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Republic of the Philippines


College of Fisheries and Criminology
Enclaro Binalbagan, Negros Occidental


Faith Gel G. Barbosa

Anilyn G. Basan



Introduction to Logic

a. Birth and Definition of Logic

b. Logic as Science and Art
Republic of the Philippines
College of Fisheries and Criminology
Enclaro Binalbagan, Negros Occidental


The science of logic is the science of the reasonable. Logic teaches us how to think, and acquire
knowledge of the world, in a sound and clear way. Logic, thus, connects us to the world. It makes the human
mind vibrantly aware of its possibilities, that is, of logical possibilities. The value of logical thinking to our
students in the present scheme of thing is paramount. In order to compete in today’s world, where life is a
race, our students need to develop the global skill and competence in making sound and rational judgments.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Fisheries and Criminology
Enclaro Binalbagan, Negros Occidental


The term "logic" came from the Greek word logos, which is sometimes translated as "sentence",
"discourse", "reason", "rule", and "ratio". It is actually the science and art of correct reasoning.

The history of logic is the study of development of the science of valid inference. Logic was develop
in ancient times in China, India, and Greece. Greek logic particularly Aristotelian logic or the traditional
system of logic expounded by Aristotle concerned chiefly with deductive reasoning found wide application
and acceptance in science and Aristotle’s logic was further developed by Islamic and Christian philosophers
in Middle Ages, reaching high point in the mid-fourteenth century. The period between the fourteenth
century and the beginning of nineteenth century was largely one of decline and neglect, and is regarded as
barren by at least one historian of logic.

Logic is both an art and science. Logic, as an art, on one hand, directs reason. As an art it guides
man’s reason so that he can proceed with order and precision in the search for meaning. It can be
considered an art because, unlike mathematics and the empirical sciences, it's about representing
something subjective. Typically when people say something is 'logical' they mean it makes sense
to them, or that there's a pattern or reasoning they can follow.
The art of thinking is found in the beauty of executing a logical solution to a problem, which
requires skill and hard work. The substance of logical thinking then lies in the way by which any logical
insight or meaning as arrived at by means of its instruments.

Logic as a science, on the other hand, “investigates, discovers, expresses, systematizes,

demonstrates, and explains the laws of correct thinking,” and in addition, “it is concerned with the analysis
of thought, distinguishing between evidence and conclusion and advancing to the structure of our
arguments.” The purpose of logic is to determine whether our proofs and evidences are able to justify our
Republic of the Philippines
College of Fisheries and Criminology
Enclaro Binalbagan, Negros Occidental

Sample of the Topic/s

Logical Reasoning Sample & Example Questions

Here are four examples of logical reasoning example questions. Choose the correct answer for each

1. Choose the image that completes the pattern.

Answer Explanation: Each square contains three shapes. The black circle is the only shape that constantly
appears. It “travels” along the column, up and down, one step at a time. The other shapes appear in two
consecutive squares and then do not appear in the next square. The shape that remains in the frame (in
regards to the last step from the left) maintains its relative position to the other shape (not the circle).

2. If there are no dancers that aren’t slim and no singers that aren’t dancers, then which statements are
always true?
Republic of the Philippines
College of Fisheries and Criminology
Enclaro Binalbagan, Negros Occidental

1. There is not one slim person that isn't a dancer.

2. All singers are slim.

3. Anybody slim is also a singer.

4. None of the above.

Answer: The correct answer is B, "All singers are slim."

Answer Explanation: The tricky part here is that the question is phrased negatively. This means that you
first need to identify the nature of each group, and then establish the relationship between the groups. If
you draw a diagram (as in the example above), the relationship between the groups becomes clearer. The
only true statement is that all singers are slim.

3. Dan is Joshua's son and Guy's brother. Margaret is Guy's mother and Judy's daughter. Which of the
statements below is definitely true?

1. Judy is Dan's mother-in-law.

2. Margaret is Dan's mother.

3. Judy is Joshua's grandmother.

4. None of the above.

Answer: The correct answer is D, "None of the above."

Answer Explanation: Dan and Guy are siblings. However, you do not know if they are full siblings or half
brothers. Margaret, who is Guy's mother, might not be Dan's mother, and Joshua, who is Dan's father,
might not be Guy's father. Therefore, the answer is "None of the above."

4. The following is data supplied by the cabbage growers union report for 2007: 80% of cabbages
collected were heavy (over 0.5 kg), 10% of cabbages were green, 60% were red, and 50% were big
(having a diameter of over 10 cm). Which of the following statements must be false?

1. All red cabbages weren’t big.

2. 30% of red cabbages were big.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Fisheries and Criminology
Enclaro Binalbagan, Negros Occidental

3. There were no cabbages that were both green and big.

4. Half of the cabbages were small.

Answer: The correct answer is A, "All red cabbages weren't big."

Answer Explanation:

You must check the authenticity of each statement.

1. All red cabbages weren’t big: You know that 60% of cabbages picked were red and only 50% were
big. Therefore, there is an overlap (60% + 50% = 110% > 100%). The statement must be false, so
you can assume that this is the correct answer.

2. 30% of red cabbages were big: You know that 60% of cabbages were red and 50% were big, so there
must be an overlap of at least 10% (60% + 50% = 110% > 100%). However, you don’t know the
extent of the overlap. This statement may be true, but you don’t know for sure. Remember, the
question asks you which statement must be false.

3. There were no cabbages that were both green and big: You know that 10% of the cabbages were
green and 50% were big, so there may not be an overlap between the two (10% + 50% = 60% <
100%). This statement can be ruled out, as it may or may not be false. You're only looking for a
statement that must be false.

4. Half of the cabbages were small. You know that 50% (i.e. one half) of the cabbages are big, so the
other half may be small. This would make this statement true. And remember, you're looking for a
false statement.

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Fisheries and Criminology
Enclaro Binalbagan, Negros Occidental

1. The science and art and correct reasoning.

a. Philosophy
b. Logic
c. Ethics

2. What word does not relate to the word “logic”

a. Reason
b. Irrationality
c. Rules

3. The word “logic” derived from a Greek word ____?

a. philo
b. logos
c. sophia

4. What does the Greek word “logos” means?

a. reason
b. logic
c. knowledge

5. Where was logic develop in ancient times?

a. China, Japan, and India
b. Greece, Egypt, and China
c. China, India, Greece

6. What is the traditional system of logic?

a. Aristotelian logic
b. inductive logic
c. deductive logic

7. What statement below tells about logic?

a. Logic is science not an art
b. Logic is an art but not a science
c. Logic is both science and art

8. Why do you think logic is a science?

a. Because we used scientific method in reasoning
b. Because it determines the accuracy of our judgments in systematic way
c. Because the validity/licitly argument is done wonderfully

9. Logic is an art because _____.

Republic of the Philippines
College of Fisheries and Criminology
Enclaro Binalbagan, Negros Occidental

a. it guides man’s reason so that he can proceed with order and precision in the search for
b. because it is a systematized body of logical truths and principle governing correct
c. it is a body of organized pedagogical method of true knowledge toward with the rectitude
of reasoning

10. The Father of logic

a. Plato
b. Boole
c. Aristotle

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