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To be able to effectively manage the HR functions, it is important

that the organization undertakes a job analysis exercise that will
provide information that is the foundation of the various HR
related activities.

A job analysis is a careful determination of what the job holder

does while on the job, then knowledge, skills and abilities
required for effective performance as determined by a trained

A job analysis is an exercise that entails the collection and

analysis of information about the tasks and responsibilities of the
job and the context to which the job is performed.

The objective of the exercise is to enable the analyst to establish

why the job is done, how it is done and the skills and
competencies necessary for effective job performance.

The information obtained will be used in developing a job

description and a job specification.

Job Analysis Information

Information obtained during the job analysis will be used by the

organization for purposes of

i) Job Identification

The analyst should be in a position to ascertain the title and serial

number that is useful for identification purpose.

ii) The overall purpose of the job

The analysis will seek to establish the overall purpose, for which
the job exists, what the job holder is expected to do and
contribute to the organization.

iii) Job content


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The analyst will obtain information regarding the nature and
scope of the job especially the information relating to the tasks
and nature of operations performed by the job holder.

iv) Significant characteristics of the job

The analyst will obtain information relating to the job location, its
physical setting, working hours, nature of work, job hazards and
discomforts and the nature of supervision required.

v) Accounting

The job analysis will provide information that enables the analyst
to establish the nature of accountability relationship of the i.e.
what the job holder is accountable for, and the extent of the

vi) Performance Measurements

The analyst seeks to perform the critical performance measures

set for the job. These are the indicators that are used to be used
in ascertaining whether the job holder is able to perform their
duties to the satisfaction of the organization.

vii) Responsibility

The analyst will require information relating to the nature of the

responsibilities the job holder is expected to exercise. Their
scope of operations and the extent to which they are free to
exercise their discretion when performing the job is determined.

viii) Materials & Equipment

The analyst would seek to establish the materials and equipment

that the job holder uses whilst performing their duties. Since this
may be a pointer to the job hazard that may be encountered.

ix) Organizational Factors


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Every organization has its unique characteristics and the analyst
would require information relating to the organization structure,
the number of persons reporting to the job holder, the extent to
which team work is and how this affects employees’

x) Motivational Factors

The analyst should examine intrinsic and extrinsic motivator that

will influence the employees’ performances of their job.

xi) Developmental Factors

The opportunities available to the job holder for career

development, promotions and prospects are evaluated. This
information is critical if the analyst is to be able to understand the
prospects available to the job holder.

xii) The required Personal Attributes

The analyst should be able to establish the necessary

competencies required for effective job performance.

The academic and professional qualifications, mental and

physical attributes necessary for job performance are important
information that the analyst should obtain.



The results of Jon Analysis will be used by the organization in

developing a Job Description and Job specification.


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A Job Description is a document that is descriptive in nature. It
describes the job in terms of its duties and responsibilities and its
overall purpose.

It is the Job Description that sets the overall parameters of the job
including who, what, when, why, how where etc. the job is

The Job Description is a statement whose main elements will

i) Job title
ii) To whom the job holder reports
iii) Primary objective/main purpose of the job
iv) The key tasks
v) How the responsibilities are to be carried out
vi) The extent of responsibility granted to the job holder
vii) The resources available to the job holder
viii) The key contacts and basic conditions of the job
ix) The location of the job
x) The number of employees supervised etc.

A Job Description can either be prepared as a detailed or shorter

version. This however will be determined by the reasons why the
Job Description is being prepared.

If the Job Description is to be used for the purposes of

recruitment and selection, for example, in a job advert, then a
shorter version is preferred. However, if the job description is
required for more demanding reasons including negotiation a pay
during a CBA then a detailed version of the job description will be

Not withstanding these requirements, it is important for

organizations to prepare a job description by ensuring that;

i) The job description statement should be



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This means that the job description statement should be written
using simple, straight forward language and terms. Any jargon or
semantics that may result to job or role ambiguity should be

ii) The Job Description statement should be succinct

This means that it should be written in a manner that should

avoid including unnecessary information. It should be concise
and straight to the point.

Uses of a Job Description

i) To the individual

1. Provides information to potential candidates that will

help them when assessing their suitability for the
available position.

2. It clarifies to potential employees the roles and duties

they will be expected to perform.

3. Using the job description, the individual is able to set

their goals, objectives and targets to be attained
whilst performing the job.

ii) To the organization

1. It provides information useful for the development of a

job specification that will be used during the hiring

2. Useful in training needs analysis to ensure that

appropriate training is planned, implemented and

3. Provides information that is useful in performance


4. It gives the organization an in depth view of the job

and this is useful in planning of many activities.


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5. Useful in determination of tools and equipment to be
provided at the work place.

6. Useful when carrying out transfer and placement.

7. Useful in developing employee motivational and

reward schemes.

8. Useful in Human Resource Planning.

Limitations of a Job Description

1. By using a job description, there is some form of rigidity at

the workplace in the manner in which jobs are done yet the
nature of the work eventually requires some form of

2. The Job description may sometimes be applied selectively in

organizations resulting in de-motivation of staff.

3. The job description brings about conflict at the workplace

especially in situations where they are not explicit and
appear similar for various positions.

4. The job description are not taken seriously by many

organizations and therefore are not reliable tools to use
especially during performance appraisal of staff.

5. The job description may not be a perfect reflection of the

job and only serves as a guide to some of the functions
performed by the job holder.
6. The job description inhibits initiative and innovation of the
job holders


Once a job description has been prepared there is a need to cover

it with the desired attributes of the desired job candidate and this
is presented in a job specification.


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A job specification is therefore a statement that gives a summary
of the personnel characteristics required for the candidate to
effectively perform a given job.

A job specification is a blue print of the candidate who possesses

the requisite knowledge, skills, qualifications and experience that
will enable them to perform the job effectively and efficiently.

In preparing a job specification, the organization can apply two

(2) models:- either

i) The 7 – point plan

ii) The 5 – fold grading system

i) The 7 – point plan

This model is based on seven attributes to which the candidate is

judged or assessed. It gives the essential and desirable criteria
used in evaluating a candidate.

It has the following;-

1) Physical make-up
This covers the candidates’ personal appearances,
sense of dressing and such other physical attributes.

2) Attainments
The specification should cover the individuals’
education and training qualifications

3) General Intelligence
Designed to reveal the candidates mental set
including their problem solving ability, decision making

Intelligence tests are applied during the employee

selection to help in determining the candidates’
general intelligence.

4) Special aptitudes


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These are designed to help reveal a candidates unique
skills e.g. with skills with words, figures etc.

5) Interests
This covers the external interests that a candidate
may have that make him/her standout from the rest.

6) Disposition
This covers the general personality of the candidate,
their sense of humor, whether they are introverts or

7) Circumstances
This covers the general situations that will make the
job unusual or demanding. Frequent traveling and
unsocialable working hours and operating from remote
locations etc.

ii) 5 – Fold Grading System

The criteria used is similar to the one used on the 7 – point

plan, however, the candidates are considered based on;-

1) Their impact on others – similar to the physical

make-up in the 7-point plan.

2) Acquired qualifications – similar to the attainments

and general intelligence in the 7-point plan.

3) Motivation
Bears special resemblance to the special aptitudes in
the 7 – point plan. They relate to the ability of the
individual to formulate and attain their own objectives.

4) Innate abilities
Similar to the general intelligence in the 7 – point plan.

5) Adjustments
Relates to the disposition of candidate and how they
relate to other people.


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Whether the organization opts for a 7 – point plan or a

5 – fold grading system is largely at the discretion of
the management.

Organizations will normally apply some consistency in

the use of the job specification and so long as all the
essential and desirable attributes of the candidates
are covered either approaches will be appropriate.


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Importance/Uses of Job Analysis Information

1. Job Identification

The analyst is able to use the information obtained in identifying

a given position, the job title, code number etc. will be
determined using the job analysis information. This information
is useful to both the employee and the organization as it helps in
defining what a given position is about.

The identification will also entail determination of the tasks,

duties and responsibilities that the job holder will perform.

2) Hiring, Placements, Promotion & Transfers

The information obtained through a job analysis exercise is useful

in carrying out these functions. For example, the preparation of
an appropriate job advertisement, determination of the selection
tests to be used, staff placement and transfers will be based on
the information contained in the Job description and job

3) Training and Development

The job analysis is useful in establishing the nature of training

that the organization should provide to the different categories of
staff. Also through job analysis, it’s possible for management to
ascertain any training needs and to develop appropriate training
programmes designed to meet these needs and enhance
employee’s competence and capacity to perform the job. Also
the organization is able to initiate management development
programmes designed to enhance the capacity of the employees
to take up management responsibilities.

4. Counseling

Job analysis information is useful when management is facilitating

vocational guidance and rehabilitative counseling especially to
persons whose performances are not satisfactory.


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Also by analyzing the job analysis, its possible to guide
prospective employees on the positions they should take up in-
line with their strengths and limitations as individuals.

5) Raising Job satisfaction

Through a Job analysis, the analyst is able to establish the

conditions in which the job is performed. This information is
therefore used in improving the working conditions. Also, it
maybe possible to eliminate tasks that may be considered to be
repetitive, monotonous and may therefore generate
dissatisfaction with the job.

The Job analysis information is also used in determining how the

positions can be re-designed, eliminating monotony and
enhancing job satisfaction.

6) Developing job families

A job family is a group of jobs that are considered similar in terms

of the nature of work done and the range of knowledge and skills
required for effective performances.

Through a job analysis ie the job description and the job

specification, it is possible for the management to be able to
develop job families. These will be useful in determining how
remuneration, training, recruitments etc will be carried out
targeting specific job families.

7) Undertaking a job evaluation exercise

Job analysis information is the foundation for a job evaluation

exercise. Through job analysis, we are able to obtain pertinent
information about the job that will guide us in determining how
the various positions will be evaluated and ranked, in their order
of importance. This information will enable the organization to
come up with remuneration that is in line with the value of
particular positions.


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The organization will then use this information to discriminate the
pay offered and ensure there is positive discrimination in line with
the perceived value of particular positions.

8) Safety and health

The job analysis information will help the organization to manage

the safety and health conditions. From the job analysis, the
possible to identifying job hazards, potential dangerous working
conditions and come up with appropriate measures that are
designed to minimize the occurrence of individual accidents.
These measures will ensure that the safety of the employees is

9) Improving labour relations

The job analysis information will enhance capacity of supervisors

to monitor and exercise control over the job performed by the
employees. Also, the supervisors will not have unrealistic
expectations and demand that the employees meet these

Supervisors are also able to deal with hazardous situations and to

allocate duties that are within the employees’ capacity to perform
and in-line with their job descriptions. This helps in eliminating
such work related grievances thereby improving the

10) Performance appraisal

Job analysis information is useful when setting performance

targets and standards. During the appraisal at the end of the
process, the employees performances will be appraised against
standards, objectives and targets but using the job description.


1. One of the responsibilities of the HR department is to

develop job descriptions for the various categories of staff in
the organization. Design such a description for a typical
Human Resource Manager.


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2. Mr. Maneno, the newly appointed HR Director of a leading
manufacturing company has established that the
organization has not carried out a job analysis exercise over
a number of years. Explain the consequences of such an


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