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Healthy food is food that is free of harmful substances and contains nutrients that are good
for our bodies. Healthy food is food that should contain a variety of nutrients needed by the
body. The nutrients needed by the body are useful for caring for the health and supporting
growth. We can consume a variety of healthy foods, without being limited to one type. Eating
various types of food can provide different nutrients, so the nutrients needed by the body can
be supplemented. These criteria include a variety of foods, balanced, nutritious, and do not
contain preservatives

The first criterion for healthy food is balanced and varied. balanced means that the
composition of food ingredients both in quantity and type must suit no more or less. While a
variety of food must function as a source of energy, a regulator of the body's metabolism and
building blocks for growth and maintenance of the body's tissues. The goal is to balance food
ingredients that contain nutrients, types, and amounts according to the needs of the body. This
is because the more variety of healthy food consumed, the amount of nutrients absorbed by
the body is increasingly diverse. This can reduce the risk of obesity Mellitus and organ

The second criterion for healthy food must be nutritious. Healthy foods contain adequate
amounts of nutrients, including minerals and vitamins. Among the types of food, green
vegetables are the first healthy food because they have complete nutritional content. Green
vegetables, such as broccoli with high fiber content. fruits are also very important to consume
because they have high vitamin content. Here is a fruit that has a high nutritional content.
Healthy food must meet the needs of macro and micronutrition. Macronutrients consist of
protein, carbohydrates, fats, and micronutrients consisting of various vitamins and minerals.
Each has an important role in the health of the body.

The third criterion for healthy food that does not contain harmful preservatives. Generally,
preservatives in food may be used in food, but limited quantities. like vegetables that look
fresh because the growth is assisted by pesticides, but in fact, pesticides are given too much.
Of course, this will hurt health. To avoid this, we must be careful and cautious and must see
the marketing authorization from the health department.

In conclusion, then we must pay attention to the food we consume every day so that our
bodies are healthy and powerful. Always committed to want to eat healthy needs to be built
from an early age, so that later the child does not behave as he pleases in terms of eating. He
is responsible for managing his food.

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