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Shahid Iqbal Rana

(0300 6365388)
Associate Professor of Zoology
Stars Academy Lahore, Multan

Latin word, Anima = breath or soul

In Traditional two kingdom system multicellular animal = Metazoa and one celled called Protozoa

PHYLUM PORIFERA (Latin = Porous body)

HABITAT: All aqautic; 5000 Spp. 150 fresh water

SYMMETRY: No symmetry; Body wall two layers: Outer Pinachoderm; inner Choanoderm B/W 2
mesenchyme containing Amoeboid cells and spicules

SIZE: Few mm wide -1 metre tall; Scolymastra jouini berrel like sponge of Antarctica >1metre tall

CAVITY: Spongocoel; Canal system present

BODY FORM: porous; ostia –water enter; osculum- water leave

HABIT: Adult Sessile; larvae motile; 20% plankton 80% detrital organic matter- food ingested by
choancocytes- intracellular digestion.

Skeleton: Spicule- needle like-Clacarious, seliceous or spongin fiber (Bath sponges)

Mostly Hermaphrodite Male sex develop 1st
Reproduction: sexual Protandrous
Asexual Budding
Sperm released in H2O
Internal Gemmule Fertilization in mesenchyme
Embryo-blastula & larval stages
SYSTEMS: No system exist


Sycon= Typical marine sponge;

Leucoselenia = Marine group of ereft tubules;
Euplectella = Beautiful, glassy framework. Venus flower basket.
Spongilla = Fresh water
Importance: Washin and bathing; surgical operations for absorbibg fluid/blood. Sound absorbing in buildings

Best commercial sponges = warm water sponges in Mediterranean Sea.


Phylum coelenterata/ Cnidaria- Diploblastic- RADIAL SYMMETRY

Reasoning for giving Name: special cells CNIDOCYTES give special stinging cells = NEMATOCYST.

Body cavity: Gastrovascular body cavity or ENTERON- sac like digestive cavity
Habitat: Aquatic
Fresh H2O
SIZE: Microscopic = hydra – macroscopic Branchioceranthus hydrozoan poly – 2 meter in length.

BODY FORM: Exist in two body forms = Polyps and Medusae.

TENTACLES: Moth surrounded by series of tentacles- stinging cell-organ of defense and offense

HABIT and HABITAT: Carnivores-feed upon small organisms by stinging them, Sessile Hydra
Hydra Physalia Obelia Corals
Free living Obelia Solitary Colonial Sessile
Sea anemone Vellela Sea anemone
Colony is aggregation of zooid- some (Physalia; Portuguese man of war) have 5 different kinds of zooid

REPRODUCTION: Asexual by budding and in hydra both asexual and sexual. Blastostyle – mudusae by
budding Extra cellular digestion

NERVOUS SYSTEM: Diffused; Network of neuron form plexus in body wall. No CNS

SKELETON: Hydrostatic; Corals form exoskeleton of CaCO3

POLYMORPHISM: Occurrence of structurally and functionally more than two different types of individuals.

Hydra: Fresh water – Polyp form Obelia: Marine colonial – Alternation of generation
Aurelia (Jelly fish): Marine- polyp reduced- medusa dominant Actinia (Sea anemone): Polyps only
Madrepora (Coral) - Marine- form coral reef, polyp only. POLYPS MEDUSAE
Cylindrical Umbrella like
Grade – Bilateria Attached Free swimming
Triploblastic – Acoelomates Vegetative Reproductive
Phylum PLATYHELMINTHES- flatworm Gastozooid Gonozooid

• Dorsoventrally flattened

Habit: With few exceptions- parasites- mostly endoparasite.

SIZE: Few mm (10 mm in hydra) to several meters 5M in Tapeworm.

EXCRETORY SYSTEM: Protonephridia – Flame cells.

NERVOUS SYSTEM: Well developed either network of nerves or ganglia. Sense organ at anterior end.

SYSTEMS: Respiratory and circulatory system absent. Digestive system simplified or absent (Tapeworms) in
parasitic form. Free living depends upon dead and decaying animal’s bodies.

REPRODUCTION: Asexual by fission and sexual – Hermaphrodite.

Dugesia (Planaria). Free living- Hermaphrodite

Fasciola (liver fluke). Endoparasite of sheep- occasionally human. Two hosts- snail (secondary) and sheep or
man (Primary). Leaf like live in bile duct. Attached with suckers
Definitive, Final or primary host - an organism in which the parasite reaches maturity and reproduces
sexually, if possible. This is the final host.
Secondary or intermediate host - an organism that harbors the sexually immature parasite and is
required by the parasite to undergo development and complete its life cycle.

Taenia (Tapeworm). Endoparasite; Primary host (Human) secondary host (pig or cattle). Ribbon like,
proglottids - contain sex organs, hermaphrodite. Head called Scolex-hooks and suckers.

Phylum ASCHELMINTHES/ NEMATODA- Round worms- Triploblastic-Pseudocoelomates

 Pointed end worms

BODY CAVITY: Pseudocoelom – derived from blastocoel of blastula- not mesoderm- hydostatic skeleton

SIZE: Microscopic – 1M.

DIGESTIVE SYSYTEM: Alimentary canal- two opening. Anterior mouth, posterior anus. Parasitic form
simple digestive system. Tube with in tube digestive system.

EXCRETORY SYSTEM: two longitudinal excretory canal unite anteriorly form single canal-open outside by
ventral excretory pore.

NERVOUS SYSYTEM: nerve ring around pharynx. Give dorsal, ventral and lateral nerve cords. Sensory
papillae at anterior end.

Circulatory system absent. Gaseous exchange body surface.

LOCOMOTION: undulating wave- 4 bands of muscle (2 dorsolateral 2 vento-lateral). Ring muscle absent.

Ascaris lumbricoides – intestinal parasite of man.

Enterobius vermicularis –Pin worm, cosmopoliton more common in Europe and America. Parasite of
caecum, colon and appendix. Movement at anus intense itching. Inflammation of mucous membrane cause
insomnia and appetite.

Acyclostoma duodenale: Hook worm. Human small intestine. Common in North Africa and Europe. Holds
villi, suck blood, leave wound bleeding. Produce anticoagulent. Causes sever anemia retard physical and
mental grow.


Body form: Metameric segmentation. VARIOUS SYSTEM OF THE BODY, gut, blood vessels and nerve cord
continuous throughout length. Symmetry: triploblastic, bilateral symmtery. Stylaria Marine Neries
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Alimentary canal- anterior mouth, posterior anus F. H2O HABIT Parasite
mouth overhung by lobed structure- Prostomium Earthworms Damp soil Hirudo
True coelome: Mesoderm split outer parietal inner visceral

EXCRETORY SYSTEM: Metanephridia/segment

NERVOUS SYSTEM: Well developed CNS- Comprises simple brain and solid, double, ventral longitudinal
nerve cord.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: 1st group developed closed circulatory system. Transport gases and nutrients.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Absent- exchange through body surface.

LOCOMOTION: Circular, longitudinal muscles and organ of locomotion = Setae, chitinous cheatae or
parapodia in body wall.
Reproduction: sexual, most hermaphrodite, in some sexes separate, fertilization external trochopore larvae
Head Distinct having eyes, Not prominant Not prominent, chitinous
tentacles and palps jaws,
Sexes Separate Hermaphrodite Hermaphrodite
locomotion Parapodia setae No
habitat Aquatic (marine) Terrestrial or aquatic Aquatic; fresh water
Development Indirect; trochophore No larvae Indirect; trochophore
larvae larvae
Examples Neries; Chaetopterus Lumbricus terrestris; Hirudo medicinalis
Pheretima posthoma


BODY FORM: segmented

HABITAT: Exploited every type of habitat. Aquatic (fresh and sea water) can fly.

BODY CAVITY: Coelome is not present as major body cavity instead haemocoel- having haemolymph.

EXCRETORY SYSTEM: Malapighian tubules. Nitrogenous waste- uric acid.

NERVOUS SYSTEM: Paired ganglia form simple brain- ventral double nerve cord.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Tracheal system, gills and book lungs.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: Open, primitive heart, blood colorless.

SKELETON SYSTEM: Exoskeleton. Cuticle light in weight

REPRODUCTION: Sexes separate, metamorphoses. Most spiders have eight eyes

Characteristics Class CRUSTACEA Class INSECTA Class ARACHNIDA Class

Habitat Aqautic Every where Terrestrial Terrestrial
Head Cepalothorax- carapace, Head, thorax and Cephalothorax , 1pair antennae
2 pairs, antenae, maxilla abdomen, 1 pair of chelicerae with claws, and one pair eyes
1 pair mandibles antenae, compound 2 pairs pedipalps, no
eye. antenae, no true jaw
No. of legs 5 pairs Thorax, 3 pairs 4 pairs 1-2 pair/segment
Sexes Mostly separate Mostly separate
Respiration Gills Tracheal system Book lungs Tracheal system
S. Feature Two pairs of wings, No true Large no. of
metamorphoses metamorphoses segments,
Examples Daphnia, Cyclops, Dragon fly, Scorpion, spiders, Centipedes,
Crabs, Lobsters, mosquito, butterfly, mites, ticks millipedes
Prawn, Wood louce. moth, wasps, beetle


Female Anopheles transmits Plasmodium –malaria. Tse-tse fly of African countries transmits Trypanosoma-
sleeping sickness disease. Larvae damage the crops. Locust damage standing crops.

Honeybees – honey and bees wax. Silk from silk worms. Some predaceous, some scavengers. Insect larvae
source of food for fish.

Phylum MOLLUSCA: (L. Soft body animals)

No. of Spp. 50,000. 2nd largest phylum. Diverse group.

BODY FORM: Body covered by glandular epithelium- MANTLE-secrets calcareous shell- protective –
handicap in LOCOMOTION: Body unsegmented. Body division, head, foot, visceral mass. Radula- tongue

Habitat: Widely distributed, some groups exclusively aquatic.

EXCRETORY SYSTEM: Paired Nephridia

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: Open, but closed in cephalopods. Heart pumps blood into sinuses.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: respiratory system of blue colour- haemocyanin resent. Gaseous exchange
mostly by gills. In snail mantle cavity converted into lungs.

NERVOUS SYSTEM: 3 pairs of interconnected ganglia (head, foot and visceral mass).

LOCOMOTION: Muscular foot. Some are sessile.

REPRODUCTION: Sexes separate. Trochophore larva present.


Habitat Aquatic/Terrestrial Aquatic Aquatic
Shell Coiled one piece 2 pieces Reduced or internal/absent
Respiration Gill/Lungs Plate like gills Gills
Symmetry Asymmetrical Bilateral Bilateral
EXAMPLES Helix aspersia (garden Mytilus (Marine mussel) Loligo = Squid
snail); Limad (slug) Anadonta (fresh water mussel) Sepia = cuttlefish
Ostrea (Oyster) Octupus


 Indirectly harmful to human. Slug injurious to gardens and cultivations.

 Shipworm (Teredo) damage wooden parts of ships.
 Large quantity of clams, oysters and mussels are eaten in Fareast, Europe and America.
 Oysters are regards as delicacy.
 Shells of freshwater mussels used in button industry.
 Shells of oysters are mixed with tar for making roads/ornaments in America.
 Pearl oyster used in pearl industry.

Brain of octopus is exceptionally large and complex than any other invertebrates. In laboratory it
learns to associate with symbols and open a screw cap jar to obtain food.


No. of species: 5000.

HABIT AND HABITAT: Exclusively marine and mostly bottom living. Mostly free living some are attached
to substratum.

BODY FORM: Body covered by delicate epidermis. Flattened like biscuit (cake urchin); star shaped with
short arms (starfish); star shaped with long arms (brittle star); Elongated (sea cucumber). Arm originate-
central disc.

SKELETON: Calcareous – may bear spines. Endoskeleton b/c originates from mesoderm. EXOSKELETON
on the bases of its position.

UNIQUE FEATURES: Water vascular system present coelome, surrounding mouth, tube feet in arms. Water
enter by Madreporite - on aboral surface. Mouth on lower surface (oral) anus on upper surface (aboral).

NERVOUS SYSTEM: Poorly developed. Nerve ring around pharyngeal region. No CNS.

CIRCULATORY SYTEM: Poorly organized. Low degree of organization.

REPRODUCTION: Sexes separate. Fertilization external. Larvae; BIPINNARIA AND BRACHIOLARIA-

show bilateral symmetry.


 Radial cleavage
 Deuterostomes
 Having phosphocreatin


 Worm like, body division; anterior proboscis, collar and trunk

 Excretory system single glomerulus.
 Nervous system sub- epidermal plexus of cells and fibers.
 Balanoglossis and Saccoglossus
 Presence of notochord-rod like semi rigid support and stiffen the body
 Hollow dorsal nervous system
 Paired gill openings in embryonic stage – functional throughout life- amphioxus and fishes
Protochordata (Acraniata)

Urochordata Cephalochordata
Notochord in free swimmming larvae. Adult sessile, Notochord and nerve chord extend entire length and persist
enclosed in tunic eg. Molgula whole life. Eg. Amphioxus


Body form Eel like, without jaws Fusiform Fusiform
Scale Absent Placoid Ganoid, cycloid,
Paired No Yes Yes
Swimm bladder No No Yes (Gases; O2,CO2,
Mouth position Ventral suctorial Ventral Terminal
Gill pairs 6-14 5-7 ×××
Operculum No No Yes
Sexes Separate/ hag fishes hermaphrodite Separate Separate

oviparous Oviparous or viviparous
Special features Heart one auricle/lack stomach Stomach -J shaped 10 pairs cranial
Importance Lampreys Shark liver oil- Vit. A & D Trout, Perch,
skin –making articles; Plaice
Examples: Dog fish; Sharks
Rays (Sting, Electric).


 Border line b/w aquatic and true terrestrial animals.

 Devonian period – large population of Dipnoi- ancestors of amphibian
 Structural modifications – circulatory and respiratory system.
 Skeleton mostly bony with or without tail.
 Usually limbs but limbless Caecilian also exist
 Skin: Smooth, moist, many glands (some poisonous). Chromatophores present- without scale.
 Heart 3 chambered. Metamorphosis occurs. Hibernate in winter.
 Examples: Frogs, Toads, Salamanders, Newt.
❖ Having copulatory organs.
❖ Dry scaly skin
❖ Heart 3 chambered – ventricle incompletely portioned. But crocodile 4- chambered heart.
❖ Hibernate winter.
❖ Reptiles flourished throughout Mesozoic period- (225- 65 milliom years)
❖ Presently 4 groups of reptiles: 1st lizards and snakes 2nd: Tautra – Sphenodon of New Zealand.
❖ 3rd: Crocodiles: 4th: Testudines – (Tortoises and Turtles).
❖ Today reptiles derived from dinosaurs of Jurassic (195-136 MYA) and Cretaceous (136-65 MYA)


 Birds and mammals originates from reptiles

Earliest know fossils – ARCHEOPTERYX-2 sp. found in rocks of Jurassic period, size like crow.


 Skull similat to birds  Scales on neck and legs.
 Jaws extended into beaks  Bony teeth in jaw socket
 Having feathers  Each wings have 3 claws
 Long tail  Tail consist of vertebrae
 Body spindle shaped 4- divisions: head, neck trunk and tail.
 Fore –limbs modified into wings and hind limbs for perching (in some for running).
 Epidermal exoskeleton (feathers, leg scales)
 Skeleton light-air spaces.
 Skull large sockets-jaws extended into beak-teeth absent.
 4 chambered heart with right aortic arch.

 Organ of voice – SYRINX, near origin of bronchi.
 Excretory system-no bladder- urine semisolid
 Muscular gizzard for grinding.
➢ Term mammal was given by LINNAEUS-those animals –nourished by milk-breast of mother.
➢ Mammals originate from reptilian ancestors, the COTYLOSAURS- Evident from fossil record.
➢ Ancestor of mammals- mammals like reptiles VARANOPE- found as fossil in Texas.
➢ Probably at least 5 such mammals like reptiles developed mammalian characters. 50% mammals.
➢ Mammals dominate in CENOZOIC ERA.
➢ Body Covered with hairs not scale.
➢ Muscular diaphragm
➢ Lower jaw composed 1 bone only
➢ Pinna present- 3 bones in ear; Malleus, Incus, Stapes.
➢ Deciduos teeth, 4 chambered heart, left aortic arch, larynx present
Characteristics Sub calss PROTOTHERIA Subclass Metatheria Sub-class EUTHERIA
Name reason Connecting link b/w reptiles & Abdominal pouch, Placental mammals, hairs
birds. Egg laying mammals Marsupium-rearing modified into scale (Pangolin),
young Spines (Porcupine)
feeding Cloaca present/mammary glands Nipples in pouch Mammary glands
Location Australia Australia, America Every where
examples Duck bill Platypus, Echidna Opossum, Kangroo, Elephant, horse, rat etc.
Tasmanian wolf

Complete metamorphosis

Incomplete metamorphosis

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