'' chil chE_c/
/n~leen y9..qo ch~ccn/ housefother ~-ar~· /ph~tshep/

hospital ~q,: \"\k.' /m~nqoon/ house guest, see: guest

maternity hospital ~;~~-~~('=~.~' /ph.!:kee mfn- household ~·£'t:.· /m~tsaon/ ,-r How many households
qaon/ [Syn. phru gu skye so 1 i smon khong] are there? mi tshong go tshad yael po red? (mi-
veterinary hospi tale ~~~-~"-'~<'1\:("'.C..' tsaon qh~tshcc Y2~rcc)
/chuqncc m~nqoon/ housemother "'-!' ;;S~· /m~tsep/

hospitoli ty ~~~ /n~leen/ house number (llt:.·~~·\3-·H~''JA')~· /qho~p&& or)toO/

host ~~~&:~."'.~' ft.~ntao/ house rent raz:::·£1. /qhoonlo/
hostage, 1. n. ~·~· /m~te/ 2. iso. toke host- housewife 01,"'-' ~-~·04· /n~~qi omo/
age, vo. B. -- Q; x..• /--n9;:./ [Syn. mi gto' ma hol,.lsework, 1. n, ~l:;'n.t>H' /n9.,~lcc/ 2 •. iso. do
lo nyor bo] housework, vo. -- -e~··:/--chE_c/ ,-r I did housework
hostile, iso. enemy "\<.!l.~" /t~sh~/ ,-r hostile yesterday. kho ·sa ngos nang los byes po yin.
notion dgro shed rgyol khob (t£sh~ k££_qap) (qh~~so ~£& n9..~1c& chE_cpoyin)
hot, 1, iso. temperature ~~ /tshopo/ ,-r The housing if"'i·~· /tbNoso/ 'If Is housing abundant?
water is hot. chu de tsho po r~d. /chuti sdod so 'bol po 'dug gas? (tboso pccpo tuqcc)
tshopo r2_e/ ,-r It was hot today. d~ ring nyi mo hovering, 1. n. (2.';1"·~z:::·/phuntW 2:-iso, -hover,
tsho po 'dug. (th~riin nime tshapo t!:!_u) 2. vo, -- ~~- /--ch£&1 11 The bird hovered above
iso. spicy ~?'\'~·~ /qho tshapo/ ,-r The food was the house, byo des khong po 1 i thad lo 1 phur
hot. kho log de kho tsho po 'dug. (qholoo te lding byas song. (ch£ t! qho~p&& th8ti lo phOn-
qho tshapo t!:!_~d 3. iso. feel hot, vi. A. #;-~~­ tin chc&sol
C!.~·/tsh~tuu tshil/ 11 I feel hot. ngo tsho how "'\'f'2:5.'~" · /qh:;_ntc&s/ ,-r How did he do it?
dug 'tshig gi 'dug. (~~ tsh~tuu tshiiqil) khos 1 di go 1 dro zar byos song? (qh noo:'' t~ qh:;_n-
hotel a_~Ol'(Zl.r::: /tUUqhoon/ [Syn, mgron khong] tccs chE_cson l
hot headed ~c:.of;~ /10~ tshopo/ [Syn. rlung long however, 1. iso. nevertheless /y!_ncc/
po] ,-r .We couldn't go. However, he went. nga tsho
hot house, see: greenhouse 1 gro thub rna byung, yin no 1 i kho phyin song.
hot pepper "\~~-~0\ (~ontso to thOu mecuun yin&& qho chinsu)
hot springs ~~
iso. however much
·- - -
"'Yet;""\· [vb.]
~~- /qh:;_tscc

hound, 1. see: hunting dog 2. see: bother [vb.] n~/ ,-r however much you spend khyod rang
hour &'g"( /chutshoil/ ,-r I'll coma in two hours, gis 1 gro song go tshod btong no 1 i (kh8rcc t!;!-
ngo""chu tshod gnyis kyi nang lo yang gi yin. soon qh:;_tscc toonncc)
(~~ chutsho~ niiqi ~n lo Y.!:~qiyin) howl, vi. B. ~'\-~"\ · /q~c sh53/ 'll He howled in
hourly ao·~-=...:'3:.·~· /chutshoil rare/ pain. kho no tsha btong nos skod shor song.
house, 1. n. ~~·""<' ; h. "''~~:.f\G\'
- /qho~po; h. (qho n9.,tso toon& q~C sh33so)
s~mshoo/ 2. iso. build a house, vo, -- "'f.~<::!.' hue, see: color
/--k~p/ hug, va. c. (2.e,Oll~· /thorn/ 'll He hugged the child,
house arrest, 1. n.'l:l.'3f, khos phru gu der 1 thorns song. ( qhsB puqutc
iso. place under house arrest, vo. A.--~·~@\~' thamsol
206 huge

hump (of camel) -A" .q;{...y /shoptso?>/
11 o huge plan 'char gzhi dpe mo srid po'i chen hunch, see: suspicion
po zhig (ch~~shi pe m~ilpcc chempo ci) hunchback ~·~.:~;.·.!:!· /t8Squra/
hull, 1. n. "\~~·z..t· /poqpo/ 11 peanut hulls bo hundred .2:1~; /k~/ 11 one hundred brgyo thorn po
tom gyi pogs po (pc~tomqi paqpo) 2. see: husk (k_2 thompo) 11 two hundred nyis brgyo (n!ka)
hum, vo. ~!J~·{l,·-=t'j:;_. lt-gnlu toon/ hundredth, 1. ~~·~· /k_2po/ 11 .the hundredth
human ~~ · /mg/ 11 human nature mi 1 i rorg gshis meeting tshogs 'du thengs brgya po ( tshoontu
(mii rar)Shil) the?} k_2po) 2. iso. the fraction 1/100 z:1~· a;·
- - ¥. ¢\(\ .v- ,,
humon affairs 11-::.J· z:n4~ ·~21-1 "iO\ · /t.~wo mg l~tooni .<rt~·~y /k~co crq/
humane, see: kind; compassionate hundred thouso nd 17-z:::!OI.I
...., . 11 one hundred
humanity "" "I\
rz~.r~·~R· I t-~wo mgI thousand 'bum gcig 11 two hundred
human life ~;i-17-'g.~· /mii tsh5wo/ thousand 'bum gnyis (pum nir)
-.....,... v--,v- .
human race ~~t·
" ~·rv~-\·
" <\ -
/mg r};_q/ hungry, iso. get/be, vi. A. ~'=\-(ZI4"\ ~~~ /t.h_£qo?>
human rights f>.~.q·~~-F&:\·..ele::. · lt-2,wa mg thop- t~?:>/ 11 Are you hungry? khyod rang gr~ khog
toon/ ltog gi 'dug gas? (kh3ra t-hoqo~ t~qituqct)
humble, 1. ~~4!-A.·coz::.·
..., /s'&ncuun/ 11 She is humble • hunt, 1. iso. animals, vo. ~-)~~-"'1~1::1 · /r!ta~
mo sems chung red. (m~ s&lcuun r!~) [Syn. k2_p/ 11 They hunted o lot. kho tshos ri dwags
snyim chung; sems chung chung] 2. iso. oct hum- zhe drag brgyob pa red. (qhonts~d r!to~ sh!tao
ble, vo. -- ~~- /--ch§_&/ [Syn. snyim chung k2_pare~) [Syn. khyi ro brgyob; rngon po brgyob]
byas; dmo' sa zin] 2. iso. for things or people, see: search
humid ~-..;"i · i,"\·..r- /sh~tshccn chempo/ 11 This place hunter ~-)-""\<!-'." ~·•-y=>~{'l~· /r};_to~ k~~ccn/ [Syn.
is very humid. so cho 1 di zho tshon chen po khyi ro rgyog mkhan; rngon po]
'dug. (sacho t};_ sh~tshccn chempo t~u) [Syn. hunting dog ~'\·~· /~Snkhi/
rlon sher; rlung rlon po] hunting dog ~- ti· /sh2_khi/
humidifier, neo. t1i"""~::t,.·f2~c-o.r f>./aT...· /Ufnsher hurl, see: throw
t-h01lqh~/ [Syn. zho tshon bzo byed 1 phrul hurricane ~z:::f2-;tA·!::i'•y~ /lu~tsup t-h~qpo/ [Syn.
~ ""'
'khox'J char drag rlung 'tshub]
hunidity ~ af<\ /sh_2tshccn/ 11 The humidity is hurried -a{7-l·cz£"R· z::..:·C\""" /t.h~tshap ~~~nc/ 11
high today. de ring zho tshon chen po 1 dug. a hurried decision brel 1 tshab ngarg nos thag
(th!riin sh_2tshccn chempo t~u) [Syn. rlung rlon gcod byas po zhig ( t-h~tshap ~.2~c thoqcot>
po] Ch§_CPO ci)
humiliate, vo. )Ol.ll2· r.l.."'l-"\" ~<!-\· /mompe~ ch§_t/ 11 hurriedly ~('2.1" {2-J;&:\· ~~- /t-h~tshapcc/ 11 They
He humiliated me at the meeting. khos tshogs mode it hurriedly. kho tsho 'di brel •tshab
'du'i so lo ngo la dmo' 'beb byos byung. (qh~ byas bzos song. (qh6nts~d t! th~tshapcc s~so)
tshoontUU sBlo ~oo mompe~ chcccu) hurry, 1• 04~~"21-1-~ /k~o/ 11 Finish it in o
humiliating "\~12·(>.~;q· ~;::·ZJ~ lmi5mpe~ ch~npcc/ 11 hurry. mgyogs po tshor bo gyis. (k2,qo tshoro
It was o humilioting~experience. 'di dmo' 1 beb chrl) 11 He returned hane in o hurry. kho nang
byung ba 1 i nyoms myong zhig red. ( t! mom~ lo mgyogs po log po red. (qho n~nlo k~qo 12_0-
ch~npcc ~mnoon ci r!~) pore~ ) 2. see : busy
v- .
humming, see: hum hurt, 1. iso. get/be injured, vi. B. ~C\·~~-

humorous ~~"·""~~"'·ct:·~: /tffnshil tshopo/ 11 /k33n ch~n/ 11 I got hurt working. ngo los ko
He ~s very humorous. kho brtan bshig .tsho po byed dus skyon byung po red. (~~ l~qa ch!tuU
zhe drag 'dug. (qho tffnshil tshopo sh!t-oa t~u) k88n ch~npare~) [Syn. gnod f!kyon byung] 2.
hysterectomy 207

iso, hurt something, vo. ~~·l:\y· /k8Sn hymn ~~·-a!' /ch8Slu/ [Syn. mgur]
tiian/ 11 He hurt the dog. khos khyi lo skyon hypertension, neo. e:t~·~~<u1Va._"' /thoqtsh&c
btong shag, (qhB'd khi la k83n toonsho~) [Syn, th5nc&/
gnod skyon btong; also see: harm] 3, iso, get hypochondriac ~~Gl:.e::{<'l."\'21- /nr;_no P!:£po/
one's feelings hurt, vi. A. ~01..12!-\·~-~"'1· /se~ hypocrisy :{'.on,·~- /s:.qtsu/ [Syn. zol spyod;
lo ph3~/ 11 His speech hurt my feelings, kho'i tshul 1 chos]
skod cho de nga 1 i sems lo phog byung. (qh38 hpyocrite ~«"\' ~ /s:.qpo/ 11 He is a hypocrite.
te 11£f. s~
4. iso. pain, vi.
la ph:5?lcu)
11 My hand
la kho zog po red.
hypocritical, see:
(qha s:>qpo re~)
hurts. nga 1 i log pu no gi •dug. (f)!:£ l~qpo na- hypodermic needle -si~(<l"'l' /m~nqap/

qil) [Syn. no tsha btang] hypodermic syringe ("1."'1.'~"\.~' /qhr!;rnta/

husband ~·41· /khCiqa/ 11 He is my husband. kho hypothesis ~&::..: /lotshod/ [Syn. blo dpog;
nga'i khyo go red. (qha I')~ khCiqo r!~) tshod dpog]
husk, 1. n. 2..1~~ ..".1· /paqpo/ 2. va. C. -- "'~'\!,~· hysterectomy, 1, n. ~~~~""''~'"''.~<s~:/ph!!nb15 shr;_q-
I--sh~/ [Note: This literally means "skin".] tbon/ 2. va. --~~· /--chE_c/
hustler, see: swindler
hut ~ ·!"-~=.. · /tsoqhaon/
Hwang Ho (River) 3.1· ~- /m't!Jchu/
hybrid ~"!~· (2.~~- "". /r!:_q 1-eema/ f Is this animal
a hybrid? sems can 'di rigs 1 dres mo red pas?
(semc&&n t_! r!:_q t-eema r!p&C)
h ybr~'d'~ze, va. A • "=t:_4"\"~' -"'~~I"·"~·
...... I r_!q t-ee'I
hydrant 1 neo. ~"\·ay "fj~z:.·~l~"\· ~"'-· /qoqtoon cOO-
hydraulic power <0·"9A\~· /ch'Ushu'tl/
"' ~I
hydraulic press q;·-"~~-(2.~/l.l·a;:<>-~· /chllnoon 1-hri'O-
~ -v
hydraulic resources /chOshuu
hydraulic turbine <t>fZ4.)r>J·rz~r>J·f2.~· /chuf)qUU
'-3 ..._, '->

hydro-electric power ~·Z~")·~·'{'l.lf)e-\.

' v- /chupe~
1:5qshuu/ '->

hydro-electric power generator ~-~-!\~·~~0\

~~(2t- fl..j(l~ · /chOshuU l~otOdn th00qh66/
~ ~ ~
powers tat '~on ~-~""\"'"'. ~aff22)a_·
<-i·~"''~· · /chCishut 1:5nti>on s~tshil/
hydrogen bomb 1 neo. ~~::: ~ z;.· f2.~0>J · I y~f)luun Pf!.~/
[Syn. neo. c. ching "'
hyena, see: jackal
hygiene .C2~-'\·~~C! · /1-hMteen/
1:\ v- --..
maternal and infant hygiene 01.1·~R· n.~-'\·~~01,. ·
/m_!!ptnl 1-h~teen/

I 1 1. iso, the pronoun, nominative case z::.: lrJr:.l

[Syn. bdog; phren; kho bo; gus po] 2. iso, the
pronoun 1 iso. instrumental case <=.'*'\' /r)E_C I 3,
iso, the vowel ~-~· /qh!:_qu/
I myself e:. ·:r::..c:...· ;r:.c...• /r)r:.ra r92,.n/
iatrogenic disease/illness, neo, ~~ll':l.'{'~·Cil..,:ol;'·
/m~ndrd rr::..tso/
ice, 1. n. ~"\'\~·~· /khoqpo~/ 2, · iso, make ice,
vo. C. -- ~'iff~~ I --s"!J! 3, iso, become ice 1
vi. A. -- oo<t\~· /--choa/
iceberg ~"'\>:"l'~!::.· /khooqoon/
icebox, see: refrigerator
ice breaker ship ~~-<'\~'~"CC\~c.:.~· /khoqtor
th~tsi~/ [Syn. neo, c, dar gsheg gru gzings]
ice cream, neo, ~~.N.·.q·13o:1~~ /khoqpoa r)oomo/
ice free port, neo, ~~~-~~~r~l:\: /khoqme~
t.h_!!qha/ [Syn. neo, c, dar mi chogs pa 1 i gru
ice skate, va, A. ~-<\~~.:.::·$:'·•;,; /khaqshuu 1~/
ice skates ~~~~.:x:.: ~~ • /kh~qshuu h~r)q66/
icicle ~~~~~khoqca'?l/
icon ~~ -~- /t.hiiqu/
icy ~o\1.~'"-\ • /khoqpoo/ 11 an icy rood khyog pa
yod po.' i lam khag ( khoqpa~ y_2p&& lr:.r)qao) 11 The
rood is icy. lam khag la khyag pa 1 dug,
!lr:.nqoa la khoqpo~ t.!:!_~)
ideo, 1. ~<ill·~ /srJmlo/ 11 He had a good ideo,
kho la bsom blo yag po zhig 'dug, (qh33 somlo
rr:.qo ci ~~) 2. iso, get a new idea, va, A.
~~cu~q_~· /srJmlo ne~/
idealism ~~~'41~·~·0li:ti~'
identical ··~·{~~·--s•
~ .,/semtso rir)lu~/
11 These two books
are identical. deb 1 di gnyis gcig pa red,
(th~p t!:_nil crqpa r~~l
identification, 1. iso, evidence of identity ~
ij·~.:~~' /rJ.r:.t.od l.r:.qkee/ 11 He didn 1 t have
identification. kho la ngos sprod log khyer mi
'dug. (qh!:l!:l rJ.r:.tod lr:.qkee m!:_ntu~) 2, iso, on
identification mark ~~-a~·e}'''CI.l"'t\~'~«n,~·
/r)~ntsiin ch~yaoqi too/ 11 The corpse had no
identificatin marks, ro de la ngos 1 dzin byed
yag gi rtags mi 'dug. (r.r:. thE_£ r)~tsiin ch~yao­
qi tao m!:_ntu~l
imagination 209

identify, va. A. '&!:~~·"!.~~ /sote m!~pa/

They identified ·the handwriting. kho tshos lag illicit, see: illegal
bris yi ge ngo rtags bead pa red. (qhontsoo illiterate ~~·a:~.~~·~~~ /y!qi niishe~&&n/
l~qtil Y!qi ~~to~ clcpare~) [Syn. yig long; yig rmong]
identity certificate, see: identification, ill-mannered ~"q~~·~ /c8pa ~pa/
ideology 1 1• n. ~ ·~QJ.' /t~tsUU/ 11 communist illness, 1. ~~· ; h. ~~~<~: /n.2tsa; h. nul')-
ideology dmar po'i lta tshul (moopod tatstru) shi/ 11 What is his illness? kho'i no tsha go
[Syn. lta ba] 2. iso. hold an ideology 1 va. c. re red? (qh88 n,2tsa qh_2re rE._t) 2. iso, get an
-- ~';~.~~· /--S!:_Q/ illness, vi. A. -- ~· /--ph3o/ 3, iso. re-
idiot ~~q· /l~mpa/ [Syn. dbang rtul; lkug pa] cover from on illness, vi. A, -- ~~· /--ih,2~/
idiotic ~~J::.S.C\.' /l&!p&&/ 11 an idiotic idea glen 4. iso. feign illness, va. D. ~~~'<jl::l' /n!-
pa'i bsam blo (l~p&& somlo) [Syn. lkug pa'i] tsu t§p/ 5. iso. treat on illness, va. 8}~~~·
idle 1 iso. be/get va. A. ~<f\X.·~·q.~" /th_2qaas ~~· /mlncod chE._'f./
tE._&/ 11 He was idle all day. khos nyin gang do illogical ~c:::~·~~-~~&:.1.' /qhul')luun m!~po/ 11
gar sa bsdad pa red. (qh8"d ii!~qaan th,2qaas tr.&- an illogical argument khungs long med pa 1 i kho
pare~) [Syn. rang dgar bsdad; gang yang ma byas rtsod (qhul')luun m!~P&& qhotsod)
par bsdad] illuminate, 1. iso. brighten with light, vo. C,
idol, 1. iso. image %'~' /lhaqu/ [Syn. sku JC£C..'"\.7f\X.';r-c::ta~· /tha?.l qoapo s'§.'o! 11 They
brnyan] 2. iso. hero ~'t\'""-~'<aj.'~' /m!qpe tosa/ illuminated the room. kho tshos khong pa'i nang
11 He is my idol. kho nga 1 i mig dpe 1 to sa red. lo thong dkar po bzos song. (qhontsoB qho~p&&
(qho ~ m!qpe tosa r!~l ri,22n lo tho?.! qoopo s'§.dso) 2. iso. enlighten,
if ""' /n~/ 11 If he comes, I'll go. kho yong no vo. c. "t\~o.t·2f.'et~' /sflpo s'§.d/ 11 This book
nga 'gro gi yin. (qho y~nna ~ t~qiyin) illuminated Tibetan history. deb 'dis bod kyi
igloo, neo. ~~~·x~-(2:\~'"'-l' /khoqrOOI qho~pa/ rgyol robs gsol pa bzos pa red, (th!P t!l ph'§.d-
igneous rocks ~·"'~"-'~"'t\' ~ /~shur th,2qto/ qi k££rap slfpo s'§.dpare~)
ignite, va. B. ~·~~.: /~ pCi'fJ/ 11 They ignited illusion ~·CIJ.• /k~ma/ [Syn. rriig 1 phrul]
the paper. kho tshos shog bur me spar pa red, illustrot~ iso. give on example, vo. D. ~·~(;(
(qhontsod sh~qbb m! pBopare~) ~~· /pet~n chE.,t/ 11 He illustrated the way the
ignoble, iso. baseness (9.rx.~· /rfl!rap/ plan will work. khos 1 char gzhi sgrub stongs
ignoramous ~~'""l:' /qOqpa/ dpe ston byas pa red. (qhtl'd chaashi t-~pton pe-
ignorant ~'?~~~ ~· /y!!nt&&n lfr!.~pa/ todn chE.,tpore~)
ignore, va. ~~·~·W'\' /th21aan m~&c/ 11 He illustration, 1. iso. pictoral illustration, n.
ignored her comments. khos mo i skad cha la do
1 ~~.:x::·~~· /peril/ 2. iso. illustrate (e.g. o
sna ng ma by as pa red. ( qh8"d m£2 qfca la th,2naa n book), vo. C. -- ~~· /--ih!l!
m,2c&cpare~) [Syn. snang med ling skyar byas] illustrious ~~·~~ /s!cil/
ill 1 vi._ D.~ ; h. ~c:.· /",2; h, nu'Q/ 11 He image, 1. ~~"t\~·~~"' /s~l')n&&n/ 2. iso. o statue
is ill. kho no gi 'dug. (qho n!qil) ~~~ /i!qu/ 3. iso. likeness ~~·~~&3;·~·
illegal, 1. n. '(5~·ct"'{\<Xl' /ihimq&&/ 11 Is this Q.~~~· /l!:_q k~pa f.~i/ 11 He is the image of
illegal? 'di khrims 'gal red pas? (t! ihimq&& his father, kho kho 1 i pa pho lug brgyob pa 'dro
r!!_p&c) 2. iso. do illegal activities, va. zhig red, (qhi5 qhSS p1ipa l~q k~pa t~i r2,~l
~· /--chE._&/ imagination "'.~"t\.&'~~· /m'i~noon/ 11 She saw in
illegitimate, see: h~r imagination many gods. mo'i dmigs snong lo
illegitimate child lho mong po mthong shag. lm.£2 m'il')noon lo lho
210 imaginative

m~nqu thoonshaa) chen po zhig (qh~r:Jpa p§ m~silpc& chempoci)

~~~·01J.z::.·t;F~a..\."l.~ /lotod m~r:Jqu immerse I vo. A. <l'>q_',.C::.'Q.l.'o<;].~~ /chOO noon !a cu"U/

yodr)&&n/ ~ He is a very imaginative person, . .
1.mm1.gran c-.. ""'' _-:--r:: ""
t 4"\t'il.~'O:."'\""''o.:t'<.~.~C::.'l>:.H:,·~·
c--_c--_ - =::.c
/s h ' ' h
oa' l a
kho mi bla gros mang po yod mkhan zhig red, y5!_np&& m~/ ~ He is an immigrant. kho gzhis
(qho m~ loto~ m~r:Jqu yodr:J;&n ci r~e) chags la yang pa'i mi red. (qho sh~caa la y~n­
imagine, 1, vi. 8, '\_~"'\~'~C::.'CLI.'a.t1tz::..· /mir)naanla p&& m~ r~~) ~ immigrant visa gzhis chags lam
thoon/ ~ He imagined he saw a demon. kho 'i yig "'n.~~'dO"'\~'c:>:t~·~""\' (sh~chaa l~myil)
dmigs snang la gdon 1 dre mthong shag. (qhS8 immigrate, va. ...,~~-a;~~·~·o:r-c::.: /sh!_!caa la
mir)naanla t,£r:Jte thoonshao) 2, see: think 3, y5!_n/ ~ He immigrated here last year. kho zla
see: guess nyin 'dir gzhis chogs la yang JXl red. (qho
imbalance .a:,-~~~-~"\_C-<' /choiiom 111£mJXl/ ~ There teniin tc& sh~caa la y~nporee)
was an imbalance between income and expenses, immigration
byung song cha snyoms min pa zhig 'dug. (ch;:r:J- y~nyaa/
soon choiiom m_£mpaci t~u) immobile ~<'l-.t-~<=~·~- It~ m~thupa/ ~ After his
imbecile, see: idiot operation, he was immobile, kho gshag gcod byas
imbibe, see: drink nos 'gro rna thub pa chags pa red, (qho shoqcod
imitate, va. <:>:\""l"'..l\.1',§;~-l.' ch_£cnc t~ m~thupe choapare~) [Syn. sgul kyog
imitated her. khos mo 1i lad zlos byes song, rgyag yog med po]
(qh'il8 mod l£E_ntod ch_£tsol immobilize, va. o..~~-&,l!l.'~'<:t.1f"~· It~ m~thupe
imitation, 1. iso. a fake, adj. ~·<'A· /tsu11me/ s2_1i/
~ This is an imitation Thonka, 'di thong go immoderate, see: immoderately
rdzus rna zhig red. (t~ th~r:Jqa tsu11meci r~e) 2, immoderately %"'~""-' /tsh38mee/ ~ He drank beer
iso, imitating something/someone, n.~e::,:"f~:a'\~~· immoderately, khos chang tshod mad btung shag.
/l~fnto~d ch~yaa/ (qh~d choon tshS8mee tunshaa)
immaculate "t\~c::.''J.J.'A\ic..·~c::..· /ts6r:Jma tsor)koon/ immodest, see: boastful; shameless
immaterial, iso. unimportant "'\~~·~~· /nccmee/ ' Iat e, va. ......,--.'"'-
"'\-=~.:-~9·,q7c::.· /san,aa
" t ' taan/ [Syn,
[Syn. gnad yod min po] gson sreg lha mchod byas]
immature, 1. iso, crops ~·~~C-.:\' /memimpe/ 2. immolation "'\~~"'\' /s3ntaa/ ~ self-immolation
iso. people/animals ~£'~"'-l·~~~·/~tsod ~ll:i­ rang nyid gson sreg (r~r:Jnil s3ntaa)

mpa/ 3. iso. emotionally immature ~~"c..·if.'at'\' immoral ~-~~ /tshOOmiin/ [Syn. 1 chal spyod]

.c.t· /15 Ihir:Jpu ~epa/ immortal, 1. iso, people ~-~""\'~'\·q_• /shiyaa

immeasurable o!SO"l:;,:,~c;;: /tshf~mee/ ~ immeasurable ~epa/ [Syn. 'chi ba med pa; 'chi med] 2. iso,
suffering sdug sngol tshod med (t~r:J&& tsh&~­ songs, etc. "\Si~'~<t\'~"'.:~' /looyaa m£epa/
meed immortalize, iso. songs, etc., va. C, ~6l""'-'~'
~ ~.
immediate, 1. iso, at once Ol<U~c::..· /l~msaan/ ~ 'iii"'-~~~~~9~'"-\T~"/I~aku ~pee nfntaa s'§_d/
on immediate decision lam sang thog gcod byas immovable, iso. steadfast o...~~'.la"=~""-"'-1'
po zhig (lamsaan thoqc~ ch_£Cpaci) [Syn. de rna /q.!:!!:!tep rrl!epe/ ~ His enthusiasm was immovable,
thog tu] 2. see: near 3, see: present kho'i sems shugs 'gul thabs med po zhig red,
immediately Ql01.:!'~~ /l~msaan/ ~ He come immed- (qh88 semshuu qUUtep rf~!epeci rae) [Syn. sgul
iately. kho lam sang yang pa red, (qho l~msaan kyog gtong thub yog med po]
yo~paree) [Syn. de blag tu; de rna thag tu] ·immune a:.'<f\~'"-'-l<I1.' [neg,] /qociyaa [neg.] I ~ They

immense ~'<'A~"'~~~~~ /pe masilp&& chempo/ are immune to this disease, kho tshor no tsha
~ an immense house khong pa dpe rna srid pa 1 i 'di 'gas yag yod pa rna red, (qhonts:x:> natsa ti
import goods · 211

qboya~ Y2~mare~) wean k&&qap/

immunize, va. C, CI..:~O..~~-GI.l<t"\'~"\~'~~~· /n2tsa imperil, va. A. ~~..._'a·a.,_c.•OJ.•~~"t\'
~yo~ m~~pa s'§.d/ lo cO~/
immutable a....:C.Cl.~~·~.:,:~· /phonkur "'2.~pa/ [Syn, imperious ~::.~.~~~""1.~-~~~ /tsfnshw chempo/
'gyur ba med pa] [Syn. dbang shugs chen po]
impair, see: harm impermanent, relig. ~''?><\.'1'..1.' /m!:_taqpa/ 11 This
impart, see: reveal; tell world is impermanent, 'jig rten 1 di mi rtags po
impartial, 1. adj. ~~·?!~-~~~· /choolhu"h red. (c!:_qteen t.!_ m.!_toqpa r!el
lfll!~pa/ 11 He was an impartial judge, khong i.mpersono t e, vo. C , ~~·~·,~·
:x;; /ts'_u-u=
.. ~ th_'on''/ "•
phyogs !hung med pa 1 i khrims dpan zhig red, He impersonated a monk. khos grwa pa rdzus ma
(qholln ch!5!5lhu?. m~epcc thimp!:i'cinci r_!:e) [Syn. don pa red. (qhOO ~h2pa ts_!!!!ma th~paree)
phyogs ris med pa] 2. iso, act impartial, va, impertinent ~-~"t\-'«'"{' /qho k2qpa/ 11 He is very
-- ~~· /--Ch£~/ impertinent, kho kha rgyag pa zhe drag red,
impartible ..q_~·;:&~~·~.::;:t:;l• /ql:i'dtap rf~f!epa/ (qho qho k2qpa Sh!~OO r_!!e)
[Syn. bgo bsha' rgyag thabs bra! ba] impetigo, 1, n. ~ /r)o/ 2. iso, get/have impe-
impassible ~OJ. ~1:\~l:.l.l.<:t\,~"'"l.' /q!}_ thOOya~ m!_'~pa/ tigo, vi. -- .q,~z::~,· /--k2_p/
11 The river was impassible. chu de rgal thub implement, 1. vo, D, «""\·~~~~.:.;; /12qleen
yag med pa chags shag, (chO th! q!}_ thuilya~ tor/ 11 They implemented the plan, kho tshos
m!epa cha~shao) 'char gzhi lag len bstar pa· red, (qhontsb'ti
impatient,c:::.~c::::..· ltll thuntuun/ 11 He is very ch~rshi 12qleen Ulrporee) 2. iso, tool, n. Cl.t"f\'
impatient. kho spro thung thung zhed po cig a:,· /l2qca/ 11 agricultural implements zhing
red, (qho to thOntuun sh.!_puci re~) [Syn. sna los log cho (sh!:_r)l&t 12qcol [Syn, yo byad]
khug sdum sdum] implication ~~· /qh!:,_ku/ 11 What is the
impatiently ~at~·~·"c:::..·cs__~· /semtshap rJ2r)n&/ implication of this? 1 di lo go rgyu go re 'dug?
11 We waited impatiently, nga tshos sems 1 tshab (t££ qh!:,_ku qh2re t~b)
ngang nos bsgugs pa yin, (r)~ntsl:i'd semtshap rJ2rJ- implore, see: urge; beg
nc q.!:~payin) imply, vo, ~~'1:\"jC:.: /qh!:,_ku taon/ 11 He implied
impeach, va. A, ~~.:«-~.'a"t\'0\.~·~o:..;/thrmtoonc pil/ he was o communist, khos kho dmor po yin pa 1 i
11 They impeached th.e president, kho tshos srid go rgyu btang pa red, (qhS'd qho moopo y!:_mp&&
1 dzin khrims thog nos phud pa red, (qh5ntsl:i'd qh~u tli15nparee l
siintsiin thimtoonc pilpare~) import, 1 • n, <'~..,~'~" /n2r)teen/ 2; vo. -- @.,~ •
impeccable ~~~""- /k~nmee/ 11 His behavior was /--ch£'&1 11 They imported wool from Tibet, kho
impeccable, kho 1 i spyod pa skyon med red, tshos bod nos bal nang 1 dren byos pa red,
(qh88 c~ k3nmee reel [Syn, nor 'khrul med pa] (qhllntsl:i'd ph'§.dnc ph!}_ n2rJteen ch£tparee)
impede, see: hinder importance .:t"\~""~~.' /nfftb-cin/ 11 What is the
impediment, see: obstruction importance of this? 1 di 1 i gnod don go re red?
imperative, ling. ~QJ.'~"'\' /qtl!ltshil/ (t~ nfftBtln qh2re r£~1
imperceptible ~-\"1-~';:r.- /che qhllqo/ 11 impercep- important <\_o.I~I!I\:c:r- /qh!}_ ch~mpo/ 11 This is an
tible differences dbye ba phye khag po (yewa important task, 1 di los don gal chen po zhig
ch~ qhoqo)
imperfect ~~z:..t· /kB"on y!;!pa/
gnad chen po; gnod 'gog chen po]
(ti lcctbon qhcc ch~mpo ci re~)
- [Syn, gal

imperialism .o:::~,~~CI.l.~~·<;~~;"t\~' /tsl:nk&& r.!_r)lu~/ import duty ~-~"'~~QJ.' /r~_r)teen q2~cc/

imperialist nation .-:(~"\_o<t.C:::."~CIJ.·~~· /tsfn- import goods ~c:..·O:S..~*"~'~"'\' 1"2rJteen tshor)Soo/
212 importing and exporting

importing and exporting ~;.;._·~~'Cl.._c..·~~ /chi- gu bzos shag. (s5nomqi 11122, pliqu s2,'dpare~)
toon n~IJt-een/ impress, iso, used only for good impressions, vi,
impose, va. ..q_~·a_~C1.1·~· /tsfnqee chE_&/ 11 A. ~~·~~c;q~"\~· /semqu1l the~/ 11 He im-
They imposed heavy taxes. kho tshos khrol ljid pressed us as a good worker, kho bzo po yog po
po btson 'gel byes po red. (qhontsoo t-hff c~pu yin po des ngo tshor sems 1 gul thebs byung,
tsfnqee chE_Cpore~) (qho S_£po y~qo y~mpo t!:_~ ~ntsoo semqUU the~cu)
impossible ~~~a:;,.-~'<1-l.'X~ /y~n siiqimore~/ 11 11 His speech impressed us. kho 1 i skod chos nga
It's impossible for this to be true, 1 di bden tshor sems 'gul thebs byung. (qhOO qfc&C l')~n­
po yin srid kyi llKl red. (t~ t!:_mpo y~n siiqi- tsoo semqUU the~cu)
mare~) 11 That's impossible. de 1 dro yin srid impression ~:5{'.::.·~e::.: /thi51')noon/ 11 What was
kyi rna red. (t~nt-&c y~n sriqimore~) your impression of Lhasa? khyod rang la lho
imposter ~'Ol. ~~~~ /ts~a th~l)&&n/ so'i mthong snang go 1 dro byung? (kh8roo lhff-
impotence, see:· impotent s&& thol')1aon qh!nt.&c ch~n) 11 Everyone hod a
impotent, 1. iso. unable to get on erection~""~:\'<::(' good impression of him, mi tsho~ mar kho yag
~c::.·~"''.'a:t~kt· /liqpa t-~nyo~ lfl!~po/ 11 He is po yin po'i mthong snong byung shag, (m~ tshol)-
impotent, kho rlig po 1 greng yog med po zhig moo qho y~qo y~mp&& thannaon ch~nshao)
red. (qho liqpa toonyo~ m!:_~po ci r!~) 2, see: imprint, 1. iso. influence ~~~· /c~shli'U/
weak 3, see: powerless 11 He left the imprint of his thought on all
impound, iso. seize and retain, vo, ~"\.~·~· succeeding generations, khos rgyud 1 dzin mi
/th_2tom chE_&/ 11 The police impounded his cor, robs tsho lo bsom blo i r jes shul bzhog po red.

pu li sis kho 1 i mo to do dam byes po red. ··(qhs8 k_!!!!tsiin m!raptsoo slimloo c~shUU sh.2opo-
(~lisil qh88 m.2t-o th.2tom chE_Cpore~) re~) 2. iso, the mark made by a seal, n,-'\al~~·
impoverish, 1. va. C. ~~<=t"F.l:'l.' /kopo s2_B/ 11 /thamril/
They impoverished the formers, kho tshos zhing imprison, va. A. A.1:f~~·t::t~:"\' /ts8Sn lo cu"tl/ 11
po tsho skyo po bzos po red. ( qhontso'B sh~IJpa­ They imprisoned many teachers, kho tshos dge
tso klipo s!fdpore~) [Syn. dbul po bzos; sprang rgon mong po btson lo bcug po red, (qhontso'B
po bzos] 2. iso, become impoverished, vi, A, q!q&&n m!rJqu ts88n la cOuparee)
~2F"c'l0"'1:'\~' /kopo choo/ 11 The fields became improper ~·~~~·~· /m!rul)a/ 11 His behavior was
impoverished, zhing go skyo po chogs shag, improper. kho'i spyod po rna rung bo red, (qh8S
(sh~l)qa k5po chooshoo) c8po m!rul)a r!e)
impracticable ~en;~ ~~~~·C}.I.·~~·&.ll<:q'/loqleen tor improve, vo. al-"..~.l!-:t't::tyc:: /y~rk&C teen/ 11 They
'9 '""' -
mathutyo~/ 11 This plan is impracticable, 1 di improved the house. kho tshos khong po yor
log len bstor rna thub yag gi 1 char gzhi zhig rgyos btang shag. (qhontsod qhol)po y~rk&c
red. (t! i~qleen tor mathu~yo~qi cha§shici r!:_~) toonsho~) 2. iso, get/be improved, vi. ~~-~~·
imprecate, va. ~~~~~~· /m~dmo k!p/ ~c:.· /y~rk&c ch~n/ 11 Production improved,
imprecise ~"t\' ~~· [neg.] /teqto~ [neg,] I 11 thon skyed yar rgyas byung po red. (th8nk~
His plan is imprecise. kho'i 'char g'zhi rtog y~~k&c ch~npare~)
~ --... ~
rtag rna red. (qh~8 chaashi teqto~ m_2re~) improvise 1 iso, speech/performing Sl.'1d"t\'Cl.l~~ <~:

impregnable. .o«'\~-"'.'&3..~-'f\·~-~l:l.·~'d.- /t~rshil mathu- /1-h!t-il m~p&&/ 11 He improvised a speech, khos


p&&/ 11 on impregnable fort gtor bshig mi thub gra sgr ig med po 1 i skad cha bshod song. ( qh8'd
po'i mkhor rdzong (t~rshil mathup&& qhertsoon) th!til m~p&& qfco shfcso)
impregnate, vo, C. ~-~·~"'11~· /pilqu s!fd/ 11 Son- impure, see: pure; adulterate
om impregnated her. bsod noms kyis mo lo phru in 1 1. ~'Ct.\' /"'E!!.nlo/ 11 The book is in the
incidental expenses 213

house, deb khang pa'i nang la 1 dug. (th!:_P yangs byas bsdad pa red. ( qho lopt.aa se~ y~l\ce
qhol')pee· n~nla t.!:!_u) ~ In war, many people tE_cpare~) 2. see: neglect
suffer. dmag gi nang la mi marg por dka' ngal inaudible ~-~·"'-l."'\'~"\""~r:):/t.~ qh~yoo ~pee/ II His
yong gi yod pa red, (m~~ qhi ~nla m!. m~l')qM speech was inaudible, khos sgra go yag mad pa'i
qol')ee Y.!:!_l')qiy2~re~) 2, iso, after a lapse of skad cha bshcid song. (qh8"d t~ qh~yoo m~pee
time <\~ • /nE_C/ ~ He will come in ten minutes, ql!ca sh!!&so)
kho skar ma bcu nos yang gi red, (qho qooma inaugural ceremony /q2_ncee
cOne y~l')qire~) ts££qa/
in accordance with """~"" /tOOn/ ~ We did it in inaugurate,· va. ~~"-:~~· /q~nce~ ch£&1 ~ They
accordance with the plan. nga tshos 'char gzhi inaugurated the project. kho tshos las gzhi de
dang bstun nos byas pa yin. (l')~ntsb~ chaashi ta sgo 1 byed byas pa red. (qh~ntsb~ l££shi ti
tOOnne chE_tpayin) [Sun, dang mthun pa] q~nce~ ch£tpare~)
inaccurate~-~~· [neg.] /taqta~ [neg.]/ ~ His inauspicious ~ an
report was inaccurate. khos gnas tshul bshad pa inauspicious day bkra ma shis pa 1i nyi ma ( t.B
de rtag rtag ma red, (qh8"d nl!fts!.IU shl!cpa te mashilpee ii.!.ma)
taqta~ m~re~) in between, see: between
in actuality, see: in fact in brief ~~'''l:~~·s.: /t2_r t!!!!na/ ~ In brief 1
in addition to [vb.] .::..~.~·~·c6'c;; /[vb.] pfc mCi- we must work hard. mdor bsdus no,. nga tshos las
tshe&/ ~ In addition to going to Tibet, he went ka shugs chen po byed dgos red, (t2_r tti!.lne
to China. khos bod la ph yin pas ma tshad rgya ~ntso•d leeqa shOq chempo ch!:_qore~)
nag la yang phyin pa red, (qh8"d ph~~la chi~pec incalculable ~~·~·O<·~q·~"a_:/t~rJtsil mathOpa/
motshec k~na~l~~ chr~pare~) ~ Incalcuable numbers of people came, bgrang
inadequate 0-l.'O..Sl<t\='G' /m~ntilpa/ ~ This plan is rtsis ma thub pa 1 i mi 1 bor chen po slebs shag,
inadequate. 'char gzhi 1 dir ma 'grigs pa zhig (t.~rJtsil mathupee m!.mp~~ chempo le~sha~)
'dug. (chaashi t££ m~ntilpe ci t~u) incarcerate, see: imprison
in advance ~Cll·~~ /l')ffnla chi!\/ ~ He went in incarnation ~at~· /t.fJOqu/ ~ He is an incarnation
advance of them. kho kho tsho'i sngon la phyin af a lama. khong bla ma zhig gi sprul sku red,
shag. (qho qhontsbo l')ffnla chil\sha~) ( qhMn lema ciqi trJOqu r_!!e)
in agreement with, sea: in accordance with incense, 1. if'~· /p'i!Jd/ 2, iso, burn incense, va.
inalienable Q.~·.sa~~·~&;..:t:.:t' /th'liqtap ~pee/ B• -- 11:{.x:: 1--poe/
~inalienable rights 1 phrog thabs med pa'i thob inception, see: beginning
thong (th~tap ~pee thoptaan) incessant ~"'Ml!f:,~~-~"'-'~· /ph~ntsa~ m=.~pa/ ~
in all ~15\.:~~~· /kh88nt~/ ~ In all, there incessant noise bar mtshams med pa 'i sgra
were 100, khyon bsdoms brgya tham pa 'dug. (ph£ntsa~ m=.~pee t.~l
(kh3Bntom k~thampa t.!:!_u) incest, 1. n. ~~~~~· /iientep/ 2. iso, commit
inane, adj. ~~-"'~' /cho m.!:!pee/ ~ an inane incest, va. -- ~~· 1--ch!":.,C/ [Syn, gnyen tshan
speech cho med pa'i skad cha (cho ~pte qfca) sgab 'brel]
in any case <t\~.~~o@:~~~~·/qh~re y.!_nee mE_nee/ inch ~~..~- /rnci I
~ In any case, he will coma. gore yin na'i min incidental ~;:.:;:~· / ~ Incidental to going
no 'i kho yang gi red. (qh~re y.!.nee menee qho to Tibet, I went to Nepal. nga bod la 1 gro ba 1 i
Y_!:!l')qire~) zhor la bal yul la ph yin pa yin, (I')~ ph~~ la
inattentive, 1. vi. ~~~co.~·/sem y~'nl ~ He was t.~pec sh22_la ph££YUU la chi~payin)
inattentive in school. kho slob grwar sems incidental expenses ~-~~~~ /sh,2rco~ t.~-
214 incinerate

soon/ [neg.]/ 11 Why he did it is incomprehensible,

incinerate, see: burn vo. khos 1 di byed yog go re yin nom ho go yag mi
incipient, see: beginning 'dug, (qhOO t! ch!ya~ qh~re Y!noa ho qh~ya~
incise, see: engrave m!ntut) ~ His speech was incomprehensible,
incisive <t\&1.."\:Q.~Q.X.·.<:l- /n!!& qh~epo/ ~ an incisive kho '.i skod cha ha go yag mi 1 dug, ( qh88 qfco ho
answer !an gnad 1 khel po zhig (l~n n!!& qhee- qh~ya~ m!ntut)
poci) inconceivable ~~~·Ql·ct.'\~' /loytrul& t£&/ 11
incite, va. ~~-~~-~~· /qUUlo~ ch£tl ~ He incit- It's inconceivable that they would go. kho tsho
ed the farmers to revolt, khos zhing pa tshor 'gro yag de blo yul las 1 das pa zhig red,
ngo rgol byed yag sku! slong byos pa red, (qh~d (qh5ntso t~ya~ te 15yUUl& t£&pa ci r!~l [Syn,
sh!~patsoo ~~q()d ch!Y~~ qOnlo~ ch£tpare~) bsam blo'i nang lo mad pa]
inclination, 1, iso, thoughts about something inconclusive ""t\'9~a.~Ol'~O:.:"'l~' /t!!nqee m!~pa/
.:~,~~·ib"-l.· ; h. ""-~~~-ao~· /s~tsu'U; h, qlm-
~ ~ - 11 inconclusive proof gtan 1 khel med pa 1 i ra
tsUU/ ~ His inclination was to sign the treaty, sprod (t!!nqee rnf!~P&& r2toMd) [Syn. mth~ gtan rna
kho'i bsam tshul la chings yig la sa yig rgyog 'khel bo]
dgos red. ( qh38 s~mtsu'Ula chi~yilla sayil k~~­ in conformity with, see: in accordance with
qore~) 2. iso, natural disposition ~e:t'\'<!!0~~· inconsequential <l\'S.."'CI.."'\.:5;\,' [neg,] /n!!!!nqo~ [neg.]/
/ph~qca't:!/ 11 His inclination was to religion. 11 That is inconsequential, de gnod 'gag yod pa
kho la chos kyi bog chags 1 dug, ( qh55 ch~qi mo red, (th! n!!!!nqa~ Y2~more~) [Syn. gnad 'gog
ph~qca~ t.!:!_~) med pa]
incomparable ~s:t_<st·~~~~· ft.£nto m!~pa/ 11 incot:~siderate ~~~·~x:~~t:.l' /semquu m!~pa/ 11
incomparable wealth 'gran zla med pa'i rgyu nor He is inconsiderate, kho sems khur med pa zhig
(t£nta m!~P&& k.!:!.noo) red. (qho s~mquu m!~paci r!~l
incompatible ~11\:!a~~·
..._, [neg,] /thtlntap [neg,]/ inconspicuous ~~~~03.~"'-q_' /1)8Sns&& rrl!~pa/
~ They are incompatible, kho tsho mthun thabs inconstant, see: fickle
mi 'dug, (qhontso thtlntap m!ntut) inconvenient ~<~,~·~<:~.~~~""-~' /tap t!po ~~pa/
incompetent a.~~c:&"'~' /c,!!ntaan rrl!~pa/ 11 He 11 This is an inconvenient place for a meeting,
is an incompetent carpenter. kho 1 jon thong med sa cho 1 di tshogs 1 du tshogs so stabs bde pa med
pa'i shing bzo bo zhig red, (qh5 c~taan rnf!~P&& pa zhig red, (saca t! tsho5ntu tsh55sa tap t!po
shi~o~ci r!~l m!~paci r!~l
incomplete, 1. cs:>~"r::..·~ [neg,] /cho tshol')qo incorrect ~Ol~~· /n~ntu'U/ 11 His answer is in-
[neg.]/ 11 The report is incomplete, gnas tshul correct, kho 1 i lon nor 'khrul red. (qh88 l~n
de cha tshang po mi 'dug. (nf!!tsU"t..i ti cho n~nttru r!~l
tshol)qo m!ntu~) 2. iso. do an incomplete job, incorrigible '!!A~~~-~ /t.hepto/ 11 an incorrig-
va. ao·~·~· [neg,] /chlitshaan ch£& ible thief rkun mo mkhegs rdo zhig (qi:inao
[neg.]/ 11 They did the work incompletely. kho t.h~pto ci)
tshos los ko cha tshang byas mi •dug. (qh5ntsbMd incorruptible ~-~r~:~:~ /m!ku t.h21)po/ 11 He is
l&&qo chotshaon ch&t mintuu) 3, iso. a set that incorruptible. kho mi rgyu drang po 'dug, (qho
is incomplete .!;·~·k'"\' /cha matshol)a/ 11 He m!ku th2~po t.!:!.ul [Syn. gzung bzang po]
bought an incomplete set of plates, khos tho increase, 1. va. D. ~x: /plir/ 11 They increased
peg cha mo tshang ba zhig nyos shag. ( qh~d taxes. kho tshos khral spar shag, ( qhontscrd
thopa~ cho matshoi)Oci n~~ha~) t.h!!!! pBrshaa) 2, iso, get/be increased, vi. 0,
incomprehensible "'?'¢\-el-l·••\' [neg.] <A...:J.-"' /phor/ ~ The population increased, mi
indifferent 215

1 bor 1 phor shag. (mimpoo ph~rsho~) 11 Prices ko nges gton med po 1 i mi mong po yong gi 1 dug,
increased. gong 1 ph or shag. ( qh~n phors;ho~) (~h~~qo ~t&&n ~~p&& m! m!~qu y~~qil)
increase production, vo. ~<'s2.:~~~-~o.l'~' indemnity, 1. iso, compensation specified in o
/thSnke~ qh~~pee ch£C/ 11 They increased produc- treaty, i, n. ~~.:w~~· /chi~uu/ ii, iso,
tion. kho tshos thon skyed gong spel byos po pay on indemnity, vo •. A. -- ~&:..: 1--t,:i!.&/ 2,
red. (qh~nts~d th3nke~ qh~pee ch£Cpore~) iso, compensation for damage/loss, i, n. ~·If;,·
increase production and decrease expenses, id. /13qco/ H. vo, A. -- ~~ 1--t-'fc/
neo. C. 1r~S\.:~Gl.l.·~;x,t::..•
..._, /th8mpee ~h,!:!n- independence ~~·<:~.i\1.: /r~~ts&&n/ 11 independence
chuun/ movement rang btson los 'gul (r~~ts&&n lc&n-
incredibly ~-Ol~-~~· /ho l££yo~/ 11 That film was qtru)
incredibly good. glog brnyon de ho los yog gi Independence Day ~-<:1.~"-(M·~~®:%·~· /r~~-
yog po 'dug. (t3~nccn te ha lccyo~qi y~qo t~u) ts&&n thUU~&&nqi ff!ma/
incubate, vo, B. ~·e::..·~:~,~o.l' /q~o n'f'f/ independent, 1. iso. free ~-&;~.~~ /r~~ts&&n/ 11
incubator ~c::~·~OS·a.t.~·~<>:l-<'1&~' /q~o ii'f'fyo~ independent country rang btson rgyol khob
~hDOchcC/ (r~l')ts&&n k££qap) 2. iso, be self-sufficient
inculcate, vo. D. ~~~"'1.~-~~·c::~.~c:::.\~' economically, vi, ~·a,'{jj:-~a.,· /r~~tsho thOu/ 11
/s~huucc l~p/ 11 They inculcated communism in Even though I don 1 t hove o large salary 1 I om
the young·. kho tshos lo gzhon po tshor dmor (economically) independent, ngo lo phogs chen
po'i ring lugs sems shugs byos bslobs po red, po.yod po mo red de ngo rang •tsho thub kyi yod,
(qhontsb~ 1~ sh~potsoo maap~d r!~luu semshuuc& (~oo ph3o chl!!mpo yoomoret&& ~o ro~tsho thOOqi-
~ ....0:. -- I
lapare~) yb~) 3. iso, not under the influence of others
incumbent ~~-~l:t\' /l§£too/ 11 Who is the incum- ~~~~ /tsho simpu/ 11 We need o judge who
bent president? srid 1 dzin los thog su red? is independent. ngo tshor khrims dpon 1 tsho zin
(sirntsiin l§£too su r£&l po zhig dgos kyi 'dug. ~~~ntsoo ~hrmpb"dn tsho
indecisive, 1. iso, o person's character A<OC\'"f\~"" s!mpu ci CJ.!:!qil )
~·~e:t·~~'Ci\.: /thoqcb1i m1Rh~&&n/ 11 He is in-depth zn.~·~q,·~ /tr~ s!pu/ 11 on in-depth
indecisive. kho thog gcod mo thub mkhon zhig plan 'char gzhi gting zob po zhig (chaashi tr~

red. (qho thoqc~d mathu~&&n ci r!~l 2, iso. on S!PU ci)

oct/event ..a"\'~~10.1.~' /tha~ mechClBp&c/ 11 on indestructible ~~:.::.·c::~.~~-~~<:1..'~4' /ti!irshil
indecisive bottle thog mo chod po 'i; dmog m1Rhuuyo~/

(th~ mochb~p&& ma~) index, 1. iso, list of items in o book 4::-<.::~f~"\-'l\.:.::.·

indeed, see: in fact; in reality ~~· /s~rnb"dn q~rco~/ 2. iso, index finger
indefensible, 1. iso, unable to defend ~c.·~-~e:t· ~~~·iJl~/ti~tsuu/
-...;) -
cq~· [neg.] /sO~kop thuuyo~ [neg,]/ 11 The fort Indio ~"t\·x:.: /k~qoo/
was indefensible. mkhor rdzong des srung skyob Indian, 1. iso. East Indian ~"t\.l::.'Cl,' /k~qoro/ 2,
thub yog mi 'dug,
yo~ m!ntuu)
(qhertsoon th~ su~kop thOu-
2. iso, unexcusoble behavior ~­
iso. Red Indian ~~~·~~·~· /arii yu"Llmi/
Indian government @;<X\::l:.'~~c: /k~qoo sh~?)/
~et'L4-ztj_" [_neg.] /kop thOOyo~ [neg,] I 11 His be- Indian Ocean @<ti.X.'~~ /k~qoo k~tso/
havior was indefensible. kho 1 i spyod po de indicate, see: show
skyob thub yog mi 'dug. (qhBS cSpo te kop thOu- indication, see: sign
yo~ m!ntuu) indifferent~~.:::..· [neg,] /th,211oon [neg,]/ 11 He
indefinite ~~'1!{\19~~"'~' /~et&&n rr~.:~po/ 11 An was indifferent to their appeal. khos kho
indefinite number of people ore coming, grongs tsho'i re skul lo do snong mo byos po red,
216 indigenous inhabitants

(qh3B qhontsod r~qu~ le th~noan m~hecpare~) 11 He worked only for his individual benefit,
indigenous inhabi tonts ~o;t.t·~·l!:O-\· /yu~mi l')_omo/ khos kho rang rang gi khe phon gcig pu 1 i don dog
indigenous language ~<3.l'?ti_~C!?<A· /y!:!!!qec Q;!"o/ - lo los ko byos po red, (qh8'd qh1iro r9_Qqi qhe-
indigent, see: impoverished; poor pheen ciqpUU th,£ntoalo l££qo ch£Cpore~)
indigestion, iso. stomach pain, vi, D. ~~~·ex_· ir:'ldividual freedom i!?..-;f.~~·;:.:.c::.•e:;,_qc..• /mi sasoo
/t.h~q::>~ n9_/ 11 He has indigestion, (lit. His r9_1')Woon/ [Syn. sger gyi rang dbong]
stomach hurts.) kho grod khog no shag. (qho individualism, 1. iso, the theory advocating indi-
't-h9..q::>~ n9_sho~) vidual rights ~ :.;.· "\"''.t::~c::·~"t\~· /q~rwoon r!l')-
indignant, see: angry lut/ 2, iso, the pursuit of individual rather
indigo, 1 • iso. the plant -".ell~~- /r9..mshil')/ 2. than collective goals ~.>::..·~&~:Xcc~:~;9~· /q~r­
iso. the dye .>::.~·~~· /rE_mtsod/ se~ r!l')lut/
indirectly ~'t\~·q~~.: /shuqteen/ 11 He said individually )::~·<:~.~Cl.:~ /r~re sh!ntu/ 11 He
indirectly he wonts to come, kho yang 1 dod yod introduced them individually. khos kho tsho re
pa shugs bston byos song. ( qho y9..ntcru y_£po re bzhin du ngo sprod byos po red, (qh8'd qhon-
tso rere shintu Qotod checpare~)
shuqteen ch£cso)
indiscriminate, iso, recklessly ""'.~·~t::.·i5lc.'~Z::.·
individual rights
- -·~-~·~~·'i!>C:~.'.!aC:..'
/m! soooo
/qh~ncuun m~ncuun/ 11 They fired indiscrim- thoptoon/ [Syn. sger gyi thob thong]
inately at the peasants. kho tshos grong gseb indoctrinate, vo. D. ~·q·tt~~· /towo l~p/ 11
pa tshor me mdo 1 gong byung mang byung brgyob' pa They indoctrinated the peasants to communism.
red. ( qhontso-15 1-h~nse~pots::>::> ~nto qh~ncuun kho tshos zhing po tshor dmor po 1 i lto bo bslobs
m~ncuun k~pere~) po red, (qhontsod sh!Qpots::>::> moop<>ci tawo lepa-
indispensible ~~<1.-N.'~"\:""-' /~tap me~po/ 11 He re~)
is indispensible, kho med .thobs med po zhig indolent, see: lazy
red. (qho m~tep ~~pa ci r~~) indoors ~c::·~~·bl,._C.'CQ.' /qhor)p&e n~nl::>~/ 11 If
indisposed, see: ill it rains we will go indoors, char po btong no
indisputable %""~"' /ts3"ome~/ 11 indisputable ngo tsho khang po 1 i nang logs lo 1 gro gi yin.
evidence rtsod med re sprod (ts3"ome~ r9_t.b"d) (choopo toano 1')9_ntso qhol')pee noonl::>~lo t~qiyin)
indistinct ~~~·Cll.·~·"''~o.:l· /s~!no mosee/ 11 The Indro, skt. "''.@;~~ /k~iin/
plane hod indistinct markings, gnom gru der induce, see: persuade; make
rtogs gsol lo rna gsol zhig ·•dug, (nemtu tee too Indus River ~·q:mc..·~~(:tl.'ct.."l.CJ..' /chuw::>::> lor)Ceen
sfflo mosee ci tut) 11 He heard on indistinct qh9_npep/
sound. khos sgro gsol lo mo gsol zhig go shag. industrial ~Tc::t.~~· /s~leC/
(qhStl t9.. sfflo masee ci qh5}_Sho~) industrial area c::i~:-~~~- ~<>-\ • /s2_lec s~qhui1/
indistinguishable ~t::~·~~q·~c:n.· [neg,] /y~f industrial co pi tal CJ,~.:u~·~ ·~,· /s!:}-e& m9..tso/
che thullyoa [neg.] I 11 These two ore indistin- industrial city ~~~~-~~:.::.· /s2_lec 't.h2_r)kee/
guishoble, 1 di gnyis dbye bo phye thub yog mi industrial construction q~ClJ.~·q~~-~~
'dug. (t!nil yff che thuuyoa m!ntut) /s~lec ts~qt.UUn/
• . c-..
individual, 1. ~so, a person ~· /m!/ 11 Give industrial country "'a.~~·~OJ.·~o: /s2_1e& k££qap/
each individual a book, mi re lo deb re sprod, [Syn, bzo los lung pa]

- -
(mi re lo thep re tb-d)
- . 2. iso, on individual/ industrial crops ~~a.I~·t·q~·ar--.;r«t\' /s9_lec
single piece Ten.· /t2~/ 11 on individual groin of k~nt.tru lE_b~/
rice 'bros rdog gcig (teet::>~ cil) industrial development
individual benefit ~z:::.-~·~·14~ /rE_I')qi qhepheen/ y9..rkec/
inexplicable 217

industrial economy c,"}\-04~ • "\_~<:1.\'0.%"::.:. • inedible. sha .mo 1 di za ma lo ba red. (shomo

pffnc::J::J/ t_! s2 m2l::J~ re~)
industrial front ineffective, 1. iso. without a beneficial result
th~pchM/ ""~~~·~~""~.' /phl!fnu1.1 m'=..~pa/ 11 The plan was
industrialize, 1. vi. D. ~)f-Cq~·OQ·~~-/s~lccla ineffective. 'char gzhi de phon nus med pa zhig
kur I ~ Many years have passed since Japan in- red. (ch~~shi ti ph~fnuU ~~pa ci r~~) 11 This
dustrialized. ja pan bzo las la 1 gyur nos lo medicine was ineffective. sman 1 di phon nus med
mang po phyin pa red. (c!!pccn s~ttla k~rnt 1~ pa zhig red. (mffn ti phl!fnu1.1 m~~pa ci r~~) 2.
m~r)pu chi~pare~) 2. va. D. ~::~.1-=~·~-z:J.~,;,::_· iso. characteristic of a person ~AA·~·~~e:.:(­
/s2lccla k~r I ~ The government industrialized /n.!:!,!;!pa m~epa I
the farms. gzhung gis so nom bzo las la bsgyur ineligible ~'6:\~·Sf'~·~~-~-o::-~-.:::i· /t.hrmth::J?lnc
pa red. (sh~~ qhi senam s~lttla k~rpare~) m2wodpa/ ~ He is ineligible to vote; khos 1 os
industrial products "':!.1l-"Cl.\~ ·~<5\.: Eff'~' /s~ltt shog blug yag de khrims thog nos ma 1 os pa zhig
th3ntscc/ red. ( qh3"d w~h::J?i luuya~ te }himth::J~nc m2wo1i-
industrial raw materials paci re~)
k~pca/ inequality ~<:J.J.<i)<:U~"'-\.""-' /1-!!i'klm ffiflepa/ 11
industrial revolution c=::i~:-Q.J~·~:x::.·c:~.~· racial inequality mi rigs 'dra mnyam med pa
sarce/ (miril }aiiam me~pa)
industrial settlement ~)\-o.:~~-~~~'ib"'\.<:'1..' /s~ce ines~imabl: %~"\~~·?J.:~,·~a..·<:.t~- /tsh8Spa~ mathu-
sh_g_cha~/ pct/ 11 This painting is of inestimable value.
industrial system q~~~-o..~~~- /s~tt t-~luu/ ri ma 1 di tshod dpag mi thub pa 1 i gong thong
industrial (labor) union "'<'l.'~l~·~· /soltc chen po zhig red. (r!;_mu ti tsh8Spa~ mathupcc
tsh~qpa/ [Syn. bzo pa'i skyid sdug] qh~taan chempo ci rea)
industrial worker t:t~q· /s2pa/ [Syn. bzo las in every way ~~·~~:.-~·'\~·/ch~~ qh!!I')Sanc/ 11 They
by~d mkhan] will support us in every way. kho tshos nga
industrious ~~~~~<:>...:~ /iiir)ru1J chanpa/ ~ He tshor phyogs gang sa nos rgyab skyor byed kyi
is very industrious. kho snying rus chen po zhe red. ( qh5nts'b1i t'l!!nts::J::J ch3~ qh£r)SOnf.; k~pk::Jo
drag red. (qho iiir)ru13 chempo sh~t-aa r~~) ch!;_qiree)
industry qS.Q.\~' /s~ltf:./ inevitable "t\~'.53~-~e.:.~· /ybilthap m~~pa/ 11
agricutural industry ~c:st_,i9::\'C!:I,~ct!~ • /sonam s2ltt/ Class struggle is inevitable. gral rim gyi
[Syn. zhing las bzo las] 1 thab rtsod de g. yol thabs med pa · zhig red.
coal industry ~~<>-l.l:::l.~<"l-<'1.' /t,£S'b'O s~ct/ (}h££ri~qi th~ptsod te y33thap ffifl~pa ci r~e)
construction industry 0:.~9~ •~~Cl)f'Cll-~' inexhaustible ~~·o:uaa..~"'-...:~.· /ts2qtha ~epa/
/ts!:!,qt.trun s2lct/ 11 They have an inexhaustible supply of oil. kho
food industry -=\'ct"'cr..·~=~- /s2ca s~tf:./ tshor snum rdzogs mtha 1 med pa mkho sprod byed
heavy industry ""1.~<:1.\~'~'"'1.' /s21&t c!;_wa/ yag yod pa red. (qhontsoo niJm ts2qtha m'=..~pa
light industry q1fi7~<'1-·~c:-l:l..' /s~lcf:. Y';lQWa/ qhot'bwd ch~ya~ Y2~re~)
lumber industry ~c:·a;·"'l.:f'Ol.~' /shir)Cha s~lcf:./ inexpensive, see: cheap
mining industry ~-~;>:,.'"\~cq~· /sater s~lc&/ inexperienced ~'&~·W~e;,:&.:~.· lii£miioon m~~pa/ ~
textile industry q_l,t:f.=·q_.£1"'\'"\~=~- /qhl!ftha~ He is inexperienced. kho nyams myong med pa
s!}}.cc/ zhig red. (qho ~mnoon ~~pa ci rea)
inebriated, see: drunk inexplicable ~~~~-UJ.~· /shW 111£Shenya~/ 11
inedible 4'~·~·q• /s2 m!!l::J~/ ~ This mushroom is His behavior is inexplicable. kho 1 i spyod pa de
218 in fact

shod mo shes .yog cig red, (qh83 cSpo te .shSB /pOOqa shE_mpo/ 11 inferior cloth ros cho spus
m~shenyo~ ci r!e) ko zhon po (rE.£,CO pmlqa shE_mpo)
in fact "'\~'""\~~·@.,~''"' /r:JSn&~ chEno/ 11 He inferiority complex ..:.~·at*·~e..·~c=.· /r~l')thoon
says he is o teacher but in fact. he is o stu- chiii')Cuun/
dent, khos dge rgon yin zer gyi 1 dug dngos gnos infertile, 1. iso, land ~-~·~~~~·~ /soco ~ho­
byos no kho slob grwo bo red, (qho G!G&&n y!_n qo/ [Syn. dul po] 2. iso. women, see: barren,
s!_qil 1')3n&~ chE.£,no qh~ lop~o~ r!e) 2
infamous ~e:;.·~~~~·~'"\~' /m,!l')&&n Y.2"J~O~/ 11 infidel ~-au~- /ch8Slo~/
He is on infamous bandit, kho ming ngon yongs infidelity, see: unfaithful
grogs kyi jog po zhig red, (qho m,!r:J&&n y~~oo infiltrate, vo. ~-ex.~~·~~· /q51')tstru chE_U 11
qhi ch,2Gpo ci r!~ ) The soldiers infil troted the· border. dmog mi
infancy ~·~··~·l.:~~~~:~~· /pOqu maancooqi q~p/ tshos so mtshoms lo lkog 'dzul byos po red,
[Syn. byis po'i skobs] (mMmitsb1s sontso~ lo q~l)tstru chE_~pore~)
infant ~-~&·~~· /puqu moancoo/ 11 She has on infinite, see: endless
infant daughter. mo lo phru gu phu mo mo 'byor infinitive, ling. ~t:l~~~·~~· /ch2,wcc tshrq-
zhig 'dug. ( m~ pOqu ph~o maancoo ci t!:!.u) shi/
infanticide, 1. n. neo. a~·~~·'<\~"\,' /chgpa infirm, see: sick; ill
s~qcoB/ [Syn, phru gu srog gcod] 2. iso, do infirmary ~CS\;Q~·(l\~' /m~nci:S'dqhoon/
infanticide, vo, -- ~~· /--chE_U 11 Infanti- inflomotory "\.>fi'"'\'<:t'\'9~· /~5qtam/ ~ He gave on
cide was done in that country. lung po de' i inflammatory speech. khos dkrog gtom gyi skad
nang lo byis po srog gcod byos shag, ( l!;:!.I'Jpa cho bshad song. (qh~d ~~qtomqi q~ca sh~~so)
th~ n~n lo chgpa s~qc~ chE_~sho~) inflammable (substance) ~~~·~~"'\~' /~r­
infantile '(it~·§f' /ch!,!lo/ 11 infantile disorder ts&cqi r!_q/ [Syn. 'bar byed rgyu cha]
byis blo'i skon (ch!!_lOB k83n) inflate, vo. ~~~t:l' /phil k!,p/ 11 He inflated the
infantry ~~·~~41, • /q61')mo~/ tire. khos 'gyig 1 khor la phu brgyob song,
infantryman ~c..-~&~·"\.~l:t\~· /qol')llloo ma;mi/ (qh~ k!_q66la phu k2,pso) [Syn. phu brgyongs]
infect, 1. iso, o wound/cut, vi, A, ~t:t\·~~~·/no~ inflection, 1. ling. ~·"M"d:.·o..~·ct· /tshiq~&&
so~/ 11 His cut got infected. kho'i rmo lo rnag k!:!.rwo/ 2, see: tone
bsogs shag. (qh83 mo lo n6~ sa~shoo) 2. iso. inflexible, 1. iso. o person ~~.~.i~.:t\~·~ /q2,
come into contact with o disease producing or- ~Ciqo/ 11 He is very inflexible. kho mgo
ganism, vi, A. a.~~· /q'lo! 11 He got infected mkhregs po zhe drag red, (qho q2, ~hoqo sh!~oa

with T .B.
. .. ..kho
!on&& q_![dshoo
, lo glo nod 1 gos shag, (qh55 r!e) 2. iso, a plan/timetable Q.~::t:.·~·~e:;;~·
/k}!!wo m!epo I
infectious disease o:.4f~'<9.._" /q22,n&U inflict pain, vo. ~aS'~<9c:.' /n.2.tso Uion/
infecund, see: barren, 2 inflict punishment, va. ~~·~·~~~· /i'ieepo toon/
infer, vo. A. q;,·~~~· /cho sh2_0/ 11 We inferred inflict suffex:ing, va. ~~·~~~~· /t!;:!.qu toan/
his anger by his absence. kho mo yong tsong ngo influence, 1. n. ~.qy:r::<\~C\: /shuqkeen/ 11
tshos kho rlung longs par cho bzhog po yin. political influence srid don gyi shugs rkyen
(qho m~yoi'ltsoon l')~ntsbii qho lOOn l~~poo cho (srrtoon qhi shuqkeen) 2. iso. get/be influenc-
sh2_~poyin) ed, vi • A. -- ~~~· I --the'M 11 His thoughts
inferior, 1. iso, rank/status ~~~c::.t· /m'f!}npo/ 11 influenced them. kho tshor. kho'i bsom blo'i
on inferior coste rigs dmon po (r!_q m~~po) 2. shugs rkyen thebs po red. (qh5ntsoo qhSS somlbo
iso, the quality of materials/things~~--'!'\~"\~ shuqkeen th§eporee)
injury from falling 219

influenza, see: flu inhale, 1. see: breathe in 2. iso, cigarettes,

inform, vo. D. ~"'.' 11 He informed his etc. vo, CI:."'-.C!.l'.q~q· /t~m kf!_p/
mother he was leaving. khos a mar ngo 'gro gi inherit, vi. ~·?t\ ~·CXl·~c::..· /n~qcclo ch~n/ 11
yin ces lob po red, (qh~d omoo ~~ t~qiyins !a- She inherited o house. mo la khong po zhig nor
pare~) skol lo byung po red, (m22_ qhor)po ci n_£rqcclo
informant, 1. onthro. ~~~-~~-~"\.·~~<5( ch~npare~)
/nfftsuU sh88~ccn/ 2. see: informer inheritance ~;r..·~<:x.l' /n~rqcc/
information "'f\~~-~0-.1· /nfftsUU/ 11 Do you hove inheritance tax ~·~~-~-~~- /n_£rqcc cathcc/
any information on Tibet? khyed rang lo bOd kyi inhibit, see: block; obstruct
skor gnos tshul go 1 i yod pas? ( kheroon lo ph~d inhuman ~-~"'(Ct.\~'0..'\~'1'.1.~' /m.:!:_cC.fnc t~&pcc/ 11
qhi q~~ nfftsuU qhcc y~pcc) inhuman punishment mi spyod 1 as 'dos po 1 i
Information and Publicity Office ~~-"<~¢\~·=~· khrims nyes (m,!codlc t_£cpcc trmne~)
~~~· /thHtoa l£E.qun/ initial, iso, first "\."'2t- /th:;:r)po/ 11 The in-
information desk ~&::..:il<)~<-l~·/qfco th.:!:_sa/ itial attock was mode at night. tshur rgol dong
informer ~~~-~::fc:..·~~c.; /nfftsuU tsho~ccn/ po de mtshon nag gung lo byung po red. ( tshur-
infrequently ~db~<'I.'Q..l~~· /tshCimtsho~/ 11 qbo th:;:~po te tshfnoo qh~nla ch~npare~) [Syn,
They come infrequently. kho tsho mtshoms thog mo]
mtshoms lo yang gi 'dug. (qh5ntso tshomtsho~lo initiate, 1. see: begin 2, iso, as o member of o
y~~qil) [Syn. yang se min po] [Note: This lit- club, see: admit
erally means "sometimes,"] initiation, 1. iso, ceremony. c:.~-~~~-~~04<t:l'
in front of ~~C(~' /t~nla/ .11 He spoke in front /tsUUshut temtee/ 2. iso. give o religious ini-
of the soldiers. khos dmog mi tsho i mdun lo 1 tiation, vo, A. •::vn.o.:"'-..~C::..'"<\<sl..,~· /qowoon
skod cho bshod song, ( qhB'd m~ami tsbo tUUnla noon/ [Syn, dbong gnong] 3, iso, toke o reli-
qfco shfcso) gious initiation, vo. c. ~-'T\q_·~.qc::..·~~· /qo-
infuriate, 1. vo. c. ~c:;.·cq~~~· /luun len/ 11 He woon sh~~/ [Syn. dbong zhus]
infuriated Sonom, khos bsod noms rlung bslongs initiative ~~~-q~~·§f /1)3nqtm samlo/ 11
song. (qh8'd sonom luun lonso) 2. vi. c. ~c::.· She locks initiative, mo lo sngon sgul bsom blo
~~~·/IliOn l~n/ 11 His speech infuriated me. mi 'dug, !m22, 1)8nqUU samlo m,!ntut)
kho'i skod cho lo ngo rlung longs byung, (qh88 initiator
qfcoo ~~ lOOn l~~cu) ts~~ccn/
ingot ~'""1"'1\' /sfJpoa/ 11 o gold ingot gser so phog inject, see: injection
(see sapoa) injection, 1. n, 0'l:l.' /qh6p/ [Syn. smon khob]
ingrate ~Tt\0..~"" !::\.~~-~"'(~~~~~· /q~tiin 2, iso, give on injection, va, -- .<:!.~"~.'

same~ ch!."J&&n/ 11 He is on ingrate, kho bko 1 /--k~p/ 11 I need on injection. ngo lo khob cig
drin bsom med byed mkhon zhig red, (qho qatiin rgyog dgos kyi 'dug, (I)~ qhap ci koo q~il)

same~ ch~~ccn ci r~~) injure, see: hurt

ingroti tude .qiT\.c:I.:~~"'\~ :.u·~""(~"'-.: tl.:l.«f\.' /qatin injurious, see: harmful
same~ ch~yoa/ injurious insects, see: harmful·
ingredients ~·a;· /k!::_pca/ 11 What ore the injury if~ /kb'8n/ 11 What kind of injury does
ingredients of this bread? bog leb 'di 'i rgyu he hove? kho lo skyon go re byos 'dug? (qh~:5

cho go re red? (ph2£le~ tii k~pca qh~re r~c) k88n qh~re ch_£C t~~)
inhabit, see: live injury from falling/bonging against ~q_~~-~

inhabitant "f\v~~· /tfnto~/ /t~pkodn/

220 injury in sense of a cut

injury in sense of a cut/wound 9:\~·-i"~ [Syn. gsar gtod byos]

/m!!Cki:idn/ innovation, 1, n, ""'\~""-'<::!.~ /slirso/ 11 techni-
ink ill,"\'~ ; h.~4t\.''"li_~' /rifqtsa; h, cholinae!J/ cal innovation 1 phrul los gsor bzo ('t-h00l&t
ink and pen "'l!l_~'~"'t\' /n'3Qnuu/ slirso) [Syn. gsar gtod] 2. iso, make on inno-
ink blot, 1, iso, small blot ~~!'Sa.~· /naqtil/ vation, see: innovate
2, iso. large blot ~":t\'!i.O.' /noqtso?>/ innumerable !5!1~·~~ /th2_r)me~/ 11 There ore in-
ink blotter 1s\,_"t\'~ /n(Jqleen/ numerable monasteries in Tibet. bod lo dgon po
ink bottle ~"'\·~~· /nMpuun/ grongs mad yod pa red. (ph~ lo q.2'"pa l-h2_r)me~
ink drawings ~~~~- /neqril/ Y2~re~) [Syn. grangs las 1 dos pal
ink-pad (for seals and stamps) "'-l:A'~~· inoculation, 1. n, ct..4:\~·~~~~<l..~Zf\·~~~~·
/th2_mnae!J/ /q~n&t r)8nqo~ m!!nqap/ 2, iso, inoculate 1 va,
inlaid, see: inlay -- ~~z:t· I --k2_p/
inland ~c.·~~· /n2_Qqh~/ 11 inland sea nang inoffensive, see: innocuous
khongs rgya mtsho (n2_r)qh~ k2_tsho) inoperative m~~~ /qhane~/ 11 The car is
inlay, 1, iso, metals, i. n, ~~x_·c€;-"C\' /trrtshoe!J/ inoperative. mo ta de mkho mad red, (m_£to te
ii, iso. inlay metals on metal, va, -- ~~· qhl5me~ r!~) [Syn, phon thogs mad pa; bed med]
/-k2_p/ 2, iso. wood, i. n, ~~"-·:t"~· /ti.rq'l:ld/ inopportune (time) ~~·~"'t\.·~· /q':J'Jp t!!qcoe!J/ 11
ii, iso, inlay wood/bone/ivory on wood, va, He came at an inopportune time, kho skabs sdug
.:t~· I --k2_p/ chag cig la slabs byung, (qho q~p t!!qcoe!J ciqla
inlet ~1fQ:l~· /tsholae!J/ l~ku)
inn ~~~~~· /t~nqaan/ [Syn, 'grul khang] inorganic~«~~ /k~me~/
innards ~c;.-~Ol' /n2.rJtoo/ inorganic chemistry 1 neo, ~~~~~·~~,~~·~·
innate ~~-~~· /keetop/ 11 innate intelli- /keme~ ts!£nkuu r.!,qpa/
gence skyes stobs kyi rig pa (keetopqi r.!,qpa) inorganic fertilizer ~~~"~c.·~~ /k&ne~ sh!,IJ-
[Syn. rang chos] lull/
inner ~c.' /~r)/ 11 inner door nang sgo (n2.r)qo) inorganic matter ~~~"\.~·~·/keme~ r)b'Sts&t/
Inner Mongolia ~~-~~· /n2_r)so?>/ inquest, 1. n, ~·~~.t:l..~"'t\'~~· /shikeen
innermost ~"\'\·~~· /p}!UpuU/ 11 the innermost t~qship/ 2. va. -- §J~' /-ch£&1 ·
door sbug sbug gi sgo (p}!UpuU:Ji q_£) [Syn, inquire, 1. iso. ask about, va. A. ~~""-~~
sbug mol /tsr.& cr.t/ 11 He inquired about her name. khos
inner peel/skin Cl\_1::.'~~~· /n2_r)poe!J/ [Syn, nang mo'i ming_ rtsad bead shag. (qh~ m~ m.!,rJ tsr.&
shun] c!!tshoe!J) [Syn. skod cha dris] 2, iso, invest-
innkeeper, 1. iso, male .:t~,~~·~ /n!!!!po/ 2, igate/check into, va. ~~~'€V='t' /t.!,ship
iso. female ~~oN·~ /nr.fmo/ ch£t/ 11 He inquired into the cause of her
innocent (of a crime) Cl\_~~·~~~· /n2.r)ne~ death. khos mo shi yag gi rkyen go re yin po
m'2..'~pa/ 'dri zhib byes po red. (qh~ mo shiyae!Jqi keen
innocuous <q~t.>.J~~~~· /n83yoo m22,pa/ 11 an qh2_re y.!,mpa t!,ship ch£tpare~)
innocuous medicine gnod yag mad po 1 i smon inquiry 1 see: investigation
(na8yae!J ~p&& mr.fn) insane, 1. adj. ~~1:..1.· /nl5mpo/ 11 He is insane,
innovate, vo, <:n,~..:o;.·.q,~~~- /sorso ch£'t/ 11 He kho smyon pa red. (qho ii6mpa r!~l [Syn. rig
innovated a computer system, khos rtsis rig •tsho rna zin pa] 2, iso. get/be insane, vi.
'phrul 'khor 1 gro lugs gsar bzo byas po red, ~~·~"t\~' /--iiompo choe!J/ 11 He became insane
(qh~ tsirril th00qhM t}!luu sorso ch£~par~) lost year. kho zlo nyin smyon pa chogs po red,
inspire 221

(qh~ t~niin nampa choopare~) thodnt& chOI')Cuun r!:a)

insane asylum ~~'ct:~;:x,:('l.c;:;.· /n~mptt mfnqoon/ insincere ~"<i_·q,~Cl.l.-~<'\.:~· /lhoqsoill m:_~pa/ , He
insatiable a.~~·~c;.~'Al.~~"\"''/t~pa qhoonyoo ~~po/ is insincere, kho lhog bsom med po zhig red,
[Syri. 'dod pa 1 tshim rgyu med pa] (qhi5 lhoqsam m!:~pa ci r!:a)
inscription, 1. iso. carving on a rock~~~~­ insist, vo. ~-~~"~'\"'~%""' /utsu't k2_p/ ~ He in-
/t~qo1s y!.qi/ 2. iso. carving on wood '4"'-·~· sisted that I go. khos ngo rgyugs zhes u tshugs
£:1.·~· /shir)qa·6 y!_qi/ brgyob byung. (qh~ I')~ k_!:!Us Otsuu k2_pcu) ~ He
insect (excluding flying insects) ~· /p~/ [Syn. insists on working every day, khos nyin 1 tor
1 bu srin] los ko byed yog la u tshugs rgyog gi 1 dug.

insecticide~-~~ /p_!:!mttn/ (qh~ ii!ntoo l££qo ch!:yoo lo Otsuu kaaqil)

insecure, 1. ~~""~ [neg.] /tfmpo [neg,]/ ~ His insolent a.t."~c..·c:.:s.·~~·~/c!I')Pa P,£mpo/
positioJl is insecure. kho'i gnos stongs brton insolvent, see: bankrupt
po yod pa mo red. (qh33 nfftoh tfmpo y2omore~) insomnia, iso •. hove/get, vi. A. "'\~~"t\'a..l~.::t•.t.t'
i nseminote, 1 • see: impregnate 2, iso, orti- a&~~- /nil qhOu mathupa choo/ , I've hod insom-
ficiol insemination, i. n, ja«"\:0:\·~~· /thiq- nia since lost year. ngo zlo nyin nos gnyid
11 poe:):)/ ii. va. -- €1~· /--chE_c/ khug mo thub po chogs byung. (I')~ t!niinne nil
insensitive, see: thick skinned qhuu m~thupa choocu)
inseparable (<I' ~~'..>3."'1.~' [neg.] /qho thuthap inspect "'t~"\''.·~o:::...·~~- /toqctc chE_c/ , They in-
[neg,]/ ~ These two ore inseparable. 1 di gnyis spected all the cool mines. kho tshos rdo sol
kho 'phrol thobs yod pa mo red. ( t!iiil qha gyi gter kho tshong mar brtag dpyad byos pa red.
thffthap y2omorea) [Syn. kho brol thobs med pa] (qhontso·ci t£sodqi terqo tshcl')moo toqct& chE_cpa-
insert, see: put into ree) [Syn. zhib 'jug byos]
inside~~· /n~n/ ~ The book is inside the box. inspection <':\¥t\'"\.~"'-: /toqctc/ [Syn. zhib 'jug]
deb sgom nang lo 'dug. (th!:P q~m n~n lo t.!:!~l) inspection tour, 1. n, ""l.¥1,-~"\.~'&:l.~·:t:.:
~ He played inside the house yesterday. kho so /toqctc seq:):)/ 2, iso. go on on inspection
kho khang pa 'i nang lo rtsed mo rtses pa red. tour, vo. -- Ol.'~"' /--la chi~/
(qhffso qho qhor)ptt n~n lo tseemo tseapare~) inspector o~:~,~~-~·~.:~-.:.11-"'i:).l.~ls\.: /toqct"& che-
inside and outside @'C\"'-' /chinoon/ ~ The inside l')t&n/ [Syn. zhib 'jug byed mkhon]
and outside of the house ore clean, khong pa 'i inspiration ~;;;q~·a.~o.:~.~q~·ZX\"'1' /simqtm theeyoo/
phyi nang tshong mo gtsong mo red. (qhol')ptt , His life history is on inspiration to all.
chinoon tshcl')mo tsar)mo r!:~) khong gi rnom thor de tshong mar sems 1 gul

inside out, 1. iso. turn inside out, vo. A."€l·~e::.· 'thebs yog cig red. (qhoonqi nomtoo te tshol')moo
&:\~~· /chinoon 13o/ ~ He turned the coot simqUU theeyoo ci r!:a)
inside out. khos kor phyi nang bslogs shag. inspire, 1. vo. A. ~~~· o...:n~~~~·~-"'3.~~·
"> '> ...,
.(qh~ q~r chinoon l~oshoo) 2. iso_. get/be turn- /simqtm thearu cO't/ , He inspired the wOl'kers
ed inside out, vi. A. ~·~c.·Cil'l:<\.· /chinoon 12o/ , to work extra hard. khos bzo pa tshos los kor
His coot was inside out. kho'i kor phyi nang shugs snon rgyog yog lo sems 1 gul 'thebs bcug po
log shag. (qh33 q~r chinoon 12oshoo) red. ( qh8ls S£patsod l&&qao shiJqno·on k~yoolo
insignia ~"'q-N.' /too/ , military insignia dmog simqUU thearu cO'tparea) 2. iso. get/be inspir-
mi'i rtogs (m~~mii too) ed, vi. A. ~e;u~·a.~a.t.~~·/simqUU th~/ , The
insignificant ~~"'\~"'~c..·a:,c;:;.• /th_oontc chiir)- workers were inspired by his speech to work
"' '>
cuun/ , The meeting was insignificant, tshogs extra hard. khong gi gsung bshod des bzo po
'du de don gnod chung chung red. (tshi5i5ntu te tshor los kor shugs snon rgyog yog gi sems 1 gul
222 instability

thebs pa red , lopta~tsholo n_2qb"d q2_rlah ch_!ls qh:Sqpa k~hpore~)

lccqoo shOqnb~n kooyo~qi simqUU the~pore~) instinctive .>:..C:..'"'.\~~~ /r2_nshiinqi/ 11 instinc-
instobili ty .q_~~~~~'4. • /tl!mpo m2_~po/ 11 The tive behavior rang bzhin gyi spyod pa (r_2n-
government 1 s instobili t y is o danger, gzhung shiinqi c3po) [Syn. rang chos kyi]
brton po med po de nyen go chen po red, (sh_!:!Q instinctively -"c:..·~~~'&~· /r_:nshiinqi/ 11 He
t~mpo m2_~po te n!nqo ch~mpo r!~) blinked instinctively, khos mig rang bzhin gyis
install, 1. iso. in o position/office, vo. ~-(1.~' btsums s·ong. (qh~ mil :_:nshiinqi tsuillsu)
~- /thintodn ch£'1:./ 11 They installed him as institute, 1. see: establish; set up 2, iso. on
president, kho tshos srid 1 dzin khri •don byos organization, n, ~-~~:X.'(Z'\C..' /lamneeqoon/
po red. (qhontsod siintsiin }hintbon ch£Cpore~) 11 Science Institute tshon rig slob gnyer khong
2. iso. o new machine, etc,, vo. A, ..q~~~- (tsh~~nril lamneeqoon)
/tsri'u/ "'
11 They installed o new air conditioner. instruct, 1. see: teach 2. see: order; command
kho tshos grong glog gsor po btsugs shag, instruction manual ~~~-=:t·~e:..· /n~tbt th!pcuun/
(qhontsod th~nlo~ saqpo tsutsho~) instructions, 1. iso, directions for using/putting
installment, 1. iso, one in o series of publica- together ~"'if'"'-o.~o:t'"'\VJ"" /ph!:!cb~ }eeshcc/
tions ~~ ·~· /th_!:!mpu/ 11 The story was published 11 Were there instructions with the machine?
in five installments, sgrung de dum bu lngo 'phrul 'khor mnyom du bed spyod 1 grel bshod 1 dug
bzos nos dpor bryob Shag, ('t-_!:!m ti th,!!RpU no gas? ( thOOqhM n~t6b ph~cbt teeshcc t.!:!qcc)
sJ!snc por k_:psho~) 2, iso, installment payment 2. iso. orders or teachings ~·A3f\~ ; h. ~QJ.·
i, n. ~&J.'~E:!;~~ /r_!mtod ph_!:!ll:rdn/ H. iso, A3t\" /n_22qbiJ; h. sh£E_qbiJ/ 11 He gave us
make on installment payment, vo, -- ~~ 1--t~c/ instructions about how to make o Tonka painting,
11 I mode my installment payment today. ngos de khong gis ngo tshor thong ko 1 bri stongs zhol
ring rim sprod bu lon sprod po yin. (n£C r_!mtb~ bkod gnong byung. ( qhoonqhil n~ntsoo thonqo
ph_!:!lodn t~cpoyinl t,!toh sh&&qoB nooncu) 11 Did the boss give you
instant g}"!\'~·q~· /khOqtsaci/ 11 They mode i t any intructions? gtso 1 dzin gyis khyod rang lo
in on ""'
instant. kho tshos 1 di khyug tsom zhig lo zhol bkod go' i gnong byung ngos? ( tsontsiinqil
bzos song, (qhootsod t,! khuqtsaci la s,2"dso) khSroo shccqod qh££_ naan ch~c& l
[Syn. hrib tsom ~hig; skod cig gcig] instructor, see: teacher
instantaneously [vb,] l:.{~"l1,X: /[vb.] pa th~qoo/ instrument, 1, iso, musical, i. n, ~·C!j"a·~~~
11 They drank water and instantaneously got /r~&& y~cc/ ii, iso, ploy on instrument, vo.
sick, kho tsho chu btung pa. de gar no pa red, ;f'~·~·l!:\'5)Z::..' /r~o taon/ 2. iso, tool <:U"t\'Q:.'

(qhontso chO tOhpoth~qoo ~pare~) /l~qco/ 11 o doctor's instruments smon pa'i log
instantly cq~~~·/l~msoon/ 11 He mode it instant- cho (m~mpcc l~qco)

ly. khos 'di lam song bzos song, (qh~d t,! l~m­ cymbals, 1. iso, similar to Western ones ~QJ.·~«,:
soon s,2dso) /sirnccn/ 2. iso, larger Tibetan style ii~­
instead, iso. in place of ~'QQ.' /tshapla/ 11 a;,<;q• /p_!:!qc&c/ 3, iso, smaller Tibetan style r::
They sent Sonom instead of Dorje, kho tshos rdo "f\l:l"\' /tinsho~/
r je 1 i tshob lo bsod noms btong shag. ( qhontsoB drum ;:=:: /no/
t~ee tsh~pla sonom toonshoa) flute ~~·~· /linqu/
instigate, vo. C. M'"''~~c::.~· /qh:Sqpa k~h/ 11 long hor.n ~-=.:~~~ /tnunceen/
They instigated the students to rebel, kho lute ia'~<;t_ ft~mfi&&n/
tshos slob grwo bo tshor ngo rgol sger longs oboe type instrument ~c:..· /k_2liin/
byis zer· khog po brgyong po red, (qhontsod percussion instruments ~\"'-'"\'1fa.l'~c::Q'<O' /t_!:!n}bo
intelligence 223

r~d/ insurgent, see: rebel

string instruments ~~-~"~~·cl) /ktn.iquU r~o/ insurrection, see: rebellion
trumpet ~c.: /th~r)/ [Syn, dmog dung] intact, 1. see: unopened 2, see: unchanged
wind instruments c::~.:~,"'-:"1\~C:..'£~·-a:,· /pttc..!toon rod- intangible 9~"t\""''~"'( /s!::_'()me~/ ~ intangible
co/ things gzugs med dngos po (s!::_'()me~ '()33po)
instrumental case, ling.~~~· /cheeto/ [Syn, dngos med; nges bzung med po]
insubordinate, va, D, "'Ft(A."QJ.·~-~~· /qcla ma- integer, see: number
ncn/ ~ He was insubordinate, khos bko' lo rna integral, see: necessary; inseparable
nyon po re d • ( qh ~'
oo qo-1 a -
m~ncnporee ') integrate, iso, mix 1 va, A. ""l~~·~~·.q(.QI,"'<\·
insufferable, see: intolerable /te~ccc sh2~/ ~ They integrated different races
insufficient, 1. vi. C, a._~;o;.~·[neg,] /t~?! [neg,]/ in the school, kho tshos slob grwo'i nang lo mi
~ This groin is insufficient, 'bru 1 dis 'dong rigs 'dra mi 'dra bsres byes bzhag po red,
gi mi 'dug. (t~ t!l t!rJCJimintuu) 2, adj, ~­ ( qhontsb-8 lcptcc n~n la m_!ril i~ m,2nta~ te~ccc
c:l.."\~·~·/m~ntanpa/ ~ He hos made insufficient sh2~pore~)
tea, khos jo rna 'dongs po bzos shag, ( qh~ ch~ integrated 1 adj, c=t~~'<>ll' /t~mcc/ ~ a racially
m~ntonpo s~~ho~) integrated sc~ool mi rigs !dres ma'i slob grwo
insular, 1 , iso, island ~~-.:;,· /tshulir)/ ~ (m!ril t~mcc lepta) ~ an agricultural-postoral
insular rocks mtsho gling brag rdo ( tshulir) integrated plan zhing 'brag 'dres ma' i 'char
t~qto) 2. iso, ideas, see: conservative gzhi (sh!nto~ teemcc chaashi)
insulate, see: insulation integrity, 1, iso, a person "'\~"'·":ac::::.·~ /sh~r)
insulation, 1, iso, electrical wires, i. n, ~~· s~r)po/ ~ He has a lot of integrity, kho mi
0:.~"<\·~~c:t~· /l~r)qo~ chishup/ ii, iso, insul- gzhung bzang po zhe drag red, (qho mi sh!::_'()
ate, va, A. -- ~~~~· 1--y~~/ 2. iso, for ~r)po sh~t-oa r2_~) [Syn, drang po; rgyob mdun
house, i. n, ~r;:.-~R:._"'\:C:O..~' /qhCirJto'B phar- ngo lkog med po] 2, iso, territorial integrity.
tsah/ ii. iso, insulate, va, C, -- ""l.~~· ~-~~a:,·a{'~· /sc5khbi:Sn ch1itshaan/ ~ We have to
/--cuu/ defend the (territorial) integrity of the
/mCimpe~ chE_~/ ~ He nation, nga tshos rgyal khab kyi sa khyon cha
insulted me, khos nga la dma' 1 beb byes byung, tshang la srung skyob byed dgos red, (r)E_ntsod
(qh~ rJ~ mCimpe~ ch_£ccu) kccqapqi·sckhocin ch1itshaanla sur)kop ch2_qore~)
insurance, 1, n. ~'ol.:~c::::.· C:X."\_~~~,' /n~nsuh qE_n- intellect ~~-~· /sheets&&/ [Syn. blo rtsal]
leen/ 2, iso. insure (give insurance), va, intellectual, 1. iso, a person ¥t~·~~~
%~' 1--chE_~/ ~ The company insured my car, /sheeyo~n c~fn/ ~ He is an intellectual, khong
kam pan ni gis ngo 'i mo ta nyen srung 'gan len shes yon can zhig red, ( qh51in sheeyocin c~fn ci
byes· song, (qCimponiqi r)£!:_ m,2ta Fi2_nsu?! CJE_nleen 'l
r2_e 2 • a d J•
· '"' .....- ""
~~'z.>.:\C\:~~z.tC:I;.' I s h-- ·-·
eeyoon t E_m-
chE_cso) 2, iso, insure (take out insurance), p&&/ ~an intellectual movie shes yon ldan po'i
va. C, -- q~~- /--s2_-'is/ glog brnyan zhig-(sheeyoon t_£mp&& l~'()Fic&nci)
accident insurance ~"\..q~ ·iif~-~~.:~-=-'C:X."'\~~"' intelligence 1 1. ~<tl,'G' /r!qpa/ ~ His intelli-
/t~pkb~n n!nsu?! qE_nleen/ gence is outstanding, kho'i rig po gzhan durig
health insurance a,~·.q~O(~~~a..·c:x.-<t\~dl.~ mi 'dra ba 1 i yag po red, ( qh33 r!qpa shE_nta
/thBBteen nensui!l qcnleen/ m,2nta~qi Y.2CJO r2_~) 2, iso. information collec-
life insura~e ~~-~""'~c::::.·t:J:.~~~' /tshe- tion, i. n, ""'1~~·%CIJ.' /sa'()nu1l/ ~ an intelli-
so~ Fi2_nsuh qE_nleen/ gence unit gsang nyu! gyi tshogs po zhig (sar)-
insure, see: insurance nUUqi tsh~qpoci) ii, iso. collect intelligence,
224 intelligence agent

va, -- ~~· /--ch£.~1

innate intelligence ~~·¥~·@·~'""-\' intercept, vo, A, 1::\;,.:_'~q_·~·

topqi r!qpa/ Y They intercepted the mail, kho tshos sbrog

intelligence agent, see: spy yig bar hrub la bkog shag, (qhSntsod }~qyil pe-
intelligent ~"t\'Z-l.'t.l.:\'t\,'~ /r_!.qpa y~qo/ ~ He is ruula qooshao)
very intelligent, kho rig pa yag po zhe drag interchange, va, C. "<lX.'i:x:.·q_&~· /phCiotshuu
'dug. (qho r_!.qpa y~qo sh~~aa t~t) c~e/ ~ They interchanged the parts of the cor.
intelligible ~~~·~""· /qh~ thuuyalr/ ' The kho tshos mo }a 1 i cha log de tsho ph or tshur
speech was not intelligible. skad cha de go brjes song. (qhSntsod m~}&& chCilao thentso
thub yag mi 'dug, (q~ca te qh~ thuuyao m_!.nt~t) phaatstiuu c~eso)
intend, 1. iso, plan [vb,]~· /[vb,] tsil/ ~ We • t ere h angeo bl e,
J.n • be, VJ.. G'
• C • """-:~--.:q.e,~·<:a.:r-t.'Sl""\'
.,;:.,, ""'
intend to leave next week. ngo tsho bdun phrog /ph~ntshUUn C.=!:,na t!l! ~ These two parts ore
rjes mar thon rtsis yod, (r:J~ntso t_!!n}alr c.=!:.maa interchangeable, dum bu 1 di gnyis phon tshun
thOntsil yb'tS) 2, iso, intended for [gen,] i('<;~.:~<IJ· brjes no 'grig gi red, (th.!!,mpu t!iiil phfntshu~n
~·/[gen,] th~ntalrla/ ~ This money is intended ceena ~!lqiree)
for the poor, dngul 1 di skyo po tsho 1 i don dog intercontinental, neo, mc:.·c:o.~" /lir:Jtbi>/ ~
la red, (r:JOO t! kopotsbMd th~ntaala r~~l intercontinental missile gling bgrod 1 phur mdel
intensify, va. ~'l\~·~·~'e:!.'9~' /shuq cheru tCiCin/ (lir:J~bMd phuntee)
~ They intensified work on the bridge, kho intercourse, 1. iso, sexual, i, polite, va. C,
tshos zorn pa rgyog yag gi los ka shugs che ru <!.1.'9'$.1. ·~e::~.~e:.,: /n~mtoo t&&/ ' He had inter-
btang pa red. ( qhSntsois s~mpa kooyalrqi lEE,qa course with her. khos mo mnyam du bsdad pa red.
shuq cheru U!Cinpare~) ( qhoo - ...... tE,&paree
....... m~ n~mtuu ' ') [Syn, !us 'des byes]
intensive ~~~~~·~~- /ii.!!,rshut y~pa/ Y in- ii, iso, vulgar, VIJ. ~"'\~C\' /k~ k~p/ 2,
tensive training myur shugs yod pa'i sbyong see: interaction
bdar (ii.!!,rshut y~p&& c~taa) interest, 1. n. ~~· /yin/ ' She has a great
intent "\~~~·~<XI.· /m!qytru/ ' His intent was interest in art. mo ri mo la dbyings zhed po
to build a house. kho 1 i dmigs yul khang pa cig 'dug, yin sh!puci ~t) 2. iso.
rgyog yag red, (qh88 m!qyUU qhol')pa kaayao r~~) show interest in, va. ~c::::~·~~· /yi'n chE,c/
intention, see: intent ~ He is interested in carpentry, khos shing bzo
intentional, see: intentionally la dbyings byed khi 'dug, (qh83 shil')so la yi~
intentionally ;n_c:~:e:t~~·O\_~' /qo'h tsutn&/ ~ He ch!qil) 3. iso, on a loon ~~(Z:\' /keeqa/ ~
did it intentionally, khos 1 di rkang btsugs nos The interest on the loon is 20%, bu !on gyi
byes pa red, ( qhS"d t! cpn tsu~m& chE.~pare~) skyed kho brgya cha nyi shu red, (ph.!!,lbMdnqi
interact, see: interaction, 2 k~qa k~co ii!shu r~e) 4. iso, benefit/welfare
interaction, 1 • n. ~0-l'Q..' ~~~wa/ Y There is ~-~ ~ /qheph&&n/ ' He worked for the interest
no interaction between the races, mi rigs kyi of the people. khos mi dmangs kyi khe phon gyi
bar la 'brel ba mi 'dug, (m.!.rilqi paruula }~wo don dog la las ka byes pa red, (qh~ m.!.ma~qi
m!ntut) 2. iso, interact, va. -- ~~· /--chE,C/ qheph&&nqi th~ntaala lEE,qo chE.cparee)
intercalary month a\'""'.V!fo...-.- /t~shod/ interest-free ~""-a:l"'- /keemee/ ' an interest-
intercede, va. a:_~~~.@;~' /q~n}een chE,C/ ' free loan skyed mad bu !on (keeme~ ph.!!,lO'dn)

He interceded on our behalf concerning getting a interesting, 1. iso, reading/hearing ~~~

passport. khos nga tshor phyi thon lag khyer /nf!mpo/ Y an interesting book deb snyan po
rag yag la mgo 1 dren byes byung, (qh83 r:J!:!.nts::~::~ zhig (th~p ii~mpo ci) 2, iso. visual thingsi"~·
International Labor Day 225

~~~·l:f/lt5la ph2,pu/ [Syn. snang ba la 1 gro po) internal affairs, 1, .iso, for notions "'-....:.·~"-:
interest rot.e ~"'\~~-<'.IS'~ /keeqtt tshfc/ /~I')Sil/ 2. iso, for individuals ~c:;.·~·cq~~~·
interfere, va, ~~·"tt."%""-:t\~~~·/ch_!!!!tM ch£Cl 11 He /~l')qi l§.£tb•dn/
interfered in our club. khos nga tsho 1 i skyid Internal Affairs Ministry ~"-~"'\~c::.·
sdug la byus gtogs byes po red, (qh3i) 1')_2ntsb·d qhllon/
krtu~la ch_!!!!tl»O ch£Cpare~) [Syn. the gtogs internal autonomy ~~· ~Ol'.:t..e.:W.· /n2,1')qu"U r_21')-
byas; the byus byos) krX!/
interim &::1.-'~c::~,~· /ph2,rqap/ 11 In the interim, I internal cause ~~~~ /~!')keen/
om president. bar skobs der ngo srid 1 dzin yin, internal-combustion engine <;~...~·~e::tA·O.~o.J'C-1.~::<.·
( ph!qap thE.£ 1')_2 srrntsiin y!_n) I"EI'Jpor frhOOqM/
interior 1 1. ~"t\'CIJ.• /p~t.Jna/ 11 the interior internal commerce, see: internal trade
rooms of a house khong mig sbug mo (qhol')mil internal contradiction ~r:..~·.:~..~Q;\'£' /n2_1')qi qEE,n-
p~ma) 2, see: inland to/
Interior Minister, see: Home Minister internal di ffic ul ties ~.::.·~· "\JT\<1.'c.o.::(' /~l')qi qol')tt/
intermediary 1'::\.X'~' /ph2,rmi/ 11 He is on inter- internal disease (A'~·O\~ /qh5qnt&/
mediary between the two groups, kho shog khog internal disorder ~~-~~- /nai')Siin/
gnyis bar gyi bar mi red. (qho sh33qhoa nir internal fighting ~~~~~· /n!_l')fruu/
ph_2rqi ph2,rmi r!~l internalize, vo. ~·~<:l.~~~~·/qhOr)tu chllUpa
intermediate, 1. iso, a stage ~4\_Q3.' /ph2_r- ch£'&1 11 They internalized the doctrine of com-
qt&/ 11 the intermediate stages of development munism. kho tshos dmar po'i lto bo khong du
yar rgyos kyi bor rgol dus skobs ( y_2rkc~qi chud po byos pa red. ( qh<lntslrd mCillpoo tawo
ph_2rqt& thUUqap) 2. iso, the middle of three qhol')tu chnllpa ch£Cpore~) [Syn. nang byan chud
~e:.·c~: /fr!_~a/ 11 intermediate course 1 dzin rim pa byes)
'bring bo (ts!!_nri~ fr!_~a) internal medicine, neo, (l!l.~:t~.'Ol...~~CI..:A~~·
intermediate range missle, neo, /qh3qn&c mfncoB/
~~~· /fr!_l')peen phuntee/ internal relations ~c:.·~~-~~·l!:l. • /n=.l')ql!u t!wa/
intermingle, vi. A, ~~· /i!"M 11 The workers internal trade ~~~· /"EI')tsoon/ [Syn, nang
and soldiers intermingled. bzo po dong dmag mi khul tshong las)
1 dres shag, (S_2pa to moomi t!~shoa) international ~cq·~ /k§.£ci/ [Syn. rgyal 1 brel)
intermission C\.:C:.l).l.~~· /ph_2ntsa~/ 11 Is there the First International ~·~'\,!::.'~ /k!:£ci
an intermission? bar mtshoms yod pa red pas? th2_1')po/
(ph_2ntsam y~~repcc) the Second International ~Q.\·it~~'R' /k!:£Ci
interm~ttently ~~-~~~~·~~ /th_!!!!tshb1i Pirrpa/
reme~/ 11 There was a school intermittently, the Third International <::"..
~Ol.' ~"t\~-e:~.· ~· /kE§.Ci
dus tshod nges med kyi slob grwo zhig byung pa sOmpa/
red, (th_!!!!tsh~ reme~qi lopfraci ch~npare~) internati anal affairs ~~~·~~~~ /k!:£Cii
intern, vo, ~""-~·~· /th_2tam ch£"&1 11 They
interned him during the war, kho tshos dmag gi international association ~-~q_'CIO""'~'o:J.'
ring lo kho do dam byos pa red, (qhootsod maaqi /k§.£cii tsh5qpa/ [Syn, rgyal 1 dus tshogs pa)
r!_l') la qho th..2tom ch£Cpare~) [Syn. dmog dus internationalism ~·~~~~-~~~· /k§.£cii r!_l)-
bzong btson lo bzhog) lu~/
internal ~c:;.·~CI.l' /n!!_l')qhl!u/ [Syn, nang khongs; International Labor Day ~-~~'C:..CI.l'~·~~~~­
nang) /k§.£cii l)tttsb~ th~hen/
226 international law

international low ~o..~·it~-~~~-~"\~· interrogative words~""'-'&:,'~\'

tflimluu/ [Syn. 1 dri tshig]
international market &o.:t.·~~~c:.·,x· interrupt, iso. stop/hinder, va. A• ..q_;,;.·~~~­

tshol')ra/ "1.~"'-' /ph.9_ntso~ c'Cc/ ~ The new government in-

·J.n t erna t·J.Ona 1 peace <'-~ ~ ::\..
~·iia_'\Ci,,'Cl."'\ /k!:£Cl.l. _ eI
· · s hit terrupted trade between Indio and Chino, gzhung
international phonetic alphabet ~=·~~-~-~..,_. gsor pas rgya dkor nag bar gyi tshong 1 brel bar
/kcccii t~yil/ mtshams bead pa red. (sh~?) saopcc k.9_ qarna~
international relaUons ~~~-~~~·.:::~.• /k£cii pharqi tshoi'Jtee ph~ntsa~ c~cparee) 2. iso.
t~wa/ bother/break in on .q"-'~"'-G'7z::.· /ph~rccc
international situation ~0-1.'~ r-
0.:"'\"'~-~~- /k!:£- taan/ ~ He interrupted my conversation, khos
cii n~r;tstnl/ ngo'i skad char bar chad btang byung. (qh23 I'JEE,
international sphere ~o.:t.·~~®~ /kcccii q'Ccao ph.9_rcce taancu) ~ Don 1 t interrupt me,
kakhb1:in/ ngo lo bar chad mo gtong a. (I')~ ph~rccc matoon
international status ~·~~-~""\~~- /k£Cii oo)
qh2_ncc/ interruption ~=::~.x.·~"'-' /ph::_rccc/ 11 He hod a lot
international tension ~~ <1;.
~-~~·~c;.~~- q~· /k£- of interruptions today, de ring kho la bar chad
cii l')al')tsap/ zhe drag byung shag. (th.!_riin qh~~ ph~rccc she-
international trade too ch~nsho~)
tshol')lcc/ intersect, 1. iso, for roods, etc. l9-l~e;:,:: /thOU/
interplanetary /qarc;:,?> q5r- 11 This highway intersects the city, gzhung lam
kbMd/ 'di grong khyer lo mthud yod pa red. (sh,!!Jlam
interplanetary rocket ~.3::.·~-o..~~'<%"\0:.' /qor- t.!_ th~l')keela thOU Y2~ree) 2, iso, for lines
ko1> phurta/ ~""\' /thOu/ 11 The two lines intersect, thig
interpret, 1, iso, explain, va. A. ~"("~~~­ de gnyis thug shag. (thil th.!_nil thuOsho~)
/qh~tb1:in sh~c/ ~ He interpreted the news, khos intersperse, va. A. <r;,"l::::..·~~'"'-.\0\'t\' /tsapcc sh.9_o/
gsar 'gyur gyi go don bshad pa red, (qh~ san- 11 He interspersed flowers and trees, khos me
kuuqi qh~toon shfcpore~) [Syn, go don bkrol] tog dang shing tsab byes bzhog shag, (qh~d me-
2. iso, translate 1 vo, D. "\~X.: /k':!.r / 11 He t;:,~to shil') tsapcc sha~sho~)
interpreted the King's speech. khos rgyol po'i interval "'\..'(,'~z::.· /ph::_rtoo/ 11 an interval of
gsung bshad bsgyur po red, (qh23 kccpb1:i sui')Shcc fifty years bar stong lo lngo bcu ( ph.9_rtoh lo
k.!::!,rpare~) l')apcu)
interpretation ~0\l.·~· /samtsUU/ ~ What is intervene, 1. iso, try to settle a dispute, va,
his interpretation? ""kho'i bsam tshul go re red? ~"<\~·;a~~~·/t.!_qtap chE,C/ 11 They intervened
( qhB8 s~tstru qh~re rE_C) in the dispute between the workers and soldiers,
interpreter "A.'\'~.:X::..' ; h, ~~c;.·~x..· /q~fkuu; h, kho tshos bzo pa dong dmag mi 1 i bar gyi rtsod
sul')kuu/ 11 He is the King Is interpreter. kho rnyog 1 grig thobs byes po red, (qh5ntsod s~pata
rgyal po 1 i gsung sgyur red, (qho kccpb1:i sul')kuu maamii ph~rqi ts38n;:,?> t.!_qtap ChE_Cpore~) 2. iso,
re~) interfere, vo, ~-:§!~·~~· /thicu1t chE,c/ ~
interrogate, vo, ~·¢\a.·@,~· /t,!_ship chE_C/ ~ They intervened in the internal affairs of
They interrogated the spy. kho tshos so pa lo Indio, kho tshos rgyo gar gyi nang srid lo the
'dri zhib byes po red, (qhantsbMd sopolo t.!_ship byus byes po red. ( qh<SntsbMd k~qooqi n~l')silla
chccpare~) th!cuU chE_cporee) 3. iso. intervene mili tory 1
inte;rogotive sentence ~·A.~·~~q· /th,!_wcc c2,po/ va. ~~·4~~-~~·~~· /th.9_qpm> thicuU chE,C/
• -...:>
invalid 227

11 They intervened in Tibet. kho tshos bod la pa red, ~ qhll!Jp&&

(qhoo n~nla ' '
chimparee) 2.
drag po i the byus byes pa red,
1 (qhontsod ph~~­ iso, to (2..1' /la/ 11 He translated Chinese into
la j.h~qpbo thicuU ch£~pare~) Tibetan. khos rgya yig bod yig la bsgyur ba
interview, 1. n, ~·~-~~'Oli!i\~"'U-l.~· /th!Wa red. (qh~d k,!yil phodyilla k~rpare~)
j.hiil&&n ch!ya~/ 11 I had an interview with a intolerable
Tibetan, nga bod pa zhig· la dri bo dris lan 11 intolerable oppression bzod thabs mel=! pa 1 i
byed yag byung. (!J~ crla j.h!wa t.h,!_!,l&&n btsan gnon (s~thap ~p&~ ts~fn30n)

ch!ya?! ch~n) 2. va. ~·t::\~~·Ol<s\:~' /i-h!wa intonation ~""-' "''"'.C:.-N.• I qff:tan/

j.hiil&&n ch£~/ 11 I interviewed many Tibetans, intone (prayers) 1 va. ~c..._c..-N.·~~·.q<?C:.' /t~n­
ngas bod pa mang por dri ba dris lan byes pa yai\ tllan/ 11 The monks intoned their prayers.
yin. (!J£C ph!;!pa m_!l)qM t.h!wa !-h,!!l&&n ch£tpa- grwa pa tshos 1 don dbyangs gtong gi 1 dug,
yin) (t.h~patsod t~yai\ tOI)qil)
interviewee ~·1!:\.·~~·(li.J.~~""-~- /t-h!wa j.h.!.!_l&&n intoxicated, see: drunk
ch2_5a/ intractable, see: stubborn
interviewer ~""-~-<-:t·o.:l~~"'-~ (_lJ.~ /t-h!wa t.h.!}.- intransigent, see: stubborn
l&&n ch!l'J&&n/ intrepid 1 see: courageous; brave
intestines ~'c':ll.' /k~ma?!/ intricate cf'z:t"c::~·~~~ /ts!~ chempo/ 11 an
large intestine ~·~-'1\::S:..' /k~qaa/ intricate plan 'char gzhi 1 dzings chen po zhig
small intestine ~-~~· /k~na"t:J/ (ch~~shi ts!~ chempo ci)
in the beginning ~· ~ · /th53maa/ [Syn. dang intrigue, 1. see: interest 2. iso, scheme/plot
pa] against, i, n. "'t\~..S.~~· /yothap/ H. va,
in the end ~sa.c::t·~· /thr!Jma/ 11 In the end 1 they §,~· /--ch£V 11 They intrigued against the
went to war. mtha 1 ma kho tshos dmag brgyab pa regent. kho tshos srid skyong la ngo rgol gyi
red. (thr!Jma qh5ntsod mo"t:J k,!pare~) g .yo thabs byos pa red. (qh!Sntsod srrkoi\la IJ_2-
in the final analysis ~S<~q,·~~c:. ·&::f" /thotoon qb"dqi ycSthap ch_£tpare~)
nYl)pu/ intrinsic meaning ~·~ /0,21Jtodn/
in the past -if'~~· /r)'fma"t:J/ introduce, va. ~~"'~· /1J,2t-od ch£~1 11 He
intimate (sexually) ~~-a.~· /l,!;!!!nt-e~/ 11 They introduced me to Sonam. khos nga bsod noms la
are intimate. kho gnyis 1 us 1 dres yod pa red, ngo sprod byos byung. (qhOO l'l!! s!Snam la IJ_2j.od
(qhonil l.!:!!:!nt.e~ Y2~re~) ch£&cu) 11 He introduced me to soccer. khos ngo
intimate, va, 1 see: hint la rkang pal ngo sprod byes byung. (qhS"d IJ~
intimate friend ~"'t~·~a,_c..·~· /i-h~o n21Jma/ 11 qol)pol IJ_2't-b~ ch£CCU)
He is my intimate friend, kho nga 1 i grogs po introduction, 1 • iso, a preliminary section F~"'
nang ma red. (qh!S !JE,£ t.h~o n21)ma r!~) ~c:.·~ ~ /q~t-oi> 1~~/ 11 He wrote an
intimidate, va. a. ct'g_~~·~c..·~~CI;\.' /c!l)naan introduction to the book, khos deb de la ngo
qrn:l/ 11 They intimidated the peasants. kho sprod gleng br jod cig bris shag,
th&& l)oj.b~ lel)cb"d ci thilsha"t:J)
tshos zhing pa tshor 1 jigs snang bskul pa red,
(qhontsb~ sh!!Jpatsoo c!l)naan qOOpare~) [Syn,
- -
invade 1 see: invasion 1 2
zhed snang skul] invalid, 1. iso. sick person a~-~~,~·
intimidation <":t~"C\-<'\'~C..'~<::ll~"' /c!l)naan qt:lO- /khimtbis n_£pa/ 11 He is an invalid. kho khyim
ce~/ [Syn. zhed snang skul yag] sdod nod pa red. (qho khimtod n_£pa r!~) 2.
into, 1. iso, inside of ~c:.·~· /n::2,nla/ 11 He went iso, not true t::~.'1...Cl..:l!=.l.' [neg,] /t2!"pa [neg,]/ 11
into the house, khos khang pa 1i nang la ph yin His argument is invalid, kho i rtsod pa de bden
228 invalidate

pa mo red. (qhOO ts8po ti t2_mpa m!!re~) /tsffship ch£~1 11 They invest!-

invalidate, 1. vo. C. ~"'-:~§,"-:~"'l\·~~1::.3..-~~.;~:~: gated the new bar. kho tshos chong khong gsor
/ph~co1s ch!YO~ m!~PO s"§!J/ 11 They invalidated pa 1 i skor rtsod zhi b byos po red. ( qhantsod
his passport. kho tshos kho'i log khyer bed chol')qoon soop&& q~~ tsffship ChE_~pore~) 2, iso,
spyod byed yog mad pa bzos shag. ( qh~ntso1> qh3S question directly, va. ('l,~·q~·@,~' /t..!_ship
l!!qkee ph~co1s ch!yo~ m2,~po s~dpore~) 2. iso. chE_'U 11 They investigated the cause of the
sha.o~ to be not true, vo. c. ~~·~.:~-~~q_·~~~· fire, kho tshos me shor yog gi rkyen ·go re yin
/t2,mpo 1112,~po sJ!d/ 11 They invalidated his argu- min 'dri zhib byos po red. (qh&tsod me
ment. kho tshos kho 1 i rtsod po bden po mad po sho~ryo~qi ke~n qh!!re Y,!m&&n }.!_ship chE_epore~)
bzos pa red. ( qhCintsod qhOO ts3pa t2,mpo m2,~po [Syn. zhib 'jug byos]
. ")
s_!!dporee investment M ·~· /m,2tso/ 11 He has many invest-
uo l
~nvo e 1 .~so, pr~ce' 1 ess ~ .......
;x::~.rac::.·~"'\~· ments. kho lo mo rtso zhe drag yod po red.
/r::!_ntoon lll!~po/ 11 This statue is involuoble. (qho~ m!!tso sh!taa· Y2~ree)
'dro sku 1 di rin thong med pa zhig red. (1-~qu inveterate, see: habitual
t.!_ r.!_ntoon lll!~po ci r2,~) invincible ¥{X..·~.:t·~~-~~<:.l.' /sh!55 thuuyo~ m!~­
invasion, 1. n. "\~·ct.~· /tsfntsUti/ 11 The po/ [Syn. mo rgyol bo med po]

invasion of Chino took place lost year. zlo invisible ~-~1::\-~"'l\·~"""-\.' /thoon thlluyo~
nyin rgyo nag lo btson 'dzul byung pa red. fll!epo/ [Syn. mngon yog med po; mthong mi thub
(t~iiiin k_2no~ lo tsfntsUU ch!!!;!npare~) 2·. iso. po]
invade, vo. -- .§.,~' /--chE_&/ 11 They invaded invitation (cord) 1 1. n. ~~;;;x.".?\~· /t3[2nsho~/
Chino. kho tshos rgyo nag lo · btson 1 dzul byos 11 He received a wedding invitation. kho lo
po red. (qhantsod k_2no~lo tsfntstru chE_~pore~) chong so 1 i mgron shog cig 'byor shag. ( qh:55
invent, see: invention, 2 choi')S&& t.o·onsho~ ci c~ho~) 2. iso. send on
invention, 1. n. "'\~::~:~F /sorso/ 11 People invitation, vo. -- t::\«j(;:: /--toon/ 11 He sent o
studied his invention. mi dmongs kyis kho'i wedding invitation. khos chong sa'i mgron shog
gsor bzo lo slob sbyong byos pa red. (m.!_mo~i cig btang shag. (qh~d choi')S&& t.oonsho~ ci toon-
qh88 "sarsolo lopco~ chE_~pore?!) [Syn. gsor gtod] sha~)

2. iso. invent, va. --~· /--ch£&1 11 He invite, vo. ~"\~~c:.· ; h. "'\""'.""a.:~~~~· /qf~
invented o new gun. khos me mdo 1 gsor po zhig toon; h. tE_nteen sh~t/ 11 He in vi ted me to his
gsor bzo byos po red. (qhsr; m!nto soopo ci home • khos ngo kho i nang lo skod btong byung •

sCirso chE_Cpore~) [Syn, gsor gtod byos] (qh~d 11!! qh88 "!!.2n lo qE_~ tooncu) [Syn. mgron
inventor ~.:>::..·~::\.~~""-~~~ /sorso ch!I'J&&n/ 'bod byos]
[Syn. gsor gtod byed mkhon] invocation (of god) 1 1. n. ~;a..~~ /lhompod/
inventory, 1. n. ~~·)f' /I')OOlo/ 2, iso. make 2,· iso, make on invocation, vo, -- ~~·

on inventory, vo. -- ~~· /--k~p/ /--ch&&/

invert, vo. A. ~~~~~-""\~~~· /q,;_shu~ 1:5~/ invoice- ~·~Cl~~~~· /tshOI')tho ts!!nsho~/
[Syn, mgo rting bslogs] invoke, see: invocation, 2
invertebrate ~0,{·~~· ~""\~~-~~~·~Of( involuntarily 1 1 • iso, unknowingly ~··~.:=:.·iAc::,:<:.l.'
/q&&tsil m~p&& semc&&n/ /th_2noon ~epoo/ 11 They helped the enemy
invest 1 va, A• ~ · .?&"'c:t~"t\· /~tso sh!!~/ 11 They involuntarily. khos dgro lo do snong med par
( qhoo ..
invested in the factory. kho tshos bzo grwo lo rogs byos po re d ·• 1-!! lo th,2110on ~epoo

mo rtso bzhog pa . red. ( qhantso1> s,2t.oo m,2tso r2~ chE_Cpore~) [Syn. bsom bzhin du byos po mo
. ")
sh_2oporee yin po] 2. iso. against one's wishes M'C'l..~
investigate, 1. iso. search and inquire indirectly .q~~~ /m_2nto1J sh_!ntu/ 11 They worked involun-
irritate 229

tarily. kho tshos rna 'dod bzhin du las ka byas thabs med pa 1 i 1 gal zla (thQnthep ~pee q_££n-
pa red. (qhantsefd m~ntoti sh_!ntu l~qa ch£Cpa- to)
ree) [Syn. dwangs bas 1 khur blangs min par] irregular ~~"\..c:.·~-q,~·<::\.' /k_!:!nta m~n}o?J/
involuntary, see: involuntarily irrelevant ~~·q· [neg.] /}~wo [neg,]/ 11 His
involve, 1. iso; includes, vi. A. ~c.:CI.l·~ speech was irrelevant to this subject, kho 1 i
/~nla tshW/ 11 This job involves travelling, skad cho de don dog 'di dong 1 brel ba mi •dug.
las ka 1 di i nang la 'grim 'grul tshud yod pa
1 (qh38 q~ca ti th~ta?J t_! ta }!wa m,!ntuu)
red. (l,££qa tg n~nla t,!mttm tshl:t~ Y2~ree) 2, irreligious ...,..-;:;.-....
""~·l!lJ.e;,:c;;• ;..:- '!
choo m!epa
iso. make associated, va. A. ~::o;,~· /cuu/ 11 irreplaceable ~.!1::.'""\...;::r--~"''R.<:!..~· ~""...'"'-\ • /korso
He involved the workers and farmers in the thupthep m~epa/
discussions. khos bzo pa dang zhing pa tsho irresistible ~~~...s~~«-:r:..:t' /q2,qtap ffi!epo/
gros sdur nang la bcug pa red, (qh~ s~pa to [Syn. bkog 'gog rna thup pa]
sh_!~patso tootuu n~nla cuuparee) irrespective, see: regardless
involved, 1. iso. get involved with, va. ~-"\~<n.-'>\' irresponsible ~~.:.::::"5:.e;,:c:.J.' /th~ur m~epa/ [Syn,
€L~' /thet::>~ chE,t/ 11 I will not get involved khur med]
(involve myself) in the disturbance, nga zing irretrievable ~:.::.·~~"1.'""-l""'''~'\:"-l:.' /korsa
cha der the gtogs byed kyi min, ( ry;_ s!_~hatee thuuyaa m!epa/
thet::>~ ch_!qimeen) [Syn, lag pa 'chang] 2. iso, irreverent 1 1. n. ~""'-~ /n~~mo~/ 2. is a.
get/be involved accidentally, vi, A. ~· o_~~ be irreverent 1 va, -- €1~ · / --chE,r./ 11 He is
~l:>\~' /sh2ntuU thee/ 11 I got involved in the irreverent toward religion. khos chos lo snyad
disturbance because I was with them. nga kho dmod byed kyi I dug, ( qh8"d ch8'd !a n~~m(J"d
tsho mnyam du yod tsang zing cha 1 i nang la zhor ch_!qil) [Syn. mthong chung; brtsi mthongs med
'drud thebs byung. (~~ qhentso n~t~ y~dtsaan pa]
s!_~chee ~nla sh2ntut theecu) irrigate, va. ~·c:tl(jC:::.' /chu toon/ 11 They irri-
inward! y "'c.· Z~ /n~~todn/ 11 Inward! y, he gated the fields. kho tshos zhing gar chu btang
dislikes Sonam, nang don kho bsod noms la dgo' shag. ( qhontsod sh_!~qaa chu toonshaa) [Syn,
gi mi 'dug. (n~Dtb"on qho sonam lo q~qim_!ntuu) zhing chu btang]
iron, 1. n. ~"'\~· /coa/ 2, iso, make iron, va. irrigated field a;,-'~."'-· /chlishi~/
C. ':'>'"::
-- .q~-N· I --s~o/
..:-. 3, iso, an iron for irrigation "
~c:.·~·"''.~c..·D..l~· /sh_!~hu toonyo?J/
pressing, i. n. ~x:~· /uti/ ii. va, irrigation canal ~c:.·~~ ~.:r..·~ /shi~h'u1l yuupu/
""\.~~· I --k~p/ 11 He ironed my shirt. khos irrigation reservoir/pond ~-
" " /ts_!~/
- -
ngo 1 i stod th ung lo ur ti brgyab song. ( qh8"d irritable ~-~"'\.;;:r. /s~ hroqo/ 11 He is
~.££. t!!Otuun la llti k2_psu) irritable. kho mi ze hrog po zhig 1 dug. ( qho
iron ball ~4\~'~"'-l' /c'l!iqrii/ m_! s~ hroqo ci t~u)
iron bridge ~""\~·;;a~· /coqsam/ irritate, 1. iso, get/be irritated, vi, D. ~-~·
iron chain ~9~-~~· /coqta?J/ ~· /tshiqpa s~/ 11 I got irri toted yesterday.
iron curtain, neo. ~"'n.~~-~·1'<1.' /co?Jqi y_£la/ kha so tshig po zo byung. (qh~csa ~~ tshiqpa
ironing board ~"'--~"'\~· /urteq/ s~cu) [Syn. khong khro longs] 2. va. C, ~c::..·
iron ore ~"t\~·1:: /caqto/ ~~~~·/qhoon}o len/ 11 I irritated him yes-
iron plowshare ~-~"'.~· /th~o?J/ terday. kho. sa ngas kho khong khio bslongs pa
iron smelting ·'works ""'-~.:r..·~·•·r~"'·<:~.~~· yin. (qh_££sa ~E.C qho qhoonto lonpoyin) 3, iso,
s~to/ medically irritated, vi. <9..:.~'q«jc..• /n~tso
irreconcilable /thOnthap taan/ 11 My stomach is irritated, ngo'i grod khog
11 irreconcilable contradiction mthun lo no tsho btong byung. (~~ th~q::>:,la notsa
230 Islam

taancu) [Note: This literally means sick.]

Islam ~·~· /qhache/
Islamic notions \'\'~'&-~·~e:~.· /qhochee kE£qap/
isiand ~~· ~~ /lii')thttn/
-ism S::~·~~· /r!_l')luo/ 11 c011111unism dmar po'i
ring lugs (maapo~ r!_l')luo) [Syn. c. gung bran
ring lugs]
isolate, 1. va. A. ~-4\~~·0.l'~~"t\' /qhaptsaanla
sh2_"6/ 11 They isolated the refugees outside of
the city. kho tshos btsan byol ba .tsho g·rong
khyer gyi phyi logs la khe gtsang la bzhag pa
red. (qhonts~ tsfncb'Owatso th2')keeqi chil6'6la
qhopts<;~anla sh,9_0pare~) [Syn. zur du bead nos
bzhag] 2. iso. get/be isolated, vi, A, ~:.:.·w·
.:u-~~· /qherkaanla 1£_&/ 11 In the post, Tibet
was isolated, sngon ma bod kher rkyang la lus
po red, (I')Cmao ph~ qherkaanla lE_cpare~) [Syn.
zur du lus] 3, see: alone
isolationism ~·~:3(~'%"'\~· /qherkaon r!_l')lut/
issue, 1. n. ""\~"'~ /nffto~n/ 11 The real
issue is freedom, gnad don ngo ma de rang dbang
red, (nl!ft~n 1'),2"la te r2_1')Waan r!~l 2. iso,
send out/put forth, va. A,~~ /tf&/ 11 They
issued new passports. kho tshas lag khyer gsar
pa sprad po red. (qhOrltsl:id 12_qkee soopo tfcpo-
re~) 3, iso, journals, newspapers, etc. va. C,
~~"' /ta?-./ 11 They issue the journal four
times o year. kho tshos lo gcig la dus deb
theng bzhi 'don gyi 'dug, (qh6ntsl:id 12_ ciq la
th.!!,!!tep the?) sh!_ t£!nqil) 4, iso. issue of a
journal, see: number
it, see: this; that
itemize 1 va. A. sa:-~.;n:-"-· /tho q'ifo/ 11 He
itemized their expenses, khos kho tsho'i 1 gro
song tho bkod po red, ( qhOO qhontsl:id t~oon tho
itemized, odj, ):\-.q,ilf""' /thi5qts'd/ 11 on itemized
bill tho bkod rtsis 'dzin ( thi5qoa tsritsiin)
[Syn, tho bkod pa'i]
itinerary O.~<:q-~~"'~;a.·~ /1-tn.lshuil n!_nt6/
ivory "''.=~ /ph££so/

jab, va, A. ""'~~·~-~:~.~~~-=·

'<) -o '<::!/ .• /tsOuts
tsutts ch£_'&/ ~ The soldier jabbed the prisoner
with a gun, dmag mis des btsom par me mda 1
btsugs tsam btsugs tsam byas song, (maamitee
ts3mpaa m~nta tsuuts tsuuts chE_'&so)
jack,· ·1, iso. for a vehicle, n. «-~"\~·~~·
/t~qca~/ 2. iso, jack up (car), va. A. -- '@~·
al.:X:.'.q~,'''\~- /--qi y~ k~a/ ~ He jacked up the
cor, khos mo t.a de 'degs !cogs kyis yar bkyags
song, (qh~d m~tati t~qcaaqi y~ ka~so)
jackal ~-~c:.· /khipcaan/
jackass 1 1. iso, the animal 2¥:.-~·"'\~&:\.' /phur,Jqu
sep/ 2. iso, a person ~-~· /ph!;!)qu/ ~ He
is a real jackass. kho bong bu rang red, ( qho
ph.!!Jqu r~n r~e)
jackdaw ~c:.-~· /kul')qa/
jacket ~-.~?\·~· /cE_qete/ ~ He bought a jacket.
khos rja ke te zhig nyos shag, (qh~d CE_qete ci
n~~ha~) [Syn, kor]
jackknife, see: pocketknife
jade ~· /tshu11/ ~ a jade ring dzul gyi tshigs
'J -
khebs (tshUUqi tshiq6b)
jagged ~~x· /n'Osuu/
jail, 1. n, ..q~~_ZJ..c:.' /tsSSnqaan/ 2. iso, put in
jail, va, A. ~~o.:~.·.::..~=.· /ts3Snla cuu/
jailer ""l..-:ifa..._~c:..·~-
jam, 1, iso, jam soniething in 1 va, ~·q~·
/tsap k2,_p/ ~ He jammed in some wood, making the
table steady. khos rgya cog brtan po bza yag la
shing gi tsab brgyab song. ..:- k.9_C;);)' tl:mpo
( qhod

s~yaa la shii') qi ts~p k2,_psu) 2. iso, squeezing

people into a space, va, ~~'"'\'l:l,~· /tshol')qa
k2,_p/ ~ They jammed into the car, kho tshos mo
ta'i nang la 'tshang ga brgyab song, (qh5ntsb1l
m~tcc ~nlo tshol')qa k2,_psu) 3, iso, get/be jam-
med, i. for doors, windows, etc., vi. A. ~~::~.~·
/thee/ ~ The door jammed. sgo thebs shag, (q~
theesha~) ii. for guns, vi, B, ~·~x· /qho
coo/ ~ The gun jammed, me mda' kha 'byor shag,
(~nta qho c~shoa)
jam, iso, food ~c:.·~~·~~· /shii'Jtcc kC5moa/
jamb ~~- lt~m/
joni tor -=t\~~· /qhE_pa/
232 japan

Jap:m .3§.'1'-:1.~' /c~pccn/ [Syn. nyi hong; ri pi~] jen-min-piao 1 neo. c. ~-"'-.~C::.~~""\'"\~C..S.·
Japanese Gi:.'.q~~-~- /c~pcnqi my [Syn. nyi hong /m.!_man sh~~l')u1.l/
ba; ri pin] jeopardize, 1. iso, put in danger, va. C. "9<3.:"f\'
jar, 1. iso. beer jar d;:,~-~~ /chor)k&cn/ 2, q~~, /?i!:_nqa s~d/ 1J He jeopardized the plan.
iso. silver jar ~~04·~~ /r)rn:lkccn/ 3, iso, khos 1 char gzhi la nyen go bzos shag. ( qh:ili
copper jar 301.~·~Cl.._' /s:!_r)kccn/ 4. iso. vase ch~ashcc n~nqa s~-&ha~) 2. iso, put one's own
~~-~"' /ph~kccn/ l ifa in danger 1 va, ~"t\ -~~·""l.~l=:.' /s'5~ lb-'6-
jargon or-~·~"" /l:E_qcc/ toon/ 11 He jeopardized his life for his nation,
jaundice, 1. n. ~~~·~t:( /thiind/ 2. iso, get/ khas so so 1 i rgyal khagb kyi don dog la srog
h ave JOUn d'~ce 1 ·
D• C"\
~~;~~:"'-'!.'"" /thiipa n9./ blos btang shag. (qh~d s5soo k~qapqi th~ntaala
javelin, see: spear s~~ lB'dtoanshaa)
jaw ct.~~-~~· /t~mruU/ 11 upper jaw 1 gram rus yas jeopardy, iso, danger ~~<t\.' /ii~nqa/ II The spy
rna (t~mruU II lower jaw 'gram rus mas was in jeopardy of being discovered. so pa ha
rna !t~mruU mE£ma) _gO yag gi nyen go I i nO ng 10 tshud Shag, (SOpD
jealous, 1. i. iso, non-romantic jealousy ~~·~<n_· haqhoyaaqi n!nqcc n9.9_n1a tshOUshaal
~;;r:- /thot::>:, tshopo/ II He is a very jealous jerk, 1, iso, a rope, va, C, ~.:t·~·~ot..' /hopta
person. kho mi phrag dog tsha po zhed po cig then/ 11 He jerked the rope. khos thag pa hob
red. ( qho m!_ thot::>~ tshopo sh!_puci r~~) ii , te 'then pa red, (qhl% thoqpa hqpta thenpare~)
iso, get/be jealous, vi. C. ~~-~""\~"'-/tho­ 2. see: idiot
t::>~ kl!i~/ 11 He was very jealous of her success, jerky 1 iso. meat 'f\'1;'\~.;r:- /she qompo/
kho mo'i grub 'bras la phrag dog zhe drag skyes jest, see: joke
pa red. ( qho mod t~mtc&la that:>:, sh~taa k~~pa­ Jesus 1 eng, bor, ~~ • /yishu/
re~) iii. iso. make jealous, va. ~~-~'§;."<S\' jet engine, neo, ~~~~~"':!.·~~.:.:._· /lar)Shuu maq'5'5/
/thot::>~ chE_&/ II He made her jealous. khos mo jet plane, neo, ~C::.'N~~~·¢~.<;l,_~·~· /lar)Shuu namtu/
la phrag dog byas pa red, (qh:% m22. thot::l~ [Syn. gnam gru 'je to; neo. c, rlung 'bud gnam
chE_cpare~) 2. iso. romantic jealousy, i, adj. gru]
~~~x·ci'· ,;r:- /miqsee tshopo/ II She is very jewel 1 1. ~· /tho/ 11 17-jewel watch phra bcu
jealous, mo mig ser tsha po zhe drag 1 dug, (mo bdun yod pD I i ChU tshod (tho Cuptltun y~pCC

miqsee tshopo shetaa tuu) ii, iso, get/be jeal- chutshu~) 2, iso. wish-fulfilling jewel, relig,
ous, vi. C. ~zn.·~-~,:~c::.~· /miqsee l9_n/ 11 She ~·'%' /n,22pu/
got very jealous yesterday. kha sa mo mig ser jeweler ~-<!l.~c:t· /thops::>~/
zhe drag longs shag. (qh~csa m~ miqsee sh~taa jewelery ~-@..~ /thokc&n/ [Syn: rgyan cha]
1ans ')
' h aa ...
. 1 ous 1 va, ~
rna k e Jea '
~~·<:-:l.:c~· jigsaw puzzle, neo, ~-~"'t\~"-:,;s-;- /lhutiq tseemo/
/miqsee k~p/ 11 He made her jealous. khos mo jingle, vi. D. ~-~c::.·~·~c:.~x: /thilir) thilir) s!/
la mig ser brgyab po red, ~
( qhod m22. miqsee job, 1. n. 0-3~'-"\' / 11 He has a good job,
k~pare~) kho la las ka yag po zhig 1 dug.
jeans 1 eng. bor. (:(~<;( /c!!n/ [Syn. ras bying] y9.qoci t~u) 2. iso. look for a job 1 va, B.
jeep, eng. bor, ~~·~~· /m9.ta c!_p/ [Syn. neo, ~~· /--tscc/ 3, iso, get a job, vi. C,
c. ci phu'u khre] ~~· /--r9_a/
jelly, l. iso, substance made from bone~"<\·~~· jobless ~~~ /lEf:.mee/
/phiqp~l/ 2, iso. sweet jelly ~'<\'~"t\·~c::.x:if" jockey ~-~-""1.~=('::\19,.' /takuu sh~ccn/
/phiqpil r)oamo I jocular ~~i::l;t:::l.~"t\'c()'~ /tccnshil tshopo/
Jenghis Khan ~c.·~~-~<1..· /chir)qes qhoon/ join 1 1. iso. an organization, va, B. q~·
jugular vein 233

/ts~/ 11 He joined the party. kho tshogs par -- "<.'If'\· I --q8'd/

'dzul shag. (qho tsh:Sqpaa tsUUsha~) 2, iso. journalism "'\~:.::.·o.~ru~"}_"t\~· /sonq'&i
two pieces at the end, va, A, ~~~ /th~~/ 11 journalist "''~;,;·o.~.:>::.~~~ /sankuu ch~po/ [Syn.
He joined the two ends of the rope. khos thag gsar gnas 'dri rtsom byed mkhan]
pa'i sne gnyis mthud song. (qh~ thoqpcc ne n!i journey ~~a.1·~~c;,: lt~hu~/ 11 This journey took
thllUsu) 3. iso. with adhesive, va, B. ~;c: two days, do res kyi 'grul bzhud der nyin ma
/c:!:!..f 4. iso, without adhesive (e.g. by pin, gnyis 'gar song. ( th_2re~i t.)E.!shtr;J the& nima
clip), vo. D. ~'9~-~~·~. :~~- /FiamtM t::.,p/ 11 fir! q::>::>so)
He joined the pages with a clip. khos khab gug jovial, see: jolly
gis shog bu de tsho mnyam du bsdebs shag. (qh~d joy 1 see: happiness
qh~pqu~qi shOqu th::.,ntso namt66 t::.,psha~) 5, iso, joyful, see: happy
join forces, polit./mil., va. ~~.:.~"1\~'·••i'~"''· judge, 1. iso, legal judge, i. n, &~~-"'-~
~<:l.(~~ • /pOI')Shuu crqtii chE_c/ 11 The workers /'th!mpbKdn/ 11 He is a. good judge, khong khrims
and farmers joined forces to oppose the govern- dpon yag po zhig red, (qhoon th!mpodn Y!::qoci
ment. gzhung la ngo rgol byed yag la bzo pa re~) [Syn, khrims dpyod pa] ii, va. A. 'f!C~.t~·
dang zhing pa dpung shugs gcig sgril byas pa ~~·"<~~ /thimta~ c'l!c/ 11 He will judge our
red. (sh~i)la n_2qO<i ch::.,ya~la s_2pata sh!_l')patso case, khos nga tsho'i kha mchu khrims thag gcod
pui')Shuu c!qtii chE_Cpare~) 6, iso. meet, va. A. kyi red. (qh8'd l')~ntsod qh~mcu th!mta~ ceeqire~)
~~: ; h. <>tl<:C1.1.' /thOu; h. cE£1 11 I' 11 join you 2. iso. judge of a contest, i. n. ~~~~·~'t;l.l~<X.,'
later, ngas khyod rang gzhug la thug gi yin. /yaane~ tol')&tn/ 11 Who is the judge for the con-
II'J£C khBra sh~ule thuuqiyinl test? 1 gran sdur yag nyes · 1 to mkhan su red?
joint, 1. iso, body ~~· /tsh!l/ 2, iso, uni- ("t-E_ntuu yaane~ Uil')&tn sO rE_C) ii. va. C. =.l:f\'
ted l!l!'<')C).l~Ol' /Mmtee/ 3, iso. wood planks, ~-"1.~~· /y~ne~ t'l!c/ 11 He judged our contest.
etc. ~~CJ.lC!l~-'N • /thOOtshail!/ khos nga tsho' i 1 gran sdur yag nyes bl tas pa
joint conference ~'91SQ.'~o.I.·~~-*~~· /Mmtee red. (qh8'd I'J!::ntsod t-E_ntuu y~ne~ U~cpare~)
thO<its::>?> I [Syn, legs nyes rnam dbye dpyad] 3, see:
<\ ........
joke, va. C. t::~~~l:l.'l'1.~'~· /t~nshil tse~/ 11 estimate
She jokes a lot. mos brtan bshig zhe drag rtse judgement, 1. iso. legal, i. n. ~~""~0:,~~­
gi 'dug. (m1[d t~nshil sh::.,taa tseeqil) 11 He /c'l!ntsa~/ 11. The judgement was that he is guil-
played a joke on her. khos mo la brtan bshig ty. dpyad mtshams de kho la nyes pa yod pa 'i
rtses song. n.' m~
( qhoci 'I' '
tenshh '
tseeso ) dpyad mtshams red. ( c'l!ntsamti qh5~ n~pa y~pt&
joker .q~~"'\~"t\·c6·.2f"' /t~nshil tshopo/ 11 He is c'l!ntsam reel ii, iso, give a judgement, va.
a real joker. kho dngos gnas brtan bshig tsha t::l."?~' /--toon/ 2. iso, non-legal sense ~""1~~­
po 'dug. (qho 1')8ncc t~nshil tshopo tuu) ~·o.J."t\' /yaanee toya~/ 11 His judgement about
Jokhang i€'~.,;:· /ch,2Ghaan/ horses is good. khos rta yag nyes 1to yag de
jolly ~~~ /t.hbopo/ 11 He is a jolly person. yag po 'dug. (qh8'd ta y~ne~ toyaati y~qo t~ul
kho mi brad po zhig 'dug. (qho mi thocipo ci judicial documents ~~~·~~·Q;,' /thimqi yiqca/
tuul judicial matters ~~~-~ /t.h!mtodn/
journal, 1. iso. a periodical ~~~: /th~tep/ judicial power ~w~·~"t\·~·"'.."''.C:.'<Q' /'thimt::>?lqi
11 monthly journal zla re 'i dus deb ( t!::ree woi')Ca/ [Syn. khrims dbang]
thu'Utep) 11 medical journal gso rig dus deb judicial punishment ~~~~· /thimfie~/
(seriq th~tep) 2, iso.,daily record, i, n.%~ jug ~~· /chunod/
~ /n~nto/ ii. iso, keep a journal, va, C, jugular vein 15-1~c:::~· /c!_l')tse/
234 juice

juice, 1, iso, fruit juice Y\"-~~·~·~·~· /shil)- mode this teo, ngos jo 1 di do lto bzos pa de go
tbaqi qh~/ ~ Juice is good for you, shing tog yin. (1J£,C ch~ t! th.2nto s!!dpa th~qo yin)
gi khu ba gzugs por 1 ph rod po yod pa red, just before [vb.] (Zl..'Cl.l.'~' /[vb.] qho !~moo/ 11
(shil)t60qi qh~~ s~q66 ~hSBpo Y2~re~) 2, if used just before we went ngo tsho 1 gro kho lo mor
in compounds ~·.::t• /qh'tJ't'J/ ~ orange juice <6'-~· (l)~ntso t2qo l~moo)
~~·~~· /tsh:!ilumcc qh~/ justify, vo. A. t"Cit.l~~~"\.' /k~mtsccn shfc/
July ·~:~~~~~· /ch!nta t!;!mpa/ f He justified his decision. khos kho rang gis
jump, vo. C. ~~~· /chM/ ~ He jumped off the thog gcod byos po 1 i skor gyi rgyu mtshon bshod
wall. khos rtsig pa 1 i ~gong nos mchongs pa red, pa red, (qhsB qh5r&c thcqcbt ch££P&t q33qi kum-
(qh8S tsiqpcc q~~nc chompore~) ts&cn shftpare~)
jumping contest ~~~-~<t\'C\..<;!l~'"'l.~;t;,· /chol)ko~ just right ~"t\'~41,' /Uiqto~/ 11 The teo is just
~£,ntuu/ right. jo 'di rtog rtog red. ( ch~ t! toqto~
jl.lllp up and down, vo. CX..~<f\"1Jb1n.•~~· /phoqtso~ r!~)
k2_p/ jute ~:.l;.~' /sSmo r~tso/
junction, 1. iso, place of joining or crossing
sq~·~~<'l.' /thOI)tso~/ ~ We will meet at the
junction of the rood and river, ngo tsho chu
dong lorn khog thug mtshoms der mjol yong, (l)~n­

tso chil ta Hll)qo~ thul)tsollt thE,£ C£,£yo) 2, iso,

point in time it\~~· /qap/ f At that junc-
tion, they ron away, skobs de go rang lo kho
tsho bros phyin song, (q:!ip th~qo r~nlo qhontso
.. . )
chinsu 3. see: station
June ~-~·~~·~· /chinta ~h.!:qpa/
jungle, see: forest
juniper ~"'''\""'t' /shuqpa/
junk, 1. iso, useless stuff ~~~~ /qhane~/ ~
All these cars ore junk, mo ~o 1 di tsho tshong
mo mkho med red. (m_2~o t_!ntso tshol)mO qhane~
r!~l 2, iso, Chinese boot %,~"1l.:t\-=.·~· /k~o

Jupiter "'1.'\.aC'I..'~;!::.."~," /s~ ph.!:!:!pu/

jurisdiction ~~· /qh'O?!/ ~ We ore under the
jurisdiction of the Central Government. ngo
tsho dbus gzhung gi khongs red, (l)~ntso UU sh.!:~
qi qh5n r!~l [Syn. mngo 1 khongs]
jury, neo, ~"S-1~'.2.9'.:t'\3f"'e:.:..~~~OlU.~::..•%~~-~~·
~-/~hrmto~ cb~l)ttn m~l)tso~ thOOmi/
just, 1. iso, proper ~"·~~<e.,· /~h~l)teen/ ~ a
just decision drong bden thog geed (~h~l)teen

thcqc~) ~ just war drong bden dmog (~h~l)teen

m~) [Syn. drong po] 2. iso, o very short time
ago [vb.] .r=:..I'~"t\· /[vb,] pa th.!:qo/ ~ I've just

Kailos Mountain ""\<=.<-{~·~· /qh~n tese/ [Syn.

stod gangs rin po che]
kalacakra 1 skt. ""-,.,_.'«.~"'-' /th,!;!nqM/
Kali, .skt. %'.;r--~~· /!homo qooli/
Kalimpong 'f{'~s...·~"'\' /qolbMcinpuu/
kalpa 1 skt. .qifl ro · "-!. • I q1!1!pa I
kama sutra, skt. t't.~'""<=ct...,~O\_'CJ.:t""~'r/t.£pE£ UncoB/
Karchenjunga Mountain "f\."'~'-Qili.,'CJ.l-g"."1i!.' /qh_9.1')CE!:n
kanjur 1<\'T\C>..'""--zy;.· /qonkur I
'V a..
Kansu Province "'~·~· (0\t::.'~Cl\ /q'l!nsuu sh~l')cheen/
Kanze region in E. Tibet ~~~·~~· /qontse~/
karma, skt, ~-""'' /lE_C/ 11 It was his karma to
die, shi yag de kho'i las red. (shiyoo te qh88
lE_C re~)
Kormapa Lama -'ll~'.o.t8:~~~· /qormapa r~mpuche/
Karma sect 'f\oo'l:1:"(1Q..'~~ /~rma q~kti~/
Kashmir 'T\~::.::.· /q~smir/ [Syn. ka shi mir]
Kathmandu "'\''<j'CIH~.~· /qota m~ntu/ [Syn. yum bu;
yam bu]
Kozak -'9'~'-"t\' /h'Osaqa/
keen, 1, iso. sharp/acute "t~ /nopo/ 11 keen
vision ~'"\·~.;f.' /mil n5po/ 11 keen edge ~;~·f
.<:\- /s!!!! nopo/ 2. see: eager
keep, 1. iso, hold. on to, va. B, '?X.' /nao/ 11
He kept the book, khos deb nyor pa red, (qh~
th!:P n~pare~) 11 The former kept goats, zhing
pa des rwa nyor pa red, (sh~r)pa t~l r.9. ~­
pare~) 2. iso, keep in mind 1 va. A. ~~~·<2.1.'
.q(l!l.<f\' /semla sh_9.o/ 11 Keep in mind what he said.
khos go re lab pa de sems la zhog, ~
( qhoci
l~pa ti semla sh2~) 3. iso, keep a promise, vo.
A. (<\'~~~'"\l>\~' /qhott:en la n'l!c/ 11 He kept his
promise. khos kho dan la gnas shag. (qh~ qho-
tecnlo n'l!cshao) [Syn. kha bead byes par gnas]
4, iso, keep quiet, vo, A. t"\'~x,·.q~·-.:; h,(a.Gl.l'
~"'\·a.~"'<\~· /qhoqhaa tE_c; h. shEE_roa sh!:_'tl/ 11
Please keep quiet. zhal ra bzhugs rogs gnang,
(shEE_roa shuurJ~naan) 5. iso, keep secret, va.
"'\~"-·~·~'<"'\' /sonwo chE_C/ 11 He kept the plan
secret, khos 1 char gzhi de gsong bo byos pa
red. (qh~ ch~ashi ti sonwa chE_Cparee) 6, iso,
keep up/maintain, vo. A. ~"\"'\'.::!-~'\'
236 keepsake

t!:c/ ~ They kept up the house well, kho tshos kyag byed kyi yod, (I')_£C kCiqka~ ch~qiyW)
C'-, '\
khong par bdog po yog po sprod shag, (qhontsod kidrop, va. IE.<:t'\'~"~-.'€l_t.N.' /ch2_q1hi1 ch_£'t:./ ~ They
qhCir')poo t,9_qpo y,9_qo t!:csho~) [Syn, bdag po kidnapped the Minister. kho tshos bka 1 blon de
brgyob] 7, iso, in keeping with "1.~~.:<0<.~' jag khrid byes pa red, (qhootsod qalodn te
/thOOrn:/ ~ In keeping with his orders we made ch2_qthil ch_£cpareG)
some changes. khong gi bko 1 dong bstun nos ngo kidney ~('lC>.\~<1.1' /qh!:'frii/
tshos sgyur bcos tog tsom btang po yin, (qhoonqi kill, va. A. 1:3.~""-· /s'fc/ ~ He killed the dog,
qata tiiDn& I'J.9.ntsb"d k.!:!rcod t~~ts taompoyin) B, ~hos khyi de bsod song, (qh~ khi ti s'fcso)
iso, keep records, va, 8, ~'9;x:: /tho naa/ ~ He killer «t1~'<>-l~l\' /s831')&&n/
kept records of what he sold, khos go re kiln ~CI.l'.S?,<:l' /q~mthap/ [Syn. bsregs thab]
btsongs pa 1 i tho nyar shag, (qhoo
qh,9_re tsonp&&
. kilo, see: kilogram
tho ~sha~) kilogram, bor, eng. ~.(:S7 /qr!M/ [Syn, spyi rgya;
keepsake ~a,:)O\.' /th_£nteen/ bor, c, kung cin]
kennel 1 iso, establishment for boarding/breading kilometer, bor, eng,
dogs @"''~(ZlC..' /khisoqhaan/ [Syn. bor, c. kung le; spy! le]
kernel ~~ /tshiqu/ kilowatt m""\~"11~ · /Bqshuu/
kerosine ~·1~· /sanum/ kimchi . (pickled cabbage) ~·~·~4\ · /s33n lapuu/
kettle (ii'~~-"'' /qhMtii/ kin ~a..·~· /pfnkoo/ ~ All of my kin are com-
key, 1. n, ~~"t\' /tj;_mil/ ~ I lost my key, nga'i ing. nga'i spun nye tshang rna yong gi 1 dug,
lde mig brlags shag, (1'),££ tj;_mil lodsha~) 2, (1'),££ pinko~ tshCII')ma Y,.!:!r')qil)
iso, main point/essence, i, n, ~~'\' /n'fc/ ~ kind, 1. iso. benevolent ~~~·t:t~<::·~ /sem
This is a key for victory, 'di rgyal kha thob 5,9.r')po/ 11 He is kind, kho sems bzang po 'dug,
yag gi gnad cig red. (tj;_ k,££qa thopya~qi n!:c ci (qho se~ sCir')po tuu) 2. be kind to adults, va,
r~G) ii, adj. <I\~.:=:,:~· /n!:'fyW/ ~ a key ~·~r~~~·/y,9_qo ch_£c/ ~ He was very kind to me,
industry gnad yod bzo grwa (n&!:yod s~Ja) 3, khos nga la yag po zhe drag byes byung, (qh~
iso, exploration for a chart/map &~~~~~· ~ y,9_qo sh.,!:taa ch_£ccu) 3, be kind to animals
/tsh2nto~/ ~ This is the key to .the map, 1 di ard kids, va, ~~~.;_:r-~-N' /ch,9_mpo ch_£&/ ~ He
so bkra'i mtshon rtags red, (tj;_ saptc& tsh2nta~ is kind to dogs, khos khyi la byams po byed kyi
r~G) [Syn, don mtshon byed kyi rtags] 'dug. (qh~d khila ch.!:mpo ch~qil)
keyhole ~·~c.· /t!quun/ kind, 1. iso, a biological class ~~~· /r~q/ ~
Kham (region) (Zia.l-N' /qhcfil/ What kind of dog is it? khyi 'di 'i rigs go re
Kham-Ch 1 inghai 1 neo, c, (ll~~·Cl-1%- /qhamtsho/ red? (khi tg rj;_q qh,9_re r_£C) 2. iso, a kind
[Syn. mdo khams] of • • • <;!J.:N.• /1h_£c/ ~ It's a kind of Tibetan
kick, va, C, i\~·@.J~'"f\~~· /t.!:r)ka~ sh];;,il/ ~ He food. 1 di bod pa 1 i kha lag gi gros shig red,
kicked the dog. khos khyi la rdog rgyag gzhus (ti ph~pcc qholooqi 1h_£cci r!G) 3, iso,
song. (qh~ khila t.!:r')ka~ sh~~su) variety/type~-~· /naqa/ ~ He bought five kinds
kickback, see: bribe of fruit, khos shing tog sne · kha lnga nyos
kickout, see: expel!; fire shag. (qh28 shfr')tb6 naqa I')CI n.!:'llsha~) 4, iso,
kid 1 1, iso, baby goat "'~ 4'1' /r2_,tuu/ [Syn. re many kinds ~·C~-I<::'1i;g-"'f\-N.' /namcc natso:,/ 11 He
'u] 2. iso. child ~·~· /puqu/ ~ He has two bought many kinds of books, khos deb sna mong
kids, kho la phru gu gnyis 'dug, (qh3~ puqu sna tshogs nyos shag, ( qh~ th_,!:p nam&C nat so:,
nrr tuu) 3 •. iso. kid around, va. ~z:n,·~·~.N,' fi.21lsha~)
/koqka~ chE_c/ ~ I 1 m only kidding, ngas kyag kindergarten ~«·l'..\"<\·i0·~· /ch,gpcc lepta/
know 237

kindhearted, see: kind kleptomaniac %~ell.,.'\'~~~"\ /q'tln&t yO!:il')&&n/

kindle 1 1 , iso. light o fire 1 va, B. ~ • t:\ x.. · /m! knapsack -=4""-:4\"'\' /ph~qo?>/
p(io/ 2. iso. raise hope/enthusiasm "X.·~·~"'-' knave at '..:t:...().~ • /m2_rap/
"'-1.'1';\r~· /r!wo y_!!pa s"2_~/ 11 He _kindled their knead, va. C, ~;t~· /ts!l! 11 He kneaded the
hope of victory, khos kho tshor rgyal kho 1 i re flour. khos gro zhib brdzis s·ong, (qh~ l-h.!:!_shil
bo yod pa bzos po red, ( qh8'd qh6ntsoo kE£q&& ts!lsu)
r!wo y~pa s"2,"dpare~) knee ~~·,;r:- /piimu/
kindling~-~~-~"<\·~·~· _I~ p(iryooqi k_!!pca/ kneecap ~~-$"~·~·c:..· /piimu1l lhol')a/
kindness 1 1, n, <.1.1~'-"~'~~·~· IYf!GO chE_tpo/ 11 I knee joint ~~·~&~4\~' /piimtru tshil/
won 1 t forget his kindness to me, ngos khos nga knee1 1 vo, A. ~~·.if.".q~~· /piimu tsuu/ 11 He
la yog po byas po de br jed kyi mo red, (I')E_t kneeled,
"' ....,
khos pus mo btsugs song, (qh~ pirmu
qh~ I')~ y~qo chE_tpo te c~qimore~) 2, repay a. tsu'
kindness, va, 0, •=vt\q_~OSl.:"'\~"\~' /q~tiin s'flp/ knife, 1. n, ~- /th!f 2. va, A, -- ~~4\~ •
3, remember o kindness, vo, B, ~lt1.q_·~~·~~· /--tsilu/
/qa!iin th~n/ knife edge~~:~ /th!.!_l')o/
kindred, see: kin knife handle ~~·UJ •.q • /t.hii yoo/
"V - -
king @tl'~ /k~po/ 11 the king of Nepal bal yul knife point ~B,·~· /th~tsei
gyi .rgyol po (ph&&yUUqi k&&po) knife sheath ~~~~· /1-h!shup/
kingdom ~·it~·~·~~· /k~JXI"d k&&qap/ [Syn, knit 1 va, C. ~~· /lh'ft/ 11 He knitted gloves,
rgyal pa'i gzhung] khos lag shub lhas shag.
( qhod 12_qshup lh'f&- .
kinks, 1, iso, flow if~'<ll' /k'8nca/ 11 - There are . shao)
still a few kinks in the plan. 'char gzhi 1 i knitted ~~-~~· /umsu1l/ 11 knitted gloves um
nang lo do dung skyon cho nyung shas shig 'dug, su'i log shub (umsUU l2_qshup)
(chMI')Shii naonlo th~ntM k8nca ~I')Sh&~ci ~~) knitting machine, neo, ~tAX.'%~-~~"'''d;:,.l:'\' /qhor-
2. iso. soreness, vi. A. ~~~· /chDU/ 'II I have lhc& t-hOOcc&/
o kink in my neck, nga'i mjing rtsa 'chus shag, knitting needle ~a.~·~·~"\'~"l\'~~~·6-l"\"' /Omsu
(I')~ c!l')tsa chOUsho~) lh'ffroo cCil')ta/
kinky hair, see: curly hair knob ~~·a.~~~·~~· /12_1')CU t~qto~/
kinsman ~ ~ !!.!~~ /pinka?J/ [Syn, spun nye] knock, 1. iso, top, va, "9"\''9-'t\.'l:l.l9t:..' /toqtaa
paternal kinsman e.t·?,· /phone/ tcian/ 11 He knocked on the door, khos sgo tog
maternal kinsman~·~· /rf2.Fe/ tog btang song. r.'
( qh&J q~
taqtoo taonso ) 2.
kiss 1 vo, B, ~·~~C>.l' /qho kff/ 11 He kissed her 'iso, knock down, va: B. ~x..·~Ql' /~ ri.I/ 11
(on the lips). khos mo la kha bskyal song, He knocked her down. khos mo mar dbril song.
(qhsB m~ qho kffso) [Syn, o'o bskyal; 1o byas] (qh~ m~ m-22 ri.Isu) 3, iso, be knocked down 1
kitchen ..a~·tt~· /th'flptshaan/ vi. B, al.l:..'~~· /~ r~/
kitchen utensils Ja~·~· /th~ch&t/ knot, 1, n; ~~"\.'~' !tJ!pa/ 2, va. -- <ttJ_~:;~'
kite 1 1, n, &;o.~x..· /ch!_phii/ 2. fly a kite, va, /--k2_p/ 3. iso, knotted (tangled) vi. A. --
-- ~"]C::.' 1--toBn/ 3, fight with kites, vo, ~~~ • I --th'ela/ 11 The thread is all knotted,
@_;0.~-".·~~'-'t\'~@Jq_' /ch!_phii ts!l')qa k!_p/ skud pa tshong mar mdud pa thebs shag, (qOpa
kite (bird)~·~·&· /pii')kuuma/ tshal')moa t£pa th~~shoa) 4. iso, untie o knot,
kitten ~~·~"f\·/;h!mtu't./ vo. A. ~~·":~·~~·••\' /t£pa shrl/
kleptomania, neo, ~~a,.t;,: /qDnct/ [Syn. rkun ma know, 1. vo. C. Y\~· /shr;./ 11 He knows Tibetan
long shor] history. kh os bod kyi 1 o rgyos shes kyi 1 dug.
238 · knowledge

( qhBB ph~i l.!:!,kUU shir)qil) 11 I know, ngos

shes kyi yod. (rJE_C shir)qiyo'ti) 2. iso, know a
person, vo. C.~~· /r)f!_ sh~'?!/ 11 I know him,
ngos kho ngo shes kyi yod, (r)E_C qho r)f!_ shir)-
qiyo'ti) 3, iso. know about something or someone
t~·~c.,; /k![~ y2_d/ 11 I know about him, ngo lo
kho rgyus yod, (r)~ qho k~ y~'ti)
knowledge~~~ /shooco/ [Syn, yon ton]
knowledgeable ~Cl..:~t:l..·~~;:f:"" /y~nt&&n chempo/ 11
He is very knowledgeable, kho yon ton chon po
zhe drag red. (qho y~tccn ch~po sh!too r!~)
known, 1, iso, to be called ~;:.:.·~ ~ll.: /s2fl&&n/ 11
He is known as Sonom, kho bsod noms zer mkhan
de red, (qho sonam S!f'J&&n te r!~) 2, iso,
known as/known to be c&-c:.·~~~~·<n,~~· /tshar)-
mcc shoonst&/ 11 He is known as a spy. kho so
po yin po tshong mas shos gsol red. (qho sopo
yimpa tshar)mcc sheenscc re~)
knu~kle ~~·~~~<n.~' /t:Uqu11 tshil/ [Syn, sor
mo 1 i tshigs]
Kokonor (lake) ~~if""' .-::r:- /tsho r)Cimpo/ [Syn,
mtsho sngon]
kowtow, iso. touch forehead to ground, va, A.
@~·q.fCI:\' /chc~ tsh~f/
Kremlin, bor. eng. ~x.·~·~t:l..,' /qhirmilin/
Kumbum (monastery in Amdo) ~·a.~~· /q!inpum/
Kuomintong, bor. c • ..:i\2-1?£0\'«jC:..' /q~mintor)/

lab, see: laboratory

label 1 1 • n. "
~r:; · ~~::: /m!_ry;oan/ 11 Does the book
hove a label? deb de lo ming byong 1 dug gas?
(th!P th£,£ m!_ry;oon t~q&c) 2. iso, stick on o
label, vo. B. · -- !~· /--c~/ 3, iso, tie on o
label, vo. A. "'1~\~· 1--tE.":JI 4. iso,
write on o label, va~"C, --~Co\· 7--::}fi!,l/ 5,
i so. label a person as something, va. A. q·C)..l ·
""'\~*{· /sh;;,mo y3":J/ 11 They labelled him a com-
munist. kho tshos kho la dmar po 1 i zhwo mo
gyogs pa red, (qh15ntsb1i qh33 mCiopbo sh;;,mo y3?>-

labor l<:.r>-l' ~/'>.1· /ncctsod/ [Syn. los rtsol]

corvee worker
hired worker (wages) ;n·~·
"'\;) -/l'fJrrti/

manual labor ~~·&·"',..·.f-~· /l_![~qi r)&&tsbo/

v<\ v-
mentol labor ~~~·~(.2.·i!::.~'%r->J. /somloo 11££-
laboratory ~'"'\·~'("'t::.· /tshB3to qhoon/
labor brigade' ~Mj='~ ·~ ('I'"\ /n~&tsilO r;:qo~/
labor camp l!::.<'~.r%(2..1·.<!:\Xa_·"· /ncctsod ts8Snro/
labor charges r>-<~·.{1· /l££lo/
laborer .<::..(2.1. ~f.Z.I· .q · ln££tsodpo/
labor exchange, 1. n. (2.1::<~'~~· /l£,£pO'd/ [Syn,
log pod] 2. iso, do labor exchange, vo,
"1~~~· /--13~/
laboring people t:.(l.l::f-(2.1·~·~3{· /n££,tsoo m!_mo'?!/
laborious, 1. see: detailed 2. see: difficult
'~ "
labor movement .:..~·z-fll·""·"\OI-l~<!-\·:::!,·N;~.fe'2.~(4·
...,- ln££-
tsod m!_mo~i l£,£nqUU/
labor pain 1 1, n. ~· ~~· /k&u't/ 2. iso, hove
labor pains, vo. -- .1'\:2~· /--k2_p/
labor party ~·'K(2..1·~~~·2..1· /r)&&tsilO tsh3qpo/
labor union, see: union; trade union
lb - " t J:.(l.l';f;ft>J.'
o or VJ.ewpaJ.n -r- .<:~.~·~·
(\. -..<

lace, 1. n, (2.~"·£~\· /c::!'t6'6! 2. iso. lace
(shoes) 1 va. -- 2:1~~ · /--k2_p/
laceration, see: cut
lack, 1, iso, deficient 0-l'C'!."'Z::..""'·~· /~nta'?lpa/
11 lack of ability ·nus pas rna •dongs pa (n~p&t
m;;,nta'?lpo) 2. iso, be without, vi. -- ~~·
I --ch£U 11 They lack a Lama. kho tshor bla rna
240 lackadaisical

'dongs pa byas pa red. (qhents:>:> lama m~ntanpa -lair, see: den

ch~cpare~) 3. iso. be insufficient, vi. c.l~h·~· loisser-faire ",r;.' f2{"'\· .rr1c: -~~ · /r2_r)ttfd qh2_r)ce~/
[neg.] /t!!r)qi [neg.]/ ~ They lock enough f loisser-faire government rai1:J 1 dod gang byed
horses. kho tshor khang pa 1 deng gi mi 'dug. kyi gzhung lrr.=..r)to-8 qh~r)Ce~qi sh_0) [Note:
(qhontsoo qhor)pa tar)qimintut) Chinese use this pejorotivelyJ
.:?-- -
lackadaisical ( 1 y) <7;1l!l' ~...._ · /n~pc&/ ~ They worked laity ~- ...., · /mika/
lackadaisically. kho tshos las ko nyob byas lake ~~-
byed kyi 'dug. (qh~nts~ l&&qa n~pc& ch!qil) lama ~-&J· /lomo/
lackey, see: servant incarnate lama -!:)PI'~ • /}OOqu/ [Syn. yang srid]
lacking, see: lack root Lama z--~~-~-c).l ~ /tsaw&& lorna/
laconic (ZI' ~"'\ -~- /qho cipu/ L omo i sm ..,. " ~t:.<!-\'~2'-\. ..,.
"'~"'\·~- 0&2-\' ~~~.
,20qi saon-
lacquer, 1. n. ~'\·c),- /~sh'8ntsi/ 2 •. va. --~'?;!:.' kc&'ch8Slut/
/--t~n/ lamb ~-~- /luqu/ [Syn. lug phrug]
""'- "- ,, v- "l'-'> -
·lacquered ware a;-'\ ..i)t?.. ~. ~"\ /tsh'8ntsii y~pc&c/ lame, 1. iso. crippled 4~:..· ~~- /qar)k:>?J/ 2.
lactate, vi. A. ~ 9-1,- ~;('4\-2-\. /w~a tsr.=.~l ~ Is iso. weak ~- 1'2~~~-~- /mr.=.ntilpa/ ~ a lome
she still lactating? mo do dung 1 o ma 'dzag gi excuse khag 'dog byed yag rna 'grigs pa (qhon-
'dug gas? (mr.=. th~nt66 w~o t~qituq&c) to?J ch!ya~ m~n}ilpa) [Syn. rna 'dongs po]
lacuna 04 ·air:.: z:t' /mlitshar)a/ f There is a lacuna lament, va. ~~- .q~~-~~- /t~r)&& ch~c/ f They
in our knowledge of Tibetan history. ngo tsho'i lamented her death."" kho tshos mo shi par sdug
bod kyi lo rgyus shes bya'i nang la ma tshang ba bsngal byos po red. (qhentstfd m~ shipao tuur)&&
zhig 'dug. (r)~ntsbo ph~a qi l~kuU sh~c&& noon ch~cpare~)
la motshar)a ci t~t) [Syn. bar stong] lamentation ~.rr.z:~~PJ-~",''t'<.l"1' /tuur)&& ch!yo~/
Ladakh /?.! · ~ ~<!-\ • /12_ta~/ lamp, 1. n. .q~- 'c).l:l:.; /sh}lmoa/ 2. iso. light a
ladder 1 1 • n. ~2·\'f~.iy /qfl!ntsa/ 2. iso • lamp, va. B. ""-- ~.:t_· /--pao/ 3. iso. turn off/
climb a ladder, va. A. ......_r
. / --tsr.=.a
' / 3. extinguish a 1 amp 1 va. A. -- .z::~~ "\ · 1--s'€&/
isQ. descend a ladder, vo. D. butter 1amp 'V'"''- ·
01.13>"'\'d--1 /h""/
c oome
/-ph~p/ electric lamp ~~-o~· /l~qshu/
rungs of a ladder ~2'-\- '1"'\""- · /q'fl!tar)/ kerosine lamp ~ ·>N~·~r.:.-~"- /s~num shumao/
sides of a ladder ~~\' ~ /qffru/ oil lamp· ~~·Aq'
~ ~
laden, see: loaded ~
petromax lamp ""
~-_.q"'· /s~shu/
ladle, 1. n. i""\· /k'J?J/ 2. vo. A. signal lamp .qi\·-'f\tz:..·E"·~- /t2_toon }bonme/
/-qhi Icrt/ lampoon, va. 1. iso. a ploy/drama /?.~'t:z.l<!4',.!:1~~-
...... ........
lady, 1. iso. any wcrnan ~- "\~'\· h.~-~-~- /chl!'€l&c k!p/ f They lampooned the king in
-<- '\3 -
/kem&&n; h. qllkemo/ [Syn. bud med] 2. iso. the play. kho tshos zlos gar 1 khrab nos rgyal
wcrnan of good breeding 'l\d-1' /ceml por 'phya los brgyob song. (qhontsb-8 tooqoo
....... ........ ...
lag, vi. A. ~~- ~;y,- ~Zl~ · /c~UU th~/ ~ Some }h~pn& k&&p:>:> ch'€'€1&& k~pso) 2. iso. a book
people began to lag (behind). mi kha shas r jes (2-~-~<!,<,·f"~·~.~q- /chl!'€1&& ts&ntep/
I ·c-._
!us thebs shag. (m.!_ qhash&c c!ltr~ th~sha~) ~ lamp-past AJ4r~~n.·lf\·zt · /l'Jqshtru qoo/
The economy lagged. dpal 'byor rges !us thebs lampshade ~ill- A~fi·raZl<!4' /l~qshUU qhep/
pa red. (pl!fnc:>:> c!lUU th~pare~) [Syn. rges lance, see: spear
su !us; gzhug la !us] land, 1. iso. land as opposed to sea or air ~·
laggard, see: lazy !2\ir( '/seth:>~/ ~ They fought on land and on sea.
Lahul ay ~ · /qh2_sha/ kho tshas sa thog dang mtsho thog la 1 dzings po
larger 241

red. (qh~ntsod seth~~ to tshoth~~ lo ts!~pore~) /q"Myil/

2. iso. come to rest 1 vo, D• .z:l.l:ICI' /ph2_p/ ~ colloquial speech '24C21 ~\l. /phl!!:'q&c/
The plane will land soon, gnom gru mgyogs po dialect ~12.~'4-l' /ytiUqec/
bob kyi red, (namtu k.£<lo ph2_pqiree) ~ The honorific language ~·¢-', • /sh~a/ 11 What is the
troops landed here, dmog mi tsho 1 dir bob kyi honorific for house? khang pa 1 i zhe so · qo re
red? (qhonpee sh~a qh~re rE_C)
red, (ma1!mitso tee ph2_pqiree)
(,- 3, iso. arable
land, fields ~·fc\.,::..· /sashir)/ 4. iso, o place/ language primer ~1'\ ~.<::~· /ql!ftep/
area <'1.' <t;' /sacho/ ~ Who owns this land? so 1 anguoge re f orm " v- ~"""·
Jri"i'"<.l"\'-"'~.iS~· I q..,.,y
,,. i"~ coo-

cho 'di su lo bdog po red? (socho t! s33 t~~po­ kuu/ [Syn. yig gzugs dog cho ~os sgyur)
rce) lonky 1 see: thin
v- .......
landing croft (boot) H~.<r)''")O>.t"l'\'AJ,f'-1' ~·a;~· lanolin q~·'a;· /phEE,tshi/
..,;._ ~----:>
/seth~~ moqkee thuchur)/ lantern ~~==:~~· /q2_r)Shu/
- v- '0
landlady (of an inn) "'\<\~·~ · /nl!fmo/ lanyard r-u~-~~· /luntoa/
"\:l I -
landless -z;·~~~"')·:<:~ · /sateen frY!epo/ 11 landless lap 1 1. n. 'Z.I~·<:.~· /pC!mpa/ 2, iso, hold on the
people so rten med pa'i mi dmangs (sateen ~e­ lap 1 vo, B. -- (2J. '<?)-:r;.· /--lo ~/ 11 She held
pee m!man! the child on her lap. mos phru gu pong po la
landlord 1 1. iso, owner of fields ~·.zF)~ · nyor song, (m_2d puqu pempaola ~so) 3, iso,
/sotoa/ 2. iso. person one rents on apartment lop up (with tongue) 1 va, A, "'\~~ei • /t~o/ 11
from rz;.z::.. A~.<r\ · /qhoC!ntoa/
c, The cat lapped up the milk, zhi mis 'o ma
lardlord class ~-A~"'\ ~(2.1- .:t..~· /sotoa !-hEE,rim/ bldags shag. (sh!mil w~o t~~shaa)
lard mark ~ · ~4<!'\ · /sotoo/ lapidary 1 see: jeweler
land mine (bomb) 1 1. n. '!-\ ·('[".e:rr rz.""\:::r,·.;>..~~P-1· /sa- lapse 1 is o, elapsed 1 vi , 11 Two
w~~ p~ntee/ 2. iso, put down mines 1 vo. A. months lapsed before the letter arrived, yi ge
]1 ~ . I --pE_&/ ma 'byor bar zlo ba gnyis phyin shag, (yiqi
land ownership system
v- c,
>:l"'\~ .a~· ~·(:>.101("~"\~ · ~nc~~poa t~wo nrr chinshao)
/sashiin taqthopqi lamluu/ lord z.:~lr\· a;-~· /phaqtshii/
- <'-.- -v-
lard reform 1 1. n, ~·~;::.·Z\~z.~·~"\.' /sashiin large -:a:,'\·~· /chempo/ ~ a large dog khyi chen
c<l3kuu/ 2. iso, make land reforms 1 va. -- ~~ · po zhig (khi ch~po ci)
1--ch£_&/ /p2_r chempo/ 11 He
lardscape 1 see: scenery bought a large amount of rice, khos •bros 1 bor
v- '\.-y-
lordscape pointing ~(2.1·~.z:c-~ · :r.,·.;y · /y,!!!con r!mu/ chen po zhig nyos shag. (qh~ }£.C p2_r chempo c{
londslide 1 1. n. ~·~.z:_,· /sarOO/ 2, iso, have a n~shoo) [Syn. phon. chen po]
landslide 1 vi, -- ~~~· /--k2.p/ 11 There was a large and small ~·q;l:· /chkhuun/
. . ., v::,
big landslide last year, zla nyin sa rud chen largely 1 1. for uncountable things 41~·Cb·4· /tso
po zhig brgyob shag. ( t2_ii1in s~rtr~ chempo ci chl!c/ 11 It depended largely on the weather,
k2_pshoal gtso che ba gnom gshis la rog lus pa red, (tso
land tax <:;~· ~(J..l· /sCI}hc&/ chl!c namshil le roo lEE,paree) 2. for count-
lane 3:jZ::..·r-uOJ.I· /sor)lom/ [Syn, lam chung) ables 1 e ,g. accounts ~l':. ·"a:.·~·
languoge 1 1. iso, spoken ~~~· /qfc/ 11 What lan- This bill is largely incorrect, 'bil 1 dzin
guage is that? de skad go re red? ( th.= q!:'c 'di 'i nang la mong che ba nor shag, (p!ltsiin
qh~re rE_C) 11 Tibetan language bod skad (phoo- tii noanla m~~ chl!c n~rshoo)
q!:'c) 2, iso, written language Zll'Z)' """ -
3, larger ~- Zl · I chl!C/ 11 This is larger than that,
iso. both written and spoken language ~""· ZJJ"\· 'di de las che bo 'dug, (t! thilcc chl!c t~u)
242 large scale

[Syn. che gi (red)] ta~qon chrp~o noon la y~so) 3, iso. be late,

large scale "~""
41~' v-
1 2,"\·~~·"'-.! /sh_!khoon chempo/ ~ v~.
~ '"'-~'@,~·
<'-, ---- -
/chipu ch&c/ ~ He was late for
large scale war dmag gzhi khyon chen po (mCia work. kho las kar phyi po byas song. (qho 1_££-
sh_!khb-dn chanpo) qaa chipu ch_£cso) ~ It has become late. phyi
largest a; v4"~ · /cheshb-'6/ ~ Which is largest? po by as shag. ( ch!pu ch_£eshaa) 4, iso. a sea-
go gi che shos red? (qh~qi chesh~ reel son ;;>.!~"'\· /c~u/ ~ late autumn ston mjug
lariat, see: lasso (t8nc~t) 5, iso, a month [gen.] ,.il'O>J~·'~y
" "24 ·
larynx ~~'\· /+.j._mpa/ [Syn. sgra 1 i skye gnas] /[gen.] t~ncuu/ ~ late April zla ba bzhi pa'i
lash, 1. see: whip 2. see: tie zla mjug (t2_wa shj._pe& t~ncuu) 6. iso. recently
lass, see: girl deceased \d..r:z..t · /th:;mpa/ ~ my late father
lasso, 1. n. 1'<\A\¢-I'z..i. /sh2_qpa/ 2, va. --: 21.~2:1.· nga 1 i pa' lags dam pa ( ~££ paalaa th:;mpa) 7.
/--kap/ ~ He lassoed the horse, khos rta la iso. of late 72~<&:>:.. · /n~coa/ ~ The weather has
zhags pa brgyab song. (qh~d to la sh2_qpa k~pso) been nice of late, nye char gnam gshis yag po
last, 1. iso. coming after all others 04!C\(2'd-.l' chags song. (necaa n~mshil Y2,CJO choaso) 8,
/thama/ ~ the last page shag lhe mtha 1 ma iso. too late ~·~.r)~· /ch!thoo/ ~ It's too
(sh::i!5le thama) ~ This is the last bridge, 1 di late to go now. do 1 gro yag la phyis drags
zorn pa mtha' ma de red, (t_! s2_mpa thoma te r~~) shag. (th2_ +.:;yoa la chithaashaa)
[Syn. gzhug gzhug] 2. iso, not wear out 1 vi. lately I?) a;;:r_ · /n2_Caa/ 11 Lately 1 there are many
A. u.1~· ~.<:. i:; · 21~ /ytlUn r!,Qqu thuu/ ~ This cars. nye char mo +.a mang po 'dug, (n~cao m:;to
" ..,_,
cloth won't last. dug slog 1 di yun ring po thub m~~qu tuu)
kyi ma red. (th~qlob t_! y~n r_!Qqu thuuqimaree) latent "~'1'>-l'Ol.\'0>-lt:::~·
,, " 1\..,
"24(<.. /chila ma~onpee/ ~
3. iso, last (day of the week) [day] "'\"'~~' , , latent ability phyi la mi mngon po'i 'jon thong
~~·~· /s2_ • , , Q!!ma/ ~ last Monday gza 1 (chr!a mo~onpec c~ntoan) [Syn. mngon gsa! med
zla ba sngon ma (s2_ t2_wa Q!!ma) pa 'i]
last evening <>-lc._,z:...~· "\¥· /t2_~qon/ [Syn. kha later, 1. iso. more late ~·Zl· " /ch!!t./ ~ Who come
sa dgong dog] later? su phyi ba yang pa red? (su ch!!& y:;npo-
last half (for books, exams, etc,) ~C)·a;· /m&!!ca/ rec) 2. iso, afterwards, i. up to 2 hours ~"'\'
~ I haven't read the last half (of the book). £~·~c..·"\~· /t::i::its soon&/ , 11 I'll do i t later.
ngas deb kyi smad cha klog rgyu rna byung. (~£& ngas 'di tog tsam song nos byed kyi yin, (~£& t!,
th~p qi m!!!!ca l~Oku macuun) t::i::its scone chj._qiyin) ii. iso, longer than 2

lasting ~~ """'<!-\ · /y.!:!!:!nec/ 11 lasting peace hours 41~-'fJ· fZ.l · /sh~ula/

zhi bde yun gnas (sh_!te yUUnec) [Syn, yun later part of life );·-n,~~- /tsheshuu/ [Syn,
ring; rgyun gnas] tshe mjug] "'
last name, see: family name latest, 1. iso. newest 4"(C1"'-.'..;q~ · /sorshod/ 11
last testament, see: will the latest news gsar 'gyur gsar shos (sankuu
last week "'l'\q·.:~*~Y ~~·a-~.. /t!!ntaa ~!!ma/ s<irshb-d) 2, iso, latest ~·.)fc<i· /chishod/ ~
last year ~·Qr.,· /t~niin/ [Syn. lo sngon rna; Who came latest? su phyi shos slebs song? (su
no ning; snga lo] chishod l~eso?,)
latch 0-\·~z:...· /ashirJ/ [Syn. 'khor g.yag] lathe, 1. n. "\~oT1_·(<.{(=x;· /t.uqhor/ 2. iso, make
late, 1. adj. ~ · -:t!· " /chipu/ ~ It is late now. with a lathe, 'to. A. "\1141<!'{
..., · /t.uu/ 11 He lathed
da phyi po red. (th2_ chipu r~e) 2. adv, ~·z..,:x._·
" ' v-
a wood bowl. khos shing phor gcig dkrugs shag,
/chipM/ ~ He came home late last night. kho (qh~d shf~phOo ci tuushaa)
mdangs dgong phyi por nang la yong song, (qho lather 'l('Z\ · /p~/
lay 243

lahtude " ~
"?!1"). £!"'"\" I ~hoothh/
' ~ 20th latitude k2_.pso) [Syn. bkrus]
phred thig nyi shu pa (~h~ethil n!shupe) laundromat (l-?!liU'Cl-nr ~"'\· ~ · /~ha~n~u k~sa/
latrine a;z:>· r::.,-e:..· /chapqhuun/ laundry, 1, n, ~IU'/2-f:\' /thaantu/ ~ Where is
latter, iso. second of two "'\lc\"1. a.~· /sh'::! ~ my laundry? nga'i 'phral 1 khru ga par 'dug?
I want the latter. nga la gzhug rna de dgos, (~£!;_ tha~ntu qh5!_paa t~'b) 2, iso, do laundry,
~~~ sh~ma~ te G2~) see: launder
laud, see: praise lava ~'"\-~·"'1~'"-' · /'t-h5!_qto sh~nma/
v- -.r '£':
/t83ra Uion w~pa/
'-'-r- c, V'
/sancl:i~; h.
laudable ""'~~")· =<.: "'\?l<..' ~2-1· 7.1' lavator~ 4jZ'-Iz:..· ~"''· j h. ~:J'i>·l'~~.
~ That is a laudable idea, de bstod ra gtong s_!mcb"l:!/
'os pa 1 i bsam tshul zhig red, · (th~ tB3ra toon lavish, 1, see: elaborate 2. see: abundant
w~pcc sBmtsUU ci r~~) law, 1 • n. ~ 0-.1 <!-'. • /1-hi~/ 1! This is a new law.
laugh, 1. iso, burst out laughing, vi. B, ~~-~­ 'di khrims gsar pa zhig red, (t_! ~him saapa ci
):\"'-· /qhccmo sh::r::>/ ~ He laughed at the story. r~~) 2, iso, abide by the law, va. ~;;u«i-~ ·

kho sgrung de la gad mo shor song, (qho t~m :ag·~-e:..· ~~- /t.hi~la tsisun chef:./ 3, iso, make a
th~ qh~mo sh33so) 2. iso, laugh intention-
law, va. C,
f:\.2-<C-~·..z;~~ ·
/thi~ s'oo/
v-C\~ -
ally, va. A. 4"1 . .;:;:-""'1"1' /qh~mo G£C/ ~ Even martial law ~"fy"'-la.'~1;l.l..N.' /th5!_qpb"d ~him/
though the story is not funny, we have to laugh, s~ientific law ~-~""\·~-~-~"'\'<.<-\' /tshffnrilqi
sgrung de gad mo bro po mi 1 dug ste nga tsho t6luu/
gad mo bgad dgos byung. (t~m qh~mo th~po m!n- ur:ri t ten law ~=:.""\· ~~·~~~·~(<.I · /~2_.qku"Un 1-hi~-
tu~ tee ~~ntso qh~mo q!;_CqocuM ~ Stop laugh- sb"d/ -.....,
ing. gad mo rna bgad, (qh~mo ~qcc) 3, iso, law case (ZI'.}..I<f> /qhemcu/ [Syn. gyod]
(\, "'-:) v ' ' '
laugh at someone (sarcastically), va, A,~(Z.l'"'l"i' lawful (!l;;t~~ ~""-~'\'4 · /~himluu y~pa/ 1! the
z.:t-'<Y'\' /~hooqcc q!;_C/ 1! The students laughed at lawful government khrims lugs yod pa'i gzhung
the teacher. slob grwa tshos dge rgan la khrel (thimlu~ yodpcc shun) [Syn. khrims !dan]
gad bgad song. (lBp~aatshod CJ2.G~&nla theeqcc lawless ~~;·~z:;_· ~~~-~'\ · /1-hi~~ l~~me~/ 1l
G£CSo) 4, iso, make someone laugh, va. C, 4\'\. This is a lawless area. lung pa 1 di khrims med
~ z.:t~h"' · /qh~mo Ian/ lugs med red, (l.!!_~pe t_! thi~~ l_!!~me~ r~~)
laughable (pejorative sense) ""\'\·;;G'-~:::l;.·-cLI"'\' lawn ~;<::· /pol')/ [Syn. na ga]
/qhccmo sh33yao/ ~ That plan is laughable. law suit, see: law case
'char gzhi de gad mo shor yag cig red, (chaashi 1awyer "
(01.~~-. v--
%""\'"'-!' ' .~. I
I thimtsoopa
ti qh£!;_mo sh33yao ci r~~) lax "')a.I·Z:r· [neg,] /th5!_mpo [neg.]/ 1l lax dis-
laughter, 1. n. "'1"\·~·zr."'\"\' 'l:..l. /qh~mo G£Cpa/ 1l cipline sgrig lam dam po med pa (~iqlam th~mpo

I heard their laughter from outside, ngas kho ~apa)

tshos phyi logs la gad mo bgad pa go byung, laxative A..<:j(<J ~F=\ · /sh'Cfmccn/
(~fc qhontsod chil~b la qh~mo G£Cpa qh~hu) 2, lay, 1. iso. put down d-l"l;.'"\~l2l·~<H·~q·;;r·y /~

see: laugh nffcc shoo/ 1! He laid the book on the table,

launch, 1. iso, boat/missle/etc., va. Zl;?t:;· khos deb de cog tse 1 i sgang la mar bsnyal byas
/toon/ 1! They launched the boat. kho tshos gru bzhag shag. ~
( qhod th~pte c3qtsee q~nla
... ~

btang song. (qhantsod th~ toanso) 2. iso. n'Cfcc sh!:!oshao) 2, iso. lay eggs, va. ~r.· .e:;·o<~~·
plan/career, see: begin /q:!)a tlfan/ 3, iso, spread out, va, C, ZJ~~cl'
launder, va. (2.~(21· (2.13l· :a~z.:t · /~haan~u k2_.p/ 1l / 1! He laid all the rugs on the ground.
He laundered the shirts, khos stod thung 'phral khos kha gdan tshang rna sa mthil la bkrams shag,
'khru brgyab song, (qh8B tOOthuun thaan~u (qh~ qhotccn tsha~ma sathiila ~a~hao) 4. see:
244 layer

bat 5. iso, lay aside 1 sea: abo ndon; save 6. n£mpo r!~) 2. iso, feel lazy, vi. D. ?f~·/n2p/
iso. lay down arms, va. A, .<f\'(2(~Af"i\''\" /qh~- 1f I feel very lazy today, de ring nga zhed po
la~ sh~~/ [Syn. me mda 1 bzhag] 7, iso, lay cig nyob khi 'dug, (th};_riin 1).9_ sh};_puci n~pqil)
away, sea: save 8, iso. lay a foundation, va, lead, 1. iso, guide/show the way, va. (2.1~-~~-~~-­
D. -a:..e;_· ~~-~~z::.. · /mar)Shi tin/ 9, iso, lay /l~mkuU ch£&/ 11 He led the students, kh~s slob
bare, sea: expose 10, iso, lay down to rest/ grwa ba tshor lam rgyus byas po red, (qhS"d lop-
sleep, va. B. 0(2.1· /Fir.&/ 11 He laid down on the '
taatshoo l~mkUU ~
' chE_~parea ) 2, iso, take to, va.
bed. kho nyal khri 1 i sgang la nyal sdad bzhag, A. C'2~')- /thil/ 11 He led the horse to the
(qho fiE£tii q.9_nla fiE£ tE_&sha~) 11. iso, lay pond, khos rta chu rdzing la 'khrid song,
off, L va, A. (ll~-~"\·A:>:..:a.taSaJ~· A<C\~­ .(qhBt; ta chutsiinla thilsu) 1l The prisoners
/ ph~ntsa~ sh.9_~/ . 11 He laid off two work- were led to the lawyer 1s office, btson pa tsho
ers for two months. khos bzo pa gnyis zla ba khrims rtsod po'i las khungs la 1 khrid shag,
gnyis las med bar mtshams bzhag pa red, ( qh3'd ( ts8mpatsho thrmtsodpcc lE.f.qunla thilshao) 3.
sopa iiii tawa iiii lccme~ phantsa~ sha~paree) iso, to command/direct, va. A. ~~~~- /q~ thil/
- -
ii, iso, get laid off, vi, B,
- - -- ~- ~
t>-l-~"\-'\4)~-~~- 1f He led the army during the war, dmag 1 khrug
, . ~
/--la t~dqo ch~n/ 11 He got laid off, kho las gi sgang la khos dmag mi 1 i 1 go 1 khr id pa red,
med bar mtshams la sdod dgos byung pored. ·(qho (meqthuuqi q~nio qh~ maamii q~ thilparee) 4.
lccme~ phantsa~la tb1>qo chuunparee)
- - - ...;=--
12, iso, iso. be first ...3-{r::. ·'1· ")"'- ·~ /anqi th~l)po/ 1l
lay down one's life, va. ~<1'\AI)&:-' /s'J~ taon/ He leads in sales of rugs, kho gdan tshong
11 He laid down his life for the government, mkhan ang ki dang po red, (qho tEE.n tshoncr.n
khos gzhung gi don, dog la srog btang pa red, ~l)qi th~npo r!~) 5. iso, be at the head of, va,
(qh~d sh~Qqi th~nta~la s'J~ taonpara~) 13, iso, A. -~-C¥-1~
"' · I ne thr~ 'I 1l He lad the proces-
laying/spreading something down or out, va, D, sion, khos sngon skyod khi sne 'khrid pa red,
;2:;1'5h · /tin/ 11 They laid one foot of earth on (qh~ n8nkb1> qi ne thilparee) 6, iso. goes to,
the field, kho tshos zhing ga'i sgang la-sa phu vi. A. ~~- /thOu/ 1l That road leads to the
tu gcig bting shag. ( qh~ntsod sh};_nqcc q~nla sa school. lam khag de slob grwa la thug gi red.
phutu crq tinsha~) (lanqao th! laptaa thOtqirea) 7. iso, the metal
layer, 1. iso. a naturally made level "'
a:;.r'i~'-{·""'-~· lead ca;7'R)· /shanfie/ 8, iso. taka the lead 1 va,
/chaqri~/ 11 atmospheric layers rlung khams lf)J('h·~~- ~~ · /t~nkb"d chE_&/ 11 He took the lead
chags rim (lOnqha~ chaqri~) 2. iso, artifi- in the struggle against communism, khos dmar
cially made "
-'\~·z.t· /r};_mpa/ 11 The cake has par ngo rgol 1 thab 1 dzings kyi gdong skyod byas
three layers, keg de la rim pa gsum 'dug, (qeq pa red. ( qh3'd moopoo l')~qod thamtsin qi t_£1)kb1>
thee rimpa sum tuu) ch£Cparee)
laym~ ~- .,.., · /m~a/ 11 He is a layman, kho mi /1~&/
~ -
skya red. (qh~ m};_ka re~) [Syn, skya bo]
lead astray, va, A.
boy astray.

khos phru gu de bslad shag,

· 1l He lad the
lay official in traditional Tibetan government puqu the lCcshaa) [Syn. lam kyog la 'khrid]
leader (l-,-~"\- ; h. "\~'f-l"'\' /q~t.hil; h. uthil/
5.r::..·(2jfl"'· /thl.l')qM/
[Syn, shod drung]
/choatan/ 11 the layout of
.;;., 1\.

11 He is our leader,

kho nga tsho'i 'go khrid

the house khang pa 'i chags stangs (qhonpr.c red. (qho nantsb"d q~thil re~)
choataN leadership r>-~- ~"'\ · - /q!!thil/ 1l united leader-
layover, see: stopover ship gcig gyur 'go khrid (ciqkur q~thil)
c, v- v: .
lazy, 1. adj.~"'\·(>.(· ..::~--,-1 · /k~la n.£mpo/ 11 She leading ~-~- /tsowo/ 11 leading officials las
is lazy. mo sgyid la ngan po red. (m~ k~la byed gtso bo (l££c~ tsowo)
leather boat 245

lead ore lope on chE_cshoo) 1! He learned French irt school.

lead pencil C<!\'~"'\· /sh2_nuu/ khos slob grwor pha ron si 1 i skod slob sbyong
lead rope tied to nose of animal ~·£\.if\' /niithao/ byos shag, ( qh8'd Hip\-ao phorcnsii k~& lopcon
...._ (\, (\,
lead type ~ '1)«. · ~"'· ~~ =<. · /shaiiee y};_qpar I chE_cshoal
leaf ~·OJ.l· /l£ma/ ·
1 earn a b i tt er 1 essen, v1. B • .,..,. rz.""'in«t·
1! broad leaf lo rna che rigs "' v3::(.' 1,

(l~ma cheril) 1! needle leaf lo rna phra rigs /n~ps!lU qhl;!e/ 1! He learned a bitter lesson,
(lorna 1-h~ril) kho sno zur 'khel shag. (qho n~psuu qheeshQo)
leaflet ~o<:~·~~- /thepcuun/
- 1\., ~
learn by heart, vo. C. t:.••y At' "'-"l~ · /l')~la s};_rn/ 1!
League of Nations ~~~-('Q~-~f>.l-a;X)~· /ts2_mlil') He learned the lesson by heart. khos slob tshon
k~tsh::~~/ ngog lo zin shag. (qh&5 loptshccn ~ala s};_rn-
leak, 1. vi. A, tz.2f~~· /ts::_o/ 1! The roof leaks, shoo) [Syn. blo lo zin]
-.r- v- -.r v-
thog 'dzag gi 'dug, (th3~ tsaaqil) 2, iso, learned, 1. adj. "'~<\'7-q · UJ"j' ''. (' h, ~-'!:l.l"\' "-4-<)' ~·

get/be leaked for secrets 1 vi, ;:- ""\~ ~<.· ~ · :r.:

):\ /y~ntccn y~pa; h, qOyodn y~pa/ 1! o"'learned teo-
/sonwa sh3~/ 1! Many secrets were leaked to the cher yon ton yod fXJ 'i dge rgan (y~ntccn y~pc&

newsp:!per. tshog dp:!r nang la gsang ba mang po q2_qccnl [Syn. shes yon con; h. mkhyen yon con]
shor shag, (tshoqpoa naonlo sanwo mal')qu shcc- 2. -zil"\-?"'t-~<\~· ; h, ~-~"'-'a;'O\·.i:i'· /yontccn chem-
- - v-
3, iso, leak secrets, vo, c. "'l~~·z:~,·Zl-,a,· po; h, qOyoon ch'&lpo/
"' -
1! He is very learned,
/sanwo tBn/ 1! He leaked secrets to the news- kho yon ton chen po zhe drag red, (qho y!;!ntccn
paper. khos tshag dp:!r nang lo gsang ba bton chempo sh~"t-ao r~e)
shag. (qh8'd tshcqfXJo ~nlo s<inwa t8nshao) -lease, 1. iso. toke o lease, vo, C, 4~~·~.::::.·5l~·
lean, 1, see: thin 2. iso, meat without fat~· /ph~moci len/ 1! He leased o field, khos zhing
/she tshi'lu m2_epo/ 3. iso, incline, go bogs mar blongs shag, (qh8'd sh~l')qe ph~moo
va. A. ~A)CI.' /k~~/ 1! She leaned to the left, lenshao) 2. iso. give out as lease, vo. Zl''Y'""'""-~'
mas g .yon ngos la bkyogs song, (m,![d y3Sn I'J!dlo ~'17'· /ph~moa taon/ 1! He leased (out) a· field,
k3~so) 4. iso. rest against, vo, A, "'l,~. /iie'e/ khos zhing go bogs mar btong shag, (qh&5 sh~l')qa
1! She leaned against the wall, mas rtsig p:!r ph~moo taanshaa)
''- -..r
bsnyes song, (m,![d tsiqp:!O ne'eso) 5, iso, lean leased fields ~c: t:l"'J~· /sh};_l')ph::~~/
in opinion/feeling €"1~\· ~.2!-\· /ch5~ chE_'&/ 1! leased land ~-A"\<!'-'.' /soph::~~/.
They leaned toward socialism, kho tshos spyi leaseholder ;;:rlf'\*l'a..t'~a.·O>.I/~"0\- /ph~ma l~I')CCn/
tshogs ring lugs kyi phyogs byos pa red, leash (:l.~<l'\~· .a~· /t,2qthoo/ 1! Where is the dog's
(qhantsod crtsh66 r};_l')lutqi ch3~ chE_'&paree) leash? khyi 'i 'dog thag go PJr 1 dug? (khii
leap, see: jump t,2qthoa qh~PJa t6~l
....._ v- ...
leaps and bounds 1 neo, ~"'· ..J<\~a{· ~~- '2.J · /ii~rshuu least ~t:.· .A:~· /n,!:!I')Shod/ 11 He bought the least
chempo/ 1! We ore ""' '3
progressing by leaps and food. khos kha log nyung shos nyos shag, (qh~
bounds, nga tsho myur shugs chen po'i ngong nos qhalaa iiui')Shbt iibtshaal
yor rgyas 1gro gi yod, (l')£ntso n!:!rshuu chempoo at least,- iso, t~e lowest amount C?)t;' 4~· fZ.\'
I'J£1')n& y~rkc& 1-!;!qiyb"d) ...
/ii,!:!I')Shoolo/ 1! We "' carpenters,
need at least five
1 eap w1'th JOY,
. neo. ""' v-
"\"\~-~~·.;ua;K·~4'"\·~~,~:J.· ngo tshor shing bzo ba lngo nyung shos la dgos
/q~}bo ch5mkoo k2_p/ (l')onts::~::l shii')S::l~ 1')0 nui')ShoBla qbqil)
learn, vo, £~·i._·~~- /lopcon chE_C/ 1! He learn-
kyi 'dug,
leather, 1, n.
lf'\'..z:l' /q'S'S/
2. iso, make leather
ed how to take photos from Sonam, khos bsod pliable, vo. A. ;;.~~~- /--nee/
noms kyi rtsa nos dpar rgyog stongs slob sbyong leather bog m~o.~· /qhemp::~~/
byos shag. (qh~ sonamqi tsaon& par kooto}J leather boot ?;)'· 2l. · /q'~'S I
246 leather boot

leather boot ~-1)~· ~· -"J::.·
c, /qolham y~rin/
.. alone females in a non-romantic sense, va, A,
~~~\' /qh~qhaa sh~~/
leather box (leather over wood/cardboard) "'\ · J:\&..l' ('=I' ra=-:· 1l Your mother is
/q'Oqam/ busy, leave her alone, khyod rang gi a mar brel
leather cloak/dress, see: skin bo 1 dug 1 mo kha khar zhog, (kh~ee amoo t-h!wa

leather jacket 4-,;q~·f")·~~:::· /q35qi tOOtuun/ t~u m~ qhoqhaa sh2'0l 9, iso. leave alone
leather products )f)-a:.~· /qOc:heU didn't (even) have , , , ZA~'zt~~· , , , ~!!:.·
leather strap 'ZJ·~,o::. · /chalur)/ [neg,] /pho~sha~ --- M [neg,]/ 1l Leave alone
<;. '-' -
leather worker 1; .zt~ Zl. • /r)ops-::J'O/ hand grenades, t~ey didn't hove guns, kho tshor
leave 1 t. iso, leave for short and long distances, log 1 bam phar bzhog me mdo' yang mi 1 dug,
va. (\.
~~· 'I
/chin 1l He just left for school, (qhonts-::J-::J l~l)p~ phaosho~ m!ntM m_!ntuu) 11
kho do !to slob grwor phyin gong, (qho th~nta Leo ve o 1 one beer 1 they di dn 1 t (even) have teo ,
lopt,aa chi?!su) 1l May I leave? nga phyin chog kho tshor chong phor bzhag ja yang mi •dug,
pa zhig? ( r)~ chin ch5qaci) 2, iso, depart for (qhonts-::J-::J chaan ph66shao ch~~A m_!ntu"t.J) to. iso,
a· long journey 1 va, C, ....,.... /th"on' I 1l He left be left over, vi, A. 1>8J' /lhoo/ 11 I have ten
Lhasa, kho lha sa nos thon song, (qho lbff~one dollars left. nga lo sgor mo bcu !hog shag,
th~so) 3, iso, leave (behind unintentionally), (I)~ q~mo cO lhooshoa) [Note: see: remain-
vi, A, <'24~· /le&/ 1l I'm sorry 1 I left the der] t t, iso. toke leave (i.e, permission to
book at home, dgongs dog 1 ngas d.eb nang la las go) 1 va, C, ~4t:.~·'Z..I'~2{'/q~pa sh)!'u/ 1l He took
shag, (q~nto~ rJ£C th!P n~nla l£Csha~) . [Syn, his leave before dinner, kho dgong dog kha lag
!us] It, iso, leave (intentionally) 1 va A, Zl~zt)· gi gong la dgongs pa zhus song, (qho q~nta~
/sh~~/ 1l I left the dog at her house, ngas qholo~qi qh~nia q~pa sh_!!"t.Jsu) t 2, iso, quit a
khyi mo'i nang la bzhag pa yin, (rJ£C khi m,!f2 job 1 va, A. (11~· '11' Zl~.;;y

~nla sh~~payin) 1l I left the book with her, left his job yesterday, khos kho sa nos las ko
ngas deb mola bzhag pa yin. (rJ£C th!P m~ bzhog song. (qh~a qhffsa nee l££qa sh~~so) t3,
sh~opayin) 5, iso, leave out/exclude uninten- iso, leave land fallow, va, A, £\'d'\21'\'f2.1' ~lc\4'\'
tionally, vi, [vb,] ~·
They left his name off the list,
'-.)""' --
/[vb,] ku lee/
kho tshos
11 /thoq-::J~la sh~~/ tit,
school ) 1 va, A, :>;~ · (Z.~~~· 'Z1('a, oiSj •
iso, leave back
/r~r)caa sh9._a/

kho'i ming ming tho'i nangla 'god rgyu las snag, 1l He was left back two times, kho thengs gnyis
(qh5ntsl:S'd qh~ m_!l') m_!l)thl:S'd n~nla ql:S'dku l£Cshoo) rang 'jags bzhag pa red, ( qho then iii.i r~l)coa
6, iso, leave out/exclude intentionally, va, A. sh~opore~) t 5, iso. leave something as it
~· ~~~· /m~cu"t.J/ 1l They left his name off the was/is 1 va, A. :r...~· 4"\C\,<k'f41'Z!\~~· /r~r)ntClo
list, kho tshos kho 1 i ming ming tho'i nanglo rna sh~o/ 1l They left the government structure as
bcug pa red, (qhontso1s qh'dS m_!l) m_!l)thl:S'd ~nla it was, kho tshos gzhung gi sgrig 1 dzug rang
m~cuuparee) [Note: This actually means "didn't gnos la bzhog pa red, (qhontsl:S'd sh~~i t.!,ntsu"t.J
include,"] 7, iso. leave alone/don't bother, r~r)necla sh~opare~) [Syn, rang 'jogs bzhag]
va, A. ~::~~~· ~:r..· ~ ,.:ry /tsOquu sh~~/ 1l The leave (of absence) 1 t, n. (l..I<R' ~4\l:.<k' /l£S:,qoon/
invaders left the monks alone, btsan •dzul byed 2. iso, req.uest o leave, va, c. -- ~31.'
mkhon tshos grwa pa tsho btsog ·pur bzhag shag, 1--sh!::_'U! 11 He requested o leave (of absence),
(tsfntsUU ch!l)eentsl:S'd }h~patso tsOquu sh~oshao) kho las dgongs zhus song. (qho l£S:,qoan sh,!!''usu)
1l Leave the radio alone, rod 9i yu btsog pur leaven 1 . see: ferment
zhog, (r£t-iyuu tsOquu sh2~l [Note: For fe- leavening agent, see: yeast
males this has a slang meaning of sext.!al or lecherous (L~:;_· 'il>"j~· :i)~· ~· /t~oo chempo/ 1l
romantic bothering,] 8, iso, don't botQer/leave He is lecherous. kho 'dod chogs t;:hen po red,
lei . 247

( qhiS tb~c5ca~ ch~mpo rr:..~) (nOO lh1'iomaa qhatsh&& tt>6) 2. iso, leftover
;;-;.<11 ~. -G-"'
1 ec t ura, 1 , bor, eng,, n, ,_ 1
~ -r .
(used with verb) [vb,]
.- -......,-
(2-~<H· /[vb,] too/
~ We
His lecture was good, kho'i legs sbyar yag po have work left over, nga tshor las ka byed
'dug. (qhlrcl lr:..qcaa y~qo t_!:!U) 2, iso, give a 1 phros yod. (1')2_ntsoo l~qa chr:..ntb1i y~)
lecture, va, A. --"Z:lfl~·; h. ~~c:.z...· /--shfc; leg ;ijt:=:.'z:..t' /qol')pa/ ~ My leg hurts, nga'i rkang
h. su~/ (r)&& q~r)pa naqil)
pa no gi 'dug,
-('.. . -
lecturer, 1, iso. one who gives a lecture ~l<\· legal, 1, iso. lawful f?l.d.J.~· ~~~- /thimthu'Un/ ~

s~· Jj~· d-1(<!"\. /l!qcaa sh~l')&&n/ ~ Who is the Is this legal? 1 di ""
khrims mthun red pas? (t!_
lecturer tonight? do dgong legs sbyar shod thrmthUUn rep&c) 2, iso, concerning the law
mkhan su red? (th5qo~ lr:..qcaa sh8BI')&&n su r£&)
,, ~
~Ol.J~· ~~l!-1·"'1~·/thimluu
' q:53/ ~ legal textbook
2, iso. academic position (21«)2!'-r ~:z_· ~ · khrims lugs skor gyi slob deb {thimluu q55qi
carwa/ loptep)
(\ -r-
lad, see: lead legalize, va, C, (S.<X.J<'·I' 1!-l~"\·:2l.:a·•••• /thimthuun
"'- -...
ledger ~~ · "\.l:l' /tsirtep/ s~1i/ ~ They legalized buying guns, kho tshos
leech Zl"\ 'Z.l' IP';! pl:fpa I
(2.JG· me mda' nyo yag khrims mthun bzos pa red,
leek ~~- £.::.. · /iiuqtsoon/ (qhontsoB mr:..nta n~yaa thimthUUn s!rdpare~)
~ -<""
leery, 1. n, "')"\a{"z.,· /th3_qpa/ 2, iso, be legal jurisdiction ~01.\CR' "\""'"'- • /thimwaan/ ~ Is
leery, va. -- ~~- /--ch~c/ ~ They were leery this under the legal jurisdiction of Lhasa? 1 di

of the new monk, kho tshos grwa pa gsar pa der ,l.ha sa' i khrims dbang gi 'og la yod pa red pas?
dwogs pa byes shag 0 ( qhllntsod th~pa scope th£!?. (ti lh~fs&& thimwaanqi wo~la yo~rep&t)
thoqpa ch&eshaa)
- -v-
lege~ matter ~V43l' ~-'\'''-'' f2.~CZl· ~~- ~'\ .%"' · /t.himluu
leeward <iJ."1 ~4']i5-'.' ~~&l. ·..::t ~~ · /lhoqcho~ k~pt&&n/ teeyois thl:intsa/
left, 1, adj. 4-iti'"<\"z. r /y"dmpa/ ~ This is my left legal systa:; {SauZ<~· ~~- /thimluu/
hand. 1 di nga 1 i lag pa g, yon pa red, ( ti I'J.!:E_ legation, see: embassy
l2_qp0 y"dmpa rr:..~l [Syn, g,yon ma] 2, iso, the legend 4~· ~"'· /tamktr~/ [Syn. sgrung gtam]
left side 4~'0\· i(C\· /y88n I'J'§d/ ~ Turn (to legible ,:6"'1,· ~~- i(-' /1'5~ tr:..po/ ~ Is the book
the) left at the lake, mtsho i khris nos g,yan
1 legible? deb de klog bde po •dug gas? (thr:..p ti
ngos la kyag, ( tsh8S 'thil n& yBSn r:J~1ila k5~) 1::5~. t,!PO t_!:!q&C)
~ v-
[Syn, g.yon phyogs] 3. see: leave legislate, va. C, ~~a.\'Zl,3ZJ...· /thrill s~/ ~ They
• v- ....... ....-
Left AdventuriSm, neo, c. "'\'U.I'"''~i!:.~· R)~· .;~.Ja,;~::.C-1· legislated many new laws, kho tshos khrims gsar
"' /yl33nlui? nr:..coi? r.!_l')luu)X:> pa. mang po bzos pa red, (qhontsb1i thim so1'ipa
left (wing) deviation, neo, c. ~til-,· ~l:.~· /y83n- mar)qu so1ipare~)
lui?/ :0 ~eg;slati~e authority~~~- ~~-""\ZI~..- ~a>...,·
left-handed 4'\¥;:'~ · "'-'""\' /y8Snla~/ /thimsod w1!ir)tsiin/
" ....r
leftist (political) 1 1, iso, a person "lZJ..'~-~"'j2i·~·
(-... ~--r-:.
legislative session (5D>.l'Z'-1' .i!:l.;a(2. ·~"\'a'..' I'L"') ·
/ySncoqpa/ ~ He is a leftist, kho g.yon phyags /thimsod tsh~~ntu/
pa red, (qho yScoqpa rr:..~l 2. adj,
...., "
ci"\V-..1"\'~~<'{· legislature "
(!:l<N~· -,c. ~~- ..g::
Z\=1' a:>~i!'-'. · I thimso
/ySnco~/ ~ leftist groups g.yon phyogs shog lhl:ntsho?>/
khag (y8nco~ sh33qhaa) legitimate, see: legal
. -v.:.
~ft Opportunism 1 neo, c, -Kj~'\ ·~~ · ~i':\~· a.i5~1 · legitimatize, see: legalize
"\c:.· (-2.1'1~· /ylrclnlui? q1!iptsoci ril')luu/ "'
leguminous crops ~'\·~.....-1'2-1· (>.I'~- '!
-..rv- lt~fnriq l~bo
"-,) -
leftover 1 1 , ~d'")' ol.f /lh1'iomaa/ ~ Ha.¥ much money Leh (capital of Ladakh) ~- /l'(J/
was left over? dngul lhag ma go tshad 'dug? lei ~-'§"""\~·a.~c::.·""· /meto~qi j.h1'ir)a/
248 leisure class

leisure class i~ "" '

' 1-h££rim/ v- v-- '
/th£,£tod lesbian, n~o. C>..\.1!4" ~·&-~· ~~2:-1· 2.4· ~"'\· 6'-l~~ ·

leisurely f~· %'1- ~0!{· /lh~lodc&/ 11 We hod a m~la chrJqpa ch!_l')&&n/

leisurely conversation. ngo tsho skad cha lhod lesion, see: wound
lhod byes bshod pa yin. (l)~ntso q!:ca lh8lodc& less 1 1, iso, amount ':3r::.· ~ · /ii'::.,?Ja/ 11 I bought
sh!:cpayin) less than him. ngas kho las nyung bo nyos pa
..r ':::... ~ ...r.:.
leisure time .i:f'" ~"\' f{L'\. Ul"'"\" -«"\" ~~· af"\· /th£,£t~~ yin. (l)£t qhol&t ii~~a ii~dpayin) 11 Give me less
ch!yaoqi th.!:!!;!t.shi:!~/ 11 The workers want more than that. nga lo de los nyung bo sprod dang,
leisure time. bzo pa tshor dol sdod byed yag gi (I)~ th!,l&t ii~?Ja ~B"dto) 2, iso, smaller a;.e:..· ~·

di.S tshod mang bo dgos kyi 1 dug, (s~pats::~::~ /chO?)a/ 11 Which costs less? go gi gong chung
thcctb~ cheyaaqi thUUtshod moQo qbqil) bo yod pa red? (qh,!qi q~n chu?)a YE.~r&c)
-e-.. - - - -
lemon fl.l~·.,. /limpu/ ~')·~· /m!~pa/
()-,~ -
lemonade (2..16>-l"~·~·~.u::.::r..· /limpln.l chul)aomo/
rim mad. pa'i spyi tshogs
11 classless society
(~h£,£riill m22pcc crt-

lemon juice ~s.:~.·~"-C\·~"'1.' /l.!_mpUU qh~/ sc!lb) 11 useless phon thogs mad pa ( phi:nth::~~
lend, va. B. """'"ZLl~· /yrJo/ 11 He lent me a book, m!~pa)
khos nga la deb cig g.yar byung. (qh~ ~ th!P lessen, 1. vo. ~-=.·~·~?.:;· /ii'::.,l)ru taan/ 11 They
"'-' ~
ci yaacu) 11 I lent him a book. ngos kha lo deb lessened the hours we work. kho tshos nga
(l)&c qh5~ thepci yoopayin)
cig g.yar pa yin.
length ::.r..,r:..· ';{.;?!-'..· /r};,l)lod/
.- . -
11 What is the length of
tsho 1 i los ka 1 i d us tshod nyung du btang shag.
(qhontsod l)~ntsod l££q&c th_!!!tshod ii'::.,l)ru taan-
the rope? thag pa ring ies go 1 dro 1 dug? sho'O) 2. usu, for money/salary, vo, A, "'''&<f\'

(thrJqpa r,!l)lW qh_:ntc& t~!) 11 What is the /co"O/ 11 They lessened our salary. kho tshos
length of the movie? glog brnyon ring los go nga tsho'i phogs beag shag. (qhi5ntsb1s l)_£ntsOB
'dra 'dug? (lol)ii&&n r,!l)lW qh_:ntc& t~6) [Syn, ph5~ ci5ashoa)
r.!_l') thung] lesser c;s~:.· ~· 11 The lesser vehicle
lengthen, va. " _:s <l:l'?e:.. ·
-"\ZO:.. • /r!:_l)ru toon/ 11 They . ll-linayona) theg pa chung bo (theqpa chO?}a) 11
lengthened the table. kho tshos rgya cog ring The lesser military officials dmag dpon chung
du btong shag. (qhontsi:!~ ka~::~~ ril')ru toonshoo) ba (moqpodn chO?)a)
~engthwise ~yP-t· /1-h~lo/
-11 -
Cut it lengthwise, lesson ~A·;;&"<\· /loptsc&n/ 11 lesson two slob
1 di phred lo gcod, (t};, 1-h~la cOO) tshan gnyis pa (lepts&cn iiiipa)
lengthy, see: long let, 1. iso. allow [vb.] ~·~~"'\· /[vb.] r.!:!.
lenient ~· ~e:..~· -z:t· /lhu YE,I')qo/ 11 He is a cuu/ 11 Did he let her go to Tibet? khos mo bad
lenient teacher. kho dge rgan lhu yang po zhig lo 1 gro ru bcug pa red pas? (qh~ m~ ph_2dla
red. (qho q!q&&n lhO y~l)qo ci r!~) [Syn, do ~,2ru cOuparep&t) 11 He didn't let him study
dam po mad pa; 'jam po] religion. khos kho chos slob sbyong byed du
Leninism ~ · ~'\· ~e:.. · ~,..\~· /l!,nin r,!l')lut/ bcug mi 'dug. (qhOO qhi5 ch~ lopcon ch!_ru
lens (of camera) "'\"'"·~~· /pBrshee/ cOUmintut) 2. iso. volunteering to do [vb.]~·

lentils (peas) 3!1~·~ · /~fmc/ /[vb.] qa/ 11 Let me toke it. ngos 1 khyer ko.
leopard ""\~""\' /sil/ ( l)&t khe~qa) 3. iso. i f do it 1 is it okay 1 vi.
leopard skin 4~~· ~<'\""'" " - /siqpa"O/ -
[vb.] "-
"\. ~~"\·"\.~"\~~· " /[vb.] no ~.!,qirepct/ 11
leper a.~~·;~;,· ~'\ "Z.I • /ts!n&t 11 He is a Let me toke it. ngas 1 di 1 khyer no 1 grig gi red
leper. kho mdze nod yod pa red, (qho ts!nc& pas. (r)£t t!:_ khe€na 1-.!,qirepct)
y~pa r!~) [Syn. md;e nod can] lethargic (ifl·~· /ii_2pto/ 11 He is very lethargic,
leprosy, 1. n. ~ir· /ts!_/ 2. iso, get leprosy, kho nyob to zhed po cig 1 dug. ( qho ii~pto shi-
vi.. -- Zl.~ .a.· I --k_:p/ puci t~u)
liberal · 249

v ._,-
lethargy c'?l&>.· 7 · lfi2,pto/ shoal 3, iso, rank
L'"\.d..l''!_j' /r_!mpa/ ~ He is a
let loose, va. A. !)"'\· /l'd"d/ ~ Don't let the third level official, khong gzhung zhabs rim pa
dog loose. khyi rna glad ang, (khf mCilo·'o aa) gsum pa red, ( qhoon sh_!:!OShap r_!mpa sumpa r!:.~)
letter, "' · ........
1 • iso. the alphabet Zl.J 4\ · /yiqi/ 2, 4. see: balanced
~so. correspon d ence, ~.
. n. •"-
..... ; h. - "
~.?)· ~<!'-\· lever, 1. n. "<l.=<..'""--:2,z\''Z.4~·~·~~·~~· IYEfl
/yiqi; h. ch~eril/ ii, iso, write a letter, va, ko~ya~qi coqraan/ [Syn. 'degs lcags; 1 degs
C.- ~~ · /~~thil/
.- ~ He wrote a letter to shing] 2, see: leverage
Dar je. khos rdo r je la gtong yag yi ge zhig leverage (to use to lift somthing), ~· A..~d'\~
bris song. (qh8~ t~ce:c toonyaeqi y_!qici !!)!:.: ""\''"·\' Ul:t_· e~.~ lf)~- /caqraan qi YE5!, kc~/ 11 He
1-h_!lsu) iii. iso, send a letter, va, ~~ ~,~ · used leverage to l~ft the car, khos lcogs hrang
/~~ta~n/ ~ He sent a letter to Dorje. khos rdo gis mo to yar bkyags song. ( qh~ coqraan qi
rjer yi ge btang song. (qh~ t~ce:e: y_!qi Wan~ m~ta YEfl kcaso)
so) iv, iso, receive a letter, vi. B, f2.~:x,.· levy, 1. iso, taxes, vo. B. ('\.(>.<' ~"f)fZ.1' /ih~f

/c::,::,f ~ He received a letter from Dorje, kho q~~/ 11 They levied new taxes. kho tshos khral
la rdo rje'i yi ge 1 byor song, (qh53 t53cee gsar pa bkal pa red. ( qhontsod th~f soapa q~f~.
y_!qi c~so) v, iso. reply by letter, va. "'
"4K)' pare~) 2. iso, soldiers, va, B. "fl~· (~(Z.J.· Z\~(z.r
(2.1'0\'~'?l'!:.' /y_!qlc&n teen/ /maqte:e: q~t:/
prefixed letters (in Tibetan) ~~·~ll'\· /rlJncuu/ "
lexical "-.3S<ty"\a_· /tshiqtoon/
~ '{j-_ v--
subjoined letters (in Tibetan) a.l.2-\.' ~~~~· lexicographer ;,b~·,;~..~t:::"'' .<:l:=J..' d-I(ZI'\ · /tshiotsUU
mE£nb~/ sooce:n/
........ - c.... -.L:: ..._,- 0...
suffixed letters (in Tibetan) it~· rz.~""\· lexicography· ~tr"\ ·;g-a-1.· ::t:.~· /tsiotsUU
/c~ncut/ ts~ril/
super~ joined letters (in Tibetan) %~· 2...1· lexicon, see: dictionary
/tseqpa/ Lhasa ~· e<.' /lh~fsa/

letter, airmail mp.(L· CZJd-1' ~<l"\· ""'"-\ "'\ · /qholam Lhasa apse v. ·
3-\2!. · aJ.<f\ I aps::,::,.. I
--._ .
t!!,qyil/ liability, 1. see: debts 2, iso, a person 2'4<\.;2.1")
letterhead, 1. iso. stationary with heading
,, rz. ·~c..· "\~~· ~~· /ph~f!mee n~kuu/ ~ He's a real li~
"'1"\. a;"\· /qhoca?J yiqceen/ 2, iso. printed head~ ability. kho dngos gnas phon med gnad gyur zhig
ing on· a page (l.'if\-: ""¥""\· ~ .•.\ 3."\· /q2,pcoB y_!q~ red. (qho l')~c& ph~fmee n~kuuci ree)
. <'.. ' -
ceen/ liable, 1. 1 vi. A. ~"\· /si~/ ~ He's liable to
v-'V'" " ....__
letter of recommendation .;>.~~~· f2..2-=-;· z:..· ~~·~ '"'\' do anything. khos go re yin no 1i byed srid ki
/thOnkur 02.1-o·'o ,Y_!qi/ red. (qh'd"d y_!n&& ch~e silqiree) 2. see:
letter, registered ~ "'-~ · ~(<.1· !jd"\ · ~'"'I . /th~pkee responsible
1-!!,qyil/ liar ~"'\·~~ · ~"\ · 0>-.!fl, · /kaqtsiin sh88o&cn/ ~
lettuce, 1. iso, long Chinese type -.:.t~· c&i'>!· He is a liar. kho kyag rdzun shad mkhan red,
/p~ftshe:e:/ 2, iso, round lettuce ({· i('::.:._· -'='"\ .i(t(· (qho k1!qtsUUn sh'88oe:e:n r!:,e) [Syn. kyag rdzun
/l2,q:1:J p~ftshce:/ tsha po]
1 1 . -.,r...,v
eve ,1 • ~so. even rz..{"o~· ;;.;;>.\ · 'ZI • /qh~ i'i&npo/ ~ libel, va. C. 4t:.· ~.::;. ·~ ·~z::..· ~~ ·
"\..) '-'
"' /qhancuun man~
The floor is level. sa mthil 'khos snyom po cuun }hil/ [Note: This literally means write
'dug. (sathii qh'd"d i'i&npo t~t) 2. iso, make all kinds of untruthful things.]
level, va. C, ~~ ¥2-1 · I ~~s'2:d/
.z:l ~ They made liberal ~~· '2:.!' "'\<'-\:t.;"Z.l· /Hpo soopo/ 11 He is a
the road level. kho tshos lam khag 1 khos snyom liberal, kho mi klad po gsar pa zhig red, (qho
po bzos shag. (qhCintsod l~l')qa~ qh8'd i'iCimpo so~~ mi l~pa soapa ci r2_el [Syn, rang mos can; blo
250 · liberal arts

khog yongs po; gsor zhen yod pa] too lo chimoa chuUsu) [Syn. lees rlon po bzos]
liberal arts, neo, ~~·~~·Jq~·~·
...- " .....
/tsOmril shee- lid, 1 • n. {Zizt.g.(' /qhep/ 11 Does. the pot hove a
cho/ 11 a liberal arts college rtsom rig shes lid? bum po der khebs 1 dug gas? ( ph~pe thE_£
byo 1 i mtho rim slob grwo ( ts'&nril sheechcc qh~p tuqcc) 2. iso, cover with a lid, vo. A, --
th&im Hiptal 4V-.J"'C-',' 1--y':J:,/ 11 He put a lid on the pot.
Liberal Party, neo, ·"")"<!-l""·~;:y:af•ry<\~·2.1· /sorsheen khos bum par khebs g, yogs shag, (qh3"d ph~mpoo
tsh~qpa/ [Syn, rang dbong tshogs pa] qhep y~:,shaal
liberated areas ""'-<;;;s"-?:1' .?:1~(-tl·-<H· ~(2..j· /c!ntb"o se- blow off the lid 1 see: expose
qhu11/ lie 1 1, iso. on untruth, n, ~d")i~=<'1·; h, ~(2l·%a, ·
-v -u
liberation, 1. n. /kaqtsiin; h. sh£,£tsiin/ 11 That is a lie. de
People's Liberation Army mi dmongs beings bkrol kyog rdzun red, (th~ kaqtsiin r!:_~) 2, vo, A.
dmog (m!man cin}od mac) 11 war of liberation -- ~....q~;, ; h. 4\~;~::,.· I --sh~c; h. noon/ 11 He
being bkrol dmog 'khrug (cir)}bo maqthuu) 11 lied to the teacher, khos dge rgon lo kyog
liberation movement being bkrol los 'gul (ern- rdzun bshod shag, (qh3"d q~qccnlo kaqtsiin sh~c­
"' v-
tbo l£,£nqUU) 2. iso, liberate, va. «J.~Z:..~'?:\~(<.1. shaa) 3. see: loy 10
.q 7z:..· /citJtoo toon/ 11 They liberated the coun- lier, see: liar
try. kho tshos lung pa de being bkrol btong pa lieu, see: instead
red. (qhontsb~ l~r)peti citJtod toonporee) life, 1. ~ ; h.:~r~- /tshe; h, qut..she/ 11 long
liberty -"'\<=-'"\"1~ · /r5!_r)Woan/ 11 the struggle lor life tshe ring '""'
po (tshe r!nqu) 2, neo, ~~-l:l·

liberty rang dbong gi don dog ._lo 1 thab rtsod /tshowo/ 11 Comtemporory political life, deng
byed pa (r5!_r)woanqi th~taala thaptsb'B ch~ya~J) robs srid don gyi 'tsho bo, (th~rep siitb'Onqi
library")~· ;..iff~· /pentsod/ [Syn, dpe mtsod khong] tshowo) 3. iso, life, iso, the amount of time
lice, 1 • n, ~"'\ · /shil/ 11 Are there lice in something exists .-<f'\'\?:1' ~"\ · /n~fkUUn/ 11 The
Tibet? bod lo shig yod pa red pas? ( ph.£dlo 1i f e of a cor is ten years, mo to 1 i gnos rgyun
shrl y.::;:,repcc) 2. iso. hove lice, vi. -- ~2Zl· lo bcu red, (metcc n~fkUUn lo cO re~)
I --k!!_p/ 11 (Do you) hove lice in your . hair? next life a;-~·~·
/tshe chime/
- -
[Syn. skye bo
khyod rang gi skro la shig brgyob 'dug gas? phyi rna]
(kh3rcc tola shrl k!!_P t~qc&J post life ~· ~'6\·"-l· /tshe r)~mo/ [Syn. skye bo
lice medicine or shampoo ~<>"\· ~ q· /shiqmccn/ sngon rna]
license f2.!"'\' m-x.... /15!_qkee/ 11 license to drive sacrifice one's life, vo, ~zry %\-:?~· /s5:, toon/
kha lo po 1 i log khyer
license plate,
...,___ (\.
(qhalopcc laqkee)
neo,d-l·~a·~h·~z::.~· ~<l)~·(2..1.q·
- . ........
[Syn. srog blos btong]
toke one's own life, vi. :z:::~·""'~""-
.-'l:.. /r!!_r)Shi
/m~tcc anton coqlep/ kep/ [Syn, rang srog bead]
licentious rz.~')· c:b"'!<!-1' ~~· ~· /t~oa chempo/ wh:le life )f. ~z:.: /tsheqhoon/ 11 He worked as o
lick, 1. iso, eat/drink, vo, A. Zl~-'!)'C-1 · /t9_?J/ 11 carpenter his whole life, khos tshe gang shing
The cat licked up the milk, zhi mis 1 o rna bzo bo .byos po red, (qh3"d tsheqhoon shins:>:,
bldogs shog. (sh!mil w211a t9_?Jshoa) 2, iso, ch.£_cparee)
lick without eating/drinking, vo. ~·~~·z:t~;~·
/coloa k!!_p/ 11 The dog licked me. khyis ngo lo 11 life-and-death struggle shi gson thog gcod
(shisoen thaqc~i thamtsin)
lee ldog brgyob byung.
3. iso, lick a stomp/envelope, vo, A.
(khil naa celoa kepcu)
kyi 'thob 'dzings
life buoy 1 see: life preserver
~<f)~lc'hrmoa ch~u/ 11 He licked the stomps:, khos life expectancy, see: life span
sbrog rtags lo mchil rna byugs song, (qhbo t9_q- .
hfe history '''"v
~-a{'(2.·(>{·~a.· ;·
m~tsee ';
like 251

life imprisonment, 1. n. ob'.z:li50l,' /tshetsoon/
v.:. 2. iso, lights in a house 1 i. n. ;{)~-..1!1~· /!~shu/

iso, imprison for life 1 va. A, -- ~ · "''c'C\<1"\ · ii. iso, turn on the light 1 va, B. -- ~;.;·

/--lash~/ /--pea/ 11 He turned on the light. khas glog

life insurance, neo. ~<1-ycz...,r\<\'OI.l'~~G<~· /s:S3nq&&n bzhu spar song. (qhS"d !3qshu pCii'iso) 4, see:
m:!ntru/ match 5. iso. light a fire 1 va. B.~· ~.:r..· /m2.,
lifelong a;·"''r::.· /tsheqhaan/ 11 lifelong friend pea/
...... ...r' .. ;,._,
tshe gang grogs po (tsheqhaanth~qpo) light artillery ;;u- ~~ ..~~u:::: Zl. · /merkoo YO•JU
h fe preserver I neo,
~"'\' at:\·v-
CZ-4\4\' ~.%.,' /s3qkop light blue f' e:;_~:~.: /r)oqaa/ [Syn. sngo skye)
kiqoo/ lighten 1 1, iso. in weight 1 i, va,UJ~·5z5~=.·
- V""" ,,
lifesize "'""\3..~~· ci"z;-·(:l.ll::C<(·""-~w /suqtsh&t lonp&&/
"\> I -
/y~r)ru ti'ii'in/ 11 They lightened the loads. " kho
'II a lifesize photo gzugs tshad longs pa'i 1 dra tshos do po yang du btang song, (qhontsod thopo
dpar zhig (s~qtsh&c l~np&& t~par ci) yar)ru toonso) "
ii, vi. ~.,:;,-~·~C\· /yar)ru chih/ -
- u -
life span 'a;·~- /tshetshte/ 11 What is the nor- 2. isa. become bright 1 vi, C, ~·~h.·~z:..·a;~<H·
mal life span in Tibet? bod nang la spyir btang /ko thir)thiin cho~/ 11 The sky immediately
gi tshe tshad qa tshad red? (ph~ ~nla cir- lightened. ·gnam lam snag skye thing thing chags
taanqi tshetshe& qhatshcc rt&)- song, (nCim !~~soan ko thir)thiin cho~so)
~ v-- -
life style tz.;F6·.,.. ~'\ ~;::;.~,- /tshowa c8Btah/ [Syn. lighter (for cigarettes) ~-"'~· /li'i~/
•tsho ba skyel stangs] light green_~~-~~~· /c~r)qoa/ [Syn. ljong skye]
"'~ /m}:_tse/
lifetime, 1. n. Oo.l'e' 2. iso. live one's lighthearted, see: carefree
V""" v- v- ..
life 1 va. B. -- 2:l~('2.1· /--k1!f/ 11 He spent lighih<?use (UD-1' ~<\· ~~- ~ · P'l ~· 'Z.l' /l~mtbon 13qwbo
half of his life abroad. khos mi tshe phyed ka qhor)pa/
phyi rgyal la bskyal pa red, (qh8B m};,tse cheqa light industry ~-s-(.>J~'V-1'1:.'.2:1' /s~lc& y~?)wa/
chikc&la k1!1!paree} lightly 1 iso,_ with little force '"\'f.U:x;.·121· /qh:!lii-
lifework ar·"f\z:..·~·(?.l<H'"'"'\' /tsheqhaanqi lceqa/ 11 His la/ 'II Press light! y on the table. cog tse 1 i
lifework was helping the poor. kho 1 i tshe gang sgang la go ler lo gnon dong, (c:Sqtsee q~hla
gi las ka skye po tshor rags ram byed yag de qh:!liila n1!~ta)
red. ( qh38 tsheqhaanqi 1££qa kopotshoo rooram lightning, 1. n. ~~- /13?:>/ 2. vi. z:~~e:~· or
Ch_!YO~ th};, r2,~) ~~~~- /--kap or khuu/ 11 Is there lightning in
"-> -
lift, va. A. ZI~"')<H' /ko~/ 11 He lifted the chair Tibet? bod lo glog rgyag g,i yod pa red pas?
up. khos rkub kyag 1 di yar bkyags song. (qh8B (pho1ila 13?:> k~qiyo?:>rep&c) 3. iso, be struck by
ql.pka~ ti yaa ko~so) 11 Please lift it up. 1 di lightning, vi. ~¥· ~~:l::J· /th3~ k:!p/ 'II The
yor bkyag rags gnang. (t};, y~ ko~ro~naan) 11 He house was struck by lightning. khong par thogs
lifted up his hand. khos lag pa yar bkyags brgyob shag. (qhrJr)paa th3?:> k:!psho~)
song. (qhBtl l~qpa y~ ko~so) [Syn, btegs] lightning rod i\"')~-~2:\· ~e:.~·O>J"\1<' /th5qthup.
lift something up a little (not canpletely) .z:l~·lfY sor)to/
~~· ~"'Y ~~·/koq ts~i chE_&/ 11 He lifted up the lig~t rain <l,::r,''Z.l'~;;L~·~~·/choopa simsim/
table a little bit, khos cog tse de bkyag tsam light woves 1 neo, ~~- ~~~- /w"§_lap/
zhig byes pa red, (qhS"d c3qtse ti koq tsaci light weapons ""~~"\·a·>Z'-41:..'2:l' /tsh'Bncha y~?)wo/
chE_tpare~) [Syn. 1 degs tsam zhig] like, 1. iso, similar (7.-~·if·/t~po/ 11 This area
light, 1. iso. weight ~~-~ /y~r)qo/ 11 The box is is like Tibet, so cha •di bod 'dro po 1 dug.
light. sgam de yang po 1 dug. (~mti y~r)qa t~~) (socho t};, ph~1i t~po t_!:!u) 2. iso. in the manner
2. iso. illumination r.l~· /w~d/ 11 the light of of ~z:..· Zl.f<\'C\' /n!r)Shiin/ 11 He used a rock like a
the lamp bzhu mar gyi 1 od (sh_umaaqi w~1i) 3, weapon. khos rdo mtshon cho nang bzhin bed
252 likeable

spyod byos pa red. (qhM t~ tshBncha n2_1')Shiin very limber. mo gzugs po mnyen po zhe drag
ph~cod ch£tparee) ~ Do it like this. 1 di nang 'dug. (m~ s~qu nampa sh~taa t~t)
bzhin bzos. (t! n2_1')Shiin s!rdl 3. iso. fond of lime, 1. ~- "\;''\"\· /saqaa/ 2. sea: lemon
\"\r.z.: ~- /CJ2,pa/ ~ I like Sonam. nga bsod noms limit, 1 • ;t;"\· /tshr!&/ 11 Is there a limit to how
la dga 1 po yod. ( 115;! sBnamla q5!pa y!f};) ~ He much we can buy? nga tshos nyo yag la tshad yod
liked last night 1s meal. kho mdangs dgong gi pa red pas? f115!tsoB i'i~ya~la tsh~c Y2~repcc) 2.
kha lag la dga 1 po byung shag. ( qho t5!11qoi\qi iso. limit, va. C. -- .2::1~~ /--s~13/ 11 They
qhola(ha qapo chuunsha~) 4. iso. wish/want limited the number of pages. kho tshos shag lhe
<'-. - -
[vb.] ~&:.'(2~'1· /[vb,] i'iiin t22/ 11 I'd like to mang nyung gi tshad bzos pa red. (qhentsod
die. nga shi snying 'dod kyi 'dug. (115:! shiniin sh~~le m2_11nul')qi tsh~t s~dparae) 3, iso, a boun-
tboqil) 11 I'd like to learn Tibetan, nga bod dary q.~~a: ~a;~~- /thantsa~/ 11 Where are the
skad slob snying 'dod kyi 'dug, (115:! ph~qcc limits of the city? grong khyer gyi mtha 1
(th~l')kheeqi thontsa~
ll:ipniin todqil l
like this/that (2."'\'~.:i·
~ ,,
"\r=.. · ~~~ · /t!ntcc n2_11-
mtshams go par yod pa red?
qh5!paa Y2~rcc l
shiin/ 11 There are many lakes like this in limitation, sea: limit
Tibet. bod la tsho 'di 'dra nang bzhin mang po limited liability 1 neo, i£"') . .:'J7"'\. ~· x· /tshr!~yoB
yod pa red. ( pho~ila tsho t_!ntc& n2_1')Shiin 1112,11qu m5!tsa/
y:J~ree) limitless a5"'\'~"'\· /tshr!~ma~/ 11 Ha has limitless
ju~t like that~-~· a...~· <::~q'\· /th5!qa n2_1')Shiin/ ~ power, khong la dbang cha tshad med yod pa red,
Sing i t just like that. gzhas de go nang bzhin (qh05nla w211ca tshr!~mee y:J~re~)
v; c-... G\..- I y_
zhig gtong dang. (she& th2qa n2_1')Shiinci toonta) limnology, neo, a~~-~~ '..:t:...«'\'-<t'\~<P- tsh=hip
[Syn. de nang bzhi~] r!l1n&c/
-r -r "'-
just like this R~ · qz:.: ~~~ · /t_! n2_1')Shiin/ ~ limp, 1. va. ?i'\&:.""'-1 · ~~ · ~~- ~~-~~ · /qo11pa
Sing it just like this, gzhas 'di nang· bzhin k~qk:J~cc chin/ 11 He limps (lit, walks with a
zhig gtong dang. (she& t! n2_11shiinci toonta) limp). kho rkang pa kyog kyog byas 1 gro gi
likeable "'\~W>:..-~<1-) ~ · /q5!ts:J:J chempo/ 11 He 'dug. (qho qo11pa k~qk:J~cc t,!:!qil) 2. iso. as a
is very likeable, kho dga 1 1 tshar chen po zhed n. see: crippled
po cig byed kyi 'dug. (qho q5!ts:J:J chempo shi- line, 1. n. ~a")· /thrl/ 11 Does the paper have
puci ch_!qil) lines? shag bu der thig 'dug gas? (shiiqu thee
likelihood, see: likely thrl t~qcc) 2. iso. draw a line, va. c. -- ~¢-~·
likely, [vb.] ;>..1"'\<ll' pt·~· /[vb.] t_2~ qhopo/ ~ It I --th_!l/ 3. iso. a succession ~e<.~c::· /quntel1/
is likely that war will break out, dmtJg rgyag 11 The line of Dalai Lamas. to la 1 i la ma 1 i sku
mdog kha po red. (rna~ k~b?> qhopo r!~l ~ Ha phreng. (talc& lome& qlinf.el1l 4. iso, a line/
is likely to come tomorrow. kho sang nyin yong row, i. n. ~i":.- /ph5!n/ ~ There was a long long
mdog kha po red. (qho saniin y~nt:J~ qhopo r!~l line at the movie. glog brnyan lta sar brang
likeness "\Z4:t..-~:2_2!.'"%.\· a_z..· Z\~"0\· /p(i~ k2_p;;1 nal1- ring po zhed po cig 'dug. (131')iiccn tosaa ph2n
shiin/ ~ He drew a (good) likeness of a yak. ri11qu shipuci tut) [Syn. gral] ii. iso. line
khos g. yag dpar brgyab pa nang bzhin zhig bris up, va. c. -- "~~:~Y-\'j--t-!1/ ~ They lined up
shag. (qh~d yo~ por k2_p;;1 nai')Shiinci th_!lshaa) in front of the store. kho tsho tshong khang gi
lily ="'' ---~~- /qDmUU/ mdun la brang bsgrigs bsdad shag. (qhontso
limb 'Z.t1~-(2J"\· /yEE_nla~/ ~ artificial limbs yon tsho11qhaanqi t~nla ph5!n t-.!1 t£tshaa [Syn. gral
lag rdzus rna (yEE_nlaa ts~a) [Syn. rkang lag] bsgrigs] iii. iso. arrange in a line, va. A.
limber. 4~<11¢\·¥'·0>-lal"·~· /s~qu nampa/ 11 She is :~v=-· ~~<tja-~.· ~-......· ~!c\<r\' /ph5!"?1 t_!qcc sh5!a/ ~
literary 253

They arranged the choirs in a line, kho tshos s"E_"tl/ 1T He liquidated his enemies. khos dgro
rkub kyog brong bsgrigs byos bzhog shag. rtso med bzos pa red. ( qhBB 1-~ tsame~ s~"tlporee)
( qhontsi:id qOpkoo ph~n 1-.!_qce sh~oshao) [Syn, liquid medicine c>-~e:.: ~0\ · /thur)meen/
grol bsgrigs byos bzhog] 5, iso, a line of liquor <3-{'"\<f\' /'broo/
words ~"<\'0.~~· /y.!_rJteen/ 1[ How many lines on liquor tax ;;se:.: ~~·, /chorJtce/
the page? shag lhe der yig 1 phreng go tshod lists, 1 • n. ~· /tho/ 11 a list of schools slob
'dug? (sh:xJle thee y.!_rJteen qh~tshec t~6) 6, grwo 'i tho (loptce tho) 2. va. c. -- Zl?f;a....·
iso. sewing a lining, see: lining, 2 ..:./
I --s~o 11 He listed all the monasteries in
linen "\"2-\'"'\'~· /rec qllci/ Ladakh, khos lo dwogs nang gi dgon po tshong
lines dividing a rC:d (>.Ia./~~- /l~mthil/ mo 1 i tho bzos pa red, ( qh~ l~taa ~r:Jqi q~pa
lingua franca ~ J?..z::.: /c!qeC/ tshor)mec tho s~pare~) [Syn. tho bkod; tho
linguist ""1"\~"'\'<>-4{'!1."2-\'';-1' /t~ti:id qh~fpa/ [Syn, brgyob]'
skod yig mkhas pa] listen, 1. vo. D. ~~· ; h. -f) <!A"\· IFi£n; h, s~fn/
~ c, '
linguistics -"'\~·!\."'\. "\"'\ 4'\~~ /t~ti:id r.!_r)ne£/ 1f He listened to the radio, khos rlung phrin
[Syn. skod yig rig gnos] nyol song. (qh~ lur:Jtiin iiEnso) 2. iso. obey,
lining, 1. n, ~.;r:.:..JO..· /n~r)Sho/ 11 What color is the va. D. 0· ('2.1'1'<)~ · /qhBla iiEn/ 1f He doesn 1 t
lining of his coat? kho 1 i kor gyi nang sha 1 i listen to his parents. khos ph a ma 1 i kha lo
tshos gzhi go re red? ( qh~8 q~rqi n~r)Shee nyon gyi mi 'dug. (qhaB phllmce ·qholo ~qimin­
tshuOshi qh~re rE£) 2. iso, lining something, tuu)
va. ~v· /--taan/ 3, iso, separable lin- listen secretly, vo, ~'0\"2.\'.>::t~Zl· /ii£mpa k~p/ 1[· He
ing <\~-~~· /n~r)Cao/ listened secretly to their conversation, khos
link, 1, iso. a chain ~2P'\. a..~.i"'01.1~· /thrnltshaiV kho tsho 1 i skod cho lo nyon pa brgyab pa red,
11 chain 1s link
lcogs thag gi mthud mtshoms (qh~ qhontsi:id qfcoo i'i£mpa k~paree) [Syn, lkog
(caqthooqi thOOtsham) [Syn, 'brel mtshoms] 2, nyon byos]
iso, link, see: join; merge listless, vi. D.~.,;· /ii~p/ 11 He is listless these
linkage, see: join; connection days. kho deng song nyob shag. (qho th~r)Saon

lion, 1, iso. mythical ~c.:~- /ser)qe/ 2. iso. n~pshaa)

real {2."\0'.1'~-"· /t~mser)/ list of missing items a:."'· !i· /chfftho/
lip OLI~·'f· /chute/ literacy "-'
=·""\·~~- %..(. /y.!_qi shempa/ . 11 In Nepal,
lower lip """"'' ~~· /mEncu/ literacy is low, phol yul lo yi ge shes po
upper lip v.t<H'<ll~' /yEncu/ nyung nyung red, (ph£EyUUlo y.!_qi shempa n~r)nuun
lipstick <'Jl~·~"'..,~:t:.·;:r--t::~.~c.q"'\·/chOH) m6opa s~yao/ r!!~) [Note: This literally means "there are
liquefy, va, D, ~·f'2..l· ""\~:>:.· /chUla k~r/ [Syn. few laterote people,"]
. "- ..r C\
chu 'i ngo bor bsgyur] """' hterolly .ib"f\'~.r\'<6"'\'""t<'\a"\'~~· /tshiqth::J~ tshiq-
..r "' 0..
ci!; "\,' ~· '\~'>~·
liquid /13nqi r.!_q/ 1[ He did research shoo chcC/ 11 He translated the book literally.
on liquids, khos rlon gyi rigs la zhib 'jug khos deb de tshig thog tshig bzhog byos bsgyur
byes pa red, (qh8"d 18nqi r,!qla shimcuu chEtpa- shag. (qhBB th!;Pti tshiqth::J~ tshiqshooce k~r­
re~) shoa) [Syn. tshig nos tshig lo]
liquidate, 1, iso, convert to cosh, vo, 7..,~· ~::t;.· literal translation, 1. n. "
=;;t""''· ~::r...· /tshiqkur/
~:<!-{ • /r)00kuu ch£C/ 1[ He liquidated his things
'-' [ Syn, thad sgyur 2. vo. -- ::z~· '
~ /chec/

(to cosh) • khos co log dngul sgyur byos shag. li terory ~""\· 'f~ · /y.!_qtsdn/ 1f litera~ magazine
( q h n.' '
cllloo nn
r)uukuu ' ' )
chEeshao 2. iso. des- yig rtsom tshag deb (y_!qtsom tshoqtep) [Syn.
troy/eliminate, va, C. ]{'~"'\ 41t"-\· /tsome~ yig srol; yig skod]
254 · literary criticism

literary criticism, neo, Uo~4""\" -.. " v--
"'"i~Z:.""\'"'-" f2.Q(Z..("z:t«."~'l· /toots si5C5nc/ ~
¥; .. ~
""l.~") · /yiqshuunta teew&& k8ncod/ He will come in a little while. kho t_og tsom
- " - '<
literary style <•·1'"\"~~z::.·cz.~·{?.l:r\~· /yiqshuun tuluu/ song nos yang gi red. (qho toots sC5on&
C\,.' .......... ~ "" - -
literate CIJ.'"l\"4<!-\"z.J" /y!qi shtiillpa/ ~ Is she lit- y_!!)qiree)
erate? mo yi ge shes pa red pas? !m,2 Y!qi live, 1. !so. alive /sBmpa/ ~ live
shei!Jpa r!p&&) fish nga gson pa !n,2 sBmpa) 2. iso. pass
literature /tfncor;/ ~ ancient lit- life, vi. D. a.i£· /tshC5/ ~ It's hard to live
erature sngar gyi bstan bcos ~~~rki tfncor;) ~ under such hardships. dka ' ngal 'di 1 dra 'i 1 og
contemporary literature nye dus kyi bstan bcos la 1 tsho thub yag khag po red, (qo~&& t!n}&&
(~tu~i tfncbt) w2ola tsho thOOyaa qhl5qo r!~l
- ~
[Syn, yig rtsomJ rig rtsom]
literature and art "t.l.l"\ ;g-0>1· ""\""-"-"'...\"~PI· /y!qtsoillta
va. A'. ~~"\ /tE_c/ ~ He lived in Lhasa.
3, iso. reside,
r.!_qts&&/ lha sar bsdad pa red, (qho lhffsaa t&cparee)
' :::;.. /qutshe
long live • • • I ~-~-~-~~-ZI.~~·z..~·~·ry "'
/thimtu~ ch!~&&n/ }hithat """
tfillpashoo/ ~ Long live our President I
/thimtu~ chE_C/ nga tsho 1 i srid 1 dzin sku tshe khri phrag brtan
khos kha mchu pa shag! (~,2nts'dtl siitsiin qutshe thi}haa
khrims gtugs byas pa red. ( qhS'~ qhamcu thimtuu tfillpashoo)
ch£Cparee) right to live ~~ v- "
.... ·~'\·~·.::~;.z:.·.o;;~e::.· /tshotb1sqi
litter, 1. iso. rubbish, i. ra~waan/
- ..r:=
/qh&&Fiil/ ii, va, C, livelihood, 1. n. n.iiL·z:~· /tshowa/ ~ poor live-
Don't litter, gad snyigs rna gsho a. (qh££nil lihood 1 tsho ba skyo po "(tshowa kopo) 2, iso,
mcsho a) iii, iso. sweep up litter, va. A. earn a livelihood, va. B. -- ;z:r~~l" I --k'ff/ ~
(l. ~"'l-<H · I --cha?J I 2. is o. a stretcher n.fl\ · How does he earn his livelihood? kho tsho ba go
(2.~. /kEJ..COOn/ 1 dra zer skye! gyi yod pa red? (qho tshowa
little, 1. small ~<!:.·~;,;.· /chO~huun/ ~ I want qhan}ccs kffqiyoorcc)
- ......r- """" -
a little house, nga la khang pa chung chung lively ~.z._;"Z.I· /}h~po/ ~ He's a lively person,
zhig dgos. (q~ qho~pa chu~huunci qoo) 2, kho mi brad po zhig red. (qho m! thodpoci r!~l
iso. a li.ttle ~-z-6\1· /t3ots or tftt~/ ~ He liver 04~~-~ · /chrmpa/
drank a little beer, khos chang tog tsom btung liver disease ~~01.,· z..~ri.· a~\," af· /chrmp&& n,2tsa/
shag. ( qha8 cha~n toot~ tO?!sho?J) [Syn. ph ron livestock, see: cattle
buj cung zad] 3, is a. a little over '1;"1" ,("~ · living, 1. see: live, 1. 2, iso. residing ~"') ·
/lhaqts/ ~ We come a little over one year ago. ;>J(ZI"" /t~~&&n/ ~ those living in America a mi
ngo tsho lo gcig lhog tsom gyi sngon la yang pa ri kar sdod mkhan tsho (~meriqaa t'do~&&ntsho)
yin. (~,2ntso 1,2 crq lhoqts&& ~ffnla y,2npayin) 3. !so. living arrangements, i. ~J\-~Z\· j h.
~ He gave me a little more than 100 dollars, 4~-a"j~·
.aTj · /tod't-il i
h. shuqtil/
ii. iso. make
khos nga la sgor mo brgya lhag tsam zhig sprad living arrangements, va. C. -- :2:1~2-1· /--sf!~/
byung. (qhSB ~~ q22mo k,2 lhoqtsci tfccul [Syn, sdod sa gra sgrig byas] 4. iso. living
little by little lfZ~.·::<f"~·~.oy:i"~·~~· /toots beings ~· "'\ ·~014"""'" -<S~· /},2WO semC&&n/ 5,
t~ots ch£C/ ~ He built the house little by !so. living conditions o.'i!; 2l?:.· ...-\"C\,"2!'\" ,~:.~ ·
little. khos khang pa de tog tsam tog tsam byas /tshow&& nfftan/
brgyab song.
( qhoo qha~pati
. .
toots to::>tsc& k_:p- living room Z"\"3.01l·col: · /simcuun/
lizard !'~~·(lJ-.·:z:.t>..~· /tsc55mpaa qhor&&/
little finger /toe ;;).! lflJ. ·a:;.;::.· /ts_!:!pcuun/ load, 1. n. ~· ~- /th_2po/ ~ He bought two loads
-,:) "'>
look 255

of rice, khos 'bros do po gnyis nyos shag, me 1 khor o mo]

(qhsts t.£& th_2po iirr ~ho~) 2, iso, load on o lofty, 1. see: toll 2, see: deep
cor/cart/etc,, vo, B, -- ~~~·/--k'l!f!/ ~ They log, iso. piece of wood, n • "'
...q.::.·"\~· /shil)tum/
loaded (loads of) rice on the cor, kho tshos mo log b~idge ~"\~ · =l.CIJ' /l~I)Som/ "'
~o 1 i sgong lo 1 bros do po bskyol shag, ( qhon- logic """l'd-.1'~~- z..~.· /lshf!f!mo r!,.qpo/ [Syn, gton
tsl:i'd m,2~&& q.!:!nlo ~£& th_2po kf!'l!sho~) 3. iso, tshigs rig po]
load on on animal, vo. B, -- ~"v~c /--qf!'l!/ ~ lollipop ~~-.i!'\"'-·~-~C'"l· /iiuqoon cirii/
They looded the horse, kho tshos rto lo do po lone, see: single
bkol shag. (qh~ntsl:i'd tole thopo q'l!f!shoa) lonely ~~'50.-~"\·"]~~-~&:.· /~h~mee c!qkoon/ ~
loaf 1 1. iso. bread cz.~~-:t;· ~-~~-
-, ;ffc:.·
"\.) - -
/pam ru~i He is lonely, kho grogs med gcig rkyong red,
~ntsoon/ [Syn. bog leb nor nor sgong tsong] (qho ~h~mee crqkoon r!e)
2, iso. loof, vo, see: lazy lonesome, see: lonely
loon, 1. n. ~-~~- /ph~oon/ ~ I got o loon long ~"': ~- /r!,.l)qu/ ~ This rood is long, lam
khog di ring po red, (lol)qoa ti ril)qu ree)
from the bonk.
ngo lo dngul khong nos bu lon
(1).2!:!, l)ll!Jqoomc ph~b"dn ch~n) 2, iso,

long-distance telephone call

- ~~---
-ra· - "\ZJ.'%,.'

grant o loon, vo. -- "\"lj"'-' /--loon/ 3, iso, /k2_1)rin qhopao/

ask for a loon, vo, c. -- ~~<!-\· 1--lon/ longer, 1. ~z:;,·Zl· /r!,.~IJ&a/ 11 This is longer
loon word 4"\u.~::~;· €~· /y~rtshiq/ than that. 'di de los ring bo 1 dug, (ti thilc&
<'., - -
loothe 1 vo. ~z;.·~·~.,..... /t.!:!l)qo ch£,1:./ ~ He r!,.?.JI)a~) 2. iso, make longer, vo. ::o;,"'-·~·Zllj"' ·
loathes women, khos skye dmon lo sdong po byed /r!,.l)ru UJOn/ ~ Make it longer, 1 "'
di ring du
kyi 'dug. .....
( qhoB kemccnlo t.21)qo ch!,.qi1') gtong. (t!,. r!,.l)ru ton)
loothsome ~~·!fil- /kOq ~h,2qo/ longevity~·~~-~- /tshe ril)qu/
lobby "'\-~~- /q~pil/ [Syn, bar khyoms] long hair (for people) ~- ;:_&:.':"ii· /~a r,!l)qu/
lobe (of ear) ~'...tq~· /nosh&&/ long horn used in religious ceremonies ")~-a-"0\. ·
local <!-'.' ~~>:':<.· /son&&/ local government so /thui)Ceen/ ......,
gnos gzhung (son&& sh~Q) -
longitude "·
~G\z:;,·~o!l'y /sh!!"Jthil/
locale ~·c:s· /socho/ ~ He moved too new locale, long long ago -..;)~;;>.~
" v-
· ~·.;o.s, • /l)omo l)c:Jmo/

kho so cho gsor po zhig lo spos shag. (qho long range, 1. mil. "'
~.:=..'tz.Z4a.,· /k.!:!l)pheen/ ~

sacho soopa cila p~dsho~) long range artillery rgyong 1 phen me sgyogs
locality, see: locale (k.21)pheen m~k~~) 2. iso, plans ~~~-~h.·\z:;.· ~
locate, 1. see: find 2, see: establish 3, see: /phllqkon r!,.l)qu/ 11. long range plan phugs rgyang
dwell; reside ring po'i 'char gzhi (phOqkon r!l)qUU ch~esh~)
location ~·a:> /socho/ 11 This is o good location long run (in the) ~~'Z!-<·~· /phOUia/ ~ In the
for starting o factory. 1 di bzo grwo 1 dzugs long run, we shall win. phugs la ngo tshor thob
so 1 i so cho yog po zhig red, ( t!,. s,2~o tsuus&c kyi red. (phutla I)Ontsoo th~pqiree)
c-- .....
sacho Y.!:!qoci r!e) [ Syn. : so bobs] long time "\~·~a.,· ::o;,~· .z.t· /thUUyuun ril)qu/ ~ A
'-V ~ - -
locoti ve case (2.1' ~"\ • /l_2tl:i'dn/ long time passed, dus yun ring po phyin song,
lock, 1. n, l\'<lol\~· /q_2Co~/ 2, vo. (thu1JyUUn ril)qu chrnsu)
/k2_p/ , He locked the house. khos khong par -
long-winded - " "
~"\·co· =t."'-· '4 · /q'l!co r!l)qu/
sgo !cogs brgyob shag, (qhsts qhol)pao 9£CoO .k2_p- look, 1. iso, look at, vo. C, ~~~- /tr.'C/ 11 He
shoa) 3, iso. open o lock, vo, D. -- ~ · /che/ looked at the dog. khos khyi lo bltos song.
(qh~d khila t'l!&so)
locket 41a. ·
~ -
~t2J.· ~·..3-1·~· /r!,.li omo/ [Syn, neo, c, like .2:l~· ~· ~-
2. iso. looks like/seems
/s2_ro/ 11 She looked like o
256 lookout

Mongolian. mo sag po'i bzo 1 dro po zhig 'dug, (t33tuun t!_ lhOqlu~ sh!~oo r!~)
(m~ s!5qpb'l:l s~roci t!!_'tl) 11 She looks hungry, mo loose-leaf book~<:~·~ '1'){04" /th!P lhOqtem/
grod khog !togs po'i bzo 1 dro zhig 1 dug. (m~ loosen, vo. c. ~<l\·);"1· """~~- /lhuqluu s2_1i/ 11
~h~qo?l t!5?lp&& s~roci t!!_~) 3, iso, try to find, Please make th~ d~s loose, chu po 1 di lhug
vo. B. .q2fi-4 • /tsft!/ 11 He looked up her nome lhug bzo rogs gnong, (chOpa ti lhuqluu s,2r-
in the book, khos deb nang lo mo'i ming btsol :~?>nco)
song, ( qhltd th!P ~nlo m~ m!_r.J tsffso) [Syn: loot, 1, n. ~~-a;::>.; /c&lnor/ 11 They divided
bltos] 4. iso, look after, i, (for humans) 1 vo. up the loot. kho tshos beam nor bgo bsho 1
~·~e:.·~"k' /tl!ko~ ch!'&/ 11 He looked after the brgyob po red, (qhonts~d cCimnor ~he k!pare~)
child. khos phru gu der lto skyong byes po red, [Syn, 1 phrog bcom byes po 1i rgyu nor] 2, vo,
(qhB"d pOqu th&& tliko~ ch&'&poree) ii, (for other ~·~':1\·~~ay~~d-1·~~· /k,!!noo ~h5qc00. ch!c/
animals and inanimate objects) 1 va.
- '("'"
<;. iJ<T\<!!'.2i!-\' They 1 ooted the monastery, .kho tshos dgon po 1 i

/t6to?> chE_t/ 11 He looked after the garden. rgyu nor 'phrog bcom byes po red, ( qhontsotl
khos ldum ro lo lto rtogs byes po red, (qh~ q~p&& k~noo !h!5qc~ chE_cpore~)
t!!_mroo tato?> chE_'&poree) [Syn. co go byes] 5, lop, see: cut
iso, search for, vo, A, Z1~a-.· /tfc/ 11 He lopsided, see: crooked
looked for o Tibetan restaurant. khos bod po i 1 loquacious ~')·a;·Clolc;:..· ~· /qfco m!r.Jqu/
zo khorg (yod mad) bltos song, (qh~ ph,!:!p&& lord "'\~'3\"Z..I' /p8mpo/ 11 He is our lord, khong
s2_qhoon y~e~ tr:.&so) [Syn. btsol] 6, iso, ngo tsho'i dpon po red, (qhoon r.1_2ntsoo p8mpo
look down on, vo. a.~ei'e:.:~~::.: ~a..· /th6r)chuun r!~) [Syn, lit. rje dpon; rje bo]
e... ......
chE_t/ f He looked down on foreigners, khos Lord of the Dead ~-'9"<\' E. · /shince/ [Syn, gshin
phyi rgyol gyi mi lo mthong chung byes po red, rje chos rgyol]
(qhltd chik&&qi m!_la thOnchuun chE_'&poree) 7. lorry~ see: truck
iso. look out for, vo, -"'·~~..:~<~K· /th_2noon lose, vi. 1. A.~~~~· /leo/ 11 He lost the book,
ch£tl 11 Look out for bears in the forest, khos deb brlogs shag. (qh8ts th!P looshoo) 2,
shing nags no ng lo dom lo do snong gyis ong, iso. lose o game/bottle/money 1 vi. 8, -.::q::l\ · /sh5'5/
(shir.Jnoo noonlo thomlo thonoon chil a) 8, iso, 11 They lost the war, kho tsho dmog shor po
look up to-; vo. ~i~ a:,"\·~·~~· - /thon chempo red, (qhontso mlla sh!5!5pore~) 4. iso, lose"
ch£tl 11 He looked up to his older brother, one 1 s appetite 1 vi. A, "');r..; ~ · f2.A\~\' /th_2r)qo
khos kho rang gi jo jo lo mthong chen po byes po ·q2_a/ 11 He got sick and lost his appetite, kho
red, (qh88 qhCir&& c!5co?llo tho?) chempo chE_cpo- no nos dwong kho 'gog shag, (qho 112,n& th_2r.1qo
ree) 'J, iso, look into (a matter) 1 see: in- ~ashoa) 5, iso, lose consciousness, vi, D, 5-a,·
vestigate; examine -.:J'C'-'Ri:X::· /~h&mpo th'Sr/ 6, iso, lose one's hair,
lookout, 1. n, ~· 2..1· /s'Opo/ 11 They put two vi. A.~-@.~· Ita ph!_l/ 7, iso, lose one's mem-
lookouts on the roods, kho tshos lam khog sgong ory, vi. .,.,~J<.·q~~- ~~ · /tir)Ce~ chi~/ 11 He
lo so po gnyis bzhog po red, (qh5ntsb1s 12_r)qoo bonged his head and lost his memory of every-
q2_0l0 sopo nir sh~poree) 2, iso, Oct OS look- thirg that happened before that, kho mgo brdobs
out, vo, A. ,¥;. .q~i!-\· /so tfc/ nos de i gong lo go re byung po tshong mo gting
loom, iso, weaving apparatus ~a•ry ~· /th~qt-hi/ brjed phyin shag. (qho q~ t!pn& th~ qh_22nlo
loop 1 n, ~4\'l!;l::.' /th~qlur)/ [Syn, thog po 1 i qh_2re ch,!;!!:!npa tshor)mo tir)Ce~ chihshoo) 8, iso,
lung] lose one's heart, vi. B. ~il-l>!-\' ..tlf:.:,.· /se~ sh5'5/
loose ~zy ~3'\· /lhOqlu~/ 11 This shirt is very loser )5;'-:r,· O>.l('ll~· /sh!5'5r)&&n/ 11 Who was the loser?
loose, " .......,
stod thung 1 di lhug lhug zhe drag red, shor mkhon su red? (sh5!5r.J&&n sO rE_c)
low 257

loss, n. ~.,::;· /khf!2.n/ 11 This yeor we hod a big grol rim gyi brtse gdung ( ~h~.rimqi tsitu?l)
loss {in business). do lo ngo tshor gyong chen iiI va. -- ~'"'~' /--ch£_c/ 11 She loves the dog.
po rag byung. (th~lo ~~nts~~ khoon chempo ro~­ mos khyi lo brtse gdung byed kyi 'dug. (m~d
cu) kh!la tsitu"n ch_!qil) 2. iso. fall in love, vi.
lot, 1. iso. draw lots, vo. ~a_·"'\~'"'" /kE!:_n B. ~o.t<l-<-·.;q.:r...· /se~ sh33/ 11 He fell in love
k2_p/ 11 They drew lots to see who would go to with Perna. kho pad rna lo sems shar shag, (qhp
Tibet. kho tshos bod lo su 'gro rgyon brgyob po pffmoo sem sh33shoo) 3. iso. like/enjoy "\~('2..' tl
red. ( qhontsb1l ph~dlo sti ~.£ k££n k2_pare~) 2. /q9_po/ 11 She loves to donee, mo zhobs bro
i. iso. dough bolls with names in them a.-a_· ""('J.' rgyag yog lo dgo' po 'dug. (m_£ sh~pro koayaolo
/s£_nrii/ ii. iso. pick lots via dough bolls, q~po t.!:!_u) 4. iso. make love, see: intercourse
vo. B. -- Zl~C•-r /~ii/ 3. iso. pick lots via love and cherish, va. A%·!;::.·~,..,- /tseko"n chf:.C/
sticks, vo. C. ~a_·~~~· /kE!:,.n t~~/ [Syn. 11 Parents love and cherish their children. ph a
rgyon bsgrugs] mas phru gu lo brtse skyong byed kyi 1 dug,
lotion, 1. iso. medicine ~- j:}O\' /ch'Crnc&n/ 2. iso (phamc& puq~~ tsekbn ch.!qil)
cosmetic .,a..·-.:t~"""· a· /shopsod chO/ love and loyalty "\4"'{'-· ~"\ /q~sheen/ 11 He has
lots, see: many; much love and loyalty for his country. khos so so'i
lottery, 1. n. ::2-~·..;:;;.oy /kE!:,.nsh~?J/ 2. iso, pick lung par dgo' zhen byed kyi 'dug, (qhoo sCisbo
the winner in a lottery, vo. C. -- ~~'\. /tBn/ l.!:!_Qpao q~sheen ch!qil)
lotus ~ · /pr!Cmo/ love and respect, 1. n. "\~"\CZ-'4\4!-4.' /q2_q"u1J/ 2. va,
loud 1 1. iso. sound
~"\- <b~<-1 •
/qfc chempo/ 11 -- ~¢\· /--chE,.&/
11 He hos love and respect for
The radio is very loud, rod 9i yu de skod chen his parents. kho so so'i pho mar dga 1 gus chen
po zhe drag 'dug. (rft-iyuuti qfc chempo sh!:_~oo po byed kyi I dug. ( qh8'd sasoci phomoo q2_qtr;J
t.!:!_~t) 2. iso. garish ~"\· ~- /horpo/ 11 His shirt chempo ch.!qil)
(\, ~ '<-
is 1 oud. kho 'i stod thung hor po 1 dug. ( qhSS lovely, iso. beautiful ~r;;..-E.·ZJ.· /n!ry;;epo/ 11 a
t83tuun harpo t~u) lovely flower me tog snying rje pa zhig (m!:_t~~

louder ~''\~.?'\~:a.· zo.· /qffshuu chee/ 11 He spoke niry;;epaci) [Syn, yid snong lo 1 gro po; yid du
louder than the Perna. khos skad cha pod rna los 1 ong bo]
skad shugs che ba bshod song. (qh~ qfca pffma lover %&:..· ?{~ · /niQtuu/
lE_c qffshuu chec shfcso) [Syn. skad che bo] loving, is~. oct. va. ~~~- ~-~..._- /ch~mpo ch£_c/
loudest ~~·~&j~-a.-.;<s;C\· /qffshuu chesh&i/ [Syn. 11 He acted loving to the children, khos phru
skad che shos] gu la byams po byas pa red. (qhsB puq~~ ch~mpo
loudly $;\'\'~<l'\~-~'0\--£. ;t""' /qCfshuu chempoc&/ 11 ch£_cpore~)
Speak loudly! skod cho skod shugs chen po byes low, 1 • iso, not far from ground '\C).\(2:~· /mOpo/
shod! (qfco qffshuu chempoc& sh8~) [Syn. skod 11 o low shelf bong khri dmo' po zhig (ph2_r)~hi

chen po byas] mopoci) 2. iso. of small amount/degree/force,

loudspeaker ~~- ;q_~")~ · /k~~~oo/ 11 He spoke etc. a,~: a:.-.:..·
~ --.:>
/chOr)chuun/ 11 a low flame me lee
through a loudspeaker. khos rgyang bsgrogs thog chung chung zhig (m!:_ce chury;;huunci) 3. iso.
skod cha bshod song. n:
( qhod '
k~~~ao '
th3~ qfca low in rank, status 'la.~'v~ /mopo/ 11 low birth
shfeso) skye so dmo' po (keso mopo) 4. iso. low in
louse, iso. the insect vq~· /shil/ quality ~-o;,-~ /sh£_mpo/ 11 low quality cloth
louse egg ~-0>-.1· /~omao/ ros spus ko zhon po {r£.& pllOqa sh£_mpo) 5, iso.
lousy, see: bad; terrible low price a-1;::.· ~z::: ~;:::: · /qh~n chiiry;;huun/ 6,
love, 1. n. z:IJ>'"."'!"\;::.· /tsrtu"n/ 11 class love iso. low in sound ~")- -11.4'\~· «;~· ;t;~
~ .._, -v
258 lower

/q&cshuu chuQChuun/ ~ He talked low. ·khos skod zhed po cig 'dug,

cho skod shugs chung chung byes bshod song. sh!puci t_!!u) [Syn. she zhen] 2. iso. oct
(qh~d q~ca q~~huu chu~huunc& sh&cso) 7. isa. loyal/with loyalty, va. -- ~~- /ch£C/ ~They
low in spirits~....,.-~¥· /s~ kopo/ acted with loyalty to their government. kho
lower, 1. "'\O>ll>-· ~· /ma'o/ ~ This is lower than tshos so so 1 i gzhung lo zhen byas po red.
that. 1 di de los dmo' bo 'dug. (t! th! 1£& mao (qhonts~ s8sod shuQlo sheen ch&cporee)
2. v_a. \o.t(2..·~~~z:.· /maru taan/ ~ Please
c., - - -
t_!!u) lubricant ~a..1· :.s-- · /numtsi/ [Syn. byugs snum; neo.
lower the shelf. bong khri 1 di dmo' ru gtong c, 1 phrul""'snum]
rogs gnang. (ph~rJt.hi t! mCiru toonr::>~noan) 3. lubricate, va. A. '!;i~·% · ~41~· /numtsi chuu/
"' "V -
~ He
iso. lower the volume/sound, va. ~i;,· ~z:.·~·A7e;:· lubricated the motor. khos mo }or lo snum rtsi
/q&c chul)ru toon/ ~ Pleose lower the radio. byugs song. (qh~d moo}::>::>lo numtsi ch_!!UsO)
rod 9i yu de skod chung ru gtong rog gnong. luck (4ld..\ ·rz~ · /l2_m-t.o/ ~ He has no luck. kho lo
(r£-t.iyuuti q&c chul)ru toonr::>~noan) 4. iso. lam 'gro mi 'dug. (qh~~ l2_m-t.o m!ntuu) [Syn.
lower the flag, va. D. ''\"·a;·z.1;q· /th,9_rcho pap/ bsod noms; bsod sde]
5. iso. go lower in price/amount, vi. a.~·'\·~~- lucky "\~~-~~~ /sote chempo/ 'V He is very
/chul)ru chi?./ ~ Prices went lower. gong chung lucky. kho bsod sde chen po red, (qho sote
du phyin shag. (qhoon chOI)ru chi~shaa) 6. iso. chempo r!~l [Syn. bsod noms chen po]
go lower in -rank/level, vi. Z)all'l.·-:o,·~a_· /meru lucrative ?a·A3e::.·~Ct)~· /qliepsoon chempo/ 11 This
chi?./ ~ His rank was lowered. kho'i go so dmo' is a lucrative business. 1 di tshong khe bzong
ru phyin shag. (qhSB qhosa maru chinshaa) chen po zhig red. {t! tsho6n qhepsoon chempoci
lower class ~c-u·~~-~~·-/-t.hMri~ w22_mo/ r!~l
lower eyelid ~"'\· ~~~- C£'~· .;>.(" /miqpo'o w22_mo/ lug, see: pull; drag
[Syn. mas lcibs] lukewarm ~"\·~· /}h~ncom/
v v
lower house (in congress, par lioment, etc. I .?f~ · lump .i!)li"\ A<f\" /t;:_qt::>~/ ~ a lump of sugar bye mo
;jf..,..l.,..-((~-~ · /"t.h~tsh::>~ w22_mo/ ko ro rdog rdog (ch!mo qaro t;:_qt::>~)
lower jaw ~~-(2.~04 · /m£n}om/ lunar month A"t:"\.t.' /ph_!!nto/ [lit. Tibetan system
lower lip ..;>.!<!-\'~~ /m&ncu/ month]
~ -
lower middle cz.~~-ll"'\ · /}!!Jm&&/ ~ lower middle 1st lunar month A'"\" f:, · "\ ~.: ~- /ph_!!nto th2_1)po/
class grol rim 'bring smod ·(}h~ri~ }!!Jm&c) 2nd lunar month ;;("'· ~- ~~~ · "Z.I" /ph_!!nto iiiipa/
lower port, iso. the foot/bottom 4")-ft\31" /shom/ ~ ·3rd lunar month~")~· ZJ""j~"'~·"Z.I· /ph_!!nta sumpa/
the lower port of the mountain ri gshom (r!- 4th lunar month ~~·J· Zlfa.'2.l' /ph_!!nto sh!pa/
shom) 5th lunar month Z!l'\· ~- <}!_'"ZJ" /ph_!!nto l)opo/
lower port of a region, volley -.o.~)\· /t2_/ [Syn. 6th lunar month %:(~·~· ~.r"\'"Zl' /ph_!!nto "t.h_!:!qpa/
mdo 1 ] 7th lunar month ~')·~-z:~~-,--~. c /ph_!!nta t!;!mpa/
lower teeth ~OH-~ /m~so/ 8th lunar month :A"\~-'=~~')· Zl' /ph_!!nto k£po/

lowest, 1. iso. a rank/level """"tz.'-1"\Z'-1· /mashW/ 9th lunar month Zl"\ ~-~~·-.:.~ · /ph_!!nto q!!pa/
~ lowest shelf bong khri dmo' shos (ph~IJ}hi 10th lunar month 4..::· 3'Z\~'"Zl' /phi:into cupa/
\(U" (\ -
mash~) 2. iso. a price/amount ....,
0"'-' .;q:a.. . 11th lunar month ~'\· ~- Zl~ • 4~'Y ~ · /ph_!!nta cuq-
/chui)Sh~/ ~ lowest price gong chung shos cilpa/
( qhoon chui)Shod) 12th lunar month ~;:::·-;t'A.0"81ch~·
\ c-J ....., I )

loyal, see: loyalty cul)nilpa/

loyalty, 1 • ra,~· /sh22.n/ ~ He has greot loyalty lunatic, see: insane person
to his government. kho so so'i -gzhung lo zhen lunch ~~-")~·fl·!Ud"j' /f'i!l)quun qholaa/ [Syn. gung
lyric · 259

lunchtime ~>-a.,· 4\c;. ·(Z' ·(Lla,:~· -"'2-i.. ~"\ · /i'iil)quun qholo~
....-.3 "" -
qi th.!:!!!tshod/ ~ I 111 meet you at lunchtime,
ngos khyed rang nyin gung kho log gi dus tshod
lo mjol gyi yin, (1J£t kheroon i'i!l)quun qholo~ qi
thtrLitshod lo c~qiyin) [Syn, gung tshigs kyi
lung ?S.-..· /1~~/
lure, vo, z:~~· ~"\· ~~· /lCJ-~il chE_t/ ~ They lured
him to Tibet, kho tshos kho bod lo bslu khrid
byos po red. (qhentsod qho ph~ la
lurk, see: wait; hide
luster, see: shine
lute (Tibetan) ;_· ~ ~ · /t~mn&&n/
lymph a;·~.:.;·
....., /ch'Usee/
lynch, see: hong
1 ynx .1)~· /'l"/

lyric "'\q2,<.~· /sh&&tshil/


machination, see: plot; trick

machine a,· /thtlllqhM/ ~ paper cutting
machine shog gtub 1 phrul 1 khor (sh!Sqtup thOO-
machine gun 63-~,a..·~'\\'i!:'l-'t\' /m!nta paqpa~/
machine lathe factory c::t~~·~~:~:<~·~'a.~· , /thtltlteq

machine mode a:.~~·~"')f"~· /}h00sb1s/ ~ machine

mode paper 1 phrul bzos shag bu ('t-hllllscru shOqu)
machine operator a.!~Ql'O..~.x·~~·~- /}hOOqhOO
machine repair station c::t~~·"-'Q!t.:t:,·~F"'\~~·<C:I."=\~·
~~· lt.hllOqhM s_2pci'S'd ph~ptshuu/
machinery a:.~~-Ci:>~' /}hOOch&~/ ~ heavy machinery
1 phrul chas lei bo 1 i rigs (}h00ch&c ciw&& r!q)
~ light machinery 1 phrul chos yang bo 1 i rigs
(}htlllch&c y~~w&& r!ql
mod, 1, iso, angry, vi. C. ~e:..·~c:.~·; h. ~·~c:.·
ct.~~~· /10~ 1,2~; h. qilluun sh~?!/ ~ He got very
mad, kho rlung zhe drag longs shag. (qho 10~
sh!t.oo l~~sho~) 2. iso, insane, vi. D, ~:/no/ "
~ He went mod last year, zlo ny.f,n kho smyo
shag. (t!niin qho nasho~) [Syn. smyon pa
(byos) chogs]
madam, iso, owner of brothel ~GSl..e;.'<=l"-....t:t'\' /sh~~­
mod dog \·~a,: /khiiit>on/
madhouse ~(2\c:.: /nSr)qaon/ [Syn, smyon pa gso
Modhyomiko (school of Buddhism) ~~-~- /uma/
follower of the Modhyomiko "'-.~CJ.l·~· /Omapa/
madm~n ~·e.t· /i'i'&lpa/
modwanon ~<A· !n&o!
magazine ~~~:::~.· /t¢1oqtep/
pictorol magazine 1:::1.">~~1:::1. • /nfntep/
monthly magazine 51~~~~~~· /t,2ree tshoqtep/
weekly magazine <=::~.~~~~·~~~.o:~.· /t!!!;!nree tshoq-
maggot '<'\'t:t.~· /sh;mpu/
magic, 1, n. ~~·<.:t...~Cll· /mi~t.tru/ 2. !so, do/show
magic, vo, c. -- ~~~· /--tr.?!/
magician ~~·ct.~Ql·~~Ri\' /mi~tru tf~&&n/
magistrate 'G_a.l~'"\~ /}himpi'S'on/
majority 261

magma i\:~~ /t2f3hUUn/ ~·~r¢J.·~~c::..· /~!!,.ala toan/ 4. iso, type of armor

magnanimous ~'l:<:z.\<=.',;:r /m!;_ S!!,.r)po/ ~ He is very ~~·/~h§p/
magnanimous, kho mi bzong po zhe drag red, mail box 1i'''\'~a.l.' ~~~qom/
(qho m!;_ S!!,.r'JPO Sh!,~OO r!,~) mailmo!'l ~<t\,'"-l' /~!!,.qpo/
magnet ~tz:\<:1.' ~" /t2_ qh§pleen/ mail-train ~'l\~~~~· /~!!,.qkee r!;_li/
magnetic Pole, neo, ~·~~~·a.""S~~~·~~ maim, see: cripple
/s§shii thHnshut n&no/ [Syn. neo, c, rdo khob main ~·~· /tewa/ ~ the main office los khungs
len gyi nus·sne] lte ba (l££qu~ tewa) [Syn, gtso bo]
magnificent, 1, iso. very good .;e..e:l~"'\~~~'1\·a:f main and branch ~·~-n.· /~loa/ ~ the main and
/~ m_:silp&& Y!!,.qo/ ~ The meal was magnificent. branch office las khungs me lag (l££qu~ m!!.loa)
gsol tshigs de dpe mo srid po'i yog po 1 dug, mainland, neo, c. ~~-~~~~ /qamso chempo/
(sBBtshilti pe m_:silp&& Y!!.qo t~t) mainly, 1 • ~~·~·e:t· /m!!,.?)ch&c/ ~ I stayed mainly
magnify, va. ~·~<:~.'<jC:..' /ch~u Ulon/ [Note: This in hotels. ngo ( dus tshod) mong che be mgron
literally means "make larger/bigger,"] khang lo bsdod po yin. (r)!!,. th.!:!!:!tsh~ m!!,.?Jc;h&C
magnifying gloss ~~t>.l' /cheshee/ ~~nqoonla t£Cpoyin)
magnitude, see: size main one ~~ /tsowo/ ~ Dor je was the main
magpie ~'It'\' /~aqo~/ [Syn, skye ko] one, rdo rje gtso bo red. (t2_Ce tsowo r.:~l
mahodeva, skt, ~·~<>( /lhocheen/ maintain, 1, iso, keep in existence, vo. 't~~·
mahomudra, skt, ~~·(§;~~~ /choqko chempo/ @f'~:/k!!nko~ ch£1/ ~ They ore maintaining their
mohorojah ~C1t·~ /kE£,po/ [Syn, skt, rgyol po enthusiasm. kho tshos kho tsho'i sems shugs
chen po] rgyun skyong byed kyi 'dug. (qhonts~ qhontsod
mahatma 1 skt, ~:\"\,~~-"~~~ /t~iiil chempo/ ~ simshut k,!;!nko~ ch!;_qil) 2, iso, keep in order
Mohotmo Gandhi bdog nyid chen po ghon dhi operation, vo, A'<n.'"'"\~~--€!_,~' /t!!,.qce~ ch£C/ 11
(t~iiil chempo ~nti) They ore maintaining the cars, kho tshos mo t.a
Mahayana, skt. --:2~ 1,~· /theqcheen/ lo bdog gees byed kyi 1 dug, ( qhontsbt m!!.t.aa
moh-jongg, 1. n,~~· ~~~/ [Syn, c, rna' cong] 2, t!!.qce~ ch!;_qil)
iso. ploy Moh-jongg, vo, -- l:t~~· /--k,:p/ ~ I maise ~~Sol' /5shom/ [Syn. mo rmps lo tog]
know how to ploy Moh-jongg, ngos bog rgyog shes Moitreya Buddha ~o.x.·~'€§Ji11~'"'-l.' /k£WO ch!!,.mpo/
kyi yod. (r)£C ~a k!!,.a shir)qiybt) [Note: Tibe- major 1 1, iso. main ""\~~ /tsowo/ 11 a· major
tans also play a game with tiles called bag chen question don dog gtso bo (th!!ntoa tsowo)
or "big mah-jongg,"] [Syn. gtso che ba] 2. iso. the greater port eJ.l.c::::
moh-jongg table ~<t\·~~· /~qco~/ ~-~· /m!!,.?Jc;h&f:./ ~ The major port of the city
maid (servant) '"t\ii:f'ct\·.if" /y22,mo/ was destroyed, grong khyer mong che bo gtor
maid (servant) of a high person ~~·'?'&.l.' /shE£,- bshig bta ng shag. ( ~h2,r)khee · ~?)ch&c t~rshil
tama/ tcionshoa)
maiden~·~ /ph~o/ majority, 1, iso, the greater port or number ~c:..·

maiden-name <50"-'~'0J.J.'t~::t..@_,~·~~·~~·~c:: /chor)So ~·t::~.• /m!!,.?Jch&e/ ~ The majority of workers are

m_:kap qh2,r)qi khimmir)/ Chinese, bzo po mong che bo rgyo mi red, (s2_po
mail, 1. iso, letters ~4:<\,·~~·/~,:qyil/ ~ Did you m_2(Jch&c k,:mi r2,~l 2. polit. more than half of
receive any moil? khyed rang la sbrog yig ga 1 i the total number of people/voters/etc, ~C.~'l:;t'
'byor byung ngas? (kh~aanlo t.,:qyil qhE£ C.?,2- /~?)ch&c/ ~ according to the wishes of the ma-

ch~r)&e) 2. iso, packages, etc, '!\~~~·"\"'£:"'~· jority mang che bo'i 1 dod po byos no (~?)ch&C­
~~~·/~!!,.qkee r)S3ril/ 3. iso, send by mail, vo, qi t!!po ch££nal [Syn. mong phyogs; grongs morg]
262 majority approval

majority approval (or agreement, preference) ~~· malign, va. ~"1.'~'1'\"-:C~.t.<:l.' /k2_pshcc k2_p/ 11 He
~~· /m9..r)mod/ 11 They gat majority approval. maligned the teacher, khos dga rgon la rgyob
kha tshor mang mos byung shag. (qhonts~~ ~r)mb"d bshad rgyag pa red,
..:- q!qccn la k_!pshcc...
( qhoci
chuunshoo) k2_para~)
make 1 va. C. c:t~~· /s"§d/ 11 He made a chair. malingerer 1 va. B. 4\~'~(.l\~ /y83ocen/ 11 He is a
khos rkub bkyag cig bzos shag. ( qhS"d qlipkaaci malingerer (with respect to work), kho las kar
s_2dshaa) g.yol mkhan zhig red, (qho l££,qaa y83occnci
make (one) do 1 va. [vb.] ~a.~~· /[vb.] r~ r!~)
cut/ 11 He made them eat pork. khos kho tshor malleable, 1. iso, metals, etc, ~~~ /iiempo/
phag sha za ru bcug pa red. ( qhS"d qhonts~~ 2. iso. easy to manipulate "\.l:;:t~·z~.l::·~·if""
phoqsha S£rU cu'tJpare~) /samlo k~r lapo/
make-up, 1. iso. cosmetics ~~-~G:"( /ts~cec/ mallet, sea: hammer
11 I bought make-up, ngas mdzes byod nyos pa malodorous, 1. n. '%_·~-~~'cl':ft\' /th~ma t~qcao/ 11
yin. (O£C ts~cec ii_2dpayin) 2. iso, put on The house was very malodorous, khang pa dar dri
make-up, va. C. ii._~'"-\'~~d:' /nampa t~/ 3, iso, me sdug chag zhad po cig 1 dug, ( qhor)pa th££,
a replacement a:.e;.:.~~ . /ch'f!.fso/ 11 make-up th!ma t~qcaa sh!puci t~t} [Syn, dri rna ngan pa]
exam chad gso yig tshad (ch'f!.fso y~qtsec) 2. vi. D. -- ~· I --qh'a/ 11 The roam is very
make up for 1 iso. repay 1 va. C. "'\~-'!'\' /sS"d/ 11 malodorous. khang pa dar dri rna sdug chag kha
He has to make up for the losses, khos gyong gi 'dug. (qhor)pa th££, th~ma t~qcaa qh~qil)
rag pa de gso dgos red, (qh~ kh~n r9..opa th.!_ momma, see: mother
s5qore~) [Syn. kha bskongs; gsab] mammal (S?~~·~~·.{,~ /w_£thuun s~mcccn/
make up one's mind, va. c. ~.5a41.'"'l"<>"'.: /lothoa mammogram, nao, 1. n. ~'9:1·lfi"~'"\"'V:: /n~a l!'iqpar/
c'f!.c/ 11 He made up his mind quickly. khos 2. iso. have/gat a mammogram, va, -- ~"~.'
mgyogs po blo thag bead pa red, (qh~ k_£qo 10- /--k_!p/
thaa c'f!.cpare~) mammoth, sea: huge
make use of 1 vo. ~~~~~· /pheecb"d chE_C/ 11 man ~- /m!/ 11 How many man ore coming? mi go
He made usa of the book. khos dab bed spyod tshad yong gi red? (m~ qh2_tshcc y~oqirec)
byas shag. n.' th~p ph~coo
(qhoB ' ch£eshoa)
' ' [Nota: mi can also connote parson.] [Syn, khyo
malady, see: disease; sickness go,]
malaria o."'x..·~~ /t9..rnec/ manage, va. q~~x.·~~· /tsgnnar ch£tl 11
male, 1. ~ /phiS/ 11 Is i t mala or female? 1 di He managed the restaurant. khos za khong 'dzin
pho red dam rna red? ( t~ pho r££. m2, r£C} 11 male gnyer byes pa red, (qhS"d s2_qhaan tsgnner chcc-
and female ;:;r;-a:r- /ph'&no/ paree) [Syn. bdag gnyer byes]
male clothing ~o:,~· /phi5chec/ Marcsarowa Lake ~~<A·l'd~' /tshi5 ~pha~/
mala dog ;:;f~; /phOkhi/ Manchu ~s_:~; /m£ncu/ 11 the Manchu Emperor man
malevolent c:::.~~· lo£mpa/ 11 He is malevolent. ju gong rna (m£_ncu qh_£r)ma)
kho mi ngan pa zhig red, (qho m! ~mpaci r=~) mandala, skt. ""-~-o.~.x: /kir)qM/
malfunction ~~ /kmln/ 11 The engine has a mol- mandible, see: lower (jaw)
function. 'phrul 'khor a mar skyon 'dug, mane~· /s!/ 11 mana and tail ze gzhug (s!pshu'tl)
(thD0q66 amaa k83n t~t) maneuvers, mil. (iso. training) ~.<:l·a..c-~,""-~4\'
malice A~Ol3. ·~· /samoeen/ 11 the malice of an ~c:.· /th~mtsi?J maqcoh/
enemy dgra 1 i bsom ngan (tee samoccn) mange 'if: /oo/
malicious, see: malevolent manger ~~· /th2_~/
manure pile 263

mango ~19-l' /om/ mannerism ~"'·:.:~&;.~· /ch~tan/ 11 He has strange

mangy ~*~· /r)'l5 y~pa/ 11 a mangy dog khyi mannerisms. kho'i byed stangs khyod mtshor zhig
rngo yod pa zhig ( kh! r)'l5 y!;!paci) 'dug. (qh83 ch~ton kh~ntsaaci t.!:!,t) [Syn. spyod
manhunt, 1. n. ~~<:~..t·o:.~~·~~· /qlinaa tsh33- tshul]
ship/ 2, va. -- .§~' 1--ch§}:J manners ~~'t.l.\4\'z:r /c8pa y~qo/ [Note: This
maniac, see: madman literally means "good behavior. 11 ]
manifest, iso, show, va, C. i§.._~·.q·.q~~ /nompa man-of-war, iso. o ship ~"'\·~· /m~qtu/

t!:~/ 11 They manifested their opposition to the manpower ~~~· /m}_shut/ 11 By manpower they
king, kho tshos rgyal por kha btad gcog yag gi transformed nature. kho tshos mi shugs la brten
rnam pa bstan pa red. (qhontsod kE,£poo qhopt&c nos rang byung gi gnas stongs sgyur bcos btong
cooyaaqi nompa t!:~paree) po red, (qh5ntso1i m}_shutle teen& r~r)Cuunqi
manifestation, 1. iso. sign ~~~· /too/ 11 That n~fton k~rcod toonparee)
~-y-- ~
is a manifestation of their power, de kho tshor man servant -'t\=1."'\'"'s; h, (<i\Z\~·~ /y(iqo; h, sh~pci/
dbang shugs yod pa'i rtags shig red. (th~ qhon- man-to-man, see: frank; open
tsoo w~r)shut y!;!p&& taaci r~e) [Syn. mtshon mantra, skt. ~~~· /nco/
rtags] 2. relig. ~~-~· lt.IIDpe/ He is a man- mantrist ~'X\~'"-'' /noqpo/
ifestation of the Buddha, khong songs rgyas kyi manual, 1. iso. done by hand ~-":\·~~at· /l~r)qtnl/
sprul pa zhig red. ( qh155n soonk&cqi tOOpeci 11 manual transplanting machine lag 'gul lcong
rea) [Syn. rnam sprul] 'dzugs 'phrul 'khor (ler)quu c~r)tsut th00qh66)
manifesto, 1. n. ~~·~~~~· /kh~ptao/ 2. iso. 2. iso. a training book~·~~· /c5!}Jtep/
issue a manifesto, va. -- ~· /-Ch£&/ manual labor t::.m• ~~· /nE,£tsoci/ 11 We have to do
manifold, iso. varied and numerous it~~· manual labor. ngo tshos ngol rtsol byed dgos
/notso?:>/ 11 manifold responsibilities las 'gan red. (rJ~ntsod r)&&ts~ci ch~qoree)
sna tshogs (1E.,£nq&&n nots::>o) [Syn. sna mang manually, see: manual, 1
sna tshogs] manufacture, vo. C • .:!:1.1\<'1.' /s~/ 11 They manufac-
manipulate ~"'~.::t.'<)C::.' /ph2!co1i toon/ 11 He ture many products in Chino, kho tshos rgyo nag
manipulated the king, khos rgyal par bed spyod lo co lag mang po bzo gi yod po red. (qh5ntso1i
btang po red. n."
( qhoo " taonparee)
k&&poo ph2!coci ' k£noola Colao m~r)qu s~qiyooree) [Note: This
Manjusri, skt. O:.!i:.~'""-"l.Cl.l.' ~= • /c~mp&cyan/ literally means "make,"] [Syn. bzo los byes]
mankind ~~~~~~""~· /i-,£WO mgriq/ manufactured products "'1}\-ct..t~·~~~"'.:. /s2_l&C
manly .;;r--~~~~ /ph15so th~po/ 11 He is manly, th&lkee/
kho pho bzo dod po zhig 'dug. (qho ph5so thoci- manufacturing (industry) qr~~· /s2_l&c/ 11 They
poci t.!:!,t) ore improving the manufacturing industry in
man-made, see: artificial China. kho tshos rgyo nag la bzo las yor rgyos
mannequin ~~~~·/m,!! sop/ gtong gi yod pa red. (qh'l5nts~d konaolo sol&c
manner, [vb,] ~t:::~· /[vb.] tan/ 11 if you look Y£rk&c tunqiyo?:>ree)
at the manner in which change occurred 'pho manure, 1. n. ~e;,: /l}ffJ/ 2, iso. fertilize with
'gyur byung stangs la bltas no (phonkuu ch,!!J- manure, vo. ~@"'\' /--k~p/ 3. iso. make
tanlo t!:fno) 11 They explained the manner in manure, vo. c. -- A1!.$.' I --S_£0
which they cast steel ingots. kho tshos ngar chemical manure ~~·G~ /tsE.,£ltr~/ [Syn. rdzos
lcags kyi dum bu lug rgyog stongs 'grel bshod sbyor zhing !us]
byes pa red. (qh5ntso1i r)_£rcooqi th.!:!,mpu l.!:!,q kea- bone meal manure ;t::~·Ql..::,:
--.::> ....,
ton teesh&c ch£cporea) manure pile ~~~~:.: /l!!!;!puun/
264 many

many <!Qc.:t:F" /m~r;qu/ 11 They have many horses, kho marked the picture. khos dpor la rtags brgyab
tshor rta mang po 'dug. (qhonts~~ ta m~r;qu tuu) shag. (qh~d p5rla tao k~pshaa)
many different kinds o.s.:_~·a.s_:~c:.·~ /~!:!_ m~nt.a mark down (price) , vo. A. a:~.:c.·""~"'-' /~ coo/ 11
m~r;qu/ 11 There are many different kinds of He marked down the price. khos gong mar beag
horses in Tibet. bod la rta 1 dra mi 1 dra mang shag. (qh~d qh~n ~ caashoa)
po yod pa red, ( phi>la ta ~!:!. m.9,nt.a m2_r;qu y?_O- market, 1. n. Cf~· /~hom/ 11 I went to the market
re~) [Syn. sna mang sna tshogs] yesterday. ngo kha sa khrom lo ph yin pa yin.
Mao tse-tsung ~~~·~~· /m~tsetur;/ (r)!:!_ qhl:~a ~h5m lo chimpayin) 2. iso. hold a
Chairman Mao ~a..~d-1/l? /ts~ntsiin m~/ market, va. C. -- ~~ /--t8n/ 11 The market is
map 1 1, n. ~-.q~· /silp~a/ 11 map of Tibet bod (held) on Monday, gzo' zlo ba lo khrom 'don gyi
kyi sa bkra (ph~clqi S!:!_p~a) 2, iso. make the 'dug. (s!:!_ t!:!.wao thorn t;:_nqil) 3. see: sell
actual measurements for a map 1 va. C, ~-ao~~<t\· meat market "l'~ot\' /shot-hom/
~~~~· /sochcc thrqtshcc len/ 3, iso, draw vegetable market ~=·<'f'el.' /tshcft.hom/
a map from measurements), va, C, ~·t::~.>;q·~~~· marketable ~&.:~ /~h!_mpu/ 11 Is this marketable
/sop~a s~d/ in Tibet? 1 di bod lo brin po 1 dug gas? (t!_
mar 1 see: damage; spoil phb~ la t.himpu tuqcc)
marble ac-"\:~·~e:.t· /t2. komarupa/ mork:t day ~ct(·q~~~a.:w /t.hantoon n!_ma/
march, va. ~"'l"ie:::O\_~·~~ /r;:_ toone chin/ 11 marketploce 1 1. iso, the actual place where a
The soldiers marched, dmag mi tsho ru btang nos market is held (€'0».1·=· /t.h<imsa/ 2, see:
phyin song. (maamitsho ru taanc chrnsu) market
March ~-"'\~~·~· /cin~a sllnpa/ [Note: This market price ~~~~-~ /~hamqi qh~ntshcc/
means simply the 11 3rd Month."] marksmon 1 iso. good, adj. ~'<;A'\.<:l.'~-~ /lll!nta
mare ~-~~~· /to q<:X>ma/ tshcpo/ 11 He is a good marksman. kho me mdo 1
margarine ~~-~~·o:t' /m~ ts~ma/ tsho po zhed po cig 'dug, (qho menta tshopa
margin, iso. space around a page frt~-~~· /y!_q- sh!_puci t;:_u)
par/ [Syn. yig dbar] marmolode 1 see: jam
marigold ~:c.-~<'1..\ • /qh;:_rqum/ marmot ~·.c::..• /ch!pil/
marijuana ~"Z~·~.c;.:Cl; /mEE.riycna/ ,maroon 1 1. iso. the color ~<::;.,_~.x:.: /k!:!_mao/ [Syn.
marine, 1. iso. from/of the sea ~d&"""\~~· dmor smug] 2. see: abandon
/tshonc&/ 11 marine products mtsho gnas than marrioge 1 1. n. a')c:.·~·; h. o,~~-~· /chci')So;
rdzas ( tshonc& th3ntsc&) 11 marine animal h, t.hui')Sa/ 2. iso. morry 1 va. -- "''.~l:l.·; h.~
mtsho gnas sems can (tshonc& semcccn) 2. iso, /--k~p; h. --k88n/ 11 I got married lost year.
shipboard soldier 1 neo, m~<l:\'<'<-!i?;<:t.'c:t_~''""13.\"'\' ngo zlo nyin chong so brgyob po yin. (r;2 t~niin
~· /tshotod thamtsi~ maami/ [Syn. nao. C, skarn chci')Sa k~payin) [Syn. gnyen sgrig byos]
sar 'thab mkhan mtsho dmag] married couple ~C<.·;x,"c::..• /s!:!_tshoon/
marionette, see: puppet morrow "f\-"=.:~x.: /qar;mao/
mori tal ~4~·~c:..· /s!:!_tshoon/ 11 mori tal discord marry 1 see: morrioge 1 2
bza I tshang gi rnyog dro (S!:!_tshaanq1 n5q~a) Mars ~~·"\~X.: /mJ,r;rrqo/
maritime ~-g:~""\' /tshothoo/ 11 maritime law marsh a.~~·~· /t!:!_mso/
mtsho thog khrims lugs (tshoth~o t.himluu) mortial 1 iso. a warlike people ~'o.!a"\'<:q""".ZI;\R

mark, 1 • n. ~.en_~· /tea/ 11 There is a mark on ~\'1-0l._'/~~thapl.; q!:!_r)Ccn/ 11 Khambos ore a martial
the picture. dpar de lo rtags shig 'dug.. (par (people) • khoms po tsho dgra 1 thab la dgo 1
th££_ toaci t;:_u) 2, vo, --l'l.~,::~: /--k~p/ 11 He mkhon red. (qh~mpotsho t.~thapla q!:!_r)CCn r~e)
match 265

martial arts masseur ~~<S\~~""~("\d._' /qtine ch!r)&&n/ [Syn,

ts&&/ gzugs por phur phur gtong mkhan]
martial law ~~-c:t'~-~~~- /~h~qpl:io 1-hiill/ massive, see: big; moss
martyr ~~-~~-q_'<jZ:::..'~\'"-.."'-1.0..'~ /s'5?J i88tal')qi mass meeting ~.:::·'g"t\~'<'1.~~~· /""2,r)ts~?:J t_!!ntsllm/
p(jwo/ mass movement m<:..·~.on,~-~~·~QJ.· /""2,1")ts~~ l_£n-
marvelous ~·~·~""'-~~-Cl.J.~·'if-"" /~ masilp&& y2_qo/ qu1.l/
~ I saw a marvelous movie. ngas glog brnyan dpe mass rally 1 see: mass meeting
rna srid pa 'i yag po zhig mthong byung, (I')E_~ mast ~4\~~·@,·"'x..·~c:::.· lth~tsi?iqi th!!_rshiin/
lol')n&&n pe masilp&& y2_qoci thooncu) [Syn. g.yor shing]
Marx ~~~· /m2_qsi/ [Syn. c. mar khe si] master, 1. iso. lord ~~~~ /p8mpo/ ~ The
Marxism ~-'t\~~~G..·~~- /1112,qsii r_!l')lut/ [Syn, master went with two servants. dpon po de g.yog
c, mar khe si'i ring lugs] po gnyis 1 khrid byos ph yin song, ( pSmpoti yoqo
Marxism-Leninism <Wl\~.~~~~"'·~~· /m2_qsi flU 1-hilcc chinsu) 2. iso, a teacher, see:
l!_nin r_!r)lut/ teacher 3. iso, skilled, see: skilled; expert
masculine, iso. grammar ~ /pho/ [Syn. pho yig] 4. iso. ship's master ~"t\~e:::.~·ca.4Ye.t• /1-h.!:!tsi?-.
~ This letter is masculine. yi ge 1 di pho yig q2_po/ [Syn. gru dpon] 5, iso, master of the
red. (y_!qi t_! phoyil r!~l house 1:"\"'-'e:t"\~' /qhoontao/ 6. iso. learn well,
mash, va. C. "'4X.'~l:.·~"1'~· /t~ntuu s!f.d/ ~ Please va. ~~~-~~· /qh~fpo chE_c/ ~You can master
mash the potatoes. zhog gog de ldur ldur bzo Tibetan in three years. khyod rang·lo gsum gyi
rogs gnang. (sh~~q~?J th_! t~ntuu s2.r~?Jnaonl nang la bod skad mkhas po byed thub kyi red,
mask, 1. n. ctl::\~' /fXlo/ 2. iso, wear a mask, (kh3ra 12. stimqi naanla phooq&~ qh~fpo choo
va. B. o,.qct'\~a,;: /fXlO qh~n/ 3. see: hide thutiqiree) [Syn. khong du chud]
mason, 1. ~-if"~· /aop~?:J/ ~ He is a good mason. masterful, see: expert
kho or po ba yag po zhig red. (qho aop~~ y2_qoci master key ~~"'t'\~·1!~-~~"'t\' /q;:-ao cii t_!mil/
r=.~l 2. iso. stone mason ~t::t.~q· / Master of Arts degree, neo, ~'1!1.\·~~~·.€"' /em
mass, 1, iso. a large number, adj. F;f'~~~iF" e~ laptshcc/
/phb"8n chempo/ ~ A mass of soldiers came. dmag master of ceremonies ~~~~~~~· /ts~qbo ci-
mi phon chen po zhig slebs song. (maami ph3"on kap/
chempoci Hi~so) 2. va. c. -- ~~~· /--qo?i/ Moster of Science degree, neo, ~~·~~·~·~
, They massed their troops. kho tshos dmag mi /em es loptshc&/
phon chen po bkongs pa red, (qhontsoi> maami mastiff Q..~~·~· /t~khi/
ph88n chempo qonpore~) masturbate, va. q_"'"'t\'""-\@,"'l.'
massacre, 1. n. ~l::\'"t\~"' /t!_psl:r'o/ 2, vo. mat "'flo:;_~· /t~n/
l::\.«}1:::." /--toon/ ~ They massacred the local match, 1. iso. instrument for making fire~~·~·

people. kho tshos yul mi sdeb gsod btang pa /tseq"ta/ [Syn, mu zi] 2. iso, be a match._. for 1
red. (qhontsod yUUmi t!psod Ulonpore~) vi. A• (2.\·~'<)~~ ~"t\ ·/qhapte~ caa/ , They were a
massage 1 va. ~:~:::~:x..·c:t.'<]~· /phtiphuu toon/ , match for the police, kho tshos pu li si la kha
Please massage my back, nga'i stod sgal la phur gtad beag pa red. (qhontsoi> pulisila qhopte~
phur gtong rogs gnong, (FJ~ tSSqccla phtiphuu cooporee) 3. iso, correspond/be suitable/pair
toonr~?:Jnoan) [Syn. bku mnye byas] up, i, adj. o..~~~-~ /"t_!qu/ ~ These two colors
masses, polit, l53.r::.·~~· /""2,1')ts~?:J/ ~ The mas- match nicely. tshos gzhi 'di gnyis 'grigs po
ses rebelled. mang tshogs kyis ngo rgol byos pa yag po dug. (tshO"ushi tinil 1-iqu yaqo tut) ii.
red. (""2,r)ts~~qi FJ2.qoo ch_£cpore~) va. D. ~-CI..~"t\~' /cho i!.q/ ; The; mat~hed the
266 match box

two choirs; kho tshos rkub kyog de gnyis cho rig]

bsgrigs song, (qhonts~d qupkaa th~nil cha matriculate, see: enroll
t-~qsu) 4. iso. being port of a poir 1 vi, 0, ao· matrilineal ~-~--.: /1f12.kUU/
~~~~· /ch5 t~q/ 11 These shoes don't .match, matrilineally transmitted estate /m2_-
!ham gog 'di gnyis cha 'grig gi mi 'dug. shill
(hl}l')q66 t~nil cha t,!qimintuu) 5. iso, suitable matrilocally residing groom <A.t:I\'1'.1.' /m2,qpo/
as a marriage partner, see: 3, matted (become), vi. C. ~c::.~· /chi.Q/ 11 The
match box ;("c:q·~·~d:l'~t:..· /ts5qt-a q!mcuun/ [Syn, wool became mot ted. bal 1 phyings shag, ( (Jh&& /
mu zi sgam chung] chi?!shaa)
matchless ct'::)~£,·~~t:.\· lt,£nta "'!~po/ 11 Their matted hair ~·<;t~C:.'-G' /to chi.i.l')po/ [Note: This
power was matchless. kho tsho 1 i dbang shugs refers to hair so matted it must be cut away,
1 grah zla med po red, (qhonts~d War)ShUU t,£nta For matted hair that con be combed out 1 use:
m!~pa r!~) "skra 'dzings bsdad. 11 ]
matchlock gun~<Jt~a.·/ph~nta/ motter 1 1. iso. physical substance ~ /k~/

mate, 1. iso, one of a pair z:J.:l.' /y2,/ 11 I can't [Syn, rgyu rdzas; rdzos] 2. iso, difficulty,
find the mate to this shoe. nga !ham gog 1 di 1 i problem ~·~· /n!5qt-o/ 11 What is the matter?
ya rnyed kyi mi 'dug, (1')2, hal')q66 Ui Y2, iiriqi- rnyog dra go re •dug? (ii3qta qh£re t_26) 3,
m,!ntuu) 2. see: husband; wife 3, see: marry iso. as a matter of fact 1 see: actually 4.
4. see: breed 5, see: friend iso. no matter <:t'\~'Dl.c:.~""~·~·x~ /qh~
material ~-o::,· /k~pca/ 11 Iron is a durable mater- ch,!qimore~/ 11 No matter, I'll do it, gang yang
ial. lcags rgyu cha mkhregs po red. (coa k~pca byed kyi rna red. 1 di ngas byed kyi yin, ( qh&&
thoqo r2_~) 11 What material is .this made from? ch,!qimare~ t,! r)_£t ch,!qiyin) 5, iso, situation,
1 di rgyu cha ga res bzos po red? state ~~"'-oCt\' /th~ntaa/ 11 It is a matter of
qh£re~ s![dpar&c) little importance, 'di don dag gnad chung chung
materialism, neo. c. "\tr"~-~~~-~lf\~· /I')SStso red, (t~ th~ntaa nft chui')Chuun r!~l
r,!l')luu/ mattress, 1, iso, "t\"'-"
maternal and infant care ~-~-~~~· /m2.,pu t2_5un/ /t~n; h. sh~t&&n/ 2, iso, mattress for a bed
maternal and infant hygiene ~-~"a.·a..~~::~.~~ '9Ct.t'..:t\"'-~ /nE£_t&&n/ 3. iso, Tibetan style
/m2.,pu~ th8Steen/ sitting/sleeping mattress o:..~~'"t\"\.1:( /p~t&&n/
maternal aunt 1 iso. mother 1 s sister ~ .;:r-- /s6mo/ mature 1 1. iso, for crops see: ripe 2, iso. for
maternal kinsman ~-~~~~~- /5m&& pinkaa/ people 1 vi. A. .it\~~'a:e:i.~.:ra.t~~~<::t~· /q_£mp&&
[Syn, a ma'i gnyen tson] samlo le~/ 11 He matured early, kho la sngo sa
maternal (descent) line ~· !\""- /m2_kUU/ nos rgan pa i bsam blo bslebs shag.
1 ( qh35 1')5-
materialize, see: appear san& q_£mp&& somlo le~shoa)
maternal uncle 1 iso. mother's brother ~·~~· moul 1 iso. clawed by on animal, va, C. .q_~~·

/ashaan/ /t~?i/
maternity leave ~~~~-~~-~~·~c:::.~· /pCiqu mausoleum x-~CI.:l' /r~qoon/
ke~p&& qh~l')san/ [Syn. bu skyes gung songs] maxilla, see: jaw (upper)
mathematician ~c::.¥·~""-~·oq_• /al')tsil qhffpa/ maximum, 1 • iso, highest ~3&'~ /thotsh&&/ 11
[Syn. rtsis rig mkhas po] What is the maximum salary for this job? las ko
mathematics \5\c=..~· /el')tsil/ 11 He is studying 'dir phogs mtho tshad ga tshad red? (l~qo t~

mathematics. kho ang rtsis slob sbyong byed kyi ph!5~ thotsh&c qh2_tsh&c r_£t) [Syn, mtho shos]
'dug. (qho ~l')tsil lopcon ch~qil) [Syn·, rtsis 2. iso. the greatest quantity ~c=..·a&-"' /m2,r)-
measure 267

tsec/ ~ The maximum number of workers I need is meander 1 vi, ~-~-~"t\~·~·~C~.;_ /koqa k~qacc
5, nga la dgos yag gi bzo pa mi grangs mang chin/ ~ The river meandered, chu de kyog ge
tshad lnga red, (I')~ q~yaaqi s~pa m.!Ja~ m~l')tsec kyog ge byos ph yin pa red. ( chuti koqe k5qacc
I')O r~~) [Syn, mang shes] chimpare~)
may, 1, iso, allowed [vb,] ~"t\' /[vb,] ch5~/ meaning ~~~"t\' /th~ntaa/ ~ What is the meaning
~ May I go? nga phyin chog gi red pas? (I')~ of this? 'di 1 i don dog gore red? (t,!! thontaa
chin ch5qirepec) 2. iso. maybe ~~"t\.'€1-~·~ qh~ra r£_c)
/ciq ch££na/ ~ I may coma next week, gcig byes meaningful 2("""~ "'."'\' ~ ""\' /th~ntoa y~po/ 11 a
na nga bdun phrag gzhug ma yong gi yin, (ciq meaningful suggestion don dog yod po 1i bsam
ch££na 11~ t~ntaa sh~mao y~l')qiyin) 'char (th~ntoa y~pcc s~mcoo) [Syn. don dang
May, 1. iso. Western month ~:~:<}!·~· /chinta ldan pa)
l')opa/ 2. iso. Tibetan fifth month lf"~~·~·"4· meaningless ~-~~~""- <:.l,' /th~nto'O m~epa/ ~ a
/ph~nta l')~pa/ meaningless speech don dog med pa 1 i skod cho
maybe ""~"\'.§,~·~ /ciq checna/ 11 Maybe I' 11 go, ( th~ntaa m~~pcc qfca) [Syn. don dong mi ldan
gcig byes no nga 1 gro gi yin, ( ciq chccna I')~ pa]
t~qiyin) means, 1. iso, resources [vb,] .R,«t~' /[vb,]
May Day 1 neo. c. ~·<rl.<);<t\.'C::::.Q.l.'~·~.<>A~<>( /l')aciq thap/ ~ We don't hove the means to make war,
11££tsoo th~chan/ nga tshos dmag rgyog thobs yod po rna red, (l')~n­

May Fourth Movement ( 1919) 1 neo, 1 c. ·~.: "'l~· a:t~ • tshod ma'O k~qthap Y2~morea) 2, iso. method
Cl..~o:s.· /l')ashii l££nqu1l/ ~"'l~~~- /thapsh~~/ ~ It is a means for
mayor ~~·~.:.::.·~·%~:~.' /th~khee cikap/ ~ He is improving the country. 1 di lung po yor rgyos
the mayor of Lhasa, khong lha sa 1 i grong khyer gtong yag gi thobs shes shig red, ( t.!_ 1~l')pa
spyi khyab red, ( qhoon lh~fscc 1h~khee cikhap y~rkcc toonya'Oqi thapsh~~ci r~e) 4. iso, cash
r~Ed ~~~· /1')00/ 11 We don't hove the means to buy a
me, iso, objective case of I c..·~· /1')~/ ~ Give car. ngo tshor mo t-o nyo yog gi dngul mad.
( th~ ......
i t to me. de nga la sprcxl dang. I')~ t-oo- (l')~nts~~ m~t-a n~yoaqi
1')00 m~e) 4. iso. a person
to) of means ~"t\·~ /chuqpu/ 11 He is a man of means.
meadow -tl_Z:..' /p(il')/ kho mi phyug po red. (qho m! chuqpu r~e)
meagre, sea: poor; small by means of c:l:l'~~~C\.~' /1~ teen&/ ~ They won
meal 1 1, ~·~"t\' j h, @...Ql.'o::t~· /qholaa; h, Sh££- by means of new weapons. kho tsho go mtshon
la'O/ ~ That was a good meal. kho lag de zhim gsar pa lo brten nos dmog thob po red. (qhontso
po zhig 'dug. ( qh~lao th~ sh.!_mpuci t~~d 2. qh~tshoon saapalo teen& ma'O thaparae)
sea: flour means of production, nao, 1\~~""~~l!:.· <%c;~·
mealtime 0.. v;;-
~·=:"t\'<t'\'~~·~"'-:. I q h-1 ' · th'"'t
a ooq~ .:'.!:! s h··'·;
oo /th8nkae c~l')qu~/
mean 1 1. "t\'<5\,."t\'~ /noqpo/ 11 The teacher is very measles ~c::t.'"'l'
mean. dge rgon de gnog po zhe drag •dug, (q~- measure, 1. vo. ~"'\@,~· /tshfc k2_p/ 11 They
qccnti noqpa shetoo t~u) 2, iso, oct mean, va, measured the field, kho tshos zhing gar tshod
-- ~~· /--ch£_c/ ~ He acts mean to his stu- brgyob song. (qhontsb~ sh!l')qoo tshfc k2_psu) 2,
dents. khos kho'i slob grwa bar gnag po byed iso. anything used for measuring ~%"t\'tl.:t-'":\'
kyi 'dug. (qhb~ qhaB lopto'Ola neqpo ch.!_qil) 3, /tshfc cccya'O/ 3, iso. a legislative bill~~~·
iso. meaning ~"\"t\' /th~ntoo/ 11 What does this .q_~~·~ /t-hrmso t-h~h&i/ ~ They passed a
mean? 1 di 1 i don dog go re red? ( t,!! thonto'O new measure yesterday, kho sa kho tshos khrims
qh~re r£_c) bzo gros chod gsar pa zhig bzhog shag, ( qhffso
268 measureless

qhontsod thimso th~hod soopaci sh~~sha~) meddle, va, ~~·~~~·@..,~' /ch,!:!!:!b?> chE.,C/ 11

measureless ~~~ /tsh~fmee/ 11 Their suffering He meddled in their affairs, kho5 kho tsho' i
was measureless, kho tsho 1 i sdug bsngal tshad las don la byus gtogs byas pa red, (qhaB qhon-
med red. (qhontsod tuuncc tshffmae r~e) ts'o"d l,££tC>dnla ch~to?> ch£Cparee)
measurement, 1. n, ~~"'\'"0.:1~' /tshfc k~ya~/ 11 meddlesome ~~-~~~-<€'~ /ch~to?> tshopo/
Their measurement were wrong, kho tshos tshad median, see: middle
rgyag yag de nor shag. (qhontsod tsh~c koayo~ti mediate, va. ~-~~~·<::~,~h.' /ph!ntum toon/ 11 He
n~h~) 2. iso, take measurements, va, see: ~diated the dispute, khos kha mchu de bar •dum
measure, 1 b.targ shag. (qh~d qhemcuti phentum toonsha~)
measuring cup (.tZi:E_Q.:I.·~.r:ti:.·R' /cE£,tshcc ph5~pa/ [Syn. 'dum byas]
measuring instruments c.t.E:O-J:·~~~ /c,££tshcc mediation "'\;:r,:a...~"A' /ph2,ntum/ 11 Was their medi-
y~pccc/ ation successful? kho tsho'i bar 1 dum 'grigs
measuring string <~(;'"'\~~~·~"\ /tshfflaen thi- 'dug gas? (qhantsod ph!ntum t!l t':!.qcc)
qW/ mediator .q_x_:o._~~·"'\~z=.·<~-:1~~ /ph2,ntum t~c&n/
measuring tape, neo, ~"'· /tsffleen [Syn. bar !dum byed mkhan]
tepta~/ medical care, 1. n, "0:\"'~~· /mE,nc'o13/ 2, iso,
meat "4'i h. "'\~Ol.-~~· /sh<S; h. s!l"utum/ give medical care, v~. -- ~~· /--chE,c/ 11 They
·meatball "f=\'~=. • /shaprii/ [Syn. sha ril] gave medical care to the poor, kho tshos skyo
meat broth ~·~ /sh~qhu/ pa tshor sman bcos byas song. (qhontso13 kopo-
mea~, dried '··r~~·~ /she qompo/ tshoo mfnc~ ch£Cso)
meat, frozen 'It\' ~"'\-"N.' /shomka~/ [Syn, khyag medical college ~~~·~·~-~~~ /s6riq lept-a
sha] chemo/
meat, raw """\~"'-~' /sho c~mpa/ medical doctor~~!:..\' /mfmpa/ [Syn. am chi]
meat shop '¥\'(.Z\C:::.' /shoqhaan/ medica: history, 1. n. ~~"'-~~-~~~· /mE.,ncb'l>
mechanic, nao, Q_€iQ..l'~·~~z..:t· /th!JOchcc s~pa/ l':!.,kt.n.l/ 2. iso, taka a medical history 1 va, C.
11 He is an airplane mechanic, kho gnam gru 1 i -- ~~~· /--len/
'phrul chas bzo pa red. ( qho namtt.m th!JOchcc medical instruments -e'\C...:.<:::!.~~·~~<::.; /mfncod y~p­
s~pa r~e) ccC/
mechanical industry medical records /n,££tho; h,
s~l&c/ iiO~tho/

mechanize, va. D. CI..~Cl:l·~·~~-~~- /thrn:lch&c medical staff /worker ~~t:l.~~·~~~"'-~ · /mfncb'l>

c~fnla k':!.,r I 11 They mechanized agriculture. lccceepa/
khong tshos zhing las 1 phrul chas can la bsgyur medical team ~~e:t.~~-.::t:.'(Zl.9_' /mfnc~ r':!.qa~/
pa red. (qhontsod sh!~l&C thUOch&c cffnla k':!.,r- [Syn. sman bcos tsho khag]
paree) medical text (traditional Tibetan type)~~~­
mechanized agriculture /mfmpe/
ch&c sh!~lcc/ medical textbook ~~l:l.~~·*·~~· /mfncod lop-
_-...c-: ~ .
mechanized troops Q.~<U·~·a.:l"'\~Q:"'-~~·"'\~~· tep/ [Syn, gso rig slob deb]
/thrnlchcc y~p&& m2,qpuun/ [Syn. 'r phrul chas can medical treatment, see: medical core
gyi dmag dpung] medical work ~~l:I..~~-Gl.l~"-'1\' /mfnc~ l££qa/
medal ~~·~- /to~ma/ 11 He got a medal from medicate, va. ~~.:<:~..~~~· /mfncC>d ch£Cl
the government, kho la gzhung nos rtags rna rag medication, sea: medicine
pa red. ( qh~~ sh':!.,Qn& ta~ma r~~paree) medicinal herb ~~~ /r)anc&n/
memoir 269

medicine 1 1 • n, i! ~ /mf!fn/ 2, iso, take a medi- qh~thu~ k!pcu) [Syn, gdong thug brgyob]
cine, i. iso, a liquid or powder 1 va, -- "'."]~· meet face to face 1 va. ~~~~·~~· /r')~tu~ ch£C/
/--t~on/ ii. iso. a pill, va. C, -- .-:).;;a~· meeting, 1. n, ~~·a_~ /tshoontu/ , meeting
/--sr.V of delegates sku tshab tshogs 1 du ( qOtsap
Chine;e medicine ~~~~-~"' /k!!naaqi mf!fn/ tsh55ntu) 2. iso. convene/hold a meeting, va.
liquid medicine ~t;·~~· /thDr')m&&n/ A. -.-ct~· /--tsh.,~/
pain killing medicine ~X..'i;lQ( /prrmr.r.n/ meeting 1 1. iso, an oudience 1 n. ~<!::.0-l'~' /c££-
powdered medicine ~"'~'a.l' /mf!fn chemcl/ qa/ 2, iso, request an audience, va, C. --~~

Tibetan medicine ~""~~ /ph~&&n/ 4\~c:;,·~~· - ' sh,!;!U'; 3, iso, have an a.u-
I --nfnsan
Western medicine ~~·%~·'"'\~'.Sl'\' /n.!:!pco~p&& dience1 va. C. -- <\~' /--sh):_U/ , He had an
mf!fn/ [Syn, phyi gling pa'i sman] audience with the Lama, khos bla rna 1i mjal kha
medicine (the science of) ~.1::\~<t\'~' /s5wa zhus song, (qhB'~ lam&& C££qa sh.!:f~u)
r!qpa/ meeting place ~~·~~~·~· /tshoontu tshoo-
medicine bag (used by traditional Tibetan doctors) sa/
~~· ~~· /mfnqu'tl/ megaphone ~·Q..~Cl.~~·~· /}!ntsiin }hOOcr.c/
medicine fee ~~~~ /mffnriin/ melodious ~~~ /nfmpo/
mediocre Alll'cliD4\' /thlpcaa/ f The book is medi- me1ody 1 see: song
ocre , deb de theb chag cig 'dug, ( th!,Pti thep- melt, va. and vi. D, ""t~X.' /sh.!:!,r/ , He melted
caaci t.!:!,~l the butter. khos mar bzhur song, ( qh~ m,22
meditate, va, ~~'I::I.@_,.CS. • /q~ i<!,P/ f He medi tot- sh.!:!,rsu) , The butter melted, mar de bzhur
ed for six months. khos zla bo drug sgom brgyab shag. (~ti sh.!:!rshao)
(qh~ tawa ~hu't. qa\ kaparel) melted ~~~· /shQma/ , melted iron lcags zhun
pa red,
- - - -
i\-·s,ta:~C'\' /~ k.2,2yol./'II Medita- rna (cao shQma)
tion is good, sgom rgyog yog de yag po red, mel ted butter ~· ~ /m22,qu/
(q~ k~yaati y2qo r!,ll [Syn, sg~] melting point ~~oo~ /sh.!:!tsh&c/
meditation house if~·~c:::.· /q~aan/ member (of association 1 club) ~...,.._.~. /tsh~l')mi/
medium, 1 , iso, middle size ~c::.·~"-" /~!r'Jtsr.&/ , He is a member of the Youth Association, kho
, Is this the medium size? 1 di 'bring tshad red gzhon nu tshogs pa'i tshogs mired, (qho sh.!:!nu
pas? ( t,! t,!rJtsr.& r_!p&c) 2. iso, medium cooked tshoqp&& tsh~l')mi re~)
- <:".
"£t""~.Qf"~·-f~·~ /tsh881~ ii&lpo/ 3, iso. med- member of a household ~~· /n!l')mi/ , How many
ium 1 see: oracle members in your household? khyod rang gi nang
medium artillery ~-~·~.::· ~· IJI!rko~ ~,!r'Ja/ la nang mi go tshad yod pa? (kh8r&& n,22nla ~1')-
medium range missle, neo, ~C::.'.A~~·<ll..c.<i:S::..'s:l~CI.' mi qh!tshr.c Y£~)
I ~,!r')shuu' phDntee/ '0 ~ membership dues (fee) ~~·"\,~Q..\' /tsh6~1')lrl.l/
meek, see: humble member state (of an association) ~·~"<\~~~·
meet 1 va, A. ~4'\,' ; h, RE:CI.' /thO~; h, C§E/ , ("\.<:\' /tsh1iqshuu kMqap/ , a member state of The
He met me yesterday. kha sa khos nga la gtugs United Nations mnyam 1 brel rgyal tshogs kyi
byung. (qhf!t;sa qh8'~ I)~ thD' 11 He (h,) met tshogs zhugs rgyal khab (nom}ee k~ts~~i
her (h,) yesterday, kh~ sa khong gis khong mjal tsh~shuu k!!qap)
song. (qhf!fso qhl5&1qi qhl5i5n cEE_so) memento ~~~~ /}h£nteen/
meet by occident 1 vi. ~·~"f\'C\«J.~' /qhithuu k!PI memoir 1 neo, Qf-""~~-~~2:-l' /l.!:!kuU }h£illpa/ , The
, We met at the market by occident, ngo tsho e_x-pres.ident wrote his memoirs. srid 1 dzin zur
khrom lo kho thug brgyob byung, (l)!!ntso }h5mlo pos khong rang gi lo rgyus dran pa bris gnang pa
270 memorandum

red, (si.rntsiin s~pc& qh5raanqi 1_0<u1.t "thE_~pa mtshan rgyag gi 1 dug, (m_£ tawa s5s::Jo tatsccn
th!:_l naanpare~) kaaqil)
memorandum, iso, work related note/message ~~·~ mental hospital ~&:..~.~·~ ~ ~c:;::· /fi1impcc mcnqaan/
i4~· /1E_£toon Y!qi/ ~ He sent a memorandum to mental illness ~et.l.~·a..~4'1,~·-<.(&·~i'> /se~ t,huq-
the employees. khong gis las byed pa tshor los pcc n~tsa/
( qhoonqi 1E_£ce~patshoo "{"'-<\ 'C;..
don yi ge btang shag. mental work (labor) ~<»-~'-''C::.Q.t'~""'-1. • /somloci
lcctoon Y!qi taansha~) r)cctsoo/
memorial 1 adj. ~<l;4\~a- /thE_£nsoci/ ~ a memorial mention, 1. iso. say a.r~: ; h. "'\~c:.~· /l2_p; h.
celebration dran gso 1 i dga' ston (thE_£nsb"d q£- su'n/ ~ He mentioned going to Tibet, khos bod
tb"dn) [Syn. r jes dran] la 'gro gi yin zer lab byung. (qhS"d phi>la
Memorial Day ~.:~"'"\~~~~~ /thE,£nsoo th.!:!!:!- t.!;!qiyins 12_pcu) 2. iso, mention a name, va, c.
cheen/ [Syn, dran ga 1i nyin rna] ~~:::.·~~&.: /m!rJ t8~/ ~ He mentioned Dorje in
memorial meeting ~~"\~~~~·~~ /thE_£nsb"d his speech, kho'i skad cha 1 i nang la rdo rje'i
tsh55ntu/ ming bton song. (qh83 q~ccc n~nla t~ee m!_r)
memorial stupa t8~so) 3. iso. as mentioned above, i. in speech
ch83teen/ <'::\'-1'\"\/sh!:&/ ii. in writing "'~""' /q?lci/
memorize, va. £-a~€\.;'<'-\' /lontsiin chE_&/ ~ I mentor, see: teacher
memorized the book, ngas deb de blo 1 dzin byas menu ~'QJ."\~-~ /qhala~qi tho/
pa yin. (rJE_C th!:pti lontsiin chE_Cpayin) [Syn. mercantile *'CO.-"'S\.' /tshor)lc&/ ~ a mercantile
blo la zin; ngag la zin] nation tshong las rgyal khab (tshor)lcc kE,£qap)
memory, 1. n, 5...<9..:~' /t,hE_mpa/ ~ good memory mercenary soldier ~<»~~-~~· /m6~mi !cpa/ [Syn.
dran pa brtan po (t,hE,mpa t~mpa) 2, iso, lose glas dmag]
one's memory, vi. C. -- <'?~~· /--fi£~1 merchandise af'c::::·~~· /tshor)So~/ [Note: In con-
menace, see: danger text 1 ca lag ("thing") is often used.]
menarche ~-eu~'\..::.·~ /t~tsccn th£r)po/ merchant, 1. ··~.:~' /tsh5r)pa/ 2. iso. Nepalese
mend, va. 1. iso, sew on a patch ~~1:.1.'-'=t.~l:l' merchants in Tibet ~'<:t.'\.~' /s2~ta~/
/lh~mpa k2_p/ 2, iso. sew up, va, A• .<::\~""!\~' merciful, see: compassionate
/"t-2~/ 3. see: glue 4, see: fix merciless ~·c.•~t::.·~·~"'-.q' /y£r)a Fiir)Ci m~epa/ ~
mendacious, 1. iso, a person ~"t\.·~oS'·;;p- /k2_q- a merciless king ya nga snying r je med pa 1 i
tsiin tshopo/ ~ He is a mendacious person, kho rgyal po (y£r)a nir)Ci m!:ep&C k£E,po)
mi kyag rdzun tsha po zhig 'dug, (qho m! kaq- mercurial, see: fickle
tsiin tsh5poci t!:!t) 2, iso, a report, etc. ~· mercury '\..~~-~ /r)!IDcu/
~· /ts~ma/ ~ a mendacious· report gnas tshul Mercury, iso. planet ~·~;:.:,:~~-~- /k!;!qar lhoqpa/
rdzus rna (n~~tsUU ts.!:!!:!ma) mercy, iso. show, va. ~"~-~~·/fiir)Ce chE_C/ ~ The
mendicant, see: beggar judge showed mercy. khrims dpon gyi snying r je
menopause 2i:F~~-~-~~~e;,:_<:l'l~~· /l_£qCC tatsccn byas pa red. (t,himpb"cinqi n!r)Ce chccparee)
ch~ntsaiV mercy killing 1. n. %)c::.~-~~·~~~l;).;J."'\'
menstrual blood ~·~~· ft£t.ha~/ [Syn, mngal /nir)Ce chE,cnc sBBya~/ ~ Is mercy killing good?
khrag] snying r je byas nas gsod yag de yag po red pas?
menstruate, see: menstruation (nir)Ce chccnc s88ya~ti yaqo repcc) 2. commit a
menstruation, 1. n. ~·~~- /t£tsccn/ 2. iso. mercy kil~ing 1 va, C. ~~~~;~~.-'S\~'~.:<::'1.'\/fiir)ce
menstruate 1 vi • -- <::l~l:l.' / -:-k2_p/ ~ Sh~e men- ch_£Cn& s'l&/
struates every month, mo zla ba so sor zla merely, 1, iso. not really ~-o.:n::>\.l'"'\~"1\~' /tsam
methodology 271

m£t:l~/ 11 They are merely saying (it) 1 but ngi zing ngi red. (1~qun s2_ni s~ni r2,a) 2.
(they) won 1 t do it. kho tshos kha nas bshad. pa iso, dirty, see: dirty 3, iso, difficult
tsam rna gtogs lag len bstar gyi rna red, ( qhi5n- situation ~~-~ /n~qta/ 11 He got into a mess
tso1i qhonc sh!:cpatsam m£t::>~ l£qleen terqimare~) going across the border, kho sa mtshams sgrol
11 It will take merely an hour. chu tshod gcig nos 'gro dus rnyog dro byung shag, (qho sontsa~
toon& tutuit i'i~qto chuunsho~)
tsam rna gtogs 'gar gyi rna red,
m£to~ q~qimore~)
(chutshod ciqtsa
2. iso, really, only 1 just
- -
eating together ~~c::
- /toptsaon/
4. iso, a group

:z:...c..· /r::;:_n/ 11 He is merely a child, kho phru message 1 1. n. <:l.l a_· /l&&n/ 2, iso, send a message 1
gu rang red~ (qhi5 pQqu r~n r2_~l 3. iso. only vo. B. -- ~~:.:.' /--quO/ 11 He sent a massage.
'fi.'~"'\' /shota~/ 11 They merely said that this khos Ion bskur song. (qhB'd l~n qDOsu) 3. iso,
book is no good. kho tshos deb 1di yag po mi recei va a message 1 vo. B. -- o.%:z:...· I --c22./ 4,
1dug sha stag zer gyi 1 dug, ( qhi5ntso1i th~pti iso, deliver a massage, vo. B, ~i'§,Q4'

Y£qo m!ntu~ shota~ s~qil) /--k!:'€/

/t2_nf.ii loon/ 11 They urgent message a{~cf\~"1\.';::r:­
merged the two offices, kho tshos las khung [Syn. dzo drag brdo Ion]
gnyis zla sgril btang pa red, (qhi5ntsoMd l~qun messenger 1 1 • n. l::!.C. :~ ~: /ph~nceen/ 2. iso.
nii t2_nf.ii toonpare~) send a messenger, va. "'\«)C." /--toon/ 3,
merger ~.'~o:\'"1\~'t.\l~ • /t!!nf.ii toonya~/ 11 Their iso. messenger in traditional Tibetan government
merger was blocked by the government, gzhung · ~·~c...· /ef.uun/
gis khong tsho zla sgril gtong yag bkog pa red, messy, see: mess, 1 and 2
(sh~Qqi qhentso t2_nf.ii toi5nya~ qo~parea) metal ~~~·x""'~· /c~qril/
meridian (line) ~~~~~· /sh~nthil/ metollu~gist <!i~~"'\~'c::t~~c.· a.~.~·~· I ceq-
merit, 1. iso, religious merit 1 i. n, ..;;~r\'l::\' ril ts5can qh!:!:pa/
/q2_wa/ ii. iso, amass merit 1 vo. A. -- ct~~· metallurgy ~~~-.q~~c.· /c~qril ts5con/
/--so~/ 11 He amassed lots of merit, khos dge metamorphose 1 see: change
bo zhe drag bsags shag, ( qhl3'd q2_wo SO~­ metamorphosis, see: change
shoo) 2._ iso. commendable quality ~-~~: metaphor a.~,~~·~· /tshunpe/ [Syn. dpe rgyan]
/q2_tsccn/ 11 What are the merits of this plan? metaphysics ~~~-o.~~"'t\'""\' /s!:_ntd r!qpa/
'char gzhi 1di 1 i nang la dge mtshon gore yod pa meteor, 1. n. ~~'£.' /qoonta/ 2, iso, be mov-
red? (che~shi t~ n~nlo q2_tsccn qh~e Y2~r&c) ing for a meteor, vi, -- ~~· /--k2_p/
meritorious ~~-~"'-:~' /ch~cea y.!:!:9pa/ 11 mer- meteorite "'AA.._::c..·J( /qorto/ [Syn, gnam rdo]
itorious service byos rjes yod pa 1i zhobs 1degs meteorologist "'t'\~~·"'\~~·C>'l.~~·l=4' /namshil
(ch££ce~ yoopc& sh!!mte~) qh!:fpa/
merry 1 iso. people ~-z:;;~ /th.!:!:9po/ 11 He is very meteorology /namshil
merry. kho brod pa zha drag 1 dug, (qho th.!:!:9po r!r')n&c/
sh2_too t.!:!,~) meter 1 1. iso. the measure, neo. bar. eng. <9l'<:f_.:C '""
mesh 1 1. iso. the open spaces of a net, n, ~:01..1~· /mJ:_taa/ 11 two meters mi tor gnyis (m!taa
/f.hamil/ 2. iso, match/get along with 1 vi, ~Ct.' nii) [Syn. neo, c.; spyi khre; kung khre]
~~c:.· /thOmpu ch.!:!,!:!n/ 11 The two ideas didn't method ~<::!.~~· /thapshM/ 11 a good method
mesh, bsam 'char gnyis mthun po byung rna song, thobs shes yog po zhig (th~pshM Y£qoci)
......... &-.. "l
(somcaa nii thOmpu chuunmasoon) methodology .2.A..~~·;c:..:n,·~ • /th~psh~e r~qpa/ ~

mess, 1. iso. untidy state :ac.~~c::.·~· Western methodology nub phyogs pa 1i thobs shes
s~ni I 11 The office is a mess. las khungs zang rig pa (n!:_pc::>~p&& thapshM r!qpa) [Syn. thobs
272 meticulous

shes gtong stangs] middle class ~.:x:..-~c.·~cu.·'X~· /c.2ni-irJ th_££rim/

meticulous ~~-a,~~-.;r:- /sh,!_p tshCiqo/ 11 He is Middle East "f\"'-'~c:.·~~·~· /sharlil') _!!!!me/
very meticulous. kho zhib tshags po zhed po cig middle farmers ql::.·~·dSc..·21- /sh.!_l')pe i-iil')pu/
• dug • ( qhi5 sh~.P tshl!qo sh!_puci t~u) middle finger ""-.~0-l.·;;:t~· /krrntsuu/
c._ 'X)
metre, see: meter middleman ~;.;.:01.1" /phermi/
metric system ~'<(:X::..'t:t~-~~· /m!_t-aa tsita}Jf middle of the month 61-:-'\·~.,0.\' /t2_kii/
metronome, neo. ~c;.~-~~~-~·~.:c.: /i-h,£1')tsam middle-of-the-road position/course ~.X.·~~~• Gtt ~ •
m!_tee/ ~~· /ph.2rncc 1.2mc~?J/
metropolis, see: city middle school ~·Sl.·~co..·A.' /!opt-a t-!,?Je/
mew, 1. va. il~~~- /mew~~ s~/ [Syn. zhi mi'i midget ~%~z::..· /m~ thOr)/ [Syn. mi chung]
skad] midnight s...a.:~.·~c:..: /n.2mccc/
mica ~>~'(1-\.'d;,' /i'iime qh1;chu/ midst "\._~<:t.:l.' /kii/ 11 One monk sat in the midst of
7 " -
microbe ~·a;,~~·~·~ /s~qcaa t-h5mo/ the soldiers. grwo pa gcig dmag mi 1 i dkyil la
. eo_
microfilm, neo. ~c;:.·~.:x:..·qe_~"'\' /chul')par pil')- bsdad shag. (!-h_2po ciq ma1;mii kiile t£cshaa)
sh~?J/ midwife, 1, n. ~~~·. /kayo~/ 2. iso, oct as
microorganism, see: microbe midwife, va, -- ..§;~' I --chE,C/
microphone ~ct~Cl.~Cl.l.'Q;,~· ft-2_ntsiin thrn:lc&c/ midwifery ~~;:u-~·='"C\' /key~?J 1E£,qa/
microscope ao~CI.l' /cheshee/ miffed, see: angered
microscopic, 1. ~:~e:1,· /1-h~rep/ 11 microscopic might, 1, iso. strength ~"'\~' /shuq/ 11 He ·hit
organisms phra rob skye dngos (t-harep kel')~) it with all his might, khos shugs gang yod
2. iso. detailed ~"'\·~· /sh!_ptsaa/ 11 micro- brgyob byes gzhus song, (qh~ shuq qh~ny~
scopic investigation zhib 1 jug zhib t~hogs k2_pc& sh~u) [Syn. shed] 2. see: power 3,
(shimcuu shiptsoa) [Syn. mthil phyin] see: may
mid, ~. iso. -:idwinter '\'%~'\~o..>.' /q_!:!nkii/ 2. mighty, 1 • iso. having power '\~C::.~~-~~.2[."'
iso. midspring "-.,~C:::.:'\~' /ciikii/ 3. iso. /w~I')Shuu chempo/ 11 o mighty king rgyol po
midsummer ~"'-~cu· /y1;rkii/ [Syn. dbyar dbong shugs chen po zhig (kE,£PO w1;1')Shuu chempo-
gzhung] 4. iso. midautumn ~'\~Cl.l.' /t3nkii/ ci) 2. iso. strong ~~~"'\~-~OI..:q
5, iso. midyear ~~Cl.l.' /lokii/ 6. iso, mid- /tc5pshuu chempo/ 11 a mighty army dmag dpung
month ~-'\~CI.l' /t~kii/ 7, i~o. midmorning ~ stabs shugs chen po zhig (maqpuun ti5pshuu
~~: /tsh1;til')/ chempoci) 3. iso. large, great ~-~·%"'-e<.l.'C:i_·
midday meal ~e:..·~~· /qh~l')tsil/ ~~2f' /pe masiip&& chempo/ 11 a mighty
middle, 1 • iso, equidistant "\~<>:1 • /kii/ 11 accomplishment byos r jes dpe rna srid po 1i chen
There is a table in the middle of the room. po zhig ( Ch£CCe~ pe mooiip&& chempoci)
khang po'i dkyil la rgya cog cig 'dug. (qhol')p&& migrant ~cu~~~~~"'/ytrupb1> ch~&&n/
kiile k_£CO~ci t~u) 2. iso. the one inbetween migrate, 1. iso, people, va. ~Q:l·~~·~·
~c:.·q· IE'?Je/ 11 He is the middle son. kho bu /ytrupb•d ch£Cf 11 They migrated to America. kho
'bring ba de red. (qhi5 ph~ t-!,'?!eti r~e) [Syn. tsho a mi ri kar yul spas byas shag. ( qhontso
bar po] 3, iso. intermediate in size "f\~<t\~~ ~iriqaa y!!!;!pO'd ch£Cshaa) 2, iso. animals, va,
~c;:t:~; /s~qts&c t!_?Je/ 11 a man of middle size A. :;::r::;.
~c::.·~·'1:::\~· I l~l')pa po~
..:-/ ~ In winter the
mi gzugs tshod 'bring be zhig (m!_ s~qts&c t-!- birds migrate south. bye de tsho dgun go lho
~eci) phyogs la lung pa spos 'gro gi red. (ch.2 th~n­
middle aged 20'\.:X:..'~' /12_ th_2rma/ tso q~qe lh5ch~~la l~l')pe ~d t-~qire~) [Syn, sa
Middle Ages "Sy~·.:c_~~·"4.~d.\' /th.!:!!:!rep ph.2rma/ cha spas; sdod so spas]
military officer 273

migratory ~"'-'"'t'~CM.C"-~' /l.!:!_l")pa poi")&Cn/ 11 mi- mili tory alliance "'.~~·"\01.:. ~~<:'9,.: ~"'\~· /moqtb-dn
gratory birds lung po spo mkhon gyi byo rigs thDnc::>~/
(l~l")pa pOI")CCnqi ch~ril) military or eo s,.A~,·~~·~ · ~<:l.l' /t.h2,qpoci s~qhtiti/
Milorepo ~·~-x.~·q· /m.!,la r£E_po/ mili tqry area headquarters ~<3-J.<>I.'~=· (7\C:.' /mae-
milch cattle ~~~'{>Ol.:_<q~~-~· /semcccn sh~mo/ qUUqhoon/
milch cow ""~.'"'\~~·~· /pho shb0mo/ military barracks, see: military camp
milch female yak ~""~·~· /t..!_ sh~mo/ mili tory bose ~~·~&:"<\~~-<>\.~: /t.h::.qpbo nffshi/
mild, 1. iso, weather ~~c-·~~-i:f" /tshot.oon mili tory bugle ~~::Q<t\,·~c::;.- /maqtuuri/
iiCimpo/ 2. iso. animals ~c;:~ /lhil")qu/ 3, mili tory camp ~m<>~.·~.x...· /meoqoo/
iso. mild mannered person eu::::~-~ /c;:_mpo/ military colors, see: military flog
[Syn. lhing po] 4, iso. disease "'~o:,z:::.·coc:.' military conscription, 1. n. "-..~<:I'\·~<:1.4' /maeqUU/
""' '\)
/~tso chuncuun/ 5, iso. mild in speech (Z\' 2. iso, conscript soldiers, vo. t;t©z:t'
~/qha cr:.mpo/ /--k~p/
mildew, 1. n. ~~·ct~·/h001pu/ 2. iso. be/get mil- mili tory conscription system ~&l~·~a.t·~~~­
dewed 1 vi. -- ~z::t'"" /--k~p/ /maaqi.iU t.~luu/
mile ~-~ · lrf~!le/ military disarmament, 1, n, ~"''.~"'t\~·~c:·~""\~c:_­
square mile ~-¢\·~-"'\~' lrf~!le t.h,!:!f:Ghi/ ~"'\'/th~qshuu chul')ru toonyaa/ 2. iso. do mili-
mileage ~-~· /m~le/ 11 What is the mileage be- tary disarmament, vo. ~""\~"'t\~·~z:::.·~<::~.~c:::.·
tween Lhasa and Gyontse? lho so dong rgyol /t.h~qshuu chul')ru taan/
rtse 1 i bar lo me le go tshod yod po red? (1 hff- military discipline "\_Ol.."'\·~~-~~·o.:t~· /maamii
so to k2,11tsee p§ruula m~le qh~tshcc Y2~rcc) 1-~qlam/
[Note: This literally means "miles."] military district, see: military area
milepost <:>.>~·~~~c:..·~.l:l\~' /l;:_mtscc ol')toa/ military division "\.~~·~· /maqte/
milestone a.l/;\1·~'("~~· /l;:_mtscc t~tsuu/ military dress ~~~·00 ~· /m5qchcC/
militant ~~~"'\~· /t.h~qshuu/ 11 He is o mili- military drill, 1, n. "'-.=~·~e<..: /maqtsre/ 2.
tant (worker) • kho drag shugs yod poI i bzo po vo. -- <:::!.'9~ /--taan/
"C'::C\ .._,-
zhig red. (qho th~qshuu yoopcc s::.poci re~) mili tory equipment ~·"~:y""'-0...'~'%~

militant appearance ~~~~·~·s._,_<'J.::I.'"\' /t.h~qshuu ccc/

qi nampa/ mili tory expert "\~~ ~~ \"\~·~q · /m5qtb-dn qhff-
militarism ~i;):l"\~"'-'}c:.·~"'\~' /moqshe~ r.!_l")luu/ po/
mili torist ~9·ct'& "'(\"'--~~~~.:;,:0-l.~Ci( /t.hE.qpb-ci military flog ~=l::t\'"\,4:..' /moqtoo/
wai')Shuu ch~I')C&n/ [Syn. dmog shed byed mkhon) military government ~~-~-cn.~c:.· /t.h::.qpb-o sh,!:!Q/
mili tory ~~·i:.l- /t.hE.qpo/ 11 mili tory planes drag mili tory hat ~'01"'\'~ /rOCJqsha/
po i gnom gru
1 (t.h::.qpb-ci namt.u) 11 military view- military headquarters of commander-in-chief"\..~"'\·

point drag po 1 i thog nos lto tshul (1h£qpb-ci \Ac:::.' /maqciqhaan/

th5~nc tatstru) military horse ~="t\.'"9' /m5qta/
mili tory affair 1 1 • n. ""-~"'\·~ /meqtoon/ 2, military instruction, see: military training
iso. become o military affair, vi. D. ~· military law "'-..6-l.""\' ~ ~~ • /m!iqt.him/
~~~· 1--la k.!:!_r/11 The dispute become a mili- military leader ~-~·o:..~&"'( /t.h::.p(:io q.!;!i-il/
tary affair. rnyog dro de dmog don la 1 gyur po mili tory officer ~~"t\'"'\~' /mCiqp'Ocin/
red. (ii5qt.oti moqtodnlo kurpore~) captain (in old Tibetan army) -%;'\.~" /r~pb-on/
military advisor !"\"'~'~~·~-~~· general (in old Tibetan army) '60l."'\Q.'~2f"~ /t£E_-
loptbonpo/ [Syn. dmog don slob ston pb-cin/
274 military officials

leader of 100 ~"\~~- /kaqpbon/ military uniform, see: military dress

leader of 25 ~~-~ /shEE_r)o/ military unit "\~"'-·~·~(.2'1."'1' /maami tshoqhaa/
looder of 10 ~-"\~~ /cupoon/ military viewpoint '\m."'-·~·~·1:\G'\.·"'~·~~·~· .,
military officials .S....""'-'2\~-""-~~~"'\~' /~h9,qpbo /moqtoonqi th~~n& th~r)tsu1l/
potlnril/ mili tory weapons "\~"'\·~~-:('OJ."'\' /meamii qh~laa/
mili tory order ~"\-~'t::.\~0..' /~h9_qp0"o qa/ militia ~<:ll·•::,,.';l::l~' /yu1lmaa/
military police "\~""\·~'&·~-~~- /maamii pulisi/ militiaman ~<>.l'"'.~"t\'"'.~~·~· /ytrumaa meami/
[Syn. drag po'i bskor srung dmag mi] "' milk 1 1. n, Q:~·; h. <'fP>.'¥i: lwf!Tia; h, chapsh6/
military power ~~~~~· /m~qshuu/ ~ They have 2. va, c. -- 4..~' /--shod/
more military power than us, kho tsho nga tsho milk (condensed can) ~~01...:: fw~~iin/
las dmag shugs che gi red. (qhontso r)~ntso 1_£[; milk(powdered)~~· /w~tsam/
m~qshuu ch!qiree) [Syn. drag shugs] "' -..r:::
milk churn (for making .butter l ~·~"\C..' I shTtoon I
mili tory provocation ""._~""\'Q..X\<::t' a.~~~ot.: /maq- milk, curdled, 1. n. ~"'-l~·q_· /wf!Oa shipe/ 2,
tep ~huqkeen/ iso. get/be curdled, vi. D. ~i;IJ~' /Wf!TIO shi/
military recruitment, 1. n. "\_~<t"\·1J:t·~""GJ.:L"'\'O..~ milking animal, see: milch
~~- /m~ami ch~yaa ptruqu1l/ 2. iso, recruit milking bucket <£:1\~· /w~om/
soldiers, va. -- @.,~' /--ch_£C/ [Syn, dmag mir milking machine ~q~·<:<.~=-·~~· /w~b-o ~h00-
gzhug dgos 'bod skul byas] c~3_;
mili tdry regiment ""-~~· ~;:.:__· /m5oqaa/ ~ the milk jug ~~ /w~nod/ [Syn. 1 o rna blug sa]
"bodyguard" regiment sku srung drriag sgar (qu- milk 1 mother 1 s ~·~~·ei:o:~.· /om&& Wf!OO/
sun m5Ciqaa) milk, non-fat ~dJ.·G~~.<.J.~'~<;I..\' /~ima t8mp&&
military review "\~~-~~P..r:n.~-~~· /m5qtsee w~a/
s!qship/ milk products "\"'\:r.: -'!.~· /qors&c/ [Syn, 1 o bzos
military route "\Cl:l"'\'c>.:l<l.l' /moqlam/ than rdzas]
mili tory salary "\~";\'~~· /mCiqp-:J?J/ Milky Way "\,;~"'\~·'%t·~ /q~sil komo/
military service deferment ~~"'\'~"'\~-~~·~c:. mill 1 1. see: factory 2, iso, mill for grinding
/m~qshuo th~kan/ grain 1 n. i, using water power «;'Q.~·''.' /chiJqM/
military strategist "\'S.l.~-~~-<A~·~· /maqcu"U i i . using hand power A.~ a.s ~' /r92,ntaa/
qh~~pa/ [Syn. lag bskor phye 'thag] iii, using electri-
military strategy ""~"<\'€1:"'''1.' /m~qcu"ll/ c! ty /gasoline itf"'\'~o.l·~-~<1"\' o.~o..r- e>..i?!\x.: /lor)-
military strength, see: military power qu1l chethaa ~hliDqhM/ 3, va, A. -- Gl-l.'e!.'?~·
military takeover of a government 1 1 • n. ~"<\ ·&t'~· /--la tao/
4\~<=-'0:.~ /~h~qpO"d sh.,!:!r)tsiin/ 2. va, --~· millennium .;;r;-~-~<t"\'"\~"\·~~<->.·~a..:. /1~ torJtaaqi
/--chcc/ thu1lyUUn/
military tax "\_~"'\· ~""-\' /mCiq~h&&/ millet sr-~<O"\' /m~ncaa/
military tent ~~"\·~:.;,.· /maaquu/ millet flour .;;:r~oo"t\~~;~· /m~ncaa chana/
military training, 1. n. "'~=-·~· /m5qcon/ 2. million ~·0,1,· /sr:Jya/ ~ They lent me one million
iso, give military training, va, A. -- ~c;,: dollars. kho tshos nga'i rtsa nos sgor mo sa yo
1--t~c/ ~ They gave the farmers military train- gcig g. yar song. (qhontsod IJEE_ tsCiCinc q_22mo
ing, kho tshos zhing po tshor dmag sbyong sprad soya crq yaaso)
pa red. (qhontso-6 sh!rJpetsh-:J-:J m5qcon t~cporee) ten million ~q· /ch2_wa/ [Syn, sa yo bcu]
3. iso. do/undergo military training, va. millstone, 1. iso. water mill ~a.~~~-~ /chu-
~~ · I --cncCI qhMqi t~/ 2. iso, hand mill
minority 275

/r~nta~qi t2_/ tshos bod la gter kha •don gyi yod pa red,
mime, 1. n. ="\.l'~·~·t\''1~'~ /l~ntcRs ;qhffpo/ 2. (qhontso·6 ph!~lla terqa tY,nqiyo~re~) 4, see:
va. <>Q.""-~~·%-~' /l~nto1i chE_C/ [Note: This explosive device
literally means "imitate, 11 ) miner .oq~X·C<J.~'"'l1j':'~· /t~Jrlcc s2_pa/
mimeograph, 1. n, ~al.'""-l::C.' /numpar/ 2, va. mineral .oq);,;.·~· /tertscc/ 11 mineral fertilizer
"t@_,<=l.' /--kf!_p/ gter rdzas !us sbyor (tertscc lUUc66)
mimeograph machine ~~''\.."'l;:.::..'O..~~·d:)~' /nQmpar mineralogy "1\~~·~~:X~·<t'\~..N· /Uirtsc& r!f)nc&/
1-hrn:lcc&/ miniature ~'?,f.:::~~·a:,l::·a:,c.: /suyip chuf)Cuun/
mimic, see: mime minimum ~· il&'"'-
~ "'"
11 What is the minimum
mince, va. D. ~*~' /tsep/ 11 Please mince the rainfall? char pa bob yag nyung tshad go tshad
meat. she de btsab rogs gnang. (she t!:_ tsap- red? (choopa phf!_pyao n~tscc qhf!_tshcc rE_c)
ro~naan) minimum wage ~·c!Q·~c.·~~ /loco n~f)tscc/
mince words, va. ~-~~"<9..:G>:l'S1l.··•:£~f<x_:€!-~· /tshiq mining industry ""\?.'<l.~~ ~";f.'"~~ • /Uirto·on
t88nla motbon chE_C/ 11 Don't mince wards. tshig sole&/
bton la rna bton rna byed. ( tshrq t8Snla motocin minister, 1. iso, a government ~~d&O\' /13nceen/
m2_che~) 11 How many ministers ore there? blon chen go
mind, 1. ~~:; h.~~·/seill; h. thO~/ 11 What's in tshad yod pa red? (18nceen qhf!_tshcc Y2~rcc) 2,
his mind? kho 1 i sems la go re 'dug? (qhb~ seill- iso, Council Minister in tradi tiona! Tibetan
la qh2_re t~~) 2, iso. keep in mind, va. A. government) .t:\"T\,<;t.'i"~· /qlilocin/
~'"\l'l\"t\'/--la sh;:,~/ 11 Please keep this in mind, Commerce Minister i§'"·~~O\:~Ol.:
'di khyed rang gi thugs la bzhag rogs gnong, 18nceen/
(t!:_ kheroanqi thu~la sh~ro~noan) 3. iso, make Defense Minister @.;~:~,1::.~~~'51..: /k!:E,su?) 18nceen/
up one's mind, vo. A. ~\!13.~·~~·-"l.:q-=-.: /semta~ [Syn. srung skyob blon chen)
cf&/ 11 Make up your mind! khyod rang sems thag Development Minister Al..>:..'~*~~ /y2_rk£C
gcod! (kh8ro semtoo c~d) 4. see: look after !Bnceen/
5. iso. change one's mind, vi. D. ~~~·<;t.~~· Education Minister ~·~~O(Zb~ /sh~~ril 18n-
/seill k~r/ [Syn. blo 1 gyur) 6. iso, care, va. ceen/
~~·~~· /qh££ ch~~/ 11 Do you mind if he comes? Finance Minister
kho yong no go 1 i byed kyi red pas? ( qho y~na !Snceen/
qhE_E ch!qirepcc) 11 I don't mind. go'i byed kyi Foreign Minister /chisil !8n-
me red. (qh~ ch!qimore~) [Note: This is not ceen/
used in the positive sense, 11 I mind,") 7, iso, Home Minister ~c:.·%"" ?[~~~·
obey, vo. C. ~·~·~s._: /qholo nE_"?-i/ 11 The child lSnceen/
doesnJt mind his mother. phru gu des a mo'i kha Justice Minister ~i!!l.l~·~c:~,-~""~0\.· /t.hrmship
!0 nyan gi mi I dug, ( puqutil om££ qhala nE_"?Jqi- !Snceen/
mintu~) minor 1 1, iso, small ~C::.'C\JC:...' /chuf)Cuun/ 11 a mi-
"'V '\:)
mindful, see: careful nor reason rgyu mtshan chung chung (k~mtsc&n

mindless ~~~~ /th~nme~/ 11 mindless fighting chuf)Cuun) 2, iso, person under the legal age
don med rgyag res brgyab (thenme~ kaqree kap) Cif'c6'c::..:_<l.l..·Of'O\,"-'' /l2_tscc 1112,lempa/ 11 Minors can't
mine, 1, iso. possessive c::..'a..·- /f)~/- 11 Th;:s is buy liqueur. lo tshad me lon pas a rag nyos
mine. 'di ngo 1 i red, (t! f)~ r~~) 2, iso. on chog gi ma red. (l~tscc m;:,!Cimpcc aroo. no1> chol>-
excavation for ore "'t\~':!:..'0\' /terqa/ ii, va. C. qimare~)

--.(!,~~ /--tBn/ 11 They mine coal in Tibet, kho minority, 1 • iso. minority nationality Sl,C.'~c:.·~·
276 mint

~~~·/th!Qnuun m~ril/ 2. iso, the smaller part misbehave, vo. -['""~~-~~- /c38i'iee ch£'&1 11 The
of.o unit/group ~"'-'~>:<l· /n'.::_r)Ch-:>'.>1 11 The mi- child misbehaved. phru gu des spyod nyes byes
nority wrote o report. nyung phyogs nos gnas shag. (puqu th~l c33ne~ ch£csha?!) [Syn. sgrig
tshul zhig bris shag, nyes po byas]
th!_lsho?!) miscalculate, vi. A.~~").~~· /tsrin-:>::> thee/
mint 1 1. n. iso. the place where money is mode 11 He miscalculated the costs, khos rin pa rtsis
"\~G<l.'"'..q~·~c::.· /niiDpoo qhoon/ 2. iso. mint nor thebs shag. (qh8"d r~mpe ts'iin::>-:> theeshoa)
(money) 1 va. "-~o.s.·"'q~·~· /nrnlpao k!p/ miscarriage, see: miscarry
minus 1 1. iso. subtraction --- ~- --- Cl...~<s( miscarry 1 iso. have a miscarriage 1 vi, B. ~~~­
1--- nee --- theen/ 11 6 minus 10 bcu nos drug /pllqu sh~!:!/ 11 She miscarried twice, mo phru
'then (cO ne th_!:!U thoon) 2. iso. missing ~"\z.l.' gu thengs gnyis shor shag. (m~ puqu than nil
/m~epo/ 11 o book minus its cover deb rgyob sha sho!:!sha?!)
med pa zhig ( th~p k!:!_psho m~epaci) miscegenation ~~~·~'OI.l' /m_!ril tcemo/
minus sign ~~%~· /thentoa/ miscellaneous, 1. iso. small/insignificant things
minute 1 1. iso. 60 seconds ?~'\~~· /qoomo/ 11 ~"".~"'\' /t~qtsil/ 1! miscellaneous expenses
ten minutes skor rna bcu (qoomo cO) 2, iso, tsag tsig 'gro song (t~qtsil t~oon) [Syn,
very small ~c:...· ~c::.: /chOncuun/ 11 minute differ- 'l!?a gi tsi gi] 2. iso, different kinds 1 not
ences khyod par chung chung (kh!:fpoo chun- with the implication of small/insignificant ~
cuun) ~- /nats-:>o/ 11 He bought many miscellaneous
mirocle 1 1. n. ~-o:.~~· /ts_!:!ni-UU/ 11 It's o mir- things, khos co lag sno tshogs nyos shag,
acle, 'di rdzu 'phrul red. (t~ ts_!:!nttru r~e) (qhb~ cola?! nets-:>'.> n~dshaa)
2. iso, perform miracles, va, C, -- ~~· mischief, see: mischievous
/--t!:n/ 11 The Lama performed o miracle. bla mischievous ~~~~·~ /cSpa ~po/ 11 He is a
mas rdzu 'phrul bstan song. (lome& ts.!;!ntuU ten- mischievous child. kho phru gu spyod pa nyes po
so) zhig red. (qho puqu cSpa ~poci r~e)
miraculously ~·a..~Ol.~T<t\.·Qt...~' /ts.!;!ntuLiqi th5one/ misconceive, vi. A. ~~~~·/qh5n-:>::> thee/ 11 He
11 He miraculously escaped, khos rdzu 1 phrul misconceived what I said, khos ngo 1 i skad cho
gyi thog nos bros po red. (qh8"d ts_!;!ntu'Uqi go nor thebs shag. ( qh8"d tJEE_ q!:co qh~n::>::> thee-
th~'.>ne ph~dporee) shoal
mirage~~·~· /m'iqku/ [Syn. m_ig sgyu] miscreant ~-"'"'- /m~neen/
mire 1 1 • s~: marsh 2. iso, get/be mired in miscue 1 see: error; err
difficulties, vi. A. ~-~~"\C:...'s:>..>'~ /noqtee misdeal, iso, cords, va. A. ~·€!;~~"'- /n~ce
n!:!.9.nlo tshtlU/ t-1:&/
mirror 1. iso, gloss ~~~- /thonshee/ [Syn. misdemeanor ~<sU.:<-t· 0.."\03.' ~c:...-.iftr /thrmqce chDntsa?!/
gdong she!; she! ko] 2. iso, metal~-~· /~­ misfortune ~-~·~"'\~' /th,2mo t~l/ 1! He had many
loon/ misfortunes recently. nye char kho la gra ma
"mirror" divination, 1. n. E::1' /to/ 2. iso. per- 'grigs mang po byung shag. (n2_coa qh35 th!:!,ma
form miror divination, vo, D. ~~· /--~p/ t~l m!Qqu ch~nshaa)
misappropriate, vo. ~-~~~· /q~rcb~ ch£C/ miser <;l:l't\'"'~'"'-~~ /l_2qpo th_2mpo/ 11 He is a mi-
11 He misappropriated the factory's money. khos ser. kho lag pa dam po red. (qho l_2qpa th_2mpo
bzo grwo 'i dngul sger spyod byos shag. ( qh8"d rea) [Syn. gcog po]
s~tec nml q~rcod Ch£Cshoa) [Syn. sger bed miserable 1 see: unhappy
spyad] miserly 1 'see: stingy
misstate 277

misery, see: suffering pen."] 2. iso .• putting in the wrong ploce 1 vi.
misfire, vi. B. ~·a.~.~CI.'(tl.•~~· llll!nto qho c~.f B, "''.C.S...<t'\'~·~.:x:.: /sh,22so n22,/
misfortune, 1. n. ~;~··~~· /ch.!:!!:!'f'ie~/ 2, iso, misplay, see: error; mistake
get/hove a misfortune, vi. -- ~c::.· /--ch~n/ misprint, 1 • n, "'\"-l.X:.'~.: /pornoo/ 11 There ore
~ He hod a misfortune. khor byus nyes byung many misprints in the book, deb de 1 i nang lo
shag. (qh;5!5 chu1inee ch.!:!!;!nsho~) [Syn, bkra rna dpor nor mong po 'dug, (th!P th.!..!. ~nlo pCirnoo
shis] m2_11qu t.!:!,ul 2. vi. A. --~~- /--thee/
misgiving, see: doubt mispronounce, vo, D. it\·~·"'~·~·o..:s.C~.· It!:!, m2_toqo
mishap, see: accident 12_p/ ~ He mispronounced the word, khos tshig
misinform, 1 , iso. tell mendacious and incorrect sgro rna dog pa lab song, (qhB'd tshiq t~ m2_toqo
information, vo. A. ~'"'-.."t'\'~'~"'1"\"" /~toqpo 12_p30)
shl:C/ ~ He misinformed the reporters. khos misrepresent ~· ~c;~·~~·~=.:~·~~· /tshep qhul')-
gnos tshul mo dog po bshod shag. (qh~ n~~tsu'U luun lll!~po chE_t/ [Syn, tshob mtshon nyid mo
m~toqpo shl:tsho~) 2. iso, tell in a decep- tshong bo byes]
tive/misinforming manner, vo. (£'~·.q;"A.'\'@,.~' miss, 1. iso. regret the absence, vi. C. ~(;\:

/kh!5qsh&c ch£.'U lth£~1 ~ I miss Sonom. ngo bsod noms dron gyi
misinterpret, vi. A. 4\'~·~e<t~· /qh_£noo thee/ •dug, (I'J_£ s6nom thE_nqil) 2, iso. foil to meet
~ He misinterpreted the meaning ( of what I catch/obtain, vi. B. ~· /sh3;5/ 11 He missed
said) • khos ngo 1 i skod cho 1 i don dog go nor the plane, khos gnom gru shor shag, (qh3a
thebs shag. ( qhB'd 11££ q~c&& th~too qh.£1100 n~tu sh;5!5shoo) 3, see: ovoid 4. iso, miss
theesho~) [Syn. go log thebs] • ttie point, vi, A, ~~"'!\~C.,:~~~-1;"' /th_2n&t
misjudge, iso. calculations, distance, value, q~ motsh<:rd/ 5, !so, term of address for unmar-
consequences, vi. B. ~~-~~.25;1.·~~· ried women ~~· /m~s/
/tsh83tsil ch!yoo n22,/ 11 He misjudged the misshapen %"\·~· /k'Jqko~/
distance. khos thog ring thung tshod rtsis byed missile, neo, ~.:.:.·~~~· /phQntee/ 11 intercontin-
yog nor shag. (qhB'd thoo r~l')tuun tshS3tsil che- ental missile gling bskyod 1 phur mdel (lil')k<:rd
yao n,225ho~) phuntee)
mislay, see: misplace missing, 1. iso. don't hove/ore short, vi, A. a&~

mislead, see: deceive /chl:t/ 11 We ore missing o singer, ngo tsho'i

mismanaged, vo. Q.~*·~~~'l:\~?t::..' /ts.!,nko?, gzhos gtong mkhon gcig chad shag, (1')2_ntsbo shE_t
thOOshoo t6Bn/ ~ He mismanaged the restaurant, tol')&&n ciq chl:tshoo) ~ A lot of money is
khos zo khang 1 dzin skyong 1 thus shor btong po missing. dngul mong po zhe drag chad shag,
red. (qhB'd ~qhoon ts!nkoQ thlrushoo toonporee) (1')00 m2_1')qu sh!too chl:tshoa) [Syn, tshong mi
[Syn. 1 dzin skyong byed stongs mo 1 grigs po 'dug] 2. iso, lost, vi, A. ~~· /loa/ ~
byos] My dog is miss! ng, ngo 1 i khyi br logs shag,
mismatched ~~~·.G-'[neg.] /chanpo [neg,]/ 11 That (11££ khi looshao)
couple ore really mismatched, bzo' tshong de mission, see: delegation
gnyis dngos gnos 'cham po mi 'dug. (s!:!,tshoon missionary, religious ~~03.'~(<1."" /ch'B'd pee-
thenil 1')8nc& ch6mpo mintuu) l')&&n/
misp~oce, 1. iso. not o~le-to find ~~~·~·~4\.' misspell, vi. B, ;::;._~· <6' ~X.: /th2_qco n22/ 11 He
/niiqi m!ntuu/ ~ I misplaced the pen. ngo snyu misspelled the word, khos tshig de 1 i dog cho
gu rnyed kyi mi 'dug. (1')!:!, iiOqu iiiiqi m.!,ntuu) nor shag. (qh'B'd tshiq t.!..!. thEqco n~shoa)
[Note: This literally means "I can't find the misstate, see: misinform
278 mist

mist, see: fog mob (to form into), va. ~).:z;:v::..·'\."%c:.:·~._'"l.'@._~'

mistake, 1. n. ~--a.~~· /n2nt.tru/ 11 That is a /mlmai\ pur)tep ch!:_C/ 11 They formed into a mob
mistake. de nor 1 khrul red. ( th=. n2,ntUU r=.~) and burned the temple, mi mang dpung sdeb byas
2. iso. make a mistake/be mistaken, vi, 8, ~- nos lha khang nie bsreg btang pa red, (mlmai\
/n~/ 11 He made a mistake. khos nor shag. pur)tep ch!:_cnc lhoqaan ~tao taanporee)
...... n~shaa' )
( qhod [ Syn, nor 'khrul btang] mobile, neo. ~<~,~->:::&:~.~ /q3rko~/ 11 mobile med-
Mister (Mr.) ~~-<'!:~.' /mlst-ea/ [Syn. sku zhabs] ical team bskor bskyod sman bcos ru khag (q5r-
mistreat, va. ~~·~·<:t'Y~ /t_!:!qcoi\ taon/ 11 He kb"o .. .
m~ncbo r.!:!qaa')
mistreated the workers, khos bzo pa tshor sdug mobilize, va. "'\~,..~~-@!'\-· /t_!:!qoi\ ch!:_C/ 11 They
sbyong btang shag. ( qhod ' taa:n-
~ s2pats::>::> t_!:!qcan mobilized the troop quickly, ·kho tshos dmag mi
shaa) [Syn. sdug po btang] mgyogs po bsdu bkong byas pa red. ( qhootsod
mistress 1. see: owner 2. iso, a paramour ~~· m~~mi k2qo t_!:!qoi\ ch!:_Cparee)
af-' /s_!:!rmo/ mobilization q~;q;"f\C:.~«(l.>.l."'<\' /t.!:!qoi\ ch=.yaa/ 11
mistrust, va. ~c..:__~k·..§;~' /ygmachee ch!:_f-/ 11 mobilization order bsdu bkong byed yag gi bka 1
He mistrusts Indians. khos rgya gar ba la yid (t_!:!qoi\ ch=.yaoqi qo)
rna ches b yed kyi 'dug. ..:- k2_qaraa ygmechee
( qhoo ' mock, see: ridicule
chlqil) modal, see: usual
misunderstand, vi. A. ~~~<:t.t"\' /qh2_n::>::> the~/ mode, 1. see: 2. see: usual
11 They misunderstood the letter, kho tshos yi model &:::\.~~- /s2_pe/ 11 He made a model of a stu-
ge de go nor thebs shag. ( qhontsctd y~qi ti pe. khos mchod rten gyi bzo dpe zhig bzos shag.
qh2n::>::> theeshaa) [Syn. go 'dzol byung] (qhl3'd ch~~teenqi s2_peci s~"tishaa) [Syn. bzo bkod
misunderstanding, see: disagreement 1 dra dpe] 2. iso, a standard for imitation
misuse, va. ""'>.. ----- -y-.
~~~"'\"":>:.:~~·' comparison ~".Y~'~'<::Il'\'1' /m.!qpe toyed/ 11 His
taan/ 11 He misused the money. khos dngul bed behavior is a model. kho'i spyod pa de mig dpe
spyod nor byas btang shag. (qhl3'd f)!ID ph~b"ti 1 to yag cig red.
n::>::>cc taanshaa) re~) 3. iso. act in accord with a model, va. C.
mitten ~~·~"\:~~~"'\' /ts~e l~qshup/ ~"\·~·&:~.~· /mlqpe t~c/ 11 They modeled the plan
mix, 1 • va. A. ~~· /tee/ 11 They mixed water on communism. kho tshos 'char gzhi de dmar par
and beer. kho tshos chu dang chang bses shag. mig dpe bl tas shag. ( qhontsod cheashi t i moop::l::l
(qhontsb"d chuta choon t.eeshaa) 2. iso. get mlqpe tfcshaa)
mixed, vi. A. <::>...~~· It~! 11 The water and beer moderate, 1. iso. medium ~~-~· /t-grJtse/ 11
got mixed. chu dang chang 1 dres shag. (chute He has a moderate salary. kho la phogs 'bring
choan t-=.~haa) tsam zhig 'dug. (qh33 ph3~ pir)tseci t.!:!t) 2.
mixed ~~-.;n· /i!:f!.ma/ 11 a mixed group of Chinese iso. politically moderate .:p:::-"'\Ol...~· /ph2_rncc/
and Tibetans rgya bod 'dres rna 1 i tsho khag 11 a moderate movement bar gnas las 'gul (ph~r­

(k2_po"ti t!:f!.m&c tshoqhaa) ncc lE,£nqUU) [,Syn. phyogs gnyis su rna lh';'ngs
mixture a:.~lo;I.'>:J.' lt=.epa/ 11 This is a mixture of pa'i gnas stangs] 3, see: 1 essen; reduce;
water and beer. 'di chu dang chang 'dres pa smaller (make)
zhig red. (ti chute choon t=.~pdci reel [Syn. moderately o:~c:.·~c..·;.:,"'~ /m~r)nuun r!:_mpo/ 11 He
'dres rna] drinks beer moderately. khos chang mang nyung
moon, see: groan ran po zhig 'thung gi 'dug. (qhl3'd choon m~f)nuun
moot ~·zc:.:~"t\~·~· /chut.hoon c22.,ri/ [Syn. btsan r!:_mpoci thur)qil) [Syn. tshod zin pa] [Note:
rdzong mtha' sgor gyi chu 1 obs] This connotes "appropriately."]
monarchy 279

moderation (in) ~c.: ~r-·::s:..<;J.,.·?!i7 /m_!l')nuun rE_mpo/ ~ molasses ~x..~· /ph~ram/ [Note: This refers to
Drink beer in moderation, chong mong nyung ron the congealed (solid) form which is used as a
po zhig thungs, (chacn m!l')nuun rE_mpoci thun) sweetener.]
moderator in a discussion/panel -'R:\"'-:~'-""~~-~~ mold 1 J, iso. fungus -'<)<:1.\'ct~· /hampu/ ~ There is
OJ.t"\"l,,' /k!!ca t~m k~l')ccn/ mold on the cheese, phyur bo la hom spu 1 dug,
modern revisionism, neo, ~c:·x_q,~·~3:f-".:::t~~~c:::.·~<l)~' (churoa hampu t~u) 2, iso. a hollow form used
/th~l')rap s~pcod r~l')luu/ in making things, i. n. ~"\' /l~u/ ii, iso,
modernizoti on ~c..·.:.:."l.~ .'~,:~:x.:~;x:.: ~<n.' make with a mold, vo. -- ~~~· /--k~p/

/th~l')rapqi l')~wor k~ryoa/ ~ The modernization of moldy 1 vi. ~~·~-~~· /hampu k~p/ ~ The clothes
Indio is difficult. rgyo gar deng robs kyi ngo got moldy. dug slog la hom spu brgyob shag,
bor sgyur yog khog po red, (k2,qoo th~l')rapqi (th~q16~o hampu k_!pshoa)
l')~wor k~ryaa qhcqo r~"e) mole, iso. blemish/spot on skin~-~· /mean/
modern 1 1 • odj, ~co.:x..q,~· /th~l')rap/ ~ modern his- molest, iso, rape, va. "'1.~"\_.:::t.C::.'"'l'<jC:. • /ts!!nwoon
tory deng robs kyi lo rgyus (th!I'Jrapqi l~kuU) Ul~n/ 1l She got molested, mo lo btson dbong
2. iso, language ~c:;·~c;.: /th~I')Soon/ ~ modern btong shag, (m2?_ ts!!nwoon taanshoa) [Syn.
Tibetan language deng song gi bod skod (th!:_l')- btson g,yem byes]
soonqi phb"Oqce) [Syn. deng dus] [Note: In mollify, see: calm; pacify
writing, deng robs is usually used,] molt, vi. D. "-1.~~ ·c..t ·,~:~::c.: I fX!qpo kiir I 11 Snakes
modernize, 1. vo, D, ~"·x.q~·~<f':";{.i:.·q,~::.;,: molt every year, sbrul gyi pegs pa lo ltor
/th!:_l')rapqi l')~wor k~r/ ~ This year they modern- bskyur gyi yod pa red, (~Utlqi paqpo lotoo kur-
ized production. do lo kho tshos then skyed qiyo~ree)

deng robs kyi ngo bor bsgyur pa red, (th2,lo molten ~6(<9.1.' /sh,!;!!:!nma/ ~ molten lead zho nye
qhentsod th'8nke"e th!:_l')rapqi l')~wor k~rparee) 2. bzhun rna (sh!ni sh~nma)

iso. get modernized, vi, D. ~C::·.:.:.~·~·~·ct~;,::,· moment ~'<\·~·~"\· /khuqtsaci/ 1l !Ill come in a
/th!l')rapqi l')~wor k~r/ moment. nga khyug tsom zhig nos yang gi yin,
modify, see: change (I'J!:!, khuqtsacinc y~qiyin) 1l Wait a moment!
modification, see: change khyug tsom zhig sgugs! (khuqtsaci q~u)
Mohonmedon (>!..·~· /qhache/ momentarily, 1. see: moment 2. iso, occur at any
moist, 1, CO\ /sh2,/ 1l The cotton is moist, res moment ""\~~c:.· /th~nta r;!2.n/ ~ War will occur
lo zho 1 dug. (rE_clo sh~ t~u) 2. iso, weather momentarily. dmog do lto rang thug gi red,
~~~~;;:r /sh2,tshccn chempo/ 1l The weather (mao th2,nta r~n thOijqire"e)
is moist today, de ring gnam gshis zha tshon momentous R~"'\·~Q.I.~ • /ts2,~aa qhE_£che/ 1l a
chen po zhig 1 dug, (thari namshil shotshccn momentous decision dzo drag gal che 1 i thog geed
chempoci tuu) 3. iso. eyes becoming moist, vi. (ts~_toa qh.!:£chee thcqco~) [Syn. gal •gangs
C. ~-~~~~~·/chlishoaqi qhcn/ ~ His eyes con]
become moist, kho 1 i mig chu zhog gis khengs monarch, see: king
·shag. (qhBS mil chOshoaqi qhcnshoal monarchy, 1. iso. a country @.,~·;s-d·~cq'(l'l_~'
moisten, 1. iso, make moist but not dripping wet, /k.!:£pOO kE_£qap/ ~ Nepal is a monarchy, bol yul
vo, ~·~@2,q,' /sh!:!, k!p/ ~ Moisten this a rgyol po 1 i rgyol khob red. (phccyu~ kE_£pod kE_£-
little bit. 1 di la zha tog tsom rgyob dong, qap r=.el [Syn. rgyol ldon rgyol khab] 2. iso,
(tee sh2, t3~tsa k!pta) 2. iso, wet thoroughly, a form of government $<l.l·~~·~~l:.' /kE_£pbo
va. C, l;~~·"t~· /13mpa s2_1>/ sh~Q/ ~ They overthrew the monarchy, kho tshos
molar OS1()l. ·~ /~2,mso/ rgyol po 1 i gzhung gtor shag. (qhontsod kE_£pbo
280 monastery

sh~Q t~rshoa) small change ~e.._C>l'~<l.l'al.' /1')00 siime/ 4. iso.

monastery "\~""~- /q::!"po/ ~ Is this a monastery? lend money, va. "' B. ~~~-"t\>:l.l.:t.' /r)I:ID yoo/ [Syn.
1 di dgon po red pas? ( t}; q~po r!:pcc ) dngul bun btong] 5. iso. borrow money, vo. B.
odministroti ve unit in large monasteries (often 1\.~~-~t:.l.l-'l;.'/1')00 yeo/ [Syn. dngul bun blongs] 6.
called "college") "Sl.'~' /t.h~tshoon/ iso. exchange money, vo. c::...._~C>l'"'-~~·e::~_~c_·/r:Jrn:lcee
Assembly Hall in a monastery Cl_~I_Zl.~' /t~qoon/ toon/ 11 He exchanged dollars for rupees. khos
[Syn. tshogs khong] 9ol lor ru pi lo dngul br jes btong shag. ( qhb"tl
branch monastery ~~~cu~· /qodnlaa/ gooloa r~pile I')U0cee toonshoa) 7. iso. exchange
debating yard ~-~ /ch&lro/ rate, see: monetary rate B. iso. spend money,
quarters for monks .s:t::.F\ "'\' [Syn. vo. o..Sf~'"''.'Cjt:::.' /t._e.soon toon/ 9, iso. waste
shag] money, va. c::...._~~·o...~~~·q'9c::_' /l')iiil th55loa
Protective Diety Hall ~¥\~~c:..· /q~nqoon/ taan/ 10. iso. make money, va. C. ~~=·~~~·
residential administrative unit within a /1')00 s2_d/
monastery or monastic college E"l.t:::.·~~ /qhom- moneylender ""';,=·~~"''"\~'dl.(ll"\'/1100ptrun tol')t:t:n/
tsccn/ money order, 1. n. ~"'\'"\~~·~~~"'\' /t.~r:Jtru
temple '3f,' 0>-C:..' /lhoqhaon/ tsgnsht>l>/ 2. iso. send a money order, va.
monastic community ~~~· /q~nte/ ~'9t:...' /--toon/ 1f He sent a money order for ten
monastic corporation/establishment of on incarnate dollars. khos sgor mo bcu 1 i sbrog dngul 1 dzin
lama ~:~c:..· /loproon/ shog btang shag. ( qhS"d q22_mo. diD t~r:Juu
monastic discipline ~""
""~S..:~c:t'~"'\'=0-l.· /q~pcc t~nsh~~ toonshoa)
't-j;qlem/ Mongol ~2.\-" /s5qo/ 11 He is a Mongol. kho sog
monastic estate ~-~~~· /ch8"oshil/ po red. (qho s5qo r!:e)
monastic low ~~'<'l.l~· / Mongolia ~·~Q.l'

monastic official ~~·~1t /q~pcc l!:E,ne/ Mongolian carpet ~-;1:.<9-.l' /s5qrum/

abbot =~a:_~ /qhCmpo/ Mongolian clothing ~·"'<>~' /s5qchcc/
"""" [Syn. sog
disciplinary officer ~-.~:~.~~- /q!:qod/ po 1 i dug slog]
head chanter (prayer leader) ~CIJ.~"-: /llmtscc/ Mongolian person, see: Mongol
steward of temple ~~·~"9::x:.· /q8nnee/ Mongolian race ~:X,~~· /sMril/
monastic system ~lSI.:.>:.:~.~·~~·~· /q:!"p!:t: l~q­ Mongolian script/writing ~·~~· /s~yil/
sUU/ Mongolian spoken language ~·~~ /soqq&c/
Monday ~~<;t·~·~· /s5!_ t~wa/ Mongoloid race ~-'X_~~~.::x:.·G- /mj;ril seapo/
monetary rote, 1. ~· /ts:3_/ ~ What is the mon- monk, 1. n. ~'"-l.' ; h. ~·ct~~l".\' /'t-h~po; .h. q};n-
etary rate of the dollar? a mi ri ko 1 i sgor mor tUmpe/ 2. iso, become a monk, va. -- @..~' ; h.
1 dzo 1 go tshad red? (emiriqcc q2:!moo ts~ qh~­ -- ~~~· /--ch_£c; h.--noon/ 1f He became a monk
tshcc r_£c) [Note: "Monetary value" can also be last year. kho zla nyin grwa pa byes shag.
used.] (qho t~nii th~po ch_£tshoa) 3, iso. make someone
monetary value ~=·.sac: ..: /I')Olli.hoan/ 11 What is a monk, va. C, -- ~"1!~· /--s2_d/
the monetary value of that? de lo dngul thong child monk ~est~~ /incuun/
brtsis no go tshod red? ( th!:£ 1')00thoan tsi:rne Chinese monk ~--R_c::..· /heshaan/
qh~tshcc r_£C) [Note: This is usually used only fully ordained monk (bhik~u) ~·~· /q~loon/
for valuable things.] lay disciple ( upesaka) ~·~~<>l,· /q~neen/
money, 1. in general ~~· /1')00/ 2. iso. paper novice monk (~romanero) ~~·~· /qetsUU/
• "' -v -
money <if.X.· /l2_r/ [Syn. shog dngul] 3. iso. lower dress of monk 4\¥1,-ai•sq ~: /shomtep/
moratorium - 281

upper cloak of monk <\"1.'01( /s~n/ /ch!nta/ [Syn. spyi zla]

vest ~"'-c..~~· /t83nqo~/ month and dote a·~· /tr:_tse'M
monk's dress ~-<6~- /thr:_chcc/ beginning of a month ~a,~ /tr:_nqo/
monk official (in traditional government)~-~~· end of a morith ~-~E.~· /tamcut/
<>-1. "" -
/ts!tuun/ [Syn, rtse skor] intercalary month £:~¥\o.l' /tr:_pshoo/ [Syn, zla
monks 1 prayer meeting, 1, n, ~"t\~' /tsh'J~/ 2, lhag]
iso. hold a monks' prayer meeting, va, -- ~~~· last month £'~·~a:J..' /t,2_wa l')fma~/
/--tsh'J~/ next month ~-~~·~· /tr:_wa c!!ma~/
monk's prayers/rites for laymen @.,_~·"'\~~· ritually special days of a month ~·¥·"'l~"'(~~<A'
/shr:_pt&&n/ /ii_!!toon k£_csum/
monk's rites in laymn 's home ~o::.·¥;'~· /th~:J~/ monthly i!f!,'X' /tr:_re/ 11 monthly magazine zla
monk's room ~~~· /thr:_sha~/ [Syn. shag] re'i tshag deb (taree tshcqtep)
monk's shoes ~·c.:ia-'i!il;>~· /thr:_p&c hal')qlll>/ monument ~~<t\~~~;_. lt-h£_nsoo teen/
monk soldier ~X:"'\,~"'\' /serma~/ mood, 1. iso, good mood ~~~-~"'\e:f-" /sem k!pu/
monk's vow, 1. n, ~-"'-t· /tr:_mpa/ 2. iso, take 11 He's in a good mood, kho sems skyid po •dug,
monk's vows, va. C. -- ~~· 1--l'fiQ/ 3, iso. (qhi5 sem kipu t_!:!~d 2. iso, bad mood ~~~~"\1{
break one's vows (usually the vow of celibacy) 1 [neg,] I sam kipu [neg.]/ 11 He's in a bad
va. B. -- ~· /--sh'J'J/ mood. kho sems skyid po mi 'dug. (qhi5 sem kipUJ
monkey ~% /p!u/ mintu~)

Monkey year ~o.t·o:r-- /te~Ho/ moon &'"'\..~~ /toaqaa/ [Syn. zla ba]
monogamy "'U!.Q.·~c;.·~"f\~"~1'~"1~"'\' /s,2_tshaan phii- crescent moon £-~~-.::s.~~- /t,2_W&& sh_!cha/
cil m~cil/ full moon <;·~c::.~~- /ii,2_qaan tr:_wa/
monograph, ~"'\."'l~""
neo, /cheecrr'o/ [Syn. half-moon ~~~-~"'-a:,' /tr:_w&& cheecha/
dmigs bsal gleng brjod] new moon ~-~~"'tl.·~·.q· /tsheecil tawa/
monopoly ~~c{'~ /q!ntsiin/ 11 trade monopoly moonlight 6\'""--'!l."'\.' /tr:_pta~/ 11 There is no moon-
tshong don sger 1 dzin ( tshl5r)t1:icin q!ntsiin) 11 light tonight. do dgong zla bkrag mi 1 dug,
monopoly of power dbang cha sger 1 dzin (wai')Ca (th~o?r tr:_pta~ m!ntu~) [Syn. zla 'od,; zla dkar
q!ntsiin) [Syn, gcig 1 dzin] gyi 'od]
monopoly capital 1 neo, ~x.·~~~· /q!ntsiin moon orbit ~-"'\~-~~-- /tr:_wc& qhr:_la/
matsa/ [Syn, sger sdem rna rtsa] moon rocket, neo. ~-l::I..~"'\.~;(.'O:~x.· /tr:_ko"B phiir-
- /
monorail, neo, 4\~"'\·~c:.·~<::I\~'Cll~' /ciqkaan ceq- qllll/
lain/ mop, 1. n, ~-~""~"'-.:o:-t·i9J.' /r~qU'~ chcama/ 2,
monosyllable, neo. ~·~-""-~"''.'@,c;.' /tsh!qta va. A. ~~-~""-~<\"\~·~·~¥- /rE!:,qW chaam&c
ciqkaan/ chc~/
monosyllabic word, nea, ~-:~r~~<t\·~c;.·~"'~~ moral ~-~~ /tsht:!Ont&&n/ 11 He is a moral man,
/tsh!qta chiqkaan Y!mp~~ tshil/ kho mi tshul !dan zhig red, (qhi5 mi tshiJ!Jn-
monotheism %'-«\~~·~·~"¥'l' /lhacil chiiillut/ t&&nci r~~) [Syn, spyod bzang]
monotonous, see: boring morale, 1. n. ~~~~~- /simshu~/ 2, iso,
monsoo~ (season) i!<>:r_:~~~~"'- /chCirshoB thu"U- boost morale, va. A. -- ol:\~"\: /--k~/
tshtru/ morality ~01.:~&_."6.1.''\"1\' /q'!lnc1:id namta~/
month, 1. iso, either Tibetan or Western system moratorium, 1. n. "'~.;.;:&~~· /phr:_ntsam/ 2. iso,
month ~·q• /tr:_wa/ 2. iso, Tibetan month ilt~ have/make/give a moratorium, va, A. ""-<=P\4\'
~,' /ph~nta/ 3, iso, Western month ~-~· 1--shr:_~/ 11 (They) made a one year moratorium on
282 morbidity

paying debts, bu !on · sprod yog lo gcig bar [Syn, de ring sngo dro]
mtshoms bzhog pa red. tomorrow morning """c::..·~«<\~' /soonsh~:,/ [Syn.
ph~ntsam sh~apare~l snag nyin sngo dro]
morbidity, neo. "'"'"-"~·s:~_c::.=•a:..'l:'!\.:t:..· /nE_pC& yesterday morning '(<>.·~-~~-~· /qhffso sh,E.q&c/
~h~~p~r/ ~ Morbidity is high in Nepal. bal yul morning meal, see: breakfast
la nad pa'i grang 'bor chen pored. (ph~~yUU la moron ~~·"-1.' /qiJ'qpa/
nE_pcc ~h~~p~r chempo r~~l morpheme, ling, ~-~~~-~ lt;:_tb"dn thomo/
more, 1. iso. comparative l9J.c:.:t::l.' /m;:_~/ ~ I need morphology, ling, ~·~~~"'\'Col' 1-t-::.tb"dn r.!_qpa/
two more horses (than these). ngo lo rto de morsel l,"'l'<:f\C.' /qhi'i qh~n/ 11 He didn 1 t even eat
tsho las gnyis kyi mang ba dgos. (I'J~ ta th~n­ a morsel of food. khos kho log kha gong yang
tso lE_C iiirqi m~~ q,2:,l 2. iso. additional or bzas mo song, (qh&i qhi'iloa qhi'i qh~nyM s_£cma-
further ""~~ /th~ntM/ 11 He will come two more soon)
times, kho do dung thengs gnyis yong gi red. mortar, 1. iso. vessel for pounding ~-~~·
(qho th~nt~6 theQ iiii y~qire~) 11 I need more /qMtiin/ [Syn. sgog gtun] 2, iso, bonding
time, nga la do dung dus tshod dgos. (~~ agent "'-~~·a.~\' /mi~tao/ 3. iso. weapon~·~~­
th~nt~~ thu~tshUU q,2:,l ~dl~~~· /m~k~:, namlut/
more and more ~c.-~<lllc:.·~ /~l')ro ~l')ro/ 11 He mortgage' neo. ~-~c..'o/Ul.«i\ -~·Old; /soqhoan n::.yoa
is getting more and more letters, kho !a yi ge ph.:!lUUn/
mang du mang du 'byor gyi 1 dug. (qh5:S y.!_qi mortify, see: embarrass
~l')ro m~l')ro c~~qil) moslem, see: muslim
more or less, 1. iso. approximately (with numbers, mosque ~~~~~'1?-\C:.' /qhi'ichee lhi'iqhoan/
money) ~"""'-'<U""l.' /y£m&c/ 11 I need more or less mosquito, 1. n, ~~·~~ /th.:!qtaan/ 2. iso. get
100 dollars, nga lo sgor mo brgyo yos mas shig bitten by a mosquito, vi. -- ~~·~~~<=l.'
dgos. (I')~ q~~mo k,2 YE£m&cci q,2:,l 2. iso, /--qi so k~p/ 11 I got bitten by a mosquito.
about the some -«\~~·~·(l.~·~"\· /ciqpa rapci/ 11 ngo lo dug sbrong gi so brgyab byung. (~~
She gave me more or less the some advice. mos th.:!q~oan qi so k~pcu)

nga lo bslab byo gcig pa 'dra zhig brgyob byung, moss ""\~·~· /ph,2mtsa/
(m~"d I'J~ Uipco ciqpa r~pci k~pcu) most, 1 • ~~~·~· /m::_Qchc?:,/ 11 Most students came,
moreover ~'&_· R:'~· Q.l.• --- ~c::..· /th~ th5:,la---yM/ slob grwo bo mang che ba slabs shag. ( loptoa
11 Moreover, we hove to meet Sonom, de'i thog lo m::.?!chcc le~shao) 2. iso. superlative :;uc::..~::t$1.'
ngo tshos bsod noms yang gtug dgos red. (thee /m::_I')Sh-&5/ ~ He got the most books. kho !a deb
th:S:,la ~~ntsod sonom yM tutqore~) mong shos rag shag. (qh5:S th~p m::_QShoB r::.ashaa)
more than ~·~c.·~· /lee m;:_~/ 11 I need more than mostly ~z:.·~·~· /mo?!chcc/ ~ The work is mostly
ten dollars. ngo lo sgor mo bcu los mong bo done, los ka mong che bo byos tshar sha!iJ•
dgos, (11~ q, cu l£C m~~ q,2~l 11 More than (l_££qa m::.?!chcc ch£?: tshooshaol
workers, I need equipment. ngo lo bzo pa los yo motel, see: hotel
byod mong bo dgos. (11.2:!. s~pa lee y~pccc m_::.Qo moth, 1. n. ~~·~· /m.:!qpa/ 2. iso. be eaten by
q2:,) a moth, vi. c. ~~·~~·~.:E\~·/muqpcc sE,.t/ 11
morgue, neo. ~c..·~~~~-~~"'.~· /phul')pu 11_£toa The wool was eaten by moths. bol mug pas bzos
c38so/ shag. ( phcc m.:!qpcc s_£cshao l
morning ~-<'-'t'""l.' /sh,E.qcc/ [Syn. sngo dro] mothball ~'"-l.:t:.' /qapur/
-v -
every morning ~~·~X: /sh,E.too/ moth-eaten ~"'\·~~ ·.q~~·l:.:l.~' /m.:!qpcc SE_Cpcc/ 11
this morning ""-x..c.·~~-~· /th,2roon sh,E.qCC/ moth-eaten shirt mug pas bzos pa 1i stod th ung
mourn 283

(m~qp&~ S£CP&& tOOtuun) mould, see: crucible; cast

mother \N.'a:l.' ; h. ~al. • /i'ima; h. y~m/ 11 my mother mound AA.~c.·~c:..· /so ~l)qa?!/ [Syn. sa sbog sbog]
nga'i a ma (r:JEE_ ~mal mount, 1. iso, a horse, va. C. ~~~ /sh_2~/ 11
mother and child aJ.·~· /m2_pu/ He .mounted the horse, khos rta bzhon shag.
mother and daughter ~-~"' /m£m&&/ (qh~d to sh~nsha~) 2. iso, photo, picture, va.
mother-in-law ~~«·\!-(·~· /t2_uqi Clma/ [Syn. B. ~x..· /c23_/ 3. see: increase
sgyug mo] mountain, 1. n. ~ /r_!/ 2, iso. climb mountains,
motherland ~-~~-~-~~· /phi'imee k&cqap/ va. A. -- ~·a..~<t\.~· /--la ts£~1 11 He went to
mother of pearl -s.·a"'-:. /Pi2_pcil/ [Syn. nya lcibs] climb the mountain, kho ri la 1 dzegs par phyin
mother's love '<N'CI:!.~·~.:«~al.~· /emcc ch£msefh/ song. (qho r_!la t~qa~ chl.~ul
mother's milk ~·5:1."'ci..·O::a:l· /om&& W£ma/ bare mountain 'X·-!1"\a:s.·~ /r!._ qCJmpo/
motif 1 see: design, 3 rock mountain .!::\~·~· /th2_qri/
motion picture, 1. n. m4\'~a)~' /13rjiccn/ 2. snow mountain "l\~~· /qh2_1)ri/
iso. make a motion picture, va, C, -- .::~:a-~· mountain with meadows ~c:.·'X· /p'l!il)ri/
/--s~d/ 3, iso, see a motion picture, va, C, mountain and valley~-~.:::..· /r_!lu?!/
-- "'~~· 1--t"f~/ 4. iso, show motion picture, mountain base <X,· 0.:."'-"'-~' /r!._ntap/
va. C. -- .q_~"' 1--tr:.~/ moutain bird ~~ /r!._ca/
motion picture studio ~-0<::\~;:;z~·~· /131)ii&cn mountain climber ~~-~4\-6..1~~· /r_!la ts~l)&&n/
1.£_£1-a/ mountain climbing 'X.·o..'!t~·~~·:G.~· /rintseq lUU-
v '-<;) - -

motion picture theater ~"'t\·~~"'~t::: /131)nccn tscc/

qhoon/ mountain climbing team (expedition)~o:.~~~·.q·
motion sickness, /r!._ntseq tsh3qpa/
kuqncc/ mountain face~~~~· /rg 1:__'~/
motivate, va. ~<>::\·~·~~- /qOO!o~ ch£t/ 11 We mountain fields ~:~c::..· /r!shil)/
have to motivate the workers, nga tshos bzo pa mountain gorge ~-~"t\' /r!._ra~/
tshor sku! slong byed dgos red, (l)_£ntsod S_£pa- mountainous ~·~c:.·;:r-~~· /r! m2_1)qu Y!?pa/ 11 Is
ts~~ qDnlo~ ch~qoree) Nepal mountainous? bal yul ri mang po yod pa 'i
motivation .:~~:a~~~"'\~' /sl.mshuo/ 11 Without lung pa red pas? (phccytru r!._ fl12.1Jqu y_2pcc l~r:Jpa
motivation, people won't. work well. sems shugs r~pcc)
med na las ka yag po byed kyi ma red. (sl.mshuo mountain ·pass 1 1 • n. ~· 112,1 2. iso, cross a
m~na l£_£qa Y£qo ch_!qimaree) pass 1 va. -- ~~q· I --k2_p/
motive ~"'\.~· /th!?nta~/ 11 What was his motive mountain peak~~- /r!tse/
for doing that? khos de 'dra byed yag gi don mountain range ~'\5 /r!._kiiU/
dog ga re red? (qh3t; th~nt-c& ch~ya~qi th_2nta~ mountain side ~~z:::.~· /rg 1)2_15/
qh£re r£&1 [Syn. kun slong; dmigs don] mountain (steep) 'X·"t\;:1;.;_• ~ /r!._ s2,rpo/
motor a..~.:q·a._~·~·Q:\· /thOrqhM CJma/ [Syn. g.yo mountain top, 1. see: mountain peak 2. iso. top
'gul ma 'khor] part of mountain\: /r!._nqo/
electric motor ~~c:G'o:>.·Q.~"" /lol)qtru lll£q~~/ mountain troops ~:"'-.~ /r!._ma~/
gasoline engine ~~·(.l.~a.t·a:s.·o..~· /nrrnqu'U m£q~"J/ mounted troops ~-~~ · /toma~/
motorbike ~~-~<t\.' /Pf!_qpa~/ [Syn. neo, c. mo tho mourn, va. ~·.::.~~· /i'i£1J&&n ch£f./ 11 They mourn-
khre] ed for 30 days. kho tshos nyi ma gsum bcu mya
motor boat ~~-~~·~·~c::.~· /Pf!_qpa~ th~si~/ ngan byas pa red, (qhontso15 nima SUnCU fi£1J&&n
motorcycle, see: motorbike ch_£cparee)
284 mourner

mourner ~~~""-~~ ~ /nol)&&n chel)&&n/ l_!nqutl) 2. iso. a movement in a musical compo-

mourning ~<::.~ /Fi'lrJ&&n/ 11 Today is a day of sition ~-~e;_,.,;N.·~·~ /r.22ton l!ts&&n/
mourning. de ring mya ngan gyi nyin mo red, movie ~"'\'oC\IJ}~ /151)n&&n/ [Syn. 'be se kob]
(th~iin ~l)&&nqi Fi!ma r!~l movie actor 3f~~::~.~~o..~t:l.'~tz\~' /BI)Ii&&n }ham-
mouse ~~ /tsitsi/ l)&&n/
mousetrap ~~~~ttl~~ /tsitsi s!mya'?J/ movie project<?t" ~cn,·e:t~"'~~ /151')1i&&n Y.2pc&&/
mouth, 1. n, ~· ; h. ~c:;t.:l' /qho; h. sh~/ 11 his movie theater &f""'·.::t~~ tt~.c:..• /151)neenqhoon/
mouth kho'i kha (qh~8 qho) 2. iso, open the mow, va. A. e:tl!;)e:;,_: /cl!&/ 11 They mowed grass yes-
mouth, va. c. -- ""\"'-.~~· /--t.2n/ 3, iso, close terday. kho so kho tshos rtswa bead shag.
the mouth, va. C, -- <t~~· /--tsiln/ 4. iso. (qhffso qhontsod ts6 cftsha~)
by word of.:mc;>uth "'
~"t\-)f'~·&,.~· /!J2,qbon&/ moxa, n. ~·~~-~·<=::~,· /lll!cb1s paa/
inside of the mouth ~~·~~· /~2,mpu'tJ/ much, 1. (~.-~~· /sh!}oo/ 11 He doesn't read much,
mouth disease ~·~~ /qhon&&/ khos zhe drag klog gi mi ·'dug, (qhS"d sh!\ao
mouthful ~·~c:::..· /qho qh~n/ 11 a mouthful of lUqimiritut) 11 He is much smaller. kho zhe
water chu kha gang (chu qha qh~n) drag gi chung be 'dug, (qho sh!}aoqi chu?Jo?..)
mouth-mask (hygienic) ~·~~- /qhor&t/ 2. !so. that much (positive) lin"''~~-~~-~·
mouthpiece (of reed instrument) ~·~· /pipi/ /m'lrJlod th!qaatsa/ 11 He bought that much. khos
mouthwash, neo. ~~i>\~~· /qha}hi mfncu/ [Syn, mang los de go tsom nyos shag. (qhS'd mol')l~
kho 'khru yag sman chu] th!qaatsa ~dsho?..) 3, iso. that much (negative)
move, 1. iso. place of residence or on object from o.t~·~~O..~ /m2,1)qu th!n}&&/ 11 We don't need
one place to another 1 va. C, ~· /p'?id/ 11 He that much. nga tshor mong po de 1 dro mi dgos,
moved to America. kho a mi ri ko lo spas shag. (rJ_2ntsoo m2,1)qu th!n}&& m~q::>?>)
(qh~ ~miriqoo pS~sho~) 11 He moved the table, mucus, 1. iso. nose mucus ~~~ /naptut/ 2.
khos rgyo cog spos shag, ( qhS'd k'lc!5o pS"dsho?..) iso. phlegm ~""-~· /l';}pa/ 3, iso. mucus in ex-
2. iso, move a hand, finger, etc., vo. ~{'~.~·~· crement ~Q.l.·~~::~.· /ph~nap/
~'<jC:.'/q,!:!k::>?> toon/ 11 Con you move your finger? mud <'=l..e;_,~·~· /t'lqpoa/
khyod rang gi mdzub mo sgul kyog gtong thub kyi muddy Ct.,~·~~·~· /t.2qpa~ sh!}oo/ 11 The village
'dug gas? (kh3r&& ts~qu q~o?> to6n thuuqituq&~) was muddy. grong gseb der 1 dog po zhe drag
3. iso. move away a crowd by force, vo, A,~"\ (,
'dug. .. .
(\h,211see th~ t_2qpaa sh!}oo t~u')
/pill 'II They moved the crowd from the rood, mudra 1 skt. ~~'®: /ch6qka/
kho tshos lam khog sgong nos mi phung phud po muffler 1 iso. scarf (2\'~~·.a.t~"\'\' ~ /qh~til thO-
red. .. 1_21)qoo.. q_2nn&
(qh<5ntsod .. m!puun p1-1 parae
') pu/
4. iso. move farther away/out of the way, vo. A, mug ~· /m2_q/
~::.:..·~~~- /phoo shill 11 Please move away. muggy """~~·4\~~~q· /n:imshil l&lpo/ 'II It's
phar bshig rogs gnong. ( ph6o shilr::>onoon) 5, very muggy today. de ring gnom gshis rlon po
iso. move closer, vo, A, ~·""\~~- /tshOu shil/ zhe drag 'dug. (t~!riin namshil l&tpo sh!}oo
6. !so. to be emotionally moved, vi, A. ~~~· t~~)
~<:lt~~·/siJmqUU th~/ 11 They were moved by his Muhammadan, see: Mohammedan
' ~
speech, kho'i skod chos khong tshor sems sgul mulberry tree ~~·a:..~:{'\c..' /thanpu shil)/
thebs shag. (qhb'S qUe&& qhonts::>::> s~qUU the~­ mulch, 1. n. ~~·~~· /shii')Sop/ 2. vo. A.
sho?..) "t\ur-~· /--y3o/
movement 1 1 • pol! t. Cl.l~'<.<.~Q.t' /l!nq'u'U/ 11· revolu- mule ~c:l:\' /\h!!!f:/
tionary movement gsor brje'i los 1 gul (sarcee muleteer ~Ql.·q• /\h~po/
must 285

mull, see: think gsod yag de yag po rna red, (mi s83yaoti Y.£qo
multicolored (!\''IS.' more~)

multilateral ~"\~'ale::: /ch33ma?}/ ~ multilateral murderer ~Lt\'"-..o:l."-'l:l. • /l_£q mara/ [Syn. mi gsod
negotiation phyogs mang gros mol (ch33ma~ mkhan]
thoamoo) murky, see: gloomy; dark
C\ /tsanttr~/
multilingual, 1. iso, 2-5 languages i'i;\.:::.,:;.::.~~· (2:1..' muscle spasm, 1. n."" 2. iso.
"19.~-/q~~ril qhoshcc/ . 2. iso. more than 5 langu- get a muscle spasm, vi, A. --~.::),~·/--the~/
ages ~~~~~·oq~·~ /qh~~ril m~l')qu/ muscular "'f\'~' /shopts::>~/ ~ He is very mus-
multinational ~~<l;\,~·~-g-~. /m_!ril nots::>::>/ ~ euler. kho sha rdzob chen po 'dug. (qho shop-
multinational state mi rigs sna tshogs yod pa 1 i ts::>?> chempo t;!t)
rgyal khab (m_!ril nets::>~ y~pcc kccqap) muse, see: think
multiplication, 1. n, ~;~:::.~· /k;!rtsil/ 2. museology q~~~·~~~'"t\02,.~' /}~mtb"l:in r_!l')ncc/
iso. multiply, va. D. ~~X: /k;!r/ 11 Multiply museum «.~~~·~~c::.· /t~mtodnqhaan/ ~ I went
2 by 3. gsum gnyis la bsgyur. (sDm nrr la k;!r) to the museum. nga 1 grem ston khang la phyin po
[Syn. sgyur rtsis brgyab] yin. (1')_£ t~mtoonqhaanla chi~payin)
multiplication sign ~~'<;"t\~' /k;!rtao/ mushroom, 1. iso, yellow mushroom (main edible
multiply, 1. iso. math., see: multiplication, 2 one) ~X.'..f\' /sesha/ 2. iso. white mushroom ""-"\~·
2. iso, increase by procreation, vi. B. Cl~~· '\'C\' /qorJsha/ 3, iso, meadow mushroom ~r::.'..f\'
/phee/ ~ Their sheep multiplied quickly. kho /pCil')sha/ 4. iso. wood mushroom ~C:.."..t=\'
tsho i lug mgyogs po
1 1 phel shag. ( qhontsb"d lut /shii')Sho/
koqo pheeshao) 3. iso. increase in number 1 music, 1. n. ~<:l.l'"'t\.~~· /r~hcc/ ~ I like music.
q7ontity C}lc;.·~~~ /m~l')ru chirV ~ Their prob- ngo rol gzhas lo dgo' po yod. ( IJ,£ r~hccla
lems multiplied after he came. kho yong nos kho q.£po y3[d) 2. iso. ploy music, va. -- .q,'<?~·
tsho i rnyog dra mang du phyin shag.
1 (qho y~hn& /--toon/ 3, iso. listen to music 1 vo, D.
qhontsod n3q}a m~l')ru chinshao) £l;~) --nE_n/

mum 1 iso, stay, vo. A. tz:~.·~;.::,·.q,~c:;.: /qhoqaa tE_c/ musical instrument, see: instrument
mumble, va. A. ~"'-:C&'~'"".~·~'d.!:'"\.~'~'f\'\' /qr!ca musical rhythm ~"\."'-~ ·~~~~ ·..:q~~ ~.i,'l;l.l~'
}£ th~la m_£tao sh~c/ [Syn. kha skyon yod po 'i /tol')yon
skad cha bshad] - 1 theory ~
musica -------""'
;:I:.~'a:\~·~~c:.·~-"t\~' /rodmoo
murrmify 1 va. C. ~x.·e:qc:.-t::t1i"~· /purphuun s_o'o/ sh_!!Jlut/
"¢ "
mummy ~x·~c;_- /purphuun/ music hall ~cu-~· \Zl.C::.: /r~oqhaon/
mundane a.~·~~ /c_!qteen/ ~ mundane affairs musician .:=e-Cll·a:,·"'<\"¥·~~~· /r~a toi')&Cn/
'jig rten gyi bya ba (c_!qteenqi ch£wa) music score £~·~~~·~ /rodya?} r_!mu/ [Syn.
municipal ~c:.~x-~· /th~l')keeqi/ ~ municipal neo, c. rol mo'i phu'u tsi]
elections grong khyer gyi 1 dem bsko (}h~l')keeqi musk gr~· /H!Rsi/
t~mqo) musk deer ~·~· /loa/
munitions ~cu~· /qh~lao/ musket ~"'\.~"\_0...' /phoonta/
mural, 1. n. ~~:X~· /t~pril/ 2. iso. paint a musket boll ~~('1.1.~0-3.-:- /teerii/
mural 1 va. C. -- ~~· /--th_!l/ Muslim A~' /qhoche/
murder, 1 • va. A. ""'~.=.:;; Is~?:. I 11 He murdered must, 1. iso. very strong emphasis ~~~~~·~~
her, khos mo bsad song. ( qhB"d mo s~eso) ~~<r\' [vb.]~';f\~·/y.!ncil m_!ncil [vb,] qo/ ~
[Note: This literally means "kill."] 2, n, ~· I must go. nga yim gcig min gcig 'gro dgos red,
"t\~W.""\.' /m_! s~Syao/ ~ Murder is bad. mi (1'),£ Y.!ncil mincil ~~qoree) 2. iso, with less
286 mustache

emphasis 41\~· /~/ ~ He must come, kho yong themya~ qi ·n!:ftsUU) [Syn, mgo 'phrul yag]
dgos red, (qho y~~q~ree) mystify, va, A. ~~0..~~'"-'"'l.{>"t\' /qo th6mru cOt/
mustache "&{'~.: /'(jere/ [Syn, kha spu] ~
~ "'
They mystified the villagers,
kho tshos grong
mustard oil <=:.tC::..:~~-~~· /p!:fqa?. nUll/ gseb pa tsho mgo 'thorn du bcug shag, (qhontso1J
mustard plant -=t~'A\C.: /p'ffqa?./ th~seepatsho q£ .th6mru cutsha~)
mustard seed ~~~c·~ /pf'fqo?. sBSn/ myth, see: story
mutate, see: change
mute ~,':\'~~~·~· /qhc qiiqpa/
muted, see: low; soft
mutineer ~-,Sl.~·~· ~~~l~?l maami/
mutiny 1 1 , n, "'~~·~'a.·T-~· /ma~mil l')~l~?l/ 2,
va. ""&:t~~·~~·~· /ma~mil ~~~?l ch£&/
mutton ~<tl,\.f\' /l~qsha/
mutual 1:4~~ /ph'fntsUUn/ ~ mutual concern
phon tshun sems khur (ph!:ntsu'Un slimquu) ~
mutual friendship phon tshun mdza 1 mthun gyi
'brel ba (ph'fntsUUn ts!thUUnqi }!wa)
mutual-aid group ~~~·~~~·aoc:.· /r2,qree

muzzle 1 1 , iso, a gun ~'Cl:l"'-"= ~·

""' /m!nt&& qhc/
2, iso, muzzle for an animal, i, n, <&'~ /cha-
ru/ ii, va, tz:\'03.'dQ'~Cl.~' /qhcla chi!iru k~p/
3, iso, restrain from speech, va, A. ~'«<.'T\.:E\'

/qh'(j qc~/ ~ They muzzled the delegate's

criticism, kho tshos sku tshob tshogs pa 1 i kha
bkag shag. ( qh<Sntsod qOtsap tsh3qp& qhc·
qc~sha~) [Syn, kha la cha ru brgyab]
my ~~· /r)&&/ Y my book nga 1i deb (q~ th!Pl
myopia, see: nearsighted
myopic, 1. see: nearsighted 2, iso, lacking
foresight ~~-~~c:.·~~· /thOr)ka chQI')Cuun/ ~
myopic plan mthong rgya chung chung gi 1 char
gzhi (thor)ka chOI')Cuunqi cha~shi)

my own &::""'-~·::.:.~·~· /~5:,ra r~nqi/ 11 my own book

nga rang rang gi deb (r)E,ra r~nqi t.h!p)
myriad 1iQ~·<:>:~~'R."\.~·~· /th£~1&'& tE.,'&po/ ~
myriad stars grangs las 1 dos pa 1 i skar ma
(thE,r)l&c tE.,tP&& q'(jcmal
/~5:,ro r~n/ 11 I went by my-
self, nga rang rang phyin po yin, (I')E,ro roan
mysterious M'*a..~·~""· /q~ themya~/ ~. a mys-
terious event mgo 'thorn yag gi gnas tshul (q£

nag, 1. iso, wearisome ·complaining, va, C, \S'\·~1€;'~·

~~"'~~~· /Cine:>~ tshcpo s~/ 11 She nags me

all the time. mos rtag par nga am cog tsha po
(mo·d t~qpaa ~~me:>~ tshcpo suqil) 'dug.
. - -
1. iso. the metal fastener, n. ~~~
/s~/ 2. va. -- ~~t:l,' /--k!!_p/ 11 Nail i t to
the wall. rtsig pa'i !debs la gzer brgyob dang,
(tsiqp&& t~ela s~ k!!_pta) 3. iso. finger or toe
nail, i. n. ~~~ ; h, ~.:t'\·~~ /semo; h.
chcaseen/ ii. iso. cut nail, va. D. -- ~~"l-N.·
1--tilp/ iii. iso, bite nail, va, -- a.t·~~:~.~~·
I --!a so k!!_p/
nail cut tar ~~"f\~q • /srmtup/
nail file ~~~~<t\'""-"\."'. /semo saqtaa/
nail polish ~~~~~~~- /s&noo t~qtsi/ [Syn.
sen rtsi]
naive, iso. tending to believe all ~~~·~·;:r­
/yiich~ Hlpo/
naked, 1. iso, being without clothes '\~·:r;.:~c:.·t:::J.'

/me~rarya/ 11 Is he naked? kho dmar hrang ba red

pas? (qho mccrarya r~pcc) 2. iso. exposed to
view '\"l!Z"-«~· /ry'ffdsu/ 11 naked aggression dngos
su btsan 'dzul (ryB'dsu ts~ntsu'tl) [Syn. mngon
sum 'dzem med]
name, 1. n. ~c:..· ; h. ~~ /m!:_D; h. tsh!::fn/ 11
What is his name? kho 1 i ming ga re red? ( qhbil
m!D qh~re r£C) 2. iso, give a name, va. A.
~~~~·/--tao/ 11 He named the horse, khos rta
la ming btags song. (qh8"d tala m!:_D tcosa) 3.
iso. ask for/take a name, va. C. -- ~~·
/--sh]:_"U/ 11 He took a new name, khos ming gsar
pa zhus shag. ( qh8'd m!:_l') scopa sh!!_";ishao) 4.
iso, ca~l (bad) names, va. 0, ~~·~"f\'q<,"f\'CI.ll:l.'
/m!l') t~qcao l!!_p/ [Syn. ming ngan lab]
list of names, 1. n, ~c:.·~ /m!:_l')tho/ 2. iso,
compile a list of names, va. A.
/s2_yao/ 11 He bought the horse
named "bighead". khos rta mgo chen zer yag de
nyos shag. (qh8"d to qoceen seya'd ti ~dshao)
nameless ~e::.·~·~·r.ta: fm!l') ma;iSmpcc/ 11 A name-
less official told me, ming rna ston pa'i gzhung
zhabs shig gis nga la bshad byung. (m!:_ry mctem-
288 nameplate

p&& sh,!:!I)Shap ciqqi 1').22, sht:.ccu) tsh,cheen/

nameplate, 1. n. ~c:..·w: /m!;_I')Caan/ 2. iso. put notional capital E!t~·~· /k~sa/
a nameplate on a door 1 etc , 1 va, B, -- .q_il\X.' National Day ~='t"\"l.'~~:~~ /k&&qap th~heen/
/--qaa/ notional defense ~<>l'(q~·~~·~· /k&&qap sul')kop/
nanny ~·~· /m'f!.m&c/ [Syn. rgyal srung]
nap, 1. iso, doze off 1 vi. ~~o;.;~·.<:~,~q· /niic60 national economy @;Cll·~~·"'qQt·~· /k££yoon p!!n-
k2_p/ 11 He naps every day, kho nyin 1 tar gnyid coo/
jog rgyag gi 'dug. (qho n!;_ntaa iii!c60 kaaqil) national emblem ~-~~~- /k~t~/
2. iso. go to sleep, va. B. ~~"'<?=' /nil notional flag @J~'"'-.:S.:..' /kEfi.taa/
n&&/ 11 Go take a nap. gnyid nyal gag rgyugs, nationalist ~·~~ /k~shen/
(nil n&&qa~ k,!:!~ll nationalist, iso. the person @Jl~Ol.,~.::.·~"\~·.r:.:~.·
napalm bomb, neo, ~·~~· /mempo~/ /k&&shen ril')luupa/
nope ""t\<?9..' /nB/ [Syn. Hag khung] Nati::alist China ~~4\·~~~<jc.:~~·(U.c:!.'
napkin ~~~- /s33r&c/ [Syn. pang ras; mgul /kana?J qobmintal') k&&qap/
gdan] Nati:nalit~ Instit::;:-e (P.R.C. I ~!"}"'\~-~·~·
narcissism "".z::.·~~~·q~ /r22,n d!ntsiin/ [Syn. /m!;_ril lop\a/
rang nyid la brtse zhen] Nationalities Language Press (P,R,C, I ~-'Q.-"t\~'
narcissist ,:.:.c:::~~-o:.~~""\.,;)l\"1.~ /r22,n centsiin ~·~~(1\c:;' /m!;_ril p~}u'Unqhaan/
chel')&&n/ nation'Oiity ~·~.:n,~· 1l There are many
narc:tic, n. "'\~-~~ /s};_m&&n/ nationalities, mi rigs mang po •dug, (m!;_ril
narrate, see: speak; tell; say m2_1')qu t.!:!u) 11 minority nationality grang nyung
narrate in the Tibetan Opera, va. C. [~~~·] mi rigs (\h2_1')nuun m!;_rill
~~c.·l:\~~· /[lhamoo] sh.!:!l') sa?'}; nationality freedom ~~~~·.:c.o;.•"-q_c.:/m!;_ril r21')waan/
narrow, 1. iso, not wide ~-~ /th2_qpo/ , a national! ty languages ~·~~~· ~'t\~'1i\"\~<n.· /m!;_ril
narrow road lam khag dog po (l!;!l')qa~ th2_qpo) qho~qi qffyil/
[Syn, zheng kha chung chung] 2, iso, notional! ty self-determinism~~~·~~~ .:.:.c..·
narrow-minded ~~"t\·~-~ /l~puu th2_qpo/ .S."f\'X.c.·~:?f'o;.; /m!;_ril s5soo r~l')tao r!;!I')C'o13/
[Syn, blo rgya chung chung] 3, iso, narrowly nationalize, va: ~~.::.·~~~~' /sh.!:!l')tsiin ch_£C/
escape ~-;:u~~· /qentsa~/ 11 He narrowly es- 11 They nationalized the factories. kho tshos
caped being captured by the enemy. kho dgras bzo grwa gzhung 1 dzin byas pa red. (qhontsod
zin yag gi ske mtshams dar bros pa red. (qho s,2t.a sh,!:!l')tsiin ch_£cpare~l
}£C s!;_mya~qi qentsa~t& ph_![dparee) [Syn. skabs national law ~::aC;\.1~' /k&&\hi~/ [Syn. rgyal
mtshams; [vb.] kha la mor] khab kyi khrims]
nasal cavity ~~· /noqoon/ national liberation ~~~~·q_~c:.~·q1l=· /m!;_ril
nasalization, ling. ~~ /nB}a/ cii')}Od/
nasal voice, 1. n. ~~~- /ni!!Jq&c/ 2. iso, speak national liberation movement ~~~""'..·~c..~·~1f:\<>l·
in a nasal voice, va. -- "\~~- /--k2_p/ <ti~·~~- /m!;_ril cil')}oo l_£nquiJ/
nascent, see: new; beginning national revolution ~-~~-4\~·~· /k&&yoon
nasty ~~-d:>4\' /t,!:!qca?J/ sarce/
nation ~cs.t·~z::).' /kEfi.qap/ 11 his nations kho'i nationwide ~<>l·cq-~. /k&&yol')/ 11 nationwide
rgyal khab (qh83 k~qapl youth representatives rgyal yongs gzhon nu 1 i
national anthem ~~·~ ~k~lu/ 'thus mi (k~yol') sh,!:!nUU thDOmil
national assembly ~~·d:k~;~"""~~ /k~yoon native, 1. iso. place of birth ~~~· /keyUU/ 11
nearest 289

my noti ve land ngo 1 i skye yul (IJ££ kliyln.i) m&&n/

[Syn. pha yul] 2. iso, traditional if."~a·~.:::.· nauseating ~~·~:.:,·'~~· /kOI)mee l~nyo~/ 11
~- /sas~d l~l')p&&/ ~.native dress so so 1 i lung The meal was nauseating, kho log de skyug mer
po 'i chas gos ( s&~d l~r)p&& chffqo1s) 3, iso, !on~ yag cig 'dug. (qholo~ti kOI')mee l~nyo~ci
native people QX~·~·
NATO, neo, ~Q·~t::.·~~-~~C!il..:~·~~·
nauseous, vi, ·c. ~~~.:.:.·="~· /kOI')mee l~n/ 11
chii')tUUn k£.£ts~o/ I'm nauseous, ngo skyug mer long gi 1 dug, (I)~

naturol 1 1. iso, existing in nature AC:.'~c:..· /r!_l')- kllr)mee l!_r)qil)

cuun/ 11 o natural bridge rang .byung zam po /tshotho~/ ~ nautical low
(r!_I')Cuun s~mpo) 11 natural disaster rang byung mtsho thog khrims lugs (tshllth~o t.himluu)
gi gnod 'tshe (r!_r)Cuunqi n88tse) 2. iso, naval ~-g:-"-...'&3.~' /tsh'&no~/ 11 naval bose mtsho
innately skilled A.~·~::t~~~~· /r2_nshiinqi/ 11 dmog rten gzhi (tsh5mo~ t~enshi)
He is a natural athlete, kho rang bzhin gyis naval academy &1-g.."'-~"t\'~'"'\~:C.~'~· /tshCimo~ Cf!l-
lag po mkhas po zhig red, (qho r!_r)Shiinqi l~qpo tor lepta/
qhl:fpoci. r!:_~) naval fleet C:.,l9-t4\ ·~· ~· ~"f\ • /m~qt.u r~qo~/
natural gas ,..:x;.c:.·~l::,·~~·~c:;,· /r!_r)CUun niinluun/ novel ~-"'\·' /tff/
naturalization laws 1 neo, ®SU'CIA~·~~·~C:.~· navigote 1 vo. 8, etsa.l·~~-~~- /l~rrcoo tsff/
~'Sl.~·~~~· /k&&mpon chllqtan t.hrm!'u'iV 11 We navigated by the stars, ngo tshos skor mar
naturalize, vo. A,
- ~a:i·o:_q~~·~~·/k~mpon chC!~/ bltos nos lam phyogs btsol po yin, (l')~ntsod
11 He was naturalized as on American last year, qaomoo tfcn& l~mco~ tsffpoyin)
kho zla nyin a mi ri ka 1 i rgyal 'bongs chogs po navy ~~"-.~o:n.· /tshomo~/
red. (qho t2_iiiin ~miriq&& k££mpon chll~paree) neor 1 1. iso. beside~~· /thil/ ~The house is
[Syn. mi ser chags] near the store, khong po de tshong khong gi
natural lows ~c::.·~c;,·~~~·~~~~ /r!_r)Cuun qh~- khris lo 'dug, (qhol')poti tshOI)qoonqi. t.hrll<J
qi t.~uu/ t~Ul 2. iso, distance A!l"f\'~·¢ /tho~ ii!po/ 11
natural resources =~t::.·~·~· /r!_r)Cuun k~ts&t/ Is your house near school? khyod rang gi khong
natural science .2:..c:..·~cc..·~~"\' /r!_r)cuun tshffnril/ po slob grwo dong thog nye po red pas? (khSr&&
noture 1 1, iso, the natural world ..:X:.C:.'f!,c:.~·~l§t&' qhor)po lepta to tho~ l'l!:_po rep&&) ~ Lhasa is near
/r!_r)cuunqi qhom/ ""
2. iso, conquer nature, vo, here, lho so 'di nos thog nye po red, (lhl:fso
-- <tt·~e;:.·~.:c·~· /--lo war)kuu ch§.t/ 3, iso, t_!n& th~ ii!po r!e)
character ~~~·'!'\· /shi'i.q<J/ ~ His nature is nearby S4\~~/tho~ l'l!,po/ 11 My house is nearby.
to work conscientiously, los ko g, yo zol med po ngo'i khong po thog nye po red, (r)££ qhor)po
byed yog de kho rang gi gshis ko red, (l££qo tho~ ii!po r!~)
yas~d fll2.~PO C!:_YO~ti qh6r&& shriq<J r!~) (Syn. Near East "'(Cl,.:0:.·5!.c::.~·w~.."«· /sharlil') ii!ntsom/
gshis rgyud] 4. iso, essence ~~ /1)2_Wo/ ~ ~ Iron is in the Near East. i ron de shor gling
What is the nature of his illness? kho 1 i no nye mtshoms lo yod po red, (iroonti sharlil)
tsho i 1 ngo bo go re red? ( qh33 n~ts&& 1')2_WO l'l!:_ntsomlo y2oree)
qh~re rE,t) nearer ~~~'"'l.' /tho~ ii£Ct 11 His house is
naughty ~~~~-~ /t_!q ~po/ 11 That child is nearer, kho i khong po thog nye bo yod po red,

very naughty, phru gu de sgrig nyes po zhed po (qh88 qhol')po tho~ ii£& Y2'5ree)
ci 'dug. (pOquti 1-_!q ~po sh_!puci t~u) nearest .£1"1'\~~· /thad ii!,Sh&l/ ~ This hospital
nausea 1 see: nauseous is nearest, smon khong 'di thog nye shos red,
nausea medicine ~~'iZc::.'ct~~·~a:_ (ml:nqoon t_! tho~ ii!5hoa r!e)
290 nearly

nearly 1 1. iso. amounts ~~~~· /mE_ntsa/ 11 He (1')_2 lh~~saa t~qoyod) 3. iso, purpose/reason, n.
bought nearly 100 books. khos deb brga min tsam "~"'-''.'u.t<t\,' /q~ya~/ 11 There is no need to go to
zhig nyos shag, n'
( qhoo th!P k~ m£ntsaci n~"Oshaa)
' ' Lhasa. lha sar 1 gro dgos yag yod pa me red,
2. iso.• almost [vb.] ~~~· /[vb,) t-~/ 11 (lh~~saa t~ q~yaa Y2~maree) 4. iso. a neces-
He was nearly dead. kho shi grabs byas song, sity, see: 1
(qho shit-66 chE_tso) if need be ~'<:l.l4\'~~·&.:, /q_2yaa ch~ro/ 11 If
near-sighted ~<t\'~'~l:.·~c::..· /m.!_qkan thuntuun/ need be 1 I 11 send money.
1 dngul dgos yag byas
neat, 1. iso. rooms/houses ~!St.~·""\~·~· /qhoill ro ngas btang ko. (1')00 q~yaa chE.E_ro I'JE_C to'Qqo)
tsal')ma/ 11 His house is very neat. kho 1 i khang needle, 1. iso, tool (Z'I..~· /qhap/ 2, iso, stick/
pa khams gtsang ma zhe drag 1 dug. (qh83 qhol')pa poke with a needle, va. A, -- "'.:q?t\~· /--tsu~/

qhoill tsel')ma sh,2t.aa t,!;!~) 2, iso, a personal 3. iso. pine needle Jac:.~~~·~~· /thai')Shiin-
attribute ("t.~~·"t\~'~~·~al.\"\'CIJqhoill tsel')macc qi l~ma/
tbol')&&n/ 11 He is very neat. kho khams gtsang needle case ~C\.!.f\"'1.~' /qh~pshut/
ma byas sdod mkhan zhig red. (qho qhom tsel')macc needle eyelet (21.~·~.:n,· /qh~pmil/
tb•dr)ccnci r!~) needle mark ~<=I.~~· /qhapshtltl/ [Syn. khab btsugs
nebulous ~o.t·C>.l.·~·~~o.t· /s~~la moscc/ [Syn. shu!]
rob bi ·rib bi] needlepoint ~<=I.~· /qhaptse/
necessarily ~~<t\.~~~0\~~"t\· /y.!_ncil m.!_ncil/ 11 I needless ~~·~.o:,: /q'o'Omee/ 11 needless work
don't necessarily have to go, nga yin gcig min dgos mad las ka (qodmee lE.E_qo)
gcig 1 gro dgos yag yod pa ma red, (1')_2 y.!_ncil needlework, see: embroidery
m.!_ncil }~ q~ya~ Y2~mare~) needs "'-":if\:o:o..· ~ ~ /~qo/ 11 Their needs were not
necessary, 1. adj. ~~~~· /qodl')eeqi/ 11 a met, kho tsho'i dgos mkho ma rag pa red.
necessary law dgos nges kyi khrims ( q,22rJeeqi (qh8ntsod q~qo m2raaparee)
thiill) 2. see: need 1 2 needy 1 see: poor
necessities, 1. n. ~X..'<11:1~ /n,2rqo/ 11 daily neces- nefarious ~~~· /I')E_mpa/ 11 nefarious deeds byed
sities nyin re 1 i nyer mkho (ngnree n!rqo) stangs ngan pa (ch!tan I')E_mpa) [Syn. thabs
[Syn. dgos mkho] 11 necessities of life 1 tsho sdug]
thabs nyer mkho (tshothap ~rqo) 2, see: negate, see: block; obstruct; deny
need, _negative, 1, iso. about a request (but not refus-
Nechung Oracle 4\CS!_.~~~~· /n~~cul') ch88koon/ ')--:-r-=-.....
1ng ~I y2_2nyaa
~t::.'Zl.t<:f\'CI.l"'~·et..~@\~· 'lll!eparaci
' I
neck, 1. ~· ; h. ~~~· /qe; h. qB!!/' 2. see: 11 He was (lit, spoke) negative about us getting
kiss a visa • khos lag khyer yong yag med pa 1 dra
back of neck ~"iic:.·c..:~.· /cil')pa/ zhig zer gyi 1 dug. (qh3ts l_2qkee y_22nya~ m!epa-
neckbrace ~·~x:..· /qeko-:J/ raci s.!_qil) 2. iso. as a characteristic of a
necklace ~-~~ /qekccn/ [Syn. ske 'phreng] person ~.:n,~-~~~~-a:l~lst/}.!_qimare S,21'J&&n/
necktie~·~~·; h. l!l;l~~·~~·/qeteill; h. q~teiV 11 He is a very negative person, kho go dus yin
nectar "'~~"'~ /t~tsi/ no 1 i 'grig gi ma red zer mkhan zhig red, (qho
need, 1. vi. C. ~~· /q2?>/ 11 I .·need a book, qhatUU y.!_nM t.!_qimare s!l')&&nci r,2el
nga la deb cig dgos. !11.29, th,2pci CJ2~) 11 There negative film ~c::..~~· /pii')ShM/ [Syn, spyin
is a need for doctors here, 1 di khul !a am chi shog]
dgos kyi 'dug. (t.!_paa ~mci q~il) 2. iso, have negative electricity ~· /m2_lo?>/
to [vb.] ""~~· [vb.] /[vb.] q~ [vb.]/ 11 I negative word 1 gram. "\~~·~~·/q_:qtsil/ [Syn. dgag
need to go to Lhasa, nga lha sar 1 gro dgos yod, sgra]
net 291

neglect, iso, not pay attention to, va. ~~c..·~· Nepali language .:s.~·~·'fi\" /ph&cpb·o qf't/
~~· /th_2naan m~&C/ , 11 The king neglected his nephew ~-~ /tshowo/ [Note: This is also used
plan. rgyol pas kho 1 i 'char gzhi la do snang mo for grandchild.]
byos po red, (k££_pb1J qhtm chaashila thonaan nephrology 1 neo, ~q:u:•J.~~~-t\.·~~· /qh~frii r_!l')-
m2cccpore~) 11 He neglected to answer my letter, n&&/
khos nga lo yig lon gtong yog do snang ma byos nepotism, 1. n. "t\.~~~o.~~,. /nents&&n ~n­
po red. ~
(qhtrd I')~ y_!ql&&n toonyoo' thonoon t.een/ 2. iso. show nepotism, vo, D. -- ~~·
m2cccpore~) /--Ch£&1 11 They showed nepotism. kho tshos
neglectful, see: careless gnyen tshan mgo 1 dren byas pa red, (qhontstrd
negligence ~~c..-~·~'"-l.' /th_2noon lll!:!ch&cpo/ 11 nents&&n q2nt.een Ch£tparee)
The cause of the fire is their negligence, me nerve, 1. med. ~· /tsa/ 2. iso, courage"§;~~·
shor yog gi rkyen kho tshos do snong mo byas po ~~~ /l6q~~ chempo/ 11 He has nerve. kho blo
de red. (~ sh~~yaOqi keen qhentsod th~oan ~­ khog chen po 'dug. (qho loq~?> chempo t~u) 3.
ch£cpoti r!~l iso. lose one's nerve, vi. A. ~~4\'cliQ't\' /l6qoo
negotiate, vo. ~~~~-~~· /~h~od ch~c/ 11 He choa/ [Syn. dpa' zhums] 4. iso. get on one's
negotiated on their behalf. khos kho tsho'i don nerves (lit. get angry) 1 va. C. (I!U::·~"'.~~·
dog lo gros mol byas po red. (qhOO qhontsbo /qhooot.o Hint 11 He gets on my nerves. khos ngo
tht:intoala t.h~od ch£tpore~) [Syn. skod cha la khong khro bslongs byung. (qhaij I')~ qhoonto
byas] lai\cu)
negotiation ~~-dl~· /!-h~od/ 11 Negotiations nerve gas, see: poison gas
began yesterday. gros mol kha sa 1 go tshugs po nervous, 1. iso. nervous person a{,'~~~· /tshaqi
red. (th~d qh~fsa q_2 tshutpare~) tshiqi/ 11 He is very nervous. kho tsha gi tshi
negro ~-~"'{\·2[-"" /r,n_! n2qo/ [Syn. neg ro 1 o] gi zhed po ci 1 dug. ( qh~ tshaqi tshiqi sh_!puci
Nehru ~:X. •
neigh, 1. n.
'-.;) -
[Syn. ne ha ru]
/toq&'t/ 2. iso, a horse,
t.!:!,U) 2. iso. worried :«at~·!.!\~'
He is nervous about going,
kho 'gro yag lo sems

va. ~·~"'"'\~~- /tfc qfc k!p/ 3, iso, khrol 'dug. (qho !-_2yoala sam~&& t~u) 3. iso.
neigh like a horse, va. ~'?\\,"'-:~~~- /toq&'t k!p/ be/become nervous, vi. D. ~alA~· /tshep/
neighbor ~~-~~~· /khimtsee/ 11 He is my nervous breakdown, iso. get (or be in a state of),
neighbor. kho nga'i khyim mtshes red, (qho 1')££_ vi. A. ~13-l~·a.~<q.&· /sem t-hOu/ 11 He had a ner-
khimts~ r!e) [Syn. grong pol vous breakdown lost year. kho zla nyin sems
neighborhood, 1, iso. a named sub-unit ~·1f 'khrugs shag. (qho t!niin sem'Ushoa)
/~h~tso/ 11 He lives in our neighborhood. kho nervous system ~~·~·%G\'~~· /wel')tsa khaptoiV
nga tsho'i grong tsho'i nang la sdod kyi •dug. nervy ~~"\·~a.:~ /leqo?> chempo/ 11 His speech
(qh~ 1')_2ntstrd !-h2'ltsi:!O n~nla toc:iqil) 2. iso, wos nervy. kho 1 i skod cho de blo khog chen po
the region near some place~·~· /n!q~~/ red. (qhSS qfcoti 16qo?l ch&lpo r2,el
neolithic, neo, ~c..·=~-~~.:.;,·~~"~~·.:~;."'1..~· nest o!;c:.· /tshoon/ 11 l:iird's nest byo tshong
/sh_!l')l&c sart~ th~ap/ (ch_2tshoon)
neologism ~·•t\:="-· /tshiqsaa/ net, 1. n, ~·c:1.· /~h~/ 11 The net was full of
Nepal .c:t.Cil.'~cu· /ph££_ytm/ 11 the King of Nepal fish. drwo bo de nyos khengs shag. (th~ti fi£'t
bal yul 'gyi rgyal po (ph&&yu'U:Ji k&&po) [Syn. qhonshoa) 2. iso. throw out a net, vo. A.
ne pol] 4\~~· /--yOu/ 3. iso. pull in a net, vo. c.
Nepalese (person) .::tel:\'~ /rfl&&po/ ~~·/--then/ 4. iso, catch with a net, vo. c.
Nepalese government -"'\~·.f\~r;.· /ph&&shUI')/ ~.c:t..:«·"'l..~~· /th~qi s_!m/ 11 He netted the
292 nettle

fish. khos nyc drwo bas bzung song, (qhS"d no newcomer ~"4.tZI.<>I\oCr\~=>::·~· /t~l')t&n soopo/ 11 He
}h~qi s!,~u) 5, iso, as opposed to 'gross' is a newcomer to our city, kho nga tsho 1 i grong
~~a.~·~~~·/theto~/ inccme mtho 1 bsdoms khyer nang la sdod mkhan gsar po zhig red, (qho
yang 1 bob (theta~ y~npap) n_2ntslM }h2,1')kee n,22nla t!.,dr)ctn soopoci r!~)
nettle .a·2F' /s2po/ ~ dried nettle so po skom [Syn. gsar du sdod mkhan]
po (s2po qompo) New Delhi ~·~·~~·~· /t_!li soopo/
neuter, see: hermaphrodite newer "'t\~;x;.·t::~,· /sora/ ~ Which is newer? go gi
neutral, 1, n, ~.z;.·~<ls.\~' /ph2rnr;},/ ~ neutral gsar ba red? (qh:_qi sera r£~)
countries bar gnos rgyol khab (ph2rnt~ k~qap) newest ~~:t:.~~· /sorsh'&J/ 11 the newest student
~ Is he neutral? kho bar gnas red pas? ( qho slob grwa bo gsar shos ( lop}o~ s5rsho-ti)
ph2rnt~ r!pt~) 2, iso. stay neutral, va, A, newfangled, see: new style
Glol.'"''.~"\. /--la t£,&1 newly, see: new
~·~a._~·~c:..·eu<n_~· /pharnt~ ril')lu~/
neutralist policy "::1.::.:..·~~·~"\~~·
'-.) -/ph2rnt~- sii-
new moon, see:
news, 1. n, ~.:c·o.~::.:..·
/s'f!mkuu/ 11 I heard no
chuil/ new news, ngas gsar gyur gsar pa go ma byung,

neutralize, iso. make ineffective, va, C, ~~~"!:\~' (1)£_~ s§nkuu sapo qho m,:cuun) 2. iso. report
~"-'"'l.'~r~· /n~hu~ lll!~po s2_a/ ~ They neutra- news (·in newspaper) 1 va, A. -- .tt~ /--qf'Jd/
lized the guerillas, kho tshos 1 job dmag nus 3, iso, broadcast news, va, A.
shugs med po bzos shag, (qhCintsod c:_pmoo n.!:J!:!- /--shl:&/
shu~ lll!~po s~dsho~) ~~:r:.·o...~x.:~~·

neutral zone ,q;r_·~~~·~Gt:l' /ph_2rnt~ saqhUU/

news agency
[Syn. gsar khang]
~ -
(J\c:: /s:nkuu lccqaan/

neutron, neo, ~X..'4\~~·~4l·~~ /ph_2rnt~ t~tttn/ news conference 1 neo, 4;1,~::o;:c:x.~~~~1f"t\~· /sorqod
[Syn. neo. c. krung tsi] lhl:nts::>~/
neutron boJTb 1 neo, ~~-~~~·~~· /t,!:!!:!}ttn Ion- newsletter ~"''Gt.~:.;:·~~~~· /s:rikuu }hirnyil/
P.2~/ newspaper, 1, n. *''""~· /tshoqpoo/ [Syn, gsar
never ~'&:1.'<;1,..~' [neg,] /ts55nt [neg,]/ ~ I shag] 2. iso, publish a newspaper, va, C,
never eat meat. nga sha rtso ba nos zo gi med, ~'f'~· /--t'dh/ 3, iso, print a newspaper, vo.
!n,2 she tsaant s:_qime~) c:...~·~~· /--par k:_p/ 4, iso. distribute a
Never mind( ~~~~'@~·~"" /qh~ ch!,qi~are~/ newspaper, vo, C, -- <':l!tl.~·- /}a"tn/
~ Never mind, I 1 11 do it. go'i byed kyi ma red, current news ~~;:"~z::.~·~,.~.l;.fth!I')Saanqi san-
ngos byes ko. (qh~ ch!,qimare~ r)£~ ch£~qo) kuu/
nevertheless ~""~' /y!,n~A/ ~ He was sick, doily newspaper~~~~~~~·/n!,nr66 sorsh::>~/
nevertheless he come. kho no shag yin na 1 i kho "Freedom" Newspaper (Indio) ~c:.·"-~~·"'t\~"-~~·
yong so, ·(qho n_2sho~ y!_n66 qho Y2,?.sol [Syn, /r_21')WOOn sorsh::>~/
yin no 1ong] Kuensel 11 Newspaper (Bhutan) ~~~~~·<n,~~~·

new, 1 • ~~·t.\' /scope/ 11 a new book deb gsor /qtlnstt sorsh::>~/

po zhig (th!P soopoci) 2. iso, make new, vo. "Lhasa Doily Newspaper" ~-~~:5!..'X~·.on..~~~·
C. -- .1::11("~· /--s2_~/ 11 He mode new shoes, /lhCisa niinr6~ sorsh::>~/
khos !hom kog gsar pa bzos shag, (qhS"d h:nqbb monthly n::spoper ~~~~~~:::F\"t\' /t2_ree sor-
sCiopa s_£-tisho~) sh::>~/
newborn .cq~J::.~~· /sorkee/ ~ She has a newborn wall newspaper ~-l!Z'"~·~·~z:..t'' /tsil')uil .tshCiqpao/
child. mo lo phru gu gsor skyes shig 1 dug, weekly new~paper '"~.~~~"a.:~~-~~· /t.!:!!:!nree
(m~ puqu s5rke~i t~~) sorsh::>~/
nimble 293

newspaper office ~'""'-t"'-'~""'·~e::~· /tshoqpaa nick 1 see: chip

lccqun/ [Syn. gsar 'gyur las khang] nickname, 1. n. ~c:.·o.'("t\,~' /m!r')tM/ 11 What is
newspaper reporter ~v<:'l.:r...' O.!@X..: o."li\«..:~ \'\CI\. /sankuu his nickname? kho 1 i ming 'dogs ga re red?
q88rJccn/ [Syn, gsar 'god pa; gsar
'gyur byed
..., ... ...
(qhoo m!r"Jb~~ qh~re r_££)
Note: This refers to
po] pejorative or sarcastic nicknames.] 2, iso.
newsreel 4\~~-~.>::~·"l.~"\' /s~nkuu lor')iiccn/ give a nickname, vo, A. -- ~~~· /--to~/ 3,
news sumnary ~·o.~:.::.·-:~.1~·~1.1!'1.-/s~nkuu t~rttlt/ iso. non-pejorative nickname (of endearment)
new style ~-~~x: /pesaa/ 11 new style shoes ""\~~-~~· /c~emir')/
lham kog dpe gsar (h~r')q~~ pesaa) niece ~~ /tshomo/ [Note: This also refers to
New Year's day a:F~~x.· /1;!3aa/ 11 Is tomorrow granddaughter.]
New Year 1 s day? sang nyin lo gsar red pas? niggardly, see: stingy
(s~niin 1;!3aa r~pcc) night, 1 • n. <5P><6'C:l,: /tsh~~n/ 11 He works at night.
traditional Tibetan New Year's greeting ""l.!ll.~' khos mtshan lo las ko byed kyi 'dug. (qh3"d

...~~"\~·~~~"'-''~.>:--\' /tashi t~le~ phOnsum tsh~~nlo l££qo ch!qil) 2. iso, becane night-
tsh~~/ time, vi. D. ~-~c:J,· /sa r!:_p/ 11 It 1 s becoming
next, 1. iso, immediately following in time~-~· nighttime quickly. mgyogs po so rub kyi 'dug.
/c~ma/ 11 next week bdun ph rag r jes rna (k2qo sa r!:_pqil)
(tgnta~ c~ma) 11 my next plan nga'i 'char gzhi last night ~~~·"'\~~· /t!::_r')qon/
rjes rna (r)££ ch~~shi c~ma) 2. iso, nearest in the night before last f!".'~~·~¥iF·a:::.._~· /qhanu'U
place ~~· /thil/ 11 Who is in the next house? q~ntaa/
khris kyi khang pa 'i nang la su 'dug? (thilqi three nights ago ~-~l:l.·~·~· /m~nuu q~ntoa/
qhor')pcc n~nla siJ t~~) 3, iso. next (time) <tt~· tomorrow night ~c.·"'\<f\r::..· /sor')qon/
~· /sh~maa/ 11 Next time, stay longer, gzhug tonight ~"'\~~· /th~on/
rna dus yun ring ba sdod. (shuuma~ thuuyuun r!Qe (the) whole night ~~~~· /tsh~nqaon/
t,£~i) 4. iso, next in line "'<\~<tl.·.;;q· /sh!:_ule/ 11 night and day ~<5(=~ /ii!ntsccn/
Who's next? 'di'i gzhug la su red? (t~ sh~ule nightclub, neo. ~~~~~·aoc:.·~c:..· /tsh~nts::>~
siJ rcc) chor')qoan/
next door ~~~;(.Xl.t:.'~'-t' /thilqi qhor')pa/ nightly ~~-~~::;::."'\~""" /q~ntoo r~hi/ 11 We
next of kin ~~~-~· /pinka9 fi~hl:id/ hove nightly meetings. ngo tsho dgong ltar re
next year '\,~~t::.· /th~aon/ [Syn. lo rjes me; bzhin tshogs 1 du yod pa red. ( r),9_ntso q~ntao

phyi lo] r~hi tsh~~ntu Y2~re~)

nib, 1. iso. /fiuqu1l qho/ 2, see: nightmare, 1. n. "t\~""~~·~·~/iiilem tshupu/ 2,
beak iso. hove a nightmare, vi. -- ~'9"'' /--t65n/
nice d.l"l\',::V 11 That 1s a nice horse. rto
/y5:_qo/ night school ~~~·~·~· /tsh~mi:fc:i lepta/
de yag po zhig 'dug. (tati y5:_qoci t~u) 11 He is night shift, 1. n. ~~=~· /tsh~fnlcc/ 2.
nice. kho mi yog po zhig 'dug, (qh~ m! y5:_qoci iso, work on night shift, vo. -- ~~: /--chE_C/
t~'Ul night watchman <S:~.~~C:.:<=:\' /tsh~En sur)a/

nicely ~~·2l:@;'N,' /y5:_qocc/ 11 He did i t nicely, nihilism, 1. iso. philosophy, neo, ~0..:~~·
khos yag po byes byes shag. (qh3"d Y£qocc chcc- ~"t\_-""'1.' /t~ntor') r!r')luu/ [Syn. neo. c. don
shaa) stong ring lugs] 2. iso. religion, neo, ~~~&(
nicer "->-l"'\'C-.1.' /y5:_qo/ 11 Which is nicer? go gi yog ~~-~~~· /ph,9_qmee r!nluu/
pa 'dug? (qh~qi y5:_qo t~b) nil, see: nothing; zero
nicest ~<n,~' /y,9_qsho~/ nimble, see: agile
294 nine

nine~· /q!;!_/ Nobel Peace Prize ~~Q.:I.·~·q,~~'@;"'"\~'

nineteen ~~·"'-~ JcOrqu/ /n_2pel sh_!tee ch,2qa/
nineteenth ~~·"'-.~·~· /cOrqupa/ noble, 1. iso. an aristocrat ~-~"'q' /qutao/ 11
ninetieth ~~l:1.~'l:.l' /q!;!_pcupa/ Is he a noble? khong sku drag red pas? (qhoon
ninety "'.,'Q~ /q!;!_pcu/ qiltao r!p&c) 2, iso. exalted t4'-"l:1.'~": /y:_rap/
ninety-eight "\~""'~~~~ /q!:!_pcu qh_2pkcc/ 11 a noble thought bsam blo yo robs (somlo y:_-
ninety-eighth "\~~:~;~~"'-~· /q!;!_pcU qh_2pkeE\pa/ rap)
ninety-fifth '\~·q,:~;~~~- /q!!pcu qh2'Japa/ ·nobody -'l%'4'\C:..' [neg.] /su qh2,2n [neg.]/ 11 Nobody
ninety-first "\~<:~.~-~~~Cf\'""' /q!;!_pcu qh_2Ciqpa/ came. su gang slabs ma song. (sO qh2,2n
ninety-five ""%""'~·~~· /CJ.!;!pcU qh~a/ ll!!"emasoon)
ninety-four "\"'<~'"'\'(,'~~~- /qupcu qh6pshi/ nocturnal animals ruao"<ss_:~&:~l:ll~·~ /tsh~moo
'"0 '"'\/ ~ - -
ninety-fourth "'\.~"'\~'~"'\~~· /q!!pcu qh~pshipa/ semcccn/
ninety-nine ~~·~<::;..~ /q!;!_pcu qh~rqu/ nod 1 va. eu."<fi:Zf'~·~"f\.'~~· /~ ch_2qc:>?> ch£&/ 11 He
ninety-ninth ~~·~"'-~"'-'· /q~cu qh~rqupa/ nodded in agreement, khos mos mthun yod zer mgo
'~'"'1..-«.'~•:r{~,""\· /qupcu qh~il/ no'\ .~
'"'()~ ~- -
""-'%""'~·~~<?~·~ ·/q!;!_pcU qh~iiii'pa/
job job byas song. ( qhoo m!;!!!tUUn Y_2cis q.2 ch,2q-
ninety-second c:>~ Ch£GSO)
ninety-seven ~q.~·~l:l.~<l:!,_· /q!;!_pcu qh~pttJUn/ node ~"'\\~' /tshil/ 11 bamboo node snyug ma 1 i
ninety--seventh ~~~~~~· /q!;!_pcu qh~ptUUnpa/ tshigs (nOr)mcc. tshil)
ninety-six "'~~~~~· /q!:!,pcu qh~thut/ nodule, see: node
ninety-sixth "'\~"'~~~~·~· /q!;!_pcu qh~thuqpa/ noise, 1. ~~~ /q~&c:>:>/ 11 There was a lot of
ninety-third "'\~~~~5\·~· /q!:!,pcu qh~umpa/ noise in the restaurant, za khang de 1 i nang la
ninety-three ~'"'l<.'~~~a1· /qupcu qhbsum/ skad c~ zhed po cig 'dug, (s~qaan t_!! ~nla
'~ ""'<> ~~ - -
ninety-two ~1:\~'~<:f\'?~' /q!;!_pcU qh~iiil/ q~~c:>:> sh_!puci ~t) 2. iso, make noise, va.
ninny 1 see: fool ~{!,l:1.' /--k:_p/ 11 The students are making a lot
riinth 1 1. "'-.~~· /q~pa/ 11 the ninth book deb of noise. slob grwa ba tshos skod cor zhed po
dgu pa (th_!P q!:!,pa) 2, iso. a ninth ""~a;;,· cig rgyag gi 'dug. (lopta?!tsoa q~~c:>:> sh_!puci
/quce/ 11 2 ninths dgu cha gnyis (quca nrl) kaaqil) [Syn, ·skad brgyab]
nipple ~~· /n!;!_tib/ - noisy, 1. -st\"..~·~-~ /q~fc:>o tshopo/ 11 The
nirmana-kaya, skt. ~"t\~·~· /s~u/. restaurant is noisy, zo khang 1 di skad cor tsha
nirvana, skt., 1. n. ~·~""'~' /~r)tc&/ 2. iso. po 'dug, (s.2qhaanti q~fcoo tshopo t!!t) [Syn,
attain nirvana, vi. A. ~<::.~"-l~·~~·/~r)C&nlc~ om cog tsha po] 2, iso. be noisy vi, ~~&:1.~4:\'
t£,&1 /q~& k:_p/ 11 That machine is very noisy. 1 phrul
nix 1 iso. block, va. A• .c:t"\\"t\' /qo~/ 11 He nixed 'kh~ des skad zhe drag rgyog gi 1 dug.
the plan. khos 'char gzhi de bkag shag. (qh8ri (th00qh6o th!"e qC& sh!t~a k:.:qrl)
ch~eshiti qo~shao) nomad ~'""1.' ft,2qpa/
no, 1. iso. negative of yin e:J.~,/mE!:;.n/ 2. iso. female nomad 0:.~""\~ /toomo/
negative of yod /m!"e/ 3. iso. negative of nomad's tent ~·~::.::.· /p:_quu/

'dug~'Q.."-"1\'/mintut/ 4. iso. negative of yod pa
red ~.q~~~·./y_2~m~re~/
no choice but to [neg. vb.] ~q_~-~~ [vb.]

/t_2qpcc tshowcc n~fto~/

co.. ~ ~
nomadic way of life ,~zq·~~·Q.~&::I.CI. ·~~~-~~~·

nominal, 1. iso. in nome only ~z:;.~· /m_!r)tsa~/

/[neg. vb.] thapme"e [vb.]/ 11 He had no choice 11 He is the nominal king. kho ming tsam gyi
but to go. kho ma ph yin thabs med byas shag. rgyol pa red. (qho m_!l')tsamqi k££,po r!:,"e) 2.
(qh6 m~chi~ th~pme"e chE,.cshao) [Syn. skabs med] see: little; small
norm 295

naninate 1 va, C. ~~~c:..·.q,~~ /w~il') tah/ 11 [Syn. lo rgyus ngo mo]

They nominated him, kho tshos kho 1 os ming lo nonflonmoble ~-~~-~"'(«..t' /'"!tscc m!~po/ [Syn,
bton shag. (qhentsod qho w~Umil')la tS'nsho~) me ., bar yog med po]
naninative 1 ling. ;:F~~-~:<;l' /r:J_2wotsam tmpa/ non-~umon ~'.<:l.l'~"'~*.CI3.~'6~ /m_! m~yimpt& semcttn/
naninee ~~-~- /w~i/ 'II Is he the nominee for non-human animals ~"'\<X~ /th~ntcV [Syn, byol
presdient? khong srid 1 dzin gyi 1 os mi red pas? song]
(qhoon siintsiin qi wu~mi reptc) non-irrigated farmland ~~ -~~· /qamshil')/
self-nominated nomine;- ~-;c::~~~~- /th~l')lan nonpartisan {f'~·~~~e:..:.~· /ch~&il "'2.~po/
w~i/ nonperishable ~<l:l'"'-'~·~e:.,:.l'.:(' /rUUyo~ m!~po/
nonaggression ~~·~~-q~o:.~~~""~' /t-h.2qpbo [Syn. rul sungs mi byed po]
ts~ntsUU m_!ce~po/ 11 nonaggression treaty drag nonsense ~ [neg.] /cho [neg.]/ 11 That's
pa 1 i btsa n - 1 dzul mi byed po 1 i chings yig nonsense. de cho med pa red, ( th~ cho m!~po
(t-haqpod ts~ntsu~ mice~ptt chil')yil) r!~l
nonag;iculturol ~c.·~-~~~~.:i''~· /shil')ltc m_£mptt/ nonsensical ~~"'-~~· /cho lll!!:Ptt/ 11 a nonsen-
11 nonagricultural products zhing los min pa 1 i sical plan cho med po 1 i 'char gzhi (cho ~pt&

thon rdzas (sh_!l')lt& m_£mptt th8ntscc) ch~~shi)

nonalcoholic ~-~·.:(.~·~~G' /chacn era~ ms_mpa/ nonstop, 1 , iso. travel ""\.l!:;. ':@Ill\' /shorko~/ 'II
non-aligned ~~-~<:1.\·~~·c::..l.' /chliqt-ii pa?}po/ 11 The plane come nonstop. gnom gru de shor rgyog
non-aligned nations phyogs sgril spongs p0 1 i yong po red, (n~mt-uti sh&-ko~ y_2npore~) 2,
rgyal khob (ch'&tt-ii pa?)p&& ktcqap) iso. without a rest .<:\.:.;.'OJ.~~-~"'\~· /ph.2ntsom
nonbeliever ~~~~-~""&~~fyiiche~ m!!,~ttn/ '"!~po/ 'II We worked nonstop. · ngo tshos los ko
non-Buddhist%·~· /chipa/ bar mtshoms med po byos po yin. (I'J.2ntso1> l,££qo
nonconmittol Cl:,l<:'~·qa:,c.·.:N_~%::~-/cuso chai')Sa mee- ph.2ntsom m!~po ch_£cpoyin)
11 nonconmittol answer
' 1
ju so 'chang so
- nonviolent Cl..~'~"-~<::\' /tsheme~ shl:_wa/ 'II nonvio-
med po'i !on (c,!:!So choi')So m~ptt lEE,nl lent struggle 1 tshe med zhi bo 'i 1 thob rtsod
nonconmunicoble, med. a:~'l:tl4\_'~'\~~.: /q~yo~ (tsheme~ sh~wcc th~ptsoa) [Syn. zhi ba]
. . . . . . -...<:'-.<='.
th e pot h of nonv~olence
m2_~pa/ 'II nonconmunicable disease 'gas yag med ~~~~@t'<::\C~.'c:z.t~·

po 'i no tsho ( qooyo~ meeptt ~tsa) /tsheme~ sh~wtt l~m/

nonconductor of electric! ty ~~~~~z:.l\<f\~""\~~· noodle, 1. ~~"'\' /k~tuu/ 2, iso. noodle dish
/1~~ khDOya~ m~p&t/ ~ with soup ~~·.<.{.·~~"t\' /thCqpa k!_tuu/ 3. iso,
nonconformist, 1. adj. ~~·~·""-.c..·~·<U~~.:.:s.· fried noodle dish ~~~t:.l.T.<:'I.·"-'t' /k!_tuu 1')88pa/
/qh.,2RISb-dto m~thUmpa/ 'II nonconformist ideas nook, see: corner
goms srol dong mo mthun po 1 i bsam blo noon ~a_:~c.: /i'i~nquun/ 'II He arrived at noon.
(qh~~to m~thUmp&t somlo) 2, iso. 0 person 'II kho nyin gung lo slebs song. (qho n~nquun la
He is o nonconformist. kho goms srol dong mo le~so)

mth un pa 1 i bsam bl o gtong mkhon zhig red. ( qho noonday meal '0l51..·~~·~·<1lc:t~' /n~nquun qhola~/
qh~ms~to m~thUmptt somlo tQI')ccnci r2_~l noose <:t.~"t\' /q!}_U/ 'II He mode a noose with the
none <l'\~~·~t::...' [neg,] /ciiyM [neg,]/ 'II None rope. khos thog po lo 'gug bzos shag. (qhSB
of the guests come. sku mgron gcig kyong phebs thaqpoo q!}_u s~dsha~)
mi 'dug. (quntbon ciry~e phe~mintuu) norm ~"1..1()~~·~ /crrtoonqi tsh~c/ 'II Two cars per
nonetheless, see: nevertheless family is the norm in America. mi tshong re re
nonfat ~Ql~C..'G' /tshilu me~po/
~ " -
nonfiction ~~·~<=,·~-~~~· /cntltu?.J m,!!yimpa/
lo mo to gnyis gnyis yod po de a mi ri ko 1 i
spyir btong gi tshod ·red, (mt_tsoon reer&t m,2to
296 - normal

niinii y~pati ~miriq&& cirtaanqi tsh~& r!~l nostalgic about his homeland, kho rang gi pha
normal, see: normally yul dran gyi yod pa red, (qho r!!.,l')qi phayUU
normalize, .va. C. O\&l.'~~~-~~~-~~·Ol,.~'"''.~<5!.:"'\~­ th~~qiy_2.~re~)
/n!mkuun qi n~ftan n!IJShiin s~/ 11 They tried nostril ~~c::.· /n'fJquun/
to normalize the situation. kho tshos nom rgyun nosy ~~-~~~-~·if" /ch_!!!db"!> tshopo/ 11 He is
gyi gnos stangs nang bzhin bzo yag gi thabs shes very nosy. kho byus gtogs tsha po zhe drag
byas pa red. (qhontsod n_!!mkUUn qi n~ftan n!IJ- 'dug. (qho ch~::>~ tshopo sh!taa t,!!"U)
shiin s~yao qi th~pshe~ ch~cpare~) notable, see: famous
normally &..~·~~ . [vb,] /n! [vb,]/ 11 He notarize, va. %\'Oal~-~~"-~c:.·af."@..~· /thimttrun
"normally comes at five, kho nom rgyun chu tshod pal')po ch~c/ 11 He notarized the will. khos kha
lnga par yong gi 'dug. (qho n!mkUUn chutsu~ nc- chems kyi khrims mthun dpang po byas pa red,
paa Y,!!IJqil) ( qhS'd qhache~i f.himttrun ¢1Jpo ch~cpare~ )
north ~- /ch~n/ notary public ~~~-~~~"'-~c,·;;f.'~~a:l~~ /th_!mtUUn
North America %"-·~·~·~·-'I"\· /ch22,.n amiriqa/ pa!Jpo ch!IJ&&n/
North Asia ~-~e::.'@,"'t,"'-.: /sharlir) ch!IJkuU/ notation (musical) ~-~~~-~ /rb"dyan r_!mu/
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, see: NATO [Syn. sgra gdangs ri mo; c. bor. phu'u tsi]
northeast ~~-$\~ /ch~I)Shaa/ notch, 1. iso. any notch, n. ~·1."1.· /~qa/ 2,
northerly winds %.~'%ct\.~' /ch~r)lao/ va, C. -- ~~· /--s'§.d/ 3. iso,_ an arrow, n.
northern @_t:.:~~·/ch!!.,IJC=>"!>/ 11 northern countries ~'\Cl..'Ol~"f\~·~·/t!ncu"U tol')qa/
byang phyogs kyi lung pa (ch~r)C::>!lqi l,!!IJpa) note, 1. n. "\~"'-\.~ /c22,tho/ 2. iso~ take/make
Northern Highway (from Chinghai to Lhasa) @_t::.·~l9l.· notes, va. -- ""'.@_,t:l.' /--k!p/ 11 He took notes in
/char)lam/ class. khos 1 dzin grwa 1 i nang lo br jed tho
north~rn latitudes ~c::.~·~"''}."". /ch!!.,r:>qi tJleethil/ brgyob song. (qhS'd ts_! ~nla c~tho k!pso)
north pole ~~·~&::.".€);&::.'~~- /ts!mlir) ch~r)ta/ 3. iso, short letter ~l:t\·~~· /y_!qcuun/ 11 He
[Syn. neo. c, gling sne byong mal sent me a note. khos ngo lo yig chung btong
north-south ~~· /lhacaan/ shag. (qhBt> IJ~ y,!qcuun toonshoo) 4. iso. no-
northward %c::.·~· /chaar)od/ 'II They went north- tice, vi. B. ~'S;lC:.',€1C::..' /th~oan ch.!!!;!n/
.., 11 He
wards. kho tsho byang ngos lo phyin shag. noted the teacher's anger, khos dge rgan rlung
(qhontso chaar)o1Sla chi~shoo) longs pa do snang byung shag, (qhS'd q!q&&n luun
northwest %~-~~ /n,!!pcoan/ l~~po th~on ch.!:!,!:!nshao) 5. see: footnote 6,
nose, 1. n, ~~"t\'; h. '1"\c.~· /naqu"U; h, sha?.!/ iso. musical note, see: notation
2, _iso, blow or wipe one's nose, va. A. -- ~~· notebook .q_~"'\T-(:l..~~·/c22,tho qot:itep/
/--chill 3. iso. look down one's nose at, va. noted, see: famous
notepaper ~~·
"' ~-·
runny nose, vi. C. ~~-~~
/thor)Cuun chcc/
- 4. iso, have a
/n~cu th"!-/ noteworthy, see:
nose blood, 1. n. ~~tty /ri'Jt~ao/ 2. iso. have a nothing ~·.zt~.~' [neg,] /qh!!.,qh&& [neg.]/ 11 He ate
nose bleed, vi. c. -- '1("~·/--th"§l/ nothing. khos go ga'i bzos ma song. (qh3t> qh~­
nose cold 1 1. n. ~~'193.~' /ooncam/ 2. iso. nose qhcc s~cmasoon) [Syn. gong yang]
cold 1 vi. -- ~~~· /--k!p/ notice, 1. iso, aware of 1 vi, ~~c..·~~· /th~naan
nose earring ~~~- /ook&&n/ [Syn. sna khug gi ch~n/ 11 Did you notice her hat? khyod rang
rgyan cha] mo'i zhwo mor do snang byung ngas? (kh8ra m£2
nose. -<a._.q_·~~· /naptu"U/ [Syn, sna lud] Sh,21Jl=>=> th~aon ch,!!IJ&t) 2. iso. a note, n • .t:l~
nostalgic, iso. be, vi. C, ~~ /~h~~/ 11 He is 1ii/t~to/ 11 They put o notice on the door. kho
number 297

tshos sgo'i !debs la brda tho zhig sbyar shag, much hardship. deng sang dka' ngal zhe drag
3, iso. •dug. ( th2_J')Saan qoncc sh2_~aa t!;!ul
give notice (of leaving a job), va. C, *~'""-' now and then 1 see: sometimes
~~· /q~r)pa sh!!'U/ , He gave two weeks notice, nowhere ~·.<:.t.:>:.'Gl.l'UJ.e:..' [neg, vb,] /qh~paalcc [neg.
khos bdun phrag gnyis dgongs pa zhus shag, vb. ) I , We went nowhere. nga tsho go par la
(qhStl t~n~a~ nrr q~pa sh~'Usha~/ yang me phyin. (n_2ntso qh~paalcc machin)
notify, 1. va. D. <.'>1"'\' /l2_p/ , He notified the noxious "t\~~~'*'~"?.t· /nSStshe y~pcc/ 11 noxious
police, khos pu li si la lab, (qhS"d fumes gnocl •tshe yocl pa'i rlung (n3Stshe yoo-
pulisila l2_psha~) [Note: This literally means pcc Ion)
"tell."] 2. iso, send a written notice .q<l\"'9c::..· nuclear, see: atomic
/t~ tcii5n/ , They notified him to leave. kho nuclear energy 1 see: atomic energy
tshos kho la rgyugs zer brda btang shag, (qhon- nuclear family, neo, T.Q.·lA·~~<t\.'<:ll.'?OJ.'~~~·*-·
tsoB qh~~ k~us t~ ti5i5nsha~) /ph6ma ph~~huu nomtod khimtsaan/
not only ~·af"'\. /motsc"/;f 11 We bought not only nuclear test ~~·~~~~· /tUU~ccn tsh3Sta/
meat but vegetables. nga_ tshos sha nyos pas ma nuclear weapons ~o:t-~15\~~a;; /tUU~ccn tshSnca/
tshad tshal yang nyos pa yin, (n~ntsod she ~­ nude 1 1 • adj, "\~~c: ·.~::~.· /mi5orar)a/ 11 Is he
pee motsc& tshll:yM ~dpayin). , He not only nude? kho dmor hrang ba red pas? (qho moorana
went to China, he went to Russia, kho rgya nag r2_pcc) 2. iso. nude person ~-~~.:o:.·~c::.·~· /mJ:.
la phyin pas rna tshad u ru su la 1 i phyin shag, ml5i5rana/
(qho k~na~la chi~pcc mi5tsc& Orusu 1~ chinsha~) nudge, va. ~;~-~"'\'&olt\'"'\'?C::.' . /~h~~ thOqtuu
notorious, see: famous toon/
notwithstanding, see: despite nugget ~· ~· /t2,qto?J/ 11 a nugget of gold
noun ~c::..·~"t\· /mintsil/ gser rdog rdog cig (see t=.qto?Jci)
nourish, 1. see: supply, sustain 2, iso, not nuisance ~~~ /sDmpu/ , He is a nuisance. kho
sun po zhig •dug. (qho sDmpuci t!;!ul
They nourished the dream of going to Tibet: kho nullify, iso, void 1 va, C. ~..-..:.<:.\·~~·/~~pa s2:d/
tshos bod la 1 gro yag gi re ba rna br lags pa by as numb, 1. iso. having no feeling, vi. o:.~·~·~"\_8.\"
pa red, (qhontsod ph!dla ~~ya~qi rewa mola~pa ~· /tshorwa m2_~pa ch§_c/ 11 His fingers were
ch§_cpare~) nul!b, kho 1 i mdzub mo •tshor ba med pa byas
nourishment shag. (qhSS ts~qu tshorwa m2_~pa ch£Csha~) 2,
novel, 1. iso, a book ~c::..~~· /"t-_!!mtep/ 2, iso, iso. numb from cold, vi. D. ~~· /ap/ 11 His
write a novel, va. C. -- ~~· 1--th~}/ 3, iso, hands were nul!b, kho'i lag pa ab shag. (qh38
new ~-"<\~x...· /pesaa/ , He had a novel idea. l~qpa apsha~)
kho la bsom blo dpe gsar zhig 'dug. (qh33 somlo number, 1. "
~C:.'.>f\' /ar)qi/ 11 door number 2 sgo
pesaaci t,!!u) ang ki gnyis pa (92 ar)qi niipa) 2. iso, a con-
novelty, see: novel, 3 siderable amount O::.....:t\,0..'~~' /q2_rM/ 11 We bou-
November ·~~;,£·.q~-o!t\~"l\·~· /chinta cuqcilpa/ ght a number of pens. nga tshos snyu gu dga 1
novice 121"1'"1\~"'~:;q '/l~qsara/ 11 a novice carpenter rob cig nyos pa yin, (n~ntso't> nOqu CJ2.rMci ii2:d-
shing bzo ba lag gsor ba zhig (shii')Sllb 1_2q- payin) 3, iso. large number ~c.·i:f"~"-~~·
saraci) /m2_nqu sh.!_puci/ , Lorge numbers of birds came,
now -"~· /th~nta/ 11 He is here now. kho da lta byi •u mang po zhed pa ci slabs so, (ch.!_wuu
'dir 'dug, (qho th_2nta t~ t!;!ul m2_nqu sh.!_puci le~so) 4. iso, number something,
nowadays ~·~c::.· /th2_J')Saan/ 11 Nowadays there is va, A. ~c::..·~"\~"-.: /anqi qS"d/ 11 Number them 1
298 number one

to 1 0. de tshor ong ki gcig nos bcu bar bkod nutrition, 1. iso. a field of study :o1.~·~~~~"-\'
' ~
dong. (th!;tsh;,;, ~r:Jqi ciqn& cu ph_2r q3t>ta) "'l.' /s~cUU r!qpa/ 2. see: nutrient
nutri tiona! ~·<=l.~e:;: /s~~cu'U/ ~ nutri tiona! re-
[Syn. ong grongs bkod]
~ -
number one ~z:.~·"'-c=.·~ /~l')qi th_211po/ ~ He come search zas bcud nyams zhib (sOc:u'U n2.,mship)
in number one. kho ang ki. dong por don song. nutritional value
. ""-~"'ar-""~·
....., /cO';i y_opo/ ~ We
(qho ~r:Jqi th~r:Jp;,;, th~~so) hove to eat foods with nutritional value,
numeral ~c..·~· /~r:Jqi/ ~ Tibetan numerals bod tshos 1 to chas bcud yod po zo dgos red.
po'i ong ki (ph~p&& el')qi) tsb"3 tc5pc&~ cOU y~po s9.qore~)
nume_rous, iso. very many ~c..·~ /m!,l')qu/ ~ He nylon, eng. bor. ~·cq-~ /n2_loon/
arrived numerous times. kho thengs mang po
slabs byung. (qho then m2.,oqu Ie~u)
nun, 1. n. ~~ ; h. ~·t::~~~· /~ni; h. c_!tsUma/
2. iso. become a nun, va. --~~· /--ch£~/ ~
She become (mode herself) a nun. mo a ni byas
shag. (m_£ ~ni ch£Csho~) .3. iso. make someone a
nun, va. c. -- -"1.11-lA'/--sod/
nunnery ~~'d.·'\~~~· /ani; q,21llpo/
nuptial a:.c:::.~~· /chr:ii)S&&/ ~ nuptial day chang
sa'i nyin ma (choi')S&& n!ma)
nurse, 1. n. a...,"z:n.,;;r-"'l' .. /n&&yo?>/ ~ She is a
nurse. mo nod g.yog red. (m_2 nE§.yo~ r!~l
[Syn. smon g.yog; smon po'i lag rags] 2. iso,
work as a nurse, va. -- ~·Ql~''t\'~~·/--qi lE§.qo
ch£&1 ~ I work as a nurse. ngas nod g. yog gi
los ka byed kyid yod. (r:J£~ n££yo?>qi l&&qa ch!-
qiyb'ti) 3. iso. nurse someone, va. A•. ~e;:."'\ti1"t\·
""'-~~· /nE§.yo?> k~u/ ~ I nursed her for one
year. ngas mo la nod g.yog lo gcig brgyags po
yin. (r:J£~ m~ nE§.y;,?;, 1_£ ciq k~upayin) 4. see:
wet nurse ~'it~~·~· /n_!:!Ciin m_2ma/
nursery, 1. iso. for children ~·"f\~~C::.:
. v
/ph~soqhaan/ 2. iso. for trees, plants, etc.
~~·~~<».-.:c._·/shir:Jnuu t~mra/
nursery (for children) teacher/worker ~·a.,1• /m9_ma/
nursing home s..._~~~-~"'-~1\:~~~l::.' /nE§.y;,~
Y,22P&& ml!nqoan/
nursing school ~.:::.;.'<\~~·~·~· /nE§.YO~ !opt-a/
nurture, va. ~~~-€L~· /soko~ ch£&/
nutcracker ~::C.'41.,'-'t\~'tll:<t\' /tooqa cooya~/
nutmeg ~·~· /ts2.,ti/
nutrient 4~·~~"' /s~cUU/ [Syn. zas rigs kyi

oak tree ~-"'f'~~· /ph~to shit')/

oar, 1, n. ~'"'\.' /kr:Jr:J/ 2. iso, row o boot with
oars 1 vo. -- ""\~-'=\· / --k2_p/
oasis ~~c::..~t::.'~0-1.' /ch~thoon shir)tscc/
oath, 1. n. <:ll."<\~·; h. "'-~~~o; /ro; h. una/ 2.
iso. toke on oath, vo. B. -- <q~o:l' ; h. J:l.~~·
/--kl!l!; h. sh~/ 11 He took on oath to return,
khos tshur log rgyu'i mno' bskyol po red, (qhb~
tshuu looku~ no kl!fporee) [Note: For very seri-
ous oaths, dam bee' is often used,) 3, iso,
renege on on oath, vo. C. --~=:~,;a~· /--SE_C/ 4.
iso. keep one's oath, vo. C. -- ru·~· /--lo
oats ~-~· /y;;qu/
obdurate, see: stubborn
obedient (:t:\.'<'ll''?"cl.:.2F /qholo iiE_mpo/ 11 He is very
obedient. kho kho lo nyon po zhe drag 1 dug.
(qho qhalo iiE_mpo sh~too t~t)
obeisance, 1. iso. by prostration, vo. B. ~~·
~iQ3·/choo tsl!l!/ 2, iso. by removing hot and/or
raising hands, vo. c. ~~·a.%0-l..'~~· /chaampull
obese, see: fat
obey, 1. iso, obeying informal orders, vo, D. ~·

~·~·/qholo iiE_n/ 11 He didn't obey the teacher,

khos dge rgon gyi kho lo nyon me song, (qh3'd
q~qccnqi qhola nE_n m5soon) 2. iso. obeying
lows, va, C • .<::t~' /tsil/ 11 He obeys all the
lows. khos khrims lugs tshong mer brtsi gi
'dug, (qh3'd thimlut tshr:Jr)mo tsiqil)
obfuscate, vo. A. &l.~Q(..!f""OJ.:L·~.::t~"f\' /q:!_ thomru
Co._ <'-..
obituary not_ice '-4'\'~~"'\~Gt.\·~~«\~· /shipcc
sfftoo/ [Syn. 'chi 'des gsol bsgrogs)
object, 1. iso. thing ~·O-S."!\' /col co/ 11 There
were many objects in the room. khong po de 1 i
nang lo co log mong po 'dug. (qhor)po th~ ~n­

lo cr:Jloo m~r)qu t~t) 2. iso. recipient of [vb.)

~· /[vb.) so/ . 11 He was the object of their
sarcasm. kho kho tsho'i khyod gsod byed so red.
(qho qhentsbMd khfl!so~ cheso r~e) 3. iso.
objective "'-...~"'\~·~~· /miqyu1J/ 11 What is the
object of going to Tibet? bod lo 'gro yog gi
300 ?bjection

dmig yul go re red? {ph~dla t.~ya~qi miqyu1J are obscure. las 'gul gyi rtsa bo gsal po mi
qh~re r£&1 4. iso. object to something, va. 'dug. {l££_nqUU qi tsiiwa sc'l!po m_!ntut) 2. iso.
"\"'\<r\'~·~· /q~qca ch£&/ ~ He objected to their not known ~c:.·~=zt\:~t:;;:~· /m!;_r) qh~yo~ m!~po/
policy. khos kho tsho'i srid byus la dgag cha ~ At first, he was on obscure official. dong po
byos po red. {qh 8-d qhl5ntsoo siic tr~lo 'Eqco kho ming go yog med pa 1 i gzhung gi las byed pa
ch£Cpore~) zhig red. {th~r)po qho m_!r) qh~ya~ ~p&& sh~Qqi
animate object ~·~0\'\~·~ /sor)t&&n r)rnJpo/ l££_ce~poci r!~l [Syn. ming grogs mad pa]
inanimate object ~·~"..:'\~·~ /s!5r)me~ r)8Spo/ obsequious, 1. adj. ~q,CI.\·~·ai~ /p'l!!!l&c tshcpo/
objection '\~~<Q· /q~qca/ ~ I have no objections. ~ He is obsequious. kho dpal las tsho po red.
ngo dgog cha med, {r)~ q~qca Ill!~) (qho p'f'l!l&C tshopo r!~) 2. iso. act obsequious
objectionable "."'\~·a;~'\:~~·G· /'Eqco ch!~ w'iJpo/ (verbally), vo. A. "'lt.l.CU·~~·~'I'\~ /pc'l!l&~ sh!!c/
~ Is this objectionable? 1 di dgog cha byed 'os [Syn, spra lag bshod]
po red pos? (t!;_ q~qco ch_!~ w~ r!p&C) observable, 1. iso. visible ~~·~l:l.'e.l3.""\' /thoon
objective, 1. see: object; aim; goal 2. see: thOOya~/ ~ The result was observable, grub
importiol 'bras mthong thub yag 'dug. {t.~mtc?: thoon thOu-
obligate, see: obligation, 2 '
yaa' t~u) 2. iso. celebrated/adhered to . ~

obligation, 1. iso. duty ~'CI..«\.~ /w~nq&&n/ ~ ~~· /tsil w_2dpo/ 1T on observable holiday
We hove on obligation to fight for the father- brtsis 'os pa'i gung sang {tsrl w'iJpc& qh~ai!!)
land. ngo tshor pho yul gyi d.on dog la 1 thab observance, 1. see: observe .2. see: ceremony
'dzing byed yog gi 1 os 1 gon yod pa red, {r)~n­ observant 1 1 • iso, person ~~~~~ ~ /th~naan
tsoo phaytltlqi th~nto~la thamtsii!J ch_!ya~qi woon- chempo/ 1T He is observant. kho do snong chen
q&&n yo~re~) 2. iso, obligation to repoy some- po red. {qho th21oan chl!mpo r!:_~) 2. iso, be
thing -.<:t-'1\.~~~~~c::J.~' /qat.iin sap/ ~ We hove observant, va. ~~l::.·~~· /th~naan ch£&/
an obligation to the government to work for observatory, neo, ~~''9'6-l.~·~C\'"'C..' /qlirma n,:m-
three years. nga tshos gzhung gi bka' drin gsob shipqhoan/
yog la lo gsum las ka byed dgos red, {r)~ntso~ observe, 1. iso. follow, celebrate, obey .q,~·
sh~Qqi qa}iin s~pya~lo 1~ sum l&&qa ch!qore~) /tsil/ 1T They observe all the holidays. kho
obliged, see: have (to) tshos dus chen tshong mo brtsi gi 1 dug,
obliterate, va. C. ~..·~~<::\~~· /tsiime~ s'iJ! ~ (qhl5ntsoB th~heen tshar)mo tsiqil) 2. iso.
They obli teroted the monastery, kho tshos dgon watch carefully, va. ~~~~ /taship ch£&1 1f
po rtsa med bzos shag, (qhontsoB q~po tsiime~ He observed how they worked, khos kho tsho'i
s_2dsho~) las kar lta zhib byas po red, {qh8"d qhantsoci

oblivious, vi. ~~~·~-~~· /th21oon ~uun/ ~ l&&qaa t~hip ch£"&pore~) 3. iso, see, vi. ~·
He was oblivious to everyone. kho tshang mar do /thoon/ ~ He observed that all Tibetans wore
snang ma byung po red. (qho tshlir)moa th~naan boots. khos bod pa tsharg mas lhani gog gon po
m~cuunpare~) mthong shag. {qh~ ph~pa tsharjmc?: har)q6A qh~po
oblong ~c:~ /r!;_r)qu/ ~ an oblong leaf lo mo thoonsha~) 4. iso, look at, va, C, ~~- /t'fc/
ring po zhig {l~a r~Qquci) [Note: This lit- ~ He observed the people in the market. khos
erally means "long,"] khrom nang gi mi la bltos shag. {qh~ }hCin
oboe {Tibetan style) ~~~· /k~liin/ ~nqi m_!la t'f"&sha~)

obscene, see: dirty observer 1 1. iso. one who observes in an investi-

obscure, 1. iso, not clear "'!\~~-~ [neg,] gatory sense ·~}~C\'~"'<:1-;\\Z'td.: /teship ch,!r)&&n/
/s'f'l!po [neg.]/ ~ The origins of the movement [Syn, lto zhib pa] 2. iso, one who looks on {at
occupy 301

meetings) without participating \,:.;:·~4'\~· (t.!,l qh~tshi:rdn n.2 q.2yao m_!~pa s_2dpore~)
/s!!,_rshu't/ obvious ~~~"V"'\~'~"".;F /1)00nscc chempo/ 11 an
obsess, vi. n. &·<t\'f""~·o!:\~<U·Ql~' [neg.] llll,2b~ obvious advantage phon thogs mngon gsol chen pa
samyao [neg.]/ 11 He is obsessed with women. (pl:lt:nt~~ F)m3nscc chempo) [Syn. mngon gsol dod
kho la skye dman ma grogs bsam yag mi 'dug. fXl]
(qh~~ k~ccn m~t~~ sOmyao m~ntut) occasion, 1. iso. time ~~· /th~n/ 11 We met on
obsolescent 1 see : obsolete 3 occasions, nga tsho thengs gsum mjal byung,
obsolete ~-~~· /n!nq~/ 11 an obsolete machine (1')_2ntso thl!n sOm C_££cu) 2. iso, special event,
'phrul 'khor rnying gog cig lthtl0qh66 nil')qM ceremony 1 etc. ~~ ~o:t· /t~mtee/ 11 on the
ci) [Syn. gob to] occasion of his graduation kho slob grwa thon
obstacle 4-X.'~"\ /ph~rccU 11 There are many fXJ'i rten 'brel gyi sgang la (qho lap"ta thSmpcc
obstacles to develpoment. yar rgyas gtong yag tem~eeqi ~nla)
la bar chad mang po 'dug. (y~rkcc tOI')yaala bor occasional ~~~·~q_~·~· /qflpqapla/ 11 an occa-
chad mang po 'dug. (y~rkcc tol')yaa la ph~rccc sional visitor skabs skabs la mtshams 1 dri byed
m~l')qu t!!,_'t) 11 There were obstacles on the road, mkhan [Syn. dus
lam khag sgang la bar chad mang po 1 dug. skabs dus skabs; mtshams mtshams]

- - -
(lal')qaa qanla pharcc& manqu tu't)
obstacle race,
- -
neo, 4..11(\,~-~~~·t~·~(i\ /qoqcon
occasionally ~~~-~~·Q;J' /tshcmtsomla/
comes occasionally. kho mtshams mtshoms la yong
11 He

k!!_FJ'tMn/ gi 'dug. (qho tshcmtsomla Y!!_nqil)

obstetrician ~~·<or~,~~~· /k~lso mfmPa/ Occident, see: occidental
obstetrics ~~·"f\~«n,·~· /ki!eso r};.qpa/ occidental, 1. ~~·~~· /n-::.pc~?l/ 11 occidental
obstinate ~~~~<lt\~·~ /q~ 'thoqo/ 11 He is very countries nub phyogs yul khag (n-::.pc~~ yUUqao)
obstinate. kho mgo mkhregs po zhe drag 'dug. 2. iso. occidental person ~q·~~·"4· /n!!,_pc0q-
(qho q~ 'thaqo sh!~aa t!!_'t) pa/
obstruct, 1. iso. block with an obstacle, va. A. occultism ~·~x."~<t\'"4' /q&ikuu r.!,qpa/
"'l."''\"t\' /qoa/ 11 They obstructed the road. kho occufXJnt ~~~:a,: /t'§2.nccn/ 11 the occupants of
tshos lam khag bkag shag. ( qhontso-a 1_2nqaa the house khang pa der sdod mkhon (qhol')fXl tee
q~ashao) 2. iso. hinder progress, etc., va. ti:rol)££ n )
~11'\'t\'~~~- /qaanq~~ ch£_C/ 11 They blocked de- occupation, 1. iso. one 1s work Gll~'Jt\' /l_££qo/ 11
velopment. kho tshos yar rgyas bkag 1 gog byas What is your occufX!tion? khyod rang gi las ka
pa red. (qhonts~ y~rkcc qaanq~~ ch£_cpare~) go re red? (khSrcc l_££qa qh_2re r£_c) [Syn.
obstruction, 1. see: obstacle 2. iso, make ob- 1 tsho thobs] 2. iso. seizure and control l:t~'
structions, see: obstruct t:~,~(;:,·~~· -/tsffnsu?, ch£_Cpo/ 11 during their
obstructionist ~"t\~·a:.~~~~ll(_'/qoonq~~ ch!'J&&n/ occupation of Indio kho tshos rgya gar btson
obtain 1 vi. A. .:t:..~· /r~o/ 11 He obtained an old bzung byed pa 1 i ring lo ( qhontsi:rd k,2qoo
book. kho la deb rnying pa zhig rag shag. tsffnsu?, ch,!~P££ r.!,nla)
(qh~~ th_!P niF)paci r~hao) occupational disease ~~-~~' /l_££n4A/ [Syn,
obtuse, 1. iso. dull-witted &,~~~· /montUU/ bzo los no tsho]
[Syn. blo rtul pa] 2. iso. an angle ~-.;:,· occupational hazard ~·"\'\~C?~~. /lccq££ nenqa/
/s-::.rcha/ occupy 1 1 • iso. space/time ~~· /sim/ 11 The new
obviate (a need ) 1 va. c. -.. ""'r-
l!A"("'l.'~~~· '
/m!epa '
s~/ machine occupies a room. • phrul 'khor gsor fXl
11 This obviated the need for buying weapons, des khang mig cig zin shag. (thD0qh66 saapatil
'dis go mtshon nyo dgos yag med pa bzos pa red. qh~F)milci s};.mshoa) 2. iso. by military
302 occur

invasion, va. t:t~l:l~i:;.·~· /tsffnsu?.J chE_"&/ ·has a bad odor. sha 1 di la dri rna sdug chag cig
~ They occupied the city. kho tshos grong khyer brgyab shag. (sha t££ t.h!_ma t~~a~ci k!pshao)
btsan bzung byas shag. (qhontsoB th~~kee tsffn- off, 1. iso. come off, vi. B. ~·~~· /qho t.h££,/
su~ chE_"&shao) 11 This is about to come off, 1 di kha bra! grabs
occur ~l::: /ch~n/ 11 It occurred last month. de byed kyi 'dug. (t! qha t.hcct.oo ch!_qil) 2. iso,
zlq ba sngon rna byung shag. ( th! towa ~fmao turn off, va. C. ~~r::.: /sf&/ 11 He turned off
chuunshao) the light. khos glog bsad song, (qh8'd 15o
occurrence, iso. time~~· /q~p/ 11 on each oc- s&"&so) 3. iso. take off clothes, va. C. ~"'\
currence kabs so sor (q~p s5soo) /pil/ 11 Take off your shirt, khyod rang gi
ocean ~~g: /k~tsho/ stod thung phud. (kh~rcc tOOtuun pill 4, iso.
ocean birds ~~1f~·.(\}) /k~tshtr'd ch~/ take off from a price, va. A. ~~~· /coo/ 11
ocean liner ~4\~~~· /i-h_!:!tsiiV He took 10 dollars off the price, khos gong
oceanography, neo, ~~~~-~~~·/k_2tsho ~!_~nc&/ sgor mo bcu beag shag, (qh8'd qh,22n cO
ocean products ~.!;(.t~T~· /k,2tshoo th3ntsc"&/ caoshao) s. iso. broken off, e,g. negotiations,
o'clock d5~e;,: /chOtshod/ ~ eight o'clock chu vi. A. ~~"\\·/~ l_!:!t/ 11 Negotiations have been
tshod " pa
brgyad .. k£pa)
(chOtshod broken off, gros mol sbo lug shag, ('th~mod P.2
octagon ~x_·q~~~· /s_!:!rkc&ma/ l_!:!tshoo) 6. iso, off of ~e::.·a__~· /q~}mc/ 11
October ~~·"'-~~· /chinta cOpa/ The book fell off the table, deb de rg.ya cog
October Socialist Revolution (1917 in Russia) ~·~· sgang nos bzogs shag. (th_!pti q~oo q,2nnc
"'t~e..I~·~·~~·~c;.-~<f\~·~·~.:.t:.·<l~' /t~wa C_!:!pt& s~shao)
cits6b r!_~luUqi scree/ offal, iso, inedible ports ~~~·/shenil/
odd, 1. iso. unusual ~co...:at<€:.:.• /khfntsaa/ ~ an off and on, see: sometimes
odd name ming khyad mtshar zhig (m!_~ kh&ntsaa off-center, vi. A. ""-~~~·<:~.%'""~· /kiinc kh5o/ 11
ci) 2, iso. a pair ~· /y_2/ 11 an odd glove It's o little off-center, dkyil nos tog tsam
lag shub yo gcig (l!qshut y~ crl) 'khyogs shag. (kiinc ~55tsa kh5oshao)
oddball ~<=:,:;uA· /khfntsaa/ 11 He is an oddball. off-color, iso, dirty ..:::t~'"-3.' /ts5qpo/
kho mi khyad mtshar zhig 1 dug. ( qho mi kh&n- offend, va. C. ~-af'~~::.~· ; h. "'-4'\F~-~·"'-~.c:t)~'
tsaaci t_!:!~) /qhoontho lon; h, q~pa t-O~/ 11 He offended her.
oddity, see: odd, 1 khos mo la khong khro bslang song, (qh8'd moo
odd number ~-~c;.~· /y,2t.a'M 11 Three is an odd qhoont.ho 1ah8o)
nunber. gsum yo grangs red. (sCm Y£!,t.a~ r!~l offense, 1. iso. violation of law ~~~~·
odds and ends ~·~-~~· /t~qi tsiqi/ 11 I bought /ch££,ne~/ ~ What was his offense? kho'i byos
odds and ends. ngas tsa ki tsi ki nyos pa yin, nyes go re red? (qhOO ch££,ne~ qh,2re r£&l 2,
(~£& ts~qi tsiqi n~~payin) iso. give offense, see: offend
odious, 1. iso. persons ~~·~~<51.:~ /t_!:!qtsup offensive, mil., i. n, ""l~·~at· /phorq'oo/ 11
chempo/ 2. iso, things ~~·]f~ /k_!:!q t.h~po/ offensive policy phar rgol srid byus (phorqoo
odor, 1. n. ~-~· /t.h!_ma/ 11 The meat has a bad siicut) ii. iso, launch an offensive, va.
odor. sha de la dri rna sdug chag cig 'dug. €L~' /--Ch£&/

(she thee thima tuqcaoci tut)
odor, vi. D.
-""~·a.:~·~· -
/t.h!_ma qho/
2. iso. smell an
11 Did you
offer, 1. iso. present a thing for acceptance, va,
~~.):.· ; h. "t\C;;I.,.C...' /tee; h. naon/ 11 He offered
smell the odor? khyod rang dri rna kha gi 1 dug me a cigarette. khos nga ld shig ras shig bster
g_as? (khSra t.h_!ma qh~qituqc"&) 3. iso. have an byung. (qh8'd ~~ shiqrccci teecu) 2, iso. vol-
odor, vi, ~~·~(::!.' /t.h!_ma k!p/ 11 This meat unteer, va. ~c;.~c;:~·@,~' /th£!_~lon chE_'&/ 11 He
old 303

offered to go, khos 'gro yog dwong blongs byes rgyo gar lo yang se 'gro gi ·yod, ~~~ k~qaala

song. (qhgij t~yo~ th~~lon ch£Cso) 3, iso, put y~~se t.!:!qiyo~)

forward for consideration, va. c. ~~~ /tSn/ oil, 1. iso, any oil~~· /nTin/ 2. iso. kerosine
11 He offered a new plan. khos 'char gzhi gsar ~-~~·/s~num/ [Syn. neo. c. rdo snum) 3, iso,
po zhig bton shag. ( qh8'd chaa~hi soapoci cooking oil J;t·~~· /s2_num/ 4. iso. ghee ~:c_·
tB~sha?!) ~· /m22,qu/ 5. iso. mustard oil ~"-~'al'
offering, 1. iso. religious, n. &:~.~~c..t· /chSpo/ ~~~num/ 6. iso, sesame oil ~GI:\-~So\' /tiinum/
2. iso. make a religious offering, vo. B. 7. vo. A. ~~-~~· /nTin ch.!:!u/ 11 He oiled the
~~·/--pht:Hl/ 11 They made an offering to the wheel. khos 'khor lor snum byugs song, (qh3"d
"'Buddha. kho tshos songs rgyas lo mchod po phul qholoo num ch~usu)
song. (qhontso~ soonkccla ch8pa ph00su) '""
crude oil ~~-~~&:;~.· /nOm cempo/
office, 1. ~·~c~·/1££qun/ 11 agricultural office lubricating oil ~"t\~~'al' /ch~qnum/
so nom las khungs (sonam lccqun) 2. see: oil field ~-~~-~~· /sanum th~nsa/
rank oil industry -«·~~·t::t~~· /senum sE_ltc/ [Syn.
officer 1 mil. "'-.~~-"\.~ /mCiqpadn/ neo, c. rdo snum bzo los)
office worker ~~~"-&::~.' /l£ce~po/ oil-pqintings ~~~~-~ /nr.;;'ts<ron r!mu/
official, 1. iso. a holder of on office ~~"'-:~' oil pipe/pipeline ~~-o.~9i4~-~~· /nOmtu col')-
/1ccceepo/ 11 government officials gzhung gi toon/
los byed po (sh.!:!~i 1££ceepo) 2. iso. high of:.. oil producing area ~-~C).l-la'='~.-;,:~·~Ql' /s~num
ficiols/outhorities ~~~~~· /pSSnril/ 3. thSnkee s~qhUU/
iso. governmental ~~~~- /sh!fJqi/ 11 on offi- oil refinery ~-~~·~r.~· /sanum s~to/
cial order gzhung gi bko' (sh.!:!Qqi qo) oil refining.~·~~-~~~~- /s§num tsOc:on/
government official in traditional polity "1'\~.::.· oil shale ~~-~~~~~~· /nOmtccn t~yom/
@...~' /sh.!:!~hap/ oil tanker ~&\l'~<X\·~·-q~e::~· /nOmkee th,!:!tsi~/
lay official in traditional polity ~~-q~· oil well ~~-~"' /nOmtO'dn/
/th.!:!~q66/ [Syn. shod drung; shod skor] oil worker ~~-q_~·~"F~· /nOmtO'on s~po/
monk official in traditional polity ~-~~· oily ~l!Slt~~~.;:f'" /nOmtsi ch~po/ 11 The food was
/tsrtu~/ [Syn. rtse skor] oily. kho log de snum tshi chen po 'dug. (qho-
off-limits ~~co.t·~·~· /chi~ mocho?>po/ 11 That lo?!ti numtsi chempo t~u) [Syn. zhog tshi chen po]
area is off-limits to foreigners. phyi rgyol ointment ~--si~ /mamctn/ [Syn, byugs sman]
gyi mi ph yin mo chog po 1 i sa khu1 red, O.K., iso. be, vi. A. ~-"\~· It}}/ 11 It 1s O,K.
(chikctqi m! chin macho~ptt s~qhUU r!~l 'grig gi red, (t!lqire~)
offset, see: balance okay, see: O.K.
'1::-- ...
offshore ~~~"' /tshOkUU/ 11 offshore islands old, 1. iso. elderly ~~~-'t\' ; h. -=t~~·*-'
mtsho rgyud gling phron (tshOkUU li~tccn) /q£nqo~; h. t~oon/ 11 on old horse rta rgon
offspring~-~ /puqu/ gog (tB q£nqo~) 11 on old friend (iso. elderly
off the record ~c:::·~~~·QI.:i·.:t~&_:«.:~.~· /c~~qun mo- friend) grogs po rgon gog (~h~o q£nqo~) 2,
tti~ptt/ 11 I 1 ll tell you the news off the iso. things ~c:.:~· /'iii~pa/ 11 on old book deb
record. ngas khyod rang la 1 byung khungs mo rnying po (th_!:!P ni~pa) 11 on old friend (iso,
bton po'i gsor 'gyur shod kyi yin. (~£& kh8roo a friend for a long time) grogs po rnying po
ch~~qun motonptt sankuu shOqiyin) [Note: This (th~qo 'iii~pa) 3. iso, grow old (person), vi.
literally means "not revealing-the origin.") ~C5\.:~~· /q£nqo~ ch£&1 11 He has grown old,
often Co);{~·~· /y~~e/ 11·I often go to Indio. nga kho rgon gog byes shag. (qho q£nqo~ ch£Csho?!)
304 older

older 4\Cizq_' on, 1. iso. on top ~&:.·OS..' /q2_~lo/ ~ The book is

Who is older? su rgon po red? (su Cl!:,~Po rE_c) on the table. deb cog tse 1 i sgang lo •dug,
~my older son nga'i phru gu rgan po ~~~ puqu (th!P c~qtsee q2_~lo t~t) 2. iso. at the time of
q_£mpol ~· /lo/ f I'll meet you on Monday. ngos khyod
older and younger ~a.:<n.~~ h. ""-~~·~~~ rang gza 1 zlo bo lo thug gi yin. (~£& kh3ro s2_
/q&&nshoen; h. teeshodn/ ~ The older and t2_wolo thOOqiyin) 3. iso. in addition to ~~G>l·
younger Rampo (both) come. ram po 1 i bgres /q2_nla/ ~ On top of that, he bought ci gun.
gszhon gnyis ko phebs shag. (r2_mp&& teeshoon de 1 i sgang lo khos me mdo 1 zhig nyos shag.
(thii qo~la qhS'd mentoci iib'&ho'?J)
niiqao phe~sha~)
older brother ?f:ZF ; h. i?f-""=~~'
- - - -
the face of a non-horizontal surface ~C\-«'G::I.'
4. iso. on

ch2,la~/ [Syn. gcen po] /t!:_"Sla/ ~ There is a picture on the wall.

older generation ~C\\:Xq~· /q~nrap/ ~ offi- rtsig po'i ldebs la dpor zhig 'dug. (tsiqp&&
cials of the older generation gzhung zhabs rgan t!:_"Slo pBrci t~t)
robs (sh~r)Shap q~nrap) once "Sl~~~· /the?J crl/ ~ He came once. kho
older sister ~-~~; h. ~~·~/oca~; h. oca~la~/ thengs gcig slebs byung. (qho the~ cil le~u)
[Syn. gcen mo] once more "'-'SS-·~~"'(\' /th!nt66 ciq/ ~ Do i t once
oldest ..<\\.~~- /q&&nsh-&3/ ~ my oldest daughter more. do dung gcig by is. ( th!nt66 ciq ch,!l)
nga 'i bu mo rgan shos ~~~ ph2.'"o q~nsho~) [Syn. yang]
old-fashioned, 1. iso. people ~-~c:tl.'~"'0-1~~ one~<\' /cil/ ~ one book deb gcig (thep cil)
<'- ~ -
/~orsoo ch!:_~&&n/ ~ She is old-fashioned. mo one after another ~~<n.·~~<t\'"\"9*\.'~e;..· /cr~ut
sngor srol byed mkhon zhig red, !m2, ~rsbo niituUc&/ f They arrived one after another.
ch!:_~&&nci r!~) 2. iso. things e::i}::f."~·~c:.·~· kho tsho gcig mjug gnyis mthud byes slebs song.
/s!!_pto nr~pa/ ~ on old-fashioned dress dug (qhontso ci~ut niiUJUc& !Ei~o)
slog bzo lta rnying po (th~qlo~ s2,pta ni~pa) one by one ):_-~~· /r~rec&/ f They arrived one
old maid ;r--5;zc:.· /m2,hraan/ [Syn. skye dman chong by one. kho tsho re re byos slabs song.
so rna brgyab po] (qh'Ontso r~rec& l~~o) [Syn. re re bzhin du]
old man -if~ /pBCS/ ~ There is on old mon there, one hundred ""\@_;.stm•q_• /k£ thrimpo/ f one hundred
pha gir mi spo bo zhig 'dug. (ph~q&& m_! p00ci bookS deb brgyo thorn po ( th!:_P k2_ thompo)
t~t) one sided, see: partial
old person's home ~~~~~" /q£nsoqhoon/ one's own ~.:.:;_c::.~· /s'Osoraonqi/ ~ one's own
old stone age, neo. ~~~~~'..l;..Q.~·~c::.·~· /t2?&C house so so rang gi khong po (s'Osoroonqi qhcr:J-
th,!!!:!rap nir:Jpa I po)
old woman i!h-&f" /moo/ one way street, neo. Q:l&.I.·~~~~z;:/l2_mcoo ciq-
olfactory ~·c:~::~ /!-h,!tshor/ 11 olfactory organs koon/
dri •tshor dbong po (th,!tshbr wa~po) on guard, see: careful; cautious
olive ~.<::,· /~ru/ onion$· Its~/
omelet ~-~l!t\.' /q22..~~'?J{ only ~·~~<t\.~ [neg.] / [neg.]/ ~ He wi!l
omen ~~ /tl!&/ ~ good omen ltod bzong po ( tl!c come for only a month. kho zlo bo gcig rna gtogs
S£r:Jpo) ~ bod omen ltod ngon (tl!f~&&n) sdod kyi rna red. ( qho t2_wa crl m2,too t!!!!qi~
~ission q;~~·/chl!fluU/ 11 Is there any omission more'S) [Note: Tibetan uses "stay" where we use
in the report? snyon tho i nang lo chad lus
1 "come."] ~ I only need pens. ngo lo snyu gu mo
go'i 'dug gas? (nl!ntbo noonlo chl!fl~ qh~ gtogs mi dgos. (r:J~ nuqu m2,t00 m2,q0~) 2, only
t~q&&l con also be expressed with J>?Sitives "'t"\~~·~·
opponent 305

/ciqM/ 11 I eat only bread, ngo bog leb gcig opening, 1. iso, beginning, n, c<..~e>..~~·
pu zo gi yod. (I')~ phoole~ ciqM s~qiyod) 11 He /q!!_ntsu"U/ 11 at the opening of the meeting
only studied Tibetan. khos bod skod gcig pu tshogs 'du 'go 'dzugs kyi sgong lo (tshoontu
slob sbyong byes shag, (qh~d pho6qcc ciq66 lop- q!!_nt.suUqi q£!~lo) 2. iso, job vacancy ~~·"\'
con Ch_!:.CShod) /lEJ:.qo/ 11 We hove an opening for a teacher.
onomatopoetic word !i·a..,_c:.·<I.~C(~'~"t\.' /}!! n~l')- ngo tshor dge rgon gyi las ko zhig yod,
shiinqi tshrl/ [Syn. sgro tshig) (l')~nts~~ q!:_q&&nqi l££qoci y~d) [Note: This·lit-
on purpose ~""-:.i5'1.C:.~~- /cheei')OO/ 11 He did i t on erall.y means "work."] 3. iso. hole/gap ~·~~·
purpose, khos 1 di chad mngogs byes po red, /iquun/ 11 There is an opening in the wall.
(qh~ ti cheel')oa ch_!:.Cporee) [Syn, rkong btsugs rtsig par i khung 'dug. (tsiqpao Iquun t~"U)
nos] opening ceremony ~~~~Et~~ /q~ncee ts.!:,£qo/
on the one hand ~~-~~""-'"'~' /ch3~ ciqn&/ 11 opening session ~~~""-\·~ /q~cee tsoontu/
On the one hand, we hove no guns. phyogs gcig openly ~-<;)l~·~·~.:c..· /tshol')mt& thoonsaa/ .· 11
nos ngo tshor me mdo 1 yod po me red, (ch3~ ciq- They openly stole the horse. kho tshos tshong
n& I'J!!nts~~ ~nta Y2~moree) mos mthong sar rta brkus song. (qhontso~ tshol')-
onto 1 see: on . mcc thoonsao ta q'lt~u) [Syn, mngon sum 1 dzem
onus, see: burden med kyis]
onward <A.~~=· /t!!,!!nle/ 11 We hove to· go onward. opera (Tibetan) 1 1. n. ~;a:l-' /lhomo/ 2, iso,
ngo tsho mdun lo 'gro dgos red, (l')~ntso tUUnle perform Tibetan opera, vo. D, «.~"'\'

}~qoree) /--}h~p/
ooze, see: drip operate, 1. iso, a machine, vo, ~'<jc::.: /teen/ 11
open, 1. va. D, ~ I che/ 11 Open the door, sgo He knows how to operate the machine. khos
phye. (q~ che) 2. odj. ~-1'4.· /chepo/ 11 The 'phrul 'khor gtong shes kyi 'dug, (qhW }hfiil-
cot got out from the open window. zhi mi de sge qh66 toan shinqil) 2. iso, a medical operation,
khung phye po de nos don shag, (sh!:_miti q!:_quun va. ''~'\'A'"\'<n,~~- /shoqcod ch_!:.C/ 11 They oper-
chepo th!:_n& th~nshoa) 3, iso, get opened 1 vi, ated on his leg, kho tshos kho 1 i rkang par
D.~ /ch2_/ 11 The door opened, sgo bye shag, gshog gcod byes shag. (qhonts~ qh88 qol')poo
!92 ch2.shoa) 4. iso, uncovered shoqcb~ ch_!:.cshaa) 3, iso, a business, vo. D.
/qhep lll!:.epo/ 11 an open well khebs med po 1 i ~<5\.:. /s!:_m/ 11 They operated a restaurant, kho
khron po (qhep m~p&& th&lpo) 5, iso, open on tshos zo khong zhig zin shag. (qhontsod ~qoon­
umbrella, va. A, ~~ /pil/ 6, iso. open a ci s!:_mshoa)
closed box/package/etc,, vo, D, ~·~ /qho che/ operation, see: operate, 2
7. iso. open the mouth, vo. C. ('1.'~"\c::~· operator, 1. iso. a machine~¥·~~"' /U51')&&n/ 2.
/qho t~~/ B. iso, a store/museum, etc,, vo. D. iso. a business 1.'\~Cl.l.(l'.Ol,' /s!:_ml')&&n/
~~· /q~ che/ 11 The store opens at 6:00, ophthalmology, neo, ~~-\'\~~-~<t\,' /m!:_qo~ soriq/
tshong khong chu tshod drug par sgo phye gi opinion "'.~<J.t·,~;.r/samtsu'U/
...., 11 What is his opinion?
'dug. (tshol')qoon chutsu~ }h~qpoo q~ chiqil) 9, kho'i bsom tshul go re red? (qh'dS samtsu'U qh~re

opera will open tomorrow.

.-,. "'
iso, begin, va. A. ~~~~~~· /qo tshuu/ -
lho mo song nyin 'go
11 The r_!:.c) 11 public opinion mi dmongs kyi bsom tshul
(m!:.monqi semtsu'U)
tshugs kyi red. (lhomo seriil q~ tshuuqiree) opium, 1. n. <?o.:t'~¢1· !f'i££toa/ [Syn. tho mag yo 1
10. iso. open a boil 1 i. vo. B, ..q ~CJ. • /t'dS/ phin) 2. iso. smoke opium, vo. C, ~~
ii. vi, B. ~- /t22_/ 11 • iso, on open person /--then/
1('\'~~c::.·~ /qho scl')po/ 12. see: overt opponent ("\.'<n,~"( /qhopte~/ 11 Who is his opl?onent
306 opportune

in tfle election? 1 os bsdu 1 i nang lo kho 1 i kha t'S'>:>pee tuul')eeqi nortuU m! m2_1')qu ral')shi k2.pshaa)
gtad su red? (w~tUU n~nla qh~ qhopte~ su r_£c) oppressed people "t\<9q_'~"i:\~w"l::l0."'@;~ '"\~z;::_~·
opportune ~E::I.~'"'\<::1.~' lq~papl , an opportune lnonodn n~l')eenqi 'm!maQI
decision skabs bobs thag gcod (q~pap thoqcod) oppression, see: oppress
opportune time, see: opportunity oppressive 4'9C{.'<t\~~ lnonocinqil , oppressive
opportunism, 1. n. ~C\~·o:'£""o.x~~-~"\~' lqaptsoo taxes gnya' gnon gyi khral (nonocinqi thff)
r!~lutl 2. iso. be opportunistic, va. B. ~~· optician ~G\~=·"f.r'.,;\.\~19..' lmiqshee sOI')eenl
hl~~- lq~p
~ c-. I -,
tsffl [Syn. go skabs btsal] optimism ~e:;._:~c:.·x~·~~~· kirnal') r!l')luul
opportunity~~~~·lqh~qapl , I got an opportuni- optimum, see: best
ty to go to Tibet. nga la bod la 1 gro yag gi go option a:_~<S.l".l.l.\·~r lt~myaal , You have two options.
skabs zhig rag byung. ( ~~ ph~dla t~yaaqi khyod rang la 'dam yag gnyis yod pa red,
qh~qapci r.9.acu) (qh3raa tomyaa nir y~'>:>re~) [Syn, 'dam go]
oppose, va. ~~=-~~' optional ~~~·a:..~~· lsasoo t~odl , Going
opposed the treaty, kho tshos chings yig de la to the lecture is optional. legs sbyor nyan gag
ngo rgol byas pa red, (qhantsod ch!~yil th_££ 1 gro yag de so so 1 i 1 dod mos red, ( l~qcaa nen-
~~qoo ch_£cpare~) qaa t~yaati SOsOO t~b"d r~~)
opposite, 1. iso, face to face ~-~ lqhopto1il opulent, see: wealthy; abundant
, My house is opposite the hospital. nga'i or ~c::·~~~· ly~nmenol , I will buy beef or
khang po sman khang dang kha sprod red. (I')£!:_ chicken. ngas yang min no glang sha nyo gi yin
qhol')pa mfnqaanta qhoptb"d r~~) 2. iso. diametri- yang min no bya sha nyo gi yin, (I'J_£C y~nmcno
cally opposed ~"'\oJ.'&l_' lq_££ntal , The opposite lal')sha ii~qiyin, y~nmena ch~sho ii~qiyin) [Note:
of communism is capito'lism. dmar pa'i ring lugs There are many other grammatical constructions
kyi 'gal zla rna rtsa'i ring lugs red. (moopod used to express "or , 11 ]
r!l')luuqi 9E£nta m~tsee rll')lut r~~) 3, iso. very oracle, 1. iso, the deity ~-~· lch33koonl
different (."'.'~""\' lqhaqhaal 4. iso, do the 2. iso, the medium (person) ~-€' lch3Scel
opposite (in a bad sense), va. A, ~Zl.~~""\~­ [Syn. lha po]
lq2_pci 1':!'>:>1 , He did the opposite of what we oral, 1. iso, verbal ~~·~""\' II"J;:_qt~?:>l , oral
said. khos nga tshos lob pa de sgab phyi bslogs test ngag thog yig rgyugs (I'J;:_qb?> Ylqkuu) ,
nos byas shag. (qh3~ l')~ntsod l2_pa ti q2_pci 13~­ oral teachings ngag thog slob khrid (l');:_qt~~

ne ch_£cshoa) l~pt!l) [Syn. kha nos] 2, iso. concerning the

opposition ~~· II"JE_qool , Is there opposition mouth ~· lqhal , oral disease kha nod
to the king? rgyal par ngo rgol •dug gas? (qhone&l
(keep~~ I'JE_qb"o t~qecl oral initiation, relig. c;\C:.' 11~1')1

opposition party ~~~~'"'-1.' II'JE_ClOO tsh5qpal oral literature ~'@,"\'~~'<\·ll')2_qktn.ln tsQmrill

oppress, 1. va. "'\'9~'4'\.~"l.'<jc_: lnanocin taonl , orange, 1. iso. color ~·-«jc:: lllwaanl [Syn, li
They oppressed the farmers. kho tshos zhing pa khri] 2, iso. the fruit ~~·~· ltshalumal
tshor gnya' gnon btang shag. (qhantsod shli'Jpa- orator ~~C:.'hl¥\"\<n..~c:.·~R~ lsul')shec nal')eenl
tsh:)~ iionoon taanshaal 2. iso. afflicted by [Syn. legs sbyar shod mkhan]
suffering, vi. D. ~'<\'"'-~=-~-=·=,x;: lt~­ orbit, iso. planetary "'f\~G.:i'i\X.' a?ffa:s<;?.t' ls~qar
l')eeqi nor I , When they were oppressed with tolaml
hunger, many COIIIllitted suicide, kho tsho grod orc;ard ~c:.·~~·~·. :~:.: lsh!l')t~l t~mral
khog 1 togs pa 1 i sdug bsngal gyis mnar dus mi orchestra £a:s·~~<JS'(Z\~' lr!8:!yan tshoqhaal [Syn.
mang po rang shi brgyab shag. (qhantso 'thE_qh~~ neo. c. rol cha 1 i ru khag]
orientation 307

ordain, 1. iso. give ordination (lit. vows), vo, red. (th~riin chorc&&n r!e)
~''-1.'"<\~z::_· /t,£mpo noon/ ~ They ordained three ordnance, see: weapon
monks. khong tshos grwo po gsum lo sdom po ordnance factory ~~~·4~~· /qhE_loa
gnong shag. ( qhontsl:id "t-hE_po sOinlo t,£mpo riion- ore -~~.:x:.·Z" /terto/ ~ copper ore zongs kyi
shoa) 2. iso. toke ordination, va. c. ~·"'-l·~~- gter rdo (s£~qi terto)
/t£f11po sh_!:!'U/
~ organ 1 1 • iso. body 1 n. <:..._:~~=---' ~ /wor)po/ ~ organ
ordeal "'-'1\a_·.:::.~· /qor)&&/ ~ Let me tell you about of vision mthong byed dbong po (thOr)cee wor)po)
their ordeal • ngos kho tsho 1 i dko 1 ngol gyi 2. iso. transplant organs, va. C.
skor bshad ko. !11£& qhentsoo qar)ccqi q55 sh~c­ /--pS'd/
qo) [Note: This literally means 11 difficul- organic ~'?!....~ /kent&cn/ ~ organic fertilizer
ties."] skye ldon zhing lud (kent&&n sh~r)lu~)
order 1 1. n. t:r.'f\C<..' /qo/ ~ When did the order organic mot ter ~""'-'£""~· /kGr)'d:J/
come? bko 1 de go dus 1 by or po red? ( qoti qh2_- orgonism ~·~~c;.·~· /kent&cn phur)pu/
tuU c~por&c) 2. va. -- ""-'9~· /--toon/ ~ The organization, 1. %"'f\'C'I.~' lt,!rJtsut/ ~ secret
government ordered him to go. gzhung gis kho lo · organization gsong bo 'i sgrig 'dzugs (sonw&&
rgyugs zer bko 1 btong shag. (sh!:!ijqi qh55 k!:!'ts t,!rJtsut) [Syn. neo. c. rtso 1 dzugs] 2. iso.
qo toonshaa) 3. iso. place on order (for establish on organization, va. C. .:t.~~·
something), va. A. ~c;.~· /r)oa/ ~ He ordered /--s'![d/ 3. iso. on association g~~·~·
2 rugs. khos gdan gnyis mngogs· shag. (qhS"d /tsh5qpo/
teen nrr r)oashoa) 4. iso. out of order, i. iso. organize, va. C.~~-~~~~/t_!rJtsut s'![d/ ~He
broken, vi. B. ~~::.:;_· /k83n sh:55/ ~ The organized the work. khos los ko de sgrig 1 dzugs
ph one is out of order. kho dpor lo sky on shor bzos pa red. (qh~ l_££qote
shag. (qhopoolo k8"on sh55shoa) ii. iso. inap- [Syn. bkod sgrig byos]
propriate ""'-~<'l..'~"'f-'d:r~~~""-'' /r)88tb1inta m~thUffi­ . d ~ .r-,.... .c...
orgomze ~~'0..<:~;·,~-~~"'<CI...'

pa/ ~ His comments were out of order. kho 1 i ~ on organized movement sgrig 'dzugs ldon pa 1 i
skod cho de dngos don dong rna mthun po red, los 'gul (t~r)tsut t£mp&& l_££nqUU)
(qh88 q~coti r)88tb-onto mathUmparee) Orient ~~"<\~·me::.·~""-= /sharco~ lir)Ceen/ ~ I
in order to ~""-...<t\·~· /th:0taala/ ~ In order went to the Orient. ngos shor phyogs gling chen
to buy food he sold a rug. khos zo bco 1 nyo yog lo phyin po yin. (r)£C shore::>~ lir)Ceenlo chimpa-
gi don dog lo gdan btsongs shag. (qhS"d soca yin)
noyadqi th~ntaO!a t££n tsonshad)
ordinal nul!ber 5:\~~~· /th2_r)rim/ are many orientals here. 1 dir shor phyogs kyi
ordinance, see: law; order mi mong po 'dug. (t££ shorco~qi m_! m2_r)qu t!:!t)
ordinarily a...~·~~ /n2_mkUlln/ ~ Ordinarily, I orientation, 1. iso. position -"\~OIJ.·~o:.~.:t:.·~~·
eat at 6. ""'
nom rgyun ngo chu tshod drug par kho /somlo qheetan/ ~ What is his orientation
log zo gi yod. ( r12,mklJUn r)E_ shUt.shtr~ "t-h!:!qpao toward politics? srid don gyi thog lo kho'i
qholaa s2_qiyo't>l bsom blo 'khyer stongs go 1 dro 'dug? (siitMbon-
ordinary, 1. iso. common, inferior ~~·~· qi th5~la qhml somlo qheeton qh2_ntc& t_£l>) 2.
/kOOma/ ~ on ordinary soldier dmog mi dkyus mo iso. new introduction ~·=~·';2~ /th:53m&&
(m~~mi k'Otlma) ~ on ordinary government offi- I')E_"t-l:id/ ~ The school orientation will be one
cial gzhung zhobs dkyus mo (sh~hap kO"uma) week. slob grwo thog mo'i ngo sprod lo bdun
2. iso. usual, customary o_a;,x:~<x: /chorc&&n/ gcig 'gor gyi red. (lepta th:53mc& rJE_"t-l:id la t~n
~ Today was on ordinary day: de ring 1 chor can ciq qMqiree)
308 origin

origin ~c..·~c:..~· /c~'()qun/ 11 What is the origin of other ~<1\"a.:""-..~· /sh£nta~/ 11 He bought the other
.._, - -
the dispute? rgyo 1 dre 1 i 1 byung khungs go re rug, khos kha gdon gzhan dog de nyos shag.
red? (k~mtee c~'()qun qh~re r£&l 11 They are from (qh~d qhot&&n sh£nta~ti ~ha~)
poor (impoverished) origins, kho tsho 1 byung other side "4'X.'~~· /ph~chbA/ 11 It's on the
khungs dbul po nos red. ( qhontso c!:!'()qun Oll'pun& other side of the lake, de tsho'i phar phyogs
r~~) lo yod po red, (th~ tshOO ph~chbbla y.:,~re~)
place of origin ~:!§.C.~· /ch!;!'()Sa/ [Syn. 'byung other than that ~~~"'\· /th~ m£~po/ 11 Other
gnas] than that, we need nothing. nga tshor de min po
original, 1. ~~· /'()2_mo/ 11 Is this the original? dgos yog ga'i ~i 'dug. ('()~ts~~ th! m£~pa ~yo~
'di ngo mo red pas? (t_! 'fJ2'!o r~p&c) 2, iso, qh££. m!ntuu)
first (thoughts, ideas)~·=· /th53mo/ 11 This otherwise "t\~~ /sh££,n/ 11 We have to do this,
is an original ideo, 1 di thog mo'i bsom blo otherwise we 1 11 lose, ngo tshos 1 di byed dgos
red. (t! th33m&& somlo re~) red gzhan nga tsho shor gyi red. ('()~ntsb~ t_!
originate, vi. @I:;:' /ch~n/ 11 This custom orig- ch!~qore~ sh&&n '()~ntso sh~~ire~) [Syn, de min]
inoted in Lhasa. "' lugs srol 1 di lho sa nos byung otter ~~· !tom/
po red. (l~qstru t_! lh!!&san& ch~npare~) otter skin/pelt ~ ~ ·G~·/-t.ompo~/
ornament~'"' /k£nco/ 11 She wore many ornaments, ouch, 1. ~·~ /oraa/ 11 He cried out "ouch."
mos rgyon cha zhe drag gon shag, (m~ti k£nco kho5 a ra 1 zer skad brgyab song, (qhOO oroos
sh~tao qh~nsha~) qfc k2_pso) 2. iso, pain due to heat and sharp/
ornamental ~~~~"-G!.l"'t\' /k£ntod ch~ya?J/ 11 painted objects~-~ /otshaa/
These flowers are ornamental. me tog 1 di tsho ought, see: should
rgyan sprod byed yog red. (m~t~~ t~tso k£ntb~ our ~~· /'()~ntsoo/ 11 our house nga tsho'i
cheya~ re~) khang po ( '()~ntsbo qh<'i'()po)
orni~holog;, neo. ~~·-q~~~"'\~4\·~~·/ch2_- ours ~~· /'()~nts'Od/ 11 Which house is ours?
riq n2_mship r!'()n&c/ nga tsho'i khang pa go gi red? ('()2.ntsod qho'()po
orphan ~·~o!rl.' /th2_thut/ qh2_qi r£&l
orphanage ~~~-~(:ti.C..' /th2_thuu soqhoan/ ourself ~:::..-g-~~· /r)~ntsoraan/ 11 We did it our-
orthodox ~~~-~~~~"/theqtsiin ch~'()&&n/ 11 self. 1 di nga tsho rang gis byas po yin. ( t_!
He is on orthodox communist. kho dmor lugs ~ntsoraanqi ch£cpayin)
mkhregs 'dzin byed mkhan zhig red. (qhi5 marlut oust, see: expel
theqtsiin ch~'()&&nci r~~) [Syn. dam 1 dzin] out, 1. iso. outside .~; "" /chr/ 11 He went out.
orthography, iso. system of written symbols ~-~· kho phyi la phyin so. (qho chrla chrnsu) [Syn,
/y_!qi/ 11 the Tibetan orthography bod po 1 i yi phyi logs] 2. iso, run out of, vi. A. ~~·

ge ( ph~p&& y_!qi) /ts.:,'?>/ 11 The store is out of meat, tshong

orthopedics, neo. ~c:.·~~·<9~~~t:\'Q.:rr"'ll<\~"/qe'()ru"ii khang der sha rdzogs shag, ( tshOr)qoan th££, she
ts.:,osha~) 3. iso. go out (for fire), vi, D, ~·
namship ri'()n&c/
vi. D.
~·~·Ol·a...~~· /rtruq6bla k~r/ /shr/ 11 The fire went out, me shi shag, (m!
. "'0 c... <='\ ..
osteology, neo. ~~-~"!"\'~at.~· (.6\-G'~<t\'4\<\~·/r.!:!!:!qM shrsha~) 4. iso. Get .out! ~.:c.~~~· /m2.2. k~~J/
n!mship r_!'()n&c/ 5. iso. all out ~·~"' [vb--:J ~~·~~·
ostracize, va. A, /qh2_tsh&c [ vb.] thuuthuu/ 11 They went all out
They ostracized him, kho tshos kho dang 1 brel to win. kho tshos go tshad thob thub thub byas
bo bead shag. ( qh5ntsoB qhota t!;!wo cfcsha?J) shag. (qhontsoa qh2_tsh&C th2_p thuuthuu
[Note: This literally means "cut relations."] ch£&sha?J) 6, iso. from out of a,_c:..-"'~· /n2.2.n&/
over 309

~ The pen fell out of his bag. snyu gu de (qho o'U ch~cshao)
kh0 I i I beg gi nang nOS bzags SOng o ( nUqU ti out-of-print, vi. A. ~~x:~~~· /perth~
qh83 p~qqi n~n£ s~~sha~) ts2~/ ~ That book is out-of-print, deb de dpar
out-and-out i!i""~ /pE_t/ ~ This is an out-and-out thon rdzogs shag, (th~pti p5rthoh ts2~shao)
lie. 1 di rbad de kyag rdzun red, (t~ pE_t k~q­ outpost, see: fort
tsiin r~e) output J!i"'aS'"" /th8ntse&/ 11 The factory's output
outcaste ~"'\'~~· has increased, bzo grwa 1 i thon tshad 1 phar
outcome, see: result shag. (s_£~££ th8ntsd phorshao)
outdated, see: old outraged, see: angered
outdoors ~-;;:;-~·Q{'/chilbOle/ ~ He works outdoors, outside ~-clf"""~·/chilbO/ 11 He went outside, kho
kho phyi logs la l.££qa byed kyi 1 dug. (qh3~ phyi logs la phyin song, (qho chrl~Ale chihsu)
chil~Ole l,££qa ch~qil) outskirts ~£la..·~· /thoqo::>/ 11 outskirts of
outer ~-~· /chime/ ~ the outer road lam khag the city grong khyer gyi mtho' skor . (1-h_£1')kee
phyi rna (l~l')qao chime) qi thoqo::>)
outer covering of clothes, books, etc. ~~'..~"\' outspoken ~·~~~/qho th8mpo/ 11 He is outspoken,
/kf!.rshe/ kho kha thon po 'dug. (qho qho th8mpa t~u)
Outer Mongolia ~~· /chis~O/ outstanding -'n.~Ol..·~·~-~~· /shE_nta ~ntoo/ 11
outfit,- 1. see: equip 2, see: clothes on outstanding plan gzhan dong mi 1 dro ba 'i
outgoing (for people) ~"""'~'~c::.~·;r./uipao y~l')qo/ 'char gzhi (shE_nta m.£n~ooqi chaashi)
~ He is very outgoing. kho blo bag yangs po outstretch, va. c. ..q~c::.~· /koh/
zhe drag 'dug. (qho 15pao yal')qo she~aa tuu) outstrip, see: excel; surpass
c-.,.....,__ .....,._ -, - ... -
outhouse ~'a;I"tt,~·~c;'iit'\' /chilbo saoncoo/ outward (appearance) ~~~c:..· /chii thonaan/
outing, 1, n. if'~c:;:~· /~asa~/ 2. iso, go on an · [Syn. phyi'i snang tshul; !to snong]
outing, va. -- Q.t'~"\ /--le chiiV outwardly ~-~c..·o.:t• /tonal)lo/ 11 Outwardly, they
outlandish, see: bizarre looked the same. lta snong la kho gnyis gcig
outlaw, see: bandit; criminal pa'i bzo 'dra zhig 'dug, (tonol)la qhunil ciqp££
outlet, 1. iso, electrical ~cn,·~~c;.:e<.$\~~· S_£reci 't.!:!,'Ul [Syn. mthong snang lo; phyi'i snang
/l~tuU ts~e/ 2. see: store tshul la]
outline, 1. iso. written ~~~~· /s~n~il/ 2. oval q-g·c_~~- /cOI)caon/
iso. make an outline, va. C. -- ~~"' /--q~d/ ovary~"-~'~""-~~ fl)l!qha(,qi. n~6!
, First 1 make an outline. dang po zin bris oven, see: stove
bkod. (th~l')qo s~ntil q~) 3. iso, sketch~~· over, 1.. iso, above ~-~· /th~dlo/ 11 The lamp
/k~ril/ is over the table, bzhu mar rgyo cog gi thad lo
outlook, 1. iso. possibility ~r~· /s:;pta/ ~ 1 dug. (sh.!:!,maa k.£co?>qi th~dla t~Ul 2. iso.
What is the outlook for going to Tibet? bod la finished, vi. B. ~- /tshoo/ 11 The movie is
'gro yag gi bzo lta gang 1 dra 'dug? (ph1[dla t~­ over now. da glog brnyon bstan tshor shag,
yaoqi s~pta qh~nte& t~O) [Syn. bzo cho] 2. (tho l~l')n£en tl!l!n tshooshaa) 3. iso. in excess
iso. view c;~.:i~E::~· /thbr)tsUU/ 11 His outlook of ~~· /lhoo/ 11 We went over a mile, ngo

on work is good. las ka 1 i thog !a kho 1 i mthong tshos mel le gcig !hog phyin pa yin. (l').£ntsod
tshul yag pa 'dug. (l,££q£C th3~la qh83 th~l')tsuu m~le ciq lhoo chimpeyin) 4. iso. reaching high-
y~qo t.!:!.ul er than, vi. A. ~c:;:'Gt:l.'l:\.~~~· /q.£hlo H~~/ 11
out of breath, vi. A. ~e:t'\~'OS"'- /u'U ch~c/ ~ The water was over his knee, chu kho'i pus mo'i
He got out of breath. kho dbugs chad shag. sgang lo bslebs shag, ( chQ qh83 piimtrtl q.£hla
310 over again

l~sho~) [Syn. bsgrol] 5, iso, (hear) over shag. (par t! n2a th2ashaal
3f.i\'o51.~ /th:3?>n&/ ~ I heard i t over the radio, overdo, vo, ~4\.~~-Q'\~' /shuq ch~ th2M ~ He
ngos 'di rlung 1 phrin thog nos go byung, ( I')~C overdid excercise,khos lus rtsal byed yog
t! lul')tiin th3?>n& qh~u) 6, iso. (perform) over
shugs che drags shag, ( qhoo l~ts&& ch~yoa shuq
.:sr-""\·~· /th3?>lo/ ~ He song over the radio, kho che th2~shaa)
rlung 1 phrin thog lo gzhos btong song. ( qh3'd overdone, vi. A. ~~-~~~· /tsh3'd th2a/ ~ The
lul')tiin th3?>lo sh~& tCionso) 7. see: than 8. meat is overdone, sho tshos drags shag, (sho
iso, turn over, va. ~·~·~· /ob?> k2_p/ ~
tshoo th2oshoo
. .)
Turn the paper over. shog bu· de a log rgyob overdue, see: late
dong. (shOqu ti 51~?> k2_ptol 9, iso. during overestimate, va. &.'"'Ool~~~-~~-lf""r::....~.:t\'~-'S\'
'X~·c:Q.' /r!l')lo/ ~ over many years lo mong po'i /tsh~&lc q~p&& tsh88poo ch~&/ ~ He overesti-
ring lo (1!! m2_1')quu r!_l')la) 10. iso. too much mated the distance, khos thag ring thung tshod
~~·~'t\.&'G'/m21') th2~po/ ~ Don't overfill the cup las brgal po 'i tshod dpog byos shag. (qh3'd thCia
with water. dkor yol nang lo chu mong drags po r!l')tuun tsh~&l& q&&p&& tsh88poa ch~&shda)
mo blugs ong.
m2_luu oo)
(q~yUU n~nlo chu
[Syn. tshod nos brgol po]
ffi21J th2~PO overflow 1 vi. A. ~~.:../100/
· khrom po lud shag.
......, - 11 The well overflowed.
(th5mpo 1~11shoa)
over again <Q·a;0:;.·r:.~.Sz::.·~:x;.· /chlltshoon Y£1')koo/ ~ overfulfill, va, C. .:b~=~·q~~·~·'"'\~~· /tsh~&-
Write it over again. 1 di cho tshong yang skyor 1& q&&po t8n/ 11 They overfulfilled the quota
bris, (t! chCitshoon Y21')koo !h!_l) for cool. kho tshos rdo sol than tshad tshod
overall ~t:t~~·/kh8nt00./ ~ overall production los brgal bo bton shag, (qhontsod tos(rd th8n-
thon skyed khyon bsdoms (th8nkee kh8nt00.) ts&& tsh~&lc q~pa tBnshaal
over and over again ~c.·<s:~...~·O-"lz:::.'~ /y21')n& Y£~tu/ overhead ~o::s' /th8t>la/ ~ There was a cloud
~ He said it over and over again, khos 'di yang overhead. mgo 1 i thod lo sprin po 1 dug. ( qoo
nos yang du lob song, (qh3'd ti Y21Jn& Y£1')tu thsBla irmpa t~ul
l2_psol overhear, see: hear
overbearing ~q~~~2£' /wei') chempo/ overheat, 1. iso, machines, vi. A. Cl.~<:C\~·
overcast, see: cloudy /tshil I 11 The engine overheated. 1 phrul 1 khor
overcoat, neo, ~-:<f\~·~;:.;_· /chrqoa q3r/ [Syn, sgo a mo •tshigs shag. (thUOqhbO amo tshilshaa) 2.
rom kor] iso, people, etc., vi. A. a_i;\~"'\'CI.~· /tsha-
overcome, 1. see: defeat 2, iso. with grief/sod- tuu tshrl/ ~ I got overheated playing boll,
ness/etc., vi. D.~ /nor/ ~ He was overcome ngo po lo brgyabs nos tsha dug 1 tshigs byung,
with sadness. kho sdug bsngol gyis mnor shag. (1J2 palo k~pn& tshatuu tshrlcu)
(qho tuul')&&qi norsho~:l) 3, iso. overcome diffi- overland ~·334\' /sCith~?>/ ~ We come overland,
culties, vo. c. ""\,-"\O:~~~.q·~11~·/qCilc& m~epo ngo tsho so thog nos yong po yin. (1')2ntso sa-
s![cl/ [Syn. dko' ngol sel] th~?>n& y~poyin)
overconfident, iso, be, vi. A, ~~·J:..~.·&~S.~:c-3.· overlap, iso. in time ~·~""t\'"'l.~Zl.' /qhathuu k2_p/
/popo tho th2 at ~ His coming and my going overlapped, kho yong
overcra.vded ~·aac:·~~· /m! m£1') th2a/ ~ The hall yog dong ngo 1 gro yag kho thug brgyob shag.
is overcrowded. tshogs khong de 1 i nang lo mi (qho y~nyaata IJ2 t!!yoa qhathuu k~pshaal
mong drags shag. (tsh35qhoon thii noonlo m! m21') overload, 1. iso. animals, vi. A. (I:I.Cll'.l:l-'W~l·~~~·

th2 ashaal /qh~~ q~f th2a/ ~ They overloaded the yak. -kho
overdevelop, iso. photos ~~-~'X\~· /n2a ~h2a/ ~ tshos g.yag lo khol bkal drags shag. (qh5ntsod
This photo is overdeveloped. dpor 1 di nag drags yCiala qhf~ qff th2ashaal 2. iso, vehicles, va.
overweight 311

A. ~-'t\-~"l\'1:9.1.<::.'~"1\~' /lililya~ m,21') 1-h.!:!,~/ 11 They overseas Chinese. phyi sdod rgya mi mang po
overloaded the truck •. tag nang la blug yag mang 'dug. (chrto1s k!mi m!l')qu t!:!,U)
drags shag. (taq ~nla lililya~ ~I') th,2~sha~) overseas national (of a country) ~-~);J::.·~·
overlook, va. ~~"'-·~-~~· /th,2naan m~&"i:J 11 He /chrtod r!l')mi/
overlooked small mistakes. khos nor 1 khrul oversee, see: supervise; manage
chung tshag la do snang ma byas pa red. ( qhS"d overshoot, va. ~G\l.'Ol,_~·~~<:\' /tocin& k!_p/ 11
~ntUU chul')tsa~la th~aan ~c&~pare~) The shells overshot the fort. me sgyogs mkhor
overly, see: very rdzong sgrol nos brgyab shag. (~rkoo qh~rtsoon
overmodest ~~·~c:.·~· /iiim chul') th~/ [Syn. tbon& k!psha~)
sems chung drags] oversight, see: error
overnight, iso. one night ~~·i:f.""t\~"i\- /sh,2qo overspend, va. <:t~~·:sf'a:l·~·I':\'19C:.' lt,25oon th8Spo
ciq/ 11 We stayed in Lhasa overnight. nga tsho to~n/ 'II He overspent his salary by 100 dollars.
lha sar zhag pa gcig bsdad pa yin. (1')_2ntso khos kho rang gi phogs dngul nos sgor mo brgya
lh~~saa Sh_2qO crq t£Cpayin) thorn pa 1 gro song tho! pa btang shag. (qhsa
overpass (road) 1 neo. Gtl&'~c:.·.a.~~· /l_2mte?.l s2,m- qhor&& phUI')UUn& q22,mo k,2 thampo t,25oon th8Spa
pa/ [Syn. spel zam] ta~nsha~~ [Note: This literally means "spend
.::--. ~ .......
overpopulated <N'a..~.:c·q:;~"t\,~' /m_!mp66 che 1-h.!:!,~/ extra."]
11 India is overpopulated. rgya gar la mi 1 bor overstate, see: exaggerate
che drags shag. (k_2qaala m,!mp66 che th,2~sha~) overt Ol~~~~·~il)l')83ns&& th~po/ 11 overt anger
overpopulation ~-Q.';E\:t;:~S,~~-/m,!mp66 che 1-h.!:!,~pa/ khong khro mngon gsa! dod po (qhoonto 1')8Sns&!:
11 The biggest problem is overpopulation. rnyog th~po)

dra che shos mi 1 bor che drags po de red. overtake, va. D. 41,~""\~<S.: /sh!:!,'tl s!:_m/ 11 We
(ii?:lqta chesho1s m,!mpM che th,2~po ti r.2,~l couldn 1 t overtake him. nga tshos kho' i gzhug
overpower, va. C. "\."'c.,·~~·~~-~~i:>\: /w~I')Shuu zin thub ma byung. (1').2ntsi:58 qh88 sh!:!,U s!:_m thO'tl-
qi n~ill/ 11 They overpowered the students. kho macuun)
tshos slob grwa ba tsho dbang shugs kyis mnan po overthrow, va. C. ~"'-q.·~:::~.r~·/m!~pa s2:d/ 11 They
red. (qhontsod lota~tsho wai')ShuUqi nlmparee) tried to overthrow the government. kho tshos
overpriced ~-~-~~· /qh22,n che 1-h~/ 11 This gzhung med pa bzo yag gi thabs shes byas shag.
is overpriced. 1 di gong che drags shag. ( t,! (qhontsb1s sh!:!,?.l m.2,~pa s,2ya~qi th~pshee ch£tsha~)
"'D' "'>C"::
~·..,":c.=·~· ... ""
qh22,n che 1-h.!:!,~sha~) overtime /chotshUU thoopa/ 11 He
overproduce, vi. A. ~~~~~~lt\'CllC.'~"t\.~'/th8n­ worked overtime. khos chu tshod tho! pa las ka
kee ch£ya~ m,21') 1-h.!:!,~/ 11 They overproduced steel. byas shag. (qhS"d ch0tsho1s thBSpa l~qa ch£C-
kho tshos ngar !cogs thon skyed byed yag mang sha~) [Syn. dus tshod tho! pa] [Note: This
drags shag. (qhontsod r:J,2rca~ th8nkee ch.2,ya~ m,21') literally means "extra hours."]
th.2~sha~) overtly ~&r~~~G\:1~c:F~~· /1')88ns&& th~pac&/
overrated ~5r"c::.·~·s..Cl\~' /tho?) che th~/ 11 His 11 He spied overtly. khos so pa mngon gsa! dod
book is overrated. kho 1 i deb !a mthongs che po byas byos pa red. (qh~ sopa 1')8Sns&& th~pa­
drags shag. (qh88 th.2,pla tho?.! che th,2~sha~) ...
C& chccpore~)
overrun (iso. full) 1 vi·. C. ~~· /qha?./ 'II The overture (iso. in music) a.~o..~~-~'"l\@\."(<1.'
city is overrun with rats. grong khyer nang la /q.2ntsu'tl r~h&~/
tsi tsis khengs shag. (1-h2')kee ~nla tsrtsil overturn, see: overthrow
qho?.sho~) overweight, 1. iso. things, vi. A. ~""-~"'\~' /c!:_
overseas ~~ I chrtod/ 11 There ore many 1-h.!:!,~/ 'II Is the package overweight? sgril 1 thum
312 ovenNhelm

de 1 jid drags 'dug gas? (i-ii thu~ti c!_ t.h~C':I t!:!,-

q&c) [Syn. 'jid tshod los brgol] 2. iso.
people, va. A. "f\'~~~-~"<\~·/sha k~o t.h~i'l/ ~
I'm overweight. ngo sho rgyogs drags shag, ~~~

sha k~o t.h~oshaal

overwhelm, see: overpower; annihilate
overworked a.t=·>n,~c:;,:~"<\·~z::..·.s,_"<\~' /l&&qo ch!yoo
m~T) t-h~o/ ~ He is overworked, kho los ko byed
yog mong drags po red, (qho l~qo ch!yao ~~
oviduct ~C:.Ol'C!\"1'\.'!!lt\~- lr:Jtt\hoo k!:!,'ltsa/
owing to, see: because of
owl %,~·z:.t· /w!:!_qpa/
owl's call ~~-~~-~~ /w!:!_qp&& q~c/
own, 1. iso, self .:<:_c;~· /r~l')qi/ ~ my CMn book
ngo rang rang gi deb ~~~ro r~l')qi th!p) 2, iso,
possess 1 vi. ...x:_c..·«~.~"\' /r2_T)too/ ~ I own two
houses. nga la khang pa rang bdag gnyis yod,
( TJ~ qhor:Jpa r£T)tao iiii y~d) [Note: yod, 'dug
can also be used to convey this,]
owner t::l."'-.."1\.'~ lt£qo/ ~ He is the owner of that
house. kho khang po qho gi 'i bdOg po red, ( qho
qhoT)pa ph~qii taqo reel
- - A
government ownership "<\~c:·a.E€'<51..:
[Syn, gzhung gi 'dzin dbong)
private ownership ~~·qz£~ /q!rtsiin/ [Syn,
sger gyi 'dzhin dbang)
ox mz::..·4\~· /lor)qo">;;,f
ox cart ~~-~~· /lor) ~rii/

v v--r ...r
pace, 1. iso. even pace ~~Z"JC'... c.>· ~(;>.I~· >::.J •
' )
lk22_lbo i'iempol 11 He walked at an even pace.
khos gom pa mgyogs los snyom po zhig brgyab
song. (qhB'd qh~pa k22_lod i'iempo ci k,2psu) 2.
iso. fast pace ~~"l~· ~· lkE_qol 11 We walked
at a fast pace. nga tshos gom pa mgyogs po
brgyab pa yin. (I)E_ntsod qh2_1'lpa k2_(lo k,2peyin) 3.
iso. slow pace n.4l.:x;:~ lq22_pal 4. see: walk
Pacific Ocean -A,.:r...· ~ .<:::\'i-·2 ·;u_;g- ·I (shor) sh.!_wM k~­
pacifier, iso. for an infant, n. ~l:l.-'\' lciprul
pacifism, neo. "'ql:J..;:·:t,.~·~
"- - ~
12!'{·/shite ril)luul
I "-:> - -
pacifist ~·.t:~~ ·~e::.· r.u<n= · "1:.1 lshite ril)luupal
pacify, 1. iso. subdue, va.

- -
c. ~z::.·~"l31·.2:t~z..·
llhii)Ca~ s2_131 11 They pacified the rebellion.
kho tshos ngo log lhing 'jags bzos shag. (qhon-
tsoB l)olo~ lhii)Ca~ so~ha~) 2. iso, appease an-
- -<\
ger discord, va. A. ~,:..· (Z.J!<""\ · .:{, ·. z::~.~ ~ · llhil)
c~~ru cOul 11 They pacified the students by in-
creasing their salary. kho tshos phogs spar
byas slob grwa ba tsho lhing 'jags su bcug pa
red. (qhontso·ci ph~~ pBOcc lapta~tsho lhil) c~~ru
cOupare~) [Note: This is not used for chil-
dren,] 3. iso. children, va. A. (?-"(71;:<.,. Zl<"'\"11 ·
lqhoqhaa sh~~l 11 She always pacifies her chil-
dren with candy. mos rtag par phru gur bye ril
bster nos kha khar bzhag gi 'dug. (m2d taqpaa
puqoo ch.!_rii teenc qhoqhaa sh~qil)
pack, 1 • iso. a 1 ood, n. {"~· lth2.pol 11 They
have 10 packs. kho tshor do po bcu 'dug.
(qhontsoo th.,2po cO t.!:;!ul 2. iso. load a pack on
an animal, va, B. -- ZPI"\f>.l" I --q't!r./ 3. iso.
load a pack on a person, va. B. :.q~.::~:, ·
1--qOOI 4. i, iso, for larger things, va.~
~~· a><!f ~ZI · lth~hcc k,2pl 11 He packed his
suitcase. khos kho rang gi sgam dod chas brgyob
song. (qhW qhorcc qam thocichcc kapsu) ii.
- - v--
iso. for smaller things, va. A. A.~ A)~· lt2,~1
5. see: wrap
pack horse (Zl<U· 7· lqh't!'t!tal
pack mule (a{<l~(>.r lqh't!'t!theel
pack saddle (l!.C2.>: ~\" lqh't!'t!qal
pack sheep {ZI(lJ ·£2l<rl lqh't!'t!luul
314 package

pock yak ra~·'"'JZL~"'Y /qh'f'fyoa/ painless ~-~-~"'\·">..!· /n!sut lf12_epo/ [Syn. zug
package, 1. n. ~<'U'f2.)i!Cl-l~ • /~iithum/ 2. iso. med po; no tsho med po]
:::.! __, -
wrap or make into a package, vo. C. -- ~~\" point, 1. n. 3f"-,· /tsh3"on/ 2. vo. -- -z:t;::,c..
/-s2_15/ /--toon/ 3. iso. point as on artist, vo, C • .:1\'a-.t·
n, ..
pocked, iso. full, vi. c. {az::.."K· /qhon/ , The ?;}<!-i' /r!,mu ~h!,1/
room was pocked with people. khong po 1 i no ng lo oil point ~- af~· /ntintshOdn/
"'-3 • ......::
mis khengs shag. (qho~pcc noonlo mil qhonshoa) watercolor po1nt a,· ~'0\· /chOtshi:idn/
~ "' v-
pocking material l:l.::.;.· ~~::. · /ph;}_rko'M [Syn. bar pointbrush, 1. iso. large -g<\ ezt'Z4""\' '"'\' 2'4~-,.
'tshong; bar bkog]
/tshoon c~yoo phoonto/
. ....,
2. iso. small
i€'<\· "'Zl.::r..·
poet, see: agreement; treaty /tsh8npir/
v:; ...,..
pod "\"\~· !t!:£nl pointer, 1. iso. houses, etc. ;&~-&'j'?"'-'il-lf'D\.
paddle (for boot I, 1. n. ~;.z~ · /ko<i/ 2. vo. /t~h83n to~ccn/ 2. iso. pictures %'~~·"<:I'
~.22:1.· /--k!p/ , He paddled the boot. khos rkyo /lh~prilpa/ [Syn. ri mo 'bri mkhon]
c-. V "
bo brgyob nos gru btong song. (qh8l$ koo k~pnc pointing ..:li'C>.I' /r!,mu/ , Is this a Tibetan
~h.!! taanso) pointing? 1 di bod po •i ri mo red pas? ( t!, ph3!-
paddy, see: rice p&& r !,mu r!p&c I
padlock, see: lock Tibetan scroll pointing g~::.· ifl' /thol')qo/
Podmosombhovo 2.1&)' ,;l,j • (2..2,~·-<'\~~ · /p'f'fmo C!!JI1&&/ pair, 1. n. a;,· /cho/ , I need a pair of lamps,
[Syn. o rgyon rin po che; slob dpon rin po che] ngo lo bzhu mar cho gcig dgos, (~oo shumoo cho
page, 1. iso. paper ..,.4i!r]·~ · /sh~'Sle/ 2. iso. crq q2ol 2. iso. pair up, vo. c.-;.. (2.~"'j:cl'
call, vo. ~l).· ~;e:.. /ql:c toon/ /cho ~!.l! , These shoes don't pair up. lhom
bock page ~~·-.All'\· /k!psho~/ gog 1 di gnyis cho 1 grig gi mi 1 dug. (h,\;l')qb6
front page <~-~.5,"\'-<tf"l · /t.!!!!nshoo/ th!,nil cho ~!,qimintuu)
.paginate, vo. A. -~4"\·~~~·l::IA'fl!:) · /sh5q~on q3B/ pajamas ~cu·~· /n&cqb'll/
pagoda, see: temple; stupo pol, see: friend
pqil 1 see: bucket palace '¥4- ~1!:.· /pho~oon/
pain, 1. n. ~·;!;· /n;}_too/ , Is there pain? no palanquin (2~~'2!-l· e7-~&..· /k==.,coon/ [Syn. 1 gyogs
tsho 'dug gas? (n~too t_!!q&c) [Syn. no zug; _byom; h, phebs byom]
zug] 2. iso. be in pain, vi. -- ~ 7,J::.. · polotoble 1 see: delicious
I --toon/ , My foot pains. ngo 1i rkong par no palatal sound ~0!. · ~ · /ql:nto/
tsho gtong gi 'dug. (~!:£ qo~poo ~too ta~qil) palate (of mouth) A'(~· /q'ffn/
sharp pain, 1. n. 4~"'-· /s2_r/ 2. iso, get a pole, 1. (of skin), n. ~r~~·az::.. /ko thol')toon/
sharp pain, vi. -- .z:l_~z::l' /--k!p/ 2. iso. be/get pole, vi. A. <LII'\4!-l' /--choa/
painful, 1. iso, wound, _etc. ;:5·~- /tshopo/ , 3. iso. colors [color] ~· /ko/ , pole blue
painful wound rmo tsho po (rna tshopo) 2. iso. sngo skyo (l')oko I , pole green 1 jong skyo
experience ~ '(2.\ · (\·;;f ""1 §;::.. ·uJ "'' ~ · /iiii')la n;}_t&J (c;}_l')ko)
toooyoaqi/ , a painful experience snying lo no /n~rap/ f poleoonthropology
tsho gtong yog gi nyoms myong (iii~l:a n2.too gno 1 · robs mi rgyud goms srol rig gnos ( narap
toonyoaqi ii;}_miioon)
painkiller (medicine) ~· ::,>f'\-~C!"j"K'~~ · /n~ut
- -
mikuU qhomsbo ril')n&c)
paleolithic ~-~"'\· 2)"''-"~~· ~e:;-
- (\,
"2..(. /t;}_C&C thu1l-
C;}_qmccn/ f I took a painkiller. ngos no zug rap iir~pa/ "
'jogs smon zhig bzos po yin. (~£C n~ut_c;}_qm&&n pallid, see: pole, 1
ci S£Cpoyin) [Syn. no zug 'jogs yog gi smon] polm (of hand) ~.:x._·<l-l· /Pflro/ [Syn. log mthil;
parasite 315

thal mo] par, 1. see: equal 2. see: normal; usual

JXllmistry, 1. n, C7-J<r).~""'\ /l2_qril/ 2, iso, read above par ~-..,.,~.t~""n:.tlsy "1' /cirtaan l_£C y.9_qa/
palms, va. C, -- 2:<~C{· 1--tr:&/ below par ~~;z:.· (>.!&(. s·~r'Z.I: /cirtaan 1.£& t~qa/
pomper, va. A. 2o>..l~ . .;:;:- ~"'"'·~.,...\""'. /ch.9_mpo ch_£C parable, see: story ~
th;!,a/ ~ The mother is JXlmpering the child, a parachute, 1. n. 4""\4""\2-{. ~'£hC\' /t~qch~m/ 2,
mas phru gur byams po byas drags kyi 1 dug. (o- va. -- Zl~~· I --k2_;/
mEC puq~~ ch;!,mpa ch_£c th;!,aqil) parade, 1. n, ~- !}4'
" 'I
/r~th 2. va. -- 21y-·
pamphlet ~ll-~.,:;.· /th!:pchuun/ ~ political JXlmphlet /--toon/
srid don deb chung (siitoon th!:pchuun) paradise ~·~1'>.1· /lh~yUU/ [Note: This literally
pan ar ~.- /lol)a/ means 11 land of the gods, 11 ]

frying fXl n a5cu ·~t::. · /tshfr:laan/ JXlragraph "' ~<~j~·

~"\· /yiiJtaan q~ntsuu/ · 11
pancake ~- ~ · /k;!,pra/ [Syn, khur ra] Read the second paragraph of the letter. yi ge
Panchen Lama ~ r·~;;\ (il'CI-.I. /pfnceen loma/ de 1 i yig 1 phreng 1 go 1 dzugs gnyis fXl de klogs
panda bea;: ~-~.5: ~Cl-1- /penta th~/ dang. (y_!qi th~ Y!IJtaan q~ntsuu niipati 15~ta)
. v- "'....r"'-.
JXlndit ::2.1ry,'? · /pfntita/ parallel (, movement) ~"l~·~ar-~~-~ 4'\'
pane, see: glass /ch3~nii iilimtil/ ~ The two armies moved
JXlnfry, va, C. (£C2l"~C..-"\"'-"(?<·zt~<>r/tshr!,flaan ~nla JXlrallel, dmag dpung phyogs gnyis snyam sgrig
I)W/ byas nos ph yin pa red. (m~qpuun ch3~iiii ii3mtil
pamandle, 1, see: beg 2. iso, JXln 1s handle Cl.l.~' chEtnE chimparee) [Syn, thig gnyis mnyam

panic, vi.
- c. "\"'-.,:;.·_a"\· -a~·
/l)amtaa keenE/ ~ He

panicked.and ran away. kho dngang skrag skyes paralyze, vi, ~a.: /s.9, k2_p/ 11 He became
nos bros shag. (qho l)omtaa keenE ph~shaa) paralyzed. kho gza• brgyab shag, (qho s.9. k2_p-
pant, vi. B. "\~~-.:>\· Z?~· /ut hr!,U ~ He p:mted a shoo)
lot. kho dbugs zhe drag hal gyi 1 dug, (qho uu paralyzed ~ His hand is
shetaa hfr!,qil) paralyzed. kho'i lag pa gza 1 ra red, (qh33
- 0... -..r '
panther 43.'"T~"'\"'<:..( · /sh n;!qpa/ l.9_qpa s.9_r0 r!:e)
panties, see : underwear paramilitary, see: militia
pants· /qhuthuun/ [Syn. dar ma] paramount, see: chief
'-> -..r -
paper, 1. n, -19'''\"~,," /shuqu/ 11 a paper hat shag paramour, see: mistress
bu 1 i zhwo mo ( shuqtru sh;!,mo) 2, iso, make parapet, 1, iso, fortified wall ("2.~-c.: .::t:_"'\· /ts!IJ-
paper, vo, C. . .!'.
I -S5!,.0/ 3, see: roo/ 2. iso. fortified turret ¥· rar:.: /so-
newspaper qhuun/ "-'

paperback book "'\~· ")~~- <4 · /th!P kiiDma/ paraphenalia, see: things
paper bag " ['Ia"\ . /shli'&jhuu/
~a"\· ' ......:; .
paraph rase, 1 , . speec h , va.
J.n 'fr")...
"'l~ ·:.z:;.~· ~t::.· <=::l-A,l'

paper mill ~"i· "''fZ · ZJ~·:::] · /shliqtru sota/
.. - ~=· /tsotbon ler)Shce ch_£c/ ~ He paraphrased
paper money -A"t!)''le:.r>l'
[Syn. lor] the story, khos sgrung gi gtso don gleng bshad
paper tiger, neo. c. -4_Z\"Z'lf<.' ':!1~ · /shliqUI too/ byas song. (qh~d }~mqi tsotoan lei)ShEC ch_£cso)
v- '-F-v -......;» 7
paperweight --19zry .if)qq · /sh5qnocin/ .
2 • wr J.'t' ..:r1~ v
· ~E\· ~::~; ·12"')-q
':(i'V · ~,.., · I tsoto·on
paper work "Ul"'\' v<;a.r\' (>-13-{ 'Ill /y_!qthoo
·"' lE§_qa/ s~rtbon ch_£C/
...... ,,
papier-mache, 1. n. A"''l(2..'\•""\' /sh35ntaa/ 2, parasite, 1. iso, bug 4')/d,~-~'\·fUI·~d)· /sh_£nteen
....r or: 'V ...... :;.
iso. make papier-mache, va, C. -- 2!1.3~· p~sin/ 2, iso. person ( «'\~q· '7~-~"\~\'1~
I --S5!,.0 /tshCiwa shEnteen ch!:!JEEn/ [Syn, rang 1 tsho mi
316 parasitology

thub mkhan) shoo) 2. iso, pieces ~-p~~· /lhUloo/ 11 The

parasitology, neo, "'l~~ ·7~·cz "'
~- ~~-
"\\' ~"C\0!-\ · machine has many parts. 1 phrul 1 khor de la lhu
/sh~nteen p~si~ r!nnc&/ log mong po 'dug. ( }h00qhl>O th££ lhulo'& m2,r)qu
parasol, see: umbrella t_!!U) 3. iso, a section or subdivision ~-.-:u~·
paratrooper "1')"\ei'.;l.J~"'-""''"\C)..I<ry~. /tl!qch~ meemi/ /l2_lo'&/ 11 The office hos many sections. los
parcel, 1. iso, bundle ~(2..1-fZfl~·
/}iithum/ 2, khungs de la le log mang po 'dug, (l,££qun thee
......, 'V -
see: distribute; divide lela'& menqu tuu) 4. iso, part hair, va. D, ~­
parcel post, see: mail ru-04·~-/~olom ~he/ 5, see: separate [Note: In
parched, 1. see: dried 2. see: roost grain mixing i terns together 1 Tibetans don 1 t say "two
parchment ~~· /q&h:>?J/ parts sugar" but rather specify the measure,
pardon, va, ~:c.· a;,~ ·k·W~0-\-&"1"\"'-' /iieechcc tsayan e.g., "two ~poons sugar,")
noon/ 11 He pardoned the prisoners, khong gis part company, see: separate
-.r ., .....
btson pa tsho'i nyes chad rtsa yangs gnang pa part with, iso, give up va. ~c-~·~7~=- lod taon/ 11
red, (qho~nqi ts8mpatshod ii~chc~ tsayan noon- I couldn't part with the watch, ngas chu tshod
pare~) blos gtong thub pa mi 'dug, (Q£C chutshUU l~d
pare, see: peel taan thupemintuu)
parent Z4'01.1' ; h. =~·~;;u· /phoma; h, y2_pyum/ 11 partake, see: participate
These are my parents, khong gnyis nga 1 i ph a rna partial, 1. see: port, 1 2. iso. be favorably
red, (qhuiiil Q&& phoma r~e) biased, vo, ~>rY""".~O\· ~~· /ch33sheen ch£C/ 11
parenthesis ~'\·"''.a-r /sh~cquu/ Parents ore partial to their children, pha mas
parenthetical co~ent -Pt"\ · .5"\lf\' «._c.·; ·~t21· ct vq ~ ·
rang gi phru gu 1 i phyogs zhen byed kyi 1 dug.
/sh~fquu ~Qqi }eeshcc/ (phomcc r2_nqi puqUU ch33sheen ch!qil)
parity, see: equal; equality
park, 1, iso. a recreation area
~c:.·..a·y /liQqe/
partiality, see:
partially ~"'")-:t"a.J ·
/t33tse/ 11 He is partially
2. iso, park a car, va. ~~~- /sh:;_'&/ 11 He blind, kho mig tog tsam long ba red, (qhS3 mil
parked his car in front of my house, khos ngo 1i t3~tse 1,211a r2_e) [Note: This literally means
khang pa'i mdun la kho'i mo }a bzhag shag, "a little,")
...,-- v v .. ~
(qh~d n££ qhonpcc t~nle qh38 m:;_}a sh:;_oshaa) partible ~4"" ·~-<1"\~ · ~<~-~· a:P)<J ·;ch33qod ch£t; ch5q-
parking (space) ~-(I·Zl~4y~· /m:;.}a sh~sa/ 11 Is pa/ [Syn. bgos rung bo]
there parking (space) over there? pha gir mo }a participant 4\r.l,&-\ ~"\ · /sh~Q&&n/ 11 He was
bzhog sa 'dug gas? (ph~q&& m:;.}a sh~sa t~q&~) the participant at the conference, gros tshogs
parley, see: discussion; conference; meeting la gzhug mkhan kho red, (}h~tsh:>~la shuuQ&&n
par 1 J.amen t ~cu·u.~~~-~~-ab""\""-'
v- v- ~ I k&&yoon +~h~-
'"' qho r~e)
tsho~/ [Syn, rgyol yongs 'thus mi tshogs chen) participate, va. A. 41,Cd,8j«t' /sh~u/ 11 He partici-
..._ .g """
para1e, va.'1:l~··~«.u::.c-<·Z\ot>·~.:z.:'!lru·217z:::: ;- l. t n +'"'
n!!!yorJ son_.oo pated in the ""'
conference, kho gros tshogs la
toon/ 11 They paroled him yesterday, kha sa kho gzhugs pa red, (qho }hootsho~lo shuuperee)
c-. - -
tshos kho nyes yangs btson bkrol btang shag, particle, 1. ling, a;;~,l~"'i· /tshiq}h&C/ 2, .;o·...q~·
(qhf~sa qhontsb"d qh~ iieeya?J ts3n}bo toonsho'&) /chosh&c/ 11 particle of dust rdul gyi cho shes
parrot ~-%· /n2_ntso/ (uru qi ch5shcc)
parsimonious, see: frugal parti--colored ~- m. /}ho}ha/
part, 1, iso, a portion a:; .r::t~· /chosh&c/ 11 Part particular "')04"\~· XI~~- /miqsM/ 11 Do you need
of the house burned. khong pa'i cha shos shig a particular book? khyod rang la deb dmigs bsal
mes •tshigs shag. (qhoQp&& ch5shccci mae tshil- zhig dgos kyi yod po red pas? (kh3raa th2_p miq-
passionate 317

s~~ci q~iy~~repcc) pass, 1. iso, a mountain, i. n, r-u· /1~/ ii, iso,

particular kind, see: particular cross a mountain pass, vo. -- ZJ~Zl· /--kf!_P/ 2,
particularly, 1. iso. in particular ('Z.I"~T -z..c:.; ·""i· iso. ~ permit (41"''\'-a~· /l;;,qkee/ ~ He has a
'? '"\j

/lhoqpartu/ ~ Particularly, you must know pass to go to Tibet. kho la bod la 'gro yag gi
Tibetan. lhag par du khyod rang bod skad shes lag khyer 'dug. (qh" ph~la toyaoqi loqkee
- -" - v-
dgos red, (lh~qpartu kh~o phodqcc shenqorea) t.!:,l.u) 3, iso, pass on exam, vo, A. Z<~"'.&,a'\~·(Z~"\·
2. iso. more than .usual -"
"\0>1.:2"1·~.:,-~-p.::)· /nf!_m- /y!qkuu ...
... th8'o/ ~ He passed the exam. " kho yig
'I ~ '"' particularly bod
kutlnta mf!.ntaa
today, de ring ngo 1 i
My leg hurts
rko~ par nom rgyun dong
rgyugs 'ph rod shag.
iso, cross
:<::~~~· It~!
-11 We
( qho yiqkuu th3'dshoo)
passed Gyontse

mi 'dra ba 1 i no tsha sdug po gtong gi 1 dug, yesterday. nga tsho kho so rgyol rtse bsgrol pa
(th_!riin I'J~ q~r)paa namkUUnta mf!.ntaoqi natsa red. (r);;,ntso qhl:fso k;;,l')tse tociparea) 5, iso.
t.!:,J.qpu tar)qil) give, va. A. Z-«J~<!<· ; h. <n,~r=..· /shuu; h.

partisan, 1. iso, a supporter ~-""·~:I:.-'~."'\· o>-~fi ~ · no~n/ , Please pass the book. deb de I dir
/kf!_pk~~ ch~r)&&n/ 2, see: partial gnong rogs gna ng. ( thepti tee noanr::>~noon) 6.
. - v - -r
partition, see: division ~so, approve, va. "'l'l'\(l.'n./!1<'21'~~·"')~")·~>0-1·

partner, 1. iso. partner in soles/trading ~7:.·::r._~7!':i. · /qotb-o thoqcod chE_C/ 11 Parliament passed the
/tshor)r~~/ 2. iso. partner in a store/foe- bill. rgyol yongs gros tshogs nos khrims lugs
tory, etc. ~l':·c7-}l:~· /tshoi'Jtee/ 3. iso. partner shig bko 1 1 khrol thog gcod byes shag. (kEE,yoon
in on office/task (l.JC\'"\'~'\·::("'1~ · 1-hb•ots::>~ncc 1-himlu'Uci q~tbo thoqcb1l chceshoo)
/lf:! che-
7. iso. go onward/forward
~a_· /chin/
- 11 You
partnership, 1. n. see: partner 2. iso. make a may pass. khyod rang phyin chog gi red, (kh~a
partnership, va. af~· ('2.s~· ~<!'-( • /tshoi'Jtee chE_c/ chin ch~~qirea) 8, iso, come to on end, vi. A.
part-owner, see: partner «-.i!:"\"'1' /c;;,o/ 11 The pain passed. no tsha
partridge ~-~zyz.,· /ch~ toqpa/ 1 jogs shag. ( n~tso c~ashoo) 5I. iso, pass up,
part-time ~~·ro~· /sh2_rlcC/ ; He works part-time • va, 23~·f")·~·~~- /ph~cod m:;,ccc/ 11 He passed
khos zhor los byed kyi yod pa red,
(qhod sh2_r- up on opportunity to .go to Mongolia, khos sog
lc& ch_!qiy~~ree) [Note: This means "secondary yul la 'gro yog gi go skabs bed spyod rna byas pa
to another job or octi vi ty such as going to red. (qh3'd s~~yuU la t;;,yoaqi qh~qap ph~c~ m~­
school."] cc&paree) 10, iso. pass away, see: die 11.
party, 1. iso. polit. J:\a-1·ra.oy /sh33qhao/ ~ iso, pass out, see: faint 12, iso. pass a
corrmunist party dmar po'i shog khag (moapod boll, va. A• .z~""\~e~.· /shuu/ 13. iso. time
sh33qhoo) [Syn, tshogs pa; neo, bor. c. tang) elapse, vi. """
~"\· ...
/chin/ 11 Two hours passed,
2. iso. social gathering, i. n, ~"\...... ~· /thuu- chu tshod gnyis phyin shag. (chQtshuU nii chin-
tM ii, iso. give a party, va, -- "'?"'. shoo)
/--taan/ passage, iso, in a book t21' .;5~ · /l~tshccn/
-.r:£ ~ ...r ")~f>.l· '"\Zl.' ~z:. ·
party corrmittee, polit, ~~"--·Z.Ja·1)•r~'"\~· passbook (of bank) Z\~(2.!· /c83r)UU
/tsh3qp&& lhl:ntsh::>~/ [Syn, tang u yon lhon th!pcuun/
tshogs] passenger ~'!} f>.l' 'Z..l' lt!;!!!pa/
~ ......
party member ~"l"'·~ · /tshbr)mi/ [Syn. neo, c. passenger plane n.~ru·~::r.,: "'\~~· '!:1' /1-!!!;!kee n~mtu/
-.,:) ""'-:1 '-r' '
tang mi) passionate, 1. iso, sexual desire tL"\~· a;"l"""-' <bOj'
party platform, neo, ="'1~--u(l.· ''~""'
'!:i"\'~7!:i.·,2·4'\C1-~""'f if· /tb'&:ao chempa/ ~ She is very passionate,

~· /tsh~qpcc siicrr~qi sh! s!msa/ [Syn. neo. c, mo 1 dod chags chen po zhed po cig 'dug. ( mo
tong gi rtso 'dzin) tOOcaa chempo sh!puci t~u)
318 passive resistance

(\.. (\ .,-....r
passive resistance, neo, l<fZIC2- ~-4(al· /sh!W&& I'J!!- pasture, 1. n • .r-·(ll· /tsaqo/ 11 They have good
qod/ pasture. kho tshor rtsa kha yag po 1 dug.
c,~ · xr~,·
~::t__· /chrth~ l£qkee/ 11 I (qhonts~~ tsliqa Y£qo t~u) 2, iso. FXJsture ani-
need a new passport, nga la j:tlyi thon lag khyer mals, va. k'f'~· &:~';7"'- /tsoqaa toon/
gsar po zhig dgos, (I')~ chith~ l£qkee saapo ci pasturize 1 va. "\''\~
....., R\' V" · /th~qsee chE_c/
q~~) [Syn. lag khyer] pat, 1. iso. tap of affection, va. c.!'y.04\""'7"".
- <-...
password <f)<!-1r.· ::f·''Y /sal')tshil/ /coqca~ toon/ 11 He gave me a FXJt on the bock.
post, 1. iso, overcome, vi. B. !1(2-l'.:;t"'-· It!;@ khos nga 1 i sgal par cog cog btang byung. ( qh2~
tshoo/ 11 The difficulties are past now. do I')&& qccpaa coqcao tooncu) 2, iso. a fixed/set
- - "' V"
dka 1 ngal sgrol tshar po red, (th£ qol')&& t<rD (reply or statement) ~-~"'\'Z4&:)'Z..l' /th~}il y~pa/
tshooporee) 2. iso, in the post, formerly fO\· 11 a jXlt answer gra sgrig yod FXJ'i lan (}h~}il
6..1. /l')' I 11 post presidents srid 'dzin sngon y_£pcc l_££n) 3. iso. stand jXlt/firm 1 va. ~-'fir~·
rna ( srrntsii n I'Jfmao) 11 In the past 1 he was a ;..J' ~~'Z1· /q~k~~ m~kap/ 11 The government stood
teacher, sngon rna kho dge rgan red, (l')f.mao qho pat. gzhung gis sgul kyog ma brgyob fXl red.
qeq&&n re~) .
3, iso, past tense, ling. R")¢<';t""'i· "' (sh~Qqi q~~~ m~kapare~). [Syn. mkhregs po byas]
/tMtshil/ 11 Is this post tense? 'di 1 das patch, 1. n, ~"\·~· /lhf.mpa/ 2. va. -- ~~Zl ·

tshig red pas? (t! t~tshil r2_pcc) 4. iso. /--k~p/

beyond "24 :o;· fa-\~· /pMch~~/ 11 My house is post paternal aunt 2H'1· /ani/
the temple, nga 1 i khang po lha khang gi phar jXlternal kinsman :<.!~~· /phoi'ie/
phyogs der yod, (I'J_££ qhol')pa lhoqhaan qi phach~'l> jXlternal side Z4' ~")· /phaku~/ 11 We ore related
th_££ y_£1i) 5, iso, be past an age (limit) 1 vi. from the jXltern~l side. ngo tsho ph a rgyud nos
B. (iJ- cb'z; · ~~ · /l!!tshcc yod/ 11 He is past the spun nye red. ( I'J!!ntso ""
phakUUnc n-
punne "")
age for working, kho'i las ka'i lo tshod yol po FXJternol uncle ~-('l· /aqu/

red. (qhW l_££q&c l~tshcc yocipore~) 6, iso, jXlth (Z.laJ • fli'"Y /l£1')qao/ 11 a FXJth for cars mo
post in minutes -cX;'RI'"l:zq· /y"ci'dn&/ 11 It is 10 to'i lam khag (m~tcc l!!l')qao)
past 10. bcu Po yol nos skar rna bcu red. (cupa jXlthfinder 1 see: guide
yoon& qooma cu r2_~l pathogen ~'\'~%:1
· /n_££mpu/
--.. <\.
half past ~-"'-"\· /cheqa/ 11 It's half past six, pathology 1"\-~"'"\""' n.~r...· ~d.,·~"\· a-\~~· /n~riq
chu tshod drug dang j:tlyed ka red. (chUtshtr~ C_!:!l')keen r!l')ncc/ ' 'J

..... ...r
th~uta cheqa r2_~) patience e:.~·~ · ~z:.· Zl' /q~~nku r.!_nqu/ 11 You must
V' V" "'V
quarter post -- ==·"'1~-~~:x...·~· ~.<$. ~. /--yoonc hove FXJtience. khyod rang yin gcig min gcig
qoama cOOna/ 11 It's quarter past 6. chu tshod ngang rgyu ring po byed dgos red, (kh8ra y!ncil
drug pa. yol nos skar ma bco lnga red, (chutshu~ mincil l')~nku r!nqu ch~qore~)
}h~qpa ybon& qoamo cWI')a r2_~) [Syn, --dong skar patient, 1. t:.r:..·~·~c:.·~· /n~nku r!l')qu/ 11 He is
rna bco lnga] patient. khO' ngang rgyu ring po 1 dug, (qho
jXlSte, 1. iso, glue, n, ~<li· /pil')/ 2, iso. ~nku [Syn, rgyu rna ring po] 2.
ril')qu tuu)
paste, va. see: stick (with glue) 3, iso, food iso. medical FXJtient .,_.,Z::...<:J. · /nE_pa/ 11 He is a
paste ~d-.1.· /komaa/ FXJtient. kho nod pa red. (qh6 nE_pa r2_e/
postoral, iso, animal husbandry ~"'\~' o.r~\· /chQq- patrilateral 24 ~l· /phaku~/ "'
ld/ ~ patrilineal inh~itance 1 1. n. '2<\'~RI·~·(Z.<![O?·
..._, """ I
FXJStoral nomad rz ~~- 2-l. ft2qfXl I /ph~hUU ph~tsiin/ 2. va. -- ~~- /--chE_c/
....r c-... . . . . . .
f2. ;s<ry'%.112.· ~"'\· ~..: C{ · /}!!qp&& ch2_tan/
FXJtrilineolly transmitted estate <'4'"-'\~?-\· /pha-
[Syn, 'brag pa'i spyod tshul] shil/
peac-etul competition 319

patrimony ?.cl-~z:..-'2· 'i'\ZJ. ·'!!~::_· ..
/ph~kllll qi thoptoon/ c. "-l~'"'"\~12t'.a::l~l':.· /p(J~&& tiQ/
<\ v-
[Syn. pho ~yud kyi 1 dzin dbong] paw, 1. iso. fr:ont paws, n.~LIG"j"ZJa,'ti·/l.e,qp&& po/
patriot ~cu-~l!-1· tXt~"--· /kE£ce~ y!;!pa/ ti..VI_
lj' qa~p&& po I 3,
11 He is a 2. iso. hind paws, n, ~~=.·~~· ~, ~ -
patriot. kho rgyol gees [kyi bsom blo] yod pa iso, an animal pawing, va. ;5.!6)' !l~· Q~~ • /miqi-tt
zhig red. (qhi5 kE£c~ [qi somla] y_!:!pa ci r!~) kf!.p/
[Syn. rgyol zhen] pawn, va. A. "'\~'do{' ~~4')· /Uimaa sh2.a/ 1T He
patriotic ~-"1~:&· /kE£ce~/ 11 patriotic strug- pawned his watch. khos kho rang gi chu tshod
gle rgyol gees 1 thab rtsod (k&&ce~ thaptsot) gte mar bzhog shag. (qh~ qh~r&& chUtshu~ temoa
patriotism .A1{2.1''"\.a'"H'
~ ..._.....
......... ~
"\:C:' (2.1:'"\~· /k§!:_ce~ r!:_rJlut/ sh_2~shoal
patrol, 1. vo. ~:r_-4)UJZ::: Zl.~z:\ · /q3yoon kf!.p/ 1T pay 1 1 • va. A. !}') · /}'t!.C/ 11 He paid the rent.
They patrolled the city. kho tshos grong khyer khos khang glo sprad shag. (qhtm qho~la }'fc-
lo skor g.y.eng brgyob shag, (qh6ntsod 1-hOI')kee sho~) 1T He paid me 10 dollars. khos nga lo
v- '- -
lo q3yoon kf!.psho~) 2, n, Jil::%..'~'Ul"' ·2,~· .;L.I~'C\ · sgor mo bcu sprad byung, (qhB'd ~~ q~mo cO
/qoyoan k~~&&n/ 11 night patrol mtshan mo skor }'fccu) [Note·: This _literally means 11 give, 11 ]
g.yeng rgyag mkhan (tsh~Cnmo qi5yoon kaa~&&n) 2. iso. salary/wages, n. ::fiif")~·')~().l.· /ph3~~tru/
patron, 1. n. "'~~".!::!.')""\' /c!nta~/ ~He is our pay back, 1. iso. o favor/kindness, vo, D. Zl"'\fl-'
patron, khong ngo tsho 1 i sbyin bdog red, ~'0\'~4!-IZ1a4. /q~t.iin sap/ 1T He paid bock their
(qhoi5n ~2.ntsoo c!nto~ r!~) 2. iso, oct as a kindness. khos kho tsho i bka 1 drin bsabs pa 1

patron, va. -- ~a-t· /--ch£C/ red. (qh~d qhontsbo q~t.iin s3pare~) 2. iso, a
patron and recipient ~~~-~P\· /chggybon/ loan, va. A. a~"z r~r:;.' . /ph~oon i-l:C/ [Syn,
patronage a~4fcz.~'\· /q.e,n}een/ 11 Because of his skyin pa sprad]
patronage, he got the job, kho la mgo 1 dren yod pay attention, va. "\ ~~· €,0!'-1' /th2_naan ch£C/ 1T
tsang los ko de rag pa red, ( qh33 Cl2,nt.een y!fd- He didn't pay attention. khos do snong byes ma
tsoon l&&qoti r2.~pare~) song. (qh8'd th~aan ch£Cm6soon)
patronize, iso. look down on ~a-z::· a;;o::;.· ~ <!'-\ • pay respects 1 vo. C, 21"\C!-1' Zl~"'· '"!"" ·
/tho~uun ch£&1 1T He patronized the students,
""' Sh_!!1l/
1T He paid his respects to the Lama.
~ --..:1 ~
khos slob grwa bo tsho lo mthong cnung byes blo mar gus bkur zhus song, (qh8'd lomoo qhuuquu
shag, (qh~d lop}a~tsoo th5ncuun ch£&sha~) sh~u) [Syn. gus 1 dud zhus; gus zhobs zhus]
pattern 1 1 • iso. a design ~- ~- /r!mu/ 1T This is a payroll office ~"')~'· (t'Z:: · /ph!53qhoan/
nice pattern. 1 di ri mo yag po zhig 1 dug, ( ti pea !:!~·~ · /t.l:mo/
r!mu y.9.qoci t_!;!t) 2. iso, model, vo, C, ~~-~~.;. pea pod, see: pod
('. .......
/p§ tCc/ 1T We patterned our army on Chino's peace, 1. n. ~-ZI"i · /sh!te/ 11 peace conference
army. ngo tshos rgyo mi i dmog dpung la dpe 1 zhi ~de 1 i gros tsh ogs (sh!tee 't-h~tsho~) 2.
bltos nos ngo tsho 1 i clmag dpung bzos pa red, iso. make peace, see: peace treaty
(r)~ntsod kf!.mii m~qpuunla pe t~cn& IJ,2.ntsod m~q­ Peace Corps, neo, ""' -.."". v-
t:j'l'l')n·'\'1.!<\' ..c
<il4"\~- /sh!,tee
puun s!fdpare~) 3, iso. a pattern for draw- r,2Citsho~/
ing/cutting ~~-ar~· /p§tsh&c/ 1T Do you hove a peaceful 1 1. iso. serene/calm " ......
~· ~;;>..~· 'Z.J • /qhu sim-
pattern for making the dress? khyod rang la dug pu/ 1T It is peaceful here, 1 di khul la khu sim
slog bzo yag gi dpe tshod yod pas? (kh8raa po zhig 'dug. (tipao qhO simpuci tutl [Syn.
thuql6b soya~qi petsh&t yop&c) dben pa]
2. iso. in o state of peace <"<\'
- C\. -
Zl~ ·
- -
pave, 1. iso. with stone, va. C,
- ~-
"' /sh!te/ 1T peaceful co-existence zhi bde mnyam
/t2_pct& tr'Q/ 2, iso, with mud 1 va. C. c7.')"'1'43Rr gnos (shite namn&c)
- C\_-,

/t.9,qc&& tiQ/ 3, iso, with planks, va. peaceful competition ~·A"'\'fZ!\"\'~::r., /sh!,te 1-_!n-
320 peaceful liberation

tuu/ pea tsombo ~'\-~0).\- /t.~ntsom/

peocef u1 1 1. bera t.1on <\. <\.. c,

21.::1(2..1' pebble ~.5~· /t~ru1/
~ v-
criJtoO/ peck (with beak), va. 014~'7'"'\?"l'l'"'\?"1' ~~·
peaceful methods '"\ · i!Z\"2'-{ ·
/sh_!thap/ I chat~ taqtuu' ch£&'I ...., -v
peace tolks 1 1. n. q'¥;ar /sh!_mtfu/ 2, iso, hove peculiar ~"'t·.;u;l.=<.: /khl!ntso/ 11 a peculiar smell
peace talks, va. -- ~"-~- /--ch£"&1 dri ma khyod mtshor (th_!ma khfnt5a)
peace treaty, 1. n, """
c<l,' <BZ::."<!-1' . )./
/sh.=_chirJ 2. iso. pecuniary, see: money
make a peace treaty 1 va. C, -- >::~ 1<\a·y /--sh2,?J/ v-
pedagogy 1 neo. ~~· " C\,
f-l~- .:t,~···-y~ ~ ·
peach ("101.1'%:1· /qh~mpu/ nc&/
"'-} v-
peach tree fZICI-J' ~k- /qhomtoon/ pedal, 1. n, .?j~-)"1· /qol)teen/ 2. vo, B.
peacock ar·~ /mopca/ ~'(x; /--q33/
peacock feathers ~j~"\z:.2<1·
v- v- I t2.nton'I peddle 1 vo. ~·
'i&-r::: · ~~~ · /q2.tshoon kap/
pea field ~~· 10.,"'- · /t~nshil)/ peddler ~·;f'h·~a-y;;1.1~~ · /~tshoon koal')ccn/
peak }. · /ts~/ 11 We climbed the peak of the pedestal ~a-~~· ~Q>.I- /t~qtoill!
mountain. ngo tshos ri'i rtse lo 1 dzegs pe yin, pedestrian .*)~'.' ez:: ~- ~·~(tl"\' /q~l')toanlo t:!.I'J&&n/
(l):!_ntsotl r!! tselo ts:!.dpoyin) 11 when we reached pediatrics, neo, ~~ -~~- ~~-~"\- /ch!!nc&
the peak of production ngo tsho thon skyed kyi tshffnril/
rtse mor son pe 1 i skobs lo (l):!_ntso th3nkeeqi pedigree ~:z:.,· '4 · /k!;!pa/
tsemor s3npcc qapla) peek, va. ~~?:\-~.' ~<!'-'.· /c2_pta chc&/
peanut ~;t· 701{ · /P9_tom/ peel, 1. n. "-~"'~"z.!· /paqpe/ 2. vo, c. --z:;...q<!-1
v- .....
peanut butter ~-?~-r~·.;>.t· /P9_tom kOinod/ /--shOO/ 1[ She peeled the apple. mos ku shu
peanut oil ~-7-a4· ~;!!- /P9_tom ni.m/ pegs pe bshus song, (m_2d qQshu paqpa shOUsu)
pea pod ~011· /q2_m/ peer 1 iso, some age ({; CJj.n.)<J.J • /l2.rom/ [Syn. lo
pear ~· /li/ zlo]
~~ v- v-
pear tree run:~I!:,·"Z..I' [Syn, ri peerless, see: matchless
sdong] peeved, vi. D. ci:"Y 2:..1· :a· /tshiqpa s2./
pearl ~ · lj41' peg 1 1. n, ~l:'-''1~·=c.: /shil')ser/ 2, iso. drive in
mother-of-pearl '9'~~· /ii2_pcil/ [Syn. nyo a peg 1 vo, -- 2:l:2_a· /--k2_p/ 3,. iso, (tent)
lcibs] peg, stoke 74::I;''7..1' /r;k!Orpa/
peasant ~c:.·'4· /shil)pa/ " "....,
4~ '4'\',.i'\z::.· <tA · /shfl)qi q~l')tshap/
- " c,
peoso nt qr:..:
C2-EJ.k '(<"'\' ~ · /sh!_rJtiin
peg leg
Peking ~·~z::.· /p~~ciin/
Peking Opera ~z:.·~~·ffe-~·4\:.:_-/cincUU to·dqaa/
middle peasant ca_z::.
,, /shil)t,iin/ '(Z.~z::. • p~kingese dog ~ ffl, ·
/k2_ki I
" - Q\~·ou·
. ...... (\..
upper-middle peasant /sh!_rJtiin pellet .;u.~· :::>;,~ · /t~rii/

qh2,1)mo/ pell-mell, see: confused

peasant association /sh!_l)pCC pelt, 1. iso, skin .i<.l.6\,:oH' [2.1·] /paq [pe]/ 11
thOntsh:;):,/ bear pelt dom pegs (th:!.mped) 11 leopard pelt
peasant household gzig pegs (s_!qpo~) 2, see: throw
tshaon/ pelvis ~~~- -:::,.~ · /tsh~l')ru'U/
peasant revolt "'~z::.-2.1{2.·
"" v
~01, 'c>-1"\' /sh_!l)pc&
" kh~nl::l-:./ pen~~- ""'
; h. ~..ry ~~· /nuqu; h. chaenuu/
bol~ p~int ~Ol.I~Z'\·
(....... ......
peasant revolution <af''"--<Z'"'\~::r_·zo.~ /sh_!l)pCC pen /ni.mnu1/
scree/ pen, iso, enclosure ~.f):c~·~· /c~ari/ [Syn. rwa
pea soup ~'\-~"f\- /t.~nthu1/ sgor]
pepper 321

penalize, see: penalty pennant, see: flag

..... '\.<\.
penal law ~~ ·-z.vq!PJ~l · lU'"\~ · /ii!,!P£& thimluu/
.,.... -.......
penniless "2-t"\'.$\ ·"'\¢""\'~-.:.·C).!"\· "-.1/p~~haa ciyM me~-
...r ~ -v-
penal servitude t::.(U.""j;"N." ~:x.: Zl.ll"]~· /r)E£tsbo k_!!r- pa/ 11 He is penniless. kho pad shag gcig kyang
q~/ 11 They sentencedfhim to penal servitude. med. pa zhig red. (qh~ plfsha~ ciyM lll!~po ci
kho tshos kha la ngal rtsol sgyur bkod kyi
khrims nyes btang shag. (qhentsi:id qh~~ l')&&tsoo ~ " "V" .......
penology, neo. z=!~"\'fe:..·t2E"\:~· "-"'\'"'\~~· /tsonqaan
k_!!rqOBqi -.. t~ansh co
thimnee ') tsinkon ril')n&c/
penalty, 1. n. '?~·~· /iieepa/ 11 a penalty of 100 - "- -
pen pal ~·(.l~a~· ~·~~·z:t ·
" ':C- v-
/y_!r:lt~~ th~o/ 11 My
dollars nyes pa sgor mo. brgya (neepa qoomo k2) pen pal nga'i yig 1 bral grogs po (r:lE£ Y!,r:ltee
2. iso. penalize/impose a penalty 1 va. -- ~70!:.· th~qo)
/--taan/ 11 They penalized the workers for com- pension, 1. iso. retirement 2\~·~4\.~ · /qE£pho"5/
ing late. kho tshos bzo pa tsho las kar phyis [Syn. rgas yo! phogs dngul] 2. iso. for an in-
drags par nyes pa btang song. (qhontsW jury/death ~- ~~· "'")~~~(Z.l· /shim&& sol')trt.i/
s~tsho l&&qaa chil t~~paa ~pa taanso) pentagon &\'f.\"\~·~· /sh~"5 l')lj/
penance (do), va. c. )<Y·Zl·~.,_· /ii!,!pa ch2~/ 11 pentagram ~:t,·GI4·~"'·1'!· /qcrma S_!!rl')a/
He did penance by doing circumambulation, khos pent-up 1 iso. anger 1 va. A. {4.:. ·{!· Zl-<"\d\ · /qhoonto
skor be bsogs nos nyes pa byang shag. (qhS"d q'ci'a/
q~ra sa~n& iieepa cha~sha~)
c,- - penultimate G\1~(2.·<>~~· f~·~· /them&& l')'&na/
penchant "')~r::.a..· /yi~/ 11 He has a penchant for peon I'UO!-\'~Z:."Z\ ·"~·""\-lil-T\· /1E£qun n~nyo"5/ [Syn.
horses. kho rta la dbyings yod pa zhig red. yig skye!]
(qho tala y.r?J y_2paci r2,~l people 1 1 • iso. the populace ~ · ")aJ.:.~· /mime},/
pencil ~·~...,. /sh2_nuu/ 11 the people of Tibet bod kyi mi dmangs ( ph.!fd
pencil sharpener .....,.
~. ~\a"t. ~r ""13 . /sh~iiuu
' neso/ qi m_!ma},) 2. iso. individuals ~· /m!f 11 How
pendant 1 see: ""' necklace
earring; many people came? mi go tshad slebs song? (m_!
pending, see: until qh2_tshcc lliooo)
penetrate, 1. iso. pass into/through, va. B. z::t.~nr " people's commune
"- '\.
O<.l'"")a.IZ:.i!'l.'.,. '(It"'-'
/m!_man ciqaan/
/t88/ 11 The bullet penetrated the wall. mde •u .......~
people's court · /m_!ma}, thim-
gis gyang brtol shag.
2. see: enter 3, see:
khoan t83sha~) qaan/
people's currency (in P.R.C.) ~·"\~c..~·~·'"\~·
penetrating ..._
~'?J::.· ~~::~.·"OJ·
hi') s2_pu I 11 a penetrating /mime}, sh~&lu1l/
glance bsam blo gting zab pa zhig (scmlo til')
People 1s Daily 1 11 Renmin Ribao"
....... (\. -...'\
a.~· ")a.lZ:.>S-\ • ~"0\· ""<..f2 •
sapuci) 2. see: loud ~?A'U'\' /mime}, niinrM tshcqpao/
- c-..~" - - ..r..
penicillin ""-''\'"<-\'"2-l'f>J"C\ · /penisiliin/ people 1 s democracy £J·"\a.~.C:l!"'.'~CIIZ:.~·I")~· /m_!ma}, mcl')-
peninsula ~z:.·~'\ · /lii')Suu/ tso/ [Syn. mi dmangs dbang gtso]
(\ C\
penis, 1. iso. general term itti!j'"%..1' /liqpa/ people's government <N '"\"""u;::~· ~""\ '4<i\~ · /m!_ma"i'l
[Syn. mje] 2. iso. polite term 7f ~;:&'\ · /phiS- srrshuun/

tsh&&n/ people 1s liberation army ~·')ou.<.-.,.\' .. ~..::~· ""~,... "'\""<'\ ·

penitentiary, see: prison ~· /mime}, cil')tb•o m~~mi/
...... ....... - .· c... <\
penknife 1Zl~·~· /t~pti/ People's Republic ;..·"'\"""'·"1·~-~~,·~ru·rac:::~ · /m_!-
penmanship ....
u.~ay "'\~'l-\ . I Y!qsuu
'I .." Hi s penman- man citUUn ktcqap/
ship is not good. kho 1 i yig gzugs yag po mi pepper 1 1. iso. black pepper "''' i:l"O\ · /sham&&n/ 2.
. ~
'dug. (qh88 yiqsuu yaqo mintuu) iso. "hot" pepper, i. iso. dried ":J~t21·~~·4~·
pen name """\~ J:. • £~=. · /s;"('Jilii~/ ~·/sip&&n qllmpo/ ii. iso, ground up ..::~.~124· ~"\ ·
322 pep talk

"' C\.
/sip&&n sh!_pshil/ iii, iso. fresh Zl~~

~a_·~,.... z...t' /srpccn s'63po/ 3, iso, green "not perform, 1. see: do 2, see: oct
hot" pepper ~~· f~· ij. /solo n1impo/ performance, 1. iso. a show, n. (l.rnc:~· ~"\. /t.hap-
pep talk ~~~- ~"'i~· ~.:.·u.~"'l·~\ ~z:;: a:; /simshuu loon- toon/ 2. iso. do a performance, va. -- e~·
yaaqi /--ch.£C/
per capita /m!:_ r~ree/ ~ income per performer, 1. iso, actor, dancer a~z::~.·a.~,m"\·

capita mi re re'i yong 'bob (m!:_ r~ree y~r)pap) [Syn, 'khrab ston byed mkhon] 2.
. . . . ......,.- v
perceive, 1. iso, understand/ know -A~· /shen/ mus1.c1.on 1 s1.nger ::x:_(l..l·<!)~~\'~71!'... "-'f'~ ·
~ I perceived difficulties with this plan. ngos /rb"'Osh&c ton&&n/
'char gzhi 'dir dko ' rnyog yod po shes byung, perf~e a,· ~·~01..1· /chu thishim/
(n_£c ch~~shi t.££ q~ii::>?> y_!:!po shencu) [Syn, shes """
perhaps '"Yo''\'~-..{·"\· /ciq ch.££nol ~Perhaps I'll
'tshor] 2. iso, become aware of /notice J:)· ~l!'.· ~.:.· meet him. gcig byes no ngos khong mjol gyi yin,
/th~noon ch~n/ 11 I perceived that he ~as (crq chccna 11.£C qhoon C.££qiyin) [Syn. phol
angry, ngos kho rlung longs po do snong byung. char]
(r)_£C qho Ian l~npo th~noon chuun) peril 1 see: danger
percent ~Q; a.· /k~co/ ~ 20 percent brgyo cho perilous, see: dangerous
nyi shu (k~co ~shu) period 1 1. iso, historical period ~.,..-~z::~.~·

percentage, see: percent /thu11qap/ ~ during the period of the kings

percentage symbol (%) .z:~~ ·.;6'<.
" 5"1~ /k~ccc ta-'a/ · rgyal po'i dus skobs kyi ring la (kE.£p<ro thu11-
perceptible 04~c=..· =<f\.· /thoonyoa/ ~ The differ- qapqi r!:_nla) 2. iso. a time ~Cl~~:x._· /q~p­
ence is perceptible, khyod par che chung mthong tcc/ ~ During that period, I was in Tibet.
yog 'dug. (khT:.T:.paa chichuun thoonyoa t~u) skob der ngo bod lo yod. (qaptcc n~ ph~~la y~~)
perception, see: understanding [Syn. de dus]
perceptive d\"\2'-l·;;(fl.l· ~>.~;;>~ ·»tzo.· :A_l!!-1.· ~z:t · OU(!Id. · /n~~tsi.J11 periodic ~z::~..,.· ~'Zl<!'< • /qapqap/ ~ periodic letters
-...:> "' -1
l~msaan shen thuunc&n/ ~ He is perceptive. kho skabs skobs kyi yi ge (q~pqapqi y!_qe)
gnos tshul lam song shes thub mkhon zhig red, periodically ~~.,...· ~~""'· r<~. /qap qapla/ ~ He
(qho n~~tsUU l~msaan shen thuunc&n ci r~~l comes periodically, kho skabs skobs lo yong gi
perch 1 iso. resting place for birds .z:~z:~· ~· /ph!!P- 'dug. (qho qap qapla yunqill
so/ periodical magazine ~~~Q· /thUUtep/
perennial plants ~ ~~·'%·~~· /l~ke~ tsishiin/ periodontal disease ~-~.._.
/sui'iir) natsa/ -
perfect, 1. iso, not having flow/fault ~"\· z;-·.z:~·~~· peripheral vision L<l~"'·"'l.z>:l~· dJ ~.:.· -w."'l· /yEE..yoon
~'\·'Z..l.· /k28n ts55nc m~~po/ 11 It is a perfect thoonyaa/
copy. 'di ngo bshus skyon rtso bo nos med po periphery "--li;\(2...~:>:.· /thlfq:>r /
zhig red. ( t!:_ n~shUU k8"on tsi'ion& m~~poci r~e I periscope (of submarines) 1 neo, 1. n. ~·l{".,y 2""- ·
~The cor is (in) perfect (condition). mo to de ~t>.~'/chuwM k~r)Shee/ 2, iso. raise a periscope,
la skyon 'dug. (m~to thE.£ kb~n t.!:!_u) 2, iso, va. c. -- "'-':<.. · z:~§~· /--Y22. t8n/ 3. iso. lower 1
v- ......
very good UlZ)·2..1·~·~~· /y~qo sh~tao/ ~ If you va. C.
come tomorrow 1 that's perfect. khyed rang song perish, see: die
nyin phebs no yog po zhe drag 'dug. (kheroon perishable ::s,(l..\·~0\.~'\· ru«y /rUUkoC>n ch~yoa/ ~
saniin pheena y~qo s~taa t.!:!_ul perishable goods rul skyon byed yog gi dngos
perforate, iso. make holes, vo, A• ...3-l·ra..::.· Z4~\ · /i- " zog (ru11kocin ch~yaaqi n8"os:>~)
" "'->
quun pil/ perjure, see: lie
c-... v-
perforating machine f.l&:.. C4 ;;q.,.y (t ~(>.l· f2-('l :x_· /qhur)pil perky ~z:.: £. /ih.!:!r)qu/ 11 These days he is perky.
...;) ""-> -....:>
personally 323

deng song kho grung po zhig 'dug. (th~oon qho fl!qil)

\h!!l')quci t!!t) perquisite~,._-~ ;>~~;=r~~ · /s!!rtu thUnkeen/ 11
permafrost, neo, "17i '(2-~.... r ~ .n,: =t · /tfnco~ What ore the perquisites of this job? lo ko 1 di
khoqso/ lo zur du mthun rkyen go re yod po red? (l~qo

permanent 1 1 , odj, "'~'?"1 'fUE-'1~ · /tfnco~/ 11 perma- t££ s!!rtu thfinkeen qh2_re Y2~r&c)
nent work gton 'jogs los ko (tfnco~ l££qo) 2. persecution, see: oppression
iso. make permanent, vo, C. -- <:~'3¢.~· /--s2_1i/ perseverance "'
~e:.· ~~ · ;-nil')ru·ru"1
permanently, see: permanent perseverant 1i"·"\c.· ~"\· ~- /nil')ruU chempo/
. ' ) ~~ .
permanent resident
~ ........
"''"\"17 ~- ~'l· ~~ · O>.l(ZI ~ • /tfntbo persevere, vo. ~e:.·:r,~-~~·
hove to persevere in your studies.
/nil')rUU chec/
khyod rang
11 You

permanent settlement ~?do,·~"').
~ ~
4") ~ 1$-< • a;~~· slob sbyong lo snying.rus byed dgos red, (kh8ro
/tfntod sh!!cho~/ ..
15pconlo - ...
i'irl')r"u'U ')

permissible 1 see: allowed Persia ,.~8)· /Usiq/ [Syn. stag gzig]

permission 1 1 • n. ~~yz.: rz.?f~ · /qot-oci/ 11 We hove Persian '7'~-ll·~·~· /t~siqi my
permission to go to Tibet. ngo tshor bod lo persist, 1. iso. keep trying to do 1 vo, 3-1'.&<'1\~·
.., ""
'gro yog gi bko' 'khrol yod, (q~ntso::> ph_2d lo ~l!i· /utsut ch&&/ 11 He persisted in trying to go
t-~yo~qi qat.oo y2_1i) 2. iso, get permission, vi. to Tibet. khos bod lo 'gro yog lo u tshug sbyos
..... ..
.... !-,2YOalo Otsuu ch_£&poree') . .
-- ~z::.. ·
I --chuun/
ngo tshor 'gro yog gi bko'
- 11 We got permission to go,
1 khrol byung, (1')2_n-
po red. ( qhi:i'O ph_2cilo

2. iso. maintaining a belief/ideo firmly, vo.

ts::>::> t-2,yooqi qat-oci ch!!!:n) 3. iso. request per- ~~~ ·*'" ·~~ /tfmpo ch_£C/ 11 He persisted in be-
mission, vo. C. -- ~~· /--sh"u1J/ 4. iso, give lieving peace would come. khos zhi bde yong yog
permission, vo. A. -- -
"' 4rl'\~· /--noon/ lo yid ches brton po byed kyi 1 dug. {qh3B sh!te
permit 1 1 • n. t'2l"\' ~::r..· I 12_qkee/ 11 He hos a per- y~nyo~lo yiice~ tfmpo ch!qil)
mit to open a store, kho lo tshong khong 1 dzugs persistent, iso. o person 31' ct"l~· <6· ~ /Otsuu
yog gi log khyer 'dug, (qh33 tshOI']qoon ts~yo~ tshopo/ 11 He is very persistent. kho u tshugs
qi l2_qkee t!!t) 2. iso, allow to do 1 i, as a tsho po zhed po cig 'dug. (qho Otsuu tshopo
direct question, vo. ¥"8\· "'~ ·~·•T /ch5qoci/ 11 shipuci tuu)
Please permit me to go. ngo phyin chog po zhig,
" - /mjj
O.J • 11 He is o good person. kho mi
!112, chi~ ch5qoci) ii. iso. in general, vi. A. yog po zhig 'dug. (qho m! y2_qoci t!!t)
~"-'\· /ch3~/ 11 They ore permitted to go. kho in-person ~~- /1')2_mo/ 11 He come in person, kho
tsho phyin chog gi red, (qh5ntso chi~ chbOqi- ngo mo bslebs byung. (qho l')~o le~cu)
re~) 3. see: permission personable "" v- ta· ZJ
"'--C','O>I'''f\ V'
· /y!nt6o qhopo/
permutation, see: change personal ~-" · /q~r I 11 This is my own personal
pernicious 1 see: harmful
,, belief. 'di ngo rang sger gyi yid ches red.
perpendicular line 71 x..· ~""\· /thurthil/ [Syn. (t_! 112,ro q~rqi yiice~ r~~) 11 personal belong-
gzhung thig) ings sger gyi co log (q!rqi colo~) 11 personal
perpetrate, see: do advantage sger gyi khe phon (q!rqi_ qhephccn)
perpetual ~~--') · /k~ntu/ 11 In Tibet there is "
personality Z)'4~·-''l /shiiqa/ 11 He has o good
"'U '-'
perpetual snow, bod lo rgun du gongs yod. po personoli ty. kho · gshis ko yog po 'dug. ( qho
red. ( ph2_1Sla k,!;!ntu qh2_~ Y2.~re~) [Syn. go dus shiiqa yoqo tut) [Syn. gshis rgyud]
yin no'i)
- -
personally 1 iso, as for me
t:''lLIS.,' ~ · /112, Y!na/ 1!
perpetually t}A'"\ · "Z:.I-" · /Uiqpoo/ 11 He is perpetual- Personally, (I) will not go, ngo yin no, 'gro
ly sick. kho rtog par no gi 'dug. (qho Uiqpoo gi ma red, (1')_2 Y!na t-~qimore~)
324 personify

personify, vi. C. d-.1<1)' z:,i'"-~ "

-.... A~1 · /m!_qpe tfiV 11 He (qho rewa meepec somlo tor.J&&nci re~)
personified the compassion of monks. khos grwa pessimis;ic, -:. ~ ·2:\·~·y~~·z::~~~·j":e:~'?C.' /r~wa
po'i snying rje'i mig dpe bstan po red. (qh38 ~pc& somlo tolln/ 11 He is pessimistic about
th~pee niQC~~ ~qpe tf~pare~) the coming of peace. khos zhi bde yong yag gi
personnel, 1. iso. white collar n.,~.~~·,...· /lec- re ba mad po 1i bsam blo gtong gi 1 dug. (qh3B
ce~pa/. 2. iso. blue collar ~~2.1· /s2_pa/ sh!te y~nya~qi r~wa ~pcc sllmlo t&)qil)
person-to-person, 1 • iso. personal contact l:0 <>..1 • pest, 1. iso. harmful bug "'l~Z) '(2.:3' /n88mpu/ 2.
~~· /rJ2_ma r.J~thu~/ 11 We should have .iso. annoying ~~-~ /sfJmpu/ 11 He is a real
person-to-person discussions. nga tsho ngo ma pest. kho dngos gnos sun po zhig •dug. (qho
ngo thug gi gros sdur byed dgos red. (r.J~ntso r.~Snc& sDmpuci t~~)
IJ~ma r.J~thu~i t.h~tuu ch~qor~) 2. iso. phone pesticide f2.~'~'\· /p~&&n/
call, neo. ~Cl.l' Q\2!-l. ~ ;;>.J::t,.· /r)!!flan& IJ!;!"Oa/ pestilence, see: epidemic
perspective, _1. see: view 2. iso. seeing all pestle "':'' ~41· /y~ka~/
sides/data ~...-"\"~"· .;('c..·OI.l=-;· /ch3?> tshal)maa/ 11 pet, 1. iso. a favorite person ~<\-~<21· /cffn-
You have to look at things in perspective. scc/ 2. see: caress
khyod rang gi phyogs tshang mar blta dgos red.
(kh8re& ch5~ tshol)maa taqore~) [Syn. phyogs petite bourgeoisie (class) 1 neo. f2.~~·~~:..· '!\~·~a.~·
gang sar] /c~rcuun th£!:.ri~/
" '-"' v-
perspicacious, iso. 0 person ""\ 'Z4·~· '<.I· petition, 1. n. ~~·~ /nffnshu/ 2. vo. -- z:njz:.·
nopo/ ; h. ~c:u · /--t<ion; h. phliD/ 11 He petitioned
perspiration, see: sweat the king. khos rgyal po la snyon zhu phul shag.
persuade "'~ · <>l. • ~·~·\' 'II They per- (qh~ k£!:.p00 nffnshu phOOsho~)
suaded him to buy a horse. kho tshos kho la rta petrify, 1. iso. turn to stone ~~-~"\· /t2,Ia
nyo yag gi sku! ma byas shag. (qhontsod q35 to k~r/ 11 The leaf became petrified. lo mo rdo la
n~ya~qi qOOma Ch£&sha~) 'gyur shag. (l!!f10 tolo k~rsha~) 2. see:
persuasion ~12t·.;u· /qOOma/ frightened
pertain, see: concerns petrol 1 see: gasoline
-.... v-- ...
pertinent, iso. related r:l.~r'-1' c.o"i · lf.t£!:.y'OO/ 11 petroleum ~·~01.1·~"\· 2:1· /sanum cempa/
.Please bring all the pertinent documents. 1 brel petromax lamp ""''e:l~' /s't'Jshu/
v- '\,) ~
yod yig cha tshang ma snom phebs rogs gnang. petticoo.t ~'i· "Y·u~a-. · /mffyo·J/
(f.tccyot Y!qca tshor)ma nB~ ph~ero~naan) petty, 1. see: small 2. see: mean
perturbed, see: agitated; angry petty cosh Pl.a"\'~~ru · /l~r.JUU/
pervade, iso. fills, vi. D. ~~· /khap/ 11 The petty conmodity economy, neo. c. ;ge:.·~zry~z:.·.<!l~·
bad smell pervaded the house. khang pa'i nang .<:;,C(<;Q.'~"'-' /tshoi)So?! chuiJ&& pffncoo/
la dri ma sdug chag gis khyab shag. (qhor.~pec pharmaceutical factory ~0\·a~· .i!l"f-g ·tmfncoo s~f.ta/
~nla!ma t~qca~qi kh~psna~) pharmacist ~ '\' if.:X.: ~ ~- ~ra '\' /mfncoo chel)&cn/
.... C\. -
perverse, see: counter; opposite pharmacology, neo. ~a< f:t_''""\''"''i~~· /mt!ncoo
pesky, see: annoying rir)n&&/
r, "-
pessimism, neo. ut>=,/2.~:z:_·.!l;.c.·~..-lz.~· /yiicur) r!_r.Jlu~/
- v- u
pharmacy ~'\· ~f:~;.· ~r:..·ro-r:.. · /mfncoo tshOI)qaon/
[Syn. neo. c. 'jig rten sun snang ring lug~] phose, see: stage
~ v-\,/"
.:'J'<f'\7.:.· OU("':c'}' /r~wa philanthropic organization, neo. :(~~-'"\~(>..!·if'~~·
~pee somlo tor.Jeen/ 11 He is a pessimist. kho z.1 · /r60r)tru tsh~po/
- ...r v-.
re ba med po'i basom blo gtong mkhan zhig red. philanthropist, neo. """C<\'\'Z4'\' 'V[<!-\'~~· E{~ ~fJ~·
pickle 325

/shEmphccn rbb~u~ tBB~ccn/ phrose as"'"\· BZ\. /tshrqt,.up/

philanthropy, neo. Lf\c:a,~· ~a... ::(".a\""1. '\~-I"" m·UJ"\. physic, med."""~..q(t.l· !:)~· /shffmccn/
/shEmphccn r~~u~ t88yaa/ physical, 1. see: physical ex.ercise 2, iso.
philotely, neo, -
~<II· ~"'..,...""l.c~·A\~"\
v- · material "'.'£....,.\· ~z:.,· /~83ycrci; II the physical
cees-:;?J/ world dngos yod 1 dzom gling ( ~83yb1i ts~mlirj)
philology, neo, fi:t41.~"t\<".'q,~""\'~-=l&__"t\'<n.~··<:~: /y!:_q- 3. iso. medical exam, i. n, ~~~·i:f":c·~~~·~%"'(
ril n~mship r!:_~nc£/ /s~qM tcqcce/ ii. iso. give a physical, vo.
philosopher O<J<t;"' ·~")· .;..~('1~ "-.::J • /tshfnnil qhffpo/ --· ~~· /--ch£C/
v- ...-
philosophical, see: philosophy physical education ~<!-l"lfe>J" ~r=~-~t:.· /l.!:!]:!tscc lop-
philosophy d-lc&Cl.,·0z:; · /tshfnnil/ , He studied con/
philosophy, khos mtshon nyid slob sbyong byes physical exercise, 1 • n. c:::,~ ·_z.rczr /l£1:!tscc/ 2.
shag, (qh~d tshfnnil lopcon chEeshaal iso, exercise physically, vo, C, -- }-~·
phlegm, see: mucus /--tse~/
phobia, see: fear physical force, 1, iso. torture ~""\· ~h· /t~qcon/
phone, 1. n. (Zl"'\"Z.l=-\. /qhopoo/ 2, vo, -- z:!~h· , They used physical force on the prisoners,
/tffan/ kho tshos btson par sdug sbyong btong shag.
phoneme, ling. ;;u·~r /~to/ (qhontsbii ts3mpoa t~qcon taanshaa) 2, iso.
allophone, ling, .e· ;· /ph~to/ physical strength ~<A·.t\4)<!< · /l~shu"t/
phonetic ~ ~ · /tshiqta/ ph ' lsc~ence,
. neo. ':?,'}..r_,.C\
~-"\.:,H,.,~'-""~"1" /ch!~bii
phonetic alphabet ~~""\""f1't'l. /t~yil qccqo/ tshffnril/
phonetic symbols, see: phonetic transcription physically weak, see: weak
phonetic system ~<rt·.;~-~~lr)~ · /tsh!:_qt,.cc t~- physician, see: doctor
lu"t/ physics, see: physical science
phonetic transcription, 1. n, -!i"u.ta")· /t,.~yil/ 2, physiology, neo. ~~·raow2-\.·~"\."'\"\C-\.
iso. write in phonetic transcription, vo, C, r!:_~nc£/
~~-= ~~ · · /--th:5~lo t,.h!:_l/ physique ""\3""\~· 'i"'i /s~qcd/
phonograph ~I:)· \u-:z.: rz.~i'2J ·a;<!<· /qffpoo thlmchce/ •
p~ano ":..~·«;'.:~·
':?r- I p~yonno
- I [S yn, neo, c, keng
phonograph record ~l\·~~- (2fb"\·ffi /qffpoo qholo/ chin g)
[Syn. skod dpor bon tse] picayune, see: picky
phonology ~ ·{~~~-~ · lt-£c-:Jr r!:_qpa/ pick, 1 , see : choose; select 2. iso, pick q
phony, see: fake /thept,.cc k~p/ 3.
photocopy, 1. n. )~"'.l::l-9"2'1' /parshu'U/ 2, vo, iso. pick crops/flowers, i. iso, by the root,
~C\· /--ch£C/ ~ vo. A. ~~"l· /q'!J?J/ ii. iso, the head, vo. A.
photograph, 1 • n. "')~"";.· ; h. ~"\2..("\' /par; h, z:>.'f""l.~"/t:5?:>/ 4. iso, pick up, va, A. ~~"'\2-\.
qupoo/ 2. va. -- .>:1~:21; h. ~a· /--kap; h,
~-, - II He picked up wood from the""' ground,
(qh~d sh!~ t-uku)
block and white photograph ""\-.u:x,.· ""\~ · ~ · /par
khos shing bsgrugs song.
iso. pick a lock, va. D, ~"'~·oul:)e<' ~-
...... - 5,

krnlma/ -v tc£ che/ 6. iso. a pick ax, i. iso. larger~~~·

color photograph ~"Z.I~"[{"\· ~ · /par tsh&tt-o/ /c2,2/ ii, iso, smaller ~Z~·? /t'!Jqtse/ ·
photo-offset, 1. n. "'i:u"Zl~~-Zl~Zl.· ~ • /~rshu'U pickle, vo. [vegetable] ;q~(>.J· /[vegetable] nff/
k~pa/ 2. iso. print by photo-offset, vo. "'\u:x., · II We pickled (mode pickled) cabbage, ngo tshos
.q~2-\A~!::l· /p~rshuU k~p/ ... pod tshol bsnyol po yin. (~!?,ntsoB pfftscc nff-
photostat '"\"2-<""\. Z\~Ci· /p~rshUU/ poyin)
326 - pickled

pickled, oclj. ~f2l·&--l· /Pir!Cmo/ 1[ pickled cabbage pig 24 "\. 'Z.l" I ph aqpa I
pod tshol snyol mo (pr!Ctscc n!!r!mo) pigeon (2.c.: "l" /2._1')qu/
pickpocket ~n~·:t""-~3j-~7"~"/th~pt-&~ k~l')&&n/ piggyback, iso. carry, "'
picky i 1 • n. ~14- ar"'\~- ¥"" ; h. ~"\"a\"~~. d!;<f~"'f :c. /qccpaa kh~~/
/sh_!p tshoqo; h. thullship tshoqo/ 2. iso. pigment, see: paint
be/oct picky, va. -- ~<>-~-; h. "'l~z::..­ /--ch£_c; pigmentation, see: color
h. naan/ pigmy, see: pygmy
picnic , 1 • n • /lil')qa/ 1[ Today we hod a pig pen Z4 zry a;~. /phaqtshaan/
nice picnic. de ring nga tsho gling ga skyid po pig sty, see: pig pen
byung. (th~riin I'J!:,!ntso lrl')qa kipu ch~n) pig-tail (hair) ~~- ~z:: ~- /t-ff col)lo/
[Note: This literally means "park,"] 2. iso, pig year '"'~41·~- /phoqlo/
hove a picnic, va. -- l=l?k. /--taan/ pike, see: spear
picnicker ~~··••-y&~~-0>1~~- /lil)qa tol')&&n/ pilaf f!"---"-
a; c>.. •C2 ~~ · zo-~ (2-l" " I qhOc:hee t-ccsii I
pictoral ':\-;j.~--q· /r~mu y~po/ 1[ a pictoral his- pile, 1. n. 74z:.:~· /phui)Su/ 1[ a pile of bricks
tory ri mo yod pa 1 i lo rgyus (r~mu y~pcc 1~­ sa phag phung so zhig (sBphaa phui)Suci) 2.
kuU/ iso. make a pile, va, -- .q~z:l- /--k2._p/ 3, see:
pictorial magazine t:l.~B(~-·--t-=~:::.' /n&mpar/ 11 People's stack 4. see: accumulate
Pictorial Magazine mi dmongs brnyan dpor (m~­ pile (of a bridge) :r;;.J-~"1 · /s2._mil/
man n!!mpar) pile-up, vi. C. n.~z:::.~ · /p~'Q/ 11 All kinds of
picture, 1. /r~mu/ 1[ He bought two pic- work piled-up. las ka 1 dra ma 1 dra mang po zhig
tures. khos ri mo gnyis nyos shag, (qha"d rimu 'bungs shag •. (l£_£qa t-~ m!:,!nt-aa m2._nquci p~nshao)
nrr notishao) 2. iso. draw a picture, va. c. pilgrim .sp1<!-\· jf:x:.· ~ · /nf!Cq~ra/
~2-{- /--t-h~l/ 3. see: photo 4. see: movie pilgrimage, 1. n. "\~2-'\·jf:r.. · /nf!fq~~/ 2, iso,
picturesque, see: pretty go on a pilgrimage, va, -- P-1" ~~ · /--la chin/
piebald horse t?" (!\ · /topt-a/ pilgrimage site "'\~<!-\- ~<!:;(~.r ~ · /nr!c cccsa/
piece, 1. ~~- ~- /th~mpu/ 11 a piece of wood pill, 1. n.
....., -
/riipu/ 2. iso. ~ke a pill,
shing dum bu zhig (shil') th~puci) 2, see: VO, C. -- z:l3H /--s&C/
-...... ~ ~
parts contraceptive pill ~ "(2-E\'''\" -=r,tu· ~- /keq~?l rl!_pu/
piecemeal, iso, do, va. ~·-y.<fd-1· ¥3\ 6'"a-t· ~:<>-~- ~ :<!--\' pillage, see: rob; steal; plunder
/t5~tsa t5~tsacc ch£_c/ pillar A\-~· /qBo/ 11 The house has 3 pillars,
piece together, see: join
piece-work (wages) \~:a-n~.~-;n· a;·
... /I')B3thop loco/
khang pa der ka bo gsum 'dug.
sum t~u)
(qhcl')po thee qaa

[Syn. neo. c. thon grangs brtsis pa 1 i phogs conmemorati ve pillar ~ · ""~=--- · /t~r i~l/
thob] pillbox' mil.
~- ~- rah . /sotaqhoan/
pier ~ [ZlCZ · ~z:::.- a:; /th~qhcc t.!_I')Ca/ pillory (for head), 1. n. jf /q2/ 2, iso, put in
pierce, 1 • va. B. :>::1~cz.r /t88/ 11 He pierced the p~·11 ory, vo. A • -... v- ·~-w"\~1
~-~-ai v- · I qiHa q2 y3~
can with a needle. khos khab kyis lcags t;in pillow 'K"". ; h. ")~- ItLU.' /n!!C; h. una~/
brtol song. ( qh8'd qh~pqi c~qt;Hn t38so) [Syn. pillowcase ~,....- -f'\<:> · /nf!!!shup/
i khung phug] 2. iso, get/be pierced, vi. B. pilot, 1. n. ra·([;--z4' /qhrllopa/ 11 airplane pilot
-"'l'"f,_O-I-/Uro/ 11 The boll got pierced. pa lo brdol gnam gru'i kha lo pa (n~mt-tru qholopa) 2, iso,
shag. (p()lo t~shao) experimental/test ~"\- ~ · /tsh33ta/ 11 pilot
piercing, see: loud project tshod lta'i 'char gzhi (tsh33tcc chaa-
piety ar~ -~do(~\ /ch8"ose~/ shi)
place 327

pimp ~<9e:. '"'l")a"] · /sh2.1Jta"b/ [Note: Can be male plunder

or female.] piss, see: urinate
pimple, 1. n. ~;:;;·L.~' /th!:i!:ipa/ 2, iso, get a pissed off, see: angry
pimple, vi. B. -- ~~- /--thodn/ pistol <">~~·.;u")f2.' /12.1Jto/ · [Syn: thung mda 1 ]
pin, 1. n. r-zu:).·""l~'"·: /qhepsee/ 2. va. - - l:I~Zl' piston ~""· •'"''il.' 1!-.!:!,mta/
/--k~p/ ~ Pin these pages together, shog lhe pit, 1. iso. fruit 'a:"·""l· /tshrqu/ 2. iso. in the
'di khyad de mnyam du khab gzer rgyob, (sh3~le ground, i. n, ~·y· "' /sotoon/ ii. iso, dig a
tik&cte n~t~~ qh~psee kap) pit, va. c. -- ~<!'-~· /t.huU/
- C\.. - ---.. -...r~ -. ...
safety-pin "2.1"\" ("'-Zl' /prl)qap/ pitaka, skt. ~-~"'\· /t!:noo/ ~ tripitaka sde
pincers, see: pliers snod gsum (t!nod sOm)
pinch, 1. va. ~~-ZJ.~"'l-~21· /semto~ k~p/ 2. pinch pitch 1 1 , iso. a tent, va, ~;;:..· ~Zl · /qh.!:!r kf!p/
as punishment, va. -..<:J'~<5~'ZJ.)f.:z:1' /shapcu'U kap/ 11 He pitched a tent. khos gur brgyab song •
...., <::- -
3, iso, pinched/constricted vi. D. :>:l'i;..::.;.: (qh&S qh,!:!r kf!pso) 2. iso, a ball, va. A. <ri~,~~­
/tsrr/ ~ The shoes pinched his foot. lham gog /yut/ ~ He pitched well. khos yag pa g.yugs
gis kho'i rkang pa brtsir shag. (h~l)q~l>qi qh38 song.
...... Y2.qo yOusu)
( qhoci ...
3, iso, pine sap 0z:·~·
qol)pa tsrrshaa) /thai)Chu/ 4. iso. material used for paving
pine, see: yearn "'~'~·5,ou~"")/sot-aa nlinnil/ 5; iso, tone U\Z::,j!:.21'
pine (tree) £~·..4~· /th~I)Shiin/ /t2.?!/ ~ This word is high pitch. tshig 1 di
pine cone l<l~."(Z.~ · /the1Jt-u/ · gdangs mtho po red, (tshiq t~ t2.~ thopo r!e)
pine needles ~~z::.·c2f~· /thei)Shil) lf!!!a/ [Syn. sgra gdbngs]
ping pong, 1. n, ~z:.. ..z-1z::.· /pil)pal)/ 2. iso. play pitch darkness '\4\'~t:.· 0\.4\.' ~~ · /n~quun n2.qkaan/
ping pong, va, -- >=t~Zl· /-kf!,p/ pitcher 1 1 • iso. earthenware .,? ·i~ · /ts£k&&n/ 2,
pink 3~.: ~- /s!l)ka/ iso. brass :al:~~:~'\· /Sf2.1Jk&&n/
pinky 0>.1Ez:~.·a;,~·
...., '-V
/ts.!:!qcuun/ pitchfork ra· \S<rj. /qhopraa/
pinnacle, see: peak; top; highest; best; most piteous, see: pitiful
pinpoint (Z'Xl·~-}- · /qh~pqi tse/ pitfall, see: danger
pinprick f'Z'Zl"l~ · /qh~pcee/ pitiable, see: pitiful
pins and needles, vi. B. ~~- /fJ!r/ pitiful "'-\'&: '2.43\" /y2. 112.yoa/ 11 Their situation is
pioneer""\~&:.· ~a.,·g"\·"'~"<\ · /t~leen ch!IJ&&n/ pitiful. kho tsho 1 i gnos tshul de yo ngo yog
Pioneer Youth Association"'~"<\~"1~"'-·?.ii~·'\·ra"'l· cig red. (qhontsoo n~ftshu~ti Y2. 112.ya"bci r!:e)
/sh,!:!nu t~l')leen r.!:!qaa/ pitiless un::.~z:·74· /yoi)O meepa/
pious i£2.\·~0\.1~· ;s"\. ~ · /chg"oseil. chempa/
(\.. '-.....
pity, 1. ~.n:::~j!:.'l' /y2.1JO nii)Ce/
- - 11 We hove pity
pipe, 1. iso. iron pipe ~~l:!{·OI-l~· /col)toon/ 2. for them. ngo tsho kho tshor yo ngo snying r je
iso. clay pipe ff'a..~~:.o.· /t~_ntoon/ 3. iso, cement yod. (l)ontso qhontsoo yol)a fiii)Ce yo~) 2. vo,
<'- =
-w·e:: ~"-·i. ·=z~ · /yol)o nii}Ci ch&c/ ~ We pitied
- -
pipe K<N{e:.· /s2.ntoon/ 4, iso. copper pipe
) - -
ngo tshos yo ngo snying r je byos pa yin,
3Z:."M'<JJ.'£f-· !s£1}toon/ 5. iso, smoking pipe, i,
n. ""\~"'-'3"\ · /q£1)Saa/ ii. iso, smoke a pipe,_- (1J2.ntsod Y£110 nii)Ce Ch£Cpayin)
va. C. -- i2il" ·I --the?!/ pivot, see: turn
piping (iso. cording) r2.t,f2l · It!:!;./ placard, 1 • n. ~e:.· ~~ · " /kh2_1Jyil/ 2. iso, past a
pique, see: anger
pirate, 1. n,Cl.l'f.~a-y,.. 61 ··"2.!· /tshotho~c2.qpa/ ~
placard, vo. B.
.,q~· f1t:.. ·
-- ~::z.,·
/--coo/ 3, iso, wooden

Is he a pirate? kho mtsho thog jag pa red pas? placate, see: . pacify
(qho tshotho~ c2.qpa r!;p&c) 2. see: steal; place 1 1. iso. area ~ · <f, · /socho/ ~ This is a
328 place-name

nice place, sa cha 1 di yag po zhig 1 dug, (so- plane, 1. iso, the tool (>.~::r.,·~~· /p1!.leen/ 2,
cha t! y~qoci t1!.u) 2, iso, place in a line, i, va. -- Zl~l:l· /--k!p/ 3, see: airplane
n, ~C2.1 · /~hE£/ ii, iso, save a place 1 va, C, planet "'"'\'3(Z: ~:x.,· /s~qaa/

-- ~~· I --s!m/ ' Please save my place. nga' i "'-v-

. 1 neo, ""\ 11.~· ~~· ~'1:..1
p1a net anum • ~ "\'{111:. ·
I s~qaa pe-
gral zin rogs gnang, (IJE£ ~hE£ s!mr:>~naan) 3, tc:i'dnqoan/
iso, place in a position, va, A, '\1:.'(2.1' .z:l~oll"\' plank :z...t~'f.IJ:I:l. • /p1ionle~/
/~nla sh~o/ ' They placed themselves in a po- planned na.':t..' ~<~. ~~· ">:.t~·/ch~ashi t£_mpcc/ 11 plan-
sition of danger, kho tshos kho rang tsho nyen ned economy 1 char gzhi !dan pa 'i dpal • by or
qa 1 i nang la bzhag po red, (qhontsb~ qhoraantso (ch~ashi tcmpcc pl:fnc:>:>)
fi£nqC& n~nla sh~opare~) 4. iso. put someone in plant, 1, n~ ~~J::.' /tsishiin/ 2, va. D. l!:l.?l:l'

his place, see: teach a lesson /t:Jp/ 11 They planted barley, kho tshos 1 bru
in place of a;'"'A'(2.l' /tshapla/ ' in place of this btab shag, ( qhontst:rd ~1!. tapshao) 3, see:
book deb 1 di 1 i tshab la (th!P t!! tsh~pla) factory 4. iso, plant experimentally, va. D.
in the first place o::..r.: ~ /th~l')qo/ ;6\ ~·~,...<:~"~_?a· /tsh88tacc Up/ ' They planted
place-name ~·~r;· /s~mil')/ a new kind of tree· experimentally, kho tshos
placenta, see: after-birth shing sna gsar pa zhig tshod lta byas btab shag.
placid, see: calm (qhBntst:rd sh!l')na s1i1ipa ci tsh3Stacc tepshao) 5,
plagiarize, 1. neo,, va. !i{.f\'A~~· A~Zl · /q&i- iso. plant in rows, va. D, ~·~a.·:.:tljZI' /r~soon
shuU k~p/ ' He plagiarized from my book. khos tap/ 6. iso, plant by broadcasting, va. c. ~~·
nga i deb nos lkog bshus brgyab shag,
1 (qh3B IJE£ Zl.;q"". /s3Sn shS'd/
th!pnc q&ishuU k!,pshao) 2. see: steal plantain, see: banana
plague, see: epidemic plantation, see: estate
plain 1 1 , ·iso. 1 eve! area ~z:- · /th61in/ ' a big plaster, 1, n, ~Zll!-<' ~~· /t!pshcc/ 2. va. -- <3.1j"'
plain thong chen po zhig ( th1i1in chempoci) 2, /--tacn/
-... - v-
iso, clear, see: clear 3, iso, food ..,.q;~c\'c)J~· plasterer ~Zia.{' "\@.!'~'?c.· <>-~(lla_· /t!pshcc tol')ccn/
z..t • /sh1imccn rrl!~pa/ ' plain food she sman med plastic ~~· '\~:z..· /p8"oqaa/ 11 plastic ruler · spos
pa 1 i kha lag (sh1imccn m~pcc qh1ilao) 4. iso, a dkar thig shing (p8Sqaa thiqshiin)
person 1!a.t'~· /p1impo/ 11 She is very plain. mo plastic bag (2.).3"\· ~lf\ · /k!qqhuu/
spom po zhig 'd~g.
~ - - (mo p1impoci tuu)
plaintiff ~lil.l~'d"\'r\~)"'~F''\. /~hrmtuu ch!IJ&&n/
plate, 1. £\'2..1"'1'
iso, porcelain plate
/thopao/ [Syn. sder tse]
~""\::t...·1!,::t...· /q1irtee/
plait, see: braid see: ·gild
a.· saJ::.· . .;sCI\·
plan, 1, n, fl.CI>~·4'\q· /chaeshi/ ' I have a plan, plateau <'i' ~:a /slfthoo thoi')Ceen/
nga la. 1 char gzhi zhig yod, (I')~ ch~eshici y~~) platform, 1. iso. raised flooring ~z::·«>· /t!l')ca/
11 I plan to come (lit. I have a plan to come,), 2. iso. o political platform (>.,;s""·"''~· /chae-
nga yong yag gi 'char gzhi yod, (1')_2 y_22nyaoqi shi/ [Note: This litterally means "plan,"]
ch~eshi y~) 2. iso, make 'a plan, va, .C. ~;;o:t;· platinum '11\~""· z:..-'1\:x_-~· /see qoopo/
""'~.t~.';i~/ch~eshi s~B/ 11 We made a plan to go to platter ('\, -v-
I shil')~t:rd/ 11 silver platter
Tibet, nga tshos bod !a 1 gro yag gi 1 char gzhi dngul gyi shing khrol (I')U0qi shil')~oo)
bzos pa yin,
. ..
( 1')_2ntst:rd ph~dla ~_£yaaqi ch~eshi . plausible ~"'il:o~·/{~· '%.!' /ygc~ w_22pa/
s~dpayin). 3, iso. plan strategy, va, ~~·Zl.;c.· play, 1 • va. C. '}")·~·~a< · /tseemo tse~/ 11 We
/ch!f~ t1i1in/ 4. iso, have a plan be played ball. ngo tshos po lo rtsed mo rtses pa
ruined/screwed up, vi. yin. (1')_2ntsb~ polo tseemo tse~payin) 2. iso. a
/ch~shi t.huu/ drama 1 i. n. ;f~· 6\,:X.. · /tt:rdqaa/ ii. iso.
plus 329

perform o ploy, vo. D. -- ~{!11:1' /--!-h~p/ 3, (amiriqoo she p££po t~u)

iso. ploy on instrument, vo. ~l>.l·a;·~, .... /r.!f2- plenty ;;~{-,:.· ~ /m2_nqu/ 11 There is plenty of time,
co t<7lln/ dus tshod mong po 'dug. (th,!;!!dtshlS'd m2_nqu t}!_u)
playground 1---ye&:: /tseethoon/ pliof?le, 1. iso. things ~~~·~· /nempo/ 11 This
..._ ..,.., ....,. "! leather is very pliable. ko bo •di mnyen po zhe
playmate ?"\'04'%'·~~li!-i· /tseemo ts~oo

plea, see: appeal drag 'dug. (q~~ t! nempo sh!t-oo t}!.ul 2. iso. o
plead, va. C. ta,A·~~O\·
...., /sh}!_wa theiV 11 She person easily influenced a..~¥f ~ -~· /q2. lopo/
pleaded with him not to ~~..,.- mos kho la mo 'gro pliers ~~ ..z.1· /qi!impa/
zer zhu ba 'then song. .(m~d qh:S~ ~nt-os sh}!_Wa plight, see: condition
thi!lhso) plop, see: drop
pleasant, 1. iso. sound/book/stories ~~-~· /nl:m- plot, see: conspire; conspiracy
po/ 11 He has a pleasant voice. kho'i skod plough, see: plow
snyon po 'dug. (qh'SS q!:& nl:mpo tu~) 2. iso. plow, 1. n. 4"4~· /shSS/ [Syn. thong gshol] 2.
~"\' ~ /kipu/ 11 It was
- vo. ~~·u·z::~~Z1· /mSmpa k2_p/
o pleasant vacation. gung songs skyid po zhig fall plowing f"\·
~~· /t88nmod/
byung. (qh~nsan kipuci ch}!_h) 3. iso. weather spring plowing '"i~'"i· ~~- /crrmod/
~"''\'~ /y2_qo/ 11 The weather is pleasant today. winter plowing "'\""\~ ~- /q!!nmod/
de ring gnam gshis yog po 'dug. (th_!riin nam- plowing animals ---~
~~-~"\~ · /mSSc:huu/
shil yoqo tu~) ~~·'C.I·~d'\·dll"'"' "'
please, 1.
- -(\,
~-~"\· ; h. 21~'3-l-}i!-1'""\~'"'1~1qCki; h,
plow tip (iron)
/mSmpa koonccn/
4.;qt1l.'l4'\~· /shSScoo/
. ' ,~ v
th0ci1 s_!1/ 11 Please, go. sku skyid 'gro rogs. pluck, iso. pull out, vo. A• .Q)'\"1' /q3~/ 11 He
(qOki t~ro~) 2. iso. be pleased, vi. B• .c;.<f)a.·~· plucked the feathers from the chicken. khos byo
€.1:..'/qapo chuun/ 11 He was pleased by the gift. sde'i sgro bkog song. (qh~ ch2_tec 't-2. q3~so)
v - -
kho rngon pa rag tshang dgo' po byung song. plug, 1. n. ~- /tom/ [Syn. kho bkog yog] 2.
(qho nlmpa r2_~tsoon Cl:!.po ch~nsu) iso. plug up on opening/hole, vo. A. (ll'~'f\0"\ ·
pleasing, see: pleasant /qho.qoo/ 11 They plugged up the hole with wood.
pleasurable, see: pleasant kho tshos i khur,~g gi kho bkog shag. ( qhontsod
pleat, 1. iso. men's pants ~Z12-{'~.::>;. /tepsuu/ iquunqi qho qoosho~) 3. iso. plug into on elec-
2. iso. a dress ~I'll· /sOO/ trical outlet, vo. ~ay ;t..~ ~~ · /13~ th!lU/
c-.. -r ~
plebiscite, see: election plum -r'l""' 74'\ ...•.o~·~OI\· /shrnt6o p(ilom/
pledge, 1. see: oath 2, see: pawn 3, iso, plumber~·~~a~..alGI€4\'~fl"\' /chCnt6 s~pcors kaonccn/
promise pledge to do, vo. ~~~-a.,·~~· /qhlf- plumbing ~·12~· /chOnt6/
leen ch£&/ 11 He pledged to pay ten dollars. o plumb line ~"-·'\~-,::.· f't~· ~"'\ · /thOrcol) thiquU/
month. khos zla bo gcig la sgor mo bcu sprod plump, see: fat ~
rgyu'i khos len byos shag. (qh3ts tawo ciqla plunder, vo.·~l!-t· /'t-h3qc011! ch£&/
qoomo cu t-38kUU qhlfleen checshao) plunge, 1. iso. jump into water, vo. c.~·p.t'G1fa~~·
plenary, neo.
/kE!:;.ntsom/ 11 plenary /chO la chom/ "' vo. A.
2. iso. stick with knife,
conference gros tshogs rgyos 1 dzoms ('\-h~tsho~ ; ~:~o!''"'"l~ · tt-h! tsott
k££ntsom) plural word, ling., 1. n. 0>1~~'\· /m2_ntshil/ 2.
plenipotentiary, neo • .cz:a,~::, • <& • ';;t;.c ·~· -tt!""·cu~ · .2'1' ;fZI· iso. make plural, vo •. C, -- 2'1~~- /-s~d/
/wanco tshonmo y~pcc qUtshap/
' ~ plus 1 1 • iso. added to z:..~ ••• ~ZicH'lJi' /t2_ ••• t!p-
plentiful f'2.z:t~· ~ /pE!:;.po/ 11 Meat is plentiful no/ 11 Ten plus two is twelve. bcu dong gnyis
in America. o mi ri ko lo sho 'bel po •dug. bsdebs no bcu gnyis red. (cO ta nrr t!pno cOn-
330 plush

i'iil r~~) 2. iso. in addition to ~"'1·~· /th3~- ~~~·/thopta~/ ~Our team has ten points. nga
la/ ~ He had wealth plus fame, kho la rgyu yod tsho'i tsho khog la thob grangs bcu yod pa red,
pa 1 i · thog la skad grogs yod pa red. ( qh33 ku (l')!:!_ntsod tsh6qha~la th~pt-a~ cO Y20re~)
y~pcc tho~la kfta~ yo~re~) pointed, see: sharp
- "'
K41 . ...,-r· /ts!:.,qu/ -
pointless ~~·~~· /th~nme~/
plus sign ~z:~· ~K)z.{ · /t~pta~/ point of view a.r~~::·.ey121· /th6r)tshu'U/ ~ What is
plywood, neo. ~ ?!\ · ~:r,.· ">:.~~·C....~::~ · /tepcaa pc'il')le~/ his point of view? kha'i mthong tshul go 1 dra

pneumatic, neo. ~~-~(lJ· /Hil')q'u'U/ ~pneumatic 'dug? (qh~ th~l')tshUU qh2.,ntcc t~b)
hammer rlung ~gul tho ba ( lul)qUl.i th33) 11 poison 1 1. n. ~<ri · /thuu/ 2. va. -- 'rl'5Z::.'
'\.0 -
pneumatic tools rlung sgul lag cha (lul')q'u'U /--toon/ 3, iso. get/be poisoned, vi. A.
l~qca) Z4"'1· /--phoo/
pneumonia ~ 'ZI.~ • .s· '\"'\ · /lowe& tshoncc/ poison gas '''r"l'~l!:.ct · /thuqlon/
pooch, 1, see: cook 2. iso, illegally hunt ani- poisonous ".:;. ~ &.~~· /th!!.t y_2pcc/ ~ a poisonous
mals 1 va. (!!;;IJ~·a.~~-,·')<'1"\~· z:~~z::t ~ I thimq&& plant " yod pa'i rtsi shing
dug (th!!.u Y.2PCC tsi-
rita~ k2_p/ shil))
poacher ~01.1<!-1 '(2.~121· ~·-"· ~41· ~(Zl-01,' /thimq&& khira poisonous snake ::1~·~C<l' /th!!.qt{J'U/ '\
kaal')&&n/ [Syn. ri dwags rgyag mkhan] poke, 1. iso. push/th~st one's head, vo, C, "i't7-l'
pocket L.l·~.::c;,· /p~qii/ ~ He put the pen in his ~~· n f'O{ · /chrla q~ t3n/ ~ He poked his head
pocket. khos snyu gu de kho 1 i pa kir nang la out the window. khos sge khung gi phyi la mgo
blugs shag. (qh~d nuquti qh~ peqii noonla luu- stan pa red, (qh~ q!:.,quunqi chila q!:!_ t~pare~)
sho~) 2, iso. push, vo. A. ~~~· /tsti't../ ~ He
pocketbook, see: bog poked her with a stick, khos mo la rgyug pa
pockmarked tzz:~:r:,· af~· /Pf!_rtso~/ zhig btsugs shag. (qh~ m22 k!!.qpa~ci tsOushoa)
pod, pea/bean ~"\· ;;1.1d· ~~ · /}fmc& q2_m/ poke holes in, 1. iso. lies, va. a. ~~'4'""' :..,.~~·
poem ~~·.::<rl' /fif~l')a~/ /ts!:.,nquu t~/ "" their
11 He poked holes in "" testi-
poet .~~·..:..21'\'""'t'l~· /nffl')o~ qh~fn/ mony. khos kho tsho'i dpyod mtsoms kyi rdzun
poetry ~C\·..:.~·~a-~·~""1· /iiffl')o~ tsi:imril/ rkub brtol shag. (qh8'd qh~tsod c~ftsomqi ts!:.,n-
paint, 1. va, A. ~~&:J.·~·..z:t.Q"d'\~· /tsuqu tsuu/ ~ He quu t88shaa) 2. isa. show errors, va. c.'lf~·~IU'
painted to
btsugs song.
"'door. ""khos -
sgo lo mdzub mo
(qh8'd q~a ts.!:!'lu tsutsu) 2, iso,
.o~"' /n~ntUU t8n/
poker, iso, metal rod ...,.~..r'\ · /qh!!.yoo/

paint out/show on error, vo. c. fC!.· /t'Sn/ ~ He polar bear {'6lo.l'"\"\~·~· /th:!" qoopo/
pointed out our errors. khos nga tsho'i nor pole, 1 • i:;;ch stick ~""\' 'Z.l • /k!:.,qpaa/• 2. see:
'khrul ston pa red, (qh~ IJ.:!ntsoo n~tUU t8npa- north pole 3, see: ~outh pole
..r -..r-
re~) 3, iso. a work point, neo, c, .Ji\"''~1!'.~ · polemics Z""'\'tij•rr /tsOOntoo/
/qorto?J/ 4. iso. a paint in time '#,.&:l~ · /qap/ police, 1 • .A~::r:,· ~1!.· /qorsu'Q/ 11 police station
11 At that point we went to Indio. skobs der nga bskor srung so tshugs (qorsu?J s~tshuu) [Syn,
tsho rgya gar la phyin pa yin• (qap th££ l)~ntso pu li si 1 i los khungs] 2. vo. z:l~:J;,~j!:.,· ~'2H ·
koqaala chi~payin) 5, iso. meaning ~~· "'\.?"\' /qCirsu~ chcc/
/th_2nta~/ 11 What is the point of this? 1 di' i policeman - "'
z;;~"'· z:l"::\Dll6\' ~ · /q5rsu~ meami/ [Syn.
don dog go re red? (t!:.! th.2nta~ qh~re rE_c) 6, bde srung dmag mi]
t\. ..
iso. tip K · /tse/ 7. iso. decimal point "!4,1=:..~ · policy, 1. n, ~z:.,· ~~
· /s"i.ic'u'U/ 11 What is their
a;· lt.h!:!_I')Cha/ ~ two paint one gnyis dang grangs policy? kho tsho 1 i srid byus go re red? (qhon-
cho gcig (iiiita }h!:!_I')Cha ciq) a, iso. score ~""· tsod s"i.I'c'u'll qh2_re rE_c) 2. iso, implement a po-
poorer · 331

!icy 1 va. -- ~; ~:::. · I --U1on/ Y We have to imp- .

po11tico1 s t rugg 1e ~\."\"\'~·~a.z:.::
" -r 1\ ...,-
:t'""'\' I siit'cSdnqi
lement a new policy, nga tsho srid byus gsar bo thl:lptsb"d/
Co£ntso srrc~~ saapa taanqore~l v- (\,. ~';{;..
btang dgos red. political system ""!1"'\''l"'·~·r-..J'~.,..\""l'-{' /siitb'On t,!!-
3. iso. formulate a policy, va. C, lut/
/--tr~/ political thought it"')·~~-~·z:~e~.a.l· ff /sirtb"dnqi
polish, 1. for furniture, i, n, f£""\'lr' /wi!X3tsi/ sBmlo/
ii • va • C. -- ~"\ .o~::i~-"0\ · 1 --w'!P t'd?!/ 2. for politician ~"\·~~-;;>.lF'f-i' "". /siit'cSdn qhffpa/
shoes, i. n. ~~~-~· "' /c~rtsi/ ii, va. polity, see: government 3, iso, stones/gems, va. C, (2.1!:~·
·~Hjl:=:' poll, see: vote
~l§C\ · lc£m t3?!/ pollen '>a~Cl~(2.· ~-~·
"'' .
polite 1 va. ~~ · ~.1:1.~ • ~>!-\ • I qh~hap chE,.tf 11 He pollute, vo. c. z:az,•y ·.=.~:<H·. =
/ts5qpa s'§!3/ 11
is very polite, khos gus zhobs zhe drag byed They polluted the lake. kho tshos mtso btsog pa
kyi 'dug. (qh~d qhUUshap shetoa chiqil) bzos shag. (qhentsod tsho ts3qpa sodshoo) 2.
1\ - - - C\.-
political "111' ~ · /siit'cSdn/ 11 political experi- iso, "cultural" pollution, i, n, ~:Q· /th!_p/
ence srid don gyi nyams myong (sirt'cSdnqi nom- ii, iso, get polluted, vi. A. -- ~~· /ph3~/ 11
noon) [Syn. neo, c. chab srid] He ate beef and got polluted, khos sho bzas nos
political bottle "~z;·"'l~'")~'(Z~t:l·
-r /siitodn maq- grib phog shag. (qhSB sha SE,.tn& th!_p ph5~sho~)
thap/ [Syn. neo, c. chob srid dmog •thag] polluted I iSO, physically Unclean ~-«"\·~· /ts5qpa/
political changes ~··{'f~·tz.~?Z~'"/sirtodn phonkuu/ polluted coste ~att<S<~A'\'''.:.1" /r!_q ts3qpa/
political democracy ~~-~~J.u::~·4!Ji· /sirtb'On polo, 1. n. ~({; /polo/ 2. iso, ploy polo, vo.
maotso/ [Syn. neo. c, chab srid dmangs gtso] -- ~ZJ. ·I--k2_p/
political economy ~"\~C\·~·"')~(Z.I·{l.'{".:t. · /sirtodnqi polyandry, neo, fi~;:.:.·~scz:;t::: /kh~?) S£tshoan/
pffncoo/ [Note: The term polygamy is also often used,]
"'- ...,- v-
political front ~'\'.r::iii\'(2-~'ZI·~"""\3\ · /siitodn thl:lp- polygamy Zla(2." "'"\~,;<~·l"'•J· /s2_5umpa/
chilb/ polyglot ~~-~....\" fZ':.<ta{' ~~·0>-lf"C\ · /qUril qhCish&t
political influence ~"\·~~-~~"'\~·~" · /siitol::in shEIO&&n/
qi shOqkMn/ polygyny, neo, .;il-a.u,·Zla.~·£c:.· /m2_mo~ s~tshoan/
political leader ~a;.;~ ·a~ m2). /sirtodn q~thil/ polytheism, neo, ~-dol~: ~2'-'· ~4""\'E\.. /lhc5ma?) chtl-
political oppression ~"\·~·~·4"\llfl-' <rt~ . /sii- lut/
todnqi nanodn/ pomegranate ~ · f2~· /sintu/
c-. "-)
political party ~"\·~~ ~"a-1·-.a • /sirtodn tsh(5qpa/ pond a;· i!("t:.. · /chutsiin/

political platform ~"'·~~·a·?i.~·~q · /sirtbonqi ponder, see: think

ch~hi/ [Syn. neo, c. chab srid· kyi rtsa ponderous 1 see: heavy
1 dzin) pony ~·-tr /tiqi/ [Syn. rte 'u; rto phrug]
political power ~~-~~-~"\4Z:.'-"'9Z\~· /siitodnqi ponytail, see: braid
. ~
pool, 1 • see: pond 2, see:. swimming pool 3.
political prisoner ~"·~"\.4YO{·~· /sUtbon tsSmpo/ see: billiards
~ '>1"':
poor ~-~ ·
• (\ V'
poli ticol rights ~"\· "'"'·~ · ,ez:~· ~e:. /srrtodn /k'Opo/ 11 He is very poor. kho skyo
thoptoan/ po zhe drag red. (qho kopo sh!taa r!~) 11 He is
pol ~·t·~co1 sc i ence 1 neo, eo.. -.r-
:~p::;_·~'\· <€"\· ":t..«"\ · 1s~-rt·"~
oun a poor teacher (with regard to teaching), kho
tsh~fnril/ dge rgo.n .(slob stangs) skyo po zhig red, (qho
political situation /siitodn qeq&&n l~ptan kopoci re~)
- -..r -
qi nfftsUU/ poorer ~·'Z:I· /k'3~/ Y He is poorer than Jim, kho
332 poorest

C'. .,... ....... ....-

'jim los skyo bo 'dug. (qh5 elm 1~& k5~/ populous ~ '(2.~:r;· a;~·"'-~·· /m!mpM chempo/
poorest ~·J9Z!-I· /k&h~/ 11 Is he the poorest? porcelain "\~~"r:z:; Zf~·~ ·a;· /q§yu11 k~pca/
kho skyo shos re pas? (qho k5sh~ r!p&c) porch "'
"l'll<IA~· ~
poorly f~ /kopo/ 11 He played poorly. khos porcupine :;~·;w /s2_mo/
rtsed mo skyo po zhig rtses song. (.qhS"d tseemo pork 7421)~· /phoqsha/
kopoci tse~so) pornographic a.~~·~~· /chCiqp&&/ 11 pornographic
pop, 1. see: father 2. see: soda movie chags po'i glog brnyon (choqp&& 151')ii&&n)
poplar (tree) "'\~~- ....... · /yarpo/ [Syn. 'dod chags spyod tshul gyi; mkhrigs spyod
popped rice <:2!:\~ · tilz.i · /~&&yo"U! kyi]
popped wheat ~·it!<!\· /~h~yo"ls/ pornography, neo. "'"~'"i·a;a-\'1!-\'~1'\·~ /t_22ca~ dlOtsUU/
poppy 01U'· /ii~tho~ m!b~/ [Syn. mkhrigs spyod byed stangs]
populace ~-"')a.4l:.<M • /m!ma~/ port, neo. ~- rzt'a·~r:.·ro.=;· /~h~ht& ~h~khee/
popular, iso. liked/appreciated ~·~~·
/crmr.iU/ "'
porta~le an.:x:.·~"')a.· -..."' I kh&.'t&& I 11 a portable radio
11 The new teacher is popular. dge rgan gsar po 'khyer bde'i rod 9i yu (kh~t&& r£~iyuu)
der spyi mos 'dug. (q!q&&n s~po th~ crmu"U portent, see: sign
t~t) 11 He is popular with the students. kho la porter f~"\~""'~(11'~i!)'Oll.~a..· /th~po arkee ch!-
slob grwa tshos spyi mos 'dug. (qh55 lop~a~­ l')&tn/ [Syn. neo. hin. ku li]
tshod crmr.iU t~t) portion, 1. iso. a port Cib'43-\' /ch5sh&&/ 11 I
popular language 74<U' ~"\ · /ph~~q&~/ lost a portion of the newspaper, ngas tshog
popularize, vo. C. ~·~3\'~'\·-:u· z:~:s:l!-1· /crmtr~ y_2po dpor gyi cha ~has shig brlogs shag. (q~& tshoq-
s~/ poaqi chashc&ci lo~sha~) [Note: This is a
- v .
popularly, iso. widely known us~:;~·~""\~ /y~- somewhat literary term.]
~a~/ 11 This is popularly accepted as true. 'di portrait, 1. n. (2..5·~~· /~!ril/ 2. iso.
bden po yin po yongs grogs red. ( t! t!"lpo Y!npe point/draw a portrait, va. C. -- ~::!(' /--}h!l/
yOI')~o~ re~) portray, 1. see: draw; point 2. iso. portray in
pop~lor vo~e ~l:..-¥Z\••·•('('~-"'~f /IJ21')tso~ w,!!!!tu/ a play 1 vo. D. llf!{ Zl' /~h§p/ 11 He portrayed the
populate, 1. iso. inhobit/liv~, v.~. A•.{'l· /t"{o/ king in the play. khos rgyol po 1 khrab po red,
11 Tibet is populated by Tibetans. bod la bod (qhSB k~po ~h;pare~)
po sdod kyi yod po red. (ph~la ph_2po t!:!!!qiyo~­ pose, iso. act as, vo. ~~·~~· /qhl:ru ch~&/ 11 He
re~) 2. iso. add residents, va. A. if~·Zl~Z\· posed as a soldier. khos dmog mi yin po 1 i khul
~ ~

/p~ru cut/ 11 They populated this area with ref- byos po red. (qhS"d ma~mi Y!mp&& qhOO ch~~poree)
ugees. kho tshos btson byol bo tsho sa cha 1 di position, 1 • iso. attitude/view 014~z:.: ;;&(2J · /thor')-

spo ru bcug po red. (qhontsod t~ncodwatsho sii- tshUU/ 11 What is their position on the
chati p~ru cOtpore~) 3. iso. get/become popula- election? 'dem bsko'i thog lo kho tsho'i mthong
ted with, vi. A. (""\·~·a;~~· /t~a chCi~/ 11 tshul go 'dra 1 dug? ( t!mqod th5~la qhSntsod
This area h5JS become populated with Chinese. sa thol')tshUU qh!ntd t~b) 2, iso. rarl< ~·.a·\~~·
cha 'di rgya mi sdod sa chogs shag, (siicha ti /qh6n&&/ 3. iso. job n{<H·~· /l~qo/ 4. iso.
k~mi t~a cho~sha~) situation lfjq'Z-1'~&:.~ · /n~~ta~/ 5. vo. D.~~.:.·
population ~· l'2~=>.; • /m!mpM/ 11 How much is the l:1 ~~~· /ph£?! t!q/ 11 He positioned the sol-
world's population? 1 dzam bu gling gi mi 1 bor diers. khos dmag mi tsho brang bsgrigs song.
go tshad red? (ts~mpulii')qi m!mp6b qh!tsh&c r~&l (qhS"d maamitsho ph£?! t!qsu) 6. iso. condition
population density, neo. "' ..c
d-1'~"1~·~~~·~: I m!tsoo' a;·~Cil· /chOkeen/ 11 He is in a good position to
thOqtsh&&/ buy a house. kho lo khong po nyo yag gi cho
pottery 333

rkyen yog po dug. ( qh33 qhol')po n~yo~qi chokeen postal station, 1, iso. for yam system ~~-,!.If\~·
Y,!!qo t,!;!~) /t~qtsut/ 2. see: post office
positive, see: sure post and telegraph office ;j"'1"'?" rae::.
0 0

positive electricity, neo, ~;!far /pholo?>/ qhoon/

positively [vb,) 'ilaT~"')· [vb,) /[vb,] thoqcod postbox, neo, ~i!'\·'i\~· /t:!2qom/
[vb,]/ ~He will positively come tomorrow,· kho postcard, neo, ;;l:"'\'~""\'AZ\'~1=..· /taqyil sh'Oqcoan/
song nyin yang thog chad yang gi red, (qho poster !_:%,' ~""\· /c~ryil/ ~ protest poster ngo
sS!niin y~~ thoqcod Y!;!I'Jqiree) rgol sbyor yig (l')~oo c~ryil)
positive pole, see: anode posterior, see: rear
possess, 1. iso, have (3rd person) nz;a"\· /t!;!~J/ posthaste "\c:.·a-~~<1\..,_\.
-.r" 'I
I qh2.2,n k22koo
~ He possesses three horses. kho "'
lo rto gsum postman ~<1'\"~.1' /t,9.qpo/
'dug. (qh33 ta sCm t!;!u) [Syn. yod po red) 2. postmark, 1. n. ~.?!·~~· lt~qtom/ 2. va.
iso, have (1st person) -QI~· /y'ld/ ~ I possess "'!.~~ 0 /--k~p/
three horses, ngo lo rto gsum yod, (1')2.2, ta siln post-mortem, see: autopsy
y~) 3, iso, be possessed by a god 1 vi, A, ~ · post office sd\'1"~' lt:!2qoan/
postpone, see: delay
postposition ~a-y ~~· /tshiqth&&/
possession, iso. toke, vo. C. ~~· ~Z:.C!-\' /tsil
H!?./ 'V I will toke possession of the house af- postscript, 1, iso, in a book ~~8\'.:z:\~ · /c,!;!q-
ter three months. ngos zlo bo gsum gyi rjes lo cru/ 2. iso, in 0 letter a"'a~· /surc'o:a/
......, - v-
khorg po rtsis len gyi yin. (1')_£~ towo silnqi posture, 1, iso, good physical posture "'\'EIZ\_<H'=
c~~lo qhol')po tsil le?.qiyin) C2-~C::.· ~· /s!;!qu t~l')po/ 2, see: otti tude ""
possessions, n. ~-~·pt"l' /k!;! colo~/ pot ~")·~· /qh!53ma/ ~ iron pot !cogs kyi khog mo
possessive cose,"'ling, Zl"\8\' ~· /t.9_qto/ ( co~qi qh!5!5mo)
possibility, iso, likelihood ;t;·zt'¥!· /ch'Oso/ ~ potable .!:l?e:;.· ~"1''1:14"1' /tu'?! ch55yo~/
What's the possibility of him coming? kho yang Potolo :t;':-;
'(>.I' /p6tolo/ [Syn, rtse pho brong)
yag gi cho bzo gong 'dro 'dug? (qh6 y~nyo~qi potato ~"'\' ~"'\ /shooqo?>/
ch'Oso qhant&~ tb6) [Syn. bzo !to] wild sweet potato ~··•·I' /th~a/
possible, ~i. A. -[vb,] ~"\· /[vb,] sii/ ~ Is it potent, 1. see: powerful 2, iso. drinks/drugs
possible for Americans to go to Tibet? o mi ri ~2<''2.1.'~"\-~ /n~pa chempo/
ko tsho bod lo 'gro srid kyi red pas? (amiriqa- potentate, see: king; ruler
tsho ph!!dlo t~ siiqirep&c) potential, 1. iso, possible/unseen :..'f'\·""'1.,..,(11'a.l')' "'
possibly "'~r~a-~- 1 · /crq ch!!:_no/ ~ Possibly, he ~·/1')88ns&& ~p&&/ ~There is a potential dan-
will come, gcig byos no kho yang gi red, (ciq ger of war. mngon gsal med po'i dmog gi nyen go
ch&&na qho Y,!;!l')qire~) 'dug. (l')b~ns&& meep&& maoqi nenqa tuu) 2. iso,
post 1 1 • iso. pillar A\' Z\ · /qoo/ 2. iso. latent excellence- ~z::.·v"'\Z"\""\'- /ti~hut/ 11 He
I ....., -
position/ job ~~· "'\ · /l!!:_qo/ 11 He got a new has the potential for being a good leader, kho
post. kho lo los ko gsor po zhig byung shag. lo 'go khrid yog po zhig byed yog gi sding sh~s

(qh33 l&&qo soopoci chuunsha~) 3. iso, post an 'dug. (qh3!5 qutil yoqoci cheyaaqi t!I')Shuu t!:!u)
announcement, vo, B.
- Cl..-.....
~z:t·.l:\.a"1-""'UJ'Z)' !~' potholder <&·~"'1'2'-\'
" - -
/kh~pto~ Y!qi c~/ 4, see: mail potpourri, see: mixture
postage ~a"\· fJ · /t.9_qlo/ potter ~-.;u{"o-a.. · /t52nq&&n/ [Syn, rdza chos bzo
postage stomps ~ay <J41~ · mkhon)
si] pottery, 1, n. ~·a;"''· /t52c&&/ 2. iso. make
334 pouch

pottery, vo. C. --........

powerless "\"l.c..·~~~-0>-l","z-l· . ' lll!epa/
/waQShuu ' 11 He
pouch .q_
.,... (2\<11
/p2.,quu/ is powerless, kho dbang shugs med po zhig red,
poultry ~"'-.~·~· /khrmca/ (qho waQshut m~~pa ci r!;~l
poultry coop ~- (llt:..' /ch~qhoon/ power plant :!fa:ypt~· /l~~qoan/ [Syn, neo, c.
poultry form ~ ·..,.-\~"·""· /ch~so rowo/ glog 'don sa tshigs]
poultry keeper ~ -~. /ch2.,tsi/ practical, 1 • ~"\·i~ · /phf!2pc15! 11 What is the
poultry raising ~-"!~· /ch~so/ practical use of this? 1 di la bed skyod go re
v- ..
pound, 1. vo. C. .z::1 E:'....-1 ""~" /tsE_':J / 11 He pounded yod po red? (te;e; ph~cod qh~re yE_?>rtc) 2. is·o.
the spices. khos sho smon brdzogs shag. (qh~ a person .<:l~~)fifc:..~·-if.' /somlo thCir)po/ 11 He
shame:e;n tsE_~sho~) [Syn. brdungs] 2. iso. the is practical. kho bsam blo thongs po 1 dug.
weight measure "Z.!ti'O\·?· /pCiont.f (qho samlo th5Qpo t.!:!~~~
pour, 1. iso. pour in, vo. A. ~~~ · /luu/ 11 He practically [vb.] ~z::l~· /[vb.] th2.2,/ 11 We are
. ~

poured water into the cup. khos dkor yol nang practically finished. nga tsho tshar grabs yod.
lo chu blugs song. ( qh8"d qayb"d noanlo chu luu- (Q~ntso tshaeltho-:Jyb~)
su) 2. iso. pour out," vo. C. ~):\"Z'-1· ./sh8"d/ 11 practice, 1. see: custom; habit 2, va, C.~~<K·

He poured out the water. khos chu bshos song. /c~n/ 11 They practice every day. kho tshos
(qh8"d chu sh8"dso) nyin ltar sbyong gi 'dug. (qhontsb~ fi!ntaa C2.,D-
poverty "'\~ru·~~- /Wphoo/ 11 There is much pov- qil) [Syn. sbyong bdar byas] 3. iso. obser-
arty in ""Indio. rgyo gar nang la dbul phongs ve/follow 1 va. '9"'-1~ ·~a; ('l.2'1' /~mleen chE_C/ 11
mang po 'dug. (k~qaa ~nlo nfiphon m2.,Qqu t~u) He practices Buddhism. khos nang po'i chos
[Syn. mi dbul po] nyoms len byed kyi 'dug, n.'
( qhod ~DPE:E:
powder, 1. n. ~·011· /ch~o/ 11 powdered medicine leen ch!qil) 4. iso. practice medicine 1 va. 3l"Cl.l'
smon phye rna (ml!l!n ch~a) 2. iso. make into a ~- ~~ · /~mci chE_c/ 11 I practiced medicine in
pow d er, va. C • -- v-
-.q~(!'.{- I --s~o
'"'! Lhasa. ngas lha sar am chi byas po yin. (QE_C
powdered milk ;x%'"4' /w~tsam/ lh!:fsaa ~mci chE_cpayin) 5, iso. practice law 1
"" v- .. ~
powder flask ~2-J.. · ;:;.~· /ts~tam/ va, ~"'-~~-~"'\"Z.!' !;!_~· /thrmtsodpo chE_~:./ 6. iso.
powder horn if.a=f-"\ · /tse;e;ra/ put into practice, va, D. (2.1~ ~~-..:~~"· /l~qleen
power, 1. iso. political/legal
- ~Q.t:..' ~ • /woQCa/ tar I 11 They c oul dn 1 t put the plan into prac-
11 He has much power. kho lo dbong cho zhe drag tice, kho tshos 1 char gzhi lag len bstar thub
yod po red. · (qh~~ wCiQCa sh~too YE_~re~) 2. iso. mi 'dug. (qhontsb~ cha~shi l~qleen torthuu min-
electric power ;!)ll'\· /l~?J/ 11 It runs by (elec- tuu)
tric) power. 'di glog gis 'gro gi yod po red. practiced, see: experienced
(t! l~~qi t~qiy-:J~re~) 3. iso. a powerful nation practi Honer rull"\.·~~- -"1.9':1\'~'\· /l~qleen torQttn/ 11
~t=~~ ~"'\~- ;;"\ ..~- /tl5pshuu chempo/ 11 India is He is a practitioner of meditation, kho sgom
a great power. rgyo gar stabs shugs chen po zhe rgyag yog lag len bstar mkhan zhig red, (qho
drag red. (k~qaa tl5pshuu chempo sh~taa r~~) q~ k~ya~ l~qleen tBrQttnci r~~)
powerful, 1 • iso. political /1 egal power "')l'l t:..' -AE]~ · prairie, see: plain
~-ii- /w~I)Shuu chempo/ 11 He is very powerful. praise, 1. n, -"~.~"')·~· /t8"ora/ 11 It is a song of
kho dbong shugs chen po zhe drag red. (qho weD- praise. 1 di stod ra i g zhas red.
1 ( t! tb"8re:t
shut chempo sh!;taa r~~) 2. iso. physically she:c re~) [Syn. lit. bstod bsngags] 2, va,
strong ~~-~"'\~-'a;<\·~· /topshuu chempo/ 11 He Z?~· /--tBrJn/ 11 He praised the students,
is very powerful. kho stabs shugs chen po zhe khos slob grwa tshor bstod ra btang song. (qh~
drag red. (qho topshuu chempo sh!;taa r~~) laptaatsho-:J t83ra taanso) [Syn. bstod bsngags
predetermine 335

byos] precious r·..q·~~-~ ltsaa chiimpol 11 a precious

praiseworthy Zl~z;·:o;,.·4"\'fe:..·~~·Zl· /t83ro toon w"2:dpo/ book deb rtso bo chen po zhig (th!P tsaa chem-
11 praiseworthy behavior bstod ra gtong 1 os poci)
po'i spyod po (t88ro toon ~&& ch88Pa) precipice 1 iso. steep eli ff 4j-nu:. ~ · lycl')ronl
prajiio 1 skt. -A~·:r..~· /sh~rapl precipitate, see: cause
prajnoporamito 1 skt. ~<!-\·=<,.u·~ Z<~'~·'lj·~a.:-u: lsh"fJ- precipitation, see: snowj rain
rapqi phor~dtu chi~pal precise, iso. detailed ~A·~· /sh.!,p~hal 11 pre-
lC ~ "'
pranks, iso. do 1 va. C• .iS'\?:X..'ZI.J&C\' K~· I t5rcl:i'cl... cise instructions ngag bkod zhib phra (l')~qo~
ts~/ [Syn, kyog kyag byasi bston bshig rtses] sh!ptha) [Syn. zhib cha]
praxis, neo. ~""\·(it.,\ ll2_qleen/ precisely, iso. exactly ~a')·i7~· ltoqtool 11 He
pray, vo, ~~-(UCI..I'l:l~t=rlmSnlam k2_pl 11 She prayed delivered the message precisely. khos lan rtog
for wealth. mos rgyu chen po yong yag gi smon rtag bskyal shag. (qhS'd l!!n toqtoa k&fshao) 11
lam brgyab song. (m~1s k_!:! chempo y22_nyaoqi mSn- He came precisely at 8. kho chu tshod brgyad po
lam k2_psu) rtag rtag la slebs song. (qho chOtshW k!po
prayer ~'0\·~a.~· /mSnlam/ taqtaola l~~so) 2. see: detailed
prayer book ~0\·(21~·~~~· lmSnlamqi thepl preconceived Jf"\·~'\.o:~~~ ·~~;e:..· ~:t· /nllntsuu somlo
prayer flag ~=t..: ~4'\ · /th2_rcoo/ toanpo/ 11 a preconceived idea sngon tshud bsom
prayer rug !f~·nt-ru'ta'.II)"\'C\' /mBnlam qhot&&n/ blo btang po'i bsom 'char (I')IJntsti~ sCimlo toon-
prayer wheel ~~·1'2la:yczlb:::.:..· l~ni l22_qoo/ p&& somcoo)
preach, va. A, a:-a.~·A41)' lchS'd shl!&/ .
preCOCl.OUS ~
~"t:=..-~l:.· (ti("~~· 'L1 •
._./C~I')~UUn ts2,'1lp0 I
r@;· ~'")'a;·~"\· ll')llntsU'~
preamble, see: preface
preconous, 1. iso, do ngerous -...
a;·01,;'Z.I· v-,- n!nqa
Are there any preconditions?
sngon tshud cho

chi!impo/ 2. iso. uncertoin"C.l!-1·4'\?Cf'"a:!'\·z..~· rkyen qa'i yod po red pas? (l')!intsull chokeen
lneet&&n "'!~pal 3, iso, in danger of falling qh££ y~orep&c)
off a high/steep place "'·.a· ~· /yol')o s2,pol precursor, 1. an e?rly form of something~·~~·
precaution, iso. toke, va. f•r0\~-~\""1."'.~'\·~~· ~,_·2:.1· /r:Jffn& ch~npa/ 11 This was a precursor of
~ .
lr:Ji!fn& th~qsb~ ch!~l 11 We took precautions and todoy's airplane, 1 di deng song gi gnam gru'i
changed locks. nga tshos sngon nos dogs zon sngon nos byung po zhig red, (t.!, th!I')Soanqi
byos nos sgo lcags brjes po yin, (1')2_ntso1s r:Ji!fn& n~~UU r:Jffn& ch~npaci r!~) 2. iso. o sign of
th~qsbon ch!~n& q2_CoO c~poyin) something to come ~a-l<!'l' /too/ 11 This bird is
precede JT'O\·~ · lr:Jffnlal 11 His speech was pre- o precursor of spring's arrival. bye •u 'di
ceded by a movie. khong gi gsung bshad kyi dbyid ko shar yag gi rtags red, (ch.!,u t! ciiqa
sngon lo glog brnyan bstan song. (qhoon qi sul')- shaayoa qi tao r!~) 3, iso. a person~"\·"\~·~·
sh&cqi nfi!nla 13r:Jn&&n ti!hso) ~· /l')ffn& ch~po/ 11 He was a percursor of the
precedent ....,...
1::~·~· ... ~
~-~<!{· I l')fmaa.. ... l_!:!ktru
'I 11 Buddha. khong songs rgyos kyi sngon nos byon po
Is there o precedent f~ eating dog meat? sngon zhig red, (qhoon soonk&cqi r:Jffn& chompoci ree)
mo khyi. sha bzos po 1 i lo rgyus yod po red pas? predecessor ~ -~~ · /l')fm&&l 11 This ;.esiden~ is
(l')fmao khisha S!CP&& l_!:!kUU y~orep&c) [Syn. neo. better than his predecessor (lit, the post pres-
c. snga dpe] ident) • srid 1 dzin 1 di khong gi sngon ma 'i
preceeding ~0\·a~' /l')fmo/ 11 the preceeding page (srid 'dzin) los yog po 1 dug. (siintsiin t!
shog lhe sngon mo (sh33le l')fmo) qhoonqi nfm&& siintsiin l!t y2,qao) [Note: Ti-
precept 1 see: rule} law betan usually repeats the noun,)
preceptor, see: teacher predetermine, vo. A. ~"\·~-...·la4)'"'~~"\· lnf'fn& thea
336 predicament

cr!c/ ~ They predetermined their answers. kho mgar ba la phyags ris byes pa red. (qhontsod
tsho'i !an sngon nos thag bead shag. (qhontsoo q~raa ch6~ril ch.!?,cparee)
l~n Qr;r;nc thea cr;'&shat) preliminary ~'")-~ /Q8nto/ ~ preliminary studies
predicament, iso. situation "1"0\¢\'~e:.~- /n'fr!-tan/ sngon 'gro'i slob sbyong (Q~t-bo lopcon)
~ They are in a difficult predicament. kho tsho prelude (in music), neo, ~'\12-~·~ru-"'\11\"M' /Q~­
gnas stangs khag po zhig gi nang la bsdad shag. 't-oo r'OOshcc/
( qhontso nr.r;tan qhoqo ciqi ~ nla tE,&shao) premarital a;.z::.·""·~·"'~~"'· ~~=::..· ~ · /choonsa m~kap
predicate, gram • .["i-~"'1 · /codtshil/ qhoonqi/
predict, 1. iso, guess/estimate, va, af"i·"\~«'1 -~~­ prematurely ~-~r:u·Zl.~~-~"""- /noptod k~pcc/ ~
/tsh83pao ch£,'&1 11 He predicted the war, khos They planted prematurely, 1 kho tshos son snga
dmag thug gi yod pa tshod dpag byas shag. (qh~ rdol brgyab byes btab shag. (qhontsb~ sS"on l')op-
moo thQQqiy1:Spa tsh83pao Ch£.Cshao) 2, iso, make tod k~pcc t~pshao) ~ She gave birth premature-
a prophesy, va, c>.u::.·z:::t,.:::r~;n;q· /luQteen kap/ ly, mo phru gu snga rdol brgyab byas skyes
"' 7' ~ - -
prediction 1 1 • iso, a guess/estimate ifz:;· ·"\''J4'\ · shag. (m~ puqu l')optbo k~pcc keeshao)

/tsh~pao~ 2. iso, a prophecy~~::·""~~· /l';!Qtccn/ premedi toted i';;,· ~~- cz.a;::t., ·4~·4'>f\"')·e~· /Qr;r;nc chae-
preeminent ~-:'!:\· /tseta/ shi q~c/ 11 He committed premeditated murder.
prefabricated !f"\· 2:1 3~ · /Q~nsod/ ~ prefabri- khos sngon nos 1 char gzhi bkod byes mi bsad
cated wall sngon bzos gyang ( Q8Snsi% kh~Q) shag. (qhaB nr;r;nc chaashi q~dcc m! sr!-&shao)
[Syn. bzos bzos pa] premier, see: prime minister
preface, 1, iso. of a book /r{dnc'c%/ premiere v-'"'· -=~-
~ "\""' ·~v-· I tr;r;nyaa' th.9_Qpa I
[Syn. sngon gleng] 2. va. see: introduce prenatal ~-"1. Ol.l'~"'{·$\z::.-~· /pOqu make~ qhoonqi/
\Jo"'\.:) ~ - -
prefer, va. "'\~cz.·.<::~· /q~o/ ~ I prefer meat, preoccupied, vi. A. ?.>.a~.<-~·.~:::~~d'\l!-1' /sem lao/ ~ You
nga sha la dga' ba yod, (Q~ shola q~o y~~) seem preoccupied. khyod rang. sems brlags pa 'i
preference "\~e>-· a: ; h, ~~.,..~- '7..(' /q~o; h. iie~pa/ bzo 'dra zhig 'dug. (khSra sam loapcc s~raci
~ Do YC?U have any preference? khyod rang dga 1 tuu) [Note: Used mainly in the present,)
ba gang yang ·yod pas? (khSra q~a qh~ y~pcc) preparation, 1. n, ~-~.!"\' /th~til/ 11 prepara-
prefix 1 ling. ¥£<\ ~"'\ · /QSntshil/ [Syn. sngon tions for war dmag gi gra sgrig (mooqi th~til)
'jug] 2. iso. prepare/make preparations, va. -- ~~­
pregnant, 1. n. ~-'"\·~·a· /puqu kliku/ 11 Is she /--chE_f:./ ~ We have to make preparations for
pregnant? mo la phru gu skye rgyu 'dug gas? war. nga tshos dmag gi gra sgrig byed dgos red,
(m~ puqu k~ku t.,!:!q&c) 2. iso, get/become preg- (l')~ntsi% m5aqi th~'t-il ch~ore~)
ront, vi. A. ~-""1. ~4"\~- /puqu choa/ 11 She be- preparatory 1 see: preparation
came pregnant, mo la phru gu chags shag. (m~ preparatory course/lesson ~-~"'\' ~~-;i"D\ · /th~til
puqu ch5oshao) [Syn. phru gu 'khor] loptsccn/
preheat 1 va. f"\· 0\¢\' ~"\· ~5~· /Qr;r;n& t-h~B toon/ preparatory meeting
prehistory f'~'.:§l".·~· 2.~· /QOncuun l.,!:!ku'lt/ [Syn. tsh6~ntu/
gna' robs kyi lo rgy~) ' prepare, 1. see: preparation, 2 2. see: make;
pre judged 1 va. A. ~'0\ ·":\~· .la"'T ZIO") · /Qr;r;nc thoa c r,&; do
prejudice, 1. n. ~""\z-1~~- /chli~ril/ 11 There is .
prepare d 1 ~so, speech ?:4z•y
" -.r "'\"".
5:1"'\' ~~z::.: .z::~~'l·

prejudice in India. rgya gar nang la phyogs ris /y!qth~~nc sOQshcc/

'dug. (k~qaa ~nla chUril t';!u) 2, iso. prepay, va. A. ~~-~-CZ.~<\· ~~- /I')IID 1')5ntodn t-r.&/
act/be prejudiced, va, -- ~~- /--chE,C/ ~ They preponderance, see: majority; most
are prejudiced against blacksmiths. kho tshos preposition, ling. 'g~-~1!\,· /tshfq't-hc&/
presume 337

prerogative, see: right tsiin/ ~ the new president srid 1 dzin gsar po
prescribe, 1. iso, make rules, vo. C, <"\ "
~~ · ~d.!CI · (sirntsiin soapo) 2.~·iso. a compony/meeting'ir\~

~~~· /~!q~hi~ s~d/ 2. iso, give medicines, vo. (2.~~ • /tsi5ntsiin/

A. ~~- ~2) · /m~fn ~~&/ press, 1. iso, press down, va. C, dol~"\· /n&~/ ~
prescription ~~·8· /m~ntho/ Press down harder. shugs che tsom gnon dang,
presence Z'"'.ll.'(.l-1' ; h. ~-CIJ~~-~- /ts5olo; h, qun- (shQq ch~tsa n~~ta) 2. iso. iron clothes, vo.
tu~nla/ ~ in the presence of the Lama blo mo 1 i ~~-,-~~~· /Orti kap/ 3. iso, press flowers,
sku mdun lo (lome& qunt~unla)
etc., vo, A. z:~,~;x.· -~<!<.· 2:1.@.,~· /tsircc sh_2o/ ~
present,_ 1. iso. gift, n. (>..l~-~Cf]<M'; h,~zr~a-12\' He pressed the flower in the book, khos deb kyi
/l_2qtoa; h. chaotoo/ 2. iso, give a present, nang lo me tog btsir byos bzhog song. (qhS"d
vo. A. -- 5j~·; h. ~{21· 1~-~f~; h. pht:iil/ 3, th!P "2!!nlo m!b?> tsircc sh_2oso) 4. iso, crowd,
iso, existing now -"·~· /th2,nto/ ~ the present va. A. ~~·~ay~z:~.·~a-\·~~- /pE,koo k!pne pil/
ruler do lto 1 i rgyol po de ( th_2ntcc k~poti) ' The crowd pressed him into a corner. kho mi
4. iso. give., vo. B. ~{21· /p~OO/ ~ He present- tshogs kyis sbud rgyag brgyob nos zur lo phud
ed his plan to the king. khos rgyol po lo snyon shag. ( qho m!ts66qi P!!kao k!pnc s..!:!!;!la pilshao)
zhu phul shag. (qh~d k~p:l:l nf~nshu phm:lshoo) 6. iso. urge 1 vo, ~·;t'<f'l~·a<!'<.· /Otsut ch&c/ ~
"""" I ~ -
5, iso, physically present ~'"'"Z.I. /y"2_pa/ ~ Peo- They pressed him for an answer, kho tshos kho
ple present at the meeting were arrested, lo lon brgob zer u tshugs byes po red. ( qhon-
tshogs 1 dur yod po 1 i mi de tsho 1 dzin bzung byos tsms qh33 l~n k!ps Ots~ll chE._tpore~) 7. iso·, a
shag. (tsh~nt66 y"2_pcc m! th!ntso tsiinsu~ chc&- printing house "\'Zl';:(,.' ra-z::... /pCirqaon/ ~ the new
shoo) press dpor khang gsor po de ( pCirqoon soopoti)
at present .z;,.·~ · /th2,nto/ [Syn. dpor skrun khong; dpe skrun khongJ 8,
for the present (1..~(>.1-~f1!· /~h~fsee/ [Syn. gnos iso. the news media 4)'1!-{::t.: t.t~:o;·C>1~· ~""\~ ·
.. ""'>
skobs lo) /s~nkuu l~rh/ ' He works for the press, kho
presently ~~;&~·¥c..· 0\~· /t3!Stso soon&/ ~ He will gsor 1 gyur las rigs kyi las ko byed kri yod po
come presently. ·kho tog tsom song nos yong gi red, (qho s~nkuu lE§ qi l&cqo ch!qiy:l?>re~)
red. (qho t3!Stso s~enc y~~qire~) press conference ""\·~·t=~:.; (2~"'\·~~- ~"'\~ · /sorq'o1$
present tense 1 gram,~~- .... · /thatowo/ lh~nts:l?>/
preservative, neo, 1 n. ~cu·~o:>H'~"'"\-K2t' /r,!!!;!sun press repcirter ~<H""' n.~·::c; ~~~· al('llo~ · /s~nkuu
q~qtsc&/ q 881')&& n I _,
preserve, 1. iso. customs/ideas, etc,, va.~:a~· pressure 1 see: air pressure
~~-~~- /c~~sun chc&/ ~We hove to preserve our pressurized suit, neo, ~e:..·~·~;;c~· /lO~iioi\!
-v -
customs. ngo tshos ngo rang tsho 1 i lugs srol kh"2_npo/
gees srung byed dgos red, (~2,nts0"d 11.2roontsbo prestige ~~-c..C\ · /tho~/ . ~ His prestige lessened,
l_!:!qsuu c~i!su~ ch!,Ciore~) 2. iso. concrete ·kho 1 i mthongs chog shag. (qh~ tho~ chaoshoo)
things, vo. ~·"'"\'!2_1H' /coqa chE._&/ ~We have to prestigious <l-l5'&::.c::-•· a.a.,·~· /then chempo/ 11 It is
preserve antiques. ngo tshos co log rnying mo a prestigious school, 1 di slob grwa mthongs
la co go byed dgos red. ( ~!!.ntsod co lao iii~la chen po yod po zhig red. ( t! lop~o tho?.! chempo
coqo cheqore~) [Syn. bdag gees byos) y"2_poci r!~l
preset, n, ~ ~
~0\ -~3-\'l"'.~<r\~· c:.1. • ~~~~n& ~!qpa
I presumably 1 see: probably
preside (over meeting) 1 va. 41"fi· f2.~a_· ~~ · /tson- presume .<:;<!{·?2_~·"· .. ~ (2.~·
I~£& ch~no .. ·~.2o/ ~
tsiin chE._&/ I presume you wont something to eat. ngas byes
president, 1. iso, a notion /siin- no khyod rang cig za dgos kyi yod po 1 dro, (~E._t
338 presumption

ch££no kh~o ciq s.2_quqiyC:ipat.2,al tshc&/

presumption, see: thought; ideo; estimate; guess market price {f;;a.1·~c; · /thamthoon/
pretend, vo. <N~··y~~"'\" :2,.'0!-\' /t22,nto~ chE_&/ 11 He priceless \~·2r::.·~(2J.·i!l· /r_!ntoon thE£po/ 11 This
pretended to be o teacher, khos dge rgon yin book is priceless, deb 1 di rin thong brol bo
mdog mdog byos pa red, (qh~ q!qccn yiin t~~n­ zhig red, (th!P t_! r_!ntoon th££paci r2.,~l
b~ chE_tparee) prick,. 1. iso. get pricked, vi, A, ~"'\' /s!;!t/ 11
pretentious, see: show-offish The thorn pricked his hand. kho i log par tsher
....... ...c.
pretest, vo, "1.0\'~~· a;i'\·~- ~a-~.· mo zug shag. ( qh'BS 1.2_qpoo tshemaa S!!,UShoa) 2.
chE_c/ see: penis
pretext, vo. B. (>l''"\"t.LL::I\' /qh15 yoo/ 11 under the pride £Zl•w~· /popa/
pretext of. helping the workers bzo pa lo rogs primary 1 1. iso. main zr·.a· /ts5wo/ 11 The primary
rom byed yog kho g,yor nos (s.2,poo r~rom ch2,yoa goal is to write o book. rtso bo 1 i dmig yul deb
qha yaanc) bris yog red, (tsl5wcc miqyu~ th!P thiiyoa r!~)
pretty ~.:..·l_·-4· /nir) c2.,pa/ 11 She is pretty. mo 2. iso. original data/documents ~;;~.~· /r'Jf!"O/ 11
snying rje po 'dug. (m.2, nir) C!,fXJ t,!!U) We used primary documents, ngo tshos yig cho
prevalent, see: widespread ngo mo bed spyod byos pa yin, (r).2_ntsod y_!qca
prevaricate, see: lie r'J.2,mo ph~cod ch_£cpoyin)
prevent, vo. •::vrpry~· iZ..~· /qoonqoo chE_&/ 11 primary education, neo, "1~'~;;\.1·~2-{· ~~· ~Zl· ~~ ·
They prevented his promotion, kho tshos kho'i /sh_!ri~ sheeyodn 15ptodn/
go gnos spar yog lo bkog 'gog byos po red, primary election, neo, "C\, . ._
v- I shf_rim'
(qhonts<is qhsg qh.2,nc& paryoa lo qoonq~~ chE_tpa- t!.'"qo/
re~) primary school 4\~-~~·~z:t·~ · /sh_!ri~ lopto/
preventive measures, neo, -.t·~z:;,· ~G\· ~~'f\ · /m2,- prime 1 see: good
cuun r)8nq~~/ Prime Minister ~~·~a,· /siilodn/ [Syn. blon
preview 1 neo, ~~ · ~· ~~· 2:1~~ <"\ • /c!2todn rJ3n- chenJ
toa/ 11 We went to see the preview of the movie, pri.mer (text) 4~·~;).1. · £fz:t ~l:l · /sh_!ri~ li5ptep/
ngo tshos glog brnyon gyi r jes ston sngon primeval 4\~i'\'a-t · /t'§§!na/ 11 in primeval times
bsgrogs lto bar phyin pa yin, (r).2_ntsod 15r)- gdod ma'i dus (t~tt th,!!\ll
nttnqi C!!todn r)8ntoa toqoa chi~payin) primitive, 1, adj. ~ZI~· /15ptc/ 11 primitive so-
previous 'f'""·~· /r)'(;moa/ 11 the previous king ciety klo pa'i spyi tshogs (li5ptc cits6b) 2,
rgyol po sngon mo de (~po r)'(;moati) primitive person ~7..1· /HSpa/
previously lfl\·~ · /r)'(;moa/ 11 Previously, we went primordol, see: primeval
to Chino. sngon mo ngo tsho rgyo nag lo ph yin prince ~~·~<!'\ • /k££st&/
pa yin. (r)'(;moa r'J.2_ntso k.2_noalo chi~payin) princess ~('2..1·~·~0!4·~· /k££pO'd S££mo/
price, 1. n, ~~· /qhoon/ 11 What is the price of principal, 1, iso. most important 41.;&-·;;-. /tsi5wo/
this? 'di lo gong go tshod red? (t££ qh,22n 11 the principal history lo rgyus gtso bo (1,!:!-
qh2_tshc& rE_C) [Syn. rin pol 2, iso, reduce o kuU tsi5wo) 2, iso, head of o school ~zt · ~ ·
price, vo. A. -- Z3.-:l~ • /--coo/ 3. iso, in- /lopci/ 3, iso, of o loon g·(;l.¥"x._· /ts5mp~o/
crease o price, vo, D. -- ~~·/--per/ 4, iso, 11 The principal is 1000 and the interest is 100,
become lower (prices) 1 vi. A. -- <04\ · I --choa/ rto 1 bor stong dong skyed kho brgyo red, (tsam-
5, iso, become higher (prices) 1 vi. D. -- ~74~· p~o ti5r)ta keeqa k.2, r!~) [Syn, mo 1 borJ
/--phor/ principal and interest ~·a"\· /m2,ke~/
principality ~at·~~·~CZl'(ZlZI· /k££SCC kMqap/
pro 339

principally, see: mainly prisoners of war ~i':.."')Ol.l"\ · /s!;!Jmao/ [Syn.

principle, 1. iso. basic truth 2;'"·~~ · /ts5tocin/ dmag thog 1 dzin bzung byas po'i dmag mi)
~ the five principles of peaceful co-existence prisoner, political "~'\· "'\'"1. Z>~"<\·"-l·
.r. I sritb"cin
zhi bde mnyam gnas kyi rtsa don lnga (sh.!,te t~Bmpo/
iiomn&cqi tsCitocin no) 2. iso, in principle <1"\q· private, 1. iso. belonging to someone privately
~~· ~"'\·~ · /sh.!,ts&& th::5~lo/ ~ In principle, I "i\"-·~· /q~rqi/ ~This is my private money,
agree. gzhi rtsa 'i thog lo nga mos mthun yod. 'di nga rang sger gyi dngul red. (t.!, r)~ro q!rqi
(sh!tsc& th::5~la r)~ m~thUUn y~d) not! r~e) 2. iso, a private audience, i, n. ~"'\·
principled ut'"zt~ · /y2_rap/ ~ He is principled, '"'~~· /q~rccc/ ii. iso, request a private au-
kho yo robs red. (qh~ y2.rap r~a) dience, va. C. IC\<-1' /--sh_!!~/ 3, iso, in
print, 1. iso. a book, etc., va. "\z..~::.:.·>q~l<\· /par private ~.:x.:(l.l· " /q~rlo/ V Tall him in
k2.p/ V He will print a book. khos deb dpor private. kho sger lo lob. (qho q!rlo l!p)
rgyog gi red. (qh~d th~p ~r kaaqirea) 2, iso. private enterprise, n. ]{=<.·~a,·(a·('Lt>H' /q!rtsiin
photo, vo. C. "\~"'-.Zl.-A~· /porsh_!!~/ 3, iso. qhel&c/ ~ Is there private enterprise in Tibet?
write by print script, va. C, ~<ll.a,"',. ~~ · bod la sger 'dzin khe los yod pa red pas?
/y.!,qceen 1-h.!,l/ 4. iso, printing plata/block (ph~la q~rtsiin qhelcc Y2~repcc)
I"ZJ"'"'1~· /~rshi/ privately 3"'\'"'i' /s!:._rtu/ ~ They met privately.
printing, 1. iso. .the process/work of making kho tsho "' "'
zur du thug shag. (qhontso S!:._rtu thOu-
books, ate. '\LJ.''·."~~· /parlcc/ 2. iso. a print- shoo)
ing run "')Zi"':·ia.::."' · /parthen/ ~ the first print- private ownership ~"--"\""'h.· /q~rwaan/
ing dpor thengs dong po (parthen th£r)po) private profit ~:r_-~· ~·41.~· /qerqi qheph&&n/
printing ink "'1~"- ..~"l· /parnoo/ private property 'i\::1.,· ~·~-~:X..· /q~rqi kur)od/
printing paper ")z.>=<.'..<:\6)· /p(Jrsh:::J~/ private school ~:x_·~· ~~':!j · /q~rqi lopto/
printing press '\'ZI:t._· ~'\·~~(l.l·(2(h::x._· pri vote secretory ~\" ~:x_· ~-=.·a;_. /qQqea 1-h!:._r)Ce/
th00qh66/ ~ private sector
~"'-·f'l~\ ·
' ~ There ore
prior ~~· /r)~~n/ ~prior to this 'di'i sngon many factories in the private sector. sger khog
(t_g r)~~n) lo bzo grwa mong po yod pa red. (q!rqhaalo s~ta
priority, iso, is more important 4n..1 ~·XI· /qh&& m2_nu Y2~ree)
ch~c/ V Which job has priority? los ka go gi private trade ~"--~h.· /q~rtshoon/
gal che bo yod po red? (l~qo qh!qi qh_££ ch~c private usa, 1. n, ~::t.: ~~· /qercod/ 2, iso.
Y2~r&&) V What ore your priorities? khyod rang usa/enjoy privately, va. -- ~~· /--ch_£C/
gi gal che bo go re red? (khBrcc qh~ ch~c qh~­ privation ~"\R'i':.f'>.\ · /qc:Jr)&&/
re r_£c) privilege 1~"1~-ZI~l'2-l·:lfl:l·ae:.· /m.!,qs&& thoptaan/
prison, 1. /ts2nqaan/ 2. iso, put · ·1
. pnv~ ege d " v- ...,_.
"')dol"'l~·..,-,.,.('<.'.0""-'Be;'UJ\'<:1' I m~qs.,.,
" ....
in prison, vo. A. -- ru·~~· /--lo cuu/ 3. th5ptoon y~p&&/ V privileged people dmigs bsal
iso. release from prison, vo, C. --at,~· .2\ra.. thob thong yod po 'i mi ( miqsM thoptaan y~p&&
1--n£& t8n/ m!)
prison clothes .<;jZfo:r:;o~· /tsBnchcc/ [Syn. btson prize, 1, n. €'"')4\R' /ch~qo/ 2. iso, give a
gas) prize, va, A. -- ~~· /--1-~c/ 3, iso, get, vi,
prison guard ~"t""\·~~::..· Zl' /tstiDnsu?;a/ A. ::x;:a'\· /--r~o/ [Syn. thob)
prison term (sente~e) "'-\~"\ · ~"\· ~ a;"'i · /tsBnterd prize-winner ~"'\.<r\~a· =<.'fl'~lZIC\ · /ch~qa r~r)&&n/
thUUyUUn/ [Syn. btson sdod yun tshod) pro, 1. ~!i3<(~4<!-1·
...., /thtlnch61/ ~ They ore pro-A-
pr~s oner ~
"'1..., ~• 'Zi. /ts'&npo/ merica. kho tsho a mi ri ko'i mthun phyogs red,
340 · probability

(qhantso ~iriqM th0nch60 r!:_~) 2, see: pro- (sh_!:!Qqi khl!!pt-a~)

fessional procrastinate, 1. iso, not working/doing diligent-
probability ll:l'f"~· /s2_pta/ 1f What is the proba- ly, va. ~"\· ~r:.""'· ~"C~ · /lhOO~o?, ch_£&/ 2. see:
bility of his coming? kho yong yog gi bzo lta delay
go 'dra •dug? (qh~ y2_2nya~qi s2_pta qh~n~c& t£61 procreate, vo. c. ~:"'l·ZI'3:"z-~·
...., "V
/puqu s'2_'1i/
[Note: This literally means 11shape, 11 ] procure, see: obtain; get
probably ~t>-l·"a-., · /ph!:fchee/ 1f Probably, he will pro d igious ,'\"Z.J'"'-''
"" "
~"\'ZJQ.' v- ;pemasil.p&&
1 ' \a;'\·~·
' - ' chem-
come soon, phol cher kho mgyogs po yong gi red, po/
(ph!:fchee qho k~o y~~qire~) produce, 1, iso, make products, va, C, if"\·~~·~~~·
probation, 1, n, ~·~')· /Uitsh'CS"d/ 2. iso, be on " '
I thonts&& s~ '; 11 What do they produce in Ti-
probation, va, -- :1:1~~·/--t!:V 1f You will be bet? bod la than rdzas go re bzo gi red?
on probation for one month, khyod rang lo zla (ph![dla th8ntsc& qh2_re s~ir&c) [Syn. than spel
ba gcig gi ring lta tshod blta gi red, (kh3raa byes] 2. iso, bring forward/show, va. C, :l:l~e!, ·
' t"~qiree'I
t2wa ciq qi r.!,~ t~tsh~ /t'f.n/ 1f He could not produce a passport, kho
probationary member of a party, neo, c, la lag khyer. stan yag mi 1 dug. (qh:5:5 12qkee
~,. /~h~~il ta~y'CS"dn/ tr.nya~ m.!,ntu~) 3. iso, put on/organize a
probe, see:
...,... examine; search play/show, va, 4' ~.!l')'!l,a.\ · /qh_!:!~il chE_&/ 1f He
problem ~II)' !l'/ii3q~a/ 1f They have many problems, produced the ploy, zlos gar 1 di khos go sgrig
kho tshor rnyog dro mang po
ii~q~a ma~qu tu~)
1 dug, (qhonts::>::> byas po red,
4. !so. co use/make I va. A.
(t'CS"dqoati qh\38 qhut-il ch&cpare~)
"\- -
~:~. Zl mz::.<!{. /keen
- ..
~~ c,
~'"\'lia. · .:.:..~ '"" ·
ch~q'CS"d r};_mpa/
I 1f We lal?/ 1f The war produced the revolution, dmag
have a procedure for testing equipment, nga gis gsor brje'i rkyen bslangs po red, (mo~qi
tshos 1 phrul byod brtag dpyad byed yag la byed sarcee keen lc?,pare~)
sgo'i rim po yod po red,
cc& ch!ya~la ch~q~ r.!,mpa Y20re~)
(r)2,nts'CS"d ~hOOcc& taq- locally produced u.JtU'~·
product, 1. iso, goods
-, -
if'\· if'""'' /th8nts&c/ 1f
proceed, see: go foreign products phyi rgyal gyi than rdzas
v- ...-
proc~~' 1. !so, products, va. 2:13'~~ • ~~~· (chik&&qi th8nts&c) [Syn. than zag] 2, iso, in
/s21t'CS"dn chE_&/ 1f This factory processes food, math ~~·~1!:.~· /k_!:!r~a?,/
bzo grwa 1 di nos za bca' bzo 1 don byed kyi yod "
production, ::c:: ......
1, n, ~"\'~"\· /th 8nkee/
' 11 Produc-
pa red, (s2.~a tine s2,ca s21tbon ch.!,qiy::>ore~) tion was good this year. do lo then skyed yog
2. iso, series of steps/stages~"\·~·~~·~· po 'dug. (th2,lo th'3nkee y2,qo t_!:!~) 2, iso, be-
/cheeq~ r.!,mpa/ 11 What is the process by which gin production, vo, A, a~·~~·r:z.~ ~~~ ·
someone gets a visa? thongs mchan zhu yag la /th8nkee qo tshu~/
byed sgo 1 i rim pa go re yod pa red? (thOr)ch&&n production "b-;igade/team, neo, c, ~'\'S'\ ·~·fit~\'
sh~ya~la ch~ql:il:J r.!,mpa qh2,re y2orc&l /th8nkee r_!:!qa~/
process! on 1 see: herd production methods /th8nkee
proclaim, va, f!~·~!:l~~ ~~· · /khl!!p~o~ ch,£&/ 1f th::lpshe~/
They proclaimed their independence, kho tshos production plan /thBnkee
kho tsho'i rang dbong rang btsan khyab bsgrogs ch::lashi/
byes pa red. ( qh6ntsb1s qhontsol:i ranwaon r!;!fl- produc,ti on quota ...,...
~ "\'...._ " -:I,.. · I thonkeeqi
~1:)· ~·""' " ' tsh!:c/
ts&&n khl!!p~a~ chE_Cpore~) [Syn. than tshod]
(\ ....
proclamation (!Zl'..!:\~<1"\~ · /khl!!p~a~/
'II a go\lern- profane (I...JC.B'j • ~ "\ • /c.!,qteen/ 11 the sacred and the
ment proclamation gzhung gi khyab bsgrags profane chos dang 1 jig rten (ch~dta c.!,qteen)
prolong 341

profanity (in speech) <a;"l·.z~ff.!")·~- /tshil ts3qpo/ /--chii\/

profession, neo. ~<!-\·if\' /1E,£qo/ V What is his progressive, iso. developed w~-Sf~· /y!:rthoi\/ V
profession? kho 1 i los ko go re red? (qh38 1£- progressive countries yor thon lung po (y~­

qo qh~re r~~) [Syn. dmigs bsol los rigs) thoi\ l!:_IJpa)

[Note: This l i terolly means "work."] progress report' neo. {>.l ~.
"'~~1!-\. ~)a.,· fl.
-v-1 1E,£tom. . n!:n-
professional, neo. ciii;· ~~- /tshoteen/ V He is a tho/
professional actor. kho 1 tsho rten khrob mkhon prohibit, vo • .-<l~ay ~~- ~~­ /qoqto~ chE_c/ V
red. (qho tshoteen th~pqccn r~~) They prohibited _newspapers. kho tshos tshog
professional school, neo, c-.. "
{>.l<!-1'"-4"\~·c-<a:'!::\· /1~- dpar bkog sdom byes shag. ( qh Cintsoci tshoqpoo
("-' A
ril Hipto/ qoqtom chE_cshoo)
- -..._a,·04
professor "'\"'Y~-a..· v-· I q~qccn chemo/ [Syn. neo. prohibition ~~·"\ ~01.1· /qoqtom/ v Is there a
c. cho 1 o hro'u] prohibition against selling drugs? bzi smon
proficiency, see: skill tshong yog bkog sdom yod po red pas? (s!m&cn
proficient, see: skilled tshoonyaa qoqto~ Y2.:,repcc)
profile, 1. iso. side view
...rc, "
<f\~·""·~~~~- ~~~- project, 1. iso. undertaking ~~-""'\~· /1E,£shi/
lt££nqi Sh2_~ crl! v Draw his profile. kho'i 2. iso. project slides, etc. on a screen, vo. D.
gdong gi gzhogs gcig bris. (qh83 t££nqi sh::>:, ')""\""-'-a;· ~~<r"\"'4 · /qorcho t.!_q/ 3. iso. measure
crl th!ll 2. see: outline an d estimate, vo. B. "'""' " v--:r... . I tshffshi

profit, 1. n. /3·Zl.=t~ · /qhepsoon/ 2. iso. q33/ V They projected expenses for 1 year. kho
get/make profit, vi. ~· I --ch.!:!!!n/ V He tshos lo gcig gi 1 gro song tshad gzhi bskor
mode lots of profit. kho lo khe bzong zhe drag shog. (qhontsod 1~ ciqqi t~oon tshffshi q53-
byung shag. (qh33 qhepsoon sh~too ch.!:!!!nshoo)
3. iso. seek profit, vo. B. --
profitable ~-~3.~:a:.~-~·

/qhepsoon chempo/
shoo) [Syn. rtzis gzhi bskor]
projector (for slides, film) "\?4::I:..'
/p6rtoon thOOccc/
~~-('>-~~· ~"\-

profit and loss {ll-~~- /qhekor)/ proletarian, 1. iso. belonging to the proletariat,
profiteer ~':1;..- ir~·-2<!'\' ~F'-"\ · /hBrtshoon kool')&&n/ •
adJ. -..r ........
f2.~::t.;O>-t")' ~~- ~0-1.-:J
""' " · I c2_rmee... th£nmq~
. ... -; 2.
profound ~~.c-:az:l: i:l· /til') sapu/ ~ profound iso. member of the proletariat a€[=<.:~"\-!!i!U'~il-1·~·
thought bsom blo gting zob po (somlo til') s~pu) /c2_rme~ thE_£rimpa/
[Syn. sgom po] proletarian class a.~:z.,-~"\·-~·~.r~~- /c2_rme~
progeny }~·/"l.lf.:r..· /c~ntsoo/ V My progeny will thccrim/
- '.r -...... ~
benefit i f I do this. ngos 1 di 1 dro byes no proletarian internati onolism (2-~ :.:_· ~.::.; ~1>.1- =t.,0\.1' ~ ~ .
ngo 1 i r jes 1 dzor lo khe phon yang gi red. (I)E_C ~" .::r:.._l::.:
~a.· " ~'I")C\- I c2_rmee... thE_£rim... k~H r!l)luu/ ...
t!ntcc ch£E_no IJ£E, c~ntsoolo qhephccn y~l)qire~) prol~orian revolution ~~::t;.-~z;_·~~-~04 · ~ ""\';»{"i'
prognosis, iso. on estimate n. J'fz;·;:;,'"\,' /tshb~­ ZI.E · /c::>rme~ thccrimqi si:Jrce/
poo/ prognosticate, va. -- ~~ · I -~hE,C I
- -
proletarian thought n:f..:t_·::ij") ·~1'21- "\Ol-l ·~-~""~·lil
""~ '-/"
program, iso. a plan /ch~eshi/ /c2_rmee thE_£rimqi samlo/
They hove o program for revolution. kho tshos proletariat, see: proletarian,
gsor brje byed yog gi 'char gzhi 1 dug. (qhon- proliferate, see: spread
tso~ sarce ch~yoo qi ch~~shi t~u) prologue, see: introduction
progress, 1. n. u . rt..·.2~· /y~rkcC/ V There has prolong, 1. vo.
~ "\,)
been no progress. yor rgyos mi 1 dug. ( Y!:rk&c r!l)ru teen/ V They prolonged the war. kho
mintuu) 2. iso. make progress, vo. tshos dmog gi dus yun ring du btang shag.
/--toon/ 3. iso. get progress, vi. ( qhontscru moo qi thtn.iytrun r!l)ru toonshao) 2.
342 prominent

~ C\.
c. "\Z!-\'~e~·"-r:..·"'· ~C\· /thUUytrun ril')ru chi~/
prominent ~~-<!>"\'
\ ~ -
/'t-h_2qcecn/ f
He is a promi-
He proved she was a spy.
khungs skye~ byas song,
khos mo so po yin po
(qh~ 111,2 s,2po y_!mpa
nent official. khong gzhung zhabs grogs con qhur)kee chE,_tso)
zhig red, (qh~on sh~I')Shap 't-h_2qc&&nci r!e) proofread, va, (a,<H'""\'""\'l:l?"'-' /sh,!!ta~ toon/
prominent people (in general) ~·'!\'!l<r\.~·~0(' /m!:_- prop up 1 va. CZ.~"\· A~=· /k2_0 k!_p/ f They

na 't-haqc&en/
promiscuous, 1, iso, a woman ~a.(2.1·~· /chf!fmo/ f
propped up the wall with a beam,
t:tsig par gdung mas 'gyog brgyab shag,
kho tshos
She is promiscuous. mo 1 chal mo red, lm,2 chf'i!- tso8 tsrqpoa tul')m&& koo kapshaa)
mo r!e) 2. iso. a rna n (2.0(?.1' ~ I ch'€r.po/ 3, iso. propaganda, 1, ;;, '5ru· ~or\~· /thHtaa/ 11 This
act promiscuous, va. A. -- A!i,.1l~· /--k~u/ is Indian propaganda, 1 di rgyo gar gyi d:ril
promise, 1. va. ra~·iil~· ~~· /qh'€r.leen chE,_"t/ , bsgrogs red, (t_! k_2qoo qi thii't-o~ r!e) 2, iso,
Did he promise to come? khos yong yag khas len propogondize 1 vo. -- ~2!-\· /-~hE_S/
byas song ngos? (qh~B y~nya~ qh'€r.leen chE,_eso- propaganda poster/picture ~cu.·A;<ir\a<·~·~ /'t-h!,!-
I')&S) 2. iso. break one's promise, va. ta~·(i:i~· "t-o~ r_!mu/
~~· z:\3·~r~"t'/qh'€'€leen th~pca~ chE,_S/ propaganda show/play ~~·~!l~"'r;£~·41:::~;. · /'t-hii"t-aa
promote, 1. iso, advance in rarl<, va, D. :t'\·"'1~~· t,22qaa/
~"\· /qh_2ne& par/ f They promoted him to Minis- propaganda team, neo,
ter. kho tshos khong blon chen la go gnas spar to~ r~qaa/
shag. (qhonts~ qhoC5n lSncheenla qh_2nc& par- propaganda tool, neo, c. ~~·A~ll"\""1'~«"\·c.· /'t-h!,!-
shoo) 2. see: assist; encourage; support taa 1_2qca/
promotion 4""'1"\i!'\' ~P\ ''j · /qh,2n&S parya~/ propaganda war 1 neo, ~rz.-· Zl!j"''~· "')ala'\,' rz~;,y
' m;q't-huu/
' ~
prompt, 1, see: promptly
cues, va. ~0\'~'"i·· ·Z1~~· /'t-hE_nta taon/
2. iso, prompt with
propagate, 1. iso. animals/plants, vo. a~·ll~·~~-
promptly f4lot·~e:.· /1_2msaan/ f They sent it prompt- /kl!lepee chE,_S/ f They propagated the plants,
ly, kho tshos 1 di lam sang btang shag, (qhon- kho tshos shing gi nyu gu skyed spel byas shag,
tso8 t_! 1,2"'saan Ulonsha~) (qhontso8 shil')qi ii~u keepee chE,_esho~) 2, isa.
promulgate, see: proclaim ideas 1 va. ~.q·"jj~U· ~~ · /kh~pee chE,_&/ 11 They
pronoun ~t:.'afl:l · /m_!ntshap/ propagated communism. kho tshos dmor po'i !to
pronounce, see: pronunciation bo khyab spel byos shag. ( qhiSntsod maapoci tawo
pronouncement, see: proclamation kh~pee chE_cshoa)

pronunciation, 1. n. ;r l't-CJ/ 11 .-le has good propeller 1 neo. t:,. ~ ·~(A::L.. ·

/liJr)q66/ f airplane
(co:rrect) pronunciation, kho sg:ra dog po 1 dug, propeller gnom gru 'i rlung 1 khor (n~tuu lun-
(qho 't-!:!. th_2qo t~u) 2. iso, pronounce well 1 vo, qM)
A. ~ll)~r*~4~ · 1-t.c.!., th_2qo shf!&/ 3, iso, p:ro- propensity "'i~~'Z!-1· /yi'Q/ 11 He has a propensity
nounce poo:rly, va, A. ~ '..ll'\'''\' ~· .z:t-A."'i 'l't-c.!., ~taqo for drinking. kho chong rag 1 thung yag la
shf!e/ dbyings 'dug, (qho ch~l')raa thOunyoalo yr?) t~u)
correct pronunciation ~-.l:)oltj'~ 112 th_2qo/ f Is proper, 1. iso. correct time ""-'"\'~ /rE_mpo/ f
my pronunciation correct? ngo 1 i sgro dog po This is the proper time to plant potatoes. 1 di
'dug gas? In££ 't-2 t~qo t~qce) zhog gog btob yog gi dus tshod ron po zhig red,
proof, 1. n. ~z::~·!(Z(' /qhOr)kee/ f 9o you hove ' th,!!!tsh'Oci' rE_mpoci r!e') 2,
~ t~pyooqi
( t_! sh.22,qoo
any proof? khyod rang lo khungs skye! gong yang iso, appropriate (f;.·~ /w'§2.po/ f He is proper
yod pas? (kh&aa qhur)kee qh££ Y!!P&t) [Syn. ra for the job, kho los ko der 1 os pa 'dug, (qho
sprod] 2. iso, prove, va, -- ~""'· /--chE,_S/ 11 l££qO th££ woopo tuu) 11 Is it proper for Lomas
prostrate 343

to sell beer? blo mas chang 1 tshong yag de 1 os chuncuunci tson~hao) [Note: "Percent" con also
po 'dug gas? (lamcc chaan tshoonyooti w~po tu- be used,] 4, iso, in questions~.,·'$·~;::.·
qcc) 3. iso. in accordance with custom ~41!-\· /ph88n chichuun/ 11 What proportion' of farmers
\"-"04~'\ '-~' /l_!:!qta thOmpa/ 11 Is it proper to voted? zhing po phon che chung go tshod kyis
wear shoes in the monastery? dgon po 1 i nang lo 'os shag blugs pa red? (sh.!_Qpa ph83n chichuun
lham gog gon yag de lugs dang mthun po red pas? qh~tshccqi w~sho?> luuparcc) [Note: "Percent"
(q~pcc naanla h~Qq~O qh~nyooti l_!:!qta thOmpa re- con also be used.]
....,.. c-..
pcc) proposal 1 1 • n. ~~·<~'I~· /thodshi I 11 a new pro-
property, 1. iso. all that one owns ~ra~·"'\Zlz::.· posol gros gzhi gsor po zhig (th~hi soopo
/qhorwoon/ 11 He lost all his property in the ci) 2. iso. put forth a proposol 1 vo. C.
war. kho 1 i mkhar dbang tshang me dmag la shor v-"\ · I --ton/
oCJ '7 "'

pa red. (qh88 qharwaan tshaf)IOO rrKiola sh35pore~) propose, vo, C, >:J<!-<i>l'a.a;"\.· Zl'7l:.' /s6mcao t8iV 11 He
[Syn. mkhar dngos] 2, iso, land (excluding proposed we buy the house. khos ngo tshos khong
fields) .2'-i' c<> • /sBcha/ 11 He bought property in pa nyo dgos red zer bsom 1 char bton po red.
Delhi. khos dhi l i la so cho nyos shag, (qh3'd (qh3'd Q'2nts~ qhaQpo ii~ore~ somcoa t8nporee)
tilcc socho iio'&hoo) 3, iso. fields e~·~z::.· proposition, see: suggestion
/s~shiin/ proprietor, see: . owner
prophecy <>-1<::;:~ ..... -a · /l_!:!Qtccn/ prose, 1. n. ';£-d'"\' ~"'\· /tshiqluu/ 2. iso, write
""' 7-'
prophesy, vo. ~z::.·Zl~,A~~· /l,!!l")tccn k~p/ 11 in prose 1 vo. C."'--~~· /--thi,l/
The Lama prophesied a war, blo me des dmog yong prosecute, vo. A. ~01.121-l'@J·z:t~· /thimla kff/ 11
gi red zer lung bston brgyob po red, (lorna til They prosecuted the students. kho tshos slob
mao Y_!:!l")qire~s l_!:!Qtccn k~pare~) grwo bo tsho khrims lo bskyol po red. (qhontsod
prophylactic, iso. condom ~""YAZ\~·
......, /lrqshup/ laptoatsho thimla k~fporee) [Syn. khrims la
propitiate, vo, B. r;·<r"\¥"'~· /lho sW/ 11 The vil- gtugs]
ogers propitiated the gods, grong gseb po tshos prosecutor ~
~01.1'2-<' -....
"'17~·~'"\·'"-~tll"\ · I 1-himtuu' ch~QCCn I
lho gsol po red. (~h~nse~patshod lha s83pore~) prosody ~'0\'~"'\'~-'f\' ~ · /iiffl')oo ri,qpe/
proponent ~""~ ·a:I\·
... . .!t"\.
. ._ O>.lfl"\' I k~pkoo ch2Jccn I 11 He prospect, 1. iso, hope, n, ~'4 · /r~wa/ 11 The
is a proponent of communism. kho dmor por rgyob prospects of finding a job ore not good, los ko
skyor byed mkhan zhig red, (qh~ maapoo k~pkoo rag yog gi re bo chen po mi 'dug, (l~qa r~yoo
qi r~wo chempo mi,ntuu) 2. iso, explore for min-
proportion, 1. iso, in balance l:l.?-i:Z...'\:Z..O!j'~· erols1 vo. B. ~tJ""(21'~~· /Urqa ts~f/
/t!!rna rE..mpo/ 11 The head is not in proportion prospecting instruments ""~"'· (2;it"LJ· (2. ~ ru· ~"\.
to the body, mgo de gzugs po dong bsdur no ron /t~rtshoo thOOccc/
po mi 'dug. (q~ti s.!:!quta t.!:!rna rE.,mpo mi,ntuu) prosperity, see: prosperous
2. iso, a large amount ~z::'i·2:1· /m'2Q chfc/ 11 A prosperous, iso. wealthy ~··T ~- /chuqpu/ 11 A-
large proportion of the expenses ore used for merico is very prosperous, "' o mi ri ko phyug po
the mili tory. 1 gro song mong che be drag po 1 i zhe drog red, (amirica chuqpu sh~too r~~)
thog lo btong shag, (t'=.Soon ~'Q chfc t'2qp'Oo prostitute, 1. n. "''~e:..·~~-~· /sh'21")tshoma/ 2,
th3~lo toanshao) [Syn. phon; 1 bor] [Note: iso, be a prostitute, va. C, 4"\"\1:'-·~~t:..<S-{'
"Percent" con also be used,] 3, iso, small pro- /sh~n tson/
portion 'Z<l'C\~t::
v- ·~z::.· /ph"oo"n ch-uncuun/ 11 A prostrate 1 vo. B. ~d'\· ~~ · /chao tsff/ 11 He
small proportion of the food was sold, zo be a 1 prostrated before the Lama, khos blo ma'i sku
phon chung chung zhig btsongs shag, (s'2co ph88n mdun la phyog btsol song. (qh3'd lomcc quntUUn
344_ protect

la chao ts~fso) sem mfncb~ r!l')n&t/

protect, va. ~z:.- ~z:t- ~""'- · /sOI')kop chE_C/ ~ He psychological, neo. -;;::,"'~·(Z'--...t<H. /semqom/ ~ psy-
protected the formers, khos zhing po tshor chological research sems khoms zhib 'jug (sem-
srung skyob byos po red. (qh~d sh!r:Jpatsh~~ s~- qom sh!mcut)
kop chE_tporeG) psychologist 1 1 • iso. specialist in psychology 1
protector ~z:.·a-~--g"'\-oul""\- /s.:!l')kop ch~&&n/ neo. ---. "'
""""""""'C2'a-t"""'· "\~'-"\~""-~("!""·""· ;·- ' r=.l')n&&
semqom .'
protectorate, neo, ~z:.-az:.·~(al'("!Zl' /sOI')kon k££qap/ qhf~po/ 2. iso. a student of psychology, neo.
protege, see: disciple ......"''""""~'(l'JO>.I<!-I'"\"l4a.."1·MZ1'"!l'
" " I semqam
- ' r=.l')n&&
· ' 1- + '!
pro tempore ""'"\~""'-· ~Zl..,._\ • /n~~qap/ ~ president psychology, neo. ~al<'!:-l'(ll"-'2-<.' -"'"'\' 4\'<\C\ ·
b "
pro tempore gnos skobs srid 1 dzin ( nf~qap r!r:Jn&c/
s!intsiin) X:'
psychotherapy, neo., 1. n. i!l. ...,-

protest, va. ic-~(U· ~~· /l')~b-d chE_C/ ~ They pro- /iiasem cWthap/ 2. va, -- ~,.,. /--chE_c/
tested the arrest of the students. kho tshos public, iso. the people ~-'\e>.u:..,..,· /m};_mo'Q/ ~
slob grwo bo tsho 1 dzin bzung byos par ngo rgol public opinion mi dmongs kyi bsom 'char (m!-
byas po red. (qhontsb~ loptaotsho ts!nsun chE_c- ma'?)qi samcoa)
poa l')~qb"'d chE_cporee) public (iso. government) funds "\«\Z::.' ""/::.(.>.l' /sh0-
protest slogan, n, q<U·~~-rz}i""'\ /l')~oo q~fnpo"i!/ l')i.J1l/
"' \.,

protract, see: prolong publication ~Z-1"'\·~ay-a.r"l· /p5r k~yoo/ ~ The

protrude, iso. stomach/eyes, vi. n.~"-.·~-:x,·~~­ publication of the book was delayed. deb de
/p.:!mpuu chE_c/ dpor rgyag yag 1 gyangs shag. ( th~ti par k~yoa
prove, vo. ~c:~·-a('-t· ~<!'-! • /qhul')kee chE_c/ ~ He k~'?)shao) [Syn, dpor skrun]
proved his plan was better, khos kho 1 i 1 char public gathering
gzhi yog po yod khungs skyel byos po red, (qh~ tso~/
nn ch~~shi y~qo y~po
qhoo qhul')kee c h ' ')
£&parae "' c,
public health ~·"'\CI.!r=..~-~-!2.~..:;·..q~'O\.·
v- --- /m};_mo?J qi
proverb 417~·"\'ti· /tempe/ thWteen/
provide, 1, see: supply 2. see: give 3. see: publicity, n. ~~- ~~·ry~i.· /th_gtao/ ~ Their
support publicity was good. kho tsho'i dril bsgrags yog
province ~-.::.~"-·1{ · /l')ote/ [Syn. zhing chen] po 'dug. (qh5ntsb"'d thiitaa y~qo t.:!u)
provisional, see: temporary publicize, vo. ~-~~'f\Z'.-~20-\· /1-hiitoo chE_c/ ~
provisional government "'<\.,._. ~.qe~· ~'"'\' <1'\~7;.· They publicized the new book, kho tshos deb
/n~fqap siishuun/ 'o gsor po yod po dril bsgrags by as song. ( qhon-
provisions, see: supplies tsod th~p soepo y3;!po thii tao chE_cso)
provoke, vo. C. 4;;11::.~\ · /lon/ ~ He provoked the public ownership ~- "")3-IZ::.<!-<' a·~"\~' ~Cl<=... /m};_mo'?)qi
fight. khos rgyog res bslongs song. (qh~ k~q­ taowoan/
ree lonso) -:- pr,operty
pubhc " , , -@.' 0\""-
'fJ ·z.ta.· " · ;c~p&&
- k.:!nM I [Syn,
prune, 1. iso, trim trees, va. A. w~·...-y>:l=<S"'\' mi dmongs spyi rdzasi spyi po 1 i rgyu dngos]
/y&&qo c~c/ public school ~-"\3-1~::.~· £z:I·-:J·
/m};_man lepta/
pry 1 see: open . works, neo, ('
pubhc ~
~-~3-lz::.~·~·'(a._· OJ<!-\'-'\~"-"· /m};_- "
pseudo, see: false man cito-dn l!!ril/
pseudonym ~~: ~.:...~·~ · /m!r:J ts!E:!ma/ publish, va, "'\u::r;·~~Zl· /par kf!_p/ ~ Who published
"'neo. f~a~~·~a\ZI~~-dt~<>-n:.t' this book? deb 'di sus dpor brgyab po red?
/nooem m~ncb"'d qh~fpo/ (th2_P ti sOU par kf!_paree) [Syn. dpar skrun
v-'- -..r "
psychiatry, neo. @:~CI-l~-~'0\ ·.z~~...,.-~~- ~'\~· /no- byos]
pup 345

publishing house "\"'iJ ·~'"\ · (7l z::. • /pet.trunqhoon/ pulse rote %'(2.'2<1'11';:.~~2-t· /tsa phorthe?J/
[Syn. dpar skrun khongQ pulverize, vo, C, 2:1fr~~· /ts2_~/ 11 He pulver-
publisher \"ZJ"'-·cz.~ou~·~')·~f''\' /pSrt.em ch!:_l')&&n/ ized the spices. khos. she smon brdogs song,
puddle, 1. n, ~~·~· /khrichu/ 11 He stepped in (qhsB shOm&&n ts=.?>so) [Syn, brdungs]
the puddle, khos khyil chu i nang lo gom pa 1 pummel, va., see: beat up
brgyob song, ( qh8'd khifchu'U noonlo qhompa kep- pump, 1. iso. a device for pumping oir 1 i, n, ~·

su) 2, iso, form puddles (wot;;j 1 vi,~. ~·~l'U' dol~r.t· /phunte/ H. vo, -- ~~zo.· /--k2_p/ 2.
/chO khii/ iso, device for pumping woter 1 i, n,~·~~"\'f1~cu·
puff 1 iso, a drag on a cigarette, vo, C, ~n· , •• ~~· /chiitheen thOOctU H, vo. C, ~·~£~ ·
rz~"\· /hOp ••• then/ 11 He took two puffs on his /chu then/
cigarette, khos tho ·mog hub do 'then song, punotive ~~·.!"\~"'\· /Fi2!,c'Od/ 11 punotive rciid
(qhsB thamo~ hOp t~ thenso) nyes gcod phor rgol (ii2!,Ci:S'd phorqb-o)
pugilist, see: boxer punch, 1. see: hit 2, iso. punch 0 hole in some-
pugnacious ~·~·<If·;;. /k~mte tshopo/ [Syn, rgyog thing, vo, B. .2q'fi'2J· /t88/
res rgod po] punctual ')~·~~·~<!\·~"\·~· [vb,] atf!!~· /th~-
' ~ 7
pull, 1. iso, draw/haul, vo, C, !i'"\' /'t-h£"&1 11 He tshOB toqtoolo [vb.] l')&&n/ 11 He is very punc-
pulled the cor, """ shag,
khos mo to drud ( qh8'd tual, kho dus tshod rtog rtog lo byed mkhon
m,2t.o 't-h£~shao) 2. iso, pull/tug on something, zhig red, (qho thUUtshi:S'd taqtoolo ch~&&nci
va. C. !'1~«, · /then/ 11 We all hove to pull on r!e)
the rope. ngo rang tsho tshong mas thog po punctually ::1~·~~·~~·~"1·(?.1' /th~tshb1i toqto~­
'then dgos red, (l')oroontsho tshol')m&~ thoqpo lo/ 11 He works punctually, khos los ko dus
thenqore~) 3, iso. p~l/pluck out~ vo, A. ~~· tshod rtog rtog lo byed kyi 'dug, (qh33 l&&qo
/q'J?>/ 11 He pulled out her tooth, khos mo 1 i th~tshod toqto~lo ch!qil) 11 He comes punctual-
so bkog shag. ( qh8~ m~ so q5?>shoo) 4. iso, ly. kho dus tshod rtog rtog lo yong gi •dug,
pull down, e,g. wall, fence, vo, A. A~ZJ~· (qho th~tshod taqtaola y~qil)
/15?>/ 11 They pulled down the fence, kho tshos punctuation ';>.l'&{ · ~4\~ · /tshomtoo/
lcogs ri bslogs shag, (qhonts~ c~~ri 15;shao) puncture 1 1 , vo, 8, ""fro· /t88/ 11 He punctured
5, iso, pull down a pester, etc,, vo. A, Zl.>('Z)· the boll, khos po 1 o brtol shag, ( qh8'd polo
/q'J~/ 6, iso, pull down pants, vo, A, ~'!IJ:.. · t88shoo) 2. iso, get punctured, vi. B. '("l'U·
~~·/qh~thuun pil/ 7. iso, p~~l strings, va.
""' /too/ 11 The boll got punctured, pa lo rdol
Ollar a'?)'C\ · 2::1. '? x= · I Cl,2nf.een toon/ 11 He pulled shag. (palo todsho~)
strings to get his son the job, khos kho rang pundit ~~·?· /
" ...... v-
gi phru gur los ko rag yog lo mgo 1 dren btong pungent "'"?.!:!'a.~·~- /q~rtsup chempo/ 11 It hod
shag, (qh~ qhor&& piiq66 l££qo r~yoolo q,20teen a pungent odor, 1 di lo dri rna ngor rtsub chen
taanshao) pa zhig 'dug. (tE£_ f.h!,me 1'),2rtsup chempoci t~~)
pulp, of fruit J9' /sho/ punish, vo. ~:<H·~·~;~· /n!!Po taon/ 11 They pun-
pulse, 1, n.
-- ~~~· /--tf.~/
~ /tsCi/ 2, iso, toke pulse, vo. C.
3, iso. pulse beat, vi, D,
ished the thieves,
btong pa red. ... qiinoolo
( qhlSntsi:S'd . -
kho tshos rkun mo lo nyes pa
~pa t55npa-
(Z%4"'\' /--ph'Or/ 11 How many times in a minute ree)
does his pulse beat? skor mo gcig gi nang lo punishment, 1, n, ~~·'2.1· /n2!,pa/ 2. iso, inflict
kho'i tso'thengs go tshod 'phor gi 'dug? (qo5mo punishment, see: punish
crlqi n~nlo qh88 tsa th~?. qh2_tsht~ ph~rqitM) punt, va. ~ ~" ·(Zl ·~81 · ~<H · /p5loo t_21')kao shJjJ/
4. see: lentils pup 1 see : puppy
346~ pupil

pupil, see: student Uionpare~) 2. iso, ideals/goals, vo. z:il~·~-r :;q~-

puppet (iso, doll) :3-\ '(2.1~· z..r., ·-"'\ZI) · /ala~ pl!fqoo/ ~ ~ · /th~pshe~ chE,_&/ 11 They pursued the goal
puppet government, nee. ~~"''"\-'l~ ~~-""'\~~ for many years, kho tshos lo mong po kho tsho'i
/sh_£nwoon sirshul)/ ....., dmigs yul 1 grub yog gi thobs shes byes shag,
puppet show v-
3-\ 'C2ld)'""-' "\. -'11·"'1" f2-;tl<=l' ..r- '
~"9. · /oleo pcl!qoo (qhontsod 12., m!l)qu qhentsoci miqyUU t~pyooqi
1-haptcfcin/ thapshe~ chE,_tshoa)

puppy ~-~·~~Y /khituu/ [Syn. o yo'o] purulent ~"(·-t:t:i'ij·oz..~· /naa y~pa/ 11 a purulent sore
purchase, see: buy rnog yod pa'i rmo (nao y~p&& mo)
pure, 1. iso, metals/solids ~~-~l)·'Z.I· /lhc& me~­ pus, 1. n. ~a'\· /noa/ 2. iso. be with pus, vi,
pa/ 11 pure gold gser lhad med pa (see lhcc Zl~.1!::t· /--k!p/ 11 The cut has become
m!~po) 2. iso. liquids ~r...~·~ · /th2_r)ma/ 3, pussy. rmo la rnog brgyob shag, (malo naa k!P-
iso. mind, heart lr\.o""e:.· ~· /tsol)mo/ 11 He is shoo) 3. iso, pus coming out, vo, c.
pure in mind, kho i sems gtsong ma red,
1 · (qh8S /--th2.'?JI
sem tsCil)mo r!~) 4. iso. purebreed ~")~'"'i:6z;.· .;o.l. push, vo. ~z;· ~~- -CI~""· /p!_koa k!p/ 11 We pushed
/r}:.q tsol)ma/ the cor. ngo tshos mo to la sbud rgyag brgyob
~~ ~~ %\~~- /t~ntuu s2,'r3/ (l)ontsb~ motao p}:.koo kapayin)
pur~e, va, C,
purely, see: solely
pa yin,
pussy ~~-~~- /shimtuu/
- - -
purgatory, see: hell put, 1.
iso. put
down, vo. A. ~~at· /sh2_a/ 11 He
purge, vo. A. ~"'\· /pil/ 11 They purged the party put the book on the table. khos deb rgya cog
of leftists, kho tshos g,yon phyogs shag khog sgong lo bzhog song, (qhS'd th_!P k2_co~ q2.i'-rlo
tsho phud pa red, (qh6ntsb~ y8nco~ sh55qha~tso shoaso) 2. iso. put out, vo, A. 2:1~vy /sf&/
pilpare~) Put out the light! glog gsodl (15~ s3ts) 3,
purify, va. c., 1. iso• solids/metals - -v-
~"\-.;2.!"'\'..!l3<i' iso. put on a light, vo. B. ~,- /pao/ 11 Put
/lhcl!me~ s2_~/ 11 They purified the gold, kho on the light. glog spar. (15~ paa) 4, iso.
tshos gser lhod med bzos pa red. (qh6ntsod see put clothes on something, vo. A. ""\~"\~· /y5~/
lhccme~ s2,dpare~) [Syn, lhod bton] 2, iso. 11 Put o coot on Sonom. bsod noms lo kor
liquids "l.;&z:..·d-1.·.213~ · /tool)mo s'!sl 11 They pur- g.yogs, (sonomla q5r y5~) 5, iso. put on (one-
ified the water, kho tshos chu gtsong mo bzos self), iso. clothe oneself, vo. C, .4fG\· /qh~/
song. (qhontsot> chu tool)mo s2,dso) 11 Put on your hat, khyod rang gi zhwa mo gon,
purple ~-a.~"\· /m~m&&n/ (kh8r&& shame qh~) 6, iso, put on medi-

purpose {"'"\"'1.' /th~ntoo/ 11 Whet is his purpose cine/oil, etc. vo. A, ~a'\~· /ch~"tJ/ 7. iso,
in coming here? kho 1 dir yang yog gi don dog go fix/attach, vo. ~~~- /k!p/ 11 They put em-
re red? (qho t_££ y~nyoaqi th~to~ qh2_re r_£t) blems on their hot. kho tshos zhwa mor rtogs mo
purposely ;i'i"'-.~3\>H. d)~· /qon tsutnr./ 11 He did b~gyob shag. ( qh Cintsod sh2_moo t<il)mo k!pshoa)
it purposely, khos 'di rkong btsugs nos byes pa a·. iso. put on o radio/T.V./phonograph, va. Zl;c..·
red. (qhStl t}:. qo~ tsuun& c~&pare~) [Syn. ched /toan/ 9, iso. put on o saddle, va, 7'Jl· ~~Zl·
mngogs] /tcfqo k!p/ 10, iso, put on backwards, vo. A.
purse ~-~3'\· /~quu/ -i""·;:u~'C\·Zl.~.r1-..t· /k2mttrun 15~/ 11. iso, put on
pursuant, see: according to 1.ns1.'d e ou t , vo, A , ~-
• " ~~- l:{ru_~'2-l·
'-r" I chJ.noon
pursue, 1. iso. people ~:<4'(2.'i)r.,·zt7~· /c~nte~ 15~/ 12. iso, put on airs, vo. 17)a.J~·~C!-\· /'Fi2_m
toon/ 11 They pursued the thief to Indio , kho ch_£t/ 13, iso. put down a revolt, etc., vo, C,
tshos rkun mo de rgyo gar bar du rjes 1 ded byong ~ ~- ~"< ~~· · ~ v-
.3 2-t ·
/lhil)Coo '
s2_"'ci/ 11 They put
po red. (qhontsod qrrnooti k2.qaa ~rtu ceente~ down the rebellion, kho tshos gon log zing
pyramid 347

1 khrug lhing 'jags bzos pa red. (qhontsoB

qh~nl~~ s~~thuu lhiQCaa s~pare~) 14. iso. put
away, va. C. Zl.~"Z-1· /tl!.~l ~He put away the
thankas, khos thong ka bsdus shag, (qh3'd tho~-
' ')
qa t~11shaa 15. iso. put in, va. A. "'>~4"\.

/cOt/ ~ He put the book in the box. khos deb

sgam nang la bcug song. (qh~ th~p q~m n~nla
c~'tlsu) 16. iso. put sugar or salt on food, va,
"''~Zl. · /k~p/ ~ Did you put salt on the food?
khyod rang gis kha lag la tshwa brgyab pas?
(kh8rcc qholaala tsho k~pc~) 17. iso. put in a
liquid, va. A. ~4"\c;{. /lOu/ ~Did you put milk
in the tea? " rang gis ja la
khyod 1 o rna blugs
pas? (kh8rcc ch~la w~a luupc~) 18. iso, put
into practice, va. D. cu"'.;.;u"\.""~"'-· /l~qleen tor/
~ They couldn't put the plan into practice. kho
tshos 'char gzhi lag len bstar thub kyi mi 'dug,
(qhentsb"d chaashi l~qleen tar thutiqimintuu) 1~.
iso. put up tent, va. z:t~"'' · /k~p/ ~ They put
up a tent. kho tshos gur brgyab shag. (qhon-
tsod qh~r k~pshaa) [Syn. phup] 20. iso. put
off, see: delay 21. iso. put in order, va, D,
~~· Zl ~O)c-i. · /qh~~ t.~q/ ~ He put the records in
order. khos yig cha de tsho gung bsgrigs shag.
(qh83 y~qca thentso qh~~ t.~qshaa)
putrefy, see: rot
putrid, see: rotten
puzzled, iso, be/get, vi. C, C}.~Zt'\-c.>'£,;~..1~· /q2_
thorn/ ~ I was puzzled by the news, gsar 1 gyur
des nga mgo 1 thorns byung. (sankuu thil ~~ q2,
thofficu l
pygmy ~·co"'-· /micuun/ [Syn, mi'u thung]
pyramid ~· 6'\<!'·\c:-·zl~:-"'\~
-~ "'>
>::t>!-1' /th;_sum s!!_yip/

quack, iso, fraudulent ki!:'>·d-J· /tsuUna/

quack doctor ,
kho am chi rdzus rna red,
- 11 He is a
1;mci tstruma rei~d
- - c... c-.
quadrilateral 1!:1~'"')~0 ~·~·ZJ~· /s2_yip "t-h.:!pshi/
(\. -..;)

quadruped -'"\!=.: zu01· /q~r)Shi/ 11 Dogs ore quadru-

peds. khyi rkang bzhi 1 i gras red, (khi q~r)Shii

thee rea)
- (\...- v- V'
quaint r.;>~ · <'<;ICI4cP"r') · 2-1 · /nil')nam th~po/ 11 It's a
quaint house, 'di khang pa rnying nyams dod pa
zhig 'dug, (t! qhol')pa nii')nam th~po ci t~t)
quake, see: shake
qualifications J 1 • n. ~sa'\'~~. /thOnkeen/ 11
What are the qualifications for being president?
srid 1 dzin byed yag la mthun rkyen go re dgos pa
red? (srrtsiin ch!ya~la thOnkeen qh3re q2~re&l
[Syn, cha rkyen] 2, iso, be qualified/have the
qualifications for, vi. B, ~~~·~<\·~c.­
/thOnkeen tsho~n/ 11 He has the qualifications
for this job. kho la las ka 1 di byed yag gi
mthun rkyen tshang shag. (qh33 lEE,qa t,!_ ch!-
ya'dqi thOnkeen tshoonshad)
......._ v- "
qualified ~~~·~'"\·~·.rz::;.·.z:...t~· /thOnkeen y![2pec/ 11
a qualified teacher mthun rkyen yod pa 1 i dge
rgon (thOnkeen y~pee ~qccn)
quality r.:~·"'· /p~a/ 11 good quality spus ka
dog po (pDOqa th3qpa) 11 bad quality spus ka
zhan po (pDOqa sh~npo) [Syn, spus]
qualm, see: doubt; fear
quantity, 1, Z<lQl,. /phS"on/ 11 We bought a large
quantity of rice, ng.a tshos 'bras phon chen po
zhig nyos po yin, (I'J!:!ntso-1> t~& ph8"on chempoci
n~payin) 2. when asking questions about what
....;- ......
quantity 74<\'~·~~· /phmJn chichuun/ 11 What
quantity do you need? khyod rang la phon che
chung go tshad dgos kyi 1 dug? (kh3raa ph33n
chichuun qh~tshec q2~l
quarantine, va. A. 3.~·"')·Zl.~..!l\· /s_!:!rtu sh3'd/ 11
They quarantined all the sick people, kho tshos
nod pa tshang rna sur du bzhag pa red. (qhontsod
n~pa tshal')ma s!:!rtu sh3'dpareel [Note: This lit-
erally means: "put aside,"]
qum::rel, 1. va. ~· (2.~· >=1.~:1:::.· /k!;!m"t-e k~p/ 11 They
always quarrel, kho tsho rtag par rgya 1 dre
quiver 349

rgyog gi 1 dug. ( qh!5ntso toqpoo komt.e kaaqil) 't-hJ:.l&cn/ 2. vo. -- ~M /--chE_c/

2. vi. B. ~-f2~·;s;-::r.,· /k_2mt.e sh~'S/- 11 A -;uarrel question mark ~-~41~· /'t-hJ:_to~/
broke out at the meeting, tshogs 1 dur rgyo 'dre questionnaire ~~If\· /t.hJ:_sho?l/
shor song. (tsho!5nt~o k_2mt.e sh~'Sso) queue, 1. iso. a braid ~e=.·(a.l · /ccr)lo/ 2. iso,
quarrelsome ~- (2.~ · cb '1!..1 · /k_2mt.e tshopo/ 11 He is line 1 i. n. ~~· /ph,2?./ 11 There was a long
quarrelsome. kho rgyo 'dre tsho po 'dug. (qho queue, brong ring po zhig 'dug. (pho?! ril')quci
- t'--
komt.e tshapo tuu) t.!:!_u) ii. iso. queue up, vo. C. -- ~~4'~~-
- - v- '
quarry, iso, stone mine {..t'\'7::X..' /t_2ter/ /--'(.J:.l/ 11 Many people queued up at the bonk,
quarter, 1. iso, fraction ~~- d'> · /shJ:_cha/ 11 3 dngul khong nang lo mi mong po brong bsgrigs
quarters bzhi cho gsum (shicha sum) 2, iso. 0 bsdod shag. (1')00qoon ~nlo mJ:_ m2_1']qu ph,2?. 't-J:.i
- <'., v-
quarter to (when telling time) 3."\'!Z..I=t..' )\1.J;.'Cloi.'.?:~~· t_£csha~l
...,. v-
~· /sJ:_mpoo qaomo c83r)o/ 11 It's a quarter to quick -..{~~&\· z.r. · /k2,qo/ 11 a quick reply lon
five. lngo po zin par skor mo bco lngo red, mgyogs po zhig (l,££n k2,Cioci)
(r:JCipo simpao qoamo c~o re~) 3, iso, a quarter quicken ~~&\~' ~- /kE_'?Jru/ 11 She quickened her
after (when telling timel-iL'Z)·%.1· ~:r._·d--1. Zl~-~- pace. mos gem po mgyogs su btong song, (m![d
/y~nc qaomo cS81')a/ qh,2mpo kE_?lru taonso)
quarterly 1 1 • odv. ~-.1:! · Z\~t< " " .21""\'~
""' · z:ua.,r<.· Y.' · /t_2wo sh.!.:_• quicklime :(~· /tf:!3ho/
V' v-
shii th'S?llo/ 11 They send the magazine quickly .:ll~a')&\' ~ • [~"""'] /k,2qo [c&]/ 11 Do it
quarterly. kho tshos tshog deb zlo bo bzhi 'i quickly. mgyogs po [byosl byis. (k,2qo [eel
bzhi 'i thog lo gtong gi 'dug, (qhontsb"d chJ:_l)

- -11 This- is a
tshoqtep towo shii shii th3?llo tol')qii)
quarterly magazine,
2. odj, quicksilver, see:
Ito thOntuun/
"1.:1 ~""' V"
1 di zlo bzhi 1 i tshog deb red, {tJ:_ t2_shii tshoq- quick-witted :S~'Z-L ·~-q·"'-'· /'thE_mpo k&!po/ [Syn.
tep r!:_~) dron rkyen pol
queasy, see: nauseous quiet 1 1 • ~- "~ ••.n:-1
-.r· /qhu simpu/ 11 It is quiet
queen .q~'\·~- /ts!lmu/ [Syn. rgyol mol here. 'dir khu sim po zhig 'dug. (t£!:_ qhO srm-
quell, see: put, 13 puci ~u) 2. iso. keep quiet, vo. A. {h'(A-:z..· ~"\·
quenched, thirst, vi. c. rn· -i(co.~~· /qho rJinl 11 ; h. ra,<z.r~"'\'Zl-~4')~- /qhoqhoo tee; h. sh&croa
His thirst was quenched, kho kho ngoms shag, sh~u) 3. iso.
a person
" v- -
(Zl.~ 2!1.;lo.1'-o.t • /qh~qhu srm-
(qho qho ~msha~) pu/ 4. see: deserted place
l\ v
query 1 see: question quietly, 1. iso, without noise (a'fll'~,;~.1'·z.r~~·
quest 1 see: search /qh~qhu simpu ch_£V 11 He works quietly. khos
question, 1. n, ~- ~- /t.hJ:_wa/ 11 What is your los ko kho khu sim po byos byed kyi 'dug, (qh~d
question? khyod rang gi dri bo go re red? l&&qo qhaqhu simpucc chJ:_qil) 2. iso, secretly
{kh8rcc t.hJ:.wa qh_2re r£tl 2. iso. ask a ques- ~- ,-a-:r...· r:4' /qhoqhaolo/ 11 He bought the house
tion, vo. C. ~·a.·~~- /qfco 1-hJ:.l/ 11 He asked quietly. khos khang po de kho khor lo nyos
questions about conditions in Indio, khos rgyo shag. (qh~d qhor)poti qhoqhoola no"dsho~)
gar nang gi gnos stongs skod cho dris song. quill pen ~- ~di· /t.,2nut/
(qhBa k,2qoo ~nqi n1!1!ton qe"co t.hJ:_lsu) 3, iso, .
qu1p 1 see:
~ t•1c; JO
sarcos . ke

hove doubts 1 see: doubt 4, iso, raise ques- quirk ~"\·=·~··y~a;.::z:._· /c8po khfntsoo/
tions (doubting), vo. '"fl~· ~~ '31,~ /th~'t-i quit, see: stop
ch_£C/ qui·te a few ")"'\ n.· .:x;.z:t · /q!_rM/ ._,..
question and answer 1 1 • n •. <' ·.z::. ·~a:..·
r:a.L~ • quiver, 1. iso. for arrows C>.l~n.·~~,::.· /t,2ntoon/
350 quiz

2. see: tremble
quiz, 1. see: exam 2. iso. question :t·CC\~·~a.~.·

lt!ship ch§.t/ ~ They quizzed the criminals.

kho tshos khrims 'gal nag can la dri zhib byes
pa red. (qh15nts~ thrmqc& n2_qcccnla th.!,ship
- "
quota «f~·.lf\C"<\," /tshUshi/ ~ What is your produc-
tion quota? khyod rang gi thon skyed kyi tshad
ga tshad red? ( khSrcc thSnke~i tshli~shi qh~­
tshcc rE,.t)
quotation ~z:..· C'~'\ · /l.!:!Jteen/ ~ Where is this
quotation from? lung 1 dren 1 di ga ncis byung pa
red? (l.!:!Jteen t.!, qh~n& ch~nparct)
quotation mark (2.~~ • ~a"jl!-\" lt!ntao/
quote 1 va. (2.11:.: s_c::::~· /1!;!1) th2_~/ ~ He quoted

from the newspaper. khos tshag dpar nos lung

drangs shag. (qhS'd tshcqpaanc lui) th2_nshao)
[Syn. lung 'dren byes]
quotient 1 math. J:\.!1"~· ..... /q~ha/

robbi t ""= ·
/r2_qoon I
year of the rabbit ~~-~ /ybolo/
rabid, iso. mod ~a,-74· /n"Ompa/ 11 a rabid dog
khyi smyon po (khi nOinpa) [Note: This might
not be due to rabies,]
rabies ~-~0\·CI.·a;· /khrmnodn ~tso/
race, 1. iso. shoring common descent "'-""'\~· ~z:; ·
/r_!:qkuU/ 11 the Negro race mi nag po 1 i "' rigs
rgyud (m_!: ~qoci r_!:qkuU) [Note: mi rigs is
often used for race although it actually denotes
nationality,] 2, iso, a contest of speed, i, n,
~"'""\"4)-.Cf-"(Z.~C\·~=-:; · /k.!:!.qshoo 1-E,ntuu/ 11 Who won
race? kho so 1i rgyug gshor 'gran
sdur su lo thob song? (qh~fst& k~qshoo 1-E,ntuu
s~~ thapso~) [Syn. mgyogs sum Ito yog] ii. vo,
-- ~<!i· I --chE_C/ [Syn. mgyogs sum bltos] 3.
iso. horse race, i. n. ~-~"'1· /tapkuu/ i i . vo.
A. -- ~~- 1--l~d/ 4. i~o. human race,· i. n.
~-~41· /m_!:kuu/ ii. va. A. -- .z:J.-Q~e~· /--k~'tJ/
roce'i,orse ~4·y5· [Syn. ~to rgyug mo]
race track
i7'&"'"\· ~z=.:
- /U)pkuu thoan/

racial discri::inotion ~"1"'·~;"\'~·~"/r_!:qkuU yen-

ce~/ [Syn. mi rigs dbye fbyed]
racial prejudice ~"\"·~"~~-~1~-~~· /r_!:qkuiJ ch6~ril/
'' V C....~ C\ ' TT '
racism -""'\~~&::,·~a-("'"'."'"".""'~·~-~-"\~· /r!qku1J choorh
rocket, 1 • iso. tennis, neo. ~ · ~~ · /1-h_:kuu/ 2.
sea: noise 3, see: racketeering
racketeering, 1. n. a~"''"-"~~-~-"·!:Ll«"\ · /1-h5qcom
cheeyoo/ 2. iso, do racketeering, vo, a~ ·..<:3'£~·
~<!'-~. · /1-h!:lqcom chE,C/
raconteur v-
..!)~· -A.l)"04F · Z4 • " !1-.!:!.m
' shoo qh.,~po I.
radar, neo.'""'
-"'""'~·~~· /r2,qto I
radiant, 1. see: bright; shining 2. iso. com-
plexion -A,·;;~..~~z::.<"<· /shonton/
radiate, vi. ({"\· ~~Zl · /w"'§d k2.,PI
radiator (in vehicles) , neo, ~~- ).". ("2.~(2.1· ~"'\ •
/thocisee 1-hfinc&c/
radical, 1. see: militant 2. iso. drastic/ex-
treme d-l~(Z.· ~z::.~r · /thalhu'r)/ 11 a radical plan
mtho' lhungs 'char gzhi (th6lhu'r) chaashi)
radio ~,;·n~rq· /!Or:J1-iin/ [Syn. rod 9i yu 1 u]
radioactivity, neo. ~f.U"";l'\" ~~·,<~'\<!-'." /t.!:!!;!1-ttn
"'v \.j '\.)
352 radio broadcast

nUUshuu/ drag bob kyi 'dug, (k!!qoalo choopa sh~too ph2_p-

radio broadcast, 1. n. ~C..A~~~· /k~,l')~a~/ 2. qil) [Syn. char po btang] 2. iso. (try to)
va. -- ~~· /--chc&/ make rain, va. a:;:t.,·(2..ilzo. · ~~· /chompee chE.,'l:./
radio equipment -"
~c..· 1'~"\·12-~ru· ~")· /lul')~iin thUO- light rain, 1. n. a,:<..·q·~~-~K /choopa simsim/
ccc/ ....., " [Syn. sbrong char sil rna] 2. vo. D. -- z:l&:~~·
radio receiver i5~'P.~'CI,·~d-J~<::· /HirJtiin q2_mcuun/ / --r:*J~p/ · 11 There was a light rain last night.
radio station ~c..· f2.~~ '(Z'h · /lur:Jtiin qhoon/ mdongs dgong char pa sim sim zhig bobs song.
radio transmitt;r ci'\C:.' f2.~'\'4fz:.: G'-4"\' o.~ru· ~"\· (t!!r)qo~ choopa simsimci ph~psu)
. ...,
/lul')~iin tol')yaa thUOcc&/
" rainbow, 1. (2.i!;.(2.' lcf!/ 11 There is a rainbow over
radio waves, neo. ~z.:.·rz~~·~"''\'~Cl~·/lul')~iin 13qlep/ there. pha gir 'ja' 1 dug, ( pheqM Cf! t!;!~d 2.
radish r-u·~· /l~puu/ iso. rainbow design r.!.!i;a·',;;;,~ · /c~ril/
dried radish (1.1'~"'1· ~~·z..1 · /l~puu qe!mpo/ raincoat ~=r.: .df~· /chorqo'll/ [Syn. char r;*Ji]
long red ra~ish ~ t2J • ~"''\' /k!! l;~puu/ rainfall «,.:x:: A~<!-\· /chlllrshuu/ 11 How much rainfall
long white radish ('2J''Z<I:'•y "\''\''\' ~ /~epuu qliopo/ is there in Lhasa?""" lha sa lo char shugs che
"' C\ ·-
small red radish ru "~"\· '\;;..,::r__· -<:_(2.1· /l~puu marii I chung go 1 dra yod po red? (lhl!fsaa chershuu
raft, 1. iso, carved out log ""1"\Z.:.'~· /t!;!rJ~u/ 2, chichuun qh~ntc& Y2~rcc)
iso, tied together logs, i, n, ~~2-1 · /ts!:_?J/ rain storm, vi, D. ~"'Y''''''-qt:\~· /~h!!qcaa ph2_p/
ii, iso, float/paddle a raft, va. ""'~· 11 There was a storm lost night. mdo ngs dgong
/--toon/ drag char bobs shag • ( t!!l')qoii th!!qcao ph~psha~)
rafters, see: beam rain water <G.:t.' ~· /cherchu/
rag, 1. iso. a worthless cloth :r...~·:£(2..1' /rE£_tSGc/ rainy season <&=<.' ~~· /chartuil/
2. iso. tattered clothes %"~ · =i(2J · /tsaprcc/ 11 raise, 1. iso. lift up, va. A. t.~-t:::r._·zo.~J]~· /y~
He was dressed in rags. khos dug slog rtsab ko~/ 11 He raised the sign over his head. khos
hral gon shag. (qh~d th!:!ql~ tsaprcc qh~nsha~) yig chen de kho rang gi mgo'i thad la yar bkyags
"'-' n.'
rage, see: anger pa red. (qhoo y!:_qceen ti qh<>rcc q.!!2 thoola y~

ragged, 1. see: rag, 2. see: sharp ko~paree) 2. iso. raise hands in voting, va. c.
raid, see: attack f.l.l<l'\. z..~·Zl~,C..'<!-1 · /lf!qpa kon/ 3. iso, rear, va. c.
rail, see: railing; railroad 4"\~~· /sPlo/ 11 He raised dogs. khos khyi gsos
railing, iso. banister /122,ncu/ 11 He shag, (qh~d khi sBBsha~) 4. iso. raise a ques-
held onto the railing. khos lag 1 ju lo 1 jus tion, va. c. ~·oo.·ZJ~z::~· /~h!:_we !on/ 5. iso,
song. (qhBB Ieencule cuibul get/obtain salary raise, vi. B. 'Z<I'1~· f2. Z'4.:l\ ·
railroad, 1.
·- ""-"
iso. train ;z.: «1' /r!:_li/ 11 He went by /ph~~ ph51i/ 11 Did you get a raise last year?
railroad. kho ri li'i thog la phyin song, (qho zla nyin khyod rang gi phogs 'phar song ngas?
rilii th~~la chinsu) 2, iso. railroad ( t~niin kh&cc ph~~ ph1i1isOI')cc) 6. iso. in-
<'- ('\""
track/line, i. n. :x:.;(2.1a·~"''~'ruQIJ' /r!:_lii coq- crease 1 va. B. !:.:C. /pfJo/ 11 They raised prices
lam/ ii. iso. lay railroad track, va. C. a lot. kho tshos gong zhe drag spar shag,
'X:).~z;:.·f--ti~/ (qh5ntsod qh~n sh~taa p55sha~) 7. iso, get/be
railway, see: railroad increased, vi, B. rz.Z4:r,· /ph51i/ 8. iso, make
narrow gauge railway ~<n_e<·ru~· ~c..· ~z:. · /coqlam taller 1 va. ;lo.l ¥i· ~· -"ltjl=. · /thOru toon/ 11 They
chui')Cuun/ raised the wall 2 feet. kho tshos rtsig po phi
railway station ~· ~'ri_'ZIZIC4'~"'\~'Ir!:_lii ph~ptsuu/ ~i gnyis mtho ru btong shag. (qhontsb'll tsrqpe
rain, 1. vi. D. a;:t,·z.1· ~.a<.<-~· /choopa ph~p/ 11 It phr~i nii th~ru taansha~)
rains a lot in India. rgya gar la char po zhe raisin ~~· ~ s~. /q!:!n~um/
"J -..:>
rash 353

raison d'etre {~·'"\""\·~·~ · /th_!!nta~ tewa/ 2. iso. arrange in ronks, va. C. -- 2:l¥""2i·
rake, 1. n. -§.·¥~· /kE_seM 2, va, -- <!:!~l:l· I --s2,1J1 11 They ranked the students by grades.
/--k2_p/ kho tshos slob grwo tsho yig rgyugs ang grangs
rally 1 1 • iso. a meeting, n, 1 neo, :i!;.c){" ~Cl, · f.i'Cll· la brten nos rim pa bzos shag, (qhantso13 lop-
~"1"'"' · /nllmUrdn 1h15mts::>~/ 2, iso, hold a ):ally 1 t.ootsho y.!_qts~~ ~r:Jta~lo teen& r!mpa s~dsha~)
va. -- ~~ · I --ch!:_&/ rankle, see: irritate
ram, 1. iso. male sheep, i. iso. castrated ~"'T~2r\ · ransack, va. A.-"'~~~~· /n'J?>/ 11 They ransacked
/l~qtut/ ii. iso, uncostrated ¥-~~ · /pho- the house for the book. kho tshos deb kyi don
lut/ 2. see: bong (against) dog la khang pa bsngogs shag. ( qhontsod th!;pqi
ramble, see: wander th~ntaola qhar:Jpa n'J~shao)
rambunctious (for children) ransom, 1. n. ~-1:)~(.>.1· /llii)Utl/ 2. va. C. ~l5-t·
/(puqu) tshOpu/ /lOU/ 11 They ransomed the king. kho tshos
ramifications, see: consequence rgyal po blus pa red, (qh~ntsod k&&po l~~paree)
rampant ;-n~-a{·cz.(ZI!'>J·U~-2\~~ ·-z.~· /1'0~ qheeya~ m!epa/ rant, va. A. f~·2fi.?Cl-l" Zl4"\" /tC51)t: shtcl
11 The rampant tiger killed many people. glags rap, va. 521"("7~·Zl'?e:;· /Uiqtoo taon/ 11 He rapped on
'khel yag med pa 'i stag des mi mang po bsad the door. khos sgo lo tag tag btang song.
shag. (Hie qheeya~ ~p&& Ulatil m.!_ m2_1)qU sr!c- (qh8'6 q~lo taqtoo taonso)
shao) rapacious, see: greedy
ramrod (for musket) 1 1. n. ~01..1.·(2~~ • /simpi/ rapacious, see: greedy
[Syn. me mda 1 i !cogs mdo 1 ] 2. iso. ramrod pel- rope, va. c. ..r-
v-1_ ..
thuptsUtl teen&
lets/bullets, va.~~-~~·~·/t~tso~ k2.p/ 3. k'E.d/ 11 The soldier raPed the girl. dmag mis bu
iso. ramrod powder 1 va. if(2-'." f..:..· ~a· /ts£!:_- mor thub tshod btang nos brgyos shag. (maamil
tso~ k2_p/ p~m::>::> thupts~ toone k2_13shao) [Syn. btsan g.yem
ramshackle, see: poor byes]
rancid, 1. ~·.;wa.:2_a.·~· /t.h.!_ma 11 rancid rapeseed, see: mustard
butter mar dri ma brgyab pa (m~ 1h.!_ma rapid ;;u!C!)~· ~· /k~o/ 11 rapid growth mgyogs
2, iso. become rancid, vi. ~-~· Z\~ z:~· /t.h.!_ma po •tshar longs byed yog (k~qo tsharlo~ ch!yoo)
k2.p/ 11 The meat has become rancid, sha de la rapport, 1. n, 0\l~a.·O>J.~~-~·~f.U· :q· /ts2_thulln
dri rna brgyab shag. (she th!£ t.h.!_ma k2.pshao) qi t.!wa/ 2. iso. establish rapport, va, c.
rancor 1 see: hatred Zl~~r I --so15! 11 They established rapport with
randomly 1 1. iso. general use "'\" "l <!-\ · /thE_qhaas/ the villagers. kho tshos grong gseb pa dong
11 He randomly killed many people. khos mi mang mdza mthun gyi 1 brel bo bzos shag, (qhBntsoB
po do go' se bsad shag. (qh~ m.!_ m2.r)qu thE_qhoas t.h~seepato ts2_thUUnqi t!wo s!fdshao) [Note: This
sfcsha~) 2. iso, research, neo. ~::t;·Z3:;e:;·tz.~· literally means "friendly relations,"]
/c.!_rtoan lo/ 11 He interviewed people randomly. rare "\Jff'\· ;6'. /q8mpo/ 11 a rare book deb dkon po
khos mi spyir btong la skad cha dris pa red, zhig ( th!P q8mpoci)
(qh8'd m.!_ crrtaan lo q!:_cho th.!_lparee) [Syn. rarely ......;S.... ~·ouaf.;>.~a{·~·4'f••\»i.[neg, vb,] /tshomtsam
dmigs bkor ma yin par] m2_t::>?> [neg. vb.] I 11 He rare! y drinks beer.
ranger 1 see: commando khos chang mtshams mtshoms rna gtogs 1 thung gi mi
range, iso. distance ~l'::>a"'·~o::.· ~c:::. /kE_r)toa 'dug. (.qh8'd chaon tshamtsam m2_t::>~ thlir:Jqim.!_ntut)
rintuun/ [Syn. rgyong tshad] rarity, see: rare
rank, 1 • ""'01.p:r /r.!_mpa/ 11 What is his rank? kho rash, 1. iso. on skin ~~·~· /th'J'Jpa/ 2. iso,
...... v- .......
rim pa go tshad red? ( qho r.!_mpa qh2.tsh&c r!:.&) too hasty Zj"XJ · ~ • ::q · /hope hC5pe/ 11 He is very
354 rashly

rash. kho ho be ho be zhed po cig 'dug. (qho row ~'\ · <:.1 • I c:;,mpo I ~ row meat sho r jen po ( sho
hope hope sh~puci tuu) [Syn. ho ri hu ri] c:;,mpo)
rashly, see: rash, 2 rawhide "\~-"' · -"1' /morqo/
raspberry, see: berry row materials ~·a,· >r-il-l· /k~qce I'J::_mo/
rot ~-~· /tsitsi/ row silk (2..e' "'
"'''t' /p~rcC/
rote iS"'i_· /tsh~cf. ~ rote of speed myur tshod roy 1 1. n, ~·~""-· /w'§j_see/ ~ the rays of the
(ii~rtsh~Al ~ production rote thon tshod sun nyi mo'i 'od zer (ii~mtt w~ee) 2. iso.
(th8ntshccl emit rays, vi. -- (2.~~· /--}h~d/
rather ')"'114 · Zl · /q9_o/ ~ I would rather go to a roze 1 va. .tr~"\ · Zl? ~ · I ts(imee taan/
restaurant than go to a bar. ngo chong khong lo razor tl·~· /pu}i/ [Syn. skro gri]
~ "-<\
ph yin po los zo khong lo ph yin no dgo 1 bo 1 dug. razor blade ~·!)a· (21' /pu}ii qho/ [Syn. skro
(1')9_ chol')qoonlo chi~pelc s9_qhoonlo chine q9..ol ~ gri'i kho]
I'd rather go now. ngo do Ito phyin no dgo' bo re- ~"''")' [vb.] /kortu [vb.]/ ~ refill skyor
'dug. (1')9_ th9_nto chine q9_ol du brgyongs " (kartu kon) ~ rewrite skyor du
rothole ~·(ZI.::· /tsiqhuun/ bris (kortu }h~l)
rotify 1 see:" approve reach, 1. iso. arrive (2.~:t.. · /c~/ ~ The letter
rotion 1 1. iso. a food salary/allotment ac-~·z:\"1-ci- reached me yesterday. yi ge de ngo lo kho so
/sE.E_ph-:>~/ ~ o doily ration nyin re'i zos 'byor byung. (y~qiti I')~ qh~fso c~cu) 2. iso.
phogs (ii_!!nree sE.E_ph-:>~) 2. iso. a clothes al- reach for/to (l.l"\"'Z.l'Q~Zl'lH' /l9_qpo ~p/ ~ He
lotment dfH ~~......_. /qh~ph-:>~/ 3. iso. al- reached for the gun. khos me mdor log po
lot/restrict the amount one con buy 1 vo. C. IS;· brnyobs po red. (qh'3~ m~ntoo l9_qpo Mperee) ~
UJ"'\'a.l' ar'\·"\q'Z>.~~· /ii~yoolo tsh~~hi s2:d/ ~ I couldn 1 t reach the gun. ngo me mdor log po
They rationed meat. kho tshos sho nyo yog lo rnyob thub kyi mi r dug. (1')9_ lll!ntoo 19_qpo ni;p
tshod gzhi bzos po red. (qhontso~ sha ii9_yoolo thOOqimintuu) 3. iso. attain, vi. A • .;::i~z::t~ ·
tshMshi sodporee l /HJe/ ~ He reached the highest level in the
rational, 1.- -.r -v- "
")~'l)trt''Cl.l')"':JI<' I thontoo' y~pcc I ~ government, kho gzhung gi nang lo go so mtho
rational plan don dog yod po 1 i 'char gzhi shos lo bslebs po red. (qho sh~Qqi n~nlo qh~o
( th£ntoo y~pc& cM~shi) [Syn. don dong !don th5shoBlo leeporee)
po 'i] [Note: This is literally "meaningful."] upper r3oches of the river ~z: ·a.· /t8"ocu/
2. iso. a person ~·")~·~·31'··•'-1(-z:t-, · /th~ntoo h5 reaction, 1. iso. get o reaction from a medicine,
qh~l')&&n/ ~ Is he rational? kho don dog ho go vi. S1~.0\~· Zl.~c· /ml:fncc k2_p/ 2. ~01·o.~~·
mkhon zhig red pas? (qho th~nto'O ha qh9_1')C&nci /nl;mkuu/ ~ What was his reaction? kho 1 i rnom
r~pcc) [Syn. go don rtogs thub mkhon] 'gyur go 'dro •dug? (qh'38 nemkuu qh2_nt-~A t~6l
ration coupon, neo, c. 3'1"2.l;:j'(2J<f\'~:r,·
..._, /s9_nt-u reactionary ~"1-~"\· -z.1· /1_2qcodpo/ ~ The reac-
laqkee/ [Syn. nyo 'dzin] tionaries were put in jail. log spyod po tsho
rove, 1. iso. talk deliriously, va. B. (ll' f2iCI'2l· btson lo bcug po red. (1_2qcoBpotsho ts83nlo
/qh5 ch83/ 2. iso. praise, vo. ~'(fZ\· ~· Zl';?C::.' cuuperee)
/t83ro taan/ ~ He roved about the food. khos reactionary rule ~"i'f"'\·"iZll::'~:I\·/1_2qcod wel')kuu/
kho log lo bstod ro btong song. (qh~d qh5loolo reod 1 vo. A. A~d"\'C-1 ; h. 'Ji~""'-,;f"'·a'\'0\'1!::' /15~;
t88ro t5(inso) h. cool-:>~ n65n/ ~ He read the letter. khos yi
raven i:i'·;("'\· /por-:>~/ ge bklogs song, (qh~d y~qi l~~so)
ravine ~~·::('.<:..· /}h2'Jron/ reader 1 1 • iso. one who reads ~""\-OU{Zl 'E\' /15~1')&tn/
ravish, see: rope ~ the readers of the magazine tshog deb klog
rebellious 355

mkhan tsho (tsh{iqtep 1!5::51')&&ntsho) 2. iso. a reap, see: harvest

pnmer "")""'- · I 1!:\qtepI
,CZI'\' rear 1 1. iso. back ~~ ~"[""~' /k2_pl~b/ 11 the rear
"' v
readjust, 1. iso. refix, va. ~ay~::t:.'2:l.~Zl.· /t~q­ of the house kha ng pa i rgyab logs
1 ( qhol')p&&
kM k2_p/ 11 They readjusted the motor. kho k2_pl6b) 2. iso. raise, va, "1~g;o;·~Ci · /sOko~
tshos 'phrul 1 khor a mo sgrig skyor brgyab shag. chE_c/ 11 He reared his brother's son. khos
(qh5ntso1s tht:lt:lqh6~ oma E.qkM k2_psha?l) 2. s'ee: kho 1 i jo jo 'i bu gso skyong byas pa red. ( qh8ti
accustomed qh88 ci5c~~qi ph~ soko~ ch_£cparee) (Syn. gsos)
ready [vb.) a&~-~~- /[vb.) ch!53ch~~/ 11 Are you rearm, va. A. ~-(>.!""\· ~=>:.-~ ';\"\ · /qh~la?J kortu tfc/
ready to go? khyod rang phyin chog chog yin reason, 1. n. .......
z:;<\·")'-'~''\' I th£ntaa/
' 11 What is the
pas? (kh8ra chr~ ch!53ch~~ y~npcc) reason for buying a car? mo to nyo yag gi don
ready-made ""-~~- /s~-&3pa/ 11 I bought dog go re red? (mota noya~qi thonta?J qhare rc&l
a ready-made coat.

ngas kor bzos bzos pa zhig [Syn. rgyu ·mtshan)

- 2. -va. -
""'""-4"-z.c~'?t:: ·
- .-
nyos pa yin. 1iJ.!:_t q3r s()esocipaci n~payin l tt'fon/ 11 He reasoned that if we did this we
real 11 Tell me the real reason. would win. khos nga tshos 'di 1 dra byes no nga
rgyu mtshan ngo ma shod dang. (k!!mtsccn l')~a tsho thob kyi red ces rig pa btang pa red,
shMta) 11 Is this real gold? 1 di gser ngo mo (qhW l')~ntsoi> t~ntc& ch.! ~ntso thapqirees
red pas? (t~ sa~ IJ2ffia r~pcc) [Syn. dngas gnas) r~qpa taanparee) [Syn. blo gros bton)
realism, neo. ~:f'~·tii''")·~l:..· ~"12'{. /1')88yod ril')luu/ reasonable a;. /cho/ 11 Is it reasonable to buy a
realistic "\~-....-~·~.-::.·;.>.(~~·~a· /1')33tocinta tht:lmpcc/ car? mo to nyos nos cho yod pa red pas? ( m~ta
11 a realistic plan dngos don dang mthun pa'i ~dn& cho Y2~repcc) [Syn. dgos pa)
'char gzhi (1')88tocinta tht:lmpcc cheashi) 11 a reassure, va. C. ""\"',· ra{ztt<J·.z~3z.;· /t~l')qee s£tl/ 11
realistic painting dngos don dbng mthun pa'i ri He reassured us that we would be paid. khos nga
mo (1')88tocinta tht:lmpcc r~mu) tshor phogs rag yag gdengs 1 khel bzos pa red.
in reality "\ifC~.·••"Y'\'k<.~'oN·Ol_· /1')8ncc ch.£f_na/ 11 (qh~d l')~nts~~ ph::!~ r~ya?J t~qee s~dparee)
In reality, we can't win. dngos gnas byas no rebate, va. ~:Z:..: ~- ~:<H· /chrrtoci ch_£c/ 11 They
nga tshor thob gyi ma red. (1')3nc& chccna l')~n­ gave a rebate of (rebated) 100 dollars. kho
ts~~ thepqimoree) tshos sgor mo brgya thorn pa phyir sprod byas
realization, 1. iso. attainment/fruit 12S?-•· ~- shag. (qhontsoMd q~mo k~thampa chrrtod chcc-
11 The stupe was the realization of shaa)
their plan. mchod rten de kho tsho 1 i 1 char rebel, 1. n. J::.'{2.l..ry:o..t· /l')~loqpa/ ~ There are many
gzhi'i 'bras bu red, (ch88teenti qhontsoo chaa- rebels here. 'di khul ngo log pa mong po 'dug.
shii t~pu r~e) 2. see: understanding (t~paa l')~loqpa m2_1')qu t!!~l [Syn. gan log byed
realize, 1. iso. understand, va. C. ~~~- /she~/ mkhan) 2. va. '£·({;"\· ~H /l')~lo~ ch_£&/ 11 They
11 They realized the difficulties. kho tshos rebelled against the government. kho tshos
dka 1 ngal yod pa shes pa red. (qhontsoi> qol')&& gzhung la ngo log byas pa red. (qhontsod sh!!~la
y£pa shemparee) [Syn. ha go) 2. iso. attain, l')ol~~ chccparee)

vi. D. (Z~Zl· lt!!P/ 11 (They) realized their reb:llion i:~~·~z::·f2ffl"Y /l')~lo~ s~l')tu~/ 11 There
wish. kho ""'tsho'i re don 'grub pa red. (khon- was a rebellion in """
Iran. i ran nang la ngo log
tsbo r~toMcin t!!PQree) zing 1 khrug byung shag. (iraan naanla 1')~1~~

really -"'£~·"1"\<!.ol. /1')'3nc&/ 11 He really isn't sick. S~IJtuu ch~nshaa)

kho dngos gnas no mi 1 dug. (qho 1')3nc& n~ min- .
re b e 11 ~ous ..,- v- "- ·
I 1')~1~::>~ ch_£t;p&c
'i I 11 the
tu~) 11 I really have to go. nga dngos gnas 'gro rebellious students ngo log byos pa'i slob grwa
dgos red. (I')~ 1')8ncE: t~oree} ba tsho (1')~1~~ ch_£cpcc lapta?Jtso)
356 reborn

~-q- tfF::=·
reborn, vi. ---- /kewa Hi?!/ ~ He was re- deng sang a mi ri ka 1 i nang la dpal 'by or nyoms
born as a woman, kho skye dmon gyi skye ba rgud kyi gnas tshul 1 dug, ( th2_r)SOOn amiriqCC
blangs pa red, (qho kemccnqi kewa lonpare~) ~nla p~~nc~~ ii2.,mqu~i n~~tsUU t~u)
rebuild, 1. iso. a building, va. a;;:;:~ .zl.~l:l' recipe ("''~'1'\'Zl"El-~c. ...... ·a-;r I /qholao s~tanqi tho/
/kartu k2_p/ ~ They rebuilt the house after the recipe book ...-- -r
32!-l·~:o;.·-')..,.~- S££C~~ th2.ptho I
fire. kho tshos me shor pa 1 i r jes la khang pa recipient ::x;_<ry "'("l~ · /r5!5!.,r)Ccn/
skyor du brgyab shag. (qhoots<rci ~ sh33pcc c2_~ reciprocal 24'\' ~01,· /ph~ntsu11n/ 11 reciprocal
la qhor)pa kortu k2_psha(~J) 2. iso. an engine/ma- respect phon tshun gus bkur ( ph~ntsu11n qh~­
chine, see: repair quu) [Syn, ph or tshur]
rebuke, see: criticize reciprocally '24-o\'~a;~~~·lt'\-:o;_· /ph&ntsUUn niiqaa
rebut, va. "\"'S\ · l"l.l'\. ~z:.0--1· ]=· ~'""'- /q!!_qlccn la/ 11 It will be reciprocally beneficial, phon
qhur)kee ch£&f ~ He rebutted their theory. khos tshun gnyis ko la khe phon yang gi red. (ph&n-
kho tsho 'i 1 to ba la dgag Ian khungs skye! byas tsUUn iiiiqaala qhephccn y~r)qire~)
pa red, (qh~d qhontsb-d tawala ~qlccn qhur)kee "'
reciprocate, va. B, ~~-(->-(0!,' (2.~(24· /th!:_nlccn C££/
~ He reciprocated with (by giving) a horse,
recalculate, va, ~::r:;· ;t'"<!-1· ~<!-\· /kortsil ch£&/ khos rta zhig sprad nos drin lan 1 jal pa red.
[Syn. rtsis skyor brgyab] n.'
( qhod '
taci '
t&cnc ')
th!:_nlccn C££paree
recall, see: remember recital, 1, iso, musical :(/'l.l·a;·-2,c:.· ~~l::.· /r~a
recapitulate, see: summarize kor)toon/ 2. iso, poetry recital ~"1-.z;"l·~<T\''ij;,:.~·
recapture, va. D. ~::~:..·")· 3~· /kortu s!:_m/ [Syn. /i'i~&IJOb 133ta?!/
~ ...,_,
yang skar bzung] recite, va. B. /k33/ 11 He recited the
receipt ~~- ~01,· /ch~r)tsiin/ prayer, khos smon lam bskyor song. (qh~ m3n-
receive, 1. see: get; obtain 2. see: welcome lam k33so)
3. iso. get a letter/package, vi. B. ~~~- recklessly, 1 • "'\~· ~z=.: <>J · ~<:. · /qh2.,ncuun 1112.ncuun/
""' .....,
/c~/ ~ He received my letter. kho lo nga'i yi 11 He drove recklessly, khos mo to gang byung
ge 'byor shag. (qh33 11££ y!:_qi c~shao) mang byung btang song. (qh~ m~ta qh2.,ncuun ~n­
receiver (of phone), neo, ~-;i\"d.-~(>.(·tz..(.:zl"""'--.
!.1. -, -;)
/t.~- cuun toonso) 2, iso. without hesitation 'la-~~­
lean t.hrn:lqhM/ ~"'1- :u:r._· /thetsom m~paa/ 11 They fought reck-
recent ~- ~<!'\· /fi!ttiU/ 11 recent history nye dus lessly, kho tshos the tshom med par 1 dzings
kyi lo ""'
rgyus (i'i!tuUqi l~kuU) shag. (qhontsod thetsom m~paa ts!:_Qshaa)
recently)· q;:o;· /Fi2_caa/ 11 He came recently. kho reckon, 1. see: count; compute _2. see: consi-
nye char yong pa red, (qho necaa y~?!pare~) der, 2
receptacle ~~~"' /n~c&/ reclaim (land for agriculture), va. ~ '(2."\f.>.l' ~-'!'<·

reception, 1. n. -::-..-.... v- v
I neleen soo-
"" /thuntUU ch£f:./
" --v

toon/ 2. iso, give a reception, va. D. recline, va. B. ~Ill' In&& I

.o.-..<:Jd-1~/--sham/ recluse (religious) ~ct'ou2>-\·~· /tshompab/
--... .......
reception center, neo. -~f(>.("\' 1'1"-' /neleenqhaan/ recognition, iso, acknowledgment 2£ -~~- /r)oo-
recess, 1. iso. in a hill/rock z::!"T r;:,z::.: /ph~- lccn/ ~ the recognition of their accomplishment
qhuun/ 2. iso. in school/meeting, i, n, aJC{' kho tsho'i grub 'bras ngos len (qhontsbo t~m­

~r::/lE!:_saan/ H. va. A. -- Zlca_a"(· /--sh!!_b/ tc& r)boleen)

[Syn. bar hrub bzhag] recognize, 1 • iso, come to know, va. D. '7 · .¥\· /ho
recession "\Z1CU'(2.~::t:·'9"d-JC{' 2i"\' /p~~nc:x> ii2.,mqui.J/ 11 qh!!_/ 11 They recognized their errors, kho tshos
These days there is a ""recession in America. kho tsho 1'i nor 'khrul ha go pa red. (qhontsb'B
recruit 357

qhontsoo n~nttm h~ qh~paree) 2. iso. acknow- reconsider, va. ~=<,.·~~<!-ICIJ'~""?"'-' /kortu somlo
ledge the valid! ty of 1 vo. ;(2-i · (.?.~~ • ~C{ • taan/ V He reconsidered.his decision. khos kho
/l')truntsiin chE_C/ V They recognized the new in- rang gi thag gcod de'i skor lo skyor du bsom blo
carnation. kho tshos sprul sku gsar po de ngos btong pa red, (qh~d qh5ree thoqcod t g q33la
'dzin byes pa red. (qhontso'li tliDqu saapo ti kartu.somlo taanparee) [Syn. skyar du bsam zhib
l')truntsiin chE_cporee) 3, iso, identify, vi, c. byas]
t:::·.,q<H· I I')~ shen
"! V I didn 1 t recognize you. ngos reconstruct, va. ~-:x:..· ZJ.':fi ~~ · /korso chE_c/ V
khyod rang ngo shes rna byung. (I')_£C kh8ro I')~ They reconstructed the economy. kho tshos dpal
shen m2:Cuun) 4. iso. acknowledge the merit/ 'byor skyor bzo byes pa red, (qh5nts(fd pCfncoo
f au lts, e t c., vo • v- .....,_
I I')~ "I
OMOl een c hE_e korso ch_£cparee) [Syn. skyar gsa byes]
V They recognized our achievements, kho tshos record, 1. iso. write down, vo. ~n4\~·12<!<·
ngo tsho'i grub 'bras ngos len byas po red. /thonqb'li chE_c/ V He recorded the votes. khos
(qhontsod ~ntsod t~mtec l')odleen chE_cporee) 1 os shog tho 1 god byos pa red. ( qh~d wO'Osho?>
recollect, see: remember thonqoMd ch_£cparee) 2. !so. tope-record, vo. A.
recollection ~'\"tl..l..n_· /thEE_nya~/ V My recollec- ~">:~· :;::n:.. ·(2>·&l~d')·
-, -;) ·-
/thep n_oonlo cuu/ 3. iso. do-
tion is that he went. ngos dran yog lo kho to/statistics, vo. A. '<L.I"\ · ,.; · 2::1 ~a'(· /y~qca sh£a/
phyin song. (I')E_C th_££nya~lo qho chfnsu) V Does the government keep any records? gzhung
recommend q;· o.tay<r) · .::o;~· /,,,no, •• gis yig cho gcing yang bzhog yod pa red pas?
y:qiree l2_p/ V He recommended I go to Indio. (sh~?)qi Y!qca qhee sh~ayo~repec) 4. iso. a
khos ngo rgyo gar lo phyin no yog gi red lab phonograph record ~"\·'\">.(""'' >=>"<\·~· /qCfpoo
byung. (qh~d I')~ k£qoo la chiina yaaqiree lapcu) phE_ntse/
[Note: This literally means: He said if I go recount, 1. iso. count again, vo, ~l::.,....."'\.~"'l·~:x:_·
to Indio it will be good.] :<:l~Zi · /th£1')qo k~koo k2_p/ 2. see: te:;_
recommendation letter~~-~-~- /1'J~to1i y!:.,qi/ recoup, 1. iso. get bock, vi. A. !~·154\<!-\ ·
recompense, see: repay /tshuu lh3:,/ V He recouped the money he lost.
reconcile, iso. internal differences, vo. 0\e::..· kho 1 i dngul shor pa de tshur !hogs shag. ( qh88
f2.~"'(""-~'€.~·fn2_1')tfl chE_C/ V They couldn't recon- 1')00 sh33poti tshuu lh3:,shao) 2. see: reimburse
cile their dispute, kho tshos kho tsho 1 i bor recourse a~·tu~ · /toyao/ V He hod recourse to
gyi rtsod rnyog de nang 'grigs byed thub mi the courts. kho khrims khong lo 'gro yag yod po
'dug. (qhontsod qhontsod p~ruuqi ts83no~ti n2_1')- red. (qho thimqaonlo t~yaa Y2~ree)
til ch~ thu~m~ntu~) recover, iso. from an illness, vo. A. 5<f\· /+_h~a/
recondite, see: profound ~ He recovered quickly from the illness, kho no
recondition, see: repair nos mgyogs po drag shag. ( qho n~nc k_£qo th~a­
'r' v- " shaa)
reconditioned a.·=:~: ~-<Sc.P::l~Zl"'"-1. /s_£pcoo k2_pa/ V
reconditioned cor mo to bzo bees brgyob pa zhig recreation /q_£ qh33yaa/ [Syn.
(mota sopcb'li kapaci) rtsed g.yengs byed yag; rtsed rol]
- - - C\..
reconnaissance ~ru·q~· ~'\ Ul"~'\' /iiu'Uship ch~yoo) recreation center, nee. ~:!l·cz.l6"~ ~~-~.3")"<!-1"(21):::' /q_£
reconnaissance plane '9(21'~"~.,.\~"-~· !)' /iiUUship namtu/ qh33scc tsh33qaan/ [Syn. rtsed g.yengs tshogs
'""' ~~ · "" -
reconnoiter, vo. l?<>-r@,.o:
They reconnoitered the enemy 1 s strength.
.. -
/iiu'Uship chec/
- kho
V khang; rtsed rol khang]
recriminate, see: accuse
tshos dgra 1 i stabs shugs go 'dro yod med nyul recruit, 1. iso. a person into an organization,
zhib byes pa red. (qhonts~ tee t~pshu~ qh2_nt~~ va. ZJ.~~- /cu"u/ V They recruited women into
ybMamee nuU5hip ch_£cporee) the army, kho tshos skye dman dmag mi la bcug
358 rectangular

pa red. (qhootsod k~m&&n m~mila cutpare~) 2. -19·~~-~· ~"'<\· /shrJ qlimru chi~/
iso. o new "\~crt·~:....r2!~,·z.t· /maami saa- reduction, see: reduce
pa/ redundant, see: excess
rectangular ~:z;.·.c~~· '\~· ~· /s_!:!rshi normo/ reed a.lOl.J. . .f.. /t_2mtso/
rectification ~';!,· f"·"'~·~,. /qOncod th2_qtee/ ~eek 1 see: smell
f rectification campaign kun spyod dog ther los reel (lit, wheel) r2(fl,.;:;. /qholo/ 11 fishing
'gul (qtlncod th_2qtee l_££nq\fu) reel nyo 'dzin 'khor lo (n!tsiin qholo)
rectify, 1. polit. vo. ~ot,·{"\·")~·~~-~~ · /q0n- re-elect, vo, ~:z;.·~~~·Zl.(' 9.~· /kortu t!mqo
ci:i8 th2_qtee ch_£t) 2. see: correct ch_£c/ 11 They re-elected him president, kho
red, iso. color or cornnunist "\CI-I:I\"~· /moopo/ tshos khong srid 'dzin lo skyor du 1 dem bsko
Red Army j~"-·~·"\~~-"\~~· /m5Bpbo maqpuun/ byos shag. ( qhl5ntsod qhoon siintsiinlo kortu
Red Chino ~-"\~..:r..· /kflmoo/ t~qo ch_£tsho~) [Syn. skyor 'dem byos]
redeem (on item) 1 vo, A. <rJ?tz.·~-~~· /temo lO";J; re-election, neo, ~~· f2Z)su· /konteill/ 11 re-elec-
11 He redeemed his watch, khos kho 1 i chu tshod tion campaign skyor 1 dem los 'gul (konteill
gto' mo. blus po red, ( qh3"d qh33 chutsh\f;J temo l_££nqW)
lDUpare~) re-enlist (in military) 1 vo, "\a.~~· .94· ~..:t..·"'\· ~~·
:z. ~
Red Flog (magazine) ~=~.:a.·~,.."~- /th~co maapo/ /m~~mi kortu chE_c/ 11 He re-enlisted for 3
Red Guards ~~:.·~a..~~·"\~""\~·
/sul')mo~ moopo/ years. kho lo gsum dmog mi skyor du byos pa
redhead ~-'\"eM""-'~·Ita maapo/ red. (qho l~um ma~mi kortu chE_tparee)
red light, iso, the traffic signal £"!· zt,;;.· "\a..:r,;~· re-enter 1 vo, B. i\1~· "\ · CLJf~ ·
~ >;) ""'
/kortu ts!!!:!/ 11 He
/1:5qto mol'ipo/ re-entered school. kho slob grwor skyor du
Red Sea ~-~~")~~·~· /k_2tso maapo/ 'dzul shag. (qhl5 Hlpto kortu ts!!!;!shoo) 11 The
Red Square (of Moscow) 2~·il,<\·"\.;>1~·~· /thol')- spy re-entered Tibet, so pa de bod nang lo
cheen m5llpo/ skyor du 'dzul shag, (sapoti ph~ n~nlo kortu
reduce, 1. iso. on amount, vo, <t.J::""'i·~k.t::· /chul')- tsQ!!shoo )
-..3 "' / .....
ru to~n/ 11 They reduced taxes. kho tshos khrol re-examine, 1. iso. look ot ogoin, vo, 1)" ~~ ·~<R·

chung du btong shag. (qhonts&i thff chOI')ru /t~ship chE_t/ 11 He re-examined the plan, khos
Uionsho~) [Syn, beag] 2. iso, get/be reduced 'char gzhi lo !to zhib byos pa red, (qh~ chaa-
in amount, vi. a;~·")·~-::r· /chOI')ru chi~/ 11 Tax- shila taship ch&tpa ree) 2. iso. give another
" """ -,
es were reduced. khrol chung du ph yin shog, exam, vo, C. ~~·~'"'\~'""'
~ ";;t
'\" ~~<!-<·
(thff chOI')ru chi~sho~) .[Syn, chog] 3, iso, kortu U?i/
lessen the number 1 vo, ~~::· ~ oZ:l ?Z::.. · /Fi!;!JrU referee, neo, ~"'\·12~~·%1."'~· /tseenteen ph!rmi/
to17n/ 11 They reduced the number of soldiers. reference 1 neo, 1 1, iso, o citation in o book, i,
kho tshos dmog mi nyung du btong shag, (qhon- n. tz.e~· f:l~'Z!-\· /c_!:!l')qhun/ ii, iso, cite refer-
tsb-8 m~~mi Fi_!:!l')ru taansho~) [Syn. grongs 'bor
ences, vo. C.
"" -- =~l§'~· I--t'd~/ 2, see: foot-
bcog] 4. iso, get/be reduced in number, vi. '9C::" note
~~ "' '<\ · ;-n_!:!l')ru chin'I 11 The number of soldiers
>;) referendum, see: election
wos reduced, dmog mi nyung du ph yin shog. refine, 1. iso, oil/liquids, vo. C. d"\:t'z::.·~·%1~2-\·
(m~mi Fi_!:!l')ru chi~sho~) [Syn. grongs 1 bor chog] /ts61')mo s[d/ [Syn, dwongs mo bzos] 2. iso.
s. iso, make thin, vo, -A'~C).l·~·zt7~· /sho qom- gold/silver/metals, vo, ~ ~z::.·~~· /tsacon
ru toon/ 11 She wonts to reduce (her weight). c_£&/
mo sho skom du gtong 'dod byed kyi 'dug. (m_2 refined oil ~-~·""S.z::~~"4· /saiium th_21')mo/
sho qomru toont&i ch!qil) 6. iso. get thin, vi. refinery '2'-l'~·')z:.a-\·ll~c:.Hz:~~·~· /saiium th!I'J-
regular. 359

regoin 1 iso. consciousness, vo. C. 5~·2.1· ...,~.._...­

reflect 1 1. iso, light, vi. /t-h£mpo s3"d/
ph~~/ ~ The mirror reflected the light on his regard 1 va. A. a ·z:~IC\"l' /cho sh_2~/ 11 He regards
face. kho'i gdong la she! go 1 i 'od phog shag. monks highly. khos grwo pa tsho yag po lo cho
(qh88 t~nlo sheeqoo w2_B ph~~sha(~J) 2. iso. bzhog gi yod po red. (qh3"d t-h_2potsho y_2qolo cho
ideas/policy 1 vi. C. ;;t.~'i!l?\ · /thO~/ ~ This shaaqiyo~ree) [Syn. brtsis]
" policy.
doesn •t reflect government 1 di gzhung regarding ~::~.-~· /q3':Jlo/ ~ Regarding this 1 I
gi srid byus dang mthun gyi mi 'dug. (t.!, sh~?Jqi can 1 t say anything. 1 di 1 i skor lo ngos gong
srrcuUto thO~qimintut) 3, iso, reflect on 1 see: yang lob thub po mi 'dug. (t!!, q3':Jlo IJ!?.C qh_2-
think qh&& l~p thupamintut)
reforestation, neo. 1. n, ~,::._- 01,8\3-\' a~-- n.~~<M­ regardless {14';\(' fat·"""'. /lo motO'dpaa/ 11 regard-
/shii)no~ k~ntsut/ 2. vo, -- ~~- /--chE_C/ less of his age lo che chung lo ma ltos par
reform, 1. n. %:1~3-\- ~.:r..; /cOOkuu/
2. va. -- ~~- (1_2 chichuunla motb-dpao)
/--ch£& ~ ~
They reformed the government. kho regent ~flJ-~Z:. · /k!!_tsap/
tshos gzhung gi sgrig 1 dzugs bcos sgyur byos pa regime 1 see: government
red. ( qhontsoi> sh~?Jqi f..!,rJtsut crn:lkuu chE_Cpare~) regiment, mil. "\a-tzr ~::t..- /mooqoa/
reformist "='~.5-\" ~""'--~\·~ca.'\· /ctlllkuu ch!IJ&&n/ region ~-~at· /s~qhUU/ ~ Which region of Tibet
refreshments ~~-~- ra._oJ.: ¥"ay /sl33ca shEE,to~/ is it in? 'di bod kyi so khul go nos red? (t.!,
[Note: This literally means teo and snacks,] ph!fdql s~qhUU qh~ncc r!?.cl
refrigerate, vo. C, '!)_r::.-~ZJ£~- /t-h~l)u s"§}3/ regional <!-\-~~~- /son&t./ ~ a regional meeting

refrigerator ~""\"»\'~a>~- /khCiaqam/ sa gnos tshogs 1 du (sane& tshantu)

refuel I va. A. :0. rru. ~-")_~.
/pet-ol lut/ regional autonomy 2>-1'4\<i\-..{' ::s:_~:::· {~ · /sene& r_2r)koh/
refuge 1 1. n. tp~'.~Tj-ilrf>l· /n~nyO'o/ 2. iso, take register, 1. iso. a book with recorded nomes 1 i,
refuge 1 va. -- ~2-{ • /--ch£&1 ~- He took refuge n. (\. ....r-.r- ·
.;l.j..::·:e·('l.."''"\'"\.EI. I m!l)tho q~tep I ii, iso.
in the embassy. khos gzhung tshob khang la nyen sign in/register at a meeting 1 etc, 1 vo, C,
g.yol byos pa red. (qh~ sh~l)tsap qhaanlo neen- z:I~~ • /--q3"d/ 2, iso. record items in a
yi:iB chE_cpare~) register book, va. ~""'-~(2.1'~~~- /th!pkee chE_c/
refugee ><:~~'\- ~(20-~- /tsr.r~:$owo/ ~ Are you a ~ One must register all antiques with the gov-
refugee? khyod rang btsan byol ba yin pas? ernment. co lag rnying ma tshang mo gzhung lo
(kh8ra tsCncO'owa y.!,mpcc) [Syn. skyabs bcol ba] deb skyel byed dgos red, (ci5lo~ tshal)mo sh~?)la
refund 1 va. ~"'--~a"\''3_'!-t' /chi16b ch!?.&/ 11 They th~pk_ee ch!qore~) 3. iso. register a letter at
refunded my money, kho tshos nga 1 i dngul phyir the post office 1 see: registered letter/parcel
slog byes byung. (qhl5ntsoi> IJ£!:_ 1)'00 chi16b chE_C- registered letter 1 1. n. <:,<!l.·~ru- !{8\' ~8\ · /th!P-
cu) kee t-~qyil/ 2. iso, send a registered letter 1
refuse 1 iso. refuse an order 1"~-a.~.-~J:::et. /qhCc va. -- ""-7~::· /--taan/
maloh/ 11 He refused to do the work. khos los registered parcel 1 1 • n. ~zt ~(2.1- _gcl1· ~"""'\ · /th!P-
ko de byed yag khos mo blangs pa red. (qh3"d kee t-,2qtho~/ 2. iso, send registered porcel 1 •
1E£qati ch~ya~ qhr.c malanpore~) [Note: 1his is va. x:~7z::... · /--taan/
not used for such acts as refusing to eat meat,] regret 1 1. n. n.~z;·-r..t· /k2_pa/ 11 I regret having
refute 1 va. "'\~- z.o· Z~~zt- /q_2qpo k~p/ ~ They done this. ngas 1 di byas nos 1 gyod pa byung.
refuted his theory. kho tshos kho 1 i lto ba la (I)E_C t.!, .ch!?.cnc k!!pa chuun) 2, iso, show/express
dgog pa brgyab shag. (qh5ntsoB qh33 tBwola q.2q- regret 1 va. ~1!4.· /--ch!?.&/
po k~psha~) regular t2.a;.:r_·~"- /ch'Circccn/ 11 This is our reg-
360 regulate

ular meeting. 1 di nga tsho 1 i 1 char can gyi reinstate, va. A. (>..1~-nfy ~:.:..·~ ~Z). · /lEE,qo kortu
tshogs 1 du red. (t! ~~ntsOB chorcttnqi tsh~ntu t.l:c/ 11 They reinstated the teacher. kho tshos
r~) [Syn. nom rgyun) dge rgan de lo los ko skyar du sprad shag.
regulate, va. 2:1;;~<..· f2..~0{ ·~a-~.· /t~l)tsiin ch!:,.C/ 11 (qhontsoo q!q&cntcc l&&qo kortu t.fcshao)
They regulated imports. kho tshos phyi dngos reiterate, see: emphasize
nang 1 dren byed yog la btang 1 dzin byas po red. reject, 1. iso. job or offer, va. c. a4·<fic:.¢.1.·
(qhotso1s ch!l)(jd ~1)'\-een ch!ya~la Ul)tsiin ch!:,.t- /molan/ 11 He rejected the job offer. khos las
pore~) [Syn. do dam byas] ka sprod po de mo blangs po red. (qh3a l£E.qo
regu1ator 1 neo. ~ 7 ~· lU! '\. n~ro· :z.'") · /t~l)tsiin '\-fcpoti-molahpore~)
2. iso. advice, va. c.~·
}hl:i'{Jcct/ " CJ.,5'l!\ /m§tsil I
....,. v-
regurgitate, see: vomit rejects (iso. products) 3"1"' · /s2_qro/
rehearsal ~-r..· C;::· /nai)Con/ ""\""\crr~C\· /q~qlttn/
~ ....... -
rehearse, vo. ~'!:..· ~z;-~<5-\· /n~I)Coo ch!:,.t/ 11 They
rejoinper, 1. n.
~~A· /--k_:p/
2. vo.

rehearsed daily. kho tshos nyin !tar nang relapse 1 vi. 0\_~· ~"'I.· 1::\~<::.\ • /nEE,lo~ k_:p/ 11 He
sbyong byos shag. (qh&ltscr6 Fi!ntoa I!!,I)Con ch!:,.t- hod a relapse. kho nod log brgyob shag. (qho
sha~) n_££lo~ k_:psha~ I
reign ~¢t·~z:1~· /thUUqap/ 11 the reign of the relate, see: tell; soy
king rgyal po 1 i dus skobs (k~pbo thUUqap) related ~(1.d!l:z:; · lt.~yo-8/ 11 a related book
[Syn. skobs] [Note: This literally means 1 brel yod deb (}eey(jd th!Pl
11 time. 11 ] relations fl-S~'~· /}!wa/ 11 We hove good rela-
reimburse, va. afzl; ~!:).· /tshap t.l:c/ 11 The school tions. nga tsho 1 brel bo yag po yod. ~~~ntso
reimbursed me for my expenses. slob grwa nos 't-!WO y~qo y~d)
ngas 1 gro song btang po 1 i tshob sprad byung. relations of production, neo. ..r' <". -
sad{ ~:z::..·~·czsf2l· t:l.

(lop}ant ~!:,.& t.2soon taonptt tsh~p t.fccu) /th3nke~qi tewa/

rein, n. ~A·~~n: /}~mta/
relative, 1. iso. kinsman "
't"\·~· ; h. '-...

reincarnate, 1. iso. simply being reborn, va. c. /pinko~; h. q6mce~/

[Syn. gnyen tshan)
2, iso.
~·zt·~z::~·f ; h.~~-~~~· /kewa leo; h. qUke not absolute ~<!'\.~"<S~· /tOOc:cc/ 11 Happiness
sh~) 2. iso. a 11 deity 11 choosing to be reborn is relative. skyid po ltos bcos red. (kipu
to help humanity, va. B. <f\:ll~~·Ji\~·~~· /s~- t83cc& r!~l [Syn. ltos grub]
..., ~ ~
qur t-00/ reloti ve to others ...-,~;;~.: "\.a"\·~z:: :z:l~~· a,· /shcnta~to
reincarnation 31(2(· ~~ ~ · /}DOpe& qu/ 11 He is a t~rna/ 11 He plays well relative to
~ -others.
reincarnation~ khorig sprul po 1 i sku red. gzhan dog dang bsdur no khos rtsed mo yag po
( qhoon }OOptt qO r!~ I rtse gi 'dug. (sh!:,.ntaota t~rna qhaB tseemo y~qo
reinforce, 1. iso. send additional things for sup- tsi!qil)
v- '-r ...
port, vo. 42_<=l·_{'O\.·~?~ · /k_:pnOBn toon/ 11 They relax, 1. va. ~"\·~~:)·~;at{· /lh3!crd ch!:,.C/ 11 He
reinforced the soldiers. kho tshos dmog mi can•t relax. kho !hod lhod byed thub kyi mi
brgyab snon btong shag. (qhonts(jd maarni k_:pnoon 1 dug. (qh3'd lh8!crd che thuuqimintuu) 2. iso.
toonsha~ I 2. iso. walls, etc., vo • .~:~:<{'\: ~· Zl7"'. become less strict, va.
- c. - ..
v-./ y~~po
/tsfnru toon/ 11 They reinforced the wall:-' kho s2_1s/ 11 They relaxed discipline. kho tshos
tshos !cogs ri btsan du !>tang shag. (qhontso·6 sgrig lam yang po bzos shag. (qhontsoa t._!_qlam
c~~ri tsl:nru toonsha~) yol)po scrdsha~ I
- -'-r" v- ...
reinforcements (troops) 12=~· ~"\· "'\;.ury ~~=-· relaxation ~~· ~z;;· €_~· -.u~ · /lh3lcrdccya~/ [Syn.
/k_:mnoon m§qpuun/ dol sdod] [Note: This literally means 11 lei-
religious sect 361

sure."] th!:l~la c!leen ch£_ccu) 3. iso, relieve anxiety,

relay, 1. iso. a fresh set of horses for relay 7· worry, etc., va. C, ~'\2.l'Zl9e-~· /~epa s'§_d/ 11
::J;;>J' /U!1sam/ 2. iso. relay by horse post, va, B. His letter relieved her worry, kho 1 i yi ges
-- ~~·~-~~cz.l'/--th!:l~ la kl!f/ 3, see: deliver mo 1 i sems khral med pa bzos pa red, (qh33 y.!_qil
(message, etc.) moo s~t-cc ~epa s~paree) 4. iso. relieve one-
relay race, neo. <>-~~z;,-~<1"\· %f2.\· (2.~<\. · /th00kut self (i ,e, urinate/defecate), va, <l:.%1' -'f\C.u::.: €-"'t ·
tsl!l!nt-cen/ [Syn. mth~d rgyug rtsed 1 gran] /ch~psa~ ch£_t./
release, 1. va. A. £~· /l"i!>d/ 11 He released the religion, 1 • n. ;:;6:!-4.· /ch~/11 Buddhist religion
spy. khos so po de glad shag. (qh3'd sopati songs rgyas kyi chos (saankctqi ch~d) 2. iso.
l"i!>dsha~) [Syn. glad bkrol btang] 2. iso, spread religion, i. va, B. ~~·~c.u· /ch~ pee/
ge t/b ere 1 ease d 1 ·
v~. ;q')·
" v-
)!::l~(l.l· -=
~""'-· /l""oo+~ ·o·o· ii. vi. D. ~..... · ~-"'· /ch~ th;!r/ 3. iso. prac-
ch~n/ 11 The spy was released. so pa de glad · tice religion, va. ;(~-~~· /ch~ ch£_C/ 4. iso,
bkrol byung shag. (s5pati ch~nsha~) 3, preach religion, va. ~·('>.(h"'·.z:J.~::r,.· /ch3nq:x>
iso. make public, va. ~-"'~"'\~·~-""· /chit-a~ q!:l!:!/
....,-- ......... ..._ ~
ch£_c/ 11 They released the report. kho tshos religious, 1, iso. a person a:.~-~0>-l:a.J.· a.~·-.:..·

gnas tshul de phyi bsgrags byas shag. (qhontsbo /ch88sem chempo/ 11 He is very religious. kho
n~~ts~uti chit-a~ ch£_cshaa) chos sems chen po zhe drag 1 dug. ( qho chlmsem
relegate, see: leave chempo sh:!t-ao t!!u) 2. adj. ~~ · /ch38/ 11 re-
relentlessly -~~-~ "'\ · /lh88me~/ 11 They pursued ligious association chos tshogs (ch3<5tsh::>~)
their goal relentlessly. kho tshos kho rang [Syn. chos kyi; chos phyogs kyi]
tsho 1 i dmigs yul gyi thog la u tshugs !hod med religious and secular ~~-~~- /ch38sil/ 11 This
byas pa red. ( qhontso3 qhoraantsbo miqyu1lqi is a. religious and secular matter. 1 di chos
th!:l~la Otsut lh8"ome~ ch£Cpare~) [Syn. !hod srid (gnyis ka 1 i) don dog red. (t.!_ ch88sil nii-
yangs rna byas pa byas] qcc th~nta~ r!el
relevant a~C2-I'~'\ · lt-2!yo·6; 11 His comment was religious blind faith/superstition ~~·t'>.l·£z:.~·"\"\'
relevant. khos gnas lugs 'bshad pa de 1 brel yod /ch~la mor)tE:t/
red. (qh"i!>d n~~lut shl!cpati teey'o~ r!~l religious center /ch8'"'dqaa/ [Syn. chos
reliable, 1. iso. person ffi~·ri{l!IU·~· /1~ qhee- tshogs]
po/ 11 He is reliable. kho blos 1 khel po red, religious doctrine a;~·a·Zl~'\· :<.~' /ch3l$qi tl!mpa/
(qho 1~ qheepo r~~) 2. iso, a report, etc. religious faith ~~-~~· /ch33ttc/
v- ..r ~ ..
~0!-\ · ~"\-/ qhOr)tMn/ 11 a reliable report gnas religious freedom a<~<·""''\.""-"'';>t~1ch88tct; r;!r)mo·o;
tshul khungs !dan (n~~tsu1l qhClr)t~~n) religious language ¥:"::.<i·~~ · /ch33qcC/
relic, iso, a deceased person ~<!-1·...,-q(l.l· /cMshl.r1l/ religious madness ~~-~'\· /ch33non/
relief, iso. aid ~31,-:i!-{' .:l;,d-l'
11 ·relief religious offering, 1. n. O>.Ja"\· <.t · /ch3pa/ 2.
agency rags ram tshogs pa (r22_ram tsh:Sqpa) iso. give a ;eligious offering, va. B,
relief money ?:£:lf\~· "').Z:.~ · /r22_r)iJiJ/ /--phOO/
..., . ...,.. v- .
relieve, 1. iso, pain, va. A. z:~-:Q"'' /coo/ 11 The religious policy (of some organization) a:,2'(·~4"'\c~

medicine relieved the pain. sman des no tsha ~-~z;,.· ~~· /ch33ch::>~i srrcuU/
beag song. ( ml!l!n th.!_l n;!tsa caaso) 2. iso, religious""' prayer service done by monks, 1 , n. f<\Zl ~ ·
from work, va, :c:~). ·?.iJ'C\· i:i.<!-{' "'37 'C\ · /sh;!ptccn/ 2. va. ~~· /--ch£_c/
The new worker relieved me at 5 o'clock. las mi 3. iso. request shapten, va, C. -- •f"(~z;.· ~<ryev
gsar pas nga chu tshod lnga pa 1 i thog la br je ~~f/ --naanr::>~ shl.f~/
len byas byung. (l£_£mi saapct 11£ chQtshu"~ r)opcc ""
religious sect -
~e.\· ~~'3-{· /chOOlut/ [Syn. chos
362 religious term

rgyud] ts.!_nta/
religious term a:-......~~· /ch83tshil/ remedy $:l_ a,· t:l v-
~ 2!-\ • /mf!ncod/ ~ a folk remedy
relinquish M"~· ~7-z:::. · /18'd taon/ ~ He relin- sngar srol sman bcos (l)orsoo mf!ncb~)
quished the regency, khong gis rgyol tshob [kyi remember 1 1 , va, and vi, C, .5 ~ · /th_£h/ ~ I re-
dbong cho] blos. btong po red, (qhoonqi k&&tsap- member Tibet. ngo bod dron gyi 'dug, (I)~ ph~d
qi woi)Ca 18'6 toonpore~) th_!nqil) [Note: This term also conveys
relish, see: like "miss,"] ~ I just remembered I have to go, ngo
reluctant, iso, hesitant/doubtful ~::H·'Z.I· /th.2,q- 1gro dgos yag de do 1 to gzhi nos dron byung,
po/ ~ I om reluctant to go to Tibet. ngo bod (I)~ t,2 CJ,2Y00ti th~nto sh.!_n& th_£'?lcu) [Syn, dran
lo 'gro yog lo dogs pa yod, (I)~ ph~tila t,2yo?llo gsos] 2, iso, actively remember, va. A. ~Ol.ll!-{ ·
th.2,qpoyb~) [Syn. the tshom] (4.1'21~~/s~lo sh~o/ ~ Remember to buy a hot,
rely, va. c. ~•·..:t~cr· /late?!/ ~We rely on the zha mo nyo yag sems lo zhog, (sh_2m0 n.2yo?l semla
government for expenses, ngo tsho 1 i 'gro _song sh.2,~l [Syn, dran po byos]
gzhung la brten po red, (l)~ntsb"d t,25oon sh~~la remembrance, see: memory; commemoration
te?!pare~) remind, va, .SC\·~··~~· /th_!nqutl ch_£~/ ~ I re-
remain, 1. iso. continue to exist, va. A, ~:.e.·~· minded him to come, ngas kho yang yog dron skul
Zl~~'/l)~l)lo tE,~/ 11 They remain at peace, kho byes po yin. (I)_£C qh~ y_22nyao th_!nqtliJ ch_£~po­
tsho zhi bde 1 i ngong la bsdod yod po red, yin) [Syn, dron gsa byes; dran skul btang]
(qhCintso shitee l)~l)lo t_£~yo?>re~) 2, iso, reminder, n. !SOl_'~'UI'""\' /th_!nqutl y!:_qi/ ~ They
stay/live, va. ~~~·~~z::..· ~· -~<S-\ · !t£E.t&~po sent me a reminder about the meeting, kho tshos
ch_£c/ 11 When you go 1 I will remain here, khyod nga la tshogs 1 du 1 i skor dran skul yi ge zhig
(qhontsod 1)00 tsho6ntuu q55 th~nquu
rang ph yin po 1 i ring lo nga bsdod po byed kyi
yin. (kh8ro chimp&& r.!_l) la I)~ t£E.t&cpo ch.!_qi-
btong shag,
y!:_qici taanshao)
- . -
yin) reminiscent, see: similar; remember
remainder <;a-t·~· /lhCiamo?I/ ~ I 11 eat the remain-
1 remit, see: send
der of the food tonight. do dgong ngos kho log remittance, 1. r;:~ru· /l)fJO/ [Note: This liter-
lhag ma de bzo 1 gi yin, ally means "money."] 2, iso, receive a remit-
lh66mo?l ti s!qiyin) tance, vo. B. -- ~~~· /-c22,/ 3, iso, send a
remains, 1. see: remainder 2. iso, leftover, n, remittance, va. -- ~?~· /-taon/
..r- ..
~ay (Z.~J..l· /lhoqtb~/ ~ They cleaned up the remnant ~.a:~·rz.~~· /lhoqtb"d/ [Syn, lhog ma; lhag
remains of the fire, kho tshos me shor po 1 i 'khyil]
lhag 'phros de tsho gtsang mo bzos shag, (qhon- remodel, va, ~~·Zl:(~·~z:r/s_2PCod k!p/ [Syn, sgrig
tsb~ ~ sh~~p&& lhoqtb~ th!ntso tsal)mO s~dshaa) skyor brgyob] [Note: This literally means "re-
[Syn, lhog mo] pair • 11 ]
remake, va. c. ~1=-· ~.:t..· .2:1a<H · /y~l')koo s"§_t;/ ~ remorse ~ ~t'\,· /H5nkb~/ 11 He hod no remorse,
They remade the movie, kho tshos glog brnyon de khor blo. 'gyod mi 'dug, (qh5~ lonkb~ m.!_ntu~)
yang .skyar bzos shag, (qhSntso~ 151)n&&n ti y~I'J­ [Syn. 'gyod pol
koo sb~ha?l) [Syn, skyor bzo byos] remorseful 1 vi. C2~z:.. ·~·~·<l·f /k"§_po ch_£&/ ~ He is re-
remark, see: say morseful. khos 1 gyod po byed kyi 1 dug, (qhSls
remarkable .<!) ·~.!!-\· w•rr'it·tha l,££yo?lqi/ ~ It is a k!Spo chiqil)
remarkable change, 'di ho los yog gi 1 gyur bo rem~rsela:-s CZ~'"\·'%.1~~- "Z..' /k"§_po ~~po/
zhig red, (t.!_ he l£E.yaaqi k~waci r!~l remote area C2.11:' (ZI""(' /lul)qu'tt/
...., "' - C\. ...r-
remedial class, neo, 3;J;.'~I!:'·(Z.'i{~·"!) · /s~rcoh remote control 1 neo, 1 1 , n, ~a::.·' 'h · Zl. '1')"'1' -'f\ '; ;i!:... •
~ !l. 6
repeal 363

/k~r)rin qoqtoon/ 2, iso. use remote control, renounce, 1. iso. a throne, va. B, .<::14'(4.!· /shSS/
va. eCi · I --chef:. I 2. iso, a vow/ideology, va. C. ~i!:'c-\ · /p5Q/ ~
. .
remote v~llage - -r- -... I '
~z:::·~~l...-~"''"1""~· l~r)quu
1-h~nsee He renounced communism, khos dmar po'i ring
remove, 1 • iso, move, va. C. £~· /pS"d/ ~ He re- lugs spangs pa red, ( qh'd'd moopb-ci r !rJlu\j pa?Jpa-
moved the book from the table, khos deb cog ree)
( qhoci
tse 1 i sgang nos spos shag, th.!:,P coqtsee renovate, 1. see: repair 2, iso, house/large
q~nc "-'· 'I
pooshaa 2, iso, remove from officeI·JO b , statue, etc,, va. £?~<!-1'"1~~-z..{· /ii~mso chE_C/
va. A. ~z;.· /pil/ [Syn, phyir 'bud byas] 3, rent, 1, iso, for a residence, i, n, F'r;..· :0 ·
iso, remove clothes, va. A. ~1'\· /pil/ ~ He /qho~nla/ ~ How much is the rent? khang gla go
removed his coat, khos kho rang gi kor phud tshad red? (qho~nla qh~tshcc rE_c) ii, iso. pay
song. (qh8"d qhorcc qor p!lsu) 4. iso. elimi- rent, va. A. -- !;jl)' 1~-t!!c/ 2, iso, rent, va,
nate, va, C, ~~- .,.. •=:d:f'~· /m~~pa s£d/ ~ They C, ~~· /l!!c/ ~ We rented a house, nga tshos
removed the danger of war, kho tshos dmag gi khang pa zhig glas pa yin. (r)~ntscr'o qhor)paci
nyen go med pa bzos pa red. ( qhontsb1i mooqi l!!cpayin)
n~nqa m~~pa s~-'opare~) 5, iso, remove a splin- rental fee ayu_.,. ~ · /yoO!a/
ter, etc., va. C. "'~~'\· /t'dn/ ~ He removed ren t - f ree rac::.·-"'1'2'i~'OU.'Z)4"""Zl
v- Cl.... " I q h-- ~
aan 1a too '
~qodpa I
(Z..j ~ '
the splinter from my hand, khos nga 1 i lag par repair, va, zt~·~;fa..·Z4~/s~oo k~p/ ~ He repaired
shing tshag zug pa de bton song. (qhS"d r)~ l~q­ the stove. khos ·thab la bzo bcos brgyab song,
paa shirJtsaa s~upati tSnso) (qh'd'd th~pla sopcod kapsu) [Syn. zhig gso byas]
remunerate, see: pay; recompense repairman .o.3-' Zl"if&·c>.n:·~· /s2_pcc;l5 lE!:,mi/
rendezvous ~<rt·'Q.l~· /thuuyao/ 11 They had a ren- reparation ~"<\'<Ij""\,. /qh~nsap/ ~ They paid re-
dezvous at"""the bar, kho tsho chang khang nang parations to the Indian government, kho tshos
la thug yag cig yod pa red, (qhontso chor)qaan rgya gar gzhung la gun ~gsab bslogs pa red,
n~nla thOOyaaci Y2~re~) (qhentsod kaqaa shu?-;la qhtrunsap lo~pare~)
renege, va, a-.·~«,>0{·"<-1'~'"'~· /rnCinccpa chE_c/ ~ He repatriate, va, 1 , - - -" ""'{7-1"\ · ~~ ·
"\,Z:.' ~i>-1'(2.1 • ~=<... • /r~r)-

reneged on his promise, khos khos len !a ma yUUla chirleen chE_C/ 11 They repatriated the
gnas pa byas shag. (qhS"d qh~!!leenla monccpa prisoners, kho tshos btson pa tsho rang yul !a
chE_cshao) phyir len byas pa red. (qhCintsod ts'dmpatso r~r)­
renegotiate, va, Jl"\' ") · ~~· ~ns · ~..,.. · /kortu 1-hoci- yuUla chrrleen chccshao)
·.;t_ "'V -
mod chct/ ~ They renegotiated the loan. kho repay, 1. iso, a loan, va. A. ~Z\· /+.!!c/ ~ He re-
tshos bu lon gyi skor la skyar du gros mol byes paid the loon. khos bu !on sprad shag, (qhW
shag. ( qhontsb1i ph~lUUnqi qo,la kortu th2,2mi:ro ph~lUUn t!!cshao) [Syn. 1 jal,; bsabs] 2. iso,
chccshac~!) kindness, va. B, >=l""l'l~ · /s-:!ip/ ~ He repaid their
renew, 1. iso. order again, va, A. .
a"'·~c;> u::::.-1~. kindness, khos kho tsho 1 i bka' drin bsabs shag,
/kortu r)'fio/ ~ They renewed (their) order of (qhM qhontsod q~tiin s~pshao) [Syn, 'jal] 3,
rugs. kho tshos kha gdan skyar du mngags shag. iso, make up a loss, va, A, ':1<\'<1'\'2'-{"'l.' ~~·
( qhontsol5 qhotccn kortu r)oashao) [Note: This /qh~sap t!!c/ 11 He repaid their loss, khos
is literally "ordered again,"] 2, iso, extend kho tsho la gun gsab sprad shag, (qh'd'd qhonts~~
for more time, va."\~-~~·~..:.-~·Z1~.t:..·/thtrutshtr~ qh~nsap t!!cshaa)
""'V .~ I -
r!rJru taan/ ~ They renewed their magazine sub- repayment 41~·~""~"1.. /qh!!!!nsap/
scription, kho tshos tshag deb nyo mngags kyi repeal, va, c. ~")·'Z.I·:i!l.a-'24/m~epa s£d/ ~ They re-
dus tshod ring du btang shag. ( qhCintscrd tshoq- pealed the law. kho tshos khrims med pa bzos pa
tep n~aoqi th~tshtr0 r!r)ru toonshao) red, (qhontsb1i thrm m~~pa s!dpare~) [Note:
364 repeat

This literally means "eliminate."] brlogs pa de 1 i tshob cig nyos pa yin, (r"J£C
repeat, 1. iso. soy something again v.~r::.· ~;" · thor)qo 16apa tii tsh~pci nodpoyin) [Note: This
[vb.] /y~r)koo [vb,]/ 11 He repeated the word, literally means [bought]
' -"a replacement, 11 ] 3.
khos tshig de yang skyor bshod song. (qhS'd iso, act as a replacement, vo, af~:~· €!.~ · /tsh~p

tshiqti y~r)koo sht:tso) 2. iso, do repetitions ch£&1 11 Dor je replaced me at the factory for a
such as a chant or mantra, vo • .r<.:!;.'")' .-:::~,~::~:, month. rdo r jes bzo grwor zlo bo gcig ngo 1 i
~ "\.) ~
/k6rtu k0!5/ 11 The monks repeated the prayer, tshob byes pa red, (t~e~ s~t-oa t~wa ciq rJE£
grwo pa tshos smon lam skyar du bskyor song, tsh~p ch£tpore~) 4. iso, replace something, vi,
(\h~patsbt mSnlom kortu k30so) 3, iso, uninten- and va. ct"l:!.· ~aJ.' /tsh~p ch£&1 11 Electricity
tionally repeat a word (as in a talk), vo, ~~­ replaced candles in Tibet. bod lo glog bzhus
f"Z'{· ~li!-1· /kontb•d chct/ (ph_!:!"dlo l&!shtr~
- 11 He repeated that word a
khos tshig skyor zlos zhe drag byos song,
yang lo' gi tshob byes pa red,
y~r)loaqi tsh~p ch£cpare~) 11 The government re-
(qhS'd tshiq kontbt sh!\oo ch£cso) placed candles with electricity. gzhung gis
repeated! y Z'-11::' 'C\~· ..:U7!:.' "'\" /y~r)n& y~r)tu/ 11 He. re- glog bzhus yang la 1 gi tshab byos pa red,
peotedly come. kho yang nos yang du yong song, (sh_!!(Jqi lliqshu1l y~r)loaqi tsh~p ch£Cpare~-)
(qh6 y~r)n& y~r)tu y~nso) [Syn, yang skyor yang replacement af..:s· /tsh~p/ 11 Is he my replacement?
skyor] kho ngo'i tshab red pas? (qho r"J!£ tsh~p r!p&c)
repel, vo. ~X.'/2~-~~- /chimpuU ch£tf 11 They replenish, vo. (ll' ~01.· <!::l~;;o. • /qhanbon k2_p/ 11 They
repelled the invaders. kho tshos btson 1 dzul replenished our supply of food, kho tshos nga
byed mkhon tsho phyir 1 bud byas pa red, (qhon- tsho'i zo bca' mkho sprod byed yag kha snon
ts~ ts!:ntsUU ch!r"J&&ntso chimpuU ch£cpare~) brgyab shag. (qhents~~ ~ntsod s~ca qho\-od ch!-
repellent, iso. insect n.e·~z:.· ~<>""\ ;.-.cr__· /p_!!\aon yaa qhonodn k2_psha?.l)
q2qm&cn/ replica, see: copy
repent 1 va. ~- >:.!'~"'\' /k_£pa ch£tf 11 He is re- reply 1 1. va. ~"\· ~~::l · /1E£n k2_p/ 11 He replied
penting for his mistakes. khos kho rang gi nor to my question. khos nga'i dri ba lo !on brgyob
'khrul lo 'gyod po byed kyi 'dug, (qhS'd qher&& byung. (qhS"d r"JE£ th!wala 1E£n k_:pcu) 2, iso.
n~tUUla k~pa ch!qil) reply to a letter, va. "

repentance ra~")·~· /k_!:!pa/ [Syn, blo 1 gyod] taan/ 3. iso, reply verbally from a distance,
rei>entont ~- ~- /k_!:!pa/ 11 Is he repentant? va. A. 3-\'~"\'Z1~41_ztl' /6l&&n 13~/ 11 When I
kho lo 'gyod pa 'dug gas? (qh!5!5 k_!:!pa t_!!q&t) called out to him, he didn't reply. ngos skod
repertoire f"2.,Sll' "l ~z:::. · /th~pshuun/ [Note: This gtong dus khos a !on bslogs ma byung. !rJ£& qc&
~ ... !!!'."' ~
literally means -"a ploy."] toontUU qhod ~l&&n 13~ m~uun)
repetitious !J_:X:.: ~<!\· /k6ntod/ 11 His speech is report, 1. n. 4'\~~(ll'..~:t..q;i::;;'Z.I· /nUtsUU sh~cpo/
repetitious, kho'i skod cho lo skyor zlos 'dug, 11 His report on the meeting was good, khos
(qh88 q!:coo k6ntod t_!!1) tshogs 'du'i skor gyi gnas tshul bshod pa de yog
replace, 1, iso, a third person/party replacing po 'dug. (qhaa tsh6ntUU q30qi n~ltsu~ sh~cpati
something lost 1 etc, 1 va. A: cS.-.:1. •~~ • ./tsh~p Y!:!qo t!!u) [Syn. snyon song zhus pa] 2. iso,
\!:&/ 11 The government replaced his lost yaks, report in person 1 vo. A. <1"1'0\a.o.· ~rz.~· .1:1.~ ~ • /n'l~­
gzhung gis kho'i g.yog brlogs pa de tsho'i tshob tstru sh!:c/ 11 He reported on the new plan, khos
sprod shag. (sh.!!Jqi qhOO ya?.l loopa th!ntsod 1 char gzhi gsor pa 1 i skor gnos tshul bshad pa
tsh~p tt:cshoa) 2, iso, replacing things oneself red. (qhS'd ch~~shi s66p&& q!SO n"tsUU shfcpa-
~a.· [vb,] /tsh~p [vb,]/ 11 I replaced (by re~) 3, iso, report in writing, va.~rta,~~~-r~;~·
buying another) the lost thonko, ngos thong ko /n'l~tstru taan/
requirement 365

report cord ~"'\· <lf'1'~"1.· ~~ · /y!qtsec sh:Sqcoon/ dpor 'debs byos)

reporter (newspaper) "\"1",: ~::r.;~"\'.:>JF"a, · /sankuu reproach 1 see : bl ome
qcrcir)een/ [Syn. gsor 'gyur byed po) reproduce, 1. see: copy 2. iso, sexually, vo,
repository ~K""\ · /ts"§d/ ~"'l-/kee/ 11 She could not reproduce, mos phru
represent, 1. iso. oct on behalf, vo, 'I: are:>.· ~2-1· gu skyes thub kyi mi 'dug. (m"§d puqu kee thuu-
/l')~tsap ch£_c/ 11 He represented the workers. qimintuu) [Note: This literally means ''give
khos bzo po tsho'i ngo tshob byos po red, (qh~d birth.")
s~potsb-d l')~tsap ch£_tporee) [Syn. tshob byos) reproduction, 1. iso. a copy ~;z;~~- /l')~hu'U/ 11
2. iso, signifies, va. c. ~ay-\·ouaf"\· /tao Is this real or a reproduction? 1 di ngo ma red
tshah/ ~ This represents peace. 1 dis zhi bde'i dam ngo bshus red? (t_! I'J~ r£.£ l')~hu11 rE_c) 2.
rtags mtshon po red, (t!l shitee tao tsh3npo- iso. sexual ~- ....., · ~~- "'<.~""\' /puqu keyoo/
....., ""\ ·~

ree) reptile 1·
1'2!\"fi· ~OIJ- ·-<:I'\· /tont-b-d semceen/
representation (lit. representoti vel "
c<-:Be-t' 0\.l · republic ~-~~<'\·~· (D..z:t' /citUUn ~qap/ 11 peo-
/thOOmi/ 11 We hove no representation "'
in the As- ple's republic mi dmangs spyi mthun rgyal khob
sembly. tshogs 'du der ngo tsho 1 i 'thus mi yod (miman citUUn k~~qap)
pa ma red. (tshOOntu t~~ D~ntsOO thOOmi Y20ma- repudiate, iso, disown, vo, A. lf::t,·~~~l' Zl~~<H·
ree) [Syn. ngo tshob; h. sku tshob) /pore::>~ 1':5?,/ 11 After he arrived in Indio, he
representoti ve 1 1 • iso. elected n.~~ · ~ · /th!l"umi/ repudiated everything he had said, kho rgyo gar
• "'-j

2. iso. appointed'(-£"'\·; h.~-;i&:l· /l')~tsap; h. lo 'byor nos khos [sngon rna) bshod po tshong mo
qutsap/ spar phyogs bslogs po red, (qho koqoalo c::>::>ne
repress, 1. iso. polit., vo. ~<\·"'\~'\' ~"""-· qh~ l')~nmoo shfcpo tshol')mo perc::>?, l~~poree)
/ts~~noon ch£_t/ 11 They repressed dissent, kho repugnant ~31· ~.if /kuq th~po/ 11 repugnant work
tshos 'gal zlo btson gnon byos po red, (qhon- los ko sKyug bro po (1E£.qo kQq t-h~)

tsb-d q£_£nto tsffnoon ch£_tporee) 2. iso. emo- repulse, see: repel

tions 1 vo. l:lo"';;r_,·~"'\· ~.l!-i /ts~nq::>~ ch£_C/ 11 He re- reputation ~/&z:..e-t· /tho?!/ 11 Does he hove a good
pressed his desires. khos rang gi 1 dod po btson reputation as a teacher? kho dge rgon yin po 1 i
'gog by as po red. ( qhSt> r~l')qi todpo ts&nq::>?> mthongs chen po yod po red pas? (qho q~qccn

checporee) [Syn. btson gnon byos) y_!mpcc tho?) chempo Y2~repce) [Note: See also
repression .z:\;d"<\·...-j~ a..,· /tsU;nb-on/ ~ the repres- "famous.")
. '
sion of freedom
woon lo tsffnb-on)
rang dbong lo btson gnon (r~n­ request, 1 • n.
.:J:,: n".-;:;;z ·

I hove something to request,

«\ · 'ZLl"""'
--..;;) -·\
- 11
- shuyoa/

nga la re dun zhu


repressive Zl.<:""·"f\~C\- /tsffnoon/ 11 a repres- yog cig yod. (l')ao shuyooci yod) 2, va.
sive government btson gnon srid gzhung (tsff- c. -;;.,-..,_~'0\ · oZ:l~~-:- ; h. ""3:.·1'2~a,_· ~~ ·- /r_!nttrun
noon siishul')) "' h.
ton; '
r~ntUUn sh~/
ff He \requested
they lend
reprieve, 1. see: pardon 2. see: postpone him two horses. khos kho tshor rto gnyis g.yor
reprimand 1 VO, (Zl' ~ Z: '2-1.' .:1!:1 'ljC..' /qhaptun toon/ 1f rags zer re 'dun btan po red. (qh~ ·qhonts::>::> ta
He reprimanded the student. khos slob phrug der nrr ycar::>~s r_!ntu~n tSnporee)
kha brdungs btong song. (qh~d loptoo tee qhap- request an audience, 1. iso, with a religious fig-
tun taanso) [Syn. bshod bshod btong) ure, vo. C. -;l.ll':O-l'!1l'~Cli·~~-<~i<!-t' /cccqa iif&nsah
sh~~/ 2. iso, with a secular figure, va. C,CJ.J~at
reprint, vo. ~.::(,·"1· ~2.1::~:;· ~'C\· ~~ · /kortu partUUn
~ '"""V
11 They reprinted the book.
kho tshos deb (2.~. ~a.·~ z:..· ~2'-{. /c£_£nt-cc nffnson sh~1t/
de skyar du dpor skrun byos shag, (qhontsod require, see: need
th~pti kCirtu p~rtlJUn ch_£cshoo) [Syn. skyor du requirement "\~'C-1· Ul~- /q2,yao/ 11 What ore the
366 requisition

requirements for the job? los ka 1 di 1 i don dog Ch£Cpa y_£pcc) 2. see: settlement 3. iso.
la dgos yag go re go re yod pa red? (l~qo tii doubts ~~-.:-1· >:.~. /th2qpa/ 11 He has reservations
thonta~la q~yaa
. qh~re qh~re Y2~rccl [Syn. dgos about the plans. kho 'char gzhi de la dogs pa
mkho] I dug, ( qho Ch~ashi thEE_ th;:qpo t~U)
requisition (order) 1 1. n. ~~·~fll·(;:,.~·~· /i'i2_rqo reserve, 1. iso. make a reservation, va, ~~·ou"'-"\"1'
l2_nto/ 2. iso. requisition, va. -- ~;;-z::.· ~e~· /1)381)ad chE,C/ 11 He reserved two rooms at
/--toan/ 11 The general requisitioned food from the hotel. khos mgron kharlg nang la khang mig
the villagers. dmag dpon des grong gseb nos za gnyis sngon mngags byas shag. (qhS"d t_£nqoan
bca 1 i nyer mkho len tho zhig btang shag. ( moq- noanla qh~nmil nir 1)331)a~ Ch£Cshad) 2. iso, set
plfon til 't-h~nse~nc s~ccc i'i2_rqo l2_ntoci taan- aside, vo. A. ~;,;,· ~~~ay /s~rtu sh'2_b/ 11
shab) They reserved this land for building a school •
......._ ....r- ..
rescind, va. C. .;lJ 7\ · z.~·.!:!. '3a.l · /m2_epa s2_o/ 11 They kho tshos sa cha 1 di slob grwo 1 i khang pa rgyag
rescinded the rule, kho tshos sgrig lam med pa yag la zur du bzhag song. (qhontsb~ socha t.!_
bzos shag. (qhontsb~ t~qlam ~epa s~sha~) loptcc qhol)pa k~yaola s~rtu sh~oso) [Syn. zur
rescue, va. C. ~'0\'"'l'~C\·zt~q· /i'i2_nqanc tSiV 11 1 jog byas] 3. iso, a reserve stock, n. 2:::\~::r,·
They rescued him from the fire. kho tshos kho n.!:\"'1' /qrmcuu/ 11 reserve sugar bye rna ka ra
me sky on gyi nyen go nos bton shag. ( qhontsod bkar 'jug (chama qora q~ncu'tl)
qho ~kodnqi i'i2_nqanc t3~shao) reservoir, 1. iso, small ""E(;::,.· /ts.!_l)/ 2, iso.
research, 1. n. ('\'Zl'(2.~l:l') · /sh~mcu'tl/ 11 historical large a;·d!Zf"'\·
research lo rgyus dang ldon pa 1 i zhib 'jug reside, see: live
(l~kuU ta tE,mpcc sh~mcuu) [Syn. nyams zhib; residence ~~·~· ; h, ~~~C:C·\' /t~a; h, sh~a/
brtag zhib] 2. iso. (do) research, va, -- ~~· 11 Where is your residence? khyod rang sdod sa
/--chE,c/ 11 They did research on marriage cus- go par 'dug? (kh3ra todsa qh~paa t~~)
toms. kho tshos chang sa 1 i 1 ugs srol gyi skor resident ~z;,· a..l.{ll'<\' /t'Odr)ccn/ 11 All the resi-
la zhib '~ug byas shag. (qh5ntsod choonscc l~q­ dents of Purang ore Tibetan, spu hreng la sdod
suuqi q~~la shimcuu chccshod) mkhan tshong ma bod pa red. (pOroanla t~l)ccn
researcher ~~·~~· Zl' -/sh~mcuqpa/ tshol)ma ph_£pa r2_e l
research institute ~c:~·a~ll"'\·ra.c:.· /sh~mcul!qaan/ residue, 1, iso. from burning e>.'*y :(· /tshiqro/
resemblance, see: resemble [Syn. •tshig.shul] 2. iso. from boiling A~~-~­
resemble ~.:')·~ /'t-~po/ 11 He resembles Dorje. /qS3ro/ [Syn. bkol shu!]
kho rdo rje 'dra po 1 dug. (qho t~e t~po t~u) resign, 1. iso, from a job/office, va, C, "'\<f\h.C\·~·
resent, va. C?-(6:'\· ~~· ~'<::-\· /qhOntsiin chE,c/ 11 ~~· /q~pa sh~/ 11 He resigned yesterday, kha
He resented all the foreigners. khos phyi rgyal so kho los khur dgongs pa zhus song, (qhffsa
gyi mi tshang mar 'khon 'dzin byas pa red, qho lMquu q~pa sh_!!~u) 2. iso, have no choice
(qhBB chikccqi m~ tshonmaa qhOntsiin chE,cpare~) but to a-~· [ vb,] .:i:_J;:.' [ vb.] lrr19.. [ vb,] r~l)

resentment ~· ~'0\· /sh2_qh'OOn/ 11 Their resentment [vb,]/ 11 I'm resigned to living in the monas-
is great. kho tshor zhe khon chen po ·• dug. tery. nga dgon par rna bsdad rang bsdad red,
(qhonts~~ sh!qhbon chempo t~u) [Syn. khon (!J~ q'2.mpaa m~tcc r~l)tcc r~el
'dzin; zhe 'gras khon 1 gras] resignation cz..<~· ~""·.;,~;::0{· ~ /l~quu q~hu/ 11
reservation, 1. ~0\ CUC::."'\_~·~'H· ~ · /1)381')0~ ch£C- We received his resignation yesterday. kha sa
po/ 11 Do you hove a reservation for the bus? nga tshor kho'i las khur dgongs zhu 1 byor byung,
khyod rang la 'ba' sa'i [sdod sa] sngon mngags (qhffsa l)onts~~ qh38 l~~quu q_~shu c~hu)
0.. t\..- -
byas pa yod pos? (kh&aa p~scc 1)331)od resin~~-~ '/shfl)tsi/
responsible 367

resist, iso. stop/block, vo, A. ;;Q>~"\<r\. /qao/ ~ (qhontso~ kemccnlo qh~shap ch!qimintut) 3.
We resisted the invaders. nga tshos btsan 1 dzul iso, with respect to ~~·(l.J· /q~~lo/ ~ With re-
byed mkhan tsho bkag pa yin, (q9,nts~ ts~ntstiU spect to our plan, first we hove to visit the
che~ccntso qaopayin) copij:.ol. ngo tsho'i 'char gzhi 1 i skor la dong
resi;tance, neo. >::~Z"Ol.,·~(>.t· .zn,·~·u::;'tf<ry~.r /tsfnqoo sa~­ po ngo tsho rgyol so lo 1 gro dgos red. (~2_ntsbo

tso~/ ch~shii q~'lo tho~po ~ontso kccsoo toqoree)

11 Is he a member of the resistance?
btsan rgol gsang tshogs kyi tshogs mi red pas?
iso, pay respects, vo.
- - -"
""26'"-~;,.~· ~-~""·
- /tshamt.i

(qho ts~nqoo sa~tso~qi ts~~mi r~pc&l chE_C/ ~ We called on the new neighbors to pay
resolutely ~~0\· >?>"'\' ""\~;:.·"""· ;qz~· ~~ · /semtao our respects. ngo tshos grong po gsor par
tsoi)IOO c~&nc/ ~ They resolutely opposed capi- mthams I dri byas fXl yin, ( ~£ntsod th2,1Jpo s00pa0
talism. kho tshos ma rtsa 1 i ring lugs la sems tshamti chccpoyin) 5, iso, without respect to
thag gtsang ma bead nos ngo rgol byes pa red. '<"\.."'- ...../"'
"'1'-"''""'"\'~"\'C"--'a..l' ~~-%.1"\' /qhE,re y!_miinla matb-ci-
(qhontscrd m£tscc r!_~lutla semtaa tsa~a cf&nc paa/ ~ We will hire someone without respect to
~.£Cloci CE_Cparee) [Syn. sems thag rbad de bead ethnicity. ngo tshos mi rigs go re yin min lo
nos] mo ltos p:lr los byed po zhig 'jug gi yin. (~£n­

resolution (of a meeting), 1. n. ~<'-{· ~"\· /t.h~­ ts1:!'d miril qhE,re y!_miinla mat~poo l~ce~po ci
chb-6/ ~ The resolution was approved [by the cuClqiyin)
president]. [srid 1 dzin gyi] gros chad la chog respectful ~"" · ('a,~2-\· "\,"-' ~'\ 2.1~/qh~shapto tE_mpcc/
mchan than shag, ([siintsiinqi] th~hodla ~ a respectful answer gus zhobs dang ldon pa'i
ch~~cheen th2nshao) 2. iso. pass a resolution, lon (qh~hapto tE_mpcc l~n)
va. A. -- "'l~.l"\· I --sh£ol respectfully ~"!'.· "\ZI<!-\' ~~· "<\""'' /qh~shap chE_cnc/
resolve, 1. see: decide 2. iso. settle a dis- ~ He answered respectfully. khos gus zhabs byos
rsd.: (qh~d qh~shap chE_Cnc lccn
...., B~..zt~"\· /thOntao c~&/
pute, va. A, 11 The nos lan bslogs song,
dispute was resolved. kha mchu khrun thag bead l~~so)

shag. (qhamcu thOntaa cf&shao) respiration "\ ~Z(~\· ~ ~ · /uUluun/ ~ respiration

......, .
resort, neo, ":1z:·~.;·(Z.l·~"2-i· /qh.!;!~sanla t-~a/ machine dbugs r lung I phrul byod ( aaluun thOO-
resource, 1. iso, natural resources la<\' .i/("~·(2~:::.· cc&l [Syn. dbugs rlung rngub gtong]
" ~
I thonts&t; C.!;!~qun/
.. 11 There are many'-::1re- respiratory p:Jth ~~"'\""'' f.>...l01..l • /Clqlam/
sources in Tibet. bod la than rdzas 1 byung respire, see: breathe
khungs mang po yad pa red, ( ph_£'dla thSntsc& resplendent %\'!lay Cll~z:.z..\ · ~ ' \ · ;:;_-, /taqton chempo/
c~~qun m~~qu Y2~ree) 2. iso. economic resources [Syn; gzi brjid chen po]
'")"•(4·12g-::t,· ~c:. ~~:::e-~· /p~fncoo C.!;!~qu'O/ 3, iso. min- respond, see: answer
eral resources "'· ...\):<._·rzg<=-·~z:.z.i· /soter cu~quiV response, see: answer
- ('\., ('.... ........ -v ..:J
resourceful "1'"\·'U..t~;;t{~· ~·\~a·cuf''1'/qh2_re y!_nM ch! responsibility, 1. n, tu.i!-\'(l..•'lT~ ·

thua~ccn/ 11 He is very resourceful. kho go re Whose responsibility is.this? 1 di su 1 i los 1 gon

yin na 1 i byed thub mkhon zhig red, (qho qh2_re red? ( t!_ sliD l£E_nqccn rE_C) 2. iso, toke re-
y!_nM ch! thuCl~ccnci r!e) [Syn. gang yang byed sponsibility, va. c. ~z:::~ · /--len/ 11 He
thub mkhan; brgyo go gcig chad] took responsibility for writing the report.
respect, 1 • n. 4\cl.' 10\"'~2'-1 · /qh~hap/ 11 We have khos gnos tshul bri yog gi los 1 gan blongs pa
respect for him. ngo tshos khong lo gus zhobs red, (qh~ n~~tsUU t.h!_yoaqi l~nqccn lenparee)
yod. (~2_ntsb~ qhoonlo qh~hap y~~) 2. vo, responsible ~~- (2.~(14· ~· /1\3~ qheepo/ 11 He is
~c-.· I --chE_c/ ~ They don 1 t respect women. kho very responsible, kho [mil blos 1 khel po zhe
tshos skye dmon lo gus zhobs byed kyi mi 1 dug. drag red. (qh~ m!_ l~d qheepo sh!tao r!e)
368 restaurant

rest, 1. va. J:;.(2.1'<fj~·~n·; h. ~-z:.~·.q~O!<{· /r)~so bkog dgos red, (kh8rtc sasoo qhoont-o qo~qore~)
k!p; h. qlir)tt s8"d/ 11 He rested at home. khos 2. iso, control, va, B, ~""121·(2.~(>.1· /lo~ qhee/
nang la ngal gsa brgyab song. (qh8"d naanla r)~­ 11 They couldn't restrain the child, kho tshos
so k!psu) 2. n. ~-4\~· /r)~so/ 11 He had a phru gu de glags ma 1 khel pa red, (qh5ntsod pu-
good rest at home. kho nang la ngal gsa yag po quti ·la~ moqheepa r!~l
byung shag. (qho n~nla r)~so y.9.qo ch.!;!!:!nsha~) restraints ..:~"'111'\'IZ<r\81· /qBonq"J'?>/ 11 There were
3. iso. work left over 1 n. "~~· /t.h8"d/ 11 no restraints on publishing, dpor 'grams byed
I'll do the rest of the work tomorrow. ngas las yag la bkag 1 gog byung yod po ma red, ( pCinte~
ka 1 i 1 phros de sang nyin byed kyi yin. (r)E_C ch!yo~la qoonq"J?l chuun y"J'?>mare~) [Syn, bkog
lt&qtt t-h~ti senii ch!qiyin) 4. iso. left over sdom]
things such as food, n. ~ar~· /lhooma~/ 11 restrict, iso, stop, va. A. ""'-11'\•'Y /qo~/ 11 They
I'll eat the rest of the food tomorrow. kha log restricted the sale of newspapers. kho tshos
!hag me de ngas song nyin bza' gi yin. (qholo~ tshag dpar tshong yog bkag pa red, (qhi5ntsod
lhooma~ti r)£~ seniin s~qiyin) tshoqpoa tshoonya~ qo~pore~) [Syn, bkag sdom
restaurant :,·ra-.:..· /s.9,qaan/ byos]
restful ~-~~· /lh81~~/ 11 a restful vacation restricted -v-v-"
~"\·"\' ~Oli.'UJ"''·~~-
I qoqtom.. y'2_po/ 11 a
gung sang lhod !hod cig (qh~r)sa~ lhBlotci) restricted area bkag sdom yod po 1 i so cho
rest home z:.a.t·d)~'(2l>=. · /r)ttsoqhaan/ (qoqt~ y~ptt sacho)
restitution, see: repayment
(\ <\... c, restriction 11 Are there
restless, 1 • iso. on adult c£· 4 r a> ...,· /tshaqi tshi- restrictions on travel? 1 grul bzhud byed yag la
qi/ 11 He is very restless. kho tsha qi tshi gi bkog 'gog yod po red pas? ("t-htitishuU ch!yo~lo
zhed po ci 'dug. (qho tshaqi tshiqi sh!_puci qoonq"J'?J Y2?Jreptc) [Syn, bkog sdom]
t~u) 2. iso. a child a~~-~· /tshupu/ result "!lli<l' (2-~<H· /"t-h~tM/ 11 What was the re-
restoration·o!<"\¥"· /r)§!;_so/ 11 restoration plan "" the meeting?
sult of tshogs 1 du 1 i grub 'bros ga
ngal gso'i 'char gzhi (r)~oo chaashi) re byung song? ( tshO~ntUU "t-h.!!"tM qh.!:;!re ch~~­
restore, 1. iso. rebuild/fix-up/renovate, va. '?~~ · so~) 11 The war resulted in famine, dmag gi
"'~· ~ <!-\ • /n.9,mso chE_c/ 11 They restored the grub 1 bras mu ge byung pa red, (mo~qi t-h~tM
monasteries. kho tshos dgon po khog nyams gsa m~qi ch~nparee)
byes shag. (qhontsoB q~pa qho~ n.9.mso Ch£~sha~) resume, iso, toke up/start again, vo. A. ~::.;·~·

2. iso. reinstate/reactivate, va.~:x_·"'~~.;!(· (Z~'¥\21' /kcrtu qo tsuu/ 11 He resumed work on

/kiJrso chE_&/ 11 His power was restored. kho' i
the plan,
khos 'char gzhi nang gsol gyi los ko
chong shugs skyor gsa byas shag. (qh88. war)Shuu skyor du 'go btsugs pa red; (qh~ chaashi n.9,r)-
korso chE_csha~) 3. iso. restore to health, va. stcqi lttqo kcrtu ~ tsu'Uparee)
C. -..,~<H· /s8"d/ 11 He rested well and was re- ' '
resume, -r :§2-1' ;;l..ll)-:1)'
neo, ~.· v-
~5_<H' . 11~k'.. ... ·ru'; .
u~ t~tu
resurrect, 1. ~so, from dead', v~. C. vC\"(:>.I<n; s:z:
stored to health.
nos gzugs po gsos shag.
khos ngol gsa yog po brgyab
( qh8"d r)§!;_SO Y.!:;!qo k~pnt
/shrloo ch.!;!!:!n/ [Syn. 'dos log byung; shi nos

~' ,·)
s~qu sodshaa gsos] 2, iso. 0 custom a;>;--:s; [vb,] /kortu
restrain, 1. iso. stop from doing something, va. [vb.]/ 1!· They resurrected the old songs, kho
A. ~"l<r"(·/q6~/ 11 They couldn't restrain him from tshos gzhas rnying pa skyor du btong pa red,
protesting. kho tshos khos ngo rgol byed yag de (qhonts~ sh&~ nir)pa kcrtu taanpare~)
bkog me thub pa red. (qhontsb"B qh8"d rJ.!:;!ClOO ch!:- resurrection (;rom the dead) ~-~cr,·2<f\"W"1' /shi-
ya~ti qo~ mathuupare~) 11 You hove to x:estrain 166 kooya~/ [Syn. 'das log byed yog]
your temper. khyod rang gis so so 1 i khong khro retail, - neo, "~cu· ..r.;.
~z:::· /siitshoon/ 11 What is the
revenge 369

retail price? sil tshong gi gong tshod go tshod retribution, 1. n. fZ.I~-(2.~:;,.{· /lEE,nt&c/ 2. iso,
red? (siitshoonqi qhoonts&c qhatsh&c r&C) have retribution inflicted,· vi. B. -- cz.(fj:{,
retail store, neo, ~(2.1· ;g.,_. ;ii!=-· ;:.-.:...· /:iitshoon /--qh~~/
tshor)qaan/ retrieve, va. C. 5=--: ~h.~· /tshuu loh/ 11 The
retain, 1. iso. for ideas/customs, etc., va. A, dog retrieved the stick. khyis rgyug pa tshur
::c.,~· ~::t,.· <:4(<J.,>rj'/r5!_r)Sor sh2,o/ 11 They retained many blangs song. (khil k~qpao tshuu lohso)
old customs. kho tshos lugs srol rnying pa mang retrospect <~~~ ~~ · /th~ ch!._thu'U/ 11 In retro-
po rang sor bzhag pa red. (qhontsod l~qs~u nir)- spect, it would have been good to go, do byed
pa m~qu r2,r)sor sh5!_opare~) [Syn. rang bobs su dus ph yin pa yag pa byung shag, ( th2, chi tUU
bzhag] 2. iso, for things, va. B. ~-~z:_,·
~ ...__,
'?"'' chimpa y~qa ch~nshaa)
/m~huU naa/ · 11 He retained the house. khos return, 1. iso. arrive/cane back, vo. A. "'
khang pa mu mthud nyar shag. (qhM qhor)pa mu- 11=.?:>1 11 He returned yesterday. kho kha sa log
thuU i'iaashao) shag, (qho qhffsa I=.?Jshao) [Syn. tshur log]
retainer, 1. see: servant 2. iso, fee paid ~· 2. iso. return something to a store, etc., va.
"'\ ~(2.1 • /l~r:JUU/ A. 74':<;' ~£<'r\a · /phoa 1~'?>/ 1! He returned the
retaliate, va. A. (f'"a,· ~ '\ · Z\ i[cn. ~ · / qhB3nl&&n book. khos deb de phar bslogs shag. ( qhS~
1~'?>/ 11 They retaliated by killing the prison- th~pti phoo l~?Jshao) [Syn. phyir slog byas] 3.
ers. kho tshos btzon pa bsad pa 'i khon Ian iso. have something returned to oneself, vo. A.
bslogs pa red. (qhontso1> ts&npa sfcpcc qhB3n- af:z:..· z::l~.n'C-1·
...,_, (U- I
/tshOO l~?J/ 11 He returned the book
l&&n l~?Jpare~) to me. khos nga'i deb tshur bslogs shag, (qh~d
retarded person, see: dumb r:JE_£ th!P tshuu l~?Jshao) 4. iso. give back sane-
retention, see: memory thing borrowed, va. A. 74:>:,· ~""\ · /phoo tfc/ 11 I
reticent, see: hesitant returned the book (I borrowed) to him. ngas deb
Rating monastery "!)''%;<;.·'\~~ >:J · /r2_t.Hn q~pa/ de kho la phar sprad pa yin. (r:JE_C th!pti qh33
retinue '?·rz{a:o::,· ; h.~·rz,¥=t..· /i'i~q::>::>; h. qOnq::>::>/ phaa tfcpayin)
11 He came with his retinue. khong sku 'khor . ke t ~::r,_·
ret urn t ~c .s tuay v- 't.Ll<f\' "'
d"\' "-
<! ·"\· ""~ uu 122yaa
"'- · /t s h_.;. ..
dang bcas pa phebs song, {qhoon qunq::>::>ta cfcpa qi trqasi/ [Syn. phyir log 'khor gla]
phe~o) reunion, neo. ~"''"\·:I( rUt~<--\· /kortu r)ontsom/
retire, va • .i'i<\'.?.ftz~· ~"!-\· /q£nyoci chE_C/ 11 He re- reunite, va. ""' V"' v:
~::x,_·~· t::. ·(22[~'3{· ~<!'i· /kortu r:J5!_ntsom
tired (from work) this year. kho do lo rgan yol chE_&/ 11 The mother and her daughter were re-
byas pa red. {qho th2,lo qE_£nyoo chE_cpare~) united. a rna dang bu mo skyar du ngo 'dzoms
retired 11'\ -it~~·~~· q · /qEE.,nyoo chE_cpa/ 11 Is he byos pa red, (oma ta ph;!Ou kortu r)_£ntsom ch_£c-
retired? kho rgan yol byes pa red pas? {qho pare~)

qE_£nybo chE_cpa r!p&c) revanchism, neo, "'i"'Q't<J~'~'I::.·~.:n,"'· /t.~l&&n r_!r)lu~/

....r ....... V"
retirement ;,;~· =m · ; h. z:l <n ~ · U!tu · /qEE,nyoo; h. reveal, 1. iso. accidentally, vi. C. ra·a..""'· 3f0\·
teeyb-d/ 11 retirement income rgan yol phogs /qhon& th2n/ 11 He revealed the name. khos ming
thob (q&&nyoci ph~qthop) kha nos than shag. (qh'di5 m.!_r:J qhon& t.h8nshao)
" --
retreat, 1. va. ~;:.;.·· ~~ · /chirtheen chE_c/ [Syn. kha shor] 2. iso, consciously, va. B.Zl~Ri·

11 The soldiers retreated. dmag mi tshos phyir /tB8/ 1! He revealed the secret. khos gsang
'then byes pa red. (meamitsod chirtheen ch&cpa- ba brtol shag. (qh8B sanwa t3Sshao) 3. see:
re~) 2. iso. a religious retreat, n. ~· {f~ · expose
/r!._tb~/ 11 I have visited the retreat. nga ri revelation~~;<;.·~· 'UI~ · /th_£naan keyao/
khrod la sdod myong. (r:J5!_ r!_tod la t~clnuun) revenge, va. C. \':4v4' !il'l::.~ · /t~sha leh/ 1! He
370 revenue

revenged his father's murder; khos kho'i pa pha cod r_!J')luupa/

bsad pa'i dgra sha blang pared. (qh~ qh33 pa- revive, 1. va. ~"'-·"\·
"\"''11ru· ~""'· /kortu th~rpee
pa s~cpcc t~sha le~paree) chE_c/ ~ They revived monasticism. kho tshos
revenue, see: income dgon pa 1 i lugs srol skar du dar spel byas pa
revere, va. I;·~·"a,'\·~·~C~· /tsca chempo chE_&/ ~ red. (qh5ntsb1i q~mpcc l~qstm kortu th~rpee
They revered the Lama. kho tshos bla rna der chccparee) 2. vi. ~.::r.:"'''"'\"'(2~~· ~h.' /kortu
'-G, ......, """'
rtsa ba chen po byas pa red. (qh5ntsb1i lomatcc th~rphee ch~n/ [Syn. skyar du dar khyab byung]
tsaa chempo chE_cparee) 3. iso. make regain consciousness, va. C, ~~·~·

reverse, 1 • iso. turn about vo. A. 6.1 Z)· ..-va,ay .z:~. ~4"\'1>{' ...r
~.,...~. I thE_mpa soo
"''! ~ They couldn't revive him.
"" (ZJ I
/q~shuu 1~~/ ~ They reversed the situation in kho tshos kho 1 i dran pa gso rna thub pa red.
Chino. kho tshos rgya nag nang gi gnas stangs (qhontsl:id qh88 thcmpa so methuparee)
mgo gzhug bslogs shag. revoke, va. ~"'-· ("Z..--;<\. ~~· . /chirtheen chE_c/ ~
n!:na~ q~shuu l~~shoa) 2. iso. get reversed, They revoked the order. kho tshos bka 1 phyir
vi. A. ~~·Z\ca.~·c£4'\. /q~huu 1~~/ ~ The situ- 'then byas shag. (qhontsod qa chirtheen chE_C-
ation in China has been reversed. rgya nag nang shao)
gi gnas stangs mgo gzhug lag shag.
(kanaa noon-
. -. revolt, 1. n, ...rv- "-
I I')~:::>:::> · '!
1 ' s.:_J')tuu ~

qi n!:&ta~ q~shuu l~~shao) 3, iso. the reverse There was a revel t in Tibet. bod nang la ngo
side '2t:l'~<ll· /kaplt:>"b/ 4. see: opposite 5. log zing 'khrug byung shag. (ph~ ~nla 1')~1:::>~
iso. put/drive a ~r in reverse, va, ~-::x:._· ~..A. a"\· s!_J')tuu ch~nshaa) 2. va. '£. ~""'\· ~~· /1')~1:::>~
:<::~~2:1· /ch!shil k2,p/ chE_c/ ~ They revolted last year. kho tshos zla
reversible ~ . '\z::..· ~~ · ~"fl: ~·"""·/chi noon c~yaa y~­ nyin ngo log byas pa red. (qh5ntso~ taniin 1')~­
pa/ ~ reversible coot phyi nang brje yag yod l::l~ chE_cparee)
pa 'i phyi gos kor (chinaan c~yao y~pcc chiqhl:id revolution "'\~~· "")· /scree/ ~ communist revolu-
q3r) tion dmar lugs gsar brje (merluu scree)
review, 1. iso. critically examine, va. ~·"'.q·~~· technical revolution <"!<fl' %'C21'4'\""'~·-.q}. /l~qtscc
/t~ship chE_c/ ~ They reviewed the literature on scree/
Tibet. kho tshos bod skor bstan bees la 1 to The Great October Revolution, neo. f:i<:l.....,.a,"\ZI-"5'

zhib byas shag. ( qhontsb1i ph.![d q3::5 t&ncl:idla ta- z.r';;.· o4"'l~:c:-.ql · /lepceen cupcc scree/
ship chE_cshao) 2. iso. for a test, va.~~·~c:.·~~· revolutionary (person) ""l<!-<""'~1·~'\· 024 ca~· /scree
/s~rco~ chE_c/ 3. iso. review a parade, etc., ch~J')ccn/
va. B • «['3~"<.<.\'
"' "f".l::I'~"'\Z:::.,' I s_!qship naan/ revolutionary committee ""'\~::<,· Zl~ ·~~· ar""'\<-1'
review (of a book, movie), 1. n.'\-e_"-1·~""·""'~"-~·~a~"'· /scree lh&nts:::>~/
/c~~ship somcaa/ 2. iso. write a review, va. t.
r~vo 1 u ~onary war .... "
"'\'!-<""-'~~a'"\~"\·~<!'\· /scree
C. "'~<!-\' /--th_!l/ ~ He reviewed the new maqtuu/ ""
book. khos deb gsar pa de la dpyad zhib bsam revolve, vi. B. ~::z:;t:J.·f"2{l(-::x:._· /q5ra qh33/ ~ The
'char zhig bris shag. (qh8-d th~p scope thee moon revel ves around the earth, zla bo 1 dzam
c~~hip somcoaci th_!lshao) gling la skor ba 1 khor gyi yod pa red.
rev~ew s t an d "'
~'3.4'\CI ·.......
""<~'\ ~ · /s_!qtee/ ts2,mliinla q::5ra qh3~qiy:::>~ree)
rev~se 1 va. <\, V"
q-=>· Z~..:.S"C-1''
~~ • /sh_!pco1i chE_rJ ~ He revel ver (21"'"." ~'"\a.· /l::_J')to/ [Syn. thung mda']
revised the letter. khos yi ge de la zhib bees revulsion (feel) 1 vi. C. ~"'· ~:t,.· rz.1 t:~ · /kol')mee
byas song. (qh8"d y_!qi thee sh_!pcoB chE_Cso) 1~~/ ......,
. . •
rev~s~on~sm "" ~.:oc-~·
Zl3' ..,c, "-".Z:..'~"'\Co(' I s~pcoo
..~. r,:;J')
· 1 uu'I reward, 1. n. ~~z:..·"'~<!-\· ; h.""'\;""'\~·""\~<!-\·
revisionist (person) ~~·Zli'~·~z:..·~~~· "2.4'. /s~p- /thoi')Sc)d; h. s_!qso1i/ ~ He got a reward for
right 371

finding the money. kho lo dngul brnyes tsong (oantsod tsitsi prlqore~)
gzigs gzos rag po red. ( qh:S~ oOO Firltsoon s.!_q- ridd~e 4jz:>·~crl' /qh_:ptshil/
sod r_£~pore~_) [Syn. bdog rkyen; bye dgo'] 2, ride, 1; iso. on a horse, va. D.~~~· /sh~n/ 11
iso, for small things, i. n, 4"]~~· -:..~· /s83- H~ rides horses well. khos rta yog po bzhon
reU iL vo. A. -- ~~· /--t-fc/ thub kyi 'dug. (qh8~ t1i yoqo shon thuuqil) 2,
rewrite, vo. C. ~=·,:~ -:I<H' /kartu th.!,l/ iso. give a ride/lift to, vo. B.
- ::,... "

rheumatism, see: arthritis ""a!f'l.l' /m, n~nla kff/ 11 Please give me a

rhinocerous ~~·.::t.· /sf!ru/ ride to school. ngo slob grwa bar du mo to 1 i
rhinocerous horn ~2;· '\.~· "}.,' ~ /serUU r9Po/ nang lo bskyol rags gnong. !0.2 lepta ph_:too m_£-
rhododendron (!l'"t.l.l«y:ii·~d\.
.... ""'
/qhOyut meto?J/
tee n~nla kffro~non) 3. iso. ride in a vehic-
rhubarb~~·~~· /chOOcuu/ le, vo. A. 'ti·~x.· XI~'"'\· /m,2toa t!_C/ 11 The
rhyme ~z:.· ~~ ·
'""' /s'::_r)teen/ 11 Do these two words first time· I rode in a cor I was scored, nga
rhyme? tshig 'di gnyis zung !don red pas? dong po mo to lo sdod dus zhed byung, (1')_£ th.2r)-
(tshil t.!_Fiil S!:_r)teen r~pec) qo m_£too t~tuU sh~ecu)
rhythm, 1 • iso. speech/music ..11'\:f':z::, · .:a+afOI<H · /dln- rider (on horse) ~ · 2J' /tepa/
tsom/ 11 rhythm of speech skod cho'i tshig gcod a group of riders ~-'Z.I·'i'·~<l'\· 211~"1· /tepa tsho-
mtshoms (qfcee tshiq c8ntsom) 11 musical rhythm qha~ crl!
gdongs dbyongs gcod mtshoms it_£r)yo~ cSntsam) a ·line of riders ~ · ?q~ · /t1ipro~/
2. iso. heart 41~""'\· C)Jaf<I-!<M' /yOotsom/ 11 rhythm ridge ~~· !{,;.· /riiqo~/
of the heart snying g. yug mtshoms ( Fiir) yOr)- ridicule, va. a.:t· ~~ZJ· (2.1"'
tsom) They ridiculed the foreigner. kho tshos phyi
rib l;~~·~· /tsir)mo~/ rgyal gyi mi la 'phya lad brgyob pa red. (qhon-
ribbon, 1. ~'<\·~a.o.·,...~· !a'\' ,.,/k!_ntb1> rEE,tho~/ 2. tsoa chik~~qi m.!_la chfflec k_:pare~) [Syn. 'phyo
iso, hair ribbon .;·~0\1· /totem/ smos byes]
rice GS<!-1. • It£&! ridiculous 'ii:· [neg.] /cho [neg.] I 11 That speech
ceremonial rice pudding (buttered rice with sugar was ridiculous. skad cho de la cho mi 'dug.
and raisins) n.~~- ~<21· /t~sii/ (qfca thee cho m!ntuu) [Syn. cho med; don med]
rice field "'
(2~z.\· <"=\Z::. · /tMshiin/ ~iding animal z:~~'\· z.r /sh2fopa/
rice flour t22;i<H'~ · /tEE,ce/ riding equipment ~r C!)a.<.. /tai>cec/
rice, fried n.~~·l"a.t· /teel')od/ riding horse Z\~-a.,· ~ · /sh~nto/
rice threshing machine ns<H· ~.z:: t'2."!:f~· (2.~:<.. · riding mule ~~d...· ~(2.1· /sh~ntee/
/tMtun thOOqM/
"' ....,
riding yak '"'\~a; 4\T.I.Ia'\ • /sh2_nyo~/
rich ~~·~· /chOqpu/ 11 He is rich. kho phyug po rifle ~·ClJz:;_rz.·~"~=.·a.~~rz.· /m~nta r!:_ota/
red, (qho chuqpu r~~) rift, 1. iso. crock/crevice ~'"\· "'' /sf!eqo/ 2.
riches, see: wealth see: dispute
rickety, 1 • iso. things -s4"l·4· .Aof!· ~ ·/shaqi shiqi/ right, 1. iso. the direction <f\=~· /y'fc/ 11 Turn
11 The table is rickety. rgya cog de shag gi right. g.yos lo kyogs. (yfc la k5~) 2. iso.
shig gi zhig 'dug.. (k_£co~ ti shaqi shiqici t'::_u) rights aZ\' 3'!.e;..' /thoptoon/ 11 humon rights
2. iso. people([~·ro:·~· /khore khore/ 'gro bo mi 1 i thob thong !t,2wo m!:_! thoptaon) 3.
rickshaw ~ll'-i·~s~·~(ii"'·~ · /m_!tMn qherlo/ [Syn. iso, correct a~~- lt!:_l/ 11 Is this right?
rig shag] 'di 'grigs 'dug gas? (t!:_ t!l t!:_qcc) 4. iso,
rid, vo. A. ~~ · /pil/ 11 We hove to get rid of right after [vb.] ~:z:.· o!rj"' /[vb.] po th.2qaa/ 11
the rats • nga tshos tsi tsi phud dgos red. Right after he come, I got sick. kho yong po de
37Z right angle

gar ngo no byung. (qho y~npath~qao ~~ n~cu) 5. Rinpache ~<\· ;f. i · /r_!mpuce/
iso. right bock (immediately) (J.Ic<· ~;r:,.· /19_m- rinse, vo. ~-z::\._.q(>.l· -""\;:><=-· /chOpshM toon/ 'II They
saan/ 'II I'll be right back. ngo lam sang· yong rinsed the clothes. kho tshos dug slog chu
gi yin. (~9. l~msoan y~~qiyin) bshol btong song. (qh~ntsl:id th~qob chupsh~e
right angle "!l' "'"'-' /th~ur/ toonso) [Syn. gtzang bshol btang]
right away "'"'""'
~-..P><;r:..· /l9.msaan/ 'II He did i t right riot, 1. n. ~z:..·a;· /s_!~e/ 'II There was a riot in
away. khos ., di lam song byos song. ( qh315 ti the prison. btson khong nang lo zing cha byung
lamsaon ch£Cso) shag. (ts8nqoon n~nla s_!~ca ch~nsho~) 2. va.
righteous (for people) ~·"'z:~.~ /y2_rap/ c. -- -"'\(i'.~~r /--Ian/
rightful, 1. iso. lawful ~z:naz::.·~:z:;·21~· /thop- rip, 1. va. B. ~~(7.1- /r&f./ 'II He ripped the pa-
toan y_£p&&/ 'II rightful owner thob thong yod per. khos shog bu de dbral song. (qh~d shuquti
pa 'i bdag po ( thoptaon y_£p&& t9.qpa) 2. iso. rt':t!so) 2. iso. get ripped, vi. B. "\ll.l' IrE£.!
just/proper ~··==n~ -~"" %.!~ • /woopap y_£p&&/ 'II 'II The paper got ripped. shag bu de rol shag.
rightful decision 'os bob yod pa 1 i thog gcod (shQquti r&&sho~)
<\- v-
(woopap y_£p&& th6qco-d) [Syn. 'os nges; thob ripe 1 1. ~ 1 · "<J • /mimpu/ 'II Is the fruit ripe?
thong yod pa'i] shing tog de smin po 'dug gas? (shiotobti mimpu
right-handed n.~~·"Z..<·"'\ 'Cl.l"-1' ""-l' /l9_qpa yt!&pa/ t~q&c) "
2. iso. be ripe, vi. D. ~'0\· /min/ 'II
right time ~C{-~e<· 7"1' ~&'\; /th~tsh&i toqta~/ 'II The fruit will get ripe quickly. shing tog de
At the right time, we should revolt. nga tshos mgyogs po smin gyi red. (shi~tobti k_2.qo m!nqi-
dus tshod rtag rtag gi thog la ngo log byed dgos re~)
red. ( ~~ntso1> th.!;!!:!tshl:id Uiqta~qi th:S~lo ~~lo~ ripen, see: ripe, 2
ch~qore~) ripple ~ · "-'l\C-1 · /chOril/ 'II There were ripples on
right wing, polit. '"IUJ""' ~~~- /y&&co?J/ the lake, mtsho la chu ris 'dug. (tshola chO-
right winger, palit. "'\Ul»<· ~.a·y"-1' .._.. /yf&c-:Jqpa/ ril t!:!u)
rigid, 1. iso. for things, see: hard 2. iso. a rise, 1. iso. get/stand up, va. C. ~z::.~· /l9_n/
characteristic of people ..o>-l~·d\?iJ~¢-1· .:J;. /q2, 'II He rose and left. kho longs nos ph yin song,
thaqo/ 3. iso. stiff !j.::: · ~- /hre~to/ 'II After (qho l9_nn& ch!nsu) 2. iso. increase, vi. B.
he died, the body become rigid. kho shi nos fl.:>'4:.;· /phoo/ 'II Prices rose. gong 1 phar shag.
gzhugs po hreng to chags shag. (qho shin&& s~qu (qh~n phoosha~) 3. iso. sun rising, vi. B.-'\"-'
hre~to cho~sha~) 4. iso. become rigid, vi. C, /shoo/ 'II The sun rose at 5. chu tshod lnga par
1J z:: ~ · /hro'Q/ nyi rna shar song. (chDtshUU ~opaa n_!ma shooso)
rigorous, see: strict; difficult 4. iso. water level rising, vi. B. !'Z.'%4.:1;,.' /phoo/
rim ~-~af~e~· /qhontsalll/ 'II the rim of the cup 'I! The river rose. chu 'phar shag. (cha pho6-
dkar yo! gyi kha mtshams (qayuuqi qhotshaill) sha~) (Syn. rgyas] 5, iso. go higher, vo. D.
rind (of fruit) ""'"\"-1 · <0.1 • /p6qpa/ -z.q""· (2.~""- · /y~ phir/ 'II The airplane rose
ring, 1. n. ~<ry~·<.)Zi<::\<>-1 /tshiqo~/ 'II That is a quickly. gnom gru mgyogs pa yar 1 phur song.
lovely ring, tshigs khebs de snying rje po zhig (n~tu k~qo y~ ph!rsu) [Syn. yor phyin]
'dug. (tshiqo~ th_! m:~epoci t!:!u) 2. iso. any risk, 1. iso. danger~J'\· .ry /n~nqo/ 'II If I go,
circular band .3-\' ~.::: · /a loon/ 3. iso. ring a there is a risk they will catch me. nga ph yin
bell, va. c. ?:;F- · 'ZI .2:1 2i z::.<>-~· /thgpu t~n/ [Syn. no kho tshos zin yog gi nyen go 'dug. (~9_ chii-
"" --v
dril brda btang] 4. see: gang ne qhontso-'d s_!myo~qi n~nqa t!:!u) 2. iso. risk
• ({i ....._ ..,t;;_
nngleader "''"''1'2.?:l.n.I'<J>~~-u~· fZ"'\' ~"')
C\ v- <\ .
doing [vb.] ~e-~· z:t~"\·<:.t' /[vb.] lod s_£~pa/ 'II
tsh5qp& q~til/ We can't risk sending this by post. nga tshos
roll 373

'di sbrog thog gtong blos bzos pa mi 'dug, chen po bgad pa red, (qhonts'OB qhccmo shllq
( l')~ntso·o ' '
' t_! t-£qt::l:::>'\. tol')loo' s~opamintuu) [Syn. chl!mpo q£cparee) [Note: For a crowd of people
[vb.] nus pa] one can use: 'a cha thing thing] 2, iso. roar
risky~-~ '"T~\'"">.l !i'i_!!nqo·y~pa/ 11 o risky plan for animals, va. &:. ::.; · ~"i · ""'~..<:~ · /l')~rqcc k~p/
nyen go yod po 'i 'char gzhi ( ii_!!nqo y~pcc chaa- roost, 1. va. A. "'l~"'l"'-~' ft-oa/ 11 He roosted the
shi) meat. khos sha bsregs song • (qh~ sh5 t.ooso)
rite, see: ritual 2. iso. be roosted, vi. A. (">.(f4"\"'i' /tho~/ 3,
ritual£·"'\· /ch'Oqa/ 11 death rite gshin po'i cho adj. ~~...,~ ...,,.~. /toopa/ 11 roost mutton lug
go (shrnpUU ch6qa) sha bsregs pa ( l';!qsha toapo) 4. iso. "roost"
rival, 1. iso. a person ("3'4'1)')' /qhoptee/ 11 groins to make tsamba, va. A. Z4 £~ · /r)8'd/
Those two ore rivals. kho gnyis kho gtod red, [Note: This literally means fry.]
(qhunil qhoptee r_!!e) 2. iso. act as rivals, va. rob, 1. iso. openly, va. =~~· /c~/ 11 They
A. -- .z:1.::o<rr /--c~a/ robbed the bank. kho tshos dngul khang beams
river ~"Tl·a:.· /k';!qcu/ 11 What is the nome of this shag. (qho~tso·'d l)[l{lqaon c~hao) 2. iso.
-v """
river? rgyug chu 1 di 1 i ming go re red? ( k';!qcu secretly burglarize, va. C. ~'<\·~·~~~· /qlina
t~ m_!l') qh~re r£C) [Syn. gtsang chu; chu] qnU/
rivet d!~""-· /s_!!r/ [Syn. gzer chen] robber, see: thief; bandit
roach, see: cockroach robbery A'j~'<l.r~::J:., /qOma sh3!5/ 11 We hod a rob-
rood ('Z.l<>.~· fll"'' /l~nqao/ 11 The new rood is ""
bery yesterday. kha sa ngo tshor rkun rna shor
finished. lam khag gsar pa de tshar shag. shag. ( qh~~so l)~nts::>::> qQma sh3!5shao) [Note:
(l~nqaa soopati tshooshoa) This is expressed verbally in Tibetan,]
dividing line on rood (>.ld-1.~4"\· /lamthil/ robe, 1. iso. monk's upper robe ""\="~ · /s£n/ 2.
" "
roadbed ru"""·~· a.J.z;.'"""l~· /l~mqi m~l')shi/ - [Syn. lam iso. monk 1 s lower robe 4 v<l. b-1' ~l:l.· /shamtap/
gzhi] robot, neo. ~·"'\~~'3-\· tz..~(>.l· !2"\' /m_!sut thllnccc/
roadblock, 1. (>.l' (ZI<T\ · Zl~Z\· 'CIJd"'\ · /l~nqoa qaayaa/ rock, 1. iso. a stone if /t'2/ 2, iso. a boulder
2. iso. make o roadblock, va. C. sa-y /t.h~a/ 3. iso. move or sway, vi. .:L'O>.I· -ti:la(·
/--s~'13/ ~:t<l· /y~myom chcC/ 11 The boot rocked back and
road construction, 1. n. (2.(~· ~~· /l~mso/ 2. forth. gru yam yam byas song. (thu yomyom
iso. construct a road, va. -- ~<!-\' /--ch£C/ '
c h ccso l '·., • va. 'l.4C>..l"z.Lo~...,
v- " • ,;q 5e:.. · I Y.£'11YOOn- to_:
an I
[Note: This is sometimes also used for any rood rocket, neo., 1. n. f2.~==<-·dJ~r.u· /phDntee/ [Syn.
making/repairing whether old or new.] me shugs 'phur mdel] 2. iso. fire a rocket, va.
rood repair, 1. n. t'""'.l ·~<r'( · '?~~· '''\'¥· /l~nqaa 2\?"'. /--toan/
v... V" -
ii~mso/ 2. iso. repair o road, va, -- ~~· rocking chair, neo. ''~Cl-1· ~zq· ~~<!-\· /y~mkom

/--chE_C/ qupkaa/
rood signs ~m· ~'f\"H · /l~mtoa/ rock salt ;s.<r'l.·a[· /'t-h~qtsa/
rood surface n.!~ · ~2!-\ · /l~mr)oB/ .
rocky mountain S'f\' "'
==\ · /th~qri/

room, va. A. (l.~;;ljC{ Z'\ ~X)· /khom t£CI 11 He roamed rod, see: stick
around the world for 2 years. khos 1 dzam bu rodent, see: mouse; rat
gling gi nang la lo gnyis 'khams bsdad pa red. roe (of fish) '?' X";z:; · /n~qoon/
!qh~ ts~mpu lrr:Jqi n~nla 1~ r.rr khom t£cpareel rogue ~;<>.·:a;<\· /ts~pceen/
roar, 1. iso. with laughter, va. A. "'1")'~~.!1(~· roll, 1. iso. roll up, vo. B. ~;~.!' " /tg/ 11 He
a,"\·~·~"~-l'\' /qh£mo shuq chempo q£C/
. "11 They rolled the tobacco in the paper, khos mdo thag
roared with laughter. kho tshos gad mo shugs shog bu 1 i nang la bsgr i l s'ong. ( qh8''d t~ptoa
374 roller skates

shuqUU noanla ·pisu) 2. iso. roll into a ball, gi khang mig red pas? (t~ kh~rcc qheenmil r=._-
<\:" " - "
va. C. "'\~ru·~-s~·zt.3Z·\" /rirrii s_·o·:-o'/ ~ He rolled pcc) 2. iso. space for putting something .q~~-
the paper into a ball. khos shog bu dbril dbril 2:-\ • / 1f Is there room for this chair
bzos song. (qhlfd shuqu riirii sb'&o) 3. iso. there? pha gir rkub stegs 1 di bzhag sa 1 dug

roll medicine into a pill, va. C.-~(2\·"'\· ~~<!-I.·

gas? (pheqM qOpkaa t_! t.!:!_qcc) [Syn.
/riipu s~~/ [Syn. ril bu bsgril] 4. iso. roll 'jog sa] 3. iso. room for sitting ~-~· /toMd-
up sleeves/pants, va. A.~~.¢! /ts=._~/ 5. 'iso. sa/ 1f Is there room in the car for me? mo ta'i
roll down, vi. A. ~l:l· ~
=t:.Cl.J.· --
£\Z\""'"' · I p~prii the~/ nang la nga sdod sa 1 dug gas? ( m~tcc naanla !')_£
~ The rock rolled down the hill. rdo de ri nas t~sa t.!:!_qcc)
mar rbab ril thebs shag. (t~ti r~ nc m~ p~prii roommate >fC\4)'"\~~- /shoqr~~/
the~shaa) 6. iso. rolling on the ground, va. roomy ~ ~~-~ /k_£ chempo/
~-;zf'"\"l:2z::t' lt=.,l::>~ k~p/ 7. iso. a round"-object rooster ~-~ /chapo/
rolling on a flat surface, i. va. B. z::,z:::J.(2..( · root ~ '...!:\· /tsoo/ ~ Does i t have a large root?
/rir/ ~ He rolled the ball on the field. khos 'di 1 i rtsa ba sbom po 'dug gas? ( t~ tsaa ~mpo
pa le rtsed thong sgang la dbril song, ( qh3~ t~qc&l
pole tse~taan q.9_nla riisu) u. vi. B. "'-
.:t;,.~ · root out, see: uproot
Ir~/ B. iso. roll over oneself, va. ~-(<..1""'\~"~· rope, 1. n. S11~·~.r /thoqpa/ 2. iso. pleat/make a
V' ..
/al~~ k~p/ ~ The patient couldn't roll over, rope, va. C. Zl.3'<!-l.' I --s~o/ 3. see: lasso
nad pa des a log rgyag thub kyi mi 'dug. (n£pa- cotton rope ~1':..· Sl.a"\ · /sinthaa/
ti ol~~ k~p thODqimintuu) 9, iso. roll someone hair rope ~· z.~· /puthaa/
~ .........
over, va. A. 9,~-zx.~zt.· /--nc sh.9_a/ 1f He leather rope (2-S'I::' 'Z..I lt=._npa/
rolled over the patient. khos nad pa de a log straw rope ¥" £'14 · /tsathaa/
brgyab nos bzhag song, (qh8ti ncpa ti ol~~ kapnc
- v-<:>..-
yak hair rope %"'\'.Ba'\' " /tsirthaa/
shaaso) 10. iso. roll out dough, va. C.~·q.q· rosary ("~~:;.-.,.· ; h. ~Z\·(2-~~- /thenwa; h. choon-
~~~·/thushil tsil/ [Syn. gro spags brdzis] taan/
11. iso. t:ke roll: va. ~z::.·z:i::;q-::x,.· ~-,:,.· /m~l')shee rose -i?.' ~C<J. · /k_£scc/
ch£&1 12. iso. a roll (of paper, etc,) 1 n. ~
!i~- roster ~l::.-l( /minto/
('1- · /tiiqa/ rostrum 1!_ 1::.· -~,- /t~I')Ca/
v -../ T
roller skates, neo. <"2(Zl::.:;..<:(::t:.: ~;;>.~· /qhorshuu rot, vi. B. ~n..t· /rUU/ ~ The meat rotted, sha
~ '-'}
"'\"'\ ·

de rul shag. (sha ti rrrushaa)

ro ll ing pin e-..
~<t"\.- ~ezt ·
I k.!:!_qn.1
.. I rotate, 1, iso. revolve, vi. B. ez-/f{~· /qh55/ 2.
...__, v-
romance, see: love va. B. ~~.:x:..· /q'J':J/ 3, iso, replace/toke turns,
Roman numera 1 s, neo. -..r,-
-".n.' .._.'\ .3<1~· ~-
I r_22mcn al')q1
c-.. - ·I vo. {lja-:r,~l!-l· !2.-~· /qh'J'Jree ch£C/ 1f They rotated
• 1 neo,
romant1c ~-u{~---..
~Ql.l.l!-l' v---
UJz:;_·~/2. '"
" ·t ts.9.sem y~pa! the guards every hour. kho tshos sgo srung byed
roof if4"\~ /th'J~/ ~ Is that roof new? thog 'di yog de chu tshod re'i re 'khor res byes pa red.
gsar pa red pas? ( th:S~ t~ saopa r=._pcc) [Syn. (qhontso-o q~sun ch=.yoati chOtshuU r~re qh55re~
thog kha] ch£cpore~) [Syn. re mos byes; brje len byes]
"- "\ r=
the 'Roof of the World' (Tibet) ~;;>.t·{l~:;.'"\· ~"\·ra·
/ts~mlil')qi th'J':Jqo/ [Syn. neo. c. 'dzom gling gi t~p/

yang steng] rotten .::r._r:u· '2..1 .~ /ru'Upa/ 1f This meat is rot ten.
roof ornament~~-~~- /th:S'Jkccn/ sho 'di rul pa red. (she t_! rUUpa r~)
room, 1. iso. a room in a house, n. rotten cheese (like blue cheese) ~:::t:.-.::1\Al' /chu-
"V "\:>
/qh~~nmil/ 1f Is this your room? 'di khyod rang rUU/
rugged 375

..c. ...
rouge ('l.'!l~· af.a-\ · /"t-!_mtsl:Sl:S/ enemy. kho tshos dgro gtor shag. (qhSntsb"d t-~
rough,. 1. iso. a coarse thing/person/road, etc • t'3rsho~) [Syn. gtor brlogs btang]
.t'~·~ /tsOpu/ f This material is rough. rgyu route c>-t~· ra.n, · /12_1')qa~/ f Which is the best
cha 1 di rtsub po zhig 1 dug. (k~pca t.!_ tsupuci route? lam khog yog shos go gi red? (l2_nqo~
t~u) 2. iso. not perfected/corrected !(ZI·~;;IJ· y2_qshod qh!qi r£&l
/r2ptsa/ f This is a rough draft. 1 di zin bris routine f2.a:.-:t..· -">'\' /chorcccn/ f o routine
rob tzom zhig red. (t.!_ s.!_nt-il r2ptsaci r!~l meeting 'char con gi tshogs 1 du (chorcccn qi
roughly, see: approximately tshoontu)
round' 1 • iso. for flat objects ~"'· ~. /q!E,.qoo/ row, 1. n. ~c>-t· /}h£§_/ 11 How many rows were
11 I need a round board. ngo lo pang leb sgor there? gral go tshod 'dug? (t-hE£ qh!_tsc& t~~)
sgor zhig dgos kyi 'dug. (l')oo p(ianle~ qooqooci 2. iso. row a boat, va. ~- ""l'l,?r:::.· /'t-h_!:! taon/
quqil) 2. iso. for sphericoi"d,jects "\~;.")~t't4· royal v-<\
~· ZJ R · /k£,£p()d/ ""' 11 royal guests rgyal
/ri!rii/ 11 The world is round. 1 dzam gling pa'i sku mgron (kccpb"d qiint-odn)
dbril dbril red. (ts!mlil') rirrii r!~l [Syn. royalist ~tz.t·~"'-Q.ZI'f~·~'\·~ra"\· /k£§_poo k!P-
hril mol 3. iso. make rounds, va. ~"<4'\~~:.·~· k66 ch!r:lC&n/
/qoyaan k!p/ 11 The doctor made the rounds royalties (iso. compensation) ~z::..· .ij~ · S3~· 0·

of the patients. am chis nod pa tshor bskor /tsh~l')kuu thopca/ "'

g.yeng brgyab song. (~mcil n£potsoo qoyaan ~p­ rub, va. C7..!tlX: (2.~-::t.· ~..,~. /phuphuu taon/ 11 He
su) [Syn. skor ba brgyabl rubbed her head. khos mo 'i mgo la I phur 1 phur
roundabout Zl jf.:x,.· '\~ · /q'35nc/ 11 He told us in a btang song. (qh~ m~ q2 la phOphuu toonso) ·
roundabout way. khos nga tshor skad cha bskor rubber C7.~<f\.· " /k!_q/ 11 a rubber hat 1 gyig gi
nos bshad byung. (qh~d l')~ntsoo qfco q55nc shfc- zhwa mo (k!_qqi sh,2""o)
. " ...
cu) 11 We took a roundabout route.
khag bskor nos phyin pa yin.
nga tsho lam
(l')~ntso l2_nqa~

rubber boots
~~· ~CK·
~"'\ • ~ClJ •

q55nc chimpayin) rubber goods 1'2~41· ;;o~· /k.!_qc~~/

round robin (in sports) 1 neo. ~·~l'-\· l2-~~· ~~ • rubber pipe n~.t:l'\· ou"f~ · /k.!_l')toon/
/rem"tis t-~ntuu/ -....., rubber plant £"1~""\..)t'::. · /kiqshiin/
- - llP ....,. -..r .r,:.·
round-table conference, neo. ~·:•:.;~4'\·~~\·ar~~· rubber stall)p 1 neo. " ~1 • "\<>(· ~
(1.~"1·., ...
· /k.!_qqi lh!_mtuu/
rubble ~ · ~ "1,'
I t£hruu/
... '-='
/q2rco~ 't-h~tso~/ [Syn. neo; c. gral sgor gros
tshogsl rub off, iso. behavior, vi. A. !"i\~· /q2._1jf 11
round-trip, neo.
.r::l'I=I.Z)'~·Ziq'"'\ · /q5rkbo
His bod behavior rubbed off on her. kho 1 i spyod
' ..-<! -,.:, '...:>
t-UUshUU/ po sdug chog de mo la 1 gos shag. (qh83 c8pa
round up, 1. va. c . .::?,-=-·~-=t·ZI.~~· /r~pruu s}!d/ 11 tuqco~ti moo q"tissho~)
-. --
They rounded up all the horses. kho tshos rta rub out, 1. see: erose 2. see: kill
tshang ma rub rub bzos· shag. (qhontsod to ruby '"-'"'\' ::r..<l"\· /pl!'froo/
tshal')mo rupruu sodsha~) 2. iso. catch spies, rudder '"!}'3.1~4'\·~·A· /}huncuq kowa/
etc. 1 VO •
-'b>:l· ~~"\'(2.1'
- "' Zl"3~
f2.ar5\' • /t!pcil-
-..:> "' ~ -
ruddy complexion -JC\'Olol~.C.~'")~·::(,;~ /shonto~ mao-
\ -,;:>
la tsiinsur\ Ch£Cf 11 The police rounded up all pol [Syn. ngo mdongs dmar pol
the spies. pu li sis so pa tshong mo sdeb gcig rug, 1. n. ~·~"\'0\' /qhotccn/ 2. iso. weave a
lo 1 dzin bzung byes shag. (pOlisil sopo tshal')mo rug, vo. A. -- Z'l'ljll'\~· /--to~/ 3. iso. scissor
t!pcilla tsiinsu~ ch£&sha~) a rug, vo. ~'"'~· ~·~~..q· /ch!mtse k!_p/
rouse, see: woke rugged ~·~~=.· li"'Z:I' ~· /soro~ tsupu/ f a rugged
rout, vo. D. d'\lf::t:: /t'3r I f They routed the terrain lung pa sa rong rtsub po zhig (l~l')pa
376 ruin

saron tscrpuci) /k!:!~/ 11 The water runs from the east, chu de
ruin, 1. va. (2.~4"]·.:::~~"'1\·l'l?"j::.." /th33la~ toon/ 11 shar nos rgyug gi yod pa red. ( chuti shoone
They ruined the forest. kho tshos shing nags kuuqiy:>~ree) 5. iso. be run down, see: tired
1 phrog br lag btang shag. ( qhontso-3 shir)na~ -
6. iso. run over, va. and vi. A, "'
~1(~· /ts_!l/
th33la~ toonsha~) 2. get/be ruined 1 vi. rz ~<I\· 11 He ran over the dog with his car, khos mo to
.z::~~"''· ~ ~ · /th33la~ chin/ 11 The vacation got gtong dus khyi brdzis shag. ( qh3B m~to toonti..11l
ruined. gung sang 1 phrog br lag ph yin .song. khi ts_!lsho~) 11 The dog was run over by a car.
(qh~nsan th33la~ chinsu) khyi mo tos brdzis shag. (khi m~te& ts_!lsha~)
ruins ~~-~- /kh~nro/ [Syn. gyag gog] 7. iso. run (a business, etc.), va. (l.~~- ~z:;·~~­
rule, 1. va. "\q~·~:r..· ~~- /wankuu chE_c/ 11 They /ts_!nkon chE_c/ [Syn. 'dzin gnyer byas] 8, iso.
ruled Tibet. k~ tshos bod !a dbang sgyur byas run in on election, va, A, ~~-~~a.-ca.,~'- '(2..1. •

JXl red. ( qhontsoti pho~na wankuu checparee l 2. ~'!)a<'/w~tem n~nla sh!:!_u/

iso. regulation, i. n.
- "~dT· -/t_!qlam/ 11 rung (of !odder) ~z.{'~"\~ · /q~~taon/
They have many rules. kho tshor sgrig lam mang runner, 1. in a race ~-«\'"'\'1'\::X:.'~·ou.~<:i\: /k~qshaa
po zhig 1 dug. ( qhonts:>:> t_!qlam m2_nquci t!:!Ld 188r)een/ 2. see: messenger
ii. iso. make a rule, va. C. -- ~~~- /--s~d/ runner-up 3-u::: J:t'{~"ZS-1.' "Z.I" /an iiiipa/
ruler 1 1 • iso. king ~ru· ~- /kE§.pa/ 11 He is the runway for airplanes, neo, 4"\"'--~'~- Zlzt· (Zlat· /namtu
ruler of Tibet. khong bod kyi rgyal po red. ph!!_plam/
(qhoon ph~1;qi kE_£po r~e) [Syn. dbang sgyur byed rupodhotu, skt. "'"\='-~!'\~· fll'a-1.7!;-{" /s!:!_qhom/
mkhan] 2. iso. for measuring " "
~"1.' ...q~ · -
/th~q- rupee ::t; · ~ • "' /rupi/~ [Syn. sgor mo]
rupture, vi. B. "Z:l("~·
- /t<J!!.I
ruling 4~~-~'\· /sh!:!ntsiin/ 11 the ruling party v- · ""\'l!-1""'-
rural '!)!=:. -..... • I th~nsee/'
gzhung 'dzin tshogs pa (sh~ntsiin tsh5qpa) rural economy ~-8j~~-~-"')~ru· f2.~"'- /thoonseeqi
ruling class, neo. \~""· $::I:.·~r.u·..:r;.D>-l " /wankuu pf~nc:>:>/

theerim/ [Syn. dbang 'dzin gral rim] rushed, 1. va. ~ru·z:t·~~-~E\- /th.!:woce chin/ 11
ruminate, va. ~ "\ · ~~.z:~ · /tE_c k2_p/ He rushed home. kho nang !a brel ba byas phyin
rummage, see: search song. (qho ~nla th~woce chinsu) 2. iso, in a
rumor, 1. n. "")":l~'4'\'?0-l. /t3qtam/ 11 I heard a rush/hurriedly fl(.l..L· z:1· ~~~- /th~wace/ 11 They did
rumor. ngas dkrog gtam zhig go bung. (n£& t5q- the work in a rush, kho tshos las ko brel bo
tamci qh£ChU) 2. iso, spread a rumor, va. C. byos byas song. (qhCintsl:i~ 1E_£qo th~woce ch£Cso)
-- .z:)~';l),~· /--tam/ Russia \:J-1' "" ~ • /urusu/
......:) '\:) .....:>
rump :z;_~· rUt)· /c_!nqo/ Russian, 1. iso. longuoge~·.:.;·~~·~z::.· /
--.,""' "'-' .. , I
rumple, va. C. ~"'\~G&"'\~' /iiipt~ cho~/ 11 The qfc/ 2. iso, a person ~--li· <!1 li· ~ · /urustru mi/
-......>.......,~ -
shirt got rumpled. stod thung rnyid to chags rust, 1. n, ""'\::&"~· /tsCi/ 11 Is there rust? btso 1
shag. (tOOtuun iiipt~ cho~sha~) 'dug gas? (tsa t~qe&l 2. vi. :~:~.:t"'rz: Zl.~~- /tso
run, 1. va. A, -"=l~.a")~· /k!;!_~/ 11 He ran home, k2_p/ 11 The car rusted quickly. mo to de lo
~ '
kho nang la brgyugs song. ( qho ~nla kuusa) btso' mgyogs po brgyab shag. (m~ta tee tso k~qo
[Syn. rgyug phyin; zhar 1 phen glad] 2. iso, run k2_psha~)

out, vi, A, K<'fj~·jts:."?>l 11 We ran out of milk. rustler, see: bandit

nga tsho'i 'o ma rdzogs shag. rusty, 1. see: rust, 2 2. iso, become impaired
ts2~sha~) [Syn. zad] 3, iso. run away, va, A. by disuse, vi. A. 4'\z::.·'f a!><l"(<!4' /qhopto cho~/ 11.
~<!-{ • /ph~1i/ 11 He ran away to India. kho rgya My Tibetan is rusty. nga 1 i bod skad gob to
gar lo bros shag. (qho k~qaala ph~dsh~~) [Syn. chags shag. (nE_£ phodqec qhopto cho~sha~)
bros phyin] 4. iso. flow, va. A. -<=~~41~·

saber, see: sword

saber-rattling, neo, 1, n. ~·Cl.~~"'-~c;.·;:r-~~·
/~.!_ntoon pur)~/ 2. va. --~~· /--chE_"&/
sabota$ei neo., va, B. ~'G1.3'"1'\~~~QJ..· /q!Sola
rBB kl:l:/ , They sabotaged the factory, kho
tshos bzo grwar lkog la gnod bskyal pa red,
(qhontsb~ s~~aa q~ola n8~ kl:fpare~) [Syn, lkog
gnod byes; gsang ba'i thog nos gnod bskyal]
saboteur, neo, ~-"'\~~~<il~iS\ /q3qnb~ Ch!~J&&n/
sabre, see: saber
saccharin ~"\'Tp:;.'&,~'O-:!,' /ch.=,qar ts~me/
sack, 1. iso, bag~~ /phl:fqoo/ , a sack of
potatoes zho gog phad gog gcig (shooqoo phff-
qoo ciq) 2. iso. plunder, va. "t\~·~TOl.·~~­
/t!Srcom chE_&/
sacred, see: precious
sacred place for pilgrimage "t\~''%·~~~;:f-""/nf'~
tsaa chempo/
sacrifice, 1. iso. offerings, n. "'-~.x;.·~~""
/mancod/ 2. va, B. -- ~~· /--phOIJ/ , They
sacrificed a goat to the god, kho tshos lha la
rwa gcig dmar mchod phul shag, (qh6ntscfcl lhala
r~ ciq mancoo phOOsha~) 2. iso. give up, i. n.
~·~~'Q.I<I\' /1~ t1515nya~/ , His sacrifice was
great. khos blos gtong yag de rlabs chen zhig
red, (qhB"d 18l5 to6nya~ t i l~pceen ci r.=,~l
H. va. ]f~·&:\-yc::..• /1~ teen/ , We sacrificed
a lot to send him to college. nga tshos kho
mtho rim slob grwar gtong yag gi don dog la mang
po zhig blos btang pa yin. (l')~ntsb~ qho tharim
lap~aa toonya~ qi th~nta~ la m~l')qu ci 18l5 taon-
payin) 3. iso. sacrifice one's life, va. ~·
~~·'/s!So 18'6 taan/
sacrilegious, 1. iso, a person ~~·~·Q,~~~"\~'\
~~Cs( /chB"d la nffmo1> ch!')&&n/ , He is sacri-
legious, kho chos la brnyas smod byed mkhan
zhig red. (qho ch8l5 la nffmb~ ch2J&&n ci r.=,~l
2. iso. act sacrilegious, va. ar-~·c;q·z:t~·~
~""'1'/chB"d la riffmod chE_C/
sad, 1. vi. D. ~0-I~-~; h. ~"t\~·~~~-~ /sem
ko; h. thuusem k15/ , I am sad. nga sems skyo
gi 'dug. (I')~ sem koqil) [Syn, sems sdug] 2.
adj. ~<9.\~·~~ /sem kopo/ , This story is
378 sadden

sad. sgrum 'di sems skyo po zhig 'dug. {t~m t! sail, 1. n. ~c;:;.·"'\~' /lii~yor/ 2. see: sail-
se~ k~po ci t~u) 3. iso. make or get/be sad, boat, 2
vi. ahd vo. c. ~ill.\~-~~~~~- /sem kopo sailboat, 1. n. ~c:..·"'\~"-·~·~c::..~· /lur)y6r th~­
s?:fd/ ~ The news saddened him. gsar 'gyur des tsin/ 2. iso. sail a sailboat, va. -- "'l.'<jC'.'
kho sems skyo po bzos shag. (s~nkuu thil qho /--taCin/
se~ kopo s?:fdsho) sailor, 1. iso. in the navy ~"*"".&3."'\'""-<5\.l.''n;~'
sadden, see: sod /tsomad meami/ 2. isa. on any ship ~~C::..<'\'C>l~'
saddle, 1. n. ~· /q'2_/ 2. va. --"\@,l:l.' 1--k:pl ~· /th~tsin l~mi/
horse saddle ~·1<'\' /t'efqa/ Sakya ~-~ /sQka/
yak saddle "'C\,l'..l.l"'=\'~' /yQoqa/ salable, iso. easy to sell ~~z?F /th~mpu/ ~
saddle bag ~;~ /tOto/ This is very salable. 'di brin po zhe drag
saddle cushion ~'""""-"" /Uit&cn/ 'dug. {t~ th~mpu sh~taa t~u)
saddle-girth ~ /lo/ salad, neo. ~~~~· /tshr;r; c~mpa/
saddle rug ~·~q~· /q~qhep/ salary ~~· /ph~?!/ ~ What is your salary?
sadness §f~~- /lopam/ ~ Their sadness was khyad rang la phogs go tshad yod po? {kh&-aa
great. kho tsho blo pham chen po byung shag. ph~?> qh~tshcc Y2~l
{qhontso lopom chempo ch~nshao) sales -;t?c::.• /tshoon/ ~ How are sales these days?
safe, 1. ~0\:"'\' [neg.) /ii~nqa [neg.)/ deng sang tshong go 'dra 'dug? {th~oan tshoon
safe here. nga 1 dir nyen go mi 'dug. qh~ntcc t£6!
ii~nqa m!ntuu) ~ Is i t safe to go? 'gro yag la salesman -"{)'G>:I."'\\.~'~~"' /colaa tsho~&&n/
nyen go 'dug gas? {t2yaa la ~nqa t~qcc) salient, iso. main/prominent ~~~ /tsoo/ ~
[Note: nyen go literally means "danger.") 2. What are the salient issues? don dog gtso bo go
iso. be secure, vi. D• .q~~ /t'en/ ~ He is re red? {th~ntao tsoo qh2re r£&l
safer in Tibet than in India. kho bod la bsdad saline ~~ /tsh~qhu/ ~ saline water chu tshwa
pa las rgya gar la bsdod no brtan gyi red. {qho khu (chu tsh~qhu)

ph~~ la t£Cpa 1& k2qoo la t~na t'r;nqire~) saliva C"''Oi:.' /qhachu/

safely ~~"\~~/k83n ~paa/ ~ He arrived safe- ""
salivate, 1. vi. B. ~-as~·
...., /qhachu sh53/ 2•
ly. kho skyon med par 1 byor song. {qho kb-gn iso. salivate in anticipation of food, vi. B. r~.·

~pao c~so) [Note: This literally means ~~oq· /qha qh88/

"without injury.") salt, 1. n. ~ ; h.~"'\~·~· /tsha; h. c:::;_tsa/ ~
safety pin ~~(;"<:!.: /pinqep/ How much does salt cost? tshwa la gong go tshad
saffron \:'1.~'-.f\·~~· /qhCiche shoqam/ red? (tshola qhoon qh~tsh&c r£&l 2. iso. put
sag, 1. iso. enthusiasm/spirit/sales/business, vi. salt {on something), va. -- ~q· /--k~p/ ~
A. c;;~· /chao/ ~ His enthusiasm sagged. kho' i He put lots of salt on the food. khos kha lag
sems shugs chag shag. {qh83 semsshuu choashaa) la tsha mang po brgyab shag. {qh8"d qholaala
~ After the war, soles sagged. dmag gi gzhug la tsho m~r)qu k~pshao)
tshong chog shag. {moo qi shuule tshoon chCia- fine textured salt ~~~- /tsheship/
shao) 2. iso. a roof, vi. D. ;;~~~- /t!p/ ~ Indian salt~;~ /k2tso/
The roof of his house sagged. kho 1 i khang pa 1 i rock salt ~"'\~ /th~qtso/
thog brdibs shag. {qh83 qhCi~p&& th3~ t!pshaa) Tibetan salt 2f'""-dll"> /phootsha/
sagacious, see: wise salt lake ~~~ /tshotsho/
Sahib ~·"?9"'1.' /sQhep/ saltless ~·~.::;,:_ /tshome~/ ~ saltless food kha
said, see: say lag tsha med {qholoo tshamee)
sauce 379

salt mine ~~· /tshoqho/ sapphire ~~ell' /Intanila/

sol tpeter ~ •9!' /s~tsho/ sarcasm ~;>;..'.:<!' /s~rsa/
salt pill, neo. ~~""'~~-~· /tshomccn r,gpu/ sarcastic, 1. iso. person ~x..·~~C::..:~~~· /s~rsa
sol t tax <Jt~~· /tshothcc/ ch!Q&cn/ 11 He is sarcastic. kho zur za byed
sol t water ~ ~· /tsh~khu/ mkhon red. (qho s~rsa ch~Qccn r!e) 2. iso. oct
salty ~~ /tsheqhu/ 11 The food is salty. kho sarcastic, vo. ~;x;:~·~· /s~rsa chE.,&/ 11 He is
log de tsho khu red. (qholo~ti tsh~qhu r!e) sarcastic about her actions. khos mo'i byed
solvation, iso. achieve, vi. D. sa"·.q,·~· /thor- stongs lo zur zo byed kyi '.dug, ( qhS"d mo() che-
po thl5p/ 11 The Buddha achieved s~lvotion from tonlo s~rsa ch!qil)
samsoro. songs rgyos 'khor bo nos thor po thob sash (mil! tory) ~&:.·.sa~· /pOQtho~/
po red. (s66nkc& qhowonc thorpo thoporee) sassy ~~"t\~·~~ /qho k2.qpa/
solve ~"t\~18\~ /ch~qmMm/ satanic, see: evil
some "'~~·~:..t• /ciqpa/ 11 These two ore the some. satchel, see: bog
'di gnyis gcig pored. (t!nil·ciqpa r!e) satchel charge, neo. ~·01..~~tl' /ts~thum/
some age (iso. same year) Cf-""~'9'S:!.' /l2_nam/ 11 We satellite, 1. iso. artificial body in.spoce ~~~·

ore the some age. ngo tsho lo mnyom red. (Q2.n- ~.=c: /thOOqoo/ [Syn, skor rdzus; mi bzos srung
tso l2_nam r!e) [Syn. lo zlo; lo gcig po] skor] 2. iso. polit. ~~·~~"'\~'@_.<ll'~l:l'
sample, 1. n. ~~·<15'~ /pOOtsM/ 11 This is a /qhoQt~~ k!£qap/
sample of food. 1 di kho log gi spus tshod red. satiate, see: full
(t! qholo~i pntlts~l r!e) 2. !so. show a sam- satin, iso. material ~~· /s~shi/
ple, va. C. -- "'1.~01..' /--t'f?./ satire ~~A· /s~rsa/ "' [Syn. 1 phyo smod]
sanatorium ~~~~~~· /n!£soqhoon/ satirical ~x·;;a~·
....._, -
/surs&&/ 11 satirical songs
sanctuary, see: refuge zur zo'i gzhos (s~rs&& sh£C)
sand, 1. n. ~·~· /ch~mo/ 2. see: sandpaper, 2 satirize, vo. ~;>;,.·.a·~~·

sandalwood ~-~~ /ts'fntcn/ satirized the king, khos rgyol por zur zo byos
sandpaper, 1. n. ~~~· /ql5pso~/ 2. !so. sand, po red. (qh8~ k&cp~:> s~rsa chE.,cporee) [Syn,
vo. -- .<:t~<=~. • I --k2.,p/ 'phyo smod byos]
sandstorm, 1 • n. ~~~· /ch!luun/ 2. !so. hove a satisfaction, see: satisfactory
sandstorm, vi. -- ~~!:\.' /--k2.,p/ satisfactory, vi. c. ~~~-~~~· /t!!pa qhon/
sandwich, neo. ~~ c·~· /s'fntwici/ 11 Is this satisfactory? 1 dis 1 dod po khengs
sandy soil ~·~· /ch~o/ song ngos? (t!l t!!pa qho?.soQ&C) [Syn. 'dod po
sanguine, see: hopeful khengs po byung; yid 1 tshims; blo 1 tshims]
son! tory "'=\~'if /ts61')to/ 11 son! tory wrapper [Note: Tibetan expresses this verbally,]
gtsong sbro'i sgril shog (tsol')tcc tiishb6) satisfy, vi. c. a.~G·~~· it!!pa qhon/ 11 I'm not
sanitary napkin, neo. -":\:te-·.:-c::.~· /tsCiQr&&/ [Syn. satisfied with your work, khyod rang gi los kos
zlo mtshon khebs ros] ngo'i 'dod pa khong gi mi 'dug. (kh8r&& l&&q&c
son! totion "'t\-il::.'~• /tsoQto/ 11 son! totion de- q££ t!!po qh~Qimintu~)
portment gtsong sbro 1 i los · khungs (tsCii')\C& saturate, see: fill
l!£qu?.} saturated, see: full
~ ~ ~
Sanskrit ~~·~::.::.·~·~"\ /l!qcorqi q'ft~/ [Syn •. Saturday -":\-"~-il~t:..\' /s2. pempo/ [Syn. res gzo 1
sam skri to'! skod] spen po]
sop, 1. n. ~e:.~· /shiQtsi/ 2. see: weaken Saturn ~~Q.·~ot:& ~""\.' /s2.cheen pempa/
sapling -%l:;.~-~~· /shiQqi ii!:.,K!u/ sauce ~-~· /qh~"6/ 11 He mode a nice sauce, kho
380 saucer

khu ba zhim po zhig bzos shag, (qh~d qh~~ sh};,m- po red. (t~niin n3to chem~o ch~nparee)
puci s~dshoo) scapegoat, iso, make, vo. C, ~"'-:.~~·/lOU s'!J/
saucer, see: plate ~ He was mode a scapegoat, kho glud bzos po
sausage ~-$-l·~~c:..~·~· /k~moo kf2.?-.po/ red, (qho 1~ s~dpo r!~l [Syn. glud 'gong]
saut~, see: fry scapula ~-~~· /s~rut/
savage, 1. for people ~~~~~~~-~"~""'<;11.~~ scar c5.:1.·~~· /moce~/ ~ He has o big scar. kho lo
/thrme~ !~~me~ ch~c&n/ , savage tribes khrims rmo r jes chen po zhig 'dug. (qh33 moce~ chempo
med lugs med byed mkhon gyi mi sde (thrme~ 1~~­ ci t~~)
me~ ch!~&&nqi m!te) 2. see: barbarian scarce "'-.J\1\101..:~ /q&npo/ ~ Meat is scarce here,
save, 1. iso. money, vo. A.~~~· /sao/ ~He 'di khul sho dkon po •dug, ( t!,po~ she q3mpo
saved a lot of money, khos dngul zhe drag bsogs t~~l)
shag. (qh~ ~DO sh!too so~sho~) 2. iso, rescue scarcely, 1. iso, hardly ~-..,~·<o~.J.·~'§"'Cli\~' [vb,
vo. D. ~·q~~~· /s'J~ k~p/ ~ He saved the neg.] /t'J~ts m2_to~ [vb. neg,]/ ~ He scarcely
child. khos phru gu de' i srog bskyobs po red, ate, khos kho !a tog tsom mo gtogs bzos ma
(qh~ pOqutii s'J~ k~pare~) song. (qh~d t'J~ts S£~mosoon) 2, see: as
savior ~~·C!J.l~~ /k~mqoon/ ~ savior of the soon as
world 'dzom gling gi skyobs mgon (ts~li~qi scarcity, see: scarce
k~qoon) score, 1. vo. B. ~""-~c::.·~~~· /sh!:!noon q!l!l/ ~
savory, see: tasty He scared the boy, khos phru gu der zhed snong
sow, 1. n. ~·~· /s'J'Jle/ 2. vo. --~·@;/--k~p/ bskul shog. (qh~d pOqu th!£ sh!:!noon qOGshoo)
sawdust ¥\c:..·~· /shr~e/ 2. iso, get/be scared, vi. A. ~"' /sh!~/ ~
sawhorse, neo, ~-~~O.~::t:..·~~~·/s33lee qh5rteq/ The boy got scored, phru gu de zhed shag, (pO-
soy, vo. D. ~~:~,· ; h. ~~~· /l~Pi h, sO?./ ~ quti sh2_~shoo) 3, iso, score away ( esp, ani-
What did he soy? khos go re lob song? ( qhsB mals) 1 va. A. ""-.>:!f~~· /t3~/ 4. iso. get/be l~pso?l) 1! He said he wonts to go, khos ~~· ft2':JI
scored away 1 vi. A.
kho 'gro dgos yod ze lob song, (qhsB qho t!2,qo- scarecrow ~~·~c:..~-~~· /sh!,~su?. m};,sop/
yoos l~psu) [Syn. zer; bshod] scarf ~·~~· /qhetil/
saying ~·~~ /qhekUUn/ ~ There is o saying in Tibetan ceremonial scarf ('3.'~'9~~· /qhctao/
Tibetan. bod po 'i kho rgyun zhig yod po red. scarlet, see: red
(ph~p&& qh~kUUnci Y2~re~) scary ~--.:~c:..·a&'~ /sh!:!noon tshcpo/ ~ The movie
scab ~·~~· /mBqo~/ was scary. glog brnyon de zhed snong tsho po
scabbard ~~~~· /th!shut/ zhig 'dug. (l'J~ficcnti sh!:!noon tshopoci t~t)
scabies, 1. n. ~'A.' /sh~~/ 2, iso, get scabies, scathing ~a._~CX.~QJ.' /n"ffqee/ ~ scathing criti-
vi. C. -- )\~ /--th~/ cism skyon 'dzugs gnod 'khel (k8ntsut n"ffqee)
scaffold ~~~- /1~~\i/ scatter 1 1. iso, throw loosely about, vo, C. q~·
scold, see: burn /sh~d/ , He scattered the seeds, khos son
scale, 1. iso. for measuring~-~· /k2_mo/ [Syn, bshos song. (qh~8 s83n sh~so) 2. iso. drive
rgyo thur; nyo go] 2. iso, fish~~-~~~~~· in different directions, i. vo. D, (Z\_·~~.x::.·
/nee peqril/ /qhB t3r/ , They scattered the enemy soldiers,
scalp, 1. n. ~~~~~· /q~~/ 2. vo. C. kho tshos dgro 'i cfmog mi tsho kha gtor shag,
~~~·/--shOO/ (qhontsO'd t!£ meemitso qhc t3rsho0) ii. iso.
scandal ¥\·~ /n'Jqto/ ~ Lost year there was a get/be scattered, vi. D. \~'Ol~' /qho th3r/ ~
big scandal. zlo nyin rnyog dro chen po byung All the family members were scattered, nang mi
scold · 381

tshong mo kho 'thor po red, ( n~r)mi tshor)mo qho scheme, 1. see: plan 2, iso, plot, va, ~\'~~·
th~rporee) ~ The houses were (built) scattered. "'\'9<:::.' /qOqcuU teen/
khong po kho gtor byes brgyob shag. (qhor)po qho schism ~'(1\&t\' /sh~~qhao/ ~ There was a schism
t~rcc k~pshoa) in. the party. tshogs po'i nang la shog khog
scattered, odj • .Ja ·x ·~X.· /there thore/ ~ There 'dug. ( tsh<5qpcc n~nla sh33qhaa t~u) [Note:
were o few scattered houses, khong po tho re This literally means "party/group,"]
tho re zhig 'dug. (qhor)po there thore ci t~u) scholar a.>.~~·~· /qhffpa/
scavenger (animal) ~c::t~~~~~~cg; /r'3_Sttn sem- scholarly ~-~~.::1- /sheetshd thi3po/ ~
cu.n/ scholarly book shes tshad mtho pos klog yag gi
scene, 1, iso, place ~·o:,· /socho/ ~ the scene of deb (sh~etshcc thopoo 1~3yaaqi th~p)
the fire me skyon byung po'i so cho (m~kb"dn scholarship, neo, ~-"-.~o:l.-*'.R\·~~· /lopr)UU
ch~nptc socho) 2. iso. make 0 disturbance, vo. rE_ram/ 11 He needs a scholarship, kho la slob
C. ~-~·~:z:.:1. • /fi~qta s2_B/ ~ He made o scene dngul regs ram dgos kyi 'dug, (qh33 li3pr)UU r22-
at the meeting. khos tshogs 1 du 'i sa la rnyog ram q~qil)
dra bzos song. (qh8~ tshontUU sola roqta sb~so) . - school, 1, n. ~·s:~.• /lepta/ 2. iso. go to/at-
3. iso. port of a play/movie, neo, o,~~-~~- tend school, va. -- Q.l·~~· /--la chin/ ~ Does
~/th~ptb"dn l~tsctn/ [Syn, dum bu) he go to school? kho slob grwa la 1 gro gi yod
scenery (natural) ~~·~~· /yWnc&!/ ~ The pa red pas? (qho loptaa t~qiyo~repcc) 3. iso,
scenery is beautiful here, 'di khul yul ljongs a style [vb.] ~c::~· /[vb.] ton/ 11 a school of
snying rje po 'dug. (t!poa yuuncon nir)Cepo t~u) art ri mo 'bri stangs shig (r!inu t!tahci) ~

scenic ~~-~~·.a.l.Zt~·I?F /yUUncon ts~po/ 11 o There ore many schools of Buddhism, nang po 1 i
scenic place sa cha yul ljong mdzes po zhig chos lugs la 1 to bo 1 dzin stangs mang po yod po
(socho yUUncon tseepoci) red, (n£r:lPtt chOOluula·tawa ts!ntan m~r)qu y~~­
scent~-~:- /th!ma/- ree) 4. see: sect
scented water (offering) ~~1:),.' /th!chap/ elementary school ""\~~~-.!:!:!' /shiri~ Hipta/
schedule, 1. iso. plan O.~::C..'"t\,~' /ch~ashii/ ~ graduate school, neo, a.:\.~~~if\·~· /thothon
The schedule allows three weeks for this work, lepta/
'char gzhi 'i nang la las ka 1 di byed yog la dus high school ~c.~~-~·~· /t!r:Jrim lepta/
yun bdun phrog gsum yod po red, (ch~ashii n~n- medical school ~.::n,·~·s:~.· /soriq Hlp}o/
la l~qa t! ch~yaala thUUyuun t~ntaa sum y~~ree) [Syn. s~~n po'i slob grwa]
2. iso. a timetable ~~·~""'-;XQ:>~<1.\- /th.!:!!:!- night school ~c:..·~&~·~· /q£1')mb"d lop}a/
tshuU r!umiq/ ~ a bus schedule 'bo 1 se i dus
1 [Syn. mtshan slob]
tshod re 'u mig (~see th.!:!!:!tshUU r!umiq) 3. school term/semester ~-~~- /l~ptUU/
iso. ahead of schedule ~~-"'\~~-~~·.<:~,"n_~~­ science ~~· /tshffnril/
~·/ch~~hii thUUqaaqi r)ffnla/ 11 We finished a- science of medicine ~~4~""\'c.{' /sowaa r!qpa/
head of schedule. nga tshos las ka 'char gzhi'i scientific research ~'R~·~c;.·~~~.q~~~~"\'
dus bkag gi sngon lo tshar pa byas po yin, /tshffnrilta t£mpcc fi~mship/
(r:J£ntsod lccqo cha~shii thUUqaaqi r:Jffnla tshoopa scientist ~"X4;'.·~~~·q_• /tshffnril qhffpo/
chccpoyin) scissor, 1. n, ~~ /ch~mtse/ [Syn. zung gri]
sche~uled, adj. ~~:g-""4"\'<J<X..'c:>..~O-l.~- /thu"utshtr;i 2. iso. cut with a scissor, va. A. E~~~­
tfnqeeqi/ 11 scheduled meeting dus tshod gtan ~~~· /ch!"ltsea ph2_a/
'khel gyi tshogs 'du (th.!:!!:!tsUU tfnqeeqi tshO~n­ scoff, see: scorn
tu) /shfshcc taon/ ~
382 scoop

He scolded the students. khos slob grwa ba lthE_}hcc taon/ 11 He

tshor bshod bshad btong song, (qh~d lap~aatsoo scraped the point off the wall. khos rtsig po 1 i
sh~sh&t toonso) [Syn, kho brdungs btong) !debs kyi tshon brad brad btong song. (qh3S
scoop, 1, n. ~· /k'S~/ 2, iso, scoop out tsiqp&& t!~i tsh33n thE_thcc taanso)
(liquids) 1 va·, C, -- ~~·~~· /--qi dt~i/ 11 scribble, vo. C, ~~"t\~·~~~·~o:;;:~~~~· /k2q-
He scooped out the soup. khos khu ba de skyog co1J 188nc ~h,!l/
gis gcus song, (qh3~ qh~6ti k'S~qi cOUsu) scribe, iso. copyist ""~-~-~~'011~~-
. /y};_qi shu-
scorch, see: burn l')&&n/
score, 1. iso, twenty'?~· /nishu/ 2, iso, musi- /coqo chE_c/ 11 He is
cal score 4\".~·~~~.;:r-- /t!!I')YO~ r};_mu/ 3, scrimping on food, kho 1 to chos za yog lo gcag
iso, score in a game \5'1.C::..'~~- /al')~a~/ 11 What po byed kyi I dug, (qh8'd U5pccc s~yaalo caqo
is the score? ang grongs go tshod red? (ol')~a~ ch,!qil)
qh~tsh~~ rE_C) script, 1. iso. letters, n. ct..::t\'"\~~~· /y,!qsuu/
scorn, iso. ridicule, vo. ~<t'\-~'t\·~~· /kaqkaa 11 What script is this? yig gzugs 1 di go re
chE_C/ [Syn. khyod gsod byos) red? (y};_qsuu t,! qh.2,re rE_c) 2. iso. text of
scorpion ~"t\'~'.l\'~' /t};_qparotso/ ploy 1 etc, a..~.::t . ..., ~&..· /thapshuun/
scoundre~ ~·.x:..~~· /m~rap/ 11 He is o scoundrel, scripture 4\~c::..·x..~~· /sul')rap/
kho mo robs red, (qho m!rap r!~) scroll ~-~~· /sh"&,rii/
scour 1 sea: clean scrub, see: wash; clean
scourge, see: search scrumptious, see: tasty
scout, 1. iso. military ~~-'\.~l':t\.·~· /sota msami/ scrutinize, vo. ~~·~·~~,';~'@/~:~: /sh,!mcuu ncn-
2, iso, boy scouts 4~'~<;1...-.:t\~~~ /t!!">leen t&&n chE_C/ 11 He ·scrutinized the records, khos
sh_!!nu/ yig cho de lo zhib 1 jug non tan byos shag.
scowl, vo, C, e!:'01.__"'\~~~~ /1')!! n.2,qo rt~'?-./ [Syn, (qhS'd y};_qca th.£,£ sh,!mcuu nE_nt&&n chE_cshoa)
gdong nag po bston) sculptor, 1. see: potter; carver 2. iso. maker
scrambled eggs -¥·~~· /q~n}&C/ of clay statues Cl..~'.::t~~· /c,!mso~/
scraps 1 1. iso, paper ~-"'%4:t\' /sh"&,ru"U/ 2, iso, sculpture, neo, 1. n, ~~;.:_·~~«:la.~~~· /p_!!rto~
material ~ ~~· /th!;!ru"U/ 3, see: abandon s2_yip/ ··2. ~o. C. -- <::~,~' /--s2,T>1
scrapbook, neo, ~~~~~~·~.::t·/~hE_nteen s3qtep/ scum, 1. iso. foul layer on top of water ~;~~·

scratch, vo. ~x..·~"\:~~.::~.· IP.2,r&c k~p/ 11 He /chOshoat 2. iso. foul layer on top of cooking
scratched the sore, khos rmo la sbar ros brgyob liquids ~cOl\·~~~· /sh!l')nil/ 3, see: sperm
song. (qh~d mola P.2,r&c k!psu) scuttle, see: abandon
scream 1 see: cry out scythe, 1, n. ~;.::: /sora/ 2, iso, cut with o
screwy (of people) ~~o:l*-' /kh~ntsoo/ 11 He scythe, va. A, ~~~·~\/s2_rcc c~c/
is screwy. kho khyod mtshor zhig 1 dug. ( qho sea ~<:U~ /k.2,tso/ 11 the North Sea byong gi
khl:ntsooci t_!!u) rgyo tsho (ch.2,~qi k~tso)

screech, see: cry out sea bird ~-~ /ch'Qpco/

screen, 1. iso, a metal screen for a window ~<t'\.~· ""'
seal, 1. n, e:....'$:{'~'9' /th_:m~uu/ 2. iso. affix o
~c::..: /coqsoon/ 2. iso, o divider ~l:-'.1::\.:0S~ seal, vo. -- "'1.@11::1.' /--k~p/ 11 Please affix
/qhai')C&C/ 3, see:_ look; check your seal here, 1 di lo khyed rang gi dam phrug
screw, 1. n. «:r\~z;.:~1tx.· /ctHlser/ 2. vo. sky on rogs gno ng. ( t.£,£ kh~roonqi th!mtuu k8Sn-

~~q,' /--kap/ 3. see: sexual intercours~ ro~noan) 3. iso. close, va. ~·~~~::~.· /qho k!p/
screw driver "t\ax.·~~"' /s2_rcu'u/ 11 He sealed the envelope. khos yig skogs kho
second class 383

brgyob song, (qhB'd Y!qllb qho k_:psu} 4. see: out of seasor:t, ad,i. ~S·l'~~·iif"CQ.·~-a: /n!flltU"~ yb"d-
wrap 5. iso. cut off /isolate 1 vo. A. "\'I'\~' p&&/
/qrla/ ~ They sealed off the rebels in one spring season ~"'-~~· /ciitUU/
building. (kho tshas ngo log pa tsho khang pa summer season "\W.' ~~· /yertUU/
gcig gi nang la bkag shag, (qhontsb~ n~loqpatso winter season ~~ ~~· /q~ntUU/
qhcnpa ciqqi n~nla qaosha~) 6. iso. the animal seasonable ""! n_:mtUUta
o._~·~~·~r:..~lsl:_l'.l~· ... "
thump&& I
'31"-S:l~ • /Fi'E_sam/ ~ seasonable weather nom· dus dang mthun pa 1 i
sealant ti.l:..~ /c_:rtsi/ gnam gshis (n_:mtu~ta thnmpc& nemshil}
sea level ~~~~~·Otl~~C:::..: /k'E_tson& thotsh&C/ seasoning 'fl:\~~ /mfna/
~ 1000 feet above sea level rgya mtsho nos mtho sea storm ~~~c::.: /tshi51uun/
tshad phi ti chig stong (k'E_tson& thotsh&c phiti seat, 1, n. ~~·~'t\' /qOpka~/ ~ Is this my seat?
chrqtoon} 'di nga 'i rkub kyag rad pas? ( ti nee qOpkao re-
seam ~~~~·/tsh~tsa~/ p&c} [Syn. sdod sa] 2. va. A.. -- ~~ /--tfC/
seaman, see: sailor seat belt, neo., 1. n, ~0\:,~C::~'X..""f\~'· /i'ieensu?!
seamstresS ~~1':\~'~l;l.l~ /ts&Jp6b kem&&n/ qerao/ 2. iso. fasten seat belt, va. D.
seaplane e.t~.t:l.t::l.~·~~~·~ /tsh15pap n~mt.u/ ~~~~·I --t~~l
seaport 5:3.~~~·~·~· /tsh15ntam th,!:!qha/ sea tide ~.;;t.:i~·~~~~ • /katsod palap/
sea power a.l~·~~~..!l'\~' /tshotho~ 't-h~qshu~/ sea travel ~~~~·~~·~~· /tshotho~ t,!mtUU/
sear, see: burn secede, va. C. ~ /thlj_n/ ~ They seceded from
search, 1. B. ~~· /tsf.f/ ~ They searched for the alliance, kho tsho mthun phyogs shag khag
the thief. kho tshas rkun rna btsal shag. gi nang nos don shag, (qhontso th0nc6b sh55qhao
(qhontsod ql'lmao tsffsha~} 2. iso, inspect/ qi n~nn& thlj_?!shao} [Syn. phyir 'then byas]
check, va. ~~·~~.:.::..~~· /sh!pshee chE_C/ ~ secessionism, neo. ~·~CQ.~~·~o:n,~· /qhCi'\-&& r!n-
They searched all the travellers. kho tshos lu~/
'gru1 pa tshang mar zhib bsher byas shag, secluded ~~~ /empo/ ~ a s~cluded house
(qhontsod tu1Jpa tshrinmaa sh!pshee chE_csha~} khang pa dben pa zhig (qhonpa ~mpoci}

[Syn. bsngogs bsher byes; bsngogs zhib byas] second, 1. <:1'\~·~· /niipa/ ~ the second horse
searchlight, neo, o._~·~.t::~.·~~-~~ /tsh33ship rta gnyis pa de (to niipati} 2. iso. a second
l~qwb~/ (of time} ~~'"0' /qarca/ ~ after ten seconds
search party ~~~~1_21-l't\'/tshB&hip tshoqha~/ skar cha bcu 1 i r jes la ( qlirca cOO C!:_~la} 3,
sea salt ~~.:fi" /tshotsha/ iso. helper in a duel "'\~;:.·~~· /pOnrllb/
seashore &~R~~· /tsh<5ntam/ secondary ~~·~-~~·~· /r!mpa niipa/ ~ That is
season, 1. ~~-~~· /n_:mtuU/ ~ What season do of secondary importance. 1 di gal che los rim pa
they plant? kho tshos nom dus go par son 1 debs gnyis pa 1 dra zhig red, (t! qh£.£. ch~o~ r,!mpa
kyi red? (n_:mtuU qh~paa s8Sn t~pqir&c} 2. iso. niipa rae! re~)
spice food, va. ~~~<=I.{V~ /mfna k_:p/ ~ Did secondary-educ~tion, neo. ~c::.~~~·~*·~~
you season the food? khyod rang gis kha log la lt!nri~ sheeyodn lopso/ ·
sman sna brgyab pas? (kh8r&& qhola~ la mfna ka- secondary school ~~~<!n·~·~· lt!nri~ lepta/
p&~} second class ~~·J:J,·~~~·&:.:~.' /r!mpa niipa/ ~
fall season ~~~· /t8ntUU/ second class train ri li rim pa gnyis pa (r,!li
four seasons '\~·.t::~.~' /th~hi/ r,!mpa ni!pa} ~ They are second class citizens.
in season ~~·~·~·G.~c::.· /n_:mtU"~ s_:tuun/ kho tsho mi dmangs rim pa gnyis pa red, (qh5n-
off-season ~~-~~· /th!!thut/ tso m!ma?! r,!mpa niipa r!~} [Syn. ang gnyis pa]
384 secondly

second hand 1 see: old ~&'I --Ch£&1

secondly ~~~'.S\"\:<;1.,.~· /n.i'rth~ln&/ 11 Secondly, I sect ~~·~~~- /chlmluo/ 11 How many sects are
am ill. gnyis thad nos ngo no gi 'dug, (n.i'.i'- there in Tibet? bod la chos lugs go tshad yod
thA~n& Q~ n~il) [Syn. gnyis par] pa red? ( ph!fdla ch83luo qh~tsh&~ Y2~r&'&)
second-rate $a~'c!5«\' /thf!pcaa/ sectarianism, neo, ¥;'~·~"=t\~·Q..~'"\:Q..'~.:o;:.~c.·~~-
second story ~·~-~~~-~- /th~!5sa n.i'.i'pa/ /chlmluo thenkee _r~Qluo/ [Syn. grub mtho'
second thoughts ~~~·~"''\%~·z;J.· /siimlo n.i'.i'pa/ 11 phyogs zhen ring lugs]
I have no second thoughts. nga !a bsam bl o section, 1. n. ~~ /t!ts&&n/ 11 in this sec-
gnyis pa gang yang med. (q~ somlo n.i'.i'pa qh££ tion of the book deb kyi sde tshan 1 di 1 i nang
m_!~) la (th!pqi t!:ts&&n t.!!_ n~nla) 2. iso. make
secrecy ~c~.-"\~&.(c..t<n_• /siinwa ch_!ya~/ 11 Secre- sections 1 va. c. ~~- /--s![d/
cy is important. gsang ba byed yag gal chen po sectional, see: regional
(sonwa ch!ya~ qh££ ch~mpo·r!~) Cl.\e..~~'Xc.·~~~·
red. sectionalism, neo. ~ ''"'.: ~ -
secret, 1. adj. 4'\~~'l:l.' /siinwa/ 'II secret plan riQlut/ [Syn. yul lung phyogs zhen ring lugs]
gsang ba'i 'char gzhi (sonw&& ch~shi) 2. n. sec:lar ~~~~~· /s.i'.i'cM'A/ 11 secular interests
~co.·~~e:;:.:~"'\· /siinwa ch2_ya~/ 11 Do you have srid phyogs !a do snang (s.i'.i'chMla th~naan)
any secrets? khyod rang la gsong bo byed yag [Syn. 1 jig rten]
gang yang yod pas? (kh&aa siinwa ch_!YO~ qh££ secularize, va. D.%"-:~~·~·~~.:.::.: /s.i'.i'chMla
y_!!p&~) [Syn. gsang ba] 3. iso. keep a secret, k~r/ 11 They completely secularized Tibet. kho
va. "'t\~c:.·q,·~· /sonwa chE_&/ 4. iso. tell a tshos bod srid phyogs la gtsang mar bsgyur po
secret, va. A. ~c::-~·~'Pt"\ /siinwa shf~/ 5. red. (qhontso~ ph!fd si.i'chobla tsal')mo k~rpare~)
iso. in secret (l=\.'~.>::,.·Q:l· /qhoqhaola/ 11 They did secure, 1. iso. militarily secure ""-~.;;:r;- /tsfm-
it in secret. kho tshos 'di kha khar lo byos pa pa/ 11 Is the city secure? grong khyer de btsan
red. (qhontsod t~ qhoqhoola chE_~pare~) po 'dug gas? ("t-h2'Jkeeti tsfmpo t~q&~) 2, iso.
secret agent, see: spy safe/firm/stable ~~~~ /tfmpo/ 11 If you put
secretary ~c:.· ~~ • /'t-h~l')yil/ the money in the bank 1 it is secure. khyod rang
chief secretary ~c:::~~ /'t-h~tso/ gi dngul dngul khang la bzhag no brtan po yod po
first secretary ~C:.~'""<::.·~ /'t-h~I')Ce th~Qpo/ red. (kh3r&& I')Dn l)llflqaanla sh!!!!no tfmpo Y2~re~)
private secretary ~-i\;x::.·~c:;,·~· /qOqee 't-h~I')Ce/ 3. see: got 4. see: lock
Secretary-General ~;~·~c:.·~· ./c.i'kap 't-h~Qce/ security 1 1. iso. safety ~0\,~t::.· /Pi=:i,nsu?./ 11
Secretary of Defense %Cl.l~c:.·~t;;.=a;• /k~u?. 't-h~I')Ce/ The security of the conference was done well.
Secretary of State ~Q.X·~"'~c:.~· /k~il th~r)- !han tshogs nyen srung gi las ka yag po byes
ce/ shag. (lhfnts::>~ n~nsu?.qi l££qa Y!!qo chE_csho~)
secrete, iso. come o.ut 1 vi. c. ~~ /th_!!?!/ 11 The 2, iso. leave as security, vo. A.~~~~~'l:{(i\<t\'
wound secreted pus. rma nos rnog don shag • /temoo sh!!~/ 11 He left his gun as security.
(miin& no~ th~sha~) khos me mdo 1 gta 1 mar bzhog shag, ( qh3"d menta
secretive ~~<::..'""-'"'-~-~ /siinwa th~mpo/ 11 He is Uimoa sh!!~sho~)
very secretive. kho gsang ba dam po zhe drag Security Council ~C:.~'9j.~~~· /sul)kop lhfn-
sec~etly 1 see: secret, 5 security guard ~~~·q· /qDsu~a/
secret society -"l\~c;:.·~«~"'~"t\' /sanw&& k'ituo/ security 9ffice 1!'3.~~c:;,·Cl.l~'~t:.~· /t~u?. !Mqu?./
secret talks 1 1. n. ~-~· /q!5qto1>/ [Syn. security treaty ~c;;-~-~~~lt\· /sul)kop ch.i'l)-
gsong gros] 2. iso. hold secret talks 1 va. yil/
self-criticism · 385

sedan choir <l...~'f\~'O:.~C::'; h. :;:o.~~-CI..~C:..' /k22_- /tshiqps til')n& s~/

coon; h, ph§pcoon/ see to completion, vo, B. '"51.ct.'"l.~' /tho kff/
sedate, 1. iso. calm ~~~-~ /qhOsimpu/ ~ He is segment, see: port; section
sedate. kho khu sim po zhig 'dug. (qho qhOsim- segre,gate, vo. A. ("1."'\'1."'-~'~'1:\~.ct'\ /qhoqhaocc
puci t~t} 2. vo. A. <lf""'~<:5\'~~ /lh38mccn sh~o/ 11 They segregated the men and women, kho
tfc/ ~ They sedated the patient. kho tshos nod tshos khyo go dong skye dmon khog khog .-byas
par lhod smon sprod shag, (qhonts~d n£poO lhBS- .bzhog shag. (qhontsW khoqoto k~ccn qhoqha~cc
mccn tf~sho~) sh~~sho~) [Syn. dbye bo phye nos bzhog]
sedative, neo. ~~·~.,' /lh8Smccn/ segregated ~·~""-Ui'""'·'~.'a· /y~nc~ y,!:!p&&/ 11
sediment, see: dregs segregated school dbye 1 byed yod po'i slob grwo
sedition, see: rebellion (y§nce~ ·y,!:!p&c lopto)

seditious, see: rebellious segregation (iso, a system), neo, ~~""'~~-~·

seduce 1 vo, C, ~~ • /100.. , ~ He was seduced by /yence~ l!mlut/
the money, kho dngul gyi blus shag, (qho 1')00 segregationist, neo, ~ei:@_"'-GI.l~·~~·a:.~~~a,:
qi lDUsho~} /yence~ l!mlut ts,!l')&&n/
see, 1. va. B. ~:sac:..- ; h. ~~"t\~' /thoon; h. seismograph, neo. ~·clrs.l·~~<:l.'Cl~~-ao~· /so-
s~J I ~ He sow a yak, khos g, yog cig mthong y~ taqship thDDccc/
shag. (qhB'd yooci thoi5nsho~) 2. iso. I see!~· seize, 1. vo, ct~"'.~~·~· /ts.!,!nsu?! Ch£&/ ~
Q.l~' /51&&/ They seized the student. kho tshos slob grwo be
seed, 1. n. ~<5( /s'i!tdn/ [Syn, so bon] 2. iso, de 1 dzin bzung byes shag. (qhonts~o lCip}oo ti
plant o seed 1 vo. D. ol::\ '91:\ • /--tap/ tsiinsu~ ch£cshoo) [Syn. bzung; zin] 2. see:
seed-bed ~~~~·~~- /s8ntsut sashiin/ capture
seedling ~~·q• /c~r)po/ select, 1. vo. c. CX..I'\,.~~· /t~~/ ~ He selected
seed planting machine, neo, ~~C\~·~.:~<:Il'q_~· three books. khos deb gsum 1 dams shag. ( qhSB
/s8ntep th00qh66/ th_!;P sC!m t~~hao) 2. see: elect
seek, see: search selected works, neo. ~-~~· /tslimttr~i/ ~ The
seem ~~Q.~'~o:f\. • /s2,rsci/ 11 It seems colder to- Selected Works of Moo mo 1 o gi rtsom btus (m~o
day. de ring grong bo 'i bzo 1 dro zhig 'dug. qi ts~mtuU)
(th,!riin th~?)cc s2,raci t!;!tl ~ He seems sick, selection ~~~·~~· /t~myoo/ ~ Their selection
kho no po 1 i bzo 1 dro zhig 1 dug, ( qho n~p&& S2,- was not good, kho tshos 1 dem yog de yag po mi
rsci tut} 'dug. (qhonts~d t~myo~ti y~qo ~ntut)
see off,- vo. ~~·~x.:~~ ; h. ~Cl,~'~Ol.·~~· self 1 1, ;t.:;F: /r:!f:..n/ ~ himself kho rang rang
/kffqoo chi~; h. ph~pkee sh~/ ~ He sow off his (qhCiroraon) ~ myself ngo rang rang (l')~roroon)
mother at the airport. khos a rna gnom gru'i 2. iso. the ego -"'\"\,~' /t~o/ [Syn. ngo]
thong lo skyel bar phyin song. (qhB'd omo namtUU self-centered /r:!f:..ntsosu~/ ~ She
thoanlo _kffqo~ chi~su) is self-centered. mo rang gtso bzung byed mkhan
seep, vi. D. £ex: /ts,!r/ ~ Water is seeping zhig red. (m~ r:!!:..ntsosu~ ch!IJ&&nci r!~)
through the wall. rtsig po nos chu 1 dzir gyi self-controlled .:r....c:.·~-fj:~~c:.: /r~l)tso"B s,!mpu/
'dug. (tsiqpan& chO ts,!rqil) ~ He is self-controlled, kho rang tshod zin po
seer ~~~·~·~2a·~~·~~-a.: /~wo?! 1')8nthoon zhig 'dug. (qhi5 r~l)tsb~ s,!mpuci t~t)
thOOI')&&n/ self-criticism, 1, n, x.~·~~c:..·q!'""\ /r~l)koon
seesaw J:f\~C:.'~'QJ.C:..'~' /t~l')ta l~l')to/ r~r)c~d/ 2. iso. criticize one9elf 1 va. -- ~­
seethe, with anger, vi. D. ~·~-~~~-~~'.:!' /--ch£&1
386 self-defense

self-defense, 1. n • ..:x:.c;:.·~c:.· /r2_nsun/ 11 self-de- semicolon, neo. bar. eng. ~fil.:l~·l(t<;q_<;J.,• /semiqo-
fense movement rarg srung las 'gul (r2_1')sun lon/
l££nqu'U) 2. iso. defend oneself 1 va. -- ~· semi-colonial ~ ..~:x:..-.t104·~~·'%"\.~' /m!:_sM p~~-
/--ch£_c/ yuu ch~tsam/
self-determination -"C:.'-"!."'\'-'C..~~"' /r_£1')ta~ r_£r)- semifore, neo. ~-cs;,~-~~ /th_£rccc t_£/
cod/ 11 the right of national self-determination seminal, see: important
mi rigs so so' i rang thag rang gcod kyi thob seminar ~-~~-~~-~~~· /15mnee t.h~tsh::>o/
thong (m!ril s5sb-d r_£1')ta~ r_£1')Co~i th5ptaan) seminary ~~~~·~· /t.h2.kUUn Hlpt,a/
self-discipline .:c_~~~.«'.:x:J=..~c::..· /r2.rJt.hiill r2_r)- semiotics, neo. ~~-<;~~·~'('"~~~-~~~- /y!:_q-
sun/ [Syn. khrims rang srung; sdom pa rang tao qh~tbon r!:_r)n&c/
'khur] semi-precious stones 1(~· /t~t,ha/
self-evident ~c..·~l::r\_""l'£"~~ /r_£r)ta~ th3mpo/ senate (in U.S.) l9-:tC::~~~Sf'~~~·/r)Otee thoo-
[Syn. mngon gsa! dod po] tsh::>O/
self-help -"._c::a..~ /r_£1')tsho/ 11 self-help center senator (in u.s.) ~c.~~~~~~·/11otee thOOmi/
rang 1 tsho i bzo las khang
1 (r_£r)tshod s~lc&qaan) send 1 1 • va. ~'9~;::: /tflon/ 11 They sent their
[Syn. rang kha rang gso] son to the meeting. kho tshos kho tsho 'i bu
self-image ~c:.·ou~~- /r_£1')thaon/ tshogs 'dur btang shag. (qh5ntsod qhontsb-ci ph~
selfish ..:c.~~"'a;'\~ /rar)She~ tshopo/ 11 He is tshontM to~nshao) 2, see: deliver 3. see:
selfish. kho rang shed tsha po zhig 'dug. (qho see off 4. see: return 5. see: give
r_£r)SheG tshopoci t~u) [Syn. rang 1 dod chen po] send-off, see: see off
selfless "'-h.'~.:~c..:.._q· /r_£1')to~ ~pa/ [Syn. rang senescence .<t\~~:e,"\<:>:l~' /q£_nqoo ch!;yao/ [Syn,
shed med pa] rga ba]
self-reliant x.._c::~~£t~;,:r- /r_£1')qo th3mpo/ senior 41.~~· ; h.~~~·~· /q£_mpa; h. t!;~pa/ 11
self-possessed ..:X:..IZ'""\~~~·,::;r-"'\.~' /r_£r)te'?} y"j_po/ He is the senior official. khong gzhung zhabs
self-sufficient ;c,c:;:<:n~A..c:.'~~~· /r_£1')qo r_£1')ten/ bgres pa red. (qhoon sh,!!Jshep t.!;~pa r!:,~)
11 They are self-sufficient in food. kho tshor senior and junior .q:~~·.:n_~<51.: /t.~hoon/ 11 the
za be a 1 ra rg mkho ra rg 1 deng 1 dug. ( qhonts::>::> senior and junior officials gz~ung zhobs bgres
~cha r~r)qo r~r)ten t~u) gzhon tsho (sh~r)Shep t.eeshoontso1
self-taught A:.~'W /r_£r)Con/ senior citizen ~~~-~~~-~ /y~i teesoon/
sell, 1 • va. C. ~-::rc::~· /tson/ 11 He sold a seniority -9~':?(,;;}.1'~-"t\~~·~c::::.~· /q.!:E,nrimqi n!!~­
book. khos deb cig btsongs shag. ( qhtfd th!;pci tan/ [Syn. bslab pa rgon rim]
tsonsha~) 2. iso. something selling, vi. D.~~­ sense, 1. iso, the senses ~~e::·,;:r- /wor)po/ 11
/t.h!m/ 11 The new hat is not selling well. zhwa sense of smell sna 1 i dba ng po ( n!!!! wol')po) 2.
mo gsar pa de tsho yag po brin gyi mi 'dug. iso. in the sense of ~~~~~-~~·"' /th"j_ntao-
(sh~mo sff~pa th!;ntso y_2q0 t.h!mqimintuu) nc chE£nal 11 Freedom, in the sense of religion,
sell wholesale, va. ~kl:jfc:;.·A@ft' /t!;ptsoon k2_p/ means eliminating ego-attachment. rang dbang
semantics, neo. ~~ /tshiqtb-on/ zer yag de chos kyi don dog nos byas na bdag
semen ~~~· /thiqli/ 1 dzin med pa bzo yag de red. (r_£nwaan S!;yaoti
semester, neo, ~-~~- /loptuU/ chtfdqi th"j_ntaon& chE£na teentsiin ~~pa s~yao
semi- ~"'\..~- /che~tsaill/ 11 semi-automatic th!; r!:,~) 3, iso. feel ~~·~c::..· /tshornaan/
phyed tsam rang 'gul (ch~tsam r2_r)quu) 11 He sensed there wos someone in the room. kho
semicircle §"'-:~-' /cheeq::>::>/ [Syn. sgor sgor la khong pa'i nang la mi yod pa'i •tshor snang
gyi phyed ka] byung shag. ( qhoo qhor)p&& naanla mi y"j_p&&
servant 387

tsh~rnoon ch~nshao) separately ~~-"'-.~::.;.· /lE.,qoo/ II They ate sepo-

senseless~""-~'~"'\.~· /th~ntoo ~~po/ 11 sense- rotely. kho tsho kho log log dgor bzos song.
less killing don dog med par gsod yog (th~ntao (qhontso qholoa lE.,qoo sE_~o) [Syn. khag khog]
m~poo s~yoo) [Syn. don med; cho med po] separatism, see: secessionism
sensible "'\~a:l·~~~~ /sllmlo thCir)po/ 11 He September ~£·~·~· /chinte q~pe/
is sensible. kho bsom blo mthong po 'dug. (qho serene, see: calm
samlo tho~po t~t) [Syn. cho yod po] serf ~~~- /m!see/
sensitive, 1. iso. gets hurt easily ~.s:l.~'~-"\""": serf lord "' .
CJ.J'~""C<\' ...
~"'l.·?f"/s~mpoo 1-~pu/ 11 He is very sensitive. kho serf system, neo. ~~·~-~"'-."'t\'Q.:l~·Q\:""\~· /misee
--...;, -
sems pegs srob po zheb po .ci 'dug. (qho sempoa m.!_too l~mluu/ [Syn. c. neo. zhing bran lam
1-~pu sh!puci t~u) 2. see: touchy lugs]
sentence, 1. gram. "'\1f'~"'-1.' /c~po/ 2. iso, serge ~·~· /thermo/
judicial sentence, i. n. ~~~·~~~ /thimco~/ serial 'X_~-~~ /rimtuU/ II serial publication
'=' -
11 What was the sentence? khrims gcod go re rim mthud dpor 'grems (r!mtuU ponte~)
red? ( thrmco"d qh.9_re r~~) ii. vo. ~· serial number CS"~~"'"\'';5<\c;:~(';..~' /~.9_tao a~ta~/
/--chr.~/ series <:-..
<;.\. 1c r ~uu' ---t·-'u;
nn u
sentient being ~ ~~·~<::.\: /s'&lcr.r.n/ 11 I have com- 11 A series of other events preceeded the revolt.
passion for all sentient things. ngo sems can ngo log zing 1 khrug gi sngon lo gnos tshul gzhon
tshong mar snying rje yod. (~.9_ s'&lcccn tsho~mao dog gcig mjug gnyis mthud byung pa red, ~~~lo~
iir~e y![d) S!~tut qi ~~~nlo ~litsUU shE_ntoo ci~uu niittr~
sentiment, see: thought ch~nperee)

sentimental, iso. a person ~~~~-~~"" serious, 1. iso. severe/grove ~~~- /tshepce/

/1-h££nso lo~cr.n/ 11 He is sentimental, kho dron 11 a serious mistake nor 1 khrul tshobs che zhig
gso slong mkhon red. (qho 1-hcr.nso 16r)ccn ~~) ( n~ntUU tsh~pce ci) 2. iso. character £-"IS\.~·~
sentry, see: guard /r)2 n.9.qo/ 3, iso. sincere '9.'9~"'t\y~· /tfn-
separate, 1. iso. keep aport, va. C, ~"'\·~~·"'\~' tcr.n/ 11 Are you serious about going to Tibet?
/qhoqhoa s~/ 11 He separated the dogs and khyod rang bod lo 'gro yog de gtan gtan red pas?
cat. khos khyi dong zhi mi khog khog bzos song. (kh3ra ph![dla t£yaoti tCntcr.n r~pr.c)
(qhS"d khi te sh!mi qhoqhoa s![dso) 2. odj. ~"'\· seriously ~~~·~<;<,.~--€V~-~ /~3ncc ch_££na/ 11
0~· /qhoqhoo/ 11 There are separate offices. Seriously, I did it. dngos gnos byos no 1 di
los khungs khog khag yod po red. (lMqu~ qho- ngos byas pa yin. ( ~3ncc chr.cna t! r)E_C chE_~po­
qhaa Y2~ree l 3, iso, become separated from a yin)
group, vi. D. CZ\'~~· /qho kh.9_r/ 11 One person sermon, 1. n •. ¥;-~'A'f'\c=(; h. <:t'\~c::.-~.:~~: /ch88-
became separated from the group. mi gcig tshogs shr.c; h. sur)Cod/ 2. iso. give a sermon, va.
pa nos kho gyor shag. (m! ciq tsh5qpon£. qho ~~- ; h. -- "'\~c::.· /--ch£_~; h. --neon/
kh.9_rshoo) 4. iso, get/be separated from fami- serpent, see: snake
ly/home/etc., vi. B. ~-~Cl.\' /qho 1-h££/ 11 He serrated ~-~~~-~"'1\'~-t: /s~~lee qh~suu/ 11 a
was separated from his family many years, kho serrated leaf sog le'i kho gzugs yod po'i lorna
nang nos kho brol nos lo mong po ph yin shag. (s~!:Hee qh~ut y~pf:.C 1.9_mo)
(qho n~mc qho th_££nc 1~ m~~qu chi~hao) 5, servant, 1. iso. male, i. n. "'11,Uf""'\·~ h.~"'!.~~·
iso. separate from family/home/etc., vo. Q'l.',!:;!Gtl.' /y~qo; h. sh~pci/ ii, iso. serve as a ser-
<:l.\'"l,'?C::.' /qhothr.cla tcion/ 6. iso. marital vont, va. -- t:l.~"'\~' ; h. -- ~~- /--kut1; h.
seJ)orotion, va. \"'\"\'CZ:.."\'<§,~' /qhoqhoa chE_C/ --sh!;!11/ 2. iso. female, i. n. c:t\~·~ h. ~a:\·
388 · serve

/y~~mo; h. sh£tomo/ ii. iso. serve as a zur du bzhog gi yod pa red. (qh8B t£re 1')00 s.!;!r-
servant, vo. -- -"\~"'<\~'; h. -- ~~· /--k!!,~; h. tu sh2..:qiy_2~real 6. iso, set a time/amount,
--shuU/ etc., vo. .q_~~- /s'!!,d/ ~ He set the time for
serve, 1. iso. as a servant/official, vo. A.~~· the meeting. khos tshogs 1 du 1 i dus tshod bzos
;r---"'l.~~· ; h. ~""~~~~· /y~qo k.!;!~; sh2_pci shag. ( qhS"d tshontUU th~tsh&i s~~sho~) 7.
sh,!!ll/ ~ He served as a servant. khos g. yog po iso. set fire to, va. ~·~· /m!:_ k2_p/ . a.
brgyugs po red. (qhW y3qo k!!,~pare~) ~ He iso. set a value on, vo. ~~-~~· /tho~ ch£~1
served the government for many years. khos lo ~ He sets a high value on money. khos dngul lo
mang po gzhung gi zhabs phyi zhus po red. (qh~d mthongs chen po byed kyi 'dug. (qh~ r)00la tho~
1~ m~qu sh~~ qi sh2_pci sh_!!llpare~) 2. iso. wait chempo ch!qil)
on a table, vo. B. ~·ar-"1.·~~03.· /qhala~ kff/ ~ setback <l.~~~ /q_2qkeen/ ~ We hod a setback
He served us first. khos sngon lo nga tshor kha in building the house. nga tshos khang po rgyog
lag bskyal byung. ( qh8~ r)ffnlo ~ntso:> qhala~ yog lo 'gog rkyen byung po red. (r)£ntsb~ qhor)po
kffcu) k~yoolo q_2qkeen ch~nparea) [Syn. gegs rkyen;
serves you right I ~~~&c::: /phfmpo ch~n/ bar chad]
service, 1. iso. assistance, n. ("\"l~'O:.~l:t\~' settle, 1. iso. decide, vo. A • .!i3."'\'.:::l.~c;,: /tho~
/sh2_mte~/ ~ This is a service for the people. cr!c/ ~ They settled the lawsuit. kho tshos
'di mi dmangs kyi zhabs 1 degs red. (t! m!mo~ qi khrims thag bead shag. (qhontsod thimthoo cfc-
shemte~ r!:_a) [Syn. zhabs 1 degs zhu yog] 2. shoo) 2. iso. get/be decided, vi. A. Xi«~,•¥;'""
iso. be of service to, vo. C. -- ~~· /--sh)J~/ /tho~ ch~/ 3. iso. move to and reside, vo.
~ He was of service to the country. khos rgyal 4\~~-~~~~· /sh!!chao ch£~1 ~ They settled in
khab lo zhobs 1 degs zhus po red.
( qhoo kMqap India. kho tsho rgyo gar nang lo gzhis chags
le sh2_mte~ shQUpore~) 3. iso. repairing ~~ byos shag. (qhontso k£qoo ~nlo shiicho~ ch£C-
~~~· /s~pcb-d/ ~ service charge bzo bcos glo sho~) 4. iso. decide on 1 va. A. "'\ ~ ~ 0:.~ =.·
cho ( s~pcod loco) /Ufn qr!f/ ~ They settled on a new plan. kho
serviceman, 1. see: soldier 2. iso. one who re- tshos 'char gzhi gsor po zhig gtan bkol shag.
pairs i terns "'=\.~"'~.:~;-~· ~~·<;n<;_q<:i( /s~pcod koo- (qhontsb~ ch~~shi soopo ci tr!fn qffsho~)
r)&&n/ settlement "'\~~·&"'\&' /shgcho~/ ~ There ore
servile ~~-~~·~ou.·~~· /qhUUqtr;J sh~huun/ many settlements in Indio. rgyo gar nang lo
sesame ,"-1.. /tii/ gzhis chags mang po 'dug. (k£qoa noonlo shii-
sesame oil ~o.s.·~~· /t!inum/ cho~ lll2.,l')qu t.!;!~l
sessj.on, of a meeting ~~·~· /tshOqtUU/ settler.,_ 1. n. ~~~·ao~~~~~~ /shiicho~ ch2_-
set, 1 • vo. A. "'\\(S\"f\' /sh£o/ ~ Set the book on r)&&n/ 2-. see: settle, 3.
the table. deb de rgyo cog sgang lo zhog. seven .<::l~"" /t!:!,!!n/
(th~pti k_2c:>~ q£hlo sh:>~) 2. iso. the sun sevenfold "'l.~~~~· /tQntap/
setting, vi. A • .::::.._~~ /sh!fJ/ ~ When did the seventeen "\~A~<:;( /cuptuUn/
sun set? nyi ma go dus bzhud song? (n!me qh2_- seventeenth ~~-&;~.~l:!\,~' /cuptuUnpa/
thuU shQUso~) 3. iso. set the table, va. D. ~ seventh t::l.~oSJ.:"-1.' /tQmpe/
~~C:..'<X\'""-."i\_X' Uf'Cl;\'53.'"-l.~'hl..~"<\' /k_2C0~ q£hla seventieth "l~.SJ.:~~- /tQncupa/
qoyoo thopo~ t!q/ 4. iso. set on example, va. seventy ~~?\~' /tUncu/
[Syn. bdun bcu thorn po)
C. ~~-"'-.~'l:\.~<5\: /m!qpe tr:h; 5. iso. set a-
" ~~D(~-~~~~
- /tQncu th~k&~/
side, vo. A. ~:.:._·~o:=:r..@..""\' /s!!,rtu sh£ol ~ He seventy-eighth "'1.~~~-~.::t~~~· /tQncu thCink&c-
sets aside money every.month. khos zlo re dngul po/
shaky 389

seventy-fifth ~~~~;~~"'-\' /t,!:!ncu th_2r)opo/ sex 1 iso. mole/female ~~ /phamo/ 11 equality of

seventy-first ~~~·~~~~~· /t!:!ncu th~nciqpe/ the sexes pho mo 1 dro mnyom (ph&lo toiiorn)
seventy-five ~~""~~'2!· /t,!:!ncu th~nl')o/ [Note: Tibetans normally ask if someone is a
seventy-four A\~-~~~· /t,!;!ncu th~nshi/ mole or female or a boy or girl rather than what
seventy-fourth ~~~~~~~G· /t!:!ncu th~nshipe/ sex he/she is. For example: What sex is the
seventy-nine ""''\,~~·~<s~..:_.c;.~· /t,!:!ncu th~nqu/ infant? phru gu bu red dam bu mo red? (p~qu

seventy-ninth "'l"~~·~"'\""''l:.t'
~ -.y '""'\:;)
ph.!:! r££_ ph&lo r~&)]
seventy-one .q,~~~-~~""\~~· /t,!:!ncu t~ncil/ sexuol 1 iso. fornication 115'"'\""'~~· /choqp&&/ 11
seventy-second .,_~~~·~:a.:_~~·~·/t,!:!ncu th_!:!nnil- sexual relations chogs po 'i 1 brel bo ( choqp&&
pe/ t!wo)
seventy-seven ~c:x.::~·~~<&.:: /t,!:!ncu th_!:!nttrun/ sexuoi discrimination ~~~"\/phamo yencee/
seventy-seventh .r::t.~~-~~.<::\~~&:\' /t,!:!ncu thon- sexual intercourse 1 see: intercourse
tUUnpe/ sexy o..~"'<El"\\~·~-~~~ /t~a~ lol')&&n/
seventy-six ~~-~~~- /t!:!ncu th!:!~tu~/ shabby 1 1. iso, clothes a..:::;,:o/ /s~to/ 2. iso.
seventy-sixth ""l~~~~~~·~· /t,!:!ncu th!;!ntuqpe/ buildings ~~-~ /q:_pto/
seventy-third .::t">~~- ~"r\~~-~ ·/tuncu thonsumpe/ shock c:t.~Q:l~Gll.'('\C::.'q' /th'ffsee qhol')po/
"'0 "'""<; ~ - -

seventy-three ~~-~"t'\~~· /t!:!ncu th_!:!nsum/ shockle 1 1. i. iso. leg irons, n. "\~·~~~·

seventy-two "'(~~~~"'\~~· /t,!:!ncu th~nnil/ /qCJI')Co~/ ii. iso, hand irons, n, Q.l~·~"\~'

sever 1 1, iso.get/be 1 vi. A. ~"' /chf."&/ 11 His /l~qcoo/ 2. vo. -- ~~~· /--k2_p/ 11 They
hand got severed, kho 1 i log po chad shag. shackled the legs of the prisoner. kho tshos
(qh83 l~qpo chf.tsho~) 2. vo. A. "":q"' /c'f"t/ btson par rkong !cogs brgyob shag. (qhontso'B
several ~ '.11=\~ • /qhoshc&/ 11 He has several ts8mpoo qCJI')Coa k2_pshao)
horses. kho lo rto kho shos 'dug. (qh55 to shade ~~-~"'\' /th!,mnoo/ -11 Please sit in the
qhoshc& t!:!_~d shade. grib nag lo bzhugs rogs gnong. (th!,mnoo
severe 1 1. iso. lows/comments 1 etc. ~~~ /th~q­ lo shuuro~naon)
po/ 11 severe criticism skyon dzugs drag po 1 shadow ~.<::\'"'"'t\' /th!,mno~/ 11 I sow my shadow,
(k8ntsu~ th~qpo) 2. iso. severe illness ~"~ ngos ngo rang gi grib nag mthong byung. (r:J~t
/c!,pu/ 11 His illness is severe. kho no tsho r:J~rcc th!,mnoo thooncu)
'jid po 'dug. (qho n~tso c!,pu t~~) 3. iso, se- ·shady ~t::l'(;l,_~c':il"\:~· /th.!_mnao y~po/
vere colomity 1 e,g, famine ~~·~· /tshapce/ shaft (of arrow) ~"-.~'~.l:t'\' /t2_nu~/
11 a severe famine mu ge tshobs che (m~qi shake, 1. iso, tremble, vi. D. ~~~· /t~r/ 11 He
tshapce) shook with fright. kho zhed nos 'dar song,
sew 1 1. vo. c. ~~~· /tsern/ 11 He sewed a (qho sh!~n& t~rso) 2. iso. shake someone phys-
shirt. khos stod thung zhig btsems shag, (qhsB iccoll y, va. "'-.~~"'-..~"'!\~'<j t::..• ltuqtu~ toon/ 11
tOOtuunci tse~ho~) 2. iso. a toilor 1 va. ~· He shook the old man and woke him, khos mi spo
~~@.,~- /tshimpu k2,.p/ 11 The tailor is sewing. bo de dkrug dkrug btong nos gnyid sod song,
tshem bu bo de tshem bu rgyog gi 1 dug. (tshim- (qhS'd m!, pooti tuqtuu taanc nrl sfcso) 3, iso.
p~6ti tshimpu keaqil) shake hands, vo. GU~·~·I:l.V]~' ; h • . ;rg,~·z;~c::.:

sewer ~-~·~·~ /sf£w~6 chllnto/ /l~qpo taan; h. chao teen/ 11 He shook hands
sewing mochine 1 1. n, ~-~a.~~-ar-- /tshrmpu with the king. khos rgyol por log po btang
qholo/ 2. iso, sew with sewing mochine 1 vo. song. (qhS'd k!£poo l~qpo taanso)
a..~::.::.~·"'l~"\· /qh5rtsern k2_p/ shaky, 1. iso. things Gl.l19.r~·~·~· /y~me y~/ 11
a shaky bridge zom po yam me yom me zhig (s~m-
390 · shallow

pa Y.9,"leci) 2. iso, people ~~.:x:;~·~@:":.:.·~· sharpened the knife. khos gri rno po bzos shag,
/khore khore/ (qhBB th! nopo s~~ho~) [Syn. rno bton]
shallow ~~c.:~l:l.·e::f. [neg.] /t!l1 s~pu [neg,]/ ~ sharp-shooter ~-~"\0.'~ ~ /m~nto tshopo/ ~ He
The lake is shallow. mtsho de gting zab po mi is o sharp-shooter. kho me mda 1 tsha po 1 dug,
'dug. (tsho ti ti11 s~pu m~ntut) (qho m:;,nta tshopo t~t)
shaman <}j'"'-1' /lhopa/ [Syn. lha phebs mkhan] sharp-tongued ~·'*~ /qho tshopo/
shamanism %Ct.~"'\·&;"~·~"'\~· /lhompep chlJOlut/ sharp-witted ~"'\·~·~~ /r~qpa n5po/
shame, 1. iso. embarassment ~a&-~ /11.9, tshopo/ shatter, see: break
~ He was overcome with shame. kho ngo tsha po shave, va. B • .<::!.,~.::c.: /shE::./ ~ He shoved my head.
byung shag. (qho 11~ tshopo chuunshac':l) 2. iso, khos nga'i skra bzhar byung. (qh8'cl 11££ to sh~­
disgrace, va. C. ~"'l.~·o.~~~~· /sh.9,mteen cu)
sh,0J/ ~ He brought shame on his family. khos shaven head ~~~~· /qOrii/
nang gi zhobs 'dren zhus shag. ( qh8'cl n~nqi shavings (of wood) ~~ ·~·- /shir)Ce/
• ...
s h.9.mteen sh~shoa ') shawl i:f\~·<:t\_:..-s_: /qh~sccn/
what o shame! ~·~ /oqhao/ she, 1. iso. nominative case ;;:r--; h, ~~=:..· /m~; h.
shameful, 1. iso. shame K-'c{'-c.l.l.~'~­ /11.9, tshoyo~­ qhoon/ ~ She is my friend. mo nga 'i grogs po
qi/ ~ shameful behavior ngo tsho yag gi byed red. ( mo r)CC th:>qo rei\!) 2. iso. instrumental
stangs !11.9, tshoya~qi ch~to~) case ~~· 0,. ~·~~· /m2_B; h. qhoonqi/ ~
shameless ~.i'~"'t:.l:' /112_tsa m:;_~pa/ ~ They are She did it, mos 'di byes pa red. (m~ci ti chcc-
shameless. kho tsho ngo tsho mad po red. po r:;_~)
( qh5ntso 112_tso m:;,~po r:;,~) shear, iso. sheep wool, va. A. ~0-.l·~~~· /ph££
shampoo -~i·)S'!~'-f\~-~~· /tomccn shempuu/ ph_9.~/
shape ""~.~~· /s.9.pto/ ~ This lake has o strange sheath ~~~· /shOp/
shape. mtsho 1 di 1 i bzo 1 to khyod mtsor zhig shed (for animals), n. ~-"~'\~·~· /chuqtsoan/
'dug. (tsho t~ s2_pto kh~ntsaaci t~u) sheen, see: shine
shore, 1. iso. o portion 1¥t·c:o· /thopco/ ~ How sheep ~~· /l~t/
much is my shore? nga 1 i thob cho go tshod 1 dug? adult female sheep ~~·<;u·~ /l~t
(11££ thopca qh~tshcc t~~) 2. iso. a share in an castrated adult ma~e sheep ~""'\' ~ Q;l,' "'l.' /l~t
inheritance ~<:U'e::::t' /q~la/ 3. va. A. 1:3.~&:1..'<"\Cl.' qhffwa/ [Syn. pho lug]

~l':l.·~~-~"'.: /q2_5ha k~pnc tfc/ ~ He shared lomb~·~· /l~qu/ [Syn, lug phrug]
his food with me. khos nga la kha log bgo bsho' rom ~~·~oCt\.· /l_!:!qtut/ [Syn. pha lug]
brgyab nos sprad byung.
k~pnc tfccu)
(qh8'cl 11oa qholao qosha
.'- - sheep butter ~z:t'\'<!;l:l..::C: /l~qmao/
sheep cheese ~l!t\·~:s;,· /l~qchur/

sharecropper~~"'<\·~~·.;;tp:.:O:t""~~~ /sh~11a pho:>moo sheep dung c-.

A~·~· " /riimoa/ '

1:;,11ccn/ sheep enclosure/corral ~"<\'.:S: /l~qra/

shareholder a.:~.·"\~0-l.'~"\.·as·~~~<st..· /in~r) thopca sheep flock~~·~· /l_!:!qkhu/

ycror)ccn/ sheepskin ~-~"'\~' /l_!:!qpa~/

sharp, 1. ~~ /nopo/ ~ The knife is sharp. baby sheepskin ~-~~~ /l~qu tsheru/
gri de rno po 'dug. (th~ti ni5po t~u) 2. iso. sheepskin coot/dress (Tibetan) ~~-"'1~~-~~~·c~'•~r
make sharp, see: sharpen 3, iso. mind~-~· /l~qpo~ paqtsao/
"("2f/r~qpa nopo/ 4. iso, a sharp pain ~.:r:-­ sheer, see: thin
/tshopo/ [Syn. tsho] sheet, 1. iso. bed sheet <$>~·.:c~· /nE!:_r&c/ 2,
sharpen, va. C. ~2:f""'l~~· /n'C'Y(Jo s<J.B/ ~ He iso. sheet of paper ~·~· /sh'Y5le/
shopkeeper - 391

I ph~l)i-i I 11 Put the book on shag. (qhsB qhatccn th!ntso tshoth:>~ taansha'O)
this shelf. deb de bang khri 1 di 'i sgang la shipping charge ~~"-yc:.·m_' /th!!_PO tai);J.a/
zhog. (th~,P ti ph~l)}i t g q2_1\1a sh£~) 2. see: shipyard, 1. iso. for building ~"t\.~~·"\~~·
postpone /t.~~tsii'i s2.ta/ 2. iso, for repairing ~-A"\~G:;.-"N,'
shell, 1. iso. animal ~""-~-~~· /qhlprW/ [Syn. j!:ir-.c:t~~'O.l~·~ /t.h~tsin s2.pcts'd lcct.a/
dung rus] 2. iso. nuts/seeds t.~.~~·~· /paqpa/ shirk, va. B. 41,VS'cq• /ySS/ 11 He shirked respon-
3. iso. take out of a shell, va. C. -- ~X1~' sibility. khos las 1 gan la g.yol po red. (qh~d
/--shriU/ 11 He shelled the peanuts. khos sbo lccq&&nla y3Bparee)
( qhoB ..:-.
tom pags pa bshus song. P!!_tam paqpa shuu- shirker ¢\Ql4.t~l'\~ /y831)c&n/
su) 4. see: bullet shirt ~~c::.·; h.~-~~ /tDIJtuun; h. qiltoii/
shellac, see: varnish shirt ma~er ~~c:.·~~MQI.~ /tOOtuun S2f'J&&n/
shelled, iso. without a shell ..:.t.~~·~-~~~·C'.\' shirt ~eeve ~~~~-~-~~·/tDOtuun qi ph~tuun/
/paqpa shnUpa/ shit ~ztr~· /kaqpa/
shelter, 1. see: refuge 2. see: protect shiver, vi. D. a._~x_· /t~r/ 11 I'm shivering.
shepherd ~~·f!€:'""' /l~qtsi/ nga 'dar gyi 'dug, (1)2_ t~rqil)
Sherpa ~x_:q_• /shi::Jrpa/ shoddy ~~'«>"t\' /thepcaa/ 11 This material is
shield, 1 • iso. armor ~~::t· /phil'tJ/ 2. see: shoddy. rgyu cha 'di theb chag cig •dug. (k';;_p-
block; defend; protect cat_!, thepcaaci t';;_~)
shift, 1. see: move 2. iso. shift blame, va. A. shoe, 1. 9}.~· /h't!JI)q6'A/ 2. iso. Western style~;.:,·
(ll·a..~e::.~·q,~~· /qhampan sh2_'0/ 11 He shifted «j' /c~rta/ 3, iso. Tibetan style :tf'"\.~~·
the blame to his student. khos slob grwa ba la /phoOhlam/
kha 'phangs bzhag pa red. (qh~d lota'Ola qhampan shoelace, 1. n. ~x.·~· /c~t.tJ"A! 2. iso. tie
sh2,'0pare~) 3. iso. shift as in wind, vi. D. shoelaces, va. -- .<:\~~- /--k~p/ 3, iso. untie
~~-~~-~""-.' /lhaqc:>~ k';;_r/ 11 The wind sud- shoelaces, va. A. -- ~~~~· /--shrl/ [Syn.
denly shifted. lhags phyogs glo bur du 'gyur bkrol]
song. (lhaqc:>~ l~urtu k';;_rsu) shoemaker ~a.i't::t1f~· /lhCins:>~/
Co.. .
day shift ~~~~·.!:\.~-~~ /ii_gnlc~ C!_leen/ shoe polish ~x.-~· /c~rtsi/
night shift e:l~~~-""\~-~~ /tsh!:fnlcc C!_leen/ shoot, 1. iso. a gun, va. ~-~~Q..·~~l:\" /m!_nta
shiftless, see: lazy k!p/ 11 He shot the deer. khos sha bo la me
Shigatse 4\~~·-'r\~' /shiiqatse/ mcla 1 brgyab song. ..:> shaala lll!_nta k!psu )
( qhoB 2.
shimmer, see: glow iso. an arrow, va. ~"'-.,~'l:\~1::),· /tf_! k~p/
shin c:.x..·~c::.· /l)~rtuun/ shoot down, va. D. 41~· /tor/ 11 They shot down
shine, 1. vi. ~~'""\.@f\' /w~d k~p/ 11 The sun is the airplane. kho tshos gnam gru gtor shag.
shining brightly. nyi rna 'od chen po rgyag gi (qhontso~ n't!Jm}u U5rshao) [Syn. gtor lhungs
'dug. (ii_!,ma w~~ chempo kaaqil) 2. iso. shine btang]
shoes, etc., va. c. ~~~~~- /w~ t8n/ 11 He shooting rarge ~·a:~.~o:.·o;;-.~-~~· /m!nta tshaqha
shined his knife, khos gri la 1 od bton shag. tasa/
( qhod
rs.' }h_!,la w~o
' tonshaa
"' ')
shooting star ~~'Qil"'-.,0:..' /qanta/
ship, 1. n. ~-~~~~· /th~tsin/ 11 Are there shop, 1. n. a;:-c::.·~c::: /tshol)qaan/ 11 a new shop
ships in """"
Tibet? bod la gru gzhings yod pa red tshong khang gsar pa zhig (tshol)qaan saapaci)
pas? (ph!"[d la t.h~tsin Y2~repcc) 2. iso.· send 2. iso. shop (around), va. B. (J'I.'~~="' /qhu
va. .<:l.'?r;:: /taan/ 11 He shipped the rugs by ~3~/ 3. iso. shop for goods, see: shopping
sea, khos kha gdan de tsho mtso thog btang shopkeeper '£·l'\c::·~-"\~"'\·~ /tshol)qoonqi t2,qo/
392 · shopping list

short time ~<:X\·~· /khuqtsa/ 11 He worked for a

shopping. kho nyo cho rgyog gog phyin song. short time. khos los ko khyug tsom zhig byos
(qho n~pco kooqo~ chr~su) song. (qh~d l~qo khuqtsaci chE,"&so)
shopping list ~q,~~ /'n~pc&& tho/ short wove ~·~c:.·~~·ihq~· /k2_~thuun l&jlap/
shore ~~~· /~9_m/ 11 the ocean shore mtsho shot, iso. get, vi. A. at·&~.~o..::Ja~~· /m!nto
'gram (tshon~~m) the~/ 11 He got shot. kho lo me mdo 1 thebs
short, 1. iso. size/length ~C..'&f·· /thiintuun/ 11 shag. (qh~5 m!nto the~sho~)
The rood is short. lam khog thung thung red. shotgun, neo. ~·<;>J.~=.·d:l.·d:l~~ /th3rntee m!nto/
(l~nqo~ thuntuun r!~) 2. iso. missing/lost, vi. should, 1. iso. in positive constructions ""-~~·
dt"· [~eg. ] /tshoon [neg.] I 11 We ore short 10 /q~/ 11 Every person should help. mi tshong mas
dollars. ngo tshor sgor mo bcu tshong gi mi rags byed dgos red. (m!_ tsho~m&"& rE_~ ch!qore~)
'dug. (~~ntsoo ~mo cO tsha~qimintu~) 3. iso. 2. iso. in negative constructions [vb,] ~·
short of/locking/not enough ~~~~ [neg.] /[vb.] k~/ 11 He shouldn't hove come. kho yong
/t9_~ [neg.]/ 11 We ore short of ammunition. ngo rgyu yod po rna red. (qho yoonku YE_~more~)
tshor go log 'dong gi mi 'dug. (~~ntsoo qh_£10~ shoulder, 1. n. ~c:::.·q· /pu~pa/ 2. iso.
t!!~qimintu~) shoulder a burden, etc., va. B. ~~~~~~­
shortage, iso. not enough m•<:.t;.~~-~· /m2_nto~po/ /q~n qhee/
11 There is a shortage of meat. sho rna 1 dongs shoulder blade ~-~· /s3qpo/
po'i [gnos tshul] 'dug. (she m9_nto~p&& n~~tstit.i shout, vo. ~"'~~q: /q&c k2_p/ 11 He shouted
t,!!~) "come. 11 khos shog zer skod brgyob song. ( qh~d
shortcut ~~~-CIJ.~· /kE_qlom/ sho~s q&c k2_psu 1
shorten, vo. ~c::.·~~yc:~: /thu~u taon/ shove, vo. ~"'-~~-l:\~Q.' /p_!!ko~ k2_p/ 11 He
shorter 1 1 • ~c.·~· /thu"rJa/ 11 Which rood is shoved me. khos ngo lo sbud rgyog brgyob byung.
shorter? lam khog go gi thung bo 'dug? (l~~qo (qh~d ~~ p_!!ko~ k2_pcu)
qh!!qi thO"r}a t~6) 2. iso. make shorter, vo. ~G<.· shovel, 1. n. ~~·~· /c22,mo/ 2. vo. -- "\~<l::l·
~e3..'9c..· /thu~ru taan/ 3. iso. a person "G..~"''\~· /--k2_p/
:q:-~c:..·l:l..' /s,!!qu chuna/ 11 Who is shorte:? su show, 1. n. ~"'-~ /tffmo/ 11 The show was nice.
gzugs po chung bo 'dug? (su s~qu chuna t~o) !tad mo de yog po 'dug. (tffmoti y2_qo t~~l) 2.
shorthand, 1. n. &l~~-~"t\' /k~yil/ 2. iso. vo. C. ~~"'\: /tf~/ 11 He showed me the book.
write shorthand, vo. C. -- ~~·/--~h!_l/ khos ngo lo deb bston byung. ( qhSB ~22. th!P
short person~:~.~ /m!_ tepa/ t&?!cu)
shorts ~~c::.·~~c;,: /tmlt.uun phOch~~/ shower, 1. see: rain 2. iso. bathroom shower, i.
shortsighted, 1. n. ~~-~~c:..·&c:.' /miqkon n. ~:~ /thlirchu/ ii. vo. -- ""\~~·
thuntuun/ 11 He is shor~s~ghted. kho mig rgyong /--q&&/
thung thung red. (qho miqkon thOntuun re~) 2. show-off ~-~· /~3q~o~/ 11 He is a show-off.
iso. be/get shortsighted, vi. -- %,~' /--chE,C/ kho krog krog cig 'dug. (qho ~3q~o~ci t~u)
short story ~c..~c:..~c:..· ~~~~ thOntuun/ shred, 1. vo. C. ~-"t\'~4\'"'1..~' /hruqru~ sf!d/ 11
short-tempered ~c...·o::qc:..·i:f" /!Cl~ l~~qo/ They shredded the document~<>- tshos yig cho
short-term, 1. adj. ~~·~c:..· /th~thuun/ 11 de tsho hrug hrug bzos shag. (qhontsi:id y!_qca
short-term work dus thung los ko (th.!:!!;!thuun thentso hruqruu si:idsha~) 2. iso. a small piece,
l&&qo) 2. iso. in the short-term ·::~;>::-\·~c..·~· n.- ~·~~~~-=- /shuqu lhepts/ 11 They don 1 t
a._c:::.'a,l' /thuuthuunqi n~nlo/ [Syn. dus yun hove a shred of proof. kho tshor ra sprod byed
thung thung] yog shag bu lheb tsom zhig kyang yod po rna red.
sift 393

(qhonts:>:> r.!:!,pt.o-8 ch!:ya~ shuqu lhepts ciyM y2_?J- gzugs po gcong po red. (qho S_!:!qu col')qo r!~l
mare~) sickness a;,_t> ; h.~~-~~· /n.!:!,tsa; h. nui')Shi/ ,
shrill ~'\.,;:r:-- /tshopo/ , a shrill noise skad tsha Is his sickness bad? kho no tsha sdug po 1 dug
po (q~c tshopo), gas? (qho rl.!:!,tsa t.!:!.qu t.!:!.q&c)
shrimp, iso. the animal "'h.~~ /sho<Jmil/ siddha, skt. ~~~~· /t.h0pt6A/
shrine, 1. iso. place with remains of a holy side, 1. ~~· /ch':J~/ 11 Which side is east?
person ~~"-~ /ch8Stoon/ 2. iso. temple~· phyogs shar go gi red? (cho?J shoo qhf!..qi rE_c) ,
(Z\Z::.: /lhoqoan/ Which side should I sit on? nga phyogs go gir
shrink, vi. C. (<.~~~· /qhu'tn/ , The shirt sdod dgos red? (1')2, ~h':J?J qhf!..qhM t~dqor&i) 2.
shrank. stod thung de 'khums shag, (tOOtuun ti iso. edge/corner ~-"' 'Js!;!!:!l 11 He put i t on the
qh~sha~) side of the table. khos 1 di rgya cog gi zur la
shrivel, 1. iso, hand, etc., vi. C. a,~~~­ bzhog shag. (qhS'd t! k.!:!,c:>~i suula sh.!:!,oshoa)
/qh~/ 2. iso. flowers/fruit, etc., vi. D. 3. iso. working on the side C\.:1~·~.: /l§!Sh:>o/
z::t.~· /nip/ [Syn. brnyis] 11 He sells rugs on the side. khas las zhor lo
shroud ~~~· /r~r&c/ [Syn. phung ras] gdan tshong gi 1 dug, ( qhS'd l,£E.sho:> la t,£E.n
shuck, see: peel tsh'&}qil) 4, iso. toke side5 1 vo. ~~-~~·
shun, see: avoid /ch~ ch&c/ , He took the side of th~ farmers,
shut, 1. iso. a door/window, va. <=:(~~: /kf!..P/ , khos zhing po'i phyogs byas pared. (qhS'd sh!I'J-
He shut the door. khos sgo brgyab song. ( qhSB p&& ch3~ ch£Cpare~) 5, iso. the side of the
qo kf!..psu) 2. iso. a box/book, va. (l:S'.<::\%\_,~' body "t\~~· /sh:_~/
/qha kf!..p/ 3. iso. eyes/mouth, va. c. "'\~~· side by side, 1. see: together 2. "f\~"t\~-~~·
/tsum/ 4. iso. shut up! \"·~·~
""/qhoqaa c0-1·~~<tl,' /crlqi }hilla cil/ , The two houses are
to-6/ side by side. khang po de gnyis gcig gi khris
shutter il(qe:_• /q~paan/ la gcig red. (qh!'il')po th!iiil cilqi thilla cil
shutdown, iso. close, va, ~~~· /q2, kf!..p/ 11 r!:~) [Syn. gshib gshib]
side door ~;!::.· ,;:x-:- /surqo/
The government shutdown the school. gzhung gis
"\() ~ -
slob grwa sgo brgyob shag. (sh.!:!.l')qi lopta Q2, side effect @("'.:~:..·~ /sh:_rkeen/ , The medicine
kf!..psho~) has a bod side effect. sman de la zhor rkyen
shuttlecock ~~:;::v, /thepe~/ sdug chag cig yong yag 1 dug. (m~fn th&& shor-
shy 1 1 • adj. ~~-~"'~ /1'J2,tsa mimpu/ , He is keen t.!:!.qca~ci y~nya~ t.!:!.u)
shy. kho ngo tsha smin po zhig 'dug, (qho 1')2,- side-glance, 1. n. ~~-~~· /s.!:!.rmil/ 2. va, C.
tsa mimpuci tul~l) 2. iso. oct/be shy, va, ~~· -- de3,~~· /--t~&/
~~·~·/tsh~enaan ch£&1 [Syn. ngo tsha byas] side job ~:a.l~' /sh:_rl&c/
sic, iso. let loose a dog 1 va. A. ~"" /lS'd/ side street ~X..'c:t.l.~' /s.!:!.rlam/ [Syn. lam chung]
[Syn. btong] sideways, iso, face, va. C. "'t\.~~~·~~~ /sh2_?J
sick I 1 • vi. D. "" ; h. '<:\.~~~· In,!:!.; h. nul')/ , U!~/
Is he sick? kho no 'dug gas? (qho ~tuq&c) 2. siege, va. ~~"l.~e;.·~~· /q3rsu~ chE_&/ , They
iso. be sick of 1 vi. @t.· c;>;t.'~@q_' /sh!:la kf!..p/ , sieged the fort. kho tshos mkhar rdzong bskor
I'm sick of rice, ngo 'bros zhe lo brgyab shag, bzung byos po red, (qhontsod qhCirtsoon q3rsu?!
(q~ t,£& sh!:la kf!..psha~) chE_cpore~ )
sickle ~- /s~ra/ sieve, 1. n. ~~~· /tshoa/ [Syn. tshags mo]
sick leave ~""'-~~· /n&&qoon/ va., see: sift; strain
sickly -'1\~·~ /c"&)qo/ 11 He is sickly. kho sift, vo. ~'"\@,~' /tsho~ kf!.PI , He sifted
394 sigh

the grain. khos 1 bru tshags brgyab song. (qh~d kh8rcc sayil r!p&c)
t!:!, tsha[\] k~psu) significance "t"l~e;.:Cl"t\=\ /ni:Cnqc:l(\]/ 11 What is
sigh 1 1. n. "\':\~~~l:..' /Ouri?./ 2. va. -- .z:!.'9~' the significance of the election? 1 dem bsko'i
/--taan/ 11 She sighed often. mos dbugs ring gnad 1 gag go re red? ( th!mqoo nl:l:nqa(\] qh~re
yang se gtong gi 'dug. (m!!d OOri?. y~nse t~Qqil) r!e) [Syn. gnad don; dgos don]
sight 1 1. iso. vision ~~·~'tl.l.J!t\' /mil thoon- significant ~~~~"t\~~~~ /nfl:nqa~ chempo/
ya~/ 11 He lost his sight. kho mig mthong yag 11 a significant decision thag gcod gnad 'gag
med pa byes shag. (qh5 mil thoonya~ m!epa ch£&- chen po zhig (thaco~ nffnqao ch~poci)
sha~) 2. iso. in one's range of vision signify ""~ /t~/ 11 This signifies shoot. 'di
/thol5nsaa/ 11 We are within sight of land. nga me mda 1 brgyab zer yag gi brda shig red, (t_!
tsho sa cha mthong sar yod. (Q~ntso sCicha lll!nta k~p s!yao qi t~ci r!e)
thi5onsaa y~d) 3. iso. the sight of a gun~~~· sign language ~~·~"' /qOqta/ [Syn. ling. brda
~~c.: /m!ntcc s&!hu~n/ skad]
sight unseen a-1.'a.J.r~·~· /mathoonpaa/ 11 We bought signal corps "'l~~~~· /t~ta~/
it sight unseen. nga tshos 1 di rna mthong par Sikh ~"t\ /siq/
nyos pa yin. (Q~ntsod t_! mCithoonpaa ii!!dpayin) Sikkim ~~-~~· ltccnco?./
sign 1 1 • iso. signal "'tiS\ /t~/ 11 His blinking Sikkim Maharaja ~~~~·~·~ lt!£ncoo kcc-
was a sign. kho 1 i mig btsums de brda zhig red. po/
(qhSS miqtsuiltti t~ci r!~) 2, iso. give a sign 1 silent, va. A. ~·~~·q,~". /qhoqhao t£'U 11 They
va. -- ~~.::::..· /--taan/ 3. iso. a sign on a were silent during the speech. legs sbyar shod
door/store/house~~~· /q!!,yil/ 4. iso. a sign pa 1 i sgang la kho tshos kha khar bsdad song.
of something ~~~· /to~/ 11 His selling of the (l!qcaa sh88pcc q~?.la qhontsod qhqqhaa t£&so)
house is a sign he is leaving. khos khang pa silk ~~~ /th~tsi/ [Syn. dar gas]
tshong yag de kho 'gro yag gi rtags red, (qh~d silk brocade ~~·~~ /qh~ccn/
qhaQpa tshl5onya~ ti qho t~ya[\]qi to~ r!el 5, silk thread ~-~~ /t~~qUU/
iso. affix a signature 1 va. ~-~~·~~~· /s~yil silkworm ~ 0...~ /th~rmpu/
k~p/ 11 He signed the letter, khos yi ge de la sill ~·~~·~·~·~ /q_!quunqi }~koo/
~sa yig brgyab song. (qh~d y_!qitcc sayil k~psu) silly, see: stupid
6, iso, sign up 1 va, C, ~c;.·W.q,~~"t\' /m_!Qto silver ~CXJ.' /QfJfJ/
q~dsha(\]/ 11 Many students signed up for the silver ingot "\C..~'..l!::l'Ni~' /~00 sCipha~/
course. slob grwa bo mang po 1 dzin grwa de la silver mine "'-.."Ol~tt\,~~~· /~tl!lqi terqa/
<::'... •
( lcptao m~Qqtr~ ts_!nta thE£
ming tho bkod shag. silverplate 1 1. n, ""-..~~·~· /QOOtsl./ 2. va.
m_!_Qt6 qB'dsha~ ) .::t..~c:::.- /--taan/
signal ""~ /t~/ 2. va. -- A.l$1~ /--tCiCin/ 11 silverware ~~~-~~· /Qtl!lc~~/
He signaled the soldiers to fire. khos dmag mi silversmith ""-.~Q.l.·q~~· /~O'Oso?J/
la me mda 1 rgyab ces brda btang song, ( qh8~ similar ~l::f-" /'t.~po/ 11 These houses are simi-
- - -
menta kaps to t1ians6)
signal bell 1 1, n. ~a:l·.:t.~
/th_!.!ta/ 2. iso,
lar, khang pa
th_!ntso t~po t~~)
1 di tsho 1 dro po 1 dug. ( qh'B.Qpa

signal by a bell 1 va. -- ~~~ /--t55n/ similarity ~~~~· /'t-~po y'§.pa/ 11 There are
signal _flag, 1. n, ""-.X..'Q;,~·~~ /th~rccc t~/ 2. many similarities between the two cultures. rig
iso. signal by a flag, va. -- ~'9c;.' /--tCiCin/ gzhung gnyis ky~ nang la ~dra po yod pa mang po
signature ~·o.J.~'
C\. ''! .." I s this your signa-
I s~yl.;L 'dug. ( r_!qshuun iifiqi naanla }!:!_PO y'§.pa m~Qqu
ture? 'di khyod rang gi sa yig red pas? (t!.
single-handed 395

similarly ~ . ~
I th~qa n~I')Shiin
I V Sim- che~nsa k2pne n~mto6 tE_tpare~)
ilarly, he stole from us. de go nang bzhin khas sincere ~:-q·~~~·~"\. /qheshe nirme~/ 'II He is
nga tsho i 1 sa nos kyang rkun rna brkus shag. sincere. kho kha zhe gnyis med red, (qho qh6-
(th~qa n~I)Shiin qha"d l')~ntsi:io ts66nee qllma qUti~ she nrrme~ re~) 'II He sent a sinc·ere letter of
sha~) apology. khos kha zhe gnyis med kyi dgongs dog
simmer, 1. iso. a cooked food, va. A.Cll~~·Q.\' zhu yag yi ge zhig btang shag, (qh3B qheshe
~~"'\· /matshodtsala sh~~/ V Simmer it for 1 niime~qi qo~ta~ shuya~ yiqici teensh~)
hour. chu tshod gcig gi ring rna tshos tsam la sincerely ;.. ~·""'-~~~~- /qhoshe niime~qi/ 'II
zhag. (chutshu1l '
' ci~qi '
r_!l) matshodtsala ")
sh~a They sincerely opposed the plan. kho tshos
2. iso. water/tea, etc., va. A. ~-~cu.~·C\l· 'char gzhi de la kha zhe gnyis med kyis ngo rgol
"'-\@\·otr/moqhbotsala sh~a/ 3. iso. anger, vi. D. byas pa red. (qhentsl:SB chaashi tee qhashe nrr-
~·W":=s.' /qh6onto s~/ 'II His anger simmered for me~qi l')~qoo chE_tpare~) [Syn. zhe thag po nos]
months. khos zla ba kha shas khong khro zcr nos sinew ~~·c.t.• /ku1Jpa/
bsdad pa red. (qha"d t~wo qh~she& qhoonto s~ne sinful, 1. ~<t\,'e.:s.·~~.;:r-- /t_!qpa chempo/ 'II He led
tE_tpare~) a sinful life, khos sdig po chen po byes mi
simple, 1. iso. easy ~~~-if"" /lE_C lopo/ 'II Is it tshe bskyal po red. (qh'3B t_!qpa chempoce m_!tse
simple to learn Tibetan? bod skad slob yag las kffpare~) 2. iso, a sinful person, see: sinner
sla pa red pas? (phooqe& l~pya~ lE_t lopo r.!:_pe&l sing, 1. iso, humans, va. ~ll!t,.<-~-'.<:!.'9~·/shE_t teen/ 'II
2. iso. not elaborate ~~~·;r-- /qhu tui.ipu/ He sings (song) well. khos gzhas yag po gtong
'II He leads a simple life. kho 1 khu 'dus po gi 'dug. (qhB'd shE_t y~qo tui)Qil) 2. iso,
byas sdod kyi 'dug, (qh6 qhu tlllipuce& tiruqil) birds, va. ~""l:l~~· /qfc k2_p/ 'II The bird
'II His home (way of living) is simple. kho sdod sings very beautifully. bye 'u des skad snyan
stangs 'khu 'dus po zhig bsdad shag. (qho too- pel zhe drag rgyag gi I dug 0 ( Ch_!U til QfC nfmpO
to~ qhu t~puci tE_cshaa) sh.!:_!-aa kaaqil)
simple-minded, see: stupid singe, 1. vi. A. ~-~~;a~:~.~· /sh~pt-a~ the~/ 'II
simplify, va. C. ~~~·~::r.-~~:&.· /tap t.!:_po The hat got singed. zhwa mo de zhob "sreg thebs
s'!J:d/ 'II They simplified the rules. kho tshos shag. (sh£moti sh~ptaa the~sha~) 2. va. ~~·
sgrig lam stabs bde po bzos shag. (qhontsod ~"'\'~"?c;.· /sh~ptaa tean/ 'II First, singe the
t_!qlam tap t~po s~~shaa) meat. sngon la sha zhob sreg thongs. (l)ffnla
simultaneously ~~-~~~·0.:1· /th!!!:!fiamla/ 'II We she sh~pta~ to~)
went simultaneously • nga tsho d us mnyam la singer "'t\~~·~~c::.·a:t~~ /shE_& tol)&en/ [Syn.
ph yin pa yin. ( l)~ntso thE.![riamla chi~payin) gzhas ma (female)]
[Syn, dus mtshungs] single, 1. iso. one only ""\~~·<;~.t'4\~~~· [neg,]
sin ~""P'~· 'II Killing animals is a sin,
/t_!qpa/ {crq m~t::>~ [neg.]/ 'II He gave a single example,
sems can gsod yag de sdig pa zhig red. (semceen khos dpe gcig rna gtags rna sprad pa red, ( qh8'd
s3Bya~ti t_!qpaci r~~) pe crq m~t::>~ matc&pareM [Syn. gcig las] 2.
since, 1. iso. because [vb,] ~· /[vb.] tsoen/ iso. for one person <:t\~o!:t\.·~~ /ciqkaan/ 'II a
'II Since he went, I don't have to go, kho phyin single room gcig rkyang khang mig (ciqkaan
tsang nga 'gro dgos rna red, (qho chi~tsaan I'J2, khal)mil) 3, iso. unmarried ~~·~c::.· /hrol)raan/
t~qomare~) [Syn. tsa no] 2, iso, after [vb.] 'II Is she single? mo hrang hrang red pas? (m!!
~~· /[vb.] ne/ 'II They have been living to- hrel)raan r.!:_pec)
gether since they got married. kho gnyis chang single bed ~~~·~c.·~~· /ciqkaan nMti/
sa brgyab nos mnyam du bsdad pa red. (qhunil single-handed ""l\~~~-'l:'\' /ciqMqi/ 'II He caught
396 sirigle-minded

the thief single-handed, rkun rna de kho rang down! ~ ; h. -"~""'\~' It"!>;h. sh_!:!~/ [Syn.
gcig pus zin pa red. ( qilmaati qhora ciq~6qi mar sdod; h. mar bzhugs] 3. see: observe 4.
s,!mpare~) iso, sit tight, see: wait
single-minded g"'\~"t\·~~·~~"f\' /l'&:il s~mcil/ sit cross-legged, va. A. ~~·~&::.'€§.,""''1:.:\"lil.._"'; h, ~«.l'
, He is single-minded, kho blo gcig sems gcig ~·"t\~e::.·<\~~/kr~ui'tcc tE.,t; h. ki~u?lC!a sh_!:!'tJ/
red. (qho l~cil s&lcil r=.el [Syn. bsam blo sitar ~c;:,_~e::..· /kiJ!!.ma"r;/
gcig rna gtogs med mkhan] site ~·.a;,· /socha/ 11 This is the site of the new
single-space ~~·""-~:C'<\\~"t\' /y!::_qpar ciq/ factory (place where it will be built). 1 di bzo
singular, iso, ling, ~~~~~· /ciqtshil/ grwa gsar pa rgyag sa 1 i sa cha red, (t,! s2,~a

singly, 1. see: single-handed 2 •. see: single, 5 sOOpa k.2,2S&& SOCha r=.e)

sinister, see: evil sit-in, neo., 1. n, ~~'\~~~~a.x.· /tE.,tn& r)~'bo/
sink, 1. vi, D. ~Cill.' /th,!m/ , The ship sank. 2. conduct a sit-in, va, --~ /--ch£_&/
gru gzings dim song. ( ~h_!:!tsii't th.!_msu) , The situation ~.!!:!.,~·~· /nUtsUU/ f What is the
plane bombed the ship and it sank. gnam gru nos situation in ""'
Tibet? bod nang gi gnos tshul gang
'born gzhus nos gru gzings dim song. (nam~un& 1 dra 1 dug? ( ~d n.2,2nqi n~iJtsUU qh,:n~A~ t~A)
p~ shQUn& ~_!:!tsii't th.!_msu) [Syn. 1 thims] 2. situated ~~· /yodsa/ , Where was the old cap-
iso. the sun, see: set 3, iso, come to under- ital situated? rgyal sa rnying pa yod sa go par
stand, vi • ..1?'4\' /he qh2,/ , The meaning finally red? (k,££SO ni~pa y0<$sa qh~paa r£_C) , Where
sank in. mtha' rna don dog ha go pa red, (theme will the factory be situated? bzo grwa yod sa
th~ntaa h6 qh2,paree) 4. iso. the kitchen sink go par byed kyi red? (s2_~a yo<Ssa qh~paa ch.!_qi-
a.~"l\,~' /~hushoon/ rd)
Sinkiang (province) ~~~~· /shinca~/ six ~oeq· /~h_!:!'tJ/
sinner ~"\'~"a: /t,!qc&&n/ , He is a sinner, kho sixfold ~l;l.'~"\· /t,:p ~h_!:!'tJ/ [Syn. drug ldab]
sdig can zhig red, (qho t,!qc&&nci r=.el six hundred ~"'\'.::\.~' /~h,!;!<lka/·

Sinologist ~~~·0.\·~~~·G.' /k~naa q3rla six{~n "'l.~'~"'.· /cO~u'tJ/

qh~~pa/ sixteenth ~~-~<:!'\·~· /cO~u'tJpa/
Sinology ~~~~-"'\~~- /k~naa q3rqi r!::_~­ sixth %«\I'J,' /~h_!:!qpa/ 11 2 sixths drug pa gnyis
n~a/ (~h~pa nrrl

sinus (to be ill), vi. D, ~~-~ /y2fl'a rr:_l 11 sixtieth 5,"'\'-'9'~·

."\!) \)

These days, my sinus hurts. deng sang nga yo rna six thousand ~"'\.·~· /'t-h_!:!qtoon/
no gi 1 dug, ( th!:_~aan ~~ y~ma n,:qil) sixty ~""\·~· /~h,!!qcu/
sip, 1. see: drink 2. iso. a sip, n. ~~· /hOp/ sixty-eight ~~·~-~·.::t~"- /~h,!!qcu r=.pkc&/
, He took a sip of the beer , khos chang hub sixty-eighth ~"tt.·~-~-~~"\.:.q_' /~h_!:!qcu r=.pkccpa/
gang btung song. (qhi5'd choan hOp qh~n tai'tsu) sixty-fifth ~"<\·~·'X·~·"'-\' /~h_!:!qcu r=.~apa/
siren, neo.
sissy, see:
~~~"a:.·*'"'~~ /n=.nq&& qffta/
·~ -;;:,
OS...'"'\'~~·~· /"t-huqcu rer)O/
- -
/t.huqcu reciqpa/

·~ ""'<> - -
sister, 1 • iso, elder ~~~· ; h. ~~~·~~· /5- sixty-four ~~-~~-..:~.~· /t.h.!:!,qcu r!pshi/
caa; h. acaa l~a/ [Syn. lit. gcen mo] 2, iso. sixty-fourth ~~-~~~@t·~· /t.h~cu r!pshipa/
younger *""~"'\~· /oolaa/ [Syn. lit, gcung sixty-nine 5...¢\.'~·X.·""cn·
~ '{) '""t>
/~huqcu requ/
- -
sit, 1. A. o~::~,~~ ; h, "'\~~· It£&; h. sh_!:!'tJ/ ,
~~ · ~-~-&t\~"q'
/1-h.!;!qu r!ciq/
/t.huqcu requpa/
He sat on the rug. kho kha gdan sgang la bsdad sixty-second ~~·~·X.·"'<\_~~·"-l· /t.h,!;!<lCU r!iiilpa/
shag. (qho qhotccn q£i'lla t£_cshaa) 2. iso. Sit sixty-seven ~~·~·~·~~~ /1-h.!;!<lcu r!ptuun/
skipped out 397

sixty-seventh ~'l\·~;:."'~01.:~· /th_!:!qcu r!ptuunpa/ skilled labor -\9~·~~e:..t."ct.·O-\~' -'t\,' /sheets&&

sixty-six ~~·~:X·~~· /th_!:!qcu r!tu~/ yb"cip&& l££_qa/
sixty-sixth ~·=n:~~'&,"t\' q· lth_!:!qcu r!tuqpa/ skillet ~~t::..· /tshcf!oan/
sixty-third ~~· );,·~·""\~~·~· /thuqcu resumpa/ skim, va. D. ~·<i\.~·~q· /qhon& hyep/ 11 He skimmed
'""'¢ \? "V - -

sixty-three ~~·-t•x·~~~· /th_!:!qcu r!sum/ the cream from the milk, khos 1 o rna 1 i · kha nos
s""\,·~·~·...,f~*'-' spri me hyab song. (qh~B w~&& qhon& time hy~p­
- -
/thuqcu rM1il/
11 He got a sizable su)
profit. kho la khe bzang dga' rob byung shag. skimp, see: scrimp
(qh~' qhepsaan q2_r~~ chuunsha~) skimpy, 1. iso. food .<:\~"~ /ftempo/ 2. iso.
size ~'rol::: /chichuun/ 11 What size shoe do you clothes ~·r:l- /crJmpo/ [Syn. dam po]

want? khyod rang la lham gog che chung go 1 dra skin, 1. n. A"\«·~· /paqpa/ 11 Look at his skin.
zhig dgos? ( kh8raa hel')q~b chichuun qh2_nt~~ci kho'i pags par ltos dong. (qh'OS p(jqpao t8'dto)
q.2_~) 2. va. C. -- ""\~~· /--shOO/ 11 He skinned the
size up, va. B. ~~~~·~c:.: /sheet::>o ch~n/ 11 bear. khos dom gyi pegs pa bshus song, (qh8B
He sized up the situation quickly, khos gnas th~mqi p(jqpa shOOsu)
tshul lam sang shes rtogs byung pa red, (qh8B thick-skinned "<\~'X>."'\~·<1.\%"1\i:F /t~npa~ thiipu/
n~~tsu~ l£msaan sheetoo ch~npere~) skin and bones ~~~""\' /qomtso~/ 11 He is skin
skate, 1. iso. ice skate, va. A. ~<r\'~'\~x..·m"'-.: and bones. kho skarn tsog red. (qho qomtso~
/kheqshuu 18ii/ r!~)
skeleton ~~-~~· /qel')rt:r;J/ [Syn. mi gzugs rus skin col~- ~·~~· /shontoo/ 11 His skin color
sgrom] is white. kho 1 i sha mtog dkor po red. (qh88
skeptic ~~'"-''='>.'~ /th.2_qpa s£po/ 11 He is a shonto~ qaapo r!e)
skeptic. kho dogs pa za po zhig 'dug. (qho skin-deep (.t:l'~' /qhotsom/ 11 His compassion is
th.2_qpa S£POCi t_l:!t) skin-deep. kho 1i snying r je de kho tsam zhig
sketch, 1. n. ~·~~· /hr~pril/ 2. va. C. red. (qh83 nii')Citi qhl!Jtso~i r~e)
~~- /--th~_l/ skinny 4\<s1.·2l-' /qompo/ 11 He is skinny. kho skarn
skewer ~~«'<::ll~C-1:: /cl!JI')ta/ po red. (qho qampo r~e)
ski, 1. n. "'<\C:.~~X.'"'\,\)t;;.·q<:r\' /qh2_1')Shuu toon- skip, 1. iso. hop, va. ',Nc::<t\_~c::.·~·-@.,~· /ol')qo trr')-
yaa/ ""\"-~~x..·~">c:..:
2. va. /qh~I')Shuu taon/ 11 qe ch_£C/ 2. iso. a section while reading, va.
Do (people) ski in Tibet? bod la gangs shur A. ~~~'"\,' /yOq sh:=_a/ 11 He skipped chap...:
gtong gi red pas? (ph![dla qh2_1')Shuu tel')qirep&c) ter two. khos le 1 u gnyis pa de g. yug bzhag
skid, vi. B. t'l.~' /qho sho~/ 11 The cor shag. (qh8'd l};_u i'iiipeti yiiq sh:=_ashao) 3. iso.
skidded. mo to kho shor pa red. (m~to qho eating, va. C. ~~~· [neg.] /s_£C [neg.]/ 11
sho~pare~) He skipped lunch. kho nyin gung kho log bzas mi
ski jump 'd~..g. (qh8'd ii};_nquun qhaloa s_£cmintut) 4. iso.
cho~/ skip town, va. A • ..oN..:n,~·~~· /soqte ph~'B/ 11 He
skill 'X~·~~· /rJ:_qtsM/ 11 What skills do you skipped town. kho grong khyer nang nos sag te
need for this job? las ko 1 di 1 i thog la rig bros shag. (qho th~l')kee n~nn& soqte ph![dsha~)
rtsal go re dgos pa red? (1££qa tii thoolo rJ:_q- ·5. iso. skip class, va. A. <1'\~zn.«·.q,~Zf\' /yiiq
tsM qh~re q.2_0 r_£c) sh:=_~/ 11 He skipped class today. khos de ring
skilled cu~·~ /qh'U!po/ 11 a skilled carpenter 1 dzin grwa g. yug bzhag shag. ( qhB'd thiriin
shing bzo mkhas po (shii')Sob qhftpo) ts};_nte yuq sh:=_oshoo)
skillful, see: skilled skipped out, va. 1f.:~'\:§.~ /ph![d chriV
398 skirmish

skirmish, see: bottle; fight slave owner~~*' '~'t:l.""-.~·~ /tsheyo?Jqi t2.qpo/

skirt, n. ~""-"'t\~~·/m!!fyo?J/ 11 She bought a new slave labor, neo • .~;~.~~~«l.'J:::.~·~· /ts3nthi~
skirt. mos smad g. yog gsar pa zhig nyos shag. ~eetsod/

(mb~ mf!!yo?J soopaci nodsha~) slavery ~~~-~<1l.'Ol-<t\.:~'\: /tsheyo?J lamluu/

skittish (horse) ~~~-'"'~~~
[Syn. smad gsham]
/t-22nqo tshopo/ slay, see: kill
"""'\) -
skull ~~~~· /q!!_rtlJ/ sled ~e::.~·~:t~~$\c:.·~· /qh~~to·a shir)ta/
sky ~~~· /nom/ 11 There is a plane in the sky. sleep, 1. iso. put to sleep, vo. B."\~~· /n!!f/
gnam dgung la gnam gru zhig 'dug. (nom q~nla 11 She put the child to sleep. mos phru gu
n~mtuci tut) bsnyal song. (m~d puqu nf!!so) 2. iso. lie down
slab, 1. is~. stone ~~~' /t2_le~/ 2. iso. wood to sleep, va. B. 9>~' /nee/ 11 I went to sleep
'"'-:I.e:.·~~· /paanlee/ early. nga snga po nyal gag phyin pa yin. ~~~

slack ~""''~'t\' /lhOqluu/ 11 The rope was slack. Qapo neeqaa chi~payin) 3, iso. fall asleep, vi.
thag pa de .!hug !hug red. (thaqpoti lhuqlut A. ~~""o..~~~· /nrl qhOu/ 11 I went to sleep
r!e) "
early but didn 1 t fall asleep. nga sngo po nyal
slack season ""-.OJ.'~~· /th!!tU'i)f pa yin te gnyid 'khugs rna byung. ~~~ ~opo ii,££-
slacken, see: decrease payin tee iirl qhuu macuun)
slag, n. "t\).l::.~~~~·.:F /H!rtoo lhaqro/ talk in one's sleep, ~a. ~~~OJ.G:I.'<q_~~· /nii-
slam, va. -if-y~·)?~·c:q_~c..· las. tc:iqta~ teen/ lap kap/
slang ~Q:t~· /ph~~tshil/ 11 Is this slang? sleepin; pill ~~~~ ~ /nrrmeen/
'di phal tshig red pas? ( t!, ph~~tshil r!pe&) sleeping quarters <9C1:!.·~~ /iieeqhaan/
[Note: This literally means "vernacular."] sleepy, vi. D. ¢\.~c;._:~ /nil ph2_/ 11 I'm sleepy.
slant, 1. iso, on a slant "'t\~~·~~ /qh£mathuu/ ngo gnyid bro gi 'dug. (~a nrl phoqil)
11 The car is parked on a slant. mo to gan rna sleep walk, vi. ~~"'Qll:.;•~q· liiii'la?! k2_p/
thur la bzhag shag. (m2_ta qh£mathuu la sh2.~­ [Syn. gnyid 'khug bzhing du longs nos phyin]
sha~) 2. iso. a story ~~-~4\·~~~· /t!!qt-ut sleeve ~ ·~r.:...· /phuthuun/
k:;.p/ 11 He slanted the history against the mon- sleeveless ~-~~ /phume~/
asteries. khos dgon par ngo rgol byed yog la lo sleigh "i'\'t:t·~~o:~.· /shoo ~rii/
rgyus sdug sgrug brgyab shag. (qhsH q~paa ~~­ slender, see: thin
qbo ch~yaa la l!!ku~ t!!qtuu k:;.psha~) slice, 1. va. D. ~~·l:V~=«' /tepu tOp/ 11 He
slap (on the face), va. A. <::t.~~·~"f\'"t\~~· /t~m­ sliced the meat. khos sha srob po btubs shag.
coa shrjl/ 11 He slapped her, khos mo la 'gram (qh3'd shCi tepu tupsha~) 2. n. ~-""-as:-"t\· /th!-
!cog gzhus song. n.'
( qhod m2 '
t~mcaa "
sh.![U5u ) sh6"6/ 11 a slice of butter mar gri gzhog gcig
~~~a t-hish6b ciq)
slash, 1. iso. with a sword, va. ~-.c:t\~~-~~"t\'
" ~
,- -
~~c:.·/th! yOqyuu taan/ 2. see: reduce slick, see: oily
slash and burn cultivation ~"'t\'~c::..· et.,~~~·Ql~· slide, 1. see: slip 2. iso. let slide, va. z~c;.·
/seqshiin t!plec/ [neg. vb.] I th~naan [neg. vb.]/ 11 He let
slate, 1. 9c.l.l~·~· /yampa~/ 2. iso. writing his work slide. khos las ka la do snang rna byas
slate z~~· /t2f3am/ ~-red. (qh3~ leeqaa th~naan m~cecparee)
stone for writing on slate ~~~- /t!!_nuu/ slight ~~~· /t~?Jts/ 11 There is a slight er-
slaughter, see: kill ror in calculation. rtsis la nor 'khrul tog
slaughter house ~~~·~· /sh!!fra/ tsam zhig 'dug, (tsrlla n!!_nt~u t~?Jtsci t~u)
slave ~"t\~' /tsheyo?J/ 11 He is a slave. kho slightly ~·~·___/ /t'5_?Jts/ 11 They ore slightly
tshe g.yog red. (qho tsheyo?J r!~) different. de tsho tog tsam gcig pa rna red.
smash 399

(th~ntso t~~ts ciqpa ~ree) slower «.~'"'~.' /q;:,ro/ 11 Which bus is slower?
sl~m, see: thin 'bo' se go gi 1 gor bo 1 dug? ( P!:!.,S qh2_qi q;:,ra
sling, 1. see: slingshot 2. iso. a bondage 00: t~6) 11 He works slower than her. khos los ko
""'-~~· /matil/ mo _los 'gor bo byed kyi 'dug. (qh8-cl l.££qo mo
slingshot, 1. ~~:.:'~; /w!:!.,rto/ [Syn. gur thogs] l_£C q;:,ro ch,!_qil)
2. iso. shoot a slingshot, vo. /q;:,rsho13/ 11 Which bus is
/--k2_p/ slowest? 'bo' se _go gi 1 gor shos red? ( ~s
slip, 1. vi. B. ~"'-ct'\_:x..~· /t~too sh55/ 11 qh2_qi q;:,rshod r_£c)
He slipped and fell. kho 1 dred bdor shor nos slowly ~·~:x..· =· /qh~liila/ 11 He ate slowly.
ril song. (qho t!!toa sh~5ne rgsu) 2, iso. a khos go ler lo bzos song. (qh8-cl qh2_liila S_£Cso)
slip of paper, n, ~~· /sh'55le/- 11 He gave sludge, see: mud
me a slip. khos ngo !a shog !he gcig sprod sluggish '91:\~'?ft~·/n~pe n~pe/
byung. n.'
( qhod I')~ sh~5le ciq }l:~;cu
) 3, iso. !;dum ~·~t:':r~·~· /mj;_ kopo t~so/ [Syn. dbul
slip from the hand, vi. B. ~· /sh'55/ 11 The phongs sdod sgor]
plate slipped from her hand. tho pog mo'i log slut ~-~i2!; /tsa qodpo/ 11 She is a slut, mo
po nos shor song. ( thopoa m~ l~qpci ne sh53so) rtso rgod po zhig 'dug. (m~ tsa qoopoci t!:!.,t)
4. iso. let on opportunity sl~p, see 3 sly, 1, ~~~~~ /yuku tshopo/ 11 He is sly.
slip into, see: put on kho g. yo sgyu tsho po 'dug. ( qho yuku tshopo
slip off, see: toke off t!:!.,U) 2. iso. on the sly, see: secretly
slip up, see: error smock, see: hit
slip of the tongue, vi. B. ~'\~-~~· /qfco qho small ~c.: ~c:_· /chuncuun/ 11 His dog is small.
sh~5/ kho'i khyi chung chung red, (qh83 khi chOncuun

rood is very slippery today. de ring lam khog smaller, 1. 9;;C:.'~:r /chu'Qa/ 11 Which is smaller?
'dred bdor shor po zhed po cig 'dug, (th2_ri go gi chung bo red? (qh2_qi chu'Qa rE.,C) 2. iso.
l~nqoo t!!too sh~5po sh,!_puci t!:!.,u) make smaller, vo. ~c:.·~q~c:_· /chOI')ru toon/ 11
slipshod ~h\'<i)"t\' /thepcao/ Make the box smaller. sgom 1 di chung du thongs,
sliver, see: piece (qom t,!_ chOI')ru ton) 3. iso, become smaller, vi.
m~"'\';:~,:<ry /t23.q';)~/ c, '
slob 11 He is a slob. kho ~~·~~~ /chul')ru chin/ 11 The population be-
[mi] mdog gog cig 'dug. (qho m,!_ t';)';)qo~i t!:!.,u) came smaller.. mi 1 bor chung du ph yin shag.
slobber, vi. A.
dog slobbered on the rug.
~·~·a.!'f.n.<:--\' /qhochu tsoa/
..., '\ -
gdon sgong lo khyi 1 i
11 The (mj;_mpoo chul')ru chinshaa)
smallest ~c:.-1\~· /chui')Sho13/ 11 This is the smol-

kha chu 'dzags shag. (teen q~nlo khii qhachu lest knife. 1 di gri chung shos de red, (t,!_ }h.!,
ts~ashaa) chui')Shb-dti r~e )
slogan, 1. n. ~~~~ /qffmpod/ 2. iso. shout smallpox ~·~l:>l' /lh~n}um/ [Syn. 'brum nod]
slogans, vo. -- ~~· /--chE.,f:./ 11 They shouted small-scale "1\~~~c.·t:~,· /sh,!_khoon chu'Qa/
slogans of protest. kho tshos ngo rgol gyi skod smart, iso. clever ~"'\'~'"<4"~Y~ /rj;_qpa y~qo/ 11
'bod byos song. (qhontsod l')~o-dqi qffmpb~ chE.,C- He is smart, kho rig po yog po 'dug. (qho r,!_q-
so) pa y~qo t!:!.,U) [Syn. spyong po]
slope, 1. iso. uphill~~ /qhE.,£n/ 2, iso. down- smart aleck ~~~·~· /qho k~qpo/
hill ~::c.: /thuD/ smash, 1 • A. &::\~~· I cool 11 He smashed the cup
slow <A~c:§: /q';)Opo/ 11 This bus is slow, 1 bo' with a rock. khos rdos dkor yol beag song.
se 1 di 'gor po 'dug. (p!:!.,s t,!_ 922po t!:!.,U) (qh8-d t~~ qayUU cooso) 2. iso. smash the enemy,
400 smear

va, D. ~~· /t~r/ 'dir du dri kha gi 'dug, (tee th~hi qhaqil)
smear, va. A. ~~~·
/ch!!"tJ/ ~ He smeared the smoke bomb ~cq,'R·~~~· /thOOqi ~/
butter on the bread. khos bag leb la mar byugs smoker .~a·~Cl\·~~~~~15\: /th'Cmo~ theer)&en/
song, (qh88 ph,22le~la m~ ch_!;!UsU) smoke stack 5.,'0..":1:: /thuntM [Syn. du khung]
""'V ·::::.\" -
smell, 1, n. ~~- /\h!:_ma/ ~ That is a nice smoky ~-~·~~·c::x..i'~· /thM tshOptsu~/ ~ The
-..o "\) ~ -
smell. de dri ma zhim po zhig 'dug. (th~ \h!ma room is smoky, khang po 1 i nang la du bo 1 tshub
sh!mpu ci t!!~l
He smelled the flower,
2. va. -- ~~~· /--nil~/
khos me tog de la dri ma
11 •tshub red.
smooth, 1. adj. c:t~OJ.·~
(qhor)pe& naanlq th60 tshuptsuu re~)
/c2_mpo/ ~- a smooth
bsnams song. ( qh3'd m!to~ tee \h!ma n~su ) 3, piece of wood shing 1 jam po zhig (shir) c2_mpo
vi • D. ~·5l· ('!\' /\h!:_ma qho/ ~ He smelled the ci) 2. iso. make smooth, va. C. C:ll:S,.<l-\.~~1i'""~·
smoke. kho du ba 'i dri rna kha shag, (qho th~ /c2_mpo s~/ 3, iso, smooth out obstacles, etc.,
qi th!:_ma qhesha~) vo, ~~q·~~· /m!~po s'2_~/ [Syn. songs]
smelly ~:l9l.·~~·ct<&'<::l' /th!:_ma tshuptsuu/ [Syn, smudge ~~-~~· /~qtso~/ 11 There is a smudge
""\) -..)

dri rna ngan po] on the let tar. yi ge de la nag btsog 1 dug,
smelt, 1. iso. melt, va. D. ~~.::-::: /sh!!_r/ ~ They (y!qi t.££ n.2,qtso~ t_!;!~) [Syn. nag nog; nag
ore smelting gold, kho tshos gser bzhur gyi thig]
'dug. (qhontsi:i'd s~e sh!!rqil) 2. iso. melt and smuggle, va. ~~·~~·~'Ve:..' /112qtsoon toon/ ~ He
refine, vo. ~~~c::.'&"' /tsoca?! chE,.&/ smuggled gold from Hong Kong. khos hong kong
smelting factory ~~~c;,.·.:t,"i\-~· ./tsoca?! s2_ta/ nos gser nag tshong btang shag, (qh3'd hor)qon n&
smile, vi. o..~·c;,.~<:l.l'""-~~~·/tS.!;!m mm:lmUU chE,.&/ sa« 112qtsoon taansha~)
11 She smiled at me. mos ngo lo 1 dzum dmul dmul smut ~G::f."" /tsE_rpo/ [Syn, btsog po]
byas byung. (m~il 1).22 ts.!:!m mOOmUU chE,.&cul snack ~·~· ; h.~~-~~· /qhapto~; h, sh£E,.t::>~/
smirk, va. C. ~~·~~"t¢\"\: /\he€qe& qE,.'l;/ 11 snafu ~~·c&e.·~~ /n~tsin chempo/
When the official spoke, he smirked, gzhung snag, 1. vi. D. c:t:~' /qh'S8n/ 11 The hook got
zhabs des skod' cha shod dus khos khrel god bgod snagged on a log. !cogs kyu de shing sdum zhig
song. (sh!!Jshap til qfco shtlnt.uu qh~ theeqe& lo 1 khon shag. ( c~qkuti shir)duni · ciqla qh88n-
qE,.&so) sha~) 2, see: obstacle
smith ~.c:t\_.l;;.'~' / snail ~.l:t'\·~~~·a:f' /muqp&& ph!!"u/
blacksmith ~"t\~'"'l.-;r--<=\. /ccqs:)~/ snake '\o.t' /tUU/
goldsmith "t\~.l:..·~~~· /serso~/ poisonous snake ~~·~a3.· /th!!_qttru/
silversmith ~~Ct.\·~~~- /r)00so~/ snake den ~~·c?t~· /thUUtsaan/
smithy ~~::.:.·~· /q2_rtsoon/ snap, 1. iso. fingers, va. D, ~-~·~"'?~' /seqbo
smog, see: fog t~p/ 2. iso. a button "&.\Sit~·~·~· /thepcu
smoke, 1. n. ~t;::\,' /th~/ 11 I see smoke over t~p/ 3, see: break
there. ngos pho gir du bo mthong gi 'dug. (rJE,.C snare, 1. n. ~· /nr/ 2, va. -- ~~~· /--k2_p/
ph~qM th~ th~qil) 2. iso. be smoking, vi, ~ snO";l (dogs) 1 va. c::;.-"'1t\,"~~~· /r)2_rq&~ k2_p/
~·~~ /th~ k2_p/ 11 The wood is smoking, shing snatch, va. C. ~~·~·cu·~~«· /hopte qhcla c'!fJ/
de du bo rgyag gi 'dug. (shir)ti th~ k!!qil) ~ He snatched her bag and ron away. khos mo'i
3. iso, smoke cigarettes, va. C. ~<Q,' /the?!/ rgyab la hop te kha la 1 jus byas bros phyin ·po
11 He smokes cigarettes every day, khos -·nyin red. (qh3'd m~ k,!!pla hopte qhola cU';icc ph~i!
!tor tho mag 'then gi 'dug. (qh~d n!ntaa thorne~ chimpare~)
thenqil) 4. iso. smell. (but not see) smoke, vi. sneakers ~·<ij~' /r£E,.lhom/
D.~~~· /th!!_thi qh5/ ~ (I) smell smoke here, sneer, see: smirk
social forces 401

sneeze, vi. ~~-~1'\:~~.q_· /hapti k2_p/ 'II He ly; therefore
sneezed. kho hob brid brgyob song, (qho h~p'ti so as to ~"'-~~· /th~to~la/ 'IJ So as to help
k2_psU). the· farmers, the government bought the barley,
sniff 1 vo. D. ~-~-oE:l.~~· /ih!ma nO~/ 'II The dog zhing po tshor rags rom byed yog gi don dog lo
sniffed clothes. khyi des dug slog lo dri mo gzhung gis 'bru nyos po red. (s~l')pats~~ r22rom
bsnoms song. Ckhr th!l th~lt>Ala th!ma nomsul ch!yo~i th~nto~lo sh~l')qi t~ n~~re~)
sniffles, vi. C. ~-~·~· /nachu thij_?./ 'II I hove soak, vo. C. ~t::.~· /~?./ 'II He soaked the shirt
the sniffles, ngo sno chu don gyi 'dug. (I')!!_ in the water. khos stod thung chu'i nang lo
n2_chu th~qil) sbongs shag. "'(Jtuun c h"'"
...... tu
( qhoo ' hao
uu ~nlo ~ns ')
soap ""-4\.·~·
snip, see: cut
sniper 1 mil. 1 vo. ~~'6l."\<CI::~~-l;1.3.~~ /lc2_mta
[Syn. yi tsi; so pun]
/th£qts&cqi p66/
k2_pl')&&n/ saar, 1. iso. a bird, va. ~-"· /phir/ 'II The
snob ~~"93.~'~""~ /thOi'io~ chempo/ bird soared in the sky. byo de gnam lo 'phur
snore, vi. ~.:~:::_·~·e:s.~~ /l')urpa teen/ 'IJ He snores song. (ch£ti nBmlo phrrsu) 2. iso, hope, vi~
a lot. khos sngur po zhe drag gtong gi 1 dug. ~~"' /cheru chr?./ 'II My hopes soared. nga'i re
(qhaB I')Qrpa sh!"too t~il) bo che ru phyin song. (I')~ r.!wo cheru chr?.su)
snort (of horses), va. ~-~"-1!:1~· /porq&& sober, iso. not drunk ~·.on·.q~·~· /r.2 m2_5ipa/ 'IJ
k2_p/ He is sober. kho ro mo bzi po red, (qho r.2 m!-
snout, see: nose sipa rei\)
snow, 1. n. ~~~· /qh~?./ [Syn. kho bo] 2. iso. so-called ~~~~· 'II We visited the
vi. -- e:s. yc:: 1--tBrln/ 'IJ It snowed yesterday. so-called public hospital. ngo tshos mi dmongs
kho so gongs btang song. (qh~~so qh£~ taonso) smon khong zer yog der 'tshoms 'dri byos po yin,
[Syn. --bobs] (nantsod m!mo?. mlnqoon s!yo~t&& tshamti ch£Cpo-
snow blindness, 1. n. ~e:;:~-~~ /qhai')Cil/ 2. yin)
iso. become snow blind, vi. -- ..q~· f-:-k2_p/ soccer, 1. n. ;n_~~ar--- /qol')tsei\ polo/ 2. iso.
snow flakes "t\C:::~·~e:s.·~A.· /qh£?. lheple~/ [Syn. ploy soccer, vo. -- ~~"'1. • /--k2_p/
kha bo'i 'dab mo]· sociable, iso. a personal characteristic 414"~~·
snow leopard 1 see: leopard ~~2(-"" /shrp t_!po/ 'IJ He is very sociable. kho
snowmobile ~~~~<;'! • /qh2_1')Shuu m.2t.o/ gshibs bde po zhe drag 'dug. (qho ship t!po
snowshoe ~c::~·~Ql'/qh!!_l')lhom/ sh!"too t~t)
snowstorm, 1. n. ~c::~· ~~ /qh2_1')Wuu/ 2. vi. social ~~~· /crts66/
~· /--k2_p/ 'II There was a snowstorm yester- social change ~~~~~~·q,· /crts6~i k~rwo/
day. kho so gongs 1 ur brgyob song. (qhUso social class ~~~-~~<l:l·X~· /crts6~i th,!!-
qhal')wuu kapsu) ri~l/
snow; .:t"\~~~·;q.lf\A.·~~·/qh;iaqi qap&&/ social c~nsciousness ~-g'-"l\~~~-~~·~·Cf..\~~·
fields gangs kyis bkob po 1 i zhing go /crts66 r!l')lutqi t~shei\/
ql!Jp&& sh_!l')qa) social democracy ~~-<!.:~:"''.<!\~· /cits6'6 mOI')-
snuff, 1. n. ~~~· /nota~/ 2. iso. toke snuff, tso/
va. c. -- ~· /--the?./ social development ~if~~·""'\::t;.@.~·/crts6"A Y£rk&c/
snuffbox ~~ /nl!Jru/ social division of labor ~1f~~-~-~~·"''.<?t\~·.
snug, see: tight /crts6Aqi l~qod/
snuggle, see: hug social forces ~:~~·~~.N.~~- /cits6Aqi
so, 1. see: very; extremely 2. see: consequent-
402 socialism

socialism ~~:l:'\~c..·~~~· /crtsoO r.!_l')luu/ social work ~~·~:},"'\~· /citsob !!!rig/

social issue ~~~~~~~o;:_ /citsoOqi th~­ society, 1. anthro. ~~~· /citsob/ V In
.n&c/ Tibetan society, monks cannot marry. bod pa 1 i
socialist, 1. adj. ~~~~"'~'t\~~ /crtso'6 spyi tshogs kyi nang !a grwa pa chang sa brgyab
r~l')luuqi/ V socialist country spyi tshogs ring chog gi ma red. ( ph2p&& citsobqi n~nla th3,pa
lugs kyi rgyal khab (citso~ ril')luuqi k&&qap) ch~nsa k~p ch~&jimare?l) 2. iso. academic or
2. iso. become a socialist soci;,y, vi. D.~~~­ cultural society ~-'N.·q· /tsh3qpa/ ~ the Ti-
~t;::.·QJ=~·~·<:<.<;!J;x::' /citsol> ril')luula kur/ bet Society bod dan tshogs pa (ph~thb"on
~\ ~ - -
anti-socialist ~~~~-~~~-Q.:I:~~Ql' /ci- tsh3qpa)
tsob r.!_l')luula 1'J3.qoo/ V anti-socialist propagan- sociological ~~~~"<\·c.t'a· /crtsoO r~qp&&/ ~
da spyi tshogs ring lugs la ngo rgol gyi dri! sociological research spyi tshogs rig pa'i zhib
bsgrags (citsob r.!_l')luula l')~oOqi thiita~) 'jug (crtso6 r~qp&& s.!_mcuu)
c-...~ c-.
· 1 · t ca:p ii<-o~,~·.::>:t:.'%"1~'-@j~c.·~~·
soc~a ~s
<:-.. I c~-t svo
.. ' sociology ~~~·~·~""~· /citsM r.!_l')n&c/
r.!_l')luuqi pul')qha~/ sock, 1. n. ~~· /usu/ [Syn. um su lu] 2. see:
socialist construction ~~~~c:.·~l:!\~·~o:.~~­ hit
~~· /citso~ r~l')luUqi ts~qtu~n/ socket, 1. iso. light socket il\f:·v· /qol')toon/
socialist industrialization ~'i:f~~c:.·~~·~· 2. iso. eye socket ~q·~·¥· /mrl qol')toon/
~"§;{'.l:l~~'@_.:l:.'~· /citsob r~l')luuqi s2lccla kh~pa/ sod <:l:!.'O<l' /

socialist ~ples ~~~~c:.·c~~;'¥~-~~·"\~~· soda, 1. iso. baking soda ~o.t·~· /ph~tob/ 2.

'/crtsoO r~l')luUqi m.!_man/ [Syn. spyi tshogs ring iso. the drink a;·~=·~ /chu I')Qomo/
lugs kyi mi rigs] sofa, neo. "
~.q·~"'\·~'i_ /qOpka~ soophaa/
socialist realism ~-~~C:.'GI.l.:t\~~·"\.~.~~c.· soft, 1. ~'?&"c;q·~ /podpa/ V a soft pillow snyes
"~ v, cy
~"<\~' /crtsM r~l')lu1qi l')ooyod r.!_l')luu/ 'bol po zhig (n~~ pbopaci) 2. iso, a voice
. 1' t 1 t' ~'$;;;... ~ ~ ...... ~·-t=~~~·o<Qc::.'<Qe::: /q~~huu chOncuun/ 3. for a
soc~a ~s ~evo u 1on ~'<•r\~'-'I::,C:.'~~~·~·~.:.:.·<::\.ef<'
"'oj " ~
/citsoo ril')lu1qi scree/ fruit/vegetable ~·~· /t2_mto?J/ 4. iso.
. 1' t soc~e
soc~a ~s
-: t y .::., -G...--~
i£ct) c-.. ~~
... \<"o'..::X:.c:.·~~~·m·~.¥;"~~· other foods, e.g. bread *~· /s3pso?J/
/citso6 ril')luuqi citso~/ softer, 1. <"l.,.~Cl:\'Q.' /p'2,ra/ 2. iso. a voice ~~
.- <:\.~ <:-.... <\. "-('-..
socialist thought 1[_~~·.x..c::.• ~4'\~ • ~·t:~,~.;u '§\' ~'¥"·~c:.·Q.· /q~~huu chuna/ 3. iso. a fruit/
/citsoo r~l')lUUqi somlo/ vegetable ~·q• /t2_pa/ 4. iso. other foods,
socialize, see: educate e.g. bread ~·~· /s'Jpo/
/sh~- soften, see: softer
soft spoken ~'';&- /qho c3.mpo/ V He is soft
/citsobqi spoken. kho kha 'jam po 1 dug. (qho qho c3.mpo
/crtsoO y3.rton/ softly -<>i\""'{1"¥\·~c::·~c::.· /q~~huu chuncuun/ ~
/citsoO cSSkuu/ He spoke softly. khos skad cha skad shugs chung
/crtsoO tshl:cn- chung bshad song. ( qh'8ti ql:ca q~&huu chiincuun
ril/ shl:cso)
soil, 1 •' iso. earth ~· /sr:J/ 1f This soil is good
for planting crops. sa 1 di stan thog 'debs yag
social system ~~~~-~~~~~· /citsobqi to- !a yag po yod pa red. (sa t.!_ t3nto?J tapya~la
luu/ yaqo yo?Jree) 2. iso. get soiled, vi. A. ~~·~·
c.....r;:.. ~- .
social welfare ~~-~~~~~ /citobqi phcnte/ a;,~'/ts~qpa cho~/ 1f My coat got soiled, nga 1 i
something 403

!lor. btsog pa chogs shag. ( 11.!:,£ q3r ts3qpa cha~­ looyoo' qh~ t·ru'
u r£&'l [ Syn. nyi !dog J
sho~) summer ~olstice "'\~:.:;,·~~·~·~· /yartlf~ n};_ntM/
solar eclipse, see: eclipse winter solstice ~"%~-~~~-~- /q_!:!nti.Jli n_!nt6l>/
solar power ~-~'a·O:"'-~'"'\-""'' /n};_m&& wQ!!shu"li/ soluble .t:.\,~.:.;,·T.~.t~-~~"-1.' /sh.!:!_ryo~ y2_pa/ ~ Salt
solder, 1. n. ~~· /tsholo/ 2. vo. -- ~-yc:..· is soluble. tsho bzhur yog yod pa red. (tsho
/--taan/ ~ He soldered the handle of the knife. Sh.!:!_ryoo y2_pa r2_e)
khos gri 'i yu bo lo tsho lo btong song. (qhW solution, iso. solving a problem ~e;;,:r:..t·"\~<:.>.l<l'\'
th~ y~~la tsholo taanso) /~epa s~yo~/ ~ The so~ution to this problem is
soldier, 1. n. ""-..ISJ.~~- /ma~rrli/ 2. iso. enlist to build a new factory. rnyog dro 1 di med pa
as a soldier, vo. B. -- c:tt·o:.~=· /--la tsu1J/ bzo yog lo bzo grwo gsor po zhig rgyog dgos red.
3. iso. conscript soldiers, vo."" "'-.=<t\~Cll-'-"1.~<:\' (n~qt.o t};_ ~epa s~ya~la s~ta saapaci k~aqoree)
/maaqUU k~p/ 4. iso. be a soldier, vo. ~~""\·~· solve, 1. iso. a crime, vi. A. ~~~ /tsf&
~- /maami chE_~/ chS'd/ ~ They solved the murder, kho tshos mi
military officer ~-'<\'"-..2\~- /moqpocin/ gsod mkhon rtsod chod shag. (qh5ntsod m};_ sSS-
ordinary soldier "'\~~-~~- /maqkuii/ I'J&&n tsf~ chS'dsho~) [Note: In Tibetan this is
sole, 1. iso. only ~~~'<:\' /ciqM/ ~ He is the on involuntary verb,] 2. iso. a problem, vo. C.

sole owner. bdog po kho gcig pu red. (t~qo qho ~~-~~~~·/n~q't-o san/
crq6b r2_e) 2, iso. sole of shoe ~~·r:..t· /t2_q- solvent, fin.·~oq·~~ /ph_!:!ncM thuu-
pa/ 3. iso. sole of foot :;n_e=...·~CQ' /qal')thii/ l')&&n/
solely, see: only some, 1. iso. countable items ~~· /qhCish&&/ ~
solicit, see: request; ask He bought some horses. khos rto kho shos nyos
solid, 1. iso. not hollow ~~~~·~ /thoqo/ ~ shag. (qhS'd ta qhash&c n2_'dsho~) 2, iso. un-
Is this log solid? shing sdum 1 di mkhregs po countable items ~-~· /t3'Jts/ ~ He bought
'dug gas? (shii')tum t};_ 't-hoqo t.!:!_q&c) 2. iso. some beer. khos chong tog tsom nyos shag.
completely ~t;,:_~~ /lh!!fmee/ ~ Is this solid n.'
(qhoci choBn t'J'Jts ....

gold? 'di gser lhod me red pas? (t};_ see lh!!f- somebody, see: someone
mee r!:_p&c) 3. iso. 0 col or [ odj.] -Q,C:.' someday ~~~~~'\' /nimacil/ ~ Someday I'll
/[adj.] keen/ ~ solid red dmor rkyong (mar- come. nyin rna cig ngo yong gi yin. (n};_macil 11£
koon) yul')qiyin)
- -....,c.. Co.<'., Co,
solidify, 1. iso. become a solid, vi. D. ~·~· somehow ~"A..'c:.\J~'t;;t,_C(.'~~~~· /qh~re y};_nM mE_n&&/
a:,~· /t2_qto~ cho~/ ~ The grease solidified. , I'll come somehow. go re yin no'i min no'i
zhog tshi rdog rdog chogs shag. (sh~qtsi t2_qto~ ngo. yong gi yin, (qh£re y};_nM mE_n&& I')~ Y.!:!_l')qi-
cho~sho~) 2. iso. polit., vi. ~-~·~~·~~· yin) [Syn. gong !tor yang]
§e=...' /t2_qtso ciq't-ii chuun/ ~ The party solidi- someone ~~Cf\' /m};_ci/ ~ They will send someone.
fied. tshogs po de rdog rtso gcig sgril byung kho tshos mi zhig gtong gi red. (qhontsod m};_ci
shag. (tsheqpati t2_qtso crqt.ii chuunshoo) tal')qiree)
solitary, see: alone someplace ~·a:,·~"'\· /sBcoci/ ~ He is someplace in
soloist, 1. iso. in song ~·~~·~c::.·"f\'f'C:..~"\.;).:1.\'\C\' Nepal. kho bol yul gyi so cho zhig lo yod po
/llish&c kBI')toon ch!:_r:l&&n/ 2. iso. for instru- red. (qh5 paalo~ phMyUU qi socacil~ Y2.~ree)
ments ~·<\',·~--'t\~~~"'\.~~"\· /rocicho k1il')toon [Note: This literally means "in a place."]
ch!:_r:l&&n/ something ~~ · /c!q/ ~ Something happened. cig
solstice %<J.t·~'c.ll"'\' /n!ma lE_yoo/ ~ When is byung shag. ( ciq chuunsha~) ~ He bought some-
the solstice? nyi rna log yog go dus red? (nima thing. khos cig nyos shag. ( qhS'd crq n2_'dsha~)
404 sometimes

/tshamtsam/ f He {!~' /k!;!po chE_&/ f He is sorry he didn't buy

comes sometimes. kho mtshams mtshams yong gi the house. khos khong pa mo 'nyos par 'gyod pa
'dug. (qho tshomtsam y~qil) [Syn. 'dzom •dzom; byed kyi 'dug. {qh8B qhll~po m.siib1spoo k2_pa ch!_-
skabs skabs la] qil) 2. iso. for something someone else did,
son~ ; h.~~· /ph_!:!; h. sl!C/ f This is my son. vi. B. ~~~·~c:..· /lophom chuun/ f I om sorry
'di nga'i bu red. (t~ ~~ ph_!:! r!e)
he didn't come yesterday.
kho kho sa mo yang pa
son-in-law Cll"t\'~· /m~qpa/ de ngo blo pham byung. {qh6 qhffso ~yo?ipati ~
song, 1. n. 4\.~~· /shE_&/ [Syn. glu] 2. iso. lopham ch~n) 3. iso. on apology {after doing
sing a song, va. -- "'l~C::: /--toan/ f Who is something) ""-~~-l::;..,"'l:\' /q:flto?J/ f I'm sorry I
singing the song? gzhas sus gtong gi 1 dug? couldn't come, I was sick. dgongs dog ngo no
( shE_& n.'. .. )
suu t~~qh nos yang thub rna byung. {q~to?J, ~ n~nc y~?i
song words 4\~~·~~· /sh~tshil/ thilumacuun)
soon os.~~·~ ./k~qo/ f He will come soon. kho sort, 1. iso. type ~"'\-""~." /r!_q/ f He mode a new
mgyogs po yang gi red.- {qh<S k~qo y~qiree) f sort of gun. khos me mdo 1 rigs gsar pa zhig
We will hear about them soon. nga tshos kho bzos shag. {qh~d menta riq soapaci soBsho?J) 2.
tsho'i gnas tshul mgyags po go gi red. {~~ntsod iso. classify and ;vide~ va. D. ~~·~ /yff
qhontsoo n~~tsUU k~qo qh~ire~) ·che/ f He sorted the moil, khos sbrog yig dbye
as soon as, see: as bo phye song. {qh~d 1-~qyil yff cheso) 3. iso.
soot ~· ~~· /~'f1no?J/ sort of e::l,r.<:;t_~~"'t\.' /s2,rapci/ f It's sort of
sooty ~~"t\'~"-t' /th_!:!t.o?J y2_pa/ o hot. 'd.i zhwo mo'i bzo 'dro zhig 'dug. (t!_
sorcery, 1. n. ~· /thO/ 2. iso. use sorcery, sh!?_moo s2,rapci t_!!u)
vo. -- ~~~· /--k~p/ all sorts of a:,~~<';l.:oq' It-~ m!?_nt.o/ f All sorts
sorcerer ~i1':t\~~«; /thO koa~ccn/ of people come. mi 1 dro mi 'dro tshong rna
sordid, see: dirty bslebs song. (m~ 1-!?_ m!?_nt.o tsho~o leko)
sore, 1. i. n. ~· /rna/ f He hos many sores. kho soul ~~'!f\~· /nomshee/
la rma mong po 'dug. {qh!5!5 rna m~~qu t_!!u) ii. sound, 1 • n. ~· /1-!?_/ f I heard a sound, ngos
vi. B. z~· /th2_?i/ f ~any sores appeared on sgro zhig go byung. {~E_C t-~ci qhf!.Chu) 2. iso.
his face. kho'i gdong lo rmo mang po don shag. healthy ~~-~ /tho~po/ f His body was sound.
{qh88 toonla ma ~~qu th22_nshaM 2. iso. be kho'i gzugs po thong po 'dug~ (qh38 s_!:!qu tha~po
hurt vi. D. "" /n:!J f His hand is sore. kho'i t_!!u) 3. iso. good /y!?_qo/ f a sound
log pa no gi 1 dug. {qh83 l!!qpa n~qil) [Syn. no plan 'char gzhi yog po zhig ( ch3ashi y!?_qoci)
tsho btong] 3. see: angry 4. iso. sound like 1!i~~~~~·/t-cc s2,rap/
sore throat, vo. D. ~,~·~ f It sounds like a gunshot. 'di me mdo'i sgro'i
hove o sore throat. ngo mid po no gi 'dug. <2o bzo 'dro zhig 'dug. (t!_ m!ntcc t-ee s2,rapci t_!:!u)
miqpa naqil) [Syn. gre nod] [Note: There is no verb to express this.]
erority -~~~·~'"\~"t\' /j::l{l~i.m krtuu/ soundproof ~""-~-~~~.::._: f
/qfft-a q2qcee/
sorrow ~~·~~~· /tuur)&c(; f his first sorrow soundproof materials skod sgro 'gag byed kyi
kho'i sdug bsngot dong po {qh88 tuu~cc th~~po) rgyu cho {qfft-a q2qce~i k_!:!pca)
sorrowful ~""-·~~a.rdf"c,::_~- /tuu~cc y2_pcc/ f a sound waves ~·~~~· 11-2_1ap/
sorrowful song sdug bsngol yod pa 1 i gzhos soup ~i':l.' ; h. ~:?.it~·~· /qh~~; h. shMqhM/ f
(tuu~c& y2_pcc shE_C) [Syn. sdug bsngol gyis potato soup zhog gog khu bo {sh::>:)q:>~ qh~)
khengs pa 1 i] [Syn. krum khu; c. thong]
sorry, 1. iso. for something one did, va. ~~~· sour 1 1 • ~::c..·~ /kuumu/ f Lemon is sour. lim bu
spark 405

skur mo red, (l!,mpu kllOmu r!~l 2. iso. go spoce 1 1. iso. outer space ~~"'·~c:.~· /qh~-
sour 1 vi. A. -- lllb<:C\""'\"/--cho'?J/ 11 The- food be- yi'M Y We sent a satellite into space, ngo
come-sour, kho log skyur mo chogs shag, (qho- tshos mkho' dbyings la 1 phrul skor zhig btong po
lo~ kOCmu ch~~sho~) yin. (l')~ntsb~ qhayi~la thOOqooci taanpoyin) 2.
source ~~::.·~~~· /c~r)qu?l/ 11 What is the iso. a gop ~~· /tr)l')co/ 11 There is a space
source of the news? gsor 'gyur de'i 'byung between the desks, yig cog de gnyis kyi bar
khungs go nos red? (s~nkuu th.!!, c~l')qu?! qh!n& hrub lo stong cho 'dug. (y!,qc66 th!,nilqi ~ruu­
r£_~) 11 What is the source of these gems? phro la toi')Co t~u) [Syn •. bar stong] 3, iso. room
'di tsho'i 'byung khungs go nos red? (tho t!,n- ~~·/t~o/ 11 The hotel hod no space, mgron
tsod c~r)qu?i qh.:_n& r£_~) khong lo sdod so mi 1 dug. ('t-~qoonlo t~o m!,n-

south ~ 11 His house is in the south.

/lh'a/ tuu) [Syn. khong ·mig stong po]
kho'i khong po lho lo yod po red. (qhSS qhol')po space oge 1 neo, ~~a,:~c:.~·~~·.:c.<'::\~' /qhayi~
lholo Y,2~re~) th_!!!rap/
South America ~~~~·.~{\,· /lh'a ~miriqa/ .. space ship 1 neo. /qhayi~
South Asia ~·~Ojf~~ /sharlil') lh0ku11/ t~tsin/
southeast' /lh5shoo/ 11 Southeast Asia spacesuit, neo, e-1.~o...·~·~~CIO~· /qhayi~
shor gling lho shar (sharlil') lheshoo) khl:>nc&c/
southern .jf"*'~· /lh&ho~/ 11 southern Tibet spoc;ous ~~'sZ~ /k~ chempo/ 11 The office is
bod lho phyogs ( ph_2d lh5ch::l~) spacious. los khung de rgyo chen po 'dug.
southern hemisphere ~~·~co."a·~~- /s'f!.'f!. qh_£- (l~~qunti k~ ch~po t~u)
1&& lh5cho~/ spode 1 1. see: shovel 2, iso. cords a._""':~~\'
south pole a:~:ru~.:cifru.s!.a.·/ts.:,mlir) lhotha/ /n~qto~/
southwest ~~~· /lhonu"tl/ spoghet ti 1 see: noodles
souvenir ~~~~ /th£nteen/ [Syn, dron gso'i spank, va. c. Ja¢.1'~~\'"1\~~· /th'f!.'f!.ncoo sh)ffi/ 11
rten] He spanked the child on the buttocks. khos phru
sovereign, see: king gu 'i rkub lo tho! !cog gzhus song. ( qh~ p0qu1l
sovereignty ~·~~1';\.~~''\l::I.C:.." /k~il toawoon/ qupla th'f!.'f!.ncao sh~u)
11 complete sovereignty rgyol srid bdag dbong spore, 1. iso. a life 1 vo. ~..s:~;CR'9tr:.' /tshe-
gtsong ma (k_!!sil taowoon t&lryno) [Syn. srid thoo tcilin/ 11 They spored (~he lives of) the
dbong] prisoners. kho tshos btson po tsho tshe thor
~oviet Union ~~~~OI.:~<:u·~~· /r!;!Su cittiun btong shag. (qhontsoB ts3mpotso tshethaa· taon-
k~~qap/ [Syn. c. su'u lon; u ru su] sho~) 2, iso. extra ~-~· /thSSpo/ 11 I hove
sOH 1 vo. D. &::\.«}~· /Up/ 11 He is sowing borle)l• a spore pen. ngo lo snyu gu tho! po zhig yod.
khos 1 bru 'debs kyi 'dug. (qh~d t~ t~pqil) (r)~ iiOqu th88poci y~-8) 3, iso, spore time Cl:l~'
~ow (iso. female swine) /phoomo/ ~~·/!~soon/ 11 He spins (thread) in his spore
sow by broadcasting seed 1 va. D. ~~~- /s3Bn time. khos los song lo skud po 1 khol gyi 1 dug,
t3r/ (qhstl l&&soonlo qupa qh'f!.'f!.qil) [Syn. los zhor]
sOH in furrows, va. c.~~-.:s.v\~r/r~oen shBB/ spore tir:- ~~~-) ~"f\'CI:.~~·~·G.' /(m_£'t-&&) ki-
sOHing machine 1 neo. ~~ a_~.q,~·a:~<Il~~:t.: /s'dn- qM th88po/
tep th00qh66/ spork 1 1. n. ~-.:i;~· l~f!tsoo/ [Syn. me stag] 2.
soybean, see: bean iso. make sporks 1 vi. D. -- ~~· /--th3r/ 3.
soy sauce ~·~~· /chal')ytlll/
spa ~S~ /chutsh&&n/
-....;, - iso. stimulate, vi. A.
qUU the~/
~~-o:~~~"\~' /s~m­
11 His lecture sparked interest in re-
406 sparkle

ligion. khong gi legs sbyar des mi tshor chos-- spearman ~~<;::.: ~· 0:.-:!l,.&:_ 0:1~<3\: /t_!:!~tsM tE,~C&n/
la do snang byed yag gi sems 'gul thebs pa red. spear shaft ~~c.·~~· /t':!_~hiin/
(qhoonqi l!qcaa thfl mfts66 ch~dla thonaan che- special edition ~~~"'\." /che~tiq/ 11 special
yaOqi s~mqUU the~paree) [Syn. sems shugs newspaper edition ched sgrig tshag dpar (che~­
bslebs] tiq tshaqpaa) [Syn. dmigs bsal rtsom sgrig]
sparkle, vi. ~~~-~<JJ.'§,~· /tha chemchem chE_C/ 11 special privilege, 1, n, ~~~·.q_~~-~~'"\,<:::\~'
The firecrackers sparkled. me stag khra chem /mi'qsMqi qhewaan/ 2. iso. give special
chem byas song. (m!taa tho chemchem chE_cso) privileges, va. A. -- ~~ /--tfc/ 11 They gave
spasm (of muscle), vi. A. ~-~~~~G~· /ts~mtUU the soldiers special privileges. kho tshos dmag
thee/ mi tshor dmigs bsal gyi khe dbong sprad shag.
spat, see: quarrel; dispute (qhontsoB m~~mitsoo mi'qs~~qi qhewaan tfcshaa)
spatter; va. D. ~~-:.:.: /t'5r/ 11 The car spattered special treatment, 1 , n. "\.~"'\~·~~at·~·~~·
mud on the people. mo to des mi la 1 dag pa gtor /mi'qs~~ toto~/ 2. iso. treat specially, va.
song. (m~ta thfl mfla t~qpaa t'5rso) ~· /--chE_C/ [Syn. dmigs bsal lta skyong]
spatula ~~·~~..' /khemtuu/ [Syn. mar thur] specialist ~"'\~'R..~""'--<:IJ.(l\~'q· /mi'qsM qhffpa/
spawn, 1. n. <?'~' /~qoon/ 2. va. -- ~«)C.: 11 He is a specialist in Tibetan culture, kho
/--toan/ bod kyi rig gzhung thog la dmigs bsol mkhos pa
spay, va. c. ~-~.::~.~OJ: /ph_!:!nod t8n/ zhig red. (qho ph~3qi rfqshuun th'5~lo mi'qsM
speak, va. A. ~~os·~~~ ; h. '''V\\Q..·~·<t"\~C..: qh1!'{..paci r!e)
/ shE_C; h. qomb"o noon/ 11 He spoke to me specialize, 1 • vo. ~"'\:~·\'R..~ttl' 0-l~~· ~-~«'
yesterday. kha sa khos nga la skad cha bshad /miqsM qh1!fpa chE_c/ 11 He will specialize in
byung. (qh1!fsa qh8B ~~ qfca sh1!ccu) Tibetan language. kho bod skad thog la dmigs
speaker ~~0:,~~~<51•.' ; h. 4'\~C:..'"'t.¥=\"'4'\_<sl.,<":..' bsol mkhas pa byed kyi red, (qho phodqcc th'5~lo
a.;\'\~/q1!ca sh33~ccn; h. su~hM na~ccn/ 11 The miqsM qhf1!po chfqiree) 2. vi. A. ~"'\~·~~·
speaker today is Dor je. de ring skad cha shod ~~~·~·a;cc\~· /miqsM qh1!1!pa chao/ 11 He has
mkhan rdo rje red, (thfriin qfca sh88~ccn t~ce specialized in Tibetan language, kho bod skad
rea) 11 There were many speakers on this issue, thog la dmigs bsol mkhas po chogs shag. (qho
don gnad 'di i thog la skad cha shod mkhan mang
1 phodqcc th'5~la miqs~~ qh'{..fpo chooshaa)
po 'dug. (thonc& tii th'5~la q1!ca sh83nccn m~~qu specially ~~ru,c;:;."'\~· /chee~aa/ 11 I came spe-
tuu) cially to see you. nga c-hed mngags khyod rang
speak indirectly, va. A. 'AA.~c'6'.<:~~·~~·~'<'=\·~..' thug par yong pa yin. ~~~ chee~ao khera thuuqaa
/q1!ca q'5rnc shr:..c/ · y~payin)
speak ou t , va. C • ~
.q:~~·a,_~·.~:~~~· I samcaa
- t"o'n/ "u specJ.e5. ~~~· /rfq/
He spoke out without fear, khos zhed snang med -·spe~ifi'cation ~"".~· /tshMshi/ 11 We have to
par bsam 'char bton song. (qhsB sh~naa m~paa make it in accordance with the specifications.
samcaa t8nso) nga tshos 1 di tshad gzhi dong bstun nos bzo dgos
speak for ~·~~·~-"~')""~.¥\""'-"' /tshepccc red. ~~~ntsod tf tsh~~shita tUOnc s~ore~)
she&/ 11 He spoke for the king. khos rgyal po'i specify, va. A. "\.~"'\~'"'\"'~'\.:>:.:~• [ vb. ] /miqarqi
tshab byas skad cha bshod song. (qh3B kEE,pOO [vb.]/ 11 He specified what kind of rug he
tsh~pcc& q1!ca shr:..cso) wanted. khos kha gdan go 'dra zhig dgos kyi yod
spear, 1. n, ~\C...' /t':!_~/ 2. va. A. -- ~~~~· po dmigs bkor gyis mngogs song. (qh~d qhotccn
/--tsuu/ qh~nt~~ci q_!:!qiyopa miqarqi ~aoso)
spearhead ~~c::_·~· /t':!_~tse/ specimen, n. ~·~~..' /peshi/ 11 We collected
spill 407

specimens of Tibetan plants. ngo tshos bod kyi speedy &~"\~·z::r:- /k_2qo/ 11 He mode o speedy re-
rtsi shing gi dpe gzhi bsogs po yin. ( 1')_2ntsoB covery. kho mgyogs po drag shag. ( qho k_2qo
ph~~i tsrshil')qi p§shi s~~poyinl 't-h,2~sho~l
speck 1 see : spot spell~ 1. vo. c. ~"t\:a::.·~~· /th_2qco 1-h.!,l/ 'V Did
speckled ~~~- /1-h~thil/ I spell your nome right? ngos khyod rang gi
spectacle, iso, show ~".~ /t'f'fmo/ 'V It was o ming gi dog cho yog po byos bris 'dug gas? (I')E_C
big spectacle, ltod mo chen po 'dug. (t'fi:mo kh8rcc m.!_l')qi th_2qco y_2qocc t.h.!,l t.!:!.qc&l 2. iso:
chempo t.!:!,ul magic power 1 i. n. ~ /thO/ [Syn, ngon
spectacularly "'9'CU~'t.ll.~' /hl5 l!:!:_yo~/ 11 He points sngogs] ii. iso, put on o spell, vo. -- ~c::~..·

spectacularly. khos ri mo ho los yog cig bris /--k~p/

gis. ( qhS'd r.!_mu h~ l&&yo~ci }h.!_lqil I [Syn. spelling "'-~'dS' 11 What is the spelling
gzhon dong mi 1 dro bo] of "hot"? zhwo mo'i dog cho go re red? (sh,2moo
spectators ~~~~'<ln(ZI.CS\ /t'f'fmo tol')&&n/ th_2qco qh_2re rE_&I
speculate, 1.• see: guess; estimate 2. iso, busi- spend,. vo. C':I...~~-O<I..«?C:.' /t.,25oon toon/ 'V He
ness, va. ~GXl~"'-.~~~· /p&&fio qSntshoon spent 100 dollars. khos sgor mo brgyo thorn po
chE_&/ 11 He speculated in gold, khos gser 1 bol 1 gro song bto ng shag , ( qhS'd q~mo k,2thompo "t-.2:-
nyo dkon tshong byos po red, (qhS'd see p&&iio soon tacnsho~l
qSntshoon ch£&pore~l sperm ')a<i\·~· /thi'qli/
speech, 1. iso. ability to speak, n, ~"-:.~~~<fC\,' spew, see: come forth
/q'fco shSSyo~/ 'V He lost his speech, kho sphere, 1. see: circle 2. ~""~Gt1' /khapytru/
skod cho shod yog med po byos shag. (qho q'fco 11 his sphere of influence kho'i shugs rkyen
shSSyo~ ~~po chE_csho~l 2. iso. o speech, i, n, khyob yul (qhSS shOqkeen khapyUUI
~"~"'If\~ ; h, "''\-~&::C\"f\"'-: /l~I')Sh&c; h, sul')- sphygmomanometer (!:!A.~"'~'z:z:I.~· /1-hCiqshe~ toyo~/
sh~~/ 'V His speech was good. khong gi gsung [Syn. neo. c, khrog shed dpyod chos]
bshod yog po 'dug. (qh50nqi sOI')ShM y_2qo t.!:!,ul spice, 1. n. ~~~ /m'fno/ 2. vo. -- <=:~,~'
ii, iso. make a speech, vo. --~~·; h. --~19,~' /--k~p/ 'V Please don't spice my food, ngo'i
/--chE_c; h. --naan/ kho log lo smon sno mo brgyob, (1')!:!:_ qholo~la
speech defect, see: stutter m'fno f11.2kap I
speed &~~~·~ /k~qtsh&&/ 11 What is the spider ~~· /t_2m/
speed of the plane? gnom gru de 1 i mgyogs tshod spider web 1 1. n. ~·-'>~' /t2_mtho~/ 2. iso.
go tshod red? ( namt.u th_g k~tsh&c qh~tsh&c spin o spider web, va, ~'?c.: /--taon/
rE_&I spigot "'("\~~~.l:!-\· /qaqcUU/
at top speed ~c:.·~~~·~~4\.~· /qh~n k~koo/ spike, 1. n, ~:J:.'"l' /phOrpo/ 2. iso, drive in a
11 He drove at top speed. khos gong mgyogs spike, vo, "
-- "'~c::~..· /--k~p/
mgyogs btong song. (qhS'd qh~n k~koo taansol iron spike '?i~~·~x..· /caqpuu/
speed limit, neo. a.~·~~-\~v~'\·~ /qhonto wooden spike ~-~x: /shi()puu/
koqtsh&&/ spill, 1. vi. C. ~· /ph'io/ 'V The ink spilled
s~d of sound, nee,~~-~"'\~-~ /t.&& k~q- on the paper. shag bu 1 i sgong lo snag tsho bos
tshcc/ shag. (shuqUU q_2nlo nCiqtso ph~dshoo) 2. iso.
speed-up, vo, ~~~~·~·~'9~· /k~oru tcion/ 11 We spill/throw out, vo. C, ..::s..'F\=.· /sh'dB/ 'V He
hove to speed up production, ngo tshos thon spilled the oil on the floor. khos sa mthil
skyed mgyogs su gtong dgos red, (1')_2nts<:rd thSn- sgong lo snum bshos shag. ( qhtlB sathii Cl,2nla
k~ k~oru tol')qoreel nOm shB'dsho~ I
408 spin

spin, 1. iso. thread, va. B. "'1."'\o.:l' /qhrJf!/ ~ He did party thugs spro gang mi 'dzad cig (thuut6
always spins thread. khos rtag par skud pa qh~n m_!ntsccci)
'khal gyi 'dug. (qh8~ Uiqpaa qupa qh~qil) 2. splendor "'f\~· <:~.~z::;: /s_!cil/ ~ the splendor of
iso. whirl, vi. B. <Aih;~=.·o.~~· /q;:yUU qh!55/ the palace pho brang gi gzi br jid ( photaanqi
~ My head spun and I fell. nga mgo yul 'khor s_!cil)
nos ril byung. (~~ q~yUO qh!55n& r~cu) 3, see: splice, va. A. ocr~~ /thOU/ II They spliced the
tell 4. iso. spin out of control (for air- two ropes. kho tshos thag pa de gnyis mthud
planes) 1 vi. B. ~X:""'.'Q.~;,;,.· /qora qh55/ ~ song. '
( qhontsoo thoqpa th~i'ii~
' n;"t
The airplane spun and crashed. gnam gru de skor splint, 1. n. ~~"t\'t:ll~' /c~r koaya~/ 2. iso.
ba 'khor nos brdabs song. ( namtuti qi5ra qh55n& secure in a splint 1 va. ~.l:~.-~~~::t· /c~r k~p/
t~psu) splinter, 1. n. ~~·~· /shi~tshao/ [Syn. shing
spinach ;:r-~~· /p5'Jts&&/ tsher] 2. iso. get a splinter, vi. A. -- ~~·
spinal column ~~~· /qMtshil/ I --s~u/ ~ I got a splinter in my hand. nga 'i
spindle =c:.· /pho~/ lag par shing tshag cig zug shag. (~~ l~qpaa

spine, see: spinal column shr~tsha~ci s~usha~) 3. iso. groups splinter-

spinning machine, neo. ~e:..:_&:.\'0.~0-:l.'Cl~'q_~~·a..~:x:.· ing, vi. D. ~"'\'(<3.~' [number] 0-l•r.t.:a-:x:.· /sh55-
/qupa qheelc& th00qh66i qha~ [number] la th'Jr/ ·~The party splintered
spinning wheal ~~~·o:.~=·=~·Ql~·o..~x.· /qupa into three groups, tshogs pa de shog khag gsum
qheelc& 1~qh~~1 10 I thor Shag 0 ( tsh5qpatf sh55qha~ SUnla th5r-
spinster ~~e::;· /m2_hraan/ Sh00) [Syn. gyes]
spirit, 1. iso, enthusiasm, i. n. ........
~~~~~~· split, i. v.a •. A. ""\'<"\~~· /sho~/ ~He split the
/simshuu/ [Syn. snying stobs] ii. iso. lose wood. khos shing gshags song. (qh8"d shr~ sho~­
spirit, vi. A. -- ~~· /--cho~/ 2. !so. liquor so) 2, vi. A. 0\."'\' /sh~~/ ~ The wood split,
~-..:.::."'\' /araa/ shing de zhag shag. (shi~ti sh;!,~sha~) 3. see:
spiritual leader as~-~~·~e::;,~·%_z::;: /ch83ch~~ splinter 3. !so. a marriage, va. ~.en_·~«\'.@.,~'

qi uthill /qhoqha~ chE,.c/

spit, 1. n. ~"'-.:~· /l~pa/ [Syn. mchil rna] 2. spoil 1 1 • iso. get rot ten 1 vi. B. ~04· / II
va. A. -- ~~~~- /--yOu/ ~ He spit on the The meat spoiled, sha de rul shag. (shot! r~­

floor. "
khos sa mthil sgang la lud pa g,yugs sha~) 2. iso. spoil behaviorally 1 va. ~"'\'CI.:I.c::
song. (qh8"d sathii ce!Ua l~pa yuusu) 3. iso. (!:l'<;~<:::..' /koqlaan taon/ ~ He spoils the child.
spit as an insult, va. &:l.~~c:;.,:<:~.~~· /thuli.r;) khos phru gu de kyag lang btang shag. (qh8"d pO-
k~p/ quti koqlaan taanshao) 3. iso, get/be spoiled,
spiteful' 1. adj. ~~-~-~~"f\';;r-- /sempa noqo/ vi. B. ~"'\·cue:::.~· /koqlaan sh!55/ 1J The child
~ He is very spiteful, kho sems po gnag po zhed will get spoiled, phru gu de kyag lang shor gyi
po cig 'dug. (qho sempa neqo sh_!puci t~u) 2. red. (puquti koqlaan sh5'Jqire~) 4. iso. adj.
iso. act spiteful 1 va. ~~~-<n.~"".·€l_t~· /semna~ ~~Q.lC::.'.A:i.:l:.l.' /koqlaan sh55rpa/ ~ She is
chE_&/ spoiled, mo kyag lang shor pa zhig red, (m~

spittle, see: spit k;!,qlaan sh55paci r~~) 5, iso, get ruined, vi.
splash 1 va. D. ~~· /tor I ~ .He splashed water D. a;"Sox.: /t!::_r/ ~ Our plans were spoiled. nga
on me. khos nga la chu gtor byung. (qh3'd ~~ tsho'i 'char gzhi 'dur song, (~~ntsoo chaeshi
chu t'Jrcu) t!::.rsu) [Syn. sbo lug] 6. iso, ruin, va. A. ~
spleen ~a;x.-~·
/ch{!;.rpa/ ~~- /p~ lilu/ II He spoiled their plan. khos
splendid ""'\C..'~·" /qh~n m.!_nts&c/ II a splen- kho tsho'i 'char gzhi sbo bslugs pa red. (qh3B
spread · 409

qhontsi:Sa ch33shi p~ lO~pare~) [Syn, 1 phrog spot, 1. ~en_·~~ ln_:qthill 11 There was o spot
brlog btong] on the shirt. stod thung sgong lo nag thig cig
spoiled, iso. decoyed ~0-:l·~· lrEJ!.pal 11 spoiled 'dug. (tOUtuun q~~lo n_:qthilci t~~) [Syn. nag
food zo bco' rul po (s~co r_§pa) tshi~?] 2. iso. o place ~·~· lsacal 11 This is
spoils (of war, etc.) o:.~·""'¥"~·&.~'""-l.~~·=-~· o nice spot. 1 di so cho yog po zhig 1 dug. ( t_!
ltMqcom ChE£p&& colool [Syn. bcom dngos] sclco y~qoci t~~) 3. iso. see, vo. B. ~.~c::
spoke (of o wheel) a.~x.·G>r'~-~~·~· lqholoo 1tho'(5nl 11 They spotted the enemy planes. kho
tsrl)mOal tshos dgro 1 i gnom gru mthol')g shag. (qhontsod
spoken (language) "5i;\"' lqr.~l 11 spoken Tibetan t&& n~tu th'(5'(5nshoa)
bod skod ( pht:rdqd) spotlight, see: floodlight
spokesman ~~d5~~t;z:t~· sh~r')&&nl 11 gov- spotted ~"'l'\~~-~~"ci.· lthiqril Y2.,p&&/ 11 o
ernment spokesman gzhung gi skod cho shod mkhon spotted cot thig ris yod po 1 i zhi mi ( thiqril
(sh~r')qi sh83r')&&n) [Syn. mgrin tshob] y2.,p&& sh!mi) [Syn. gzig khro]
sponge ~~~ lsh~theenl spouse ~:q~·£l ; h.~~· /s!;!nto; h. qOntol 11 Is
sponsor 1 see: guarantor; patron. that his spouse? pho gi kho 1 i bzo' zlo red pas?
spool, 1. iso. for thread ~"'"'-~'"\~'c:t~x.· lqiipa (ph3qi qhSS s~nto r!p&~)
t-IqMI 2. iso. for kites ~o..~.:.::.·o..~~·<i:f-" spout, 1. n. ~£0· /()&hul 2. traditional
lch_:phii qholol wooden spout a:,·~~~ • lchO thSSnsol
spoon ~:..:_·~· ; h. ~~~·~x..· lth~o; h. sh,!p- sprain, vi. A. "'~· ...
lchtlUI 1f His wrist was
thuul sprained. kho i log tshigs
1 1 chus shag. ( qhSS
spoon-feed, vo. B. ~~x:~~ -~~~x..· lthOrnooqi l_:qtshil chtlUshoo)
to te~l 11 She spoon-fed the child, mos phru gu spray, vo. D. ~~· /t'!Jr I 1f He sprayed the
lo thu mar gyis lto bster song. (m!rd pOqO~ thO- flowers with insecticide, khos me tog lo 1 bu
mooqi to Ueso) smon gtor song. (qh~ m!to~lo p~m&&n t'!Jrso)
sporadic ~~~~~~·~· lq:ip q:ipqil 1f There were spray-gun ~·~~X~'\,~ lchO t'!Jnto/
sporadic disturbances in Lhasa. lho so lo skabs spread, 1. vi. "'-""·~·~G;.' lth_:rkap ch,!:!!:!nl 1f
skobs kyi zing cho byung yod po red. (lh~fsoo The new religion spread quickly. chos lugs gsor
q3p q:ipqi s_!r')ca ch,!:!!:!n Y2~re~ l po de mgyogs po dar khyob byung shag, ( chtlOlu~
sporadically ~~~·~~·~· lq:ip qapla/ sclopoti k~qo th_:rkap ch~nshoo) 2. vo. ~~·~(1;1.'
spoonful, 1. iso. one spoonful ~~X.'4<t'\C::..' lthOmoo €V"' /kh3pee ch£Cl 1f They spread religion in 2. iso. two spoonfuls &~:t:.·~ /thOmoo Russia. kho tshos u ru su 1 i nang lo chos khyob
... ~

th~l 3, iso. three spoonfuls ~~X.·""'~~· spel byos shag. (qhontsoo OrusUU n22.nlo chad
lthOmoo sOm/ kh3pee ch£cshoo) 3. iso. spread on, va. A.
sports, 1. n. ~.&·~· llUUtsMI 2. iso, partake ~~~'/ch~~l 11 He spread butter on the bread,
"\> -
in sports, vo. C. -- ~· 1--tse~l khos bog leb lo mar byugs shag. (qhB'd ph,22le~lo
sports competition ~~·~a:t.·a..<:Q_~~~l:::.' ll~tsM m22. ch~~shoo) 4. iso. spread out 1 va, C. ~"l:l ~-·
t,!ntuu/ It-tim/ 1f He spread out his things on the
sports equipment~~·~~~~~ ll~sM qhi5c&~l ground. khos so mthil sgong lo co log bkroms
sports field· ltseethoonl shag. (qhstl s3thii q!:!~lo coloa toillshoo) s.
sportsmanship, neo. ~~~-~""-~"~' /l!;!!!tsM iso. be spread out (for soldiers) 1 va, ~'!Q.&l~~·
tseto~l ~~~ /qha th!;!mc& t£,~1 1f The soldiers were
sports team ~·~·titt\"t\' ll.!:!!;!tsAA tsh5qhool spread out on the field. dmog mi tsho zhing
[Syn. c. lus rtsol ru khog] go'i nang lo kho gram byos .bsdod shag. (maami-
410 spring

tso sh!~q&& ~nlo qhc ~h~mc& t£~sh~) q~po/

spring, 1. iso. the season ~"'\:"£\' /crrqa/ 11 He squalid 1 see: dirty; filthy
come this spring. kho do lo dpyid ka yong song. squall,· see: storm
(qho th~lo ciiqa y~so) 2. iso. the coil 1 n. ~­ squalor, see: poverty
~~· /sipiriry/ [Syn. lcogs skud rgyu mol 3. squander, va. D. ~~x.· /t'Sr/ 11 He squandered
iso. water spring <{)'~~· /chiinil/ 11 There are all his money. khos kho rang gi dngul tshang mo
many springs here. 1 di khul chu mig mong po gtor shag. (qh~ qhlir&& ~00 tShc5~ t'Srsha~)
1 dug • ( t!po~ ch iinil m!!~qu t~t) 4. see: jump [Syn. chud zos btangl
5. iso. spring a leak 1 vi. B. a&·a:.~ /chu square ~c::t~· /~h,!;!pshi/ 11 Is this square? 'di
ts!r/ 6. see: arise gr:u bzhi red pas? ( t_! ~h,!;!pshi r!!_p&t)
hot springs a&'~~ /chDtsh&&n/ squash, va.' ~~-~·o:::~.'9c:;.· /t~tsii taan/ 11 He

spring planting ~"~~~~· /ciitep/ squashed the apple. khos ku shu rdog rdzis
spring plowing ~~"~~· /ciimo1>/ btang song. (qh~d qOshu t~tsii taanso)
springtime ~~~~~· /ciitUU/ squat, 1. va. A. ~~·~"(~,·~·~~"".: /ts5qtso't>c&
sprinkle, va. D. ~~x.- /t'Sr/ 11 He sprinkled t£&1 11 He squatted in the corner. kho khug
water on the floor. khos sa mthil la chu gtor khug der tsog tsog byas bsdod shag. (qho qhu-
shag. (qh~d s~thiila chO t'Srsha~) qhut t&& ts'Sqtso~c& t£tsha~) 2. see: short
sprinkler, neo. ~"'t\"<fx.·a..~~%~· /chut6r thOO- squeak 1 vi. ~·~~~®.t~· /tserq&c k!p/ 11 The
c&&/ door squeaks. sgo des tser skod rgyag gi •dug.
sprocket c:t~.!(·~ci.~ /qhol~ so/ (q~ til tserq&c kaaqil)

sprout, 1. n. ~-~ /n~u/ 2. vi. c. -- ~ squeol 1 see: cry out

/--th~~/ 11 Has the barley sprouted? 1 bru 1 i ngu squeeze, va. D. ""'~· /tsir/ 11 He squeezed the
gu don 'dug gas? (~uU nuqu tho~ tuq&t) orange. khos tsha lu rna btsir song. (qh~d

spur, 1. on boot 'c..·~~· fti;a~/ 2. see: tsh~luma tsi'rsu)

urge (on) squint, va. c. ~151.1·~~-~~~ /s_!msim tfc/
spurious ~~~· /ts~nma/ squirm ~e~:~·~·~Ql~'.@,&' /~tsa q,!!t-sa ch£tl
spurn, va. ~~-~~~·~· /qhffleen "'2ch&c/ 11 squirrel ~·~· lt~mo~l
The rebels spurned the offer. ngo·log po tshos squirt, see: spray
cha rkyen sprod po de lo khos len rna byos po stab, va. A. ~-~:~,~~- /~h!, tsuu/ 11 He stabbed
red. (~~l~qpatsod chckeen ~ftpot&& qhffleen ~­ him in the stomach. khos kho'i grod khog la gri
ch&cpore~) btsugs shag. (qh~d qh88 ~h~h~'t>la th!, tsuusha~)

sputum ~~.:.:s.· /lQpa/ stabilize, va. C. ~~~:t:f'"c;\~~· /tfmpo s2:d/ 11

spy, 1. n. ~~- /sopo/ 11 He is a spy. kho so po They stabilized prices. , kho tShos gong tshad
red. (qho sopa re~) [Syn. nyul mal 2. va. brtan 'po bzos shag. (qhontsod qh~ntsd ·tfmpo

~~· /--ch£C/ 11 He spied on the students. khos s_£1>sha~)

slob grwa ba'i nang la so po byas po red. (qh~d stable 1 1. iso. the general nome ~~·:q~a,~~

l~p~a~qi noanlo sopo ch&cpore~)
spy plane ~~~·""\CS\_<A'~' /s~nUU nam~u/
/s&lc&&n sh22,sa/
.:S /toro/
2. iso. a stable for horses
3. iso. a stable for cattle 'fi~~·

squabble, see: quarrel ~· /chuqtshaan/ .::t~~2f-'""' /tfm-

4. iso. firm
squad, 1. iso. 10 men '"1.'1>~~· /cOsh~'t>/ 2. iso. po/ 11 The government is stable. gzhung brton
small group ~<l)C:.:
po 'dug. (sh,!;!?.l tfmpo t..!:!tl
squad leader, 1. iso. 10 men .c:t~·""-;;:f"~ /cpqp<ron/ stack 1 1. vo. A. ~~~· /tsl5~/ 11 He stocked
2. iso. of small group ~a;:,c:: /tshCSchuun the books on the table. khos rgya lcog sgong la

s_tand 411

deb brtsegs shag,

( qhod ~ ' _,
k,2co:;~ q,2iilo th~p tsoo- stake an animal, v". A. A:\~"'f\=· /too/
shoo) 2. n. ""'-~'~@...<t\' /tsao sh!!opo/ 11 stakhanovite, neo, c. ~Q:\·~~·~0\:~"-.:~~·~·
There is o stock of books on the table. rgyo /phnDcuun th3nk'e"6 l~i/
!cog sgong lo deb brtsegs bzhog po zhig 1 dug. staleJ iso. not fresh ~~-.q_~C!I\t::l.' /s38po mE_mpo/
(k!;!,co?> q,2hlo th~p tsao sh,2apo ci t.!:!.~l) 11 stale bread bag leb sos po min po (ph2,2le"6
stadium ~~-~-~~- /l,!!!!ts~~qoon/ s33po mE_mpo)
staff, 1. iso. walking stick q_~~::~<t\_' /qherkuu/ stalk, 1. of plant i'f\C:...' /q~Cin/ 2. va. O:.E-1':::\·~~~
2. iso. personnel ~~-"~· I1E£ce"6po/ 11 He ~~c:::.· /c~te"6 toon/ ·11 He stalked the deer,
called o meeting of his staff. khos los byed po khos shwa ba 1 jab 'ded btang shag, (qh3B shoo
tsho tshogs 1 dur bkongs shag,
( qhoo .
1E£ceepotso c.:.mte"S tol'inshao)
tshoont66 qo~shoo) stall, see: delay; postpone
stag, iso. mole deer ~-~·.<f" /sh~Ci r:fl5/ stallion ~-"t\~"'l.' /trJ sep/ [Syn. gseb)
stage, 1. iso, era/phose ~~-..'(.~~· /th~rep/ 11 stammer, va. ~~"t\~"t\·~~- /qho t_!qtil chE_&/ 11
during the stage of feudalism bkos bkod rgyud He stammers bod! y. khos kho rdig rdig zhed po
'dzin gyi dus robs ring lo (ql:fqcru ku'Untsiinqi cig .byed kyi 'dug. (qh8B qho t_!qtil sh,!puci
th,!!!!rep r,!nla) 2. iso,_ a platform ~"'-'C:> /t,!n- ch,!qil) [Syn. kho ldib ldib byas; kho !dab bi
ca/ 3. iso. stage o comeback, see: comeback ldib bi byas)
4, iso, stage a play/show, vo. D, a.~~· /~hep/ stomp, 1. iso. postage ~~-~~~· /~,2qtao/ [Syn,
by stages ~-1"-:J.~' /r};_m~~/ 11 They improved by ~i ka si) 2. iso. put o stamp on o letter, va,
stages, kho tsho rim pas yar rgyas byung shag. B. -- ~:.:.· /--coo/ 3, iso. stamp (with o seal,
(qh5ntso r};_mpAA Y!;!,rkc& ch~nshao) design, etc.), vo. ""-e:J.'~"t\'~®ft· /th.:.m~uu k,!PI
stagecoach ~·~-o:.~.!l::.·~ /shrnta qholo/ 4. iso. stomp out a cigarette, va, ~~~~-
stagger, vi. D. ~~~· /kh3r/ 11 He staggered and /t66tsii tl'ion/ 5. iso, stomp one's foot, va,
fell. kho 'khyor nos ril song. (qho kh5rnc D. 'l\~'G'~~<:;\~' /qol')po t.:.p/ 6, iso, stamp
r_!.!su) out, va. C. ~·~..:;,:"!.~~· /tsCime"S s'is! 11 They
stagnant, iso. water a,~c:u.-~· /khifchu/ stomped .out communism. kho tshos dmor po rtsa
stain, 1. <9-..."f\'~·~~~· /n2,qtsil q_!:!'lsil/ 11 med bzos po red. (qhontscru maapo tsame"S s~1>po­
There is a stain on the rug. kho gdon de la nag re"6l
tshis gu tshis 'dug. (qhotccntcc n.:.qtsil q.!:!.tsil stomp collecting, 1. neo. n. ~~·~~··=~,;~:~y~q~"Z
t.!:!.u) 2. iso, get stained, vi. A, -- c:t.:;f\~· G.l"f\' lt.,2qtao s5q~up ch!yao/ 2. va. ~""\'~"t\~·
/--q2:d/ 11 The rug got stained, gdon de lo nag ~~~~~· /~,2qtao s5q~up chE_&/
tshis gu tshis 1 gas shag. ( tE£nttc n.:.qtsil q.!:!.- stamp pod "'-~'~""\' /th2_mnao/
tsil qi:s8shoo) stampede, 1. vo. A. ""'>.Q~~· /~'S?>/ 11 He stam-
stained ~loss ~~~~·~~· /she§li~ tsh3n~ha/ peded the horses. khos rta dkrogs song, (qhS"d
stainless steel, neo, ~"~"'\(:;.X...'~ctl.~' /lhffme"6 tl'i ~'S?>so) 2. vi. A. ~9.~' /~2,?>/ 11 The
r'J!!rcaa/ horses stampeded, rto de tsho 1 drogs song, (ta
stairs, 1. n, ~~·~· /ql:f.ntsa/ 11 wooden th_!ntso ~.?_?>so)
stairs shing gi skas 1 dzegs (shil')qi qf.fntsa) stance, see: position
2. iso, climb stairs, va. A. -- ~~~· stand, 1. vo, ~r;:._~·""3.~"; h, ~:~&::~·~~~~·
1--ts!!a/ /12_~ tE_&; h • sh2_n sh,!:!.u/ 11 We had to stand · for
stoke, 1. n. ~~·~· /ph'Urpe/ 2• iso, drive in a two hours, nga tsho chu tshod gnyis longs sdod
stoke, va. t=~,~· /--k,!PI 3. iso, a wager dgos red. (l')!;!,ntso chutshUU nrr 12_~ t2:dqore"6) 11
in a game, n, ~~~ /tseekccn/ 4, iso, He stood near the· door, kho sgo 1 i khris la
412 standard

longs bsdad shag. (qho qoo ~hilla l~n t~&shao) Y2.~rea)

2. iso. stand/get up 1 va. C, ~-"''=<=:~· /y!:2. standing room <l.Ie:;.'<'l.·~~· /l::_n t~a/ 11 There
l::_n/ 11 All the girls stood up, bu mo tshang rna was only standing room left. longs sdod sa rna
yar longs pa red. ( ph,!:!f'lu tshoi'JfTlCI Y!:2. l::_nparea) gtogs mi 'dug. (l~n t~a m~to~ m!ntuu)
3. iso. don't like/can't stand, va, ~-~·a.._~·"\~1<.' standpoint ~~·~~·%,.~·~ /r)~dnc chE_£no/ 11 From
[neg.] /tsCianc q~ [neg.] I 11 I can 1 t stand our standpoint, this is good, nga tsho 1 i ngos
Dor je. nga rdo r je !a rtsa ba nos dga' gi mi nos byes na 1 di yag po 'dug, ( l')::_ntsbo r)~dnc
'dug. 111~ t2_:>ccc tsoi5nc q_:qimintuu) 4. iso, chE_£no t~ y::_qo t~u)
stand by 1 see: support; back 5. iso, stand up stanza ~~·t:::r~~ /tshiqce~/
for 1 see: support; back 6. iso. stand on end star ~~~· /qaama/
(body hair) 1 vi. c. "\'~<:tlc:;~· /ph_:pu l~n/ 7. staple, 1. n, "<\~~·~~· /s2_rte~/ 2, iso, staple
stand on end (head hair) 1 vi. C. ~-~~· Ita something together, va, -- ,q_~· /-k~p/ 3,
S~Q/ iso, a basic food 1 etc. ~~-~~q:~~2t /s~ca
hat stand ~~"'\~· /sh~teq/ tsowo/ 11 Tsampa is a staple food in Tibet, bod
standard, 1. iso. generally used/approved <Ce;;.:~"' nong la bza 1 bca 1 gtso bo rtsam pa red. ( ph~d
/tsh~ntccn/ 11 This is the standard textbook. ~nla s~ca tsowo tsompa r2_e)
slob deb 'di tshad !dan red, (loptep ti tshffn- stare, va. c. ~<n,~·~'d:G.~~· /mil ceree tfc/ 11
tccn r.2_e) 2. iso. standards ~~$.,·- /tsh~~­ He stared at her, khos mo !a mig ce re 1 i bl tas
shi/ 11 They made it according to the highest song, (qh~d m~ mil ceree tf&so)
standards. kho tshos 1 di tshad gzhi mtho shos starlight ·~\;'l::.'~~·~z:.;__ /qormcc w~/
dang bstun nos bzos shag. (qh6ntsod t! tsh~shi starry ~X~'S\='ct~=-~·"1.~-"'"'l.'.'ct: /qaot-cc t-~q
th6shodta tOOne s~shaa) 11 They couldn 1 t meet t~cp&c/ 11 a starry night skar gral 'grigs
the government's standards. kho tshos gzhung gi bsdad pa 'i mtshan mo zhig (qoot-cc t-~q t~&pcc
tshad gzhi dang mthun pa bzo thub mi 1 dug. tshffmoci)
( qh6ntscsi5 sh~Qqi tsh~~hi ta thffi!pa s~ thuumin- 'start, 1. va. A. «-4'f<l:l~"'\~· /q2, tsuu/ 11 They
tuu) started construction today. kho tshos de ring
standard of living /tshowcc 1 dzugs skrun byed yag 'go btsugs shag, (qhon-
nfftsc&/ ts<>d th~riin ts~qt-trun ch2_yaa q2, tsa'Ushac~!) 2.
standardize, 1. va. C.
s~d/ 11 They standardized iron production.
vi. A. a...if.;.,.~>,.,~-
dmog kho
/qo tshuu/
11 The war started
go tshugs shag o ( ffi00
tshos lcags kyi thon skyed tshad !dan bzos pa qhffsa q2, tshuushao)
red. (qhontso~ coaqi th8nkea tshffntccn s~dpa­ from the start c:t4\:<sl._~' /qf!.n&/ 11 Tell it from
rea) 2, iSO, become Standardized (language) I the start. 1 di 'go nos shod dang, ( t~ q2,nc
vi. A. ~~<51..:.""\~"'\·~.:x;.·QS~~· /tshffntccn sh&1ta)
ciqkuu choa/ 11 The Tibetan language became starting point ct-:as:-a..~~~· /q2, ts~sa/ [Syn.
standardized. _bod skad tshad !dan gcig gyur 'go tshugs sa]
chags yod pa red. ( phb'Oqc& tshffntccn ciqkuu startle 1 1 • - vo. A. "\.~"'\~' It'S~/ 11 He startled
chaayo~rea) the horses, khos rto dkrogs song. (qh~d ta
stand-in 1 see: substitute p~so) 2. vi. A. ~~"'\~' lt=.?J! 11 The horses
standing army "'~'?""'- <:I...E"<\~''\<1-l"f\'"\.~~· /tfncaa m~q­ got startled. rto 'drogs song. (ta t=.?Jso)
puun/ 11 They hove _a la_rge standing army. kho starvation ~-""~'~e:l.~::.f\"'\' /t~&.hi theeyao/ 11
tsho la gtan 'jags dmag dpung phon chen po yod a starvation diet 1 tog shi thebs yag gi 1 to
pa red. (qhontsoo tfncao m~qpuun ph88n chempo chas (t3~shi theeyaaqi t~pccc)
status 413

starve, 1. vi. A. ~~~-~~~· /tC!ilishi th~/ 11 state managed "t\~~·~~ /shuQtsiin/

They are starving, kho tsho ltogs shi thebs kyi statesman ~~'('~6-l~~·~· /srrtb'On qhffpa/
'dug. (qhontso tC!ilishi th~lqil) 2. iso, starve state visit ~-<'l~<Xl·a..~.::1:\·~/k,££ tsham~i/
saneone, va. ~~'A"\~·.q.;,~· /t33qao taon/ statie .:.:_r;:.: cr.~~· /r~QCaO/ 11 The economy is
starve to death, see: starve, 1 static, dpal 'byor gyi gnas stangs rang 1 jags
state, 1. iso. nation ~03.'\Zll:::l.' /kAAqap/ 11 He red. (pffnc~~qi nlftan r~Qcao r!~l [Syn. rang
served the state. khos rgyal khab la zhabs gnas]
( qho<S .. ..
1d egs zh us pa re d • kAAqapla sh.:,mtee shu'U- station, 1. iso. train station ~q·~~~· /ph.:,p-
par~) 2. see: say 3, iso. situation~~~~· tsu~/ 11 train station ri li 1 i bob tshugs (r!-
/nlfta~/ 11 What is the state of the economy? lii ph.:,ptsu~) [Syn. sa tshugs] 2. va. A.~(lil,_"t'\'
dpal 'byor gyi gnas stangs go 1 dra 1 dug? (pffn- /sh~o/ 11 The soldiers were stationed in Kham.
c~~qi nlfta~ qh.:,n~c& tO~) khams la dmag mi bzhag pa red, (qhoillla ~mi
state banquet ""'~e:.·~-~~·~ /shu?)qi s33tbon/ sh~opare~)
[Syn. rgyal khab kyi gsol stan] stationery ~"t\'<15~' /yic&&/
state capitalism ~·~"G.'illot'~~~·~~~· /k!!- statistical, neo, ~~~~· /citM/ 11 statisti-
qap m~tscc r!Qlu~/ cal research spyi bsdoms nyams zhib ( crtom
stated above in writing ~-~~c:xr /qh2_QSCC/ 11 n.:.mshipl
as stated above gong gsal ltar (qh~cc tar) statistical analysis, iso. do, neo,, va. ~,'A~~·
State Department (U.S.A.) ~Ol~~~~·t""ot:..' ~.q.·~~-'\~~A·~~· /crtom k!pnc c~~hip chE,_t/
/k~sil cikapqaan/ [Syn, c. rgyal don khang] statistician, neo, '-'~~~-~~~-~~~·~·
stated earlier, va. A. ~~~·~~·/Qffnc shf&/ /cit~ tsrrriq qhffpa/
[Syn, sngon tshud nos bshad; snga sa nos brjod] statistics, ·1. iso. the science of, neo, ~·"1(~~·
state emblem @,~·~· /~tao/ ~~4\' /crtoill tsririq/ 2, iso, data, neo.~
statement, 1, iso, a formal written. statement ~~~~· /crt6ill/ 11 Do you hove the statistics
about something ~-~ /tshiqtho/ 11 They took on education? khyod rang la shes yon slob
statements from the refugees, kho tshas btsan sbyong skor gyi spyi bsdoms yod pas? (khSraa
byol ba tsho nos tshig tho blongs shag , (qhon- sheeybon 16pco~ q33qi citoill y~pct) [Syn. bsdoms
tscis tslncCSI:>watsoric tshiqtho le~hao) 2. iso, rtsis]
official statement, n. "'t\~~-~~~· / statue, 1. iso, in general~~- l"t-!qu/ [Syn,
11 The two governments issued a joint statement. 1 dra gzhugs] 2. iso, religious statue
gzhung gnyis kyis mnyam sbrel gsal gsgrags shig /qun-t.a/ [Syn. sku brnyan] 3. iso, make a stat-
bton shag. (sh!!?.l nirqi nom-t-ee sff~aoci t33n- ue, va. C. -- ,q,~~~· /--sh2_?.J/
shao) 3. iso, bill ~·a· /tsii~a/ 11 bank statue maker 1 1. iso. religious ~·aet.q,~~~~a..·
statement dngul khang gi rtsis khra ( Qll[Jqaan /qOn-t.a sh~Qccn/ [Syn. lha bzo ba] 2. iso.
qi tsrr~a) 4. iso. anything that is said ~~a:; in general ~-ai·~~&::'>' /c!ms~'O/
; h. ,q,;rn_a.:at"Q:t •/qlca; h, ql!mC:rd/ 11 I don t agree
1 status "'t\~~·~~~·
/n'fftan/ 11 What is your
with your last statement, khyod rang gi skad status in the college? mtho rim slob grwa 1 i
cha mtho 1 rna de la nga mos mthun med, (kh3rc& nang la khyed rang gi gnas stangs go re red?
qfca thomo tee Q~ m,!!!;!ttJUn 111!~1 ( thoriill lop~cc n~nla kheraanqi nffta~ qh2_re
state of emergency ~S.""C\.~."'\~~·~· /ts~~aoqi r£t)
n~~tsUU/ equal status ~~~·~"~·~~'9~·/n'ffta~ ~2_i'iaill/ 11
stcite of war ~"'l\'<X.~~·'l\~~·~· /maq~hu~qi We hove equal status. ngo tsho gnas stongs
n~ltstru/ 'dro mnyom red, (Q~ntso nlfto~ t.~i'iaill r!~)
414 statutory

high status "'C\~~·~e:.~·~~e:'F /nffta~ th5po/ , steam whistle ~~·~~~~- /lorJp&& shO~o/
Monks have · high status. grwa pa tsho i 1 gnas steel e:.::t:.'~~~· 'ti'J!:!,rcaa/
stangs mtho po red, (~h!:!,patstro n!:!:tan th5po steel factory ~~·~~~~~:$J.' /1')2_rcoo s2,ta/
r!~l steep, 1. iso. incline ¢\:Ol::t:.• ~ /s!:!,rpo/ 11 The
low status 4\~~-~~~·.::....~co.:ar--- /nffta~ mopo/ , road is steep, lam khog de gzor po 'dug.
Blacksmiths have low status, mgar ba tsho'i (12,1')qaoti S!:!_rpo t~t) 2, see: soak
gnas stangs dma' po red, (q2,ratsoo nfr:ta~ mapa steer, 1. iso. a vehicle, vo. D.~·~~~- /qholo
r!~l k~r I 11 He steered the cor. khos mo ~a kha lo
statutory ~~~·~~· /~hrmt6~m&/ bsgyur song, (qh38 m2,to qholo k~rsu) . 2. see:
stave off, see: block; stop direct 3, iso. the animal ~c:.·~~- /lol')qo~/
stay, va. A. .c:t~~ ; h, ~~~~· /tE_t; h. sh~t./ steering wheel ~·ciF'~:~;:.·~~i: /qholo k~rqo:>/
, He stays with me. kho nga mnyam du sdod kyid stem, 1. iso. a plo~t ;n_c::..: /qoon/ 2. iso. a
yod pa red. (qho 112, ii~mt60 ttruqiyo~re~) 2, gloss ~~·-".~.c:::~ /sh2,pro r!:_l')qu/ 3. see:
iso. a stop/sojourn ~G.I.~~ /tooyao/ , We had block; stop
a week 1 s stay in Lhasa, nga tsho lha sar bdun stench ~5l:' /ih!:_ma/ 11 There is a terrible stench
gcig sdod yag byung, (r)2,ntso lhffsaa ttrun ciq here. 'di khul dri rna sdug chog cig 'dug, (t!:_-
tooyao ch~n) poo th!:_ma t~qcoaci t~t) [Syn. dri ngan]
steadfast, see: firm stencil ~~zn,- /tshiishM/
steady, see: firm stenography, see: shorthand
steal, 1. iso. secretly, va, C, ~-\~· /qrlJ/ 11 step, 1. n. ~19:1·~· /qh~po/ 2, iso, take a step,
He stole a horse last night. mdangs dgong khos vo. -- ~~· /--k!!_p/ 11 He took two steps and
rta zhig brkus shag. ( qhantsiS'd tj7ci qtlUshao) fell. kho gom po gnyis brgyob nos ril song,
·2, vi. B. ~<S.:.~*· /qtina sh33/ 11 Last night (qho qh~po iirr k!!_pn& rgsu) 3, iso. steps in
a horse was stolen, mdangs dgong rta zhig rkun house, i, n, ~~~· /t2._pkoo/ [Syn. rdo skas]
ma shor shag. (t2,11qon toci qtina sh55shoa) ii. iso. climb up steps, vo. A, -- a:.e:f'"\_~·
stealth, see : secret 1--ts!:!_a/ iii, iso. go down steps, vo. D.
steam, 1. n. i£.~'fN.' /lol')pa/ 2. iso. steam a t::!;,q_?,(/--ph2,.p/ 4. iso. steps on a ladder, n. :}~\~'
food, va. ~~='-~-~~~'<l:l@1c:J.' /lol')tsois k2,.p/ 11 He "\\"\~ /q!:'ftol')/ [Syn. skos kyi gdong bu]
steamed the meat, khos sho rlongs btsos brgyab first step .(l\<U.·~·~·~ /qh~po th2,11po/ 11 They
shag • ( qh 00 shj7 Hll')tsiS'd k2,.pshoo) 3. iso. be took the first step to contact the government.
steaming, vi. ~~~·~'l:\®J~' /Hir)pa k2,.p/ , The kho tshos gzhung !a 1 brel ba byed yog gi gom po
teo has boiled. It is steaming, ja khol shag dong po spas shag. (qhontsoa sh.!:!,i'Jla t!wa ch!-
rlongs pa rgyog gi •dug. (ch2, qh33shaa. lor)pa ' qh2,mpa th2,1'JPO podshoo
yooqi ~. ')

kaaqii) take steps, iso, means/ measures, vo, ~<::l~~~·

steamboat~~-~ /UI')'t-u/ ~~· /th~psh~A chE_t/ 11 They took steps to go
steam engine ~~~"'\~·a..~~R~ /l~I')Shut. thUO- to war. kho tshos dmag rgyog yag gi thobs shes
qhoo/ byos po red. lqhantsa3 mao kaayaaqi thapshM
mouth -'S~m~- 1. n, ~-s.r.~· /qhola?)/ 2. iso, chE_tpore~)

emit mouth steam, vi, c. -- ~ /--th~n/ watch one's step, vo. ~~'.=!~""-'~~· /s2,.psap
steamer~·~· /mObtu/ chE_C/ , He is dangerous, Watch your step, kho
steaming hot (for food) Si~~·~·a.~·a..a:,~· [mi] nyen go yod po zhig red, khyod rang zob zob
/lol')pa tshOptsuu/ ' ' '""V ~ byed ang. (qho m!:_ ii!I'JQO y~poci r!~ kh3ro s2,.psap
steam-roller ~·J:CI,~-=t\·~~·a.~x..· /sacoa lorJqoo/ ch!:_ oa)
stick 415

step aside, 1. iso. on a rood, etc., vo. D. ~~· /qh~p tsO~/ f He stuck her hand with a needle,
(XI."t\'~~.x..· /l~l)qa~ s.!:!r I 11 He stepped aside for khos mo 1 i log par khob btsugs shag, ( qhS~ m~
me. khos nga la lam khag bzur song. ( qhS~ I)~ l2_qpoo qh~p tsOushoa) 3. iso. hong/fosten/ot-
1.9.,1)qo~ S_!:!rsu) 2. iso. in on election, etc., va. tocb, va. B, ~'I\=' /q'f'f/ f He stuck the

A. ~x.·~~~"' /s~tu t~&/ [Syn. zur sdod pointing on the wall. khos ri mo de rtsig po 1 i
byos] ldebs lo bkol song! (qhSB r!:_muti tsiqp&& te~lo
step by step ~~·c:.t~· /r!:_m~~/ 11 They built i t q'ffshoo) 4. iso. fasten with adhesive, va. B.
step by step. kho tshas 'di rim pas l:!rgyab "i~· /c~/ 11 He stuck the pointing on the wall.
song. (qhontsO'd t!:_ r!:_m~~ k_:psu) [Syn. gom po khos ri mo de rtsig -po 1 i ldebs lo sbyor song.
rim pos byos] (qhSB r!:_muti tsiqp&& t!~lo c~o) 5, iso. ar-
stepfather ""4~' /ph~tshap/ [Syn. pha yor] rc:hl1 vi, A. ~.:q· /s_!:!U/ f The arrow stuck in
step forward, va. c. ~~~~-z~ /t.!!!:!nla th!'!~/ the tree, mdo 1 de shing la zhug shag, ( t.9..ti
11 He stepped forward. kho mdun la don song. shil)la S_!!Ushaa) 6, · iso, cars, vi. D, ~"'-\'
(qho t~nla th~~so) /th!:_m/ f The cor was stuck in the mud. mo to
stepladder ~~·?\'\~' /~mq&&/ de 'dog po'i nang lo dim shag. (m~toti t2_qpo~
stepmother ~·Ol;l.:,.' /m2_yoa/ [Syn. ma tshab] n~nlo th!:_mshoa) [Syn, 'thims] 7, iso, stick
step on, iso. squash/crush ~·~·~'Y~ /t~­ in one's mind, vi. A. ~l!Q.~·~S~_,~·OJ.'"'l.~.:(:_ /sem
tsii U!J?./ ~nlo t~&/ f It stuck in my mind for many
step on someone's toes, iso, interfere va.~·"t\~~· months, I di zla 00 mong p0 nga I i Sems nang 10
~· /theto~ chE_c/ bsdod shag. ( t!:_ t.9.,wo m_:l)qu 1)_££ sem n~nlo tE_C-
steppe, see: plain shoo) 8. iso. get/be jammed, vi. A. ~4\"f\
step up, see: increase /~a/ 11 The zipper got stuck, 'dzeb 'gag shag,
sterile, 1. iso. no living germs ~"'~~e:._:~· (ts!p q.9..~shoo) 9. iso. stick around, vo, A.~"'\'
/n~mpu lll!~po/ 2, iso, a woman ~F';\~·~~~· /q_!!U/ f Stick around, he'll come soon. sgugs
/r_:pcl!.~ma/ dong. kho mgyogs po yong gi red. (q_!:!uta qho k~­
sterilization, 1. iso. germs a-..e...:.~~""\.~'1'::\~a.t."'\' qo Y_!!l)qire~) 10. stick out, iso, being obvious
/~mpu ~~po s~yo~/ 2, iso, reproduction~ a.i!£-~~~~·eE:::'"'-~ /1)88ns&& th~po/ f It
~ -.r- .......
~ l':t:>"T\~·~~·€}.~Cl.\~'
/k-eqo qoqtom.. ch!yao.., really sticks out, 1 di dngos gnos mngon gsol
sterilize, 1. iso. kill all germs, va. C.~~~ dod po 1 dug. (t!:_ 1)3nc& 1)88ns&& th~po t_!:!u) 11.
-::-.. ....,.... I ..
<9-l"'c:.t'~~~· n.!_!mpu m!epo s~/
.. 2. iso. destroy iso. stick out tongue, vo, D. ~~x..· /nor/ 11
ability to reproduce, va. ~;~"""'."t\.l:~y~~·~· Stick out your tongue. khyod rang gi lee snor
/k~qo q~qtom ch~c/ dong. (kh3rc& ce norto) 12. stick out, iso,
stern, see: strict protrude, vi. c. ~.:<.·~z~ /s_!!rtu th!!O/ 11 The
stethoscope, neo, ~~€'1\.~'C?~~~o.:t·~· /n.!_!ship rock stuck out, rdo de zur du don shag. ( t.9.,ti
ii~nto thtltlcc&/ S_!!rtu th~?.shoo) 13, iso, stick something out to
steward ~~·IS11f""- /choantsO'd/ 11 He is the stew- the end 1 vo. B. ~lii~~~cq· /tho k'ff/ f He
ord for on aristocratic family. kho sger po mi stuck it out and finally graduated, khos 'di
tshong zhig gi phyog mdzod red, (qho q!rpo m!:_..;. mtho' bskyol nos mtho 1 mo slob grwo ·· thon shag.
tsoon ciqi cha~ntsa~ re~) (qh8"d t!:_ tho kf'fnc thl5mo lapto thS?.sho~) 14.
stewardess on a plane ~~~·~~·at~~"'~~ iso. stick together, for people, vo, A. a<t~~-~
/nant.tru l_££ce~ ph~o/ 13.~~ /iiantoo tE_&/ f Those three boys always
stick, 1. iso. a piece of wood n. ~.o:t\.·~· /k_!:!qpo~/ stick together • phru gu bu gsum po de rtog par
2. iso. pierce with needle, vo. A. ~~·~~~· mnyom du sdod kyi 1 dug. ( puqu ph_!! sOmputi toq-
416 sticker

paa n~mtM tt.Jllqil/ 15. iso. stick things toge- de skye shi thebs shag. (m~ puqu sQmpati keshi
ther, va. B. ~'9~·~~x..· /ii~mtM c::;:.f 11 The theesha~l
two stamps stuck together, sbrag rtags gnyis pa stimulant, neo. <li"\~Q.\·~~ /ii~psee mffn/ [Syn.
de mnyam du sbyar shag. ( t.~qta~ n!Iputi ii~mtM nyob songs yag gi sman]
c~sha~) stimulate, va. A. ~Sl.~~.::n,~·~·~.q_~"l\' /s!mshuu
sticker, iso. a label, neo. keru cuu/ 11 He stimulated their interest- in re-
to~ c~rsho~/ ligion. khos kho tsho chos la do snang byed yag
stick up for, 1. see: support 2. iso. speak in gi sems shugs skye ru bcug pa red. ( qh3B qhon-
favor of, va. A. t('~~~·o.:~·~~a:,· ~· /th1;!n- tso ch8"dla th_2naan Ch!:_YO~qi s!mshuu keru cuupa-
ta~la qfca shf&/ 11 This year he stuck up ree) [Syn. ngor shugs skye ru bcug]
(verbally) for Oorje at the meeting. do lo khos stimulus ~~.:~-q~;'~\"A'~~~~"l\'a:l"'\" /simshuu keru
tshogs 'dur rdo rje'i don dog la skad cha bshad cuuya~/ 11 As for a stimulus, extra money is
pa red, ( th~lo qh33 tshontoo toocee thonta~la best. sems shugs skye ru bcug yag la dngul thol
qfca shfcpare~) pa sprod yag de yag shos red, (simshuu keru
sticky ~ /tsh!/ 11 My hands are sticky. nga'i cuOya~la niTa th88pa t,83ya~ ti y,2qshoB r!:_e)
lag par tshi 'dug. (n££ l~qpaa tsh! t~u) sting, 1 • va. A. oo.~~:.·"'l.~· /t~n tsuu/ 11 The
stiff, 1. ~~""\~·~ /t.hoqo/ 11 I need a stiff bee stung me. nga la sbrang nor bus mdung
piece of paper. nga la shog bu mkhregs po zhig btsugs byung. (n~ fJ.21J nMptiU t~n tsOucu) 2.
dgos kyi 'dug. (n~ shOqu thoqoci q2~) 2. iso. see: pain
a corpse ~.:;:_·~ /r::_npo/ 3. iso. get/be stiff stinger \"\. 'Sl. ~~· / qh~ntul)/ 11 bee's stinger
after work/exercise, etc., vi. a;,"'\·~~<=~.' /chCi~ sbrang nor bu'i kha mdung (P.2n n~pUU qhentun)
k!!p/ 11 I worked in the fields yesterday and am stinging nettle ~·~ /s,2pa/
stiff today, nga kha sa ngas zhing ga'i nang la stingy, 1. adj. <:t>.:n_•.q,·e::....~·.2f' /l,2qpa th,2mpo/ 1i He
las ka byas nos de ring chag brgyab shag. (n~ is stingy. kho lag pa dam po 'dug." (qho
qhffsa n£& sh~nq&& n~nla l££qa chE_Cn& th::_riin th,2mpo t.!:!_u) [Syn. ser sna chen pa; bkren
cha~ k!!psha~) 4. iso. make one's limb stiff, 2. iso. act stingy, va. -- (§.,~ I --chE_c/
c-.. .
va. C • .<:l.~c::.~· /tan/ 11 Please make your arm stink, 1. iso. smell bad, vi. D. ~-~-~~·~"'\·~·
stiff. khyed rang gi phyag bsgrengs rogs gnang. /t.h!,ma t~qcaa qhCi/ 11 This room stinks. khang
(kheraanqi chCi~ t~nro~naan) pa 1 di la dri rna sdug chag cig kha gi 1 dug.
still, 1 • iso. even now ""~c..· /th!!ntM/ 11 He is (qhCil)pa t&& t.h~ma t.!:!_qca~ci qh~qil) 2. iso. not
still working. kho do dung las ka byed kyi good ~"'\'dS<t'\' /t.!:!.qca~/ 11 The book stinks. deb
'dug. 2. see: de sdug chag cig 'dug. (th!:_pti t~qc~ci t.!:!.ul
moreover; f~rthermore 3. iso. be still/quiet, stipulate, 1. in a written document, va. C. ~~
va. A. f\'(,"1:::(.'~ /qhCiqhaa t'§d/ 4. iso. stand ~~ /c~a q3B/ 11 He stipulated he would
still, va. A. ~-~-"'4~"-' /tsllquu tE.V _ 11 The receive the house. khos khang pa rag gi red zer
child won 1 t stand still. phru gu de tsog_ pur br jod bya bkod shag. ( qh8B qhol)pa r~qirees
sdod kyid mi 'dug. (pOquti tsuquu t~qimint~u) codca q8"dshao) 2. in speech, see: say
stillbirth, iso. have, vi. C. ~-~~·~·~A:'\· /puqu stipulation t::l.~"\_~· /co'&a/
sh!pa ke~/ 11 She hod a stillbirth. mo }a phru stir, 1. va. "\~"'1·~~~·-G '7C:'
gu shi pa zhig skyes shag. (m22 puqu sh!paci He stirred the tea. khos ja dkrug dkrug btang
ke~sha~) song. (qh8"d ch~ t,uqt,uu taanso) 2. iso. stir up
stillborn, vi. A. ~ff\·:e""-~· /keshi thee/ 11 Her (trouble), va. ~<21~-~~· /qn!Jlor\ ch£f:./ 11
third child was stillborn. mo'i phru gu gsum pa He stirred up the workers to strike, khos bzo
stop · 417

pa tshor los bshol ngo rgol byed yog sku! slong stomach oche, iso. hove/get, vi. D.~~~·~·
byos pa red. (qhBB s~pots::>::> '!££_shoo IJ~OO che- /1-h.2q::>~ "'f:../ 11 I hove a bod stcimoch ache. ngo
yoo qOOloh ch£Cpore~) grod khog zhe drag no gi 'dug. (IJ'E_ 1-h~q::>~ she-
stirrup b.l~' /y2_p/ t-oo. n2_qil)
stitch, 1. ~·~· /tshimpu/ 11 three stitches stomp, see: stamp
tshem bu gsum (tshimpu srm) 2. vo. -- .<:!.®,~· stone "K /t2_/
/--k2_p/ 11 He stitched the wound. khos rmo lo stone ~ge ~~c::..:.~c::.,:~~~·;,::.~· /t;!PcC ph~coB
tshem bu brgyob song. (qh~d mBla tshimpu k2_psu) thUUrap/
3. iso, toke out stitches, va. B. -- <::i~c:.l.· stone bouqd.ory·morker "£-~ /thoto/
1--t.S~V stone bridge• /t:!"om/
stock, 1. iso. merchandise on hand <'U"'\'~ /l'E_q- stone carving/engraving 'R._~~· /t~"r%/
yot-/ 11 His stock of foods is low. kho'i log stone floor ~"f\~=.· /t~pccc/
yod bzo' bco' nyung nyung red, (qh88 l'E_qybt, ~­ stone inscription ~¥·~·~· /t_£qoB y!qi/
cho n!!IJiiuun r!:_~) [Syn. mdzod gsog; dos khong stone mason ~.::t~"\' /t~ps::>~/
nang la bsogs bzhog pa 1 i dngos zog] 2. iso. (a stone pillar ~~· /t~rih/
shore of) stock in a company, neo. ~-o:~ stone pottery ~~~· /t_£q::>~/
/m2_ntsiin/ 11 I bought 10 shores of stock in the stone sculpture ~~·~;,::.·"'~~~· /t~q"r% P!!r-
factory, ngos bzo grwo de 1 i nang lo mo 1 dzin suu/
bcu nyos pa yin. (1J£C s~t.o tii noonlo mantsiin stone statue 1:(~· /t_£qu/
cu ii~dpoyin) 11 They sold stock in the factory. stoneware ~~~ /t;!PCC/
kho tshos bzo grwo 1 i nang lo ma 1 dzin btsongs stonework, 1. n. ~Cl:i<-\' /t_£1CC/ 2. iso. do
song. (qhontsot- n~nlo m2_ntsiin tsohso) stonework, vo. -- ~~· /--ch£C/
[Syn. ma rtsa dngul 'dzin] stool, 1. see: choir 2, see: excrement
in stock Q.\~~"t\·~· /l'E_qth::>~lo/ 11 Do you hove stool sample
it in stock? 1 di khyod rang gi log thog la yod ch~pceen/

pas? (t~ kh8rcc l~qth::>~la y~pccl stooped over ""'-"%"''~~.:.:.·~· /q!!quu ch£'&/
stockholder, neo. at·o:.~dJ~I?'t~ /m2_ntsiin iio- stop, 1. iso. abandon smoking, drinking, eating,
I)Ccn/ vo. A. t:l..Q~ /cr:&t 11 He stopped drinking beer.
stocking ~~~'Q;l' /Om sulu/ khos chong bead shag. (qh8tl chaon C£Cshoo) 2.
'-0 """"'
stock market, neo. /m2_ntsiin iso. abandon doing other things, vo. A. ~~~·

tshol)ro/ t4.~~·/yuq sh::_o/ 11 He stopped selling statues,

stockpile, va. A. -""~""\~· /sao/ 11 They stock- khos sku tshong rgyog yog g.yug bzhog shag.
piled many weapons. kho tshos go log mong po (qh8"d q!!tshoon k~yao yuq sh::_oshao) 3. vo. iso.
bsogs shag. (qhantsod qh~loo m2_1)qu sooshoo) stop/block em oct, A. "'V\\"t\' /qoo/ 11 He stopped
stoke, vo. A. ~'<X.."'-...Zl\'"-~"11.~· /m!:_ntoo t.Ou/ the cor. khos mo t.o bkog song. (qh~d ~to qao-
stolen ~~~·.q<ct..• /qrlJpcc/ 11 stolen goods brkus so) 11 I couldn't stop him from going, ngos kho
pa'i dngos zog [brkus nor] (qUUpcc 1)8"os::>~ [qOO- 'gro yog bkog thub ma byung, (1J£C qho 1-Eyao qao
n::>r] ) thOu m2_euunl 11 He stopped the leak. khos thig
stomach, . 1 • ~ ~=-· ; h. "<\~~·:sre:;.:: /1-h~::>~; h. pa bkog song. (qh~ thiqpa qaoso) 4. iso. be
s83t.od/ 2. iso. hove no desire Q:.~"'z::.:t'~~ blocked/stopped up, vi. A. a.""""-' /q::_o/ 11 The
/t_2pa m!:_~/ 11 I hove no stomach for this work. drain was stopped up. chu 'gro 'gog shag,
ngo los ko 'di byed yog gi 'dod po med, (IJ'E_ (chunt-6 qE_Oshoo) 5. iso. stay, va. A. "''.~""
lccqa t! ch!:_yaaqi t~pa ~e) !t£tl 11 He stopped at the best hotel, khos
418 stopper

mgron khong yog shos der bsdad shag, (qh8B t£D- /--sh'fc/ 2. iso. a floor 33""\:~' /th55so/ ~ He
qoon y~qsho1s t&& t.E,~shoa) 6. iso. stop/come lives on the second story. kho thog sa gnyis
over ¥\~·~c:.· ; h. ~.<::t~·~~- /sh5:, aa; h. ph~ par Sdod kyi I dug, ( qho th55SO nifpoo t~qil)
oa/ ~ Stop over later. gzhug lo phebs ong, ~ a two story house khang pa thog sa gnyis yod
(sh_!:!ula phe~ oo) 7. iso, a sojourn ~C<.l"'\' pa zhig (qhoQpa th55so nrr y~paci) 3. iso. an
/tooyoo/ ~ He liked his stop in Tibet. kho bod account ar--:~~- /l_!:!kUU/ ~ There are many
lo sdod yog la dgo 1 po 'dug, ( qho ph~cllo t~­ stories about""" the king, rgyal po de' i skor gyi
yaolo q~po t_!:!u) 8, iso, stop it!, iso, don't do lo rgyus mang po 'dug. (k&&po thg_ q55qi luktr;'i
it, id. ~~~·~'\\ /th!:ntc~ m9.ce~/ 9, iso. m~Qu t_!:!u)
stop raining/snowing, v1, A. db~ /ch'ff./ ~ It story book ~~·~· [Syn. sgyung deb]
stopped raining , char po chad shag, (chaopa stout, see: fat
ch'fcshoo) stout-hearted, see: brave
stopper, see: plug stove .R.A' /thap/
storage mf1f"c;;;_ /tsc/'o; ~ He left the books in electric stove ~<~:~·~<:~,· /l&jtap/
storage, khos deb de tsho mdzod nang lo bzhag iron stove ~"'\~· ~<=.J..' /caqtap/
shag. (qhBlj th!:P thentso tsoB naonla sh9.oshao) stovepipe ~ a..~~~~·.;;a.i~· /th_!:!nt~ coQtoon/
[Syn, bong mdzod] stow, see: put away
storage battery ~"<\'-"'\~' a.~~·<\5~' /15qso:, strafe, neo. va. "\""-~·~~~·~~·~""·~~"'<' /nfJm-
thliDc&C/ tun& P!:_qpao k~p/
store, 1, iso. a retail store, n. ~c:::· ~&::.· straight, 1. iso. not curved cs_""'l.if..·"£i: lt.~Qpo/ ~
/tshoQqaan/ ~ Which store has guns? tshong a straight line thig 'drong po zhig (thil t'2,D-
khong go go 1 i me mdo' 1 dug? ( tshoQqaa qh~qM po ci) 2. iso. directly "'<'1.:t:'~"'\' /shorkoo/ ~
~nta t~6) 2. iso. leave for keeping, vo, A. He went straight to Lhasa. kho lho sor shor
~·'~Vt'l,~'oG..€'0\<I:\'/sao sh~o/ ~ He stored the food in rgyog phyin shag. (qho lhffsoa shorkao chin-
irori boxes. khos !cogs sgom nang la za bca 1 shoo) 3. iso. to the point p._~\"1:~~· /qhari
bsags bshag shag. !qh8B caaqam n~nla saca sao qhathuu/ ~ He is a straight talker. ""' kho skad
sh~oshoo) 3. iso. stores well, vi. A. ~""~· cho kha ri kha thug la shod mkhan zhig red.
~A.~"\: /ylJUn r_!Qqu t,£&/ ~ Tsamba stores well, (qho q'fco qhari qhathuula sh8"0Q&&nci r=~) 4.
rtsom pa yun ring po sdod kyi red, (tsampo yiTun iso. a straight rood =~·~"'\'(Il?C..'~~· /l~Qqoa
r_!Qqu tUUqire~) qhathuu/ "'
storehouse ~~#"" /sh33nts~/ straighten out, 1, vo, C. a..~·~~*\'
storeroom ( usu, for eatables) "'\~x.·o!;'c::: /i'ie- s'2_~/ ~ He straightened the wire. khos !cogs
tsoon/ skud de 'drong po bzos song. (qh~ caaqUU ti
storm (dust) <=ll.'~z::.· /th~~luun/ t~po s~dso) 2. iso. become a good person, vi,
storm (rain) ~"'\·o;:,:x:.: /i'2_qchoo/ A. ~"'\·i2:f'o;,"'\~' /y~qo chao/ ~ He straightened
stormy, 1. 4:\~/Sl'O:...aSl:t·~ /nam tshupu/ ~ It was out after going to school. kho slob grwar phyin
stormy yesterday. kha sa gnam •tshub po 'dug. nos yag po chags. shag. (qho Iatoa chi?.c y;:qo
(qh'ffsa nam tshi:ipu tuu) 2. iso. violent c=..::x::·;:f"" chaoshao)
/Q~rpo/ ~ a stormy debate rtsod pa 1 ngar po strain, 1. vo. /tshaa k~p/ ~ He
zhig (ts3pa Q~rpoci) strained the noodles, khos rgyo thug tshogs
story, 1. i. n. ~~: /i_!:!m/ ~ That is a nice brgyob song, (qh'3B k~tuu tshoolk~psu) 2. see:
story. sgrung de yag po 'dug.. (t_!:!mti y~qo t_!:!u) sprain
ii. iso. ,tell a story, vo. A. -"'~.~"\' /tshoo/ 11 teo strainer jo
strenuous 419

tshags ( ch£tsha~) shag. (qho l~mshuunc qho kh~rsha~) 2. iso, a

straits ~~Q...""\~' /tshonqa~/ 11 the Taiwan plan, vi. B. O:.<C\,Cl.\' /qcc/ 11 They strayed from
I -
Straits tho' e wan mtsho 'gag ( thffwcn tshon- the plan. kho tshos 'char gzhi nos 'gal shag.
qa~) (qhontso~ ch~shinc qccsha~)
strange ~<;1.:1.~_' /khfntsaa/ 11 rre-rs,~trange. stray dog Ol~·~· /khamkhi/
kho khyad mtshar zhig 'dug. ( qho khfntsaaci streak of lightening ~~· o:.~~~···:s.: /1'5~ khuupa/ 11
tuul I saw a streak of lightening in the sky. "" ngas
stranger, neo. ~-~~:c.:~· /m};_ soopa/ gnam dgung la glog 'khyugs pa mthong byung.
strangle, va. ~-G.~' /qe tsir I 11 He strangled !rJ£& nom q~nla 1'5~ khuupa thooncul
her. khos mo 'i ske btsir song. ( qh::ffi m~ qe stream ~· /chu/ 11 We ate by a stream, nga tshos

tsirsu) [Syn. ske btsir btang] chu'i 'gram la kha lag bzas pa yin. (r)~ntsoMcl
strap, 1. n. ~C.."A"<\." /l~r)ta~/ [Syn. 'ju thag] chOO t£mla khala~ s,E_Cpayin) [Syn. rgyug chu]
2. iso, strap up, va. B. "'l.'"ii\::.:..· I --q~/ streamline, 1. iso, for offices, va, q~q~%~'

[Syn. --bsgrogs] /qhutu ch,E_c/ 11 They streamlined the office.

strategy .6~~-~~- /thapcuU/ 11 What is your kho tshos las khungs 'khu bsdu byes shag.
strategy? khyod rang gi thabs byus go re red? (qh5ntso~ lMqu~ qhutu ch,E_csha~) 2. iso. for
(kh8rcc th~pcuU qh£re r,E_£) [Syn. srid byus] factories/work, etc., va. ~-'<\--%'1':1.<:<jt:"-:

stratification, 1. iso. social, neo, -:;!lQ.i:'~-~-~~~­ taan/

~0-.\' /th~ri~ l~qsUU/ 11 Is there strati fica- street <::1\ <:ll' (.'\ ~· /l~r)qa~/ 11 What street do you
tion in India? rgya gar la gral rim lugs srol live on? khyod rang sdod sa lam khag ga par
yod pa red pas? (k~qaa la th~im l~qsUU Y2~re­ red? (kh8ra toMQsQ l~r)qO~ qh~paa r,E_C) 11 I'm
pcc) 2. iso. geology ~-~~;;;,"~\~-~~· /sashi going to "Victory Street." nga rgyal kha'i lam
ch~qrim/ khag la 'gro gi yod, (r)~ k££q&c l£r)qa~la 't-,!:!qi-
stratified society, neo. ~~~~~or~~~~~~· yod)
/th~~rim kUUntsiin citso5/ ~ main street "'-7\.~t;:.'Q.J.CA' /sh!:!Jlam/
stratigraphy--"N.·~~.:a:.~~~<:>\ ~""\'~Ol._~· /sashi side street ~:X:.'Cll5-'l.' /s~lam/

ch~qrim r_!r)ncc/ street meeting ~0.3-'<:l.lel.!.'~~· Ct."\' /thomlam

stratum ::n_=~~· /~h~rim/ 11 These days, aristo- tsh~lintu/

crats are the lowest stratum. deng sang sku street name Ol.a.t'(tl.<:t\'~·~~· /l~l')qa~ qi m};_r)/
drag tsho gral rim dma' shes red, (th~r)Saan qu- strength ~"'\.~· /shuq/ 11 Their strength de-
ta~tso th~rim mashoB r~e) creased. kho tsho'i shugs chag shag, (qhontsoo
straw, 1. iso. stalks of grain ~~'.s.l.' /s'55ma~/ shuq cho~sha~) [Syn. stobs shugs]
2. iso. drinking straw ~-~·~·~· /s'55ma~ pi- strengthen, 1. va, ¥-""\'~"l'\~·~·~q'?c::..' /ti!ip-
pi/ 3. iso. straw cut into pieces for fodder shuu charu taan/ 11 They strengthened the navy.
-"'\;s..:~· /s,E_mpa/ 4. iso. straw used in making kho tshos mtsho dmag stobs shugs che ru btang
baskets/huts/hats/etc. ~· /tso/ shag. (qh5ntsod tsh0ma~ tOpshuu cheru taansha~)
strawberry '§~q_~a4.·~ /tsa t-.!;!mpu/ 2. iso. forts J:1\~~o<::\'?C::..' /tsfmru toon/ 3.
straw hat -r-·":i' /tsosha/ iso. dams/houses ""-~CSI.,:~"''.~t=:.: /tfmru toon/
straw mat ~'<'rl."'-~ /tsatccn/ 4. iso. an animal or person, va,~<n_~~-~"l.'9C.."
straw rope ~-Ja~· /tsotha~/ /shuq cheru taan/
straw twine ~-~~ /ts~qu~/ strenuous \\<n_~·:i;'ct.:,2f' /shuq chempo/ 11 Riding a
stray, 1 • vi. D. ~·~~· /qho kh~r I 11 He strayed bicycle is strenuous exercise. rkang sga ril
from the main road. kho lam gzhung nos kha gyar bzhon yag de Ius rtsal shugs chen po zhig red,
420 - stress

(qa~qarii sh~nya~ti l~ts&& shOq chempoci r!~) struck him on the head. kho'i mgo la brag rdo
stress, 1. see: emphasize 2. iso. mental, see: thebs shag. 3.
worry iso. a labor strike, i. n. <Xl.~"'\-;{"Q::I.·~~·
stretch, 1. va. C. "1..~~~· /ko'?!/ ~ He stretched /!~shoo ~~q~o/ ii. iso. go on strike, va.
out his hand. khos lag pa brkyangs song. (qh~d €l~·/--ch_£&/ V The workers went on strike. bzo
l~qpa ko~so) 2. iso. a string on an instrument, pa tshos las bshol ngo rgol byas pa red. (s~pa­

va. C. '""-~'~1:3.-;r-~· /th~mpo s"§d/ 3. iso. yawn tso"B l&&sh<XJ ~~'B'B chE_cpare?l) 4. iso. be
and stretch, va. if-".f\c;;.:@_.~' /ko~h&c chE_&/ ~ affected with illness, vi. A. Gd~- /ph'S?>/ ~
He stretched several times before getting up. They were struck down with malaria. kho tsho la
khos ma longs gong la [rkang lag] rkyong shad 'dar nod phog shag. (qhonts-:J-:J t~rn&c ph3~sha~)
thengs kha shas byas song. (qho m~la~ qh~nla 5. iso. strike camp, va. c. -~.::c:~~· /q2__r pM/
qa~la~ ko~hcc then qhashcc chE_csol 4. iso. V We will strike camp tomorrow. sang nyin nga
make larger, e.g. clothes, va • .o:s;~~-~l:l- /k~~ tsho sgar spo gi yin. (s~Fiiin ~~ntso q~r puqi-
k~p/ ~ He stretched the shoe. khos !hom gog la yin) 6. iso. strike a deal, vi. A. ~~~·a:..~"t\~'
brgyangs brgyab song. (qhSB ha~q~~la k~~ k~psu) /qf!ca t-_!1/ V We struck a deal to build a
5. iso. get stretched (for clothes), vi. A.~~· house. ngo tsho khang pa rgyag yog gi skad cha
~~-<s<>"t\~· /lhuqluu cho~/ 6. iso. stretch a 1 grigs song. ~~~ntso qho~pa kaaya~i qf!ca t-!,1-
rubber band/rope, va. D• .cs.~::c.· /ni'Jr/ su) 7. iso. eliminate a nome, etc., va. c.~~-

stretcher ~-'!t\: a§,~· /k;-:Jcaan/ /tB~/ V They struck his name from the list
stretcher-bearer a.~<S:\,'CX.~.:::.·o.."~::r..:~~<i\ /k-:J-:J- of party members. kho tshos tshogs pa 1 i ming
caan khee~&&n/ gzhung nos kho'i ming bton shag. (qhonts~d
strew, 1. va. D.~~~ /t3r/ 2. vi. D. o._~· tsh5qp&& m_!~shuunn& qh38 m_!~ tB~sha~l a. iso.
/th'!lr/ ~ Clothes were strewn everywhere. dug strike flog, see: surrender 'l. iso. strike
slog go sa go la 'thor shag. (th~ql~~ qh~a sail, va. D. ~.:::.·"\\~'~"l.· /Hi~y~r pap/ 10.
qh~la th'!lrsha~) iso. strike an hour, va. C. .<::\.~' ~~~/ ~
stricken, see: ill; sick The clock struck two. chu tshod gnyis brdungs
strict ~~'""-<A'~ /t-!_q th~mpo/ ~ He is a strict song.. ( chutshuU nii t~?.su)
(person). kho sgrig dam p6 zhig 'dug. (qho t-!_q striker, 1. iso. a worker Q;;t~-~~Cl.t~~"\'<3.1:~<(
th~mpoci t~u) ll££Sh~o ~~oo ch~&&n/ 2. iso. of a bell ~"'-l'
strictly speaking "\~~'4;1<;1.,~·{!.,~"' /~38n&& ch~n?/ ~~·~· /t-h_!~pUU ce/
stricter, 1. iso. make stricter, va~ ~"t\'"\_"&'~ strike-breaker 1 neo. 0:1.~-~~·~~::JJ.Jilf'.:~-"~\'1-~'
~<ijl::.' /t-!_q th~mru toon/ 2. iso. become stricter,
/!~shoo l_!!tUU ch!IJ&en/
vi. ifl<:t\'"'\,~·~~i51..' /t-!_q th~mru chi~/ string, 1. ~-"~· /q"Opa/ V I need some string.
stride, 1. ~!M·~c::.· /qh~mshaan/ V He has a long nga la skud pa tog tsam zhig dgos kyi 'dug.
stride. kho gom zhang chen po 'dug. (qho qh~­ ( ~aa· qilpa t'S~tsaci q2?>) 2. iso. the string on
shaan chempo t~u) 2. iso. a step ~al.·~· /qh~­ on instrument ~"'-~""-" /ku'Uqtr;J/ V How many
pa/ ~ He walked a stride or two ahead of me. strings does a Tibetan lute have? bod po'i sgra
khos nga 1 i sngon la gom po gcig gnyis shig spos snyan la rgyud skud go tshad yod pa red? (qh_£-
song. ( qh~ ~~ ~~~nla qh2'1pa ciqi'iilci p~dso) p&& t-~mn&&nla kUUqu1l qh~tsh~ Y2?>rcc) 3. iso.
3. see : progress; advances string beads, va. C. ~~cu.·~~· /tciria k.!f~/
strife, see: conflict ~ He strung the pearls. khos mu tig star la
strike, 1. see: hit 2. iso. lightening/rock, brgyus shag. (qh8B m.;!til torla kQUsha~) 4.
etc. striking, vi. A. -.a~~· /the~/ ~ The rock iso. string of a necklace ~~~~· /t-he~h&&/
studies · 421

~ She wore a double string of pearls. mos mu chomcamla

tig 'phreng shal gnyis gon shag, (qh8'd m~til strong, 1, iso. an animal or person ~"1:\~:a:,i'i\.:~

thei)Shcc iirr qh~nsha~) 5, iso. pull strings, /shuq chempo/ ~ He is very strong, kho shugs
see: pull chen ··po zhe drag 'dug, (qho shuq chempo sh!taa
string instrument ~"\.~"'.:.{""ru·a:,· /ktrt.iqtr~ r~a/ t~t) 2. iso. cloth, etc, ~G\">:\.~·~ /theqo/ ~
stringent, see: strict This material is stro~g. rgyu cha 1 di mkhregs
strip, 1. iso. take off clothes, va. A. ~~·~ po 'dug. (k~pca t! thoqo t~u)
~"- /th~qlb6 p!l/ ~ First we had to strip. stronger, 1. ~~~·.::~.· /shuq chfc/ 2. a-te.'<\~·~·
sngon la nga tsho dug slog phud dgos red, /thaqa/
(l')l:~nla l')ontso th0ql6~ pilqore~) 2. iso. strip structure ~""\~'~"-~' /cheqtan/ ~ Please ex-
a tree, va. A. "t\"'~1::\'<f'~~· /qh~nyod t3o/ plain (what is) the structure of the government.
~ They stripped the tree of its fruit. kho gzhung gi chags stangs go 1 dra yin pa zhig gsung
tshos shing sdong de 1 i shing tog gang yod btogs rags gnang. (sh~i)qi choqtan qh~nt~~ Y!mpaci
shag. (qhontso3 sh!l')toontii shil')tM qh~nyod sul')r::>onaan)
t'osha~) [Syn. gang yod bkog] 3, iso. struggle, 1. n. CUl."\'~ /th~pts~/ ~ revolu-
demote/strip of rand or position, va. "\~~­ tionary struggle gsar brje'i 1 thab rtsod (sor-
~"l\'~'<jl:::.: /q2.£111p::>o ta~n/ ~ They stripped the cee th~ptsb"ti) ~ class struggle gral rim 1 thab

officer of his rank, kho tshos dmag dpon de rtsod ('t-h~~rim th~ptsb-d) [Syn. 'thab 'dzings]
dgongs phog btang shag. (qhCintso3 m~qpbonti 2. va. -- ~· /--chc&/ ~ They struggled to
qoomp::>o ta~nsha~) [Syn. gnas dbyungs btang] 4. eliminate feudalism. kho tshos bkas bkod rgyud
iso. a narrow piece %~-~~"<\· /lheptsaci/ ~ 'dzin lam· lugs mad po bzo yag la 1 thab rtsod
( qhontsoo ... ...
a strip of meat sha lhebtsam zhig (she lhep- byas pa red. qffqoo k~ntsiin l~mluu
tsaci) m!:_~po s~ya~la th~ptsb1i ch.£Cpore~) 3. iso.
striped ~-~"'\~.::::·~· /r!}nu sh~I'Jtha/ ~ His shirt wrestle with ~~·~c::·~ /eptaan tshfc/ ~ He
was striped. kho'i stod thung la ri mo gzhung struggled with the homework. khos nang sbyong
khra 'dug. (qh88 tllOtuunla r!mu sh~tha t~u) byed yag dang ab.thang tshad shag. (qh83 n2.1')con
strive, va. ~~~-"\~"1.' /shuq k~p/ 11 He strove ch!ya~ta ~ptaan tshfcsha~)
to increase his yields, khos kho rang gi thon strum, see: play
'bob che ru 1 gro yag la shugs brgyab po red. stub (one's foot), vi. D. .;n_c:.'c::.J.'t::\~"-1.~ /qel')po
(qh8'd qhorcc th~bab cheru t~ya~la shuq k~pare~) t~p/
[Syn. shugs skyed byas; nus shugs bton] stubborn ~~Cl·;~">:\.~·~ /~ thoqo/ ~ He is very
stroke, 1. iso. pet, va. ~:.:.-~:.::.·~~· /ch~huu stubborn. kho mgo mkhregs po zhe drag 1 dug.
chc&/ ~ She stroked his face, mos kho i 1 gdong (qho q~ theqo sh!taa t~tl
la byur byur byas song. (m~"ti qh88 t~nla ch!!!;!- stubby fingers ~~·~-i!"'\~~· /ts~qu P!qpil/
chuu ch~cso) 2. iso, a medical stroke, vi, A. stuck-up ~-~i:F /qh_2P tsh~po/ ~ He is
""\l!i.R'~"'\' /s9_ ph3o/ ~ He had a stroke recently. stuck-up. kho gob tsha po zhig 'dug. (qho qh_2p
nye char kho la gza 1 phog shag. (n~aa qh35 S£ tshepoci t~t)
ph'osha~) 3. iso, in one stroke ~~~-·~\·.'~"<\' student ~'-SJ'Q. • /lepta~/ ~ Are you a student?
/k9.,qten ciq/ ~ In one stroke they won the war. khyod rang slob grwa ba yin pas? (kh3ro lepta~
dmag rgyag thengs gcig la kho tsho thob po red. Y!mpcc) [Syn. slob phrug]
(rna~ k9_qten ciqla qhCintso thapare~) studio ~::\~('\.~ /s2_qhaan/
stroll QS~·Q;19J.' /chomcam/ ~ Let's go for a studies ~·W: /lopcon/ ~ His studies ore
stroll. nga tsho cham cham la 'gro to, (l')£ntso finished. kho' i slob sbyong tshar shag. ( qh88
422 studious

lopcon tsh~osha~) [Syn, slob gnyer] ~- He stutters. khos kha dig dig byed kyi 1 dug.
studious ""-~~ /tstlmpu/ ~ He is studious, (qh~d qho th!qtil ch!qil)
kho btsun po "' 1 dug. ( qho tsOmpu t~~) [Syn, sty, 1. iso. pigpen <:4.=,·~· /phoqtsaan/ 2. iso,
snying rus chen po] a boil "'l\~~ a..~.J:.' /nl!mpuu/
study, va. ~-~·~~· /lopcon ch£_"&/ ~ He is style, iso, a manner of doing something [vb.]
studying Tibetan. kho bod skad slob sbyong byed ~~~· /[vb.] tan/ ~ This is the new style of
kyi 'dug. (qho phooq&~ lOpcon ch!qil) painting. 1 di ri mo bri stangs gsar po red.
study group ~·~~~~~· /15mnee tsh5qha~/ (t! r!mu ~h!tan scope r!~l
stuff, see: fill stylish ~~~~~ /th~l')tb'li tshopo/ 11 She is
stuffing A~Q..~' /ph~rtsan/ ~ What is the very stylish. mo dwang dod tsha po zhed pa cig
stuffing in the cushion? gdan de 1 i bar •tshang 1 dug, (m~ th~l')tb'li tshopo sh!puci t.!:!_~)
go re red? (teen tii ph~rtsan qh~re r£_"&) [Syn, suave @_"'~c::.~·<A~~-~ /ch~tan qhffpo/ ~ She
bar rgyong] is very suave, mo byed stangs mkhos po zhed po
stuffy ~<:r~,·ct..a!P..·aJA· /no~ tshuptsut/ ~- This room .cig 1 dug. (m~ ch!ta~ qhffpo sh!puci t.!:!_u)
is stuffy.
" ..._, -
khang mig 'di nag tshub tshub cig subcommittee GI;1~CI:1<:t\,'~61..:~~· /yE_£nlo'O lhfnts::>:,/
'dug. (qh~Qmil t! n~~ tshOptsutci t~~) subdue, va. B, .~::t~~· /tOO/ ~ They subdued the
stumble, 1. vi. c. .it"\"''••:.:s:a..~~ /qol')po qh3n/ ~ enemy. kho tshos dgro brtul shag, (qhontsoB t~
He stumbled and fell. kho rkang po 1 khan nos tUOshaa) [Syn. beam]
ril song. (qho qol')po qhBnnc rgsu) 2. iso, subdued, iso. quiet, adj. ~·~~~·i2f-' /qhaqu sim-
stumble onto, see: discovered pu/ ~ He is very subdued, kho kha khu sim po
stumbling block, see: obstacle zhe drog 'dug. (qho qhaqhu simpu sh!~aa t~~)
stump ~c:;·~·t:::I.~I':.\O..?f'-<:'1.' /shil')toon cff~hoB/ subject, 1. iso. a person under the rule of, n.
stunt, vi. C. ~~~·~· /qh~q ch£_"1;/ ~ The bad 'a:t·~.J:.: /m!see/ ~ He is a Tibetan subject. kho
weather stunted the growth of the crops. gnam bod kyi mi ser red, (qho ph~i m!see r!~l 2,
gshis sdug chag gis ston thogs long yag la gegs iso. a course of study~·~ /lopcon/ ~ His
byos shag. ( namshil t~qca~i t8nt::>?J l~nyo~la main subject is mathematics, kho'i slob sbyong
qh~q ch£_csha~) gtso bo ang rtsis red, (qh88 lopcon tsowo al')-
stupe, skt. <A~"-~~ /chB8teen/ tsil r~~) 3, iso. a topic ~2f"""\~ /cb-otbon/
stupefy, vi. D. ~:~..~· /s!/ ~ He was stupefied ~ What is the subject of the article? rtsom
with opium. kho nyol thag •then nos bzi shag. yig de i br jod don go re red?
1 ( ts&lyiltii c~­
(qho nfftha~ theen& s!sha~) tbon qh~e r£&l [Syn. brjod gzhi] 4. gram.~~
stupid ~~·~· /qjjqpa/ ~ He is very stupid, ~·~/ch~popo/
kho lkug pa zhed po cig 'dug. (qho qOqpa sh!pu- subjective~·o;,~%· /r~l')toBqi/ ~ subjective
ci t~~) views rang 'dod kyi mthong tshu;L (r~l')todqi
stupor, vi. C. e:&-~~·.:u.~· /s!nthom l~n/ 11 th~tsUU) [Syn, rang shed kyi]
He lay there in a stupor from drinking, kho subjectivism ~~~~~<=:.·~~~· /r~I')She~ r!l')luu/
chong btung nos bzi 1 thorn longs byos nyal bsdad subjoined 11 1 11 Ol.'"'\.'7"'\~' /l~pta~/
shag. (qho ch~on tunc sinthom lane& n&& t&~­ subjoined "r" X.·e::t~~~· /r!!_ta'O/
sho~) subjoined "y" t ..a.:r~~~· /yata'O/
sturdy .<:1.~~~ /tfmpo/ ~ The fence is sturdy. subjoined letter <9:!.<-('<::l:.~~· /mE!:_nt::>?J/ ~ There
lcogs ri de brtan po zhig 'dug. (caariti tfmpo are subjoined letters in Tibetan, bod yig la
ci t.!:!_t) mas 'dogs yod pa red, (ph~yil la m&&nt::>?J Y2?J-
subterfuge 423

submerge, 1. vo. ~~~~~z;;.·~·~'?c:.: /chlm til') /rMQtm taan/

la toon/ 2. vi. D. ~~~t::.·~~~- /chtl0n9,£n- ~ They subsidized the hospital. kho tshos smon
lo thim/ [Syn. mtsho 1 i gting la btong) khong la regs dngul btong shag, (qhontsod mfn-
submarine ~~~%~·""~~·~ /tsh'litil') meqtu/ qoonlo r661')UU taonshao)
submissive ~CI.:I. ·~c;.· /i'iimcuun/ ~ She is very subsidy £"f\.~'"'..~~· /r~UU/ ~ We requested a
submissive. mo snyim chung zhed po cig 1 dug. subsidy. ngo tshos regs dngul zhig re 'dun byos
(m£ i'iimcuun sh!puci t~u) [Syn. nyam chung) po yin. (l')~ntsod r661')rrUci r~ntu~n ch£Cpoyin)
submit, 1. see: surrender 2. see: obey 3. iso. subsist, vi. B. ~-~<?-~' /m!tse khEB/ ~ They
send, va. B. -=<io.>' /phtlt:l/ ~ He submitted o re- could not subsist in the desert. kho tsho bye
port to the president. khos srid 1 dzin la snyan thong nang la mi tshe 1 khyol thub kyi me red,
zhu phul shag, (qh3'd siintsiinlo i'iffnshu phtlO- ( qhontso ch~thoan n9,£nlo m!tse khM ~Otr-Lmoree)
shoo) [Syn. 1 tsho bo 'khyol; 'tsho)
subordinate, 1; iso. lower rank ~~·~·"..cuq_·.::t· subsistence a_~~~ /tshoteen/ ~ subsistence
/r!mpa mrJo/ ~ subordinate officials gzhung income 'tsho rten yong 1 bob (tshoteen y~l')pap)

zhabs rim po dmo' bo tsho (sh~I')Shap r!mpa maa- subsistence farming o:.~~~~~·<:>:l~· /tshoteen
tso) 2. iso. someone working under someone of sh!I'Jl~~/
higher rank ~~~·~~~'\•-r/w2~i l~ce~pa/ ~ He subsoil water ~·<£"~~·<o· /saw6bqi chu/
is my subordinate. kho ngo'i 'og gi los byed po substance, 1. iso. o material substance ~· "' /k"::_/
red, (qho I'J££ W2~i l&&Ceepo ree) 3, iso, make ~ What substance is this? 1 di rgyu go re red?
secondary, va. ~~~c:;,'r<:\.',(§i~~· /tso chO~ ch£'&/ (t! k~ qh::_re r&c) 2. iso. main meaning ~c-~
~ They subordinated pleasure to work. kho tshos /nii')tb-on/ ~ What is the substance of his
las ko 'i don dog la so so' i skyid po gtso chung speech? kho i skad cho'i snying don go re red?

be byes po red. (qh3'd lccqcc th~tao lo s5sl:ici (qh88 qfccc nii')tb-on qh~re r£&l
kipu tso chui)a ch£'&poree) substantial "'\"f\.O:..'.:C."''.' /q:;_rM/ ~ He donated a
subscribe, nee. -§f~~z::::~·~.,~~; /1')8"01')aa ch£'&/ ~ substantial amount of money, khos dngul dgo 1
He subscribes to that magazine. khos tshag deb rob cig zhal 'debs sprod shag. ( qh3'd 1')00 q:;_r66
de sngon mngog byed kyi yod po red. (qh3'd ci shccntee tfcshoo)
tshoqtep ti I'JE81')oo ch!qiy~~ree) substantiate, 1. vo. ~-~§,.<-\' /r~ptod ch£&/ ~
subsequent "'l\.~~·<'J.l.• /sh!:!;;;moo/ ~ in a subsequent They couldn't substantiate the accusation. kho
meeting tshogs 1 du gzhug rna zhig lo ( ts'lil>ntu tshos nyes 1 dzugs byos po der ra sprod byed thub
shuumao cne) mi 'dug. (qh5ntsl:id i'ieentsuu ch£Cpo th££ r~ptb"d
subsequently ~~~·err /sh~ula/ ~ Subsequently chee thOu mintuu) 2. iso. get/be substantiated
they were able to go to Chino. gzhug lo kho vi. A. A.:o:.~c::.:_ /r:!_ 1-h~/
tsho rgyo nag lo 1 gro thub po red. substantive, see: noun
qh5ntso k£nolo t~ thOuparee) substitute, 1. n. ~· /tshep/ ~ He is my sub-
subside, 1 • iso. natural phenomena, vi. A. a:,~· stitute. kho nga 1 i tshab red. ( qho r'l££ tshap
/choa/ ~ The river subsided. chu chog shag, ree) 2. iso. substitute for, vo. ~·~~·
(chu choashaa) 2. iso. anger, vi. A. o:.~~· /tsh::;p Ch£&/ ~ He substituted for me, khos
/c::_o/ ~ His o nger subsided, kho' i rlung 1 jags nga 'i tshab byos po red. ( qh~ I'J££ tshep ch&c-
shag. (qha8 lui') c~oshoa) [Syn. zhi] paree)
subsidiary, see: supplementary subterfuge, iso. use, va. -"\;;;r-Q..~OS.'§_~· /y'litht.rtl
subsidiary company ~-=~·1::\~~h.' ~~~~~· ch£CI ~ He used subterfuge to avoid taxes.
/!~loa sotshoon namtee/ khos khral g.yol yog gi don dog la g,yo 'phrul
424 subtitle

byos shag. (qh~d th~f y83yooqi th~ntoolo Y~thuu /ph~ q£mpcc pbashUU ph_!!tsiin/
ch£Cshoo) [Syn. g.yo sgyu byos] successive "'\~"'~~"".:.~~~~"-' /tliDtu"U tOUpoa/ ~- He
subtitle (for movies) 1 neo. 1(\l;(0:>'1,i~~'t\ /qf- didn't come on 1hree successive days. kho nyin
co k~ryil/ ~ Does the movie h~e subtitles? ma gsum stud stud stud par yong mo song. (qho
glog brnyan de lo skod cho bsgyur yig 'dug gas? riime sum tOOtUu tOOpoa y~?!masoonl [Syn. bstud
(l~~n&&n t££ qfco k~ryil t~q&c) mar]
subtract, vo. c. a..~"'O\ /thenno/ ~ If you sub- successively "" .:--...
4\-'6~-~~«\<1\'9~'~~"'- /ciQCut
tract five from ten you get five. khyod rang gi iiiituUqi/ ~ They successively widened the' war.
bcu nos lnga 'then no khyod rang lo lnga yong gi kho tshos dmog gcig mjug gnyis bstud kyis rgyo
red. (kh8r&c cun& ~5 thenna kh3raa ~5 y~Qqire~) che ru btang po red. (qhontsotl mao ciQCut iiii-
subtraction <i8.~~~- /thentsil/ tu~qi k!: cheru t5anpore~i
subtraction sign o:).~~"t\_~' /thentoo/ successor ~~"'\~~"\.~~·:51..' /c_!!qkon ch~ccn/
sub-tropical, see: tropical ~ He is Nixon's successor. kho neg son gyi mjug
sub-unit, see: branch skyong byed mkhan red.
suburb ~~~·?lfc::::~ /ii~q::>::> th~~tsho/ ~ I live in ch~~c&n r~e) [Syn. rjes 'dzin byed mkhan; shul
the suburbs of Lhasa. ngo 1 ha so' i nye skor 'dzin byed mkhon]
grong tsho'i nang la sdod kyi yod. (~~ lhf~s&& succinctly ~· ~' /t~qt::>~/ ~ He spoke suc-
ii~q::>::> th~tshoo n~nla tuUqiyo~) [Syn. mtho' cinctly. khos skad cho rdog rdog bshod song.
skor grong tsho] (qh5·ci qfco t~qt::>~ shfcso) [Syn. rdog la 'gril
subvention, see: subsidy po]
subvert, va. "t\~.::.:.·=~v~·o.:~.~;.1\\.,@..,~· /t5ryooqi sue h , 1 • ~so.
· of th a t k'~n d <'--6..
~"'.~·~~- •• +h£~/
/t_n r "
l££qo ch£C/ ~ They subverted the government. ~ Such a man is evil. mi 'di 'i gros de ngon po
kho tshos gzhung gtor yog gi los ko byos po red. red. (m~ t~ th£Cti Q£mpo r~~) [Syn. 'di 'dro]
(qh5ntsod sh~n t~ryooqi l££qO Ch£Cporee) 2. iso. such as or etc. ~'"'\"t\' /crtoO/ ~ They
subversion "'\~.:>:..·<:J.l~·~·~·"'\· /t:SryoOqi l.£!:_qa/ ate food such as tsompo 1 etc. kho tshos lto
[Syn. gtor bshig los ko] chos rtsom po ci dog bzas shag. (qhantso~ top-
subway, neo. ~-a:-~-~~~-~~· /s5wM c5qlom/ ccc tsampo citoo s£&shao) 3. iso. for example
succeed, 1. iso. be successful, vi. D. ~~"'.~a.~c;· ""~:.:._· ;;:,..:__ ••• ~ '""-."'\.' /perno ••• citoO/ ~ We did
/th~ntoo t~p/ ~ Our work succeeded in changing many things such as read books and go to a bar.
the low. khrims br je yog gi thog lo ngo tshos nga tshos 'dra mo 'dra byes po yin. dper no deb
las ka byes po'i don dog 'grub byung. (thi~ c~­ bklogs, chang khong lo phyin ci dog byos po yin.
yooqi th~~lo Q!:ntsoB l.£!:_qo ch£cp&& th~ntao t~P­ (Q!:ntsod t!: m!:nto ch£cpoyin. !'!:rna th~p 15~,
cu) [Syn. lam 'gro byung; lam lo phyin] 2. choQqaonla chin citao ch£cpoyin)
iso. a position/office, va. ~~·~~· suck, 1. va. D. n:.~~· /c!;_p/ ~ He sucked his
/c!!tsiin ch£C/ ~ Who succeeded Reting? rwo mother's breast. khos a mo'i 'o mo 'jibs song.
sgreng gi rjes 'dzin sus byes po red? (r~tiinqi (qh~d amc& w~o c~psu) 2. iso. drink by sucking
ceetsiin sUU ch£cpore~l on a straw a.~"\~·<:>~...~·~%"'·/c~pnc tun/
succeeding generations ~-:sr-~~~·&l' /m~t6~ c~ma/ suckle, .1. iso. nurse a child, vo. B. i£'~·.q,_;;:s..:t:_.
success, see: succeed /w~o tee/ ~ She suckled (her) child. mos phru
succession (to office) ~~"t\w.~~="'C\' /cuqkon gu la wo rna bster song. (m3[d puq6o w~ma teeso)
chyao/ [Syn. r jes 'dzin byed yag.; shu! 'dzin 2. iso. nurse from o breast, va. D. C(~~~·/c!p/
byed yag] ~ The child suckled his mother's breast. phru
succession by primogeniture ~-"""<\"'-<'-\'~'-f\<l.{'"l'q:~· gu des a mo'i 'o rna 'jibs song. (puqu til omc&
~~\ ..., ~ 'c:-""
summacize 425

w2,ma c.!,psu ) tsod th!:l~ s2.qore~s somcoa shftso)

suction c.... ""'
~E:A'CI._~~ /c};.pteen/ , suction hose suggestion, 1. n. -q~~·a.a;::.:.• ; h. "'\.¥""'-'O,c!!<,"'
'jib 'then 1 gyig mdong (c.!,pteen.k.!,~toon) /somcaa; h. q2.~aa/ 11 Whose suggestion is this?
sudden ~~X.: /l"tipur/ 11 o sudden attock glo 'di su'i bsom 'char red? (t! sUO somcao r£t)
bur phor rgol (llipur phl5rqod) 2. iso. make a suggestion, see: suggest
suddenly ~~·~·cq· /hopte qholo/ , He suddenly suicide 1 1 • n, .:.:.<:.~~"'\'Clot"'\' /r2_~hi k~yo~/ 11
left. kho hob te kho lo phyin shag, (qho hopte Is there suicide in Tibet? bod la rang shi
qholo chinsho~) [Syn. glo bur du) rgyag yag yod po red pas? ( ph!!dla r2_~shi k,22ya~
sue, vo. B. %.~~-~-~~~- /~hi~le kff/ 11 He Y2~rep&c) 2. iso. commit suicide, va. .x;,c:::~·
sued the school. khos slob gro khrims lo bskyol .ct.~~· /r~~hi k~p/ , He. committed suicide last
po red. (qhsB lopto ~hi~le kffpore~) year. kho zla nyin rang shi brgyab shag. (qho
suede ~~"{\~· /kipo~/ t~iiiin r~~hi k~pshaM
suffer, vi. B. ~~-<:(""~~ /t_!:!qu ch~n/ 11 He was suit 1 1. iso. a suit of clothes ~-~%<t: /q5r
sick and suffered from pain. kho no nos sdug po sOil~e/ [Syn. dbyin ji'i dug slog] 2. iso, le-
byurg song. (qhl5 n2.n& t_!:!qu ch~nsu) 11 He suf- gal ('\'~~· /qh~mcu/ [Syn, gyod)
fered a lot in Tibet. kho bod lo sdug po zhe suitable, 1. ~&:.~ ; h. t:t~·~ /l2_mpo; h.
drag byung shag. (qho ph~Blo t_!:!qu sh!~oo chuun- sh~po/ 11 This hot is very suitable, zhwo mo
sho~) [Syn. sdug po myongs) 1 di len po zhig 'dug. ( t};. l!"'po ci t_!:!U)
suffering, see: misery 2. iso. weather/water/food/etc, ~~~~ /~h33-
suffice, vi. c. ~"\~' /t2.n/ • Six horses will po/ 11 This climate is suitable ·for him, gnom
suffice. rto drug gi 'dong gi red, (ta th.!;!U qi gshis 'di kho lo 1 phrod po 'dug. (n~shil ti
t~~qire~) qh!:l' ~h83po t_!:!U)
sufficient, see: suffice suitcase .:a~·~~· /l22,_qom/ [Syn. gos sgam; h. no
suffix ~~:o:.e:~ /c!!_ncuu/ bza 1 1 jug sgom)
suffocate, 1. vo. A.
""' "-~~~'G.Jt\"t\'GI<]C::.'~~-.(1~c:;,.: suited, see: suitable
/Oilqo~ taon& sf'&/ 11 He suffocated the sheep. sulphur ~~· /m_!:!Si/
khos lug dbugs bkog btong nos bsod song. ( qh8t; sulphur springs ~~·<l>·~ /m_!:!si chllts&&n/
l_!:!U llllqo~ taon& s~&so) [Syn. dbugs sub btong

sukhavoti 1 skt. ~~·:(>a.:_

""' "\)
/t!wa c'ffn/
nos bsod) 2, iso. suffocate due to smoke,. vi, '}(;:
su lk 1 va. C • "t''""."<-'<St..'t\'~·~~-a,:
-..r- /t oon ~qo t'"'n/
D, "'\.1,"'t\~'~"t~&:\~·~~~· /Oqsup the~n& shi/ , He sulks a lot, khos gdong nag po zhe drag
sugar, 1. n. 8;~·"t\·~·; h. '2t.:q_~~~· /ch2_ma qo- ston gyi 'dug, (qh~d t22,_n ~qo sh2_~oa tlnqil)
ra; h. c~shee/ [Syn. ci nil 2. iso, put sugar sum 1 1. C• .q_~~· /t~/ , What is the sum of 6
in something, va. -- ""\.~•"'\.'; h, -- 1f""' and 8? drug dong brgyod bsdoms no go tshod red?
/--k~p; h, --k83n/ (\h_!:!ute k£& t2_~no qh2_tshtc r£t) [Note: This
rock sugar ~Ol'"'{\'~ /she~ qrJra/ literally means 11 If you odd 6 and 8 1 how much do
sugar beet ~~·~~- /~rts&&/ you get?"] 2, iso. sum up numbers, vo. ~lA~·
sugar cone ~~~~· /ph,!:!l'shiin/ ~~- /t~mtsil k2_p/ [Syn. bsdoms) 3. iso, in
sugar refinery ~c::.~·~·<=:l~~· /~2_rca s2_~a/ sum ~·~·~.x;,·~'i"\'\CSI..: /t~ t~poa sh'ffna/ 11
sugary, see: sweet In sum 1 we must reduce expenses, sdom sdom par
suggest, vo. A. ""l-'«~0:.~"-C:\~Z:,: ; h, ~~·~<'(,~· bshad no ngo tshos 1gro song chung du gtong dgos
~~e:;.~· /somcoo shfc; h. q2.~oo slln/ 11 He· sug- red. ( t2_m t~poo sh'f'fno ~2.ntso'ls ~2.soon chOilnru
gested we fix the roof, khos nga tshos thog bzo to~qore~)
dgos red zer bsam 'char bshad song, (qh~d ~2.n- /iii~toon
426 summary

ch5qt~ ch£_&/ ~ He summarized the book. khos vi. B. /--shoo/ 3, iso, the sun
deb de 1 i snying don phyogs sdom byos po red, setting, vi. A. ~~" /--shE_U/
(qhstl th!P tii iir~tbon ch3qto~ ch£_cpore~) [Syn. sun and moon ~·£· /n!:_nte/
snying po bsdus] sunbathe, vo. ~-~~-~«?e::.: /ii,!pt.oo toon/
summary ~~·~·~·~· /ch5qt~ ch£_tpo/ ~ His sunburn, iso. get/be, vi. A. ~-~"'t\~t:::l.~' /n};_p-
summary was excellent. khos phyogs sdom byos po too the~/ ~ He sunbathed and got a good sun-
de dpe. mo srid po 1 i yog po byung shag, (qhS"d burn. kho nyi bsreg btang nos nyi bsreg yog po
ch5qto~ ch£_cpoti pemasilptt y~qo ch~nsho~) thebs shag. (qho n};_pt.oo toone ii!:_ptoo y~qo the~­
[Syn. snying po bsdus po] shoo)
summer, 1. n. ~:~.:"'\' /yooqo/ 2. iso. become Sunday ~.Ja.ct~·C;U.· /s~ ii};_me/
~ '!;;:: ,- .. ,
summer, vi. B. '-4<\.ll;.' /shoo/ 3. iso, be finished sundial ~· ~"" n};_tsUU
(summer) 1 vi, A. ~~- /tsi~l sundry ~~~~ /ts'f3qi tsiqi/ 11 sundry expenses
first port of summer ~-~ /yort~d/ 'gro song tso gi tsi gi (t~soon tsaqi tsiqi)
middle port of summer ~-""-~=:· /yarkii/ sunflower 9.·~·~·~<t~,· /ii};_me lll!t::>?>/
[Syn. dbyor gzhung] sunglasses ~·~a.t· /ii!shee/ [Syn. mig she! nag
end port of summer ~-~~~· /yarshO~/ po; gongs she!]
summer clothes ~<e.~· /yorchtc/ sun lamp ~-~4;\,-~"\\~ /ii!ptoo l~qshu/
summer cott<::Jge (home) -if~~· /t()qoon/ sunlight ~-~~ /ii};_woB/
summer months ""-~·~· /yonto/ sunny, iso. be, vi. c: ~-~·t:::~.~&.: 11
/ii};_ma tl?!/
Summer Palace of Dalai Lama ~-~~~·"~:\' /n~pu It was sunny yesterday. kha so nyi ma bston
lr~qe/ song. (qhlfso ~!ma tf~so)
summer retreat of monks ~~-~~~· /yornt&/ sunny-:side egg ~·e::..~"'\.~"'t\' /o.2f)O chaeta~/
summertime ~·~~· /y':!JrtUU/ sunrise, see: sun 1 2
summer vocation ~·.cn,~·~c;.·~~:::.- /yooqtt qhur')So~/ sunset, see: sun 1 3
summer and winter ~~;;a,: /yarqUTJn/ sunshine, 1. n. ~'<9..\' /iiima/ [Syn. nyi 'od] 2.
summit ~ /tse/ ~ He reached the summit of the iso. be sunshine, vi. C, -- ,q_~~ /--tf~/ ~
mountain. kho ri 1 i rtse lo bslebs shag, ( qho There is a lot of sunshine in the winter, dgun
rii tselo le~shoo) go nyi rna zhe drag bston gi 'dug. (q~~qe iiime
summit conference, neo. ~~·,~· sh!:,toa t~nqil)
/ch~th~d lhlntso~/ suntan, 1. n. ~-~<::!:\' /n!pt.oo/ 2. iso, get a
summon, vo, C • .<::!.~~· /q~/ ~ He sunmoned the suntan, vi. A. ---;a_&:~.~· /--the~/
student to his office, khos slob grwo de kho'i suntan lotion, 1. n. ~O:.~<t\'c:t."4\~·~;g,: /ii};_-
los khungs lo bkongs shag. ( qh~ loptooti qhBS tsiq q~~mttn/ 2, iso. apply suntan lotion, vo.
l~~q~le q~shoo) [Syn. skod btong] A. -- ~"t\«~.' I --ch;:_~/
summons, 1. n. C:.~"t\·~ /q_uqke/ 2. iso. send a sun visor ~~~·~;iS /n};_tip sh_2mo/
summons, vo. -- .<::!.'9~ /--toon/ sOnyato, skt. ~~~"' /t~~nil/
sumptuous ~-.,::r-- /k~po/ ~ a sumptuous meal super 1 see: superb
gsol tshigs rgyos po.zhig (sOOtsil ktcpoci) superb ~-~ /tseto/ ~ It is a superb tonka.
sum total ~>::1.~0\l~' /kh38n t:j./ ~ The sum 'di thong ko rtse gro zhig red. (t! tho~qo tse-
total of all my money is 1000 dollars. ngo'i t.oci re~)
dngul khyon bsdoms sgor mo stong phrog gcig superfic;ol 1 1. iso. view/ideo/plan ~~t::.~~·'i:f-'
'dug. (~tt ~00 kh8Sn t~ q22mo t~too ci~ t~~) [neg,] /ti~ r};_~qu [neg.]/ ~ His plan is super-
sun 1 1. n, ~~· /ii};_me/ 2. iso, the sun rising 1 ficial, kho'i 'char gzhi gting ring po mi 'dug,
supporter 427

(qhl33 ch::!ashi t!l') r_!l')qu m_!ntut) 1l His wound is They supplement their income by working at
superficial. kho 1 i rmo gtirig ril') po mi 'dug. night. kho tshos mtshon los byos nos yong 1 bob
(qhSS ma til') r_!l')qu m_!ntut) snon po bzos shag. · (qhootsod tsh&fnl&c ch_£cn&
superfluous, see: extra y~l')pap n8mp&& s~ho~) [Syn. 'tho! po bzos]
superior, 1. iso. boss 1 n. a~~"' /q~il/ 1l He supplemental, see: supplementary
is my superior. kho ngo'i 'go khrid red. (qho supplementary ~:.;.-~ /s~rnoon/ 1l The govern-
11££ q~\il r!ll) 2. iso. higher ~~~· /thoo/ 1l ment gave supplementary food to all the workers.
His rank is superior. kho go so mtho bo red. gzhung gis bzo po tshong mar zur snon zo bee 1
(qho qh~o thoo r!~l 3. iso, better ~-"'-~'""~.' sprod shag, (sh..!!Jqi S~po tshi5J'1IIOO sur noon SOCO
/pnU th£qo/ 1l They make superior guns. kho tfcsho~) [Syn. kho snon]
tshos me mdo 1 spus dog po bzo gi 'dug. (qhon- supplicant ~.q·q_Sk<sl.:<l>l<.'\<sl\_ /shuwa thel')&&n/
tso~ ~nto pOU th£qo s~qil) 4. iso. houghty/or- supplicate, vo. D. ~~-M~ /sh!3'a then/
rogont1 vo. ~~m~-~~· /thonolt! chE_&/ 1l He supplies, iso. needed items 1 n.~~~/n!rqo/ 'II
acts superior. khos mtho nyoms byed kyi •dug. Their supplies were almost gone. kho tsho'i
(qhSB thona~ ch_!qil) nyer mkho phol cher rdzogs shag. ( qhOrltsoo
superstition ~<!U·~ /n~mtoo/ 1l The people here n!rqo phffcher ts~osho~)
hove many superstitions. 1 di khul gyi mi lo supply, va. =~if.:~· /qhot-oB chE_&/ 1l They
rnom rtog zhe drag yod po red. (t_!po~qi mila supplied the rebels with guns. kho tshos ngo
namt~o sh~too y~ore~) log po tshor me mdo 1 mkho sprod byes shag.
superstitious ~·f-'t\·.a·<:t /ni5mtoo 5£po/ 1l She ( '
qhontsoo ~l~qpots~~ ~nto qhot.oo·chE_~shoo)
' 'l. '

is very superstitious. mo rnom rtog zo po zhed supply and demand ~·~*"""-c:.·~~if""- /n!rqoto
po cig 'dug. (m~ namt~o S£po sh_!puci t~~) qhot-o~/
supervise, 1. iso. for manual lobor 1 vo. ~~·"~ supplies for a journey OI<A-~Cf\· /l2_mko~/ [Syn.
~- /1E_£pb-on chE_&/ 11 He supervised the work- lam zos]
ers. khos bzo po tsho 1 i los dpon byes po red. supply office ~~~~·~o::.~· /qhot-od 1E_£qu~/
(qh3"d S£potsoo l&&pb'On ch_£tpore~) 2. iso. for support, 1. iso. bock 1 vo.
~-w-·~~· /k2_pk~~

offices, etc., va. ~~-~~· /tot~!> ch_£&/ 1l ch_£t/ 1l He supported the students. khos slob
He supervised the secretaries. khos drung yig grwo bo tshor rgyob skyor byes song. (qhBB lop-
tshor 1 to rtogs byes po red,
( qhoo ..
't-h~yh ts~~ to~ts~~ k2_pk~~ ch_£tso) [Syn. rgyob gnyer byos]
tatoo chE_cpore~) 2. n. ~t!:l~ /k2_pb~/ 'II Without his support,
supervisor 1 1. iso, manual workers c:s.~·e;..~ it will be difficult. kho'i rgyob skyor med no
/1E_£pbon/ 2, iso. offices, etc. ~~~~ khog po byed kyi red. (qh83 k2_pb~ ~no qhoqo
~~~ /Ufbo ch!l')&&n/ ch_!qire~) 3. iso. financially look ofter 1 vo.
supine, va. A. ~~~cq·~~-&· /qh_£nk&& 13o/ c."'f\~· /s3"d/ 1l He supports his old m~ther.
supper "'\..~·a~· /q22_ns&c/ khos kho'i a mo rgon gog gso gi yod po red,
suppertime _. ~<...._~·~.>!:\·~~~ /q22_ns&c th!!!!tshod/ (qh3"d i5mo q~nq~o suqiy~ore~) 4. iso. financial
supple ~~q:- /kempo/ 'II a supple dancer zhobs support, n. o:"W~ot:_ /tshoteen/ 'II A government
bro skyen po rgyog mkhan (sh£pro kempo kool')&&n) pension was his only support. kho'i 1 tsho rten
[Syn. mnyen po] gzhung gi rgon yo! phogs dngul gcig pu red.
supplement 1 1 • n. ~x..-~ /s~rnoc5n/ 'II Is this (qh88 tshoteen sh~l') qi qE_£nyoo ph~1jl')UU crqM
the supplement to the newspaper? 1 di tshog dpor r!:_~)
gyi zur snon red pas? ( t_! tshaqpooqi surnoon supporter ~-~%-"01<?'1~ /kapb~ ch~&&n/ 'II
r!p&c) 2. va. c. ~q·~· /n8mp&& s2:d/ 1l He is a supporter of communism. kho dmor por
428 suppose

rgyob skyor byed mkhon red. (qho maopoo k~pkoo lhog mo (qholoa lhoomoa)
ch~r)&&n r~~) surprise, 1. iso. not expect, vi. A. "'?' =~· /ho
suppose, 1. iso. hypothetically assume ¢,'~"'\~·~ 1£_&/ 11 I was surprised by his speech, kho' i
/cho sh~no/ 11 i f we suppose they will invade skod cho lo ngo ho los byung. (qh83 q~cao r)~ ho
ngo tshos kho tshos btson 'dzul byos par cho lE_ccu) [Syn. hong songs) 2, iso, sudden/with-
bzhag no ' qhontsoo'
(r)£ntsoo ~
ts~ntsUU ch£~poa cho out warning, i. odj. .«j<=:.:«c::.~·<t\~' /her)
sh~no) 2. iso. think ~~·~ /ch££no/ 11 What saanyo~qi/ 11 a surprise attock hong songs yog
do you suppose he will do? khyod rang gis byes gi tshur rgol (her) saanyoaqi tshOrqoo) ii. vo.
no khos go re byed kyi red? (kh3rc& ch££no qh~d c. "'?-=-'.«-:(c:.~·'\2!\~·l:l.~~· /hor) sahcjo~ sb"d/
qh~re ch.!_qircc) surprising "?'a!~·~· /ha l££yoa/ 11 That is very
supposition ~·~~~-~~· /cha shaoyoa/ surprising, de ho los yog zhed pa cig red.
suppress, vo. .<:~. ~"'\~~~· /ts~~noen ch£_&/ 11 (th.!_ he l££yaa sh.!_puci r~~~
They suppressed the communist party. kho tshos surprise party --?~·~~~~;~~.'~'1\~'~"\~·w /hor)
dmor shog btson gnon byes pa red. (qhontsoB saanyoaqi thoo}o/
marsho~ ts~l:noon Ch£Cpare~) [Syn. btson 'gog surrender, 1, iso. give up, vo, D, ~~~~~· /q~
byes) q~r I 11 They surrendered yesterday, kho tsho
suppurate, vi. C. ~·~y~ /nco th~/ kho so mgo dgur shag, ( qhl5ntso qh~~so q~ q~r­

supreme, polit. neo. ~-~Jl!~· /chea th88/ 11 shoa) [Syn, mgo btogs zhus) 2, iso, hand over,
the Supreme Court ches mtho' i khrims khong vo. A, ~-~"'-:. /tsrl }l:&/ V They surrendered
(che~ th3B }himqoon) their gun, kho tshos kho tsho'i me mdo' rtsis
surcharge ¥-·Ria:~.·~· /qh~ th83pa/ sprad shag • ( qhontsod qhontsoo m2_nta tsrl t~c­
sure ~«7~~'9""- /t~ntccn/ 11 Are you sure? shaa)
gton gton red pas? (tl:ntc&n r~p&t) surreptitious, see: secret
surely ~'9<51.:-'C\y'CI\ /t~ntc&n/ 11 He will surely do H. surrogate, see: substitute
khos gton gton byed kyi red. ( qh~ ttnt&&n surround, vo, and vi, D, ~~ /q3r / 11 The sol-
ch.!_qire~) diers surrounded the house, dmog mi tshos khong
surface, 1. (!">.' /qho/ 11 surface of the water po bskor shag. ( maemitsod qhor)po q3rshoa) 11
chu 1 i kho (chOO qho) 2. iso. vertical surfaces The house was surrounded with trees, khong pa
o..t~~· /te~/ 11 the surface of the wall rtsig de shing sdong gis bskor shag, (qhor)poti shir)-
pa'i ldebs (tsiqpcc t~a) toonqi q3rshoa)
surge, 1. iso. people, vi. A. alit\' /l~u/ 11 The surtax ~~·:;r-a:~.·~· /}h~~ thOOpa/
soldiers surged (forward). ""
dmog mi lug yong po surveillance, 1. n. ~~~: /tesu?J/ [Syn, do
red. (maemi l~u y~pore~) 2. iso. water/lava, snong) 2. is6. keep surveillance on, vo,
etc., see: spill over
/shaqcod m~mpo/ survey, 1, iso. land, va, ~.o:ty~~l:t~"t\~<:1.'~'
surgery, 1 • n. ~~·~'\4\~ /shoqcbo/ 2. iso. do /thiqleen taqship chE_C/ V They surveyed the
surgery, va. -- ~~· /--chcc/ village, kho tshos grong gseb lo thig len brtog
surmise, see: guess zhib byes shag. (qhantsoti }h~nse~lo thiqleen
surmount, see: overcome teqship chE_cshoa) 2. iso, interview, i, va,
surname ~-~~·~eo.· /'".!tsoonqi m!:_r)/ [Syn, khyim "'\"'-~·~c::.~·CI\·~~o<:l'\'~t::l.'~' /n~~to~lo teqship .
ming; rus rgyud kyi ming) chE_C/ V They surveyed the formers, kho tshos ·
surpass, see: exceed grong gseb pa 'i gnos stongs lo brtog zhib byos
surplus ~o!t1,'<:J.:~: /lhoomoa/ 11 surplus food kho log shag, ( qhontsb'tl }h~nse~p&& n~~to~lo teqship
~ay 429

ch£&shcc~l) ii. n. .q,~"t\·~~~~>:l.I.<l'\' /Uqship /~himF'iee ph§nko?)/ ii. iso, give o suspended
ch!yc~/ ~ ''Their survey was good, kho tshos sentence, vo.. -- .q~~· /--toon/ 4, iso, sus-
brtcg zhib byed _yag de ycg po byung shag. pend from office/work, etc,, vo. A. ~x.!~C::.'a::\.'
(qh5ntsb~ t~qship ch!yo~ ti y~qo ch~shc~) ~@\"t\' /ph_:nU?)la sh!:_O/ ~ They suspended him from
surveyor ~<t\'~SI..:..<:!.~"t\'~o!:l.'~"\.<93.(l't""- /thiqleen work. kho tshos kho los med bar !ding lc bzhcg
t§qship ch!~t&n/ po red. (qh6ntstrd qh6 1E£11l9e ph_:nti?)la. sh_2opo-
survive, vi. A. <::t.~~~· /tsh6 thO~/ ~ He sur- ree)
vived many years in prison. kho btson khong suspenders ~~c::"'\.~t::.·.e.~· /qh.~:tuun pO~toa/
nang lo lo mcng po •tsho thub shag. (qho ts3n- suspense -..c~·e:..t· /th_2qpo/ 11 We were in suspense
qocn n~nlo 1_£ m~~qu tsho thO~sho~) [Note: mo for many days. ngo tsho nyi mo mang po dogs
shi bar bsdcd ("didn't die") is also used,) po'i nang lo bsdod po yin. (r)!:_ntso Fi!_ma m_:r)qu
survival (rote) ~·~~~C.'C\' /s3qkodn m~cu~/ th_2qp&& n22nlc t,£ipoyin)
~ What is the survival rote in airplane crashes? suspenseful ~~·"'-1.·~~· /th5qpo y~po/ [Syn.
gncm gru brdobs nos srog skyon mo byung be go dogs con)
tshod 'dug? (n~~u t_:pn& s3qkocin m,:c~ qh_:- suspicion ~~·~· /th_2qpo/ ~ Th~y hove suspi-
tsl~~ t.£6) [Syn. mo shi par bsdad po; srog cions about him. kho tsho kho !a dogs po 1 dug,
'tsho thub po] (qh6ntso qh35 th2qpo t~t)
susceptible, 1. iso. words/influence, etc. cu~· suspicious, 1. adj. ~~·q;·;ii\·~~~· /th_2qpo S!:_-
~~-~~a.~·o:~('\~ /l~msoan q.!:! qh33~t&n/ 11 yooqi/ 11 suspicious behavior dogs po zo yog gi
He is susceptible to flattery, kho dpol los lc byed stongs (th_2qpo s~yo~qi ch!ton) 2. iso.
lam song mgo 'khor mkhcn zhig red, (qho pCfl&t- characteristic ~~·q·.;s,·"V /th2qpo ~po/ ~ He

lo l~msoon 9.2 qh3!5~&&nci r!e) 2. iso. illnesses is a very suspicious person. kho mi dogs po zo
~li\~-~~ /q"2B t!po/ 11 He is susceptible to po zhed po cig 'dug. (qho m!_ th_2qpo ~po sh!pu-
colds. kho chams po 1 gos bde po zhig 1 dug. ci t.~:~d
(qh6 champo c@"d t!poci t.~:ul sutro 1 skt. &~ /t,!;!/
suspect, 1. vo. ~~-~-~~· /th_:qpo ch£t/ 11 suzerain, see: king
They suspect him of being a spy. kho tshos kho swab, 1. vc. see: clean 2. iso, a Q-tip 1 n, ~.::.·
so po red [bscms nos) dogs po byed kyi 1 dug, ~~~~~· /shi~tso~ ~Imptt/ ~ He cleaned the
(qh6ntsa"d qh6 s6po r!e sa~nt th_2qpo ch!_qil) 2. wound with a swab, khos rmo de shing tshog
iso. a suspect (in o crime, etc.), n. ~~·.q· sprin bol gyis gtsong mo bzos song, (qhS"d moti
~q· /th_2qpc y"2po/ ~ How many suspects ore shi~tsoo ~Imp&t qi tsl5~mo s!dso)
there? dogs pa yod po go tshod 1 dug? ( th_2qpo swallow 1 va. , ~""~~-~'?C:.' /miqkuu teen/ ~ He
y~po qh~tshc& t.£Al [Syn. dogs con) swallowed the pill. khos ril bu mid khyur btong
suspend, 1. iso. hong from above, vo. A. "\~~~· song. (qhS"d r,gpu m!_qkuu teenso) [Syn. khyur
l::\~~· /co~ sh~~/ ~ They suspended the lamp mid btcng] [Note: This is also used for terri-
from the ceiling, kho tshos bzhu mar de thog tory and notions.]
nos mar dpyongs bzhog shag, (qhontsod sh.~:mco 'ti swami~~· /suwomi/ [Syn. hin du 1 i gnos rten]
th!5~n& m~ c~~ sh~~sho~) [Syn. ling ling byos swamp ct"''Cll'~ • /t2_mtsap/
bzhog) 2. iso. a meeting, vo, ~-o<:\¥\Ql·~· swan ~·~~~c:.· /~2_~qco qeri?.l/
/chishb-d ch£&/ ~ They suspended the meeting for swarm (for bees) 1 1. n, ~- /khO/ ""
2, vo, ~·~jfi"t\~'
two weeks, kho tshos tshogs 1 du bdun phrcg ~~-~lSI.: /khO t!_qnc ~riV
gnyis phyi bshol byos shag. (qh6ntsb~ tshoontu swastika (or iento1) "'\~c:. ·~c.· /yur)tuun/
t.~:n~oo F'iii chishod ch£tshc~) 3. iso. a suspen- sway 1 1. vi. ~-OS"'~-~~· /y!!"yoon chE,C/ 11 It
ded sentence, i. n. ~~~~~·j:q,.x.:~~~· sways in the wind. 1 di !hogs po 1 i ·nang lo yom
430 swear

yom byed kyi 1 dug. ( t_! lhoqp&& n~nla y_£myoon swelling i"iit::.·~ lt.or)qo/ ~ He had a swelling on
ch_!qil) 2. iso. persuade, i. va. ~-~~·~· his face, kho 1 i gdong la skrang ko 1 dug. (qh88
/y_£myoon s2_=-o1 ~ His argument swayed them. t~nla tarJqo t~u)
kho 1 i rtsod pas kho tsho yom yom bzos song. sweltering ~~~· /tshatuu/ ~ It is sweltering
(qh88 ts8p&C qhi5ntso y_£myoon s_i;so) 3. iso. be today. de ring tsha dug 1 dug, (thiriin tsh~tuu
swayed 1 vi. A. Qf'a.J.·~Ja~· /y_£myoon theM ~ t~tl
They were (got) swayed by his speech. kho 1 i swerve 1 vo. ~q_~·.q~~~~~ /hllpte k3~c&c chin/ ~
skad chas kho tshor yom yom thebs song. ( qh88 The car swerved. mo to de hob te bkyogs byas
qfcc& qhontso y_£myoon theesu) phyin song. (m_£tati hopte k~~c&c chinsu) [Syn.
swear, 1. iso. vow/take oath, va. B. ~~a_·~~~· glo bur zur bskyod byas]
/na k~~/ ~ He swore never to lie. khos kyag swiftly, see: fast
rdzun rtsa ba nos shod kyi min zer mna 1 bskyal swim, va, ~o~.-"l.~~· /k~i! k2_p/ ~ He swims well,
pa red. ( qhB=-o k~qtsiin tsaanc sh88qim&&ns no swimmer ~-~~-~~-s,: /k~f k~r)&&n/
k~~paree) 2. iso. use dirty and vulgar lan- swimming 1 n. ~=· /ki!f/ [Syn. rkyal rgyag yag]
guage, va. A. ~~·c:.~i:\¥1." /tshir)&&n sh~c/ swimming pool ~o:t~· /k~~tsir)/ [Syn. rkyal
sweat, 1. n. ~Cl:\~"'\ /r)U0nad/ 2. vi. -- ,q~~- rtsed chu rdzing]
1--k2_p/ ~ I sweat a 1 ot in the summer. nga swindle, va. B. ~~~-"'\'?~ /q~~~ toon/ ~
dbyar go dngul nag zhe drag rgyag gi 1 dug. ( r)~ He swindled the school. khos slob grwa la mgo
yooqa r)0Unad sh~taa kaaqil) skor btang shag. (qh~d loptaa q2q~~ toonshad)
sweater o._qa.·~~ /P9_leen/ [Syn. u su 1 i stod swine, see: pig
thung; su 1 i !-or] swing, 1. iso, a club/hand, etc., va. ~~""'4\t.tll:t'\"
.._,-, "'>
sweep 1 vo. "'\<==:.;~@_;~ • /qhE_C k2_p/ ~ He swept the .<:ti9C::: /yOqyuu taan/ ~ He swung the club around
floor. khos sa mthil la gad brgyab song. (qhot his head. khos rgug pa mgo 1 i thod la g.yug
s~thiila qhE_C k2_psu) g. yug btang song. ( qh~d k~qpad q~ thlrdla yuq-
sweep and dust, va. ~"'~~--@,~· /qh~chil chE_c/ yuu toonso) 2. iso. a swing one sits on for
sweeper .l!l\~~· /qhE_po/ play, n, ~z:.·-y·~c::·-y· /car)ta l_!r)ta/
sweet ~~x.·~ /r)~omo/ ~ I like sweet tea. nga swirl, vi. B. O:~Ol.· /khii/
ja mngar mo la dga 1 po yod. (rJ~ ch.£ r)oom~~ q~po switch, 1. iso. a wooden whip, i, n. ~"'-'%'t\."

y~) /c~r)Fiuu/ ii. iso, whip with a switch, va. C.

sweeten, va. ~c::.:>:;.·'e5;-=~.'9c::.: /r)ooru toon/ ~ Please -- ~~~· /--shrj;/ 2. see: exchange; change
sweeten the tea. ja mngar du gtong rogs gnang. swoon, see: faint
(ch.£ r)o~ru toonr~~noan) swoop, iso. a bird, va. ~~~~~~"'\· /thesh~~
sweeter, 1. ~C::.:'(.'&:i." /r)orad/ ~ This is sweeter k2_p/
than that. 1 di de las mngor ba 1 dug. ( ti the- in one fell swoop ~l:l'<t\~"".·~· /t~p cilia/ ~
lee r)orad) 2. iso. make sweeter, see: sweeten They captured the army in one fell swoop. khos
sweetheart ~c:.-~"'<\· /nir)tuu/ ~ She is my sweet- tshos dmag mi de tsho sdeb gcig lo 1 dzin bzung
heart. mo ngO I i Snying SdUg red, (m~ 1)_££ Oir)- byas shag. ( qh5ntso3 maami thentso t~p cilia
tUU r~e) ts!!nsun chE_cshad)
sweets ~~x.·ct,· /r)orca/ sword, 1. n, ~~ct.·~~· /pCitam/ 2, iso, fight with
sweet-talk, va. ~~~-~~~·2:F'<::\'4e:._: /qi!ca qh~l:po a sword, va. A. -- "".~"'\~ • I --yuu/ ,
shi!&/ sworn enemy ~t:::o::..~· /t~r)ta/
swell, vi. C. -"~it\.-=:~· /ton/ ~ His hand swelled sycophant o::.._""-='Ol~·a51~ /p!:fl&c tshopo/ ~ He is
up. kho 1 i lag po bskrangs shag. (qh28 l~qpa a sycophant, kho dpal las tsha pa zhig 1 dug.
tonshad) [Syn. sbos] (qha p~flc& tshopoci t~u)
systematic 431

syllabus, see: outline

symbol ~~~· /to~/ , This is the symbol of the
C011111unist Party, 1 di dmar po 1 i rtags red, (t.!_
maapoo ta~ r:;_~ )
symbolize, vi. c. ~<=U'"-\'<=1.~0<; /nampa tr.'n/ ,
This painting symbolizes the revolution. ri mo
1 dis gsar br je 1 i rnam pa bstan pa red, ( r_!mu
til sarcee nampa t~npare~) [Syn. rnam pa
mtshon; brdo mtshon; mtshon]
sympathetic, iso, a person ~~C:.~<:ll.~·Ql.~~·~-"'
~~a.ll('l,~ /t~I')Se~ iiomke~ ch~&&n/ 11 He is a
sympathetic person. kho gdung sems mnyom skyed
byed mkhon zhig red. ( qho t~I')Se~ i'iomkee ch:;_-
r)&&nci r:;_e)
sympathize, vo. -"'\~c::;·~=~·3.\'9<A'~~~~ /t~r)-
se~ Mmk~ ch£&/ , He sympathized with the
rebels, khos ngo log pa tsho lo gdung sems
mnyom skyed byes pa red, (qh~d r)~oqpotsoo t~r)­
se~ iiamkee Ch£Cporee)
sympathy ""~.:::;q~.CJ.l'?Cil~"'\ /t~I')Se~ i'iankee/
symposium, see: conference
symptoms ~c.;.~~~· /nEE,ta~/ , What ore your
symptoms? khyod rang gi nod rtags go re red?
(kh3r&& n&&ta~ qhare r&c)
synonym ~~;s:_~c:.~~- /thCintUUn m_!r)tsil/
[Syn. don gcig ming gi rnam grangs]
syntax ~·w· /tshiqcM/ [Syn. brjod pa sgrub
synthetic ~·.:;,t· /tsUUma/ 11 synthetic wool bol
-v -
rdzus rna (ph!:£ ts~ma)
syphilis ~-~· /sem-:J'?:>/ [Syn. rgya nod]
syringe ("'.q'&l"\..G:.' /qhemta/
syrup ~c:::-~<3-!c:::..::.·ar-- /shir)qu r)como/
system --:c.--<XI.:n.~·
,~·-.., -
/tMuu/ , the system of gov-
ernment gzhung gi 1 gro lugs (sh_0qi }~luu) ,
tax system khral gyi 1 gro lugs (th~Cqi }~luu)
[Syn. 1 gro stangs]
sys t emahc ~
<'. '
/lEE,rim t£mp&&/ ,
systematic reforms las rim !dan pali bcos sgyur
(l££ri~ t£mp&& cESkuu)

table, 1. ....,.
' /c'Jqtse/ 11 I bought a table.
ngos cog tse zhig nyos po yin. (r:J_£C c'Jqtse .ci
~dpo yin) [Syn. rgyo cog] 2. iso. table a mo-
-"""·(2~l:..a<-l· /~nkon taan/
tion, va.
iso. a table/diagram
. .......
"'n: "'--"'l' /riumil/

..r- --.J -
dining room table~ ·~lk£CO~/
low Tibetan table ~~·~41· /ph~o~/
table cloth ~· ~~-~Z4e~· "\<!-1·/k~co~ qheprcc/
table of contents "'1-"1 ::~;,· <f. .II")· /qorcoo/
tablespoon, see: spoon
tablet (medicine) ~'0! ·'(;J<!:I · /mr!nlep/
table tennis, see: ping pong
taboo, iso. prohibition "\Z1'"1' (!; · /q9..qca/ 11 They
hove a taboo about eating pork. kho tsho phog
sho zo yog lo dgog cho yod po red, (qhontso
phoqsho s~ya~lo q~qco Y2~re~)
tabulate, see: calculate
tacit ~ · ~ · <!-( ~:::. <H' ~ d · I qho moso npcc I 11 tacit
agreement kho mo songs po 1 i ngos len ( qh5 mo-
sonp&& l)odleen)
taciturn, see: quiet
tack, 1. n. 1')"-. ~<f)· /s2_rno~/ 2. va, -- t::l~Zl. ·
tactful ~<;_- ;e·4"\·.;~..~('Zf<H''£"· /qfco shBti qhfr!po/ 11
He is. very tactful. kho skod cho shod mkhos po
zhe drag red, (qho qr!co sh~d qhr!fpo sh2,too r2_~)
tactics ~~<!'\' ~l!-1· /maqcuU/
tactless "'\Oloi"'--.."'
.PtZ)' <if· ztv--1
· '
marshee tshopo I 11 He is
tactless. kha dmor shed tsho po •dug. (qho
marsheG tshopo t~ul
tag, 1. iso. price tog ~'\·~~:::. -~r a<![:J;, · /ril)-
qoon sh'J'Jntsoo/ [Syn. ming yig sbyar shag] 2,
iso. nome tog ~c::.·~"'\~~·%-e::' /m.!:_l)yil sh5q-
toil, 1. ""l~.a"(- "'\' /sh~qu/ 11 the tiger's toil
~ ~
stag gi gzhug gu (tooqi sh~qu) [Syn. mjug mal
2. iso, a toil with long hair ~ a.t · /l)omo/ 11
yak's toil g.yog gi rngo mo (yo~qi I)Omo) 3.
iso. toil feathers ~~ <Yj' .!f· /c~qto/ 4. see:
tailor, 1 • iso. person, n. 'a:'01-1 • ~ • Zl ·
2, vo.
z.l' Zl ~
';{d..\' "\;/
a;O'-I. ~·
· /tshimpu kap/
11 The tailoring was
take 433

good. tshem bu yog po 'dug. (tshimpu y~qo t~t) kyi skor lo bsom blo 'khor mi •dug. (qhCintso
tailor shop 'a;d-1'(7..1~· ~~· 1-..;::.· /tshemle£ tshol')- namshiiqi q3~lo somlo qh~~ mintut) i i . va. z.\""1"-l'
v- -
qoan/ ('i'.'~?z;:· /sBmlo H!On/ 15. iso. take off (air-
toils (of a coin) '2l:l' /k2_p/ plane), va. D. f2.~.:t;· /phir/ 11 The plane took
toke, 1. vo. C. ,ez::.i!-1.· ; h. ;:::\~~ · /Hi~; h. sh:_~/ off on time, gnam gru dus thog lo 1 phur song.
11 He took two horses from me. khos ngo'i sa nos (namtu thi.J1lth::>:, la phirsu) 16. iso, toke on
rto gnyis blongs song. (qh8'd 1')£_£ tsCiont: to iiii oath, vo. A. "\al' ZlZr'-: .t:::\~""1 · -/th.:!_mca sh.:!_d/
l~~so) 2. iso, toke something somewhere, va. B. [Syn. mna' bskyol] 17. iso, toke back (return),
(>.ro ==c: ; h. z:~ ~ a.JC-l. /khee; h. ·na~/ 11 He took va. A. :z.<~:z;:· ~.!:)· /phoo tfc/ 11 He took back the
the letter to the office. khos yi ge de las book to Dar je. khos deb rdo r jer phar sprod
khungs lo 'khyer song. (qhW y~qiti l~q!llla song. (qh3a th:_p t.22_ct:c phoa tfcso) 18. iso.
kh~&3o) 3, iso. take a person (animal) some- <6~·
toke back/accept, i. iso. 3rd person, vo, C. .....,
where, vo. A. (2~1)· /thil/ 11 He took the #EZ::c-1' /tshQO H3~/ 11 The storekeeper took bock
child to the restaurant. khos phru gu de zo the pen from Dor je. deb tshong mkhon des rdo
khong lo 1 khrid song, (qh8'd puquti s~qaanla r je 1 i so nos snyu gu tshur blo ngs song. ( th:_p
thrlsu) 4. iso. toke apart, vo, B. ~· fJ.~~· tshOI')c&n th~l t.22_cee tsCionc ii[lqu tshuu le~o)
/lhu th~f/ 11 He took the camera aport. khos 19. iso. toke back from oneself, vo. C. ><l=•:;~i<:."'\'

dpor chos lhu 'phral song. (qh8'd pCircc£ lhti /phoo 1~~/ 11 He took bock the pen from me.
thffso) 5. iso. take by force 2:) ::{~ • ~ "\' ~<H· khos ngo 1 i sa nos snyu gu phar blongs song.
/tsfntil ch,£t/ 6. iso, take down a tent, va. D. (qh8'd 1')_££ tsCionc iiOqu phoo l~~so) 20. iso. take
41:::,;,· Zl ~ Zl'C( · /qh~ t~p/ 7. iso. toke core of, off clothes, vo. A. ~z:;,· /pil/ 11 He took off
vo. 'f v--
~il"\'3\. ~¢-~·/toto~ 1.
ch,£<-1 11 He took care of his hot. khos zhwo mo phud song. (qh8'd sh~mo
the child. khos phru gur lto rtog byes po red, pilsu) 21. iso, toke the place of, va.arz:.,·~<S-~.·
(qh8'd puqo::> toto~ ch_££pore~) [Syn. 1 ta skyong /tshap ch_£&/ 11 He took my place. khos ngo'i
byas] a. iso. take over (control), vo. c. "~~· tshob byos po red. (qh~ti 1')£_£ tshap chE_Cporee)
~ z:. <!-\ · /tsrl Hi~/ 11 He took over the factory. 22. iso, toke responsibility, vo. B. n.."'1'\·t'2m"\·
khos bzo grwa rtsis blangs shag. (qhB'd sota
tsrl Hi~shaa) 9. iso. toke leave (of absence),
-· /q_££n khee/
work. khos los .ko 1 i
11 He took responsibility for the
1 gan 1 khyer po red. ( qhB'd
va. (2J~'l)~Z:::~· !'\~ · /l£_£qoon sh!:,11/ 10. iso. lccqt:c qccn kheepore~) [Syn. 'gon blongs] 23.
~ ....,.
take up a challenge, va. A. rn· Zlt:)')' :<::1.<5-'f\' iso, toke prisoners, vo. z;·z;~·~"""'· /th~tom
/qhoptee coo/ 11. iso. toke on examination, i. chE_C/ 11 They took many soldiers prisoners. kho
iso. in general, vo. A. ~Zl- ~H ~2)' /lopkut tshos dmog mi mong po do dam byas shag. (qhon-
t~£/ ii. iso. take an oral ~om, vo. A. z:.~ · tsod maami m2_1')qu th.:!_tom ch_££shoa) 24. iso. take
~ifl<!-l'!l~·/l')~qkut tfc/ iii. iso, toke a written turns, vq. :;;;;~""-·ii'~· /r:_mod chE_c/ 11 They took
~xam, va. A.~"\·~&-\<!-~'~~· /y~qkut tfc/ 12. turns cooking. kho tshos kho log bzo yog re mos
iso. take (time), ~i. B. a~"'-· /q::>::>/ 11 It byos shag. (qhCintso·ci qholoa s~yoa r!mo·ci chE_t-
takes two hours to go to Lhasa. lha sar 1 gro shao) 25. iso. toke offense, va. C. ~z::.t:::l~'"'·
yag lo chu tshod gnyis 'gor gyi red, (lh&fsoo /lui') t't!~/ 11 He took offense at what I said.
toyoalo chutstr~ iiii qMqiree)
- " - 13. iso. take to
heart , va • A. ~ e:. · (2.1 • .oq ca, ;:ry /nil')la sh~o I 14.
khos ngos skod cho bshod par rlung bston byung.
(qhW I'J,££ qfco shccpoo 101') tf~cu) 26. iso. take
iso. take into consideration, i. vi. B. ~<H~ · out, vo. C. 2:1~~· /t8~/ 11 He took the hot
" · (2{3"'-,'
v- /sBmlo qh3~/ 11 They didn't take the from a box. kho sgom nang nos zhwo mo bton
weather into consideration, kho tsho gnam gshis song. (qh8'd q~m noon& shame 'tB~o) 27. isa.
434 taken aback

toke place, ~~=.. ·

vi. B. ......, /ch~n/ 11 It took tame, 1. iso. get/be, vi. A. "'"'
~'"-J'e~>""):ao-1· /thQ!_!-
place in Lhasa. 1 di lho so lo byung po red. pu choa/ V That wolf is tome. spyang ki de dul
(t! lh~~soo ch~npare~) po chags shag, (c~l')quti thu~pu choashoa) [Syn.
token aback, vi. A. '?'(2.12>-1' /h5 lE_C/ 11 I was to- dul] 2, vo. B. .zl ~~· /tOO/ V He tamed the
ken aback by his behavior. ngo kho'·i spyod par wolf. khos spyong ki de brtul shag. (qhB~ cal')-
ho los byung. (I')~ qh~ cBpoo ho lE_Ccu) [Syn. quti trnJshaa)
hong songs] tan, 1. vo. A. "'-'')")· /nr;e/ 11 He tanned the hide.
talcum powder "'1'(:::..·~41·~<:!~ · /tE_ry;;uu potoo/ khos ko ba mnyed song. (qhB~ q~5 ne~so) 2.
tole, see: story "" iso. get/be tanned (leather), vi, A, il.l.)")'-:eZ\~·
talent, see: aptitude; ability /iir;e thee/ 3, iso. the color z,{'a.t"ifc'!!\·
talk, 1. vo. A. J:t')'c35'Z\...<:j.l)' h • .l:l-'1)"'~~·4~.::.· /sont~o/
/qfco shfc; h. qomod sun/ 11 He talks a lot. tangible, see: definite
khos skod cho zhe drag shod kyi 'dug. (qh33 qf- tangle, 1. iso. get/be, vi. C. (2i(e:.e~· /ts!~/ 1f
co sh~tao sh~dqil) 11 I talked with Dorje. ngos Her hair got tangled. mo 1 i skro 1 dzings shag.
rdo rjer skod cho bshod po yin. (I')E_C t22CC& qf- (m~ to ts!Qshoa) 2. see: fight
co sht!cpoyin) 2. iso. a lecture/presentation, tonk, 1. iso. a water tonk ~· ~t>l' /chatc:JI1,f 2.
n. ~~·a,· ; h. ~-\")~'~('>.!' /q~co; h. qomo"o/ 11 iso. a military tonk "Sl:.·~·~ru·/thol') q~rii/
His talk was interesting. kho'i sk0 d cho snyon tannery ~ ~):.; ·~3· ~ · /q~iie~ s~to/
po 'dug. (qh33 q~co nr:.mpo t~u) tantro, skt. ~~· /klJ_U/
talkative ~")·a.·-lf"\·w~· ru·~<f'\~· ~· /qt!ca sh33yaa "
Tontric (Buddhism) .4'\~i:.· ~"\:<!'~' /soi')Oa/ 1f Ti-
la q~po/ 11 He is very talkative. kho skod cho betans practise Tontric Buddhism. bod po tshos
shod yog lo go po zhed po cig red. (qho qt!ca gsong sngogs nyom len byed kyi yod po red.
sh38yaala q~po sh!puci r~e) (ph~potsb"d sel')aa ii~mleen ch!qiy~oree)
talk bock, va. A. fi'{Z!O\'Zl~~O-\· /qholccn 15?J/ 11 Taoism 7ff· £<!'-\· ~~· /too chl)t:lluu/ [Syn. c.
He talked bock to the teacher. khos dge rgon lo to'o co'o chos lugs]
kha len bslogs song. (qh~d q~qccnla qholccn tap, 1. va. ?<1'\' ,..,..,. %17~· /toqtoa taan/ 1f He
15?Jso) topped on the window. khos sge khung lo tog tog
talks, 1 • n. ~"' · <G · /qfco/ V The talks foiled. btang song. (qh8~ q!quunla toqtoa toonso) 2.
skod cho lo don dog mo byung po red. (q~coo see: spigot
th~ntaa m~cuunpare~) [Syn. 'phros mol] 2. iso, tape, neo. ~<:~· E<l"\' lteptoa/
hold talks, vo. -- ~""~· / --chE_C/ scotch tope, neo. (>.._:-<
Col~~~· " ~~ · '2121) · /siq~ca teptaa/
secret talks, 1. n. 4'j<>{;o<:'f'2;-~· 2. tope measure c£z:;; f7.~·~Zl.' 21 <:r"\ • /tshffnccc tep-
va. -- ~c-~· 1--chE_c/ thaa/
tall, 1. iso. a person tape record, vo. A.~oz;·f7.~':t..'d.,~=,·a..~·~~~· /qt!&-
r!l')qu/ V He is toll. kho gzugs po ring po red. q~~ n~nlo cuu/ [Syn. teb thog nang lo bcug]
(qho suqu ril')qu reel 2. iso. a thin thing like tope recorder, 1 ~ n. ~"'\· rzfb-=:;. · /q~fqo~/ [Syn.
tree ~..::· ::;:J~ /r!l')~u/ 11 a tall tree shing ring }eb 'khor] 2. iso. ploy a tope recorder, vo.
po zhig (shil') ril')qu ci) 3. iso, a -- ZI?~· /--toon/
wall/building, etc. ~ ~·~· /thopo/ 11 The
tapeworm fll"\'f7.%1'{7.1ZI·.::r,.~· ~
/qhol')pu l~pri•JI
building is toll. khang po de mtho po red. tar ~· "\~ · /tsinaa/
(qhol')poti thopo r~e) Taro, skt. !f'J·~· /t~mo/
tally, see: record Green Taro ~~·~z:.· /}odcal')/
talon, see: claw White Taro ~ru·~"\:x._· /t~qoo/
tea bag 435

tardy, see: late shirt. kho la stod thung rtsab ral zhig 1 dug,
target, 1, n. (2.~-a.· /p2!,n/ ~ They shot at the (qh'' tDOthuun tsepr& t~t)
target, kho tshos 1 ben la me mda 1 brgyab song, tattle, vo. B. l'l~· ~~21"\'z::l~~· /t!ptut k~~/
(qh~ntsod P2!,nla m!nta k!psu) [Syn, •bem;
tattoo. ~'.::ti<!-1' /mf3ril/
~ ~
[Syn, rme ba 1 dra ba•i ri
rgyang •ben] 2. see: quota; goal mo]
target shooting, va. C. <5·/Zl·ZI~~·/tshoqha t~~/ taut, 1. n. ']l=-' ;~· /UIQtaan/ 2, iso, make
~ We go target shooting once every month, nga taut, va. c. -- ~~2-1· /--s'2:d/
tshos zla re tsa kha thengs re 1to gi yod, tavern a.r:..· f'll~· /chaQqaan/
(Q~ntsod t~re tshcqha theQre teqiyb~) tax 1 1. n, rs.~· /t.h~~/ 11 There is a tax on for-
tariff 1 see: tax; duty eign goods. phyi rgyol gyi co lag la khral yod
tarnish, 1. iso. for metal ~=~~· /yo/ ~ The pa red, (chikMqi calaola th~~ Y2~ree) [Syn.
silver tarnished. dngul de la g,ya 1 brgyab dpya; dpya khrol] 2. iso, levy a tox 1 va, B,
shag. (QOO tt& yo k!pshao) 2. iso, reputation, -- ""\>1'\Cl.l' /--q~f/

vi. A. ~"')· Z!lzr\~· 06"'\' / choo/ ~ His corvee tax 7;~· if<!-1' ,-aru· /Uu thoc:iqh&&/ [Syn,
reputation got tarnished because they lost the rto khral khal khral]
war. kho tsho dmag shor tsang kho 1 i skad grogs income tax ~I:. '(2.c!:l'l:l'~~ ~rv.'/y!!Jpap ccth&&/
chag shog, (qhontso mao sh5,tsaan qh8S land tax 2!-\' (!J.,(2.J' /sat-hr.&/
chaoshao) meat tax ~·rg.e>.~' /shcthr.&/
Tashi Lama 1 see: Panchen Lama military tax "\~.!)· (!!~ · /maqth&&/
task, 1. n, CU<!-\'O..l!l)"\' /l§£nqttn/ 11 a difficult salt tax cE· ta.<U' /
task las 1 gan khag po zhig (l§£nqt&n qhoqoci) wool tax .!:l,n.l.' ~12.1· /ph&&th&&/
2. iso. toke on a task, vo. B. -- ~fi~· tax dodger (!(>J' tal' <4j~fU'OlfZI'C\' /th~fla y8SI)&&n/
/--khee/ ~ Who will take on this task? las tax exemption ~~·a.~· /th~fchao/
1gan 1 di sus 1 khyer gyi red? (l££nq&&n ti sOU " a_·......
taxi 1 neo, a.~· -.C\
CH ~ • c•y
I m_£ta t~qsee I [ Syn,
kh!Iqir&c) 3. see: criticize; blame neo. gla 1 khor]
tassel (for hair) ~ '4) ~<r"j· /t.epshut/ taxpayer raru·~· 'iJ.l.~"!A· /th~f t8SQ&&n/
taste, 1. va. C. .S· ~~~z.~· /t.h~ t~&/ 11 He
tax rate ~~~.r ~·<{~d)~· /th~fqi tshffshi/
tasted the tea. khos ja bro ba bltas song, tax revenue ~ru · (2. J:ti!:l • /th~fnpap/
(qhS'd ch~ t.h~ t~cso) 2. iso, a flavor 1 n, S:~ · tea, 1. n. £<.' ; h. "f)~(.2.1' ~· /ch~; h, s83ca/ 2.
/t.h~/ 11 This doesn't taste good, 1 di bro ba iso. make .tea, va, C. -- .1:1~'2'-1· /--s'2:d/ 3,
yag po mi 1 dug, (t_! t.h~ y~qo m_!ntut) 3, iso. iso. churn tea 1 va. C. ~-~!:!<!'\' /ch~ sfl~/
perceiving what is appropriate ~· '9.,_'~ · ~ ~ [Syn. ja bsrubs]
/k~naill ch8Spo/ ~ He has gooq- t~te, kho rgyu black tea E'~C.'21' ; h • .,~~·)z:.~· /ch~toan; h.
nyams chod po •dug. (qho kuna~ ch3Bpo tut) s8Staan/
tasteless, 1. iso, no flavor- .s=- A' ~~·"4-:- /t.h~ green tea "f'I'IIJ::' :121 • /cha cal)qu/ [Syn. nyi hong
-o f~ - -
~epa/ 2, iso. not in good taste ill'\~· if· /repo/ gi ja]
11 His remark was tasteless, kho 1 i skad cha dbre Tibetan brick tea &l<'~'""la')' /ch~ P2qao/
po red, (qhSB q~ca repo reel Tibetan butter tea 4:·~q·~ · /ch~ srnlma/ [Syn,
~ ...... v- - ....:>
tasty ~ %:1. • c;e, "a{~· /t.h~ chempo/ 11 This is very ja srub rna]
tasty. 1 di bro ba chen po zhe drag 1 dug. (t_! Tibetan teo ~"'· ~ · /r:*l'd'dca/
t.h~~ chempo shetaa tut) Western tea ~· ;;.Jr::..::J;,; ffi'· /ch~ I)CiBmo/
Tath-;;ata, skt. ~·A~~·.ri~lr\1M'2.11t_!shiin sheqpa/ tea bag 1 iso, a bag for making tea, neo. A;''~e:~·
tattered ;8"10. · .!t,C4.1 • /tsapr&&/ 11 He had a tattered ~1:1'\· CS""\·/ch!ship sh,qcao/
436 tea break

tea break If<'")~· rue<· zo.~~·

tea bush ,10·
.59~=.· /ch!!.,shir)/
- -
/chatuU l&&sar)/ lag rtsal]
technical expert CL~n.~·~<!-1·04(UZ>.I' "4'

tea dust ~ · ~~ · /ch!!,.Ship/ qhffpo/

teach, va. D. ~~a<!-<· /l~p/ 1[ He teaches technical innovation ~<;1fZJ · fLJ. ~ • «1"\~::f; ·~~ /thmllc&
. --.:;)

English language. ~hos dbyin ji i skad yig slob

1 sorso/
kyi 'dug. (qh~d Incii qffyil lapqil) technical school rt~rz~·f>.t~)[a·~·
.._. /th001&& lopta/.
teacher "'\~'.i\"' /q=.qc&n/ technician n.~ru· (2.1<!-l';;o.l("Z'~· z.~· /th!JOlcc qhffpa/
teachers college ")"4)·<1~· ~~:::~· ~ · /q=.qc&n lepta/ technicolor a;"\· ~· /tsh~nta/
teachings ~~r.:.· /sOl")/ 1[ teachings of the Buddha technique iL~c7.!"n.I«\'(U~·~Col· /thmllc& laqshe?l/ 1f
songs rgyas kyi gsung (sor)k&cqi sOQ)
They developed a new technique for making felt.
tea churn "'' Dl.l~~;:.· /ch:!.ntoon/ kho tshos phying pa bzo yag gi 1 phrul las lag
tea cozy .o!<' taZ3~· /ch:!.qep/ shes gsar pa zhig yar rgyas btang shag. (qhon-
teacup ..!<'"')~""-· /ch:!.qaa/ tso8 chir)pa SE_yoaqi thtlOlc& l£qshe?l ooopaci Y:!.r-
team ""\' rat:r\' /ruqao/ 1f soccer team rkang pol ru kc& toonshoa) [Syn. 'phrul bzo log rtsol]
""' -
(qor)pol ruqao) [Syn. tsho khag] technological research n.~~t·n.~~·~CI.·~z:;."l
....., · ~

teammate -g':(Zia:r4~~·>:.~· /tshi'iqao ciqpa/ 1f We are /th!JOlc& sh!mcuu/

teammates. nga tsho tsho khag gcig pa red. technology fL~ru·f2.r~·~·
....,. ~~'<fl"C\"<!-1 · /th!JOlce r!rJn&c/
(rJ:!.ntso tshoqaa ciqpa r=.el [Syn. ru khag gcig tedious, see: boring
pa] teeth, see: tooth
tea offering (religious) t;;;·;;).la:~ · /ch£mco'o/ teething ring "'
(2.~~ • "::~;. • /cipru/
tea party ~·;;>~~<\· /ch£ntbon/ teetotaler "
c'GC::.'.!l:.J:n,'*'&~O( /chor)roo por)&&n/
tea plantation i!i:·~c::.· /ch!!.,shir)/ [Syn. chong a rag ma 'thung mkhon]
teapot M ·~;:,:_· /qh~6tii/ telegram, 1. n. 7"'' /tor/ [Syn. tar 1 phrin] 2.
tear, 1 • va. B. ~~<t.r /rU5/ 1f He tore the iso. send a telegram, va. -- z::u7~· /--toon/ 1f
paper. khos shog bu de dbral song. (qh3~ shOqu Where con I send a telegram? tar go nos gtong
ti rffso) 2. iso. get/be torn, vi. B• .::.,.~ · dgos red? '
(tor qh£n&& tor)qorc&l
lr£EJ 1[ The paper got torn. shog bu de ral telegraph line ~::t; · ~"'\ • /terqUU/
shag. (shijquti r_££shaa) 3. iso. a tear from telegraph office '?~fZlJ:. · /torqaan/
the eye, i. n. ~'I\·~· /micu/ ii. vi. B. -- ,ff~· telegraph operator ·
7!'1\· cr"~lf~ ;ura '0\ · /tor tor)&&n/
/ --sh'!5':5 / 1f The smoke made him tear. du bas telegraph pole, see: telephone pole
kho mig chu shor dgos bzos song. (thooqi qho telephone, 1. n. fl"z:.,z.t:J:..' /qhi'ipaa/ 2. va.
micu sh'!5'!5qo~ soclso) ~? ~ · I --toon/ 1f I want to telephone him. nga
tear gas, neo. 014~· <:b' "'\4)' i.i:=:CI · /micu th_!:!qlai1/ kho la kha dpar gtong dgos yod. (rJ£ qh55 qhopaa
tear up, see: tear 1 1 tor)qoycre l
tease 1 va. C. 2:1 ~<!-\· 2:::\~~· /iiC& q8"d/ 1f He always long-distance telephone call ~7;..· ~t:: (3' "\ ~ =..·
teases me. khos rtag par nga la brnyas rko gi /k!!.,r)ri~ qhopaa/
'dug. (qh~ toqpaa rJ~ iifc qOqil) [Syn. kyag telephone book (21'")"Z..:I:..'\3-I~~ZI.' /qhopoa or)tep/
kyag byes] telephone equipment fU'"')'ZJ='i.'£. ~'"'i· /qhopoa Y£pc&c/
teaspoon, see: spoon telephone line (li'"\1<.1.:1\'~ZI"\· ~"\· /qhopaa l~;quu;
tea stall/shop E' ra~· /ch£qaan/ telephone pole ra· .:\~1~· ~ · .>.y~· /qhi'ipaaqi qi'io/
tea strainer E.' -='l!J«\. /ch:!.tsao/ telephone receiver, 1. n. (Zl:z:;:z.~:!i.· /qhi'ipaa/
technical, iso. pertaining to industrial arts [Syn. kha dpar nyan yag] 2. iso. pick up the
rz~o.r nJ"a1. /thUOlcc/ [Syn. 'f*lrul bzo; bzo rig receiver, va. C. -- ;z'.\~~· /--le~/
tenure 437

telescope ~e:..·~RS· /kf!_r)Shee/ tenant, 1. iso. a former who leases ...-

land~'"'\~' "Cijl::.'
televise, vo. C. d")~C!)~ ·~~·~·fl.~a, ·~z=..·tz.~· ~!'"<\ · ~'\'OIJ(21~· /ph~hil') l!_Q&&n/ 2. iso. renter of
/suqt66n lOotiin noonlo tf~/ on apartment (lll:';!:)'~Z)· ~~· ~~- ~1"---a.. · /qhol')lo
tele~ision ·~y~~~·~~·~z;,·~C! · /s~qt~n lu!Jt.iin/
}fen& tOtlQ&&n/ [Syn. khong glo sprod mkhon]
[Syn. sgom chung glog brnyon; bor. c, ten hri] tender, 1 • iso. not hard ~~·.if- /nimpu/ 11 This
television station "'f\:S.~~·~"z=..·
"'.> -,
2-\' ai4")«-t'
meat is tender, sho 1 di snyim po 'dug. (sho t!:_
/s~qt60n lDntiin s~tsu~/ nimpu tuu) 2. iso. affectionate ~·4'\z:;c.·~l:'\'
tell, vo. A. 'Z:l~l'\' ; h, 11'\~l::C!o-\ · /shft; h. ~ · I tsrtun' Y,!!P&& I
Zl~ ""' brtse
11 o tender remark .
11 He told me. khos ngo lo bshod byung. gdung yod po 1 i skod cho ( tsrtu~ Y,!!P&& qfcho)
Q~ shfccu) [Syn. lob; brjod] [Syn. byoms brtse ldon po'i] 3. see: painful
temper (iso, bod) if:;Z::: r~.u:: ~ /lOOn looqo/ vo. ·c • "~04'':&./'~3:<!-1
..r v- · ;- '"''!
has a bod temper.
..._;, -
kho rlung long po 'dug,
11 He
t end er~ze,
tendon ~~·Zl· /kl}_pa/
nimpu s2_o

lOOn lf!_Qqo t~~) [Syn, spro thung thung] tenfold~· ~xt· /c~ntap/ [Syn, ldob bcu]
~:M"·-41~"1)-Z)· /chf!.~O yuqtse~/
temper (
even) ~c.·~ ~z;,· ~ · /r)!!_r)ku r!:_nqu/ tennis, 1. neo. n,
temper 1 vo, ~ ~?;:7 /so taan/ 11 He tempered the 2, iso, ploy tennis, vo. ~·~-.A~ A· /ch!!.to
pot, khos bum po sro btong shag. (qhB'~ ph~mpa k!p/
so taansha~) table tennis, neo, ~c.·:z.J.Z::' /pir)pol')/
temperament <f1.:q~. ~'\ · /shiiku'U/ Y He has o good tense, 1, iso, gram, ~~·41~~ · /thQ!!sum/ 11 What
temperament. kho~shis rgyud yog go 1 dug, (qho tense is ph yin po? ph yin po 1 i dus gsum go re
shiikuU yoqo tu~)
- ...,.-
!!' S!ll:..' 511e::.. · /~o thur)tuun/
(chimp&& th,!!lsum qh_2re r£&l 2. see: dan-

........ ~ ~
temperate climate ci·~c:..·~r~'&-\·~~-~·~01-1'"'\~'41-1· future tense ~ ·~<H' ~ · /rrlf!.oQpo/
/tshot.oon niiyb"d n~mshil/ post tense f2l'\<S-\'·z:..l' /t,£tpo/
''- V"
temperate zone, ~eo, &·"!\~'~tp<H' 'W~' ~ ·~rn· present tense "\;~ · Zl · /th2_towo/
/tshot.oon niiyb"o s~qhu~/ tension, see: danger
temperature, 1 , n. cS'-!} e::.. • /tsho~oon/ 11 What is tent, 1. n, 4)::>:_' /qhur/ 2. iso, pitch a tent,
the temperature today? de ring [gnom gshis] vo. -- .212,:zt · I --k!p/ [Syn. --phub] 3, iso,
tsho grong go 1 dro 'dug? (th~iin n~mshil tsho- toke down a tent 1 va. D. -- 4? ~ I --trp/
~oon qh!nt-c& t~~)
body), med., vo. c.
2. iso. toke temperature (of
ar·~·<=~~t'{· /tshowa tfU
yak-hair tent ~- ~~·
tentative, iso. not definite/certain &:.l!-l'a-1"" •
- -..... --
temple, 1. iso. religious ~- ~r::· /lhoqoon/ 2, /r)~me~/ 11 His answer was tentative. kho'i lon
iso. the port of the head -.:u·~ · /yomo/ nges med red, (qhSS l~n n~me~ r2,~l [Syn.
(\, ...... C\. -
temporal a~·'Y ~~· ~· /c!_qteenqi/ 11 temporal nges gton med po'i]
worries 1 jig rten gyi sems khrol (c!:_qteenqi tenth, 1 • .~::~~·2.1· /cOpa/ 11 the tenth king rgyol

semtcc) po bcu po (k,££po cupa) 2. iso. 0 tenth

temporarily ""\~'31· ~c:t"'""' (2.1' /n~~qapla/ /cOca/ 11 two tenths bcu cho gnyis (cOca nrr)
-.r ...
temporary C')a.~· ~ca~1· /n~~qap/ 11 temporary job ten thousand ;z::..·~Z\'A~' /tor)~oo cO/ [Syn. khri
gnos skobs kyi los ko (nUqapqi l,££qo) 11 tem- gcig; chig khri thom pol
porary solution gnos skob kyi thog gcog ( n~~­ tent peg/stoke ~~·~~· /qh~rpur/
qapqi thoqcb~)
tempt, see: entice
[Syn, 'phrol sel; khob zur] tent pole <f'\~ _;r;d\ ·
--,;) ~
tent ropes/guidelines cr·p;, · ·
- [Syn, ko ro]
~ . I -

temptation ~~·~'\· /10!-il/ tenure r.u~-~~· /l!!kUUn/ 11 During his tenure as


ten ~· /cO/ president; there was a war. khong srid 1 dzin

43s tepid

gyi las rgyun ring la dmag 1 khrug byung pa red. /~oqoo chatsoan/
(qhoon sintsiinqi l~k~un r!~la meqthu~ ch~npa­ territorial waters, neo. <>-!i!:.a: (!;c.~·~·a..t-;£· /noqo?.
re~) k.9_tso/
tepid ~·(2-~aJ /th~am/ territory 1 iso, a place <!-!· a:.· /soco/ ~ The
term, 1. see: ward 2. iso. term of office, see: Tibetan government controls this territory, sa
tenure 3. iso. a set period ~z:~· /the?)/ ' cho 'di la bod gzhung nos do dam byed kyi yod pa
He was elected president for three terms, khong red. (soco t££ ph~hu~n& th~tam ch!qiyooree)
srid 1 dzin la theng gsum 1 dem bsko byas pa red. terror f2.2<"')2.Y.. ~ c:... · /c!~naan/ ~ The government
(qhoon sintsiinla then slin t!:mqo ch£tparee) used terror to control the students, gzhung gis
[Note: Tibetan uses "times" to express this,] slab grwa ba tshor 1 jigs snong bskul nos sgrig
4. iso. a school term ,fz:r~<!'-! · /lopt~~/ ~ We gcun byed kyi yod po red, (shOQqi lopt.aotsoo
hove two terms a year, ngo :tshor lo gcig lo c!~naan qOOnr; t!qcUUn c!qiyooree) [Syn, sdigs
slob dus gnyis yod pa red, (~.9_ntsoo lo ciq la ra; 'jigs skrag]
loptu~ nrr Y2~ree)
"- ....
terrorism, neo. 1. n, (OJI<...-\>.Y.·.I!l~tu·X~ffO\·..A"'\·

terminal, 1 • see: final 2. iso. a terminal ill- /c!qtltl ts~fnshee/ 2, iso. engdge in terrorism,
ness~.~~· (2..1·'2:;~. 2Jfi. /shiyoolo ~!:ep&&/ ~ 0 see: terrorize
terminal illness shi yog lo nges pa 1 i no tsho terrorist C'~""\~· ~ ~n.c·~~~·.A_z:;,·~ ") ·.;u~"\
(shryaola ~epr.& ~tso) /ciqu~ ts~fnshee c~~&&n/
terminate, 1. see: end; finish 2. see: fire
- -
terrorize, va. f'.~"'\.,.,. ~-tt,C>J·.z:l-£q·_,a,'"-\· ~~ ·
' /cJ:.-
terminology 1 neo. 1J21· ~z:; 12~ ~8) C{ · /thonr;c t.!:!,luu/ qUU ts~~nshee ch£C/ ~ The soldiers terrorized
~ scientific terminology . tshon rig gi tho snyad the farmers, dmag mi tshos zhing pa tshor 'jigs
'gro lugs (ts~fnrilqi thon&c tuluu) (maamitsa·ci sh!~pa­
term! te
.11h· (2.z:t· /shi~pu/
- bskul btsan shed byos shag.
tsoo c!qUU tsCEnshee ch£tshao)
term paper, neo. "' C\. :;g-d-1·
<"'~~·~Q.· v- "Ul<!j · /ts!nt&& terse ~a.~· i;~· /t_!:!mtum/ ~ Keep your essay terse.
'-> "\) .
tsDmyil/ khyod rang gi yig rgyugs rtsom yig sdum sdum
terraced field ~~./'q.,:: /themshi~/ zhig bris, (kh&r.r. yJ:.qkuu tslinyil tumtumci
terrain, see: land th!ll [Syn, tshig nyung don 'dus]
terrestrial ~;;~.~.·o;.a\~· /qomchoo/ ~ terrestrial test, 1. iso. a school test ....,"'\. ~<t'jC~· /y!qkuu/ " ~
animals skarn chogs sems can (qomchoo semc&&n) ~ That test was hard, yig rgyugs de khag po
-..- "' .
terrible .!.aya;4'\·lo\~·'2.l.·-3"'1. /t_!:!qcod sh!puci/ ~ 'dug. (y!qkuuti qhoqo t!:!,ul 2, iso.· give a test
The food was terrible. kha log de sdug chag (school) 1 vo, A, -- ~~ · 1--t.Ec/ ~ They gave
zhed po ci 'dug. (qholooti tuqcoo shipuci tuu) us a hard test. kho tshos nga tshor yig rgyugs
terribly ~.aya;"'l~~·:t!·~'1·/~!:!qcoo ~!pucif ~ khag po zhig sprad byung, (qhontsoB ~ntsoo
The wound burned terribly, rma de sdug chog Y!qkuu qhaqoci tc&cu) 3, iso, take a test
zhed po cig I tshig shag o (mOte t_!:!qcOd Sh!pUCi (school), va, C, /--H3~/ ~ Did
tshilshoo) you take the test? khyod rang gis yig rgyugs
terrific Ula'\·*l·?a_.z;·~·~'"l· /y.9_qo sh!puci/ ~ The blangs pas? (khgrc& Y!qkuu lenpcc) 4. iso, try
food is terrific here, kho lag de yog po zhed out/ assess 1 vo. ~~· <1j · ~~· /tsh88ta ch£Ct ~
po cig 'dug. (qhalati y~qo sh!puci t!:!,ul They tested the new gun. kho tshos me mdo' gsar
terrify, see: frighten pa de tshod lta byas shag. (qhontsod m!nta s~­
territorial air space, neo, ;>Jt;_n·;£r=..7:'1·~f21/'2.·"')~r=..~· pati tsh88ta chr;cshao) 5. iso. an experimental
/~oqo?l qhayi?J/ test, n. !e.,·~-:- /tsh88ta/ ~ atomic test rdul
terri toriol integrity 1 neo, ~c::r>. · {t:r::.~· a;· <i:t=.. · phron tshod lta (t~t&&n tsh88ta)
theology 439

testament, see: will thankless oZ:I "'('a.'~'\" 2!. C'.i>.l"~ "\" /q~tiin same~/
test ban, neo, f '"\ ·~ ·~'i\4\ ·(2-~"-'"\ · /tsh83ta q66n- thank you ~~~) · ~· /th6ce che/
...._ "'\0 I
qo~/ that "') · /th2/ 11 that book deb de (th,!P th!)
...r -r
testicle ~r;:.· X: 41 · /q22_nt:)~/ [Syn, pho 1 bros] thatch 1 see: straw
testify 1 1, va. '\zrt.· ~ €_a( · /jX!I')po ch£~/ 11 They that (one) over there ""'4' ~ · /phaqi/ 11 that book
surrmoned him to testify in court, kho tshos kho over there deb pha gi (thep phaqi)
dpang po byed par skad btang shag, ( qh6ntsb"d That•s enough! ""·~~~z..~·~;. /th~ t};.lsu/
qh6 P'l')po cheqaa q~~ toanshaa) 2, iso. testify thaw, see: melt
in support, ~a. ~~~<~· ~~· -z:.."I.J~· ~- ~~ · /k_:pkoo the, see: this; that
p51')po ch£C/ 3, iso. testify against, va, ?!:·"I)(Z.t theater, neo. ~~i!:l.' ~"'i\· "f"3-J:.' /thaptBi:inqaan/
~"Z(~· ~· ~"I!(· /q~bo jX!I')po ch£~/ [Syn, zlos gar khang]
testimonial i:l.~J:\· ::x..~· ~· ~ · /t8Sr&& y};.qi/ [Syn. theatrical group &~ '4!"'~~·11:.1·/Uii:iqaa tsh5qpa/
bstod 1 phrin] theft ..t;;· &.l'.A'::I\· ~·
/qllna sh!S5po/ 11 They re-
test tube, neo, ¥~·'"\j·~(aJ ·~~::.· /tsh3Sta sheetol')/ gretted the theft of the statue, kho tshos sku
tether, 1. va. A. A?Z\'21-\ · /too/ 11 They tethered rkun rna .shor pa de la 1 gyod pa byung pa red.
the dog near the tent. kho tshos gur gyi khris (qh6ntsb"d qO qCma sh55pa t&& kBpa chuunpare~)
la khyi btags shag, (qhontsod qh~qi thilla khi their {!"- ~?i_. ; h, j(~· ~'a.l·~f. /qh6ntsi:ii:i; h,
taashaa) 2. iso, a tether ~a:.~""\' A""-' /khi qh6naats~/ 11 their house kho tsho 1 i khang po
t2<Jtaa/ (qhontsb"d qhol')po)
text ~ ....,.....
~ ~: ----
"')0\ · I c~todn/ 11 They published the them, 1. iso. with dative ?'·'it~·; h. {ifc:.·il,~·~~·
whole text of his speech. kho tshos khong gi /qh6ntsoo; h, qh6naantsoo/ 11 I told them.
gsung bshad kyi brjod don cha tshang dpar 1 g~~ms ngas kho tshor lab pa yin. (I')£~ qh6ntsoo l,:pe-
byes shag. (qhontsod qhoonqi SUI')Sh&~qi codtb"on yin) 2. iso. nominative ;f-"f. ; h, ~·~a.~· it·
ch6tsaan p5nte~ ch&cshaa)
text boo[<
~.1:\ · ""\ z:t
· /loptep/
/qhontso; h. qh6naatso/
tsho mthong byung,
11 I saw them,
(I')£C qh6ntso thooncu)
ngas kho

textile :z:.~· ~"12-\' /rE£_taa/ 11 textile factory ·

theme :.(Oi ~·-~r ~ Zl' /th,!!ntaa tewa I 11 What is the
ras thags bzo grwa (r&&taa sotal theme of the meeting? tshogs 1 du 1i don dog lte
textile industry 1 neo, -;· ""'f (21"a·t" /r!:!:_taa ba go re red? (tsh6ntUU th,!!ntao tewa qh~re. r§_c)
sol&&/ [Syn. don dog gtso bo; don dog snying po]
tex~ual analysis ~~~·'fa,·~~")· ~ll:l· /tshiqtodn c~~­ themselves 16·.:z:_r=.·"fi·=:.~· ; h, ;£"~:.· "01·~· ::z:..r::. · /qh6-
ship/ raantsoraan; h, qh6naotsoraon/ 11 They did. it
texture ~l!(aJ. • Jfrz:J.'

ture of this?
1 di 1
-jam rtsub 11goWhatdrois dug?
1 1
the tex-
1 di kho rang tsho rang gis byos pa
(t};. qh~aantsoraanqi ch§_~pare~)
c~mtsup qh_:nt&~ t~b) [Note: This is only used then, 1. iso, at that time ~-~~· /th_!tUU/ 11
to ask the type of question cited above.] Prices were lower then. de dus gong chung ba
than ~lH • ll£~1 11 This is better than that. 1 di 1 dug, '
(th_!tUU' qh22_n chtil')aa) 2. iso, soon af-
de las yag po •dug, (t!. th};.l&c y~qaa) terwords [vb,] ~iii· /[vb,] n&/ 11 We ate, then
thank, va, D. ~Z'\~·~·'a>·~:=;·/th6ce che s2/ 11 He we went home. nga tsho kho lag bzos nos nang la
thanked me, khos nga la thugs r je che zer gyi phyin pa yin. (l')~ntso qholoa S£~n& n22_nlo chim-
1 dug, (qh~d ~ thoce ch~ s};.qil) peyin)
thanka (Tibetan scroll pointing) "it~·~· ; h, ~·fll::.' -.r- ~a..· 7:)~:o;,· ~~· "~r;..· ~~~· /cho-
theocracy, neo. Gf.'a{· "

/th61')qa; h. qOtaan/ ~ ' .

p&& W~l')kuu siishul')/ ~
thankful, see: gratef~l theology, neo. afl!-1' ~~-a-t·~'"\'~~~· /chiiDluu r_!l')-
440 - theoretical

nee/ thick hair skra tshogs·mthug po (tots~~ thOpu)

theoretical, iso, concerning theory, adj. '1}' &:~~ · 2. iso. a circumference £~· .ZS: /pf!Opo/ 11 a
-~::1;,'/tow&& q~~/ 11 theoretical article lta ba 1 i thick rope th~g po sbom po zhig (thoqpo P.2mpo-
skor gyi rtsom yig (tow&& q3~qi tsumyil) ci) 3. iso. a liquid "'i~-~- /qh2f!po/
theoretician, neo, ll'l:l' a-lfU-1!--1' "ZI' /towa qh&!:pa/ thicken, iso. a liquid, va, «)'::!..'"'\' z:~?r::..· /qh2f!rU
theory ~·2:1· /tawa/ 11 theory and practice lta bo taan/ "'=~
dang lag len ( towoto l_2qleen) 11 His -theory is thickener (for liquids) 41)"%.'~-z:t~·"t.oot.:r') · /qh2f!po
that Indians came from Central Asia, kho 1 i lta s~yaa/
ba la rgya gar ba tsho shor gling dbus nos byung thickness, 1. ~~ay~a.~.· /thilplo'ts/ 2, iso. a
bo red. (qhOO towolo k_2qortso sharlil) OUn& ~- o.r
circumference c:r··• ~~· /pomlod/.. 3. iso. a li-
ch.!:!!!npare~) quid ~·r6a.t· /qh22,r&;
therapeutic 1 1 • adj, ,")."G\ • /n§!r:J:l&&n/ 11 thera- thick-skinned ll')~r:..· ~"'\l!'<.' q{~<f')· ~- /t,22npaa thO-
peutic treatment nod phon bcos thobs ( nE_£r:J:l&tn pu/ [Syn. gdong tshon chen pol
c83tap) 2. iso, be therapeutic, vi, D. 0\'-''tu · thief ~:"\'~· /qOmaa/
"74"\'/n_2tsola ph~n/ 11 This is very therapeutic. .....,
thievery ~·t.J.(ll"\ · I quyaa
- 'I
1 di no tsho la zhe drag r:J:lon gyi 'dug. (t!_ n_2- thigh~~·,.(\· /lBsha/
tsoa shetao ph~nqil) thigh bone 2!.~· ~~- /laru/
therapist~ neo. "\"\' ""!~· ~;{"~- .sa.a~-~~- ~c"A"il\ · thimble~~-~· /cul)mu/
/n§!ph&&n cSBtap ch!IJ&&n/ thin, 1, ""iso. a person ~~- ~- /qampo/ 11 He is
therapy, neo. i\1\ 7.4~·.z::t~~· ~l:l~· /n§!r:J:l&&n cSB- thin. kho skam po red, (qho qompo r!~l 2.
tap/ 11 physical therapy !us gzugs nod phon iso. a flat object ~z:t· -:i'· /VSpu/ 11 a thin
bcos thobs (lUUsuu nE_£ph&&n cSBtap) piece of wood shing srab po zhig (shil) tapuci)
there :14'4\'="· /phaq&&/ 11 He is there now. kho do 3, iso. a round/long object~-~ /phopo/ 11 a
!to r:J:lo gir 'dug. (qho th_2nta ph~q&& t~u) thin rope thag pa phra po zhig (thaqpo phopo-
thereby, see: by means of ci)
therefore ~~-~~- /ch£Ctsoon/ 11 He come, there- thing :;s · r.tla") · /colaa/ 11 He bought different
fore I left. kho bslebs song byos tsong nga things. khos co log 1 dro' ma 1 dra 1 nyos shag.
phyin pa yin. (qho H~eso ch£&tsoan 11£ chimpa- (qhS'd colaa ~.2 m_ent-a ~dshaa) [Syn. dngos po]
[Syn. byas tso no; der brten] think, 1. iso. consciously think about something,
thermometer, neo. c£·"!).J:.'.q~.!r\· af"'\· /tshotaan toq- ~
vo. J::~<!'ia.riil Z\?~· ; -.../.
h. \>rf~· ~-zs~~- - /somlo
tscc/ tlion; h. q~l)pa sh2_~/ 11 He thought about the
thermos bottle .e;:·')c.~· /chatom/ plan. khos 'char gzhi de 1 i skor lo bsam blo
these ~~-~ · /t!_ntso/ 11 these books deb 1 di btang shag. (qh~ ch~~hitii q~5la slimlo taon-
tsho (th!P t!_ntso) shaa) 2. iso. have a thought, vi. C. ~0!-la.l'l!{'
these days 1 see: nowadays /scm/ 11 I didn't think you would come. nga
thesis, 1. see: theory, 1 2. iso. thesis for a khyod rang yong gi red bsams mo byung._ (l)_e kh3-
rv- ~-
M.A., neo. ~'i(l·ll~· ~~-~~-~~- "'~·
/tholop ra Y_!!l)qire~ sam m_:cuun) 11 I think I ' 11 go to-
yiqkuu tsamtep/ morrow, nga sang nyin 1 gro dgos min nom bsom
- .r:.
they (ll= ~ ; h. (&.: Q,~· ii · /qhontso; h. qhonaatso/ gyi I dug. ( 1).2 sai'iiin t-~o m£noo samqil) [Syn.
11 They went home. kho tsho nang la r:J:lyin song. bsam blo 'khor] 3. iso, the clause 11 I think"
(qhontso "22nla chinsu) t:.'lH·~~·O\· /I)£C ch§!no/ 11 I think he'll come,
thick 1 1 • il-l 'Ia•~'\' ~-
..., /thupu/ 11 The book is thick. ngos byes no kho yong gi red. (I)£C ch&&na qho
deb de mthug po 1 dug. ( th!pti thOpu t_!!~) 11 y_!:!)qire~)
thoughtful 441

thinner, 1. iso. a person, i, ~"&.~· ":1..1 • /qompo?J/ this evening. kho do dgong yong gi red. ( qho
ii. iso. get/be thinner 1 vi. Ji\O.f \ ~-s,.· /qomru th2_qo~ y~l)qire~)
chi~/ 2. iso, a flat object, i. ~~-~· /\spa/ this morning ~ · ::r, z; · /th2_roo n/
~ .
ii. iso. make thinner 1 vo. ~· \? · i!::l ?e:. ·
....., /\epru this time ")' .:l;,~ · /th2_re~/ 11 This time, I'll go,
toi5n/ 3. iso. a long/round object, i. ~·z=~· do res ngo 'gro gi yin, (th2_re~ ~ \~qiyin)
/phoa/ i i . iso. make thinner, vo. ~·.::~..· ~7~· thistle, see: thorn
/phoru teen/ 4. iso, a diluting agent f&l' z..t'-Z:13· this year ~-~ /th2_lo/ [Syn. 'di lo]
11.1«) '/lopo s2_yo'?J/ "
thither Z4 '..If)~· /ph~q&&/
third, 1. ~~a~- '2.1' /sisnpa/ 11 the third man mi thorn, 1. n. (2¥.::1\·e>.~·/tshemo'?J/ 2. iso, get pricked
gsum po (m_! slimpa) 2, iso. a third '"l~Cl( · a,· by a thorn, vi. A. -- .3ZI'
/--suu/ -
/sii:nca/ 11 Two thirds come. gsum cho gnyis thorn in one s side ~"l· ~~ ·~ · ":) · ~ ·
1 /mil n~nqi
bslebs shag. (sOmca nii l~~ho'?J) }h~moa/ [Note: This literally means "a speck
thirdly a)~~.!' U=!i' /sii:npor/ of dirt in the eye,"]
thirst, 1. n. ("\·~-~oCt\' /qha qanyo'?J/ 2. vi. thorny, see: ~ifficult

see: thirsty 3. iso. quench one's thirst, see: thorough, 1. !so. detailed ~e:~· cS~'t\· ~- /sh_!p
quench tshoqo/ 11 They mode a thorough examination._
thirsty, vi. C. ~- "\~~- /qhi5 q'l5ri;f 11 I 1m kho tshos brtog dpyog zhib tshogs po byos shag,
thirsty. ngo kho skarn gyi 'dug, (1)2_ qho qisn- (qhontso1l toqc&~ ship tshoqo chr.csho'?J) 2. iso,
" - ..r~
qil) a worker, odj, ~!!=~.-~<!-\· 2.1· ;;a")· -il-1("1-a.. •
thirteen ~~-<!1"\~'0.l· /cuqsum/ /sh_!p tshoqo ch!IJ&&n/ 11 He is a thorough worker,
thirteenth .o:~~-"'1~0-t' ~ · /cOqsumpa/ kho los ko zhib tshogs po byed mkhon zhig red,
thirtieth ~~a.~~·~~ -.u· /sisncupa/ (qho l~qo sh_!p tshoqo ch!IJ&&nci r!~l 3. iso,
thirty ""I'""Clt' ~ · /sOmcu/ [Syn. sum cu thorn po] complete ~~-~ · /pE,_tte/ 11 He is a thorough
-.a .....;;) .....
thirty-eight <!)~'SJ·~-~-~~ '/sisncu sopk&~/ fool. kho rbod de lkug po red, (qho PE,_tte q'Qq-
thirty-eighth ..,~~-~~ ~-~~!:)' ~- /sOmcu sopk&~po/ pa r!~l
thirty-fifth ""l~Dli'Z1"5'~1'>l·l:.l'/s0mcu
..., ..., 1=. soi)Opo/ thoroughfare, see: rood
thirty-first •ry~:>.~.·ZI~-~~"1· ~- /sOmcu sOciqpa/ ·
thoroughly q~ cS"'\'l!-\' Zl·~~-/sh_!p tshoqoc&/ ~ They
thirty-five J:r1,~"<~-t·~~- *1~: /sisncu s'&)o/ examined the question thoroughly. kho tshos dri
'\:) C\.
thirty-four "'1"'~~'2:1'<5 ·~zteoj/sOmcu slipshi/ ba de lo zhib 1jug zhib tshogs po by as byos
'\:) " .....
"'\~~·a.;s· ~-~ ta· 2:1· /sOmcu slipshipa/ shag. (qhontsod }h,!_wat&& sh_!mcut sh_!p tshiiqoce
"' "' '"J
thirty-nine ~~Clt·~·~'l~'/s'Qmcu s&tu/ chc&shoo)
"\) "-J
thirty-ninth 4'2!<.'D6':1:1.1iS'~"i<f\'~'/sOmcu s&iupa/ those, 1. iso. things/people not so for away ~-af·
"\) "..;) ~

thirty-one d)~Dli'ZI:cl''*~o!r]'/stincu sOcil/ /th~ntso/ ~ (th~p

thirty-second .t"j~a.J'C!I~r
"'.,) ....:>
*' "
4jtp'l!-l· Z4 · /siincu s'&iilpa/ th!nt,so)
those books
2. iso, things/people further away
deb de tsho

thirty-seven i:J\~'d-1·~· ¥-~~'/stincu si5ptuUn/ -g. /phantso/

thirty-seventh t!j~;,s· ~· ¥='ZI~O\· ~ '/siincu soptlfunpa/ though, see: even though
thirty-six 4)31a.!'l!!4'*~-41'/sisncu so\ut/
" ....:> "\)
thought, 1. ~2-1~·5" ; h, ~41)c:.a..·'Z.I· /samlo; h,
thirty-sixth "'\~CilL·~~-li(-!i~''tl' /sOmcu s'O\uqpa/ q2_1')po/ ~
What ore your thoughts on this issue?
thirty-third ~~a.a·~-~~· :z.t·/s'Umcu s6sumpa/ don gnod 1di 1i thog lo khyod rang lo bsom blo go
thirty-three ~~at·~--¥ "'l'2!'1Cl( /sisncu s6sum/ re yod po? ( th~c& tii th::>:,lo kh&oo somlo
..., "\:> "
thirty-two ~~a.i· "'1~·~-,¥·/stincu slinil/ qh2_re Y2:,1 2. vo, see: think
"'- ~
this (2~ /t.!f 11 this book deb 'di (th!P t_!) thoughtful, 1. see: considerate 2. iso, careful-
this evening ~ "\dljz:. · /th2fJoM/ 11 He will come ly thought out, adj. ;;q~~~-~·~·s"'\·~-,z:..· '2.1~·
442 thoughtless

/samlo sh~ta~ taanpcc/ ~ He wrote a thoughtful threefold "")'~~ · ~l:l· /samtap/

essay. khos bsom blo zhe drag btang po 1 i rtsom three great .evils (illiteracy, superstition, un-
yig cig bris shag. (qh~ somlo sh!taa toonp&& cleanliness), neo. c. 4'\~"\·~~· a:_"\·:£·<f\~~·
tsumyil ci th.!_lshoa) [Syn. bsam blo zhib. cha /nS"oko15n chempo sum/
btang po 'i] three hundred ~;>.J·~· /sDmka/
thoughtless, 1. iso, on inconsiderate person ~OI.I'W three-legged Xi~· ~01.1· /qaansum/
/s!mquu ~IJ&&n/ ~ His is three-quarters 7:\~- a;' Z)~01.1.· /sh~cha sum/
thoughtless. kho sems 'khur med mkhan zhig red, three story (house, etc, ) ~'i~~ · ~"'l · /sDmtdd/
(qho simquu m!!IJ&&nci r!e) 2. iso, without three thousand .zry~a.~·~e:..· /sumtoon/ [Syn. stong
careful thought, adj. a-~~· Zl' /cho TTI!epo/ ~ a phrag gsum]
thoughtless book deb cho med po (th!P cho m!e- three together <f\~Cil ·~ · /sumqaa/ ~ the three of
po) them together kho tsho gsum go (qh5ntso siJm-
thousal)d ~c:: ~a')· /tor:Jt-aa/ qaa)
thousandfold ·
fz:.·~~ /tcir)tap/ three years ago ~q'j~~·~· {~·ru· /1~ samqi r:Jf~n­
thousandth, 1. ~·~~''Z.I' /chrqtoonpo/ ~the one la/ [Syn. gzhes nyin lo]
thousandth book deb chig stong po (thep chiq- thresh, va. B. ~~:a-\· -a:;<ry z::~,{::r:.,· /chuqcaa q5!5/ ~
toonpa) 2. iso. 1 /1 000
~ " -
~~· a:.· a\,.::6 ~ · /tor)Co She threshed the barley,
mas 1 bru la phyugs
ciq/ ~ 3/1000 stong cha gsum (tor)ca sam) chag bskor shag. (m~d t~la chuqcaa q5!5shaa)
thrash, 1. see: defeat 2, see: beat thresh by driving yaks over grain, va, B.~~~­

thread, 1. n. ~~·~· /qupa/ ~I need red thread, a;ay Zl.~:x:;,· /yoqcaa q:S!5/
nga la skud pa dmar po zhig dgos kyi 'dug. (r:J~ thresh with wooden flails, va. C, ~"<'\·~~-~~.<!'!·
qupa maapoci ce_?>) 2, VO, C, -- A~-'H' /yuqcaa sh~/
/--kgU/ ~ He threaded the needle, ""'
khos khab la threshing floor 4~cu· F' /yl:lOqa/
skud pa brgyus song. (qh~d qhapla qupa kgusu) threshing machine, neo, )'.i!il!:.' (l..~(U 'cz;t!:x..· /iiitu?,
threadbare, iso. get/be, vi. A. ~.a<Cl.l·3"' ElZI<'!{' t-h!J!lcpo I ""'
/c£msc& thee/ threshold, iso. a hou5e ~;l,j,' ";:J • /thempa/
threads (on screws) "\~~· ~:r...· /cOOpuu/ thrice, 1. ~J::..~'"'\4'-1~· /theQ sam/ 2. see:

threat, 1. n. f2.~"'\1H'~j::..·%1.~'"'-l' /c.!.''Jnaon qtlll- threefold

~ I 1m not afraid of his threats.
jigs snang bskul par zhed kyi nii 'dug.
nga khos
~a; a:.z:.·
gron chung
/thoncuun/ ~ Thrift is impor-
yag] gal chen po red.
qh~d c.!.''Jnaan qOOpoa sheeqimintuu) [Syn. sdigs ('t-h_2ncuun ch!yaa qh££ chempo r!e) [Syn. sri
ra bskul po] 2. see: danger tshags byed yag]
threaten, va. B. (1.~··-v~·"·~e:.·~(ZI· /c!_r)naan qOO/ thrifty, 1. iso. a person ~-;;S~~-~'\~l'll"')' /si-
~ He threatened the workers. khos bzo pa tshor tsaa ch!IJ&&n/ ~ He is thrifty. kho sri tshogs
1 jigs snang bskul shag, (qh~d s~potsoo c!_r)naan byed mkhan zhig red, (qho s!tsaa cher)&&n ci
qOOshaa) [Syn. nyen go bshad] r!e) 2. iso. act/be thrifty, va, ~-<€~~- ~~·
three 8)~011· /sum/ /sitsao ch£_&/ ~ We have to be thrifty. nga
three antis (anti-graft, anti-waste, anti-bureauc- tshos sri tshags byed dgos red, (r:J£ntsbMd sitsaa
racy), neo, c • .;(·~(.!..1'"'\~&.~· /r:J~oo slin/ ch!qoree)
three days ago 011~·~'01\ ~ !mE.£ iiir)qaa/ ~ He come thrive, see: increase
three days ago. kho mad nyin mo bslebs song. throat
'<1-.1 ~· 'Z.l • /miqpa/
~~ lthi/
(qho m££ ii!_r:Jqa~ leeso) [Syn, nyin ma gsum gyi throne, 1, n. 2·. iso, come on to/get
sngon la] the throne 1 va. A. ~ · z::1 cart-at' I --la sh~'tl/
tie 443

3. iso. renounce the throne, va. B. ~-~Jff"l..l· r~l')kon c2_n/

/' sh!ro/ Tibetan beer a;e::· /chol')/
throng su· ~~- /m!_puun/ Tibetan carpet ~"\· ~C>{· /ph~rum/
through, 1. iso. via l:l~;::,- /k}!~/ ~ We went Tibetan dress .;;;,;"\.a,~· /ph~he&/ [Syn. bod po 1 i
through Lhasa. ngo tsh~ lho so brgyud phyin po dug slog]
yin. (l')~ntsod lh&~so k.!;!"U chimpayin) 2. see: Tibetan government (trodi tionol) 1 1. iso. short
finished term 2:\'"'i-~'<\l:-.' /ph~hul')/ 2, iso. formal term
-..r- .....,:, '<" ),!""-
throughout ..:rr:<!:l·~-~- /qh~so qh5!lo/ ~ I searched "'l~"f)~C::.: "'l'~'Y4'~'\-""' 'St:.: ~~<x· ('2.1~- ~~- ~(21-
throughout Tibet. ngos bod kyi so cha go so go /ph~hul') q5!nteen photocn ch~~le& namkee/
lo btsol po yin. ( I')E_C ph~d qi sBco qh~so qh~lo Tibetan language, 1 • iso, spoken ~ · ~"'\ · I phoo-
ts~cpayin) qeC/ 2. iso. written-~-~""\- /ph.!:!!!yil/
throw, vo. A. "'\~"'\~· /you/ ~ Throw the boll Tibetan lute, 1. ;·.z:l~'C\- /t£mneen/ 2. iso. ploy
here. po lo 1 dir g.yugs dong, (p5lo tee yuuta) the lute, vo. -- >4~;:::.· /--taon/
~ He threw out the old magazines. khos tshog Tibetan mastiff n'J\-""\'~-(- ~- /tl>Okhi/
deb rnying po de tsho g.yugs song. (qh3B tshoq- Tibetan month (as opposed to Western calendar
tep nrl')pa th~ntso yuusu) month) ~"'\·~- /ph~nto/
throw up, see: vomit Tibetan nationality ~"'\-~"'~'\~- /ph~il/
thrust, 1. see: put 2. see: push Tibetan tea ~~-~- /ph~ha/
thumb C>-1~-~ /thepo/ [Syn. mthe bong] 'Tibet Doily' (the doily Lhasa newspaper)~~-
thumbnail cu~- ~&-~'\- iiG · /thepb"d semo/ ~ ~ ...._ ~'
,~~::.~·'3>"\'-"'(2.'"'\<!-{"'-' C2-~:t:.· /ph"" ). --
~O•J "' k uu I
..... san

thumbprint ~2."1. :g.>:'\'. /thepcee/ tibia ..,:;.""""1""1""- /l')artul')/

~~- ~""'\'
thump, vi. and va. "'- "' Zl?h' /t!_qtil taan/ ticket, neo. eng.
__., -" ~
bor. ~-'t\·~- /Fqasi/ ~ train
thunder, 1. n. (2.~<1")· ~")· /t~qec/ 2. vi. ticket ri li'i ti kosi (r!_lii trqasi) [Syn.
z:,.~-1 --k2_p/ ~ It thundered lost night. mda ngs c. phe'o]
dgong 'brug skad brgyab song. (t£1')qon t~qec ticket office, neo. "~-~-~-'9·7!,-{·
"'- ...,.... /Fqasi n;:_sa/
k2_psU) [Syn. neo. 1 dzin shog los khungs]
thunderbolt, see: lightening tickle, vo. A. -3\ -~.A\'~·"'\~\.,,.\"''' /itsiqulu sao/ ~
thunderous, see: loud He tickled me. khos ngo lo i tsi ku lu bsogs
thunderstorm, (rain storm) 5"'1' a;:;,;.· /i-h£qcoo/ byung. (qh83 1')00 rtsiqulu saocu)
Thursday '"\3(>.: ~::r_- ~- Is£ phOOpu/ -
ticklish, 1. iso, be, vi. D,\3'-\':<.f':),·~·-a· /itsiqulu
thus ~~-~~- /chE_ctsoon/ ~ Thus, we went to Ti- 59_/ ~ I'm very ticklish. ngo i tsi ku lu zhe
bet. byos tsong ngo tsho bod lo ph yin po yin. drag ZO gi 1 dug, (I')~ rtsiqulu sh~\.00 S2_qil) 2.
(chE_Ctsoon l')~ntso ph.!:fdlo chimpayin) [Syn. de see: delicate
1 dro yin tsong] tick tack ~<r'\- ~41 /thoq thoq/ ~ The clock goes
thwart, see: block; obstruct; prevent tick tack. chu tshod de throg throg zer 1 gro gi
thyroid gland ~- Zl · IP£9.! 'dug. (chOtsu"Uti thoq thoqs tuqil)
"-<\- v-
Tibet ~z::..· /ph~d/ tide, 1. iso. low tide~l>l~n..-~~-~l::lc-\'"'\a-1~·41·
Tibetan, 1, iso, a person ]!lil\. ~- /ph_2po/ [Syn, /kotsbo thUUlap mopo/ 2. iso. "'high tide
c. bod rigs] ~ Is he Tibetan? kho bod po red ~-:~-~""'-f;'iZl~·~s&"~- /k£tsoo thUUlap thepo/
pas? (qho ph_£po r~pecl 2. adj. A'· /ph2- tidy, see: neat
pee/ ~ Tibetan food bod po 1 i kho log ( ph2pee tie, 1 • iso. tie to something, va. A. Jq!?-"'\'<l-1'
qhalaol /tao/ ~ He tied the rope to the tree. khos
Tibetan Autonomous Region ~'\ :r..&.· ~~=..-~e.~ • /ph_£15 thag po shing lo btogs song, (qh8~ thoqpo shii'J-
444 Tien-an-men

le taaso) 2. iso, tie 2 or more things togeth- three times. kho 1 dir thengs gsum yang song.
er, va. C, .q~d-12!-1' /tc:_rn/ 3, see: tether 4, (qho t££ then sum yohso) 7. iso. a period/era
see: relation 5, iso, tie (put on) a belt, va, _:s,~''Ji'z:l~· /thu1lqep/ ~ during the Buddha's time

c. Xl ~.:: ~ · I ern/ songs rgyas bzhugs pa 1 i dus skabs kyi ring la

Tien-ah-men (Peking) 1 (s~onk&c sh~pc& th.!:!!!qapqi r!_l')la)
/n<imte q.£ffioce/ at that ti~ '\·"'i.:H'
do on time, va. "i~-~"'1·~· ~·w
/thtruth::>~la chE_c/
tier 1 see: layer; level
~<::.z.t''")l:::' ~
tiger ~.If)· /tao/ fir-st time /then thal')po/
tiger cub ~.!!)· ~ ~ · /taqtut/ for the time being "\-~~ '"'"\''\<:'~.' ~;~~r <'<l' /th_£ntcc
""J <\.
tiger stripes ~llj· ;:r,.~· /taqril/ n~~qeple/ ~ For the time being, I'll do it, da
tight, iso, secure ")~-~- /th~mpo/ ~ a tight lta'i gnas skabs lo ngas byas ko. (th_£ntcc n~~­
knot mdu:l pa dam pa (t!;!pe th~mpo) qeple 11£C chE_cqo)
tighten, va, "\;;l..\'~~3~· /th~mru taan/ 1! He tigh- next time ~~~-4\ f\Z\' ~ · /then sh!::!...uma/ 11 Next

tened his belt, khos sked reg dam du btang time 1 I '11 do it. thengs gzhug rna de la ngas
song. (qhsB qeraa th~mru taanso) byed kyi yin, (then shuumatcc IJE_C ch!_qiyin)
tight-fisted (21~· 2.{ • "')CIJ · ~- /l~qpa th~mpo/ [Syn, [Syn. skabs rjes rna]
lag pa cog po] .
once upon a t -...---
~-~-~-~- ...- I 1')5mo l')omo I
tight-lipped fZI··.c:;.....,·-4· /qho th~po/ [Syn. kha short time ago '\'~'0\ · /th!!qiin/
btsan pa] some time ago ~- .i!-1.1::.: /qhesaan/
tightly z::...~· ~ ~~- /th~mpocc/ ~ Tie it tightly, time bomb 1 neo, ::'!:,2-{' Zl-"\a")' a.~"'· 'Jlif~ · /thUUqaa
'di dam po byas sdoms dang. (t!_ th~mpocc tc:_mta) partscc/
tigress ~<!!')· af.' /toomo/ timely "'\~Z-~·~~-"\l:::·o-~~<\· z.J' /q~ttruta thOrnpa/
tile, 1. iso, for roof ~·d'\tttat' /ts:.,yam/ 2. iso, 1! Their aid was timely, khong tsho'i rogs ram
porcelain type ~''\' /ts:.,paa/ de dgos dus dang mthun pa byung shag, . ( qhontsbo
till, see: until r,22ramti qootuUta thOrnpa ch~nshaa) [Syn. dus
tillage ~ · ~<H · /mole&/ thog la; nom dus dang mthun pa 1 i]

tilt 1 see: lean; incline timetable ~~- y;;:.

<t>"'\' ......~r< ·a-~~·
" ' riumiq/
"' ~- ;;& · /shir)Ce/
timber --19 timid z{.fZI. a;~· """
fll•ry ....., Cibh.~ /l()qo~ ~Oncuunl 11 He is
..r: "5 timid. kho blo khog chung chung red. (qho 10-
time, 1, iso. time of the day a;-~~- ; h, ~~- c:1>~ •
' ' ~ q::>~ ch~ncuun r!:_~)
I chutsu1l; h. chootsod/ ~ What time is it? chu
tshod ga tshad red? l~hutstr~ qh!!tsc& r_£c) 2. timorous 1 see: fearful
iso. time'to do [vb,] ~!:' /[vb,] 1E2.n/ ~I tin .t4 · "\"\-"' · /shoaqaa/
do not have time to go, nga 'gro long mad, (l')a tinder ~-~·/pea/
t,£loon m!:_~) 3, iso. a span of time c.,~· c€~ ·
....-- .- ...,
tin foil "..:;('-1· AC1· /I')Ol:lshoV

/th,!;!!!tso1>/ 1! The bus takes o lot of time, bha tiny 1 1. iso, living things d'):!~Cl· ~a;~- a;...:;·
.;) """ --..:>
se la dus tshod zhe drag 'gor gi red, (pc:_scc /s_!:!qu chuncuun/ 1! He is tiny. kho gzhugs pa

thtrutsb1> shetaa qMqire~)
time, vi.
B. (2~~-
4. iso, take/elapse
~ It took six hours,
chung chung red.
iso. articles ~~- ~~-
(qho s~qu chuncuun r!:.e)

chu tshod drug 'gor song, '

( chutsu1l '
th~u q22so ) tip, 1. iso. a gratuityd"j~(.>.l·.:t,~·"'\~(21· /si58rcc
5, iso, times, math, "~~""-' /k~r/ 1! Two times 11liD/ 1! I gave him a tip. ngas kho la gsol ras
three is six. gnyis gsum la bsgyur no drug red, dngul sprad pa yin. (1J£C qh~~ sSSrc& 1')00 tfcpa-
(i'irr sum le k~rne th.!;!t r!:_~) 6, iso, . occa- yin) 2. iso. the very top '}-· /tse/ 1! the tip
sion/occurrence E r. ~ · /the?)/ ~ He come here of the fingers mdzub mo'i rtse (ts~qtru tse)
tolerant 445

tipsy, see: drunk 'I

too 2. iso. a salutation, va. A. " . . .,

tiptoe, va. '")"'. "{~ · %" ·-"~.!'"Ia-~· ;;I.,J5.'. · ~ "\ · " /qal')p&& "
'\4'1·~~8)<'<' lt~shi t~e~qi thul')too
tse tsuon& chi~/ kCio/ 11 I would like to make a toast. ngas bkra
tire, 1. iso. car tire ~~~- 17-~.zry 17-~-:s:;. · /m_eJ&& shis-bde legs kyi 1 khrungs dog cig bkyag gi yin,
k!_qor/ 2. iso. change a tire, va, C, -- .c.l ""H · (I?£C t~hi t!le~i thul')taoci k~~qiyin) [Note:
/--c!~/ 3. iso. inflate a tire, va. n.~~-~~ After a toast, Tibetans say "bottoms up":
tu · ~ · ~::~~Zl · ik,!qor la phu k2_p/ 4, iso, get/have 1 khrung dog gnang dgos n.~~::..- "\en,·_ 4),~"'-- z;,~Z'-1. ·
a blowout (for a tire), vi, B, ~41·~~~·-Z:ltt2J· /~huntao nel')qo?l/J
/k!_qor t.!:!.2/ 5. iso. puncture a tire, va. B. cz.~4· tobacco, 1. n. a~( r."\· /t~ptoo/ 11 He planted
(2/f~ ·,r:lf{ZI· /k.!,qor t88/ tobacco. khos mdo thag btab shag, (qhS'd t~ptao
tired 1 iso. get /be 1 vi • D. '\"\CZ. ·('oil!(· (D< · ; h. ~· t~pshao) 2. iso. loose tobacco for a pipe a.J~·
a.t~~- /qoic& qha; h. qu nee/ 11 He gets tired ll't"'\· ~1<1· ~2:\· /t~ptao sh,!pshil( 11 Do you have
quickly. kho lam sang dka' las kha gi •dug. loose tobacco? khyod rang lo mdo thag zhib zhib
(qho l~msaan qCil&c qheqil) 11 I'm not tired now. yod pas? (khSraa t~ptoo sh.!,pshil y~p&c) [Note:
nga do 1to dka 1 los kha gi mi 1 dug. (I')~ th~nta The term for cigarette "tho mag" is sometimes
qal&c qheqimintuo) [Syn. thong chad; h, sku also used for toboc~o.)
--.r -r
ngol] tobacco leaf ~~-51"'\'~ •"&J' /toptao l!!,f~o/
tireless, iso, worker ·"\;'1\a.·.:.C<~·tz.~·a.t·~a-ra.I(ZI"'\" /qa- today ~-~~- /th,!riin/ 11 Today is Monday, de
l')&&lo m~ntseml')&&n/ 11 He is a tireless worker. ring gzo' zla bo red, (th,!riin s~ t~wa r!el
<'\ v-
kho bzo po dko 1 ngol la rna 1 dzems mkhan zhig toe ;;q_~- "ZJ(Z" ~ur~· OIJ- /qol')p&& tsuqu/
red. (qho sopo qal')&&lo montseml')&&nci re~) big toe ri\"'""' ~~- ~~-.&.·I qal')p&& thl3po/
tirelessly "\~a.·~-~0!4~-~~-a- /qlil')&& t;!me~i/ toenail A'j"'-' "' ..r. """" ..... ..r-
~(Z'OIJ~Zl·OIJr<-"-"'"l"\'01"/qol')p&& ts!:!qUU semo/

11 He worked tirelessly for the party. khos together m~a~- ~ /nemtM/ 11 We went together.
tshogs pa 'i don dog la dka 1 ngal 1 dzems med kyi nga tsho mnyam du phyin pa yin. (l')~ntso namtM
los ka byes song. (qhS'd tsh~qp&& th~ntoolo qo- chimpayin)
1')&& ts!me~qi l&&qa ch£Cso) toilet, 1. iso, the Western bathroom fixture ~-

tiring ~l=.· ;a;;· -z.uay ~ · /thaan ch~fyooqi/ 11 tiring ~-~-~,-~oil-1-

" ' " -..r- /chikMqi c88tom/ 2. iso. a lavo-
--.r ..
work thong chad yog gi las ka (thCion ch~fyoaqi tory 4)~"'"" • i z::;. · /soonctrd/ 11 Where is the toi-
l_££qo) let? gsang spyod go par yod pa red? (soCinc'b"d
tit, "see: breast (woman's) qhapaa yo~rd:)
- - "'- ...r-
tissue paper, neo. ~oZ:l·..<f""l· /~epsho?l/ toilet paper Cl.Z~'"'\<Mr::..· ~.-...- ~"'\· .1941,· ~- /chopsan
tithe, see: tax chiryao shuqu/ [Syn. gtsong shog)
token, 1. iso. in nome only ~"'-' Z&J' ~-
........ <'-. .
title 1 1 • iso. a book 1 etc. '"\~·a.!~· /th!pmil')/ /m,!l')tsam-
2. iso. an article t'Z~Z:l~~ · /q_e,Pc~/ 3. iso, qi/ 11 token government ming tsam gyi gzhung
a rank 4f31d'~~- /qhf!>&& m,!l')/ 11 His title is (m,!l')tsomqi sh!:!~l
2. iso. a symbol/expression
Rims hi. khong gi go sa 1 i ming rim bzhi red.
"-' ......, I " '
~~"\- ~"\· tshoncee/ .
11 This is o token of our
(qhoonqi qh~s&& m,!l') r,!mshi r!~l [Syn, go gnas gratitude. 1 di ngo tshos bka 1 drin mtshon byed
kyi ming] yin. (t,! l')~nts~ q~tiin tsh8nce~ y,!n)
title page ~-J91~- /qhesho?l/ tolerant, 1. iso. errors, etc. M'o:,·lf;O\·.z:r: /qhoq-
titular ~~- ~OIJ · ~ • /m,!l')tsamqi I 11 titular ruler pa ch~mpo/ 11 He is very tolerant, kho khog po
ming tsam gyi rgyal po (mil')tsomqi k&&po) chen po zhe drag 'dug. (qho qh~qpa chempo sh!-
toast, 1. iso. bread, i. neo, n. ::t,'c:!_'.<:3!j<~"I<H""4'
t...-"" too t~~) 2. iso. physical hardships·~~-~·->:f·
I r.:::"i
,,.. ~ -<>
/r,!:!~i ~aopa/ l.'i , va, A • ~-~
t.... ""-...
· ~!i<l"\<!'-{
• /t~qruU tshopo/
446 tolerate

2. iso. o fee ~(Z.I' /t.hl~E/ , toothpick ""'

'"'"'·-4 "'-- /sllshiin/

bridge toll zom khral (s~mthcc) top 1 1 • iso. pointed things K · /tse/ 11 The top
tolerate, vo. ~<1)'~"-'· -::t~· /t~qrtr~ chE_C/ , I of the mountain is covered with snow, ri rtse
can't tolerate this situation. gnas tshul 'di'i gongs ky is bkabs shag. ( r!_tse qh~nqi qepshoa)
thog lo ngos sdug rus byed thub pa mi 1 dug. 2. iso, on top of something ~e:; • /q~n/ , The
(n~~tsu~ t!! th~~lo ~£& t~qru~ ch~ thupamintu~) book is on top of the table. deb rgyo cog sgong
[Syn. bzod pa bsgoms] lo 'dug. (th!P k£c~~ q~nla t,!!ul 3. iso, top of
toll, 1. iso. ring a bell, vo. C. ~n.t· ~-.t::l')z::ct' a page f2-'"l· /q2_/ 1T Read from the top of the
tomato, neo. bor. eng. ~-~-~- Jtumaoto/ [Syn. c. page. shag lha de'i 'go nos klogs dong. (sh55-
shi'i hung hri] letii q2_nc l~i)to) 4. iso, at the highest
tomb ~-.;::· ~ /ph£~so/ rank/level :t" -~· /tseto/ 11 He is at the top of
...- -.r- '
tomboy ~ q -"\ ""'· /t2_ptoo/ his class. kho 1 i 1 dzin grwo 1 i nang gi rtse gro
tomorrow ~.:.· ~0( · /sr!Jniin/ kho red. (qhE8 ts!_ntcc n~nqi tseto qho r!e)
tomorrow morning "--t:.· Cii;""l~- /so~h~':l/ 5. iso, surface ra- /qho/ , The top of the
tomorrow night ~l=: • '\4\"'-· /sB~o~/ table is white, rgyo cog gi kho dkor po red,
ton, neo. bor. eng. ~~- /t8n/ [Syn, c, tun] (koc~:.qi qha qaapo reel
tone 1 1 • ling. ~ · ~2)l:.2l- lt£to~/ , high tone top :nd bottom p!''f(~; · /qheti~/ 11 It is black
sgro gdongs mtho po (t~ton thopo) 2. iso. in on top and-bottom, 'di kho gting [gnyis ko] nag
music 41"\~=- /t£n/ po red. (t!_ qheti~ nrrqoo ~qo r!e)
tongs ~~- zt· /qompa/ topic ~ '"\"'\- /th3ntoa/ 11 What is the topic for
tongue, 1. n. 'i! · ;
h. <}!.4"\
"' 1 c-- ""7J.
/ce; h. C£0/ '
2. discussion? gros sdur byed yog gi don dog go re
iso. stick out your tongue, vo. B. ~~~· red? ( thootuu ch!yaaqi th3ntoa qh£re rE_c)
/--nor/ 3. iso. slip of the tongue, vi. B. ~~· [Syn. brjod gzhi]
cc,·~.:.:;· /ql:co sh:S~/ topnotch, iso, best);-· -:J' /tseto/ 11 He did a top-
tonight ~ "'-~~ · /th~on/ notch job, khos los ko rtse gro byes shag,
tonnage ~~·a&~· lt8ntsc&/ [Syn. c. tun tshod] (qh8'd l£E..qo tseto chE_Cshoa) [Syn. ong dang;
tonsil ~ · ~21'\ • /th!b~/ [Syn. lkog rmen] phul phyin]
tool cull(· a.· /1£qca/ , He has o new tool, kho lo topographical map, neo, ~-'\~"',... _....,.:.r/seyip septa
"- <'..
log cho gsor pa zhig 'dug. (qh:S~ l~qco soopoci topography, nao. -<'-~'"\~"'~·~d'\<'-\' ~e::.c--t.--"'""\'~'\¢-1.'

t,!!~l /sayip chaqton r!_~nc&/

tooth, 1. n. ¥"· j h. ar~'<!--1' /so; h. tsh~/ 2. topple, see: overthrow
iso. fall out (tooth), vi. A~ -::__ /--phil/ 4'\~n::. · -z:>,'
..... .._.
a. '-19:24 ·
~-' - top secret 1 nao. /sonwo cheshbo/
3. iso, pull out o tooth, vo. A. -- ~~- topsy-turvey, iso, be/get, vi. A. ;;l.I-4'\···•V~<f\-~<1\·
/--pil/ /q.!:Shu~ 12_:./ 11 These days, everything is top-
false tooth (teeth) ~aft=~· /sotsap/ sy-turvy. deng song tshong mo 1 go gzhug log
lower tooth ~·!-n~;:\· /m££_so/ shag. (th!~aon tsharymo q~hut 12_i)shoa)
upper tooth UJ.<!-1'~· /y££_so/ torch, 1. iso. a fire z:;ul'l.!- (2.o:.;: /pfEmpao/ 2.
toothache, vo, D. -;:;:: ~- /s~ n~/ , I hod a tooth- see: flashlight
ache, ngo so no byung, ~~~so ~cu) torment, 1. vo. B. {S,"'"\' ~-~~~ · /t~qu tee/ , The
toothbrush, 1. n. _;;. r.s· /sutu/ 2, iso. brush children tormented the dog. phru gu tshos khyi
teeth, va. C. ~ .z:J ~~· /so t!:t~/ lo sdug po bster song. ( puqutsb"ti khila t_!:!qu
v-- --.,,
toothless '2<-1.' ~.~!:) · /sanee/ teeso) [Syn. sdug po btong] 2. see: suffer
toothpaste ¥i- .;:: '0\ · /sanccn/ tormentor ~~- "'7· ~~c:..· ~(ZI'O\. /t~qu to~ccn/
town 447

torn, 1. vi. B. "r.2.1· /r&&/ 'II It got torn. 1di His hand touched the stove and he got burnt.
rol shag. (t!_ r££,sho~) 2. iso. adj. ~rz.l' :r..~· kho thob lo log po thug nos kho 1i log po 1tsigs
/r££,po/ 'II He wore a torn shirt. khos stod shag. ( qh~ th~pla. l!!qpo thuun& ph88 l£qpo
thung rol po zhig gon shag. (qh8~ tDUtuun r~po tshilshoo?l) 3. iso. be touched (emotionally) 1
ci qhoonsho~)~ 3. see: tear vi. A. ~5l.~·a..~o:l::Sq_~· /simq"UU the~/ 'II He was
tornado ~~· r>ifl-:r...· fl.<I!;Zl" /liir) qh5rtsup/ touched by the speech. skod cho des kho lo sems
....., "'
torpedo, neo. ~·tr"«rrcz""'~'. fZ."ia.t· /chiiwM p2_rp~/ 1gul thebs shag. (q~cotil qh55 simqUU the~ho~)
torpid, see: lethargic lt. iso. keep in touch, va. ~o..t·~-{i,~· /1-,!:WO
torrid, see: hot ch£_~/ 11 He kept in touch with us. khos nga
tortoise ~<!'-~· ~p..r: /rUUp&&/ tshor 'brel bo byes byung. (qh~d O£ntsoo 1-,!:WO
tortuous, see: winding ch£tcu) 5. touch down (for planes), see: land
torture, vo. al'\"'" ~~ .2:;15,:::;· /nCircod UiOn/ 'II touching, adj. ~<1\~·~~0l~~~·Zll"'\'~· /simqu11
He tortured the prisoners. khos btson po tshor th~ya~qi/ 'II a touching movie sems 1 gul thebs
mnor gcod btong shag. (qhS"d ts&!potsoo narcod yag gi glog brnyan (simqUU theeya?!qi 15r)n&&n)
toansho~) [Syn. sdug po btong] touchy 1:\~·~ Is!!, hraqo/ 'II He is touchy. kho
toss, see: throw ze hrag po zhig 1dug. (qh~ s!!. hroqoci t~u)
-.r -..r
total, 1. iso. the sum or whole ~~- "'\~~~ · tough, 1. iso•.. difficult ~·ry;r- /qhaqo/ 'II a
/kh00nt~/ 'II What ore the total expenditures? tough exam yig rgyugs khog po zhig (y_!qkuu
'gro song khyon bsdoms go tshod red? ( 1-~oon qhaqoci) ~. see: hard 3. iso. people ~-~
kh83ntom qh2_ts&~ r~t) 'II 70% of the total taxes /kh!:!Jqo/ 11 He is a tough policeman. kho bskor
khrol 'bob khyon bsdoms kyi brgyo cho bdun bcu srung dmog mi gyong po zhig red. (_qhl5 q~rsun
(1-hiJ~pap kh88nt~i k!!co t_!!ncu) 2. iso. com- m~~mi kh!:!Jqoci r!!,~l
plete ~ .(fz:. · ~ • /tser)mo/ 'II a total mistake nor tour, 1. n. Gli},·~~.: ; h. z::!"\~~~·~*· /taqoo;
.. v-
1khrul gtsong mo (n!!nttm tsar)mO) 3. vo. ~~ · h. siiqoo/ 2. iso. go on a tour, va. --Gil.~"';
2:1~~·/t~ k2_p/ 'II He totaled up the expenses. h. -- Q:l~l::\~·/--la chin; h. --lo phe~/ 'II He
khos 1gro song sdom brgyob shag. ( qh8B 1-~oon went on a tour to Tibet. kho bod la !to bskor
t~ k2_psho~ I la phyin shag. (qhl5 ph~dlo toqoolo chi~ha~)
totoli torionism, neo. "'z:u:;: ~~~·"'\~<Y\· ~'\"~~-~"\IH· tourism, neo. ~~~·c:tt·~1ftt{JS:\,' /toqoolo 1-_2yaa/
/w~r)Shuu ciqttr~ r!_r)luu/ ---:> tourist, 1. iso. a person, neo. ~·n.~·<J<:t·a..~m.(l\<;(
totally J:i")_.""' · /p£_tte/ 'II He was totally wrong. /tlTqoo la 1-!;!J&&n/ 2. adj. ~"A.~' /taqoo/ 'II
khos rbod de nor shag. ( qh88 p~tt& n~shoiJ I tourist site 1 to bskor lo 1gro sa ( taqoo la
tote, see: corry 1-£50)
tottering, 1. iso. shakily walking, odv. CI.~.>;;.X" tourist industry 1 neo. ~~~;x:_~·CQ~· /taqoo qhe-
a.~·X:~~"/khare khorec&/ 'II He tottered along. 1&&/
kho 'khyo re 1khyo re byes phyin song. (qho tournament O:.Sl_~~.:x:~~ /1-_!ntuu tseemo/
khare khorec& chinsu) 2. iso. in danger of col- tourniquet ~
fa<:t\'~Zlf<=t\:.X:~·~· ' r~cUU'!
' -r- ....
lapse 7Lia.l'OJ· -z.u~·~·fy!!me Yf!De/ 'II o tottering tow, see: drag; pull
government gzhung yam me yom me zhig (sh~~ Y!!- towel 1!11"(·:{':.:: ; h. ~01.·~::>:_..· /ocoo; h. Sh££CO::>/
me Yf!D6Ci) tower 1 n. (2'\C:..'~· /qhal)1-oon/ [Syn. khang po
touch, 1. va. c. ro"'\·c:.~·aa;~·/l!!qpo chci"n/ 'II He mtho po krong krong]
touched the dog. kho khyi lo log po 1chong town ~e:.·~ /1-h!;!Jtso/ 'II What is the nome of this
song. (qhS"d khila l!!qpo cho~o) 2. iso. touch town? grong tsho 1di 1i ming go re red? ( 1-h!;!J-
accidently, vi. A. ~"'1·z.t· ~.&'\· /loqpo thiiu/ 11 tso t g m!_r) qh.2re r~& I
......, -
448 toy

. "'...... ~ (t!, yUUsboqi choansaci r2,~1

toy ~·~· ~t:;· ;o~· /pOqUU tseectt>/ chang sa zhig red,
trace, 1.• !so. a mark/remains ~~·~· /c!!shUU/ [Syn. sngar lugs kyi; sngar srol gyi] 2 •. iso, a
11 There are traces of an ancient fort. snga mo person ~:>;· ~(2.1· ,.... "'\Z)/2.' ~ /l')orsodla q2,po/ 11 He
snga mo 1 i mkhar rdzong gi r jes shul zhig 1 dug, is very traditional, kho sngar srol la dga' po
(1')2_mo 1')6mbo qhartsoonqi c!!shUUci t.!:!u) 2, iso, zhed po cig red • ( qho l')orsoola q2_po sh!_puci
find out by investigating, va, ~~· 12-')"'i· '"""5"'-- r!_~)
('.... -...... -...r- 3..
/ceent~ toan/ f They traced his whereabouts, traffic ~a.s·~~~·-a;l!\·~· /l2_mtsi•J chempo/ f
- r
kho tsho kho go par ph yin sar r jes 1 deci btang There is a lot of traffic today. de ring lam
shag. (qhCintsb"d qh6 qh2_paa chrinsaa ceente~ 'dzings chen po zhed po cig 'dug, (th2_ri hm-
toonsha~) 3, iso, trace a design, etc., va. tsi?.J chempo sh!_puci t.!:!u)
traffic light, neo, {11~· W"<\·~~-~~-
CZ.~i!:l·~vq~·~a4JX!pshuil cht&/
......., -
tracing paper p."Z:l~·z:1-.q~· JtS;~·"'l
- · l~shu/

track, 1. iso. roil track

......, "
~"')~· ~01.1·
/pepshuU shOqu/
/coqlam/ 2.
[Syn.• lam ston sgron me]
tragedy, 1. iso, a type of play >i:.~~··•·~~·
iso. mark, i, ~~· /c2_~/ [Syn. shul; rjes !·='"1.·!1· F~·a'\:t,.· /sempa Ul')n& koyaa qi todqao./
shul] i i . !so. follow a track, va. "}~· (2~"'i· "'~7t:: 2. iso. a sad event 'i;la..~~·~·~~""·"\~·~u.I"~'Y
/c!!nte~ taan/ [Syn. gzhug 1 ded btang] 3, /sempa til')n& koya~/ 11 His death was a tragedy.
iso. running events ~3)2-\' ~"'\"''~~-f'2""!l~· kho grongs pa' de sems pa gting nos skyo yag gi
/k.!:!,qshaa tseettcn/ gnas tshul zhig red. (qho t-h~pati sempa til')n&
track meet ~<r'\' %"(21'f2."2"\' i(:X...' /k.!:!,qtstt ~_!ntuu/ koya~qi n~~tsUUci r2,~1
tractor 1 neo.
"'V ..._
..-:.; -..r
t2l • /thUUteen qholo/
trail, 1. see: path 2. see: follow; track 3,
trade, 1. n. -gz:::.·~~· /tsh61')ltt/ 11 foreign trade see: drag
phyi rgyal gyi tshong las (chikMqi tsh61')ltt) trailer 1 neo. p.f£1-::s...:. <1:\~r:::.· /qhorshOI')/ [Syn. neo.
-.c:: c. 'drud khor]
2. va. afz:.: ~~~- /tshoon k2_p/ f He traded the 1

horse for a yak. khos r.ta dang g,yag tshong train, 1. iso. railroad train ~· ~ · / [Syn.
brgyab song. (qh~d tata yo~ tshoon k2_pso) neo, c. me 'khor] 2. iso. instruct, va. A. ~r:::.·
trade agreement ~ .,:..,.
l!':.. (2.~11l·
.... ·
'!l:i!-1. <>.~ ~ ~ • /tsh61')~ee ~"'\ :t,.' ~"\' /c!!(Jtaa t-ft/ 'V He trained the car-
thDilttrun/ penters. khos · shing bzo ba tshor sbyong bdar
~ ..c
trade-in, 1. n. 2:\l;' if;e:..· /c2_tsoon/ 2. va. sprad shag, (qh~ shil')so~tsoo cOI')taa tftshao)
~~~-/--kap/ ~ 'C'2ln
train compartment <'-. " " ' · fZl."'-· ~·~y
<'- - /rJ:.lii qhal')mil/
trademark a;r::..· ~4~· /tsh61')tao/ trainer, iso, a person f-r:::..· ~"\-:x.: ~"\· ~tn'<\' /c2_1')taa
trade relations i:~::: n.~c:o~ · /tsh61')~ee/ t-881')&&n/
trade union .q~ ~~~· /s2_tsho~/ [Syn. bzo rigs training {"~=:: .q"' ::~;,: I C2_1')taa/ 11 Where did you get
skyid sdug] military training? khyod rang dmag mi 1 i sbyong
trade unionism bdar go par byas pa? (kh8ra m~l:lmii c~tao qh2,~
r!_l')luu/ paa ch&tpa)
tradition, .1. iso, custom ~a'\~· ~(2.1· /l.!:!,qsoo/ 11 training-class ~· ..q"\~· 12.~"<\' ~ · /c~taa ts!_nt-a/
There is a tradition of marrying young here, train station ~-~·z:tZI~·X.....~· /rili phaptsuu/
~-1 - -
1 di khul lo gzhon gzhon chang sa rgyag yag gi trait 1 see: characteristic
lugs srol zhig 'dug. (t!_pa~ i2. shoonshbon traitor ~~· ~~·;i'l':.·~(ZIO.,. /k!!,qap tshol')&&n/
choonsa k~yaoqi l.!:!,qsodci t.!:!ul 2. !so. oral traitorous ~tu'(<lzt·'ltt:..·;:)l(Zl'C\'~·~""\' ~.::~· /kMqap
tradition ra· ~~- /qh~ktrun/ [Syn. ngag rgyun] tshol')&&nqi ch!ta~/ 11 His behavior was traitor-
tradi tiona!, 1 :"adj. ~(2.1' ~(ZI· a· /yUUsi:iOqi/ 11 It ous. kho 1 i spyad pa de rgyal khab tshong mkhon
was a traditional wedding. 'di yul srol gyi gyi byed· stangs red, (qh38 c8pati k!!,qap tsho-
transition · 449

Qttnqi ch!ta~ r!~) ~ <H • /m!l')t:>~la p~/ 11 He transferred the fac-
trajectory, neo,<o~·a-.~~(2.J·(2.~r>.~61.1' /p,2"1tee t~- tory from his nome to his son's, khos bzo grwa
lam/ de kho 1 i ming thog nos kho rang gi bu 1 i ming
tramp, see: beggar thog la spos shag, {qh8B s~toti qhSS m!Qto~ n£~
trample, 1. va. ~~- ~~~· ~7"'-" /t~tsii teen/ qhortt ph~ m,!l')to~la p~sha?.!) 3, iso. transfer
~ The soldiers trampled the flowers. dmag mi de authority, va. A. ~2-1· ~;z;;· /tsil tfl/ 4. iso,
tshos me tog rdog brdzis btang shog, (m~ami transfer hands, va. A. ~z;,· /tf!&/ 11 He trans-
thentsl:rci meto~ tMtsii tacnsha?..) 2, iso, be ferred it to his left hand, khos 1 di kho'i log
- -
trampled, vi.
A. Zl-~2-1· /tsj}/ 11 He was tram- po g,yon por sprod song, {qhS'd t! qh88 l_2qpo
pled by the horse, kho rtas brdzis shag, (qho y8mpoa tf&so) 5, iso, transfer schools, va, C,
tf& ts!lsha?..) If<H · /p~d/ 11 He transferred schools, kho slob
trance (shamanistic), 1. iso, go into trance, vi, grwo spos shag, {qho !~pta p~dsha"?..)
A, '1) ·"7.:i 2:t~ • /lho phi!~/ 11 He went into a long transform, 1. va. ~·:r.;Z~~· ~ tjJ::.' /k,!:!rcaH taan/
trance, kho la lha yun ring po phebs song, 11 They tronsform-:d the economy. kha tshos dpol
(qh~~ lhc yu~n r!Qqu phe~so) 2. iso, finish/end 'byor gyi 'gro lugs sgyur bcos btang shag,
one's trance, vi, B, ~-zu~· /lho yet/ 3, iso. (qhontsl:l'd qffncooqi tulut kurco1s taonsha?..) 2.
invoke (I trance, va, C • ..,_ . .,~. /lho shU"~/
., "\:> -
iso, get/be transforn:d, vi~ ~::z:..·~~2rt-~O\·
tranquil, see: calm; peaceful; quiet /k,!:!rcl:rd chi!\/ "'j

tranquilizer, neo, q·l'2~ou·~l=.·~"· /sh!ncam lur:i- transformation (2.~:x,.· Z1' /k,!:!wa/ 11 There 'has been
mttn/ ~ a big transformation in Tibet, "" bod la r 1 gyur wa
.. !
transaction (business) ;fJ::.. ~<f\'-.:.1.1"1· /tshoon k~­ chen po byung shag. {ph~la k,!:!wa. chempo ch~n-
yo"?../ 11 The transaction was completed, tshong sha?..)
rgyog yog 'grigs shag, (tshoon kooya"?.. t!lsho"?..) transformer 1 neo, ~"\· ~:c: f2.~~· a;.~· /l&!kuu
transcend 1 iso. goes beyond 1 vi. B. I'Z·lfv~r /qE£_/ thotlc~/ '-:1

11 It transcends the limits of custom. 1 di yul transformer station, neo, ~a·y2:J::.'2-\~<>"\~· /1&!-
srol dang 'gal gyi 'dug, (ti yUUsoota qttqil) kuu s~tsil/ ~
transcendental {iso, supernatural)
- -"" ....... -
~~· ~-,· r:u~· transgress 1 va. B, f2'f\1"2.1 /qE£,/ 11 He transgressed
1'2~~ · "ZI~ • /c!qteen 1£& t£,&pct/ the law. khos khrims 'gal shag, {qhS'd "t.hrm -
transcribe, 1. iso, copy, va. C. ;q~~- /shrdJ/ 11 qtcsho"?..)
He transcribed the tape, khos teb thag de bshus transhumance ~·dol' n~4"\ · ~ · <~"T"\ ~ · -.s e..~· /somatoqi
shag. (qh~d tl!pta?..ti shnUsho?..) 2. iso, tran- nl:&tan/
. ~

scribe sounds or letters, va. "241:1" Zl-42-(' ~~· transient, 1, adj. !l-~C2-L·"i:.~1· /thffseeqi/ 11
/ph~pshW ch£&1 ~ He transcribed the Tibetan transient benefit 1 phral sel gyi khe phon
spelling into English, khos bod yig gi dog cha (thf&seeqi qhephttn) 2. iso, a person ~-C\~'
in ji 'i yi ge la phob bshus byes shag, (qhS'd /m!kham/ [Syn. gnos nges med byes sdod mkhan]
th£qca Incii y,!qiila ph~pshW ch£&- transit
/21~.r ~~·
nga bel yul la
11 I'm in transit to
gro sa'i lam tshugs la
transfer 1 1, iso. work, i. vo. C. C2!~·-'l\· ~<!-t· yod. {Q_2 ph££_yUilla t,26&& l_2mtsutla y~)
/lttqa pS'd/ 11 They transferred him to India, transition .<::~:>:.· .d\12-l' /ph_2rqcc/ 11 the transition
kho tshos kho 1 i los ka rgya gar lo spos shag, frcim capitalism to communism ma rtsa 1 i ring
(qhontsaH qh88 l&cqa k~qaala pS3sha?:!) ii, iso, lugs nos dmar po'i ring lugs la sgyur yag gi bar
be/get transferred, vi, C, 1>.1~·"'\'P.~~· /1E£_qa rgal (~tstt r!l')lutnc ma~pb~ r!l')lutla k,!:!rya?..qi
phS'd/ 2. iso. transfer names, va. C, ~~· 'k"') 'a:.t' ph_2rqccl
450 · transitiona I period

...... ......
transitional period ~::.:.· ;;r112-1· ~~·~,ql!!-1 /ph_2rqcc transport network, neo, ~t>J· f2.!S"\' ~-~· /keen~een

thUUqap/ thowo/
- .....
transitive verb ~· ~"\· :e· z:;..z; ·~· ~;
"<>"'\" /ch_2cee'
tho- tran~pose, vo. C. ~·~z::.· ~")~· /~til) C!:_~/ ~ He
tc~qi ch:tsil/ transposed the letters. khos yi ge snga rting
transitory, see: transient, 1 brjes shag. (qh~d Y!qi r)atir) c!esho~)
translate 1 vo. D. ;q 2::x:.: /k!;!_r I ~ He translated transverse ~"\ · /t-he~/
the book into Tibefon. khos deb de bod yig la transverse flute '~~· ~ i!:: • /theelil')/"
bsgyur shag. (qh~d th!pti phodyilla k~rsho~) trap, 1. iso. devise to catch/snore on animal, n,
translation .o!l ~":~;.: ~ · /k!;!_rpa/ II This is a trons- ~- /Pii/ 2. vo. ~~ZI· /k!p/ II He trapped
lotion. 'di bsgyur po zhig red. (t_!. k!;!_rpaci the fox. khos wo mo la rnyi brgyab shag, (qh8'd
r!:_~) w~molo iii k!psha~) 3, iso. trap an enemy,
translator, 1. iso. for spoken language~~· :a~· ; etc., vo. A. Zl"'\.!r\'Zli<\Z\' /qo~ sh_2~/ ~ They
h. "'\~-z::.· "!!,:X:..' /qffkuu; h, sur)kuu/ 2. is-;;', for trapped the criminal in the house. kho tshos mi
written lil"rguoge ~?!'\·~:c.: /y_!.qkuu/ nag can de khorig po 1 i nang lo bkog bzhog shag,
transliterate, va. ~"'"\" ~~""Y"'' 74l=l'~~.: ~cc· /y_!.q- (qh6ntsod m! n_2qc&&n ti qhol')p&& n~nlo qo~ sh_2~­
sut ph~pkuu chE:_'V -v sha~)

translucent ~Z{f.ll' (2.1' 0\..1' ..,..\~tU · /sffla mCis&&/ ~ trapper ~· ~~· ;;~..~[Zl"\'
/Pii kool')&&n/
translucent gloss shel ko gsal lo mo gsal trash <r\"\'~:lr)· /qh&&nil/ [Syn. snigs mo]

(sh~~qo sffla mas&&) trauma, see: injury; wound

transmigrate, iso. ·reincarnate, vi, 'af:· ~~ · travel, 1. va. ~~~-Zl.~Z\· ~<H· /t-u'UshuU chE:_c/ II
/tshe ph8'd/ He traveled in Tibet,
"" ~
khos bod nang lo 'grul
transmigration "£;·(2..~.3<· ~ '/tshe phb"dpa/ bzhud byes shag.
transmit, 1. see: send; deliver 2. iso, be/get chE:_csha(~J)
transmited (a disease), vi, B. "\<E;·~~(Z.I· /rrr:.- traveler f2."!J(U' ~·
- [Syn. 'grul bzhud byed
tsa kff/ mkhon]
transmitter (iso. broadcasting), neo, ;_·~·12!:f!'U' traveling companion ra.t;~.~·~~C!-\' /l_2mr':J~/ [Syn,
~~. /"t-~kee "t-hlmc&'V 'grul rogs]
transmute, see: charge traveling expenses (2.1~ ·~a,· /l,2mtodn/
transparent~·~~~·<\"'-''"'\~~· /chis&& ~1)5&&/ ~ travel restriction C"2!l(1.1'~~"\'ZI"'\"f\'~~ao.~~·

/tiii.Jshu11 qoqto~/
-.;> ""'
a transparent watch chu tshod phyi gsal nang
gsal zhig (chutsUU chis&& n_2r)S&&ci) travels f2.~(2.1·zq~r._·~"\·-.:.u""''' /t-h~hUU ch2_yo~/ ~
tra ;i;;i'pire 1 see: occur; happen In his travels to Tibet kho bod lo 'grul bzhud
transplant, 1. n. %'112!-t' /tsCipod/
'(" . 2, va, --~ZI· byed yag gi thog lo (qho ph~tllo ttrl.ishuU ch2_yo~
/--k:p/ ~ He will transplant the rice tomor- qi th3~lo)
row. khos song nyin 'bros rtsa spos rgyag gi traverse, see: cross
red, (qhStl s~niin ~&& tsCipbt kaaqire~) 3, iso. tray .5q..::.· ffcaJ· /shii')~b"o/ II silver troy dngul gyi
transplant organs, v~. C. ,i~· fpBtl/ shing khrol (1')00qi shir:Jt-b"o)
transport 1 va.
'~n.s · tz!:~_;;t.,'
...., ~ ~· /keen~een chE:_c/ II treacherous, 1, iso, dangerous
A. ...r
'?~· .~!!'\ u.~x;_· ~n.
They transported the rugs to Lhasa, kho tshos /Pi!l')qo y~p&&/ II a treacherous bridge nyen go
kha gdon de tsho lho sar skye! 'dren byes shag, yod· po 1 i zorn po ( ner)qa y1:ip&& sompa) 2. iso.
- - -...r-- .._
(qhontsb"d qhot&&n th!ntso lhffsoa keen~een chE:_c- disloyal/untrustworthy person ~~-~~(2..1-~8\·

sha~) ~;r:;,· -z.r/18'd qheeyo~ m22,po/

transportation ~r>J· ~~ · /keenteen/ ra
treoson 1 1 , n • ~(2.1' Zl' a!)-z::.: 'Ul.!r\.
trickle 451

yoo/ 2. iso. com:nit treason, vo. ~cu·l"'""' /[vb.] tonlo tffno/ 11 If one looks at the tr-
Z\1'1=.. · /kMqap tson/ end in teaching Tibetan, it is to more spoken
treasure ~"'-· /n2_r/ practice, bod skod slob stongs lo bltos no phol
treasurer )~f>-~"-"\~""-· /r)OOnee/ skod sbyong bdor shugs che bo byed kyi 1 dug,
treasury, 1. iso. place where govm't funds ore (phooq&C laptonlo tf~no ph'/!fq&& C!!_l')too shuq ch'/!c
kept \~· ~lfP"'i· a; a,_·~ /l')lllli.sod chemo/ 2. ch!qil)
iso. govm't deportment in control of revenue trepidation, see: fear
[3RI· (2l:l za · ~t;,c•l·CZI~/~z::~/t.h~~pap th2_tom lMqun/ trespass, vo. B., ' " "

treat, 1. iso, medically, vo.~'\·Zl;{"~-~~­ ;;u<S~~·'\,..._. "'l~(Z.,. /qerqi soc&& thontsonmc q~/
/m~nco~ chE_C/ 2. iso. treat well, va. 1!,'Y\a-~· triad, see: three together
"UJ"j·~·gx/toto~ y2,qo chE_'t/ 3. iso, treat badly, trial, 1. see: experiment 2, iso, judicial
vo. ~~·ir-Z17~· /t~qu toon/ 4. iso. a ~~~· ~"\\· /~himship/ 3. iso, bring
snack/gift, n. i!:.(\'-:4 · /l')'i!mpa/ 11 He gave the to/pla·ce on trial, vo. -- ~~- /--chef:./ 4.
child a treat. khos phru gu de lo rngan pa iso. await trial, vo. A. {s~~·~q-~):;1.' .._.,.Z1~~~-
bster song. (qh~ puqut&& l')~mpo teeso) /~himship ch~yoa q};_'U/ -...;
treatment, 1. iso, medical "M'\·~~C\· /ml!nco'15/ 11 trial basis, 1. n. ~~~· /tsh38to/ 2. iso. do
What treatment did the doctor do? am chis smon on a trial basis 1 vo. -- ~~ · / --chE_C/ 11 They
bcos go re byes song? (amcil mfnco~ qh2,re chE_C- rotated the chairmanship every week on a trial
son) 2. iso. coring for ~- ~··r~-i·~~-l:Ll~/toto~ basis. kho tshos bdun ph rag re 1 i re lo gtso
ch~yoa/ 1[ Their treatment of the prisoners was 'dzin 1 khor res byed yag tshod 1 to byos shag.
bod. kho tshos btson pa tshor lto rtog byes yog (qhontsoB tQntao r~r&& tsontsiin qh~~rea ch~yao
yog po mi 'dug. (qhants~ t~~patsoo toto~ che- tsh8Sto chE_Cshoo) 11 They planted the new seed
yaa yaqo mintu) 3. see: therppeutic on a trial basis. kho tshos tshod lto byed yog
- - <>._ "'
treaty, 1. n. (l;Z::.a.{'Li-1~· /chil')yil/ 11 peace lo son gsor pa de btob shag, ( qhontsod tsh8Sto
treaty zhi ba'i chings yig (sh!te chil')yil) 2. ch~yoolo s8Sn soopoti tapshoo)
iso. agree to a treaty, vo. -- l:l.¥1' /--sh2,o/ triangle ::0'\'
3. iso. sign a treaty, va, -- (21' a-~· t.u2ry~~40· tribe ~-~·!1-y<~r /t~ril/ 11 There ore many differ-
1--la sayil kap/ 4, iso. abide by a treaty, vo. ent tribes in Assam, a sam nang lo sde rigs rna
c. -- <>4' :Ql(<!-\'
"- /--la tsil/ 'dra ba mang po 'dug. (Cisam noanla teril m~n~ao
treble, see: triple m2_r)qu t~ul
tree, 1 • "
....qc::.· /shil')/ [Syn. shing sdong] 2. iso, tribunal, see: court
plant a tree, vo. A, -- .l:l~·<ry<!-i
...., · I --tsu'U/ 3. tributary (river) .;e.· (·y /chOloo/
iso. cut down a tree, vo. A. -- ~~~- /--cfc/ tribute, 1. see: praise 2. iso. a tax to a sov-
tree branch A~:~·w{U·~· /shir)qi YE!Jqo/ ereign, see: tax
(\, v-
tree leaf ...JOtC::. • ~ • /shil')16/ trick, 1 • iso. deceive, va. ~If\· ~ "
" ;:t,: z:l. ?·C:. · I q~qo::>
tree nursery "' -.r
"'1.::.·~'\·ll!CJ.I'!{,.' /shii')So'On t~mra/ toon/ 11 He tricked the soldiers and escaped •
....,.. v- ~
tree trunk ~l::::u· /t!!_r)po/ khos dmog mi tshor mgo skor btong byos bros
trek, 1. see: journey 2. iso, a hike in the ph yin shag, ( qh~ maami tsoo G,2GOO toone& ph_£"d
woods/hills, va. ~-~· ~"<\· /r!la chin/ chinshao) 2, iso, do a practical joke, vo.'C.
tremble, vi. D. f2. "\-"'' /t2,r / 11 He is trembling. Z<liJ'\. Z1;q-Ty X"'-' /t~~nshil tsea/
kho 'dar gyi 'dug. (qho t2_rqill trickle, vi. ~"'\ u"Zl.~~ • /thiqpa k2_p/ 11 Water
trench ~·"'1:::.:..· /sapshuu/ trickled from the faucet. !cogs mdong nos chu
trend (if one looks at the), [vb,] ~~c-i· cu·.oo.•1'Z-\'"\· thig po brgyob shag, (coontoonn& chu thiqpa
452 · tricky

k!pshaa) trolley, neo, ~~~~·~~·~"'i·'%.1~' ~a\·{7-j(~· /ceq-

tricky a.tayl:l~· £. /q2, t2,po/ 11 He is a tricky lam ~~p&& looqoo/
person. kho mi mgo bde po zhig red. (qho m_! q2, troop, 1. iso. soldiers Z)C~.~4T "')~~· /maqpuun/ 11
t2,poci r2,~l The troops rebelled, dmag dpung gis ngo log
trident ~")"t:.):-·.n~C).l·
"\::/ . I._,
ts~um/ brgyab shag. (m~qpuunqi r)~o~ ~pshao) 2. see:
triennial ~·(l.~.,._·olr\~~· ~~a.t'al.·~'/l<>qoo sOmtsa~i/
11 triennial meeting lo 'khor gsum mtshams kyi
~ - herd
v- c~
tropical at· ~ · C-4~ :~u=~ · /tshowa y~&&/ f tropical
tshogs 'du (1,2CJ:>O si:lmtsa~qi tshoC5ntu) crops tsha ba yod sa 1i ston tog ( tshowa y~&&

trifle, iso, a little f~·-<r~· /t55ts/ 11 He was t8nto~)

a trifle angry, kho rlung tog tsam longs shag, tropics ;liZ).·~""~·~·=· /tshowa y_!:!pcc soca/ 1i
(qho lOr) t55ts l~nshaol He lived in the tropics. kho tsha ba yod pa'i
trifling ~J:: ~~· /chOncuun/ 11 a trifling issue sa char bsdad shag. ( qho tshowa y_!:!pcc socaa
don gnad chung chung (th~c~ chOncuun) [Syn, t,£&shao)
phra mo; phran tsheg] trot (for horses) 1 va, (l.lfi"~·Z!:\Q~·
It~~ k!p/
trigger, 1. n. ~a.l'ZI.. /qompa/ 2, iso, pull the trouble, 1. iso. complications/disturbance, etc.,
trigger, va. C. -- ~'C\.;1,.' /--nl!?./ n, 'f~· ~· /ii5qta/ 11 There was trouble in Iran,
trigonometry, neo, ~<I'\'<H'6('ao\Oil'l:-a-~·~6\a.\' /ch~­ i ran nang la rnyog dra byung shag, (iraan
sum tsiiril/ ""' gsum rtsis rig]
[Syn, neo, zur n~nla ii~ta ch,!:!!:!nshao) 11 financial troubles
trilateral ~~'<f4.·Z'\~~· /ch"tJ"&sum/ 11 trilateral dpal 'byor gyi rnyog dra (pfl!ncooqi ii5qtal 2.
negotiations phyogs gsum gros mol (ch6"6sum iso. physical problems "'\~n.· ~~· /qolc~/ 11 We
to'&lb'1:Sl had a lot of trouble climbing the mountain, nga
trim, 1. see: cut 2, iso, a bush, va, o,)r·"\~· tsho ri 'dzeg yag la dka 1 las zhe drag byung,
/tsenc tOp/ 3. iso. paper/loose threads, (1)_2ntso r_! t~yaola qolc~ sh2,taa ch!!!:!").

.l!l":jl:llK' [Syn,
va, 21'\Z"z:::.· 5'2:\' ~~.2:1. • /t&lrJtc~ k!p/ dka' rnyog] 3, iso, stir up trouble, va. C•
trip, 1. see: journey 2, vi, 0, (ZI' 2:1.i\A<!-t' ...,...
~O'Y!:i'~S<H"/ii5qta s~/
.. 4. see: worry 5. see:
/qho t!p/ 11 He tripped over the stone, kho rdo botHer
( -...r- -..r- ....
la kha brdabs song, (qho t2, la qho t!psu) J, trouble,maker ~~·~·e.=-~·~(!1~' /n5qta S!!'J&&n/
va. "'\ ~· .r:~.~~· ~ ~ zr· I q~~nqw k!p/ 11 He troubl~'ome f.:rr ~· -t;·-tl· /ii5qta tshopo/ 11 He is a
tripped me (on purpose). khos nga la rkang bkug very troublesome person, kho mi rnyog dra tsha
brgyab byung. (qh3B Q~ q~~nqut k!pcu) po zhed po cig 'dug, (qho m_! ii5qta tshopo shi-
~~· ~<!-Ia.!'
""\ .....,
/tap sum/
bzang !dab gsum yong
11 Profits will
gi red.
puci tut)
trough ·:&-<H' ~·~l::· <f\.~~· /s!!.nod shii')Shoan/
(qhepsaan t!P sOm y~qire~) troupe (performer's) ~3\'"'\:l;,' ~l:l\..,... "'4' /t,!:!2qaa
triplets (iso. 3 children) ~'"t\'o·l~dl.'"t\~"a:l.' tsh5qpa/
/pOqu tshl!ma sum/ ""'-.:I "" trousers ~3{·~~· /qh~tuun/· [Syn. dor mal
triplicate Jf..l:\~~·4~~· /r)_!:!ShuU siJm/ 11 Fill it truce (military), 1. n, is.~"\ou€&l.<l('t=~~«'\"'t.LI4"\'
/moqtso~ sh~yao/
. ..
out in triplicate.
(t!_ 1J,!!Shlr1l sllm s_2d)
1 di ngo bshus gsum bzos, 2. iso, make a truce, vo, A.
"')S\l~· O>Jit~'l!-t· ...:\~~ · /moqtsa~ sh_2?J/
tripod 4~=.· 21"\~01-('~<!\C\·~· /q~~nsum teqpu/ truck ~·<:!·~en,· /m2_~0 taq/ [Syn. neo, c. go'
triumph, 1. n. ~cu· ro-· /k&&qa/ 2. va. 0, -- "ifzz· khra']
/--thC5p/ 11 They triumphed over the difficul- true /r)"dn&U 11 What he said is
ties. kho tsho dka 1 ngal las rgyal kha thob pa true, khos lob pa de dngos gnas red, (qh3~
red. (qhC5ntso qor)&&l& k&&qa thopare~) l!peti r)3n&~ r2,~l [Syn. bden pa]
tune 453

truly ~'!:cJ..· "\~ ,.... /r{dn&c/ 11 He is truly nice. He tried to break this stick. khos rgyug pa ·'di
kho dngos gnas yag po 'dug. (qho 1')8nc& Y£GO gcog thub kyi 'dug gas bltas shag. (qh~d k~qpaa
tuul t.!_ coo thu!lqi t~qM tfcshaa) [Syn. e thub
trumpet, 1. n. ~- /th!:f.l')/ [Syn. dmag dung] 2. bltas; thub kyi 'dug gam mi 'dug bltas] [Note:
iso. blow a trumpet, va. -- ><>7z::.· /--teen/ This literally means "see if one is able to 11 ]
"'\~: ~-
trumpeter ......., /th!:f.l')pa/ 3. iso. try out a color/clothes, etc. va. C • .., .
truncate, see: shorten C2!:£. n.~"'l· 2:1~¢1· /qh~nt-~~ t_£b t~c/ 11 First try
trunk, 1. see: box 2. iso. an elephant ~z:.· a"'·~· red paint. dang po tshon dmar po de go 1 dra
...., ,-. /lo~nceenqi chutb/
cu;z,- 3. iso. a tree ~c:.:'l:l· I dug ltOS dang • ( th~r)qO tshoon moopoti qh:;.nte~
/t,9_1')po/ t~6 tbMdta) [Note: This literally means 11 see
trust, ·1. vi. B. 1£7:<· (l-(a.{2J.· /l8"d qhee/ 11 I don't how it is."]
trust him. nga kho la blos 'l(hel gyi mi 'dug. tub, 1. iso. a basin for washing clothes f2~·4Vd,Z:::.' "
(I')~ qh33 lW qh~i!qim!ntut) [Syn. yid ches] 2. /thDshoon/ 2. iso. bathtub ~-~(J\..,;· /chu-
iso. put one's trust in someone, va. B. c%~'-"~''V<l. shoon/
/18"d q~f/ [Syn. yid ches byas] tube~-~· /pipi/ 11 plastic tube spas dkar pi pi
trust fund, neo. 1. n. ~z;_·~~-~· >:::t::.(>..l· /yiicee ( pS"oqaa pi pi)
1-v -
m~l')uU/ 2. iso. create a trust fund, va. A. tubectomy, 1. neo. n. ~-j(""'l~e>~·-..u.-ry /keqo t.9.m-
z::~ 1"\<T\ · I --sh~o I 11 He created a trust fund of ·yao/ 2. iso. have/do a tubectomy, va. C.~-~­
100,000 dollars. khos yid ches rna dngul sgor mo ~~;)I~ /keqo t.9.rn/
'bum gcig bzhag shag. (qh8"d yiicee m~l')~u q22mo tuberculosis § "\"\' /lone&/
....._ C\
p~m ciq Sh,9_0Shaa) tuck (in), 1. iso. a shirt/blouse, va. A. ~-.:t,~·.ort·
trusting ~z;,-a:.<3-\·~·zr. /yY:_ce'e. lopo/ 11 She is a Cf'"'\·~·zt::;s41·/q~raaqi w::l?lla cuu/ 11 He tucked in
very trusting person. mo yid ches sla po zhed "''
his shirt (in his belt). - khos kho'i stod thung
po cig 'dug. (m,9_ yY:_cee lopo sh!puci t~u) ske rag gi 'og la bcug song. (qh8"d qh38 tDatuun
[Syn. lam sang yid ched mkhan] qeraaqi W::l~la CUUSU) 2. iso. a child With 0

trustworthy ~~- n.(n~· ~ /l8"d qheepo/ 11 He is blanket, :0. B. ~~RI.· It!};_!

very trustworthy. kbo blos 1 khel po zhe drag "'
Tuesday ~ ::~r<.· d.l•'~"y ""10\~· /s.9. m.!_l')rnaa/
red. (qho 18"6 qhe~po shetaa reel tug, see: pull
truth :•:i~'\· ir· /t:;_mpo/
-·11 -
He tried to find out tugboat, neo. (.l~~-
---. "!:\ · /thentu/
the truth. khos bden · po rnyed e thub bl tas ......
tug of war, neo. £'1."'\' C2?CIC\ "
~'\· ~ ~- /thoqtheen
shag. (qh8"d t:;_mpa nee ethup tfcshaa) t!ntuu/ "'
truthful ~-=.· :J;. /t-h,9_1')qo/ 11 He is very truthful. tuition ~z:..· "\~(>.!- /l5mr)UU/
kho drang po zhe drag 'dug. (qh5 i-h.9.1')qo sh:;_taa tumble, 1. see: fall 2. iso. the sport, i. neo.
t~ul n. ~"\0:.. Cl-li:f-=:.2H· lt£ncham/ ii. va. -- ~~z.~·
truth serum, v-v- ~~ .
neo. ~"'· '"-''"'1"\' I t-h~r)qo shoo-
"" /--k~p/
mccn/ tumor ~Ol.· /1-ffn/
try, 1. iso. a food, va. C. B'Zl·~~~- ; h. 'Ji!<r)~·~· tune, 1. iso. a melody ~-"\'<l-z:..~· /toya'rJ/ [Syn.
<T\~~¢~ /t-h22 U:c; h. c~t::l::l s~_l/ 11 Try this dbyangs; gdongs] 2. isa. sing a tune, va. C.
food. It's good. kha lag 1 di 1 i bro ba zhig ltos -- P"iil~· I --theiV 11 He sang the tune to Amale-
dong. 'di yag po 'dug. (qholaa tg th22ci tb~ta ho. khos a rna la'i ho'i rta dbyangs 'then song.
[Note: This literally means (qhatl oml&&hod toya'r) the~so) [Syn. gdangs
"taste."] 2. iso. try to do something [vb.]~~­ btang] 3. iso. play a tune, .va. 3'o!:)'eZ::..'!-I' "'l;5z::..·
~-f2~"')·~e~·;;q~~- /[vb.J thuQqi t~qM tfc/ 11 /toya'r) teen/ 'If He played the tune on the
454 tunnel

lute. khos sgra snyan nang la rta dbyangs btang ing his hair turned grey. sems khral gyis kho 1 i
iso. tune an instrument, va. D.
(qh8"d tamiiccn naanla taya?.J toonso)
~"\ """'-":!:\"Y:;s.(
4. skra dkar po chags shag.
po choashaa)
(semtccqi qh83 to qoo-
11 His face turned red. kho 1 i
/q~c t!q/ 11 He tuned the lute. khos sgra snyan gdong dmar po chags shag. ( qh33 t~n maopo
gyi skad bsgrigs song. (qh3~ t~mn&cn qi q!:~ choashaa) 11 When he got old he turned reli-
tiqsu) gious. kho rgan gog byes nos chos pa chags
ou~ of tune ~~·f"2.-ti<lj·~ ~"\· ">:.!" /q~c t!qu ~f!~pa/ shag. (qho q~nqo?J ch~cnc ch3pa choashaa) [Syn.
[Syn. rta dbyangs 1 grig po med pal byes] 8, iso. turn an object, e.g. a knob, va.
tunnel, 1. n. ~-'?£'~· ~fZ.IC>-1" /sawo?J t~lam/ 2. C. ~~?>\· /ctlU/ 11·He turned the door handle.
iso. dig a tunnel, va. C. -- Q~· /--thi.r~l/
khos sgo 1 i lag 1 ju gcus song. (qhaB qoo l~ncu
turban c-u·ir~· /i~tHij/
""' - cllUsu) 9. iso. turns, i. n. ~-.¥;"-»-~· /r!mrl"o/ 11
<\.. -r (\
turbulent ~c::.·n.~z:..· v.~z; · ?.~~ · /s!r)Caan y~p&&/ 11 Whose turn is it today? de ring su 1 i re mas
Those were turbulent years. lo de tsho zing red? ( th~ri sOO r!mod r~&) ii. iso. take
1 phyang yod pa 1 i lo red. (1~ thentso S!t")Caan turns, vo. -- ~~· /--chE_&/ 11 We take turns
yopcc 1~ re~) digging. nga tshos sa bru yog re mos byes pa
turmoil 9 c::.· (L·~.r.: /s!t")Caan/ 11 There was much yin. (n~ntsb~ so th~ya~ r~mod ch~cpayin) 10.
turmoil in India last year. zla nyin rgya gar iso. turn face down, vo. A. rz.· .....,
~- 1:'\~4)~·
la zing 1 phyang zhe drag byung -shag. (t~iiiin /qh~pu~ 15~/ 11 He turned the photo face down.
k~qaa1a s!ncaan sh!taa ch~nsho~) khos dpar kha sb_ug bslogs song. ( qh8"d par qh~­
turn, 1. iso. a wheel, vo. B. ~~:.;: /q33/ 11 He pu~ 15?Js~) 11. iso. turn completely around, va.
turned the wheel. khos 1 khor lo bskor song. A. ~-~cr\~·zo..~"'\~·/qhi'ipco?J 13~/ 11 He turned
(qhsB qho1o q55so) 2. iso. turn a page, i. for- the desk completely around. khos yig cog rbad
ward, va. A. 24-:>:..."l:\~if\<!-\" /phoa 13~/ H. back- de kha phyogs bslogs shag. ( qhOO Y!qco~ P£t te
wards, va, A. ;i;:r,.·
/tshOO 13~/ 3, iso, 12. iso. turn on, e.g. o
turn away from, va. C. ra· z\~4!\ · /qho cO";lf 11 He light, va. B. ~::1\ /pi'.io/ 13. iso. turn off,
got angry and turned away. ""'kho tshig pa za nas e.g. a light, va. A. Zl~"\· /sf~/ 14. iso. turn
kha gcus song. (qho tshiqpa s~nc~ qha cO"~su) 11 on radio/T.v., etc., va. ~?"'" /toon/ 15.
He saw a child and turned the car away. khos · iso. turn off radio/T.V., etc., va; A. Zl71j~·

phru gu mthong nos mo ta kha gcus song. (qh8"d /qoa/ 16. iso. turn over to, va. A. %-:a.o.· ~"'\· ;
puqu thoonc m~ta qho ctlUsu) 4. iso. turn to- h. ~:a-1.· ....,
221~· /tsrl tfc; h. tsil phtiD/ 11 He
wards, va. C. "{'J-" ~-::r..,· ~a-<!-\·
~ ..,., /qho tshOO dlU/ 11 turned over the documents to the government.
He turned to us and spoke, khos nga tshor kha khos gzhung la yig cho rtsis phul shag. ( qh8"d
tshur gcus byes skad cha bshad song. (qh8"d n~n­ ·sh~?.lla Y!qca tsrl phUOshaa) 17. iso, turn down,
tsoo qho tshOO cOUcc q~ca sh~cso) 5, iso. turn va. C. ;;u "FS&::<!,-1" /mol an/ 11 He turned down the
onto a street 1 va. A. Z\~~~ · /k':J~/ 11 Go job offer, khos las ka sprod pa de rna blangs pa
straight and turn left at the light. kha thug red. (qh~ l~qa tfcpati malanpare~) 18. iso.
1o ph yin byes glog bzhu yod sa nos g. yon 1a turn/roll over, va. 'JI.r.:,-~-"Z\~ZI.· /olo~ k~p/
kyogs. (qh~thu~1a chi~c& 11iqshu yCisan& yo~1a 11 He turned over while he slept. kho gnyid
k':J~) 6. iso. turn milk sour, vi, D• .f1 · /shi/ 1 khug dus a log brgyab shag. (qho nil qhOOt~~
11 Because the weather was hot the milk turned olo~ k~pshaa) 19. iso. turn/roll onto your
(sour) • gnam gshis tsha po yin tsang 1 o ma shi front side, va. A. (Zl"~"'\·.z:t~a"l,e~· /qh~pu~ 15~/
shag. ( n~mshil tshopo Y!ntsaon w~ma shisha~) 11 The doctor said, "Now turn on your front." am
7. iso. become, vi. A. a;"\~· /choa/ 11 By worry- chis da khyod rang kho sbug bslogs zer lab shag.
twist 455

(~mcil th2 khSro qhaput 13os l~psho~)

turn/roll onto (one's) bock, va. A.
20. iso.
twenty-eight ~·.c:~· ~- ~;r;~· /i'iishu tsopk&~/

twenty-eighth~-~~-"'~.~~ "Z.I" /ii!shu tsepk&~po/

~ -
/qh_£nkcc 13o/ twenty-fifth ~ ·~ · %"<1[2-l" /i'iishu ts~fr)Opo/
turning point, neo. (l.~~~·:")2H"<>-~~.a..~a-~· /phonkuu ""' (\..-
twenty-first '9"-A" :fS" 4'1o:s~· "Z.I" /nishu tsikiqpa/

twenty-five " "

~ "' 'P"-IC\"if·~· /i'iishu tsffr)O/ -
death of Moo.
Y The turning
nag gi
in Chino was the
'pho 'gyur dus twentyfold
(\!~"'7"./C\" /tap nishu/
'"\ '..:> - -
mtshoms mo'o grongs po de red, (k2no~qi phonkuu twenty-four ~·-19· ;{;"·.q~· /nishu tsapshi/
th~tsho~ m22 th~npoti r!~) [Syn. brje mtshoms] twenty-fourth '?"oJCI•
~ ·~<; 2..1·
- /iiishu tsepshipa/
turnip 0z::..· o.~· /n!}_r)ma/ Y dried turnip nyung rna
twenty-nine '.?'-'1' ~ · "\"'""\"
'.;) -
/iiishu tsarqu/
~ c.._"" " -
skarn po (nur)ma qompo) twenty-ninth ~·"""'~·
;{{'l).a"\" "Z.I' /nishu tsaqupa/
""' "~ /iiishu
- . '5 .::C.:" .
turnover, 1. iso. business, vi. A• .t>Z::." r>-rc.~:::I:.."l!IZ\~· twenty-one ~·v4· ::ft'"'\~"1· tsaqcil/
/tshor)q:>:> th~e/ Y They hove a quick turnover twenty-second ~-~ l'"a")~~- "::01. /n!shu ts-:!Jrjiilpa/
with rugs. kho tsho kho gdon gyi tshong 1 khor twenty-seven 0"v<l· ;:e-· :.q:I!)Cif /nishu ts-:!Jpttn.ln/
mgyogs po thebs shag. ( qhontso qhot&~nqi tshOr)-
twenty-seventh ~·JCI· ;t""~"'a.·~· /nishu tsaptl!Unpa/
"" -
q:>:> k2_po theesha~) 2. iso. workers, vi. 2:\~-f;:,a,· "' ""
twenty-six ~J~~·~-.j~· /i'i!shu ts-:t.tuo/
--.() - .
twenty-sixth ~·A· ;t·~.a"\· ~· /nishu ts-:t.tuqpa/
~"\· /c!leen chin/
turpentine "!21"1::." ~- "lc:e-t· &..~"

twenty-third ~-"9· ~:~~~·~· /nishu tseqsumpa/

turquoise ·•ry~: /yO/
/thar)Cu th!!_r)mO/
~""' ....,
~- v<q • ~41_-a-(.at' /i'iishu
- tsaqsum/
....... ~ "''0 -
turquoise earring worn by Tibetan loy officials twenty-two '9·~· :;g- ""'1'9"3{" /ii!shu tsar)iiil/
on left ear ~'""\-~<">.!·; h.~~- ~r.t.~· /s~C!icii; h• twice ~z::..z.~· ""'\~"<!-\· /the?) nii/ 11 He came here
n~ncii/ twice, kho 1 dir thengs gnyis slebs byung. (qho
turquoise color ~~-~~· /yOntbb/ t££ the?) i'irr le~ul
~ .... -.r-
turquoise gloze ""'\~· ~ · /y~tsi/ twig "U.I~·.cy ~ · 2.1· /y&r)qa phopo/
turtle Q,~· ~~· /r,!:!!:!p&&/ twilight, 1. iso. ;,ening ~ · :::~;,.z~: ~- ...,.,
~.1:\ • ~ • /so ra-
turtle shell ~~· ~ez!·~ "' • <r't~<r"\._. ~01.1
-r- • pirupi I 11, They attacked at twilight, kho tshos
S!}_qt~/ s~ rob bi rub bi lo phor rgol byos shag, (qhon-
tusk ~a· "'\ · /cMwo/ 11 elephant's tusk glong tso'ls so r2_pirupila pharqod ch£~sho~) 2. iso.
chen gyi mche bo (lor)Ceenqi ch~wo) morning '\~· "'"\,· f>..l" ~· <f)~~· /nem s~flo mas&t/
tutelage, see: instruction twin ~-a·~· /tshemo/ 9 They ore twins. khong
tutelary deity "'
"ZJJ" ")&-~" /y!tom/ gnyis mtse mo red, (qhOnil tshamo r!~l
tutor, 1. n. ~~·~ra"C\· /1-:!.mr)&&n/ 2. va. D. twinkle, vi. ~ ~~-);.. ~- ~--· /w!fd chemcem ch_£~/
'"\~1zt>~( /1-:!.p/ [Syn. slob khrid byes] 3. iso. 11 The stars twinkle. skor me •od chem chem byed
teacher of king/high lomas, etc., n. iif~<!:-{·n.~~· kyi 'dug. (qoomo w!fd chemcem ch!qil)
/y~tsiin/ twist,. 1. va. C. "'"\::i5<!-l"
/cfJU/ 11 He twisted her
tweak, iso. nose/ear, va. ¥'\""'\~~- "'l~zt· /shapctr~ hand. khos mo'i log po gcus song. (qh3B mo·o
k~p/ [Syn. gcus] loqpo cDUsu) [Syn. gcus ril brgyob] 2, iso.
tweezer r>-.o<ZJ·~· /captse/ get twisted, vi. A. (2.~~· /chOO/ 11 He twisted
twelfth ;q~·.ory?~· " - /cOrjiilpa/
"2..1" his ankle. kho'i rkong tshig 'chus shag, (qh38
twelve -2:\~·Z)~~· "
/cur)nil/ q~r)tsil chllUsho~) 3. iso. twist together, vo,
twelve-fold " · /tap cOr)riil/
" ~ ~ · ~ ~· "'\'?~ <'\
C. ~-!) ~ -.s.t · /}!~/ 11 He twisted the threads to
twentieth ~:...ct·
/i'iishupa/ Y twentieth century make a rope. khos thog po bzo yog gi skud po
-.3 -
dus robs nyi shu po (thu'Urap i'iishupa) bsgrims song. (qh~d thoqpo s~yo~qi qOpa t!~u)
:ay I koqe
C\. - -
twenty ~·-.19· /nishu/ ... 1so. t w1s t s 1n
. a roo d , n. -~<f)· "' .... .....
Z)" ~"~Y
I. • 0

. ~
456 twitch

koqe/ ~ The road has a lot of twists. lam khag rnam pa gsa! po bstan pa red. (t_! 6miriq&& nom-
de kyag ge kyog ge zhed po cig 1 dug. ( 1.9_1')qa~ti pa s~&po tChparee)
kaqe k5qe sh_!puci t!:!_U) 5. see: braid 6. iso. . 1 1 a d'J• "''');''Y!'".zt.' . .a;e~i
t . ._ v-
I t!:!_qtsup chem-
twist whot one says, vo. A. ii"-x..·if"'\~-~~·'~'"Y"'·~· po/ ~ That king was tyramical. rgyal po de
/p5rc::J?J 1~~/ ~ He twisted what I said. khos gdug rtsub chen po zhig red. (k~po th.!_ t!:!.qtsup
ngas bshad pa de spor phyogs bslogs shag. (qh3~ chempo ci r~e)
I'J£C sh~cpati porc::J~ l~~sha~)
twitch, iso. eye, vi. ~<>-~·~a>-~· 'e¢\'" /tshumtsum
Ch£C/ ~ His eye twitches. kho 1 i mig tshum
tshl..lll byed kyi 1 dug. ( qh33 mil tshumtsum chi-
qil) [Syn. zum zum byas]
two -"'\'?2-f /nii/ ~ two thousand stong phrag
gnyis (tonta~ nrr)
two-edged, iso. knife,
nii yl:j_po/
._,- "'-.
two-faced <>-t"'\·"1~.,_, .. <>-~' /~nilma/ ~ He is two-
faced. kho mgo gnyis ma red. (qho ~nilma r~e)
twofold ~;q·"\~~- /t2_p nii/ [Syn. nyis !dab]
two thirds -"\~0>.1· a; ~~C<· /sumca !iii/
type, 1. iso. printing, n. ~~·""21::r.,· /coqpoa/
2. iso. kind ~~''W /r_!q/ ~ That type of pic-
ture started in Tibet, ri mo de 1 i rigs de dang
po bod la byung shag. (r.!_mu thii r.!_qti th.9_r)qo
ph~dla ch~nsha~) 3. iso. type on a typewriter,
neo. va. d-l~.ZJ.·"'\=a;--a_·~"''"\·"'\-z.t-:r,.· 2:l~<=l- /tsumnoon
y.!_qpaa k2_p/
various types ~-i3-lz:::..· ~- ~"'\<>i · /nom&&n nats::J~/ ~
He bought various tools. khos lag cha sna mang
sna tshogs nyos shag.
...... 1.9_qca nem&&n nots::J::J...
( qhoo

typeset, va. D. 'lj·''Y~·I·"')~"'-· ""'l.~G)"""~.. "' /coqpaa tiq/

typesetting machine 1 neo. ~""\~· "'\~:r..· ~~ · (2~ •
~"'\--="'1-~I'U·flj('"=<,·fcoqpaa Y.!,I'Jtu t.!_qya~ ihrn:k;::J::J/
typewriter, neo. ~12:\··~··y~-=4.-:r,.· /ts!:!.mnb-on
typewriter ribbon ~ay :I,"""''" /naqr&c/
typhoon ~. itt:-~~.: /tsholul')/

typically 1 iso. usually a_<J..~· ~C.,· /n2_mkUUn/ ~ We

typically eat hot food. nga tsho nam rgyun kha
lag tsha po za gi yod. ( r).9_ntso n2_mkUUn qhola~
tshopo s2_qiyb-d)
typify, vi. c. ~ ''2..('"'1~(2.!'~..zl.9~. /nampa scfpo
t&~/ ~ This typifies America. 1 di a mi ri ka 1 i

ubiquitous, iso. everywhere ""l·z..~·"'l·(>-1" /qh2_sa qh2_-

la/ 11 Poverty is ubiquitous. skyo po go sa ga
la yod pa red. (kopo qh2_sa qh~la y~re~)
udder ~~-~·e.~· /ph~ n!
ugly a..~-;;;"~·Y"?~· ! 11 He is ugly. kho mdog
nyes red. (qho r~~) 11 an ugly situation
gnas tshul mdog nyes shig (n~~tsuu
[Syn. mdog gog]
ulterior motive ~"'--~<~{ "\~"'\~· ~~­
miqy~u/ [Syn. gab don]
ultimate, 1. see: last 2, see: highest 3, see:
final; total
ultimatum, 1. n. a!li?Jf2.-~"'\- /thatshil/ 2. iso,
give an ultimatum, va, >;::~'?2:.' /--teen/
<"..:.. ......... -...
ultra-conservative ~c..· ~"<\· c.· ~ '"f\ ~ · ~ · /nil')-
sheen che t-h~~pa/ [Syn. rnying zhen thal che
umbilical cord ~- J::~~· ~u:::,(>.l' ~>rt· /t!!fqi I'Jffthaa/
umbrella, 1. n. "'3>'~"'\.a"\~·
; h. ~J::J..· ~"'o!r\~·
""'0 -...,!, '
tu~; h. utuu/ 2. iso. open an umbrella, va, A.
-- ~<!:\' /--pil/
unable ~z:~· [neg.] /thOp [neg,]/ 11 I am unable
to do it. ngas 1 di byed thub pa min 1 dug. (l')£e
t! ch~~ thupamintu~)
unadulterated ~"\-~"'\ · /lhffme~/
unanimity .;.{j"';z::,">H· ~~- /y2_1')mo-d/ 11 The unanimity of
the delegates was obvious, sku tshab tsho yongs
mos yin pa gsa! pa byung song. (qutsaptso Y2_11-
mo1> Y!mpa sffpo ch~nso)
unanimous tilz:.2:-1· ~<!.\· /y!!!Jmb15/ 11 an unanimous de-
cision yong mos thag gcod· (yol')mo15 thoqco1>)
;:;~;-;(2.1"\' -ca.~"\ 'Z.l(.l:'
unarmed -1 ~Iqh2_laa
.. -m!:!p&&/ 11 an un-
armed soldier go lag med pa' i dmag mi (qh2.laa
m!:!p&& m~~mi) [Syn. _go mtshon med pa 1 i; mtshon
cha med pa'i]
....r- ....... (',_
unavoidable zyr.u(Z1' '!aZl~· ~"')·~~· /y83tap m~p&&/

11 unavoidable problems g. yol thabs med pa 'i

rnyog dra (y88tap ~p&& noqt-a)
unaware~~~-=;.· [neg.] /q2_ tsh8~ [neg,]/ 'II He
is unaware of the problems. khos rnyog dra de
mgo tshod mi I dug, (qh8'd noqt-ati q2_ tsh8'dmin-
tuu) [Syn. ha ma go]
(', '-r"
unbalanced, 1. iso. weight -=;:.·~-~ ~a-.1<!<.' ~·
458 · unbearable

/y~Qci mono~pa/ 2. see: crazy 3, see: uneven tsam zhig].

unbearable, see: intolerable underage ~ <6'\' a-1.. (fl~· ?.J'd·/l!!.tse& mol<impo/
unbecoming ~a.,·::&"~"\· ""-l'a· /12_mpo ~pee/ underclothes, see: underwear
unbutton, vo. B. "2!2::1~· ~~ · ""'.~c>J· /th:Jpcu t-33/ 11 underdeveloped, neo. eo.,·~~-~"\·"-'~· /y,2rke&
He unbuttoned his shirt. khos stod thung gi m~pee/ 11 underdeveloped notions yor rgyas med
thebs 1 ju bkrol song. ( qh3B tUiltuunqi th~pcu po 1 i rgyol khob ( y,2rke& m!!:_pee kMqap) [Syn.
tS&o) r jes Ius thebs po i] 1

uncertain ""'\~C!."a"\'?c{ [neg,] /tfnteen [neg,]/ ;.·nderestimote, vo. A, ~"\' '"\,'2..1~· ~"\· -=o!f\ · ~""'-· 4~~­
11 It is uncertain when we will meet, nga tsho /tshBSpa?! ch2_ya~ chuQ th,2o/ 11 He underestimated
go dus thug gtan gton yod po mo red, (f')!!,ntso the costs. gnod gong tshod dpog byed yog chung
qh~tuU thut tfnteen Y2~more~) drags shag. (nl:fqoon tsh88pao ch2_yoo chul') th!!,?!-
uncle, 1 , iso. paternal <3-\' {Zl. • /aqu/ 2, iso, mo- sho9l
ternol \3'{' f<\-z:,.' /oshoon/ undergo, iso. hardship/difficulty, vi. ~c::·

unclean ;<::~;&T"~· ""-l. /ts'Sqpo/ 11 He is unclean. kho /ch~n/ 11 He underwent hardship, kho la dka 1
btsog po red, (qho ts'Sqpa re~) las byung shag, (qh'S'S qole& ch~sho?!)
uncommon, 1. iso~ words "' - ......
-r-"-:--., "
underground, 1. ~- /sriw:>?J/ 11 underground
/ci'rtoan pheecoB ~pee/ 2. iso. events ~Ol water level so 'og gi chu i mtho tshod
1 (sow:>~­

~a.·"\~· ~'f2.!j'Zl:/n!!mkUUnta ~nta~/ qi chOO thotshe&.l 2. see: subway

-.. . ::, -... -... c-....
unconditional ;s·~"\-CI.l'"·i~tt· /chokeen ~pee/ 11 underground movement, neo, 'f)<!{~-Z'I~·(7.13<"(2."lc>l/sol')wee
uncondi tiona! surrender cho rkyen med pa 'i mgo l£nqlfu/ [Syn, lkog 'gull "'
btags zhus pa (chakeen ~pee q~pta~ sh~Upa) underline, vo. Mt "('ll" ~~· ~~~--a~<:~' /wE_~la
unconscious, iso. get/be vi. D, !i'O\.' "2.(' t2-S~: thrqtoo k~p/ 11 He underlined the nome, khos
/thE_mpa th'Sr I 11 He was unconscious for a few ming gi 1 og lo thig rtags brgyab song. ( qh3"d
minutes. kho skar mo kho shes shig dran pa m!Qqi w2~1a thiqto?! k~psu)
'thor shag. (qho qoama qhllshecci th£.111pa th5r- underlying ~~- /1J,2mo/ 11 underlying meaning don
sho?!) dog ngo mo (th~ntoo I')~)
unconstitutional ;f( · {gO>-.I~·""\"'' <~-~·~~a_·-z.l~· /tslJ}im undermine, see: weaken
ta m::ithUmpee/ underneath, sa~: under
uncontrollably X.l:..'~"l.-z::..~"\''2.J::r.; /r,2nwoon ~poo/ 11 undersecretary, neo, ~z:..-~C!\0\· /t-h!!)Shodn/
. ~

He cried uncontrollably. kho rang dbong med par undershirt a;h· n."'<~ · /n,2f')Com/ [Syn. lnd, ghon
ngu shor song, (qho r,2nwoon meepoo IJ_!:! sh'S'Sso) ci]
·undeniable ~~· (;u'Cl.,·a..~·~~- !aq-a< ~"'\ • /f')ooleen understand, vo. 7·~ ; h. a..~h-a,; /ho qh,2; h.
m,2ce& thapme~/ 11 undeniable evidence ngos len kh~/ 11 I don't understand, ngos ho go gi mi.
mo byes thobs med kyi ra sprod (1')3:8;!leen mace& 1 dug. ( ,j£& he qh~imintut) 11 He doesn ' t un-
th::ipme~i r,2ptoo) derstand Tibetan well. khos bod skad yog po ha
under, 1. ~~·r-u· /w2~lo/ 11 The book is under the go gi mi 'dug. (qh3'd phooqec y,2qo ho q~imin­
table. deb de rgya cog gi 'og la 1 dug, (th!pti tut) [Syn. go don rtogs]
k,2c~~qi w2~1a t_!:!t) 11 under the authority of the understanding, 1. ~i)"C\·f~~·n:.u~· /qh!!.tb-dn t'S5-
president srid 1 dzin gyi dbong cho'i 'og lo ya?!/ 11 His understanding of religion is poor.
(si'rntsiinqi wllncee w~~lo) 2. iso, less than khos chos kyi go don rtogs yag skyo po red,
~"<\·~at-~mE_ntsaci/ 11-It cost under 100 dollors. ( qh8'd ch8Bqi qh!!.UJ'dn t'S'Syo?! k15po r!~) 2. see:
'di la sgo~ mo brgyo min tsom zhig gnod shag, agreement
(tee q~:>mo ka mentsaci nl:csho~) [Syn, mo zin undertake, va. C. r2.<ry~· ~t:.c-t' /qE!:_n len/ [Syn.
United Nations 459

'gon khur blongs] (namshil thb~po ~~pol

undertaking r:u~· if"l· uni ficotion '"1~4"Y ~<'2<). "\ 'U-1""\ /ciqt-H ch~yo~/ 1f
dertoking. 1 di los don chen po zhig red. ( t~ The unification of the districts was difficult,
l~toon chempoci r~~l rdzong khog tsho gcig sgril byed yog khog po
underwater ~'d.·r'Z""",· /chtl'U w::_~/ ~ The ship goes byung shag • ( ts::.l')qo(Jtso ciqtii ch~yoo qhl5qo
underwater. gru gzhings de chu'i 'og la 'gro gi ch~nsha21)
'dug. (th~tsinti chOO w::_~lo t~il) unified, see: united
underwrite, see: guarantee uniform, 1, iso, dress
undress, va. ~-2.!-~'\· /chupa prl/ nurse's uniform nod g,yog gi gyon chas (nccy~~
undying S\· v.t"\3!""· .._. /shiyo(J m~~pa/ [Syn. 'chi qi kh~nccc) 2. see: some
ba mad pa] military uniform '\"-'"'\'-a;~· /maqcc&/
unemployed (>..1?:-1.;;:,"\. /l~me~/ 1f He is unemployed. school uniform ~.,-~d.-~"\·a;.,.,· /115ptcc t~qccC/
kho los mad red. (qh~ l~me~ r2_~) um'f y, vo. c • '<j:os••·y~(2.l·.<J.3<!-<.
<'-, "- '<"' 1c r qrJ.l.
+ • • s2:d/ 1f He
uneqwl r?.S,:a.lf9-a-l. [neg,] ft.:!_iioill [neg.] I ~ unified the nomads and formers. khos 1 brag po
Their salaries ore unequal, kho tsho' i phogs dang zhing po tsho gcig sgril bzos po red.
dngul 'dro mnyom ma red. (qhontsoo ph5:SI')Uil t.:!,- (qh~d t::_qpata sh~l')patso ciqt-ii s~~poree)
iiorn mo ree) unilateral W\"-'·"1~...\ ~ · /ch:S~ ciqi/ ~ a uni-
uneqwlled, see: matchless lateral decision phyogs gcig gi thog gcod
unfailing, see: reliable; dependable (ch:S~ crqi thl5qcod)
unfair 5..r.: ~ ~'\· 7..1· /th.:!_l')qo m.!:mpa/ ~ unfair low uninteresting ~ ~a.·-:u· /moiicmpo/ [Syn. snyon po
khrims drong po min po ( thrrn th.:!_l')qo m£mpo) med pa]
[Syn. mo 'tshoms po; ma 'os po] uninterrupted
unfit "Cl)?..l [neg.) /r.!:mpo [neg.]/ [Syn. mo 1 os uninterrupted development bar chad med po'i yor
pa; 'grig po mad po] rgyas (ph.:!_rccc m~pcc y::.rkc&l
unforgettable ~ ....... "'
"'l~)l!!l"~<::-~· """\' z.ta · /c~tap m~po/ union, 1. iso. labor union ;z::af~..,.\'"". /s::.tsh~~/
unfortunately 9""~· <>l·=~-.,_. ·':a,"\·C'>-l· /tap m.:!_yoqo [Syn. bzo po'i skyid sdug] 2. see: republic
ciqla/ 1f Unfortunately, he couldn't come. unionize, vo. A, ..,~~'d-~·"-1.·"1.~~· /s!!_p£:£:
stabs mo yog po zhig lo kho yang thub mi 'dug, tsh:Sqpo tsuu/ [Syn, bzo po'i skyid sdug btsugs)
(tap m.:!_yoqa ciqla qh~ y::.n thuUmintuu) [Syn, unique ~~"l·~·~-~'C\·2..1 /tht:lmun m!!yimpa/ 11
stabs mo legs po zhig lo] This is o unique diamond. 1 di ph a lam mthun
unfriendly, vi. ou~~~~c;· [neg.] /thtlmpu ch£C mong mo yin po zhig red. ( t~ ph/51 am thOmun ma-
[neg.]/ ~ He is very unfriendly. khos rtso bo yimpa ci r~e)
nos mthun po byed kyi mi 'dug, (qhifcl tsoonc unite, see: unify
thOmpu ch~qimintuu) united "''~"'l~i4t· /ciqt-H/ 1f a Ul')_i.ted movement
Ungrateful, VO, " ~
"'~"'\12-'~(\'ZI<!·I'<>-1'~'\·'9...~· /q~tiin SO- gcig sgril las 'gul (crqt-ii l.!:£nquu)
mae Ch£CI 11 He is ungrateful. khos bko I drin U.nited Arab Republic '3--\':::t..zt·&:\~z:.~·-41~· ~-<1-l~~-~(2..1·
bsam med byed kyi 'dug. (qh8B qatiin somee chi- f"'ZI' /arap ml51')tso ci tutln k~~qap/
"' ":Z:J..-·
unhappy ~Z) [neg.] /kipu [neg.) I ~ I am very
unhappy. ngo skyid po rtso bo nos mi 'dug. (1').:!_ c-.... "'' ~ c.'
United Kingdom "'\~"\--"''~nl~"'\g·O>l~'O\~i2J·(2'Zl·
krpu tsoanc m~ntuu) /inci k~sil crtu~n keeqap/
unhealthy (2~"'\· ~ [neg.] /th83po [neg.]/ ~ on United Notions ~'9~~(>.1-~n..l·af"\<-\' /iiomtee kcc-
unhealthy climate gnom gshis 1 ph rod pa mad pa ts~~/
460 United Nations Security Council

United Nations Security Council '3-1'9~·g~·~(>.l·-g~:a-,· unlucky. kho bsod noms med pa zhig red. ( qho
~· ~~: [Zl· ~0)' af<f)CI. /i'iomtee k~ts::>~qi sur)kop sate lll!~JXl ci r!~l
lhl:nts::>::>/ unmarried ;;;o,z;·~·~-Zl~Zl·· /chaonsa 112kepcc/ 11
United States of America ~·~·~e:.a·~·i.·cu~'0\.'~(41· an unmarried woman chong so rna brgyab pa 1 i skye
rr>ZJ "/llri r)ote cituUn kMqap/ dman (choonsa m~kap&c krmc&n)
unity "~\~"'\· ~~· /ciq't-li/ [Syn. chig sgril] unmask, va. C. <S'\~
Z:.,Z:.' (2ZI.Z\' ~""'{<!-\'
' shu1J/
/toonpaa n'
universal ~:!,{·~~· /y2_r)kap/ 11 universal declo- 11 They unmasked the spy.
"" kho -
tshos so pa 'i
ration yongs khyab gsa! bsgrags ( y2_r:Jkap s~l!- gdong I bag bshUS shag o ( qhontsoB SOp&& t~npa~
"t-o~) shD"~ha~)
university <!"1~'"\·~zt if'z::~. ~- · /tsuqla~ lepta/ unnecessary "'\~-~~-. /q'o'Orrra~/ 11 unnecessary
[Syn. slob grwa chen po]
.. expenses dgos med 'gro song (qoome~ t~oon)

unjust, see: unfair [Syn. dgos gnad med pa'i]

unknowable 2?-~~~-"'-'~ · [neg.] /ho qh~ thuuya~ unoccupied ~l=)'d-l('A~· [neg.] /t()cir)&&n [neg,]/ 11
[neg.]/ ~ The future is unknowable. ma 'ongs an unoccupied house sdod mkhan mad pa 1 i khang
pa ha go thub yag yod pa rna red, (m~wo?.pa ho pa ( tocir)&&n lll!!P&& qhlil')pa) [Syn. stong pa]
qh~ thuOya~ Y2.~mare~) [Syn. shes rtogs thub yag_/ unopened rn·~·~· "!J' /qho mlicepa/ 11 on unopened
med pa] letter yi ge kha rna phye pa zhig (y.!_qi qho ma-
unlawful, see: illegal cepaci)
unless [vb.] /[vb,] no ~t::>~/ •
unorganued '"%j <f\' ~~<1'\<!-t'
..r ........
&.l ")' <:J' lt.!_r:Jtsuu ~pa/
Unless we help, they will lose. nga tshos rags 11 on unorganized meeting sgrig 1 dzugs med pa 'i
byas no rna gtogs kho tsho shor gyi red, (r)~n­ tshogs 'du ( t,!r:Jtsuu ~p&& tshoontu)
tso~ r2~ chccna m~t::>~ qhantso sh~~ire~) unpack, va. C. ~'t"U<I'\'.I!!l~- /cola~ tim/ 11 He un-
unlike (2.~·-if. [neg.] /t~po [neg.] I 11 He is un- packed the box. khos sgam nos co lag bton song.
like his father. kho kho 1 i pa pha 1 dra po mi ......
( qhoci q~mnc ' tonso
coloa "' )
'dug. ( qho qhOO papa t~po m.!_ntu~) unpile, va. D• .3-!::Z:..' 2:\Zl' /m~ p'fip/
unlikely [vb.] W.<f\·~-~~ [neg.] /[vb.] y~~qi so unplug, va. A. £Zf'\·~:e"\· 'Z<lz;· /16qtUU prl/ 'II He
...... "';;)

[neg.] I 11 It is unlikely they will be able to unplugged the lamp. kho bzhu mar gyi glog mthud
win the war. kho tshor dmag thob yog gi bzo mi phud shag. (qh~d shumaoqi l~tuU ·prlsha~)
1\ -
'dug. (qhonts::>::> rna~ th~pya~qi s~ m.!_ntu~) unpopular ~·~~· [neg.] /cimo'ti [neg.]/ 'II The
unlimited a;"\~· /tsh~l!me~/ ~ unlimited sup- king is very unpopular. rgyal po de spyi mos
port rgyab skyor tshod med (k!pk~~ tsh~l!me~) rtsa bo nos med pa zhig red. (k~poti cimod
unload, va. D. ,<f.;:f-74~' /th~pa p~p/ 11 They un- tsaBn& lll!~poci r2_~) 'II the unpopular law spyi
loaded the train. kho tshos ri li nos do po mas med· po'i khrims (crmo-3 ~p&& thiitl)
..... "
phab song,
unlock, va. D.
(qhonts()d rilinc thopo papsu)
1\·~~'C{·~ · fq~o~ che/ ~ He
~~- ~ r.. • ~ · ~ h · zt~·
'II unprecedented good yields
/l')ar chuun manu-
sngor byung
unlocked the door this morning, do rang zhogs rna myong ba 1 i thon 'bob yag pa ( l')or chuun mai'iu-
pa khos sgo''i sgo !cogs phye pa red. (qhsB q~a 1')&& th&lpap yoqo)
q.£Ca~ chepare~) unpredi~table i'~-~o!f'\- ~e:).·-r.U<I'"\' [neg.] /tshsB-
unlocked, iso. leave, va. A. lf~lfle\'<l.I'~Zl"ci::I.;ZIC~r thil thOOya~ [neg.] I "" 11 He is unpredictable.
/q~a~ m!kapao sh~~/ 11 He left the door un- kho [nga tshos] tshod thig thub yag mi 'dug,
locked. khos sgo sgo !cogs mo brgyab par bzhag (qho r:J~ntsod tshBBthil thOi:iya~ m.!_ntuu) '!I Pro-
shag • ( q h oo
~' ' m~k apao sh~oshao
q~ q~oa ' ') duction is unpredictable. than skyed tshod thig
unlucky :<:1~"')-~9.1~· 'al~·'Z.l· /si:ite m2_~pa/ 11 He is thub yog mi 'dug. ( th8nke~ tshBBthil thuilya~
untrustworthy 461

mintu~) [Syn. tshod dpag thub thobs med po) (l£qts&& m!!p&& l')&&tsod)
unp~ejudiced ~<f\<!-{,~Ci· [neg.] /chliliril [neg.]/ ·
unstable "'''?~ .z';. ~ Z) · 24 · /tl:mpo m!~pa/ ~ on un-
~ He is unprejudiced. kho lo phyogs ris mi stable government gzhung brton po med po (sh~n

'dug. (qh~~ chliliril m!ntut) tl:mpo m!~po) [Syn. 'gyor ri 'gyur ri]
unprincipled CJ.I" ~~ ~ /m::_rap/ ~ He is unprinci- unsteady, 1. ~=t..·""::t:.· if=t..· ~ · /khore khore/ ~ The
pled. kho mo robs red. (qho m::_rap r!~l ladder is unsteady. skos 1 dzeg de khyor re
unprocessed, see: row khyor re zhig 'dug. (ql:fntsoti khere khereci
unqualified a.·~O\· ct"1:..· [neg.] /chakeen tshoon t.!!~l 2. iso. specifically for hands, vo.% ·
[neg.]/ ~ He is unqualified to be president. 17-l):z;.·~~"Z:I· /tsontoo k::_p/ , He wrote with on un-
kho lo srid 'dzin byed yog gi cho rkyen tshong steady hand. khos log po rtso 'dar rgyog gin
mi 'dug. (qh~~ siintsiin ch!yooqi chokeen rgyog gin yi ge bris song. (qh~ l!!qpo tsantoo
tshol!n m!ntut) kaaqii k~qii Y!qi th!lsu)
unquestionable, see: certain unsuccessful t"LI~·n.~ ~;::.· [neg.] /l£mto ch~n
A.r:::..~~·/shil/ 2.
unravel, iso. threads, 1. vo. [neg.]/ ~ He tried to start a business but was
vi. A. 0\<t\· /sh!l/ unsuccessful. khos los ko zhig 'go btsugs song
unreasonable ~r."kt· ~~· [neg.] /qhOI')luun [neg.]/ ste, lam 'gro byung mo song. (qh8B· l~qoci q!!
~ It is on unreasonable low. khungs lung med tsO~su t&& l£mto ch~nmosoon)
po'i khrims red. (qhOI')luun ~p&& thim r!~) unsuitable i1-1"17-;i;~~· ZJ · /motshompo/ [Syn. 'os pa
unrefined, see: row med po; mo 'os po]
unreliable ~.....,_. 17-fa r:><· -v..t ....,_ [neg. J /18"d qheeyao unthinkable if~ C2.! • (Z..L~· tz.~:g.o,· ~ "/lliyu"Ul& tE_cpo/ ~
[neg.]/ ~ He is unreliable. kho lo blos 'khel That suggestion is unthinkable. bsom 'char de
yog yod po rna red. (qh5~ 18~ qheeyoo Y2~more~) blo yul los 'dos po zhig red. (somcooti l~y~ul&
[Syn. mi zo ri zi ri] tE_&poci r!~l
unrest :;i~· <'z::... "' "
3.;<.." "'". /s::_r:Ji s!;_l')i/ ~ There is much untie, vo. B. ""l~rz.!" /t88/ [Syn. bshig]
unrest in that country. lung po de'i nang lo until a-t" [vb.] XI'''-."") . /m!! [vb.] ph::_tll/ ~ We
zong ngi zing ngi zhed po cig 'dug. (l~l')pa thii ""'
will wait until she comes. ngo tshos mo mo yong
noonlo Sf!.r:Ji s!;_l')i sh!puci t~~) [Syn. zing bar du bsgug gi yin. (r:J!!ntsoB m_£ m£yo~ ph::_to
'phyong) q~qiyin) ~ Until he come, there was no
unrivaled 12.~<\;i.'~"\·~· /tE_nto lfl!~po/ trouble. kho mo yong bar du rnyog dro yod po mo
unsatisfactory (Z.~"\·Z-~·{ac::.2o-1·=·~"\ [neg.] /t,!:!po red. (qho m£yo~ phf!.t6 n~to Y2~more~)
qhonaci [neg.]/ , The report is unsatisfactory. until n90: "')" ~ · Zl.::.;.· "<) · /th!!nto phf!.t6/ -~ Until now
gnos tshul 'byor·po-~e 1 dod po khengs po zhig mi there hove been no wars. " do 1 to bar dmog byung
'dug. (n~~tsUU c~pot!;_ t,!:!po qhonoci m!;_ntut) yod po mo red. (th£nto ph::_tl> me~ chuun Y2~mo­
{Syn. red bsom po zhig med po] re~)

unscientific <h'"OJ\~"\·"'r..·=· ~~"0\ · 2.1· /tshf&nrilta untimely 0\,aJ· ~""·Z\z:..·.a.t·~~"\·-..r;n::_mtUUta m~tUUnpo/

m~th u"Unpa/ ~ on untimely rain nom dus dong mo mthun pa 1 i
unscrew, vo. A. ~~~·~::.:,·4~<11· /c!IDpuu shill char po (n::_mtuUta m~tm.lnp&& choapo) [Syn.
unscrupulous, see: unprincipled skabs sumo bobs po'i; dus min]
unseemly ~lfr:..· ,..-.::.· (>.!" <l-l' a.~l;r·~· -z.t · /thol')noonlo man- untouchable, iso. coste -"'"1"3-\";::. -a..· /r!qr:J&&n/ [Syn.
tseepo/ a, mthong mo 'dod po]
[Syn. gdol rigs]
unsheoth, vo. c. Zlr"\· /tS~/ untrue Z~"i)(\·'Q· [neg.] /t!mpo [neg.]/ ~ This is
unskilled (>..1~· ~12-l"aJ"\. "2.1" /l!!qts&& ~po/ ~ un- untrue. 1 di bden po mo red. (t! t!mpa m~re~)
skilled laborers log rtsol med po 1 i ngol rtsol untrustworthy ~ay " "'
f?l."'Y /thiqth/ . [Syn. blos
462 unusual

'khel yag med pa] ti r)~ t-~ta )

a, ....
unusual g :r..· ""- '? "'-. "\"' . <\. ·cz.s:Zl"/
.;\..1 cirtaanta m~ntaaqi I 11 upper palate <:l..!~· .:f1o; · /y_££qccn/
He got an unusual job. kho la spyir btang dang ..__, z:.· 2..1~· 2<1·
upper par.t of a valley ru ..._, /l_ur)pcc phu/
ma 'dra ba'i las ka zhig byung shag. (qh~5 cir- upper strata, see: upper class
taanta m~nta~qi lccqaci ch~nsha~) [Syn. nom upper teeth u..te-~· ~- /y_££so/
rgyun dang mi 'dra ba 1 i] upright 1 1. iso. posture -£z:..· :;:_ ""'. I t.o?>ae I 11 He
unworthy ii~·z=tJ::\"c-\·a.>."'\· z.r /wo·opap ~epa/ stood upright. kho krong nger bsdad shag. (qho
unwritten law (ll. ~oz.. -~a..~<!'-1· (U~~'/qhektiUn thimluu/ t-oQee t_£cshaal 2. iso. character -w · "-."'l ~ · /y2_-
up ="-.· /y~/ "" up the ladder.
11""'He climbed khos rap/
skas 'dzeg !a yar 'dzegs song. ( qha"a q~fntsaa · ·, "'" ~
1 • neo. n. z::.·41~· 41 ::t:;~z:.c-t· I r)~qoo
•••• q~-

y~ ts~~so) lan/ 2. iso. make an uprising, va. -- ~~­

up and down =:c.: a. ::x:_ • /--ch_£&/ 11 The farmers made an armed uprising
there and down. khos yar mar ph yin song. ( qha"a against the king. zhing pa tshos drag po'i thog
yao m~ chi?.su) nos rgyal po !a ngo rgol sger longs byos shag.
up there -= ·""\"-..
/y2_qcc/ 11 There is a bfyd up (sh~l')patsod t-h~qpoo th5?Jnc kccpoo r)~oo q~rlan
there, yo gir bye 1 u zhig 'dug. (y2_qCC chiu ci ch_£csha~)

t~ul uproot, !so. a plant/tree, va. ];'" •.zt-"'\211· ZI? z. ·

up to =::x:,- "i. 11 He came with us up to /tsaqo~ taan/
...., v-
Lhasa. kho lha sa bar du nga tsho mnyam du yong upset 1 1 • !so. overturn 1 vo. A. (Zl. ~ ay <:::\ ~ <f1 ""·
pa red. (qho lh~~sa ph2_to r)~ntso n~tM y~?.pa­ /qhapuu 15~/ 11 He upset the cup. khos dkar yo!
ree) de kha sbug bslogs song. ( qh3"d q~yUUti qhepuu
upgrade, see: improve 15~so) [Syn. mgo gzhug bslogs] 2. iso. get/be
/qh_££nla yaa/ 11 He walked mentally upset, vi. A. ~0).1~· (2.F-J<I"\~· /seln
uphill. khos gan la yar gom pa brgyab song. thOu/ " news.
11 I got very upset by the gsar
( n.'
qhocl qh_££nla y~ qh~pa k2_psu) [Syn. gan] 'gyur de go nos nga 1 i sems zhed po cig 1 khrugs
uphold, see: support byung. (s~nkuuti qh~c r)_££ se~ sh~puci t-huucu)
upon, see: on [Syn. sems ma skyid pa byung]
upper fl· cs· /t8&:a/ 11 the upper part of the upstairs ~-fZ!· /th5~qo/ 11 He lives upstairs.
body gzhugs po'i stod cha (s~qUU t38ca) kho thog.khar sdod kyi 'dug. (qho th55qaa tUU-
upper and lower ~1::.· fi••Y /qh~wo?J/ [Syn. steng qil)
shod] upstream a;~ ;;:r-..,.. a;· /chOU t83ca/
"' '!?'
~(>.!· "'CI.l. -"\Z::.: =· ' qhOr)ma/ upsurge, 1. n. A. f!iz:~e-{· e~~-sf Zf· /P2_lap thopci/ 11
upper class
upper floor
...;- .
31:1ay~· ~-,;:..· ar

q~r)ma~) revolutionary upsurge gsar br je 1 i rba rlabs
upper jaw -.::>.~~· C2.~d.l· /yccnt-am/ mtho po (scree P2.lap thopo) 2. iso. hove an
upper lip =~· ~ ~- /y_££ncu/ upsurge, vi. D. ~ · @aO'\· e>-~ ifCI\·~::x:,- rz~ ::x:_ • /p2.lap
uppermost, 1. ~h· ~z;::.· /q~?t q~p/ 11 Give me the th8mpor churl
uppermost book. deb sgang sgang de nga la sprod upwards, 1. see: up 2. iso. more than z.u:;s.,·r2"\"~"<.

dang. (th~p q~?. q~?.ti ~ t-2-dta) 2. !so. high- /yccntap/ 11 upwards of 100 brgya yas 1 dabs
est C>.I~-.J\C\· /theshod/ 11 He lives on the up- (k~ Y£ntap)
permost floor. kho thog sa mtho shos der sdod upwind ~z:.'\· ~~~- /tQ!;!nla?:l/ [Syn. gdong !hogs]
kyi 'dug. (qho th5~sa th5shb~tcc tu~qil) "' "
uranium, neo. /0!;,(21-J.Z::.. · /tutli'iil')/
-.r ...... ~
upper one ~c:.· a>.J.• /q~nma?:l/ 11 Give me the upper urban '!)t=-: m_"'-.· /i-h_£1')kee/ 11 urban research grong
one. sgang ma de nga !a sprod dang. ( q~nma?! khyer zhib 'jug !i-h2.r)kee sh~mcuu)
utensil 463

urbanism, nao, ~·~<_·""c.' ~'*CJ..lq-\' kh8rc ph~cb-d t~l')qiyopcc) 2. iso, use as an ax-
kaa n~nla t~dyoa/ cusa/pratext, vo. B. (Zl'4'Jl:.!..l":<... /qha yoo/ 11
urbanization, iso, more and larger cities, neo, Using going to the market as a pretext, he went
:zy::.~:>::r>..~OJ.·@;~· /th2Jkee lfl~ekc2;/ to the bar, khos khrom lo 1 gro gi yin zer kho
urea ~~~~=<:.:": "" . ...
/crncu'U/ g. yar byes chong khong la ph yin shag. ( qhl:l"d
urethra ""\~"'~Q:I' /c'inlam/ th5mla t~qiyins qho yaacc chol')qoonlo chihshoa)
urge, 1. va. ~-~~'<:l.3'.fl.' /Utsuu k!p/ 11 He 3. iso. use a~ on example, vo. A.~"''\'"'\~ (Z.J't:1~<fJ·
--..:>-...) "'5!.1
urged that we go, khos ngo tsho 1 gro zer u /m!qpela sh~a/ 11 They used Dorje as an exam-
tshugs brgyab byung. (qh'6~ l')~ntso t~ Utsuu ple. kho tshos rdo rje mig dpe lo bzhog po red.
k!pcu) 2, iso, get/hove an urge to eat, vi, B, (qhonts~d t~ce m_!qpelo sh~aparae) [Syn. dpe
f\'O:.~<ll· /qho qh3'3/ 11 I had on urge to eat bzhug so byes] 4. iso, in the post ~'0\'().1' /l')'f-
dried meat.. nga she skarn po za 1 dod ky i kha moo/ 11 He used to go. kho sngon me 1 gro gi yod
1 khol byung. (I')~ sha qompo s~nt~i qho qh3"ocu) pa red. (qho l')!:maa t~qiy:>~ree) 5. iso. used
urgent ~~"\~CZ~ /t~_toa ch~po/ 11 He re- up, see: exhaust
ceived on urgent message, kho la lan dza drag useful, 1. adj. ~'\·~<rt""".z:tj~-z...t /phcnb~ y2_po/
chen po zhig 1 byor shag, (qh!53 l~n t~t.oa 11 This is useful work. 1 di phon thogs yod po 1 i
chempoci c~shaa) los ka red. (t_! ph!:nt:>~ y2_pcc l~qo r~e) 2.
urgent need t!f?'E,.,Z<\.'~?f\.~~~ /t~taa q~dqo/ 'Z<l'\' ~~· ~'\ ~ /phcnb~ ch~po/ 11 It would be
urinal 1 1. iso. on enclosure .:f\~C\.:"'-1.'"\'<fc.·~~·~~c:: useful to have o Lama here. 1 dir bla mo zhig
~ /cimpe toonscc soonc~d/ 2. iso, the recep- yod no phon thogs chen po yod po red. (t~

tacle ~~OI.:<:~,'~~c.·~~·{'\lJ~·/cimpe toonscc c83tom/ l6maci y~dno ph!:nt:>~ ch~po Y2~ree)

urinate, 1. va. <11~~"-''~«jc:.' /cimpe toon/ 2. useless ,.,~. ~dj¢<' ~"'\' ""-l' /ph!:nb~ m~pa/ 11 a
iso. urinate accidentally, vi. B, "'1.~~"4-0!\x.· useless ideo phon thogs med po 1 i bsam blo
/cimpe sh!5:l/ [Note: chab gsang btong is a po- (ph!:nt:>~ m~pcc somlo)
lite form which can be used for either "urinate" ususal ~6lJ' ~q· ~ /n!mkUUnqi/ 11 This is the
or 11 deficate, 11 ] usual meal~ 1 di nom rgyun gyi kho lag red. (t_!
urine "<1.?,~"4.· /cimpe/ n!mkUUnqi qholaa r~e) [Syn. rgyun gtan]
urine specimen cot:\· '9-'t\~ · I choptaa/ as usual "" ex,·
"\tl-1' ~~- '\c: 4"\ /n!mkUUn n!l')shiin/
urn ~~·q· /phumpe/ 11 . As usual 1 he is sick. kho nom rgyun nang
us ""
/~nts:>:>/ 11 He gave i t to us, khos bzhin no shag. ( qho n~mkUUn n!l')shiin 11£shoo)
1 di ngo tshor sprad byung, (qhl:l"d t_! l')~nts:>::J [Syn. 'char ¢on byes]

t.!:ccu) 11 He helped us, khos nga tshor rags usually "\04'~'0\· /n~mkUUn/ 11 Usually, he comes at
byes byung. (qhl:l"d ~nts:>:> r2~ ch£Ccu) 11 He did 8. kho nom rgyun chu tshod brgyod par yong gi
it for us, khos nga tsho-1 i don dog la 1 di byes 'dug. (qho n!mkUUn chOtsu~ k£pao y~l')qil) [Syn.
shag. (qhstl r:J~ntsoo th~ntoala t_! ch£cshaa) 'char con]
[Note: Since don dog requires the genitive, ngo usurp, va. '?:1;0<\'o>-~'f\ ~ ~·
tsho 1 i is used, Also, in the phrase "let us go, They usurped the king's power. kho tshos rgyol
eat 1 etc. 1 11 nga tsho is used] po'i dbong cho btson 1 phrog byos shag. (qhon-
use, 1. va. ~.::;.:,~"'\«jC:.' /ph~coc3 toan/ 11 How ts~d kccp!:rd wlii')Co ts!:nt::J~ ch£Cshoa)
,, ....
does one use this? 'di go 1dro zer bed spyod usury ~~<!,-(· (2~(>..\·~z:., ro· /thimqcc keeqo/
gtong dgos red? (t~ qh~tc&s ph~o·o tol')qorcc) utensil '9:r.. ~z;· /n~rccc/ 11 kitchen utensils
11 Are you using this one row? 1 di cb lto khyod .thob tshong nang gi nyer spyod (thoptsoon n~n­

rang gis bed spyod gtong gi yod pas? (ti thanta qi n~rcc&)
464 uterus

cooking utensils l!IA"a;..l!-l· /thapcd/

uterus ~- ~- /ph!!_n'Od/
utility "Z.<Id.," 5f"4)C:\" /ph'fnto?>/ 11 This chemical has
no utility as a medicine. rdzos sbyor 1 di smon
lo phon thogs mi 1 dug. (ts~cooti m'ffnlo ph'fn-
to?> m_!ntu~)
utilization rote -;q2). ~- ~~- "€"")· /ph~od ch!ts&C/
utilize, vo. ~"'i·{~-~~· /pheecod ch§_c/ 1f They
utilized the river for electric power. kho
tshos rgyugs chu de glog bzo yog lo bed spyod
byos. shag. ( qhontsb-8 k_!:!qcuti 1~~ s_2yo~lo ph!!-
cod Ch§_CShO~)
utmost [adj.] ..;!j~ /[adj.] sh\)d/ 11 The meeting
is of the utmost importance. tshogs 1 du tshogs
yog de gal che shos red. (tshontu tsh55yo~ti
qh~ ch~sh&i r!~) [Syn. mchog tu gyur po; blo
no med po]
utter, see: soy
uxor1locol v-- '- "' "
1 onth. /i" 4) "l"\a.IO!," ~ -~~- ~- ~"1· -a.~"'·

/kh5qo kim&&nqi n22nlo tO>dyo~/

one who marries uxorilocolly C~J~· ::w· /moqpo/

(\. v:-
vacancy, 1. iso. a room/apartment (Zl;!:"'a.J.,.\'~z=. · "Z./'

/qh~l')mil tol')pa/ 1f Do you have a vacancy?· khyod

rang la khang mig stong pa yod pas? (kh8roo
qh~l')mil tol')pa y~pcc) 2. iso. a seat/place in a
school, etc, ~:<~ · ~4'\ · fl;''Z.l' /qupka~ tol')pa/
vacant ~t:: ·zr /tol')pa/ 1f Is this seat vacant?
rkub kyag 'di stong pa red pas? (qupka~t! tol')pa
vacate, 1, see: move 2. see: leave
vacation, 1. n. 4'\&:.' ~;::~· /qh!!_l')sa'?t/ 1f summer
vacation dbyar "ga 1 i gung songs (yooqcc qh!!_l')-
sa~J) 2. iso. go ori a vacation, va. -- f2l'~Ol, ·
/--la chi?./ 3. iso. send on vacation, va.
~·>=~7z::..· /--la taon/ 1f He sent the students on
vacation for a month. khos slob grwo tsho zla
ba gcig gung songs la btang shag, (qh~d lcpta~­
tso t£wa crq qh~l')sanla taansha~) 4. iso. be on
vacation, va. A. 4'\&:.·~z=.~·(>J·Zl~l:)· /qh!!_l')san la
t£&1 1f ~ om on vocation this month. zlo ba 'di
nga gung songs lo bsdad yod, ( t£WO t! I'J;! qh!!_l')-
son lo t£&yod) [Syn. gung songs kyi sgang]
vaccine, 1. neo. n.
...,. ...,.
~'\.f2..""'\""\'~0\· (Zl"'l.

manqap/ 2. iso, vaccinate, va.

smallpox vaccination (l.SCl-1''\"\ ~'\ raz:..· ft.!;!mn~~
menqap/ ""
vacillate' va. (2."1"'-' ~ (L~::t;.· ~ Zl~ /kari kuri
0 0 0

ooQ "' ~ - -
ch£C/ 1l He always vacillates. kho rtag par
'gyar ri 'gyur ri byed kyi 'dug, (qho tcqpao
kari kuri ch!qil)
vacuous, see: empty
vacuum bottle ~ · "\~ · /ch£tam/
vacuum cleaner, neo, .il""''f2.~·~3\~· <>.1. /161')qtrtl
vagabond €"<~'\~· ~Z::.' /ch~~paon/
vagina ~· ; h. ~~(11' ~ • /tu; h. s88tu/ [Note: mo
"' is
mtshan a polite ~
vagrant, see: vagabond
vogue .,~tw rzJ. • c>.~ ·~"ZHRI' /s~fla mascc/ 1f His reply
was vague. kho i Ian de gsol la ma gsa! zhig

'dug. (qh88 l££nti sffla masccci t!;!ul

vain ::r,z::.. ·~Sfz::..· 'a,~·£·~"')· (il..l rz'"\. fr£1')thoon chempo
ch.=_l')ccn/ 'II He is very vain. kho rang mthong
466 Vairocana

chen po zhe drag byed mkhon zhig red. (qho r£~­ The party members are in the vanguard of the
thoon chempo sh!}oo ch!~&e:nci r!~l revolution, tang mi tshos gsar br je 1 i mdun
Voirocono, skt. -::),<'\' ~"1· /kOOnriq/ skyod byed kyi yod po red, (ta~it:sl:l'd sorcee
· 1 skt.
VOJro ..,...,
~· ~ ·
I t2:.ce I t~nkbt ch!qiyo~re~)
Vojrodhovo, skt , ( ~ · f7- a;,"""· /t22,ce choon/ vanish, vi. B. <.J.J(2..1" /y££,1 ~ He vanished before
valet, see: servant (mole) the police come. pu li si ma yang gong nos kho
valiant, see: brave yol .shag. (pOlis! m£yo~ qh~n& qho y~ho~)
valid, iso. true :2:1">:,~· ~ · /t!mpo/ ~ His cri ti- vanity, see: pride
cism wos valid, kho'i bsom 1 cho~ de bden po vanquish, see: defeat; conquer
red, (qh88 samcooti t!mpo r!~l vapor, see: steam; smoke; mist; fog
volley !a~-"'\~Z:::.a-\ · /tha~ho~/ ~ the Lhasa vol- variable i2-~""-·a·a:.'C\·~· /k~wa chempo/ ~The
ley lho so thong gshongs (lhffso tho~ho~) weather is very variable here, 1 di khul gnam
valor, see: bravery ~shis 'gyur bo chen po zhed po cig 'dug, (t!po~
valuable 1 1. iso. priceless "'-'\' !21Z:.: i;lr>-1' Zl' /r!ntoon nl:lmshil k~rwa chempo sh!puci t~u)
}h£E_wo/ a valuable pointing rin thong brol variegated~·~· /}hctha/
bo i1 ri mo (r!ntoon }h£E_w&e: r!mu) 2. iso. a variety ~'"\'C-\. /r!q/ ~ There ore many different
person ~"0\· ~6)~· -oh~· "Z.J.' /phfntho~ y"2,po/ ~ a varieties of bowls. phor pa rigs mo 1 dra bo
valuable friend phon thogs yod po 1 i grogs po mang po zhig 'dug. ( ph~lipa r!q m£nta~ m!~qu ci
(phentho~ Y"2,P&& }h~qo) t~t) [Syn. sne kho]
value, 1. n. "'~·~ar"\· /~tse:e:n/ ~ What is the various c>-S." dJ. · f2:5." It£ m£nto~/ 11 They hove vari-
value of education? shes yon slob sbyong gi dge ous things to eat. kho tshor zo yog 1 dro ma
mtshon go re red? (sheeyl:l'dn l~pco~qi q!tse:&n (qh5ntsoo soya~ to manto~ tut)
qh£re r£~) 2. iso. place a high value on, vo,
'dra 'dug.
varnish, 1, n.
"'~· - 2.- vo.-
-- Zl?z:.·
;;~~!!;· ~'\·:£;~~·/tho~ chempo ch£~1 ~ They value /--toan/
arable land highly. kho,tsas zhing go lo mthong vary, see: change; alter
chen pa byed kyi 'dug. ( qh~nts~ sh!~qalo tho~ vase ~dl·'Zl· /ph~mpa/
~ They don 1 t place a high value ~
chempo ch!qil) vasectomy, 1. n. neo. ' a·n4J<rt• -..- ...r"
al'Zl~<!'-\· /kenqoo"
on gold. kho tshas gser lo mthong chen po byed ph'ocb"d/ 2. vo. -- €..~· /--ch&~/
kyi mi 'dug. (qhontsbt seelo tho~ chempo ch!qi- vaseline " .......
'.g'a.t"~'\· /Wflsalin/ -
mintut) 3. iso. monetary value, n, ~~- :21z:. vassal, see: subject
/r!ntoon/ ~ The value of rugs has decreased, vassal state a.1~12.· ~<:t·~~· .l!",!l.'\" /~aqo~ k££,t&&n/
kho gdon gyi rin thong chog shag, (qhct&&nqi vast ~; ~'0\-~ /k£ chempo/ ~ They developed a
r!ntoon cho~sho~) [Syn. gong thong] 4, iso, vast area, kho tshos sa cha rgya chen po lo yor
the value of money, n. !i!!fl!;:·•··t'~· /thl:l~hi/ ~ rgyos btong shag. (qhontsl:l'6 soca ka chempoo
The value of the dollar has decreased, sgor Y£rk&c tacnsha~)
mo' i thong gzhi chog shag. ( q2:.mbo tha~hi veer, see: turn
cho~sho~) [Syn. dngul thong; dza' thong] vegetable ci;n.r.· /tshff/ 11 a vegetable field/gar-
valueless "1~""-1· ~~- a;·t:: a:,~ /nffqo~ ch.!:!_ncuun/ den tshol zhing (tsh~~hi~) [Syn, sngo tshol]
"-;) 'V
valve 1 1. iso. water 1 neo, ~~~· rz.i!f\.ro., · /ciJ~qoo/ vegetable market <t(2.1/fo;.J. · /tshef}hom/
v- -o
2. iso. wheels/air ~-(2~· /phOnto/ vegetable ail ~ <6 /2.1' ~ ~ • /~ots&& nr:srt/
vandalism 4'")':o~·.or1f::J:.· ~"'=\ '"l.Ll"\' /cl5qtor ch!yo~/ ·
vegetonon, 1. adJ· • .JC\'dl"\"ztl'4·
"""- " I sha ~p&& I 11
vandalize, vo. 4"\:0~·4\f"-· ~"""' · /cl5qtor ch£Cl vegetarian restaurant she med po 1 i za khong
vanguard, neo, c. ~"')"<\' ~~- ~~ · /t!!nk~ ch§.~/ ~ (sho m!!:,pE:& S£qaon) 2. iso, a person ""\ · ;;~.~ · 'iil'
vibrate 467

/sho m_£sanccn/ ~ He is a vegetarian. red. (qhontsod qh33 q~ca t~mpa Y!:.miin t~cpare~)
kho sha rna za mkhan red. (qho sho m£sal')&&n r~~) [Syn. ra sprod btsal]
vehement, see: strong vermicelli ~ t=... · /phir)/
vehicle (2~-Pl" /qholo/ ~ space vehicle mkha' vermilion Oll"<t:f21· /tsh'U!/
dbyings 1 khor lo (qhayiQ qholo) vernacular language ~(2J· ~"\ · /yUUq&c/ [Syn. phal
veil, 1. n. "\~· ~Zl~· /t2_nqep/ 2. iso. wear a skad; rang gi lung pa'i skad]
veil, va. D. -- ~- /qh2n/ 3. see: disguise; versatile, neo. '5\d..l· su::... ·a...p~· <':.!. /nomaQ qhrfpa/
conceal 1l He is very versatile. kho rnam mang mkhas pa
vein ~ay 38" · /thoqtsa/ red. (qho noma~ qh!:!:pa r~~)
velar A'\ 0( ·~a"\· /q~mpuu/ [Syn. rkan gyi sbug verse GG"\:<'-1" Zl :¢-"\ · /tshiqcd:/ 1l Is that new book
mtshams]"" writ ten in verse? deb gsar pa de tshigs bead
velocity, see: speed nang la bris 'dug gas? (th~p soopa thl tshiqccc
velvet~ "Cl-1 • /puma/ n~nla th!:_ltuqcc)
vengeance, 1. n. ~~·~· 2. iso. versus, iso. if one compares .l:l-3",:1;." ~ · /t~rna/ 1l
take/seek vengeance, vo. C. -- ('it "C..<!--< I --len/ What are the advantages of going by train versus
1l He took vengeance on them. khos khong tsho' i going by plane? ri lir 1 gro yag dang gnam grur
dgra sha blangs shag. (qh~d qh5ntsoo t~ha len- 'gro yag bsdur no go re phon tog gi red? (r!:.l~e

shoo) toyaota namtob toyaa turna qhare ph~nt~~qircc)

venom ~(Zl·~-~"1·~· /tUUsbMci th~qcu/ ver~ebrae ~(2.1-~llj_~· /q;etshilf
vent, I;,o. a chimney for air to escpe vertebrate (animal) J\f2l"<,'a;~:z,...· =-r-'\. z.t~"' · ....... OLt~·.z "<\ .

/lunt-6/ /qeetshil y~p&& semc&&n/

ventilation r:':J?:.: ti;c.: ~- /lui") y2_nsa/ 1l There is no vertical ·"V"q, ~ · /shur)/
ventilation""' in this room. khang pa nang la
-..;) -
vertigo, 1. n. ZlZ\_' {;jl::.: /ph!!luun/ 2. iso. have
rlung yong sa mi 'dug. (qhol')pa t~ n~nla lui') vertigo, vi. D. -- ~· 1--n_£/
y2_nsa m!:_ntuu) very (a,·~~- /sh!taa/ 1l This is very good. 'di
Venus ...-yaC2: iito.; -u·-.,..u:.~· ls£ceen pCiCisan/ yag po zhe drag 1 dug. ( t!:. y.9_qo sh~taa t~u)
veranda ~-"1.'4"\"UJ."Zl.. /th'lJ'lJyap/ [Syn. ka phibs] [Syn. ha cang; shin tu]
verb "'
~-g""\ · /ch~tshil/ 1l Is this a verb? 'di vessel, 1. see: ship 2. iso. bowl/vase, etc.~~-
bya tshig red pas? (tl ch~tshil r!pcc) ~"\ /n33cce/
verbal, 1. iso. concerning speaking, adj. ~~-a,· vest (Zl" (2.~-:r..,· /qMncaa/
J\z;.· t.l.l"\ ~ · /q!:ca sh83yao qi/ 1l verbal skills vestige, see: trace
skad cha shod yag gi 'byon thong (q!:ca sh33yaa- veterinarian ~:z;.·(2.~· ~"<\· ~· /th~ntoo mfmpa/
qi c3ntaan) 2. iso. a personal characteristic "'
veterinary medicine ~"\·n5~ ~"\·~~- /th!;!!!nto-cS
rz:t · z::J ~-rz.~-x..: ~/qhopso pherpa/ ~ He is very ver- m!:ncod/
bal. kho kha bzo 1 pher po zheci po cig 1 dug. veto, iso. block/s~~p, va. Zl?l\""\ Z\~.,..~-~"'-1· /qoqtoitl
(qho qhopso pherpo shlpuci t~u) chE_C/ 1l They" vet <led the plan. kho tshos •·char
verbalize, see: say; talk gzhi de bkag sdom byas shag. (qhontsod chaashi-
verbally aggressive ~·ef,r::..· ~ /qho kh~l')qo/ [Syn. ti qoqt~ chE_cshao)
kha shed mkhrang po] veto power 2111"\2lj"""~C1-131"'\"'"". 06 · /qliqtoo wonca/
verdict "'\~"'\· ;;>J.aS;;.~~· /crttshaiV [Syn. khra rna] via Zl~_z:;·O!_~· /k~n&/ 1l We went via India. nga
verify, va.
-- c, ~
C.ll")~'z.t""Zl.l'\"~"<\·.z::t'ij~· /t~mpa Yl- tsha5' rgya gar brgyud nos phyin pa yin. (r)_£n-
miin trC/ 1l They verified his statement. khon
tshos kho'i skad cha bden pa yin min bltas pa vibrate, vi. ~~ "z~~"ZI· /~r k~p/ ~ The ground
468 · vibrator

vibrated. sa 1 og nos sber brgyab song, (sowOb zon byed mkhan zhig red, (qho th5qsoon ch!rJ&&n-
n& per kapsu) ci r~~)
v1 ra t-
or 1 -neo. "~::~;..·l!!l.;:s-~·t>.~~-~"')·
..r /p!_rco3 thflll- vigorous 1 1. <pH '...Pt<~'\'!-1 · ~::r · "Z.l~ · /nu'Ushu~ tempe&/
cc&/ ~ a vigorous at tack "' "' '""
nus shugs ~
ldan pa 1 i - phar
vice 4"\Gl"\' =· . ; h. ~·~ !!\"\ · /sh8rllpa; h. qOshodn/ rgol (ntrushu~ t§.mp&& pherqod) 2. see: healthy
. "'
~ vice president srid 1 dzin sku gzhon (s!!n- vile, see: bad
tsiin qOshb"l:in) vilify, see: slander
vicious .:::."\·""-' · /Q§.mpa/ ~ a vicious dog khyi village :£k·4\"i-12:l· /1-h~nse~/
ngan pa zhig ( kh! Q§.mpaci) village headman ~~-~- /q£mpo/
vicissitude 1 see: hardship , villager £-z:·~-;;;~·=· /1-h~nse~pa/
victim "1~"'\· ~·~-.:.· ~d· ~ · (/nB!MiOn ch~r)&& my villain, neo, ~-~'\· /m~r)&&n/
victorious, 1. adj. ~-('l· .i!iA-""2.\~· /kccqa thopcc/ vinaya 1 skt.
~ the victorious soldiers rgyal kha thob pa 1 i vindicate, vi. c. ~~·~"'"'"'-::.::.·~-'(""~ /ii!!:,mee
dmag mi (kccqa thOp&& ma~mi) 2. iso. be victo- qorpoo th,2"?!/ 1T After two years, he was vindi-
rious, vi. D. ~~·(11· ~· /kE§.qa thap/ ~ They cated. lo gnyis kyi r jes la kho nyes med dkar
were victorious in the war, dmag der kho tshor par don pa red, (1~ n!iqi C!~la qh~ ~mee q~r­
rgyal kha thob shag. (me~ thee qhontsoo k&&qa p::>O th~paree)
thapshaa) vindication ~~·~e;,:"'-.11\-X-.'~·~~~· /ii!!:,me~ qorpoo
victory, 1. n. ~·ra· /kccqa/ 2, iso, win a vic- th.!:!!;!nya~/
tory, va. D. -- ~~- /--thap/ vine sa<f~· ~~· /th:;qkUU/
view, 1. see: sight 2. iso. opinion, n, .,..i\~-~RI· vinegar -;Sn. · /tshOO/
/thi!ir)tsu11/ 1T His view is incorrect, kho i 1
vinyl -'{" ~<!-~· /qi!itsu'll/
mthong tshul nor 'phrul red, (qh88 th6r)tsU'U vio~ation 1
1. iso. a law 1 n. "~;;u<!-l· (2.""\~ · /thim-
n~nt.UU r!~) 3, iso. scenery ~~·if~'!-1.· /yUUn- q&&/ [Syn. khrims 'gal yag] 2. iso, an oath,
co"?!/ ~ The view here is good, 'di khul yul n. "\a-t·~<!\· /th~miiam/ [Syn. dam bca' 'gal
ljongs yag po 'dug. (t~pa~ y~nco"?! y~qo t~~) yag] 3, iso. a custom, n. ~~· (2.SVZJ' /l~r)­
viewpoint, 1. iso. from the viewpoint of 'l}-~~­ qcc/ [Syn. lugs srol 'gal yag] 4. iso. a bor-
~ der, n. ~·a~c:S~~- 12-~ru· "UI<ry /sontsam qccya~/
this is bad •
From the viewpoint of communism,
dmar po 1 i 1 ta .tshul nos byes no
violate, 1. iso. a law, va. B, f!tC)J~' 12-«j~· /thim
'di sdug chag red. (moapod tatsu1ln& chE§.na t~ qE£/ [Syn. khrims 'gal byes] 2. iso, an oath,
t~qca~ r!~l 2. iso, in one's own view~l"!:=..·;Sr.u· va. B. "\~ · z:~.~ r~: (2~(.U • /th~mca qE£,/ 3. iso. a
/thi!iotsutl/ ~ """
In my own view, this is good. custom, vi. B. (2..(<n~·~(.U· ronru/luqsUU q&&/ . I - -
nga rang rang gi mthong tshul nos byes no 1 di yul srol dang 'gal] 4. iso, violate a border,
yag po red. (r)~ra r~nqi thi!ir)tsUUnc ch~na ti va·. B. ~·<!-\.· t24)(2.1' /santsam qcc/
y~qo r!~l violent, 1. iso. a person who hits people a lot
class viewpoint "!lcu·~ao~-~ '?' ~~· /1-hE§..ri~i ta- (7..1~'-z.l'"UJZ::.:£· /l~qpa y~r)qo/ 2. iso,
tsu11/ fierce/mili tont ~<f\· ~ /t.h~qpa/ ~ a violent
vigilant, iso. be/act, 1. va • .i\"1'>\. ~'\· 5>..-a-t' demonstration drag po'i rngom ston khrom bskor
/th~qsoon ch£'&1 ~ We have to be vigilant for (1-h~pbMd r)omtbMdn t.hamqoo) ~ a violent revolution
spies. nga tshos so par dogs zon byed dgos red, drag po'i gsar brje (1-h~qpb"l:i scree)
(r)~ntso1s sopaa th~sodn ch!qore~) 2. iso, a violent storm, 1. n. 5ir\' a,:::c,: /1-h~qcaa/ 2, vi.
person who is vigilant ~~2'\·"3ct,·~'\·oura~· D. -- l=l"'l'l!-i' /--ph2_p/
/th~qsoon ch~r)&&n/ 1T He is vigilant. kho dogs virgin, 1. iso, women, i. /m2:'aa/
volume 469

ii. iso. lose one's virginity, va. A. ~~-41~"'· vital, see: important
~"\'/tOsaa pil/ 2. iso. a virgin forest ~z;· vita min fZJ "<!-\ • ~ ~ · /topkee/ [Syn. stobs rgyas
-[~·~·~ct· «.~~·Jt-z::·q-O)~'Iph~cb"d ~c&~p&& shir)noa/ smon]
. . . 1
3 • ~so. v~rg~n on d...,. ...,._ <\
L-~"'\''2"\·~·~,..-~f?.·l!-<·a;.· viviparous ~h"~ -~~· /r)U:.kee/ ~ nv~parous
/ph~cod m~c&cp&& s~ca/ animals mngal skyes sems can· (tJffkee semcttn)
virology, neo. "1"\'(2.~· ~·::t..">·<ry~c-\· /n~pu vocabulary, 1 • see: word 2. iso. a section in a
th~rap r~t)n&c/ textbook, neo. ~""\ "'1<-'-~::r.: /tshiqsoa/
virtue, 1. iso. religious merit n. ~~-~- /q~wa/ vocal cords ~- Cl' /'t-h~wa/
2. iso. collect virtue, va, A. -- -"1~~'?:1· vocalize, see: speak
/--soa/ vocation, see: work
virtuous :~- -... -...r-
"'\"'l·~c-~~·;a;'\<.t· I q~em' chempo I ~ He is vocational school (>.!~· ""'"'l<H' ~A·-:}'
....- /1~ il lepta/
very virtuous. kho dge sems chen po zhe drag vocational training y:" -< .._...
""'-"~'::(."'1"'~'~ZJ·~c:;.· I sbrh'
'dug. (qho q~em chempo sh~toa t~u) lopcol\/
virus, neo. <li"\'~·~·-"'Zl.. /n!mpu tharap/
vogue "\""- .z:>. =.1 ·a;<\·
<..t · /th~rso chempo/ ~ This kind
visa ~)::.~·d-\a;'\· /thot)C&&n/ [Syn. lam yig la chog of hat is in vogue. zhwo mo 1 di i gras de dar

mchan] bzo chen po 1 dug.

viscera, iso. bowels~~·~~- /n~r)too/ chempo t~u)
viscous ':?(:~;,· ~:r_· /tuntuu/ voice, 1 • W"\ · /q!:c/ ~ His voice is high. kho 1 i
~~lO_·-c.U.rt· (qh83 q!:c phopo r~e)
"' ---.!> -
visibility /thoonyoa/ skad phra po red, [Syn.
vision, 1 • see: sight 2. a..~ !fz::: -!cu · /th~t)tsu"U/ skad sgra; 1 bod sgra] 2, iso, recognize some-
~ He hod a vision of a new Tibet. kho la bod one's voice, va. C. ~")·£-A¢<· /qf~l')o she!\/ I
gsar pa zhig yang yag gi mthong tshul 'dug. recognized Dar je s voice. 1 ngas rdo r je i skad 1

(qh~' ph3!d saapaci y~nyaaqi thlir)tsUU t~ul ngo shes byung. (r)tc to:>cee q!:!:l')o shel\cu) 3.
[Syn. mthong snang; snang tshul]
.;1.1~4,· ~ ·
- -
visionary C>J !!a"-·~ ~;;'i £. /thOt)ko chempo/ ~ He is " cr~«-y '? ·
with one voice <l-l'r).'Ol,' "" ~
/t-Hn ciqtu/ ~

a visionary. kho mi mthong rgyo chen po zhig The people should shout slogans with one voice.
red. (qho m~ thot)ka chempoci r~e) mi tshang mas mgrin gcig tu skad 'bod rgyag dgos
visit, 1. iso. a social call, vo. "
~af~<H·fl.~-~~- red. (mi tshol')mtc 1-iin c!qtu q!:fmpod kaaqo reel
/tsh~mt-i chE_C/ ~ I visited Dorje. ngos rdo 1')6 Voice of A~rica, neo.~·~·~z:.,· ~- /ar;i qf!:ta/
lo 'tshams 'dri byas pa yin.. (l')E_~ t~c&& tsh~m- voiceless, ling. ~~·01.; ~· ~z:.,· u· /t~nta m~epa/
1-i ch_£cpoyin) [Note: "go" is also used.] 2. void, 1. iso. sunata f.e::"z.~·~'"\' /tot)pa ii~l/ 2.
iso. go on a tour, va. ~- ~~~- >;1~· /toqo:> ch_£c/ iso. void a check/bill, va. ~(U'A'?Z:. · /see
visitor, 1 • iso. a person paying a visit ~<6<14::!-1 · ti'Ion/ ~ He voided the bill. khos rtsis 1 dzin

cz'_5· ~"'--~[2\'\' /tshamti ch~&&n/ ~ We frequently la sel btang shag. ( qh 8-d tsritsifnla see taan-
hove visitors. nga tshor 'tshoms 'dri byed shoo)
mkhan yang se yang gi yod. ( l')~nts:>:> tsh~m't-i volatile (personality) ""
~h.· (2l.c..~· 2.1 · /lui') l~l')qo/

ch~l')&&n y~l')se y~l')qiyod) 2. iso, person on a volcano

~ c,
0-l·~· /rn:.,ri/
~ · Z\ ~~· ~"''· -;u.[ll'\'
/toqoo c~l')ttn/ volleyball, 1. neo. n. .... ...--"
1'2.1~· 1'2.Z<l'C\' ZJ'
I l~qpheen
visualize, va. B. ~<>~~· r:z.~·4'(:.:..· /semi a shoo/ ~ I polo/ 2. va. 2:l ~""' · I --k~p/
can't visualize life in India. rgya gar nang gi voltage £"'1· A~~·"'-)
/l~shu'U/ 11 high voltage
'tsho ba skye! stangs de ngo'i sems la shar thub glog shugs chen po (l~shuu chempo).
kyi mi 'dug. (k~qaa n~nqi tshowa k!:ftol\ti tJ£,£ volume, 1. iso. see: book 2. iso. amount~~·
semla shaa thuuqimintuu) ··a:,. a;J:::. · /ph88n chicuun/ ~ the vo1.ume of sales
470 voluminous

tshong yog phon che chung {lshoonyo~ phSSn chi- vow, 1. n, D>l~ll.' ; h, ""\~'OlJ"\R' /no; h. Ona/ 2.
cuun) 11 Khol is a volume· measure in Tibet, vo. B. d4 'Ol.,f2' ~ ~RI· /no kff/ 11 He vowed to
khal zer yog de bod nang lo phon che chung tshod kill her. khos rna gsod rgyu'i mno' bskyol shag.
'jol yog cig red. {qh!:f s.=_yo~ti ph~tl noonlo (qhStl m~ sS"okUU. no k!:fsho~) 3. iso, religious
ph88n chicuun tshf& ct&yo~ci r.=_e) vow, i. n. (~">:.r /t~mpo/ H. iso, take a re-
voluminous, see: much; many ligious vow, va. c. -- ~~'""· /--len/
voluntarily "5c.' c'ill::.'"'~' S!~ · /th~rJlo"ct/ 11 He did vowel z:,~~~· /y'(l~/
it voluntarily. khos 1 di dwong blongs byos byos voyage, see: journey
pored. {qh~dt! th2rJla~&-ch£Cporee) vulture ~~- ~~~/ [Syn. byo rgod]
voluntary ~r:..-[i}C..?:J.' /th~r)lon/ 'II We gave a vol-
untary donation. ngo tshos dwong blongs zhol
'debs sprod po yin. {q~ntstrd th2r)lon shEE,ntee
tfcpoyin) 11 voluntary cooperation dwong blongs
mnyom los {th21Jlan nomltc)
volunteer, 1. vo. ")~':.'~c.. a...· ~H /th2r)lon ch£&/
11 He volunteered to go. khos 1 gro yog dwong
blangs byos song. {qh~d t~yo~ th21Jlon ch£Cso)
2. isO, a person, n, az:; rfl""-H)!"\'~(ZI~·
/th2rJlon ch!rJt&n/ 11 Is he the new volunteer?
kho dwong blongs byed mkhan gsor po de red pas?
{qho th~r)lan ~h!rJt&n s66poti r.=_ptf) 3, adj.
"),"~-·~<=:::~· /th21Jlon/ 11 volunteer army dwong
blongs dmag dpung {th21Jlon m~qpuun)
vomit, 1. n. ~"'· "Z...' /kuqpa/ 2. i. vi. B. -- .f1:<.. ·
1--sh'S'S/ ii. va. A. -- Zl!l."'Y'"{' /--ku"t../
vortex, see: whirlpool "'
vote, 1. n, if'H--¥t· /wtrdsho~/ 11 How many votes
did he get? kho la 1 os shag go tshad byung
'dug? {qh'S'S w~ho~ qh!!_tsM ch~nt66) 2. vo.
A. ~~c-r /--lu"t../ 11 He voted twice, khos
'os shag thengs gnyis blugs shag, {qhSB w~ho~
the~ nrr lu"t..sha~l
voter x-~· ..;qa'\. g=J<f'\' ou(ll~· /wb'Osho~ luiJ.r)&tn/
-...) ....,...... "-~
the right to vote ~~· "'l.~R· la"'l.' '!21c:;.'

thoptoon/ ""
voting ballot, see: vote, 1
voting booth (f'c-{·.)f"i· ~«"(- ~- /wirdsho:, lCI!lsa/
voting box ?r<H':l.dl. /wodqom/
voting district ...r "
t'<C.n:~~(2' ...... ~ru· /w~ttm saquil/
voting place f{""·J<!I<Il.·~<i'\"•>l.' /wb"dsho~ lulisa/
"" -
voucher, 1. iso. for food 3' o..orz· ~ f'2i('\ · /s2co
i'i~ntsiin/ 2. iso. for clothes "'i""'·af".n.·~n~~·
""'~ ;I
/th~ql6b n~nt~iin/

wad /rirrii/ 11 wad af paper shog

bu dbril dbril (shOqu rririi)
wade, 1. iso. across a stream, va. ~·:t;,Zl.·2':\~Zl.·

/chOrap· k~p/ 2. iso. through snow, va, B,4:<:."C\.

"'\ "1(2.!" /qh:J.?-. q££1
wag, iso. tail, va. "'l~"''· ~~·ry ~~- /yuqyuu
ch~c/ 11 The dog wagged its tail. khyi des gzhu
gu g.yug g.yug byas song. (khi thil sh~qu yuq-
yuu ch~&so)
wage, 1. n. ~- /15/ 11 How much are the wages?
gla go tshad red? (la qh~tsc& reel 2. iso.
hire on a wage basis, va, C, ;!]2'-1· /l~f:./

wage laborer~)'=>-~· /lope/

wager, 1. n, ~'\· /keen/ [Syn. rtsed rgyan] 2.
iso. make a wager, va, A. -- ""!;:;6~~- /--tsOu/
wagon, see: cart
wail, va. C. ~·z:.zy~~~- /m~r)ao t3ii/
waist "~z;;·"ZJ· /q~pa/
wait, va •. A.-"\~"\~· ; h. i"42:l.¢-~.·~"t·~~- /q:;_'tl;
h. phriquu sh,!;!U/ 11 He waited for two hours.
khos chu tshod gnyis bsgugs song. (qh3~ chutsu~
iiir q:;_'tlsu)
,, ....r- v-
waiter, iso. in a restaurant a· raz:.· -"l ""\-u..l~.. Zl.

/s:!.qaan qi y3qo/
waiting room, neo. ""'.n· (ZIC..: /q~qaan/ [Syn, sgug
sdod sa 1 i khang mig]
waitress, iso. in a restaurant "' ...r

/s£qaan qi y33mo/
waive, va. ~<!'~· Zl.'?l'::. /13'd toon/ 11 He waived his
right to vote. khos 1 os shog bsdu yag gi thob
thong blos btang shag, (qhB~ w~h;:,?l t~yao qi
thoptaan 1~ taanshao)
wake, iso. wake up, vi. and va. A."'\~")·~"\. ; h.
d.I"C2l: ~1'\· /nil sCc; h. nCC s~&/ 11 I woke up at
6. . nga chu tshod drug par gnyid bsad byung.
(r)a c~·atscrd thuqpaa nrl s~ccu) 11 He woke me up,
kh~s;~ga gnyid-bsad byung. (qhBti l)a nil sc&cu)
walk, 1. iso. go on foot, va. ~- "'-~. ;~~·G\;x·~~-
/qh2"1pa k~pnc chi?./ 11 He walked· to Lhasa.
khos lha sar gom pa brgyab nos ph yin shag.
(qh3'd lhCcsaa qh:!.mpa k~pnc chi?-.shao) [Syn.
rkang thong bar phyin] 2. iso, take a stroll,
va. Q>O-l·a;a..~·~·~-a.,· /chomcamla chi?./ 11 He took
472 walking stick

a walk to the park, khos gling gar cham cham la /tshapo s215/ 11 Warm up the water. chu de tsha
phyin song. (qh~d li~qaa chomcamla chi~su) po bzos· dang, (chll ti tshopo s~dta) 4. iso.
walking stick ~"-~<71' /qh~rkut/ feeling one's forehead <t·~ /tshopo/
wall, 1. n. %'41'7.1'"'
/tsiqpa/ [Syn, gyang] 2. warmer ~.2:1· /th~~/
iso. build a wall, va. -- l:l~&.l· /--k2_p/ warmonger'\'{L~·~c:.·&J.raC\· /maqtut !Or:Jt&n/
....... ~
wallet "\~~-~..,- /~OOqut/ [Syn, sba khug] warn, va, B. ~'-t'\'.2:1!1;'' /ii!nqa qrn:l/ 11 He
walnut ?<"'
· ~· .
warned me not to go, khos nga la rna 1 dro zer
wonder, vo, f2l@}''~· ~"0\· /khoi'!. chi~/ 11 He wan- nyen go bskul byung,
dered from town to town. khos grong khyer nos qOOcu)
grong khyer la 'khyoms phyin shag, (qh~d th~~­ w.arning, 1. adj. )"t·.zt:z(•r:\lJX: · -rL~Jj· ~ · IFi!nta
keen& th~~keela kho~ chi~sha~) toonya~qi/ 11 warning shot nyen brda gtong yag
wanderer ~-~ClJ· /m.!_kham/ gi me rnda ' brgyab pa ( n!nta t66nya~ qi lll!nta
wane, see: decrease k2_pa) 2. iso, give a warning, see: warn
want, 1, iso. desire [vb,] ~,::.·~~')· /[vb,] iiii without warning ~Ol,·~·Cl-l'Z!.)7&:."~:>:..· /ii!nta mo-
t~/ 11 I want to eat Chinese food. nga rgya taanpaa/
mi'i kha lag za snying 'dod kyi 'dug, ~~~ k2_mii war of aggression Zl~~- {2z{(2J.· -"~""· t2-fAZ\ · /ts~n-
--:> -..;)
qhola~ s2,iiii tlfl..lqi l ) 2, iso, need [ vb, ] "'\~~ · tsutl m~qt-uu/
/[vb.] q~/ 11 I want to go to Lhasa, nga lha warp, 1. iso. get bent/twisted, vi. A. 12~~­

sar 'gro dgos yod, (~_£ lh&csaa t~oyo~i) 3. /chOU/ 11 The plank warped, pang leb de 1 chus
iso. wonts, n. "):zf\~·"tL.I~· /q~ya~/ 11 I have few shag, (peanle~ti chOOsha~) 2, iso, weaving -2·
wants. nga la dgos yog kha shes shig •dug, /ku/ 11 warp and woof rgyu spun (k~puun)

~~~ q~ya~ qhoshccci t~u) war ;reparation "'.~· ~ '"!!' ~~ · /me~qi th2.,}il/
war, 1. n, "\o.t~· /me~/ 11 The war was. long, warranty, see: guarantee
dmag yun ring po brgyab pa red, (me~ y~n r.!_~qu warrior, see: soldier
k2_pare~) [Note: Tibetan uses the verbal form warship Z)Q.ld:\' ~- /m~qt-u/
where we use a noun,] 2, iso, go to war, va, wart d-l.l:;::r.: '2'4 · /ts!:_rpa/
")ru•r\ z:t~Zl· /me~ k2_p/ 11 They went to war with wary ~"'\<'i' ~0\· ~....... ~- /th~qsbon chempo/
India, kho tshos rgya gar la dmag brgyab pa war zone ""\~~- ~· /moqsa/
red. (qhontsb~ k~qaala rna~ k2_pare~) 3. iso, wash, va. C. ~~2{· /tOO/ 11 He washed his face,
break out .(war), vi. B. "\ou"'':)f:z;: /me~ sh55/ "" song.
khos gdong bkrus (qh~d t~n tnUsu)
at war, vi. A. ".OJ"'\· ~4\· /ma~ thOu/ 11 They are washing machine rz~· "Ul'",' (2~/U· (Z{tl-::t..._ · /~h~antu
-<1 "'
at war. kho tsho dmag thug yod pa red, (qhon- kooya~ t-hOOqM/
tso rna~ thou y~~ree) wash room, 1, iso. without toilet ~· (l>~'-' /c.hll-
war criminal "'\OU2l)'if"\·~-...~·~'"\· /meqto~ ii~cccn/ qaan/ 2, iso, with toilet "'~~""· f"\ ·~· r.a~ ·
warehouse >E{;.· f'Z:::. /thol:iqaan/ /saancod chOqaan/
warfare '''i<>-l•rr (1-~l:l. · /m~qtap/ washtub n!.~· if\~Z:.' /thOOsh~/

war industry "\~"l· a:. a-t·.<:~ '!f (ot.l~ • /meqcc& s~lc&/ washup, see: wash,
warlord "\D>.I"'\"\~'0\·:z::a; '2.1' /rOCJqpoon ~E_mpa/ wasp ;;u '5,r..· ~~::. · /t~~taan/
war!It, 1 • iso. temperature ~ ~- /~h~po/ 11 It's waste, 1. va. ro..~ir'\·~;::.~-~?.:.· /~h35la~ toon/
warm today. de ring dro po 'dug, (th2_ri th~po 11 He wasted all the matches, khos rnu zi tshang
t~u) 2. iso. a water/liquid, adj. ~"'\'(2."<04' rna 'phrog br lag bta ng shag, ( qh~d rn~si tsho~ma
lthbMdncam/ 11 warm wof;.er chu drod 'jam (ch.!:! }h~'la~ tofinsha~) 2, iso, get/be wasted, vi.
thodncam) 3 , iso, warm up, va, C, ~- -t;. ;q·~<H • I'ZZ!j<tfZI{I;d''\'
-..r ~'0\
" · I }h~5laa' chin'I 11 This good op-
waterstorage tower 473

portunity was wasted, go skabs yag po 'di /thui')Cu/ 4. iso, tap water AI. f'-1"';;.· a.· /qolc&
'phrog brlag phyin shag, (q~ap y~qoti th~5la~ chD/
chi~sha~) water bird ~-~- /chupca/
lay waste, see: destroy; waste water bottle ~-"'\a,· /chutam/
wastebasket "'l"i-~"\''-1·~· ~ · /qhMnil luusa/ water buffalo :;l..l -~ · /~yee/
wasteful, 1. iso. for things n.~G\'"'<ilJlr\.~"\·ZJ~· water conservation, neo • ..,..-~"\· /chupee/

/th,~la~ chr~p££/ 11 wasteful methods 1 phrog water-dog year ;z,· ~- /chuki/

br lag ph yin po 1 i thabs shes ( th~~la~ chi~p££ ""' .....,
water-dragon year a;· f2'9.4'\'
.., /chunt-uu/
th~pshe~) 2. iso. for people f2.~Z)·.z:::.~Z\·.zi\~Z:..· waterfall ~z:t-~· /p~pcu/

~!Z'"<\' /th~~la~ tol')££n/ 11 He is very wasteful. water-hare year a;·-lG&· /chuytr~/


kho 1 phro br lag zhe drag gtong mkhan zhig red. water-horse year ~- ~ · /chOta/
(qho th~'laa sh~taa tol')££nci r!~l water level ~- £"1· ,_if"\~~· /chulscc thCimccn/
waste of time '\~·af"\· f2..~· Zl~"'· /th1.J1.itsod th!53la~/ water-lily ~ ~"\· /qrtnu'U/ [Syn. 'dam skyes pos
11 Doing this work is a waste of time.
- las ka ma]
1 di byed yag de dus tshod 1 phro br lag red. water mill <£>" f2..P"'-. · I chuqM/
(lE&qa l! ch!yaati th~ts~ th!5~laa r!el water-monkey year~-~· /chute/
wastepaper --A"'· :f:: /sh!5qro/ water-mouse year ¢> ~ · /chlici/
wastepaper basket, see: wastebasket water-ox year ~- ~z::.· "" /chUlaan/
waste product if"\·~~- ~ay :V /th3ntsc& lhoqro/ water-pig year Ch' 24""\' /chupao/
[Syn. zag rol water pipe a;·"':~.,~a.<·~-'f""-·
/chD qol&& col')-
watch, 1. iso. look, va, C. L:l1)<l'f ; h, 41~"'1~· loon/ [Syn. neo. c. chu mdong]
/tfc; h. s!l/ 11 He watched the game. khos waterproof 1 1. n. a,·~~- /chunqo6/ 11 water-
""' .1 '
rtsed mar bltas song, (qh3'd tseemo::> t&&so) 2. proof coat chu 'gog stod gas (chunqoo t8"oqoci)
iso. guard 1 va. ~· ~ z:.· '!l,~ · /Uisu?. chE_C/ 11 He [Syn. chu thub] 2. va. C. a;·~-"\""\'!:.-'~"'\·%\~~·

watched the prisoners. khos btson po tshor 1to /chu qooyaa s_£'d/
srung byes shag. (qh~ ts3mpotso::> tesuf\J ch£_&- water pump .., ·cz.~"\· n.:;:gP-J· <£<!-< • /chutheen t-htiilccc/
.._, ~

shaa) 3. iso, a wrist watch, n. t2l~-~"'\' ~- a,r"\. water purifier, 1. <!>'<t"jf~·~·2:::1:fc:.u"'\ ·

/chD tso11ma
/l~qqbon chOtsu'U/ 11 He bought a new watch. s2_ya~/ [Syn. rnyog ma bgrung byed] 2, iso.
khos lag gyon chu tshod gsar po zhig nyos shag. purify water, va. C. ¢.·-r'\.:t'z::.·~-~~2'-1.· /chu
(qh~ l£qqocin chutsuil saopaci n_£'dshoa)
' .....:>
tsal')ma s_£ci/ [Syn. rnyog ma bgrungs]
watchdog f2~""\~-~- /l22}<i/ water reservoir ~..:.· /ls};_J1/
watchmaker iib""'
~- - E r ..z:~.=.·
..r <1-lfi'O\ · I ' sOI')&&n I
chutstru water resistant, see: waterproof
watchman (A"-.~.<:.·""~' /qhei')SuQa/ watershed a;-(2..~"'\·~· ~"'\' /chuncee r};_kUU/ [Syn.
...., "'-.:>

watch out, va."' .=.z:;· :::~~· ~<!'-\ · /s~ap chE_c/ 11 chu mgo i bar mlshams ri rgyud]

Walch out for the dogs! khyi la zab zab byis! water-sheep year ~-cu~ · /chuluu/
-0 " . ,
(khila s~psap ch!ll [Syn. do snong byos; glan water-snake year ~ ¥,r-at· I chuttru/
gtan gyis] water spr_inkler ~ ~f:r.· Woi!'\'f2~fU· ::z.."\ · /chu t:Sr-
water, 1, n. a;·; h,a,ZJ.· /chu; h. chap/ 11 Do yaa thOOce&/ [Syn. chu gtor 'phrul chas]
you have any water? "" khyod rang la chu yod pas? water sprinkling truck ~·.:r·)5:x..: ,ue:.~· rz_(f;-:r...·
(kh3raa chu y_!;!pcc) 2. va. ~- Z>IJz:. /chu toan/ /chutbr lol')qo::>/
v- ...
11 He watered the vegetable garden. khos tshal water storage, 1. n. ~-~<Ha:T /chOsM/ 2. iso.
zhing la chu blang song, (qh3'd lsh~hiinla chu store water, va. A. ~'Z::."A"l~· /chli so~/
loonso) 3, iso. water for drinking Q~::.·a,· walerstorage lower, neo. Q;· ~s..· c;11]f· -t; · /chutom
"'-:) " -..;)~
474 · water tap

thopo/ we ,:;.· ~ · /l')~ntso/ 11 We did it. 1 di nga tshos

water tap ~·"'"\·f7.t' /chOqala/ byes pa yin. (ti l')antsod chccpayin)
water temperature ~'Ci.· ~"1· aS"')· /chOO ~h~ts&c/
- - - 'r
weak, 1. iso. physical health, i. adj. 4~"\<SI"~~f
water-tiger year~·~..-r /chOtaiV ~ /s~qu kopo/ 11 She is very weak, mo gzugs
waterway, 1• iso. transportation route on the po skyo po zhe drag 'dug. (m~ s~qu kopo sh!~aa
ocean ;;•.iaf·f74~· /tsolam/ 2. iso, a navigatable tuu) ii. iso. become weak, vi, -- ~~·/--chE_c/
canal -...~~~"'-' /tshoyur/ 3, iso, an irrigation [Syn. --chags] 2. iso. ineffective, i, adj.
canal ~"·::;r /yMpu/ ~ZI>!\' a;.,:;.· ~· /top chOncuun/
11 That country is
'? .... ~
water wheel ~·(2.1i"\·l2-[1\"~·PJ'· /chunt.een qholo/ weak, lung pa de stobs chung chung red. (l~l')pa
watery (for food) ~·~ /lopo/ 11 This beer is the top chuncuun r!~) [Syn, skyo po] ii. vi.
watery. chang 1 di sla po zhig 'dug. (choon
-, ti A. -- .:0"'1'21.' /--cho?J/ 11 That country became
lopoci t~t) very weak, lung pa de skyo po zhe drag chags
watt, neo. ~·~")· /l~qtscc/ 11 a 100 watt'bulb shag. (l~l')pa th_!: kopo sh_!:~aa cho?Jshao) [Syn.
glog tshad brgya yod pa i she! rdog cig 1 ( 13q._ stops chung chung chags]
tsc& k~ ybMop&& sheet~~ ci) v-
weak (for liquids, drinks) ~-~· /lopo/ 11 This
wave, 1. iso. ocean ;;q·~q<S:~· /p2._lap/ 2. va. ~'fl· beer is weak. chang ' di sla po red. ( choonti
'Z.I'"]~~ry"l~"'~~/l~qpa yOOyuu chE_"f./ 11 She waved lopo r_!~)
at me. mos nga la lag pa g.yug g,yug byes weaken, 1. iso. get/be physically weakened, vi,~·
byung. (m~d I')~ 1~qpa yOOyuu chE_ccu) 3. vi. ':I\'~· /koru chiiV [Syn. stobs zhan du phyin]
~~· '%-zt ~~· /1hep1e~ chE_c/ 11 The flag waved in 2"': iso. make physically weak {';:su~J'::' /koru
the wind. !hags pa rgyag dus dar chos lheb lheb t5Bn/ 3, iso. a country/group, etc,, va. A.f-'~~·
byes song. (1hoqpa k!!tuU th~rcc& 1heple~ chE_C- ~"]»~·csz:::·5'""7~· /tlipshut chul')ru taan/ 4. iso,
~ "" '\;
a country/group, etc. getting weakened, vi, A,
wove, 1. iso. short wave, neo.~·~~·~e;·~z:;· f~·':{~~·~attlipshuu cho(\)/
/!~lap thOI')tuun/ 2. iso, medium wave, neo, weakhearted ~~· ~.,;: ~" · /loq~o chuncuun/ ·11 He
~ry~zt'<!·l'~oz:.·C<l· /1~1ap t_~l')a/ is weakhearted. kho blo khog chung chung red,
waver, see: doubt (qho loq~o chuncuun r!~l
wavy hair~·~·~· /~o s01u/ weakling "\~:&<· f~ /Ou kopo/ 11 He is a
wax, 1. iso. in candle UJe:.:~ /yar)lao/ [Syn. weakling. kho dbugs skyo po zhig 'dug, (qho at
tshil bzhu] 2. iso. beeswax "-
~·ctt'21· /p~tsii/ kopoci t~t)
3, iso, wax for affixing a seal or sealing a weakness, iso. a defect ~~ /k38n/ 11 There is a
packet ~·co.· /lac a/ weakness in the plan. '.char gzhi de la skyon
wax JX!per ~~·-A"<f\ · /tshiishl>a/ zhig 'dug. (ch~~shit&c k38nci t~t)
way, 1. [vb.] ~~'<!'-\· /[vb.] to?./ 11 That is a wealth, iso. possessions/riches~·~·~"\· /k~ co-
strange way to build a house, khang pa rgyag la?J/ 11 The monastery had much wealth. dgon .pa
stangs pha gi khyad mtshar zhig 'dug. (qhol')pa de la rgyu co lag zhe drag yod pa red, (q~pa
k~ta?t qh~qi kh~ntsaoci t~t) 2. see: method; tc ku cola?J sh!~aa y~~re~) [Syn, rgyu nor long
plan; means 3, iso. respects ~<1'\'ZI-I' /ch'So/ 11 spyod]
The plan is bod in several ways, 'char gzhi de weal thy ~; ~'\·~· /k~ chempo/ 11 He is weal thy,
phyogs kha shes nos yag po mi 'dug, (ch!!shi ti kho rgyu chen po red. (qhi5 ku chiimpo r,!~l
ch~o qhoshccnc y~qo m!ntut) 4. see: road; path [Syn. phyug po]
5. see: dista nee 6, see: custom; hobi t 7, wean, va. A. 1£~·'9"· ;uc6~~·a.~""'· /w~ma teen-
see: condition; situation tsa~ sh~a/ 11 Children in Tibet are weaned at 3
weight · 475

years of age. bod lo phru gu lo gsum nos 1 o rna iso, spin a web, vo. -- ;q?~· /--taan/
ster mtshoms bzhog gi red, (ph~lo puqu lo webbed foot 5. ·-"\ ~=. · /t-h~qol')/
sumnc w~mo te~ntsom shaaqiree) wed, see: marry
weapon, 1. n. <>--~g'\·a;· /tsh3nca/ .2, isa. use a wedding -a;.c: ~- /choanso/ 11 The wedding was very
weapon, vo. -- ~"\·m· ~~- /--ph~c&i ChE_C/ 11 nice, chang so de yog po zhe drag byung song.
They had ·to use old weapons. kho tshos mtshon (chaansote y~qo sh!"t-ao ch~nso)
cho rnying po bed spyod byed dgos byung po red, wedding ring a:,;.::::<>D~.<a;~cl·{liz:t<3-1' /ch5anscc tshiq~'l>/
(qhontsoMd tsh8nco nil')pa ph~cod ch!qo ch~npa­ wedge, 1. n • .zft:J.· /ts~p/ 2. iso. wedge some-
ree) thing, va. -- A~z. · /--k~p/
wear, vo. D. ~- ; h. z::~~<N· /qh~n; h. sh!e/ 11 Wednesday 4"\3.12.' ~il'\· '2.1' /s9_ lhoqpo/
He wore a hot. khos zhwo mo gon po red. (qhS"cl weed, 1. n. ~·V-I"\' /tsayccn/ 2. vo. ~:t...·"'-~·<:~.~Z\·
sh~mo qh~mporee) [Syn. h. mchod] /y~mu k~p/
wear out, vi. A. ""'\' /sE_r-/ 11 The shoes wore weed out, poli t. , va • C, ~l':: · .;>.J • Zl £'Co\ · I tsol')ma
out, lhom gog zod shag, (h~l')qob sE_cshoa) s~~/ 11 They weeded out all the troublemakers in
weary, see: tired the association. kho tshos tshogs po'i nang gi
weasel an:~·
- rnyog dra bzo mkhan tshong rna gtsang rna bzos
weather, 1. ~<\<>t. "'\~<!-I· /namshil/ 11 What is the shag, ( qh ontsod tsh~qpcc n~nqi ii3qt-o s~l")ccn
weather like in Tibet? bod nang lo gnam gshis tshcl')ma tsal")ma soMdshoa)
go 'dro yod po red? (ph~ n~nlo ~mshil qh~n- weed-killer ~-~.;:.""\~:r..·zrct· /tsayccn t5rtscc/
t~~ y~~rcc) 2 • Vl., "<\ ..r-..r
<f\'a_OU'""\"""=·~~·<f"\"1'-a'\· ~<!-\. week, 1. n, 2:\Z)Ol_' ""'l<ll' /t_!!ntaa/ 11 two weeks
/n~mshilqi qh;:.qkoon chE_&/ 11 This house weoth- bdun phrag ;yis ( t!;!nt-aa nfi) [Syn. gzo I
erecl quickly, khong po 'di gnam gshis kyis 'khor] 2. iso. elapse/pass (week), vi. -- ~'6\·
mgyogs po gog sky on byos shag. ( qh51')pa t_!. nam- /--chin/ 11 Two weeks passed, bdun phrag gnyis
shilqi k~qo qh~qkodn chE_cshoa) phyin shag. (t_!!nt-oa nri chinshaa)
weather station 4"\0(d-1'~~<!-\· %1.?"'1'"")~"'1· ......,. ~"""\~· next week "'<z;a,· ~"'1-"'lf<\'>;T.:J.~ '/tUn t-ao shurna/
-o ""'\:) - -
/n~mshil taqcc& setsuu/ last week 4"\0l\"51."'\ fa.·"-~ '/tunt-aa I"J~rma/
. "0 -
weave, 1 • vo, A. 2:r7"1~ · /tao/ 11 He wove a rug, weekend <\~1'2.·Q1..!~~ • /s~ncuu/
khos kho gdon zhig btogs shag, (qh8"cl qhatccnci /s9_qoo/ 11 weekly meeting
taashoa) [Syn. thogs btogs J 2. n, ~~l!-1 gza' 'khor tshogs 'du (s9_qoo tshoontu)
/thaa/ 11 a tight weave thogs dam po zhig ly newspaper gza 1 'khor tshag deb
( thaa th~mpoci) tshoqtep)
weave by hone!, vo, A, 121""'\"u:c<· A :::;a-)2'-\ · weep, see: cry
tao/ weigh, 1. va. A. ru~=.·~·z;~'"\~· /y~I')Ci kaa/ ~He
weaver !<!"'\~''(2!21«"\.'0lljZI-a._· /thea thoanccn/ [Syn. weighed the potatoes. khos zhog gog yang lei
thogs mkhon] bkyags song , 2.
weaving factory Et"'\~'(U~ ·Z\~·~· /th5qlc& s~t.o/ see: ·---.think
rug weaving factory ~;;~.~·X\'f\~·Z\:f . ._:r /r~mthoa weigh anchor, va. C. "'1~~=.·.(-n.~-q· /tinto then/
s~t.o/ weigh down (submerge), vo. A, "\?z:.·;;·z:~?"'~·
<\ v-

weaving implements .!a"'\~·~~·~~~ /thoqlc& y~p­ /til')to too/ 11 They weighed down the corpse with
cc&/ stones and threw it into the river. kho tshos
weaving machine /thoqlcc ro la gting rdo btags nos chu lo g. yugs shag.
t-hOOqM/ (qhontso6 r~lo tinto toone chO la yutshaa)
web, 1. iso, a spicier's ~~·~ay /t~mtaa/ 2. "'
weight, 1. n. ~z:,·c:fi"\· /ciitsd/ 11 What is the
476 weight lifting

weight of this box? - sgam 1 di 1 i ljid tshad go wellcooked ~~-~ /tsh83po/ ~ This meat is not
tshad red? (q~m t g cgts~~ qh~ts~~ r_£c) 2, wellcooked. sha 'di 'tshos po mi 'dug. (sha ti
iso, put on weight, vi. A. i2.~~-t . . . ·a"''""{ /k.9_q- tsh88po m!:_ntuu)
pa cha~/ ~ You've put on a lot of weight, well-done, see: wellcooked
khyod rang rgyags pa zhe drag chags shag, (kh~­ well equipped .__
~ (2.~-at · -zJ ·
ra k~qpa sh~t-aa cha~sha~) 3, iso, lose weight, rebels were well equipped, ngo log pa tsho gra
vi. A, ~~-~a...,~· /q1'Jmpo cho~/ 'grigs po 'dug. (IJ~l~qpotso th~ t!qu t~u)
weight lifting, 1. n, ~'\-~<!Ia-< /cgteq/ 2. well-known z,_p::.:<!-{·"!l~~- /y::._l')t-a'd/
iso. lift weights, va. A. -- =-~~<f\~· /--lo well then ;:f C\. / [Syn, byas no]
kaa/ well-to-do, see: wealthy; rich
weighty, see: heavy; important well water 15'01,· ~ · /th&tcu/
weird ~~-dol cl;x._· /kh~ntsaa/ ~ He is weird, kho welt, see: sore
khyod mtshor zhig 'dug. (qho kh~ntsao ci t~u) west ~~-~~<!-\· 1n!::pc06! ~ in the west of Tibet
~ a weird picture ri mo khyod mtshar zhig (r!-
bod kyi nub phyogs (ph&iqi nupcO~)
mu kh~ntsoo ci) West Asia ..,<y:>:.:?Jo:::.·Cjz:\" ;;:;z-:...·- /sharlil') n~pktr;J;
'0 ~
welcome, va. C. "'\"''a..'ZI.~· ~~- /q2_su sh}!U/ ~ westerly, see: western
They welcomed him enthusiastically, kho tshos western ~z:o:"d-1· /n~pme/ ~ the western highway
khong la dga 1 bsu tshad med zhus shag, ( qhon- gzhung lam nub ma (sh;!l')lem n;!pme) [Syn, nub;
tsod qhoonla q~su tshccmea sh~~haa) nub kyi]
weld, va. <i;·rz.l' z:t~~ · /tshalo k2_p/ ~ He welded Western doctor, 1. iso, doctor of Western medicine
the metals. khos lcogs de la tsha la brgyab ".""~"¥\~· ~0\-~<>-1"'3-1~·~. /n~pcO~ m~ncb-d amci/
" .
"'ZI. ~Zl,~ ·
song. (qhatl caa t&& tsholo k~psu) 2. iso, a doctor who is a Westerner

welder ;£;·(>.1·~~-Cl-17"1'\. /tsholo kaal')&&n/ ~'\·<-~· /n;!pcoa m~mpa/ [Syn. phyi gling pa'i
welfare (Zi·'Z4"\. /qhep&&n/ ~ for the welfare am chi]
of the state mngo 1 sde 'i khe phon kyi ched du
(l')atee qhep&&nqi cheatu) [Syn, phon bde; sde
well, 1. see: good 2. iso, health 2:1~-~ /t~po/ westward, see: west
~ I om well. nga bde po yin. (I')~ t~po yin) wet, 1. ;,~·~· /18mpa/ ~ The shirt is wet, stod
3. iso. get well, vi. A. ~a"\· /"t-h.9_a/ ~ He got thung rlon pa red. (trn:Ituun 18mpa r~e) 2. va,
well quickly, kho mgyogs po drag shag, ( qho C. -- ~~~- 1--s~~/ ~ He wet the shirt. khos
k~qo "t-h.9_ashaal 4. iso, underground well, i, n. stod thung rlon pa bzos shag. ( qh8B trn:Ituun
f-\a.·-z..t.· /'t-h5mpa/ ii. iso, dig a well, va, C. 18mpa s~~shaa)
!"il~/--"t-huU/ wetness q ~a;~· a;~: /sh~ts&&n ~
....;:) - iii. iso, clean a well, va. A.
""'A.•=: /--sho"Q/ [Syn. gtsang ma bzos] 5, Well! we

have to check the wetness,

sngon la
~-0\· "' /ani/ ~ Well, what do you thi_nk? a ni, tshos zha tshan che chung blto dgos red. (I'J~~n­

khyod rang gis byas no go 'dra 'dug? (ani kh8- la 1').9,ntsod sh.9_tsccn chicuun taqoree) [Syn, rlon
r&c ch_££na qh2_n"t-~~ t~a) tshad]
well-behaved -{")"(21<>1· uta"\·.£ /c88lam y~qo/ [Syn, wet nurse '\~a_-~·~.,.. /n~iin m~tsep/
sgrig yag po] wharf a.~'g· ('I~·~· 5Q.{" /tsh5q&& thusem/
-.. <\..
"'1"\. ~ "') · /t!:_kil/ ~ for the well-being what ~~- /qh~re/
"' ~ What is he saying?
- khos go
of the people mi mang gi bde skyid kyi ched du re zer gyi 'dug? (qh81; qh~re s!qi t~6) [Syn.
(m!:_ma~qi t!:_kilqi che~tu) ci; gang]
whitewash 477

whatever~-~· [ vb.] "'~. /qh~re [ vb.] nM/ ~ gcig pa red, (n~ntso chiinee machilnM th~nta~
Whatever he says, I don't believe him. khos ga Y£1'JYOO ciqpa r!e) 2. iso. if I am able [vb.]
re lab na'i nga yid ches med. ( .,...
qhoc:i qh~re l~p- {1{Z::... ~(;.'a.! '.So!:\. /[ vb.] thuuta m~thuu/ ~ I don It
"' \ .....,

nee n~ y~che~ m!~) know whether I can do this. ngas 1 di byed thub
whatever there is "'"\·~· ti;"\·'\~ /qh~re yoon&&/ dang rna thub shes kyi mi 'dug,
(r:l&t ti chee
what kind (of) "'1 · (2.5_' ~ · I qh~nte~ci I ~ What thuuta mathuu shil')qimintuu)
kind of a book do you want? khyod rang !a deb whetstone ""'\"'-. ~ /t~rto/
go 'dra zhig dgos? (kh3raa th!P qh~nteeci q2~l whey "'\"'-'"" /th;;ar / [Syn. phyur khu]
wheat ~ /'t-h.£/ which 21,·~· /qh~qi/ ~Which book is better? deb
wheat field ~~"· (th~hin/ go gi yag pa 'dug? (th!P qh~qi y~qa t~~)
wheat flour~~· /'t-h_£Che/ whichever <Tt-~- [vb.] '\~· /qh~qi [vb.] n&&/ ~
wheat tsamba ~- ~ · /'t-h~tsam/ Take whichever you want. khyod rang go gi dgos
wheel c<.~~ · (:;: /qholo/ ~ I need a new wheel. na'i gcig 'khyer. (kh3ra qh~qi ~n&& ciq khee)
nga la 'khor lo gsar pa zhig dgos. (I')~ qholo while [vb,] -:<.~.n.·"-z:.·a..o.· /[vb.] p&&r.!_l')la/ ~While

saapaci q2~ l I was,in Tibet I got sick. nga bod la sdod pa'i
wheelbarrow (2-[fl·:r.: ""'\~~ · I qh:5rshon/ ring la nga no byung. (n~ ph2_Bla toc:ip&&r.!_nla n~
wheelchair 1 neo. 4""-· ~-312:1. ·~~ · I qholo qupka~ I nacu) [Syn. [vb.] shu! la]
when 1 1 • 4'\ ~""- · ...
"' ~ When will you go? whip, 1. n. ~-~"!· / 2. va. C. -- ~~<!-i·
khyod rang ga dust'gro gi yin pa? (kh3ra qh~tu"~ /--shDU/ ~ He whipped the horse, khos rta la
't-£qa~) [Syn. nom] 2. iso, at the time of rta !cog gzhug song. (qh~ tala tffca~ sh!f~sol
[vb.] ~~- /[vb.] tuU/ ~ He came when we bought whirlpool ~~-~""· /tshonqoo/
the gun.
"" -
nga tshos me mda 1 nyo dus kho bslebs whir !wind "'-.1!::.: ~:x;, ~ · /!On qh'&tsup/
~ ':J
song. !n~tsoB m!nta n~tuu qho le~ol whiskers, see: beard
whence 41·· ~~- /qh~n&c/ whiskey ~-:J:..~-~-~-~~- /ora~ wisikii/
whenever "'i'~c-<.· [vb.] <\a_. /qh~tuu [vb,] n&&/ 'II whistle, 1 • n. -.J9' ~··y C"l'f\ · /shu kaaya~/ ~ He
Whenever I eat meat I get sick. ngas sha go dus
bought a whistle. khos shu rgyag yag cig nyos
bzas na 1 i nga no gi 'dug. (l')_£t sha qh~tuu s&&- shag . ( qh ~ sha kaayaaci noi?ishaa) 2. va • .fi
n&& n~ n~qil) "=l~"'~ '/shu k~p/ ~ He whistled loudly. ""'
khos shu
where 4"\'7..l:J:.. /qh~paa/ ~ Where does he live? kho shugs chen po zhig brgyab song. (qh~d shu shuq
go par sdod kyi 'dug? (qho qh~paa tul.iqit~b) chempoci k~psu)

whereabouts 4('">--.::t;'.1!"')·-z.l' /qh~paa y2_pa/ ~ No one whistle a song, va. ~oZI.;2,Z>.'~""·"''I'CI,-·""~'?.:=..· /shu
knows his whereabouts. kho ga par yod pa shes k~pn& sh_£t taan/
mkhan su gcig kyang yod pa rna red, (qho qh~paa white "\-"\ "\..2'1:- /qaopo/ 'II The paper is white.
y~pa sheen&&n sO ciiyee Y2~mare~) shog bu de dkar po red, (shuquti qaapo rae)
whereas, see: but white collar worker ~<!-1-~c:....,_\' C\"'-·~·f>-1=· ~~
wherever ~";z..J.':J;,' [vb.] ""
'Cl\(<.' /qh~paa [vb.] nee/ ~ /leequn n~l')qi l££cee/
Wherever he went 1 the dog went. kho ga par white metal, 1. "'i"'"''"Y''-u~· /qorya/ 2. iso, tin
phyin na'i khyi de kho 1 i gzhug gur 1 gro gi 'dug. with white metal, va. -- 'Zl?;;<;.' /--taan/
(qho qh~paa chiinee khiti qh88 sh~oo t~qil) whiten, va. C. ~"1\::r..·.zf.z:o.?,f'~· /qaopo s~/
whether 1 1 • iso. whether or not [ vb, ] "\8: ~ · white of eggs ·'''-"''" m'\· /q~atiin/
[vb.] "\d /[ vb.] nM m~ [vb.] nee/ ~ Whether White Paper ~a,·~"" ..;,'(. /th!P q~po/
we go or stay, the result will be the same, nga whitewash, 1. n. -.r.::: "- "
a;'\'%"\''Y'',·:q· /tsh3ntsi qoopo/
tsho ph yin na 'i rna ph yin no 1 i don dog yong yag 2. va. -- Z17o::..· /--taan/ 'II He whitewashed the
478 whittle

house. khos khong par tshon rtsi dkor po btong ""'1::.'-'fl' /sh;:_Qqo/ ~ This is 3 feet wide. 'di phi
song. (qh~ qhaQpao tsh3ntsi qoopo taanso) 3. ti gsum gyi zhang go red, (t.!. phiti sOmqi sh;:_Q-
iso. cover up 1 vo. A. "'~"f\~· .o..~~· /qap sh2,d/ qo r~~)
~ They whi tawoshad the scandal. kho tshos rang wide-eyed ~...r~""-·~· /mil cereal
skyon bkob bzhog pa red. (qhontsW r2,Qkodn qap widely ~· ~~·.;f' /k;:_ chempo/ ~ This is used wide-
sh5!.,apara~) ly in Tibet. 'di bOd nang lo bad spyod rgyo
whittle 1 vo. A. """a;;'<\~· /sh2_?J/ [Syn. gzhog chen po gtong gi 'dug. ( t.!_ ph~ls n.92:nlo ph~cod
brg~ob] k;:_ chempo taQGil)
who ~· /su/ ~ Who is it? 'di su red? (t.!. su widan 1 va. {a,1::.·"'\·a.·"\·zr:;;i!::· /sh;:_Qqo chi!ku toon/
r_£c) widespread, iso. everywhere " ""T"'~''"I·,.,..· /qh;:_so qh;:_-
whoever ......
[vb.] ~n.· /su [ vb.] nee/ ~ Whoever lo/ ~ There ware widespread disturbances. go
comas first 1 it is okay. su sngon lo yang no' i so ga lo zing 'ph yang byung shag. ( qh;:_so qh;:_lo
'grig gi red. (su Qc~nlo y~nee t.!.qire~) s!:.,Qcoon ch~nshoa) [Syn. yongs khyob]
whole, see: all; entire widow, 1. lf""l·~z::.""'"z-ld·~· "\ou~· /khCiqa t::..i\pce
v- c... - ~ ~
wholeheartedly ril·~:.s"'l.· "'~~"'"'' ~:OS·"Y 4").,.... /l&il kim&cn/ 2. iso. a pa joroti ve term ~ ''Y :=. · ~ ·
simcilqi/ ~ They supported the party whole- /yuqsamo/ [Syn. yug mo]
heartedly. kho tshos tshogs po lo blo gcig sems widower 1 -....
1. ~· "\~~ -...r "'.....
'!)'2:."<>{. ZJ.R ~· "'''
/bmr;cn '
gcig gis rgyob sky or byos shag. ( qhontsod khCiqo/ 2. iso. a pejorative term~"\·£· IY!::_G-
tsh~pao l~cil simcilqi k~pk6o chE.cshaa) po/
whole number, moth. £~z::.>H· /Q_£toh/ width ~z:.· "'\''a.· -v
<;b"".: /sh5!.,Qqa chicuun/ ~ What is
wholasola 1 1. n. ~"l· ;J;z::.: /t~ptsoon/ 2. iso. the width of the river? chu de 1 i zhang go che
sell wholesale 1 va. -- "'"-e2.2l. · / --k~p/ chung go 'dro 'dug? (chu t~ qheshoon chicuun
wholesale store ~«~:~.,z· ~..:: [_D.t:.. • /t2,ptsoon tshon- qh~nt~ t~6) [Syn. zhang tshad]
qoon/ wiald 1 see: use
wholly, see: entirely wife ~·"\ata,· ; h. ~a.~· /kim&cn; h. com/ ~ She is
whom .:~.r~r /s~"S/ ~ Whom did you call on the my wife. rna ngo'i skye dmon red. (m::.. Q_££ ki-

phone? khyod rang gis su lo kho par btong po? m&cn r2,e)
(kh3rer; s~o qhBpoo taanpo) wig ~r -"\~~· /taptsu11/
whore "'19~·-;f.:.·.;L( · /sh2,Qtsomo/ wiggle, vo. "\'B,<t\.'~~41.'"'-';~·.' /tuqtuu taon/
whorehouse <f\Cc\&:: [&~ · /sh;:_Qqoon/ wild 1 1. iso. used ""
for animals ~"\·
-.r- /q_·o~o'/ 1f a
whose ~d· /sOO/ ~ Whose book is this? deb 'di wild yak g. yag rgod ( yooqols) ~ a wild horse
su'i red? (thep ti sUO reel rto rgod (toqo'lsl 2. iso. behavior ~Z>.·f·
why "'1·-::t:: t,
· an;~\· '0\a.l'- I qh;:_re yJ:.noo/
' ~ Why did you do /thepto/ [Syn. mkhregs rdo]
it? khyod rang 'di byed yog go re yin nom? wild boor ="'\·~..,.,_· /phooq<fd/ [Syn. ri phog]
(kh3ra t.!. ch2,yao qh;:_ra yJ:.nao) wild donkey 1l,~ · /kcm/
wick ~:.::. · "'\~ · /t::..Qre&/ wilderness · ~· (ZjZJ. ~ · /thoqop/
wicked z;~·~· /QE_mpo/ ~ a wicked man mi ngon po will 1 1. isQ. lost testament, i. n. (<I'~""~·
(mJ:. QE_mpo) /qhochem/ ii. iso. leave a will 1 vo. A. --"1"\4
wickerwork ~· ~"'\· ~· Ul~· (?.{~'"\ · /p~nuu lhoyoa lce- /--shoo/ 2. iso. desire (2~",·'2.1· /UJ.po/ ~
qa/ "" the will of the mosses mong tshogs kyi 'dod po
wide, 1. ~!:.·"\· iiSo\~· /sh9_Qqo chempo/ ~ The rood (m5!.,Qtso:,qi t~po) 3. iso. determination ~h·~~·
is wide. lam khog zheng go chan po 1 dug. (l;:_Q- /FiiQruU/ ~ He has the will to finish the work.
qoo sh;:_Qqo chempo tuu) 2. iso. in measurement kho lo los ko de mtho' skyal yog gi snying rus
wire 479

'dug. (qh~~ l££qati tho kffyaaqi niQrUU t~~l

willing, iso. be, va. £~<>-~· ~-...{ · /lancr6 ch£_c/ 11 windshield wiper, neo. -..r
~- qa
"' · 0>-ll)Ol. '---....
"1(2-1. ~2-0.·
" = ·~

Is he willing to go? kho 1 gro yag la blo mos /m£1&& tUUnshee chiiyao/ "'
byed kyi 'dug gas? (qh~ t~yaola lanb~ ch.!_qitu- windstorm, 1. n. ft.h.'CZ.if'~: /lOQtsup/ 2. iso.
~ ~
qe:c} get/be a windstorm 1 vi. -- ~~Zl· I --k2_p/
willpower %~=-· ~:o>-\ · /niQruU/ wind up, see: finish
willow '-'%~=::-;,.,· /coQma/ windward ';4C('~~~-~- ra· "1'7'"\'"<\~- /lhCiqc~?>la
wilt, vi. D. '""'~~- /nip/ 11 The plant wilted. qho t~cne:/ 11 Don't put up the tent on the wind-
rtsi shing brnyis shag. (tsishiD nipshao} ward side. gur !hags phyogs lo kha gtad nos rna
win, va. D. ~l'l· /th~p/ 11 He won the game. kho rgyob. (qh~ lhoq~~la qho tfcne: m~kao)
la rtsed mo thob shag. ( qh~~ ts~emo thapshao} windy ';"f\~-~- <i'· £. /lhoqpa tshopo/ 11 It's. very
11 They won the war. kho tsho la dmag thob shag. windy today. de ring !hags pa tsha po zhe drag
(qhonts~~ moo th~pshao} 'dug. (th.!_riin lhoqpa tshopo sh~t-aa t~~)
. ('.. ~ ::;::. v-
w~nch ~'\~"\"i'(Z-r~-::r...· PJ · /ciiteq qh5lo/ wine ~"\-a;~: /q_!!ncaan/ [Syn. rgun 1 brum chong)
wind, 1. iso. air, i. n. 'l)"'!~"ZI /lhoqpa/ ii. wing 4J\"'1'"z..1· /sh~qpa/
--~~A- 1--k::_p/ 11 To- wink 1 va. ~"'- }:)<)J · ~~.:"\ ·
iso. blow (wind}, vi.
day the wind is blowing strongly. de ring !hags winner
~-d-l[ll~- /th~pr)&&n/
/miqtsum kap/
11 Who was the win-
pa shugs chen po rgyag gi 1 dug. (th!riin lhoqpa ner? thob mkhan su red? (th~pr)&&n sO r£_C)
shOq chempo kaaqil} 2. iso. turn/meander, vi. winnow, va. B. ~lr)~·u::<.: (2-~:r,- /lhoqpaa choo/ 11
~"'1-a'r6;:ry~·'!Z..=·~"<\· /koqe k~qece: chin/ 11 The He winnowed the groin. khos 1 bru !hags par
river winds through a forest. chu de shing nags 'phyar song. (qh~ t~ lhoqpaa chooso) [Syn.
nang la kyag ge kyog ge byas 1 dro gi 'dug. !hags 'phyar brgyob]
(chOU shir)nao naanla koqe k~qece: tuqil} 3. winnowing machine ~"13\'[2.~::<...- (2-~- (2-~-::c.. • /lhoq-
iso. coil up, va:-A. ")'1la.«· /tyl/ ; He wound caa thOOqM/
the thread on a stick. khos skud pa de rgyug pa winter "\41:<\' ""\' /q~r)qa/
cig la dkris song. (qh~ qiipati k~qpao crlla "'
winter clothes '"'\41"' · ~ · /q_!:!nche:c/
tilsu} winter
irrigation, 1. n. ~~~-~- /q_!:!ncu/ 2. va.
wind direction ~"\<!{' ~.Jtc-1 · /lhoqc~~/ 11 What di- -- ;r;t ?h · I --toon/
rection is the wind? !hags phyogs ga par 'dug? winter residence ""\41~ · ~- /qUnsa/
""" -r -
(lhoqc~~ qh~paa t~~} winter solstice "\"\~-~ · 'l{olr\ · /qUniii
winding ~"\:~-~"\-~ ·
"'\) '
/koqe k~e/ 11 o winding wintertime ")"l,"\ -"'\~ · /qUr~tUU/
-o '"" -
river chu kyag ge kyog ge (chii koqe koqe} . t er vaca t'~on "\':).'\' 4n.·
w~n "' ~"' · 2-tt::, •
v- _...
wind instrument n~'\4?z;:.-~·-a;· /pu"Utoon rb"cica/ san/
windmill, neo. ~:z::..-~<1'\>H· (2(!(~- ~ /lur)Shut qh5lo/ winter wheat "\~"\ · :£· /q_!!nto/
window, 1. n. ]\· ~-&:.: /q.!_quun/ [Syn. khra rna) 2. wipe, va. A. ~~- /chill 11 He wiped the table
iso. open the window, va. D. -- ~ · I --che/ 3. with a cloth. khos rgya cog de ros kyis phyis
iso. close the window, va. -- A~Zl.- / --k::_p/ song. (qh~ k~c~~ti r£.cqi chrlsu)
windowpane ~- r~;~=-·~·:t>v:...df /~quunqi she~qo/ wipe out, see: destroy; annihilate
window shade ~-ilft<..~. /thoyoo/ ' wire, 1 • iso. string like metal ~ll'")~· ~.!\. · /caa-
' ~
windpipe "\~..-11>-\'rz.~~~-~- /Oqt-l> 33qo/ qu"U/ 11 a wire fence !cogs skud kyi lcags ri
windproof ~c. :~t:.t: /lur)tup/ (c~equUqi c~ari} 2. see: cable
windshield (of car}, copper wire :u::~-1' """\ · /s2_11qUU/
/m£t-&e: t~nshee/ electric wire ~"'!· ~"'\ · /l~~uU/
480 wireless transmitter

wirele:;os. transmitter ~"\'~"\·~z:..· rz.~a._· /qliDme~ me 1 dro bo mong po yong gi red, (ph_!fd n92.nlo
lOI)}iin/ m_!ril m,2nto~ m~l)qu y~l)qire~)
wiretap, neo. va. (ZI.'"\"L1:0:..'t~f"\"~'<>\·"5..>!-i' /qhopao without ii>:i"\•-.:.~.::•.; /m~pao/ 11 Without money, it is
q~qn&&n chE_&/ hard to build o house, dngul med par khang po
wisdom ~a.\·::o.~· /sherap/ rgyog yag khog po red. (1')00 m!!:pao qhor)pa kao-
wise, adj. Zl~Q.i· If ~0\,-.;f /samlo chempo/ V He is yo~ qhopa r!~l 11 He was left without hope. kho
very wise. kho bsam blo chen po zhe drag red. re bo med par phyin song,
(qho samlo chempo sh!}aa r!~l [Syn. blo gros chi~su)

chen po; blo ldan] without delay ~-~~· ~- ~~-

-.r v- ...
wish, 1. n. f?."\""iu·~'i"/t~pa y~"d/ 11 I wish to go to You must do this without delay, khyod rang gis
Lhasa • nga lha sar 1 gro yag gi 1 dod pa yod. 'di rna 'gyongs po byes byed dgos red, (kh3r&c
(f')E_ lhl:fsaa }_2ya~i t~pa y~B) 2. iso. with t ! m,2nK,anpac&
"'... c h!qoree
verbs [ vb.] ~e:. : ~ · /iiiitod/ 11 I wish to without doubt Z::..~'2,2><'0\'"1~0!,' ~~a_· /r)E_C ch££na
go to Lhasa. ngo lha sor 1 gro snying 1 dod kyi tfnt&&n/ 11 Without doubt 1 they will invade.
'dug. (f')E_ lhl:fsoo t~niitu'Uqil) 3. iso. wish ngos byas no gton gton kho tshos btson 1 dzul
something happens, vo. f?.'Ztf~·'Z.l."J:.;, 2:1~~~· byed kyi red. ( I)E_C chE,.£no tfnt&&n qhontsot
/t~pao • • • sa~/ 11 I wish he would go bankrupt. tsl:ntsUU ch,!qire~)
ngo'i 'dod par kho bong.bu don no bsam gyi 'dug. without stop -"1.::<.: ~;i;;;~.~'3t·"&:l.z:;,· .... :.:_· /phontso~ mee-
(nE,.£ t~pao qho ph~l)qu th~no s~mqil) pao/ 11 He studied for 8 years without stop.
witch az:u~.· ~ /P9!;_mo/ khos lo brgyad bar mtshoms med par slob sbyong
with 1 1. iso. together with ~~<4· ~ /n~tM/ 11 byes shag. ( qh3'd 1_2 kE_t phE_ntso~ m!!:poa lopco~
I will go with him. ngo kho mnyom du 1 gro gi chE_tsho~)
yin. (f')E_ qho n:Jmt66 }~qiyin) 2. iso. the in- witness, 1. n. "')~•=.:~ /pel)po/ [Syn, bar mi
strumental particle 11 He wrote it with (by means mtshoms rdo] 2, iso, oct as o witness, vo,
of) a pen, khos 1 di snyu gus bris song. ( qh3'd -a~· /--chE_t/
t,! i'iOquU }h_!lsu) 3, iso. in the manner of -5, ~ · wolf l!,t:..·~· /crmqu/
/chE_t/ 11 He fought with bravery. khos blo khog wolf cub ~~::..· ~- /c~ntu~/
byes 'dzings song. (qho 16qo~c& ts_!I')Su) [Syn. wolf pock ~~::..· ~- /c~l)ku/
ngong nos] wolf skin ll~'"\~ · /cof')pa~/
withdraw, "' ..... ~~·
vo. ~:>\'f2Ji'\' I chirteen chE_t#/
11 woman ~-"\<l-l"a\ ; h.~~-~- /kim&&n; h. qOkima/ 11
The soldiers withdrew yesterday, kha so dmag mi There ore many women in this club. skyid sdug
tsho phyir 'then byes shag, ( qhl:l:so m~emi tso 'di 1 i nang la skye dmon mong po 'dug. (kitu~
chirteen ch&csho~) tii noanlo kim&&n maf')qu tu~) [Syn. bud med]
. (\,.- . . . .
w1thdrowl ~:t:..·rzsli!I"C\' ~"\; "Ut~·
chirteen cheyoa/
... worn-; (~d) ~Zf· /mo~/ -
wither, vi. A. \"'\' ~~·ah"ll!-\· /iiipqom the~/ womb ~- '("\· /ph~nbt/
11 The flowers withered, me tog rnyid skom thebs women's association ~~~Z\-~'"'\"""'' "Z...' /ph~me~
shag. (~to~ iiipqa~ the~sho~) tsh~po/

withhold, iso. not give 1 va. A. OJ.t'~t''1'-:l.l:t:..· Zl(a,a"\' women's movement ~i!:\~"\·~-f'OI~' (2."'\CZ~' /ph!!!;!me~qi
/mot&cpaa shE_~/ 11 They withheld the salary pay- lMnqu'U/
ment. kho tshos phogs dngul mo sprod par bzhag women 1s rights ~"'\-'ii"'\· ~- i!i\z:~· l!!~.
shag. (qhontsod ph~~l)u'U mo}&tpoo ShE_~Sho~) thoptoon/
-..,.. <\
within d,""&. :f2J· /n92.nlo/ 11 There will be many no- women's room 1i2' "\SI'l,' ~ · .:ry'S·.. ?::.· ~':!::: /kem&&n qi
... :;t '
tionoli ties within Tibet, bod nang lo mi rigs saancoo/ [Syn. mo spyod]
worker - 481

wonder 1 va. C. •ry ~- v- "-...r-

VJ1!.."""1"~"\-.I)&t"..:!.~~C!-\ · woof (in weaving) ~"\ · /pOOn/ [Syn. spun dog]
/qh!nt-cc y~qiyotoon sam/ f I often- wonder a- wool, 1. n. :q(>.(· /ph&&/ 2. iso. shear wool, va.
bout the future • ngo yang se mo 1 ongs po lo go A. -- S"'i"""" /--ph_2~/ 3. iso. spin wool, va.
'dro yong gi yod dam bsom gyi 'dug. (1')_2 y~I')Se B. -- ~11)('1' /q'fl!/ 4. iso. card wool, va • .qf.4·

m,2woljpolo qh!nt-cc y~l')qi yotoon s&lqil) [Syn. go """'Z1~Z1· /phccsh&c k!p/

'dro byos yang bsoms] wool carding machine ~~- ""\"'\' (2.~(>.1
...,. • p('.f'"::x., · /ph!:}_-
wonderful "):Z:S·w.·•·y~ /pe y_2qo/ f ·This book is she& t-hDtlqM/
wonderful. deb 1 di dpe yog go 'dug. (th~pti pe wool cording tool ~A.l'../C\"\ · /phccshc&/ [Syn. bel
y_2qo t_!:!~) f He is a wonderful person. kho mi gsed]
C\. c.., ....-
dpe yog po 'dug. (qh_2 m_! ~ y_2qo t_!:!~) woolen clothes ~·~·1::\«:A"'W.~.t:.t~·~~~"'\' /k_!:!pca
wondrous ;:(-""a-t;£:.;: iif."G\" ~ /1')_2tsor c~mpo/ f o won- ph&& y_!mpM th,!!qlb~/
drous accomplishment grub 'bras ngo mtshar chen woolen mill Z1(2..1' ·
f'2-r..~ 5\"'1~· Zl Ef "!f /ph&& qhl!l!tho~
po zhig lt-umt-cc l')otshor chempo ci)
- s_2"t-a/
wool-spinning machine ~(2..1· Ji\;z;·f2-{lif>.1· ~- (2~t21- f2.{1l=c.,·
wood bork J9c-· ~"'1,... /shil')po~/ /ph~~qUU
.. qh'fl!yaa. t-huuqbb/
"" :-...., ....,
wood-bird year ~~· ~.: /shii')Ca/ wool trade, 1. n. ~- af~- /ph!:}_tsoon/ 2. iso.
wood-block (printing plate) 1 1. n. "\'Zl:X.."~r:::.· trade in wool, va. -- .21.~21· /--k!p/
/p:;rshiin/ 2. iso. carve a wood-block, va. C • word ~~- /tshrl/ f Is this a new word? 'di
..,.. I --qoo
-- 2:\.ifje{·
wood carver
c-. -r-
~"'-"A'\C!-\" ~zy a.l(<l"<\ •
/shii')qoo koal')&&n/
tshig gsar pa red pas?
.... '-'..
( ti tshil soapa repc&)
word-of-mouth ""l~a"\ -"'1~ '""'\<S~ '(1l'Z1vC\"'\'"\l!-\"
[Syn. rkos po.] ciqla sh'fcn&/ f They publicized it by
wood carving (ornamental) ~co.·1;~~·~ /shil')- word-of-mouth. kho tshos gcig gis gcig la bshad
qb"' r_!mu/ nos dril bsgrags byes poyin. (qhantsofs cilqi
wood-dog year ~a:;.·@; /shii')ki/ ciqla sh'fcn& t-hiit-a~ Ch£_Cpoyin)
wood-dragon year )3.-e..: n.?al:l"\ · /shil')t-u~/ wordy a;"'"\.-g"\"'{·";..;a._·~ /tshiqtso?> chempo/ [Syn.
wooden barrel/bucket =.a.r /s~/ tshig rdzob chen po]
wooden bowl/cup -:rr~oz.1· /phoopa/ work, 1. n. ('2.1~·11'\· ; h. ~"'1'(21-a\" /l&&qa; h. choa-
wooden bridge -t<\a:;.· :a~· /shii')Sam/ 1&&/ 2. va. --~<!-{-; h. -- "'Yq~- /--ch£_c; h.
wooden house "
""'!~· [Q.-a:;. • /shil')qoan/ --naan/ f He worked today. khos de ring las ka
wooden ladle a·~· /saru/ byos pa red. (qhsB th~riin lccqa ch£_cpare~) 3.
" ~
wooden leg .JC\Z:..' Z\" ~z::..: a)21· /shil')qi q~l')tsap/
- iso. obtain work, vi. A. ~<!-{--'f\":1;,."\· /lc&qa r,2~/
wooden statue .fC\Z::..' ~- /shil')qu/ [Syn. las ka thob] 4. iso. lose work, vi. B.
wood-hare year "
-19"-·=z..~·"""'" /shil')yUU/ .. (Zl~-""1 ·,A""' /l&&qo sh!!3 I
wood-monkey year .J9J"<.." ; • /shil')t-e/
work accident o0:1ff>.1~· ~<H- ~<\· /s!!}-c& mf'fkoon/
wood-mouse year Jq~- ~- /shii')Ci/ work area CZI~·ll\·~·•\'>~' /l&&qo ch'f!_SO/
wood-ox year "
~~-~- /shil')lal')/ work break ('Zt>>(·xy a=~; .,..;g .... <-\· /l&&qo ph_2ntsom/
woodpecker J9.;.·l\~ /sil')qUUn/ work days t>t~-.z.t~~-~"1\-a.t' /l!:}_yofs fi!_ma/
. "
wood-pig year .(C\Z::..' 24'"1" /shil')pa~/ worker, 1. (>.(<K'"'"\"~"'· surzt'C\· /l&&qo ch~l')&&n/ 2.
woods 1 see: forest iso. factory worker 21~ ;q· /s2_pa/ 3. iso. of-
wood-sheep year "
-19:.::.'~""\ /shil')lu~/ fice worker rn~·~"\· -z.t' /1E£coopo/ 4. iso.
wood-snake year "
~l':-~(l.J· /shil')t-UU/ craftsman 41<r)-~'!-1·~· /l_2qshe~pa/ 5. iso. con-
wood-tiger year .19"'?""1 ·
" ....:>
/shil')ta~/ struction worker -3i:x;- ·£· ~ · /capo?>/ 6. iso. rood
wood worm ~~·~21· /shil')pu/ worker rn'"l·~'f-21· /l,2mso?>/
482 worker's union

worker's union .z,?J. i€""'1~­ /s~tsho~/ [Syn, bzo dgos yag gi rnyog dra (semtce ch~~ q~ya~qi n3q-
pa'i skyid sdug] tol
work hostel (2.iC\'"'4"1' /1E£_sha~/ worry, vi. i!4~""'·{ll.~-~"»-~· ; h.~..-~~- rs.C'-l· ...I'\"''
working class ;q_3f" .......~-<!).c>-i·~...,.­ /S;!J&C th_££riil!/ /semtee Ch£C; h. thDQtM naon/ ~ He worries a
work output "'"''"\~-~"\- al:z=;,· /l~q&& th8ntsc&/ lot. kho sems khral she drag byed kyi 1 dug.
work paints, neo. c, r:u<H·"n_t:.>fi' /lccta~/ (qho semtee sh~tao ch~qil) ~ Don't worry (h.).
work production team, neo, c. ~-&"\·~ ~'>[· thugs khral rna gnang, (thuut~~ monaan)
/th8nke~ r!!qa~/ worse ~<II· '24' /t!!qo~/ ~ This is worse than that.
work quota, nao. c, ~ct-<S"'{ /1E£_tsr.&/ 'di de los sdug pa 'dug. (t~ th~lc& t!!qa~)
work schedule r:u-at ·I<\~· ~a.· ~<r) · /l&&q&& r iumil I worsen, 1. vi. ~<rpy~ot,· /tutru chi~/ ~ The
...., - "" ~ -
workshop f>.l"'\·~ /lccta/ [Syn. bzo las byed sa] si tuotion worsened. gnas tshul sdug tu ph yin
work song mct·~cu-~-<1'\@..~· /lcctsoo lushcc/ shag. (n~~tsu~ t!!uru chi~sho~) 2. iso, make
world (2-J{~·iJh' ""
/tsf!mlin/ ~- modern world deng worse, va. ~~-~·""-,z:::· /t!!uru taan/
dus kyi 'dzam gling (thintu~qi tsamlit')) worship_, 1. va. Ool'lb'\·cz_z::~.r:u·~~- /ch8mpUU chec/
World Bank, nao. C2..?[ClJ
~- -
·cn~· z;_~r>L· rn~· /tsf!mlir) r)fl!J- ~ He ~orships everyday,
" khos nyin rna rtag par
qaan/ mchod ' 1 bul byed kyi 1 dug. (qh'di$ n!.ma taqpaa
World Health Organization, neo. ruf~·~~=-.·!2.~"\·"'~~~­ ch8mpUU ch!qil) 2. iso, revere/adore, va. "\""'.'
• (Z..Ia-1' me... /tsamlir) th3Steen lccqaan/ ""l<!{·:a<!l/thMquU chc&/ ~ He worships the teacher •
--v - -
world news rur0:-~&::.-~'<f\<!-I::X,.'('2.~""-
(1..1 ~
/tsamlir)qi san-
khos dge rgan la dad gus byed kyi 'dug. (qhlfd
kuu/ q~qeenla theeqUU ch!qil)
world peace lf2.Afa.t· ~r:.. · ~- "'~'"Zt · /tsf!mlin shite/ worst ~-rr-X"~- /t!!qshols/ ~ This is the worst
world record, nao. (V(6.l·~~:;.-~· ~~~,::;. · /tsf!mlir) quality. 'di spus ko sdug shos red, (t! pU!Jqa
qi th6shur)/ t!!qshod r!E.~)
world revolution ~a-~·mr:..·~e(-::x..'"'<~ · /ts.:!mlir) scr- worth ".:i;.·-"'1· /r:E,.pa/ ~ This is worth 10 dollars.
ee/ 1 di la sgor mo bcu re ba 1 dug. (tee q~mo chO
world situation r:E,.pa t!!ul
nf~ta~/ worthless "<~~· !'"\a-..·3."\ -;q· /phfnto~ m!E,.~pa/ ~

world war ¢&-~·~.,;; '"'\a-l"'Ta,~- /tsamlir) maqceen/ This book is worthless. deb 1 di phon thogs mad
~ First World War 1 dzam gling dmag chan dang po pa red. (th:E,.P t~ phl:nto~ ~~pa r:E,.~l
(tsamlir) maqcean th~r)po) worthy lf'ct· -'ll- /woopo/ ~ He is worthy of the job_.
worldwide c=fa.t ·~z::..- ~ H ~2:1 · /ts.:!mlir) y!!!Jkap/ kho las ka de lo 1 os po 1 dug. ( qho 1E£_qatee
~ worldwide revolution 1 dzam gling yongs khyab w~pa t!!ul
kyi gsor brje (ts.:!mlit') y~t')kapqi scree) wound, 1. n. ~- /me/ 2. iso. get a wound, vi. C.
worm ('2~- /p!!_./ -- .q~~ /--s~d/
worn out, 1. for things, vi. A. 3"'\· /sf:}/ 2. wounded ~~ ..,..~· /mfcpa/ ~ a wounded soldier dmag
for people, see: tired mi rmas pa zhig (maami m!:&pa ci) [Syn. rmas
worried ~Ol.!<H·~ru· ; h. ~ct-~1'2..l· /semtcc; h. me]
thuutM/ ~ I'm worried about him. nga kho 1 i wrap, va. B. ""~ ~ l'2..l •
,, I t.!,.!/ ~ He wrapped the book.
skor la sems khral yod. (r)~ qh88 q55la semtcc khos deb de bsgril song. (qh'di$ th:E,.pti tiisu)
y_![d) [Note: This literally means "have/has [Syn. btums]
worry •. "] wrap up, 1. see: wrap 2, see: finish; end; com-
worrisome ~<>J<!·q'~c>-1-~~-~~~-u.<f\ /semtcc ch~~ q~- plete
ya~/ ~ a worrisome problem sems khrol byed wroth, see: anger
wrong 483

wrathful, see: angry is wrong. khos nor song. .....

( qhoci n~so ) 2. adj.
wreath ~:;-"'\·~-~~&:.-~ /~to?lqi t-hoi')O/ and adv. ~~: (2{9.<"2.1..
..., /n~t-iru/ Y His answer is
wreck, 1. ~... -f /qh2_pto/ ~ This car is a wreck, wrong. kho 1 i lan de nor 1 khrul red. ( qh88
mo t-a ' di gob to red. ( m2,t-a t!_ qh2_pto r2_e) 2. lccnti n~nt-u~ r2.e) 3. iso. a defect/fault ~~­
iso. ruin, va. (2.:Sdj·~~d"\~·""''j~· /t-h55la~ /k83n/ Y There is something wrong with this~
tolln/ ~ He wrecked the plan. khos 'char gzhi 'di lo skyon zhig •dug, (t~ k38nci t~u)
'phrog brlag btang shag. (qh3"d chaashi t-h53la~
toonsha~) [Syn. sbo bslugs]
wrench ""'1~"\·~::c ~"\· GL" /cll!Jpuu l~qca/
wrestle, iso. sport, va. A. ~~-.a~·~ /optaan
tsh~&/ ~ They wrestle a lot in Mongolia. sog
yul la ab thong zhe drag tshad kyi red, (s~~­
ytrula c5ptaan sh!t-aa tsh~~qire?!) [Syn. sbe go
wrestling -a-\Z\" .a"'· /Bptaan/ [Syn. sbe go]
wring,· 1. va. C, ""\~~- /cfiD/ ~ He wrung the
chicken 1 s neck. khos bya sde 1 i ske gcus song.
(qh8"d ch~tee qe cri'Usu) 2. iso, wring out
. ~
clothes, va. D. !lj-~...,.,._. /chu tsir/
wrinkle 4'?::.;.: a.~· /nema/ ~ She has many wrinkles
on her face. mo i gdong la gnyer rna zhe drag

'dug. (m~ t~nla nema sh!t-aa t~t)

wrist t">-4"\""a;"\a:{. /l.:_qtshil/ [Syn. mkhrig rna]
wrist watch (ZJ••r.'!fa,·a;·
\ -
/laqqifdn chutsUU/
write, 1. va, C. ~'!-\ /t-h!_l/ ~ Please write your
name. khyed rang gi mtshan bris rogs gnang.
(kheraanqi tsh~~n t-h!_ro?lnaan) ~ He wrote a
book. khos deb cig bris shag. (qh8"d th!pci
!h!_lsha~) [Syn. rtsom] 2. iso. write a letter,
............ <'-. "
va. C. z:u·~· ~~- ; h. ~.?\·~~-"'\'\..:;.· /y!_qi
t-h!_l; h. chaaril noon/ ~ He wrote many letters.
khos yi ge mang pa bris shag. (qh3"d y!_qi m.:_l')qu
"t-h!_lsha~) 3. see: compose
writer, see: author
writing desk ~ay ¥""\ · /y!_qcM/
writing materials ~"\·~~- /yiqc&~/
writings ~~-~"\· /tsumyil/ -
written ~~-~~- /yiqto?l/ ~ a written agreement
yig thog gros mthun (y!_qto?l t-h~tUUn)
written language~-~· /y!_qi/ Y Do they have a
written language? kho tshor yi ge yod pa red
pas? (qhantsoo y!_qi y2?lrepc~)
wrong, 1. iso. in error, vi. B. ~:x;,· /n92/ ~ He

xerox, vo • neo. c-.K· "'-

''"l · "\-... "'- ·'''•"'1 ~. ""'~ ~.,_ · I tsgr6q
' ~
p~rshUU k~p/ ~ He xeroxed the letter. khos yi
ge de dzi rog dpar bshus brgyob shag, (qh~d Y!-
qiti tsgr6q p~rshuU k~psho~)
X-ray, 1. n, ~"'1""\%.1~· /13qpao/ 2, iso. X-ray

I (someone), vo, -- ~~"'l · /--k~p/

yacht, see: boot; ship

yak ·•ryw "'l\ · I y(J?J I
bull-dri crossbreed, 1, iso, mole <1-lif"· /ts~./ 2,
iso, female ~lf·a:f· /ts:!f"o/
female yak (2.~· ltY
inole yak 41=-'fl· /ya?J/
wild yak (2.~c=.. • lt2.:M
yak butter (2.~"a.t"'-.· ftimoo/
yak cheese "'
(2.";\ · ~::.:. · -
/tichur I
yak hair ~""·=·..., /tsrrp~/
yok-hoir tent ~·-"\:.:..·
.... ...., -
yak herder ¢i"tl.l"'\·~~ · /y~qtsi/
yak load "\-v.t"i· ~"" · /yaqkap/
yak meat ~"\·"'1· /tsh5qsho/
yak toil 4\~"'\" .1!:. · /yrJ5r)o/
Yongtse River cz.~·a;·
yank, 1. see: pull
-..;) -
2, see: American
yop 1 see: bark
yord 1 1. iso. the unit of measure, neo. bor, eng.
~<!· /yooto/ [Syn. 'dom phyed] 2. iso, o
courtyard ~·.::x;.· /khomra/
yardstick, see: ruler
yarn ~<A·~<!"\· /lh"ffya~/
yawn, vi. ~'fc:<.·~~· /ootoon k~p/
year, 1. n. ({;: /1::/ ~ two years lo gnyis (12_
nrr) 2. iso. pass (years) 1 vi. -- ~~·
/--chi?./ ~ Two years passed. lo gnyis phyin
song. (12_ nrr chi~su)
last year ~· ~q_· /t~niin/ [Syn. snga lo)
new year ~""\~::r.,· /12_5ao/ ~ New Year's
Greetings! lo gsor gyi bkro shis bde legs I
(l2_5oaqi t~hi t~lee)
next year ~2-{· -~HZ:..· /th,!!lsoon/
this year z:..;r:;: /th2,lo/
Western year ~·?.0 /chi!~/ [Syn. neo. c. spyi
zoology 485

year before lost ""1"\"""'. 0,"'-' -- "' /sh~iiiin/ younger sister ~0\· "'\~~- 2..1·

year of birth ---~&·~r

...,... .....
; h. n.~z:.~·~· /keelo; h. [Syn. gcung mo] "'
....-- ._.-
t-hur]lo/ youngest "'\~~ · "'1~ · /sho"dnsho"d/
yearly C>.!
~;,;_· /!~too/ ~ He comes yearly. kho lo your
~"\· =r.._r::.·
~ · h. ~·.::l:.,.z:.·~. ;kh8rcc; ·h.
!tor yong gi 'dug. (qho l~taa y~r]qil) kheraanqi/ 11 your book khyod rang gl. deb
year-round --or "'
f>'l-~~- ::,-
«< · /1~ hriipu/ ~ They drink ( kh8rcc th,!';p)
soda year-round. kho tshos lo hril po chu mngar yourself ?f'\· '"'""' ""-"". h. ~""\ ::r...-c::. .::.;.-.:..· /kh3ra
mo 'thung gi 'dug. (qhontsb"d 1~ hriipu chu r]Oo- r~n; h. kheraan r~n/ 11 Where is the letter
mo thur]qil) you yourself wrote? khod rang rang gis bris
yeast 74"1' /phap/ pa 1 i yi de ge ga par 1 dug? ( qh8ra r~nqi !-h~l­
yell; see: shout pcc y~qiti qh~paa t~~)
yellow 1 iso. color ~'"-·~· /s~po/ 2. see: coward youth 1 1. iso. time of being young "''~Cl.;CJ,~ :z;,a..·
Yellow River ~- ~- /~cu/ ~z;· /sh~ntnJ thuutso3/ 11 His youth was"'spe~t in
yesterday fll'2-l' /qh&fsa/ Tibet. kho 'i gzhon nu i dus tshod bod nang la
yesterday evening d-1"\~"'· :z;,~-=... /t~f)qoO/ [Syn. btang shag. ( qhW sh~nu11 thu11tsl:R> ph~3 naanla
kha sa dgong dog] taanshaa) 2. iso. young person ~~"\· ~ · /shu-
yesterday morning ra·""--~""\H-z.J /qh&fsa sh::>:::>qc£/ nu/
....... '!S"
yet 1 1. "\·~· [vb.] ~ /th~nta [vb.] k'd 11 They Youth Association/Congress ~"\'0\"<l,'O:><f\"'""z..t' /sh~-
haven't gone yet.
kho tsho cb Ita 'gro rgyu nu tsh3qpa/ "'
red. ( qhontso th~nta 1-.!:!ku ~~l) ~ I'm rot youthful •r\c~i;''O\·Zl.~~- ~
finished yet. nga cb lta mtshar rgyu yin. is youthful. kho gzhon bzo dod po 'dug. (qho
th~nta tshaaku y!_n) shbonso thoopo t~u)
yield 1 1. iso. amount produced ~"\· (2-"'1~· /thbln- Yuan ~~· /y~n/
pap/ 11 agricultural yield so rom thon 'bob yurt ~~-~- /s~quu/
(sonam th8mpep) 2. see: surrender; give up
yoga 1 skt. i\ll.rt'~"'-.· /nac~~/
yogin 1 skt. a_;u·n.~::r_: "-l. /n{;fc~~pa/
zeal ~ ,- ~""\· /huthoa/ 11 They worked with zeal.

yogini 1 skt. ~- fL~::r.:~· /n&fc~~ma/

kho" tshos los ka hur thog byes song. (qhontsb~

yoke 1 1. iso. an oxen ""\':?>"': ~""- /nashif)/ 2. lccqa huthao ch£&so)

iso. an egg ~;,;.· ~R~ · /s€rii/ zebra '?' m· /topt-a/

zebu ~~·;!\z=.· /k~tso lor)/
yonder %4' "
~- /phaqi/
you (sing.) {'f"\ ""-z:..: ; h. ~'")-"'\~· /kh&a; h. khe- zenith 1 see: peak; top; highest
raan/ ~ Did you eat? khod rang kho lag bzas zero ;TI"i ·)f{:>;, · /l'Cfq~~/

pas? (kh8ra qholad sccpcc) zigzag 1 see: crooked

·v- - ...r=
you (pl.) (fz:.:,::r__h·;E,· ; h.m,"\~"-~·a;· /kh&aantso; zinc ~-ct;· /tiqtse/
h. khenaotso/ [Syn. khyod tsho] zip 1 va. a~Zl.-~ZI· /ts!_p k~p/
young <Xjfo\~· ""16\<\· /sh~nshoon/ 11 The young stu- zip code 1 neo. ~z:.-~·<3\l'-''::tz=."'K · /!-h.£')tso of)t-ah/
dent left. slob grwa bo gzhon gzhon de P,yin zipper (l.~r:J.· /ts};_p/
song. (!opted sho"dshb"onti chinsu) ~ He is zodiac (the 12) ~-~ru·Zl.~·~0"Z-{· /ii};_kim cur)Fiil/
young. kho gzhon gzhon red. (qho shbonshbon reel zombie :( (2!0::::...,_.,. /r~lah/"'

younger "'l~Cl.\ -z.t" /shbinpo/ 11 He is ;mger. kho zoo "ij,~""\~"'\=<:'t'('l~' /cMnsilqaan/

gzhon pa red. ( qho sh~~pa r~e) zoology 1 neo. ~"\· CV!:l.~-~~-~-~"\·.n,-a,'a-1· /th!:!3;!n-
younger brother ~C)· "1fi\'\· 2..1 • /pil')kad sh~pa/ tu11 q33qi r};_f)n~~/
[Syn. gcung po] "

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