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Rev. msgr. benjamin s. razon

March 31 1938 - October 4, 2019
The minister, with assisting ministers, goes to the door of the church. There, facing the people, he says:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
The people reply:

The priest, with assisting ministers, goes to the door of the church and using one of the following greetings, or in
similar words, greets those present.

May the Father of mercies, the God of all consolation, be with you.
The people answer.

And with your spirit.

The priest briefly introduces the faithful to the Mass of the day.

Brothers and sisters,

today we gather for this Funeral of our brother, Benjamin.
We gather to listen to God’s Word which consoles us in our grief,
and assures us in the hope of the resurrection and eternal life.
We gather to encounter the Lord in the Eucharist,
to partake of the sacred mysteries
and share in the bread of life and the cup of salvation.
We listen to the life-giving Word and partake of the Bread of Life,
Jesus Christ, himself, who offers us through these gifts,
a share in his very own life.
We entrust our brother, Benjamin, to his mercy and love
that he will grant this, his servant, rest from his labors,
and reward for a life spent in the service of God and His Church.
Let us trust that Benjamin will be welcomed in our heavenly home
to share in our Master’s joy.

Sprinkling with Holy Water
The priest goes in front of the offin. The priest then sprinkles the coffin with holy water, saying:

In the waters of baptism

Benjamin died with Christ and rose with him to new life.
May he now share with him eternal glory.
Placing of the Pall
The pall is then placed on the coffin by family members, friends, or the priest.

In baptism Benjamin was clothed with white garment

as an outward sign of his Christian dignity.
Now he brings that dignity
unstained into everlasting life in heaven.
Placing of Christian Symbols
Book of the Gospels
While the Book of the Gospels s placed on the coffin, the minister says in these or similar words:

In life Benjamin cherished the Gospel of Christ.

May Christ now greet him
with these words of eternal life:
Come, blessed of my Father!
While a cross is placed on the coffin, the minister says in these or similar words:

In baptism Benjamin received the sign of the cross.

May he now share in Christ’s victory over sin and death.
The priest goes back to the chair.

The priest with hands joined, says:

Let us pray.

And all pray in silence with the priest for a while. Then the priest, with hands extended, says the Collect prayer

ear with favor our prayers,

which we humbly offer, O Lord,
for the salvation of the soul of Benjamin, your servant and Priest,
that he, who devoted a faithful ministry to your name,
may rejoice in the perpetual company of your Saints.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
The people acclaim:


The celebration continues with the Liturgy of the Word. A reader proclaims the reading.

Reading I 2 Corinthians 5: 1, 6-10

A reading from the second letter of Paul to the Corinthians.
We have an everlasting home in heaven.

We know that if our earhly dwelling, a tent, should be destroyed, we

have a building from God, a dwelling not made with hands, eternal in
So we are always courageous, although we know that while we are at
home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not
by sight. Yet we are courageous, and we would rahter leave the body
and go home to the Lord. Therefore, we aspire to please him, whether
we are at homeor away. For we must all appear before the judgment
saet of Christ, so that one may receive recompense, according to what
he did in the body, whether good or evi.
The Word of the Lord.
The people acclaim,.

Thanks be to God.
Responsorial PsalmPslam 103
R. The salvation of the just comes from the Lord.
Merciful and gracious is the Lord,
slow to anger and abounding in kindness.
Not according to our sins does he deal with us,
nor does he requite us according to our dust.
R. The salvation of the just comes from the Lord.
As a father has compassion on his children,
so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him,
For he knows how we are formed;
he remembers that we are dust.
R. The salvation of the just comes from the Lord.
Man’s day are like those of grass;
like a flower of the field he blooms;
The wind sweeps over him and he is gone,
and his place knows him no more.
R. The salvation of the just comes from the Lord.
But the kindness of the Lord is from eternity
to eternity toward those who fear him,
And his justice toward children’s children
among those who keep his covenant
and remember to fulfill his precepts
R. The salvation of the just comes from the Lord.
Verse before Gospel John 11: 25a, 26
I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord;
whoever believes in me will not die for ever.

Gospel John 14: 1-6
The Gospel is proclaimed.
There are many rooms in my Father’s house.

The Deacon, or the Priest, says: The Lord be with you.

The people reply: And with your spirit.
The Deacon, or the Priest:

X A reading from the holy Gospel according to John

and, at the same time, he makes the Sign of the Cross on the book and on his forehead, lips, and breast.

Glory to you, O Lord.

The people acclaim:

A reading form the Holy Gospel according to John.

Jesus said to his disciples:
“Do not let your hearts be troubled.
You have faith in God; have faith also in me.
In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.
If there were not,
would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come back again and take you to myself,
so that where I am you also may be.
Where I am going you know the way.”
Thomas said to him,
“Master, we do not know where you are going;
how can we know the way?”
Jesus said to him,
“I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.”
The Gospel of the Lord.
The people acclaim.

Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

Prayer of the Faithful
From the chair, the Priest initiates the general intercessions

Brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and sits at the
right hand of the Father, where he intercedes for his Church. Confident
that God hears the voices of those who trust in the Lord Jesus, we join
our prayers to his: Hear, our prayer.
The petitions are said from the ambo.
1. In baptism Benjamin received the light of Christ. Scatter the darkness now and lead
him over the waters of death. Lord, in your mercy:
2. Our brother Benjamin was nourished at the table of the Saviour. Welcome him/her
into the halls of the heavenly banquet. Lord, in your mercy:
3. Our brother Benjamin shared in the priesthood of Jesus Christ, leading God’s people
in prayer and worship. Bring him into your presence where he will take his place in
the heavenly liturgy. Lord, in your mercy:
4. Many friends and members of our families have gone before us and await the
kingdom. Grant them an everlasting home with your Son. Lord, in your mercy:
5. Many friends and members of our families have gone before us and await the
kingdom. Grant them an everlasting home with your Son. Lord, in your mercy:
6. Those who trusted in the Lord now sleep in the Lord. Give refreshment, rest, and
peace to all whose faith is known to you alone. Lord, in your mercy:
7. The family and friends of Benjamin seek comfort and consolation. Heal their pain
and dispel the darkness and doubt that come from grief. Lord, in your mercy
8. We are assembled here in faith and confidence to pray for our brother Benjamin.
Strengthen our hope so that we may live in the expectation of your Son’s coming.
Lord, in your mercy:
The Priest concludes

Lord God,
giver of peace and healer of souls,
hear the prayers of the Redeemer, Jesus Christ,
and the voices of your people,
whose lives were purchased by the blood of the Lamb.
Forgive the sins of all who sleep in Christ
and grant them a place in the kingdom.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.
Prepaparation of the Offerings
When all this has been done, the Offertory Chant begins.
Meanwhile, the ministers place the corporal, the purificator, the chalice, the pall, and the Missal on the altar.
The faithful express their participation by making an offering, bringing forward bread and wine for the celebration of
the Eucharist and perhaps other gifts to relieve the needs of the Church and of the poor.
The Priest, standing at the altar, takes the paten with the bread and holds it slightly raised above the altar with both
hands, saying in a low voice:
Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation,
for through your goodness we have received the bread we offer you:
fruit of the earth and work of human hands,
it will become for us the bread of life.
Then he places the paten with the bread on the corporal.
If, however, the Offertory Chant is not sung, the Priest may speak these words aloud; at the end, the people may
Blessed be God for ever.
The Deacon, or the Priest, pours wine and a little water into the chalice, saying quietly:
By the mystery of this water and wine
may we come to share in the divinity of Christ
who humbled himself to share in our humanity.
The Priest then takes the chalice and holds it slightly raised above the altar with both hands, saying in a low voice:
Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation,
for through your goodness we have received the wine we offer you:
fruit of the vine and work of human hands,
it will become our spiritual drink.
Then he places the chalice on the corporal.
If, however, the Offertory Chant is not sung, the Priest may speak these words aloud; at the end, the people may
Blessed be God for ever.
After this, the Priest, bowing profoundly, says quietly:
With humble spirit and contrite heart

may we be accepted by you, O Lord,
and may our sacrifice in your sight this day
be pleasing to you, Lord God.
Then the Priest, standing at the side of the altar, washes his hands, saying quietly:
Wash me, O Lord, from my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.

Prayer over the Offerings

Standing at the middle of the altar, facing the people, extending and then joining his hands, the Priest says:

Pray, brethren (brothers and sisters),

that my sacrifice and yours
may be acceptable to God,
the almighty Father.
The people rise and reply:

May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands

for the praise and glory of his name,
for our good
and the good of all his holy Church.

Then the Priest, with hands extended, says the Prayer over the Offerings:

e ask your mercy, Lord,

that this sacrifice of our service,
offered for the soul of Benjamin, your servant and Priest,
may now bring pardon to him,
who devoutly offered sacrifice to you in the Church.
Through Christ our Lord.
The people acclaim:


Preface I for the dead: The Hope of Resurrection in Christ
V.The Lord be with you.
R.And with your spirit.
V.Lift up your hearts.
R.We lift them up to the Lord.
V.Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
R.It is right and just.

I t is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,

always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
through Christ our Lord.
In him the hope of blessed resurrection has dawned,
that those saddened by the certainty of dying
might be consoled by the promise of immortality to come.
Indeed for your faithful, Lord,
life is changed not ended,
and, when this earthly dwelling turns to dust,
an eternal dwelling is made ready for them in heaven.
And so, with Angels and Archangels,
with Thrones and Dominions,
and with all the hosts and Powers of heaven,
we sing the hymn of your glory,
as without end we acclaim:
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts . . .

The Priest, with hands extended, says:

You are indeed Holy, O Lord, the fount of all holiness.

He joins his hands and, holding them extended over the offerings, says:

Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray,

by sending down your Spirit upon them like the dewfall,
He joins his hands and makes the Sign of the Cross once over the bread and the chalice together, saying:

so that they may become for us

the Body and X Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He joins his hands. In the formulas that follow, the words of the Lord should be pronounced clearly and distinctly, as
the nature of these words requires.

At the time he was betrayed and entered willingly into his Passion,
He takes the bread and, holding it slightly raised above the altar, continues:

he took bread and, giving thanks, broke it,

and gave it to his disciples, saying:
He bows slightly.



He shows the consecrated host to the people, places it again on the paten, and genuflects in adoration.
After this, he continues:

In a similar way, when supper was ended,

He takes the chalice and, holding it slightly raised above the altar, continues:

he took the chalice and, once more giving thanks,

he gave it to his disciples, saying:
He bows slightly.


He shows the chalice to the people, places it on the corporal, and genuflects in adoration. Then he says:

The mystery of faith.

And the people continue, acclaiming:

We proclaim your Death, O Lord,

and profess your Resurrection
until you come again.

Then the Priest, with hands extended, says:

Therefore, as we celebrate
the memorial of his Death and Resurrection,
we offer you, Lord,
the Bread of life and the Chalice of salvation,
giving thanks that you have held us worthy
to be in your presence and minister to you.
Humbly we pray
that, partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ,
we may be gathered into one by the Holy Spirit.
Remember, Lord, your Church,
spread throughout the world,
and bring her to the fullness of charity,
together with Francis our Pope and Honesto our Bishop
and all the clergy.
In Masses for the Dead, the following may be added:

Remember your servant Benjamin,

whom you have called (today)
from this world to yourself.
Grant that he who was united with your Son in a death like his,
may also be one with him in his Resurrection.
Remember also our brothers and sisters
who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection,
and all who have died in your mercy:
welcome them into the light of your face.
Have mercy on us all, we pray,
that with the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God,
with Saint Joseph, her spouse,
with the blessed Apostles,
and all the Saints who have pleased you throughout the ages,
we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life,
and may praise and glorify you
He joins his hands.

through your Son, Jesus Christ.

He takes the chalice and the paten with the host and, raising both, he says:

hrough him, and with him, and in him,

O God, almighty Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honor is yours,
for ever and ever.
The people acclaim:


After the chalice and paten have been set down, the Priest, with hands joined, says:

At the Savior’s command

and formed by divine teaching,
we dare to say:

He extends his hands and, together with the people, continues:

ur Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
With hands extended, the Priest alone continues, saying:

Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil,

graciously grant peace in our days,
that, by the help of your mercy,
we may be always free from sin
and safe from all distress,
as we await the blessed hope
and the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
He joins his hands.
The people conclude the prayer, acclaiming:

For the kingdom,

the power and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Then the Priest, with hands extended, says aloud:

Lord Jesus Christ,

who said to your Apostles:
Peace I leave you, my peace I give you,
look not on our sins,
but on the faith of your Church,
and graciously grant her peace and unity
in accordance with your will.
He joins his hands.

Who live and reign for ever and ever.

The people reply:

The Priest, turned towards the people, extending and then joining his hands, adds:

The peace of the Lord be with you always.

The people reply:

And with your spirit.

Then, if appropriate, the Deacon, or the Priest, adds:

Let us offer each other the sign of peace.

And all offer one another a sign, in keeping with local customs, that expresses peace, communion, and charity. The
Priest gives the sign of peace to a Deacon or minister.
Then he takes the host, breaks it over the paten, and places a small piece in the chalice, saying quietly:
May this mingling of the Body and Blood
of our Lord Jesus Christ
bring eternal life to us who receive it.
Meanwhile the following is sung or said:

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,
grant us peace.
The invocation may even be repeated several times if the fraction is prolonged. Only the final time, however, is grant
us peace said.
Then the Priest, with hands joined, says quietly:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God,

who, by the will of the Father
and the work of the Holy Spirit,
through your Death gave life to the world,
free me by this, your most holy Body and Blood,
from all my sins and from every evil;
keep me always faithful to your commandments,
and never let me be parted from you.
The Priest genuflects, takes the host and, holding it slightly raised above the paten or above the chalice, while facing
the people, says aloud:

Behold the Lamb of God,

behold him who takes away the sins of the world.
Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.
And together with the people he adds once:

Lord, I am not worthy

that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the word
and my soul shall be healed.
The Priest, facing the altar, says quietly:

May the Body of Christ

keep me safe for eternal life.
And he reverently consumes the Body of Christ. Then he takes the chalice and says quietly:

May the Blood of Christ

keep me safe for eternal life.
And he reverently consumes the Blood of Christ.
While the Priest is receiving the Body of Christ, the Communion Chant begins.

Communion Antiphon
Let perpetual light shine upon them,
with your Saints for ever, for you are merciful.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them,
with your Saints for ever, for you are merciful.
When the distribution of Communion is over, the Priest or a Deacon or an acolyte purifies the paten over the chalice
and also the chalice itself.
While he carries out the purification, the Priest says quietly:
What has passed our lips as food, O Lord,
may we possess in purity of heart,
that what has been given to us in time
may be our healing for eternity.
At an appropriate moment during Communion, the Priest entrusts the Eucharist from the table of the altar to
Deacons or acolytes or other extraordinary ministers, so that afterwards it may be brought to the sick who are to
receive Holy Communion at home.
After the distribution of Communion, a ciborium with hosts for Communion on the following day is left on the altar.
The Priest, standing at the chair, says the Prayer after Communion.

Prayer after Communion

Then, standing at the altar or at the chair and facing the people, with hands joined, the Priest says:

Let us pray.
All pray in silence with the Priest for a while, unless silence has just been observed. Then the Priest, with hands

extended, says the Prayer after Communion:

enewed by food from your heavenly table,

we humbly beseech you, O Lord,
that by the power of this sacrifice
the soul of Benjamin, your servant and Priest,
who faithfully ministered in your Church,
may exult for ever in your sight.
Through Christ our Lord
The people acclaim:


The priest goes to a place near the coffin. The assisting ministers carry the censer and holy water.

Invitation to Prayer
Using the invitation, the priest faces the people and invites them to pray

Benjamin has gone to his rest in the peace of Christ.

With faith and hope in eternal life,
let us commend him to the loving mercy of our Father,
and assist him with our prayers.
He became God’s son through baptism
and was fed at the table of our Lord.
May the Lord now welcome him
to the table of God’s children in heaven,
and, with all the saints,
may he inherit the promise of eternal life.
Trusting in God,
we have prayed together for Benjamin.
There is sadness in parting,
but we take comfort in the hope that one day
we shall see Benjamin again and enjoy his friendship.
Although this assembly will disperse in sorrow,
the mercy of God will gather us together again in the joy of his
Therefore let us console one another in the faith of Jesus Christ.
All pray in silence.

Signs of Farewell
The priest incenses the body while the Song of Farewell is recited.

Song of Farewell
A Priest says: Saints of God, come to his aid!
Hasten to meet him. angels of the Lord!
All: Receive his soul and present him to God the most high.
Priest: May Christ, who called you, take you to himself;
may angels lead you to the bosom of Abraham.
All: Receive his soul and present him to God the most high.
Priest: Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
All: Receive his soul and present him to God the most high.

Prayer of Commendation
The Priest then says the prayer:

Into your hands, Father of mercies,

we commend Benjamin
in the sure and certain hope that,
together with all who have died in Christ,
he will rise with him on the last day.
We give you thanks for the blessings
which you bestowed upon Benjamin in this life:
they are signs to us of your goodness
and of our fellowship with the saints in Christ.
Merciful Lord,
turn toward us and listen to our prayers:
open the gates of paradise to your servant
and help us who remain to comfort one another
with assurances of faith,
until we all meet in Christ
and are with you and with our brother forever.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.
The deacon says:

In peace, let us take our brother to his place of rest.

The following antiphon may be said or sung as he is

May the angels lead you into paradise;

may the martyrs come to welcome you
and take you to the holy city,
the new and eternal Jerusalem.

When the funeral procession arrives at the place of committal, the minister says the following invitation.

My friends,
as we prepare to bury [entomb] the ashes of our brother,
we recall that our bodies bear the imprint of the first creation
when they were fashioned from dust;
but in faith we remember, too,
that by the new creation we also bear the image of Jesus
who was raised to glory.
In confident hope that one day
God will raise us and transform our mortal bodies,
let us pray,

The priest extend his hands.

aithful God,
Lord of all creation,
you desire that nothing redeemed by your Son
will ever be lost,
and that the just will be raised up on the last day.
Comfort us today with the word of your promise
as we return the ashes of our brother to the earth.
Grant Benjamin, a place of rest and peace
where the world of dust and ashes has no dominion.
Confirm us in our hope that he will be created anew
on the day when you will raise him up in glory
to live with you and all the saints
for ever and ever.
R. Amen.

Scripture VersePhilippians 1: 5-6
One of the following verses or another brief Scripture verse is read.

Our citizenship is in heaven

and who from it we also await a savior
the Lord Jesus Christ
In sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life
through our Lord Jesus Christ,
we commend to Almighty God our brother Rolly,
and we commit his earthly remains to their resting place:
ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
The Lord bless him and keep him,
the Lord make his face shine upon him and be gracious to him,
the Lord lift up his countenance upon him and give him rest.
The commital takes place at this time or at the conclusion of the rite

One of the following sets of intercessions (A, B, or C) may be used or adapted to the circumstances, or new
intercessions may be composed.
The minister begins:

For our brother, Benjamin, let us pray to our Lord Jesus Christ, who
said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me shall
live even in death and whoever lives and believes in me shall never
Assisting minister:

Lord, you consoled Martha and Mary in their distress; draw near to
us who mourn for Benjamin, and dry the tears of those who weep. We
pray to the Lord:
R. Lord, have mercy.
Assisting minister:

You wept at the grave of Lazarus, your friend; comfort us in our

sorrow. We pray to the Lord:
R. Lord, have mercy.
Assisting minister:

You raised the dead to life; give to our brother eternal life.
We pray to the Lord:
R. Lord, have mercy.
Assisting minister:

You promised paradise to the repentant thief; bring Benjamin to the

joys of heaven. We pray to the Lord:
R. Lord, have mercy
Assisting minister:
Our brother was washed in baptism and anointed with the Holy Spirit;
give him fellowship with all your saints. We pray to the Lord:
R. Lord, have mercy.
Assisting minister:

He was nourished with your body and blood; grant him a place at the
table in your heavenly kingdom. We pray to the Lord:
R. Lord, have mercy.
Assisting minister:

Comfort us in our sorrow at the death of Benjamin; let our faith be our
consolation, and eternal life our hope. We pray to the Lord:
R. Lord, have mercy.

The Lord’s Prayer
Using one of the following invitations, or in similar words, the minister invites those present to pray the Lord’s

With longing for the coming of God’s kingdom,

let us offer our prayer to the Father:

All say:

ur Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

The minister says one of the following prayers

od of holiness and power,

accept our prayers on behalf of your servant Benjamin;
do not count his deeds against him,
for in his heart he desired to do your will.
As his faith united him to your people on earth,
so may your mercy join him to the angels in heaven.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.

Prayer over the People
The assisting minister says:

Bow your heads and pray for God’s blessing.

All pray silently. The minister, with hands outstretched, prays over the people, :

Merciful Lord,
you know the anguish of the sorrowful,
you are attentive to the prayers of the humble.
Hear your people
who cry out to you in their need,
and strengthen their hope in your lasting goodness.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.
The minister then says the following:

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord.

R. And let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace.
R. Amen.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
R. Amen.


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