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Marine Policy 68 (2016) 39–46

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Slavery scandals: Unpacking labour challenges and policy responses

within the off-shore fisheries sector
Melissa Marschke a,n, Peter Vandergeest b
University of Ottawa, 120 University Private, Ottawa, ON, Canada
York University, 4700 Keele Road, Toronto, ON, Canada

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Over the past year, scandals around what has been labelled slave labour in the industrial fisheries sector
Received 14 January 2016 in Thailand have revealed not only the connections between northern buyers and southern labour
Received in revised form practices, but also the relative lack of research on fisheries labour in Asia and the global South. The
10 February 2016
slavery and trafficking framings pervading these depictions have been very useful for drawing attention
Accepted 10 February 2016
to and acting on criminal activities in labour recruitment and abuse, but have limits as a basis for ad-
Available online 23 February 2016
dressing the underlying causes of forced labour in fisheries. Insights from research on regional labour
Keywords: migration as well as the work of civil society organisations in Thailand suggest that broader improve-
Fish workers ments in labour relations will require changes in migration management, with a focus on addressing
vulnerabilities that restrict the abilities of migrant workers to obtain better working conditions. This
Unfree labour
analysis provides the basis for assessing the potential and limits of recent programmes to improve labour
IUU relations on the oceans, including anti-trafficking policies, IUU enforcement, buyer efforts to ensure that
Supply chain management supply chains do not involve forced or illegal labour relations, and Thai government actions.
& 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction working conditions in the fishing industry. Important exceptions

include Simmons and Stringer [6] on forced labour in the New
Researchers who produce information about fisheries and Zealand fishing industry, as well as Hara [7] on squid fisheries
seafood have explored diverse topics including fisheries sustain- workers in South Africa.
ability, contributions to economic development and coastal com- This lack of knowledge about fisheries workers came to the fore
munities, changing technologies and more. For example, it is easy in 2014 when the media exposed controversial ‘slave labour’
to find research on small-scale marine fisheries, detailing their practices of migrants working in Thailand's off-shore fisheries,
contributions to livelihoods of coastal people (e.g., [1] and [2]) or linking these practices to seafood consumed in Europe by tracing
the catch to the manufacturer of feed for farmed shrimp that was
analyzing management practices with a view to promoting sus-
exported to Europe [8]. Media coverage began in June 2014 when
tainability [3]. A theme that has been markedly scarce in the pages
the Guardian published the results of its investigation, which
of this journal and other research-based publications on fisheries,
disseminated to its readership what was already known through
however, is information about hired workers, in particular within previous research by local NGOs and international organisations
off-shore fisheries in the global South. Within this journal, a few about working conditions in the Thai fishing sector [9–15]. A series
authors have addressed maritime labour policy, for example, pol- of other media exposés followed, involving further research in
icy responses to the ILO's Maritime Labour Convention1 [4] and Thailand by the Guardian, the New York Times and Associated Press,
[5]. But very few articles have focused on worker recruitment and as will be elaborated below.
For the seafood industry, these media stories exposed an in-
n creasing reliance on migrant workers who are often less than free,
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Marschke), poorly paid, and abused. Among researchers, these controversies (P. Vandergeest). have highlighted how little systematic research has been done on
Note that there are other relevant ILO conventions addressing labour in the hired labour in fisheries, especially in the global South. Although
fisheries sector, in particular the Work in Fishing Convention 188. This convention most workers engaged in fisheries today are still small-scale [16]
has received little academic analysis, in part because only six countries have ratified
it to date. However, discussions with ILO staff working on labour in fisheries sug-
and [17, p. 60], the industrialisation of fisheries has required the
gest that this policy holds significant potential, and that Thailand modelled some of increasing employment of hired workers. Who are these workers,
its' 2015 fisheries reform after this convention. how are they recruited, and what are the conditions of their
0308-597X/& 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
40 M. Marschke, P. Vandergeest / Marine Policy 68 (2016) 39–46

employment? Answers to these questions should be a pre-re- also with a need to reduce costs as the catch declined with the
quisite to assessing how governments, the seafood industry, NGOs devastation of the marine ecology due to unregulated overfishing,
and other activists might respond to the current controversies especially in the Gulf of Thailand.3
around fisheries labour in Thailand and elsewhere. It is difficult to estimate accurately the number of workers on
The purpose of this paper is to review the public controversies fishing boats, but it is likely well over 100,000. A member survey
surrounding labour on fishing boats in Thailand; outline what is conducted by the National Fisheries Association of Thailand (NFAT)
known about fisheries workers in Thailand based on both research in 2012 estimated the total number of workers in the fisheries
and activism in that country; and, critically assess current national sector as 143,000 workers on 9500 boats [12]. This survey would
and international responses to the controversies in Thailand. The have excluded non-members of the NFAT.
focus is workers on fishing boats; the paper does not take up la- Fishing boats in the offshore sector can be classified according
bour issues in the seafood processing sector. The paper argues that to whether they are short haul (at sea for less than one month) or
the trafficking framework, and the associated language of slavery, long haul (at sea more than one month), with the worst labour
has been effective in drawing world-wide attention to serious la- abuses occur on the long haul boats. In the short haul sector,
bour issues in the fisheries; however, if the broader conditions that workers change employers relatively often: In an ILO survey of 600
facilitate the emergence of human trafficking are to be addressed, hired fisheries workers, most of whom were employed in the short
then policy-makers need to think about the implications of in- haul sector, over two thirds had worked for their current employer
creasing reliance on migrant workers and migration management. for less than one year [12, p. 41]. At the same time, employers have
Borrowing from the migration scholarship in Southeast Asia, the been experiencing significant shortages of willing workers [12]
paper outlines some of the complex migration processes that en- and (interviews in Thailand), because work and life on the boats is
ables labour abuse, and to point to some possible ways of inter- both very dangerous and extremely difficult. The outcome in the
vening to improve these conditions. Finally, the potential impacts short haul sector is a situation where captains with the worst re-
and limits of anti-trafficking policies, enforcement of restrictions putations are most likely to lose their workers, and thus go to
of seafood from Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fish- brokers who use coercive practices or trafficking. The individuals
eries, buyer-driven programmes to ensure abuse-free supply who end up working for such captains are often those with little
chains, and government action are assessed. experience, which can exacerbate abuse [11, p. 21].
To gather information for this article, an extensive database At the same time, the evidence is that unfree and abusive la-
search on how the stories about labour abuse in Thailand were bour relations were most common on the long haul boats. For
presented in online newspapers was conducted2, in addition to example, the ILO survey showed that 16% of surveyed workers on
consulting academic publications and NGO reports. The research long haul boats were deceived or coerced into working on boats
by reporters and NGOs is very informative due to the considerable against their will, compared to only about 3% among short haul
effort, imagination, and courage demonstrated by these groups in workers [12, p. 46]. Some 25% of long haul workers, and 15% of
obtaining stories about the situations of specific workers, tracing short haul workers, reported that they were not working willingly.
seafood produced by these workers to northern markets, and The most common means of coercion was economic, or the
providing support for the most abused workers. Media and NGO withholding of wages, but a significant proportion (3% overall, and
publications are complemented with interviews with civil society 5% of workers from Myanmar) reported violence and threat of
organisations working on labour issues in Bangkok at the end of violence. This survey most likely underestimated coercive reten-
2015, and with scoping interviews with captains and fish workers tion of workers because it would not have had the opportunity to
in ports across Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand during 2014 and interview captive workers, and because it under-sampled long
2015. haul workers. There have also been reports of witnessed execu-
tions of fellow workers as a method of enforcing compliance [8],
[11, p. 25] and [22]. This situation is enabled, in part, because
employers can easily evade regulation given the informal nature of
2. Reflecting on labour challenges in industrial fisheries
recruitment [14], the distance ships travel especially in the long
haul sector, and the limited time workers spend off-shore [23].
2.1. Workers in the thai fisheries
Workers experience significant debt to pay for brokers, travel,
documentation, and so on, which results in a form of bonded la-
The fisheries sector in Southeast Asia underwent rapid in-
bour [20]. For example, according to the ILO survey about 70% of
dustrialisation during 1950s through the 1970s, as the number of
respondents paid broker fees upfront [12, p. 49] but we can expect
medium to large boats ballooned, and these boats adopted more
that most of these workers borrowed money from other sources
efficient ways of locating, catching, and preserving fish [18]. Such
[19] to make this payment. About one quarter of surveyed re-
efficiency required hired labour. During the earlier decades of in-
spondents indicated that monthly wages were being deducted to
dustrialisation of the fisheries, most hired workers in the Thai
pay debts to brokers: these workers are effectively bonded to their
fisheries were recruited from nearby coastal peoples or as mi-
employers. Importantly, what the ILO survey also demonstrates is
grants coming from other parts of Thailand [12] and [19]. But over
that a range of working conditions exist, as not all workers re-
time the majority of the industry has come to rely on a mostly
ported coercion, underpayment, or serious abuse.
international migrant workforce, often poorly paid and under
Information on the significance of unfree labour and labour
highly authoritarian and unequal labour relations [12] and [20].
abuse in the fisheries has been emerging over the past five years
This turn to international migrant labour can be partly attributed
through a series of reports written by international organisations
to the danger and difficulty associated with fisheries work, but
in collaboration with local NGOs (e.g., [10–12]). The key organi-
sation for drawing international attention to labour issues in the
For the newspaper search, we used FACTIVA (a newspaper data base) to fisheries sector in Thailand has been the Environmental Justice
gather newspaper articles that covered labour issues in Thailand's fisheries sector
for the past two years (from December 15, 2013 to December 14, 2015). Various
search terms ((“slave labour” OR “slave labour” OR “modern day slavery” OR “mi- Precise estimates of stock declines are made difficult by the biological com-
grant worker” OR “economic migration”) NEAR15 fish*) identified 420 newspaper plexity of the fishery and the challenges of assessing natural productivity [21];
articles, including 278 that focused on Thailand. We have continued to monitor however the Thai Department of Fisheries estimates that the catch per unit effort
media coverage since December 2015. (CUPE) in the Gulf of Thailand has declined by 97% between 1961 and 2006 [22].
M. Marschke, P. Vandergeest / Marine Policy 68 (2016) 39–46 41

Foundation (EJF), which has published a series of hard-hitting declining catches due to overexploitation combined with rising
reports on human trafficking and labour abuse starting in 2013 fixed costs such as fuel, maintenance and so on [17, p. 122]. Re-
with its Sold to the Sea report. cruiting comparatively low paid and vulnerable migrant workers
While the initial EJF reports obtained some media coverage, it provides owners and captains a means for reducing labour costs in
was the 2014 Guardian article that led to the intense media cov- the face of this squeeze.
erage globally. Specifically the Guardian journalists showed how In this journal, Simmons and Stringer [6] have observed that
off-shore fishing boats that abused and held workers as captives while exploitative labour conditions in the fisheries are often as-
sold trash fish to processors, which was subsequently used to feed sociated with IUU fishing vessels, there are also significant labour
farmed shrimp exported by major Thai companies, including the challenges aboard vessels fishing legally in New Zealand's waters,
Thai conglomerate Charoen Pokphand (CP). CP accounts for 10 despite the fact that New Zealand is considered a world leader in
percent of Thailand's shrimp exports, with customers including fisheries management. In November 2015, a Guardian article on
retailers such as Wal-Mart, Costco, and Carrefour. CP and some Irish fisheries presented similar stories of bonded labour, brokers,
other Thai companies (prominently, Thai Union) swiftly re- and debt, involving migrants from Africa and Asia; the story
sponded, promising to ensure that their supply chains did not mentions that these practices had spread from Scotland. The
involve slave labour or other labour abuses [24]. stories about individual workers in this article echoed the in-
Media coverage has been sustained with more details emerging dividual stories of fisheries worker elicited by the media and NGOs
concerning labour abuse in the seafood sector in Thailand. In in Thailand regarding the nature of the abuse: long working hours,
March 2015 an Associated Press (AP) investigation documented for lack of rest, cheating on wages, insufficient food and more. The
a global audience the living conditions of over 300 migrant Guardian article specifically argued that these stories should be
workers brought by Thai fishing boats to the Indonesian island of framed as trafficking [34]:
Benjina, where they were held captive while onshore [25]. From “He appears to be a victim of human trafficking, a criminal
May to July 2015 the slave labour and trafficking controversies offence – defined as a form of modern slavery in the UK and Ire-
were linked to the widely publicised plight of Rohingya refugees land – that involves the movement of people for exploitation.
fleeing anti-Muslim violence in Myanmar. Although some local Whether the person consented to the journey is not relevant: key
activists suggest very few if any Rohingya actually ended up factors can include whether they were deceived, or their vulner-
working on Thai fishing boats, the international media never- ability or rights abused; how far they were controlled; and whe-
theless linked the Rohingya to the fishing sector through the ther working and living conditions amount to exploitation.”
common theme of human trafficking (e.g., [14] and [26]). In July Media accounts of unfree labour in the fishing industry almost
2015 the New York Times published its research linking fish caught always invoke the language of slavery and trafficking, often
by ‘sea slaves’ on boats operating out of Thailand to pet food sold drawing on the ILO definition of trafficking [6, p. 75–76] which
in the United States [27]. In November 2015 Nestlé admitted that links it to forced labour. The ILO defines forced labour as “all work
labour abuse was found in its pet food supply chains after it or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of
contracted the non-profit organisation Verité to look into working any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself
conditions of fish workers in Thailand [27–29]. These international voluntarily”.4 This framing can be contrasted with academic re-
reports garnered global attention, while drawing on the research search on labour migration in Southeast Asia that questions the
and findings of civil society groups in Thailand who are active in idea that we can clearly distinguish between situations where
assisting migrant workers in situations of captivity or serious workers are forced to accept restrictions on mobility, and situa-
abuse. tions where workers voluntarily agree to these restrictions in or-
Northern supermarkets and other buyers have reacted to these der to obtain employment.
stories in the media with repeated commitments to ensuring that
their Thailand-based supply chains were not tainted by these sorts
2.3. Migration research in Southeast Asia
of practices [8] and [30]. The European Union has meanwhile is-
sued a ‘yellow’ card to Thailand under their programme to block
Migration scholars often argue that human trafficking needs to
seafood imports from IUU fisheries, and has included labour abuse
be reframed as a labour migration issue, in which workers should
as an issue that needs to be addressed under this policy (inter-
be positioned not as trafficked victims but as a labour migrants
views in Thailand). The United States, meanwhile, downgraded
who need improved working conditions [36] and [37]. This argu-
Thailand to its lowest level, Tier 3, in its 2014 annual Trafficking in
ment has been made primarily in relation to sex work [38] and
Persons (TiP) report, citing the investigations into trafficking in the
[39] but also extends to other sectors where unfree or bonded
fishing industry, and it left Thailand at Tier 3 in the subsequent
labour is prevalent. A trafficking framework, according to migra-
2015 report [31–33]. At least in Southeast Asia, fisheries have
tion scholars, does not account for the wide variety of situations of
displaced sex work as the main sector of concern among organi-
migrant workers, nor does it account for the agency of workers as
sations whose mandate it is to combat trafficking.
they seek to better their working conditions [36, p. 88]. Instead, a
trafficking framework divides migrants into mutually exclusive
2.2. Global perspectives on fisheries work
categories (trafficked or not trafficked) that do not neatly fit the
reality of their experiences [40]. The language of ‘forced labour’,
Although most recent media stories have focused on Thailand,
and especially that of “slavery” similarly views migrants as victims
unfree labour and labour abuses in fisheries can be found around
in need of rescue, rather than as agents. It also does not consider
the world. Both the Environmental Justice Foundation's ‘Seafood
the broader conditions of migration that leads to forced labour—a
not Slavefood’ campaign and Couper et al.'s [17] recent book on
comment that is particularly pertinent for the fisheries sector,
this topic provides global examples. The broader significance of
the Thai case lies in how it has helped spark greater attention to where there is a need to move beyond moral panics about specific
labour practices in off-shore fisheries around the world, and spe- cases of extreme labour abuse, to thinking about how and why
cific attention to the growing use of migrant workers who are labour abuse has become so prevalent in the fishing industry
often less than free and subject to abuse. These labour practices
are embedded in a set of broader processes involving pressure to 4
See Introduction to International Labour Standards. Conventions and Re-
reduce costs in a globalising fishing industry, and in many places, commendations [35].
42 M. Marschke, P. Vandergeest / Marine Policy 68 (2016) 39–46

globally. provides guidance for what sort of policies and practices might
This broader critique of the trafficking framework is referenced improve the situation of fishing workers. We do not suggest
by Derks [19] in her study based on interviews with men from abandoning the language of trafficking, for both practical and legal
Cambodia who worked in the fisheries in Thailand. Derks [19, p. reasons outlined below. We are less sure about the language of
916] recommends an examination of processes of both mobilisa- slavery. Although the jarring language of slavery has been effective
tion and immobilisation among workers, which better captures in provoking international attention to labour issues in the fish-
the inherently contradictory and fluid labour relations in the eries sector in Thailand, it does not translate well in Thailand
fishery. Derks goes on to detail how threats of extortion by police, especially given the country's distinct history of slavery, where it
and detention and deportation by the Thai government, particu- had quite different meanings from how it was used in Britain and
larly for migrants lacking full documentation as migrant workers, the United States [43]. The term is also too unequivocal to describe
serve to limit migrant movements within port. This immobility the complex situations of the majority of migrant workers who
increases dependence on captains, who can often make arrange- may not be ‘slaves’ but are experiencing some kind of immobility
ments with police to protect workers against raids. Even in cases and abuse.
where migrants are registered, employers who invested in paying
for the registration may hold onto such papers for a time period to
ensure a worker does not leave his boat find work elsewhere [19, 3. Responses to fisheries labour scandals
p. 296]. Many workers are further tied to specific boats because
they are paid on a profit sharing basis after a fixed period that In the following section we draw further insights from the Thai
ranges from 12 to 30 months. While profit sharing arrangements case to assess how international and national policy responses can
have been a common practice in Southeast Asia for centuries [41, improve (or could potentially improve) the working conditions of
p. 278], this system was based on higher catch levels that what is workers in the fisheries sector in Thailand, and elsewhere. Table 1
obtained in today's highly depleted fisheries. In addition, the shift provides a brief sketch of some key policy responses, their
away from local workers who might be known to the captain, to strengths and limitations, focusing specifically on anti-trafficking
highly marginalised migrant workers, has made it easier for cap- actions, EU policies to restrict imports of seafood from IUU fish-
tain to cheat workers. eries, and buyer efforts to ensure that supply chains do not involve
Another dimension of mobility is the role of brokers, debt and forced or illegal labour relations. We also pay attention to aspects
bonded labour [15,36] and [42]. As we mentioned above, most of the Thai response, specifically updated government policy.
workers find work through brokers or recruiters; workers are
more likely to rely on brokers when they are relatively new and 3.1. Anti-trafficking
have not yet developed their own social networks in the ports [15]
and [20]. Brokers are often former fishers who know how to or- An anti-trafficking approach is appropriate in extreme labour
ganise the recruitment, transport and employment of migrant abuse cases, since this involves rescue and safe houses, which has
fisheries workers. To pay broker fees and other costs associated been vital for some fish workers (see the EJF series). Anti-traf-
with migration, workers borrow money, typically from informal ficking laws and policies have been a key resource for the main
sources, including in their home villages. This creates a situation in Thai NGO (the Human Rights and Development Foundation) that
which migrant workers do not want to return home unless they has provided legal representation for abused or trafficked workers,
have at least generated enough income to pay off these debts [19]. or pursued cases against employers and brokers participating in
This is an important reason why escaped or rescued workers may criminal trafficking of workers.
not want to be returned to their home villages. Where an anti-trafficking approach is less helpful, however, is
Simmons and Stringer's [6] account of Indonesian workers on in establishing worker rights, or in changing the broader situation
Korean owned boats operating in New Zealand waters describe that is creating opportunities for traffickers. Without these chan-
many of the same practices for immobilizing, as does recent ges, arresting one set of traffickers will likely only create space for
Guardian newspaper coverage of off-shore fisheries workers in a new set of traffickers to move in and take their place, as hap-
Ireland mentioned above: fisheries workers obtain work through pened in the case of horrific abuses in the Thai port of Kantang as
brokers, pay them a fee and then pay off the fee against wages. documented by the EJF, and as described to us during interviews
Simmons and Stringer [6] document how a group of workers in with civil society groups involved in that case. The trafficking
New Zealand, who left a boat citing severe abuse, did not want to frame by itself does not address broader labour migration pro-
return to Indonesia for fear that the broker (or agent) would blems, tends to position workers as victims or potential victims,
confiscate family property against unpaid debts, and the brokers as criminal traffickers, in each case simplifying
Understanding fishing work through the lens of migration what are very complex processes that often do not fit these

Table 1
Key policy responses, assessing strengths and limitations.

Policy response Strengths Limitations of this approach

Anti-trafficking Forces people to pay attention; key for handling worse case Does not directly address broader migrant labour policies.
IUU Requires traceability; updates fisheries management practices; Is focused on fisheries management, labour issues are an add-on.
brings in ecology. Does not directly address broader migrant labour policies.
Traceabilty and buyer action with Large buyers have considerable leverage with both suppliers and Influence can be limited to suppliers who sell to those buyers
respect to supply chains government, and are also able to work with domestic civil so- imposing requirements. Does not directly address broader mi-
ciety groups. Civil society partners are developing innovative gration policies.
approaches that might better identify labour abuses than simple
Thai government policies Can address ecological decline with recently updated fisheries Difficult to impose real change because of lack of coordination
policy; can address broader migration policies that produce among relevant agencies, security fears and prejudice/xenopho-
vulnerabilities to abuse. bia, ‘self-interest among individual agencies’, and inertia.
M. Marschke, P. Vandergeest / Marine Policy 68 (2016) 39–46 43

categories. For example, as we described above, simply positioning benefit workers indirectly in that any resulting improvement in
brokers as criminals does not allow for policy changes that would catch could in theory enable higher wages for workers receiving
find ways of reducing worker vulnerabilities to brokers whose profit-shares. Other observers, however, state that even the new
roles cannot easily be eliminated [36]. stricter regulations are easy to evade. Compliance with regulations
such as minimum rest times, not to mention wages and so on
3.2. IUU enforcement implies access to and communication with workers. Critics in-
dicated that boat captains can ensure that their workers are not
The European Union (EU) has developed a set of aggressive present during inspections, and even if they are present, language
regulations to restrict imports of seafood produced by fisheries barriers would prevent any meaningful communication between
that are labelled as illegal, unreported and unregulated [44]. In workers and inspectors. Finally, the current response is enabled by
April 2015 the EU issued a yellow card for Thailand, putting the presence of a non-democratic government that is using its
Thailand on formal notice for not taking sufficient measures in the powers to override usual government procedures, leaving the long
fight against IUU fishing, warning that trade sanctions would be term sustainability of this approach open to question.
imposed within six months unless Thailand significantly reforms More generally, the European IUU regulations do not specify
its fishery5. A significant proportion of Thailand's seafood exports compliance with labour laws or regulations [52]. In Thailand, the
go to Europe, so the threat of sanctions poses a serious risk to the controversies around worker abuse have effectively forced the
industry [45] and [46]. question of labour into IUU policies. But addressing labour is not a
In response the military government established the Command necessary response for handling IUU, as can be seen in recent cases
Centre for Combating Illegal Fishing (CCCIF) on May 1, 2015, using in Asia where yellow cards were lifted by the EU (e.g., in the
powers it had given itself through Article 44 of the interim con- Philippines or South Korea) [53]. Another challenge of the IUU
stitution that came into force in July 2014. This article allows the approach is that it only applies to fish exported to the global North,
government to issue orders that can override usual government in particular the European Union. Countries that have a lower
laws and procedures if deemed necessary for national stability; it dependency on exports are unlikely to take sectoral action: Cam-
is very controversial because it is also being used to curtail aca- bodia, who has been red-carded by the EU, is an example of this.
demic and press freedoms in Thailand.6 The government assigned
the Royal Thai Navy to operate this centre, reporting directly to the 3.3. Buyer supply chain requirement
Prime Minister, and all other relevant government units were re-
quired to cooperate with the Navy. The CCCIF mandate includes Another significant international response to the labour con-
inspections to check on mandatory registration of fishing boats, troversies has involved large-scale buyers working to ensure that
compliance with fisheries regulations such as those on fishing their seafood suppliers are not using trafficked, abused, or un-
gear, and compliance with labour regulations. Reports in local derage workers. There are two basic approaches for doing so: one
newspapers indicate that many thousands of boats may have been is through third party certification, and the second is through di-
forced to stop fishing—up to 8000 according to one report [48]. rect regulation of suppliers, often by working through agencies or
The government has also updated labour and migration reg- non-profit organisations who specialise in labour protection.
ulations, and set up ‘One Stop’ migrant worker registration centres Our research in Thailand suggests that private third party cer-
in the 22 coastal provinces specifically for fisheries workers, and tification for wild capture fisheries9 has very limited potential in
‘Port-In Port-Out’ fishing boat inspection centres along the coast7 the near term future; indeed, certification was not mentioned
[49]. The One Stop worker registration centres allowed workers to during any of our meetings with local civil society organisations.
register (or be registered by employers) for two three-month This should not be surprising given that first, the main wild caught
periods. Additionally, the government issued a Ministerial Reg- fisheries certification scheme, that of the Marine Stewardship
ulation specifically for labour protection in the fisheries, which Council (MSC), has not certified any fisheries in Thailand and is not
included mandated minimum rest times of 10 h per 24 h, payment likely to have a presence there in the near future; and in any case,
of minimum wages, written contracts and more.8 it has excluded social standards from its programme.10 Friend of
The intense controversies that have accompanied these po- the Sea's Sustainable Seafood Programme does include social
licies, which included an attempted ‘strike’ by the industrial fish- standards [55] and [56] including basic labour standards. Unlike
ing boats, makes it clear that the threat of EU sanctions is forcing a the MSC, Friend of the Sea is active in Thailand, having certified
reorganisation of Thailand's fisheries sector [51]. These changes one clam fishery, and 14 processing companies for Skipjack, Al-
have been welcomed by many groups in Thailand, including or- bacore, and Yellowfin tuna and clams. Even so, its coverage of the
ganisations of small-scale fishers who see any attempt to regulate fisheries remains very limited.
and reduce the industrial fishing sector as benefitting them. At the The increasing direct involvement by buyers and their con-
same time, views among civil society groups on the effectiveness tracted non-profit partners is having a more immediate impact in
of these changes for improving working conditions has been Thailand. The international media reports linking seafood to ‘slave
mixed. On one hand, observers point to how improved regulation labour’ in Thailand have prompted buyers to act forcibly to protect
and monitoring of fishing sector will enable better monitoring of
working conditions, while a reduced fishing fleet might also
In contrast to the wild caught fisheries, private and government sustainability
certification for farmed fish (aquaculture) are achieving widespread coverage in
When significant progress is observed, a country will be issued a green card Thailand, as the sector directly exports most of its product to international buyers
such as the Philippines in April 2015. Conversely, Cambodia was issued a red card in who are requiring these certifications. However, they do not currently include la-
November 2013, with all fisheries products being banned to the EU. bour standards with respect to the fisheries that produce the trash fish that com-
See for example: Benar News “University a Bastion of Freedom in Junta-Ruled prises a key ingredient in the feed for Thailand’s shrimp farming sector [13]). A
Thailand, Professor Says” [47]. potential exception may be future certification under the Aquaculture Stewardship
Based on an announcement Thai Embassy Mission of Thailand to the Eur- Council: its standards for feed are evolving and suppliers will need to conform to
opean Union ( approved certification schemes which could potentially include labour standards.
bour-in-fishing-industry/) as well as interviews in Bangkok and various media But as of the end of 2015, these developments to our knowledge were not relevant.
stories. Although MSC has developed a separate policy that denies MSC certification
See ‘Ministerial Regulation concerning Thai Labour Protection in Sea Fishery to companies prosecuted for forced labour in the past two years (since the Thai
Work B.E. 2557’ [50]. labour scandal). See: “MSC Board Announces Clear Policy on Forced Labour” [54].
44 M. Marschke, P. Vandergeest / Marine Policy 68 (2016) 39–46

their reputations by seeking ways of ensuring that their supplies labour abuse is crucial to addressing the conditions that facilitate
cannot be linked to these labour practices [57]. We can mention labour abuse in the fisheries sector. Currently, international pres-
several notable initiatives. The first involves a group of major sure from both importing governments and seafood buyers has
buyers (including Marks and Spencer, Sainsbury's, Walmart, and forced a Thai government response that is specific to the fisheries
TESCO) who are working with the Thai-based NGO Issara on a pilot sector. But it is unclear whether this government response is
project in which migrant workers can call in complaints about sustainable over the long run given its reliance on the rather
working conditions on a twenty-four hour hotline (interviews). draconian Article 44. Many observers in Thailand whom we in-
The data collected from this hotline enables Issara staff to tie terviewed also expressed scepticism about the suitability of Navy
worker complaints to specific fishing boats or onshore processing personnel for inspecting fishing boats for migrant labour relations
facilities, and these complaints are then taken to the employers as well as for compliance with rules and regulations that are
and buyers, or to enforcement authorities where severe abuse is normally under the mandate of other government agencies such
reported, as in the case of the Kantang port, as described in a re- as the Department of Fisheries. It is also questionable whether an
cent EJF report11. This approach, they argue, is better than ‘naming enforcement approach can reach the very top of criminal networks
and shaming’, as it allows factories, fishing companies, and buyers that organise trafficking or forced labour [15] and [61]. Notably,
to work with Issara to systematically address the problems iden- the police officer in charge of Thailand's fish worker trafficking
tified. They also argue that the approach is more effective than investigation recently fled to Australia where he plans to seek
simply auditing or inspecting boats, where government inspectors
refugee status, saying he fears for his life.
are unlikely to identify violations of labour laws and regulations
Civil society groups in Thailand who work with migrants
(see also Marx and Wouters [59] on the problems with auditing for
identify the following conditions as contributing to worker vul-
labour standards in complex supply chains).
nerability (interviews): a lack of documents legalising their work
Issara is not the only organisation partnering with buyers to
in Thailand and/or various restrictions in the legal documents;
create or identify supply chains not tainted by labour abuse. For
workplace isolation (such as on boats or farms); a lack of Thai
example, a group of seafood producers, major northern-based
language ability necessary for obtaining assistance if a worker is in
retailers, government units, and NGOs (including Oxfam, EJF,
an abusive situation; lack of education; and specific gender-based
WWF, and others) set up the “Shrimp Sustainable Supply Chain
vulnerabilities. Any long-term effort to address labour abuse in
Task Force” in July 2014. The task force has undertaken a series of
fisheries needs to take account of these conditions: these are the
actions with respect to traceability and vessel monitoring, Fish-
eries Improvement Projects, and lobbying for legal changes to broader conditions of migration in Thailand, across many sectors.
fisheries laws. The task force has also created a Feed Supply Chain As an example, Thai registration documents name the em-
Traceability Validation Programme, and will being a six-month ployer, to whom a worker is effectively tied if they want to remain
review of this programme in early 2016.12 legally registered (see also [62, p. 21]): workers cannot legally
Because these programmes are just beginning, and because of leave an employer unless they first prove the employer has abused
corporate confidentiality, we do not have a lot of specific in- them (which is very difficult for the vast majority of workers with
formation on what these programmes have achieved. However, no access to legal assistance). Activists argue that documents that
most observers in Thailand are optimistic that they are having or would allow migrant workers to find work without restrictions
will have a significant impact, although there are also criticisms of would make a significant contribution to enabling them to avoid
some programmes for their exclusion of local civil society groups the worst employers. A key obstacle to enacting these sorts of
who are working directly with migrant workers.13 Even so, these policies, however, is that the government in Thailand sees the
programmes are also limited in important ways in terms of their presence of large numbers of migrant workers from neighbouring
potential to address broader labour problems in the fisheries countries (and from Myanmar in particular given historical ani-
sector in Thailand and internationally. These schemes potentially mosities) as a security threat [62, p. 8]. This has been especially the
exclude fisheries oriented to buyers that do not demand com- case since the military took power following the 2014 coup d’état.
pliance with labour standards, as well as fisheries in countries that For example, the police and other government agencies see the
do not export a significant part of their seafood production. Finally, legal ties to employers as a way of using employers to help control
like the enforcement approach of the CCCIF (above, Section 3.2), ‘foreign’ workers (interviews). The ILO considers this concern with
buyer-driven programmes14 do not directly address the underlying security as partly responsible for the highly complex and ex-
conditions that produce vulnerabilities, and the potential for pensive registration process under MOUs with neighbouring
traffickers to benefit from stepping in to supply labour to fishing countries for managing migration, which has resulted in the vast
boats as well as employers in other sectors. majority of migrant workers simply avoiding the process, creating
a very large ‘irregular’ migrant population in Thailand. Many have
3.4. Government action registered temporarily in ‘one stop’ centres created by the military
government to try to address situation, but they often fail to
The various limits to private sector or non-profit action that we maintain registration due to expensive requirements to report
mention above indicates that a broader government response to every three months.
Government policies towards migrant workers create many of
In its End-of-Pilot Review, covering the period January 2014-June 2015, Is- the vulnerabilities for migrant workers [42] and, opportunities for
sara noted that 3.8 million migrants received the hotline number and a total of traffickers or brokers. These vulnerabilities need to be addressed
3237 calls were received (874% or 27% of which were related to the seafood in- through changes in migration management that enable migrants
dustry) originating from 49 out of Thailand’s 76 provinces [58, p. 9].
12 to easily register, change employers, and reduces the role of bro-
For further details, see
loads/2015/05/SSSC-Task-Force_Overview-and-Progress_May-2015_Short_Master_ kers. One can imagine other innovative programmes—for example,
180515-11.pdf making credit available from formal sources might enable workers
See “Migrant workers body concerned at exclusion from Thai labour task to free themselves from the restrictions that accompany informal
force” [60].
14 debt relations. Meaningful migrant worker reform needs to ac-
A caveat is that efforts like the task force mentioned above can work with or
lobby government to change the broader policies that facilitate labour abuse, al- count for migrants' hopes and aspirations [42], and enable them to
though the focus on shrimp will likely limit this impact. act to obtain safe and well remunerated work.
M. Marschke, P. Vandergeest / Marine Policy 68 (2016) 39–46 45

4. Moving forward and field research. In Thailand, we thank those individuals in civil
society organisations who generously took the time to meet with
The current scandals about slave labour in the fisheries in one of the authors, to provide insights into fisheries and migrant
Thailand needs to be located in increasing reliance on margin- work that have been incorporated into this paper. We also thank
alised migrant workers, not just in Thailand, but in industrialised anonymous reviewers for their comments. The authors gratefully
fisheries globally. Migrant workers are recruited in ways that often acknowledge the financial support provided by Canada's Social
render them highly vulnerable to labour abuses. This means that Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
addressing the conditions that create vulnerabilities of migrant
workers should be front and centre of any fisheries-sector policy
reform, with enforcement as a backup where broader policies fail References
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