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Weekly Progress Report (11/11-11/24)

Throughout the last 2 weeks, I completed my weekly blog, research assessments, and
mentor assessment. I began my mentor visits and I believe I had a great first experience. I
cannot wait to go again and gain more knowledge from Dr. Kumar. Moreover, the more
research assessments I complete, the more I learn how to find a more useful article. Thus,
my recent assessments are more helpful to me compared to the first few assessments I
completed. The last 2 weeks were not very stressful and I am glad my time is becoming
more flexible than before because I want to visit my mentor for a long period of time.

Turned in my bi-weekly report. Although I had the weekend to work on the report, I
procrastinated and completed it at the last minute. I hope to not continue this and work on
the report on a daily basis.

Began working on the research assessment. I found a really helpful article that taught me
about the projected future of a pediatrician and the knowledge I have gained from this
assessment helped me determine what I could and could not do as an aspiring

Updated my LinkedIn account. I invited more people in order to increase my overall
network and fortunately, I am learning a great deal about fellow ISM students,
organizations, colleges, and companies.

Worked on my research assessment. I read the article and annotated it in the google doc. I
annotate all my articles because it allows me to highlight and focus on key points
concerning a certain subject.

Finished my research assessment. I completed the analysis section and turned in the
assignment. I often go in this following order to complete a research assessment: read,
annotate, and analyze. This specific order allows me to retain the information more
quickly and more efficiently.
Worked on my weekly blog. The bi-weekly reports tend to take longer than the weekly
reports, but they don’t occur as often as the weekly reports. Thus, even though I need to
do more work, I am glad I don’t have to do them every Monday.

Completed any necessary college tasks. Although I am done with all my college
applications, I frequently check the status page for every college and see if I need to take
any extra steps.

Began working on my research assessment. I found a good article that talks about taking
a gap year off of medical school and how beneficial that really is.

Worked on my research assessment. As my 2nd step, I read the article and annotated it.
As I have mentioned before, these steps keep me away from procrastinating.

Had my first mentor visit! The visit went so much better than I expected and I loved
every minute of it. I was there only for an hour and 15 minutes, but to me, it felt like 15
minutes. This showed me how much I will the field and made me smile for the rest of the

Completed my mentor assessment. I had so much fun reflecting back to my experience at
Dr. Kumar’s clinic. I saw 2 patients and because they were both 2-year old boys, it was
funny to see how they were near Dr. Kumar.

Completed my research assessment. After reading this article, I analyzed it and learned a
great deal about what I should and shouldn’t do with my future. Although my idea for a
gap year is truly beneficial to me, I need to take a year off at the right time because
making a wrong move can cost me both money and time. Thus, I am very grateful to
have come across this article.

Updated my digital portfolio. I have not been using my portfolio much and I need to
remind once every while to change and add more things. Luckily, google classroom
sends reminders at the right time and this is how I was remembered I have a weekly blog
due tomorrow.

Completed my weekly blog. Although I told myself I won’t procrastinate for this weekly
report, I did it again and I am disappointed. I hope to not repeat the same thing next time
but I wasn’t wasting my time. I was working on HOSA all weekend and lost track of my
school work.

Upcoming Goals
With Thanksgiving break coming up, I am very eager to begin working on my HOSA
project for the third time in my high school career. As I have mentioned in the quick trip
presentation, Mrudula and I worked a great deal and improved a ton due to all our hard
work. However, it is hard to top the top and because we have half the time and double the
work, we wanted to begin the project as soon as we can. Therefore, with HOSA on our
plans, our schedules will be very tight but as long as the hard work pays off, we will be
the happiest people on earth. HOSA means so much to both of us and I hope we make it
further than last time but enjoy at the same time. Thus, my goals for the break is to work
on HOSA in a timely manner, build on my ideas for original work proposal, work on the
bi-weekly report, and stay ahead of my school work. Even though it will be challenging
to manage all these tasks, having 2 breaks in 2 months will make it easier than expected.

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