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Cardiovascular and Lung Diseases


Cardiovascular and Lung Diseases

1. It will be necessary to collect relevant information concerning the health history of the patient,

which will help the case. Some of the information needed would include the past medical history

of the patient, as well as social and psychologicalhistory. The main complaint of the patient will

be taken, as well as the history of the complaint, which includes previous investigations,

treatments, and referrals that the patient received. The past medical history of the patient will

also be taking including previous diseases, complications, surgery, etc. A history of allergies, as

well as present and past drugs, prescribed and taken. A family history of the patient would be

taken including past and present family (Topal & Güler, 2008). The patient would also reveal the

social history including habits such as alcohol and tobacco use, maritalstatus, living conditions,

occupations, pets and hobbies. Areview of the body systems will also be necessary including

gastrointestinal system, circulatorysystem, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and the

genitourinary system.

2. Some tests and diagnostic exams would be taken to make a diagnosis o the patient. The

physical would look at the vital signs of the patient including the height, weight and BMI.They

would consider the general state of the patient and observe such things as the posture, motor

activity and the behavior of the patient. Such factors as the dress mode, thegrooming, and the

hygiene of the patient would also be observed as well as the level of reaction of the patient,

especially to other people and objects. Some diagnostic tests would also help in determining the

condition of the patient’s respiratory system. A chest x-ray should be conducted on the patient to

ascertain the cause of the symptoms exhibited. Furthermore, pulmonaryfunction tests would also

assist in determining whether there are any abnormalities in the lungs of the patient. Chest

imaging would also be conducted on the patient and bronchoscopy, and thoracoscopy
wouldassist in determining the specific cause of the condition affecting the lungs. The reason for

performing the diagnosis recommended is that such symptoms as wheezing and shortness of

breath reveal a lung disorder, which has to be investigated. The patient also exhibits irregular

heartbeat, and it will be necessary to carry out some tests in this line

includingelectrocardiography, which would record the timing of atrial and ventricular electrical

events with the aim of investigating the possible cause of an irregular heartbeat (Wiley &

Mohanty, 2014). The occurrence of edema would need some diagnostic tests to be carried out on

the patient including albumin test, blood electrolyte levels, echocardiography, kidney and

liverfunction tests as well as a urinalysis.

3. The diagnosis of the patient would reveal some possible scenarios and possible conditions that

the patient may have. The diminished breath sounds and the wheezing mean that the patient may

have such conditions as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and pneumoniaor lung disease. The

main reason why I selected these results is the presence of wheezing and difficulty in breathing

that the patient has exhibited. These symptoms are common with respiratory disorders, and the

patient has presented these (Stanič et al., 2014).



Stanič, K., Zwitter, M., Turnšek, N., Kern, I., Sadikov, A., & Čufer, T. (January 01, 2014). Brain

metastases in lung adenocarcinoma: Impact of EGFR mutation status on incidence and

survival. Radiology and Oncology, 48, 2, 173-183.

Topal, T., Polat, H., & Güler, I. (2008). Software Development for the Analysis of Heartbeat

Sounds with LabVIEW in Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Disease.Journal of Medical

Systems, 32, 5, 409-421.

Wiley, B., & Mohanty, B. ( 2014). Handheld ultrasound and diagnosis of cardiovascular disease

at the bedside. Journal of the American College of Cardiology,64, 2, 229-30.

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