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Name: Shalbe-lynn Dwyer


Instructions: Using your completed “Semester-at-a-Glance” calendar as a reference, answer the

question sheet “Priorities and Goal-Setting.”

1. Identify 3 priorities or short-term goals that you can reasonably implement or achieve in the
next few weeks that will allow you to meet your term deadlines and obligations. (Please write
in full, grammatically correct sentences and be specific—use the SMART goal-setting
framework discussed in class.)

i. My number one priority is to make sure I get all my assignments done before the
deadline. Including the day before, I am going to try and get them done the same day I
find out about them.

ii. My second priority is to study a full week ahead of any tests so that I am well prepared
for the day I have one.

iii. My third priority is to keep putting all my assignment dates and test dates down on my
calendar to keep track of when everything is due.

2. List 3 rewards that you will give yourself after successful completion of those goals. (Please
write in full, grammatically correct sentences.)

i. After I keep up with handing in my assignments and follow through with my goal, I will
reward my self with the feeling of being accomplished. There is no greater feeling then
having everything done ahead of time and not having to worry.

ii. When I achieve my goal of preparing for test ever day for the week before I will reward
myself with something special if I pass my test.
iii. My reward for making sure that I keep everything on my calendar organized and write
down all my due dates for all my classes is to be stress free. If I keep my self organized
and make sure that I know when I have something due or a test coming up it keeps me

3. Looking at the semester as a whole (or the “big picture”), identify 1-2 potential roadblocks or
obstacles that may affect your ability to make certain deadlines and meet obligations. (Please
write in full, grammatically correct sentences.)

Looking at my semester as a whole the only roadblocks that would keep me from being able to
meet certain deadlines would be my home life, if my children were to get sick or something
happen that affected my ability to meet the deadlines.

i. How might you proactively avoid those potential roadblocks or obstacles so that you
make your deadlines and meet your obligations? (Please write in full, grammatically
correct sentences.)

How I could potentially avoid those roadblocks would be to find back up plans for my children
in case I need to have something done by the due date. Even if its to just be able to get a few
minutes to my self to complete a task or prepare for a task.

4. Identify at least 2 Durham College resources that may prove useful in ensuring that you make
your deadlines and meet your obligations. Explain why those resources are appropriate in
supporting your deadlines, responsibilities, and goals. (Please write in full, grammatically
correct sentences.)

Resources that could be useful in ensuring that I meet my deadlines would be SALS, they help
with anything that you need help with whether it be a tutor or help preparing for a deadline.
Using a tutor would also be another resource that could help with any problems that you are
having trying to get your work done on time even if you don’t understand it.

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5. Thinking about your objectives at Durham College beyond this semester, identify a specific,
measurable, and attainable long-term goal. (Note that your goal should be specific—i.e. who,
what, where, when, why, etc.—measurable—i.e. quantifiable—and attainable—i.e. be honest
and realistic. Please write in full, grammatically correct sentences.)

I have a goal that I have set, and I plan to achieve it and work as hard as possible to achieve it.
My goal is to graduate the pre-health program and apply for the RN program at a university. I
plan on hopefully going to UOIT as it is the closest. After I graduate from UOIT as an RN I
would like to work in the hospital as a labour and delivery nurse. If I am not able to become a
L&D nurse right away, I am open to other parts of the hospital first. My set goal is to be the
L&D nurse because I have three children that I have had amazing birth experiences with, and I
hope to help other women have the great birth experiences they can have. I have a strong passion
to help babies enter the world safely and healthy.

6. What will happen if you fall short of that longer term goal? Identify an alternative path to
academic success (i.e. a Plan B). (Please be specific, explain yourself thoroughly, and write in
full, grammatically correct sentences. Aim for one full paragraph.)

If I fall short of my long-term goal my back up plan is to pick right back off where I fell short
and keep trying to reach my goal. No matter what gets in my way I will never give up trying to
reach that goal. If I have to take time off, I will go back when I am ready, if I don’t get the exact
job I want after I graduate I will make due with another job till I can get the position I want.

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