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INSERT INTO T1 VALUES("Q1.Which is the highest waterfall in india?","a)Jog

falls","b)Dudhsagar falls","c)Palaruvi falls","d)Meenmutty falls","a");
INSERT INTO T1 VALUES("Q1.Shiny appearance is found in
INSERT INTO T1 VALUES("Q1. Optic nerves carry impulses to brain to help us in
INSERT INTO T1 VALUES("Q1. Material is largely composed of free
lectron?","a)metal","b)non-metal","c)non of them","d)metalloid","a");

INSERT INTO T2 VALUES("Q2.More than four-fifth of natural elements

are?","a)metal","b)semi metal","c)liquid","d)gas","a");
INSERT INTO T2 VALUES("Q2.What is the term for a state of resistance to an
INSERT INTO T2 VALUES("Q2.which book among this was written by charles
darwin?","a)the lives of the cells","b)scilent spring","c)origin of
INSERT INTO T2 VALUES("Q2.what is the water content of raw apple on an

INSERT INTO T3 VALUES(" many strings does a vilon

INSERT INTO T3 VALUES("Q3.galvanised iron sheet have a coating of
INSERT INTO T3 VALUES("Q3.the solar eclipse accurs when _________ ?","a)1
year","b)between sun and earth","c)the moon comes in between the sun and the
earth","d)non of these","c");
INSERT INTO T3 VALUES("Q3.who build the red fort of
delhi?","a)sultan","b)akbar","c)jhanghir","d)shah jahan","d");

INSERT INTO T4 VALUES("Q4.which is the common element present in all the

INSERT INTO T4 VALUES("Q4.the father of space research or rocket?","a)cv
raman","b)clyde tombaugh","c) R.H goddard","d)A.K.Rao","b");
INSERT INTO T4 VALUES("Q4.which species among these is not a
crustacean ?","a)lobster","b)fish","c)crab","d)fish louse","c");
INSERT INTO T4 VALUES("Q4.what colour are the laser beams usually?","a)blue
","b)red","c)green","d)Any colour","d");

INSERT INTO T19 VALUES("Q19.what is name of the first element in modern periodic
INSERT INTO T19 VALUES("Q19.who was a british physicist who discovered electron in
1897?","a)G.P.Thomsons","b)J.J.Thomson","c)william crookes","d)wilhelm
INSERT INTO T19 VALUES("Q19.Which english scientist discovered the vaccine for
small pox?","a)Albert sabin","b)Enders","c)Edward jenner","d)Jonas salk","c");
INSERT INTO T19 VALUES("Q19.which popular soft drink was invented by caleb
D.bradham?","a)bovonto ","b)coke","c)red bull","d)pepsi","d");

INSERT INTO T6 VALUES("Q6.who were the first to design & make the successful hot-
air ballon in 1783?","a)mongtoflier brothers","b)wright brothers","c)bell
brothers","d)ford brothers","a");

INSERT INTO T6 VALUES("Q6.the bigbang theory was given

by ?","a)G.P.Thomsons","b)p.t.Thomson","c)william crookes","d)stephen

INSERT INTO T6 VALUES("Q6.Who was the father of computer??","a)Ken

Thompson","b)Dennis Ritchie","c)Charlie Babbage","d)Jonas salk","c");
INSERT INTO T6 VALUES("Q6. What is the full form of CU??","a)Compound
Unit","b)Communication Unit","c)Computer Unit","d)Control Unit","d");

INSERT INTO T7 VALUES("Q7.What is the full form of EEPROM??","Electrically Erasable

Read Only Memory ","b)Electrically Erasable Read Access Memory","c)Ethical
Electrically Read Only Memory","d)None of these","a");
INSERT INTO T7 VALUES("Q7.What is the full form of SDRAM?;","a)Synchronous Dynamic
Read Access Memory","b)Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory","c)Special Dynamic
Random Access Memory","d)Special Dynamic Read Access Memory","b");
INSERT INTO T7 VALUES("Q7.Which electronics component is used in first generation
computers?","a)ULSI Chips","b)Vacuum Tubes","c)Vacuum Tubes","d)LSI Chips","c");
INSERT INTO T7 VALUES("Q7 Which part of the computer is considered as Brain of the
Computer.?","a)Random Access Memory","b)Hard Disk","c)Read Only Memory","d)Central
Process Unit","d");

INSERT INTO T8 VALUES("Q8.What is the full form of OCR?","a)Optical Character

Reader ","b)Optical Central Reader","c)Optimized Character Reader","d)Optical
Character Response","a");
INSERT INTO T8 VALUES("Q8.Why OMR is used ?","a)Scan images","b)Scan
documents","c)Scan answer sheets","d)Scan mails","c");
INSERT INTO T8 VALUES("Q8.Which electronics component is used in first generation
computers?","a)Magnetic Inkjet Character Reader","b)Magnetic Ink Character
Reader","c)Magnetic Isolated Character Responsive","d)Magnetic Isolated Character
INSERT INTO T8 VALUES("Q8 Joystick is ---??","a)A memory unit","b)An online
game","c)An output device","d)An input device","d");

INSERT INTO T9 VALUES("Q9.Which can be the input and output devices

both??","a)Touch screen monitor ","b)Digitizer","c)Speaker","d)Scanner","a");
INSERT INTO T9 VALUES("Q9.What is the full form of MROM??","a)Magnetic Read Only
Memory","b)Masked Read Only Memory","c)None of these","d)Main Read Only
INSERT INTO T9 VALUES("Q9.DORAEMON the child anime cartoon series was original
created by ?","a)kenjiro tastsui","b)fujioko fuji","c)masamune usuhiro","d)tenji
INSERT INTO T9 VALUES("Q9 In computer memory measurement units PT stands
for ?","a)penabyte","b)pexabyte","c)perabyte","d)Petabyte","d");

INSERT INTO T20 VALUES("Q20.One GB (Gega Byte) contains ---

INSERT INTO T20 VALUES("Q20.) What is the full form of USB??","a)Universal
Synchronised Bus","b)Universal Serial Bus","c)Unique Synchronised Bus","d)Unlimited
Sending Buffer","b");
INSERT INTO T20 VALUES("Q20.One Nibble has??; ?","a)a212","b)213",c)"210
INSERT INTO T20 VALUES("Q20. What is the full form of VGA?","a)Visual Graphics
Array","b)Video Graphical Accelerator","c)Visual Graphical Accelerator","d)Video
Graphics Array","d");

INSERT INTO T11 VALUES("Q11.What is the full form of MAN??; ?","a)Metropolitan Area
Network","b)Medium Area Network","c)Main Area Network","d)Masked Area
INSERT INTO T11 VALUES("Q11.)What is the full form of LAN?","a)Local Access
Network","b)Local Area Network","c)Local Accelerator Network","d)Unlimited Sending
INSERT INTO T11 VALUES("Q11.What is the full form of WAN??","a)World Area
Network","b)Websites Area Network","c)wide area network","d)Wave Area
INSERT INTO T11 VALUES("Q11.What is an Internet?","a)Network of Network ","b)Wide
Area Network","c)Interconnected computers from the world","d)All of the
INSERT INTO T12 VALUES("Q12.What is the full form of PAN?; ?","a)Personal Area
Network","b)Passive Access Network","c)Posted Area Network","d)Permanent Area
INSERT INTO T12 VALUES("Q12.)What is the full form of IP??","a)Internet
Progress","b)Internet Protocol","c)Internet Pass","d)Internet Password","b")
INSERT INTO T12 VALUES("Q12. What is the full form of TCP?","a)Transmission Central
Pass","b)Transformation Control Protocol","c)Transmission Control Protocol
","d)Transmission Communication Protocol","c");
INSERT INTO T12 VALUES("Q12.What is a matrix ?","a)virtual game player","b)virtual
devlopment environment","c)vitual photo viewer","d)virtualUser Datagram

INSERT INTO T13 VALUES("Q13.What is the full form of VGA?","a)Video Graphics

Array","b)Video Graphical Accelerator","c)Visual Graphics Array","d)Visual
Graphical Accelerator","a");
INSERT INTO T13 VALUES("Q13.) What is the full form of Modem?","a)"Modules-De
Modules","b)"Modulator-Demo","c)Internet Pass","d)None of these","b")
INSERT INTO T13 VALUES("Q13.Where an Operating System keeps the information of
files?","a)FFT – File Folder Table","b)DIT – Directory Index Table","c)FAT – File
Allocation Table","d)FIT – File Index Table","c");
INSERT INTO T13 VALUES("Q13.What is the full form of UDP?","a)Unique Data
Protocol","b)User Data Packet","c)User Datagram Packet","d)User Datagram

INSERT INTO T14 VALUES("Q14. What is the output of print 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3?","a)
False","b)Machine dependent","c)Visual Graphics Array","d)Error","a");
INSERT INTO T14 VALUES("Q14.) What is output for −' ' in 'python' ?","a)
True","b)False","c)Name error","d)None of these","b");
INSERT INTO T14 VALUES("Q14.How can we generate random numbers in python using
methods?","a)random.uniform","b)random.randint()","c)random.random()","d) All of
the above","c");
INSERT INTO T14 VALUES("Q14.What is output for −2 * 2
INSERT INTO T15 VALUES("Q15.Which keyword is use for
function?","a)def","b)function","c) define","d)fun","a");
INSERT INTO T15 VALUES("Q15.If return statement is not used inside the function,
the function will return:)?","a)None","b)Null","c)space","d)Arbitary value","b");
INSERT INTO T15 VALUES("Q15.What is a recursive function?","a)A function that calls
other function.","b)Both A and c","c)A function which calls itself.","d) None of
the above","c");
INSERT INTO T15 VALUES("Q15.Which of the following is the use of id() function in
python?","a)Id() returns the size of object.","b)Id() returns the identity of the
program.","c)None of the above.","d)Id() returns the identity of the object.","d");

INSERT INTO T16 VALUES("Q16.In which part of memory does the system stores the
parameter and local variables of funtion call?","a)Stack","b) Uninitialized data
segment","c)None o the above","d) Heap","a");
INSERT INTO T16 VALUES("Q16.Python is said to be easily?","a)scriptable
language","b)readable language","c)bug-able language","d)writable language","b");
INSERT INTO T16 VALUES("Q16.Python was released publicly
INSERT INTO T16 VALUES("Q16.Which among following first generation of computers
had ?","a) magnetic integrated object.","b)Magnetic Tape and Transistors","c)
Integrated Circuits.","d)Vaccum Tubes and Magnetic Drum","d");

INSERT INTO T17 VALUES("Q17.If a computer has more than one processor then it is
known as","a)Multiprocessor","b)Uniprocess","c)None of the
INSERT INTO T17 VALUES("Q17.Python is said to be easily?,'0'","a)Web
server","b)Database server","c)bug-able language","d)writable language","b");
INSERT INTO T17 VALUES("Q17.Python was released publicly
INSERT INTO T17 VALUES("Q17. If a computer provides database services to other,
then it will be known as?","a) magnetic integrated object.","b)Magnetic Tape and
Transistors","c) Integrated Circuits.","d)Vaccum Tubes and Magnetic Drum","d");

INSERT INTO T18 VALUES("Q18.What dataype is the object below \nL = [1, 23, ‘hello’,
1]. ?","a)list","b)tuple","c)Array","d)Dictionary","a");
INSERT INTO T18 VALUES("Q18. What is the output of the following?\ni = 2\nwhile
True:\n if i%3 == 0:\n break\n print(i)\n i += 2","a)2 4 6 8
10","b)2 4","c).4 3","d)Error","b");
INSERT INTO T18 VALUES("Q18.What is the output of the following?\nx = 'abcd'\nfor i
in x:\n print(i.upper(),end='')","a)a b c d","b)A B C
INSERT INTO T18 VALUES("Q18.What is the maximum possible length of an
identifier??","a).24 characters","b)79 characters","c) 63characters.","d)none of
the mentioned","d");

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