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December 12, 2019

Dr. Leslie Bruce

English 360
California State University, Fullerton

Dear Dr. Bruce,

I write you today, eagerly, to introduce you to my portfolio and explain my progression as a
technical writer. This course is completely different from any of it’s kind that I have taken in the
past, I appreciate and prefer it. I have learned higher level writing skills to accompany me in my
future endeavors, regardless of exactly what they might be. Writing has many important factors
to it that are often overlooked but can make a substantial impact on it’s efficacy, and I feel as if I
have enhanced my ability to communicate in this manner. In regards to our student learning
outcomes, I have demonstrated knowledge of all six of them in various works throughout the
More specifically, I have included works that show my competency in the six SLO’s in my
portfolio. One of the minor works I have included is my iFixit team charter, which meets SLO’s
1,4, 5, and 6. SLO 1 was met since it required us to communicate within our group either in
person or via text or email, as well as through a formal document with the rules we had decided
on. SLO 4 was addressed because it required us to write what we were all thinking, be a good
partner and contribute a fair amount to the group project, or else there will be consequences.
SLO 5 is answered because our group charter allowed for open communication between the
group about any sort of complications or issues, regardless of their origin. In addition, SLO 6,
collaboration, certainly occurred since this document was agreed upon by all of us and drafted in
order to regulate our behaviors during the project. Another minor work that I think further
highlights SLO’s being met is my team and self evaluation form. This document reiterates
SLO’s 1,4,5, and 6 since the lowest score anyone was given was a 9/10 and truly proves that my
group and I are capable of achieving proper rhetorical focus, organization, academic language
and design, and collaboration. My last minor work included in my portfolio is an entry from my
Writer’s Notebook, titled Graph Analysis. This excerpt demonstrates SLO’s 1,3,4, and 5
because I highlight issues with example figures and explain whether or not they are effective and
why, which requires consideration of rhetorical focus, persuasive arguments, organization and
focus, as well as proper academic design.
As for my major work, I have included my original and revised extended definition projects. I
opted to incorporate this project to my portfolio over my infographic because I think that it
demonstrates the SLO’s more effectively, and integrates images into the writing to do this. So it
sort of serves as a “happy medium” between written and graphical evidence of these
requirements. This project shows that all SLO’s are met. To be more precise, SLO 1 is seen
because this is a type of formal writing, conducted partly in-class and out-of-class, catered to an
audience that may not have a background to understand intense technical terms of the topic.
SLO 2 is shown since the number system is used to cite sources, these sources vary from a
microbiology textbook to credible “.edu”’ articles relating to the topic. SLO 3 is demonstrated
by carefully made arguments about exactly what a pathogen is and what I deem is some of the
most important information to know about it. SLO 4 is shown by partitioning, omitting or
including certain information, images, as well as providing necessary explanations for terms as
needed. SLO 5 is completed by using language that doesn’t include jargon or slang, as well as
by providing definitions for any terms that I thought some readers may not be familiar with.
SLO 6 is proven by the peer reviews and feedback I received from classmates about my extended
definition which prompted me to reduce the use of complex terminology, reformat images and
the structure of the paper, as well as remove and add certain sections of the project.

This class, including but not limited to the: extended definition project, writer’s notebook, and
iFixit project have not been easy, but they were worthwhile. My eyes have been opened to a
plethora of new writing strategies, all of which I will certainly be using in the future. Looking at
my portfolio with my polished works, as well as everything else I have done, it gives me a strong
sense of pride. I feel like I have become a better writer, I hope that you agree. Thank you for
everything Dr. Bruce.

Best wishes,

Justin Dionne

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