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Powerful Keys to Success with Women

Sean Gorban
Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 2
The Right Knowledge Is Power ................................................................................................................. 2
The Choice is Yours .................................................................................................................................. 4
Chapter 1....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Physical Appearance ................................................................................................................................ 6
Chapter 2..................................................................................................................................................... 11
A Woman’s Emotions .............................................................................................................................. 11
Chapter 3..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Women Look Up To Men ........................................................................................................................ 13
Remain Strong for Her ............................................................................................................................ 14
Chapter 4..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Psychological Domination ....................................................................................................................... 15
More Inner Freedom = More Sex ............................................................................................................ 17
Chapter 5..................................................................................................................................................... 19
The Man Must Lead ................................................................................................................................ 19
How Guys Lose From the Beginning ...................................................................................................... 21
Always Expect Being Tested................................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 6..................................................................................................................................................... 24
The Tests Women Give You (Shit Tests) ............................................................................................... 24
Worst Thing You Can Say to a Woman .................................................................................................. 26
Chapter 7..................................................................................................................................................... 28
Own Yourself and Your Actions .............................................................................................................. 28
Chapter 8..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Polarizing Women ................................................................................................................................... 30
Don’t Take Too Long ............................................................................................................................... 31
Chapter 9..................................................................................................................................................... 33
Dealing with Rejection............................................................................................................................. 33
A Lesson I Learned ................................................................................................................................. 33
Chapter 10................................................................................................................................................... 36
Some Final Thoughts .............................................................................................................................. 36
Attraction Man


The Right Knowledge Is Power

This book has the power to change your life.

What has taken me years to discover, experience, and learn, I will
show to you in this book.
All I ask for you is to give me your full undivided attention. I will
open your eyes to the truth.
Maybe not every guy can be a model with handsome appearance,
but every man can become attractive to women.
I promise, if you follow what I am teaching you in this book you
will be guaranteed attractive to the women you deal with.
For some of the readers who are more advanced, they might
resonate with it very quickly. They can apply it to your life right
away. For others it might take them a few times to read until the
material really sinks in.
One thing is for certain, the material in this book has never been
given in the way that I about to show you.
You see, the best truths in life are actually very simple. It just
seems complicated because nobody has really shown you the
truth. Or sometimes society makes you forget about the natural
way of things.
There are books out there on how to attract women that are 300-
400 pages in length. And although some of the books have some

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good info, the truth is that not many of them present the
knowledge in a simple and easy way for men to understand.
Rather than making it simple and easy, they try to add so much
filler content. It drifts away from the truth.
Here is an example of how simple things work better. Remember
when Apple first released their IPOD MP3 player?
One of the major reasons why it was so successful was because
of its simplistic design. People do not want things to be
Nature is not complicated.
Deep down simple things which are easy to understand, usually
work the best.
Steve Jobs understood this:
Simple things are more powerful.
They are more useful than a whole bunch of other things getting
in the way.
This is one of the reasons why this book is so powerful. I want to
give you an easy way to understand what actually makes a
woman attracted to you - at the root level.
As you apply the teachings in this book to your own life, keep
reminding yourself to stay focused in the “original” concept of
what this book is trying to teach you. Success will be guaranteed
if you can do that.

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The Choice is Yours

In this book I will show you how to attract women.

What you do with that power is up to you. I am just here to show
you the door.
Only you must walk through it and see the truth for yourself. Only
you can know how to use it in your own life.
The knowledge of understanding women can apply to ALL types
of women. From “normal” girls, wives, girlfriends, booty calls,
strippers, one-night-stands, etc.
What many guys don’t know is that attracting women is a
universal thing.
You simply posses and show certain traits and it will cause
attraction. From that attraction you can decide how far you want
to take it.
Maybe you want to be a player. Perhaps you want to be a
husband and find a wife. Or are you one of those types of guys
that wants to live a bachelor type of life; single and traveling the
world having sex with beautiful women.
That choice is up to you.
I can tell you from experience that most guys that gain this type of
knowledge decide to live a more free life, having sex with many

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This book will set you free psychologically.

You will once and for all understand what actually causes
attraction in women. Once you have that sense of freedom in your
aura and in your decision making then women can sense it.
Women want to experience it too. This will make them highly
attracted to you. This is actually one of the secrets here:
Women want access to your sense of pure freedom. They
want to feel free. If you can give that to them they will be
The way the information will flow in this book is gradual.
I will give some basic yet important points at the beginning, and
as we get more into it I will start to get deeper and focus more on
the internal and powerful things that cause attraction.
Thank you for purchasing this book.
I hope that you will use it at its upmost capacity. Good luck on
your journey in life.

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Chapter 1

Physical Appearance

The first thing you need to get in order is your physical looks. This
simply means to become the best version of you.
Nobody is perfect, and nobody is expecting you to be a male
supermodel. However, that should not be an excuse to not focus
on physical appearance.
Let me tell you the truth, physical looks do matter to a certain
point, and whoever is telling you it doesn’t is simply lying to you.
They matter in the sense that it makes it easier. It gives you a
head start. You don’t need to work as hard.
Everyone can maximize their physical appearance. It is not as
hard as people make it seem.
You can become better looking, so don’t make excuses.
If you really want to be successful with women, then you need to
look at it from all angles.
Here are 4 powerful ways that you can improve your looks and
become physically more attractive to women.
1. Get In Your Ideal Weight Range.
You would be surprised how this thing alone can make you more
successful with women.

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When you get in your ideal weight for your frame, you look a lot
more attractive. You will look proportional, and clothes will look
much better on you.
One reason why male models look good is because they are in
their ideal weight range. This is a must. If they don’t they can’t
even be models. That is how effective this is.
This also makes their faces more symmetrical.
Go online and research your ideal weight for your height and
bone frame. Then make sure you diet, or gain weight to fit in that
Don’t forget. Everyone falls into a different body frame (small,
medium, large).
Two different guys with the same height might be different frame
sizes. They could be the same weight and one of them will look
fatter than the other.
Get in your ideal weight for your height and frame.

2. Posture
The right posture is very important. Walk with your back straight
and shoulders slightly back.
Don’t walk with your feet so far away from each other.
Imagine a there is a straight line in front of you, and each step
that you take, both your feet should almost be touching the
imaginary line. Your feet will be close to each other.
Don’t be afraid to take up space wherever you are.
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Never feel shy or have body language that shows you are
And after gaining confidence this will happen anyway – you will
feel much more relaxed in social situations.
All this will happen naturally once you get full self confidence. This
is the goal of this book – to give you real self confidence from the
inside out.
But until then you will need to pay extra attention to yourself, so
you re-program your whole vibe.
There will come a time where you are so comfortable with all this
that it will be automatic. You will naturally respond and react to
the world with full confidence – you will respond like an alpha
male should.

3. The Right Hair (Or no hair)

The right hair can really change the way you look.
Get a hair style that suits your face. Remember, just because
something is “in style” doesn’t mean that it will look good on you.
Just because something looks good on someone else doesn’t
mean it is a good style for you.
Research and get some advice on the right type of style for your
face and bone structure.
If you are going bald, then seriously think about shaving it off.

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Shaved heads usually look better than going bald. And if you are
in your ideal weight (like I was saying before) it can actually look
Bald heads are not bad, they just look worse if you are
overweight, and don’t have style.
You can look great with a shaved head and a little tan. If you are
within your ideal body weight range and dress nice, you will be
considered good looking to most girls.

4. The Right Clothes

Just look how much attention girls put on clothes.
Do you know why they do that?
Because they know how powerful the right clothes can be, to
make them good looking. They are always looking for the right fit
or the right style.
Don’t worry you don’t need to do all that, but at least pay some
attention to your clothes.
Remember, clothes need to fit you properly to show off your body.
This doesn’t mean to go buy tight clothes. It means that it should
fit you just right. It should just slightly hug your frame.
When you wear something that is a great fit, it will feel “just right”.
You will know it. It will make you feel good.
Don’t wear to tight, and don’t wear too loose. Keep a good

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If you can’t find something then don’t buy it. Never buy a piece of
clothing if you don’t really think it fits nice on you.
Only by an item of clothing if it feels good and you are happy with
Like the example I gave earlier – just because it looks good on
someone else, does not mean it will look good on you.
Everyone has a different persona, hair color, skin color, and vibe.
Find the right style for you, and keep it simple.
These are 4 very powerful ways to improve your looks. If you
improve in them you will stand from other guys.
Now that we got this out of the way, we can move into the
psychology of attraction in the coming chapters.

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Chapter 2

A Woman’s Emotions

Right here you need to understand this:

Women will do things that you will not understand.
The reason why you will not understand is because a man’s mind
is based on logical reasoning. A woman’s behaviour is powered
by her emotional feelings.
Now you may have heard this before, but what I am concerned
about here is that you understand that you need to look at women
from a completely different way.
We men think that because we feel a certain way about
something, then women do also; quite the opposite actually.
So for now I need you to understand that the neurological wiring
of a man’s brain is not really the same as a woman’s. It might look
physically the same, but because of different hormonal balance
and other chemicals, the things that causes attraction in a woman
is not the same thing that YOU THINK attracts them.
This is a major thing to accept right away, because it will
reprogram your brain to not look at them through your eyes. Look
at them from a different perspective. From the way nature
Men have forgotten how to deal with women, and society has
caused men to put women on a high pedestal where they are

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delicate things without any primal sexual needs. If only you knew
that even women don’t think this way themselves!

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Chapter 3

Women Look Up To Men

Because men are physically stronger than women, we

automatically look down on them. This happens at a
subconscious level and you might not recognize it.
What this means is that we sometimes think they want to be
treated like a princess -- saying “yes” to everything they want, or
agreeing with everything they say. We do this to impress them,
without them having to earn anything at first.
We think they are vulnerable (which they are physically), but you
can’t get stuck in this thought process. You can’t think that you
are better than them.
You have to stop feeling sorry for them for no reason. They might
be physically weaker than us, but they are more powerful than us
men socially and psychologically.
It’s like a double edged sword. We feel sorry for them, but it is
EXACTLY this feeling that makes them lose attraction for us!
It is not just the feeling itself, it is actually that women are
attracted to a man that is very stable and a leader. If the man is
weak, indecisive and easily gets emotional (even towards her),
this is a sign of a BETA male; A man that will break down in the
midst of hardship and turmoil.

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Remain Strong for Her

Understand this important point here:

Women are looking at you and checking if you can remain
strong for them.
You have to show them that you are strong and will not easily get
emotional over things, especially small things.
I didn’t always understand this either, as I was telling you in
Chapter 2. You don’t need to make sense of it, just accept it and
move on. That is the way they are programmed by nature, and
they will never really admit it.
Women look up to men. They see us as leaders. You have to
remember that your role is to be a leader with women. Don’t look
down on them waiting for them to lead you.

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Chapter 4

Psychological Domination

Remember when I told you that women are highly emotional and
psychological beings? This means that you need to cause
attraction through their emotions.
How do you do that?
You have to be very dominant psychologically. This will turn them
on and make them attracted to you. I will show you how to
accomplish this.
A major characteristic of psychological dominance is that tough
situations or uncomfortable situations can’t bother you.
You are so comfortable in your own skin that your inner world can
never be shaken. Some people refer to this as “maintaining
Whatever you want to call it, it doesn’t matter. Simply remember
Your threshold for uncomfortable things needs to be way
above a woman’s level.
This is what really makes her sexually attracted to you. I call this
Inner Freedom and here is an example to show you.
You may have heard the saying:
“Men need to approach women first”
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“Men have to make the first move”.

And do you know why so many of the books out there that help
guys out first tell them to go approach girls? And why after a while
of being so comfortable in their skin they gain confidence through
that and pick up girls with ease?
It is not about which pick up lines they used.
There is something else happening here. I will tell you what it is:
The reason why it works is because after a while you are so
comfortable in your own skin and fearless that the woman can
feel your Inner Freedom.
It is actually this that causes attraction. This is really what is
happening behind the scenes. And if you know how to control
this and show this to women, it will cause attraction guaranteed.
Here is the amazing part: there are so many situations that you
can show this to women. There are always opportunities available
to you. Women are always looking to see this in you.
One thing that separates successful alpha males and beta males
is that the alpha male can spot exactly when a women is looking
for this quality. He then manipulates the situation to seduce her
through it.
The opposite is true for the Beta male. He can never see these
opportunities and he doesn’t have any of the traits to show the
girl. His Inner Freedom is too weak or too low.

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More Inner Freedom = More Sex

The more Inner Freedom you have the easier it is to get women, it
is as simple as that.
The less Inner Freedom you have, the more they lose attraction
for you.
And this is not only about women, even other men respect men
who have more Inner Freedom than them (Inner Freedom and
leadership are closely tied together and I will explain this more
You may have heard some men who are successful with women
“It doesn’t even matter what I say anymore, I can pick up any
And they are right. You see, the girl is not concerned so much
about the words that are coming out of your mouth. She is waiting
to sense your Inner Freedom, and once she can feel it is when
you can have her.
This is one of the reasons many “pick up artist” books can’t really
help guys. It fails to teach them what is really happening behind
the scenes to cause attraction.
No matter what lines you use, how you dress, what kind of car
you drive – if you don’t have more Inner Freedom than the girl,
she will never be really attracted to you.

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And even if she sleeps with you by accident or it was just your
lucky day, she will feel like shit about it.
Anybody can get laid sometimes by just being in the right place at
the right time. But this is not what you want.
You want to know exactly why she had sex with you, and you
want to be consistent in your results. This is how you keep
building your confidence and becoming more and more
successful with women.
You show her that you are more dominant than her, and have the
balls to do whatever you want (approaching her is one example).
This is what psychological domination is at its core: doing
something she can’t do or not doing something she must.

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Chapter 5

The Man Must Lead

This is another very important point that took me years to really

understand. As a man, you need to be a leader at all times,
especially when you want to attract women easily.
You have to have answers.
You have to know where to take her for the night.
You have to know how to have sex with her.
You have to know how to order food for you both at the
restaurant, if need be.
You have to know how to protect her if anything bad happens.
You have to know how to keep the conversation going and
interesting...and many more things.
All these things can be simplified to ONE point. The point is that
as a man, you have to simply be a man and a leader. You must
create the vibe and fun times. She is there to go along for the ride
and enjoy herself.
This doesn’t mean that you are a comedian or a clown. No. It
means that you show confidence in everything that you do, and
you are decisive in your actions. It also means that you try to have
fun in all things you do. You enjoy yourself more than her.

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Women will lose attraction for you if you leave the decision
making up to them. They might sometimes make it seem like they
want to make decisions, but this is false! This is just a test, don’t
be fooled easily.
They are just testing you again to see how strong you are in
keeping your manly role. So remember this other secret right

Women are always testing you to see if you can keep your
manly role (even if they don’t realize it)...

And as long as you keep passing the “tests”, she will keep her
legs open for you. It really is as simple as that.
The opposite is true as well, the more tests you start to fail, her
legs will start to close for you.
The test starts as soon as she becomes aware of your existence,
and it never ends until you start to fail the tests and she loses all
attraction for you and interaction or relationship is over.
The problem is that most men don’t even know they are being
tested and they fail very fast. They fail so fast that there isn’t even
a chance for attraction to begin.

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How Guys Lose From the Beginning

Here are some more examples of guys losing tests right from the
She was looking at you, and wanted you to come and talk to her,
but you didn’
You were too scared to keep eye contact with
She was joking (teasing you) with you, and you took it
She said something stupid (and knows it), but you didn’t say
anything about it. You didn’t have any standards for
You gave up too
There are so much more examples. If you think back to your
interactions with women maybe you will discover them for
What do all these things prove?
That your threshold for uncomfortable things is lower than hers.
Remember, that women are attracted to guys who have a high
threshold for “uncomfortable” things. They like guys with Inner
So as long as you can understand this one concept you will be
successful with women. Yes, it is that simple. Attraction is not
complicated. You just need to know what actually causes it.

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Always Expect Being Tested

Even if you think you are not being tested, automatically suppose
that you are. This will guarantee that you are always in your
manly role and being a leader. Because remember, even women
don’t always consciously know that they are testing you. It is a
natural thing they do to see which guys have more Inner Freedom
than them. They need to find out if the man they are talking to is
really a strong alpha man, or weaker beta male (a man that is
even lower than her).

A woman can never be attracted to a man who she feels is

weaker than her, or has less Inner Freedom than her.

And let me say this now, even your mother or sisters and even
your grandmother will test you. Every woman will test you. Even if
they don’t know it, they are testing you. This is just the natural
way of a women and a man.
Women want to see if you are a leader, so you have to show
Become a man, and become a leader now. You will see for
yourself how much life will open up to you.
Remember this right here: As a man, this world is testing you
every moment to see if you are really a strong man (leader), or a
weak one (can’t be leader). The choice is up to you. If you show

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the world (women) that you are strong, the world (women) will
open up to you and give you what you want.

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Chapter 6

The Tests Women Give You (Shit Tests)

These are also known as Shit Tests, but I just call them tests. It
doesn’t matter what you call them because the purpose of it is the
She wants to test for 3 things:
1. Your Inner Freedom
3. How Manly Are You
3. Are You A Leader?
And if you understand by now, all these things really mean the
same thing. She is testing you to see how strong you are and if
she can like you.
Here are some examples:
She makes fun of you or is rude to you. Remember that she is
doing this only to test you. She doesn’t really hate you, she only
hates that you are a weak man.
She wants to see if you get emotional about this or if this shakes
your Inner Freedom If even for 1 second she senses that you got
affected by her, she will lose attraction for you.
Make sure that you remain calm, never get into argument with

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Some good ways to pass this test is to laugh, ignore her, or start
talking about something else. Basically keep doing what you are
doing. Never ever become sad or emotional because of her
testing you.
The main point to pass shit tests is to always react in a way that
shows you are stronger than her (mentally).
For example, she tells a joke about you or makes fun of you, you
laugh too and agree its funny, then say something about her.
Nothing can contain you. Nothing can trap you. Nothing can make
you feel low.
One of easiest way to pass shit test is to simply me a “mirror”.
Whatever she does to you, you can agree, and do it better than
Eventually she will see your strength and Inner Freedom and she
will be attracted to you.
Once you understand these key concepts you will naturally know
how to interact with women and pass ALL their tests.
You only need one weapon to pass these tests. And that weapon
is having more Inner Freedom than anyone else.

Here is more test examples:

She asks you to make a decision. This is very important. For
example, she could ask you:
“What do you want to eat?”
“What do you feel like doing tonight”?
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“What restaurant should we eat”?

“Do you think we should leave the party now”?
“Should I be friends with that girl...”?
“Should we go to that disco”?
The important thing here to know is that she is testing you to see
if you are a LEADER. She is waiting to be guided by a man.

Worst Thing You Can Say to a Woman

The absolute worst thing you can do is to tell her “I don’t know,
what do you think”?
Don’t ever throw the decision back on her.
It will make her lose attraction for you. You make a decision and
she can follow you. This will make her look at you in a better way.
Now, here is the tricky part. Sometimes even after the first test,
she will test you again to make sure you are really a leader.
So here is an example:
Her: Should we leave the party now?
You: “Yeah it’s getting boring here now, let’s go”
Her (re-test): “are you sure?”
You: “Yeah, I’m getting hungry, let’s go eat”
Can you see how in that example the guy took full control, and
finished the test.

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This is just one example of how it can happen. The important

thing to understand here is that tests can come one after another
without you even realizing it.

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Chapter 7

Own Yourself and Your Actions

A big part of having Inner Freedom and being a leader is taking

control of whatever it is you are doing; or “owning it”. When
women look at you they are looking at your reaction. Your
reaction to the world around you and more importantly to yourself!
This is absolutely important to know because as a man you need
to be 100% certain of your actions and owning it in front of women
in order to cause attraction.
Many books have been written that say you should not open
doors for women, or pay for dinner because you will be a “nice”
guy. Or you should not say anything too nice to women because
they will think you are “soft” and “too nice”. Maybe you can think
of other things you have read...
Do you want to know what is the difference between a “nice guy”
and an alpha male? The nice guy is not confident in his
action. That’s really all it is. It is not about the actual words or
actions of the nice guy that causes this behaviour from women. It
is simply that the nice guy can’t even own up to his own niceness!
The nice guy has doubt.
It is important to know that the problem with these things is that
most guys don’t “own” up to what it is they are doing. They don’t
look confident in the act. They do it with doubt or without their full
So remember this right here:

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As long as you do anything with full confidence and own up

to it, she will look at you like a leader and a strong man.
If you ever make a mistake then never doubt yourself and move
on. Always be responsible for your actions and own up to them.
This is actually what turns women on. If you can remove doubt
from all your actions in front of women this will make them highly
attracted to you.

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Chapter 8

Polarizing Women

This chapter is very powerful. This thing you learn here alone will
make you so much more successful with women. So what does
polarize mean here? It means that from the start of meeting a
woman, you make it obvious that you are interested in her. From
there she will either like you or not.
You have to make it known to her that you are a leader and willing
to risk it in order to find out how receptive she is of you. Never
stay in the middle with a woman, especially at the start. She
needs to know where you stand with her. You either lose her, or
you keep the interaction going.
This doesn’t mean that you walk up to a woman and tell her you
want to have sex with her – Although even that is better than
being a nice guy. It doesn’t mean that you stare at her like a creep
for 5 minutes.
What it means is that you show or “hint” from the beginning that
you want her sexually, without actually saying it.
Automatically this will make you stand out from most other guys
because usually guys hide their true intentions with women. They
end up staying in the “friend zone” with them, and the woman
never feels attracted to the man.

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The reason is because women need to be polarized, and that is

highly attractive to them. It shows that you are an aggressive and
powerful man that is not afraid to “put it on the line”.
Keep in mind that you will lose some women doing this. But, the
opposite is true too. You will get some women very easily by just
learning this. Some women will be highly attracted to you by just
polarizing them.
This is a much better and faster way to attract women than to hide
your true intentions.

Don’t Take Too Long

It is much more powerful (and sexy) to polarize a woman from the

start of the interaction. You want to see how receptive she is of
you from the start, and build from there. If you don’t know
anything from the start, you might either waste your time, or the
girl gets too “comfortable” with you to have sexual attraction for
Many times when a man becomes “friend zoned”, it is because he
failed at this crucial step. He took too long to even polarize the
girl. Take the risk. Show her you are not afraid to lose her. Even if
she rejects you (for many reasons), she will still have some
respect and attraction for you. That is how powerful this is.
Once I understood this whole attraction thing better, I realized I
missed out on so many opportunities in my past, by taking too
long to show the girl I wanted her. Girls liked me, and they even

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gave me signs, but I was too slow to show anything to them. So

learn from now to not make that mistake.

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Chapter 9

Dealing with Rejection

Once I became more experience with attracting women I realized

some very important things. One of the things I learned is that
people have their own personality types, and the way they
respond to you has more to do with them than it does with you.
When a girl rejects you it can be for many reasons that have
nothing to do with you. Here are some reasons as examples,
she could be:
- already in a relationship and in love
- On her period and doesn’t feel good to talk
- A lesbian
- Just broken up with her boyfriend and feels bad
- Married/Engaged
- She just has a bad personality
It is best to stop worrying about others and focus on yourself and
the way you are. Your main priority is to make yourself and your
life better. By doing this you increase your chances of attracting a
lot of women.
And here is the best part, in this book I have showed you exactly
what type of man women are attracted to.
A Lesson I Learned

Here is a small story of how this was made clearer to me:

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In college I had a bartending job in a well known bar/lounge. I was

interacting and talking with hundreds of people within a short
amount of time on the weekends. During this time I learned a
VERY important lesson about life.
I learned that certain people are just nice and others are not. It
had very little to do with me. I was giving the same service and
attitude to all people. So why did certain people treat me
different? You see, it is because the way people treat you has
also to do with what type of person they are – you can only be
responsible for your part.
I then realized this was the exact same thing that happens in
rejection. Many times the girl would have rejected anyone. She
just wasn’t open to take it further.
This is very significant. If you can really understand this you will
never care if anyone doesn’t accept you. This will make you more
confident in your daily interactions with women.
When you get rejected, remember that it is not only because of
you. It is just that she is probably is not open to meet guys. And if
that is the case then she is not good enough for you.
You have to get in the mindset that you are good enough for
every girl. You are good enough because you know yourself and
the vibe that you put out. You are good enough because you have
put in the time and effort to know yourself and what causes
This is the type of confidence that is EARNED. And it is very
powerful because it comes from knowing yourself. It comes when
you are sure of your power.

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It is not just a “fake” confidence. Some books and teachers out

there are teaching guys fake confidence. And this is why they fail.
You have to teach someone what is really happening behind the
scenes and what actually causes attraction.
This is what many guys don’t know. It is not about what you do,
it’s also mostly about WHY you do it. And why you do something
comes from within you. It is part of your inner self and alpha traits.
If you do what I tell you in this book you WILL be good enough for
all girls. This will make you attractive to them.
Even if you are not that good looking, they will still respect the fact
that you are a real man, and this will turn many of them on. They
will be attracted to you at a deep level - A primal level. This is
much more powerful than just physical appearance.
Remember, looks are not that important to girls the same way it is
for guys. A hot girl will happily accept an average looking guy if he
shows confidence and masculine qualities.

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Chapter 10

Some Final Thoughts

By now you should be pondering over many things I have said.

There are huge powerful insights here on how to create attraction
with women. The things here have changed my life, and also the
life of the people that I have taught.
There is going to come a time where you will just “get it”.
And once you really get it, it is like riding a bike. You never forget
it. It becomes a part of you.
One of the main things to take away from this book is my Inner
Freedom concept.
If you want to achieve good things in this life you have to become
But what does fearless mean?
It means that you never give your power away to anyone or any
situation. It means you believe in yourself before anyone can
even believe in you.
When you have self respect for yourself your Inner Freedom is
very strong.
It means that in any situation, you maintain your frame and
remain strong for yourself, and the people around you.
Let me tell you, women are highly intuitive. This is actually one of
the gifts they have. The good thing about this is that you have an
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apportunity to cause attraction through her intuition. Because for

women, attracted also starts at a deeper level. A level that most
guys don’t even know exists.
But now you know what these keys are. And it is time to integrate
them in your life and apply it. Then see for yourself how powerful
and true they really are.

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