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Before talk about standard normalization, we will talk about our business processing

 The warehouse informs products to be receipted to the market research team.

 The market research team bases on the actual survey to decide products to be receipted and
transfer that list to the ordering team.
 The ordering team performs the order steps.
 The inventory team will receive the products from suppliers and move into the warehouse.
 Financial department checks invoices and makes payments for suppliers.
 In the process, the IT system will monitor flow of product and money.

Slide: extensible er

Base on the basis task of system, we have ERD include the following entities: Supplier entity help our
store to manage information of supplier

Product entity contains data of product we need to receipt

Pro_bill entity contains data related to list of products to be receipted

INV_of Sale entity, INV_of Order entity, pay_bill entity, ship_bill and rec_bill entity contains a lot of data
about invoices of sale, invoices of order, payment bill, shipping bill and receipt bill

These entities is linked by the one to many relationship and one to one relationship

Slide: standard normalization

As you can see, our data tables still have not been standardized. Standard normalization aim to minimize
data redundancy and remove abnormalities when updating database. There are 4 types of standard
normalization. With our project, we only use 3 types of standard normalization. That is first normal form
second and third. Now we will standardize our data tables according to first normal form.

Pro_Bill splits into Pro_Bill and Detailed Pro_Bill

INV_of Order splits into INV_of Order and Detailed INV_of Order
Ship_Bill splits into Ship_Bill and Detailed Ship_Bill
Rec_Bill splits into Rec_Bill and Detailed Rec_Bill
INV_of Sale splits into INV_of Sale and Detailed INV_of Sale
Pay_Bill splits into Pay_Bill and Detailed Pay_Bill
Of course, these entities is linked by the one to many relationship and one to one relationship

Next, we will standardize our data tables according to second normal form

In here, we will remove all one –to one relationships and identify foreign key
I see our data tables is not 3NF. We continue to standardize data tables in 3 nf. We change some
attributes of some tables like …..detail pro_bill, detaile invoice of sale detail invoice of order
detail ship bill detaild rec bill, detail pay bill that
Non-primary key attributes do not depend on other non-primary key attributes
All transitive dependencies are removed and placed in another table
that is data tables adapt to 3nf standard

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