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Grace Galindo

Mrs. Connor

National History Day Project

19 December 2018

The Pablo Picasso

The marvelous Pablo Diego Jose de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de Los Remedios

Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso that influenced others beyond his time. Pablo

was born October 25th, 1881, in Malaga, Spain. With his father, Jose Ruiz y Blasco being his

first influence in art and who had given his first art lessons. At age seven he had his first art

lesson and by age eleven he is began formally studying art then by age fourteen he had his first

showcasing. He then traveled to Barcelona and became part of a group of artists and writers and

in 1900 he went to Paris to work with other young artists. In 1904, Picasso lived in France most

of the time. Through his time Picasso went through many different periods and styles of his

paintings. Between 1901-1905 Picasso’s Blue Period, during this time his paintings were

predominantly blue tones, melancholy, and forlorn characters. Pablos Blue period being a known

part of his art is one of the most saddest, due to the death of Carlos Casagemas a friend he met

in Barcelona. By 1924 Picasso was a highly successful artist. He had discovered new styles of

paintings, but he wasn’t just a painter he was also a sculptor and a writer. In 1917, he designed a

set and the costumes for a company Ballet Russes, to which he collaborated several other

productions during WWI. He had also written a play and two books of poetry in the 1940s. Pablo

y Ruiz Picasso lived a very successful life. He had married twice and had four kids before he
died at the age of ninety-one in Antibes, France, on April 18th, 1973. Pablo’s uniqueness grew as

he aged but no one questioned it.

Pablo liked to work with other artists that were similar to him or take ideas from people

that influenced him. While working with Georges Braque, Picasso invented a new way of

painting in 1907 called Cubism. Picasso first being a symbolist influenced by Munch and Henri

and Toulouse- Lautrec. His work began to look very interesting, “people and objects were not

painted as they were seen in real life”(Red River Press)1. He became less concerned about his art

looking sensible and took a more playful look in his art. One would say, “He retained a very

unique and individual expression”.(Pettinger, Tejvian)2 Pablo then went onto inventing college

and major contributes to symbolism, surrealism, and to the classical styles in the 1920s. Picasso

was very experimental and also explored printmaking and ceramics. His encounters with

surrealism opened for more change and his pieces became more expressive and erotic. He had

found new techniques helped him grow and become the most influential artist.

Picasso was very into politics in the 1930s and show that in one of his collections such as

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia. The civilian bombing in the Basque town of

Guernica during the Spanish Civil War sparked something in Pablo. The Guernica, on April 26,

1937, WWII, Pablo’s most famous painting he had completed at age eighty-one. As we expect,

“Picasso was well aware of a political dimension to art”(Pettinger, Tejavan)3, giving people who

1 "Pablo Picasso." Accessed 17 Dec. 2018.

2 "Biography Pablo Picasso | Biography Online."

picasso.html. Accessed 17 Dec. 2018.

3 "Biography Pablo Picasso | Biography Online."

picasso.html. Accessed 17 Dec. 2018.
view his art a look into the scene of what was happening. That’s not the only painting he had

done while in Paris, Pablo’s whole collection was mainly on Nazi’s and his Jewish friends who

were killed. He had done a follow up to his painting called The Charnel House (1945) and had

many more political, war-related paintings, like War in Korea (1951). Pablo had finished

Guernica in one in one month and it had become the centerpiece of the Spanish Pavillion. The

painting was banned from Spain until a new dictator fell in power in 1975. Pablo’s painting was

said to be, “undoubtedly modern art’s most famous response to war” ( The Art Story

Foundation)4. Although his art was peculiar looking people loved his odd ways.

Pablo Picasso had a very unique way of painting that was nothing like anyone else's. His

work was so distinctive and extrinsic that he was painting the future manifest to his mental

illness. Pablo is said to have schizophrenia due to his disconnection to reality starting in his 20s

there's a gradual change in his work. Schizophrenia is a long-term mental disorder involving a

breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception.

The Carl Jung, a Swiss Psychiatrist did a psychoanalysis on Pablo by using his paintings to

analyze and find evidence. It’s been expressed that Picasso’s paintings, “ have their own origin in

the dimension of the unconscious psychic activity.”(Marius Constantin)5 His art gradually got

distorted and you can see that in his self-portraits through age fifteen through to age ninety.

These pictures were taken and compared to people with schizophrenia and there are a lot of

similarities. The presence of the mental illness isn't recognized at the current time, “such

4 "Pablo Picasso - The Art Story." Accessed 17 Dec.


5 "Pablo Picasso's Painting from the Perspective of ... - LUMEN Publishing." Accessed 17 Dec. 2018.
unconscious information can surprise the painters' consciousness.”(Marius Constantin) . Jung is

aware of such things due to him experiencing the unconsciousness with his painters.

Pablo’s gradual distortion never brought incertitude into the minds of the ones viewing

his art. Throughout his time Pablo was very diverse and had multiple periods and styles,

expressing his feelings and thoughts throughout his art. His creative mind helped him discover

new styles of painting, but he also did sculpting and was a writer showing his diversity.”Our

goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon

which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” (Pablo Picasso).

6 "Pablo Picasso's Painting from the Perspective of ... - LUMEN Publishing." Accessed 17 Dec. 2018.

Biography Pablo Picasso

Pettinger, Tejvan. “Biography of Pablo Picasso”, Oxford, UK.,
2/11/2007. Last updated 17th March 2017
This source is a secondary source. I will be using this source to get an insight into Pablo
Picasso’s background and information on his most famous painting Guernica a painting
of war and his fascination with politics, it also has a small amount of information on his
forms of painting that later changed the world of art. A specific part of this article makes
me think why was Picasso so big on politics to where it made him want to include it into
is art?

Picasso Black and White
This source is a secondary source. This source I will be using to get deeper into his
fascination with politics and focuses with the wars, with the background behind his paintings and
who helped influence him to create certain pieces and helped him create a new form of art. This
source helped me wonder where Picasso met all these other artists with such close of a style?
And what ideas brought these pieces of art to life, what was he thinking or feeling? Could these
be because of his Schizophrenia?

Pablo Picasso
This source is a secondary source. This source gives information on his “Blue period”
and the reason for it due to the death of one of his friends Pablo had a sad period of time he
expressed within his art for three years. Also goes into how his art was super simple in his later
years starting mid-20s, him using simple shapes to create masterpieces. I question was his art his
form of expressing his emotions cause he didn’t know how else to? What made him eventually
change into the so-called “Pink Period”?

Pablo Picasso^2
This Source is a secondary source. Gives new info of The Pablo Picasso being one of the most
innovative artists of all time. Then gives more information on his young years in Barcelona and Madrid
for him to later settle in Paris with a family who was willing to take him in. Proceeds to tell more detail
on his “Blue Period” and how he did his sad pieces of art. He goes through a phase where he's has a
clown and circus fascination as well right after the “Blue Period”. Did he travel to get inspiration or for
the practice? What's the significance of Paris, why Paris?

Pablo Picasso^3
This secondary source. This source gets into it ALL, especially with new information like how
women were a huge part of his life and his art and may have inspired a few of his pieces he has done.
Apparently, his “Blue period” got shaped by Lautrec who showed similar stuff to what he had shown in
that period of time. How did the women in his life influence his art? How many artists had he met that
gave him new ideas and techniques?

Pablo Picasso’s painting from the perspective of C.G. Jung’s Psychoanalysis
This is a secondary source. This source is filled with information on the tragedy behind all Pablo
Picasso’s masterpieces. I will be pulling information from a psychoanalysis from Jungian on Picasso’s
paintings that have an odd style to them similar to someone with schizophrenia. I will be using parts of it
to add detail and prove how Picasso had schizophrenia. This makes me question how didn’t anyone
realize he had this mental illness? Did Picasso know that he had schizophrenia?

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