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MUED 380 Leadership Portfolio Project - Curricular Design Anderson 1

Break it Down Now:

An Analysis Based Curricular for 2nd Grade

Alexis Anderson
MUED 380 Leadership Portfolio Project - Curricular Design Anderson 2

Transfer Goals 

Name 4-6 long-term goals (based on standards either from VA or Core Arts) that this series of experiences will
focus on. These goals are broad and help students related knowledges and skills into outside of the class
contexts. For help forming Transfer Goals see:
● Cooperate and work with others (VA music SOL 2.2.1)
● Analyze the parts of something to gain a better understanding of the whole concept (MU:Pr4.2.2b)


The overall theme of this lesson is breaking down and analysing a song we know to learn about notation. This is
helpful because it develops aural skills and students’ ability to use standard western notation- key skills students
need in music class. This concept is not only applicable to music class though. Breaking things apart to better
understand them is the main goal of the math and sciences also. Asking students to analyze material with which
they may already be familiar is an important part of developing critical thinking skills and promote higher order

Overview of Unit 

Day 1:​ ​On the first day the song ​Phoebe in her Petticoat ​will be introduced. Students will learn the song by rote
and sing it many times during the activity..

Day 2:​ The teacher will begin by singing the song on solfege and asking the students to identify which song it is.
Then the students will all sing on solfege. Next we will sing with words as normal many times as we do an

Day 3:​ By now the students should be familiar with the song. Everyone will sing it through a few times and then
begin decoding the rhythm. First the students will sing and clap the beat, then sing and clap the rhythm, then I
will ask them to dictate what they think the rhythm is and I will write it on the board. Then we will sing it to see
if it is correct and make corrections as necessary.
MUED 380 Leadership Portfolio Project - Curricular Design Anderson 3

Introduction (Day 1)


On the first day the song ​Phoebe in her Petticoat ​will be introduced. Students will learn the song by rote and sing it
many times during the activity..

I Can Statements (learning goals) 

● I can sing Phoebe in her Petticoat in unison with others


● Phoebe and her petticoat

● Chord instrument for harmonic support (optional)

Detailed Process 

Time Required
3 mins 1) Model the song for students. Start by modeling the song for students. May also ask
them to clap the beat while you sing but probably not on the very first time. This
song is a little longer than some others so it may have to be broken down

2) Once the students know the song ask for students who would like to have their
2 mins name stand in for Phoebe or Billy. (​Note: names do not necessarily have to match
gender. Girls can wear blue jeans and boys can wear petticoats. Doesn’t matter).

5 mins
3) Repeat step 2 a few times to ensure mastery of the song.


Develop specific assessment mechanisms to help you chart the growth of individual students related to each
specific learning goal (I can statement). Actually make some assessments in these forms:
● Checklists


Discuss the difference between tied notes and half notes

MUED 380 Leadership Portfolio Project - Curricular Design Anderson 4


Size Write largely on the board for students with worse vision




Include any visual aids or manipulatives here.

MUED 380 Leadership Portfolio Project - Curricular Design Anderson 5

Solfa (Day 2)

Alexis Anderson


The teacher will begin by singing the song on solfege and asking the students to identify which song it is. Then the
students will all sing on solfege. Next we will sing with words as normal many times as we do an activity.

I Can Statements (learning goals) 

● I can sing phoebe in her petticoat

● I can use solfa syllables and hand signs


● Phoebe and her petticoat

Detailed Process 

Time Required
3 mins 4) Teacher begins by singing Phoebe on solfege and ask the students to guess which
song it is. May have to sing it a couple times.

3 mins 5) Once the song is correctly identified all solfege and hand signs

6) Ask students to stand in a circle and sing the words as normal, using student
2 mins names as stand ins if desired. Repeat many times

7) Have students now sing with the lyrics again but instead of gown, town,shirt,and
5 mins dirt try singing the solfege. The idea is that it will call attention to that note and it will
stick out to them later when we decode the rhythm.


Develop specific assessment mechanisms to help you chart the growth of individual students related to each
specific learning goal (I can statement). Actually make some assessments in these forms:
● Checklists

MUED 380 Leadership Portfolio Project - Curricular Design Anderson 6




Pacing If students have trouble switching between lyrics and solfa remove this step for now and
instead have the students do some sort of movement that draws attention to the half notes


Include any visual aids or manipulatives here.

MUED 380 Leadership Portfolio Project - Curricular Design Anderson 7

Breakin it down (Day 3)

Alexis Anderson


By now the students should be familiar with the song. Everyone will sing it through a few times and then begin
decoding the rhythm. First the students will sing and clap the beat, then sing and clap the rhythm, then I will ask them
to dictate what they think the rhythm is and I will write it on the board. Then we will sing it to see if it is correct and
make corrections as necessary.

I Can Statements (learning goals) 

● I can sing Phoebe in her Petticoat in unison with others

● I can sing and clap the beat
● I can sing and clap the rhythm
● I can express the rhythm in Ta and tati syllables
● I can demonstrate an understanding of the concept of a half note
● I can use notation to write the rhythm of Phoebe in her Petticoat


● Phoebe in her petticoat

● Some way to write for the whole class to see

Detailed Process 

Time Required
2 mins 8) Everyone will circle up and sing phoebe in her petticoat (again subbing student
names if desired).

3 mins 9) Everyone will go back to their spots (uncircle). Ask students to clap the beat as we
sing the song.

2 mins 10) Once they are successfully clapping the beat ask them to clap the rhythm. Listen to
for discrepancies.

3 mins 11) Ask students to sing the song on Ta and Ta ti syllables. Tell them you are going to
write the rhythms they sing on the board (using just beams at first)

5 minutes 12) Sing the song in the students rhythm; correct errors. Introduce the half note and
explain that it gets two beats.

2 minutes 13) Write the rhythm with notation including including the half note

2 minutes 14) All sing the song once more. Teacher may wish to point to the rhythms on the
board sing-a-long bouncing ball style
MUED 380 Leadership Portfolio Project - Curricular Design Anderson 8


Develop specific assessment mechanisms to help you chart the growth of individual students related to each
specific learning goal (I can statement). Actually make some assessments in these forms:
● Checklist


Write the song with tied quarter notes instead of half notes. Discuss why we would choose to right it one way
over the other.






Include any visual aids or manipulatives here.

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