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Teaching Professional Growth Plan 2019

Goal 1: Increase differentiation of assessment

TQS Achieved:
● 3(a) planning and designing learning activities consider student variables,
● 4(b) using appropriate universal and targeted strategies and supports to address
students’ strengths, learning challenges and areas for growth
● 4(e) recognizing and responding to specific learning needs of individual or small groups
of students
Strategies to achieve goal
1. Identify the key learning areas (the why behind the assessment) and develop
questions/ targets at various levels that will keep students intrigued at higher
levels while still engaging and intriguing those are lower levels
2. Create main middle group assessment first. Create higher order questions for the
higher group while decreasing the amount of questions by identifying the
essential questions for the lower group (and K&E)
Resources to be used
● Conversation about differentiation with Teacher Mentor and others in building
● Not reinventing the wheel- altering pre-existing resources as an idea generator
○ Utilize materials presented by other teachers
○ Researching different assignments and probing questions as completed
by other teachers
● Alberta Assessment Consortium
○ Creating your own performance tasks
○ Rubric Materials
● Teacher Resource Issues for Canadians
● Correlation Chart, K&E Studio
By the end of the practical semester (December 20, 2019) have a bank of
resources that are highly differentiated. This will be an on-going goal that is to
commence immediately.
Indicators of Success
1. If there is a bank of differentiated assessments that are reflective of a tired
a. Both for K&E curriculum and Social 9 Curriculum
2. Student increased success using the differentiated assessment
3. Process of creating differentiated assessment becomes more streamlined and
Teaching Professional Growth Plan 2019

Goal 2: Incorporate meaningful technology and technological use into


TQS Achieved:
● 2(f) maintaining an awareness of emerging technologies to enhance knowledge and
inform practice.
● 3(a) planning and designing learning activities that incorporate digital technology and
resources, as appropriate
Strategies to achieve goal
1. Collaborate with other student teachers on technologies used in their schools
2. Utilize the Curriculum Lab’s technology resource bank to discover new
technologies that will increase student engagement with assignments.
3. Feedback sheets from students
○ Was this tech platform useful?
○ Was it user friendly?
○ Would you like to use it again?
Resources to be used
● Curriculum Lab technology resource bank
● Cohort meetings: exchange of resources used
● Flipgrid (video platform)
● Canva Poster making platform)
● Polleverywhere (classroom poll taking platform)
● Powtoon (animated/cartoon movie making)
● Mindmeister (mind mapping website)
By the end of December, there will be a bank of resources (adding onto this
document) of websites and apps that can be used during class to enhance
engagement and differentiate assessment.
Indicators of Success
1. Resource bank has been created in annotated bibliography format that indicates
uses for different technologies within the classroom.
2. Feedback from students indicating the success of different technologies within
the classroom.
3. Personal reflection of technologies used in class

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