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Moises D. Fernandez Sr. Pioneer High School Inc.

Presentacion Cam. Sur

S/Y 2017-2018

Common Stressor and Coping Strategies

Among Grade 11 Student of MDFSr.

Pioneer High School INC.

S/Y 2017 - 2018


Joshua G. Luces

James Philip A. Bacus

Ryan P. Nabus

John Paul U. Beringia

Jenny Alarcon

April P. Saldo


I take this chance to thank first and foremost my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for

Where I have reached this far. It is but for His grace I came to this place where he placed people

in my life who have played a very important role in my life in one way or


Ma’am April words will never really express the appreciation and respect I

have for you. You have been not only my supervisor but also my role model in so many

Ways. Thank you for being patient with us, for encouraging us towards achieving and

Accomplishing my purpose at this research God bless you.

Still at Pioneer High School I would like to thank Sir Pomar for challenging and

encouraging me/us to continue with my/our studies when I/we felt so overwhelmed and down ,

thank you also sir for always giving an inspirational message in order to inspired us and

continue our journey as a student and workers at the future, thank you sir and God bless you.

To my parents thank you for being a supportive when I needed you most not just in

terms of financial but also in emotional and spiritual aspects, May the good Lord. Strengthen

you with good health and wisdom as you serve Last but not least my classmates in Moises D.

Fernandez Sr. Pioneer High School, and especially few individuals

(You know yourselves) who expressed extra support during my time doing this research,

God bless you all.


I dedicate this work to all strong students who do extraordinary things everyday as if they were

ordinary, the unsung heroines. To my teachers I am being privileged to be called as one of your


This study examined the common stressors and coping strategies of grade 11 student of

Moises D. Fernandez Sr. pioneer High School. This study used a survey questionnaire; research

design and a total of 22 respondents were involved. Data were collected through survey

questionnaires. The data were analyzed by using statistical tool which is finding the percentage

and presented in tables and Content analysis was carried out for the quantitative data. The

findings show that Top three most reason why the student among grade 11 on Pioneer High

School in general are Distance from school, family issues and then financial problems. However

if the result does not in general the top three common stressor of male and female has a different

for the Top 3 stressors among Female students are Distance from the school, Family issues,

having 68.75%, The Health issue having 50% and Grade with the percentage of 43.75%. While

the Top 3 stressors among Male students are Homework’s having 83.33%, the Financial which

has the highest result that haves 100% and lastly, Distance from school and Exam that have

66.7% so it is clearly seen that there has some difference to their common stressor base from the

result . While to surpass their common stressor in their life, they have coping strategies on it,

and the top three in general are Listening to music having 86.36%, Go online having 72.72%

and lastly Play Games having 54.54% and same as the common stressor their coping strategies

has some deference when it is not generalize because the Top 3 Coping Strategies among

Female students are Listening to music having 87.5%, Go online having 75% and lastly Play

Games that haves 50% while the Top 3 Coping Strategies among Male students are listening to

music having 83.33%, Talk to parents/Friends and Family member, Play games and take a bath

having 66.7% and lastly Read books/Magazines and Stress eat/ Comfort eat that haves 50%.






6. CHAPTER 1: Problem and its Background


Statement of the Problem

Significant of the Study


Scope and Delimitation

Definition of Terms


Related Literature

Gap - Bride

Conceptual Framework

8. CHAPTER 3: Research Methodology

Research Design

Population Sampling

Research Instrument

Data Collection

Statistical Treatment of Data



Data Interpretation

10. CHAPTER 5:









Table 1 Conceptual Framework

Table 2 Commons Stressors

Table 3 Top 3 added result of male and female common stressors

Table 4 Coping Strategies

Table 5 Top 3 added result of male and female coping strategies

Chapter 1

Problem and its background

I. Introduction

A person who suffers stress is people who has a problem and be unable to solve. They

are being stress because of thinking what to do to solve it. Sometimes stress went bigger and

become depression that causes people to become problematic person. Being stress doesn’t just

affect emotional aspect, it is along with diseases it also affect physical resulting of weakness of

body or fragility, head ache, weight loss and many more.

According to Ulrich (2017) Stress is an organism’s response to a stressor such as an

environment condition. Stress is the body’s method of reacting to a challenge. Stimuli that alter

an organism’s environment are responded to by multiple system and hypothalamic- pituitary –

adrenal (HPA) axis are two major system that respond to stress. The sympothoadrenal medullary

(SAM) axis may activate the fight or flight response through the sympathetic nervous system,

which dedicates energy to more relevant bodily system to acute adaption to stress, while the

parasympathetic nervous system returns the body to homeostasis. The HPA axis regulates the

release of cortisol, which influence many bodily function such as metabhl psychological and

Immunological functions. The SAM and HPA axis are regulated by a wide variety of brain

religions including the limbi system prefrontal cortex, hypothalamus, and stria terminalis.
Common stressor in each people life. As a people, it is impossible to not experience stress; it is

common because of challenges or problems in life.

There’s so many kind of stressors. According to Elliot and Eisdorfer (2017) there are

five types of stress labeled “acute time limited stressor, brief naturalistic stressor, stressful even

sequence, chronic stressor and distant stressor. The acite time limited stressor involve short term

challenges, while on the other hand, brief naturalistic stressor involve an event that occur, and

continue to yield stress into the immediate future. Chronic stressor and distant stressor is a

stressor that isn’t immediate.

What are the coping strategies that might do to stop stress? We all know that stress arises

because of family life, job drama with friends, relationship status a financial problem. However

stress has advantage it can make people physically and mentally grow, but prolonged stress can

lead to headache and health problems that affect the way of your living, that is why this study

shows how to relieve stress in several way.

In order to relieve stress; People must make ways to oppose the body’s stress response so

that it can allow your body to relax. Know the kind of thinking that leads to stress so you can

avoid it.Be a positive person, because positive thoughts lead to positive mood state, when it

comes that your feeling down, makes your negative thoughts transform into positive.

And lastly avoid stress as long as you can, staying away from what is stressing you out,

and if you know that it can lead you to feel stress cut it off or cut them out of your life. In

summarize to avoid getting stress, be a person with a positive outlook, no matter the challenges

or problems you’re encountering just take it easy just smile and laugh! Don’t let stress manage

you! Let you manage yourself to avoid stress. This study focuses on the common stressors that
the student of Pioneer High School may encounter and their copping strategies to overcome or

surpass it.

1.2 Statement of the problem

This study aims to look into the Copings Strategies of Grade 11 students of Moises D.

Fernandez Sr. Pioneer High School Inc. to their Commons Stressors.

Specifically, it seeks answer to the following questions.

 What are the common stressors of Grade 11 students of Moises D. Fernandez Sr. Pioneer

High School Inc.?

 What are their coping strategies to deal with the stress?

 What is the number one stressor of Grade 11 of Moises D. Fernandez Sr. Pioneer High

1.3Significant of the Study

The result of this study would be beneficial to the following;

 To students. This study will be helping the student to know the common stressors

and Copings strategies of a student. Knowing commons stressors in life can help

people prevent getting stress, and this study explain the different stressors of a

student, then finds what are the coping strategies of it. So students can use this study

as a guide for them to not be stress or to copes stress if they already being stress.

 To teachers. This study will be helping the teachers to know the common

stressors and copings strategies of a student. By means of that, teacher will become

be careful of what they will be doing to a student that can make the student feel

stress, because most of stressors of a student happens in school that sometimes being

related to teachers, but it’s not that fault of the teacher why the student feel stress, it

is still the problem of the student, and by means of this study teacher will become

more considerable to their students. Aside from that, this study can be beneficial to

teachers by means of letting them know what they can help to the student who’s

being stress, because this study explains the copings strategies of a student. That’s

how this study benefited the teachers.

 To the future researcher about this study. This study may help the future

researchers, as this study can be their related literature in their research. They will not be

getting hard of finding related literature in their study.

 To School. Research institution of the school can use the study or this research to carry out

a seminar with the aim of decreasing stress students and letting them know what are the

techniques they need to do as far as surpassing stress is concern . Apart from that, the study

itself can be used as standard for preventing students to suffer stress.

The best meaningful task that the study might do to help the country as a whole is to

become fully known about stress, how’s it’s affects in one’s life and one’s community, what can

be the techniques that might do to stop it . Over all the results of the study become the basis of a

“stress free” community, that result of happy and better lives.

1.4 Assumption of the study

The objective of this research is to know the Coping Strategies of Grade 11

Student of Pioneer High School in their Common Stressors.

The results we are expecting in this study are;

1. There are many kinds of stressors that the Grade 11 students suffer.

2. Stressors to each of the students affect their emotional, physical, and mental

aspect in life.

3. Each of the students has their own coping strategies in order to surpass the

stressors that they are facing.

1.5 Scope and Delimitation

The focus of this study is on the common stressor and coping strategies of Grade 11

Students in Moises D. Fernandez sr. Pioneer High School Inc. only. The study would focus on

how they conquer their problems about being stress in school, what are the reasons of it and

what are the techniques they need to do to overcome it.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Common stressor - defined as the most reason why peoples are suffering stress. According

to Eiji (October 2006) stressor is a chemical or biological agent environment condition,

external stimulate or an event that causes stress to an organisms. Like for example, traffic,

loss of key, divorce, etc. Common stressors that people suffered are maybe in simple way

but it can make them problematic person that causes a not good life.

Coping Strategies – Coping strategies refer to the specific efforts, both behavioral and

psychological, that people employ to master, tolerate, reduce, or minimize stressful events. (

MacArthur SES & Health network). It may be done by simple way, because it is just a

matter of making a way in order to overcome the problem, or challenges that peoples

experience resulting of making them stress.

Chapter 2

1. Related Literature

Students have a unique cluster of stressful experience; their academic performance can be

affected by many factors. Bernstein et al (2008) define the sources of stress as every

circumstance or events that threaten to disrupt people’s daily functioning and causes them to

make adjustment. Similarly Phinney and Haas (2003) stressed out source of stress more

specifically as a unique set of stressful encounters among the students which includes difficult

financial challenge, domestic responsibility, and responsibility relates to holding a job while in

school and a heavy academic load. Students have so many factors as a sources of stress they are:

Procrastination, Examination, Missing lectures, and frustration due to misunderstanding.

Procrastination, as they say, is the thieve of time; one that is very common among lot of students

is procrastination. It is the avoidance of doing a task which needs to be accomplished.

Procrastination is the act of accomplishing more pleasurable things set up of less pleasurable

one or completing less critical errands rather than more pressing ones, this is manner of putting

of approaching assignment to a late time. When student keeps doing this they lose that particular

task or assignment and once they loss of interest sets in stress following up since they will be

thinking how to meet up the deadline for the assignment or task. Examination, periods for

examination cause so much stress than one can imagine. Examination is the only means for

student to prove that they deserve a better grade for a course and due to these student thinks a lot

and also revise everything they have learnt during the whole period of the class, In doing so,

some students get confused about some topics they located and others also don’t know where to
begin their studies from. The thought of this stuff makes them frustrated and confused which at

the long run stress them up. Missing Lectures, the desire of students to miss lecture or skip

school, although some students wake up and decide to miss lectures or school, other also have to

do that due to circumstances beyond their control. When some students miss class or lecture

they become disturbed and worried especially of the course is on they have difficulty in

understanding. When this happen, they start to wonder how they will make up for the lesson

they lost so as they will be on the same pace with their fellow colleges in school. The thought of

thinking ways to make up with lesson which they have issues in become a burden and stress

them up beyond imagination. Frustration due to misunderstanding , a lot of students get

frustrated when they don’t understand what is being tough by the teacher in class . Some also

miss interprets what the teacher said in different way of meaning. This frustration leads students

being stress. And aside from that Stress is an interesting word. Most of the people have no

difficulty saying when they are under stress and attributing all problems to stress. But

Educationalists and Psychologists have considerable difficulty in defining stress and have

tended to avoid the concept, as it is too global. Stress combines the external stimulus, the life

events and the host of individual responses to the stimulus, such as anxiety or depression.

Stress regulation in students is important for understanding the development and prevention of

psychopathology. Research evidence suggests that cumulative life stress increases risk for

emotional and behavioral problems, such as negative views of the self, problematic

interpersonal relationships and stressful life experience. These developmental costs of emotional

distress then put students at risk for further symptoms and lifetime difficulties.

Stress may be considered as any physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or

mental unrest and that may be a factor in disease causation. Physical and chemical factors that
can cause stress include trauma, infections, toxins, illnesses and injuries of any sort. Emotional

causes of stress and tension are numerous and varied. If stress disrupts body balance and

function, then is all stress bad? Not necessarily. A mild degree of stress and strain can

sometimes be beneficial. For example, feeling mildly stressed when carrying out a project or

assignment often compels us to do a good job, focus better and work energetically. Stress may

be induced from different sources:

(i) Interpersonal issues causing Stress:- There are several interpersonal situations causing stress.

In close interpersonal relations deep emotions are involved. Inherent to the ancient Indian

system of education has been its healthy teacher-student bonding. But with the expansion of

education, there seems to be a change in the present scenario. Large class strength and

unrealistic workload on teachers in the schools in India are the major causes of lack of healthy

personal communication between teachers and the students.

(ii) Personality related Stress:- the personality characteristics of an individual to a large extent

are responsible for appraising a situation as stressful or otherwise (fear of failure, committing

mistakes). An individual’s value system is closely related to feeling of guilt and feeling of ‘not

being good enough’. The change in the role of the Indian women, who is now ‘career-centric’ is

resulting in role conflict in marriages – a mismatch between the career demands and traditional

family values. Coping is management of stress or it can be explained as a process to overcome

stressors i.e. demands made on an individual. According to Lazarus (1974), in stress literature,

the word coping has two connotations: (i) It denotes the way of dealing with stress and (ii) The

effort to master the conditions of harm, threat or challenge when a routine or automatic response

is not readily available.

Whether the stressful experiences have negative physical and psychological effects, depends

upon the individual handling of the situation or the use of coping strategy. Those who develop a

general resistance can withstand stress and cope effectively. Stress is important for our survival.

It affects the individual and the organization too. Sometimes it is stimulating and also beneficial.

‘Each individual needs a moderate amount of stress to be alert and capable of functioning

effectively in an organization’. It is only when stress becomes excessive that individuals develop

various symptoms of stress that can affect their performance and health and even threaten their

ability to cope with the environment. Coping is considered as an important resource that can

help individuals to maintain psychological adaptation during a stressful episode.

Some measures which could prove beneficial in coping with stress among the student-teachers

are suggested which are; Promote and share collective responsibility, Life security. Let each

student-teacher justify his / her moral decisions. Expectations from the teachers/parents should

not exceed the available resources and material. Justifiable balance between the priorities, time

management. Create the environment conductive to research. Develop a good sense of humor.

Improve self-esteem. Develop effective communication.

Gab – Bride

Researcher Related Literature focuses the stressors which are mostly happen on a school,

while the researchers study focuses not only on school but in their life as a student. Then both of

them have the same coping strategies in order to relief from being stress. It just, Related

Literature study is deeper than the researcher study but the content of the two are just the same

because both of them are seeking about the common stressors and coping strategies of a student.
2.2 Conceptual Framework

Grade 11 Senior High School

Common stressors
Copping Strategies

They are; They are;

 Relationshi  Listening to
p issues music
 Examinatio  Eating
n  Resting
 Grades  Relaxing
 Hard  Studying
lesson  Take a nap
 And some  Go for
family work/job
 Go online
 Bullies
 Read

Table 1

This study focuses on the commons stressor that the student of Moises D. Fernandez Sr.

Pioneer High School Inc. may encounter and their coping strategies to overcome or surpass it.
Chapter I I I

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the description of the research design, the population and samples of

the study, sampling procedure, research instruments, the data-gathering techniques, data

processing and the statistical treatment of the data.

Research Design

This study is primarily a quantitative research with the normal survey method which is

descriptive, specifically to know what are commons stressors and the copping strategies of the

students in grade 11 of Moises D. Fernandez Sr. Pioneer High School.

Population Sampling

Respondents in this study were twenty two (22) student composed of, chosen from grade

11 of Moises D. Fernandez Sr. Pioneer High School, school year 2017/2018 who were

interested to be interviewed about their common stressors and coping strategies using the paper

questioner. They were chosen as respondents of the study since they are the persons involved in.

Research Instrument

The Research instrument that used in this study was a survey questioner, Survey questioner

use to know or investigate the common stressors and their coping strategies as they are studying.

This questioner is made up of seven (7) items by the researcher and it’s about the perception of

the respondent in grade 11 students of Moises D. Fernandez Sr. Pioneer High School Inc.
Data Collection

The questioner were distributed to the respondent on the 2nd week of December and it is to

be collected again on the last day of 2nd week of December because the respondents have just

one (1) day to answer the questioner and after that researcher will collect or retrieve the

questioner for the data needed in the study.

The following processes are;

 first students do a questioner about finding what are the common stressors and coping

strategies of the respondent

 to be followed by choosing the appropriate question related to the problem,

 the next is, questioner are to be collected and answered by the respondent,

 and when it’s done it will be collected by the researchers and make an analysis of it and
lastly make the statistical treatment of data.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data collection were classified, tabulate, and coded for analysis using sample

statistic such as frequency count and percentage , this research use the statistical technique using

a simple way which is tally , to find the frequency of the total no. of respondent that uses in

finding the percentage of it.

The formula of finding the percentage is

P= F/N x 100
Where P is to Percentage and F is to Frequency and N is to Number of respondents to be

multiply to 100, the statistical of this study is pretty simple because it just find the highest and

lowest count of percentage on the result to the survey questionnaire, to find it, first researcher

know the total frequency of the result for example out of 22 respondent only 11 chose the

answer so the frequency is 11 and the total number is 22 , to start to find the percentage the

researcher divide 11 to 22, so it will be written like this 11/22 to be followed by multiplying the

answer of it to 100, so .50 x 100 equals to 50.00 to be converted to percent it will be 50 %. That

is the very basic statistical tool that being use in this study.
Chapter 4

Interpretation Data

Common Stressors

Stressors Male Female %
% % N = 22
N=6 N=16
Examination 4 66.7% 2 12.5% 6 27.27%
Homework 5 83.33% 1 6.25% 6 27.27%
Grades 3 50% 7 43.73% 10 45.45%
Family issues 2 33.33% 11 68.75% 13 59.09%
Relationship issues 2 33.33% 4 25% 6 27.27%
Health issues/ illnesses issues 3 50% 8 50% 11 50%
Distance from School to Home 4 66.7% 11 68.75% 15 68%
Financial 6 100% 6 37.5% 12 54.54%
Bullies 3 50% 4 25% 7 31.82%
Friends 2 33.33% 4 25% 6 27.27%
Others ( please Specify ) 3 50% 3 18% 6 27.27%

Table 2

The table above shows the result of the interview of the Grade 11 students of Moises D.

Fernandez Sr, Pioneer High School about their common stressors in their life. The Top 3

stressors among Female students are Distance from the school, Family issues, having 68.75%,

The Health issue having 50% and Grade with the percentage of 43.75%._The Top 3 stressors

among Male students are Homework’s having 83.33%, the Financial which has the highest

result that haves 100% and lastly, Distance from school and Exam that have 66.7%. And the Top
3 of added result of male and female are Distance From school having 68% Family issue having

59.09% and lastly the Financial the haves 54.54%.

Top 3 Added Result of Male and Female Common Stressors.

Common Stressors Percentage Rank

Distance From School 68% 1st
Family issues 59.09% 2nd
Financial 54.54% 3rd

Table 3

Coping Strategies

Coping Strategies Male Female Total

% % %
N=6 N= 16 N=22
Listening to music 5 83.33% 14 87.5% 19 86.36%
Talk to parents/friends,/ family member 4 66.7% 7 43.76% 11 50%
Exercise { Sumba , Yoga, Meditation}. 3 50% 1 6.25% 4 18.18%
Take a bath. 4 66.7% 3 18% 7 31.81%
Play Games 4 66.7% 8 50% 12 54.54%
Others( Please Specify 2 33.33% 2 12.5% 4 18.18%
Read books/Magazine 3 50% 7 43.76% 10 45.45%
Go for work/ Job 2 33.33% 1 6.25% 3 13.64%
Stress eat/ Comfort eat 3 50% 5 31.25% 8 36.36%
Take a nap 2 33.33% 2 12.5% 4 18.18%
Go online 4 66.7% 12 75% 16 72.72%

Table 4
The table above shows the result of the interview of the Grade 11 students on Moises

D. Fernandez Sr, Pionners High School about their Coping Strategies. The Top 3 Coping

Strategies among Female students are Listening to music having 87.5%, Go online having 75%

and lastly Play Games that haves 50%. The Top 3 Coping Strategies among Male students are

listening to music having 83.33%, Talk to parents/Friends and Family member, Play games and

take a bath having 66.7% and lastly Read books/Magazines and Stress eat/ Comfort eat that

haves 50%. And the Top 3 of added result of Male and Female are Listening to music having

86.36%, Go online having 72.72% and lastly Play Games having 54.54%.

Top 3 Added Result of Male and Female Coping Strategies

Coping Strategies Percentage Rank

Listening to music 86.36% 1st
Go online 72.72% 2nd
Play Games 54.54% 3rd

Table 5

Data Interpretation

In the table of common stressors it is seen that there has a big different on the result. The

Top 3 reason among female students of being stress are distance from the school, family issue,

health issues and grades while the Top 3 reason among male students of being stress are

financial, homework’s, exam and distance from the school, the only one that the both of them

has is distance from the school, the rest are different. Base from the result female student on
grade 11 are more emotional than male, that’s why they are being stress, it is stated because

according to the result they get stress because of family and health issue, and that two mostly

affect the emotional aspect of a person, maybe whenever they have family problem and unwell

health on one of their member they always think of it so they are being stress, they think what

to do to resolve it and unfortunately they can’t so the result is they become stress person,

unlike male student on grade 11 base from the result they get stress whenever they are getting

hard on their study, because exam and homework are usually happened in school, when the time

comes that they have unfinished homework or getting hard on the exam the stress comes to their

life. But it is not just male student of grade 11 get stress because of study, female also because

base from the result they get stress because of grades, so it means it is when they got a bad

grade, because there is no reason to become stress if they have good grade. Connected to being

stress because of study is financial problem and that is also one of the reason why male student

on grade 11 get stress, maybe when they run out of money and affect their study they become

stress person, because money is so important in terms of studying and the last thing makes both

of them stress is distance from the school, it is because they get tired on walking going to school

or they expend more money uses on traveling big reason to become stress. But when the results

of female and male student on grade 12 are combined the top 3 stressors of them are distance

from school, family issues and financial problem.

About coping strategies it is seen that there also have a big different on the result. The

top 3 coping strategies of female students are listening to music, go online, play games while the

male top 3 coping strategies are listening to music, talk to parent, friends and family member

and lastly read book and stress eat/ comfort eat. listening to music has both of them, and aside

from that listening to music is the coping strategies that has the highest result of both of them, so
the majority of the student on grade 12 tend to listen music in order to remove the stress in their

life, maybe because they get relax whenever they listen a music, so that’s why it is the first thing

done by them in order to get rid of being stress. Play games is also one of the coping strategies

that the both of them has, maybe playing games whatever the games they played they forget

their problem so the stress comes out to their life. Eating foods makes male grade 11 students

stress free, whenever they stress they eat foods base from the result, they also talk to their

parents or even just friend because if you have someone to be talk with you will be getting

better, so that is male grade 11 student of pioneer high school doing it. How about the female?

Base from the result aside from listening to music, and play games they also go online, like

instagram, facebook, tweeter and youtube in order to be stress free. And the top 3 of combined

result of male and female grade 11 students to cope their stress are listening to music, go online

and lastly play games. In this data interpretation it is clearly stated the result of the interview

that done on answering the questionnaire by grade 11 student that are being written by the

The Talled Data and the Computation of data collection

Common Stressors

Categories Male Female M + FM

Tally Tally Total tally Over all total
Stressors tally
Examination IIII 4 II 2 6
Homework IIIII 5 I 1 6
Grades III 3 IIIIIII 7 10
Family issues II 2 IIIIIIIIIII 11 13
Relationship issues II 2 IIII 4 6
Health issues/ illnesses issues III 3 IIIIIIII 8 11
Distance from School to Home IIII 4 IIIIIIIIIII 11 15
Financial IIIIII 6 IIIIII 6 12
Bullies III 3 IIII 4 7
Friends II 2 IIII 4 6
Others ( please Specify ) III 3 III 3 6


P= F/N x 100 where P= Percentage

F= Frequency
N= total no. of respondents

Computation of percentage (of the added male and female result)

Distance from school

P= F/N x 100

= 15/22 x 100

= 68 %

Family Issues Financial

P = F/N x 100 P = F/N x 100

= 13/22 x 100 =12/22 x 100

=59.09 % =54.54 %

Categories Male Female M + FM

Total Total
Coping Strategies Tally Tally Over all total
tally tally
Listening to music IIIII 5 IIIIIIIIIIIIII 14 19
Talk to parents/friends and family member IIII 5 IIIIIII 7 11
Exercise {Sumba,Yoga,Meditation} III 3 I 1 4
Take a bath IIII 4 III 3 7
Play Games IIII 4 IIIIIIII 8 12
Others ( Please specify) II 2 II 2 4
Read books/magazine III 3 IIIIIII 7 10
Go for work/job II 2 I 1 3
Stress eat/ comfort eat III 3 IIIII 5 8
Take a nap II 2 II 2 4
Go online IIII 4 IIIIIIIIIIII 12 16

Percentage Computation (of the added male and female result)

P = F/N x 100

= 19/22 x 100

=86. 36%

Go online Play Games

P = F/N x 100 P = F/N x 100

= 16/22 x 100 = 12/22 x 100

= 72.72% =54.54%
Chapter 5

Summary of Findings

This Study aims to know the common stressors and Coping Strategies of the student on

Grade 11 Gas of Moises D. Fernandez Sr. Pioneer High School. Below shows the summary of

findings that connected to the objectives given to chapter one.

 Objective Number One; What are the common stressors of Grade 11 students of

Moises D. Fernandez Sr. Pioneer High School Inc.?

Among the eleven (11) stressors written to the questionnaire there have 3 most stressors chosen

by the student of Grade 11 on Pioneer High School combined of the male and female result

namely, Distance from school, family issues, and financial that three stressors are the most

reason why the grade 11 student of Pioneer High School experience stress and the one that has

the Highest result is Distance from the school it is clearly stated to the Interpretation data. In

separated top 3 result of the data, female student top three are Distance from school, Family

issues, Health issue and Grades while male top three result of stressors are Homework’s,

Financial, Distance from the school and then Exam.

Objective Number Two; What are their coping strategies to deal with the stress?

In coping strategies written to questionnaire thou all of them are very useful to relief from stress,

among the 11 coping strategies given the researcher chose the top 3 on it, in combined male and

female result the top three (3) are listening to music, go online, and play games, the one that has

the highest count is listening to music, so when the student on Grade 11 feeling stress the
majority of them listen to music in order to relief from stress, however if the result will be not

combined both of two has some different to each other, in the female result the top three coping

strategies are, listening to music, go online, play games while in the male top three result the

coping strategies are listening to music, talk to parents/friends and family member, play games,

take a bath, read books and lastly stress eat/ comfort eat, in the result it can summarize that first

of all, male and female student on grade 11 has their own way to remove stress thou some of

chosen are the same there are still different to it. Aside from that it can summarize that male

student on grade 11 has more coping strategies than female meaning there just a little possibility

to male to be stress in a long period compare to female because the more the strategies the more

the possibility to stress be removed .

Objective Number Three; What is the number one stressor of Grade 11 of Moises D.

Fernandez Sr. Pioneer High School?

The number one stressor of grade 11 students of Moises D. Fernandez Sr. Pioneer High

School is Distance from school that has 68 % base from the result.


Based from the findings it is conclude that the common stressors of grade 11 student on

Pioneer High School are, Distance from school, Family issues, Financial, exam, homeworks,

health issues and grades. Family issues and health issues affect the emotional aspect of the

student, and then distance from school affect the physical aspect of the student but why? It is

because of, if the house of the students are far from the school and they will just walk their feet

will be having a severe pain result of everyday walking to school, while exam, homework, and
grades are obviously affects the mental aspect. Among that seven stressors distance from school,

family issues and financial has the highest result chosen by the student, but then in order to

overcome that stressors, they have their coping strategies , namely Listening to music, go

online, play games, talk to parents/friends and family member, take a bath, read books and stress

eat/ comfort eat . The strategies that mostly done by students are listening to music, go online

and play games, female and male has their own strategies to overcome stress the use to be using

listening to music, take a bath, play games, stress eat/ comfort eat and read books, while the

female use to be using listening to music, go online, and lastly play games and among that

different coping strategies the one that always uses by the student on grade 11 is listening to

music, it makes them relax, forget about the problems, and feel good so they tend to listen music

whenever they are being stress , remember that stress is also kind of disease but don’t forget that

music can heal disease that’s why they always use to it. So that are conclusions base from the

findings that co – related to the answer of the statement of the problem, hypothesis and

assumption of the study.


This study can help anyone to know what stressors can students suffered, and their coping

strategies in order to surpass it. By reading this study, you will know what are the things that

mostly done by the student of grade 11, to become a stress free students and you can have some

idea to applied whenever you experience stress in your life. Below are the given

recommendations by the researcher.

1. Stressors of a student depend on their gender, some of the male student do not being stress of

the stressors of female student, vice versa.

2. Coping strategies of student also depend on their gender, because each of them has their own

way to surpass it. So in life, people must discover whatever their strategies whenever they are

being stress.

3. Student must know what are the things that make them stress so they can stay away from it.

4. Listening to music is the one that both of the female and male student done in order to fight

stress. So base from the result, it was clearly stated that it’s effective, so student must use it.

5. Student must have the ability to know what strategies they might do to stop being stress.

6. Researcher can also use this study to be their related literature if their study is about stressors

and then coping strategies, this research can be very useful, because it was already clearly stated

on the result what are the common stressors and coping strategies of a student.

7. Anyone that read this study can share or teach this to a person especially to a student so they

will know how to overcome stress or they will have some clue to overcome it.

8. Sometimes students are getting hard to overcome stress resulting to become a depressed

person, they become hopeless, getting hard to become happy and even commit suicide, which is

the main reason is they are stress so this study can really help anyone to overcome stress and

have some hope in their life and becoming a stress free person.
Chapter References

Bernstein et al (2008)

Phinney and Haas (2003)

Lazards (1974)

Gates, Jershid et al (1978)

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Eiji (October 2006

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