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Neurocare Line’s plan of action

Q2 - 2016
Conventin & Milga
CONVENTIN: The trusted choice for neuropathic pain.
MIGA: The unique vitamin b complex for all cases of neuropathies

2016 Strategy:
Our Customer to feel confident in prescribing a powerful safe CONVENTIN.
Q2 Objective:
CONVENTIN to be the first choice with our customers.
o April , May & June:
 Our Tactic this Quarter to focus on the CONVENTIN
efficacy profile.
(CONVENTIN is recommended by all the recent guidelines
as a first line treatment for neuropathic pain)
We will focus this quarter on CONVENTIN efficacy profile through all the recent
1. IASP 2015
2. AACE 2015
3. CDA 2013
4. CPS 2007 / EFNS 2009

 Conventin drop card: detailing aid for the product.
 Slogan: The experience you trust.
 CPP: The trusted Choice for neuropathic pain.
 We will focus in this D.C on Conventin efficacy profile as a first line treatment
recommended by the recent IASP 2015 GUIDELINES.
Date: April 2015
(It states that gabapentin is recommended as first line treatment for diabetic
Neuropathic pain)
 Block notes: Branding CONVENTIN.

 Conventin drop card: detailing aid for the product.
 Slogan: The experience you trust.
 CPP: The trusted Choice for neuropathic pain
 We will focus in this D.C on CONVENTIN efficacy profile Through the recent
CDA 2013 guidelines

Date: 2013
(It states that gabapentin is recommended as first line treatment for diabetic
Neuropathic pain)
 Conventin drop card: detailing aid for the product.
 Slogan: The experience you trust.
 CPP: The trusted Choice for neuropathic pain

 We will focus in this trial about the CONVENTIN efficacy profile through the recent

Marketing activities:
 The Neurocare standalone meeting in May. (18-21 May 2016)(Cairo/Alex/delta)
 Separate standalone meeting in akassia for U.E (11-14 May 2016)
 Series of RTDs
 50 Drs/ District/Q2
 AV actions in main am centers (3 AV actions/area/month) AVA project
 Main message: CONVENTIN is recommended by all the recent guidelines as
a first line treatment.
Supporting tools

 A valuable branding gimmick for Conventin for pm Drs in June INTEGRATING our
 Regular gimmicks for am for Conventin in AMs.
 Block notes and pens

Bonus strategy: no bonus

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