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3, MAY 2007

An Antilock-Braking Algorithm for an

Eddy-Current-Based Brake-By-Wire System
Sohel Anwar and Bing Zheng

Abstract—This paper presents a nonlinear sliding-mode-type Tbi Brake torque at the ith wheel.
controller for slip regulation in a braking event for an electro- V̇x Vehicle longitudinal acceleration.
magnetic brake-by-wire (BBW)-system-equipped automobile. The Vx Vehicle longitudinal speed in road coordinate system.
electromagnetic BBW system under consideration consists of a
set of eddy current brakes (ECBs) attached to the automobile Vy Vehicle lateral velocity.
wheels. The antilock-braking controller modifies the brake torque Żs Sprung-mass velocity in the z-direction.
command generated by a supervisory controller which, in turn, is ωi Angular speed of the ith wheel.
based on the driver’s command sensed via brake pedal sensors. ω̇i Angular acceleration of the ith wheel.
The modified brake torque command is then generated by a
closed-loop actuator control algorithm to control the ECB system.
It is shown in this paper that the proposed antilock-braking I. I NTRODUCTION
control system is stable in the sense of Lyapunov. Experimental
results are presented for a test vehicle equipped with an eddy-
current-based BBW system. Experimental results show that the
proposed antilock brake control algorithm provides very good slip
A NTILOCK braking systems (ABSs) generally offer supe-
rior vehicle safety by limiting the longitudinal wheel slip
in a braking event with wheel lock-up condition. Drivers have
regulation in a braking event on low friction-coefficient surfaces
(wet jennite) when compared with that of a braking event without better directional control of the vehicle equipped with ABS.
the proposed antilock-braking control. Experimental results also Most of the ABS systems in the published literature utilize
indicate that the proposed antilock-braking control system pro- the wheel-slip estimate to control the wheel cylinder pressure
vides a smooth stop for the vehicle. through a set of valves and a pump in order to regulate the
Index Terms—Antilock braking, brake-by-wire (BBW), eddy wheel braking torque. These control systems are built around
current brake (ECB), sliding mode control. the actuators’ dynamic characteristics. With a new generation of
actuators on the horizon (e.g., electromagnetic, electromechan-
N OMENCLATURE ical, etc.), it may be necessary to design a supervisory brake
control system that would issue a torque command as control
Fxsum Sum of road forces in the x-direction at the input based on the vehicle dynamics. The subsystem controller
tire–ground interfaces. would then close the loop on the actuators based on actuator
Ftx Terrain forces at the center of gravity arising out of dynamics.
road slopes and grades. Watanabe and Noguchi [13] presented an ABS algorithm
Fax Aerodynamic-drag forces on the vehicle. that used a vehicle-deceleration threshold to activate the brake
Fxi Longitudinal friction force at the ith tire contact patch. pressure reduction algorithm, and the duration of the pressure
Frri Rolling resistance at the ith tire contact patch. pulse was determined by the road friction coefficient. Tan
Iwi ith wheel rotational inertia. and Chin [12] discussed an antilock-braking algorithm based
M Total vehicle mass. on sliding-mode-control theory. Based on a longitudinal one-
ms Sprung mass of the vehicle. wheel vehicle model, sufficient conditions for applying sliding
q Pitch velocity of the sprung mass. mode control to vehicle traction were derived via Lyapunov
R Effective wheel rolling radius. stability theory. Athan and Papalambros [3] presented a mul-
r Vehicle yaw velocity. ticriteria quasi-Monte Carlo method to optimize and compare
Tdi Drive torque at the ith wheel. the three ABS nonlinear control algorithms. An adaptive fuzzy
logic controller for an ABS was discussed by Kokes and
Singh [9]. Their controller initially employed a priori training
Manuscript received December 7, 2005; revised March 11, 2006 and June data to control the braking system, but it continued to train
21, 2006. This work was supported by the Chassis Advanced Technology online while continuously updating the confidence parameters
Department of Visteon Corporation. The review of this paper was coordinated
by Dr. M. Shahgir Ahmed.
and the placement of fuzzy sets by employing optimization
S. Anwar is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue School algorithms. Suh et al. [11] presented a real-time simulator
of Engineering and Technology, Indiana University–Purdue University at for an ABS based on the methodology of hardware-in-the-
Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA (e-mail:
B. Zheng was with Visteon Corporation, Van Buren Twp, MI 48111 USA. loop simulation using a personal computer. They also pro-
He is now with GE Aviation Systems, Cincinnati, OH 45246 USA (e-mail: vided an analysis and validation of the control logic that used commercial hardware. A genetic algorithm-based fuzzy logic
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at controller for ABS systems was the subject of a paper written
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2007.895604 by Chen and Liao [4]. The controller was based on a nonlinear
0018-9545/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE

feedback-linearization scheme and a fuzzy logic strategy. Given

the desired wheel slip ratio, the feedback-linearizing controller
cancels all nonlinear dynamics and imposes an appropriate
linear behavior on the wheel slip ratio. Huang and Wang [6] dis-
cussed a mixed fuzzy controller to navigate escaping motions
of wheeled vehicles under the assumption of viscous friction.
This paper focused on modeling, analysis, and control issues of
ABSs under the assumption of viscous friction while applying
the mixed fuzzy controller. Lee and Park [10] presented an
ABS algorithm based on sliding mode control in the context
of eddy current brakes (ECBs). However, they considered ABS
functionality only at very high speeds when the eddy-current-
machine torque is high. Another aspect of their paper is that
only a switching function has been used in this paper which
tends to cause chatter in the control command. Due to speed
dependent torque characteristics of the eddy current machines,
the wheels do not fully lockup which has not been addressed by
the authors of this paper either.
In this paper, we present a sliding-mode-type supervisory
ABS control algorithm for an eddy-current-based brake-by-
wire (BBW) system for automotive applications. This is a full
scale braking system for all speed ranges. The actuator control
algorithm [1] maximizes the ECBs’ usage. The sliding-mode-
type control algorithm uses a saturation function instead of a Fig. 1. Four wheel ECBs in the BBW system for a rear-wheel drive vehicle.
sign function (as used in [10]) to minimize chatter in the control
command [5]. The resulting ABS system has been verified on a
test vehicle in a winter test facility with very good results. III. M ODELING OF THE W HEEL -S LIP D YNAMICS
ABSs have been around in the cars and trucks for many years.
The effectiveness of these systems varies widely depending on
the system design, road conditions, and driver’s response. Most
The electromagnetic BBW system under consideration con- of these systems are based on empirical data and are heavily
sists of the following hardware components (Fig. 1): dependent on testing. In this paper, a more systematic approach
1) four ECBs; is taken to develop an ABS system based on a simplified vehicle
2) a generator with rectifier to power the ECBs; model and a sliding-mode-type control algorithm.
3) a BBW pedal assembly; Like most of the ABS control algorithms, the proposed con-
4) power-electronic circuitry for the ECBs and the troller also requires the knowledge of wheel slip. The objective
generator; of the controller is to keep the wheel slip at a value that would
5) a 36-V battery and appropriate alternator for charging; maximize the tire–ground adhesion. The wheel slip ratio is
6) a rapid prototyping microcontroller (dSPACE obtained from the following definition:
7) wheel-speed sensors; Vx − Rωi
κi (t) = . (1)
8) BBW pedal sensors with triple redundancy. Vx
The BBW configuration in Fig. 1 is developed for a rear-wheel
drive vehicle. It shows that two of the four ECBs are mounted It is necessary to obtain the dynamic equations for the vehicle
in the rear-wheel hubs. The other two are mounted on the motion in order to develop the control algorithm. A simplified
sprung mass of the chassis frame and connected to the front vehicle model is obtained for a straight-line braking event. The
wheels via half shafts. The generator is mounted on the pinion vehicle motion in the longitudinal direction on the road plane is
of the rear differential. The BBW pedal assembly replaces the described by the following equation [8]:
regular brake pedal. Four wheel-speed sensors are mounted
on the wheels. The control algorithm is implemented through 
Fx = Fxsum + Ftx − Fax = M (V̇x − Vy r) + ms Żs q.
a microprocessor-based rapid-prototype controller (dSPACE).
The controller output signals are sent to a power electronics
module which channels the electrical power from the generator The wheel rotational dynamics is given by the following
or the batteries to the appropriate ECBs. A 36-V battery is (Fig. 2):
used to store the regenerative power in a braking event and to
energize the generator field winding and occasionally the ECBs 
depending on system status. Myi = Tbi − Fxi R + Frri R − Tdi = −Iwi ω̇i .

Fig. 2. Wheel dynamics in a braking event.

Thus, for a braking event, the following set of equations of

motion is written

(Frri − Fxi ) + Ftx − Fax = M (V̇x − Vy r) + ms Żs q Fig. 3. Friction coefficient versus slip ratio for different surfaces.

Tbi − Fxi R + Frri R − Tdi = − Iwi ω̇i . (2) IV. S LIDING -M ODE -T YPE ABS C ONTROLLER
Based on the above equations, the plant model for designing
The pitch dynamics of the vehicle in the first equation have a controller is written as follows:
negligible effect on the wheel braking forces and, hence, not
considered here. For simplicity, the effect of terrain forces 1 
V̇x = − µi (κi )Fzi
arising out of road slopes and grades is neglected. The drive M
torque in a braking situation is generally small, and hence, it is 1
ω̇i = (−Tbi + µi (κi )Fzi R) . (4)
assumed to be insignificant in the second equation. In this in- Iwi
vestigation, only straight-line braking is considered to illustrate
the concept. Therefore, the steering wheel angle assumed to be
zero resulting in zero lateral motion. Vx − Rωi Rωi
κi (t) = =1− .
Now, the following relationships are defined for rolling resis- Vx Vx
tance and braking forces:
Differentiating the above equation yields the following:
Fxi = µi (κ)Fzi Frri = ηFzi  
Rω̇i Rωi V̇x
κ̇i = − +
where µi (κ) = friction coefficient, and η = rolling resistance Vx Vx2
coefficient. R R 1
Since a simple model is desired for the proposed controller =− µ(κi )Fzi − Tbi
Vx Iwi Iwi
development, the effect of aerodynamic drag on the above equa-
Rωi 1 
tion is neglected (since the aerodynamic drag is small compared − 2 µi (κi )Fzi
to the brake forces for the normal driving speeds). Besides, Vx M
since this controller works in a closed-loop system, these ef- R 1 R2 1
= Tbi − µ(κi )Fzi
fects can be compensated through the feedback information. Iwi Vx Iwi Vx
The rolling-resistance force Frri is insignificant compared to Rωi 1 
the braking force Fxi in a braking event and, hence, it is − 2 µi (κi )Fzi . (5)
Vx M
neglected. Thus
 Fig. 3 shows the friction-coefficient curves for a number of
Fxsumr = − µi (κi )Fzi . tire–ground interfaces. It is evident that the peak of the friction-
coefficient curve varies significantly depending on the road
The simplified equations of motion are then given by conditions. The slip-ratio value at the peak friction coefficient
also varies between 0.1 and 0.2. It is clear that the friction-

− µi (κi )Fzi = M V̇x coefficient relationship with slip adds nonlinearity to (5). Since
all of the curves in Fig. 3 exhibit approximate linear relationship
Tbi − µi (κi )Fzi R = − Iwi ω̇i . (3) with slip ratio below the peak of the curve, this relationship
between the coefficient of friction and the slip can be approxi-
The above set of equations represents the plant model for a mated with a piecewise linear function. This concept is shown
straight-line braking event. The following section describes the in Fig. 4 [77]. The friction curves are approximated by a straight
controller development process. line with a slope of αsi and a slip threshold of κth . While the

The ABS control law is then given by

Vx Iwi
Tbi = κ̇th + Rαsi κi Fzi
Iwi ωi 
+ αsi κi Fzi
Vx M
Iwi κth − κi
+η Vx ∗ SAT . (12)
R φ

If κth is a constant, then the above control law becomes

Fig. 4. Simplified friction coefficient versus slip ratio. Iwi ωi 

Tbi = Rαsi κi Fzi + αsi κi Fzi
peak of these friction curves varies over a slip range, a slip-ratio Vx M
threshold and initial slope can be established for suboptimal Iwi κth − κi
+η Vx ∗ SAT . (13)
performance. R φ
An adaptive algorithm can be developed to vary αsi in order
to represent the actual tire–ground interface relationship to Equation (13) is the proposed control law for the antilock brake
provide optimal braking performance. The piecewise linear control system.
friction coefficient–slip ratio relationship can be described as Lyapunov stability analysis of the closed-loop control system
follows: indicates that the system is asymptotically stable. The following
analysis illustrates the stability of the system. Let the Lyapunov
µi (κi ) = αsi κi , if κi ≤ κth function candidate be defined as
= αsi κth , if κi ≥ κth . (6)
V = [(κth (t) − κi (t))]2 . (14)
Substituting the first part of (6) in (5), the following relation-
ship is obtained: The above expression indicates that the vehicle-deceleration
R 1 R 1 2
Rωi 1  slip energy is positive definite. In order for the closed-loop sys-
κ̇i = Tbi − αsi κi Fzi − 2 αsi κi Fzi . tem to be asymptotically stable, it is required that the derivative
Iwi Vx Iwi Vx Vx M
(7) of V should be negative definite

Now, let us define the sliding surface as follows: V̇ = 2(κth − κi ) ∗ (κ̇th − κ̇i ). (15)
S = (κth − κi ). (8)
Assuming that κth is a constant reference value (i.e., κ̇th =
It is assumed here that the desired slip ratio is the same as 0) and substituting (7) in (15), the following expression is
the slip-ratio threshold. With the above definition of the sliding obtained:
surface, the sliding-mode-type control law is given by [55]
  V̇ = −2 ∗ (κth − κi )
S 2 Rωi 1
Ṡ = −ηSAT (9) ∗ IR 1
wi Vx
Tbi − IRwi V1x αsi κi Fzi − Vx2 M αsi κi Fzi . (16)

where Again substituting (13) in (16), we further obtain

η convergence factor;
φ boundary layer thickness. V̇ = −2 ∗ (κth − κi )
Differentiating (8) and substituting (7), the following equation  
is obtained: R 1 Iwi ωi
∗ ∗ Rαsi κi Fzi +

Iwi Vx Vx M
R 1 R2 1
Iwi Vx Tbi − Iwi Vx αsi κi Fzi 
Ṡ = κ̇th − κ̇i = κ̇th − . Iwi
− Rω i 1
Vx2 M αsi κi Fzi × αsi κi Fzi + η Vx
(10) κ − κ  
th i
Substituting (10) in (9), the following relationship is ∗ SAT −2
R2 1
R 1 R2 1 Rωi 1  ∗ κi ∗
Iwi Vx
αsi κi Fzi − 2 ∗ κi
κ̇th − Tbi + αsi κi Fzi + 2 αsi κi Fzi
Iwi Vx Iwi Vx Vx M

 Rωi 1 
κth − κi ∗ 2 αsi κi Fzi
= −ηSAT . (11) Vx M

or estimated via static load distribution. The slope of the friction-

coefficient versus slip-ratio curve is either known or estimated.
V̇ = −2 ∗ (κth − κi ) The experimental data presented in the following section are

R2 1 R ωi  based on a known value of the friction coefficient. The vehicle
∗ αsi κi Fzi + 2 αsi κi Fzi parameters, such as vehicle mass, wheel inertia, and wheel
Iwi Vx Vx M
rolling radius, are computed based on direct measurements.
  With this information, the ABS torque command can now
κth − κi R2 1
+ η ∗ SAT − αsi κi Fzi be computed using (13). The ABS controller also employs a
φ Iwi Vx

proprietary ABS-mode detection algorithm. Once the controller
Rωi 1  is in ABS mode, it uses the ABS torque command. Else, it just
− 2 αsi κi Fzi . passes the commanded torque to the actuator control system.
Vx M
Once the actuator controller receives the torque command from
Further simplifying, we obtain the ABS controller, it estimates the maximum available torque
   for the ECBs at a given wheel speed. If the ABS torque
κth − κi command is larger than the ECB available torque, then the ECB
V̇ = − 2 ∗ η ∗ (κth − κi ) ∗ SAT . (18)
φ is commanded full excitation current via 100% pulsewidth-
modulation duty cycle to the ECB driver. Otherwise, the ECBs
Now, V̇ in the above expression is always negative-definite receive a current command proportional to the brake torque
expression since the saturation function reverses sign whenever command. The actuator controller regulates the desired ECB
(κth − κi ) reverses its sign. Hence, it can be concluded that current in a closed-loop fashion via current feedback.
the closed-loop system is asymptotically stable within the slip
range for which the controller equation is valid.
V. C ONTROLLER I MPLEMENTATION FOR THE The proposed ABS control system was implemented on a
E LECTROMAGNETIC A CTUATION S YSTEM BBW vehicle that is previously developed. The BBW vehicle
has hybrid actuators for the front wheels and only ECBs on
The ABS brake torque command in (10) should be applied
the rear wheels. A Chevrolet Silverado was used as the test
to the brake actuators at each wheel via an algorithm that is vehicle. The front ECBs are mounted on the sprung mass of
described in the previous section. Although the front wheels the vehicle and are connected to the wheels via half shafts.
have two types of actuators, we used only the ECBs in order to
The vehicle was instrumented with a number of instrument
evaluate the ABS performance for ECBs. The ECB torque can grade sensors. Wheel speeds and torques are measured using
be estimated using the following equation [22]: Michigan Scientific sensors. Vehicle longitudinal acceleration
T (t) = f0 (ω) + f1 (ω)i + f2 (ω)i2 (19) is measured via Texas Instrument capacitive accelerometer.
For the evaluation of the ABS performance of the ECBs, only
where these actuators were activated on all four wheels to stop the
T retarding torque; vehicle. Since the rear wheels of the test vehicle were lightly
i ECB feedback current loaded, no significant slip occurred during an ABS maneuver.
Therefore, we present only the results for the front wheels.
f0 (ω) = a00 + a01 ω + a02 ω 2 The current sensors were made in house with off-the-shelf
components and were integrated into the ECB driver modules.
f1 (ω) = a10 + a11 ω + a12 ω 2
Test runs were performed for straight-line braking on wet-
f2 (ω) = a20 + a21 ω + a22 ω 2 (20) jennite road surface (with approximate friction coefficient mea-
sured at 0.5). The tests were run with and without the ABS
a00 , a01 , . . . , a22 identified ECB parameters; controller activated. The horizontal axis for all the plots in
ω wheel speed. Figs. 5–16 represents time in seconds. Fig. 5 shows the wheel
The proposed ABS algorithm works on the desired brake speeds for the front wheels in a straight-line braking event on
torque command computed by the supervisory brake-torque wet jennite without the proposed ABS controller activated. It
controller. The supervisory brake-torque controller receives the shows that the front wheels quickly reach lock-up condition due
driver’s brake request via pedal sensor (displacement) and in- to excessive torque applied by the ECBs which is a direct result
terprets the request in terms of the desired vehicle deceleration. of driver’s request. Fig. 6 shows the wheel speeds for the vehicle
The desired vehicle deceleration is then utilized to compute in a braking event on wet-jennite surface, with the proposed
the desired wheel braking torque based on the dynamic weight ABS algorithm activated. The desired slip ratio for wet-jennite
transfer of the vehicle during deceleration. surface was set at 0.2 where the friction coefficient is at its
The ABS controller receives the wheel-speed information maximum. The front wheels did not lockup, instead, they
via wheel-speed sensors. The vehicle speed is estimated via maintained a slip ratio close to the desired value as observed
a proprietary estimation algorithm. The wheel slip ratio is from the rate of change in the front wheel speeds.
then calculated based on the measured wheel speed and es- Fig. 7 shows the slip ratio for the straight-line braking event
timated vehicle speed. The normal force on each wheel is on wet jennite without the ABS activated. As the front wheels

Fig. 5. Measured wheel speed for the front wheels in the non-ABS maneuver
on wet-jennite surface.
Fig. 8. Wheel slip ratio for the front wheels in the ABS maneuver on wet-
jennite surface.

Fig. 6. Measured wheel speed for the front wheels in the ABS maneuver on Fig. 9. Measured vehicle speed in the non-ABS maneuver on wet-jennite
wet-jennite surface. surface.

Fig. 7. Wheel slip ratio for the front wheels in the non-ABS maneuver on
wet-jennite surface. Fig. 10. Measured vehicle speed in the ABS maneuver on wet-jennite surface.

reach locked-up condition, the slip ratio for the front wheels activated. As shown, the front-wheel slip ratio is maintained at
reached a value of 0.75, indicating 75% skidding (or near lock- near the desired slip-ratio value of 0.2 over the same period
up condition). Fig. 8 shows the slip ratio for the straight-line when near lockup occurred without the ABS activated. Since
braking on wet jennite but with the proposed ABS algorithm the vehicle tests with and without the ABS activated were

Fig. 11. Wheel brake torque command in the non-ABS maneuver on wet-
jennite surface.
Fig. 14. Measured ECB current in the ABS maneuver on wet-jennite surface.

Fig. 12. Wheel brake torque command in the ABS maneuver on wet-jennite
surface. Fig. 15. Measured wheel torque for the front wheels in the non-ABS maneu-
ver on wet-jennite surface.

Fig. 13. Measured ECB current in the non-ABS maneuver on wet-jennite

surface. Fig. 16. Measured wheel torque for the front wheels in the ABS maneuver on
wet-jennite surface.
performed in two different test runs, the wheel-slip condition
was not identical. As a result, the wheel slippage with the ABS enough to cause more slippage. However, for the portion of
proposed activated was not always maintained at 0.2 due to road surface with low friction coefficient, the proposed ABS
the fact that the road surface had patches with high friction algorithm tried to maintain the wheel slip near the desired
coefficient (dry jennite) on which the braking torque was not value. The friction force is near its maximum at this slip ratio.

By limiting the slip value to 0.2, substantial lateral traction is [4] F. W. Chen and T. L. Liao, “Nonlinear linearization controller and genetic
made available to the wheel contact patch offering the driver algorithm-based fuzzy logic controller for ABS systems and their com-
parison,” Int. J. Veh. Des., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 334–349, 2000.
full directional control of the vehicle. Basically, the tire contact [5] J. K. Hedrick, “Analysis and control of nonlinear systems,” J. Dyn. Syst.
patch dynamics can be explained via Kamm circle [88] which Meas. Control, vol. 115, no. 2B, pp. 351–361, Jun. 1993.
states that at higher longitudinal slip rates, the lateral coefficient [6] H.-P. Huang and C.-K. Wang, “Intelligent control of wheeled vehicles
with anti-braking systems,” Int. J. Veh. Des., vol. 26, no. 2/3, pp. 218–
of friction value decreases drastically diminishing the driver’s 238, 2001.
ability to steer. [7] S. Kimbrough, “Brake control algorithms,” Mech. Eng. Dept., Univ. Utah,
Figs. 9 and 10 show the measured vehicle speed for the Salt Lake City, 1997. Final Rep.
[8] U. Kiencke and L. Nielsen, Automotive Control System for Engine,
non-ABS and ABS maneuvers, respectively. It is clear from Driveline, and Vehicle, 2nd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2005.
these plots that ABS provides a much smoother stopping of [9] G. Kokes and T. Singh, “Adaptive fuzzy logic control of an anti-
the vehicle than the non-ABS scenario. Figs. 11 and 12 show lock braking system,” in Proc. IEEE Conf. Control Appl., 1999, vol. 1,
pp. 646–651.
the commanded wheel braking torque from the supervisory [10] K. Lee and K. Park, “Optimal robust control of a contactless brake system
BBW controller for non-ABS and ABS activated controls, using an eddy current,” Mechatronics, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 615–631, 1999.
respectively. Clearly, the commanded torques reached the max- [11] M. W. Suh, J. H. Chung, C. S. Seok, and Y. J. Kim, “Hardware-in-the-
loop simulation for ABS based on PC,” Int. J. Veh. Des., vol. 24, no. 2,
imum values quickly after brake is applied in a non-ABS case. pp. 157–170, 2000.
However, for the ABS activated condition, the commanded [12] H.-S. Tan and Y.-K. Chin, “Vehicle traction control. Variable-structure
torque is modified by the ABS control law and is modulated control approach,” Trans. ASME, J. Dyn. Syst. Meas. Control, vol. 113,
no. 2, pp. 223–230, 1991.
to keep the wheel slip ratio near the desired value. [13] M. Watanabe and N. Noguchi, “New algorithm for ABS to compensate
Figs. 13 and 14 show the measured current to the front for road disturbances,” SAE Trans., vol. 99, no. 6, pp. 271–279, 1990.
wheel ECBs for the non-ABS and ABS activated maneuvers,
respectively. It is clear that during the wheel lock-up event,
the current input to the ECBs modulates based on the torque
command in the ABS activated maneuver. Figs. 15 and 16 show
the measured wheel torque values for the front wheels in non-
ABS and ABS conditions, respectively. In the ABS mode, the
measured torque is reduced to a level to maintain the desired
slip ratio at each of the front wheels. Sohel Anwar received the Ph.D. degree in mechan-
ical engineering from the University of Arizona,
Tucson, in 1995.
VII. C ONCLUSION He then joined the Caterpillar, Inc., Peoria, IL,
as a Research Engineer, where he was responsi-
A nonlinear sliding-mode-type controller is presented for slip ble for developing the advanced control systems
for earthmoving equipments. From 1999 to 2004,
regulation in a braking event for an eddy-current-based BBW he worked as a Senior R&D Engineer with the
system in this paper. It is also shown that the closed-loop system Visteon Corporation, Dearborn, MI, where he led
is stable in the sense of Lyapunov. Experimental results show projects in the area of control-system development
for drive-by-wire systems. Since 2004, he has been
very good slip regulation in a braking event on the low friction- in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue School of Engineer-
coefficient surface when compared with the non-ABS braking ing and Technology, Indiana University–Purdue University at Indianapolis,
condition. The results show that the proposed ABS controller Indianapolis, as an Assistant Professor. He is the holder of 12 U.S. patents.
He is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Michigan.
provided a smooth ABS stop as evident from the vehicle- Dr. Anwar is a member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers and a
speed plots. Faculty Advisor for Society of Automotive Engineers International.

The authors would like to thank the support of the technical
staff of Chassis Advanced Technology Department of Visteon
Corporation during the course of this paper. The authors would
also like to extend their gratitude to the Visteon management
team who encouraged the publication of this paper outside of Bing Zheng received the Ph.D. degree from the
Chinese Academy of Space Technology (CAST),
the corporation. Beijing, China, in 1987.
He then spent one year at the German Aerospace
R EFERENCES Center, Germany, as a Guest Scientist, conducting
research on large flexible space structure control.
[1] S. Anwar and B. Ashrafi, “Development of a hybrid electromag- He returned to CAST as a System Engineer, where
netic/electrohydraulic brake-by-wire system at Visteon,” Chassis Adv. he worked on the DFH-3 (Chinese) communica-
Technol., Visteon Corporation, Dearborn, MI, Tech. Rep. B600-027, tion satellite control system for the next five years.
May 2003. He then joined Yellow Spring Instrument, Yellow
[2] S. Anwar, “A parametric model of an eddy current electric machine for Springs, OH, as a Senior Electrical Engineer, where
automotive braking applications,” IEEE Trans. Control Syst. Technol., he worked for two years. He worked at Liebert Corporation, Columbus, OH, as
vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 422–427, May 2004. a Development Scientist for the next two years. From 1999 to 2006, he served
[3] T. W. Athan and P. Y. Papalambros, “Multicriteria optimization of anti- as a Technical Fellow with the Visteon Corporation, MI, leading the control
lock braking system control algorithms,” Eng. Optim., vol. 27, no. 3, and fault-tolerant communication systems development for x-by-wire systems.
pp. 199–227, 1996. Currently, he is at the GE Aviation Systems, Cincinnati, OH.

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